#Webtoons must act
deadeyedfae · 4 months
Hey everyone! I need your help! Please read below the comic 💜🏳️‍⚧️
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Our lovely Kayla of @kaylasartwork is having to deal with alot right now and one thing that we can help with is get Webtoons to sort themselves out!
Below is a link to file a report and also a screenshot of what I filled out on mine
As a community that prides itself on supporting eachother I say we need to support Kayla anyway we can right now, absolutely no one should have to deal with this but I'm sure you can all agree that Kayla is a wonderful person and we all want her safe!
For context for anyone thats is unsure what's been happening, Kayla has been targeted by one individual on many accounts doxxing her on every post she makes on Webtoons as well as messaging friends and fans with the same details.
Here is what I typed in the body of the complaint:
It has been brought to my attention that the creator of It's The Small Things: My Trans Journey has been receiving comments on all of her uploads doxxing her.
This is unsafe at the best of times but as Kayla is a trans woman it is especially worrying. The accounts posting this information are all from the same source but with diffrent usernames, using handles that are full of slurs and other inappropriate content.
As this is a matter of safety I trust you will do all in your power to find a solution to this.
I await your response
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Please do what we do best and let's support Kayla and call Webtoons to action!
Thank you everyone 💜💜
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one-pissed-off-child · 4 months
Going through the Nevermore comment section is so funny bc every time Annabelle does something south of the moral compass, there's no shortage of shock and outrage despite her VERY clearly stating that everyone besides Lenore was just cannon fodder to her
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lnkedmyheart · 6 months
Her silly hat debuting in an official mv omg!
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churipu · 4 months
𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐨! 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 ๋࣭ ⭑ֶֶָָ֢֢☆
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featuring. gojo satoru x reader
warnings. cheating (but it's not u or him dw, it's someone else lol), cursing, non-sorcerer au.
note. i was reading a webtoon, and the male lead was a ballet dancer, then i saw gojo in him. i feel like gojo will do and enjoy doing ballet, you feel me? and just saying guys, my requests are not open :(( so if you sent in one, it might take a bit of time to get it done
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ballerino! gojo who had to share an apartment with you because you're both broke fresh graduates — what more of a blessing for a fresh graduate if it's not a place half the price, with your own room? even if it meant living with a complete stranger who could actually be a serial killer.
"you must be y/n? i'm gojo satoru." he introduces himself, shoving a hand out for you to shake.
and you did, with your hand blotched with various colors of dry paint from your job— freelance artist — mumbling out apologies for being so dirty.
ballerino! gojo who was supposed to be in the same house with his long-term girlfriend since college, but she bailed out last minute. and when she found out about his new house mate — she wasn't happy the slightest bit.
"so you're the new house-mate?" she asks, eyeing you up and down menacingly as if you had tried to hit on the male.
gojo had to bring her away from the house. apologizing to you about it after he comes back home.
ballerino! gojo who usually does his warm up in the living room while watching netflix on the television, casually doing a split, hunching to the front, eyes on the television intently.
"you do ballet?"
gojo was startled to hear you, but he got over himself and nodded vigorously, "mhm."
"that's really cool."
ballerino! gojo who seemed miserable every time his girlfriend cancels out on their date through a phone call. like a one-sided relationship, except it's the part where he's actually starting to give up on her. but you said nothing about it, since it wasn't really your business in the first place. only focusing on your current client's job — jotting down shades of blue on the canvas.
"hey, you're good . . . is this what you do daily?" he sighs out, sitting on the couch you were leaning on after he ended the call with his girlfriend.
you nodded, "yeah, i draw for people."
"'ts amazing."
ballerino! gojo who went out one night to go on a date with his girlfriend, and is apparently trying to surprise her. but he came back an hour later with his tear stricken face — throwing down the bouquet of flowers he had gotten for his girlfriend earlier during the day.
the smile no longer on his face as he walks to his room, slamming the door shut before you could say anything to the male.
ballerino! gojo who acted like last night didn't happen and was casually doing a split in front of the television. shooting you a small smile when you emerged from your own room.
"are you . . . alright, gojo?" you question him, walking towards the kitchen to grab yourself a cup of cold water.
"sorry about last night." he mumbled out, head hanging low, pushing himself up — brushing his pink colored shirt and grey shorts.
"no worries. all of us have bad days." you brushed him off with a small tired smile, a few streaks of paint marking your cheeks, "how're you feeling?"
"good for someone who found out he has been getting cheated," he chuckled — scratching the back of his head, "you got a lil' something there," he points to your cheeks.
using your arm, you grazed your cheeks, "oh, i was up all night and fell asleep doing work."
ballerino! gojo who later in the day got so busy throwing everything that reminded him of his ex-girlfriend and whatever she had ever given him. doing it like he gets paid. hell, he even threw away a pair of ballet shoes that he still uses out of spite.
"what'cha doing?" you questioned, eyes focused on the canvas sitting on your lap.
"taking out the trash," he grunted tossing what seemed to be a pair of ballet shoes into a box.
"ballet shoes too? are y'quitting ballet?" the male chuckled and shook his head — and the moment you see a frame with a picture of him and his ex, you got an idea of it and said nothing else.
ballerino! gojo who for the next eight months, spends a lot of time with you in the house, doing all sorts of things. making breakfast for each other (taking turns depending on who wakes up earlier), cooking nights, baking nights, learning ballet — even learning how to draw. he forgot his ex pretty quickly.
"my toes hurt, how'd you even do this?" you seethed out in pain, curling your sore toes.
"ha ha. very funny, gojo."
ballerino! gojo who got to know you better, and vice versa during those months. learning how you had a passion for drawing and how you've always wanted to be an artist — or how the last time you've been in a relationship was during the early days of college and broke up because your partner then said that they weren't ready for a relationship (shitty excuse).
"so they just broke it off like that? why start a relationship when they're not ready? that's just a stupid excuse," gojo muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"that's what i ask myself. but 't doesn't matter anymore." you laugh, sipping on a cup of hot chocolate, chewing on a mini marshmallow you threw in just before.
ballerino! gojo who that night asked you out for lunch the next day, and you accepted. it was only lunch after all.
"uh . . . if you're not busy tomorrow, i'd like to take you out for lunch . . ." he nervously chuckled, scratching his nape. his doe blue eyes looking everywhere but at you.
ballerino! gojo who actually did take you out to lunch, even paying for it. but everything went wrong when his ex was there at the same time, the male actually thought of burying himself six feet under when the girl approached you both.
"i knew there was something fishy between the two of you," she muttered out.
gojo was pissed. as hell. he didn't even bat an eyelash at the person he once adored, a deep frown on his face and he scorned, "get over yourself, we broke up a long time ago because you fucking cheated."
his ex-girlfriend was mortified, because she never remembered gojo being this hateful towards her — all the time they have been together, gojo was always nice and understanding. too nice and understanding, perhaps.
"maybe you cheated on me with them before i even did." she accuses and you immediately jumped in, since she was dragging you into her mess.
"woah, gojo and i never had anything going on. we only started getting to know each other?" you defended, eyebrows perched up at the audacity of this girl, "and mind you, gojo was miserable every time you decided to cancel on a date a few hours before, and through a call? that's low of you."
gojo shot you a smile, "hear that?"
oh, the girl was embarrassed to the roots. muttering out curses under her breath before stomping out of the place, fuming.
ballerino! gojo who apologized to you thoroughly during the whole lunch, in between chews, and even on the way home — for how his ex-girlfriend caused a scene with you.
even if you did tell him it was fine, he said it wasn't. and he wanted to make it up to you, by prepping a movie night. the notebook. one of your favorite movies, you were absolutely down.
supposedly focusing on your client's work, but the moment he puts on the movie — you'd find yourself on the couch beside him.
ballerino! gojo when it comes to the movie's "not supposed to dance in the streets" scene, stands up and shoves a hand to you, "do you want to dance with me?" he invited you as the male lead in the movie asked the female lead the same question.
you chuckled, "you know, i don't dance. gojo."
he raised a brow, "everyone does. and i thought we're close enough to be on first name basis y/n." the male teasingly said, grabbing your hand to tug you up.
"do you know how to slow dance? because i don't."
he smiled down at you, "i do ballet, sweetheart. slow dance is nothing to me — plus, i've learnt how to do slow dancing since . . . years ago. i've always dreamt of doing this with the person i like," it was the perfect setting. as the movie plays out a soft tune, the male pressed his hand on the hollow of your back, guiding you along.
you inhaled his cologne, "so is this like a confession, satoru?"
his chest vibrated as he mustered out a soft laugh, "maybe. if you don't want it to be a confession — think of it like i'm quoting a movie."
you did pend his confession in your mind that night, thinking of it like he's quoting the movie as you both danced the night away.
ballerino! gojo who acted like he didn't just confess his feelings to you last night, greeting you in the morning, and even went all out to make you breakfast after he did his usual ballet warm up.
"hi, sleepy. i made pancakes, but 'ts a little burnt . . ." he laughs, sipping what seemed to be tomato juice.
"thanks, 'toru. love you."
ballerino! gojo who immediately froze when you said that, and stares at you. but there you were, eyes shut and your mouth full of his pancakes, gojo was sure you didn't even realize what you were saying. but still, it made him happy.
"did you know what you just said?" he chortled.
fluttering your eyes open, you shake your head, "what did i say . . ?"
gojo brushed it off, but really — he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
ballerino! gojo who returned home from a day out with a couple of friends to be greeted with a plate of food for him. you made it. with a small pink colored post-it note beside the plate.
hi 'toru, made this before i went out to meet my client. hope you like it, ps. i dropped a lot of pepper in it because the lid fell off :( pls throw it out if it's not edible, i'd feel terrible if you got sick cause of my mistake, i love you <33
gojo ate the plate clean, even if he felt the tingling spice in his throat. he didn't care at all — you made it for him, and he won't waste it. and plus, he didn't end up getting sick, so that's a positive.
when you came home that night, he was still awake waiting for you to thank you for the meal (and to ask you about the 'i love you' on the note).
"i know, i didn't answer your confession at all that night when we were dancing, yet. so?" you cheekily tell him, indirectly saying how you like him too.
ballerino! gojo who was ecstatic about it and kissed you right there. the male was so happy he could feel his whole body thumping in excitement.
"d'you know how long i wanted to do that? to kiss you?" he has a wide smile on his face, his large hands cupping both sides of your cheeks, squishing them lightly making your lips part.
ballerino! gojo who finally feels the love he deserves with you that he thought he'd never feel again. from the smallest things like you texting him whenever you were going to be busy so if you replied late you were sorry, or giving him a call (and leaving a voice note when he's not able to answer) to tell him and ask about his day whenever you both aren't together.
he feels like he's wanted and loved, "hi 'toru, i tried to call you but you might be in a dance routine right now so i'm just leaving this voice note for you. i'm not gonna be able to reply fast in the next couple of hours because i'm meeting a client right now, but i'll get to you once i'm done. make sure to take care of yourself and don't hurt yourself, i love you."
and you feel the same, getting the same feedback with the same excitement, "hi baby, sorry for not answering your call, i was in fact in a dance routine. i have a show coming up, i'm excited! i hope the meeting goes well for you, tell me all about it once we get home, please please? i can't wait to see you, i love you more!"
ballerino! gojo who shows you his ballet moves for his show, inviting you to watch him dance. and you, of course, agreed.
when the day comes, you are more excited than the male is. gojo didn't expect you to come, especially since he knew that you had a big client that needed their painting in a short amount of time. the male was used to his ex-girlfriend promising and ended up not coming, so he was a bit crestfallen at the thought of you not coming to see him.
but there you were, sat on the front row with a big smile on your face. waving at him when he walked in.
seeing him on stage, you felt so proud — unknowing to him, while watching him, your hand was tracing his every move. the tip of your pencil elegantly dancing along with him on top of your sketchbook.
ballerino! gojo who was surprised when you showed him a sketch of him doing his move. he felt so emotional at this new form of love. oh, to be loved by an artist.
"'m so proud of you 'toru. you were amazing up there," you tell him, holding his hand.
gojo wasted no time pulling you into his chest, hugging you, "thank you for coming," you didn't know why he was emotional — but honestly, you don't mind it so you ended up hugging the male back, patting his chest.
ballerino! gojo who now felt the love he has always wanted to feel. because he knew that this time he's not wasting his love on someone who doesn't appreciate him.
"'toru, look! my client gave me a tip, let's go get that pizza we were talking about!" you cheered, throwing yourself onto him, holding a few bills of cash.
the male chuckled, pressing a warm kiss onto the crown of your head, "my baby did so good, 'm so proud of you," he nuzzled his nose to yours, scrunching his face up.
he promised that he'd work hard for the both of you. hell, he was already thinking about marrying you a few months into your relationship, so don't be shocked when he actually does.
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yoru-no-seiiki · 1 year
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tw/cw: DDNE, mentions of abuse, actual abuse (by reader), implied parental neglect. protagonist’s gender is whatever you want it to be. gn pronouns.
[ second part ]
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You wholeheartedly believed that you’d rule the world one day. The oracles deemed it so, and the rest followed. The only problem being is that you’d rule with an iron fist, causing the death of millions under your tyrannical reign. Many opposed your position as heir to the throne.
In comes the protagonist, your adopted sibling who is also destined for great things. The difference being is that they’ll gain it through defeating you.
Everyday is a murderfest with you trying to kill the kid but because of plot armor they’re resistant to any and all sorts of spells, weapons and even people you’ve hired.
Yan! Protagonist who had been abused their entire life saw this as just an act of love. Even moreso since you were so determined to hurt them everyday. It must mean you adored them does it not? They don’t understand why they’re not able to die or properly get hurt by you though, so at times they’ll even try to get in your way to make it easier.
But this just ends up with you hating them further and further.
As the two of you grow up, tactics start to become even more underhanded and deadly. You had lost all sense of empathy and kindness at this point. You had also halted trying to hide your attempts as your sibling clearly knew of it anyways.
But with your duties increasing as well, you are unable to execute much of your assassination attempts much less see your sibling directly. It came to the point of dull poisoning plots of which Yan! Protagonist had literally gained an immunity to with how frequent it was.
Yan! Protagonist never wanted to become ruler. A kingdom was far too much to manage and think about. All they wanted was to relax and be with you.
But with you being all busy and ignoring them. . . they simply can not stand idle and let this be!
And so they throw themselves into their studies. Those that doubted the Protagonist are now in awe of the way they picked up things in addition to their overflowing determination. They must really want to take you down.
Unbeknownst to them, they were simply doing this so you’d go back to giving them your attention.
Years after you’d officially taken the throne, they barged into castle. Thousands of troops behind them as they declared,
“Exalted sibling, I’ve come to take the burden of the throne from your hands!” The protagonist stood before you in all their glory. Magnificent as the scriptures had foretold. Absolutely befitting for the next in line for the throne. Blessed with a face sculpted by the gods.
You wanted nothing more rip it from their skull and watch the blood rain down on their regal clothing.
“You’ll have to take it from my cold, dead body.”
The protagonist froze in their tracks. Your words and pure confusion taking a while to settle in.
Wait, what?
. . . to be continued
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Anyways that’s just a smol part from one of my webtoon ideas i’ve been writing haha. It probably won’t be expanded on until I officially published that one and it’s like further down the list of webtoon order so oop-
©️ yoru.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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welldrawnfish · 8 months
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First official Art for Succubus Contract! Welcome to Bastion! The last city of Magic. Here we honor the mages who were so viciously slaughtered by the invading demon army by preserving any and all magic we can find. Succubus Contract will premier on Webtoons on December 1st. This Hereby cements the city, aesthetic and look so therefor i have to stop stressin' about it! ITS OFFICIAL
.. tho im not crazy about the line thickness of the bg lmao What is Succubus Contract? - Succubus contract is a gender bend story of a succubus named Oliver who does not believe in love, afterall its just synapses and chemical reactions telling people how to act right?. Oliver must perform and personally play a hand in these acts of love now in order to turn back, And not sexual or just romantic. Any love will do Oli! Love of Family, Love of career, and Love of community to name a few. For now you can follow #succubuscontract or #succubus contract for news. Also you can theorize or talk in the comments all you want about the story and what you think its about, i really enjoy reading them!
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seungsuki · 1 month
station cafe - romance between a soccer player and a webtoon artist (gn! reader)
warning: boring tbh (+ too many words)
note: wrote this during while my professor was yapping so hopefully it's okay
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itoshi rin hated whenever his practice games were played for too long. he’d like to blame it on his teammates who couldn’t stop goofing around every minute. 
“last train for station 2 is leaving”, the loud speakers announced 
rin froze thinking he must have misheard the announcement but when it repeated again, his legs began moving without him even thinking. speed walking through the busy salespeople and students, he nearly made it to the train. he could see the gates of the train and he wanted to yell for it to not close but he didn’t. he stopped and slowed down as he watched the gates shut tight. 
the train had left for station 2
the last train 
he fished out for his phone to check the train schedule. he wasn’t too familiar with the train routes other than the one he usually took. lucky for rin, the next train for station 2 is set for 5 pm
“5 pm?”, rin mumbled to himself seeing that it was only 3:07 pm 
what was he supposed to do with all this freetime? he never gave himself that much time. he used every second to practise soccer and to be on top. to defeat his no good of an excuse brother and win the world cup. now what? it’s not like he had any friends nearby 
that’s how the younger itoshi wandered into a random cafe near the station. opening the door, he could smell the coffee bean aroma filling the room. he walked to the counter and was greeted by the cashier, who in his opinion, was overly energetic for no reason.
ordering his favourite tea and bread, rin settled at a seat beside the window of the cafe. there weren't a lot of people except for you, seated at the next table. while rin normally didn’t act like a busybody, he was curious as to what you were doing. he could see a lot of papers scattered around the table. they looked like… character designs? are you an avid fan of a series he’s never seen before?
he couldn’t help but notice how absorbed you were on your computer with a drawing tablet attached to it. oh so you’re marking papers? you did look rather young to be a teacher. well it was none of his business. he brushed away any lingering questions and silently enjoyed his tea. tuning into the latest soccer clip between bastard münchen and manshine city, rin booed both parties since he didn’t support any of them and took the time to criticise their play style 
he was watching the so-called ‘hat trick’ when a paper flew directly on his face, blocking the match. almost instantly, he heard a small worried yell and a hand reached to remove the paper that didn’t allow him to see anything. why did this remind him of a heavily scripted shojo manga? 
“i’m so so sorry! are you okay?”, a voice asked and rin looked up to see the you in front of him this time
“i’m fine”, rin replied short not wanting to engage in the conversation 
“they turned on the stand fan so my papers flew everywhere!”, you groaned 
that’s when rin looked away from his phone and looked up to you. or more specifically, the paper dancing loosely between your fingers. it definitely looked like a detailed study of a character. just how much of an avid fan are you? then again he couldn't say much himself as he was in his own obsession over soccer. seeing how hard he was staring at the paper, you moved it behind you, allowing your skirt to hide the paper 
“i’m a webtoon artist. i have a lot of papers because i came back from a small meeting”, you said taking a seat at the empty chair in front of him
“im [name]! i think i've seen you somewhere haven’t i?”, you asked going through the train of thoughts 
“i play soccer”, another short reply followed by a tsk 
“oh yeah!! aren’t you the captain for the eleven team against the national team? i watched your match on tv, you were pretty awesome”, you remembered 
even though rin didn’t want to engage in the one-sided conversation, he couldn’t help but hear more than the commentary of his discarded phone (which was turned off later on). 
itoshi rin picked up a new habit. after his everyday practice, he’d make his way to the cafe near the station. he would order his favourite tea and bread but this time, an extra iced chocolate for you. he sits in his usual seat beside the window and waits. not long he’d see the door open to see you enter. today was rather chilly so it made sense for you to wear your favourite red sweater with white stripes. scanning the room, your eyes lit up seeing a particular teal eyes locking contact with you. a comfortable walk accompanied with a small wave, you made it to your designated seat, in front of him. time would fly as the duo exchange conversations about random topics
rin never realised how he fell for you. maybe it’s the way his heart skips a beat when he sees you? or how he’s obviously less mean to you. in his eyes, you aren’t too bad. you definitely weren’t some lukewarm npc that took up his time. you was someone who he enjoyed talking too. the people around him (or more particularly his teammates) couldn’t help but wonder what made the striker less grumpy 
“someone’s in a good mood~”, a singsong shidou said slinging his arm around rin 
“right? leaving practice so soon? have a date planned?”, karasu joined in on the teasing 
“yeah i do” 
that one sentence froze the soccer players. itoshi rin going on.. date? sounded impossible to his teammates. they were dumbfounded at how rin even got a date. a familiar ringtone caught the attention of rin and he peeked his phone to see your text. he kept your ringtone different from the rest of his usual notifications. grabbing his duffle bag, itoshi rin left his obviously curious teammates to go see you at your usual spots
the cafe beside the station
© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
My Fav Korean Manhwa Recommendation List
For the last few days, I've been reading Korean manhwa/webtoon series non-stop and man, they're just so great!!! 😍😍😍
These are some of my fav manhwa I've read so far... All the stories are of modern setting btw... (I may do a separate recommendation list for historical/magical/isekai genre manhwa later on...)
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Something About Us - (Childhood best friends turned lovers) Status: Completed.
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Positively Yours - (Strangers met for one night stand to lovers) Status: Completed.
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Seasons Of Blossom - (High school friends to lovers) Status: Completed.
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Please Take Care Of Me In This Life As Well - (Childhood friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Fly Me To The Moon - (Strangers met through unusual circumstances to lovers) Status: On-going.
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The Reason I Wanted To Die - (High school sweethearts to Exes to again lovers) Status: On-going.
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Revelation Of Youth - (High school friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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The Odd One Next Door - (Frenemy neighbors to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Free In Dreams - (Strangers met through lucid dreams to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Operation Name Pure Love - (High school friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Just Twilight - (High school classmates to lovers) Status: On-going.
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King The Land - (Childhood friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Confession Attack - (Childhood best friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Our Secret Alliance - (Childhood best friends to lovers) Status: Completed.
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Ooh La La!! - (Complete strangers to sudden lovers) Status: Completed.
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Match Made In Heaven By Chance - (Childhood friends to sudden married couple) Status: On-going.
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Love Class - (Former high school Teacher X Former high school Student love story) Status: On-going.
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The Man's Games - (Childhood frenemies to lovers) Status: Completed.
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My Introverted Boy - (Introverted boy X introverted girl love story) Status: On-going.
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The Dilettante - (Enemies to lovers) Status: On-going.
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Olgami - (Enemies to toxic lovers) Status: On-going.
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The Law Of Being Friends With A Male - (Classmates to friends to lovers) Status: On-going.
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My Three Annoying Brothers - (Separate love stories of 4 beautiful yet chaotic siblings) Status: On-going.
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Divorce Is Easy, But Love Is Hard - (College Senpai-kouhai to office colleagues in love) Status: On-going.
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Marry My Husband - (Office senpai-kouhai to lovers) Status: Completed.
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The Boss's Proposal - (Office senpai-kouhai to lovers) Status: On-going.
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When You're Targeted By The Bully - (Enemies to friends to lovers) Status: Completed.
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The ones I haven't read yet, but intend to read them later in the future...
Love Of Mine.
A Guide To Proper Dating.
Act Like You Love Me!
The Couple Breaker.
There Must Be Happy Endings/Surely a Happy Ending.
Love For Hire.
Daytime Star.
First Love, Lasting Hate.
Extroversion Of An Immortal.
True Beauty.
Wedding Delusion.
Even If It's Not.
Only Hope.
Meet In The Middle.
My Sweet Dark Hero.
Dating My Best Friend's Sister.
Undercover! Chaebol High School.
Dear First Love.
Melt Me With Your Voice.
Yeon Woo’s Innocence.
My Messy Marriage.
As If Love Doesn’t Exist.
Let’s Meet After Work.
Please Teach Me, Senior.
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dangermousie · 7 months
And now we come to the end of the Silla story, the crux of it, why Ri Ta killed him. And it is what I expected, it is not an act of vengeance at all. It is an act of mercy and love from a truly broken woman to a truly broken man.
Because here he is, about to go and kill again, this time people with little experience, because she has a fever and so they can't dawdle. And I think this is the final straw in her realizing this will never end, they will never have peace, he will kill and kill and doom his soul and doom it again and again to protect her and it will never end until both of them are dead. It's not even a chance of peace for them after this bloodbath because after this one there will be the next and next - people will keep coming and they are not going to survive, and meanwhile will be either in crisis mode or have a break in which to contemplate the horrors of their existence.
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And this thoroughly destroyed, broken woman, who threw away filial piety and fell in love with the killer of her parents and none of that enormous degree of love was enough to save them from the world, thinks:
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And remembers his telling her:
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And so we get this:
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The thing is, if you don't know what is going on, it really does look as if she, as she promised earlier, waited until he desperately wanted to live and then took his life away because it would be proper vengeance, but now that you see what really is in her mind, it's her biggest act of love towards him. Is it rational and sane and were there other ways out? Perhaps. But could a borderline mad, majorly traumatized period woman whose sole support was just as borderline mad, just as majorly traumatized period man have come up with it in a middle of a crisis? I think not.
And we end on this:
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He knows, honey, he knows. He just really really wanted to know why. I hope he gets to find out.
I do not know how any of this can become a happy ending (and the webtoon notoriously does not) but I don't care what they must alter to give it to us, please please please they deserve happiness just once in all this miserable eternity!!!
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I’ve been seeing a lot of andweaso’s Agent Red in my YouTube Shorts and I really have to start writing for my other projects
So I present to you:
from my set of ocs planned for a webtoon called Honey Fatalis (which you can read more about in the tag #HONEY FATALIS 🔪)
YOU ARE THE HIVEMIND. Quite literally the ruler of information and data across the planet. You had dirt on anyone and everyone. You had the power to start and end wars in an instant.
You, are also an actor. Why take such a high profile job when you had such a volatile career behind the scenes? Well that was simple, no one will ever find out. No one ever could anyways. Besides, as an actor, learning multiple skills such as the use of guns, martial arts, and well acting would seem much less suspicious.
You were known for your cold, distant personality. Often inciting scandals due to other celebrities vying for your attention and promptly throwing a temper tantrum when you refused to do so. You have garnered so much hate and danger that your manager went ahead and hired a couple of bodyguards to prevent any mishaps.
That being said, your bodyguards happen to be the world’s two most dangerous spies.
Spy Agencies loved to pluck their workers from orphanages. It was easier to deal with a person that had no attachments after all. But they could not predict that their geniuses Agent White and Agent Black , would be such big fans of you.
Indeed. Both of them had watched every single media you have been (released to the public or not), and monitored you 24/7. They were quite a nuisance when it came to hiding your identity, but nonetheless useful tools.
You agreed to their hiring precisely due to the things listed above. If they were distracted by you in real life, they’d have less time to stalk you like the obsessive bastards they were.
You didn’t have to do much. Both spies were charismatic people. They often approached you. Eyes filled with admiration and lust as they shielded your body with theirs from paparazzi and the likes. You could hear their labored breaths as they struggled — daresay agonized — to hold you properly instead of this awkward dance they had to do for the sake of formalities.
Of course all things must come to end, and your identity had been forced into the surface by a hitman paid to take your life.
“Oh, Hivemind. If you’d only known how much I have wished to ravish you—“
But perhaps they were more interested in taking you in other ways instead.
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phntxm · 6 months
love tropes ideas I have in mind (1/2)
Forbidden love with Shigaraki Tomura (& friends to lovers) (gremlin era)
Prohero!y/n who is in love with their childhood best friend, Shimura Tenko. y/n was assigned to work as a spy, become traitor at LOV, and found out that Shigaraki Tomura, the villainous boss, was a childhood friend. Though the feelings never fade away, how can I decide between justice and love when justice must always win out, am I right? although it seems like he's not Shimura Tenko, the on I'm in love with.
Secret identity with Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko (& enemies to lovers?) (college au)
Colleague!Tomura/Tenko, who likes to be in his own world in class and acts as though he hates everyone, even you. Then, one day, he finds out that his best friend, a gamer who he loves to gab to about his life, is actually his colleague. Maybe he'll give a chance to start making friends in real life, who knows?
Wedding fever with Todoroki Touya/Dabi (fake relationship & runaway brides/ I got inspiration from @theartofsimpatry corpse bride au!)
Bride!y/n and Groom!Touya wasn't fond with the fiance that their parents suggested. Touya don't wanna marry someone for their quirk just like his dad. He met y/n and they both agree to fake their relationship and since he's son of a great hero, who would deny it? The only problem at hand is that it looks like this fraud is true now...
(in gothic setting!!) Bride!y/n don't want to get arranged marriage. she running away from the chaotic wedding ceremony to old abandoned castle which have a legend of the living corpse who'd curses and tortures anyone who get into his castle by burning them, but some say that if he likes them he can fulfill their one desire, yet there comes with a price to pay...
Blackmail with Todoroki Touya (Narcissistic/Nepo Baby/Bully!Touya) (& force relationship/ inspiration from webtoon 'Girl Under Trial')
Colleague!Touya always like to bragging about his superior quirk and his dad. He's full of himself that he has bad reputation and a lot of enemies, yet no one can defeat him. Then it all ends for this man when I find out about his secret. So I decided to make him to be my boyfriend, but how long this secret will be useful?
I have more detailed for some of them I could write it as headcanons but let me know if anyone wants me to write or you can send through the trope you like and we sharing idea about it!
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zhounauts · 10 months
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crown prince!lee heeseung x f!reader // warnings: cursing, fainting (?) part two series masterlist
a/n got inspo for this after rereading this reincarnation webtoon i used to like a lot, these reincarnation stories are lwk a guitly pleasure of mine so i was like why not write one
+ is this even considered an x reader??? like heeseung hates u oopsie lolz
anyways enjoy (hopefully)
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YOU WOKE UP WITH AN EPIPHANY , to give the two leads their happy ending. despite the fact that you had woken up in a stereotypical reincarnation manhwa, the author was far from stereotypical. not only did she have a strange almost concerning obsession with her two main leads, but she was also a goody-two shoes rule follower who told you that the original plot of the story and every single event must be followed and copied to perfection.
unfortunately for her, you said fuck that, had knights take her away and put her in a mansion on the outskirts of the kingdom where she wouldn't be able to reach you. so now, instead of scheming devious, nefarious acts against the female protagonist you now took advantage of your personal chef who worked relentlessly at your constant requests to try all the fancy dishes you could've never afforded in your previous life.
"the audacity!" rina, your maid suddenly exclaims, holding a letter.
"i can't believe this! my lady, this is outrageous! how can saintess sora write and send something so shameless!? " faye your second maid exclaims.
"hm?" you ask, focusing on the blueberry cheesecake in front of you, "what happened faye?"
"the saintess sent an invitation for her tea party! she wrote, 'countess i know we are not on good terms because of the crown prince, but the other ladies and i hope that you will join our humble tea party, and put aside your grudge'" you chew on the cake.
"oh, okay,"
"OKAY!?" the two scream.
"m-my lady! how does this not bother you? she is being disrespectful and using the fact that she has the crown prince's affections despite you are his soon-to-be wife!"
"oh, that's true," you shrug, "what can i do about it? if he likes her better okay then, i don't want to marry him anyways," rina collapses into faye's arms.
"my lady! rina are you--"
"with all due respect, but my lady, back then you would've done something! why the change of heart now?"
"well. . .he doesn't like me?? like it's pretty obvious, and i was just naive and uhm, craving for male validation back then or something like that i guess. it doesn't matter to me anymore,"
". . ."
"besides, his highness prince jay is more my type ,"
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after calming down your fainting maids, you had reassured them that you would go to the tea party and give the female protagonist, saintess sora, a taste of her own medicine for the disrespect she had sown you. (you were not planning this at all)
so now here you were, a week later getting dressed for the pain-in-the-ass tea party. "my lady we will dress you up to be the most beautiful at the party!" your maids exclaim.
"that's really. . .not necessary you know? i'll wear one of the dresses i usually wear," rina starts to lecture you, before a knock interrupts. faye rushes out of the dressing area, to open the door.
"your highness!" she exclaims, bowing. you peek out from behind the dressing area and head out.
"my lady you are not ready--"
"your highness, a pleasure to have you here," you say, bowing.
"y/n," heeseung addresses coldly, "are you attending sora's tea party?"
"yes, your highness,"
"she was telling me she was worried you would reject her request, due to your dislike for her," he says, narrowing his eyes at you bitterly. you stare at him unimpressed.
"my apologies, your highness, if i offend you by saying this. however you and saintess sora seem to be mistaken,"
"my lady don't--"
"i literally don't give a shit,"
"oh dear gods," rina mutters, and she collapses.
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a/n lemme know how it was 😋😋
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geekgirles · 26 days
So we've officially reached that point in the webtoon where we're expected to doubt whether Yugo's poisoning was the Osamodas' doing or someone else's, most likely Sadidas that don't approve of having the Eliatropes with them.
And here I must point out, who's to say it's not both?
While the webtoon has been more focused on the succession arc of the story, it has also peppered its pages with little hints of there being traitors in Amalia's court who're more than willing to get rid of the Eliatropes by whatever means necessary.
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More specifically these three, who debuted by calling Amalia "Lady Amalia", instead of, you know, "Queen Amalia", "My Queen", "Her Majesty...", and who wanted to talk to her about something serious we have yet to find out about.
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While I don't have the screenshots for it, there's also the fact that their whole demeanour could be summarised by saying they appear uneasy, at best, or judgemental, at worst. As such is how they acted during the wedding banquet.
Given their behaviour and the rising tensions within the kingdom, as well as Amalia's peeved reaction at seeing them in chaper 1, it wouldn't be far-fetched to believe they represent the faction of the Sadidas who want the Eliatropes gone, and their conversation with Amalia would centre around either stating said grievances or urging their queen to get rid of the outsiders.
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Then, there's the fact that chapter 10 will seemingly bring back the waitress that handed Yugo his drink (and who was shrouded in ominous shadows as she looked back at him before leaving). Judging from how things are going, this can only mean two things:
Either she will be brought back to be questioned about the drink and its origins.
Or she will actually meet up with the person who told her to serve the poison to Yugo, thus revealing who's behind it.
And my money is on the Osamodas, most likely the Osamodas King.
The reason behind my reasoning is simple: everything Aurora's father said in chapter 6 hints at him being willing to do whatever it takes to ensure his daughter becomes queen and he gets to rule through her. And I fully believe he is in cahoots with Amalia's advisors (or whatever those three guys are) to get rid of the Eliatropes. Not only because he said they need to make the Sadidas hate Yugo as he is their biggest obstacle in achieving their goal, but because of what he told Aurora when she found out about the wedding and was about to throw a tantrum over not having been informed:
They knew about the wedding for weeks but he chose not to tell her as to not make her anxious during her pregnancy.
Now, how could the Osamodas have known for so long when in-universe they have only been back for less than a day?
Simple, there's a mole in Amalia and Yugo's court that's been keeping tabs on everything and reporting it back to the Osamodas royal family.
If I were to be right, this would mean that while the Osamodas are the masterminds behind everything, they're receiving help from the Sadidas who disapprove of Amalia's decision to unite both hers and Yugo's people.
As for what this might mean for Aurora's character in particular, there's only two ways for her to go from here: either it's revealed she was aware of the plan all along and she increasingly spirals down into full-fledged villainy, or she was actually kept in the dark about the plan and becomes horrified upon finding out the lengths her father is willing to go just for power, which might open the gate for her to redemption or to at least do the right thing and step aside.
Only time will tell how this will all play out.
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the-banana-0verlord · 7 months
Bear with me cause I'm gonna go on a rant that will probably be a bit incoherent but I'm brainrotting rn
so this concerns the webtoon community(although it's probably a widespread phenomenon in fandom) but
Y'all love complex and morally gray female characters(or even just characters of every gender) until they are complex and morally gray
I've seen a lot about this especially for Annabel Lee from Nevermore so I won't touch upon her case in this rant but the point still stands for her go read analysises.
so today i'm gonna be discussing Rastha, also known as Trashta:
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I haven't read up to much after the remarrying of Navier but I feel like my point still stands. Also spoilers
Imo, Rashta is a complex and sympathetic villain. She grew up as a slave and believed her child was dead (child who was a also later used as leverage to blackmail her.) It's logical she tries to up the ranks to never live as miserably like this. She's a product of unfortunate circumstances. I do not think she's in the right, but that's kind of the whole point of her character to be the antagonist.
Also, she didn't want to be Navier's ennemy at first??? She wanted to live in a world where she was happy and that's valid. (Navier's reaction was also valid mind you.) She acted like she was indifferent to her first baby's fate yet she let herself be blackmailed because she DID care for it. She goes throught emotions and layers and that makes her complex.
Yet despite being sympathetic and half of the bad things in the webtoon happening not being her fault, she's the most hated character.
I hate Sovieshit and her blackmailer much more. Sovieshit was really using double standard against Navier like "oh yeah i'm allowed to have a mistress and divorce you just cause I feel like it and i'm using you for my own benefit but don't you go remarrying yourself or having a lover you're mine >:((((". Sovieshit is borderline a mysogynist (he only wants a delicate woman he can control to do as he pleases) but no Rashta is the real horrible villain we must demonize her.
Now her blackmailer(i forgot his name but if you read the webtoon you know who he is). Most of it his fault. He is using and ataking advantage of Rastha who wnats nothing else than to be free. Sovieshit is painted as a bit sympathetic(wrongly might i add) but this guy is just plain evil. But he's not more hated than Rastha????
I'm not defending her actions I just want people to see further than their noses and realize that characters can be good without being good people.
Now even if i see it more for female characters this is real for male characters too but kinda in the opposite route? Like in twisted wonderland, the characters are MADE to be villains yet people smooth them over as poor little meows meows and babygirls. It's funny as a joke but it erases their entire personnality and complexity, while morally gray female characters get demonized for having the same grayness.(Also i'd like to add that Vil schoenheit, a feminine male characters gets also demonized like female characters so i'm starting to see a pattern here.) So double standard much?
in short, don't say you like complex and morally grey characters if you can't handle them correctly. They deserve better than you
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ystrike1 · 2 years
The Tainted Half - By Chyomchyom (8.5/10)
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This is not a period drama. It's actually more fantasy than historical. Don't be fooled by the clothes. This is a story about a woman in a harem. The emperor, and his brother, are both obsessed with her in different toxic ways.
The Yul.
They are a strange folk. More beautiful than any other. The race is descended from a goddess who fell in love with a wounded man.
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The goddess used her golden blood to heal that handsome man. Her children have her beauty, and some of those children have her healing blood. Unfortunately, men are foolish. The Yul are not valued healers. Men sold them as slaves. The entire race ended up in harems across the land. Their immense beauty caused nothing but agony for them.
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Seon is the last Yul. Her mother burned her face to protect her. Nobody knows about her healing powers. She must keep them secret to protect herself, and to do that she must continuously burn her own face. It was her mother's wish. An ugly face is the only thing that can protect her from the emperor. He also cannot learn about her healing blood, or she will never be able to escape to be a buddist believer in a temple far away. That is the only way a concubine can escape the emperor.
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The rest of the Yul are gone. After Seon was taken they...gave up. Her mother killed herself, and the other remaining Yul did the same thing. The Yul spent generations suffering under human lust. Her mother could no longer bear to live, but she cursed Seon with hope. Seon wants to make it to the temple, let her face heal, and live in peace with enuch men who cannot desire her. The emperor hates her, because he is attracted to her despite her ugly scar. He makes her watch him have sex with other women, and he torments her. He laughs at her and makes her into the court fool, but he is obsessed. It's just not a loving kind of obsession.
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This is prince Muon. Seon does not remember him, but he's loved her for ten years. He wants to kill the emperor and take her as empress. He loves her scar, because it keeps most men away from her. He doesn't like it when anything male even speaks to her. He's a war general, who was supposed to rule. His snake of a brother tricked their ill father. That's the only reason why he's not on the throne.
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This isn't a slow webtoon. The desire Muon feels is all sexual. He wants Seon to go against the emperor and give him her chastity. He's very blunt about it. If she does give in she can't go to the temple. She resists. She doesn't want to have children, ever, because Yul children always suffer. The Yul are not people to humans. They are pretty pets. No parent would want that for their child.
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The emperor is too disgusted by her face to give her a child, so he tells his brother to do it. Muon knows she doesn't want kids, so he pretends to sleep with her with the emperor as witness. They put on a very convincing act.
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He takes advantage of every second he has in bed with her. He kisses her and undresses her and shows her body to the emperor. He tells her they must be allies, because the emperor is weak. Weak, angry, and lazy. Muon can and should get rid of him. He needs Seon. Not just because he loves her, but because only she can distract the emperor.
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Muon doesn't really give her a choice. He tells her the hard truth. The emperor is never going to let her go to the temple. She has to join him. She has people she wants to protect. Her enuch guard and her nanny are her family, and she adores them. She has used her powerful blood to heal both of them. They get abused by cruel people in the palace day and night. If she upsets the emperor her family will die.
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Muon starts to get a little better later. Seon lives in a shitty building with holes in the roof. Muon is kind of a dumb manly man. He keeps bringing Seon animal pelts, but she doesn't need those. She gets angry. He goes back again with things she can actually use, like quilts and repairmen for her shabby castle. She accepts those gifts, and she does agree to become his ally. At this point she's tempted to sleep with him, but she hasn't quite let go of her temple dream. She just can't believe that the emperor, her bully, is obsessed with her.
She also can't see that Muon is too.
I'm sure he'll notice that her scar changes shape once a month soon. Her healing powers and beauty make her the ideal empress. She is a Yul. Her beauty and her magic both cause havoc. The fight for her will almost certainly cause a war.
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liquidstar · 9 months
do u have any recs for folks newer to the yuri genre? I've never really read any manga other than shounen and some magical girl stuff
Omg i can totally give yuri recs. (And which ones to stay away from. Sakura Kiss has cousin shit in it, Citrus has stepsister dubcon, Dragon Maid has lolicon, Happy Sugar Life is also lolicon but it’s edgy about it and tries to act like this makes it deep, we can do better)
Anyway here’s my actual recs! I'm going to give details but if you don't wanna read them I bolded all the titles.
YuriKuma Arashi (By Ikuhara of Revolutionary Girl Utena fame), is about lesbian bears. But it’s actually a metaphor for the simultaneous objectification and demonization of lesbians, the expectation both for purity and predation. There are some nitpicks I have with it like the sexualization being a bit too much to bring the point home, but overall I do like its themes and its message. And I think the ending pulls everything together really nicely. There is both a manga and an anime, and I believe the anime came first. I’ve only seen the anime so I’m not sure if/how the manga deviates!!!! 
Bloom Into You is an absolute must. Like, for real, I think it’s one of the best romances out there, yuri or otherwise. It gets really deep into both characters' respective psyches and the ways that they’re both Very Screwed Up when it comes to love and romance, or really just life in general. Giving details would be doing them a disservice honestly. Both characters are very messy but also do try their best to genuinely communicate, and what comes of that is a lot of teenage lesbian drama, but the growth they both experience though it TOGETHER is just great, and you can tell they care about each other so much.
Okay this one I’m not really recommending for the good writing, it’s more-so just really cool. Liberta (EXPLICIT) is a series about a vampire who can turn her body into guns and a human woman who is sick of being seen as lesser in her ordinary life. And then they fall in love and are vampires together. The artstyle and character designs are awesome and it has some really cool fight scenes. However it also has full blown barely censored sex scenes. A few of them. One of the women uses her tail at some point. If that’s not what your cup of tea is, give it a pass. 
Anyway for something more wholesome you should check out The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All, which I’m actually not fully caught up on bc life, but has still been a super fun read so far. It’s about a girl who works at a music store, and her classmate who gets a crush on her while she’s at work. The classmate doesn’t realize that they’re the same person, due to her looking different at work, and thinks her worksona is a guy. Hijinks ensue. 
Otherside Picnic is also highly recommended. Its manga adaptation is lagging behind the light novel, which I can’t find a translation of online (But if anyone can help me out w that 🙏). The story itself is about two college students who go on adventures to a parallel plane of reality, which contains cosmic horrors who can only communicate with humans through fear so intense it will make you go insane. They’re also looking for someone who went missing, and gain cool powers like Ghost Hand and Sans Eye. Yes this is still a yuri series and it’s also really really extremely fucking cool. 
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat, is a slice of life story about… Well exactly what it says. A woman with a passion for cooking, making lots of food and sharing it with her neighbor, and they end up bonding through this. It’s also like, cool to see a big butch woman for a change! The story itself is very straightforward but I love watching the relationship progress as well as the mc question her sexuality. This story will absolutely make you super hungry though.
Show Me Your Bust (EXPLICIT) is also exactly what it says on the tin, though it’s technically a webtoon. Again this is a series with explicit sex scenes, but it actually does have a story and actual depth to its characters. Honestly there’s a lot to unpack with all of them and a lot of the relationships aren’t totally healthy but it’s a drama so that’s the point. 
A Monster Wants To Eat Me is actually hard to describe without spoilers. It’s about a girl who lives by the sea, meeting a mysterious girl with eyes that remind her of the ocean itself. The girl says that she’s actually been looking for the mc for a long time, and it’s revealed that….
And lastly I wanna mention Hanamonogatari, a story about an old widow who begins to regain confidence in herself as she experiments with make-up with the help of another old lady who works at a local cosmetic store. Honestly it’s very very very sweet, it’s rare to get romances like this of old women when so much of the focus of romances (yuri or otherwise) is often on the characters being attractive. I also really appreciate how the make-up is being used specifically to accentuate their wrinkles. Not hide them. Because aging is beautiful too. Sadly IVE ONLY READ TWO CHAPTERS BECAUSE I DONT THINK THE REST ARE TRANSLATED IF ANYONE OUT THERE CAN HELP ME PLEASE DO 🙏
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