#Whoops all OC music :)
murdleandmarot · 1 month
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Guys OCs are so cool 🫶🫶
The characters, (in order), are @mysticalcats’s Foxglove, @emimii’s Clownaire, @toki-toro’s Chaumet, and last finally, @charliesinfern0’s Clementine!!!!!
(plus my own lil oc Bluebelle but this ain’t about her <333)
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artblock-tm · 12 days
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I’ve mentioned in my Ambivalent Souls infodump but I have a crack au that just inserts those OCs into the story of Death Note.
Hare is Light, Zerie is L, Midnight is Misa, Thirio is Ryuk, Attakai is Rem, Maroon is Near, and Feil is Mello.
I’ve drawn… a lot in a short amount of time. Haha. Whoops.
The au follows the main story of Death Note (the show) with some slight characterization changes. If you wanna ask me about it, my inbox is open!
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messengerofmechs · 1 year
post 5 songs in your current song rotation and tag 10 mutuals!!
Tagged by @ultirex
Superheroes by Daft Punk
Moon Stalker (Live) by Courtney Swain
You're done (Daisy Bell) by Kane Parsons
Flesh and Metal by Mick Gordon
Night on the Docks by Kevin MacLeod
@cybertronicspark @spacedebris1993 @classychassiss @jurassic-parkranger @meleboo @anomalocrisis @antenna-bug @shadowboxmind @aecholapis @primewars
And anyone else who wants to!
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seventeenpins · 8 months
give 'em a show
pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
word count: 1.5k
summary: Joel watches you as you dance with a stranger in the bar. It goes a little too far, and Joel makes sure everyone knows exactly who you belong to. (Literally just smut.)
warnings: established monogamous-ish relationship, exhibitionism/public sex, jealousy, somewhat insecure joel, both asshole!joel and soft!joel, joel miller is an ass man, no implied age gap, smidge of ass play, possessive behavior, choking, derogatory language, didn't mean to make it sweet but it kinda ended up that way WHOOPS
a/n: first, not to self promote too much but pls check out this Joel/nb!oc series i've just started set in an 1870s outbreak au, i'm really excited about where it's gonna go!!! last night i drank a bottle of wine, woke up this morning and found this in my drafts. needed a bit of editing, but here u go~ this fic is dedicated to the incredible couple I saw about five years ago, both wearing cowboy hats whilst fucking, bent over their pickup truck, just outside of a cowboy bar. and I'm not saying Joel's wearing a cowboy hat, but I'm not saying he's not.
The room was vibrating, the bass of the music buzzing up your legs. It was dark and the flashing lights were near-blinding, but despite the hindrance, you could feel Joel's eyes on you all night. He watched, unmoving, never missing a single beat.
But when you felt the stranger's hard cock against your ass as you ground against him, you knew you'd crossed a line.
Only a moment and barely a blink later, you could hear his low warning, "You wanna keep your hands? Better keep them off my woman," and the man you'd been dancing with slunk away barely a moment later.
"You think you're cute?" he asked, tone dangerous, whispered in your ear.
"No, Joel, I-"
"You think this is a fuckin' game?"
It was a game, but this was part of the rules.
The shake of his voice betrayed his thinly-veiled intensity.
You did let that guy rub up on you, and you'd never let it get that far before.
"You really think I'm gonna watch you let some asshole put his hands all over you?" he asked. You hadn't anticipated this level of reaction, and you could feel yourself getting wet.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"I'm the only one who gets to fuckin' touch you, baby,"
"Yes, Joel, you-"
"You wanna let me make you feel good," he said, and then glared over towards the man you were dancing with, "Or do you wanna go home with that guy?"
"Always with you, Joel, only want you."
"Fuckin' right," he growled, and then pulled you in by the waist. Let his hands wander, grazing across the swell of your breast, the small of your waist and then grabbing your ass, staking his claim. "We're getting out of here."
You could barely keep your hands off one another as you stumbled over to Joel's pickup, and when you got there, Joel began pressing incongruously gentle kisses on you. From that sweet spot just behind your ear, down your throat and then your collarbone, he sent you spiralling into soft, hazy dizziness.
Then, cruelly, he pulled away and started fumbling with his keys, searching out the right one to unlock his truck.
"No!," you shouted, and you both nearly jumped, startled at the unexpected urgency of your voice.
"No," you said again, quieter. He dropped his hands and looked at you a moment before you continued. "No, don't wanna wait that long. Don't care if we get out of here. Need you to fuck me. In the truck, on the truck, I don't fucking care. Just need you, Joel."
He stared at you, barely blinking, studying your face. You were lost in his eyes, pupils blown wide but catching the moonlight perfectly.
"Dirty girl," he breathed, "I got you," and then he was pressing you forward to lean against the truck. You let out a moan when he folded you over, and whimpered when he pulled up your skirt.
He can't stop touching you, like his hands are being compelled to run all along your body as if by magnetic pull. His touch is constantly changing, one moment it's feather-light, the next moment he's grabbing and scratching at your flesh, and it all feels exquisite.
You're overwhelmed by sensation, lost in the way Joel works his hands over you. Grabbing at your flesh, dragging his nails along your sides, calloused fingertips catching against the smooth skin of your ass as he rubs circles against your skin.
Then, he's stroking your jaw, prying open your lips, pressing his thumb into your mouth.
"Get it nice and wet, baby," he soothed, and then, "Christ," he groaned as you laved your tongue around the digit, collecting your spit, a string of saliva hanging between your lips and his thumb as he pulled his thumb out.
"Gonna fuck you good, baby, show everyone here who you belong to. That's what you want, huh?"
You whimpered in response, which earned you a smack to the ass. "Words, honey," he hissed, and you nodded.
"Yes, baby, that's what I want."
"Damn right."
He pulls your panties down, leaving your ass completely bare in the midnight air.
Then he's spreading your ass cheeks apart and stroking his glistening thumb between your folds. The added slick mixed with your arousal makes for the most delicious glide as he presses his thumb inside you and then withdraws it, replacing it with two fingers.
It's rough, verging on brutal, but any pain is overwhelmed by pleasure and within moments you're already a shaking mess.
"We're gonna let everyone here see just how well you take this cock, ain't we?"
You love when he talks to you like this, uses you like this. You whine an affirmation and you can feel his hard cock, his need, pressed up against you through his jeans, and he doesn't seem too worried about words anymore.
"You want me to fill you up good, huh? Fuckin' slut you are." He gripped your hips, guiding your bare ass to rub against his bulge. Then, he released you and you could hear the unbuckling of his belt, the pull of his zipper.
He pressed the head of his cock up against your drooling pussy, notching the head between your folds.
"Put on a show for me, baby," he growled, and slid into you in one slow thrust.
Your tits were pressed up against the pickup's hood, cold even through your top, and Joel's hands were like a fire on your body, hot and wonderful, freely wandering across your goose-bumped flesh.
As he starts to speed up and fuck you in earnest, his thumb glides down the cleft of your ass and starts to press against your tight muscle.
You hiss out a "yes", a stilted affirmation, and he pulls away the thumb for just a moment, popping it in his mouth, getting it wet again, and then pressing it into you.
You rut up against the intrusion, feeling him push further into your ass, his thrusts growing faster and harder. He doesn't fuck you with his digit, just lets it sit there, pressing into you. You know that if there wasn't the possibility of an audience, he'd probably be eating out your ass right now.
That's a step too far, something he reserves for him and only for him. Loves the way he can make you come just from fucking your ass.
He fucks you rough and steady, balls slapping against your clit with each thrust. Your legs start to buckle, sensation of being so completely filled starting to tip you over the edge.
You think you hear a wolf whistle from the distance.
"Attagirl," Joel praises, "Puttin' on a real nice show, huh? Takin' this cock so good. Sounds like we've got company, baby. Doin' such a good job."
"I love it-" you breathe, "They know I'm yours. All yours, every bit of me-"
"Damn right," he growls, "Fillin' you up real full."
"Joel," you sob, "I'm gonna come, gonna come on your cock, please, please, can I?"
His wandering hand leaves your breast tragically untouched, but wraps around your throat, giving you one more perfect, dizzying piece of sensation.
"Come on this dick, baby," he urges, "Come on, come for me," and every bit of you that was holding out comes undone.
Your body convulses, pussy creaming around his thick cock, aftershocks of your orgasm pulsing and drawing out a low, deep groan from Joel as he holds you steady and works you through it.
Then he pulls out of you abruptly, the sudden emptiness shocking, until you can feel him pumping himself a couple of times before releasing his spend all over your ass.
The next few moments are a blur. He wipes up his cum with your panties and pockets them, then pulls your skirt back up. Zips up his jeans. Straightens your top. Unlocks the truck and helps you in.
Before you know it, you're buckled and he's leaning towards you, brushing a strand of hair back behind your ear.
He kisses you, soft and deep, his tongue gentle as it runs over your bottom lip, gently biting and nipping at you.
"Baby," he says, and you're thrown by the strain in his voice, "You know, if you ever-"
You frown as he struggles to find his words.
"If I'm ever- not enough. Not enough for you," he swallows, "I just-"
"No, Joel," you shake your head, "Not at all."
"I'm just sayin'. If I'm ever not enough for you, I don't want you to feel-" he shook his head, "Tethered to me."
"Never," you smile, and the way his face lights up just a little is enough to make you melt. "I'm glad to be yours. I want to be yours. Only yours."
You kiss him again, feeling him yield, surrender into your embrace.
"You're it for me, baby," you tell him, and it's true.
You see him smile, resting back into a semblance of comfort, of confidence.
As he drives you both home, you relax into the familiar rhythm of it.
You can still feel the stickiness of his cum on your skin and cherished it, a not-so-secret offering between the two of you. He's yours and you're his.
And you'll show him. Every day.
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Update 27 Nov 23
Ko-Fi thing
You can call me Nyarla, I guess.
Or "Yo She-Bitch." Either's cool.
Soooo I figured I might need to make one of those MASTERLIST things because I cannot stop writing (which is the most amazing feeling ever when I've been in a writer's block for months).
It's just One Piece Live Action right now, but as my confidence increases I might post some of my other fandom work.
I'm Open for Requests for OPLA fics and headcanon. Primarily Character X FemaleReader, but I'm flexible.
I do reserve the right to not write every single request that is asked, since I am human and my abilities do have limitations, but I swear I will try.
I'm not squeamish about much of anything, so don't refrain. I'll always post any necessary ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ right here with the links.
I'm always open to requests for Shanks, Mihawk, Zoro, and Sanji. Possibly also Buggy, Luffy, Usopp, Koby, and Helmeppo, but I haven't written them much, so please bear with me if it takes me a bit to respond.
Honestly please bear with me if it takes me a while to respond to Asks/Requests in general because I get really nervous about getting them perfect.
Some things about the weirdo that's writing this shit can be found here
The Lovely Alphabet (NSFW)
Dialog I Presently Have No Use For
(But might eventually) (basically mini dialogue-centric fics that may make there way into something else later or might not)
01 Get Out
02 Can We Keep Her?
03 What Happens in Loguetown
04 Coffins and Coping Mechanisms
05 Kitty
06 Send Help
07 Pep Talk
08 Death Wish
09 Oh No Not Again
10 Shanty Time!
11 No Sleep
12 The Throngler™
The Best Boys
First Kiss
Material Boys (NSFW)
I Don't Even Know Music Or Something?
Ooooh...Kinky ;D (NSFW)
In the Kitchen
Because I Got High
Short Stuff
ABCs of Kink (NSFW)
D is for Dominance (First Kiss sequal)
P is for Public Blacksmith's Daughter Part 1 . . . Part 2 . . . Part 3
Your Scars Are Mine (NSFW)
(Trigger Warnings for Self-Harm, Blood, Implied PTSD)
Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3
Ten Years (unofficial sequel to YSAM) (NSFW)
Mood Swings (mostly SFW headcanons)
Hearing Problems (NSFW eventually)
Guess this is important
All OC Face Claims and Character Sheet Links
Ch.1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3 . . . Ch. 4 . . . Ch. 5 . . . Ch. 6 . . . Ch. 7
Late Night Chats
X plus-sizeReader Headcanons (NSFW)
Tongue Ring headcanons
Strawhat Stowaway Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2
Redhead suppremacy (sfw headcanons)
(...I hope)
(Some titles subject to change)
Tongue Ring (F is for Food Play)
Blacksmith's Daughter part 2 (P is for Public, ABC's of Kink)
O is for O Denial
B is for Brat Tamer
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skellymom · 2 months
"Ballroom Blitz"
The Bad Batch Clone Fic Gift Exchange
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(Pinterest pic credit: Not Labeled)
 @hexerein SURPRISE! Here is your gift for the @cloneficgiftexchange ENJOY!
Used BOTH of your prompts:
"This is not a clone clubhouse." Appears in this introduction.
"I don't believe that is the proper use of delicate equipment."
Characters: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker and 3 female OC's to pair with them. Stayed away from the tropes mentioned that you didn't want used. Had these OC's dancing around in my mind for several months...and YOU gave me the inspiration to use them! Thank you!!!
Story is written in third person as I LOVE supporting characters and being omniscient about the surrounding environment, building it up like YOU are watching a movie.
Summary: Clone Force 99 visits a dumpy nightclub for "science". These guys can't stay out of trouble. Tech finds friendship, Hunter figures out a secret, and Wrecker falls in love for the first time.
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Swearing, fighting (no blood), explosion, fire, clone angst, sexual suggestion only.
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Dancers waited behind the stage for their cue scanning the club’s dance floor. 
A Chiss named Saxe remarked with a disgusted look as she spied numerous shiny's among the crowd, "This is not a clone clubhouse."  
Rueby rolled her eyes at Saxe and sassed, “Honey, I thought this was a clone WHOREHOUSE!” 
The other dancers laughed at the clap back. Most of them KNEW the clones enjoyed the woman, men, and the genderfluid staff genuinely, happy to lap up the attention, tipped handsomely, and brought their favorites gifts as often as they had GAR leave to visit. Plus, they were handsome, non-threatening...most of the time. Usually only did the occasional stupid thing, which the Republic covered for monetarily. 
However, there was the rare dancer that didn’t appreciate these men. Usually, the uppity, better-than-you types. Rueby shot a disdainful glance at Saxe who backed off. Saxe then exited the stage to relieve one of several cage dancers. 
Rueby took a deep breath and did her most inspiring power pose, psyching herself up for the next number.  
She made her entrance oozing sass and sex appeal.  Cat walking, swinging her hips and ass.  Kill you/fuck me eyes trained on the audience.  All 6 and 1/2 ft of strongly muscled dancer's frame with ONE mission in mind: TO SLAY! 
The seedy club flooded with patrons.  Officially over capacity for fire code and safety.  But the deadbeat owner of the Flushed Orchid considered this a suggestion and not a rule.  He paid off the authorities to stay open.  They looked the other way on fire codes, treatment of his dancers, dealing of spice/death sticks/sketchy backdoor tub liquor, along with other unsavory activities. 
Rueby gyrated and flipped her hair around to the eardrum splitting music.  Multicolored lights trained on her through the dark while she danced her heart out on the elevated stage. She LIVED to dance. The harder, louder, and dirtier the music, the better. A collective whoop went up from the crowd as she backflipped and ended up in the splits on the floor. 
Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech wandered into the club taking in the chaos.  
“Eh...if you guys want to leave; I have no problem...” Hunter wasn't really a fan of the lights, noise, crush of people pressing by, or the prospect of getting a beer spilled on him. 
“The Coruscant Guard HIGHLY recommended this establishment.”  Tech practically yelled over the din.  “I’m here to conduct RESEARCH.” 
Hunter wrinkled his nose. “Tech, this place is a DUMP!” 
“True, it’s not 79’s. My data gathering there is complete.  I required another study environment.” 
“WHAT WERE YOU STUDYING?”  Wrecker’s regular voice could be heard perfectly within the loud environment. 
“The pre-mating rituals of the general populace of Coruscant.”  Tech answered.  “Specifically, their affinity for meeting at extremely loud and crowded places that handicap their ability to communicate effectively.  In addition, to observe how the consumption of alcohol changes the degree of their deeply held inhibitions.” 
Hunter shook his head.  “Go head, gather ‘data’.  I’m going to the bar to inhibit my senses.” 
Tech made a beeline for the stage.   
Wrecker followed...then he spotted Rueby! 
A beautiful, strapping Zeltron woman, with ample hips, and a Calypgian behind.  Her smooth skin was a beautiful shade of passionate red. Wrecker heard of legends regarding woman warrior giantesses.  Women almost as large as himself.  Probably even strong enough to sweep him off his feet.   
And she was hanging upside down off a metal pole, sensually caressing her deep indigo hair. 
Wrecker followed Tech through the crush of gyrating bodies on the dance floor.  They could only get 20 feet from the stage. 
Tech was too busy being IN the crowd, watching the “pre-mating ritual” of the people around them. 
Wrecker was entranced.  Rueby was now SPINNING ON THE POLE and holding herself horizontally off it with minimal effort!  While wearing stiletto boots.  
Rueby DEFINITELY noticed Wrecker.  She smiled right at him and released pheromones in her excitement. 
Honestly...this was a FIRST for Wrecker.  He usually noticed food, bombs, and the infatuations of his brothers.  For himself...it just never seemed to be the same. 
Until tonight.  Wrecker was experiencing an AWAKENING. 
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Meanwhile, at the bar, Hunter flagged down Tipsy, the Twi ’lek barkeep.   
“What’ll it be Handsome?” She usually flirted playfully with the patrons.  And her tips reflected the extra attention they appreciated. 
“Take some Spotchka.” Hunter smiled. 
Tipsy filled the glass, sliding it across to Hunter.  “YOU boys don’t strike me as the usual clones who hang out here.  What’s your story?  IF you care to tell...” 
Hunter sipped his drink.  The lavender hued lady taking an interest had him rethink hurrying Tech and Wrecker out of the bar early. 
“We’re defective.  Belong to Clone Force 99.” 
“Oh!  Heard about you guys!!!”  Tipsy leaned forward on the bar taking extreme interest.  “Crazy stories.  You guys are OFF THE CHAIN!” 
Hunter grinned.  “Hm...we get the job done.” 
“Good looking AND capable.” she winked. 
Hunter blushed and took another sip. 
Several Reg clones and a Gotal summoned for service at the other end of the bar. 
“Be back later.  Gotta serve the patrons.” 
Hunter watched her go, grinning into his glass. 
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Vix loaded up her tray and waded out into the tight crowd.  She HATED nights like this.  Being short and petite felt stifling in the crush of bodies.  On top of that, carrying a tray full of drinks and hoping not to spill anything was nerve wracking. 
She was SO CLOSE to earning enough money to quit this dump and start school.  Her plans were to study Botany off-world.  The thought of sitting in a quiet hololibrary and studying up on plant life relieved a bit of stress until... 
...someone YANKED on her tail!  Vix yelped angrily, baring her teeth. 
Tech heard Vixs’ protest and looked up from his holopad. 
He noticed she was a small Amaran female who seemed to be in pain.  Their eyes met briefly.  His in query to her predicament, her’s in frustration. 
Vix flattened her ears and turned away from Tech to the large Houk holding her tail in his grasp. 
“Hello foxy lady.”  He leered. 
“Sir, the view is the ONLY thing I’m obliged to give you.  Let go of my tail!”  Her anger rising. 
“Aww...such a cute little angry redhead...” 
“I do believe the lady politely requested that you release her coccygeal vertebrae.”  Tech was now standing next to Vix. 
“Wut?” The Houk was dumbfounded. 
“HE SAID LET GO OF MY TAIL, YOU ASSHAT!” Vix screamed above the din of the nightclub.  Some of the patrons stopped dancing, turning to watch the fracas. 
The Houk’s attitude went from stupid to vitriol.  “BITCH!” 
Vix had enough.  She threw the tray of drinks at him. 
He finally let go of her tail.  But he went for the throat with his big hammy hands. 
Tech pulled her out of the way, the Houk stumbled past knocking over patrons.  Many of the dancers stopped and stared at the altercation. Some of the clones stepped up to assist but fell back seeing it was only the Defective Clones who were in a bind. 
The Houk got up and ran for them again.  Vix yanked the holopad from Tech’s hands and threw it with all she had, hitting the Houk right between the eyes.  It stopped him only minimally, as he bellowed in anger. 
"I don't believe that is the proper use of delicate equipment" Tech quipped as the Houk picked him up off the ground and was lifted above its head. 
“Oh...NO... I’M SO SORRY!!!” Vix was terrified Tech would meet his end trying to help her. 
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Tipsy and Hunter were really hitting it off, until... 
Her eyes went wide in horror, pointing over Hunter’s shoulder “Is THAT one of your guys over there???” 
Hunter spun around to see Tech being held aloft horizontally above the crowd by an angry Houk.  To his credit, Tech looked extremely calm.  But the Houk looked as though he was going to throw Tech across the room. 
“WHAT THE KRIFF DID HE DO???”  Hunter just wanted a drink or two, then leave to go to bed.  
There was NO way Hunter was going to get across the bar to save Tech’s ass in time.  Too many bodies in the way...but he tried to wade through... 
Until Wrecker’s fist connected with the Houk’s face.  He went down like a sack of bricks.  Wrecker caught Tech from falling into the crowd. 
That move caused TOTAL MAYHEM!  Drunken patrons with pent up emotions took this as a sign to commence in a BAR FIGHT!!! 
People started screaming, fighting, breaking things. Mob mentality took over, infecting the whole establishment. 
Wrecker stood above the fray with his tall frame.  Still holding Tech to keep him from being dragged under in the craziness.  Vix wasn’t as lucky. 
“Vix!”  Rueby yelled from the stage.  Wrecker turned to see his Zeltron crush dive off the stage into the crowd like it was a river.  She came up pushing bodies furiously away from her path.  One patron decided he wanted to throw a punch her way.  She picked his ass up and threw him across the room. 
“Rueby!  HELP!!!”  Rueby pushed and struggled her way through the crowd towards the small panicked voice.  Then dipped down below the frenzied sea of bodies.  A minute later, Rueby emerged pushing bodies out of the way while holding Vix. 
Someone’s death sticks ignited something flammable in the room, and huge flames erupted.  The patrons who weren’t fighting were pushing and trampling each other to escape the burning building. 
“WRECKER!  TECH!!!”  Hunter was now caught in the fray and being pulled away from his brothers. 
“RUEBY!”  Tipsy could see Hunter was too far out in the crowd to bring him back to the bar.  “Help him!  WE ALL HAVE TO GET THE KRIFF OUT OF HERE!!!”  Tipsy pointed to Hunter.  Then she grabbed a chair, busted out the window, and jumped through it. 
Rueby recognized the boys by their matching armor, knowing they belonged together. 
Wrecker nodded. 
“WAIT!”  Rueby yelled.  “CATCH!!!” 
She tossed Vix over the heads of the crowd to Wrecker.  He shifted Tech to his right arm and caught Vix with his left.  She yelped in terror.   
“Hold on!”  Tech grabbed onto Vix “This is going to be a VERY bumpy ride!!! 
Wrecker mowed through the crowd, hip checking people out of the way and hopped up on the stage. 
Rueby pushed and body slammed people out of the way best she could in the chaos.  Reaching out to Hunter as he extended his hand to her.  She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him up and out of the crowd.  As her other hand could reach, she grasped the front of his armor and yanked him up over her shoulder...like he was a tiny child. 
Hunter was used to Wrecker doing this, but not a beautiful strapping woman wearing next to nothing.  She was holding his leg with one hand and gripping his buxom bottom with the other.  He could feel the fire, smell everything burning, the screams of fear were too much for his ears...it ALL was too much for him right about now. 
He just wanted a drink.  How did everything go SO WRONG??? 
Rueby managed to make it to the stage.  Wrecker set down Tech and Vix.  Then pulled Rueby up.  She set Hunter down. 
“We gotta bolt!  When the bar catches fire, WE’RE BANTHA BARBECUE!!!” 
Everyone ran like hell to the backstage exit. 
Hunter, Vix, and Tech made it out first.  They ran behind the trash dumpster for safety. 
Rueby and Wrecker barely made it out when all the alcohol in the bar ignited. 
The back door blew off its hinges, slammed into Wrecker, who slammed into Rueby.   
Hunter, Vix, and Tech watched their friends literally ride the heavy metal door across the back courtyard, over the tower railing...screaming bloody murder all the way. 
They disappeared out of view... 
...as their screams carried off into the distance...and down. 
“HOLY SHIT!” Hunter was mortified. 
“They...are they...” Vix couldn't even finish. 
“Sounds as though they are in freefall.” Tech’s head was cocked, listening.  “It’s an awfully long fall down to The Bottoms of Coruscant.” 
They ran past the courtyard, up to the railing, and leaned over... 
...to see Rueby and Wrecker hugging each other tightly, sitting on the steel door like a magic carpet as it gracefully glided up towards them. 
“How the HELL???”  Hunter was STILL mortified. 
Tech was glad he recorded the whole ordeal.  What an amazing visual. 
The door glided up over their heads coming down to rest on the balcony.  Both Wrecker and Rueby were safely out of harm's way.  But they wouldn’t let go of each other for quite some time. 
They all stared at each other for a minute speechless. 
“You’re welcome!”  Came a voice behind them. 
They all spun around to see Anakin Skywalker standing up in his hover craft hands raised.   
Obi Wan Kenobi was in the driver’s seat.  “Detonation Surfing seems to be a rather dangerous sport to take up, wouldn’t you say?”  His eyes twinkled. 
“You’re pretty lucky we drove by when we did.”  Anakin smirked.  “That first date would have been your last.”  
Wrecker sheepishly glanced at Rueby, who hugged Wrecker tighter. Her Zeltron pheromones had him in a state of horny bliss. The danger aspect of what just happened had her shivering against him...in an excited manner. 
“Anakin and Obi Wan thank you for assisting Wrecker and...” Hunter deferred to... 
“Rueby!” Tipsy appeared, running up and embracing her and Wrecker. Then she ran to Vix and Tech hugging them both. “I’m SO GLAD everyone is safe!”  
Tech was surprised by the physical contact. But not put off about it either. 
Tipsy then embraced Hunter and planted a HUGE kiss on his lips. He leaned in, embracing the Twilek, kissing her deeply, then pulled away, face bright red. He turned to see everyone staring at him... 
...Anakin Skywalker gave Hunter a conspiratorial look and smiled...something passed between them both in an instant... 
...and it occurred to him suddenly WHY Anakin was so odd with Rex the other day on the landing pad, why he seemed to spend SO MUCH time with Senator Amidala. 
That DOG! His secret was safe with Hunter.  
“General Skywalker, General Kenobi.” Hunter cleared his throat and nodded to them both. 
Kenobi spied the nightclub on fire behind him then addressed Anakin. “Seems there may be more souls in need of our assistance.” 
Before Kenobi could brief his padawan, Anakin Force jumped from the craft...over the guardrail and the group, then ran TOWARDS the fire disappearing from view. 
Kenobi shook his head and sighed “A Jedi’s work is NEVER done. Stay safe, everyone!” He swung the craft around and headed towards the burning building. 
The group waved as he sped away, stunned by their Jedi antics. 
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The night wasn’t a total loss.  
Our merry group convened at the local Waffle Hovel. It was Wrecker’s idea. 
The men pushed together several of the small tables to fit everyone in their party. Besides, Baash the “Awful Waffle’s” owner, was used to seeing people in all sorts of conditions after partying all night on Coruscant. He didn’t care, long as they paid the bill. 
Rueby, Tipsy, and Vix lamented that their wallet’s burned in the fire...as they certainly didn’t have pockets in their skimpy attire to carry on their person.  
“No worries, ladies. We’ve got you covered.” Hunter’s headache left him as soon as they stepped into the quiet establishment, smelling the wonderful aroma of Baash’s Space Flapjacks.  
His attention was also taken up by Tipsy, who sat across from him. They made silent goo-goo eyes at one another. 
Same for Wrecker. He and Rueby eyed each other over their menus, making funny puns about the food. 
Sitting across from one another and between the two smitten duos were Tech and Vix. They babbled and info dumped excitedly realizing they both shared a passion: Botany. 
“...we were lucky to have survived the carnivorous Meat Flower of Dagoba, and I must say...” Tech trailed off. “Whatever is the matter?” 
Vix had suddenly gone silent and sad. “I was SO CLOSE to being able to quit the Flushed Orchid...and start my studies. Have to find another job that will hire an Amaran...don’t know if we are going to see our last credits from this one.” 
Tipsy added “Bet that slummy boss of ours will take all the insurance payout credits and run off.” 
“He was probably betting on it being the Fried Orchid at some point. That man let the place go SO badly. And he’s got friends that will ignore the way he kept it to get those credits.” Rueby was angry. 
“We know people at 79’s who will happily hire you. That is if you want to continue bar work and dancing?” Hunter offered. 
“Yes! It was much harder to get hired in due to it being more upscale. I’ll take it!!! Tipsy perked up. “The pay is SO much better too.” 
Rueby smiled. “Whooo! I’ll get to dance at the REAL CLONE CLUBHOUSE!!!” 
“OOH, and I can visit ya at work in-between missions!” Wrecker was excited at the prospect. 
“Oh honey...YOU can visit me ANYTIME.” She released more pheromones. Wrecker almost floated away with pure bliss. 
Vix exhaled and exhaustedly hung her head. “I can’t do it. Tried so hard...but, the bar scene just isn’t for me.” 
Tech politely intervened. “I am quite certain you will qualify for some financial assistance, including dorm rooming as well...If you choose.  In addition, I shall speak to Coruscant University’s head administrator. They have some...’ wiggle room’ filling seats at their lectures.” 
Vix was speechless.  “Wait...what’s the catch?” She warily inquired. 
Tech and Hunter were taken aback by the query. 
Rueby and Wrecker ignored the conversation and kept flirting. The rest of the people at the table no longer took precedence. They were in their own little world. 
Tech added curtly “Vix, remember the clones who witnessed how you and I were treated tonight? And their refusal to step in to help a stranger in need...and a fellow brother.” The memory struck a chord with the otherwise emotionally removed clone. 
“Oh... Yes.” Vix’s face clouded with disappointment. 
“We are NOT like THEM.” Tech glibly answered.  
Hunter softened and fixed Tipsy and Vix with puppy dog eyes “Just want to help. We know what it’s like to struggle. There are no strings attached. WE PROMISE.” 
“Ehhhh, MY FAVORITE CLONES! And they got some company here. HELLO LADIES! What are we orderin’ tonight eh?” Baash swooped in. “Tonight's special is Baash’s Hash! Best spicy potatoes this side of Coruscant. Ha-HAAA!!!” 
Tech and Vix debated the various choices on the menu while Baash patiently assisted. 
“Mmmm...I LIKE spice...” Rueby eyed Wrecker. 
He giggled like a maniac. 
“Get a room you two.” Hunter sassed. 
He was then hit in the face with a wadded-up napkin from across the table. 
Tipsy’s lekku went from a light lavendar to a blushed grape color. He noticed her sly smile. Then he detected a heady scent just under the aroma of cooked food. 
She leaned forward and whispered, “Let’s get one of our own.” 
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(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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joesanrio · 1 year
They’re here | R.R
Summary: Ever since Nova had the baby, they’ve only gotten a hand full of visits. But now the whole family gets to see the golden baby.
Pairings: Joe Anoa’i {Roman Reigns} x Nova (OC) || Established relationship
Warnings: Uses real names, Baby cries, BabyDaddy!Joe, and that’s all bcs it’s just a big pound of Fluff.
Word count: 1047
Ratings: Fluff | 16+
A/N: I’ve been writing so much new stuff that I keep forgetting abt the two drafts, they'll come out eventually.
Part one: Want to see her? | Fluff
@bakugoumarianawrites (sorry for the wait)
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“What did you do to my baby?” I gasp when Joe walks in holding the baby with a small mohawk, “She thinks it’s nice, don’t you Lala! See.” He coos at her making her squeal. All I did was ask him to bathe her, not be a hairstylist. “Mommy!” She reaches out when Joe passes her to me as he goes back to the bathroom to get her lotion.
“You don’t have to lie baby… we both know you had no choice.” I whisper to her before smoothing her curly hair down as she leans her face onto my chest and continues to let out a random babble.
He comes back with her lotion, and I finish getting her dressed for the day. “We are matching, you look cuter though.” I smile as I admire her in her cute outfit that’s the same color scheme as mine.
We were going to a cookout with family and a couple of close friends at Jon and Trinity’s house, “Oh look at my princess!” Joe exclaims as he picks Nalani up from the bed. “Lala!” She points to herself as he nods amused at her little voice.
I leave the room to pack her bag with all her necessities and about three toys. “She has her stuff animal, right?” I shout from the other room down the hall, “No, It’s in the living room.” I heard him reply.
“Alright, everything is ready.” I say as I toss her bag onto my other shoulder and Joe comes down the hall holding the baby. When passing the living room, I stop to grab her plush hello kitty off the couch.
“Don’t be sassy with me Nalani, you know my joke was funny.” Joe chuckles as she looks unamused at her father. She squeals loudly when she sees me with the toy, I hand it to her, and she immediately hugs it while Joe sets the alarm.
[Jon and Trin’s House 3:45pm]
“Is that Lala!” Trinity exclaims when she opens the door revealing the music and chatter of family, before she scoots to the side so we can enter. “It’s been forever since we seen her!” Jon said coming around the corner fixing his hat, before giving us a hug. “Jayla has been asking when y’all would be here, all damn day.” Jon joked, making us laugh.
We all headed to the living room where some older members of the family were at. “Oh, I remember when you were a baby, now you have one of your own!” Joe’s great Aunt smiled as we greeted her, “She’s beautiful. Looks just like Nova.” She winked at me before sitting back down on the couch.
 “Isn’t she so big now!” Trinity said as Joe placed the car seat on the corner of the couch, “Bae! Look at her dimples.” Trin said pointing at Nalani’s cheek. “She is only 7 months old. Tell them you’re still small!” I coo at my baby as she immediately smiles, unbuckling her from the car seat.
Joe and Jon already having their own conversation as I pick her up, “Girl! Your body definitely snapped back huh?” Trinity had me spin for her. “You think so?” I smile as I follow her to the outside patio, “Girl yes, your waist is like whoop while you booty is like boom!” She creates sound effects with her mouth causing me to giggle at her silliness.
After greeting everyone, I was finally able to sit down. “Auntie Nova! I can watch Lala for you?” Jayla requests as she clasps her hands together, “I don’t want you babysitting! You should go have fun.” I smile, but Jayla pouts. “Please! Look- she totally wants to go with me.” She begs as Nalani almost falls out of my arms trying to get to Jayla, “Okay, but whenever you get tired bring her back to me.” I say as we pinkie promise, and I pass her the baby. “We are going to have so much fun!” Jayla smiles before heading back in the house.
“Here…”  Joe says coming up from behind me before sitting down in the empty chair on the side of me, he hands me my favorite drink. “You look gorgeous.” He whispers in my ear with a small smile making my heart flutter, “Thank you.” I kiss his cheek before he goes off engaging in a conversation with the rest of his cousins.
“Where’s the baby?” Trinity asks coming back from the kitchen with a glass of champagne, “With Jayla.” My head tilting towards the house. “Tamina and Mercedes drove together, so they should be here soon.” Trinity mentioned as she looked at the time on her phone. The rest of the girls nodding as we began to talk about random stuff, and how much we missed each other.
--- 8:13pm
“Mommy!” Nalani cried as I tried to calm her down, she was never a big fan of loud noise when she was trying to sleep, but neither was I. “Oh my baby, I know.” I coo at her as she cries along my chest while I bounce her in my arms gently, “What’s wrong?” Joe enters the room concerned as it’s been a while since we first entered.
His eyes quickly fell onto the baby, “Why she crying?” he asked as he grabbed her from my arms delicately. “She’s sleepy but it’s too loud.” I say while looking in her bag for her pacifier, though she seems to be calming down now that she’s in Joe’s arms.
He pats her back gently as he goes to sit down on the bed himself, “See, you’re okay.” He whispers to the now sniffling baby. “Oh, so not fair.” I whisper as I playfully glare at Joe, in return he sticks his tongue out at me before grabbing the pacifier I handed out to him. “Don’t be a hater because she’s a daddy’s girl.” He places the pacifier in her mouth, “Whatever.” I giggle before sitting beside them.
Not even 5 minutes later, she was knocked out on Joe’s chest before he laid her down in the make-shift pillow barrier I created so she doesn’t roll off the bed. “She’s just like you.” Joe whispered as he looked at Nalani with small hearts in his eyes.
Nalani’s Nickname: Lala
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criminalamnesia · 2 years
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Adore You
warnings: angst, super long sorry, not proofread whoops
summary: she starts to think that hangman isn’t so bad after returning to topgun.
author’s note: This was not supposed to be so long but I’m in a top gun phase rn soooo here’s this! it’s a mess but I love hangman so I wanted to write for him. also this is kinda fem!reader insert I guess?? maybe more oc?? she/her pronouns are used and her call sign is Silver but no other descriptors or y/n is used sooo view this how you’d like
Hangman was a notorious asshole. It’s how he got his name. He left everyone hanging, abandoning his team for a shot at being the best.
Did it pay off? Maybe. After all, here he was, handpicked for a top-secret mission because he was one of the best of the best, and he didn’t let anyone forget it. Especially her.
“Silver! Miss me?”
Jake’s voice called out to her clearly, even over the loud chatter and music surrounding them. The Hard Deck was crowded as per usual; perhaps even more so because of those returning for the secret mission.
She was leaned against the window sill by the pool table, watching Phoenix and Bob. She rolled her eyes at Jake’s words, giving the beer in her hand a long sip. She needed it to deal with him, after all.
Jake sidled up to her, throwing a muscled arm around her shoulders. He gave her that smug grin of his as he pulled her into his side for an awkward side-hug.
“Looks like you missed me.” She replied, using her free hand to push his arm from her shoulders. He chuckled, blue eyes gleaming with something she couldn’t quite place. Whatever it was, she didn’t think she liked it.
“Of course I missed you, Silver. Missed being better than you. That’s why they call you silver, y’know, and not gold. Always second best.”
She rolled her eyes and ignored his comment, refusing to take the bait. Ever since she had known Jake- which had been since they both started at Top Gun- he had loved to throw her call sign in her face. At first she had fought back, but eventually she gave up on trying to argue with him.
That’s just who Jake was. He was an asshole, and when she finally came to terms with that, she became a whole lot less concerned with his harassment.
“Rooster!” Phoenix suddenly called, causing the small group’s attention to shift to the newest arrival. Silver broke into a wide grin at the sight of him; Rooster was an old friend, and she hadn’t seen him in years.
He looked good, she had to admit. Then again, he always did with his tanned skin, white tank top, signature Hawaiian shirt, and his aviators. He approached the group with a smile, clearly ignoring Hangman as he engulfed Phoenix in a hug.
“This how we find out you’re stateside?” Silver questioned, giving him a teasing grin as he moved towards her.
“Sorry Sil, how can I make it up to you?” She could hear the amusement in his voice as he pulled her into a hug. She was so occupied with him, she almost didn’t feel the pair of eyes boring into the back of her head. Almost.
“Buy me a drink and we’re even,” she told him as he released her, and he gave a nod. Just then Hangman decided to step up, taking a sip of his beer and staring at Rooster.
“Rooster, you’re here? Guess they’re calling everyone back for this mission, huh?” Jake gave a short, tense chuckle, his blue eyes gleaming with mischief and dislike as the two men stared at each other.
“Yeah, that’s why you’re here, right Hangman?” Rooster fired back, removing his aviators and hanging them from his white tank top. Silver rolled her eyes and stepped between the two, turning to look at Rooster.
“Let’s knock it off, boys. We’re here for some fun before god knows what tomorrow, not for you two to have another pissing contest.”
“Well said, Silver,” Phoenix chimed in as she turned her focus back onto the pool table.
“It’s not a contest if we know who the winner is,” Hangman replied, already backing away. Silver shook her head. He always had to have the last word.
Rooster made to follow him, but Silver held him back with her hand. “How ‘bout you get me that drink now?” She grinned up at him and he smiled back, Hangman already forgotten.
The next day their assignment was revealed, and to no surprise to anyone, Hangman was a complete ass.
Maverick’s training exercise was proving to be more difficult than was expected, as every student that went up in the air came back down shortly after to do two-hundred push-ups.
No one was getting close to beating him, and so Silver had little hope as she climbed into the cockpit of her plane. Bob climbed in behind her and they began preparing for takeoff.
She scowled to herself as she pushed her helmet on, knowing that this was going to end in push-ups. Of course she had gotten Hangman as a wingman. Of course.
“Everything alright, Silver?” Bob had to shout for her to be able to hear him over the loud noises of the plane.
“Just peachy.” She responded.
They were up in the air a minute later, her’s and Hangman’s planes side by side, sitting motionless in the air.
“See him, Bob?” Silver called back to him as her eyes scanned the open air before them.
“Nothin’. Where is he…” Bob muttered, glancing at the plane’s radar.
“He’s probably scared. Knows I’m gonna shoot him down in a matter of minutes,” Hangman’s smug voice crackled over their comm, and Silver rolled her eyes.
Just then, Maverick’s plane shot up between the two stationery ones, startling the three lieutenants.
“Shit!” Silver cursed, hands flying to the controls as she steered the plane away from Maverick.
“Oh I’m terrified, Hangman. Can’t y’tell?” Maverick’s voice was clear over the comms now, and Silver hoped with everything in her that Hangman would be the one shot down and not her.
Hangman went in the complete opposite direction of Silver, completely abandoning her. She scoffed as she flew, trying to avoid Maverick.
“Where’s he going? Hangman, what are you doing?” Bob spoke frantically, twisting and turning in his seat.
“That’s why they call him ‘Hangman’ Bob! He always abandons his partner!” Silver replied angrily, banking hard to the left as Maverick shot by them.
“Risky move, leaving your Wingman. Haven’t seen that in a while,” Maverick’s voice crackled over their comms.
“High risk, high reward,” Hangman immediately responded with clear smugness in his voice.
“Silver, he’s circling back!” Bob called out.
“Shit, okay,” she breathed, trying to avoid Maverick as best she could. However, without the assistance of her Wingman, she and Bob didn’t last long.
“That’s a kill, Silver,” Maverick said over the comms.
She ripped her mask off, huffing in annoyance. She couldn’t be angry for long, however, as Bob graciously reminded her that now was Hangman’s turn to lose.
“Silver, where is he? I lost him in the sun!” Hangman shouted over the comms, a touch of what sounded like panic in his tone.
She scoffed, a smug grin on her mouth as she said, “I’m dead, dickhead.”
A moment later and Hangman was down for the count, too. The three lieutenants landed without a word to each other, and as soon as Silver descended from the cockpit, Hangman was in her face.
“What the hell?” He seethed, throwing his hands up. “You could’ve helped me out up there!”
She rolled her eyes. Bob watched wearily from the side.
“Yeah, and you could’ve helped us, but noooo! Big, bad Hangman has to be the best, huh? You’re lucky that was just a training exercise,” she fired back, shoving her helmet into his chest to push him back.
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep up–”
“I can! You just never give me the chance because you cut and run and then I’m left alone! If this would’ve been real, then–”
“Then what?” He interrupted, eyebrows raised.
“We would’ve died!” She shouted back, free hand clenched into a fist. “We would’ve been hit and Bob and I would’ve died. But you would get the glory, right? And that’s all that matters.” She scoffed, and before he could respond she was stalking away, making her way to Hondo and their inevitable push-ups.
She had ignored him for the rest of the night and well into the next day, until he pulled her aside before she could enter the locker room.
“Hangman, what–”
“Just listen for once,” he responded, his grip loose around her bicep. She glanced down at his hand, but he didn’t remove it. “You’re ignoring me.”
“No shit,” she replied, to which he rolled his eyes.
“What I’m trying to say is that you’re ignoring me and so you’ve made it hard for me to talk to you–”
“Kinda the point, but go on.”
He heaved a big sigh, hand finally falling from her bicep. “You’re annoying, y’know that?”
She snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, like you’re a real peach yourself.”
He ignored her comment and continued. “Listen, I’m… sorry. For yesterday.”
Her expression softened at his words. She had started to believe that the word ‘sorry’ wasn’t even in his vocabulary.
She opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, he had already begun to walk away.
“Don’t ruin it with your smart mouth,” he called to her over his shoulder. She flipped him her middle finger and she heard him laugh as he disappeared into the men’s locker room.
Against her better judgement, she felt the tiniest trace of a smile form on her lips.
The next day, formal training had been put on hold in favor of team-building at the beach. When she arrived, most of the team was already there. She grinned, waving at Phoenix as she shrugged her over shirt and shoes off by the rest of the group’s belongings.
“I didn’t know you could do anything except for scowl,” Hangman’s voice piped up beside her, causing her to startle. She hadn’t even noticed him.
“I only scowl at you,” she responded, tossing her phone onto her shirt. “That’s probably why you think that.”
“Touché,” he grinned at her, showing off his white teeth. “I’d love to see that smile some more, though,” he continued before reaching to pull off his t-shirt.
She was now face to face with his bare chest, and she swiftly averted her eyes. It’s not like she’d never seen him shirtless before– she had– but this was different. She’d never been this close.
“Stop being a dick and maybe you can,” she told him, turning away before he could catch her checking him out.
“That a promise, Silver?” He called after her.
“Only if you can keep it!” She called back.
When the last few stragglers finally arrived, Maverick pulled the group together and explained to them the game: dog-fight football. She was excited, bouncing on the balls of her feet as Maverick assigned teams. She hadn’t played a game like this since high school, and to say she was happy to take a break from grueling exercises was an understatement.
She had been put on Rooster’s team, and she happily moved to stand beside her friend as the two groups huddled up. Hangman was on the opposing side, thankfully.
“Okay, everyone get a man to stay on top of, and don’t let them out of your sight,” Rooster said, and everyone nodded.
The teams lined up head to head, and of course, she found the only opponent without a match to be Hangman. She strode over to stand in front of him while he looked at her with a big grin.
“Guarding me, Silvs? I’m flattered.”
“Wasn’t my decision,” she replied, but his grin didn’t falter.
“Try to keep up,” he winked and she rolled her eyes.
The game began and everything became a blur as she tried to remember who was on what team, who had what ball, and where Hangman was.
“Rooster!” She called, sprinting to an open spot on the beach and throwing her hands up. At the sound of her call, Rooster’s attention turned to her and he threw her the ball.
She caught it and swiftly turned, sprinting towards the end zone, determination on her face as she dodged and ducked the opposing team.
Right when she was about to cross into the end zone, Hangman tackled her from the side, causing the ball to go flying and for both of them to fall into the sand.
“Shit! Hangman!” She yelped, slapping at his shoulder. He had landed halfway on top of her, and his weight was slightly crushing her.
“You’re squishing me,” she rasped from under him, and he swiftly rolled off of her to allow her to breathe again.
He sat up in the sand and looked at her. She scowled, brushing at the sand now covering half of her body.
“What was that for?”
“What was what for?”
“The tackle, dipshit.”
He grinned, reaching a hand towards her to help brush some sand out of her hair. She swatted it away, but he persisted, and she let him help.
“You were about to score,” he shrugged, but she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to tackle me!”
“So I should’ve let you score?”
“Yes!” She fired back, and he laughed. He stood from the sand and offered a hand to her, which she begrudgingly took.
“Sorry babe, but I’m in it to win it. No freebies allowed.”
“I thought you were gonna stop being a dickhead.”
He laughed at that, brushing some neglected sand from her shoulder blade.
“I am,” he told her, and she opened her mouth to retort but he swiftly cut her off, “but after this. I do still love to win, after all.”
“Oh, then you’re going down.” She told him as they walked back towards the others. The game had continued on without them.
“Is that so?” He asked, eyebrows raised and a smile on his face.
“Totally,” she grinned and shoved him aside, taking his second of surprise to sprint back into the game before he could guard her. He laughed and ran after her.
They had stopped keeping track of points ages ago, but that didn’t matter to her. She played like her life was on the line, and she found herself having fun as she tried to avoid Hangman.
She also found herself enjoying the way his arm would slide around her waist to keep her from running for the ball, or how his shoulder would brush hers as he ran by.
By the time everyone decided to call it a night, she found herself walking back towards the Hard Deck with him by her side. His arm brushed hers as they walked. Her shoes dangled from her fingers. His shirt was clasped in one of his hands.
“Buy you a drink? You deserve it after keeping up with me all day. Didn’t know you had it in you.” He teased, his eyes gleaming with something she couldn’t quite place.
“You’re an ass, Seresin. But yes, you can buy me a drink.”
They spent a few hours in the bar, drinking and laughing. She didn’t know he could be this fun, and she found herself not wanting the night to end.
“We should probably head back. We’ve got training in the morning,” he told her, nodding his head towards the exit. She groaned but nodded, taking one last swig of beer before they left.
“You need a ride?” He asked, but she shook her head.
“Nah, I’m good. I only had two. You, on the other hand…” she lifted an eyebrow in teasing, and he scoffed.
“Trust me, baby, I was just getting started in there. I’m good.”
They both went quiet as they looked at each other. The sounds of the Hard Deck lingered behind them, as well as the distant crashing of the ocean waves.
“I…. I had fun. You’re fun. When you’re not insufferable, that is.”
“Same with you.” He responded.
“Oh yeah, because I’m the insufferable one between the two of us–”
Before she could even finish talking, he surged forward and took her head in his hands as he pulled her in for a kiss. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she wasted no time in kissing him back.
She didn’t pull back until she needed to breathe. Even then his mouth chased hers and she gave a breathless laugh, her eyes flicking up to meet his.
“Goodnight, Jake,” she told him, and before he could say anything else she was walking to her car and hopping in. He watched until she pulled out of the parking lot, and then he shook his head with a smile.
He hadn’t been chosen to go on the mission, but she had, and that scared him.
There was barely any time to pull her aside, but he managed it before she could slip into her plane.
“Hey, be careful. I’ll be here waiting.”
She nodded, taking a deep breath. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she grasped it tightly with one of her hands.
“Bet it kills you that I beat you on this, huh?” She joked half heartedly, and he shook his head, playing into her words.
“Oh, I’m devastated. My ego will never recover.”
She snorted, playfully pushing his chest. He chuckled and before pulling her into a hug. The night at the beach felt like months ago, but it had only been a few weeks. However, those few weeks had allowed them to grow closer– maybe even fond of each other.
“I’ll be back,” she whispered to him. He nodded without hesitation.
“You’ll be back.”
She pulled him into a quick kiss before Bob was calling her name as he rounded the plane. Hangman stepped back, nodding once more as he gave her a sincere smile.
“You got this, Silvs. Give ‘em hell.”
The first part of the mission went off without a hitch. The miracles Maverick had talked about had happened, but now was the hard part. Now was the dog fight.
It was chaos in the air as enemy missiles launched and guns fired. Bob kept her steady, yelling directions and keeping her focused, until they ran out of flares, and shit hit the fan.
“Shit, we’re out of flares–” she yelled, narrowly maneuvering the jet out of the way of a enemy missile.
“Silver, you’ve got one behind!” Rooster’s voice shouted through the comms and Silver cursed as she urged the jet to go faster.
“They’re gonna get a lock!” Bob yelled, his eyes wide as he shifted back in his seat.
“I’m trying!” She shouted back, desperately trying to avoid the enemy.
Time suddenly moved too fast. The enemy deployed a missile. Bob said there was smoke in the air. She couldn’t dodge it, and the others were preoccupied with their own fights.
The missile clipped the wing, throwing the plane off balance and sending them into a spiral as they hurdled towards the ground below.
“Fuck! I can’t get control– we’re going down! I repeat, we’ve been hit, we’re going down!”
Chatter filled the comms, but she couldn’t focus on it. The ground was coming closer and closer.
“Bob, eject! Now! Eject, eject!” She screamed at him and he hurriedly complied, reaching up to pull his ejection handles. She pulled at hers, trying to follow suit, but they weren’t working.
Her eyes widened in horror. Bob was gone, the canopy was open now, and she was stuck in her seat. “I can’t– I can’t eject! Something’s wrong, I’m stuck!” She screamed into her comms, but no one could help.
Back on the aircraft carrier, Hangman was terrified. “Permission to take off?” He asked into his comms, but he was swiftly denied.
“Fuck!” He shouted, banging his hands on the controls of his jet as he forced himself to listen for a second longer, before he decided to do it anyways.
“Silver, I’m coming! Silver, are you there?” He shouted as he took off, flying as fast as he could towards the others.
“I’m going down! I can’t get out!” Her voice was breaking up on the comm, but he could still understand what she was saying.
He was talking to her over the comms, but she couldn’t hear anything but the deafening roar of the wind as she prepared herself for the impact. Closing her eyes, she breathed in a deep breath. She was shaking, completely terrified.
“Jake…. Sorry….” Were the last words he heard from her over the comms. Then she was silent, and he knew she had hit the ground.
Hangman was severely reprimanded when he got back to the ship. He had saved Maverick and Rooster, but he had also directly disobeyed orders. He didn’t care. He only cared about if they had found her.
It took hours to send in rescue. It took even more to learn that she had died on impact, and that she would be coming home in a body bag.
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technovillain · 2 months
Give me the rundown on your dudes in as much or as little detail as you like
I put up the OC asks thing the other day and then just went ham on updating my references and toyhouse instead whoops!!
Basic rundown of all my psynauts ocs for u <3
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they're my characters that aren't directly related to any of the canon characters . jameela's an intern a few years after the events of pn2, gusty is a whispering rock camper and also temporarily lives at the motherlobe, veranda is an agent who works with them both in their collective story.
jameela is the highly intelligent daughter of tech guru dallas delmarro. she has incredible inventing skills that are aided by her psychic abilities, namely her precognition. her precognition is both a blessing and a curse, especially when she keeps seeing horrible apocalyptic doom scenarios.
gusty is a rowdy ragamuffin who accidentally gave his entire town brain damage when he found out he could abuse the psychic power of confusion to do whatever he wanted. he was mostly unaware of the repercussions of his actions. after making his own living situation unsafe, he was taken in to the psychonauts, becoming one of the "motherlobe kids" while his town was put under observation and check-ins.
veranda is a 30-something new zealand immigrant who loves cowboys and the wild west. they feel like they've been running from their problems for years now. they had a fear of growing up when they were little and accidentally time-bubbled some of their child relatives as a teenager. ever since they've been afraid of making the wrong decisions AND of being around children.
NEXT is my Oleander family members
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midge is oleander's mother. she's got a potent sad energy and mostly keeps to herself.
eagle is an all-american boy scout who makes his mother proud.
rock is the oldest brother who eventually works in the butcher shop with his father. both rock and eagle bully morry when he's little (well, a little kid....)
NEXT is the Zanotto family members
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laurel is bob's older sister and truman's mother. she was an artsy jack of all trades, she was a beatnik and avid music-festival-goer in her younger years
jonny is truman's father, laurel's short-term psychic boyfriend who disappeared under mysterious circumstances (he was doomed)
delphine is truman's ex-wife and lili's mother. she has a big fancy corporate banking job. despite being a total workaholic she calls lili on the phone every single night <3
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ophelia was a distant relative of houston thorney who lived at thorney towers when loboto was a patient. she is the mother of his mentioned child (who is bobby zilch in my hc) and she also died because of a longstanding "family curse"
lester was a character i made for an oleander fic that's in progress. he was originally just going to be in the beginning chapter as a kid but i also decided on a way to bring him back as an adult. maybeeee someday i will write that part of the story too ^__^
nostradamus is my least developed oc, he's more of just a brain concept and a character design.... one of these days i will find a way to tie him properly into the universe.
thank u 4 ur time <3
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
Pillow Wars - TMNT HC's
I hope y'all are doing well and staying safe 🥰😘
This evening I will be answering a FABULOUS ask from @lec743
The original ask:
Can you write a story about the reader (or an OC of your choice idc) having an all out Pillow War with one of the turtles (I'd prefer it to be all four of them but that's my only preference so you can make the singular choice of turtle if your adamant about sticking to one character at a time). I want mayhem! I want blood (the blood being silly string)! I want the king to fall to their pillowy demise! laughs evil-y clears throat Anyway, I don't want there to be any romance in it, maybe just playful flirting… And that just about covers it. Hope I'm not asking too much from you.
I had a lot of fun writing this! Thank you so much for indulging me with hilarity and shenanigans!!!
I hope you like it 😘
Warnings: swearwords, fluffy butt whooping, and lots of fun 😂
Another attempt at Gender Neutral reader insert - please be kind about any mistakes I may have overlooked 💜
Shout out to my girl @leosgirl82 for being my second set of eyes and the other half of my brain
Scooby Drew strikes again 😂🥰😘💜
Reblogs only please!
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Pillow Wars
Pillow Wars 
Same ol' same ol'
You get to the lair
Raph is thumbing through a motorcycle magazine
Mike is sitting in the recliner playing a game
Don is in the lab 
Leo is locked in his room doing GOD knows what
And you're bored.
And since no one wants to entertain you
*ominous music*
It's time to shake things up
If your memory serves you correctly
Needs a good ass beating
For eating all the homemade cookies that you brought down 
For EVERYONE to enjoy
You walked in on him
Despite your warnings 
Of his untimely demise 
If he ate all four dozen cookies
And didn't leave anything but crumbs
For everyone else.
That asshole decided to eat everything
Crumbs included.
You throw a pillow at Raph
Because you KNOW he gives a good butt whooping
And you keep walking like nothing happened
Just to stand on the sidelines to watch as the chaos ensues
Making Mike look like the culprit
Raph looks up from his magazine
*Unimpressed Raph*
*Big eyed Mike*
"Oh yeah? You little sh*t?"
Mike pleads innocence
Raph isn't buying it
Pummels Mike with a non-stop barrage of pillows
Including the couch cushions
Mike is screaming for help like a dramatic five year old
Yells for Leo to "save meeeeee"
Enter unimpressed™ Leo
He had been reading.
TF you two, cut the crap before you break something.
Mike and Raph stop for a moment 
And look at each other with huge smiles
"Like your FACE!" Yells Mike
Insert Mike and Raph pelting Leo with all the pillows.
That's it.
Leo picks up the pillows and GOES AFTER Mike
Insert Mike screaming like a five year old again.
You run to the lab and get Don
Don jumps up from his desk 
And takes off at full speed out of the lab
You follow him 
But not close
Because you're snickering
Don is in a panic upon seeing Raph holding Mike down so Leo can beat the shit out of him with a pillow.
Mike is still screaming like a Meemie
Everyone stops
And looks at Don
Pillow fluff is everywhere
Feathers are floating down like snow
Leo and Raph get up and point at Mike
Simultaneously they yell
Mike pleads innocence again.
You pick up one of the pillows 
That had mysteriously ended up in the hall
*Wink wink*
And smack Don in the back of the head
You meant for it to hit his shell
Don turns around slowly
*Chucky vibes*
His glasses have half fallen off his face.
He walks over to you 
He holds out a hand
A pillow materializes in his palm
*Samurai yelling as all 4 of them come after you*
*Get the snot beaten out of you*
You have fluff coming out of your ears
And feathers in places they shouldn't be
Don helps you up
Everyone is chuckling and cleaning up 
When all of a sudden
Five pillows are whipped
At the speed of light
Smacking each of you square in the face
You all turn
And see…
With his arsenal of pillows 
Ready ...
For round two
Enjoying my work? Find my Master list HERE
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@leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @digitl-art-monstr @rheawritesforfun @drowninghell @mysticboombox @raphsweapondealer @chicchanmooshy @roxosupreme @raphslovemuffin80 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @nittleboo @xanadu-702 @xanadu702 @pheradream15 @mistyroselove @ashleighclark98 @jurikyu-blog @sewerninno @tmntspidergirl @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @yumefuusen @fyreball66 @turtlesmakemehappy @angelcatlowyn @fluffytriceratops @doctorelleth @meowph-132 @jaenisamusculargurl @writinandcrying @toomanyotpslove @tkappi @raisin-shell @exovapor @captain-kinda-trash @imagine-turtles
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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headphones-ct-09978 · 3 months
Roarin' 20s (One-shot)
I had this song stuck in my head and it gave me an idea for a fic. It's a one shot, so it's not gonna be, like, great. 😂
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Summary: It's been a long while since Gregor even had time for leave. After returning to the battle once he recovered from his amnesia and injuries, he was allowed 2 weeks leave. Gregor finds himself on Coruscant and decides to check out 79s. That's when he sees a familiar face among a few of the 501st.
Characters: Gregor, Fives, Echo, Rex, Wolffe, Kix, Headphones (OC), brief mention of Hunter Bad batch.
Warnings: None. Just fluff.
Note: My OC is a clone experiment with a different donor and DNA. She's in NO WAY related to the Clones in the grand army of the republic. Okay? ok.
Tags: @the-lore-mistress @lifeofroos @clonelovr
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.The din of music and boisterous conversation met Gregor's ears as he stepped into the bar. The atmosphere was definitely a shift from the battle field, instead of blaster fire and explosions, there was the clinking of glasses and the laughter of his brethren. As his memories started coming back, apparently he came here once or twice to celebrate his victories.
"Whoops! Eheh, sorry!" he said as a pair of twi'lekk ladies bumped into him as they hurried towards the dance floor. He didn't know why, but this environment made him anxious, a feeling which should have been preposterous considering the things he had encountered, which were nothing at all like this.Perhaps it was the loud music or the unfamiliar feeling of wearing civi clothes, but he was feeling uncharacteristically out of place. The neon lights and smell of alcohol and food gave his senses a bit of a jolt as he ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath to steady himself, he made his way towards a seat at the bar, sliding himself onto the seat. As he did, one of the bartenders, a redheaded young lady with striking green eyes and a pleasant smile, greeted him and asked what he wanted. Gregor flashed her his best charming smile, and just requested a shot of the best the place had to offer. She nodded and slid a shot glass towards him, before grabbing a bottle filled with a glowing magenta liquid and poured it into the glass. When she did, a wave of a fruity aroma wafted towards him from the glass. Gregor tentatively picked up the shot glass and lifted it towards his nose, sniffing the contents. "Huh. Not bad." he said to himself before placing the rim of the glass to his parted lips, and tilting his head back, knocking back the shot. He immediately started coughing as the syrupy, sickly sweet drink made it's way down his throat. Once he regained his composure, he rethought his decision and requested a thing of ale. Simple and certainly not as expensive. As he sat there, he looked around, taking in the place. He watched as a crowd had gathered around a table, cheering and wagering as two clone officers in grey uniforms competed in an intense arm wrestling competition. The competition ended when the clone with a heart tattooed on his wrist slammed down his opponent's hand, winning triumphantly. His victory was met with exclamations and miffed curses of defeat as bets were lost. Gregor chuckled into his cup at the sight. At least these guys knew how to still have fun. Something Gregor was slowly relearning.
Gregor was thinking about calling it a night, when the doors to the bar flung open and everyone started cheering and applauding. From what Gregor could gather, from what the crowd was cheering to what he heard from the bartenders as they spoke to one another, the 501st had secured yet another victory for the Republic. Another major base was taken back and a city liberated. Gregor smiled with pride, more than happy to hear that all hope was not lost.
He was about to finish his drink when he heard a familiar voice call out, "A round of drinks for everyone!!!" followed by even more cheering and excited hollering. Gregor's heart missed a beat as he gasped, causing him to choke on his ale. Once he regained composure, he looked up with a shocked, almost baffled look on his face. "Zaria?!"
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It had been a rough mission, but luckily the boys and I pulled it off. Had it not been for Fives' split second improvising, we'd all have been vaporized. But thankfully it worked out and it was another victory added to our three year streak. To celebrate, we decided to spend our first night off at, naturally, 79s. The familiar sounds and chaos helped me relax. Thankfully everyone was loud enough that I could hear everyone through my headset without having to turn the comm on. As soon as we stepped foot into the bar, our arrival was met with a warm welcome and grateful civilians, and proud brethren. The unmistakable blue and white armor was almost always met with joy and pride.
However, I was mostly recognized for being a regular to the bar. I may have on armor, but most saw my black armor had no idea how to react. They were used to seeing clones, all the same. While I was a clone, I wasn't one of *them*. I was an oddity, a curiosity, a mystery. Or just a small lady with black hair and a pair of headphones almost always on my head. Heck, the boys called me "Headphones" affectionately due to having to have these things on. All part of the Kaminoan-experiment-gone-wrong gig.
After I made my gracious offer to buy the entire place a round of drinks, I headed towards the latrine to fix myself up a bit.
When I entered the ladies room, those who were in it took one look at me, giggled, said something in a language I was not familiar with, and left. Once alone, I sighed and gripped the edge of one of the sinks. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my exhausted reflection, dark circles under my dark eyes, and a fresh gash splitting my right eyebrow. Kix did his best to stitch it up, but it still looked bad and hurt like a bitch.
I turned on the water and cupped by hand under the cold, crisp water, humming to the music that was playing outside. I splashed my face, feeling the cool water calm my shot nerves. I winced as water soaked the gauze covering my wound and I hissed. I quickly grabbed the bandanna I had tied around my neck. I snorted when I remembered who I stole it from. The red fabric was warm in my hands and the small white skull on it grinned back at me, privy to my prank. It had already been a month and a half since I saw that elite squad Commander Cody had me work with, but the man with the tattooed face was definitely someone I would not forget. I smirked as I used that bandanna to dry my face and tie my hair back. With a deep breath, I walked out, unaware that I was in for a surprise.
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"Wolffe, I'll pay you thirty credits if you finally ask Headphones to dance!" Fives was determined to win this bet. Sixty credits were on the line and he needed the money. Commander Wolffe regarded Fives with a cold glare, a look made a hundred times colder with his cyber-kinetic eye, the silver-white iris and pupil keeping the ARC trooper glued to his spot. "I told you, I'm not going to do that. I don't dance and I just want to enjoy my drink and cards in peace." he snarled, already a little buzzed after his third ale. Captain Rex, who was at the table, playing cards with Wolffe, chuckled. "Thirty credits is a generous offer, especially coming from Fives." Fives made a mock gasping sound, placing his hand against his chest as if offended. "Captain! How could you?? You know well I'm very generous!"
"Oh yeah? Where's the fourth credits you still owe me? You lost that last bet about three months ago and I haven't seen a crumb of payment from you," Rex said before taking a swig of his drink.
"You know what, fine. Fine! I still think that was a coincidence, but fair is fair." Fives handed Rex the credits. "Consider my debt paid in full." he said. When he looked up and spotted Headphones, Fives grabbed Wolffe's shoulders and shook him a bit, pointing frantically. "Here she comes!! Come on, man!" Wolffe made a sound that could only be described as growling before putting his cards face down on the table and fishing through his pocket and practically chuckled a handful of credits at Fives. "Kriffing hell, here!! Go! Leave me alone! Consider you bet won! Now can you leave me in peace?!" Fives pocketed the credits and gave Wolffe and Rex a playful salute. "Nice doing business with you gents!" he said before heading off to no doubt pester Echo and buy him a drink or two.
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Gregor waded through the crowd, looking around frantically for the source of that familiar voice, one he had been positive he'd never hear again. Then, just as he was nearing the dance floor, someone ran into him, earning an "oof!" from him. He looked down and his brown eyes widened as a familiar young lady started apologizing. "I'm so sorry!! I didn't see you the-" the words on her tongue died instantly as she looked up at him, her own eyes growing wide as moons in shock. "It....no..." she stammered out. Gregor blinked and nodded. "Yep. It is."
Before he could react, Zaria wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Gregor giggled. "Sweetheart, you're crushing my ribs! I need those!" he said, his voice cracking a little, a little side effect from the injuries he sustained.
Without warning, she let him go, got on her tippy toes, reached up, and cupped his face in her hands and bring his face down to meet hers, squishing his face in the process. "WHERE.HAVE.YOU.BEEN?!" she said sternly, sounding almost angry. He didn't blame her since he had been missing for who knows how long. "Eem showwy. Shith goff coflicathed." Gregor managed to say while his face was being squished. Zaria stared into his eyes for a good long while, as if trying to read his soul, before her own eyes flooded with tears. She let go of his face and hugged him again. "I thought you were....." she couldn't finish the sentence as a hiccuped sob escaped her. She buried her face in his chest and he silently thanked the stars for his decision to wear civilian clothes rather than his hard and battered armor. He placed his hand on the top of her head. "It's alright, sweet girl. I couldn't break my promise, now could I?"
He gently placed his hands on her shoulders as she released him, wiping her tears away. She sniffled and let out a little laugh. "What promise?" "I believe I owe you a dance?" As if planned, Zaria's favorite song started to play and she looked up at the speakers in shock. From the other side of the bar, a clone in ARC trooper gear and a slick beard, winked at Zaria. "You're welcome, Headphones!!!" he called out while another clone with a blue hand print of his breastplate carefully took the cup from his brother's hand.
Zaria waved at them before grabbing Gregor's hand and tugging him towards the dance floor. "Oy!!" he exclaimed before giggling and he was practically dragged to the dance floor.
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Wolffe had lost the card game to Rex (again) so he decided to call it a night. He was about to leave when he noticed a crowd gathered on the dance floor, hyping up someone. He looked around and saw Headphones dancing with a clone dressed in black civilian clothes. Wolffe watched for a brief second before paying his and Rex's tab and leaving 79s.
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analexthatexists · 4 months
Sans OC Challenge 2!
The sequel to that other one I made!
Bit of a different format this time though.
Please do the following first: -Pick a number from 1-5 -List your zodiac sign -Prepare to spin a wheel later -Check the last song you played on Spotify or whatever other thing you used to listen to music -Choose your favorite Sans AU
All done? Alright! Here are the results in order:
1 - Destroyer (Like Error or Nightmare) 2 - Commoner (You live normally in your AU, either with or without knowledge and interference of the Multiverse) 3 - Protector (Like Ink or Dream) 4 - Assistant (Helping Protector or Destroyer like Killer, Swap and Cross) 5 - Outcode (AU has been destroyed for an unspecified reason you can decide)
Eye color is decided by your zodiac sign! Aries - Red Taurus - Green Gemini - Yellow or White Cancer - Light Pink Leo - Orange or Gold Virgo - Light Blue Libra - Hot/Dark Pink Scorpio - Black (Eyeless) or Grey Sagittarius - Purple Capricorn - Brown or Ochre Aquarius - Teal Pisces - Dark/Navy Blue
Use THIS WHEEL to decide your outfit!
Check the thumbnail of the song you listened to last; That’s your clothing color palette now!
Give your OC one accessory or feature from your favorite Sans AU! (Like the weapon, a body feature, a clothing accessory, ETC!) Oh, and by the way, your least favorite Sans AU becomes your OC’s greatest ally/best friend. Whoops! Did I forget to mention that?
And you’re all done! Reblog and show off what you end up getting!
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platonicphoenix · 6 months
This is just my headcanon for Overlord but-
(Also cw for mentions of abuse or weird ass ships)
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Overlord would NOT be into relationships, he would prolly bc aromantic tbh.
I say this because most ships he has are either abusive or toxic in some way.
Like Overpan? He litterally kidnapped him, also they dont show interest, Overlord would only like him because Trepan is giving him what he wants, and its learning mneumosurgery.
Overtarn? They hate eachother. Those 2 act like siblings at most. And Tarn doesnt give 2 shits about Overlord. When he left Tarn doesnt even like bat an eye.
Overmax? Wtf. This explains itself. Its ABUSIVE. Overlord litterally tortured him, decapitated him you name it. Do NOT fucking ship this because its just WEIRD.
Any Overlord ship is weird. If you were to ship him doing it sexual (fanon only.) Would be okay??
Honestly idk.
But Overlord would just NOT be into romantic relationships, he doesnt fucking care about them because hes so focused on himself or revenge.
He would only like somebody because they BENEFIT him.
That man is selfish to his **core.**
Imma use my oc for an example. I made Overlord only want Aero to be like some music player to him because Overlord is easily bored. He likes new things, and since music is very diverse. It gives him something new to hear. Other than screams of agony.
So Aero would basically play him fuckin death metal or smt as a lullaby 💀💀
Overlord only tolerates or doesnt kill Aero because she benefits him.
And Aero still gets whooped. She fucks up a note and she gets the beating of a lifetime.
**If** I were to give them a sort of relationship it would be purely sexual (fanon obv) or they would have high tension approaches. Thats all.
Thats all i believe Overlord would have.
Like the most 'romantic' thing he would do is hold hands or hug but then he would shove you off of him and be like "ew"
He doesn't care. He is so focused on killing megatron that he would ditch everything and travel between universes just to murder his ass.
(Dont even ship overlord and megatron if you do you're blocked.)
Also look, i like overlord and simp for him a lot but i dont want to sugarcoat him. That man would replace my spine for his knuckles.
Theres a difference between fanon and canon. Making x reader fanfics of him is fine even if romantic because its not like a headcanon, its just thirsting. but if you're gonna make a hc you have to make sure you KNOW the character pretty well.
This goes for other characters when headcanoning (is that even a word??) them too. Please do reasearch on the character and see it in a relatively objective perspective 😭😭
In the end, this is just a headcanon, dont overthink it too much or attack me for this. Have a nice day!! 😋😋💖💖
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chibishortdeath · 9 months
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I have a Castlevania OC >:3c. He and his story are still very work in progress stuff, but he’s got some rough concept doodles! And when I say rough I mean ROUGH cause one of his arms I erased so many times some of the layers of the paper were tearing so I had to just leave it as is and it looks a little short whoops— but yeah
His name is William “Billy” Danasty :3. I think I’m gonna have his story be set sometime around the height of the Satanic Panic with music and stuff, he’s kinda a bit of a metalhead. He seems all tough and scary, carries a switchblade at all times, and keeps everyone at a distance, but it’s not because he’s mean, he’s just afraid of people. He does make some friends eventually, but I don’t have drawings of them yet. I need to make a nice full color concept page for him someday hehehe.
Also, NES Castlevania style sprites are fun to make!!! :D
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pigswithwings · 11 months
ramble abt ur ocs buddy. for me <3
I LOVE YOU. OKAY SO . basically . ill be rambling about some different ocs thank you :]]
first oc. my friends have heard ALLL about this guy but my proudest oc is nova.
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^ it looks like this and is incredibly shivering beast btw . hops under the cut
anyways the setting for nova is basically. it's many, many millenia into the future. aliens have been discovered (sick and rad). capitalism still exists (not sick or rad).
anyways the No Space Unexplored corporation, or just N.S.U, developed the NOVA project, which consisted of sending several intelligent humanoid droids (called Navigators) onto various habited planets by themselves, mostly to figure out whether they were profitable. whoops! some of the Navigators happen to be a bit buggy, and a few behavioural errors are noticed early on during some of the droids' first few days after landing on different planets. hopefully nothing happens because of that!
Flashforward a few weeks and the N.S.U becomes involved in a big old legal case that ultimately shuts them down. oh boy well what happens to their property and various pioneering space related projects? instead of being regular about the whole deal, the company just. destroys any old property. cuts off all contact with various rovers and projects because they're petty about it. the Navigator droids are shut down and presumed destroyed by any alien environments or animals.
oops. welll except for one. Navigator #4 sure did get cut off from any contact with Earth, but guess who lived, bitch? she did. built different.
and yeah Nova gets pronouns now (she/it). anyways Navigator #4 gets her name from the company project. she doesn't have a very good imagination or as much creativity as the average human because she runs on literal numbers, but she is pretty good at surviving on planet #5098 like she was designed to. although it does happen to have a varied ecosystem and several very large predator animals. but it's okay! it's living life pretty well and has settled into its (possibly permanent) residence on this planet. so thumbs up!!
OKAY SECOND OC. this is mike. he/him. unidyne microphone for a head but otherwise normal <- lies
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get it? anyways he's pathetic. he basically lives in a cartoon world. the cops hate him because he keeps trespassing as part of his work and also interrupting. he has horrible time mangement and does not sleep enough. forgets to take off his hat and tie before collapsing into bed.
now mike says he's a private investigator, but really he doubles as a sort of bodyguard for people who pay. and triples as "the guy who works part time at the grocer's, but only on the third weekend of every month".
he loves music but hates singing himself. humming is great, but he was born into a family of performers and always feels like his own singing isn't worth the effort or embarassment. hes my favourite and one of my oldest characters :]
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third oc! zero. or xeyr real name, which is 0000. uses xhe/xher and xey/xem.
they're a bit messed up! but it's good for xem because they are incredibly nihilistic. xhe is always, constantly, 24/7 aware of xher audience and the fact that xhe is being judged for xher actions. which can make a person both paranoid and aggressive when criticized.
this isn't to say that zero's actions are always 10/10 ethical, of course. xey work on a submarine researching the deep ocean and mainly help to identify/categorize species. one win for the science community! and as a side gig, xey are employed by some pretty shady people to conduct some pretty shady experiments. normal things :]
hope everyone enjoyed ... i have more tidbits but this is the general overview for some of my ocs !!!
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aheckinmess · 4 months
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(One-shot series 1/3 chapters posted - posts regularly on Saturdays. If anyone knows who to credit for the Hizashi fanart, please let me know!) Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, scared reader, pro hero rescue
Word Count: 4,364 words
Summary: Ichijiku Aoki has lived in hell with Kigai as her captor for three years. During a chance encounter at a dance club, she runs into her first breath of fresh air in years: Hizashi Yamada. Kigai makes it clear that Ichi belongs to him, so dare she hope for a better life and an escape from her prison?
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
TW: Implied/Referenced Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Abuse
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Chapter 1: Time Signatures
Ichijiku (Tigress)
In another life, listening to the pulsating beat of the music in the club might be fun. I might feed off of the voices singing at the top of their lungs, or delight in the changing colors flashing all around the dance floor. 
But I’m not living in another life. I’m living in hell.
“Give her another shot.” Kigai’s voice rises over the crowd as he gives me a look. Don’t you tell a goddamn soul what I’m doing or you won’t live to see the sunrise. His quirk stretches into my mind and reminds me just who I belong to. Of course, the bruises littering my thighs are testament to that too. Kigai would never let me go out in anything other than skinny jeans, so it’s not like anyone can see, though.
No one ever sees.
The bartender gives me a smile and I play the perfect part of being his playful partner, leaning over to give Kigai a kiss on his cheek, a loving gaze, and a swat at his butt while bile turns over in my stomach. I throw back the shot of tequila before Kigai puts his hands at my hips and looks directly at me. You’d better get out on that dance floor and pretend you’re having a good time. People have started looking at you.  “Why don’t you go have some fun, sugar? I know you don’t feel good, but the dance floor has always helped you clear your mind.”
He plants a slow and tender kiss on my lips, but all I feel is dread. I want to feel happy. I want to feel a flutter in my chest. I want to feel anything. Anything but Kigai.
You’re mine, Ichi. And don’t you forget that. His eyes bore into mine and then he turns away, laughing at a joke Shihito tells him. I can feel his gaze follow me as I put on my brave face and walk through the dance floor.
In some ways, I’m grateful for the tequila. Otherwise I’d never be able to play like everything’s fine. Winding my way through the undulating bodies feels easier to bear than seeing that look on Kigai’s face. The threat that always lingers there. In this mingling of bodies I can close my eyes and lose myself to the music, feel the beat move in conjunction with me instead of forcing me to move with it. 
The only time I’m conscious of is the time signature in the music. Minutes could pass, or it could be hours. What’s important is that Kigai doesn’t cut in and I can’t see those eyes trapping me in their domineering gaze. 
For the first time in three years, I’m reminded of the better parts of life.
And then the better part of life bumps into me.
“Whoops! Hey there, little lady. Sorry for the intrusion.” A blonde man with a broad smile and glasses apologizes to me. “Did I hurt you?”
For a moment my breath is taken away and my façade cracks. The best way I can describe him is pure sunshine. He only looks at me for a moment with that grin but the warmth seeps into my skin and makes me yearn for a normal life. My throat gets tight. Help me. I want to say. Please make him leave me alone. 
“Woah, hey, is everything okay? Did I really hurt you?” His puts a soothing arm on my shoulder as he makes himself heard over the crowd. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
“No!” I panic, forcing a grin on my face and hoping that he’ll shake it off as me being drunk. That’s what everyone else has done. “Really, it’s okay. I just get emotional when I’m drunk. I’m sorry. You just took me by surprise.” I shake my head as if trying to clear my mind and turn away from him. You’re too pure for someone like me, too beautiful for this world. If Kigai knew I slipped up…I can’t drag you down into this. You could get hurt.
“Hey, wait!” I hear him call behind me, but I ignore it and keep moving.
My feet rush towards the bathroom. I head inside and slam the first stall door I see before heaving into the porcelain bowl. Get it together, Ichijiku. I’ll kill Kigai. We can’t. I sob in the stall. We can’t do anything. Kigai has my family on his radar. We’re stuck! What a foul sack of shit. He’s not worth the stripes on my skin. I want to die. I know, Little Cub, and I’d surely embrace death knowing that you didn’t have to suffer this any longer. But we have to hold on. Change is coming. I can feel it in my bristling fur.
There’s a banging at the door that I know means I’m in trouble. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks frantically and flush the toilet before wetting a paper towel and dabbing under my eyes. Breathe. Get it together. We’ll survive. I’m right here with you.
I step out of the bathroom and Kigai’s hand wraps around my arm as he pulls me aside.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” He puts on a concerned simper, feeling my forehead with his free hand. You’re supposed to tell me where you’re going and why. You were trying to run away, weren’t you, bitch?  “I thought you were hurt. Did you get sick?”
“I think I drank too much.” I sniffle, looking down so he can’t use his quirk and I don’t have to listen to his haunting voice in my thoughts. It’s a mistake.
His hand comes under my chin. To an outside party it might look like he’s being a tender lover, but there’s bite in the way his fingers dig into my skin. You know I hate when you look away from me, whore.
“Honey, you only had one shot. When did you become such a lightweight?” He laughs. I’m sick of your damn excuses. He runs his fingers through my hair and his hands cup my cheeks as he kisses my forehead. “But if you need to take a seat, go ahead.” Stay where I can see you.
“Thanks, love.” I return his gesture of affection with a hug and a peck on his cheek.
For a while, I sit at the bar again, scrolling through my phone to look busy. I can’t see Kigai, but I don’t need to. His gaze always follows me, even when he’s not in the room.
“It looks like you needed a break, huh?” The blonde from earlier takes residence in the seat next to me.
I turn to look at him as I nurse a lemonade. He’s like a breath of fresh air.
“Yeah.” I look down at the table again and trace around the rim of my glass. “Sorry about earlier. I think I’d been dancing too long and was getting overheated.”
“Yeah, the dance floor can get overwhelming if you’re not used to it.” He laughs. The sound sings through my bones. 
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“Yamada Hizashi. But you can call me Hizashi.” He tilts his head like a puppy and the lights around him make him appear almost angelic. “What’s yours?”
“Nice to formally meet you, Ichijiku.” He answers. “Was that your boyfriend I saw earlier?” 
“Yes.” I smile into my cup to hide the disgust in my eyes. God, I wish he wasn’t. “He was making sure I was okay.”
“Ah, good to know. From back there it looked like he was going to hurt you, but I was obviously mistaken. I’m glad you’re safe, you know?” 
Something about the way he says it makes me look up at him and feel more hope than I have in a long time. I feel seen and heard. After a cursory glance around the club without seeing Kigai, I feel safe enough to answer.
“Kigai’s not a dangerous man. He doesn’t hit me and he likes to make sure I’m taken care of.” My eyes scream the opposite. I hope he catches it. I hope he doesn’t. “He knows my favorite colors and we watch my favorite movies all the time and he loves me. He never calls me names and he always asks before he touches me; Kigai doesn’t want to hurt me.”
Hizashi’s hand moves closer to mine and when I look at him I don’t feel sick.
“So you don’t need my help at all, do you?” He asks. He doesn’t break my gaze. 
My lips part in a relieved gasp;  I’m ready to tell him everything, but my eyes hold terror as Kigai catches my gaze from across the room. What the hell are you telling him? His smile follows me even though he’s standing beside the DJ. Abruptly, I stand and move away from Hizashi.
“It would be better if you stayed away from me.” I hiss under my breath, cursing myself for wishing for a normal life. Cursing myself for dreaming that I’d ever be able to get away from Kigai. What was I thinking? If Kigai finds out, it’ll be my head. But at least Hizashi knows. Maybe he can get help! Why would he help me? He probably has no idea I need help. I was reading too much into it. No one ever notices the bruises. Or they make excuses if they do.  That’s right. No one cares about you. Who cares about a stupid whore? She’s not a whore. Kigai’s a manipulator and a rapist, and that’s all there is to it, fiend.
“Are you looking at my girl?” I’m suddenly face to chest with Kigai. Shit. He was closer than I realized. Fuck!
“Kigai, honey, it’s okay. I was just coming to find you. It’s fine.” I place my hand on his arm and squeeze, trying to redirect him. 
“No, it’s not fucking okay.” Kigai growls, glaring bullets into Hizashi’s eyes. 
“Hey, man. You have the wrong idea.” Hizashi puts his hands up, looking composed and calm. See? He knows nothing. Everything you told him went straight over his head. “She bumped into me earlier and I was just making sure she’d gotten back to the bar safely.”
“She bumped into you? Or were you trying to cop a feel?” Kigai snarls, dangerously tense.
“Kigai, please.” I beg, pulling at the front of his shirt to make him look at me. Why the hell did you let him get close to you, huh? You know you belong to me. Not some sleaze who’s just going to fuck you and leave you out to dry. After everything I’ve done for you. His words reach into my mind and I do the only thing I can to get out of the situation. I reach up around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. 
Thankfully, Kigai seems to take the bait. He becomes more possessive, gripping my hips so hard I know there’ll be bruises there in the morning. His tongue invades my mouth and he tugs fiercely at my lip. When he pulls back, he still turns a fiery glare onto Hizashi.
“Don’t you get near my girl again, got it?” Kigai wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. My eyes lose their shine. I guess that’s it. We’re stuck again. All in good time, Little Cub. All in good time.
He pulls me away and I risk one last glance back at Hizashi. One last hopeful plea begging him to help, but he’s not looking back at me. 
. . . . .
Six months go by that Kigai refuses to take me out again. For six months he beats the lesson into me.
“You were trying to be a clever little whore, weren’t you?” His foot connects with my jaw, but I don’t make a sound. I take it. “Thought you had a savior. Someone to take you away from me, right? But you’re mine! If you left me do you know what that would mean for your family? For you?” He yanks me up by my hair. “They’d be up shit creek without a paddle and it’d be all your fault!” 
“I’m sorry, love.” I whimper out, hating the taste of the words on my tongue. “It won’t happen again.”
“Damn right it won’t.” He lets go of me and I catch the brunt of my weight on my arms. Tears trickle down my cheeks and then suddenly he pulls me into his arms and then onto his lap on the bed.
“You know I love you, right?” He coos in my ear, saying the words that my heart wants to hear in the most twisted tones. “It’s just…seeing you with that other man…mmm…I hated seeing that. You know he was just trying to manipulate you, right? Use you when you were vulnerable?”
You’d know all about that wouldn’t you? I wish I could have been more specific…told him something more concrete. Then maybe I wouldn’t be stuck here. It’s not your fault, Dear One. “I know, Kigai. I’m sorry. I wasn’t feeling good and I just wanted someone to talk to.”
His grip tightens on me. “You could have found me.”
“You were busy, Kigai, I didn’t want to ruin your time.” I turn and kiss his cheek to make the comment more believable. “I love you.”
“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear.” He kisses under my ear and it burns. Nauseous flames swim along my body until he leaves me broken under the covers. I curl up into a ball as he gets up from the covers and starts grabbing his clothes. “C’mon, baby, get your clothes on. I think you’ve learned your lesson. I’ve got a surprise for you.”
I don’t question it. I’m silent as I pull on my clothes and fix my hair. When I’m ready, I take the arm he offers me. 
“You’re gonna like this, baby.” He rubs a small bruise he made at my neck, smiling as we head out into the street and he looks at me. You’d better not tell anyone it’s anything other than a love bite, got it? Or I’ll have your family hunted down with a snap of my fingers.  “Look at how beautiful you look with my marks on you. Everyone will know who you belong to, yeah?” 
“Of course. Only yours.” I nod, swallowing past the lump in my throat.
Before long he leads me to a karaoke bar. The sight of it puts a pep in my step; even though I’d rather be here with anyone else except Kigai, this is the most I’ve gotten out in months. I’ll take what I can get.
“A karaoke bar? How did you know?” I giggle, kissing his cheek as I slip into the assumed role.
“I know my babygirl.” He pauses to kiss me roughly outside the door before pulling me inside. He pays for the two of us before we’re taken to a private room where a few of his friends are waiting. “I hope you don’t mind, some of my buddies came to join us.”
“It’s okay.” I promise, even though seeing all of them makes my heart sink. “As long as they don’t bother me.”
“They’ve already been warned, babe, they’ve already been warned.” Kigai winks at me. Don’t test those waters after I’ve let you out. “Would you like to go first?”
“Yes, please.” 
Once again, the music distracts me from my own crumbling little world. Life seems full of more promise as the notes spill from my lips. 
“Hey, Takamaru! I’ve gotta take a piss. Keep an eye on my girl, okay? Make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.” Kigai chuckles and glances at me before he leaves. Don’t do anything stupid.
“Sure, man.” Takamaru doesn’t even look in Kigai’s direction. He’s too busy focusing on Shihito’s selection. “What the fuck, man?! You’ve sung homura three times already! Pick something new.”
“Shut up, Taka, it’s the only song I know.” Shihito huffs, pulling up the microphone again.
“Hey, do you guys mind if I go grab a snack?” I ask, wanting to get some fresh air without Kigai hovering over me. If he gets back before I do, I can always blame Takamaru. He never goes too hard on his buddies. 
“Sure, Ichi. Can you grab me a granola bar while you’re at it?” Takamaru tosses me a couple yen. 
“Sure thing.” I nod and head towards the vending machine on the balcony. 
I walk by a room where I hear such sweet sonorous notes I can’t help but glance into the window. Hizashi?! My feet stutter and I nearly trip. I have to keep walking. Kigai is liable to beat him up if he even sees he’s in the same building. If I were to stop and wave? Impossible. I force myself to keep walking until I make it to the machine. 
Once I’ve got a pack of crackers and Taka’s granola bar, I hang over the railing and take a deep breath. When did this all start? Why did I let myself get roped into this? I hate this… None of this is your fault, Little One. Kigai is a manipulator and a fiend. And his quirk makes it inanely difficult to give any sort of proof to the authorities of your predicament. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” Hizashi’s voice joins me on the balcony. I jump back as if stung and start backing away from him. His moves his hands from his pockets and holds them up in surrender. “Woah, hey, I’m not going to hurt you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about.” I turn to look and make sure Kigai isn’t headed back to our karaoke room and then back to Hizashi. “You can’t be here.”
“Is he hurting you?” He asks me bluntly, eyes somehow fierce and kind all at once.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I choke out, starting to speed walk back into the building. This can’t be happening. Kigai’s going to kill him if he sees him anywhere near me! 
His hand grabs my wrist and I’m forced to pause and turn back to him.
“Is he hurting you, Ichijiku?” 
The first time I saw his gaze in the club, I nearly lost myself. Seeing it now, so intentional and worried…I feel I have no choice.
“Yes.” I hiss, eyes watering. “Yes, he hurts me. All the time. For big things, for little things. But I take it, okay?” Part of me is angry. Not even at Hizashi, just everything in general. Why the hell am I in this predicament? What did I do except love people and want them to love me back? It’s okay. You’re allowed to be angry. Especially at this situation. “I take it because Kigai says he’ll hurt my family if I don’t. Because they’ll die if I don’t suck it up like a good girl, alright? And he’s going to hurt you too, Hizashi. He’ll hurt you really bad if you so much as look at me. If you’re so much as seen with me.” I keep glancing back, waiting at any moment for Kigai to round the corner and exact his punishment. “So go! Leave me alone. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt for my sake…please.” I beg, finally yanking my hand free of his hold.
When I hear Kigai’s voice down the hall, I don’t look back. I rush back into the room just in time and hand Taka his granola bar. I start nibbling on my crackers so I can compose my face before he walks in. I smile at him and offer him a cracker.
“Oo, got me a snack, baby?” He takes the whole pack and leaves me the one. “Thanks.”
The rest of the evening, I’m too nervous to sing like I want to. I pick one or two songs to make sure Kigai’s off my scent, but mostly I watch him and his friends sing. In reality, I keep watching the door to make sure Hizashi doesn’t walk by.
By the time we get ready to leave, it’s dark. I assume that Hizsahi is long gone, because as we walk by his room on our way out, it’s empty and quiet. Thank you, Lord. He deserves a better lot in life than this. 
“Damn, Kigai, every time we go out for karaoke I forget just how shitty of a singer you are.” Taka teases as we give the desk lady her key back. 
“Hey, man! I’m not that bad. At least I can carry a tune.”
“Barely.” He snorts, before nudging Shihito. “And this fucker only has one song he can sing!” 
The ribbing continues as we walk out the door. I keep my eyes down and my arm wrapped around Kigai’s until a group of voices convene on us and someone suddenly pulls me out of Kigai’s grasp.
“Police! Get on the ground, now!” Someone barks out, and my brain struggles to keep up.
Kigai and his pals look shocked to say the least. Kigai is the only one who tries to struggle, of course. “Get the fuck off me! Let my girl go! Babygirl, tell these fuckers to get off me!” 
“Don’t hurt him!” I call out, aching heart bleeding for him even in spite of all the bruises he’s left on my heart and my body.
“Get on the ground.” The cop repeats, needing two more officers to help bring Kigai down to the ground. “Sir, you’re under arrest.”
The world around me sways. My breath gets shaky and I start crying as I beg them to leave him alone. What am I doing?! I want them to take him but… He’s a manipulator. He’s made you afraid and obligated to him. I want him out of my life. I don’t ever want to see him again. My pleas ultimately die down as my sobs get louder. 
The weather is colder in the darkness. My body starts shaking and I start swaying.
“It’s okay, ma’am. We’ll get it taken care of. You’re safe now.” The woman holding me rubs my shoulders and starts looking around. “Can one of you grab a jacket for–”
“I’ve got it taken care of.” Hizashi’s voice melts into my eardrums as the police get Kigai into the back of their cruiser. I wrap my arms around myself and then he’s got something warm and soft wrapped around my shoulders. “Here. Take my jacket.”
I turn to Hizashi and then back to the police cruiser. I look at the woman.
“Excuse me, Officer?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Th–That man…Kigai…he…he said he’d hurt my family if I ever turned him in. Are they–”
“This young man here told us the story. We’ve got a unit at their house.” She assures me, rubbing my shoulder. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore, honey. We’ve got it all covered. We’ve been trying to find definitive evidence to put this guy away for years.”
I look at her, disbelieving. “H=How did you find any evidence?”
The officer looks at the cruiser as Kigai is hauled off, before she looks at Hizashi with a smile and then back to me. “Your friend here said that he recorded your conversation in the karaoke place. He said he’d previously met you and was suspicious of the situation.”
“I hadn’t seen you in months. I was scared I was too late to do anything, so when I saw you…” He pauses. “I started recording on my phone before I walked over to talk to you. I was hoping that maybe if I was blunt enough…you might tell me what was going on.” Hizashi admits sheepishly. “So we left as soon as I got the evidence just in case your group was planning on leaving soon.”
For a long time, I just stare at him. I memorize everything I can about him. The way his hair frames his face and the small, pampered mustache making his smile pop out on his face. Then there’s his eyes.
One look and my body works without my permission. I wrap my arms around him, tackling him into a hug and feeling three years of pain and grief claw out of my chest and manifest as sobs.
“Thank you, Hizashi.” I hold his back in a death grip, and I feel him pat my back delicately. 
“I couldn’t sit by and watch you get hurt without doing anything.”
“Ma’am, would you like me to walk you to your home?” The officer asks me, also reaching over to rub my shoulder.
“I don’t have anywhere to go right now.” I admit with a sniffle. “But if you can go with me to grab my stuff from Kigai’s, that would be great.” I turn to Hizashi. “Will you come with us? Please?”
“Of course. I won’t leave you alone right now. That a problem with you, Officer?” 
“Not at all.” She assures.
When we make it to Kigai’s house, there’s blue and red lights flashing there too. Hizashi steps with me inside as the officer gets debriefed on other things found out about Kigai’s dastardly affairs. “It’s just down this hall.” I assure him.
Going back into Kigai’s room sends a cold chill down my spine. You’re mine, whore. You belong to me, understand? I pull Hizashi’s jacket tighter around me, before steeling my nerves and grabbing my bag and stuffing it.
“Anything you need me to grab?” Hizashi asks as he looks around.
“No. I don’t have much.” I toss in my phone and charger, a few changes of clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, and a few other necessities. “I think that’s all.” I say once I’ve got everything together. When at last I turn to him and meet his gaze, I’m expecting to hear foul words stabbing into my brain.
He is not Kigai, Little One. It’s going to be okay. 
My nose quivers as I look at him. “He’s really gone.”
“He won’t hurt you anymore, Ichijiku.” Hizashi nods. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
I don’t have to be afraid.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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