#Will and Mac Master list
her-storybooks · 3 months
♥ Will McAvoy and Mackenzie McHale Master list ♥
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Hello dear reader and welcome to my Will / Mac Master list. This is my current youngest baby so join me and watch it grow!
Smut = 🔥 Romance = 💖 Fluff = 🌸 Angst = 🌧 Prompt = ✨ Episode = 👩🏻‍💻 One-shot = 🌱 Multi chaptered = 🌲 Collection = 🪴
Never Stopped 🔥💖🌸🌧👩🏻‍💻🌱 Will didn’t just leave a voicemail on Mac’s phone. He turned up at her door.
A Small Room in New York 💖🌧 ✨🌱🪴 Mackenzie walks back into Will’s newsroom and life but bringing with her not just memories of their past. She brings a two-year-old on her hip without a father.
Teething Problems 💖🌸🌲🪴🔥🌧️ Sequel to ‘A Small Room in New York.’ Will has accepted the little boy who turned up out of the blue to be his son. Easy. Now all he has to do is get to know him. Mission Pancakes | Drafting Apologies | 96 Hours | The Restless Night | My Father's Father |
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Fic Round Up 2022 (Dragon Age Edition)
Side Effects; Meredith/Orsino; Meredith is gravely injured, and Orsino reluctantly helps her. But there's a catch. (1797 words, rated E.) then and now; Flemeth & Morrigan; A crow flapping its wings in the Korcari Wilds aids the defeat of a corrupted Tevinter magister in Orlais. (1041 words, rated T.) plummet; Cullen & Meredith; When the time comes, Cullen will have to hold out a hand to save Meredith as she falls. (100 words, rated T.) fire at the heart; Meredith; Certainty does not listen, but it can Sing. (803 words, rated M.) Symbiosis; Meredith/Orsino; Meredith might have the upper hand, but Orsino has always favoured underhanded tactics anyhow. (1045 words, rated E.) the demons they share; Cullen & Meredith; If Cullen were any quieter, Meredith might worry he was possessed. (100 words, rated T.) the morning after; Cullen & Orsino; There's nobody else willing to fill Knight-Commander Meredith's shoes. (2143 words, rated T.) All's Fair; Meredith/Orsino; Knight-Commander Meredith’s iron hold on the Gallows is threatened by Senior Enchanter Orsino’s invocation of an ancient law. (5246 words, rated M.) The Point of No Return; Hawke/Loghain; Hawke couldn't lose another one. (2056 words, rated T.) the blackest night; Amelia & Meredith; The Maker sent you here to look after your sister. (615 words, rated T.) to his grave; Anora & Loghain; He should have listened to his daughter sooner. (100 words, rated G.) Precipice; Meredith/Orsino; Having recently been elevated to the rank of First Enchanter, Orsino intends to make Meredith follow through on the promises they'd made one another when they were younger. (4508 words, rated E.) paying it forward; Cullen & Orsino; The first enchanter knew it was a bad sign when a Circle's knight-commander began to behave erratically. (2265 words, rated T.) the end and the beginning; Meredith/Orsino; This was all Orsino's fault, wasn't it? He'd feared isolation and thus the Maker had seen fit to ensure he was never alone again. (3592 words, rated E.)
Compromise; Cullen/Meredith; Meredith/Orsino; Sometimes you can't save the woman you love. Sometimes all you can do is stop her. (1950 words, rated M.)
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macsmoods · 1 year
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Beach Aesthetic
A girls happy place. Where she can read, tan, and relax. Listening to the waves while sipping on a cold drink. ———————————————————————
In lots of my story’s and characters you’ll notice they have a strong love for the beach! I like to add in these little details so these characters are kind of part of me. ———————————————————————
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———————————————————————*Photos do not belong to me. Creds to pinterest*
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bixels · 2 months
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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luthqrs · 4 months
doctor who novelisations (2005-2023)
i just spent a considerable chunk of time sourcing as many nuwho novelisations as i could get my hands on and in the spirit of sharing i have some free gifts for the tumblr dot com population
also up for grabs: doctor who audios (x) and torchwood audios (x) (all big finish)
a list of what's there + how to open below the cut x
things you'll find here
the christmas invasion
fires of pompeii
planet of the ood
waters of mars
the crimson horror
day of the doctor
zygon invasion
twice upon a time
the witchfinder
the star beast
wild blue yonder
the giggle
the legends of river song
the angel's kiss: a melody malone mystery
the ruby's curse
the missy chronicles
the wintertime paradox
i am the master: legends of the renegade time lord
the wonderful doctor of oz
and how to access them
do this for every book you think you’ll want to read, even if you don’t have time to read it now. don’t rely on this link always being available.
ios: tap the 3 dots -> open with -> apple books*
android: tap 3 dots -> open with -> google play books*
mac: download and open in books
or: download and put the file into an epub reader
* or any epub reader app
want something you can't have?
if there's a particular book you wanted to read that i don't have listed yet, send me an ask or pop it in the comments x
happy reading! x
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Lone Wolf: Master list
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Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Genre: a/b/o, omegaverse, angst, hurt/comfort
Pairings: poly ot7 x reader; Sope focused
No schedule for my sanity. I'm just trying to enjoy writing again.
Series warnings: bigotry, including internalized bigotry, negative self-talk, neglect, childhood trauma, mentions of SA
A/n: This story will deal with a lot of internalized negativity about and struggles with society. The plot will contain many events and concepts that have numerous analogies to our own society and multiple interpretations are possible. I certainly have my own ideas, but the only agenda I intend to push is one of self-acceptance and love. I'm open to respectful discourse in the comments. Please keep in mind that I and others are very sensitive and if you want to be mean then be mean somewhere else.
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Homo sapiens lykos (lore explanations)
Final summary (final update)
Taglist: @ellesalazar @rinkud @osakis-gf @scuzmunkie @queen-in-the-shadows
Permanent taglist: @halesandy @burningupp-replies @lilacdreams-00 @minclangyyy @yonkimint @wholockian1 @cbgdoll @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @armytwist @hwayne2294 @crish-mac @kazufuyusluv @dis-tru6tion @hey-itsmina @jikooksgirl19 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @lxvelyjiminie @marvelfamily3000 @borahae-reads @shadowyjellyfishfest @yoongiigolden @staerryminimini
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sunmoon-starfactory · 6 months
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Loads o' Laundry 2.0
2 years after the release of Loads o' Laundry, we now present: Loads o' Laundry 2.0: a much-improved version of the Laundry mod and system!
Several gameplay features have been improved and many annoyances bigger and smaller have been resolved! A large number of new objects have also been added for your enjoyment. Sims 3 and 4 players may see some familiar things... Overall, it represents a marked improvement over the original version.
Furthermore, the Laundry Mod now comes with full language support for Dutch, French and European Portuguese with more coming soon... Edit: Polish has been added!
Before proceeding further, make sure you have the following requirements installed:
Easy Lot Check
Easy Inventory Check
Smarter EP Check
Money Globals
Time-out Controller
Fetch Water (water bucket)
Suds 'n Bubbles (for making your own detergent)
Flowing Fabrics (for the fresh outfit)
Various master meshes (see Manual)
A more detailed list of requirements as well as detailed instructions can be found in the Manual.
Gameplay overview and Download links below the cut
Gameplay Overview
Your Sims will now generate laundry if their hygiene is low enough. This requires the Laundry Global Mod (offered separately from the objects) as well as a Laundry-related object being present on the lot.
Sims may store their laundry in a hamper. Sometimes automatically if it's close enough and your Sim is inclined to be neat....
Wash and dry your clothes: a variety of both historic and modern, manual and mechanical ways to wash and dry your laundry are included.
Tired of the laundry piling up? Simply place a "Laundry-Begone-Box" on your lot and your Sims will no longer generate laundry!
Laundry Global Mod
The global mod is the backbone of the laundry system. You will need it in order to have your sims produce laundry. As it is a Global Mod, it is in its own rar. The Laundry Mod also has various trait-related features for you to enjoy:
Support for the Nevernude, Neat and Slob trait
Support for the following custom lifestates: Ghost, Mermaid & SkeleBro
NEW: Support for @anachronisims' Nudist trait
NEW: Hamper magic! If your sims are neat enough, they may automatically put their dirty laundry in the hamper (if there's one in the room)
You need to have the file "SunMoon-Laundry_Hamper_Wicker_Round-REQUIRED" in your folder in order for the global mod to work!
Washers, Dryers, Tubs and Lines
Your Sims may wash their laundry using a wide variety of both manual tubs and modern washers. Both of these require detergent to use. Of course, after your laundry has been washed, you can dry them using either a dryer or a line. Just make sure not to hang your laundry outside on a rainy day. Just a small overview of the features offered:
Laundromat mode: run your own laundromat business at home or on a community lot! Sims will actually wash their dirty laundry! Of course, it works for visiting Sims too!
NEW: @anachronisims Big Spender Trait now effects the likelihood of a Sim using a laundromat machine
NEW: Stock your washer or tub with a detergent of your choice; no longer will you need an entire box of detergent for a small load, now one detergent will last multiple loads!
NEW: 2 extra detergents have been added. You can now choose between a Box or Bottle of detergent, Soap Solution or even a Baggy of Soap Nuts!
NEW: The fabulous @jellymeduza has created a fantastic little ceiling rack for drying your laundry
NEW: Many more washers and dryers straight from the Sims 3 and 4
NEW: Modern laundry detergent vendor. You can still access any laundry product still despite its looks.
Custom sounds and animations: not only does laundry come with custom (Sims 4) animations courtesy of @mortia, there are also some custom sounds!
Color Controller
This set also comes with a "Color Controller". This object allows you to choose the look of not only your newly-spawned laundry, but also how the fabric on your drying lines looks like! Use only ONE per lot.
Another new feature is the (optional) support for @lazyduchess Laundry token: players with FT installed, have the option of downloading his laundry mod and getting the same slower motive decay for comfort when changing into different clothes using our fresh outfit object. Players without FT and/or this token will get a small bonus to the comfort motive instead. This is NOT available for MAC-users! You will need the following files from his mod should you want this feature:
Download links
Now for what you have all been waiting for: the download links. REMOVE all old files before updating! File names have been changed!
Download Laundry Global Mod (Required) Download Loads o' Laundry (objects) View Manual
Added support for Dutch
Added support for European Portuguese - Obrigada @logansimmingwolverine!
Added support for French - Merci @helene2troie !
Partial language support for many other languages has been added in the form of catalog descriptions for Sims 3 and 4 conversions. (NOTE: 3t2 conversions have no Simplified Chinese, 4t2 conversions have no Hungarian. None of them have Thai)
Polish, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese support is currently in progress and should hopefully become available sometime in early 2024
Would you like to have this set fully translated into YOUR language? Don't hesistate to make a translation using the localization strings. Just send it over when you're done and we will add it to the set! (send it via or Discord or PM fireflowersims)
Special credits and thanks: @gayars, @2fingerswhiskey, @picknmixsims, @lazyduchess, @jellymeduza, @logansimmingwolverine, Gaby, @hodgekiss, @mustluvcatz-reloaded, CashCraft, ATS/Sandy, EAxis, all the people who helped to localize The Sims 3 and 4, all our many wonderful Beta testers
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korasonata · 11 months
Was bored and also procrastinating other things, so have a ranked list of Hermits based on whether I think they can cook or not for funsies. Vibes only.
Beef: The expert. Is well versed in almost all manners of cooking, and is an extremely skilled chef, particularly with regards to meat dishes, and is a particularly skilled butcher.
TFC: Also up there with Beef, but TFC is also a master of rare ingredients. He’s good at foraging, and he uses ingredients in his cooking that aren’t typically used in just every day life. His techniques may seem a bit primitive, but they are highly effective and his style of cooking might be called simple food made complicated.
Stress: Also a very good cook who puts a lot of emphasis on nutrition. She makes meal plans and prepares a lot of her food at the beginning of the week, and her cooking always makes sure to include a balanced diet. She enjoys cooking and likes to have fun with it. Makes a killer roast chicken.
Impulse: Is surprisingly good at home style cooking. He doesn’t make anything fancy or anything, and his presentation is always a little sloppy, but his food at least tastes good.
Cub: Doesn’t cook much, but when he does he is actually secretly a very good chef. He cooks for himself a lot, but it’s only once in a blue moon that someone else gets to eat his food.
Wels: Is a decent chef, but is incapable of cooking for a single person. He makes way too much food every time and is incapable of portioning, and as such he is the direct inverse of Cub, and he never cooks for himself if he’s alone. Is also very good at desserts.
Ren: Has a bottomless pit of a stomach. Has a big appetite and loves all food and really enjoys big dinner feasts. Is also good with cooking meat specifically. He has a special smoking method that is a real crowd pleaser. Is also good with basic rice bowls and his cooking tastes very homely.
Gem: Is good at treating fish specifically. Also anything involving wild game. Like TFC she is very good at foraging and using ingredients found in the forest. Her cooking is a bit unrefined, but has a very light, refreshing sort of feel to it.
Cleo: An average cook, but is very good at a few specific dishes. (As a side note I’ve actually tried one of Cleo’s recipes that she talked about on stream and it is literally the greatest thing ever, I made it once and people request it all the time)
Joe: Is good at making drinks specifically. He makes a mean margarita and is good at making mixed drinks and cocktails, but otherwise is an average chef with regards to food. Makes very good nachos though.
Doc: Like Cleo, Doc is good at making a few very specific dishes. He makes several German specialties and is also very good at treating vegetables, but outside of these specialties he is rubbish.
Bdubs: Stereotypical grill dad. At least he thinks so. His seasonings consist almost exclusively of basic spices. Meat is the only thing he cooks, but otherwise possesses no real flare for cooking. Despite this, he thinks very highly of his skills, and the food he puts out isn’t bad really, so the Hermits still let him cook every once in a while.
Scar: Scar always tries his absolute best, and his cooking swings wildly from perfection to the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten in your life. There is no in between. It’s 50/50 what you’re going to get, but he has fun either way.
Jevin: makes a mean Mac and cheese, but outside of this, he is a very basic cook. He makes himself sandwiches and grilled cheese and maybe some pasta, but otherwise doesn’t cook much else.
Hypno: Ok. He can kill something and cook it, but he’s not the best butcher and his food is just kind of thrown together. There’s no real theme to any plate he puts out. He’s half decent with seasonings and spices though.
XB: Can make fried rice and that’s about it.
Keralis: Can copy other people’s dishes when given instructions, but when left alone has no idea what he’s doing.
False: Doesn’t really cook much. She probably could, but most of the time she’s after something quick and easy. Whenever she gets hungry she just grabs an apple from the bowl or eats whatever leftovers are in the fridge cold.
Etho: Lives almost exclusively off of instant ramen.
Zedaph: treats the kitchen like a chemistry lab and anyone eating is a test subject. He’s not allowed in the kitchen very often.
Xisuma: This man could burn juice. I don’t know how, but he’d do it. He is a sopping wet cat in the kitchen. He’s the type that tries to cook but fails so miserably that every time he just ends up making a bowl of cereal for himself instead.
Grian and Pearl: have cooking battles competing over who can make the most disgusting dish. Grian is like the little toddler that always wants to help but is so bad that no one will let him. He’s also always the one standing over your shoulder and sneaking bites of things when you turn your back. Pearl can’t cook herself, but she has good knife skills so she is often allowed to help out with the prep work.
Mumbo: Will eat anything and everything you throw in front of him. He does not care. He also does not cook at all. When left to fend for himself he demolishes the kitchen by eating every raw ingredient in the pantry. This man would eat a sack of flour if you let him.
Tango: This man does not eat unless you make him. You have to physically drag him to the table to get any kind of nourishment, but he is always very appreciative of other peoples cooking.
Iskall: Orders takeout exclusively.
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multifandomsimagine · 5 months
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Author's Note: It's still the 10th where I am but I know it's already the 11th where you are so, happy birthday to the best mutual ever ❤️
Imagine the guys making you breakfast for your birthday
— Birthday Present #1 for @cantstoptheimagines —
Of the three, Luke was definitely the worst cook in the group. For one, he had never really had to cook before when he was still living with his parents; they were the ones who made sure that he had a hearty breakfast and a filling dinner each day. If Luke had his way, he would live off of Hot Pockets and Tostino's, something quick and easy to make so he could spend more time on music.
Alex was a decent cook. While he wouldn't burn down the kitchen when making himself a bowl of cereal, all he could really do was make simple meals: a grilled cheese, an omelet, mac and cheese. Much like Luke, Alex's parents would cook his meals for him but he did have to rely on himself more after things got tense when he came out to them.
Compared to the other two, Reggie was basically Emeril Lagasse. With money being tight at home, he was left by himself as soon as he was able to operate the stove. His parents spent so much time working - and arguing - and Reggie was left to fend for himself when he got home from school. With spatula in hand and having watched every episode of How to Boil Water and Essence of Emeril, Reggie was a master in the kitchen.
It was why the trio had decided that Reggie would take the lead in your birthday breakfast with Alex as his sous chef and Luke as the kitchen porter though the best-laid plans often went astray with the group.
Though the guys know you're a heavy sleeper and never get out of bed before ten in the morning, they don't want to risk raising their voices on the off chance your birthday is the day you decided to be a light sleeper. However, it was really hard to remember to not yell when Alex or Reggie caught sight of Luke's "improvements."
"Why are the flames so high?" Alex whisper-shouted, barely remembering to lower his voice as he dropped the knife he was using to cut up some fruit to rush over to the stove, turning the dial from high to low.
Luke lets out an offended "Hey!" but the blond ignores him as he's quick to snatch the spatula from Luke and scoops up the pancake from the pan. He moves to drop it onto the stack of pancakes, dropping it into the stack of pancakes Luke had already made.
"Hey! I was doing a good job!" Luke huffs out, gesturing to the four pancakes on the plates.
This is when Reggie walks over, having finished plating the breakfast scramble he had been in charge of.
"I did everything that you guys told me." Luke begins to list off the steps on his fingers. "I put butter on the pan, ladled a spoonful of batter onto the pan, checked to see that the side was brown before flipping it over, and made sure the other side was brown too before plating them."
"Not everything," Alex countered. "The flames were too high. Why'd you raise the heat?"
"I wanted to help out with the other stuff so I raised it so the pancakes would cook faster."
Reggie grabs a fork from the utensil drawer and moves to the plate of pancakes, cutting a piece off from the top pancake. Instead of being met with the sight of a light fluffy interior, the trio watches as batter oozes out of the pancake.
Luke snatches the fork from the bassist's hand and begins cutting into the other pancakes. Except for the first pancake that Alex had made as an example for Luke, they all ooze out batter and the three are left to stare at half-cooked pancakes.
"The pan was too hot. The outside of the pancake cooked before the inside could." Reggie sighs. "And now we have gooey pancakes."
Alex picks up the bowl of batter and takes a look before letting out a groan. "And only enough batter for like one pancake." He shows the bowl to the others.
"We could make more, right?" Luke runs a hand through his hair.
Reggie shakes his head. "I used the last of the eggs for the scramble."
"So all we have right now is the breakfast scramble, a bowl of fruit, and a cup of juice."
Luke's eyes dart around the kitchen, trying to find a solution. His eyes light up when he spots the house keys and his wallet before maneuvering his way to them. "I can buy more. Daniella’s sells eggs, right?" He raises his wallet up. "We have like two hours before [Name] wakes up. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes. I won't be the reason she starts off her birthday without her favorite breakfast."
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Let’s keep that Mac love going can I request “he asks you out” from the master list? Gotta love The Emo Monkie manss😂💜🖤
Gladly. :3 Hope you enjoy! First Date.
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“Hey, Macaque,” your voice startled him. 
“(Y/n), hey, you're here early,” he managed his charming smile at the sight of you. He wore casually appropriate clothes for movies, his hoodie was up, hiding his ears and the majority of his head.
“MK said it was important, but seeing that we’re in front of a movie theatre, I was obviously tricked into having friend time,” you rolled your eyes. “What are you doing here?” you smiled at him, his world felt like it had frozen solid even though his face felt like it was on fire. 
“Oh, well…” He lost his voice. He couldn't remember why he was there for a second, but collected himself and cleared his throat. “MK invited me too,”
“Oh, cool,” you smiled at him then turned your attention to your phone as it went off. 
It was MK texting you to let you know he was on his way, but running late. Luckily for him, you didn't have a busy day, so you didn't mind waiting a bit for him. Especially now that it meant having Macaque as your company for an extended period of time. You stole a glance at him to find he was already studying you with a somewhat content expression. 
“What?” you smiled awkwardly at him, to which made him clear his throat and look away. 
“Nothing,” he tried to play it off as nothing even though his heart was skipping beats in his chest. “You just, um… look nice,” was his lame excuse, even though he did think you looked pretty.
“Thanks,” you glanced away to hide your blush. “MK said he's a bit delayed, so there's that,”
“Hm,” he nodded as he took in this new information. Not really something he didn't already know, he was the reason they were delayed in the first place, after all.
“I know we should wait for the others, but we can get something light to munch on while we wait.”
“That's fine,” he gave a nod. 
You and Macaque walked into the theatre and got in the short line at the cafeteria section. You both had looked over the menu in the hope to get a light appetizer while you waited for MK and the others. It was silent between you both, but not an awkward silence. You both unnoticeably stole glances at each other till you caught each other’s gaze, to which you both looked away with blushes.
Once your appetizers were ordered and collected, you found an empty seat in the waiting area and sat down. Silence took over the two of you once more. You spent a good five minutes looking towards the entrance in hopes to see the group, but had no such luck.
“So, (Y/n),” Macaque’s voice snapped you out of whatever trance you were previously in.
“Yeah?” you looked up at him with a curious smile. 
“I was wondering if maybe…” his hesitance caught your interest. 
“Yeah…?” you encouraged him to continue, which he did.
“I was wondering if you'd wanna do this again sometime…?” he asked. “With me… alone.”
“Like a date,” he nodded slightly and looked away to hide his embarrassment, which you thought was cute. 
“Like… a date date?”
“Yeah, a date date,” he nodded sheepishly. 
He’s too cute! You internally squealed before collecting yourself. 
“As long as you promise it's gonna be a shadow play,” you teased. He looked at you with a dorky smile. “I'd like that a lot.”
“Of course,” you couldn't stop smiling at him. “I really liked the one with the Warrior, the one with the Goddess was nice too,”
“I bet,” he chuckled deeply and shook his head at your antics. It was no question about it, he was so smitten with you. “Tomorrow then?”
“I'm free,” you smiled at him. You were now, anyway. “You have my number, let me know when to get ready,” you added, then glanced around as people started crowding. “This place is starting to wake up, where are those idiots?”
“No clue,” he shrugged, but he smirked to himself at the thought of how ticked Monkey King must be at that moment. 
“I'm hungry, let's get something to eat before the lines start to get long. Then we should catch a movie,”
“I could eat,” Macaque said as he lazily followed behind you. “Wait, a movie?”
“Yeah, who knows how long till they get here, I'm not gonna just wait around,” you stated and looked at him with a mischievous smile. “We can call it a practice date.”
That made him laugh.
“You get the food, I'll get the tickets,”
“Sounds good!” you grinned and once you decided on what to watch, and he told you what he wanted to eat, you divided to conquer.
Let’s just say… the unexpected practice date was a lot better than you'd thought it would be.
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Damian Wayne is autistic cos I said so
But also evidence
Trouble socialising has missed social ques over and over connects more to animals then people:
Example: trauma dumping on a 4yr old
When Dick was freaking out about his girlfriend possibly being pregnant Damian completely ignore that and demanded Dick's attention and followed him to his apartment.
Strong sense of justice
Struggles to go against his own morals
Example: gotham wars- won't let goons run Gotham
Immediately going vegetarian for batcow
Repetitive movements/
Saying "tt" alot
Could defiantly classify under a stim, as stimming is basically a release /express of emotions and he does it consistently
Insistent on sameness:
Example; Didnt want to get a haircut only Alfred could do it
Viewing jon as a master student situation and seeing the teen titans the same
We know Damian spends hours to days fixated on something
Example: hacking into the batcomputer fir Tim's hit list
"It was child's play"
"That took you 6 hours"
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
(Not super strong evidence as common but ads to the mix
Food struggles
"I hate orange juice with pulp
Immediately sympathising with Trinity- the mac and cheese has crumbs in it
"I eat fear for breakfast
"No you eat ovaltine and pop tarts"
- strange food combination but maybe implying he eats the same thing every day
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milesdickpic · 7 months
Thanksgiving at the Bradshaws | H.C
Click here to see the master list
Happy Thanksgiving, Besties! For those who celebrate, be safe and i hope you have a great day! Whether you celebrate it or not, I just want to let you all know that I am BEYOND grateful for each and everyone of you. Thank you for being here with me 🥰 I love you all so much! ❤️ Happy reading and enjoy! 💕
*Can be read in conjunction with the HLG series! 🦃
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You and Bradley planned a low-key Thanksgiving for the family. It was going to be a laid back and cozy night. 
All the kids were asleep while all the adults started to make dinner. It was going to be an early night since everyone had to work early the next morning. 
Austin made his famous stuffing. He had brought it the year prior and it had to be the best stuffing you and Bradley had ever had in your lives. 
Phoenix made a a potato casserole along with some green beans.
Hangman worked on the turkey, making sure it was pure perfection. (Like himself)
You made mashed potatoes, gravy, and Mac and cheese. 
Bradley started to set up the table. He put out the best cutlery you and him had in the house, as well as the best looking plates. The ones that weren’t stained nor microwaved burned from the men of the house. 
Bradley wrote name tags for everyone and set each of them on a plate at the table. He grabbed a jar and labeled it “What I am Grateful For.” And placed it in the middle of the table. 
“Thanksgiving dinner for brunch is the best idea we’ve ever came up with.” Hangman laughed as he was basting the turkey with broth and butter. “This baby is almost ready!”
Bradley laughed and smiled. “I am so ready to eat. I missed dinner last night so I could be an endless pit today.”
Phoenix scoffed as she finished laying out her dishes she repaired. “You’re always and endless pit, Bradshaw. You and your kids!” She slapped his shoulder as she set the dishes onto the table. 
You came over and looked at the table. Bradley had set out some little pumpkins left over from Halloween. He lit a couple of candles, he set put the nice silverware and plates. He put out 2 variances of wine glasses. (Plastic ones for the kiddos) Each plate had everyone’s name on it. It was so cute and simple. 
You kissed his cheek. “Thank you for setting the table, Brad.” You placed the Gravy onto the table as Bradley went to grab the mashed potatoes and Mac and cheese. 
As everyone started to lay their dishes onto the table, you and Bradley went upstairs to get the kiddies ready. Everyone decided that Thanksgiving themed pajamas were the move. 
The boys wore matching turkey onesies, Leia wore a “bring on the leftovers” pajama, Bradley wore a pajama that was full of turkeys, you wore a pajama set that was covered in cute coffees, lattes, pies, and pumpkins.
You and Bradley brought down the kids. The boys were strong enough to start sitting on their own in their high chairs. So you and Bradley placed them into each of theirs. Leia pranced around and looked at all the food that was laid out for everyone. 
“GOSH I AM SO HUNGRY!” Leia was so excited. “You and me both, sweetheart.” Bradley picked up Leia and kissed her cheek over and over again. 
Everyone started to make their way downstairs. 
Phoenix wore an oversized pajama set that said, “official pumpkin pie tester.”
Austin wore a grey pajama set with pumpkin pies all over it. (Hehehe)
Gunner came running into the kitchen with a onesie that had turkeys, pumpkins, and “happy thanksgiving” written all over it. 
You all started to take a seat at the table. Bradley sat at the head of the table. You to the left of him. Next to you was Phoenix followed by Austin and then little Bradley in his high chair next to him. On the other side was going to be Leia, Jake, and then Luke in his high chair. 
You were all seated and Bradley looked around for Jake. 
“Seresin. Hurry the hell up!” You slapped Bradley’s arm and shook your head. “Sorry, sweetheart.” Bradley cleared his throat. “MOVE YOUR ASS, SERESIN!” 
“IM COMING!” Jake yelled from the top of the stairs. You could all hear him making his ay down.
“HO-LY. SHIIIIIT.” Bradley, Leia, and Phoenix all said at the same time as Jake made his way down. 
Hangman was in a big turkey onesie. He had the hood on and everything. 
“That is one big Turkey.” Austin laughed as he looked at Jake. 
“Gobble Gobble these nuts, Bradshaw.” Jake laughed and Bradley spit out his water. 
“MY CHILDREN ARE IN THE ROOM.” He lunged for Leia’s ears. 
Once you all sat down every one took turns writing what they were grateful for and placed it into the jar. 
Bradley jumble the jar and everyone took turns asking out a paper and reading what was on it. 
You were first, “I am grateful for being able to spend this holiday season (and everyday) with the people I love.” You smiled and looked around. Austin raised his hand. “Mine. I’m grateful to have you all in my life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
You passed the jar to Phoenix. “I am grateful for being alive and being around those I love the most.” Phoenix looked straight at Bradley. Bradley smiled and nodded at Phoenix. “That be me. I love you guys.”
Phoenix passed the jar to Austin. “I am grateful for food.” Everyone looked slowly at Leia. She started to turn red and giggle. “I AM HUNGRY, OKAY!” She crossed her arms and scowled at everyone as you all laughed.”
Austin gave the jar to Leia. “I am grateful for all my friends and family.” Leia looked up at everyone. Phoenix put her finger up. “Me. I’m grateful for all of you. Life would have been lame if I wasn’t here with you all right now.” She looked at Hangman, “That includes you too, Bagman.” They both laughed. 
Leia gave the jar to Hangman. “Here, Uncle Jakey.” He kissed her cheek and pulled out one of the folded papers. “I am grateful for the beautiful family I have been given.” You smiled, “I don’t know where i would have been if I hadn’t met or created any of you. I love you, guys.”
Jake reached over Leia and gave the jar to Bradley. “WELL. We all know who is left.” Jake laughed. 
Bradley pulled out the last folded paper. “Let’s see what we’ve got here.” He looked down at it and his smile softened. He looked at Jake and gave him a little nod and he nodded back. Bradley sighed. “I am grateful for saving the man that saved me. Thank you Bradshaw for taking me in as one of your own after all these years. I don’t deserve you, buddy. I am thankful for being able to be a part of his and y/n’s family.” Bradley folded the paper back up and smiled at Hangman.
Jake pushed his lips together and smiled. “Of course you’d get mine. But it’s true. I’ll forever be grateful and thankful that you both have allowed me to be a part of your family. Thank you.” You got up and gave Jake a kiss on the cheek. Bradley smiled, “I couldn’t imagine a life without you, Turkeyman.”
Leia gave Jake a kiss. “I love you, uncle Jakey!” 
After all the thanks were given you all ate together reminiscing on what the year had been so far. You were all grateful for everything you were given in the last 11 months. 
After dinner, you all cozied up on the couches and Leia chose to watch ‘Addams Family Values.’ Her favorite part was when Wednesday sabotaged the play and burned down the thanksgiving set.
Happy Thanksgiving, my loves! I promise to be posting the next chapter of HLG this coming week. Everything has just been so hectic! But it will be up soon! Thank you for your patience and love. See you in the next one! 🫶🏼
Dinner party guests are in the comments ❤️
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trendfilmsetter · 29 days
Apple Music’s ‘100 Best Albums of All Time’ list:
#1. Lauryn Hill — The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
#2. Michael Jackson — Thriller
#3. The Beatles — Abbey Road
#4. Prince & The Revolution — Purple Rain
#5. Frank Ocean — Blonde
#6. Stevie Wonder — Songs in the Key of Life
#7. Kendrick Lamar — good kid, m.A.A.d city
#8. Amy Winehouse — Back to Black
#9. Nirvana — Nevermind
#10. Beyoncé — Lemonade
#11. Fleetwood Mac — Rumours
#12. Radiohead — OK Computer
#13. Jay-Z — The Blueprint
#14. Bob Dylan — Highway 61 Revisited
#15. Adele — 21
#16. Joni Mitchell — Blue
#17. Marvin Gaye — What’s Going On
#18. Taylor Swift — 1989 (Taylor’s Version)
#19. Dr. Dre — The Chronic
#20. The Beach Boys — Pet Sounds
#21. The Beatles — Revolver
#22. Bruce Springsteen — Born to Run
#23. Daft Punk — Discovery
#24. David Bowie — The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars
#25. Miles Davis — Kind of Blue
#26. Kanye West — My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
#27. Led Zeppelin — Led Zeppelin II
#28. Pink Floyd — The Dark Side of the Moon
#29. A Tribe Called Quest — The Low End Theory
#31. Alanis Morissette — Jagged Little Pill
#32. The Notorious B.I.G. — Ready to Die
#33. Radiohead — Kid A
#34. Public Enemy — It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
#35. The Clash — London Calling
#36. Beyoncé — BEYONCÉ
#37. Wu-Tang Clan — Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
#38. Carole King — Tapestry
#39. Nas — Illmatic
#40. Aretha Franklin — I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
#41. OutKast — Aquemini
#42. Janet Jackson — Control
#43. Talking Heads — Remain in Light
#44. Stevie Wonder — Innervisions
#45. Björk — Homogenic
#46. Bob Marley & The Wailers — Exodus
#47. Drake — Take Care
#48. Beastie Boys — Paul’s Boutique
#49. U2 — The Joshua Tree
#50. Kate Bush — Hounds of Love
#51. Prince — Sign O’ the Times
#52. Guns N' Roses — Appetite for Destruction
#53. The Rolling Stones — Exile on Main St.
#54. John Coltrane — A Love Supreme
#55. Rihanna — ANTI
#56. The Cure — Disintegration
#57. D’Angelo — Voodoo
#58. Oasis — (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
#59. Arctic Monkeys — AM
#60. The Velvet Underground & Nico — The Velvet Underground and Nico
#61. Sade — Love Deluxe
#62. 2Pac — All Eyez on Me
#63. The Jimi Hendrix Experience — Are You Experienced?
#64. Erykah Badu — Baduizm
#65. De La Soul — 3 Feet High and Rising
#66. The Smiths — The Queen Is Dead
#67. Portishead — Dummy
#68. The Strokes — Is This It
#69. Metallica — Master of Puppets
#70. N.W.A — Straight Outta Compton
#71. Kraftwerk — Trans-Europe Express
#72. SZA — SOS
#73. Steely Dan — Aja
#74. Nine Inch Nails — The Downward Spiral
#75. Missy Elliott — Supa Dupa Fly
#76. Bad Bunny — Un Verano Sin Ti
#77. Madonna — Like a Prayer
#78. Elton John — Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
#79. Lana Del Rey — Norman F*****g Rockwell!
#80. Eminem — The Marshall Mathers LP
#81. Neil Young — After the Gold Rush
#82. 50 Cent — Get Rich or Die Tryin'
#83. Patti Smith — Horses
#84. Snoop Dogg — Doggystyle
#85. Kacey Musgraves — Golden Hour
#86. Mary J. Blige — My Life
#87. Massive Attack — Blue Lines
#88. Nina Simone — I Put a Spell on You
#89. Lady Gaga — The Fame Monster
#90. AC/DC — Back in Black
#91. George Michael — Listen Without Prejudice, Vol. 1
#92. Tyler, The Creator — Flower Boy
#93. Solange — A Seat at the Table
#94. Burial — Untrue
#95. Usher — Confessions
#96. Lorde — Pure Heroine
#97. Rage Against the Machine — Rage Against the Machine
#98. Travis Scott — ASTROWORLD
#99. Eagles — Hotel California
#100. Robyn — Body Talk
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dreamgrlarchive · 9 months
Hey! I’m not sure if you ever did a post on this, because I could not find it. I was wondering what are your favorite glosses? Specifically pink shades & frosty/shimmer glosses? Have you done a makeup master list?
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frosty lips are so vixen coded! mac for sure is my go to for frosty lips. some of my fav shades are oh baby, oyster girl, showing skin, and fabby. the rest you can find at ulta! 🧁
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xo-zozo · 22 days
can you pls make crack tig hcs like make them really random and weird, those are always some of my favs. tysm
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yes ofc!! i think that i’ve done some of these before so you can check my master list for the first part (CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW IM PUMPING THESE OUT LIKE)
| tags: @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces /
jameson and xander played a big part in the music choice at libby and nash's wedding reception
lets just say that "country girl (shake it for me" by luke bryan was played and it was CHAOTIC
max listens to asmr to fall asleep and the xander found out so now she gets teased about it by the whole family
jameson had a phase as a teenager where he was addicted to energy drinks
jameson and grayson always manage to start a fight about chess and all of the games that they play together (chess yk) and it usually ends with them wrestling on the floor
jameson is obsessed with kraft mac and cheese and it caused avery to also become obsessed with it
they all like to go to amusement parks together (but they always have to have really heavy security which is annoying but yk)
avery and libby made their boyfreinds watch all of the classic shows when they found out that they hadn't seen them yet (friends, gilmore girls, gossip girl, etc)
only nash and jameson though becuase grayson refuses and xander has already seen them obv
they both have VERY strong opinions on the shows that they watch
jameson always tried new sports and stuff when he was a kid so now he's just really good at all of these random things
at their sleepovers avery and max do those random youtube videos that are like, "guess the song by the emoji" and max is a lot better at it for some reason
xander's dream is to go to a sza concert (he gives those vibes if you know what i mean)
grayson pretends not to like max but secretly he thinks that she's funny (even if he'll never admit it )
grayson was the one who first made jameson try alcohol as a dare (IT'S HIS FAULT HE WAS AN ALCOHOLIC)
tiramisu has a lot of energy so she likes running around with xander and jameson in the back yard because we both know that they have the most energy
sometimes jameson will randomly comment on tiktoks about himself and then start a chain of people freaking out
for the short time that nash was an only child he was always scared of walking around the house by himself because he either thought he was gonna get lost or that something was gonna pop out of the shadows
avery makes jameson download grammerly of smth on his phone because she gets tired of all of his spelling mistakes
which he probably just does on purpose at this point to annoy her
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blackcrowing · 8 months
Blackcrowing's Master Reading List
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I have created a dropbox with pdfs I have gathered over the years, I have done my best to only allow access to documents which I found openly available through sites like JSTOR, Archive.org, or other educational resources with papers available for download.
That being said I ALSO recommend (I obviously have not read all of these but they are either in my library or I intend to add them)
📚 Celtic/Irish Pagan Books
The Morrighan: Meeting the Great Queens, Morgan Daimler
Raven Goddess: Going Deeper with the Morríghan, Morgan Daimler
Irish Paganism: Reconstructing Irish Polytheism, Morgan Daimler
Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom, Erynn Rowan Laurie
Celtic Cosmology and the Otherworld: Myths, Orgins, Sovereignty and Liminality, Sharon Paice MacLeod
Celtic Myth and Religion, Sharon Paice MacLeod
A Guide to Ogam Divination, Marissa Hegarty (I'm leaving this on my list because I want to support independent authors. However, if you have already read Weaving Word Wisdom this book is unlikely to further enhance your understanding of ogam in a divination capacity)
The Book of the Great Queen, Morpheus Ravenna
Litany of The Morrígna, Morpheus Ravenna
Celtic Visions, Caitlín Matthews
Harp, Club & Calderon, Edited by Lora O'Brien and Morpheus Ravenna
Celtic Cosmology: Perspectives from Ireland and Scotland, Edited by Jacqueline Borsje and others
Polytheistic Monasticism: Voices from Pagan Cloisters, Edited by Janet Munin
📚 Celtic/Irish Academic Books
Early Medieval Ireland 400-1200, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín
The Sacred Isle, Dáithi Ó hÓgáin
The Ancient Celts, Berry Cunliffe
The Celtic World, Berry Cunliffe
Irish Kingship and Seccession, Bart Jaski
Early Irish Farming, Fergus Kelly
Studies in Irish Mythology, Grigory Bondarnko
Prehistoric Archaeology of Ireland, John Waddell
Archeology and Celtic Myth, John Waddell
Understanding the Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Past, Edited by Katja Ritari and Alexandria Bergholm
A Guide to Ogam, Damian McManus
Cesar's Druids: an Ancient Priesthood, Miranda Aldhouse Green
Animals in Celtic Life and Myth, Miranda Aldhouse Green
The Gods of the Celts, Miranda Green
The Celtic World, Edited by Miranda J Green
Myth and History in Celtic and Scandinavian Tradition, Edited by Emily Lyle
Ancient Irish Tales, Edited by Tom P Cross and Clark Haris Slover
Cattle Lords and Clansmen, Nerys Patterson
Celtic Heritage, Alwyn and Brinley Rees
Ireland's Immortals, Mark Williams
The Origins of the Irish, J. P. Mallory
In Search of the Irish Dreamtime, J. P. Mallory
The Táin, Thomas Kinsella translation
The Sutton Hoo Sceptre and the Roots of Celtic Kingship Theory, Michael J. Enright
Celtic Warfare, Giola Canestrelli
Pagan Celtic Ireland, Barry Raftery
The Year in Ireland, Kevin Danaher
Irish Customs and Beliefs, Kevin Danaher
Cult of the Sacred Center, Proinsais Mac Cana
Mythical Ireland: New Light on the Ancient Past, Anthony Murphy
Early Medieval Ireland AD 400-1100, Aidan O'Sullivan and others
The Festival of Lughnasa, Máire MacNeill
Curse of Ireland, Cecily Gillgan
📚 Indo-European Books (Mostly Academic and linguistic)
Dictionary of Indo-European Concepts and Society, Emily Benveniste
A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principle Indo-European Languages, Carl Darling Buck
The Horse, the Wheel and Language, David W. Anthony
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics, Robert S.P. Beekes
In Search of the Indo-Europeans, J.P. Mallory
Indo-European Mythology and Religion, Alexander Jacob
Some of these books had low print runs and therefore can be difficult to find and very expensive... SOME of those books can be found online with the help of friends... 🏴‍☠️
library genesis might be a great place to start... hint hint...
My kofi
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