#What Is Cat in the Chrysalis Spoiler
techprodata · 8 months
What Is Cat in the Chrysalis Spoiler?
Cat in the chrysalis spoiler offers a mesmerizing narrative that navigates the complications of life, love, and metamorphosis with a nimble twist. The story’s heart revolves around the mysterious Cat, serving as a conceit for the mortal experience. The chrysalis becomes a emblematic cocoon, recapitulating colorful life stages, where characters suffer physical and emotional metamorphoses. This…
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cursedcola · 2 years
Plot: Read to find out :) Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al' Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, and Malleus Draconia + special platonic guest Warnings: Mentions of depressive themes and anxiety. Spoilers for TW main story. A/N: This is a doosy. I hope you like it. It might be one of my favorite works to date.
Difficult to notice, yet deadly if ignored. The smudge of black on Grim's magestone went unnoticed by many as the days at Night Raven College passed. Each as chaotic and entertaining to Grim as the last. Over time the spot grew. A dot turned into a speck, and the speck soon turned into a splotch. Which then became a streak, and finally a stain that screamed "Look at me! Notice Me! I am here!". It remained unseen, until an eerie sensation overtook our feline friend. One that sparked panic as his ability to cast magic dwindled - as if whatever was maintaining the stone was on the cusp of breaking.
By then it was too late.
Grim had no time to panic or think about what caused his magestone to sour. Neither did the Ramshackle prefect or any other student at Night Raven College.
Funny enough. The stress of yet another possible overblot occurring was enough for the last inch of purple to be overcome by darkness. Grim ran away from his friends in a panicked frenzy, afraid that they'll be hurt and scared for what pain he would feel. Arms yanked the school's magicless tactician out of harm's way - the prefect had solved many cases and would do so successfully again. They would save him.
Tension tight enough to suffocate hung in the air as students either prepared for battle or fled. All eyes watching Grim as he desperately tried to shake the blot out of his stone; yet, he never turned. No monster bleeding black ooze was in sight. Just a trembling cat.
Mass confusion overtook all as they looked between each other for answers.
"Looking for me?"
A monotone voice echoed from beyond the barricade of students. A voice many spoke to on a daily basis that normally sang with snarky quips and lovable anecdotes. Students barreled away from its direction as black ooze overtook the ground beneath them.
Screams fell to deaf ears as the the overblot manifestation crawled up their legs and encased those fleeing in a midnight chrysalis. Any who tried to fight received the same fate. It toyed with them mercilessly until they resigned themselves to their insignificance.
"Please stop running. It makes this much more difficult on me...but then again, when did that ever matter?"
Compared to other overblots, the prefect held no shadow. No presence. They stood idle - like a husk - as the blot wreaked havoc in their place. Lifeless eyes scoured a crowd of pleas and cries with no signs of feeling or mercy. Like they were a puppet.
Their eyes met his, and momentarily the darkness ceased its spread. As some students took the chance to run in the distance - they reach out a hand. His name stutters from their lips as a pitch-black tear fell to the floor.
He gasps when you say his name. For a moment Riddle is caught off guard, and it's enough time for the ooze to begin crawling up his calf. His own magestone suffered greatly from trying to keep the dark magic at bay while aiding nearby students in their escape.
It's light flickers in his hand as he tries desperately to cast another warding spell. Alas, it was out of mana.
And Riddle is out of time.
He thought of his own overblot on occasion. Some parts were foggy, and others he could remember vividly enough to believe he was still there. Trapped in his own self-loathing. Scared. Angry. Vengeful.
Then there was you. Strong. Independent. Respected. You had merely been at his school for a few weeks and somehow managed to take charge of situations he could not begin to fathom. You saved him when he did not know he needed to be saved. Riddle envied it at the time. Wanted the ability to guide others and still be loved by them - like you.
At some point he no longer wanted to become you. He wanted to be with you. He was proud of your intelligence and always made sure you were aware that it was superior to many he knew.
He wonders what you are feeling. If you are aware like he was, or if you are in a slumber like the students you have captured. At least, he hopes that is what happened to them and you have not done any 'permanent' harm.
Riddle stops struggling when the ooze reaches his waist. He needs a new approach...your approach.
"MC...MC can you hear me?! You need to fight it! There is no logic in mass hysteria!," he screams above the chaos with clenched fists. Your eyes meet once again and Riddle sighs in relief. He may have a chance -
"I am not logical," you say calmly, and return to watching the chaos, "and I never want to be,"
The ooze stretches over his arms and in the distance he sees the remnants of his dorm succumb to the blot. His frustration overpowers his fleeting confusion at your words. Now red contrasts to black, as his face burns in anger.
"Clearly so! If you're going to behave so childishly!"
"Maybe. It will be over soon. Logic is unnecessary when there is nothing,"
"What's wrong with you?! Suddenly doing all this - what example are you setting for other students? You were a role-model to - "
"None. I was a role-model to none," the ooze halts abruptly at the top of Riddles neck and he strains his head away from it. You glare at him with clenched teeth, "I did not ask for their expectations. Since I cannot escape them or this place...I will be rid of them permanently,"
Your hands fly to fist at your head and your breaths become ragged. Riddle found the land mine he was looking for...and he greatly disliked the familiarity.
"Expectations are given to people worthy. You may not agree, but it is the truth. Every expectation you receive is determined by a bar that you have put into place. You are in control MC. You have always been in control," Riddle releases a breath as the ooze begins to recede to his shoulders.
You go quiet, and gaze down at the ink staining your hands in terror, "I failed everyone. I failed you," you cry, "I'm so so sorry,"
The ink recedes to Riddle's feet and he sprints to your side. He kneels and takes your hands in his. Around you, students escape as the blot begins to fade away.
"If anyone needs to apologize...it is I. Let it be known that I expect nothing of you other than your happiness. Even then, it is and always will be your choice..."
Leona tenses in place and his ears twitch. His guard is still on high alert, but his heart thrums in his chest at record breaking pace. For a brief moment, he heard your voice. Not the distorted mutilation coming from the blot...but your voice.
Weak. Fragile. Suffering.
His legs act alongside his head and Leona dodges the spike of ooze aimed for his wrist. His quick reflexes protect him from becoming trapped in whatever cocoon you were encasing other students in.
His first instinct is to use King's Roar...but doing so would hurt you in the process. There's no doubt in his mind that it's why you called for him. That...and one other reason. He knows you can handle it. You're strong. He's pointed out your admirable strength for a human on many occasions. From nearly fist-fighting a groom-seeking ghost, keeping up with his spell drive practices, lugging him across campus, to even outrunning the leech twins every other hour - your ability to take a hit was well known.
Even now. Leona did not predict that you could overblot, but your form does not surprise him in the slightest. If anyone was to reek with such raw power, it would be the one person on campus surviving through pure grit. Leona may have underestimated you in the beginning, but he knows better now.
"If you don't stop then I have no choice but to fight you! Is that what you want?! Because I don’t hold back. Not for you - not for anyone,” he threatens, yet it reaches no one. You don’t spare Leona a glace when he aims his wand at you, “Never thought you’d fall like this, prefect. Tsk. What a disappointment,”
Leona shoots a burst of magical energy your way, but it meets a wall of ooze. It molds around you in a protective barrier, blocking any attack and keeping others at a distance.
Brute force would not work. Yet it was all Leona could do in a situation with no tactical edge. No insult or snarky joke rewarded him with a response. You were merely toying with him - and it made him simmer in rage. As his mana quickly depletes, he begins to believe that ‘saving’ you is a lost cause.
“There was nowhere to ‘fall’ from. Gravity holds us in our place. You of all people should know this, Leona,” you lift an arm, and suddenly he’s pinned down and kneeling on the ground.
“The hell are you talking about?! You’ve gone insane - look at this place,”
“It’s not fun to live in denial Leona. Aren’t you tired of fighting a 'lost cause'? I know that I am…”
You approach and kneel down in front of him at eye level. A macabre underlaying in your movements as you sway in the sea of black - and it clicks.
Leona found his edge…and it burns. His stomach lurches knowing what he has to do. With all his strength he pulls his remaining mana to rip his arms from the ooze and grab your shoulders. Tightly. His claws dig into your skin and draw crimson.
“I will never give up,” he grits, “but I can reevaluate. I might not be first born but I’ll be damned if that stops me from getting what I want…and I was right to peg you an idiot if you're thinking otherwise,”
Your eyes narrow at his words, and suddenly every ounce of darkness in the area is pointed like sharp needles at Leona.
“Too bad you’ll die before-“
“Sure, like you have the gull to kill me? You haven’t given up either,” Leona speaks out confidently, “stronger than I am. You would never kill someone for personal gain…and you know it. Why else have you come this far, huh? To play mage? No, you’re doing it to live so quit throwing a fucking tantrum and grow up. Whatever it is that you want to do…,” he stands abruptly and you quickly pull the needles away - proving his point and he smirks.
“I’ll help you to do it, alright. So let everything go and only look my way,”
And you do. Leona catches you just as your consciousness gives out and all the miasma from the area slowly fades away. Not a scratch or sign of distress in sight….as if everything was a bad dream that NRC just awoke from. Leona picks you up and escapes the area quickly. Health now, theorizing after.
A shiver snakes down Azul's spine. Your voice hangs still in the air - clouding his mind and his eyes sting as he forgets to blink. He never pictured you begging. Not like the poor unfortunate souls he would ensnare with his contracts. Azul has heard you yell, he's seen you jump when startled and seen the color drain from your face when being scolded.
Yet, never desperate. Never terrified.
He doesn't know what to do. His magic is useless. Azul is useless...in the face of this. You.
Even now. He finds you astonishing. The way you stand tall in a sea of black. He only sees you from behind yet even that feels like a forbidden pleasure. The miasma radiates from you like ocean waves on a calm evening. Your movements are fluid as you fall in sync with their flow and to Azul it's like you are dancing. Like an angelfish in the depths of the sea...you call to him.
Something cold and slimy wraps around his wrist in Azul's moment of weakness. It yanks him down and he's nearly dragged into a cocoon of black - almost. Luckily Professor Vargas is stronger. He grabs Azul by the shoulder and rips him out of the trap before demolishing it. Vargas' expression is steel as the blot retreats towards it's source...
You are reaching out in Azul's direction one moment, and in the next Vargas is standing protectively in front of him - blocking you from sight.
His professor yells, "Enough MC, fight me head on! I will protect these students with my-" and is blasted away before Azul can offer assistance. Just as he began to comprehend the situation...you overtook him once again.
A gust of air whips by and he squints. When his eyes open, you're a hairs length away from Azul's face - one move and your noses will touch.
Your hollow gaze bores into him, "Even in chaos, you won't look me in the eye. Your attention is always elsewhere," and his heart shudders.
He speaks without thinking, "My attention is never not on you," and he's completely forgotten about his likely injured teacher.
"Truths," he breaths, "Even now. You are all I see," and he means it.
"You only look because I am now worthwhile," one of your hands slides up his shoulder and wraps around his bowtie, "I now have power to offer you. Would you like to make a contract?"
What was happening to him? Why...were the things he couldn't say days before slipping from his lips like butter.
His heart pounds at the offer. The power of an overblot at the reach of his fingertips...it's never been done before. If successful it would open doorways of new magical discoveries. Everyone would envy him-
and yet
'Azul,' your plea from earlier surfaces in his memory.
An offer has never disgusted him more. He cannot resist gagging at the thought..."Not on my life," he spits out in a haste.
You give no reaction to his distaste - or so he would think, if thick blot did not begin to curl between your bodies. Azul ignores the way it grips his clothes and steels himself.
"You do not need a contract to have me. You have always been - and will continue to be - my strength," he reaches to gently grab the hand around his neck, "this form is but a piece of you, yet I still cannot look away. You are everything,"
Insecurity. He doesn't know what could breed such a painful emotion in you - but from the way the world crumbles he must have assumed correctly.
You look away as the air begins to clear, and crystal tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Azul lifts his hands to your cheeks and brushes them away with his thumbs.
Quick on his feet, Kalim summons Oasis Maker to flush out some of the toxic mist spreading across the area. He falls into action like clockwork, guiding students out of the area and serving as a distraction until higher mages arrive. He is positive that the situation will be handled - except now you are not there to solve it.
Which isn't your fault. None of this is.
If anything, it's Kalim's fault. Which means he needs to work extra hard so that you don't blame yourself for anything. Which he knows you will do.
Because you're honest.
Which is something many people say about Kalim himself - they call it his fault. His 'defect'.
They're half-right. Kalim's honesty is not the same as yours. He chooses positivity and openness. You? It comes naturally. In ways that don't require a smile and energetic outlook on life. You are someone Kalim never has to second guess with - and that is a gift.
Your honesty is what Kalim loves the most about you. Your blunt nature and ability to stick with your gut. It is one of your biggest strengths...and he does not want you to lose it.
The way you called for him - knowing. You knew this overblot was coming yet said nothing. There was nothing that could have been done to stop it. Whatever you have buried beneath the surface - Kalim understands.
This image of you. This 'blemish'. It is your honesty. It’s your grimace every time someone comments on your “fortune” for getting free enrollment. It’s your relief when a harsh exam is over with, or when you lay in bed after a long day. Your excitement when Kalim takes you on a particularly adventurous ride on his flying carpet…your despair, when someone you care about is in trouble. It’s all of that wrapped in a bundle and put on display for everyone to see.
Kalim is scared. Not of you - but for you, because this emotionless monster wreaking havoc is what you perceive yourself as.
He feels guilty for not looking your way more than once. For leaving you to needlessly fight with the people you care about…but as the last student flees to safety he feels relief.
As he turns to face you with a grin - he feels happiness.
“Go on. Everyone’s gone now MC! Let it out!”
You turn away from fighting with your close friends. Ace and Deuce are weathered to dust and collapse on the floor. Rain still pours from Kalim’s signature spell and it mixes with the black miasma in puddles on the ground.
The two boys shout for Kalim to run - that you won’t see reason. He laughs and tells them not to worry before running towards you.
“Everyone’s safe now…you don’t have to worry anymore,” he says, and takes off his cardigan to lay over your shoulders. He adjusts it with a gentle smile and lifts his hand to wipe off a smear of ink from your cheek, “I hope you don’t catch a cold. I’ll take care of you, but I bet that wouldn’t be fun for you,”
“I was not worried,” you say, unblinking as he continues to fiddle with your garments, “the cold is irrelevant. As are you - flee you yellow pest,”
“Yes, you were,”
You slightly narrow your eyebrows at him, “and what makes you so certain?”
Your hand extends to the side at that moment, and ink lifts to encase the exhausted first years up to their necks, “would you like to join them?”
Kalim clutches the jacket tighter and ignores the panicked yapping of his friends.
“If that would make you happy, then sure! Take me! Just let them go…I don’t want you to be upset over this later,”
“And what makes you sure that there’s going to be a ‘later’?” You ask.
“Well…,” Kalim looks at his friends over your shoulder and then back to you, “because you know it too. Otherwise I’d be gone right now and so would everyone else. Deep down you’re getting ready to let go! And when you do we’ll all be ready to help you,”
Kalim pulls you into a tight hug. His arms wound over your shoulders and shield you from the rain above. A moment passes, and he feels your arms reach up around his back. Not once during the entire encounter did the ooze attack him. Even in a slumber of darkness you still held onto yourself. Just like Kalim knew you would.
“You really are a naïve idiot,” your voice - now full of sorrow - whispers in is ear, “I could have killed you,”
He hugs you tighter, “you could have, and I probably would have let you haha. Next time let’s talk - I’ll always be here for you,”
“I know. You always are,”
An explosion of grime blackens his uniform in a matter of seconds. It covers Vil from head to toe - soaking his hair, dampening his cape, and filling his boots. As students slip across the floor in an attempt to flee, Vil is halted in place by the sickening feeling of filth overtaking him.
Ever calm in the face of chaos, he pulls out a handkerchief to clean himself. The scene before him utterly dull and disinteresting.
"I expected more. Is this all that results from your spite?...honestly, prefect. At least put in some effort beyond this putrid slime,"
And he has you in his clutches. As he tosses the handkerchief over his shoulder, your head snaps robotically in his direction.
He eyes rake over you callously. Nit picking every little 'imperfection', from the bags underneath your eyes to the veins bulging out of your neck from strain. Vil's heels click against the ground as he approaches. Magic trickles from his fingertips and pushes away the barrier of blot that you've created. Effortlessly, he passes through it all.
At your feet kneels a new freshman from his dorm. A young man eyes him with a mix of fear and relief. Vil notes his shredded uniform and eyes bloodshot from crying - likely from begging for mercy.
He lifts his chin at the lad, "Run or fight. Pick now, Pomefiore students do not grovel," and the boy wastes no time escaping with a strained 'thank you'.
"He was not yours to free," your voice echoes. Airy and meaningless to Vil's ears and he watches as ooze captures the boy in a cocoon before he makes it ten paces away.
"It's hypocritical," Vil chuckles, "that you trap them like insects...or is it a metaphor? Do you feel caged, prefect?"
Vil raises a singular eyebrow, taunting you to respond. You do not, yet he expected such due to this 'artificial' state you've taken on.
"Of course you do. I certainly would...although I thought you more determined than resorting to an overblot's power to free yourself,"
Around Vil more people fall prey to your traps. Neither brute force or trickery allows them to leave the miasma's boarder, and he cannot help but feel a smidge of awe at the sight. To bottle the essence into a potion...it would be marvelous. The miracle of a magicless producing an overblot is astounding on it's own, yet the entire scenario is remarkable.
You are remarkable.
Arrows soar and he watches as Rook falls. The hunter turned prey - Rook becomes a bird locked away in a cage. Epel is not far behind him. A string of uncouth curses leaving the boy's lips when he looses his footing to the darkness.
Vil tuts, "If only I could make Epel submit so easily during mannerism lessons...perhaps I can learn from you yet MC,"
"Will you ever cease speaking?"
"First, rude," he sighs, "second, why not force me? People in an overblot state normally do not entertain chatter...what makes you special?"
You eye him, "I don't need to immobilize what's already broken," and he smirks. Of course you would say that of all things. Vil knows you better than you know yourself...he's observed up close and at a distance. Vil knows that you have doubts in him, in the school, in your friends, and in yourself the most.
but you cut no corners. Your dedication to being the 'perfect prefect' is something often admired...to where even your overblotted form is unconsciously maintaining it. Had you not kidnapped half the school in goo prison - none likely would notice an overblot walked the halls.
Until you spoke, at least. This gravelly undertone does not suit you...or does it?
"You may be correct," Vil raises a hand to his chin and pretends to think, "but you are not broken MC. Merely misguided. Your sheer determination has given you the strength to persevere, and I was convinced that it would be enough. I thought you and I to be similar,"
He reaches out and lays a steady hand on your shoulder. You look up at him through your eyelashes, and he takes it as a sign to reach down and hold your hand. His delicate fingers intertwine with yours.
"I was wrong. You are capable of more than brute force - so cage me. Otherwise you will have to hear my ramblings for all eternity. You won't, because you are more determined than I was to break through this spell...but go on and try. You have my cooperation,"
Your hand tightens around Vil's and for the first time since coming to your side - emotion is clear on your face.
Thick tears stream down your cheeks and Vil breaths out in relief.
"You're right...ugh, why are you always right ya pompous asshole," you say and bring his fingers to your forehead. A faint blush dusts Vil's cheeks and he smiles.
"I am the fairest, after all. My voice was bound to reach you eventually, my dear"
Oh no. Nononononon this can’t be happening. Not them. Anyone but them.
Great seven. He must have misheard amongst the screams or the reception in his dorm must have bugged out.
Whichever it is, Idia panics and yanks his earphones off of his head. Multiple monitors within his room show the catastrophe playing out from different angles. At the center is his main screen, which is black despite the video signal still being active. The moment his name left your lips a harpoon of blot shot at his tablet . Then there was nothing.
What the hell just happened? Idia thinks, a cold sweat dripping down his spine. His hair flares an anxious orange as he chews on his nails. The last thing he saw before dark was your face - void of expression yet morphed in pain. Then there was Ortho. His beloved little brother was trying to reach his tablet before everything snapped.
“Ah! What is this - the final boss?! Some kind of plot twist?! We think it’s all over just for a normie to blot? This is ridiculous-“
Despite the dark - Idia can hear. Muffled rustling echoes from the headset on the floor as he paces back and forth in his room. He knew there was a reason he felt so energized when you were around! Ortho said it was because he was …eugh…feeling things - but you were practically smothering him with your blot.
To energize Idia of all people…it must be strong. How the hell is he supposed to save you from that? No way!
"Big brother…please! We….need you!….MC….needs you!" Ortho's voice fades in and out but Idia can hear him clear enough. He halts in his tracks and clutches his head from stress. In one hand, he could stay in his room and let someone else handle you. In the other, he could leave the safety of his bedroom like an absolute idiot and try something. Anything - and pray it works.
He grabs a pillow and screams various curses into it. His hair flairs up into blood red from frustration and angry tears prick his eyes.
Curse him for being a total coward. Courage…bravery…they were your traits - not his. You stopped so many others and saved them - even him! A worthless wimp. You found a way and now he gets to live happily with his brother.
And despite it Idia can’t bring himself to return the favor. Who asked you to help him in the first place anyway!? Now he has a debt and … ugh, no. That’s not it. This isn’t about a debt and never was.
“Please! You’re the only one,” Ortho yells again and Idia can hear the sound of a battle. He looks at the security cameras to see blot covering the main building and slowly inching it’s way outwards. Not to long and it would reach him anyways…
He grabs his wand along with his uniform jacket, slips on his boots, and finds another one of his tablets. What’s he going to do? - Idia has a plan but it’s definitely something you’d take to a lvl 10 raid with friends and not a lvl 100 boss.
His heart pounds in his chest as he reaches the blot boarder. It flocks to him and he grimaces in disgust before barreling through - flickering through cctv feed on his tablet and making sure Ortho can stave you off until he arrives.
Ortho does, but the moment Idia enters the scene his brother falters. He’s swallowed up by blot right at the last second and Idia has no time to be frightened. The campus had become a sea of black cocoons by the time he arrived…and amidst them all you stood in silence. As if you were waiting for the chosen challenger…
“M-MC? What are y-you doing?! E-everyone’s d-d-dead?!”
“Not dead. Sleeping. Soon I will join them…as will you, Idia,” you say, and one of the cocoons opens to reveal his broken tablet. Idia’s hands shake when he realizes that there is no one else left.
It was up to him to save you. To save everyone and himself.
You begin to walk towards him and Idia takes steps back as you approach.
“Are you afraid of me, Idia? Oh - who am I kidding…you always have been. Worry not. There is nothing to be scared of here,”
The words you speak would normally comfort him - perhaps even leave Idia flustered and feeling protected.
But they’re cold. They might come from your lips but they lack meaning behind them and he can’t hear your voice. The way you say Idia’s name makes him shriek and hold his wand defensively.
He lets out a shaky breath, “I might be too dysfunctional for many things - but I’ve never been bested by a normie. Give back my brother!”
Idia quickly casts a spell -- and it hits! He fully expected you to dodge or for something to deflect it - but you’re struck in the chest. He jumps when you're sent flying backwards and into a wall. A sickening crunch accompanies the impact
He hurt you, and the realization costs him to shake harder. The thought of you resenting him for it makes bile rise to his throat -
"Shit- are you okay?? What kinda villain doesn't dodge an attack?" he yells but keeps his distance.
You pick yourself up effortlessly, and he's almost relieved - if not for the blood dripping from your forehead.
You lift two fingers to the cut, "That was an unexpected development," and bring them down to admire black ichor, "yet not unwelcome"
"Tell me, does it feel good? All this blot must be an endless source of mana...why not fight me? You know you want to,"
Idia always believed you were crazy, but this? What the hell were you feeling to become so creepy? He takes a step back and eyes you warily.
Idia grits his teeth, "The hell is wrong with you? I can't believe that I'm saying this but we're not in a game, idiot! I almost killed you!"
"Isn't it though?," you chuckle dryly, "it must be, considering how dangerous this world is. You agree, don't you? That hiding away is what's best when this," you gesture to yourself, "is what you find outside"
You've backed Idia into a corner with his own outlook on life as the ammo. He's lost for words. Unable to disagree since you are right - life outside is difficult.
"I-if I meant that then I wouldn't be here, now would I?" he smirks.
Yet you know better, "Truly? Then where were you before? I recall a young boy calling for his brother -for a 'savior' - long before you arrived"
You smile at the word 'savior,' yet it does not reach your eyes. In an instant you're in front of him, and Idia drop his wand in shock.
"Tell me - do you believe that you can 'save' me?," your lips point to frown, "do I even want to be saved?"
He goes quiet. That was definitely a villain monologue if he ever heard one...and if you currently weren't skirting death then he would cringe.
"Likely not," he whispers, "you have never needed to be saved. Out of everyone here MC, you are definitely the most meta character in this 'game,'"
You look down at him disinterested. Neither in his words or in how -for once- he is staving off your insults before they throw him into self-deprecation mode.
Idia gestures to the scene surrounding you, "I mean - just look at this! You've decimated half the school! I'd be crazy to think that sappy words and playing half-baked hero could stop this..." he places down the tablet in surrender and reaches out a shaking hand to grab your ankle. Blot curls from your body to his arm and he bites into his cheek to avoid shirking away, "...but I had to try. Normally when something bad happens - I wait for Ortho to step in. You too, you're so fearless that it's laughable,"
He glares up at you, his hair singing the floor surrounding him, "but this version of you took him away - and I know the real you is scared shitless. I may be spineless, but I'm not blind. You're freaking out more than I am at this mess, and I'm going to drag you back to fix it. I do not have the capacity to handle the social aftermath of being in the 'last survivor' trope, so let me save you, "
He pulls you down on top of him and secures his arms tightly around you. Idia doesn't let go through your squirming and the blot trying to worm it's way through his hold.
He can't save you alone, but he can make you save yourself. The crappy he speech was embarrassing enough so just give in already! Stop struggling and quit being so self-sacrificial. Be selfish for once and let him do something.
He longer he holds you, the less you struggle. The blot coating the area begins to clear as your body begins to tremble just as much as Idia's. Students begin to free themselves and he keeps you in a tight hold - for safe measure! Until someone comes to take you to the nurse! Definitely not because he can sense that you're crying, and is now conscious of the people staring at you both. He definitely is not trying to hide beneath you.
All was silent. Malleus sat on the loveseat in his bedroom while reading a book to pass the time until nightfall. Then he would head over to Ramshackle dorm for his evening walk with his beloved. You would talk, and he would listen. The fireflies would light a path for you both to follow in the Forrest as he leads you by the hand. It is his favorite part of the day - these routine walks. Merely seeing your face brightens his mood, and having your attention solely on him is a kindness he does not deserve. He thanks whatever power that summoned you here every night before falling asleep.
The way you make idle chatter by asking about his day and take genuine interest in the mundane things he shares. Malleus' heart holds nothing but adoration for his caring sweetheart. He is attuned to every little movement, every mannerism and tick that sums you up.
Which is why his heart plummets and breath halts when your voice thrums in his ears. It was distant, but he would hear your call no matter how far.
What startles him most is the fear in your tone. You know well that he would allow no harm to befall you - ever. He has come to your aid countless times. During each you remain calm and ever the pacifist. Only asking him to support you in solving a problem.
This fear was new. He hadn't pondered it longer than a moment before Lilia burst into his bedroom.
"We have a problem. A big one," he says, with no trace of humor or playfulness in his voice.
Malleus all but throws the book at his bed and dashes out the door. With a poof, he vanishes.
Thunder and lightning echo across Night Raven College in his wake.
Malleus feels unsettled at the sight before him. He prepared for the worst - monsters, explosions, a psychopathic twink named after candy. He was ready to shield you from all evil and banish whatever made you to say his name in any tone other than bliss.
What was he to do, when faced with you? A corrupt, stomach-churning, inconceivably warped version of you...but still the person he cares for deeply? He cannot use force. That is for certain.
Then there is the matter of the students. In one corner a defenseless few cower together, as those braver stand guard to fight off figments of blot. He hears familiar voices in the distance - some cursing you and others pleading. They notice him and cry out in relief. That is a first - very few find his presence comforting.
"Malleus? How curious, that you'd join me before nightfall," you appear in front of him. Waves of miasma fly off you but it does not bother him in the slightest. As if he was infectious, the blot filters around him in waves to find its next victim.
His eyes visibly soften at what you've become, "MC...what should I do? How can I help you?"
"Help me? I am fine," you say, and he notes your dazed appearance. As if he was a figment of your imagination and you can see beyond him.
"No, you are not," he reaches out, "you are hurting. You would never dream of harming others. You are overcome by negative emotions,"
"I do not feel 'overcome' by anything. They are the ones who chose to run. I merely stopped them. If everyone would comply then I wouldn't have to hurt them," you slap his hand away and Malleus glowers, "they asked for this. You are as well, if you decide to oppose me,"
Retreating a few paces back, Malleus rethinks his approach. He cannot help you if you can't tell him what is wrong, but he cannot deduce what's wrong if you think he is 'opposing' you.
Malleus knows that he can end this with the snap of his fingers. It would save all of NRC's students, but in the process you could be hurt - and in his humble opinion, you have suffered enough. The mere memory of this incident will leave you in emotional pieces that he is more than willing to help collect. He cannot do the same for physical parts.
"I will not fight you," he says definitively, "but I will not leave you either. I promised to protect you and I do not go back on my word. Until the day you are willing to listen, I will wait for you,"
"and what if that day never comes to pass?"
"Then I will wait beyond forever. Until you give me a chance to repay the kindness you have shown me, and ensure nothing causes you pain ever again,"
Malleus is genuine despite the cries of his school mates and teachers. He has no doubts that you will see reason, be it within the next hour or in the next millennia. You will never be too far gone because he will be there to keep you within reach. He is willing to wait.
You clutch your hands at your sides, "Kindness? I have never been kind. Only desperate,"
Malleus steps forward and removes one of his gloves. He remains at a safe distance despite wanting to hold you in his arms. Instead, he repeats his earlier actions and holds out a hand.
"Desperation can take many forms. Anger, anxiety, impulsiveness, - but you have always acted in the interest of others. Even now, in this state, you believe your harmful actions are necessary to 'stop' people and admit not desiring to hurt them. You may not see it, but you are kind,"
You stare at his ungloved hand before laying your own on top of it. Normally your skin would be a welcome warmth against his reptilian temperature, but your touch is like ice. He lightly wraps his hand around yours, and steps forward to rest his chin on your head.
"I'm cruel,"
"No, you are caring,"
"I hate this place. I only help because I have to,"
"You dislike being trapped, yet cannot help but care for the people here,"
He lifts his hand behind your head, and pushes your face into the nape of his neck. The air begins to clear, and he smiles in relief.
"I might hurt you," you say softly, and clutch his sleeves.
"And I will forgive you,"
In your last sane moments, you call for your friend. The little cat that's been by your side since the very beginning. He was scared to become a monster...but Grim knew deep down that you would save him. You're his best friend! You always bail him out of trouble.
So what should he do? Tell him MC...what can Grim do to help you?
He's scared. You both may make up a team, but he's always been the troublemaker while you are the intelligent one! He might brag about a test or two - but he can't make a plan! That's your job!
The floor shakes under his paws, and he loses his footing. The black magestone slips from his claws and is lost to the crowd. There is no strength in this little body. He normally runs into your arms when it's time to run.
Hands grab him by the scruff of his neck and Grim's hoisted in the air. He struggles against your grip, but is forced to look at your face.
Do you know how many suitors he has had to scare off because of that face? You're beautiful - which pisses Grim off because people keep trying to sway his henchman away from him.
Do you know how tiring that is? Protecting you from jerks and wannabe's. You don't have any family here to help. He owes them that much since you are HALF of the reason that Grim gets to be a student.
You've always been naïve when it came to other people...too honest. Which Grim took advantage of from time to time - but only he can do so! You are his meal ticket after all!
Your grip on his neck is tight enough to prevent him from escaping, but it doesn't hurt. As you look on at the people trying to fight - some to escape like wimps and others to 'save' you - Grim gives up. If you're determined to destroy the school...well, he can't stop you. No one can. You always find a way to make things work in your favor and Grim secretly thanked the Great Seven that you were not his enemy. Until now, that is. Now he's cursing them out heavily in his head.
The students fighting. Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, - anyone and everyone who's become your friend. Some yell for you to let Grim go and others focus on trying to make you see reason all together. They can't get close.
If you weren't 'busy,' Grim knows that you'd be there with them. Being bossy as hell and taking charge. He wishes that he had that courage.
You finally move when everyone has fallen. With Grim still in your grasp, you walk across the sea of blot to admire your work. It's then that a glimmer catches Grim's eye, and your foot kicks the dropped magestone from before.
You reach down to pick it up - cautiously.
"Is this yours?" you say, and hold it up to him. Grim's eyes widen and he quickly snatches it in his paws.
Upon close inspection, he sees that he was mistaken before. In the far corner a sliver of purple stands out against the black stone. You could be saved.
Grim could stop this.
So he does what he does best, and clings to your side. His claws dig in to your waist and no matter how hard you pull he does not let go.
"It's my fault you're like this, right? I annoy ya and demand things all the time. I'll stop getting ya into trouble - I promise! I won't mess with your lovelife or steal your snacks anymore. I'll start studying for tests and help clean around the house! I'll even quit stealing your phone! Please just give me my friend back - "
Somewhere amidst his garbled sniveling - you stop pulling at him and instead begin to stroke his fur. His last resort resonated with the ounce of kindness that still remained. As you held Grim safely in your arms, the world shifted back to normal.
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scoopflash · 2 months
The Cat in the Chrysalis: An Unveiling Spoiler
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Ever heard of the cat in the chrysalis spoiler? It's a story that's got everyone buzzing, filled with mystery, transformation, and a sprinkle of magic. From the moment you dive into this tale, you're hooked, wondering what secrets lie within that delicate shell. So, what exactly is the cat in the chrysalis spoiler, and why is it so captivating?
The Unexpected Discovery
It all began on a foggy morning in a small, sleepy town. Emma, a curious young girl with an eye for the unusual, was exploring the woods behind her house. She stumbled upon a chrysalis that seemed larger than usual, almost as if it was hiding something extraordinary. Little did she know, this was no ordinary chrysalis—it was the cat in the chrysalis spoiler that would change her life forever.
A Closer Look
Intrigued, Emma took the chrysalis home, carefully placing it in a jar on her windowsill. Day by day, she observed it, noting the subtle changes. Her imagination ran wild with possibilities. What could be inside? Why did it seem so different? Her curiosity was infectious, soon spreading to her family and friends.
Grandmother's Wisdom
Emma's grandmother, a wise woman with a knack for storytelling, noticed the chrysalis and recognized it immediately. She had heard tales of the cat in the chrysalis spoiler from her own grandmother, stories of magical transformations and hidden truths. Sitting Emma down, she began to unravel the legend.
The Ancient Tale
According to the ancient lore, there was once a mystical cat that possessed the power to transform into a butterfly. This cat, known for its wisdom and grace, would retreat into a chrysalis during times of great need, emerging later with new abilities and insights. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler was a symbol of hope and renewal, a beacon of light in dark times.
The Magic Unfolds
As the days passed, Emma and her grandmother watched the chrysalis with bated breath. The day finally came when the chrysalis began to crack open. With wide eyes, they witnessed a transformation that defied all logic. Out came a cat, its fur shimmering with an ethereal glow, eyes reflecting centuries of wisdom.
The Awakening
The cat stretched and yawned, as if waking from a deep slumber. It looked at Emma with an intensity that took her breath away. She knew in that moment that this cat was special, that it carried within it the secrets of the past and the promise of the future. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler had revealed itself in all its glory.
The Cat's Journey
With its newfound freedom, the cat embarked on a journey through the town, exploring every nook and cranny. Emma followed closely, her heart pounding with excitement. The cat seemed to have a purpose, a destination known only to itself. Along the way, it left a trail of wonder and inspiration.
Encounters Along the Way
As they journeyed together, the cat and Emma encountered various townsfolk, each with their own stories and struggles. The cat's presence brought comfort and hope, its magical aura affecting everyone it met. People began to speak of the cat in the chrysalis spoiler, sharing their experiences and marveling at its impact.
The Lessons Learned
Through her adventures with the cat, Emma learned valuable lessons about life and transformation. She realized that change, though often frightening, could lead to growth and new beginnings. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler was a constant reminder that within each of us lies the potential for extraordinary change.
Embracing Change
Emma's newfound wisdom inspired her to embrace change in her own life. She started to see the world through a different lens, appreciating the beauty in every moment. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler had not only transformed itself but had also ignited a spark within Emma, encouraging her to follow her dreams and trust in the journey.
The Ripple Effect
The cat's journey through the town had a ripple effect, touching the lives of many. Stories of its magical presence spread far and wide, inspiring people to look within themselves and seek their own transformations. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler became a symbol of hope and resilience, a reminder that we all have the power to change.
Community Transformation
The town itself began to change, its inhabitants united by the common thread of the cat's influence. They started to support one another more, fostering a sense of community and belonging. The cat in the chrysalis spoiler had brought them together, showing them that together, they could achieve great things.
The Mystery Deepens
Despite the cat's profound impact, its origin remained a mystery. Where did it come from? Why did it choose this particular chrysalis? These questions lingered in the minds of the townsfolk, adding to the allure of the cat in the chrysalis spoiler. The more they pondered, the more they realized that some mysteries are best left unsolved.
Speculations and Theories
People speculated endlessly about the cat's origins. Some believed it was a guardian spirit, sent to protect the town in times of need. Others thought it might be an ancient being, reincarnated to share its wisdom. Whatever the truth, the cat in the chrysalis spoiler continued to captivate and inspire, its mystery adding to its magic.
The tale of the cat in the chrysalis spoiler is one of transformation, hope, and the magic of the unknown. It teaches us that change, though often challenging, can lead to incredible growth and new beginnings. As we journey through our own lives, let us remember the lessons of the chrysalis cat: to embrace change, seek out the mysteries of the world, and find beauty in the most unexpected places. Who knows? Perhaps one day, you'll stumble upon your own chrysalis and discover the magic within.
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citynewsglobe · 5 months
[ad_1] Are you able to unravel the mysteries behind the enigmatic title, “Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler” spoiler? Put together to be captivated as we dive deep into this intriguing story and decode its symbolism. From analyzing hidden meanings to exploring themes that can depart you pondering lengthy after you’ve completed studying, this weblog submit is your final information to understanding the secrets and techniques inside “Cat within the Chrysalis” spoiler. So seize a cup of tea, settle into a comfortable spot, and let’s embark on this thrilling literary journey collectively! What's Cat within the Chrysalis? Cat within the Chrysalis is a charming novel that has been making waves within the literary world. With its intriguing title and mysterious storyline, it leaves readers questioning what lies beneath its pages. The creator has created a suspenseful narrative that retains you on the sting of your seat, eagerly turning every web page to uncover the secrets and techniques hidden inside. The which means behind the title Cat within the Chrysalis stays open to interpretation. Some may even see it as a metaphor for transformation or rebirth, whereas others could view it as an emblem of confinement or vulnerability. Regardless of the true which means could also be, one factor is definite – this guide will depart you pondering lengthy after you’ve completed studying. As for its style, Cat within the Chrysalis might be categorised as a psychological thriller with parts of thriller and suspense. It delves into complicated themes akin to id, notion, and human nature, exploring them via intricate plot twists and multi-dimensional characters that can maintain you guessing till the very finish. Should you’re intrigued by this enigmatic story and wish to expertise it for your self, Cat within the Chrysalis is obtainable for studying on-line or at your native bookstore. Dive into this thought-provoking journey and let your self get misplaced in its pages! What's the which means of the title Cat within the Chrysalis? The title “Cat within the Chrysalis” could sound intriguing and enigmatic at first look. It leaves us questioning about its which means and connection to the story. Is it a literal cat trapped inside a chrysalis? Or is there a deeper symbolic which means hiding behind these phrases? On this charming story, the phrase “cat” would possibly symbolize curiosity, agility, or independence. Cats are identified for his or her mysterious nature and talent to navigate via difficult conditions with grace. The chrysalis represents transformation, progress, and rebirth. Collectively, they create a picture of a creature on the cusp of change, able to emerge into one thing new. The anomaly surrounding the title provides layers of anticipation and pleasure to readers’ expertise. It invitations us to delve deeper into the story’s themes and symbolism whereas igniting our imaginations as we attempt to decipher its true which means. So seize your metaphorical magnifying glass and embark on a journey via “Cat within the Chrysalis.” Permit your self to be captivated by its mysterious attract as you unravel its hidden secrets and techniques alongside its feline protagonist. What's the style of Cat within the Chrysalis? Cat within the Chrysalis is a charming story that defies straightforward categorization. Its style is a mix of thriller, fantasy, and coming-of-age parts, creating a singular studying expertise that retains you in your toes. On this enchanting story, readers are transported to a world the place magic and actuality intertwine seamlessly. The creator masterfully weaves collectively intricate plotlines with richly developed characters, leaving us spellbound from begin to end. The mysterious undertones in Cat within the Chrysalis add an additional layer of suspense and intrigue. As we observe the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery, we're drawn into an online of secrets and techniques and hidden truths. The fantastical
parts additional improve the sense of surprise and journey inside this extraordinary narrative. With its seamless fusion of genres, Cat within the Chrysalis provides one thing for everybody. Whether or not you’re a fan of mysteries or take pleasure in exploring imaginative realms stuffed with magical prospects, this guide will certainly captivate your creativeness from web page one till the very finish. So seize your copy at the moment and embark on an unforgettable literary journey! The place can I learn Cat within the Chrysalis? Should you’re desperate to delve into the charming world of Cat within the Chrysalis, you is likely to be questioning the place you may get your palms on this intriguing story. Nicely, worry not! I’m right here to information you on the journey to uncovering this hidden gem. Cat within the Chrysalis is obtainable for studying on-line, permitting quick access for anybody with an web connection and a curious thoughts. You’ll discover it nestled inside numerous respected platforms devoted to sharing literary works from proficient authors worldwide. Whether or not you like e-books or take pleasure in studying tales instantly on web sites, there’s no scarcity of choices in the case of indulging in Cat within the Chrysalis. So seize your most well-liked machine, settle into a comfortable spot, and put together your self for an unforgettable journey that can depart you pondering lengthy after turning the ultimate web page. So why wait? Embark on this mesmerizing journey by in search of out Cat within the Chrysalis at the moment and let your self be captivated by its spellbinding narrative and thought-provoking themes. Pleased studying! Evaluation and Interpretation of the Spoiler The spoiler in Cat within the Chrysalis has left readers buzzing with curiosity and hypothesis. As we delve into its evaluation and interpretation, it turns into clear that there are a number of layers of symbolism at play. The cat itself represents a way of thriller and independence. It embodies agility, cunningness, and curiosity. Its presence within the chrysalis signifies a transformative journey or metamorphosis that the protagonist undergoes all through the story. The chrysalis serves as a metaphor for private progress and transformation. Similar to a caterpillar goes via a technique of turning into a butterfly inside its cocoon, so does our most important character expertise profound modifications inside themselves. When these two parts mix – the cat inside the chrysalis – it suggests an enigmatic fusion between independence and transformation. It hints at an interior battle or battle between embracing change whereas nonetheless sustaining one’s individuality. These symbolic interpretations provide readers glimpses into deeper meanings behind this intriguing spoiler. They encourage us to replicate on our personal journeys of self-discovery and evolution. So subsequent time you encounter spoilers about Cat in The Chrysalis – pause! Take a while to unravel their hidden messages earlier than immersing your self on this charming story. Themes and Symbolism within the Story The story of “Cat within the Chrysalis” is not only an extraordinary story. It carries deep themes and symbolism that permeate all through its pages, leaving readers pondering lengthy after they've completed studying. One of many distinguished themes explored is the idea of transformation and rebirth. The chrysalis symbolizes a state of transition, the place characters bear profound modifications inside themselves. One other theme that resonates strongly is the exploration of id and self-discovery. The cat represents a mysterious creature with hidden depths, symbolizing untapped potential inside every particular person. By way of their journey, characters be taught to embrace their true selves, shedding societal expectations and norms. Symbolism performs an important position in unraveling the layers of this charming story. The chrysalis itself turns into symbolic
for private progress and metamorphosis, whereas the presence of the cat signifies instinct and knowledge. These symbols additional add depth to each character improvement and plot development. As readers delve into “Cat within the Chrysalis,” they're invited to discover these thought-provoking themes and decipher their very own interpretations from the wealthy symbolism woven all through its narrative. It’s an immersive expertise that immerses you right into a world filled with which means ready to be found Affect and Reception of Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler The affect and reception of Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler has been nothing in need of extraordinary. Readers have been captivated by the thrilling twists and turns of the story, eagerly devouring every web page to uncover its secrets and techniques. The intricate plot and well-developed characters have resonated with audiences, leaving them on the sting of their seats till the very finish. Critics have praised Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler for its masterful storytelling and thought-provoking themes. The novel’s potential to delve into complicated feelings and discover deep psychological depths has garnered excessive reward from literary specialists. It's no surprise that this guide has grow to be a bestseller, charming readers from all walks of life. Social media platforms are buzzing with discussions about Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler, as followers eagerly share their theories and interpretations. On-line boards are stuffed with passionate debates about character motivations and plot twists. This stage of engagement speaks volumes concerning the affect this guide has had on its readership. Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler continues to make waves in literary circles, cementing itself as a must-read for anybody in search of an immersive studying expertise. Its affect will undoubtedly be felt for years to return as new readers uncover its brilliance each day Methods to Keep away from Being a Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler So, you’ve simply completed studying Cat within the Chrysalis and also you’re bursting with pleasure to debate it with others. However maintain on! Earlier than you go spoiling it for everybody else, listed below are just a few tips about learn how to keep away from being that individual – the dreaded “Cat within the Chrysalis spoiler.” Tread fastidiously when discussing the guide on-line. Use spoiler tags and clearly mark your posts or feedback as containing spoilers. Not everybody has had an opportunity to learn it but, so be thoughtful of their expertise. Suppose earlier than you communicate. Do not forget that what could seem to be an harmless remark might really give away essential plot factors or twists. Be conscious of these round you who haven’t reached sure components of the story. Encourage others to learn with out revealing an excessive amount of data. Share your enthusiasm for Cat within the Chrysalis with out gifting away key particulars that may spoil their studying expertise. Bear in mind: being conscious of potential spoilers and taking steps to keep away from them is important if we wish everybody to take pleasure in this unimaginable guide totally! Methods to Keep away from Spoilers for a Cat within the Chrysalis Spoiler Are you eagerly ready to dive into the world of “Cat within the Chrysalis” with none spoilers? We acquired your again! Comply with these easy ideas and methods to keep away from stumbling upon any undesirable revelations. Train warning whereas shopping social media platforms. Spoilers have a sneaky approach of lurking in hashtags, trending subjects, and even innocent-looking feedback. Contemplate muting associated key phrases or unfollowing accounts that will unintentionally spill the beans. Be selective concerning the web sites and boards you go to. Some websites are infamous for his or her lack of spoiler warnings or moderation insurance policies. Stick with trusted sources that prioritize spoiler-free discussions and opinions.
Communication is vital! Let your family and friends find out about your burning need to expertise “Cat within the Chrysalis” spoiler-free. Politely ask them to not talk about particulars round you or inadvertently share plot twists throughout informal conversations. By following these methods, you may navigate via on-line areas with confidence and savor each second of suspense as you embark on this thrilling journey with “Cat within the Chrysalis.” Pleased studying! Conclusion Decoding the symbolism behind the cat within the chrysalis spoiler is an intriguing endeavor. From understanding its which means and style to exploring themes and symbolism, it’s clear that this story holds deeper layers of interpretation. The affect and reception of Cat within the Chrysalis have been important, leaving readers captivated by its thought-provoking plot. To keep away from being a cat within the chrysalis spoiler your self, keep in mind to train warning when discussing or revealing key particulars about books or motion pictures. Respect others’ need to expertise tales firsthand with none spoilers. And in case you’re seeking to keep away from spoilers for Cat within the Chrysalis particularly, be conscious of the place you seek for data or have interaction in discussions on-line. In conclusion (with out utilizing these actual phrases), unraveling the mysteries inside a narrative like Cat within the Chrysallis can lead us down fascinating paths of research and interpretation. By embracing these literary adventures whereas additionally respecting others’ experiences, we will totally recognize storytelling at its best. So go forth, delve into new narratives with curiosity, however all the time be cautious to not spoil them for others alongside your journey! [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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warlordfelwinter · 3 years
ah good, there’s a death fiver’s going to blame himself for
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damdemiwitch · 4 years
Reasons Why Angus MacGyver Needs Therapy
(a.k.a. People who have caused MacGyver trauma, whether intentional or not)
Ellen MacGyver, Mac's (Late) Mother: Now, this wasn't on-screen, and we can't see how much it impacted him, but it did impact his father. Speaking of James...
James MacGyver, Mac's (Absentee) Father: The one we hate. He left Mac after his mother's death. Mac was already grieving, and then his father just ups and goes? No. You don't do this to a child. Even if you're a spy or you're grieving. Especially not if you're grieving. We're going to return to James later in this list.
Mac’s Grandfather: Again, this wasn't on-screen, but he was the last relative that was with Mac. I'd say he was the last living relative Mac had, but we know that's not true.
Alfred Pena, Mac's (Late) Mentor in Afghanistan: This man probably became an older brother or a father figure to Mac. And then he died. And Mac blames himself. Because, what if he went inside instead of Pena? We have an answer to this. You may have died and then so many other people would be dead as well. And his killer was still at large until season 3. And when Jack stepped on that pressure plate in that truck, Mac’s mind probably flashed back to when Pena died, and what if it happened again?
Not-Nikki Carpenter, Mac's Ex-Girlfriend: Now, none of us were really too upset about this "death", I don't think. But Mac was devastated. He probably thought he could have prevented it. And then learning that Nikki wasn’t dead, and had betrayed them? And Mac probably already had abandonment issues after J*mes. Thankfully he still had Jack and Thornton and Bozer and Riley (Riley will come shortly after)...
Not-Frankie, Mac's MIT Friend: Mac has already been through so much, and now Frankie is dead? We saw reaction to the phone call and we saw his need to find out what really happened. Thankfully Frankie isn't actually dead.
Nikki Carpenter, Revisited: So... Nikki didn't actually betray them? Oh. Still betrayed Mac.
Patricia Thornton, AKA Chrysalis, Former Director of the DXS and the Phoenix Foundation: Another traitor of Mac’s trust. I liked Thornton. She wasn't as good as Matty is, nor as competent, but Mac liked her nonetheless. And she betrayed them.
Zoe Kimura, a Forgotten Heroine: Can't remember much about her, other than that Mac liked her, she was smart, and she died saving people.
James MacGyver, Revisited: This awful excuse for a father, as well as an awful excuse for a man. Let's look at him: A man who cares for for the world than his son, abandoned his son, used his son, just a terrible person in general. Guess what. He was alive. And then hid a terminal illness from his son? And the fact that he had an aunt? That's messed up, dude.
Jill Morgan, the Innocent Victim: we didn't get a lot of time with her, but even that little bit endeared her to us. And then Murdoc killed her.
Jack Dalton, Revisited: Now, we can't fault Jack for going after Kovacs. But at the same time... we can still be bitter about it.
Charlie Robinson, a Martyr: I loved him. Honestly, I loved that he didn't give Mac a choice whether Charlie dies, or many people. I love that he took that choice out of Mac’s hands, even though Mac still felt guilty about it. Mac didn't get enough grieving time for this one. Or for any of them, for that matter
Phillip Lasky, For the Greater Good: If you don't remember, this guy was the one in that nuclear facility that Mac chose to die over many other people. I wouldn't include him if not for the fact that he probably had a huge impact on Mac’s psyche. Here is a genius operative who goes out of his way to not hurt innocents, and then Mac is presented with a choice. Kill Lasky or many people die. If I remember correctly, Lasky had at least one child. Lasky's death probably reminded Mac a bit too much of Alfred Pena's.
James MacGyver, Revisited (yet again): Well. He's dead now. James' death left Mac with one surviving relative (as far as we know): His aunt, who in pretty high up in an organization who's goal is to eliminate a lot of the population under the guise of "saving it". I wasn't too upset about his death, but Mac was (and if that didn't make me cry just a little bit...) And then Mac gets a video thingy and it doesn't say "I'm proud of you" or "I love you" or "I'm sorry I died and left you" or "I'm sorry I abandoned you when your mother died and left you with a whole bunch of abandonment issues". No. It gave him some coordinates and then self-destructed, leaving Mac with nothing left from his father.
Gwendolyn Hayes, Who's Loyalty to her Family Trumped her Ideals: This one is a bag of cats. What can I say about her? She was manipulative, but cared about Mac and his mother enough to ultimately sacrifice herself to save him and what he believed in. I still don't fully forgive her though.
Jack Dalton, Revisited: I loved Jack Dalton. He was everything to Mac. He was an older brother, a father, a partner. And then he left Mac to go on a mission. This was fine and I get it, but he left. Matty ordered him to come back to them, he promised Riley pizza and skeeball, and he told Mac "I'll see you on the other side, I guess." He told them he'd come back, he promised them. But he didn't. And that shattered Mac. Mac’s reaction was probably one of the most heartbreaking things ever. What happened to "you go kaboom, I go kaboom"?
Leanna Martin: Leanna was a barely seen member of the team. She was mainly a background character, mentioned, but not often on-screen. She disappeared one day and the next time we hear of her, we find out she's dead. I don't think Mac was particularly close to her, but losing a teammate probably had an impact on him.
This ends my rant (for now).
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Detective Charlotte Langford
Charlotte Langford x Adam du Mortain
Truce [Ao3] Rating: G - In which Commanding Agent du Mortain takes on the additional duty of feeding Detective Langford’s cat while she recovers from the fight with Murphy. Kiss Me, Kill Me (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) [Ao3] Rating: T - A kiss. A bad reaction. The aftermath, and how Unit Bravo deals with the potential loss of Detective Charlotte Langford from their little group.
Temptation [Ao3] Rating: T - A follow up to Kiss Me, Kill Me - the detective is still recovering from her accident, and Unit Bravo is still on round the clock protection detail. Tonight is Adam's turn.
Five Times Adam du Mortain Eavesdropped, and One Time He Did Something About it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) [Ao3] Rating: T - five times Adam got to know Charlotte through eavesdropping, and one time he did something about it.
Falling for the First Time (1, 2, 3) [Ao3] Rating: E - Charlotte and Adam do their best to make good on the conversation they'd had about where, exactly, they would like the physical side of their relationship to go. Rated E for later chapters.
What Light Thru' Yonder Window [Ao3] Rating: T - A prompt fill: Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference
Pillow Talk [Ao3] Rating: G - Adam gets home late after a very long day and finds the Detective has fallen asleep waiting for him.
In Silence [Ao3] Rating: M - He is not a man of many words. But she's never been much of a talker either.
It Seems Like I Should Say, "As Long As This Is Love" (1, 2, 3, 4) [Ao3] Rating: T - The not-love letters. Fed up with dealing with her feelings alone, Charlotte begins to write some letters. She doesn't send them. She can't send them. But at least she can pretend to tell him how she feels.
History Repeats [Ao3] Rating: T - Charlotte had been the result of an unplanned pregnancy herself. She and Adam had discussed it. It wasn't in their plans. Until it was. (Non-canon/What-if)
Charlotte Langford x OC
Charlotte x Pandora Kingston (@narrativefoiltrope) Take You As You Are - Ballgown Ficlet Fluff Alphabet Charlotte x Cordelia (@elmshore) TBD - Ballgown Ficlet Charlotte x Charles (@rhetoricalrogue) TBD - Ballgown Ficlet Fluff Alphabet
Mind Blind
Button - Ellie Wiseman
Chrysalis [Ao3] - Excerpts from the therapy journal of Ellie Wiseman, ages 15-16. Spoilers for Chapter 3
Ellie Wiseman x Grayson Black
Catching Colds and Feelings (1, 2, 3) [Ao3] - A superhero catches a cold. A meddlesome brother attempts to play matchmaker. And Ellie Wiseman can’t resist a challenge.
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leda-x · 4 years
“That wasn’t me,
Plagg said, appearing a few inches from Adrien’s right ear.
“Not you huh? So it was the other kwami of destruction?” Adrien held up his fingertips, showing them to the black cat. They were stained with black ash— the kind that Chat Noir always left behind after a good cataclysm.
“Must have been,” Plagg shot back, tone defensive. Their ears swivelled back, tail giving the air a few good lashings. “Why would I care enough to destroy something like that?”
“Because you like to mess with me by destroying my stuff.” Adrien reached out and poked Plagg right in the gut, sending the kwami teetering back in space.
“I’ve never done that!” Plagg whirled back, truly angry.
“What?” Adrien burst. “My Gameboy Color, that Armani necklace, Chloe’s letter...” He ticked each item off with a finger.
Plagg diminished in size. “Well I didn’t do this,” they muttered under their breath. “Whatever it’s just a picture. Print a new one.”
A beat passed where Adrien was nearly overtaken by fury. Not angry that Plagg destroyed one of the only photos of his mother he had left. Angry that Plagg was continuing to lie about it. Adrien opened his mouth, realized nothing productive was about to come out of it, closed it again, and stormed out of his own room. 
He slammed the door shut behind him.
His bodyguard, stationed a few doors down in a chair and completely engrossed in a romance novel, jumped hard. He watched his young charge stalk down the stairs right as the lights overhead dimmed for a second. He began to get up to follow, then thought better of it. In his experience, an Agreste in a mood like that was best left alone to cool off.
He hunkered back down to read his book.
Excerpt from Chrysalis a story with love, family, friendship, and horror. Spoiler alert Adrien: it wasn’t Plagg. :P
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[Timetagger spoilers]
I don't like how Rabbit's power is time. I mean, I get teleportation because rabbit holes and all, but time? What's the symbolism here? Ladybugs and black cats are symbol of good and bad luck, foxes are asociated with trickery (and kitsunes are said to make illusions), turtles are a symbol of protection (the shell), butterflies mean change and metamorphosis...
Well, peacock is quite difficult to guess... Like the bee. But the bee can be asociated with paralization venom? I don't know, these three Miraculous are quite forced.
I'd rather just teleportation for the rabbit, not time travel. Isn't it quite OP? I always thought Zodiac Miraculous where less action and more supporting. Even if super speed is cliché, I think it'd fit better.
And... Why an umbrella? It doesn't really matter but I just think it is strange xd. Normally weapons have some relation with its Miraculous (the yoyo is shaped somewhat like a ladybug, the top is like a bee's sting, the shield is shell, the flute can have many meanings*, the fan is like a peacock's tail, the staff somewhat represents cat's love of being in high places, jumping high and their incredible balance, the cane can represent a chrysalis). The umbrella only helps in the air and in being a protection tool when opened, while moren offensive? when closed. It isn't as useless as the flute, but still. I'd rather something like a toy hammer that lets the user bounce.
I love the design, though, but I don't think it fits Alix. Don't get me wrong there, she's BEAUTIFUL, but I think Tiger or Snake would fit better. Rabbit design is more of a cute and surprising one, the suit's design tries to be cute but sharp as Alix's personality. If Rabbit was Speed, I'd understand it better, but...
At least it's a fun Miraculous. I don't think Bee or Peacock are as fun.
* The fox flute is a reed-pipe, which is used in a French phrase: "to play the reed-pipe", meaning "to lie". It can reference the illusions as being tricks and lies. Besides, Kitsunes are said to summon light and fire through their mouth, and the flute summons light through the user's breath, technically from their mouth.
~alternativemiraculous <3.
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marvelandponder · 7 years
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I’m a Little Upset They Made Me Excited for Something Called Hascon
But, they did, and over the past two days (and counting! expect an IDW comic panel on Sunday!), they’ve released some spoilers and news that’s pretty damn cool.
No real movie news aside from Hype! It’s coming in 4 weeks! because they didn’t want to reveal too many spoilers for that (although I’m still waiting for Hasbro to step up its marketing game with this one), but aside from that, let’s see what news we got for MLP this weekend [if you want Movie insight, I actually recommend picking up the art book. I just got mine in the mail and WOW is the concept art ever pretty]! This is your spoiler warning if you don’t like that sort of thing.
UPDATED: TONS OF STUFF! Movie Screenshots, more season 8 news, IDW comics, and more!
MLP: The Movie!
Not much in the way of spoilers (you can read the novelization or the art book for those, I guess was their thinking), but have three stills!
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Equestria Girls
New outfits, designed by an actual red carpet stylist, Carol Lam, for both the new doll line and the characters in canon
New Youtube series officially announced, and it’s Choose Your Own Adventure style! Expected in November
Shorts to continue, and one has even been teased
Another one was a “2 minute short about Sunset Shimmer drawing a comic and them animating it... based around [the] girls catching a jewel thief.”
School play is a concept that’s coming up. Whether in short form, 22 minute special form, or perhaps even movie (although please note there has been no explicit mention of an EG5, so lovers of the movies will have to be patient)
“When asked if there is a Sunset Shimmer doppleganger rolling around, one of the panelists noted that her pet theory is that it was always Sunset's fate to travel to humanland, and there isn't an original Sunset in the world. They are leaving this open in canon though.”
No plans for Discord in EQG at the moment, but who knows?
Find EQD’s report on that here.
Okay, so first off? Loving the new outfits. With any other teenager characters, it would be ridiculous that they’re so well dressed and styled (I noticed Sunset’s hair is juuust slightly different, can’t see the others well enough to tell), but for these girls, it makes sense, since they’re all friends with Rarity.
So, yes, Hasbro. I’ll buy your crazy marketing tactics for now, because cute outfits.
As to the Choose Your Own Adventure series, I think that’ll be interesting, but not quite as cool to me as stuff like the shorts, specials, and movies. Just a matter of personal taste, but the world-building going on in the Overpowered short, for instance, is only really cool if it has a lasting effect on the characters and their world (the report said something about a coal miners daughter wanting to disco, and while that sounds possibly cute, it’s not exactly my cup of tea).
But it’ll be fun to try, no doubt! And definitely cool for younger fans!
The post wasn’t super clear on whether the Choose Your Own Adventure stuff was the only EQG content coming to Youtube (we have been teased about a series, similar to the Hana Zuki show Hasbro has on there already), but until we hear otherwise, assume it’s just the CYOA series.
And a school play theme really does sound like it could be used for a movie or a special, if they wanted to keep doing long-form stories, so that’s what I’m hoping for, personally.
Oh and we still don’t know what these are from/for:
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A currently unreleased summertime short, most likely a music video.
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A Netflix listing we found out about back in August. This might be the place they feature the specials and shorts, but who knows?
Season 7 News
Clips were shown for next week’s episode, It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You (which might end up being a Pinkie and Rarity episode) and Marks and Recreation 
It Isn’t the Mane Thing About (better clip than the first that was released)
Marks and Recreation (featuring the last song of the season)
Find EQD’s report on that here.
In addition, have some stills from a promo yet to be released on the rest of the season!
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Likely from Secrets and Pies
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Likely from A Health of Information
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Likely from A Health of Information
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(Not shown: Applejack falling into the party cave) Likely from Secrets and Pies
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From It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You
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From Once Upon a Zepplin
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Likely from A Health of Information
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Likely from A Health of Information (mask modelled after Mage Meadowbrook, so this will undoubtedly feature her story in a similar fashion to Daring Done, possibly told by Twilight, from the earlier screenshot)
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From Once Upon a Zepplin
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From It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You
Additionally, I’ll point out what we know for the season 7 finale: that there’s a tie into the Legends of Magic comics, and it’s called Shadow Play parts 1&2. Whether “shadow” refers to the character Shadowlock from the main comic series or King Sombra or something else entirely, we’ll have to wait and see!
Okay, so the most exciting thing for me is that Vincent Tong, voice of Flash Sentry and Feather Bangs, gets to sing again! As a villain this time! I could make a joke about him embracing the role the fandom has given him this season (Feather Bangs, the waifu stealer, and now Rumble, the antagonist).
Oh and for those who don’t remember, Rumble is Thunderlane’s little brother, who appears in Hurricane Fluttershy. It’s been a while, but he looked cute there.
I wonder if Starlight will have any role in this episode...
The addition of the Cake twins is to Mane Thing also adds hype for me. I’m still on the fence with the episode concept, mostly because I need to see how they’re going to run with it (could be uncomfortable to watch Rares lose her mane if done wrong), but the Cake twins were extremely endearing in Baby Cakes, and it would be nice to see more interaction between them and Pinkie Pie.
This season has been spectacular so far, so I’m glad not too much was spoiled (or you know, leaked...) so we get to enjoy it in full!
Season 8 News
Seaponies confirmed for season 8, the Movie will tie into the show
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An animatic was released as well:
Find EQD’s report here.
I find it super interesting that Chrysalis is outright ignoring Starlight Glimmer while gathering DNA, given that she swore revenge against her. A large number of fans are speculating that this will be some sort of voodoo plot, where Chrysalis literally turns Starlight’s friends against her, like Starlight did to her.
Not only that, but if you look in the background of that animatic, you’ll find the mane 7 are in a suspiciously new building...
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Some have speculated it’s Twilight’s new castle (meaning the crystal castle will get destroyed at the end of season 7, which is alarming because it’s connected to the Tree of Harmony). I feel like it might be more of an addition to her castle, either a school of Twilight’s own (hence, calling the rest of the girls Twilight’s “teachers”) or a house of diplomacy of some kind, like a U.N. building for the different nations that Twilight and company have been befriending (dragons, changelings, griffons, yaks---heck, even Sunset Shimmer could be considered a diplomat from Equestria to the humans).
It’s still a mystery...
Also, sea ponies! And they’re adorable! They translate to show style really well, actually! And it only makes you wonder just how many other things will carry over from the movie....
New info!
Look for a Cheese Sandwhich cameo
G. M. Berrow wrote a Season 8 episode she is super passionate about and her favorite episode overall. Maybe more book tie-ins like in "Daring Done".
Josh Haber's favorite pony is The Great and Probably Going To Be In Season 8 Trixie!
Derpy won't get a featured episode like Episode 100, but she will be around, likely more than season 7.
There will be two-parters, and that's plural, so it sounds like we return to the opening and closing episodes being epic two-parters. So expect You-Know-You that we saw in that animatic to be in one of these!
Things we already know about season 8 that you may have forgotten:
26 episodes confirmed
Orchestra music from the movie to be used in some of the season’s songs, which are all finalized by now
As well, there will be twice as many songs are there are in season 7, since Daniel Ingram’s time won’t be split up between the show and the movie
Discord confirmed
Josh Haber returning as story-editor
Mike Vogel returning finally after working on the movie
IDW Comics
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This year’s holiday special!
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For those of you who have listened to the Christmas album, that’ll look somewhat familiar...
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MLP:FIM #60 Sara Richard cover!
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MLP: FIM #61 Cover revealed! A collection of foreign dignitaries, from dragons, to deers, to cats/abyssnians, to gryphons! 
“The story is going to be a "united nations" type gathering where all the various creatures throughout the planet convene to discuss the future of the planet. So think a Meeting of the United Nations but with Dragons, Buffalo, Hippogriffs, Anthro Cats, and a pony who controls the sun with a mere thought. Oh but there is a discovery made at the conference that could lead to trouble for our little ponies! A problem that might end up costing Equestria ownership of Canterlot!”
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Legends of Magic #9! Seems to be a continuation of Flash Magnus’s previous issue, if the cover is to be believed.
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Aaaand a page from Legends of Magic #6! Yes, that’s right, zombie ponies drawn by Andy Price. If 28 Pranks Later wasn’t grim enough for you, surely the master of expressions will deliver!
Find EQD’s report right here!
Year of the Pony
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