#Whump: The Musical day 2
jedi-lothwolf · 7 months
Whump: The Musical Day 2: Wicked ("No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.")
Fandom: Star Wars (bad batch time zone but not the batch)
Warning: referenced and an attempted suicide of a side character
Summary: Caleb stops a man from killing himself. When some citizens see this they report him to the authorities.
    Why did Caleb have to save that man?
    Roofs were a good place to travel when you didn't want to be found. The ex-padawan learned that pretty fast. Being above everyone had its advantages. Seeing everything that was going on below you made being someone everyone wanted dead at but safer.
    But then he came across a man who was ready to jump. Before Caleb could stop himself he started to talk. "Sir?" he asked. "Are you okay?"
    The man looked panicked as he turned around. "Get going kid. You don't want to see this." Before he could say anything, the twi'lek jumped.
    Running to the side of the six story building, instinct kicked in and Caleb reached for him. Before the man hit the ground, he found himself levitating. There was a look of surprise on his face, as well as the faces of the people nearby.
    The danger the child had put himself in, hadn't made it's way to his fears yet.
    Caleb ran down the stairs. Skipping steps made him reach the bottom quicker. Bursting though the metal doors, the boy ran to find the man who was still sitting on the sidewalk. "Sir?" He started. "Are you okay?"
    Crying, the man tried to smile. "Thank you kid. I'm okay."
    "So, what's been going on?" Caleb said as he sat next to the older man.
    "You're a child."
    "Then let's find someone for you to talk to." He stood again and extended a hand to the man. The Twi'lek nodded and took his hand.
    "Do you have any family or friends?" As he spoke, Caleb started to feel the eyes on him. He realized what had happened. Shoving the thought off to the side, he starts to lead the man away from the crowded street.
    "Same" was the first thing that came to Caleb's mind but he figured he probably shouldn't say that.
    "How about I take you to the nearby hospital? They can help you there."
    Despite the look of defeat in his face, the man agreed.
    They took the scenic route. Caleb knew he needed to avoid larger streets. With the empire around and with them knowing he was around, hiding was important.
    As they closed in on the hospital, a voice came from behind them. "There! Get the Jedi!"
    Turning around, Caleb looked at them. Then he turned to the man, "I have to go. Please, take care."
    Then it was time to run. The padawan did a lot of that. It hurt, having to run away from the man. Every part of him wanted to finish taking him to the hospital.
    The imperial presence on the planet was a large one. Hiding, Caleb ducked into a building. Then he started to run for the roof. They seemed to be his only safe place. He always liked sitting in the highest place he could find at the temple.
    The kid made his way to the stairs. Tripping over some stairs on the third floor, slowed him down. His ankle was sore.
    On the stairs of the sixth floor, imperials caught up to him. The door was in sight. Pushing the men down the stairs, Caleb threw open the door to the roof. Without looking back, he jumped to the next building.
    After a while of jumping from building to building, Caleb took a break. Out of breath, he started to curse himself out. Why did he have to save that man? Jedi  instincts were going to get him killed.
    "No good dead goes unpunished I guess" he whispered. It seemed he almost lived by this saying. Every time he helped someone, something bad happened to him. Maybe he should learn to control his companion. Maybe he should have just let the man have his way out.
    Listening to his surroundings, he deemed it was safe to wait a few more minutes. Sitting down, Caleb looked at his ankle. Luckily, he had just twisted it.
    It was time to move. There was a nagging feeling in the kids heart that told him he needed to make sure the man had gotten to the hospital alright. It wasn't too far, even if he had been running in the opposite direction.
    The stairs down the building he had ended up on, creaked as he walked down them. Opening the door, Caleb faced the night. The beautiful sunset that had previously painted the sky, was gone. It was a pretty sight to kill yourself too. The red and orange in the sky would have matched the red on the pavement as well as the orange of the man's skin.
    Caleb snuck around, trying to find a discreet way to the hospital. "Why am I doing this?" He muttered. "This is gonna get me killed."
    After a while of walking and a few close calls with the empire, Caleb found the hospital. Seeing the nurse reach for the phone sent a cold chill down the kid's spine. "Excuse me?" He said, his voice going up a few octaves. "Did a Twi'lek come in earlier to be admitted to the psychiatric ward?"
    "Are you family?" The nurse asked, setting her phone down. She hasn't been calling about him.
    "No, I'm the person who stopped him and brought him most of the way here. I just-" he sighed, trying to keep from crying. "I just wanted to make sure he got here okay."
    The nurse came around from her station. "He came in. He's been admitted." She put her hand on his shoulder. "You're a good kid."
    "Thank you. I'm just doing my job." That probably sounded strange to the poor nurse.
    "Can I call your parents, I'm sure they'll be proud of you for saving that man's life."
    What did he tell her? She was right, Depa would be proud. "My Mom's out of town. I'll just head home."
    "Okay. Stay safe."
    "Can I do me a favor?" He asked quietly.
    "I'm sure I can." The girl kneeled beside him.
    "Can you tell him I got away safely? That I came to check on him, and if the empire asks, can you say I was never here? I'm just trying to survive and every time I do something to help people, it always gets me caught and I'm just so tired." Tears welled in Caleb's eyes and the nurse tightened her grip on his shoulder.
    "Of course I can." She pulled him into a hug and Caleb started to cry. It had been so long. The boy wasn't sure how long he had been there, but by the time he stopped crying, his throat was sore and his eyes hurt.
    The nurse let go of him and walked around the counter. Grabbing soothing she walked back over to him. "Use this to get you something to eat. This is a safe place for you."
    "Thank you. For everything. Hopefully this doesn't hurt you. My Captain, Styles-"
    "You fought in a war?"
    Instead of answering, Caleb continued his sentence. "He used to say that no good deed goes unpunished. Just be careful." Before she could ask any more questions, Caleb made his way to the door.
    The nurse caught up to him, "hey kid." She kneeled down beside to make sure no one else would hear what she had to say. "May the force be with you."
    There was something comforting about hearing that. "Thank you." With that he left the hospital and shortly after that, the planet.
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rainswhenyourehere · 7 months
red, burning red
redcoat hamilton au!! (but angsty af lmao)
alexander had gotten used to life amongst his enemies. a single letter changes all of that.
@whumpthemusical day 2: ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’
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thefootnotes · 7 months
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thought it'd be over by now
a fic by @timecanalwayshealyou for day two of the @whumpthemusical challenge
Because Louis knows that this is exactly the sort of place Harry would hang around in all the time, given the chance. All vegan-gluten free banana breads and soy milk and millennial baristas, with weird timber fittings and ugly metal-framed furniture. It’s precisely his interests, his style. And if they were here together, if Louis were sharing this moment with him, this would most certainly be a much more enjoyable experience.
Or the one where Louis’ signed himself away, Harry’s free because of it, and acts of kindness don’t always grant good karma.
T | 949w | Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles | Canon Universe
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whumptober · 3 months
Trope Vote 2024
It's July so... back to business!
This years trope vote is now open for everyone to vote on their favourite tropes - including additions from your honourable mentions!
Following feedback from last year, we will be creating a playlist for the event again, though this time with a twist! Instead of using Lyrics as part of the list, we will use the songs to fit the overall theme/trope of the day. For example, if day one has a theme of 'redemption', then a song like Start Again by the Lottery Winners would fit - and this year we want your suggestions!
The vote will be open until the 29th of July.
If you want to chat about your favourite tropes, the [DISCORD SERVER] is always active for our fabulous community of whumpers.
Similarly, if you're looking for a comprehensive list of the tropes, then under the cut are links to the A-Z lists that Surro put together a few months ago. We can't wait to get the WT ball rolling this year! -Mods Surro, Yenn, Vanne and Kitty <3
[Question Summary + Trope List Links under the cut]
Question 1: 'Which tropes would you like to see for Whumptober 2024?' - Here, there is an A-Z list of tropes with checkboxes next to them. Simply choose your favourites!
Question 2: 'Honourable Mentions' - Here you can list any tropes we have forgotten.
Question 3: 'The Music Round' - If you have a song that you attribute to a trope/theme, let us know! This is entirely optional but we would love to hear the songs that put you in a whumping mood. Please format each one as SONG - ARTIST - TROPE
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falloutober · 2 days
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Falloutober is back for our fifth year with 31 days of apocalyptic prompts! 🥳 Just as with other years, you are welcome to fill these from any fandom or original story, knowledge of Fallout not required!
Interpret these literally, figuratively, symbolically, astronomically, aeronautically, cytoplasmically, you know, however you want! Kink, whump, fluff, art, lit, screenarchery, music, just have fun! You can merge and swap days around too as desired!
If you want me to see your posts and potentially reblog them to the falloutober blog, make sure to tag them #falloutober2024 or @ the blog in your post!
Alternate Prompts: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
Typed list below the cut!
1 | Okey Dokey 2 | Little Fish 3| Tall Grass 4 | Western Justice 5| Hospitality 6 | Et tu, Brute? 7 | Riffraff 8 | Rattle 9 | Parlance 10 | Coven 11 | Cat 12 | Legendary 13 | Forewarning 14 | Hammerbite 15 | Stale Winds, Still Waters 16 | Bruises 17 | Leitmotif 18 | Last Patriot 19 | The "It" Factor 20 | First Blood 21 | Ripples 22 | Country Roads 23 | The One You're Looking For 24 | Plan-D 25 | Karma 26 | The Great Game 27 | Peeling 28 | Tranquility 29 | Cold Bones 30 | Golden Rule 31 | Wasteland Survival Guide
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whump-queen · 3 months
Silver (Part 2)
continued from this
tags: forced intox, manhandling, “servant” whump but let’s be honest he’s basically a pet. words: 3k
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Seven stumbled through the crowd, making his way towards the white cabinets of the adjoined kitchen. The penthouse was precariously dark for how crowded it felt tonight. The sun had set and all that shone through the ceiling-high glass was the glimmering lights of the city. Of tiny people in distant windows. They danced and flickered like highway beams across Seven’s wavering vision. 
He braced himself against the glass-paned wall, a handprint he would be cleaning up in the morning, along with the rest of the night’s inevitable damage. He felt his mind buzzing, he placed his other palm against the cool glass, and for a moment, he let himself forget it all. 
The ceiling was all that stood between him and an endless sky of blinking lights and stars. There was a vastness about the view beyond that both captivated and terrified him. Skyscrapers surrounded him on all sides, towering to the starry heavens—a gateway that could suck him right up at any moment and send him floating, boundless, through the black night.
He blinked, snapping his gaze from the windowed walls to focus instead on the purple glow of the tacky LED strips Wes had stuck up on the crown molding. Wes was living proof that money couldn’t buy you good taste. He had a gorgeous place on his father’s dime and squandered it with cheesy, bachelor-esque decor. No, if you asked Seven, the penthouse would be much better suited with a simple, elegant aesthetic. But nobody ever did, in fact, ask Seven. 
He let his mind wander back to the immaculate halls of the family estate. He wouldn’t say he missed it, rather, it was no better than his current circumstance, but he couldn’t help but feel as though his talents had been better suited there. 
At least his Mistress shared his proclivity for cleanliness, and he felt his efforts were more…appreciated. That felt like a strange word to assign to someone like her, but he found himself sick of Wes and his particular brand of chaos. Of constantly cleaning things up after he’d only just tidied them. Of his drunk friends constantly throwing things, knocking things over, and getting sick in less than opportune locations. But most of all, he was sick of never getting a moment of space. Gone were any quiet afternoons spent cleaning the mansion, polishing silver or waxing wooden floors. He could at least let his mind wander, back then. Sometimes his Mistress would even let him out onto the grounds. Sometimes it was bearable, when she wasn’t busy tormenting him. 
But there was no yard in this penthouse. Only stacked compartments that soared high into the atmosphere. He’d only ridden the elevator once, on the day he and Wes had moved in. To see so much of the city and never be able to touch it—he felt like a little bird in a high tower, its wings clipped by its captors. Kept in a tiny cage, enveloped in tiny, glimmering lights. 
He was suddenly hyper aware of the bracelet around his ankle. The unwelcome feeling of its strap pressing against his skin. An ugly, black, clunky thing. It hadn’t come off since that first day. 
He was thinking too much for the amount of tequila he’d ingested, and was rudely reminded of that when his throat clenched up and he realized he’d meant to get water several minutes ago. He turned and blinked again, jostling his twirling stream of consciousness, yet he hadn’t so much as another moment to himself as he was nearly toppled into by a drunk girl with red hair. Brie, some part of him remembered. She was a regular. 
She said something to him. He couldn’t make it out over the blasting music. She was holding something. 
Make that two things. 
She offered him a hand. A blue Jello-shot. 
He shook his head, a slightly slurred “Am’good.”
She stepped in closer, sliding her free hand up his chest, “Yeah? I can see that, pretty boy. But we’re just getting started with you.” 
Her voice rang clear this time, and Seven felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He just wished they would all leave him alone. What on earth would she make him do this time? 
“Please, come on, Brie, I just need some water, I–”
“And I just want you to take a shot with me!” She smiled cheerfully, as if he would have any choice in the matter. 
“Now, you can be a good boy and we’ll do it together. It’ll be fun! Or, we can do this the hard way, and I can have the boys hold you down again.”
The memory of being grabbed and harshly shoved to his knees, his arms wrenched behind him and his hair pulled up, of being force-fed liquor like a pathetic dog—
Fuck—he was gonna gag again.
He knew he couldn’t get out of this, but maybe he could stall and buy himself some time to metabolize the tequila Wes had made him drink earlier. 
“Please! I swear I just need a minute, I just—”
“Yeah, isn't that a shame? Cuz I want to do it now.”
She turned and called out into the crowd, her red curls bouncing as she moved. And like a supervillain summoning two goons, a pair of hulking jocks seemingly materialized behind her. 
Seven froze, two pairs of eyes locking onto his like predators eyeing their next meal. Seven couldn’t even remember their names. Didn’t want to. The tall one with the curly hair and the slightly less-tall one with that awful sneer—they never missed a chance to rough Seven up. 
Just like that, they were on him. The tall one kicked out his right knee while the other twisted a hand in his hair and yanked his head down. There was a burst of white light when he hit the floor face-first, hot wetness splattering under the clash of his temple against the tile. 
Fuck. Fuckk. It was all white for a moment. Then Seven couldn’t see. Couldn’t feel his entire body. He felt weightless all of a sudden, he’d forgotten where he was, he was hurling through a vortex, somewhere far away, far from this penthouse and the music and the booze. It was a heavy, dull pulsating that stirred him back to whatever half-lucid dream this was. He was lying on something. A hard surface. Fuckk. Where was he? 
“Where am I…” his lips moved. No one heard him. 
Then the pounding in his temple began to slowly morph when the bass of the music faded back in, thumping against the inside of his skull like an alarm he just wanted to sleep through. 
He groaned, and he was reminded, slowly, that this was indeed music, that he was lying on a hard surface and that his head fucking hurt. 
He was coming back to himself by the second now and dreaded his position, the memory of reality. To be painfully and blissfully whisked away, if only for a moment—reality hit him harder than the tile flooring.
He was just grateful he’d had the reflex to turn his head. He’d been slammed into the floor enough times to know that failing to do so meant a broken nose. 
He was still reeling from the blow when he felt his wrists grabbed. He knew what came next. He tried to struggle against the hands, but he still couldn’t see straight and fuck he was so dizzy everything was whirring too fast. Arms double the size of his own yanked him up into a kneeling position. He felt hands pressing his wrists together, another hand was in his hair, yanking his head back and forcing his spine to arch painfully. 
He squeezed his eyes shut. Just do it already, he thought, hoping she’d be finished with him if he just took the shot and left it at that. He should have just taken it the first time. God dammit.
He cried out and his head snapped to the side. Brie had slapped him. 
“Pay attention!” She was excited. Smiling in that cheerful beautiful way that would make anyone shocked at the cruelty she was capable of.
She leaned in, sliding her hand down the side of Seven’s reddening cheek, his jawline—he bristled when she reached his collarbone, his sternum, until she was fiddling with the button on his shirt, flicking it until it came free. Seven felt a whine of embarrassment leave his throat, thankfully deafened by the music.
She flicked open a second button and Seven thrashed against the hands that held him, twisting this way and that, giving all his strength for a brief few moments of valiant effort before he felt the back of Brie’s rings cut across his other cheek. He had no time to recover—she grabbed his face and dug her pink nails into the sides of his cheeks, forcing his mouth open. She held the shot up, and he shuddered with the taste of what he knew was coming. 
“Now, I was gonna let you use a spoon, but since you decided to be a bitch about it, you can lick it out with your tongue.”
Seven whimpered. Fuck, he was really going to have to do this.
“Go on. You can either eat it from my hands, or off the floor like a dog. Your choice.”
As if there was ever a choice. 
Seven complied, scooping the blue jello from the cup with his tongue, and swallowing obediently. It was the only way out. He just prayed she’d be satisfied and leave him alone so he could slink off into a corner somewhere where no one would find him for the rest of the night. 
Brie laughed, delighted. She ruffled his hair with her manicured hand. “Good boy!” she exclaimed. As though he really were a dog performing some kind of trick.
He supposed that his obedience was the trick. He was the trick. The dog. Even his title was a farce. Servant. Like his cleaning ever did this place any good. They all treated it like a trap house, anyway. 
His stomach was in knots. At least he had done it. He thrashed against the men that still held him. 
“Aren't you gonna—” his tone slipped. He caught himself. Be respectful. Plead. 
“Please, Brie, jus’ lemme go.” His head was pounding, still bleeding from being slammed against the floor. Everything hurt. As he said it, he realized he might just topple over if they were to release him now.  
“Hmm..” Brie posed her hand against her chin, in mocking consideration. 
“No, I don’t think I will.” 
She smiled, “I’ve remembered how much I like you this way. You’re just so cute!” She ruffled his hair again. He twisted his head to the side, trying to avoid her hand. That earned him another slap. Harder than the others. Seven seemed to have run out of chances. 
“Mikey!” She exclaimed to the goon on the left, “Tie him up!”
The hulking man chuckled. “Looks like he hasn't had enough yet.”
The goon, Mikey, released Seven’s left arm, only for the other man to grab it immediately, twisting both arms behind his back and pressing him down to the floor. Seven didn’t struggle this time, fears of a broken nose or worse running through his mind as his face was rubbed into the smear of his own blood. He let it happen. 
There was a knee on his back, pressing him hard against the tile. He felt a thick leather strap encircle his wrists, cinching tightly before the hands released his arms and tangled back in his hair, yanking his head up until he was kneeling again. He tested the leather, pulling to see if it would give, but it seemed he’d been successfully restrained with no more than a leather belt. 
“Aww, come on Seven, that was nothing! Surely you can take more than that.”
By this point, they were really starting to draw a crowd. Dark figures gathered around him, laughing and swirling, their faces shrouded into dark silhouettes. 
“Please,” he begged, “W-water…”
No one heard him.
“I've got somethin for him!” one guy shouted, approaching through the crowd with what looked to be a jar in his hands. 
“Ooo lemme see!” Brie turned, thrilled, “No way. You got Moonshine Maraschinos? Where did you even find these?”
Seven paused his struggling, confused. He hadn’t heard of that before. He imagined it would be painful, whatever it was. 
“My buddy makes ‘em himself,” the man declared proudly, no doubt invigorated by Brie’s approval. “Best moonshine around. Won’t find nothing stronger than these.” He tapped the lid of the jar.
“Well? Chop chop!!” She clapped her hands at him impatiently. “I’m not opening that thing myself.” 
When the lid was open, Brie reached in and withdrew her hand, her pink fingertips clasped around the stem of a single red cherry. She turned to Seven, leaning down and dangling it in front of his face. 
Seven twisted and scrambled away, “No! Wait, please I jus’ need—” He made it a few feet before one of Brie’s goons caught him by the hair. He let out a yelp as he was dragged backwards, and thrown back down at her feet. His knees cracked against the tile again and he knew they would be beyond bruised by morning. 
“Oh Sevennn,” Brie sang from above him, “Did you think I was finished with you? That it would be that easy? I haven’t even told you what they are yet! Don’t you wanna know?”
Held tightly in place by the goons, Seven said nothing, indignant and content to stare her down until she did the inevitable. 
She let out a big, dramatic breath. “Since you didn't ask, I might as well tell you. These are maraschino cherries, sugar cherries. Soaked in moonshine. You’ve heard of moonshine, haven’t you?”
He grit his teeth and scowled. Her tone was beyond patronizing, but he had not, in fact, heard of moonshine. 
“No,” was all he said.
“Don’t worry, you’ll feel it soon enough.” 
Before he could react, her hand was on his face again, pinching his cheeks until his mouth opened. She dangled the cherry over his parted lips. He could still see her smiling over him. Fuck—why did she have to drag this out?
She lowered the cherry into his mouth, and he took it obediently. He swallowed and immediately gagged when she released his face. It tasted awful. Like someone had soaked a cherry in rubbing alcohol for 8-10 business months. He supposed that was probably exactly what it was. 
She fed him three more before the goons finally released him. Seven curled in on himself at once, folded over with his hands still bound behind him, just trying to quell the nausea in the pit of his stomach. His throat burned, and he couldn’t get that god awful taste of moonshine out of his mouth—out of his nose—his head.
He collapsed onto his side, his shoulder hissing with pain when it hit the floor. He begged for water. No one heard him. 
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Seven was floating somewhere. Somewhere high, high above. Diving in the starry depths that loomed overhead, just above the ceiling plaster. 
His mind was elsewhere, but his body remained curled on the floor, crumbling between hyperventilation and bouts of nausea that made him gag, when he felt the tip of a shoe jab him hard in the ribs. 
He ignored it. The shoe persisted, jabbing him harder and harder until it kicked him ruthlessly in the ribs. 
He groaned in pain and stirred, coughing, as he awkwardly propped himself up on one elbow with his hands still bound uselessly at the small of his back.
Slowly, he managed to look up, and felt his liquor-soaked blood run cold. Wes’ hulking shadow loomed over him.
“Well, don’t you look fuckin’ pathetic,” he spat.
Seven could hear that he was smiling. Wes continued, wiping slick strands of hair across his forehead, “Looks like they already got you tied nice and tight, you want some more?” 
Seven scrambled back, “No—no’more, please!–”
Wes didn’t give time for Seven to escape. Grabbing his collar and yanking him forward, he forced that now half-drunken bottle of silver tequila right to his lips. 
Wes’ other hand found Seven’s hair and yanked it back again, following with the bottle until Seven was nearly bent in half limbo-style.
For several agonizing seconds, Wes’ hand in his hair was all that held him up as he was forced to chug that horrible nauseating poison. It was. It was straight poison. And Seven would never be free of it. Free of them. Free of him.
Too many seconds—let up Wes for the love of god please—let up!—god—Seven begged in his head, tears falling and whimpering, he gagged mid-gulp and felt lukewarm, stinging poison spill from his lips and run down his chin, before Wes pulled the bottle away and released his hair. 
He collapsed instantly, coughing and retching and curling in on himself when his knees hit the floor and he felt his kneecaps ring. 
They thought it was funny to get him drunk like this. Just because they could. 
Seven lay on the floor for, he didn’t know how long. Someone finally brought him water. He didn’t know who. There was a light touch on his shoulder, the gentle cupping of the back of his neck, guiding him towards a red solo cup. He flinched away before he realized its contents didn’t reek like its predecessors. It was water. 
He was back on his knees so fast it made his head spin with heavy vertigo, swallowing him in swirling molasses for several moments as he tried to stop the blurry red shape in front of him from oscillating back and forth.
That hand was back around his neck again, gripping, but not squeezing. Holding his chin and guiding him towards the water. He tried to reach for the cup. His arms did not budge. He remembered now, slowly and to his detriment, that no one at this party had any intention of releasing him from his belted circumstance any time soon. 
He decided he didn’t care. There was no time to care when there was water.
He lurched his head forward when his lips touched the plastic, causing the cup to tip too fast and the water to cascade down his face and neck and his exposed chest.
He didn’t care, gulping it up at a breakneck speed until every drop was gone.
His savior pulled her hand away and he gasped and bent forward, realizing the front of his shirt was soaked through.
He probably looked like a mess.
He didn’t care. 
This was no place for pride.
He just hoped he’d survive the night. 
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Oh boy that was a long one! Let me know if you have any suggestions/requests on what to do to him next :3
Series masterlist
Seven Taglist: (Just ask to be added/removed!)
@oddsconvert @blood-is-compulsory @lonesome--hunter @silversanimewhump @whatwasmyprevioususername
@suspicious-whumping-egg @theonewithallthefixations @saltyemrys @writing-and-trying @veyroswin
@whumpdreamz @kitstorm @amazingmagda @honeycollectswhump @ijustwannareadsomestuff
@fleshand-blood @cryptobiolliegy @whump-in-the-closet
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obsessedobsesser · 1 month
It's been a while since I put together Part 1 of my GO fanfic recs. Having read a ton more since then, I figured it was time for another list.
In no particular order:
1. 'On Espionage and Prophecy (or How to Accidentally, but Wholly, Fall in Love With a Soho Bookseller)' by RockSaltAndRoll (Explicit)
This fic takes place in 1941 with MI5Agent!Crowley and bookseller!Aziraphale. Aziraphale is first recruited by, who he thinks, is an MI5 but turns out not to be. Crowley, an actual MI5 Agent then recruits him to "double cross the double-crosser". Lots of pining and badassery (from both sides) ensue in this one!
2. 'Ricochet' by NaroMoreau (Explicit)
I'm a sucker for anything written by Naro but 'Ricochet' has become one of my favourite fics of theirs. Crowley is missing his angel after S2 and ends up summoning another version of Aziraphale. So, we get 1 Crowley, 2 Aziraphale's. The best mix. The writing in this is *chef kiss*. How Naro writes Crowley's pain and the characterizations of the 2 separate Aziraphale's -- just gorgeous.
3. ‘Terminus’ by BraveLight (Teen & Up Audiences)
I had no idea how much I needed an Astronaut!Aziraphale and MissionController!Crowley AU in my life until I read this fic. They have to team up to get Aziraphale home, but there’s way more to the mission than meets the eye. The twists and turns had me clicking 'next chapter' instantly. And the way Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship is written is so gentle and romantic—it’s perfect.
4. "Villainous" by IneffablePenguin (Explicit)
This is THE fairy tale AU you need to read! Crowley (Crow) is a sorcerer, and Aziraphale (Azra) is a prince—this fic honestly feels like it belongs on a best-seller list. IneffablePenguin has a real gift for painting vivid scenes that are so easy to picture. And those final chapters? They totally got me. I couldn't put this fic down.
5. "Cilice It To Say" by izzyspussy (Explicit)
Ho boy. This will be a fic I'll think about often. It's up there with the one I mention next. It's not as explicit as some of the other I've read but jesus christ. As it says on the tin: Crowley has a kink - The kink is Aziraphale. This is big on divinity kink, if that's not your jam, you may not like this one.
6. "Tether" by Ginger_Cat (Explicit)
It's coming up on a year of reading this fic and I think about Chapter 6 constantly. I don't want to spoil it but let me tell you, it's worth it. Aziraphale, now Supreme Archangel, keeps getting summoned back to Earth by Crowley but they don't know why.
7. "Intermezzo" by FeralTuxedo (Explicit)
Aziraphale is a music critic who, back in the day, tanked Crowley’s classical music career with a harsh review of his debut opera. If my fic recs haven’t given it away yet, I’m all about that bickerflirting, and this fic provides. It's also by FeralTuxedo. Anything written by them is 10/10.
8. “Reclaimed” by gallifreyshawkeye (Mature):
Are you in the mood for some Crowley Whump? If so, this fic DELIVERS. Gallifreyshawkeye knows how to paint a very vivid image of injury, so do mind the tags. This takes place 4 years after S2 and Crowley gets dragged down to hell by Satan in front of Aziraphale. It's honestly one of my favourite WIP's at the moment. I am on the edge of my seat whenever a new chapter comes out.
9. "Wavelengths & Frequencies" by imposterssyndrome, shades_of_eccles_cakes (Explicit)
Who doesn't love an enemies to friends to lovers story? While this fic only has 3 chapters so far, I am hooked. But hey, you give me a fic with Crowley and Aziraphale as radio hosts, I am there! I'm so excited to see how this develops and to see more of our 2 idiots going at each other.
10. "Stroke Play" by moonyinpisces (Explicit)
Moony knows how to write pining and I am here for it. In this AU, Crowley competes in beach volleyball, while Aziraphale takes on the golf course at the 2024 Olympics. They're both so down bad for each other but no one communicates. I love it!
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Got any good fic recs? Send them my way :) Sharing is caring.
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
Hi, so, can you do a piece where Whumpee and Caretaker hang out, and Whumpee gets wasted and finally tells Caretaker everything that Whumpee has done to them, only for Whumper to show up, take Whumpee back, and implement ‘damage control’ (however that is interpreted)?
No pressure if not, but I’ve noticed you are fantastic with oddly specific prompts and so I am excited to see what you cook up with this
Have a nice day/night/time!
I can absolutely write that. I do hope you forgive me, though. I've never drank, so I could only write what I think being wasted would be like.
Subject warning: Tongue Removal. Drunk character. Throwing up.
I hope you enjoy the story.
Whumper had noticed Whumpee walking with what seemed to be a new friend.
"OH, their you are", Whumper frowned, "I haven't seen you for a check in lately."
Whumpee walked by. Both they and the friend carried cases of alcohol.
"You know you shouldn't be drinking" Whumper whispered.
Whumper hurried to follow them.
They ended up at a campground.
Caretaker handed another beer to Whumpee. They needed Whumpee to tell them more about their past so they could help. Caretaker knew there were some parts Whumpee wasn't talking about and acted very strange when asked.
Caretaker figured getting them drunk may help them loosen them up enough to talk.
Whumpee happily drank from the third bottle. They bobbed their head to the music and smiled at Caretaker.
"This is so nice", Whumpee giggled, "so much better then... uhm."
Caretaker leaned up, "yes Whumpee.. go ahead."
"Whumper always told me not to drink. They said I'd risk telling people about our deep secrets if I was drunk", Whumpee frowned and looked at the bottle, "this.. this is nice though."
"What secrets, Whumpee?", Caretaker tried to urge.
No one saw a shadow hiding amongst the bushes nearby.
"Whumpee you better not", Whumper whispered a warning that no one could hear.
That night, Caretaker didn't hear a visitor come into their tent and steal Whumpee away.
Whumper carried Whumpee down the steps to the basement.
They lowered the half asleep, loopy Whumpee to the floor beside the wall.
They pulled Whumpee's arms behind their back and shackled them. Lastly, they pulled a chain down from the wall and securely locked it to the shackles.
Whumpee curled into themself and made happy drunk noises. Completely unaware of the danger that was knelt beside them.
"No point in hurting you right now. You're too drunk", Whumper stood, "I guess you get to enjoy the night."
Whumpee woke up and tried to stretch out. They slowly realized that their arms were shackled around them.
"No, no, no", Whumpee looked around the room quickly. The affects of the alcohol making them woosy.
They hunched over and threw up.
In the midst of this, they hadn't heard the door open or the heavy feet coming down the stairs.
Whumpee looked up from the pile of vomit. Their eyes trailed all of the way up until they met their captor's eyes.
"Well if it isn't my favorite toy. I've missed you. You never came back for your check-in with me. I got worried."
Whumpee gulped, "I-I tried to Master, they wouldn't let me out of their sight."
"I'm sure you tried to, and that you're not lying", Whumper knelt down, "you were pretty drunk last night. You know you're a pretty happy drunk. You seem to like spilling guts. You told your guardian. You told me everything. You even spilled your guts here on the floor. What do you think we should do about this, hmm?"
"I should clean it up for you", Whumpee frowned as they moved their arms, "may I clean it for you, please?"
"Hmm, maybe later. I was interested when you told me last night that you never planned to go back to Whumper. You said that to your guardian too. You also told them everything I've done to you. Also, about checking in with me. You know that isn't supposed to be talked about."
"I-I didn't mean to, i-it slipped out. I didn't mean the part about not checking in either. Please believe me, I tried...", Whumpee blubbered.
"Shhshsh", Whumper hushed, "you apparently held some truth if that was so close to the tip of your tongue to just slip out. You wanted to say it, and just needed a little something to help", Whumper grinned, "why are you lying to me? What are my rules for you?"
Whumpee sniffled, "Don't lie. Don't tell, and do not ever talk about what happens here. I must check in with Master once a month to continue being free."
"Oh good, so you do remember, so why haven't you checked in the last two months?", Whumper sighed, "I was nervous something bad had happened to you. Then I see you walking around with some new person", Whumper started raising their voice, "two months Whumpee. Everyone has checked in with me, but you. Damage control is necessary for you to remain free."
Whumpee cowarded away as Whumper slammed their hand on the wall above them.
"I-I'm sorry, Caretaker has kept a close eye on me. I think they knew something was up", Whumpee kept their eyes low, "I tried to... honest."
Whumper sighed, "dishonest tongues should be destroyed. I think we should take that tongue away from you. I'm also taking away your freedom."
"Please Master", Whumpee fell forward into the puke, "please."
"All of you know the repercussions of misusing my kindness. Yes I'll take your tongue and your freedom", Whumper grinned, "you won't be able to talk very well. Tasting would be hard as well. Yes that is a fitting punishment."
"M-master please, I beg of you", Whumpee pleaded, "I-I don't want.... please take something else from me... please not my tongue."
"Fine I'll go get that Caretaker person who kept you away from me", Whumper stood and started to walk, "that way I'll take away your connection to the real world."
"Mast... Master please.... my tongue.... take that. Please don't hurt them", Whumpee pleaded.
"Oh, so now I can have it?", Whumper smirked, "are you giving your Master permission."
"N-no Master, just hoping you will show me mercy", Whumpee looked at them longingly, "please."
"I'm taking your tongue after breakfast", Whumper frowned.
Whumper strapped Whumpee down to their examination table. They placed a gag in Whumpee's mouth to hold it open.
"Now, removing a tongue is not easy. You run the risk of letting the person bleed out if it's not done right or the tongue could roll back and gag yhe perosn. So I recommend holding still", Whumper sighed, "and no, you don't get any pain relief."
Whumpee made a concerned look, "wh..?"
Whumper chuckled, "exactly."
Whumper used a tool to pull out the tongue and another to clamp and hold the piece that would still be attached.
Whumpee screamed and gagged as Whumper went deep into their mouth to cut out their tongue.
Whumper held Whumpee's head still, "if you move anymore, I will screw up. Stop moving."
Whumpee glared with tears in their eyes.
Whumpee was shackled to the wall again after the removal.
"It was successful", Whumper stood, "everything was done correctly. I'm glad I learned how to do that."
Whumpee only looked up for a second before looking at the floor.
"You are really swell...", Whumper heard someone breaking into the house.
Whumpee lowered themself to the floor. The swelling was causing them not to hear anything at the moment. They were too tired to care.
Whumper ran up the stairs and was instantly taken by police.
Caretaker ran past as they were being arrested. Several officers followed them down the steps.
"Whumpee", Caretaker ran to the body. They hoped it wasn't too late.
They turned Whumpee over and saw the swelling and bruising around their face.
"Whumpee", Caretaker gently shook them.
Medics came down and started to work.
"They look like they're in shock, any signs of blood loss", one of the medics looked into Whumpee's eyes.
An officer came running in, "there is a tongue in here. Is it there's?"
The medic opened Whumpee's mouth and gasped.
"It's been removed", the medic tried to hide a gag.
Whumpee winced and looked longingly at Caretaker.
"We need to get them to the hospital", the medics started to get them onto a gurney and strapped in.
Caretaker lovingly squeezed Whumpee's hand, "I'm sorry I couldn't get you to safety quicker. I will be up to the hospital soon to see you. I need to help here first. They will get you help."
Whumpee weakly nodded and saw the tears in Caretaker's eyes.
Caretaker watched as Whumpee was removed. Another carried out the removed tongue in a cooler.
With Whumpee and Whumper removed the police and Caretaker went through the house. They took records on Whumpee and others that seemed to be allowed to come and go as long as they checked in periodically.
"We need to station someone here to ketch these that come here and get them to safety", Caretaker looked over the names, "these poor people."
Caretaker had received Whumpee's location and made their way through the hospital.
The doctor caught them before they went into the room.
"I wanted to let you know a few things before you went in", the doctor led them to a nurses station. Their tongue is gone. It looks like it was removed accurately, so I'm not concerned. There is no way of reattaching it, though. They lost a lot of blood and are in a lot of pain. So, of course, pain meds and blood have been given. Please let them rest as much as you can."
Caretaker agreed.
Caretaker sat quietly in the room and watched as Whumpee slept. They took in every grimace and wince Whumpee made.
Caretaker was well aware that they should have been watching Whumpee closer. This was their fault for sleeping on the job.
Whumpee finally squinted their eyes opened, and looked around.
"Hey", Caretaker whispered when Whumpee finally looked their way.
Whumpee made a small smile.
"I'm so sorry. I woke up to see you missing. I looked around for a few minutes in hopes you were in the bathroom. After I didn't find you, I called in my team to get you. I had a tracking device hidden on you; I believed something was up and I thought that would be a good idea", Caretaker sighed in frustration.
Whumpee looked at them in confusion.
"Oh right... I'm a detective. I was tasked to befriend you after you went to the police station a few weeks ago", Caretaker frowned, "there was something off about you. In all honesty though I didn't know I was going to get as close to you as I did."
Whumpee weakly smiled.
"Let's do this", Caretaker reached for Whumpee's hand, "Whumper has been arrested, and we are working to track down the others like you. Let's get you out of that tiny apartment", Caretaker squeezed Whumpee's hand gently, "no matter what happens, I can help you. I promise we will work through all of this."
Whumpee frowned, 'this will be too much for you to deal with', they thought to themself.
"I know you're worried about the details. Don't worry about any of that, I have many strings that I can pull", Caretaker smiled, "just rest. Are you okay if I become your advocate for a little while?"
Whumpee looked deeply into Caretaker's eyes. They nodded and let a tear fall.
Caretaker gently squeezed their hand again.
"Alright, I will begin getting things together for when you are released", Caretaker smiled, "now please get some rest before the doctor comes in and yells at us."
Whumpee held Caretaker's hand tightly.
Caretaker paused and looked at Whumpee with concern, "yes Whumpee?"
Whumpee slowly moved their hand to their mouth, and made a motion as though they were drinking.
"Yes you can have more alcohol, but we have to check with the doctor when you'll be allowed to", Caretaker grinned, "I'll by you as much as you want, and this time we won't have to worry about you getting kidnapped. Though I will definitely keep a closer eye on you."
Whumpee smiled and nodded.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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simply-whump · 5 months
Live Surgery Room (手术直播间) - Whump List
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Whumpees : Su Yun played by Dai Xu and Zheng Ren played by Vin Zhang
Synopsis : Zhen Ren is a surgeon who succeeded in achieving his father's dying wish. With the help of ER director Pan, he joined Haicheng Hospital. Zheng Ren devoted everything to being a doctor, and his skills caught the attention of genius doctor Su Yun, who began to study Zheng Ren's methods. Su Yun comes to accept and admire Zheng Ren as a colleague. In order to treat a case of conjoined twins with arrhythmia, Zheng Ren and Su Yun join hands to form a team formed by a group of medical professionals (MDL)
Genres : Medical, Drama, Bromance
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Su Yun
Ep 1-2 : None
Ep 3 : (26:20) Hand shaking
Ep 4 (36:40) Hand shaking, recalling painful memories
Ep 5 : None
Ep 6 : (32:15) Passes out drunk — (34:30) Brought to the hospital in an ambulance because he drank too much 
Ep 7-8 : None
Ep 9 : (49:35) Hands shaking
Ep 10 : None
Ep 11 : (31:25) Talking with Zheng Ren about his shaky hand and the fact that he can’t operate anymore, teary-eyed
Ep 12 : (40:25) Passed out (off screen) after working a lot, unconscious on a couch, concern for him, given medicine by Zheng, talking in his sleep
Ep 13 : (05:30) Watching a video of himself fainting (from the previous episode) (semi-comedic)
Ep 14 : None
Ep 15 : (Flashback) (27:10) Worried for his mentor — (Present) (27:30) Crying, hand shaking 
Ep 16 : None
Ep 17 : (42:15) Hand shaking
Ep 18 : (04:00) Teary-eyed, crying
Ep 19 : None
Ep 20 : (07:13) Teary-eyed (Just two bros stargazing together with background music)
Ep 21 : (33:20) Caught in the aftershock of an earthquake, running away, building collapses on him, concern for him — (34:35) Unconscious under some rubbles, wakes up coughing (Gif Set), slowly moving, crawling through the rubbles 
Ep 22 : (02:55) Forced to operate even though his hand is still shaking (due to PTSD), drops the scalpel, panicking, crying, hand finally stops shaking — (13:11) Worried for someone, crying, shaky breathing, blaming himself, sobbing — (20:45) Depressed
Ep 23 : (02:25) Faints due to exhaustion — (28:42) Faints due to exhaustion, sleeping on the couch next to Zheng
Ep 24 : (25:10) Scratches on his arm — (28:15) Teary-eyed, crying  
Ep 25-28 : None
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Zheng Ren
Ep 1-4 : None
Ep 5 : (19:37) Getting tired during a very long operation, sweating, concern for him, passes out at the end of the operation — (21:33) Wakes up after a nightmare, in a hospital bed with an IV
Ep 6 : None
Ep 7 : (31:40) Emotional, raising his voice, teary-eyed, crying
Ep 8 : (13:41) Sitting on the ground, crying, laying down while holding a picture of his dead father — (19:45) Crying in front of the grave of his parents — (39:35) Teary-eyed
Ep 9 : (12:00) Heart beating fast during a difficult operation, sweating, vision blurry — (25:53) Crying while dreaming
Ep 10-20 : None
Ep 21 : (33:45) Running away from a collapsing building, very worried about Su Yun (You have to hear him scream his name) — (41:00) Digging through the rubbles with his bare hands (super worried for Su Yun) (Gif Set)
Ep 22 : (07:23) Lifting heavy rubbles, worried for Su Yun, wants to jumps down the building to save him, stopped — (10:40) Relieved to see Su Yun alive, teary-eyed (Gif Set) — (16:18) Crying — (37:55) Fell asleep because of exhaustion, brought into the hospital tent on a stretcher, overworked 
Ep 23 : (10:12) Bruises on his back — (27:52) Almost faints due to exhaustion, concern for him, sleeping
Ep 24 : (28:25) Tear-eyed
Ep 25 : (34:00) Missing, friends looking for him, concern for him, shown on camera that he was knocked out and kidnapped — (35:34) Tied up and gagged, wakes up, threatened — (42:00) Sweating after doing cpr for a long time, exhausted, about to faint but caught by Su Yun, concern for him
Ep 26-28 : None
>> More Whump Lists
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tofuwildcard · 7 months
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Whump: The Musical Day 2 || Wicked || Propaganda || Mob Mentality
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Shun the Light - Ch 13 - The Talk
Slow Burn | Refuge | Decision | Mend | Hunger | Thin Mints | The Garden | Philip | Moments | Full Moon pt 1 | Full Moon pt 2 | Tend | Absolution |
Author's Notes: Just some long overdue conversation~
Content Warnings: werewolf whumpee, vampire caretaker, sprained ankle, recovery, emotional whump
One step at a time.
Matteo clings to the railing with both hands. He lowers his good leg first, then follows with his sprained one. His body protests each and every movement, but he persists, intent on reaching the living room. A record is playing low and Dante will be there, reading or drawing or some other hobby.
"Almost there...Almost there..."
"What do you think you're doing?"
He looks up to find Dante standing in the foyer with his hands on his hips. Matteo sighs and sits down on one of the steps.
"I never thought I'd say this, but I can't spend another minute in that bed. I needed a change of scenery."
And some company would be nice.
"You could have called for help. Did you at least take your medicine first?"
"What are you, my mother? Yes, I took it."
Dante gives in and goes to help him up. They make it to the living room without incident, where Dante eases Matteo into a recliner.
"Thank you," Matteo says quietly. He never wants to take the care he's been given for granted.
Once Dante has him settled he goes to the record player and turns the album over. He resets the needle and gentle instrumental music begins to play.
"All of the records are Mr. Townsend's," he says, motioning to a full shelf. "I never got to get my music...or any of my things."
Matteo relaxes into the chair and watches Dante return his spot on the couch and pick up a shirt he is in the process of mending.
"I get that. I didn't take much with me when I left home. And what I did bring I lost during a transformation."
"So...you left home because this happened to you."
"Yeah," Matteo admits quietly. It still hurts to think about. "On my first full moon the wolf wrecked my apartment. I got lucky that the tenant on the lower floor was away that week or god knows what might have happened. After that, I left the landlord most of my money for the damages, sent a letter telling my family I was traveling, and got out. Never looked back."
Dante hardly reacts, but there is a deep sadness growing in his eyes like gathering storm clouds.
"And the one who turned you," he asks carefully, "was it the boyfriend you told me about?"
"Yeah, the bastard. He must have known something would happen - he asked to stay over on the full moon. I never found out why, or why me. Maybe he wanted to kill me, maybe he wanted a...a mate or something." He makes a face at the thought.
Dante silently takes it all in while still working the needle in and out of fabric in a steady motion that's as relaxing to Matteo as the music.
"When it happens," Dante asks after a while, "you don't have any control?"
He sighs. "No. It's like I go to sleep and the wolf takes over. I don't remember a thing the next day - I just wake up with the consequences of whatever it did."
"Like jumping out of a third story window?"
"...no. That was all me."
Dante abruptly stops sewing and turns to stare at him.
"You were right there," Matteo tries to explain. "Another minute and it might have attacked you. I had to do something."
Dante slowly puts the shirt aside and gives Matteo his full attention. "You were protecting me?"
"Well, yeah. You let me stay here. Gave me food. You've been really good to me. I couldn't just let it rip your throat out."
"So you..." Dante almost laughs. "Wow. That was..."
Matteo blames his post-moon hangover for the stinging in his eyes.
The two fall into a thick but comfortable silence, both reflecting on the things they have said and heard. Dante resumes his sewing and Matteo rests.
By the time Dante speaks again, the final song on the record is fading.
"The house has a fallout shelter. Maybe you can use it next time."
Matteo's heart skips a beat.
"Next time?"
"If you want to stay that long, of course. You can do whatever you want."
The offer is only for him to stay another month, but it's so much more than Matteo dared to hope for.
It takes him a moment to find his voice.
"Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's worth a shot, right?"
Dante doesn't reply, doesn't look over. If Matteo wasn't watching him so intently he might miss the hint of a smile. But before it can fully take shape, Dante is up and crossing the room to change the record, and the moment is gone.
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jedi-lothwolf · 8 months
Februwhump Day 2: "I Love You" (Alt Prompt 2)
Fandom: EPIC the musical
Summary: Polites fell in love with his captain. The problem is Odysseus is happily married. So he'll just love his from the side.
    Polites knew this wouldn't end the way he wanted it to. He knew when he had started to develop feelings for his captain that it would end badly. Polites had never been good at hiding his feelings. He knew that Odysseus would never love him the way that he loved him.
    The war was over. It ended when the city of Troy burned. Ten long years had passed. It felt longer and shorter than it really was. Polites hated watching Odysseus suffer. He knew he missed his wife and son.
    On the ship, the man paced around the deck. He wounded what to do about his feelings and how he would manage them. Telling the caption would result in the end of their friendship and that was so dear to him that he couldn't risk it.
    Odysseus was his best friend. He was more than just his best friend. Polites saw a different light than the rest. He couldn't help but love him. There was just something so, imperfectly perfect about him.
    When Odysseus had told him to come with him to the island to scout for food, he panicked slightly. But the two left regardless. It was dawn and the sky lingered with the colors of the sunrise. the light shown of Odysseus in a way that made Polites freeze.
    They walked around the island. They walked over a river using a tree that had fallen. There were willow trees and large clearings filled with flowers. But somehow Polites couldn't take his eyes off of Odysseus.
    Polites had started to talk to his captain. He told him about how greeting the world was a brave thing to do and how kindness could help them. He talked about how he knew he was suffering and how he didn't want him to do so in silence.
    Then they met the Lotas Eaters. Odysseus slowly got the message of kindness and faces them with words not violents. Polites was proud. He smiled as the Lotas Eaters told them about a cave that was east of them and how to get there. They thanked them and were in their way.
    The man hated how being in love with someone you could never have felt. Polites didn't hate much, but this, this he hated.
    The two stopped at a willow tree to rest. It seemed their conversation about greeting the work with open arms helped. Odysseus placed a birds nest that had fallen out of the tree back within the branches.
    "I love you" Polites whispered. He hadn't meant to say it out loud. He watched as Odysseus paused as he stood and how he turned around to face him.
    That was it. Of course he had to go and say something stupid. Of course he opened him mouth. Now he wouldn't have him at all. It was better to be friends then nothing. He didn't want to lose him.
    "What?" He asked.
    "I didn't, I didn't mean-"
    "Polites, I-"
    "Don't" Polites smiled softly. "I already know what you're going to say. I didn't mean to tell you. I'm sorry."
    Odysseus just stood there. He wasn't sure what to say. He turned around to make sure the bird's nest was safely in the tree. "I love you, just not how you want me to."
    "I'm fine with being friends. I didn't want to fall for you captain. It's like you tripped me" Polites chuckled. "I don't want to lose you."
    Odysseus turned around and walked  close to Polites. He stood not even a foot away. He looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."
    "It's okay. It's good actually. I'm glad your wife has you. She deserves someone like you."
    "Polites" he looked away for a moment. This hadn't happened before. Ever. He had never had a man in love with him. Let alone his best friend.
    Polites pushed himself on his toes and grabbed Odysseus's cheeks. He pulled his head down a little and kissed him on the forehead. "Let's get back to the ship. The men are waiting."
    Then he walked away. Odysseus followed him. "Polites let's talk about this."
    "Captain there's nothing to talk about. I love you and knowing that you love me in some way is enough for me. I'm not asking you to love me back."
    "I know. I'm sorry."
    "For?" Odysseus stopped him.
    "For not loving you the way you desire, the way you deserve." He sighed. "Friends?"
    Polites smiled softly. It hurt more than he had thought. Nothing could have prepared him for his captain's reaction. He felt so bad for not loving him. He wasn't mad or disgusted. "Friends."
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
898 notes
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chaosandorder46 · 1 month
Master fic list
I decided it was time to make a master list. 🤷‍♀️
Tissaia/Yennefer centric
1. I’m OK, You’re OK (6108 words; uni AU)- Tissaia's anxiety is not under control. Yennefer totally gets it, and Triss is a therapist, because of course, she is.
2. And Then There Were Three (26,290 words; domestic fluff)-Tissaia and Yennefer are happily married, and want a child to complete their family. The process won't be easy, but they have each other and their ride or die friend group. Some fluff, some angst, and shenanigans arise on their journey.
3. Self Control (1,149 words; fluff and smut)- Dr. Tissaia de Vries has legendary self control. Unless Yennefer of Vengerberg is in the room.
4. Come to my Office, Please (3,123 words; Eventual smut)-A private message gets sent to the entire group and puts a series of events into action.
5. Stars Fell on Aretuza (1,210 words; hurt/comfort)-It's the first Ascension Ball since the Thanedd Coup, and the first in decades not coordinated by Tissaia de Vries.
6. You Mistake the Stars (31,647 words; whump)- Yennefer saw Vilgefortz as a way to get off of the pig farm, but ended up in a worse situation. When she casts an errant portal and ends up on the Isle of Thanedd, she meets a cast of characters that will change her life.
7. Such a Good Turkey (2,606 words, crack fic)- It's close to Thanksiving on The Continent and no one has any chill.
8. I Might Love You More than Coffee (46,484 words; fluff)- Yennefer is intrigued by a mysterious new regular at her coffee shop, The Lodge. I'm no barista, so I'm relying on my extensive coffee consumption experience for the details on this one.
9. Le Tits Now! (3,939 words; crack fic)-It's the holiday season and everyone is in various states of festiveness. Shenanigans to follow...
10. And I Swear My Breath Turned Silver the Day Your Hair Did (4,942 words; angst with a happy ending)-I've never really written a real fix it for the Thanedd Coup before. I pretty much just ignore it by writing modern AUs or insinuate that everything turned out ok.
This is a somewhat canon compliant (until it's not) fix it for the Thanedd Coup fall out. I've had it in progress for a while and seem to be having trouble working on my other fic until this one is done.
11. What’s Lost is not Lost…Keep Looking! (1,380 words; crack fic)-Ciri's beloved stuffy is missing. Tissaia and Yen are ready to go all Liam Neeson from Taken, but the answer may be closer than they think.
12. Now the Air I Tasted and Breathed (Has Taken a Turn) (WIP; angst with a happy ending)-Ok, so....remember the musical episode of Grey's Anatomy (Song beneath the song)? Um...this is the Witcher version of that. Kind of, though (in my imagination) the characters aren't singing, it's just a montage of scenes with the song playing. If you aren't familiar with Black by Pearl Jam, listening is a good pre-reading activity. :)
13. How did we get THIS way? (3,933 words; crack treated seriously) - An alternate version of Rinde if Tissaia had shown up a bit later. OR...Tissaia de Vries accidentally crashes an orgy.
14. Nothing Sweeter Than a Bitter Cup of Coffee (13,681 words; light angst and crack)-More coffee shop shenanigans ensue when Rita shares some news with Tissaia.
15. More Indelible than Ink (WIP, fluff)- Tissaia is the proprietor of deVries Ink and Paper Shop and leads a very quiet, normal life...that is until a stunning raven-haired tattoo artist walks into her store.
Sabrina/Triss centric
1. The Kids are Alright (5,399 words; mutual pining)-Sabrina breaks her arm badly teaching novices non-magical self defense. Rita and Triss help her and Triss uses her chaos. The healer becomes the patient and Rita is sick of their shit.
2. Downtime (1,034 words, PWP?)- Sabrina's office has a network downtime and she needs something (or someone) to do.
3. What We Lost at Sodden (8,858 words; hurt/comfort)- This is another Sodden Hill story with a focus on Sabrina and Rita's experiences. I feel like Sabrina was too OK, too soon after Sodden, and I would love to have seen more of Rita's experience being charged with holding down the fort, knowing her friends were fighting for, and losing their lives.
4. The Things I Regret (2,036 words; hurt/comfort)- Written on the the one year anniversary of my mom's death. We had a very complicated relationship and I've been surprised at how I've felt since she died, vs. how I thought I would feel. I also had lunch recently with a friend who has gone no-contact with her mother due to her refusal to acknowledge her childhood trauma. These human experiences are always so interesting to me...if a bit painful. So, why not write about it? 😁
So, once again poor Sabrina gets to be a stand in for therapy. I mainly chose her because of her conduit moment, we know she has some issues there. 😁
5. Put Out the Fire in Your Head and Lay With Me Tonight (2,226 words; fluff and smut)-Sabrina is exhausted and stressed. Triss helps her relax. This is all fluff with a little bit of smut and nearly no plot. Just like I like to write. 😈😍
6. Burnout (10,501 words; hurt/comfort)-Sabrina is burnt out and coping as only Sabrina can, which is to say, not at all.
7. Aretuza (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) (1,465 words; tooth rotting fluff)- This is a snapshot of an Aretuza where they all live happily ever after, even if the novices are a bit ...incapable.
8. The world was on fire (and no one could save me but you) (22,760 words; angst with a happy ending)-IMO, this is the angstiest thing I've written, so be warned. None of the major characters die (I could never) but there is some death.
9. The 14th on the Hill (8,985 words; angst with a happy ending)-Another spin on Sodden, but this one pulls from book lore as well as Netflix lore and HCs.
Group shenanigans
1. Icks (1,116 words; crack fic)-Tissaia learns a new term. Everyone shares an ick in their relationship.
2. Triss’s Greenhouse (429 words; crack fic) -Tissaia needs to relax and Triss has something for that.
3. Beige Flags (770 words; crack fic)-Tissaia is slowly learning tik tok. She needs an explanation of beige flags.
4. Another Fic Where Triss is Stoned, but with Pokemon (965 words; crack fic)- This is a crack fic, but based on a real life conversation. No need to take this seriously. :) This is based on a video game called pal world That is essentially a rip off of pokémon... And they have guns.
5. Hanging Around (5,593 words, crack treated seriously)- Ok. I was inadvertently sent on a side quest to tell an important, and very serious story. It is based on the delightful video below which gave me several much needed laughs. This is set in the AUMC universe where Tissaia is a pathologist, Yennefer and Rita work in the hospitals PR department, Triss is a nurse and married to Sabrina, who manages the lab. The slides in question are stained blood and bone marrow which are used to microscopically diagnose blood disorders, such as leukemia. I think that is all the pre-reading needed.🤭
6. After Sodden (29,044 words; modern AU; slow burn?)- Ciri is an environmental activist, but accidentally commits a bit of eco-terrorism. She's now a fugitive and turns to Yennefer for help.This was inspired by a Tumblr prompt...I have taken a LOT of creative liberties here. (Read: I don't follow instructions well).
Wheel of Time
• I (Critically) Care A Lot (7,677 words; Hospital AU)- Moraine and Siuan have a tense working relationship. Or do they?
• You’re Going to Make Me…Late (8,493 words; hospital AU)-Siuan applies for a new job.
• I’d walk to the depths of a world down below (and demand to get back what some circumstance stole) (1,867 words; crack)-Siuan is dead, like...dead dead. And Moiraine has to go to The Underworld to get her back.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 5 months
Hey Stephhh,
Im looking for some good post s4 fix-its, friends to lovers. Preferably smutty obvs, and under 50k (if its reeeeeeaallyy good but long ill read it but its gotta be like an 11/10)
I believe in you 🙏 thank you in advance lol
Hi Lovely!!
I've a lot of Post-S4 fics, and if I can say so, I think all of the fics on my lists are fantastic and MORE than 11/10's, but subjective, hahah.
I'm also needing a list for the weekend, so I'm using your ask as the one I'm posting the next part for, so I HOPE some of these appeal to you, as well as the fics on the additional lists!! I put word counts next to all my fics which should help you out!
And if y'all have S4 fics to suggest, please do, as usual! I've another part I'm compiling of MFL fics, so I will add them to that as well! Enjoy!
POST-S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 5
See also:
TFP Is Canon
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 2
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 3
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 4
S4 Rewrites
S3 / TAB / S4 [FIX IT] Fics (March 2019)
Post S4 and Mental Health
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4,  5-Year-Old Rosie, Love Confessions, Song Fic, Parentlock, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Disney Songs, Beauty and the Beast) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of Made of Music
fulfilling for other people by missselene (E, 3,957 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, Unhappy Fic, Unrequited Love Confession, Virgin Sherlock) – When Sherlock decides to act on John’s advice regarding romantic entanglements, the results are far from what John expected. Part 1 of fulfilling for other people
holding steady by darcylindbergh (E, 12,724 w., 4 Ch. || Post S4, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Growing Old, Gone Fishing, Mood without Plot, Soft Sherlock, Caring Sherlock, POV John Third Person, Anxious Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Touching, Feeling Old, Sherlock Worship, Crying Sherlock, Cuddles, Comforting, Introspection, Retirement, Hand Holding, Forehead Kisses, Caring John, Bed Sharing, Emotional Love Making) – Sitting on a thick wool blanket at the end of a rickety dock side-by-side, legs dangling over the edge, a styrofoam container of wet, dark dirt between them, they’re fishing. John knows what this is about. This is about finally figuring it out.
A Quiet Life by DiscordantWords (M, 25,176 w., 6 Ch. || Post S4, Retirement, POV Sherlock, Awkwardness, Established Relationship, Family Dynamics, Minor Character Death, Questionable Parenting Choices, Non-Linear Narrative, 20 Year Old Rosie, Meddling Mycroft, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Angst, Sherlock Whump) – There had been three days of silence and a funeral. Sherlock had the terrible feeling that whatever happened next would depend, entirely, on him.
How To Unfold a Heart by elwinglyre (E, 25,477 w., 7 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It, BAMF John, Mentioned Eurus, POV First Person Sherlock, Case Fic, Fluff, Slow Burn, Topping from the Bottom, 3 Yr Old Rosie, Introspection, Sexual Fantasies, John Worship, Ogling, Hand Holding, Kidnapping, Domesticity, Sherlock Whump, First Kiss/Time, Doctor John, Caring John, Soft Sherlock, Sensuality, Touching, Crying, Love Confessions, Anxious Sherlock, Rimming, Toplock, Fingering, Bossy Bottom John) – To Sherlock’s dismay, John’s return to Baker Street with Rosie is only temporary. Sherlock’s daily visits to Regent Park with John and Rosie illuminate his lost childhood memories and missed opportunities. But with each trip to the park, Sherlock also feels a growing sense of hope. That is until the past horrors return unexpectedly in a cryptic note folded in the shape of a heart. To decipher the message, Sherlock must uncover the nature of the hearts around him, including his own.
Winter’s Storm by LoloLolly (M, 51,812 w., 11 Ch. || Canon Compliant Through TFP/S4 Is Canon, Alternating POV,  Established / New Relationship, Parentlock with Rosie, Explicit Torture, Mentions of Sherlock’s PTSD, Mentions of Human Trafficking, References to Child Abuse, Violence, Kidnapping, Captivity, Angst with Happy Ending, Fluff, Case Fic, BAMF / Soldier John, Sherlock Whump, Mycroft and John Work Together, Marriage Proposal, Autistic Sherlock, Lestrade Finds Out, Polyglot Sherlock, Aftermath of Serbia) – Sherlock had buried the past. Shut Serbia away in the attic of his mind palace. Muddy footprints at a heinous crime scene, however, have led him right back to old enemies. And right back to captivity. For God’s sake, Mycroft. Part 2 of the Earthly Pomp (Is But a Dream) series
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time, For a Case, Friends With Benefits, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Spooning) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
Repairing the Broken Things by BakerTumblings (M, 75,252 w., 15 Ch. || S4 Compliant, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Hospitals, Big Brother Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Realizations, Severe Accident, John Whump, Pneumonia, Medical Procedures, Bed Sharing, First Time, Healing, Happy Ending) – "I'm calling today to notify you that there's been an accident."
Swallow the Night by ArwaMachine (E, 87,873 w., 15 Ch. || TSo3/Stag Night Fix It, TAB/S4 Divergence, Toplock, Mutual Pining, PWP, Drunk / Public Sex, Anal Fingering/Sex, Alcohol-Induced Amnesia, Everyone Knows Except Them, Emotional Love Confession, Demisexual Sherlock, Internalized Homophobia [John], Parentlock with Rosie, First Kiss, Drug Relapse, Infidelity, Texting, Masturbation, Oblivious John, Emotional Love Making, Angst with Happy Ending, Dreams and Nightmares) – “Do you know how long,” John panted, his cheek scraping against the wall, looking back at Sherlock through half-closed eyes, “I’ve wanted this?” Sherlock pressed himself against John’s back, biting at John’s ear. “Not nearly as long as I have,” he whispered.
Kintsukuroi by sussexbound (E, 91,823 w., 20 Ch. || S4 Compliant / Post-TLD, Grief / Mourning, PTSD, Internalized Homophobia, Therapy, Past Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Suicidal Ideation, Masturbation, Minor Character Death, Sexting, Frottage, Inexperienced Sherlock, Rimming / Anal / BJ’s, Emotional Turmoil, Finding Each Other) – “I love you.” Sherlock sees the words hit John with almost physical force. He reels back a little, jaw twitching and eyes filling. “I love you,” he repeats, a little softer, a little more gentle, as earnest as he possibly can. Because they’ve been teetering on the brink of this thing for years, and it had become painfully obvious over the last few months that they were at a tipping point. This had to happen. Now it has. Now they can see where they end up. The tears in John’s eyes spill over, and he wipes at them angrily. “Do you even know what that means?”  
Drawn to Stars by Silvergirl (E, 109,272 w., 60 Ch. || S4 Compliant to TLD / TFP Doesn’t Exist, Sherlock’s Italian Adventure, Sherlock/OC and Johnlock, Jealous John, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, First Kiss/Time, Idiots in Love, 3 Part Story, Slow Burn, Inexperienced Sherlock, Bottom Sherlock, Introspection, Multiple Alternating First and Third Person POV, Separation and Reconciliation, Emotional Love Making, Love Confessions via Letters, Angst with Happy Ending) – After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being.  Part 1 of the Drawn to Stars series
The Lost Special: Family Matters (As Do Relationships) by ShirleyCarlton (M, 144,688 w., 40 Ch. || S4 Fix It Fic / Meta Fic, Unreliable Narrator, John’s Mind Bungalow, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, Demisexual Sherlock, Holmes Family, John Whump, Gay Mycroft, Misunderstandings, Drug Addiction, Parenting, TFP is a Nightmare, Virgin Sherlock, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Switchlock, John’s Past, Sherlock’s Past, Eurus, Love Confessions) –Sherrinford is not really the name of some high security prison. That was just a figment of John’s frantic coma dream. And Eurus is not actually Sherlock’s sister. That’s just something random she said to John before shooting him. Sherlock and John were never actually estranged. That was just their act to cover up what really happened to Mary – or Rosamund Moran, as her real name has turned out to be. Sherlock does have a secret sibling, though, and his name is Sherrinford. After finally eliminating Moran – though in a rather dramatically different way than they had envisioned – and exposing the truth about Eurus, John encourages Sherlock to delve into his past and to find out whether the reasons to keep Sherrinford away from Sherlock were the right ones, and to discover what really happened in 1981. Along the way, Sherlock and John gradually, finally, stop keeping each other at a distance, and eventually become a proper family of their own.
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falloutober · 1 year
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Falloutober is back this year with 31 days of apocalyptic prompts! Just as with other years, you are welcome to fill these from any fandom or original story, knowledge of Fallout not required!
Interpret these literally, figuratively, symbolically, astronomically, aeronautically, cytoplasmically, you know, however you want! Kink, whump, fluff, art, lit, screenarchery, music, just have fun! You can merge and swap days around too as desired!
If you want me to see your posts and potentially reblog them to the falloutober blog, make sure to tag them #falloutober2023 or @ the blog in your post!
Alternate Prompts: 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Typed list below the cut!
1 | War Never Changes 2 | Neon 3| Distant Glow 4 | Daddy-O 5 | This Thing Called Defeat 6 | Monument 7 | Midnight Ride 8 | Faith, Hope, & Love 9 | Butcher Pete 10 | Terminal 11 | Fallen Star 12 | Rust 13 | Civilization 14 | Afterdamp 15 | Keeping Warm 16 | Lacrimae Rerum 17 | Fang & Club 18 | Respite 19| Feral 20 | Wayward Souls 21 | Mutation 22 | Heat Lightning 23 | Homecoming 24 | Cigarette 25 | Pound of Flesh 26 | Ink Spots 27 | Green 28 | Cold, Dark 29 | Shrapnel 30 | Atom 31 | This Little Light
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