#Weisz has red eyes now
tiii13 · 2 years
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ava-candide · 3 years
Poldark’s Aidan Turner on playing Leonardo da Vinci
The newly married heart-throb actor learnt to paint left-handed for his new role, and he’s still daubing now, he tells Ed Potton
Aidan Turner takes on the role of Renaissance polymath Leonardo
I’m trying to work out where Aidan Turner is Zooming from. Is it London, where he moved to in 2017 after his Ross Poldark became the drooled-over king of Sunday-night television? Dublin, where he grew up, trained as an actor and returned to spend the first lockdown with his parents? Or Rome, where he shot his new series, Leonardo, in which he plays a young Leonardo da Vinci?
“None of the above!” Turner says. “I’m in Toronto.” The enigmatic charm, feline eyes and gleaming locks that he deployed so mercilessly in Poldark, The Hobbit films and Being Human are all there. “My missus is working here,” he explains, and so is he. That’s the American actress Caitlin FitzGerald, his partner of three years, whom he met when they starred in the 2018 film The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot. At first I assume the “missus” is laddish affectation but it turns out that it’s official: Turner and FitzGerald, both 37, got married in secret in Italy in August after filming finished on Leonardo. You can almost hear the sighs of disappointment ripple around the world.
Turner won’t say any more — he is famously guarded about his personal life — but he looks insanely happy in the couple’s rented apartment. FitzGerald — whose grandfather Desmond was a CIA agent and organised several plots to assassinate Fidel Castro — is shooting a series, Station Eleven, in Toronto while her husband works on another project that he’s not allowed to talk about. In their downtime they’ve been watching I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, an HBO documentary series about the Golden State Killer, and, on a lighter note, Ottolenghi and the Cakes of Versailles. They share the apartment with Charlie, an ebullient Norfolk terrier that Turner has to eject from the room halfway through our interview when he starts yapping. “I’m surprised he behaved for so long,” he says
Eight-part series Leonardo has been criticised for warping history
Like many of his fellow thesps, Turner has been doing a great deal of lockdown painting. “We have a roof garden here and the light has been really good,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this because I don’t know if the landlord knows. It’s not messy work anyway!” Unlike some of his peers — I’m looking at you, Pierce Brosnan — he has yet to unleash his daubings on the world. How would he describe his style? “I struggle to say abstract, but I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet.” Did it help with playing Leonardo? “I don’t know. If you saw my paintings, you’d assume very much not,” Turner says. He has a studied line in self-effacement, honed after years of “sexiest man on TV” questions.
Leonardo premiered in Italy last month and was watched by seven million, many of them doubtless keen to see Turner brooding in a succession of smocks. The eight-part series has been criticised for warping history, having the artist accused of murder and featuring an apparently fictional muse, Caterina da Cremona, played by Matilda De Angelis from The Undoing. Luca Bernabei, the chief executive of Lux Vide who produced the series, defended it stoutly. “Matilda De Angelis’s character did exist. She was a model Leonardo asked to paint,” he said. “We have been really careful in our research. But this is not a documentary, we are not historians and this is not a university history lecture.”
And if the history pedants are spluttering, the art pedants should be happier — the series goes to considerable lengths to make the painting look authentic. Each episode is themed around a different masterpiece, from the portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci to The Last Supper to the Mona Lisa, and the candlelit cinematography is often sumptuous. Turner’s research included a private view of a Leonardo exhibition. “I spent some time alone with the actual paintings, which was brilliant,” he says. “They’re just like high-definition photographs. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that a human had done this.”
Aidan Turner attended an artist’s boot camp before filming started
The series opens in Florence in the 1460s, with Leonardo a pupil of Verrocchio, played by the veteran Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. Before the shoot Turner and his co-stars went on an artists’ boot camp (brush camp?) supervised by professionals. He says the hardest part was learning to paint, as Leonardo did, with his left hand. He compares it to learning to ride a horse for Poldark, which he pretended he knew how to do before going on a crash course when he got the part.
Brushwork was the same, he says. “I realised I had to get good quite quickly and look like I knew what I was doing with my left hand, which is more difficult than you would think. It’s keeping it steady — you find it just moves around a lot. Leonardo was very slow and precise — I think I got it down. After a few weeks you start picking up the brush with your left hand, it becomes natural.”
Leonardo was a vegetarian, Turner tells me, “and apparently later in life opened some sort of vegetarian restaurant”. He was also gay, something that, despite reports, the series does not shy away from. Was this Turner’s first time kissing a man on screen? He laughs. “Of all the things I was expecting you to ask next, that wasn’t one of them! In a lot of ways it was just another love scene. The fact that the gender was different — that was never a thing. No, it felt right. It didn’t feel any different at all. But yeah, to answer your question, that was the first time, which I’d never really thought of until now.”
What did feel weird, he says, were the Covid protocols. “Suddenly people are wearing masks and shields and hazmat suits. We had a big sanitisation machine as we walked in that would spray us. You take off the mask when you shoot the scene and it’s a bit strange for a second. Then you realise it’s the first time you’ve seen your co-star’s face that day. It’s not conducive to a very creative environment, for sure. But we made it work and nobody got sick.”
Turner spends a chunk of the first episode painting De Angelis, and both actors know what it’s like to be ogled. She has been asked endlessly about her naked locker-room sequence in The Undoing, just as he has been reminded of his shirtless scything scene in Poldark. Before that there was his lusted-after vampire in Being Human and his sexy dwarf in The Hobbit — branded a “dwilf” in some quarters — although that “definitely wasn’t the intention”, he says. “I think I just had less prosthetics on my face. My make-up call was 20 minutes and everyone else was sitting in the chair in the morning for three and a half hours. It wasn’t good to be around the other dwarfs in the mornings, that’s for sure.
“I get why people are interested,” he says of the ogling. “It’s just when it keeps coming up.”
We move on. According to a recent survey Cornwall has overtaken London as the most desirable place to live in Britain. Does he think Poldark played a part in that? He laughs. “Maybe we nudged a few people in the right direction. I think people forgot how beautiful that side of the world is. One of the first reviews of Poldark we read was like: ‘We can’t believe that this is our country, it looks like the south of France.’”
Could Poldark return, and would Turner be in it? If they stuck to the chronology of Winston Graham’s books they would have to leap ahead a few years. Maybe he could play an aged-up Ross Poldark in latex and fake paunch? “I don’t know if I’d be keen on the ageing-up thing,” he says. “It never really works. I don’t know whether they need to be too strict with that gap anyway. There’s the possibility someday, maybe. I enjoyed working with everybody on Poldark, from the writers right down to all the cast and crew. It really is like a family. So I’d be open to chat about it. But not for a while.”
Before that he will appear as the apostle Andrew in The Last Planet, the forthcoming biblical epic from Terrence Malick, revered creator of The Thin Red Line and The Tree of Life. Well, he doesn’t know for sure if he will appear. Actors of the calibre of Rachel Weisz, Mickey Rourke and Jessica Chastain have seen their performances in Malick films vanish during editing.
“You want what’s best for the film. And if you don’t fit into it, you don’t fit into it,” Turner says in the tone of hair-shirt devotion that actors tend to use when talking about Malick. With a cast including Ben Kingsley and Mark Rylance as Satan, the movie is meant to tell the story of Jesus through a series of parables. Turner doesn’t really have a clue, though.
“You don’t necessarily know what you’re signing up to. You’re signing up to Terrence Malick,” he says. The director has “a great way of working. Everything is around ‘where is the sun’ at this particular time. That’s our natural light and it’s all we use. So things happen fast. There’s no trailers, hair, make-up, we’re just all together. You don’t know from day to day what you’ll be doing. It’s quite renegade stuff. That’s the way I always wanted to work.”
It’s closer to the immediacy of the theatre, which is where Turner started out. The son of an electrician, Pearse, and an accountant, Eileen, he represented Ireland at ballroom dancing before falling into acting. After studying at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin he acted in plays for five years and in 2018 he returned to the stage to rave reviews in Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutenant of Inishmore in the West End. Rave being the operative word — his performance was bracingly unhinged. “I can’t wait to get back to the theatre,” he says. “That’s what we’re looking at probably next.”
Turner’s character in The Lieutenant of Inishmore was an Irish freedom fighter, but he is reluctant to talk about the prospect of Irish reunification (“So I don’t get shot when I get home,” he told one interviewer). Culture is safer ground, and his native country is going through a purple patch with Sally Rooney in literature, Fontaines DC in music and the likes of McDonagh, Jessie Buckley and Denise Gough in drama. “It tends to happen in waves,” Turner says. “Coming out of drama school, Colin Farrell was such a big thing. When these actors really make it you can feel some of their light begin to shine on the industry back home.”
Like Farrell, Turner is an international star, although it has mainly been in period roles: Poldark, Leonardo, Andrew and his breakout turn as the 19th-century poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the 2009 series Desperate Romantics. It must be something about the hair.
That could be about to change, though. Toronto often stands in for New York, which suggests that his current mystery project has a contemporary setting. Does he yearn to act in jeans? “Yeah, you’re right,” he says with a laugh. “After Leonardo, I think tights and knee-length boots are out for a while.” Many would beg him to reconsider.
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Poldark’s Aidan Turner on playing Leonardo da Vinci
Ed Potton
Friday 2 April 2021
Aidan Turner takes on the role of Renaissance polymath LeonardoJUSTIN SUTCLIFFE/EYEVIN
I’m trying to work out where Aidan Turner is Zooming from. Is it London, where he moved to in 2017 after his Ross Poldark became the drooled-over king of Sunday-night television? Dublin, where he grew up, trained as an actor and returned to spend the first lockdown with his parents? Or Rome, where he shot his new series, Leonardo, in which he plays a young Leonardo da Vinci?
“None of the above!” Turner says. “I’m in Toronto.” The enigmatic charm, feline eyes and gleaming locks that he deployed so mercilessly in Poldark, The Hobbit films and Being Human are all there. “My missus is working here,” he explains, and so is he. That’s the American actress Caitlin FitzGerald, his partner of three years, whom he met when they starred in the 2018 film The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot. At first I assume the “missus” is laddish affectation but it turns out that it’s official: Turner and FitzGerald, both 37, got married in secret in Italy in August after filming finished on Leonardo. You can almost hear the sighs of disappointment ripple around the world.
Turner won’t say any more — he is famously guarded about his personal life — but he looks insanely happy in the couple’s rented apartment. FitzGerald — whose grandfather Desmond was a CIA agent and organised several plots to assassinate Fidel Castro — is shooting a series, Station Eleven, in Toronto while her husband works on another project that he’s not allowed to talk about. In their downtime they’ve been watching I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, an HBO documentary series about the Golden State Killer, and, on a lighter note, Ottolenghi and the Cakes of Versailles. They share the apartment with Charlie, an ebullient Norfolk terrier that Turner has to eject from the room halfway through our interview when he starts yapping. “I’m surprised he behaved for so long,” he says.
Eight-part series Leonardo has been criticised for warping historyPA
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Like many of his fellow thesps, Turner has been doing a great deal of lockdown painting. “We have a roof garden here and the light has been really good,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this because I don’t know if the landlord knows. It’s not messy work anyway!” Unlike some of his peers — I’m looking at you, Pierce Brosnan — he has yet to unleash his daubings on the world. How would he describe his style? “I struggle to say abstract, but I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet.” Did it help with playing Leonardo? “I don’t know. If you saw my paintings, you’d assume very much not,” Turner says. He has a studied line in self-effacement, honed after years of “sexiest man on TV” questions.
Leonardo premiered in Italy last month and was watched by seven million, many of them doubtless keen to see Turner brooding in a succession of smocks. The eight-part series has been criticised for warping history, having the artist accused of murder and featuring an apparently fictional muse, Caterina da Cremona, played by Matilda De Angelis from The Undoing. Luca Bernabei, the chief executive of Lux Vide who produced the series, defended it stoutly. “Matilda De Angelis’s character did exist. She was a model Leonardo asked to paint,” he said. “We have been really careful in our research. But this is not a documentary, we are not historians and this is not a university history lecture.”
And if the history pedants are spluttering, the art pedants should be happier — the series goes to considerable lengths to make the painting look authentic. Each episode is themed around a different masterpiece, from the portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci to The Last Supper to the Mona Lisa, and the candlelit cinematography is often sumptuous. Turner’s research included a private view of a Leonardo exhibition. “I spent some time alone with the actual paintings, which was brilliant,” he says. “They’re just like high-definition photographs. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that a human had done this.”
Aidan Turner attended an artist’s boot camp before filming startedVITTORIA FENATI MORACE
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The series opens in Florence in the 1460s, with Leonardo a pupil of Verrocchio, played by the veteran Italian actor Giancarlo Giannini. Before the shoot Turner and his co-stars went on an artists’ boot camp (brush camp?) supervised by professionals. He says the hardest part was learning to paint, as Leonardo did, with his left hand. He compares it to learning to ride a horse for Poldark, which he pretended he knew how to do before going on a crash course when he got the part.
Brushwork was the same, he says. “I realised I had to get good quite quickly and look like I knew what I was doing with my left hand, which is more difficult than you would think. It’s keeping it steady — you find it just moves around a lot. Leonardo was very slow and precise — I think I got it down. After a few weeks you start picking up the brush with your left hand, it becomes natural.”
Leonardo was a vegetarian, Turner tells me, “and apparently later in life opened some sort of vegetarian restaurant”. He was also gay, something that, despite reports, the series does not shy away from. Was this Turner’s first time kissing a man on screen? He laughs. “Of all the things I was expecting you to ask next, that wasn’t one of them! In a lot of ways it was just another love scene. The fact that the gender was different — that was never a thing. No, it felt right. It didn’t feel any different at all. But yeah, to answer your question, that was the first time, which I’d never really thought of until now.”
What did feel weird, he says, were the Covid protocols. “Suddenly people are wearing masks and shields and hazmat suits. We had a big sanitisation machine as we walked in that would spray us. You take off the mask when you shoot the scene and it’s a bit strange for a second. Then you realise it’s the first time you’ve seen your co-star’s face that day. It’s not conducive to a very creative environment, for sure. But we made it work and nobody got sick.”
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With his wife, the American actress Caitlin FitzGeraldREX FEATURES
Turner spends a chunk of the first episode painting De Angelis, and both actors know what it’s like to be ogled. She has been asked endlessly about her naked locker-room sequence in The Undoing, just as he has been reminded of his shirtless scything scene in Poldark. Before that there was his lusted-after vampire in Being Human and his sexy dwarf in The Hobbit — branded a “dwilf” in some quarters — although that “definitely wasn’t the intention”, he says. “I think I just had less prosthetics on my face. My make-up call was 20 minutes and everyone else was sitting in the chair in the morning for three and a half hours. It wasn’t good to be around the other dwarfs in the mornings, that’s for sure.
“I get why people are interested,” he says of the ogling. “It’s just when it keeps coming up.”
We move on. According to a recent survey Cornwall has overtaken London as the most desirable place to live in Britain. Does he think Poldark played a part in that? He laughs. “Maybe we nudged a few people in the right direction. I think people forgot how beautiful that side of the world is. One of the first reviews of Poldark we read was like: ‘We can’t believe that this is our country, it looks like the south of France.’”
Could Poldark return, and would Turner be in it? If they stuck to the chronology of Winston Graham’s books they would have to leap ahead a few years. Maybe he could play an aged-up Ross Poldark in latex and fake paunch? “I don’t know if I’d be keen on the ageing-up thing,” he says. “It never really works. I don’t know whether they need to be too strict with that gap anyway. There’s the possibility someday, maybe. I enjoyed working with everybody on Poldark, from the writers right down to all the cast and crew. It really is like a family. So I’d be open to chat about it. But not for a while.”
Turner with Eleanor Tomlinson in PoldarkMIKE HOGAN
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Before that he will appear as the apostle Andrew in The Last Planet, the forthcoming biblical epic from Terrence Malick, revered creator ofThe Thin Red Line and The Tree of Life. Well, he doesn’t know for sure if he will appear. Actors of the calibre of Rachel Weisz, Mickey Rourke and Jessica Chastain have seen their performances in Malick films vanish during editing.
“You want what’s best for the film. And if you don’t fit into it, you don’t fit into it,” Turner says in the tone of hair-shirt devotion that actors tend to use when talking about Malick. With a cast including Ben Kingsley and Mark Rylance as Satan, the movie is meant to tell the story of Jesus through a series of parables. Turner doesn’t really have a clue, though.
“You don’t necessarily know what you’re signing up to. You’re signing up to Terrence Malick,” he says. The director has “a great way of working. Everything is around ‘where is the sun’ at this particular time. That’s our natural light and it’s all we use. So things happen fast. There’s no trailers, hair, make-up, we’re just all together. You don’t know from day to day what you’ll be doing. It’s quite renegade stuff. That’s the way I always wanted to work.”
It’s closer to the immediacy of the theatre, which is where Turner started out. The son of an electrician, Pearse, and an accountant, Eileen, he represented Ireland at ballroom dancing before falling into acting. After studying at the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin he acted in plays for five years and in 2018 he returned to the stage to rave reviews in Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutenant of Inishmore in the West End. Rave being the operative word — his performance was bracingly unhinged. “I can’t wait to get back to the theatre,” he says. “That’s what we’re looking at probably next.”
Turner’s character in The Lieutenant of Inishmore was an Irish freedom fighter, but he is reluctant to talk about the prospect of Irish reunification (“So I don’t get shot when I get home,” he told one interviewer). Culture is safer ground, and his native country is going through a purple patch with Sally Rooney in literature, Fontaines DC in music and the likes of McDonagh, Jessie Buckley and Denise Gough in drama. “It tends to happen in waves,” Turner says. “Coming out of drama school, Colin Farrell was such a big thing. When these actors really make it you can feel some of their light begin to shine on the industry back home.”
Like Farrell, Turner is an international star, although it has mainly been in period roles: Poldark, Leonardo, Andrew and his breakout turn as the 19th-century poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the 2009 series Desperate Romantics. It must be something about the hair.
That could be about to change, though. Toronto often stands in for New York, which suggests that his current mystery project has a contemporary setting. Does he yearn to act in jeans? “Yeah, you’re right,” he says with a laugh. “After Leonardo, I think tights and knee-length boots are out for a while.” Many would beg him to reconsider.
All episodes of Leonardo will be on Amazon from April 16
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praphit · 3 years
Black Widow: It should have been Hawkeye
Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been a long road to get here. 
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"Black Widow" starts after "Civil War", which was about five years ago, but even before that... like WAY before -
The People: 
"Everybody else has their own movie! Where's Black Widow's?! "Iron-Man" of course, "Thor" a god who comes to earth? - yeah, been done (by every religion!), The Hulk got movies and they sucked! Hawkeye? - who gives a shit?? but the one WOMAN in the group can't get a movie! Bleep you, Marvel!" (the people had a lot to say).
Marvel: "What?! We're not sexist! I mean.... maybe this guy is 
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(google it), but not us! And don't say Iron-Man 2. There's nothing wrong with that outfit.
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I know it was a lil tight around biscuits, but that's the only size we had! We told her that she could unzip as much as she wanted to give her some heavy breathing space. What do you people want from us??!"
The People: "A Black Widow Movie!"
So, after all of the men got their movies, and Scarjo's character died, they started working on BW's film :)
Then, COVID happened, and now FINALLY, for the low price of 30 bucks, you can watch it on Disney plus.
In case you forgot about "Civil War", Tony Stark was being a butthead, and allowed his team/family to be locked up. They hadn't caught Black Widow yet, so this old lead agent... guy (what's his face.... 
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Ha! I just looked up his name... "Thunderbolt Ross". Thunderbolt?! Ha! aaaaah, his mustache is more worthy of that nickname than he is...) said "Where's the sexy one of the group? - she should be easy to catch."
His subordinates: "Capt?? We still don't know, sir. But, I doubt he'll be EASY to catch."
Thunderbolt (Ha! aaah): "No, fool! The woman! - who's uniform doesn't fit!"
Tony Stark: "Black Widow? - she went that way."
They tracked her down to some bathroom, and that's where our story starts - with Scarjo on the toilet. I'm joking, but how great would that be??:) I imagine that this wouldn't even be allowed. You know how certain action heroes have it in their contracts that they're not allowed to lose a fight in their films?? - I bet Scarjo has it in her contract that she's not allowed to be put in unattractive situations. Case in point, there are a couple of times in this movie where BW's nose is bleeding from fighting - still looking good though (somehow). Think about being on a date and your guy/gal’s nose starts bleeding... yeah, not attractive.
Of course they can't catch BW, cuz she's a freaking Avenger! She escapes and ends up down memory lane, where she reunites with her other "family".
David Harbour (who's great in this), as The Red Guardian. 
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Pretty much a pudgy, Russian version of Captain America. That, my friends, is the beard and gut of Russia.
Rachel Weisz, 
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the super smart mama, who forcefully teaches pigs to act like dogs and humans (you'll see).
And Florence Pugh - (Yelena), 
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who's just as bad ass as her sister BW. She's got a bit of a death wish though.
As far as villains - there's this RPOS (real piece of shit) named Dreykov, whom I'll get to in a sec. And Taskmaster, 
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who's kinda like if Skeletor and Snake Eyes had a baby, and that baby grew up to obsess over the Avengers' fighting styles (TaskyMasky has the special ability to mimic anyone's fighting moves).
"TaskyMasky"? Nickname? No? We'll move on.
Add prison breaks, explosions, car crashes, lots of jumping out of windows, and women with knives moving very fast, and you've got one of the most badass movies of the year!
Back to Dreykov (RPOS)- he's been picking up young girls around the world and forcing them to go through his “training program” to be his mindless assassins (and God knows what else). He has their minds controlled by some sort of serum.
There's a solid amount of dark content to chew on here, but they're able to do so with levity. Here's a note for DC's movie universe:
This film deals with the horror of what I just described, abandonment, lots of family issues, guilt (cuz BW has done some things and some stuff), fighting for control over your life, and yet... I never feel the need for an antidepressant).
If this were DC, we'd soak in these issues. Batman has been unloading the death of his parents on us for decades. When you gonna come out of the shadows and dance again, Batman?!
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"BW" is able to make you feel how serious these problems are, but also able to keep the escapism train moving.
The action in this movie is on point! I have to say that it's way better than "F9" (which I recently saw). The fighting is slick and even the car chases/crashes are better than "F9"
TaskyMasky (you're right, it sucks), is scary. TM reminded me of Michael Myers a bit. You're alone watching movies and eating ice cream when all of a sudden there's this demon staring at you.
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I don't want to keep comparing it to "F9", but BW and Yelena must have went to the same action hero school that Vin Diesel went to. They're both on that diet that makes their bones rubber, and their skin fireproof. And what's the deal with Black Widow always jumping down from crazy high heights, with no plan on how she's eventually going to land? Maybe SHE’S the one with the death wish... and that wish was eventually granted
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 (not too soon still, right? - Smh. They even made her death posh).
The Matrix -like acrobatics and unbreakable bones stuff didn't bother me, but the ending did a lil bit. The ending gets silly and sloppy. I give BW Batman-type passes, because again, she's a freaking Avenger! But, c'mon, writers... There's a point when everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) is blowing up AND falling to the ground from way up in the air. None of the characters know how this will all land, and that's how the ending feels as well. It's like they sobered up, and said to themselves "Crap, we still need an ending. Bleep it, we'll just write some random stuff and have Scarjo do some heroic poses... it'll be fine."
And her poses are great, 
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but... no, it will not be "fine".
There's something that happens with the RPOS that made me literally LOL. BW also engages in a lot of stupidity towards the very end. Plus, Marvel has been developing a habit of brushing horribly acts done by their "heroes" under the rug. BUT, despite all of this, I'd still say this is one of my top ten... not just Marvel movies, but action movies in general. I'll grade it some what by wild action movie standards.
Good stuff!
Grade: B+  Makes me sad once again that BW is no longer with us. We can all admit it.  We're all thinking the same thing - it should have been Hawkeye.
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I didn't mention my main man Olatunde Olateju Olaolorun Fagbenle! His friends call him O.T.
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He plays some dude named Rick. Rick finds himself in BW's friend zone. This film taps at a bunch of emotional notes, but none so sad as the delusional note that Rick believes he's actually gonna get any from BW. He's trying though. He hooks her up with fake I.D.'s, transport (a frickin Jet), cool weapons, pertinent info, a place to stay, and all FOR FREE! I'm sure he's saying to himself "Sure, I'm going broke and the FBI are now after me for helping her, but (as he looks at that bod, now covered up in clothes that fit her properly) it'll all be worth it.
She knows damn well what she's doing! Out of all of the sins from her past as an assassin (and there are A LOT of them... my God) this might be the coldest one. Forget booty action, not a peck on the cheek, not a hug, not even a hand shake! I'm trying to think if she even ever said "thank you". She did kick him once while he was sound asleep, to wake him up. Maybe that's all he needs to keep fueling his delusion.
I hope that he eventually sent her a bill for services. He's the true tragedy of this story.
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bestofblackwidow · 3 years
The "Let me go - it's okay," she told him the last time we saw the Black Widow, it was - to say the least - emotional. "Let me go - it's okay," she said to Hawkeye, plunging to her death on the arid planet Sleeping in Avengers: Endgame for the ultimate sacrifice to save the world. While the deaths in the Marvel Cinematic Universe go on - sorry, Iron Man - there was probably no more heart-stopping moment, since the former SHIELD spy who became Avenger gave her life to recover the Soul Stone.
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Still, it left the MCU in a bind. For years, a Black Widow film had been mooted, right back to 2004 at Lions Gate Entertainment before the rights reverted to Marvel. When Scarlett Johansson first appeared as Natasha Romanoff - the former KGB assassin with a very particular set of skills - in 2010's Iron Man 2, it didn't take long before questions were asked about a solo outing. Marvel Studios conductor Kevin Feige even held discussions with Johansson, who was then only 25. But there was a caveat, he said. "The Avengers comes first."
While others - Thor, Captain America, Black Panther and even Ant-Man - had their moments in the spotlight, the Black Widow was forced to wait. And wait. And wait. Not that Johansson thought that her character demanded the same treatment; if she was going to be in front of a Marvel movie, there had to be a reason. "Is there anything exciting to do creatively, as an actor?" she says. “Will we be able to do something extraordinary and strong? And something that stands on its own? "It's what makes the independent Black Widow an intriguing prospect: an inauguration of Phase 4 of the MCU promises to step back in time before her dramatic death to answer the provocative questions that still hover over her Crucially, the script transports audiences back to the events right after Captain America: Civil War, after that huge internal confrontation of the Avengers.
Without relatives or an organization that employs her, the Black Widow is alone, says Johansson. "It gave us the opportunity to really show her when she's kind of out of her game, you know? Because of that, anything was possible." The actress was there "from the start" at the script meetings, as they began to figure out how to delve into Romanoff's origins. "You are trying to map all of this ... which is extremely stressful," she laughs, "because there are no guidelines."
Fortunately, Johansson was not alone. In another inspired choice for the MCU canon, Feige recruited Australian director Cate Shortland, best known for discreet dramas like Somersault and Lore. While she was surprised, Shortland was encouraged by the creative freedom that Marvel was offering. “They allowed me to be myself and encouraged me to make a movie that I was passionate about,” she says. "We were allowed to have a lot of nuances and make a character-oriented film."
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After several Skype sessions with Johansson, who also receives producer credit, Shortland worked with a Russian researcher to embody Romanoff's dark story: "the red in my ledger", as she told Loki in 2012 in Os Avengers. As she sings in the trailer, "We have to go back to where it all started" - the promising teaser clips of Romanoff as a young man (played by Ever Anderson, daughter of Paul WS Anderson and Milla Jovovich) in a childhood that seems far from idyllic. That's what makes Black Widow a family reunion of the kind that only Marvel would have the courage to conjure. Joining Romanoff is Yelena Belova, a sister-sister and fellow murderer who trained alongside her in the so-called Red Room, the punitive Soviet facility that produced 'Black Widow' spies.
"Their stories intersect," promises Shortland. "They clash." Played by Lady Macbeth's British star Florence Pugh, Belova is more than a physical match for Romanoff. Still, emotionally is where it really matters. "What Yelena does is kind of point to Natasha's pain," says Pugh. “She is part of Natasha's story. And I think that's why we have an opportunity to look at Natasha's story, because Yelena has been knocking on the door and says, 'Hey, let's deal with this pain. ”As Johansson comments, Belova is not just a carbon copy of his own character.
"She is completely alone. She is strong and different. She is so different (from) Natasha." Beside them are Melina Vostokoff (Rachel Weisz) and Alexei Shostakov (David Harbor), two father figures whose own stories intertwine with Natasha and Yelena. "This is the coolest thing with this whole group of people. They all had parts of their past that they regretted," says Pugh. “They’re older. They’ve had more life experience. They know more about the system, about this world they’re all living in.” Harbor, the Emmy Stranger Things nominated star, managed to put an indelible mark on the muscular Shostakov, better known as the Red Guardian super soldier, the Russian equivalent of Captain America. "There is a gangster quality to him," the actor smiles. "And he's covered in tattoos. He's got a beard and those gold teeth. He's crazy." But after years of making bad decisions, he's also full of remorse.
"He's in a bad situation," adds Harbor. "And he needs redemption." Weisz's character, Melina, is another who experienced the rigors of the Red Room, a place that put her in contact with Natasha and Yelena. Marking his first dive at the MCU, Weisz acknowledges that the film addresses the idea of ​​discovering his favorite family. "It's definitely about finding out where you belong and where you came from, and what your background story was, and who you really are, and what matters to you - your ideology, I think." Along the way, Feige made reference to The Kids Are All Right - the 2010 Lisa Cholodenko film about a same-sex couple raising two teenagers. "Which is so weird," laughs Johansson. "You would never expect that from a Marvel movie." no it was the only strange nod to the film. Harbor speaks of Shostakov in terms of Philip Seymour Hoffman's drama teacher in the dramatic black comedy The Savages.
Or even expressing "the pathos of a small town, independent, family-run, weird movie... like Little Miss Sunshine". More understandable cinema references include "things like Logan and Aliens and The Fugitive," says Shortland. "We saw movies like that." Certainly, it's easy to see comparisons between Sigourney Weaver's determined Ripley, from James Cameron's masterpiece Aliens, and Johansson's Romanoff, an Avenger who has no superpowers. "We saw it as a force," says Shortland, "because she always has to dig really deep to get out of shit situations." According to the director, everyone in the production invested in deepening Romanoff - even Scottish composer Lorne Balfe (Pennyworth, His Dark Materials), who replaced Alexandre Desplat's original choice. Balfe looked at the character's origins, says Shortland. “He said, 'I want to put it on the ground, because it has been dug up in the movies in the past. I want to give her that flesh and blood. 'And he created this soundtrack that is really Russian."
However, perhaps the real blow here is to recruit Shortland, the first female director to face the Black Widow (and only the second, following Captain Marvel co-director Anna Boden, to enter the MCU). "This film would not be what it is without Cate Shortland," says Pugh. "I think having her eye, and having her mind with this script, has taken her to a whole different realm." Johansson agrees. "" You can feel it was made from a female perspective ... cooked there. "Although Ray Winstone's casting as Supervisor of the Red Room Dreykov (whose daughter contributed to the abundance of red in Romanoff's book, according to Loki) add more to the psychological battleground that the Black Widow will explore, it also deals with victimization, a very pertinent topic in the current climate. The Red Room itself is where trainees are brutally sterilized. "You will see that these women are hard working and strong, and they are murderers - and yet they still need to discuss how they were abused," says Pugh. "It is an incredibly powerful piece."
Judging by the 2020 Oscars, where Pugh and Johansson had their own private relationship session on the red carpet, the two actors got along very well. "She has a really beautiful career ahead of her ... she's a very special person," says Johansson, excited when Pugh's name is mentioned. More specifically, Pugh may well have more Marvel to chew on, if it is rumored that her character will take on the 'Black Widow' mantle for new adventures. By learning Parkour, kickboxing and knife fighting for role, Pugh can safely cut things physically, though she's reluctant to claim that the Black Widow is just a setup for future outings. "Even though it is obviously where everyone wants to go and want to think - think about what comes next - this film never really seemed to be what he was trying to underline." According to Johansson, however, test the audience who saw the film thinks otherwise. "Her character and her performance are so dear." Now, after more than a year of pandemic-related delays to July 2021), it will not be just a few lucky spectators who will be able to see. Black Widow will even be the first Marvel movie to debut simultaneously on the Disney+ streaming site (with a 'main hit' fee), an understandable move considering the uncertainty that still exists around the world. And in fact, after the success of the Marvel TV shows WandaVision and The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, it doesn't seem like such a strange home. Johansson believes that fans will respond to Black Widow, with this flashback of an earlier part of her life, bringing more poignancy to the Endgame's outcome. "Our goal was for them to be satisfied with this story; that maybe they could have some solution, I think, with the death of this character, in a way. It seemed like people wanted this." Shortland agrees. "We felt that we should honor his death," she says. And the Black Widow will surely honor him.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
black widow thonks with spoilers under the cut. because I'm a marvel retrospective blog now I guess
(being in cinemas again is exciting. leave me alone)
A Movie. fits right into that mcu sweet spot of better than I feared, worse than I hoped
better because the first half does seemingly functional dramatic setups, doesn't shy away from quiet moments of interiority, tries to establish a bespoke narrative to operate in, has a weird enough opening that you can chalk up to it being "good" until we see how it's all addressed later on
worse cause second half is an mcu's greatest hits bonanza with clunky payoffs and reverse engineered catharsis shoehorning emotional development into some sort of avengers-need-me endpoint like it's a fridge being pushed into a carry-on suitcase with "franchise continuity" written on it
yelena/florence absolutely delightful. if she's taking over the character that could be nice! I think that girl has very pretty eyes. her acting/humor/accent was very good and really the only functional relationship with natasha in this entire ass movie
adjacent thought: accents overall were good, but some "major" beats were delivered in straight-up russian and. eurgh. horrible pronunciation. weird how this stuff doesnt get vetted on big boy hollywood sets. meanwhile they have one actual russian actor and they're mute the whole time. baller
re: clunky payoffs. major dramatic beat in the end is "sorry I left you, sister" despite the opening showing us the exact opposite. natasha fiercely protecting her from shit dad. whereas the actual defection from the red room is explained away in words and pieces across the movie. "show don't tell" isn't a tired platitude, and would help a LOT here if we saw that moment fit in the dramatic coherence of their past relationship chronologically. feels trivial but catharsis really is just setups and payoffs and making them CLEAR to follow. feel confident complaining about this more than anything else tbh
lots of other examples but this one felt easiest to "get right" in existing framework. other stuff like relationship with rest of the widows/dreykov/his daughter all harder to wrap my head around despite feeling short-changed overall. and like I can't claim to be able to doctor movie scripts or anything
but the parents! what the fuck! way to waste david harbour and rachel weisz! how is his shitty psychology not interrogated/prodded in any way. I did nothing wrong because my daughters grew up into effective brainwashed killers. makes them sad when I say that for some reason. here's a lil song I remember from back when I was lying to you about everything. feel better and move forward please, need to brag more about being cool
mom was overall better handled but the double-triple-quadruple turncoating at the end with constant callbacks and timeline cuts let all the air out of any possible dramatic payoff. functionally speaking it all literally happened in that closet while they were swapping outfits I guess? and we see bits and pieces of it for the sake of plot and not emotion? Weird Choice. but that's just me. idk
you can really tell the exact moment an mcu script hits "fuck it" and throws hands in air as nonsense plot device meter hits peak readings. aggression cancelling man-pheromones was that moment for me. literally what the fuck lmao. I guess the writers room felt strongly about it cause it fits as a wacko metaphor? for a dude manipulating and abusing women? okay. you know. good choice in an espionage thriller. I think it's fucking stupid still! and at the very LEAST warranted some sort of setup/foreshadowing to be less jarring
I get this entirely unjustifiable schadenfreude when fan favorite characters are fucked with. I imagined angry nerds frothing at the mouth about taskmaster and it brought me so much joy. I am truly not gloating I know this is a bad feeling to have. it's evil and judgmental and says more about me than anyone else.
gotta hand it a lil bit to the nerds though, having the character at least be able to speak and articulate motives/relation to natasha/at least express interiority through physical moments would be nice (good nearby example: winter soldier in cap 2). set up your mystery character reveals ya ding dongs. and be a bit heavyhanded about them if needed I promise it's okay. but when did drama and story matter more than plot to marvel? I generally found taskmaster a great overall story beat on paper but it's all the clunky drama around them that failed the execution. more context around That Moment in budapest, a few insert shots of physical micro expressions, actual dialogue during the reveal, idk. probably not as easy to improve this and I'm being a bit flippant but it really does look good on paper to me but then it all feeling empty and pointless by the end is not something I can deny
the incredibly hot dude natasha keeps around for Spy Stuff Procurement. whose name I already forgot. would be nice to give him a Moment, yannow. he literally IS a plot device with no dramatic function around him. everything he did/motivated in the plot could easily be written into nat's pov to save runtime. so why include him at all? it's not like big corporations tend to chase after tokenism in their tentpole films right fellas
so. natasha. the actual titular person in the middle of all this. I can be a bit high brow with my semiotic dissection of these potato salad movies but the fact that your main hero should.. like. change somehow. by the end of a movie. isn't that the whole point of storytelling? flawed personhood goes through crucible of personal challenge and achieves meaningful change. I feel like drama needs to really be blasted at me full-force, because maybe I missed it but did natasha change?
her big mission statement in the end is something like. "turns out I have two families, time to fix the other one". but a) the current one is still fucked up (but okay, it's really about yelena, I'll give it a pass), and b) sort of implies that THIS movie is what spurred her to stop being on the run alone and decide to instead be on the run with steve. which is. a baffling emotional result because why couldn't she do it earlier. we need to know these reasons to make any of this mumbo jumbo work. why was she not with steve in the beginning? "I'm better off alone" throwaway lines probably, yeah. I don't remember. okay why then? interrogate her self-isolation motives a bit more? tie them somehow in her catharsis with yelena? fucking. setups and payoffs. riddle your films with them and make them CLEAR and I PROMISE it's so much more satisfying. I mean for me it is. if you got anything out of her declaration in the end, in all honesty, power to ya
...no sorry I can't get over the attack canceling man pheromones it's so fucking stupid lmao
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6ix-dragons · 4 years
Valentine’s Embrace
Series: Edens Zero Pairing: Weisz/Homura (main), Shiki/Rebecca (minor) Rating: 18+/XXX Word Count: 6,200 words
Note: This fanfic can also be found over at my AO3, and FFN accounts (the PF release will come at a later date)! :)
EXPLICIT CONTENT ADVISORY: The following story contains graphic sexual descriptions, and strong language. Reader’s discretion is strongly advised!
It was a chilly, wintry day in February, as a pair of figures hiked through the trail of a park, one alongside the other. The fresh snow crunched underneath their boots, while they trudged their way forward.
One of the hiking figures—a young female with long, violet hair, laughed heartily at the male figure walking beside her. “You’re kidding me!”
The taller male to her right—with short, blond hair, and in his orange parka—chuckled sarcastically. “Yeah, I wish I was!”
While they carried on with their conversation, the two of them decided to make their way off the regular trail, just as it winded around to their left. 
“But, Weisz,” the purple-haired female smiled, following said blond male by her side, “I thought you said that Shiki was only a little…petrified with insects, before.”
Weisz smirked at her. “I thought so, too.” He then gave a slight chuckle, as he approached the guardrails overlooking the bluffs below. “That is, until I placed a fake roach on his desk, while he wasn’t looking.”
She pouted at him, with a sleeve of her coat just about covering her mouth. “Now, that’s just mean of you…”
Both of them then came to a complete stop before the metal fencing, where they took in the sights of the lake’s large body of water ahead of the bluffs. The grayish, overcast skies had given way, in time, to the bright rays of the sun that shimmered through the clouds that parted aside. 
Pulling down the hood of her white winter coat, the violet-haired female held a palm outward over her eyes, momentarily blocking out the strong beams of light getting into them. The beams of light became less intense, with the sun’s effects being subdued by the clouds. Lowering her hand away from her eyes, the young female could appreciate the scenery in front of her, with the lake’s waters shining brightly from the sun’s rays reflecting off of them.
“What a beautiful sight,” she whispered aloud. 
Weisz’s lips stretched to a heart-warmed smile, turning to her. “It is…isn’t it, Homura?”
The blond focused on the violet-haired female standing right next to him, with the back of her locks tied into a high ponytail, by a yellow ribbon. As he did, Weisz mentally reflected back to how he ended up going out with her, on this special February day. 
It wasn’t too long ago, when he was first introduced to her, by his friends. He’d known Shiki, and Rebecca, for a little while. However, he was quite surprised to know that Homura was friends with them, too. As it turned out, she was in a different school than they were, prior to all four of them going into the same college together. 
With Homura, however, both of them took their time to get to know each other. While things started off slow, they eventually got along with one another, to the point where they started to go out on more dates. 
There was definitely something special about this indigo-haired female, the more he went out with her. Compared to the other girls he knew from before, she was actually calm, fearless, and more inclined to help others—in spite of reason. As with their meetings with his close friends, Homura cared about them, empathizing with Rebecca, and Shiki, on different matters.
Most importantly, however, both of them had found common ground in each other. There was a time, before, when they weren’t afraid to open up about their tragic pasts—her having recently lost her mentor, and mother-figure…and, him having lost his mother at a young age. This was the common ground that they built upon, in their relationship together.
And, to think, he never had a relationship this meaningful, with a girl, before…until he met her.
Weisz’s train of thought was interrupted, as he turned his attention to the navy-haired woman beside him, having heard her voice. 
“It really is beautiful,” Homura replied, smiling brightly. She then held back a giggle, before turning to him. “You know…it does remind me of the time, when we first went out, together.”
He raised his eyebrows, curiously. “Really?”
She nodded her head, shortly. “Yes.” The purple-haired female gazed at the body of water that extended towards the horizon. “I even remembered that you brought me to this exact same place, too, last year.”
Weisz turned away from her, casting aside his glance. “Hmm…yeah…now that I think about it…”
“And, yet…despite this,” she continued, with a soft smile, “it still means a lot to me, whenever I’m with you.”
Tinges of red began to form on his cheeks, as he turned back to her. “Gee, well,” he brought a hand to the back of his head, “you didn’t have to—”
“But, I do mean it, Weisz,” Homura spoke up, linking her hand with his closest one, while she turned her body towards him. “You are the one who has made me happier than I ever was…before we met together.”
Weisz stared at her with astonished eyes. “Homura…”
Her reddish-brown irises shimmered gleamingly in the light. “And, for that,” she concluded, her smile widening, “I thank you.”
A soft gasp escaped from her, when she felt the warmth of his hand over the side of her face.
The blond smiled back at Homura. “Yeah…”
Gazing into the eyes of one another, the two of them slowly leaned in their faces towards each other. A low, delighted gasp escaped the violet-haired female, having felt the warmth of his lips, and his breath, press firmly against hers. At almost the same time, Weisz moaned softly, sealing his mouth against them.
Pulling their mouths away from each other, the pair caught their breaths rather briefly, their partly-lidded gazes still locked directly into one another. A more passionate kiss followed, where their lips bumped, and pressed together. Thin, puffy clouds of vapour poured out from the gaps made between their lips. Weisz wrapped his arms around her, bringing her closer towards him, while Homura similarly embraced him. Their tongues sneaked into each other’s mouths, where they clashed, and swirled around the other, for more than an instance.
Their lips parted way from one another, again, as they panted for air. Weisz brought his hand over her back, holding her closely. 
He raised a curved eyebrow at her. “Well,” his lips stretched out into his charming, suave grin, “how about you and I spend the night, together, at my place?”
For an instantaneous moment, Homura’s eyes widened at his bold proposition, tinges of scarlet forming on her cheeks. In the next instance, she narrowed her eyes, and casted her focus away from him.
Finding herself flustered, the violet-haired female finally answered. “Ah…yes.” Her eyes shifted back towards his. “I would love to.”
Weisz’s grin widened, in response.
As day fell into night, the bitter cold of outdoor air was replaced with the cozier warmth of the indoors.
Flames crackled, and rose within the fireplace, while the lit candles provided the only lighting throughout the living room’s interior, alongside those flames. A pair of wine glasses filled with Pinot noir had sat atop a side table, next to each other—both of them half-drunken. 
In front of the roaring flames, the two of them found themselves over the cashmere sheets that covered the fur rug. On their knees, they captured each other’s lips fiercely, sliding their tongues against one another. Low moans and huffs escaped under their breaths, as they did.
Clad in only a loose robe of thin, transparent fabric, Homura released her mouth away from his.
“Weisz,” she panted, staring into his onyx irises.
Also breathing heavily, the blond wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, grinning naughtily. “Homura…”
The purplish-haired female giggled with a smile, as she untied the yellow ribbon that held the back of her locks into her usual high ponytail. Weisz kept his grin, while she cast the binding piece of cloth away from her, where it settled onto the rug behind her. 
In his mind, she was still gorgeous, as ever—with, or without her hair down.
He was then slightly taken by surprise, when he felt her hands reach towards the knot of his teal cotton bathrobe. 
The blond raised a curved eyebrow, staring teasingly at her. “Getting a little eager there, aren’t we?”
“I just cannot wait,” she simply confessed, smirking in the same, teasing manner. Her fingers made quick work of loosening the knot, until it unraveled completely.
Homura’s cheeks burned with a rosier hue, upon realizing that his bathrobe was the only article of clothing he had on him. While it was not the first time she had seen him without a shirt, she was still rather impressed with how well-built he was. The reddening on her face intensified, when her eyes fell towards the lower-half of his exposed body.
Weisz held back a sneaky chuckle, having noticed her reaction, before he completely slipped his robe off of him. Setting it outside of the sheets, Weisz leaned in closer to her, and quickly seized her lips. The kiss lasted rather briefly, as he rested his hands onto the sides of her body.  
Drawing his lips away from hers, Weisz gave her a flirtatious look in his eyes. His dirty grin widened a bit more. “Now, it’s my turn.”
Homura stifled another giggle, while his hands sneaked their way to the knot at the front of her robe. In an instant, her robe parted open, threatening to slip away from her bare body. Weisz took the opportunity to free the only piece of clothing she had on her, gently pushing it away from her shoulders. The violet-haired female assisted him, tossing the thin robe onto the rug, once it fell behind her.
Weisz then gently guided her back down onto the set of pillows, where the back of her head rested on one. As he did, he leaned in to capture her lips, again. 
Homura hummed happily into the kiss, right as he quickly parted his lips from hers. A quiet gasp then left her gape, when she felt his lips suddenly press against the pulse on her neck. Sneaking in a low hum, the blond slowly moved down her neck, his face just hovering over it. He took in the pleasant fragrance of cherry blossoms, mixed with red-rose flower petals that filled his senses.
Stopping at her heaving chest, Weisz’s eyes fell upon her enormous mounds—round and perky, with rosy buds that hardened in the exposed air. For an instance, there was a sneaky, yet dirty smirk on his face.
The violet-haired woman released a gasping cry, as she felt both his mouth onto her breast, and his palm running over her other. She instantly arched her back at the jolting sensations that resulted from his ministrations on her sensitive areas.
Her hands swiftly flew to the back of his head. “A-ah! …Weisz!”
Said blond hummed delightfully, with his mouth still enclosed over her puckered bud, flicking the tip of his tongue against her nipple. He took pleasure in her cries, and moans, while his fingers softly kneaded over her other breast. Weisz then switched over to the one that he had just fondled with, latching his mouth over its pebbled bud, earning him a breathy moan from her.
“Mmmh…yes,” Homura gasped out, having felt his lips plant a deep kiss onto the underside of her breast, just before she gently released her hold on the back of his head. “Please…”
Travelling further below her breasts, past her midsection, his sights finally stopped at the very intimate place of hers that made him grin wildly. Just under her thatch of violet curls, he could exactly tell how aroused she was, by the amount of clear fluid that leaked out from her entrance. Some of it had already stained her inner thighs.
His attention was then drawn towards his lover, having heard her murmur something out loud.
Homura looked down at him, with an intense blush on her face, and her hand over her mouth. “It’s still embarrassing with the way you look at it…”
Spreading apart her thick thighs, the short-haired blond looked up at her, and flashed a charming, but reassuring smirk. “Then…don’t be.”
Before she could even respond, Homura felt his tongue flick against the outer folds of her clit. Her lilting moans heightened, as jolts of pleasure surged through her body, forcing her to arch her back more. 
The violet-haired woman cried out, and threw her head back, while her hands flew towards the back of his head, again. “A-ah! Mmmh!”
Weisz groaned at her fingers tugging at his locks, while his mouth covered over her sopping clit. He took delight in collecting the essence that leaked from there, finding the taste to be somewhat sweet. The blond could feel every squirm, and twitch, her body made, as he traced the tip of his tongue around her wet nether-lips.
Homura released a squealing cry off her gape, when she felt him dip into her inner folds, and swirl around inside. Her grasp on the back of his head tightened, while she tossed her head around. “Weisz! A-aah!”
Not before long, she could sense her lover pull his mouth away from her clit. Panting heavily, Homura raised her upper-body enough to peer down at the blond below her. Also breathing unevenly, Weisz wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Lifting his eyes to her panting form, the blond took note of the line of drool that ran down her chin, from the corner of her lip.
“Weisz,” she breathed out, her reddish-brown irises now hazy with lust. “Please…I want it…”
His lips stretched into a small, suave grin, at her plea. “Yeah…”
She rose up slightly off the sheets, vocally stumbling in her query. “U-uh…do you have a—”
Having already known the question she was going to ask, the blond nodded his head at her, with a reassuring smile. “I do have one with me, here.”
While he was a little…‘adventurous’, and carefree, sometimes, he wasn’t that careless, when it came to using such protection. It was especially so, with a woman like her. Being a young father at his age was the very last thing he wanted, in his mind.
Reaching into the pocket of his teal bathrobe, Weisz retrieved, from it, the square foil packet he had prepared for a moment like this. As he carefully tore the wrapper open, however, he felt her hands extend towards his occupied ones, causing him to look up at her.
With a bashful expression on her face, Homura set her glance away from him. “Um…do you mind, if I—”
Weisz blinked at her, for a second, before he gave a short nod, and a smile. “Yeah, you can go ahead…”
Taking the torn-open packet from his hand, the indigo-haired female removed the rubber contraceptive from it, before setting the discarded wrapper away onto the rug. 
Blushing madly, Homura’s fingers trembled, while she tried to remember what Rebecca taught her, having practiced something like this, with her, before.
Her blond lover watched her, as she struggled to roll the condom over his fully-erect phallus. Weisz’s breath stilled, as she gently slipped it down his shaft, feeling her lithe fingers around him. Similarly, her eyes widened, when she felt his cock twitch, with every touch her fingertips made against it.
Weisz held back a curse, and moaned softly, when he felt her fingers run up and down his phallus. “A-ah…Homura…”
Said violet-haired woman continued to pump her fingers around his cock—despite the condom having been fully applied over it. It was only his hands holding her by her wrists that completely stopped the female from going further.
The blond snuck in a chuckle, with a half-lidded eye. “Hey, I really appreciate the foreplay,” he breathed huskily, “but I’m not going to last that long, if you keep it up like that.”
Lashes fluttering, Homura stared blankly at her lover, for an instant, before casting her glance aside. “Sorry…”
Weisz could only give a small, playful laugh at her, before he leaned in closely, to gently capture her lips with his own. At the same time, he pinched the tip of the condom, helping her complete the final step of it all.
Homura softly moaned into the kiss, while she felt him guide her back down onto the sheets below, her curvy posterior touching them. Parting way from his lips, she rested her hands onto the side of his face, and over the top of his head. 
Her shining, lustrous chestnut-red irises, within partly-lidded eyes, gazed deeply into his completely-darkened pair, while her hand smoothly caressed his cheek. His name escaped from her open lips, in a sultry whisper.
His lips stretched to a tempted smile, under narrowed eyes, as he felt the heat building up more, in his body. 
Guiding it with one hand, Weisz lined the tip of his phallus towards her entrance. Homura quickly let out a shuddering gasp, her body tensing alongside, when she felt the head of his cock press against her outer folds, and rubbed over it. 
Whimpering through quivered lips, the violet-haired female brought her arms around his upper-back, holding onto him. “W…Weisz…”
A heightened gasp left her gape, her head dropping back a bit, as the tip of his phallus parted her entrance, and pushed through. With a quick push of his hips, the blond slid deeper into her love canal.
Homura cried out underneath him, having felt a sharp jolt through her body. She arched her back against the sheets, while her grasp onto his back had tightened. “Ah-aah…oh, God!”
Weisz held back a grunt, his body stilled, as he experienced the familiar silky-wet warmth that well-greeted him. Despite having the thin layer of rubber on, the blond could feel how snug her inner walls were around him, through it. It was that kind of sensation he enjoyed the most, when it came to making love with her.
It was the similar kind of sensation for her, as well. She took desire in how hard, and thick, he was, inside her. It brought a certain kind of heat in her lower core that she so craved for, in the back of her mind.
Settling down his breaths, Weisz lowered his gaze directly at his lover. For a brief moment, her head was turned on its side, face contorted with such delight. She then turned her focus back towards him, panting slightly more than usual. Her mouth parted open, underneath heavily-lidded eyes. 
Weisz kept a little laugh to himself, the corners of his lips tightening into a small smirk, before he leaned in to seize her lips again. 
Moans and gasps poured out from under their breaths, as the blond pulled his hips back, and thrust into her—earning him a muffled, but delighted grunt from the female under him. He began to drive his thrusts lightly into his violet-haired lover, repeating those same movements that had him gradually pick up the pace.
A sharp moan spilled from Homura, as she brought her mouth away from his, her body writhing against the sheets, with every thrust. “Yes! That’s it! More!”
Maintaining her grip onto his solid upper-back, Homura began dragging her fingers down over his shoulder blades. Weisz grunted harshly, having felt her nails dig into the skin of his back, taking it as a signal from her to go faster and deeper.
The purple-haired woman’s cries and moans intensified, with her blond lover fulfilling her needs. Her sleek and shapely legs were now wrapped around him, riding against his hips, as he plunged them at an angle that gave him further access into her love canal.
“Oh, God!” Homura cried out again, feeling her lover lean in closer to the crook of her neck, picking up his warm breath fanning out onto her skin. 
Weisz hissed at the coiling sensation of her inner walls that surrounded him. “Fuck,” he breathed out, in a distinct murmur. “It feels so good…”
His lover underneath him could not help, but agree with him, as she let loose another high moan. “Oh, yes! Oh, yes!”
Homura then quickly gasped, her head dipping back more, when she felt the tip of his tongue run up the middle of her neck. Stopping closer to her chin, Weisz planted a kiss onto it, before he moved in to slant his lips over hers.
The passionate couple shared a fiercer, more passionate kiss, their tongues clashing heavily against one another, while the blond continued to buckle his hips fervently against her. His body pressed up against her own, having leaned in more onto her. Her arms were under his, wrapped firmly around his upper-back. 
Weisz then let out a muffled gasp, when he felt her turn their bodies around, without warning. Tumbling onto his back, the blond gently lifted his head, finding his lover on top of him. 
Straddling his hips, Homura rested her hands onto his solid, defined abs, while she looked down into his eyes.
There was a mix of curiosity, and confusion, on his face. “Eh?” He raised his eyebrows at her, blinking. “Homur—a-ah!”
Weisz grunted loudly, having felt her hips shift around against him. A gruff groan followed from his gape, as his head dropped back against the pillow below, his hands gripping the sheets.
Homura softly gasped, and mewled, as she started moving her hips experimentally. In her mind, it had felt even better to be in quite a position like this. 
With her hands onto his thighs behind her, for support, the busty, violet-haired female began rolling her hips against his. Delighted moans poured out from both of them, as she continued bouncing onto his hips, and started to pick up her pace.
“Ah! Aah!” Homura’s eyes were closed, while she dropped her head back. “Weisz!”
“Mmngh!” The blond below her had growled, his jaw tightening, feeling her love canal contract around him. “Ah! Homura!”
Struggling to lift his head again, Weisz was able to take in the full view of this beautiful woman riding him. Her melon-sized mounds bounced wildly with every drop of her hips. Below them, there was her pussy, which had taken him by every inch he had into her. And, then, as he focused away from those, he took note of how she appeared before him. Her skin glowed in a warmer tone, with the light of the lit fireplace reflecting off of it.
All of these kinds of sights were the ones that he’d want them etched into his mind, for the rest of his life.
His hands flew over to guide her hips, for a moment. They then rested over her flat, toned abdomen, feeling every flex of her muscles there. Weisz’s head fell back down onto the pillow, yet again, the blond having let out another hiss. 
“Ah…fuck!” His eyebrows twitched, as he felt the familiar tingles in the base of his spine growing with intensity. “Homura! I…I’m going to—”
His lover above him cried out, while she rolled her hips harder. “Ahh! Yes!” She could feel him throbbing, and twitching more, inside her. At the same time, however, she could also feel a familiar pressure building deep within her core that threatened to burst. “I’m almost there, too, Weisz!”
Weisz’s hands flew back onto the sheets, his fingers bunching against them more tightly than before. He can feel the rising pressure in the piths of his body, the tingling sensation intensifying further, mere moments away from breaking apart.
“Damn it!” He growled out through clenched teeth, the back of his head buried well into the pillow underneath. “I…I’m c—”
“Aah!” Homura buckled her hips wildly against his, her eyes nearly rolling to the back of her head. “Weisz! Oh, yes!”
With a sharp drop of her hips, both lovers had instantly entered their highest points of pleasure. 
A shortened, strained cry left Homura’s wide-open gape, as she threw her head back. In the midst of her climax, she could feel a sudden burst of intense warmth in her lower regions that gradually pooled throughout, while her shuddering body remained in its position. 
Weisz, in his simultaneous release alongside his lover, experienced the waves of pleasure that overtook his entire body. His jaw clenched at its tightest, the young blond could only let out a series of primal grunts, and groans, from under his breath. Every single muscle in his body tensed, as he felt the overwhelming heat that surrounded his phallus quite closely. At the same time, he could also dimly sense a certain kind of liquid warmth that pulsed out from him, in spurts.
Homura’s hips continued to rock against his, her inner walls still milking him, until they slowed to a gradual halt. With the waves of blissful energy eventually subsiding, said violet-haired female found herself panting raggedly, her tongue having stuck out from her parted gape. She was faintly aware of the sweat that had built all over her heaving body, in no small part from the heat, but also of the resulting exhaustion that nearly made her give out from it. 
Settling her breaths, Homura gently lowered her entire upper body onto her lover below, leaning in towards him. Her long, indigo-violet tresses draped around their faces, as she gently cradled her hands onto the sides of his face, sealing her lips onto his. In the midst of their kiss that smoldered with such ardor, she dipped her tongue into his mouth, where it swirled up against his tongue. She took delight into the kiss, while she pressed her body against him, feeling the dampness of his skin.
Wrapping his arms around her sleek back, muffled moans and hums poured out from Weisz, as he clashed his tongue with hers. The incredibly-soft sensation of her large breasts flattening against his chest had only sent a thrill down his spine, partially re-awakening his manhood down below. Even more, he could feel the pounding of her heart, along with his.
Their essences filled the heavy air of the entire room, mixing together. Thin strings of saliva bowed between their tongues, as they released their mouths from each other, before they broke away. Small, puffy clouds of vapour poured out from their gapes, with both lovers catching their breaths. Not long after, their shaky sighs, soft chuckles, and satisfied hums followed.
Lifting his head from the pillow, Weisz watched his violet-haired lover rest against him, as she shifted down enough to cuddle up against his chest.
There was a slight grin on his face, having snuck in a laugh. “Now, that was something else,” he remarked, smoothing his hand through her tresses. “I didn’t know you had it in you to do…that.”
Homura simpered at her lover, resting the side of her head against him. “It was something that I wanted to try, for myself,” she softly murmured, smiling, as she gazed up at the blond. “…But, I feel quite happy to know that you’ve loved it.”
“Yeah,” he beamed back at her. “I do.”
The two of them took their time to snuggle up together, by the fireside. That moment didn’t last too long, however, as the sudden chirping of a cellphone interrupted them.
Both Homura and Weisz turned their attention to the phone sitting on top of the coffee table, as it continued ringing, and vibrating, almost at the same time. 
Realizing who might be calling from the other end, the violet-haired female turned to the blond underneath her. “I have to take this call.”
Rolling her body off of him, just as he released his arms from her, Homura crawled over to the table. Picking up her smartphone away from it, she checked to see who was calling her, before answering.
Sitting up from the pillow, Weisz kept his eyes on her, whilst in a slight daze. For a quick moment, they focused on every sway of her rotund bottom.
The blond then shook his head, steering his focus away from it. “Well,” he sighed, running his hand through his short locks, “so much for that.” 
In the meantime, he had another matter to address. Carefully rolling the condom off from his flagging phallus, the blond held it up to his eyes. He exerted a great sigh of relief, feeling grateful that the rubber contraceptive held up, the entire time—all considering the extraordinary climax he had experienced, mere moments ago.
Tying it up into a knot from its top, Weisz rose onto his feet, and headed out of the living room to dispose the used condom into a nearby wastebasket.
Back in the living room, Homura swiped the screen on her phone to answer the incoming call. “Hello?”
The unmistakable, bubbly voice of her blonde friend sounded out through her phone’s earpiece. “Hiii, Homura!”
Said indigo-haired female gave a sincere smile at her friend’s greeting. “Hello, Rebecca!”
Rebecca held a slight giggle, as she began asking her. “How are things between you and Weisz?”
Homura simpered at her question. “Well, Weisz and I went out together, earlier in the day,” she answered, before she blushed at the thought of what they just did, after that. “And, then…we…spent the night together, at his place.”
Her blonde friend responded in a way that made her feel more demure than she should have. “Ohhh, I see,” she replied, in a more teasing-like tone. “And, I don’t suppose you and Weisz did something more, than just hang out at his place?”
“Wh—what are you talking about?!” Homura’s face burned with a brighter red, as the much-flustered female became quite incredulous at her friend’s insinuation. “We just spent the night together…there’s nothing more than that!”
Rebecca could barely contain her giggling on the other end, teasing her violet-haired friend even more. “Oh, I can tell you’ve done something more with him!”
Homura cursed in her thoughts, at her blonde friend. It was then that she decided to shift the focus away from herself. “A-and, what about you, Rebecca? How was your day with Shiki?”
“Ah…it was alright,” the blonde plainly answered. “I mean, we just spent the entire day watching movies, and playing video games, together.”
The purple-haired woman raised a curved eyebrow, while she snuck in a chuckle. “But, the both of you haven’t done anything more than those…right?”
This time, it was the blonde’s turn to be flustered—and Homura could tell, from the tone of her friend’s response. “W-what? No!” The indigo-haired female smirked smugly, having heard her friend stumble about. “That’s not true! We didn’t do anything more than what I just mentioned!”
As Weisz returned into the living room, Homura held back a teasing giggle of her own. “Suuure, you didn’t…”
Watching the conversation she was having, Weisz couldn’t help, but cross his arms, and smile a fair bit. Noting that she was still focused in on the phone call with her friend, there was a little, sneaky idea he had in his head. Bringing himself onto his hands and knees, he slowly crawled towards his violet-haired lover, sneaking closer from behind.
“Geez, Homura,” Rebecca whined, on the other end of the line. “I was only kidding, when I said those things!”
“Oh, I know you are,” Homura giggled quietly. “I was also just kidding, about what I—mmph!”
At the same time she felt his hand under the side of her face, forcing her to turn her head around, she could also feel his warm lips sealed over hers. Caught off-guard, Homura slowly melted into his kiss, as she brought her phone away from her ear. 
“E-eh? Homura?” Rebecca’s voice came out through the phone’s earpiece, the blonde wondering what happened to her friend. “Are you still there? Hellooo?”
Whilst still locking their lips gently against one another, Weisz took the opportunity to take the phone away from his lover’s hand, and disconnected the call with a tap on its screen. He placed her phone back onto the coffee table, just as they finished their kiss. 
Pulling away from her face, Weisz’s eyes widened, when he saw her glaring directly into him…albeit, with a deep shade of crimson across her face.
Her lips curved upward into a pout of sorts. “You know that I was still talking to her.”
Weisz held back a mischievous chuckle. “Yeah…well.” He leaned in to place a chaste kiss on her cheek, below her beauty mark. “That can wait for another time.”
The pout remained on her face, as Homura quietly exerted her breath at his antics. “Anyway,” she began, shaking her head. “As much as I want to continue, I feel totally drenched and sticky everywhere.”
Right away, another idea had popped up in Weisz’s head. He raised a curved brow at her. “How ‘bout we share a bath, together, upstairs?” That same, naughty grin on his face had re-appeared, once more. “Maybe we can pick things up, from where we last left off.”
Homura simply brought her hands over her mouth, voicing her thoughts into a loud whisper. “So shameless of you….” Instantly realizing what she just did, the violet-haired female shook her head vigorously, her hands on the sides of her face. “Ah! I-I’m so sorry...”
Weisz blinked at her, quite briefly, before smiling warmly towards his lover. “But, for real, ‘though…”
Homura yelped, when he swiftly scooped her up into his arms. 
Carrying her, bridal-style, Weisz turned his head towards her. He raised his eyebrows suggestively at his lover. “Shall we continue there?”
With an arm slung around his neck, for support, Homura could only give a small nod of her head, unable to hide the scarlet tinging on her face. 
Weisz let out a hearty laugh, bringing her out of the living room—and carried her up the stairs, into the bathroom, where both of them did more than just share the water together.
Deep, breathy sighs escaped the blond, with his back pressed to the tiled wall behind him. Wafting clouds of steam surrounded them, while his hands ran through her wet, indigo-violet tresses below. 
Lowering his head, Weisz peered down at the purple-haired female that was on her knees, right before him. Wrapping her lips firmly around him, Homura slid them back and forth over his shaft, along with her tongue that was underneath it. Delighted moans and sighs left her in a murmur, as she worked her mouth on him.
Her eyes looked up at him, staring directly into his pair. She then closed them, just before she slid her mouth further, taking in more of him. This earned her a lengthy moan from him, as Weisz leaned the back of his head against the tiles.
A curse fell from his gape, in a strained grunt. “A-ah, fuck….” His grip onto the back of her head tightened more.
His eyes shot open, when he felt her mouth pull out completely from his cock. Breathing heavily, Weisz peered down on her, again. Homura also found herself catching for air, focusing her sights on his fully-erect phallus that twitched in front of her.
She then brought her eyes back up towards his pair. The violet-haired female simpered teasingly at his slightly-confounded expression. “What? It was your idea, all along, was it not?”
Weisz only nodded at her, with a playful smile on his face. He quickly gasped out a moan, when he felt the warm and wet sensation of her mouth taking him in again, along with her hands firmly onto his trembling thighs. His breathing picked up intensely, while the heat rose further within his body. He could tell that he was mere moments from reaching his climax, again, as his grip onto the back of her head tightened further.
Clenching his jaw, with his eyes closed, the blond struggled to keep himself from giving in to the overwhelming pleasure. It was all for naught, however, as the pressure finally snapped inside him, giving way to his release. A long, primal grunt spilled out from Weisz, who felt his core muscles tighten, and his hips involuntarily jerking about. In the midst of his second climax, he could also feel the same liquid warmth empty from him, pulsing out in spurts.
The blond swore his entire body nearly went limp, as he leaned heavily against the wall. While he settled his breaths back into his regular pace, he gently released his hands from the back of her head. Cracking open his eyes, Weisz lowered his gaze down onto his lover below him.
Having taken in his entire release, Homura ran her tongue across her lips, while she peered back up at him. 
Weisz quietly chuckled, in response—as did Homura, who eased herself up onto her feet, before leaning in to capture his lips. Soft moans and hums left the pair, in their simmering kiss, while they wrapped their arms around each other, in a loving embrace. They bumped their foreheads, and noses, against one another, sharing a laugh once more.
This was a special Valentine’s that both of them would never forget.
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voice piece for seth and gabriel 
*Gabriel in Italics
*Seth in Bold
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Name:  Gabriel
Name: Seth
Age: unknown
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Gender: male
Date of Birth: unknown
Date of Birth: unknown
Race: immortal 
Race: immortal
Occupation:  Mortal Enthusiast and researcher
Occupation: Ruler of Heaven
Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.):  Ezra Weisz
Voice type (What it sounds like. If you like, list a voice actor who you think would best put life into your OC.): Chuck Huber
Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: he is obsessed with Mortals and wants to know as much as possible. sometimes he will conduct experiments to either prove his theory or to see what would happen (most are harmless however sometimes feelings can get hurt and/or sometimes gets carried away). he tends to ramble a lot. he can also he incredibly blunt. 
Quirks, strange mannerisms, and/or annoying habits: he has resting bitch face all the time. hes too serious, and he has a tendency to be harsher than he means to be.
Scars or physical deformities: do wings count? otherwise he had cross marks under his eyes. 
Scars or physical deformities: do wings count? he has the marks of heaven on his chest
Mental illnesses: non that i am aware of. 
Mental illnesses: not that i am aware of
Height: 5′5
Height: 5′7  
Weight: he feel light as a feather in immortal form but when posing as a human he weights 160 
Weight: n/a
Favorite color: red 
Favorite color: he doesn't have one
Favorite food: he cant pick he loves every kind of food. 
Favorite food: angel food cake
Likes: Mortals, learning, and being able to fly.
Likes: justice. Doing whats right. Order his principals.
Dislikes: violence, letting anyone he cares about down, and death.
Dislikes: disorder, breaking the rules, following rules that go against his principals.  
Strengths: he’s loyal, kind, tenacious, intelligent, and values others.
Strengths: he has strength in his resolve, he has a good judge in character, and a good since of justice.
Weaknesses: he tends to get too attached to his test subjects, wears his heart on his sleeve, has a blabber mouth. 
Weaknesses: he tends to to be a stickler for the rules. Also tends to be more mincing than he really feels
Family: n/a 
Family: Mother (Serenity daughter of heaven) Father (Arxes) brother (Sly) both deceased 
Fears: of being alone, failing his masters wishes, not living up to the expectations of said master. 
Fears: losing his brother, being trapped in the contract that makes him miserable.
Goals: to learn as much as he can about the mortal condition, so it can be documented properly in heaven to be used to make fair decisions. 
Goals: taking over the councilmen so heaven can be ran like it did when his mother was in charge.
Sexuality: Bi sexual 
Sexuality: heterosexual
Orientation: Fluid
Orientation:  Demiromantic
Relationships/Love interests: n/a 
Relationships/Love interest: n/a
Hobbies and interests: other than people watch which he does for a job, he also likes to cook and paint once and a while. 
Hobbies and interests: doesn't really have much hes pretty much a workaholic....but if you were to ask him something he likes to do once and a while for fun it would be to star gaze. calms him too when he needs to think.  
Bio: gabriel is a fallen angel and because of it he cannot go to heaven or go to hell. When he fell out of favor of the councilmen, because of getting to involved with the mortals too close as angels are supposed to keep their distance. After he was kicked out Seth took him under his wing and had him work for him to keep tabs on his brother and to learn as much about mortals as possible so that he would have knowledge to pass on. He now roams around watching people doing experiments here and there and experiencing what it means to be mortal. he values Seth very much and calls him master and strives to be as good and virtuous as him. 
Bio: Seth was born of his mother and father. twin of his brother Sly. when his mother and father passed into the lords realm, he was given the role of heaven to be in charge of. however since Seth and Sly were both a bit young to be in charge at the time, their parents set in motion to have the councilmen aid in Seth's growth to be a leader. however over time the councilmen became corrupted and greedy and took advantage of Seth and Sly and had them sign contracts for the agreement their parents set in motion however there was fine print for both brothers. the fine print for Seth was that he had to be the face of heaven but do as they said and told him him including treating his brother like scum. over the decades he has followed the contract but in the shadows has his own uprising planned. with the aid of Gabriel helping him set his plan in motion all he had to do was wait for the right time. Sly knows non of this, because if Seth told him any of this it would breach his contract and cause him pain until death. so he keeps Sly in the dark for his safety and Sly’s as well.  
by pixichi
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Marvel Movie Nights - I do miss them
An imperfect farewell to a character/an near-perfect introduction to another.
I don't share the disdain that some of my fellow cinephile colleagues have for the MCU. Far from it. I don't consider any of the films or TV Shows within that universe examples of high art. But they do bring the opportunity of a communal experience that's increasingly rare. And over course of more than 10 years, a genuine attachment to these characters has been forged.
With rare exceptions (like "Iron Man 2"), diving for 2 hours or more in this universe always brings me an unique escapist comfort - A thing that the pandemic has made me realize it's very valuable. And I'm not going to deny that I turn a blind eye to several of the narrative shortcuts that were (and still are) taken in some chapters.
And "Black Widow" was no different .
It's not the perfect farewell that the Natasha Romanoff's enthusiasts were asking Kevin Feige for some time now. I'm in the group of those who liked her ending in ENDGAME. So i couldn't help but feel a little point of redundancy in this project from the start.
That being said, a new world of possibilities is opened here in the shape of Pugh's Yelena Belova. Florence Pugh is gifted with such a magnetic presence. Every scene she's in, the spotlight is hers. She brings the physicality
and the vulnerability of Yelena to life. She's a born star who alone manages to elevate the material and turn this film into something memorable.
But Johansson is also very well. She knows Natasha like the back of her hand. And she brings some interesting choices to the table, even if the script doesn't always help.
David Harbour is a f*ck!ng charismatic dude. He's pure joy in every minute he's on screen. I'm sorry, Steve, but the Red Guardian is cooler. Finally a superhero whose physique I can (and want) aspire to reach. Rachel Weisz brings life to a functional role. I wanted to see a Disney+ series with her and Harbour in the style of "The Americans". Or maybe a romantic comedy with supersoldiers. Anyway, i wanna see more from both.
The villains are pretty bland. Ray Winstone is completely wasted in a generic melagomaniac tipe. Too bad, he's one of the most genuinely threatening actors I've ever seen ("The Departed" is a perfect example of that). Taskmaster, on the other hand, can't go beyond a very cool concept. The connection to Natasha's past shows the potential to be more cathartic if it were established as the dramatic center from the start.
But in the end my affection for these characters ends up speaking louder than the CGI-heavy Climax. There's no cynicism that takes away my feeling of satisfaction. And I'm looking forward to some new chapter of this franchise on the big screen.
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scribeofmorpheus · 4 years
Chasing Tornadoes {2/6}
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Series Warnings: poorly written medical procedural, mild delving into spirituality, language, overbearing egos, graphic descriptions of medical procedures. more warnings to be added. 18+ Generally, like my blog.
A/N: mention of/scenario depicting an anti-vaxxer situation.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3
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“Read ‘em and weep,” Marcy smacked her winning cards on the food tray for you to see. “Go fish!”
“Again?” you scrunched your nose as you gathered the cards on the tray and placed them onto the deck. “You sure you aren’t cheating?”
Marcy flashed her pearly whites at you through steady breaths. She was certainly enjoying the win, “Years of practice.”
She looked better today, less pasty, just as pale, but better. It was comforting to see her smile.
“One more game?” She asked with keen interest. You could tell she hoped you’d say yes.
“I already broke the rules smuggling this contraband for you,” you shook the cards then sighed, disappointed in the fact you had to let her down, “Besides, you have to rest, little missy.” You put the deck of cards in its box and then sealed it inside a ziplock bag.
“Rest is boring,” she huffed. “It’s all I do anyway.”
After stashing the cards in your lab coat, you tucked the blanket around her, “Well you need to keep up your strength for the transplant.”
An announcement sounded off from the PA speakers outside the room: “Mike Weschler to Observation Three. Mike Weschler to Observation Three.”
As if summoned by the devil, Mike knocked on the door to Marcy’s room. He nudged his head for you to go out, undoubtedly in too much of a rush to go through decontamination.
You held up a finger and mouthed: “One minute.”
Mike tapped his wrist like his watch was on.
You turned your attention back to Marcy, “I’ve gotta get back out there, but if you need anything...”
Marcy breathed shallow, turning on her side to stare at the wall, “I know.”
Quietly, you walked away, feeling there was nothing more you could say. You tapped the sanitiser dispenser and worked the clear gel all over your hands once you left the sealed room.
Mike shoved his hands in his white coat, “You got a sec?”
“Hey to you too,” you folded your arms. “What is it?”
“Kids,” Mike’s eyes went large as if he’d seen a ghost, a comical shudder followed suit.
You rolled your eyes, “Lead the way.”
 The hospital was calmer the day after the tornado struck. Still buzzing with adrenaline-fuelled fellows and tired residents, only now there were more white coats around. More senior staff relieved the stressful work load. Their presence had helped ease the minds of the younger staff members, allowing them more moments to sneak up to the roof for a smoke or time to themselves.
Even though the rooms were as full as the day the tornado struck, the brunt of the more serious cases were moved to the hospital in the town over.
Mike’s hair was dishevelled, a sign of poor sleep.
“Here we are,” he opened the door to Observation Three and waited for you to enter first before grabbing a clipboard.
There was a family of four all huddled together. Of the two children, the oldest –a teenager by the looks of it– was hunching over the edge of the examination bed. The mother was busying herself by wiping down every surface with disinfectant wipes. The father was less on edge.
“Hello, I’m Dr Mike Weschler, this here is my colleague,” Mike droned with no emotion in his voice. He flipped through the clipboard quickly before clearing his throat, not bothering to look up. “Persistent headache,” he mumbled to himself. Then he grabbed his pen and started filling in the form, “Any other symptoms?”
The father leaned closer, as if his voice would take less time to reach Mike if he closed in their distance. “He’s had a fever, and yesterday he threw up twice.”
“Did you try Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for the fever?” Mike said.
The mother eyed him coldly, “We gave him cold medicine, didn’t work. That’s why we’re here.”
Mike scratched his nose, picking up on the mother’s condescending tone. The nib of his pen pressing into the paper harder. The scratching noise of his writing more pronounced.
“What’s our patient’s name?” You interjected as you looked over the teenager’s features and instantly noticed the redness around his eyes, pale skin and shiny forehead. Though that last observation could simply be a dermatological issue like oily skin.
The teenager stayed silent, waiting for one of his parent’s to answer.
“His name’s Noah,” the mother said, a seriousness to her demeanour. From her attire, you assumed she’d be an academic or a teacher.
“Hello, Noah. I’m Dr Y/N. Do you mind if I take a look?”
He shook his head.
An introvert, you thought. You could relate.
You felt under his jaw for any swelling. Then you tilted his head side to side. He winced.
“Stiff?” You asked.
“Mmm-hmm,” He answered.
“Anyone you know exhibiting similar symptoms –maybe from school or around–?” Mike asked the room.
“Not that we know of,” the mother replied.
Mike inhaled, “Go anywhere outside your usual routine?”
The mother spoke more sharply, “No.”
You fished out your otoscope and looked into his ears. You sighed in thought. “We’re going to have to run bloodwork, check for cultures.”
The father stammered, “Y-you don’t think it’s…meningitis do you?”
Mike answered matter-of-factly, “Fever, headache and neck stiffness. It is a possibility.”
You put on your soft, calming voice, “But, it could also be a common cold. We’ll know more once the tests come back.”
The mother shuffled on her feet, nose high in the air, “And how long do we have to wait?” She wasn’t comfortable in the hospital.
Mike held the clipboard behind his back and plastered on a straight-lined smile, “I’ll get right on it.”
“Excuse us,” you dragged Mike out of the room by his lanyard, discretely. When you were both out of earshot you gave him a tongue lashing. “Show a bit more empathy, Mike. Those parents are probably worried sick.”
“It’s always the parents,” Mike scoffed. “Ironically, when I told my dad I was going into medicine, he suggested paediatrics,” He worked his jaw till it turned red.
Suddenly, Stephen appeared from behind a corner, hands in his pockets, seemingly with nothing to do. He picked up his pace when he saw you.
The clipboard was snatched out of Mike’s hands. Stephen read over the notes and asked: “Have you ordered a blood workup?”
Mike sighed, “It’s on my to-do list.”
“Must be a long list,” Stephen condescended.
“Longer than yours, by the looks of it,” Mike send behind clenched teeth.
Stephen rose a brow and tilted his head to the side. He handed the clipboard back.
The air between then was as prickly as the first time they’d met. Mike was trying his hardest to keep things civil between them. Stephen liked pushing that particular envelope. You imagined it gave him something to occupy his time. Being referee was going to grow old very quick. You could feel it.
Thankfully, Arlene jogged up to just in time to shift the mood. She handed you a tablet, “Hey…Uh, Dr Weisz put me in charge of doing the drive roster. I need at least two senior medical staff to supervise. I asked Dr Sanje and Dr Cho, but they’re swamped.”
 Mike groaned, “Nope, I’ve had enough of kids for today.” He walked away.
“Mike, where are you going?” You called after him
He raised the clipboard in the air, “To exercise my empathetic muscles.”
“Drive?” Stephen looked over at Arlene, his height and hooded gaze made her wring her wrists anxiously.
Her voice went several octaves softer, “F-flu sh-shots. The hospital sends out a van to the school district each season.”
“Wow, you really do that?” Stephen sounded surprised. “And you guys sign up for this?”
You signed two names on the roster, “You’re not at Met Gen anymore, Stephen. We do things differently here.”
Arlene accepted the tablet with a nod and hurried on her way. You turned to Stephen and asked: “Do you have any patients?”
“Not many in need of brain surgery here,” he sounded almost wistful.
“Good,” you smirked. A mischievous twinkle in your eye. “How are you with kids?”
You started heading down the hallway.
“Terrible,” Stephen followed, looking particularly perplexed by the question. “Why?”
You held back your need to laugh.
 “So this is why you asked,” Stephen folded his hands over his chest, looking down at you as though you were the devil himself. He wasn’t at all thrilled about the fact you had dragged him away from the hospital to give out flu shots at a school.
“The alternative would’ve been babysitting,” you poked fun at him. “And my Spike has a tendency to bite strange men.”
“You have a kid?” Stephen was taken aback.
You bit back a laugh, letting Stephen do a little mental gymnastics as you walked away.
He was ridged and out of his element around the kids. It was the first time his larger than life personality seemed grounded, awkward. You loved every moment of it.
“This is a seasonal occurrence?” Stephen asked with a hint of exasperation in his tone.
The two of you were seated on a bench in the cafeteria while you waited for the other Fellows and Interns to clear up the equipment. A small juice box was held between Stephen’s palms. His long fingers appeared cartoonishly large holding the small juice box.
“What Met Gen never ask you to give out shots?” you asked rhetorically.
His brow had been furrowed the entire time, “How do you do it?”
“Do what?” You popped the lid off your yoghurt drink.
“Work here. Live here,” He shook his head, confounded by it all. “All those years of medical training to wind up here? In a town that’s so…predictable?”
You let out a slow breath, feeling somewhat insulted. “I used to work in the city. I was raised in the city, actually.”
“And you left, willingly?” Stephen guffawed.
“When I first got here, Dr Weisz said that this wasn’t a place for those who wanted to make a name for themselves –to spread their wings. She told me this is where we perch,” you took a long gulp of your drink.
Stephen ruffled his professionally styled hair, “And what’s that supposed to mean? That this is where your career comes to die?”
“That this isn’t a place that puts ambition before practice. Not everyone in this field is in it for the fame.” Your words came off accusatory.  
Stephen picked up on the fact he had offended you. You closed the lid on your drink a little too tight. The ridges of the cap burning your palm. Stephen didn’t apologise, he just looked elsewhere as if pondering life’s mysteries. That annoyed you even further.
What did Christine see in him? You wondered.
“Help!” A teacher burst into the cafeteria in a panic, arm pointing behind her. “Earl–one of our staff members–he just collapsed!”
You and Stephen shot up, taking an emergency kit with you.
 The man, Earl, was lying on the ground, unresponsive.
“Any medical history we should be aware of?” you asked the woman who led you to Earl.
“I- N-n… I don’t…” She shook.
Stephen got to him before you did. He checked his respiratory rate and pulse like it was second nature, counting the beats with the ticking of the second’s hand on his expensive watch.
“Unresponsive,” Stephen said. “Get the tube, I’ll begin chest compressions.”
You looked over at the unresponsive man, methodically weighing the options. The amount of time it would take you to unpack the tube, get it into his airways, attach the pump and begin to force air into his airways… You didn’t linger on it, it was best to get him breathing now.
Without warning, you leaned over, pinched the man’s nose and began mouth to mouth.
Stephen lost his cool, “What are you--?”
“Begin chest compressions,” you ordered, ignoring Stephen’s glare.
The two of you worked together, no need for extra words. In tandem, you were like a muscle unit. When you contracted he relaxed. And vice versa.
Finally, after more compressions than you would’ve liked to wait through, Earl coughed and groaned to consciousness.
“Wha- happ’n’d?” Earl slurred his words.
“Welcome back,” you flopped back onto the floor, wiping sweat from your brow. “Come on, buddy. You’re coming with us to get a check-up.”
The grey haired man gave no fuss, he got up on wobbly feet, aided by Stephen and said: “Yes, ma’am.”
 A beeping sound went off as you helped Earl into the back of an ambulance. Stephen had been uncharacteristically quiet since the whole thing went down. You chalked it up to wounded pride.
The car ride had been uncomfortable. Neither of you said a word to one another. Even if it was wounded pride, he was blowing things way out of proportion.
You wheeled Earl into the hospital with the help of the paramedics, “Sixty-five-year-old male, collapsed from unknown reasons. Slurred speech and incoherence. Had to perform CPR on sight.”
“Earl?” Jan recognised the man.
You walked over to her desk, “Know him?”
“Yeah, my son’s history teacher. Think he has a heart problem,” Jan said.
“Possible heart failure!” You shouted after the residents. One of them nodded in response.
“Why’s he so sour?” Jan looked over at Stephen.
“That’s what I wanna know,” you huffed. 
You pulled Stephen aside.
“What’s the matter with you?” you whispered.
He flexed his jaw muscles, eyes growing smaller and he leaned down to speak in a careful tone, “I specifically told you to use the tube.”
“It would have taken too long,” you protested.
“Do you know why I specifically asked you to use the tube?”
You bit your lip, “No, why?”
“Because of Mike’s patient. He’s a teenage kid exhibiting symptoms of either bacterial or viral infection, possibly contagious. There’s a high chance he goes to that school. You could have exposed yourself to a contagion,” he made sure to stress his words so they fell like bricks rather than cards. “But then again, what do I know, since I’m just in it for the fame. Right?”
He was right. Damn him, but he was right. You had thought only of the patient, not the environment.
You couldn’t find anything else to say. Stephen pinched his nose bridge and strode away. The temple on his forehead was throbbing.
And then the second wave hit as soon as you walked into the main wing.
“Do you know how irresponsible this is? It’s not just your kids that are put at risk by this,” Mike held his hands on his hips, stance wide. He was in a heated conversation with the parents from earlier. Noah’s parents.
Stephen caught wind of the commotion and butted in, “What’s the issue?–Observation Three, isn’t it?–I’m guessing you got the tests back?”
“Sure did,” Mike sucked in air through his teeth and handed the chart to Stephen.
“Type B…” Stephen sounded worried. “Why wasn’t he immunised?”
“They chose not to,” Mike waved his hand at the parents.
You were about to play referee again, only this time it seemed Stephen and Mike were both on the same offensive team while the parents held their defensive position.
Stephen straightened his back and somehow he appeared taller, intimidating. His professional face was on, and he instantly began barking orders, “Mike, there’s a patient we just brought in, elderly man, mid 60’s, possible heart condition. Make sure they run a blood screen on him too in case this isn’t an isolated incident. Has the CDC been informed?”
“Dr Weisz is making that call now,” Mike sounded defeated.
“Make sure the kid gets a chest x-ray and do cultures for the parents and younger sibling too. Oh, and inform the school,” Stephen grabbed your elbow and led you away from the crowd. “You’re coming with me.”
“An isolation unite. Noah tested positive for Influenza B.”
You swallowed.
 The testing took a few hours and four Sudoku games before your results came back. Stephen walked into your isolated unit without taking the necessary precautions.
It was good news then.
You sighed in relief.
Stephen hadn’t cooled off yet.
“Lab work came back negative,” Stephen kept both hands in his pockets. “Turns out Earl had a pacemaker installed a year ago. It’s been giving him some trouble for a while. He didn’t come in due to insurance issues.”
“And Noah?” you asked.
“Antibiotics seem to be working. Caught it early enough. He’ll be fine. School only had one other case to report.”¨
There was a beat of silence. Then you decided to bite the bullet, guilt gnawing at your gut.
“Listen, Strange, I wanted to app—”
“You should get some rest,” Stephen cut you short.
You weren’t going to leave until you said your piece. Otherwise you’d toss and turn all night, “But first let me—”
He was avoiding your gaze, “I should go and check on Earl.”
He stopped.
You realised, just then, that that was the first time you’d called him by his first name. It felt…personal. No longer simply professional.
He turned to look at you, slowly.
“I—I’m sorr—”
“I was wrong,” he said suddenly. “This town. It’s not as predictable as I thought. It appears there are still some things that can surprise me.”
Did Strange –Stephen! – Just admit he was wrong?
You were stunned, pleasantly so.
Before you could think to say something else, he was gone.
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 To be continued...
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rebirtth · 4 years
hello all and i’m excited to introduce my silver screen goddess, turned duchess turned questioned by police gal !! 
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check here for a cheat sheet. check here for the wanted connections. and pls find me on discord for chats !!  @ 𝕤𝕔𝕪𝕝𝕝𝕒#4764
(  rachel weisz, female, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  WAGNER  ]  family claims membership to the society !  [  MARIANNE  ]  is a  [ 46 ]  year old   [  ACTRESS ]  who hails from  [  BREMEN, GERMANY  ]  ,  who call them  [  COQUETTE  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  SHARP  ]  and  [  CHARISMATIC  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  VENOMOUS  ]  and  [  CUT THROAT  ]  might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the  [  WAGNER  ]  family is known for  [  BEING FAVOURITES OF THE LAST GERMAN RULER, THEY WERE BESTOWED TITLE AFTER TITLE AND HAVE KEPT THEIR NAME AND MONEY THROUGH TRADE AND, APPARENTLY, IMMORAL ACTS  ]  ,  the society’s own  [  MEDEA  ]  is better remembered by  [  RED VELVET CAUGHT BENEATH MANICURED FINGERNAILS, THE HEAT OF A SPOTLIGHT BEARING DOWN UPON PALE SKIN, THE RIPPLE OF APPLAUSE FROM A CROWD WHO SPENT A LIFETIME FOLLOWING YOUR SPARKLING CAREER, THE CRASH OF A VASE AGAINST THE WALL THROWN BY A LOVER YOU HAD ONCE ADORED & EMERALD EYES STARING INTO THE MIRROR THAT REFLECTS A PERSON YOU DO NOT RECOGNISE ]  .  having been a member for  [  SIXTEEN ]  now,  [  MARIANNE  ]  has managed to attain  [  A WEALTH UNFATHOMABLE TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE SOCIETY AND A LENGTHY LIST OF DECEASED HUSBANDS  ]  —  no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ?    ———   
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Weicca Week: Virus
I went with the classic definition of virus--and not the definition that involves computers. haha XD @fyeahweicca
Just a Cold
“Has anyone seen Weisz yet today?” Rebecca frowned, leaning against the doorway of the common area. Shiki glanced up from the game he was absorbed in.
         “No,” he said, narrowing his eyes, “Could he still be asleep?”
         Unlikely. Rebecca knew Weisz. He was someone who got next to zero sleep—late to bed and early to rise sort of guy. “Well, I’ll check his room then.”
         She followed the familiar path down the corridor to crew-member quarters. Weisz’s door was the second one on the left. She gently tapped the ‘knock’ button on the little control panel by his door. She waited, but there was no response. She could tell from the green lighting on the panel that the door was unlocked. She was starting to get worried. She tapped the ‘knock’ button again, but still no response. She hesitated for a moment before tapping ‘open.’ The door slid aside with a soft hiss of air, and Rebecca stepped down into the familiar atmosphere of Weisz’s room.
         The lighting was dim, but Rebecca knew her way well enough that she didn’t need light to navigate. Tools, parts, and robotics experiments littered Weisz’s desk and dresser top. “Weisz?”
         There was a soft groan from his bed, and the sound of a soft tap before the lights grew bright. Weisz was laying in bed, several blankets pulled tight around him. He looked pale, and exhausted. Rebecca frowned. “You’re still in bed?! Are you alright?”
         “No,” he said, dropping his head back onto his pillow. He sounded horrible. His voice raspy, and like he was all stuffed up. “I’m freezing.” He pulled the blankets up to his chin. “And I feel like…” he coughed violently, and groaned again, “Feel like death.”
         Rebecca crossed the room and gently pressed her hand against his forehead. “Well, you don’t have a fever. It’s probably just a cold.”
         “Just a cold,” Weisz snorted, and then burst into a coughing fit again. Rebecca shook her head.
         “You really are cold. Scoot over, soft-man. I’ll help you warm up.” She slipped under his four or five blankets and wrapped an arm around him resting her head against his shoulder. He pulled her close, resting his chin on the top of her head. “Ah! Your feet are freezing!” Rebecca gasped, sitting up quickly and offering him a glare. “Geez! Why didn’t you get up and get socks?”
         “I didn’t want to get out of bed! It’s too cold!” He snapped. Rebecca shook her head.
         “Guess I’m gonna have to take care of you since you’re so useless when you’re sick.”
         “I’m not—” She threw her arms around him, pulling him up into a tight embrace.
         “Soak in all the warmth you can, because I’m going to go get you some socks and breakfast.”
         “No…” Weisz groaned. “You can’t leave, I’ll freeze to death.”
         “I think you’ll survive,” Rebecca smiled. Weisz wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Please don’t go. I’ll perish without you.”
         “So dramatic,” Rebecca rolled her eyes, and pulled herself away from his grip. “I’ll be back.” She yanked open one of his drawers, and pulled out a pair of socks, tossing them to him with a smile. “For now, put those on.”
         “Rebecca?” Shiki leaned in through the doorway, glancing over the scene before him. There seemed to be a dozen blankets on Weisz’s bed. An empty soup bowl sat on the bedside stand. Rebecca was sitting up in bed, tapping furiously at a little handheld device—headphones over her ears. Weisz was buried under all the blankets, head resting in Rebecca’s lap—fast asleep.
         Rebecca suddenly burst out, shaking her device, “R-B-27 if you ransack my farm ONE MORE TIME I’m going to RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB—” Weisz groaned, stirring in her lap, and she froze.
         “Rebecca?” Weisz’s voice did not sound good. Rebecca had said he was sick, but Shiki hadn’t imagined how bad it was.
         “Weisz, I’m so sorry,” she breathed, “I’ll be quiet I promise. Just go back to sleep so you can get better—” The fury of hell touched her eyes again, and she gritted her teeth, “I’m not talking to you, you noob! I’m going to burn down all your crops and bring your empire crumbling down into ashes. But first,” she said matter-of-factly, “I have to take care of my boyfriend.”
         “Rebecca,” Weisz let out a weary sigh, a small smile touching his lips as he looked up at her from where he lay. Rebecca glanced down at him again, her cheeks flushing red. “I love you.” Rebecca’s eyes widened, the little handheld device in her hands dropping to the blankets.
         Shiki shook his head with a smile and slipped down the hall. His friends were alright. That was all he needed to know. He’d let them have the next few moments alone.
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themagicinwords · 4 years
1 - 30. Answer all the questions for me princess
keep calling me princess, and I’ll do anything for you 🥺🥺🥺
I’m gonna put these under a cut since there’s a LOT
1. what’s your gender?
cis female
2. what are your pronouns?
3. is your family accepting?
they are! my sister is queer too, so we support each other and our mom is just a good mom who loves us unconditionally
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?
I want to tell 19 year old me to go to grief counseling, and to get into therapy.
5. what is your sexuality?
bisexual.. though I may be adding to that soon
6. favorite color?
teal and pink
7. sun gay or moon gay?
definitely moon gay! though I am a fan of sunlight as well
8. when did you find out your sexuality?
I think I figured it out when I was like 14 and a girl kissed me and my brain went “oh.. well that was REALLY nice!” and Kate Beckinsale in a leather catsuit happened and it was all over
9. how was your day?
it wasn’t too bad! my office is on one last week of half days, so I only had to work until 1. and I slept better last night, so other than having a migraine most of the day, I’m doing pretty good.
10. do you have any gay friends?
I do! most of them are on tumblr because I live in a pretty conservative/red state so there aren’t a lot of us around.
11. what’s your favorite hobby?
reading and cross stitch, which I am the bomb at
12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?
oh wow.. Freddie Mercury is a huge one. as a bisexual woman, I look up to Stephanie Beatriz a lot.
13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
obviously I’m partial to the bi flag, but I also love the ace and nonbinary flags. they’re beautiful.
14. are you openly out?
mostly! all the people closest to me know that I’m bi
15. are you comfortable with yourself?
some days yes, some days no. it all depends on where my anxiety is at. fortunately, I have way more good days than bad days.
16. bottom or top?
I am the bottomiest bottom to ever bottom
17. femme or butch?
definitely femme. I love pastels and makeup and getting my nails done and wearing pretty skirts and dresses.
18. do you bind?
I had one partner tie my hands with a neck tie once. but I am so obsessed with shibari and would really love to try it!
19. do you shave?
legs and underarms yes. down below, nooo too much work!
20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?
oh my god, I have to pick ONE!? ok um.. if Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig would take me as their third/sugar baby I would be all up in that
21. do you have a partner (s)?
yes! I’m married and I have a girlfriend
22. describe your partner (s)?
my hubby is super sweet and devoted, he’s so kind and loving. we’ve been together 10 years and he still looks at me with stars in his eyes.
my gf is a tiny little tattooed pixie with so much attitude. she’s sweet and fun, and makes me smile all the time. she shares my disney obsession, and always knows how to make me feel better when I’m sick or upset.
23. have you ever dated anyone of the same sex?
yep! a couple times.
24. anyone of another sex?
yeah, sadly I’ve dated more guys than girls
25. pastel gay or goth gay?
26. favorite dad in dream daddies?
I’ve never actually played it!
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
I have 11 tattoos, and I’m getting ready to plan out my next piece now that the lockdown is lifting in my state
28. do you own any pride flags/merch?
oh god yeah. I have bi flag stuff EVERYWHERE.
29. have you ever been to a pride parade?
yep! I’ve been to the chicago parade like 6 times I think? at least 6. and we started going to indy last year because my anxiety has gotten too bad for a crowd as large as chicago.
30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploring themselves?
you don’t have to make any decisions or label yourself until you’re ready. or ever! sexuality is fluid and every changing. I’ve known I was bi for 16 years, and even I’m now realizing my identity is shifting. it’s ok to not have all the answers, or any answers! love yourself, and find someone you can trust to talk to. don���t go it alone.
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ikhnyshy · 5 years
First Kiss
Fandom: Edens Zero  | Pairing: WEISZMURA | One-Shot | Rated: T
Link Fanfiction net
(One Shot) The crew of the Edens Zero interrupts Weisz's play in a virtual romance game. Frustrated, he gets up late at night to play in peace, only to find that he is not the only one who is curious about that type of games (WeiszMura)(Translated Fic) 
Edens Zero and its characters belong to Hiro Mashima.
First Kiss
— Water Lock
"Please, be gentle Weisz-sama…" She whispered, her voice but a soft whisper, a delicate thing tinged with seduction.
Weisz felt his face flush, his eyes wandering over the image in front of him, committing it to memory. Narrowed eyes peering up at him, white hair tied in two long pigtails that trailed down her body which led to the steep neckline to the impeccable white apron that fitted her waist perfectly.
The boy bit his lower lip, a silly laugh escaping his lips.
He knew his face was red. There was no way it couldn't be. Not to mention he could feel the burning all the way from his cheeks to his ears.
"Disgusting," Hermit scoffed, much too close to Weisz for his liking.
"I can't believe you kissed all three," Rebecca added, her nose scrunching in disgust, while her voice was filled with reproach.
Exasperated, Weisz rolled his eyes and tuned out the others, excusing himself from the game and looked around. He wasn't even sure when the rest of the crew decided they could impose on his bubble of privacy, but they were all gathered around him as if there was nothing else better to do on the ship than to annoy him.
Great group, I got here, huh?
Rebecca and Homura were at either of his sides, trapping him between, Shiki was settled next to the blonde, while the androids sat in chairs behind the spacious armchair occupied by the four humans.
Happy and Pino watched the interaction curiously from their spots on the backrest between Shiki and Rebecca.
"Leave him," Sister intervened, perched on her spot, sporting a glass of wine that was almost empty.
Bet it's her fifth one.
The blonde boy looked up to see the android hold out her glass so that Moscoy could refill it with wine.
"I bet it's the only way the poor guy can get a kiss anyway," She said, shooting him a smirk.
Weisz growled under his breath…..he couldn't think of anything to say back to that.
"This game looks pretty fun," Shiki bumped in, diverting the issue to which the other male (human) member welcomed with open arms.
The crew chief looked at the screen as dumbfounded as he was a few moments ago and Weisz was grateful to share his taste with someone else.
It was clear that the female crew members did not exactly approve of the way he played.
"It's strange," Hermit said, her eyes studying the screen, filled with distrust, "The game shouldn't allow you to kiss the three candidates," She said suspiciously, watching him as he laughed a little nervously," She narrowed her eyes, "Did you modify the code?"
"Who do you take me for?" He asked, feigning indignation. Of course, he modified the code….but he wasn't going to let Hermit know that. "A cheater?" He asked.
The Android only raised an eyebrow that was accompanied by Rebecca giving the exact same look.
"And who is going to choose Lover-Boy?" Sister asked, still nursing her glass of wine, "At some point, you will have to choose…" She said, her eyes not focused on him whatsoever.
"It's very hard to choose…." Weisz sighed out and looked at the screen with a dreamy look, "All three have big qualities…" He said, almost as if this were the biggest decision of his life.
"Yeah right," Rebecca scoffed, "I'm sure it's the qualities you're looking at right now," She said, rolling her eyes.
Weisz simply ignored Rebecca's sarcasm, his head too focused on picking the right choice as he meditated on his tempting options.
The history of the games was very simple:
He was a lucky young man who inherited a fortune and a mansion from a distant uncle. This led him to the three choices he had:
There was Chelsea, a waitress for him in the luxurious house. She was his age, sweet and tender, took care of the domestic chores of the place, cooked for him, and treated him like a king.
Shortly after settling there, Justine appeared in the house and decided to live with him. She was his childhood friend who claimed to be a nurse and took care of his health. Although her personality was something bossy fierce, you could tell she cared about him and Weisz liked her more serene contrast.
Finally, then there Miranda. She was sent by the family's lawyer to teach him some manners. It was noted that she was a few years older than the rest of the characters…but that only made her look more attractive to the perverse eyes of the player, who had some enjoyment in the interactions that he had with her. Miranda was strict, formal and had an air of seductive authority….which made her that much better.
"Well," Shiki said, "I would choose Justine," He said, and all eyes fell on him, "She's the childhood friend, and that has great value,"
I should've guessed that's what he'd say.
"That's true," Rebecca agreed, "Out of the three, she's the one that knows him the most," She said, causing Weisz to cock his head in slight confusion.
"I would select Miranda," The player turned his head to his long black-haired companion. It was the first time she'd spoke since they'd all settled here. "But I will not say it out loud," She added.
"You just did," Rebecca said, a soft smile gracing her face.
"But Chelsea treats me like a king…" He argued, looking at the screen, the girl dressed as a maid returned and looked somewhat embarrassed by the kiss she had just blown.
The game continued and the virtual girls began to behave very strangely… Suddenly, the devout candidates suspected his actions and began to accuse him of playing with their feelings. Weisz didn't even begin to understand why the characters behaved in that way and the answers offered by the game did not lead him to the solution of the conflict.
"His girls" were getting angry with him and what seemed impossible happened…
"I can't believe it," He huffed in shock, dropping the controller, feeling dejected as he watched Chelsea leave the house. She was the last of the girls to leave him. "The three of them rejected me!" He exclaimed.
"You deserve it for being a pervert," Rebecca said, crossing her eyes, an amused smile filling her face.
"You did this!" He said, pointing an accusing finger at the blue-haired android. She simply smiled innocently….at least one that appeared innocent.
"I don't know why you would think that," Hermit said, feigning innocence as she spoke.
"You are the only one who can modify the code of the game!" He concluded.
"No, I am not," She defended, her stoic expression returning, "You can modify it too. After all, that is why the characters behaved like that with you,"
"What's wrong with that?!" He asked frustrated, "It's just a game!"
"I don't know Weisz…" Shiki said uncertainly, holding a finger to his cheek, his eyes still fixed on the screen, "You played with their feelings, that isn't right,"
"Hey, you said you thought it was interesting," Weisz said.
"I think it's interesting to make friends," He clarified, "But playing with feelings….that's not right," he said.
"The Demon King, always so considerate," Weisz rolled his eyes at Witch's comment and turned off the console.
He sat on his place, his arms crossed and clearly obfuscated. He spent four hours playing that game! It wasn't fair of them to just ruin his efforts (not counting what it took him to change the code of the game, which took even longer).
"Oh, don't get mad, Weisz. It was only a game," Rebecca said, not understanding the silent tantrum he was having.
"That wasn't what you thought while I was playing," He answered the blonde snarkily, "I'm going to rest," He said, frustration filled throughout his voice.
Weisz got up from his place and went to his cabin.
As he was leaving, he could still hear the voices of his "supposed friends" commenting on his game.
Later, Weisz had learned that frustration wasn't really the best feeling to go to sleep with.
Throughout the night, the three girls fluttered in his consciousness and Weisz wanted to know the real end of the game, to what extent it would show him that enviable life inside the mansion, surrounded by beautiful girls willing to do anything for him….
Without warning, he got up from his bed and walked quietly through the corridors of the Edens Zero. He made his way to the room with the huge holographic screen and the video game console. Much to Weisz's surprise, he quickly realized not everyone in the crew was asleep. Apparently, someone else had taken an interest in his game. Someone he couldn't fathom the idea of playing it.
"Homura?!" He asked, uncertainty filling his voice.
Startled, the girl turned to face him, her arms readied to throw the controller on the ground and bolt from her place.
"You scared me!" She exclaimed, quickly covering her mouth with the sleeve of her kimono, and regained composure, "What are you doing awake?" She asked.
He shook his head, "That's the question I should be asking. What are you—," He stopped his question midsentence, his eyes fixed on the screen.
His partner was playing the female version of the same game.
"Oh," He said, indifferently, " I didn't know you liked these games," He said, taking the chair next to her and sitting down.
"I was just trying it," She answered, not even bothering to look at him, "I will not say I was curious," she said.
Weisz smiled at her antics but didn't say anything about it.
"And?" He asked, "How are your suitors?"
"They are very similar to the girls," She answered simply, "But there are some differences. For example, the code is not altered," She said, something in her voice.
Curious, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye and recognized some mockery in her expression, although very slight.
"Do you already know who you are going to stay with?" He asked, stretching his arms on the backrest of the chair, his eyes fixed on the hologram.
"I'm not sure," She answered while selection one of the options of the game, "Maybe the teacher," she said thoughtfully.
"You know? It sounds like some kind of complex," Weisz said, watching as Homura navigated her way through the game.
"Complex?" Homura asked confused, lowering the control in her hands. "You mean because of my teacher, right?" She asked.
Weisz did not answer her.
"It's not like that ... I just really miss her," Homura clarified, her brown eyes glazed over with sadness, that was gone before it was even there.
"Sorry," He said, noticing the slight change in the attitude of his partner.
Valkyrie was obviously a sensitive issue for her.
"I didn't mean to be disrespectful," Weisz added, genuinely feeling sorry for bringing it up.
"It's alright," Homura responded, "I understand," She said as she selected another option, this time rejecting the advances of "the childhood friend" in the game.
"Well," Weisz said, "The friend is now taken care of. Now, all that's left is the teacher and the nurse," He said, almost as if he were announcing the game.
The game continued and Homura's responses became more and more obvious who she was going to choose.
Despite the discomfort of his comment, it seems that "the teacher" would be the lucky winner.
Weisz just watched as the game unraveled, and he had to admit that letting the story flow was more entertaining than the modifications he had introduced in his game before. Not only that, but it seemed to be different depending on if it was a girl or boy playing because the script seemed different.
He felt comfortable just watching her play. Unlike Rebecca who got a little crazy when she played, Homura maintained her relaxed and calm posture. Instead of watching a game, it seemed that, in front of his eyes, a romantic film about a teacher and her student was screening before his eyes.
But when "the nurse" was rejected and feelings for the last candidate became obvious, he noticed how Homura tensed at his side.
"What's the matter?" He asked curiously. He watched as she swallowed nervous saliva.
"It's time," She said, her nerves overcoming her normally calm expression.
"Time for what?" Weisz asked, not understanding what she was so nervous about.
"For the kiss," The girl said, her cheeks colored as soon as she said it.
Weisz couldn't help but giggle like a little school girl.
"Of course," He replied, "You're finishing the game,"
She nodded and her eyes widened as the "winning" candidate declared his eternal love for her. Wiesz was sure that even if she wanted to, Homura couldn't blush any more than she already was. It was like looking at a tomato.
"Are you nervous?" He asked.
She didn't answer but he noticed how she held the air when character kissed the screen.
He also noticed how she after she seemed somewhat disappointed.
"Hmm," She finally said, "It's not the big deal," she said indifferently, rising from her place.
"You didn't like it?" Weisz asked, confused by her reaction.
"It did not displease me," She said as she stretched her kimono, smoothing out the wrinkles of the fabric. Her face returned to normal, and turned to show her serene and unchanging expression, "I thought it would be special, but I will not say it out loud,"
"It was a game," He answered, smiling, "It's not the same as in real life,"
"In real life, it's special?" She looked at him curiously and he felt nervous.
"Huh?" He asked, taken aback by the question, "Yes, of course," He paused, "…..at least I hope," He added unconsciously.
"You are not sure?" Homura asked, her piercing eyes drilling a hole in him.
"Is that I…" He looked away; his eyes fell on the screen. "I have not kissed anyone either," He confessed.
"We should try," She said abruptly.
Weisz flipped his head towards her. Surely, he heard that wrong. There's no way she just said what he thinks.
"What?" He asked, utterly dumbfounded.
"We should try," She repeated as if it were not crazy, "Since neither you nor I have experienced it," She said, "What is wrong with us trying?" She asked.
"Well…" He said thoughtfully, "Nothing would be wrong, but…"
"Are you not curious?" Homura asked, cutting him off.
"Yes," He answered without hesitation, "Yes, I'm in,"
"Let's try," She said, not moving from her spot in front of him.
Weisz watched her suspiciously.
He didn't know what Homura was thinking, but from her expression, it seemed as if they were going to fight a duel, not kiss. He sighed and got up from his place to stand right in front of her.
He would be lying if he said he hadn't been tempted to kiss her before (actually fantasized about doing it more than once). Still, that didn't mean he could do it well or what his partner's expectations were.
His eyes fell to her lips and he unconsciously licked his own, making his decision.
Yes. He was going to try. He would kiss Homura.
"Ready?" He asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. The girl just nodded and stared into his eyes. For a moment, he was lost in them, in their deep dark color. He felt as lost in them as did anyone who first made their way through the galaxy. He searched for any sign of regret but found none, he only found the determination that characterized her.
"Ready." She answered firmly.
The air became dense, the nerves swirled in his stomach and for a moment he was only aware of the heat emanating from their bodies.
He brought his face close to hers, felt her soft, warm breath strike against his cheek and, gathering much courage, joined his lips with hers.
He had intended for the kiss to be short. He only planned for their lips to join, and then separate out of fear that she'd cut his head off with her sword if they touched for any longer.
However….the moment the softness of her mouth collided with his, he could not help but want to prolong the moment. His lips moved, seeking to capture her softness. He found himself wishing the kiss would never end.
But just like everything else, at some point, it must end.
"I will not say it out loud," She whispered to him when they separated.
Embarrassed, they both diverted their eyes.
Weisz put his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do with them as he waited anxiously.
"What?" He asked, "What is it that you will not say?" He asked, the tension in the air thick as he noticed the blush on her cheeks as she covered her mouth with the sleeve of her kimono.
"That I liked it," She finally said through her kimono.
She smiled sweetly and left the room.
Weisz felt a strange grin on his face with a silly smile.
Being alone in the room, the blond boy observed the screen of the game that showed the starting screen, waiting for a player to be chosen to start the game. He turned off the hologram and the console, deciding he was not interested in the kisses of the virtual characters.
His fingers traced his still moist lips and smiled.
No, he'd much rather prefer the kisses of a brown-eyed, black-haired, warrior.
Thanks for Reading!
This is my first Edens Zero fanfic. I really hope you liked it ^ ^
Thanks to Rissa who did the beta reading!
36 notes · View notes
gildedhq · 4 years
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UNDER THE CUT are our FIFTEEN newly accepted members! Please go through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
Congratulations, ANN ! You have been accepted as ADELAIDE KENNEDY with the faceclaim choice of ANA DE ARMAS, and THEODORE WOLFE with the faceclaim choice of  TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET. 
(  ana de armas, cis female, she+her  ) — a member of the  [  KENNEDY  ]  family claims membership to the society !  [  ADELAIDE KENNEDY  ]  is a  [ 29 ]  year old   [  SOCIALITE ]  who hails from  [  NYC, NY  ]  ,  who call them  [ the PHOENIX  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  OUTGOING  ]  and  [ UNDERSTANDING  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  STUBBORN  ]  and  [  DEMANDING  ]  might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the  [  KENNEDY  ]  family is known for  [  BEING WITHIN THE USA GOVERNMENT  ]  ,  the society’s own  [  ATHENA  ]  is better remembered by  [  FOG OFF WATER, SPIDER WEBS DISGUISED AS LACE + THE SOUND OF WAVES  ]  .  having been a member for  [  FOUR YEARS ]  now,  [  ADELAIDE  ]  has managed to attain  [  A NOBLE AS A HUSBAND  ]  —  no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ? 
(  timothée chalamet, cis male, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  WOLFE  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  THEODORE WOLFE  ]  is a  [ 26 ]  year old   [  PRESCHOOL TEACHER ]  who hails from  [  FORKS, WASHINGTON  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE SUGAR BABY  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  POLITE  ]  and  [  KIND  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  SHY  ]  and  [  QUIET  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  WOLFE  ]  family is known for  [ RUNNING A DRUG EMPIRE  ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  SMOKE  ]  is better remembered by  [  TIRE MARKS ON PAVEMENT, SOFT PINK BLANKETS + A BED FULL OF FEATHERS  ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  OPEN A HOME FOR CHILDREN WHO WERE ABSUED  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, KYOTO ! You have been accepted as EVGENIA DE BORBÓN  with the faceclaim choice of MINATOZAKI SANA.
(  minatozaki sana, cis female, she/her  ) — a member of the [ DE BORBÓN ] family seeks entry to the society !  [ EVGENIA ] is a [ 25 ] year old [ FIGURE SKATER & UNIVERSITY STUDENT ]  who hails from [ MADRID, SPAIN ] , who call them [ THE JANUS ] . although their peers know them for being  [ INTELLECTUAL ] and [ ASTUTE ] , their reputation for being [ WITHDRAWN ] and [ APATHETIC ] might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [ DE BORBÓN ] family is known for [ BEING SPAIN’S ROYAL FAMILY ] , the society’s hopeful [ SATURN ] is better remembered by [ ENDLESS COLD — THE ICE YOUR SKATES SLICE SHARP LINES INTO & THE GAZE OF THE ONES YOU CALL FAMILY ; CHERRY PALE — SPLOTCHES ON YOUR PALMS FROM DIGGING NAILS IN & CHERRY BLOSSOMS IN FULL BLOOM ; A SEA OF INFORMATION — LINES OF CODE FLASHING BEFORE YOUR EYES & THE PAGES UPON PAGES OF CORONER’S REPORTS THAT FALL PAST YOUR GAZE ; VAST EMPTINESS — ANOTHER PLACE HAUNTED BY GHOSTS YOU CANNOT SHAKE & THE HOLE THAT SITS WHERE YOUR HEART OUGHT TO BE ; A RAGING INFERNO — YOU ONCE BURNED ALIVE , NOW LET THEM ALL TURN TO ASHES FOR IT.  ] . initial reports say their goal of [ THE DEMISE OF THE YAMATO DYNASTY & THOSE AFFILIATED WITH IT ] would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ? 
Congratulations, MEGAN ! You have been accepted as DAVID BABA with the faceclaim choice of RAMI MALEK.
(  rami malek, demi guy, he/him  ) — a member of the  [  BABA ]  family claims membership to the society !  [  DAVID  ]  is a  [ 36 ]  year old   [  NOVELIST ]  who hails from  [  LONDON, ENGALND  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE HYPOCRITE  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  GENEROUS  ]  and  [  ACCEPTING  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  JUDGMENTAL ]  and  [  IMPULSIVE  ]  might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the  [  BABA  ]  family is known for  [  THEIR TECH CONGLOMERATE  ]  ,  the society’s own  [  AKHET  ]  is better remembered by  [ MOLESKINE NOTEBOOKS THICK WITH IDEAS, INK STAINED HANDS, PHYSICAL PHOTOGRAPHS, EXPENSIVE PERFUMES AND COLOGNES  ]  .  having been a member for  [  NEARLY FIVE YEARS ]  now,  [  DAVID  ]  has managed to attain  [ THE JOB AS GHOSTWRITER FOR A MULTIMILLION DOLLAR BOOK FRANCHISE ]  —  no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ?
Congratulations, WINTER ! You have been accepted as MAVERICK HEARST with the faceclaim choice of ANNIE MURPHY.
(  annie murphy, cis female, she/her  ) — a member of the  [ HEARST ]  family claims membership to the society !  [ MAVERICK ]  is a  [ 29 ]  year old   [ SOCIALITE & REALITY TV STAR ]  who hails from  [ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ]  ,  who call them  [ THE SYBARITE ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [ PERCEPTIVE ]  and  [ GENEROUS ]  ,  their reputation for being  [ MATERIALISTIC ]  and  [ CAPRICIOUS ]  might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the  [ HEARST ]  family is known for  [ CREATING AMERICA’S LARGEST MEDIA EMPIRE ]  ,  the society’s own  [ ISIS ]  is better remembered by  [  RUBIES THE SIZE OF WALNUTS RADIANT AGAINST BARE SKIN; THE SCENT OF SALT WAFTING OVER A SANDY BEACH; A MESS OF GOLDEN WAVES GLIMMERING IN THE SUNLIGHT; HONEYED WORDS FLOWING FROM ROSE-COLORED LIPS ]  .  having been a member for  [ THREE ] years now,  [ MAVERICK ]  has managed to attain  [ AN EMMY AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING REALITY SHOW ]  —  no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ?
Congratulations, FLINT ! You have been accepted as ABIGAIL BRANDON with the faceclaim choice of KATIE MCGRATH.
( katie mcgrath, cisfemale, she/her ) — a member of the [ BRANDON ] family claims membership to the society ! [ ABIGAIL ] is a [ 39 ] year old [ POLITICIAN ] who hails from [ EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND ] , who call them [ THE PRINCIPLED ] . although their peers know them for being [ COMPASSIONATE ] and [ DRIVEN ] , their reputation for being [ OBSESSIVE ] and [ FRAGILE ] might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the [ BRANDON ] family is known for [ A MODEST POLITICAL CAREER ] , the society’s own [ LETHE ] is better remembered by [ ROWS UPON ROWS OF WELL REHEARSED SIGNATURES, THE RARE FREE AFTERNOON SPENT IN HOME GROWN FLOWER GARDENS, AN INSURMOUNTABLE STAIRCASE STRETCHING UP INTO THE DARK, WATCHFUL EYES IN THE CORNERS OF YOUR VISION, A HEART SO FULL IT SEEMS FIT TO BURST ] . having been a member for [ 6 MONTHS ] now, [ ABIGAIL ] has managed to attain [ THE POSITION OF SHADOW CHANCELLOR ] — no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ?
Congratulations, TILDA ! You have been accepted as MARIANNE WAGNER with the faceclaim choice of RACHEL WEISZ, and ALFRED BRANDON with the faceclaim choice of CILLIAN MURPHY.
(  cillian murphy, male, he/him  ) — a member of the  [  BRANDON  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  ALFRED  ]  is a  [ 41 ]  year old   [  LAWYER ]  who hails from  [  LEITH, EDINBURGH  ]  ,  who call them  [  MACHIAVELLIAN  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  CONFIDENT  ]  and  [  FEARLESS  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  BLUNT  ]  and  [  BROODING  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  BRANDON  ]  family is known for  [  A MODEST POLITICAL CAREER  ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  DULLAHAN  ]  is better remembered by  [  CRISP WHITE SHIRTS WITH A POCKET HANDKERCHIEF SMUDGED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD, LOUNGING ACROSS VELVET CHAIRS WITH A CIGAR POISED IN ONE HAND, OPIUM DENS FROM THE 1900s, HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT COVERED IN FOG & THE SNORT OF A HORSE AFTER A LONG RIDE  ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  BRINGING DOWN THE SOCIETY, OR TAKING CHARGE HIMSELF  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, AVA ! You have been accepted as MARTA VON THURN AND TAXIS with the faceclaim choice of LUCY BOYNTON.
(  lucy boynton, female, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  THURN UND TAXIS ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  MARTA ]  is a  [ 29 ]  year old   [  FINANCIER / ART COLLECTOR ]  who hails from  [  BAVARIA  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE COGNOSCENTI  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  INTENSE  ]  and  [  PASSIONATE  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  ALOOF  ]  and  [  EXACTING ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  THURN UND TAXIS ]  family is known for  [  GERMAN NOBILITY THAT HELPED ESTABLISH THE MODERN POSTAL SYSTEM IN EUROPE ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  SYN  ]  is better remembered by  [  running around empty museums, standing in front of a post modernist painting, cigarette smoke wafting from a recently lit french cigarette, a blinking cursor on an open spreadsheet, the midnight view of a big city at night from the top of skyscrapers ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  OWNING THE BIGGEST PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MARK ROTHKO’S WORKS  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, SKYE ! You have been accepted as ASTRID JULIETTE VAN RENESSLAER with the faceclaim choice of SAOIRSE RONAN.
( saoirse ronan , cisfemale, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  VAN RENESSLAER  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  ASTRID JULIETTE  ]  is a  [ 25 ]  year old   [  POET/ARTIST ]  who hails from  [  MANHATTAN, NEW YORK  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE ASTHETE  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  CLEVER  ]  and  [  SWEET  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  DEFENSIVE  ]  and  [  ANXIOUS  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  VAN RENESSLAER  ]  family is known for   [ OWNING ONE OF THE OLDEST BANKS IN AMERICA ] ,  the society’s hopeful  [ ARTEMIS ]  is better remembered by  [ WEAPONIZED INNOCENCE, WILTED FLOWER CROWNS, DRIED PAINT, INK STAINED FINGERTIPS, HUMMING A SWEET MELODY ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  OPENING HER OWN STUDIO  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, ELLIE ! You have been accepted as CAMRYN DAVENPORT with the faceclaim choice of PHOEBE TONKIN.
(  phoebe tonkin, cisfemale, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  DAVENPORT  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  CAMRYN  ]  is a  [ 30 ]  year old   [  CEO OF DAVENPORT BEAUTY ]  who hails from  [  MANHATTAN, NEW YORK  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE BROKEN PEDESTAL  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  SKILLFUL  ]  and  [  FARSIGHTED  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  BRITTLE  ]  and  [  HEDONISTIC  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  DAVENPORT  ]  family is known for  [  CREATING A CLEAN BEAUTY LINE CATERING TO ALL WOMEN  ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  AURORA  ]  is better remembered by  [  SMUDGED RED LIPSTICK, HIGH HEELS, RESTLESS NIGHTS, VISION BOARDS & POWER SUITS  ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  MAKING DAVENPORT BEAUTY MORE ACCESSIBLE AND REFRESHING THE COMPANY’S IMAGE  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, BAYLEE ! You have been accepted as AVERY HARPER with the faceclaim choice of ROME FLYNN.
( rome flynn, cis male, he/him ) — a member of the [ HARPER ] family seeks entry to the society ! [ AVERY ] is a [ 28 ] year old [ ENTREPRENEUR ] who hails from [ LONDON ] , who call them [ THE CHESSMASTER ] . although their peers know them for being [ ASTUTE ] and [ LOYAL ] , their reputation for being [ MANIPULATIVE ] and [ CONNIVING ] might hinder their relations with current society members. while the [ HARPER ] family is known for [ POSSESSING THE OLDEST MONEY IN LONDON AND A STRANGE CAR CRASH THAT KILLED AVERY’S PARENTS ] , the society’s hopeful [ DOLOS ] is better remembered by [ FRESHLY PRESSED AND TAILORED DARK SUITS, MISCHIEVOUS SMIRKS, WEIGHTED BLACK CANE WITH A GOLDEN COMPASS AND SHEATHED KNIFE, VELVET SHEETS, AND THE SMELL OF COFFEE GROUNDS AND LEATHER  ] . initial reports say their goal of [ SOLVING THE MYSTERY OF WHO KILLED HIS PARENTS ] would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, N ! You have been accepted as EMILIA DE CALVENZANO with the faceclaim choice of NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO.
(  natasha liu bordizzo , cisfemale , she/her  ) — a member of the  [  DE CALVENZANO  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  EMILIA  ]  is a  [ TWENTY-FIVE ]  year old   [  PAINTER ]  who hails from  [  ROME , ITALY  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE ARTISAN  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  INDUSTRIOUS  ]  and  [  ARTISTICALLY INTELLIGENT  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  ENVIOUS  ]  and  [  DEMANDING  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  DE CALVENZANO ]  family is known for  [  CREATING THE MOST TREASURED ART PIECES IN THE WORLD  ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  APHRODITE  ]  is better remembered by  [  PAINT STAINED FINGERS AROUND A NECKLACE HER MOTHER ONCE OWNED , A COMPULSIVE NEED TO PROVE HER WORTH , HOW THE SKIES TURN GREY AT THE EDGE OF AN IMPENDING STORM , EXCESSIVE COMFORT THAT CRAWLS UNCOMFORTABLY UNDER HER SKIN , BEAUTY TOO HYPNOTISING TO BELIEVE ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  BEING THE GREATEST ARTIST OF HER AGE  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, JULIA ! You have been accepted as BOCEPHUS MORGAN with the faceclaim choice of JEREMY ALLEN WHITE.
(  jeremy allen white, male, he/him  ) — a member of the  [  MORGAN  ]  family seeks entry to the society !  [  BOCEPHUS  ]  is a  [ 27 ]  year old   [ PHILANTHROPIST ]  who hails from  [  ANCHORAGE, KENTUCKY  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE ATRABILIAC ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  OBSERVANT  ]  and  [  EFFUSIVE  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  CONTROLLING  ]  and  [  CANTANKEROUS  ]  might hinder their relations with current society members. while the  [  MORGAN  ]  family is known for  [  THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE AMERICAN BANKING DYNASTY AND CREATION OF A FINANCE EMPIRE  ]  ,  the society’s hopeful  [  PLUTO ]  is better remembered by  [ SEEPING THE SMELL OF SMOKE INTO EGYPTIAN COTTON WITH EACH 2AM EXISTENTIAL EXHALE; LISTENING TO HIS SERVANT’S TEARFUL PLEAS BEHIND CLOSED OAK DOORS, ATTENDING A FUNERAL DRESSED IN WHITE ]  .  initial reports say their goal of  [  THE DESTRUCTION OF HIS OWN TWIN SISTER  ]  would be their first priority after being inducted, although who’s to say that won’t change ?
Congratulations, VIRGINIA ! You have been accepted as VALERIA FUENTES with the faceclaim choice of MELISSA FUMERO.
(  melissa fumero, cis female, she/her  ) — a member of the  [  FUENTES  ]  family claims membership to the society !  [  VALERIA  ]  is a  [ 35 ]  year old   [  ATHLETE  ]  who hails from  [  MADRID, SPAIN  ]  ,  who call them  [  THE HELIOPHILIC  ]  .  although their peers know them for being  [  EBULLIENT  ]  and  [  AUDACIOUS  ]  ,  their reputation for being  [  AVARICIOUS  ]  and  [  SUPERCILIOUS  ]  might prove intimidating for new initiates. while the  [  FUENTES  ]  family is known for  [  RUNNING THE BIGGEST EUROPEAN MEDIA EMPIRE  ]  ,  the society’s own  [  HELEN  ]  is better remembered by  [  SHINY PEARLS SCATTERED ON THE MARBLE FLOOR, PUTTING ON HIGH HEELS FOR A POST MATCH PRESS CONFERENCE, SHATTERED DIAMONDS OF ENGAGEMENT RINGS, SPILLED DROPS OF WINE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, & THE RAISING WIND OF AN UNEXPECTED STORM  ]  .  having been a member for  [  THREE YEARS  ]  now,  [  VALERIA  ]  has managed to attain  [  WINNING THE SOCCER WORLD CUP AS THE CAPTAIN THREE TIMES]  —  no doubt through the help of the society, wouldn’t you think ?
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weissfai-blog1 · 6 years
The Prince and his Knight
The Mummy ~ AePete AU (set in 1926)
As I have said previously, an idea pops inside my head while listening to the Mummy (1999 film) starring Brendan Fraser & Rachel Weisz.
And I create an HCS for AePete. I hope to write this soon!!! I’m very excited! 
AePete AU (set in 1926) NOTE: For those who will read, please take note that Ae’s body and height are from the Adult Ae of the novel of LBC. Ae is taller than Pete when they met again and more muscular.
Pete is an Archaeologist fascinated by Egyptian myths and legends and an aspiring Egyptologist. He doesn’t know why but he feels so much about Egypt, its history, myths, legends, rituals, pyramids. As if there’s always a calling for him. He studies Archaeologist even against his father’s wishes (whose pure Egyptian). His father wants him to focus on Business. When his father and mother divorce, his mother was so supportive of his career choice. 
Pete studies at the University of Cambridge, under the Department of Archaeology specializing in Egyptian Language and Egyptian Archaeology. Pete also acquires certain merits studying Ancient Egyptian religion and Egyptian Language and with a perfect score in hieroglyphs.
Pete’s only friend while studying was Tin. Tin encourage Pete’s and told him to never give up even if the odds. There have been many who doubts Pete – not because he is not capable, but many told him to just use his face.
Pete is beautiful. Like really beautiful for a man. He is not muscular but petite with tall height. Pete has milky white skin, not just white white skin like the others but milky white skin that looks so soft and inviting. His lips are the shape of a cupid’s bow and red in colour. His soft brown hair crowns his head like a prince and long eyelashes that rivals any girls surrounds his doe eyes. To many girls and women at school, Pete is their Prince Charming, while many men look at Pete with lust. The only thing that stops them from ever touching Pete was Tin. 
Tin is a half-British half-Thai with power attached to his name. His father is the most powerful man in the leading business world. One word from Tin and their family may be erased. They have sampled how much power Tin has when a guy name Trump tried to assault Pete. Pete was ever so friendly and helps those in need, Trump from different department tried to woo Pete and when Pete keeps on rejecting him, Trump tried to assault Pete. Pete was saved by someone who was passing by, a senior student or someone older than him, beat the crap out of Trump and told him to never show his face. Pete was punched in the gut and was slapped hard by Trump so his vision was blurry and cannot comprehend what was happening. The only memory he has was the man who saves him carries him very carefully as if he was a fragile piece of object. 
The next day, Trump was put in jail and when scandals or rumours go around, Trump suddenly vanished and so was his family in the city. No words have been said and they knew it was something to do with Tin when they heard Pete asking Tin what happen, and the reply was: “You don’t have to worry about that bastard. I’ve taken care of it.”
And so, Pete was never touched nor he was bothered by any men and even women at the university.
Pete was able to graduate with honours and with his own money, he traveled to Egypt and set his way to discover the Ancient Kingdom. 
It was hard at first, cause there’s so many who tried to trick him and many tried to lure him into dark alleys with secrets from the Kingdom. Being with Tin taught him to see the facial expression and to know who was telling the truth or not.
Pete was looking for clues to Hamunaptra, also known as City of the Dead. In his stay in Egypt, the name comes up every now and then in whispers and in tales. He has been in Egypt for 2 years and taken a job in The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. The owner of the museum taken a liking to Pete and told Pete that he can use his museum and library for as long as he wants. 
Pete met Ae. Ae Intouch. A half Arab and half-Thai, tall, dark muscular man with eyes as black as the night sky. Ae saves him from some thugs who were trying to mug him. Ae’s first words to him were, ‘Hey Angel, whenever I see you, you need saving. What will you do without me?’
Pete then found out that the man who saves him from Trump’s assault was Ae who was visiting the university to talk to his professor friend and he was just passing by when he heard some arguments. He investigates and well, him being a newly appointed Colonel of the French Foreign Legion he did what he had to do, save a damsel in distress, though in their situation, it was a knight saving a prince from a bastard villain. 
Ae was actually planning to go home to Thailand and start his new life there as he was fired and almost court-martial by the French Foreign Legion when he told them that he will not – anymore – led his men to death by looking for buried treasures. He told them that he is a soldier, not a treasure hunter and his men are fighters not scavengers and pawns.
Many of his men died while under him when they were ambushed by soldiers from tribes who were planning on looting the place as well. He was angered when he found out the real reason they were sent to Egypt. 
Pete then hired Ae, telling him that he will pay a great amount to be his guide.
Along the way, Ae becomes his protector, guardian, the man who made him smile.
And in their adventures, they discover so many things about the myths of Egypt and discover the connection to their past life, so why does Pete always feel that Ae is someone a missing piece in his life.
Ae also felt that Pete is someone he needed to protect and cherish. 
Both are men. And Pete though admitted that he likes the opposite sex, he will not jeopardize the friendship and protection that Ae gives. 
Even though it's killing him to stop the growing fondness and care he has for Ae, he will never tell him that he is falling deeply in love with the man who keeps on protecting him.
Egyptologist, study of ancient Egyptian history, language, literature, religion, architecture and art from the 5th millennium BC until the end of its native religious practices in the 4th century AD.
Adult Ae always gives me shivers and a sexy feeling. Whenever I read about him, I can only imagine Max Nattapol from TWM series. Saint as Pete and Max as Ae. 
Pete is beautiful. Just his smile can stop anyone and make you fall in love with him. 
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Ae is dark, muscular, tall, with a permanent scowl and frown on his face. He is a man who looks so scary and ready to kick anyone’s ass. He practices Muay Thai and is a football idiot. 
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