#We love to create X3
askswordfrisk · 2 months
Creators at Work with their Talents
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*Though their talents differ. They work hard and dedication to creating things*
Art by @xjunjox
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darkbluekies · 7 months
The track runner reader fic w/Silas got me thinking👀
Hear me out okay..
Ballerina reader x Silas
How would he react to see her practice,her shows
Swan lake, Giselle..
Italian fouettés, Entrechat quatre x3 royale, Developpe A la Seconde etc
Yk the high extensions,leg holds the whole shebang
Just a thot👀
Stolen part
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Yandere!mafia x fem!reader
Summary: you've finally been granted to do ballet, but when Silas sees you upset, everything turns into a nightmare
Warnings: yandere, mentions of blood, broken bones, a lot of guilt and confusion, panic attack(?), reader just feeling horrible
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: I took some creative liberty with your request, I hope that's okay. And uh, I know 0 about ballet, so take this with a handful of salt<3
One performance — that’s the deal. One single performance and then you’ll go back to normal life. You nearly fainted when he told you that you could do one dance, after months and months of begging, pleading and crying. You almost started threatening him when you became desperate enough. 
“Well … we’re here”, Silas sighs as his men stop the car. “You know the rules, don’t you? Do we have to go through them again?”
“No, I know them”, you smile. 
You take his hand while exiting the car. Silas smiles and squeezes your hand softly. It’s worth all the trouble, he tells himself. If you’re happy, then it’s all worth it.
When you enter the practice room, you’re met by a dozen other girls wearing the same clothes as you. It’s been such a long time ago that you’ve felt so … included. There’s a certain feeling about wearing the same thing that creates a unity you can’t explain. 
“Run along”, Silas tells you, giving you a small push towards the group. 
He walks over to the instructor. He can tell right away that she knows who he is. He braces himself. She can either call the police or let him go. If she decides to call the police, he’ll have to create a blood bath and snatch you back in the car. 
“Can I have a word with you?” Silas asks politely. 
“Sure”, the woman answers hesitantly. 
“I can tell by the look on your face that you know very well who I am, so I want to make a deal with you.”
“What type of deal?”
“If you don’t call the cops on me and give my girlfriend an honest chance — because I know that she’s magnificent — I will fund your entire club. All clothes, all expenses, all props, venue, is on me. Fair?”
The woman thinks for a moment. Silas know that the club is underfunded. He knows that she has to agree.
“Okay”, the woman says shortly. 
“Good”, Silas replies and waves at you to come over. 
You skip over with sparkling eyes. He pulls you in to kiss him, in front of everybody. His kisses are always controlled by him, but they always show extremely much love for you, a deep hunger nothing can satisfy. 
“My men will stay to supervise, to make sure nothing happens to you”, he says and gives you another kiss. “Have fun now, little thing. I’ll see you soon.”
You nod. Silas squeezes your shoulder, gives the group of ballerinas a warning stare and then leaves. 
You return to the group. The people who knows who Silas is give you nervous gazes and the ones who don’t look at you with jealousy. 
Well, this is starting off great, you’ll absolutely make many friends.
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Time goes on. Silas enjoys seeing the wise smile on your face every time you exit the building after a practice. Every time you’re in practice, he takes the opportunity to do some errands. He always makes sure to come pick you up clean, never covered in blood. 
But one day, you’re crying when you meet him. His heart drops in an instant and he thinks that putting you in ballet was a mistake. It wasn’t worth it at all. 
“What happened, baby?” he asks worriedly and takes you in his arms. “What did they do to you?”
You struggle to talk through your violent sobs. He believes that you’re having a panic attack, but you can still move relatively well. Silas grabs your shoulders and waves at his men to come over. 
“Y/N, what did they do to you?” he asks and looks at his men. “Did any of the others hurt her?”
The men shake their heads. 
“Y/N!” Silas says sharply. 
“I-I didn’t … get … the ... lead role”, you manage to get out through your sobs. 
You know it’s silly, of course. Honestly. It’s childish to cry over not being the main character, but this was your only chance to be on stage before you’ll get pulled back into capture. You’ll never have this much freedom again. It’s embarrassing to cry about this, and you know that very well, but they don’t know how much you’ve suffered to even be in the practice room. 
“You didn’t?” Silas asks shortly. 
“No”, you cry. 
Silas turns to his men and hands you to one of them. 
“Bring her to the car”, he says. “I will be back soon.”
He disappears into the building. The practice room is empty, apart from the constructor who is cleaning up after today's class.
“Oh”, she says, noticing him. “Can I help you?”
“If you're smart, you can”, Silas says coldly. “I heard that Y/N didn't get the lead role. I'm just wondering why?”
“She wasn't exactly what I had in mind for this particular role … I mean, she's extremely good, but just not what I had in mind when I visualized the lead. She's a runner up, though.”
Not good enough, Silas thinks.
“Okay”, he says and nods. “I see.”
Without waiting for an answer, he turns around and leaves. Anger is burning through his chest. Seeing you so upset makes him see red. He would burn down the entire world for you to watch you smile. He walks back to the car where you sit in the backseat and the two men in the front. 
“Hey, baby”, he smiles and sits down beside you. “Are you feeling better? Should we get some food on the way home?”
You nod. Silas smiles and wipes your tears. His men are forced to hear how he sucks the air out of you in the backseat. He devours your lips, trying to comfort both you and himself. He holds you in his arms, letting you cry. The more you cry, the more embarrassed you feel. You’re ashamed because you can’t understand why you are so upset over it. It’s just a role, you’ll still be on stage, won’t you? Is it because you think that you’re better than the others? That you deserve the position of the lead? Do you deserve it because you’re so good or because this is your only chance? The others have many more opportunities to get the role you want, why can’t you just get one? You’ll never be seen again, why can’t you get it?
Why are you thinking like this? You’re not entitled to anything. Has Silas imprinted the narrative that you’re so special, so wonderful that deeply into your brain? Do you believe that you’re this special, one of a kind person that deserve everything because you’re so special? 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Silas asks, caressing your cheek. “You look so thoughtful. Let me in.”
“I- … I- …”, you start, but can’t seem to talk — you can’t even formulate your own thoughts.
“Breathe, baby. It’s okay, you’re with me now.”
“I am breathing … I just …”
“Just …?”
You shake your head. 
“Just hungry”, you lie. “And tired.”
“It’s okay, you’ll get some food soon”, Silas promises and kisses your lips once again. “We’ll stop by McDonald’s.”
You get your food and you eat together with Silas in your bedroom, but you can’t stop thinking about the lump in your stomach. Why are you so upset? Why can’t you put words on your feelings? 
You lay awake the entire night in your empty bed (because Silas is out working) and think. Crying over not getting the lead role won’t make you enjoy the last few weeks in the club. Ballet is your true love, you should do everything you can to enjoy it — specifically because you’ll not get it back. You should be happy with your role — you’re even a runner up! That’s fantastic. You breathe out. Ease sets into your heart. It doesn’t matter what role you get, as long as you have fun. 
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When you enter the practice room the next time, you can tell that something is wrong right away. The girl who got the lead part … has crutches. You feel a shiver run down your back. Mortified, you shake your head. Silas. He must have done something to give you the lead role, that you so desperately wanted. He never got to know that you became satisfied with your original role. Guilt washes over you, suddenly you feel extremely sick. You need to take a hold on the wall to not fall. One hand presses against your chest to not vomit. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” one of the body guards asks as they hurry over. 
You nod sloppily. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my god. This is all my fault. 
This is what you had been feeling bad about — finally you can put words on that weird feeling in your stomach. You were scared that Silas would do something to the girl that got the lead without even noticing it. If anything, that shows how close you know Silas.
“He … he did this … didn’t he?” you whisper, feeling distant. 
“The boss couldn’t stand to watch you be upset”, one of the body guards answers quietly, only for you to hear. “He made sure to get you the role he wanted.”
You’re freezing. That poor girl. Suddenly you don’t want that part anymore. The part is dirty, and your hands are covered in blood. 
Your mind is anywhere but in practice when you dance your stolen part, but your body works for you. 
Silas is standing out in the parking lot a wide smile when you walk out. He opens his arms for you, but you don’t walk into them. 
“Are you happy now?” he asks. 
“You shouldn’t have done that, Silas …”, you say quietly and shake your head. 
He tries to grab you, but you jerk back. Silas frowns. 
“But you wanted it”, he says. “You had a panic attack. I gave the part to you.”
“Silas, I feel extremely guilty. I stole her part. It’s not fair.”
He grabs your shoulders and force you to look at him. 
“The world isn’t fair, little thing”, he says. “If you have some power, use it. I want to use my power to make you happy, baby. You’ll do better than that girl ever could. You should have gotten that part from the very beginning.”
He gives you a kiss and brings you to the car. 
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When the day for the performance arrive, you refuse to come out of the dressing room. The costume looks horrible on you. You can only see the other girl in the mirror. None of the other girls have talked to you after the lead girl ended up with crutches. They all know why you got the role. And how you got it. 
“We start in five minutes, get out!” the instructor tells you and basically pulls you out on stage. 
You see a lot of familiar faces in the crowd. Silas has brought as many of his men as he possibly could. Silas himself is sitting in the front row with his right hand man beside him, smiling at you. You look around. All his men are smiling at you. Weirdly enough, it’s somehow cute. They all look like they could kill anyone in any second, but the second you look their way, big, genuine smiles creeps up on their faces. Turning them from killer machines to teddy bears. 
You dance to the best of your ability. This is what you’ve been begging and pleading for. Better enjoy the spotlight while you can. You can’t help but feeling dirty throughout the performance. Silas, however, has never looked this proud before. 
The second the applauds roll in, you fall to your knees, crying. You fulfilled your childhood dream, but at what cost? A girl broke her leg because of your emotions, you stole her role … you’re covered in dirt that you can’t wash off. You don’t deserve these applauds. You don’t deserve any of this. 
“Y/N!” Silas gasps and runs up on the stage with his right hand man by his side. “Are you okay, baby?”
“I want to go home”, you sob. “Get me out of here.”
Silas nods and waves at his men to walk out. He picks you up and follows his men. 
“You did so well, baby”, Silas smiles while walking. “I’ma always proud of you, but this was something else. Everyone saw how absolutely fantastic you were. You’re an absolute badass, baby. I fucking love you so much.”
You smile slightly. It’s finally over. You’ve achieved your dream — although you wish that you never had done it — and now, you’re going back to your locked bedroom. You almost long for it. 
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Another writing that got long, so putting a Read More~
I wish I could've continued this interaction as a comic, but I ran out of energy. Life got busy, my mood fluctuated. So this one's written. X3
Lavender woke in her bed with a gasp. She sat up, gulping air as the dream vision invaded her waking mind.
It wasn't real... It was just a vision... It wouldn't have hurt you, Lav. It wouldn't have hurt you...
As she calmed down, her attention shifted to something else.
She reached out with her mind.
Lav's face scrunched up in anger. Dang it...
She flopped back onto her pillow, her arms sprawled out beside her. Here eyes were shut tight. Rrrrrrgh... Sorry, Nico, I didn't mean to wake up!
Something tickled her attention in her mind, but she didn't dwell on it.
Curse the flimsiness of our connection!
This time, she couldn't ignore it.
Lav froze, listening intently and focusing with all her might.
...u.. s....ll ..ear m....?
Lav smiled and mentally shouted as strongly as she could, careful to not connect with her family's mindscapes. I hear you, Nico! I hear you! Can you hear me?!
Lav? Lav!? I heard you!
Yes! Lav clenched her fists in her spike of joy. YES! Finally! We can talk without the worry of it collapsing at the slightest breath!
I'm... Kinda surprised you still want to talk... I'm sorry about the visions. I got carried away...
No, no, it's fine! It just startled me!
...It seemed like a strong reaction for just a startle...
I'm fine, honest! Lav tried to ignore that he was right. Anyway, that’s not the end of the story, right? You said you didn’t feel guilty then… But you clearly regret what happened.
...I do... His voice was subdued. Yes. I now regret what happened. But... Back then, I was truly the monster they wanted me to be. I was their good little weapon, until I decided they didn't see me as an equal.
After I d... d-destroyed the lab... I roamed Kanto. I challenged people and Pokemon alike... I attacked them... I...
His mental voice broke.
I killed them...
Both Lav and Nico fell silent. Lav could tell she was getting more adept at this connection thing, as she faintly felt that they were still linked.
What changed?
You said Fuji taught you gentleness and kindness, but you still... She shivered, hoping that he couldn't sense her apprehension. What made you change your mind from "monster" to regretful?
Lav couldn't help smiling at the pure warmth in his mental voice. Your mate?
He spoke with a wistful tone. If Fuji planted the seeds, Jovie watered and nurtured them.
I, uh....
I stumbled into her home town. A little hidden place called Shadegrove. I... I attacked... And she defended.
Looking back... she was amazing.
So brave, and strong. Determined to save the town and people she loved.
And she succeeded.
I couldn't overpower her, so I left. Exhausted. Embarrassed.
And Furious.
First my parent, then this...
Lav felt a jolt.
I figured Mews wanted nothing to do with the Monster they had created.
Woah woah woah, wait! Your parent? Did you know your parent?
I saw them leave. Before I left my incubation tube.
Incubation tube? Lav took a mental note of the strange phrase.
I'm sure of it... It's my earliest memory.
A Mew's tail vanishing into the distance... Either my parent, or a Mew who knew me...
It abandoned me.
And after Jovie attacked me, I thought... I thought it was me. Mews hated me.
But I was wrong.
She followed me.
And I would be dead now if she hadn't
She found me after a challenge I'd made went wrong, and healed me up. And she did the unthinkable.
She was kind to me.
She worked to get to know me.
She cared about me.
And I found myself returning those feelings.
She made me laugh.
She made me care.
She made me happy.
And eventually... we fell in love.
That's... pretty much all the important stuff...
Lav sat quiet, contemplating the rest of the story she'd heard. Is that how you got that scar?
You ever hear about Zapdos?
She felt her heart skip a beat, remembering stories her dad had read to her of the powerful electric-type legendary bird. ...Wow...
They both went quiet.
Lav's mental voice was soft.
Thank you. Seriously. For being brave enough to share that with me.
Wou... Would you be okay with me telling it to my dad?
Nico was silent. Lav could almost feel the buzz of his mind as he contemplated. Finally, he spoke up.
If you think it'll help. I... I worry it won't, but... You know him better than I do.
Do what you think is best, Lav.
Lav tried to form the question; Why are you afraid of him? But a yawn broke her concentration. She looked at the time.
Shoot. I should go back to sleep, or I'll be hurting tomorrow. Catch ya later?
If you want to!
Yeah! She smiled. Good night, Nico!
Good night, Lav.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 1 year
daniel ricciardo x singer f!reader
fc: taylor swift
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liked by christianhorner, danielricciardo and 1,273,196 others
tagged: zbrownceo
ynofficial: karma is my boyfriend
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fan2: not y/n having beef with zak for his treatment of danny 😭
maxverstappen1: pop off 👑
fan4: max kajgsd
pierregasly: preach
alex_albon: lily?? what are you doing here?????
lilymhe: my girlfriend duties 🤷
liked by ynofficial
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liked by ynofficial, alexachung and 682,926 others
daniel3.jpg: yeah i sleep pretty soundly ❤️ i can't even begin to describe how thankful i am to you for always having my back. anyway, you guys can have these 9 photos for now but i'm keeping the rest to myself, i'm too attached 🙄
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mickschumacher: wife her up rn or istg
maxverstappen1: take this as incentive: wife her up rn or i will
fan5: mick and max hello😲😲
ynofficial: yeah you better do it sooner rather than later because i don't want to marry max, no offence
maxverstappen1: no offence taken at all, i'm just trying to hurry things along
daniel3.jpg: wow okay, noted
fan6: i love their love 😩
fan7: i can't get over the way she looks at him omg
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liked by charles_leclerc, reneerapp and 1,862,926 others
ynofficial: new album 'karma' will be released to you soon! 📸: danielricciardo
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fan9: fuck me i want them both i'm tired of denying it
mickschumacher: new music!!!! i'm so excited!!!!! 😊
liked by ynofficial
lilymhe: so proud of you big sis! 💜
ynofficial: thank you, little sis! 💜
charles_leclerc: looking forward to it...and the karma  😏 
ynofficial: you know i wrote it for you too, leclerc 😗
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liked by alex_albon, gracieabrams and 1,241,916 others
ynofficial: 'f.e.a' out next friday
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danielricciardo: you really don't understand just HOW GODDAMN MUCH I LOVE YOU
ynofficial: enlighten me 😘
scottyjames31: i love this and i love you
ynofficial: love ya too, scotty
fan10: i physically can't someone needs to give me CRP these two are killing me
charles_leclerc: count me as your number one fan
pierregasly: um
mickschumacher: um x2
lilymhe: um x3
danielricciardo: um x10000000
ynofficial: my #1 fan is my mum...then it's daniel but you guys can gladly fight it out 😊
mickschumacher: i claim #3
lilymhe: not so fast, schumacher
ynofficial: (fan behaviour)
christianhorner: geri and i are looking forward to listening to the album!
ynofficial: lmao ok 😂
fan11: she's so unserious it has me dying
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liked by emmaradacanu, georgerussell63 and 1,033,148 others
danielricciardo: i'm so proud i can't even put it into words. i'm gonna spend the rest of my life proving it to you, though.
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ynofficial: just say ask me already!!!!
danielricciardo: i'm waiting for the right moment, just thank me and be done with it
ynofficial: thank you 🙄
fan12: it's the way i can't tell who's repping who 😭
fan13: i think 'f.e.a.' was a danny concept but she expanded and they created their own merch
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liked by ynofficial, maxverstappen1 and 1,283,925 other
danielricciardo: she said yes! then we said 'i do'! not we're on our honeymoon (stream 'f.e.a.' RIGHT NOW)
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androids-insides · 2 months
My New Narrator Design:
WARNING: Very Scary.
The New and Improved Narrator and Stanley Designs for The Stanley Parable!!1!
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I wanted to capture that Photo Realism that I can't seem to catch when depicting these two before today. My solution? Use Pictures! The Narrator is hand-drawn every time, as one could observe, but Stanley is a different JPEG file taken straight from Old Reliable (Google).
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As for behavior, I think I've captured it very well here: Stanley can now say one word! The word is "Bazinga." Additionally, Stanley is now very masterful at geography.
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Also, it is cannon that The Narrator is in love with Stanley. Stanley might disagree though, lol.
ALSO, in case news hasn't gone out (Friendly Reminder to Crows(x3) :] ), I have been given a large sum of money from Crows(x3) in order to create The Stanley Parable: The Live-Action: The Film!!! I'm really excited, and I did get the permission to reveal the casting! I hope you love it as much as I do:
Narrator, Played by both Kevan Brighting and Michael Sheen at the same time.
Stanley, Played by Jeremy Northam 2001 (We are perfecting the Time Travel technology to steal him from the Cypher set).
Curator, played by Judy Dench.
Timekeeper, Played by The Concept of Loneliness.
Reassurance Bucket, Played by Jennifer Coolidge.
Paper in the corner of the room in the First Hall from Stanley's Office in the Random Chance Paper-Covered-Floor Map variation, Played by Me (Excited for this one)!!
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metamorphmigus · 5 months
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A little behind, but I finally managed to finish this colab of Late Fee au main ship Edgar and Scriabin! Lines were created by @cherry-207!! Thank you so much for working with me! I love and cherish every piece we do together. X3 Go read the original Vargas by @zarla-s where these two are fighting more often than not.
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ponett · 11 months
Got a spoilery ask about SLARPG regarding Melody's character arc and, to a lesser extent, the ending, so I'll put this below a read more!
Anonymous asked:
Heya! I adore adore adore SLARPG, and have latched pretty hard onto Melody and Harmony's dichotomy for a while... I was wondering whether you saw Harmony more as an obstacle to Melody's growth, or something to be worked on and reconciled with more like Madeline and Badeline from Celeste? Unless it's spoilers of course. It's one of the few threads left open after the game, and as a plural woman myself I was just curious. X3
I'll say up front that I've generally avoided stepping in and telling people what The One Correct Interpretation is for a lot of things in SLARPG. I didn't intend for Melody to be read as plural, since in the story Harmony is a parasitic outside force, but I also understand where that interpretation comes from and won't tell folks they're wrong for relating to her like that. That's just the beauty of art. We can relate to things however we want. I just wanna make sure my personal framing is clear before I talk about the thought behind Melody and Harmony's relationship
Harmony is more of a literary device than a character. While she's not an alternate personality for Melody, she's also not really a full person in her own right. I don't think about Harmony having her own arc. She's a magical force that occasionally externalizes Melody's darker, more self-critical thoughts for the audience, where normally she would keep them to herself. She has her own design and name to make the dialogue boxes easier to follow. I also keep it intentionally vague whether or not other people would be able to see Harmony because I find that understated uncertainty more fun.
On a literal level, Harmony is a magical parasite, and therefore an obstacle to be overcome. She's not supposed to be there, straight up. But because she's just the embodiment of dark thoughts that Melody is already having, there isn't really much point in "defeating" Harmony to me - which is why things play out the way they do.
Even if Melody got rid of Harmony, she would still have to deal with those feelings. It would be a purely symbolic victory. And symbolic victories like that are often satisfying as hell in fiction, but in real life you can't defeat your shadow self to stop those 3am "what if my friends are only pretending to like me" thoughts. So instead, Harmony is something Melody needs to cope with and minimize. It's not about getting rid of bad thoughts forever, but rather learning how to deal with them better. And that's an active, life-long process. And so Harmony remains, but Melody is working on having healthier relationships with both her loved ones and herself.
I'll also say that, while I love Celeste, Madeline and Badeline's arc is mostly irrelevant to the way I write Melody and Harmony. (I don't think this ask is accusing me of plagiarizing Maddy Thorson or anything, to be clear. I'm just on a tangent since the comparison was brought up.) SLARPG began development in 2015, so the Harmony scenes, and Melody's arc as a whole, were already planned before Celeste came out. While I worried about getting compared to a much more popular game, I stuck to my guns, knowing that my story was different enough to stand on its own. If anything, I just avoided specific phrases like "reflection" or "I'm a part of you" to try and keep people from just pointing and going "Celeste reference!"
Unfortunately the "wow this is just like Celeste" comments were unavoidable, as were the newfound generalizations about what all indie games about trans girls with anxiety must be like because there are two (2) whole games that share some common story tropes, and it seems like the ending may have thrown some people off because of expectations created by Celeste. But what are you gonna do? I at least avoided my absolute nightmare scenario of Deltarune Ch.2 doing glitch aesthetics or giving Susie and Noelle a kiss mechanic lmao
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phlurrii · 7 months
Out of curiosity, what does the psychic cat fam exactly do out there? (This doesn’t have to be exclusive to just now, also could have been just Meau, Noe, and Mew) Aside from vibing. They live in a paradise where food isn’t a concern and nothing with a brain would try to hurt them. Do they play fight? Teach the youngin’s their future jobs? Have games? Maybe some swipped books to read? Explore the world outside of their tree for funsies? See who can steal as many goodies from human society without getting caught?
I know it’s silly but I like the “filler” of things. To think about what characters are doing when the “plot” isn’t being progressed. It’s part of why I like the slice-of-life genre from time to time. Life isn’t always an adventure or fight against some opposing force, but it can still be fun!
I agree, I’m honestly a bit upset with myself, given how long each update takes I never noticed I wasn’t adding in enough filler. Something I plan to fix once we’re in Noe’s arc, as we are sadly, or luckily? Way too close to beginning it to shove any sudden filler in. For now I’m blaming it on first time story telling and having to do art school on the side X3
As for the gang, Meau did fly a little bit off the handle due to not having a lot of stimulation when she was younger before Noe showed up. As for what they did/do, for reasons that’ll become clear later; they mostly talked in the early days!
She would show off her creations, abilities, transformations, and forming ecosystems to him. He would ask about as many questions as one would with a new world and she thrived off it. They would watch other Pokémon’s life in secret like it was a soap opera, sometimes intervening to make it more interesting or admittedly have it lean towards the ending they wanted. Usually betting and taking opposing sides as to what would happen.
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Battling is a particular big one for Meau, she loves to get down and dirty with other legendaries and mythicals even if she has the power advantage. Most often fighting with her brothers, she wouldn’t be above transforming into the Pokémon she was fighting to even out the playing field, or even change her type so she was inherently weaker to it. It’s why she’s never been against human with their Pokémon battles, battling is an innate part of her creations and herself.
Missingno. on the other hand loves to explore, even with his age, he knows the world is in a constant state or change and ventures off on his own to explore it. He’s not nearly as against humans as Meau and has explored their cities and settlements. Most intrigue by their computers/technology nowadays and how he’s able to to interact with them. Meau has explored with him on occasion, but prefers to stay away.
I’d also imagine they like to race in very difficult conditions. High up in the atmosphere or just outside in the actual vacuum of space. Deep in the ocean, forcing them to make their own path through rock and stone. Which probably pisses off the weather trio invading all 3 of their areas, but that leads perfectly into the next one.
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They love to piss off the other legendaries, because… well, what can they do?
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There has been more then on tropical storm, tsunami, volcanic eruption, and general disaster caused by the Ancients pestering another powerful legend. Lastly, they sleep, if the current time is too boring, peaceful, or simply there is nothing to do that interests them… they’ll sleep for a couple thousand years.
As for more current day stuff, it’s much tamer since Bucket was taken, Meau woke up from a much needed thousands years nap to a very different world. Humans had well established themselves even further, technology exists, and they can clone/create pokemon. So she is staying in the tree with her suddenly growing family, just to watch. She wants to know what everything’s up too from a distance given they’ve somehow managed to trap and almost kill another mew, make a Mewtwo, and possibly a second one.
So she’s just always watching human society from the tree, whilst also teaching and nurturing Odysseus. He spends more of his time exploring the tree and occasional testing out powers. With Meau’s assistance. The trees massive and filled with Pokémon, so he’s got quite the endless bit of entertainment. Decamark is the newest edition and thus follows a lot of what Ody does! Though Noe has been poking them, figuratively, with a stick to figure out what he’s capable of.
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gateway-2000 · 2 years
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been making stuff with perler beads lately!!!!! :-D if you're interested, i have keychains, bracelets and necklaces for sale!! more on the way x3 the paws are keychains btw!!
if you are interested in helping us out, we are a schizophrenic dissociative trans cripple who is currently struggling to stay afloat financially while applying for disability payments, and adjusting to moving on from domestic violence and loss of a loved one. if you are interested in helping, every reblog and sale helps tremendously! we appreciate every little bit of help we get!
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cosmosrebellion · 8 months
I love the existential crisis X goes through through the X series. It starts with X questioning the moral ambiguity of his violent actions through X1 to X3. For a long time after finishing every game, we have X regret not being able to solve these battles peacefully, but still fighting nonetheless.
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It's X4 that brings everything to a head for me. After experiencing all this violence and facing Repliforce who makes him question what even means to be a Maverick, X biggest fear is becoming Maverick himself. Holding Zero to promise to destroy him if X ever tries to harm humanity.
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What makes this a great piece of existential horror is that Reploids are all based on X's design, only without the decades of moral protocols Dr. Light put X through that essentially gave him a very strong sense of empathy. So after years of X seeing so many Reploids go Maverick the very protocols created to assure he would never turn on humanity put the fear of going Maverick in his mind. It's such an interesting idea.
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capturecharlesau · 3 months
On this DAY I SAY……was a SPECIAL PERSON BORN!! My very first friend in THSC!! MY MENTAL SUPPORTER! MY BEST ROLEPLAYING FRIEND!! THE REASON I AM SO THANKFUL TO HAVE A FRIEND LIKE HIM!! Jay…. I love you so much…. Ever since we did so many stories together in November of 2022 aaaaaallll the way to now! I am so happy we are BEST FRIENDS BUDDY! You have really helped me mentally while playing our characters……and I can’t thank you enough…seriously ♥️
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And here is some deep CopperRight angst 👀…
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Hey! It seems like the other THSC characters wanna give Jay something too-! 👀
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And for the grand FINALE :D BOOM!!
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I love you so much…. Thank you for helping me create my AU more and we …made our own universe together…
This is not MY AU anymore…. It’s ours… 🌟 Thank you… I hope you live a happy life…
Happy Birthday Jay! The world got much brighter with you here 💕 🌟 ♥️
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ticklinglady · 1 year
You know, I find it to be truly fun to think about connections of various writers and wonder how those might play out in the story, however then I remember that Asagiri himself isn't particularly interested in doing this, aside from some exceptions. For better or for worse, which is a matter of preference, he truly creates an entirely new story with some references to the real people, despite using their names and alluding to their works. Usually I'm rather cool with that, "Let the man go wild, he's awesome! 🥰", however sometimes I can't help, but feel like it results in some missed opportunities for the story. If you name characters after real people, might as well play with the allusions to them a little more. Here are just some examples of the connections between the real writers, that I am aware of, yet they played no role in the BSD at all:
Akutagawa Ryunosuke was the student of Natsume Soseki and loved his teacher dearly - zero interactions between the two during the story
Q/Yumeno Kyusaku was quite a huge fan of Edogawa Ranpo and Edogawa later became the benefactor of the writer - zero interactions between the two during the story
Tayama Katai and Mori Ogai became acquaintances during the Russo-Japanese war and spent lots of time talking with one another while at it - zero interactions between the two during the story
Edogawa Ranpo was the first person to translate and introduce Lovecraft's writings in Japan - zero interactions between the two during the story
Akutagawa Ryunosuke loved Poe's works and translated them into Japanese - zero interactions between the two during the story
Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville were great friends and Melville adored Hawthorne so much, that it influenced the creation of "Moby-Dick" a lot and from what I have seen many people say he was actually in love (maybe the writer was indeed in love with him, but I am afraid, I'm not qualified enough to talk about this. Feel more than free to add info to the post) - zero interactions between the two during the story
H. P. Lovecraft was quite a fan of Edgar Allan Poe and his works were heavily influenced by him - zero interactions between the two during the story
Nikolai Gogol and Alexander Pushkin were great friends and influenced each other a lot - zero interactions between the two during the story
Fyodor Dostoevsky was one hell of a fanboy of Alexander Pushkin and even had the honor to give an official speech at the anniversary of the latter's death - zero interactions between the two during the story
And etc.
I mean, don't you guys think it would have been interesting to see Mori and Katai interact, given Katai's heavy dislike for the mafia? Hell, Mori might have even been made the main reason behind Katai's strong emotions! And then there's the situation with Akutagawa and Natsume. I find it to be truly surprising that Mori and Fukuzawa were made Natsume's students in the BSD, yet the person who was actually Natsume's student in real life hasn't even talked to him so far. Nathaniel and Melville are actually part of the same organization, yet there's nothing about it, though to be fair, the Guild members suffer from the lack of screentime in general. But just imagine if there was a tragic love story between the two instead of the one we got with Margaret arffufgbh. However, like I said in the beginning, it's a matter of preference. The story still works on its own and Asagiri still gives us from time to time such interesting references so in general I am very content and happy X3 I'm just saying here my thoughts on how fun it would have been, if he had gone even further
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naffeclipse · 3 months
I know I already told you but once again! Happy birthday Naff, you wonderful wonderful person! ✨✨You are a sweet, kind, amazing person and the day you arrived to the world is definitely worth a big celebration!! Your creativity and diligence at creating incredible stories is an inspiration for many and a motivation to be creative in turn! You are a joy to talk with, a delight everytime I see you post or reblog something on my dash, and all around I'm so happy I got to meet you!
Also question that definitely doesn't have to do with your birthday and definitely isn't schemeing at all X3 Which of your OCs for your original stuff is your favorite and do you happen to have posted references for them? (Or alternatively is their an OC you would like to see drawn but hasn't been yet that you would be willing to describe physically?) For no reason whatsoever of course :3
Choatik, I'm melting, ahhh! Thank you so much! That means so much to me!! You're such a lovely friend and I'm so glad we met over our shared love for the DCA <3
I have the biggest eyes right now! Oh ho, I love my girl, Oceane, and here is art of her! Her tail is based on a Hawaiian flame wrasse as seen below:
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For no reason whatsoever, of course <3 If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
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spicywarl0ck · 27 days
Hiiii! Happy Friday! How about "goodbye kisses" for Fenhawke? :3
Happy Friday, thank you for the prompt, I know it's been a while x3 But here we go @dadrunkwriting Pairing: Fenris/male Hawke Rating: G Length: 715
His mind was made up and his bag was packed.
He was ready to leave any moment now, but his heart wasn’t in it. Not really. 
“You don’t have to do this alone.” Fenris's voice was quiet but still angry when he spoke, causing Hawke to stop mid-motion.
His chest felt heavy already and his mind was filled with doubts. He didn’t want to go, not truly. But he knew it needed to be done, and he would never be able to forgive himself if he didn’t try.
This was a mess he was partially responsible for too, after all.
“I know. But I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you.” Garrett turned around, a solemn smile on his lips before he stretched his arm to cup the elf’s cheek gently. The anger remained in Fenris’s eyes but he didn’t pull away.
“I have been fighting with you ever since we met. I can handle myself.” Fenris scoffed at him, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I know.” Hawke’s amber eyes were nothing but gentle when he returned the gaze. He had known Fenris for a while now, enough to be able to tell when his lover pouted. It was cute in a way, though he knew he would be a dead man if he ever dared to say that aloud.
“You are a skilled fighter, but I asked you often enough to stand with me out of selfishness. I know you would have stood with me no matter what, but it was me who dragged you into the war between mages and templars. I can’t ask you to finish it with me.” Garrett added just before he leaned forward to press his lips against Fenris's forehead.
“You have to let me go for now. I don’t like this more than you do, but if I can aid the Inquisitor in his fight against Corypheus, I must try. It was me who freed him.”
“It was us who freed him.” Fenris corrected him sternly, his eyebrows narrowing as they created a small fold between his eyes. “I was there too remember? I stood with you against him in the fight.”
“And it was a close call, back then.” Hawke took a deep breath. “I almost lost you.”
His thumb brushed over Fenris’s cheek gently. Everything inside him begged him not to leave Fenris behind, but he knew he couldn’t be so selfish. He had lost so much already and he knew he couldn’t bear losing his lover too.
“I can’t lose you.” he breathed, leaning in softly when he felt the elf’s resistance vanishing. 
A pair of weather-worn lips pressed against him before gauntleted hands cupped his bearded cheek. They held him to prevent him from pulling away as long as the kiss lasted, the bittersweet taste of goodbye an underlying note.
“Come back to me, okay?” Fenris’s voice was soft as he spoke against his lips.
“I will. How will I marry you otherwise?” This was not how Hawke meant to propose, but he knew it might be now or never. “So, you better wait for me and stay safe, you hear me? I want you to be safe.”
Another kiss followed this time filled with desperation as Fenris clutched onto him.
It reminded him of the kiss they shared before facing Meredith, neither of them knowing if they would survive. His hands moved from Fenris’s cheeks to his hips where he gently held him just for another heartbeat before he needed to let go.
He knew he wouldn’t leave if he allowed himself to stay here longer.
“Goodbye. I love you.” Garrett had a hard time saying those words, a sad smile on his lips before he forced himself to gather his bags. “I will send you messages whenever I can. Stay out of trouble.”
“Hmph, An advice you should rather give yourself.” Fenris snorted. “Don’t do anything reckless.” he continued, adding, "I love you too. You better come back.”
“Of course I will.” Hawke’s expression was soft before he set foot outside, leaving the small hut behind they had hidden in for some time now. He felt the loss almost instantly, and he couldn’t help throwing a glance back as the green of Fenris's eyes was burned into his memory. Also a small addition for heartbreak: It was what he remembered when he stood in front of the impossibly large demon.
“I’m sorry Fenris.” he breathed, his voice cracking when he imagined how heartbroken the elf would be. “It seems I won’t make it.” 
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plantsarepeopletoo · 9 months
Only Friends Music EP5 (part 1/2)
The Extra Hour
Another installment of the Only friends music series. The details continue to be amazing, all praise Jojo. 
Quick recap, music is used in three different ways:
Just background music (Background) - It’s important and creates an atmosphere, like using Disco Frog for Mew and Cheum’s chat at the bar. These I will not use unless I see a theme or something important later.
Playing with Music (Playful) - It’s like body language, the music will pause, start up, move along faster or slower. It's intentionally moving with what is happening on screen.
Verbal/Vocal - Music that is telling us things. It could be songs that have names that seem important or have lyrics that may or may not be in the show. If there are lyrics I will include them, but will specify if they are in OF, and where they start and stop.
Master List here, in my pinned post. These will be long and split into parts, mostly because of lyrics and Music players. Written after EP6 came out, so some EP6 spoilers.
Thank you @rocketturtle4 and @shouldiusemyname for help editing and song lyrics.
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Song: Happiest I’ve Ever Been by Big Girl Scene: Ray and Sand are domestic in the kitchen Type: Vocal
Lyrics not in the show (transcribed by me):
And I haven’t cut my hair since I walked through the door It's never been quite this long before Taking some time to get all settled in And I’m the happiest I've ever been I never thought that I’d move out of town There’s something about this place that holds me down Made some mistakes but I can start again And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been I’m grateful to know you So grateful to show you All the things that I’ve been holding deep within Love is complicated That times I feel frustrated But I know that in the end Our love will win And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been I never thought that dreams could really come true I never thought I’d ever find someone like you We lose our way but always lean back in And I’m the happiest I’ve ever been (x3)
This song starts as Sand cracks an egg into a frying pan and makes breakfast, an act of service and time for Ray. In the voice over, Sand had just described how his most precious thing is time, it keeps running like an hourglass, but Ray gives him one more turn. Now, he’s choosing to give that time to Ray by making breakfast. Today, Ray isn't an intruder demanding precious time from a reluctant Sand. Today, Sand is happily giving Ray his time.
Two important themes in this song are resilience and connection. Ray’s need for connection was front and center in the last episode, when we saw Mew and Ray’s past. Last episode Sand and Ray started to build their connection, their relationship, but it's foundation is built on sand, and once it rains and the waters rise, the house will fall. This unsteadiness will continue to be a theme this episode.
The second theme of the song is resilience. Love and relationships can and will be tough, but the song seems to allude to the fact that if they can find their way back together, then their love could survive.
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Song: Tell Me Something New (Tigerblood Jewel Remix) by Wellness Scene: Kitchen sex Type: Vocal
Lyrics not in show:
I waited for someone to save I wanna tell you something new You drove us both into a wall I drive away into the night  And I, contemplate for a while (Chorus) Don’t you think it would be for the best If I packed my stuff and leave sooner than this Don’t you think it would’ve been for the best If I packed my stuff and leave sooner than this Don’t you wish I would’ve been someone else I wanna fill your gaps without making a mess And you, won’t you tell me something new I wanna tell you something new I wish you all the best I can But I stop myself for a while I’m sayin things I don’t believe The panic’s rising up in me And you, why won’t you tell me something new (Chorus)x2
Last episode we touched on the song, Almost the Same. “Without the words, feelings unheard, can be just as sincere. Something’s not right.” Their relationship isn’t quite right yet, they have not fixed their root problems, in this case, Mew and Ray’s past. Sand is unwilling to touch the subject of Mew, while Ray is unwilling to touch the subject of who they are to each other, because they fear their budding relationship will crumble around them.
Tell Me Something New is a prophetic song for the end of Ep5 and 6 from Sand’s point of view. Sand took his time to save Ray, only to find out that Ray really did have a past with “The glasses boy”. He thinks that Ray is using him to fill the gaps left by Mew. After they drive into that wall, Sand thinks that maybe it was all a waste of time and they’re unable to make a connection again and really Talk about it. If they had talked, and told each other “something new” before the end of this episode, they might have been strong enough to withstand Boston.
I’m sayin things I don’t believe The panic’s rising up in me And you, why won’t you tell me something new
Later, they will be hurting, and Sand will protect himself by saying things he doesn't believe. But, for now, we get something nice.
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Song: I Wanna Get High On You by Elwin Scene: Top and Mew go on a bike date Type: Vocal
Lyrics in the show:
Feelin’ in my bones I can feel it in my veins Hands in the sky I can feel the winds of change You live and you learn And I hope I’ve seen enough To make something right And make up for what I’ve lost I was down but things are looking up I wanna get high…
Lyrics continue, not in show:
(I wanna get high) on you Caught by surprise by you Want you to make my heart feel As much as I know it should I wanna get high on you …. Things turned around Didn’t ever think they could I’m done with the bad I need a little bit of good Set out in the world Like everything is new Stepped on a path That lead straight to you I was down but things are looking up (chorus)
If this is from Top’s perspective then it's telling how he's replacing the high from drugs and the pleasure from being a playboy with the high he gets from being with Mew.
Top’s song, Lonely Party from EP1, talks about needing someone to find him a soul and a purpose in life, that he’s lonely even though he’s surrounded by people. Here with Mew, he’s feeling free, feeling different with Mew. It might not be love, but for now he wants to keep Mew around while experiencing this high. Mew is introducing him to a fulfilling high, the likes of which he has never experienced before, and all the more fragile for it, whether or not Top knows it.
If viewed from Mew’s perspective, he thinks he’s learned enough to go forward. That he’s ready to try to fall in love, ready to feel that new high.
Either way, they’re asking the other to make them feel something more, “make my heart feel as much as I know it should”. From Mew, he knows of love from books, as for Top, we do know it has been a while since he’s even cared about another person’s pleasure in bed. So they both seem to be chasing a high that they believe the other can give.
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Song: Next Station by I’MIN Scene: Top and Mew continue their biking date after sitting for a while Type: Vocal
No Lyrics heard in the show, translation by google translate:
Verse 1: The emotions mixed in the sighs Just as when we meet and intersect, we become lost, I can't figure out what to do And on the passing road, for a short and long time Even though everything around me has changed The destination is always the same Pre-chorus: Maybe you can feel the pressure that I been living on I can say that it’s been on my mind but I’m moving along Chorus: The emotions mixed in the sighs actually Just like you can't figure out where to go when you meet and cross paths, Just like you can't figure out where to go Maybe one day, maybe one day it’ll feel alright Verse 2: chasing something that disappeared As you go, before you know it With a nonchalant expression I walked for a while Like a handle stuck on a train Like those worn out chairs Sometimes I want to stay still for a while Pre-chorus: Maybe you can feel the pressure that I been living on I can say that it’s been on my mind but i’m moving along Chorus and Outro: In the passing light Among the scattered people Behind the approaching expressions Maybe one day, Maybe one day it’ll feel alright (X2)
Thanks to I'MIN for responding to me on Instagram for the lyrics!
Music starts after Top says “I am happy! As long as he doesn’t mess with me” and they get up to continue to bike. Music stops as Mew gets hit and his glasses break. Beginning the metaphor of Mew’s “sight” being taken away. Top could be feeling pressure from everyone but Mew to be perfect and a stereotypical ‘top’, and here he can try for a day where it feels alright.
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Song: Falling Through Scene: Sand refuses to drive with Ray/The motorcycle ride Type: Vocal, Playful
Lyrics heard in show: 
Some day you’ll rise And come into a field of view Be visible to a few
Lyrics not in show:
Some day you’ll rise You said that an angel will illuminate the sky But my reflection is slowly fading out In the vision of you and I I’m missing every moment with you And I’ll be waiting  Waiting here for you I feel this is too good to be true But times are changing I’m falling, falling through Summer moved on I followed every trace of you Grasping every mem’ of you You said you were sorry but I know you had to leave And maybe that’s why I’ve been fading out At least that’s how I feel I’m missing every moment with you And I’ll be waiting  Waiting here for you I feel this is too good to be true But times are changing I’m falling, falling through Some day you’ll rise and some day you’ll see That I’ve been waiting, I’m waiting here I’m waiting here for you Some day you’ll rise  And come into the field of view Be visible to a few Some day you’ll rise 
This song plays twice. The first time is after Sand says “I don’t trust you with my life” which does hurt Ray. The moment passes quickly, but Ray sees that Sand doesn’t think of him as someone who can be trusted, an emergency contact.
Ray doesn't want to be a burden, he's got a car, air conditioning, why not use it and use him to go places? Ray is used to using his house, money, alcohol, as incentive to get people to be with him, like when he was trying to get Sand and the girl Sand was with to come keep him company. Or the song (Stay) True from EP3 when Sand and Ray make out in the car.
I've got camels and candy I can be your daddy … I've got cigarettes and brandy Which could come in handy If you just help me loosen up my hand grenade’s fuse
Ray's whining might seem like he's unwilling to go on the bike, but I wonder if it's because he wants to be useful. If Sand takes away his usefulness, what value does he have? Meanwhile, Sand might actually have only wanted to show Ray how his life is.
The guitar starts to play as Ray agrees to go with Sand. Another song, La Chapelle Dormant, plays while Ray and Sand tease each other for a moment. Falling Through starts properly as they drive off.
"Some day you’ll rise" the imagery of the sun rising brings to mind Ray. Specifically, Ray rising out of the darkness of his depression or rising above where he thinks he is, a burden on society, someone who only knows how to spend money, to be who he wants to be.
Ray wants to be a good friend, a dependable person, a happy person with true connections with the people around him. Ray wants to be an emergency contact. This faux date gives Ray a glimpse of a day where his money or material possessions are not the priority or his appeal. Sand is showing him that Ray can have fun, be valuable just as himself.
(Or it could be hinting at the song "Burst to life" in EP6, the song that plays while he's taring into everyone at the bar. But more on that in EP6. )
Even while they’re having fun together, the music tells us how they are still on unsteady ground in an undefined relationship, Sand waiting for it all to fall through and he’ll fade. The line, “I feel this is too good to be true” calls back to the song, The Happiest I’ve Ever Been earlier in the show:
I never thought that dreams could really come true I never thought I’d ever find someone like you
Both songs are optimistic, both songs have faith in love getting them through to the bad times, getting them through the night.
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Song: Faster Car by Loving Caliber Scene: Top fixes Mew’s glasses in the café Type: Vocal
Song plays very very quietly in the background and the lyrics sound very muffled, which adds to the ambience of the cafe scene.
Lyrics “heard” in show:
I've been feeling so small Watch the clock ticking off the wall But tonight I'm letting it go Spend my coin for show I'm gonna be myself Or I could be someone else No one's stopping me now I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I just wanna feel alive It's just what I do when I'm out so Try not to hold me down Feel alive when I'm in this town Look at those beautiful stars I wanna drive a faster car Nothing can break me No, no, nothing can break me Try not to hold me down Feel alive when I'm in this town Look at those beautiful stars I wanna take a trip to Mars Nothing can break me, No, no, nothing can break me Look at those beautiful stars I wanna drive a faster car Lay my troubles to rest Blow the smoke through my cigarette City lights looking fine And I know that this is my time now I'm gonna be myself Or I could be someone else No one's stopping me now I'm gonna skip my breaks I'm gonna make mistakes I just wanna feel alive It's just what I do when I'm out so
Song starts with the scene, Top is fixing Mew’s glasses. Mew’s blind now, his way of “reading” is gone, and he’s relying on Top to fix it. In this episode we're seeing Mew letting off the brakes, ready to go faster in this relationship.
The line, “I’m gonna make mistakes” and the earlier song I Wanna Get High On You, saying “You live and you learn, And I hope I’ve seen enough” are interesting because one is accepting that mistakes are going to happen, but the other almost mirrors Mew’s surety that he knows how to read people.
From Top’s point of view, he could be himself, or he could be what Mew wants him to be. Going back to Lonely Party from EP1 again with the lyric “You gotta help me find a soul”, Top seems to be only known for being Top-tier, and with Mew he doesn’t need to be that, but he does need to be what Mew wants. So even now it feels like he may not be his real (sober) self. Though what his real self looks like is debatable, on one hand, Top seems to be a critique of “tops” in the BL genre. He’s rich, handsome, strong, experienced and possessive. On the other, he seems to have a hard time saying no to pleasure, given how hard it is for him to say no to Boston in the earlier episodes. An earlier theory discussed with friends was the idea that Top was so numb from drugs that he just let things happen to him. Whether or not this is true, he still seems disconnected from himself. It will be interesting to see how his character arc and background unfolds in the second half of the series.
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Song: So Perfect by Lindsey Abraham Scene: Top and Mew at the cafe, talking about glasses  Type: Vocal 
Top says, “I like you better looking like a nerd.” and the song starts when Mew retorts “Whatever happened to worrying about my eyesight?” and the music pauses while Top explains that he does want Mew to see him clearly, but the glasses make Mew look both cute and sexy. The song continues playing as Mew blushes. Top is saying all the “perfect” things to make Mew feel good, while nudging Mew to do something he wants Mew to do.
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Song: Minimal Meaning by Marten Moses Scene: Top pays and Mew feels insecure Type: Verbal
Mew notices something a little off with the waiter when he hands off the check, and abruptly feels insecure. He rubs his arm in a self soothing gesture as Top pays the bill, seemingly unaware of what Mew is thinking. Is Mew looking for meaning when there is none? Either way the music conveys Mew’s feeling of unease.  
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Song: Sunset beach by White Bones Scene: Boston notices Nick’s change in appearance. Type: Background
The song is funky which is a departure from Nick and Boston’s normal genre. This genre shift paired with the piano chords of the song Strong Bonds that play while they’re in the pool hints at Boston’s feelings for Nick might be stronger than he’s willing to admit. Strong Bonds pauses while Nick asks about Boston’s other partners and continues as Boston talks to Nick about being recorded by Gap. The music builds as Nick tells Boston it serves him right, and Boston kisses Nick playfully. Boston goes on to talk about not sleeping around, how it feels empty lately. Boston might not be realizing his bond with Nick is making that feel empty. This is the first time Boston has talked to Nick without Nick having to sulk first. 
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Song: With You It’s Different by Blue Topaz (again) Scene: Boston and Nick in the Pool Type: Vocal
Starts to play when Boston says “There’s only you” and they kiss. Last time this played was with Top and Mew in the shower, Top saying he cares about Mew’s pleasure.
With You It’s Different, Nick is different for Boston, he feels safe, accepting of Boston’s worst sides, and Boston can be affectionate. There is a bond, but Boston is unable to or unwilling to put words to what he actually wants Nick to be since he’s assuming he’s moving to NYC after college.
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Song: Minimal Meaning by Marten Moses (again) Scene: Top looking at Boston in the pool Type: Vocal
The same song that plays in the café while Mew is insecure about the waiter and Top. Here it starts when Top sees Boston with Nick, mirroring his unease about what Boston might be planning with getting close to Nick. 
Continue to EP5 part two
Master List
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scottsummersevents · 8 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Below under the cut you can take a look at some of the Scott/Logan fics created by some of our bingo participants and by some of their favorite authors. It is only a small portion of what you can find for this pairing, but gives you a taste of some great fics for them!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
All you Need is Trust by Jade_Dragoness (Rated E) Logan had barely gotten used to not being constantly at Scott's throat when Cable shows up to tell them that for the future of the entire mutant race - actually for the sake of everyone on the planet - they need to get married. Logan is convinced this is a weird joke on both of them which Scott is clearly taking too seriously. Then he’s actually at the altar getting married to Scott Summers. Okay, he’s going to drink the entire bar dry now. Cyclops goes to LIMBO by ELG  (Rated E) The Avengers go after the bad guys who kidnapped Scott. [The Avengers get telepathically violated. Scott gets slut-shamed. Logan gets jealous.]
December 24th by Oberonsearring (Rated T) It's December 24th. Logan knows where Scott is.
Raise Your Hand by eoen (Rated E)
Snapshots by Cerylid (Rated T) After X3, Scott unexpectedly returns, depowered and unable to remember anything after being kidnapped by Stryker. Back at the mansion, as Hank races against time to try and fix Scott's malfunctioning powers, Logan starts to find out more about who Scott Summers really is.
So Easy by Cerylid (Rated M) Logan wakes from the events in Days of Future Past to discover that he and Scott Summers are in a clandestine relationship. When Scott realises that this is a “different” Logan from the one he’s in love with, he pulls away and pretends nothing is wrong. As Logan struggles to come to terms with everything that's happened, changing the timeline and saving his friends, he also has to contend with his growing confusion over Scott, as well as Scott's increasing efforts to pretend that he's unaffected by what's happened.
Small Sacrifice by Cerylid (Rated T) (Set after X2) After Scott is injured during a mission, Logan forces him to confront some of his self-destructive tendencies.
Never Alone by Scottxlogan (Rated: E) After arriving in a new future to find himself in a relationship with Scott Summers, Logan and Scott finally find their way to wedded bliss. All is well until members from Logan's other team come calling and bombard in on their secluded honeymoon in the woods. Knowing that the honeymoon is going to take a backseat to his team, Scott and Logan help out on the Avengers mission, but discover after that they aren't going to be as alone as they were hoping for. Does this mean that the honeymoon is over before it begins for them?
Damaged by ScottxLogan (Rated E) Logan's been behaving different lately and no one seems to notice it except for Scott. As Scott finds himself contemplating his colleague's strange behavior, he finds that the mystery Logan presents turns into an obsession for him. Scott's convinced something has changed, but when no one else seems to pay attention to Logan's new habits, Scott takes it upon himself to discover just what has brought about the change in his teammate. Will Scott's obsession lead to happy endings for these two or more misery down the road as this new world unfolds?
I Found My Thrill by destroythemeek (Rated E) Logan has pie on his lip. Scott’s a little distracted.
The Reservation by ScottxLogan (Rated M) Scott and Logan have been swamped with meetings leaving them both ready to unwind when the day is over, but when they discover that Emma booked them a room with only one bed, will it make things even more awkward or open the door to explorations they weren't brave enough to face on their own without the nudge from their good friend?
Outside the dawn is breaking (But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free) by Wolfsheart (Rated E) What happened during the year following Stryker and Alkali Lake? What did Scott Summers experience? What did Logan witness? What was the final straw that compels Scott to return to the lake? This story explains everything and then veers hard left from canon.
Out there's a land that time don't command by Wolfsheart (Rated M) After a nasty break-up with Jean, Scott left the school and headed west to his home state of Alaska. For months, he's made his home there, feeling exiled from all the people he cares about. Then a familiar face shows up at his door unexpectedly; the face of his crush. Will Scott finally find some much needed and deserved happiness?
Time After Time by Wolfsheart (Rated T) In 2006, a grieving Scott Summers meets his end by a kiss. In 1945, after the bombing of Nagasaki, Logan meets an 'old friend' he won't meet for another 55 years.
At the bottom of every bottle by StormXPadme (Rated E) Scott asks Logan to go back to Alkali Lake with him to retrieve what might be left of Jean's body. They find other things. A new journey neither of them has expected begins.
If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold by StormXPadme (Rated E) A compilation of very loosely connected Scogan smut and kink ficlets, some of them created from prompts on tumblr. Every now and then, even the X-Men's work-obsessed team leader needs to unwind and let off some steam in the bedroom. Between his own team and a couple of friends among the Avengers, it's a good thing, Scott always has someone around, more than willing to help him out with that. Or: Another entry for my "Scott Summers is one of the Marvel fandom bicycles, actually" agenda.
Uncharted sea, unopened door by StormXPadme (Rated E) A compilation of smut and kink ficlets, some of them created from prompts on tumblr. Mind the chapter titles for pairings. While these oneshots are part of my main X-Men verse, it's not necessary to know the other parts to understand it (some chapter notes contain brief explanations respectively). Please be VERY aware of major spoilers for my "Weathered I"-series and the upcoming follow-up series "Weathered II" though. If you plan to read the series and want to be surprised by major plot twists, please skip this collection.
Under Your Spell by scottxlogan (Rated E) While on a mission Logan's deviation from the objective takes him down a surprising path when he finds himself suddenly overtaken with thoughts of Scott Summers.
Ever After by scottxlogan (Rated T) Post Days of Future Past timeline Logan awakens to find himself in a very different place than the one he left. **Spoiler alert: This fic may possibly contain X-Men Days of Future Past references/possibly spoilers in it. If you haven't seen the film yet and don't want to be spoiled a little bit, then don't read the story just yet. You have been warned**
Killing Your Number by nomelon (Rated E) On The Island, Logan gets trapped in a purpose-built prison cell with a kid wearing some kind of weird eye-mask.
Professor Jackass by walrusface (Rated E) Logan finds himself in bed with an unconscious Scott and a set of marker pens. He's hardly responsible for what he does next.
Breaking Inside by Wolfsheart (Rated E) What happened during the year following Stryker and Alkali Lake? What did Scott Summers experience? What did Logan witness? What was the final straw that compels Scott to return to the lake? This story explains everything and then veers hard left from canon.
Change and Withstand by flightinflame (Rated M) A moment's lack of attention on a mission leads to Scott Summers getting kissed. He fights down his panic, tells himself it's fine, that he can deal with it. It doesn't matter. He wants to just move on, but that's hard when Logan is acting so strangely towards him. Almost as if he knows what happened...
Beautiful Wreck by sg_fic (Rated E) Scott's got a problem. He's going to solve it. Takes place after The Last Stand (boo), but Scott and Xavier survived (yay!)
Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds (She’ll beat you if she’s able) by Wolfsheart  (Rated E) Scott loses a bet to Emma. It doesn't matter what that bet was. All that matters is that Scott loses, and how he has to do the thing. The thing happens to involve wearing sexy expensive lingerie and getting photo or video proof of Logan's reaction to it. Logan's reaction is...very positive.
Sleepy? Cuddles? by KiAnLake (Rated M) Sleepy Scott wants to go to his room but gets found by Logan.
If It Comes Back by flightinflame (Rated M) Logan turns his back on the school, setting out as a lone wolf. Until he meets a young man in need of help - a young man who looks painfully familiar.
(This is Not a) Love Song by menel (Rated M) Written for the X-Men Kink Meme prompt: ‘Wolverine plans date night for him and Scott. Scott is surprised and super touched that Logan cares as much as he does.’
Really, talk. by sg_fic (Rated E) A romantic getaway forces Scott and Logan to talk. Really, really talk.
Undercover by sg_fic (Rated M) Scott and Logan are sent to investigate the disappearance of five young mutants. Post X-2
Protect You by SilverDolphin (Rated T) (This could be visually disturbing for some people, contains a severely injured Scott. Open at your own discretion.)
Lost Sheep by SilverDolphin (Rated T) After the movie happenings went down and the school got rebuilt, Scott goes and looks for Logan, intending to help him.
Fail Safe (Logan’s lullaby) by sg_fic (Rated E) Scott and Logan try to understand each other’s mutations better. Post DoFP.
Getting used to happiness by Xenia (Rated G) Logan has a nightmare and he's not really sure what's real and what's not after it. Post Days of Future Past.
Call My Name Or Walk On By by Wolfsheart (Rated E) Superheroes die all the time, and they usually come back from the dead. It's just a matter of time. And for Logan, it was just a matter of time before his return to life was discovered and someone from his past would track him down. When it's his former friend, teammate, and rival -- Scott Summers -- how could he ever see this kind of reunion between them?
Simpatico by menel (Rated T) Stuck in the Danger Room, the field leader and the newest X-Man have an unexpected heart-to-heart (with no claws or force beams involved).
To Know My Enemy by menel (Rated E) What if Scott and Logan once struck a deal in order to better facilitate their working relationship? What if that deal grew more complicated over time?
Ball Games by ELG (Rated E) When it comes to a grieving Scott Summers, everyone needs Logan to be the bad guy. Scott needs it most of all. [Not much plot, quite a lot of porn.]
Mine by glacis (Rated E) Scott goes looking for his bike and finds a whole lot more than he expects. Logan stakes a claim.
Eyes Wide Open by menel (Rated E) Depowered after a month in captivity and a botched mission, Scott has retreated into himself. Nearly everyone is walking on eggshells around him and it’s up to Logan to bring their Fearless Leader back. Written for the prompt, "Surprise."
Do Over by talkativefangirl13 (Rated E) When Logan woke up, he found out that the future had changed, only in a way that he didn't expect.
Flowers Pisses Me Off by talkativefangirl13 (Rated M) "I’m trying to help you, you insolent jerk!” Logan heaved and tried catching his breath while his healing factor fixed up the damage inside his throat. He spat the remaining blood on the floor in which Scott mentally added to the list of things he’ll be cleaning later.
With a tired grunt, Logan sat up on his hunches while glaring down on the bright red flower he was holding, without as much as a second thought, he shrugged and placed it on a nearby vase before turning to glare at Scott, “Obviously I don’t need yer help,” he said, “Stop pestering me, One Eye.”
Lost by twilightHDfan (Rated E) A week after the Battle of Alcatraz Jean and the Professor return, but Cyclops remains missing. Logan goes looking for the leader of the X-men.
Revelation by Cerylid (Rated T) Logan and Scott go undercover as a couple on a mission to gather information. It was supposed to be straightforward, but Scott struggles to keep his feelings for his teammate hidden while they are out.
Take Two by Cerylid (Rated M) Scott discovers from Ororo that she thinks Logan likes him, and is persuaded to try and connect at the Christmas Eve party.
The Icing on the Cake by menel (Rated T) Written for the head canon, “When they are at a party and have cake, Logan scrapes off most of his frosting and gives it to Scott.”
And so many others you need to check out on AO3 here.
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