#Why yes I am excited about this production
drunkkenobi · 2 months
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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narcissisticmf · 1 year
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draw me | benedict bridgerton x fem!reader
description: you ask benedict to draw you, wearing almost nothing.
trigger warnings: nudity, sexual content, seductive behavior, oral sex, etc. please do not proceed in reading if you are under the age of 18.
word count: 1.8k
You walked through the halls with servants of the Bridgerton family, standing outside the opened door to Benedict's study, where he was working behind a canvas.
"You have a caller, Mr. Bridgerton," Stated the servant, bowing his head. You walked into the room, in a silk dress, a silver chain was dangling beautifully around your neck. You stared at Benedict with a soft expression, eyes gentle and calm.
"Leave us," Benedict offered a generous grin to his servants as they left the room, latching the door shut behind them. You continued gazing at him, never turning away, not even once.
"Am I too early? I didn't realize you were already working on something else," You explained as he stared at you with the utmost loving gaze.
"No, not at all, please, have a seat," He gestured to the sofa beside you. "Can I get you a drink?" Benedict asked politely after you planted your bottom against the soft cushions.
"I'm quite well for now, thank you," You admitted.
"Shall we get started then?" He smiled. You nodded softly. "I'd like you to lay down, on your back," He instructed as you did as told, you followed every word that he spoke. Your stomach bubbled with ease and excitement.
Benedict stared at you for a little while, his fingers gripping his chin as his eyes squinted, scanning your body's position. He walked over to you with a gentle demeanor.
"Permission to touch you?" He asked as he looked at you, his gaze never broke from you.
You looked up to him and nodded softly, "Yes."
Benedict gently grasped your wrist and moved your arm to lay against the top of your head. He stepped back and examined your position, smiling.
"Benedict?" You called softly after he had turned around to head back to his canvas, that was propped up on an easel. He turned around with asked 'what' with his eyes, pupils blown out.
"Might I make a small suggestion?" You asked and he nodded. "Wouldn't the image be more raw if my form wasn't so.. cladded?"
Benedict did his best to fight the growing smile. He agreed to your suggestion, as long as you were alright and comfortable. He made sure that you were one hundred percent on board with it.
After confirming your wishes, you stood up from the sofa and lifted the dress from the bottom, over your head, tossing the silk material across the room, beside the windows. You removed all your undergarments, and soon became completely vulnerable. Your breasts laid naturally against your ribcage. Benedict admired you, his eyes traveling up and down your exposed body.
You laid back against the sofa and fixed yourself to be in the form which Benedict had you in moments ago. All that was against your skin was a silver chain. Your hair was down and curled, the way your servants did it the morning of.
Benedict did his best to fight the smile that was against his lips. You smiled softly, but soon it ceased, wanting to keep a serious expression for the final product of the piece.
"Does an artist often blush when drawing one of their subjects?" You grinned mischievously as Benedict let out a small giggle.
"Shh," He hushed you and continued painting away. He managed to get every curve, every beautiful detail amongst your body, matching your skintone perfectly. He even got the subtle glassiness in your eyes and the way the sunlight reflected against your body and about the room.
You were unsure if it was the temperature of the room or the fact that you were at your most vulnerable in front of a man, but your nipples hardened and Benedict took notice of this. He smirked, a lopsided one and stared at you for a moment, ceasing his motions of the paintbrush.
"Are you cold?" He questioned.
"Uhm, no, why?" You asked.
"'Tis my duty as the artist to make sure that my subject is comfortable and satisfied in all ways possible," He replied with a grin.
You smiled softly as you watched him continue to illustrate. He was so focused, looking to you and back at the canvas every few seconds.
Finishing the image, Benedict smiled and turned his easel around so that you could see it. Your lips curved into a grin as you saw how beautiful the painting was.
"It's beautiful, Benedict," You replied, still lying there, unclothed.
"Thank you, Miss. Y/N," He replied with a smug grin as he stared at you, admiring your body. "Will you.. uhm.. be getting back into your dress now?"
You stared at him for a moment, thinking. "If you wish it," You whispered.
"I certainly do not, but do you?" Benedict asked.
"No," You replied quickly. He smiled, his most famous lopsided grin. You slowly arose from the sofa and noticed how Benedict's eyes were glued to you. You walked towards him and noticed he was backing into the bookshelf behind him, pressing his hands against it, for leverage.
"Permission to touch you, Miss. Y/L/N?" He breathed out, almost desperate.
You leaned forward to whisper into his ear, "Yes."
Benedict hastily wrapped his arms lowly around your waist and pressed his lips to yours. You cupped his face and molded your lips with his perfectly. He tasted of brandy and mint. His hands moved down your bare back and towards your bum, gripping your cheeks softly. You released a whimper against his mouth as you pulled back, resting your chin to his shoulder. Your lips parted, to allow soft whines and moans to escape. Benedict moved his lips down your neck and across your shoulder, burying his face into your skin.
He slowly stepped forward, guiding you to the sofa you'd be lying on while Benedict was painting. You sat against it while he begun to remove his coat, tossing it beside your silk dress. You stared at him, eyeing his body up and down. He smirked and removed his suspenders, then his blouse overhead, tossing it to the side. He unzipped the side of his pants and kicked them off effortlessly. Soon, he was left is absolutely nothing.
The sun was setting outside, creating a beautiful reflection of light against Benedict's skin. You smiled as he walked towards the couch, leaning down to press his lips to yours. You kissed him back and gripped his biceps, pushing him to sit beside you. You wasted no time and straddled his waist, draping your arms around his neck, molding your lips perfectly against his.
You'd forgotten about everything; the servants just outside the door, the painting, the fact that your actions were so scandalous that both your life and Benedict's could be ruined if anyone found out. You were focused on him and only him, it was tranquil and comfortable. You felt safer than you had in a long time.
Benedict's hands were holding your sides, slowly dragging his fingers to your back, tracing your skin lightly. You moved your hips with his softly, making him groan quietly into your mouth.
Without taking his lips from yours, he pushed your to lay against your back, so that he was on top of you. You pressed your fingers against his face, engrossed in the taste of him.
Benedict pulled back to admire your body a little long. He noticed how hardened your nipples had become. He lowered his head, without breaking eye contact and placed his lips around your left breast, sucking on your nipple. You whimpered, leaning your head back as the arousal begun to stick to your inner thighs. His eyes were on you the entire time. He moved from your left to your right, repeating the same actions.
You leaned your head back against the cushions, releasing moans that were soon suppressed by Benedict's palm. You closed your eyes and used on hand to push through his hair, gripping it softly.
He dragged his wet lips down your stomach, around your navel and towards your heat. You released a shaky breath as his breath fanned against you. You slowly spread your legs to make it easier access for him. He slipped one finger into your mouth, making you blink in surprise.
"Suck on it. We don't want any unwanted ears hearing us, do we?" Benedict stated as he looked up to you, only raising his eyes. You nodded and begun to suck on his finger, hoping it would be enough to keep you quiet.
He pressed his mouth against your private, using his tongue to toy with your folds. It took a lot for you to keep quiet, but luckily his finger was doing the trick. You closed your eyes as let the feeling consume you. You wrapped your legs around Benedict's shoulders as he moved his lips and tongue against your strings.
Despite his finger keeping you silenced, there was still a beautiful melody within your whines that escaped into the atmosphere.
After a little while, Benedict arose and removed his finger from your mouth, using it to softly graze across your folds. You bit your tongue, having no desire for anyone to hear, but there was adrenaline in that, in knowing you could be caught or heard.
Benedict was on top of you, yet again and held your side with one hand, pressing his lips against yours. You hummed at the taste of your own heat, finding it sweet yet savory at the same time.
You felt Benedict slip effortlessly inside of you. You gasped into his mouth, feeling so many ecstasies all at once. He moved his hips to and fro, feeling how loose you'd been. The comfort in him and his actions was unlike anything you'd ever felt before or experienced.
"Benedict.." You moaned into his mouth as he continued his motions. He was a moaning mess as well, perhaps that was why he was kissing you the whole time.
"You feel absolutely wonderful, Y/N," Benedict whispered through a broken moan.
You had locked eyes with him, as the two of you became close to undoing. You felt your stomach unravel all the knots, reaching your climax. Benedict swiftly pulled out of you, releasing his sticky load against your stomach.
You were both out of breath as he smiled down at you, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. He reached onto the ground to grab a cloth, gently wiping his essence off of you. He was sure to be careful, knowing that you must've been sensitive.
"That was perfect," You whispered, taking notice that the sun was already set and the moon was the only think illuminating the darkness of night.
Benedict smiled, chuckling lightly as he pressed a warm kiss to the corner of your mouth, "Perhaps, we should do this again sometime."
Smiling, you nodded.
a/n: hi, cuties!! so i just started watching bridgerton and i absolutely LOVE benedict! he's the sweetest character that i think i've ever seen and couldn't wait to write something for him! i'm sorry i haven't been posting much, work has been really crazy as well as my mental health. i hope you're all doing good! thank you so much for reading! — angelina. <33
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
Idk why this concept makes my heart so warm but I’d love to see something where the reader asks Leon to do her makeup for fun and he’s clueless! Like a lil date night activity!
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{Leon tries to do your makeup}
Aww this is too cute!! Thank you sm for the request my lovely!! Hope you enjoy!! 💕
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“What’s this one again?” Leon asks, fiddling with the eyeshadow palette, shutting it and closing it over and over again as the magnetic seal clicks with the action.
You’re shocked at how willing he was to say yes to the idea of him giving you a makeover.
“That’s eye shadow,” you tell him, before going over the products one by one as he nods with an enthusiastic smile, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited even if he was utterly clueless about what to do.
You take a seat on your desk chair watching as he takes the foundation, “This one first?” He asks a little unsure of what he’s actually doing, and you giggle as his brows knit together with confusion.
“It’s all you baby, whatever you think goes first” You look up at him with a smile.
“Alright” he smiles, and you watch, feeling a little nervous, as he holds the bottle to your face, the nuzzle pressed against your cheek as he squirts the product on your face, and you gasp at the sudden coldness, giggling as he mumbles a small ‘fuck’
He takes one of the many brushes dabbing it across your face to smooth out the foundation that sits against your skin, he stands back admiring your face with a proud smirk before turning back to the dresser and picking up the eyeshadow pallet he was playing with earlier, and you cringe at the bright neon colours, out of all the pallets he just had to pick that one.
“Don’t be so nervous you’re gonna look so sexy” he chuckles, as he takes one of the smaller brushes dusting it with the bright pink, and your eyes flutter close as he applies the eyeshadow so gently to your eyelids, you barely even feel it, his hand occasionally brushes against your cheek as he continues to use the bright colour.
“I’m not hurting you right?” He asks so softly, and you can feel his breath fanning against your skin.
“No baby you’re alright” you whisper back, eyes still closed as he makes a joke about switching job professions, ‘government agent turned beautician’ and you can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of you.
There’s a comfortable silence that settles between you both, and the only thing you can hear is the soft music that plays from your speaker.
Your eyes open as Leon cups your jaw, “I’m not doing a very good job” he chuckles, admiring your face and he can’t believe you’re still so beautiful even if he's doing a terrible job, he presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth before going back to dresser picking up eyeliner with a confusing look.
He removes the cap, his eyebrows rising with shock, “What is this?” He asks, looking back over at you.
“Eyeliner” you smile, and it only confuses him more.
He study’s the product trying to make a guess on how you use it, “It goes on your eyes?- How do I?” he trails off manoeuvring his hand to try and figure out how to apply it, he stares at the brush tip with a very baffled expression.
You explain it to him, giggling at his horrified look he leans into you with hesitation and it makes you a little nervous, “Just be careful, don’t take my eye out” you tell him and he nods with a nervous chuckle and it definitely doesn’t make you confident.
His hand leans against your cheek, as he ever so gently drags the brush tip along your eyelid and he winces at how messy the line is, “Don’t open your eyes” he whispers as he does the same to your other eye, and it’s considerably worse than the other.
He pulls back laughing at how wobbly the line is, and it definitely doesn’t look the same when you do it, “Am I still pretty?” You smile looking up at him.
“You’re always pretty, the prettiest girl in the world,” he tells with a loving tone, handing you the mirror with a teasing ‘Ta-da’ and he chuckles at the boisterous laugh that erupts from you.
“Woah baby, it's a good attempt” you giggle, studying the awful job he’s done.
Leon looks down at you, how your eyes crinkle with joy and a loving feeling blooms in between his rib cage and it makes his heart flutter with adoration, the sweet sound of your laughter could brighten his day without fail always.
He picks up the makeup wipes taking one out, “Come here pretty angel” he says, wiping away the makeup gently, he knows how to do this part as he thinks back to the times when you were too drunk to do it yourself, and the cool sensation washes you with relief.
He wipes the makeup until your face is completely clean, and his big hands cup either side of your face making you look up at him, “My beautiful girl” he smiles leaning down the press a kiss to your lips.
You smile against him suddenly feeling awfully bashful, “Are you, hungry baby?” he asks, and you watch as he cleans up the space.
“Mhm, you wanna make pizza?” You ask, and he nods putting away the makeup products back to their rightful place before you both make your way to the kitchen.
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indecisivekitty · 5 months
The Anxiety of Proposals
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x reader
wc: 607
genre: fluff
warnings: uh none unless ur allergic to fluff ig
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“Mate, you alright?” Gaz asked with furrowed brows. He’s noticed Soap staring at the wall for more than five minutes while fidgeting with his dog tags. “You’ve spaced out like what? 3 times now?”
Soap blinked and turned to Gaz after realizing someone was speaking to him. “Aye, just thinking ‘bout somethin’.”
Gaz tilted his head slightly with mild curiosity, then sat down at the table where Soap was sitting. “Care to share?”
The Scot bit his lip anxiously before letting out a breath. “Thinkin’ of proposin’ today once I get back home to me lass.”
Gaz smiled and leaned over to pat Soap on the shoulder. “Ay, good on you, yeah?” Soap let out a small laugh and rubbed his neck with a small nod in response. Arms folded and comfortably leaning back in his seat, Gaz asked, “Nervous?”
“Aye.” Letting out a breath, Soap ran his fingers through his hair. “Can’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout it. Am excited though—can’t tell ye how long I’ve been wantin’ to wed ma bonnie lass. Want a bairn and have a pretty little family too.”
Soap pictures you and him, who knows many years in the future, married and with kids. Aye, he thought, the perfect dream. Feeling the other man’s gaze still on him, Soap looks over to see Garrick giving him an earnest smile before nodding at him.
“Let us know how it goes, yeah?”
MacTavish felt his eyes crinkle, along with a smile forming eagerly on his lips. “‘Course I will.”
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Walking up to the front door of the flat you shared, Soap cursed as he fumbled with his keys. The nerves were already getting to him as he counted down the seconds he had left until he was back in your presence, something he constantly found himself doing.
“Bonnie?” he called out, dropping his bag on the floor and attempting to quickly take off his shoes, throwing a glance around the room to find your whereabouts. Frowning, he walked into the room you shared, wondering where you were from the lack of a response. “Lass-?”
“In here!”
Following the sound of your voice in the closet, he blinks when he sees you sitting on the floor with piles of clothes.
Beaming at the sight of your boyfriend, you smiled. “Hi, Johnny. How was work?”
Still confused, he utters, “Was fine, bon.”  You hummed contently with his answer before looking at a box of old trinkets you owned. “Now, what exactly are ye doin’ on the floor with all yer clothes everywhere?”
“Well, I thought it would be nice to clean out some of my clothes, and then I saw an old sweater I forgot and decided to try it on, but then I saw an old shoe box of letters-”
“-and decided to read all of them—because hello?? I forgot I had them, so why not go down memory lane? Then I found-”
“Okay, okay, lass.” Kneeling to your level, he studied your face and reached out to caress your cheek. “Got distracted, aye?”
Huffing, you let out a small, "Yes."
Johnny couldn’t help but smile at you, his heart beating wildly at how beautiful you looked—even on the ground with all your clothes thrown about. How could he ever be nervous about proposing to you? He licked his lips. “Marry me, lass?”
Smiling wider, he brought his hand down to rub your mouth gently. Softly, he whispered, “Marry me?”
His bright blue eyes stared into yours. His gaze was nothing but soft and loving, feeling just like home. Your eyes softened as you memorized how he looked at this moment.
“Of course, Johnny.”
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a/n: sorry for lack of writings LOL busy trying to have a productive year while also trying to actually have the motivation to write
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Has Austin ever accidentally hurt readers feelings? How did they work through it?
hi anon!
thank you for the ask!
to answer your question, yes!
austin has unfortunately hurt reader's feelings, and reader has accidentally hurt his at times too. though usually their main way to work things through is to take some time apart to cool down and then come together after to talk out a resolution.
here is an example of a time austin accidentally hurt reader's feelings during the time they'd just moved into their first place together:
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“ Hey.” You knocked on the door seal of Austin’s office where he was head deep into a book surrounding the WWII history of pilots. He was doing major background work for his role of Major Gale Clevens and you were excited to see him diving back into work after both Elvis wrapping, and the scare he gave you during his hospital stay.
You could see the papers littered everywhere and the empty coffee pot on a nearby table. “ I know you said to let you know when dinner was finished, and I’m done. I made that lasagna soup recipe I was telling you about from tik-tok. Why don’t you take a break and come have a bite, babe.” 
He didn’t bother looking up from the pages, “ In a minute honey.” He muttered. 
Frowning you couldn’t help but feel worried since he’d told you the same thing at lunch and then later when you’d offered him a snack. He hadn’t been out of this room all day and you knew his body  needed something more to run off of than hours old coffee.
You stepped inside closer, “ You know you said that earlier, baby. And I just think a little break to re-fuel would be good.” 
Again he didn’t look up, “ I said in a minute sweetheart, now please.” He attempted to dismiss you.
Still you weren’t satisfied, “ Aus I know but-
“ Dammit, Y/N!  I said in a minute! I am a grown ass man and I’ll eat something when I’m ready.  ” He snapped, looking up at you.
A lump quickly formed in your throat and you quickly exited the room, slamming the door behind you and ignoring his calls after you. You could feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes. In a split decision you decided to get some air, grabbing your bag and picking up a disoriented Magnus fast to go out the door.
For a while you’d just driven around, let the windows down to take in the breeze of the setting sky, and just allowed your mind to blank for awhile.
You then stopped and impulsively got a honey matcha for you and pup-cup for Mags at a little coffee place you'd come to like , went into Target and walked out with an undisclosable amount of body products, and then had a good cry in said Target parking lot.
You and Austin has only been living together officially for six weeks, but the last two had proven to be a bit rougher on your relationship. It was evident that the two of you were still getting use to learning how to share a space 24/7 and find balance in togetherness and your respective solitudes.
By the time you’d pulled back into the garage of the loft, you’d walked into the door and found Austin sitting with his hands in his lap in the chair facing the doorway with a grave look on his face. “ Where’d you go? Without this.” He held up your phone.
In your haze you must have left it, “ Nowhere in particular. Just ran a few errands, is all. Needed some time to myself.” 
He nodded, “ Do you have a minute? “
You walked past him, “ For you to yell or snap at me. No, not really. I’m heading up to shower and then I’m going to bed.” 
He sighed, “ I’m not going to snap or yell at you, baby. I just need a minute to apologize.” He followed you toward the stairs.
Still you didn’t stop your ascent, “ Y/N..please don’t walk away. Just give me a minute.” He pleaded.
Stopping halfway up, you turn around and drop the bags on the stairs to stop and sit, “ Here you go. Here’s your minute.” 
Running a hand through his hair he started, “ First off, I wanna say that I apologize for snapping at you, honey. I didn’t mean it and I surely didn’t mean to make you cry.  It’s not an excuse but I think I’m still getting used to having someone around all the time that calls me out on my bad habits and wants to take care of me. Been awhile since I’ve lived with someone else and I'm used to obsessing over my work alone.” 
You nodded, “ I understand.” 
“ Good. Now, second, I’m gonna ask that if the next time we unfortunately have a moment, which we will have more tough moments together since we’re stuck with each other forever, I need you to take your phone. Not so you can pick up my twenty phone calls trying to apologize, but because the world is crazy and in case of an emergency, honey. You need your phone, okay.” You could hear a slight strain to his voice. 
You felt a tad bad knowing he probably got a bit nervous when you’d left it, he was a big stickler on you being safe. 
“ Okay.” You whispered, wiping tears from your eyes.
Austin then made his way to meet you on the steps and pull you up into his arms, “ I’m sorry, honey. Daddy’s sorry. You were just trying to take care of me and I snapped. I apologize. You’re so considerate always. And it doesn’t go unappreciated.” He kissed your forehead and comforted you as you let out little sniffles. 
" You hurt my feelings, babe." You whispered.
He sighed, " I know, mama. I'm sorry. Don't want anyone making my best girl cry. Even me."
“ I’ve been a mean Baboo.” He joked in an attempt to get you to laugh.
And you did, “ Yeah you have. “ You giggled. “ Don’t let it happen again, buddy. Or I’ll have to stick my ferocious guard dog on you.” You referenced Magnus who was passed out in the living room corner from his treat, knowing full well all he was capable of was licking someone to death.
“ Noted.” Austin laughed, holding you tighter. " Now, come on so I can warm up this delicious soup I keep hearing about. I'm excited."
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burst-of-iridescent · 5 months
I'm writing this as a big Katara stan. I just found out that a new film about an adult Gaang is planned to be released, and Katara, like Aang, will be given a leading role there. I am so excited and glad that finally Katara will be given due respect as a character!
But for some reason, after searching on Tumblr, I saw joy about a new film in the entire Atla fandom except for our zutara community. on the contrary, there is a lot of discontent and bitterness. But why is that? Is it because zutara won't be in the movie? Well, yes, zutara is a fanon ship, it will never be anywhere but our fanfics and fanart. But after all, Zutara is not in the original ATLA show, and we still love it! This is no reason not to rejoice at the opportunity to see our favorite characters on the screen again, to see Katara again (God, I'm screaming with delight😍😍😍😍). Yes, there is a chance that the writing will be bad, but there is always such a chance before the release of any film. I'm just so happy to see Katara again, and the whole gaang too, and her new design for this movie seems so great to mе!
i mean this genuinely, anon: i love that you love katara so much, and i am really happy for you that you're looking forward to the new movie. i truly hope you enjoy it.
i don't want to speak for the rest of zutara fandom, but i can't share your feelings because - to put it point-blank - i don't trust the creators with katara's character. ever since they lost their writing team, nothing they've created post-atla has proven to me that they understand katara's character, or how to create a good arc for her. it's telling that the only post-canon comic featuring a decent story for katara (katara and the pirate's silver) came out in 2020, twelve years after the original show ended (and which was also, notably, the first comic that bryan and mike were not involved with).
i'm sure some people are salty that they won't see canon zutara, but personally i'm relieved that i won't have to see bry.ke ruin romantic zutara like they did with their friendship post-atla. i'm sure they'll do their damnedest to fuck up what remains of zuko and katara's platonic relationship in the new movie, which is why canon ended for me with the final agni kai. no magic pointy rock or canon ships in this household, thank you.
i wish i could share your excitement for the movie anon, but i just don't have faith in bryan and mike to do justice to the characters (especially zuko and katara) after everything they've said and created over the last decade. like really, calling zuko a bad boy in the year of our lord 2023? please watch your own show.
besides, nothing they can do for katara in this movie will retcon what they did to her in LOK. i already know she ends up as a sad, lonely housewife without any real power, impact or legacy; that can't be changed, no matter how they try to "fix" it. it looks like the movie has been delayed so my hope is that it just gets cancelled in production. atla has been milked to filth anyway; leave the og characters alone and do something new with the universe, or just let it rest in peace and find another story to tell.
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violetasteracademic · 2 months
My Two Cents on the People Magazine Article (and Elriel coming home!)
I'm sure this has already been dissected to death and I am potentially late to the game here (I only just saw the article this morning!) but I would like to share some thoughts and insight!
While by no means am I saying this to claim I am *the* expert of all experts, I would like to share that my background and previous career was in entertainment. My twenties were spent in Los Angeles, and (some of you other current or previous LA/New Yorker's may identify with this) you really learn how the sausage gets made and exactly how much money, planning, and prep goes into what we are meant to perceive as "natural." I don't mean to take the shine off of it! Just sharing my experiences. I can't share everything because some of my friends were under NDA's at the time of their employment, so I'll just give a brief overview.
Example: Late Night talk shows and many other major "live" productions that have "live" interviews are, well, not actually live. They typically film in the early afternoon even if they are set designed to look like its nighttime. And while it is in front of a "live" audience, the audience is instructed on when to clap, when to laugh, ect. This is because the interview has already been planned out, and questions approved ahead of time. This is why, even though it seems totally fresh, there are things the "host" received ahead of time. For example, all of the baby pictures and sweet photos of Sarah and Josh and then all of the staged "walking and talking photos" for the MASSIVE Today Show interview and article. And yes, this is the article where we got this absolute banger:
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That "felt" like a live interview followed up with a giant article to accompany it, but was actually a full on pre-planned production. Seriously massive for Sarah. And if there's time, you can even do multiple takes and use the best shot for the "live" show. I've seen people comment on thinking Sarah seemed "not excited" in that interview and she was worried HoFaS would bomb, but I'm telling you guys, I don't think she has ever that much pressure or "lights, camera, action" on her before compared to her usual casual "chat" style interviews. Babes was nervous, and she crushed it.
Now to breakdown the new People Magazine article:
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This article is being presented as "Everything You Need to Know" aka "we are your trusted resource on all things Sarah J. Mass."
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People Magazine, while serving as your "trusted resource" for the world of ACOTAR, would not say the protagonists of ACOTAR are the sisters for zero reason whatsoever. What's interesting is both Lucien and Azriel get small nods, but very little otherwise and zero mention of the ship. Just Elain, baybee dolls. This further cements that this designed to portray the Archeron sisters as the leads of the series.
Now, taking a look at the author of this article to see if she specializes in anything, she really doesn't. Miss ma'am writes about everything under the sun!
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She also did the Ultimate Guide to Emily Henry's books. (Major Emily Henry Stan over here. Who is dying for Funny Story to come out?!)
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This is a Northwestern University journalism grad who has been with People for a few years. She certainly understands what it is that needs to come from these articles, and that is interest, clicks, money, and trust.
There is simply no reason for major networks like Today and People to invest in these thorough and in depth articles and interviews, on screen and on page, with Sarah and continue to hint towards Elain or questioning the mating bond if it will serve no purpose in improving their reputation or generating interest in the plot of the books. That is simply not how this works, and is antithetical to keeping the gears of these machines well oiled and functioning as intended.
If you read this whole thing, wow! You are an MVP. With nothing but respect to you all, I'm not sure how long I will keep this post up or how much I am willing to talk about my time in LA. I unfortunately had some experiences I am still recovering from and already feel a bit anxious putting this much information about myself out there. But for those who catch it, I hope you enjoy and can feel comforted that this is all a part of the plan. There's a reason you see repeats of themes and conversations in all her articles. It's because they are pre-planned and executed with the goal of reputation and selling books in mind.
*** Thanks to Sara Anne (@SaraAnneReads on Tiktok) who shared her insight from working on the marketing team for a magazine in 2019 that adverts have to share if an article is paid for in someway, no matter how small. Thus I have removed my statement on *this* article potentially being part of their paid marketing budget, as there is no indicator of that on the article itself which is required by law.
However, this could be what is called "Earned Media" where a marketing/publicity rep for SJM and/or Bloomsbury *could* have reached out to people magazine and basically said hey, if you want to write about this, we have an announcement coming up soon so it could be relevant and worth talking about. To which the rep for People would say to the rep for SJM, hey, thank you so much for the heads up. There is no exchange of goods or currency and no promise verbally or in writing to do the article so the ethics stay above board, but all parties benefit from earned media. Sarah's team has now earned additional buzz for the upcoming story, and a news outlet has articles out on a trending topic. However, earned media does not have to be disclosed and therefore we have NO way of knowing if this occurred here or not!
She also shared with me People's statement of integrity where People state's their high standard for ethical practices and journalistic credibility and accountability. (I mean we know they are the kings and queens of "a reliable source close to the individual," but still)
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She also caught with her eagle eye that Bloomsbury explicitly states the detailed marketing plan once books are announced, including details like year-long social media campaign, arc readers, ECT. So with Sarah already posting about the next ACOTAR, we can safely assert that is part of the existing laid out marketing plan, and assume additional articles surrounding ACOTAR are all to further generate buzz.
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Analysis: Elain's book announcement is coming SOON and marketing is already underway!
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asoulwithadream · 9 days
The Dancing Man (1) - Sherlock & Co.
I LOVE THE DANCING MEN STORY! I remember watching the Granada Holmes version and whilst I have forgotten the ending, I still remember it being one of my favourite adventures!
I am really enjoying how they've adapted this story so far, with the music implications and the drama, their production quality is really brilliant and I don't think I've expressed this before.
As of now they're doing an excellent job of keeping me in the dark—the only things I've was able to deduce were revealed to me just a few minutes after, so I'm excited to see how it plays out. Come on, Mr. British men, wow me with your miracles!
And for my stupid little commentary...
"Piss off, get a life!" To a swan, Jawn. A Swan.
"I bring soup! Glorious soup! The soup man cometh!" I will be quoting this forever.
Why are we talking so much about Elsie? Am I being suspicious in vain or is Elsie more relevant than she sounds? (I KNEW IT)
I love how Nadia and Stammo are singing so beautifully and then you can distinguish John's borderline tone-deafness mumbling in the background.
I KNOW! I KNOW! It's Folsom Prison Blues! FOLSOM. PRISON. BLUES—(I have a friend who listens to too much Johnny Cash)
There's a civil parish in Norfolk called Foulsham, aka Folsom. NORFOLK. NORFOLK HOTEL. THAT'S WHERE HE IS SHERLOCKKK
The Westbourne river runs underneath the city, you say? What if something's there, what if that's a Clue to a destination…
"Awh, I love it when he does that :D" John you sweet pea <3
I love it when they do the cut-off thing. Elsie could be… Toast? Do you want any toast?
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Fight
I'm basically a Ruben Dias x Reader factory now 🤣
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Summary - Reader and Ruben Dias have a fight before a party.
"There's no surprise who you're bringing to the party. It's obviously Ruben. I on the other hand am planning on finding my own hubby at the function."
"Is that so?" You laughed. You had been on the phone with your friend Cherry ever since the two of you left work. Now you were at home, getting ready to take a shower and prepare yourself for the party tonight.
"Don't mock me for being excited to attend this V.I.P. party." Cherry chuckled. "Ruben probably brings you to one of these events every weekend."
"You'd be surprised." You said. "Ruben is a pretty quiet guy. He doesn't party like that, or at all for that matter."
"Well he will tonight. What are you wearing?"
"Oh I don't know? I have this cocktail dress that I haven't worn yet. But I warn you it's pretty skimpy."
"Great! I'll wear a skimpy cocktail dress to match you. Which time are you and Ruben arriving?"
"I dunno at ten maybe? Ruben won't be home until eight."
"Alright, I'll see you later then. "
"See you later Cherry."
You got off the phone and jumped right into the shower. There was no need to worry about dinner because there was plenty of leftovers in the fridge. Out of the shower you took your time doing your make up, pampering yourself with all the beauty products that you barley used. Despite liking the quiet lifestyle that you and Ruben had you remember that you hadn't always been like that. Enjoying a night out again would be fun, especially since it was your boss birthday, the chief editor of the magazine you worked at. And she had a habit going all out for parties. It would be fun.
"I'm home!"
You heard him calling from the living room. You had just tried out your dress and heels for the night and felt compelled to step out into living room in them. To Rubens surprise of course.
"Wow." He said, eyes darting widely at you. "You look..."
"You like it? It's not too skimpy?"
He shook his head. "Skimpy? Nah. I like skimpy."
"Ruben." You laughed. He dropped everything to get to you, basically ambushing your neck and shoulders with kisses.
"And you smell good too." He groaned. "Why the warm welcome?"
"What do you mean why?"
Ruben stopped kissing you and held you out in front of him. "Did we say we were going to dress up tonight?"
"Ruben I'm not playing dress up. This is my outfit for the party tonight. "
His eyebrows furrowed. "What party?"
You gasped. "My bosses birthday party? Did you forget that it's tonight?"
Ruben looked to come to the realization. "Oh that party." He let go of you and went back to pick up his gym bag from the floor. "Yes that party. I ironed a nice shirt for you to wear but you should probably wait to put it on until after dinner."
Ruben had you trailing his steps into your bedroom,  in a way ignoring what you just said.
"Yes baby?" He pocked his head out from the closet where he stood.
"Did you hear what I just said?" You frowned. He was leaving you hanging for some reason.
"Yes and about that party." Ruben stuffed his things in the closet before closing it and turning back to you. "I don't think I wanna go to that."
"You what? But you said you would."
"I know what I said, I just don't feel like it anymore. You know how it is."
"No I don't. Feel free to explain." You folded your arms.
Ruben sighed. "It's been a long day Y/N. I rather rest on the couch with you.  Put on a good movie or something? "
"But Ruben we do that every night. I was really excited to go to this party with you."
"Sorry." He shrugged and moved past you.
"Sorry? That's all you have to say for yourself?" You were quick to follow him into the living room, feeling your heart raise as you did."
"I'm very sorry?" He took a seat on the couch, stretching for the TV remote. However you stepped in front of the screen, blocking the signal.
"Y/N?" He frowned.
"Ruben, I let you drag me with you to all of your events. Can't you just attend this one with me? I mean my boss and all of my friends are going to be there."
"I never force you to come with me to any of my events. That's your choice." Ruben said his voice bit agitated.
"Yes, that's my choice as your girlfriend to come with you. Can't it be your choice as my boyfriend to come with me?"
"No." He said, without a second thought.
"Ruben?" Your hands fell to your side, a bit hurt by his remorseful response.
"I'm sorry baby, but I said I didn't want to go."
"You never want to go anywhere!" You shouted, stunning Ruben by the fact. "At least not anywhere I want to go."
"Y/N?" Ruben stood. He looked sorry to have upset you. "Let's not fight." He said, stretching for your arm. However you pulled away. Not wanting him to touch you.
You shook your head. "I'm going to that party. I promised Cherry I'd meet her there and when we make promises to each other we keep them."
"Y/N." Ryben sighed. "I didn't mean to..."
You took a step back as he took a step forward.
"Y/N, please." He seemed desperate to touch you but you kept moving away from him. The two of you ended up in the kitchen, where you grabbed your keys and purse from the counter.
"There's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry." You muttered.
"Y/N." Ruben realized what was happening, that you were leaving him.
"I'll ask Cherry to take me home after the party, so don't wait up for me."
"Y/N, please don't go. I'm sorry, but please don't..."
"You know..." You said this with a hand to Rubens face, silencing his attempt to apologize to you. "...I understand your need to rest and recover and all, but I actually thought you would do this for me. I guess I was wrong."
You turned your back on him, heading towards the door.
"Baby wait, I'm..."
You slammed the door in his face before he could manage to squeeze out yet another heartless apology. You were going to that party with or without him.
"I'm so sorry about Ruben" Cherry said, as the two of you met up for the party at the rooft bar of the fanciest hotel in Manchester. You told her about the fight you had with Ruben before you left. "Here, let me you buy you another drink." She said, snatching the empty glass from your hand.
Your attempt to enjoy the night had failed. You couldn't get the thought of Ruben out of your mind. You were still angry with him for not coming. But you were probably more upset by the way you left things. You and Ruben hardly argued with each other and when you did it simply left you heartbroken.
"Now tell me why a beautiful girl like you is sitting alone in a place like this?"
You were startled a little by the guy who suddenly approached you. He wore a blue suit with a red tie and his har was slick back with alot of gel, too much gel for your liking.
"I...I'm just waiting for a friend." You stuttured.
"A boyfriend?" He asked, raising a brow.
You shook your head. "Just my friend."
"Good." He said and sat down next you.
You looked towards the bar where Cherry went, unfortunately she was nowhere to be find at that moment. "Great." You thought.
"What's your name?" The guy asked. He was big and tall, but not nearly as big and tall as Ruben, who you really wish was here to save you right now.
"Y/N " You said in a manner of business.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Raul."
"Hi." You muttered, not really in the mood to chat with anybody right now.
"I'd like to buy you a drink if that's okay with you?" He said, eyes wandering freely across your chest.
"Actually my friend is getting me a drink as we speak." You pointed to the bar. Raul looked in the same direction but was unsure at whom you were referring to.
"Right, your friend." He said. "Does she bring you here often?" He said, referring to the rooftop bar.
"No, but my boyfriend does." You just had to mention that you had one for the guy not to get the wrong idea. His eyebrows rose in surprise.
"I see. But where is he now since you said you were here with your friend?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "At home, watching a movie or somethin?"
"And he left you to go out by yourself looking like that?" The man continued to eye your skimpy cocktail dress.
You chuckled. "I guess he kind of did."
"What a fool, no? If you were my girl I'd never leave you out of my sight not even for a minute. You can tell him I said that."
"Thanks but I don't think my boyfriend..."
"No need." A voice said behind you.
You turned around in suprise. There he stood.
He wore a pair of jeans and the beige sweater that you originally picked out for him to wear.
"What are you doing here?"
Ruben didn't answer you but kept his narrowed gaze at the guy occupying the stool next to you. That's when Cherry appeared behind Rubens shoulders with two flutes of champagne in her hands.
"Sorry that I took so long. Your boyfriend called me on my way to the bar, asking about the adress to the party. I had to text him the details so he could come here." She said.
You turned to Ruben. "You did? Why?"
His expression softened shifting away his gaze from the man sitting next to you.
"I'm sorry baby. It was stupid of me not to come with you in the first place."
"I'll say." The man beside you coughed.
"Can you...." Ruben curled his lip. That was Cherry's cue to help me get rid of the guy, offering him a drink at the bar.
It was just you and Ruben now. You still couldn't believe that he came.
"You shouldn't feel forced to do something that you don't want to do Ruben. I'm sorry if that's how I made you feel."
He shook his head and grabbed your hands. "No. I want it to be me you bring to these types of things. I'm mean I wouldn't want anybody else but you to be my date. And I should have understood that earlier."
"Oh Ruben." You clinged onto his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.
He spoke against your lips. "If you want me to dance, I'll dance, even if I'm shit at it. I'd do anything for you Y/N. I made a mistake of making you think otherwise."
"Oh Ruben. You don't have to do anything for me."
He wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting your heels from the ground, twirling you around a bit.
"But I do." He whispered. "Because I love you. "
"I love you too."
"Let's not ever fight again."
"I agree."
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icarustypicalfall · 6 months
There you are
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summary: period comfort, no further explanation
warnings: SFW fem! reader, periods, tiny headcanons\fic sorry
note: not proofread, I'll edit it later
Also I'll post another fic about rudy in the day, i am just emptying my head or I'll explode.
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“Like fire weeping from a cedar tree, know that my love would burn with me We'll live eternally”
This man is just too sweet :(
Rudy is usually just too sweet, he never stops offering affection, his gentle touch and tiny kisses are enough to cease your worries and sorrow.
He always keeps a snack and water in his nightstand in case you woke up at night.
When you wanted to come over, he was more than excited. He wanted to pamper you and take care of you.
His strongest trait is how observant and thoughtful he can be.
Rudy loved you deerly, he wished to give you the Ultimest love and unlimited comfort.
He offered to go shopping "to restock his apartment"
Secretly wanting to know what brands you used/prefered so he gets some for you, "just in case" :(
He ended getting more than just one packet of tampons.
Rudy got a whole section of sanitary/hygiene products and put them in a special drawer in his bathroom.
He even got your prefered soap and conditioner. Along a vanilla scented candle and a plushie :(
You thought he'll change after some time?
Jokes on you
Turns out he planned to be the sweetest man till his last breath :((
Today, because it had to be today :(
He figured out something was wrong when you woke up earlier than you usually do.
You were restless, fidgeting and roaming around.
He realized you were on your period when you kept holding your stomach and complain about back pain and headaches.
Your burning cheeks as you nodded, saying you were okay were the key.
Why were you embarrassed of telling him?
He didn't understand this embarrassment, you had nothing to feel shame about.
Rudy made sure to check the calendar and marked it down.
He did even keep a tracker on his phone for this time of month. Why wouldn't he?
He uttered, eyeing your tired form
"you alright, mi Cielo?"
He sighed when you nodded with an embarrassed yes.
You were lying
You were in fact, facing the ultimate- greatest - throeful - most painful period cramp of your entire existence.
You shed a tear while keeping the huge grin from ear to ear
You thought that'll fool him?
Nuh uh
He told you to go lay while he prepared something
Rudy preppared you a cup of warm tea, smiling as he handed you the cup
You sipped the hot drink, grateful for his kindness
He whispered, sitting beside you on the coach.
"There is no need to be embarrassed...I get it...you are not feeling well, and thats understandable, I just want you to be comfortable."
He smiled, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
When you finally told him, he chuckled, kissing your forehead.
"Thats alright, I figured you had it...just wanted to be here for you, mija"
You thought he'll be annoyed because of your mood swings or cravings?
"You are not whiny nor too sensative. You are just a human being...there is nothing to be guilty of, cariña.
"We can take the day off and rest at home with some pizza and icecream..."
He was startled when you started to tear up.
"Mi amor if you don't want pizza we can make something else!"
He nodded when you explained through tears you were just a tid more emotional, and he was just too sweet:(
Rudy kissed your tears, his lips brushing over your eye lids and cheeks :(
He smiled, uttering.
"I love you...you deserve the world, amor, you hear me?"
He said in a soft tender tone, letting his eyes roam on your tired face.
"we will have a nice day and you must rest as much as you want. I got you, amor..."
He ended by making the best pizzas. He gave you medicine, a warm bottle to put on your tummy and the best back masage of your existence :(
Rudy was unlike any men you ever met, he was just, him.
He treated you like the most precious gem.
He loved you deerly.
In fact, he wished for nothing more than holding you in nights like these, where you bury your head in his neck and he tells you fairytale in Spanish till you fall asleep.
He adored you
this could be me but instead i have an exam and dump finals to take care of. help
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝you are so engrossed in your work that you ignore him without meaning to❞
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« characters - mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor »
« gender neutral reader »
« headcanons »
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He’s legit offended. His entry wasn’t quiet, you know? On top of that, he raced to your room before Asmo could come and blabber about how Mammon has a huge crush on you. The moment Mammon makes his appearance, he begins saying how he doesn’t like you, and that you must be too full of yourself to believe that the Great Mammon will ever fall for his servant, aka you. How can you not be concerned about that?! Now, he is worried that you don’t care enough about him to notice his words.
Wait! Are you actually angry at him…?
Letting go of his tsundere nature, he grabs your shoulders, gives you a good shake, and cries about how he truly and deeply loves you. Don’t ignore your first man, human!
You always look and feel so moe! Playing a game beside you is the best! He manages to win a few levels before the silence bothers him, and he begins talking about the latest anime convention he’s excited about. When you tell him to shush without even looking at him, he feels pain equivalent to what an otaku feels at the loss of their most precious figurine. Completely hollow with no will to continue living. What did he do to deserve your mistreatment? Did you not read the manual, ‘The way to act around Leviathan 404’ that he specially wrote and printed for you? Point 100 clearly mentions that the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy is fragile and needs to be treated with care, especially when the person concerned is his Henry. You’re still his Henry, right? If yes, forfeit all mortal possessions and love him before he summons Lotan.
He’s quick to notice that you’re engrossed in your work, and decides to wait for you to finish before mentioning his business. Being a busy demon himself, he respects that you have your own life outside offering therapy sessions to the brothers. It is only when he sees you grinning at your D.D.D even after a while has passed that he starts hearing a tick in his ears. Surely Satan isn’t so invisible that you can completely ignore his presence even though he’s standing mere feet away from you.
Were you… texting Lucifer? Of course not. That will be bizarre! He tries to calm down and decides to be diplomatic. If his coughs don’t get your attention, hopefully a table-shaped hole in your wall will.
He’s followed by a trail of your favourite fragrance.
“Oh [Name], look at me! I look more radiant than I did this morning. Don’t you just want to kiss me? If I could, I would never stop cuddling myself!”
When no answer comes, he pouts and takes a seat beside you. Eyeing what you’re working on, he inches closer to you, wraps an arm around you and whispers in your ear.
“[N-A-M-E] honey, why don’t you look at me for now? I am more attractive than your homework.”
“Not now, Asmo. A failing grade will be less attractive than you too so I must prevent that!”
“But your Asmo-chan needs you!”
“And I need to pass,” you say and push him away.
Asmo is hell bent on starting a line of lipstick that comes with homework notes engraved on the side of the tube. That way, you can admire the product, and more importantly him while also revising for your test.
He drops by your room because he misses being close to you. He’s content being there, munching on snacks that he brought for the two of you. The silence is comfortable and he's happy to see you working hard. It's only when he has consumed his share that he looks at you with sad puppy dog eyes. [Name], complete your work fast or nothing will be left! He doesn’t really want to disturb you because you have a serious look on your face but he can’t control his hunger any longer, so he ventures to ask.
“[Name], here, I brought some food for you. Why don't you take a break and eat first?”
“Beel, did you say something? Sorry bubs, but I am busy. Can we talk later?”
He gulps once before eating all the food. Once you finish your work, you better give him head pats and console him, saying how you don’t think that he’s just a glutton and that you’re not mad that he ate everything. He tried this time. He really did.
He enters your room with a flourish, closing the door shut more noisily than is needed. Look up and invite him to lie on your lap, like you usually do. When you don’t move and continue with your task, Belphie sulks and lies down beside you on the bed. He steals a glance at what you are doing because he’s extremely jealous of whoever or whatever is taking up your time. Time that should have been used to pamper him. Let it be! Sooner or later, you are bound to get tired, and then you will see him and offer to run your warm hands through his hair. When that moment never arrives, he gets up moodily, and tries to lie on your lap by force.
“Belphie, what are you doing?! I am busy right now.”
“And I am tired,” he says and somehow manages to get his head on your lap. Good luck getting your work done with him restraining you to that spot.
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skippyv20 · 2 months
Jamming Magazine - An exclusive interview with Meghan Markle
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Meghan Markle is CEO and founder of Ain’t It Crap ( AIC) . This is a new and exciting venture she has planned since she was 11. When she was 11 she helped change the way men and women thought of dishwashing. She alone did that! Washing dishes was not any longer just a “woman’s work”. She wrote to the soap company and put her foot down. At 11 years old. That change was revolutionary for all. It was at this time she realized she had power like no other. She could use her (whiney) voice and change anything she wanted. She was powerful.
I sat down with Meghan for a “exclusive” interview, and let me tell you….it is time I will never get back. We sat down at one of the many homes she rents. There were no children present. Harry was not present. I don’t know where they were, as she never answered when I asked, she just starting talking!
Interviewer: Meghan, so look at you! You are beaming! You must be quite proud of yourself?
Meghan: Well, yes I am. Although I must say, I am always proud of everything I have ever done. When I was 11 I wrote to a soap company. I changed….
Interviewer: Excuse me Meghan, we are here to talk about your new company and your only product Jam….
Meghan: Who is in charge here? I am! Anyways, I saw a tv commercial and the woman was washing dishes! Well, knock my socks off! No way! I found a pen and paper and wrote a letter! I said it was wrong to have women washing dishes! Women have one place only, and it’s not in the kitchen washing dishes! Anyways, I strongly suggested that I would NEVER buy their soap again, unless they put out a commercial right away with a man washing dishes! I changed the way people all around the world view dishwashing. I alone did that at 11. Next question?
Interviewer: So your new company is called Ain’t It Crap. How did you come up with the name?
Meghan: Well, when I was 11….I had a vision of me, myself and I owning a company. Not just a company, but a company that would surpass Betty Crocket! I wanted a company that both men and women could purchase from. I wanted a company that could pass off anything. A secret? My ultimate dream was a company SCAM….and what rhymes with SCAM? JAM does! I knew my first and only product would be JAM. I wanted to do things differently. I refuse to put any ingredients, etc on my label! It’s no one’s business how many calories are in it. No one’s business what ingredients are in my JAM. Although I will tell your readers only….the ingredients are a mix mash of fruits and veggies, lots and lots of food colouring, and a teaspoon of honey. Do I make it myself? Oh no! I can’t even boil water! I can only “act” like I cook for the cameras!
Interviewer: It is said that Harry cooks the JAM? True, or not true?
Meghan: Look, Harry has one job! His job is to keep trying to convince the world he is a Prince. I would say a Prince can sell JAM easier than Tony, Bob, Joe down the street! Shout out to you Tony, Bob and Joe!
Interviewer: So who does make the JAM? People are saying only 1 jar of JAM exists? They say, you buy other jam, and package it as your own?
Meghan: You know, haters will always hate! People are so jelly of me, people don’t see the amount of time and number of people it takes to make one jar of my JAM! Can we take a break? I feel one tear, left eye coming…there it is…. Did you get the picture? Focus in on the tear.
Interviewer: Is your JAM good, what does it taste like?
Meghan: Where did you learn to interview? It is the BEST JAM in the whole wide world. There is nothing like it! Listen, I pay for people to like it, you can see that in my two reviews! They love it! I think this is about my race. Are you a racist? You don’t like my JAM? Have you tried it? Here, try it!
Interviewer takes a taste.
Meghan: Why are you making faces? Is it because I am biracial? Why?
Interviewer: That is the worst JAM I have ever tasted. I would not buy it, I would not tell anyone to buy it.
Meghan: You are a racist! Harry is going to sue you when I tell him! You will pay for this, I will sick the sugars on you! I will ruin you! You have done nothing but pick on me…and my JAM!
The interview did not end well! She threw chairs, threw herself on the floor, kicking and screaming…threw the jar of JAM, and her wig went flying! It was quite the scene. She couldn’t calm down. She was even hissing like a demon. Don’t buy her JAM! You don’t know what is in it! Could be Devil’s JAM for all we know. Could be DNA changing weapon….we just don’t know!
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NOTE: Parody only! For fun and entertainment. Not a reflection of actual product.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Thinking again about theater kid Dustin so naturally I had to come to you 💙 Specifically I’m thinking about Dustin auditioning for a community theater production of Jesus Christ Superstar with an eccentric director who convinces Eddie to audition for Judas. He knows his reputation and thinks his notoriety will add an extra meta layer to the role (and get some butts in the seats he’s gotta keep the lights on somehow). Eddie is reluctant to put himself in the spotlight but ultimately does cause Dustin is excited about it. Also he’s really good? He plays it completely sincerely which no one is expecting, really leans into the interpretation that Judas was in love with Jesus and amps up the tragedy. (Afterwards Steve also asks him if that kiss with Jesus is in the script or…?)
i love this so much, thank you for sharing with me! ❤️ theatre kid Dustin is just so incredibly precious & i just love the thought of him having so much fun with it in his future. like i see him as such a little social butterfly, i think everyone in the theatre group would adore him (i’m always so upset when his peers make fun of him at the snow ball, no, that’s my boy!!!)
and oh my god Jesus Christ superstar yes!!! yeah i can see Eddie being so hesitant about it, like the thought of how certain factions of hawkins might still view him makes him nauseous.
but the director—who maybe knows through close-knit community theatre circles that a very young Eddie once played Action in West Side Story (i love your story so much ❤️)—has one last parting shot which convinces him.
“So you never want to have fun ever again?”
… Huh, Eddie thinks.
he still asks for Dustin’s approval, all too concerned with the thought that this is Dustin’s thing and maybe he’s overstepping or something, or—
“Holy shit, that’s some seriously impressive over-thinking,” Dustin says. “You’re my friend, asshole.”
And maybe he says it with a tone, but he means I wanna hang out more with you not less!
so Eddie takes the role and of course he’s brilliant—okay everyone’s got opinions on the auto tune used in Tim Minchin’s rendition but dear god the depths in his eyes, the acting. also maybe the director does a present day take like that version did & Eddie’s jokingly like “I could wear the hellfire tshirt” & the director’s eyes light up & Eddie quickly goes, “No. That was a joke, it wouldn’t even make sense.”—and maybe there’s something empowering in playing this figure when people once said his name and the Devil’s in the same breath.
Maybe, maybe.
and oh we all know who Eddie is thinking about when he’s singing:
I don't know how to love him I don't know why he moves me He's a man, he's just a man He's not a king, he's just the same As anyone I know He scares me so
Does he love, does he love me too? Does he care for me?
And oh on a lighthearted note, Steve asking if the kiss is in the script has me in hysterics, especially if this is pre-them getting together.
just the thought of Steve staring grumpily any time there’s a scene with Jesus & Judas—the guy who plays Jesus is maybe like a couple years older than Eddie, not originally from Hawkins perhaps so he’s kinda not fully aware of Eddie’s history & sure, he’s nice, but he’s just not on Eddie’s radar at all.
So when Steve asks if the kiss was in the script (not that he cares! At all! He doesn’t care! Look at how much he doesn’t care!), Eddie stares at him for a long moment and says, “Steve. Did you think I improvved the Bible?”
Dustin, who is also here—currently doing English homework up on a barstool in Steve’s kitchen while Eddie & Steve lounge on the couch—sighs very loudly and says, “How the fuck am I supposed to know what role dialogue plays in Much Ado About Nothing?”
Eddie waves a hand distractedly at him. “Just make it up.”
“I can’t just because my way through Shakespeare,” Dustin says, adds in a huffy undertone, “this isn’t one of your campaigns.”
Eddie mimes being stabbed in the heart. “Oh, betrayal!”
“So it was in the script?” Steve says.
“Oh for—yes, Steve, it was,” Eddie says. “It’s called acting. Also, it was on the cheek.”
“So—ugh, just—” Eddie tugs on Steve’s wrist impulsively, while another part of his brain is screaming in vain for him to stop. “Come here.”
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m just showing you how fucking little it—”
I’m never finishing this essay, Dustin thinks. My home life is distracting and chaotic.
And Eddie kisses Steve very very chastely on the cheek, just to show it was nothing, that’s all, but Steve can feel Eddie’s breath on his skin, the warmth of his lips, and Eddie doesn’t really think it through until he does it and then oh shit, his heart is pounding—
“Oh, yup cool,” Steve says. “That’s—yeah, wow, that’s it? Huh. I need some air.”
“From your own house?” Dustin says, to the front door already slamming shut.
And Eddie’s eyes are wide and shiny, like, did I fuck up, and it takes all of Dustin’s self control to not roll his eyes and slam his face into his book.
Then he softens a bit, remembers looking out into the audience and seeing Steve silently crying while Eddie sang You have murdered me.
“You’re so dumb,” Dustin tells Eddie as gently as he can. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Uh.” Eddie blinks. “Did I—should I…?”
Dustin sighs wearily, slings his backpack over his shoulder. And he has a parting shot of his own:
“I’m not waiting through another production for you two to get your shit together.”
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starlostseungmin · 1 year
hi kei! idk if you remember me but i'm your handholding anon from months ago <3
what lip balm flavor do you think seungmin uses? 🥺 imagine him putting on lip balm before snuggling next to you in bed, the sweet scent making you stare way too long at his pretty pouty lips. he knows you're resisting the urge to kiss him right then and there, but he teases you anyway by pressing his forehead against yours. "jagi, you're so cute but it's just lip balm," he laughs.
— it’s just lip balm, ksm.
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hi lovely! yes, i do remember you and i'm glad you're back <33 i made a short drabble for this soft seungmo thought and i got so excited when i read it. i hope to interact with you :'> so please drop by soon or be my emoji anon if you're shy ^.^ thank you for this! i enjoyed writing it. 🌷✨💕
pairing: boyfriend!seungmin x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing, not proofread.
word count: 996
notes: hello, i hope you’re having a great day! please reblog, leave your feedbacks and put tags alright? don't let it flop! thank you very much love ♡
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seungmin’s favorite part of the week finally arrived. it’s always the best part of his life when he could lay and take his day off, be lazy and eat his comfort food. read and watch dramas like he always does. he just got home that friday night and went to take a shower where he finds you on your shared bed, reading the book he gave you from your birthday last year. all set with pajamas and night lights. the sound of the bathroom’s sliding door opened, followed by his footsteps, then the door closed again. seungmin ruffled his hair to dry with a small towel to prevent water droplets from soaking his favorite mahagrid t-shirt. a smile tugged on his face when he got out of the bathroom. 
“enjoying the book so much?” he asked, teasing you about it. a chuckle escaped your lips as your eyes landed on him, immersed in how fluffy he looked in his pajamas with his hair getting dry. “it’s your 5th read,” 
“you can’t blame me,” you defended. “i love it so much,” 
seungmin let out a giggle before he leaned forward and kissed your forehead and proceeded to do his nightly routine. you share a vanity mirror with your favorite products aligned neatly on the flat surface. it’s a common sight every night on his day off as he ended up cuddling you after he’s done. your boyfriend misses you oftentimes when he can’t go home during his hectic schedule but he tries to give time to call or text you whenever he gets a break in between. nevertheless, you were always busy too, especially when you were in your last semester in college. but your clinginess to each other never fails to miss any time just to talk and ask how you were doing. 
he sat down as he looked at himself in the mirror doing his skincare which you always find cute. you didn’t know why but he’s the type to be all clean and comfortable before going to bed. his sweet scent helps you sleep at night and his soothing voice sounds like a lullaby, he could invite you into a pillow fight or just talk about random things until 2 am. bedtime seungmin is one of your favorite seungmin. but he promised you’d sleep together a little early after an exhausting day. 
you closed the book, setting it aside for the night as you watched him doing his finishing touch. that rosehip oil lip balm of his. you never tried that flavor before because of your consistent use of cherry or the original one of the brand. 
“you’re no fun, y/n,” he’d say and you just have to roll your eyes at his statement. but rosehip oil had you hooked. you knew he’s been using it for a while now but you don’t care. yet watching him apply that roseate wax with a curios scent made you wonder what it tastes like, especially when it’s coated all over his lips. 
“is it sweet?” you asked. 
“you want to try?” he asked, not breaking his eye contact with himself in your vanity mirror. 
“can i?” you beamed, but instead of handing you the small object, seungmin being seungmin leaned forward to kiss you. a smirk formed on his lips, a sign of triumph when he leaned away, leaving you a blushing mess. “you’re a teasing maniac, are you?” 
“at least you get to try it specially,” he said, winking at you while giggling. “relax babe, it’s just lip balm,” 
“pssh,” you hissed at him. 
“how was it?” he said, still plastering that annoying smirk on his face. 
“good,” you said. “the lip product, i mean,” you added back as he sighs in disbelief. 
“how about my lips then?” he pouted like a baby. 
“i don’t know for sure,” you said, letting out an evil chuckle as seungmin started to pout his lips even more. 
“here, kiss it,” he said, pointing his lips. 
“no,” you retorted playfully when he tried to shorten the gap between you two as he make kissing sounds. 
“one kiss!” he laughed in between. “y/n!” 
“no, back off!” you said, pushing him away but seungmin is persistent with the kiss and it is always a way to tease you because he knew that you won’t be able to resist it even if you try to avoid it. 
“my lips are waiting,” he said. 
“one kiss?” you asked as he took the same lip product again to apply. 
“just one,” he reassured. “unless you beg for more?” he added licking his lips while wiggling his brows and that’s when you burst out laughing for making a reference. 
“i love you so much,” you said in between your laughs and seungmin was proud of his sense of humor. “not just one okay?” you smiled. 
“y/n, babe, i know you can’t just have one,” he said as you rolled your eyes in response before kissing him again. 
his lips were hot as you tasted the flavored lip balm. it was bitter indeed but the sweet scent of it made it more addicting and having it on your boyfriend’s lips had it intoxicating. seungmin knows you are a sucker for his kisses and melt over it. that is one thing that you always miss when he’s not around, the thing you would always look forward to when he gets home and the thing that you always want the most when you two are alone. how can he blame you when you told him he is a good kisser? 
“you’re so cute,” he said, breaking the kiss pressing his forehead against yours. 
“and you’re annoying,” you chuckled. “in a good way of course,” you smiled. “i love you, seungmin,” 
“i love you too jagi,” he said, giving you a quick kiss before taking you inside his arms and cuddled yourselves to sleep. you can’t wait to spend your weekend with him all alone. 
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taglist : @wolfchanchan ,, @1-800-lixie ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @lix-ables ,, @zoe8stay ,, @gwynsapphire ,, @cherryhanji ,, @lixesque ,, @seungly ,, @sleepyleeji ,, @comet-falls ,, @kim-seung-mo ,, @ppiri-bahng ,, @myjisung ,, @snow-pegasus ,, @milkybonya ,, @l3visbby ,, @wilczachannn ,, @asters-abditory ,, @tangylemonade ,, @hwan-g ,, @awkwardnesshabitat ,, @chrispychans ,, @therealhyunjingf ,, @hyunverse ,, @starseungs ,, @skizzel ,, @lino-jagiyaa ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @rachabreathing — ( see navi. if you want to be added )
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its-in-the-woods · 18 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 11
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. Like why are you even here leave. Very domestic, lots of fluff, established relationship, some anxiety, shower sex, P in V, Oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, marking, biting, possessiveness, slight sub/dom if you squint, cleaning, idk look I am tired and trying..
Synopsis: Updated synopsis, Travelling down to LA for the first time on Red Eye, you're both tired and a shower leads to some exploration.
Note: These are going to be spacd out going further as I have a fallout AU I want to start releasing. But these will still be coming out every 2-3 days <3 Thank you for all the love and support it's greatly appreciated!
The airport was somewhat quiet, the perks of taking a red-eye flight. The week had been a blur, Liz had resigned Wednesday leaving them to try and pick up the pieces. It meant a lot of early mornings late nights and meetings with production to try and make sure the end of filming went smoothly. No one batted an eye when you and Walton would hold hands on set. Or steal kisses in between trailers. It was nice to not have to hide things. Even though it seemed like everyone had known about the relationship long before you’d said much. From what you'd heard Walton never shut up about you. The thought made you flush, he'd taken to hanging out at your place. Making sure you actually consumed something besides coffee and whatever craft services had cooked up. 
Waking up next to him would never get old. He would often keep you snuggled in most mornings, playing with your hair, talking about people he had met. One evening you'd fallen asleep listening to him read one of the novels he had. There was a night he'd paced around your room spouting off lines as you plug info into your laptop. He had a heck of time sitting still, always moving and wiggling. 
You'd seen a few people watch the two of you move through the airport. It was a strange feeling always being watched. Security had recognized Walt asking for a photo which he happily obliged to. You’d snapped a couple of photos and then continued to your gate. The two of you tucked yourselves a good distance from everyone. Walton’s hand rested on your knee as his eyes moved over the sparsely filled space.
“Are you excited to see the city?” He asks, fingers playing along the inner seam of your pants. 
“Yes, I haven't traveled in a while. Little nervous,” You say, hand laying on top of his as you lean your head against his shoulder. 
“I'll get you used to traveling. Have a few places in mind we could go to.” He smiles, kissing the top of your head.
“Mmm, what plans do you have for us?” You reply, watching as a woman walks by for the third time. 
“Think maybe South America, I've always wanted to explore Peru, go south to Chili, see where it takes us. Go hike up the mountains, explore the jungles, and lie on beaches. Where no one will know us, just the two of us some good drinks and long nights.” He winked at you. 
“Going to sweep me off my feet, go on a grand adventure,” You tease, your hand dragging his up your thigh. 
He looks down at where his hand is situated, licking his lips before looking back up at you. 
“Oh, I am gonna take you on adventures, baby,” That southern drawl dripping out as he traces small circles over your inner thigh.
You let your hand slide along his pant leg, eyes still fixed on his face. Watching his cheeks turn pink. “So many promises, Mr. Goggins.” 
He grins leaning in to kiss you, his hands cupping your cheeks. You kiss him back leaning over the seat divider, you nip at his lips wanting access. Walton pulls away shaking his head.
“Gonna have to wait till we get home,” His voice is thick as he looks at you. 
You groan shifting in the chair, feeling yourself get hot as you rock slightly. “That is an awfully long time to have me wait. Don’t want to join the mile-high club.”
A chuckle escapes from him as he continues to rub at your leg, “I don’t know about you but those bathrooms are a lot smaller than they make them in the movies.”
“Well could always have a little nap,” You sigh resting your head on his shoulder. “Got to make sure I can keep up to my old man.”
“Hold on a second, who are you calling old? Pretty sure you were the one drooling in the car over here.” He poked at you, his hand grabbing at your pants.
“Cause I didn’t pass out in my trailer at lunch,” You jest, returning the squeeze.
“I am pretty sure you could have come over,” He grins standing up as the flight attendant calls for them.
“Kristy was having a breakdown, pretty sure she’d have quit if I hadn’t come to help.” You state as you walk up with your ticket on your phone.
The flight attendant blushes slightly when you walk up with Walton, she fumbles with the scanner slightly, apologizing several times. Walton assures her it’s fine and runs a hand over your waist. Her eyes looked between the two of you before handing you back your phones.  The two of you walk down the walkway to your plane, his hand firmly around your waist as he lead you into your seats.
“Oh, this is nice,” You state, first-class seats, enough legroom you could easily stretch out. Bags tucked away you settle in, the week seeming to catch up to you now that you’re finally on the plane. 
“Want to make sure you were comfy,” He says, getting himself settled beside you, lifting the armrest out of the way so he can drag you close to him. 
“You seem awfully possessive tonight,” You whisper in his ear as you slide up next to him.
“Got to make sure everyone knows that the pretty lady is mine,” He whispers back, voice so low that only you could hear. 
You can’t help leaning in to kiss him again, you loved kissing him. “Didn’t take you for the jealous type. Then again the number of bruises I have may have been an indication.”
Walton shifted in his seat, watching as the few remaining passengers boarded. “You interested in getting a few more marks added to that collection you have.”
You go pink and turn your face into his neck failing to hide the flush. Things had been pretty vanilla still besides the marking, but you knew he had plans for this weekend. What those plans were he wouldn’t tell you, but he had hinted that Saturday and Sunday were for you two to explore new things together. Then Monday and Tuesday would be spent going to various interviews and keeping him company. You had to stop yourself from wondering if you’d be able to walk on Monday if the ‘vanilla’ sex was any indication you were in for a ride. 
You woke to Walton kissing the top of your fingers, you had fallen asleep on the short journey to LA. The plane was unloading and a car was waiting for you both. The night sky was ablaze with city lights for as far as you could see in either direction. The airport was surprisingly full of people moving in and out. The one nice thing was everyone was way too busy to pay attention to you. 
Awake now as the car took you through the city, the lanes on the highways were insane, and you wondered how anyone could even drive there. You travel through the various streets and highways that would have you yelling at google maps. You finally pull up to his place, it’s sat back on the streets, with a tasteful rock garden out front. The driver drops you both off, helping to unload your bags into the house. It was beautifully decorated, with large windmill palms in the front entry, and several skylights to let in the sun. The walls are filled with tasteful artwork, it's a barrage of colors as you get into the living room. A patterned soft with a velvety green rug, one wall lined with heavy wooden bookcases full of books. You can see how each piece is something he picked out and has a story for each. You pause looking out to the backyard, a covered pool shaded by various trees. The place was glorious, elegant, and at the same time so him. You feel fingers twining with yours, turning to follow him down the hallway. Big wood doors open into a large bedroom. The bed is a simple navy bedcover with several large pillows, a wood headboard, two side tables everything matching, and plush carpet squishing under your toes. You tuck your suitcase against one of the walls, the far wall is all windows leading into the backyard. Turning all the way around you can see an open entrance to a large bathroom. 
Walton comes up behind you and wraps you up in his arms “Not too shabby hey?”
“It’s beautiful, can tell you put a lot of love into this place.” You say with a small smile, leaning against him, eyes closing as you just let yourself relax. It was nearly three in the morning and you desperately needed to sleep. But also the gross feeling from travel made your skin feel tacky. 
“Shower,” Walt, asked unwrapping himself from you, his hands pulling his shirt over his head. 
“I would love that, I always feel sort of gross after traveling,” You reply, as both of you strip out of clothes, you grab your toiletry bag out of your suitcase and follow him. A large deep tub was set against one side, and an equally large glass shower was at the foot. Walton dug out some towels, turning on the water. 
You couldn’t really remember the last time you’d been comfortable being completely naked with someone else in the room, besides during sex. A creeping realization that you had never really been in a ‘long term’ relationship. You’d dated and flirted, but nothing like this. This right here was so new, it froze you in place watching the man completely bare move around the space like he was clothed on a set.
“You alright, darling,” Walton asks moving over to you, your eyes watching how his skin moved, the way his hands came up to rest gently on your hips.
You had long since given up trying to hide anything from him, the man saw through your bullshit like he could read minds, “I’ve never been with someone like this.” Your cheeks grow hot as he watches you,  “I’ve never been in a long-term relationship.” 
The words hanging in the air for a moment, Walton pulling you closer to him tipping your head up to look at him. He leaned down and kissed you, the two of you standing chest to chest. Space cool and warm at the same time as he held you close. It was so strangely intimate and soft. Gooseflesh rippled over you as you just took in the moment. 
He pulls away just enough that you can both speak. “I couldn’t be happier, that you are comfortable here. But. Let’s not forget it’s 3 am, and I have several ideas for tomorrow that will not be half as fun if you’re exhausted.”
You smile snuggling against him, “Why do you always make sense?”
“Cause, I am wise beyond my years,” He scoffed leading you into the hot water, the water feeling incredibly comforting for a change.  
You lean into the water letting it flow over your body, his hands reaching out with soap to start cleaning you. Taking his time to wash your legs, and feet, scrolling up under your ass, and hands staying there a little longer which made you wiggle. He came up over your back, spinning you to face him, his eyes watching the water go down over your breast and stomach. Your eyes doing the same, his hair is wet and disheveled in his head, droplets following the expanse of his chest down along his abdomen. You lick your lips leaning down to lick from the middle of his abs up in between his pectoral muscles. Eyes looking up at his, the way his lids drooped eyes darkening. It doesn’t stop him, continuing to drag the soap over your stomach, under your armpits, breast fingers brushing against your nipples which make them perk up. You grab the soap from him turning him so he is more under the water, and you treat him to the same treatment he gave you. You stop, moving to drop to your knees, but his hand wraps around your waist and drags you up. 
“We need sleep first,” He says, but you can feel his cock poking against your abdomen. You can’t help reaching forward fingers sliding over the soft but hard skin.
You watch him swallow, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, as you work your hand up and down his shaft. A small hitch in his breath as his head tips up, you grin knowing you’ve won this battle. You let yourself slide down he moves so that you aren’t going to drown under the water. Licking your lips you keep your hand moving, you drag it out slightly, his eyes following you. Mouth parted slightly, delicious groans coming out, you look back down to where your hand is. You open your mouth and lean forward licking along the slit, his hands running into your hair, swirling your tongue under the head before sucking at it. The wide head and shaft fill your mouth as you do your best to take him all the way in. Breathing through your nose you hum at the salty musky flavor, holding yourself there until his fingers grip your hair. 
One hand resting on his hips, the other finding its way between your legs, you suck in through your nose and swallow. Getting a lovely echoing moan from the man above you. His hands gripping the side of your head adjusting your pace. You can feel between your folds how wet you are. Looking up at him his head tipped back as his hips move. You still yourself letting him use your mouth, he doesn’t push all the way pulling back when he feels you gag. You aren’t having it grabbing at his hips and pushing yourself down until your nose touches his stomach. Throat pulsing at the head as you do your best to fight your gag reflex. A stream of curses comes out a his thrust picks up speed, one of his hands coming to cup under your chin so he can feel himself going in and out. 
Pulling you off, you groan rocking against your hand as he pops out of your mouth. He motions you to stand and you comply, strong hands guiding you up to your feet. His mouth slammed against yours kissing you deeply, before he turned around, pushing your legs apart and tipping you over. Your hands catch you as you lean against the glass, water running over your back. His fingers push their way into your cunt, the quickness sending a small jolt of pain down you, keening as he thrust in and out quickly. Fingers were replaced soon with the tip of his cock. You rock back on your heels standing on tips so that it can slide in. Filling you up in ways that make you whine. 
His hips snap in and out of you with a fast pace that makes you feel almost dizzy as you try to keep yourself up, his hands gripped onto your hips tight enough that there will be bruises. He lets go briefly only to rub at your aching clit. Whimpering at the strain of keeping yourself on tiptoe and the punishing pace making you dizzy. The pressure on your clit having you right there. 
“Oh god, don’t stop,” You whimper, free arm tipping you up so that his cock changes his angle. Stars blind you as you climax, his fingers not stopping the movements around your bud, and your legs are shaking. He goes to pull out, but you’re grabbing him holding him there. His hips stutter until he pushes in holding you tight against him. You groan as you feel him filling you up, your breath caught in your throat as you go near limp. The water of the shower started to feel cool. He slips himself out, fingers running over your now aching hole. You move to stand but the day has finally caught up to you, he easily holds you up. Angling the shower to clean both of you of your excursion. 
“You just had to push my buttons,” He grins at you helping you out of the shower and wrapping you up in a fluffy towel. 
“Didn’t seem to mind,” You grin, eyelids heavy as you flop yourself down onto the bed. 
He humms his approval getting you under the covers before he snuggles up against you. 
“You better not complain tomorrow about being sore,” He pokes, letting himself slide in so he can rest his head against your chest. Your hand tucks under him running through the mess of wet hair. 
“No, complaints,” Your free hand making a cross over your heart. He chuckles kissing at an old bruise.
“Get some sleep,” He grumbles hand wrapped around your waist. 
Chap Twelve here
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This is sort of a headcannon post in which I mention my fic but you don't have to read the fic to get the meta. Also I'm gonna talk about ye olde drugs. If you don't like talking about opium, cannabis or tobacco probably not the meta for you
Now, in the next chapter of Don't Hurt Yourself which I'm trying desperately to write as we speak (I'm failing and pitching my drug based headcannons to you on tumblr dot com as a form of procrastination), I'm going to establish that Ed's not really a smoker. This may seem contradictory to canon, which I like to at least move parallel to for the most part in my fic, because when we're introduced to him we see this
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and when he's telling the story to the crew he's doing this
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But I personally am not convinced it's tobacco in that big ass pipe. I know it doesn't really matter what he's smoking, they just gave him a huge pipe to make him look cool by putting him in a smokey atmosphere, and so Taika could blow smoke rings, but I like pulling this show apart so I'm gonna talk about it.
Hear me out.
Ed's got three substances that I think historically he would have access to that he could be smoking. Those substances are tobacco, which is what most of us probably assumed if we thought about it at all, good old weed, which transcends time barriers it is a plant which is not that hard to turn into drugs, and opium which was both a drug that got you high and is addictive but also was basically the most powerful pain killer they had access to. A lot like opiates today really.
Now Tobacco is a luxury item from the "new world" back then people like smoking it and would pay lots of money for it to be transported across the atlantic ocean. Makes sense that a pirate crew might be stealing it to sell to somebody to make a buck. However Ed canonically does not treat himself which is why Stede and his fine fabrics and his sugar in the tea is so exciting to him. So somehow I don't think in episode 3 he's smoking up the product he's meant to be moving. He could be but I kinda doubt it.
But Opium and Weed both have medicinal benefits, specifically they are pain killers (weed also has benefits as a psychiatric medication for people with ptsd but I want to focus on the pain killer aspect as Ed doesn't really seem to be in mental distress in either of the scenes we see him smoking in)
We know he wears a knee brace, I know this is to pay homage to Mad Max but from a watsonian perspective it means he's got something going on with his knee, potentially chronic pain. And when he's smoking when we first meet him
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He has the leg with the brace stretched out with his other foot on the ground. as if he is perhaps giving his knee a rest because it hurts. What I'm proposing is that he is treating chronic joint pain with either weed or opium, and that's what's in that pipe.
Thank you for coming to my obligatory promoting a disabled reading of OFMD post.
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