#What I find interesting however is that some individuals who are very vocal about the inherent display of fandom misogny
Definite ignorance of female characters or deliberate vilification of them in favor of male characters and m/m ships
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I will say, however, the treatment of female characters in this fandom specifically, at this point in time, is far *far* better than it was back in the day. Does that soften anything? No; there's still more work to do. But trust me when I say it used to be so much worse. And I'm sure you hear that all the time, but it *really* used to be *so much worse*.
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putschki1969 · 16 days
Thank you to everyone who voted in my poll and left a comment in the reply section of my previous post on the matter. I was intrigued when @gslin sent me a link to this audio but I had no idea it would spark so much interest.
I received two very enlightening messages today that provided some substantial evidence. With the added information, I now feel confident that I can clarify the situation. This will hopefully clear up some of the confusion.
The first lovely follower (who would like to remain anonymous) sent me their personal recording of the live in question. They have been a fan for a very long time and got the chance to attend the concert back in 2008. First up, a big apology. I wish I could post the recording but they asked me not to share it so I will respect that. However, I've been given permission to talk about it so here's what I've been able to find out〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Just in case you are wondering, there's no doubt in my mind that my follower's bootleg is legit. You can tell immediately that this was recorded from within the audience. There's clapping all around and the music is considerably louder than the vocals. You can still make out the song pretty well though. None of the voices sound off or out of place. It's blended together pretty well without losing the distinct vocal colours of the individual singers. Which is why I know that this can only be from the YKL Vol.#2 front act performance since you can clearly make out Maya during her "bokura ni dekiru koto wa tada" line and some other parts. From what we know, no other live performances of "sprinter" have featured Maya.
For the past hour or so, I've been listening to different versions of the song on repeat, mostly focusing on the YouTube audio and the newly acquired bootleg. While the bootleg is of admittedly quite low-quality, there are two things that very clearly set it apart from the version on YouTube. Those two obvious differences make it absolutely impossible for the recordings to be from the same live performance. And since we've already established that Maya was not present for any other "sprinter" performances, we can easily conclude that the YouTube audio is fake.
Difference #1: Absence of the infamous guitar riff. @octopusofpaint already mentioned this in the reply section of my original post. The YouTube audio has a pretty blunt opening whereas the bootleg recording starts with the guitar riff we are all so familiar with. It's hard to know how audios are cut/edited so I'd be willing to let this slide if it weren't for the next difference.
Difference #2: In the authentic bootleg recording of YKL Vol.#2, one of the final lines, "naite sakende kiete yuku bokura wa", is sung by no other than (!!)Keiko(!!). That is very surprising since it is usually not one of her lines. Look up any random official live performance of "sprinter", starting as early as 2009 on the NHK program Pop Up Japan, you'll absolutely never hear Keiko sing that line. You know who has always been in charge of it since becoming a three-person-unit? Wakana!! Now let's listen closely to the YouTube audio again, shall we? Whose voice do we hear? I'm giving you a hint! It's not Keiko's! But it's not Wakana's either!! Surprise, surprise, it's Hikaru's!! And do you know where Hikaru sings this line? Only in the studio version (and most recently during Kalafina covers at YKL but with a notably different voice so I won't take that into account here). And you know what else is very specific to the studio version? The lyrical cold open without a guitar riff. This leads me to believe that the studio version was almost certainly one of the main sources for this awkward mash-up on YouTube.
Now onto the second message I received today. This time from my lovely follower @concretebadger. Thank you so much! Many of you speculated that the 2010 live performance might have served as an inspiration for this supposed "unreleased" audio track. And I think you were not wrong about this. While I do believe that the studio version might have been the "main" source, I do think that the creator needed to add something else to make it sound more like a live performance. This is where the 2010 Red Moon version comes in. @concretebadger actually took the time to mash up the two tracks for a comparison and the result makes it quite clear that the two audios are eerily similar. Check it out for yourself〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
If you use the studio version and Red Moon live version as base layers and then add a few tweaks here and there to distort certain sections in order to make them appear more raw and unedited, you basically end up with that mysterious track that's currently floating around on YouTube. The previously mentioned line "naite sakende kiete yuku bokura wa" might actually be a good example for the layering/mashup of those two sources. While you can definitely identify Hikaru's vocals during that part in the YouTube audio (indicating the usage of the studio version as base), there seems to be a slightly different texture to her voice that makes it sound almost ethereal. This is most likely due to Wakana's singing of the line being added to the mix. It's very subtle and Hikaru's vocals are certainly more prominent but it's worth mentioning.
Anyway. Mystery solved. At least for me. Maybe you still have some thoughts on it. Feel free to share them below.
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Do you have info on commissions in general? such as 2dmvs, songs, etc. Anything released by the devs about stuff like what it takes to commission artists for content that’ll be used ingame, how long in advance the creator that’s being commissioned has to be contacted, have there been any rejected/remade commissioned songs, etc etc.
I’m particularly wondering if there’s disclosed info about the song Order Made and any other commissioned songs that had the Sekai version vocaloid tuned by the producer, because how would the game’s management arrange for that?
Here's some stuff I know
Most of this is taken from the Corocoro producer interviews, and you can find them all here. I mainly just skimmed them for trivia, but they're worth a read and there's probably some stuff I missed.
According to devs, the process of commissioning and producing songs can take around 8 months, though according to individual producers, the production of the song (not including recording vocals and mixing) can take anywhere between days and about a year. Producers are given a story summary, along with some words and phrases that staff would like to be reflected, and then given free reign on the rest (though management does oversee things)
In addition, event plot outlines have to be finished by the time the producer is commissioned for the event song, although this definitely didn't seem to be the case earlier on in the game, as you'll see further down this post.
According to Project Message vol.15, earlier commissions would have their SEKAI version Virtual Singer picked based on the producer. This is why Nijiiro Stories has two Virtual Singers, as staff decided that MEIKO and KAITO fit the image of OSTER Project best.
Both TONDEMO-WONDERZ and Showtime Ruler had their first drafts scrapped. Tondemo was because Sasakure didn't like his early drafts, but Showtime Ruler's first draft was rejected by staff because they didn't think the style was right.
Surii actually made two versions of Kagirinaku Haiiro e. He asked staff to pick which one they preferred and that's the one in the game.
DIVELA wrote two songs before Tenshi no Clover
Depending on the artists, the song can take a matter of days to compose, or months. For example, DECO*27 composed needLe in 3 days, but it took Giga 6 months to finalise Ready Steady.
Here's an interesting one. Karasuyasabou looked at fans talking about WxS stories to help him with writing the lyrics to Showtime Ruler, alongside reading the stories himself. He describes the song's lyrics as being "written with the fans".
There's a bit of a grey area in how things were handled early on. For example, DECO*27 mentions in his Corocoro interview that he was given character illustrations and he talked about story, suggesting that he was given something to work with there. However, PinnochioP mentions only being given the prompt of "abandoned theme park" and some character designs, and NayutalieN mentions only being given character designs because things weren't set in stone at the time (I think NayutalieN was approached very early).
So yeah, MORE! JUMP! MORE! was written with no knowledge of story. NayutalieN was informed of things as they progressed, but it was still vague details that he was given. Also mentioning fragments of feelings in the lyrics was a complete coincidence.
OSTER Project mentioned in her interview that On A Holy Night, This Singing Voice had not been completed when she was commissioned, so she also worked from very vague details.
40mP was another producer who was approached long before release
SEGA specifically asked 40mP for a song with a "serious story" but "not too dark" (same link as above)
Meanwhile, HachiojiP was advised to add classical elements to RAD DOGS fit the event story
Ayase was contacted long before the release of the game as well, despite his song not releasing in-game until quite a while after release.
Ayase also was given the privilege of choosing what unit he got to make a song for. He chose VBS because he thought they fit hit vibe most and because he thought they were cool.
Police Piccadilly was requested to make a song that wasn't "too agressive or over-the-top"
Aqu3ra was given a bit more free will though, and was just told to make their comm sound how they wanted it to
They also made two demos, and after consultation with staff, chose one of the demos to finalise
TOKOTOKO was told to make "a song that would be exciting in live performances". As you can probably tell at this point the prompts received can vary greatly between producers.
there's not a huge amount of information outside of the corocoro interviews, and they've only done up to Yuukisan (Mirai) so far, so there's limits on how much i can tell you. Also not every song got an interview, so now Nulut, no Mafumafu, no Neru unfortunately. I suggest to keep an eye out for new interviews if you're interested; they seem to be going at a pace of one or two per month.
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toastandjamie · 3 months
Gimme minute because this is just me rambling so forgive any weirdness in it
One thing about Mat’s character arc in the books that I just obsess over is this idea of Running From Fate and how people react to it
Mat spends the first four books desperately trying to escape being Ta’veren. Desperately wanting to Not Be Part Of This. And all of the Ta’veren have this exact thought process and yet Mat is the only one to actually be criticized for it, by both the audience and the characters in story; and I genuinely think it’s because Mat is just so upfront about the selfishness of running from fate. Rand and Perrin both also want to escape their individual fates and do things that hurt others in order to try and escape, but both of them have this almost shield from the criticism of it because they still Do What Is Right. And they both actively talk about how they Have To. It’s just what a man does. Duty is heavier than a mountain and death lighter than a feather and so forth. Now Mat as our resident trickster could almost be considered an anti-hero in our modern analysis terms(something the show seems really keen on leaning into) so unlike his friends he doesn’t feel the same obligation to do The Right Thing. At least consciously considering he almost always does the right thing regardless. The difference being that Mat always faces these situations in steps, having to work himself into the conclusion that it’s either actually beneficial to him or that it won’t have any negative effect on him. The big thing for him is his personal safety and enjoyment. And he is very upfront about that, and openly acknowledges the selfishness of his own actions, to the point that he actively ignores his own heroic or unselfish acts because he doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that he’s just as much of a sucker as his friends are.
Now because Mat is so vocally open in dialogue and internal monologues about his selfish intentions it’s very easy for other characters to dismiss him and criticize him. And some members of the audience who take him at face value will also do the same. Unlike the other Ta’veren who despite feeling the same way Mat does they don’t accept the reality of their desire for freedom from the pattern.
Now as I said Mat only spends the first four books with this attitude because in Book five Mat’s character development hits a major turning point(until it’s reset when Sanderson takes over anyways) and that’s the Melindra and Rhavin incident. Melindra spends a lot of time trying to lure Mat into evil with offers of power and glory, but keeps failing because these are the things Mat is explicitly trying to avoid and escape, though he appreciates the wealth and luxury he is receiving as a consequence. Rand has to really force Mat into agreeing to go fight Sammael and that’s when Melindra turns on Mat and the whole Mat kills his girlfriend thing happens and it’s very traumatic for him. However it’s how he responds to this that is interesting. Mat has been running from fate, and fate has been pushing back H A R D. The consequences of running, of his desperate attempts at escaping or finding work arounds time and time again has resulted in him or others he cares about getting hurt. Whether it’s Rand forcing him to agree to fight Sammael tipping Melindra over to try and kill him, going to the Finn to find answers on how to escape his fate and getting prophecies he doesn’t want and hung on tree with other men’s memories shoved in his head for his trouble, or even taking the Shadar Logoth dagger and keeping it in spite of the warnings because he believed that by stealing it he could outsmart Mordreth’s curse. So what do you do when you’ve run as hard as you can and not only has it been for nothing because you keep ending up in it regardless but you keep getting hurt by trying to fight it? You embrace it. Accept what comes with gritted teeth and hold on for desr life hoping fate doesn’t drown you. You make the best of the situations your in and make use of the tools you’ve been given. Whether it’s embracing his role as a general, helping Rand and lord Bashere make battle plans and training the Band to be the most efficient and deadly army it can be or choosing to get to know the evil future empress of the enemy as a real person because you’re fated to marry her and you want to love the person you marry-or at the very least tolerate her.
You can judge Mat, say he’s cowardly or lacks real convictions. That he’s selfish or ungrateful. However the other characters are just as willing to bend their own moral codes to protect themselves and their loved ones. Mat is simply one of the only ones to openly acknowledge it for what it is and I think that’s what bothers many of the characters in the series- as well as some readers- Mat doesn’t tend to make excuses for his behavior, whether it’s him running away or embracing it, Mat doesn’t make excuses for the consequences fate puts on him. He really is, Just A Guy and No Bloody Hero.
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jean-dieu · 2 months
6, 7, and 20 ! -Yunessa
Yay! Thank you for these, Yunessa !! <3
6. Which mythic path did they choose and why? Do they regret it?
Lazare: Azata for Lazare and no, he doesn't regret it. While clearly good-aligned and wholeheartedly with the crusaders, Lazare doesn't "fit in" exactly, and he's quick to welcome anyone ready to join their cause no matter who they are.
It's a bit ironic for a commander to be spontaenous, but Lazare is a perfect example of Acting First, Think Later (maybe, if his two brain cells collide). Somehow, it works. Maybe it's the sheer power of his good will and determination, maybe it's something else, but Lazare never regrets the choices he made because even when things don't turn out like they should, he knows he acted in accordance with his heart.
Raphaël: Angel, of course. There weren't many other possibilities for Raphaël beside maybe legend. He did make a few Aeon choices there and there but his faith, his values, his moral compass naturally guided him to the Angel path in the end.
He did regret a bit not accepting Iomedae's offer and gives up on hys mythical abilities as he does feel a bit... Nervous at the idea of telling a goddess no, especially a goddess he has so much respect for.
A worry he quickly sets aside when many celestials actually joined his ranks as it was some kind of divine confirmation he was going what was good, and that Heaven was with him.
Because I like "what if" and alternate AU/Dark AU, I can't help but think of what could (big emphasis on COULD) happen if the Devil mythic path was available while starting Angel. I think that would be interesting (and devastating thank you very much).
Ziel: Ziel's still at the begining of his route so it's a bit early to say if he'll regret things or not.
He started as a Demon despite him, just succumbing to rage and not controlling anything... Which is very scary for a tiefling. Eventually, the trickster path will come to light for him, and he feels happy at first to be able to use his fucked up sense of humour instead of rage for his newfound abilities.
But knowing what awaits a Trickster... Ziel will eventually struggle to keep a sense of himself. As much as he relies on dark humour and sarcasm, there's plenty of things he just can't take lightly. And deep down, he's just a scared child that barely knows what he's doing.
7. Is your KC religious? If yes, which deity do they follow? If not, what is their view on religion?
Lazare: Lazare collects faith in the way that he struggles to find a Divinity that really fits him. He prays Shelyn, Desna and Cayden Cailean. After all, he's a kind free-spirited artist that believes wholeheartedly in freedom and self-determination. Also, beer is cool.
As he was born and raised in a brothel, he has a deep respect for Calistria and her followers, but he doesn't pray her himself.
He never got to learn things "properly" and has his very own conceptions of his Deities' teaching, and while he still understands their philosophy, he lacks the knowledge to fully grasp the extent of their domain.
Post crusade, he will also add Nocticula to his Deity portfolio, as the Reedemer Queen is THE divinity made for him.
Raphaël: Idk, is he?
Jokes aside, OF COURSE he is religious. He has devouted his whole life to Sarenrae, trying desperatly to please her and to follow her principles even when they contradict his natural instinct and way of thinking.
He knows this damn well, and yet, he still thinks Sarenrae's ways are an ideal to strive for. Since he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a priest. As an older teenager, he's "kindly" reoriented (I wrote about it in a small fic there) from priesthood to Inquisition as it's deemed it's just more... Fitting for such an angry individual.
His faith is however bound to change.
Since birth, Raphaël has heard divine voices he and his family thought were from Sarenrae because... Well, who else would it be. He wasn't very vocal about them though, only revealing it to close friends in the church's rank, but he never questioned it.
Later in the campaign (as it's something I've taken from the TTRPG WOTR game I have with friends), as he meets Ragathiel, he learns that the voices weren't from Sarenrae but from the General of Vengeance himself.
It's something Raphaël takes time to process in the sense of it was very unexpected, and it does change quite a lot of things. While he stays an Inquisitor operating under Sarenrae's name, he finally accepts his role as more or less Ragathiel's chosen one, and manages to find some peace as the Angel's principles and teachings match his more than Sarenrae's.
Ziel: Ziel was raised an Abadarite. His father was a cleric, and he has been involved in te church's life during his childhood. He was quite disinterested in it, mostly just following his dad around, not caring too much about Abdar's principles as a whole but not rejecting them either.
When his father is accused of corruption, Ziel finds the whole trial suspicious, and is persuaded in his father's innocence, as he feels like his father was way too faithful to commit such a crime. Cast aside and excluded from their own circle, Ziel witnesses his mother leaving them both and never coming back, and his father turning to alcoholism to cope with the shame.
Seeing his father in such a state deeply angered him, and he hold Abadar responsible for his father's state, thinking it's completly unfair he didn't do a thing to protect his father who is and has always been a honest man. He will now gladly spit on Abdar's name, not even caring of repercussion as it's his father that matters, not himself.
As a teenager and as he begins to start stealing to support his father that can't find work with his reputation, he's introduced to Calistria by fellow thieflings and eventually converts, determined to seek revenge for his father, wanting to clear his name.
As he grows up, and as he becomes a hardened thief, parts of him feel less and less angered at Abadar, to the point of him sneaking in one of his temple at night just to pray for his father's solace.
20. Which event of the crusade traumatized them?
Answered there!
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lgcmanager · 2 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
( important note: there are no writing requirements for this, just ic information to help all of the TEAM UNKNOWN members understand what is going on. )
on JULY 8, all of the current TEAM UNKNOWN members were called to a meeting with JANG INSUNG present. the look on his face makes it difficult for anyone to guess what the outcome of the meeting will turn out to be. “i have news to share, both good and bad.” INSUNG began as he pondered which one was best for him to start off with.
“let’s start off with the first evaluation — the group ballad performances. based on my evaluation along with fellow coaches who saw your performances, we can agree that the performances itself was good in terms of the vocal aspect part. all of you were able to do your parts individually and we saw improvements with many of the trainees. however, in terms of ACTING…we didn’t see a lot of improvements as a group in that area. some of you were able to still give us a passable performance we could connect to, but we expected more from this because this is a ballad song and to sing two ballad songs successfully, we need to connect and feel the song that you are performing. it wouldn’t be an entertaining performance if all of you sang such a sorrowful song with a blank expression on your faces, hm?” INSUNG asked in a teasing manner. slowly turning his head towards YOOJOON, INSUNG told him, “for this evaluation, we felt that you were the one that performed the best and improved the most. you were one of the few trainees who spent some time working on all of the skills we were looking for in this evaluation, so good work.”
“now for the second part of the evaluation, which are the solo performances. like i mentioned previously, many of you mentioned CREATIVITY as one of your weaker areas so for many of you, we were very lenient with what to expect from each of the performances. this goes the same with the second solo performance where all of you were expected to perform in a different language. honestly, the one we had the highest expectations for was HYUNTAE.” the coach paused before he continued on, “that’s why it wasn’t a complete shock to the coaches that you would also be the one who would do well and have the biggest improvement in this evaluation overall. in fact, a few of them have pointed out to me that they were quite impressed with your improvements for the past couple of months and are hoping that you continue this momentum.”
looking at the rest of the trainees who weren’t called, INSUNG knew that there were a few more comments he had to mention before getting to the most important part of the meeting. “throughout both of the evaluations and more so during the ballad one, we were surprised by MINJUN and JUNKYU. while the ballad evaluation put both of you in roles that you might have not expected initially, we saw growth as performers and this makes me hopeful to know how both of you will fare over time.” he smiled at them fondly before quickly telling the rest, “while i don’t have specific comments or criticisms towards the rest of the group, the takeaway message that i want to say from the coaches is that we still want all of you to continue working on your performance based skills and that this won’t be the last time all of you will have evaluations, so there is still a chance to do better. and as a reminder, don’t forget about ACTING too! you may think that ACTING might be solely for the ones interested in being dramas or musicals, but it works hand in hand with PERFORMANCE.”
as you will find out in the post after this, the second half of the trainee mission will be very much similar to the CREATIVE evaluation that all of the TEAM UNKNOWN members have participated in. however, instead of TEAM UNKNOWN taking part in that again, they will be exempted from it and work on a different project.
“so the somewhat bad news — somewhat meaning that it’s only bad for a short period of time.” INSUNG joked, even though he was disappointed too by the current circumstances. “from what i was told, the project that LEGACY wanted all of you to be a part of was supposed to happen now but due to unknown factors and this year’s FAMILY CON 2K24 being two days instead of the usual one day, they’ve decided to delay the project a bit.” the male coach let out a defeated sigh quietly. trying to think of the positive in the situation, INSUNG added, “but once LEGACY does their final touches on the project, all of you will be expected to attend our next meeting as soon as possible! i promise you that your efforts won’t waste and while all of you get to do something fun for the next few weeks, don’t forget the advice i said earlier!”
he then concluded the meeting with a smile on his face, “now go back to your training and look forward to your next meeting with the rest of the trainees!”
for this new project, the details will be announced sometime around AUGUST or SEPTEMBER so stay tune for that!
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gunsli-01 · 2 years
You know I don't want to make it feel like certain people shouldn't be able to vote or make theories but-
Then don't it is entirely that easy to leave people alone whose actions are not negatively affecting you. It is immensely easier than pretending to wish to avoid conflict while directly walking into it. It is even easier to show empathy and create a welcoming fandom space for people regardless of how they choose to interact with the source material. There is an endless wealth of people who will share your views and the same number of people who will not. There are so many ways to illustrate a point without creating a strawman out of others who enjoy the same thing as you do but in a way you personally find objectionable.
There is no reason to create an us vs. them mentality over these things. It's contributing to a very polarizing and negative atmosphere, and I know half of the people in this fandom are fully capable of elaborating on their points and defending their favorites without partaking in this sort of extremist behavior. Everyone should be able to vote, make theories, and have their own opinions on what exactly is going on. Saying otherwise will just lead to people growing disdainful of something they used to enjoy. If you don't like how someone else enjoys a thing then it's far easier and more enriching to work on your own expression/vocalization of your enjoyment than cut others down and try to tell them how they should express themselves.
Since trial 4 started, the Milgram fandom has gotten incredibly oppressive. It's about time people took a step back and thought about how their actions and statements in the real-world impact real people instead of concerning themselves with the wellbeing of fictional characters.
Also, if anyone wants to come at me for bringing up racial aspects regarding Milgram before stating this as a source of polarization and discomfort. It's completely fair for those aspects to be uncomfortable for some to unpack. It's also uncomfortable for me to discuss and to see overtake a fandom space I was actually comfortable within. This ties in heavily to my think about how your wording affects real people because by displaying such behavior, even in a joking way, it shows that this community is an unsafe place for certain minorities.
It has led to me debating if Milgram is something I should continue to be interested in as someone who has to face many isms and phobias in their real life. It's a hassle to write up why that isn't okay and how off-putting it can come off as.
Especially when a good deal of the vocal individuals in this community will just go x prisoner is cute, which means nothing they do can be wrong ever and regardless of if I disagree with their actions, I'll vote them Innocent on that alone or worse defend the action all together. It's uncomfortable, it's gross, and it makes the Milgram fandom unsafe to interact with and a franchise I would sooner tell individuals with similar circumstances to mine to stay away from than to watch. It's not surprising given the history individuals of color, especially black/brown people have with fandom spaces. Not even delving into Asian media specifically, but it certainly doesn't get any less annoying to deal with or see.
If that's the type of atmosphere fans of this series wish to create which at this point seems to be the case, congrats. However, if not, some reevaluation may be necessary to avoid these issues continuing to crop up. It would also be very telling if Mu's case is the only one where this issue arises, and the rest of the cases are smooth sailing.
It's not difficult to take into consideration all the clearly race related things. The stop the woke left nonsense, jokes about doctoring tapes, head canons of Mu's victim being half black, discussions around Mu's victim deserving to get stabbed and theories that despite Mu's victim being killed outside the victim attacked Mu with a chair in the classroom all being attached to Mu's case and think man wonder how the writer will spin this one not well regardless of verdict more than likely.
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agentnico · 1 year
The Little Mermaid (2023) Review
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Not my usual choice for a cinema trip, however sometimes the fiancée has her pick, and to be fair with the kind of movies I force her to watch the least I can do is accommodate her interest in viewing fish loving.
Plot: The youngest of King Triton's daughters, Ariel is a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. Longing to find out more about the world beyond the sea, Ariel visits the surface and falls for the dashing Prince Eric. Following her heart, she makes a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, to experience life on land.
So it’s our annual Disney live-action remake time, and look, I have complained about Disney as a corporations many a times on this very same blog, so I won’t bog you down with my same repetitive rants. No, this was very much a treat for my fiancée, so we went to the cinema, I got her a Pick n’ Mix and a special limited edition Little Mermaid cup, and settled in to watch the movie. Straight off I can declare I am not the target audience for The Little Mermaid. I have no nostalgic connection to the original animated classic, nor am I big on Disney’s live-action remakes. But my fiancée seemed to really enjoy this new Little Mermaid and at the end of day that’s what matters to me. Sometimes it’s worth taking a backseat from critiquing in favour of making someone you love happy..... However, our date night is over so let’s actually talk about the movie!!
The Little Mermaid is fine. It’s a perfectly harmless fairy-tale reimagining with some decent under-water special effects, solid renditions of the classic songs as well as a couple of catchy new ones, and some notable cast performances. A lot of other reviews have mentioned this, but yes, Halle Bailey gives a star-making turn as the main mermaid Ariel. She perfectly encapsulates an individual that is a literal fish-out-of-water, as she observe in awe and interest the new world she finds herself in one she steps foot on human land, and there is a charming innocence to her performance. Also, what a voice! Of all the Disney live-action remakes this one definitely features the most classic old-school Disney princess vocals, with Bailey sounding as if she came straight from that era. At times she also sounded like Madonna in the 1996 musical film Evita, but you know, back then Madonna could have been classed as a princess of sorts also. Not now though. Boy has she gone downhill since then. Madonna, what have you turned yourself into.... But I digress - Halle Bailey makes for a fantastic Ariel. Additionally she shares great chemistry with Prince Eric played by Jonah Hauer-King, and their romance is believable and indeed very adorable. That being said when separated, Hauer-King gives a very bland and unmemorable performance, though that may be due to a lack of material given to him by the script. Melissa McCarthy is deliciously mischievous and sassy and makes for a great villain, and it’s nice to see McCarthy do something different for a change. Javier Bardem is alright as Ariel’s father - he’s acceptably grumpy and that’s all there is to say about him. You know who’s great though? The fricking crab! Daveed Diggs voices Sebastian and honestly he was hilarious. From his one-liners to his singing to the random close ups of his CGI crab face, everything to do with the crab was pure success. Loved the crab, wishes there was more of him. Hope we get a spin-off called The Little Crab Sebastian. I’d watch that! I’d watch that a lot!!
The Little Mermaid isn’t going to turn anyone’s heads or break any new ground in cinema or the fairy-tale genre. It is exactly what you’d expect from a Disney live-action remake, so if you enjoy those then you’ll find plenty of appeal in this one. Again, not my cup of tea, but I didn’t mind watching it and my fiancée was over the moon about it, so in that regard The Little Mermaid succeeds. Bloody love that crab though, I can’t even!
Overall score: 6/10
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your-dietician · 2 years
Inside Dr. Pepperberg’s Lab: Play Is the Thing—If It Is the Right Type!
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/inside-dr-pepperbergs-lab-play-is-the-thing-if-it-is-the-right-type/
Inside Dr. Pepperberg’s Lab: Play Is the Thing—If It Is the Right Type!
We all know that providing our parrots with different types of toys improves their lives. Even my parrots, who spend a considerable amount of every day involved in research, also get plenty of time to play. But each individual bird has individual preferences, and it is important to recognize what actually is “fun” for a given bird. Just cluttering their cages with lots of stuff isn’t necessarily the best option, although that might be necessary initially until it is clear what types of toys are preferred.
Griffin, unlike most parrots, likes only one type of toy in his cage, and only a few other items elsewhere. We roll up several sheets of construction paper, feather the ends, tie the middle with a piece of rawhide, and fasten it to his cage. He’s 27 years old, and we’ve tried numerous other items…he pays attention to nothing else. However, when he’s on a flat surface, he loves to play with spoons. He rotates and flips them and seems to get quite a charge out of testing gravity—tossing the spoons off the edge of a surface and waiting for his human companions to pick them up and return them. He adores ‘spoon tickles’—when a human uses the spoon to gently scratch his head. He also likes to play with very small clear plastic cups and small jar lids, rolling them around and chewing on them; tossing them to the floor also seems to be fun.
Athena seemed to like many different objects at first, but we’ve learned that such is not the case. She does enjoy certain foraging toys and will prefer to use them to obtain the same food she can get for “free” from her food dishes. She loves to chew flannel. She does not, however, like to chew hard plastic. As for wood…well, we recently found that it has to be softwood! We noticed that she was ignoring all the lovely hardwood toys in her cage and destroying her expensive perches quite quickly—but only those made of softer wood. And we noticed that she didn’t seem to like colored wood (maybe because she associates colors with ‘work’—having to vocally identify the colors before she gets the wood for play!).
One of my research associates brought in a toy made of round pieces of balsa wood. Athena took about a minute to accept it and about 30 mins to destroy it totally! We contacted the company that had been supplying our soft wooden perches (Parrot Wizard—thank you!!) and asked if they had some toys made out of the same product. We ordered a batch, which Athena also promptly destroyed (though these, being a bit more complex, took her a day or two each). She was extremely happy and we also noticed another benefit…she had been doing a certain amount of hormonal feather plucking/chewing of her chest feathers, and that stopped as soon as she received these soft wooden toys! We are going to keep ordering them, but also will order some toy pieces from another company to see if we can construct some interesting items to rotate with the expensive toys make the latter last a bit longer….
All this is not to say that you shouldn’t give your birds a specific type of toy and that you should only give them another particular type of toy—it is to say that we need to pay attention to the individual likes and dislikes of a given parrot. Just like humans, what one bird finds fun, another bird might dislike, and vice versa. For example, I have a dear friend who spends hours each day playing video games, but I find even the thought of doing that completely aversive! And while I love to read books, another friend much prefers audio books. I could go on and on, but I’m sure we are all familiar with similar situations—so why not accept that such is the case for our avian companions?
Playing with Food
We are actually studying this behavior scientifically, though not with standard parrot toys—we are in the process of examining a behavior called ‘contrafreeloading’—defined as working for food that can simultaneously be obtained for free, a study inspired by Athena’s behavior with her foraging toys. Our thesis is that birds will contrafreeload IF they view the task involved as play-like rather than work-like (Smith et al., 2021); that is, something fun to do in addition to/along with getting the food item. We’ve found that a task in which one parrot will engage in order to obtain food is very often one that another parrot will ignore in order to choose the free food. Even for something as mundane as shelling almonds…Athena and another parrot in our study preferred to shell the nut rather than simply eat one from which the shell had already been removed; Griffin and two other parrots preferred that the humans do the shelling for them! (We’ve also been looking at species differences, but more about that next month.) To each his own….
Smith, G.E., Greene, D., Hartsfield, L.A., & Pepperberg, I.M. (2021). Initial evidence for contrafreeloading in Grey parrots via the opportunity for playful foraging. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 135(4), 516-533. doi: 10.1037/com0000295
Read full article here
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vidalinav · 4 years
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but...
y’all need to accept the fact that ALL of these characters are and can be horrible people. This is not anti post, this is a let characters be morally grey post. They’re flawed, accept that already. 
I’m tired of seeing posts like but--but Nesta-- But Nesta what? We already know what her flaws are. They’ve been highlighted from day one. They’ve been acknowledged by every character including herself. They have never once been excused, nor empathized with though she needed that severely. She has made friends and no friends by being the way she is. She has made friends who understand her, and has a family who doesn’t understand her. Friends who take into account that she has been through horrible things, and a family who has not. A family who in her own POV has left her behind, because they did. I said this about Feyre, I’ll say this about Nesta, if in a POV someone says someone wronged them THEY DID. But she is not easy, and sometimes not nice. We know this, we accept this. I stan her for this because emotion often is not beautiful, but stop pointing out her flaws like we don’t know. We all know! We also know that she was aggressive for a reason, she was hateful for a reason, she was in a very low place, and she deserved healing and better, unjudgmental treatment by other people which she didn’t get. She helped in a war, she tried to get Feyre back, she talked to the High lord, advocated for the humans, showed she cared for Cassian in ACOWAR, etc, too. We know her perspective is biased and she’s never once been excused for her mistakes, but other character’s are not treated like Nesta is (like Lucien is, Like Eris is, Like Jurian is). 
So, let me go through the ways that all of these characters are imperfect and that you just have to accept as a reader. Okay? Okay. 
Elain is not going to be you’re pretty little doll that has done nothing wrong, because she has and she should. Elain was not a good character in ACOTAR, just as much as Nesta was not a good character. Elain does sometimes seem a bit oblivious to what is going on around her. Elain may be very nice and pleasant but that is and will not be all she is. She is allowed to make mistakes and she should be held accountable if she does. When she doesn’t do too much (because she doesn’t) or when she is not very helpful (whether by plot or by Feyre/Nesta’s POV-whether that is noted or not), we can be like okay, she’s in a bad way, because she was, she’s healing herself. But don’t be a hypocrite and please don’t make her victim of other people. Her narrative right now is that “Nesta coddles her,” but we already know that blame game. We’ve seen it in Nesta’s own POV. No one is in charge of anyone’s actions but themselves. If she wants to help, she can. Stop saying the IC won’t let her or Nesta won’t let her, if Elain wanted to help she can. She will find a way... or at least put her foot down, which we’ve already seen she can do. If Elain wanted to reject the bond right then with Lucien, she could, but she doesn’t.  And, If Nesta says she wasn’t there and she chose Feyre (no matter how skewed that perspective is), and Elain shows in Nesta’s POV that she didn’t show empathy either to Nesta or even love in a way that Nesta could see, or try to understand where she was coming from vocally in the scenes she was featured in regardless of whether she was capable or not of helping Nesta (because she didn’t (i.e scene in library, the treatment spiel, and the “did feyre pay you?”, and also never being around while Nesta was there, but also ACOSF when she took a drink like she couldn’t handle the situation, and then laughed like nothing at all was wrong)) then she wasn’t there for her. She’s a complex character just as everyone else. Let her be a complex character! Flaws are not bad, please stop trying to negate flaws like they shouldn’t exist. She’s great and she stabbed the King of Hybern to protect her sisters, she let the fae into her home, and she chooses to be kind in a world that’s not very kind to people like her, and she’s got a whole lot of story to tell, but she’s a normal character not a disney princess. She’s not close to anyone. Why? That’s not anyone else’s predicament except her own. Neither is her life nor her actions. Okay? 
Mor can be loved because she was very supportive to Feyre in Feyre’s POV, understood because she is the first LGBT character in this book and she lives in a world it seems where she has to hide who she is, and we as readers understand that she has been through also horrible things. However, this does not negate the fact that she is a horrible person sometimes, to both her friends and people outside of their little group. She was not good to Nesta on SEVERAL occasions, even when Nesta was not bad to Mor. This weird love-triangle kept happening because she didn’t want to just admit that she didn’t like Azriel romantically, whatever the reason was. She’s a complex character. Hate her/Like her, but acknowledge that no matter what you choose, she has fucking flaws. 
I see posts sometimes about how people don’t understand where this Rhysand came from, like “he’s so awful in ACOSF, SJM did this to make Nesta look better.” What? He’s been a dick always. He’s just not a dick to Feyre but that could be argued as well really. We as readers can acknowledge though that he like all the rest have gone through horrible things, and though the horrible things he has done are not excused (i.e. murdering children, killing people, his court still having so many problems and their solution being lets go to Vallahan, putting up an evil front to just keep people in line, not instilling any action to help those who need it or not treating people like subject who depend on him as a ruler regardless of whether he likes them or not (i.e the Hewn City/Illyria)) we acknowledge that he can be understood at the same time that he is also a hypocrite. Generally he’s not bad on an individual basis. but he’s not “good!” He’s morally grey. As they all are, but because he’s a ruler, he should be 10x more responsible for all of these problems and for all of his flaws. 
Azriel is a sweetheart and sometimes he’s understanding, and doesn’t seem judgmental. But he’s a psycho! I’m sorry. He’s got a lot of things to work through, I mean. We acknowledge that he has been through HORRIFYING things, but we also should not neglect the fact that he’s a creep and he tortures people on a regular basis. There’s no reason he should have had that insane long infatuation with Mor and now seems to have one with Elain. We understand why he does this, psychologically, but it does not excuse him for making Mor uncomfortable for 500+ years. Take all of him or none of him. 
Cassian. I love Cassian, but he does not think before he speaks, he does have his head up the IC’s ass, and he’s does not connect dots very well. He’s sweet and he’s supportive, and I have less of a problem with him than some other characters, but!!!! He’s got flaws and those are not bad. Those do not make him unlovable, but he’s got them and they’re not going away. 
Feyre has this same issue. She does what she needs to, she’s loving, she gives people a chance, and yes she was there when people needed her, she has also suffered a good amount, but Feyre’s suffering has been acknowledged by everyone. It has been given voice to, it has been reflected in empathy by every single character even when Feyre herself has not been a great character. She tends to be very one-sided in things, as in her own view is the only one that exists (though that’s everyone of them really as we’ve seen, there’s no nuance there) but she’s also not very emotionally intelligent and she does get into everyone’s business, when she should probably let people do their own thing (this has been her trait forever since ACOMAF I think). But she should also take more of a stance to be a ruler, because unfortunately she has that responsibility, and she should hold Rhys more accountable for the actions he does. It should not be a “let’s have sex and all is well” sort of situation. She’s a very biased perspective, but so are all of them. But she’s not perfect and we should never feel that she is. She is not the light of heaven that has glorified Prythrian, she is just an average human-to-fae girl trying to live. She deserves love, yes, but not more than anyone else and loving her should not mean hating other people, which this fandom and the book have a hard time realizing. 
Amren... sigh... I don’t like her too much but for the thread I’ll continue. Amren is probably the only reason anything gets done, realistically, because at least she’s always thinking about the logistics of things. She’s horribly rude, and doesn’t seem to care about anyone’s opinion, but she’s 15000 years old or what not. Emotions probably have to be beneath her at that point, but that doesn’t mean I have to love her, and that doesn’t mean she’s an unflawed characters. She’s very flawed and I think that’s acknowledged but I don’t think any character has really held her accountable for being who she is, they brush it off and are like “Amren’s Amren.” But she’s morally grey for sure, getting to be a darker shade if you ask me (i.e Tyrant Amren). But I acknowledge that even though I hate her, she’s not ALWAYS horrible. 
I don’t know what it is, maybe it is the narratives insistence that the IC are good that makes everyone go off their rocker, but my god, I think I would love all of these character’s more if there wasn’t this insistence that they’re the “good guys” and just have them make mistakes, have them eat their mistakes equally, and have them move on, learn to do better, maybe fuck up again. That’s life lol that’s interesting, morally grey characters. But I write this post not to say they’re all horrible, but to say that it is unnecessary to point out the flaws of other characters in defense of another one. They’re all horrible. Acknowledge it, breathe it in, love them or hate them anyway, but know (whispers for dramatic effect) they’re all horrible. And that’s okay, because that is not all they are. 
Have a good day. 
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gendercensus · 3 years
On plural inclusivity and "plural they"
In the Gender Census feedback box and elsewhere I have frequently been asked:
to make the annual Gender Census survey more inclusive of plural participants, and
to add "plural they" to the checkbox pronouns list alongside "singular they" in order to be inclusive of plural participants.
It's a rambling topic, so I'll address them in sections in that order.
I've been inviting plural people to take part in a short survey about the Gender Census, asking questions that help me get a feel for the issues involved and asking about whether people feel included in the survey (and why or why not). At the time of writing there have been 139 responses, I will leave it open for ongoing feedback, and I'm unlikely to be publishing the spreadsheet of results in full because the responses are off-topic and very personal. However, I will refer to some individual responses as well as my personal experience discussing inclusion with plural systems.
Here's a graph based on the responses so far:
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I'm asking for direct feedback about this issue because over the past few years plural folks have been one of the more consistently vocal groups in the feedback box of the survey and elsewhere, which would usually be fine, but I've been finding it very overwhelming and confusing. I think that's because the advice/demands/questions have been unusually inconsistent, often to the point of being in direct opposition to each other, and the result is that I have no idea what to do.
Before now, most plural people have understood that it's quite a nuanced issue. When asked I would explain that if they felt that filling it in once for the whole system made more sense they should do that, and if individual system members felt strongly that they should participate alone then they could do so.
This year it got to the point where I had to make a decision and write unambiguous, easy-to-follow guidance about how plural people should fill in the survey, because I had one system submitting dozens of responses and giving the exact same three points of feedback, paraphrased, over and over - making it look like many unconnected people felt strongly about these particular issues, when in reality it was all this one system. I decided that, to be as fair as possible, plural people should fill in the survey once per body.
When I posted about the "once per body" policy on social media I received very little direct feedback, which leaves me in the position of not knowing whether that's because I did it right and you have no complaints or because you've all jumped ship! The statistics and comments from the plural feedback survey are very helpful in this regard:
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It seems that plural participants, on the whole, are fairly understanding about it all, often supportive, and are still able to participate. ("Unknown" and "no strong feelings" together are a much higher proportion than I expected.) Some positive feedback included appreciation for the ability to select as many gender identities and pronouns as one wants. Common arguments against the policy include feeling that system members are not treated as people in their own right, which is understandable; the Gender Census is designed to present practicable data about nonbinary people for use within a system that assigns one identity per body, socially and bureaucratically. A "once per body" policy makes sense when prioritising nonbinary people, but adds to the list of crap that only plural people have to struggle through when they're not the main focus of the research.
I was surprised that only a couple of people pointed out that some systems have amnesia between members, and so some systems may participate more than once per body unintentionally. (I understand that this is unavoidable, and I certainly wouldn't be upset about it. Sometimes non-plural people participate more than once by accident, too! On the scale we're talking about, I'm unlikely to even notice it happening.)
Back when I first started to get requests to make the Gender Census more plural-inclusive, my first move was to ask people what exactly they felt excluded by. Responses to this have been continuously nebulous, to the extent that I don't think I have ever made any design changes to the annual survey at all as a result. I also asked what they would do to improve the survey and help them to feel included, but this has yielded very few viable ideas for how to move forward, just because so many of the ideas that people suggest are mutually exclusive.
As an example, I spoke to one member of a system who expressed, understandably, that their experience of themselves as plural inextricably affected their experience of their gender(s), and after some discussion they concluded that the two were so intertwined that it made the most sense for it to be included in the identity question, e.g. a checkbox called "plural" alongside nonbinary, genderqueer, trans, etc. I explained that I don't arbitrarily add things to the checkbox list, but it would be counted if it was typed into a textbox underneath, and if it went over 1% I would consider adding it to the checkbox list. They became increasingly angry. The only way this situation would make sense for them moving forward was if I added "plural" as an identity checkbox option immediately. Conversely, just a couple of weeks previously I had spoken with a member of a system who was very vocally distressed at the idea of plurality being conflated with gender, and wanted to make sure that I never added "plural" as an identity checkbox option.
As another example, in the plural feedback survey when I asked people how they felt about the "once per body" policy, a member of one system was against it and said "it feels like this policy doesn’t recognize us as separate people", but a member of another system was in favour and said "we're encouraged by our therapist to think of ourselves as dissociated parts of a whole. So we're all one person, just not directly connected like a singlet [non-plural person] would be. From that perspective, it makes sense to keep us as one person in the gender census, no matter how many genders we have." It's not possible to reconcile these two perspectives.
From the very beginning up until now, the unifying theme for feedback from plural people and their allies is "please be more inclusive of plural people." That's a really good start! After that it becomes a plate of tangled spaghetti.
Here are some themes I've managed to tease out, and my thoughts.
"Each system's alter should be able to participate in the survey individually if they want to." Some systems have literally hundreds of alters, and several systems have acknowledged in the feedback survey that this is probably both impractical for many plural people and unfair on singlets.
"We're okay with taking part once for all of us in the system, but we're just checking all the boxes that apply to at least one of us, and some of those are explicitly disliked by at least one of us. This is uncomfortable." I think that's... probably okay, actually. Other subcategories of participants whose identities fluctuate that strongly (e.g. a genderfluid person who is sometimes very male and sometimes extremely not male) or whose pronouns are context-dependent are also in this predicament. Participants often express a desire to rank their identity terms by importance, accuracy, fluctuation or frequency. The survey aims to collect broad and fuzzy data about a very large group of people, to monitor trends and let people know what language we're comfortable with on the whole. This survey just isn't looking for that kind of nuance.
"We're okay with taking part in the survey once for everyone in the system, but there should be a way to separate out responses about different alters within that one response." It's literally impossible to program the survey to have infinite subsections for each alter, but if it were possible, what would I do with the data? I think the most likely approach would be combining into a list of identities etc. "per body". The participant would feel better for being able to enter different words for different alters, but it would be more work for them, and it would be more work for me to process responses from plural people just to have them be counted like those from non-plural people.
"There should be a 'plural' checkbox in the identity list so that we can express that our gender is influenced by our plurality." I consider adding terms to the identity checkbox list when they're typed into the textboxes by over 1% of participants. There are some situations where I'll make an exception to that rule, but it's unusual and this isn't one of them. Whether you enter a term using a checkbox or a textbox makes no difference to how well-represented you are in the results.
Maybe just a question that asks if you're plural, with a checkbox? What would this checkbox do? Plurality is beyond the scope of the survey, along with things like height and eye colour. It would allow curious people to analyse the responses using plurality as a variable, but I wouldn't include it in any analysis in an annual Gender Census report.
That last one is particularly interesting, because it's what I actually did in the supplementary survey. I wasn't 100% sure in advance whether or not I would need that information for the singular vs. plural they issue, so I included an "I am/we are plural" checkbox just to be on the safe side. As far as I could tell, the survey was no more or less materially inclusive than the annual Gender Census survey. There were a couple of interesting patterns to report in the statistics, but the main things I noticed were:
Feedback saying that the survey wasn't inclusive of plural people was non-existent.
Several people thanked me in the feedback box for making the survey plural-inclusive.
Several people promoted the survey on social media by using its plural-inclusivity as a selling point.
Again, the supplementary survey didn't take a different approach. There was no particular difference in language, there was no indication that whether or not you're plural would be integral to the reporting of the results or even used at all, the only difference was the existence of a checkbox that let participants declare their plurality.
That's all it took to cause a complete U-turn in feedback. A checkbox that doesn't relate to gender or connect to any of the other questions in any way, and isn't particularly statistically useful based on the supplementary survey. It doesn't make the survey more inclusive, it just acknowledges that some participants are plural, and gives them a way to declare it.
Whether or not participants are plural is beyond the scope of the Gender Census, which aims to collect broad data about how we as nonbinary and otherwise genderly-interesting people want the world to see and describe us. It just doesn't make sense to include questions about plurality in future surveys. But I'm honestly amazed and a little confused, because until the "once per body" policy was added it seems that there wasn't actually anything about the Gender Census that prevented plural people from participating, at least not more than anyone else whose genders change significantly over time.
This is something that participants often ask me to do in order to make the survey more plural-inclusive, so I decided to seriously consider it.
The first draft of the supplementary survey asked over 1,000 participants about this issue, but I had to scrap those responses and then redesign and restart it because, even though dictionaries are fairly clear on what exactly "singular they" is, a lot of survey participants who are not dictionaries seemed to be in disagreement (or confusion) about what singular they and plural they actually are. I have been unable to find any academic or reference articles online using the phrase "plural they" at all.
Here are some of the things people have told me recently:
"Singular they" is when you use "they" with singular verbs, e.g. they is a teacher.
I can't say that I use "singular they" pronouns because I always say "they are". "They is" just sounds wrong to me.
"Plural they" is when you use "singular they" pronouns to refer to a system/someone who is plural.
"Singular they" and "plural they" are grammatically identical except for the name.
"Singular they" and "plural they" are functionally the same and should be combined into one option called "they" in the annual survey.
Let's start by stating what we do know for sure.
For the record, "singular they" is defined by its purpose and context, not the specific words used.
Wiktionary says:
they (third-person, nominative case, usually plural, sometimes singular, objective case them, possessive their, possessive noun theirs, reflexive themselves, or, singular, themself)
It then goes on to specify three use-cases:
third-person plural, referring to two or more people
third-person singular, referring to one person
"indefinite pronoun" - people; some people; people in general; someone, excluding the speaker. E.g. "they didn’t have computers in the old days."
So we've got "they" (groups), "singular they" (individuals), and "indefinite they" (an "other" that is ambiguous in number).
Again, I have never found anything academic or, er, dictionarical (lexicographical?) that calls any of the forms "plural they", so my first job is to find out whether what Gender Census participants are calling "plural they" is the same as what the dictionary just calls "they", which is defined as the set used to refer to two or more people. For the purposes of this article I will call it regular "they".
Even though most dictionaries will state which words make up singular they, and it's usually they/them/their/theirs/themself, if you change individual words within the set or even around the set it is still called "singular they" if it is used to refer to only one person. This might happen due to regional or cultural variations. So whether you say "they is a writer" or "they are a writer", whether you say "themself" or "themselves", if you're talking about only one person, it's still singular they.
In the annual survey, singular they is consistently chosen in the checkbox pronoun options by the most participants, usually more than twice as popular as the next most popular option. (I use the dictionary-provided set, and I've checked it's still the most commonly used in several polls and surveys along the way.) In the annual survey, singular they is presented as:
singular they - they/them/their/theirs/themself (e.g. "they are a writer")
I had never heard of "plural they" before people started asking me to add it to the checkbox list in the feedback box of the annual Gender Census survey, but it seemed clear from the name that it is meant to be contrasted with singular they, and I wondered if perhaps everyone else had been calling regular "they" (for referring to two or more people) "plural they" this entire time and I just hadn't noticed.
It was specifically presented to me by participants as a pronoun that a plural system could claim, and that a plural system might prefer over singular they. This tallied with my initial assumption that "plural they" may just be regular "they" referring to groups, since a system is a body containing two or more distinct individuals, so if they wanted to be referred to as a group then singular they would be inappropriate and regular "they" would fit.
I went to the pronouns spreadsheet of the 2021 Gender Census, and took every pronoun set that was named and copied it into a new spreadsheet. I ran a query to list all sets that contained both the words "plural" and "they" in the name field. There were 71 results, out of ~44,500 total responses. I ran another query to find out what these people were entering in the reflexive field, and here's what I got:
themselves - 61 (85.9%)
theirselves - 3
them - 2
themself - 2
themself (plural) - 2
theirself - 1
So I think it's safe to say that the set that people are calling "plural they" uses "themselves" as the reflexive, which is consistent with dictionaries' reporting of regular "they".
I conclude that most people do mean regular "they" when they refer to "plural they". "Plural they" seems to be they/them when used to refer to two or more people, including the plural reflexive "themselves".
As in "singular they", if you change individual words within the set or even around the set it is still called regular "they" if it is used to refer to two or more people. This might happen due to regional or cultural variations. So whether you say "they is writers" or "they are writers", whether you say "themself" or "themselves", if you're talking about two or more people, it's still regular "they" (or plural they).
I recently explored the (apparently unintentional) overlap of Spivak (e/em) and Elverson (ey/em). In case you've not read it, here's a brief overview: I found that it might be that Elverson (not on the checkbox list) is many times more popular than Spivak (on the checkbox list), even though it isn't being written into the pronouns textboxes often enough for it to reach the 1% threshold. Since the two sets are identical except for that one letter in the subject form, it is very likely that many of the people who use Elverson (ey/em) pronouns are choosing the Spivak checkbox option in the annual survey because they don't realise the spelling is different, or they think that they are minor spelling variants of the same set. I concluded that in order to get a fair count of both sets I will need to list both in the checkbox options next year, even though Elverson hasn't been typed in by over 1% of participants yet.
It's possible that the same thing is happening with singular and plural they. I ran a couple of Twitter polls, asking people whose pronouns are they/them which set they prefer, and presented answers like this:
a) Singular they, referring to only 1 person: they are themSELF
b) Singular they, referring to only 1 person: they are themSELVES
c) Plural they, referring to 2+ people: they are themSELVES
Here's the results, with 927 usable responses:
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The results of this poll are really useful, because it allowed people to choose between singular and plural they AND themself and themselves, in combination. We can see that of the people who call their pronouns "singular they" (referring to only one person), the majority prefer "themself" as the reflexive, but a respectable proportion prefer singular they with "themselves", even when presented with the option of "plural they" (referring to two or more people).
(I have a policy of providing the most popular word choices in checkboxes, so I will continue to provide a they/them checkbox option that says "singular they - they/them/their/theirs/themself", but since singular they is consistently the most popular pronoun this is something I like to keep checking in on.)
If we apply these proportions to the 2021 Gender Census responses and imagine that everyone whose pronouns are they/them chose "singular they - they/them/their/theirs/themself" regardless of how accurate that is, this would mean that 3.7% of all respondents would check a "plural they" box, which is well above the 1% threshold for adding something to the checkbox list. Why not add it to the list, the way I'll also be adding Elverson to the list? This graph may help:
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I generally consider it unwise to make big decisions based on Twitter polls, because the sample is much smaller and more biased than a standalone survey. Twitter requires membership, Twitter membership is skewed younger, and younger members are more likely to use Twitter often and see polls when they appear.
However, even I can't deny that there is a very clear mandate here for Elverson to be added to the checkbox list. When given a straight choice between the Spivak, Elverson, both, and neither/something else, participants were over six times more likely to choose Elverson over Spivak. (For context, Spivak got 4.3% in the 2021 Gender Census as a checkbox option.) Even if this poll were somehow put to the entire Gender Census participant group, it's hard to imagine a scenario where the results shift enough that Elverson gets a lower percentage than Spivak.
4.7% of a smaller sample of younger Twitter members just isn't enough to push me to add something to the checkbox options. I really hope that everyone whose pronouns are "plural they" takes the time to type it into next year's survey as a pronoun distinct from "singular they", so that if they do end up being over 1% of participants I can add "plural they" to the checkbox options.
As far as I can tell, the Gender Census doesn't particularly exclude plural participants. Systems are still able to take part, so it is at least as inclusive as any other survey of a similar nature, maybe even more so thanks to the ability to choose multiple gender identities and pronouns "per body".
There isn't sufficient evidence to support adding "plural they" to the list of checkbox pronouns at this time, and systems can be represented in results by typing any plural-inclusive terms and pronouns that are not on checkbox lists into some of the many textboxes provided, as any other participant would be expected to do.
The "once per body" participation policy is uncomfortable for a significant number of plural people. However, due to the intensely varied experiences of plural people, any policy on that issue that I impose would make some plural people uncomfortable - and it turns out that I chose the "side" that plural people are more likely to agree with. The survey isn't intending to collect or convey the more nuanced information that plural people (and others) have said that they would like to provide.
A separate question that specifically asks participants whether they're plural makes systems feel seen and acknowledged, but is beyond the scope of the project and doesn't add value to the data or analysis.
So, I will not be making any changes to the Gender Census at this time, based on the information I've gathered so far. However, I welcome further feedback in the plural participants' feedback form, which will remain open, anonymous and private.
Edit: Follow-up.
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dutchforstrangers · 3 years
Digimon Astrology Journey - 'Head first' buddies: Koushiro & Taichi
So I’m back with some headcanon Digimon Astrology and I’m diving into it head first! Something fierce leader Taichi would do, however he needs his loyal ‘brains’ there with him and that will be Koushiro. Where Koushiro is a thinker, analytical in every way due to his pragmatic Sun and Rising, Taichi is one of action due to his Moon and Rising (and Mars!). However don’t underestimate them, they have some serious airy energy going on, making them vocal, diplomatic and charming in their own individual ways.
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These boys are so different, yet work together very well. They just have a hard time… talking to others or each other about… the complicated, personal specific stuff feelings. Must be the stars, right?
It’s been a while, but you can read back all things Astrology (basics, background, etc.) in previous posts Part 1 | Part 2. Furthermore, exploring Taichi and Koushiro’s birth charts is part 2 of this series, you can read the exploration of Sora and Mimi’s birth charts here.
The important stuff
Koushiro Izumi, August 26th 1989 (around 05.30AM)
Sun: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Moon: Gemini (air-mutable)
Rising: Virgo (earth-mutable)
Taichi Yagami, October 15th 1988 (around 5PM)
Sun: Libra (air-cardinal)
Moon: Sagittarius (fire-mutable)
Rising: Aries (fire-cardinal)
Warning: IT’S VERY LONG! I’m sorry in advance…
A little disclaimer before I start rambling: These are headcanons! Their given birthdays are not canon at all, but just me having fun combining my love for Digimon and my love for Astrology. It can be highly self-indulging, but maybe you can find some truth in it as well! If you want to know how I calculated their birthdays, read my previous posts as stated above. I use these birthdays in my own fanfiction, but feel free to use them as well. Some credit in the form of a reblog, like or mention of these posts and/or my Tumblr would be highly appreciated! See something you want to discuss? I love to learn and talk! As said these are my headcanons, but I’m not afraid to change my mind or to defend what I have if necessary.
Everything charts and the why under read more!
Koushiro Izumi - August 26th 1989
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Assigning the Virgo Sun to this boy was the first thing I did, because I myself am convinced Koushiro Izumi is the embodiment of a true Virgo. I could be wrong, as I did not study Astrology and am a simple hobbyist, but everything I read about Virgos always lead me back to this particular maroon headed anime dork for years now. Hence why I gave him the same Sun and Rising sign, because Koushiro is who he is. Anyway, let me try to convince you.
For starters, here are a few (or actually all the) things about Virgos in general, for both Sun and Rising. Virgos are bright, practical, pragmatic, orderly, respectful, critical, perfectionists, security driven, communicative, tidy, nervous, detail-oriented… Can I stop already? Okay, now pick one of the above and tell me it’s not fitting for Koushiro.
Hm, I know. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Maybe his tidiness is questionable depending on the situation… But the guy is orderly and the chaos only exists in times when his perfectionism takes over. The nervous part from the Virgo can be seen in shyness or even being obedient. All of that makes Koushiro a dedicated friend who would do anything in his power to make everything work for you. Danger is that he will efface himself, thinking he’s not worth as much as the others. This is what happens in Adventure episode 28 right after he solved the card riddle. On the top left corner either the Agumon or the Gomamon is right, but he doesn’t know which one and he apologizes, which is not necessary at all, with: “I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations,” which is such a Virgo Sun/Rising thing to say..! The Virgo dynamic is alive and kicking.
It’s even more alive and kicking in his other strong Virgo placements: Mercury and Mars. With Mercury in Virgo, Mercury is in it’s sign of its rulership, making it a strong placement. And precisely that planet is the planet of thoughts and knowledge! The combination of his Sun, Rising, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes him be, engage, think and act like a true Virgo. Detail-oriented, thoughtful, respectful, orderly, practical and curious!
The hardest part for his birthday calculation was his Moon placement. The Moon is all about emotions, needs, wants, behavior, responds, et cetera. I first gave him a Capricorn Moon, but my boyfriend is such a Cap Moon and it didn’t fit the bill for Koushiro in my opinion. So I read and searched and eventually came to the conclusion it had to be an Air sign Moon, simply for the fact that our boy Koushiro is the bearer of the crest of Knowledge and Air signs can be seen as the intellectual ones of the Zodiac! Eventually I went for the Gemini Moon and I’m going to explain why exactly.
One could say Gemini is the bearer of Knowledge just as much as Koushiro is. Gemini LOVE to know things! They are naturally curious and are great communicators, when it comes to knowledge (pun warning if you’ve seen the reboot: they love to bring joy to their knowledge). Gemini tend to be a bit superficial when it comes to having and sharing knowledge and of course we know that’s not the case with our Koushiro here, due to his many Virgo placements, making him more observant and inward. What the Gemini Moon DOES to him is making this boy very talkative! He likes to spill what’s on his mind, he likes to share what he thinks, he likes to ramble and rant. It’s something we see him doing in Tri a lot, especially that one scene in Reunion part 3 (episode 3) where he keeps on rambling about all the strange events and he misses the first part of the conversation between the other DigiDestineds (about the news and Jyou’s ‘girlfriend’ poor guy no one believes him). Koushiro misses the conversation because a) his Gemini Moon likes to ramble and keep rambling, and b) because his Virgo placements can make him a bit unaware of his surroundings quite the time…
That’s not a bad thing per se, Koushiro is just very much focused on his work and d e t a i l s, which is a VERY Virgo-ish trait. But lets not forget that his priority is to help others with that knowledge and that the combination of his Virgo placements with his Gemini Moon makes him a great mentor. Brings me to his role throughout the entirety of Adventure 02: The Mentor. You’re welcome.
Another Gemini Moon thingy is rudeness. Now we know Koushiro is the most polite person out of ALL DD’s, always using honorifics, even saying Hikari-san instead of Hikari-chan, because Koushiro IS respect. But Koushiro is not afraid to tell you what’s at stake in times of ‘danger’, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. There are a few examples for that in Adventure, Adventure 02 and in Tri, but I’d like to refer to one of my favorite moments in whole Digimon Adventure history. Because Koushiro x rudeness brings me back to Diaboromon strikes back when he’s obviously so done with everyone, then Mimi enters the scene and he doesn’t even care. In the English dub she literally says “How rude”. Ooooohhh Koushiro, you little rude demon… It’s not the biggest proof it’s a simple one and my personal favorite.
All of the talkativeness and rudeness is something we mostly see Koushiro doing when he’s most comfortable. So we won’t see him being all talkative all the time -sharing more than just plain, superficial knowledge and instead more personal helpful knowledge- with everyone, but we do see him being talkative and speaking up to certain characters he’s most comfortable with. Now name one boy he’s very talkative to compared with literally all the other characters… You know what? Scroll down.
Last thing and then I’ll stop rambling about this beautiful and lovely nerd. His Venus, planet of values (and love…) is in Libra. What does that mean? Well, I’ve seen quite some fans type Koushiro as a bi-sexual, or something in that direction. Or even better a ‘disaster bi-sexual’. I already agreed on that, but when I saw this birth chart… IT’S (HEAD)CANON! Seriously, Libra is the zodiac sign of doubt, decision making (or actually no decision making, but I’ll get there with the next boy) and relationships and if you have your Venus placed in Libra you’re doomed to be a disaster when it comes to making decisions in your love life both romantically and platonically! Venus in Libra creates the desire for a good and loving relationships, but Koushiro’s Virgo Sun/Rising makes him more shy, his Virgo Mars makes him hold back. Once again, the Virgo Sun/Rising-Libra Venus dynamic lets him efface himself in relationships, thinking they have nothing to offer, but they have!! And so Koushiro gets left behind with his unresolved feelings… the boy has a hard time in love, let’s give him all a hug!
Taichi Yagami - October 15th 1988
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The protagonist. Okay, let me compare this goggle headed protagonist to another goggle headed protagonist outside the Digimon franchise: Naruto. This is probably more interesting to people who have watched and know Naruto, so you can skip the part. To me Naruto is the classical protagonist type; bold, adventurous, playful, (a little) obnoxious at some times, hot headed… These are traits we easily assign to fire signs in the zodiac, especially Aries. So I would immediately give Naruto the Aries Sun placement. However, when we see Naruto grow up, his behavior and the way he speaks and leads grows up with him as well. That’s only natural. And based on those changes I wouldn’t necessarily give Naruto the Aries Sun placements, although the Aries placement or another fire placement is very likely to be present in his chart.
Now I could go even further, explain the development from child to adult through Jung’s theory about cognitive functions, but that’s incredibly complicated and a looooong stretch I won’t be making here today. In short, Jung’s development theory is interesting, because it shows how we first see the obvious traits in a child which are the traits the child engages (Rising sign) the world with before it develops the other functions showing the person’s true identity (Sun sign). So we could say we first see someone’s Rising sign more clearly before the Sun comes shining through. Like with Naruto. And the same could be for Taichi in the case of this headcanon.
To tackle his birth chart and big three, I’ll be starting with explaining his Rising Sign before his Sun sign. And the Rising sign I assigned him is Aries Rising.
Like I said above, Aries is bold, adventurous, playful and above all: courageous. Especially the Aries Rising placement which is more courageous than its Aries Sun counterpart. Aries are born leaders, can be extremely competitive, are somewhat restless and desperately need to move. In Taichi’s case with the above birth chart, that urge to move is magnified by his Aries Mars placement. The dynamic of his Aries Rising and Aries Mars makes Taichi a mover, an adventurer, and incredibly determined. This could be both positively, always wanting the best (especially for yourself, as Aries is a pretty selfish sign), and a tad negatively, always going and going and going. In the Adventure series this could be the reason why he makes Greymon dark-evolve, because he wants things too bad and too fast. Aries are hot headed and can grow impatient if things don’t go the way they want. And the Aries Rising and Mars dynamic makes Taichi a very physical guy. Mix that with the impatience and he is not afraid to pick fights and use his fists.
All of this can make Taichi a very stormy and reckless boy (boundaries? What’s that?), but also a fearless leader. The exuberance, the impatience and restlessness comes back in his Sagittarius Moon placement as well. This Sag Moon in combination with his strong Aries placements in Rising and Mars makes Taichi a sportive, physical, optimistic and forward leader that is incredibly courageous and adventurous, which could make him a bit ‘superficial’ as a protagonist. But the Sag Moon also deepens and strengthens his leader skills.
Sagittarius is a sign pictured by a centaur with an arrow and bow. The centaur’s horse legs make the Sag want to move and be free, but the arrow aims in a clear direction and aiming takes knowledge and focus. Sagittarius thus is an adventurous fella, but also a philosopher. Taichi’s Sag Moon placement makes him a pro in seeing the bigger picture and connecting dots next to his never ending energy. He will make sure we’re going in the right direction by overlooking the whole situation. So we absolutely shouldn’t forget Taichi is a true strategist! He sees, understands what’s at stake in a situation, connects the dots, comes with a strategy and like a true leader knows his team and can place everyone in his right spot to get through the toughest of situations (once again referring to Taichi asking Koushiro to pick the cards in Adventure episode 28). Speaking about a great leader, gosh, Taichi, you’re truly amazing! <3
However, it’s his Aries Rising and Mars that often make him act before he thinks, preferably alone (Taichi is a teamplayer, but the selfish and reckless Aries in him makes him act alone. And the sum of teamplayer + acting alone = self-sacrifice mode… which happens ALL THE DAMN TIME). Or actually makes him act while thinking without doing a short reflection beforehand. Seriously, I’m convinced that this reflection in advance could have saved him a lot of trouble throughout Digimon Adventure. Let’s blame it on (t)his (headcanon) birth chart…
Also, all of the above vouches for Taichi having an amazing intellect, but the guys needs to be challenged… Hence why he’s always staring out of the window during classes in Tri, daydreaming away to where the adventure is. He feels trapped, needs to be outside and should use his intelligence for things he finds important (like saving the digital world, soccer and saving friends and the world). The daydreaming could also be his Libra Mercury who can make Taichi lose his focus and could make him lazy. Luckily Taichi has a very active Aries Mars in opposite aspect from his Libra Mercury that neutralizes that lazy and dreamy Libra Mercury.
Okay, back to topic. Now you maybe think: But if Taichi is good in knowing where to go, being the fearless leader, also an intellect who has the knowledge to aim straight and shoot… then WHY is he so lost, down and in doubt in Tri and so unknowing of his future in Kizuna…??!! I have an answer to that. And that answer is his Libra Sun.
I know I know, this is a very VERY unpopular Sun sign to give this goggle leader, but please hear me out. For starters, Libra is the sign of diplomacy and if we believe the 02’s epilogue what’s Taichi’s job? Right, a diplomat. We also know he studies something like political sciences in Kizuna (which I think is AMAZING and vouches even more for Taichi’s intellect! Politics is a tough study…) and to make it in the political field you really do need diplomacy and charms.
Taichi is an absolute charmer, in my eyes at least. I mean, look at his 02 self! He’s such a smooth charmer in every way… The way he sends off Sora to Yamato while acting all cool and collected, phew, that requires some serious smoothness. And still we often see Taichi depicted as a down and broody boy besides his energetic and bold (sometimes indifferent…) character, especially after Tri. That too could be due to a Libra Sun placement.
Like Sagittarius is depicted by a centaur, Libra is depicted by scales and those scales are all about harmony, balance and justice. Libra is the opposite of Aries in the zodiac, but also about weighing opposites in the sigh itself. When we look at the Aries/Libra opposite placement: where Aries can be quite selfish, Libra as an opposite is the people’s pleaser. Where Aries is reckless and impatient, Libra is thoughtful and patient and one could say that an Aries acts where a Libra waits. Where Aries makes the impulsive decisions, Libra keeps deliberating leading into constant doubt and confusion. And how do we see Taichi in Tri? Ah yes, in doubt and confused.
A Libra Sun desperately wants to bring peace and harmony, driven by justice, in a diplomatic way. Libra Suns are deep thinkers which can make them very doubtful, making them spiraling down into a hole of overthinking and doubts. The Libra Sun-Sag Moon dynamic makes this all even more deep and almost philosophical in a way there will always be more and more questions, but never answers because Libra simply can’t make choices. All while being solution-oriented!
As Taichi grows up from a middle schooler to a high schooler, it’s that doubt coming from the Libra Sun that kicks Taichi hard. It conflicts with his carefree and bold Aries Rising nature and as that Libra Sun comes shining through, we see Taichi becoming more cautious and reserved compared to his younger self. The guy has a strong inner dialogue always looking for the best solutions to please everyone and bring harmony (I wanted to say ‘balance to the world’, yes to all the avatar the last airbender cameos) to the people and world(s in case of the digital world) around him he so desperately wants to protect. This is what we see happening in Tri, where he can’t choose what’s the right thing… Most of the time that inner dialogue is hidden behind his Aries Rising (and Aries Mars and Sag Moon).
So under that tough and courageous Aries Rising demeanor (remember that a Rising sign is all about engaging and how you come across to others) is a very soft, sweet, friendly and overall smart Libra Sun boy who has troubles expressing himself because the boy is in conflict with himself (which we see in the Dark Master’s arc in Adventure where he expresses his concerns towards his sister to Koushiro… it’s so hard for Taichi to let it all out, even when he needs it badly). It’s so sad, he’s such a complicated character, but that’s also one of the most beautiful things about Taichi. He’s layered af. He could be the best listener (Koushiro’s feels this, that’s why Koushiro can talk so open and freely to Taichi, because Taichi lets him thank you Libra Sun) if it weren’t for his strong fire placements opposite from his airy Sun sign. But give the boy time and space and he can show you his charms in a way no one else owns those charms.
So Taichi’s Libra Sun is hidden away most of the time due to his strong Aries placements. Usually his Rising and Sun sign being in opposite aspect from each other, should neutralize the placements, but Taichi’s Aries Mars placement makes the Aries Rising overrule the Libra Sun. Still, we shouldn’t forget Taichi is a softy with a big heart. He just needs the right people around him to get his charm on and Taichi definitely has some great people collected in his life who can help him think and make decisions.
A few things I want to point out before I stop rambling, because this analysis is already WAY too long.
Taichi’s midheaven in Capricorn in combination with his Libra Sun and Aries Rising makes him very ambitious on the intellectual side! Directly aiming for the UN and quickly climbing up the promotion ladder (and being successful like a true Cap, let’s not forget that).
His Mars was in transition from Pisces to Aries during his birth. Which means his Aries Mars is highly influenced by Pisces which could also explain why he spirals down as Pisces Mars has a lot of stormy energy on the emotional side (whereas Aries Mars has stormy energy on the physical side). When this emotional energy comes out negative, it can lead to mental health problems (!!! TRI DEPRESSED!TAICHI), especially when close friends and family (can you feel it coming? The whole Hikari-trauma is a thing) are involved.
His Libra Sun makes him in need of a group of friends and he loves being surrounded by them! Though he doesn’t like to admit that due to his Aries Rising. Taichi is such a conflicted boy…
An end note on these two boys: A heart to heart/hard friendship with a lot of mutual understanding and support <3
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asleepinawell · 3 years
Been having a lot of Thoughts about the nier series recently and the larger themes of both games and wanted to jot them down and toss them into the void of the internet.
Massive spoilers for nier automata follow, including for ending e. Do not read this if you ever intend to play nier automata. There are spoilers for nier replicant as well, though not for ending e.
One of the biggest themes both nier games tackle is the tragedy of an uncaring universe. Bad things happen to good people, people who think they're good and doing the right thing find out they were actually committing atrocities, the very idea that there's 'good' and 'bad' people is dissected and rejected. At the end of the day, the universe doesn't give a shit about any of us and none of it matters. Enjoy your existential despair!
In nier replicant, the main character starts off as an optimistic young boy who wants to save, not only his sister, but the entire world. After the time skip, nier is a young man whose optimism has (partially) been tarnished and whose goal has narrowed down to just saving his sister. As you move through each route you understand more and more how tragic the world is and how, despite your best intentions, you are only adding to the tragedy of the world. The original 4 endings of nier replicant are all tragic in some way. Ending D has a glimmer of hope in it in the form of nier being able to save kainé at the cost of his own existence, but it's a bittersweet ending and the world is ultimately doomed anyway.
Which brings us to nier automata. Even more so than replicant, automata hammers home the meaningless of everything, the uncaring universe, tragedy both avoidable and unavoidable. The main characters are locked in an endless loop of violence and despair. The worst that could happen, does, again and again. It thrives off the type of tragedy porn I usually hate.
Except it doesn't. If endings a and b are the opening statement, endings c and d are the facts and body of the essay, but then there's ending e, the concluding paragraph which takes everything we've been told and gives you the chance to draw your own conclusion from it.
Route e starts after you've gotten both ending c and d and is no longer about the characters in the game at all. Route e is about you, the player, and what you believe. It says "we've given you a story of complete despair, we've shown you the universe is unfair and doesn't give a fuck about you, we've shown you things that end in tragedy. despite all of this, do you still believe it's worth fighting for the hope of something better?"
And then it asks you to prove it.
Route e is the ending every fan has asked for when they've said "I'll fight the creators to give my favs a happy ending." Today is your lucky day!
Route e is the ending credits of the game, except that the ending credits have turned into a bullet hell mini game. In fighting the actual credits themselves, you are fighting the game devs. You are saying fuck you I don't believe that everything is pointless. Fighting for better is always worth it. The meaning that we imbue in life is important to us and that matters.
The bullet hell of the end credits starts out fairly simple and gets harder and harder as you go, lasting something like 15 minutes total, which is a brutally long time to be playing something that requires split second timing and 100% of your focus. It's meant to feel insurmountable, just like the challenges the characters in the game faced (the larger plot challenges, not the combat). You will likely die a lot and check points are few and far between.
But there's more to it than that. The first time you die, a prompt comes up:
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And then when you die again:
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Except now, there’s a message on the screen. A message that appears to be from another player, somewhere in the world.
And again:
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(this one really fucked me up, but that’s for a different post).
And then finally:
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(thank you user MR-YE-1996)
When you accept the rescue offer, you go back to the bullet hell again, but now you have a wall of other players around your weak little avatar, shielding you from harm. The music, which has been a single vocal track up until now, gains an entire chorus of voices to represent the army of actual players who’ve shown up to save you (and there’s a lot I could say about the use of the (exquisitely good) music in the nier games, and especially about the difference in lyrical themes between ashes of dreams and weight of the world). Every time a bullet hits one of the players surrounding you, there’s a message saying that user’s data has been lost. Users from all over the world are sacrificing themselves to help you. It’s a very nice, heart-warming moment that you still don’t understand the full impact of quite yet.
After you beat the credits, you’re rewarded by a final cutscene. The android protagonists have been reconstructed and will receive a second chance at life. The narration at this point talks about how life exists within the spiral of life and death we are all trapped in. One of the two pods talking points out that even though the androids are being given a second chance at life, there’s a possibility that things will go just as poorly once again. And the other pod agrees, but adds: “However, the possibility of a different future also exists.”
And then the scene ends with this quote: “A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself.”
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And this is really the final conclusion of the game. There is no inherent meaning in the universe, so the meaning we give our lives is the most meaningful thing. (And the ‘you’ here isn’t necessarily an individual either. It can be, or it can be humanity as a whole, or even one group). And you, the player, thought that it was worth fighting to give these characters a second chance, and other players out there in the world thought it was worth helping you to do so.
It’s such a wonderfully beautiful piece of meta interpretation posing as a game ending, and also a departure from the final conclusion of previous Yoko Taro games. It feels like a much more mature and nuanced interpretation of the world than the ending of replicant was (I won’t comment on the new ending e of replicant just yet since it didn’t come out that long ago). (Also, for the record, I love nier replicant and the characters in it with my entire heart. This post is not bashing it).
But the game has one more surprise in store for you. After the cutscene ends, you’re given one last choice. The game asks if you have any interest in helping other players the way you were helped. And if you say yes, you’re told that the only way you can do this is to sacrifice all your save data.
I think that sacrifice hits differently for different people. Some people genuinely won’t mind that at all. As someone who probably still has save data from games I played 20 years ago, it felt like a gut punch. To me, save data represents all the time and emotion and energy I’ve put into a game. Games are so deeply important to me in so many ways and have been since my childhood when they were one of the few ways I could escape from a lot of terrible shit going on in my life. (There’s a reason my blog title is what it is). I could talk a lot more about that point, but I’ll leave it by saying that when I saw what the game was asking of me it felt like someone had knocked my legs out from under me.
For more practical players, it also is locking you out of chapter select, the best way to go back and get all the things you missed and grab the achievements/trophies you still need.
The game will point out that you’ll get nothing in return for this (not a lie, there’s no secret reward), that you will likely never know if or who you helped, that you won’t be thanked, that the person you help could be someone you intensely dislike, etc. And with all of this comes the realization that all those people who came to help you in the credits had already done this. Those people whose data was sacrificed to help you get to the final cutscene had already sacrificed their save data to help you.
We’ve now gone from a world where everything is meaningless, to a world where other real actual human beings out there have sacrificed something that represented hours of their time and a varying amount of emotional investment without any hope of reward to help a stranger see a message of hope.
When I was younger, I was more drawn to dark, hopeless stories. Stories about how dark and meaningless the world was. The world was a terrible place then too. 9/11 happened when I was in highschool (an incident that influenced yoko taro’s creation of nier replicant and had a huge impact on me at the time), the pointless wars that happened after and the recession and a million other things seemed to infuse everything with hopelessness. In that world, stories about everything being meaningless and hopeless felt correct. They felt validating. Yes, everything really does suck that much!
That sort of story lost its appeal for me later on. Pointless and horrible things continued to happen, and still continue to happen. The world events of the last few years have been an unnerving reliving of those earlier years, except even worse. The cycles of tragedy are still there with no end in sight. I’m exhausted from all of it. It really does feel hopeless a lot.
But stories that stop at that point no longer appeal to me. Stories like nier automata--stories that say yes, things are terrible, but there’s always hope, you can create your own meaning, it is always worth it to fight for better even if you fail, your life is worthwhile simply for existing--those stories are the ones I think we all need more than anything.
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thatradfailure · 3 years
I’m super interested!!! What’s the lore behind the bioshock mermaids??
There's some more lore for certain species than others, but I can give you an overview that I hope to be somewhat even between them all.
First off, some taxonomy!
....................................|--- [Beau Moqueur] ...............................|---| ...............................|    |--- [Red-Spotted Seducer] ..........................|---| ..........................|    |   |--- [Revolutionary's Serpent] ..........................|    |---| .....................|---|         |--- [Ocean Prowler] .....................|    | .....................|    |--- [Shepherd's Shark] Mermadae---| .....................|    |--- [Bemähnte Jägerin] .....................|---| ..........................|--- [Alpha Glowfish]
[Edited: Added a ton of dots to make the taxonomy tree easier to read]
True Sirens: [Beau Moqueur; Red-Spotted Seducer] - True Sirens are characterized by their diets consisting of primarily humans, a lack of claws, and their gills on their neck. They tend to be much smaller than False Sirens and Non-Sirens, and found within bodies of fresh water.
False Sirens: [Revolutionary's Serpent; Ocean Prowler] - False Sirens are very similar to True Sirens, but are quite taxonomically and biologically different. Their fish-half bodies appear more like aquatic reptiles from the age of the dinosaurs, which can be attributed to convergent evolution. Much unlike True Sirens, their diets comprise of anything they can get their clawed hands on, be it humans, other mammals, fish, birds, and, in some cases, plants. Their gills are found after their arms, unlike more other mermaids- most commonly on the area that would be equivalent to a human's hips. They vary in size, from medium lengths to small lengths, with few species being smaller than the largest of the True Sirens. They are found both in the ocean, such as Ocean Prowlers, or in bodies of fresh water, like Revolutionary's Serpents.
Non-Sirens: [Shepherd Shark; Bemähnte Jägerin; Alpha Glowfish] - Non-Sirens are the most fish-like of all mermaids, and only found within the vast ocean. They have a variety of shapes and sizes, but are barely human-like, compared to their True- and False-Siren cousins. They often have the longest claws and most diverse hunting methods. Their gills are often found on their necks, but certain species that are closer related to True- and False-Sirens may have their gills appearing after their arms, such as on Shepherd Sharks. Non-Sirens also have the largest species of mermaid- the Alpha Glowfish, which convergently evolved traits that are also found in anglerfish.
Man-made Mermaid: [Jack's Ace] - There is only one species of man-made mermaid, that being the Jack's Ace. There is only one member of this species, being comprised of the DNA from many species of mermaid, including Shepherd Sharks, Beau Moqueurs, Revolutionary's Serpents, and more. And even perhaps some human DNA... He can survive in all types of water, and eats many kinds of food, minus humans. His gills are found on his neck, and he lacks claws, but is rather large compared to True-Sirens.
More Info about each species under the cut because this is getting long lol.
- Alpha Glowfish: + Size: Large [30 feet long, 20,000 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: Possibly hundreds of years. + Intelligence: Being studied. + Location: Deep Ocean, Saltwater. + Based On: Subject Delta. Alpha Glowfish are the largest species of mermaids, and are found deep within the ocean. They exhibit stunning displays of bio-luminescence. Though, instead of using it to catch prey, as they seem to be a filter-feeder species, the males use their beautiful lights to keep offspring nearby. Offspring are rather different to adults, as they are far more social and curious, while the adults become aggressive whenever an animal comes near their child. Often, they are only found with one child, but pairs of twins has been documented.
- Bemähnte Jägerin (Translated from German to Maned Huntress): + Size: Medium [15 feet long, 300 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 75-80 years. + Intelligence: Unclear + Location: Mid to Deep Ocean, Saltwater. + Based On: Brigid Tenenbaum. Bemähnte Jägerin are named for their unique hunting style, and for the first few found specimens being female. For a while, they thought to be sexually dimorphic, but found not to be. Their most stunning trait unique to their species is the vast number of tentacles on their back. When not in use, they curl up to the body, presumable to conserve body heat. When in use, they stretch out to ensnare any fish that may swim by, or through the mane for protection. The fish is then passed to the arms of the Bemähnte Jägerin, where it can be brought to the mouth and eaten.
- Shepherd Shark: + Size: Small [5-6 feet, 190 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: Incredibly varied; 35-90 years. + Intelligence: Moderate. +Location: Tropical climates around Central America, saltwater. + Based On: Booker DeWitt. Shepherd Sharks are named for a rather unique behavior. They are a strictly carnivorous animal, and hunt the predators of schools of a fish that they have taken as their charge. Through this, they often get roughed up, and it is rather rare to see a specimen in the wild with little to no scaring from battles. This also contributes to their vastly varied lifespan. Shepherd Sharks are rather isolated animals, but they mate for life when they do find a mate. Though found in the Non-Siren family of mermaid, they are a link species that have been around for a very long time, and are thought to be the species, or heavily related to the species, that True- and False Sirens evolved from.
- Ocean Prowler: + Size: Medium [10-15 feet, 200-400 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 120-220 years. + Intelligence: High + Location: Artic Circle, Freshwater and Saltwater. + Based On: Lonnie. Ocean Prowlers are closely related to Revolutionary's Serpents. They can be found in various bodies of water, fresh or ocean, near the Artic Circle. Their hair-like tentacle structures are similar to that of human hair, like with all mermaids. However, their uses for this hair-like structure is diverse, from insulating body heat to filtering food from their surrounding waters. This "hair" isn't quite hair, as it's thicker and has blood circulating through it. Along with filter feeding, they will hunt for meat or graze on plants. They have been frequently documented picking up on human languages, with certain specimens eventually conversing in exchange for food. While they do not commonly hunt humans, it's advised against to enter waters where even just on Ocean Prowler is found, as they have been known to take a human down into the depths of the water to feed on, never to be seen again.
- Revolutionary's Serpent: + Size: Large [20 feet long, 5,000 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 100-150 years/ + Intelligence: Moderate-High + Location: Mainly Ireland, Freshwater. + Based On: Atlas. Revolutionary's Serpents used to have another common name, but that was replaced with their current name when Irish revolutionaries would commence large offensive attacks to force the opposing soldiers into waters containing just a few individuals of this species, who would make quick work of the humans. Their diet comprises of many sources of meat, and they often mimic the sounds of their prey to lure them close. Revolutionary Serpents especially pick up greeting words and expressions of distress to lure humans. There was a documented specimen from the 1950's that learned to speak fluent English because of a human that seemed to tame him. This specimen that called himself Atlas gave many insights into the species, and would freely converse with many, though especially the man that taught him to speak.
- Red-Spotted Seducer: + Size: Small [4-5 feet, 200 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 60-70 years + Intelligence: Moderate + Location: Central America, Freshwater. + Based On: Augustus Sinclair. Red-Spotted Seducers are the most common of True-Sirens, though that does mean they're still rather rare. Their voices are said to be suave and charming, instilling a false sense of safety that the animals take advantage of. Like all sirens, they have only been documented in the wild to consume humans, though in captivity, other meats have been imprinted on young. Lacking most ways to hunt, the Red-Spotted Seducers will lure their prey into waters and then drag them down to drown, using their weight to keep the prey pinned down.
- Beau Moqueur (Translated from French to Beautiful Mocker): + Size: Small [3 feet, 80-100 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 35-40 years. + Intelligence: Varied. + Location: Northern North-East United States; France, Freshwater. + Based On: Frank Fontaine. Beau Moqueurs are an invasive species in the US, after someone allowed a few specimens to get loose. They enjoy swimming near ledges that lead into deep water along paths that humans commonly trek, and use their whiskers to detect the vibrations of steps. Like other True- and False-Sirens, they use their voices to lure prey to their doom, but are especially exceptional at copying voices, accents, and languages. They are said to "mock" their previous prey by using their voices, accents, and words to mess with new prey. This, along with having remarkable patterns and vibrant, though dark, colorations that are rather striking, gives them their name.
- Jack's Ace: + Size: Medium [13 feet and 7 inches, 1,697 pounds (one living specimen)] + Lifespan: Unknown. + Intelligence: High + Location: Lab, Freshwater and Saltwater. + Based On: Jack. Jack's Ace, or Jack, was created by a lab team that was given too much freedom to "experiment how [they] please" when commissioned to clone the child of one Andrew Ryan. Instead of making a human, they combined the DNA of various mermaid species. After one look, Ryan refused to take the specimen and commissioned another scientific team, with more rigid rules. Now, the team that has Jack give him intelligence tests to see just what they've created. He is highly intelligent, but cannot speak due to an accident that severely damaged his vocal chords. Jack has never expressed a desire to hunt humans, being well-fed on a primarily fish-based diet. Instead, he seems to express a desire to see the outside world. If you were stuck in one bedroom of a home for your entire life, wouldn't you?
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
The Lord of the Manor (5)
Summary: It is said that you 'reap what you sow', apparently that saying is no different for Grim Reapers...
Content Warnings: angst, xenophobia reference / imperialist thinking + me taking artistic liberties re: the van Zieks family
Other parts: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
In the distance Barok could hear voices talking, which only served to confuse him. He was inside Klint's burial chamber, no one else should be here. He opened his eyes, head pounding, and found his confusion grew all the more.
This was not his brother's crypt. It was his own room, yet he had no recollection of leaving the family cemetery or the journey home.
He felt warm and dizzy, and that feeling intensified when he tried to sit up, "...Ugh..." it was slowly dawning on him that he was feverish. Most likely due to the reckless trip he took during a fierce storm.
"My Lord, are you awake?" he heard Harvey's voice.
"... Yes," his croaked, as though his vocal chords had rusted, "... What... happened, Harvey?" no doubt the butler could elucidate him.
"The groundskeeper was tending to the cemetery after the storm and found you collapsed on the floor. He came back to the estate and informed me, I then arranged to have you brought home so that the physician could assess you. Thankfully he does not think it's anything serious, most likely fatigue."
".... I see," Barok laid back in the bed and closed his eyes, his vision was already starting to swim, "... Thank you, Harvey."
"It is my pleasure, my lord, I am glad you are safe... the physician thinks you may have a fever but that you should recover after a few days of rest. Please let me know if you need anything."
"I will..." his consciousness was already slipping; soon enough he drifted to sleep.
His sleep was fitful; drifting in and out of consciousness for several hours while his body wracked with freezing shivers and unbearable flashes of warmth. He writhed and groaned as the fever took a firmer hold of his faculties.
"Truly you seem to be suffering, little brother..."
Barok opened his eyes and stared in disbelief at the man sitting on his bed -- Klint. He was sat there, looking over at him with face marred by concern, "... K...Klint?" he uttered, before trying to sit up only to think better of it when his head throbbed sharply.
"Mmm," his older brother nodded, "Truth be told you're hallucinating, but I suppose that's to be expected when you neglect yourself in this manner."
A wry smile tugged his lips; it seemed his own mind was set upon chastising him for his earlier impulsiveness, "... Of course... a figment of my imagination."
"Yes... you've pushed yourself too hard of late, no wonder things have gotten on top of you and now you're feverish and hallucinating."
"..." he felt a strong surge of sadness in the pit of his stomach, "My mind couldn't at least trick me into thinking you were a ghost..."
"You're too cynical for that," the mirage pointed out, "No doubt you'd have tried to cross-examine this situation and forced the truth out of yourself."
It was irksome how accurate that statement was, and how he was incapable of formulating a witty reply to it. Eventually he gave up and muttered, "... Perhaps."
"Undoubtedly," the figment said, "Now, I suppose we'd best get to the bottom of why you're having this moment of delirium..."
"Clearly because I'm feverish," he retorted dryly.
"No..." Klint shook his head, "Clearly you need to do some soul searching. You've lost your way, your feelings of hopelessness have driven you to be reckless and now you don't know what to do with yourself. Perhaps you need to take a step back and re-calibrate, little wolf."
"Nonsense..." he muttered as he draped a hand over his eyes; his forehead was burning, "I... I know precisely what I need to do..."
"Oh really? Well I assure you that clinging to the past isn't it."
".... I know that," but how could he resist? This house was full of memories; it was the last place in all the world where Klint's memory was still a tangible thing that he could hold on to. It was all he had left of him.
"Find something to live for, Barok. You have a chance to turn a new page, to step out of your brother's shadow. You don't have to be a prosecutor. You don't have to be a lawyer. You can be whatever you want."
"Whatever I want..." he mumbled to himself as a wave of tiredness washed over him; he relinquished himself to it and drifted into a deep sleep
For several days, Barok continued to drift in and out of delirious conversations with a mimicry of his brother. Until his body recovered and he overcame the fever; there was a dull pang in his chest when it dawned on him that he could not longer hallucinate his brother's presence watching over him, but, it was a familiar grief and one he continued to hold in his core.
He decided to take the fever dreams to heart, rather than wallowing, and set about busying himself with numerous distractions; a main one being repairing the old family estate. It had been refurbished sometime during his grandfather's lifetime, but it seemed the work had been rather shoddy.
In between the renovations, he engaged in correspondence with a few individuals in London, including members of the Prosecutor's Office, and dabbled in stocks to maintain the family's wealth. His employment as a Prosecutor was hardly a king's ransom, but it had been an impressive wage and he was conscious to avoid squandering his family's assets while he languished in a malaise.
For a few years that became his routine, and it was a reasonably comfortable one. He enjoyed the Devon countryside atop Black Gale and distracted himself with a mix of physical and cerebral activities. Yet, it felt profoundly empty to him; there was an acute sense of wistfulness at his core and he knew precisely what it related to.
He had geared his entire life for a career as a lawyer, and the part of his mind that had enjoyed the intellectual rigour found his current life far too humdrum. Of course he still read the Legal Reports not long after they were handed down by the Courts, out of a 'healthy curiosity', he told himself, but reading about the law was nothing when compared to actually practising it.
The anecdotes he received from his peers in the Prosecutor's Office did little to slake that innermost wish, in fact they only stoked it more. But he resisted by reminding himself why he left in the first place.
Should he return, the Capital would once more be swept up in its 'Reaper fever'; the press would fixate on his every move, the criminal underbelly of London would sharpen its knifes and perhaps this time manage to get his eyes... Fear had no part of it, for he did not fear death, but it grew wearisome to be so fetishised by the world at large and all it did was remind him all the more that Klint was not here.
Klint was the one who had inspired such a fervent love of the law in him; his righteousness, his acumen, his talent for public speaking... every time he'd watched his brother in court he'd fallen in love with the law a little more, for it embodied the very things his brother stood for. Or, that's what he'd wanted to believe.
The truth had been a bitter pill to swallow – for, while the law had the best of intentions, it was a clunky machine that often failed to work at the moment where individuals and society at large most needed it. Loopholes and the unjust were constantly undermining it. He felt the dichotomy between reality and idealism keenly. He had often equated the Law with Justice, but sadly the two things were not synonymous.
Sometimes he wondered how Klint had coped with that knowledge, for he saw his brother as a bastion of justice and a man of integrity who would no doubt have been just as aware of the law's failings as he. How he longed to ask his brother now that he had the benefit of practical experience.
For several years he maintained his distance from London and the law; many among the aristocracy gossiped, from rumours about his death to wild theories about his having eloped to America to marry into some wealthy entrepreneurial family, but for the most part he ignored them too. The only time he deigned to mingle with the other noble families was when such was demanded of him as master of the house.
One day, however, a letter arrived from London that piqued his interest to the point he could no longer resist it.
Magnus McGilded was becoming an increasingly brazen problem for the capital. He knew the moneylender had something of a reputation, one that caused misery among the desperate and unfortunate who had fallen upon hardtimes; but it sounded as though his activities were causing more angst than ever before, not least of all because he continued to evade the Courts through underhanded means.
Of course, his friend opined, it was not possible to prove that Magnus McGilded was bribing the Jury, buying witnesses and a catalogue of other dubious evasive tactics; but nor could anyone explain why entire cases were dropped at the last minute or why the police had failed to locate key witnesses until they themselves appeared from nowhere with vital information (in McGilded's favour).
It irked him to his core as he read of the various trials that had collapsed, and for the first time in a long while he felt a strong desire to do something. To bring the rodent out of his labyrinth of deceptions and into the light of day. He knew full well it was something that he would be capable of, were he to oversee a future investigation...
His mind raced with thoughts about how to outwit the Irish Shylock at his own game...
Another thing that piqued his interest was a throwaway postscript:
[Ps. We've had word from Lord Stronghart to expect some Nipponese student in a few months time. Apparently there is some cultural exchange afoot and the young man will be studying British law. I can't say I see the necessity, but I suppose our great nation ought to be charitable to those from more impoverished places...]
Seeing that word roused ugly feelings in his core, things that he had managed to keep his distance from for some time; but the anger was never far away. The resentment, like rot, was deep in his soul and it had been left alone but not eradicated.
The near-five years he had spent in the ancestral home was a welcomed reprieve, and served to focus his mind to some degree. He had never lost his passion for the law, and now it seemed there were reasons to pull him back into the foray.
Perhaps it was high time the Reaper returned London...
─────── Fin.
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Magical School Joint Cultural Festival Headcanons
Despite being one of the most prestigious magic schools in Twisted Wonderland, Walpurga Nacht’s participation in this event has only been established 35 years ago due to the intervention of Headmistress Lyra Merrion who was said to enjoy this sort of “spirited interaction between young people.” She made it a point to insist that her school attend every year, even if just in a perfunctory fashion. This tradition was upheld by her successor, Headmistress Ursa Astoria as well.
However, even though Walpurga Nacht is present at the Joint Cultural Festival every year they have no booths and don’t participate in any of the student competitions, occupying the position of prestigious guests more than anything. The reason behind this is that the traditional school cultural event for Walpurga Nacht takes place between April 30 and May 1 and is exclusive to invited guests only. Thus, the witches prefer to be mere observers during these events since it suits their secretive nature better. 
The most popular attraction for them is of course the Voice & Dance Competition, to which they make sure to acquire their tickets well in advance. They enjoy this particular part of the festival the most since there is no equivalent of it during Samhain Night, and the novelty endeared them to it. Now, the sight of Walpurga Nacht girls in their white uniforms sitting in the audience has been quite familiar to students from other schools. 
Individual HCs
As every year, Headmistress Ursa Astoria had led the procession of witches and teachers on the grounds of Night Raven College, where they were informed that they should behave in a most exemplary manner as to not besmirch the reputation of the school. On her shoulder, Stryx puffed up his chest in order to ensure that Ursa’s appearance was as intimidating and stern as possible, though it merely caused the girls to be amused by his attempts. Once the students were dismissed and each Prefect was leading her group through the campus grounds, along with one of the few teachers accompanying them in some cases, Ursa began to make her rounds as well. What interested her most were the presentations that would be delivered by the fourth years. It was always important to see just where the current research methodology in magic was headed towards. She felt Stryx bristle beside her when a hand was placed on her shoulder and turned around only to see the Headmaster of Royal Sword Academy smiling at her. Returning it with one of her own, she also offered her hand which he took graciously, and lightly brushed his lips atop her knuckles as he bowed.  
Ursa: Ambrose. It’s good to see you again. Even though you gave Professor Stryx here quite a fright it seems.
Ambrose: Oh? Is that so? My apologies. I certainly didn’t mean to do that.
Ursa: Then perhaps you should not be looking so amused as you say such things, shouldn’t you?
Ambrose: Ohohohohoho, indeed.
Stryx’s feathers stood on edge as the Headmaster of RSA continued to laugh. Reaching out with her hand, Ursa began to scratch the top of his head until he completely calmed down. Chirping happily Stryx seemingly forgot the surge of anger that just awakened for the Headmaster of Royal Sword.
Ambrose: It’s quite a surprise to see you here today, Ursa. I was led to believe you would be too busy with preparations for Samhain Night to join us this year.
Ursa: It almost came to that, but Professor Yaga has graciously offered to take over for the following two days, so that I may attend.
Ambrose: I see! How kind of her indeed. In this case, perhaps you’ll do me the honour of letting me accompany you as you visit the booths set up by the students? You are interested in the 4th years’ work especially, are you not?
Chuckling lightly, Ursa accepted the arm that was offered to her.
Ursa: I would say it is almost impressive how well you know me, if not for the fact that I check the same booths every year.
Ambrose: Hm? Have you now? I most certainly haven’t noticed that.
Ursa: Of course you haven’t. Let’s see what your competition has to offer.
Ursa spent most of her day in Ambrose’s company, exchanging quips and teasing remarks, as old friends tend to do when they meet each other again. Stryx was quite displeased by this because he hoped he’d get to spend the day only in her company. Though his dissatisfaction was quelled somewhat by the moments of affection that Ursa bestowed upon him.
At some point, she had run into Trein as well, and as usual, the two exchanged greetings and inquired about each other’s well-being, while Stryx and Lucius openly glared at one another. It was always a tense meeting between the two, not that their owners ever let it come to blows.
Trein: Ursa, about the Witch Dances this year-
Ursa: Let us not get into that. It is what it is.  
After the two departed, Ursa eventually reunited with Ambrose who had been gone for a while to do some sightseeing of his own. He was in a good mood which pleased Ursa as well, and once again he offered his arm to her as they made their way through the crowd.
Ambrose: I believe we’ve managed to hit almost all the booths - at the very least, the ones you were keen on inspecting, haven’t we?
Ursa: It was quite a fruitful day, indeed.
Ambrose: Then perhaps we should head to the Purple Stage as well.
Ursa: The Purple Stage?
Ambrose: Where the Vocal & Dance Competition will be held, of course. Don’t tell me you plan to skip it this year as well.
Ursa: You know that I don’t care very much for this sort of thing.
Ambrose: What a shame. I was looking forward to showing you just how wonderfully talented our student representatives are this year.
Ursa: I’m sure it will be quite a sight. But…
Ambrose: But?
Ursa: Only a fool underestimates his rival before the fight has even started. I’m sure Night Raven will provide quite the opposition this year as well in response.
Ambrose: Ohohohoho! This is what I’m counting on!
Then what will you attend if not the VDC?
Ursa: I believe Young Shroud is set to give a speech this very same day as well. Young Dies has spoken very highly of his research and it has piqued my interest as a result. It’s quite ambitious.
Thus Ursa did not attend the VDC and rather stood in at Idia’s speech which she did find quite interesting, having expressed as much during the Q&A afterward. It was truly more advanced than she expected of a third year student, though given it was Vita who praised him, she expected a solid performance regardless. Stryx on the other hand kept nodding off throughout the entire speech, only waking up when Ursa began to speak, and then proceeded to loudly praise her question and commentary until she asked him to refrain.
She later met with Crowley as well, just after he departed from his conversation with Ambrose.
Ursa: Dire.
Crowley: Ah! Headmistress Astoria! I hope you’ve enjoyed our efforts to make this school festival as entertaining for our guests as possible. It’s always such a pleasure to have the witches from Walpurga Nacht attend, of course.
Ursa scoffed in amusement at his flattery, and without missing a beat, simply offered her hand to Crowley, which he by reflex took and kissed.
Ursa: You’ve become more proficient at flattery, Dire.
Crowley: It’s because you always nag- I mean! It’s simply because you’re always kind when it comes to criticizing my unruly behaviour.
Ursa: Hm, is that so? Then perhaps I should come by for tea more often then. I’m sure Professor Yaga will be rather glad to join us too.
Crowley: Th-That! Ahem! It’s truly such a shame she could not attend today… isn’t that right?
Ursa: Indeed, she has kindly offered to cover for me while I’m gone.
Crowley: Ah, truly magnificent of her. Of course, of course.
Ursa: She’ll be quite amused to hear that Royal Sword has secured victory this year once again.
Crowley: Guh! It was merely a one vote difference! It is practically a draw, Headmistress! And regardless, I’m sure we’ll be victorious at the Inter-school Magift Tournament this year!
Ursa: I wonder… Well, Walpurga Nacht will be prepared in any case to provide moral support to the teams as always.
Crowley: I look forward to hearing the powerful and motivational cheers of your students. It’s always such a sight - especially for the first years. It’s sure to raise their spirits! Ah, what a kind man I am for letting my students experience such a wonderful performance, aren’t I?
Ursa: And how humble. However, Dire…
Crowley: Hm? Yes, what is it?
Ursa: You look much thinner than when I last saw you. Have you been eating well? Your feathers look rather unwell too.
Crowley: A-Ah? Most certainly! There’s no need for you to express concern, Headmistress! It must simply be my lack of sleep…
Ursa: Lack of sleep?
Crowley: Ah! Well, you see I’ve been rather busy this past month and…
Ursa: That is hardly an excuse, Dire. I expected you to be aware of what a healthy lifestyle consists of, but if you’ve become so lax, perhaps you require a reminder. Come, I will gladly lecture you about it.
Crowley: Ah, that is-
Ursa: It is customary for a host to accompany their guests when they request it, you are aware of it, I hope.
Crowley: Well, that is-
Without waiting for a response, Ursa merely held onto Crowley’s arm and began to lead him through the festival street, where people were still milling about and enjoying themselves. Soon, she’ll have to gather her girls and return to their school, but until that time comes she’ll spend the rest of her trip catching up with her colleague.    
Rosalia Morgainne
Rosa was the one who looked forward to the Inter-school Cultural Festival the most out of all the Prefects. For the past month she’d wake up every morning energized at the thought that the festival was drawing nearer. It was quite a sight for the rest of her dorm mates, who made various snide comments towards her during that time, but she barely paid them any mind. The mere idea that she’ll get to see Vil perform on stage was uplifting enough to put her in a good mood during that entire time.
So when the day of the festival came, it was her priority to seek him out for a small reunion. She’d instructed her girls to be mindful of how they behave, but as always, the older ones just rolled their eyes and set out to do as they wanted without even acknowledging her instructions. The first and the second years at least had the decency to nod before they took off on their own, and when she was finally alone, Rosa set out to look for him. The only issue was that the place was huge, and crowded, and she had no idea where he might even be right now. Probably doing warm-up before the rehearsals, which meant he would most likely be at the venue site.
Rosa: Alright, then that must mean the Purple Stage!
Cater: Hm? Rosa-chan, isn’t that you?
Rosa: Guh! Cater? What are you doing here?
Cater: What do you mean? I’m a student here. Remember~?
Rosa: Ugh, that’s right… What bad luck running into you.
Cater: Hey, hey, isn’t that a little too harsh? Don’t look so glum. Let’s take a selfie to cheer you up~!
Rosa: Absolutely not! How many times do I have to tell you I don’t want to be associated with that image anymore? But I don’t have time to waste on you! I’m going so don’t follow me!
Cater: Eh? Rosa-chan? Wait-
Taking off, Rosa made sure to blend amongst the crowd on her way to the Purple Stage so even if Cater were to follow, he’d be sure to lose her. Navigating the main street proved to be easier than she expected as people were too busy enjoying themselves and looking at the booths to spare a second glance at her. She’d avoided being spotted as she made her way to her destination, but upon reaching it another problem occurred to her: there was simply no way she was going to be let in without a staff pass. Which she definitely did not have.
Crossing her arms, Rosa eyed the two cameramen who were unloading the equipment that would be used for broadcasting the VDC to all the households in Twisted Wonderland. They groaned and yelled instructions at each other as they made sure the camera they were carrying would not be dropped by accident on the ground and smashed. She watched as another man, wearing the backstage pass around his neck, opened the door for them and all three disappeared inside the building. When they were gone she made sure to hide somewhere away from the eyes of strangers.
Rosa: Ugh, this is definitely going to get me into trouble if I get found out, but… I promised myself I’d do things for my own sake too from now on. So I can’t just back down before I even try.
Alright. Here goes nothing- Heart’s Desire!
Going in there without a staff pass was impossible, but that only meant she had to acquire one. Brushing her now short, black hair behind her ear, she tried her best to appear as casual as possible as she made her way to the backstage door, opened the door and stepped inside. If she had been a short, pink haired teenage girl in a school uniform, Rosa might have attracted some attention, but as a woman in her late 20s, with a staff pass and uniform on she blended right in. Anyone barely paid her any mind, too busy making sure all the last minute preparations before the rehearsals were taken care of. It was surprisingly easy to venture in deeper while keeping an eye out for Vil.
Rosa: Ah! Vil!
Down the hallway she spotted him as he walked alongside Rook, both holding water bottles in their hands, and with towels on their shoulders. Vil turned around and Rosa was taken aback by his stern expression.
Vil: Yes? Is something wrong?
Rosa: Huh?
Even his tone was far more distant than she remembered. Was he troubled by something? She didn’t have time to ask because the very next second Rook intervened loudly.
Rook: Ah! Reine de la Passion! That is you wearing that disguise, isn’t it?
Vil’s face betrayed his surprise, and Rosa let out a shout of realization. No wonder he’d acted so formal with her! She didn’t even look like herself, after all, but rather some desperate fan trying to get his attention.
Rosa: That’s right! It’s me! I’m sorry for the deception, but there wasn’t any way they’d let me in otherwise, so-
Vil: That’s fine. I’ve grasped the situation. So you used your Unique Magic to do something you’re not allowed to, just because you wanted to fulfill your desire, isn’t that right?
Rosa: Eh- Um, that’s… I mean… Still! Rook!
Rook: Hm?
Rosa: Th-The way you guessed it was me just from a glance! That’s really something else! Just how good is your sight?
Rook: Non, non. It’s merely that I’ve become rather accustomed to Reine de la Passion’s gait, so upon seeing the you in front of me it reminded me too much of that. I’ve merely been a good observer.
Rosa: Sti-Still, that’s impressive!
Rook: Hm, to be complimented by a budding rose grasping for light as she ascends. Oui! C’est tres bien!
Rosa: Eh? Ah, though I don’t really get it, you seem happy, so I guess that’s good.
In any case, I just wanted to say that I’ll be rooting for you guys! I can’t wait to see what kind of performance you prepared for today. Knowing you, Vil, it’s sure to be fantastic. I’m shaking with excitement at the mere thought!
Vil: Hmph, our hard work’s results are certain to leave an unforgettable mark upon the audience. However.
Rosa: However?
Vil: Even though you meant well, it does not erase the fact that you are currently trespassing.
Rosa: Guh!
Vil: … What’s with that displeased expression?
Rosa: N-No! It’s nothing, just… I came all this way to see you… Not to be scolded like this…
Vil: Are you saying that I should overlook this just because your intentions were good?
Rosa: Overlook? Well, not really, but… uh…
Vil: Not to mention that you most likely left your dorm members to wander around unsupervised?
Rosa: … It’s not like they even care…
Vil: And now you’re making excuses. You are a Prefect now, aren’t you? You must carry yourself with more dignity than that.
Rosa: Aaaah! I get it! If I’m such an eyesore then I’ll just leave!
Vil: That’s enou- That girl! She just took off while I was talking!
Rook: Aaah, Reine de la Passion is as wild and unrestrained as ever. Merveilleux!
By the time she reached the inside of the colosseum, Rosa had already calmed down considerably. But with that calm came a deep sense of shame. Stopping just out of sight of the students setting up the stage, she furiously wiped at the tears that threatened to leak out. It was humiliating to think of just how childish she’d acted back then. She knew Vil was completely right and that she’d been trespassing, but it’s not like she did it for any sinister purposes. Why did he have to go and make her feel bad for something that most people would have found touching? She just wanted to show him her support. He’d been awfully tense this past month. She’d noticed it even back at the Ball, and text conversations with him had completely stopped as well. She was worried for him and wanted to make sure he was doing alright. That’s what friends do, after all. But he had to go and scold her like she was a small child and make her feel awful for what was at best a minor offence.
Jack: Rosa-senpai. What are you doing here?
Rosa: Huh? Ah! Jack! No, I mean-
Wh-What are you talking about? Actually, who are you? I’m just an ordinary staff member passing through, so if you’ll excuse me-
Jack: It’s no use acting like that. You’ve already revealed yourself.
Rosa: Th-That’s true…
To think that you’d recognize me even like this...  
Jack: That’s natural, isn’t it? You have a very distinct smell after all.
Rosa: Distinct smell! I’ll have you know I wash myself every day!
Jack: Huh? Wha-
Rosa: And I use a really good shampoo and my body lotion smells nice too! So there’s no way I have a “distinct smell”! And furthermore, it’s very rude to just tell someone something like that, you know? Even if it’s true you should show more restraint and-
Jack: Huh? Why are you crying?
Rosa: Wha- I-I’m not crying! I’m not a kid anymore so why would I even need to cry, huh? You’re… You’re just imagining things!
Jack: …
Rosa: Seriously... I swear…    
Whipping at the tears that were beginning to fall, Rosa never felt more pathetic. Ever since quitting the show she’d sworn to herself that she’ll work hard at becoming a more mature person. And that included not crying at the drop of a hat just because she was frustrated. It wasn’t Vil’s fault that she built up expectations for today. He had his own things to worry about and that didn’t include her. She willed herself to stay stoic, to not act like Cherry would and just turn into a childish crybaby all over again, especially in front of Jack. But the more she told herself not to cry, the harder it was to abstain and before she knew it, her vision went blurry due to the amount of tears that had started to spill. Her breath hitched in her throat and she hid her face in her hands. It was the most humiliating experience of her life. So focused as she was on her current embarrassment, she was startled to feel a heavy hand at the top of her head. It rested there lightly for a few seconds, before it started moving up and down, almost as if it was petting her. She spread her fingers to peak between them, but wasn’t able to discern much behind the wall of tears. There was just Jack’s awkward face, looking down at her in concern. It dawned on Rosa that in his own tense way he was trying his best to comfort her through her small breakdown, even though he couldn’t understand what exactly it was.
Despite the tenseness in his stance, which was made obvious by his body language, his touch was as gentle as he could possibly get. Rosa waited for him to say something, anything, but he seemed to be deep in thought about just what the right words would be in this situation. It amused her slightly to see the overly determined but troubled expression on his usually frowning face. It was quite an adorable expression on him, and before she realized she was giggling while tears still streamed down her face. Jack’s ears twitched at this sudden shift, which only made Rosa laugh harder. Warmth spread throughout her chest and without even waiting for another second she burst out laughing as she stepped forward and buried her face in his chest. The action startled him and his arms were left hanging in the air, unsure of what he should do with them.
Rosa’s tears quickly dried, as she was overcome by a fit of giggles.
Rosa: I’m sorry - giggle - I just - giggle - I didn’t mean to - giggle -
Though confused by her sudden mood switch, he felt somewhat better to see the tears had stopped and that she seemed in a better mood. Though he asked her again what had happened and why she started crying, Rosa merely shook her head and told him that it didn’t matter anymore and it was silly in the first place. But she was happy that she ran into him of all people, even if he had to see her like this.
Jack: Haaa… I guess that’s good, but… seeing you like that had me wo-uh… Nevermind. But, could you not cling to me like this? It’s…
Rosa: Are you embarrassed?
Jack: !!!
After she calmed down, Rosa waited for Jack to finish with his duties and during the window of free time he had before the VDC started, they headed out to visit some of the booths. Neither really brought up the issue again, since Rosa seemed in much better spirits now and though she appeared a bit reluctant to return to the Purple Stage when it was time to go, she quickly picked up the pace. Regardless of what happened before, she still came here to see Vil perform and no feelings of awkwardness would stop her. They split up when they got to their destination - Rosa joining the rest of her girls, who barely paid any attention to her arrival, and Jack sitting with the seniors of his dorm. The performance of NRC was everything Rosa thought it would be and more. Watching Vil perform on stage was worth even the slight stiffness in her body as their conversation replayed in her mind after his group was done. Her behaviour was deplorable, but inspired by this surge of adrenaline she decided she would go apologize to Vil for it once their victory was declared. Neige’s performance, though cute, was far less impressive than Vil’s and Rosa felt certain that NRC would win this year based on the stark contrast they created.
Her surprise was immense when RSA was declared the winner by one vote difference. So much that she loudly complained about it all the way back to the meeting point as she criticized the clearly biased audience, missing completely the irony of her own statement. The talk with Vil had to wait until a later date, as that night Rosa sent him a message unprompted expressing her dissatisfaction with the result of the competition.      
Blanche Dion
The VDC had never been of much interest to Grimmaire students in general, and that was especially true when it came to Blanche. The quality level of crafts and art presented there were indeed that of a high schooler and as a result of almost no interest to her. She’d taken a look at the booths manned by the 4th year students, which showed more promise than anything else, but even those were rather few in number.
Grimmaire Girl A: Hm, there seems to be one a few meters ahead. It’s, hm, let me see...
Blanche heaved a sigh as she crossed her arms. The street was crowded and loud and all her senses were on edge due to the overwhelming level of noise. Massaging her temple she spared a look at the group of girls trailing behind her.
Blanche: If it’s this close then let us just walk in that direction and- Ugh!
Grimmaire Girl B: Pre-Prefect! Are you okay?
Trey: I’m sorry- Ah! Blanche!
Blanche: Trey. And… Riddle.
Riddle: Blanche. Are you alright? Here.
Holding out a hand to her, Riddle helped Blanche stand up from the ground where she was flung after she bumped into Trey. Usually she was far more aware of her surroundings than this, but the noise of the crowd threw her for a loop. It disoriented her enough that only when it was too late did she realize the impact was unavoidable. With her cheeks burning in embarrassment at being seen in such an undignified position, she dusted her skirt.
Trey: Sorry, Blanche. It’s my bad. I didn’t see you there and-
Blanche: No, it’s alright. I’m the one that should apologize. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was headed, you see. Still, thank you, Riddle.
Riddle: It’s nothing. But you should be more careful when walking around crowded places like this. Trey, you too. You should pay attention to your surroundings to avoid situations like this.
Trey: A-Ah, that’s true…
Blanche: Regardless, it’s fortunate we have bumped into you. You see…
Explaining the current issue to Riddle had him nod his head in understanding.
Riddle: I see, so you were hoping to reach that particular place, but the crowd made it difficult.
Blanche: Indeed. We do not experience this sort of thing normally at our school. Even during Samhain Night, there have never been so many people in one place at once. And I have hardly gotten accustomed to Night Raven’s… whimsical nature.
Riddle: Whimsical… I suppose you could call it that. In any case, let us accompany you there since we were heading in the same direction.
Blanche: Are you sure? We wouldn’t want to be an inconvenience to you. I remember you saying that you were the chairman of this year’s committee. I’m sure you must be extremely busy.
Riddle: I insist. You are our guests here and it would be in bad faith to ignore your distress. And in any case, we were headed in that direction as well.
Blanche: I see. Well, in that case please excuse our intrusion.
Bowing slightly in gratitude, Blanche motioned to her girls to follow as she was led by Riddle through the crowd. With a guide who was familiar with the surroundings, it made it much easier to wade through the people gathered there. True to his word, Riddle made sure to behave like a gentleman and went as far as to intercept one of the festival goers before she ended up bumping into Blanche. The girl, a young adult by the looks of it, looked flustered as she apologized to the two profusely.
Blanche: Thank you. I should have been able to foresee that, but…
Riddle: The noise is making it difficult for you to concentrate, I understand. Don’t worry, I will make sure to escort you to your destination safely. Still, it would have been better for people not to act so unruly…
Blanche: I suppose the excitement of participating at such an event is too much to bear.
Riddle: Perhaps. Are you enjoying yourself?
Blanche: Me? I suppose. I’ve never been the type to care about these sorts of things. But I guess that once in a while… they aren’t so bad.
More importantly, I heard that Ace and Deuce will be participating in the VDC this year.
Riddle: Hm, the Walpurga Nacht grapevine is something impressive. But yes, that is indeed so. I have warned them to do their best not to embarrass the school or our dorm. But if they’ll listen…
Blanche: Why wouldn’t they, especially since they might lose their heads over it otherwise?
Riddle: Th-That-
Blanche: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be teasing you like this.
Blanche giggled softly, hiding her smile behind her hand. A small one appeared on Riddle’s face too as he watched her relaxed expression, the red in his cheeks dissipating slowly.
Blanche: I was not planning on attending this year either, but I feel like watching our underclassmen perform might be quite entertaining.
Riddle: Maybe so. But speaking of underclassmen - just where did yours disappear off to? And where is Trey?
Looking behind them, they were perplexed to notice that no sight of either could be found. Blanche sighed in frustration, while Riddle’s face was scrunched in irritation. They have somehow managed to lose them.
Meanwhile, a few paces behind a group of several girls were surrounding a tall, bespectacled boy and shrieking in excitement. When Riddle had motioned earlier for them to follow, Trey was just about to do that when several pairs of hands suddenly pulled on the back of his blazer and he found himself in the middle of a circle of Grimmaire girls.
Grimmaire Girl A: Wait just a second! Don’t you see what’s going on here?
The short girl looked at him with a slightly peeved expression, that was matched by that of her dorm mates. Scratching the back of his neck, Trey laughed cautiously as he looked from one girl to the other.
Trey: Hm? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you’re referring to.
The girls sighed in disappointment and it only increased his nervousness. Just what exactly did he do wrong?
Grimmaire Girl B: Can’t you see that this is the perfect set up for a romantic scene?
Trey: Romantic scene?
Grimmaire Girl C: Exactly! It’s the festival date from chapter 34 from volume sixteen in The Azure Witch series!
Trey: Huh? Wait, just what-
Grimmaire Girl A: That’s right! It’s the moving scene where Annalise, having recently realized that Frederick went off to pursue his calling of discovering the truth behind the appearance of the azure winged butterfly in his village 10 years ago without informing her, decides to attend the festival in order to dull the pain she felt in that moment.
Grimmaire Girl B: It was so heart wrenching! Especially because she goes there alone and unescorted and is then accosted by a boorish knight who wants revenge on her father for having foiled his plan of running off the Baron of the land from his castle!
Trey: Boorish? Isn’t that a bit too harsh-
Grimmaire Girl C: A most despicable man who knocks her to the ground and would have struck her if not for the interference of Baron Gribelin! Aaah, the moment where he helps off the ground and kneels before her to dust off the hem of her skirt was such a wonderful display of chivalry. Moreover, he makes sure to pick up her beloved purse and scold the rude knight for his behaviour!
Grimmaire Girl B: Yes, yes! My heart was pounding like crazy when I read that passage!
“How dare you display such uncouth behaviour towards a lady such as this. You are fortunate that I do not wish to incur shame upon her name, for else I would have cut your head off right here, right now! You wretch!”
Trey’s confusion only grew when the group let out a loud squeal at the end, and suddenly he felt like he was lost among a sea of unknown and incomprehensible creatures.
Grimmaire Girl A: To think that we’d witness such a romantic scene in real life as well is astounding!      
Grimmaire Girl B: Indeed! It was so touching! Prefect Dion is so fortunate!
Biting his tongue, Trey had to refrain from speaking out loud and correcting them as they gushed over the heart pounding scene that they all had apparently witnessed. Though he took offense at the implication of being a “boorish” man, he felt it would do little good to interfere then and there. They were clearly too caught up in their own discussion to care for his presence anymore, or so it seemed until they suddenly turned towards him.
Grimmaire Girl A: So, do you understand what we mean?
Trey: A-Ah, I guess so… Though I feel like we should not lose sight of them either-
Grimmaire Girl B: Didn’t you hear what we just said? This is a crucial part in the story!
Grimmaire Girl C: Yeah! It’s when Annalise realizes that even though she loved Frederick dearly, Baron Gribelin was truly the one she was in love with! It’s when she's able to properly witness his kindness and chivalrous behaviour that sets him apart from other nobles she has met until then! Do you get it now?
Trey: I-I guess… So this is like in that book series you all enjoy so much. The Blue Witch-
Grimmaire Girl A: The Azure Witch! Please do not make such mistakes!
Grimmaire Girl B: Sheesh, it’s like you haven’t… even… heard… of it…
Several pairs of eyes stared at him, and Trey felt like it had suddenly gotten very hot despite the chilly February weather. Their expressions were indescribable at first, until he saw the sparkle of excitement shine in their eyes. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a chorus of excited yelps and the clamor of voices rushing to explain to him every single detail regarding the series of 48 novels that had the entire Grimmaire dorm abuzz. It turned out to be a very long day for Trey in the end.
When Blanche and Riddle finally found them again, they were taken aback to see Trey’s exhausted expression. The girls stopped their chatter to salute the Prefects, but did not explain the reason behind Trey’s unusual behaviour.
(In the following months Riddle would find it quite usual to come across Trey reading a book that he took great pains not to show him the title of. Moreover his relationship with the Grimmaire seemed to have improved considerably too, much to Cater’s displeasure. Though he tried to approach them about the novel as well, they quickly saw through his insincere attitude and rejected his attempts.)
Blanche ended up attending the VDC and while it did prove to be everything she expected it to be - a music show that had girls like Rosa entirely invested - but not as obnoxious as it could have been. Except for RSA’s performance which she thought lacked direction and finesse. Seeing them win surprised her greatly, but didn’t mean much to her in the end. It only annoyed her because she had to hear Rosa complain about it for a month afterwards at every Prefect meeting.    
Marcia Pyroeis
If for most girls VDC was an opportunity to kick back and relax, enjoy the boys’ performance or even have fun at the booths, for Marcia it was an opportunity for business. Samhain Night was the time when Kriegskald would shine, of course - after all, nothing could beat restoration work or recreation of an old piece for current use. But she did not see why the Interschool Cultural Festival could not be used for such a venue either. Of course, WNA did not have a school-approved booth or even permission to promote themselves, but Marcia figured that as long as they did not attract the teacher’s attention, it would be fine. Opportunities like this did not happen everyday.
So, among the festival booths another one popped up unexpectedly. It was makeshift and did not match the style of the others nearby, but it was teeming with all sorts of devices and artifacts and odd trinkets that though clearly old, were in perfect shape otherwise. Gathered around, the Kriegskald students were showing off the items to all those who seemed interested in them while in the front, Marcia was busy talking up their ‘booth’ in the most entertaining fashion she could muster.
Marcia: Alright, alright, alright! C’mon folks! It’s a once-in-a-blue-moon type of opportunity! Not everyday you get to see 100% authentic, high quality, accurate reproductions like these! It’s the - chance - of - a - lifetime!
Energetic and friendly, Marcia managed to gather quite a few people’s attention, but even at a quick glance it was clear that none of them fit her profile. Attention was good, but what she needed was cash - and tons of it. And the only way to do that was to find people with lots of it and the willingness to spend it at a moment’s notice. The ones gathering around looked more akin to ordinary salarymen and people working hard to make a living for himself, and not the demographic she hoped for. But she wasn’t counting on them either way. Instead she kept her eyes peeled for a big prize, until she finally spotted one.
Marcia: Malleus Draconia! What a surprise!
He was hard to spot among the crowd, keeping to the margins and walking swiftly and with so much purpose that nobody dared to stop him. Nobody but Marcia at the very least, who with a great smile bounded over there at record speed. Not only was Malleus exactly the type of high-interest person she was looking for, but fortunately enough he was alone. That meant no screaming guard dog to keep her from striking a conversation with him and possibly even securing a sponsorship. But she shouldn't get ahead of herself. Malleus’ reception of her was less than welcome, as he took a few seconds to fully acknowledge her, perhaps not expecting anybody to approach him so boldly as she did.
Malleus: Hm. You are-
Marcia: Marcia Pyroeis! Kriegskald Prefect, broom racer prodigy in the making and at your service!
Malleus: Kriegskald. I see. You’re a Walpurga Nacht student then.
Marcia: That’s right~ You’re super sharp, Draconia! But that’s to be expected from geniuses like us.
Malleus: ….
Marcia: In any case - I heard you made quite the impression at the Inter-dorm Magift Tournament this year. Man, I wish I would have been there to see it in person.
Malleus: …
Marcia: You know, as fellow sports persons we really ought to build each other up and create a bond of solidarity! Camaraderie like this is hard to come by and it’s not good to throw it away. Sure, Magift and broom racing might look different on the surface but if you really look at it then-
Malleus: What is the purpose of this discussion? Or are you merely looking to ingrain yourself to me? Regardless, I don’t have time to waste on this if it’s not-
Marcia: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Don’t go like that!
Stepping in front of him, Marcia blocked his path the best way she could, though she was aware that if he so desired he could easily push past her. Still, Malleus stopped, awaiting to see her response. From the sidelines, the Kriegskald girls gave up looking after the prospective window-shoppers and took to observing the exchange between the two Prefects instead.  
Laughing, Marcia scratched the back of her head and offered an apologetic smile afterwards.
Marcia: Man, I got busted, so I guess I should come clean, right? Ya see, the thing is - I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your contribution to the field of athletics.
Malleus: My contribution?
Marcia: Well, your family’s rather high and mighty. You’re a prince so I guess you’re pretty loaded, right?
Malleus: …
Marcia: I know Kingscholar is, so I bet the same applies to you! Man, you rich people sure have it good and easy - just piles of money lying about, I bet. Hehe, how nice that must be…
Ah! I almost got distracted by my own fantasies! I can’t let this opportunity pass by, so I’ll just go ahead and say it now: How about being my sponsor, Draconia? Eh? Doesn’t that sound great?
Malleus: Sponsor… Whatever do you mean?
Marcia: Huh? What I mean by that? Well, you know… You give me money so I can take part in races and stuff! It’s to show appreciation!
Malleus: Appreciation… For what exactly?
Marcia: For the sport you love! And the people playing it! And to make sure they have something to put on their table at the end of the day!
Malleus: …
Marcia: It doesn’t have to start with a big one!  You could do something symbolical, like… How does 800,000 madol sound? Hm? I’m sure that’s little more than pocket change for a rich guy like you! So-
Eh? Are you mad? Your aura got super scary all of a sudden.
Malleus: Not at all. I’m merely considering your proposal.
Marcia: Hu-Huh? For real? Man, you’re a good guy, Dracon-
Malleus: Unfortunately, 800,000 is too little.
Marcia: Eh?
Malleus: As you said, it’s mere pocket change, but I do not carry any around with me.
Marcia: Ah, then 1,000,00 would work-
Malleus: Wouldn’t the symbolical aspect be lost in this case?
Marcia: Haha, Draconia, you sure are a funny guy! Let’s just forget that part!
Malleus: But then what is the meaning of making a first donation if there is no symbolism attached to it? Wouldn’t it just be the same to make a donation at a later date?
Marcia: Well- I mean- That’s- Uhhhhh…
Malleus: And there lies the answer. I’ll be off then.
Marcia: Off? No, wait-
Malleus: Indeed, I’ve lost enough time here already and I’m late.
Marcia: Draconia, just a- He disappeared! He was here a moment ago and now…
Staring at the spot where Malleus stood just moments ago, Marcia felt frustration grow inside her. He just slipped right through her fingers when she was so close to sealing the deal. Putting her head in her hands she let out a loud yell of irritation and fell to her knees. Behind her the Kriegskald girls watched apathetically and with a hint of amusement. Suddenly, one of the girls started shouting, voice imitating that of a sports announcer.
Kriegskald Girl A: And striiiiiiiiike ouuuuuut!
Kriegskald Girl B: After a mediocre performance Pyroeis gets served the slam dunk that costs her the game!
Kriegskald Girl A: You hate to see it, folks!
Marcia: Aaaaaah, will you stick to one sports analogy, please?!
Kriegskald Girl A: Looks like she is still in shock over the loss of her potential piggyba- I mean sponsor! Will she be able to recover from such severe humiliation? Stay tuned!
The rest of the festival was spent by Marcia in what could only be called a state of mourning. She lost all her energy and enthusiasm and simply slumped against the chair set by their makeshift table. Though the girls tried to cheer her up at first, it soon became obvious it wouldn’t be possible so they simply ignored her mood and continued to enjoy the festival, while carting an unresponsive Marcia around with them.
When the time for voting came, one of the Kriegskald girls simply took out Marcia’s phone and voted for her instead. They were quite disappointed by RSA’s victory since they preferred the performance put together by NRC, and had a spirited discussion on the topic as they made their way back to their school, Marcia dragged along with them, much as she was during the entirety of the festival.
The next day she started out fresh and energetic, and with renewed vigour swore that she’ll bump into Malleus again and this time, will convince him to sponsor her.        
June Himalia
The Inter-school Cultural Festival was not something June cared about at all. It was just fancy, posh kids showing off their fancy, posh crafts like they even mattered in the first place. She’d never really been good at “artistic expression” as her brother-in-law would call it, so it all just flew over her head most of the time. Coming here today was not something she actually planned on doing, but as head of the dorm it was her duty to oversee the girls who had bought tickets for the show that would take place later that day. A singing and dancing contest they held during every Cultural Festival which had students prancing around and belching out notes while June’s anger grew. It was all so pointless and stupid. Not the kind of stuff she’d ever participate in.
Reaching into the pouch tied to her belt, she brushes her fingers atop the thin piece of paper she’d received a while ago from Epel. The invitation baffled and irritated her at the time, and initially she just planned on declining it altogether, but after a few days spent considering it, she finally decided to just give it a shot after all. Even though the prospect of a bunch of posh kids dancing on stage wasn’t all that appealing to her.
Though Epel mentioned he was going to be part of the show as well, June didn’t expect that he would be busy rehearsing all day before the show itself. She was hoping to at least be able to retreat to a quieter place with somebody who did not completely infuriate her, and wait for the day to be over. Now, she was stuck walking around the festival grounds and trying to find something else to do. It occurred to her that even though Epel and Jamil would be busy with their show, Trey was not supposed to take part in any particular activities. With this realization in mind she took a look around her in hopes of spotting a NRC student. Luckily, it was not a hard task.  
The group of Pomefiore students milling about did not expect the presence of a tall girl towering above them and it showed in the way they jumped startled when June spoke.
June: Ya three.
Pomefiore Student A: Ah!
Pomefiore Student B: Th-The Amazon! How may we help you?
She was silent, staring at them with an unreadable expression, before her hand shot out and grabbed the middle one by the collar. Lifting him up slightly she leaned in as she hissed through her teeth.
June: The ‘ell that mean?
Pomefiore Student B: I-I’m sorry! I-I-I simply-
June: The ‘ell you called me? “Amazon’? What ‘hat supposed to mean?
Pomefiore Student A: I-It’s merely to show our admiration of you, Amazo- No, Prefect!
Pomefiore Student B: Th-That’s right! Like a flower blooming amidst the rocky cliffs who cares not for the harshness that she has to endure! The image of dignity and wildness combined in one - truly there are no better ways to- Ugh!
The student let out a loud grunt as June let go of him and he landed on the floor in a heap. Her head was abuzz with thoughts, trying to decipher just whether or not he was making fun of her. Though in the end, her frustration got the better of her and she realized that if she was to think on it any further, she’ll end up punching somebody out of reflex. The student seemed dismayed at the state of his uniform and tried his best to dust it off while June crossed her arms and watched.
June: Whatever. Where’s ‘hat Clover guy?
Pomefiore Student B: Clover… guy…?
June: Yeah. Are ya deaf or somethin’, huh?
Pomefiore Student A: N-No, it’s just… whoever could that be?
June: Haaaa? The ‘ell ya don’t know?
Pomefiore Student C: So-Sorry! The name isn’t familiar at all… So, um…
Che’nya: Hm~? If you’re looking for somebody, then I’m the one to ask~
For the second time that day, the Pomefiore students who had the misfortune of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, let out a yelp. Out of nowhere the head of a beastman materialized as he grinned at them. June almost bit her tongue when she heard the voice behind her and did her best not to let her surprise be obvious. The sight of a bodiless, floating head was enough to send shivers down her spine. Turning around she held his gaze stubbornly, as the three Pomefiore students behind her were silently putting distance between them, most likely aware of the possible confrontation that would take place.
June: Yer a Royal Sword student.
Che’nya: I’m Alchemi Alchemivich Pinkaa. Everyone just calls me Che’nya though.
I’ve got kitty magic, but also human magic. I’m a sorta weird guy.
June gritted her teeth as her thoughts spiraled inside her head. Just what the hell was this guy anyway?
June: Yeah, I saw ‘hat. The ‘ell you want?
Che’nya: Hm~ I heard you were looking for that glasses guy, so I got curious, nya.
June: That glasses guy… Ya mean Clover? Ya know ‘here he is?
Che’nya: I guess ya could say that, or ya could not~
June: … Are ya messin’ with me?
Che’nya: Why don’t nya try guessing the answer?
June’s arm shot out suddenly as she tried to grab the top of Che’nya’s head, but she missed by an inch as he moved out of the way. Expression furious, she turned towards him once again and squared up.
June: … Ya want to die, or somethin’? ‘Hat it?
Che’nya: I can’t say I do, but I can’t say I don’t either~
June: Haaaaaaaaaa? Are ya dumb or somethin’? Can’t ya give a straight answer, huh?
Che’nya: Who knows~
But if it’s directions nya looking for, that I can give that.
June: Piss off.
Che’nya: Hm~?
June: Piss off ‘fore I hit ya. ‘Hat’s yer warnin’. Ya hear me?
Che’nya: Mm, it’s not good to be in a bad mood like this all the time, ya know~
Lighting fast, she aimed a punch at his face, but missed again. Enraged by this, she turned around to try again only to find him completely gone. Blinking, June stood in the middle of the street feeling embarrassment washing over her.
Che’nya: And now it’s time time to say bye-bye~
Tricked. That’s what happened. She let that weirdo completely fool her and now she looked ridiculous. Letting out a frustrated yell, that startled many of the people in the crowd, she charged forward, with the sole purpose of finding Che’nya and teaching him a lesson. Unfortunately, given the latter’s penchant for invisibility, that proved to be impossible. No matter how hard she looked, the beastman student had somehow vanished, and before she knew it she wasted all her time in pursuit of him that she failed to come across Trey in the end. Around the time VDC was supposed to start she got called away by some of her girls, so her search had to be suspended.
The VDC was as incomprehensible to June as it always was - just a bunch of people looking ridiculous as they danced and sang. She really couldn’t wrap her head around it. Though, at the very least, Epel seemed to have fun on stage. When the time came for the vote, June looked confused by the QR code flashing on the screen. Just what exactly was she supposed to do with that? She noticed her girls opening their phone and seemingly taking a picture of it, but when she did the same nothing happened. She repeated the process a few times, and when the same thing occurred over and over again, she got frustrated and shut it off. It was way too much trouble.
RSA’s victory was of no concern to her, and she sighed in relief when it was time to go back to their school. Over the following week June would have to listen to Rosa go on and on about how unfair the result was, until she couldn’t take anymore and almost threw a table at her head. After that Rosa didn’t bring it up anywhere near her.    
Diana Arrow
The lack of beasts and monsters on the Night Raven campus has always meant that to the Monarchia dorm, the whole affair was of no importance whatsoever. Or rather, just a very particular part of it interested them in any degree.
Monarchia Girl A: Big Sister Diana we have put together the list of booths to visit during this Inter-School Cultural Festival!
Monarchia Girl B: They are ranked in order of proximity, popularity, visitor influx and, of course, tastiness! We have taken everything into account!
Monarchia Girl C: We hope you’re pleased with the result, Big Sister!
The map that Diana received was indeed as complex as the girls explained, with several notes scribbled across the paper. All in all it was a marvelous product, which she let them know calmly.
Diana: Mm. It’s good work.
Though her voice was monotone as always, and accompanied only by a nod of the head, it nevertheless caused the group of girls to smile widely as their face flushed with pride.
Monarchia Girl A: Ah! To hear Big Sister praise us like this is the best feeling in the world!
Monarchia Girl B: Thank you so much, Big Sister!  
All: Thank you! We’re so glad you’re happy with our work!
Diana nodded in acknowledgement as she took another look at it. The food booths were spaced out evenly throughout the campus street so visiting them all would take quite a while if they weren’t careful with the planning. This was something the girls had taken into account as well seeing that a route was highlighted along with the necessary stops and wait times. It would take them through the entire festival grounds while still allowing them to make it in time for the VDC. At the end, Mostro Lounge was circled in red and underline twice. It pleased Diana to see just how considerate they were. They were good kids after all.
Every year Monarchia faced the same problem: no matter how much they tried, it was impossible to visit all the food booths and make it in time for the VDC. One or the other had to be sacrificed. And given their priorities, it was usually VDC that got the short end of the stick. The allure of cheap but good food was too much for the girls to turn down given that the sight of boys dancing did not excite much interest from them, who were more keen on wild and passionate movements that disturbed rather than entertained. Yet, this year Diana wanted to partake in it merely because she saw it as the proper way to behave in another’s territory. They were guests here, and thus should by extension try and integrate themselves to their hosts, such as animals who mimic the lifestyle of others. If the goal of Monarchia was adaptation then this little effort had to be expanded. Thus, the need for the map. Now they could easily finish their traditional tasks and still make it in time for the VDC. It was the perfect strategy.
Just as Diana was about to give them permission to proceed, she felt a sinister presence behind her and her left hand shot out to grab the hand that was coming from her right. The girls gave out a shout of surprise as she turned around partially to raise her leg for a kick to the head of whoever was attempting to sneak up on her. But upon making eye contact with that person she immediately slowed down her strike. She wouldn’t be able to stop it now, but knowing his speed she was sure he’d easily catch it. And indeed he did, his left hand grabbing hold of her ankle just about as her foot was going to make contact with his face.
Squeezing it, Floyd gave out a short chuckle as his grin widened.
Diana: Ah, Floyd, it’s you.
She replied calmly as she let go of his right hand, even though he continued to hold her ankle harshly. With a short exhale through her nose, she wretched the leg out from his grasp and rotated it slightly to make sure he hadn’t broken anything. When she was satisfied to see everything was fine, she looked up at him just as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Floyd: Eeeeh, saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai’s sharp as always.
Diana: Hm, not really...  
Floyd: Though you still figured out I was trying to grab you before I managed to do it. I’ve gotten closer this time too.
Diana: That’s true.
The noise of the crowd and the scents floating around made it much harder to single out distinct entities. It was very much a haze for her, so even somebody with a strong presence like Floyd was lost among a sea of indistinct shapes and sounds. He was probably aware of this too.
Monarchia Girl A: Oi, Floyd.
Behind her the pack of girls were glaring directly at him, without even trying to hide their annoyance. They had watched the whole exchange happen before their very eyes and gradually their shock transformed into confusion then admiration and finally rage towards the one who dared to treat their ‘big sister’ with such familiarity.
Floyd: Hm~? What now?
Monarchia Girl B: You sure got guts. Talking to Big Sister like that.
Monarchia Girl C: Yeah! How dare you try and attack her!
Monarchia Girl D: And you keep calling her by that nickname too! Don’t just add ‘-chan’ casually as you see fit! You and Big Sister aren’t cut from the same cloth so don’t presume that level of friendship!
Floyd’s smile held a tinge of mockery to it as he turned his attention to the furious girls in front of him.
Floyd: Eeeeh, why are you hissing like that when you’re just some hatchlings that still follow their mother around? Do you wanna get squeezed or something?
Monarchia Girl A: There it is! That same rudeness as always! Seriously! Just what kind of person talks like that to others, huh?
Monarchia Girl B: And hatchlings? What’s with that name?
Floyd: Hm~ You just snap and float around saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai like little babies.
Monarchia Girl C: You bastard-
Floyd: Haaaa, you’re so annoying when you shout. Can’t you just shut up?
Floyd let out a laugh as the sneer on the girl’s face deepened. Squaring up in front of the group, his frame towered over them all. The tension was palpable in the air.
Monarchia Girl A:... The hell you think you’re doing squaring up like this, huh? Are you looking for a fight or something?
Floyd: If you wanna get crushed just say so~
Diana: Enough.
The word was spoken with just enough force to startle the girls out of their tense and aggressive stances, and Floyd shifted his gaze over to her as well. Crossing her arms she continued.
Diana: We’re a pack in another’s territory. We can’t just bare our fangs as we will.
Though the Monarchia girls had averted their eyes to the ground as they realized her displeasure with their behaviour, Floyd continued to look as unperturbed as ever. Not that she expected anything else from him. The girls shifted in place and bowed their heads deeply before her.
Monarchia Girl A: Sorry, Big Sister! We didn’t mean to cause you problems!
All: Sorry, Big Sister!
Suddenly standing straight, the first girl turned towards Floyd and barked at him:
Monarchia Girl A: And you! Second-year! Don’t you have something to say too?
Floyd: Nope~
Monarchia Girl A: Guh. As expected of a delinquent like you.
Floyd: Hey, hey~ Little hatchling, do you wanna piss me off that badly?
Monarchia Girl A: As if I care what you think. I’m telling you to apologize to Big Sister properly! Even though you’re not part of our dorm you still presume that level of familiarity with her. It’s unforgivable.
Floyd seemed to think on this for a few moments, until he came to a sensible conclusion. Turning towards Diana he looked nonchalant as he gave his own apology, which was entirely affected and dishonest.
Floyd: Sorry~.... Sis~
Monarchia Girl A: You bastard!
Diana exhaled softly through her nose. The girls had at first seemed placated by at least the effort he put, even though they immediately recognized it as fake, but were angered again when they heard the second word that came out of his mouth. He most likely did it on purpose as he seemed a bit too happy to see them riled up at his provocation. As they growled up at him, he leaned forward slightly to try and goad them into starting a fight.
Diana: Floyd.
Floyd: Hm?
Diana: All of you.
Monarchia Girls: Ye-Yes?
Diana: Stop.
It was the second time she had to intervene and her girls knew that there should not be a third time. Even though they were still annoyed by Floyd’s behaviour they ignored him the best they could so they wouldn’t upset Diana anymore. Though he did not seem to be aware of this.
Casting a look around, she noticed that he was alone with neither his twin or Prefect around.
Diana: Floyd, where is Azul?
Floyd: Dunno~ He said something about club activities.
Diana: Ah.
Thinking it over for a few seconds, she realized that all the talking wasn’t doing much except waste precious time. She promised her girls a fun time at the Inter-School Cultural Festival and she had to deliver. Diana turned on her feet and signalled for her girls to follow. She attempted to cast a look back at Floyd too, but she could already feel him wrap his arm around her neck and squeeze slightly. She craned her head to have a better look at his grinning face.
Floyd: Hey~ Saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai-sis~ Where are you going?
His grip tightened and Diana could feel her body being forcibly bent forward. It bore a tinge of familiarity to it, since her brothers were quite the rambunctious bunch.
Diana: We’re going to check the booths together. Then I’ll find Azul.
Floyd: That sounds boring. Won’t you have more fun if you show me how to do that jumping trick you did during your Dance? I wanna try it out too~ It looked fun.
Diana: Hm, that? Later maybe. Now, let go.
Sighing in irritation, Floyd let go of her neck and immediately draped his arms over her shoulders. His body leaned forward and Diana could feel the entirety of his weight pushed onto her. It was a last ditch attempt to get her to entertain him instead of doing things he deemed as boring.
Diana: Should I carry you?
Floyd: Eh, saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai's gotta be strong if she wants to try that. Can you do it?
Diana: It’s no different than carrying my little brothers.
Floyd: So did your wound heal?
Diana: Mostly.
Floyd: Show me~ I wanna see the scar~ It really looked like it hurt when that talon pierced you. Me and Jade thought you were a goner, and Azul was as white as a sheet. It was funny to see him make that expression~
Diana: That won’t happen.
Floyd: Ha? Why not?
Diana: It would upset Azul.
Floyd: That again? Ugh, fine~
He sighed aloud this time, much noisier than necessary and let go of her entirely. Looking rather irritated he went to turn around, probably going to look for Jade or somebody else to harass, until Diana stopped him.
Diana: Floyd.
Floyd: What?
Diana: Come along.
Monarchia Girls: Huh? What? Big Sister, but why?
Diana wasn’t sure either, but she suspected that Floyd’s behaviour brought a certain feeling of homesickness. It didn’t dawn on her how different it was to be surrounded by girls when she grew up in a house where she and her mother were in the minority. There was a difference between the familial bonds experienced within the dorm and those at home, and being deprived of the latter did make her somewhat melancholic at times. She could for the most part ignore it, but spending time with someone like Floyd did bring out a certain tenderness in her. Having him tag along would ease a little that feeling of missing her little brothers. Though he proved quite stubborn.
Floyd: Don’t wanna.
Diana: Floyd.
Floyd: …
Diana: …
Floyd: …………
Diana: ……….
Floyd: ……………………… Ugh, fine. Saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai sometimes gets that look in her eyes that reminds me of my dad. It’s kinda creepy.
Diana: Hm. Is that so?
Floyd: Yeah~ It’s that top predator boss aura he’s got too~
Like a switch had been turned on, Floyd’s sour mood was immediately replaced by a more agreeable one. He hung around Diana during the entire time, much to the girls’ consternation and continued to provoke them into retaliating for his sheer amusement. But given that they were scolded for almost starting a fight they did their best to ignore him. They were somewhat comforted by the food that the booths were selling and with almost inhuman glee made sure to try all the recipes that had mushrooms in them when they realized Floyd’s disgust at the sight of such dishes.
The selection was quite large so they spent quite some time walking around, yet as they came close to the end Floyd suddenly took off in another direction without warning. The girls breathed a sigh of relief to see him gone, but were immediately alarmed when they saw Diana go after him. She signalled for them not to worry. Looking back Floyd frowned, but didn’t do much else when she finally caught up to him.
Floyd: You’re following me.
Diana: Mm. You’re going to Jade, aren’t you?
Floyd: Yeah. So?
Diana: I’m going to see Azul too.
Floyd: Haaa? Jade and Azul aren’t in the same club, y’know? So they won’t be in the same booth.
Diana: Mm. But they’re both cultural clubs, right? So most likely they’ll be in the same area given the way the festival grounds are set up.
Diana’s gait was steadfast, even as Floyd stopped walking. He was irritated by the unexpected turn of events and how he unwittingly played right in her hands. Diana looked behind her and took out a small, sealed bag containing some takoyaki. She tossed it to him and nodded.
Diana: Thanks. I’ll be on my way.
Even if he wouldn’t show her the rest of the way, she had figured out the general direction by that point. The crowd had thinned by that point so it was much easier to think now that she wasn’t accosted by a variety of sounds and smells. Silently, Floyd had followed her lead munching on the snack she gifted him.
Floyd: You’re really crafty, saltwater crocodile-chan-senpai.
Diana: You’re a good kid too.
Floyd: Eh~ I wonder what’s wrong with your head to say stuff like this?
Diana: Hm.
Walking side by side now, they finally reached the main hallway and split off to their respective destinations. The Board Game Club was easier to find now that she could track scents and soon enough she managed to find the exact room she was looking for.
Azul’s face betrayed his surprise at seeing the door open only to reveal her.
Azul: Ah, Diana?
Diana: Mm.
Azul: This is quite surprising. I didn’t expect to see you here today.
Diana: I came because I wanted to see you.
As always her complete adherence to honesty left him flustered. He tried to maintain his cool and look as detached as possible.
Azul: I see. Unfortunately, today I’m rather busy with my duties as a club member so I won’t be able to entertain you it seems.
Diana: That’s alright. I mostly came to drop off this.
Setting down the plastic bag she got from the booths, she turned to him again.
Diana: I was worried you’d be unable to get to eat since you were busy, so I got you this.
Azul:... That’s not necessary.
Diana: Consider it payment for making use of Floyd.
Azul: Making use of Floyd?
Diana: Mm. I might have tricked him into showing me where your booth is. Sorry for that.
Azul: Tricked… ? No. Nevermind that. I suppose that if it’s payment I’m obligated to accept it.
Diana: I would be happy if you did.
Azul: … Please don’t say such brazen things out loud.
Diana: Mm. Understood.
Ortho: Ah! Hello! Welcome to the Board Game Club’s booth!
Diana: You… The little one that hangs around the Ignihyde boss.
Ortho: Hm? You mean Big Brother? Do you know him? Even though I haven’t seen you around our dorm before...
Diana: No, it’s Vita.
Ortho: Ah? You’re Vita Dies’ friend?
Diana: … I wonder about that.
Ortho: I don’t think I understand.
Azul: Nevermind that, Ortho. Diana, as you can see we’re rather preoccupied here at the moment. And I’m afraid this might be quite boring for you.
Diana: It’s not a problem to me. But if you’re uncomfortable-
Azul: I did not say that. It’s of no concern to me if you stay.
Diana: I see.
Dragging out a chair towards the table she sat down and leaned back slightly. It would be a while until the VDC started, though she did not intend to wait for that long. Her main objective was merely to see Azul and share a meal with him, as they usually did whenever she was on campus. It was tradition at this point and he also seemed to be aware of it, as he simply pushed his glasses up and took a seat next to her.
Azul: There are many deep-fried foods in here.
Diana: It’s what they usually sell at this kind of festival.
Azul: Indeed.
Diana: It’s important to experience normal things too.
Azul: … I see.
Though Azul had mostly focused on the healthier options, Diana had seen him sneak in a few of the deep-fried when she started taking more of his stuff. He’d cast her a glance when he realised what she was doing, but didn’t say anything in return. When they were done, she stashed the containers away in the plastic bag and stood up dusting off her skirt. Azul raised an eyebrow as he watched her.
Diana: I’ll be off then.
Azul: Oh?
Diana: I’d like to stay more with you, but you said you were busy.
At her sudden confession, his face gained a pink tint. He frowned slightly to hide his embarrassment and crossed his arms.
Azul: As I said, it’s not an issue to me for you to be here. I was merely concerned that you would find it unpleasantly dull.
Diana: Mm. But I never dislike spending time with you.
Azul: Th-that! Diana, I have to ask you to cease such… such…
Diana: Mm. I understand. I will see you later.
Azul’s face was cold and composed as he watched her leave the room, though she could still see how the tips of his ears were red even now. When Ortho asked him if he was alright, since he was staring at the door for a few moments after it closed, he required a few moments to regain his cool. Diana’s promise was still ringing in his ears, but he refused to admit that it stirred any kind of emotion in him. It was after all just a regular meeting between them as it always was. No need to overreact to it or anything.
Ortho silently wondered if he should tell Azul that he’d been cleaning the lens of his glasses for at least 2.56 minutes by now, when the door opened again and somebody else stepped inside.
When Diana reunited with her girls, who had wandered around campus checking up on the animal nests that were scattered around, she let them know that she was done making her rounds and they could proceed to the VDC.
Diana remembered the two previous years where she was absent from the contest. None of the girls in the years above had cared for it at all, so it was only natural to skip it. It was Diana’s first instinct as well, but as she thought it over she decided it would be a good opportunity to learn a few more tricks and tips on how to be appealing towards the larger public. Samhain Night was coming up and she wanted her dorm to make a good impression not only for the sake of the girls who would then have the chance to be scouted by companies or organizations, but also for the beasts living there who still retained a bad reputation among the masses.
Unfortunately, as the show went on she quickly realized why the previous Prefects had mostly written off the show. It was exceedingly manufactured and artificial. All traces of wilderness or savagery were absent, and the sight of Rook on stage made her quite irritated. Though she tried her best to pay attention, Diana steadily felt herself slip away into unconsciousness. Later, when her girls had woken her up she realized that she fell asleep halfway through RSA’s performance and missed the entire show. According to her girls it was much of the same thing, so she did not have to regret anything.
The news of RSA’s victory merely had her nod in acknowledgement, and with the venue becoming slowly deserted due to crowd leaving, they made their way out too. Once outside Diana told them she’d like to stop by Mostro Lounge before going back to their own school which the girls accepted graciously. Though as they made their way through the campus, she spotted Azul and the twins in the distance as they gathered up their equipment and profits. Swiftly she changed course, her mood improving slightly when she saw Azul’s flustered face as they made eye contact. She wasn’t sure why he looked surprised, since after all she promised to meet with him afterwards anyway. She wanted to end her day on a good note.          
Cassandra Delphinne
As someone with a deep appreciation for music and dancing, Cass had looked forward to the VDC every year. It was really pleasant to see the groups from other schools compete between themselves and perform on stage their songs and choreography. Coming from a small village as she did, she never got to see this sort of thing before coming to WNA so for the foreseeable future she wanted to enjoy every chance she had of attending such events. This year as Prefect she took charge and made sure that everything was set in place so they would all be able to attend it peacefully and with little trouble. The tickets were bought ahead of time, she got a map that showed the entire campus and each important location and even managed to get everybody in line with minimal effort. All in all, it was a good start. Unfortunately, given that this was Oraluna, something was bound to go wrong. And it did.
Oraluna Girl A: Hahahahahaha, to think I would lose my ticket just so easily!
Oraluna Girl B: And to think that me helping you find your ticket would result in mine being stolen by a squirrel!
Oraluna Girl C: Indeed! The fact that mine was ripped by the tree branches as I was climbing to retrieve yours must surely be a sign of fate!
All: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
Cass: Everybody… please don’t laugh about this…
She gave out a deep sigh as she heard the girls let out another rambunctious laugh. The other ticket buyers cast a glance in their direction and noticing just whose school their uniform belonged to, quickly began whispering among themselves. Their furtive glances and curious expressions made Cass fidget on the stop. She knew that Walpurga Nacht had quite the reputation among the masses so people were bound to stare and gossip. Still, to be the center of such attention was not a thing she really relished in. Especially after what happened during her Witch Dance this year. The girls did not seem to share her concerns as they continued their light banter. She was rather shocked when an hour after the Headmistress had dismissed everybody and they had taken to walking around the school grounds, the three approached her all of a sudden and proudly stated their issues. As if they somehow managed to achieve something important there, even though the situation was quite annoying to deal with. But she was a Prefect now and it was her duty to deal with such problems. So with just a frustrated sigh as means of showing her dissatisfaction, Cass joined them in the queue where people who hadn’t already purchased their tickets could still do so.
It was much, much longer than she expected it to be. Daring another glance at the people before them she wondered briefly if they’ll really be so lucky to actually get some last minute tickets.
Silver: Cassandra?
The startled scream she let out attracted quite a bit of attention and even Silver seemed a bit perturbed by the intensity of it.
Cass: Si-Si-Silver! Sorry! You just scared me and, um, you see… No, I don’t mean scared! You just surprised me, uh…
Silver: It’s alright. I just didn’t expect that kind of reaction from you either.
Cass: Um… Sorry...
Silver: What are you doing here though? Didn’t you have tickets for VDC already?
Cass: Eh? Oh! Y-Yes! I mean, I do! But my girls…
As she set out to explain the situation to him, she felt her face get more and more flustered. Even to her, who was already aware of the nature of Oraluna students, it sounded ridiculous. When she finished her short monologue she expected Silver to laugh or worse tell them they were idiots for behaving this way. But he merely nodded with the same stoic expression as always.
Silver: I see. That must be quite troublesome. So you’re standing in line to get new tickets.
Cass: Ye-Yeah… We were all looking forward to getting to watch it this year so this is a bit of a problem…
Silver: And you are staying with them in line to look after them?
Cass: It’s my duty as their Prefect to do this much… Um, but what are you doing here?
Silver: Ah, Riddle asked me to help keep everybody in line. That’s why…
Cass: O-Oh! I see! That makes sense… I-I mean! It makes sense because you’re very dependable and such! So, um, what I meant to say is…
Talking to Silver like this had for some reason started to prove extremely difficult a few months ago. She wasn’t exactly sure why, since nothing between them really changed, but she nevertheless felt a strange sort of sensation intervening between them. An awkwardness that wasn’t really there before suddenly took hold. She became much more careful about the way she presented herself to him, and it was now very important for her to know that he had a good impression of her. Stumbling over her words like that had become much more embarrassing.
From the corner of her eye, she spotted the three Oraluna students giving them an appreciative look.
Oraluna Girl A: Ohohohoho, what an unexpected twist!
Oraluna Girl B: A possible pairing in the making? Souls converging together for the bloom of passion?
Her face exploded, turning completely red as she motioned for them to be silent. The couple standing behind them coughed loudly and Cass realized it was time for them to move forward. Glancing over at Silver she hesitantly opened her mouth to say goodbye, when one of her girls suddenly thrust her arm forward in a stopping motion.
Oraluna Girl A: Worry not, Prefect! For the forces beyond this world have convened to inform you of your situation.
Oraluna Girl B: Indeed! We are to be witnesses to a most egregious event and we are loath to interrupt!
Oraluna Girl C: Go forth and have no fear, for we shall resolve to redeem ourselves in your eyes! Farewell!
The speech, as grandiose as it was and probably truly good-natured, did not excite much contentment from her. Rather it simply led to her covering her burning face with her hands. This however proved to be a bad idea since the sudden movement of the crowd led a few people to bump into her as they pushed their way forward. With no way to ascertain her surroundings and no way to stop her lack of balance, Cass would have tumbled to the ground if it hadn’t been for Silver quick reflexes. He caught her right before she hit the ground and helped her steady herself. Cass couldn’t help but be reminded of a fairytale princess being rescued by a knight in shining armour at that moment. Even as he ordered the crowd to be careful Cass realized that his hand was still on her shoulder, almost like he was making sure she would not fall over again. With his body between her and the crowd, she truly felt like had taken on a heroic image. It was really charming. So much that her heart was pounding in her chest.
Silver: Sorry for this. Are you ok?
Cass: E-Eh?
Silver: Cassandra?
Cass: Ye-Yes! I-I-I-I-I’m alright! You don’t have to worry, um…
Noticing the hand he kept on her, he calmly retracted it.
Silver: I’m sorry.
Cass: N-No! It’s alright! I-I-I-I don’t mind!
Silver: I see. The crowd is getting more erratic the closer we get to the VDC…
Cass: Um, isn’t it because everybody is looking forward to wonderful performances?
Silver: You think so?
Cass: Yes! At least I am, um… I’ve been looking forward to this since the start of the school year! It’s always such a nice event and I enjoy how everybody is so energetic and talented! I really like seeing them on stage! Th-This year Miss Morgainne said that Mister Schoenheit will most certainly win the contest!
Silver: Ah, that’s right. Lilia-senpai did say that this year the Light Music Club will be performing without Kalim…
Cass: Eh?! Mister Vanrouge is performing today too? I-I-I-I didn’t know! Um, I’ll be sure to be present there as well! Will it be the Red Stage, or the Blue or the Purple? Oh no! Do I need tickets for this too? Um, but what if they’re already all sold out-
Silver: Cassandra, wait a minute. You’re rambling.
Cass: Am I? I-I-I’m sorry! Um, that wasn’t my intention at all and um-
Silver: It’s alright. You don’t need to be so tense. You didn’t do anything wrong.
Cass: That’s true…
Silver: As for hearing him perform… I’m not sure it’s the kind of music you’d like…
Cass: Eh? Um, even if it’s something very complicated, I’ll try my best! I’m sure Mister Vanrouge’s music is beyond my capacity to understand, but it would be an insult to him if I didn’t at least try! I have much to learn from an esteemed person such as him!
Silver: … I see. But regarding his musical taste, I don’t think you have to worry too much.
Cass: Huh? What do you mean-
If she were to be honest, Cass would admit that she surprised even herself with the intensity of the scream that tore out from her as Sebek’s own loud voice was suddenly heard behind her. He tore through the crowd with alarming speeding and made a sharp stop right in front of her, startling her even further.
Cass: Mi-Mi-Mi-Mister Zigvolt! Um, i-i-i-is there a problem?
Cass: Hu-Huh?
Silver: Sebek. Stop shouting. You’re causing trouble for Cassandra.
Sebek: What?! Don’t lecture me, Silver! This is an emergency! The Young Master is in danger due to one of these witches!
Silver: What? What are you talking about?
Sebek: That unpleasant witch who always tries to bother him is here today too!
Silver: Unpleasant witch…
Cass: ...who always bothers him? Um, are you talking about Miss Pyroeis by any chance?
Cass: Wah!
Silver: Sebek.
Sebek: That witch is smarter than she looks! She purposefully picked today to accost him since she knew we would be busy with other duties! And now the Young Master is left unprotected before her pestering!
Silver: … No, aren’t you making up ludicrous scenarios rather?
Sebek: So you’d let him fall prey to her wiles?!
Silver: I doubt there’s any danger of that. You’re too overprotective. It’s bothersome for Lord Malleus to have you hover like that all the time.
Nervously glancing between them, Cass felt dread wash over her. The constant barrage of noise, the glances of people who were bothered by this loud exchange and Sebek’s angry tone were stirring up memories that she’d rather never recall.
Cass: Um, I-I-I’m sorry but people are starting to stare… Um…
Her voice was faint and trembling, but Silver heard it nevertheless. When he turned to look at her, Sebek was also suddenly reminded of her presence.
Cass: Hu-Huh?!
Sebek’s hands landed heavily on her shoulders as she jumped in fear at the sudden action. She knew that he had no intention of actually hurting her, but it made the exchange all the more tense. In the back of her mind, the voice of a woman echoed distantly.
Cass: Um, I’m sorry, but I don’t think divination is really capable of doing something like this… The future is very broad and it would take quite a lot of time to narrow down just one scenario in this case, so, um…
Sebek: Then use your Unique Magic. You are capable of that, aren’t you?
Cass: My… Unique Magic… Wh-what…
She froze at the request, eyes wide and throat dry. The weight on her shoulders felt monumental all of a sudden as her vision went hazy. Sebek’s face seemed to disappear, morph into something both familiar and foreign at the same time. It was there and it wasn’t.
Sebek: I heard that your Unique Magic allows you to predict the future with 100% accuracy! Use that to reveal the location of the Young Master quickly!
Cass: N-No… I… I don’t think… I won’t be able to… Please…
Silver’s hand grabbed Sebek by the shoulder and pulled. Her ears were ringing, she couldn't hear anything anymore, but in the distance, as if they were hundreds of miles away from her, there were fragments of their argument. Sebek’s head was turned sideways and he was yelling at Silver who bore a strange expression on his face. Cass realized she’d never seen him look like this before. It was odd. And terrifying.
Then all of a sudden, she lost track of them. They didn’t disappear. She knew this because Sebek’s hands were still firmly grasping her shoulders. It was like a fog had descended upon her and the world was filtered through white haze. She had instead gone somewhere else: in a small room, with a dark wooden table and a woman with a desperate expression on her face. The smell of incense is heavy in the air, and it hurts her throat. The woman is holding her shoulders too, nails digging in her skin and leaving behind red, angry marks. She tried to break free, but the woman won’t let her, screaming and shaking her as if she was a ragdoll. Cass can’t hear her voice, it’s all a loud roaring, but she can feel the hatred and the anger leaking out. Her whole body is trembling. She’s so afraid she can’t even scream. Then the woman lets go of one shoulder as she raises her hand. She knows what comes next.
Cass: I’m sorry!
Her voice was filled with anguish as she wretched herself free from his hold. The intensity of her outburst was so great that Sebek let go of her shoulder almost immediately, his face betraying his shock with Silver’s being a perfect mirror. Neither had expected such a reaction. Nor did she, or the people around who had begun whispering among themselves. Stumbling backwards, Cass fell on the ground with a thud, her whole body trembling and breath coming out in short bursts. She felt dizzy, and hung her head in shame and embarrassment when she realized what just happened. With everyone’s stare trained on her, tears were already gathering in her eyes.
Her intertwined hands were pressed to her chest. Though her voice was barely above a whisper she continued to murmur apologies until she felt somebody’s presence next to her.
Silver: Cassandra. Are you alright?
Glancing over at him, Cass flinched at his proximity, but could do nothing but stare. His usual stoic expression was replaced by one of unease. Or so she thought. It made her feel guilty to see him worry like this about her, but in her panic she just wanted to get away from everybody. With shaking legs she tried to stand up and run, but merely tripped over herself and landed in a heap on the ground. Face pressed against the pavement she could barely breath from the influx of adrenaline, and when she felt a hand pat her back she let out a choked sound. Glancing up she saw Silver hovering over her. Gently he offered her his hand, which after a few moments of hesitation she accepted and let herself be pulled up. Her feet were still unsteady so she clung onto him until she found her balance. Next to them Sebek was silent as he stared in bewilderment.
Her head was reeling, and she wanted nothing more than to run away even as Silver’s soft voice tried to reach her. So when she heard the voices of her girls she finally let go of his arm and tried to resume a sliver of dignity.
Cass: Um.... I’m… I’m sorry…. Please excuse me… I’ll have to leave now… since…
She forcibly shut her mouth as she heard the first signs of hiccuping making their way through. She couldn’t fall apart now. Not in front of Silver or Sebek. It would only worry them more, and she’d already done enough to make them uncomfortable today. Without waiting for a reply she quickly bowed and made her way back to them just as they finally exited the line.
Oraluna Girl A: Prefect! Fate smiled down on us! We managed to procure the tickets- Eh? What’s wrong?
Oraluna Girl B: You don’t look well at all. Did the flowers of passion not bloom after all?
Oraluna Girl C: How disappointing!
Cass tried to offer them an encouraging smile and assure them she was fine, but it was too stiff and her voice wouldn’t come out. The girls shared a glance between them, before with great aplomb and cheerful attitudes they began to guide Cass through the crowd.
Oraluna Girl A: Don’t shed tears, Prefect! It’s such a wonderful day right now!
Oraluna Girl B: Indeed! Let us enjoy ourselves a bit at this cafe that’s open in the botanical garden!
Cass: But-
Oraluna Girl C: Ooooooh, I wonder if they have cakes!
Cass: Um-
Oraluna Girl B: Don’t be ridiculous! You only have biscuits with tea! Everyone knows that!
Cass: You three-
Oraluna Girl A: Now, now. There’s sense in what she says. Cakes are just as appropriate at teatime as cakes!
Cass: Wait-
Oraluna Girl B: Poppycock! That’s just slander!
As hard as she might have tried, it was impossible to get a hold of them so she ended up dragged to the little cafe. It was surprisingly quaint and they did have cakes much to their approval and despair. Surrounded by nature and the peaceful atmosphere, she gradually felt herself calm down. The girls didn’t press for any details and for that Cass was thankful. She didn’t feel like talking about her recent encounter, and would rather just focus on enjoying the festivities.
They made it to the Purple Stage in time, Cass having forgotten about the performance Lilia was supposed to take part in, and took their seats. NRC was first to present and while she found the whole performance beautiful and impressive, the harsh rhythm and musical tone only added to her anxiety. By the end of the song she was feeling restless and caged, and wanted nothing more than to leave. But she figured it would be rude, since the rest of the Prefects were standing there and her outburst could cost the school as well when it came to their reputation. So she stayed put and gripped the programme tighter in her hands and she tried to distract herself. When RSA’s turn came up she was shocked to hear a familiar tune resonate throughout the venue. It was the same song her grandmother used to sing to her as a child, a nursery rhyme that was quite popular in the Land of Pyroxene. She couldn’t believe she would hear it performed on a stage as big as the VDC.
Oraluna Girl A: Ohohohoho, this song is rather nostalgic!
Oraluna Girl B: Aaaah, I’m drowning in this feeling of comfort.
Watching Neige and his friends perform on stage, Cass couldn’t help but agree with them. There was something wonderfully reassuring in listening to an old familiar song being played when one was away from home. She thought back to all the times her grandmother would hold her in her arms and put her to sleep with it, and the comfort those memories brought her was so great that unshed tears began trickling down her cheeks. No sound made its way past her mouth, but when the song ended and they all bowed she felt like a huge burden was lifted off her shoulders. All the misfortunes today were forgotten, and all the fears and anxieties dissipated. She felt at peace again. Thus nobody was that surprised when Cass cast her vote for RSA or faulted her for being happy at their victory. Her girls were just glad she finally went back to her usual self.
On the way out of the venue, she bumped into an unexpected person. Or rather, bumped was not the appropriate word, since it was more akin to being startled by the sudden appearance of Lilia hanging upside down and right into her path.
Lilia: Cassandra.
The shock of seeing him almost made her scream, but she covered her mouth with her hands just in time to avoid such a thing. Out of all the people here today, Lilia was one of the two she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of under any circumstances.
Cass: Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mister Vanrouge! What- What are you doing here, um…
I-I-Is about me missing your performance today? I’m so very sorry! I had planned on attending it but certain circumstances intervened and then it slipped my mind and, um… A-Ah, but I’m making excuses and um… I really should have made that effort. Please accept my apologies!
Lilia: Kufufufufu, to be young and energetic…
Cass: Um…?
Lilia: Don’t worry about that, it’s no issue. Rather, I’ve come to talk to you about something else. I heard Sebek had given you some trouble earlier this day.
Cass: Um… that… It was really my fault… So…
Lilia: Hm? How curious.
Cass: Eh?
Lilia: Silver said that it was all Sebek’s fault for acting uncouth. It’s truly unfitting for a guard of the future heir of the Valley of Thorns to behave as such. I have no choice but to punish him.
Cass: Pu-Punish him?!
Lilia: Indeed. It will be quite excruciating. He may perhaps never be able to use his hand again after this.
Cass: Ne-Never?! Mister Vanrouge!
Lilia: Hm?
Cass: Um, Mister Zigvolt… Um, he’s just really protective of Lord Draconia… and he was worried one of our students might bother him… I-I understand it a bit… Because I really admire Lord Draconia too… A-And it’s not like Mister Zigvolt meant to cause me trouble - No-Not that he did! But, please, could you at the very least lighten his punishment? I don’t think he deserves to lose his hand over something like this!
Lilia: Hm? Who said anything about losing his hand?
Cass: Eh?
Lilia: I am merely worried that all the letter writing he will have to do will leave his hand in quite an unfortunate state. Cramps are truly dangerous once you reach a certain age, you know?
Cass: Letters… But why…?
Lilia: Fufufufufu. I have ordered Sebek to write a hundred letters of apology by tonight and deliver them to you as his punishment. Silver is currently keeping watch over him to ensure that he does so. Did you think I meant something more gruesome? My, my, today’s youth does have quite the imagination.
Will this suffice?
Cass: Suffice…? For what exactly?
Lilia gave her an indulgent smile as he stood upside down.
Lilia: Silver has told me that you have a tendency to be anxious about others’ well being rather than your own. But behaviour like this must not be tolerated. Fae are said to be a proud and haughty kind, even among ourselves, and to be insulted like this would be a slight punishable by death in certain circles. It’s good to have a kind and forgiving heart, but one must not endure injury just to spare others’ feelings.
Do you understand?
Cass stared at him in deep contemplation for a while before bowing her head slightly. A smile was present on her face, and her eyes had gone a little teary, but she nodded eagerly and gave him a shy but determined grin.
Cass: Thank you, Mister Vanrouge!
Lilia: However if you’re feeling spiteful, it is traditional among our kind to put a bucket over one’s head and bang on it as harshly as possible to punish one who wronged you.
Cass: E-Eh? I-Is that so? I would rather not put a bucket over Mister Zigvolt’s head though…
Lilia: Kufufufufufu.
Just as Lilia said, a few hours later, as the girls were about to depart, she heard Sebek call her name loudly as he ran through the campus. When he spotted her, he charged forward and Cass was worried he was going to knock her down, but he stopped at the last moment and presented her with a satchel full of neatly written letters that were each about five pages long. She paled at the sight of them and worriedly asked him if his hand was already. He assured her that this was nothing he couldn’t handle, and that he was dutifully fulfilling his role as a loyal, but well-mannered guard. Without even meaning to, Cass found herself giggling at his earnest nature which also earned her a flustered and confused face from Sebek.
She brought the letters back to her dorm room, and dutifully spent that weekend composing a letter of forgiveness in response. At the end, in small writing she invited the four of them to Oraluna for tea next time they were on campus, and the thought of being so bold both excited and terrified her. Yet, it was only proper to show that there was to be no bad blood between them.            
Agatha Voisin
The Inter-School Cultural Festival had always been a headache Agatha was not looking forward to ever since she became a high school student. All that it amounted to was a lot of noise, people bumping into each other or staring at her as she tried to make her way through the crowd. Certainly not the type of activity she wanted to take part in. Especially since a large portion of those on-lookers thought it would be wise to make comments on her appearance.
Girl A: Hey. Did you see that girl?
Girl B: Hm? Woah! What’s with that creepy smile?
Girl C: This isn’t Halloween…
Girl A: Oh, but look at her uniform. Isn’t she from that prestigious school?
Girl B: You mean Walpurga Nacht? The one that had those Dances this year?
Girl A: Yeah. I watched them on TV!
Girl C: Me too! That first girl, um, I can’t remember her name-
Girl A: You mean Cherry? She was so cool!
Girl B: I know right?! It kinda made me want to transfer there, hehe.
Girl C: Ha? There’s no way you can do that. You gotta take the entrance exam.
Girl A: Oh yeah. They say it’s absolute hell and only a very small number of girls pass it.
Girl B: Still! How cool would it be to go to school with Cherry! Even with the recent scandals…
Agatha was at a fair distance from their group, so the girls were pretty sure that she couldn’t overhear them gossip, but she caught it all. The first comment made her angry and the conversation afterwards only irritated her further, which was quite an impressive feat given that she started out the day quite displeased. She charged directly at them, and the sudden presence behind them startled them so much the three girls ended up screaming. Pinning them down with a stare, Agatha was silent.
Girl B: U-Um, can… can we help you…?
Agatha: ……..
Girl B: …..
Agatha: ………………………………….
Girl B: ……………………………. Um…….
Agatha: I… was… cute…
Girl B: Hu-Huh? I-I’m sorry?
Agatha: During… the… Dance… I… was… cute… too… Cuter… than… the… stupid… amoeba…
Girl B: Amoeba? Wh-What? I-I don’t follow…
Agatha: ………………..
They huddled close together, waiting for her to reply, but when nothing but silence could be heard they began retreating slowly. They turned their back to her slightly, making their way through the crowd as Agatha followed them with her gaze. Even when they disappeared from sight, she continued to stare while contemplating just what exactly was the point of coming here today.
The school festival was always an annoyance, indeed, but at the very least she could spend it together with her Big Sis scouting the booths or with her Big Bro hiding in his shop. So, as soon as the Headmistress gave them the green light that was exactly what she tried to do: find her Big Sis and start touring. She left her group without a word, but the Eliksia girls were used to this sort of behaviour already, so it didn’t phase them much. Finding Vita was not a particularly difficult task since the girl tended to attract quite a lot of attention, especially when together with her dorm mates. But when she asked her where they should start off this year, Vita told her:
Vita: My apologies, my dear Agatha. My husband is to hold forth a discourse upon the subject of his research. ‘Tis my duty as his wife to ensure he does not engage in any navel-gazing before the due time. I am afraid I will not be able to escort you today.
That was disappointing, but she simply nodded in understanding. It was unfortunate though. Her Big Sis’ husband always struck Agatha as too much of a spineless coward, so that she would need to be there to encourage him was not all that surprising. She wasn’t angry at her, but at him rather, but since nothing could be done, she set forth to find her Big Bro. Reaching Sam’s shop was a bit difficult since due to her small size people would tend to bump into her by accident and she almost found herself on the ground a couple of times during the trip. When they turned to apologize she simply ignored them and went on her way. She didn’t care for their words in any case. Unfortunately, her luck took a turn for the worse, as once she was in front of the Mystery Shop she realized that a long line had formed outside. The festival was always a busy time of the year for him, but she hoped that she could at least try to sneak in and hide in her usual place. That did not happen, for as soon as she tried to cut in line she got yelled by some of the patrons and pushed aside. Unsteady on her feet as always, she fell down backwards with a thud.
Boy A: What the hell is your problem, huh? You can’t just cut in as you like!
Boy B: Ugh, dude, what’s with her mouth? It’s creepy…
Boy C: He-Hey… She can hear you, you know…
Boy A: Whatever. Listen, ugly, get back to the end of the line like everybody else. Seriously…
Agatha stared at them for a long while. So long that the boy who spoke first, and seemed to be the leader, began to look slightly disturbed as he returned her gaze. Eventually he scowled and looked away, trying to ignore her. She was still on the ground, not having moved an inch, and reached into her belt pouch to look for something. The other two boys watched her with light trepidation and confusion as they heard the sound of glass clicking. When she finally found what she was looking for, she let out a short laugh and pulled out a small vial. The substance inside was black and thick as it sloshed around, and the boys’ faces palled considerably.
Boy B: He-Hey, is that a joke?
Boy C: There’s no way you’re using that here, are you?! That’s a-
Toby: Oh! Where is this?
Just as Agatha was about to open the small bottle, a sudden shout stopped her. Looking over to her right she spotted the familiar sight of a RSA uniform and the even more familiar one of a young second year student. Toby’s big, doe eyes were scanning the surroundings carefully and with intense curiosity, until they finally landed on her. Then, as if a switch was flipped he seemed to remember just what was going on.
Toby: It’s you! Hello, hello~ How are you?
He approached her in his typical spacey but cheerful manner. Agatha merely continued to stare.
Toby: Are you here for… Hm? What is this place again?
Agatha: ………………….
Toby: Hm~ Hm~ Guess I got lost again, hehe!
Agatha: …………………..
Toby: This place is really big~ But I can’t remember what it's called at all.
Agatha: …………………
Toby: Oh? What’s in that bottle?
Even though she gave no acknowledgement that she heard or cared about what he had to say, Toby continued to prattle on and on without any signs of stopping. He asked about the black liquid inside, about why she was sitting on the ground, about why there was a line - any little thing that attracted his attention quickly came under scrutiny. It was far more than she could handle at the moment, Agatha realized soon enough, and promptly stood up. She stashed the little bottle of vial away and started making her way back to the main festival area. Which is how she ended up in another annoying situation.
Standing still, she wondered if it perhaps wasn’t easier to just crawl in some hidden place and wait for the day to come to an end. That would reduce the number of stupid people saying stupid things around her. However just as she was to turn around and head off after that disastrous situation, she was stopped by a very familiar and horribly cute voice.
Toby: What are you doing here, hm~? Did you get lost too?
Glancing down she realized that she had been followed. Looking up at her with his big doe eyes, there was Toby. She thought she lost him when the crowd seemed to swallow her, but seems like he was better at tailing her than she expected. He did have the most unusual talent of keeping track of her.
Agatha: …………………………………
Toby: ………………………………….
Agatha: ………………………………..
Toby: Hm~? What are we doing here again?
It was no use. Even if she spent her entire day glaring at him, he simply would be unable to recognize her irritation. But running away from him with her slow gait was not particularly possible. Neither was spending any amount of time with him. No matter how she looked at it, she was stuck in an unfavorable position.
Hop: Toby~ There you are~!
Just as she was contemplating whether she could use a potion to get out of this mess, another loud voice found its way onto the scene. Looking away from Toby, she stopped three more students about his height making their way towards them. Not only that, but they wore the exact same uniform as him, so it wasn’t much of an effort to figure out they were his classmates.
Agatha: ……………………. They’ve… multiplied….
Toby: Hm~?
Hop: Toby~ We looked everywhere for you~
Hm? Who’s that?
Suddenly Agatha realized that she was partially surrounded by the little dwarf students of RSA who looked at her with a variety of curious expressions. The blonde who was yelling seemed most at ease, and friendly, while the blue haired one was hiding partially while keeping the green haired, laid back boy in the front. The amount of cuteness that radiated from them was making her very irritated.
Toby: This is my friend~ Hm… what was your name again?
Hop: Eh? You have a friend without a name? That’s so weird, hahahaha!
Timmy: Um… Ma-Maybe we can… um… ask her....?
Toby: Hm~ But what if she doesn’t remember it either?
Hop: Hahahahahaha! There’s no way people don’t remember their own name!
Toby: Oh~ I guess you’re right!
Agatha: ………………………………………
Hop: Hello, hello~ What’s your name? I’m Hop! Yay~ Nice to meet you!
Timmy: I’m… I’m… Timmy… um…
Shelpy: …………………. Oh… Hm.... I’m Shelpy…
Toby: Hehe, and I’m- Hm~? Who was I again?
Hop: You’re Toby, hahahahahaha!
Toby: Oh~ That’s true! I guess I am! Hehehehe!
Agatha: …………………………………….
Toby: ……………………………………
Agatha: ……………………………………………..
Hop: ………………………………………….
Agatha: …………………………………………….
Timmy & Shelpy: ………………………………………
Today was simply not a day she could have any hope of enjoying. Even though she refused to tell them her name, and very pointedly began to walk away from them, this did not seem to dampen their enthusiasm at all. They stuck to her like glue, and no matter how hard she tried she simply couldn’t shake them off. Moreover, they did all kinds of weird things like ask her to play games with them, or eat some of the sweets they bought for themselves, take a picture together and many other such inane requests were slung her way until her mind was hazy with confusion. Why couldn’t they just let her be already? They were too shiny and cheerful for her taste, and the amount of attention they gathered with their loud voices was too much.
Hop: Hey~ Hey~ Let’s catch goldfish!
Toby: Hm~ They sell candy floss right over there~
Timmy: I-It looks tasty. Maybe we should get some, um…
Hop: Good idea~ Toby’s friend, do you like candy floss too? Let’s all get some!
She eventually was able to break from them, when three others showed up and one of the silver haired ones began to scold the other four for leaving without telling anybody. Too distracted by the commotion none of them noticed when she disappeared though Toby was on the verge of following after out of sheer reflex, and had to be stopped by Dominic who reminded him that they have to rehearse before they went on stage.
Now alone, Agatha began to wander through the festival grounds, trying to think of what she could do to pass the time. Looking into her belt pouch she spotted the VDC ticket Vita got for her a few weeks ago. It was surprisingly thin and she often worried that the thing would tear right off if she wasn’t careful enough. The thought was daunting - after all, her Big Sis didn’t have to buy her a ticket, but still did. For that Agatha was very grateful. But she would be lying if she didn’t admit that having somebody to watch it with, would have been far more entertaining. Kicking at the ground in irritation, she suddenly found the idea of her sister’s husband existing quite an annoying prospect.
Agatha: ……… Ugh….. stupid….. chowder….
Stuffing her ticket further into her pouch she set off to walk around the school grounds and waste her time until the show started. People continued to whisper and stare at her, but she was too downtrodden to really care about it anymore.
During the show, Agatha was rather surprised to see Toby and his friends performing as well. Not that she particularly cared about it or anything, but it did lead to her irritation increasing due to having to see the little dwarf students from RSA be adored for their cuteness by the whole world. That Neige Revanche kid was already too much, with his stupid hair, and stupid sparkling eyes, and stupid pretty smile - Agatha could go on for hours about the many things she found stupid about Neige, but in the end it all boiled down to the same issue: Neige was publicly recognized as cute. Much like the stupid amoeba that went to her school.
But there wasn’t much she could say about NRC’s team either, since with their shiny looks and energetic dance performances they didn’t make much of an impression on her. It was all the same. Just a bunch of popular kids showing off. It irritated her too much to even pay attention, so when it came to voting she simply refused to do it. She watched the girls of her dorm cast their votes, and the rest of the students and the audience, but she kept her arms crossed and expression sour. But it wasn’t like anybody was going to ask her about it anyway. RSA’s win meant nothing to her, and instead she was just glad that they could finally go back to their school. As everybody exited the venue and she found herself in the outside street she looked around wondering just what she was supposed to do before they left.
Finding her Big Sis would be nice, unless she was with the annoying chowder again. Agatha loved her dearly, but couldn’t wrap her head around why she insisted on spending time with that mollusk of a man. She laughed to herself at that thought. He really did seem like a mollusk now that she thought about it. From behind a pair of hands rested on her shoulders, and her sister’s long, white hair came into sight.
Vita: How fortunate to find you, my dear Agatha.
Agatha: Big…. Sis….
Vita: Hm? What be this? Are you perhaps displeased?
Agatha: …………………………
Vita: I see. My apologies, my dear Agatha. I have rather failed to keep to our tradition, have I not?
Agatha: ………………………..
Vita: It does not suit you to look so despondent, my dear.
Agatha: ……………………….
Reaching over into the belt pouch she carried around, Agatha produced a small bag of brightly coloured candy that she presented to Vita.
Vita: Hm? What might be now?
Agatha: Mint…. candy…
Vita: Oh?
Agatha: It’s…. Big… Sis…. punishment…. for….. running….. off….. with…. the…. chowder….
Vita: ‘Tis so?
There was an amused smile on her lips as she took the small bag, and opened it. Fishing out one of the pieces she laughed softly before putting it in her mind.  
Agatha: ……… Big…… Sis…. has…. to….. finish…… off…. the….. bag…… I….. have….. been…. through….. a…….. lot…… today…….. because…….. of….. Big……. Sis’…….. absence……….
Vita: My, my, how unfortunate. Very well then. I suppose I shall dutifully undertake my penance. Now, tell, just what had occurred while I had been away, my dear.
As Agatha set out to tell Vita about what happened away, she felt her irritation melt away slowly. Bantering like this with her Big Sis always put her in a good mood, and all her encounters today at the very least made for an entertaining story just like Vita liked it. True to her word, she did end up finishing the entire bag of mint candy that Agatha had bought for her. She didn’t show any indication that she found the experience unpleasant or disgusting, which is pretty much just what Agatha expected from her. It wasn’t like Vita to show her true emotions on her face anyway, but the thought that she might be mildly inconvenienced was enough for her to forgive her Big Sis.
They walked through the festival grounds, and had a look at a few of the booths Agatha had visited earlier. The boys who had made fun of her earlier had crossed paths with them again, but Vita’s mere presence had quickly taken out the fight out of them. Her Big Sis was a strong magician after all, and Agatha loved and admired that about her. She and Big Bro were accomplished and powerful, and thus her goal was to become just as amazing as the people she looked up to the most in the world.
But if Agatha had to be honest, she would have to admit that there were times when she simply couldn’t understand what went on in her Big Sis’ mind. There were some things that Vita never talked about and some reactions Agatha had never gotten from her. Her Big Sis was always smiling, sometimes she would be displeased, and there was always that tinge of superiority to it. But now, just for a split second, as they were lost among the crowds she could have sworn she sensed something new, something unusual and scary. For a brief moment Agatha felt a wave of rage emanating from her, like she’d never felt before. The intensity of it was so high that not even the big, dumb chowder that ran Galdtrea could replicate it in her worst moments. It was pure and unadulterated, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
But when she looked over at her, Vita was smiling serenely as always and with no trace of fury in her countenance.
Vita: Is there something that displeases you, my dear Agatha?
The younger girl stared for a while, before slowly shaking her head. Vita let out a small laugh again, and they continued their journey through the festival grounds. The odd sensation did not appear again all evening, and by the end of it Agatha had convinced herself it was merely a trick of the mind. It was for the better. After all, for all the love her sister bore her, revealing such things was out of the question.      
Vita Dies
Stretching her arms above her head, the girl to Vita’s right let out a loud yawn that was not in the slightest dignified or refined. She coughed slightly, and watched as her dorm mate reluctantly, but obediently, covered her mouth with her hand. Walking among the festival crowds was not exactly the sort of thing Noctasis students found all that exciting under normal circumstances, but when it was the festival grounds of another school, things could always take an unexpected turn. Not that they have until now, but they could still hope.
Noctasis Girl A: This is shit.
Noctasis Girl B: Hear, hear.
Noctasis Girl C: Thirded.
Their voice was devoid of any emotion - no trance of annoyance or even boredom. It was merely an indifferent remark upon the current state they found themselves in. Though they complained about having to be here, Vita was certain that if she proposed they should go they would start grumbling about that as well. At this point they were merely venting out their frustrations regarding the apparent lack of entertainment at this festivity.  
Noctasis Girl B: Hey, so you got your ticket for that VDC thing?
Noctasis Girl C: Yup. You?
Noctasis Girl A: Ugh, that’s gonna be shitty too.
Noctasis Girl B: Isn’t that what we’re counting on though?
Noctasis Girl A: Ha, that’s true. This year NRC’s got that Schoenheit dude, and RSA’s got the Revanche kiddo.
Noctasis Girl D: Who’s that?
Noctasis Girl A: Hell if I know. But Schoenheit is a Prefect here, you moron.
Noctasis Girl D: Oh yeah, that guy.
Noctasis Girl A: You have no idea who I’m talking about, are you?
Noctasis Girl D: It’s just some dude, what does it even matter?
Noctasis Girl A: Then why the hell did you even ask?
Noctasis Girl D: Screw you.
Noctasis Girl A: Oh, trust-
Vita: Hm? How peculiar.
Noctasis Girl A: What?
Vita: I have not realized I had taken clucking chickens for companionship today.
Noctasis Girl B: Huh? What are you on about now?
Vita: If I were to know this would be the case, I would have gladly just taken such a pet with me. It would certainly have had more dignity.
Noctasis Girl B: …
Noctasis Girl A: .... You know, Prefect. Sometimes I wonder just how you still got to keep your tongue from all that backtalk you’re giving. There ought to be somebody with scissors around.
The group let out a loud laugh at this, and Vita gave them a smirk as well.
Vita: Hm, I suppose that would not be so bad for you. After all, your barking is barely an inconvenience. Cutting your tongue would be as cutting at air.
Noctasis Girl A: ….. Screw you.
Another chorus of laughter was heard, and as they walked through the campus heads would turn and people would glance at them. They rarely stared however, since by just their uniforms alone they could already figure out what school they went to. The reputation of Walpurga Nacht was one that far exceeded just the academic sphere, so to see regular people take an interest in them was quite common. Though few ever really had the courage of striking a conversation with them. WNA girls just radiated an unapproachable aura that was apparent from both the way they behaved themselves and the general image of the school in public consciousness. This was doubly the case for the Noctasis dorm, whose sharp decline in members had led to many rumours and speculations circulating among many.
To Vita, it was not something new in the least. She’d grown accustomed over the years to the nosy stares and unabashed comments and being on the receiving end here at NRC was less than a sting. Besides it was not them that she came to the school to see, but rather a certain Prefect of Ignihyde who seemed to be hiding away from her at the moment.
The Inter-School Cultural Festival was not a thing Vita ever concerned herself much with. At best it was simply a distraction from her research, at worst a day wasted on inane matters. When Idia finally got admitted into NRC she began to pay more attention to it, whereas before she had skipped it on principle. But then again, during her first year she didn’t have Agatha either, which would have made things more bearable. She was sure to take the younger girl with her every year and together they’d explore the ground of the host school and indulge in some light mockery of whatever struck their fancy. This year it was supposed to be the same, and Agatha was quite looking forward to it as well, but that was before Vita found out that Idia was meant to give a speech at the festival.
He did not want to inform her of it at first, of course, so it was Ortho who had let her know instead. Though she’d made sure to contact her husband almost immediately afterwards and the shriek he let out when she revealed that she would most certainly be attending his speech was much more endearing than she could have imagined. Vita had been in a good mood for the rest of the week after that happened, and made preparations so she could comfortably attend his speech despite his protests. Her husband was much too modest. And much too naive to think that anything he said could change her mind. Her only regret was that she would have to leave Agatha to her own devices as the younger girl did not want to spend any time around the Ignihyde Prefect. It was unfortunate, but she couldn’t force her to do something she did not want. At the very least she ensured that Agatha would be occupied for a portion of the day, and if she managed to find Sam she would most likely not be as upset by this turn of events.
Noctasis Girl A: Hey. Where ya going, Prefect?
She had taken a sharp turn just as they were nearing the main street that led to the Coliseum, and the sudden shift made them stop in their tracks. Vita offered merely a wave in return, never once looking back and soon got lost among the crowd. The girls shared a look between them, but didn’t question it further. After all, they were used to this sort of behaviour from their Prefect. Going in the opposite direction from where she was heading to, they found their way back to the festival grounds and had another look around.
Vita was never a fan of human contact, especially when it came to strangers, so making her way through was far more unpleasant than she expected. Having to bump shoulders with people who did not seem to understand that they ought to get out of her way was rather grating, more so when two somehow managed to lose their footing and fall to the ground like fools. They called after her but she merely looked forward, unbothered. Ortho had been kind enough to let her know where the booth for the Boardgame Club would be located so it took her far less time than it would otherwise. NRC was a larger campus than WNA’s so walking around was always very much a chore for the witches that would visit.
She wished she could have taken Larna with her. The hellhound’s presence would have made this more bearable, but the familiar did not take well to large and noisy crowds. Especially those that presumed they were allowed to even touch her beloved companion. She herself did not mind breaking a few bones here and there, or slapping wandering hands away, but she was certain that it would have made Larna quite upset, so with a heavy heart she had to leave the hound behind and visit her husband by herself today. It would most likely make him disappointed, but there was no other choice.
When she finally reached the door to the room Ortho had guided her too, she threw it open with a willful carelessness and caused at least one of the occupants to scream in surprise. With wide eyes and a slightly panicked expression, her husband stared at her as she set foot inside. She was within three feet of him when he recovered and blinked away his shock.
Idia: Wh-Why the hell did you do that? It was way too showy. No normal person enters a room like that, you know?
Vita: Hm~ I suppose ‘tis be so. I merely wished to make my presence known to you, husband.
Idia grimaced at her explanation, expression clearly distrusting and exasperated.
Idia: Huh? What’s that even- actually, no. I shouldn’t even be asking you that. You’re bound to come up with some weirdo answer like usual.
Vita: Husband…
Idia: Hu-Huh? What’s with that expression on your face? It’s giving me the creeps…
Vita: I had simply not imagined that I have become such a prominent figure in your mind~.
Idia: Ha? What are you on about?  
Vita: My heart is aflutter. I must confess that I have spent many hours thinking about you too. ‘Tis a very pleasurable experience~
Idia sighed heavily as he watched the grin on her face expand. She was teasing him for sure now.
Idia: Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.
Vita: Do you doubt me, dear husband?
Idia: Doubt… I guess you can call it that too. In any case, if you’re only here to amuse yourself then go play with somebody else. I’m busy.
Vita: Hm? Whatever might you be doing now before your presentation, husband?
Idia: I’m doing the sound check again and… just making sure everything is in order… uh…
Vita: Have you not done this already for at least five times?
Idia: Eh? How did you know that…
Vita chuckled at his taken aback expression, and leaned forward slightly, so she could brush a few errant hair strands away from his face.
Vita: I would like to believe that I have a firm grasp on your psychology, my dear husband. After all, what kind of wife is that which cannot tell her beloved’s eccentricities?
Idia’s face turned pink, the closeness between them taking him by surprise. He leaned away as Vita tried to close the distance and almost fell backwards had she not pulled away at the very last minute. Letting out another chuckle she cleared out some of the papers thrown across the desk in front of him and sat on it. Once he noticed what she was doing, he immediately gathered them in one pile and away from her.
Vita: ‘Tis be your speech, husband?
Idia: Yeah, they’re the notes on my research up to now. Haa, can’t I just send these by e-mail and avoid the whole presentation?
Vita: Do not be ridiculous, husband. Any researcher must defend their labour from the ignorant masses that are certain to misunderstand it. I would be loath to see your hard work be dragged through the mud.
Idia: You’re the only one who cares about this whole thing.
Vita: Oh, are you not to be intimidated by the imbeciles then?
Idia: Aaah, don’t remind me. Just thinking about going on that stage to hold this speech… I can already hear everybody whispering about it.
“Hey is that guy’s hair on fire?”
“You think he’s from that Shroud family?”
“Ugh, he looks super creepy doesn’t he?”
It’s always the same, really.
Vita: Husband.
Idia: Hm?                  
Leaning over, Vita took some of the pages he was holding and began to arrange them properly. He watched her as he sat down in the chair next to the desk, and leaned back slightly, expression unreadable. As she was looking through the papers, Vita began to talk again.
Vita: ‘Tis truly remarkable, husband.
Idia: Huh? What is?
Vita: Your mind. I am to be left once more in awe of your genius.
Idia scoffed and reached over to take them away from her.
Vita: Hm? Is this your reaction?
Idia: Haaa, not that a wrapped woman like you would even understand the kind of worries that I have.
Vita: Oh? Is that so?
Idia: High spec characters like you have enough Charisma points not to worry about stuff like that. You’re the sort of antagonist character that gives out a noblewoman’s laugh when she steps on people’s heads and forces them into the mud.
Vita chuckled in amusement and smiled over at him.
Vita: My~ That is a rather flattering image you have of me, husband. I am touched. Would you desire to receive that sort of treatment, hm?
Idia: This is exactly what I’m talking about. Your thinking is too messed up. Haaa, seriously, introverts like me just don’t have any luck…
Vita: Then I shall strive to become more acquiantanced with some hexes that increase good luck. Would that not sound good?
Idia: Don’t ever get tired of that?
Vita: Whatever could you mean?
Idia: Of mocking others.
Vita laughed as she crossed one leg over the other.
Vita: Husband, you must have realised by now that my jests are merely meant to tease. And I shall never get tired of playing with you. You make the most adorable expression when you frown like that~
Idia exhaled loudly, face betraying both an exhausted kind of frustration as well as embarrassment. The tips of his ears turned red, and his hair flared up a little, the blue gaining a little crimson streak at the bottom. Vita’s grin grew bigger at the sight and she leaned in closer as she took in the sight. He did not turn away this time, but the pink that coated his face was unmistakable. They held each other’s gaze for a while, until Idia finally broke eye contact to glance around.
Vita: Our dear Larna could not come today, husband.
Idia: Ah.
His face fell slightly. His disappointment was more visible than Vita expected.
Vita: These mobs make him rather uncomfortable as you know.
Idia: Yeah… He’s really docile for a hellhound.
Vita: ‘Tis quite charming. Nevertheless, he was despondent when he was told that he may not come today. He misses you terribly.
Idia: Heh, I could say the same. But…
She watched with a certain degree of curiosity as he fiddled with the notes a little, looking quite bashful all of a sudden.
Idia: Ah, maybe next weekend when you’re supposed to visit… He could come along?
Vita: Hm, I wonder about that.
Idia: Huh?      
She avoided his befuddled gaze as she inspected her nails. In her pouch the letter she received a few days ago felt rather heavy all of a sudden. Idia waited for a response, or even a reaction from her, but when it became clear that she would not offer one he opened his mouth to ask for one. Unfortunately, before he could even utter a sound, Ortho came bounding and cheerfully called out to his sister-in-law.
Ortho: Vita Dies! Welcome! I am glad to see that you didn’t have any problems following the instructions I left for you!
Vita: Of course. They were rather detailed, after all.
Ortho: Mm! I wanted to make sure you found your way here quickly! Big Brother is also very happy to see you’re here at last!
Idia: O-Ortho…!
Ortho: Hm? Is there something you’re upset about, Big Brother?
Vita: I would not have missed his presentation for anything in the world.
Ortho: Hehehe!
Vita: Oh? Was that so amusing, little Ortho?
Ortho: Oh no! I was merely thinking how you’re always so supportive of Big Brother. It makes me really happy that you get along so well! I’ve never even seen you two fight before!
There was a certain drop in temperature all of a sudden as Ortho finished speaking. Vita’s smile got a little tighter, but nothing in her body posture or voice betrayed anything as she spoke. Beside her Idia tensed and stayed silent.
Vita: ‘Tis the duty of a wife to ensure her husband is never without aid when he most needs it. And her pleasure to bask in his success~
Ortho: Hehe, I guess that’s true.
She shifted slightly, as she switched legs. Idia set down the notes he was holding and stood up. Vita and Ortho’s eyes followed him as he moved.
Vita: There still be an hour until your presentation, husband.
Idia: I know, but I can’t concentrate with you here.
Vita: To think I was such distracting figure even in my uniform~
Idia: Th-That’s not what I meant! Ugh, you’re impossible…
Vita: On the contrary, husband. But I understand your desire quite well. I shall make myself scarce and let you return to your preparations. Ah, but before I depart…
Idia raised an eyebrow as she watched her slide off the table and come closer to him. His face turning red again, and hair flaring up slightly, he held his breath as she stood merely inches away from him. Seeing her without her usual amount of makeup was always a disquieting experience, but he could not deny that even so she was beautiful. She was so close that he could feel her body heat emanating from her and wondered just exactly she was planning. It couldn’t be what he was thinking, surely.
Vita: Husband.
Idia: Ye-Yeah?
Vita: Would you like a good luck kiss?
He blinked owlishly at her, and when he finally processed her question he turned away face completely red.
Idia: Haaaaaa! I knew you shouldn’t have come here today!
Vita merely giggled at his reaction and tried to step even closer, but out of embarrassment Idia continued to move away from her. Watching them confused, Ortho cocked his head to the side and quietly began a quick health scan.
Idia: Ah! If you have time to play, go play with Ortho!
Ortho: I am free if you need company, Vita Dies!
Vita: How kind of you.
Ortho: We could play board games, or if you’d like, you can try out the VR Magical Dice Game that Big Brother developed!
Vita: Oh?
Idia: Ah, it’s nothing to get excited about…
Vita: Modesty does not befit you, husband.
Idia: It’s not that. Any monkey could make something like this.
His mouth pulled into a vicious smirk as he peered at her.
Idia: Even you, I bet.
Vita: You are too kind husband~
Ortho: Would you like to try it, Vita Dies?
Vita: Perhaps.
Idia: I doubt you would like it. It’s got no support class.
Vita: Hm, indeed. That does sound rather discouraging.
Idia: You should diversify your skills, you know. Look into some DPS, maybe even a mage. Tank… Nah, that doesn’t suit you.
Vita: I must decline, husband. I am rather happy with my current class.
Idia: You just heal and buff. Couldn’t hurt to do some damage too.
Vita: Perhaps, yet I find it far more pleasurable to remain in the shadows and exercise control over the enemy monsters. Are you displeased by my performance?
Idia scoffed. His smirk turned into one of amusement.
Idia: Nah, the opposite. It’s scary how good you are at that stuff.
Vita: ‘Tis your praise that allows me to play so skillfully~
Idia: There you go saying creepy things again… Hehehehe, but the reaction I got when I cut down that guy’s PC thanks to your binding spell keeping him in one place… Hehehehehehe, that was really hilarious.
Vita: ‘Twas a most beguiling victory, indeed.
Idia: That reminds me. We’re going on that raid next month.
Vita: Ah, that be so indeed.
Idia: Yeah, so make sure you’re stocked up. You should level up too. They got some new features for your class, you know? I had a look through and some would really help optimize your build. Here, let me show you.
Ortho’s gaze switched from one to the other as he listened to them talk. Lost in their own world, they continued to debate over stats and builds and all sorts of other things related to matters of gaming and such that Ortho wasn’t entirely sure he could understand. But even so he could notice the sudden softness that appeared between them as they chatted. Though his Big Brother would never admit it, he always seemed to become more relaxed in Vita’s presence whenever she was with them. They traded barbs quite often, but there was rarely any true venom to them. It was almost as if they found pleasure in such a practice. He couldn’t exactly wrap his head around it, but as long as his Big Brother was happy, Ortho was content with the situation.
He and Vita continued like this for quite a while, until Idia was reminded about his speech and promptly sent her to play with Ortho while he made the final preparation. He expected her to object at least a little, but she was surprisingly obedient.
Vita: Hm? Do you consider me such an argumentative woman? I will merely delight in your calm disposition as you amaze those fools, husband.
He didn’t really get what she was saying, but it didn’t matter right now. He had a speech to give. Though, strangely enough he felt he was far less anxious about it than before. It could be that her endless pestering had alleviated some of his tension, but he didn’t dwell on it.
Vita spent the rest of the time talking to Ortho, with Azul occasionally interjecting when he seized the opportunity. Though they were not on the best of terms, he would have been a fool not to try and get some information out of her. Not that she was too eager to offer it, but Azul would not have let that stop him.
When the time came for the presentation to start, Vita accompanied Idia and Ortho to the venue and found a seat near to the front where she had a great view of the stage. She took out a pen and notebook and carefully noted down the information Idia offered. It was petty, but she felt herself swell with pride at the appreciative and admiring looks he received from the company representatives present there. They all murmured among themselves and nodded, their attention trained entirely on him. Glancing at him, Vita could see his tense posture - as well as the way his hands moved quickly across the keyboard. It seems that he decided to use a voice synthesizer after all, which she did not consider all that acceptable, but on this occasion she would hold her tongue. It was surprising enough that he would show up in person, so scolding him over it would not be a good idea at all.
The Q&A session went exceedingly well too, with many seizing the opportunity to ask about the details and mechanics of his research. Questions which Idia all answered proficiently and competently. Even the Headmistress of her academy had been present and from merely glancing at her expression, Vita could tell she was pleased. Indeed, it seemed that Idia had made quite the impression with his work. People were talking among themselves at the end of the session, and Vita couldn’t help but overhear their chatter and praises aimed at her husband. She joined a few of the conversations, aristocratic upbringing being rather helpful in such situations as she laughed and smiled and offered witty remarks and good points when it was appropriate and stood in silence at other times, letting these influential people praise the accomplishments of the Shroud heir. Who was of course nowhere to be seen.
Vita observed the room carefully and when she deduced that indeed Idia had disappeared without a word she calmly excused herself and left the venue as well. She had expected this much from him, if she were to be honest, so it did not bother her so much to make this change in plans. She was anything but inflexible when it came to him, after all. Walking through the NRC campus she headed towards a quite familiar location. It was in fact the one place she knew almost as well as the back of her hand mainly because it was where she spent most of her time when visiting the school. She was quite thankful for the transportation mirrors that acted as gateways to the dorms simply because using them was quite easier than the system in place at WNA. Though it also meant that it would be quite easy for anybody to sneak in, without much of a fuss.
The door to Idia’s room was closed, just as she thought, though with a mere flick of the wrist and a little spell it flew open to make a grand entrance. Her husband jumped in his chair as he turned around to look at her smiling face. Grimacing slightly he turned back to his computer and resumed typing what seemed to be some commands for a code Vita could not recognize.
Vita: You left quite swiftly, husband.
Idia: You know I don’t care for this crap anyway…
Vita: Hm, indeed. Yet I had hoped we could take a walk around campus.
Idia: Huh? What for?
Vita: ‘Tis romantic, husband. Lovers in the night, cloaked by the treacherous dark, always one step away from death and reminded of their mortality… Ah, I shiver at the mere notion of it~
Idia watched almost in amazement as her body did indeed shiver at that moment, and a wide smirk covered her face. She leaned against the desk he was working on and Idia was flustered by the sudden proximity.
Idia: NRC isn’t that kind of place, you know…
Vita: Yes, quite unfortunate.
Idia: Only you would say that.
Vita: Then shall we?
Idia: Shall we what?
Vita: Join together in eternity~
Idia: Haaa, not today, I’m pretty busy.
Vita: How cruel~
He sighed again, but his expression was amused. It set Vita at ease to see him in a slightly better mood. Her husband’s penchant for melancholy was quite worrisome at times so she desires if nothing else that he should at least be comfortable enough in her presence to relax. She watched him fondly as he resumed typing away, still somewhat distracted by how close her body was to him.
Vita: You were wonderful today.
Idia: Hehehehe, this sort of stuff is child’s play since I’m a genius.
Vita: I am supremely proud of you, husband.
His hands froze above the keyboard and he slowly turned pink. Glancing away in embarrassment, he grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck.
Idia: Haaa, you’re on that again?
Vita: Should I not be? Does my husband not deserve praise for all his effort? Perhaps even a kiss as a reward, hm?
Idia: How can you even say stuff like that with a straight face? SSR characters sure are something else…
Vita: ‘Tis merely how I feel~
She looked around the messy room, clothes and books thrown all around, half-filled bottles of water and empty cans of energy drinks placed in random spots and bed unmade - it was as pitiful as she always remembered it, but something was missing.
Vita: Husband.
Idia gave a distracted hum eyes still glued to the screen.
Vita: I cannot catch a single glimpse of little Ortho. Has he not returned with you?
Idia: Ah, that… He went to check out the booths.
Vita: And you did not accompany him?
Idia scoffed at this.
Idia: And waste my time with whatever some high schoolers have cropped up?
Vita: Or rather spend some time with the child.
There was a tense silence between them, neither daring to remark on her word choice though it was quite obvious what she was getting at.
Idia: Ah, I doubt he would have had much fun if I came along anyway.
Vita: Hm? Did you perhaps have a fight?
Idia: So you figured it out?
Vita: I know you quite well, husband.
She picked up one of the coffee cans sitting on the desk behind her and chucked it away in the trash with a flick of her wrist.
Idia: It wasn’t that big a deal anyway. Just ‘cause some big corps sent me a few offers, suddenly I need to reschedule my entire life... It’s too much of a hassle.
Vita: So you plan not to take them? Are you this much of a fool?
Idia withered slightly under her harsh, cool gaze. She was still not facing him directly, but even so he could sense the disapproving sentiment she was projecting. It always managed to intimidate and annoy him ever since they were children.
Idia: There’s no point in doing that, since it’s not like I can even go anywhere…
He mumbled the last part, but her ears still caught it. Turning to him fully, she crossed her arms and for the first time a slightly irritated expression came on her face.
Vita: So you plan to run away with your tail between your legs like a coward?
Idia: …
Vita: Is there no pride lurking inside you at all? Are you a mollusk with no will of your own?
Idia: …
Vita: You cannot possibly think of not taking at least one of those offers. That would be madness, husband.
Idia: …
Vita: Do you plan on saying anything? Or are you to stay silent until some boldness springs in you at last?
Idia: …
Vita: ‘Tis truly a shame you cannot call upon the same impulsive foolhardiness as you did that time-
Idia stood up with such ferocity that his chair toppled backwards, a snarl on his face and hair turning crimson. He towered over her slightly, but Vita did not move a single inch as her face betrayed no fear or surprise.
Idia: That’s rich coming from someone like you!
Vita: … What are you implying, my dear husband?
Idia: Tsk. You’re acting like you’re above all this, but you’re just as much of a mollusk too, aren’t you? That’s why you get pissed every time I tell you I’d rather not get involved in stuff like that, because you’re projecting your issues on me. Using other people to correct your own negligence… Please spare me of all that crap.
Vita: Hmph. To think you only get this fired up when it comes to such things.
Idia: And there it is! That “I’m better than everybody else and you’re all just worms beneath my feet” attitude of yours! Do you even know how much you sound like a brat when you talk like that? Aaah, it’s really frightening how oblivious you are to it, and yet go around happily criticizing others. Don’t you think it’s time you grew up too, huh?
Vita: Your agitation is pointless, husband. You must realize that I am indeed right in this matter.
Idia: Uuuuugh, there it is again! Talking with you is so frustrating at times like this! Why are you even asking me stuff if you will just do what you want?
Vita: If you are to make such disastrous choices, I wish to understand why. Or is that not allowed anymore?
Idia: You’ve got a funny way of asking for explanations!
Vita: You have yet to offer any, husband.
Idia let out a frustrated yell. His hair flared up higher than before, a deep, brilliant red that emanated a wave of heat around them. He grit his teeth, but did not say anything, and just turned around, picked up the fallen chair and set it in front of the desk. He exhaled harshly through his nose and tried counting to ten to calm down for a bit. When he got to four he heard Vita scoff, and suddenly all his rage returned tenfold.
Idia: … What the hell was that?
Vita: Hm, and here I thought you did not desire for me to criticize you any longer.
Idia: ...You’re impossible.
Vita: I am merely concerned for you-
Idia: Then why would you show it like this?!
Vita: Coddling you will only do you a disservice.
Idia: Haaaaa? Since when did I ask for that? Don’t just go assuming things on your own!
Vita: …
Idia: And since when was being understanding towards somebody coddling?!
Vita: Hmph, you say this as if I am not aware of your tendency to lose yourself in your games and cheap entertainment.
Idia: And you’re not the same with your research?!  
Vita: Those are different matters, as you are aware of, husband.  
Idia: Stop presuming things already! It’s getting on my nerves!
Vita: Then tell me, my dear husband.
Idia: Tell you what? Don’t you already know everything there is to know?
Vita: Do not be petulant. It does not suit you.
Idia scoffed and turned towards the desk. Throwing himself in his chair, he put on his headphones and resumed typing on the code. Vita watched him for a while, before reaching over and pulling them off.
Vita: Husband.
Idia: If you just want to nag me again, save your breath. Unlike you, I have a lot of work to do.
Vita: Hm, is that so?
Idia: Yeah.
Vita: And I am to be gallivanting around then?
Idia: Do whatever you want. You always do just that.
She was silent for a while, watching him with an expression he couldn’t truly make out entirely, but which unnerved him all the same. Then she spoke again.
Vita: Husband.
Idia: What?
Vita: Tell me this: Are you cowering away in your room from fear of others? Is that not what prevents you from joining that child tonight?
Idia: Stop calling him that!
Vita: Is that not what he is? Regardless, is that not what is happening? Is that not what is preventing you from accepting those offers?
Idia: You’re still on about those things?
Vita: I am loath to watch you waste away your genius like that, husband, when I know you can be greater than those maggots.
Idia: You’re projecting again.
Vita: … Is that so?
Idia: Just because your research isn’t going well, doesn’t mean you have to hound me about mine. If you’re unhappy with it just switch to something easier.
Vita: You know well that is not possible.
Idia: Haaaaaaa?!
The unplaceable tone in her voice sent him into a frenzy as he struggled not to grit his teeth.
Idia: It’s a subject you knew damn well had no finite prospects, and would bear little significance afterwards too! Nobody was asking you to do it! You picked it out on your own, didn’t you? So what’s that “it’s not possible” crap, huh?!
Vita: …
Idia: It’s just about your pride, isn’t it?! So don’t act so high and mighty! And don’t go lecturing people about being cowards or running away when you are doing nothing but chasing relics of a cult that’s well past any semblance of historical interest or even academic integrity just because you-
Vita: Enough.
Silence overtook the room in the next moment. The force with which Vita spoke surprised Idia to the point that his throat suddenly felt very dry. He wasn’t sure for long they had been arguing, or even what he said during it all, but he realized as he watched Vita’s hard and distant gaze that he went too far. He came too close to something far too intimate for either of their comfort and now Pandora's box was open. He waited to see how she’ll react, if she would get angry, or even scream at him - but deep down he knew none of that would happen. Vita exercised such control over herself that her face never betrayed anything she did not want to show. Though he had caught a glance of it before - the quiet rage that simmered inside her sometimes. He wondered, anxiously, if that was what was preventing her from speaking further.
After what seemed years, she opened her mouth.
Vita: I will be returning to the Dies manor for a while.
Of all the things he thought she might say, this was certainly the one he did not expect.
Idia: Huh? What?
Vita: Mother has called for me.
Idia: … And you’re just gonna go back there?
Vita: Indeed.
He stood up and reached out for her, but she pulled away.
Idia: Vit-
Vita: I merely sought to inform you. ‘Tis be all.
Idia: Wait-    
Vita: As you know quite well, the signal there is rather weak, so we will not be able to communicate too well.
Idia: That’s-
Vita: And as always, Mother heavily discourages visits.
Idia: Vita! About our fight just now, it is because-
Vita: Husband.
She was heading towards the door, expression blank and sure-footed, while he stood rooted to the spot. Turning around she looked over at him with neither mirth or amusement.
Vita: I have merely come here to inform you of this. I did not mean to disturb you.
Idia: Yo-You didn’t… uh, listen… about all this-
Vita: I have overstepped my boundaries. For that I must apologize. And I have had enough of this situation.
He froze. She had enough of this situation? The fight? But that was over already, wasn’t it? Then what could she mean? What was she done with? He gulped as another set of questions suddenly sprung to mind. Was it him? Was she done with him?
Vita: ‘Tis become bothersome, so I will ask you not to bring it up any further this evening.
He nodded dumbly, as he watched her reach out for the door handle. He wasn’t sure what he should be feeling at that moment, but he was not even able to utter a single word as he watched her open the door, and throw him a last glance backwards.
Vita: ‘Tis not necessary for you to accompany me. I am familiar with the way. Farewell.
And just like that, she left him alone in the room, with a million thoughts rushing through his head as he felt a certain feeling of dread slowly creep upon him. Thinking about what just happened was too much to handle - Was it over? Were they really done? Just like that? - so instead Idia merely turned back to his desk and almost roboticaly sat down in his chair. On the screen before him a series of numbers appeared and with slightly shaking fingers he closed the window, and reached out for his console nearby. Leaning back he threw himself in his game, concentrating on the images on screen and trying desperately to push away the events from before out of his mind. The soundtrack playing in the background was the only thing that could be heard in the room.
When she finally reached the Mirror Chamber again, Vita took a glance in the reflective surface and frowned. A strand of hair was out of place and her ribbon was slightly undone. That would not stand. She straightened her back, slightly combed her hair and adjusted her ribbon so that all looked perfect again. When she was satisfied with her grooming she smiled. She was once again in perfect control of herself and that’s all that mattered. She couldn’t allow herself to be seen as anything less after all, since she was still the esteemed heiress of the Dies family.
Fragments of her argument with Idia threatened to play again in her mind, but she simply pushed them away. She did not have time to worry about such matters now. She’d deal with them later. The letter in her pouch weighed heavy and she thought over the contents again as she made her way through the festival grounds, looking for Agatha, who she promised to meet up with afterwards.
The letter from her mother arrived, as it always did, on the third day of the last week of the month. It was short and succinct and it let her know that her grandfather had fallen ill to bed quite recently and prospects of his recovery did not look good. Though she felt herself grow antsy with anxiety as she went through it, not a shred of that showed on her face as the Kriegsklad Prefect, Marcia, who worked part-time for the school Post Office had been still there trying to make light conversation with her. She was in the middle of her usual sponsorship spiel when Vita declined her with a smile and turned away, walking off with a light step. Back in her room she went over the contents of it later again, with Larna laying across her legs, as it slowly dawned on her what the purpose of the letter was. The news of her grandfather’s health was grave indeed, but Vita recognized in her mother’s writing style a certain feeling of urgency and fatality - there were high chances he was not going to make it. This in itself did not bother Vita overly much - to any proper Dies, death was merely a part of existence, not a notion one ought to concern itself with all that often. But it was the issue of what would happen afterwards that mattered. Vita was perfectly aware that if her grandfather was to pass on, her mother would forgo the traditional Dies funeral in favour of a simple cremation. The notion filled her with dread. Her grandfather was the last practitioner of their family arts besides her. To be given anything but their proper death rites would cause him more grief than anything else in the world. Vita was aware of this. And so was her mother, but she didn’t care much for that.
Taking all this into account, Vita realized that the letter was sending one single message in fact: If her grandfather is to die and Vita is not around to take care of the family rites, he’ll be cremated as the rest of them. Just like her father. It was clear that her presence home was required immediately, so she set off to prepare for that. She had decided to inform Idia of her absence as well, since as her husband he had a right to know of such things, but she held off telling him the reason behind it all. It was not a matter he had to concern himself with after all. Vita alone was enough to handle it all, without burdening him with it at all. This fight they had was regrettable, but she would have to overlook it for the time being. Things will go back to normal when she returns home. She was certain of that.
Nevertheless, as she made her way through the grounds and met up with Agatha, she felt a certain shadow of rage slip in and out as they toured the place. The guilt of their fight, and the anger towards her mother were mixing together in a chaotic assemblage of emotions that threatened to spill out at any moment. But she held herself together, as always, and entertained her beloved little sister, collected her unruly girls and fulfilled her duty as a Prefect just as always. On the way back Agatha asked her if they could spend the next day together at the festival and Vita felt quite wretched to turn her down, but she would have to leave tonight since there was little time to spare.
Having gone back to the dorm, she collected her things, informed the domovoy of her absence, took Larna with her - whose excitement was boundless as he continued to ask about Father endlessly on the way to the Dies mansion and gotten rather downtrodden when Vita would not reveal all that much, so he just curled up on her lap, sensing perhaps her mood - and by the time clock struck twelve she was already on the threshold of her childhood home, where her mother waited for her with the same strict and unrelenting expression that Vita had grown accustomed to. They exchanged greetings, formally and coldly, and the ghouls working about took her bags from her and carried them upstairs.
Stepping further inside, Vita could hear as her mother closed the door behind her with a sharp thud.
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