#Water Water Everywhere...
animentality · 1 year
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nelkcats · 11 months
Garage Sale
Well, when the Fentons decided to have a garage sale Danny didn't expect many to be interested. His parents were looking for a way to get money quickly to build more stuff, and he jokingly suggested they could sell some inventions, they took it seriously (Jazz made sure to remove all the lethal inventions, she tried with the ones that might be risky but then they wouldn't sell anything).
Danny knew his parents were strange yes, but he wasn't sure that justified millionaires in his backyard. Millionaires, he'd like to clarify, had never set foot in Amity Park before. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Bruce Wayne and his sons checking out the appliances. None of them seemed to be interested in the "ghosts" but they hadn't backed down from taking some things either.
So yes, Danny was suspicious. Of course he had made sure the inventions in the sale were safe (although unlike Jazz, he simply decided to make them safe, a few modifications here and there), but the fact that they looked genuinely interested made him uneasy.
Were the Waynes interested in hunting ghosts?
He decided to try something, he crossed eyes with one of them and let his green eyes show before looking away, the boy looked alarmed. He approached him and asked, but Danny feigned ignorance, commenting that all the inventions were green and maybe he had been confused by the reflection (to be fair, most of his parents' inventions were green because of the ecto).
For his part, Bruce had received an alert from Justice League Dark, it seemed they had detected a strange energy, similar to magic, so the bats set out to investigate. They didn't expect to find a garage sale in a house in the middle of nowhere (Amity Park wasn't even marked on the fucking map). Nor did they expect advanced technology or mad scientists.
Bruce decided to pretend he had stumbled into town as "Brucie Wayne" and buy a few things. He shuddered to see that many inventions worked with Lazarus water. Jason, who had strangely agreed to come along, was also upset about the son of the scientists.
Bruce questioned whether he had found a family of villains in the making.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
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20.12.23, wednesday
My main hobby is just procrastinating in any way I can. The plan was to make a cup of coffee and then start working. What actually happened is that I watched a 3 part video series (by james hoffmann ofc) on Aeropress coffee and made a few cups with different variables. Still not sure if I found The Recipe for me, but it’s getting better (tho I don’t love the coffee beans I have)
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raileurta · 7 months
Somebody has got to draw Etho's washing machine as an actual washing machine that's just painted like a magma and Grian is just dragging it around. 😂
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many-sparrows · 1 month
Visited god tonight (the frogs living down at the river bank). They sure had a lot to say.
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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peopleholdingnerfguns · 5 months
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In Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022), Goth Jobu Tupaki's gun is a combination of two X-Shot water blasters, the Hydro Hurricane and the Fast-Fill. IDs by EmmaInCandyland.
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marlynnofmany · 16 days
I found a piece of onion skin that looks like a mermaid tail, and that feels like half a story idea about a fairytale where someone tries to call up fantasy creatures in the river. What would a tiny onion mermaid look like?
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
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cult-of-the-eye · 6 months
"Jon is always cold Jon is always hot" SHUT UP. third, better option: jon has no temperature control at all, he is in a t shirt in winter and in layers in the summer
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ayo-buck · 3 months
5+1 fic set during the summer after s3 where wille does five things he always wanted like painting his nails purple and shaving his head and getting a heart tattoo and a buncha other stuff +1 thing Simon does now that he's free too 🥲
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snezus-christ-risen · 2 months
Those colds that put someone in a state of constant sneeziness, but make them work for every sneeze.
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yashley · 9 months
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thursday by night part 2 | critical role rpg one-shot
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andichoseyou · 1 year
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taurus-caeli · 4 months
This Novel...Isn't Doing Well (A SAGAU drabble)
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“Why isn’t my latest series selling well? You’d think my audience would give it a chance after reading Onibudou…!”
You took a sip of rainbow aster. “It’s because it’s unfamiliar. The market sells what’s currently popular. Those that go off the beaten path will face more trials compared to the rest.”
“...I’m sorry Your Grace, but you lost me after ‘trials’.”
“My point is: It’ll be generally difficult to sell an original creation if the audience isn’t familiar with them. So you have to slowly introduce them first until the audience does!”
“After this, I’ll help you with that part.”
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