#When he was young he never thought it a risk that he'd never hear his laugh ever
watzuu-lmk · 1 year
I think wukong would be the type to look at macaque whenever someone makes a joke to see if he laughs
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jaysgirlx · 7 months
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❥ pairing: valentines jason todd x f!reader
❥ summary: this is your first valentine's day with jason after well he died and came back, he needs everything to be perfect for you to make for all the lost time.
❥ warnings: bit of angst, mentions of abuse/torture, tons of fluff & smut, unapproving dad Bruce Wayne
❥ wc: 4.3k
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"Jason stop it, c'mon Bruce is going to catch us" you squealed, while your boyfriend pressed kisses all over your neck. "I don't want you to get banned from seeing me again, especially with Valentine's upcoming!"
Jason groaned and lifted his head up from your hickey-stained neck. "Even if Bruce does ban me, there's no way in hell I'm missing our first Valentine's," Jason says, laying his head on your chest. The two of you comfortably lay in your bed, cuddling while your parents were asleep a couple doors down.
You'd grown up with Jason, you'd always known him as a troublesome kid but that didn't stop you from developing a crush on the guy. You never thought of saying anything until you learned he'd gotten adopted after his dad kinda just disappeared.
For weeks you'd missed him, you missed how dumb antics, you missed the way he was always following you around and you missed his dumb smile. God, you loved that cheesy grin he always gave you..
Until one day he appeared on your doorstep, telling you that Bruce, his new dad was finally allowing him to visit his old friends. You thought he'd forgotten you but it was far from it and you knew then and there you definitely had a thing for Jason Todd.
It still took a while for either of you to confess your feelings. You thought you would crack first but Jason did instead when he learned that some guy from your school had a crush on you. He didn't mean for it to come out but he was just so jealous, "Why go out with him when you have me huh? I'd make a much better boyfriend. Just go out with me"
He wasn't wrong because he did, a week later you were on the best date of your life. Jason took you to this amazing amusement park that was happening in the middle of Gotham City. The whole night was spent on games and junk food, and Jason Todd got his kiss on the cheek that wasn't from Barbara.
Over time your relationship developed into something more, you couldn't help but spend more and more time with him. He eventually asked you to be his girlfriend and you've been his ever since.
"Well, I don't want to risk it okay? You need to get home before Bruce notices, don't you guys have patrol tonight"
"Okay fine, fine but first, I have something for you princess"
You watch as Jason pulls out what looks to be a ring box. "Woah, wash slow your roll buster, we are only 15 you can't freaking propose!" you whisper scream, praying that your shock wouldn't wake up your parents.
"Princess calm down, it's just a promise ring," Jason said rolling his eyes as if this was normal. "I wanted to give it to you before our date tomorrow, so you'll already be wearing it"
Jason sat up a bit and cleared his throat while he looked at you nervously, "I'm not sure if I've made this clear but…I love you y/n. Like really love you and you're the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. So I got this promise ring, it's like a sign of me promising myself to you if that makes any sense"
"You love me?"
"Yes, I love you y/n and you don't have to say it back okay? We're young, I have years to come to hear you say it"
You were silent as he slipped the ring on your finger. You could tell from the moment he opened the box it wasn't cheap but you couldn't complain he bought it for you. Because he loved you. And you wanted to say it back but you were scared, scared to fully accept that you loved him.
Jason didn't care if you said it back or not because, in his eyes, you were the only one who accepted him. He looked at you sweetly and gave you a soft smile before getting out of your bed and heading towards your window. Now was the time to say it, to tell him you loved him but you just couldn't m
"I'll see you tomorrow okay sweetheart? I'll pick you up at 7" He says climbing out the window with one of his cheesy grins.
At the age of 15, you'd never be happier to be young and stupidly in love with Jason Todd. Ever since he moved in with Bruce, the two of you didn't get to see each other a lot, and that caused tension between him and Bruce. Jason believed he deserved a later curfew so he could visit you but Bruce was against it, he didn't think it was safe.
Tonight Jason snuck out to see you, the two of you had Valentine's Day plans and wanted to confirm them and we'll spend time with you. You were his world, you were one of the biggest reasons he became Robin. You were the one he wanted to protect no matter what and you knew that.
What you didn't know was this would be the last time you'd ever see Jason at least until you saw his casket. The two of you never celebrated your first Valentine's and you never got to tell Jason how much he meant to you. You never got to tell him how stupid he was for sneaking out, how much you didn't deserve this wrong, and that you did love him back.
7 years later
Everything had to be perfect.
Currently, it was February 14th and Jason had woken up with what was probably the worst news he could've gotten over a phone call.
Dear Mr.Todd, we're sorry to bother you on such a busy day but your reservation at Gotham Restaurant has been canceled due to a surge of higher-paying customers. We can reschedule your reservation for free at any time. We are sorry for this inconvenience.
"You're kidding me right!" Jason yelled, banging his fist against the wall. Out of a day, it had to snow today huh? Your first Valentine's since the two of you got back together. The first Valentine's since he died. Jason had never been able to give you the Valentines you deserved and when the two of you got back together, he immediately started planning.
"No Sir, we are very sorry for this inconvenience and we can try and get you another reservation elsewhere but-"
"Nowhere else is going to have any free spot and even ignoring that my girlfriend wants to go the Gotham Restaurant not anywhere else"
Well, that is what you had told him when he asked what restaurant would you like to go to that you hadn't been to yet. This wasn't how today was supposed to go. Jason had the whole day planned out. What should've been waking up in his followed by breakfast in bed, shopping, lunch, more shopping, dinner at your favorite place, a movie, dessert at your favorite ice cream shop, and ending with hopefully some cuddling if you didn't mind was now all ruined.
Jason had needed today to be perfect especially after you got over the fact that your dead boyfriend was not only alive but also vililangte who was formerly a crime lord. The fact you still wanted to be with him after all this time bewildered him this led him to believe he was probably on thin ice with you so today had to be perfect.
Since it was already Valentine's Day he knew no other restaurant would have any space for a reservation so that meant he'd probably have to cook the two of you dinner. Jason had quite the stocked fridge so he didn't see it as a bad idea but he knew you'd be disappointed for sure.
His entire relationship was riding on today being perfect and it was already failing. While Jason tried to get dressed he quickly noticed that it was already passed 8 o'clock. He was late, He said he'd make you breakfast in bed at 8 which made him late. Could today get any worse?
And it did when you told him you wouldn't eat breakfast with him because your boss really needed you at work for a couple of hours and he had already been on his way to your apartment. "I'll be back early enough for us to go shopping, and go to the restaurant. mkay? I guess we'll have to miss the movie" you said through the phone while simultaneously getting dressed for work. "Can't wait to go the Gotham Restaurant, can't believe you got us a reservation babe."
"Yeah about that…" Jason couldn't do this, he couldn't tell you that actually, you guys weren't getting dinner anywhere and that he was going to cook at home. You sounded so excited and so happy and he didn't want to be the reason that went away. "You'll love it alright. I'll pick you up from work around 6 for your shopping spree and then we'll get dinner"
"Jay I don't need to go shopping, dinner is enough really-"
"I want to take you shopping okay? I have enough saved up to spoil you and that's what I plan to do sweetheart"
Your heart hummed at the word sweetheart. It had been so long since Jason had called you that. It felt surreal because at times he didn't feel like Jason, well not like your Jason. The Jason who kissed you like his life depended on it, the Jason who was obsessed with holding your hand, the Jason who told you he loved you.
When Bruce called you and told you Jason was alive you didn't believe him. Jason was dead, you were at the funeral just like everyone else and knew how he died. A small part of you blame Bruce, this wouldn't have happened to Dick and even if it did he would've found him. Bruce tried telling you a couple more times but you ignored him. Your boyfriend, no your Jason was dead. The next time you hear about it was from Dick because Jason was out for blood. Joker's if we had to be specific.
You didn't want to believe him but Dick had loved Jason like they were biological brothers and you knew he wouldn't lie. He warned you that Jason was different and that I should be wary of him.
You took his advice and made sure not to walk home alone and tried not to go out at night but one day you had a rough day at work and you decided to visit Jason's grave. You left red dahlias on his tombstone and sat down next to it. You started talking to it about how your boss yelled at you and called you incompetent. "You would have called him an asshole for that if you were here," You told him how much you missed him. You knew he was alive but it felt so much easier talking to the tombstone because it felt like he was really there.
You did this consistently for about 2 months, you had caught on that someone was watching you. It was Dick because when you did actually see the figure they were much taller than Dick and they stayed hidden, Dick wouldn't have a reason to do that. It made sense to alert Dick but you didn't because you knew who it was and you weren't ready to face him.
Eventually, you heard from Dick that Jason had changed and that maybe you should talk to him but you still needed time. That didn't stop Jason from approaching you at your apartment. You were startled because your little high school boyfriend was suddenly 6 feet and over 200 pounds. He was practically all muscle and you were kinda scared. That didn't stop you from crying in his arms.
It took a while for the two of you to adjust to being in each other's lives especially when you never stopped having feelings for him. When you admitted that to him, he asked for a second chance. That he'd be yours even if you weren't his. So you let him be yours.
"Okayyy, I'll see you at 6 hun," you said just as you cut off the call.
Jason paces around his bedroom trying to figure out how the hell he was going to get the reservation back.
The two of you arrive at the mall, and you wait while Jason parks his motorcycle. It was shocking how there were barely any cars in the lot. Jason assumed that maybe people were just busy cause of Valentine's. You were so excited to go in that you ran over to the doors to get inside except you couldn't.
Closed for Construction, the sign read.
Jason didn't think today could get worse but it did. "No no no! This wasn't supposed to be Damn it!" He said angrily. He had even called the building, they were supposed to be opened. Construction wasn't for another 2 weeks, it was just his luck that they decided to start early. "Jason it's fine, I told you I don't need to go shopping. It was very thoughtful of you though to want to spoil me but you're already getting me dinner at the best restaurant in the city"
"There is no dinner! Our reservation got fucking and canceled and…Today is ruined y/n. Let me just take you home."
"Jason why didn't you tell me, I can promise you today is not ruined. Jay, are you even listening to me?"
Jason was hardly processing your words though because all he could think was losing you. You would dump him and he would go back to hating himself and his very existence. Would life go back to being a reminder that he died? He was tortured endlessly until he was finally out of his misery. No matter how hard the Joker tried to convince him that you hated him he wouldn't believe him. The part of you wearing his promise ring is what kept him going. What got him through the beating. What made it easier to look at the scars.
What left did he have if he wasn't able to love you. He was yours, he didn't know how to love others and he didn't want to because he would always love you. When he was watching you he realized that even though it had been 7 years you were still the same.
Still had the pretty smile and that contagious laugh, still had a knack for books and enjoyed it. You were still his, at least he believed so. And the one thing you asked him, he couldn't deliver. You messed up your first Valentine's and now he was going to mess up this one too.
"Jay for fucks sake, would you look at me!!"
Jason wasn't sure if it was that cursing that made him snap out of his spiral or maybe it was the fact that you were holding his hands. It had only been 2 weeks since he reintroduced himself into your life, and had been avoiding affection. He knew it was cause he was so big now and you were a bit scared. But right now you weren't. You were holding your hands with his. You were looking at him with what looked like pain and so much regret but you were smiling at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Just shut up okay? And listen to what I have to say"
After you had finally managed to calm him down you knew you needed to tell d him how you had felt. "When I lost you, I regretted so much Jay but what I regretted most was not telling you that I loved you and it hurt. It hurt knowing Joker had you and that you were in pain but what hurt more was that you were really gone."
You paused and slowed your breath a bit.
"I know it seems like you owe me something like you need to make up for lost time or show me you're worth love but I already know that Jay. I've been yours since we were kids, m'kay? "
"But I do owe you, I owe you the goddamn world if possible"
"For what Jay?"
"Accepting me again I know I'm different than I'm used to be. I'm more shut out and I know I definitely look different. There is so much you accepted just cause I love you"
You groaned annoyingly and raised your hand up and shook it in his face, "Have you even noticed that I'm still wearing this promise ring? The one you gave me?"
Jason had, you wondered why you still wore it. It was so tiny and was probably uncomfortable. It was a tiny gold band, he had paid Selina for that had a diamond on it. To others, it clearly looked like it could be an engagement ring and you still wore it because you still, did being to someone whether was dead or alive. People tried to convince you to move on and take off the ring but you didn't listen.
"You still have it..."
"Mhmm, believe me now?"
"How about we get dinner to go at some random place, come to my place and we'll eat and cuddle while watching some movies"
"You're okay with just that?"
"I'm okay with anything as long as I'm doing it with you Jay, that's the whole point"
Jason smiled and held you in his arms, "can't believe you're still all mine"
"C'mon let's go to the movie theater and see what they've got"
And that's exactly what you did.
The two of you were cozied up on your bed, with a bunch of food. Jason bought himself chili dogs and got you pancakes to make up for breakfast. Who knew pancakes tasted better at night?
Jason also bought 2 tubs of Ice Cream to substitute as dessert. You may not be eating at that fancy restaurant but you were still having the time of your life.
"I swear you hated chili dogs when I was alive?!"
"I always liked them I just never wanted to admit it else that would've been the only food we'd ever eat"
While the TV played in the background you looked over at Jason who looked the happiest he'd been all day. There he was, your Jason. He was there, under all those scars he was still there. Jason noticed you were staring you looked over at you, and leaned in to place a soft kiss on your lips. "I've missed the taste of your lips" he whispered quietly
He kissed you again and this time you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. "I've missed you, Jay," you said in response. Jason didn't hands on his way to your hips and he pulled you closer, right onto his lap. You still hadn't adjusted to Jason being so big, so when your hands found your way to his muscles you were surprised to feel him groan while you felt him up a bit.
"Sweetheart, if you keep this up I'm going to do something you might regret"
"I didn't regret my first time with you, I'm not going to regret it now babe"
He groaned again this time grinding his hips upwards against yours. Jason swiftly switches your position, putting you underneath him. His kisses quickly became more eager while his hips rutted into you, "Baby, I don't have any-"
"Don't need it, got on the pill a couple years back" you said softly, gripping his shirt. "I promise I want this, so let's get these out for he was please?"
Your pleas were enough for Jason to take off your dress, you'd worn a red satin dress. He'd always liked you in red, especially when it was just for him. Jason had on a tux except he replaced the jacket with his favorite leather one. Regardless, he still looked so good, as he always did.
His leather jacket was already on your bedroom floor, you tried to undress him but he stopped you. "The scars…I don't want to scare you again"
"You won't, I promise. I'll even kiss them, they're a part of you Jay and you're mine" you say tugging on his shirt. With a sigh, he silently takes off his shirt. You raise your hand to touch him but stop and make sure it is okay. He doesn't verbally answer but he gives you a nod. You trace his scars with your finger but one sticks out the most, his neck scar.
You move your face closer to his neck, and kiss his scar, "You're still as beautiful as ever, you're still my Jason" you say while you pull away from his neck. Before you can even read his reaction, Jason kisses you again, rough and with more of a need. Jason had told you he'd met other people but in the end, he could ever think of you. You were the only person who made it just for him.
You'd had your own set of boyfriends which all seemed to end up the same, they'd get too close and you'd dump them. You couldn't imagine loving anybody the way you loved Jason. Jason's body pressed against yours with his hand on your back, pushing you into him. Your hands made your way to his pants, tugging at the waistband. "Patient baby, I'll take em off for you"
The sound of a belt hit your floor but you didn't care, you kept kissing him like your life depended on it. You didn't fully remember when Jason took off your underwear but you remember him, "Jay when did get so..."
"big?" he finished for you with a chuckle, "Yeah, there's a lot you're going to have to get used to with me" His tip pressed at your cunt, earning a disapproving groan for you. You didn't like how slow he was going, you knew he was doing it because he didn't want to hurt you but you weren't 15 anymore you could take it.
You wrap one leg around his waist pushing against his back. Jason liked the way you squirmed underneath him, practically begging for him to fuck you. After a couple minutes, he gave in and sunk his cock right into you. Your nails dug into his back, feeling the stretch of his cock inside you. You felt so embarrared you came on his cock from just him entering"
"Did you just-"
"Shut up please"
Jason looked down at you, his cheeks flushed red, while he was breathing very quickly
"Jay why aren't you moving"
"Can't baby"
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I mean if I move, I'm going to cum on the spot sweetheart so please bare with me" he groaned out, trying to adjust to your warm cunt hugging his cock. Slowly he began to move, using one hand to grip the sheets in hopes he wouldn't blow his load too quickly. His other hand was on his hip, trying to steady your body. Your hands were on his face, caressing his cheeks. Whenever he blushed it was so obvious, you used to tease him all about it even though you loved it.
He down to capture your lips again, allowing your arms to find themselves around his neck. Each thrust was messier than the last, getting rougher after each second. Sex now was so much more different than when the two of you were teens. Jason did things you didn't even know he could do. Once he'd found your g-stop he began to abuse it, earning a chocked moan from you every time. He was studying what you liked, what made you feel good and you loved him.
He let go of the sheets and placed both hands on your hips, giving you even tougher thrusts and even biting on your neck. Your entire body was on fire, you were overwhelmed notnonkynfrom his size but the feeling of Jason's body pressing into yours. You couldn't feel so good.
You always knew Jason was a bitter, also long as he didn't draw too much blood you were alright with it. A soft moan left your mouth as you came again, cum running down your thighs while Jason continued to fuck you. Jason thought about overstimming, making you beg for him to stop because you'd feel too good.
"Didn't know my girl was into biting" He said, while lifting up one of your legs to push deeper into you. You'd cum for tbr second time but he needed you cum one last time at least before he came. The rough slaps of skin and moans filled the room. Making it hard for you to not cum again on the spot. You felt so good you couldn't even complain that he was teasing you "Fuck you're really sensitive sweetheart"
You hid your face in the crook of his neck while his hips pounded into yours. Your legs shook while you whispered in his ear, "If you don't stop m'gonna cum again, Jay pleaseeeee"
He didn't stop though, instead, you came another two times. Makes a mess of cock. "Such a good girl f'me, just let me fill you up and we'll be done. I promise sweetheart" He gripped your hips tightly before releasing inside you. The two of you exchanged a couple more kisses while you both rode out your orgasms.
You whimpered while he pulled out of you, missing his warmth already. He watched as his cum poured out of you, dripping on the sheets. You laid back on the bed, while he hovered over you for a brief moment.
Once he laid down next to you and though he was panting he pulled your body onto his lap. You rested your head on his chest just as he used to do to you. That reminded you, there was something you needed to say, "Jay can I say something I've been holding in for a long time, yeah?"
"Mhmm, what is it, sweetheart?"
"Jason Peter Todd, I love you"
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❥ a/n: happy valentine's to all my lovelies!! i hope everyone enjoys this fic and also has a nice valentines day, whether it's with someone or by themselves.
❥ taglist: @meowkn, @kazzattack, @woodenanemone, @yourlocalcringydaydreamer , @orchidsangel, @millyhelp
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songsofadelaide · 3 months
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"Hey, Platoon Leader, are you guys trying to be the next Shinomiyas?"
You looked up from your plate of food and gave Kafka an incredulous look from across your shared table. "...What?"
The older officer raised his hands in defence when he caught the strange look on your face. "O-Oh, you know! The Director General and his wife, the former Captain of the Second Division. They were a power couple. I just thought you guys were similar is all..."
"Kafka-san, you better clarify whatever it is you're saying," you chuckled at his statement. "Though I definitely do not mind being compared to the Second Division Captain Shinomiya Hikari, the gods rest her soul. She was brilliant, after all! A shining example to so many young women, myself included. We could have stood to learn a thing or two from her..."
It was a tragedy, you thought. The Director General had always been a serious man, but the unexpected death of his wife made him all the more. And now that Kafka mentioned it, the weight of the idea rested even heavier on your mind. The higher you two rise in the ranks, the more will be expected of you. The more numbered Kaiju appear, the more you will have to set out in their field.
The higher the danger risk, the more skilled personnel will have to be deployed. And seeing how the top brass acknowledged your fiancé's most recent accomplishment— subduing and neutralising Kaiju No. 10— the likelihood of him being assigned even more dangerous missions will only increase—
"You think the Vice Captain would consider growing out a beard too when he becomes Director General? Like Director General Shinomiya. I mean you did mention once that his old man was grizzled and all..." Kafka asked aloud as he helped himself to his lunch.
His question was so left-field that you couldn't help the laughter that escaped your stomach. "Pfft— What?! Kafka-san, wh— Hahaha!"
"I-I'm serious, though, Platoon Leader?! A beard would make him even more menacing!"
"Haha! N-No, okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for bursting out laughing like that! I-It's just— Soshiro grows stubbles at an alarming rate and he always shaves because he hates being told he'd look like his father with a beard," you said, nearly breathless and tears prickling your eyes. You continued to speak as you calmed down, the seriousness of your expression prompting your lunchmate to pause his meal. "I might not be able to achieve Captain Shinomiya's legendary level of coolness or renown, but I think as long as I continue accomplishing orders, that's good enough for me."
Arriving at your table not long after your fit of laughter were the Vice Captain and another recruit— one who happened to hear your conversation right from the start.
"I—" Kikoru started, her plate slightly trembling in her hands as you met her earnest gaze. "I think you're just as cool as Captain Shinomiya, Platoon Leader! More importantly, I'd like f-for you and Vice Captain Hoshina to always be safe while in the battlefield so you can both live long and fulfilling lives! Th..."
The kind her mother never got to live.
Soshiro took his place next to you as Kafka gestured for them to sit at your shared table.
"Thank you, Kikoru-chan. I am honoured you think so highly of me. If there's anyone feels the loss our amazing Captain Shinomiya the most, that would be you," you said as you reached for the younger girl's shaking fist from across the table, giving her a gentle yet reassuring squeeze. "If Soshiro and I ever do become the Defense Force's next power couple, I can only hope we have a child as talented and dedicated as you are."
"That's assumin' we're actually still a couple," Soshiro quipped. "I could hear you laughin' at Kafka's joke from across the building. Whatever did he tell you that was so funny, sweetness?"
"Kafka-san here was just saying how cool you would look grizzled with a beard all over your handsome, handsome mug," you shot back at him as you gently gripped his chin to force him to face you. "But don't worry, sweetness, I like you just the way you are now."
Kikoru's hands flew to her mouth as her face suddenly flushed. H-How lovey-dovey of them!
"You're already plenty menacing with that sly look of yours," you continued, before slapping the table so hard that it surprised both Kafka and Kikoru, who were staring in awe at just how affectionate their superiors were being. "Now eat, eat, eat up, our little fledgelings! Eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising are key to living long! Let's not miss out on even one of those!"
Soshiro smiled as you ate your fill along with your favourite new recruits, though he'd never hear you say that out loud. Being a power couple never appealed to him because all that mattered to him were saving lives and staying alive— to be able to live in the future you were all so earnestly fighting for.
I suppose having someone to proudly stand next to isn't such a bad idea.
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silent-stories · 3 months
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Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: a silly game leads to some confessions (jj's version of this)
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You dangled your legs off your house's roof as the sun slowly sank on the horizon, painting the sky different shades of pink and orange.
The boy sitting next to you brought the cigarette he was holding between his fingers to his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke from his nose, which the cool but not excessively cold breeze of that evening immediately blew away.
The shirt he'd refused to put on after the shower he'd taken before going up there lay beside him, even though you'd insisted that if he didn't put on clothes he'd catch a cold, and his bare chest rose and fell as he let smoke in and out of his mouth.
"Never have I ever…hurt myself trying to be funny." You said.
You always found it fun to play that game with JJ, every time you discovered new things about each other even though it's been several years since you've been playing it.
The rule was to always tell the truth, as if you were using one of those lie detectors they only used on criminals you saw on TV but sometimes you found yourself wondering if JJ had ever told you a lie during that game that maybe you had become too old for playing.
JJ chuckled. "I bet you already know the answer."
The light from the day's last rays of sunlight reflected off his ocean eyes, making them appear to be a hundred different shades of blue.
"Oh I know, but I want to hear it from you." You laughed, thinking about what had happened that morning several years ago when you were both little more than children.
"That tree was obviously unstable, it wasn't my fault!"
"That tree was unstable but you tried to climb it anyway."
"Tried? I did it!"
"Yeah and then you fell. And you broke your wrist."
"Yeah but you took good care of by me afterwards. That's when I knew I wanted to keep you."
"Wait, you wanted to keep me? I wanted to keep you so you didn't end up in other similar situations and risk your life every two days."
JJ laughed as he stubbed out his cigarette butt on the roof.
"It's your turn." You said.
"I don't know...I feel like I already know everything about you."
"Then ask me something you don't know."
He didn't say anything, as if he was carefully choosing his next question and after a few moments of silence you wondered if he had decided that the game wasn't worth playing anymore.
The birds had stopped chirping and the kids who usually played outside had gone back to their homes.
"Never have I ever...been in love."
Your head spontaneously turned to him but he was staring straight ahead, where the sun was now almost completely gone. His hair still damp from the shower clung to his neck and forehead and there hadn't been a moment since he'd stepped out of the bathroom that you hadn't repressed the urge to reach over to brush the dripping blonde strands from his forehead.
He was pretty, and there was never a moment in your life when you didn't think it.
And you absolutely were in love, probably not from the first moment you saw him because you were too young to know what love even was.
Now you knew.
But he was your best friend.
"No" You lied, "no, I don't think so."
JJ didn't answer, continuing to stare at an indefinite point in front of him. No funny or sarcastic comments, no jokes.
"It's your turn." He didn't turn to you.
"Never have I ever..." you thought about it for a moment, you had nothing to lose, right? "been in love."
"It's not fair. That's what I asked." He chuckled under his breath.
"I don't think there's a rule against asking the same question." You shrugged.
JJ rolled his eyes, then stayed silent for a few moments, as if thinking about it.
"Yeah." He ran a hand through his damp locks, "still am."
You have felt a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach and in your belly. I was a weird mix of fear and hope that you couldn't quite identify.
"Does she know?" You just wanted JJ to be happy, you didn't care if he would break your heart.
He snorted. "Because she doesn't like me that way."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because she's never even been in love."
JJ turned to you, finding your surprised expression.
"Yeah." He chuckled, his laughter was colder and less genuine than usual, "Hella embarrassing isn't it? I've been waiting for days if not months for the right moment to ask that stupid question during this game and when I finally work up the courage, she tells me she's never been in love. I almost wish you'd told me you were head over heels for that kook who always sits next to you and flirts all the time at every history class. Someone who deserves you. But like this? You make things even more hard because every time I'm around you I can't help but think about what it would be like-"
It was a way to stop his rambling, it was a way to tell him he was wrong, it was a way to tell him you had lied for the first time during the game.
Your lips were on his and your hand was finally in his still damp hair. It was short, a few seconds and it was already ended as if it had never been there.
"I thought... you said..." He stammered, surprised. On his lips the ghost of a smile.
"I lied. I'm sorry, I fucking lied. It's you. It's always been you."
In no time his lips were on yours for a second kiss.
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d34dlysinner · 3 months
I don’t know if this counts as a request, but what are some thoughts of the kings taking care of the pregnant MC? Or how would telling them the test came back positive
Sorry for the late answer!!!
Satan looked at you with a huge smile on his face when he heard the news. "It's about time", he said laughing as he gave you a tight hug. Satan would like some kids and he would love to give them the weirdest names he could think. At a certain point you had to stop him with the name picking because some of the names he thought of either seemed like titles or were too hard to pronounce. He would look forward to being able to do stuff with his child, but before that he gets very overprotective of you. He won't put you on a diet (unless you eat a lot of stuff that could harm the baby), but he will yell and kick anyone that gets to close to you. Paimon being excited hearing the news probably would want to hug you and congratulate you. Before he could even touch you Satan is in between the both of you saying. "Keep your excitement in check before you harm MC." He knows his nobles and he understands that they would never want to harm you, but he doesn't want to risk anything when you're in this state.
Mammon would shower you in gifts and affection. He's always there when you need something and at times he's there even when you don't need stuff. He would be excited as he gets baby toys and other stuff he think the baby would like. At a certain point he'd just return with a solid golden pacifier saying: "I used to like this when I was young. My child definitely would too." He sometimes base the things he buys from his own childhood, wanting his child to have the same things he had as a child.
When it comes to you and your entire pregnancy he would get you the best quality of everything you wanted. Food? He'd get it from a 5 star place or he'd let a amazing cook make it. You're tired? Mammon would just carry you the entire time. You want something to read or to do? Mammon would bring you all the stuff you need. He loves to spoil you and he would do rhe same for his child.
Beelzebub would look at you in disbelief. Almost as if he claimed to have used protection which at most times he doesn't. "What..?", he asked as you repeated: "I'm pregnant." Beel was thinking for a while, almost making you anxious as he walked over to you. All the fears washed away when he placed a kiss on your forehead. "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.", he says chuckling. He would cook for both you and the child, making sure to not put anything too suspicious in his food. He doesn't want you to feel worse during your pregnancy. He will at times disappear but he'd always make sure you're left somewhere safe (with Bael) and he would make sure that the others would help you with food (not Bael). When he returns he brings little gifts for both you and the baby. You understand why he can't always be there so you're not angry, but having him leave at times does make you a little emotional when you want him at your side during these months.
(Extra: ... Beel would comment on your pregnant belly saying "its cute." He would notice every little change and fall in love with you again every time.)
Leviathan didn't really show a lot of expression. You'd almost think he's angry until he says "I see. That's good. Now you have to stay in Hades." He may seem a little cold but he's genuinely happy, just not always the best at showing how he feels. But you'd notice that during the evening he'd place a kiss on your forehead or on your hand. While sleeping he'd hold his hand over your stomach as if he's protecting the child.
During day you'd probably not see him too much since he takes his work very seriously, but he does send over flowers with a letter and other stuff. Foras would deliver them since he'd probably instantly hang anyone else who tried to hand over his gifts to you. When you do see him he starts asking questions like: "Did you eat?", "How do you feel?"
During the lasts months of the pregnancy he'd seem more invested with the child and you'd see a nursery being decorated for the child. He'd also throw names he'd like to give to his child during those months.
Lucifer stayed silent as he walks toward you. He wouldn't do much more than give you a kiss and a hug to reassure you that he wasn't disappointed with the news. He would have a small smile and that same smile would be plastered on his face anytime a conversation leads towards his unborn baby. He does love family and he wants one that would stay with him. Not that he doesn't appreciate his current family, but he's always happy to expand it.
He would force you to do check ups every week. Just to be sure that you're 100% okay. He'd also make sure you eat stuff that's been approved by him. Apart from that he doesn't do a lot more than taking care of you.
If there's danger he'd make sure you're safe. If you're tired he'd urge you to sleep a little longer. If you want to take a walk he'd make sure it's with someone near you.
He doesn't do a lot when it comes to decorating a nursery or searching names. "I'm okay with what you want to pick." Is what he would say.
(Extra: he would cry of happiness when holding his child for the first time. It may not be very noticeable but you'd notice.")
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darylsfavoritegirl · 8 months
HEYYYY IM HONESTLY SO FUCKING EXCITED WHAT DO YOU THINK ABT THESE HEADCANONS bc i wanted to do smth like for a while i just never could come up with anything but its easy in a sense sooo here you gooou
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• I don't think his mommy issues are necessarily sexual, sometimes you would do something that would invoke that "motherly" "safe" or "warm" feeling inside of him. He would never be able to understand what it was or would tell anyone about it. It'd be one of the reasons why he'd care for you as much as he did. You'd make him feel safe by saying something or embracing your arms around him in a certain way which would make him commemorate his mother, though because his mom died when he was young, he wouldn't be able to understand it at all bc he doesn't consciously remember those moments with her. This man fr would think you'd cast a spell on him :D
• I just know this man is a feminist in the core. Growing up, he'd always hear Merle running his mouth about women and how they were like this and they were like that, overall his ignorant, blunt, dumb thoughts about women. He would witness his dad going off on benders with different women each time and how he'd vulgarly talk about them later. And hell maybe he's disrespected women or been really cruel to them but he still regrets it to this time and yeah we all know this man suffers in redemption, always trying to make up for his past mistakes and wrongs. Yet I'm %100 sure he loves seeing women thrive, turning into their best selves or just witness them be real badass and it might even give him some kind of arousal 👀👀. He is into that shit. I said what I said.
• One of his love languages is definitely showing you the places he'd used to spend his time in. Could be a special spot in the woods, could be a small cabin he'd used to get lit with people. Hell it could be random corner in town whenever you'd have to be in downtown for various reasons. He wouldn't even mind if those places brought him bad memories or unpleasant ones. He'd just like being there with you, doing whole ass story times and watch you react them with a wide-eyed expression. He did have a weird and a "crazy" life before the fall that'd make him feel like he was on mushrooms everytime just thinking about it. He'd love letting you know more and more about his past. It would just give him a reassuring feeling deep down. He would feel like it would bound you two together.
• That.man.has.a.sweet.tooth. He loves anything that has sugar. He'd always snack on candies or cookies or chocolates after a hangover. Or when he'd be on drugs. Sugar wakes him the fuck up and he loves the energy boost. He'd carry some candies in his pocket back in the day, eating them throughout the day when he'd feel his blood sugar dropping.
• He is definitely a car-date type of guy. He got more into it after the apocalpyse started and he met you. Sometimes you'd go on runs and you could sit in the car for hours, smoking, eating, talking or yk👀👀 if supplies you found weren't an emergency need. He absolutely savored those moments. You could sit for hours without speaking, in a complete silence. He appreciates quietude.
• I know him having a breeding kink is well known and acknowledged but he's insane about it that it hurts. He loves seeing you all squirmed and whiny underneath him with all his cum inside of you, some of it dripping down your thighs. You couldn't always find the right pills for unplanned pregnancy risk and it WOULD drive him crazy to not be able to it.
• He just loves to see you messy beneath him. Hair all tangled, thighs shaking uncontrollably. Your fingers digging so deep on his shoulders that you'd cause his broad shoulders to bleed sometimes, he loved it. Your eyes are all glossy with pleasure. You both would love to go wild and leave sloppy kisses on eachother's bodies and wouldn't mind them drying on your bodies at all, leaving it all sticky.
• He loves being submissive as much as he loves being dominant. You can't convince me otherwise. If you gained his trust, he will be all yours, all needy beneath you while you ride his soul out of his damn body. Again, he adores a badass woman, a woman to take the lead. You would place your hands on his chest and sometimes hold his strong large biceps and he wouldn't dare to move an inch. He liked being vulnerable like that.
• He is just so patient it physically throws you over the edge. He'd get so close making you cum and he'd stop, teasing you with his tip or fingers or sometimes his tongue. He'd smirk at you and even make fun of you in a taunting way to overstimulate you and don't worry he'd make up for it with better ways. He knows what he is doing. It's just come natural to him.
• It's safe to say you are the one who teases him in the public most of the time, your feet tracing his legs up until it stops on his bulge under the table and he'd give a stern stare, trying to shrug and look indifferent as others would notice his suddenly-changing demenour. However, there'd be boring Alexandria dinners that Deanna would host and if you sat next to eachother, he'd place his large hand on your thigh and even dare to slip a finger on the fabric of your panties, starting to rub his middle finger harshly in circles while having full ass conversations with people and try to hide his subtle smirk bearing his face. He would do it rarely yet he'd be so good at it because no one would suspect a thing, he'd always make it look like he was resting his arm on your lap. You'd squirm under his warm touch and heat waves would wash all over you while trying to look normal as ever. And believe me, after those nights, when you'd confront about him about what he did at a dinner with 20 people, he'd act as if he doesn't understand a thing you're saying or would say "Don' kno' what yer talkin' 'bout." while shrugging his shoulders and turning to his side with a wicked grin.
well this actually took shorter than i thought idk why i believed it would take me couple of days to finish one lmao i deadass wrote this in like an hour max ???? anyway i wish there were more but idc i was so impatient to post one of theseeee :)))
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pinguwrites · 11 months
more dark!reader with dilf!cillian who slowly accepts reader's tendencies🥹 it made me feel things
right away
Sweet, Little Girl | Cillian Murphy
Pairing -> cillian murphy x dark!reader
Summary -> You're Cillian Murphy's next door neighbor. You're young and innocent, and he's an attractive older man—surely he must be the one taking advantage of you . . . right?
Word count: 1k
Warnings: sexual content, DARK!!, MENTION OF DRUGGING AND RAPE, sub!cillian & dom!reader undertones, age-gap (reader's early twenties, cillian's early forties, cillian knew reader when she was underage but relationship started way after), use little girl/sir nickname, mention of daddy nickname, mention of marriage, reader's manipulative, pregnancy, mention of breeding
Disclaimer: This is not a reflection of Cillian Murphy's actual life. This is completely separate and is not intended to harm him or his family in any way. DNI if you're a Yvonne hater. This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
A/N: This is basically a part two to that first cillian fic
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Cillian Murphy loved you, that much he knew. It didn’t matter what you did to him, how possessive you behaved, how cruel your love was, how wrong the things you did were; he loved you till he couldn’t, as strong as waves in a storm at sea, as bright and passionate as the sun’s unrelenting gaze. You were like a rose with thorns. As long as he had you, it was okay if he bled. After all, you would be there to patch him up — you always were.
“You won’t ever leave me, right?” you asked, curling up beside him in bed. Your face was illuminated by the moonlight, streaming in through the window, and he couldn’t help but admire you. Beautiful, beautiful thing. 
“Never,” he murmured. “I don’t even want to think about that. I’m yours. And you’re mine.”
Cillian knew your relationship was unacceptable. He'd known you since you were a teenager. You were that darling sweetheart who lived next door, mature and thoughtful, the type that would listen to him monologue about his passion for acting, the one who would in turn trust him with her deepest, darkest secrets.
But you were an adult now. You were capable of making your own decisions, and you choose to be with him. Was it so wrong then?
"That's what I like to hear," you said, taking in a whiff of his scent, like you always did. Something about his cologne, you had explained. "And you're still okay with marriage, yeah?"
"Of course." Cillian leaned over and gave you a kiss on the nose. "I'll get to call you my wife." He lips trailed down to your own, his tongue sweeping over your skin. He wanted to touch you, to feel you, to have your body against his and show you how much you meant to him.
His breathing hitched when you hand reached down under the blanket to squeeze his cock. Only briefly, before you let go, like you hadn't done it at all.
"I'm glad you came to your senses," you said. "You were crying the first time we had sex."
The memory came back to him. He hadn't wanted to make you upset, but it was all just too much for him. You were milking him to the point where he wasn't sure if he had anything left to give, and he just couldn't handle it, his mind still hazed from the drugs. He wasn't sure if it was a dream or not, but when he woke up the next morning and got you a pregnancy test, he knew it wasn't.
The baby bump hadn't shown yet, but he knew it was going to soon. Cillian couldn't wait to place his ears to your belly, listening to the sounds of your future child. You had hurt him that day, but he didn't regret a single thing. It got him closer to you.
"You should have given me a warning. I was scared," he admitted, averting his gaze. "You scared me."
"I didn't mean to. I always thought you wouldn’t notice me. Well, you never did notice me." You gave a dry chuckle. “That’s why I had to be so forceful. I mean, you see me now, don’t you?”
“I always saw you,” Cillian replied softly. “But you know I couldn’t do anything. I couldn't risk loosing you. What if you didn't feel the same way?"
"You're so silly. Remember when I used to come to your house, dressed in nothing but a bathing suit? I would beg you to take me to the pool. Then I'd get you all alone in the hot tub . . . "
Cillian did remember. He always got so nervous when you came close to him, drifting through the water. You would place your hands up against his chest and flutter your eyelashes, claiming all you wanted was his comfort.
At the time, he had shrugged it off as a want for fatherly affection. Now he saw it for what it was.
"And I'd call you up in the middle of the night," you continued, running your fingers alone his collarbone. "'Oh, I can't sleep, Cilly. Can we talk?' And then we'd end up in your car, driving down lone roads in the cover of the night. We found that place, by the lake. I loved it there," you said wistfully. "We'd just sit for hours, with the sunroof open, gazing at the stars, listening to crickets and hooting owls . . . We should do that more often. I'll drive this time."
"No," he said sternly. "You shouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff. I can handle it."
You giggled at his words and cuddled closer to him, draping your leg over his. "Whatever you say, sir."
You knew how worked up he got when you called him that. Of course, you were in charge. You never had to say it, it was just something you both accepted, but you still liked pretending he was the one in power. You'd call him 'sir' or 'daddy' — all in a playful manner, but you'd still say it nonetheless.
"Little girl," he cooed. "You're just the sweetest thing, aren't you?"
"Only for you," you flirted, letting your guard down. "You're the only one I'd do this with."
Cillian's heart warmed. "I know."
His eyes glanced to the clock on the wall. It was late, nearing midnight, and you had to get up early for college tomorrow. He had work as well. He had taken far too many sick days staying at home with you, talking about wedding plans, baby names, hell, even the most random things that could come to one's mind.
"Feeling tired?" he asked, caressing your cheek with a stroke of his finger.
"Kinda. Can we go to sleep now?"
It wasn't really a question. Cillian would say yes to whatever you wanted.
"Yeah. Goodnight," he breathed out, "I love you."
You smiled, a genuine smile, one filled with pure happiness. "Goodnight," you said back, your tone low. "I love you, too. More than you can ever imagine."
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hi, I love LOVE you all for this blog! Thank you for doing this for the community 🥰
I wonder if you can recommend some loooong multi-chapter E-rated Human AUs of a particular flavor. I tend to like ones where there is a meeting early on, a bit of pining, plenty of spicy interludes and not tooooo much angst in the story line. Bonus points for chubby/fat Aziraphale my beloved.
My absolute faves are Under Construction and Car Trouble by @summerofspock and Petrichor and Parchment by @katnoggin.
If you can make anything of this, I'd be eternally grateful! Thank you!
Hello! We have plentiful #human au and #long fic tags, so do have a root around those for more fics that will fit the bill. Here are some with the details you've requested, most of which I don't think we've recommended before...
Lavender Apiary Of Your Honey Eyes by snek_of_eden (E)
The first thing Aziraphale registered was fiery red hair matted with sweat. The second thing was the man’s face, sharp and intelligent and a little guarded, sunlight dappling a spray of freckles. Upon seeing this, two contradictory thoughts crossed his mind: ‘Gosh, he’s pretty’, and ‘I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man use that many expletives in the space of a minute’. “Oh,” he said, swallowing hard. “Hello, then.” __________ When Aziraphale inherits a small, cosy cottage in the countryside, he finds unexpected company in a gardener he didn't even know he had. Crowley is sweet, and strange, and about as foul-mouthed as you can get. Before he knows it, he's falling pretty goddamn hard for a man whose friendship he's terrified of risking. Ah, the foils of love.
Angel in the Window by themaybedoctor (E)
Aziraphale has the best job a young bookworm could ever hope for—he works the evening shift at an independent bookshop, just a stone's throw away from Tadfield College, where he's only a few months away from getting his degree. He likes the location in Tadfield's cosy downtown, the friendly regulars, and his coworker, Newt. But most of all, he likes having the key to the biggest treasure trove of books he's ever seen. Aziraphale knows that he's not going to make friends sitting in the dark shop at night, alone with a book and some chocolate, but that's all right. He's not lonely while he has a book, which means he's hardly lonely at all. Really. Crowley works at a record shop, and he's got the biggest crush on the cutie working at the bookshop next door. Whose name he doesn't even know, because he's too awkward to ask. At least nobody's noticed. If his co-worker Anathema found out, he'd never hear the end of it. A story about bravery, misunderstandings, acceptance, and love.
Romeo in Black Jeans by Caedmon (E)
Popular fashion designer, Crowley, meets a beautiful man at his best friend's show, and it's love at first sight. He is determined to make Aziraphale fall for him, too... if only he could get Aziraphale to stop running so hot and cold.
and now all of my garden is grown in lavender by ilikeblue (E)
Popular queer romance author, A.Z. Fell, has been lying about having a husband and a happy marriage for years. Longing to escape a string of failed relationships and looking for a fresh start, Aziraphale moves into the cottage left to him by his Great Aunt Agnes. When a TV adaptation of one of his books leads to sudden popularity and throws him into the limelight, his fans (and the press) are eager to catch a glimpse of Aziraphale's own mysterious leading man. Unfortunately, he still has to cast someone for that role. Enter the handsome gardener… Under Crowley's meticulous care the cottage's neglected garden slowly comes back to life, and Aziraphale finds himself writing the most important love story he'll ever write: his own
Argumentum a fortiori by PeturbingPrism (E)
"From the stronger argument", the Good Omens Alternate Universe barristers fic you never knew you wanted! Crowley could be a rising star at Brimstone Chambers, if he could control his temper and apply himself. Aziraphale is on the edge of losing not only his job, but his entire family over a disagreement over which organisations he has granted funds to through his beloved Miracle Foundation, the philanthropic arm of his his family's angel investment firm. Anathema tries to help her old friend out by introducing him to the only lawyer she knows who might be crazy enough to take on the might of Celeste & Sons. Two people with different ways of dealing with their issues strike up an unlikely friendship, leading to love and healing. Lots of bickering, bookshop silliness, boozing, bentley rides, shared desserts and blushing.
Divine Restorations & Repairs by skimmingthesurface, SylWritesStuff (E)
While it's unfortunate for one’s car to break down in the middle of the countryside, the pretty-as-a-postcard Tadfield could hardly be considered the worst place Anthony J. Crowley has ever been. Of course, it doesn’t help that it looks like it hasn’t yet seen the turn of the millennia, let alone this decade, but perhaps that’s just what he needs as he crawls his way out of the Hell he’s endured for the past fifteen years. Maybe the last thirty, if he's honest with himself. Though he could do without the rain. When Aziraphale Fell happens upon him and offers him shelter from the storm in his little family-run antique repair shop, neither are expecting it to change everything. The angel with his white umbrella and his tartan bowtie doesn’t expect this mysterious stranger to be able to fill the timely vacancy in his shop or the quiet of his life, but they’ve both had experience in restoring once-beloved items back to their full glory. Perhaps Crowley hasn’t fallen quite so far that he wouldn’t fit in with the rest of Aziraphale’s ragtag team of eccentric restoration experts. And perhaps they may be able to turn that talent on themselves and each other, and seal the cracks in their own hearts.
- Mod D
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lazywriters-blog · 2 years
Warning: May contain triggering content, sexual assault, non-consensual touching, creepy and stalkerish behavior, and yandere content.
Summary: She has been a fickle little friend, and her avoidant nature leads up to a disastrous position, and her best friend is the center of it all. Grown into a man, a focused and determined young man that meets with his distant friend who will avoid him at any cost. What shall occur?
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"Hey, I stopped by to see you again, are you home?" three taps on the door and her shoulder flinch up, blood-shoot eyes swift to steady on the voice behind the main entrance, menacingly dark and unwelcoming, "I want to talk to you, please don't ignore me." he pleaded, another series of knocks chimed throughout her space and tensed up the peace. Then, it began. The phone calls.
The device illuminated with life in the clutches of her hand, stiff and unrelenting against the soft metal that buzzed silently, she peered down and without a thought, pressed her finger on the power button and brought the screen into darkness. Lifeless and still.
"You don't even pick up your phone, how am I supposed to talk to you? Please just let's sit down and speak, I'm sorry for what I did the night before." he continued, "I wasn't thinking straight." He had leaned closer to the door, kept his hand on the handle, and tried to listen in to her movements she's sure. "You don't have to isolate yourself, there are people who care about you, please let me help you."
The peacekeeper talk had crawled under her skin, the times he uses it to bring about change that would benefit him, and keep her aware of her every wrongdoing. Her bad habit of pushing people out of her life had become a prominent obstacle in his way, and he had his chances.
She knew she should have kept away from him the moment he held her hand, but best friends always do, so she never said anything about it.
She really should have pulled her hand back when he blushed and flashed her a shy smile, gently combing through his green hair and leaving no space between them. She was wrong in not doing anything.
"I... Know you were avoiding me since the time we held hands, you were cutting me out of your life and I didn't want that! I want to be your friend forever, I want to help you, please let me in." his voice held no motive other than to convince her she was the one who was overreacting. Somehow, his kiss was a friendly gesture, and she'd never believe that the innocent izuku had put his lips on hers, he just didn't seem the most courageous. When it came to her, at least.
"That one time, I called out your name, you almost pretended that you didn't hear me and walked into the bathroom, that was mean of you but I'm not mad, I get it, I'm somewhat clingy, and I'll try my best not to be. So, please open the door."
She would rather risk their friendship than feel the immense discomfort of being observed under his gaze, but confrontation seems impossible once she steps out and into the wide big world, he'd find her during his duty and she would have to sprint back home in a sweaty mess. Barely managing to dodge him all while.
Her eyes locked onto the handle and saw it shift, she knew his patience was cracking and she'd be one to piece them back for the sake of harmony.
He never liked her pushing him out of her life. All too many times, that seemed to be the case for her, and to get him off her back she would get to be the peacekeeper.
"Please let me inside your life. I want to be a part of it, even if a little. I want to be by your side."
The hopelessness in his voice made her reconsider, made her sympathetic for a moment, and provoked her to get onto her feet and move toward the only thing blocking him out. The one thing she's hesitant to unseal.
Resting her hand on the wood, she bends to look into the peak hole. Standing near, he's drawing in breath quicker, and the tears pooled in his eyes made her will weaker and the desire to let him in stronger. But she knows better.
"Please, I can't live without you. Let me in..." he inhaled a choked sob, "I love you... I love you so much, it hurts."
"You know, I think you're cool... Cooler than me, at least." she laughed, chugging down her last portion of vanilla tea, and looked at the astonished man with smiling eyes. His freckled cheeks vaguely appeared red before the fluorescent lights, his mug in his hands held tighter while he gulped.
"Thanks, that means a lot coming from you," he replied, fondly staring at his beverage. Before lifting his gaze back up to see her walk into the kitchen, he kept his glass down and suddenly stood up. Followed in her trail and ended up behind her as she was calmly washing her cup.
Izuku didn't know where he found the intrepidity to finally wrap his arms around her waist and rest his chin in the crook of her neck, something he's been wanting to do forever. She didn't seem all that stunned at first, she kept still and slowly turned around to face him. An unanswered question lingered in her head, her eyes questioning his abrupt change.
"I love you... so much..." he starts, staring into her and steadying his grip, the distance between them was little and he's never felt his heart racing so fast, he forgets what he set out to complete.
"I figured that much." she giggled but it wasn't her usual teasing one, this one had a sad tone, "I knew this was coming and I still wasn't prepared for it." she carried on, "I'm not ready to commit to a relationship, I'm far too avoidant for it. Plus, I'll only hurt you and that's what I've done so far so, I'm sorry to deny your feelings but, I can't do it."
She gently attempts to shake him off, but he doesn't let her and quickly stumbles to give a reason, "No! no, you are not, you've never hurt me and you and I know each other better than anyone else, I want to be a part of your life so please don't push me out after so long. We can try, can't we?" He brings her back close, sealing the gap so much so their nose touches.
"I know you better and no matter how much you try to cut me out, I'll keep coming back for you, I love you that much. I can't imagine being without you."
"No, we both know it's only going to hurt us so let's not get ahead of ourselves and stop, you have a life better worth spending on someone else, you know it, so let me go izuku," she argued and forcibly made her way out of his embrace.
"I want to spend it with you!!" he yells, in a frenzy corners her into a kitchen counter and the electronics fall out of place while the clean cup she had set down drops to the floor and into a handful of chunks. She looks at him and she's taken aback by the strength he used on her, laid down in an awkward position she whimpers and pushes her hand against his chest.
"I don't want to." she hisses, catching the man off-guard as he goes quiet with the realization. Hurt displayed in his leafy green eyes, she knew she hit a nerve.
"You can't cut me out of your life again, I won't let you..." it was sudden and raw, anger twisting his features into a person she's rarely seen, and the kiss had barely registered in her mind while she contemplates the unexpected change in the tides.
His scarred hand lowered down to her hip, while her futile attempts at throwing him off her seemed impossible. Suffocated by the kiss, she squirms in misery feeling his lips press down on hers and his body radiating heat that made it so much more unbearable.
She snakes her hand to claw into his arm but it didn't induce an expected reaction of pain, instead, he moaned, and took it as a sign to continue.
Certain the moment he leans back and disconnects their kiss, she'll scream.
He didn't want that.
Cupping her face, he muffles whatever struggling noise she makes, he sadly stares down at her face and gives her a reassuring smile, his right hand moving down to her warm spot, before slowly feeling her long skirt, and revealing the color of her panties.
"I promise I'll take care of you..." he whispers, snuggling closer to her body heat and caging her underneath him.
He seemed to blush with glee, while he unbuttons her green shirt and fests his eyes on the black bra perfectly fitting her chest, he slightly trembles as he traces his hand against her collarbone. His ear redden, and his stiff muscle loosened.
He chuckles, tears gathered in his eyes while he slopes his head down, "I love you... I love you so much, it almost hurts." he mutters against her skin, then looked up at her. "I want to be someone special to you."
"I just want you..."
The doorbell rings, piercing the stagnant air as izuku quickly drags his attention to the unwanted visitor, his hold on her face grew tight. This was her chance, but her silenced words could only be heard by izuku.
"Pizza delivery." shouted a monotone voice.
"Hello, ma'am?" he repeated four knocks. "I'll leave the pizza by the porch." he finished once no response came from anyone, and soon, she was left alone with him.
But the slight deviation was what she needed.
Grabbing the steel pencil holder, she banged it on his head and used her leg to give him one final shove to get him off her, immediately after making a mad dash to her room and closing the door in time. Not stopping there, she ran to her bathroom and locked herself in for what seemed like a day before he decided to leave.
Not after slamming into the door once or twice.
She remembers coming out of there, scared inside her own house while she checks every room and every hidden place to see if he had truly left, she locked herself in her house and hasn't decided to leave until he showed up again.
If he wanted to, he could burst through the door and get to her. But for however long it takes, she will not let him enter her life again.
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enam3l · 1 year
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the godparents (rockstar eddie x reader)
a follow up to baby fever!
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4.4k words / PG friendly / fluff / angst /
CW: pregnancy/fertility and it's downsides, if pregnancy is a sensitive topic for you, i'd skip this one!
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you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
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Eddie doesn't have a clue what you're saying. Your mouth is moving but all he hears is blood rushing past his ear canal. That's basically the only thing he's been able to hear for the past two months. Only vaguely observing his surroundings as he stays stuck in his own head, raging with thoughts and questions. Stuck this way ever since his best friend, Steve Harrington and his partner Marissa had their firstborn. The moment he held Rob Harrington, he was screwed. As Steve had put it 'Eddie Munson has baby fever.' 
Actually, Eddie had caught the fever the moment he first saw you interact with a child. A desire to have children awoken but only with you. He'd managed to sit on this secret for a few years now but ever since the gang's latest addition, the fever has raged. Ultimately, he knows now he has to confess to you about what plagues him. Really, Eddie knows he should've mentioned it somewhere between realising he wanted kids and asking you to marry him. But, in his defence, you've never mentioned them and it wasn't worth the risk of losing you. 
Each day the secret burns harsher. Now, Eddie sits, on the edge of the bed in his Hawkin's home with a gormless look on his face as he watches you. You're flittering around the bedroom in a pretty, expensive dress, worrying about today. Today was Rob Harrington's Christening. Today Eddie became a godfather and you became a godmother. Subtract one word and his dreams would be coming true. 
It's a tug round his neck that brings him back down to earth. You're stood between his legs, tying his tie carefully. Only you know how to do it right, nice and loose, stopping him from feeling like he's choking or looking like a real adult. You tuck the curtain of hair he's trying to hide under, behind his ears. 
'You okay, baby? You've been real quiet,' you hum with concern. 
He blinks, totally dazed by you. The way your pretty face looks at him all wide eyed and full of love. Oh god, he hopes your kids look like you. He wants to be endlessly tormented by an army of your mini clones. 
'Yeah, yeah, sweet, I'm good, I'm...' good lord, Munson, think of an excuse, 'just nervous about today.' 
You sit on his lap and kiss the round tip of his nose. He could stay sat like this, being loved on by you forever. 
'Oh god, did you have the dream where the priest dropped Rob in the water again because I promise that won't hap-' 
Eddie cuts you off with a shake of his curls, although, that dream had been bothering him. 
'S'just a big day, isn't it,' he shrugs. 
You nod in agreement, thumbs soothing over his freckled cheeks. 
'Mhmm, we're gonna be godparents. That's like being appointed to be an aunt and uncle by God... or something?'
Eddie chuckles and softly kisses your lips. Neither of you were exactly religious. Honestly, neither were Steve and Marissa but it just felt like one of those things you're supposed to do. After everything the boys had seen and been through, putting a good word in with the Big Man (or whatever exists) felt like a good precaution. 
After speckling his face in a few more gentle kisses, you hopped off Eddie's back and returned to fretting. The Christening present, you had now wrapped and unwrapped several times, was back in your hands. 
'Do you think it's okay? I mean will he like it? I know he's too young for it at the moment but when he is old enough?'
You'd chosen the present. With some plotting, Eddie had managed to swipe the signet ring Steve always wore with his initials inscribed. Then, you had it replicated with Rob's initials instead.  
'Yes! Sweetheart, it's perfect. More than perfect. It'll make Harrington cry like a baby!' 
The thought made you giggle. Steve had been a hormonal wreck ever since Marissa had gotten pregnant. It reached the point where his mood swings outdid the ones of his actually pregnant partner. Eddie knew his reassuring had worked once he saw your body relax. Now, you returned to ensuring not a hair was out of place. Your hair was pulled away from your perfect face that looked fresh with effortless make up. The straps of your dress tied in bows over your shoulders, revealing the expanse of the delicate skin that covered your collar bones. The only downside had been the ban imposed against Eddie marking you up. But, now he saw you stood there before him, it was clear his sacrifice was worth it. The structured silk bodice fitting you perfectly then flowing down just near your knees. It wasn't often he saw you in things so glamorous but soft; it made his heart fizz thinking this was almost a taste of how you'd look on the wedding day that was just a month away. 
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The church was crammed with Steve and Marissa's loved ones who'd travelled from all over the country to celebrate baby Robert. Attending events like these made Eddie nervous ever since he was outcast kid however now he sticks out more so. He saw the way attendees eyes gazed at the boy of the hour, cradled in his parents arms. Then their eyes would flicker to Eddie - who stood beside them at the altar - and do that classic squint. The do-I-know-him-from-somewhere-oh-wait-is-that-the-one-from-that-noisy-band squint. It was something he never found flattering, always embarrassing. It was one of the first things he'd thought about when Steve had asked him to be godfather; the gawping and whispers taking away from the special day. But Steve and Marissa would have no such thing, aside from Robin and Marissa's oldest brother, there was no one more perfect for godparents. 
So Eddie stood at the altar as that became official. Forever grateful you were by his side and understanding his nerves without ever mentioning it. Soft hand gripping his, thumb rubbing calming circles onto his skin. The whole process of baptism was still a little baffling for him. For one, he was unsure why Rob had been forced into what looked like the wedding dress of a small Victorian ghost. Also, he'd kind of lost track of what was going on once he stepped inside the church - just thankful he hadn't gone up in flames. But luckily, he had you. Now, Eddie felt a small tug on his hand as you guided him to where the priest, Rob, Steve, Marissa, her brother and Robin all stood around a little bath of water. 
'Are they going to do the spell now?' Eddie whispered in your ear as the priest set up. 
His question had clearly been overheard by Robin who stifled a snort whilst you batted him for misbehaving. 
'It's not a spell, I explained this to you! You're such a heathen, Munson,' you mouthed back. Quite enough to not disturb the ceremony before you but loud enough that Eddie could hear the tone in your voice that said you better behave, Mister. 
Yet, despite his original confusion and gentle mockery, Eddie found himself getting transfixed by the ritual. The soothing recital of prayers by the priest as he dipped a thumb into some ointment and proceeded to mark a cross on Rob's head. Eddie smiled to himself watching as Rob looked around, wide amber eyes just like his dad's, a little confused but pleased to be surrounded by his favourite people.
Then, at the big moment when Rob's waft of hair was wetted, Eddie felt himself quietly gasp in awe with the rest of the room. Knowing the small action symbolised something big. When a small sob began to croak from Rob over the water, Eddie felt himself jerk forward - a built in reaction to protect his godson. Clearly, you felt his movements too as you tugged him back. Soothing Eddie with soft strokes to his arms, mirroring Marissa's to her own son. He felt himself calm as he watched you mouth along to the prayer. A smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye watching your now official godson be swaddled by his parents. Eddie followed your gaze, longingly wishing the pair of you were in Steve and Marissa's position with your own baby. He should've known today would've been more of a struggle than he previously thought. 
Finally, the priest announced Robert Harrington as an official mini member of the Church, protected by you and Eddie. The crowd clapping and sniffling at the momentous event. Quickly, the pair of you were shuffled closer with Rob, Steve, Marissa and your fellow godparents, for an array of photographs whilst in the church. A sense of pride filled Eddie as he looked at the beaming grin of his best friend, knowing he'd been part of this moment. 
As Rob's gummy little smile was directed at Eddie, he couldn't deny that he was proud of himself as well. Proud that despite everything, his own shambolic upbringing and opportunities to go off the rails, he had ended up being someone people would trust to care for their child. And Eddie couldn't deny that he was good at it and actually wanted to do it. Looking after Rob, hell, even the kids when they were still his little sheepies, gave him a sense of accomplishment unmatched by even being on stage. He couldn't hide it anymore, Eddie Munson knew he would be an amazing Dad and the secret could no longer be contained. 
'Let's get one of him with his favourite aunt and uncle!' Steve had cheered, earning an outraged cry from Robin.
A little wriggly Rob Harrington was placed in your arms as the photographer positioned you both. Your fiancé stood behind you, head resting against yours as little fat grabby hands reached up to the pair of you. 
'It's a big day for you, mister, huh? Are you excited to get spoilt rotten?' You cooed, slipping a finger into Rob's grasp. 
The other fist remained unsatisfied, still reaching out, desperate to grab a ringlet of Eddie's hair. A fascination he'd had since birth. 
'You wanna play with your uncle's hair again? We've got to take our pictures first, cutie. I know, I know, I love playing with his hair too,' you giggled.  
You looked back, searching for a response from Eddie. Expecting him to be pulling a ridiculous face at his godson but you were met by a blank, dazed look. Inside, Eddie was screaming. Watching you baby Rob so effortlessly. That sweet little voice that was reserved only for him. The way Rob looked so lovingly from you to him, to you again. Eddie wanted, no needed, his own little baby to gaze at you two like that. It had to happen, it was too perfect. Fate was tempting him, giving him a taster of what he could have. Torturing him by having you stood there before him, looking so heavenly in that damn dress, loving that little boy so much. A picture perfect new family but it wasn't Eddie's own... not yet. 
'Eds, baby, is everything alr-' 
The words fall out as fast as his heart beats. He can't stop himself. 
'I want us to have a baby!' Eddie blurts out. Your face drops but not a second passes before the photographer calls out
'Aaaand cheese!' 
The bright flash stuns you both but it doesn't erase the way your face dropped. It definitely dropped. It's etch-a-sketched into Eddie's brain for all eternity now. He's not only just ruined a perfectly nice photograph, he's probably just ruined his relationship with his soulmate. 
'So cute guys!' Marissa squeals as she approaches. Carefully lifting Rob out of your frozen arms. 
'So we're gonna start heading over to the house now to have the part-' Marissa's instructions are interrupted by you. 
'Uh, I've got to go. I'll be right back.' Suddenly you've reanimated and are fleeing down the aisles, dodging beloved great aunts and cousins and flying out the Church's exit. Eddie's heart sinks to the pits of his stomach. 
'Ok...' Marissa stares wide eyed, 'so I have never seen her move that fast before...' 
Now Steve appears beside a baffled Marissa and forlorn Eddie. 
'What the hell was that about? Did someone tell her about the weird shrimp thing that Marissa's mom made us put in the buffet?' He scoffs. Marissa shins him. 
'Don't say hell! You've just baptised your son! We're in a church, Steven!' 
As he rubs at his now aching shin, Steve sees a lost look on his best friend's face he's rarely seen since '86. 
'Eddie, man... what's going on?'
The frozen look on Eddie's face suddenly cracks and he crumbles before the couple. 
'I think I fucked up real bad,' he sobs. 
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Marissa finds you back at the Harrington household, curled up in her en-suite. When you fled the church, you took Eddie's car and made your way to the house where the after party would be. You'd hoped maybe you could compose yourself by the time everyone had arrived - you were wrong. Sobs had racked through you non stop for the last half hour. The look you had worked so hard on this morning, now totally disheveled. The fabric of your dress littered with tear drops, stray hairs floating from burying your face in a towel. 
'Babe, it's Marissa,' she announces softly with a knock, 'can I come in?'
She takes the croak that comes out of you as a yes. 
Instantly, she's on her knees and wrapping her arms around you. Hands gently stroking your hair as you sniff against her shoulder. 
'What happened, Y/N? Are you okay?'
You cough, trying to clear your throat. 
'D-did he not tell you?' 
You felt awful leaving Eddie there, clueless. Sweet face dropped with eyes all wide and wet. But you couldn't process his words then and there, he'd blindsided you. 
Marissa sighs, 'yeah, he did but I wanna know how you're doing. What's going on in that head of yours?' 
Haphazardly, you shuffle away from Marissa's shoulder so the pair of you sit facing each other cross legged. Holding hands on the cool bathroom floor like you were back at a college house party. But you're not drunken college girls anymore, your friend is a mom and you're engaged. 
'We were just taking the picture and he said - he just said, out of no where, he wants one... wants a baby,' you gasp on another sob trying to erupt. 
Marissa nods waiting for you to continue. 
'I didn't expect it. He's never - we've never...' 
She squeezes your hand to stop you from falling into a fit of tears again. 
'Would it be so bad... having a baby? You're soulmates, you're getting married next month. You'd be great parents.'
Although she means well, Marissa's words make you break again because she's right - Eddie would be an amazing parent. Any kid would be lucky to have him as a dad and he deserves to have everything he wants. 
'No, no, it's just... god, I'm sorry, Marissa. I should speak to Eds first, god. Is he okay?' Your heart aches thinking of causing him distress, you know he'll be sick with worry. 
'He's just...' Marissa sighs, 'he just wants to make sure you're okay. What do you wanna do, girl?' 
You press your palms to your eyes. Inhale, exhale, repeat. Desperately trying to calm yourself. 
'I'm ruining your guys day. It's a happy day. I'm making it sad... I'm failing godmother duties already,' you chuckle mournfully, 'let's go and have a good time for Rob. Mine and Eddie's drama can wait.'
Marissa takes your face in her hands, swiping at your tear stains. 
'Are you sure, Y/N? We'd understand if you just want to go home?' 
'I'm sure.' 
The two of you pinky promise on the bathroom floor, maybe you were still slightly those college girls at heart. Marissa pulls you up onto your feet. 
'Okay, trouble,' she smiles, 'but before anything, let's fix your make up. Steve's aunt is such a nosy cow, if she sees those tear stains, she'll be prying all night.' 
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When you come out of hiding and enter the bustling party, your eyes immediately scan for those big brown eyes. You find them gazing lovingly at baby Rob who Eddie is holding hostage outside on the decking. He looks so perfect like this, a baby in his arms. It's not making things easy for you. 
'Hi, Eds,' you announce yourself softly. 
He startles, eyes wide and cheeks flustered. 
'S-sweetheart, you're back? Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have -' 
You wave your hands in protest, trying to stop him before he gets lost rambling. 
'I'm fine, I'm fine. I just...' sighing, you take a seat next to him, nerves stopping you from just falling into his arms like you want to. 'Let's just have a nice time for Steve and Marissa and little Rob here... we'll talk about it later, yeah?' 
Eddie licks his lip nervously, a hesitant hand attempting to reach out to squeeze your knee. You take his hand in yours, his natural warmth taking over you. Really, you just want to curl up into him already. 
'Urm, yeah. Alright sweetheart, whatever you want...' 
Eddie's heart sinks throughout the day as he watches you put on a brave face. He knows when you're keeping your feelings locked up. It's impossible for him to ignore that not once does your smile reach your eyes. It eats him up inside that he's the reason you've shut down in a way he's never seen you do before. Repeatedly you find an excuse to slide your hand out of his, making up a reason to busy yourself. When the dance floor is filled, Eddie can't find you anywhere, not even for your favourite song. Even when it comes to the extravagant white frosted cake Marissa's mom made, it doesn't taste as sweet without you kissing off the frosting Eddie manages to smear over himself.
A part of him really thought his worst fears were just that life long self doubt toying with him. He didn't wholly believe the question of children would have you react like this. He's truly terrified he's done something he cannot take back. 
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Eddie picks at the leather of the steering wheel throughout the silent car ride. From his peripheral vision, he sees how your gaze never leaves the window. By the time he pulls into the driveway of your home, the silence is gnawing away at him. The worst case scenarios crippling him. 
'Do you still want to marry me?' Eddie croaks. 
The question cracks all your resolve and the waterworks start again. 
'Eddie...' you gasp, 'of course! Nothing could stop me wanting you. I just don't know if I-' 
No longer can he hold it all in, Eddie just needs you to know what he was thinking. Needs you to know it's you before anything. 
'Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I just dropped it on you like that. I didn't mean to, it's just... I've been holding onto it for so long. Over the last two years, I never thought it but I want to be a dad but only with you! And we'd never discussed it so I never said anything. Then they had Rob and just seeing you with him. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry it was just too much. But it's only with you. Only if you want it too. I don't need to be a dad...'
Hearing Eddie scramble over his words always tells you when he's distressed. You'd been clueless this whole time that he felt this way and you feel awful for never noticing.
'I don't think I can, Eddie,' you all but whisper.  
His face doesn't disguise how his heart clearly drops. She doesn't want kids. The clear disappointment on his face stings so much, you force yourself to look straight ahead through the window-screen. Straight at the home you have together, a home that would sound alive with the footsteps of little Munsons.
'I understand, I guess I should've asked sooner...' Eddie's sounds deflated. The enthusiasm that usually runs through his words, now completely drained away. 
'No, you don't understand,' you blurt, 'I don't think I can have kids.'
If it wasn't for the blood rushing past his ears, Eddie would've thought your words just stopped time. Words fail him and he's barely able to muster a croak. 
'Did you never notice how we've been together for five years and we've never even had a scare? Baby, we're not exactly safe... but you'd never mentioned kids so I just. I just pushed it away...' you mumble the last sentence, 'I told myself if you didn't want kids then there was no point stressing myself thinking about it.' 
You look at the man you love and you feel sick. Heartbreak evident in his tear filled eyes and fallen face. Heartbreak that's your fault. 
'Eddie, I'm so sorry. I should've said something. It's my -' 
Eddie stops you before you take the blame. Shaking his head profusely before jumping out the parked car and running round to your side. He opens your door, frees you from the seat and wraps you in his arms. The pair of you sniffling into each other's warmth. 
'Don't you dare apologise, sweetheart. Come on, please, let's go inside.'
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 You find yourselves stripped out of the day's formal clothes, seeking comfort in well worn items. Curled up, facing each other on the bed. 
Eddie is the first to disturb the quiet. 
'So, you had thought about having kids?'
You nod softly. 
'Eddie Munson, I'd be stupid not to want to have your babies,' a sad laugh leaving you, 'I've seen how you are with people younger than you. Heard how you looked after Dustin and the gang. Seen how you are with little fans. Then when Rob came along... Eddie, how could I not? You'd be the most amazing dad. But you never mentioned it and with your own family... I just assumed it was an unspoken deal.' 
Regardless of the sad circumstances, Eddie can't help but smile. 
'You really wanted kids with me this whole time?' 
You nod, taking his hand and pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles. 
'And you wanted kids with me?' You return the question. 
Eddie mimics your actions on your knuckles this time. 
'Only with you,' he confesses, 'you're the only person in the world I could comprehend having a family with.' 
The two of you smile weakly at each other. The beauty of your confessions so overshadowed by the sadness. 
'I'd understand...' you begin, heart twinging at what you're about to say, 'if not being able to have kids was a deal breaker. You deserve to have everything you want, Eds.' 
Immediately his brow furrows as if you were speaking gibberish. 
'No!' He practically spits the words out, 'no, no, no! Never. No.'
Eddie pulls you into his arms, clutching your head into the crook of his neck. 
'There is no future without you, sweetheart, you understand? I thought I just had the music and that was a sweet deal until you. Then I found myself for the first time picturing a real future for myself. A future kids like me never thought we got. It's always you before anything, do you understand?'
You nod into his neck. Inhaling the smell of home, something you'd never known until you met Eddie. He presses a firm kiss to the side of your head. 
'We're gonna spend the rest of our lives together, regardless. Promise?'
'Promise,' you whisper into his skin, punctuating it with a kiss. 
For a while you just hold each other, clinging to your whole world. Then, Eddie clears his throat. 
'Do you know, like officially? Has a doctor said something or... are you sure you can't have kids? I mean, it could be me.'
You retract from your hiding place, to shuffle back and look at him. A hopeful glimmer sparkles deep in those brown eyes. 
'Well, no...' you confess, 'I was always too scared and because we never spoke about it, I decided ignorance was bliss.' 
Eddie hums in thought, nervously toying with the frayed hem of the t-shirt (of his) that you're wearing. 
'We can check, y'know... if you wanted to? If you really wanna do this.'  
His shyness makes you want to weep. Now it's clear as day how much he's been wanting this the entire time but never wanted to upset you. 
'Okay,' you murmur, 'we can check. I want to, I want us to have a family, Eds.' 
Finally, he looks up at you and a smile breaks across his face. 
'Really?' He marvels. 
With your hand you signal just how much you mean it - cross my heart and hope to die. Eddie crushes a deep kiss to your lips, one that relaxes every muscle in your body. It's the first kiss since this morning. Never have you gone so long without kissing each other whilst being in each others company. It hurt to deprive yourself of it. Once you pull apart, you brave the question you dreaded. 
'What if the tests or whatever say we can't have kids?'
Eddie shrugs like it's the most casual thing in the world before brushing a strand of hair out of your face. 
'I think whatever happens, you're so caring, so full of love... I think we'll find a way to create our own family regardless.'
His words make you sniffle tears for the umpteenth time today. 
'The Munsons. Our own little family of misfits?' You smile. 
The Munsons. Those words alone leaving your lips instantly heal Eddie's heart in all the ways he's felt it shattered today. 
'God,' he groans, 'I can't wait for you to be a Munson, honey.'
His over dramatics make you giggle, your first real laugh all day. 
'Just one month left and it's official. Mrs Munson,' you kiss the tip of his nose. 
Your sweet affections are overshadowed by Eddie practically howling like a wolf. 
'Mrs Munson, Mrs Munson, Mrs Munson. You're killing me here, sweetheart!'
The following giggles are quickly swallowed up by your husband-to-be as he pulls you into a desperate, wet kiss. Your limbs tangle as you lose yourselves in it. Gasping for breath in between repeating Mrs Munson. Mr Munson. Over and over until you pull apart to catch yourselves. 
Looking at the man you love, all smitten and loved on, you agree with his earlier thought. 
'You're right though, Eddie. We'll do it, no matter how. We'll make the family neither of us ever got to have.' 
Just over a year later, you're both proven correct when a little stick shows a pink plus. One Sloane Munson was on her way. 
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So guys... I guess a wedding is on the horizon?
taglist babies: @whoahoney @lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology @mseddiemunson @kreepja @midnightsgetawaycar @littlepotatobeansworld @josephquinncore @oscarisaacwhore @therosietoesy @luvrsbian
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
A little angsty this one ;) but the suffering is oh so good.
Dick had been hiding his attraction for Tim for years before Dick forcibly took Robin away from from him. Dick regrets it desperately more and more over time. It’s not just that Tim is Bruce’s greatest successor or he was right and brought Bruce home. It’s that Jason didn’t hesitate to pull Tim under his protective wing when he was forced out of the mansion. Jason believed him, became Tim’s partner, his equal in all ways. Jason had never hidden his feelings for Tim, but now Tim was looking back. Dick tried to apologise but their relationship was never the same, Tim wouldn’t lean into his lingering hugs or kiss his cheek anymore. It finally broke Dick when they got engaged, and everyone congratulated them! Even BRUCE was happy for them! All these years Dick had been holding himself back because he was sure their relationship had to be secret and Jason hadn’t even considered hiding how much he loved him. Wanted Tim as his husband and everyone to know it. Dick never recovered.
dick views his attraction and his inability to ignore the...the feelings that swarm him about tim. there are so many reasons dick shouldn't and couldn't allow himself to feel things for tim.
tim is young, just a child. and dick is so...so sick for lusting after a child.
tim is his brother, a person who puts so much trust and faith into him. who feels safe and secure with him and how would tim react...how would he feel knowing dick sometimes lies awake at night thinking about how his soft body feels like in his hands.
dick can't like tim. not in that way. because tim is young, because tim is his brother, because bruce would be furious if he ever knew, because dick's friends and all the people who respected him would be disgusted if they knew.
dick knows he desires tim, wants him. he knows that tim has him on a pedestal and if dick...if dick just hinted at the desire tim would likely fall into his arms without hesitation but...but dick can't stomach the thought of all the loss he'd face if he chose tim. if he chose happiness.
people would look at him different. they'd treat him differently once knowing about his shameful attraction for his little brother. not just people he knew would know it. strangers as well. dick wouldn't put it beneath vicki vale to write a long article about the "incest at wayne manor!"
as much as dick may like tim...
as much as he may like tim's sweet smiles and voice, the way his hands feel when they stroke dick's head and comfort him.
dick can't risk it.
he just can't. so he keeps quiet. for years. and when things get difficult rather than support or back tim up...he doesn't. because of that lingering fear that someone might see something more to dick's affections if they noticed how he always sided with tim or always put him first.
and it comes back to bite him because it drives tim right to jason.
jason who dick was so convinced was faking the whole 'redemption arc' thing he had going. who dick was so convinced had suckered tim into believing him and gotten sympathy from him for it.
tim never told him directly that he and jason had started seeing each other. he'd needed to hear it secondhand.
tim's body never quite eased around him like it did before. dick tried to hard to get tim to understand and when that didn't work, to apologize.
but even then it didn't happen. tim didn't sweetly giggle at his jokes, look at him like he hung the stars, cling to every bit of his undivided attenion. he didn't sweetly lift his cheek for dick to kiss or nuzzle dick's chest when he'd pull him in for a hug.
he pulled away from dick. stood stiffly in his arms. looked...looked uncomfortable when dick would sweetly kiss him and show him affection.
but then he'd melt in jason's arms. turn into a giggling schoolgirl with a crush when jason would rub prickly unshaved bear against his sweet cheeks.
the day tim and jason announce their engagement is the worst day of dick's life. it's made worse by all the calls of congratulations. the smile on bruce's face, the air of satisfaction around alfred. the way that all capes are acting like this is a good thing, a sweet thing.
as if dick hadn't loved tim from the start. for longer than jason had.
but jason is someone without shame and had never bothered hiding his interest, his attraction. even when he'd tried to kill tim he couldn't help but have been drawn to him.
it's not fair. it's not fair that dick needs to suffer when he'd done everything right. when he'd kept all the love in his heart hidden.
it's not fair.
it's just not fair.
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phaelimbs · 1 year
— Farah had never really grasped the definition of love. (John Price x Reader)
As a child, she'd seen the way her parents interacted with one another, her observant eyes witnessing each gesture between them, from touches to treatments. The way she and Hadir had been raised— to fight, to honor, and to love.
But she had never seen anything like that after the tragedy. The horror that fell among the Karim siblings and the rest of the city as they've fallen in the hands of a bloodthirsty General Barkov, when all dreams had been shattered and the laughter that surrounded the people were replaced by terror. Farah had to shut her feelings at such a young age, and face the cruelty of the world in order to survive. She was born a leader, with a clear mind, and a visual of hope for the ruined country.
That was until she had met a man named John Price.
Burned in Farah's mind was only war, strategy, and death. This was done for the love for her country, the love for her brothers, sisters, and cousins that sacrificed their lives to fight against invaders, but that did not mean she understood love, specifically towards someone.
That thought remained in her, when a certain Lieutenant whose name was John Price meets Farah during their escape from Barkov's hands, when at Death's door and incredibly outnumbered by Russian fighters. Among the war was a young man with a story, and a girl with a hope for freedom.
"Lieutenant, tell me a story." Her voice lowered to a mere whisper, enough for the man beside her to hear as they'd silently marched their way to surround the enemy that had been distracted by the others.
The man did not question her request, for being in the battlefield for quite some time meant he'd witnessed, and experienced longing for a piece of something to calm one's nerves with as they risked their life, and so he complied.
He racked his brain for something to tell as he crouched behind shelves and debris, until one specific image entered his mind.
Lieutenant Price knew Farah was trusted, with reasons he did not know, he just felt. Reluctantly, he gives a brief story to her, surrounding a lover waiting for him back at home, about celebrating their first monthsary in a few days, after a while of pursuing her heart.
Curiosity rushed in Farah's veins, trying to understand that certain feeling of love, of giddiness, of happiness, of coming home to someone. She knew she did not yet know wholeheartedly what it means to love, and to understand, but the thought had given her a sense of hope. For the first time in years, she truly felt alive. A girl with a mission to live life with normalcy and dreams. But for now, she had to fight for it first, for now, she had to lead.
The attack was a success, a taste of freedom for the people as they've freed themselves from suffering. The Lieutenant and the Commander separated ways, to fight for different dreams.
And so, Farah Karim had decided to translate his words into her own, but with a vision of freedom, that her definition of love was a free country of Urzikstan.
It took a while for their paths to cross once again, a decade after their encounter that changed her life. Both had exceedingly grown during the years, and Farah had grown wiser, tougher, and braver.
Once again meeting the Lieutenant in the middle of a war— she now learned he had become a Captain, joining forces with him just as they had done before to defeat a certain enemy, the General that ruined the lives of many. Their reunion was no happiness full of tears and hugs, but for Farah, it still felt nice to see the person who saved your life, a person who helped you witness another day to fight; and as for Price, a person whose life you have saved, and helped remain strong.
In the back of Farah's mind remains the story, and for the second time, she had asked of him the same request. For her, it no longer felt like just a story, but a dream. A dream of something pleasing, of happiness, of contentment in life. A beacon of motivation that amidst the blood and death, of toughness and bravery was beauty, a place of respite and vulnerability.
Thankfully, the Captain complied once more. Giving her the satisfaction of knowing the continuation of the dream that gave her hope, and she was not disappointed.
Farah learns the lover of almost a month is now a spouse of 6 years, the realization that he wanted to marry her came after 4 years of dating, when they'd gone through a rough patch, and it took Price a near near-death encounter to realize she was the person he wanted to come home to after every mission, every deployment that left him in ruins or in triumph, that lead to him proposing without a ring right as soon as he had reunited with her. All Price needed was her, and it was enough for him to live and survive through hell.
She also learns that the lover is now a mother of their month-old child.
And it was beautiful, the idea of domesticity flickered across her mind as she grasped every word, because there was something to him as he talked about it, a touch of lightness within him as he gave her bits of information about his personal life, there was a glint in his eyes that shone as bright as it did ten years ago. A respite amidst the war, a place of happiness, of contentment.
And Farah knew right then and there that that is what it was to love someone, to fight for them, to fight with them, and to live for them. She finally understood the Captain.
Because she had found it in the eyes of blue, of a fighter alongside her, of Alex Keller.
(A/N: Hello ! Thank you so much for reading, it is my first time writing and I'm not sure if I did a decent job, feel free to criticize if you wish. Have a good day !)
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
Wait wait wait wait wait
Titan!Mars is giving sentience to the drones?! So Opportunity, Curiosity, Sojourner and the others are all gonna be baby bots some day??
(Also if we're talking moons and planets being titans, there is a moon that literally named Titan - one of Jupiter's moons I think)
Yup they will. It will certainly take a hot minute to get there, but Mars is doing his very best to make it happen. They need protomatter and exposure to the Allspark to come to full awareness, but Mars is giving them all he can in the meantime. It is yet another reason he is so dead set on getting the Allspark back if no one else will. His citizens need it to come to full awareness. He is their father now. A father never abandons his children.
Mars liked to think that if given the chance, he would have the will to fight against the Unmaker and consequently, Earth. However, upon receiving his six gifted citizens, his determination was largely shelved. His citizens would be sad if their mother Titan were to be destroyed, and quite frankly, Mars didn't want to mess up the education he'd already given his little ones.
Let Earth, Moon, and Unicron duke it out verbally. They were all idiots anyway. Mars was comparatively very normal. All he was doing was giving his little ones sentience. Hardly worthy of note really.
Sojourner was old by the standards of his fledgling race. Mars had to be careful with him. Sojourner had to be gently imbued with the shards of a spark, and even then, Sojourner struggled to reach full sentience without his other half, Marie Curie. Often the new mind of Sojourner would wander to his companion still on Earth, and Mars could only hold him close and hope that maybe Earth would convince one of her children to send Marie Curie to him.
Spirit was an aggressive young mind and loyal to a fault. He was easy to bring to life. The care put into him by his human creators gave him the barest inklings of sentience, and that was more than enough for Mars to work with. Spirit remained within the section of Mars that the humans dubbed "Troy". The little thing was dead set on gathering information, just as he had been instructed so very long ago. Mars had and continues to support Spirit in his attempts to use his communication systems to reach NASA again with fresh data. Mars knows it is a risk on his end, but the ones who made his citizens are so loving. Mars is of the mind that they will be more interested in hearing from their wayward son than anything else.
Opportunity was almost eager to be given life. She endured many trials when she remained in contact with her makers, and the fact that she overcame them gave her the seeds of thought Mars needed to gift her the beginnings of a spark. Opportunity roams his surface with glee, and Mars fuels her travels with songs and gentle prodding. She too desires to one day regain connection to NASA to share her discoveries. Mars adores her desire to see and explore. She reminds him of Moon in a way. At least, the Moon when he was younger and filled with life, eager to please his young citizens.
Curiosity and Perseverance did not come to Mars at the same time, but they too arrived with the inklings of a fledgling mind. Mars accepted them with joy and did not impede them as they gleefully fulfilled their directives. He has slowly worked to give them sparks, but he will not directly interact with them until they inevitably lose connection with NASA. He wants them to know the love of their creators for as long as possible. Curiosity is more than happy to continue roving and fulfill her directive while also humming songs to Mars through fledgling EM bursts. Perseverance gleefully follows his older sister in her devotion to the task. Mars is very proud of them.
 Zhurong was different when he came to Mars. He was not from NASA, and that was new for Mars. Zhurong was a sweet mind though. He took longer to come to awareness, but Mars was glad to have him all the same. Being so young, Zhurong has yet to do much of note, but Mars encourages him whenever possible.
There were others too. Smaller minds send to Mars to observe and keep an optic on his surface. Phoenix, Viking's 1 and 2, InSight, Beagle 2, Mars 1, 3, and 6. They were all sent to him, but without any of the touch that gave the six life. Mars tends to them all the same. Maybe one day he will find a way to give them the touch that brings about thought and free will.
Mars loves his strange citizens, and he is hopeful that they may one day become Cybertronian given enough time and attention from him. Moon thinks he is weird for his obsession, as does Unicron.
Moon: Why do you care so much about the rovers? They aren't even proper citizens, much less Cybertronian in origin.
Mars: Shut your fragging mouth Moon. You don't get to talk when you ABANDONED your citizens back on Cybertron!
Unicron: Yes, destroy each other for my amusement.
Earth: Father, don't encourage them please. I don't want children's creations to die in the crossfire.
Earth is happy Mars loves her grandchildren, but she does worry about his interactions with Moon when they talk about citizens a a whole.
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silent-stories · 1 year
Never have I ever...been in love
(Eddie Munson x F!reader)
You dangled your legs off the roof of Eddie's trailer as the sun slowly sank on the horizon, painting the sky different shades of pink and orange.
The boy sitting next to you brought the cigarette he was holding between his fingers to his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke from his nose, which the cool but not excessively cold breeze of that evening immediately blew away.
The shirt he'd refused to put on after the shower he'd taken before going up there lay beside him, even though you'd insisted that if he didn't put on clothes he'd catch a cold, and his bare chest rose and fell as he let smoke in and out of his mouth.
"Never have I ever…hurt myself trying to be funny." You said.
You always found it fun to play that game with Eddie, every time you discovered new things about each other even though it's been several years since you've been playing it. You knew the original version probably involved alcohol but the point of hanging out with Eddie wasn't to get drunk.
The rule was to always tell the truth, as if you were using one of those lie detectors they only used on criminals you saw on TV but sometimes you found yourself wondering if Eddie had ever told you a lie during that game that maybe you had become too old for playing.
Eddie chuckled. "I bet you already know the answer."
The light from the day's last rays of sunlight reflected off his brown eyes, making them appear to be a hundred different shades of gold.
"Oh I know, but I want to hear it from you." You laughed, thinking about what had happened that morning several years ago when you were both little more than children.
"That tree was obviously unstable, it wasn't my fault!"
"That tree was unstable but you tried to climb it anyway."
"Tried? I did it!"
"Yeah and then you fell. And you broke your wrist."
"Yeah but you took good care of by me afterwards. That's when I knew I wanted to keep you."
"Wait, you wanted to keep me? I wanted to keep you so you didn't end up in other similar situations and risk your life every two days."
Eddie laughed as he stubbed out his cigarette butt on the roof of the trailer before crossing one leg under the other, the tear at the knee of the faded old jeans he'd been wearing widening slightly as he did so.
"It's your turn." You said.
"I don't know...I feel like I already know everything about you."
"Then ask me something you don't know."
He didn't say anything, as if he was carefully choosing his next question and after a few moments of silence you wondered if he had decided that the game wasn't worth playing anymore.
The birds had stopped chirping and the trailer park kids who usually played outside had gone back to their homes.
"Never have I ever...been in love."
Your head spontaneously turned to him but he was staring straight ahead, where the sun was now almost completely gone. His hair still damp from the shower clung to his neck and forehead and there hadn't been a moment since he'd stepped out of the bathroom that you hadn't repressed the urge to reach over to brush the dripping strands from his forehead.
He was pretty, and there was never a moment in your life when you didn't think it.
And you absolutely were in love, probably not from the first moment you saw him because you were too young to know what love even was.
Now you knew.
But he was your best friend.
"No" You lied, "no, I don't think so."
Eddie didn't answer, continuing to stare at an indefinite point in front of him. No funny or sarcastic comments, no jokes.
"It's your turn." He didn't turn to you.
"Never have I ever..." you thought about it for a moment, you had nothing to lose, right? "been in love."
"It's not fair. That's what I asked." He chuckled under his breath.
"I don't think there's a rule against asking the same question." You shrugged.
Eddie rolled his eyes, then stayed silent for a few moments, as if thinking about it.
"Yeah." He ran a hand through his damp curls, "still am."
You have felt a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach and in your belly. I was a weird mix of fear and hope that you couldn't quite identify.
"Do they know?" You just wanted Eddie to be happy, you didn't care if he would break your heart.
Eddie snorted. "Because she doesn't like me that way."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because she's never even been in love."
Eddie turned to you, finding your surprised expression.
"Yeah." He chuckled, his laughter was colder and less genuine than usual, "Hella embarrassing isn't it? I've been waiting for days if not months for the right moment to ask that stupid question during this game and when I finally work up the courage, she tells me she's never been in love. I almost wish you'd told me you were head over heels for that basketball player who always sits next to you at every history lesson. Someone who deserves you. But like this? You make things even more hard because every time I'm around you I can't help but think about what it would be like-"
It was a way to stop his rambling, it was a way to tell him he was wrong, it was a way to tell him you had lied for the first time during the game.
Your lips were on his and your hand was finally in his still damp hair. It was short, a few seconds and it was already as if it had never been there.
"I thought... you said..." Eddie stammered, surprised. On his lips the ghost of a smile.
"I lied. I'm sorry, I fucking lied. It's you. It's always been you."
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justanoasisimagines · 5 months
Never Again
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Summary; After a violent encounter with another ship. James blames himself. You decide to set the record straight Pairing; Captain James Flint x Reader WordCount; 608 Warnings; Mentions of injury. A/N; Requests are open. Request guidelines are pinned at the top of the page Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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James stared into the calm sea. Exhausted, however, remained determined to keep his eyes open. No one would sneak up on him or his crew, again. The seas were calm yet danger could lurk on the horizon patiently waiting to attack them.
"Why don't you let someone else keep watch for a while?" James refused to turn around. To take a glimpse at the real reason he'd become extra vigilante, so paranoid.
"I'm fine. Go back to bed. You need to rest." James was met with silence. He couldn't hear anything except the waves crashing into the boat while it glided across the ocean.
"I thought I told you to go back to bed" James turned his neck taking a brief glimpse back at you.
"When have I ever enjoyed listening to orders?" James would usually find your attitude endearing, he enjoyed the way you kept him on his toes. However, you could have died today. He could have lost you today and it doesn't bear thinking about.
"Do not disobey your Captain!" James snarled, choosing to turn his body towards you. Your arm was wrapped close to your chest, your lip busted open, and the left side of your jaw had a fresh purple bruise covering it.
Failure. James had failed to protect the most precious and important person in his world. The person who kept his life threaded together. Unable to bear it any longer. James faced the stern once more. A hand slipped its way into his rough, calloused hand. How could someone so pure love someone like him? He was broken, cruel, ruthless and relentless. He did not deserve it.
Selfishly, he kept taking the love you were so willing to give. "You can't keep avoiding me-None of this was your fault. Life on the ocean is not easy. It's ruthless and dangerous; only the strong survive." One by one fingers entwined, delicate between calloused., calloused between delicate.
"I am the Captain of his ship. It's my duty to protect the crew-"
"James, you did protect the crew! Everyone is-" "You got shot! You could have died and it would have been my fault! Why do you constantly put yourself in harm's way to love me!" Teeth clenched, veins popped. To anyone else, Captain James Flint was one of the most ruthless pirates to sever sail the seven seas. To you,, he was James Flint, the man you loved. Yet without unlacing your hands, you stepped in front of the Captain. James looked away, unable to meet your gaze. "James look at me- look at me" James reluctantly glanced at you, momentarily before looking away. "Would you risk your life to protect me?" "Yes! I'd move the heaven and the earth to ensure your safety. Anyone who dared to hurt you would die slowly. Do you question my loyalty to you?" "No of course not. Why do you question why I would do the same? We are not young anymore. I knew of the risks when I agreed to sail the seas with you." Untangling your hand, James placed a tender hand on your cheek. "I do not know what I would do if I'd lost you" "You'd show everyone why it would be the biggest regret of their existence. Do not think about that now We're alive and we're together." James swept his arm underneath your legs, scooping you into his arms. Worry remained prominent in his mind and the next ship who dared to cross him would feel his wrath. He'd remind everyone why he obtained his reputation. No one would dare to dream about looking wrongly in your direction.
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Arranged marriage. NHS is going to get married to some good match girl they've found for him, and coming out as cut-sleeve won't save him from this fate. So he stages his own kidnapping and hires a mercenary who kidnaps him all in red attire on his wedding day. The kidnapper he hired turns out to be MY, who became a mix of wandering cultivator + mercenary after being kicked out of the unclean realm, and NHS first secret love. (You can make MY go to do the deed dressed in red too)
Once they'd finished practically binding him into his robes, the servants had left the changing room, meaning there was nothing Nie Huaisang could do except sit and stare despondently at the lanterns as they burned through their store of incense.
His wife to be was pretty; he could accept that in an aesthetic sense. She was kind, with a cute laugh; up until the betrothal had been announced, they'd been good friends.
But the idea of marrying, of sleeping with anyone besides Yao-ge her made him very glad he hadn't eaten over the past two days.
No matter how much everyone wrote it off as pre-wedding jitters -the more charitable ones- or him just being an obstinate brat -everyone else- he just couldn't deal with this.
Even just the night before, he'd gotten in a huge fight with his brother about it, as Da-ge continued to never give him a straight answer why it had to be him to continue the family bloodline, when even an idiot who knew nothing about gentry would figure the sect leader doing it himself made more sense.
They hadn't spoken to each other at all during the final preparations.
He had become so desperate to get out of this that at one point he'd even attempted to arrange a very public disappearance. A fake death, even. But as upset and angry as he was with his brother, he hadn't been able to go through with that, and had sent word to the facilitator to just call it off and keep the money for their trouble.
Fuck. It wasn't even time for the ceremony yet, and he was so tired that his vision was-
He quickly tried to stand up, only to sway on his feet and topple to the side.
Hands caught him before he could hit the floor, and he caught sight of a blurry red theater mask as he was scooped up.
"Wha... what's..." he slurred, only to be shushed.
"Just sleep," crooned a voice that he never thought he'd hear again was familiar, even through the haze caused by the drugged incense. "I'll take care of everything."
To say that the Unclean Realms was caught off guard was an understatement.
No one had expected that there would be someone who actually wanted to steal would be so audacious as to steal the second son on his wedding day.
And yet a masked figure in red, the young master over one shoulder and a whip in his other hand, had practically exploded out of the window of the sealed changing room and swung down to the courtyard, before splitting off into a dozen illusions to keep the guards guessing as they scattered to and over the walls.
Nie Mingjue was the first to spot the real one, for all the good it did him. The thief was surprisingly fast on their feet and agile, even carrying his unconscious brother. At the same time, it was clear that neither side wanted to risk hurting Huaisang, which gave the stranger more of an advantage with a whip than it gave him with a saber.
Baxia was sent flying, and with that first chance to escape laid out, they took it. By the time Nie Mingjue had called her back to his hand, they had disappeared with the same quickness they had appeared, and had taken his brother with them.
And now there was an even bigger mess to deal with.
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