#Weekly blogger
danae-inprogress · 4 months
Weekly Reflection
Hey, loves!
I know I haven’t posted my mini diary entries in a couple of days but I’ll explain myself. My week was very productive as you can see from my entries up to Thursday, but then I had to slow down. I ended up being a little unproductive and I kinda blame the heat. It’s already bad in my country, even though it’s just June.
It’s not that I didn’t do anything, but I wasn’t very consistent with both my routines and my to-do lists. I still made progress with my monthly goals, though.
I truly wanted to share this funk with you though, because I used to feel guilty when I’d slow down. If you think of it though, it doesn’t make any sense to feel this way because it’s impossible to keep being productive and mindful eternally.
It might be essential to embrace our slow days, and to accept that sometimes we have to slow down in order to move forward with more vigor.
Anyway, I’m very happy with how the week went. I think I had a good start with this month.
Highlights of the week
I wrote around 3.000 words. Just 12.000 more for my monthly goal!
I did some yoga - it’d been a while.
I lost some weight - although, most likely it’s just water weight.
I made progress with my Spanish lessons.
I finished season 5 of a show I’ve been watching. It’s ridiculous but I’d been stuck in this season for like 3 years.
I’m working consistently on my self-concept and confidence.
I got closer to a special person.
Some brainstorming
I could have journaled and practiced gratitude more, and it’s something I’m intending to do this week.
I’d like to start working-out and moving my body more consistently.
I’d like to utilize affirmations more and plan more specifically my ideal life and self.
My attention span has been kind of shitty, and I blame being too much online for that, lol. I have a hard time focusing on what I read, a show or a movie, so it’s something I’m actively trying to improve. It’s NOT easy.
I think I’d like to take my writing more seriously -finally-. So, I wanna research on how I can do that, and maybe start being active on websites like patreon and ko-fi.
We’ll see.
Have a lovely week, everyone!
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stevebuscemieyes · 6 months
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duckprintspress · 2 years
How to Pitch to Duck Prints Press
A post by Duck Prints Press staff editor Lacey Hays.
In the publishing world, the word “pitch” conjures up a certain image. Perhaps you’ve been asked to write an “elevator speech” so you can quickly pitch your story to an interested party at a conference or meeting. Maybe you’ve participated in Twitter pitch-parties where you only have 255 characters to hook an agent. Every publisher and agent has their own expectations, and we are no different at Duck Prints Press. Since submissions are open again, we thought we’d take out some of the guesswork and tell you what we, as a press, are looking for.
For authors who have never worked with us before, the application asks for two  submissions: a writing sample and a pitch. The requirements for the writing sample are listed as part of the rubric for each anthology. We’re often looking for something a little different with each project, so we highly encourage you to look over the rubric and follow it closely when selecting a piece of your writing to share. Otherwise, it’s pretty straightforward. We want to see the best of you—a polished selection of writing that sings to your abilities as an author.
What we’re looking for in a pitch is more subjective and a bit different from other presses. Many presses only accept fully written stories, so a pitch is used as a teaser to drum up interest. We choose authors for their storytelling ability, assessed by their writing samples, and then ask them to write us a new, never-before-seen story. While we don’t expect authors to submit completed stories, we do want to know you have a fully realized story you want to write that interests us and fits within the anthology’s themes and requirements. In essence, what we would like is a cross between a teaser and a summary—something interesting that tells us how the story will unfold and lets us see how it might fit in with the other stories in the anthology. Here are our suggestions on how you can create dynamic and interesting pitches specifically for Duck Prints Press:
Spoil us! No, seriously. We want to know the beginning, the middle, and the end of your story. Or, if not the end, at least give us a clear view of story progression with an intriguing hook. We need to know there is a story in your heart and that you know where it’s going.
Fit the brief. Every anthology is unique. Each one has a list of requirements, and your pitch should make it clear how your proposed story fits those requirements. If the anthology asks for a certain genre, a certain type of character, or a certain type of relationship, call those things out. Don’t make us guess.
Give your pitch some character. Who are the main players and what are their relationships? How do you want these relationships to resolve? Found family? Tell us! Enemies to lovers? Same! The characters don’t need names yet, but they nonetheless need to live and breath on the page.
Plot is everything. What does the main character (MC) want, what is in their way, and how does their life change? What motivates your MC? Who, or what, is the antagonist, and why? How do you want to resolve the plot (even if you leave off on a question?) You won’t convince us you’re ready to tell this story without conveying these aspects of the story.
Make us feel. Is there longing in your story? Passion? Anger? Romance? We want to get a feel for the tone as we read your pitch. Please make sure it matches the tone we’ve asked for in the anthology, though. A grimdark horror story for a “happily ever after” anthology won’t make the cut.
Take all the space you need. Each pitch has a maximum number of words. We give plenty of room to make sure you can fit everything you need because we’re looking for so much more than an elevator speech. Be aware of the flow, though. You want to be concise and exciting.
Edit, edit, edit. Your pitch is as important as your writing sample and should be edited to the best of your ability. It should be formatted well, have good sentence variety, use excellent grammar, and have been spell checked. We don’t expect perfection, but editing is a major part of our process. We like to see that our authors turn in their best work every time. It can often help to have someone else look over your work before you turn it in. We strongly encourage the use of alpha and beta readers for all press work.
Tag it. We ask that, in addition to submitting your pitch, you also submit a list of preliminary tags. Think about how you would tag this story if you were to post it on Archive of Our Own. Will your story contain potentially upsetting content like sexual abuse (on screen or off screen?) Character death? Harm to children? Our staff has a variety of life experiences and while we strongly believe in your freedom to write what you want, we believe equally in harm reduction and giving people the tools they need to curate their own experiences. We request more general tags as well. Are you planning a story that you’d call fluffy? Is it angst with a happy ending, or hurt/comfort, or whump? We’d love to see tags similar to those that would go in each section of an AO3 post: major warnings/potential triggers, type of relationship (if any), and “additional tags.” You don’t have to have everything single thing in there, and they can potentially change, but tags help us assess what tone and specific content you’re planning to include in your story, once it’s fletched out from short pitch to full length. Tagging is not optional.
Most of all, have fun! If you are in love with your story, we will see that love. You are applying to write with us because you have a passion for writing that you want to share with the world. Don’t get lost in the details and forget. We have authors from around the world who have written for a huge variety of fandoms, people who are native speakers and grammarians, people who speak English as a second (or third) language, people who dabble in every genre. What do we all have in common? A passion for the craft. We love to write, and we want to work with people who also love to write. You—yes you!—can do this, and we can’t wait to see what you have to show.
Looking for more information? We’ve got you covered; this is not the first time we’ve written about pitches!
Guest blogger Alec J. Marsh wrote a two-part series about Query Letters: Why Query Letters are Good, Actually and How to Write a Great Query Letter
The last time we opened for submissions, we did an anthology-specific post about what we look for in pitches, including samples of pitches we liked from applicants to our first anthology, Add Magic to Taste.
We also wrote a long post containing general advice on how to transition from writing fanfiction to writing original fiction.
Want some guidance on how to edit, edit, edit? Here are some quick tips on how to edit your own writing.
Who We Are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Love what we do? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more.
Through the month of January, 2023, all new monthly backers on our Patreon and ko-fi can claim a merchandise freebie in addition to all their backer rewards – which, depending on your backer level, could include a free copy of this story! Why not take a peek at what we have to offer?
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greeney3db1tch · 4 months
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・°°・°°・。 WEEKLY R.E.P.O.R.T ・°°・°°・。
inspired by Dakota Warren
weekly r.e.p.o.r.t’s(reading, eating, playing, obessing, recommending, treating) 🍓🤍🧸🎀
R - reading
Emma by Jane Austen
E - eating
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P - playing
O - obsessing
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R - recommending
Get a digital camera! Great quality and great way to capture memories :)
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T- treating
delicious carrot cake 🍰🥕
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Thank you for your time.
<3 E
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crown-queen-bambee · 1 year
My First Vlog!
I never done a vlog before. I love watching them myself so I thought I would try doing one myself. I show myself making breakfast, going out and about and also a look into my business Vintage Vanity Cosmetics.
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: Queen Bambee
You can shop my cosmetics line at vintagevanitycosmetics.com
Follow me on my other Social Medias:
Personal Instagram: the_queen_bambee
Business Instagram: vintage_vanity_cosmetics
TikTok: the_queen_bambee
Thank you in advance!
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mzannthropy · 8 months
I've been waiting for this chapter--and dreading it at the same time, bc again, I just cannot be quiet. I can't not be myself! So: a controversial opinion incoming, (fans of Edward Rochester stop reading now): Huntingdon flirting with Annabella Wilmot in front of Helen, knowing she has feelings for him, reminds me of Rochester flirting with Blanche Ingram to arouse jealousy in Jane. There's also the fact that both heroines made a hasty retreat from the drawing room when in emotional distress. Both men catch up with the heroine and act as if nothing happened. I'm not otherwise comparing the two of them, or the books (if anything, Helen is in a better position bc she is not employed by the guy and is of higher social status than a governess). But it felt almost chilly to me how similar their conducts were.
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bujobby · 1 year
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Pink and brown is such an underrated color combo 🩷🤎🩷🤎 weekly layout done & ready for the end of July! (if only the heat was ending too...)
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foreveryaya · 9 months
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kcjhutchins · 1 year
Weekly Stream Duo
The weekly stream with family is today. This time it will be just my cousin and I at 6 PM EDT. Hope you’ll drop by!
kcjhutchins - Twitch
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killedgirl · 1 year
i loved those early 2010s blogs titled shit like FuckYeahFicusTrees.blogspot.com they were an excellent resource whenever you just had to gather information about ficuses or whatever for leisure research
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meanferalbutch · 2 years
Hey if you don’t like me or the way I run this blog or the way I present myself, you can just do this simple trick- block me! Do it! Or if youre for some odd reason following me, scroll your little cursor up to the top right and hit unfollow! You don’t need to hate follow me cause I can and will keep deleting your anons unless I think they are funny and I feel like roasting you. This is my personal blog and I like the way I present myself and I like the way I act and look and who I am and you will not change my mind so quit the fan behavior and leave
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Time Drops #8: Week Of March 20, 2023
Another content-thin week, with a new wishlist component at the end, and a small update on my Dragon Ball fanfic.
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
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duckprintspress · 2 years
By a member of the Duck Prints Press staff who has chosen to be anonymous.
Note: Punk genres are diverse and always changing. Duck Prints Press is not trying to give a complete explanation of aetherpunk here but rather a bit of inspiration. Take what you want from it to create your own aetherpunk worlds!
On January 5th, Duck Prints Press will be launching recruitment for our next anthology: Aether Beyond the Binary, a collection of stories featuring main characters outside the gender binary living in modern or near-future aetherpunk Earth! This begs the question: what IS Aetherpunk? Well, read on and learn all about it…
Prologue: From the Aether
Scenes from the Aether #1: Bloomington, Indiana, 2013:
Lin steps into the café down the street from their apartment. The lights of the shop glow a pleasant green, reminiscent of the owner’s own magical aura. Soon, when Del opens the shop for customers, they’ll turn a more standard blue, but for now Del’s shop is cozy and quiet. Lin smiles, looking forward to seeing their friend. 
A shower of blue sparks flies from the kitchen’s open door, and Del scrambles out, cursing. When he sees Lin, he breaks into a wry smile. 
“Breakfast on the house?” he offers, his shorthand for pleading. 
“That’s the third time this week,” Lin chides, barely holding back their smile. They roll up their sleeves to go tinker with Del’s new, “improved” baking oven. “Why not use your old one?”
“The aether this model uses is supposed to be more efficient!” Del exclaims. Then, with a sad smile: “Plus no one trusts my powers. They still think the color’s associated with… you know.”
“Yeah.” Lin knows. They think of Del’s infamous brother, the deadly alchemist. “I’ll help you, but this is the last time.”
“Mhm,” Del says, nudging Lin’s shoulder, and adds telepathically, You say that every time.
You could try not being so smug about it, Lin half scolds, half laughs. 
“Why wouldn’t I be smug? My handsome, brilliant friend, the undisputed genius of the IU School of Aetheric Engineering, is fixing my pipes for free.”
Lin blushes but maintains their chiding tone as they say, their warm face hidden behind the stove where the power supply has once again leaked from its pipes, “Not for free. For breakfast.” 
Part One: What’s in a Punk (genre)? 
There’s been an explosion of punk genres since Bruce Bethke’s 1983 story Cyberpunk launched the genre. Though Bethke’s story may have given a name to this phenomenon, in his Etymology of “Cyberpunk” Bethke credits William Gibson’s Neuromancer (1984) for really defining the core tenets of the genre (Bethke, 2000). He also marvels at how the cyberpunk character trope (“a young, technologically facile, ethically vacuous, computer-adept vandal or criminal”) has stayed remarkably stable over the years since his story was published. In 2022, when I’m writing this, it’s still very similar. The cyberpunks in the cyberpunk genre are the sorts of lone heroes who often arise in the isolating environments fostered by advanced computer technologies.
Why am I rambling on about cyberpunk? Because, dear readers, cyberpunk is the progenitor of all genrepunks. As the most widely explored and utilized punk setting, it has provided the blueprint on which other punk genres are built. In essence, every punk after cyberpunk is a reaction to cyberpunk, either embracing or pushing back against its ethos. After cyberpunk came steampunk: a retro, adventurous answer to cyberpunk’s gritty and dystopian futurism. Then came others: dieselpunk, sandalpunk, biopunk—even the very meta “mythpunk” to which Neil Gaiman’s work is often attributed. These days, even non-punk fantasy is often punk-adjacent. 
So what makes punk stories… punk? For a story to be classified in a punk genre, it typically requires two key elements: a distinctive type of technology (whether social technology like myths and lore or physical technology like steam engines, diesel-powered airships, or nanobots) and a point of view about that technology. 
The technological distinctions can seem fairly obvious: atompunk features tech powered by nuclear energy; nanopunk, tiny robot technology; biopunk, genetic engineering and biotech; dieselpunk, diesel-powered machines. But focusing on only the tech aspects can make people miss the point of having multiple different punk subgenres. 
Take this paraphrased version of a forum conversation, circa 2015: 
[User 1]: Hey, I’ve been hearing more and more about this genre called ‘aetherpunk,’ but I can’t figure out what it is. How is it different from just steampunk but with magic? 
[User 2]: Sorry to tell you, friend, but it’s basically just “steampunk with magic.”
[User 1]: Ah. So, completely useless, then.
This view is common but misses the point. The tech alone does not make punk punk. The second necessary element is the cultural context of the technology: how does it affect the people who use it every day? How dissociated do those people feel from their environment? From their government? From the inevitable march of society, driven at least partially by technological advances using the genre-specific tech? Punk genres live and breathe for their exploration of the intersection between technology and culture. 
Genreunk is a response to the world we live in. Cultural evolution happens when technologies—lore, steam engines, printing presses, atomic bombs—intersect with cultural habits and traditions and shake them loose. We don’t live in the only, or the best, possible world. When we write punk, in some ways, we’re rewriting cultural evolution. We’re asking for a new way of thinking about the past and how that carries forward into the future. How we would be different. How we would be the same.
Punk isn’t just a genre. It’s a tool for understanding humanity. 
Part Two: Clear Air, a History of Aether
In the beginning, gods breathed their essence into the emptiness of space, and aether entered the universe as the material through which the stars and planets moved. Humans in ancient Greece, attuned to this invisible presence, named it “clear air” and declared it the fifth element, along with earth, water, air, and fire. Other cultures gave this energy different names or didn’t name it at all but nonetheless knew it was there. Over a thousand years later, medieval Europeans called it “quintessence” and hypothesized that this element, rare on Earth, could be distilled in order to cure mortal ailments. Aether was a substance that could make rocks burn and lights glow. It became a key ingredient in classic alchemical experiments in the West.
Aether has always been the bringer of light, the unchanging medium through which energy travels in waves from its source to the lenses of our eyes, to the leaves of hungry plants, to everywhere on the planet and throughout the universe. Indeed, it was so recently believed in and well-known that late 19th-century spiritualists took photos of ectoplasm and declared that ghosts could send messages through the aether. 
Then, a mere hundred-odd years ago, we lost faith. 
The idea of aether seems preposterous now, when we know about electron fields and the theory of relativity which states that nothing in the universe is stable or unchanging (and we certainly don’t need a special medium that exists to move light around)—but is it really so much harder to believe in aether than in electron fields? Or in dark matter?
Why shouldn’t we be swimming through aether like a fish swims through water?
Part Three: What is Aether/Punk?
Aetherpunk, the genre, explores what the world would be like if, rather than finding out aether was simply a confused explanation for how energy moves through space, we discovered that it was a real element, something we could both detect and harness. The nature of the aether isn’t what makes aetherpunk what it is. Rather, it’s the exploration of the development of society from the turning point when we discover that the aether is real—how that changes the world, the people, the past, and the future. 
Aether, the invisible force, can be everything and nothing. It can be magic, or it can be material. In some disciplines, like alchemy, it’s both. Aether is made of faith. It’s ephemeral, often immaterial, and only visible once the viewer knows what they’re looking for. It can cause disaster or provide beautiful, clean energy for wondrous technologies. It can be a source of progress or of fear. But in the end, it’s still a thing that must be discovered and cultivated. It can’t be forced into existence.
Aetherpunk as a genre is more naturistic than earlier punk genres like steampunk or cyberpunk. Natural materials find their way into clothing and buildings and weapons and tools, and the shapes of these man-made elements are designed in ways that enhance their ability to harness aetheric power. There might be constructs of stone or finely-honed metal held together by aetheric energy, beautiful steel weapons that cut through stone using atom-thick edges of pure aether, skyships and buildings of gold, or of clear stone, or of glass and crystal. And the technology bathes its surroundings in a luminous glow of aetheric light. 
Like solarpunk and lunarpunk, aetherpunk is a hopeful punk genre. When aether is discovered and harnessed, it brings about flourishing communities and can help to heal the world. Of course there are dark sides—the dangers of a volatile power source that not everyone can control, the frustrations of the people who are unable to use that power for themselves—and anyone is welcome to write a dark aetherpunk story. But aetherpunk doesn’t come with the same inherent baggage as steampunk or cyberpunk. Likewise, people can write utopian steampunk and cyberpunk, but that’s the opposite of the “standard” core of the genre. Aetherpunk wants to explore humanity in a universe where we don’t struggle simply to light our homes. Where the power that runs everything suffuses the universe, and therefore everyone can reap the benefits. A world where our source of power doesn’t send millions of people to an early grave. What sorts of stories would emerge in this sort of world?
Part Four: Steampunk but with Aether?
Now that we’ve described what aetherpunk is, let’s return to that dreadful forum post, and ask for ourselves: what makes aetherpunk more than just “steampunk but with aether”? 
In short, everything.
First is the nature of the energy that powers the technology. Steampunk is a retrofuturistic genre that centers on the era when steam, fueled by wood and coal, was the main power source, around the turn of the 1800s during the Industrial Revolution. It harkens back to the aesthetics of the era, with wood and steel and glass materials, wooden ships that ply the air, clockworks and rivets and tangible, heavy things that work through sheer force. Steam is a thing with weight. It will melt your flesh from your bones, and it’s born not of faith, nor internal strength, nor the careful distillation of spirits down to their quintessence, but instead through fire. Another resource needs to burn to make it. Entire lives are spent feeding coal into the voracious maws of steam engines. 
Aetherpunk, as we’ve described, is born of magic, and thus the technology to use it focuses on cultivation and focusing energy rather than on producing something by force. Even the most cursory look at the nature of the energy source shows us how every aspect of society linked with producing that energy is different between steampunk stories and aetherpunk stories.
There’s also a very important cultural distinction between aetheric stories and steam-powered stories. In steampunk, the adventures of sky pirates and nobility are built on the efforts of a vast lower class who are systematically shut out from steam’s benefits. It may not matter to the story at hand, but the underlying class tension is always there. Like cyberpunk, steampunk takes inequality as a given, and places singular heroes into that world.
Aetherpunk is more utopian and egalitarian. There’s no assumption built in that in order for a person to use their magical flying ship, someone else must suffer to create the energy needed to fuel it. This distinction makes all the difference in how aetherpunk and steampunk stories are told. 
In either case, the power source can be wonderful or terrible, can fuel dystopian nightmares or hopeful solutions to the troubles that ail the world. But the fundamental nature of these technologies affects the way characters think and speak about the world they inhabit. Is it a place of smog or of shimmering lights? Is it a place where magic competes with technology, or is it a place where magic is the technology? The answers to these questions are different in every punk genre, and those differences should have a profound impact on the story’s narrative.
Where will your aetherpunk story take you?
Epilogue: From the Aether
Scenes from the Aether #2: San Francisco, 2043
Shining, multicolored bridges bend but do not break in the powerful earthquake that, in previous eras, would have shaken buildings from their foundations and dropped bridges into the bay. Drivers and pedestrians cling to whatever safety they can as the structures sag and sway and finally, after all is done, snap back to form as though the past minute was only a bad dream. 
Trill breathes a ragged sigh before stepping back onto zir motorcycle and kicking the starter. A blue glow and a warm hum are the only signs that the bike is powering up before Trill finishes crossing the bridge, a little jumpy from the unexpected shaking but no worse for wear. Ze has a long way still to go before ze arrive at Heloise’s house. Ze can’t wait to see zir friend, who is finally home after her long trip to Lima where she was training magicians to harness their power. 
Trill rides north into the mountains while the sun sets to zir west, out above the ocean, and the world glows orange and pink. By the time ze powers down zir bike, the sky is silky black and filled with stars. Trill climbs toward Heloise’s small house, which is built into the slope; the soft blue glow of natural aether in the rocks lights the way. Ze knocks on Heloise’s wooden door;  Heloise answers with a hug around Trill’s waist, her face pressed into Trill’s chest. Trill laughs, something in zir heart finally relaxing.
It’s been a long eight months. 
She pulls Trill inside, into this warm place she’s made in the lonely hills above the bay, and even though ze doesn’t deserve it, Trill revels in her welcome. It feels like coming home.
Examples of Aetherpunk
As aetherpunk is a young genre, examples are sparse, and there are many opinions on what “counts” and what doesn’t. For example, some people consider Lord of the Rings to be aetherpunk, due to the way it brings magic and technology together (especially in Mordor and in Sarumon’s plot line) and the way the magic interacts with society. The below list should not be considered exhaustive, just as this post shouldn’t be treated as The Last Word on the nature of aetherpunk.
The Aether Chronicles by Abi Barden
Aether Frontier by Scott McCoskey
Chasing the Lantern by Jonathon Burgess
Strange Skies by Loud Silence
Final Fantasy
Genshin Impact
League of Legends
Magic the Gathering (specifically the Kaladesh Plane)
Xenoblade Chronicles
About Duck Prints Press
Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
Love what we do? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more!
Want to support the Press, read about us behind-the-scenes, learn about what’s coming down the pipeline, get exclusive teasers, and claim free stories? Back us on Patreon or ko-fi monthly and read your fill!
r/aetherpunk on reddit
“Different Punk: A to Z of Punk Genres,” April 30 2019, by Isaac
“The Etymology of ‘Cyberpunk’ ” by Bruce Bethke
“Please Define ‘Aetherpunk,’ ” November 15 2015, by Union Jacknnife and Nostil.
“Something is Broken in Our Science Fiction,” January 15 2019, by Lee Konstantinou
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imavoraciousreader · 2 years
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AVR Weekly News ~ 486th Edition
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sallygcronin · 2 years
Smorgasbord Blog Magazine - Weekly Round Up - 16th - 22nd January 2023 - George Shearing, Big Band Era, Intuition, Culinary 'O' foods and terms, New Releases, Book Reviews, The Brain, Bloggers Spotlight and Funnies
Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed in the last week here on Smorgasbord. Not a great deal to report this week that is newsworthy but thank goodness for the blog which has kept me out of mischief… well almost! The weaher has turned a little warmer the last couple of days and I notice the first signs of the primroses under the hedge poking their heads about ground. I hope they…
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