#Worship Siva
subbalakshmisastry · 2 years
Dolu Kunitha Folk Dance Jamboo Savari 2022 Mysuru Dasara 2022 Folk Dance...
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zalia · 6 months
Destiny Architecture
I went on a whole ramble about the architecture of the various factions in Destiny and thought I'd share it here. I'm not an architect, so my knowledge is basic when it comes to technical things, but hopefully it is interesting!
They did a fantastic job with the architecture of the different factions and what it says about them.
The Red Legion and Caiatl's Ascendency are all pragmatic, organised military designs - fortifications, the round buildings with windows on each side linked by trenches. Watchtowers. In the Arms Dealer strike, you have areas where there are loads of vehicles meticulously organised. They are prepared for the long haul, dug into the planets they land on, and they are proud of their machinery, both literal and metaphorica - it's all on display, the pistons and furnaces and engines. There are service shafts and hangars! It's all very practical (and makes the Glykon even more unnerving because the passages and service shafts don't make any practical sense in the way that they connect!).
Calus on the other hand... the Leviathan has the same base in terms of doors and the like, you can recognise some of the same basics - like the shapes of the doors etc. but the pragmatic things are hidden away - they're reminiscent of the servant quarters in old British stately homes - you need them for the place to function! But the people in charge don't want to see them. Calus wants to be surrounded by gold and riches and luxury and not think about the things and people that make it possible. It's always been something that I've thought of when it comes to his empire – he acts like all of it was a place of luxury and hedonism and art, but like the Roman Empire that inspired the culture, that luxury is truly only available to a few people, and is only possible because a much greater number of people are working to provide the materials and labour. We don't really hear or see much about the people the Empire conquered beyond the Psions, but were they living in such luxury? Probably not.
The Eliskni architecture all feels very cobbled together and makeshift - there are visible seams and bolts, spots where colours don't match. It's makeshift, which suits their history as a people who have been forced to flee and exist on scavenging for a long time. And there's always a lot of nautical theming going on too - rigging and nets and hoisted awnings like sails. They feel like places made by people who are expecting to need to pack up and leave at any minute. Everything tends to be rounded, which is particularly obvious when you see the Devils in Rise of Iron - everything is more angular because of SIVA and the Rasputin influence, even the shanks. I'd love it if we could get a look at the original Riis architecture.
The Hive are very gothic architecture with a dash of Gaudi (take a look at the Sagrada Família for what I'm thinking). High chambered ceilings, flying buttresses, all the carved figures and motifs - except when you get closer you realise that it's also uncomfortably organic. And it's also decaying – once you get inside the dreadnaught especially you find it full of piles of festering debris, wormspore growing from the corpses of thralls. There are spaces where anything could jump out at you. It's like a civilisation mocking the grand architecture of other species by warping it into something rotten (and also very gothic literature as well - the grand imposing gothic mansion with the dark secret and unpleasant history). The names of the locations in the Dreadnaught often tie-in with the architecture since a lot of them are religious: the portico, basillica, the crypts, the Cathedral of Dusk. They are a species worshipping Oryx, the very real and tangible god.
The Moon under Crota has a similar style, but where the Dradnaught is organic, the areas under the surface of the moon (outside the Red Keep) are more technological - there are still the flying buttresses and supports, the spikes and and pillars around the Hellmouth, but they're blockier, less rounded, stone and metal rather than chitin.
Savathun's Throne World has similar architecture, and returns to the organic feel of the Dradnaught, but in blinding white and red rather than browns. It's similar to the Leviathan in a way – the public areas are much cleaner feeling, regal and filled with Light, but when you dig down you can find the same rot and debris as the Dreadnaught (thinking especially of the 2nd mission of the Witch Queen campaign). Where the Dreadnaught was a mockery of other species, the Throne World feels like it's trying to copy them – this is what Savathun thinks the Light is, look she's changed, really! But in the end, it's more like a coat of paint slapped over a wall with a bad mold problem. The names also switch from kind of Catholic, to more magical and alchemical - Apothacary, altars, temples etc.
The Awoken are really doing the whole fantasy elf thing in a lot of ways, but more with stone than woodland than in Tolkien when we see the Dreaming City. Everything fits in seamlessly with the landscape (which makes sense since it was essentially created with wish magic to be exactly what Mara wanted!). The buildings follow the lines of mountains, pathways carved into crystal caves, the bridge which has supports like the branches of trees like they've grown up from the ground. And there's nature everywhere! But it's not a natural environment. Even when it seems like you're in nature, it's very cultivated - like the garden of a stately home which wants 'wilderness' so has landscaped it. It's also deceptive in the way you go from the 'wilderness' to these very high fantasy buildings, and then as you walk you see these technological marvels like the Oracle Engine, just integrated into it. The Dreaming City is very much portraying an image and is a very finely tuned machine in itself. I kind of wonder what the other Awoken settlements beyond the Dreaming City and the Vestian outpost look like.
Clovis Bray facilities are very minimalist and very obviously designed to make you think 'lab' and 'high technology'. He really wants you to see his stuff and have you think 'this is the future' in a way that draws 70s sci-fi ideas of the future - the way all the sharp edges are rounded off, the bright blocks of colour, the way all of the technology is very conspicuously on display, the massive windows that make all the conveyors and machinery visible. He wants to show off his stuff, and also make everyone who works there know that they're being watched. There's also the huge open spaces and massive drops like Eternity and Creation, which are utterly impractical but also feel infinite and are designed to make you go wow.
You see similar architecture on Neomuna (since Clovis was involved with the colonisation efforts) but on a much more human scale. They have a lot of the same components – the pillars and display screens, the curved bases of the walls – but they're softened with plants and murals, places to sit and socialise. It's not a lab, it's a city where people live. And also it's Neptune, they are a long way from the sun, so everything is bright and vibrant to make up for that. I think you can also see a lot of influence from the Ishtar Collective locations on Venus in Neomuna - they also tend to have a lot of display screens and neon and lots of spots for plants to grow. And then you get outside of the City and see the Veil Containment bunker and see the concrete and metal pragmatism that underpins the city.
The Iron Temple/Vostok is a place that is trying very hard to be a medieval castle with all of the statues and bonfires and the whole aesthetic of the Iron Lords. The statues of the Iron Lords all bear axes and swords. But when you look at it, you can see the very Soviet brutalist foundation of the place. So much of it is blocky concrete - the walls are squared off and unornamented, the observatory is concrete and metal. Every time I go in to where Tyra stands, I'm surprised that the pillar she's standing by is not round, because it's very easy to buy into the illusion they're projecting. There's also the concrete pillar that serves as vault and lights up when you approach - it has the technology, but like the Dreaming City, it's integrated into the landscape. Unlike the dreaming City, they really don't want to show you it.
Raputin's bunkers are just fantastic design in so many ways. They have a very clear shape (you can see the shape of a door and know immediately that this is something Warmind related), everything tends to be at right-angles. It's all very pragmatic and logically laid out. There is definitely technology there, and it's not really trying to hide, but it isn't showing off like Clovis does. Where Clovis is 70's aspirational sci-fi design, Rasputin architecture has a very Cold War vibe to it - none of the technology is flashy - it's chunky terminals running the most basic looking command line UI. It's thick cables and pipes and probably a million redundancies. The kind of tech which is designed to be found in a few centuries and still be reasonably functional. Also unhackable unless you are physically present. Rasputin is an AI so advanced that he can out-think the Vex, but his facilities are built to have the resilience of a Nokia 3310 phone, and are inspired by bunkers designed to survive nuclear war.
(I also think it's not accidental that the Warsats are made up of many angular shapes, especially triangles, trying to be a sphere, considering the whole motif of the pyramids vs the Traveller)
Pyramid Architecture is really really trying to pull off the sword logic 'pared down to remove anything extraneous' and present the idea of a universe united as one in its final shape... and is failing miserably at that. At first glance it's all straight clean lines, black stone, leaning towards brutalist, but they just can't keep it up – they're full of pillars serving no purpose, statues, coloured stone insets. Rhulk's pyramid is full of artwork painted onto the walls. There's so much symbolism built into them. They're incredibly ornate! Because as much as the Witness wants everyone to believe that it is one united force with one specific goal, it kind of isn't. It's made up of many many individuals. Even if those individuals that made it up all agreed on the final shape, it's nearly impossible to get one person to have a 100% consistent view of the universe, let alone hundreds! And especially in the Witness' pyramid ship in Root of Nightmares, you get the impression it's something of a mausoleum for its species and the other species its destroyed. There's lots of coffin-shaped and sized objects in there, and relics hidden away. It isn't as clean and focused as it would like the universe to think.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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8.8 Lion's Gate 'Zurvan Akarana' Talon Abraxas
God as ‘Time’ in the Ancient World
Once Krishna-Vishnu as Lord Nara-Hari / KALAH / TIME was worshiped as the Supreme Lord World-wide. He was the Deliverer of the Jews and Mixed-Multitude in their Biblical Exodus from slavery in Egypt. KRISHNA- VISHNU NARA-HARI Leontocephalos Lion-Headed TIME / KALAH of the Bhagavad-Gita, as the Biblical YAHU-TZABAOTH and Zeus-Jupiter Chronos-Saturus, Egyptian HERU-AUSU-Ammon-RA, Kushite Apademak, Shaivite and Buddhist Kalah-Bairab, Mithraic Zervan, etc. HE, ARYEH / HARYAH is the “Lion of Judah”, NARA-HARI, the Biblical Exodus Deliverer and Protector of the Jews.
Some Scholars of Zurvanism and Comparative Religions are well acquainted with the Form of the Supreme God as Leontopcephalos (Lion Headed) Time, surrounded by His Alter-Form or Expansion as the Ouroboros Serpent of Infinity. What they do not realize is that this Form of the Supreme Lord is both the Jews’ and Christians’ ARI-YAHU or ARI-EL YAHU-TZABAOTH (Lion-Headed Time) ‘Lord of Hosts’ of the Exodus Story, AND Krishna-Vishnu’s Central Bhagavad-gita Theophany as Narasimha KALAH / TIME, surrounded by His Alter-Form, Eternity as An-anta Un-Ending Sesha (Remainer) Naga (Biblical NACHASH).
To the ancient Africans, He was the Lion Headed AMUN (Zeus-Jupiter Chronos-Saturnus) the Supreme Lord of Egypt, Meroe and Sub Saharan Africa.
To the ancient Persians He was the Supreme Lord Zurvan.
To the ancient pre-Buddhist Tibetans He was the Lion-Headed Protector ZA.
To the ancient Eurpeans He was Zeus Chronos and Jupiter Saturnus etc.
To the Shaivites and Mahayana Buddhists He was/is the Wrathful Time-wheel Devouring Form of Kalah Bairava / Bairab Mahadeva (Shiva)
Shaivites identify the Central Theophany of KALAH in the Gita with Siva, because KALAH is one of Siva’s Names and Forms.
The Island Civilizations of Austro-Indonesia and the Pacific also worship the Lord as Lion-Headed Time. His New Year Lion Dance Blessing Festivals can still be seen there.
In the Western Hemisphere the Lion Headed JAG-WERE GOD of the earliest OLMECS ruled the TIME WHEEL of all of the subsequent Amer-Indian Civilizations.
Among the Names and Forms of Hari (Krishna) or Vasudeva (Vishnu) as the Man-Lion Nara Hari (Nara-Simha) are the Names and Forms of Kalah-Shiva!!! In Gita Jayanti and Buddhist New Year’s Festivals throughout the East, the All-devouring Universal Revelation / Theophany of the Supreme Lord as TIME / KALAH (BAIRAVA) is represented in a MAN-LION FORM. Thus Sacred Traditions from around the World, which are thousands of years old, confirm that ancient humanity worshiped the Supreme Lord in His Gita-related Revelation as Lion-Headed Time, with His Alter-Form of the Sarpa / Serpentine Anantadeva as Un-Ending Eternity.
Article by Bhakti Ananda Goswami:
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33-108 · 1 month
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For me, The Nakshatras have become prominent and powerful means in ritual for attaining shaktis.
Each Nakshatra bears its individual power/Shaktis given by the powers of the Devatas presiding over and in which define them.
I.e purvabhadrapada nakshatra, ruled by Aja Ekapada and governed by Guru/Jupiter.
Its name means “first auspicious step” (reaching beyond the material world). Its very shakti is called yajamana udyamana shakti – “the power to spiritually elevate the aspirant”, very well endowed with activating kundalini, often to an overwhelming extent and unexpectedly; this being the first nakshatra and associated devata I worked with ritually.
Nakshatras have both a "higher and a lower" energy, with various devices being utilized to yield their potency - including associated mantra with the nakshatra and presiding deities.
Teachings on this subject are elucidated in the ancient Vedic text called Taittiriya Brahmana and are further mentioned in the medieval era.
When mentioning the Shaktis of Nakshatras, it is not merely referencing your Moon placement, but what persists within the lunar spectrum that pervades the 12 signs of the zodiac and each placement falling within it
As a whole, astrology has been a critical tool in magical/alchemical ritual for me - I do not merely use astrology as a means to make predictions, but as a tool for harnessing and directing energies successfully.
It is not merely an instrument of fatalistic derivations, but a means for imbibing, transmuting and directing - a means for internal alchemy, working with shakti and virtually any type of manifestation.
Astrology is for me the most natural, potent and pervasive instrument for experiencing the phenomenon of correspondences.. it is a means for recognizing multiple planes of existence and objects of different scales tethered by potentials outside of time, in the realm of ideas.. a lending to the sentiments of idealistic monism and a method to be in constant reminder of the dance of the supreme reality, pulsating and giving formation to that existing in the realm of ideas through space-time, through "spanda".
The signs the planets and the nakshatras being where timeless ideas become successive in material reality:
"In one of the most brilliant sections of the Tantrāloka, Abhinavagupta expounds the teachings of the Twelve Kālīs, who he presents as the hypostases of these phases. Significantly he introduces them as the twelve signs of the zodiac to remind us that each instant of perception is a moment of time and that Kālī is the power of time which is the inexplicable dynamism of consciousness. Their flow is the pulse of the Heart of consciousness which is the abode of Kālī who is Kālasaṁkarṣiṇī" - Mark Dyczkowski
The Sanskrit nakshatra is translated as, “that which does not decay” (na – not and kshatra – destructible). Naksh is also indicating to approach/come forth in effort, to worship, or guard. Tra is that of a tool or instrument. In the name alone, the nakshatras are inherently a tool of worship: a means to view the multiplicity, the dance, play and work of art of the "one".
For me and my metaphysical position, do not view these shaktis, these devatas as separate from the highest, but as a means to maintain awareness and make use of the divine pulsation, the pervasive Shakti energy.. the will of siva and the many formations being akin to how In string theory, each observed particle is just a metaphorical note being strung on a guitar and reflected/processes by the sensorium of the observer, who is a differentiated locus of self.
In regards to the extensive history and use of these nakshatras - there is agreement that the Rig Veda was transmitted through oral tradition, and eventually written down likely by 1500 or so BCE, no later and multiple nakshatras are mentioned by name in this text.. while some contemporary academic research by those such as Dr. David Frawley and B.N. Narahari Acher suggests that all of the nakshatras are to be found in the Rig Veda and referenced by their corresponding deity.
While references to the zodiac based on 12 sign divisions is found in Mesopotamia, the Indian astrologers appeared to be using the 27 divisions of the nakshatras earlier.. many scholars believe that the system was procured when the vernal equinox occurred in the asterism of the Pleiades/when the Pleiades heliacally rose at the vernal equinox, roughly 2700 BCE.. give or take
My next work with the nakshatras comes with the full moon on August 19th, which is conjunction my natal saturn, during my saturn return and when I first transition to my jupiter antardasha of my moon mahadasha - my moon mahadasha started over the past year, being when I have become in consistent work with these lunar mansions and all to do with the moon.
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premakalidasi · 4 months
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And, indeed, he soon discovered what a strange Goddess he had chosen to serve. He became gradually enmeshed in the web of Her all-pervading presence. To the ignorant She is, to be sure, the image of destruction; but he found in Her the benign, all-loving Mother. Her neck is encircled with a garland of heads, and Her waist with a girdle of human arms, and two of Her hands hold weapons of death, and Her eyes dart a glance of fire; but, strangely enough, Ramakrishna felt in Her breath the soothing touch of tender love and saw in Her the Seed of Immortality. She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Siva; it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground. But is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of wine. But who would create this mad world unless under the influence of a divine drunkenness? She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies, the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman. She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow. Into Her worship he poured his soul. Before him She stood as the transparent portal to the shrine of Ineffable Reality.
The worship in the temple intensified Sri Ramakrishna's yearning for a living vision of the Mother of the Universe. He began to spend in meditation the time not actually employed in the temple service; and for this purpose he selected an extremely solitary place. A deep jungle, thick with underbrush and prickly plants, lay to the north of the temples. Used at one time as a burial ground, it was shunned by people even during the day-time for fear of ghosts. There Sri Ramakrishna began to spend the whole night in meditation, returning to his room only in the morning with eyes swollen as though from much weeping. While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. Explaining this strange conduct, he once said to Hriday: "Don't you know that when one thinks of God one should be freed from all ties? From our very birth we have the eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste, and grief. The sacred thread reminds me that I am a brahmin and therefore superior to all. When calling on the Mother one has to set aside all such ideas." Hriday thought his uncle was becoming insane.
As his love for God deepened, he began either to forget or to drop the formalities of worship. Sitting before the image, he would spend hours singing the devotional songs of great devotees of the Mother, such as Kamalakanta and Ramprasad. Those rhapsodical songs, describing the direct vision of God, only intensified Sri Ramakrishna's longing. He felt the pangs of a child separated from its mother. Sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep so bitterly that people, thinking he had lost his earthly mother, would sympathize with him in his grief. Sometimes, in moments of scepticism, he would cry: "Art Thou true, Mother, or is it all fiction — mere poetry without any reality? If Thou dost exist, why do I not see Thee? Is religion a mere fantasy and art Thou only a figment of man's imagination?" Sometimes he would sit on the prayer carpet for two hours like an inert object. He began to behave in an abnormal manner, most of the time unconscious of the world. He almost gave up food; and sleep left him altogether.
But he did not have to wait very long. He has thus described his first vision of the Mother: "I felt as if my heart were being squeezed like a wet towel. I was overpowered with a great restlessness and a fear that it might not be my lot to realize Her in this life. I could not bear the separation from Her any longer. Life seemed to be not worth living. Suddenly my glance fell on the sword that was kept in the Mother's temple. I determined to put an end to my life. When I jumped up like a madman and seized it, suddenly the blessed Mother revealed Herself. The buildings with their different parts, the temple, and everything else vanished from my sight, leaving no trace whatsoever, and in their stead I saw a limitless, infinite, effulgent Ocean of Consciousness. As far as the eye could see, the shining billows were madly rushing at me from all sides with a terrific noise, to swallow me up! I was panting for breath. I was caught in the rush and collapsed, unconscious. What was happening in the outside world I did not know; but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother." On his lips when he regained consciousness of the world was the word "Mother".
--The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
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thereader-radhika · 1 year
The Handsome One
Ravidasan: Tell me the truth, girl! You've not lost your heart to the youngster’s [Vanthiyathevan] beauty, have you? Nandini: Chi, chi! What words! How can anyone talk about a man’s beauty? Only in this debased Chozha country do people rejoice over a good-looking Emperor. Aren’t battle scars the only signs of beauty in a man?” Ravidasan: That's well said.
Sundaran was a name frequently used by Pandya men, not Cholas. The first Pandya king who was named Sundaran is believed to have been Siva himself and he is worshipped as Sundareshwaran, the husband of Queen Thadathagai (Madurai Meenakshi).
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Quite funnily, Meenakshi's brother (Vishnu) is also called the handsome one - Alagar.
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Alagar giving away his sister Meenakshi to Sundarar
The pairing of Veeran and Sundaran as brothers' names is repeated throughout Pandya history. Veera Pandyan mentioned in the novel too had a brother named Sundaran. Veera Pandyan's Sivakasi Copper Plates say,
Just like Maha Vishnu (Upendran*) who conquered the world by his prowess had Devendran as his elder brother,  he [Veera Pandyan] had an elder brother named Sundarapandyan, who was a refuge for scholars.
This prince could have been a scholar and poet like Kandharadithan and Veera Pandyan could have been the more militarily active brother. Anyway Sundaran died when he was young, probably before Veeran rebelled against Cholas (we don't know if Veera Pandyan himself offed him ☠️). He constructed a pallippadai (sepulchre temple) Sundara Pandyar Isvaram-udayar Kovil, for his dear annan after he became the king.
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Now the temple is known as Kalainathaswamy Temple and the village is called Pallimadam. This temple was quite famous in the academic circles during the time of publication of Ponniyin Selvan because it is the only Pandyan memorial temple that has survived to the present day.
An article published by The Hindu about the temple
Basically, Kalki is hinting that Nandini who is associated with Pandya rebels doesn't even know the basics of Pandya conventions or the bare minimum details about her dead 'master'. This is another historical easter egg like The Curious Case of Parthivendran. She is just bluffing and coasting with whatever little she knows and hoping that her emotional appeals will work. It is obvious that she got this idea from the rants of Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar, the veteran of 24 battles who bears 64 scars on his venerable body.
Meanwhile Ravidasan who really needs Nandini's Lankan coins is like
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Bonus information: Pandya dynasty fell apart due to the civil war between another Veeran and Sundaran 🤣 in the 14th c.
* Upendran - Younger brother of Indran. This might be a bit confusing. In the beginning of early texts like Rig Veda, Vishnu is a minor god and Indra, as the King of Gods and the personification of the forces of weather is a mighty God. Later, Indra's influence reduced and Vishnu overtook him. Gradually, 'Upendra' came to refer only to Vamana, one of the avatars of Vishnu who was born as a younger son of Aditi. Still this Vedic influence can be seen in several later texts too, calling Rama and Krishna 'Upendra'.
Here, Vishnu/Upendran = Veera Pandyan, the younger brother Indran = Sundara Pandyan, the elder brother.
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kingmabry · 2 months
*சிவ போக சாரம்*
சுட்டறிவு கெட்ட சுகாதீத உண்மையிலே
விட்டகலா தென்றும் விரவுவார் – இட்டமுடன்
யோக சமாதிகளும் உட்புறம்பாம் பூசைகளும்
ஆக நினயார் அவர்.
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Those that have lost perception of their senses,
And have inseparably interfused for ever
With the Truth beyond bliss
Never shall they wish for yogic trance,
Outward adoration or worship within.
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Kali Portal
Ramakrishna, history’s most prominent devotee of Kali, saw the goddess as the portal to Ultimate Reality:
“And, indeed, he soon discovered what a strange Goddess he had chosen to serve. He became gradually enmeshed in the web of Her all-pervading presence. To the ignorant She is, to be sure, the image of destruction; but he found in Her the benign, all-loving Mother. Her neck is encircled with a garland of heads, and Her waist with a girdle of human arms, and two of Her hands hold weapons of death, and Her eyes dart a glance of fire; but, strangely enough, Ramakrishna felt in Her breath the soothing touch of tender love and saw in Her the Seed of Immortality. She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Siva; it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground. But is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of wine. But who would create this mad world unless under the influence of a divine drunkenness? She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies, the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman. She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow. Into Her worship he poured his soul. Before him She stood as the transparent portal to the shrine of Ineffable Reality.”
From The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna.
This is the vision of Kālī as she is, as she manifests to those who approach her without fear.
Kali Ma Art by @ lbustamante
Advanced Kali Mantras: Kali: The Power of Destruction of Negative Ego
Excerpted from Shakti Mantras: Tapping into the Great Goddess Energy Within.
General Kali Mantra for Relief from Difficult Circumstances:
Um Klim Kalika-yei Namaha [Dm Kleem Kah-lee-kah-yea Nahm-ah-hahl
“Om and salutations. I attract she who is dark and powerful.”
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nancypullen · 4 months
Hit 'Em Where They Ain't, Boys
Over the years I've expressed my love for the sport of baseball. Love it. I've always had a favorite team to watch...the Fairbanks Goldpanners, the Nashville Sounds, and always, always the Atlanta Braves. The Braves are on my television right now battling with Chicago. They're up by one run in the second inning and I'm cheering them on. Apologies to my favorite diehard Cubs fan, Dina. All of that explains why I couldn't be more excited to share that we have tickets to see the Braves play the Nationals in D.C. on June 9th! An afternoon game in June, what's better than that? Nuttin'! We'll cross the bridge and catch the Metro which will drop us right at the stadium. No fighting traffic or looking for parking, hooray! I can't wait! As I've also mentioned a few hundred times I love the 1988 movie, Bull Durham. Baseball, steamy romance, big laughs, great music - what else do you need?
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Kevin Costner. Need I say more?
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I could relate to Annie Savoy. I mean, not because she's leggy and gorgeous, I'm neither, but her love of the game and commitment to the season. I used to have her opening (PG) monologue memorized.
I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I learned that, I gave Jesus a chance. (sigh) But it just didn't work out between us. The Lord laid too much guilt on me. I prefer metaphysics to theology.
You see, there's no guilt in baseball, and it's never borin' - which makes it like sex. There's never been a ballplayer slept with me who didn't have the best year of his career. Makin' love is like hittin' a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate. Besides, I'd never sleep with a player hittin' under .250, unless he had a lot of RBIs or was a great glove man up the middle.
You see, there's a certain amount of life wisdom I give these boys. I can expand their minds. Sometimes when I've got a ballplayer alone, I'll just read Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman to him. And the guys are so sweet, they always stay and listen. Of course, a guy'll listen to anything if he thinks it's foreplay. I make them feel confident, and they make me feel safe - and pretty. Of course, what I give them lasts a lifetime. What they give me lasts 142 games. Sometimes it seems like a bad trade, but bad trades are part of baseball. I mean, who can forget Frank Robinson for Milt Pappas, for God's sake? It's a long season and you gotta trust it. I've tried 'em all, I really have. And the only church that truly feeds the soul - day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball.
I agree, Annie. Which is why I made this shirt to wear to the game.
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I need to look good while I yell at the ump and call balls and strikes. I know they appreciate my help. Trying to decide which earrings to wear, of course the big earrings appeal to me.
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I'll probably just wear the beaded hoops on the far left. Ponytail, hoops in Braves colors, and a Church of Baseball tee. If that doesn't spell crazy fan I don't know what does. Whoohoo, let's go, Braves! I don't want to hear a word about my craziness. It's fun to have something to look forward to - and if there's a rainout I may cry.
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Alright, that's enough silliness from me for one night. I don't expect you to share my passion for baseball or my love of Bull Durham. I do hope that you can share a bit of my excitement for something fun on the horizon. When we don't have things to look forward to, life becomes drudgery. It doesn't have to be anything big - for me it can be a trip to a garden center or a shopping trip with my sister. Life needs to be sprinkled with occasional treats. So send good juju out to the universe for fair weather on June 9th, then tune in to the Braves game. I'll be the wackadoodle in the red shirt (that should narrow it down). Sending out heaps of love tonight, take what you need and pass it on. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy P.S. Go watch Bull Durham. You're welcome.
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jayaworldtravel · 7 months
Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of the Indian state of Kerala, is home to several temples, with some of them being significant in terms of history, culture, and religious practices. One of the most prominent temples in Thiruvananthapuram is the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple.
Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram. It is renowned for its architectural beauty, intricate carvings, and historical significance. The temple is known for its strict adherence to tradition and rituals.
One of the distinguishing features of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the deity's posture, reclining on the serpent Anantha, representing the cosmic sleep of Lord Vishnu. The temple also gained international attention due to the discovery of immense wealth hidden within its vaults, making it one of the richest religious institutions in the world.
Apart from the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Thiruvananthapuram is also home to other notable temples such as Attukal Bhagavathy Temple, Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple, and the Aazhimala Siva Temple, each with its own unique significance and rituals. These temples contribute to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region.
Architectural Grandeur: The temple showcases a magnificent blend of Dravidian and Kerala architectural styles. The temple's intricate carvings, gopurams (tower gateways), and pillared halls are a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient craftsmen.
Principal Deity: The main deity of the temple is Lord Padmanabhaswamy (Lord Vishnu), depicted in a reclining posture on the serpent Anantha. This is a unique aspect as very few temples in India have this depiction of Lord Vishnu.
Mysterious Vaults: The temple gained international attention due to the discovery of hidden underground vaults containing immense wealth, including gold, jewels, and other treasures. These vaults were long guarded by traditional practices and were opened under court orders in recent years, leading to the temple being recognized as one of the richest religious institutions globally.
Strict Religious Practices: The temple follows strict traditional rituals and practices, maintaining the ancient customs of worship. The rituals are conducted by hereditary priests who have been performing these duties for generations.
Festivals and Rituals: The temple hosts various festivals and rituals throughout the year, attracting devotees from far and wide. The annual Laksha Deepam festival, where thousands of oil lamps are lit, is a particularly grand event celebrated at the temple.
Spiritual Significance: Devotees believe that a visit to the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is highly auspicious and is believed to bestow blessings and spiritual fulfillment.
Overall, the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram holds immense cultural, religious, and historical significance, making it a cherished landmark in Kerala and a revered pilgrimage destination for Hindus worldwide.
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favarion · 11 months
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I'm in drawing mode right now :D
And I think the working cover for volume 2 turned out really cool (at least I'm happy with it ^^)
I could even hide some details in it:
- Some character references (The violin of Agda, Siva's sewing needle, a quill for Bo, the journals that Tiana (the main character) and Rivan her boyfriend exchange because they can't see each other for a long time).
- The cat north of the helm is the heraldic animal of a rather important character and the position is no coincidence either :p
- In the coat of arms of Drachan (under the helm) normally only the middle lower symbol is blackened, because the worship of this deity is forbidden in Drachan, but since Tiana has no relationship to any deity except Win'Dara, even neutral, but negative, the others are black too
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the11tailed · 9 months
Taking place in my Guardian Fox AU Destiny-Naruto Fusion. Basically, Iron Lords don’t die to SIVA but everything else stays the same. Osiris is still exiled and Saint is still lost to the infinite forest.
Lord Felwinter scrolled through Hidden reports absentmindedly. Beyond him, at another desk, Ikora filtered through her own stack of reports. Felwinter’s personal data pad pinged and he absently reached over and clicked it on. A message from Osiris surprised him out of his thoughts and he properly picked up him datapad. He hadn’t gotten a message from Osiris since he was exiled.
Osiris: How did you handle me???
Felwinter blinked slowly and opened the message from Osiris.
Felwinter: What do you mean?
Felwinter waited a moment as Osiris typed his response.
Osiris: Because if this is what I was like, I am so sorry.
Felwinter blinked, bewildered.
“Ikora,” he called, catching the woman’s attention, even if she didn’t lift her eyes from her reports, “Has Osiris reached out to you recently?”
“Huh? No,” mumbled Ikora before looking up, “Why?”
“He just sent me something and I am…very confused,”
Ikora rose and crossed over to him, peering over his shoulder at the message. Her brows furrowed and she shook her head.
“I have no clue,” said Osiris’ student
Felwinter: What do you mean?
Osiris sent a video
Felwinter clicked the video and felt Ikora lean in closer.
“Is it rolling?!” cried a young female voice that neither Felwinter or Ikora knew.
“Yes, Makato, Sagira is recording,” came Osiris’ voice, off-screen.
“Okay! Okay! Because this is gonna be big!”
Sagira turned to face a small human guardian (hunter judging by her cape) with bright fox ears and a fox tail (which swished excitedly behind her). She turned, grinning at Sagira, her bright blue eyes slitted like a fox’s and her red hair braided neatly down her back. Her grin stretched the three whisker markings that rested on her cheeks. Her teeth seemed far sharper than normal.
Sagira turned towards the abundant Vex structure, the beating black heart in the center and the Vex that were worshipping it.
“KATSU!” exclaimed the girl, Makato, (and Sagira turned to look back at her) as she pressed the pointer, middle and thumb fingers together while folding the pinkie and ring fingers over each other.
Felwinter could only noted that Makato’s arms, up to her elbow looked like a fox’s before a massive explosion turned Sagira’s feed white. The ringing stopped after a bit and the light cleared and Sagira panned over to where the Vex structure had been and only a massive void remained. Sagira turned back to Makato, whose jaw was dropped in horror and amazement.
“MAKATO!?” exclaimed Osiris and Sagira spun around to face her mortified guardian.
“Oops, I think I messed up with the math…” Makato said, turning to gaze at Osiris sheepishly.
Sagira turned to Osiris as the man rubbed his brow, exhaustion on his face.
“Good job on destroying the Black heart, you are grounded, though,” said Osiris
“Aww man, databane,” mumbled Makato as the video ended.
Felwinter and Ikora stared at each other and Felwinter sent a single message back.
Good luck, Osiris
Osiris: Dammit, Lord Felwinter, I cannot raise this menace without Saint!
Osiris: My husband has the patience, not me!
Osiris: Lord Felwinter?
Osiris: I hate you.
Ikora turned away to hide her laughter as she walked back to her desk.
“Traveler protect Osiris,” muttered Felwinter, “Even he wasn’t that bad,”
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blessed1neha · 2 years
What is Power of Raam Naam
As we all know Rama is a two letter mantra derived out of the ashtakshara (Aum Na mo Na ra ya na ya) and Panchakshara (Na ma Shi va ya).
Once Goddess Parvathi asked Lord Shiva how can a lay man achieve the benefits of reciting Vishnu sahasranama which is basically read by learned schlors.
For which Lord Shiva answered: "Keno Payena lakuna vishnoor naama sahasrakam - Patyathe pandithair nithyam srothumicchyaamyaham Prabho". "Just by reciting rama rama rama. Rama nama has the essence of Vishnu sahasranama or 1000 names of Lord Vishnu".
This is told in the sloka "sri rama rama ramethi rame rame manorame sahasranama thathulyam rama nama varanane"
Rama nama is so sweet as a nectar. It gives happiness to the mind.
Whatever comes in our way as an obstacle, Rama namam will protect us.
What we desire to have, we get it,that is the prowess of the nama.
The celestial s too sing the pride of this taraka mantra and it installs bravery in one's heart
The power of Rama nama is depicted by Lord Hanuman (Ever living - chiranjeevi). He crossed the ocean by chanting the Rama nama. Rama built a bridge across the ocean to reach Lanka, but hanuman just like that crossed the Ocean by just chanting Rama nama. So this means, Rama nama is mightier than Lord Rama himself.
Let us all chant, Hari and Shiva who are one and Rama nama gives happiness both in this birth and in the next birth. It erases the difficulties of the devotees, cures the illness. Let us all chant the nectar like Rama nama daily and get his blessings.
Every other mantra in our scriptures have their own names. Rama Nama is the only Mantra that is called ‘Taraka Mantra’. The word ‘taraka’ means the one that helps us cross. It helps us cross the ocean of ‘samsara’. It helps us cross the cycles of birth and death. If it is chanted as ‘Rama’, then it is a Nama.
If it is chanted ‘Ram’, then it is a Mantra.
Our ancient Sages and Rishis have glorified the Rama Nama.
Rama Nama gets exactly the same importance in Saguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as a Being with a form) as does the Pranava (‘Om’) Mantra in Nirguna Upasana (worshipping the Absolute Truth as formless).
Rishi Manu shows that the Rama Nama has links to all the other mantras that ever exist.
In Syavana Smriti (Syavana is the name of a rishi), Syavana says that the Rama Nama is the essence of all the Vedas, Shastras, Itihasas and Puranas.
Sage Vasishta meditated on the Rama Nama for quite a long time. Hence he wanted to name the Almighty with the same Mantra that he had chanted.
In the philosophy of the Yoga, ‘Ra’ is considered the ‘Mooladhara’ (the point of origin of the power of Kundalini) and ‘Ma’ is the ‘Sahasrara’ (the destination). Hence, when the Rama Nama is chanted in the right tone and manner, the serpent power rises and hits the head or the ‘kapala’ Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one can become a Yogi.
In Vishnu Sahasranamam, Lord Siva asks Parvati to chant the Rama Nama all the time. A good teacher is the one who practices what he preaches. It is obvious that Siva, being the Supreme Guru, (Jagadguru) Himself chants the Rama Nama. When parents do something noble, would not the son follow the same? Muruga and Ganesha chant the Rama Nama always. That is verily their ‘Kula Mantra’.
Sage Vishwamitra took Sri Rama and Lakshmana to the forests for ‘yagna samrakshana’ (protecting their fire austerities from the demons). Out of the boundless love for Sri Rama, Viswamnitra wanted to gift Him something. A sage that he was, he had no worldly possessions, nevertheless, he had performed an abundance of austerities. He had penanced for a very long time on crores of ‘Devatas’ with mantras for each of them. He initiated Sri Rama with these Mantras.
As soon as the Mantras were initiated to Sri Rama, the ‘devatas’ appeared before them! Viswamitra was jealous of the fact that those devatas who could be invoked by him only after severe penances, now appeared the instant Sri Rama chanted their Mantras!
In our Shastras it is prescribed that when the devatas are invited, they can be installed in one of the three — water (that is the reason we install ‘kalas’ – pots of water for japa, kumbabhishekam and the like), fire (that is the reason we perform homam) and the third being, installing them into one’s own body (during Sandhyavandanam, Goddess Gayathri is installed thus). Here, when the devatas were invoked, they refused to go back to their abodes. Hence Sri Rama invited one and all of them into his body. Thus, by merely chanting the Rama Nama, one gets the benefit of invoking all the 33 crores of devatas as well.
Ramayana is filled with instances where merely the Name ‘Rama’ has solved so many miseries and disentangled so many situations.
Generally, people can be divided into two broad categories: the Shaivites, who worship Lord Shiva as the supreme, and the Vaishnavites, who worship Lord Vishnu and His forms as the Supreme Being. The most significant Mantra for any Vaishnavite is the ‘Ashtakshari’ (it contains eight letters in Sanskrit) mantra ‘Om Namo Narayana’.
The chief among the Mantras for the Shaivites is the Panchakshari (5 lettered) mantra, ‘Om Nama Shivaya’. Without the letter ‘ra’, ‘Narayana’ would read as ‘Nayana’ that means one without a way (‘gati’); without the letter, ‘ma’, ‘Namasivaya’ would read as ‘Nasivaya’ that means inauspicious.
So the jiva akshara (life-giving letters) ‘Ra’ and ‘Ma’ of these two Mantras are put together to form the Rama Nama! Anyone chanting this Divine Name thus worships both Shiva and Vishnu at the same time.
Also, Here its is 
One very famous and old true incident of 15th century!
Once there was a very wealthy Seth (businessman) in the current Uttar Pradesh. He was suffering from leprosy disease (vitiligo as we say white spots) for long time and therefore he plans to end his life by taking Samadhi in Ganga Ji.
He along with his family members and friends came to Ganga river and they saw Kamaal. (son of Kabiradas Ji)
Kamaal inquired about everything and smiled.
Kamaal: Seth! What if I remove this leprosy completely from your body?
Seth: I will give half of my wealth to you Maharaj instantly.
Kamaal: Keep your wealth with you. I don't want anything. Just chant Ram once from the bottom of your heart and take a dip in Ganga.
Seth did what Kamaal told, but nothing happened.
Kamaal: You didn't chant Ram from your whole heart. Do it one more time and take a dip.
Again! Nothing happened.
Now Kamaal asked him to say Ram for the third time and while Seth was taking a dip, Kamaal hit his head with a wodden stick.
Seth was horrified and terrified due to this sudden attack and he cried out Ram naam from the bottom of his heart finally.
And magic happened!
His leprosy disease vanished completely.
Kamaal was very happy seeing this and he hurriedly came to Kabiradas Ji and told him everything.
Kabiradas Ji was very sad hearing this that Kamaal had to take Ram naam for 3 times to cure a disease.
Saying Ram for 3 times for such a small purpose made Kabiradas Ji very angry.
He sent Kamaal to Tulsidas Ji who was Param Ram Bhakt with a letter.
Tulsidas Ji read the letter when Kamaal came to him and it was written:
“Dooba Vansh Kabir Ka Upje Poot Kamaal”
“Teen Ram Ke Naam Se Kodi Kiyo Bahaal”
My lineage has drowned when son like Kamaal born who had to take 3 Ram nam for curing a leprosy disease.
Tulsidas Ji smiled and ordered that whoever wants to cure leprosy disease gather at my ashram.
Around 1k patient of leprosy disease gathered from many villages.
Tulsidas Ji came and chant Ram naam only once on the water in his hands and then sprinkled that water on those patients.
And again magic happened!
Every single patient became disease free. Leprosy was vanished from each and everyone's body.
Kamaal returned home and told the incident as it is to Kabiradas Ji.
Kabirdas Ji was not satisfied even after that.
He sent Kamaal to Soordas Ji who was Param Krishna Bhakt.
Soordas Ji was laying on Raman Reti and his eyes were full of tears of love of Govind. He was in dhyan avastha.
Kamaal went to Soordas Ji and told him both the incidents briefly to Soordas Ji.
Soordas Ji: Look at the Yamuna river Kamaal. There is a dead body flowing in it.
Kamaal: Yes! There is a dead body. You doesn't look blind to me at all!
Soordas Ji: (smiling) Take that body out from the river and bring it to me.
Kamaal took the body out and took it before Soordas Ji.
Then Soordas Ji with his heart full of love amd bhakti of Govind, chanted Ra only out of complete Ram and suddenly the dead body became alive and that man stood in front of everybody like he's waken up from a long sleep.
Again magic happened!
Saying half of Ram naam can make a dead into alive!
Valmiki became like a God by chanting Ram naam backwards.
Shri Hanuman Ji Maharaj control Shri Ram himself by continuously chanting Ram naam.
Shri Mahadev took the Halaahal poison and it became an ornament for him because of continous Ram naam jaap.
Lord Rama is the Supreme Lord himself and any paraphernalia associated with him has his qualities invested in them, then what to speak of his holy name!
In Bhagavad Gita (10.25), Lord Krishna says as follows:
maharṣīṇāṁ bhṛgur ahaṁ girām asmy ekam akṣaram yajñānāṁ japa-yajño ’smi sthāvarāṇāṁ himālayaḥ
Of the great sages I am Bhṛgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental oṁ. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himālayas.
From this, we can understand that the chanting of the holy names of the lord hold the highest position amongst all other forms of sacrifice.
Why is that? you may ask
It is explained in the scriptures that the Lord has invested all his energies and glories into his holy name.
There are some practical examples where it has been shown that the holy names of the Lord are very powerful, and in some cases, even more powerful that the lord himself!
Evidence from Scripture In the phala sruti of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, it is said as follows: sri rAma rAma rAmeti rame rAme manorame sahasra nAma tat tulyam rAma nAma varAnane As stated by Lord Siva to PArvati - if you just chant the name "Rama",it is equivalent to chanting the 1000 names of Sri MahA Vishnu"
The Transformation of Valmiki There lived a dacoit in the treta yuga who was quite proud of his profession. One day he happened to come across a few sages. Even though he knew they would not have anything of much value to him, he decided to try his luck by approaching the sages with the intent of robbing them. The sages asked him if he was aware of the amount of negative karma his actions would bring him, to which he replied that he only had his family’s best interest in mind. The sages then advised him to ask his family members if they would be willing to share the results of his impious acts. When he asked his family members this question, they laughed and thought he was stupid to even ask such a ridiculous question. This made him realise the worth of his actions, after which he apologised to the sages. The sages gave him to chant the holy names of Lord Rama, following which he was completely transformed into the saint whom we now know as Valmiki.
The incident with Lord Shiva When Lord Brahma recited the Ramayana, it comprised of 100 crore stanzas. Due to concerns of ownership of the scripture, Lord Vishnu divided the Ramayana into 3 sections - 1/3rd was given to MahaLaxmi, 1/3rd to Garuda and 1/3rd to Shesha. At the end of the division remained 2 words: Ra and Ma. These were given to Lord Shiva. These words became the object of meditation of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva also promises to give Rama Nama to his devotees in Kashi to grant them liberation.
The incident with Hanuman Once upon a time, Lord Rama was meeting with sages in Ayodhya. As the sages left Ayodhya, Hanuman offered his obeisances to all sages except Vishwamitra. Vishwamitra was furious at this and demanded that Lord Rama execute the offender. Lord Rama being a noble and just king, obliged. Hanuman took shelter of the holy name of Lord Rama. When Lord Rama shot his arrows at Hanuman, the arrows had no effect on Hanuman. (Please keep in mind that this Lila was plotted by Narada to demonstrate the power of the holy name of Lord Rama)
The incident with the Vanaras If you have heard the story of the Ramayana you would be familiar with how the monkeys accomplished the mighty task of building a bridge from Rameshwaram to Lanka by inscribing Lord Rama’s name on rocks and plunging them in water. Due to the strength of the Holy name, the rocks floated on water.
The story of Vibhishana When Vibhishana left Lanka with his attendants, his associates were wondering how Lord Rama was able to build the bridge across to Lanka. Vibhishana explained to them that it was merely the power of the Holy name. The attendant was skeptical and Vibhishana decided that a demonstration was in order. He handed the attendant a folded up leaf with Rama’s name on it and told him to cross the ocean. The attendant may have been skeptical about Rama’s name but he had faith in Vibhishana’s words. He took the leaf and started crossing the ocean which, to his surprise was only knee deep for him. He kept walking until he reached the midway point. Then out of curiosity, he opened the leaf and read Rama’s name. His skepticism returned. How can such a simple name be so powerful as to make the ocean knee deep? Unfortunately for him, the moment he doubted the power of Rama’s name, the ocean swallowed him up. (Taken from Holy name story: Vibhishana and leaf with name Rama!)
The story of Mother Sita When Hanuman saw Mother Sita in the Ashoka Vatika, she was unkempt and chanting the holy names of Lord Rama. She states to Hanuman that only due to the power of the holy name has she been able to survive in Lanka.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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Sun Hardly any of the symbols of Freemasonry are more important in their signification or more extensive in their application than the sun. As the source of material light, it reminds the Freemason of that intellectual light of which he is in constant search. But it is especially as the ruler of the day, giving to it a beginning and end, and a regular course of hours, that the Sun is presented as a Masonic Symbol. Hence, of the three lesser lights, we are told that one represents or symbolizes the sun, one the moon, and one the Master of the Lodge, because, as the sun rules the day and the moon governs the night, so should the Worshipful Master rule and govern his Lodge with equal regularity and precision.
And this is in strict analogy with other Masonic symbolisms. For if the Lodge is a symbol of the world, which is thus governed in its changes of times and seasons by the sun, it is evident that the Master who governs the Lodge, controlling its time of opening and closing, and the work which it should do, must be symbolized by the sun. The heraldic definition of the sun as a bearing fits most appositely to the symbolism of the sovereignty of the Master. Thus Gwillim Says: "The sun is the symbol of sovereignty, the hieroglyphic of royalty; it doth signify absolute authority!'
This representation of the sun as a symbol of authority while it explains the reference to the Master, enables us to amplify its meaning, and apply it to the three Sources of authority in the Lodge, and accounts for the respective positions of the officers wielding this authority. the Master, therefore, in the East is a symbol of the rising sun; the Junior Warden in the South, of the Meridian Sun; and the Senior Warden in the West, of the Setting Sun. So in the Mysteries of India, the chief officers were placed in the East, the West, and the South, respectively, and thus represent Brahma, or the rising; Vishnu, or the setting; and Siva, or the meridian sun. And in the Druidical Rites, the Archdruid, seated in the East, was assisted by two other officers--the one in the West representing the moon, and the other in the South representing the meridian sun. This triple division of the government of a Lodge by three officers, representatives of the sun in his three manifestations in the East, South and West, will remind us of similar ideas in the symbolism of antiquity. In the Orphic Mysteries, it was taught that the sun generated from an egg, burst forth with power to triplicate himself by his own unassisted energy. Supreme power seems always to have been associated in the ancient mind with a three-fold division. Thus the sign of authority was indicated by the three-forked lightning of Jove, the trident of Neptune, and the three-headed Cerherus of Pluto. The government of the Universe was divided between these three sons of Saturn. The chaste goddess ruled the earth as Diana, the heavens as Luna, and the infernal regions as Hecate, whence her rites were only performed in a place where three roads met. The sun is then presented to us in Freemasonry first as a symbol of light, but then more emphatically as a symbol of sovereign authority.
But, says Wemyss (Symbolic Language), speaking of Seriptural symbolism, "the sun may be considered to be an emblem of Divine Truth," because the sun or light, of which it is the source, "is not only manifest in itself, but makes other things; so one truth detects, reveals, and manifests another, as all truths are dependent on, and connected with, each other more or less." And this again is applicable to the Masonic doctrine which makes the Master the symbol of the sun; for as the sun discloses and makes manifest, by the opening of day, what had been hidden in the darkness of night, so the Master of the Lodge, as analogue of the ancient hierophant or explainer of the mysteries, makes Divine Truth manifest to the neophyte, who had been hitherto in intellectual darkness, and reveals the hidden or esoteric lessons of initiation.
Sun Lodge ☀️ Talon Abraxas
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33-108 · 3 days
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Verse 31/32
Ayamevodayas tasya dhyeyasya dhyayi-cetasi/
Tadatmata-Samapattir icchatah sadhakasya ya//
Iyamevamrtapraptir ayamev atmano grahah/
Iyam nirvana-diksa ca siva-sadbhavadayin!//
This (identity of his Self with the whole universe) is only the manifestation of the object of meditation in the meditator's mind that the aspirant with a resolute will has the realization of his pure being.
This alone is the acquisition of ambrosia/Amrita leading to immortality; this alone is the realization of Self: this alone is the initiation of liberation leafing to identity with Siva.
It is declared here that 'one should worship Siva by becoming Siva . That alone constitutes the manifestation of the object of meditation leading to the realization of identity with the object of meditation.
As has been said by the teacher "O Lord, in this whole world which is thy own manifest form, what is that spot which is not a holy place to thy devotees and where the mantras of these devotees will not bear fruit"?. This alone is his great accomplishment that he acquires the ambrosia of the highest non-duality.
This section has been rightly entitled Sahajavidyodaya i.e., the rise of Sahaja vidya. Sahaja or Suddha vidya is that state in which in spite of the seeming difference of all that is earth, earthy, there is a running sense of unity, identity, of the Supreme I-consciousness fused with the all-of-reality. Vasugupta says- "Whether it is word or thought or object there is no state which is not Siva."
In the first section, the emphasis is on the Self-realization as Siva. In the second section, the emphasis is on the realization of the universe as Siva or in the technical language of this system on Siva-vyapti.
From the point of view of yoga, the emphasis in the first section is on nimilana-samadhi, on introversive meditation, on taking a plunge mentally in the innermost Self and realizing it as Siva. In the second section, the emphasis is on unmilana samadhi or extroversive meditation in which in spite of the senses being open to the onset of external sensation, the world appears as the materialization of the bliss of Siva. Ksemaraja rightly calls it mahasamapatti, the coup of supreme realization.
Man has been in search of ambrosia that will make him immortal. The author says that the realization of one's identity with Siva is alone the real ambrosia, for it sets one free from the whirligig of birth and death. The aspirant subjects himself to a tedious ceremony of initiation (diksa) for liberation (nirvana). The author says that which gives the realization of identity with Siva is alone the real initiation for liberation.
Utpalabhatta quotes the following verse as a definition of initiation(diksa).
"Inititaion is that which gives realization and destroys all impurities. Because it imparts that realization which awakens one from the sleep of ignorance, therefore is it called diksa. It has the characteristic of both giving (di) and destroying (ksa)".
Swamiji Lakshmanjoo-
When a yogi with this determination sits for meditation, that, “I will not leave this meditation until I realize the real truth. I won’t come out of this meditative functioning. I won’t leave this function. I won’t leave this meditation until I realize God consciousness”...
when the sādhaka-yogi sits for meditation and becomes one with God consciousness, that means, the rise of God consciousness has taken place in his thought (ayamevaudayas-tasya dhyeyasya).
The state of God consciousness is to be meditated upon. And the rise of the state of God consciousness is that
In other words, it is the rise of the state of God consciousness.
One should meditate with this determination [that], “I will never leave it until I realize the reality of God
consciousness.” [Your very determination] means, It has risen in the background of your consciousness– that reality of God consciousness. (31)
Iyameva, this is the attainment of amṛta (nectar, supreme nectar). The supreme nectar he has attained. Ayam eva ātmano, this is the controlling of your mind, this is one-pointedness of your mind.
Iyaṁ nirvāṇa dīkṣā ca, and this is the real initiation, which sentences you to liberation, ultimate liberation, śiva sadbhāvadāyinī, which will give you śiva sat bhāva, the state of Śiva bhāva. (32)
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blrowanducks-blog · 2 years
Preceding with Sakti
The philosophical underpinnings of Sakti, the All-pervading Energy.
NOTHING can exist unless there is some ground for its existence, some substratum from which it may rise. There must also be some possibility and some reason for existence. We have seen that the universal substatum was called the Immensity (brahman) and that the mechanical potentiality of manifestation lay in the form of opposing tendencies represented as cohesion (Vişnu) and disintegration (Śiva), their balance, the space-time creating principle, being known as the Immense-Being (Brahmā).
The tension between the opposites from which motion arises in the substratum is depicted as the first appearance of energy (sakti). It is from manifest energy, and not merely from the opposition from which it springs forth, that existence arises. Energy does not pertain to one or the other of the opposites nor to their opposition. It is something more, something new. Once manifestation has taken place, it appears as the substance of everything, pervading every thing. It can be represented as the power of Siva or that of Visnu or that of Brahma. As the power of their combined form, Isvara, it becomes the Supreme Goddess (Bhagavati), the Resplendent-One (Devi). It can even be conceived as the power which appears in the neutral Immensity, as the maelstrom from which existence and the three basic-tendencies (gunas) themselves appear to arise; it is then called Illusion (Maya). From the point of view of cosmology this power, when manifest, it is called Nature (prakṛti). It is through it that the gods are born and procreate, Energy is pictured as female, being the creative birth giving aspect of divinity, the power through which creation manifests. It is only when the qualityless, shapeless, substratum becomes: "The quality of being divine, appearing in that in which there is most energy." powerful beings, rest upon that of power. The gods are infused through and through by the great Energy. A limitless center from which the universe can be created, maintained, and destroyed. Without energy, Siva, the lord of sleep, is unable to create or destroy, He is as powerless as a corpse. The divinity of divinity rests upon Energy. "She is the power of the Self; she it is who creates appearances." In the Linga-arcana Tantra we read: "Devoid of senses, the eternal lord of sleep is merely the form of the Void. He has no visible form. What can be expected from the worship of nothingness?
"Without the great Daughter-of-the-Mountain (Parvati), ever glorified as his supreme dread energy, the corpse of Rudra is never worshiped. This primordial goddess is known as "the coiled, Kundalini". Her substance is Brahma-Vişnu-Šiva. She envelops Šiva with her three and a half veils. Only because he is united with Energy is the eternal lord of sleep a doer of actions. This is why the Goddess is worshiped as a linga surrounded by a yoni." "The quiescent aspect of Siva is, by definition, inert. Activity is the nature of Nature (prakṛti). For this reason the female form is represented in sexual union as being above (vipartta) the male. When the devi is shown standing above Siva... [this also represents] the liberating aspect of the Mother." (Woodroffe, The Serpent Power, p. 27)
Among the Saktas, who are the worshipers of the Goddess, the source of existence is considered female, becomes the main representation of divinity is God as woman.
Yet power is ever inseparable from him who possesses it. So the all-powerful Energy cannot be really distinct from the substratum from which it arises. The concept of Sakti is necessary to justify the appearance of the perceptible universe out of an inaccessible, motionless substratum.
The word Sakti, meaning "energy," is found in the Vedas, where its equivalent is in fact (divine grace), representing Energy, personified as the consort of Indra, the divine might. The notion of Sakti as the supreme power seems to appear fully only in the Svetasvatara Upanisad, one of the Saivite Upanisads.
In the common Hindu theology, Sakti is but another name for the manifesting power, the creative principle. It takes the place of Brahma, the Cosmic Embryo (Hiranya-garbha). In later mythology the concept of Sakti comes to include both the notions of a concentrating and illuminating the power that is Vişņu and an active space-time principle that is Brahma to form the complement of the male, positive, ultimate knowledge that is Śiva.
Descending from the earliest prehistoric Saivism, the eternal couple Šiva and the all-pervading Energy Sakti is represented in the male and the female emblems, the linga and the yoni, pervades the whole of later Hinduism. The linga embraced by the yoni forms the central object of worship and tends to reduce to a minor position all the other ways of representing divinity.
Energy is the source of everything, the origin of the phenomenal world but also of the conscious plan of its creation, and the principle of knowledge or perception through which its existence, real or apparent, can be known. Thus the Goddess is also represented as Consciousness or as Knowledge. Without her the gods are dead, inactive, unknown, nonexistent. Knowledge (jana) without action (kriya) is dead knowledge, and so is feeling (rasa) without strength (bala).
The Goddess is the source of all, the universal creator. "The gods, approaching the resplendent Goddess, asked her, 'Who are you?' The Goddess replied, 'I am the form of the Immensity; from me the world arises as Nature and Person (prakṛti-purusa)." (Devi Upanisad 1-2 [478])
"She is the form of all that is conscious. The origin, the knowledge, the perception of reality, the instigator of intellect." (Devi Bhagavata Purāņa 1.1. [479])
She is realized in the microcosm as the ultimate goal of Yoga.
"In the principial-aperture (the brahma-randhra, behind the forehead) each man finds me, the lady-of-the-spheres (Bhuvaneśvari), who am the shape of the Principle, beyond the Fourth [unmanifest] stage." (Bhuvanesvart Upanisad. [480])
The Devi Sukta of the Rg Veda describes her as supreme, all-pervading divinity.
The Goddess says:
"I wander with the principles-of-life (Rudras), with the spheres-of-existence (Vasus), the sovereign-principles (Adityas), and the all-pervading-gods (Viśvadevas). I am the support of Might (Indra), of Fire (Agni), of the law-of Asvins). I am the support of the soma wine which flows from the crushing man-and-gods (Mitra-Varuna), of the horse-headed gods-of-agriculture (the stone; I am the support of the Shaper (Tvaştr), of the Nourisher (Paşan), of the Inherited-Share (Bhaga). I am the giver of the fruit of action to the performer of the ritual sacrifice, which nourishes the gods with offerings. "I am the Kingdom, the giver of wealth, the knower of the essence of things. I come first in all rituals. The gods have established me in various abodes. My sphere is wide. I dwell in all things.
"From me comes the food you eat, all that you see, all that has breath (prāna), and all the words you hear. Those who do not acknowledge me are destroyed. Study and hear what I say with respect. I am the pleasure of gods and men".
"I make everyone whatever he wishes to be, feared or great, a man of vision or intellect. I draw the bow of the lord-of-tears (Rudra) to kill the tribes of the enemies of knowledge. I fight for the people. I enter the sky and the earth. I give birth to the father and I am his head. I spring forth from the waters of the ocean. From there I spread into the universe. I touch the sky with my body. I blow like the wind, creating the worlds. My greatness expands beyond the sky and the earth." (Rg Veda 10.125.1-8. [481])
As the source, the plan of the universe, Energy first appears as a consciousness. Knowledge, that is, the perception of the existing universe, is its manifest form. There is a conscious plan for everything and therefore a possibility of knowing, a knowledge related to everything. The knowledge of the universe is the transcendent-knowledge (maha-vidya), whose form is identical to that of the all-powerful Goddess, and fragments of which are expressed in the revealed scripture, the Veda.
The knowledge of the cosmos is called virat-vidya; that of the manifest universe is visva-vidya. The main aspects of existence as perceived from the point of view of man are represented in the ten forms of the Goddess, the ten objects-of-transcendent-knowledge (maha-vidyā, महाविद्या) which are her most commonly worshiped aspects. Mahavidyas are usually named in the following sequence: Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi , ChhinNamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala. Nevertheless the formation of this group encompass divergent and varied religious traditions that include yogini worship, Saivism, Vaishnavism, and Vajrayana Buddhism.
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