#Will definitly be more in the future
inkhajiitswetrust · 6 months
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isn't it amazing how we can just merge our interests like that? here is Lillia, my Dovah OC as the hypothetical Papa V of Ghost! i had so muhc fun designing a corpse paint for her and i think this one is a masterpiece. she just fits the Ghost concept so well!! i can see her album being one that is either more tradgoth or more power metal.
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crabknight · 9 months
crab I would love nothing more than to hear about war of the elements….. do regale me with your wisdom
ok so the main idea for the world/story (gonna call it the story from here on out) is that people can conjure weapons from elements (or at least some people can, haven't really figured out the criteria yet) What element their weapon is conjured of depends on their heritage/what country they're from. I haven't figured out a lot of countries yet, but there are two major ones that I have figured out. The japanese inspired kingdom with the element of light/sun and the german inspired kingdom (might branch out to some other central european countries) with the lightning element. By the time of the story these two countries are at war with each other and have been for quite a while (thinking about making it a 100 year war, seems like it would be cool)
Archer lady is a high ranking general in the sun nations army, and she wields a sun-energy Yumi (which is a traditional japanese bow that is very tall) Another great drawing of her below that I'm very proud of
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The entire sun kingdom has a whole bird motif going on so that is encorperated in her design with the feathers on the yumi. She is also, like, early to mid 50's in age
There is also another character that I have yet to draw from the sun kingdom that is just stuck in my brain but I love her. She is the kings right hand woman and she will wield a long kind of katana (have to figure out which kind exactly) I also want her to have a helmet with a bird motif, somewhat like this (ignore fake png please)
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Also, the way I want sunlight weapons to look somewhat like this, with a white light in the middle surrounded my a warm soft orange (ignore that this is lightning which is litterally their main enemy, in my defense this is sunlight spear from dark souls which is both sun and lightning)
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But neither of these to people are the main character, the main character is this guy
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He is also yet unnamed but my irl friends (aside from pie) have taken to calling him john lightning (NOT HIS NAME) do with that information what you will
anyway, notice that he has a katana (japanese) that is lightning (german)? huh how curious, wonder why that could be...
To make a long story short (you can find his story in more detail under my save tag on my blog if you want, this post is just for an overview of the story, my save tag is "save" archer lady is also there as well as a demon slayer oc) His dad is an emmigrant from lightning kingdom who fled to sun kingdom after [something I have not decided yet] and fell in love with mcs mom and they had mc. Dad died when mc was pretty young but he lived a happy life with his mom until one day the lady with the bird helmet came to their village and slaughtered all the villagers because of a rumor of a lightning kingdom spy. She then kills mcs mom right in front of him and mc charges out from their hiding place full of anger to kill. The lady is surprised, but very interrested in mc because of his mixture of the cultures, which is a thing that almost never happens, especially between sun and lightning, and therefor decides to let him live, but she does cut of his arm as a warning. Then he ran. he ran far. he ran until he couldn't see the village anymore. And now he was alone.
After this I haven't really had his story as set in stone, but I want to things, I want him to rebel against the sun kingdoms tyranny and I REALLY want his story to follow maslows hierarchy of needs in some way, I think that would be very interesting.
That's about all I have so far, the sun kingdom is definitly the most fleshed out so far since it's where it all takes place, but I also really like lightning and german weapons and will definitly be expanding that at some point.
The things I also want to include are things like
A middle eastern inspired nation (the middle east has some sick weapons, especially their curved swords, fucking love middle eastern swords)
A fire kingdom (obviosly)
An extensive lightning kingdom noble family
possibly a spanish/italian country, they have some cool weapons that I could do something with, also france, but I need to research their weapons more
A water place (MAYBE with ice but that might also be sepperate)
Extra lightning guy pic here
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really proud of the arm on this one, I also have a few others, but they are from before his outfit got a major overhaul so I don't like them, and another one that I LOVE I can't really show because it was made by a friend and I haven't asked for permission and I don't want to disrespect my friend even though it would probably be ok
Anyway suggestions and feedback greatly appreciated!!!
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kiranixst · 10 months
The timeline of this photo has been bothering me since I watched the movie
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So I've watched the rise movie a good few times now and this photo has annoyed me for a while, if I make any mistakes please correct me cause maybe I overlooked something
So we all know casey jr brings this photo back with him from the future. It shows what I'm assuming is the gang celebrating April's accomplishment (a certificate/plaque?) From EastLaird University, we know from the present timeline she is currently studying journalism there and writes for the university's paper. they all pretty much look the same age as the present timeline (i feel like they look a little more mature so maybe a little more time had passed because it looks more like a graduation celebration to me but anyways) and theres no indication the apocalypse had started yet, they're all smiling and look happy right? Again this is just me analysing and making assumptions but surely when faced with the end of the world you wouldn't typically take the time for a celebratory picture right?
Now here's my main question: when and how was this photo actually taken?
From what we know in the movie, casey jr comes back to the exact day the key is found, the foot clan wasted no time in using it to free the krang (as we see in the movie this all happens on the same night), and during the next day the krang have already caused panic and infiltrated metro tower, I assume in the future timeline they probably got there quicker since they had the key temporarily stolen in the present timeline.
Leo and the others don't recognise the photo so it definitly didn't exist in the present timeline yet, the apocalypse basically destroyed any and all civilisation, I would assume the university would also have been destroyed with all the chaos and the gang would have had their hands full in the whole world ending situation, as far as I can see, there's no plausible gap inbetween where this photo could have been taken in the future timeline since it all happened so quickly
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hollyoongs · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
"Nothing will ever come between us 'Cause i'll be standing right next to you"
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: non idol boyfriend!jay and fem!reader 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: SURPRISE MY POOKIE (a.k.a @glitterjay)! This is a little late, but some of your moots decide to surprise you with this gift...
💌 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 [𝟓] @st4rwon: congrats on hitting 1k c!! you definitely deserve it 🤍 i absolutely love all your works and am so proud to see that they are being appreciated ! keep up the amazing work :) @hollyoongs: this drabble is for… jupi! I'm so glad I can have such a nice and lovely friendship with you and to be present in this big milestone, you deserve it so much and tbh I can't wait to see what the future holds to you, such an amazing, wonderful and incredible human being, congrats my 5'7 jupi! 💟 @kwiwin: Hey C! Congrats on reaching 1k, it's freaking awesome how so many people recognize real talent out there. Even if we've been moots for just a little time I am proud of you and what you have achieved! Keep stunning the world with your (beautifully written) stories ♡ @heeslut4life: hi c! congrats on hitting 1k!! i’m so proud of you<3 you’ve done so goddamn well, you have amazing fics and you are an amazing person:) i know we don’t really interact a lot but i hope you know that i wish nothing but the best for you💗 keep going, you’re such beautiful and wonderful person<33
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 2: this is also a short drabble and you will definitly find some stuff here ;), HAPPY MILESTONE! 𝘄.𝗰: +1.8k
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"And the first place, being voted on by 1128 judges, goes to..." 
And then your name was announced with your university, making you stand up after a few seconds of shock.
As you walked up to the podium, the weight of the moment settled on your shoulders like a comforting embrace. You couldn't believe it—your name, your university, Decelis Academy, being called out as the winner. It felt surreal, like a dream you never dared to have. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the faces of the cheering crowd into a colorful mosaic of joy and pride.
Glancing at your friends, their beaming faces illuminated by the glow of their phones capturing this momentous occasion, you felt a surge of gratitude. They had been with you through it all—the late nights, the doubts, and the struggles. And now, here you were, basking in the spotlight of recognition.
"Jay, look at your girl!" one of your friends shouted amidst the cheers, drawing your attention to the sea of faces. You couldn't help but smile and offer a small wave to the camera, feeling a rush of affection for your supportive circle. They had been your pillars of strength, propelling you forward even when you felt like giving up.
Reaching the podium, you accepted the prize with trembling hands, the weight of it sinking in with each passing moment. More than a thousand people had chosen your work and had seen its value and its impact. It was a humbling realization, one that filled you with a sense of purpose and determination to continue pushing the boundaries of your craft and enjoying it while doing it.
After the ceremony, the celebrations began in earnest.
The celebrations continued long into the night, transitioning seamlessly from the pulsating energy of the dance floor to the intimate ambiance of a lavish dinner party. Your friends, ever the consummate hosts, had spared no expense in creating a feast fit for royalty. The dining table, adorned with flickering candles and delicate floral arrangements, beckoned you and your friends to indulge in a culinary symphony of flavors.
As you settled into your seats, the clinking of glasses and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air, setting the stage for an evening of heartfelt camaraderie and celebration.
"So, my dear," one of your friends began with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Tell us, what's next for the illustrious winner of the Decelis Academy? Any plans to conquer the world?"
You laughed, the sound bubbling up from deep within you like a spring of joy. "Oh, you know me," you replied with a playful grin. "I've always been a dreamer. And now, with this recognition, who knows what the future holds? The world might just have to brace itself for what's to come."
The table erupted into laughter, each of your friends offering words of encouragement and excitement for the journey ahead. They had seen you weather the storms, witnessed the unwavering determination in your eyes, and now they reveled in the triumph of your success.
"I have no doubt that you'll conquer whatever comes your way," another one of your friends chimed in, her voice laced with genuine admiration. "You're a force to be reckoned with, my dear, and I couldn't be prouder to call you my friend."
Touched by their words, you raised your glass in a silent toast, the clinking sound echoing through the room like a symphony of celebration. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the promise of tomorrow, you felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over you.
"To dreams realized and journeys yet to unfold," you declared, your voice tinged with emotion. "Thank you, all of you, for being a part of this incredible journey. I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you by my side."
The sentiment was met with nods of agreement and murmurs of affection, a tangible reminder of the bond that held you all together. As the evening wore on and the laughter flowed freely, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment settle in your heart—a feeling that, no matter what the future held, you would always have these cherished moments and these cherished friends to light the way.
As the night wound down and the last revelers bid their farewells, your friends exchanged knowing glances and shared secretive smiles. "Come on, let's take you home," they said, linking arms with you as they guided you towards your apartment. 
The car trip to your apartment was a whole carpool karaoke, playing your favorite songs and making the night more magical than it already was. There was only one thing missing, and it was your boyfriend.
Jay and you were a couple for three years already, both meeting at university by a mutual friend, who clicked almost immediately. From the moment your eyes met, there was an undeniable spark, a magnetic pull drawing you closer together. His presence illuminated your world, and his smile lit up even the darkest of days. In his arms, you found solace, warmth, and an unwavering sense of belonging. Jay was not just handsome and intelligent; he was the embodiment of kindness, his gestures tender and sincere, and his words a soothing melody that danced through your soul. With him, you felt like you had won the grandest of lotteries, for in his embrace, you found not just love but the truest essence of romance.
But the only problem was his usual business trips with his dad to help the company that owns Mr. Park, which you understood. You were okay with him not being there because he was always present, but it was hard not to feel sad about it.
As you stepped out of the car and approached your apartment building, a wave of exhaustion washed over you, mingling with the residual excitement of the evening's festivities. You bid your friends goodnight with hugs and promises to meet up again soon, feeling grateful for their unwavering support and the unforgettable memories you had shared, but being slightly weirded out by their suspicious smiley faces.
As you entered your apartment, the familiar surroundings enveloped you like a warm embrace, wrapping you in a cocoon of comfort. The gentle glow of lamplight cast soft shadows across the room, imbuing the space with a sense of tranquility that was both soothing and welcoming.
With a contented sigh, you kicked off your shoes and made your way towards your bedroom, eager to sink into the welcoming embrace of your bed and let the events of the day wash over you like a gentle tide. But as you pushed open the door, a gasp escaped your lips, and your heart skipped a beat.
There, standing in the center of the room, was Jay, your boyfriend, looking every bit the epitome of charm and sophistication in his sleek black suit. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and adoration as he held out a big bouquet of white tulips, their delicate petals swaying gently in the air. No wonder your friends were smiling like that.
"Jay? What are you doing here?" You exclaimed, your voice a mixture of surprise and delight. You couldn't believe your eyes—just moments ago, you had resigned yourself to the fact that he was miles away, attending to his father's business affairs. And yet, here he was, standing before you like a vision come to life.
With a smile that melted your heart, Jay stepped forward, his eyes alight with warmth and affection. "I couldn't stay away any longer," he confessed, his voice a soft whisper that sent shivers down your spine. "I wanted to be here to celebrate with you, to share in this moment of joy and triumph."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you struggled to find the words to express the overwhelming rush of emotion coursing through you. "But I thought you were..."
"Surprise," Jay interjected, his smile widening into a grin that tugged at the corners of his lips. "I wanted to make this night even more special for my sunshine, to show you just how much you mean to me."
With trembling hands, he offered you the bouquet of tulips, their sweet fragrance filling the air with a heady perfume that made your head spin. "To the sun I rotate to," he said, his voice filled with tenderness as you laugh. "To celebrate your incredible achievement and to remind you of the beauty and grace that you bring into my life every single day."
Overwhelmed by his gesture, you reached out and took the flowers, holding them close to your heart as if they were the most precious treasure in the world. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for being here and for being a part of this moment with me."
But Jay wasn't done yet. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he gestured towards the bed, where a small pile of gifts lay waiting, wrapped in elegant paper and adorned with ribbons and bows.
"I couldn't come empty-handed," he said with a grin. "I wanted to shower you with tokens of my love and admiration, to show you just how proud I am of everything you've accomplished."
With trembling fingers, you reached for the nearest gift and began to unwrap it, your heart pounding in anticipation of what lay hidden beneath the layers of paper. And as you peeled back the wrapping, revealing the contents within, your breath caught in your throat, and tears of joy welled up in your eyes once more.
Inside was a beautiful necklace, delicate and intricate in design, its sparkling gems catching the light and casting a mesmerizing rainbow of colors across the room. It was a work of art, a testament to Jay's impeccable taste and his unwavering devotion to you.
"Oh, Jay!" you exclaimed, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's…it's beautiful."
But he wasn't finished yet. With a smile that made your heart skip a beat, he reached for another gift, presenting it to you with a flourish that made you giggle like a schoolgirl.
"And there's more where that came from," he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief. "But you'll have to wait and see."
"I need to kiss you so bad." You didn't wait too much; Jay did that for you. His hand being placed on his waist and the other one moving some strings of hair from your face, lips connecting with yours in a tender kiss, you missed each other so badly that you could feel other hearts from that simple action.
As you separate, he touches your forehead softly with his eyes close as you feel the warmth of his love.
"Remember that I don't care about how far I am or what I'm doing; I'll drop anything for you, darling."
And as you stayed there, surrounded by the warmth and love of the man who meant more to you than words could ever express, you knew that this night would be one you would cherish forever—a night of love that knew no bounds.
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sinfulslytherin · 1 year
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A Quiet Night
Summary: The Students of Hogwarts have to spend the night in the great hall. You sleep between Draco and your boyfriend, who seems to be more busy with Daphne. And Draco seems to be more interested in you...
Trigger warning: mature content, sexual content, degrading, public sexual activities
Graham,Blaise,Pansy,Daphne,Adrian, Draco and I stand infront of 7 sleeping.
Pansy and Blaise obviously sleep next to each other since they are in a relationship. Daphne instantly jumps onto the sleeping bag on the other side of Pansy in order to sleep next to her. The two if them seem to be reqlly good friends now.
Graham obviously wants to sleep next to Daphne.
Since Adrian sleeps in the sleeping bag next to Blaise, my only option is to sleep between Graham and Draco.
Graham doesn't seem to bother that blondie will sleep only a few inches away from me. Probably because he is busy with Daphne.
We lay down and the lights get dimmer and dimmer until the room is full of darkness. The only weak light that we get is the moon light that shines through the huge windows of the great hall.
I can hear Graham and Daphne chat for a long time. They talk about Quidditch,classes and even past relationships.
At least he didn't talk about me.
I already know that I won't be able to sleep.
It gets completly quiet after some time and I feel like everyone is asleep.
I can't hear Daphnes annoying voice anymore. I can't hear anyones voice. It seems peaceful.
I suddenly feel Graham lean over to me.
I take back the 'peaceful' part.
"I need you...please..." He whispers in my ear as he starts to leave light kisses on my neck. The kisses feel like small needles that poke into my skin.
I know he's probably horny because he is next to Daphne.
"But-" I try to talk my way out but it's no use.
"Amara, now. Please." He begs.
I don't know why but I follow his plead.
Probably because I hope that I'll be able to eat properly tomorrow.
My hand wanders down between his legs.
My hand squeezes his already hard member and I can feel him twitch in my hand.
I turn off my thoughts and just concentrate on the movement of my hand.
I don't even have to pray for a quick finish as I can feel him already being close.
He pushes my hand away and I see that he uses some napkins to prevent a mess.
Well. That was fast.
Graham was never the best in bed. He looks out for himself and doesn't bother to help the other one finish.
"Thank you, Da-
Amara." Graham mumbles already half asleep as he gives me a half hearted kiss on my forehead.
I internally scoff.
He seriously just wanted to call me Daphne.
I know who you pretend I am, Graham.
I hear snoring next to me and know that Graham is definitly asleep now.
I chuckle bitterly and ignore the few small tears that build up in my eyes. I know he doesn't love me but it's hard to unlove someone when they gave you your first time...even when it sucked.
He saw me in such a vunerable state.
It's hard to realize that I won't experience something real with someone else because Graham has my hands tied. He's my future.
I probably would've declined but he could have at least asked if I want to...too.
"Didn't even try to return the favor. Asshole." I quietyly curse under my breath.
I decide that I should try to sleep as well.
It's hard for me to fall asleep and the only thing that I get is a weird state of being half asleep and half awake. I start to feel hot after one hour of trying to sleep so I jump out of the sleeping bag and ly myself on it just like Draco and Graham did.
I feel myself getting more tired again and hope that I finally fall asleep.
Unfortunately, it's only a microsleep that washes over me.
I feel myself snuggle into someone or something as soon as I seem to regain my senses. I lay on my side and my hands lightly hold onto some fabric,
I think.
A smell of mint and cologne hits my noise as I snuggle even further into the unknown thing. I feel a hand on my head which strokes my hair lightly.
A light smile spreads across my lips.
I'd say that this feels like home.
But unlike home,
This feeling actually makes me feel safe.
I stay like this for a few more minutes before I feel the urge to switch position.
I always sleep on my side, so I just turn around in my half asleep state and make sure that I still feel the presence of the unknown someone against my back in order to get comfort.
I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into a feeling of consolation, forgetting the war inside my head. I start to shift further backwards.
I suddenly hear a low groan as I do so.
I don't think much of it and try to find a comfortable sleeping position as I move my hips.
My movement stops as I feel a hand grab my hip in order to prevent me from moving.
"What exactly do you think you're doing, Caddel?"
My breath hitches and I feel the tiredness leave my body.
I was just snuggling into Draco Malfoy.
I was just rubbing my ass against
I try to push myself away from him as I accidentally touch his clothed dick with my hand.
He groans again.
"Don't touch my dick unless you plan on doing something with it."
I gasp as I remove my hand in a swift movement and freeze on the spot.
"Seems like your body is frustrated, huh?" Draco asks as he whispers in my ear.
"What do you mean?" I ask while I try to sound not too nervous.
"You know what I mean. Do you seriously think I didn't hear everything?"
Draco asks.
I feel my cheeks burn up as I realize that Malfoy must have witnessed the whole situation with Graham.
Not only the handjob I gave him,
but also my cursing about him not making me cum.
My last three working braincells decide to ignore him and move back over to my sleeping bag.
My body moves over in a swift motion and my back still faces Draco.
I shut my eyes tightly and hope that he'll just go back to sleep.
But my hopes are shattered as I suddenly feel two hands grab my hips and pull me backwards.
My butt comes in contact with Dracos crotch and my eyes widen as I feel something hard against me.
My breath hitches.
"Are you trying to ignore me again?" He asks in a teasing voice as he pushes his hard member harder into my backside.
I feel myself falling into arousal as I start to rub my thighs together.
"Let me give you what he can't." Is the last thing he whispers before his hand slowly start to travel to my pants.
His lips touch my the skin behind my ear and he starts to lightly kiss it before he sucks on the skin. I can feel his hard member pressing against my butt as he does so. It gets harder to breath and I have to hold back moans.
I nervously look around as I panic that someone might see us.
Before entering my pants he asks if I want him to touch me.
I nod.
"Words. I need a verbal consent, Sweet girl." He says as his finger play with the waistband of my pyajama pants.
"Yes,please." I lightly moan.
I feel his hand wander between my thighs in a painful slow pace. I whine and start to squirm under his touch.
"Be patient."
His fingers lightly brush over my soaked panties and a chuckle escapes his lips.
"Already that wet for me?"
He slides my panties aside and his middle finger enters me. A moan escapes my lips.
"You gotta be quiet, little girl. What do you think would happen if Graham saw you like that?" Draco asks with a mocking tone.
He adds another finger, curves them and strokes my walls. I feel myself tighten around his long fingers.
He starts to thrust his fingers in and out
-hitting my spot everytime.
"You like that, don't you? Me touching you." Draco whispers in my ear as my eyes shut tightly, scared that a loud moan might escape my lips.
"Imagine what my cock could do." Draco says as he thrusts his fingers at an even faster pace.
Suddenly Graham starts to squirm in his sleep. I freeze and try to move away from Draco but he holds me in place.
His fingers are still moving inside me but in a slower pace.
"Scared that Graham might find out what a slut you are for me? How you melt under my touch?" Draco whispers.
"You are going to take it until you cum all over my fingers. I don't care if he wakes up." He says before moving his fingers hit my spot again.
A quiet whimper slips from my lips.
I look over to Graham to see him still fully asleep.
"Keep your eyes on me."
My eyes wander back to his.
"Good girl." He growls in my ear and sends butterflies to my stomach
...and pussy.
I clench around his fingers as I feel my orgasm approaching.
My breath hitches.
"I-Im gonna cum Draco..." i moan a bit louder as it gets harder and harder for me to keep quiet.
Dracos other hand finds my mouth and enters his fingers for me to suck on.
"That'll be my cock next time."
My eyes roll back as I suck on his fingers imagining how Dracos cock would taste like.
My orgasm rolls over me as I bite down on his fingers in order to reduce the urge of letting out a final loud moan.
Or so I thought it would be my final...
Ready for round two and some fluff afterwards?-Read the whole Chapter here <3
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sadko101 · 4 months
unpopular opinion: all bg3 origin ships are great (and as platonic too)
gale x astarion: "enemies" to lovers they have great chemistry and has plenty of room for fluff and angst, plenty has been said about them i dont think i have much else to say.
wyll x gale: theirs plenty of danger in being the blade of fronteirs/avernus and we all know what gale is into. also they are two of the more good leaning characters. + gale is very "being a warlock sounds rough" and wyll is "that man is wayyy to faithful i dont want him to blow himself up". dancer x man with poor knees. (i could yap for ever i love them)
karlach x wyll: PERFECT, their stories intertwine while they have this unyielding care for each other. both platonically and romantically this ship is amazing! i just have no words for how good it is
karlach x shadowheart: karlach calling her shads is adorable and shadowheart is just straight up smitting for karlach the moment they meet. also when you play as origin shadowheart karlach is super sweet about the hairchange i love them.
gale x laezel: good leaning frail human wizard x GITHYANKI WARRIOR. theyre conversations are amazing with a mutual sense of curiosity for each others past and possible future. laezel falling for somone as soft as gale as well. ugh its soo good.
laezel x shadowheart: NOW THIS! its the true enemies to lovers of bg3. kinda "toxic yuri" in the begining but as the story goes on and laezel rebels against vlakith and shart against shar theres a real parrelel to there stories and a sort of understanding that they can find in each other.
gale x shadowheart: an intresting dynamic given them both being incredibly faithful to two gods who arent super fond of each other... as shadowheart strays from shar she encorages gale to relise the power mystra had over him, just a lot of support and love for each other is what im imagining. (definitly a ship thats develoupment focused)
karlach x laezel: now i havent had both of them in my team much, but the dynamic feels close to "grumpy x sunshine" laezel really opening up and being nice over time while karlach is open and happy from the begining.
karlach x gale: wizard x barbarion, (also "idoit" x genuis) is just great, gale and his magic could probably help to cool karlach down temporarly! i hc them both as autistc and i like nd x nd ships. also if you let gale ascend to godhood (loser) and play as karlach he can actually fix her engine heart which adds a sweet motivation to his godhood.
karlach x astarion: now i love these two platonically but i also love them romantically. astarion is enthusastic about recruiting karlach and comments about supporting her. he jokes abouthow strong she is which is cute. if youve ever played karlach origin and romance astarion they have a sweet scene together.
wyll x astarion: monster hunter x monster, wyll loves to tease astarion but he cares about him. he has faith in astarion to be a better person and its just MWAH. astarion is a bit of a simp for wyll (me too) he is very nice about the horns in wylls origin too (i love them)
wyll x shadowheart: they tease each other in a super endearing way. they kinda immideitly clicked and i know that wyll would support shadowheart through her whole crisis and shadowheart will help wyll in his self sacrafising tenancies (these little shits reciting porn together at the docks)
shadowheart x astarion: these two could be evil together, but they also could help each other heal and become better people
laezel x astarion: theyre very differnt views of love and affection. i think laezel would help astarion in his journy of reclaiming his own sexuality. (i need to think about these two more)
durge x anyone is great
i speedran typing this sorry for plethera of spelling erros
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writerslittlelibrary · 11 months
I'm your mother now, chapter 3
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masterlist series masterlist
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8
summary: when you wake up in a strange room, you soon come to realize the amazing Black Widow, who appears to be the perfect role model for girls all around the world, is greatly deranged…
pairing: Dark!Natasha x teen reader
warnings: yelling, a lot of swearing, dark themes, kinda evil Natasha
genre: angst
words: 2188
a/n: chapter 3 is finally here! I find it a little short but it's mainly a filler chapter anyway. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think :)
(also, I have big plans for the next chapter, so definitly stay tuned to meet auntie Yelena)
If you'd like to see something in future chapters, or have any ideas, please let me know and maybe I'll use them
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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You had been living with Natasha for about a week now, and while she was absolutely terrifying to be around, you found yourself enjoying her presence more and more. You hated yourself for it, of course. How could a person possibly enjoy the situation you were placed in?
Living with Natasha was like walking around on eggshells, on bare feet, while continuously getting cuts. When you did whatever Natasha said, she was happy. She treated you like she loved you, and you wouldn’t get hurt.
However, you tried that, and she didn’t seem satisfied. For the past 2 days you have been complying to whatever Natasha said. Doing whatever she asked of you, but it didn’t seem like Natasha was very pleased with it. 
She wasn’t hitting you, nor yelling at you, but she didn’t seem pleased. 
You couldn’t understand her. You decided if you became like a rag doll, you wouldn’t get hurt, and Natasha would be happy, but she wasn’t.
Yesterday Natasha yelled at you. You had been following her orders the entire day. Smiling whenever she told you to smile more, eating whenever she told you to eat, but you couldn’t find it in you to do it with any emotion. Maybe that’s what she’s so mad about?
She wanted you to be her daughter. She didn’t want a rag doll, she wanted a person, yet every day you spend with Natasha you seemed to become less and less of a person. 
Today was no different. Natasha had woken you up like any other day, giving you a bath and picking out your clothes. You were all set for another day of being stuck in the house, left to do whatever Natasha had picked out that day. 
You were watching tv, a privilege you earned for being such a good girl, according to Natasha. You didn’t really feel like watching it, but because it was a reward you felt like you had to, or you might make Natasha mad. That had been your main goal this past week. Avoid getting Natasha mad, and with that avoid getting a punishment. It had worked, mostly. You carried a few bruises here and there, but nothing to bad. 
Watching tv was pretty boring. You hadn’t earned the privilege of getting a Netflix or Disney subscription, so it was just mindlessly switching between the channels. Nothing really interesting was on, until the news caught your attention.
Natasha had told you she was the only one that cared about you, and she was the only one that would ever love you, but the news channel proved something different. 
There it was. Your face, with your name and identifiable features written under it. Missing was written in large red letters above your picture, a woman next to it talking about you, where you were last seen and why your disappearance was so out of the blue. She talked about how you might’ve ran away, seeing as though all the important stuff from your bedroom was missing. 
You went silent, staring at the tv while holding your breath. Someone did care. Someone did want you to come home. They didn’t even know you were okay, let alone that you’d left the country…
You could hear a cup shattering behind you, and your head whipped around. Natasha quickly made her way towards the couch, grabbing the remote and turning the tv off. She angrily looked at you, and you shuffled away from her as you covered your face with your arms. “WHY WERE YOU WATCHING THAT?!” she yelled angrily at you, throwing her arms in the air in frustration, and you flinched from the sound. 
Tears were already collecting in your eyes from the fear of what she’d do next. “THIS IS JUST WHAT YOU DO THEN HUH?! I GIVE YOU SOMETHING NICE AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT!” she continued yelling, and you let out a silent sob and you curled in on yourself, crying as you tried to cover yourself the best you could.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW!” she yelled as she threw the remote at your face, missing your head by only a few inches. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing, the fear of her hurting you growing bigger with every word she said. Natasha didn’t seem to notice your fear, and if she did she didn’t seem to care much for it. You were shaking, yet Natasha was yelling. “Go to your room!” she yelled, yet you were to scared to move. “GO TO YOUR FUCKING ROOM!” she yelled after you didn’t move, and you were quick to get up from the couch and run to your room, closing the door and crawling under the covers. 
After about an hour, you could hear Natasha’s footsteps as she made her way up the stairs. You covered your entire head with your blanket, hiding beneath the covers, even though you knew it would make for little protection. 
You heard Natasha open and close your door, and you felt the bed dip as she sat next to. “Detka,” you said in a cheerful, singsongy voice as she gently shook you. Her voice was sickly sweet, a complete 180 of how she behaved an hour ago. “Are you gonna come out, Malyshka? I’ve made you a snack,” she said as she tried to pull the covers from your head, but you held onto them tight.
“What’s wrong baby?” you questioned as she scooted herself a little closer. You didn’t know if she was just pretending, or if she actually didn’t know why you were so upset and scared. 
She finally succeeded in pulling the covers from your head, seeing you covering your head with your arms. You knew that if she wanted to hurt you, she could, but it still made you feel safer. 
“What’s wrong honey?” she asked as she gently wiped some hair from your face. “Why are you upset?” she questioned and you sniffled softly. You didn’t want to talk to her. You didn’t want to tell her what was wrong. How on earth could she not know what was wrong? She’s the one that had made you so upset in the first place. How on earth could she not know?
“Look at me y/n,” she said, and you quickly did what she ordered. You looked at her through glossy eyes, and she smiled sweetly at you.
“What’s got you all upset sweetie?” she asked as she gently stroked your hair, smiling patiently. You sniffled and pressed your eyes shut, shaking your head lightly. Natasha gave you a firm pat on your cheek. It wasn’t hard enough to count as a slap, but it was hard enough to remind you what she had ordered. 
You quickly opened your eyes again and looked at Natasha as her smile returned to her face. 
“Come on. Time to get up. I have a surprise downstairs for you,” she spoke as she got up from the bed, you following close behind her. Natasha was already making her way towards the door, but your question made her stop immediately. 
“Why did you lie?” 
She turned around slowly, the smile on her lips faltering slightly. “What?” she questioned, and you started questioning whether speaking up was a good idea.
“Someone does care! You’re not the only person that cares about me! You lied! You don’t even care about me at all!” you stopped when you saw Natasha’s facial expression change, watching as she slowly made her way towards you. You swallowed thickly when she stopped in front of you, anticipating what she’d do next. 
Before you knew it, a slap landed on your cheek, your head whipping to the side. 
When you felt the burn settle in you decided to bite your tongue, deciding to not say anything else. “I am the only person that cares about you. I am the only person that loves you. I am your mother and-” “You’re not my fucking mother!” you interrupted her, a wave of determination washing over you suddenly.  
Before you could even register what you’d said, you felt another slap on your cheek. “You ungrateful little shit!” Natasha yelled as she grabbed a handful of your hair, making you yelp. Your hands immediately went up to hers to try and relieve the pressure, but it was of no use. 
Natasha gave another particularly harsh yank as she moved towards your door, forcefully pushing you into the bathroom. 
She placed you in front of the sink, pulling your hair to make you look up. She grabbed something from on top of the sink and forced it into your mouth. You choked on the soap bar as she kept it in your mouth, the soap tasting horrible. 
You tried to push the soap bar out of your mouth, but Natasha stern hold made it impossible. 
As you kept choking on the soap, you started crying. The uncomfortable stretch of your mouth hurting as Natasha kept a firm grip on your hair. 
“I am you mother, and if you ever deny that again this will look like child’s play,” she spoke as she released your hair, allowing you to bend forward and spit the soap in the sink. You coughed and gagged as you tried to spit as much of the soap taste out, and you heard Natasha take a deep breath before she exited the bathroom, leaving you alone.
You cried silently as you continued coughing, missing the bathroom door opening and closing again. You felt Natasha’s hand on you back, rubbing soothingly as she shushed you. 
“It’s okay, detka,” she said as she gently grabbed your chin, turning your face to her as she guided a glass of water up to your mouth. “Here you go, sweetie. Is that better?” she asked as she helped you drink.
You nodded slightly as you forced yourself to stop crying. 
Natasha smiled sweetly at you as she hugged you, rubbing you back in circles gently. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day, don’t you?” she questioned as she pulled back from the hug, gently cupping your cheeks in her hands. 
You nodded again, and Natasha gently kissed your tears away before placing a loving kiss on your forehead. 
“Come on,” she said as she grabbed your hand, leading you downstairs. Your favourite snack was waiting on the counter, with a cup of your favourite tea next to it. “I don’t like it when we fight,” Natasha said suddenly, leading you over to the barstool and guiding you to sit on it.
“Let’s not fight anymore, okay, sweetheart?” 
You wanted to yell at her. Tell her she is the reason you were mad in the first place. You wanted to hit and beat her until she would let you go, but you couldn’t. 
Instead, you simply nodded, allowing her to give you another kiss on your forehead before she walked to the counter, turning her back to you. You didn’t want to speak to her, but somehow, not saying anything made you feel worse. 
“When can I go outside?” you asked quietly before you took a bite of your snack. 
“That’s something for another day. Maybe when the weather is a bit better,” Natasha replied shortly, clearly trying to avoid the question. 
“I had another surprise in mind. One that I think you’ll enjoy very much.”
That caught your attention. No matter how upset you may have been at her, you could never ignore your curiosity. You needed to know what she had in mind. “What?” you questioned, and Natasha turned to you with a smile. She placed a device in front of you. It was a tablet. One that you’d been saving for for a while. 
A few months ago, you decided you wanted an ipad, but the prices were too high, and you were too broke. You had started saving for it, but you never managed to reach your savings goal before you were... well.... kidnapped. 
You looked at the ipad before looking up at Natasha. She smiled at you, and you couldn’t help but smile back slightly as well.
“Aren’t you gonna try it out?” Natasha asked as she saw your hesitance to reach for it. You looked at her, trying to see if it was a trap, but when you decided it wasn’t, you carefully reached for the ipad box.
When you held it in your hands, you couldn’t help but smile. 
You slowly unpacked it, scared you’d drop it. When you finally held the device in your hand, you excitedly turned it on. 
“I know we’ve had our differences, but this past week was just an adjustment period,” Natasha smiled as she took a step closer to you. “I love you,” she said as she placed a tender kiss on your forehead, lingering a little longer than before.
You didn’t pull your head away, and Natasha used that opportunity to hold you a little longer. 
“Thank you…” you quietly said, and Natasha pulled back as she cupped your cheeks. She smiled warmly at you.
“It is my absolute pleasure, malyshka.” 
chapter 4
tags: @carol-romanoff @simp-erformarvelwomen @clintsbigtoe @olsenmyolsen @leenasayeed @naslt @dvrkhcld @daddyshuri @wandanatsbaby @alphalesbianwolffoxdragontribrid @blackhill2245 @natsbraids @natsxwife
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thebadjoe · 8 days
Wow! It's been a long while, but it's finally here! DRDT Chapter 2 is back with part 2 starting since more than a week ago!
...Oh? What's that? There's some reveals that is damaging my theory and I should get to fixing? Awwww, man.... what a drag.... I am so doomed... nanchatte!
Anyways, hi! It's me, the dude who makes-overly-complex-and-ridiculously-long-theories-in-the-hopes-of-trying-to-solve-the-murder-case-that-not-many-people-agree-with-for-more-reasons-than-my-theory's-word-count. (Okay, the last part about the reasons is probably not true... yet!)
I am back yet again with some more updates regarding my theory.
Woah! Calm down, imaginary self that is under the impression that some people were way too overwhelmed by my latest part of the theory post! You have nothing to worry about!
It would be silly of me to rewrite all of it again with some small changes. I will of course link up my part 5 later as source of reference, but really, all I'm gonna be doing here today is point out the newest problems with my theory ever since episode 12 and 13 and give my personal thoughts on those.
Also, to make sure that people hasn't forgotten what I've been all about since the beginning, I will do a short recap of my theory, displaying only what's most relevant to the murder case.
Besides, ain't no way I'm writing something this long ever again (except for maybe trying to solve the future chapters, but that's a matter for the far future).
With that said, I feel obliged to point out that this is spoilers for the fangan Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2, up until episode 13.
With that out of the way, let's get to it!
Hey look! I still remember how to use that show more button again, hurray! (I'm really sorry again to @1moreff-creator and everyone else who's been reading my very first posts last year that didn't have a show more button)
So, first things first, I'd like to apologize in advance because as amazing the episode 12 and 13 were, I will not be doing a reaction post of said episodes. I think I'm just too lazy to actually display my whole stream of consciousness through two whole videos and I think it is safe to say that practically all of us had a very similar reaction to those episodes.
...right? Yeah! I thought so! :D
Although I may not be showing proper and precise reactions to these episodes, if you're interested, I'd definitly recommend reading @venus-is-thinking 's, reactions on episode 12 and episode 13, @1moreff-creator 's reactions on episode 12 and episode 13 and @accirax 's reactions on episode 12 and episode 13. They're pretty good reads (and no, I'm not just saying this because they all believe that Eden is the culprit, I swear!).
And for those who are totally blind or new to my shenanigans, yes, I do believe that Eden is the culprit behind this murder case.
There is indeed a few problems that arose ever since the latest episodes, so to make sure that everyone is up to speed with what I'm gonna be talking about, I'm now going to be doing a short recap of the events, according to me.
DAY 1 : The day where everyone receives their mixed up secrets and explore the second floor. DAY 2 : The day where the attempted murder on Ace happened. DAY 3 : The day where Whit suggests David to chill for the evening in the relaxation room. DAY 4 : The day (morning) of the body discovery announcement.
Ever since Arei bullied Eden who then cried and exited the playground on DAY 2, that was what triggered Eden to decide to commit murder for the sake of escaping this hellish killing game. Knowing that her secret is that she kissed a girl, I deduced that she's probably trying to escape because she misses her beloved dearly.
So while she was off screen during most of that day, she spent time making plans for the murder set up and narrative, which is why she decided to share Arturo's secret (as seen in the flashback).
During the evening of DAY 2, Ace was working out in the gym, then he hears a conversation happening between David and Arei in the relax room. The conversation that Ace was quietly listening to did not happen in the evening of DAY 3, but rather the evening of DAY 2. Ace lied about when he was listening to that conversation.
At some point during the conversation or perhaps even after the conversation, Eden sneaks up on Ace and knocks him out with the turpentine that anyone could've gotten access to that day. Ace is Eden's chosen murder victim.
Sometime later, Eden eitheir used a letter or called out Arei's name to lure her into the playground or somewhere close to knock her unconscious with that very same turpentine. She then moves Arei's body into the relaxation room to lock her up inside because of the specific nighttime rules regarding that room.
Eden also brought old spares of clothing to cover Arei's body to make sure she doesn't get stained with starch from the water misting formula from the relaxation room.
During the night of DAY 2, she prepares the murder mechanism in the gym with some needed tools from the storage room and some wire that she took out from possibly a grandfather clock that she may have in her dorm. I deduced it as such because of Whit's description of everyone's dorms being suited to their needs.
I also deduced that there is actually a switch to turn on and off the fans, which is important since the attempted murder involved the fans. As Eden finished setting it up, as she was about to clear up with evidence, she heard someone using the elevator.
She hid in the dress up room, then Nico enters the second floor, looking for Ace to kill him. As Nico explores the gym, Teruko shortly enters the elevator to get to the second floor as well.
Teruko, looking for her spares, runs into Eden, who was hidden in the dress up room. After some talk, they heard a loud noise coming from the gym, which they both take a look inside.
Upon seeing this mess of a crime, Eden realised that her murder plan failed and that she needs to come up with a plan B really quick. So while she is taking time to "process this emotionally", Teruko was investigating.
Eden finally comes up with a plan B and figured that she needed to get her hands on the roll of tape ASAP. She managed to do so with a sleight of hand when Ace "suddenly wakes up", knocking Eden out of the way, distracting Teruko in the process.
Later that night, Eden proceeds with her plan B by making a murder mechanism in the playground. She also took the rope from the storage room. Once it's all properly set up, all's left was waiting for the relaxation to unlock at 8:00 AM on DAY 3.
In the morning of DAY 3, she retrieves Arei's unconscious body and proceeds with murdering Arei. Then, she proceeds to conceal the body somewhat behind the curtains in the relaxation room. She also grabs her glove, her monopad and the necessary materials in the dress up room for the next step of her plan.
She spends the rest of the morning to prepare her disguise trick. Then during lunchtime, Eden spends a short amount of time disguised as Arei to hide the actual time of death.
Once lunchtime is over, she returns to eitheir her or Arei's dorm to remove the disguise, spend time cleaning up, relax, power nap, etc. Then, during the evening of DAY 3, she spends time with Hu to fabricate her perfect alibi.
Later that evening, David explores the relaxation room. That's when he notices something wrong with the room and becomes the first person to discover Arei's dead body.
For some personal reasons, David brings the body back into the playground and hangs it by the swingset. Eitheir he or Eden (earlier in the morning) balls up the clothes and hides it in the closet of the dress-up room. Then, in the morning of DAY 4, David grabs everyone's attention to the fact that Arei is missing right before the secrets reveal. Then fast forward a bit, then we get the BDA of Arei
And there ya go, that's my recap regarding how I believe the murder case happened. Pretty short, eh?
Eh... I guess I couldn't really make it that shorter, my bad! If I tried to make it any shorter than that, it would've been extremely confusing.
Ah! Speaking of which, if you're confused in the sense that it feels like none of this should work at all, and there's a lot of contradictions and whatnot, then I would heavily recommend reading my actual theory post. I am not going to spend time refuting with people in the comments about points I've already pointed out in my previous post.
However, if there are things that are unclear to you, things that you do not understand and want to know what I'm talking about, please, feel free to ask away! I will help in any way I can.
With that out the way, I guess I can now start with pointing out the pr-
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Ah... yeah... that! Of course! That's not a problem!
Let's talk about it first, shall we? :D
I'd like to come clean with something, everyone. Ever since I came up with the theory that murder happened at a totally unexpected time, there was something that was constantly bothering me.
That's right, I was very well aware of the body swing happening during the BDA ever since the beginning.
HUH?! Then all this time, you wrote all of this despite knowing that?!
Correct! I'm really sorry about that, but please, understand that I had a very good reason for it. For you see... everytime I saw it, I was often under the impression that this was simply an eerie effect / animation, to give a more dramatic intensity towards the BDA, without meaning anything. I legit thought it could be a thing, I swear!
But despite all that... I couldn't help but feel uneasy about it. Deep down, I felt like that maybe there was an actual meaning to it, maybe it was an actual clue that I shouldn't disregard. But I figured that because of my theory beliefs, then it would be rather unlikely that it would be used as evidence.
But alas, I was wrong about that. The body swing plays a very important rule in determining what happened in this murder case. I cannot deny that fact, especially since Teruko brought it up, plain as day. Despite it seeming like it damages my theory, I'm thankful that the dev finally cleared that little doubt I had since then.
Then you admit it, the murder actually happened in the mor-
Oh, not so fast! Let's not jump to conclusions just yet, alright? Arei's body swinging by the swing set doesn't quite exactly prove that the murder occured during the morning of DAY 4. The body swing only proves that someone messed with the body by the swingset.
W-What?! That doesn't make sense! The murder clearly happened in the morning of DAY 4!
Nuh-uh, not quite. You believe it clearly happened in the morning because that's what the cast concluded on top of Charles pointing out that the culprit could've clearly fake the time of death by saving the fishes for later.
But unless we have decisive evidence that the murder happened in the morning, we can't be 100% sure that the murder happened in the morning of DAY 4.
From the looks of it, you just seem very desperate, if you ask me.
At first, when episode 12 released, I kind of was... up until I figured out a fairly logical solution to it. That's right! I have a way to explain who made the body swing and why.
You're not going to suggest that David did all of what he supposedly did in the evening of DAY 3, but instead in the morning of DAY 4, right?!
Nope! Not at all. Disregarding the facts that it wouldn't really make sense and that he'd have to move the body out of the relax room anyways before nighttime (because of the water misting rules), David actually has an alibi in the morning of DAY 4.
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(As does Veronika too as she was with them in the cafeteria)
With all of these reasons mentioned above, as much as I initially wanted to make it somehow possible that David came back to the crime scene to mess with the body somehow, it just isn't possible.
So instead, someone else did it.
Then out with it already, you staller! Who is it?!
There is only one possible candidate that would make the most sense in that scenario : Eden. Eden is the person who messed with Arei's body in the morning of DAY 4.
That's what I initially thought at first, not gonna lie. But then... something hit me : Eden doesn't have an alibi for the morning of DAY 4 eitheir.
I thought that there would be absolutely no need for Eden to come back to the crime scene a certain short amount of time before the BDA, so instead, I needed to reverse my way of thinking.
What could she possibly aim to do that would prompt her to come back to the crime scene last minute?
Considering the facts (based on my theory, mind you) that she killed Arei in the morning of DAY 3, hid the body somewhere in the relaxation room, built up an evening to night alibi with Hu and that David was the first person to discover it during the evening, there is a simple explanation behind it.
Arei's BDA was meant to be triggered much earlier than the morning of DAY 4. The original intent behind this whole scheme was to have the BDA trigger during the evening of DAY 3.
That doesn't make sense!
No, that's wrong! It does make a whole lot of sense. Think about it. Let's say you were a participant in this killing game and were in David's shoes during the evening of DAY 3... you come across a dead body in the relaxation, what would you do?
That's right, you wouldn't just mess with the body and move it somewhere else, now would you? Aside from freaking out, the most natural and human thing to do would be to gather help.
If it were anyone else than David who discovered the body in that exact scenario, they would cry out for help, tell everyone that they found Arei dead inside the relaxation room, which would then result in a body discovery announcement.
But what if the person who found the body were to personally ask for Hu's and Eden's help, wouldn't that ruin her plan since it wouldn't trigger the BDA?
There's an easy solution to that. Eden could've simply decided to find more people to share the news to meet up with the corpse. This wouldn't ruin her plan in the slightest.
Quite the opposite, actually. If the body were to be discovered and trigger the BDA during the evening, it would solidify her air tight alibi even further as she wouldn't have any possible timeframe to commit murder in the evening as she was spending time with her friend Hu.
Ugh, so what? It didn't really happen anyways because of David being David! That doesn't change anything!
Actually, it does change things considerably. If you put yourself in the culprit's perspective where the whole intent was to have the body discovery happen in the evening of DAY 3 and that during the whole night, nothing happened, you would certainly find that very strange.
The culprit would be clearly confused, yet really curious to find out what even happened.
Couldn't she have taken a look much later during the night?
Perhaps, but she figured it would've been pointless. The reason why is that if she thought that nobody found the body, then the body would've still remained hidden in the relaxation room which would then be currently locked away because of the water misting.
So instead of checking it out during the late night of DAY 3, Eden decided to investigate during the very early morning of DAY 4, sometime past 7:30 AM.
But the relaxation room is still locked up until 8:00 AM! Why not wait until then?
It's simple! She just wanted to be there a little bit in advance to make sure she can enter the room as early as possible. And so... while she is waiting for the relaxation room to unlock, she probably figured that she should take a look around the other rooms, why not?
And thus, that leads to Eden finding the body being hung by the swingset, alongside fishes scattered around the floor for some reason.
To reconfirm, I still believe that David is the first person who discovered Arei's dead body in the relaxation room and that he's responsible for hanging her body alongside placing those fishes by the playground.
Okay, Eden discovers that the body has been moved to the playground? What now? Everything's already in place, so what could she possibly do with the dead body?
Well, since the BDA was not triggered on the evening of DAY 3, she figured that she may as well put Arei's monopad back into the corpse's pockets.
But what about her missing glove? Why didn't she return that as well if she wanted to return her monopad?
That's a good point, that's for sure. But there are two easy fixes to this counter argument. First one being that she simply forgot about the gloves. No one's really perfect, after all. She was so concerned about the body not being discovered yet that this completly slipped her mind.
The second fix would be that it would've been way too risky to try to retrieve the glove. Maybe initially, Eden, after she removed her disguise, she placed the clothes and the glove back into Arei's dorm. So if she wanted to retrieve the glove, she'd have to return to Arei's room, unlocking it with a monopad that isn't her own.
Would she really risk that again after making this much progress without getting caught so far? Like imagine if she tried to take that risk one last time only to get caught, that would be quite the devastating result, wouldn't it?
Ok, fine. Nevermind the gloves. Is that all she did?
Pretty much, yeah. She returned the monopad back into her pockets, which moved the body somewhat.
Well, it's also possible that she tripped and moved the body even more by accident. Or perhaps she felt like she was in such a hurry to avoid getting found out that she accidently bumped into Arei's dead body.
...Are you kidding me? There's no way that's gonna be enough to move the body for this long!
Well... maybe her being there at exactly 7:30 AM is not the exact time. She could've been there a couple minutes before 8:00 AM, which could make this possible.
But that's ridiculous! There's no way Eden is strong enough to make the body swing that way. To make the body swing for a good amount of time, she'd need more than just accidently bumping into the body! It needs considerable force.
And I'll stop you there. If you've read my last theory post, you should know by now that I'm a firm believer that because it's a work of fiction, anything that seems unlikely can become possible.
The main thing we should take from Arei's body swinging during the BDA is that at some point in time during the morning, someone messed with the body, proving that someone was there during the morning of DAY 4.
And there you go, that's my whole explanation as to how Arei's body was swinging during the BDA that doesn't necessarily mean that the murder occured during that exact morning.
If you're not quite convinced yet, there is a certain part of my theory that begins to make a lot more logical sense with this solution in mind. Take a look at this!
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Thanks to the solution I suggested, these two lines become a lot more fitting to my updated theory. Here's why!
If Eden were to explore and find the body hanging by the swing set during the morning of DAY 4, she would know that at least 1 person found the body, but not who exactly.
Because of Whit's silly comment, Eden immediatly thought of the body in the playground and jumped to the worst conclusion : Whit is the person who found the body first.
So if they were to open the door to the playground, the BDA would not trigger since Eden is the culprit. So in a moment of panic, Eden uttered : "Teruko, wait--".
It is still pretty much the same as what I had in mind according to the previous part of my theory post, except that it works a whole lot better now that Eden personally saw the actual state of the dead body in the morning of DAY 4.
So there you have it. This seemingly major problem for my theory actually turned out to be very beneficial for my theory after all! Ah, the joys of making logical sounding deductions! My theory should be saf-
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Oh, you mean this?
Oh no, this murder mechanism is different from mine and this one requires a certain amount of strength that Eden possibly doesn't have! And the fishes! Since they brought it up, then there's no way my theory can work! Whatever shall I do??? It's joever.... just kidding!
I don't mean to alarm you guys, but the current proposed murder mechanism idea actually has flaws. Let's talk some more about the murder mechanism in the playground, shall we? :)
Before I get into it, I'd like to remind everyone that just because we've been shown how the murder may have been done for the first time means that's how it actually happened. Let's not forget that they spent so much time arguing and discussing about the secrets that they barely ever talked about the murder case in itself.
So if anything, episode 13 is practically just them beginning their actual work! Mistakes are bound to happen. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Besides, there is actually a problem with this murder mechanism.
I'll present it to you in pictures to show you what I'm talking about.
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The taped up wrists. This was practically the decisive proof that this wasn't a suicide nor could it have been an assisted suicide. So now that they've introduced a murder mechanism in an actual episode... what's actually the point of the taped wrists in that scenario?
If the culprit used exactly this kind of murder mechanism, then there would be absolutely no need to tape up her wrists together.
Maybe it was to stop Arei from trying to struggle?
Nope. If that was the case, we would've seen much more signs of struggle coming from Arei. There may be scuffs on the ground, but there's absolutely no other form of injury on Arei aside from her broken neck.
Well, I saw a theory where the accomplice was Levi and he could've easily overpower her!
(I believe that was something that @1moreff-creator theorized, if I recall? At least, that was the theory pre part 2)
It used to be borderline possible, but not this time anymore! Thanks to the first two episodes of part 2 of chapter 2, it seems extremely unlikely that Levi wanted to work with the culprit as an accomplice.
Not only because of what we find out regarding his secret, what kind of character he is, but also because of something he said in episode 12.
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I don't know about you, but this doesn't look like something an accomplice would say at all, right? If the culprit was someone who didn't have an alibi in the evening, it would be a different story, but the most fitting theory for having Levi work as an accomplice is to work for Eden, who happens to have an alibi in the evening as you already know.
So since we gotta take Levi out of the equation, then we don't really have much other possible candidates who could've easily overpower Arei to the point where taping up her wrists would've helped better on that regard.
Therefore, the most logical solution would be that Arei was knocked unconscious with the turpentine. But since that's the most likely scenario, then what's up with the taped wrists?
If the taped wrists weren't used to prevent any remote chance for Arei to try to get out of this situation, then it must've been used as part of the murder mechanism.
But since the murder mechanism as shown by Teruko doesn't explain the taped up wrists whatsoever, then this becomes a discrepancy. Therefore, that can't be quite the correct answer to solving the how this murder mechanism works.
And since this murder mechanism idea is flawed, it also means that there's no guarantee that the jugs contained fish water inside, they could've simply gathered water somewhere else or perhaps there jugs were already filled with clean water to begin with.
Because this murder mechanism idea is flawed, there's no guarantee that the culprit used this method which required some unknown amount of strength, but an amount of strength regardless (unless the author wants to pass it off as anyone could've done it since it's easier to do it by spinning it, I'm not sure).
Because of that flaw, my theory isn't affected by the murder mechanism idea that Teruko suggested since there is no guarantee that this is the correct answer.
So yeah, there's no problem whatsoever! Also, as far as I'm aware, since the release of the latest episodes, I have a very logically sound reason to explain the taped up wrists as shown in part 5 of my theory.
To give you a small reminder, it was for something like this!
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(Whole murder mechanism not properly shown in the drawing because I'm lazy as heck, but just take a close attention to the arms)
By having Arei's arms go between the pillars of the seasaw, you can make it so that she can't get out of it by taping her wrists together, which plays an important role in the murder mechanism. Not going to elaborate further, if you want to know more, you gotta read the big post right there!
And there you have it! Those were the two main concerns that could've negatively affect my theory, but fortunately for me, it doesn't. In fact, it supports it even more than before.
Especially regarding the David / Arei conversation flashback (shown from David's memory's perspective). This conversation told us a lot more between these two, do you know what that means?
That's right! It means that Ace is full of shit! There's no way he didn't hear anything else. The only way he could've not hear anything else is if he gets snuck up from behind and gets knocked out with the turpentine, but it could've easily simply been Ace witholding that information to make David look more suspicious.
Therefore, if he lied about this, he could've also easily lied about when he actually overheard that conversation for his own selfish gains!
There's also a few couple other points that could further support my theory, but I don't feel like going over every single little detail as of now. I mainly wanted to solve these two issues and nothing else.
So, DRDTers, I need to ask you the following : Do you still believe that I am delusional with this overly complex theory of mine? :)
Thanks for reading another one of my big posts, as usual!
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urfavsecretgirl · 1 month
can we all agree that arctic monkeys are definitly one of the best today's artists ever? and here are so many reasons
their music taste - they are inspired by amazing artists, such as the beatles, rolling stones, the strokes, etc.
sound - in every album, they have different sound. and they clearly don't care about what other people want them to do yet they do what they like. their first album being a prog punk, garage rock. and you can feel how it looks like being a teeanger. then fwn being a little more heavier indie rock sound. then you have humbug, dark, witchy, psychedelic. and it's giving harry potter vibes sm. sias being like you are in wild west during christmas time. really melancholic, soft indie rock, but again psychedelic sound. i love it sm. am being sexy, cool. like you are 80s rockstar writing your love diary. tbhc being atmospheric, really david bowie influenced. like you are in 80s sci-fi movie, having a great time in some luxury hotel, at night. and at the end, you have the car. really funky, soft melancholic sound. which makes you feel like you are at the balcony, in the middle of spring. it's sunny day. and you are smoking on balcony thinking about your past and future.
lyrics - i mean, we all know that alex is amazing songwriter. and even better than that. look at the lyrics of tbhc. also alex's work in submarine. knee socks, etc. he is really creative
about fame and awards - they NEVER CARED about being famous, getting awards, etc. i already mentioned that they don't care about what people want from them yet they do what they like. so basiclly, they give 0 fcks about people's opinions about their music. it's like "you like what you like. everyone has different taste". and that's what i REALLY love about them as a artist. they live for music, they make music for themselves, not for others. and that's why they don't care about awards too. i mean, they only ince attended grammys while being nominated multipate times in different years. alex's speech for brit awards 2014 says enough. also, 3 out of four members never used social media so that says enough (again)
alex's vocals - ok, he is not the best singer but again his vocals are really good. and the way they change in every album
instrument skills - they are good tho, but not the best. also matt during pretty visitors>>>>>>
creativity - very similar to theme about them changing sounds. you can see that they are really creative about it
they are unique, specific, and iconic rock band. and no one can change my mind.
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nothingtherefornow · 9 months
About Evil teenagers antagonists in Miraculous
I currently wonder how can some fans still want a redemption for somoene like Chloé who willingly hurt people just because that's was her definition of "fun".
Why not accept Chloé as somoene evil ? Just because she's 14 years old ? Just because Gabriel was worst than her doesn't take away the fact that Chloé is a truly bad person who has the potential to become as evil, if not worse than Gabriel while growing up.
Even in real life, adults are not the only ones who are capable of cruelty and crimes. If only adults were capable of monstrosity, I wouldn't have 14-year-olds killing each other with callache nikoffs in the drug trafficking districts of my city. we wouldn't have young people beating up little ones and pushing others to suicide and absolutely not regretting their actions. And we wouldn't have stories to raise eyebrows about kids capable of committing murder and acts of torture without necessarily having been abused in their lives.
To me, anyone who loves to make others suffer for their own sick pleasure (and their victims are people who objectively don't deserve such cruelty) has serious mental issues and can be a danger to others.
Both Chloé and Lila love to make others people suffer or don't care about hurting innocents, and they certainly don't feel any empathy for anyone, or in Chloé's case, no longer feel any empathy (she may have felt sympathy and empathy for Adrien at some point, like during the episode Felix in season 3, but that's definitly no longer the case as soon as Adrien asked her to stop being a biatch). Maybe Lila may feel a form of attachment toward her mothers, yet that doesn't stop her from manipulating them and fooling them in a way that's pretty cruel if you dig deeper in Lila's scale of truancy and imposterization.
I know that technically when a 14 year old kid behaves like Lila and Chloé we could say to ourselves that it is unfair to give them no chance and to condemn them when they are only 14-15 years old and could change for the better if they could be guided on the right path.
But Miraculouse is a show in which the superheroes with the fate of the world in their hands are 14 year old kids. And as such in this fictitious reality, other 14 year olds are perfectly likely to become real cruel and threatening villains i without any scruples, especialy if they are influenced by the wickedness of an adult supervillain.
And I believe that Gabriel's evilness only made Chloé's and Lila's wickedness worse.
He put those two girls in positions of power where they could hurt others and act according to their darkest and Manichean impulses. And Lila and Chloé would only want more taste of that power to crush others. And you know how power easilly corrupt the most greedy hearts.
On several occasions, Gabriel even approved of Lila and Chloe's horrible plans and actions. He has encouraged Lila on numerous occasions to "get rid of" Marinette, thus giving the impression that he supports Lila's jealousy, and during collusion he will have the nerve to say that Chloé's ideas, which consist literally ruining the academic future of your classmates and putting your pregnant teacher in jail for no good reason are good ideas. Having a rich adult in a position to approve of their actions in this way will only have given Lila and Chloe the feeling that their acts of cruelty and malice are justified, and thus reinforced their evil nature.
On several occasions we have seen Chloe and Lila voluntarily let themselves be akumatized, and worse than that, we have seen them plan to be akumatized (Chloe in Penalteam, and Lila in Revelation) and not for understandable reasons like that of a desperate Jalil brainwashed by lies on social media. Because Lila and Chloe have only ever been motivated by their narcicism, their ego, and their desire to get revenge on people they hate for the most pettiest, vain and selfish reasons possible.
Lila and Chloé may be kids, but they are evil teenagers, because they would gladly become supervillain if that means getting what they want. And what they want is anything but noble. For their selfish goals, Lila and Chloé were willing to endanger the city they live in and all its inhabitants. I don't even know if I can still call Lila and Chloé kids or teenagers, with how far they're willing to go and hurt people for the sake of their ambitions.
Although there's still the possibility that Lila may be an adult with a youngfull appearance or a hormonal abnormality making her look like a teenager when she could be an adult. But that would risk making her a pedophile so I don't think the show will go that far ^^ At most they could give her the same as Théo Barbot
But an antagonist adult would be needed then to balance an antagonist teenager supervillain.
Good thing we still have Tomoe Tsurugi then
It's tragic that Chloé and Lila wickedness and evilness could be due to serious mental issues or Chloé's bad upbringing, and the show may have decided that it's more important to protect others from the harm Chloé and Lila can cause rather than to prioritize "helping" them with their issues. Both Marinette and Adrien proposed another path for Chloé to chose, one that could have helped her heal from the emotional and mental wounds her mother's abandonment and neglect. Chloé instead chose Hawkmoth's/Monarch
Ladybug offered Lila her friendship, and Adrien also offered Lila to be there for her as long as she didn't hurt those he loved. Yet both Lila and Chloe voluntarily chose to continue committing bad deeds and hurting others, regardless of the fact that someone reached out to them and offered them another path to get love, acknowledgement and recognition from people. Adrien and Marinette don't have to sacrifice their mental health for people who wish them harm, so I understand very well that it wasn't and won't be their priority to help Chloé and Lila find potential redemption. And especially when Lila and Chloe seem determined to refuse to change and continue to cling to their wickedness.
It should be the adults responsabilities to deal with Chloé and Lila issues, and unfortunatelly the adults in Miraculous are pretty lousy and incompetents. It's very tragic when we don't know that one kid is a psychopath, and if another has always gotten away with his narcissistic behavior disorder and nothing had ever been done to help them deal with that issue, that only leaves the opportunity for the seed of evil in these kids to germinate and flourish, and then reach the level of nastiness that is more often found in adults.
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2much4me-4ever · 21 days
I can't get over how (intentionally) brilliant the lines from God Games are.
Apollo [I]
Athena apeals both to his reason ("they tried to do him worse") and his personal priorities ("the'yll thread with caution first", "sing another verse") as the god of arts, giving him both a solid argument and a scapegoat so he doesn't seem to shallow
Hephaistos [II]
Hephaistos is bothered by Odysseus betrail, and one of the most popular story's he is involved in is the betrail through Aphrodite's infidelity (she's his wife, in some versions), and being thrown from the Olymp becourse he was too 'ugly', only regaining respect for his craftsmanship.
Plus the wordgames!! ('trust is forged' and 'build a future')
(((Also, his voicing(?) just perfect. He seems to heave, and the voice sound a little mechanic? which could be playing into the disabillity he is sometimes portrayed to have)))
Aphrodite [III]
She hold a grudge against Odysseus for breaking his mothers heart, showing both her petty side and portraying her as a godess of all love. Additionally, we can't forget that this was shortly after the Trojan war, which she technically started by winnig a competition against Athena and Hera, so there is definitly bad blood between the two. (Still, a little dissapointing)
Ares [IV]
Brilliant! Part!
Ares and Athena are both rivals as the god of war and the godess of (battle) strategie, and their connection is portrayed perfectly by her challenging chant of his name at the beginning of his part!
He also doesn't really cares a lot more about the 'cowordly' tactics of Odysseus (Athena), which lessen the brutality and bloodshed of war. The vocalisation of ["didn't even TRY TO KILL SKYLLA"] is just *chefs kiss* (Still, he is a god of the people, and of armies and rebellion as a whole, so it makes sense for him to rafe at Odysseus betrail rather than the groups.
[Hera] V
Hera just Rocked
The motherly vibes, the royal tone. (One person on Tumblr said Athena listed traits of Zeus ["He's kind of funny","Eh"] to make Hera think of him before delivering the last (and first) blow, which sound plausible, but idk) There is not much to say, so straight toooo
Zeus [+I]
I think it's safe to say Athena knew (or at least guessed) her father woudn't be satisfied if he won. Zeus is made to portray a King, and those are predictable and prideful. She must have known beforehand he would let her 'play a game' or challenge something of her, and that he would be able to take that hit to his pride.
I think she gambeled that, while he coudn't just balantly favour her, or let her hurt his pride, a begging, (maybe half dead) daughter would be enough for his role to allow him to take mercy on her.
(Especally when all the other important gods are present)
(Not saying that he knew what she was up to, that guy definitly shat on her when he fired that lightning.)
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jessjad · 6 months
I came across your story Unexpected and I reeeeaaaally love it! So I went to your Masterlist and saw that you just started posting things recently and I could not believe it. Your story is so good and got me hooked right away. Did you really just start writing a few monts ago? And will we get more from you in the future? 💞💓
Hey lovely anon!
First off: thanks so much for your kind words! So happy to hear that you like Unexpected so far. This really made my day! 💕
To answer your questions, I only started to write stuff here in english recently. It's not my native language. But I started to write fanfiction in early 2011. 🙈 Oh boy, I feel so old now. 🤣
And yes! You'll definitly will get more from me in the future. I'm actually working on two One Shots, one for Dean and one for Jensen. And the next chapter of Unexpected will be coming out soon for you guys, too. 😊
But the questions are really interesting. So, I'm tagging some other writers and maybe they wanna tell their 2 cents, too.
No pressure tags:
@smellingofpoetry @zepskies @spnexploration @talltalesandbedtimestories @k-slla
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yuesya · 8 months
Wil Shiki take part in the next Exchange Event? And if she partakes would there be any Special rules for her regarding her using knifes/ weapon on people? I mean it would not be out of the ordinary, afteral she could cryple/ kill people with Just one Slash. It would also bei cool if the Exchange event is what turns Aikawa Ruri arround. And I want to say I really enjoy her character. She is definitly a difficult person to be arround, since she dosn't seem to be able to handle the pressure of beeing a sorcerer Well. And are you going to reveal what happened to her that she hates Clan sorcerers?
Shiki will be participating in an exchange event, but not the one that takes place this year as a first year student. The reason why the Tokyo first years were brought into it in canon was because they needed the extra numbers when the third years got suspended; the third years in zenith of stars right now are doing fine haha. From what I recall, it's supposed to be an event specifically for second and third year students.
Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru's exchange events must've been An Experience.
Glad you're having fun with Aikawa! Yes, we'll be touching more on Aikawa's backstory in the future; she's not a bad person at heart, even though her attitude towards Shiki has been rather prickly thus far due to (hand waves) various reasons.
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ladylamrian · 7 months
Forever Royal 🌹💍
Female Main Character: Alexis (Alex)
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder (Royalty × Commoner)
Summary: After the death of the duke, Lord Elric, Lady Alexis Clarissa Fontaine had to become the new duchess in a very young age.
Word Count: 5.7K words
Rating: Lightly Mature (Drama, Romance, Angst)
Warnings: Royal Drama ; lightly naked ; Commoner against High Class ; attempt of seduction/abuse (nothing harsh)
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @liviusofpella ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @choicesficwriterscreations and whoever wants to join...
Comments via Reblog wholeheartly welcome
Author's note: It was supposed be a Women's Day Prompt: Powerful Woman for @choicesmonthlychallenge , but now I'm unsure if it even turned out well enough
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Nik Ryder's face was all smiles as he entered the fae royal palace of Lamrian where he had been invited by his girlfriend, Lady Alexis Clarissa Fontaine, the new duchess of Lamrian.
The young duchess had all the power now in her hands. But Nik was a little worried that she might forget about him. But he pushed those thoughts aside. Once inside he walked up to a pair of guards.
"I'm looking for Alex... I mean Duchess Alexis."
One of the royal guards looked him over up and down for a moment.
"Are you her boyfriend, sir?"
"Yes, I am.", he confirmed.
After a minute the door opened and Alex approached him. Although now she wore a dress of light silk embroidered with threads of gold. She now the new duchess of Lamrian, but the woman in front of him was still the same Alex he had always known. With her hair in a braid tied with a ribbon, she looked at him with a smile that made him catch his breath. She hugged him back tightly, the smell of her perfume, her skin, her embrace filled his head.
Nik pulled back a bit and looked at her affectionately.
"I'm so very happy for you. You look stunning in that dress, even more so now that you're a duchess.", he kissed her in her cheek and grabbed her hand.
"I'm glad you're here, Nik."
"Of course I'm here, my love.", the young man gazed at her with admiration and desire. Then he hugged her tightly.
She was all smiles and leaned in, kissing him on his soft lips. Then the two started strolling inside the palace while Alex kept holding Nik's hand the whole time.
"This is all thanks to you, you know. If you hadn't been by my side supporting me all the time, I don't know what I would have done. You're the one who united me with my home. You're the one who found my long lost home and my father. I wish he would be alive now. He would have been so happy to see me as Lamrian's newest duchess.", she seemed emotional and very grateful towards her lover.
"I'll always be there for you, my love.", he raised her palm and planted a sweet kiss on it.
"Yes, babe."
"Don't panick please, but...", she hestitated as if trying to find more courage to continue.
"What's the matter, love?"
"Nik, I'm a duchess now."
"Yeah, I know."
"I need to get married one day. Probably soon.", she wispered without meeting her lover's eyes.
"You what?!", Nik stopped his tracks and almost got pale. He watched her with a troubled look. "You can't be serious, darling?"
"Nik, don't you want to marry me?", she finally turned towards him, looking at him with sadness and hope.
"Because you once said you wouldn't be the man who wants to be bound in marriage, Nik."
He breathed hard for a second, and then he replied.
"Of course I want marry you, you're the love of my life. But I don't like what you're implying, that you don't consider me as your future husband?"
"Wait, what?? You want to marry be??!! Really?!!"
"Yeah, really. You changed my mind, rook. I can't imagine a life without you anymore and want to stay with you forever. And I definitly can't see you with anyone else than me. You're mine and I'm your's. I want to marry you one day. Not now, but someday.", he shyly confessed.
"Oh Nik!! You have no idea how happy I am to hear this. It's like a heavy stone has been lifted from my chest. Thank you, thank you, thank yoooouu. I love you!!!", she began to dance and twirled around him as if all her worries in the world disappeared.
"Love you too, my rook.", he chuckled as he saw her sweet reaction.
But then, she immediately stopped her little dance as she just remembered something ver, important and got serious now. "Then I have to convince the royal fae court for that."
Nik smiled and laughed a little. "There's no need to worry about it. They won't refuse the wish of their new duchess. Besides Lady Thalissa loves me. She knows about us, doesn't she?", he grinned, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Nik, it's just not normal for the other fae if their duchess is together with not only a human, but a nighthunter. You're a nighthunter, Nik!! You hunt supernatural creatures and well..."
Nik chuckled at her comment. "True, our relationship is a bit unconventional, my sweetheart. But I hope that doesn't matter to anyone."
"Uhhh...Well, I heard some of the court members trying to invite possible suitors for me", she got nervously answered while looking at the polished floors and then back at him.
Nik stopped for a second, his whole body tensed. "What do you mean? There are other people besides me who are interested in you? But don't they know that I'm your boyfriend? So that's why you asked me if I want to marry you, right?"
"Yes, I'm sorry. But you deserve to know about it now. I was just afraid, but I'm glad we're on the same page now.
Also, these other fae nobles just want marriage to strenghten their royal status. Nik, you're the one I truely want."
Nik couldn't help feeling jealous of the fact that other people were showing interest in his partner. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and then decided to talk without fear. He looked her in the eye with determination.
"Well, that's too bad for these suitors because I intend to marry you. Do you think I'm going to let them be with you? I won't let that happen, my queen."
"I knew I could count on you, my love. But please, no drama in front of the fae court. Try to impress them."
Nik then laughed softly.
"No drama, I promise. Let's just go and I'll do my best to impress them with my appearance and words."
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A few minutes later, they were introduced to the royal fae court. All of the eyes were set on them, analyzing Nik with his worn out leather jacket and the nighthunter weapons at his belt, and Alex with her glittery, golden dress. The suitors however, were looking at her and whispering something to each other. Their jealousy was not hidden at all. Alex got very surprised, didn't expected so many court members visiting her and asked the ones she knew about it.
"Those are potential suitors for you, my duchess.", one of the council members replied to her.
"Oh! They're here? Today?? Uhhh... Can't we postpone the meeting? I was about to present you Nik."
The room went silent and a few of the men gave him a disapproving look.
One of them stepped up and spoke. "Why? Is this man here our competition?"
One of the other men stepped forward as well to answer his question.
"No, he can't be a competition, he's not one of our rank. He's just a nighthunter."
Another fae man stepped forward in a loud and arrogant voice.
"Even worse! What are we going to do when we learn that he was with our duchess alone, what kind of things did they do? He's an outsider. A low-lander!! We cannot trust him, my duchess."
"Please, before I found out I was royalty, I was dating Nik. He's my boyfriend", Alex tried to defend him. Even Nik desperatly wanted to intervene and balled his hands into fists. He hardly couldn't stay silent any longer, but he didn't wanted to ruin Alex's reputation and remained quiet.
The men didn't seem to be convinced and one of them answered sarcastically.
"How can a commoner like him be with a duchess? I mean no offense your Highness, but he's no suitable husband."
Another royalty stepped forward and added something in a rude tone.
"Besides, what can he possibly offer? Money? Power? Status? Can he protect your kingdom? The answer is nothing."
"Nik saved my life from a bloodwraith. He truely loves me."
The men laughed at the answer, their smiles were filled with contempt.
"Love? You believe in these fairytales?"
"Well, my father, Lord Elric still loves my mother. This is no fairytale. Nik risked his own life for me against a deadly bloodwraith when I had nobody else and when everything seemed hopeless. He was there for me in the hardest times."
The men looked at each other and one of them said in disbelief.
"A deadly Bloodwraith? But how is he alive after that...".
"That doesn't matter, the point is that this man here has nothing to offer to you. Why don't you pick one of us instead? Like me?", one of the suitors said in a provocative tone, looking at Nik with condescension.
The other men laughed at his joke and some of them even joined him and started to make fun of him.
"Look at his worn out jacket, look at those weird weapons, those are not those of a knight of our fae kingdom."
"He probably spends all his time and money on hunting and killing useless monsters, right, boy?"
"You better shut your mouth or else...", he wanted to punch on the men, but Alex pulled him back, wanting to handle the situation by herself.
"See? This man is getting upset, he can't even control his emotions. He is not suitable for you, my lady."
"Nik and I dated before it got revealed that I was royalty. It proves that he's not after status and money. That he loves and respects me. With him, I'm happy."
"Your Grace, if you wish to take Mister Nik Ryder as your husband... Will he be ready to become our duke after getting married with our duchess?"
Nik seemed surprised and a little nervous at the sudden announcement.
"Wait, are you saying that if we get married I'll become a duke of Lamrian?"
"That's exactly the case. But as you probably know, there are several responsibilities that come with being a duke. Are you up to the task, mister?", the fae noble replied.
Nik was suddenly filled with many different emotions after the unexpected announcement. He thought about the responsibility and the burden that a such role would place on him. Then he looked at Alex as tears welled up in his silvery-gray eyes.
"If it means to be with the love of my life then... I would do it."
"Nik, are you sure? Look, we get married, but I can handle the duchy alone. You don't want to become a duke, right?", she intervened for his sake.
"Rook... I mean, my lady, it's impossible for you to handle a whole duchy all by yourself.
"Of course, I can rule over a duchy all by myself. I also have royal advisors and Thalissa by my side. Never underestimate the strenght of a woman."
"I know, you're strong. But that's still too much. I... I'll help you with anything. I promise. "
"Nik, you feel forced, don't you?", her girlfriend asked with concern.
Nik took a deep breath, trying to clear his thoughts. Then he answered truthfully.
"A little bit, to be honest. I mean I don't really want to be responsible for an entire duchy or fae colony. I would rather just protect its citizens as a nighthunter.", he chuckled softly, feeling a bit confused. "But, I guess I might be able to handle the position if I do it by your side. You could teach me how to rule the duchy and I could learn and adapt quickly. Don't you think?"
"I'm still learning myself, Nik", she confessed.
"I know, but you already know more than me. I'm sure that you'll teach me well. Besides, the council will be there to guide us too. We won't be alone. I think. I hope that.", he smiled, showing his supportive nature. But deep down he was nervous too. He would do anything for her, because he wouldn't bare to see her with someone else than him.
The suitors and the council kept trying to force Alex to choose them as her partner. But she remained firm on her conviction and kept repeating that she wanted no one else but Nik.
The men were getting frustrated and they decided to take things to the next level. Instead of arguing, they just tried to convince Alex by presenting her with a large amount of gold and luxury goods. They tried to impress her by showing her rings and diamonds, but she didn't look impressed.
One of them even decided to up the game and presented her a large diamond necklace. It was a very pretty necklace and she had to admit it looked very good, but she still remained true to her emotions and stayed faithful to her beloved Nik. It became clear that they had failed to impress her, and it didn't help that she was getting anxious from all the attention on her. The council and suitors were getting irritated now, they couldn't believe that she wasn't swayed by the expensive gifts. But the more desperate they got, the more Alex stayed true to her heart. She loved only Nik.
The council members lost a little faith in the process and were very irritated by the whole situation. One of the suitors then approached Alex and said loudly.
"What's wrong with you? Don't you understand that the man you want as your husband is just a simple night hunter, he has no position or power.
Why not just pick one of us? We can offer you many more things than he can.", he explained while the other fae suitors agreed and nodded their heads. Two other suitors kept looking at her, trying to influence her with their eyes.
"You royal faes just decided to hold a meeting in my palace without my approval. Please, postpone this. My original plan today was to spend some time with Nik", she let anger take control over her. The fae seemed taken aback by the decision of the young duchess. She was very annoyed by them.
"Your pardon my lady, but this meeting is of the utmost importance. You don't expect us not to choose a partner for you? We have to think of the best for the entire kingdom.", one of the council members replied.
"You're the new duchess, it is your responsibility to find yourself a noble husband. If you fail to do so we'll be forced to do the decision for you.", another one spoke.
"If you have children with him they won't be able to possess any of our strengths, they will be like ordinary humans. Do you really want that?"
After this statement Alex felt taken aback and disappointedly turned towards Nik who's eyes met her's too.
"Nik, you... you didn't wanted to have children, right?"
Nik was a bit concerned about her sudden comment and then replied.
"My Love, I don't oppose being a father. I would be willing to have children with you if you want that. It is your wish that matters to me. But I only ask that you would at least consider the council's words and hear them out. They have a point."
"Nik, I only want you."
Nik smiled, it warmed his heart that his beloved did not value powers more than her feelings towards him.
"It means that I would rather be with you and have a family with you. Royal powers will not be necessary for you or our future children as long as we have each other. You and me, Nik."
Of course the fae weren't happy with her decision and still tried desperatly to convince their young duchess.
This time, Nik showed annoyance since this matter was becoming too insistent. He didn't like his beloved being forced.
He interrupted and replied boldly.
"That's pure nonsense! You can train royal guards, hire bodyguards and nighthunters like me can hunt down beasts and other supernatural villains to protect the fae realm."
The council members looked at him with surprise as he openly rejected their advice. And even more because it was him, a simple nighthunter who had the courage to speak his mind openly.
Nik didn't seem to care about their attitudes and replied proudly
"You can deny the truth and it is still the truth. Powers are not necessary to keep the kingdom safe, with or without them you can be protected. Besides, this decision is about what makes us happy. Why should we be forbidden?"
The men in the room got angry and one of them finally spoke.
"You dare to challenge our rules? You dare to go against our traditions?
Do you think that by saying some empty words we will be convinced? These traditions have been around for generations. The powers are vital and it is our job to make sure she is protected and that the kingdom is safe. You, as a commoner cannot offer her those things."
"I'm the duchess and I order silence!", Alex, the woman with power almost screamed, not wanting to hear another bad insult about her lover.
The men were caught off guard by her sudden order and the room got quiet. They were astonished that the young duchess would dare to challenge their authority as they were also curious about what she would say next. But before she could say anything else, she lost her balace.
Nik rushed to her, held her by her shoulders trying to steady her and make sure she didn't fall or get hurt. The men in the hall stayed silent and looked worried.
"I... I... I want to rest. Let this meeting be held in another day. I need to think."
Seeing that his beloved's stress was getting too much, Nik couldn't help but agree with her.
"Sure my love, just take some rest and feel better. We can always deal with this meeting at a future day. Your health is more important."
The other men kept quiet but they tried to give Alex a sign asking her if this meant that she was willing to reconsider her decision and listen to them instead.
At this moment, Alex was too emotionally overwhelmed to answer the council. She felt like she was about to faint just from the pressure they were putting on her. But the only thing that mattered to her was Nik's love and support. She looked at him with tears in her eyes, grateful for everything he was doing for her.
"Nik, go back home and rest. I'll rest upstairs."
Nik was reluctant to leave her alone, but finally gave a nod and replied.
"Alright my dear, I'll go. Please take some rest and take care."
After Nik left the hall, the council had mixed emotions, as they had not expected the duchess to resist their orders. Some of the royals seemed irritated and frustrated that she did not agree with them, while others seemed impressed that she had the bravery to stand up for her beliefs.
But they all decided to hold the meeting for another day when she would be more receptive to their words.
"Council members, we will meet next time.", Alex declared.
They all nod in agreement, as they knew that this matter was not over and they would have to convince the new duchess one way or another. Then they parted ways to go do their own errands for the day. Only one person remained behind, the one suitors who still wanted to impress the duchess. He looked at her from his corner waiting for a chance to talk to her.
"Servant, lead me to my chambers. I need to rest.", she called for help as she saw one of her helpers appear.
"Yes madam, right this way.", a fae loyal servant immediately stepped forward and replied. The fae took Alex's hand and led her upstairs to her chambers. Once inside her bedchambers, the servant quickly exited and closed the door behind. Alex was now alone, she only had a few moments of peace before the suitors would be back to try and win her heart.
Alex was feeling tired and dizzy and sat down on her gigantic bed. She had a lot of thoughts in her head and she felt overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. She was glad that she at least now got to rest, but she was still worried that the suitors were going to convince her to change her mind and abandon Nik. She needed to calm down and to collect her thoughts
The young duchess felt extremly exhausted from the mental and emotional stress. She had a long and difficult day. She needed a bubble bath to relax and ease her body's tension. She took her dress off and let it fall to the ground. She looked at herself in the mirror and began to prepare for the bath.
While she was doing that, many thoughts flooded her mind. Was she making the right decision by choosing Nik over the rich and powerful suitors? Would her children lack the strength to protect themselves in this cruel world? Would they even get born healthy? She was very anxious and worried...
Her mind was now more at ease as she was feeling the relaxation of her bath. Her body was submerged in the soapy bubbles. She let her thoughts wander and then she started to wonder just how strong her love for Nik was. She felt that she loved him as much as he loved her. But she was also feeling anxious about their future together. She was worried that she might be doing the wrong thing by going against society's norms and marrying a commoner instead of marrying a royalty. If only her father, Lord Elric was alive or Thalissa returned back from her trip, both would have definitly supported her and Nik. They would do anything for Alex and her happiness.
The soap and bubbles were gently massaging her skin and she liked the sensation of being so comfortable.
Her body was feeling relaxed but a sudden noise caught her attention. She took her eyes away from her own body, and tried to listen more carefully. She thought that she heard the sound of someone coming inside her chambers, but she wasn't sure. She felt paranoid about the thought of someone watching her while she was bathing. She quickly wrapped herself with a robe and got out of the bath. She was now feeling very nervous, and she wanted to confirm who it was, and if they had seen her naked.
"Nik? Is it you, my love. I'm here.", she hoped that it would be boyfriend who was allowed the only one allowed to enter her chambers. But then she realized that she sent him home.
She started to look around her room, but she didn't see anyone. The royalty sat down on the bed, now with a robe covering her body, starting to take slow and deep breaths.
Then she heard the door creak open and she couldn't stop herself from becoming more anxious. Her heart was beating quickly and she was ready to scream if anyone else came near her.
She instantly grabbed the robe covering herself and then she saw a person entering the room. She was about to scream, but then she was stunned to her spot as she recognized the man's face. It was the one suitors she disliked the most. He was now inside her room and she felt completely exposed, because she was naked under her robe. She was waiting for him to look or say something.
"Excuse me, such disrespect!! How dare you enter my private area? And this without my permission. Leave!!!!"
The suitor was now shocked and embarrased facing the duchess like this.
"I'm sorry, miss. I'm just here to express my love for you one last time. And I was hoping that we could talk, and that you would reconsider my offer of getting married."
"Our meeting got postponed regarding that matter. I command you leave my palace immediately.", she got furious.
"Oh, I see that it's time for your bath. What would you say if I joined you?"
"Excuse me, how you dare you?!! Leave!!"
The suitor became frustrated by her rejection.
"You know he is just a commoner, right? He doesn't even have the necessary strength to defend you. Whereas I am a royal and I have the strongest army in the kingdom. I'm stronger and more powerful than him, I can defend you better than no one, especially not a commoner."
"My Nik at least respects women. If you treat your duchess like this, how will you even treat your subjects or even your future wife? Now if you speak one wrong thing about my Nik, I will make you regret. I'll use all my powers against you. Leave!!! Leave immediately, or else I will scream!! The royal guards will marsh here immediately to save me. I'm going to order them to arrest you.", she exploded and threw a high-heel at him.
The man's arrogance was quickly replaced by pain as the heel struck him directly in the face. He held his face and looked at her with an expression of shock and anger. His voice was now full of fury as he replied.
"Do you know who I am? I could ruin your life if I wanted to. Don't think you can just treat me this way."
"And I'm a woman. A strong woman. A duchess and powerful magic wielder. I order you to leave my room immediately and never face me again!!! You're hereby banished from my palace and Lamrian."
His expression became terrified and he took your threat seriously. This was a dangerous woman that he couldn't get away from easily. He realized that he didn't want any trouble and he backed away before finally leaving the room and shouting on his way out.
"I'll be back for you, do not forget that. You'll regret treating me this way, I'll make sure of it.", he still felt angry about the high-heel she dared to threw at him.
"If my Nik finds out, he'll make you pay."
The man's face became red with anger and arrogance as he started to walk away but before leaving, he couldn't resist adding one last comment about her. He shouted one last time at her before finally leaving.
"I will find a way to make you fall in love with me, mark my words!"
After the fae noble finally left her room, Alex was alone and now she was feeling very relieved. But at the same time she felt frustrated and angry over the situation.
She then took deep breaths and looked down, feeling ashamed and guilty about her body almost being shown to another man after making a promise to only reveal herself to her beloved Nik.
She couldn't stop crying after the events that occurred within her bedchamber with the suitor.
A few moments passed before her boyfriend, Nik, walked in. It was clear that he had heard her shouting and he looked worried. As soon as he hurried inside, he instantly approached her and pulled her into a warm embrace. He was trying to calm her down and make her feel better.
"Nik?? I... I thought you went home?", she sniffed, not daring to look at him.
His expression became even more worried after hearing her tone of voice when she replied. When he held her close he noticed that her body was shaking and she was still crying. He quickly asked her.
"Is everything alright? What happened?"
"One of them entered my room without permission, trying to win over me.", she wispered without meeting his gaze while covering herself again.
He immediately understood and felt shocked at the same time. How could that fae even think about doing this? He wanted to know everything and let her tell what happened.
His anger skyrocketed as he understood it was a suitor. He was now even more furious that one of those men was the one who saw her like this and that he wasn't upstairs when this happened.
"Nik, please calm down!! It was all so sudden, but I know how to handle. I didn't gave a chance. I made sure he'll regret."
But the nighthunter didn't really feel like cooling down. His blood started to boil a little bit more when he heard her telling him to calm down.
"How can I calm down knowing that one of those suitors saw you like this?!!", he replied.
"Nik, I'm sorry. I tried... I... I'm fine. I handled everything by myself. I didn't let him touch me and managed to cover my body well. I'm so sorry, Nik."
Finally the young man let out a heavy sigh before turning to look at her, his anger was still present but her apology somewhat relieved him.
"It's okay, don't be sorry," he said, softly. "You had no control over the situation and you couldn't know that he would suddenly enter the room like that. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Nik, close the door.", she wished.
"Umm, okaaay?!", his expression became slightly confused when she asked him to close the door.
And he then closed the door and locked it, making the room feel even more private and safe. His attention then returned to her and he was trying to find a way to make her feel better, still holding her close.
"Nik, I don't want the servants to hear or know about our situation. They can be a bit snoopy."
"You're right, I think it's better if we keep this matter just between us. That way no one will know about it except for us. How are you feeling now?"
"Better. Now that you're here."
"Glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Just forget about the incident, that person who disrespected you is just nothing but a stupid nuisance. You don't have to worry about him ever coming near you again."
"Yes, Nik. Nobody will seperate us"
"Yes, you're right. No one, not even the most powerful man on the universe can separate us. We have a strong bound and it doesn't matter how strong whoever tries to separate us will be, they can never succeed. I swear, I will always be by your side and I will never let anything or anyone get in the way of our love."
"Fate is on our side. Because Fate united us."
He looked at her with genuine admiration and affection in his eyes. He liked the way she thinks and the way she saw their relationship.
"Damn, right. It's Fate that brought us together and we have a true bound between us. I mean... It's like we were made to be with each other and whoever tries to separate us is fighting against destiny itself.", he chuckled which made her feel better.
"Uhhh, Nik?", Alex noticed.
"Turn around, please. I still need to get dressed, my love.", she shyly added.
"Thanks, Nik. Now don't try to peak."
"I... umm... sorry about that." is face suddenly flushed with embarrassment. He immediately looked away, he just couldn't hide his blush. She was completely right and he couldn't control himself from taking one glimpse at her body. He kept his eyes.
While she was busy getting dressed, his eyes were still focused on the floor and he couldn't help but notice her beautiful curves. Her body had just no words to describe it. For her she was simply hot and he was feeling incredibly attracted to her, and the thought that she was now wearing nothing but her bra was not helping. He looked away, but then he peaked a little. Only a little. At the sight of her, she was having difficulties with wearing her gown. His heart beat increased and he felt like he had to help her. So he walked behind her and he tried to tie her dress in the back. He noticed that she had a very beautiful back, her body was like a work of art. He was now trying to tie the knot in the back but without letting her notice that he was looking at her back.
He was trying very hard to keep his eyes on the knot and not just on her body. He was almost finished with it when she suddenly leaned back her head, as if she was stretching to relax. Which in turn exposed her cleavage a little bit and it made his heart speed up even faster. She now moved away from him, straightend herself and turned herself to face her lover. She gave him a sweet smile before she spoke in a serious voice.
"Nik, thanks for everything. My love, but you must leave now. I do not want the servants or guards think that my desperate scream was because of you, which is not true. Hurry, before they see you at this time in my chambers. I don't want you get in trouble, my heroic prince."
The moment she suggested that he had to leave, he felt a bit disappointed, but he understood her thoughts. Both don't want anyone to assume he was the one who made her terribly scream out of fear which wasn't even him. Nik was a bit reluctant to leave her alone, but he was really careful to hide his sadness and disappointment from her.
"Yes, that may be better... The servants may get suspicious about me staying here late at night for too long. I'll be going then, my love."
With her lips pressed noe against his, he got overwhelmed with emotion. Her taste still made him feel butterflies in his stomach, and the thought of leaving her alone now filled him with sadness and worry, but he knew he had no other choice, so he reluctantly had to pull back from her lips after they had shared a long and romantic kiss.
"I'll be going now. I'll see you in the morning, my love.", he promised while holding her hand in his.
"See you tomorrow, my beloved."
When she called him her his beloved, he fell even more in love with her. Her words filled his heart with pure joy, and the fact that they would be seeing each other soon was such a relief. After one last tender kiss, he slowly took one step back, waved goodbye at her, and then silently left the room. Tomorrow they will meet again <3
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mserm · 1 year
Kinda obsessed with this idea of post-Endgame Steve as one of Charles and Erik's handlers during First Class. He's not Moira, and definitly not CIA, but maybe some other agency? Possibly SHIELD related? He's been investigating Shaw in case he had any connection to Red Skull and somehow ends up being a part of the group that reaches out to Charles.
At first, I couldn't find anything interesting narratively with this because Charles would know immediately he's Captain America, right? Except now I'm convinced Charles would think Steve is INSANE. It's not the Captain America thing, though in context Charles doubts that. It's the fact that when Charles reads his mind, he finds out that Steve thinks he's from the future. And that he's fought aliens. And that he thinks he's friends with the God of Thunder. And oh wait, he's been to space. And worked with a fucking talking raccoon.
This man must be crazy and somehow he has the power of the government behind him.
Steve, on the other hand, is going by an alias and has only shared his past with a few choice people, often omitting the more unbelievable details. He's tried to be open with Peggy, but once he made a joke while they were in a park about not taking the time to learn Groot when he had a chance and she regarded him with such skepticism that he's kept most of the rest to himself.
He's beyond excited to get to work with the mutants, and despite the fact that he's pretty sure there weren't mutants in his own timeline (he would know!) he believes in them with all his heart. He feels especially kindred to Charles with all his rhetoric about using his gifts to help humanity. He adores Hank and his big brain. He's compelled by Erik's single-minded determination. He throws himself into the mission to find Shaw with his own special brand of stoic enthusiasm by researching mutation and running theories past Charles and Erik whenever he sees him.
Charles, at first, ignores these theories but slowly comes to the conclusion that this man is at least somewhat intelligent. He could be useful. And then Steve's the reason no one gets hurt when Shaw attacks the CIA compound, so Charles is willing to accept this guy might actually be Captain America incognito.
(But everything else must not be true. He's still crazy. Maybe all that experimentation fried his brain.)
Charles shares his thoughts with Erik, who cares less about the insanity angle and more about the fact that this man looks like he can actually protect people. He's glad there's at least one other person who can hold his own in hand-to-hand fighting. So what if Steve thinks he's close with the king of Wakanda? At least he's useful.
After the attack, Steve supports moving the team to Westchester. He doesn't trust the CIA and well, he's partial to the idea of a rich guy giving a bunch of misfits a home. He's also a little startled to discover that the very real possibility of nuclear war sparks something in him. Not excitement, definitely not that. But something closer to clarity. It's been almost twenty years since he's faced an annihilation-level threat. He, unfortunately, feels at home under end-of-the-world pressure.
So he helps train the young mutants and discusses tactics and feels closer to people than he has since he and Peggy started to drift apart. Then he sees fault lines in the conversations and arguments about the future of mutant-kind and is overtaken by a fear that it will tear the nascent group in two. Because what Steve knows is this: someday those differences won't matter. Someday you'll have the option of staring down an annihilation-level threat and being told that you weren't there when someone needed you and if you could choose again you'd choose the former.
But Steve doesn't try to interfere. He's not naive; he knows that he can only imagine what it's like to be a mutant.
But it's hard not to project.
It isn't that he regrets his decision to go back in time. He'd do it again. He saved Bucky and ripped Hydra out of SHIELD and he's so close to finding out how Red Skull ended up in space guarding the soul stone. But it isn't until he begins to teach Raven the finer points of combat that he truly feels not alone.
He's with them when they go to Cuba. He sits next to Moira and wonders if he should have brought the shield. He hasn't used it since he came back to the past. For all intents and purposes, Captain America is supposed to be dead; yet, Steve's blood thrums through his veins like he's standing on the ruins of the Avengers Compound next to Tony and Thor.
(Charles has long since learned to ignore Steve's strange internal monologue. This man should have been a storyteller instead of a soldier.)
Steve doesn't fix it, in the end. He falters just when he could be of use because when Erik holds those missiles in his power and turns them around on the ships he thinks of Tony turning a missile around and at flying it into the sky. He wonders how he could be so wrong about someone. It's at this moment Moira picks up the gun. Steve's fast, but he's not faster than a bullet.
It still shatters Charles's spine.
They save the world, yes, but Steve will only be able to watch as Erik's sent into solitary confinement. He can't prove Erik didn't kill Kennedy. And, of course, he'll try to reach out to Charles as the school closes and he shrinks into himself, but Charles can't stand to look at Steve and only finds him marginally more tolerable when he can't hear Steve's impossible thoughts.
It isn't until Logan arrives that Charles realizes that Steve might actually be the person he thinks he is. However, Steve's halfway across the world for some unimportant reason during the events of Days of Future's Past. He's not on the plane when Charles tells Erik that he wasn't there when Charles needed him. He's not there when Erik--again--chooses his principles over Charles.
And that's fine. You can't rewrite the future in Steve's brand of time travel. You live with your choices. You try to be there when people need you and you live with the consequences when you cannot.
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The One (Part 7)
The one were she choose
Sihtric x Reader
Y/N couldn't help but feel a little betrayed by Aethelflaed. Still, she tried to let things go as she sat between Osferth and Finan. Like her friend had said, there were more important things at the moment to worry about. They would talk later.
She didn't know why Sihtric was the only one who sat at another table with other men and didn't join the conversation. She looked over at him and he smiled at her, raising his cup as if to say cheers and turned to his own conversation. Oh, how she wished he kept smiling at her
Edward suddenly appear with two other men who introduced themselves as Father Beocca and Father Pyrlig "I came to sit with my sister for a while" Said the prince "My sister the outlaw"
"You grow by the day, Edward" Aethelflaed smiled at him
"He grows wiser" Said Beocca with a proud smile
"If you would excuse me" Osferth abruptly left the table and Beocca took his place as he sat next to Y/N. Her heart ache for his friend as she saw him sat at another table alone. She decided to give him some space and she'll check on him later as if it couldn't be easy to see his hafl brother the future king
"I was sorry to hear of Ragnar's death" Beocca said to Uhtred "He was a heathen, but a good man. I shall pray for him"
"He would not thank you for your prayers, father" Uhtred said rolling his eyes at little
"Well, they are his all the same" Beocca replied with a smile "I pray for you too, Uhtred. And I will not stop, is spite of your pigheadedness" 
"And me, father?" Finan asked. You could see they all had a long and really nice relationship with each other. It was sweet.
"Oh, I am afraid you belong to the devil already" 
"I've been telling him that, father, but he does not listen" Y/N said faking exasperation and Beocca laughed with her
"Should we get on with the matter, father Beocca?" Father Pyrlig looked a little unsetle "Sooner we get back to the hall, the better"
"Edward is here because he has something to say, to ask. For the sake of appearances, you should all try to behave as if you're completely disinterested" Beocca said smiling as if it was a normal conversation
"That warning is for you" Finan whispered to Y/N and she punched him in the arm as a response, which only made him laugh
"How many men does Haesten have?" Edward hesitantly asked. He seemed anxious
"Maybe as many as 1000 and Beamfleot" Uhtred said plainly
"I wish to understand why you believe you can defeat him when it appears impossible" 
Uhtred explained his plan. How he would draw Haesten out of the fortress and defeat him in battle with an army. How all of this would prevent a greater war. 
Edward seemed hesitant at first. It was obvious he was new at all of this, but seemed eager to learn at the same time "Then you should have them" He said promising an army to Uhtred
"Is that a promise you can keep, Lord?" Beocca asked
"It is, or I can never be called king" Edawrd replied and then continue "Set a day for the attack and I will be there. You shall have the men. Draw Haesten out of the fort. Our army will be hidding in the woods, waiting. You have my word" He looked at everyone at the table, then at Uhtred again "I swear"
No one could see but Y/N could definitly feel how the mood changed on the group and how the hopes were up again. They all set up a plan to finish with this as soon as possible, giving Uhtred the revenge and peace he needed for his brother. Still they needed to keep appareances, so they couldn't rush their departure. Finan asked for another round of ale when Y/N excused herself planning on cheking on Osferth
"Lady Y/N" Edward voice stopped her before she could reach her friend and she turned to find him walking to her
"Hey" She kindly said "Lord. Sorry, I'm not used to this titles yet" 
"No worries, Lady" He smiled genuinely at her and looked around himself as if checking who was listening "I trust they are treating  you well. I can ask for more warm clothes if the cold turns into a problem" She was still wearing the green dress Aethelflaed gave her a few days ago and her long coat was extremly warm she couldn't complain, really
Y/N laughed a little to herself and smiled at him. Was he flirting with her? "I am well, Lord. There is no need for you to worry. I actually enjoy the cold" She wasn't lying, but she did miss being able to wrap herself in a blanket and drink some tea at her house. He nodded at her and a few awkward seconds passed before she spoke again "Uuhm, about earlier, what your sister told you and your father about..."
"It would be our secret" He nodded at her and she thanked him as Aethelflaed joined them "Lady" He said as to say goodbye and then left with both father Beocca and Pyrlig back to the hall
"You already having secrets with my brother?" Aethelflaed joked but Y/N was having none of it
"I merely asked him to keep my secret from others. We shall see if he can keep his word." Y/N said as she started her way to Osferth once again, and once again she was stopped
"I'm sorry" Aethelflaed said and Y/N turned to look at her "I have no excuse other than being exited for my father to know all his work will pay off, his dream coming true" Y/N could see she was being honest "And you were right. It wasn't my decision to make, so I'm truly sorry Y/N"
Y/N stood there in silence for a few seconds fighting her own pride and forgiving her friend "Thank you" She said and walked closer to Aethelflaed "But please next time let us talk about this things and come with a solution together"
"Does this mean you forgive me?"
"Of course I forgive you, you are my friend" Y/N said and hugged her. Aethelflaed seemed surprise for a moment, probably since people didn't show this much affection in public, but after a second she hugged her back
"Nice to see you two are friends again" Said Finan from behind them as both women separated from each other smiling
"We should be leaving in a few hours" Uhtred announced as he call Sihtric and Osferth to join 
"Where to, Lord?" Osferth asked
"We are going to Beamfleot" 
As the men started to prepare their things and horses to leave, Y/N couldn't help but feel conflicted. She knew they were heading to battle, something she never did nor wanted to experience, and still something pulled her towards Uhtred and his journey.
She was playing with her cup of ale, standing against a post looking at Aethelflaed talking with Uhtred when father Pyrlig notice her anxious state "Are you ok, Lady Y/N?"
"Yeah, yes" She smiled at him but he didn't buy it, giving her a knowing look "I just... It feels wrong for me to stay here"
Uhtred and his men approached the pair with Aethelflaed to say their goodbyes as Pyrlig continued "I don't think you would enjoy Uhtred destination, trust me Lady"
"You thinking on joining?" Uhtred said as he heard father Pyrlig's comment
"Is this because of what happened earlier with my father?" Aethelflaed asked with a frown
"No no no. It's not that, I swear" Y/N looked away for a second "It's just... Something is telling me to follow him" She pointed at Uhtred "I don't know how to explain it, it feels like a pull or something, like a..."
"Like a bond" Finan said and she nodded. He and Uhtred shared a glance, as if communicating something with each other
"Have you ever even seen a battle, Lady?" Father Pyrlig asked. She couldn't blame the man for thinking she wasn't battle material, because she really wasn't. Also, the dress and the anxiety didn't help
"Do movies count?" She joked, but then again nobody understood her words "No, I haven't"
"Y/N are you sure about this?" Aethelflaed asked her friend with a concern look
"I'm not" She laughed nervously "But I know I can't stay here, I need to find a way back home somehow" 
"Finan" Uhtred called "Get the lady her horse" 
"Yes, Lord"
"You will promise to do as I say and you will not join the battle" Uhtred said looking straight into her eyes. He was being serious "I will not risk this to go wrong for a lost girl" Ok, ouch. But Y/N understood his point
"I promise" She said and then turned to her friend "I'm sorry, I really do not want to leave you alone here with... you know" She said refering to her husband
"I can take care of myself" It as true "Wait here, I have something for you" And with that she left her alone with the men
"I will pray for you, Lady" Father Pyrlig said and she thanked him not knowing what else to say "I will pray for all of you" He said as he too left the group
"Do not worry, Lady" Osferth said standing next to her "We will keep you safe"
"I know"  She smiled at him "I trust you" She then looked at Sihtric, who as always was being quite. But this time he merely nodded at her confirming Osferth's words "Maybe one of you can teach me how to fight" She said jokingly and they all smiled at her. She wasn't entirely serious, she wished she didn't have to get to that but she wasn't oblivious either to the fact that it would probably come to that the longer she stayed here
"We wil see" Uhtred said smiling as he studied her. Finan appeared with her horse and they were all ready to leave 
"Here" Said Aethelflaed as she appeared with Edward next to her and handed Y/N a bag "You will be  more comfortable wearing these"
"I hear you are leaving us, Lady Y/N" Said Edward and she nodded "I hope we will cross paths again, one day"
Aethelflaed looked at his brother with surprise in her face but said nothing "Me too, Lord" Y/N politely said. He was cute, she wasn't going to lie. She then turned to her friend "Thank you, for everything" Y/N once again hugged her friend 
"We will meet again" Aethelflaed said and both women smiled at each other. Uhtred gave the word and everyone got on their horses
"Seems like you catched the princeling's eye" Finan said to Y/N with a smirk on his face
"Shut up, I did not" She said rolling as she shoved him aside to get to her horse
"She totally did" Finan said laughing to Sihtric but he said nothing. He only stared at her as she rolled her eyes at Finan and notice a faint blush on her cheeks
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