#White Magic
practice-is-praxis · 10 months
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It's magical. Well, well Old Friend... it looks like everyone is your teacher, no one is your master.
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neptuneslure · 3 months
clearing negative energy (a twitter thread):
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cr: wetneptune on twitter
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juperkocom · 4 months
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licksofvenus · 1 month
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c l a r i t y .::. @earthjournalbyawildrose
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I prepared a beauty spell bowl.
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Come and prepare a beauty spell bowl with me! This is glamour magic to become more beautiful using moon water, rose petals, chamomile, rose quartz & other special ingredients!
What you'll need to make a beauty spell bowl
A rose quartz crystal (preferably heart-shaped)
Chamomile flowers
Moon water
Rose petals
An incense stick (preferably rose or cinnamon scented)
Cinnamon stick
A large bowl
A mirror
Place a large bowl on a table.
Cleanse it with rose incense, while going clockwise.
Place a mirror at the bottom of the bowl.
Pour in full moon water.
Place a rose quartz crystal for self-love and clear glowing skin.
Next, sprinkle chamomile flowers for peace, acceptance, love & prosperity.
Add rose petals for passion & love, so that you can enjoy and embrace your beauty fully.
Stir the contents of the bowl clockwise with a cinnamon stick to set intentions, bring forth good luck and quick results.
Look into the mirror and tell it what you want to see!
Keep the bowl on your vanity or table in your bedroom (such as the bedside table) for a day. You can add to it your bath or discard in your garden.
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mycrystalearth · 11 months
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wormdramafever · 2 months
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Character art of Linnea, the white mage Naomi plays as in the tabletop RPG "Legends & Lore", from the game Goodbye Volcano High. Art by Oriana Carletto (who's also worked on the Magical Girl-inspired StarCrossed, wich I think Naomi would like!)
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lunavenefica · 2 years
⛤Evil Eye and Protection⛤
Many cultures around the world believe that through our thoughts or through an envious look, a person can harm another person by causing illness, injury or even death. 
There are many different names for this phenomenon, and the most common one is “the evil eye”.
What is the Evil Eye?
This word describes the process during which a person is affected by the negative energy of another person that hurts us intentionally or unintentionally.
In Islam:
“The Evil Eye” (ar. el-ajn) is a "poisonous arrow" that comes out of the envious person or the cause of the spell and goes towards the person who is envied and who wants to be cursed.
Sometimes this arrow works on a person, and sometimes it doesn't. If a man has no protection, then it affects him, and if he protects himself from it, then it has no effect on him.
The spell that affects people is the result of envy or too much admiration for something.”
Although we have our first testimonies of the evil eye in Islamic culture, it is deeply present in other cultures and traditions under different names.
Many people consider this to be pure superstition and a phenomenon for which there are no rational explanations but still partake in some of the methods used against it (such as knocking 3 times on wood) during situations in which they feel like their luck could turn bad.
⛤How to protect yourself
There are a lot of ways to check whether in a period when only bad luck follows us, the cause is someone's magic or the evil eye. 
Some of the oldest and very simple methods offer us the possibility to find out easily.
⛤Spot The Evil Eye with Olive Leaves
Olive oil, olive leaves and water should be prepared for this ritual. 
Fill the pot with water and pour three drops of olive oil. 
Then add the olive leaves.
If the oil separates from the leaves, it is an indication that there is an influence of the evil eye.
⛤Spot Negativity With Lemons
Lemons are used in this ritual, it is best if it is an odd number, three, five or seven. 
They should be placed in the corner of every room. 
After a few days, see if there are any changes on them. 
If black spots appear on them, spots of unclear shape, this is a sure sign of present negativity.
⛤A Magical Ritual to Remove Spells and Negative Influences
This simple and old method is considered very effective for removing spells and negative energy. 
It is done during the full moon. 
This ritual requires a little help from someone you trust.
What should be prepared for the ritual is:
one new white plate
one new white candle
fresh water
olive oil.
First, find a place where you will sit during the ritual and light a candle so that it is close to you. 
In the plate that the person is holding above your head, they should pour water, and then you should touch the water with your left hand. 
After that, the person pours three drops of olive oil into the water, saying:
"The evil eye was sent with envy and left with love."
Then it is observed on the plate how the oil drops have formed. 
If they have not separated, it is a sign that there is no presence of the evil eye, but if they have separated into countless small droplets, then the influence of negative energy is present. 
This method allows us to find out whether the evil energy was sent by a man or a woman. Namely, if the drops of oil are formed in the form of a line, it means that the influences were sent by a man. 
Oil droplets formed in the form of a circle mean that the negativity was sent by a female person.
At the end, the water is thrown into the ground, which should be illuminated by the light of the Moon, and on that occasion it is said:
 "May the spell and evil return to where they came from and to the one who sent them."
⛤Isidora ⛤
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magumsilvarum · 9 months
Spirits and their common uses and misconceptions
So today I wanted to talk about a few spirits which, not much is so far known of through literary writing, but more so through celestial knowledge. (each spirit will have its own section)
The Pythoness - many Christian and Judea religions view the pythoness spirit as a demon like spirit that is meant to steer one away from Gods path and imbue one with negative thoughts such as death and sickness through the mind, yet I've personally found and many civilizations prior and after that the story is not as such. In yogic practices there is a certain breathe and practice of the kundalini. Kundalini is the term for "a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine", conceptualized as a coiled-up serpent. The practice of Kundalini yoga is supposed to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the 6 chakras, and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown. This allows for an open pathway as a connection to God, elevated spirits and the spirits of the afterlife, our ancestral spirits, within celestial planes. In buddhism giant serpents were seen as protectors of the dharma, the truth that liberates us, standing strong against any attack. Many psychics, seers, mediums, witches and tarot card readers tend to have a spirit who knows one of two things about divination, prophecy and esoteric knowledge, but the pythoness spirit is looked at more like the all seeing eye or the eye of ra and horus. In greek mythology Leto the great she-wolf was cursed to never give birth upon the land as Hera set her out to be cursed by her daughter and for Gaia to not allow her to give birth to her two children. Through Zeus' interference Leto was able to give birth to both Artemis and Apollo. Later Apollo went to go slay a Snake that had threatened Leto and therefore gained the ability to turn into a snake himself. He declared the island previously known as Pythos to be Delphi and as the God of prophecy later became a hub for those seeking answers from great oracles once a year, known as Pythias. These women were great prophets and witches alike that danced with fire and tamed snakes to dance along with them protecting the island from attacks and monsterous threats as to pay respect to Apollo. These were women and men of wild nature who allows there instincts to guide them through the understanding of the great divine. One with nature they became medicine workers, prophets, seers, musicians, dancers, pyromancers, snake charmers, witches and mages and dream weavers.
These great spirits are revered as a highly elevated court in spiritualist practices, sometimes just perceived as the spirits of tarot decks or oracular objects they are forgotten as being far too complex to be seen as just that. Through the force of light they bring great aid to those they are on spiritual journey's with, they rid of hexes, curses and spiritual illnesses. They guide through prophetic dreams, clairvoyancy, clairsentience, clairaudience and mediumship. They are capable of conjuring powerful spirits and the spirits of the dead (necromancy), as well as a straight line communication to God, gods and goddesses. They move through the celestial tides of the universe and bring forth great health, wealth, abundance, freedom and spiritual knowledge to those they favor. They are quite benevolent spirits who help bring in death or the spirit of change for the better and to rid old stubborn ways of the past. They are great teachers of dark and light magic. They aid in learning and music as well. Helping those with charisma and the ability to enchant and/or charm enemies and others alike. They have such affinity towards chocolates, gold, silver, wine, fire, candles, light, mirrors, divination tools, water, flowers and floral scents, perfumes, snakes and music. There number is 7 and their flower is the rose, particularly the white rose, but other colors are fine as well. They also enjoy sunflowers, as they venerated Apollo, and the Anise star. Their colors are Red, burgundy, gold, emerald green, white, silver, purple, and brown. Yet each is different and might prefer a royal blue for all we know each spirit is different to another so getting to know ones spiritual court is quite important. Stones like diamond, ruby, jade, emerald, citrine, labradorite and amethyst can be given to such spirit as well as Selenite and Amber each representing Artemis and Apollo. These spirits can sometimes be confused with a better known spirit Santa Martha la Dominadora. You may even have both within your spiritual court, but they two hold many similarities.
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Prayer to the Pythoness
O Blessed Pythoness, I invoke your humble yet wild nature into my life, I give you thanks for the visions told and untold and for the sight to see my path clearly. May your connection to God and all living things be great and full of love and respect. May your tides of wisdom bring peace to the land and bestow upon me and my loved ones a blessed hand. Lady of the fire, imbue me with your holy flames may they burn away all evil done unto me by others or by my own hand. May your light charm those who seek no good into doing acts of kindness and greatness and may your soothing voice bring sweetness and riches to the land and seas. You the one who tamed the dragon and serpent to your gracious hand. Tame my enemies and bring good fortune to those in need. Help the world against devastation and may your great cobra bring forth the promise land. Lady of the land and sea, conjure your celestial winds to protect me and bring good news from the heavenly lands. Through the eye of the one who can see I plea to you humbly and in need. As it is. So mote it be. Amen
Say this prayer with Psalm 91 3x and Psalm 4 3x under the flame of a white(or yellow) light end with a Glory be. It will help receive divine messages through divination or prophetic dreams and help transmute negative energy and protect against evil eye.
Oracion a La Pitonisa
O Bendita Pitonisa, Yo invoco tu humilde y salvaje espiritu de naturaleza entre mi vida, te doy las gracias por los visiones contado y no contado y por la vista para ver mi camino claramente. Que tu conexión a Dios y a todas criaturas vivas sea lleno de gran amor y respeto. Que las olas de sabiduria traen paz a toda la tierra y otogar a mi y mis seres queridos tu mano bendicida. Mujer de los fuegos, envuelvame con tus llamas benditas que me liberan de cualquier maldad sea enviado por enemigos o que han nacido de mi propia mano. Que tu luz encandile a los que no buscan el bien y les transformas hacer actos de carino y grandeza y que tu voz encantadora trae dulcisimiento y riquezas a la tierra y los mares. Tu que haz vencido el serpiente y el dragon con tu mano graciosa. Ayuda al mundo contra la devastación y que tu tierra prometida sea traido por tu gran cobra. Mujer de la tierra y mar, protejame con los vientos celestiales y que traen buena noticias del cielo. A través del ojo del que puede ver te suplico humildemente y de necesidad. Como es. Asi sera. AMEN
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aesthetic--mood · 11 months
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Witches Autumn Aesthetic
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nem-esi · 6 months
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neptuneslure · 3 months
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here’s how to clear it *click me*
@/wetneptune on twt
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chthonicelf · 5 months
Heal your inner child spell ✨✨✨
This was so healing to do! Its to be done on a Sunday, and I did it under the moon for extra effect. For my flowers I used honeysuckle, dandelion fluff, and clover flowers. I didnt want to rip off the author so I just posted the page lol. Happy spellcasting!
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Tips (:
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juperkocom · 4 months
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chermess · 5 months
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Look at... ???????!!!! 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️
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