#William Shanks
sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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1500-1599 Recap Part 59:
Rebecca gave birth to her youngest children, Helen and Fulke. 
Blanche and Sebastian Voss married, Alice (Beth’s daughter) and Pedro Dalton married, Elizabeth and John met each other for the first time. 
Janet became a teenager  followed by Rebecca’s twins becoming toddlers. Unfortunately both Avis and Fulke died since they failed their child and toddler rolls. 
Then Adrian’s oldest daughters got married Elizabeth and John married and Margaret married her first husband William. 
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taisiabelle · 10 months
Therapist: Oh, you definitely have daddy issues
Me: no, I don't
Also, me hours later realizing all my favorite fictional characters are older man....
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felicity0222 · 4 months
I noticed one thing from this Logan isn’t even in top 5, and yet you notice how some like to push the narrative that Logan dose the most damage in the Williams team this season when in reality that been Alex this year.
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mikolovesracing · 2 months
if logan sargeant moves to indycar please GOD LET IT BE WITH ANDRETTI!!!!
(or meyer shank)
((him and david malukas would be the power duo we need but don’t deserve))
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angeliccelestt · 3 months
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softcenteregg · 2 years
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Sunday doodles~  
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h0neysuckleblue · 6 months
cosplay project update(?)
so in honor of it being William’s (fake) birthday, I’m posting Victorian flower language from the book I’ve decided is the likeliest(?) possible contender for which book William would have found and read in the dilapidated book store. This is cause there were actually a ton of flower language books being written by different people in the 1800’s, so outside of a few mainstream flowers, meanings can differ from author to author. I’ll get into the logic behind my choice some other time.
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I highlighted using William, Louis, Albert, and Sherlock’s colors. The red underline is a fun little Easter egg (haha get it cause it’s Easter Monday) for China pink aka “Sweet William”. The garland of roses I highlighted for all three of the Moriarty brothers together for ✨murder bros✨, which might be the only one besides lily that I can see a clear connection in symbolism with canon. Maybe if I think a bit more I could come up with something but eh. Also I’m not actually sure what the flower they used in the anime for the mid-episode pics of John is, so I didn’t do that one.
special bonus, there’s apparently a plant called Red Shanks that has the meaning patience in the second pic above, and I was like, surprise One Piece reference???, which is super hilarious to me.
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lover-of-skellies · 6 months
W..... William Afton and. Henry Emily xd
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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Invaders from Mars (William Cameron Menzies, 1953).
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portraituresque · 1 year
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William Somerville Shanks (Self-portrait)
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
honestly wasnt expecting my epinephrine take to potentially be accurate 😳
Lol I mean it's accurate in the sense that Ellie would have at least been administering it right, but knowing her track record with medical stuff, if it had actually been epinephrine she probably would have found some other way to inject it wrong
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 years
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Year 1577 Part 1:
TW/CW: Death
With the start of the year came the first birthday of Margaret’s twins, both of whom took a lot after their father. Samuel was a very particular child while Sybil loved to shadow her parents around. 
Then came terrible news for the family, Ambrose’s eldest who had been travelling around since he came of age, died. There were rumors that he had fathered children in his travels but no one came forward so those questions remained unanswered. Ambrose was not handling the loss of his wife and son well but he was grateful that his wife did not have to outlive another child of theirs and that thought brought him comfort albeit a little amount. 
Rebecca’s youngest surviving child celebrated their sixth birthday and despite their parents wishes for their hair to be kept long like a proper young girl, they announced that they had no intention of being a girl anymore though and cut their hair while the other family members slept. 
Florence celebrated her first birthday and spent the day with her Grandfather, Aunts, Uncle John,  and cousin Rachel. 
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badmovieihave · 2 years
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Bad movie I have Stargate SG.1: The complete Second Season 1998
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On October 9, 1974 Shanks debuted in the United States.
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eddiestattoos · 3 months
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a+ on the save there, Charlie
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cozage · 1 month
A/N:FINE I’LL FIX THE ANGST HERE YOU GO (sorry if it sucks and has lots of typos I had COVID while writing this) Characters: f reader x Ace, Law, Shanks Cw: Cuteness :)  Total word count: 3k
Disapproval Part 2
Part 1
It was a long time before you were alone again. You and William spent the rest of the day together, and he brought up your encounter with the pirates to everyone you ran into…minus the kiss he had seen. And every time the story was told and the people spoke of how dreadful they were, you hated this island and its people a little bit more. 
Whitebeard and his crew protected your island from the horrors of the Grand Line. Whenever you needed aid, the Whitebeard pirates were the ones to answer. And yet behind their backs, the people on this island acted as if the pirates were the scum of the earth. Some people, like William’s family, said it to their faces. 
You were pleasant through dinner. You smiled when stories were told. You spoke when you were asked a question. But your mind kept wandering back to Ace. To the pirates. They were really the only people you were ever excited to see, and the only ones who ever showed excitement at your arrival. 
And it wasn’t just Ace. Everyone in his division was kind to you. On the rare occasion another division was sent in Ace’s place, the leaders always sought you out and delivered a message. You weren’t just another face in the crowd to them. You were a person. 
When William finally bid you farewell with a kiss on the cheek, you retired quickly to your room. And once you were alone with your thoughts and all you had lost today, you couldn’t help the tears falling down your face. You weren’t even able to make it to your bed to muffle your sobs with a pillow before they began racking your body. 
“Bit of a weird reaction to spending the day with your betrothed.”
You spun on your heels toward the voice. You could only see a silhouette, but you would know that voice anywhere. 
“Ace-” your voice cracked as you spoke his name. “I didn’t want you to find out like this.”
He shrugged, but you could see the pain in his eyes as he stepped out from the shadows. “You always said you were going to move on if I kept leaving you behind.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. Tears were already reforming in your eyes. Your chest ached for his touch again, but you resisted the urge to step closer to him. 
“Do you love him?”
“He’s a good man. He’s kind and loyal and always looks out for me” You couldn’t look at him as you said it. It felt wrong speaking about William here. You didn’t want to think about him now. 
Ace stepped toward you and reached out toward you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. He held your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him. 
“Do you love him?” he asked again. 
“I-” You tried to avert your gaze, but he held your chin firmly, forcing you to look at him as you answered his question. “I think I could, given enough time.”
Pain flashed across his face again, but he quickly recovered. “Do you want that?”
“Do you want to love him? To marry him?”
You weren’t sure of the answer. Especially with Ace here in front of you. 
“I have to marry him,” you finally said. “My parents need me to do this.”
His eye twitched for a moment, and you could feel his hand warm against your cheek. “What do you need?”
“You.” The words were out of your mouth before you thought to change them. 
That was all he needed to hear. His lips came crashing down onto yours, passionate and hungry. His warmth enveloped you like a summer’s day. You only wanted him. You would only ever be his. Nobody else mattered at this moment. 
“Sail away with me,” he whispered, his fingers already tangled in your hair. 
You simply hushed him in return, trying to find his lips again. 
He indulged you with another kiss, this one longer and slower, as if he wanted to draw it out for as long as possible. As if he wanted to remember it. 
This was a goodbye kiss. 
“Sail away with me,” he offered again, his lips caressing your jawline.
“You’re serious?” You resisted the urge to laugh. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“I’ll go if you want me to.” He kissed your neck once, then twice, slowly moving toward your shoulder as he spoke. “Just tell me to go and I will leave you to this life. I won’t interfere anymore.”
You whimpered in response. This couldn’t be the last time you ever saw him. You needed him as much as you needed air. Your heart waited for him on that cliff every day, praying he would come back whenever he could. The very whisper of the Whitebeard pirates returning could turn your whole day around. 
“Or you can come with me.”
“I can’t.”
“You could.” His lips pressed against your collarbones as he said the words. 
You considered it. Being free on the ocean. The only thing to worry about was where you would go the next day. Having people around you who actually cared about you. Being with a crew loved you for who you were, not who they wanted you to be. 
“Okay,” you sighed, already seeing your new life play out before you.  
Ace grew deathly still, only his eyes flicking up to meet yours. “Okay?”
You couldn’t look away from him. “I’ll go.”
He stared at you, refusing to believe it was so easy. 
But your mind was already pushed into high gear, trying to think of everything you would have to do before you left. “My parents will never let me go, so we’ll have to sneak away. I’ll have to write them letters. And I’ll have to write a letter to William. And pack some of my belongings.”
You pulled away from him and moved to your closet, planning what to take and what to leave behind. You had a few bags you could pack. Between you and Ace, you were sure you could carry it all. 
Ace stood in the center of your room, watching your whirlwind of preparation as you shoved things into bags and weighed the value of your items. 
“Wait.” He finally said. His eyes had never left you. 
You glanced over at him as you packed up a few shirts. He looked dreadfully pale, and your heart sank. The question he had asked was in the heat of the moment. 
You froze, watching him closely. “You weren’t being sincere in your offer?” 
“Of course I was!” He rushed to get the words out. “You really want to go?”
“I do.” You went back to packing. 
“You’d leave everything behind? For what?”
You shrugged. “A life on the seas.” 
“What changed?” He took a few steps toward you. “I’ve asked you every time, and the answer was always no. So what changed?”
He was going to make you say it. Of course he was. He had to hear it from your lips. Your actions weren’t enough. 
You stopped folding your clothes and turned to him. “Because I love you, Ace. You absolute buffoon, I love you! And I was never at risk of losing you- truly losing you- until now. And I can’t bear the thought of you going away and never coming back. I can’t imagine a life where I marry William and live a perfectly normal life and die an unimportant death and I never see you again. Is that a good enough reason for you?”
He stared at you, shocked by your sudden outburst. It was all the things you wanted to say to him since the first time you saw him at the bar. And now it was out in the open, hanging between the two of you. 
He rushed toward you, effortlessly scooping you into his arms and covering your face in kisses. When he finally put you down, you felt dizzy from the heat of his lips peppering your cheeks. 
“What else needs to be packed?” He asked.
You gave him a few tasks and pulled some paper from a drawer. You had a lot of apologizing to do for those you were leaving behind. 
A few hours later, in the dead of night, you walked hand in hand as you carried your belongings toward the pirate ship in the distance. The only thing that would remain of you on the island was two letters and an engagement ring. 
Ace squeezed your hand. You could see his beaming smile against the moonlight. “You know,” he said softly. “I couldn’t live without you either.”
You went to your room as soon as you got home. Your parents didn’t object, didn’t even ask if you wanted dinner. You weren’t hungry anyway. 
You laid in bed, trying not to think of the day. You hated the way it had all turned out. The lack of freedom you had on this island due to your parents made you sick. You had no freedom here. No sense of self. 
You weren’t sure when you dozed off, but you woke to a periodic tapping on your window. For a moment, you were too scared to get out of bed. It could be anything or anyone. But after a few more taps on the window, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. Besides, you were on the second story. Nobody could get you from outside your window. So you got up and peeked outside. 
Trafalgar Law was standing under your window. His golden eyes glimmered in the light of the full moon as they locked onto you. 
There was a moment of weightlessness, and then your bare feet slammed against the cobblestone path. You let out a yelp of surprise, but Law’s hands were around your mouth to muffle the sound. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I figured this would be faster than you trying to sneak out.”
“What the hell did you do?!” You looked back at your bedroom window, confused about how you had gotten here so fast. You were still in your pajamas and barefoot. Hardly the way you wanted Trafalgar Law to see you.
He scratched the back of his head as if it had just dawned on him that his actions might not be the best approach. “It’s, uh, my devil fruit ability.”
You gave him a skeptical look. “Can you put me back?”
“Do you want to go back?”
You scoffed. “I’d like some shoes, at the very least. And proper clothes.”
In the moonlight, you could see his cheeks pinken. “Right,” he said quickly. “Just let me know when you’re ready.”
Another weightless moment and you were back in your room. You had been expecting it this time and resisted the urge to let out another shout. You didn’t want to alert your parents to your movements or the individual outside. 
You wanted to do more than simply change clothes and put on shoes, but you didn’t want to keep Law waiting. You weren’t even sure how much time you would have with him as it was. 
Once you were as ready as you could be, you gave the window a little tap to alert him, and then gave him a thumbs up. 
A moment later, you were standing next to him. His hand instinctively went out and helped steady you. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” you said breathlessly. 
Law gave a smirk. “You’d be surprised.”
The two of you walked in silence for a while, waiting until you were out of sight from the house before you dared to speak. 
“Where are we going?” you finally asked.
“I had bigger plans for us, but the beach will do for tonight.” Law jerked his head down a side path through the forest. 
It was a path you knew well. It led to a small private alcove. Nobody would find you there. Especially at this time of night. 
“This is my favorite place on this island,” he said softly, leading you to a large blanket lying on the sand. “The view of the stars with the sound of the waves is unmatched. I always come here when I need to think. It’s the most peaceful place on the Grand Line.”
You snorted at his remark, looking up at the sky. “Surely there’s better places out there.”
“But this is my favorite.”
“I dunno why,” you grumbled. “People here give you no respect. You’ve helped these people more than they can count and they still refuse to treat you well.”
Law hummed in agreement at that. He couldn’t deny that the islanders weren’t always kind to him. “You speak as though you’re not one of them.”
“I wish I wasn’t.”
Law’s eyes flicked over, studying you closely. “What do you mean?”
“I just wish I had more.” You turned to look at him. “There’s a whole world out there and I’m stuck in a sandwich shop.”
His eyebrow quirked up. “You don’t have to be.”
“I have nowhere to go and no one to go with. I’m stuck.”
His eyes returned to the sky, not saying anything. The two of you were quiet for a long while, staring at the sky lost in thought. It was the perfect night out, between the soft warm breeze and the waves crashing against the shore. You could feel your eyelids starting to close, lulling you back to sleep. 
“You could come with me.” Law’s voice jolted you awake, and for a second you thought you were dreaming. 
His eyes were still on the stars. “My crew. You could join us and sail. We could go anywhere you wanted.”
You sat up, staring at him intensely. “You’re serious?”
He gave a nod in return. 
“I want to,” you said. “I will. I’ll go with you.” 
“We leave tomorrow.”
“I can’t leave tomorrow,” you frowned, shaking your head. There was too much to do to prepare. You couldn’t just vanish. “But…ask me again next time you’re here.”
He gave a nod of understanding. “I’ll be back in a week.”
You broke out in a smile, your mind already turning with possibilities and dreams. “I’ll be ready then.” 
One more week, and then you would be with Law. One more week, and then you would be a Heart Pirate.
The next morning you left the house before your parents were down for breakfast. You didn’t want to face them after dinner last night. You didn’t want to think about what they had said to you, how Shanks had been with another woman. 
You wanted to be out of the house and distracted from your thoughts, so you took off early to make it to campus and study before class. You tried to think about anything other than that red-haired pirate. You had exams and projects coming up. Going over the concepts you researched and studied for, you walked right into another person. 
“A bit distracted, love?” You didn’t have to look up to know who was speaking. Out of all the places he could’ve been on this island, he had to be on this path. 
You took a quick step back and nervously tucked your hair behind your ear. “Hey Shanks. Sorry about that.”
His brow furrowed at your formality. “Everything okay?”
“Just on the way to class.” You tried your best to smile. “Busy day.”
“I’ve been trying to catch you since we got here. I’ve missed you.” He reached out to grab you, but you stepped out of his reach.
“It was good to see you.” You gave a quick look around, hoping nobody was watching you. “I don’t want to be late for class.”
His lips pressed into a thin line. “Your class doesn’t start for another two hours.”
Shit. You had told him that the last time he visited. His mind was too keen to forget small details like that.
His hand reached out again, this time grabbing your wrist. “What’s going on?”
“Please Shanks,” you tried to pull away, but he held firm. “Let me go.”
“What is this cold shoulder business? Did I do something to make you upset? This can’t be over-”
“Why don’t you ask that girl you were with at the market?” You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but you spat out the words to him. 
Shanks visibly recoiled from your words, pure confusion on his face. 
Confusion. Not guilt. Not shame. He had no idea what you were talking about. 
“My mother lied to me,” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes. “Oh god, Shanks. I'm so-”
He pulled you into his chest, clasping his arms tightly around you. “Shhh,” he whispered. “It’s okay. I should’ve found you sooner. I’m sorry.” 
You buried your face in his chest, ashamed. “I believed them. Why did I believe them?”
“It’s okay.” He smoothed your hair as he held you. “We figured it out in the end, right?”
“I can’t stay here. We need to leave.” You pulled back, looking at him. 
He only gave a light laugh, unsure of what you meant. 
But that only made you more determined. “I’m serious, Shanks. I can’t stay here anymore. It’s suffocating. I’m dying here. I need life. I need adventure. I need you.”
The smallest spark of light gleaned in his eyes. “You want to sail? With me?”
“You’ll be a pirate. An outlaw, wanted by the government. You’ll be-”
“I’ll be with you,” you said, cutting him off. “The only one who has ever made me feel like I am my own person. I’ll be with you. I don’t care about the rest.”
He broke into a grin. “You’re serious?”
You stood on the tips of your toes and leaned forward to kiss him. “I’m serious. When can we go?”
“As soon as you want to.”
The excitement of living flooded into your veins. “Now.”
The two of you took off toward the docks hand in hand. And you felt more at peace looking into the unknown than you had in your entire life.  
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