#Why do you guys walk so slow... NO sense of urgency
littlerabbitpng · 2 months
Slasher antagonists are the epitome of unemployed... Taking their sweet time following people and terrorizing them because they don't have rent to pay. They don't have a shift to catch. Babygirl get a JOB
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callmeagardengnome · 23 days
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𓆩 bless me 𓆪 - chapter 2
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w.c - 2.2k
pairings - demon!ateez ot8 x receptionist! fem! reader
genre - demon au, hint of royal au, possible yandere themes (?), romance, slow burn
synopsis: as hell's receptionist, you only wished to talk shit and stay out of trouble. yet, you happened to be the one that the two social clans in hell start fighting for.
not proofread!
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Ash. You found specks of ash on your desk. Its presence meant one thing- someone had looked through your office.
You found even more traces of ash on your books, files and even the floor. Not only that, files in your cabinet were completely jumbled up.
What irritated you more was that you could easily guess the type of demon that snooped through your things. A Hala. Halas often had ash and soot left on their hands from constantly roaming the streets of Hell, unlike an Eternal that would prefer to lock themselves in their homes.
You didn’t want to blame a Hala, they faced enough problems from the Eternals, but going through your items was crossing the line. You needed to find out who intruded your office and what they were looking for.
You needed to find Wooyoung.
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Hell was a network of narrow alleyways and crowded streets, a maze that seemed to twist and turn endlessly. It was a tangled web that even the older demons to struggled to navigate.
You felt a sense of urgency as you travelled through the corridors of Hell. The clatter of shoes on stone, murmurs of hushed conversation and the occasional distant scream added to the overwhelming atmosphere.
You regret not finding a way to contact Wooyoung. You somehow ended up in a street packed with Halas protesting, which made it harder to find him. You scanned the demons in the crowd, hoping that you would catch a glimpse of his face.
Without realising, you rounded a corner and collided with someone, almost knocking them over. Shocked, you looked up and found yourself face to face with a (handsome) Hala.
“A Walker?” he raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you guys were protesting too.”
You straightened your back and dusted yourself off. “Well- I’m not here to protest,” you clarified. “I’m actually looking for a Hala, do you know who Wooyoung is?”
The Hala crossed his arms, his expression shifting to suspicion. “Wooyoung?” he echoed, his tone becoming guarded. “Why do you need him?”
“I just need to speak to him. Do you know where he is?” you asked hastily.
The Hala studied you for a moment, his dark eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Is he in trouble?”
You sighed. “It’s about something important.. if you know where I can find him, I would greatly appreciate it.”
The both of you stood in silence as he thought about your request, the cogs turning in his head. His eyes lingered on you as he nodded reluctantly, “Follow me.”
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The Hala brought you to a small, rundown house tucked away in a corner - far away from the busy streets where Halas protested earlier.
He took out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door. He pushed it open before stepping inside, signalling you to follow him.
As you entered, you noticed Wooyoung talking with another Hala near the kitchen area. Wooyoung glanced up from his conversation, “Jongho you’re finally bac- Receptionist?”
He rose swiftly from his seat and started to walk towards you. “I didn’t know you liked me so much that you’re starting to visit me,” he said with a smirk.
“Shut up Wooyoung,” you grimaced. “I need to talk to you about something.”
Wooyoung paused for a moment. The both of you have never spoken outside of your office. It was always Wooyoung coming to you with a problem, not the other way around. He gestured the Hala he was talking to, “Sure.. Yeosang, please get our very dear guest a chair.”
Yeosang, the Hala that had been quietly observing the interaction, nodded and fetched you a chair quickly, placing it near you.
“Wait- when did you become friends with a Walker?” Jongho asked, confused.
“Since forever-“ “We’re not friends,” Wooyoung and you answered at the same time.
“You hurt me, Receptionist,” Wooyoung said, his expression feigning sadness. “So why am I blessed with your presence today?”
“One of your kind went through my things,” you replied firmly. “I found traces of ash in my office.”
“Ash?” Wooyoung’s playful demeanour shifted slightly, a flicker of concern crossed his features. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“An Eternal wouldn’t get their hands dirty which means that it’s most likely a Hala that did it,” you explained.
Just as Wooyoung was about to refute your claim, Yeosang intercepted, “Sorry- but what colour were the ashes?”
You recalled the traces of ash in your office, trying to remember the exact shade. “It was light.. like a light grey?”
Silence took over the room before Jongho broke it, “Light grey? Like the ones at the Royal Palace? Where Halas aren’t allowed to be at?”
The Royal Palace was a place where only Eternals and invited Walkers could enter. The Eternals had banned all Halas from being within the area. They even set up complex security systems that would shoot trespassing Halas.
The Palace had its own landscape. While the rest of Hell was dark with dirty ashes and soot imbedded in it, the Palace was ‘bright’ with white ashes sprinkled in its surroundings.
Wooyoung leaned closer to you, “I’m flattered that you think a Hala is brave enough to search a government office. But isn’t it a little mean to immediately pinpointed us?”
“Can you really blame me? You guys need to understand how it looks from my view,” you retorted, feeling frustrated.
Yeosang’s eyes narrowed slightly, “I’m not trying to be rude.. but what would we even gain from looking through your office?”
“Mainly documents- they contain information about every demon,” you took a deep breath before leaning back in the chair. “Of course I didn’t keep it all in my office, but it seems like someone thought I did.”
“You have documents about every demon?” Wooyoung exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief. “No wonder someone broke into your office..”
“And you’re certain a Hala wouldn’t do this?” you pressed.
Jongho shook his head firmly. “We wouldn’t risk it, especially during this time. Most Halas are focused on surviving right now.”
Wooyoung nodded in agreement. “Yeah the Eternals have gotten way more aggressive with their attacks. They’re really trying to silence us.”
“Shit- does that the intruder is an Eternal?” you muttered as you pushed the stray pieces of hair out of your face. “I can’t deal with any of them, that’s too much work.”
Yeosang mentioned, “If it was an Eternal, they should have covered their tracks better. This seems.. too sloppy.”
“Or maybe it was an attempt to frame a Hala,” Wooyoung suggested. “The dumbass probably forgot about the colour of the ashes.”
You hated the feeling of being targeted, especially by an Eternal. You spent most of your life trying to stay neutral and avoid their attention. If this was really the work of an Eternal, the chances of them tracking you down was high - especially with the amount of information you have.
Even though you were only Hell’s receptionist, you still kept track of a lot of things. From the activity logs of who enters and exits the Palace to records of communications between demons, it made you a prime target for those who are seeking information.
You stood up and placed the chair aside, about to take your leave. “Whatever, I’ll just try to not get killed.”
Wooyoung ran in front of you, blocking your path with a playful grin. “Leaving already? At least stay for dinner- you haven’t even met San yet.”
“Respectfully, I don’t care about you or your friends,” you replied impassively. “I have things to do unlike some demons.”
Wooyoung’s grin widened, unfazed by your comment. “Whatever you say,” he said, stepping aside to let you pass. “But if you change your mind, you’re always welcome here, darling.”
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You could have sworn you left the door locked this morning. After leaving Wooyoung and the rest, you made your way back home. However, your house door, usually locked securely, was slightly open.
You froze, your pulse quickening. You quickly got over the shock and started to approach your door. Slowly, you pushed the door open, the creak of the hinges making you flinch. You stepped inside, your senses on high alert.
Your eyes fell on a well-groomed Eternal, seated comfortably on your living room couch. A tray of tea and biscuits was set neatly on the coffee table before him. The intruder looked up and smiled as if they have been expecting you.
“Good evening, Ms ‘____’,” the Eternal said calmly, taking a sip of the tea. “I hope you don’t mind, but I helped myself to your kitchen.”
“Who the fuck are you?” you blurted.
You blinked in surprise. The Eternal before you had an air of casual confidence and calmness, something different from your previous encounters with Eternals.
The demon set his teacup down with a small clink. “Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss.“
Your eyes narrowed, “I don’t think we do.”
The Eternal gestured to the tray of tea and biscuits. “I assure you, it will be worth your time.”
Reluctantly, you sat on the couch, keeping a close eye on your uninvited guest. “Who are you?”
“I’m Yunho, the Royal Ambassador,” the demon replied smoothly. “Thank you for deciding to join me.”
You folded your arms, “Get to the point.”
Yunho smiled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Straightforward, I like that. I’m here to recruit you.”
“Recruit me? For what, a cult?” you asked, your tone laced with skepticism.
He chuckled softly, “No nothing of that sort. The Eternals need more help, especially with the Halas revolting.”
Yunho took a slow sip of his tea before continuing. “I’m sure that as Hell’s receptionist, you have access to a lot of information. Information that can be useful to the right demons.”
“So? I thought the Eternals were royalty, shouldn’t you have all the information you need?” you questioned suspiciously.
Yunho’s smile faded slightly. “Our information comes from.. less official sources. We need someone with proper access to government records. Someone that can navigate the politics of Hell.”
“You don’t have official data?” you exclaimed. “What the hell are you guys even doing? Just sitting on your thrones all day?”
“I can promise you that we do much more,” he answered, keeping his face neutral. “We need someone on the outside- someone that can see the things we can’t.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do I gain from this?”
“Protection. Think of it as a mutually beneficial agreement. You help us and we make sure you’re safe.” He took a bite of the biscuit on his plate.
“Safe from what though?” you tilted your head. “I’m not in any danger.”
“My apologies- let me clarify,” he said, leaning closer to you. “I meant safety from us.”
Yunho’s words sent a chill down your spine, making you shift further back into the couch. “What the f- are you threatening me?”
He shook his head, the smile on his face returning. “Not at all, think of it as.. insurance. You see, to us Eternals, information is power. Demons that posses too much can become.. targets.”
“So you want me to join you before you consider me a ‘target’?” you snorted.
He nodded, “Now you get it.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek, “And what if I refuse?”
Yunho’s smile turned slightly icy. “The Eternals will see you as a threat- after all, you could give information to the Halas too. We may decide to eliminate that possibility.. permanently.”
Silence hung between the both of you as you collected your thoughts. This was your worst nightmare- you didn’t want to take sides. You wanted to wait it out and let the conflict resolve itself. Yet, it seemed like the longer you waited, the more dangerous the situation became.
“It’s a difficult decision,” you admitted. “I need to think about this carefully.”
Yunho’s expression softened slightly, “Of course. I would say to take your time, but every moment of delay may affect your safety. I suggest to make your decision as swiftly as possible.”
You nodded as the weight of the decision pressed down on your shoulders. You couldn’t shake the feeling of being trapped between two opposing forces. It was always the Halas and Eternals battling- so why were you apart of it? Has the situation gotten that bad?
You thought about your options. The Eternals were the ones that started the whole fight by murdering the ‘unworthy’ Halas. They also claimed Hala territories and properties as theirs, completely disregarding their existence.
You knew that the Eternals were the problem, so why didn’t you side with the Halas from the get-go?
You were close to siding with the Halas, but after the talk with Yunho, you might have to reconsider. As much as you believed that the Halas are in the right, you also had to prioritise your own safety.
Yunho stood up, flashing you a smile. “I’ll come back another day to hear your decision. If anything, you could send a letter to the Palace as well.”
“Cool, you can bring the biscuits with you,” you said, exhaustedly.
“It’s alright, I’ll leave them there for you,” he said as he chuckled. “Make sure to have a good nights rest ‘____’. You may need it.”
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author’s note: i hope you guys enjoyed! if you did, please like and repost! any and all feedback is appreciated <3 if you want to be added to the taglist feel free to ask
series taglist - @binchanluvrr @hiddlestandom @avantalem @hecateslittlewitchling @iarayara @thunderous-wolf
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majesty-madness · 1 year
A Past Encounter - Bucky Barnes x reader (nsfw)
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Summary: Being in a relationship with Bucky, Y/N prided herself on knowing him quite well but when she’s accidentally teleported back to 1940, Y/N discovers that there is a whole other Bucky that she has yet to meet. The sweet flirt that had everything going for him before his unfortunate capture by HYDRA.
Word Count: 4300+
Warnings: 40’s Bucky & Steve, flirty 40’s Bucky, small 40’s Steve, slight angst, doing every day 40's things, cursing, nothing much else really
a/n: not proofread.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Chapter Six
With a huff, Y/N stood up from her crouched position inside the alleyway. 
She straightened out her blue dress and cardigan, taking a deep, slow breath before taking one more look around the alley then left. 
She stuffed the device into her pocket, as she didn’t want anyone to know that she had it. It would be a tough thing to explain. 
Right now the only thing left to do was to head back to the apartment and keep it safe there. 
The apartment. 
Oh shit!
She needed to get back to the apartment before Steve and Bucky came out looking for her!
Taking another breath, Y/N sprint once again down the sidewalk street with less adrenaline this time. 
Running back seemed to take forever and when she saw the front door of the apartment building, she pushed herself to run just a bit faster even though her lungs were beginning to hurt. 
When she got to the lobby, she contemplated taking the elevator but that would take too long to get upstairs so like she’d done before, she went up the staircase. 
Five stories up; it was a lot of walking but she was going as fast as she could. Without the sense of urgency she felt earlier, she was more aware of the sweat forming in her forehead and back of her neck. 
She made a mental note to wipe herself off when she got back. 
A couple more fast paced steps and she reached the door leading to a hallway that was lined with apartment doors. She jogged now, down the hallway approaching the corner to her left, she made a sharp turn and then- 
With a thud, she ran right smack into someone, letting out a surprise squeal as she did. Her eyes bounced up to immediately apologize but stopped when she saw Bucky. He looked just as surprised as she was. 
“Bucky..” she panted out. 
“Y/N, what are you doing out here? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, I just…” she paused, panting harder as her body began to relax. “I uh….”
“Where the hell did you go? One moment we were making dinner then the next, we heard the door slam shut and you were gone.” Bucky stressed as he took a small step toward her. 
Y/N inhaled, finally getting some air in her lungs. “I’m sorry, I just…I thought that I left something in the alley, you know the one where you guys found me and I wanted to go back to get it in case someone tried to steal it.” 
Bucky took a second to process what she said, jerking his head up in confused nod. Mostly he was put off by her behavior, not so much what she said. 
“Well next time, tell us when you’re gonna up and leave, please? I don’t think it’d do any good for Steve and I to die from a heart attack.” He joked with a hint of seriousness lacing his voice. 
His tone gave her pause, causing her to tilt her head to the side a bit. “You were worried?”
“Of course, we were, especially knowing the fact that you were robbed last night with nowhere to go.” Bucky explained thoughtfully. 
“I’m really sorry, next time I pick up and leave, I’ll let you know.” Y/N reassured, ignoring the pounding of her heart that wasn’t just from running. 
Bucky sighed, shaking his head but it didn’t center around annoyance; Y/N could tell that much from his body language. Instead it seemed to be somewhere between motherly worry and playfulness. 
“Why don’t we head back? Told Steve I was going out to find you, figured I’d be out longer than this but obviously, there’s no need.” 
“Right…” Y/N nodded at the same time. She felt Bucky’s arm raise up to push gently on her lower back, guiding her back to their apartment. 
The spot he touched her had warmth radiating from his skin into her body. He was always naturally warm, and she thought that it might have been because of the serum but now she didn’t think so; Bucky must be a warm person is all. 
When they got back to the apartment, Bucky was the first one to turn the doorknob to open it. He stepped through, Y/N ahead of him by mere inches and out of the corner of her eye she saw another, smaller figure. 
“Is she okay?” Steve asked, jumping up from his place by the dinner table. 
Y/N nodded and Bucky spoke. “She’s fine, just had to make sure she didn’t leave anything behind in the alley, you know? The one she jumped out of and we almost hit her?” 
Steve’s shoulders visibly relaxed and he breathed out a sigh of relief. “Did you find what you were looking for?” 
“Unfortunately no, I didn’t find anything in there so I must not have left anything behind.” Y/N lied, looking away for the briefest of seconds. 
She hated herself for lying to their faces. 
“Or maybe someone had already taken whatever it was you left.” Bucky chirped in, standing behind her.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. “I suppose that’s plausible but it doesn’t matter now. I couldn’t find anything there and if someone did take it, there’s no way I could find them.” 
“Well let’s just be thankful you came back okay…” Steve admitted, massaging his forehead with his fingers. 
“Ain’t that the truth.” Bucky agreed as he walked over and onto the kitchen. 
Steve then stepped closer toward Y/N, his blue eyes still swimming in worry. “For next time, tell us where you’re going to leave, okay?” 
For a moment, Y/N tilted her head to the side in wonderous amusement; Bucky said the same exact thing. 
She didn’t have time to answer when Bucky spoke.
“Hey Steve, did you start the sauce yet?”
The smaller man turned to face him and shook his head. “No, I haven’t had the chance.” 
“Okay, well I can get it; all I need is a pan.” Bucky said as he was already opening a cabinet and pulling out a small tin pan. 
Both Steve and Y/N watched for a few seconds before Y/N turned back to face Steve, “Again I’m sorry about ditching you guys. I just really…needed to make sure.” 
Steve was already nodding, showing he understood. “Hey, it’s okay, honestly. I know that you were probably in a rush, so that’s alright. We want to know that you’re gonna be okay.”
“And I am grateful for that, truthfully, I mean I didn’t know it was possible for strangers to care so much for others.” She thanked him again, though a little more heartfelt. 
“It was the right thing to do.” Steve politely countered, but not ignoring what Y/N said.
She couldn’t help but smile at her kindness; both of them. Even in such a city, back when things were much more difficult than in modern times, Bucky and Steve had a compassionate heart  for those in need. They wouldn’t sidestep people who were reached out, asking for someone to simply listen. This time, they took it a step further, they let Y/N (someone they didn’t know) stay at their apartment. 
Y/N had to admit if she had met her the same way, she probably would’ve sent herself in her way, hoping she’d figure it out on her own. 
Selfish, she knew and that’s why she was thankful because she didn’t know if she could have done what they’ve done for her already. 
The rest of the time Bucky spent cooking the spaghetti, Y/N sat at the table with Steve, chatting about this and that. 
 Based on what she could tell, the more she spoke with him, the more comfortable he seemed to feel around her. It seemed that Steve was kind of a shy guy, though she wasn’t sure if that was because she was new or if she was a girl; probably a bit of both. 
In a way she found it endearing considering the fact that women practically throw themselves at him in her time.
He got all flustered whenever a woman showed a clear interest in him. He’d never know what to say, causing him to stammer about as he tried to calm himself down. 
Y/N and Bucky once had been eating at a restaurant with Steve when a woman came right up to the three of them. For a moment, Y/N thought that perhaps she came up to talk to Bucky to chat him up but the thought was dashed the moment the woman said: “you’re really handsome” to Steve. 
They kept quiet, but Y/N and Bucky were dying inside trying not to laugh at Steve as he said “Thanks, you too” before correcting himself saying she was a pretty girl and that he didn’t mean handsome like a man. 
His face was completely red by the end of it, shyly trading phone numbers with the girl. 
Once she skipped out of Y/N and Bucky burst out laughing. Bucky nudged his shoulder asking him what the hell that was and Y/N was just laughing. She admitted she was happy for him but he really fell apart there. 
Maybe he wasn’t all that different. 
“Foods ready!” Bucky shouted from inside the kitchen. Y/N turned in her chair to look over him.
“Do you need any help?” 
He looked up, eyes beaming with gratitude. “Yeah, sure. If you could set the plates and stuff out, I’d appreciate it.” 
“Of course.” Y/N was already getting up from her chair and walked the short distance from the table to the kitchen. She took a brief look around, quickly realizing that she didn’t know where the plates were. 
Steve must have noticed her debacle since he too got up from his chair, and walked over to stand by her side. “The plates are in here…” He reached up to his immediate right to pull back the cabinet door. 
Y/N peered inside instantly seeing the plates inside as Steve mentioned. “Oh thank you, Steve.”
She then reached inside and grabbed three porcelain plates, turning on her heel to move out of Steve and Bucky’s way to set the dishes onto the table. Setting out the three plates, Y/N took a step back to observe the finer details of the plates. 
Easily enough, she could tell that these particular dishes had been put through the ringer, chipped in  several spots with slight discoloration to the once smooth surface. 
They must have had these plates for a long time because there’s no way that these plates look like this and haven’t been kept for quite some time. 
When she heard the slight laughing of the boys, it broke her from her thoughts and focused on the two guys joking around in the kitchen while Bucky stuck a lid over the pot. They’ve been nothing but cheerful since the day she met them which was a bit odd for her since the way she knew them, it took some time for them to show this side to themselves. 
It took nearly a year before Bucky started to relax around her, free enough to make jokes or laugh and took even longer before he allowed himself to be vulnerable. Eventually he took that step, but it definitely took time and effort. 
However those were the parts of their personality they were showing freely without worry something might happen. 
“Coming through, watch out!” Bucky said a bit strained as he grabbed the hot pot from the stove and speed walked to the table. In a rush, he plopped the pot down, waving his hand quickly in a motion that means someone just hurt themselves. 
“Are you alright?” Y/N asked, stepping around the table to stand in front of him.
“Heh, yeah I’m fine, just burned a little.” Bucky reassured nonchalantly. 
Y/N glanced between him and the pot of spaghetti, eyes squinting in confusion once she realized a key object missing. “Do you not have any potholders?”
“Uh…” Bucky started, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck while he thought. “No, I never got around to it and I guess I didn’t think it was important enough to get.” 
“So you’d rather burn yourself then get potholders that keep you from doing that exact thing?” 
He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t think about kitchen utensils that often.” 
Y/N scoffed in amusement. “Well I suppose I’ll have to buy you some then.” 
“With what money?” He inquired, raising a brow at her. 
She couldn’t resist the urge to nudge him. “I’ll find a job, and get you some, you jerk.” 
“Please do..” Steve cut in as he set the saucepan next to the spaghetti with a towel wrapped around the handle. “He’s not good at kitchen convenience.” 
“Who’s side are you on?” Bucky pointed asked, a playful aura surrounding the question. 
Steve shrugged that time. “I’m afraid I’m not in liberty to say.” 
“Well sorry for not taking the proper steps that go with taking care of the kitchen. Why don’t you show me how to, princess.” He smirked, eyes narrowing in on Y/N. 
Y/N’s mouth hung open as she gawked at him, caught completely off guard by the nickname. There was also the little problem of the blooming heat in her cheeks. 
All she managed to do was scoff one more time, almost sounding like a stunned laugh then dashed into the kitchen.  
Bucky watched the embarrassed woman duck to the kitchen while desperately searching for the silverware. He had to admit, she was very cute especially when she got bashful. She opened several drawers before she found them, grinning at her when she’d looked over at him only to see her whip her head away from him. 
Steve leaned closer to Bucky so only he’d hear him. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing her.” 
“That’s what makes her so cute.” Bucky chided, as he pulled out a chair and sat down. 
The smaller male rolled his eyes at his friend before sitting down himself. 
Y/N walked over to the table, gingerly handing Bucky and Steve a fork then sat down herself; seating herself next to Steve and across from Bucky. 
The entire course of dinner, Y/N managed to make normal conversation while trying not to let Bucky’s earlier tease get the better of her. For the most part, he had refrained from teasing anymore but every once and a while, he grinned at her and it would remind her. 
She would fight the flustered sensation and blush that shot up to her face, shaking her head out of a stupor. 
Overall, it was a good time. 
Once everyone had finished, Bucky took the dishes to the sink to wash them while Steve set the spaghetti and sauce inside a container and stuck it inside the fridge. 
Y/N busied herself, wiping down the table with a washcloth then setting it inside the sink to use later. 
Bucky wiped down the wet dishes with a towel, and put them away once they were dry enough. And after he put the pans he used, he dug out a couple of bowls and a pan Y/n would need for the pie. 
“Do you need any help?” He asked her after laying out the dishes, and she had set the ingredients on the counter. 
“No, I got this. Besides, if I let you help me, it would defeat the purpose of my doing this to repay you.” 
He smiled, “Alright, fair, but still if you do need anything let me or Steve know.” 
“Okay, thank you. It’ll probably take about an hour or so.” Y/N nodded, while also checking the time on the wall clock. 
“That’s fine. We’ll probably play cards on the couch; to keep busy until you’re done.” 
“Hopefully it turns out good.” Y/N added a bit weary of her cooking skills. 
Bucky reached up to pat her shoulder, thumb subconsciously rubbing the clothed skin there. “I am confident it will be great.” 
She bashfully smiled, head dipping down as she accepted the praise. They stood there for a couple more moments before Bucky took his hand away. “Well I’ll leave you to it, don’t want to distract you.” 
He stepped around Y/N toward the living room, turning to his immediate right. He reached down to the knob in the front of the radio sitting on a side table, and as soon as he did soft toned music began to play. 
Y/N listened in for a moment, thinking maybe she knew the song but not surprisingly she didn’t, although she liked the music and when words rang out in a gentle chorus, she liked it even more. 
Despite her respite from being able to make a proper apple pie, Y/N let the music take over, letting it soak into her bones and even humming along with it. 
She started with the pie crust, starting from scratch. First she mixed the flour, salt, butter and cold water together then kneaded it into a ball and set it inside the fridge to harden a bit. 
Then she cut the apples into thin slices and dumped them into a circled pan. Over the slices, she poured the sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and touch of lemon juice and mixed them together until it coated the apples entirely. 
Like the crust, she set the apples aside to get out the dough, cut it in half, then rolled it out against the counter top. Once flat enough, she set the first slice inside a circled pan to cover the bottom of the pan. Next, she poured the apple slices inside then covered the top with the remaining dough. 
Y/N took a step back, ready to put the pie in the oven when she realized she hadn’t preheated it and as her eyes scanned the oven itself, she realized too that she had no idea how to work the thing. 
For a second, she thought that she should try to do it herself, after all she was trying to do something nice for the two men that showed her so much kindness. However, the longer she eyed the cooking machine, she knew it was no use. 
A bit anxiously, Y/N poked her head out from the kitchen. “Hey Bucky?”
He stopped the moment his name left her lips, hands holding a deck of cards he was about to deal to Steve. “Need help?”
“Just help with the oven.” She explained timidly while scolding herself inside. 
Bucky got up with no questions, and walked over to her. He stepped past her and bent down to the dials on the front. “What do you need it set to?” 
She walked next to his side, hand resting on his back. “375oF.” 
He turned the dial exactly where she said, then stood up taking note of the hand still resting against him. He chose not to say anything about it. “Never used an oven before?”
“It’s not that, it’s just- uh..” She thought of a way to explain without it sounding bizarre. “My..my family has a different model so this is new to me.” 
She inwardly cringed at the lie. 
Bucky didn’t seem to notice it was a lie and only nodded. “Oh, I see.”
“Well do you need help with anything else?” He offered politely. 
“No, I’m fine now. Thank you for your assistance, Sir.” She said, exaggeratedly.  
He bowed a bit to her. “No problem, Miss, that’s what I’m here for.” 
They shared a laugh as he walked out and back to the couch with Steve. 
Just as she had said, the pie took about an hour to bake and Y/N had nothing to do but to sit and watch Bucky and Steve play whatever card game they were playing. She hadn’t been interested in playing so she didn’t bother to learn the rules, instead enjoyed the conversation between Bucky and Steve. Every once in a while laughing when either one of them said something she thought to be funny. 
Over that hour, she became completely enraptured by the boys not knowing how much time passed until a beeping came from the oven. 
She jumped up from her spot on the couch to jog into the kitchen. 
With a towel in her hand, she opened the oven door and grabbed the pan all while making sure bare hands did not touch the scolding dish. 
After shutting the oven door, she set the pan on the stove then turned the dial to turn the oven off. She could feel the heat coming off the pie crust, and knew that anything inside would be basically liquid magma. 
“Is it done?” Steve asked from his chair in the living room. 
Y/N blew on the pie a few times then answered him. “It is but, it’s going to be really hot so probably should wait a few minutes.” 
Bucky already got up from his spot to walk over to her. “Eh, it’s alright, besides I’m getting a little impatient. Want to know how good this turned out.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll cut you guys a piece.” Y/N surrendered as she took out a knife from the wooden knife holder. 
Without much fuss, Y/N cut two pieces and watched anxiously as the boys both took a bite. They were silent for a couple of seconds and then Bucky spoke first. 
“Oh my god.” 
She grimaced. “That bad?” 
“No, it’s delicious. I mean, it’s really really good.” Bucky beamed, quick to take another bite. 
That made Y/N perk up excitedly. “You think so?” 
Steve nodded then. “It’s great, Y/N. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a homemade pie.” 
“I’m glad you like it. For a second there, I thought I messed it up.”
“If this is how you are gonna repay us, you can make as many pies as you want.” Bucky joked, finishing up the last of his slice. 
Y/N laughed heartily, lightly slapping his arm. “Oh stop it you.” 
“You should get a piece yourself before Buck consumes the whole thing, plate and all.” Steve suggested while gesturing to the pie sitting peacefully on the stove. 
“I believe that.” Y/N remarked as she cut herself a slice and set it carefully onto her plate. 
She dipped her fork into the soft crust, scooped up the apple inside, then brought it to her mouth to bite. She could taste the sweetness of it the moment it hit her tongue and she couldn’t help but giggle happily. 
“I cannot, however, believe I made this. It tastes so good.” 
“You see?” Bucky chimed as he too nudged her arm. 
“If this is how this it’s gonna turn out, maybe I will make you more.” 
Steve, with the last bite in his mouth, tried to speak carefully. “Don’t tempt him, he will eat it all.”
The three shared another jovial laugh, voices mixing together with the music from the radio made it sound euphoric with a touch of nostalgia. The perfect recipe to eat home cooked dessert with friends. 
Finishing the last of their pie, they set the pans and plates into the sink shortly after. Y/n offered to wash them, but Bucky said to worry about that tomorrow since it was getting late and they probably should head to bed. That made Y/N check the clock again and it was nearly ten at night. 
And though that wasn’t really late for her, she didn’t mind the idea of going to bed right now. 
“I can take the couch tonight.” Y/N said as Bucky led her into the living room, noticing Steve turning off the radio to her left. 
Bucky stopped to peer down at her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, the couch isn’t that comfortable. I’d rather give you somewhere decent to sleep.” 
“But Bucky, you have already let me sleep in your bed, you’ve bought me new clothes, new everything. I can at least give you your bed back.” She reasoned. 
“It's not a big deal though, you can take my bed as long as you want.” He attempted to convince her. 
But she wasn’t having it. She shook her head and crossed her arms. “I thank you for that, but with this, I will not take no for an answer.” 
Bucky smirked at her, briefly glancing at Steve who had moved to stand behind him. 
The smaller man shrugged. “You heard the lady.” 
Bucky threw his hands up in the air, relenting. “Okay, you win. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
“I would never.” She retorted back. 
“I’m heading to bed, good night you two.” Steve bid, already standing by his bedroom door. 
“Good night, Steve.” 
“Good night, Punk.” 
Steve shook his head, a sincere smile still gracing his face even as he stepped inside his room and shut the door. 
“And good night to you too, princess.” Bucky winked, reveling in the way Y/N had frozen up. 
She closed her eyes, trying to gather her thoughts but still amused by his teasing. “Good night, Bucky.” 
All he did was smirk, as he seemed to do when he thought he had the upper hand, and backed away a few steps then turned towards his bedroom door. 
“I’ll see you in the morning.” 
Y/N hummed. “See you in the morning.” 
With that, he opened his door then closed it once inside. 
The apartment was finally quiet, leaving Y/N to fall into her thoughts uninterrupted by the adventure she found herself on. 
Her mind again ran over the events of the day, remembering everything that happened and that caused her to reach into her sweater pocket to pull out the device she had found earlier that afternoon. 
Holding it in her palm made one thought shout above all the rest. 
Fix it.
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vigilvntes · 2 years
things i can’t get out of my head: you and adrian distracting each other when y’all are on a time crunch and chris picking both of you up with either arm to carry you out to the car
chris is the only one with any sense of urgency, time management or organisation skills. he knows that a call from harcourt means that all of you should be out of the house asap. the same cannot be said for you and adrian.
i think if it was an actual mission then adrian would have more urgency just because he loves to uh . get down and dirty but he would still move so slow. if it was just a meeting then he would take his sweet fuckin time
he would definitely have to know the who what when where why how and he would ask SO MANY QUESTIONS and chris would try and answer them but you would respond sarcastically and adrian would be like "oh really?" so it'd just end with all three of you bickering
chris would probably have to drag you out of bed and you would be sneaky and try to pull him into your arms for a cuddle and sometimes he melts and he's like "fine, but only for a minute" but then adrian has to join because he's needy and loves attention so then chris has to drag both of you out of bed
adrian would lose e v e r y t h i n g. the last time he wore his vigilante suit he probably walked into your place, stripped off in the doorway and threw all of it... somewhere. so when he's getting ready he's just whining "chrrriiissss where's my mask?" "(Y/N) have you seen my chest plate?"
sometimes if you're feeling evil you hide some of his things which pisses chris off even more because he just wants to leave and he knows you know where it is and he can't stand to hear adrian whining for even a minute longer
"(Y/N) does my suit make my ass look fat?" "hell yeah it does"
you would slap his ass. he would slap yours back. then you'd slap it again. eventually the two of you end up play fighting and chris has to wrangle you away from each other before a) you end up actually fighting or b) adrian gets hard
he probably has a hard on just from you slapping his ass though
you two would keep poking each other while you're getting changed and adrian would cry if you poke him too hard. it doesn't hurt. he's just dramatic and loves attention.
chris would be like "(Y/N) get your boots on" and adrian would be behind him parroting like "YEAH get your boots on" and chris would be like "dude why the fuck are you talking yOU HAVENT EVEN GOT PANTS ON"
"i bet you can't hit (insert specific object in the room) with your knife" "i bet i can" "DO NOT THROW THAT KNIFE"
even eagly would be squawking at you and adrian
he would literally have to drag you out of the house every single time. either you thrown over his shoulder and adrian by the back of his shirt/suit or adrian under his arm while he's pushing you out of the door.
one time he did actually throw adrian over his shoulder, scoop you up under his arm and carry you out to the car
"i'm driving" "shotgun!" while adrian is just left whining about always having to sit in "the bitch seat"
one time chris sent both of you to sit in the back.
adrian is definitely the "omg can we stop at mcdonald's" kind of guy and chris is a "yeah sure" *orders a singular black coffee at the drive thru and drives off* kind of guy
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
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connie springer x “wreck my plans”
request a character & a prompt :3
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Connie stands over the counter of the diner, elbows resting against the hard cold meta hold up his weight. Your shift is almost over, minutes dragging along as slow as paint drying—though you do have to admit, time does go faster when you have a certain suitor pouting at you from across the countertop.
“Oh come on, don’t be boring,” he teases, “Seriously, please?”
“I thought you had plans this weekend,” you decide to string him along, make him work for it—you swear you see Connie’s eye twitch as you go on, “You said you were going to some party with the guys, right?”
“Yeah, but why the hell would I do that when I could be going out with you?” he fires back, “Please, I’m literally begging you right now. It’s actually kind of embarrassing.”
You huff, “You have plans.”
“Wreck my plans.”
He’s persistent as ever, you have to give him that.
“Hypothetically, if I did say yes, what would we even do?”
“I have a whole list of ideas of things I’ve been wanting to do with you,” he answers a little too quickly. “Hypothetically,” he adds on in hopes that it lessens his sense of urgency.
You sigh, well aware that you won’t be winning this debate anytime soon.
“I’ll tell you what, hotshot,” his ears perk up at the nickname as you wipe down the few remaining dirty tables. “I’m off in 15 minutes. Walk me back to my apartment and I’ll agree to see you on Saturday, since you want me to ‘wreck your plans’ so badly.”
The shit-eating grin spread across his face is contagious as you find yourself mirroring his exact expression.
“Okay! Okay—wait, this isn’t hypothetical anymore right? We aren’t playing that game anymore?”
“15 minutes, Connie.”
He nearly jumps out of his skin, before attempting to nonchalantly sit down at the counter and contain his internal excitement.
“Okay, okay. 15 minutes.”
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Billy Loomis And Stu Macher x Reader- Our Favorite Girl (Slight gore warning)
...(Trigger warning, stabby stab)
“Hey newbie!” 
You looked up from your textbook to find Stu Macher prancing up to you. With a polite smile, you greeted him.
“Hi Stuart.” you said. “How are you?”
“Hey! I said you didn’t have to be so ‘oooh hi Stuart I’m so prim and proper.’ “ he laughed out loud. “We’re friends aren’t we?” 
“I guess so.” you laughed nervously. “ Um...what’s up?”
“I’m havin’ a party and you’re coming!”
“Parties?” You frowned. “I-uh...” you wanted to reject the idea. You hated parties and your parents would probably blow a fuse if they knew what was going on around town. ‘Stuart, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not, kitten?” he winked. “Afraid to be seen with little ol’ me?” there was a darkness behind his words that you couldn’t ignore. “Don’t like being out after dark?”
“I’m not the partying type is all.” you shrugged. “If you hadn’t noticed, I’m not the most popular person around here.” you stared down at your shoes. “I just don’t wanna ruin your party. I’m the last person you wanna be seen with.”
“It’d make me real happy, kitten.” he stepped forward and slipped his fingertips under your chin and made you look up. “Please? Just for a few minutes.”
Call it weakness, but you couldn’t say no to him.
“Okay.” you smiled lightly. “I’ll go”
“Great! Don’t worry, it’ll be super memorable.” he winked as he skipped off. 
Later on, you were walking to your locker only to bump into Adam. Typical bully. “Hey Y/N. Heard you were going to Macher’s party tonight...you gonna wear a dress for me?”
“No.” you answered curtly. “It’s amazing how you don’t seem to have anything better to do other than shove your nose into my business.” you hugged your books to your chest. “Can I go now?.”
“Hey...is there a problem?” you turned around to find Billy Loomis stalking up to you. You had seem him a handful of times but never actually talked to him before. “You...where do I know you from?”
“I sit behind you in English. We had a project together once.” you replied sheepishly. “Stuart forces me to sit between him and his girlfriend at lunch when they’re fighting. You talk to me from time to time...”
“Stuart...” he raised an eyebrow. “You mean Stu?”
“mhm! You probably don’t remember me because I never reply...” you nodded. 
“You goin’ to his party or somethin’?”
“He asked me to go.” you trailed off. “You’re going too, right?”
“ Why? Excited to meet me there?”“ he smirked, totally ignoring Adam at this point. 
“I mean...” you stared down at your books. “I was hoping someone I’d know would be there.”
Billy raised an eyebrow at you. You gave off a shy aura and for some reason he was into that. He and Stu had been planning a massacre, and they were gonna blame that damned Sydney Prescott. It was the perfect crime. 
“Hm...I’ll see you there.” he winked at you, then sent a death-bringing glare at Adam. “Problem, handsome?” he sneered as he passed the athlete.
... at the party
“Not even three hours in and I have to hide...” you cursed yourself out. “Damn asshole...!” 
Adam was informed that you had arrived and was looking for you, shit!
You ran into the kitchen, losing your breath. “Billy?” 
The suspect in question whipped around. Billy was holding what you assumed was the house phone and instantly hung it up. “Hey...”
“Am I glad to see you.” you sighed.
“Somethin wrong?” 
Billy was in the middle of executing his plan, but for some reason he couldn’t help but want to talk to you. 
“Adam is looking for me.” you sighed. “Could I...stay here with you? Please?”
Billy smiled, darting out his tongue to run across his bottom lip. You were absolutely adorable. “I have a better idea.” he smirked, walking up to you. “Why don’t we send him a little message?”
“You have a girlfriend.” you put a hand on Billy’s chest. “I c-can’t.”
“Not anymore...she dumped me for Randy.” he tusked. ”Figures right?”
“Well...that’s her fault...you’re pretty cool.” you bit your lip.
“So...” Billy tilted your head up towards you. “Let me-”...he gently kissed your lips. While it felt wrong, you melted into him. He held the side of your face in his hand. Sidney wasn’t your friend, not by a longshot, but you still respected her. The fact that Billy was so willing to kiss you, like this.
“For once...stop worrying about other people.” he mumbled against your lips. “Just live in the moment...shit I know what I want...you know what you want...so act on it damnit.”
“Are we still talking about getting Adam off me back or-”
“Shush...don’t think.”
“Kinda hard to when your girlfriend is in the other room”
“Shut up.” he shushed you, tightening his arms around you. You kissed him back with just as much urgency. How would the others react, seeing this...seeing you. Billy backed you up against the counter. Before it could get any farther, you both heard screaming, girlish screaming. 
“What the hell was that?” you asked, feeling your heart race.
“Stay here.” Billy ran in the direction of the noise, leaving you to stand there in terror.
You could hear screams and cries for help, followed by what sounded like gleeful laughter. You were left frozen in place as a man with a mask on his face kicked open the kitchen door. 
You immediately braced yourself with a kitchen knife.
“Stay back!” you warned. “I will cut you!”
“Easy kitten, I’m not gonna kill ya.”
Call it ignorance. Call it instinct, but there was something familiar about the way this stranger spoke to you.
“What did you just say?” you dared ask this man. “Did you just call me kitten?”
“You’re naive, childish...and adorable...like a little kitty cat.” the way he laughed under the mask led you to believe he was laughing with his tongue stuck out.
There was only one person that you knew who spoke like that. You slowly lowered the knife and walked up to him cautiously. The figure didn’t move in the slightest. You were standing toe to toe with him. 
You cautiously raised the mask only revealing the bottom half of the strangers face...only they weren’t a stranger.
“Stu.” you concluded.
“....You said my name.” he flirted.
“Care to explain?”
“In a bit...got something to take care of.” he straightened his mask again before disappearing again.
It was only less than a minute before Stu came quite literally crawling back into the kitchen.
Stu doubled over, holding his stomach as you rushed over to his side. “Stu?” you put a hand on his forehead. “Stu, please don’t be dead!” you winced. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” That damn Sidney...she must have had something to do with this.
“Y/N...it hurts.” Stu moaned in pain. “Hold me?” 
You wasted no time in gathering him to the best of your abilities. He rested his head in your knee. You hummed thoughtfully, shushing him while you used his sweater to apply pressure to his stab wound.
“Y/N, are you sure you aren’t an angel?” He shamelessly flirted, smiling through his pain.
“No, I’m not.” you giggled. ”Save your energy.”
“I’d have more if you just gave me those lips of yours...” he winked. Just to shut him up, you kissed his forehead. 
“Not what I meant, but works for me.”
 As you chided the poor boy, Sydney ran into the kitchen, screaming at the top of her lungs while Billy also wounded stumbled behind. 
“Billy??” you gasped in horror. Seeing you must have caused him to loose his footing, because he slowed his movements. You laid Stu on his back and urged him keep his sweater over his wound. 
You scrambled to your feet, eyeing Sidney with a glare no one had ever seen you wear.
“Y/N! You’ve got to believe me! They’ve been the ones doing this.”
“I find that really hard to believe that when you were just standing over Stu with a bloody knife.” you seethed. “Your own boyfriend? Really?” you dared step closer.
“Y/N! They’re manipulating you!” she began crying. “You have to see it!” She was obviously hysterical.
“Then give me the knife.” you faked calm, cautiously stepping towards her. “Give me the knife...and we can-” you stopped yourself. You looked over at Billy, praying he wouldn’t be mad. “We’ll call the cops.” you you held your hand out.
“WHAT?” Billy seethed. You avoided his gaze. Hopefully he wouldn’t sense your fear. 
“Trust me...” you said, just barely above a whisper. You were mostly talking to Billy, but had to make it look like it was directed at her. “We can get out of this...”
Sidney (very stupidly) outstretched her hand, the one that was holding the knife. Once it was within your reach, you grabbed her wrist, and grabbed the blade with your free hand, throwing it to the side. You tackled to to the floor and held her down.
“Crazy bitch.” you mumbled. She began thrashing, and screaming bloody murder. You were eventually able to get the best of her. “Whoever is the least dead...COPS...NOW!” You struggled as Sidney screamed. “This bitch is out of her mind!.”
“I have a better idea.” A seemingly fine, and now very much not dead Stu rose to his feet, a sick smile plastered on his face. The knife had slid over to him and you hadn’t even realized. You were too focused on keeping Sidney on the floor.
Suddenly you were yanked back into Billy’s arms as a sharp object came down from above, plunging through Sidney’s chest. 
“Oh my god!” you buried your head into Billy’s shirt, trying to block out the terrible sounds you heard the terrible sounds of skin ripping. 
“Shhh it’s over babe.” He shushed you. “It’s okay.” he stroked your hair with his bloody hand. Stu laughed manically as he wiped the sweat off his face. 
“Some party huh.” Stu cackled. He wasted no time in sandwiching you between himself and Billy.
“You had us thinking you’d betray us, Kitten.” Stu dug his head into your shoulder.
“Y/N would never do that to us...she’s our good girl.”
“You guys are-”
“And this party was-”
“Smart girl.”
“And now that you know our little secret, we’re never letting you go, kitten!” Stu laughed. 
“And if you tell anyone, we’ll have no choice but to take you down with us...but you won’t do that to us, will you?” Billy asked, nuzzling his head into your neck.
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secretlysheikah · 3 years
Discovering Hyrule
So just what was Hyrule like when the chain stumbled upon him in his natural habitat? Well read and find out. Did someone ask for bad ass Hyrule? No? Well too bad you’re getting it today. 
I like to dedicate this to the lovely @vengeful-sock for always being there for me and always being willing to listen to my rambles.  
Don’t wanna read it here? OKAY! Check it out here on Ao3 Please enjoy my take on our most precious of beans:
Start Here: They stuck out like a sore thumb, Link thought to himself as he watched the three men walk through town. They were dressed strangely and they were all together too clean, making them completely at odds with the town they strolled through. One was tall with odd markings on his face and wore very nice and shiny armor. The other who was slightly shorter sported what looked like a rather nice animal pelt around his shoulders. The last, well that white cape would have drawn anyone’s eye but the large gem that clasped the cape around his neck certainly wasn’t helping. 
They were already drawing the eyes of the hardened townsfolk and Link could see the avarice that burned like coals deep in their eyes. The three men didn’t seem to notice however and simply continued to go about their day. They simply talked amongst themselves in hushed tones and went about buying potions and other supplies that hinted at adventure, completely oblivious or maybe indifferent to the various gazes that clung to their backs. Link kept his eye on the group too, though it was more out of curiosity and concern rather than greed. They were certainly odd characters to be sure. His guess was that they were some kind of nobility playing at being adventurers, though he had never seen them whenever he would visit Zelda. He supposed it wasn’t out of the question that they came from a neighboring Kingdom but he had his doubts.    
Link tugged the hood of his cloak over his face and sipped at a bowl of thin broth and half wilted vegetables he cradled in his hands as they passed by. They were muttering something about finding the hero of this land and he smirked. He must be quite popular if nobles from other Kingdoms were looking for him. He took another long sip from his bowl, too bad they wouldn’t find him. He was quite adept at avoiding unwanted attention especially from a group of odd men looking to find him. If he could hide from monsters that called for his blood, and the various thugs that wanted his head as a trophy these guys were shit out of luck. He felt a twinge of apprehension pinch at his gut at the idea of just avoiding the group all together however. The whole situation was odd and he didn’t care for it one bit, but he had to admit he was curious.
He blinked away the steam from his eyes and slurped the rest of the thin soup down before he stowed the bowl away in his pack and dropped a few rupees on the merchant’s cart. Then he was away, following the three hopeless men at a distance. As much as he wanted to leave them to their own devices, he knew he would feel terrible if he heard that anything happened to them. He didn’t know why, it wasn’t like they were his responsibility but still the feeling clung to him. 
‘What if they need my help?’ He thought to himself as he kept his eyes down as he walked. He slowed his pace just a smidge, making sure he blended in with the half starved and filthy townsfolk that bustled about their day, unwilling to call attention to himself just yet. Even though he had just got into town he was already ready to leave, in fact he was on his way out of town when he had spotted the strange men walking down the lane. He had to admit that when he saw them his curiosity had been peaked, and it appeared he hadn’t been the only one. As he meandered along he noticed that it wasn’t just him that was following the group. A quick glance to the side granted him the sight of one of Brutus’s boys following at a pace on the other side of the lane. He looked casual enough, but Link could tell what he was up to. 
He tugged on the edge of his hood, making sure it was well and truly covering his face as he quickened his steps. The group was still dawdling around the different street vendors and he noted how they seemed to have bottomless rupee bags. He grimaced at them, were they just clueless or were they stupid? Could they not notice the eyes on them?
“Stupid nobles,” Link grumbled to himself, they were going to get themselves mugged at this rate and he severely doubted they knew how to even use those swords they had strapped to their backs. 
Link watched as they were in the process of putting away some fresh bread they had just bought when he spotted the rest of the local thugs. Just ahead of the group there were two other men, both with their heads down and hulking and all together not the people he wanted to see. They were a part of Brutus’s crew alright, if the dull red cloaks they wore were any indication of their alliance.
The way they were standing shoulder to shoulder, blocking the way of the odd group only meant one thing. Any doubt he might have had about what the men had planned was erased when out of the corner of his eye he watched as the other man quickly crossed the lane and grabbed the man in with the white cape. In a blink all three men were bundled into the alley way just past a clothing stall. Link let out a small curse and jogged forwards to the mouth of the alley way with renewed urgency. 
“What is this all about?” Link heard the man with the fancy armor ask as he rounded the opening of the alleyway. The tone of voice commanded respect, though it didn’t seem to faze the three brutes. Still Link was taken aback. The voice hadn’t been haughty, but instead firm and rough like he was used to ordering around a band of rowdy soldiers. The command hung in his chest like a weight and it wasn’t even leveled at him. He blinked in surprise, he had not expected that sort of militaristic tone to come from a noble, so maybe this ‘noble’ was in fact a soldier? A warrior perhaps? Either way it was clear he was clueless of the situation he found himself in. 
Link was about to call out when one of the more burly of the muggers laughed and drew a blade. Before any of them could react he slammed the man in the fur pelt against the wall of the alley and pressed the edge of the knife into the soft flesh of his throat. Blood trickled ever so slightly from the place where the knife sat and it felt like the world was holding its breath. This was not good. 
“That’s a nice fur you got there, I think it would suit me nicely,” The brute said blatantly ignoring the other man’s question as he eyed the pelt on the man’s back. The man in question bared his teeth like a beast but the hulking thug just smiled and dug the knife just a touch deeper into his throat.
“None of you move or I’ll have Garret here slice his throat,” the cloaked figure that grasped the man in the white cape said and Link could tell he was grinning under the hood. The other two travelers nodded quickly and raised their hands so they were in plain view. 
“So what, you just want our stuff?” The man pressed against the wall asked with an incredulous laugh and Link noticed the way all three of the odd travelers looked at each other. They seemed confused, and maybe a bit relieved? But that didn’t make any sense. Link felt his confusion building to a fevered pitch and before he could stop himself he found himself responding to the man’s question himself. 
“I thought that was fairly obvious,” Link said quietly and was rewarded with six sets of eyes looking at him. He shifted uncomfortably under the weight of their stares and grasped the handle of his sword just a bit tighter. He let out a light cough and straightened before he addressed the group at large.
“Hello there, I’ll give you a few seconds to get that knife away from his throat. If you’re quick about it I may even let you keep your dignity,” Link said cheerily from beneath his hood, shifting slightly so that his smile flashed from it’s depths. There was a pause, where no one seemed to know what to do and Link waited. He watched as it seemed his words finally broke through the surprise of the pseudo leader of the muggers as he finally turned to face him fully.
“Oh, it’s you,” The man sneered and Link offered him a small wave. 
“You are correct, now, please let them be on their way,” He said and frowned when the three men began to laugh loudly. Link pursed his lips and nodded, letting his hand fall away from his sword and joining in with the laughter. He quickly scanned the faces of the three travelers, letting his eyes meet with the taller traveler before he gave a curt nod. 
“And what makes you think we have to do a damn thing you say? Now get out of here now and maybe we won’t tell Brutus that you snuck back into town,” He said and Link felt his heart race in anticipation. He watched as the taller man shifted ever so slightly so he was closer to the knife wielding mugger. 
“So does this mean you’re not going to let them go?” He asked and was answered by more derisive laughter. 
“So be it,” Link muttered and in one smooth motion he dashed forwards quicker than blinking and reached up, grabbing the man’s wrist who was holding the knife and twisted. The knife fell to the ground with a clatter and the brute let out a yelp of pain, then all Hell broke loose. 
As soon as the knife had been dropped, the man who had been pinned to the wall lunged forwards like a wild animal and tackled the person holding on to the man in the white cape. Link felt an arm snake around his neck and he was hauled backwards off his feet. His hands flew up to the arm that was now choking off his airway and he grunted. He tried to bring up his legs and kick off the wall but the thug must have stepped back because he felt nothing but air.  
The man holding him only managed a couple steps backwards when he was stopped by the taller man with the shiny armor. Link watched out of the corner of his eye as the traveler grabbed the arm that was compressing his airway and pulled it away causing him to drop to the ground. Link sucked in a grateful breath before he got swiftly to his feet again and scanned the alley for the last man but he was nowhere to be seen. That would be a problem. He didn’t dwell on it too long before he spun around hands raised and magic flaring to face the others and saw that the remaining men had already been taken care of. The scuffle had barely lasted a minute, which he had to admit was impressive. He had not expected them to hold their own so well. He blinked, letting his hands fall to his sides as he looked at each of the odd travelers in turn. They all looked okay for the most part besides some bruises and the one slice on the feral man’s throat. 
“Who are you people? There’s no way you’re from around here and I doubt you’re nobility from a surrounding Kingdom,” He asked quickly as he moved forwards and began unclasping the cloaks from around the unconscious men on the ground. 
“Nobility?” The one with the fur pelt choked out and Link watched as he smacked the man with the armor on the arm. The man with the armor let out a deep laugh of his own and Link felt like he was being made fun of. He pointedly ignored them and turned back to the task at hand. 
He had a hard time getting the cloak off one of the downed men and he shot a look up to the man with the white cape and gestured for him to help. He seemed to know what Link wanted and he hurried forward and helped pull the cloaks free from both of the unconscious thugs.
“Uh we are, well it’s sort of a long story,” The man in the white cape said and offered him a small smile. Link eyed him up and down and threw the cloak at him.
“Put this on,” he said quickly before he turned to the other man with the fancy armor and repeated the action. 
“You too, you guys stick out like a sore thumb.” He said as he dusted the dirt off his pants and eyed the last man. Blood was collecting around his collar, and he seemed a bit pale around the eyes, though he was putting in a good effort at hiding his discomfort. Link moved forward and grabbed at his water skin and handed it over to him. 
“Are you alright? You look a little pale,” Link asked as he moved a bit closer to get a better look at the cut on his throat. 
“I’ll be alright, thank you for the assist,” He said in between gulps of water. Link nodded towards him and turned to face the others. 
“Quickly now, explain,” He snapped and waited impatiently for the answer. 
“Quick answer is that we are the Heroes of Hyrule from the past and future on a mission from Hylia. We don’t know exactly what the mission is yet but we assume, at this moment we are looking for the hero of this era, or at least that is what the sword on Sky’s back says.” The man with the odd markings said quickly as he pulled the hood over his head and crossed his arms. Link didn’t know what to say to that information, and honestly he was not expecting that whopper of a tale. 
They were looking for the hero, to join a quest that they didn’t even know all the details for? Why? His mind was filled with a whirlwind of questions and he didn’t even know where to start. One thing was for sure though, this whole thing reeked of a trap in the making and he wasn’t  liking the idea of joining. Not without more information first and even then that was still debatable. He opened and closed his mouth for a moment as he tried to figure out just what he wanted to ask first. 
“Who is Sky?” Link shook his head, out of all the questions that was the one he asked first? The three other’s blinked and looked at each other. Clearly they hadn’t been thinking about that question either. 
“Oh, uh, well my name is Sky“ The one with the white cape answered. Then he pointed to the armored man, “his name is Time and that,” He said with a quick gesture to the man with the pelt, “...Is Twilight.” He finished and each of them gave him a nod as confirmation. 
“Those are strange names, but we really don’t have time for that now. We have to get out of here. You guys have drawn way too much attention to yourselves,” Link said curtly as he jogged to the opening of the alley and peered around the corner. He didn’t see anyone actively looking for them but he was sure that wouldn’t last long. 
He eyed the cart of cloaks next to the alley way and snagged a dark green cloak from the rack. He paused and dug through his meager rupee pouch and tossed what he hoped would be enough on the counter top. He was loathed to steal anything from the townsfolk. They were all struggling and he rather himself missed a few meals than have the shop keep suffering for his selfish choice.
He jogged back to the group and tossed the newly dubbed Twilight the cloak. He put it on without any prompting and drew the hood up around his head. Deeming them good enough to sneak out he gestured for them to follow and they made their way back to the lane. 
“Slouch your shoulders and stop looking around so much,” Link hissed to them as they hurried their way to the town’s gate. Even with the cloaks it still appeared that they stuck out. They stood too tall, walked with a gate that spoke of authority and were all together too curious. 
“Honestly you’re supposed to be heroes. Didn’t you have to, I don’t know, blend in? Sneak around? At least be the slightest bit aware of your surroundings?” Link grumbled as he physically grabbed Sky’s hood and forced him to look down. 
“Who are you? Why are you so keen to help us?” Twilight grumbled from behind them and Link spared him a look. 
“Just a hermit, a traveler if you will. I just… Don’t like the idea that Brutus’s goons were going after more people is all,” It wasn’t completely a lie, he reasoned as he bowed his head a bit lower. He could feel the stares on him and it made him nervous. He didn’t like all the attention on him. Tugging his cloak tighter around him he stepped up his pace and didn’t look back. 
Finally the town gate was in sight and Link could have skipped with joy. They were nearly there, just a few more yards and they could put the town behind them and then he could slip away and be done with this mess. 
“Oh HERO, where do you think you’re going?” A heavy voice called after him and Link stiffened before slowing to a stop. He bent his head forward as he heard the rag tag group stop as well, and turned to look at him. He closed his eyes for a moment before he straightened and turned to face the much larger man. 
“Brutus,” He said in a clipped tone, pointedly ignoring the stares of the others that were now boring into him. So much for keeping who he was a secret. Brutus sauntered towards him and Link took a slow step back, making sure to give himself enough room to work. Brutus, unlike the thin and hard eyed townsfolk, was a burly man. He was clearly well fed and used to getting what he wanted and it stuck in Link’s craw. He had risen to infamy in the town about a year ago after he managed to usurp the other more prominent gang that had once called this little town their own. Ever since then he had made it a point to show off at any chance he got. He would strut around in blood red cloaks and demand the merchants give him whatever he wanted. The few that had fought back were found dead in their beds the next day. 
Link had kept his eye on him since then, and had only allowed Brutus to remain when the townsfolk practically begged him to stay out of the situation. It had bothered him greatly but no matter how much he tried to change their minds he was always told to stay out of it. So he had respected their wishes, but had made it a point that whenever he was in town he would pay more rupees for goods as well as cause trouble to the thugs when he saw them bullying the merchants. Naturally this had garnered Brutus’s attention and they had their fair share of scuffles and earned a bounty on his head. 
“Did you ever find that tooth of yours?” Link asked casually and was graced with a sneer. Even from this distance he could see the black hole where one of Brutus’s front teeth had once been. Link felt a smile creep unbidden across his face. He remembered the scuffle fondly, even though he got a knife to the ribs he had still gotten his fair share of hits in. 
“I still owe you for that. I think your head would be a fair trade off,” Brutus said and Link let out a belly laugh. 
“I would love to see you try,” He scoffed, pleased at the red flush that colored the larger man’s cheeks. He really shouldn’t be snarking off at the brute, but he found he couldn’t help it. The man annoyed him and he could do with a knocking down of a few pegs.         
“Sadly today is not the day Brutus, I have things to attend to,” Link dismissed and turned to usher the others who were staring at him wide eyed. He offered them a nod and began to stride away when he heard footsteps running up behind him. Sensing danger, Link ducked and felt the wind of a sword swipe over top of his head. Before he could turn around he heard the screech of metal screeching against metal and he turned around to see a green cloak blocking his view of the larger man. He stood quickly and looked on in amazement as the feral man, Twilight snarled and pushed back against Brutus’s sword with his own. 
“How dare you, attacking when your opponent's back is turned,” Twilight snarled and forced the man back a few steps before breaking his sword away from where it was locked with Brutus’s. 
“What is the runt to you? Some sort of bastard child of yours?” Brutus snarled and Link could see the way Twilight bristled at the insult. 
“He is the hero of Hyrule, show some respect,” Twilight growled and Brutus squinted his eyes. 
“Respect for that pitiful waste? He should feel honored to be in my presence!” Brutus said as he brandished his sword once again. Twilight readied his own blade, ready to go on the attack once more but this time Link was the faster one. He stepped smoothly in front of Twilight and with power booming through his veins summoned one of his more powerful spells. There were bursts of white hot light and the smell of fresh ozone as the bolts of lightning thundered around the brute effectively breaking up the scuffle. Link grit his teeth and continued the barrage until Brutus made a hasty retreat as the bolts continued to strike the browned earth around him. 
“Enough!” Link shouted as he let the magic go, satisfied with the distance he created between Brutus and the others. He straightened and let his hand fall. He could taste the copper tang of electricity that still hung in the air around him. He felt slightly breathless at the display he had just released and he worked on steadying his breaths. He could feel a tremor starting to build in his muscles and he clutched his hands in order to slow the trembling that was building in his arms before he addressed the other man. It wouldn’t do to show weakness now, not with so many eyes on him.
“Please, Brutus, I don’t wish to harm you, but I will if I must. Go now and leave us be,” Link called out to the hulking brute and threw a gesture out to the group behind him, signaling them to continue on. Link placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and squeezed until the other hero sheathed his sword and stalked away to follow the others. He held Brutus’s wide eyed, terrified gaze and couldn’t stop the pang of guilt that zinged through his heart. He didn’t care for the man but that didn’t mean he wanted the other dead, even if the feeling wasn’t shared. He let his eyes fall away from him and turned to follow the others out of town. He could hear stuttered insults and threats coming from behind him but he paid them no mind. 
Link worked at keeping his gait steady as he made to catch up with the three others. He had really used too much magic just then but he didn’t want to show it. He could feel the tell tale ache in his muscles that spoke of the strain he just put on his magic stores and he hoped that it wasn’t too obvious. As it was, Link barely noticed that the others had slowed to a stop to wait for him until he almost ran into them. He could feel their eyes on him and he struggled not to look away.  
“Were you really going to strike that man with lightning?” The man named Time asked him incredulously as he pulled his hood down. Link grimaced and shook his head slowly, inwardly wincing at the poor impression he must have given them. 
“And waste my magic on a thug like Brutus? It’s not worth my time. Now put your hood back on and let’s get out of here. There are too many eyes watching us still and they will follow. We have to lose them.” Link said as he tried his best to play off the question and keep the others moving. He didn’t look behind him to check if they were following, choosing to trust that they would. 
They walked for a little while until Link found a cave that he deemed hidden enough to make sure no one from the small town would find them and made a small fire to rest by. Link watched as the other three men removed their cloaks and settled down for the night. He still hadn’t removed his own, not wanted to get too comfortable in case this all turned out to be an elaborate trick.
“So I suppose you have questions, where would you like to start?” Link asked after everyone had sat for a little while. He looked at them all in turn and waited for someone to ask the question he was sure to be coming. 
“The man from the town said you were the hero, is this true?” Time asked as he held Link’s gaze. 
“That is correct, I am the hero,” Link answered in the affirmative and waited. 
“Well that makes things easier,” Sky said happily as he pulled the bread he had bought from the merchant in town. Link felt his stomach twist painfully at the scent and he prayed that his stomach wouldn’t growl. He watched as the other man ripped off a large piece and offered it to him. Link blinked in surprise, no one had ever tried to share food with him. 
“But that’s, no I couldn’t,” Link stammered out quickly even as his stomach growled angrily at his own refusal of the proffered meal. Sky offered him a warm smile and only continued to hold the bread out to him. 
“Don’t be silly! There is more than enough to go around, and after you helped us out in that alley it is the least we can do,” He said and to Link’s surprise the other two nodded before offering him provisions from their own packs. Link could feel his mouth water at the promise of more food and he could feel the tremors from over exertion beginning to ramp up. He forced himself to breathe and shuffled back a little. 
“Honestly, I’m fine,” He said stubbornly, still refusing the food that he was offered. He couldn’t trust it, he had learned long ago to never accept gifts from strangers and as much as he wanted to he had to be strong now. 
“Please, continue with your questions,” He said pointedly and watched as they slowly put their food away. 
“Alright, please let me know if this is rude but I must know, what happened to the land? It looks rather…” Sky trailed off and Link nodded, there it was. He knew it would come up eventually. He could guess by their full cheeks and general healthy appearance that they probably didn’t have to go many days without a meal. 
“This land, these people, have been through a lot as you might have guessed. We are still trying to get back on our feet so to speak. Gannon and his followers have not been kind.” Link said slowly and found that he had a hard time lifting his eyes away from his hands that were knitted tightly in his lap. He didn’t want to see the looks on their faces. If what they said was true, and they were heroes from Hyrule at different points in time they must be ashamed of what had been done to this land. He swallowed down the lump in his throat and raised his eyes to meet theirs. 
“We are a strong people, we will be okay and the land will heal.” He said firmly, lifting his head in defiance. He was startled at the sudden wave of anger that was washing through him. He could only imagine what they were thinking. Disappointment, disgust maybe even shame for what he had allowed to happen to their home. Well they could think what they will, he loved this land he called home, no matter it’s flaws and scars. There was still beauty to be found here, tucked away in corners and hiding in plain sight, all you had to do was look. Even now Link could see the land healing, growing and thriving despite the harm done to it. 
“I have no doubt in your abilities and the strength of these people to grow and thrive. The strength and resolve in your voice is conviction enough and I know you will succeed.” Time said from his place by the fire and was joined by proud smiles and nods from the other two. Link felt a smile creep onto his face, he felt honored in a way. Even if this proved to be some elaborate trap in the making he was willing to accept their compliments. 
“I am curious, you say you are heroes from other eras. Tell me how did you get here?” Link asked, crossing his arms over his chest and waited. 
“A portal brought us here,” Sky answered and continued quickly, apparently knowing what Link was about to ask next. “And no, we don’t truly know why we are here besides knowing that we needed to find the hero of this time. Though we have noticed one common factor.” He said, glancing at the two men he sat beside.
“That being?” Link prompted, and watched as the three of them shared a brief nod. 
“That being a rise in monster activity,” Sky said slowly and Link felt his eyebrow beginning to rise despite himself. 
“That’s it? That’s all you have?” He asked incredulously and was graced with shrugs and half hearted ‘yeahs’. 
“There has to be more than that,” He said and was once again met with more shrugs.
“Unfortunately that’s all we have,” Twilight said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Link couldn’t help it, he let out a disbelieving snort before he could stop himself.  
“And you want me to join? You guys can see how suspicious this sounds right? What makes you think I’m going to join this, whatever this is just because there’s slightly more monsters about?” Link asked and this time was met with a rueful smile spreading across Sky’s face. 
“I don’t think you’ll have a choice in that matter. I saw that portal for a week straight and refused to go through it until finally, kind of just… Pulled me in,” Sky said and Link felt himself slump against the wall of the cave suddenly very tired. He pressed his fingers against his temples and squeezed his eyes shut. This whole situation made him want to sleep for the next century, though he couldn’t deny he was the least bit curious to see what new places he would discover. After a moment he let out a sigh and opened his eyes.
“Alright, I guess I’ll need a name. I assume Link won’t cut it considering you all have nicknames,” Link said and judging on the looks he was getting he knew he was right. He watched as Sky leaned back and tilted his head to the side as if he were listening to something. After a second he gave a nod and smiled warmly at him. 
“Looks like your name is Hyrule. Welcome to the fold.” Sky said with a chuckle and stretched his hand out for him to shake. He eyed the hand thoughtfully before taking it and felt a tingle of magic flood through the contact. He pulled his hand away quickly and stared at his palm expecting to see a mark left behind on his hand but saw nothing. He wiped the feeling away on his tunic and nodded slowly. 
“Now that that is out of the way, I think we need to get something out of the way,” Twilight said and Link offered him a quizzical stare. Twilight dug through his pack and once again offered him some of his food.
“Eat, I know you’re hungry. Don’t try to deny it.” He said sternly and this time Hyrule accepted the offer, though he didn’t take a bite until Twilight gave him a knowing look and took a bite of his own food. The others were quick to pull out their own meals then and they all tucked into their dinner in silence, all of them lost in thought. He chewed the bread and didn’t miss how both Time and Sky were quick to share their own meals with him. This time he accepted the offers gratefully, he didn’t want to admit it to the others but he was starving. They ate in peace for a while and even though he knew he probably wasn’t going to sleep tonight he had to admit it was nice to share a meal with others for once.
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hockey-hoe-24-7 · 4 years
In That Dress?, feat Andrei Svechnikov
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Warnings: Smut, some roughness, jealousy, not proof read
Length: 1,777
“Remind me again why I can’t go?”
Rolling your eyes, you looked away from your reflection in the mirror to your boyfriend who was standing in the doorway, pouting. Looking at him, you had to smile and internally swoon. Only he could look that good in simple grey sweatpants, a sweater, and a childish pout on his face. It was infuriating sometimes, how he always managed to look incredibly attractive. It was something you had been meaning to speak to him about.
“Because my boss says you will be a distraction.”
“Because I’m so good looking?”
You gave him a glare, but it was completely buffered by the smile you couldn’t hide.
“Because if you were there I wouldn’t be able to devote my full attentions to mingling with the guests, and attention would be on you when it should be on what the event is about. He says you are more than welcome at the next event, but this one needs to go perfectly.”
He didn’t look like he liked that answer, but he didn’t argue either, so you went back to applying your makeup, aware of him still hovering in the doorway.
“So you’re going alone?”
“In that dress?”
You narrowed your eyes at him in the mirror. 
“What’s wrong with it?”
“You look amazing.”
“Why thank you.”
“That’s a problem. You look too good and every single guy there is going to hit on you.”
You rolled your eyes, capped your lipstick, and turned to face him. “Andrei, every guy there isn’t going to hit on me. And even if they did, you know I wouldn’t do anything.”
He frowned and pushed himself away from the doorframe. “Of course I know that, Y/N.” He walked over until he could run his hands slowly over your hips, which were displayed very well in the dress you were wearing.
“I also know that every guy there is going to imagine fucking you out of this.”
Leaning into the heat of him, you placed your hands on his chest. “And how do you know that?”
“Because it’s what I’m imagining right now.”
You narrowed your eyes again and gave his chest a light push. “Uh-uh. It took me forever to get my hair right and you will not ruin it.”
He gave you that trademark smirk, his eyes hooded and glinting. Cocky little bastard.
Knowing how weak you were when it came to giving him what he wanted, you twisted in his arms and went back to work on your makeup. 
You felt Andrei’s grip flex. If there was one thing he did not like, it was being ignored. He probably saw your warning as a challenge.
Your assumption was confirmed when you felt Andrei’s fingers run across the back of your neck, gently moving your well-sculpted curls over your shoulder and out of his way. When he touched his lips to the back of your throat in a teasing kiss, you couldn’t help but shudder in response.
Of course, he completely ignored you and continued what he was doing. With deft fingers, he unhooked the top clasp of your dress and began tugging the zipper down. With every few inches of skin revealed, he left a long, warm kiss. Your makeup abandoned, you gripped the edge of the counter, tried to calm your stuttering heart as Andrei went lower and lower.
When the zipper reached your waist he laid one long, final kiss to the small of your back, letting his teeth only just graze the skin.
His hands left your body and you took a deep inhale, trying to compose yourself so you could finish getting ready - your brain went haywire when his hands wrapped around your ankles and moved swiftly up your bare legs, taking the hem of your dress with it.
"Why aren’t you wearing panties?”
“Um, the, uh, lines...panty lines...”
Andrei growled something in Russian and you shivered at the sound.
A large hand at the small of your back was pushing you forward and you went with it, leaning over the counter until your curls brushed the marble surface.
You gasped, clenching your fists as he licked a long line up the seam of your pussy, applying a delicious amount of pressure to your clit before moving away. You arched your back, desperate for more and he complied, settling in between your legs, a hard grip on the back of your thighs as he continued to lap at you. His pace was slow, teasing, but you knew his grip well enough to sense an urgency behind it.
“Baby, please...”
An uncontrollable groan bubbled from your chest as he pushed his tongue inside of you, one of his hands rounding your hips to rub at your clit. Just as you were about to tumble over the edge, he pulled away, leaving you gasping, your pussy fluttering around empty air.
Before you could say anything, he was swiftly coming to his feet, reaching in his sweatpants and pulling out his cock. Shoving your dress further up your back, he collared the back of your neck with one hand and guided himself inside you with the other.
You both shuddered and groaned at the familiar sensations; you at the breathtaking feeling of being filled up by him, Andrei at the exquisitely painful heat and tightness of you. Leaning his head against your back, he flexed his hips in a shallow thrust, taking a long moment to savor the feel of being inside you. When you shifted impatiently beneath him, he tightened his grip on your neck and clapped his other hand to your hip. Holding you steady, he pulled his hips back and thrust back in. As he ground hard, you whimpered, trying to push your body back against his grip. He held fast, your strength nothing compared to his.
Pulling out agonizingly slow to both of your groans, he pushed back in. Again and again he did, faster and faster until he was pounding into you, your hands sliding against the marble, your hipbones slamming against the marble edge. You stole a glance in the mirror and saw him behind you, his eyes shut in pleasure, his head lolling back in ecstasy.
When the orgasm came, it washed over you like a wave, pulling you under and robbing you of every sense until the pleasure was all you knew. Andrei continued to thrust into you, slow and languid as he took you for everything you had to give him.
You leaned your forehead against the high curved sink faucet, trying to catch your breath. You felt Andrei’s breath hot on your neck as he leaned his forehead against the bare skin of your upper back, his chest muscles flexing with every breath. It was a long moment before he began to pull out of you, your pussy clenching around him. He kissed down your spine as he pulled away, letting your dress fall back over your hips.
As you both raised your heads, your gazes met in the mirror. His eyes were hot and sated and you looked thoroughly fucked, your face flushed and your dress hanging off your shoulders. His hands were suddenly back on your hips and he was spinning you around, clenching his hand in your hair and slamming his mouth onto yours in a a kiss that was more a mark of possession than anything else. You clenched your hands in the fabric of his sweatshirt, only able to hold on for the ride as he drank from you.
With one last sharp nip to your bottom lip he pulled away. “Now no one will doubt you’ve been fucked.” A spark of irritation found its way through your fading arousal and you summoned up a half-assed glare, which was buffered by the heat in your eyes.
“You’re horrible.”
A smirk. “I’m aware.”
You pushed on his chest, not moving him an inch. “Get out. I have to finish getting ready. And I’m going to be late now.” As you turned back to the mirror, Andrei zipped your dress back up, dropping a kiss on your bare shoulder before fastening the clasp. “I have something for you.” You raised your eyebrows in question, but got no answer as he twisted on his heel and padded down the hall to his bedroom.
Just as you finished putting on another layer of lipstick, he reappeared, something clasped in his clenched hand. Your heart skipped when you saw what he was holding.
His number #37 chain lay against his palm, the silver glittering in the fluorescent lights of the bathroom. You gave a valiant effort, but there was no hiding the huge smile that broke out over your face. He smiled wide. “Turn around.”
You did as you were told, moving your curls out of his way as he reached over your head and pulled the chain around your neck, fastening it at your neck. His hands lingered on your skin and his eyes met yours in the mirror again. The heat in his gaze made you swallow.
“Now everyone knows who you belong to.”
The words made your thighs clench, but you knew you couldn’t let that snark slide, so you elbowed him in the ribs. When you turned back toward him to give him a soft peck, he fisted the chain, pulled you forward and gave you another claiming kiss. 
“Don’t stay out too late,” he murmured against your mouth. “Or I’ll have to come and find you.” With those parting words, he handed you your coat, which you hadn’t realized he was holding in his other hand.
The event was a hit and your boss pulled you over multiple times to congratulate you with a giddy smile on his face. You would also have to be blind to not notice the male attention you were receiving. There were quite a few who would admire you, then run their gaze smack into the chain hanging around your neck. You guess they recognized it because they all looked away, flustered and tugging at their ties. Every time they did, you thought of a few hours before, how Andrei had felt pounding inside of you, reminding you that you were his.
You all but raced home after the event, finding your boyfriend on the couch playing video games. When he saw the look on your face, he was moving, bending down to throw you over his shoulder and prowl back to the bedroom.
You ended the night on top of him, his hands digging hard into your hips, yours braced on his chest, and the #37 brushing the skin of your chest.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
pw [2] | the cars that go boom
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perfectly wrong | drabble [2]: when your boyfriend likes to play with the cars, but you like to play in the cars.
word count: 2.0k
warnings: unprotected car sex, road head / oral (m. receiving), cussing, mature language, reader catches an attitude and tae knows just how to test you
notes: i’m sorry, i’m filthy lmao i’ll make a softer drabble next 😂 but uh, if you want something messier, acquainted is up. if you want something a little softer, big red is up. 😬 hehe ily, y’all are always so sweet and supportive!!
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Your boyfriend was a certified dork, but you couldn't ask for anyone better. He wanted to drag you to the mall to visit the closest LEGO store for a special edition car set, or whatever the hell he said it was, being he stumbled on his own words over the phone due to his excitement. You had never heard his deep, nerdy laugh so much until today. But, you agreed to go because you wanted to go wherever Taehyung went, even if that meant running to the nearest convenience store for toilet paper.
"Baby, let's go! Hurry that ass up! The mall doesn't wait for anyone!" The mall was going to close in the next hour, hence the sense of urgency from Taehyung.
"You better keep your tone down or else the mall is gonna have no choice but to wait." You yelled from his room as you lazily slipped into some biker shorts and his hoodie. You threw the hood over your head and slipped on your crocs before meeting him in his living room. He showed off his boxy smile and danced in place before engulfing you in his arms and showering you with kisses.
"You are such a dork. You're never this excited when you come to see me."
"I'm always excited, love. It's just—"
"Mhm, yeah yeah, special edition. Limited time. Yes, I'm aware. Let's go, you little baby." You walk out his door only to see him standing there with this look on his face. "Babe." You whined. "For real? You rushed me out of the bed! What are you doing?"
"Mm-mm, not until you give me a kiss." His hands are tucked into his pocket while his head remained tilted to the side.
You stood on your tippy toes to plant a good one on his plump lips. "There."
"Okay." He shrugs and happily walks off to the elevator. You shake your head at him, because sometimes, Taehyung was definitely more dramatic than you were.
The drive to the mall isn't far, and your boyfriend is damn near hopping out of the car before putting it in park. Too bad his parking spot was on the opposite end of the LEGO store.
"Because I love you, I'll walk at a normal pace." He slows his speed.
"Yeah, thank you Daddy Long Legs."
"Which leg are we talking about, sweetheart?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making you playfully shove him aside.
"Ew, don't do that." You laughed.
"Hey Tae!" You and Tae were pulled out of your moment when a familiar face from school had passed in the oncoming crowd.
"What's up, Sabrina?" She stops in her tracks and twirls her hair, causing Taehyung to stop in his own tracks. You chuckle to yourself because for one thing, you know the boy is dying to get to his LEGOs. And two, all of a sudden he's a nice guy saying hi to people? Boy, bye. Where was that energy when he was the campus fuckboy?
Anyways, Miss Sabrina doesn't even take one look at you or acknowledge your presence, which makes you stand there with your hand on your hip as you eye her.
"It's been awhile." She bit onto her bottom lip. "Call me sometime so we can catch up." She quickly brushes her hand down his chest before walking off.
"Uh?" You pop your head out from the side, raising your eyebrow at Taehyung who is literally just standing there looking at you.
"Babe, don't even start."
"Don't even start?!" You crossed your arms and began to walk away from him. You can hear him catching up to you with those damn long legs of his, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back to him.
"Don't be like that." He kisses you on the forehead, but you push him off and continue walking towards the LEGO store.
"Go and get your thing, Taehyung. I'll just wait out here." You pout. He clicks his teeth before pouting and making his way inside to grab whatever he needed to grab. It only takes him about 5 minutes before he's happily walking back out, even though you're standing there completely unamused.
"You want anything to eat, you little brat?" You rolled your eyes.
"I'm fine."
"Fine, starve, since you wanna have an attitude." He says, walking next to you, arms crossed. You knew he was testing the fuck out of you - you could sense that smirk from a mile away, and it wasn't funny. He always knew how to push your buttons, but you could never stay mad at him for long. That's the part that wasn't funny.
"Fine." You say. At this point, you both are walking to the car in silence, even though you can see Taehyung from your peripherals, eyeing you with his lips doing that thing where it folds inwards every time he wants to hold in his laugh. You plop into your seat, slamming the door shut to buckle your seatbelt and immediately look out the window. A couple of minutes have passed and you realize you still haven't left the parking spot. "Tae." You shift in your seat to look over at him in the driver's seat.
"We're not leaving until you communicate and tell me why you have an attitude all of a sudden."
"All of a sudden? She got all flirty with you when she walked off and you didn't even say anything."
"First of all, just listen to what you said. She walked off before I could even say anything. And what was I supposed to do, push her in public?"
"I mean--"
"Y/N." He looks at you. "Think for a minute, yeah? Don't let your feelings do the talking for you. I know it wasn't the greatest thing to see, but I'm obviously not planning on calling her or interested in catching up."
"She didn't even acknowledge me."
"Why does it matter?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend."
"You are, and everyone is aware. I can go put up fliers if you want me to."
"But that's not my point, you didn't even try to introduce me."
"Why? She doesn't matter to me." You stay silent as you sink back into your seat. Now, it was pretty obvious you were picking a fight for no reason and Taehyung was well aware of your ways. Although it was frustrating, he always tried to be patient and talk you through this. He knew that sometimes, you just needed to be reassured and he had no problem doing that for you.
"She just wanted to get to you, and quite frankly, you're letting her for no reason." He looks at you, but you break eye contact and fiddle with your fingers. You feel his hand lift your chin so that you could be at eye level with him once again. One thing he was also very well aware of was the fact that you broke eye contact every time you started to realize you were wrong. "Baby." He chuckles. "You know I love you, right?"
"Yes." You say lowly.
"I know you're upset, but trust me when I tell you that I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have. Even down to entertaining another woman at the mall. Are you with me?" His thumb is drawing soft lines down your chin.
"I am."
"Then you know we're in this together. Don't shut me out." You whine.
"Why do you have to be so good looking?" He laughs.
"I don't know, but I'm all yours, you know this." He smiles. "Now please stop with the attitude and give me a kiss so we can go home." You plant a kiss on his lips before retreating quietly into your seat. He begins to drive off, getting onto the freeway that would take you back to his place. You smirk, a nasty idea popping into your head as he leans back, one hand on the steering wheel, while the other rested on the center storage console of the car. And you were going to do it for the way Taehyung teased you and tried pushing your buttons earlier. You flip the seatbelt strap over your head so that you have a little more room to move. You start palming at his member on top of his grey sweats, causing him to shoot you a look.
"What do you think you're you doing?" He asks, but doesn't even stop you as you continue, feeling his member quickly harden in his sweat pants, the bulge becoming bigger by the minute. You reach into his sweats and deep into this boxers, pulling out his member to toy with. "Y/N, what are you doing?"
"Since you wanted to test me earlier, thinking you were funny." He bites onto his bottom lip, his knuckles turning white as his hand grips tighter onto the steering wheel. You lower your mouth onto his cock, tongue teasing the red, angry tip as you lick the pre-cum pooling at the top.
"Are you really doing this right now?" You say nothing, but allow the sounds of your slurping do the talking. "God." He groans, quickly taking his eyes off of the road to watch your head move up and down on his cock. "You're going to make me take an exit so I can fuck you proper."
"All talk and no action, Kim Taehyung." Suddenly, the car abruptly swerves, causing you to squeal right before you were planning to lower yourself back down onto his member. You can sense the switch in Tae's body language, causing you to silently chuckle to yourself as you lick swipes down his tip and suck on it gently. Everything suddenly gets darker, and you quickly raise your head to see the car coming to a stop near the curb on a dim, quiet street. Tae shifts the gear into parking and turns off his headlights before raising your chin up to his face.
"Get the fuck on top right now." You bite onto your bottom lip, gladly releasing your seatbelt and getting out of your biker shorts to ride him properly. He shoves your panties to the side, allowing you to instantly sink down on his member, your walls wet from how turned on you are at this moment. He lets out a breathy moan as his hands are gripping your hips, watching you sink further and further down until you feel his entire member filling you up, ready to re-arrange your guts like there's no tomorrow. You could careless about this public indecency and if any cars passed by, catching you fuck your boyfriend in the driver's seat. All that mattered right now was how good it felt and how his tip constantly touched your spot every time you rocked your hips back and forth. Your head tilted back in pleasure, Taehyung's fingers digging deep into your hips while he hisses and groans. "Faster, baby. Show me that this cock is yours." So you do what you're told. Your hip movements get messier, completely disregarding the fact that the car is slightly shaking from how hard you're riding your man.
"Fuck, babe! Ughhhhmygod." Your words mesh together as you feel your climax approaching, ready to take over your entire body.
"Oh, shiiiiit." He gasps, feeling your walls tightly constrict and hug his hardened member, causing him to cum a lot quicker than expected. "Fuuuck!" He groans into your chest, his fingers ready to pierce through your hips. Your lips lightly graze his forehead as you catch your breath, pressing your lips against them once you've gotten yourself together. You look down at him smiling from beneath you, his teeth almost piercing his bottom lip. "You're nasty."
"Don't ever try and test me like that again." You smirk.
"That's fucking hot." He tucks his sweats up while you fix yourself back into the passenger's seat, slipping into your biker shorts. "I hope you're ready for when we get home."
"Please, as soon as you pull out your LEGO set, I won't be hearing from you for the rest of the night."
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philliamwrites · 3 years
killing me softly with his song | (Childe / Reader) [chpt.1]
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Childe / Reader
Tags: #fem!reader, #from childhood friends to lovers, #reader is a fatui agent, #slow burn, #unresolved sexual tension, #mature language, #forbidden love
Words: 2k
Summary: "Lybuov zla, polyubish i kozla," sighs your sister as she wipes off the table, but that makes you feel even more miserable. Falling for a goat might save you from an actual heartbreak by Tartaglia's hands.
Loosely connected chapters about you and Childe finding happiness. Maybe.
Notes: Part 2
childe? what a problematic asshole i hate him i- *trips* *thousands of pictures of childe spill from pockets* fuck those aren’t mine i swear i’m just holding them for a friend i- *slips on a pile of pictures* fu ck no they’re not mine i hate him i just- *more pictures fall out as i fall to my knees, desperately trying to pick them up* hang on a sec jUst LISTEN
Chapter 1
     A cold gust of icy wind drives you deeper into the sheets and you swear by the name of Her Majesty Herself once you get up and find Alexei, you’ll smother him with a towel for leaving a window open in the middle of the night.
    Somewhere outside, a rooster crows. Fine, not dead of the night then, but no one cares for technicalities like these when sleep is involved. Especially after a night like this one, when Alexei fucked you into oblivion and back, you need every minute of shuteye you can get before another day of exhausting missions in the Chechnaya Taiga of Snezhnaya claims your last strand of sanity.
    It’s peaceful mornings like these that make it all worthwhile though—the quiet during the early golden hour when people slowly wake up to a brand-new day and get ready to do their chores, their factory work. The sheer number of possibilities stretching out before their hands, and hope rekindled every morning despite the harsh cold waiting at their doorsteps. You love how everything stands still, how even the uncaring universe seems to grant people a sliver of peace, allows them to be soft and vulnerable. To be kind to themselves by indulging in a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea. Nothing can spoil this for you, nothing and no one—
    An awkward cough sounds from the door. You close your eyes, willing him to disappear by simply ignoring him, but his eyes burn into the back of your head like two smouldering coals and eventually, you turn around to see Alexei standing in the door frame, shifting from left to right. “There’s someone out there who wants to talk to you,” he says.
    Turning around, you try to disappear into your pillow. “Whoever it is, I’m sure they can wait until it isn’t such a damn unholy time.”
    Alexei clears his throat. “It’s uhm … it’s someone from the Fatui.”
    Your eyes snap open. Suddenly the warm, cosy blankets feel like a snake’s tight hold around your body, and you struggle out of its grip, grabbing for the dressing gown you carelessly threw around the back of your chair last night.
    The sun hangs low in the east, painting the city of Kerch that stretches outside of your window a sheen of dusky gold. When the red-brown bricks of the dacha cottages come into view, you think of the gingerbread houses you used to make as a child every year in celebration of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa of the Zapolyarny Palace.
    Cold already seeps into your bones even though the robe is tight around your body. You hiss when your bare feet hit the icy floor but can’t find your slippers. Time to die like a woman.
    You brush past Alexei, who’s scratching his head, still just in his underwear and you think him crazy for walking around half-naked like that even though it’s minus 58F outside and the heating systems inside your barracks only start to work once outside temperatures drop to minus 75F.
    Maybe what they say is true. People from around Noyabrsk in the north of Snezhnaya regularly dip into frosty rivers and you do remember him mentioning ice swimming is his hobby. It was one of the few things you thought attractive about him. Actually, it was the only thing you thought attractive about him.
    Light streams into the floor from the kitchen, flickering once, twice in dangerous foreboding. It’s time to switch the lightbulb. Tomorrow. Tomorrow for sure, because that isn’t important right now. What’s important is Tartaglia sitting at your table, leaning back in a chair, both feet crossed on top of the table, and eating your leftover mayonnaise sandwich you saved up for breakfast.
    His eyes slide lazily toward you, taking in your form—barefoot, shivering even though the fur from your bathrobe is of the finest white wolf fur obtainable on the market.
    Tartaglia finishes your sandwich, smacks his lips and licks mayo off his fingers. He doesn’t even like it, and you know from time to time he can’t handle dairy all that well. He just eats it because he knows how it infuriates you.
    “Alexei, huh,” he says in lieu of hello. “Didn’t know you’re into himbos.”
    Behind you, Alexei makes a sound like a kicked puppy. You glare at him over your shoulder, then jut your chin towards the front door. “Out. Now.”
    He doesn’t wait for you to repeat yourself. Surprisingly fast for a guy this big, he bolts into your room, gets dressed in record speed and leaves your little one-bedroom apartment without so much as a Goodbye or “We’ll hear from each other,” and you prefer it that way. It saves stuff from getting messy.
    Speaking of messy, you really wish Tartaglia would have sent you a note before coming. The smell of icy wind and snowy forests clings to his clothes. He must have come straight from a mission, not unusual in the slightest, yet in most cases he sends a message your way just to make sure he doesn’t run into one of your one-night stands and it doesn’t get ugly.
    Like right now.
    “I thought you had a little more class than that,” he says nonchalantly. His feet keep wobbling from left to right until you make your way over and push them off your table. Not that you actually sit there to take your meals, no. But this is your home, you have to assert dominance.
    “Well, I’m not picky,” you say, taking the empty chair opposite from him. “The nights of Fyrva’snezh are really fucking cold.”
    “I’m sure Fire-Water will do the same trick.” He’s sulking, yet he has no right to it and knowing Tartaglia, that’s why he sulks even more.
    Your relationship can be summarised with one word: complicated. Which is funny, because besides martial arts classes (taught by a teacher that is a real ball of sunshine who could easily snap your spine like a twig) and infiltration tactics courses (led by a grumpy teacher who once woke you all up in the middle of the night to do a spontaneous quiz about infiltration steps and everyone who failed or fell asleep had to run a marathon through the forest in their underwear) you had to take at the Fatui military school of Zapolyarny, they also teach mathematics and molecular physics, and that shit was complicated.
    Growing up in a small seaside village—bless little Morepesok; how much you miss babushka Katya’s refreshing botvinia soup—with only a handful kids your age, gravitating towards Tartaglia was the natural development. He loves ice-fishing, you love eating fish. You gag just smelling solyanka, he wolfs it down like it might be his last meal on earth. Opposites attract each other, as they say, and how true it is for you two—you, the morning person and he, the night owl; his will of iron and your nerves of steel. Your bow, his sword, even though Tartaglia is a masochist who likes to make it hard for himself by trying to switch weapons solely because you’re better at it than him and he is a sore loser.
    His worship of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, your fear of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa.
    “I don’t think you came all the way here just to call me a slut,” you say. He is in no position to do so anyway, because Camilla from the ptychy’moloko shop down the road that leads to the Sarov church didn’t shut up about blowing him for weeks until you sent her a liver of a pig and claimed that was the leftovers from the last girl that thought she could put a leash on the Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers. Camilla quickly moved on to an inconspicuous merchant who sells matryoshka dolls for a living and all is well that ends well.
    “What do you want?”
    Tartaglia starts tapping a gloved finger against the wooden table, a nervous tick you don’t know he’s aware of.
    “I’m leaving for Liyue first thing tomorrow.” His tone is low when he speaks, his earlier nonchalance replaced by a sense of urgency.
    “Okay.” It isn’t the first time he’s leaving Snezhnaya by order of the Tsaritsa, but every time he does, something inside you leaves with him. “So, you want me to keep an eye out for Teucer and the others?”
    “He’s really unhappy I’m leaving again already.” Tartaglia doesn’t mention the reason he was sent away just a couple of months ago to Inazuma was because he accidentally blew up an artillery factory belonging to a nobleman that secretly shipped orders to Fontain. The fallout from that was easier to handle with him not being anywhere nearby. Tartaglia is like a pair of hot tongues; no one is sure where to put him or how soon he would cool off, but if they just drop him, he might light the world on fire. Kid gloves are put on and a careful perimeter marked out.
    “And what excuse did you make up this time?” You knock your foot into his leg, lingering on his calf just a second too long before withdrawing again. “Another business trip to promote your toys? You can’t hold up this charade forever, you know.”
    “Why, your eyes feast on Snezhnaya’s greatest expatriate toy seller, now extending to the Liyue Branch of our Institute for Toy Research.” Tartaglia’s eyes have taken on a playful glint, and he leans forward as he speaks. “You wouldn’t be so cold to break a little boy’s heart. That’s not you.”
    You want to remind him that you have no problem to put an arrow between a man’s eyes, or rip out his fingernails, one by one, to get the information that you want.
    “You owe me, toy man.”
    “Put it on my tab.”
    Tartaglia looks like there’s something else he wants to say, but as always, he decides to swallow those words even though they must hurt like swallowing needles. You know that feeling, and so you help him sort out his tightly entangled yarn of emotions by figuratively pushing him off the cliff.
    “Don’t forget to bring condoms. I hear the women of Liyue are beautiful.”
    Tartaglia goes a sickly grey colour, like the ashes of a dead fire, but he’s been the leading role of this play too long to fall out of character now. He gets up and stretches like a cat getting comfortable in a spot of sunlight. His jacket rides up, showing a stripe of skin, and you quickly turn your head away before giving into leaning over the table and mark him with your teeth.
    Patting his left pants’ pocket, Tartaglia says, “I’m always prepared.” He carries a grin that is dry, humourless, and for a brief moment, you two lock eyes, trading a look that feels like a dare. You allow yourselves to imagine how he picks you up and carries you to your bed where you two would proceed to fuck without abandon through the whole day and the following night, leaving the bed only to get food until Tartaglia leaves for Liyue and you’d send each other love letters until his return. What an idea. What an utterly stupid, naive, wonderful idea.
    “Well, lucky ladies,” you say, not bothering to hide the jealousy in your voice because jealousy is easier to handle than regret.
    “Lucky indeed,” he agrees and dons his easy-going smile, one that he’s perfected after hours upon hours in front of the mirror until it accomplished what he wanted: to mock people, infuriate them.
    On his way out, he stops to ruffle your hair in an affectionate way, one typical for childhood friends, but the distance between you is like the ocean separating Snezhnaya from Liyue.
    It was on the very first day of your conscription into the military organisation, Number Six of the Ten Laws that the Fatui abide by: Any physical or romantic relationship between Fatui agents is prohibited. As thou would not exchange flesh with thy brother or sister, so thou shalt not with your comrade, for he or she is thy brother or sister in arms.
    And everyone knows Her Majesty the Tsaritsa’s word is law, and though the law is hard, it is the law.
please drop by my ko-fi if you enjoyed my writing!
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percyesque · 3 years
The First Glance
Part one of a new au series. Annabeth is on a cruise ship, in a unique school program. She is unaware of a very confusing and shocking truth.
“You know, I really don’t think this is the best idea,” Annabeth said while staring at her reflection in the bedroom mirror. She pulls her long blonde hair up into an elegant updo, just in time for her roommate, Jessica, to step out of the bathroom and into the stateroom.
“Are you kiddin’? It’s the first night and we’ve already finished unpackin’,” Jessica replied in her cheerful and charming southern accent. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I think we should take advantage of every moment. That means findin’ every cute boy on this dang cruise-boat thing and talkin’ up a storm!”
Annabeth contemplated whether or not she should go to the orientation dinner. This was her first day participating in a School-At-Sea program, and a big welcome party after a long day of boarding and unpacking really didn’t sound all that appealing. Flirting with people also wasn’t Annabeth’s strong suit, and she was already nervous enough about the few months ahead of her. So far she’d just gone along with what Jessica wanted to do since they had just met earlier that day and she didn’t want to ruffle any feathers. But did Annabeth want to wear a dress and try to impress boys? No. Absolutely not.
Annabeth responded, “I don’t know if talking to boys is something I know how to do all that well, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be sticking by your side for the majority of the evening.”
If not, all of it.
Jessica sighed. “Alright, whatever floats your boat!” Jessica laughed at her own joke so hard that she nearly choked while taking a sip from her water bottle that she had been holding onto all day. By then the water was definitely room temperature, which Annabeth thought was a little strange. There was literally a fridge three feet away that she could have used to cool her water for at least a little while, but everyone has their quirks, right?
Annabeth giggled. “Alright, that was a pretty good one. Props to you.”
“I know, right? Thank you, thank you,” Jessica proudly said as she bowed before Annabeth. “Are you dressed and ready to go?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Annabeth and Jessica left their room and began to make their way to the atrium. Truly, Annabeth knew she wasn’t prepared for what was to come. But she had no idea just how unprepared she was. She was in for the shock of a lifetime.
Hours later, in a room packed full of kids from high schools all over the country, Annabeth sat at a corner table to watch the night’s events unfold. She wanted to be as far away from the commotion as possible. She was also fascinated by the way people could just interact with each other and become the best of friends or the worst of enemies in exactly 0.0837 seconds. She watched one girl accidentally trip and spill her smoothie all over another girl’s dress. “Just like the movies,” Annabeth muttered.
“What was that?” Jessica asked.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just all of this seems so stereotypical. Or fake. Or scripted even. It almost feels like nobody else in the room is a real person with their own thoughts. We might as well be in some lame chick flick. You watch, now some guy is gonna walk into the room, make eye contact with a girl and they’ll fall in love and slow dance the night away.”
“Well I sure hope that girl’s me!” Jessica exclaimed. “Falling in love seems like-”
Suddenly, the sound of smashing glass interrupts their conversation. Some guy across the room decided it would be funny to play frisbee with a ceramic plate, which in theory could be pretty funny, but maybe not in a crowded room. Most people seemed to be into it though, so Annabeth let out a small chuckle along with everyone else.
Jessica continued, “So as I was sayin’,” but Annabeth wasn’t listening. Behind Hulk-smash kid on the other side of the room, she noticed a tall, dark-haired boy.
Just as she had glanced over at him, he looked up from his dinner plate. They locked eyes. It was brief, but to Annabeth, it seemed like an eternity. Time seemed to have stopped, and in a split second, she felt all kinds of emotions come over her. She felt happiness, nervousness, love, and feelings of longing that she really couldn’t put her finger on. It felt as if she had met him before. Maybe they had met in a previous life. Maybe they were together in a previous life. She immediately could imagine having a life with him, filled with all kinds of adventures. She could even picture a family with him. Annabeth felt all of these thoughts invading her mind, so quickly and vividly that she was almost convinced that they were real memories. It was like Annabeth’s life flashed before her eyes, but in a good way. And she didn’t even know his name.
Before Annabeth could think about getting up to introduce herself, suddenly the dark-haired boy had disappeared.
“Are you good?” Jessica asked her while tucking a stray strand of hair behind Annabeth’s ear.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good..”
That night, long after Jessica had fallen asleep, Annabeth found herself staring at the ceiling, unable to get dark-haired boy’s intense green eyes out of her head. She kept replaying all of the thoughts of having a life with this boy, unable to comprehend how she was able to dream it all up so quickly.
Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the day’s events, Annabeth decided to go for a late-night walk around the ship. She figured it might be a good idea to get better acquainted with the layout of the cruise anyway. As she made her way around the ship, she felt a strange feeling in her gut. No, not the gut feeling that says ‘get to a toilet.’ The kind that says ‘start walking in that direction because there’s something important that might happen over there.’ This strange urge led her straight to the auditorium located towards the bow. Annabeth entered the room, and sitting in the front row right before the stage was the dark-haired boy from earlier.
Without hesitation, he looked back at Annabeth. It was almost as if he could sense her presence.
“Thank goodness you’re here!” The boy shouted. Annabeth stumbled backwards a step, slightly surprised at him.
“Uh, hi, I saw you earlier at the dinner. My name is-“
“Annabeth, I know,” he said.
“How do you know my name?” Annabeth asked. Just as the last word of her question left her lips, the boy looked her in the eyes. Yet again, all of these vivid images of a life and family with him re-entered her thoughts.
“I see them too. All of our memories.”
Annabeth’s face turned red with embarrassment. She wasn’t quite sure why she was so shy, since it was obvious that they knew each other and they have plenty of memories where she accidentally made a fool of herself.
The boy continued, “I know it doesn’t make sense right now, but know this: we have a life together. We got sent backwards in time somehow. I’m not sure why, but I have a theory.”
Annabeth just stood there in complete silence. She had no idea how to reply, and she had never been more confused in her entire life. Well, at least the part of her life that she hadn’t just remembered in the past few hours.
“My name is Percy, by the way. Percy Jackson.”
Annabeth still could not muster up any kind of response. She wanted to ask a thousand questions, but she had no clue where to even start. 
“Meet me tomorrow morning at 9 at my cabin and I’ll explain everything. Room 0837,” Percy told Annabeth. She detected urgency in his voice. “I’ll see you in the morning,” Percy said before walking back to his room, disappearing into the night almost as quickly as he had before.
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red-riding · 4 years
Period Pains: Glorfindel X Reader
Here is a small one shot I made, based off my umm current pains. I hope you guys like fluffy over worried Glorfindel! Sorry my updates have been slow, schools really been kicking my but recently. 
Warning: Mentions of blood, and periods.
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Glorfindel waited at the table zoning out the mundane chatting of the other lords of Gondolin. All chairs at the table were filled, but one, that one being yours. He left your shared room to train early in the morning while you were still sleeping so the ellon had not spoken to you yet today. 
Thoughts of why you would be late flew through his mind. Were you mad at him for not saying going morning to you? Were you possibly hurt? As minutes passed by and your seat stayed absent the blond ellons anxiety grew large enough he had to go to find you. 
Glorfindel gave a kurt excuse to leave to the elves mindlessly enjoying breakfast and stood up and left. Glorfindel walked with urgency straight to your bedroom, knowing checking there first would prove to be his best bet to find you. 
Glorfindel found your room and opened the door quietly, making sure not to disturb you. The room was still dark, the natural light of the morning being blocked out by golden curtains. Glorfindel quickly scanned the room, and found what looked to be a y/n sized lump in the bed cloaked in your shared silk comforter. 
Glorfindel chuckled to himself, realizing he had no reason to be as worried as he was. You had just overslept. Glorfindel sat himself on the side of the bed, making a dip in it as he did. It was then that Glorfindel noticed something that make his panic return. The blanket that was pulled over your hips had red bleeding through. 
Imbued by worry Glorfindel began to shake you awake. “y/n! y/n wake up!” Glorfindel demanded.
With a groggy yawn you sat up, eyes blinking as your vision cleared and you processed the situation. “Glorfindel *yawn* Whats wrong?” You asked sleep aparent in your voice. 
“My darling! Theres blood, are you okay? has someone hurt you?” Glorfindel asked concerned. 
“Blood, whatever do you me-ohhh” You spoke as you looked down at your lap. You then began to feel your cheeks heat up as your face flushed in embarrassment and guilt over the red stain you left.
“Glorfindel, im fine and sorry for ruining your sheets, Please don't be mad.” You rambled as the blond elf titled his head in confusion. You were bleeding but not hurt? Why would he be mad at you for being injured?
“y/n, If you are not hurt why are you bleeding?” Glorfindel asked curiosity swirling in his blue eyes.
“Umm well..” You then though through how you would explain the concept of a period to a male elf. You knew that female elves did not get periods, so it made sense Glorfindel would not know of their existence. With a sigh you explained what a period was and how it was perfectly normal though painful at times. After Glorfindel processed your words he immediately wanted to help. 
“I will get a maid to clean the bed, We need to get you some food to make up for your lost blood? After breakfast should I run you a hot bath? Would that help with these period cramps you speak of?” Glorfindel listed off questions of how to help making a small smile come to your face at how sweet he was being. Though Glorfindels constant worrying could be overdone and annoying at times, he truly did care for you and that's all you cared about.   
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forsworned · 3 years
[✩] collegeau!anonymous admirer. {moniwa kaname x reader}
Genre: Fluff
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Moniwa Kaname/Reader
Word count: 1,412
a/n: hello dropping another oldie while i work on request, should b a student genya x reader that i got from ao3 but just a reminder that i don't do underage nsfw or anything nsfw or sexy themed cuz that's extremely weird, but if you wanna drop a request in my inbox please b sure to read my faq thanx
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Every morning you'd wake up and check your tumblr to have a little message in your inbox from the seemingly same anon with a cute pick-up line. At first you thought that maybe you had reblogged something along the lines of "fill my ask", but it started to become a routine. It was never anything raunchy or lewd, just cheesy, cute one-liners that'd make you smile to yourself. Though, you had really appreciate whoever was sending them to you, you were starting to get really curious. Who could they be? Someone thousands of miles away or just around your area? It was hard to decide. You sighed as you shut down your laptop and slid it under your bed. You really shouldn't have been on your laptop at such a late hour. Finals week started tomorrow and you were beyond nervous. Sure you had studied but you always felt a bit on the edge during these five days. The thought of your anonymous admirer was the last thing on your mind before you drifted off to sleep. At least, they'll keep me positive throughout the week.
But you were wrong. It had been five days. Five days your inbox had been empty. Five days since they had last messaged you and you were actually beginning to feel a bit upset. Had something happened to them? Had you reblogged or posted something that they found offensive and possibly unfollowed you for it? You let out a groan as you spread your arms across your mattress and lay flat against your back. At least finals week was finally over and you could relax. Your phone made a small noise and you reached over your dresser to check whatever the notification you had just received. You almost jumped for joy when you had saw that you got a message on tumblr. Quickly logging on from your laptop, you clicked on your inbox, though it had a similar choice in pick-up lines it wasn't your typical anon. It was... "k-name?" You voiced aloud as your face scrunched in confusion. But then it hit you. You could finally find out who your anon admirer was! Your heart raced as you clicked on the icon and revealed the mystery person's blog. There wasn't much information, just a small quote on the bio: "Forever an Iron Wall" Hmm... That sounded a bit familiar. As you racked your brain for something that could connect to the quote, you hovered over the links and found the appearance link. Jackpot. Hurriedly, you had clicked on it but it was as if your laptop sensed your urgency and wanted to fuck with you because it was loading insanely slow. "C'mon you slow piece of shit." You muttered to yourself. A few agonizingly slow moments later, the page had finally loaded and your mouth dropped as you laid eyes on him. "Mo-moniwa Kaname?!" You exclaimed. Your face nearly burst into flames as you threw yourself back onto your bed and raked your hands through your hair, shaking your head in disbelief. No way, it just couldn't be him. You were dreaming. Getting back up again you scrolled through the many photos he had posted. Most of them with his teammates and some shots of him throwing the ball up into the air.  Moniwa had been someone you admired from afar. His spirit and gentle personality is what attracted you to him, but being the shy person you were, you never approached him. You went back to your inbox and read over the pick-up line. How was heaven when you left it? And there is was again, that overwhelming feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you saw him or were anywhere around him. How would you even begin to reply? You fingers hesitated over your keyboard before you hastily replied. Heaven is anywhere you are You slightly cringed at how cliche that sounded, but as you tried to click on the text box to undo it your mousepad had acted a bit out of sorts and pressed on the answer privately button. Oh shit. "NO!" You exclaimed, as you slapped your face and fell onto your side. What have you done?! Now you really ruined any chance you possibly had with your crush. That night it was safe to say that you didn't get much of any sleep.
- - -
Waking up you felt as if you hadn't even fallen asleep at all. Your mind was murky as you washed up, dressed and got onto your campus shuttle. As you plopped onto the seat, you let out a small groan as your threw you head back and stared up at the ceiling of the moving train. "No sleep?" The voice resonated in your ears and you took a moment before you turned to the stranger. Though your reaction was delayed, you could barely believe who was seated right next to you at that very moment. "Mo-moniwa-san?!" You near shrieked, as you stood up straight and looked at him with ample eyes. His cheeks were tinged a rosy hue as he bit back a laugh. You turned a few grouchy college student heads due to your random outburst and you sulked a bit as you felt your cheeks warm. "I-I mean, weird seeing you here..." "Really? We've been riding the same train for the past three months." He replied. Your attention now fully on him as he looked down at the floor, expression slightly saddened. Had it upset him that you never noticed him on the same train as you?  Well, of course you idiot. Who wouldn't be upset? He laughed a bit as he looked out the train window and you tilted your head to the side in confusion. "I mean, I guess that makes sense since I'm probably overshadowed by much better looking guys." He sighed and rest his palm on his chin as he wandered through his thoughts. "That's ridiculous." You said a bit too quickly. His feline like eyes shifted towards you and you gulped a bit as you continued on. The morning sunlight shone on his form, giving him a celestial glow and your lips parted in as you gawked at him in pure awe. Your mouth moving with your mind. "Heaven is anywhere with you." His breath seized as he realized what you had spoken and you clamped your mouth shut. The train had come to a stop and you grabbed your belongings and rushed through the doors. Shit. Shit. Shit.  Had you really just fucking said that?! A far but audible, "hey!" could be heard though you didn't stop. A hand on your shoulder had given you quite a fright as your whole body tensed. Damn, you thought you had outrun him... "Hey..." He breathed out. You turned around seeing Moniwa out of breath, body slumped over as he let his arms fall to his side. "Jeez you run quick."  He straightened up with one eye squinting as he looked up at you, as the sun beat down on him.  "Aren't you part of the volleyball team?" You blurted. He chuckled. "Used to be. I'm getting out of shape. But damn, this is just ridiculous..." He mumbled the last part as he felt himself starting to regain his composure. "What you said earlier though," The blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt yourself shift uncomfortably under his gaze. "Uh, u-um--you started it with the cheesy, cute pick-up lines! And then you stopped for five days and it--damn it--was surprisingly pretty hard getting through finals week without having you send a dumb one-liner. I mean, at least I had something to look forward to."  His eyebrows raised and his mouth open ready to utter a word, though he's speechless. Had he really developed that affect on you? "But--but they were so terrible I thought I--" You nervously scratched your cheek. "Well, yeah, but I really liked them. It made sense though, why you stopped. Our finals meant a lot more than just a meaningless message a day. I'll just be going now." You finalized and began to walk toward your campus, but he caught your wrist in time and you turned to meet his gaze.  "You don't mean that." He spoke. "I don't." You replied, not bothering to hide your smile. A small pause before you spoke up again. "Let's talk about it over coffee, yeah?"
A large grin now on his face as he nodded. "I'd like that."
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hairycooterlips69 · 4 years
Service with a Smile
Howdy y’all, I had a wild hair up my ass to write a fanfic. It’s my first one, be gentle 😅 I’m obsessed with Hawks so I hope I do him proud. Also I was gonna name it Kentucky Fried Fuckin but i don’t wanna be ganked by the Colonel so... Takami Keigo x Fem!Reader
word count : 4k
[ (nsfw 18+) ]  
Warnings: edging, fingering, soft dom/sub, oral sex, nipple play, anal play, choking, unprotected sex
yuhh, get into it~
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Tonight’s shift couldn’t get any worse.
As you glance at your watch, you internally groan after realizing that you had been on your feet for the last 8 hours stuck behind a cash register. Between some brat spilling juice not once, but twice, on the floor you mopped, a woman berating you for not having any more barbeque sauce, and your closing partner quitting the night before, you were at your wit’s end. Working at a fried chicken shop wasn’t the most glamourous place of employment, but it paid the bills and your quirk did come in handy. Your empathic quirk allowed you to ease the negative emotions of others with the cost of others’ emotions somewhat rubbing off on you. While customers left satisfied and in good spirits, most nights you were left feeling exhausted and impatient. Well at least there’s only 5 minutes until close, you contemplate, mentally preparing yourself to clean and lock up the store.
Lost in thoughts, you hear a soft jingling and the thudding of boots against the tiled floor. “Heyo~, are you guys still open?” The first thing you notice about this customer is his ruby-red wings. Upon further inspection, you see that he is wearing a black body suit, beige pants, and a fur-trimmed coat accessorized with protective glasses and headgear, along with some pompous, feathery hairstyle. You felt as if this person was familiar. I mean, how could you not recognize a guy with massive birdlike appendages? You must have seen him somewhere, maybe around the city or at a bar. Or maybe you’ve seen him at the park, or maybe at the –
“Uh, hello. Earth to Y/N. Sorry for coming in so late, but I’ve been patrolling the area tonight and it seemed like this place was still open. I get pretty hungry around this time. Will you be able to serve me?” You snap back to reality, your cheeks tinged in embarrassment. “How do you know my name? D-do I know you?” you stammer. “Well, I read your nametag. But if you want to get to know me, you most certainly can, kid.” he quipped cheekily. What an ass. Your embarrassment quickly turned into annoyance, but you swallowed your pride and politely responded “yes sir, we are still open. How can I help you?” “Sir? I like that. Well, you can start me off with a four-piece meal and a soda, and after I’m done eating you can help me by giving me your number.” You audibly gasp, astounded at the audacity of this honey-haired jerk. Without a word, you quickly turned on your heels to put together the combo and get away from this man.
He must have noticed how upset you were as you placed his food on the counter rather abruptly. His expression softened from a cocky grin to a repentant half-smile. “I apologize if I’ve offended you. It’s just that I get pretty bored protecting the city and lurking on top of buildings. It’s nice to have some human contact, even if it’s teasing the cutie working at a fried chicken shop.” If you weren’t already flustered before, your face blushed crimson red yet again. Without the arrogance, you notice that this stranger was cherubically handsome, donning bushy blonde eyebrows, golden, catlike eyes, and the beginnings of scruffy facial hair. He must have been around your age or maybe a couple years older. You could tell that he was in almost, if not completely, perfect physical shape by the way his body suit hugged his chest. You hated to admit it, but his flirting was actually coaxing you out of your previously terrible mood. You manually willed yourself to reply, retorting “yeah, well don’t vigilantes like you have anything better to do than harassing a stranger while at work?” “Ouch, kid. A vigilante? Try number-two Pro Hero. I guess that’s what I get for coming in so late and giving you a tough time. I go by Hawks, but the name is Takami Keigo. But, I prefer if you call me yours for the evening.” At this point you couldn’t help but laugh at his boldness. After catching your breath, you responded “Alright Big Bird, enjoy your meal. Just please don’t leave too much of a mess, I already have to wait for you to finish so I can clean up and get the hell out of here.” For a split second, you saw his face twitch in an unreadable manner before his switching back to seasoned professionality. “Ah, of course. I won’t be too long. Thank you again y/n for the food. I’m sure it will be delicious.”
Your eyes followed him as he walked to the table and sat down, wings folding flat to his back as he prepared to dig in. You watched him as he removed his gloves, finger by finger. You couldn’t help but notice how long and graceful they were. Carefully, he teared apart slivers of each piece of chicken before bringing the greasy bits to his mouth. As he prepared his food, he would often glance up at you only to avoid your eyes and look back down at his food. What was with those looks he keeps giving me? It was almost like I angered him, or got offended by what I said, you mused to yourself. I’ll just activate my quirk. That way if he’s pissed, I can smooth things over. I don’t need to be bitched at by the manager again. With slight concentration, you activated your quirk. Suddenly you could feel what he felt – hunger. Besides this, there was another feeling. Similar to hunger, combined with a dull, growing ache. It almost felt like – yearning? Or something more? Once realizing the feeling, you quickly ducked your head. This bastard was aroused! You felt conflicted. He must be feeling confused by what I said to him, but also… I think he enjoyed it? You begin to feel a warming sensation in your midsection. Damnit, I think he is aroused. I’m starting to feel it too. Why would a Pro Hero be interested in someone who’s been covered in grease and sweat all day? You start to feel a little self-conscious at this point. There was no way that he couldn’t smell all the herbs and spices permeating off your overworked body. I smell like the deep fryer and I’m starting to thirst over some big-shot hero. I need to distract myself. “Hey, Hawks? If it’s alright with you, I’m gonna start cleaning up a bit.”
Hawks barely glanced at you as he responded “sure kid, do what you need to do. Don’t stop on my account.” You grabbed a rag and started to wipe down the tables with practiced ease. You closed on most nights and were able to get the store tidied up within 30 minutes or so. This night was different though, and you were somewhat nervous doing your nightly tasks as Hawks observed your work. When your back was turned, you could still sense eyes on you along with the steadily growing ache emitting from the Pro Hero and your own growing desire welling from within your body. Shit, the fact that he’s turned on right now is insane. I guess it is a compliment, he’s hot as hell. I actually kind of like it, you admitted to yourself. This realization combined with your quirk stirred up your own desire of being touched, and the growing warmth of arousal spread through your body like a slow burn. The more you attempted to distract yourself by sweeping the floor and wiping down tables, the deeper this yearning grew. Your watch indicated that it was definitely past the time you normally locked up and left. Fuck, I’m super turned on. What’s with him? And what’s up with me? You decide that you would quash this feeling right then and there. “Hey Hawks, are you okay? Cuz it’s getting late and I-“
As you turned around, you saw the Pro Hero had been standing a few feet behind you, wings fluttering rhythmically to the beat of his pulse. “You know, no one’s ever insulted me like that before and yeah, kid, it was cute, but it was also incredibly rude.” Before you could react, Hawks reached up and grazed the left side of your face with his right hand. “Now, how are you going to make it up to me?”
“I, uh- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just-“
“Just what?”
“I can feel you. I mean, I can feel what you feel, that’s my quirk and obviously you didn’t know that but I’m sensing that you’re-“
“You can sense how I feel, at this moment? Tell me, kid. Let’s see how accurate that quirk of yours is.”
“Well, um… earlier after I called you Big Bird and I got a vibe that you were annoyed but also intrigued? Also, uh – when you were eating and I was cleaning up, I kind of got the feeling that you were interested… in that way.”
“’That way?’ And what way would that be?”
You could tell that Hawks took pleasure in watching you squirm and shade brighter than his pinions. “That way. You know, an… intimate sort of feeling.”
You flinched, expecting Hawks to jerk his hand away from you and walk off in disgust. Instead, a sly, borderline wicked grin began to spread across his face. “Now that’s an impressive quirk. What if I told you that you were correct in that I am turned on by you? In fact, the more I watch you, the more I want to touch every single part of your body and own that delicious ass of yours.” He stepped closer, inches away from you, and began to trail his hand from your cheek down to the nape of your neck. You barely registered Hawks’ wings spreading out and almost immersing the two of you. “You can feel what I feel, right? So that can only mean that you want me almost as badly as I want you. If you let me, I’ll be more than happy to satisfy us both.” Hawks must have misread the look of disbelief slapped across your face. He backtracked, “Was that too far, kid?”
“N-no. Keep going. I want this.”
You had barely finished your sentence when the pro hero lunged forward, pushing his lips against your own with the urgency of a rabid animal. You quickly returned his kiss with equal hunger, pressing back against the soft, inviting landscape of his mouth. Lip-locked and frenzied, you felt him slowly run his hands down the side of your body and onto your hips, grasping them so intensely you felt his nails dig into your skin sending small shocks of pleasure directly to your core. You unconsciously leaned your hips toward, your body responding to the sensation building within your intimacy. You felt the pressure of Hawks’ reciprocating excitement against your leg as he moaned at the growing constraint between his manhood and his uniform.
“Y/n, are you sure you’re up for this? Because I can’t hold back much longer. I would cut my wings off just to flip you onto that counter and ram the shit out of you until you beg me to stop making you cum.”
“Call me Keigo, fuck. Call me Keigo, I want to hear you scream my name at the top of your lungs.”
“Keigo, shut the hell up and do what you said. Please just fuck me already.”
He practically flung you across the store, wrapping you up in a tight, muscular embrace with his vibrant, elongated wings beating erratically. Hawks placed you on the counter rather gently, attaching himself to your mouth again. You could feel his tongue softly graze your bottom lip in an attempt to explore you. Ever so slightly, your lips parted to meet his tongue in a battle for dominance. Hawks eventually overpowered you, and you could slightly taste the remnants of his meal as he ran his tongue vertically against the sinew of your cheeks. While Hawks commanded your mouth, you used your knee to tease and stimulate his aching member, pre-cum threatening to bleed through his pants. “Hrrnh, y/n. My cock is practically begging for you,” he groaned. You responded, “for someone who wants to fuck me senseless, you sure are taking your sweet ass time.”
Charged by your smart remark, he pulled away from your lips to focus on his next mission: undressing you before you could even open your mouth to land some other sarcastic comment. With surprising dexterity, he peeled off your shirt and pants while you worked on unclasping your bra. Keigo paused to admire your bare chest. “God y/n, as if you weren’t already looking like a five-course meal. I just might have to devour you until there’s nothing left.” Before you could come up with another response, Hawks enveloped his eager mouth to your right nipple while reaching to attend to your left bud. He began to suck rhythmically as if attuned to your wildly beating heart, lazily switching from massaging your left nipple between his graceful fingers to rubbing it in a clockwise fashion. You groaned animalistically into his ear, clenching your vaginal muscles and grinding your heat against the corner of the counter in desperation.
“Keigo, stop fucking teasing me. Please do something, you’re driving me crazy.”
Obliging, Hawks abandoned your left nipple to pull your drenched panties to one side of your private area. “Jeez, kid, you’re practically drooling down there. I wonder how wet for me you’ll get once I stick my fingers inside that pretty pussy.” Something about the snarky comment sent you over the edge. It was as if something inside your brain snapped, and the need to control this bird-brained asshole overtook you. Oh, I’m gonna give this fucker a show, you mused. You grabbed Keigo’s wrist and shoved it directly inside your clenched hole, violently abusing his fingers akin to a human dildo to escalate your pleasure. Hawks’ mouth practically dropped to the floor, his gaze shifting frantically from you using him as your fuck toy to the canvas of your naked body.
“Holy fuck, kid. That’s so goddamn hot. You really are such a slut, fucking yourself with my own hand. God, y/n. I want to be inside you so fucking bad.”
“That sounds like a personal problem,” you huffed. “Now take off your clothes while you watch me play with myself.”
You grabbed his wrist again to remove his fingers, replacing them with your own to appease the gnawing desire. “Don’t look away from me, Keigo. Make direct eye contact, or I’ll kick your ass out of here with nothing but a pulsating cock and a hope for a wet dream about me.” Hawks quickly stripped down to his boxers, awaiting eagerly for your next demand. You could see the evident staining where the fabric was constricting his shaft. “Such an obedient pigeon,” you purred. “Now stroke your cock slowly like the good little bird boy you are.” His right hand began to slip down the band of his tightening boxers. “Ah-ah-ah, I said to take off your clothes. I didn’t say you could take it out and touch it. Now I’ll allow you to jerk it outside of your boxers.”
“Fuck, kid. Who the hell are you talking to like that? I don’t like that bratty ass attitude you have. I may just have to sh-”
You interrupted his monologue to jump off the counter and engulf his clothed manhood as deeply as your throat would allow. Even as it threatened to touch the back of your esophagus, you could see that you weren’t able to completely fill it with your mouth. You worked quickly to moisten his stiff cock. He moaned and grabbed the base of your head as you proceeded to bob back and forth, driving him insane by your refusal to let him be in charge.
“You filthy whore. If you’re gonna suck me off at least do it properly.” Hawks was growing feral with desire to feel your slobbery mouth on the skin of his member. “I guess you have been a good birdie. Here, I’ll make this easier for you.” You removed him from your mouth long enough to yank down his underwear and return to his massive source of heat. You grabbed Keigo’s cockhead and placed it strategically between your lips, outlining the contours of your mouth and using his wetness as a lipliner. “Fuuuck, you are so good, so good to me baby bird,” he whimpered pathetically before taking him inside your mouth once again. You continued to pleasure him with an absurd amount of oral pressure and saliva which began to leak out the corners of your lips. After a couple minutes of sucking him off, you felt him start to quiver. “Ungh, y/n. I’m about to cum.”
You immediately pulled away. There was no way in hell Hawks was going to come in the store and take up your time without getting you off. “It’s my turn now Keigo. You talked all that shit and now I want to see what you can do. I doubt you’ll be able to get me to cum.” As you planned, this lit a fire under Takami’s ass to drill you harder than an army sergeant. Without a word, Hawks yanked you up from the roots of your hair, shredded off your panties, and proceeded to flip you on top of the counter with your dripping cunt exposed in the air.
“You’ll regret you said that. You’re about to sing my name until your pussy screams and it’ll be music to my ears. I’m gonna make you my dirty little songbird bitch.”
Your heart was racing as you were sprawled out on the counter, your most intimate parts displayed for Hawks’ viewing. You began to turn your head to face him when you felt a strong grip on the base of your scalp again. “I didn’t say you could look at me. Now turn back around or I’ll leave you with a sopping cunt and a hope for a wet dream,” Hawks mimicked. You regretted being so saucy with him before; he now had the upper hand but at the same time, you felt a wicked delight at what was in store. You could feel him tracing the outer folds of your womanhood meticulously and painfully slow before sliding upwards to reach the sensitive skin on your asshole. You involuntarily twitched as he touched this spot, not used to this area being so vulnerable. “It looks like I found your weak spot, baby bird. I think it’s time to show you what happens to bratty bitches who talk so impolitely to me.” You heard a soft whoosh from behind you, similar to a sailing dart. You gasped in shock as you felt the tip of a feather tickling your rim as two fingers began to penetrate the saturation built up in your twinging cunt. Hawks continued this assault as he began to fist his own member using the slick he swiped from your saturated hole, picking up speed to pump synchronously with his digits. “Shit, y/n. I can’t hold out much longer, your slutty pussy is soaking my hand. I want to feel how wet you are. Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fill you with my cum?”
“Keigo, PLEASE! Please fuck me, I can’t take this anymore, ahh-. I’m begging you, I want you to stuff me with your fat cock.”  
Hawks countered your begging by shoving his length into your sopping cavern. You cried out with a mixture of surprise and pain as he began to pump into you with determination. You could feel your walls clamp down on his manhood as he massaged your insides. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t help but to moan, your mind succumbing to the overwhelming pleasure you felt in your overheating pussy. Hawks felt like absolute nirvana, reaching parts of you that had not been touched in a very long time. He continued his strides in an exaggerated manner, ensuring that you felt every single inch of him from the base all the way to his engorged cockhead. Your wails of satisfaction began to match the reverberation of Keigo’s swollen balls slapping against your perineum, applauding the unification of two strangers and their primitive needs.  “I told you, baby bird. I knew my cock would drive you insane. Who’s your owner now? Tell me, huh? I want you to say it, to scream it at the top of your lungs. Who’s fucking up this tight cunt, yeah? Who’s filling this slutty little hole of yours, songbird?”
“You are, Keigo, fuck. Fuck the shit out of me, please. Keep ramming my pussy, baby. I’m you-” He cut off your anguished whines by shoving his fingers in your mouth, forcing you to taste your own slick mixed with the flavors of his earlier meal. “Y/N, you sure are talkative for someone who can barely handle a cock inside her. Is papa bird too big for you to handle?”
“What was that, filthy girl? You’re mumbling.”
Hawks began to hammer into you, his breathing becoming ragged; the way you took such brutal pounding threatened to buckle his knees. He took his fingers out of your mouth so you could scream “I said, HARDER, you bastard!” You couldn’t help but to whine as he continued to fill your ears with lewd comments and grunts, his rhythm beginning to slightly falter with each clench as he fought to reach your cervix. You attempted to regain regularity in your breathing to no avail.
“Aah, aah, fuck Keigo. This is your pussy, don’t stop. Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Shit baby bird, you’re so fucking tight it hurts. Fuck, I’m gonna fill you with all my seed. You’re gonna be begging for my cock from now on out and I’ll make sure to give it to you every night. Now cum for me, baby. Sing me a song, songbird. I wanna hear you fucking say whose cock is claiming your pussy!” The screech you let out was inhumane, your legs shaking savagely as a deep, almost painful orgasm rippled from your center. The lilt of your voice sent Hawks into a frenzy, his thrusts becoming unstable and jolting as he moaned your name. You saw Hawks’ eyes begin to glaze over and saw your opportunity to attack. You turned to reach for his throat and pressed firmly with your thumb and index finger with just enough pressure to surprise him, cutting him off mid-groan. “Awhk, f-feels sh-so good. Almost th-there.” You wrapped your legs around Takami’s hips and squeezed as tightly as possible, leaving the pro hero no choice but to release himself inside you, hips bucking as his load emptied in rivets.  
“Ahh shit, y/n. I meant to pull out. I should’ve asked you first.” He sighed as he slowly removed himself from you. You both watched his fatigued member leave your orifice covered in the combination of juices. “Well normally when people order food here, they don’t end up balls deep in me so…” you retorted. Hawks chuckled, a dash of pink beginning to spread on his cheeks. “Well pro heroes don’t normally meet such gorgeous and smart-ass chicks working at fried chicken shops.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a grin. You weren’t immune to his charm, and you were wondering what just transpired. Hawks searched for a clean towel and began to wipe you off, erasing evidence of the night’s events. “I guess I’ll see you around then,” you offered as you both began to redress yourselves. You hoped deeply you would see him again someday, even if it was just to order food. Hawks planted a soft kiss on your cheek, then asked “when’s your next day off, y/n?” You sighed lightly, “I actually have the next day off. Thank All Might, I’m exhausted.”
Hawks smiled, ruffled your hair, and replied “hope you’re not too exhausted. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to take you out on a proper date. I know this great little place that sells the best chicken.”  
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lovestrucked-again · 3 years
Beneath the daylight moon
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Chapter 4
Masterlist - Round the Robin Collab Prev
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“Why do we sometimes see the moon, even during daytime?” Jaehyun doesn’t know, nor did he care to notice that such a thing existed; it was a mystery to him, but you were a bigger enigma.
“I can help you. And her.” Jaehyun’s eyes shifted towards the door that he had just left behind, then back to the boy gripping his arm. “But I need your help first.”
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“You want me to do what?” Jaehyun questioned, the shock evident in his voice.
“You can see it right?” the boy asked in anticipation, the glint of excitement sparkling in his eye as he continued, “the string.”
“Uh,” Jaehyun hesitated, nervous how to respond, “no I can’t.”
“Did you use the flash?” the guy bounced back, moving uncomfortably close to Jaehyun, pushing his way to see the screen of his phone.                                    
“No I didn't bu-” Jaehyun frowned in frustration, “can I have my phone back?” he asked, struggling to hide his impatience and annoyance stirring up. The boy didn't respond, quickly flicking the camera app onto screen and switching it to the back camera, focusing the dot on his physical still body connected to the monitors on the hospital bed. Jaehyun stood leaning on one foot, arms crossed around his body and huffed in exasperation. Why did I even bother? He thought to himself.
Jaehyun grabbed the phone back without a second thought and lazily looked at the screen, not expecting anything until his jaw drops in awe, “W-What is that?” he stuttered out.
“It’s my connection to her.” The boy explained, taking a seat beside his own laid out body. Jaehyun has to rub his eyes again, afraid that he’s dreaming, seeing the two identical faces beside each other. There’s almost no difference in the complexion of their faces, if the boy lied still against his body with his eyes closed, Jaehyun was almost certain he would be unable to tell the difference. It scared him.
“To her?” Jaehyun asked, unable to comprehend everything.
“That string is connected to my soulmate.”
“Wait what?”
The boy gets up from the bed, beginning to pace back and forth between the doorway and his coma body, “I know it sounds crazy and stupid but I’ve researched this already, I’ve spent almost 4 years now, like this.” He glanced at Jaehyun for a sign of his following, “The string you just saw is connected to her.”
Jaehyun looked down at the phone in his hand, staring at the silver cord that seemed to emerge from the boy’s unconscious covered heart. He could see the string flow past out the photo frame and disappear behind the corner edge of his screen. “Where is she?” he asked, trying to interpret everything.
The boy stopped moving, clenching his fist tightly before unclasping it and turning to face the closed door, “She’s in the room next door.”
“Have you heard of the daytime moon?” The boy asked, leaning against the wooden bench chair and staring up into the sky.
Jaehyun’s interest perked up at the mention of the familiar term, “Yeah I have.” He takes a seat beside the boy, waiting for him to continue. The slow urgency in the boy’s movement pushes Jaehyun to carry on, “do you know what it means?”
The boy smiles to himself as he reaches his arms above his shoulder, stretching his body before sinking back into the chair, “It’s based on an old story actually.” Jaehyun has to gesture at him to keep going as the boy turns to make eye contact with him. “At the beginning the sun and moon were equal in greatness and luminance but then the moon was made to be smaller. Obviously, the moon became jealous of the sun and so she asked the universe, “Why can’t two kings wear the same crown?” The universe then replied to her “You’re not diminished, you may rule both in the day and night, you can signify the dates and years which people live by – and the sun will be given the part of seasons.”
Jaehyun thinks back to the day on the rooftop. What was the season back then? He pictured the memory of you sitting alone at the rooftop, spacing out at the sky. The wind had shaken the last few leaves on the floor of the roof around and the usual thoughts from his head had disappeared. It felt like so long ago since he had seen you and the thought just made him feel lonely.
The boy remained oblivious to the change in Jaehyun’s emotions as he carried on with his story, “So the moon was reduced to a fraction of her original size, deprived of her ability to generate her own light and reduced her luminance in the daytime – a punishment for her selfish inability to share with the sun. But, she was offered a new cycle of rebirth once a month, allowing her growth and a time for her own sparkle, but she wasn’t allowed to be restored to her original state.”
Snapping back into reality, Jaehyun leaned back up, straightened his posture and crossed a leg over, “And how does this relate to the daytime moon?” Jaehyun asked, confused how this story was related to his question.
“It’s the importance of a metaphoric belief - a give and take relationship. The sun gives its light to the moon and the moon receives and reflects the sun’s light.” Jaehyun pondered on the thought as the boy spoke, “The sun and moon were created to differentiate between night and day, between givers and takers.”
“Why would the moon feel inferior? It’s of equal importance is it not?” Jaehyun questioned after much contemplation on the belief, the difference between the moon and sun was so obvious to the universe, yet the moon just couldn't appreciate herself.
The boy nodded, giving a knowing look that left Jaehyun feeling quite exposed, as though he could see right through his simple logic. “It is, perhaps even more. The sun illuminates by illuminating, but the moon illuminates by the dark of nothingness, using the reception of another’s light. So when the sun isn’t seen, it isn’t there, but even when the moon is nothing, she is still something.”
It takes a few seconds for the information to click and sink in. Jaehyun can feel his lips form the question before he can even follow through his own thoughts, “And that makes a daytime moon?”
“The daytime moon signifies a give and take relationship requiring selflessness and… well you know?” the boy chuckled, nudging his new friend beside him, “something like of a couple.”
As Jaehyun turned the next corner, his next step faltered. Just moments ago, the boy had taken him to see his unconscious girlfriend whose string could be seen with the same technique of a camera flash. Her lifeless body attached to multiple machinery cords. Tears came to his eyes as he recalled your body in the same hospital bed, will Y/N become as pale as her? I have to help her before it’s too late.
Technically all the boy wanted him to do was pick up a pair of scissors and cut an invisible string that only happened to be seen using through a camera flash. Jaehyun brushed the tears away hastily and entered the boy’s hospital room – his spirit already sitting beside his own body.
“There’s a pair of scissors in the bedside draw,” said the boy listlessly, “you can use those.”
Jaehyun felt that the time had really come now for making his choice. Or had his choice already been made long before? He knew he would save you no matter what. A feeling of pain crept over him as he thought of the desecration that was in store for the fair face boy.
“I-I’m sorry but I don't think I can do this.” Jaehyun stammers, backing away to the entrance of the door.
The boy visibly frowned, “Why not?” he asked, bunching the thin bed sheets in his fist, attempting to simmer his combined emotions of anger and confusion.
“This…” the words are barely heard in the empty room “it’ll be bad for you, wont it?”
The boy chuckled effortlessly, “what do you mean by bad?”
“I just feel like there’s another way to deal with this.” Jaehyun mumbled, “something better.”
“There isn’t!” exclaimed the boy, who was beginning to tense now. “I said I’ll help you if you help me.”
“I know…” he trails, desperately trying to drag the time. Jaehyun made eye contact with the boy once more, wavering. He takes a step towards the bed, finding it almost physically impossible to drag his feet across the floor. His hand finds the draw handle, pulling it towards him with much effort, and reveals a pair of simple red scissors.
His fingers glided around the cutters with much ease, but his hand, his body, shakes with an anxious unknowing feeling. Jaehyun was beginning to plead in his mind for a sign, for something to stop him. The scissors shook in his hands as he lifted the heavy weight up, hovering above the open draw, seeking for something.
Suddenly, as if someone had heard his wishes, his phone went off, vibrating in his pocket. Jaehyun drops the scissors down, patting himself down searching for the source of his saviour.
[11:34am] Johnny: Where are you?
[11:36am] Johnny: Did you bail on me?
[11:45am] Johnny: I swear if you’re with some girl right now
“I have to go.” Jaehyun said, reaching into his jacket pocket and fumbling around for his keys.
“Where are you goi-?” As Jaehyun tried to turn around the boy held him back, making him feel like he had robbed the boy of his freedom, disloyalty immediately filling in the pit of his stomach, “You said you’d help me?”
Jaehyun could only nod weakly, half-truth and half-lie to his next words, “I-I I’ll come back tomorrow.” __
Jaehyun drove off alone and watched the flashing lights of the little car in front of him. A strange sense of loss came over him. He felt the world had all of a sudden cornered him, pushed him into a hole that he had dug for himself. His eyes darkened, and the crowded flaring streets became blurred to his eyes. When he finally pulls into the apartment underground parking he sees Y/S/N walk out.
It doesn't take any effort for him to figure out the situation, having noticed the tear streaked and puffy face features as he pulled into a parking slot. A few seconds passed and Johnny ran out, following Y/S/N desperately.
“Y/S/N Wait!” Johnny cried.
Jaehyun reached for the ignition key, switched it off and slumped his forehead onto the wheel.
“No Johnny, not again.” Y/S/N repeated. Their voices bounced off the walls, echoing in the basement space.
“Just explain it to me! I just want an explanation and I’ll get out!”
Jaehyun exhaled a heavy breath which seemed to have been pent up the entire day, and as he did so, it seemed to him that he had grown years older.
Hearing a car door slam shut and his best friend’s voice die down, Jaehyun looked up and out his window. Johnny stood still, staring at a car drive out and further away. Jaehyun sighs in disbelief, why can’t there just be a day of peace?
“Johnny.” Jaehyun calls out, opening his car door to get out.
Johnny whips his head around, searching for his best friend’s voice, “Oh.” There’s a look of defeat, “Hey.”
Jaehyun doesn’t really know what to say, debating whether he should pretend nothing happened or whether he should address the poor guy’s feelings. “Are you- okay?”
“I- Yeah – I’m okay.”
Johnny takes his time walking back, dragging himself to the elevator, eyes glued to the floor as his mind shuts down in defeat. Jaehyun walked beside him, silent, mind also switched off as he pushes out the thought of tomorrow.
The silence in the elevator isn’t awkward, but the atmosphere is evidently filled with a heavy sigh. No one speaks. The bell of the lift rings, signalling them to leave and Jaehyun turns beside to look at his friend.
“Let’s go.” He murmurs
Johnny breaks out of his daze, giving a nod as he walks out and lets his feet walk to the front door of the apartment. He takes a seat on the stool bench, leaning against the island bench as he plays absentmindedly with the ring on his finger.
Jaehyun spares a glance behind his shoulder, looking at his friend slumping his shoulders, no words, face drained from the usual energy he had. He sighed as he closed the fridge door, placing a bottle of water in front of his friend.
“About Y/S/N…”
Johnny instantly looks up, surprised that Jaehyun has mentioned the name.
The look of desperation in his eyes pains Jaehyun as he continues, “sorry to break it to you but Y/S/N has a lot on her plate.” He rubs his temples as if this were giving him another headache, and Johnny looks at him with a harsh irritation.
Flashes of emotion crossed Johnny’s face, a mixture of jealousy and confusion, “What?”
“Y/S/N –” how to tell him? “She- She has a child.”
The shock is evident in Johnny’s voice, “D-Did you say a child?” he looked around in disbelief, avoided making eye contact with Jaehyun, “How do you know this?” Johnny’s eyes narrowed on his friend, and he crossed an arm over his chest.
“We’re neighbours, she lives across from me,” Jaehyun continued to list, playing with the bottle cap of his own water, “we talk.”
Jaehyun has never pushed Johnny to do anything. While they have always been good friends, he was always conscious of the fact that Johnny is older. He had always respected his friend. “I don't think now’s a good time to be trying again.”
“No,” Johnny stumbled through his sentence, “I-I can’t just leave her like that,” his heart broke as he continued, “not with that asshole of a guy.”
It crossed Jaehyun’s mind that perhaps the relationship of his older friend would be something incomprehensible to him, but he ignores it. “You weren’t in her life for the past few years Johnny, you can’t just waltz back in now.” he mumbled. Johnny had stopped fuming, and when he looked at his friend, he just sounded tired. He lowered his eyes in shame, and Jaehyun shook his head, “Y/S/N doesn't deserve that.”
As Jaehyun left the room, Johnny stared at the bottle of water placed in front of him, thinking back to what he did wrong so long ago. And why it would forever be left unrepairable. ____
You took the long route home that day, wondered if Jaehyun had actually come to see you in hospital. At the corner of the local flower shop, a man passed you in the mist, walking very fast and with the collar of his black jacket turned up. He had a bag in his hand. You recognised the man. It was Johnny. A strange sense of fear came over you. You made no sign of recognition (not that he’d see you anyway) and went on quickly in the direction of your house, walking faster than before, thinking about your sister and her ex.
Your mind flashed back to that day.
It seemed Y/S/N and Johnny would’ve lasted till marriage, till old. Johnny would constantly roam around your shared apartment with your sister. You’d hear her voice and her heavy laughter in the room beside yours. You’d see the two of them walking hand in hand around the small space, standing beside each other as they cooked. They were inseparable.
That day was different. You hadn’t seen Johnny for weeks now and you would only see glimpses of your sister around the place. She’d stay in her room and it would be completely silent. However, she went out that night, only making it known to you when you heard the sound of a male’s voice late at night.
At first you thought it was Johnny and you became excited, ready to barge into their room to say hi after so long. But the moment you reach the bedroom door you halt. You can hear your sister whispering and the deeper male voice. It wasn’t Johnny’s though, and it wasn't anyone else’s that you recognised. You took a step back, running into your own room as you realised what was happening.
Jaehyun notices you from afar, almost running towards him. However, you don't see him, determination and concern for your sister clouding your vision. It’s not until Jaehyun realises you’re about to completely past him that he calls out for you.
His hand feels cold against your skin as he stops you by the arm, “Johnny,” you huffed, telling him the crucial points, unable to connect the words into a sentence, “I-I… Y/S/N.”
Jaehyun lets his hand fall, having guessed Johnny would’ve left the apartment not long after himself. “Yeah, I know.”
You looked up at him, having caught your breath “What?”
He helps you steady yourself, “Y/S/N’s not home at the moment, I saw her drive off before.”
“Not home? Where is she going?” You followed, anxiety building up again.
“I don't know, maybe visiting you.” He lies, trying to lead you back to the apartments.
However, this only panicked you more, “Really? But she came yesterday.” You turned around, already speed walking back the direction you came from, “somethings wrong.” You mumbled, mind working already thinking what must have gone wrong.
“Wait Y/N!” Jaehyun calls out, following after you, “Where are you going?”
“Back to the hospital.” You stated, “If she’s coming to visit me today something must be wrong, she only comes on weekends.” Your minds working in a frenzy and you can barely concentrate on anything else. Could it be something related to her boyfriend? To your nephew?
“Y/N!” Jaehyun called again.
You didn't hear him though, determined to get back and see your sister. Jaehyun doesn’t have the strength left to chase after you, dreading the thought of visiting the hospital yet again. Instead he watched you leave. ___
It was almost midnight by the time Jaehyun finally had the chance to lay down in his bed. He hadn’t texted Johnny about earlier, hadn’t seen you since you had run off, hadn’t even had a chance to eat dinner with his Grandma. The past 24 hours seemed to have felt like weeks and he thought how nice it finally was, to be able to hear his own breath. He decided to think of the day as just a hurdle to pass, a necessity to be able to wish for something better.
With that thought, he eventually fell asleep.
The boy laughed, and when he did his head twitched strangely a couple of times, “Get out of here. I don't want to see you.”
“Just come with me,” Jaehyun begged, “I’ll help you figure something else out.”
The boy’s face suddenly hardened into anger and his words shot out in a rage. “Just shut up! You lied to me! We made a deal, it was so fucking simple. If you wanted to act like a goddamn hero then you should’ve done something about it!”
Jaehyun could only stand there speechless. The boy was just a mere stranger to him, not even in flesh, yet the words felt so harshly true, “I-Sorry…”
“It’s all your fault she’s dead! You could’ve stopped it. You could’ve saved her. But no! You had to run away and become a coward. You only care about yourself!” The boy’s face had coloured to a deep red, and spit flew from his mouth as he yelled. He started taking lumbering steps forward, his hands balled into fists as he stepped closer to Jaehyun.
“L-Look I,” He was only a few feet away, Jaehyun took a step backwards, his guilt now turning into fear.
“I only asked for one fucking thing!”
Jaehyun took two more steps back, “I-”
“And now you killed Y/N too!” The boy screamed and rushed forward.
He stirred in his sleep, waking in an instant as the dream disappeared. A glance outside let him know the moon was still out. He sat up, leaning against the bedframe before reaching for his phone. 4:38am.
After about ten minutes he got up, and throwing on a pair of simple shorts passed into the tile paved bathroom. The cool water refreshed him after his dreadful sleep. He shivered under the water and sighed heavily. Another nightmare about you. A dim sense of having taken part in some strange tragedy came to him once or twice, but there was the unreality of a dream about it.
As soon as he was dressed, Jaehyun went to the rooftop and sat down to the brightness of the starry dark morning. The warm air seemed laden with fresh scents. The silence that surrounded his home added to the beauty of a new day.
The dream was just a spook he reasoned, yet he struggled to accept the reality part of it. Deep down, Jaehyun was already contemplating the possibilities if he chose not to return and help the boy in hospital. He promised to go back today and his nightmare was a glimpse of the consequences he’d encounter if he broke that promise. ___
You awake that same morning to find yourself not in the same room as you usually would be in. The light shade of pastel blue walls which once surrounded your hospital bed now changed into stained dulls of white walls.
The numbness of sleep slowly fades and the first thing that surprises you is the tiny needles poking into your arms. You gasp in a breath only to find nothing coming in and the obstacle of your own dry tongue. The lack of oxygen descending on your mind caused you to panic and in desperation you sucked in another breath. Your body feels heavy as you sit up quickly, your fingers immediately searching for the bed sheets to help you up from your physical laid body.
“What’s going on?” You mumbled, noticing the unusual amount of nurses flooding your surroundings. You look around for anyone familiar, searching for your usual doctor and nurse. There’s a heavy atmosphere looming in the hospital room and you ignore it, exiting the commotion.
The voice stopped you from walking further, turning around to face the only person who could see your roaming spirit.
“Jaehyun? What’s going on?” you asked, assuming he knew.
“You- Your body.” He stuttered not sure how to start his sentence “it’s shutting down.”
You paused, falling against the side of the doorway and holding onto the wall for support, “Am I dying?”
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
I Won’t Forget You - Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 27 
Pairing: Spencer x Reader 
Words: 5.2k! 
Please comment what you think of this, I'm proud of this one. 😊
Warnings: Severe degrading language, description of violence, talk of rights and misogyny 
 Tags: @dra-reid, @eevee0722, @ceeellewrites, @anotherr-fine-mess, @ssahoodrathotchner, @egg-boy03, @helena-way07, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @serendipity-imagines, @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @thatsonezesty13, @bihoeofmanyfandoms, @rewindlr 
"And when he smiles. I find a reason to live a little more" - Nehwish 
Spencer’s knee bounced as he felt the turbulence of the plane getting ready to land. He'd never had trouble with planes in the past. Especially the landing. He supposed it was his nerves. 
Spencer bit at his nails nervously and looked out the window of the jet, catching the interest of Rossi and Emily. 
"Don't worry, there's a bathroom." Rossi jokes, smirking at the young genius when he finally turned his head towards the voice. 
Spencer sighed, deciding not to add fuel to the flame and shut his mouth. They all knew at this point that he wanted desperately to get back to you. His feet were itching to break into a run to head back to his apartment, but unfortunately he did not have the ability to glide on air.  
Emily smiled and leaned closer to Spencer. "Come on, Reid. It's okay to be worried." She assures, shrugging softly. Spencer looked away, thinking her words over. 
"I-I… I know I can be worried." He exhaled. "But the probability of Peter getting back to her before I do increases by each minute I'm away from her." Spencer felt an urgency welling up inside of his chest, and he couldn't get rid of it. 
Garcia popped up on the screen and sighed. "Hey, tell you what. How about I call Morgan and have him bring her to the BAU? So you can see her when you guys get unloaded?" Garcia suggests. 
Hotch nods. "That's a good idea, Garcia. I need to speak with Morgan as well so this will be convenient for the both of us." 
Garcia nods and clicks off her computer with some random farewell. Spencer felt a bit of his apprehension fall away at the idea of being able to see you sooner than originally planned. He could finally be in your presence and hold you when you wanted him to. He could comfort you. He could be there physically. For you. 
Reid looked down at his hands, noticing how diminished his fingernails were with how much he'd been biting. He knew it was just a nervous tick, but it wasn't good for him. 
"Try pinching the skin on the back of your hand instead. It gives the same effect." Rossi spoke up, moving over to sit across from Spencer. 
Spencer looked up at Rossi in interest, confused as to how that would be any better. "Pinching the taut skin of the back of the hand would cause more injury than biting nails. Did you know that our nails are made up of the same material in our hair? It's actually quite interesting-" 
Rossi raised a hand. "I took anatomy in highschool. I think I know what makes up my greying hair." He smirked, making one appear on Spencer’s face as well. 
Spencer smiled and began to look around, then back at his watch to check the time. Rossi adjusted his posture before he began to speak again. 
"Kid, let me tell you something about what I learned with all three of my ex wives. Don't wait to say it." 
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to what Rossi meant. "I-I don't think I follow, Rossi. Don't wait to say what?" 
"Don't keep her waiting on those three little words. If you keep pushing it off, she may move on without you." Rossi advised. "Tell her how you feel. Most women love hearing how you truly feel about them. They love honesty. That's why we're often the ones doing the asking." 
Prentiss looked back at Rossi with a teasing look. "'Most women'? Hell, I enjoy honesty. Who really appreciates lies? My exes maybe." She shrugged, making JJ laugh. 
Spencer exhaled a tired sigh before running a hand through his messy hair. "I suppose that makes sense. B-but she's still recovering Rossi. What kind of person would I be to try and tell her now? I'd be taking advantage of her. That's the furthest from what I want." 
Rossi shrugged, sitting back into his seat as the jet began to touch down. "Whatever you say." 
Spencer looks out the jet's windows, thinking of you. And of Morgan. 
A few moments later, two agents opened the jet's door and stairs, allowing them all to unload from inside. Spencer was the first to his feet and out the door. 
JJ and Emily shook their heads, smiling knowingly. Rossi sighed as he got himself up from the jet seats. "Kids these days." He grumbled to Hotch, who smiled softly. 
Spencer tried not to make it obvious how hurried he was to get to you, his pace a fast walk instead of a run. It was hard not to race towards the back entrance to the BAU where he knew you'd be waiting for him in the bullpen. But he could do this. You were okay. He was going to see you. 
"Geez, excited much? You'd think a limited time showing of the original Doctor Who was playing in theaters." Emily teased beside him, hurrying in front of him to unlock the entry. 
"Forgive me for wanting to ascertain the safety of (Y/N)." Spencer expressed, the words coming out colder than he meant. 
Spencer hurried into the building once the door was open, rushing to the stairwell; the elevator was just too slow.
All he could think of was seeing you. Once he did, then maybe he'd consider doing his reports. 
Thinking about it now, he most definitely had it bad for you. 100.00% There wasn't a moment where he was near you that he didn't feel his heart beating a little faster. That he didn't feel a squeeze on his heart and his words got stuck in his throat. There was never a time that he wasn't thinking about what you might say if he were to kiss you in that moment. 
Finally, after three minutes and five flights of stairs, he burst through the door and hurried into the bullpen, slowing himself down once he saw you.
You smiled happily once Spencer entered your field of vision, putting the bag of food you had in your hands on the nearest desk to your right. It wasn't long after that you felt Spencer’s arms wrapped around your waist and pulling you tightly against him. 
"Spence," you smiled, hugging him back just as tight. Spencer put his face in the crook of your neck, reminding himself that you were indeed safe and not in danger. 
"Thank God you're safe," he exhaled, beginning to calm further as your hand met his hair. 
"Yeah, I'm okay Spence. Why would you think otherwise?" You were confused as to what was making him so worried over you, but even then you were glad he cared. 
"It… it doesn't matter right now. Just-" Spencer once again exhaled sharply, releasing you from his hold as the rest of the team entered the bullpen. 
Morgan smirked as he returned with a drink tray from the other room with Garcia in tow. "Was the case really that bad, Lover boy? Couldn't wait to get back to your pretty lady?" Derek teased, his eyebrows wiggling as he smiled his signature smile. 
Reid rolled his eyes, not as annoyed as he usually was with Derek's antics. 
"Hey, I bought food for everyone. Hope fast-food is good enough." You spoke up, picking up the paper bag to lift up for everyone to see. 
Hotch nodded, while Rossi and Emily smiled thankfully. "Sounds perfect. I didn't feel like cooking anyway." Rossi joked, walking over to take his share of the food. 
"It's a nice offer, but Will's got something at home for me. We rarely ever get home in time for dinner anymore, so when we get the chance we take it." JJ says, grabbing her go bag once it was dropped off. 
"Alright. Just send me your reports in the morning." Hotch says, getting a nod in return from JJ. 
"Junior G Man," Garcia spoke up. Spencer turned around, facing the eccentric hacker. "Don't you have something you wanna tell (Y/N)?" She asked,
Spencer’s face lit up in a bright blush, thinking Garcia meant something else entirely. This blush also effectively caught Morgan and Emily's attention. "Well? Do you pretty boy?" Morgan teased. 
You sighed. "Leave him alone guys. If he's not ready to tell me what happened that's fine." You settle. Truthfully, of course you wanted to know. But if it was something business related or something about the case you knew it could wait. 
Spencer sighed with relief. He'd tell you once the two of you were home. Maybe then, you'd be able to react without fear of judgement. 
Garcia sighed. "Well, still. I've got something to announce." She insisted, her smile returning bright and bubbly as ever. 
Hotch raised an eyebrow, pausing his conversation with Derek. "What is it, Garcia?"
"Well, since we all didn't get a chance to celebrate her rescue, I'm inviting everyone out to have drinks in a couple days in (Y/N)'s honor!" Garcia smiled, cheering to herself. 
You smiled happily, reaching into the paper fast food bag and pulling out a few fries. "Thank you Pen. You don't have to though." You insist, putting the fries into your mouth. 
Garcia waved you off. "Nonsense! We're gonna celebrate finding you! And we'll all have to get taxis cause we'll be too drunk!" Garcia insisted, hurrying over and giving you a hug. 
You hug her back, smiling at her happily. "Okay, okay, I give. Will you be letting us know the place soon?" 
"Why of course my fine furry friend!!" Garcia giggles. "Of course I'm gonna let JJ know too. Everybody's gonna be there." She says before she waves goodbye to everyone, scurrying back to her den. 
Spencer laughs and shakes his head. "I guess we just made plans?" He asks out loud. 
Hotch, Rossi, Emily, and Morgan all laugh along with you. Hotch even cracked a smile. "I guess we did. I'll see if I can get free for that night. She was right, you deserve to be celebrated whether your case was a priority for the BAU or not." Hotch explained, giving you a genuine look. You couldn't fight the blush that slipped onto your face, but you did smile at him. 
"Thanks, Hotch." You answer. Then your attention shifted to Spencer. "I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick then we can head home." You then began walking away from him towards the bathrooms, unbeknownst to you being checked out by Spencer himself. Hey, he's got eyes. 
Spencer jumped and looked to Hotch, blinking a few times. "Yeah, Hotch?" He asked. 
Aaron walked over, clearing Morgan to go ahead and head to his office for them to continue their conversation. "Garcia sent me a message saying you both had information on Peter Calvin. What do you have?" He asked, his tone and volume lowered. 
Spencer sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck again, finding it worrying that he was developing it as a nervous tick. "Garcia and I saw him on some nearby traffic cams. I spoke to JJ and Emily about it. I assumed they would have told you by now." 
Hotch sighed, taking his mental notes. "Which direction was he headed?" He asked. 
"Southwest, towards Quantico." Spencer replied. 
"I'll let the police know to keep an eye out for the license plate number and the car Garcia got on the footage. For now, keep (Y/N) safe. We cannot afford him getting his hands on her again. He may not stay nearby this time. And she may not be as lucky." Hotch warned before he stepped away from Spencer and then began walking up towards his office. 
Spencer let out an exhausted sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. When he reopened them, you were standing near him, smiling gently at him. "Hey stranger." 
He smiled at you, his mood immediately improved by your presence. "Hey." 
"You wanna head home or get some dinner first? I know you probably don't want fast food. When I was getting this I was thinking about what you'd say. 'Eating junk-food has a-'" 
"A link to higher rates of obesity, depression, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and in some cases early death." Spencer finished, his smile wide as he looked to you. You giggled playfully and nodded. 
"Yep. Exactly." You smiled. "So I made sure to buy some extra healthy food to make at home." 
Spencer smiled back even wider. "That sounds great. But I think eating something healthy we can already buy ready-made will be good for tonight. This last case wasn't an easy one."  
You smirked and nudged his arm. "Is that so?" You teased. Spencer smiled and looked down somewhat bashfully. 
You smiled and looked up triumphantly. "Well, then you'll have to tell me about it on the way home." 
Spencer chuckled as he gave into your teasing, nodding his head a little. "Yes, I suppose I will." He replied, a bright smile on his face. 
"Okay, you have got to tell me how you narrowed that hunting zone parameter down. I don't think I could've done it even if you were paying me-" you expressed gleefully, dropping the soup kitchen bag on the dining room table with two neatly placed chairs on either side. Spencer then walked in past you, dropping his go bag behind the couch as he turned back to face you. His face was brighter than a string of christmas lights and his smile whiter than a cloud. If he wasn't so focused on your beauty he'd notice the pain in his cheeks. 
"I'm sure you could've. I could help you if you'd like. It's actually quite simple." Spencer nodded his head and smiled at you teasingly, earning a playful and teasing glare in response. 
"Yeah, and I went to school for Geometry instead of Psychology." You joke, digging into the bag for one of the styrofoam containers of soup and placing them on the table. 
"Which makes me wonder why you didn't take Geometry. I know it wasn't for a lack of smarts, you're very skilled with that aspect-" Spencer began to ramble on, walking over to the table and putting napkins under the soup containers as you put them down to act as coasters. 
"I just suck at shapes, okay? Sure I can remember the damn perimeter formula and the area but give me variables and a word problem? I can't figure out how to do shit." You expressed, handing Spencer the plastic spoon that came with the food. Instead, he handed it back to you. 
"I prefer using my own cutlery. Reduces the chance of any chemicals remaining on or inside the plastic being used to make the spoons." He explained, pulling out a drawer and selecting two intricate spoons before closing the drawer with his hip casually. 
You smirk and giggle. "I never thought I'd see you do that." 
Spencer raised an eyebrow as he began to hand you a spoon. "Do what? I don't see what I was doing that was unusual behavior for my personality-" 
"Closing the drawer with your hips, Spence!" You expressed in a loud, happy laughter. "Seriously, you never seemed to me like the kind of guy who'd do that." 
Spencer raised an eyebrow and smiled happily at your cheerful face. "Well I guess surprises do happen on a day to day basis. Even in our line of work." 
You smiled brighter as you finally opened your soup and took a first spoonful. "Amen to that." You giggled, grabbing another napkin to wipe your chin from the stray soup that leaked onto it. 
"Guess I'm still a clutz. Not even being kidnapped and raped is gonna change that I guess…" you mutter, causing Spencer to half choke on his soup. His eyes widen as he looks to you, his eyebrows furrowed after a moment. 
"(Y/N), do you… wanna talk?" Spencer asks, slowly approaching you as he places his soup down on the table. He didn't even care where. You were more important. 
You sniffle and shake your head. "No… no I'll be okay. I just wanna eat and go to bed. And… and hope that I don't see his face again tonight-" you choke on a sob, lifting a hand to your face and wiping desperately at rapid tears. 
Spencer rushed over and hugged you tightly, cradling your head softly as he held you. He whispered gently into your ear, letting you deal with your emotions while he was there to listen. He was good at that, he thought. 
You pressed your forehead against his shoulder, your hands clutching at his vest. "S-spencer I-" you hiccuped. "I'm sorry… I shouldn't-" 
Spencer shook his head. "No, you should. You're allowed to express how you feel, (Y/N). I will always be here for you. No matter how many times you need me to be." 
You sniffled, sucking in your bottom lip anxiously as you looked up at him. "Promise..?" 
Spencer smiled down at you, caressing your cheek. "Promise." 
You let your lips curl into a hesitant smile as an idea crosses your mind. "Do… do you think…" your bottom lip quivers as you ponder your own question. 
Spencer’s head tilts and his face softens as he looks down at you, being patient with your feelings. "Yeah?" 
You take in a sigh and grunt at your pathetic-ness. "Do you think maybe I could share a bed with you tonight? Just in case?" You asked, a bright blush accompanying the slight voice crack that added to your awkwardness. 
Spencer’s eyes widened at your question and his cheeks blew up a firey red as he began to fluster. "U-uh-uh…" Spencer scrambled to reply in a timely and polite manner, but he was so caught off guard. 
You bit the inside of your cheek and grunted. "Forget it, I knew it was a long shot…" you let go of Spencer’s vest and began to move away to go back to eating. 
What surprised you was the sudden grasp of your hand once it fell to your side. You swear your head swung towards Spencer as soon as you felt his touch, almost as quick as a sword. 
Spencer looked down into your glossy eyes, red rimmed from crying. He saw beauty in them. He saw a genius, a comedian, a model, and saw perfection. All in the oceans of color that were you're irises. 
He would be a fool to reject your proposal. 
"Of course, you just shocked me a little." Spencer insisted, squeezing your hand. He wanted nothing more than to see your lips curl into their familiar smile and see you laugh again. At least he'd see one thing tonight. 
You smiled gently at Spencer’s reply, blushing softly in response. "You… you mean it? It's… not too terribly weird?" You brushed a strand of stray hair behind your ear, trying not to freak out. 
Spencer tried to make a face that said 'don't worry about it' but instead managed to make an altogether new look instead. One that gave him a chance to see the other expression he loved on you. 
You snorted at his expression and began to laugh. Your eyes were full of joy as you laughed, even with a care in the world. Spencer couldn't be more in love. 
You laid your head on his chest for a moment, sighing as you began to calm down from your laughter. You looked up at Spencer, who's face somehow had managed to grow even redder from your placement. 
"What?" You ask, moving back as you assumed you'd done something wrong. 
"It's nothing, (Y/N). Promise. W-why don't we just eat and then we can head to bed?" Spencer suggested, not knowing if he'd be able to handle another moment without kissing you. 
You took in a heavy, but relieved sigh. "Yeah… yeah…" 
Spencer then took his seat, moving the chair closer to your side. He picked up his now lukewarm soup and began eating it anyway. You watch him for a few moments before you begin to do the same. 
And it was just like that, just you two. 
"You done in there yet? I still gotta brush my teeth. Studies have shown that if you don't brush your teeth it can lead to erectile disfunction, inflammation, head and neck cancer-" Spencer began to ramble, knocking against the bathroom door gently. 
You swing the door open with a toothbrush in your mouth. "I know, Spence. You just gave me that speech 10 minutes ago." You tease, a smile pulling onto your toothpaste stained cheeks. "Come on, get in here and brush those damn teeth." 
Spencer chuckled to himself and walked in beside you. "I don't believe that kind of language is supposed to be used when talking about the bones inside our mouth." He teases, raising an eyebrow. 
You roll your eyes and elbow his arm. "Shut up!" You smile playfully. "Compared to you, I'm a cranky old grandma, you old sailor." 
Spencer laughed as he put the toothbrush in his mouth and began brushing. You finished up and washed your toothbrush in the running water before heading into Spencer’s room to get into the covers. 
Spencer finished up a few minutes after and washed his toothbrush. "I am not a swearing sailor. If anything-" he starts, walking into his room to find you falling asleep under the covers with a pillow in your arms. 
Spencer softly chuckled and turned off the bathroom light, closing the door behind him and closing the bedroom door as well. 
He walked over and sat down on his usual side of the bed. He looked over at you again, smiling at your peaceful form. If he could give you eternal reassurance that you'd be okay, he would. Even if he had to do time for manslaughter. 
He sighed and turned back towards his lamp and turned it off once he plugged in his work phone. See, he knew technology. He just didn't prefer it to paper copies of things. 
He then adjusted the covers and climbed into them, trying not to convince himself that staring at you sleeping for a whole night was a good idea. 
A sudden crash echoed into the apartment and startled Spencer awake. It didn't sound like glass, more like wood breaking. He took heavy breaths and looked beside him, finding you stirring awake. 
Spencer reached into his nightstand and picked up his spare work pistol. He didn't know who or what it was that just broke in, but he wasn't going to let it get to you. 
Spencer looked back over to you, seeing your eyes opening slightly. "Shh… hey, I'll be right back. I'm just going to check what happened. Stay here, okay? No matter what you hear." Spencer whispered, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You murmured a few inaudible sounds but nodded. That was good enough for Spencer. 
He then got up from the mattress and began to fumble with his gun. Once he had it aimed, he snuck out into the main area of his apartment. 
The windows provided plenty of moonlight to see, so Spencer wasn't worried about seeing the intruder. He didn't want to let them know he was awake. That would cause violence that didn't need to happen yet. He had the element of surprise. And he needed to keep it that way. 
Rustling of pages, and of books echoed into the room as Spencer slowly looked around the corner to see who was the invader of his home. 
The intruder was bent over the couch, looking through the books that laid there as if looking for something. Proof of something. The intruder was definitely a man. He was definitely at least 6'2, and his voice was a little deeper. 
"Dammit, how can she hide so damn well?!" The man cursed, letting the book hit the couch with a dulled thud. 
Spencer looked a little farther past the corner, swearing he'd heard this voice before, if not had heard it described to him before. He had an idea of who this was, a damn good one. But he needed proof before he decided to make his presence known to this devil of a man. 
Spencer’s foot made the wood beneath him creak for a moment, causing the intruder to look his way. And that's when Spencer knew. The man had green, piercing eyes. Ones he'd definitely seen on one Peter Calvin. 
He had enough evidence to do what he planned. Spencer hid behind the bookshelf for a few more moments, hearing Peter's footsteps approach his position. 
Then, just before Spencer knew he'd be in him, he turned and faced Peter with his gun facing him and his finger dancing with the trigger. 
"Give me one good reason not to shoot, you son of a bitch?" Spencer glared, his aim never wavering as his anger swirled around his head. 
Peter grinned. "You…" he began to laugh maniacally. Spencer’s composure wavered only a smidge. Why was he laughing? 
"You-!" Peter cackled, his face turning into one of victory. "Out of all the men in the world she could choose to protect her whore-ass--" Peter sneered, reaching behind him. "She chose you."
Spencer refocused his aim, his eyebrows furrowing. "What does that have to do with how you treated her? How badly wounded she was when we found her?" Spencer retorted, spitting out the words like they were poison. 
Peter rolled his eyes, putting his hands in the air as Spencer refocused his aim. "Please, she's my damn property. I can do with her as I wish-" 
"She's no one's property-!"
"Why do you say that? Have you been inside her yet? If you had you'd never want to let another man have her." Peter taunted, his smirk ever so large on his face. 
Spencer’s face and sneer never shifted, even as Peter was determined to get under his skin. "It doesn't matter. She doesn't belong to anyone. She's a human being. She has thoughts, feelings--things you can't take away from her. " 
"We'll work on that. Once she has my first child she'll have no feelings of her own. It'll all be about our little boy." 
"I don't care how much money you fucking paid for her--" Spencer’s voice raised as his finger fiddled with the trigger. "She is not yours! I will never, ever let you get your filthy hands on her again!" 
Peter rolled his eyes as Spencer roared his declaration. "Men like you disgust me. You let the women walk all over you. You give them rights to shut them up and then suddenly you start giving them the freedom to take power. Then we're suddenly the ones being undermined. We're the men! We should be in power while the women give us children-"
"No!" Spencer yelled. "You’re wrong." He breathed, hoping that you would stay where you were until he could be sure you were safe. 
Peter sneered and looked to the ground. "You seriously are gonna take the side of a woman? A walking pussy?" Peter asks, getting threateningly close to Spencer. 
Spencer re-aims his gun, making sure his first shot would be the only one he'd have to fire. "Yes. Because she's a person." 
Peter smirked and briefly laughed. "You wanna die? Or are you gonna step aside so I can reclaim what's mine?" He asks, his hand gripping Spencer’s gun tightly. 
Spencer scowled as he looked slightly up at Peter. "I'd rather lose my life than give you what was never yours." He growled, not daring to instigate the conflict.
Peter then forced Spencer to the ground with a roar of anger, slamming his head into the floor. Spencer scrambled and pushed against Peter’s shoulders, managing to bite his shoulder. 
Peter let go of Spencer briefly to gasp in pain. He was strong, but not as strong as Morgan. Why else did he need to injure Morgan to abduct him then? 
"Damn it-! You string-bean bastard!" Peter spat as he began to charge at Spencer again. Spencer narrowly dodged and grabbed Peter’s arm and shoulder, forcing him into the floor. 
"String Bean? That's the best you've got-?" He asked as Peter rolled him back around and held his shoulders down against the floor. 
"Why must you be so damn difficult-!? She's mine you cunt-!" Peter spat into Spencer’s face. Sending a punch into his face. Spencer spits up at Peter the blood from the impact, only earning him a second punch in return. 
Spencer grunted as Peter raised his fist to give a third punch. Spencer leaned his head back just far enough that he could headbutt Peter hard. 
The impact sounded throughout the small apartment as Peter staggered off of Spencer from the onset of the pain. Spencer scrambled to his feet and tried to race towards his gun. Peter unfortunately managed to regain his control and grabbed Spencer’s arms and spun him around. 
"You really thought you could win that easily?" Peter hissed, slamming Spencer’s face into the corner he'd previously been hiding behind. Spencer let out a cry of pain before he was spun right back around and thrown across the room from a shove. 
Spencer landed onto his back onto the go bag you had placed behind the couch. He winced at something hard hitting him in the back. Peter was slowly moving towards the bedroom now, a smirk on his face. 
No, Spencer grunted, reaching behind him through his blurring vision. He wasn't going to lose this. He wasn't going to lose you again. 
When he reached behind him, he found what he'd needed. It was his usual pistol. He must have mispacked it when he was getting ready to head onto the jet. 
"Hey Peter," Spencer called, surprising himself with how loud he still could be. 
Peter scoffed and turned back towards Spencer, who was managing to stand up on two feet. "What now? You can barely hold your own-" 
Spencer smirked. "You know what?" He asked, pulling out the pistol from behind him. Peter widened his eyes, glancing from the second pistol to the one he had knocked away. 
He was speechless as he listened to Spencer’s next and final words. 
"I can't say it was a pleasure to meet you." Spencer replied eerily before he fired his pistol, shooting Peter in the chest and shattering the glass of the bookcase behind him. 
Spencer exhaled a long sigh of relief once Peter fell against the floor, blood beginning to pool around him. With Spencer’s injuries, he'd be able to convince any judge that he'd only killed Peter in an act of defence. 
You were safe now. 
Suddenly footsteps raced out into the living room. Your figure entered the room and turned on the lights. What followed was a shriek of terror from you at both Peter and at Spencer’s condition. 
Spencer hurried over to you and wrapped his arms around you, not caring whether or not the two of you were together at this point. 
"S-spencer… W-what d-d-did-" you began to stutter, still breathing heavily and beginning to panic. 
Spencer instead cradled your head and softly shushed your worries. "Shh… it's okay now, I promise." He breathed, kissing your forehead protectively. 
You stayed silent, still in shock and horror of who laid dead at your feet. Instead you let him hold you, and you breathed in his cologne and his natural scent. It still managed to calm you, even after that night's events. 
"I promise, he's never going to hurt you again my darling…" 
And you believed him. 
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