#Who Suspiciously all have non-visible faces
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EXCUSE ME I only got to the first panel and had to scream
But I suppose I should actually read the page too.
Where do we even start.
Yuuko’s talking about the Jam Jar and explains that it was “entrusted to me by the flesh and blood relations of the two of them.”
And the [two of them] seems to be referring to Lava Lamp’s parents, judging by the rest of the page (unless there are even MORE Syaorans and Sakuras floating around but I'm not even considering that yet). But immediately PULL THE BREAK. PULL EVERY BREAK. LET’S STOP RIGHT HERE. 
The panel that mentions the “blood relations” of [the two of them] shows Touya and Yukito from behind. Touya and Yukito specifically in regular, modern clothes. 
And I completely lose it.
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We’ve done this dance before.
Lava Lamp’s backstory was FULL of references that seemed to imply (on purpose) that Cardcaptor Sakura was the origin of his parents, with JUST enough small inconsistencies to show that that’s PROBABLY not actually who they are, YET THEY CONTINUED to tease it as the real answer.
And EVEN HERE they're doing it again. 
They show us a Touya and Yukito who 1 to 1 look like their Cardcaptor Sakura counterparts, in modern clothing - but FROM BEHIND, to add a little bit of doubt. The story is lining up all the pieces so that once again it looks like CCS Touya and Yukito gave Yuuko the Jam Jar - and that it's potentially CCS Sakura and Syaoran in the Jam Jar, who have never met Yuuko, but still turned back time, even if it meant “distancing themselves from their own children”. 
MORE - THEY SHOW US THE MAGIC CIRCLES. Sakura stands on Syaoran’s magic circle and Syaoran stands on CARDCAPTOR SAKURA’S MAGIC CIRCLE. And even though people argue with me over this I will stand by the fact that we have canonically only seen this magic circle for Cardcaptor Sakura at this point in the story. It is her UNIQUE magic circle she created on her own. That’s the only place we have seen it. 
And, yes! From a wider universe perspective it’s possible that Sakura’s Unique Magic Circle is Actually Not Unique and Other Sakura’s Also Have The Same Magic Circle, but we don’t know that yet. We've seen Xing Huo, for example, using the Reed magic circle. Which could be for many many reasons, but on the simplest level it's an example of Another Sakura using a magic circle that is Not the one implied to be unique to Cardcaptor Sakura.
And do I think Lava Lamp's mother is Cardcaptor Sakura? No!
But what we do know is that Clamp are having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES showing us glimpses of symbols and characters KNOWING That it all points directly towards Cardcaptor Sakura
 EVEN THOUGH IT COULDN’T REALISTICALLY BE HER. But with enough doubt in place for the thoughts of "OR COULD IT?" to be just as valid at this point.
AND JUST. Even though I know it’s most likely not actually them, is just genuinely so much fun to see them that I don’t even mind. 
Lie to me Clamp! Lead me to the wrong conclusion! I will have a fantastic time even if I don’t actually believe you. 
Also I am absolutely not receiving any comments that clarify who they are at this time thank you. 
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miirohs · 2 months
world burning [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader wc: 1.4k cw: someone is literally shot, charles kisses reader a bit forcefully an: to the anon who said they'd sell me their soul my cashapp is @bestfanficwriterever (jk jk, i hope that anon sees this tho). Real reminder to you all, again, that non of this stuff is to be encouraged irl and this is all meant as a fictional scenario!
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You could hear him softly cursing in French on the other line, whispering as the bed creaked in the background. It was obvious he had just woken up, and you felt terrible for waking him as well, knowing the day he probably had.
“Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, tu ferais mieux d'avoir une bonne raison de me réveiller (what's the matter, you'd better have a good reason for waking me up)-”
“Charles, I've been arrested, I need someone to come get me.” 
The muttering stopped, grogginess disappearing from his voice almost instantly. “Y/n? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé bon sang chéri (y/n? what the hell happened darling)?”
“Charles, not now please,” You chastised softly, looking to the door as the guards quietly conversed among themselves outside the room, “I have no idea why this is happening and what they’re gonna do to me.” “How did you even manage to get arrested… Nevermind that, I just hope you haven’t answered anything they've asked of you.” He groaned, heavy thumping over the phone as you looked nervously at the door for any indication they’d been listening to your conversation.
“I’m not that dull,” You said quietly, looking down at your lap, “and it couldn't have been anything i did, all they did was seize the car from me in the lot and bring me here.”
He paused for a moment, silent over the line. You pressed the phone against your ear, straining for any sounds on the other side of the line.
“Stay put. I’m coming to get you.”
A shiver ran down your spine and you fumbled, tripping over your words in a hurry to get them out.
“Char, what are you planning on doing?”
He laughed humorlessly over the phone, the sound of keys jingling and door slamming making you jump back from the phone as if it’d grown a head.
“Exactly what I said I'm going to do, come and pick you up.”
You swallowed the thick ball that’d formed in your throat.
“You know what- never mind, send someone else in your place, maybe Carlos?” You bargained, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Pas de souci, mon amour. Je ne fais que commencer (no worries, my love. I'm just getting started). They should’ve learned not to fuck with the wrong person. I’ll be there in another 20 minutes, you won’t need to call anyone else.”
You shivered as the line went dead, looking at the now opened door, all the cops watching you with a suspicious look.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
All you could do was shake your head.
Not even a grand total of 15 minutes later, a shouting match erupted, followed by loud bangs.
There was a single person you could think of who was capable of this level of chaos, and you could have swore you’d heard him threatening the cops right now.
“Where is she?”
“Don’t sir me, where the hell is she? Don’t tell me I have to blow another head off just for you to tell me.”
Everything seemed to fall silent for a couple moments, only a few voices daring to make a sound.
“Char?” You called out, a couple beats of silence weighing you down.
The sound of footsteps only got louder, stopping in front of the room you were in.
Keys jangled, the door slamming open as Charles walked in, a couple of police tailing him timidly to the outside of the door.
There were dark stains on his otherwise clean shirt, an indication of what happened visible in the peeved look on his face. Your eyes slowly trailed to his hand, a gun held tightly in his grip, smoking oh so slightly.
Noticing how your attention had drifted to the weapon, he put it down on the other side of the table as he approached you, shrugging off his jacket as he approached you.
“Tu vas bien maintenant (you're all right now),” He said quietly, running his fingers through your hair as he pulled you to him, “Come on, we’re going home.” 
You clutched his arm as he stood you up, eyes glued to the floor as you walked next to him.
You could hear their disappointed exhales, tinged with a bit of surprise as Charles kept a firm grip on your back, guiding you through the long hall to the main office.
As you continued to walk, he gently stopped you, turning around in the middle of the room as someone called for him.
“Fucks sake,” He sighed, turning around.
“Sir, i believe there has been a mistake-”
“What sort of mistake do you think you’ve made?” He snarled, his hand running down to your hand, lacing his fingers into yours.
“You see, the car we identified was yours and we thought that perhaps she’d stole it-”
“And you didn’t think to call me so I could deal with them myself?” He chuckled humorlessly, pulling you to his side. You held your breath, completely aware of what was about to happen.
“Charles, no-”
He shook his head at you, basically telling you to not interfere. You obliged, eyebrows creasing as you watch the poor man who had tried to explain himself get shoved to his knees.
“First off, you interrupt my very precious time, and then you have the audacity to say that you’ve made a mistake?” He stands back, waving at someone behind him to step forward to his side with a gun. “Do you know who she is?”
The man stumbled over his words, trying to plead for his life, but you already knew it was too late.
“Since you don’t seem to know, let me tell you. She’s the last face you’ll be seeing but since she’s here, I've decided to spare the rest of you for the time being. If I ever hear of anything happening to her again, anyone in this room will not be spared like they were today.” He remarked bemusedly, turning to you with the widest grin you’d ever seen from him.
“Chéri, close your eyes, and cover your ears as well.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. The second you did, there was a bang, followed by a thumping sound.
Something warm was on your face, but you didn’t dare open your eyes, shaky hands coming off your ears to touch your face.
“Don’t.” He was closer than you thought, causing you to jump as he rubbed what you assumed was a handkerchief against your face . “Don’t say anything, don’t look, just follow me.” 
You cracked open an eye, briefly wandering to the pool of blood a couple of feet away from you.
“What did I just tell you?” He remarked, barking at the rest in rapid french as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the doors of the station.
There was an awkward silence as you lumbered into the passenger side seat, pressing yourself against the seat as he pulled out and onto the road.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” He muttered, hand reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
“I thought you’d be upset with me.” You looked down, noticing the dried blood on his hands, not that it made much of a difference to you anymore. Less than two years ago, you would have been horrified at the idea of blood within six feet of you, but you had come to accept it as a part of him you could never erase.
“No-” He punched the brakes, eyes slightly apologetic as you jumped from the sudden shock of stopping.
“No, no, Y/n, look at me,” His hand left your thigh, fingers curling around your chin and pulling your face to his, “You are not responsible for any of that, i gave you the car, remember? You are not to blame yourself because I would gladly do anything for you.”
“Char-” You whined, muffled slightly by the pressure of his fingers against your cheeks.
“I would give you the world to see you happy, so shut up and take it.” He pressed his lips harshly against yours, almost needy in the way he nipped at your bottom. Warmth seemed to stir inside you as he let you go, your own mind racing at a million miles per hour as he returned to the wheel as if nothing had happened.
However, under his breath, he muttered something that even escaped you as your thoughts drifted off elsewhere. “Le monde brûlera, si tu le veux ma chérie, je te le promets (the world will burn, if you want it to my darling, I promise).”
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is Jewish Voice for Peace actually Jewish? I've heard a couple different things about that but no sources
@gryphistheantlerqueen also asked:
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Whooo boy. So this has been sitting in the inbox for a few months, I wrote up a draft, and then it just sat... until this past week, when some new JVP BS hit the fan and gave me the kick to finish it.
Verdict: Not Actually Jewish
(updated verdict after finding out about the “self-managed conversion” and “teacup mikvah”) Jewish, technically, and that "technically" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, and is actively debatable without access to a detailed breakdown of JVP’s actual membership rolls. 
In general summation, JVP is a far-left radical antizionist group that is headed by a few visibly antizionist Jews and whose membership rolls are either a strong minority or outright majority of non-Jews, based on variable statistics that they've released. Although they claim that the “majority of their members and staff are Jewish”, this seems to be both statistically unlikely and actively suspicious due to their noted tendency to instruct even non-Jewish members to speak #AsAJew on social media, and their instructions to do “self-managed conversions”.  However, due to their title, they are very popular with people who want a Jewish Stamp Of Approval for demonizing Israelis and Zionist Jews as a result. In effect, they are Jewish in the same way that people like Candace Owens and Hershel Walker are Black—as self-tokenizing minorities who throw the rest of their ethnic group under the bus in exchange for power and political access.
And despite the claims that they are “inspired by Jewish values and traditions” (as put on their website) and “oppose anti-Jewish hatred,” JVP routinely engages in antisemitic rhetoric, up to and including blood libel and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and acts as a shield against non-Jews who also engage in antisemitic rhetoric so long as the non-Jews in question remember to shout "For Palestine!" first. This is not an exaggeration. 
The primary example of their in-house antisemitic rhetoric is their "Deadly Exchange" program, where they explicitly and conspiratorially blame Israel as being responsible for American police brutality and militarization. However, for all of their fearmongering and blame-casting on the subject—as if American cops needed outside help in brutalizing minorities or gaining military-grade handmedowns from the Pentagon, both of which are explicit claims of the "Deadly Exchange" program—they have a hard time actually identifying specific deaths associated with the international training seminars they're holding up as responsible.
One of the the closest they've come to a specific allegation is claiming that "former St. Louis County police chief Timothy Fitch trained with the Israeli military three years before Michael Brown’s killing and the Ferguson uprising." (Note: this was in a video that appears to have since been made private.) But Darren Wilson worked for the Ferguson PD, not the St. Louis PD, and Fitch retired months before the killing. So he was in a completely different police department, and this is the closest JVP comes to pointing to specific deaths or acts of brutality that they blame on Israel. Everything else is literal fearmongering--up to and including the classic conspiratorial tropes of "secretive Jewish governmental influence".
JVP has also happily supported the words of white supremacists like Richard Spencer, taking his “You could say that I’m a white Zionist in the sense that I care about my people," statement at face value, using it as the basis for entire articles where they compared Zionism to White Supremacy as a deliberate misrepresentation of the ideology that is common on the extreme political Left (you can compare that treatment again with how Candace Owens treats the word "Woke" on the Right). Even when the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" march happened, JVP wasted no time in comparing Zionism with the very ideology fueling the people chanting "Jews Will Not Replace Us," saying that Zionism is "Jewish racial supremacy" and calling for a universal condemnation of the ideology as a form of White Supremacy... which was the exact sort of message that many of those same White Supremacists would have happily agreed with.  So JVP is essentially siding with literal White Supremacists,  even as they claim that "Jews are not the primary victims of White Supremacy."
JVP also engages in Holocaust revisionism, such as with this lovely quote from Cecilie Surasky, the deputy director of JVP, “I believe it is critical to situate the genocide of Jews in a broader context, and not as an exceptional, metaphysically unique event. Some 6 million Jews died, but another 5 million people were also targeted for annihilation.”
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(another quote, from an article by Surasky, which compares Netanyahu to Hitler.)
This is just straight revisionism of the entire Holocaust and the unique fixation the Nazis had on the Jews. Literally, even when they were losing, they were diverting resources from the war just to kill more Jews. Quote Hitler himself, "Jews must be prevented from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations." The very basis of the Nazi ideology paints Jews as an existential threat to the human race's peace and security—a far cry from JVP's claim that the Jewish suffering in the Holocaust wasn't unique or exceptional.
Additionally, JVP ignores or re-envisions Mizrachi Jewish history. They call the very term Mizrachi “Zionist rhetoric,” and refer to Mizrachi “immigrants,” (“Deadly Exchange,” pg. 16-17), and claim “the Israeli government facilitated a mass immigration of Mizrahim” (“Our Approach to Zionism”) as though those weren’t the direct result of the mass expulsion of and violence against Jews in MENA countries. These weren’t immigrants, these were refugees. 
And as for the question of “Are they Jewish?”, well...
Statistically, they are not representative of the Jewish population as a whole, 90% of whom identify as some degree of Zionist in the sense of “Supporting Jewish self-determination.”  One does not need to be Jewish to join JVP, as they proudly state on their website. Their membership rolls are also extremely obfuscated, and the fact that they encourage their followers, whether Jewish or not, to post and speak “as Jews” on social media makes it even more difficult to figure out what percentage of their membership is actually Jewish.  Furthermore, they have instructions for their members to engage in “self-conversions” that are not acceptable to Jewish law or tradition, and misuse/appropriate other sacred Jewish traditions to the point that “blasphemy” is an accurate description, with their instructions on the mikvah (a sacred bath) being outright offensive.  
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(note that one has to be completely nude and bare of any adornment or makeup to use the mikvah, which is a pure pool of collected rainwater to be immersed in, for context on the above... misuse.  Trying to claim this as being “in line with sacred Jewish tradition” is like trying to claim to be Catholic while also saying that the Pope is the Antichrist and that using beer and a doughnut for the Eucharist is acceptable. For more information on mikveh, see: The Jewish Virtual Library, Aish, myjewishlearning, or Chabad.
There's also no altar.
The irony of asking people not to appropriate while doing this is astonishing.)
It’s also telling that they straight up say they are “claiming” the practice as their own.
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Furthermore, JVP has hosted panels on “antisemitism” in the past... headed by people who are not only not Jewish, but who have been credibly accused of antisemitism in the past.  
JVP has also endorsed The Mapping Project Boston, which was a Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) subsidiary, listing every “Zionist” organization in Boston, Mass. This included Jewish schools, elder homes, community centers, disability centers, and more; all of them painted with scary and misleading “links” to non-Jewish organizations to insinuate Jewish control of the state and city governments, invoking age-old antisemitic tropes of a conspiracy of Jews as they did so:
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(first image is the Mapping Project, the second is a 1938 Nazi political cartoon)
The Mapping Project also, and this is my personal favorite, accused Harvard University of doing “racist science” for engaging in archeological and genetic studies of Jews and Jewish history.  Tellingly, BDS actually disavowed The Mapping Project (albeit for bad optics, not for the rank antisemitism they were promoting)... but JVP has not, even though the Mapping Project’s entry for the ADL reads as follows:
Masquerading as a “civil rights” group, the ADL is a counterinsurgency and espionage organization whose mission is to protect the mutual interests of the US and Israeli governments, and to eliminate solidarity among oppressed peoples, especially concerning Palestine. The ADL spies on and criminalizes activists (using its connections to governments, police, schools, and corporations) while undermining their work by pushing its own state-sanctioned, pro-“Israel” agenda. And while the ADL claims to represent Jews and to fight “antisemitism” on their behalf, the organization has supported anti-Jewish state violence and sanitized Nazis. The ADL cannot be reformed: it must be dismantled and whatever resources it has should go towards repairing the many harms it has done. (Emphasis added.)
Of course, JVP has also engaged in similar conspiracy-toned antisemitic dogwhistles, such as this fun bit from their first Deadly Exchange video:
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So clearly (to me at least), they have no problems with The Mapping Project’s tone and presentation.  
And this isn’t even going into JVP’s routine promotion of blood libel, their egregious double standards, their approving of pogroms, their active support for Hamas terrorists and demonization of Hamas’ victims, their attempted revisionism of Jewish history, their abject rejection of Jewish culture, and their other actions that show not just bias, but outright hatred for 90% of the world’s Jews.  
As one commentator put it, JVP as an organization is very much like Autism Speaks is to Autistic people--a thinly disguised hate group that views the people they’re supposedly speaking for as the problem, and themselves as promoting the Solution.  To this moderator, they’re the equivalent of the Association of German National Jews, who were also known as the Jews for Hitler; they wanted to abandon Judaism and embrace Naziism... and they got sent to the gas chambers anyway.  
Mod Joseph
(and also just... a general experience/exposure to them on social media, where even the most progressive actions taken by Israel, such as the recent ruling regarding queer Palestinians being able to claim sanctuary in Israel, being labeled as “pinkwashing”)
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shuawonie · 7 months
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pairing | yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
genre | fluff, angst, college au, hidden relationship au, non-idol au, comfort
word count | 7k
warnings | use of pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart), kissing, slight harrasment, mention of abusive behavior, alcohol consumption, jealousy, swearing, soft but also sometimes possesive jeonghan 😩 big angst bro-, THE SAINT LAURENT JEONGHAN???? (on my knees fr)
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summary: he decided to give you time, to let you feel comfortable with him and everything else. but you don’t want and need it anymore. you want to be visible. you want the two of you to be visible to the others. that you’re his and he’s yours.
a/n: oh my god.. my writer's block really hit me hard like a truck 😭 i’m so sorry for not posting anything for past few months.. </3 however ! here’s the small gift for you guys <3 hope u enjoy !
(i have already planned new jeonghan fanfiction and i’m SO proud of myself, watch me get the writer’s block again and post it after months again LMAOO)
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i got you, you got me,
when it's us, babe,
you make me feel complete.
you're all i need.
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Does Yoon Jeonghan have a girlfriend?
That was the question which was asked probably the most past days on your campus.
You could hear it everywhere. People were gossiping about in the hallways, in the bathroom, in the cafteria and even during the lectures, trying to get to the truth.
Is he single or not?
This whole situation began when someone from the campus took a photo of him, hanging out with a girl and holding her hand with a big smile on his lips. The face of the mysterious girl wasn’t shown in the picture, which is why they were wondering who it might be and if she’s his girlfriend.
Jeonghan was a 3rd year student and as far as everyone had known, he was staying single for a long time already. But now, nothing was sure.
People had mixed opinions on it. Some were happy for him that he found somebody to love, some were just really confused while not wanting to believe it's true, and the last group was really negative about it (thinking they even had a chance with Jeonghan, pfft).
However, it was obvious that everyone wanted to know the truth.
Does Yoon Jeonghan have a girlfriend?
However, only two people knew the answer to it.
Yoon Jeonghan himself, and you.
Jeonghan came out from the lecture class with his black messenger bag overhanged across his chest while being deeply immersed in his phone, when Seungkwan, campus’ sweet boy, joined him by his side.
“Hello Jeonghan!” he started enthusiastically, “How’s your day? Are you okay?” the boy blinked a few times and sent him a cute smile, while taking a sip of his beloved iced americano.
Jeonghan frowned, looking at him quite suspiciously.
“Hi,” he mumbled, letting out a sheepish chuckle, “Yea, I’m fine. Just finished my schedule, and I’m a bit tired. And you?” Jeonghan asked, continuing the conversation as the two of them slowly walked towards the entrance of the campus.
“Uhh.. I still have one lecture left, so I need to stay.” Seungkwan pouted, making the other boy smile, “Are you meeting someone? Or going home by yourself?” the sunshine boy asked, making Jeonghan stop mid-step, crossing his arms over his chest.
He looked at the younger boy with an amused expression as he snickered, “Seungkwanie, come on. Don’t tell me you’re also into this whole gossip trend on our campus.”
“Oh, hyung! But is that true? Are you seriously in a relationship?” Seungkwan questioned, tilting his head to the side, while wishing to get the answer everyone wanted to know. “Please! I won’t tell anyone.” he pouted.
Jeonghan let out a quiet snort, while looking to the side as he was kind of getting tired after hearing another person ask him that question.
Why was everyone suddenly so curious about it?
“I’m sorry Kwannie, but I won't tell you. Nice try though.” Jeonghan muttered, fixing his bag on his side, “See you tomorrow.”
Then, he turned around and walked out, leaving the younger boy and all of the gossip behind him in that building.
December's cold, evening breeze hit Jeonghan’s face, finally letting him breathe out in relief. The boy placed the hood over his head, tugging his hands into the pockets of his big hoodie.
He did it. He survived another day without getting caught.
Gosh.. it was so hard for him not to react every time he passed next to you in the hallways. To not stare at your beautiful face for too long, to not send you a soft smile, to not yield his food to you at the cafeteria or just hold your hand. He wanted to do it so badly, and many times he caught himself almost doing it.
But at the same time, Jeonghan was aware that even the smallest thing that could have been taken as ��more than close friends’, might have caused suspicions from your or his friends. Which you two wanted to avoid at all cost. At least for now.
Your relationship had to stay invisible to people around you.
Even though the boy didn’t like that idea at first, after some time you two agreed that for now you won’t show your relationship in public, especially in college.
Jeonghan decided to give you time to get comfortable as it was your first relationship after being in a really harmful and traumatic one in the senior class at highschool. Your ex was a very cute and nice guy at the beggining who later turned into being really abusive towards you, especially verbally. And when you revealed at the beggining, that you two are dating, a lot of people abandoned you, leaving you behind with the problem that after a while you were forced to deal with all alone.
That’s mostly why you weren’t sure if you wanted to reveal your new relationship. And it’s not that you didn’t trust Jeonghan, because you did. You trusted him as no one else. But because of your past, you were not certain if you could go through that all over again.
Jeonghan couldn’t wait to finally see you, after this long and tiring day. He really wanted to hug you close and tell you how good you looked today. Because he missed you. Your voice, your smile, your smell, your warmth and your touch. He missed every single thing about you, and he hasn't interacted with you for only around 6 hours (not counting all of the texts that the two of you shared today).
Rushing towards your apartment with a bag of takeout food that he bought on the way, Jeonghan was already thinking what you two could do tonight. But the truth was that even if you two laid in your bed, cuddling, he was okay with it. Because what mattered to him was spending his time with you. Not the activity you did.
Right after only one ring to the door, you opened it with a tired smile visible on your face. You were already dressed in your kuromi pyjamas (to which Jeonghan had a matching, ‘my melody’ one), wearing fluffy socks.
Your boyfriend giggled, excited about seeing you and finally having you for himself only.
“Hi.” he said gently, with a bright smile shining on his face.
“Hi.” you replied softly, while connecting your hand with his, taking him into your apartment, and closing your door right behind him.
“I brought food!~" the boy cheered, taking his shoes off by his heels. You couldn’t help but melt, and a bright smile appeared on your lips.
The boy swung the bag in the air with a big smile, and you approached him, slowly kissing his cheek while thanking him sincerely. Then, he quickly placed the bag on the floor and wrapped his hands around your waist, hugging you tightly to his body.
Jeonghan laid his forehead on your shoulder, “I’m tired.” he murmured, closing his eyes while sighing, “I need to recharge.”
A smile creeped onto your lips as you slowly started to play with Jeonghan’s hair, him still being close to you.
“Don’t worry, baby. We have time.” you smiled, caressing his head. You let him ‘recharge’ as the boy didn’t move away from you for even a second.
“You’re doing a great job, Hannie.” finally, you broke the silence, feeling how he snuggled closer into the crook of your neck. The scent of your body has always had a calming effect on Jeonghan, and it wasn’t different now.
“I can’t believe that acting like a stranger with my girlfriend might be that tiring.” he murmured into your skin, immediately catching you off guard.
Your face saddened in the split of the second, with the feeling of guilt starting to take over you.
“No, it’s okay.” the boy looked up at you, with his shining, full of understanding eyes, “We both agreed on it after all. And I want you to feel comfortable when you’re with me. So I won’t pressure you into doing things you’re not okay with.” he added, and gently cupped your face with his hands, admiring your features.
“I’m sorry..” you mumbled, feeling the lump in your throat, “I’m sorry that because of me you have to pretend something you don’t want to, but.. please, believe me that I’m really.. really trying to somehow overcome this-”
Jeonghan quickly placed his lips on top of yours, connecting you in a gentle kiss, while stopping you from speaking more. At first your whole body stiffened, not expecting this. But the feeling of Jeonghan’s soft lips on top of yours started to overwhelm you, making you crave for more of him.
However, before you could even react and reciprocate his sweet action, Jeonghan already moved away from you, sending you a reassuring smile.
“Let’s eat, darling. I’m sure you’re hungry.” the boy suggested, and took the bag from the floor, making his way to your kitchen.
“And then I need to put my baby to sleep.” Jeonghan giggled, to which you quickly responded with a scoff, “I’m not a baby anymore.” you muttered, but the smirk was still present on your lips.
You quickly followed right after him, sitting by the kitchen island as you silently watched him take out the containers with food.
But the slight feeling of guilt hasn’t left you at all, making you stay up at night, tossing around in the bed, overthinking everything, while being tightly hugged from the back by Jeonghan.
Should you finally become visible to people?
Or should you let things stay as they’re now?
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“So..” Millie — your best friend, started and you looked at her suspiciously.
The two of you were coming back from the nearest coffee shop after buying a coffee to go for yourselves. This small break was good for you as you still had this one lecture to survive.
“I met a guy.” she said while covering her face as she already knew how you’re going to react.
You let out a sigh, closing your eyes whilw tilting your head to the side. “Millie, I swear to god..”
“But listen!” she interrupted, “He’s actually really nice and he cares for the others a lot! He’s the greatest gentleman I know! And you won’t believe me, but he’s actually close friends with Yoon Jeonghan.” after hearing that name, your eyes immediately widened.
You choked on your drink, immediately starting to cough, “Ooh..” you started trying to stabilize your voice, “What’s his name?” you asked, quickly realizing that you sounded too interested about that.
Even though you remembered a few of Jeonghan’s friends as he was sometimes going out or just talking about them with you, you were really curious which one stole Millie’s heart.
She grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly, “Hong Joshua! Can you believe he’s also half american half korean? Just like me!” the girl exclaimed while grinning.
“Yeah, I’m happy for you-” you mumbled while trying to get off her hand, that was slowly starting to make your palm feel numb.
“I think we can even go and meet him now! Joshie said he’ll wait for me by the entrance.” Millie giggled just at the thought of the boy, and already started walking faster, leaving you behind.
You looked at her with some pity written on your face as you shook your head and followed her steps.
A few minutes later, the two of you were already standing by the entrance, waiting for Joshua to join you. On the way, Millie already told you that you’ll have this lecture together.
“He texted me he’ll be here any second!” Millie cheered, showing you the text that he sent her a few seconds ago. And as Joshua said, several seconds later, you two noticed him going towards you. However, he wasn’t alone.
Yoon Jeonghan, who was smiling brightly while listening to Joshua, accompanied him. It made your breath immediately hitch in your lungs.
Oh shit. You haven’t thought about the fact that he might actually come right now with Joshua.
“Hi Joshie!” Millie shouted enthusiastically, waving to the boy to get his attention. As soon as Joshua noticed Millie, his face brightened up as his eyes turned into two small crescents and a cute smile adorned his lips.
But you had your eyes stuck on him. And so did he, with a slight smirk that creeped onto his lips.
“Hi y/n! Millie talked a lot about you, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Joshua greeted you, sending you one of his charming smiles to which you smiled back.
“This is my friend, Jeonghan.” he added, making you move your gaze at the mentioned boy, only to find him already staring at you.
There was a short silence before you decided to make the move.
“Hi.” you finally uttered, smiling gently.
“Hi.” Jeonghan replied, the same way as he had always greeted you.
It was your small tradition that only you two understood. Each of the smallest ‘hi’ you said, also meant ‘i missed you’ or ‘i love you’ at the same time.
“Oh, right, I almost forgot to tell you!” Millie said suddenly, making you twitch.
“Today, together with some other people from campus, we’re going to a barbeque restaurant! If you want to, you can join us. I think it’s going to be more fun and less uncomfortable if you’ll be there.” the girl remarked, and sent you a pleading look.
You looked at Jeonghan, searching for an answer on his face and he silently nodded, “Yeah, I can join you guys. And y/n too.” the boy answered, and shifted his eyes back to you.
“Perfect!” the girl cheered while hugging Joshua’s arm, “Then we see each other tonight at 6PM! I’ll send you the localisation later. But now let’s get going, the lecture is about to start!” she added, and then Millie pulled Joshua to the lecture hall, leaving you two behind.
“Are you okay?” Jeonghan asked, worried by the absent look in your eyes.
You smiled briefly, “Yeah.. I’m just a bit tired. I just need to survive this one last hour. But now let’s go, we don’t want them to get suspicious, do we?” sending a small wink to Jeonghan, you quickly followed your best friend’s steps to the hall, with Jeonghan going right behind you, not being able to hide the smirk on his lips.
When you sat down in the hall room, several students were already there. Millie sat next to Joshua, and Jeonghan decided that you'll sit in the row behind them.
As soon as the lecture started, you placed your arms on the desk and laid down. The feeling of tiredness after not getting enough sleep tonight was taking over you, making it really hard for you to survive this day.
However, it didn’t go unnoticed by Jeonghan that you looked exhausted. Gently, he removed your hair that got in the way, and stroked your back.
He leaned closer and whispered, “How about you rest a bit, hm? I’ll take the needed notes for us, so you don’t have to worry.”
You smiled gently, melting inside from the softness and care that the boy treated you with. Nodding softly, you whispered a small ‘thank you’ to Jeonghan.
Opening your eyes one last time, you saw Jeonghan’s focused face. He was playing with the pen in his hand as he always had to have something in his hand.
As you shifted your gaze to Millie, you immediately noticed that compared to your boyfriend, the girl wasn’t paying attention to the lecture at all. She probably wasn’t even planning on doing it, because Millie was busy studying the boy next to her. Smiling weakly at the mere sight, you closed your eyes, finally drifting off to sleep.
Little did you know, Jeonghan also decided to follow Millie’s steps after some time.
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“Hi angel, are you ready?”
Jeonghan peeked into your room as you were finishing getting ready for the night out. You looked up at him in the mirror, and the boy smoothly came closer to you with a smirk playing on his lips. He bent down to be on your eye level, and looked at you from the back by the mirror. The scent of his freshly applied perfume and shower gel hit your nose, showing that he just finished getting ready.
You two came back from the college around two hours ago. At the end of the lecture, the boy patted your arm gently, whispering your name to wake you up. He caught himself smiling at the sight of your sleeping figure, but quickly scolded himself for it, remembering that he has to take notes and act completely unaffected by you.
Not going to lie, it quickly became a big challenge for him.
The boy was wearing a black silk shirt with a deep neckline, paired with black loose pants. His hair was freshly styled, with his bangs resting right over his eyes. He looked incredibly attractive at that moment, making you rethink about how it is even possible that a man and an angel like him is actually your boyfriend.
You, on the other hand, did natural make-up, and wore a black dress that hugged your body perfectly, reaching around your calves area, with a deep cut that reached right above your knee. Your hair was left loose, and with a delicate gold necklace that Jeonghan gifted you on your birthday, your whole look was finished.
It was indeed intentional to choose an outfit that would match Jeonghan’s, and vice versa (but not too obvious). However, the more you thought about it, the more you were starting to doubt if you should go with that dress. Of course you wanted to look elegant and step out of your comfort zone a bit, but you quickly started to think if it was really worth it.
And just as if your boyfriend heard your thoughts, he whispered into your ear, “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” Jeonghan left a sweet peck on your cheek, “You don’t have to feel unsafe or uncomfortable. I promise I’ll be there to protect you everytime, at any cost.” he added, solving all of the problems that you could have been thinking at that moment.
The boy moved away a bit, finally allowing you to let out the breath that you didn’t even realize you’ve been holding the whole time. The scent of him was always really strong and just being by his side, you thought that you might go insane by any second.
Soon later, the two of you finally left your apartment, and sat comfortably in Jeonghan’s car that he parked in front of your house. Your way to the restaurant went actually really comfortably, and even when you didn’t say much, Jeonghan tightly held his hand intertwined with yours, whispering from time to time compliments to you.
When you entered the restaurant, Millie, Joshua and some other people that you didn’t really know were already sitting by the table. As soon as your best friend noticed you, she yelled your name and waved to you. The two of you joined the group, and you sat down next to Millie and a guy that you didn’t know. Jeonghan sat on the other side of the table, next to Joshua, and a girl who was really known in your college, Siyeon.
“I’m glad you guys actually made it!” Joshua cheered, and you smiled at him.
“Why did you two come together?” Siyeon asked, “Are you two dating or something?” she added, gaining everyone’s attention as everyone heard about the gossip.
She always knew how to get people to look at her. Siyeon was not only called the goddess of the campus, but also she made it with her attitude. And even now, she successfully gained everyone’s gaze by looking at her and at you two, while smirking lazily.
Her question made you immediately start to panic inside, but you were trying to not show it that much on the outside. Not knowing how to respond, you looked at Jeonghan, frightened. The boy immediately read from your facial expression what’s happening, and he decided to take action.
The boy laughed out loud, “Oh come on, guys! Does really everything have to be about dating? I just gave y/n a ride because it’s dark already, and she lives near me.”
Jeonghan looked at you, and sent you an apologetic look, “We’re just friends. We’re not in a relationship, guys.” he added, making the others start joking and laughing because of this situation.
Even though you knew that the boy did it to protect you, and your relationship, you still felt that stinging pain in your heart.
But actually, what did you expect? Jeonghan did what he had to do to keep your relationship a secret. Something that you two agreed to do, especially because of you.
So why did you feel that way? Maybe.. just maybe, you deeply hoped that he would admit it, and say that you’re his girlfriend.
“Hey, you okay?” you heard Millie’s whisper by your ear, bringing you back from your thoughts.
You nodded, chuckling from embarrassment, “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry.” she stroked your arm gently while sending you a reassuring smile, and you sent her a small smile, reaching for your glass of water to take a sip.
When all of you ordered, and the food together with alcohol was finally brought, your group started to eat, while telling stories, joking around, and slowly getting more drunk.
You weren’t really a fan of drinking as you had a light head, so you were always the responsible one for Millie as she always wanted to drink. But even now, when she had Joshua by her side, you still decided not to drink.
Jeonghan always reminded and assured you, that you shouldn’t worry about not drinking anymore. He insisted, that if you’d want to have some fun with friends then you shouldn’t stop yourself, because he’ll be there to protect you and take you home afterwards. But even when you knew he truly meant it, you still decided to stick by your glass of water.
Millie was already clinging to Joshua, already getting tipsy from the drinks she drank. People were laughing loudly at something and you were sitting silently, listening while finishing your portion of tteokbokki that you decided to have. A few minutes later, Jeonghan excused himself by the need to go to the toilet.
As soon as he disappeared by the corner, the boy next to you named Changmin, who also drank a few bottles of soju after the challenges the boys from your college made, turned around and suddenly shouted, “Oh y/n!” what made you immediately look at him, not knowing what was happening.
Then, the boy leaned closer to you, making you widen your eyes and he clumsily sweeped some of the sauce with his thumb, that was in the corner of your lips.
Unfortunately, while being already tipsy from the alcohol, he made even a bigger mess on your face as he not only smeared the sauce to your chin but also some of your lipstick.
“Oops!” he laughed goofily, and some of the boys that were there started to laugh with him.
You just hoped that someone would somehow help you. But Millie was already passed out on the chair, with Joshua being concerned about her. Other girls, including Siyeon, were busy gossiping and drinking more soju. So you were left alone with this situation.
Quickly, you reached for the napkin that was near your bowl, and turned slightly to the side, gently removing the sauce and leftovers from your lipstick. You felt embarrassed because of what happened, just as if that boy fully meant to do it.
But it wasn’t funny to you at all.
Changmin looked at you one more time before smacking your thigh with his palm and squeezing it slightly. You widened your eyes as you were flabbergasted what just happened. And in the split of the second, you pushed his hand away.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you asked angrily, as you immediately felt uncomfortable but also pissed by the boy’s sudden action.
“Aww, poor baby is not in the mood,” he chuckled and reached for his chopsticks to take another piece of the tteokbokki from your plate and put it in front of your mouth.
“We need to feed the baby, say aaaaah~”
You hit his hand away once again, and the boys around started to laugh even more, making you feel ashamed. The tears from helpless frustration started to sting your eyes, but you strongly resisted to open your mouth and eat the tteokbokki that Changmin put in front of you once again.
“Come on, y/n! Say a-”
“I’m sure y/n is not hungry anymore.”
You heard a voice from behind you, and the person quickly pushed Changmin’s arm away. You looked up, seeing Jeonghan’s serious face behind you. He took a quick glance at you, immediately noticing the tears that swelled in your eyes.
Your boyfriend grabbed your wrist and pulled you up, the chair squeaking by the sudden drag.
“Oh come one, dude!” one of the boys shouted, but he was totally ignored by Jeonghan.
He quickly hid your fragile body behind his silhouette, looking into your eyes which glistened with tears.
Jeonghan cupped your cheeks with his hands, “Talk to me, angel. Did he hurt you?” he whispered gently, looking at you intensively.
You didn’t respond to him, tears glistening in your eyes.
The boy cursed under his breath, quickly focusing on you once again, “I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry angel that I left you here alone..” he whispered, gently kissing your forehead, “I’ll take you home now.”
“Jeonghan, dude! Your friend is so damn pretty,” Changmin yelled, lazily getting up from the chair, stumbling over his own legs, “Can I have her number? You know that I like girls like her, especially in bed.”
You could see how Jeonghan’s face immediately darkened, and he let out a loud scoff after hearing the boy’s question. He took a deep breath and grasped your hand.
“Okay, then I’ll text you later!” Changmin shouted.
Not even glancing back anymore you two left the restaurant, immediately getting into Jeonghan’s car.
This time, the silence was really uncomfortable, compared to the time you drove here. The atmosphere between you not knowing why thickened.
During the whole way home, Jeonghan was silent. He focused on the road, still holding your hand, and only taking small glances at you from time to time. There were a few times when you wanted to say something, but as your mouth opened, nothing came out. You thought as if you’re going to explode from the nervousness you felt at that moment.
When you finally reached your apartment, you walked into it silently, taking off your coats and shoes.
You knew that the boy was trying to give you some time and space, but as you’ve already known Jeonghan well, you knew that something was bothering him as well.
The boy muttered something about getting a glass of water for himself, and you, feeling guilty about everything that had happened, decided to follow him to the kitchen like a puppy.
He took a glass for himself and also for you, and poured some water for you to drink before drinking from his glass. But you had other plans than drinking that stupid water.
You knew it was finally the time to destroy the wall between the two of you.
“Jeonghan-” you said, but in the blink of an eye his glass hit the hard surface of your kitchen island and he scooped you up, placing you on the countertop.
Jeonghan’s arms rested by the two of your sides, securing you, as he stood between your legs. He was silent, with his head lowered.
Your heart was beating like crazy and your breathing sped up. You had no idea what you should do in this situation.
“It’s so.. fucking frustrating.” the boy hissed, still not looking at you. You decided to give him time and you waited for him patiently.
Finally, after a while the boy raised his head, looking straight into your eyes. As he was slightly bent down, his eyes were on the same level as your, dangerously close to your face.
“It’s so fucking frustrating, that people can’t see that we are together. That you can’t call me yours, and I can’t call you mine. That I have to tell everyone that we’re just friends. That we can’t have any, even the smallest interactions..” he stopped for a second, being completely drowned in your eyes.
“Please.. y/n.” Jeonghan sighed painfully, “Can’t you see how hard I’m trying? Just give.. us a chance. I will show you that we can be together in the public, and that we can survive by being by each other’s side. Because I love you, y/n.”
And for the first time in your life, you saw Jeonghan's eyes fill with tears, making it really hard for you to also not tear up.
“A-and..” he stuttered, as his voice slowly started to break.
“Recently I’m not even sure anymore if you still love me the same way as I do.”
Just one sentence. Small like a needle, but painful like a knife.
You immediately cupped Jeonghan’s face, wiping his tears away with your thumb. The boy had stuck his eyes still to yours, desperately looking for an answer.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so so.. sorry, that I made you feel that way..” you uttered, “I was blind, mainly following my feelings and needs, while not focusing enough on yours, which you also had.” you stopped for a second, taking a big breath to not let your voice break.
“You’ve always been so patient with me, always honest and so soft with the way you treated me.. You protected me, and was with me when I needed you the most. And I..” your voice broke, and you let out a shaky sigh.
“I gave you nothing back but rules. I feel so stupid because of that..” your eyes shone with the tears that you couldn’t hold in anymore. Jeonghan was listening to you silently, with his eyes still watery, but now you could find hope in it.
“I’m so sorry, Hannie..” you whispered as you brought the boy closer, crossing your hands over his shoulders. He snuggled into the crook of your neck, while holding your waist tightly, and inhaling your scent.
You stayed in this position for a few good minutes, before you finally pulled away, resting your foreheads over yourselves. You had your eyes stuck on Jeonghan’s shining ones, and he had on yours. And at that point, when you were staring at your boyfriend, you'd made up your mind.
You were ready.
“Hannie..” you uttered.
The boy sent you a soft smile, “Yes, angel?” he murmured.
“I want us to be visible. I don’t want us to hide anymore.” you decided, immediately noticing how much you caught Jeonghan off guard by your sudden statement.
On the spur of the moment and Jeonghan’s confusion, you leaned down and placed your lips on top of his, connecting you in a soft kiss.
At first, Jeonghan didn’t react to your action. But then he melted into the kiss, turning it into a passionate and hungry kiss. He quickly cupped your cheeks with one of his hands, holding your face gently while not allowing you to pull away with his other hand that rested on your waist.
You ran your hands through his soft, dark hair. The boy lifted your body from the kitchen island, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as the boy made his way to your bedroom.
You were sure that you wanted to make you two visible.
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The sound of the messages blowing up your phone has been ringing for the past 15 minutes, echoing in your room. Irritated by another incoming call, you finally woke up, and it turned out that it was Millie, the same as all of the messages.
You answered the call and put it on the speaker, placing your phone next to your pillow as you layed back on the bed.
“Millie.. I swear to god, if it’s something unimportant and you woke me up on the day when the lectures start later-”
“Wait y/n! Have you checked my messages?” Millie’s loud voice made you squeeze your eyes from the loudness, as you were still half asleep.
A sigh left your mouth, “Girl be for real. You just woke me up, how could I check your messages?” you muttered while rubbing your eyes.
“Then check it! I think you need to see it!” Millie shouted, and lazily, you took your phone, unlocking it and going straight to messages.
Millie sent you a screenshot with an Instagram post, uploaded by Siyeon. She took a selfie with Jeonghan, who sat next to her (probably not even knowing she was taking photos).
You immediately noticed that this photo was taken at the meeting that you attended a few days ago. Siyeon was wearing the same, short burgundy dress she wore that day, and Jeonghan had the same black shirt on.
But the most disturbing thing was the description she wrote under the post.
Liked by shushu_a and 16 134 others
SolLaSiyeon: finally breaking the radio silence 😘
“Can you believe that Lim Siyeon is in a relationship with Yoon Jeonghan?!” Millie squealed on the other side, and she started talking about something, but her voice began to gradually mute. You didn’t respond, being completely stunned by what you just saw.
“Wait. How do you know they’re together?” you asked, wanting to deny Millie’s assumption, “She didn’t say anything about it.”
“Oh y/n.. the title holds the whole meaning!” your best friend was quick to answer you, “She breaks the radio silence while posting a photo with Yoon Jeonghan. And in the description she writes ‘breaking the radio silence’ which refers to the gossip about Jeonghan’s girlfriend!”
Now it actually made sense, what made you feel even more terrified.
That one scene kept playing in your mind.
“Why did you two come together? Are you two dating or something?”
The girl was planning it from the beginning, making sure that her plan would work out.
Your best friend was still talking about something, but you didn’t really have the time to listen about how Joshua did this and that, so unfortunately you had to cut her off, “Sorry, Millie, but I really have to go. I’ll see you at the lectures later.” and you hung up, quickly getting up from the bed to get ready.
You couldn’t just leave it like that, you had to do something.
But what exactly..?
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Your heart was racing and you felt like throwing up. You were waiting by one of the lecture halls, pacing back and forth while trying to calm yourself down. From what you’ve heard from some people on the campus, Siyeon was supposed to finish her lecture now, making it easier for you to catch her and talk with her.
And just as you were coming by the door again, it opened widely and people started to flood out of the room. You waited, standing on the side by the wall, while nervously biting your lower lip. You kept observing when the girl would come out from the lecture hall.
Finally, after some seconds you noticed the familiar face, immediately feeling how your insides start to roll from the stress. Siyeon was talking with one of her friends, not even sparing one glance at you, being deeply immersed in her conversation.
You took one deep breath before following them, and finally calling Siyeon’s name. The girl stopped her movements and turned around to face you, immediately putting the fake ‘shit i have to look friendly’ smile on her face.
“Hi y/n, what’s up?” she asked, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could. You gulped, feeling how hot your whole body started to feel.
“Hi,” you mumbled, “Could I ask you a favor?” the girl looked at you questioningly.
“Could you delete the post with Jeonghan that you recently posted?”
Siyeon’s eyes grew bigger as her smile turned into a grimace. “Huh why? Is something wrong with that, sweetie?”
“I don’t want you to create confusion and another round of gossip about my boyfriend.”
There you go. You finally said that.
However, the girl pressed her lips tightly, and looked at her friend, bursting out laughing. The wave of coldness ran through your body. That wasn’t something you expected.
“Okay, o-okay,” Siyeon stuttered, trying to calm down from laughing, “You got us. That was a nice one, y/n. Now if you excuse us-”
“I’m not finished.”
Suddenly, your hand gripped onto her wrist, stopping her mid-step from walking away. Siyeon glanced at your hand that was tightened around her forearm. She rolled her eyes, letting out a scoff as she turned around to face you.
Then you finally noticed how people started to circle you, observing what’s happening, some even recording. Your mouth immediately felt dry but you knew you couldn’t give up now.
“I don’t want you to post any more photos that include my boyfriend, while trying to make an impression as if he is your boyfriend. Yes! We might have been secret about our relationship, but it’s not as if we didn’t have the right to. It’s actually none of anyone’s business who Jeonghan is dating, because it shouldn’t be anyone’s main concern. But, when you post a photo with a description that says ‘breaking the radio silence’ as if you’re proposing to everyone, that you two are dating, then nothing else is left for me than to finally reveal the main secret, that everyone has been dying to find out the truth.” you smirked, while letting out a quiet snark.
“Yoon Jeonghan is dating me. I am his girlfriend, and Jeonghan is mine.”
Everyone and everything around you fell silent. The only thing you could hear at that moment was your rapidly beating heart, and your own breathing.
After some seconds, you finally looked at Siyeon, only to find she wasn’t looking at you. The girl had her eyes set on something behind your figure. You frowned, and slowly turned around.
At that moment, you felt as if your heart dropped. Your whole body froze, the feeling of embarrassment and shame striking you right at that specific moment.
Because no one else than Yoon Jeonghan himself was standing a few meters from you, in front of the whole crowd. He had his hands stuck in the pockets of his jeans, head tilted a little to the side while a proud smirk was stuck to his lips.
When Siyeon finally came out of her daze, she hit your stiff figure with her shoulder as she ran up to Jeonghan, pouting. “Jeonghanie! Did you hear what that crazy chick was saying? Isn’t she stupid? How could she even say such insane things! You’re not her boyfrie-”
“Oh, but I am.” he cut her off, with that lazy smirk he always loved to wear.
If your speech made an impact on people who stood around you, Jeonghan’s approval surely caught the whole crowd off guard. Everyone started to whisper, gossip and murmur about something.
“W-what?” Siyeon’s lips started to tremble, “But oppa..” she whined, trying to argue with him, but Jeonghan simply ignored her.
He slowly approached your shaking figure, sending you a warm grin. Gently, he took your hand and connected it with his, intertwining your fingers. The boy left a butterfly kiss on your knuckles, immediately getting sounds of adorations and approval from around.
Your eyes met his, and the boy whispered, “Trust me.”
Jeonghan slowly walked out of the crowd, pulling you out from that corridor. The two of you left the building silently, and finally when you were in the campus’ park, you had to break the silence.
“Hannie..” you removed your hand from his, gaining a questioning look from your boyfriend, “Listen, I’m sorry.. I know I should have stopped myself from doing it, from getting jealous, from confronting Siyeon, and from letting out the secret, but believe me I didn’t do it on purpose.. I-I.. ah..” you stuttered, being lost in your words, “I couldn’t just leave it like that when everyone started to gossip about you being in a relationship with her and-”
“y/n, stop.” Jeonghan’s firm voice ran through your whole body, shutting you up right away.
The boy chuckled, gently cupping your cheeks with his palms, and looking deeply into your eyes with his shining ones.
“Did you really think I would get mad at you for any of these? Angel.. why would I even do that..? You can’t imagine how happy I felt when you finally gave us a green light. But still, I wanted you specifically to tell us about us and our relationship.” he caressed your cheeks with his knuckles, smiling at your pouting face.
“And that moment when you claimed that you’re my girlfriend and I’m only yours? Damn, sweetheart, that was so hot-”
“Yoon Jeonghan!” he immediately got rewarded with a slap on his shoulder as the boy bursted out laughing at your shyness.
“Okay, I’m sorry!” he giggled, and you finally broke the grimace, sending him a soft smile.
“But seriously, you can’t even believe how happy you just have made me right there.” Jeonghan added, and left a sweet kiss on your forehead before conecting your hands once again.
“Hot chocolate?” he asked charmingly.
“Hot chocolate.” you nodded.
Walking down the main sidewalk of your campus, many people looked at you, and specifically at your intertwined hands. With your cheeks burning red, you took your phone out of your pocket, only to find lots of calls and messages from people from the campus. And one of them was Millie.
how dare you not tell me anything!!!! >:(
you have LOTS to tell me
and i won’t let you go
oh nononononooooo
so better prepare yourself
cuz i need to know
As you think of it now, while laying peacefully in your bed and having Jeonghan snuggled into the crook of your neck, even if you liked the way you two functioned while being ‘invisible’, you had to agree.
Being visible with Jeonghan was much better.
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© shuawonie | 2023, all rights reserved.
reuploads and likes are highly appriciated ♡
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hi there, can I request a part for eddie munson a/b/o fic where they have a kid. Where eddie goes into one of his mating ruts, the whole day he is acting weird and not letting reader kiss him or anything as he knew the consequences of it progressing and he didn't want reader to go through the pain. Sorry if this is too non-specific and if you don't feel like writing it, it's okay. Thank you ❤️
You sure can nature's ninja 💖
Eddie was being weird.
Like avoiding his mate weird.
And it was annoying (name) didn't appreciate Eddie actively leaving the room or making excuses.
"Are you two fighting or something?" Robin asked (name) who held a nine month old (sons name) "I don't think so... He just suddenly started acting like this the other day"
"Want me to talk to him?"
"Nah... I will deal with it tonight when he can't avoid me"
Robin laughed at this, knowing (name) was a force to be reckoned with and Eddie being suspicious was definitely a good reason.
Eddie normally always sat with (name) or have (name) sit on him but now he was beside Johnathan talking about god knows what, not feeling the intensity of (name)s stare but boy howdy could everyone else.
"(Name) I'm gonna uh stay back with Dustin and the others aight? Steve and Robbie are gonna drive you home" Eddie said at a small distance from (name) and when (name) took a step forward Eddie took a step back.
(Name) felt his heart drop at this, visibly upset at his actions and just stared at him with a heartbroken face and mumbled "fine... whatever" before turning and walking off and clutching the product of their love and Eddie realized he fucked up bad.
"Go fix it with my brother before I hit you with your own dnd binder" Dustin said and Eddie was already chasing after (name) who was strapping their son into Steve's car with tears rolling down his face.
"Baby..." Eddie said heartbroken, his alpha instincts kicking in to comfort his mate and Steve and Robbie gave them some space "what do you want, don't you have shit to do" (name) mumbled and refused to look at Eddie who looked like a kicked puppy "baby...I'm sorry"
"Why are you avoiding me." (Name) said skipping his apologies and demanding answers, justifiably pissed at his mate "I get it, I didn't bounce back perfectly and I got a lot of stretch marks and the scar and I'm not the prettiest rig---"
"Baby!" Eddie cut off, that was something they were also going to talk about "it's not you're sexy body but we are going to talk about you not loving the body that I find the sexist thing on this planet"
"Then why are you avoiding me! What did I do!"
"You didn't do anything!"
"Then why!"
"Because I'm entering pre-rut!" Eddie said looking stressed and embarrassed "what?"
"I'm in pre-rut"
"And you are avoiding me because of your pre-rut"
"Because I don't want you to put up with it"
"Babe I'm your god damn mate, you deal with my heats"
"Yes but with (sons name) they are paternal heats, alphas don't really have that" eddie explained and (name) made the realization "ooooh"
"And I don't want to put you through that, we know what rut me can be like with you"
Eddie was a biter when he was in rut.
"Well you should have spoken to me instead of avoiding and not kissing me and making me think you didn't want me!"
"I know I'm sorry, it was dumb as hell but I didn't know what to do!"
"Well I'm not apposed to sharing a rut, we just gotta find duckling here a sitter...maybe with my mom but if you really don't wanna I can just go stay with my mom" (name) said softly and Eddie felt like he fell in love with (name) all over again, always finding both options and Eddie loved him so much for it "are you sure? Last time I left you with some pretty nasty bites"
"Of course, were mates and mates stuck around during the feral and horny" (name) joked sweetly "lets go home baby"
"Don't you have a thing with the others?"
"Dustin would kill me if I walked back in right now"
"Fair" (name) giggled and unhooked the baby carrier and the two went to Eddie's car, the Alpha traded his old van for cooler car that had back seat doors, that was (name)s one demand in case they needed to get to their pup fast.
Which was fair.
The two situated (sons name) before driving home and when (name) got home he went and called his mom to set up the babysitting and when she agreed he smiled at his mate "she will come and get him tomorrow!"
"So that means during my pre rut I get to coherently fuck you into my rut?" Eddie said sneakily and (name) smiled "yup!"
"Well...till then let's talk about why you don't like your sexy body"
(Name) should have expected that.
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canichangemyblogname · 6 months
In the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Percy is attacked by a hellhound after his face-off with Clarisse. Just before the attack, Annabeth had asked Percy to come forth from the creek where she watched his wounds heal from the water, having already put two and two together regarding Percy’s godly parent. And, immediately after Percy survives the hellhound attack, Poseidon claims him.
The new Disney+ show, however, got rid of this scene, and I do not mind that at all.
In the book, the hellhound scene served several purposes. It reinforces that Percy is special and that powerful forces want him dead. It also establishes— very early on— that there is someone within Camp HalfBlood who wants him dead. And, it makes the audience suspicious of Hades as the bad guy. But, there are several other plot devices throughout the book that also establish these things, including Luke’s shoes, the scorpion at the end, the fact that Percy is a “forbidden child” of the Big 3, the Minotaur, the Furies, the fact Hades was suspect in the theft of the lightning bolt, and the prophecy that tells Percy a friend will betray him.
I think that cutting out the hellhound scene makes the fact Percy will be betrayed all that more a mystery. In the book, Percy had already been betrayed before he had ever heard the prophecy and before he had ever set off on his quest.
Cutting that scene also gave the episode the opportunity to show the audience what Luke had already told us: Annabeth is always 6 steps ahead of everyone else. She had worked out who Percy’s godly parent is. My guess is that she figured it out or began theorizing the night before, after the toilet incident. To test her theory the next day, she sets Percy up as “bait” on path to the lake (rather than creek). After he had defeated Clarisse and the two other Ares’ kids, she had Percy in the most opportune spot to test her conclusions. This prompted her to push him into the water, which would visibly heal him and solidify her theory that Percy has a special connection to the water. It would be at this moment that Poseidon claims Percy.
I think this was a good way to show the audience that Annabeth put two and two together before everyone else. She’s smart, strategic, and analytical, and it’s great we get to SEE that. And, quite truthfully, I think the fact someone figured it out could have forced Poseidon’s hand. Imagine the embarrassment of *everyone* knowing this kid is your kid because the Pride of Athena, a 12 y/o kid, was astute enough to put it together, rather than you just claiming him. She would have told Chiron and Mr. D. She might even tell her mother. And, as she’s not bound by the same rules as the gods, she could have told Percy, too.
Personally, I think the Hell Hound scene came too early. For it to work would mean that Luke knew who Percy’s father was before he was claimed, so someone would have had to tip him off. Which meant a non zero number of free actors in camp knew definitively who Percy’s godly parent was before capture the flag (as opposed to “I have a hunch, but I need to test it out”). I always guessed Kronos told Luke, but that also confused me because I knew that the deities operated by different rules. Zeus, for example, couldn’t come down from the sky, point at Percy and say, “This is Poseidon’s bastard. Great. Now that’s established, can I kill him now” even though he already knew Poseidon is Percy’s father.
The original hellhound scene also left several questions about how Luke was able to call a creature from Hades’ realm, under Hades’ domain. It also seemed to conflict with future in-universe means of calling a hellhound. When I was younger, the scene and subsequent lore surrounding hellhounds led me to assume Nyx, Cerberus, or Hades had allied with Kronos and was allowing Kronos’ forces to call hellhounds at their discretion. But that was not the case.
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mlmxreader · 9 months
Desk Drawer Rum | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
↳ ❝ anonymous asked: May I please humbly request of you something using the following prompts for Alfie Solomons X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Are you feeling alright? You look like death" + “What’s the harm in just one, huh?” ❞
: ̗̀➛ shellshock is a Hell of a thing, and although he's trying to help, Alfie is more than aware that he can't do everything.
: ̗̀➛ therapy & psychiatry mentions, depictions of trauma, depictions of shellshock, alcohol consumption, swearing
Alfie didn’t think much of it when you originally stormed into his office and made a beeline for the nice rum he kept in his desk drawer; you often did it when you were in a rather distressing situation, usually if you had been having a hard time at work, so he didn’t really think about it at all.
It wasn’t really like you had given him a reason to worry, after all, and it wasn’t like he didn’t know you well enough to know when and why you wanted the good rum in his desk drawer.
He had no reason to be suspicious or to think about any of it for more than five seconds; it was just one of those things, as much as he didn’t like to think about how it had all started just after the war.
How it had started when you would wake up every night screaming and crying; how it all started when you would complain about sharp pains in your chest and your face. The exact places where you had stuck a bayonet into others.
The so-called enemy. Those poor boys and men who had been so carelessly slaughtered on No Man’s Land.
The bowel issues that came and went suddenly and would go from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye; the harsh fatigue and lethargy that would render you unable to get out of bed most days.
The constant tremors and shakes, most obvious in your hands and your shoulders but visible in your legs and jaw if Alfie ever looked close enough; the impaired hearing. The stare that seemed to look past everything for well over a thousand miles, and was hazy and unfocused - glassy.
The loss of balance that forced you to lean against Alfie’s side when you walked next to him, gripping his arm tightly for fear that you would fall; the headaches that came out of nowhere all of a sudden.
Depending on the day, you could either be the man that Alfie fell in love with - witty, strong, caring and funny - or a ghost; without personality, never speaking, living in the past, in those years when the war had been raging.
The worst was the memory loss; you would wake up and run out into the street, forgetting where you were and who was around you - you couldn’t even name the Prime Minister. You would answer that it was H. H. Asquith.
It was worrisome, of course, but Alfie knew exactly what was going on, everybody did; everybody understood the mere simple fact that those who had fought in the war had come back with something that could not be cured. That they had come back changed, from their very bones to their entire minds, they had changed.
It was no surprise that you had been afflicted with it, and Alfie did try his best; he made you see the best psychotherapists and alienists around, once a week you had appointments with one Doctor Kreizler - his therapy was a lot more gentle, mostly just talking together in the safety of Alfie’s home office.
If things were really bad, Kreizler often asked Alfie to sit in on the appointments so that you had some comfort and some moral support; Cyril, Alfie’s dog, always sat in on the appointments with you.
Kreizler never minded, Cyril was well behaved and would sit at your side with his head on your lap, letting you play with his ears and hug him when the more difficult topics were approached.
But then Alfie looked up at you, the tremors as you held the bottle and your vacant and hazy stare, and he swallowed thickly.
“Are you feelin’ alright? You look like death, love.”
You nodded shakily, breath trembling as you took a swig from the bottle. “Yeah, no, I’m fine…”
He looked at the bottle, noticing that more than just a few swigs were missing. “You’re drinkin’ an awful lot o’ that.”
“Ah, I’m fine,” you muttered. “What’s the harm in just one, huh?”
“Ain’t just one,” he pointed out, shaking his head. “You seen Doctor Kreizler?”
“Does it matter?” You huffed, sitting on the windowsill. 
“Yeah, it does,” Alfie huffed. “You sees him t’make you better - to treat that shellshock… you need to fuckin’ keep goin’ an’ seein’ him.”
“I’m fine,” you muttered bitterly. “I’m fine.”
Alfie didn’t believe it for even a second, he knew that you needed to see the alienist more than anything; tried as he might have, Alfie knew he wasn’t an expert on the mind and couldn’t help as much.
But all the same, he couldn’t force you to go at all - and nor would he. He ran a hand through his hair as he sighed heavily, reaching for the bottle and gently taking it from you; he put the lid back on and put it in his desk drawer.
“Alright,” he admitted defeat. “I ain’t gonna tell you what to do and what not to do… but I need you to fuckin’ understand that I’m worried - I’m really fuckin’ worried about you… somethin’ ain’t right, and I need you… I need you to know that I ain’t goin’ nowhere, and I’m always gonna be here.”
You nodded slowly, swallowing thickly. You never doubted for a second that Alfie would always be there, that he would always support you no matter what; you never would have made a second guess about it in the slightest.
Alfie was always there for you, even during those long and awful years in the trenches together. He was always there, he never gave up on you; he never faltered for even a second, and he never did anything but support you constantly and consistently. 
“Thank you…” you whispered, voice hoarse and harsh. “I’ll… I’ll go see the doctor later.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “I’ll ask if he can see me at three.”
“Do you want me there?” Alfie asked, raising his brows slightly. 
“No,” you told him. “I’m gonna do this on my own, but… can I stay here a while?”
“Yeah,” Alfie hummed. “Always, love.”
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avvail-whumps · 2 years
‘guns for hire’ — brass family #2
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content warnings: captivity, past non-con drugging mentioned, brass knuckles, restraints, interrogation whump, blood, beating, violence, manhandling, concussion
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He was wracked with horrible shivers when he finally came to.
Leo’s head was throbbing, like he’d been smacked over the head with a ton of bricks, swimming around in his skull. It was difficult for his eyes to adjust, prying open his eyelids just to allow his vision to clear up. He felt his head roll to his chest, before he gathered the strength to lift it up.
His stomach churned, clenching his fists. They were wrenched behind his back, forearms digging into a metal chair. His gaze drifted down, and everything came flooding back all at once.
Jacob. The hitman. Trying to escape.
A scared whimper escaped his lips, muffled by something wrapped around his mouth. He tried to wriggle his way out of the restraints, but they were firmly knotted together, instead rubbing his skin until he couldn’t take it anymore.
Panic clouded his mind before he could stop it. It looked like he was in some sort of room, the walls a bleak white colour, and the ground a stone grey. He could see no visible windows, only a single door in his line of vision, securely locked shut. Tools were hung up on the walls. The sight of those sharp, deadly blades almost made Leo hyperventilate.
It looked like a torture room. One of those horrible things you saw in the movies.
He remembered the mercenary had been suspicious of him, and his heart sunk to his boots. Was he going to torture him for information? Was he even going to get out of this alive?
Leo’s head rolled back as his chest picked up in shallow breaths. He jerked against the ropes one more time, pinching his eyes shut at the burning pain, before the clinking of metal tore him from his trance.
His eyes shot upwards, watching in fear as the door was pushed open, and a familiar face stepped through. His olive eyes landed on Leo’s, and a brief, almost smug smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“About time,” he sighed, kicking the door shut behind him with his foot, and sliding the lock into place. “I was starting to get real bored.”
Leo tried to say something through his gag, but it was hardly even distinguishable, even to his ears. His face paled and he started squirming as he stalked closer, trying to press himself into the metal of the chair behind him.
He flinched when he felt a tug on the gag, pulling it down under his chin. Leo sucked in sharp breaths, his tongue too thick to speak with the man’s imposing frame towering over him. He shrunk inside of his shadow, feeling a cold sweat break out across his forehead.
“Okay, Mr Secretary,” the mercenary smiled, yet it was anything but kind. “Here’s how this is going to work. If you tell me who you’re working for, I won’t have to hurt you. This can be quick and simple if you decide to cooperate.”
Leo’s heart sank straight to the pit of his stomach. His bottom lip quivered, afraid if he said something the mercenary didn’t like, he would hurt him.
“I...” His breathing started to pick up, fidgeting in his restraints. “I-I don’t understand.”
He watched as the man’s lips pressed into a thin line, an annoyed expression rippling over his features. Leo immediately shrank back, shaking his head, the words tumbling from his lips.
“I’m sorry, please let me go, I won’t tell anybody about this!”
The mercenary leaned back, tugging on his gloves. He slipped them off his hands, revealing smooth skin riddled with a few small scars, and rough fingers. He reached into one of those pouches, pulling out a pair of brass knuckles.
Leo’s eyes burned with tears, on the verge of hyperventilating. “Please! I’m begging you—”
“You like to do that,” the man interrupted. “But that’s not what I asked for. I asked you who you’re working for.”
He watched with wide eyes as he slipped them through his fingers, slotting around his knuckles perfectly, like they were meant for them. He admired them with amused eyes, before his attention landed back into Leo, and he flexed his fingers in preparation.
“I-I...” He didn’t know what he wanted him to say. Leo was too scared to even think properly. “I work for Mr Williams, I-I don’t understand! You said you knew I was his secretary, so–so why—?”
“Last chance,” the mercenary warned, his voice stern. “I understand you’re slow from the drugs. But you’ve had plenty to comprehend what I’m asking of you. So this is your last chance; who do you work for?”
Leo’s eyes popped out of his head, shaking violently. His knuckles were curled so tight, he was sure his nails were about to gauge straight through the skin. His mouth opened and closed, unable to tear his eyes away from the man’s stare.
He felt cornered underneath him.
Pinned like a bug on display.
He was sure his voice had failed him, but he finally managed a hesitant, terrified squeak. “N-Nobody...”
Those hardened knuckles smacked into the side of his face. Leo hadn’t even seen it coming, but his head was wrenched to the side from the sheer force. His face bloomed with a strange numbness, before the pain exploded in an agonising, merciless burst. He let out a whimpering sob, eyes burning with tears.
“Your lovely boss was meant to be alone,” the man cooly explained, seemingly unphased by the fact he’d just driven those brass weapons into Leo’s cheek. The secretary’s vision was hazy for a moment, before his senses finally seemed to clear. “Nobody else was meant to be in the building. Nobody of importance, anyway.” 
Leo’s blue eyes looked pretty filled with tears. The thought had briefly crossed his mind the first time he had seen him, but the quick realisation of his mask being in his pocket had thrown all invading thoughts from his mind. He was sporting a fresh, revealing bruise on his face now, and the growing blemish added a nice spot of colour to his washed out cheeks. 
The mercenary flexed his fingers, a few of them popping satisfactorily. He heard the little guy’s shaking voice flow through the air. 
“I wasn’t meant to,” he blubbered, his face wrinkled in pain. “H-He made me stay last minute.” 
Another knuckle connected to the other side of his face, almost cracking against his nose. The pain burned all the way up the joint and to his eyes, making his vision wilt. A choked gasp tore from his throat, the metal having scraped some small cuts into his freckled skin. 
“I’m telling the truth!” He shrieked, his body twitching, as if anxiously waiting for another blow after speaking.
The man shrugged. “I don’t know. It was convenient timing.” 
“I-I was there for coffee,” he sobbed, each movement making his jaw ache with throbs. “That’s all he ever wants, j-just to have me there to do stupid t-tasks, I promise.” 
“Too lazy to do the hard labour himself, huh?” 
Leo desperately nodded his head. It made his vision shift and swirl. “Y-Yes.” 
The man let out a heavy sigh. Leo just saw him clenching his fist, before it smacked into his lip, tearing the flesh easily like a knife. A new wave of fresh blood burst from his mouth, a horrible numbness spreading across his head. His eyes squeezed shut, feeling it slip down his chin and pool into his mouth. The taste made disgusting shudders roll down his spine, his head rolling forwards. The pain caused a clammy cold to break out across his skin. 
Did he knock some teeth out? Leo couldn’t tell. 
He spat the blood out frantically, but the movement caused his lip to flare up in agony, and he cried out in pain, tensing under the restraints. 
“You’ll ruin your nice suit if you let it get all over the place,” the man drawled, brow cocked, but how could Leo care? His brain felt frazzled, the thoughts swimming around uselessly. All he could hear was the pounding of blood in his head, and the banging of his heart in his ribcage. He was sure something was coiling around his brain, squeezing it uncomfortably. 
He let out a whine as a hand swept under his chin, tilting his head. The lights above him were piercing, more piercing than before. His eyes flickered closed instinctively, the position making his neck pinch uncomfortably. 
“Your name?” 
That was something he could answer. “L-Leo.” 
“Leo?” The man echoed, testing the name on his tongue. He found it slightly amusing how his appearance gave off anything but a lion. Maybe more of a kitten, where he was trying to see how dangerous those claws really were. “How long have you been working for the company?” 
A stuttered sob tore through the air. The flesh of his lip was burning. “Th…Three years, I-I think…” 
“You think?” The man pressed, his fist rising. Leo’s eyes widened in panic, stricken with fear. 
“Yes!” He blurted, flinching as his lip flared. “Y-Yes, three years. Three years.” 
“Just as a secretary?” 
Leo released a shuddering breath, feeling like he could barely breathe properly. “Y-Yeah. I…never worked there before.” 
The mercenary’s lip quirked in satisfaction. His bare fingers gently left his jaw, letting his head fall forwards. Leo didn’t have the strength to catch himself, and hissed in pain, jerking upwards. He spat out another glob of blood, staining his pants. 
“See how easy this is when you’re honest?” 
Leo’s clumped eyelashes fluttered, staring up at the man with frightened, glassy eyes. His throat bobbed visibly, trying not to gag at the overpowering flood of blood spreading across his tongue. He wanted to shake the man and tell him he had been nothing but honest, but there was no hope of doing so. So he stiffly nodded his head. The man’s eyes almost brightened. 
“It seemed your boss expected someone like me to show up eventually,” he explained, trailing his fingers along the knuckles, wiping off some of the blood. “With all the stuff he’s been up to, he was bound to start making enemies. It’s no coincidence he had somebody plastered by his side — did somebody assign you to him when the hit was sent out?” 
Leo’s expression quickly melted into terror. His mind was running wild. “I-I…I don’t…” His eyes welled with tears. “I don’t understand, w-what are you…?” 
“Come on, I’m just weighing up ideas here,” the man shrugged, scuffing his boot against the ground. “It’s up to you to tell me the truth.” 
“I am telling the truth,” Leo whimpered, but was cut off by another harsh slam of the brass against his cheek. It tore through the skin, and hot blood formed little red pearls instantly. He gasped in shock, head rolling to the side. 
“You’re his secretary,” the mercenary tutted. “Do you expect me to believe you didn’t know about his business deals with the underground?” 
A sob slipped past his lip. Leo desperately shook his head. Business deals? His boss was a tight lipped man, and even he sometimes had no idea what the man was up to, knowing to follow the orders he gave him or else he’d be presented with a note of permanent leave. 
“I don’t know…” Leo’s head swelled with pain, bile creeping up his throat. “...I-I didn’t know anything about his deals…” 
A look of annoyance flashed in the man’s eyes, and Leo couldn’t even prepare for the next blow, erupting with a pain worse than the others. Fresh tears started tumbling down his cheeks, making the various cuts engraved into his skin burn, mixing with the blood. Another crack landed on the side of his face, and Leo could feel his ears starting to go fuzzy, a high pitched ringing noise swaying in and out of his skull. 
His chest tightened, as if forgetting how to do something as simple as breathe. 
He could feel nothing but agony, tearing at his skin, rocking his brain until he was nothing but a useless body of whimpers and sobs. The mercenary’s hands tangled in his locks, yanking his head forward. The restraints tugged uncomfortably, and twisted his shoulders at an awkward angle. 
Leo could barely even see through his vision as nausea took over, stirring in the pits of his stomach and his mind. He could hardly keep himself up, and when the man let go, catching him by his chin, Leo couldn’t sit straight. 
The man’s anger seemed to have melted quickly, and his brows pinched, waving a hand in front of his eyes. “You still with me, Leo?” 
The secretary let out a few slurred mutters. The man glanced at his knuckles gingerly, before gently setting him back against the chair, finding no resistance. He slipped the brass off his fingers, clenching them in the palm of his hand. 
“The business deals,” he spoke, trying to catch Leo’s wavering eyes each time they darted someplace else. “He had four contracts with underground bosses. They traded stock and shares. Illegally. You’re telling me he didn’t hire you to help cover his tracks? You look pretty young, maybe like, twenty, twenty-one or something?” 
Leo whined in pain, his eyelids drooping. “T…Twenty…four.” 
“Woah, you’re the same age as me,” he exclaimed, his eyes running along his bashed up face. He chuckled softly, those lips briefly turning up into a smile. “Still got that baby face, huh? I thought that’s why Jacob kept you around, make the company look nice and innocent.” 
At the mention of the company, Leo felt something horrible rise up in his throat, and he quickly started to dissolve into broken tears, his chest stuttering with shallow breaths. “I-I really didn’t know…I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please, stop hurting me. I-I didn’t know, I don’t know anything…” 
His voice was exhausted of any strength, and truly pitiful.
The mercenary pressed his lips into a thin line, his eyes stuck on Leo’s face, taking in his words, before he quickly deflated, and he rubbed a hand against the back of his neck. A dejected sigh fell from his lips, pocketing the brass knuckles. 
“Alright, Leo. I believe you.” 
At the mention of his name, the man’s eyes cracked open, just barely able to see the mercenaries outline. It was blurry and he was sure at times there were two of them; that was a horrible nightmare he didn't want to think about. A cloud of disorientation suffocated him. 
“I…I-I want to go home,” he whispered shakily, squinting weakly at the man’s face. “Who…W-Who are you…?” 
The man’s brows lifted up slightly. “Okay, maybe I hit you a little too hard.” He kneeled down, lifting up his hand. “How many fingers am I holding up?” 
It took Leo a long second to answer. “Six…Six.” 
The man lowered his four fingers, smiling. “Concussion. Cute.” 
A brief shot of pain engulfed Leo’s face, and he whimpered, his head rocking forwards. “It hurts…” 
“I know,” the man shrugged nonchalantly, digging into his trouser pocket and pulling out a phone. He stared at the screen, fingers dancing along the keys as he headed towards the door, pulling it open. “I’m going to make a phone call. Wait here, lion.” 
Leo groaned softly. It wasn’t like he could go anywhere.
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Not only did [Mysterious Lava Lamp Parents] pay the price of the closeness with their own children, they also paid the price of not being able to touch each other. 
Which, it turns out, was chronologically in order! It wasn’t a vision of anything to come after it, it was a glimpse of [Mysteriously Unidentified Lava Lamp Parents] in their Jam Jar, where they went in order to turn back time, before the rest of the series happened. 
I’m guessing that means this is also how they knew to give Lava Lamp his instructions on going to the Clow Kingdom? Because something Else happened the first time around and they Turned Back Time to make sure Lava Lamp went there and caused Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle to happen instead? Which is wild to think about. And yet I'm not entirely sure if that checks out, since Evil Wolverine seems to be slightly outside of time. I suppose I could be wrong about that.
And yet I can’t see any other reason why they would have had to turn back time unless-
… unless they were from the future? 
If they were future characters who went back to the right point in time to set the correct points in motion? 
I shouldn’t theorise about this too much, this is getting very farfetched and I’m absolutely running full speed ahead with very few facts but imagine. 
Imagine what that would mean, when added to the fact that they won’t show us their faces. 
There are only so many characters we would recognise. 
There is potentially the most unhinged possible answer about who Lava Lamp’s parents are based on what Clamp will and won’t show us. The main option that isn't Cardcaptor Sakura genuinely doesn’t make any sense.
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ragecndybars · 2 years
I was rambling about this the other day, but I feel like I'm ready to expound upon it a little more, so... AU where Shinjiro Aragaki, post P3P femc route, ends up on the Investigation Team in Inaba two years later.
Obviously he couldn't go back to school right away after the events of the game, given that he'd just come out of a months-long coma and had been wasting away from the suppressants for years before that. So he had to take a year off for health reasons. But when the time came for him to actually have his third year of high school, he found that he couldn't go back to Gekkoukan. It was just... too painful. His only memories of that school now are either bittersweet at best or actively painful. And the rest of SEES had just graduated, save Ken of course, so it wasn't like he had any friends he wanted to stay for.
Mitsuru would want him to apply to a ton of prestigious, highly-ranked schools, of course, but don't get it twisted -- he agreed to finish high school, not become some model student out of nowhere. Sure, he's a smart guy, and he actually doesn't mind studying, but, even with his conscience cleared of the events of October 4th, he's still a badmouthed delinquent who hates authority and cuts class. Most prestigious schools aren't owned by a close friend of his, and therefore take issue with admitting someone whose attendance record and rap sheet are as bad as Shinjiro's. And it's not like he wants to put up with those high expectations and strict rules, anyway.
So, to appease Mitsuru, he applies to a decent enough school, one with pretty high average test scores, but he mainly makes his decision based on his own wants and needs. He wants a school that's relatively lenient with delinquents, but without a large delinquent population -- he doesn't have the time to be surrounded by punk kids, even if he himself is still a punk kid at heart -- and, most importantly, someplace calm. Someplace small and out in the middle of nowhere, so that he can get some damn peace and quiet.
It doesn't get much quieter than Inaba.
Of course, because God hates him, there's a murder in town, like, two days after he gets there. One minute, everyone in Yasogami is whispering non-stop about how one of the transfers this year is a third year delinquent-looking guy who's visibly pushing 20. The next minute, they're all being sent home, and then a dead body is found.
Initially, Shinjiro doesn't suspect any Shadow- or Persona-related weirdness is afoot, but then he hears all the buzz around school that something called the "Midnight Channel" was showing the victim's face in the days leading up to her death, and he has had enough horrid supernatural experiences at midnight to be suspicious. So he tests it out for himself, sees Saki Konishi on the screen, and the next day, she turns up dead the same way Yamano did.
So... great. Amazing. Perfect. Obviously something is going on, and Shinjiro has no idea what it is or what to do about it. At least back in Iwatodai, he knew that someone else was on top of the Shadow shenanigans, so he didn't have to worry, and he had a direct line to the Dark Hour experts if he ever needed to step in. Now, as far as he knows, there's no one around but him to handle this. Sure, he could probably call Mitsuru and have her send the newly-formed Shadow Operatives to handle it, but... well, he's not entirely sure that it's actually Shadow-related, and, even if it is, it's not like he has any other information that could help them solve it, so they would be wasting their time. And... okay, to be honest, things are still a little tense between him and the others right now, and his pride can't handle having to ask for help less than a week after moving away. Especially since Akihiko and Mitsuru in particular had both been hesitant to let him out of their sight.
So... for now, he's on his own. He'll look into this himself, at least until he gets a bit more information.
First things first: the next time he watches the Midnight Channel, he looks carefully and tries to find out who it's depicting. He knows barely anything about the town, so he isn't able to figure it out just from noticing it's a girl in a kimono, but he spends the next day looking around for a place where people might wear kimonos as daily attire, and the news pieces on the Amagi Inn put Yukiko on his shortlist.
Before he can do anything but hypothesize, though, she goes missing. Not yet knowing how the TV world works (or even of its existence), and hypothesizing that he might have until midnight to find and save her, he goes into crisis mode and starts frantically searching. Luckily, while he never would have found her on his own, in the midst of his search, he runs into something that he does know how to handle.
Namely, when he's asking around about Amagi, he hears a lot of people mention her friends, and said friends are acting suspicious as hell. Butting into the police investigation. Getting caught with weapons in the Junes food court. Skulking around outside Daidara Metalworks after school. Gathering around and muttering to one another in a cluster in the lunchroom.
This isn't Shinjiro's first rodeo. He knows the signs. Those kids are Persona users, and clearly they know what's going on more than he does.
But obviously he can't just leave it alone at this point. If those idiot kids bite off more than they can chew and get themselves killed, that'll be on his shoulders. So he corners them outside Junes, confronts them, reveals to him that he knows something supernatural is going on and that he can tell they have Personas, and manages to convince them to bring him into the fold.
They escort him into the TV world -- I think he probably wouldn't be able to enter by himself at first, but once he was in the first time, he would be able to enter freely. He doesn't manifest a Shadow due to already having his Persona, which makes them a bit less wary of him, since it lends validity to his story. He also summons Castor with an Evoker at first, but it freaks them out so much that he begrudgingly learns how to crush the tarot card instead, just so that these damn kids will stop looking at him like that.
With his help, they manage to rescue Yukiko in record time, but they're still a little leery of Shinjiro and his supposed old friends. Given that they kept the police completely in the dark as well, I think it's unlikely they would trust him to bring in an extremely shady group of unknown "Shadow Operatives", and... well, like I said, Shinjiro's pride doesn't want him to contact Mitsuru, either, so he doesn't fight them too hard about it. At this point, it seems like they'll be in good shape to safely rescue everyone who gets tossed in, so it's not like Mitsuru being there would necessarily help, anyway. Or he's able to convince himself of that, at least.
From there, the plot would proceed more or less unchanged. Maybe they manage to save everyone a little faster than they would've without Shinjiro's help; maybe they're able to resolve some conflicts amongst themselves that would've lasted a little longer if Shinjiro wasn't there to give them a smack upside the head and tell them to get over themselves; maybe a few other arguments run even longer than they would have because they strike Shinjiro in a sore spot. But, overall, they save everyone who gets thrown in and they collect clues as to the identity of the culprit at a similar rate to canon.
Eventually, the IT would warm up to Shinji and he would warm up to them. Like I said, the plot would be mostly unchanged up until around Naoto joined, at which point they would finally contact the Shadow Operatives for help.
Of course, they immediately come running to help, and Shinjiro isn't going to admit it, but he feels horribly guilty for having not contacted them earlier. Even though it was technically the Investigation Team who refused to let him, he still went along with it because of his pride, and now he feels that Morooka's death and the suffering that the rest of the IT went through are all on him, even if the Shadow Operatives couldn't have logically prevented all of that.
He starts withdrawing from the team somewhat, guilty and uncertain, until, at the worst possible moment, he suddenly finds that he can't summon Castor anymore. Next thing he knows, another dungeon is forming in the TV world and his Shadow drags him inside, forcing both the Investigation Team and the Shadow Operatives to rescue him.
I keep going back and forth on what his Shadow would be, but I keep going back to the idea of Shadow Shinjiro is literally hunting Shinji down like an animal, just like Castor used to turn on him -- because it's a manifestation of Shinjiro's self-hatred and inability to forgive himself for the death of Ken's mother.
Only after accepting his own Shadow does Castor evolve, and Shinjiro no longer has to take suppressants to stop it from rebelling. It was his own self-hatred and rejection of himself -- rejection of Castor -- that was making it act out. Finally, he's forced to face himself and accept himself rather than running from the guilt that's haunted him since October 4th.
And like. the ending of the game would not really change, either. But just. Shinji gets closure and self-acceptance. The Investigation Team gets someone a little older and more experienced to look after them. Kanji gets a good role model, even if Shinji won't admit that he is one. Yu gets someone who isn't afraid to question his decisions but is still willing to back him when they agree.
Just... soft self-indulgent fluffy fanfic where Shinjiro joins the Investigation Team and gets to experience the normal teenage years that he never got (even if there's also more Persona nonsense and a murderer thrown in there).
Before I end this post, here are the basic character dynamics I'm envisioning:
Souji/Yu: Actively trying to befriend Shinjiro from the beginning, but Shinjiro resists and avoids him because he sees too much of FeMC in him and it brings up bad memories. Yu tries to give him space at first, but ultimately is persistent and manages to make Shinjiro open up a little. Their relationship has a lot of mutual respect, but it takes a long time for them to progress past their uneasy alliance. Once they do, though, they're pretty tight.
Yosuke: Doesn't get along with Shinjiro at first, being much more wary of him than the others. Even when he decides that they're definitely on the same side, he's still kind of scared of him. Once Shinjiro proves himself, they get along better, often feeling like the only sane men in the group and bonding based on their shared exasperation. Shinjiro does get on his case a lot, though, and tends to treat him like a kid.
Chie: Looks up to him for his fighting ability and experience, but they also clash a lot because he snarks at her and calls her an idiot constantly. He can't help it. She's too much like a young Aki for him to treat her as anything but an annoying little sibling.
Yukiko: Thinks he's hilarious, much to his chagrin. They have a pretty average and respectful relationship most of the time, and half the time they end up feeling like the only sane men among the group. He also refuses to let her cook, even in the name of giving her "lessons", which annoys her, but whenever he bars her from the kitchen it usually means he'll take over, so she's willing to look past it.
Teddie: Flip-flops rapidly between being genuinely scared of Shinjiro and hanging off his arm. Shinjiro tolerates both of these behaviors because he thinks of Teddie as a young kid, and therefore is extremely protective of Teddie. This persists even when Teddie grows his body and looks/acts more like a teenager. In Shinjiro's head, he's just a very tall, very annoying toddler.
Kanji: Thinks he's the coolest guy ever. Shinjiro gets flustered by hates this lowkey idol worship and tries to dissuade it by being extra short with Kanji. Not only does this not help, but he can't even keep up the act half the time because he actually really likes Kanji and is way too fond of him to stay gruff. It doesn't help that, every time Kanji's "girlish" hobbies come up, Shinjiro feels the need to come to his defense as a fellow manly man who likes to cook and sew.
Rise: Thinks he's kind of unremarkable and a little intimidating. She's one of the few people in the group who actually has the guts to tease him to his face, though. She does not fear God. Luckily, being a non-combatant renders her completely safe from retaliation, so he mostly just glares and talks big whenever she pisses him off.
Naoto: Extremely appreciative of Shinjiro for being the Only Sane Man (Yosuke gets booted out of the position for being kind of a dumbass at times). Also annoyed because Shinjiro has a tendency to treat them all like kids, which bugs Naoto more than the others. They both appreciate one another's company and general maturity/intelligence, although Shinjiro doesn't like when Naoto tries to drag him into deductions or anything.
Nanako: Very scared of him and he doesn't know what to do about it. He tries not to show it, but it really gets to him. When she eventually warms up to him, he's so happy about it that he has to flee the house immediately before any of the IT catch on.
Dojima: Leery of him. Doesn't want Yu spending time with him at first, and only relents because he begrudgingly admits that it's not his place to decide who Yu befriends. Even then, Yu is constantly subject to prying questions about his group of shady-ass friends (known-delinquent Kanji and sword-in-food-court Yosuke don't help with this either, but nearly-twenty-and-still-hasn't-graduated-because-of-a-fucking-gunshot-wound Shinjiro takes the cake). Dojima eventually comes to accept that Shinjiro isn't a bad guy, but they never progress past icy stares and terse nods.
Marie: They get along okay but don't really like each other. They both think the other is weird as hell.
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Kuroo doesn’t consider himself old, he’s not even thirty yet, but he’s OLD old when it comes to technology. He likes to blame his ineptitude on a combination of him being raised by his grandparents and relying on Kenma to help him out when necessary.
His best friend had only just introduced him to TikTok, and for once this is a social media Kuroo can get behind. He quickly makes the JVL an account and makes content out of volleyball clips to fitting music. He’s having a blast, even if Kenma says he’s about a year late in all his music choices.
Eventually he makes his own personal account, and immediately starts posting videos of Kenma with the most ridiculous filters on him, Being that Kenma is so popular, and obviously would never post such content himself, his personal account becomes a hit.
People in the comments keep asking him to prank his best friend, but honestly Kuroo isn’t a fan of a majority of the “pranks” he sees online. They all seem too mean spirited, and he cares about his friend too much to pull a stunt that would hurt his feelings just for the views.
He’s lamenting about the non-stop requests to Bokuto who comes up with a solution.
“Why not just pull a nice prank? Like, leave little messages or something around the house and see if you can catch his reaction?”
It really is a great idea, and Kuroo is quick to set it up.
The first note does not go over well. Kenma found the note and actually called him. Not texted, CALLED him.
“What is this?”
“What is what?”
“This note you left me, what is this?”
“I figured my best friend just needed a reminder of how great he is!”
“Hmm. Suspicious.”
“It’s not suspicious!”
“It is.”
“Hmm. I’m hanging up now.”
The second note was met again with some resistance, but less suspicion. Kuroo gets a text at work.
‘Why are you leaving notes? You could just text me this.’
‘More fun for us both!’
The third note Kenma doesn’t acknowledge receiving, but when Kuroo asks him about it, Kenma blushes a bit and says that he read it. Huh.
The fourth note has Kenma blushing when he sees him next. BLUSHING! He’d only ever seen Kenma that red when he got sunburnt at the beach when they went to Okinawa a few years ago.
He decides it may be time to pull the nanny cam for footage on the reactions, if they’re good, he’ll have Fukunaga help him edit it down to a quick video for TikTok.
He watches the video, and predictably Kenma’s face gets all scrunched up in disgust and disbelief at the first note. It’s cute, definitely one of his favorite reactions. He can hear Kenma grumble ‘the fuck’ to himself before he’s pulling out his phone to call Kuroo.
The second note is met with less visible disgust, but more unintelligible mumbling. Again he takes out his phone to message Kuroo. He can see Kenma roll his eyes at the response and pocket the little note as he walks out of frame.
The third note has Kenma yelling out ‘Oh, come on!’ before he pulls out his phone to call someone. Strange, because he doesn’t remember Kenma trying to call him after this note. He doesn’t have to wonder who he’s calling because Kenma greets the person with a loud, ‘He’s driving me crazy Shohei’ before once again walking out of frame.
Huh. Were the notes that bad? He thought Kenma was enjoying them. Kuroo skips forward to the last note.
The fourth and final note was his sweetest one by a long shot, and this one is met with a blush and a groan from Kenma.
‘Ugh, when is he just going to ask me out already? Why did I have to fall in love with a sweet idiot.’
Ah. Well, this idea is now useless for his TikTok channel. One more note, he decides, one more note and no more hidden cameras.
The last note he doesn’t leave in his usual spot on the counter, instead when he lets himself in around noon, he leaves it on Kenma’s phone. He waits for his friend to wake up in his kitchen with a freshly made apple pie in the oven.
When Kenma eventually wakes up, he comes to the kitchen holding up the note.
“Do you mean it?”
“Ok then.”
Kenma grabs a fork and shoves a big bite of pie into his mouth.
“I didn’t brush my teeth,” he says around his mouthfull.
With a final swallow, Kenma slams down his fork and pulls Kuroo down into a kiss.
It’s sweet.
When they pull away Kenma goes back for another bite, and Kuroo can’t help but smile.
“Is that a yes then?”
“You’re not going to say it out loud?”
“Not like you did either.”
Kuroo chuckles, “Fine. You wanna be my boyfriend?”
“Yup, sounds good to me.” Kenma scoops up his plate and heads back to his room. He looks back over at Kuroo, “Well come on, I’m still sleepy and as my new boyfriend it’s your job to cuddle me.”
“Ah, what a rough job I’ve landed, but no pie in the bed.”
“No, this pie is coming to bed.”
“You can’t eat pie in the bed! Think of the crumbs!’
“I’m going to eat it all, there won’t be any!”
“This is how you get ants, Kenma. Do you want ants in your bed?”
“We’re not going to get ants in the bed.”
“We will!”
“Will not.”
“I can’t believe our first argument as a couple is over ants in the bed.”
“Mmm. It’s nice.”
“Yeah, it is.”
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twosquareroti · 2 years
Moon, Don’t Rise Tonight - PS:1 Fanfiction
This is the first fic for Ponniyin Selvan that I--or anyone--have put on AO3. Here’s the link. Please let me know if you have comments! 
Vanthiyadevan reached back over his shoulder and froze, fingers closing around empty space rather than his horse's reins. 
He caught a familiar flash of brown out of the corner of his eye just as he began to turn around. The horse had stayed back a little ways behind him, lingering in the market and taking an interest in a number of garlands that swung gently where they hung. 
Either the non-existent breeze had moved them, or they were swinging because someone had gotten curious and started pulling and tugging at them. 
Vanthiyadevan brushed some stray curls from his face, chest rising in a small sigh— knowing his horse, the odds that they were facing the latter situation were a little too high. 
He dodged an ox cart and got there just before Semban could interfere with a pile of jasmine blossoms as they sat unattended, waiting to be strung. But the horse knocked some to the ground anyway, and Vanthiyadevan found himself gesturing a wordless apology to the woman stringing the garlands as he pulled Semban away, mindful of the woman's young children as they rushed to gather the fallen buds at his feet as though they were playing a game.
Semban bobbed his head as he followed, evidently pleased with himself. The end of some coir netting was tucked in his mouth, and tangled in the material below was a small basket that spun precariously a few feet off the ground.   
Vanthiyadevan stopped in the middle of the road, shaking his head as he brought his face close to Semban's. 
“You can't just do things like this,” he said as he stroked his horse’s neck, a bit of affection slipping into his voice despite himself. “I know I’ve told you.” 
He bent down and carefully retrieved the hanging basket, tucking it under his arm as he gently pulled the coir netting from Semban’s mouth. 
“Now where did you get this…” 
His eyes scanned the crowd, looking past stacks of tender young jackfruit and baskets of pori, waiting for an irate man or woman to come marching towards him out from some market stall at any moment now. 
Preferably whoever came marching forward to claim the basket would be a woman.  And preferably a woman not holding something she intended to whack him with. 
Though maybe I’d deserve it for causing her trouble, Vanthiyadevan thought, a wry smile on his face. 
He patted Semban’s cheek. No, he wouldn’t really mind, regardless of who came to claim the basket. Of all the women in the world, from Cheena in the east and Yavana far to the west, from the sparkling coast of Lanka up to the mountains where Lord Shiva’s abode crowned the splendid Himalaya, there was only one woman who captured his thoughts now. 
But no one materialized to come for the basket, woman or no.
Well, he would just have to go find the owner and return it in person then. He balanced it in one hand and peaked beneath the lid, half expecting to hear someone in the distance cry out to Muruga once they came to the entirely reasonable conclusion that someone had absconded with their goods in broad daylight and was now helping himself to them. 
Inside the basket were a dozen sesame urundai, dark and sweet with palm jaggery, all nestled together over a banana leaf. 
And then someone—someone who sounded suspiciously like Nambi—did cry out, but not with Muruga’s name on his lips.
Vanthiyadevan peered around in the direction Nambi’s voice had come from, back towards the kiosk hung with garlands of fragrant jasmine. Above it rose the vimanam of a small brick temple, the care and skill of its Chozha artisans visible even at a distance; it was the closest temple in the immediate area that a devout Vaishnavite like Nambi might find his heart drawn to visit.  
Sure enough, Nambi soon emerged from beneath the temple gate, clutching his clothes so that he wouldn’t trip in his hurry. 
The clothes were dropped the instant he saw Vanthiyadevan, and he immediately brandished his staff with worrying vigor.
“Have you been telling stories about Kannan and how he ran off with the gopis’ butter as a child, Nambi?” Vanthiyadevan called out, counting on his smile and good mood to diffuse the situation. “Semban must’ve been listening and, well, he got the wrong idea!” 
Nambi huffed and grabbed the basket from Vanthiyadevan’s hands, checking to be sure all urundai were still present. 
“The leela is a completely different situation, thambi. The butter is bhakti— thought and emotion purified and turned into love, like butter churned from pure milk!” he retorted. For a moment Vanthiyadevan was worried he’d jab him with his staff, but Nambi merely threatened him and stopped short of actually doing it. “Remember how Andal yearned to offer Krishna a hundred pots of butter, and a hundred pots of sweet rice?”
“I thought you told me never to listen to Andal’s poems?” He raised an eyebrow and gave Nambi a friendly slap on the shoulder. “Or I’d abandon life as a warrior and my service to the Chozha kingdom, and devote myself to the service of Narayana right then and there? Then instead of you following me around everywhere like the bad spy we both know you are—” 
Nambi threw up a hand and rolled his eyes at the accusation. 
“—you’d take me to all the great Vishnu temples, and we’d offer Andal’s hundred pots of rice and freshly-churned butter together.” 
Vanthiyadevan pat Semban’s flanks as though reassuring the horse that he would of course come too.
Nambi just stared at them both, and by the look on his face, Vanthiyadevan figured he was probably on the verge of starting some theological explanation that would somehow turn into a useless, lighthearted argument. 
Well, from Vanthiyadevan’s perspective, that’s what it would be.
Luckily the Vaishnavite thought better of it. 
“Yes,” Nambi grumbled, still irritable. “If only you could stop your horse from running off with somebody’s prasadam like a thief and just… getting into trouble in general.” 
“Semban is excellent at getting out of trouble too,” Vanthiyadevan said, gathering up the horse’s reins. “On the battlefield, I mean.”
He noticed a procession coming up the road and pulled Semban towards him, walking off to the side a little to move out of the way of whoever was in the approaching palanquin.
“Are you admitting you’re not some sort of great warrior?” Nambi said, gathering up his staff and the urundai basket to follow him.
Vanthiyadevan might have felt slightly wounded by that comment if anybody else had been listening.
“Sometimes you have to call a strategic retreat and regroup elsewhere. It’s better to live to fight another day than die and give up a real shot at victory,” he said. “But someone like you shouldn’t have to worry about tactics and war and the details of something that involves so much violence and death.” 
“Well you know, thambi, the Arthashastra actually discusses—”
Then Vanthiyadevan jumped forward to grab the basket of urundai, pulling Nambi by proxy out of the path of a group of goats who were carelessly charging down the road, fleeing the coming procession. 
Nambi had let go of the urundai basket, leaving Vanthiyadevan holding it as he ignored the goats and launched into a discussion of the Mahabharata and old Tamil literature and other works whose names Vanthiyadevan didn’t catch.
He’d stopped paying attention entirely; he was rooted to the spot, and his heart leapt in his chest like a deer fleeing a hunter’s arrow. 
Mere meters away, the palanquin had halted, its occupant pulling back the cloth that separated her from Vanthiyadevan and the rest of the world.
The entire world shrunk, and there was just her, himself, and the space between them. 
She gave him a subtle smile, her dark eyes glinting with a mind as sharp as his sword that made her all the more beautiful, a jewel whose heart the sun had set aflame. 
She called out to him and the basket of sesame urundai nearly slipped from his hands, Kundavai’s voice sweeter than all the jaggery in the world
Moon, don’t rise tonight, he thought. In her face shines all the light I need.
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A Wolf’s Heart | [Deglan x M!Reader] | The Witcher | Part VII
Note: I’m proud (more like ashamed haha...) to announce that the one year anniversary of this requested fic has already passed, like oh god... Ngl I struggled so hard to find the direction I wanted to take this, I had several ideas but mid-writing I wanted to change it again and now we have this. Writing is hard. This will be a life-time lesson for me. But ey depression is really a big hurdle sometimes so yeah... anyways, please enjoy and once again, sorry for the wait :)
Fandom: The Witcher
Warnings: Mentions of Blood, Swearing, Depression, Angst, Slight OOC, Non-Canon Story, Century Typical Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Spiraling, Injuries, Self-Concious Reader, Misunderstandings, Mentions of Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of Addiction
Summary: After having suffered heavy injuries at the beginning of winter and being unable to return to Kaer Morhen, Y/N tries to mend his relationships slowly by approaching one of his friends but someone thwarts his plans and he has not yet prepared himself to meet that person again. 
Word Count: 5.05k
Taglist: @thatsequoia​
Note 2: For all the people wondering about the postal service in this story - like how the fuck did those letters find the witchers on the Path... Magic baby 😎 
The name of Deglan’s horse (Borsuk) translates to badger. 
This part mentions Vergen, which appears in the 2nd Witcher game but I haven’t played this game, so my description is inaccurate.
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VIII, Part IX
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Deglan once thought he was a patient man. He was wrong. 
Birke was in two weeks and he was about to lose his fucking mind. 
Y/N was invading every second of his days and he had a hard time focusing on training the new brats and lecturing them. Every little thing reminded him of the younger witcher in some way or another. 
In every nook of the school's keep, he could conjure up a memory of them together and if he couldn't touch the other soon, hold him in his arms, kiss him, he would go on a rampage. 
His bad mood could be sensed not only by his apprentices but also by the other witchers. Most of them had already left on the Path, the bunch he trained for example, but some were still here. And all of them were known to be lazy and therefore, their presence stoked his fury whenever he saw them chattering away and lazing around in the Evening hall. 
The fiery annoyance was visible in his eyes and so most avoided him whenever they crossed his path. 
While their presence had been a curse, the presence of one peculiar younger witcher ended up as a blessing. 
Wendir, Y/N's close friend, was one of the men who still lingered in the school and one peculiar Saturday evening, he ended up knocking on Deglan’s door. 
He was working on his next lecture when he heard the knock and he raised an eyebrow when he came face to face with the witcher he had trained alongside of Y/N, Fenri, Barmin and the three others.
The brown-haired man looked serious and a suspicious feeling rose in his chest.
"I received a letter.” 
Those four words were enough for Deglan's heartbeat to speed up. 
Wordlessly he received the paper from the other and he began to read. 
I write to you in hope that you will try to understand my thinking and actions with an objective view. I don't dare send these words to Fenri or Barmin because I must have made them angry and I expect them to doubt my words, which they have every right to do. You're free to do so as well, though I beg you to try and see my reasoning before making your opinion about me. 
As you may know, I haven't returned to Kaer Morhen this winter and have yet to explain why I couldn't. 
At this point, I'm certain you're aware... of my secret, but please do not blame my absence on that. 
You might have already left the keep and though I am uncertain of your next location I ask you to meet me in Vergen and give me the opportunity to explain myself. 
I’m not there yet but I am close and as slow as I currently am, I expect to arrive around the time of Birke and if you still ride like you did when we were younger you possibly will as well. 
I hope to see you soon. 
Y/N, Vengerberg
If you could spare some herbs for me... An accident happened and I lost most of my stash...
Deglan read the letter twice and it took him less than a second to make a decision after he read the last sentence again.
He pointed his finger at Wendir and his voice held a determined tone: 
"You saddle your horse and Borsuk." 
The younger man blinked. 
"Right now?" 
Deglan pushed the letter into Wendir’s hands and began to button up his shirt.
"Right now. And fucking hurry up! I'll go and talk to Rennes before we depart." 
Wendir scratched his head but the brown-haired witcher turned around and hurried down the hall.
Deglan’s lips formed a grim smile as he pulled his witcher medaillon from underneath his shirt and then he turned around and quickly grabbed a few things from his shelves and stuffed them in the bags he had already prepared weeks ago. 
His heartbeat quickened as he put on his fur cloak and his sword scabbards over it. He loosened their belts a bit and then grabbed his armoured gloves. 
Almost, he thought as he put them on as well. 
He glanced at the papers on his table. The lesson plan for the next few days, the unfinished suggestion letter for another parcours course. 
Fuck his lectures, fuck the brats he had to teach and fuck Rennes. 
He would leave right now, whether their leader wanted that or not. He would not ask for permission this time. 
Quickly he wrote down a few words on a piece of paper, left the note on his bed and then he grabbed his bags and walked out of the room to go and find some herbs he could bring with him for Y/N.
Half an hour later Deglan and Wendir left through the gate.
Brace yourself, bastard. I’m done being patient, Y/N.
Lisica followed the path to Vergen in a slow but steady walk. The mare seemed content to take it easy for once and her ears moved around to take in all the sounds of the surrounding wildlife. 
Her rider absent-mindedly petted her mane and was deep in thought. 
Will he come?
Y/N had hesitated at first but Hannes convinced him to write a letter to one of his friends. 
At first, he thought about Barmin but something inside of him was too self-conscious to write to his best friend. It was the fact that he had not sent the other a letter in the last few months, he addressed the one where he apologized for his absence to Fenri...
In the end, he chose Wendir, the youngest of their friend group. He might be more understanding in this situation than his best friend. The brunette was surprisingly the most rational besides Barmin. Probably because he had a lot of time to think since he always used to avoid chores and his training in the school’s keep. 
Fond memories rose and he lifted his head to squint at the sun. He still had to ride for a few more hours before he would reach the next bigger village. And from there it would take him another 3 days until he would arrive in Vergen. 
The prospect of more aching leg muscles and a sore butt caused him to smile grimly. 
He had wanted to buy a new saddle for months now but he did not have the money. He had spent most of it on his unexpected stay in Vengerberg and alcohol. The druid, who more or less did a good job, had been expensive and even though Iven gave him a discount on his stay in the tavern, Y/N’s pockets were lighter than he liked. 
His annoyance only grew as he thought of how he spent the coins he had received from Fenri’s hunt. 
He sighed and patted his healing leg. It still hurt a bit and that was why he was travelling at such a slow speed. He didn’t want to hinder the healing process so he was riding at snail’s pace. 
On one side, it was relaxing, on the other, it was boring and it gave his mind a lot of time to wander and to mull over his upcoming stay in Vergen.
He really hoped Wendir would come. 
He needed someone by his side because the prospect of having lost his friends and giving up on the love of his life was filling his head with dark thoughts and things he did not want to think about at all. 
He sighed deeply.
I hope I can still fix this...
Anxious, his hand found one of the wine bottles in his saddle bag, while his other played with the blue cloth around his neck. .
3 days later Y/N lowered himself to the ground and led Lisica inside the stable of Vergen’s only inn, The Cauldron, with bowlegs.
Every muscle in his body ached and the dwarf who had pointed him towards the stables at the outskirts of the city and who he paid for Lisica’s stay, chuckled when he saw the hooded figure stiffly walk into the building.
The stable was made out of stone like all the other buildings in the town and since the sun had yet to set, the lanterns inside weren’t lit and therefore, only few specks of light entered the barn. Not that the darkness was a problem for his eyes.
He rolled his tight shoulders and examined the building. It was quite big with 12 horse boxes made of wooden walls that reached the middle of his torso. Most of them seemed occupied by horses of all sizes and colors.
The witcher led Lisica into the first unoccupied box near the entrance. Next to it was one with a white pony.
The little guy - who most likely belonged to one of the many dwarves in town - looked curiously over the wooden wall and Lisica greeted him with a snort, while her owner took off her bridle. She stretched her neck, and he followed her example and groaned as he stretched his whole body, her bridle still in his left hand. He stepped out after giving Lisica a head pat and hung it on the designated hook outside the door.
Next to the right wall of the box was a saddle stand and a small shelf with some brushes. He made a mental note to use them to reward his mare.
She had been very patient for the last day when they basically rode for 24 hours straight. He would give her a well-deserved massage and make her coat look the shiniest among the horses in the stable.
He was about to step into the box again to get his bags and remove Lisica’s saddle when he noticed a dark brown horse in the box right next to the white pony’s. He could only see the ass of the animal, but it had a scar on its rump that he could recognize easily and relief washed over him like a big wave.
Wendir was here. He had come.
A bit overwhelmed with joy, he quickly entered the box again and rifled through his saddlebags, while ignoring Lisica’s curious headbutts. He found the carrots he had bought from a farmer and gave one to his mare. She gobbled it up while eyeing the other one, but that carrot wasn’t for her.
He temporarily closed the gate to Lisica’s stable and then he walked down the hallway of the barn towards the box with the familiar horse.
In the dim light he saw how Wendir’s mare Katya was dozing while relaxing her right hind leg.
Based on the straw in her fur and some not-fully dried sweat stains, he guessed that his friend still rode like a member of the Wild Hunt and barely arrived before him.
“Hey girl”, he said in a low whisper, and she turned her head.
He held the carrot over the box gate, and it appeared as if she wasn’t interested at first. He frowned.
“Did he urge you like a demon again?”, he asked the horse, remembering the riding lessons he had with his friends, and he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Katya huffed as if she was agreeing.
Tiredly, she stepped up to the gate and he petted her softly as she ate the carrot.
He was cooing her name, telling her how happy he was to see her, while scratching her head.
If someone saw him, the witcher who stank like a drunkard and looked like someone had used a plow on his face, talking in a high voice, they would probably shake their heads in disbelief and maybe disgust. But he was just too excited.
In maybe half an hour he would explain himself to Wendir and hopefully the other would understand him. His ugly mug would serve as proof and then his friend would help him calm Fenri’s anger and Barmin’s likely disappointment. He could see it before his eyes, and he breathed out as if a big weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
After realizing that he didn’t have more carrots, Katya had enough of his petting, and she walked away from him to return to her former dozing position.
Y/N saw that as a cue to take care of Lisica and returned to her box, where he took off her saddle and put it on the saddle stand. He grabbed one of the brushes and for the next 15 minutes he brushed her and spoke to her in a low voice, while she relaxed and nibbled away on the hay in the corner.
After making sure his mare was comfortable for the night, he grabbed his bags and left the building. It was quite dark now and, in the distance, he could see lights in the houses. 
He was about to slowly follow the stony path to The Cauldron when he heard a snort and when he turned his head, he noticed the small pasture next to the stable. Unlike he had thought before when he entered the stables, there actually was a horse in it.
Something put pressure on his chest.
A few feet away, behind the wooden fence stood an ash grey stallion.
He knew that horse well. He had learned mounted combat on it.
Memories bubbled to the surface, and he felt sick. The sweet aftertaste of Cintrian Faro suddenly tasted foul.
He remembered hours of training and having sore muscles, falling into the dirt, getting kicked after agitating Borsuk too much, hands that helped him out of the saddle, hands that checked him for blisters, hands that had put medicine on the hoof-shaped bruise on his back, hands that he had dreamed about so many times-
Y/N whirled around, his heartbeat thundering loudly in his ears and made one step, two, three- before someone grabbed him by his cloak and dragged him towards the side of the stable.
His attacker hurled him against the stone wall and the impact left him dazed and pain shot through his body from his head to his still healing leg. His collar was seized harshly, the other man basically carried all his weight, and he felt the breath of his assailant on his face.
Y/N didn’t dare open his eyes.  
“You goddamn bloody bastard”, said an agitated voice that he hadn’t heard in almost three years now. His heart quivered and he turned his head away instinctively. His hand let go of his bags in defeat.
Fuck was all he could think at that moment. Bloody fucking hell.
“Look at me, you fucker.”
The witcher breathed out shakily, and then opened his eyes to peer at the other man out of the corner of his vision.
Deglan looked the same as three years ago, besides maybe a few more grey strands in his hair and beard and some wrinkles. His jaw was still framed by a magnificent beard, and his sharp cheekbones combined with his broken nose embodied a handsome roughness. He looked better than ever.
Y/N had a hard time breathing.  
But Deglan’s face was dark, a blazing fury was visible in his yellow eyes and his lips were pulled into a snarl.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment”, growled the older witcher and had he said those words to him in any other moment, Y/N would have felt a sharp tug in his lower body, but due to these circumstances, he only felt panic rising in his chest.
“...S… ‘s good to see you, Deglan...”
At first, he thought that his low murmur was left unnoticed, but his former mentor rose an eyebrow and a second later, he frowned and sniffed the air.
“You smell like shit. How much booze did you drink on your way here? Did you lose your way during the winter and end up in a Brewery instead of Kaer Morhen?”
All of Deglan’s words stung like hell. Fuck, they were a low blow and Y/N winced inwardly. Because as much as it stung, it was halfway true.
He sunk more into himself, and his mentor had to hold him up.
The lack of any reply didn’t seem to sit well with Deglan, so he grabbed him by the chin and roughly turned his head.
“Care to look me in the eye when I speak to y-”
Y/N’s eyes were downcast, and his face was covered in the shadows of his hood, but this didn’t stop the witcher’s eyes from spotting the new ugly scars across his face.
His mentor sucked in some air sharply and he automatically formed his hands into fists. The h/c haired witcher digged his nails into his skin trying to ground himself but this situation was so much worse than any nightmare scenario he had ever imagined, it was of no use.
The grip on his collar left and Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as Deglan’s hand entered his periphery. An absurd fear of getting hit entered his mind, but his mentor did no such thing. 
He touched his cheek, light as a feather and it was so unexpected after his rough handling and talk that Y/N’s limbs turned weak.
His breath quickened automatically as the man he still loved so passionately traced the scar tissue in his face with an unreadable expression.
“...A forktail. It got me good”, he said awkwardly and tried to ignore the growing heat that crept up his neck.
Deglan remained silent, his eyebrows scrunched and with his other hand, he pushed off the hood of Y/N’s cloak to fully reveal the length of his scars, his chipped right ear and his disrupted hairline.
Someone breathed out shakily, Y/N wasn’t sure if it was himself or the other man, but he felt extremely vulnerable and exposed.
This is the worst...
He felt so embarrassed, so ashamed- Talented my ass, if he remembered the last 2 years, he wasn’t exactly the prime example of a good witcher.
Standing in front of Deglan now, he felt inferior.
He hadn’t bathed in weeks, he smelled like a drunkard and was one too. He lost all of his herbs and elixirs, had barely any money left and looked disfigured, and on top of it all, he didn’t even consider the possibility of Wendir’s letter getting into the wrong hands.
Deglan had either forced his friend to read Y/N’s letter to him or his brown-haired friend betrayed him and went to his former mentor by free will. Not so clever, are we…
Anger churned in his chest, but it was overshadowed by the growing black hole that seemed to suck every snippet of hope away from him when he looked at the stony expression of his mentor, the snippets of hope that had begun to burn again after Deglan touched him with such tenderness.
He must be disappointed that his “talented” apprentice let himself get mangled by a monster to such an extent. Why else would he look so stern? There was no other explana-
“Fuck, I worried so much.”
Hands grabbed Y/N’s arms and suddenly there was a weight on his shoulder. Deglan’s head pressed against the thick cloth of his cloak, and he heard him sigh deeply.
His heart pounded loudly in his ear. He blinked. And didn’t react. He stood still as a statue, while his former mentor clung onto him, his fingers digging into the leather armor that covered his wrists. The warmth of the other man was almost unbearable, and Y/N’s breath turned erratic once more.
“L-Let go please”, he croaked, something was blocking his throat.
The older witcher lifted his head and halted. Y/N could practically see how his pupils began to focus on the blue cloth around his throat and had Deglan said something in that moment, he would’ve been unable to hear anything because his heartbeat was thundering so loudly in his chest.
Fuck, oh lord-
“I-“, he began but before he could find the words to formulate the dozen dumb excuses in his mind, Deglan grabbed his head and took his breath away.
The kiss was sloppy and more forceful than anything else, but it ignited the dying fire in Y/N’s hollow chest, and before he could even think about it he found himself leaning into the touch subconsciously.
Their lips parted soon after and he breathed in hastily, feeling light-headed from the lack of oxygen and the fact that Deglan just fucking kissed him.
The younger witcher grabbed his mentor’s upper arms, keeping him at arm’s length away.
“What- what are you doing??” he whispered, staring at the thigh that invaded the space between his legs and his lip quivered as his mind spun from shock.
“Don’t run away anymore, Y/N. You bloody fool.”
He didn’t have time to process these words.
Deglan kissed him again, he pressed his body against his and in the dark of the night, against the cold stone wall of the stable, Y/N fell into the abyss.
His body was going up in flames, every part that Deglan touched started burning and the fire couldn’t be extinguished.
His mentor’s beard scratched his cheeks and his tongue sent shivers down his spine. His left leg was giving out, but it was nonchalantly ignored as the older witcher held him up with his arms and his leg on which Y/N was basically sitting by now.
The friction against his pants was driving him crazy.
Y/N moaned but the sound was silenced by Deglan’s greedy lips, and the two men lost themselves in the fiery heat of the other.
Sometime later he recovered and was suddenly he was sitting at a table in the tavern, one of his best friends in front of him while his mentor stared holes into the side of his head from the seat next to him. His bags were tucked under the stool he was currently sitting on.
He didn’t know how he even got there, still dazed from the sudden development. His face flushed as he remembered how his mentor basically devoured his lips and every spot that Deglan’s hands had touched tingled.
“Y/N?” Wendir asked and he blinked to regain his focus.
“Yes?” he croaked; his voice was rough, and he coughed.
Wendir gesticulated at his face, the brown-haired witcher was frowning since the moment he saw his friend’s red rimmed scars and his glossy eyes, as if he had cried just a while ago.
“What happened?”
He opened his mouth to answer but Deglan interrupted him:
“A forktail attacked him.”
Y/N stared at the older man in confusion while Deglan returned his look with a burning gaze. He gulped and turned his head to stare at the wood grain of the table. Because of that he missed Wendir’s raised eyebrow.
“I… I uh was on my way to Hagge when the bastard pounced on me. He surprised me, and I was careless”, he lowered his head and stroke his hair, clenching the other hand into a fist. It wasn’t exactly fun retelling that embarrassing moment again.
He felt totally out of it. All the things he had wanted to tell his friend were lost in the tornado that currently swept through his mind.
Deglan kissed me his brain screamed and between the excitement and the shock he was left dazed and speechless. So, he just told Wendir and Deglan the most important thing he wanted his friend to know:
“I was on my way to Kaer Morhen, you have to believe me.”
He hesitantly looked up at the other two and his gaze met Deglan’s. His mentor looked at him, his yellow eyes filled with something Y/N couldn’t quite fathom. Something flitted across his face and like many times before he wished he could hear what was going on inside his mentor’s head.
“I believe you.”
Wendir cut the moment between them short, but relief trickled through the h/c haired witcher and the tension in his shoulders disappeared. His eyes met his friend’s, and both smiled weakly.
“We know how old scars look on a witcher and yours are still fairly new” said Wendir and he gave their mentor a meaningful look.
Said man remained quiet, his expression was blank, hiding his feelings like a mask and it worried Y/N endlessly. But before he could say anything the inn keeper arrived and placed three jugs of beer down on their table.
“If ye want more, get it yerself, there-” the short man pointed at the barrels lined up at the wall across the tavern. The giant wood barrels were barely visible behind the number of patrons currently inside. “I’ll put it on yer tab. Ask my daughter if you want to pay.” He nodded at a young woman who walked past with some dishes in her hands.
The witchers all expressed their thanks and the inn keeper left, Y/N downed his drink in a few gulps, and then was about to stand up to get another and to momentarily flee but Deglan reached out lightning quick and grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. 
“If I were you, I’d stop drinking so much.”
His mentor’s hand burned like fire on his skin and for a second the h/c haired witcher thought about their moment next to the stables and how much his breath must have smelled, and he ducked his head and nodded slowly. 
Wendir looked at them with a strange expression but when he saw how Deglan watched his friend with eagle eyes after taking his hand back, his own eyes grew big and the corners of his mouth twitched. 
Oh, he saw what was going on. There must have been a reason why his mentor and Y/N had entered the tavern at the same time, the latter clearly dazed as if something life-changing had happened.
“Congratulations”, he said while lifting his jug, an amused smirk dancing on his lips.
Y/N stared at him and mirrored the gesture visibly confused but before he could ask why Wendir congratulated him, the brunette began to talk about his and Deglan’s journey to Vergen. 
The h/c haired witcher barely payed attention, Wendir suffering Deglan’s silence went in one ear and out the other, his head still back at the stable, Deglan’s words echoing in his mind.
“Don’t run away anymore, Y/N.”
Run away? Did this really mean what he was thinking? Was it all a misunderstanding? Did Deglan actually- 
“Okay, okay, that’s enough. Look at him, he’s fucking tired. He is not the only one. We should all go to bed, I already paid for our rooms.” 
Deglan interrupted Wendir’s dramatic retelling with rolling eyes and stood up, his empty jug in one hand, some coins for the payment of their drinks in another. His words interrupted Y/N’s racing thoughts and he felt as if he returned to reality. 
As if...
“Oh, yes, I need to ask for my room.”
He stood up - his hands taking the bags from underneath his seat - and due to one of the barmaids manouvering herself and 6 jugs between the tables and bodies, Y/N evaded Deglan’s outstretched hand and he hurried to the inn keeper, who had retreated back behind the counter where he was cleaning the used jugs in a skilled fashion.
“I’d like to get a room please and a bath”, he said, a little breathless, rummaging through one of his saddle bags to look for his coin pouch. 
“Not with one of the others, huh? There’s only one room left and it’s connected to the one next to it but ye can lock the door. I’m sure ye take what ye can get. Room plus bath costs 120 a night, another 15 if ye want hot water.”
Y/N didn’t really understand what he meant with his first words but he didn’t think about it too long because he could feel a certain someone stare holes into his back and it messed with his head. 
“Uhh, yes, I’ll take that one. Here-” he handed the man the amount and some additional coins, “make sure the door stays closed. And I’ll take hot water please.”
The inn keeper nodded and then waved at his daughter, who hurried towards them as soon as she spotted her father. 
“Take the lad upstairs and prepare a hot bath in the corner room.”
His daughter, a red-haired, busty young woman, looked him up and down, her eyes visibly frowning when she saw his scarred face, but she said nothing and instead took the key for the room from her father’s hand and then gestured for him to follow her. 
The h/c haired witcher thanked the old man and then quickly followed her to the stairs. A look back showed him that Deglan was still watching him, his yellow eyes were dark and holding something predatory. Wendir behind him only grinned and gave him a little wave. 
The woman led him to the first floor and to the room which was furthest away from the stairs. She unlocked the door and gave him the key without touching his skin.
“Here”, she stated and quickly retracted her hand. “I’ll come back with hot water in a few minutes. It will be fully prepared in about an hour.”
He nodded and quietly whispered his thanks, as her eyes darted everywhere but his face. He bit his lip and then walked into the room, where he placed his bags at the foot of the bed. 
The room was small, there was only space for the bed, a chest in the left corner next to it and next to the door behind a folding screen was a wooden bath tub. 
The door which connected this room to the one next to it, was small, smaller than his height but it seemed to be used regularly as no dust appeared on the door handle. 
The daughter of the inn keeper took a bucket from behind the folding screen and then left him alone in the room, closing the door behind her.
Y/N sighed and sat down on the bed. He rubbed his face with his hands. 
What the hell had just happened in the last 30 minutes? Was he dreaming?
A certain witcher asked himself the same question but due to different reasons.
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lys-9-10 · 1 year
Last Chapter of In which Bokuto loves having sleepovers & "Deep Man Chats" (DMCs) with Akaashi
Read on AO3
“It sure as hell took you guys long enough,” Kenma grumbled, after Kuroo had finished whooping and hollering over Bokuto and Akaashi’s announcement of their relationship status. 
Akaashi observed with pleasure that Kenma was looking significantly better. Much of the colour had returned to his face and he was playing a video game, his eyes fixed on the screen even as he addressed Akaashi and Bokuto. 
Normally, Kuroo would have taken away Kenma’s console and reminded him that it was rude to game while he had guests. But today, Kuroo just kept beaming at the thing like it was his first-born child. 
“I’m pretty PO’d Bokuto was the one who had to make the move,” the young setter continued, as he gunned down some kind of Godzilla figure. “That means you still have no guts, Akaashi-san.” 
Akaashi didn’t try to defend himself against that.
Bokuto, however, had other ideas. He squeezed Akaashi in tightly to his side, with the arm that had already been hooked around his waist. 
“That’s okay!” he piped. “Kaashi has time to develop guts. He can propose first!” 
Akaashi squawked, his eyes bugging from his head. 
Kuroo collapsed backwards onto Kenma’s bed, laughing. 
Even Kenma’s mouth twitched with what looked suspiciously like the hints of a smile. 
“Kenma and I shoddy best men,” Kuroo hooted, pumping his fist into the air from where he lay on the bed. 
“Speak for yourself,” Kenma said. A grenade he’d cast exploded on screen. “Too much work.”
Kenma was right. It was pathetic that Bokuto had needed to ask him out first.
Kuroo was right too. Bokuto hadn’t considered the nature of his feelings for Akaashi before. It had taken jealousy to make him realize it. But immediately upon realizing—or the day after, anyway—Bokuto had made his move. In a tearful, half-crazed, unplanned fashion to be sure—but he’d made it nonetheless. He’d taken the risk.
Akaashi, meanwhile? He had been pining for two full years, and hadn’t had the guts to try to make Bokuto his own…
That was unacceptable. Bokuto was so worth taking risks for. He was so worth fighting for. 
Akaashi couldn’t propose. Not yet anyway. It wouldn’t even be legal for them to get married at this age. 
But there was still one thing he could do. One thing his lack of guts had held him back from, which he could rectify. 
“Bokuto.” Akaashi whispered his boyfriend’s name into the dark. On the futon next to him, Bokuto stirred and rolled over. 
“Mhm?” he mumbled sleepily. 
“I love you.” 
There was silence. It was too dark to see Bokuto’s face and judge his reaction. For a moment, Akaashi felt his old anxiety kicking in—had he blown it? Had he come on too strong, too soon? 
But no. Bokuto was his boyfriend. Bokuto loved him. He loved him enough to say it, multiple times, even before they started dating. He loved him enough to ask him to be his boyfriend first. He loved him enough to do all the things Akaashi hadn’t had the guts to do. It was time Akaashi started meeting him.
After a few seconds of the silence, a gleam of white appeared on Bokuto’s face. 
It was his toothy smile. 
Akaashi’s heart lurched. Bokuto’s smile was bright enough to pierce through any kind of darkness—including the non-proverbial kind. 
“I love you too, Kaashi,” Bokuto said. “You know that’s the first time you’ve ever said that to me?” 
“I know. I’m sorry.” 
Bokuto laughed. “Don’t be sorry. Just promise to say it lots from now on!” 
Akaashi’s mouth twitched upward. “I will, Bokuto.” His heart was splitting with fondness. “I love you.” 
Akaashi gazed across the few inches of darkness, joyfully feasting his eyes on Bokuto’s half-visible face. 
Bokuto, his boyfriend. 
Bokuto, his best friend.
Bokuto, the person he couldn’t hope to deserve, but somehow had been gifted with. 
Akaashi hadn’t fought to win Bokuto... but he would spend the rest of his life making up for that. He would spend the rest of his life loving Bokuto, as openly and as fully and as perfectly as he possibly could.
“Goodnight, Bokuto,” Akaashi said. And the familiarity of those words—yet the total unfamiliarity—brought tears to his eyes. 
Those were the words he had said night after night, for the past two years, while holding back the love that pushed at his heart and threatened to spill out of his mouth. 
But he didn’t have to hold it back anymore. 
He didn’t want to hold it back anymore. 
So, just for good measure, Akaashi repeated himself a third time. 
“I love you.” 
The sliver of white on Bokuto’s face broadened. “Goodnight, Kaashi. I love you.” 
Akaashi smiled. And closed his eyes.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Best Friends Till the End - Andy Barclay x (fem) Childhood Friend!Reader - Part 2
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Word Count 3.800 (aprox)
Relationships: Andy Barclay x Childhood Friend!Reader (reunion with some love at first sight undertones) 
Characters: Andy Barclay, Childhood Friend!Reader, Kyle (mentioned), Chucky (mentioned). 
Warnings: Andy being a sloppy hunter, me taking inspiration on the fake cop interview/research scenes in Supernatural to imagine this. 
Summary: Andy has to endure his most hated part of the work involved on the hunt for Chucky, but the tedious task of talking to people will lead him to an unexpected result through the guiding of a very cooperative kindergarten teacher who seems fascinated with him. 
Notes: I know i said this was gonna be just two parts, but there may be a part 3 because I want to write the romance actually developing. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​ 
Starting searching schools was Kyle’s idea, Andy wasn’t as convinced of that new method to find cursed dolls because it was too exposing of his terrible social skills. Those rounds would happen sometimes and were usually just the startpoint for it. They weren’t killing any threats directly and that would always make him impatient. He wasn’t a big fan of any part of the work that didn’t involve emptying the load of his gun on Chucky and on that occasion he was more nervous than ever because it was their first time searching in a kindergarten. Frightening little kids was not in his plans that morning, but there was a lead on that area and that was the nearest educational facility on the map. 
Resembling bureaucracy there wasn’t as hard as he thought, his sister took care of dealing with the director while he was supposed to sneak and start the talk with the teachers. For that he had no idea of where and how to start, since he was used to letting Kyle lead the interviews. His awkwardness must have been evident at that moment, because one of them approached him by mistake thinking he was a lost relative of some kid. There was some intense staring going on in her part, as if she was trying to decipher him somehow. 
Neither of the other passing people in the hall stopped in his presence yet you, the visibly busy teacher carrying her morning coffee before returning to class, directed straight towards him. Not only did you want to help who you guessed as a probably institutionally lost adult hoping to see one of your colleagues about a child, the sight of him intrigued you. There was something oddly familiar about that man that you weren’t able to figure out and you wondered if he was perhaps the father of one of your students waiting for you. Only the blatant shock in his face to the assumption you presented made you notice a very awkward mistake. 
“ I’m sorry.” You apologized in an exquisitely sweet tone that came out of you by accident in  some subconscious push. “ I guess I got it wrong, so many people move around every year.. All the faces mash up in your memory after some time.” 
He smiled in agreement, a short grin while briefly making eye contact. From up close your hunch kept intensifying as you noticed another powerful detail: his beautiful hazel eyes. You could swear you have seen those before, but couldn’t remember where. Of course, you kept any new assumptions to yourself, but the stranger could tell that you were fixating on him. 
Andy would have preferred not to start with you because he didn’t want to either creep you out sounding like a weirdo or make a fool of himself due to awkwardness. Your interest was making him nervous, fearing he could be coming up as suspicious but also keeping a more personal motive for that reaction. 
A woman he found gorgeous at first sight was showing unusual interest in him and it was distracting. Keeping eye contact with you was a titanical task, as it was to keep staying in character. 
" It's no problem, miss. " He replied while trying to remember which excuse he was supposed to use there. " I'm here as part of a non-scheduled evaluation. In the light of some strange events happening across the state, these kinds of routine things are being accelerated. Would you mind if i make you a few questions?"
You had no clue of which events he was referencing, but wouldn't ask to not look bad. 
" Sure, why not?" 
Your cute smile emphasizing the answer afterwards made him feel nice just because of how sweet you were to him. For once, following a false clue would have been satisfactory instead of annoying and frustrating. He didn't want to find a Chucky in the hands of one of your preschoolers, especially remembering his tendency to attack authority figures getting in his way. 
His questions didn't surprise you as much as he expected, even when those got weirdly specific. It was as if nothing he could say would sound odd to you. The incredible predisposition on your part encouraged him to ask things without fear, but when getting into the topic of classroom toys you got wary for the wrong reasons. 
" ... I see, you must have read my file and you are trying to test me. I don't mind, it is understandable. Many people before you have tried to discredit my professionalism because of my very personal career choice. " 
It was all turning out so good, but he had to do a fuck up. 
" I don't mean to offend you. " 
" I monitor the relationships that my class establishes with toys very closely for practical reasons that come in with my formation. '' You explained in a more defensive stance, keeping distance from an assumed detractor. "My college thesis was on developmental psychology, about the bonding with toys in different stages of childhood... Why can't i apply my findings without people on the field assuming that I am insane?" 
Andy was seriously intrigued by your phrasing. Were you making files about toys and playtime observations? Keeping an exhaustive vigilance of what the children were doing for some science bullshit thing? It was way too perfect, checking on your notes could save him and Kyle a ton of home visits. 
" I think it is fascinating. Dolls are our first friends, we experiment the world with them as little children." 
Some frankly adorable excitement visibly grew on you to the indicative of validation. 
" It's a sacred bond, the one a child forms with their favorite doll. I consider that part of my job is providing the framework for it to develop in a healthy way. " 
Your words were getting dangerously close to his point and he was about to lose the filter again. 
"  What happens when it doesn't?" He asked without thinking. " I haven't read your thesis, but I would like to know your stance on the opposite case." 
" Children who have internalized trauma, I have seen the abuser get incarnated on the doll during their playing." You added in response. `` Is it for them that I am so careful, through the toys you can spot the abuse. Keep the dolls vigilated and you may make a difference in some kid's life. " 
That psychology ramble got him. He was thinking that maybe you wouldn't believe that there was a killer doll out there, but you showed a glimpse of the most tender understanding he received in a long time coming from a normal person. 
It was wonderful, Andy felt moved by your passionate concern and his attraction was subtly growing at every instant being spent with you. 
" This institution is lucky to have you, I'm feeling under qualified to evaluate you just while talking to you. It's obvious that you are a magnificent professional, consider this a mere bureaucratic formality. " 
The compliments got your sweetness back and  that made him feel blessed.  
" Wow, that has to be the quickest evaluation I ever passed. " A nervous giggle followed your joke. " Are you sure you don't want to pass by my classroom? We have a scheduled activity with toys today. I asked the kids to bring their favorite doll and we are going to make a round where they all will be introduced to each other. " 
He felt lucky, for once fate was throwing a good one for him. Easy access to what he needed and the attention of a captivating woman all in the same operation. 
" That sounds perfect."
There he was, following you like some awkward mess of a man while wondering what the hell was he supposed to do on the possibility of finding Chucky. Open fire wasn't an option, so there had to be some other way of avoiding the little bastard's escape. While remaining attentive of his details of interest, he still kept follow of the classroom activity.
 The children clearly adored you and that was beautiful to see. You were brightfully happy around them and that would make you look even more attractive in his eyes. It was eating him up and the odd sense of intimacy he was feeling with you in every little thing was making it worse. You couldn’t be just one random beautiful woman, there was some weird connection going on between you. Like if there was an invisible thread getting you closer, you seemed to understand each other way too well for a first meeting. 
Answers were spontaneously presented during the round of toys. It was your tradition for that activity to start introducing your own favorite childhood toy that you would bring for the class, a sweet detail of yours for the little ones. He saw the Scooby Doo plush and fell into the happiest yet most shocking realization. Andy recognized you as his childhood friend, one of the purest memories left on him. The surprise was noticeable on his face, which made your mind turn back on its tracks and go back to your previous hesitation.
It was a dream come true, he needed to know if it was truly you and deep down you were hoping him to figure it out.
" Does he still have the same marks we drew over the washing instructions?" 
Time stopped for you at the listening of that question, there was only one person who could be saying that. 
" Andy?" 
You stared at your old friend with the biggest smile, holding back tears because there were children present who could get worried of your crying. 
The whisper of his name got confirmed when he smiled back sweetly. After all those years of contextually forced separation, you stumbled across each other by some work of fate. The changes of time turning you into adults made your mutual remembrance of faces get lost on your grown up looks, but the revelation made it somehow obvious. 
Everything made sense and he wasn't the only one amazed with the discovery. Getting lost in the beauty of his eyes quite a few times before figuring out the mystery was the price to pay for your curiosity. 
It was unbelievable to think that he was there. That shy and quite handsome man was your dear Andy, the child hero that once saved you from the human monster inside his doll. The friend whose posterior sacrifice served as your lifetime inspiration, the one you waited for years while growing up. Your painful separation hurt more than Chucky, the guilt over leaving him behind in the afterwards scenario never left you be. As a grown up you tried to find ways of reaching him, but after some failed attempts you simply gave up because he was nowhere to be found and you thought that perhaps he wouldn’t want to see you. 
If you were never able to forgive yourself, why would he forgive you? You were kids when he assured you that he wasn’t mad of your choice, he had plenty of time to realize you shouldn’t have let him down lying about Chucky. 
“ Hi,(y/n). I can’t believe this is happening.” He happily saluted you. “ I’m happy to see you, friend.” 
You wished you could forget all professionalism and trap him in the tightest hug, the weight of more than two decades crushing you through just one moment while you were supposed to pretend to be cool. Instead you stood up, leaving the plushie momentarily on your seat spot, while gesturally inviting him to follow you. 
“ Where were you? I tried to… Seeing you again is so wonderful,  I need to make things right.” 
His cheeks turned slightly rosy when you took his hand as you were about to formally introduce him to the children. 
“ Please, let’s give a warm welcome to my friend Andy. He is my dearest play pal from many years and he is here with us for…” 
That was the moment where you realized you really didn’t know what was going on. He couldn’t be any sent authority of the school district. If that was the case, you would have stumbled across each other before. You had no idea of where he had been, he had no social media presence and searching for him was like trying to find a ghost. As far as you know, he could be an agent of the FBI, a cop that went undercover, a superspy or a serial killer. 
The kids must have confounded your sudden stop with an inquisitive silence, since one of them quickly finished your sentence. 
“ To see our friends! “ 
The man was very thankful of the kid’s unawareness serving as a scape for his lack of excuses. 
“ Well, Oliver. That is why we are all here for today and I can’t wait to meet them all as you just met two of my best friends from when I was your age.“ You sweetly replied, then glanced back at Andy. “ I hope you have missed me and Scooby as we missed you … and welcome to my classroom.” 
A happy choir of excited kids in their loud salute for him interrupted and he couldn’t help smiling, even if he was really nervous. That was really cute and he was so scared of ruining things with something that could frighten them and you. 
“ Hi, I am glad to be here. I do miss my two old companions of adventures and I would love to hear all of you talk about your toys.” 
A girl holding a minion plushie made him the awkward, but somewhat expected question. 
“ Where is your friend, Andy? We all have one, Miss (y/l/n) brought hers.” 
You both stared at each other as if disgrace itself was being called to class. 
“ Well, I have her.” He added, clearly teasing you and succeeding on bringing out a light giggle from you. “ I had a doll, but I lost him. The problem is that sometimes it comes back and I have to search for him. It is really important because it’s not safe for him to be out there alone, he is a sick toy.” 
That was the way in which you found out Chucky came back for him, various times for what you could catch of his sugarcoated explanation. Emily seemed moved by it. Understandably unaware of the implications, she must have found it sad. 
“ Do you want us to help you look?” 
“ I got a clue saying he is around here, but I can handle the search on my own. I’m some sort of expert by now.” 
A reunion that you waited for 27 years and, of course, the little redhead bastard had to be involved in it. How was it even possible? You stayed alert, you have been checking on all the signals of a comeback for years in your strategic position. None of your kids could be a new owner of Chucky, they would have come to you and you would have spotted him right away. 
“ Andy is a toy doctor.” You quickly interrupted, decided to collaborate with anything he needed on the matter. “ He became one to treat his very sick, very bad friend. So.. he is here to make free check ups on all your favorite toys and make sure they are not infected with the same disease.”  
The subject inspired curiosity among the public and you had to come up with a story for it together. 
“ What is it?” Jake wondered, then followed by Thomas. “ How do toys catch it?” 
Andy was so not ready for that, but he had to carry on or risk causing panic. 
“ The Fever of Damballa, it is a terrible illness that makes dolls go mad.” 
“ They don’t behave like they are supposed to, they become bad. An infected toy says tons of bad words and they get horrible laughs.” You followed, completing his startup lie. “ They do scary mischief and they make you play scary games. Villain stuff, but not funny like in Despicable Me: dolls get bad like the Green Goblin. They get feisty and disobedient, never want to go to sleep or listen to what your parents say. ” 
“ The cause is still uncertain. Some doctors think it is a tropical flea that gets inside the doll through the hair and the stuffed material. That’s why red haired dolls are higher risk, the flea prefers red hair because it is red one and that serves to hide better. “ 
You glanced back at him, showing amazement for the elaborated explanation. 
“ Can all toys have it, or is it just the reds?” Sophia continued. 
“ Red haired dolls are the biggest risk population, around 98% of the registered cases… which is a lot. If you have a red haired doll I have the obligation of checking for symptoms …because it can infect all the other pals.” 
He made up that last part to make it sound urgent. 
“ Can they pass it to us?” Camila closed the round of questions. “ If I have a sick one, should I stay away?” 
“ Not only they can, the disease would make them want to pass it on to you. “ Was your conclusion, presented ahead of Andy. “ The flea jumps from one body to another like this.” 
You put one hand on top of your friend’s forehead, simulating the gesturing you once saw Chucky make when he was trying to possess him. It was understandable for you to repeat the rules you knew, but he didn’t have time to explain to you that you were giving outdated advice. 
“ Then the doll would say some funny words, because the flea is making it delusional from the fever, and that’s when it will make you feel very very sick.” 
Everyone wanted to get their toys checked, but Sophia was very worried for her mermaid Ariel doll and begged to go first. Andy felt as bad as you for the concern of the cute child, so he did his best to comfort her knowing hers wasn’t a danger. The tenderness he showed to her warmed your heart in a special way, cuteness having you about to suspire if you wouldn’t have been careful enough. 
“ Is she gonna be alright?” The little girl asked him while he pretended to act as a parody of a medical checkup. “ She has never been sick, not even when I catch a cold.” 
“ I see and I think she is a very healthy girl.” Andy followed, making her smile proudly to later smile back. He then stared into the lifeless happy expression of the Little Mermaid one last time before concluding. “ I don’t think she could turn bad any time soon. She is in excellent condition, with a friend who obviously gives her a lot of love. “ 
He handled the doll back and she hugged it as it meant the world, because to her it did and he knew that. Sophia thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, a gesture that reminded him of his own love language of childhood. 
Emily and her Minion were next, but Jake and Spiderman were arguing the position. She was saying that hers was more urgent because a minion could turn purple and evil if it would get sick, while he insisted on being priority because his superhero had a red suit and got once infected by Venom. It was simple children’s bickery mixed with rambling about their favorite things that was directed at the so called toy doctor, to which he found a simple answer. 
“ Would you want to be my nurse, (y/n)? I need to put all these patients in order.” 
You were feeling like children again, as if the whole thing would be a game of toy hospital you would be playing together. 
If Andy had reasons to believe Chucky could be hiding behind any of your kids, then all your assumptions were wrong and you had to face the fact that you were as unprepared as the last time. Knowing he was there for the doll and not for you was slightly disappointing, but you couldn’t blame him. All you could and should do was help him save a family, he didn’t have any obligations of wanting to see you. 
None of the children brought any Good Guys to be examined, but that didn’t mean asking them would be a waste of time. Like in your case, they could have a friend, a cousin or sibling that could be a Chucky owner. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until Camila got very upset due to some questioning coming from her classmates. She wasn’t holding any toys, a detail that you missed before because you were frankly too emotionally distracted with Andy. 
“ I brought Oscar, but he left. I was explaining the classroom rules to him but he didn’t like that.” She explained to you, the mediator of the conflict. “ He said that no bitch was gonna boss him around.” 
The relaxing happiness you were previously sharing faded. Andy’s expression transformed immediately to the sign of alarm and you instinctively grabbed his hand as a reminder to calm down. 
“ CAMILA, YOU CAN’T SAY THAT!” Sophia corrected her, horrified.
“ I didn’t, Oscar did.” The little girl insisted, then glanced back at Andy. “ Is he sick? I would bring him to get checked, but I don’t know where he is.” 
A blatant and unstoppable frustration filled you, years of borderline paranoid attention were pointless because Chucky got to one of your groups anyways and you didn’t notice. The name switching was a new detail, you wondered how many things must had changed. 
“ Sweetheart, you have never told me about him before. Since when are you friends with him?” 
“ I found him last weekend.” 
Andy needed to talk to you in private but wouldn’t want to leave the kids alone either, so he sent a quick code text to Kyle in order to get ready. While he was doing so, you got the ultimate proof of the enemy’s comeback. 
The classroom rules poster was vandalized, a ‘ FUCK YOU, BITCH’ written on angry red traces with a crayon. 
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Let's take a look from a logical way. Before K have there ever been paparazzi pictures? No didn't think so. Sure you can claim higher status now as WDC but let's be real. People in this f1 gossip bubble are kidding themselves to believe normies would recognise any of the drivers. Maybe Lewis that's it. They are not as known as stans want them to be. Don't get me started on wags. Besides their weird circle of fans no one knows them. Especially because real life they look so vastly different than their photoshopped posts.
So who would recognise Max Verstappen at a beach in Miami? No one that wasn't specifically called to be there and recognise him. Proof? There is a law in the US after several celebrities, who do want their children to remain private, sued the associated press. Papped children's faces are not allowed to be visible in published pictures unless one parent consents. Penelope was visible therefore K must have given permission to have the pictures taken and published.
The only reason she complained afterwards is because Max hates this and was body shamed. Case closed.
So when we know she did it once why are you surprised she did it again? They were supposedly on a private beach. Meaning random outsiders can't just walk in with huge cameras and start taking pictures of again non entities in the celebrity world. Have you seen the amount of real celebs and billionaires currently in St. Barths but they don't get papped? No just some D Listers who are known to call them. And whatever Z list you would rank Kelly.
Let's also consider that since the vogue article she couldn't post private Max content. He probably didnt allow her to. And voila Paparazzi pictures of the happy family. It's all peachy.
Why no other pictures except that moment? I'm sure him playing with his nephews would be way cuter. Sitting on a lounge chair with the other people. No just him, Kelly and P in the water. Right not suspicious at all.
Let's also talk about that tumblr account that is regularly the first/only one with random Max sightings and content. She asked for credit. Sorry did you take the pictures yourself? Why ask for credit that is so freaking weird.
TDLR: if you believe Kelly didn't call the paps I have a bridge to sell you. Max the call is coming from inside the house dude.
Nonnie you just said it all right there
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