#Where do lychees grow best?
brittle-doughie · 2 years
Would the dragons ever be willing to sacrifice themselves to the jelly horde for Y/N cookie? Or are they just too prideful?
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They were distraught upon realizing you had fallen to the infection. They NEEDED to do something.
Ananas Dragon is especially mad, their Y/N Cookie has been tainted! All leniency is thrown out the window, SOMEONE was getting crumbled.
Why did they allow mere cookies to protect you when they’ve clearly failed to do so! Maybe if you were here, you’d be safe. You’d be okay…
Being the subject of the dragons’ favoritism, of course they would try to retrieve you. However, the growing horde will make that complicated.
They’d be quite surprised at how much the infection made them fearless and actually a threat in regards to being swarmed or even get infected.
They very much don’t like to be infected, even if Pitaya Dragon wanted to use this as an excuse to spar with the strongest horde members, they knew not let the horde overwhelm them.
Of course, their combined strength is enough to plow through the horde and snatch you up. You weren’t as hostile as the horde, which was a relief to them, you were still the sweet little cookie they remembered you to be.
Longan would be disappointed in both the cookies and to the dragons, how could they let this happen to their beloved? They ordered for you to be kept in the main area, albeit out of reach. The dragons can gaze close upon you, but any cookies or walkers will have to get through them to get to you.
Lotus Dragon will play you music as they fly beside you, letting out a little laugh as they observe your reactions to the music.
Even when the cookies have come up with Y/N Cookie to be the cure, they’ll demand that they conduct the tests here, just so they don’t screw anything up and hurt their beloved.
Lychee Dragon is particularly volatile, ready to get dangerous if hurt is seen on Y/N Cookie
The dragons, outside of the legendaries, will be your strongest protectors who will squash anything that could hurt you. They’re so holding onto Y/N Cookie once this is all over.
Longan views them as inferior to protecting you, you best believe they’ll just destroy the cookies for getting you infected and not out of danger. You’re best safe here, where they can watch you..
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Forbidden Glances (Commission)
(This is a commission for my friend @mumble-jumble-gallery
Another short stare towards their right-hand servant before gazing back at their work on the throne, they struggled to admit their feelings towards the future traitor. The thumping in their chest starting to get annoying as they tried to hold these feelings down, feelings towards their snake. It angered them, it amused them, it brought them joy as much as it brought them shame. They shouldn’t be feeling such for a servant let alone one that planned to betray them yet here they are. So deeply in love with Snake fruit Cookie, so intrigued by it. And yet they continue to harm it.
Yet in turn Snake fruit harms them too, physically and emotionally. There were times where it had the audacity to bite or swipe at them. When that mask of theirs falls.
They want it so desperately but they can’t! They are a dragon and it’s nothing more than a sniveling snake, they could never be with such a lesser creature. They can’t love them; they don’t love that snake! That snake they continue to stare at day In and day out. Slight bubbles of jealousy when they interact with the other servants. They felt possessiveness grow in their body with each passing day.
“Oh massster, you know I would NEVER betray your trussst in me~.” They’d say with that sly infuriatingly cute tone of theirs.
Could they call Snake fruit their favorite servant? One would expect a master’s right-hand to be their favorite, correct? Diligent, hard-working, loyal, obedient, and follows everything told with the upmost speed and timing. But what if that “favorite” wants to betray you? Stab you in the back like claws into prey… Such an interesting yet meaningless question, the snake will fall to their power easily. They cannot be bested by their own servant, that impossible and utterly shameful upon a dragon’s pride.
But at the same time, the thought of that snake topping them at their own game was amusing and…no! No! No! No! Stop thinking like that!
“Massster, you’ve been ssstaring at me an awful lot lately~.” They mentioned.
“Think nothing of it snake, I am merely making sure you’re doing your job.” They replied with cold indifference.
How badly they wanted to make them shut up, forcefully, not with words, however. They’d stalk Snake fruit through the halls and watch them ever so closely. Lychee Dragon would joke about their “obvious affections.” That little sibling of theirs, perhaps they enabled them too much.
One thing that passed their all-seeing eyes was how their servant looked at them too, how Snake fruit viewed them. The snake HATES their master with a burning passion yet loves them with the same amount of burning brightness. They didn’t understand why, but every time they tried to bite, they loved how their master would punish them for such insolence. It was such a thing so close their heart, hatred and love circling each other for the one they wanted to back stab more than ever before. For the one they wanted to hurt back, for the one they wanted to prove superiority over.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
Their heart beating fast against their chest as they prepared dinner for the master, tempted to slip in poison but that didn’t work last time. They walked down the hallway to the master’s chambers, on their way however they were suddenly pulled behind one of the golden curtains.
“Wha-?!” They yelped, prepared to bite only to be shushed by their master. The plate clattered to the floor.
“Hush snake.” They hissed, that cold look gaining a strange aura.
Snake fruit remained silent as told, Longan looked them up and down, taking in their features. These features that crave so much.
“You really are something else, making me question myself and what I want. Daring to poison and bite me, how foolishly brave of you.” They commented, hand moving to hold their cheek.
Snake fruit’s cheeks flushed a bit as they did that, letting out a nervous hiss.
“Y-You’re ssstaring at me again massster.”
“You believe me to care about that? No, I do not.” Their thumb rubbed their cheek.
Snake fruit couldn’t believe it as a smile crossed Longan’s face, a scary smile indeed but one that made their heart pump faster and faster. The master couldn’t seem to hold themselves back anymore as Longan pressed a kiss against Snake fruit’s lips.
“Mmm! Mm! Mmm…mm.” They were surprised at first but quickly eased into the kiss.
Longan slightly kneeled to pull Snake fruit closer while their servant onto them, Longan using their tail to hold the curtain as a shield around the two. It’s just the two of them in this moment and both of them loved it, pressing deeper against each other. They briefly separated to breathe before kissing each other again. Snake fruit bent backwards slightly from the force their master was putting in, they would’ve fallen to the ground had they not maintained balance.
Longan had to restrain from digging their claws into the Snake and pulled back, panting. Snake fruit too was catching their breath.
“I…massster?” They tried to speak, flustered.
“Oh look at that…you dropped my dinner, go…make it again snake.” They said, trying to keep an indifferent tone. Trying.
“Yesss, of courssse, right away.” Snake fruit replied, wandering back to the kitchen.
Longan turned and started the trek back to their chambers; they couldn’t believe they lost themselves in their emotions so easily. They just kissed the snake and so passionately too. They were disgusted with themselves! And now there’s a mess on the floor!
But even still with all those thoughts, Longan licked their lips.
The dragon lord sat on their throne in the new world, alone. Snake fruit betrayed them as they knew they would do, but…why did it hurt? It didn’t hurt them before, but what seemed to hurt worse was that Snake fruit is now working for Lotus. They knew they said they never wanted to see Snake fruit again but…it was a lie. A foul lie they now regret. Longan grit their teeth tight as tears welled up, jealousy towards their sibling and anger at themselves. The dragon lord gripped their arm rests so tightly that it cracked.
Longan could only roar in anguish.
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Baby Bea and the OCS Chapter 1
8 Years Earlier: One week following Beatrice's 17th Birthday
Stepping off the train in Antequera, Beatrice can’t help but feel like a cliche. Here she is. A school girl in a strange country, again. All her belongings were in a duffel bag slung over her shoulder as she looked wide-eyed at the beautiful architecture of the Spanish town. It rolled and moved with the hills. The buildings looked like they belonged there just as much as the mountains did like they might have been there just as long.
It was different from Porrentyry. The home of the ever-prestigious St. Charles College et Lychee, god, even thinking of the name, made Beatrice want to roll her eyes. It was greener there. But not really in a good way. It made the buildings look stuck there. Like they didn’t belong.
Though young, Beatrice wasn’t blind to the fact that all these observations about belonging were likely just her projecting. At least this time, she knew more phrases in the local language than “Hello” and “Where’s the bathroom?” when she walked through the streets of a new place. Alone, and a least less afraid than the first time she’d done it. Maybe this could be it. Maybe this would be a place she could fit.
As she walked the streets, she stopped at a little corner bakery. The smell pulled her in more than anything else. It was delightful. She’d been training since the Nun visiting Maison du Cœur Eucharistique mistook her for a novitiate and started the recruitment process for the OCS, but the Roscos Fritos smelled so good she couldn’t resist.
One treat, one final indulgence, before she entered a life of service couldn’t hurt. Right?
The man behind the counter she orders smiles at Beatrice, warm and easy, as he passes the bag to her. However, when she reaches to dig through her pockets, he holds a hand, stopping her. “¿Eres del Convento?”  
“No.” Beatrice shakes her head, looking down at herself. She didn’t think she was dressed as a nun. Loose-fitting black pants and shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a neat bun. Little did she know she’d be sitting at a bus stop in an outfit not dissimilar to this one going the opposite direction. However, for now, that wasn’t her.
Not yet, at least. If they let her stay, it wasn’t exactly a done deal. She still had to convince Mother Superion to let her stay. That she was worth it. An endeavor that may prove impossible, seeing as she was still trying to convince herself too.
She didn’t know much. She’d tried her best to research the order and talk to the sister who’d recruited her, but the OCS was secret at best and very good at keeping that secret. She was told to come in good physical shape and be ready to train hard. Beatrice was no stranger to training, to discipline and pushing herself to her limits, but this was an unknown world.
Beatrice wasn’t afraid of hard things. Her whole life was hard. A sentiment she often found herself refuting. Her life was privileged. She knew that much. She should be thankful for all she was provided with growing up, and she was. However, that didn’t mean it wasn’t also hard. Fitting into boxes she didn’t belong in. Pretending to be things she wasn’t, being good at things so that she had any value at all. It was hard, and it was exhausting.
She didn’t think joining the church would solve that problem. She wasn’t that delusional, but she figured if she was going to have to pretend, to hide parts of herself away, and be miserable, she might as well make something of it. Be of service. Help.
It didn’t hurt that here she would have the opportunity to prove to a god she longed to be loved by that she was doing everything she could to make up for the sins of her heart. She’d slipped one time, and that was it. It hadn’t even been anything at all. It had been innocent childhood friends misconstrued into something perverse, but perception was reality, and that time had long passed.
She’d never felt a dread like this. Thinking about all the ways she could fail. What might happen if she did. She knew this was going to test her in all the ways she could be: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Likely socially as well. There were going to be late nights and early mornings. Training. Prayer. Studying. Beatrice wouldn’t say she was scared. That felt like admitting something she wasn’t going to be able to overcome.
In the darkest parts of her mind, even if Mother Superion allowed her to stay, Beatrice wasn’t sure she’d overcome any of it. Those nagging ‘what ifs’ played like a broken record in her mind. What if they found out? What if she wasn’t good enough? What if they rejected her? What if she didn’t have what it took? What if she was terrible at it?
Quitting doesn’t count if it is before you even started, right? No. The humiliation of quitting would be less than the humiliation of failing, right? You are doing this. Failure isn’t an option.  
Then and there, in this quaint bakery in this small Spanish town, while a baker looked at the strange young woman before him, Beatrice made herself a promise: You will convince Mother Superion to let you stay. And you will stay. They will have to drag your body from this order before you will ever quit.
All that was too much to dump on a stranger, a man she would likely see around the small town if she did get to stay. In a language, she still needed to be more confident in her pronunciation or vocabulary to get across any of that accurately. So, instead, she settles on disclosing “Soy nueva.”  
“Las hermanas no pagan.” He smiled like it was the hundredth time he’d reminded one of the women from the Convent that their money was no good in his bakery.
Beatrice figured it likely was. It was a kindness she felt she hadn’t yet earned. So instead of listening to the man, she took a few euros from her pocket and held them up to the man before placing them in the tip jar. She smiles as he shakes his head at the unnecessary gesture, flipping the towel back over his shoulder casually as he does. “¡Buenos días!”
Beatrice is halfway out the door when she realizes, for all her confidence getting off the bus, she had no idea where she was going. Pausing in the middle of the frame, she turns back around, bell smacking against the glass, stopping the baker from returning to the kitchen.
“ ¿Hermana? ”
Beatrice cringes a bit as the words tumble out of her mouth. Her lack of situational awareness was truly embarrassing. “ Um, ¿Donde esta-” But before she can even finish the question, he’s smiling at her knowingly as he points to his left as if to say, ‘That way. Can’t miss it.’ His smile only widens, making his eyes glimmer in amusement when the bells ring loudly, presumably just up the street.  
“Gracias.” Beatrice turns to look down the street, shaking her head when she sees what could only be the gates of a colossal convent. She really could have found it on her own. Yet here she was, not thinking things through. The closer the time gets to when she’s supposed to step through those gates, the more she can feel her heart beating frantically and her chest tightening with each passing minute.  
“Con mucho gusto. ¡Mucha mierda, Hermana! ”   It was a little puzzling at first, but she vaguely remembered that it was a version of ‘break a leg.’ Beatrice feels her cheeks heat up as he winks knowingly at her like he didn’t just say the Spanish equivalent of “shit” to a young woman hopeful of becoming a nun. To him, the young woman looked much too young to be getting into the kinds of things those nuns got into. Yet still here she was.
And though she took the time to enjoy the treat, there she was. She was standing in front of those grand black gates to the convent. Through the bars, she could see women in various combinations of gear. Sisters were walking around in navy habits, chatting idly. Women in black workout gear were returning from a run. A few more were in what looked to be Gi’s sparing.
This was it.
This was what she’d worked so hard to graduate early for. She worked so hard to skip her final year of school for an opportunity to serve the church like this. A chance to make up for what she was. To maybe finally do something worthwhile with her life.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
Fankid: Indigo × Barnaby
Sawyer Sinclair Silverwood-Lee
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Born: Isle of Mull, Scotland;
Looks: Relatively tall with tawny skin and chocolate brown hair that's quite wavy, big green eyes with thick eyelashes and eyebrows, dimples to her smile and soft cheekbones;
Patronus: Spider monkey;
Pets: Lychee, the white-bellied Caique parrot that she carries everywhere like a pirate, and Chuffy, a scrawny turned fat domestic longhair;
Fav Subjects: Maths, Arithmancy, Magical Theory, History of Magic, Potions, Alchemy, Wizarding Literature;
Least Fav: Herbology, Charms (one bc she doesn't like dealing with the mess and the smells/and the other bc she already masters the subject and finds it boring);
Extracurriculars: Flying, Ancient Studies, Physics Applied to Magic, Magical Sea Creatures, Wand Mechanics, Mathmagicians (class/club), Law and Political History of the Wizarding World, Magic Applied to Culinary Arts, Debate club, Music; (listen she's a chew more than you can swallow type of girl)
Boggart: Losing her family / The shadow boy she sees since childhood;
Hobbies: Reading fantasy, sci-fi, and biographies on inventors (and on her weaker days, a romance or two), playing the piano, putting apart both muggle and magical devices, training pets to do tricks, swimming, doing all types of puzzles, training her technical drawing, and karaoke with Vesper.
After many losses, Sawyer is the baby that comes into their lives unannounced yet wholeheartedly welcomed. A perfect mix between the two yet with big green eyes that leave no doubt about her genealogy, she's the apple of their eyes and would've grown quite spoiled if they were different people. Growing up with a legilimens for a mom certainly shapes her into a blunt and sincere girl, edges deeply softened by her father.
Though her looks never lie, the early signs of her prodigy leave both parents questioning where she could've gotten her intelligence from, which she first demonstrates with her interest in math and art, and her ease of learning writing multiple languages, all despite being homeschooled by Indigo most of her childhood. They later invest in tutors (given how early her magic began acting up sending her to a muggle school would be unwise).
In the subject of magic, her access to the family's libraries allows her plenty of knowledge on basic magic many years before she sets foot on Hogwarts which makes her a restless and uninterested student in her first years until she finds herself capable of invading more advanced classes in secret instead of attending her own. Unfortunately, the imbalance in understanding easily alienates her from her year mates, driving her to befriend much older Ravenclaws with similar interests.
But it's in her youngest cousin, Vesper, she finds her very best friend who despite the difference in age and sorting remains as such since their childhood, throughout the years they share in Hogwarts, and beyond. While Sawyer represents control, Vesper, spontaneity, and together they make quite the unstoppable duo especially with both being eager learners and fearless explorers.
While not a legillimens like her mom nor a seer like her father, Sawyer does have a strange connection with dreams, hers and others, (which I'm still in the process of discovering) that makes her nights restless and reality occasionally deceiving. She also has a more druid-like connection to the dead thanks to her Celtic origins, but something she discovers much later in life.
With her looks and sympathetic personality, she earns several admires, but getting to know her truly is a tough task with her ability to illusion openness, talking a lot not saying anything. She has a hard time being vulnerable and understanding romance, which is why despite all the flirting she's known as a hard-to-please girl. She's often drawn to extroverted and messy types despite considering herself quite cool and collected.
For the time Maxwell's in Hogwarts, she's part of his band playing the keyboard, and joins in after that whenever their official pianist gets sick or busy with personal life. Beyond the piano, she can also play the guitar and a little violin.
Her biggest obsessions in life are integrating technology and magic, not leaving any rock unturned, and understanding time and its complexities, including time travel. Needless to say, her curiosity more often than not lands her in great trouble.
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magbld · 6 months
journaling as a tribute! #1
I don't really care who reads my entries or journalling honestly, what do you even gain? have some insight on my life. But I want to start blogging ? (hopefully that's the right term) about my life as I try to grow into a better person. This journal is a tribute to you! it'll be my outlet of how I would've talked to you about my day in our past. Today, I had an interview at the grocery store. I think it went well, I hope it went well LOL. God was it so crowded in there, I came early (about 5-10 mins before it was schedule) and my interviewer wasn't even there! What the fuck ! LOL. I was told to wait another 15 minutes for her to come and she did. It was so crowded, we had no where to sit. Do you know those stairs that lead to the botany? we literally sat behind it (sitting on boxes, she doodled my resume) as she spoke and questioned about me. I think it went well at least, I hope so! I'd like a little more money for the future at least. For my car, more specifically. I wish we were still together till I had my car, it would've been such a nice moment for me to be at that milestone with you. I would've loved that. I also thought about how much money I've spent on us in total! LOL it's so much, we burn through money like it's nothing. I don't regret it though, my memories are priceless. Otherwise, the 3 hours at Bath and Body Works a week is not cutting it (bruhhhh). The position I applied for was to be a fast-food counter attendant, you know the one who makes the banh mis(Viet sub)? I'm sure you had one at my place before, I'll become and expert at them. She asked if I wanted to work at the seafood if possible, I said NAH!!!! I'm literally allergic to crab. I think I would've died if I were to kill a crab. Otherwise, I think it went well; I'd get a call from them tomorrow around 4-5 if I got hired. I plan on doing my push workout today, calisthenics. I'll get started later on, my usual: 4x50 pushups superseded with 4x25 tricep pushups; 4x15 lateral raises superset with 4x12 shoulder press; 4x8 shoulder mobility work superset with 4x15-25 tricep extensions; then finally a superset with some other exercises I forgot to name. My older brother wants to work out with me again. although, I doubt we will, he doesn't have the interests in moving weights around. He's much more fitted for activity then a free weight regime. I saw a TikTok about a book called Heaven by Mieko Kawakami, I saw the ending part and it reminded me of you sadly. I think I want to read it no matter how heart shattering it may become for me LOL. I don't plan to code for the rest of the winter break, I can't urge the energy for it. I think I'll treat myself to a new backpack. I saw a sling bag ( I know you hated them ) but I want to get it. I think it'll look stylish with some outfits in my mind. It's called the S-ZONE Sling bag one strap on amazon. I plan to practice the guitar some more, I've learned D, A and E chords and who knows what'll learn next. I don't think I learn Brokeback mountain anytime soon. I can't bare my self too. I cried a few times last night (hard too! I haven't done that in a while. I'm glad you made me know I still have that in me) and a few times today. I told my mum we broke up and I had to walk away to tearfully pet lychee. My mum's not much of a help at all in this area bruh. She was like "okay! can't wait to see you bring an asian or white girl home" and I was like fuck no. I don't want to date anyone or see anyone anytime soon. I just wanted you. Although, it was a little funny. I know I've always told you that I was okay with ending things and I always braced/prepared myself for this. And I did. But god does it still hurt so fucking bad. I hope you're doing well, I miss you and love you still. I don't want to us to get back together (even though I selfishly really do) because I do not want you to have to decide or have issues with your self-identity. It's for the best for you and for me. I kept thinking of things we've done and places we've been to. It's crazy how much of an imprint you have on me.
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 years
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Sokka dug gloved hands into the snow, "You grab some like this, and roll into a ball." Spotting Aang, a wicked smirk curled on his tan features. He looked to Azula, "Now here's the important part, you find your target and take aim," Sokka carefully tracked his friend skating along a hill in the distance, "AND THROW!" The ball of packed white powder raced through the frigid air before colliding into the side of Aang's head with a wet smack. The young Avatar fell back in surprise and slid down the rest of the hill on his rear end. Further back, he could hear Katara yell, Zuko next to her did his best to stifle a laugh. It earned him a well placed elbow in the ribs. Ignoring his sister's spat with the Fire Lord, he turned to the Fire Princess and gave a grand bow, "And that, young snowhare, is how it's done." Azula remained silent as he stood, her face thoughtful. "What do you think?" he asked her. "It's rather primitive and unrefined ... yet satisfying." Azula bit the inside corner of her lip, "What did you say they were called again?" Sokka's face cracked into smiled, "They're called snowballs." ... "This is highly inefficient. Stopping to make a new snowball every time you throw?"
"Well yeah, the heat from your hands helps keep them together, once you put them down they fall apart."
"So why not use fireballs? They don't fall apart." Azula demonstrated with a palm-sized sapphire flame.
Sokka closed her hand extinguishing the small flame, "I don't know, maybe because that would hurt people."
Azula rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Fine, what about ice? Ice doesn't fall apart."
"Because that would also hurt people."
"Then what's the point."
Sokka threw his arms in the air, "To have fun!"
"You call launching ineffective attacks on your allies, fun?"
"Yes." Sokka groaned, dragging a palm down his face.
"I guess I can see how one might find that amusing. I still say ice would be highly effective." Azula bored, examined her nails, "A little ice never hurt anyone."
"Katara literally defeated you with a block of ice."
"How would you know, you weren't there."
"Your brother told me."
"My brother's an idiot"
"Well, at least that's something we both can agree on."
Sokka glanced back toward the hill where Aang - having outgrown otter penguins - was dragging a sled up its steep side. Further back Katara and Zuko huddled against the cold, were deep in conversation.
Following Sokka's gaze, Azula smiled, "Those two have been quite close since we got to the South Pole."
"Yea, a little too close," Sokka grumbled, he turned to look at her, "What did you say before?"
"My brother's an idiot."
"No before that."
"A little ice never hurt anyone?"
"I think you might have something there." Sokka hopped up and started gathering some snow, "What if the snowballs were like those sweet brown things you guys had at the palace?"
"Gulab jamun? Those are soggy and make for ineffective projectiles." Azula stated as a matter of fact.
"No, smaller, one of them had coconut-lychee crème in it?" Sokka got a dreamy look, "They were so good."
"Do you mean truffles?"
"I guess? They were soft in the middle and a chocolate shell."
"Truffles." Azula confirmed, "How is candy supposed to help you defeat your adversaries."
"First of all, what did we say about friends?"
Azula rolled her eyes.
"Saaay it." Sokka chided.
"Ugh" Azula recited his words in a droning deadpan, "Friends are friends, not adversaries, enemies or opponents unless they first enthusiastically consent to a spar in which case we are not to purposely hurt, maim or cause them death."
"Exactly." Sokka beamed, "Ok so what if we made snowball truffles."
Azula raised a brow, "I don't follow."
"Like you said, a little ice never hurt anyone."
The watertribesman's mischievous smirk was beginning to grow on her, "I'm listening."
"Ok, if our snowballs had a layer of ice around them, they wouldn't fall apart, right? And if it's thin like the chocolate on those truffles, then it'll break easily without hurting anyone."
"You lost me again."
"If we melt just the outer layer, it's cold enough that it'll refreeze into a hard shell almost instantly. The only question is if your firebending control up to the task?"
"I'm the best Firebender there is, second only to my father." Azula declared.
It was Sokka's turn to raise a brow
"And maybe that buffoon I call an uncle."
Sokka softened, "You know, your brother and your uncle, they really care about you."
For a fraction of a moment, Azula's haughty expression faltered. If he had only blinked he would have missed it.
"Bringing me to this frigid wasteland to learn waterbending of all things is caring?" Azula asked incredulously anger burning up the edges of her words.
Sokka had no answers for her.
"It's prettied up imprisonment and you know it." she spat pinning him with eyes of molten gold.
She had made great strides since Iroh and Zuko had brought her here, but she was still angry. Understandably so, the controlled and meticulous princess had no control, no say in what happened to her. She was still earning their trust back and she would be a prisoner until she did.
Sokka sighed, "I won't lie to you, as much as everyone is trying to help you, you're right, you are a prisoner and there isn't much you can do about it."
Azula silently observed the young man before her, he was an idiot like her brother but he was the first to be upfront and honest with her, it was something she could respect. She gave him a nod to continue.
"I can't teach you waterbending forms like Pakku or how to find inner balance like Aang. I can't offer you any words of wisdom like Gran and Iroh. I can't set you free from whatever this is either."
"So what can you do?" Azula asked pointedly.
"I can help you make the best of a shitty situation."
"And how would you do that?"
Sokka handed Azula a snowball, and that same mischievous smirk appeared on his face, "By showing you what fun is."
Drawn by the yelling Pakku ran out of his tent and stopped in his tracks, mouth agape at the scene before him.
Katara his best student and Zuko the reigning Fire Lord streaked past him running for their lives.
"SOKKA CUT IT OUT!" Katara yelled over her shoulder.
In hot pursuit of the pair was Sokka, the future chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe with Azula Princess of the Fire Nation atop his shoulders flinging snowballs at a blinding pace.
"La help us," Pakku muttered heading back inside, "I'm getting too old for this."
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milkybonya · 3 years
order 015, anon: large banana milk tea with lychee jelly and pudding for Asahi
Warnings: some angst (injuries, crying mentions) and food mentions
Summary: a coffee shop! enemies to lovers! soulmate!au all in one where Asahi, an expert barista and newbie!y/n's supervisor is easily angered by small mistakes, but ends up falling for his new employee as they begin to hone their craft, and even more so when he discovers the butterfly birthmark at the nape of their neck which matches his own.
*disclaimer! i'm not a barista but am writing using the minimal experience i have acquired after working in a place that makes coffee but isn't as artsy as a coffee shop,, so please forgive any inaccuracies!
[a/n] Alex if u see this LOOK IT'S A COFFEE SHOP AU HHH
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After being lucky enough to get hired on the spot at your city's most famous coffee shop, you walk in on your first day, excited to make coffee and serve customers. The day does not greet you well, though, as your already nervous state is worsened when your supervisor and coworker, a dashing young man with black hair parted around his face, gives you a hard time.
Asahi is extremely cold and quiet, only yelling when he speaks to tell the employees to do their job right. He yells at you twice: once for forgetting to clean the steamed milk frother, and another time for when you serve the customers coffee that isn't fresh.
It leaves you feeling jittery to a point where you continue to make mistakes.
"[y/n], finish that order and meet me in the back," Asahi tells you, his voice completely emotionless.
Once you join him in the back, you find him sweeping, his hair falling in his eyes and prickling his nose. As soon as he notices you're there, he puts the broom away, pushing the hair out of his eyes before he turns to face you.
"[y/n], I realize that it's your first day, but you're doing an absolutely terrible job," he says.
"Our work here is more fast paced than you think, and if you can't handle it and keep getting nervous and slipping up, then I don't think we can keep you here."
Your bottom lip begins to tremble hearing the harsh criticism on what is only your first day, but luckily, a coworker who overheard everything steps in.
"Hey, Asahi! Big boss man, calm down. It's only their first day... stop being so hard on them," your coworker says, placing an arm around you.
When you look to see who it was, you discover that it's Junkyu, your bright and happy coworker who always does his job with a smile. Even just seeing him makes you smile, and he smiles back at you, patting your head.
"[y/n] is doing just great, so you can shut up!" Junkyu huffs, dragging you out and back onto the floor.
You may wonder why Junkyu was being so rude to his boss, but Asahi and Junkyu are actually close friends, so it's okay for them to get mad at each other like this.
"Don't listen to Asahi. He's like an old man sometimes," Junkyu says.
"And it's okay to get nervous! I was spilling so many things everywhere on my first day. Just take your time..." Junkyu explains, showing you how to do all the things that you messed up on before.
Asahi watches from the other side of the shop, feeling angry at the sight of Junkyu being so close to you, for some reason. He also thinks... he sees something on the back of your neck that matches his own birthmark, but he shrugs it off, telling himself he's just seeing things.
With the worst luck, you continue making mistakes every time Asahi shows up, and he scolds you for it in front of your coworkers and the customers each time. Sometimes, you have to rush to the break room to catch your breath and even cry it out, stare yourself down in the mirror and tell yourself that you're doing a great job.
"You're doing great, [y/n]! Don't worry about Asahi... you're doing great," you say.
Asahi, who is in the back of the shop in search of coffee grinds, overhears your pep talk and smiles to himself, immediately frowning as soon as you step out of the break room and face him, though.
"What are you doing? Get back out there!" he says.
You leave quickly and don't notice Asahi smiling at the way you waddle towards the front.
Despite being nervous at the beginning, your barista skills improve rapidly. You're able to master latte art after only a week and a half, creating pretty designs that are different for each customer. Your designs gain popularity and the shop grows busier with people waiting for you to hand them a pretty latte that you've designed.
Asahi still doesn't seem to want to give you praise of any sort, though, as he constantly points out your mistakes.
"It looks good, but does it taste good? You clearly went too heavy on the milk."
Even his your coworkers grow tired of Asahi, and everyone starts calling him angry bird Asahi behind his back with the way his eyebrows are pointed in a frown each time he comes to scold you.
For you, though, it doesn't matter anymore. You've found something you love and are improving in it rapidly, so Asahi's bitter attitude can't harm you anymore.
One short-staffed day, you're alone, closing the shop alongside Asahi. The two of you clean up in silence, save for Asahi's hushed hums as he sweeps.
Not noticing a paper bag on the ground, you trip on it and fall on your knees and hands.
Your yelp leaves Asahi rushing over, even though you thought he would just ignore your pain.
"[y/n], what happened?! Are you okay?" he asks, leaning down.
He pauses midway, staring at the back of your exposed neck. His fingers reach out in disbelief to touch what he sees, but he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable and stops himself.
A butterfly birthmark, just like the one on the back of his own neck. A shared butterfly birthmark in the same location: a sign of soulmates.
"I'm okay, I'm okay. I just tripped.
"Y-you're not bleeding or anything, right?" Asahi asks, suddenly breathless.
"Nope, all good!" you say, standing up and feeling confused at Asahi's flustered state.
"Are you okay? Why do you seem so panicked?" you ask.
"I'm... I was just worried that's all," he quickly says, returning to where he was sweeping.
He really found his soulmate despite not believing in the butterfly soulmate thing anyway....
Asahi is really weird around you for the next week, not scolding you anymore but just being super quiet and seemingly cautious around you. Everyone is confused as to what happened to angry bird Asahi, and feeling a little worried yourself, you approach him in his office on your break one day.
"Is everything okay, Asahi?"
"Hm? Yeah... why wouldn't it be?"
"I don't know... you just seem more quiet than usual."
Asahi stares at the ground, wondering if he should tell you about your shared birthmarks.
Ah heck, let's just go for it, he thinks to himself.
He swivels around in his hair, turning his back to you and holding up his hair at the back of his head.
"Does this look familiar to you?" he asks, pointing to the birthmark at the nape of his neck.
You gasp, feeling the back of your own neck.
The birthmark looks exactly the same...
"I don't know what to do. Because frankly, I don't believe in any of this soulmate crap, but we're really soulmates..." Asahi says.
Your eyes, on the other hand, are sparkling. You've believed in soulmates since the beginning and always wondered who would have the same birthmark as you. It's weird to think that angry bird Asahi is your soulmate, but you don't want to lose this chance.
"What else do we do but go on a date!" you say, hugging his arm out of excitement.
Asahi glares at you and you pull away, clearing your throat.
"Friday after work! Wait for me and we'll go somewhere," you say, excitedly leaving Asahi's office.
He places a hand on his heart, feeling it beat a little faster than usual.
Friday, you notice Asahi's hair is looking a little different - all straightened, neat and tidy. Asahi also doesn't fail to notice that you're looking a little fancier than your usual self. Even Junkyu bothers you about it, asking why you look really prim and proper today.
When Asahi's shift ends, he has an hour to kill until yours does, so he spends that time in his office at the back, watching you make pretty drinks with you latte art through the security cameras. He has a full view of your butterfly birthmark and suddenly wonders what it would be like if he was able to kiss it.
Finally as soon as your shift ends, you rush out, forgetting to say goodbye to everyone unlike you usually do, but also forgetting to punch out. Asahi reminds you to do that as soon as you step into his office. The way he smiles when you swing open the door, his teeth peeking out while his eyes hide away, makes you feel like he's happy to see you... though he's just giggling at your mistake.
Once you're punched out and ready to leave, you step out of there and take the bus to an art gallery that you've always wanted to explore. You notice Asahi staring down into your lap as you ride the bus, shyly looking at your hands, fidgeting his own and then looking away. You become the brave one for the both of you and take his hand in yours, smiling at the window when he looks at you.
You take your time looking at the artwork, both of you quietly walking while holding hands. You only talk to ask each other if you're ready to move on to the next piece.
After some time, though, Asahi speaks up and asks you if he can take a photo of you standing in front of a butterfly painting.
"Just keep looking at it and I'll take a photo from the back."
Once he stands behind you, you feel awkward and stiff in front of the camera, and it probably shows, as Asahi asks you to relax.
"Just be like you usually would!"
You try your best and Asahi eventually takes the photo.
"Can I see?" you ask him.
"Later," he says, smiling down at his phone.
On the floor below the gallery, there's a place to grab food and the two of you do just that, gushing about how cool the art in the gallery was and what your favourite pieces were. Asahi tries to imitate this robot statue you saw made of metal, and it makes you laugh so hard that you almost get kicked out.
"Asahi, I never thought you would be this fun," you say.
"Well, at work I do have to be somewhat professional," he says, smiling at you.
"At work you're just a jerk," you mumble, thinking Asahi can't hear you, even though he does.
He decides to stop being so hard on you at work, and actually follows through. Work becomes more enjoyable without angry bird Asahi and with all of the dates you go one with Asahi after work. Eventually, the two of you start to officially date, and Junkyu is shocked to his core.
"H-how did this happen...? And why did no one tell me!" he screeches when he finds out.
Asahi presses his lips to the back of your neck in the dark of the room, his lips curving into a smile when he hears your giggle.
"What are you doing, Sahi?"
"Something I've always wanted to do," he says, burying his face into your chest.
It's his turn to giggle as you run your fingers through his hair, tracing his butterfly birthmark with your finger.
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bruhstories · 3 years
Baby, I’ve Already got Your Heart
Summary: An accidental meeting between Armin and Y/N leads to an unhealthy obsession. Pairing: Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader (modern AU) Warnings: stalking, language, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), oral sex (female receiving), switch!Reader, switch!Armin, rope is involved. Word Count: 2.5 k
A/N: This fic is heavily inspired by this song. It is surprisingly wholesome, considering the tags xD
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Armin Arlert. The purest man in the world. You accidentally met him one cold, rainy day when he entered your coffee shop for shelter and warmth. He naively talked to you, grateful for how nice you were with him, grateful for the cappuccino on the house, grateful for the towel you offered him to dry himself off. Little did Armin know, a fixation sprouted in your mind and heart, developing into the unhealthiest obsession. He was just so cute — and you just had to have him. It helped to know that you were both going to the same university, and after that, you knew everything about him: his Facebook, Instagram, email address, hell, you even knew his real address. To be fair, it was a piece of cake, the boy was absolutely clueless and whenever he 'accidentally' met you, he thought it was by pure chance. The next and most obvious step was to befriend people in his social circle, one Jean Kirstein, one Sasha Braus and one Connie Springer. Naturally, you did your homework, and you knew his best friends were Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman, but they weren't easy targets. Besides, it would jeopardise your entire plan, as you found Armin was considered a genius. An oblivious genius. He didn't know it yet, but you loved him and he loved you too, right?
A text from Sasha, months after you first met the angelic man, set your plan in motion. A casual gaming night at Armin's place, and you were invited. How perfect. Poor glutton Sasha had no fucking clue how much you were using her, how you told her you want to meet a cute guy, someone nice and caring, someone smart and attentive. The girl put two and two together and decided she just had to introduce you to one of her friends, especially that he was also interested in meeting a girl like you. Unbelievable — you acted surprised, met up with Sasha and left for Armin's little gaming night. You wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste. Starting from tonight, he'd be yours. Forever.
"Armiiiiiiiiin, I brought a plus one!" Sasha barged into his house. "This is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, Armin! Oh shit, pretzels!" The brown-haired woman left the two of you in the hallway and the blond flashed you a smile.
"I feel like I've seen you before." He mused as he closed the door behind you.
"If you ever drink coffee at Rose's you might've seen me there." You smiled and removed your leather jacket, revealing a Pearl Jam t-shirt.
"No way you listen to them!" Armin blurted.
"Are you kidding me? They're my favourite!" You lied through your teeth with a sickly-sweet smile.
"Mine too! Oh, I know, you're the girl who gave me a free cappuccino months ago!"
"I remember! You were drenched in rainwater." You laughed as the two of you entered the living room. "I had to mop up the puddles you left behind."
"I'm so sorry about that..." He blushed. Your heart fluttered and you couldn't wait to get your hands on him, but for the time being, you needed to behave.
"No worries, I just hope you didn't catch a cold." You assured Armin and sympathetically placed a hand on his shoulder. There he goes, blushing again. It couldn't be... was he a virgin? Fuck. This was better than you could've imagined.
"Who's this?"
"Oh, Mikasa, Eren, this is Y/N. She's friends with Sasha."
"Nice to meet you!" Eren shook your hand. "Oh, God, you listen to Pearl Jam, too? You nerds are going to get along just fine." He joked.
The night went great, and you actually had fun with Armin and his friends, despite not intending to mingle with them too much. People started leaving around 2 am, but Eren and Mikasa stayed longer. Too fucking long — and things were boring now anyway. You and Armin kept talking about video games and books, Mikasa fell asleep on Eren who was playing fucking Farmville on his phone. They had to leave as soon as possible.
"Hey, Y/N, we can take you home." Eren suggested and you froze. Shit.
"Didn't you say you're almost out of gas?" Armin questioned his friend.
"Ah, fuck, you're right. I still don't know how that happened — I fuelled the tank yesterday!" The brunette scoffed. "Guess you're on your own, Y/N."
"It's alright, I'll take an uber." You politely smiled.
"Alright, we'll wait for you."
Oh, for fuck's sake. Truth be told, you appreciated how nice and caring Armin's friends were, but you had a different goal to accomplish.
"You really don't have to, plus I have to use the bathroom." You excused yourself. "Um, where is the bathroom exactly?"
"Upstairs, first door on the right." Armin told you while gathering plates and cups from the table. You nodded and climbed up the stairs. Your hand hovered over the bathroom doorknob for a good minute, eyes drifting to the door next to it. Armin's bedroom, by the looks of it. Surely, you could take a look, right? Fuck it. You opened the second door and at first glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. LED and fairy lights encircled a corner of his room and, curiously, you walked closer to see what that was, because it didn't look like a desk. Your Y/E/C widened when you saw tens of framed photographs of yourself on the square table, objects you thought you lost and — Jesus, was that your bra? A rush of anxiety hit you, but before you could do anything, a blow to your head blurred your vision.
Dark lashes fluttered as you opened your eyes. The sudden realisation that you were naked and restrained to a bed made you jolt. What just happened?
"Fucking finally, I thought you'd never wake up." Armin greeted you, but his voice was different, deeper and darker.
"Ar-ugh, Armin?" You groaned at the stinging sensation at the back of your head.
"You know, I was relieved you didn't leave with Sasha, otherwise you would've slipped between my fingers again."
"Ugh, and Eren and his stupid idea. 'We'll take you home.'" He mocked his best friend with a high pitch. "I've been dreaming for this moment since I walked into that shitty coffee shop."
You were at a loss for words. This was not the Armin you fantasised about, not the Armin you wanted. He was much more and much worse. And. So. Much. Better.
Alright then, you'd put up a show for him.
"P-please, Armin, please untie m-me! I'll be good, I p-promise!" You stuttered and whimpered, trying your best to sound genuine.
"Why, so you can run away?" The blond scoffed. So, he didn't know you stalked him. What a twist.
"I won't r-run, I swear!"
"Bullshit." Armin bent over your body, hands around your neck. You gasped and pretended to be startled by his touch, but in reality, your core was already burning with lust. You knew you couldn't keep up with this charade. "No, Y/N, I won't untie you. But we'll have so much fun." He sneered.
"You promise?"
"Yes. Wait—"
Your laughter filled the bedroom, genuine laughter that baffled Armin. Was this some sort of reverse psychology trick?
"Oh, Armin, even when you reveal your true colours, you're still oblivious to the reality of what's in front of you."
"Then enlighten me, what am I so oblivious to?" He folded his arms across his chest and waited.
"The fact that this was my fucking plan, too." You stretched as much as your restraints allowed you to and licked your lips. "I guess we both stalked each other without even knowing. How ridiculous."
"I think I would've known if you stalked me, Y/N."
"Really? Let me prove it, then. Your favourite food's Carbonara pasta, your favourite drink is peach and lychee iced tea, favourite movie is Interstellar, you lived on Sheena street until you were 12–"
"That's common knowledge, Sasha could've told you any of that." Armin blurted, growing impatient.
"You watch BDSM and asphyxiation porn between 10 pm and 11 pm every Tuesday, you're a virgin, you own a fleshlight–"
"Fuck, alright!" He threw his hands in the air, defeated. "So, what next?"
"You untie me and you tear me apart, Armin, that's what's next."
The blond hesitated before removing the cuffs on your ankles, still unsure about the ropes around your wrists. Clearly, you weren't making things up, but what were the chances of both of you stalking each other? For a brief moment, Armin felt guilty for hitting you and practically holding you captive, and you could see that on his face, but obsession and desire soon took over, and he reverted back to his darker self. His soft hands moved from your ankles to your knees, up your thighs and stomach, stopping above your chest, deciding it's best if you're not fully free. Armin licked his lips and climbed on top of you, unbuttoning his flannel shirt. You thought was surprisingly strong for such a thin man, but when the unbuttoned shirt revealed his chiselled abdomen, it made sense why he was strong.
"The wrists, Armin." You insisted but the blond clicked his tongue.
"I like you better when you're helpless." He pressed his lips onto yours in a hot kiss. A great kiss, you thought, your tongues wrestling for supremacy.
"Please, I want to touch you! I need to..." You trailed off, intoxicated by his smell, notes of saffron and cardamom. His hands roamed your shoulders, tickling your axilla and groping your breasts. "Please let me touch you, Armin!" You begged again, but he didn't say a word, his hot breath fanning over your oversensitive nipples, goosebumps all over your skin. His pink tongue poked out of his mouth and you watched him painstakingly slowly lick one of your nipples. It literally pained you to be unable to touch him, pull him closer to you. Alas, you had no choice, and despite yearning to be in control, it aroused you to have him control you.
"You smell so sweet." He abruptly stopped. "I bet you taste sweet, too."
"Armin..." His words made you brace yourself. While you weren't a virgin, you've never had anyone eat you out. The blond was already in between your legs, one hand resting under your thigh, the other gently touching your slick folds. Armin was so careful, like you were made of glass, and the ticklish sensation didn't help you at all. You wanted him to ram his cock inside of you and rearrange your guts, but he wanted to take his sweet time. The teasing only made you dizzy with pleasure, and you bucked your hips, trying to get him to move faster.
"You really need to learn to be patient, Y/N." Armin purred, pressing gentle kisses on your thighs. He lazily dragged his tongue across your slit, electricity shooting through your body. God, how you wanted to rip those ropes apart. Two fingers entered you and the blond gingerly licked your clit.  
"Fuck– so... so good ah–" You couldn't form a sentence even if your life counted on it. Gradually, you could feel your orgasm building up and Armin sensed it, picking up the pace. His fingers thrusted harder and you arched your back, the intensity too much for you. "Armin, please! I wanna come with your cock in me!" The begging didn't stop him, he was determined to make you finish then and there. And he did — within seconds you melted under his touch, legs trembling with pleasure. Armin pulled back, his mouth messy with saliva mixed with your juices.
"You come when I want you to come." His voice was low, almost like a growl. He unbuttoned his jeans, and you watched him like a hawk, waiting to see just how big his was, and you were not disappointed.
"Please please please let me suck it, please!" You begged him, eager to taste him. He smirked and kissed you, all the while rubbing his cock.
"You want this?" Armin quirked a brow at you. The little shit, jacking off in front of you and you couldn't even do anything about it.
"Say it. Say you want it."
"Say it, Y/N." He groaned, precum leaking from his member. Fuck.
"I... I want it..." You eventually gave up.
"Good girl." The blond climbed back on top of you. He raised your hips and you placed your legs on his shoulder, his first thrust slow and deep. Armin couldn't help the moan escaping his lips — this was so much better than that shitty fleshlight and countless porn videos. You couldn't deny the fact that it hurt, despite your soaking cunt, but you quickly adjusted to his size. As Armin pounded you, the bed underneath the two of you started moving and screeching, and the ropes tied to the metal bedframe loosened and you felt your arms fall onto the pillows. In his frenzy, the blond didn't notice, so you took this opportunity to lower your legs and wrap them around his waist, one hand grabbing his soft locks, the other wrapping around his neck. You used his weight against him and turned him over. You were in control.
Armin was taken aback by this, but the feeling of your fingers squeezing his throat only turned him on more. You bounced up and down, throwing your head back and groaning. He gripped your hips tightly, thrusting his own hips against yours.
"F-fuck me harder, Y/N!" He begged and you sped up. You felt like a queen — no, a goddess — when he asked you to fuck him, the feeling of him inside of you so addictive. He was your drug, and your rehab, your poison, and your antidote. And you were his and his only. His cock was twitching in your cunt and knew he was close but you didn't want to risk it. Swiftly, you got off of him and wrapped your lips around his dick, bobbing your head up and down. It didn't take long for him to finish, hot liquid shooting down your throat with one final grunt. You swallowed it all and threw yourself next to him. It was breaking dawn already, but you weren't tired. Physically, yes, both of you were exhausted, but mentally it felt like you discovered a hidden gem.
"What the fuck did we just do?" Armin calmly caressed your hair as you nuzzled his neck.
"Are we talking about the obsessively stalking each other part or the part where you hit me in the head? Or the fucking?"
"The everything." He explained. "This is wrong."
"Did it feel wrong?" You asked him, your fingers idly tracing circles over his chest.
"Well, no..."
"Then it's not wrong." You shrugged. "Am... am I yours?"
"Yes." The blond instantly replied without a trace of hesitation in his voice. "Am I?"
"You've been mine the moment you set foot in that shitty coffee shop." You laughed.
"And what are we going to tell the others?"
"That we ended up talking all night and I stayed over?"
"Sounds like a plan." Armin kissed your forehead.
"By the way, I really don't like Pearl Jam." You admitted.
He laughed and it filled your heart with warmth. You have no idea why you and Armin were like that, or how things would be from now on, but you had a good feeling about it. Things were okay. You two were okay.
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Hello! Thanks again for your hard work! I wonder if you're interested in writing hcs about dfel boys falling in love with someone. Not necessarily x readers headcanons but something about how they would feel and how they would show it 👉👈
hello and of course anon! i hope these are what you’ve asked for!
the dangerous fellows boys falling in love
- this poor boy would be a HUGE mess because let’s be honest here he’s never fallen in love with someone before
- whenever you look at him he becomes bright red and looks away bc he’s so shy around u
- he doesn’t even realize how bad he has it for you until somebody on his baseball team brings up the topic of being in a relationship and his mind immediately goes to you
- he never stopped thinking about you after that
- he’s not the best with words, so he tries to be around you a lot more. he doesn’t like the thought of you being in a place where he can’t protect you
- in addition, he makes an effort to talk with you a lot more. he’s generally much more open with you and tries to crack a joke or two just to see you smile
- if you’re in his class he’s not gonna sleep throughout the entire time for once
- whatever activities or hobbies you like he’ll try to pick up and learn more about it just to have more conversations with you
- would cut his baseball practices short just to walk you home or take you somewhere
- he’s absolutely whipped for u please be whipped for him back i’m begging
- growing up he’s never dreamed of falling in love because of his parents
- he didn’t want to put himself in that type of situation so he’s always been very distant with the idea of love
- falling in love with you tho,,, was something he did not see coming
- but at the same time, how could he not?
- he loves everything about you
- he grows to relish the warm n fuzzy feeling in his heart whenever he sees you
- he’s always been a sweetheart, but with you he’s even more gentle and caring
- offers you his help every chance he gets, brings you a small snack everyday, sends you good morning and good night texts, etc. you’re basically his entire world and he treats you like it
- when he’s around you his headaches doesn’t hurt that much anymore
- he embraces his love for you and while he’s a bit nervous about everything because he doesn’t want to wind up like his dad, but with you, he’s more than willing to take the chance
- this man has never once considered falling in love with someone since he automatically assumes that people just want him for his money
- so when you came along he’s suddenly dealing with this new weird feeling in his chest and this idiot immediately dismissed it as being sick
- he panics when the feeling doesn’t go away
- he realizes he’s in love the moment he sees you laugh and he realizes that he’ll do anything just to see you like that again
- he makes up random excuses to be around you more
- you’re going to get lunch? he insists on taking you out because “you probably forgot your wallet so he’s coming just in case”
- you need to go do homework? for the first time in his life he’ll go to the library because “he also had to study for that biology test on friday” he never studies
- ditches all his hang out plans with his friends for you
- he especially loves teasing you because he loves the reaction he gets out of you but he never passes the limit
- he swallows his pride and tries asking somebody like lawrence what to do confessing for you because he’s just so incredibly in love with you and wants to give you the absolute best
- the moment he realizes he’s in love with you is when he’s trying to write a song and his mind is literally just you
- enters the first stage of grief, denial
- “maybe if i ignore it long enough it’ll go away”
- it doesn’t
- a complete tsundere, he acts like he doesn’t care but the moment you say that you’re cold this man is stripping for u LOL
- shyly asking you if you could hear his new songs
- gets flustered about EVERYTHING. he thinks you’re the most adorable person in the world and he hates it bc it’s hard to look at u without blushing
- he does extra stuff for you. buys you food, waits for you outside your classroom, and is always keeping you company
- he tells you about his dreams and goals, and you’re the first one to ever hear his songs. he gets nervous singing to you because you’re his audience, but when he stares at your face and sees how gorgeous your eyes are, he no longer feels anxious
- when you’re not with him, he becomes a bit more cranky and gloomy. he doesn’t like the small ache in his heart whenever you’re not around
- takes weeks to write a song just for you to tell you about his true feelings
- dude has the same routine everyday
- all he does is go to school, study until 3 in the morning, sleep, repeat
- he doesn’t really particularly look forward to anything until he met you
- he has never ever considered the concept of love bc his parents refused to let him date, so his heart beating faster and his face becoming red whenever you were around was definitely a surprise. he’s not stupid tho so he figures out that he likes you pretty fast
- tries to ignore his growing feelings for you because he wants to prioritize his schoolwork, but he can’t help but stare at you a lot more
- once he got the opportunity he offered to tutor you on certain subjects
- takes you out on study dates in coffee shops
- yall don’t get any studying done LMAO u guys got too carried away with talking but it’s fine bc u both managed to get ur homeworks done somehow
- whatever you tell him he remembers. homeboy remembers every single detail about u bc he pays sm attention to u
- he's also whipped af u could muse about wanting something and he'll get it for you asap
- extremely patient with you, drops his own work to help you with your own
- he becomes one of your teacher’s assistants just so whenever he came across grading your work he can give you the automatic 100%
- he’s completely fallen for you, he doesn’t care about his parents’ stupid rule about dating anymore. as long as he has you and can make you happy, he’ll be more than welcome to be your boyfriend
this was extremely fun to write, thank you for the request anon!
> lychee
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babykatsu · 4 years
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PAIRING: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
STATUS: ongoing
GENRE: smau, crack, lil bit of angst, aged up, fluff
WARNINGS: mentions of romantic relations, kissing, honestly just fluff.
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15: 𝙞 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙤
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AAAAAAAA FINALLY!!! the long awaited moment🥺🥺🥺 UGH i love soft katsu sooo soooo soooo muchh🥰 i hope you guys enjoy this part!
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Unfamiliar faces swarmed you, hustling and bustling to their destinations as you stupidly stood in a corner eyeing the scene unravel. Eyes darting across every individual that passed, nervously hoping to see the all too familiar blonde-haired boy emerge from the crowd. But just as much as you wanted to spot him in the train station filled with strangers, you couldn’t help the anxious feeling that burnt at the pit of your stomach.
You were beyond nervous, heart racing and mouth dry at the mere thought of the meet up with Bakugou. But more so, you were excited at the prospect. You’d been talking to him on a friendly bases for a while, maybe even more than just friends, and because of that, you came to your senses to forgive him.
Maybe you were being just a tad bit dramatic after all, but you needed to let your emotions out when you were hit with the news. The news of the person behind the 'anonymous' boy you were texting day in and day out.
You brushed these thoughts aside however at this moment, eyes still searching for the explosive boy in the body of people. Occasionally glancing at your phone to check the time.
“He should be here by now” you quirky mumbled to yourself, monitoring your phone for the million times in the past few minutes.
You felt a mix of enthusiasm and nervousness seeping through you as you awaited his arrival. Mouth desert, palms somewhat sweaty and body tense as you stood idle.
You finally looked back up again from your phone, taking another gander around the crowd. Eyes grounding on someone with a vibrant orange puffer jacket. And that’s exactly when your heart abruptly dropped at the sight of him. His vermillion eyes beaming through the plain crowd. It wasn’t just his red orbs that stood out, it was his god damn obnoxious jacket.
He looked clueless as his eyes flew around the station and its cluster of people. You had to put all your nerves at ease and approach him yourself. Unlike him, you wore a less vibrant outfit so you doubted he would spot you.
You took eager steps in his direction, getting more excited as you came closer to him. One step, two steps, three steps. Space between you two grew slimmer. With a sudden spin of his head in your direction, your eyes met. Slowing down, you gave him an innocent smile. And when he was finally just a meter away from you, A buzz of emotion shot through as an unexpected urge to leap in for a hug washed over you. So you do just that, wrapping your arms swiftly around his waist and resting your head against his chest.
There was a pause for a moment before he hugged you back. Your actions were slightly shocking to him after all. Not only because you were mad at him just the other day, but there’s no denying it’s rare for a person to be this daring to go in for an embrace with him. Either way, once he snaked his arms around you, he hugged you tightly. He held you as though he would never get this chance again, swaying side to side in each other's embrace. No words said between the two of you as you just bathed in one another's company.
You took this moment to take in his being: the woody cologne that drenched his body, the warmth of his body against yours and the rhythmic beating of his heart. To think this was the boy you once knew and hated in high school was absurd.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was in a state of complete shock. First of all, you looked absolutely gorgeous. The way your clothes fit you so well, the way your hair carefully shaped your face, even the delicate scent that surrounded you had him swooning. But most of all, the way you felt wrapped around him gave him a rare fluttering feeling. He was in perplexed and confused as to how you could make him feel this way. He knew he liked you before but being with you in this very moment only enhanced his feelings.
You held onto each other for a short while before pulling away, Bakugou's face glazed in a soft pinky blush.
"Someone's excited" you giggle, examining every intricate facial feature.
"Speak for yourself, dumbass. I'm not the one jumping onto people"
His response to you was followed by a cocky smirk, his blush fading as his confidence blossomed. This time you were the one slightly flustered, commemorating the actions you took simply seconds ago. Pushing his shoulder gently with the palm of your hand, you wave his comment off with a light giggle. You heard his raspy laugh escape his rosy lips, as you teased him back. It was by far the most unexpected occurrence that day. His laugh was so foreign, it swarmed butterflies in your stomach. If only he laughed more often...
"So, what's the plan?" You question him.
It was a little past 4 pm, and you weren't quite sure what Bakugou was plotting with this last-minute meetup. Maybe he didn't even have a plan, to begin with.
"This is your side of town, not mine" He starts, shoving his hands in his pockets as he began taking gradual steps towards the station's exit. "Want to tell me where I could treat you to something" he gave you a small smile as he turned to look back at you, waiting for you to catch up with him.
His generosity didn't go unnoticed, and you surely were blown away by his offer.
"Katsuki- don't buy me anything!" You protest as you leave the station.
The light gushes of wind blew against your skin softly, the evening air settling in as night leisurely approached.
"Don't be an idiot, I'm buying you something regardless"
You were impressed, to say the least with this offer and certainty when it came to getting you something.
"Hmm, I'm craving lychee bubble tea as well. Don't get too excited" And there he goes again being his usual asshole self trying to hide his soft side for you.
You just laughed at his comment, amused by his childish tendencies when it came to his emotions.
"Whatever you say, you big baby"
There were a handful of places where you could purchase boba tea, so you scanned your surroundings for the nearest cafes. It took you a moment to spot a cafe. But once you did, you leaned against Bakugou and smoothly wrapping your arm around his in excitement.
"Look, over there" You pointed at a small cafe across the road.
As you dropped subtle flirts Bakugou's way, his whole syst5em was gooing off at the contact between you two. It's not like he hadn't been like this with someone before, but you being the one part taking in such actions made him lose composure.
"You like that cafe?" He made sure as you gave him a nod of reassurance before walking towards the cafe.
You spent the next hour in there, giggling and indulging in the drinks he purchased. It was unexpected how well your conversation flowed, how natural it all felt. Not to mention his subtle caring nature towards you. It wasn't entirely obvious at first glance, but well hidden in his mannerism.
Like for example, not even for a moment did he swerve his attention away from you, always engaged in the conversations you shared. Even when you were rambling about the most stupid of things. Or even the way he would fix a crease in your shirt, removing the random lint that clung onto the cotton fabric of your shirt and even wiping a bit of tea that somehow managed to land on the corner of your mouth due to your constant rambling.
All these seemingly meaningless actions gave you goosebumps as he did them without hesitation or comment like it was something natural to do. Keeping in mind you weren't on the best terms during your time in high school.
It was safe to say that he had truly improved as a person and god did you love it. Spending time together in a tiny cafe made you see just how much you liked him after all.
Sadly as much as you wanted to spend more time with him, your time was limited.
You walked hand in hand with blonde, his thumb gently stroked you as your fingers intertwined. You took a diversion back home, walking through an empty park with the perfect view of the sunset ahead of you. The gentle honey-coloured sky painted the trees in its warm hue. In contrast, the wind had picked up and shivers trickled down your spine.
"I had a lot of fun" You smiled his way, glancing at his side profile as you walked down cobbled pathway.
You watched the smirk growing on his face, stopping in his tracks to look over at you. The sunset cast a delicate glow across his face, a gentle orange tint reflecting on his ruby eyes as he locked his eyes with yours.
"Me too. I just want to say sorry once more"
Knitting your brows together, you gave him a confused expression.
"You've apologised for enough, I promise" you shoot him another smile, his arms dropping to hang around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"If anything, I should say sorry for how I reacted" He snarled at your response.
"Don't be an idiot y/n. You don't need to say sorry or anything" a tight squeeze was given as he held you tighter now.
"But I do!"
"Just shut up" he gave you breathy grin, watching you slightly panic at nothing.
As you were about to resume your chattering, he leaned his face closer, his soft lips landing on yours. His lips felt smooth and plump against yours, not daring to move any more, anticipating for you to reciprocate the kiss. And you did just that, fluttering your eyelids shut. Draping your arms around his shoulders, you kissed him back. Your mouths harmonised as you both melted into the kiss, delicately moving. His hands lingered around your waist, one coming up to your face, cupping your cheek in his palm. You could feel the overabundance of emotions that came from him in this very kiss. He held you tightly yet every move he made was with consideration, his lips danced with yours in passion as he deepened the kiss, but never being rough or forceful. If it was even possible, you were falling for him more and more by the second. His delicious caramel taste caressed you as he explored your mouth and your body quivered under his hand's tracks.
Slowly, you both pulled away. Lips glazed and reddened, the breeze cooling them as wind met the moisture that covered them.
"That shut you up?" you could feel his confidence spike once more, the flirty aroma the surrounded you evident.
"Hmmm, I don't know just yet" you pretened to think. "Try again"
He rolled his eyes at you, giving your lips another gentle peck. Capturing your bottom lips between his teeth, tugging at them as he pulled away with a devious smirk. Heat rushed to your face, hearing him laugh at your shocked expression as you buried your face in his chest.
"You can't deny it now, it definitely worked"
He let out a sigh before resuming.
"But on a serious note y/n" He captured your gaze one more as you looked up at him.
"If I didn't make it obvious already, I really fucking like you" You blushed at his confession. "And I don't want this to be the last time we spend time together"
You grinned at him, responding enthusiastically.
"I like you too, I honestly had so much fun tonight"
"Would it be too early to ask you to be my girlfriend?" His cheeks were turning a faint red colour, flustered with his comment.
"Not at all!" You beamed.
"Then you're all mine" He finished off before clutching you tightly in a bear hug, his chin resting atop your head.
Once again, you resumed your walk together towards the station, conversating about random topics and laughing at nonsense. Before you even knew it, you two were back at the station were it all had started. You were going to miss him, already planning the next time you both could see each other again.
"I don't want you to leave" You pouted, going in for one final hug
"I'll see you next week, dumbass"
You jokingly rolled your eyes at him.
You watched him remove his orange jacket, handing the article of clothing to you.
"Thank you, but that's a bit random" you laugh as you take the jacket from him, putting your hands through the armholes.
As you wrap yourself in his jacket, his cologne instantly surrounds you.
"You can keep it until we see each other next" He pecks you lips promptly with a petite smile on his lips.
You exchange in your last goodbyes and the concluded your day with him, rushing home to shoot him a message.
Anonymous was a really effective app when it came to meeting new people for sure...
@lov4kbg @maya-ngpirit @bestgirlbeth @plutoxxxworld @loxbbg @senbasa1 @hikari-writes @euwhoriaa @yuiicorn @thegalxe @alienatedhooman @icy-hot @kxmilkahara @h0ngdabiin @chidori-mint @bakubabes-hatake @stuck-1n-space @engel-hageshii @call-me-prodigy @mirakeul @sally-wonders @saturnmoon @nerdynstoned @eraserhead-legal-child @roxybefab @heyimsad @wasteofspace288 @ilovepizzaandimhot @raspberrysunshinebby @wondewdrop @atruebaby @jisnuq @stupidbitchtm @heheheh2547 @ladybeautiful18 @pro-crastinator14 @lolitstiana @queenexplosionmurderr13 @redflannel @simple-things @fxturestargirl @yeehaw87 @kageyamasbabygorl @redandgreenflannel @overallweeb @helloshoutohere @httpglxssy @thetrashyfangirlstuff @shycoffeeparadise
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Surrogate - Chapter 15
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The Surrogate:  A Clintasha Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1661
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Pregnancy, smut (Bi MFF threesome, oral sex, face fucking, vaginal sex, pregnancy sex)
Synopsis: A freak end of the world incident leads to meeting your two best friends, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.  While your friendship with the two Avengers is anything but conventional, they are your all-time favorite people.  When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want.  Having your best friends’ baby might seem like a good idea on paper, but when you are as close as you, Clint, and Natasha are, will doing something so intimate mean feelings get a little mixed up?
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Chapter 15
A soft buzz spread under your skin like a wildfire had started in your bloodstream and was quickly igniting every part of you.  The heat it created seemed to fill the room.  It was heavy, and oppressive, and clung to your skin in a sheen of sweat.  There were hands everywhere, sometimes it felt like there were more than there should be.  They caressed your burning skin, pinched your nipples, gripped you hard enough that if you could bruise, you would.  You kept your eyes closed focussing solely on their touch and the way their skin felt against yours, creating a soft, prickling pleasure vibrating through you and settling just under the swell of your belly.
After Natasha and Clint began to feel the baby kick their hands were on you a lot.  That wasn’t unusual for Clint.  He was very tactile and his calloused hands were often on you or Natasha in some form.  Now it was Natasha too.  They would always have their hands on your stomach, sometimes it was just an absentminded thing - like their hands had magnets in them and your stomach was iron.  Other times it was more deliberate.  They would move their hands around trying to feel the kick of the baby.  Natasha liked to sit by your feet and whisper to your baby bump in Russian.
There were times you loved the intimate domesticity.  You’d been in relationships before and it was always nice to get to that point where affection and intimacy came without thought.  There were other times when all you wanted was personal space and you would have to try very hard not to lose your temper at them when they were just trying to be involved.
Then there were times like this when the brush of their hand over your skin was like a trigger for your libido and all you wanted was for them to take your right then and there.
Thankfully both Natasha and Clint were always willing to help you out when that happened.  In fact, Clint seemed to be quite into having pregnancy sex, and you were pretty sure half the time those touches were intentionally meant to get you worked up.
Natasha began to move her way down your body.  She stopped at our breasts and pulled one nipple into her mouth and suckled.  It made your breast throb and a dull, pleasant ache spiral out through the rest of you.  Clint’s hand ran up the inside of your thigh.  His rough palms scratched over your soft skin making you break out in goosebumps.
“Oh,” you gasped softly.  You tilted your head back and let your lips remain parted, your features settling into a mask of silent ecstasy.
His lips ghosted up your neck and his hand moved higher, his fingers danced over your pubic mound, sending a shiver through you.  His lips met yours, grazing over them as his tongue darted out like he was sampling you before he pulled your bottom lip between his.  His fingers slipped between your folds and he slowly circled your clit.
You arched your back, moaning into Clint’s lips.  Natasha slipped a pillow under your hips as you curved off the bed.  The pressure on your lower back felt lessened and she moved down, kissing a trail down the side of your stomach.  She pushed your legs apart and while Clint continued to rub your clit and toy with your folds, she flattened her tongue and lapped her way up your cunt.
You moaned and tangled your hand into Clint’s hair, tugging on it as Natasha’s tongue explored every part of your pussy.  Clint pulled back and pinched your clit.  You gasped and your eyes snapped open.
“Hey, babe,” he teased playfully, his blue eyes looking into yours.  “Wanna suck my dick while Nat goes down on you?”
“Yes,” you mewled.  “Give it to me.”
Clint got up on his knees and straddled your chest.  You opened your mouth and he teased the head of his cock over your lips.  You closed your eyes again, sticking out your tongue and licking a bead of precome from the head of Clint’s cock.  He eased his cock into your mouth and your tongue curled around it instinctively.  As his cock penetrated your mouth, Natasha’s fingers penetrated your cunt.  She pushed two deep inside you, curling them so they dragged over you g-spot.  You moaned loudly and Clint’s cock jumped in your mouth.  He groaned in response and seemed to pick up his pace.
The fire that had been burning its way through you seemed to intensify.  It roared through you, consuming you from the inside out.  You tried to relax, giving yourself to it, but the way Clint’s cock restricted your breathing combined with the way Natasha curled her fingers like she was calling to someone, dragging them over your g-spot again and again and it pulled you apart.
Your legs trembled and you bucked under her like you were trying to escape the orgasm building in you.  Clint leaned back and pushed your hips down, holding you in place for Natasha.  It meant he couldn’t thrust into your mouth so you took over sucking.  You bobbed your head up and down as best you could, though you were finding it hard to focus.  Your body shuddered in response to Natasha.  The heat swirled inside you and built in your core like a ball of hot stone.  All at once, the dam burst and you came.  You released Clint’s cock with a loud cry and arched your back up as you pussy spasmed with it.
“There we are,” Natasha said, getting to her knees but continuing to stroke you through it.
You lay panting, your body quivering as the last of the orgasm ran through you.  “Fuck…” you sighed, a feeling of fuzzy softness settled in on you.
“Not done yet, babe,” Clint said.  “Nat and I still need ours.”
You giggled and awkwardly rolled over onto your hands and knees.  Natasha lay back and spread her legs and as you crawled towards her, she started to play with her pussy.  She spread her folds, showing you the glistening pink lips ready for your mouth.  You bit your bottom lip as you moved closer, breathing in her heady aroma.
“Mm… Nat, I want you so bad,” you hummed.
“I’m all yours, dorogáya,” she said.
You ducked your head down and ran your tongue up her folds.  The tart and musky flavor coated your tongue.  She was so wet and ready and you drank her up greedily, relishing the way her body shuddered with each sweep of your tongue.
Clint moved up behind you.  His hands slowly caressed down your spine and over your hips.  Your body tingled under his gentle touches.  He slowly started to rut against your ass, his cock sliding up and down against your folds so that the head of his cock pressed and released on your already oversensitive clit.  You pressed your lips around Natasha’s clit and moaned.
Natasha lifted her hips needily, pushing her cunt up into your mouth.  You flicked your tongue over it quickly and she shuddered again.  “More, dorogáya.  I need more.”  She wasn’t begging.  She was demanding.
You pushed two fingers deep into the wet heat of her cunt and as her walls clamped down tight on your digits, Clint thrust his cock deep into you.  You gasped, releasing her clit as Clint began to fuck you.  He spanked your ass playfully.  “Don’t forget Nat,” he said.
You shook your head, trying to clear it and focused on Natasha.  You twisted your wrist, seeking out the soft surface of her g-spot.  Her fluids ran from her, and you lapped them up.  It was like eating lychee - wet and sweet - and tasted like the beach.  You pulled her clit between your lips and focused your tongue on it, trying to get her to come before you did again.
She moaned softly and rolled her hips like she was trying to fuck your face.  Your fingers touched down on that sweet spot inside her and she cried out and jerked under you.  Clint seemed to take that as some kind of signal.  He began thrusting into you hard and fast, pushing you into Natasha more.  You corkscrewed your wrist and eased a third finger in, stretching her as you worked her g-spot.  You dug your knuckles into that sweet spot inside her and sucked hungrily on her clit.  She cried out and began to tremble as her own orgasm approached.
Clint’s body slapped against yours as he fucked you, adding a steady beat to the moans you were all making.  Natasha cunt began to flutter and clench around your fingers.  You pushed your knuckles hard into her g-spot and she came, bucking up and crying out.  You drank her up greedily, savoring the taste.
She sat up and moved next to Clint.  The two began to kiss passionately above you.  Natasha reached under you and rubbed your clit furiously as Clint fucked you.  It was all it took.  Your body seized up and you cried out loudly as you came, your cunt clamping down around Clint’s cock.  His hips stuttered and he groaned, and in three final thrusts, he came, spilling inside you.
You sighed and let yourself sink into the bed.
“There you go,” Clint said playfully.  “Will that get you through the rest of the day?”
“Mm… maybe,” you hummed.  “Though now I wanna sleep.”
“Then sleep, dorogáya,” Natasha whispered.  “You’re growing a whole other person.  It’s bound to take it out of you.”
“And when you wake up, we’ll have all your other cravings satisfied too,” Clint teased.  “We can even wake you with sex if you want.”
You closed your eyes and smiled.  “That would be nice,” you hummed.  There were definitely some big advantages to dating two people.   Especially when those people were Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.
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Long before she decided to help others eat better by becoming a dietitian, Jessica Wilson learned that the profession was unlikely to offer much to people like her.
Growing up as a Black girl in a mostly white area of Sacramento, Calif., she was bullied for her size and subjected to unpleasant visits with dietitians, who taught portion control with the aid of unappetizing plastic models of green beans and chicken breasts.
In her dietetics program at the University of California, Davis, Ms. Wilson was the only Black student. A single day was devoted to what the curriculum called “ethnic diets.” “It was not, ‘These are interesting and awesome,’” she recalled. “It is, ‘These are why these diets are bad. Next class.’”
Mexican food was dismissed as greasy. Indian food was heavy. Ms. Wilson was taught to prescribe a bland “kale-and-quinoa” diet. When she started treating patients — including many who, like her, are people of color or identify as queer — she learned how much those identities informed their perspectives on health, and how little she’d been taught about that.
“It makes people feel so guilty for not being able to eat what Goop would recommend,” said Ms. Wilson, 38. “I was no longer able to use the tools that had been given to me in school with good conscience.”
As the coronavirus pandemic has made Americans more aware of their health and eating habits, many have turned to registered dietitians like Ms. Wilson (or to nutritionists, who are not always required to obtain a specific education or certification). Yet the advice they get can sometimes seem more tailored to some past era than to the motley, multicultural nation the United States is in 2020.
In recent years — and particularly in the last several months, amid the national discussion about race — many dietitians have begun speaking out and reimagining the practice in a more inclusive way, often without institutional support.
Today, Ms. Wilson counsels many people of color on eating a healthy diet based on the foods they grew up with and love. Hazel Ng, 48, who runs a private practice in Alhambra, Calif., has created handouts for her Chinese clients that showcase produce found in Asian grocery stores, like bitter melon and lychees
In June, Sherene Chou, 36, a dietitian with a private practice in Los Angeles, organized a group letter to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics — the largest and most powerful organization for food and nutrition professionals — outlining steps it should take to address systemic racism in the field, including antiracism training and more support for people of color. Leaders of numerous dietetics groups lent their support, signing the letter on behalf of 70,000 practitioners and students.
Many of these dietitians say the academy’s research, programs and articles ignore non-Western cuisines, or imply that they are unhealthy. They feel the profession places too much emphasis on consuming less and not enough on understanding individual eating habits. And, they add, it perpetuates an ideal of thinness and gender normativity that can exclude different body types and identities.
“It is a good-old-girls’ club where, as a person of color, you have to do so much to be invited,” said Jessica Jones, a dietitian in Richmond, Calif., and a founder of the inclusive dietetics website Food Heaven.
In response to these criticisms, the academy said it is working hard to broaden its ranks and resources to better reflect different cultures.
“Like other professions in health care and countless other fields, nutrition and dietetics has for many years experienced underrepresentation by persons of color in its membership and leadership ranks,” it said in a statement last week. “The academy knows change will not happen overnight. Still, we are making real progress that will create permanent change in our organization, our profession and our communities.”
The group is influential in setting the United States Department of Agriculture dietary guidelines that Americans are urged to follow; its members make up half of the 20-member committee that oversees those recommendations. In a July report, the committee acknowledged that the dietary approaches it studies don’t “qualitatively address cultural variations in intake patterns,” yet said the resulting guidelines allow a “tremendous amount of flexibility” that allows them to be tailored to an individual’s cultural and taste preferences.
The recipe database on MyPlate, the agriculture department’s healthy-eating website, includes 98 dishes classified as “American,” but just 28 “Asian” recipes and nine “Middle Eastern” ones. Though it lists 122 “Latin American/Hispanic” recipes, they include dishes like a “skinny pizza” made with tortillas. The Asian recipes include “Oriental Rice” and “Oriental Sweet and Sour Vegetables.”(A spokesman for the department said that “expanding the recipe database and other MyPlate consumer resources to reflect more diversity is one of our top priorities.”)
If the options seem narrow, they may begin with the narrowness of the profession. More than 71 percent of the nation’s roughly 106,000 registered dietitians are non-Hispanic white, according to the academy’s Commission on Dietetic Registration. Nearly 84 percent are women.
Entry requirements are steep: Practitioners must earn a degree from an accredited program, complete an internship (sometimes unpaid) or a supervised learning program, and pass a registration exam with a $200 entrance fee. Starting in 2024, a graduate degree will be required to take the exam.
“This is an expensive profession, with no guarantee that you are going to have a high salary,” said Lisa Sasson, a professor in the department of nutrition and food studies at New York University. She called the new graduate-degree mandate “unconscionable” and “an even greater barrier to people of color in our profession.”
The academy said that its charitable foundation provided more than $500,000 in scholarships and grants from 2017 to 2019 “for diverse individuals within the field,” and that those funds continue to grow.
Internships are highly competitive, and some even require the intern to pay. Alice Figueroa, 33, who runs a private practice in the East Village of Manhattan, said she struggled to afford food during her internship, even as she was advising others how to eat. Evelyn Crayton, 74, who was the academy’s first Black president, said many of the people in charge of matching students with internships are white, and may be more likely to select applicants who look like them.
Funding for dietetics programs at many historically Black colleges and universities, including Fort Valley State University and Grambling State University, has been cut since the 1970s. The number of Black dietitians fell by 18 percent, to 1,107, from 1998 to 2019, according to the academy’s Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics.
Even when Dr. Crayton was president of the academy, in 2015 and 2016, she felt out of step with its other leaders. “I have heard that behind my back they called me an angry Black woman, because I raised questions,” she said. Her nominations of Black dietitians for leadership roles, she added, were frequently snubbed.
Told of her comments, the academy responded, “We were not aware of this until now, and we are very saddened to hear that Evelyn was subjected to these inexcusable statements. They do not reflect the academy’s core values and we are moving swiftly to investigate this matter.”
The profession’s exclusivity goes beyond race. Kai Iguchi, 28, a dietitian working at Rogers Behavioral Health in Oconomowoc, Wis., didn’t feel comfortable coming out as nonbinary to graduate-school classmates. “When the program itself as a culture is very cisgender, thin, white and female,” they said, “it is hard to be different and succeed.”
Mx. Iguchi said what they learned at school did little to address the unique problems that transgender and nonbinary clients face — being misgendered by their dietitians and family members, or feeling discomfort with overtly feminine imagery on health materials. Adult transgender people are also at high risk of developing eating disorders, according to a 2019 study by the Stanford University School of Medicine.
Even some dietitians who teach the standard curriculum find it wanting. “I have reached my limit with my textbook,” said Maya Feller, an adjunct professor in nutrition at New York University, adding that it doesn’t take into account social factors that often explain why people of color are disproportionally affected by health issues.
She said she was also unhappy with educational resources like MyPlate, which recommends meals like salmon, brown rice and broccoli, but not the curried chana and doubles served by her mother, who grew up in Trinidad. (After her interview for this article, Ms. Feller was hired as a consultant to help make MyPlate more inclusive.)
“If I saw that plate and then looked at my doubles, I would be like, ‘Well, my food is no good.’”
Ms. Feller, 43, tries instead to promote an “ongoing and consistent education around cultural humility” — not telling patients what they can’t eat, but considering the foods they have access to, and embracing, not stigmatizing, their cultural preferences.
It rankles Ryan Bad Heart Bull, 36, a Native American dietitian who works with the Oglala Sioux Tribe in Pine Ridge, S.D., that many of his peers praise the nutritional value of traditional Indigenous ingredients like salmon and bison, without understanding how federal government policies have made it harder for Native Americans to hunt and forage on their own land. To be ignorant of this cultural and historical context, “and then to turn around and say bison meat is one of the best meats you can eat and here are the ways you can incorporate it into your diet,” he said, “it is insulting and saddening.”
In 2019, he published a guide for the American Indian Cancer Foundation to educate Native cancer survivors about the nutritional value of their traditional foods.
Diksha Gautham, 27, a nutritionist in San Francisco, tells her mostly South Asian-American clientele that a healthy diet can include palak paneer and aloo tikki. As a child, she said, she harbored a blind perception that anything that wasn’t dry chicken and broccoli, including the dal and rice her mother cooked, “was bad for me.” No nutritional database she has encountered includes Indian ingredients, so she created her own guides to healthful Indian food.
A Toronto dietitian, Nazima Qureshi, 29, has self-published “The Healthy Ramadan Guide” with her husband, Belal Hafeez, a personal trainer. It includes meal plans that adhere to fasting guidelines, with recipes like stuffed dates and za’atar roasted chicken, and exercises to give people energy going into daily prayers.
Some of Dalina Soto’s Hispanic and Asian clients in the Philadelphia area have been told by other dietitians that they can’t eat white rice. “They shut down,” she said. “Either they go way to the extreme, where they are no longer eating any of their cultural foods, or the other side is, ‘I am just not going to manage my disease.’”
“My goal is to bring them in the middle,” said Ms. Soto, 32. She’ll suggest a salad alongside their rice and beans.
Still, many of these practitioners feel frustrated as they try to nudge the dietetic establishment toward change.
The profession is governed by the academy’s board. One subsidiary organization, the Commission on Dietetic Registration, sets professional requirements and fees; another, the Accreditation Council, certifies programs. Together, these entities and their majority-white leadership act as gatekeepers, their critics argue, limiting deep-rooted change.
The academy, which has about 100,000 members, funds research and hosts the largest annual conference for dietitians, the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo. In 2016, it announced the Second Century Initiative, an effort to expand its reach and teachings around the globe.
The academy has had a diversity and inclusion committee since 1987. But, like all the academy’s committees, it is filled by volunteers. Teresa Turner, 37, a member from 2015 until May, said the academy offers the panel few “resources or benchmarks.” “Its only purpose,” Ms. Turner said, “is to make the academy look like they are doing something.”
The academy denied those assertions, saying the committee plays an active role, recommending strategies to recruit people from underrepresented groups to join the profession, and the academy, and promote their advancement.
A group that calls itself Audit the Academy (whose members include Ms. Turner, Ms. Figueroa and Ms. Chou) said the academy research it has seen is largely conducted by white dietitians studying nondiverse populations; if they study communities of color, they often do so from a white perspective. Members also see little representation of transgender and nonbinary people.
“If we are invisible in the research,” said Sand Chang, 42, an Oakland, Calif., psychologist who specializes in the transgender health and eating disorders, “we are going to be invisible in assessment and treatment.”
The academy, however, said it “offers materials, programs and educational opportunities to help its members provide care to a diverse array of clients,” including articles about treating transgender individuals.
In June, the organization responded to pressure from disaffected members by committing to developing action plans to address inequities in the profession. It has created a new Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Group, and conducted virtual forums to hear the concerns of 126 randomly selected members.
Shannon Curtis, 30, a Houston dietitian who helped found a group called Dietitians for Change, attended one of the sessions. “Although it was empowering to know that we are not the only ones screaming about this,” she said, “it was kind of a waste of time, in my opinion, because I am not exactly confident that they will take this information and put it into an action plan they will actually act on.”
Other organizations have emerged to address the inequities in the profession, like Diversify Dietetics, founded in 2018 by Tamara Melton and Deanna Belleny. It offers resources like mentors and educational materials to help students of color pass the registration exam.
In response to criticisms that it is harder for nonwhite dietitians to succeed in the profession, the academy offered an interview with Kristen Gradney, a senior director at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, La, and one of several registered dietitian nutritionists who speak on behalf of the academy.
Ms. Gradney, 40, said that while the academy “has really missed the mark” in preparing dietitians to deal with diverse populations, it is starting to make progress. Still, she said “true change” would probably not come from the academy, but from grass-roots initiatives like Diversify Dietetics, where she serves on the advisory board.
In 2018, Dr. Crayton, the academy’s past president, hosted a conference in Montgomery, Ala., where she lives, for World Critical Dietetics, an organization that champions a more inclusive approach to dietetics. Panels discussed the role that unconscious bias plays in education, and whether the registration exam was fair to all students.
Dr. Crayton took participants to the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in Selma, where in 1965, peaceful protesters marched for civil rights. “I could never have done that with the academy,” she said with a laugh. She said events like that could help pave a path toward sweeping change.
“I don’t know how to get to people’s hearts, but it is a heart thing,” she said. In a discipline that deals with such a deeply personal matter — one’s eating habits — “there has to be a change of heart, where people really feel empathy for groups who they are trying to include.”
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
wishful thinking
request: Anonymous said:Hi! I saw your mai x reader and it was amazinf!! so could I request a Mai x waterbender!reader hc/ one shot (whichever you wanna do!!) The way you write her is amazing!!☺️
pairing: mai x waterbender!reader
warnings: idk how to feel abt this :/// if it’s not what u were wanting i’m sorry i can always do another part 
a/n: super long! maybe not good, who knows! i tried my best, but maybe this could be continued? waterbender!reader goes to the boiling rock prison break party?? some more pining, maybe some words exchanged between reader and mai?? 
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creds to owner, i couldn't find them :(
“Aang and Sokka, I wish you a good journey,” Earth King Kui bid farewell. “Ba Sing Se owes you it’s thanks, and we look forward to your safe return.” 
Your group of friends bowed to him, small smiles on all of your faces. You had finally managed to get to him and tell him about the war, and expose Long Feng, and now each of you had specific tasks to complete. It made you slightly uncomfortable to split up, but things were never easy in times of war. 
You had decided to stay behind in the city with Katara so she wouldn’t be alone. Sokka deserved to see his father, so she had so kindly opted out of the journey, and upon realizing you had no business at the Eastern Temple with Aang you chose to stay with her. 
“Your Majesty,” a guard came up, alerting everyone. “There are three female warriors here to see you. They’re from the island of Kyoshi.” 
“That’s Suki!” Sokka yelled as he fell to the ground from Appa’s side. He groaned dramatically as he squirmed around, and you reached a hand out to help him. 
“You know these warriors?” The Earth King questioned, taking a few steps forward. 
“Oh yeah,” Sokka replied as he stood up straight. “The Kyoshi Warriors are a skilled group of fighters. Trustworthy, too.” He smiled. “They’re good friends of ours.”
The Earth King nodded his head. “Then we shall welcome them as honored guests.”
The sun was high in they sky as the Kyoshi Warriors made their way down the path before them, lined with Earth Kingdom guards on either side. The three girls, in matching makeup and uniform, wore stoic expressions as they inched closer to the King. 
“In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies,” he extended his hands, and the girls kneeled before him, resting their painted foreheads against their hands. “The Kyoshi Warriors.” 
Slowly, they rose back up, revealing their faces to the very man they were there to overthrow. “We are the Earth King’s humble servants,” the girl in front mused, eyes sharp. 
You sighed. You knew that this was what you’d signed up for when you stayed behind with Katara, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed the things you had to do. You sat on the ground beside your friend, Momo resting on your shoulder, and a large map of the four nations separated the both you from the row of Generals you were speaking with. They were so far away you couldn't even make out their features, and you were sure that the both of you looked like two specks of blue rather than kids. 
“General Fong’s base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the Army and Navy will invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun,” he moved his arms about, and the clay pieces on the map that represented Earth King forces moved. They glided towards the Fire Nation Capital, and Momo flew from your shoulder and landed with a small crash, and all the pieces fell over. 
“Or we could send in Momo to do some damage,” Katara joked with a laughed as the lemur moved around and knocked more things over. “Cause the...” when she was met with a stern silence, you nudged her with your elbow. “Sorry,” she quietened down and you rubbed her arm a few times.
General How closed his fist and all the pieces erected themselves, causing Momo to jump with a screech and retreat to the comfort of your shoulder. “All we need is the Earth King’s seal in order to execute the plan,” he placed down a scroll, and it glided towards the pair of you on a block of stone. 
Katara picked up the scroll as you both rose up from the ground. “We’ll get these scrolls to him right away. Thank you, General How.” You bowed and turned away from the men, and together you and Katara took off down the corridor. 
The walk through the Upper Ring was nice, Ba Sing Se truly was a beautiful place. It was nothing like what you and Katara were used to, which was snow, ice, and water. The North and the South had their differences but one thing rang true for both places; it was cold and wet and blue, but it was home. The city was different, hues of green and yellow filling the streets, gold trinkets lining the windows of some shops, expensive clothes on racks in others. 
But the nice tea shop that caught your eye was probably the nicest thing you’d seen. It was beautiful and shiny, and evidently very popular. “Hey, Katara, let’s get some tea!” You pointed towards the building. “Come on, it’ll be nice,” you smiled and batted your eyelashes, giving her your best pleading expression. 
“Hmm, alright,” she agreed. “What do you say, Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the  Earth King?” She asked the lemur on your shoulder. He chattered in response, looking between the both of you with his large eyes. It was all you needed to start heading towards the shop. 
You were greeted at the entrance after trekking up the steps. “Table for three, please.” Katara spoke to the pretty woman while your eyes scanned the surrounding area. 
“Uncle!” A familiar voice shouted. “I need two jasmine, one green, and one lychee.” None other than Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, the very boy who’d been hunting you and your friends for so long, wore a uniform and flitted around the shop. You nudged the girl beside you, and she gasped. 
“I’m brewing as fast as I can,” the old man you recognized as Zuko’s uncle assured with a small smile, standing in the kitchen area of the tea shop. It was as if time had stopped, and everything in the world went out of whack. Nothing made sense, this didn’t make sense. 
Nothing needed to be said, no look needed to be shared; you and Katara had the same thought in mind. 
We need to tell the Earth King. 
The both of you bolted down the stairs and ran away, flashes of blue heading towards to King. You were panting by the time you got there, but the relief of seeing Suki resting on the ground in front of the throne, her gold headband and oil makeup familiar and comforting, was sweet. 
“Thank goodness you’re here, Suki,” Katara rushed. “Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle!” 
Suki’s eyes widened a fraction before a sly grin grew on her lips. It was then you realized that this wasn’t your friend, and the two girls resting behind her weren’t Kyoshi Warriors either. You don’t know why it had taken you so long to figure out, or why Katara still hadn’t figured it out herself. This girl was acting nothing like Suki, and it was so painfully obvious now. 
“We have to tell the Earth King right away!” Katara urged, and your eyes cut to her. Something was wrong, and when the girl wearing your friend’s headband, and your friend’s uniform stood up, the female waterbender finally figured it out. 
“Oh don’t worry.” The mystery girl assured, slowly stepping forward into the light, and her golden eyes shined. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”
Momo screeched and flew from your shoulder, fleeing to who knows where; but you didn’t mind, he was safer elsewhere. Suddenly, the Chi blocker you’d fought on several occasions leapt forward, a flurry of flips and handstands and acrobatics. Her hand landed on Katara’s shoulder as she flew over her, and the your friend dropped to the floor. The water she had pulled from her pouch sloshed to the ground, and you pulled it up and combined it with your own water. 
Before you could do anything, however, the girl grabbed you in the same spot she ahd grabbed your friend, and she pulled you backwards. You lost the sensation in your limbs, and you dropped and landed in a puddle of water. 
“So, Zu Zu’s in the city, too.” Azula mused, walking closer to the both of you. You could only see above you, and the girl with the knives you’d been thinking about since Omashu entered your line of sight. The edges were blurry, and steadily growing more fuzzy, but you’d recognize her any day-- even with the makeup. 
“I think it’s time for a family reunion.” 
“How’d you learn that?” You asked, and the girl beside you chuckled. You were sitting so close together that your’re arms brushed every so often. 
“I was bored in my room, so I taught myself a trick,” she shrugged, throwing another knife at the wall. It stuck an inch away from the one she’d thrown just before, not any higher or lower. 
“Well, you’re really good,” you complimented, and your cheeks reddened. “You think you could teach me?”
She looked at you, her dark hair shining in the light. She grinned at you, small but sweet nonetheless. “Sure,” she drawled. “Someday.” 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of her. She was so pretty, and she looked so cool and collected. She was a complete mystery, one you wanted so desperately to solve. 
That was wishful thinking. 
You wouldn’t get to see her that close, or brush your arm against hers, or have her smile at you. She was on Azula’s side, and you were on Aang’s. It was as simple as that. None of the other factors needed to be mentioned; like how you didn’t know her name, or her age, or how she got mixed up in the schemes of the Royal family. 
You wouldn’t get to learn how to throw knives, or just what to do to make the Fire Nation girl smile like she did whenever you dreamt of her. That’s all you would ever have, dreams and wishful thinking. 
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nerdywriter36 · 4 years
Contest Prize #3 - Like Me
my final prize for @blood-and-lychee​! i got a little carried away with this one, but i hope you enjoy! i’m really happy with this one :) 
erik finds out that christine is pregnant and is afraid the baby will be like him, but doesn't want to upset christine, so he stays silent while it consumes him from the inside
FFN: Like Me 
AO3: Like Me
Erik’s eyes were wide open and locked on the ceiling, even though the bedroom was dark and Christine slept soundly beside him. He couldn’t fall into a peaceful slumber as she had, not with the news she had given him earlier that day that he was still trying to comprehend.
Pregnant! But how could that be? Well, he knew  how and he could practically see the smirk on Nadir’s face already; they had had an incredible awkward discussion about protection, after all. That conversation had gone out the window, though; Erik couldn’t exactly recall a night of intimacy where he completely forgot that factor, but that had clearly been the case at least once or he wouldn’t be in the state of panic that he was. 
Panicked was a remarkable understatement - petrified was probably a better description of what he was feeling. Turning his head to look over at his wife, the knot in his stomach only tightened when he noticed the slight swell of her abdomen, plain evidence of the life growing inside of her - the life that they had created. Something so small and helpless, yet it instilled so much fear in his heart. 
He didn’t know the first thing about being a parent! He had never known his father, Giovanni had tried and failed in Italy, and Nadir was more of a brother than anything. On top of that, his mother was far from a good example, so he had no true reference point to pull from, and that inexperience terrified him. Not knowing was not something Erik was comfortable with, that much was for certain. 
With a heavy sigh, Erik slowly sat up and got out of bed, pressing a light kiss to Christine’s forehead before stepping out of the room to slip on his cloak and go to see the only person he knew he could talk to about everything on his mind.
“So Christine is pregnant. That is...quite the development,” Nadir said softly as he set a cup of tea in front of Erik. Admittedly, his friend had been rather peeved when he had arrived in the middle of the night to awaken him, but once the circumstances had been disclosed, he had relaxed quite quickly. 
“I don't know what I’m meant to do,” Erik replied, twisting his wedding band around his finger. 
“To be frank, not leaving your pregnant wife at home alone without telling her where you are going is a good start.” 
Erik looked down at his feet, ashamed of his own actions. “I didn’t know how long I could keep my feelings to myself. She had been gushing about the baby all day since she told me; about its nursery and names and all its little clothes. But I said nothing because I’m so terrified that the child...that they will…” 
“That they will look like you,” Nadir finished, his voice quiet as he sat down next to his friend. 
A simple nod was Erik’s initial response. “I couldn’t bear it. You know I have never been inclined to have children because I didn’t want them to carry the burden of the life I’ve led. I couldn’t curse them with a face like mine that will only mean suffering for them.” 
“Their life would be nothing like yours, Erik. They would have a mother that loves them, and a father that would do anything for them,” Nadir said, setting his hand on his friend’s knee. “They would be so well protected from any sort of adversity that might come their way.” 
“But I don't know what I’m doing,” Erik said, clenching his fists in frustration as he tried to get his companion to see the viewpoint. “I have never been around a child, have never felt any connection with one. I don't know how to be around them, how to be so...so gentle and tender.” 
“Well, that is a remarkable lie,” Nadir said matter-of-factly, giving Erik a small smile when he turned to him. “I’ve seen you with a little boy - with my little boy. You were the kindest and the gentlest I have ever seen you when you were with him. You do know how to be around a child that you care for, believe me.” 
“And then I betrayed the trust I had built with him and took everything from him,” Erik whispered as he looked down at his lap and tried to blink back the tears brought on by his ever-present grief over Nadir’s son. 
He only lifted his head when he felt Nadir tip his chin up with the crook of his finger and found his friend giving him a small smile. “I won’t let you apologize because what happened was in his best interests; we both know that. What I don't think you understand, though, is that you were his world, Erik. WEll, second only to me, but you were up there,” he said, his smile growing slightly when Erik laughed breathily at the comment. “But you were so good to him, and you will be no different with a child of your own.” 
“You were such a model parent, though. I could never be like that.” 
The snort that came in response from his friend confused Erik; what he had said was a genuine comment, not one that was meant to be amusing. 
“I believe we need to discuss your definition of a model parent because I am not that at all. You came into my parenting journey seven years along, which might be why I appeared to have a head on my shoulders, but that was not the case at the start. I was a single father; I became a widower the day my son was born, which left me without the woman who instinctively knew what to do. I was raising a terminally ill child, which complicated everything, and I was so young,” Nadir explained with a slight shake of his head. “I was only 22; I hardly had a handle on my own life, never mind a little life that depended entirely on me. I was lost for a while. 
“What you have to remember is that there is no book of instructions - you learn through experience. Even having examples doesn’t guarantee that you have it figured it out; I loved my father, but I knew that his strict way of parenting wasn’t how I wanted to raise my child. I learned with time, and you will too. You can’t be so nervous, my friend, and you can’t keep hiding what you’re feeling from Christine.” 
“I know I can’t,” Erik said with a sigh. “I just don't want to crush her spirits. She is so excited.”  
“You won’t break her spirits. You just have to be honest with her,” Nadir replied. “Now, go wash up and then go home to her. All will be well, I promise.” 
With a nod, Erik got to his feet and shuffled down the hall to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door before he slipped off his mask and rinsed his face in the sink basin. As he dried off with the small hand towel, he glanced up at his reflection in the mirror and leaned back against the wall with a sigh, examining his features more than he had in some time; pale, no nose, thin lips. There was nothing that he wished to pass on to his child. And yet...perhaps some things were salvageable; high cheekbones, a sharp jaw, golden eyes. Those...more desirable features of him in combination with any of Christine’s beautiful characteristics might go well for their child. Perhaps he could grow to adjust to his new circumstances just as Nadir had said. 
As he was lost in thought, though, a very familiar female voice caught his attention. “Christine,” he whispered, slipping his mask back on before he walked out of the bathroom to the parlour. There, he found his wife in tears in Nadir’s arms, her speech too warped by sobs for him to understand it. “Christine?” 
She looked up with a gasp and immediately ran over to throw her arms around him. “I thought you’d left,” she said through her tears as she buried her face in his chest. 
“I am truly sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said softly, pressing his lips to the crown of her head. “I just...I needed to go out and clear my head. I should have told you, I apologize.” 
“I thought you left because you didn’t want the baby and just wouldn’t tell me,” she whispered. 
Erik sighed and tightened his embrace, noticing Nadir give him an encouraging nod just before he stepped out to the kitchen to give the couple their privacy. 
Finally, Erik mustered up the courage he needed to speak to his wife. “My dear,” he said with a deep breath, walking to the sofa and sitting beside her, “it is not that I do not want this child.” 
“Then what is it?” Christine asked quietly, dabbing at her eyes with the handkerchief Nadir had seemingly given to her. 
“I...I am afraid, if I‘m to be honest with you. I haven’t the slightest clue as to how to raise a child - I had no parents of my own to learn from - and I...to give you a child that resembles me is the last thing I want,” Erik admitted. 
As he looked up at his wife, he frowned slightly when he noticed fresh tears in her eyes just before she cupped his face in her hands, then gently slipped his mask off. “No matter what this child looks like, I am going to love them unconditionally, as I do you,” she said softly. “And I’m afraid too; I don't have experience with raising a baby, but we will figure it out together, I promise.” 
Tears of his own filled Erik’s eyes at that as he wrapped his arms around Christine, burying his face in her wild chestnut curls. “I don't deserve you,” he whispered. 
“You deserve love, my darling, and that is what I wish to give you.” 
“You are far too gracious,” Erik said softly, kissing the side of her head before he straightened up and glanced down at her stomach while his hand hovered in mid-air, not knowing if he should touch her or not. 
Christine smiled when she noticed, then took his hand and gently set it on her stomach. “They haven’t started to move quite yet, but they will. You’ll feel it once they do,” she said with a nod. 
“I’m sure,” Erik said quietly, a small smile on his own face as he ran his hand over her abdomen and felt the same small bump he had noticed earlier that night. “I don't know how I’m going to do this.” 
“With me there with you. We’ll be alright, and our baby is going to be so spoiled by their Papa that they won’t know what to do,” Christine said with a quiet giggle. 
Erik couldn’t help but chuckle as he leaned forward to gently kiss her. “Perhaps,” he replied. “I love you.” 
“And I love you more, my angel. Both me and Baby.” 
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
Skittles: If you were a fruit, what kind of tree would you grow on and where would it grow?Snickers: In what situation do you get ugly? (Excessively violent, angry, upset.)3 Musketeers: Is there something in particular that helps you to relieve stress?
Sugar for the Sweet || -
Beth looks up from the couch where she’s knitting, over to where Jay is doing a series of online quizzes. They’re waiting for Andy to get off shift, they’re taking an early dinner before heading to Church for a cabal meeting. The questions are rapid fire and all at once and it takes her a solid five minutes to work them out, not that her best friend minds. Jay knows her well enough that she takes no offence at too-long silences. If anything, they’re all part and parcel of conversations held over the many years from Jay’s Freshman year to now. Coconut seems too obvious. For all the reasons one might expect. The cultural stereotype is there for a reason, with coconut being the Tree of Life throughout Polynesia. Full of legends and stories handed down from the oldest of times. And she isn’t sure if it’s too sacred to apply to her, or for some other reason ~she won’t say it’s because she’s hapa, and doesn’t deserve to be compared with something so important~ that is hard to define. But then...it hits her.  “Be a lychee tree. Lil weird, lil kine indescribable.” A peeled grape texture with a sort of faintly pare taste...hard to describe but common in rare parts of the world. She rather becomes enamoured of the idea.
“Ugly harder...ya know. On one hand, passive resistance my jam, right? An’ I would raddah make love dan war. Mebbe relic left ovah from da summer of love,” she laughs, “but...for reals...I totally go big body an’ like beef if someone t’reaten a loved one. Or hurt a’ keiki or animal. Shark finners. Dem dat no treat aunties an’ uncles good. But yeah, keiki...hurtin’ dem in any way is da quickest way t’ feed my Tree.”
As gentle as Beth is, as respectful to all life as she can be, there are certain things in her world view that naturally disqualifies another human from being protected. Child abuse was the hardest thing for Beth to understand much less tolerate, both because she cannot have any of her own and because they are the most vulnerable to the whims of adults who ought to know better. She can understand poverty and deprivation of even basic services but the wilful torment of innocence? It’s unforgivable.
“An’ I guess...las’ly, like if I wanna be by myself...yoga or surfin’. Really helps centre my mind an’ make it all quiet. Help wash away all da...city life an’ stress. An’ of course ya heard me say it before...nevah any kine salt water no can cure...be it sweat, tears, or ocean. An’ sometimes, if is lonely I’m feelin...jus’ going out an’ dance. Try an’ find people t’ connect with, wit’out always talkin’ an’ misunderstandin’ an’ being all crazy eye...ya know? Touch. Sweat. Music. Guess is all in our DNA or ancestral memory of some kine.”
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sodalitefully · 4 years
50 Unusual Questions
Tagged by @izzysdenimjacket, thank you! 😊
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?  One is red and one is black and blue
2. Name a food that you never eat.  I can’t think of anything?? 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?  Too cold
4. What is your favorite candy bar?  probably kit kat
5. What where you doing 45 minutes ago?  animal crossing
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?  Yeah lots of baseball and one hockey I think that’s it
7. Favorite flavor of ice cream?  Lychee
8. Last thing you had to drink?  Water
9. Do you like your wallet?  It’s ok, it’s really just a coin purse but it fits my keys so it’s good.
10. The last thing you ate? Bread with olive oil and balsamic, my dad’s been quarantine baking lol
11. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?  Thought about it but didn’t :(
12. Last sporting event you watched?  Maybe the super bowl?
13. What’s your favorite flavor of popcorn? zebra popcorn
14. Last thing you said out loud? Probably something about faults and geologic provinces for the zoom class I had earlier
15. Last person you messaged? bff
16. Ever been camping?  A few times, I’m not a fan
17. Do you take vitamins? When I remember to
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?  Used to, growing up.  Still sometimes when I’m at my parent’s house
19. Do you have a tan?  Just barely, been spending too much time indoors
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? yyyyyes but that was a hard choice
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? I don’t drink soda
22. What color socks do you usually wear? Black ankle socks
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don’t drive
24. What terrifies you?  karma.  Also home invasion.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? Notebook & planner
26. What chore do you hate the most?  ugh all of them
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?  definitely one of my top 5 favorite accents
28. What is your favorite soda?  I only tolerate fizzy drinks if there’s alcohol involved
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive in? I go in, I don’t like dealing with the speaker thing and also I don’t drive
30. What is your favorite number? 1
31. Who is the last person you talked to? My TA, in that class.  Or actually maybe my mom.
32. Favorite cut of beef? Ground beef? I’m not a steak person but I love burgers.
33. Last song you listened to? War Pigs, Black Sabbath
34. Last book you read?  I don’t even remember, it’s been that long
35. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
36. Can you say the alphabet back words? I guess if I had to
37. How do you like your coffee? I don’t
38. Favorite pair of shoes?  gotta be the 6.5 inch platforms with lightning bolts
39. Time you usually get up?  I mean I’m usually out of bed before noon
40. What do you prefer? Sunsets or sunrise? Sunsets, I’m not awake at sunrise, plus I live on the west coast
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, it’s always fucking cold in my room
42. Describe your kitchen plates?  At my apartment I have dark blue ikea dishes
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment? My parent’s kitchen is huge and the tile is ugly lol
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?  ok so you buy a can of Hawaiian Sun (the best flavor is lychee green tea with ginseng) and then you pour in a shitton of liquor 
45. Do you play cards?  Only a couple games, I can’t play poker
46. What color is your car?  No car, or license
47. Can you change a tire?  lol
48. Your favorite state?  california IS the best state
49. Favorite job you’ve had?  can’t say I enjoy working
50. How did you get your biggest scar?  I have a little scar about a cm long on my knuckle and I have no idea where it came from, all the rest are acne scars
if we’re mutuals (of if you just wanna) and you haven’t been tagged, go for it!
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