#Wow I actually feel like I kinda. stuck the landing on this one.
Not Waving But Drowning
Dean Winchester x Female Reader
Request: can I request a Dean x reader, where they get in a fight. Also where brothers and reader go on a hunt that involves drowning victims. They all separate and the reader is pushed/pulled into the water. Sam and Dean look for her but can't find her until a kid says something then they have the hardest time trying to revive her? Kinda like, but not exactly like "Drowning on Dry Land" Grey's Anatomy: Season 3, Episode 16. Angst please, if you're willing!
A/N: This episode is engrained into my brain along with most of Grey's Anatomy because it fulfils all my angsty desires SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS REQUEST!!! Also, the title is in reference to the poem and album of the same name, but the content is not.
Warnings: drowning, near-death experience, cpr, hospitals, suicidal thoughts, angst, lots of pent up feelings
Word count: 4,040
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You hadn't spoken to Dean in the five hours you'd been driving, and you didn't intend to any time soon. It had been building up all week really; at first it was little things, like forgetting to ask for the tomato off your burger when he order take out, and when he actually took responsibility for the laundry for once but dyed all your whites pink. You'd been picking at each other for a while now, with Sam hovering uncomfortably as his brother and best friend bickered. But things had really come to a head that morning, when you'd had a sleepless night having been stuck on the rock hard motel sofa while the boys took the bed. As you pulled your things together, you did your usual count up of your weapons and froze. More frantically, you rummaged deeper, tossing things out of the little bag that you always carried alongside your gun.
"You alright, Y/N?" Sam quizzed as he sensed your panic.
"My bullet. It's gone. Did one of you take it? Dean?" You spun round with anger in your eyes as you stared down the elder Winchester as he emerged confused from the bathroom.
"Take what? Hell, what have I done now!"
You stormed towards him, refusing to take his attitude. "My bullet, you moron. Where is it?"
"Wow, chill out will you. Yeah, I borrowed a bullet on that last hunt cause I was running low. Why's that such a problem, you've got a shit ton of them in that weird little bag you carry round-"
Before he could even finish his sentence his head whipped round as your palm collided with his cheek.
"What the fuck Y/N?" Sam tried to intervene, but you shot him a look that told him to do otherwise.
"Yeah, I carry a bag of loads of random bullets so I don't run out. Because I'm not careless like you. But you didn't even think to look at what you were taking, did you?"
Dean squinted at you with a pout as he rubbed his red cheek.
"That wasn't just any bullet you stole, Dean. That was the one bullet I've never used, the one bullet I'll never use because its the one thing I still have from my dad. It's not for just using cause you forgot to top up your own stack!" You thrust your hand out, nodding towards it when he didn't get the hint.
"Oh you-you want it back?" Dean snorted before standing up straighter. "No can do I'm afraid. Used it on that demon to distract him before I used the knife. I gotta say, he did not see that coming," he spoke proudly, grinning at his brother who shook his head wide eyed in response.
You gulped back tears. "You...you used it? As a distraction? Are you fucking with me?"
Dean shrugged. "Oh c'mon Y/N, you've got loads of little things from your dad, it can't have been that special."
"Look, I'm sure Dean's sorry-" Sam tried to interject but you spun round on your heel and stormed towards the door.
"Don't you even start to defend him, Sam" you hissed. You had to get out of there before you lost your shit completely.
But of course, the motel was in the middle of nowhere and the only place you could go was the dusty parking lot where the Impala stood. Which explained why, five hours later, you were curled up in the back of her, gazing out the window, refusing to even acknowledge the boys.
Truth be told, you were looking forward to the hunt. It was a vamps nest, you'd concluded, which had taken a family hostage in an attempt to turn them. You'd been following the group across state lines as they added to their brood, and you had finally caught up with them just west of Yellowstone. Destroying them would be the distraction you needed from Dean and your feelings. Feelings which were driving you insane because no matter how hard you wanted to hate him for how he had been acting these past few days, you just couldn't. And that was part of the problem.
Locating the nest was easy; there were old caves situated between a group of lakes which often acted as a diving spot for kids during the summer. Now, in the cold depth of February, they offered a dark, quiet place ideal for a group of vampires.
As expected, things went smoothly. Until they didn't.
One of the younger vamps was on guard - you recognised him from the last scene when you'd just missed them. He was recently turned and it was the first time he'd been trusted to turn the next bunch but had made too much of a mess of it. No wonder the older vamps had regelated him to lookout this time round. You took his head clean off before Sam and Dean had even seen him, and you ignored Dean's huff as you stormed ahead into the cave. You knew he didn't like you going ahead, but right now you were not in the mood to stick to his petty rules.
The other four vamps were in the middle of the turning process, having just finished the draining process of their victims. A couple in their forties were slumped against the wall, while two kids were shivering with fear from where they were tied up still in their pyjamas. The younger boy was looking round frantically and caught your eye as you peered round the corner. Raising a finger to your lips, he nodded and visibly relaxed slightly.
With the brothers hot on your heels, you ran towards the group at full speed, each taking a vamp and finishing them off quickly. But with three of you taking the first three, that left one to react. You didn't recognise this fifth vamp and you guessed they must have been the newest turned from just a few weeks earlier. She was sharp though, and in her bloodthirsty desperation grabbed the boy and sped from the cave.
"Shit" you snarled as you kicked the head beneath your feet away. Dean went to run after her, but you got there first.
"I've got it. You deal with these three." Your tone told him not to bother arguing back.
As you sprinted out the cave, you blinked in the moonlight and walked tentatively, desperate for a sound. But it was silent. Not even a cricket buzzed and you gulped at the eeriness. You were a split second behind them so they couldn't have gone far.
You tiptoed cautiously towards the lake just meters from the cave entrance, hoping that the reflection of the moon would illuminate the immediate area some more.
"Hey," you whispered, not quite sure what you were trying to achieve. If the boy could hear you, the vamp most certainly could too. But you had to try something.
"Hey kid, where are you?" As soon as the words left your mouth, the crack of branches sent you whirling round, machete at the ready. Still you were met with silence, and the only thing that seemed to move was your frosty breath floating up into the air.
Except this vamp hadn't quite got the hang of one of the key parts of being a vampire: stealth. She giggled at your blindness, which gave you just enough of a hint to dive forward towards a bundle of ferns and grapple with your free hand to grasp onto a piece of material. With a tug, you hauled the boy up and out of the creature's arms, thrusting him behind you as the vampire jumped. Everything else was a blur; her hands tightened around your shoulders as you flung your arm towards her neck, slicing it off on the diagonal. As you did so, your whole body moved in that direction, and with the force of the vampire's jump landing over you, you lost your footing and tumbled downwards. Unsure if you'd even managed to successfully kill the thing, you tried to rip the body off you rather than grab onto something more solid, which only hauled you down further. In the darkness, there was no way of making out the edge of the lake. One second the air around you was dry and frosty, the next it was heavy and icy.
Dean didn't like that you'd just sped off towards the rogue vampire, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He knew he'd pissed you off royally, and as much as he was desperate to apologise and admit his wrongdoings, he knew doing so would for sure give the game away. He'd successfully been able to hide his feelings for you for years now, and suddenly acting differently even though he knew he'd upset you would make his feelings all too clear. Sam had been catching on, which was why he'd tried to be more careless with the little things like your take out order (which of course he knew off by heart), and your laundry (which he'd practiced breaking the news to you in the mirror). The bullet thing had been a genuine mistake and he'd barely paid any attention to the road as he'd kicked himself for being such an idiot. But that vamp was fresh blood and he couldn't let you go after it alone.
Kicking corpses aside, he hurriedly helped Sam pick up the rest of the family and guide them out as they started to take in all that had happened to them.
"Y/N?" He called out to you as they exited the cave, to which he heard a sudden squark in response and a 'plop' of water. Head snapping round, he saw ripples in the lake as the figure struggled to stay afloat.
Without hesitation, Dean gently dropped the figure he held and raced towards the water, diving in smoothly. He grabbed the boy, hauling him up out of the frigidity and onto dry land. Within seconds, the rest of his family had come out of their shock of the whole ordeal and were by his side, wrapping him up in their dressing gowns and inundating the brothers with 'thank you's.
But Dean could only focus on one thing.
"Where's Y/N?"
Sam shrugged and gestured to the dead vampire on the bank. "Not sure, but she got it pretty good. She's probably still pissed at you and gone back to the car. C'mon, we gotta get this family safe."
Dean wasn't convinced, but then again, when was Sam ever wrong? And besides, hovering and fretting would only raise suspicions that he had feelings for Y/N even more. So, helping the family back on their feet, the Winchester boys guided them back, offering them token pieces of reassurance that they would be okay now.
Only the young boy, soaked to the skin, remained where he was.
"Sweetheart, its okay, these kind men killed the baddies. We can go home now and get you warmed up." The mother bent down, reaching out a hand to try and coax the child back up the slope. But he wouldn't budge, standing stoic where he was shivering away. His eyes locked on Dean - he didn't even acknowledge his family.
"What is it kiddo?" Dean bent down gently, trying to see through the child's terror. But he just stared.
"He's in shock. Let's get out of this place," the father straightened up and strode towards the boy, scooping him up in his arms. But he cried out, wriggling all over the place and sending droplets of icy water flying.
"Woah, hey, do you see something?" Sam questioned, looking around to try and pick up what they boy was reacting to. When his father finally placed him on the ground again, he turned to face the water, lifting a pointed finger ever so slowly.
It was like time stopped. No one moved. Not even the group's cold breath drifted through the air. In that very second, it was like the whole world was collapsing for Dean.
Once you realised you had fallen into the lake, you instantly kicked your legs powerfully and pulled your arms to try and break the surface. But it was no use. Cramp ate into your muscles within seconds, and the darkness blended with the night sky so you had no clue which way was up. Whatever breath you'd tried to hold had been stolen from you by the shocking glacial temperature and your lungs were aching.
But still, you didn't panic. Instead, a moment of realisation hit you. Neither Sam nor Dean had seen you fall in. You didn't know if that boy had or if he had run for the hills the second you'd moved him out of the way. You were completely and utterly alone.
And it was peaceful. Here, you didn't have to pretend. You could cry all you liked, your tears mixing with the liquid around you and hiding your emotions. You no longer had to pretend to be mad at Dean, and you could scream that you loved him knowing the only thing that would leave your mouth would be bubbles. You no longer had to fight, to take on the responsibility to save the world. You no longer had to live in the brother's shadows, knowing they would always think less of you for not being a Winchester destined to succeed.
And so you stopped. You let your limbs float around you, you welcomed the warmth of fire in your lungs. You closed your eyes and accepted your fate as you lost all feeling in your numb body.
But Dean...
The second Dean entered the water again it instantly seemed colder. Unlike with the boy, he had no idea where you were and swum around frantically, his arms flailing as he tried to feel for you. After what felt like years he finally brushed his fingers against the skin of something smooth and cold. Without a moments hesitation, he dived down further, reaching out and pulling you up by the arms.
"SAM!" He shouted as he flung your slack body onto the bank. Sam had already thrust the Impala's key into the father's hands and sent them off in the direct of the car, and now he pulled you close while his brother scrambled out the water.
"Is she..." Dean panted, not sure if he even wanted to know the answer. Sam shook his head sharply as he came away from trying to find a pulse.
Forgetting about the cold, Dean clambered over your body, pumping down on your chest. As he blinked away tears mixed with lake water, he swore at your grey face and the way your eyes drifted lazily beneath blue lids. He hated how your body flopped below him but he refused to stop until you were alive and breathing again.
"Dean, let me. You've done enough." Gently, Sam eased his brother off you, taking his place. He hadn't failed to notice how distraught Dean was, and he knew that having been in the water twice already he needed to save all the energy he had left. Muttering a prayer as he issued CPR, Sam tried to block out the sound of your ribs cracking beneath his giant hands.
"Get the car. Take that family to hospital and call an ambulance." It was clear to Sam that he needed to be the big brother now.
"N-no" Dean coughed. "I'm not leaving her!"
"Well we can't both stay here and that family have lost a lot of blood between them. Dean, you need to help me. Help me help Y/N by helping them."
Stumbling up, Dean clambered up the hill to the car as quick as he could. He couldn't leave you, but right now he also couldn't think straight. He found the family huddled in the back of the Impala, scared out of their wits still.
Wordlessly, he jumped into the drivers seat, started the engine and raced onto the road. Ignoring pleas from the petrified family behind him, he sped away, desperate to get them to safety so he could return to you.
As the first flash of lights went by in the opposite direction, Dean realised what a mistake he had made. He had left the love of his life when she needed him the most. He skidded to a stop, brushing off the cries from the back seat, and blocking the road for the next car that skidded towards him. Leaping out, he gestured for the family to follow and clawed at the truck that had been forced to stop so abruptly by his actions.
"This family are hurt and cold, and this kid has been in the lake. You need to take them to a hospital."
He didn't even wait for a reply as he offloaded the family into the cab and sped back to the Impala. Dean made a point not to glance at the little boy one last time, knowing he would loose all composure he had left.
Within minutes he was back at the lake side, brushing off Sam's questions. To his horror, you looked even more lifeless than you had before. He took over from his brother while Sam checked again from a pulse, coming away swearing. It wasn't lost on him that you'd been down for almost ten minutes now, and neither of them knew how long you'd been in the water.
Just as Sam was about to say something, there was a splutter as water droplets flew from your mouth. Dean frantically rolled you over, guiding you to release the water that was coming up, while Sam fumbled with your wrist.
"I've got a pulse. We have to move now."
Getting back to the car again was a blur. Dean held you in his arms close, hating how floppy you were. Sam drove while Dean laid you in the back, gathering blankets from the trunk without taking an eye off of you. He rested your head on his lap, stroking your sodden hair with one hand, the other gently resting over your pulse point on your neck. His gaze switched compulsively from your near-translucent face to your stuttering chest.
"De..." he almost thought he had dreamt it if it weren't for the rough coughs that followed. He drew you in closer, not caring for the liquid that was released down his chest, stroking your back and encouraging you. You wheezed and he cradled your head, your eyelids fluttering and your cracked lips trembling.
"It's okay sweet, I've got you. You're gonna be okay, just hold on for me, alright? Y/N? No no no, stay with me Y/N, stay with me goddammit!" He cursed as your eyes rolled back and your head lolled against his chest. The movement of your body had made him lose your pulse but he panicked once the realisation hit that it wasn't him who had lost it, it was you. Dean felt the car speed up as he flung your body flat and knelt over it, one leg curled up against the backrest, the other planted in the footwell. Unlike his brother, his prayers were muttered out loud as he worked to get your life back.
Things remained like that for the rest of the journey. Neither brother was sure how long it took to reach the hospital, but once they got there they wasted no time. Dean refused to leave your side as you were wheeled away, machinery placed all around you, and it took Sam to shake him into reality and remind him that he was no good to you if he froze to death.
That was when the waiting game really began. Even after Dean had been checked over by a nurse and Sam had got him dry clothes to change into out of the trunk, there was still no news of your condition. The two of them sat on the floor, back to the wall, legs against their chests, refusing to move from outside your treatment room. Dean couldn't remember what he'd said, but he knew he'd been harsh because no one dared to ask them to move along.
The first thing you got back was your sense of smell. You knew you were at home, or in a grimy hotel because it smelt so clean. Not clean in a good way, though. Clean like bleach, like sterile alcohol. Clean like a hospital.
With a groan, you desperately tried to open your eyes, only to find them glued together by stickiness. You tried to open your mouth, but that too was stuck shut by dryness. All you could do was groan again and use all the energy you could muster to wiggle your fingers and hope someone would see.
After the smell came sound. And out of all the sounds, the best there was.
"Oh god, Y/N, can you hear me? It's okay, it's Dean, I'm here. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, okay?"
Fuelled by his voice, you did as you were told, relishing the warmth of his hand in yours.
"I'm gonna get a doctor," you heard Sam's voice too, and as the door closed behind him, you forced yourself to push through the gunge and pry your eyes open.
Dean hovered above you, purple bags heavy above his hollowed cheeks. But still, his green eyes shone and his smile was broad and child like.
"The boy..." was all you could croak out and he nodded eagerly.
"He's okay. They all are. It was you we were worried about...do...do you remember what happened?"
It took you a second to catch up and comprehend the question, your brain still foggy. "The lake..."
"Yeah, the lake. We got you out as soon as we could, but doc said you must have been under for a good few minutes. You know, it was touch and go for a while..."
Dean squeezed his eyes closed as he started to choke up. Whatever happened he couldn't let you see him cry.
That went out the window the second he felt your cold hand brush against his ear. He opened his eyes to see you grinning lopsided at him, your arm shaking as you held it up to him. Quickly, he reached up to steady you, leaning into your palm with a sigh.
"I thought I'd lost you Y/N."
"You almost did," you whispered, still testing your rough throat. "I was going to let go. But I couldn't, Dean. I couldn't because of you.
I love you Dean Winchester. I'm sorry, but I just have to tell you and waking up from a coma heavily drugged with god knows what I think is probably the only time I'll dare say it out loud."
Tears were streaming down both your cheeks now.
"Fuck Y/N. I-I don't know what to say. I thought you - I dunno, but god I never thought you felt the same way. I thought you were starting to hate me."
You frowned. "The same way?"
"Christ sweetheart, I'm trying to tell you I love you too. I always have, and I think I always will. I'm so sorry I've been such a jerk recently but you've been breaking my heart. And the bullet...god I know I can never make it up to you but I am so, so sorry-"
He was silenced by your finger brushing across his lips. "Shut up and kiss me Winchester," you breathed.
And for once, he did as he was told, leaning forward and embracing you. Almost instantly everything in the world seemed better; it was just you and him, finally giving in to your true feelings and putting all fears behind you. Despite the burning in your lungs, you would have stayed right there, relying only on each other's air, if it wasn't for Sam chuckling away at the door with the doctor standing awkwardly behind him.
"If I'd have known it would have taken a drowning to finally get you two to admit how you feel about each other, I would have pushed you in a lake a long time ago."
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thesinglesjukebox · 11 days
That's a wrap on September! But don't fear, the wait until we return in October will be short (and... sweet? This sounded better in my head)...
Julian Axelrod: Sabrina Carpenter must have been a pro wrestler in another life. How else did she learn how to pivot personas this quickly and effectively? After spending years clawing her way out of the Disney trenches, she's perfected a puerile pop princess pose at the unholy intersection of Madonna, Mae West and Michael Myers. Upon first listen, "Taste" checks all the newly minted boxes of a Sabrina song: sun-baked synths, big vocals in a small body, and production choices commenting on lyrics commenting on her public persona. Upon second, fifth and tenth listen, you pick up on the inside jokes you missed the first time: the height jokes, the "la la las," the tone that lands somewhere between sapphic and homicidal. Upon hundredth listen, you remember the ultimate Sabrina Carpenter signifier: Underestimate her at your own risk. [8]
Katherine St. Asaph: Carpenter releases another Haim-esque conglomeration of pop-rock hits past: Sheryl Crow (sunny clapalongs), Gwen Stefani (safe shiny tude and various vocal intonations, like on "exact"), and frenemy Olivia Rodrigo (subject matter and vibe). On her album, she has better. [6]
Alfred Soto: I can hear the money: the guitars on “Taste” twang with more color than on any pop single since Olivia Rodrigo’s “Good 4 U." This time her single entendres eschew the affectedly sultry for the self-aware gadfly.  [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: A retconned version of "Deja Vu" — wow, that feels like a lifetime ago? — where instead of feeling pain in the boy’s propensity for repetition, you’re content with rubbing in the other girl’s face how you got there first. It pulls off a funny trick: I can marvel at the music video and metanarrative in group chats, and have the clever lyrical conceit stuck in my head, without remembering what it sounds like at all, save for the heavenly “la-la-la-la-la-la”s. It’s actually really difficult to make songs as clever as “Taste” sound so dumb and simple.  [8]
Ian Mathers: It's not a problem that the video is more fun than the song, but it does increasingly feel like "Espresso" was a fluke. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Toddstradamus called it. For once, he was right, and thank God he was. Also, Julian Bunetta with another hit. Is he a good luck charm? [8]
Mark Sinker: A strong way to understand pop music in the UK right now is via the medium of sonorous Victorian poetry about ancient classical Rome, in which the forces arrayed against all that is noble can be held off by a courageous few at the head of just one slender bridge: “In yon strait path a thousand / may well be stopped by three!”  In this reading Noel (or Liam) is “Lars Porsena of Clusium” and “False Sextus” is Liam (or Noel, look it doesn’t matter, no one cares); the bridge is of course the Top of the Charts, and the “dauntless three” are Sabina’s singles since "Espresso" in April, right now clustered there, battling away. “The Great House of Tarquin should suffer wrong no more!” Let’s hope it shall, though! Or must the Republic of Pop fall?  [9]
TA Inskeep: Sharp songwriting -- that lyric in the chorus is so smart, so very Heathers -- paired with just the right touch on Carpenter's vocals. I'd normally say "+2 for the superb Death Becomes Her tribute video," but the song is so good it doesn't need it.  [8]
Will Adams: On Short 'n Sweet, Sabrina Carpenter comes up with a hundred ways to call her lover a fuckin' dumbass, but on "Taste", she takes aim at her ex's rebound. This time, the daggers are dipped in honey; she tells the new girl that she'll just have to taste her on his lips, but the subtext is that Sabrina kinda hopes she enjoys it. It's wonderfully bratty (NB: not brat, but bratty), and the gleaming, if slightly generic, pop-rock arrangement helps make it her punchiest single to date. [7]
Jackie Powell: “Taste” has what’s best about “Please Please Please” and “Espresso” wrapped up in one 2:37 minute song. The melody and rhythm are addictive and combine disco (thanks, Ian Kirkpatrick!), a bit of country twang and "slacker rock,” which I guess is the title given to any song that sounds chill, sunny and easy-breezy. But in classic Sabrina Carpenter fashion, what sounds relaxed and light really isn’t, and the combination of seemingly frivolous surface and deeper lyrical meaning that she has mastered is on full display. Case in point are the laughs that she recorded right after she sings the final line in the bridge, "I've been known to share." With the help of Julia Michaels -- another songwriter known for more complex lyrics -- Carpenter takes the narrative that Olivia Rodrigo played with on “Obsessed" and alters the conversation, talking directly to the other woman rather than about her. Sure, there’s been a lot of speculation about truly how fruity Carpenter is — the fact that she had women on the walls of her room growing up is a whole other story — but I leave each listen of “Taste” thinking about the mystery behind her intent. Why does she want the other woman to know how truly great she is? Is it platonic? Is it more? That confusion is what makes “Taste” as relatable as it is realistic. [8]
Jonathan Bradley: I wasn't sure before, but OK: I'm on board with the Sabrina Carpenter character. She’s a fantastically campy high femme train wreck: neurotic but assertive; condescending but kinda dumb herself; uptight, but doing her best to be flirty. As an introduction to an album and a persona, "I leave quite an impression/five feet to be exact" is an all-timer, up there with "Teenage angst has paid off well/now I'm bored and old" or "Been through the ringer a couple times/I came out callous and cruel." On "Taste," Carpenter is sunny and mean, like a great soap opera villain, and she accentuates her '70s adult-contempo arrangement with some great melodramatic touches: the Greek chorus appending "la-la-la-la-la" to the description of cunnilingus, say, or the sudden appearance of a girl gang to turn "know I was already there" into a shouted accusation. (It tries for the gleeful kitsch of Chappell Roan, but it's really bratty in an Olivia Rodrigo sense, which is delightfully unbecoming for a 25-year-old.) The theme of possession so intense it takes sensory form, as Britney Spears demonstrated on "Perfume" can be serious emotional territory, but Carpenter is happy to be frivolous with it. It's fun to be bad, and pop's Julie Cooper is ready to do her worst. [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Diminishing returns for her schtick continues — this is a sturdier song than “Please Please Please” but Carpenter’s charisma as a writer and interpreter has waned  (the la-la-las behind “makes painting with his tongue” are dire.) She’s a star — there’s nothing here that doesn’t move through her — but heliocentrism does not guarantee success; hacky short jokes and come ons cannot be sustained as a model for pop excellence. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: Sabrina Carpenter has seen the Google metrics for "sabrina carpenter height," among other less Jukebox-safe search terms, and begins her album by graciously giving her audience, actual and potential, just what they want. Yet she's also adept at giving them what they don't yet know they want, in this case a weather-beaten chunk of the side of late 1980s pop-rock that even Haim are sometimes afraid to touch. Syrupy melodies and "la-la"s are carried by production that's audaciously lo-fi compared to other Main Pop Girl contenders, or indeed the rest of Short n' Sweet -- guitars that languish in late summer heat, a drum sound straight out of a sweltering practice space. Sebadoh Carpenter this is not, but the demo-like qualities lend an added sense of immediacy and closeness to a performer who knows when the time is right to make oneself seem small. Even when she steals Olivia Rodrigo's flow on the bridge, it's not out of ill will but rather the inherent comedy of copying from a song titled "deja vu." She laughs at pop music jokes in her own music -- that's called meeting the consumer where they are. [8]
Edward Okulicz: If Katy Perry is fundamentally a nasty girl who occasionally plays sweet, Sabrina Carpenter is probably a sweet vacuum who does bitch cosplay. It doesn't exactly suit her, but if the mask gives her the confidence to unleash a monster wave of pure smug contempt like this, then more power to her. Whether it's the pilfered hooks or a few groan worthy lyrics alongside the baths that hit, I welcome a pop star who isn't afraid to swing for the fences and make you like her at the risk of thinking she's desperate. Here, she's the audio equivalent of staring directly into the midday sun, in a good way. [8]
Dave Moore: This song is, annoyingly, perfect.  [7]
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technicianlearner · 6 months
Regarding Tumblr activity (and the future of this blog and the other one)
Heya, Learner here. This is a pretty important news, so listen up. Click below to proceed.
So I have been flashbanged by the controversy Tumblr has been getting itself into. It was so stressing that it caused me to take a even bigger sick leave. In actuality, I lost giant bundles of motivation to write stuff for Tumblr in general, and when I think I should really came back, bang. There is a giant hellspawns of controversies going around, and as if that couldn't be any worse, guess what... AI data feeding. Wow. As if no one wants me to have any reason to come back here huh.
It's. Honestly saddening that I was trying to find a community where I can finally feel accepted without compromising the safety of my stuff. And I will admit. I do wish to rewrite some parts of my AU itself. But stuff like this kinda stunts my willpower to churn things out. Not to mention the engagement isn't as fulfilling as I wanted it to be. No, I get it, Tumblr... isn't the place to find for popularity. But I find it hard to find connections with others without it looking kinda awkward. And that's the hard part really. I'm here to have a good time, share my ideas, share my fun, but... it just feels like no one is spreading the word enough for me to eventually get into the hang of things.
So, I have nowhere to go. Even if I did turn on that one filter that would keep my data safe from AI, I don't know how effective it is. And let's be honest, with the recent controversy that happened prior, I'm genuinely terrified. What if there's going to be something like that happening again? With completely different people, different minorities, etc.
Now, before you ask, yes. I am straight - I will try to word this in a way that doesn't sound condescending, I hope no one finds my opinion offensive. I come from a country that really, *really* does not like LGBTQ+ people in any way, or more like, they have bad rep over here. No, I am not homophobic, or transphobic. Do you do you, buddy. As long as you are nice to me, as long as you DO NOT force me to be LGBTQ+ as well, I am completely okay with befriending you. Be who you are! I will support it either way, it's your life choice. Just don't bother me, who is comfortable with my identity and self as of current. I wholeheartedly support those who wish to be who they feel like they want to be. So yeah, me seeing all that whole debacle? Good god. Not again.
My goodwill to Tumblr has been holed in many holes. And I don't know what to do about it.
So... this will be me announcing some form of indefinite hiatus for both this blog and @technicianuprisingau, until I either 1. have enough bravery to enter Tumblr grounds again and/or 2. I found a different place I can freely get myself into without fearing 28479373947 spikes going to hit my chest for various reasons. I will be active on Discord most of the time, and yes, I am still stuck in RP land, this is a call for help.
I'm... sorry, if I ever offend anyone by writing this in any shape or form, I do not meant to be rude or to be a b^tch - English is my second language, so if anyone wants to scream at me, uh... please don't. I... I'm just babbling at this point.
See you next time, -Learner
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scibot9000 · 9 months
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top discovered albums this year. as in, top albums from not-2023 but that I found in 2023. i dont have spotify so i gotta do this manually.
rankings approximate. links and thoughts under the cut
hizmi - Soak (2021)
sometimes it's the technicalities that blow my mind. this is…… unmodified X68000 music????
Yeah listening to this has expanded my mind on what's possible with old FM chips. None of this sounds like the artist found any restriction with any aspect of the system.
"Rivulet" blows my mind every time. It's just an ilkae song. Like cmon.
SDEM - ZNS (2020)
After AE_LIVE 2022, I went on a little bender, looking for anything else ae-esque.
I pretty much immediately struck gold. I had been digging through SDEM stuff anyway but man this is another level.
"dysp 0m" in particular is one of the tracks of all time. I keep coming back to it. it's HEAVY on headphones.
Ssaladd - Ssaladd (2020)
This is a funny selection to land on a TOP8 because it's so understated. It even kinda feels distant.
But damnit that's why it stuck with me.
The use of wow and flutter is crazy good here!
It feels like carefully applied vibrato, an application of the expression MIDI CC. But completely unlike any other vibrato I've heard.
It feels like a pioneering mix of techniques. And I can't stop thinking about it.
Cryptovolans - Passenger (2022)
Is it possible to have a wall of sound in MIDI?
No, not Black MIDI. Something prog.
I keep coming back to "Board Room" in particular because it's so... weird? Slightly beyond just SC, but not by much. Heavyweight album.
Kid606 - GQ on the EQ++ (2000)
The textures on this absolutely blew me away.
"My Kitten Went To London" sounds insanely fresh. I can't believe it's pushing 23 years old!
That and "Dandy" really stuck wth me. The latter sounds a bit more era-appropriate somehow (maybe because of oval?), but still vibes really good.
This was actually me revisiting the album. I initially listened to it about a decade ago and didn't like it. Crazy to think I turned away from such gold back then.
nagz - Good (2020)
nagz has been a longtime favorite and inspiration of mine. He's been making music from the future for years and years. Blowing my mind since 2006 or so.
One of his earlier releases, hringur, stuck with me for years. It had an atmosphere that I had never heard before or since.
…until now.
It's not actually a sequel, but it's got a flavor that I just. Don't know where else you can find.
If I were to highlight a single track: "I Like You But Not Too Much" hits astoundingly hard. It's what I imagine Earthbound music might be like if it were made today.
DJ Technorch & 九十九音夢 – Strong Anthropic Principle (2016)
An absolutely mind melting early (found in January) favorite. Hard, hardcore, and psychedelic. And a bit silly.
"猫の気持ち 〜Cat's Mind〜 (Masayoshi Iimori Remix)" and "解熱鎮痛一撃必殺 〜Critical Arts〜" in particular stuck with me as great experiences.
I really really like the preview video, too. (nsfw warning?) (flashing lights warning?). It truly captures the vibe.
AE_LIVE / elseq 6-10 / onesix
I had already listened to some of these, but around march, I found fanmade CUE sheets, and that brought a whole new level of love for this release.
And then I found fan edits with another set of fan titles. Two names for all of my favorite bits? Sure!
"ceramic / clipcon" i love that percussion! the ringmod in "(drunk) / probat emp2" is some of my fav ae work ever. having splits made me fall in love with the density of "sentinel / sinistrail casual"
and then I discovered the onesix sets and fan-cuts, giving a more ambient dive which I'll only mention briefly here. But man, "reflected / seven of twelve" is one I revisit OFTEN.
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lotus-mirage · 1 year
Trigun Stampede episode 7 liveblog
Man I said this two-parter is really focused on Wolfwood, but this episode has his name as the title
Oh I see the destination is an additional threat to him. Huh. I wonder what the purpose of that is? Like just to mess with him, or to make the journey seem appropriately menaced, or what?
I didn't notice before, but it is incredibly funny that the letters front and center are B and L
I feel like half of Wolfwood's gun is like ammo storage lmao, he goes through that fast
Oh actual emoting from Livio! Not looking particularly cognizant, but it's something.
Oh there's Meryl and Roberto! Would not have figured that's how they managed to tag along, but if it works it works haha
The boing noises as the desert raiders are thrown around are fantastic
Vash is wielding his gun, backhand, like a blunt weapon. Possibly as a gauntlet idk. Still. Makes sense for him, but not something I've ever seen before lol
Mmmmhmm and now the "monsters" and "not human" assertions are being foiled.
Between Livio and Rollo, seems like they kinda get stuck on a single sentiment?
"It would have been better without you around" ...ah. I did not expect that and don't know how to respond to it.
Wow, uh. I mean we knew Vash was incredibly accurate at aiming before, but to redirect someone else's gun to land a clean shot (particularly one that has as much heft as Wolfwood's) is rather uncanny.
that method of getting another Worm actually made me gag ugh.
wait hold up what was happening with Livio's reflection. I don't think I recognize it?
Eef. Thought that was how it'd end, but didn't expect him to shoot and fall over the side. (I suppose it's possible that the 'if there isn't a body, they're probably not dead' rule applies here though)
"I just wanted to spread the good word. That's all." You know I think this does in fact hold true to the, uh. Real world weight? That this sort of phrase carries.
Okay this is the first we've heard of a topic that Wolfwood apparently has disagreements with the Eye of Michael over. ...Actually that was on an assumption that it's a decision on an action, not a religious thing. It's Wolfwood's initial verbal disagreement on religion, isn't it.
Switched to Eng dub for a second 'cause I wasn't sure who said the next couple lines, but yeah I think it's clearer that it's about Wolfwood's denial.
Wait speaking of that's also a Christian term too right. Like Judas denies Jesus or something? I know the term is used in relation to those two in particular but I don't actually know the specifics. It's like "one of you will deny me" or "one of you will betray me" and I don't remember which.
Not sure if that really matters in this case, though, since I don't think Bluesummers quite maps to Jesus lol. Anyways.
Okay yeah "Punisher" is definitely being used in relation to Wolfwood himself. Noted.
Lmao the "Hi!~" being in English really sold it
Ooh, worldbuilding. Spacefaring age, okay.
Wait if they're running around to all the controls, where are the people originally driving the ship?
Yay, character exploration and development from Meryl! (and Roberto to a lesser extent)
Oh wait the kid that fell in the first town is alive?? I guess I saw him moving a bit at the end there, but it was a long fall and I thought maybe it was his mom's movements while carrying him.
:0 Vash's arm fractured! Frankly I didn't know it could do that. That's not good.
Oh lmao it's the disproportionate response "Wolfwood..." that kept being memed on.
Oh NOW the title comes up!
Actually wait I saw something on this a while ago, too. They were talking about he asserts he's "the Punisher," then "Nicholas the Punisher," and then the framing basically hits him with a "no :)" That's so funny. Also kind of tragic. But still funny.
Oh hey this is the first time we've seen Vash in this sort of situation since he was a 'plant technician' in the first episode.
it can move in there!?
oh that looks really painful
it's humanoid already!?
maybe I leaned too far into the "oh it's kind of egg shaped" assumption lol
Oop, yep, I guess Livio's not dead. Or uh. Might be dead but isn't out of the picture?
Alright yeah Vash looks pretty out of it.
...was that him hitting the ground? oof.
End Notes:
Again not really much to say here! We got some character details, some worldbuilding details, lots of character development & solidification of relationships, and now some immediate threads to be followed up on (Vash's arm and the Plant reveal thing). Feeling much more invested than when I started the series and interested in seeing how this conversation goes!
I will say. The plant did not look uh. very intimidating. kind of reminds me of the... neopets fairies? I don't think that's right, but like some similar franchise kind of had similar vibes, shape-wise.
...is this the first time the Plant stuff got fully revealed in the show? I went in knowing and haven't been keeping track. I know it was established that Vash is a) non-human b) fell from a spaceship onto the planet and c) had 'relatives' in pods on said spaceship. Not to mention his twin also having pretty obvious markings. But I'm curious about the reasons for the pacing of these reveals, since we got so much of Wolfwood's backstory just last episode.
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teawinx · 1 year
idk if you agree,but post-enchantix the only 4 of the thunseds transformations of the Winx that makes linda of a Sense(and are actually good visually(exept harmonix(harmonix should be Sirenix tf))) are
-bloomix:WARRIOR BADDIES,chef kiss,also the lore is kinda good tho,like they lose the Powers,Bloom give them 0.00001% of the dragon flame,BUF,this masterpiece(the way they get it sucks,yup)
-mythix:they are born from a ancient-ass fairy wands that are in tir na nóg that can be only used in the legendarium? That's so simple,so can't a Enchantix post-form at all(the design is a little lame
-dreamix/onyrix:a earth form that's mostly used in the dreams world,created form a spin off? Same thing as mythix(i kinda like onyrix design,love dreamix design,but,they are uniform(It don't actually matter since in s5 they are almost the same shit in Sirenix)
I'm very very mixed on most of the post Enchantix forms. Personally I prefer it if the forms are specialized, acquired and used for certain situations and missions rather than being straight up stronger than the previous form. Especially considering how they weaken previous forms to make the new one more impressive. Bloomix is weaker than Butterflix? Come the fuck on.
Bloomix has a lot of favor for me because of how pretty it is. And I think it COULD have worked but it really bombed. The Winx loosing their powers in the first place is really flimsy, but I can handle it. I just wish this form had some consequences to using it. Like Bloom giving 1/6 of her power to everyone, so they require convergence to be truly strong. And then one by one entering the Legendarium to get their powers back, so much cooler. But holy shit the name sucks.
I hate Mythix XD The dresses are horrible, and while I don't MIND its existence it could have been more. I'm just happy that it's a specialized form that didn't stick around for long
Idk shit about the WOW forms, wasn't interested in it
But to me none of these forms feel necessary. It's clearly just for doll sales. The only one I can think of that works is Sirenix, form used to enter the Infinite Ocean, but even then it's lacking. One I feel it should have been a mermaid form, just sayin' But I also think that the Winx needing to change their physical form to enter the Infinite Ocean could be interesting. The curse is them being stuck as mermaids, unable to live on land again, trapped in the Infinite Ocean forever. Unable to live as their true selves. Much clearer stakes, and makes transforming into Sirenix hella dangerous and tension filled. But then also showing the girl's bravery and selflessness, putting themselves at great risk to save the universe.
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cyborg-squid · 3 years
Kal’tsit, the Doctor, Theresa, the Lord of Fiends, and memories
Kal’tsit is so interesting and contradictory this Chapter (and Chapter 7) and I love it and it really goes to show complex her feelings are towards the Doctor and Theresa.
In Chapter 7, she whispers under her breath “If you really want us to breathe as one...” She says, to herself, that we can prove we were not the Doctor that was stuck in the past. “Why do you look in my eyes when you say that? There’s nothing to see in these eyes.” She is worried that she won’t be able to protect us. She wonders if we are worthy of protection. Even if we aren’t, she will protect us anyway. 
She has high hopes for us.  She hopes to see us "offer the world a chance to change, just like many kindhearted people before you did". She wonders whether or not it is too late to convince us to turn back from pursuing the truth. She thinks she should be happy at that, but she isn’t. 
Her attitude, she says she will do her best to hold back.
She would settle the score with us, if she could. She would take her revenge. She will remain forever furious. She will not trust us. She will never stop hating us.
She has high hopes for us. She believes in us. She will protect us. 
“If you really want us to breathe as one...” I believe this was part of the promise Kal’tsit made to Theresa, maybe it was Theresa’s dying words. To promise that Kal’tsit would not seek revenge against the Doctor for what they’d done. To not hate the Doctor, to try and find some sort of connection. But Kal’tsit can’t not hate us. We killed Theresa, after all. She was our friend too.
But Kal’tsit would protect us, and Amiya. She would, and will continue to, honor her promise. 3 years ago, she brought our body to the Chernobog Sarcophagus. Inside of it, we would be healed, we would be safe. We would be safe from harm, and the world would be safe from us, locked away as we were.
It is believed/said that Theresa was killed in an assassination attempt ordered by Theresis. And maybe that is true. But Theresis still lacks the power of the Lord of Fiends.  Amiya has that power. We see, through scattered images, Amiya by Theresa’s side as she dies. Theresa looks to maybe be stabbing Amiya, and letting her blood run down the blade towards Amiya.  From the Chapter 9 PV: "I will disappear in my ideals, and she... she will be the flames to burn away all the corruption." "I'll leave Amiya to you."
Perhaps the Doctor was a more direct part of it somehow, but it seems to me that either a dying Theresa, or Theresa killed herself in order to, passed her power, the power of the Lord of Fiends on to Amiya. I think then that, maybe, the Doctor took the fall for it. It is easier to believe that the Doctor of Rhodes Island, a ruthless and efficient being if there ever was one, sold out Babel and killed Theresa, rather than having Theresa’s death be by Amiya or her own hand. If that’s true, then even Kal’tsit was deceived, and you can see the Doctor being willing to bear the brunt of blame and hate, from both Kal’tsit, W, and the world, if it meant protecting Amiya. Perhaps this was one of Theresa’s wishes as well. 
Amiya is a worthier successor to the title than Theresis, but it makes you wonder if this was always the intent, to pass on the power to Amiya. Or was this a plan born out of a dying Theresa’s desperation? It doesn’t feel that way to me, given how much she “leaves behind”, so to speak. Like she had somehow orchestrated or intended for things to be this way. 
And we see from the epilogue of Chapter 7, that Theresis has not given up on obtaining the power of the Lord of Fiends, which he views as rightfully his as the King of Sarkaz. There is a weird box which has a Sarkaz very similar looking to Theresa in it. Maybe this was some sort of attempt to clone her or make some sort of homunculus to house the power, or maybe Kazdel recovered her body after her death. Maybe that container is another Sarcophagus! Kal’tsit said that the Chernobog one was found deep in some mountains and was believed to be ancient technology. It’s not a stretch to say that there might be others and that Theresis got his hands on one. 
The memory wiping, the amnesia, of the Chernobog Sarcophagus is said to be accidental, a side effect. What intrigues me is that the Doctor is not the only one at Rhodes Island with similar memory issues. Granted, that’s hardly a unique trait in a fantasy setting like this one. We have Whisperrain, who debuted on the same banner as Rosmontis at Chapter 8′s release (which makes me think she may eventually play a bigger role), whose memory issues stem from her unique Aegierian species. We have Rosmontis, whose memory was damaged by the Infected organ transplanted into her brain cell. The aftermath of the lab she was held in are remarkably similar to what happened to the Chernobog lab and scientists. This might just be a coincidence, might just be the fate of Unethical Science Experiments, but I couldn’t help but notice the similarities. And actually branching off of that, we have Rhine Lab and Ifrit, who is mentioned as being a kind of ‘artificial’ Sarkaz, was involved in the “Flame Demon Incident”, and while her records mention her hallucinations, the After Class Homework story makes me think it’s something closer to a ‘possession’, possibly. 
And here we get to the one I really want to talk about, Nightingale. A Sarkaz with memory issues. “A box of messy puzzles. The real problem is many pieces are missing.” Importantly, she is the wife tied to Shining, the Confessarius. Her memory loss is mentioned as being different from the Doctor’s, but also isn’t the result of Oripathy. “A sacrificial lamb of war.” Shining says both of them are guilty of the crime ”of starting the war, as Demons”. She has a sense of deja vu upon seeing Amiya, and wonders why the Doctor is in her memories as well. It makes sense now, given what we know about Babel’s/Rhodes Island’s involvement with the Sarkaz Civil War, and their interactions with both sides.  So with her ties to Shining and her memory loss, I wonder if she could have been a sort of ‘test’ of a possible Kazdel Sarcophagus, or something similar. Maybe she was intended to be a vessel for the Lord of Fiends power, or the memories of Theresa, or something like that.
I spent like 2 hours on this and branched off a lot from what I started talking about, but I hope y’all enjoy it, take the time to read it, and use it to help with your own theories! 
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
ML Fic Recs - Love...Square? Hectagon? Octogon??
Happy Friday! I’m back with yet another rec list! As usual, I’m trying to rec fics you might not have read before, going off of AO3 kudos. You can find my other rec lists on my blog at #jennarecsml
If you enjoy these, please reblog so more readers can find these awesome fics!
The love square is already a crazy concept, but now with the addition of Aspik and Multimouse -- well, there are even more fun crazy dynamics for writers to play with. And I love every bit of it! So, here are some of my favourites that play with the expanded love square.
this love is a tangled web by @bugabisous
When Ladybug and Chat Noir decided that they should switch things around with their temporary miraculous holders in order to throw Hawkmoth off, they couldn't have predicted the tangled web they would weave.
Series. Snekmouse? Well, it’s the equivalent in that they know each other’s identities but of course don’t know that the other knows. It’s even more fun with them using different miraculouses, giving us Dragon!Adrien and Snake!Marinette. Plus there’s some multichat content early on, which is a nice precursor to the way Adrien falls for Marinette in this new dynamic. Absolutely great identity shenanigans in this one.
Bad Week by @ominousunflower
Adrien's long and horrible week ends with a stinging rejection--until he sneaks out as Aspik and runs into an unexpected face.
“Hey!” a voice yells from behind him. “What are you doing—I—I mean, who are you?”
Aspik whirls around and finds himself face-to-face with…Multimouse?
With a frown, Multimouse glances at the jump rope wrapped around her waist. Untying it, she grips one end and weakly whips it toward Aspik. It flops on the ground in front of him like a wet noodle.
“AH,” she says. It somehow sounds like a question. “Um. An akuma?”
One-shot. Snekmouse! And then we get actual Aspik/Multimouse! It starts with Marinette trying to ask Adrien out on a date, only for it to go horribly wrong when she sees that he’s upset and takes it back and Adrien takes it as a rejection and concludes she would only go out with him out of pity. I feel bad for him but also it’s HILARIOUS. 
Me, My Best Friend, and Her Cat by @ladyofthenoodle
Ladybugs aren't known for being particularly sneaky. Good thing this Ladybug has a fox in her corner, watching her back.
(And giving Ladybug's love life a nudge along the way. Maybe more than a nudge. In Alya's defense, Ladybug can use all the help she could get.)
Multi-chapter. Multichat (as well as Ladynoir and Adrienette). This is a beautiful Marinette & Alya friendship piece where Alya figures out her secret identity early on and helps her. And honestly it’s worth reading just for that alone. But it also plays with the love square in really fun ways (Alya’s a ladynoir shipper over adrienette), with some quality multichat content.
"I have a plan." by @emsylcatac
Marinette probably should have thought twice before joining the fight as Multimouse instead of Ladybug.
Alya, suited up as Rena Rouge, wished she knew where on earth Ladybug and Chat Noir were when they needed them.
And Adrien really, really wished the two heroines would just leave him alone so he could transform.
One-shot. Adrimouse! Okay, this one is already pretty tumblr famous thanks to the amazing comic that preceded it. But I’m still going to rec it! Because Adrien and Multimouse flirting is amazing, the dynamics are fantastic with Rena Rouge in the mix, and it’s freaking hilarious!
For You (I’d Break All The Rules) by snugglebuttkitten
MultiMouse finds herself visiting Adrien Agreste on a Nightly Basis
One-shot. Adrimouse! There’s some great hurt/comfort here, and also a sweet and slow developing relationship. This is just really cute and I love the dynamic and it’s worth a read!
Second Chance Number 12,496 by @11jj11
Adrien, now wielding the Snake Miraculous as Aspik, has been stuck in his time loop of Second Chances for weeks now trying to save Ladybug, and he just needs a moment to rest.
Set during Desperada.
One-shot. Laspik! I think we were all gutted by Desperada, and this absolutely has a bit of that gut punch, but also I love the hurt/comfort here (although the hurt is amplified by the fact that he’s only like halfway through all the cycles, like DUDE.) 
The One Where Marinette Knows Who Ladybug Is by bifieri
Chat Noir wants to bring back Multimouse. Ladybug doesn't. A little white lie told to keep him off her tail lands the two at odds- and Ladybug closer to finding out her Kitty's identity than she'd prefer
fair warning I wrote this at 3 am and didn't edit it at all so it's very much trash but I just had to make this idea reality
Two-shot. Multichat. This one plays with the ridiculousness of all the lies these two needs to tell in order to protect their identities, and it’s ridiculous and fun and, as always with these kinds of identity shenanigans, leads to a reveal.
But What About Multimouse? by @trainsinanime
Ladybug and Chat Noir discuss his favourite topic: Bringing back Multimouse.
One-shot. Multichat. It works out well that Chat’s favourite topic is bringing back Multimouse because Chat talking about bringing back Multimouse is my favourite trope! Ladybug is such a tease in this and I absolutely love it. It feels so in-character and they’re so playful and it’s just fun!
Enough by @apopcornkernel
Adrien feels inferior when he notices a difference between how Ladybug treats Adrien/Aspik compared to Chat Noir.
One-shot. Laspik. This one is kind of angsty, but it doesn’t stay that way. I don’t want to give away too much, but the ending kinda punched me in the face and I desperately wish there was more.
The following fic is amazing and absolutely worth reading, but does feature sexual content, so minors beware.
I Dream of Mousey by @lyramae-archer
Chat is tired. More tired than ever before. How is a cat supposed to get some sleep when there’s a beautiful mouse in all of his dreams? A story in which Adrien gets some revelation on the love of his life. For MultiMouse Appreciation Week 2020.
Rated M. Multi-chapter. Multichat! Chat goes a little crazy with thoughts of Multimouse, and it’s gorgeous and hot af. @lyramae-archer does an excellent job of characterizing how Adrien starts to fall for Marinette after her stint as Multimouse, and boy does he fall hard. Add in some steamy dreams and an identity reveal and WOW. 
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can you do when the marauders realize they fall in love with reader? please I'm obsessed with your account😭😍
tysm honey, i'm happy you feel that way :D also i was trying to use they/them instead of you when referring to the s/o but it was getting clunky and i really don't like using you bc i don't wanna feel like i'm writing x reader fics anymore but i gave up so ig it's back to normal 🧍‍♂️ james:
realizes when you win a game of quidditch
gotta appeal to his interests, because i strongly believe that he has ADHD, and that he hyperfixates on the game like that
so seeing you participate in it and win would be amazing for him
probably crash lands a bit bc he's got his eyes fixed on you
you turn to look at him and run towards him for a hug and he is just frozen because wow i am realizing so much about this situation right now
probably kisses you later at the afterparty :')
he realizes when you yell at him, actually
he was talking down at himself and you got sO mad and you started yelling about how he wasn't allowed to talk about himself like that
"How dare you say that about my best friend!!"
would have fought back under any other circumstances but just sits there like :o
You think he's doing it because he realizes you're right and you just kinda smile and think you've won
he actually makes the conscious decision to think good things about himself when he can from then on because he doesn't want to disappoint you :')
way too self conscious still to ever make a move though
realizes when you stick up for a little first year and then help them to their class
he honestly wasn't sure why it stuck with him so much, or why it hit him so hard in the moment, but it's because you stuck up for someone even though it didn't benefit you in any way
you did the right thing to do the right thing
you sent the first year off on their way to potions and glared one last time at the meddlesome ravenclaws that had been taunting them
and then turned back to him and was like
>:( omg did you see that
he was like :D yes !
he's really smiley for the rest of the week it confuses you a bunch
tbh probably kisses you before the week's up but
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavkans @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblackburn @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug1014-blog @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood-blog @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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phantomphangphucker · 2 years
Phic Phight -  I’m Back, AGAIN BITCHES
For: @ectoblastfromthepast @ninjysworld
Dying is kinda a given with Danny, but this time things are a little bit more genuine and the whole thing HASN’T landed him in the Ghost Zone this time either.
Okay. So it was bound to happen eventually. Obviously. Danny lived… well half-lived a wee bit too dangerous to not just up and die, like, all the way kind of die, eventually. So yeah, Danny kinda took a really big axe to the head, and a couple arrows to the chest, maybe he lost a foot somewhere along the way, and a mild case of blood blossom poisoning.
Sure none of that killed him. Hell no.
You know what did?
A stop sign.
Thing got bent up by some shitty ass wind and managed to impale him in such a way as to scoop his core clean out of his body and straight into an industrial wood-chipper. Both of which had a nice healthy coating of ectoplasm due to this being fucking Amity and goddamn EVERYTHING having a touch of the ecto now.
But killed by a fucking stop sign is some seriously hilarious shit if he says so himself. And he does say so himself, purely because he was still walking around. Sure, he sure as shit wasn’t walking around Amity Park, or the Ghost Zone; but whoever does the decorating here has a THING for the dramatics of death. Place has got the whole shebang. Decrepit skeletons, polished skulls, distant wailing screams of suffering, random bits of fire and what can only be assumed to be noxious gas, walls so high you can’t see the ceiling to make you feel all small and shit, ground is just uneven enough to make walking something of a nervous hassle if your balance isn’t the shit™️. So yeah, he might be admiring a bit. Maybe.
Some slender red-furred dude in a white tailcoat with long horns trailing back off their head and tiny ass sunglasses -dude, it ain’t fucking bright in here- popping up outta nowhere actually gets Danny to give an ounce of a shit.
He’s been in a lot of weird places alright? You can only get sent to nightmare realms and mindscapes and reality bent evil circuses, so many times before shit loses its unsettling nerve-racking sparkle.
The whoever or whatever the fuck quirks an eyebrow, chuckling some before pulling out a book, “well, you’re a calm one”.
“Eh, I managed to sneak cat shit and Kitty litter in Vlad’s favourite whiskey bottle, so if this is, like, dead dead afterlife shit; I’m good. Not all Gucci, but good”. The whatever chuckles more, “I like you kid”. Danny gives them a stupid thumbs up.
The guy flipping pages, “ah Daniel Fenton eh? And Danny Phantom. And two middle names too! Well someone’s a little overachiever”.
“Eh, I like to make shit complicated. Complicated means it kinda becomes everybody's problem”.
The whatever shakes their head with a smirk, “well, it’s time for judgment and all that”, shrugging and looking at Danny, whose now stuck his hands in his pockets lazily, “gotta look through those life choices, you know”. Danny just chuckles quietly. Oh this ought to be good.
“Oh! Defeated one of the most powerful tyrants in the universe, freeing quadrillions of ghosts from his wrath. Little goody goody for my tastes but impressive nonetheless. And I am always down for tearing down obnoxious tyrants who think themselves god”.
“Beat up two thousand and twenty geese?”.
Danny smirks, “I wanted to be the reason they started crossing the street. You know, ingrain a genetically passed down fear of me and these wicked fists”. That gets him more laughs from the whatever.
“I’m guessing the same reasoning for beating up this Box Ghost quite literally two times shy of two million times?”.
Danny scowls with feeling, “well shit, now I do have one regret. Quick, send me back so I can beat his annoying ass two more times”.
The whatever snorts, amused, “I would but technicalities and all that”.
“Accidentally put a not insignificant dent in the local tree population by getting the chills. Alright, can’t say that counts for anything either way”.
“Wow there is quite the list for harassing Vladimir Masters. Oh! Tricked into cannibalism via fingertips coated in popcorn seasoning, now there’s an idea indeed. And deleting yourself out of existence to remove his power? Tenacious”.
Danny points at them, “to be fair, I didn’t know I’d delete myself”, shrugging, “my lucks just shit like that”.
“Yes I see that you died by… having your core scooped out by an uprooted stop sign, after being brained by an axe, shot nineteen times by arrows, had your foot bitten off, somewhat badly poisoned by blood blossoms, and… having your spine shattered by a cement-filled rubber chicken? Wow. And I mean really. Wow”.
“What can I say, if you see me dying then know that somewhere somehow I was going hard”.
The whatever quirks an eyebrow, “sounds more like life and death really gave you the short end of the stick kid, some of this shit is truly inspired. Causing mass panic by force-feeding someone a confetti canon at their own wedding and setting it off? That must have been messy”.
“Oh it was, guy was sneezing confetti for a week. Highly recommend”, Danny shrugging, “but yeah, world did me pretty dirty. Protected everyone and all that, got beat the Hell, HA! I think I’m funny, up for it; and hated by pretty much everyone. Ever wonder what it would be like to be dissected by your own parents? I have. Super not cool. But, like, if I got away and say tripped on my own intestines while doing so that would be kinda hilarious and solidly horrifying for them”, intangibly -wow surprised that still works- digging in his stomach to produce three potatoes, a screwdriver, and a vintage magazine, “went and stuffed this shit in there just in case they ever went scalpel happy and did the shit. Gotta pack a few surprises”.
The whatever blinks, snapping the book close, “well now, that about says it for me”, clapping Danny on the shoulder, “kid, let’s get you back up there and get that ball rolling, because you’ve got some ideas that I am so here for”.
But both of them quirk eyebrows and tilt heads as little black lightning stuff sparks around Danny. The whatever cackling after a beat, “I have never met a mortal I was legitimately impressed and awed by!”, smirking, “well well well, kid, looks like you’ve got some pals willing to dabble in black magic to get you back. Even willing to do the real deal and make a deal with little ol’ Alastor and Fritz. Ha!”, the whatever laughs loudly, “don’t know if that’s gutsy or just foolish!”. They poof away the book thing, actually leaning an elbow on Danny’s shoulder, crossing their hooved ankles, “yer gettin’ to go back without even my help. Immediately”.
Danny snorts, eyeing the lightning, “wow, those dicks. Can’t let me rest for ten fucking minutes”, eh it tracks. Rest and relaxation effectively wasn’t his shit these days. Sam and Tucker, mostly Sam, we’re waaaaaaaaay too pushy about doing the ‘hero’ thing though. Like fuck, he doesn’t need to fight every battle, damn.
The whatever rolls their eyes so hard their furry head moves with it, “Hmpf. Well now I owe you a favour sooooo”, twirling a black clawed hand before poking Danny on the side of the head, black horns coated in white flames twisting up and back in a tight corkscrew off of the sides of Danny’s head. “Poof! Enjoy your Hellfire, I’m sure you’ll use it splendidly. Man you are one creative shit”, the whatever walking off a little, “and that temper! Really something else”, turning back around to face Danny, “you’re gonna go far, kid. Maybe send some poor saps my way every once a while though, would ya?”.
Danny tilting his head, “I’m not a killer”.
“Pah, figured. But well”, grinning wickedly, “everyone winds up here one day, one way or another. Ta-ta”, and waves as everything begins to be overtaken by the black lightning.
Sam and Tucker launching themselves on him seconds later, the lightning disappearing rapidly. “DANNY! IT WORKED! YOU’RE BACK!”. Then letting go of him only for Tucker to solidly punch him one on the shoulder.
Danny scowls at them, “Ancients you two. Couldn’t just let the dead lie huh?”.
Sam looks almost offended, “are you mad about that?!?”. Danny making a point to look pissed off before relenting, “you guys are idiots. I’m not even going to ask who Alastor and Fritz are”.
Tucker makes a face, “dude how the fuck did you?”. Danny shrugging, laying on the vaguely cold ground, “the Whatever thought it was very funny that you made deals with whoever”, putting his hands behind his head and eyeing them, “so what’s your end of your little bargains though?”. His friends look to each other, shrugging and looking back to him, “uh. A favour? In the future?”. Making Danny glare, “again idiots. Just for that, no hero shit all day from me”.
“Danny you can’t just ignore your duties!”.
“Dude, what the shit? You can’t just opt-out, dude”.
Danny rolls his eyes, sticking out his tongue at that. Their shit was gonna bite them in the ass so hard when whoever the fuck came knocking. But fuck it, whatever, they can fuck around and find out all they wanna. And he’ll be there to watch the shit show go down. Chuckling, “pretty sure that was Hell and also those were demons”. Sam rolls her eyes, obviously not giving half a fucking damn, and Tucker chuckles with a head shake, “well wonder what afterlife you’ll crop up in next, and- wait, dude! Do you have horns!”. And damn near straddles Danny to grab at them.
Sam absolutely takes a picture of Danny’s currently just black horns on just black hair with Tucker yanking on them. Until Danny figured out to make them go all white fire anyway, the geek falling back with a yelp. Danny sitting up, smirking, “Whatever was literally going to send me back here before y’all went and yanked my ass back by force”, shrugging, “apparently I’m too much of a chaotic pain in the ass to not keep kicking around to torture the living”.
Sam sighs, “only you, Danny. Only you”. While Tucker laughs, “Hell yeah! Literally!”. Sam throwing some of the chalk at him, “don’t you dare encourage jokes!”. Danny chuckling to himself before just… spitting fire at them. Making them look truly offended and grossed out; which he throws his head back and cackles at.
And then he absolutely goes and finds Boxy’s obnoxious ass. Shouting, “I went to Hell two good fights shy of kicking your ass two million times! So dance little man! Dance!”, and just starts chucking fire by the fistful at the ghost. The Box Ghost jumping and jerking around to avoid it is legit quite amusing.
The Whatever -they’ll go with that name, not as if their own was truly comprehensible- chuckles to themselves. What a child! Ended the world and eventually the universe all on his lonesome! Truly spectacular, and such a showman about it too! That one absolutely needed his own set of horns. Even if they didn’t get the chance to make a demon of him; oh well. There was always next time. And next time he might be a little more… malleable. After all ‘heroism’ -ha! as if that was truly a thing- always destroyed the so-called heroes. How’s that old saying go? Oh yes! You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. And Daniel James Janus Fenton Phantom would live indeed. Oh yes he would. They can’t wait.
Glancing over the bar, at the tall man in pinks and reds, “I’m surprised with you. What could you have to gain from those two mortals. Last I checked you only dealt with demons genuinely”.
“Oh those two? Why, didn’t you hear the news! Ha ha! The belle’s Undergrowth’s chosen, and the fellow? Why! He’s a reincarnated pharaoh! Interesting toys if I do say so myself. Yes Indeeny! And the half creature! A real charmer! Oh does he ever know how to wear a smile”.
The Whatever laughs at that. Alastor was hardly wrong. That one was a real comedian who mocked and pissed everyone off with a grin and a pun; and did so with some serious ingenuity and flare. What a truly interesting mortal, and an interesting mortal who’s now wielding a little taste of Hellfire himself.
Prompts: It actually happened. Danny died. Fenton and Phantom were gone for good. Except his friends and sister refuse to accept it. They believe the universe owes them for everything they've been through and the number of times they've saved its sorry ass, so they turn to black magic to bring Danny back... From where? Is he the same as before, or has he changed? How? Is he grateful his friends brought him back, or does he resent them for calling him back to arms? and Danny dies, goes to hell, and comes back without a scratch.
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (8/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Word Count: 2.4k words
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Your parents’ house was exactly how you remembered it, but again, it had been only two months since you last saw it. Contrary to your usual life, a lot has changed in two months. You aren't working in a cubicle anymore, you're not going on random blind dates that your sister and mother plot for you. What you are doing is bartending in a town far away from your family. You're fake dating your boss who happens to be the most dangerous person in the town, at least that's what you've heard of the rumors, but so far, James has been nothing but non-threatening to you. Yes, he was mean in the beginning, but a lot has changed since then. 
And now sitting in front of your parents with James beside you, eating lunch; you recall Barry's diner and you miss the food there. It's funny because you always thought that this was your home, your family and everything associated with them should make you feel at peace, but you were feeling everything but that. You were restless and anxious, and you wanted to go to that cozy dinner with James where Sally would tell you anecdotes about her life. You wanted to sit with James and watch him debunk the myths about his career that you believed were true your whole life. Turns out, he doesn't cut off people’s dick for disrespecting him. Who would have thought? And you decided that maybe you should stop reading those stupid mafia stories.
James sensed your discomfort, you don't know how he does that, but he always knows when something is bothering you. He brought his chair closer to you in hopes of providing you some relief. And it did, his presence made you feel at ease and you weren't sure how you felt about it. You knew you were dependent on him for comfort since the incident at his club, but being with him didn't make you feel caged.
You always thought that a relationship would make you feel stuck. That's why you never engaged in one, but with James, it felt liberating. Maybe because this wasn't real and the moment this turns real, it'll be a shithole. At least that's what you told yourself. 
“So, what do you do, James?” your father asked, and you nearly choked on your food. James's hand involuntarily reached towards your back, his thumb running soothing circles while his palms patted gently. 
“I own a club and a few other buildings in town,” your faux boyfriend answered, and you were thankful he didn't get into his other business. You wanted to ask about all the rumors in town and why people are so scared of him and why does everyone in the club carries a gun, but you were scared to ask. You feared that you wouldn't like the answers. Honestly, that's false, you weren't scared of the answers, you were scared that what if he closes himself again the moment you step into uncharted territory. And you really liked this fun, caring, swiftie James.
Everybody was sitting silently at the table which was unusual because usually family dinners were the place where everyone pointed out your faults. Carol kept glancing at your parents every few seconds and vice versa. Your brother-in-law, Nick, was focused on the food and their kids were taking a nap.
 You were going to thank your stars for this peaceful lunch when your sister broke off the silence. “So, how did you two meet?”
Every head on the table turned towards you expectantly, waiting for you to explain how you met James. What were you supposed to say? That you met when you interviewed for your current job and he clearly rejected you? 
Before the panic could make its way to the surface, James' palm landed on yours softly, grounding you. Your sister's eyes fell to your hands on the table and she scoffed.
 “We're glad you're happy, but at least don't forget basic table etiquette,” She commented. How could you forget the ‘no hands on the table while eating’ rule? Just when you were about to remove your hand from the table, James held your hand and placed it on his lap, lacing his fingers with yours. 
“Auntie Y/N!” A shriek made you turn behind, and you saw your nephew and niece running towards you with the biggest grin on their faces. Both the kids jumped in your embrace without a care of their surroundings and you stifled a laugh.
Bucky didn't like kids, hated them, to be honest. In his defense, what's there to like, they're always whining and crying, but seeing you attempting to straddle two 5-year-olds on your lap while their mother complained might change his opinions on the subject. 
You didn't like kids either, except your nephew and niece. They were perfect in your eyes, but maybe you were a bit partial because you sort of shared genes with them. You were so focused on the stories Alec and Izzy were telling you that you didn't notice the eyes that were fixed on you. James looked at you with not only adoration, but also devotion. He knew if he kept looking at you like that, he'd be deep in shit, but it was too late now. 
After dinner, you made your way to the bedroom, only to realize that there was one bed. Fuck. You really should have thought this through. 
Before the embarrassment could seep in, James started collecting a blanket and some pillows. “I'll take the floor,” He said. 
You frowned. “No, James. You've already done so much for me. Take the bed, please.”
James pretended not to hear you and started preparing his bed on the floor. 
“Seriously?” You queried, slightly huffing at his childish behavior. “You're gonna pretend you didn't hear me. How old are you, five?”
Without saying a word, James started humming a tune and situated himself on the makeshift bed on the floor and closed his eyes. 
You stomped your foot furiously, yeah, maybe you were a little childish too. Without muttering another word, you made your way towards the bed and tucked yourself in a comfortable position. 
“You were saying something?” James asked, his voice laced with tease, and you huffed at his tomfoolery. 
“Yeah, just how immature you are.”
“Sorry, I didn't hear that. What was that?” you couldn't see him, but you knew he was doing some theatrical actions by putting his hands on his ears for better listening or furrowing his eyes in feigned confusion. “That I'm so smart? Oh, why, thank you. You're not so bad yourself.”
“That's real mature, James,” you murmured, clearly not enjoying his antics.
A comfortable silence fell in the room. The only thing that could be heard was your breathing and the air conditioner that always sucked in your childhood room but your parents never thought it was a primary concern. Oh, yeah, also, you were staying in your teenage room with your boss. You tried telling your parents that you could get a hotel, but they insisted so now James could see one direction posters on the wall right in front of him.
You would have assumed that he fell asleep if he hadn't broken the silence. “I know it's not my business and you don't have to answer if you don't want to,” he paused, wondering whether he is crossing a line by asking you this. “But why do you let them treat you like that?”
You coughed in surprise, you clearly did not expect him to ask this. You thought maybe he was going to ask you who is your favorite one direction member. Anything really, expect this. “Wow, you do not beat around the bush.”
You could hear him shuffling and once he settled you were sure he was facing you. Well, the bed actually. You did the same, turning towards him. You couldn't see him, but it still felt so intimate.
 “I'm honest with people I trust,” he informed and you smiled, thinking about the time when he told you he did not trust you or your intentions.
“What do I get in return?” you teased, although you would have told him without getting anything in return.
“What do you want?”
You debated for a minute whether you should go forward and just ask him so you did. “What do you do?”
You didn't expect him to actually answer. You knew that your relationship (whatever that was) with James had increased from where it was a few months ago. You deeply cared for each other and had mutual trust in the other. But you still didn't know about the actual work he did. Your realtor told you that he was a criminal, a mobster to be exact, and had sketchy connections with the mafia but you didn't know the exact nature of his work. 
He signed heavily and you were ready to drop the subject, scared that it would only push him away again and you couldn't lose whatever you had this early. 
“We provide weapons to the government at a cheaper price, eliminate problems or shootouts that the government is too scared to take the blame for,” he said, voice unwavering but you could sense the tension. Bucky thought that telling you about his work would make you fear him, and he didn't want to risk losing the progress he made with you, but he also knew that if he wanted you in his life in any form then he has to be honest with you. “We don't do the kind of stuff you're thinking of, it's mostly assisting the government to do stuff where they don't want to get their hands dirty.”
“How would you feel if the leaders of your country were involved in shady business?” It was a rhetorical answer, of course, you would feel unsafe, but your sleep-dazed brain was about to muster up an answer but he quickly spoke. “So if it backfires then they don't lose their men and women and can blame it on us, the criminals.”
“So that's why you weren't scared if I went to the cops? Because you kinda work for them?” you asked. His reaction made a lot of sense now, but some part of your brain hoped that he did that for you. That he would defy the police for you. 
“Off charts yeah,” he answered, “Although that has nothing to do with why I wanted you to go to the cops. I wanted you to because what Rumlow did was unacceptable and he should pay for his actions.”
“Wow,” you didn't know what to say. Anything further could push him back to the 'I don't trust you' James and you couldn't risk that. 
Bucky didn't want to elaborate further, “Your turn.”
“Sir, you just set yourself up for the biggest disappointment,” you joked, already imagining his reaction and smiling to yourself. 
“I let them treat me like this because they are my family,” you replied honestly. “I don't have anyone else but them.”
Bucky knew all about the issues that come with family, but he didn't think you'd be the victim of it. Bucky realized that in his head, he had conjured up a version of you that was perfect, so if he were to know you better, it would decrease his crush on you, right? 
Wrong. The more Bucky got to know you, the more he realized you weren't some angel and were just a vulnerable human like everyone, and the more he wanted you, all of you.
“Where does Rumlow come in this?” you questioned.
“His work is dirty like drugs, sex trafficking so he doesn't work well with government or any sort of authority,” he explained, “He's one of the problems they wanna eliminate but can't because he's too powerful. He works with Hydra.”
“Wasn't Hydra a myth?” you queried. You have heard stories about Hydra too, how Bucky was their rival. You assumed it was about territory or money. You know, like in the movies.
“Nah, doll, it's real. He's part of that organization and that makes him shielded from us and literally everyone.” 
“So you're technically not… you know, killing people for fun like the mafia and all? You're like undercover agents,” you concluded and he shook his head, chuckling at the disappointment in your voice.
In your defense, you expected him to be the movie-type mafia boss who kills people for raising their voice but again, this is not a movie. 
“If it makes you feel better, we smuggle weapons for the government. We're still criminals and dangerous,” he articulated, his tone laced with amusement at your reaction.
 “No offense, but that's a horrible career. Is that what you wanted to do growing up?” you asked, yawning, your eyelids becoming heavy from the exhaustion.
“No,” he answered truthfully. “Not everyone gets a choice, doll. My dad was murdered when I was a kid and I was shoved into the business to protect my family.”
 “Where are they? Your family, I mean,” you inquired, hoping you weren't overstepping.
“Ma basically hates me and my sister maintains her distance, but it's for her own safety.”
You didn't ask about them further, realizing his family was a touchy subject for him. You could relate to that. “What do you want to do?”
Out of all your questions and weird assumptions, this took James by surprise. No one asked him what he wanted to do. Hell, he didn't even ask him that, and now someone finally asked him, he didn't know what to answer. You understood his silence, you always understood everything James felt even without it being voiced. He generally hated when people predicted him, he prided himself on being unpredictable but not with you. James wanted nothing more than to just be Bucky with you.
“Don’t worry, you'll figure something out,” you mumbled, already drifting off to sleep.
James turned towards the opposite side. “Sleep well, doll.” he murmured, his breath growing even, matching yours.
TAGS: @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @goodcleanfunsis​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998​ @marvel-3407​
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Do you think you could write a piece about Harry and y/n having sex but she’s like really short and Harry is like throwing her around and just manhandling her and fucking destroying her guts but also make kinda fluffy pls😔👉👈
Welcome Home
Anonymous Said: Hi I’ve discovered this blog recently and can I please just take a moment to say Wow... you’re writing is amazing and your ideas and concepts are brilliant. I’m not sure if your taking requests or concepts but here’s an idea. SNL pilot Harry like with the grey hair and all coming home to his wife who misses him dearly after awhile followed by you know what. And if you could include size kink (I really liked that concept)
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s so late guys! Since I’ve been writing for a year now, I figured that I’d give an ‘Au’ a try. When I got this request, I was completely floored. Like holy shit, sexy ass older pilot!Harry, and small!Y/n. All of this is perfection and I love this so much! Enjoy🙃
4.7k words
Harry loved his job. He considered himself to be pretty lucky to have the ability to travel the world and see places he’d only dreamt of growing up. Even though he wasn’t in those places for an extended amount of time, simply being there was more than enough for Harry and it made him want to go back and explore. If he was lucky, he’d have multiple flights to the same place or longer layover in these But what Harry loved most about his job was the fact that he got to do it all with the love of his life. 
When you two first met, Harry’d been a pilot for some years and you were just hired for your job as a flight attendant. You knew that it wasn’t the most glamorous profession int the world, but you wanted to dip your toes into the pool of world travel, and this was the route you were taking to start. Before your first flight you’d asked around about the pilots for your flight and you were met with the same response each time. Everyone said that Harry was one of the nicest people in the world and was pretty good looking too, but his copilot was the person you were advised to try your best to avoid. Luckily, you only had to interact with Harry. Both you and Harry hated to say it and be all cliché, but from the moment you two laid eyes on and interacted with each other you both were hooked. Even though the both of you could’ve really used the entirety of your breaks to get some sleep, you and Harry couldn’t stop talking to each other. From that point on, the two of you became inseparable. During layovers that were more than just a couple hours and Harry had some spare time outside of his duties as pilot, the two of you would spend time together. You two were so caught up in each other and being together that you’d swap flights and breaks with the other flight attendants so that you and Harry could be together. And Harry did the same. He’d always put in a word with the people who made the schedules to ensure that he was flying the flights you were on or he’d try to get you on his flights. 
After constantly being on flights together and even running into each other during your times off, you and Harry were pretty convinced that you two should give a relationship a try. Even though there was a significant risk involved with starting a relationship with someone who was pretty much your boss and/or employee, you and Harry were willing to take that risk. And you two never looked back. In fact, disclosing you guys’ relationship made things way easier for you and Harry; you two were almost always on the same flights together. Now, you two are happily married and traveling the world together about 99% of the time. You both absolutely hated when the 1% times came around. You two became so used to being on the same flights that when you weren’t, you and Harry were a bit sad and even a little homesick believe it or not. This time unfortunately was Harry’s turn to fly without you. There wasn’t a moment on his trip that Harry didn’t miss you. He was focused on his job but he was still thinking about you. He was constantly wondering about what you were doing at home. When he took his break he just laid there and the cuddles and kisses he’d get if you were there with him. He also missed listening to your passenger horror stories and pushing you to just keep going. And on top of all that, Harry missed all the times you two would try to quietly go at it in the bathroom or crew resting area depending on whether or not you two were the only ones on break. Even though he was able to talk to you during his layover, he was counting the days and eventually hours until he came back home to you. As soon as he landed on the tarmac at the airport, Harry was on a mission to get home. After following all the necessary after flight procedure and filling out all of the necessary paperwork, Harry threw his bag into his car and sped home to you.
Surprisingly, Harry was able to get home and not get a ticket. He quickly pulls into the driveway and carries himself and his bag into the house. When he walks through the front door, Harry could immediately feel your presence. He could feel your warmth radiating through the entire house. All he had to do now as find you. Before checking upstairs, he makes his way around the main level of the house to look for you. As he exits the kitchen and makes his way down the hall, Harry could hear your soft hums getting louder and louder. When he reaches the laundry room, he sees you standing at the folding in the corner. Simply seeing you bought a big smile to his face. He then wastes no time coming over to you and wrapping his arms around your smaller body. 
“Honey I’m home.” Harry happily coos in your ear before pressing a soft kiss below it. When he does this, you turn around in his arms to get a better look at him. 
“Welcome home.” You whisper back to him, lifting yourself up onto your tips of your toes to bring your lips to his. As soon as your lips connect, the both of you release sighs of content. You two were back together. It doesn’t take long for Harry’s arms to tighten around your body and hoist you up onto the table behind you. The kiss lasts a little longer before you pull away from his lips. 
“How was your long haul without me?” You hum, sliding your hands up the lapels of his jacket.
“It was hell.” Harry says pointedly. 
“It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“Was thinking about you the whole time.” Harry frowns a little at you to emphasize his point. 
“I missed you too baby.” You coo softly to him. You then reach up and pull the captains hat off of his head, sitting it down next to you before pushing your hands through his greying curls. When you two first met, he had some grey hairs here and there. But now they had taken over just about all of his head; and you were very into it. “Any annoying kids or weird old ladies?” You ask him. 
 “For the kids, I wouldn’t know. I like to stay in the front of the plane or the crew area.” Harry begins truthfully. “But as for the old ladies, they always want to break off a piece of this.” He continues smugly.
“Why would they want you? Do they wanna swap arthritis creams or something?” You joke with a laugh, watching his face fall in the process. 
“I will have you know that I’m considered a silver fox. And you know it.” Harry defends, slightly tilting his head up away from you. When he says this all you could do was pucker your lips and bite the inside of them because what he said was in fact true. You just couldn’t let him know that. “Now what’d you get into while I was gone?” Harry asks curiously with a smirk from his previous victory. 
“Did some stuff around the house and I did a little missing you retail therapy.” You reply happily. 
“So I take it that the credit card bill this month is gonna be a little higher than normal?” Harry asks suspiciously. 
“Just a little.” You whisper trying to undermine your shopping spree. 
“A little?” Harry asks you again, already knowing that you’re undermining how much you actually spent. 
“Mhm.” You mumble, nodding your head sweetly in the process. 
“You’re too cute and pretty for your own good.” Harry chuckles and shakes his head down at you. 
“You love it though.” You hum happily up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I do.” Harry sighs contently. This is what he missed. He missed being in your arms and just loving on you. He loved seeing your smile and feeing your small arms wrap around him. “I actually bought you a couple things.” Harry whispers, tightening his grip around your back. 
“Is it more skimpy lingerie?” You question him, making sure to spread a wide smirk across your face. Instead of readily replying to you, Harry simply unwraps one of his arms from around your back and he brings it up to the front of your dress. Since the front of your dress was loosely wrapped around your body to keep it closed, Harry as able to simply pluck back the top a little to get a good look at your body beneath the fabric. 
“Well I guess this is my cue to stop buying the lingerie, since you’re not even wearing it.” Harry points out, looking down into your dress to find your bare, supple breasts resting on your chest. It took a lot of self control for Harry in that moment to not stick his hand down your dress to take your plushy flesh into his hand.
“Well I thought it was for our sexy times or when I send you pictures while you’re on a trip and on your break or stuck in a hotel room without me.” You explain to him. You even throw in a little pout; you wanted to keep your fancy and very pretty lingerie flow going. “But I am wearing one of the pairs of  panties you picked up in Italy if you wanna see how some of your purchases look on me.” You whisper lowly to him. You then use your arms that are hooked around his neck to pull his head down closer to yours. Harry was already a bit hard from finally being home with you. Now he was getting even harder from your words. 
“Is it bad that I’ve only been home for 20 minuets and I’m already thinking about completely ravishing you?” Harry mumbles against your pillow soft lips. “Just so pretty baby.” Harry grumbles frustratedly before bringing his mouth the rest of the way to yours while pulling you closer to the edge of the table. He couldn’t believe that he, a man who turned 40 a couple months prior, was getting all riled up and turned on the same way he did 20 plus years ago. That was just the age defying effect you had on him. 
“No, not at all.” You begin as you pull away from the short lived yet beyond passionate kiss, slowly bringing your left hand up the back of his neck to his hair. “In fact, every time I see you in your head to toe pilots get up, I’m always fighting the strong urge to fall to my knees and take your cock down my throat.” You bluntly continue, your voice filled with a very nonchalant and teasing tone. 
When this statement left your mouth, Harry was a little bit taken aback. But at the same time he wasn’t. After slowly building up your friendship that in no time blossomed into a more romantic relationship together, Harry was able to slowly show you the ropes so to speak and teach you just about everything you knew when it came to the bedroom and a happy and healthy relationship. When you two progressed to the more intimate stage of your budding relationship, you were pretty inexperienced. You didn’t know your way around the bedroom at all. You we’re still a virgin and you didn’t even know the ins and outs of making out with someone. All you knew was that this smart, extremely kind, absolutely gorgeous, and just overall stunning human being, older man who just so happened to be the pilot on your flight had taken a strong interest in you. And luckily for you, your lack of experience was the least of his concerns. It was like you hit the jackpot with him. Fast forward to now when you two are a married couple, you’ve taken all of the tips and tricks he’s taught over time and you’re running with it. Harry wasn’t the only who had the ability to do things to your body that would make your toes to curl, your entire body to go numb, and cause your mind to deem it all indescribable. You also had the ability to turn Harry into a pleasured, borderline incoherent, and moaning mess; something that most women in his past who were his age or slightly older weren’t even able to do. So it wasn’t a complete surprise that those words came from your mouth.
“Who knew that my pretty little wife had such a filthy mouth.” Harry gasps with a condescending tone.
“Well I’m not a prudish old man like you.” You simply reply. This was the button in Harry that you loved to push. 
“I don’t know where you’re getting that from but I’m far from prudish and I’m definitely not an old man.” Harry says matter of factly. “If I remember it correctly, I made you wear vibrating panties for the entirety of an 18 hour flight.” Harry recalls, making his point against being called prudish. 
“Everyone uses those. Especially older men.” You smugly whisper back, pushing even harder on this button of his. 
Harry knew exactly what you were doing. He knew that you were pushing his button so that he’d unleash everything he had built up over the course of his trip into you. It didn’t take much for him to realize that you wanted him to really make up for not being with you for almost a week. The both of you were itching to feel and be around each other again. After you and Harry made it past the learning and teaching phase of you guys’ sex life, the two of you acquired a constant hunger for one another. When you and Harry had some time off, the sex would be nonstop. Whether it was cockwarming or full on sex where you’re riding his cock or he was slamming himself deep into your pussy, you and Harry were always looking for ways to be around each other like this. And it was exactly the same when you two were on the job. Even though you two didn’t have the freedom to go at it whenever you wanted, you and Harry still found ways to be with each other. For some reason, seeing each other dressed in your uniforms was a bit of a turn on. It didn’t help that the both of you were borderline thrill seekers and loved the rush that came along with trying to be quiet as you both were experiencing some of the best pleasure you’d ever felt.
“Well do all older men pound and shove their cocks into their girlfriends, and now wives tight little cunts over and over again until she’s begging and crying for him to slow down and let them cum? Because if not, I’ve got countless stories about me doing that to you in the cramped bathroom on a flight, in restaurant bathrooms, dressing rooms, upstairs, on the couch, the kitchen counter, right here on this table, and many other places.” Even though you acted confident and enjoyed battling Harry for dominance, you were able to easily fall into a more submissive role. The way he’s calmly able to say the filthiest things made your body quake and your panties become even more soaked than they already were. You were never going to be able to forget about all of those times. How and why would you ever forget the times where he’s hoisted you up against a door or a wall, or pushed you down against the counter, tightly wrapped a hand around your mouth to keep you quiet, and deliciously slammed his cock up into you? If you focused in on those memories, you could remember and almost feel him inside you.
That’s what you wanted right now. You wanted him to pound into you so hard that you’d a sore, moaning mess and you wanted to make up for the time you two weren’t together. This was the first time in a good while that you weren’t scheduled for a flight with Harry and you really missed him. And his cock. So if you had to push one of his buttons to really get what you both wanted, you were going to do it. 
“Well I think you guys can do that,” You begin, pausing to run your hands down from his neck and across the expanse of his broad shoulders. “I just think that you may need a little help if you know what I mean.” You finish. When you say this, Harry knows exactly what you were implying and he wasn’t having any of it. 
“You and this pretty little body of yours is gonna get it.” Harry growls before yanking you up from the table and pulling you into his body. He quietly marches you both up the stairs and to your shared bedroom. When he reaches the foot of the bed, he releases his once tight grip on your body and drops you down onto the bed. He continues to go about everything silently, shoving his jacket off of his shoulders and working on his tie and shirt.
“You look really hot in that uniform just so you know.” You admire from the bed below him. You watch him chuckle at your statement as he shrugs his shirt and undone tie off his body. You were really turned on right now. Like the sight of his bare, toned and tattooed chest and arms was a sight you could stare at forever. Add onto that the fact that he was mad and taking control over you and you were setup to be a complete mess. And your panties could definitely attest to that. You were completely drenched and dying to feel him against and inside you. 
“You don’t have to butter me up baby.” Harry begins as he undoes his shoes. “M’still gonna take care of you and that smart mouth of yours.” Harry guarantees, shoving his shoes and socks off his feet and standing back up to work on his pants. “Gonna make sure you know what I can do to you.” Harry finishes, finally undoing his belt and shoving his pants along with his boxers down his legs. When you see his thick and very hard cock, you couldn’t stop a moan or two from escaping your mouth. “I take it someone needs my cock.” Harry chuckles at your desperation for his cock. He planned on showing you just how much you needed him. He then comes closer to the edge of the bed and in one swift motion, Harry pulls you up from your lying position and flips you onto your front. He masterfully undoes the tie on the back of your dress and he flips you back onto your back. He tugs at the fabric, opening your dress and exposing your partially naked body to him. He takes a moment to admire your body and all he could do is bite his lip. He couldn’t believe that he managed to be away from this for nearly an entire week. 
Harry quickly snaps out of his trance when he feels his cock twitch slightly and he leans down to scoop you up into his arms. When he does this, Harry keeps you low in his grip so that you’d be right against his cock. He keeps one arm securely around your body and pulls your arms from the dress. Once it’s completely off of you, he drops it into the pile of his clothes and drops you back onto the bed. Before crawling up and on top of you, Harry uses your claves to push you a little higher up onto the bed and to flip you back onto your stomach. When he does this, you really know you’re in for it. Whenever you were in this position Harry really made sure to slam into you and make you scream. When he crawls up and is on top of you from behind, he wastes no time in ripping the barely there panties off your body. For the first time in what felt like forever, Harry didn’t snap the delicate undergarment in half. Once they’re out of the way, Harry has complete access to your body.
“Gonna be a good girl and take daddy’s cock?” Harry asks, squeezing the flesh of your ass before raising it up just to crash it back down.
“Mhm.” You whimper, really feeling the sting from the sudden slap.
“Use your words.” Harry demands, raising his hand back up to deliver another slap to your backside. 
“Yes daddy.” You cry out to him, this time feeling not only the sting of his slaps but also feeling of your juices dripping onto the sheets.
“Good girl.” Harry hums at your response. He then straddles your thighs, wanting to keep you in place when he pushes into you. He lifts himself up so that he’s hovering over you, and he grips onto his cock to give himself a good squeeze, resulting in him letting out a loud grumble behind you (that went straight to your clit). He tightly grips onto the flesh of one of your cheeks and he pulls your ass apart to get a better view of you. When he sees your puckered hole, Harry gets a little idea. In the process of lining himself up with your entrance, Harry uses his cock to put a little pressure on your tighter hole. When he does this, words begin to pour out of your mouth. 
“M’too tight daddy.” You rush out to him, trying to stop his actions. Harry knew that you were too tight for him at the moment, but he just liked to work you up a little and hear you beg.
“Don’t worry baby. When were done, daddy’s gonna get you nice and ready for his cock.” He promises, lowering his cock from your second hole down to the first. When you feel his thick head nudging at your entrance, your moans got louder. You needed him to be inside you already. 
“Want your big cock daddy.” You beg. You try to move back against him but he’s practically sitting on your thighs, which is pinning you to the bed. 
“Whats the magic word?” Harry teases.
“Please daddy?” And with that, Harry is finally sinking his cock into you. When you feel his cock stretching you to fit all of him, your mind goes blank. All you could come up with was strings of loud moans and feeling good. You felt full agains which was all you really wanted. As he continues to sheath his cock with your walls, Harry’s hand leaves his shaft and goes right to your other cheek. He pulls your ass completely apart and watches as his cock disappears into you.
“That’s it, take this cock sweetheart.” Harry pants in amazement. He was still in awe at how a small woman like you was able to take every last inch of his manhood. Once he’s fully inside, Harry’s eyes trail up your body to find you resting your cheek against the sheets with your mouth wide open. Thats what he wanted to see. Keeping his hands on your ass, Harry lifts himself up so that he’s hovering over you and goes straight into slamming in and out of your tight and very wet pussy. As he does this, your entire body quakes at the amazing sensation of him fucking you. Feeling him pound into your stomach as he called you his sweet girl and his pretty little wife was beyond extraordinary. You could feel the familiar tight and warm knot beginning to form in the pit of your stomach already.
As Harry fucks into you, he’s beyond turned on. The way you’re pinned below him as he shoves his cock deep into you along with you pitifully whimpering, moaning, and crying at how good he felt was really doing things to Harry. He never wanted to be away from you ever again. He wanted to feel you every single day.
After fucking into you from behind for a good while and feeling the tight burning sensation forming in the pit of his stomach as well, Harry figures that he’s going to cum soon and he wants to watch your face twist as he does. He then proceeds to stop thrusting all together and pull out of you, which causes you to grumble, resulting in you receiving a hard “shut up” slap to your ass. He then gets lifts himself off of you and flips tugs you onto your back. He knocks your legs apart and gets in between them before slamming his cock back into you.
“Like this baby. Like it when daddy takes control of this tight little cunt of yours?” He pants, continuing to slam his his cock into you. You were too caught up in how good he was making you feel that you couldn’t even form a worded response. All you could do was thrash your head against the bed in agreement. When he sees this, a very wide smirk rises to his face. This is exactly what he missed and wanted to see. You taking all of his cock while you’re quivering and barely holding on. As he continues, Harry can feel the warmth from the pit of his stomach spreading to his entire body, signifying to him that his release was getting extremely close. Judging by the way your once tight grip on the sheets has gone loose, your pitiful whimpers, and the way you’re tightening up around him you’re feeling the exact same way. To make you cum around his cock, with him following right behind you Harry only has to do two things. First, he brings his palm to your lower stomach and presses it into you; putting pressure on the warm knot that was about to explode and allowing him to feel his cock moving inside you. He then comes down, bringing his mouth to your ear to whisper one thing into your ear. “Not too bad for an old man right?” Harry hums patronizingly into your ear. He wanted you to eat your words. And you were. His words, the pressure from his hand, and his cock causes you to burst at the seams around him. You let out a mixture of gasps and whimpers as you completely let go around Harry’s cock. When he feels your walls contracting around him, Harry lets go as well. He releases every last drop of the sexual frustration he’d been carrying around all week; and it felt so good. He loved painting your walls with his cum.
Once the both of you are done and it’s safe to pull out, Harry’s slowly pulls his sopping wet cock from your cunt and collapses onto the bed next to you. 
“Harry, I can’t feel my legs.” You whimper after a couple minuets of silence. 
“M’surprised you’re not used to it by now.” Harry hums smugly. Once he says this, a temporary lull fell over you two. You and Harry were very anxious to go at it again, but you two were holding off to see who would initiate round two. 
“Did you take something before you came in the house?” You whisper over to him, deciding that you needed to be the one to initiate round two.
“Do I need to come over there and shove my cock down that pretty throat of yours for you to get the point?” Harry chuckles at your persistence. 
“Only if you want to.” You whisper sweetly. 
“Oh I want to, and don’t you doubt that.” Harry says matter of factly. 
“Well can we cuddle first? Haven’t cuddled since the night before you left.”
“Anything you want.” Harry coos before moving closer to your limp body. 
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
The Spidey Suit
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Everyone has wanted to try on the iconic suit of Queens’ superhero, but when you have an opportunity to actually do it, you land yourself in a bit of a sticky situation…
Warnings: Suggestiveness, but nothing too bad. A couple of bad words and a ton of flustered Peter.
Word Count: 1.2k
Here is my Masterlist, as well as the request it is based on! Thanks for reading this, and I hope you enjoy it :)
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“Hey Ms Parker”, you exclaimed, walking into Peter’s apartment. May smiled, quickly hugging you as she ruffled your hair.
“It’s May, Y/N. Ms Parker makes me feel old!” she says jokingly as you laugh.
“Well, can’t have that”, you say, laughing along with her. “How are you?”
May shrugs, her eyes getting a far-off look. “Oh, it’s fine...with Peter having Spider duties in the night and work starting late, I have a ton of time on my hand.”
You smile coyly, remembering what Peter told you before he came to pick you up on a date last week. “Oh, so you have enough time for a relationship? With a certain jolly man? Or was it Happy?”
You giggle, watching May’s face turn red, as she waved you off. “Oh shush! It’s nothing. Who told you?”
“Peter did. You should’ve seen his face!”
“Oh no!” May says, groaning. “Happy and I are not in any way dating!”
Sure”, you say, extending the word as you take off your jacket. “Also, speaking of Peter, where is he? Still out?”
May nodded, gesturing to his room. “Yeah, he is, but you can stay as long as you want...he should be back in about 30 minutes anyway.”
You smile, nodding. “Thanks, May. Any plans for the evening?” you ask, looking over your shoulder.
“A dat- Uh, nothing. Just-uh hanging out with friends. Yeah, yep, that's what I’m going to be doing”, she says, and you understand where Peter gets his nervous stuttering from. You stifle a laugh as you nod at her, heading into Peter’s room.
Opening the door, you jumped into his bed, marvelling at how the room was so much more cleaner tonight. After getting the superhero gig with the Avengers, Peter had a ton of new gizmos and tech. Not only was his room always littered with new tech toys from the tower, but it was just usually messy. With college and his Spider-Man duties, there wasn’t a ton of time to pick up dirty clothes from the floor. At least, that’s what he says.
So it was a pleasant surprise when everything was spick and span, well...except for his closet. It was an utter mess, with the door overflowing with jumbled up pieces of clothing. Scrunching your eyebrows, you walked over, eyes widening when a mountain of shirts and jumpers fell out.
“What the hell?”, you muttered, noticing how they were just thrown in. Peter must’ve been in a hurry to find something, but what would it be in his closet-? “Aha”, you said, seeing something hanging off his bed.
The old Spiderman suit. Well...wasn’t really a suit, more like a hoodie made by Peter months ago. You picked up the red hoodie, smiling at the hastily drawn spider logo in the middle. You knew Peter was Spiderman soon after he had started fighting crime...being his best friend and all. But you only saw him when he had the “Mr Stark suit”, so you had never seen Peter in action with his old one.
But looking at it now, you felt a magnetic pull to it. Walking over, you hesitantly picked it up, fingers smoothening over the soft fabric, the tears and cuts, the stains still leftover from fights. Biting your lip, you look around, staring out the window as you brought up the suit to your body, wanting to see how it would look on you.
Having a superhero boyfriend was great since he saved people and all...but it was even better when you saw him in action wearing a skin-tight suit. You weren’t half as strong as Peter, but you desperately wanted to try it on, just to get a feel of what it would be like. Plus, it looked sooooo comfortable, despite the wear and tear of it.
Quickly looking around, and closing the door, you shed your shirt and shorts, pulling on the red and blue garment. “Holy shit”, you whispered, peering at yourself in the mirror. “This is awesome” Turning sideways, you pulled your wrist up, trying to figure out what was pressing into your skin, but as your fingers brushed against a small button, thick white liquid shot out of the compartment.
You gasped as you were pulled through air, landing smack in the middle of Peter’s bed. “Oh no”, you whispered, trying to pull yourself free but failing in doing so. The web. You didn’t realize it was still in there, but now you were in a sticky position. Literally.
May could easily walk through the door and see you in Peter’s old suit, which would thoroughly embarrass you. Or even worse, Peter comes in and sees you fidgeting with his belongings. Although he was the sweetest, most caring person on the planet, he had a strict rule about not letting his personal life interfere with his superhero life. And you might have just bent that rule a little… The best thing was that you just waited it out. This was probably the old web, which dissolves in an hour or so, which would be an awful lot of time, but it was better than anything else.
Sadly, the universe didn’t want to agree with you tonight, because, in less than 20 minutes, you heard the familiar THWAP of the web as Peter came swinging in through the window.
“Karen, I am so exhausted toda- What?”, Peter said, looking shocked at you sprawled across his bed, a familiar blue and red suit loosely covering you.
“Hey Peter”, you said weakly, “I’m really sorry about the sui-”
“You look so hot”, he whispered out loud, blushing bright red at his statement. “I-I mean-um...uh hi Y/N”
All your worries melted away as you saw Peter’s face, your heart squeezing as you stared at his stuttering, pink face. Ridiculously handsome face. “H-hey Pete. I just came in a while back and saw th-this and I just wanted to try it….”, you said, trying to gauge his reaction before continuing. “So I might have worn it, and mistakenly shoot out a web that was still in there, which is a terrible idea by the way!”
Peter laughed as his eyes roamed your body, walking over to get some dissolvent, but stopping halfway. “So, in conclusion, I might have gotten a teensy tiny bit stuck”, you said, smirking lightly. “Care to unravel me?”
Peter scoffed, walking over to you. “First you touch my stuff, and then get yourself in a sticky situation on my bed...and now you expect me to just let you out love?” He came closer to you, whispering hotly in your ear, “I think not Ms Spider, in fact, I’m going to let you be there for the next two hours as it dissolves”
You looked up at him, challenging him. “Two hours huh? Didn’t think it would take that long...I would think Spiderman’s web would come off much quicker”
Peter simply chuckled, “Oh sweetheart, Spiderman’s web won’t come off for a long time...might as well get ready for a long night”
Wow, got kinda spicy at the end...but yeah. This took so long to write, purely because of my lack of motivation, but I hope you enjoyed this! Hopefully, I’ll have another ff out in the next couple of days :) Please send me a message or comment on this post if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme @a–1–1–3 @hayhays
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oneshot-wxnderland · 3 years
Prince’s Kiss | Jason Grace
Summary: While on a mission, Y/n gets hurt and there’s only one way for Jason to save her.
Category: fluff
          You and Jason had found yourselves in many situations like this before: back to back, weapons drawn, and fighting off a hoard of monsters. The rhythm and coordination you two had crafted over the course of hundreds of hours in battle and in training together proved to be a formidable force against opponents. You covered each other’s blind spots and moved as one. Which was necessary in the cramped alleyway.
          Soon enough your attackers had diminished in number until just a few were left and one big ugly came charging at you. You swung at it but your sword got stuck half-way through its wood club and wouldn’t come when you pulled.
          “Jay-.” Ducking under the monster’s swing, you continued to try and pry your sword free.
          “On it.” Jason replied and finished off his opponent with a quick and calculated strike before he spun around to help. You ducked beneath his arm as it arched over you and cut into the monster, turning it to dust before he reached around you and wrapped his hands around your own on the hilt of your sword. It came free with a strong pull from your combined strength and you both let out a heavy breath now that it was over.
          “Thanks,” you huffed, out of breath.
          “Don’t mention it,” he nodded, equally fatigued.
          “You know,” you kicked the wood club out of your way as you started to leave. “You’d think that with how often this happens, we’d be less winded.”
          “I’m fine, I think it’s just you,” he nudged your shoulder with his and you laughed.
          “Oh really? Bet I could beat you back to the motel.” 
          “You sure you wanna do this?” 
          “I think you’re scared, Jay-.” 
          A sharp sting to your side cut off your words. You looked down to see a scorpion-looking monster crouching behind the dumpster next to you and it reared its tail for another attack. Your limbs were sluggish as you tried pathetically to raise your sword and fight.
          “You’re on, Y/n.” Jason looked back at you, a challenging smile on his face that fell immediately when he saw the blood coming from your side and the monster about to swing. “Y/n!”
          His sword found its mark and the monster was finished before it could strike again and he spun to face you, worry creasing his brow.
          “Are you alright?” He reached out his hand towards your wound and caught you in his arms as you collapsed. “Hold on, Y/n.”
          The motel room you had rented for your mission wasn’t far and Jason made record time carrying you back to it. He laid you on one of the beds and gently lifted your shirt up over your stomach so that he could see the wound. It didn’t look too deep once he cleaned it up but you still hadn’t woken up. That’s when he knew something was wrong. You were one of the toughest people Jason knew and he had seen you walk off wounds far worse than this. 
          Deciding he needed some professional help, Jason scrambled to get a golden drachma from his backpack and ran to the bathroom to turn on the shower.
          When the misty picture of Will Solace lit up the tiles, Jason called out to him frantically.
          “Jason!” Will jumped and spun around to see the Iris message. He took in the usually composed leader’s worry and then past the open bathroom door to where he could see Y/n unmoving on the bed and immediately snapped into business mode. “What’s wrong.”
          “I don’t know she got hit and passed out but the wound isn’t that bad and she can’t eat any ambrosia like this. What do I do?”
          “You said the wound isn’t bad?” Will asked and Jason held his hand up in an approximation of how big it is, not wanting to move you from the bed. “And she’s passed out? It must be something else then. Did you see what hit her?”
          “Yeah it was some kind of scorpion looking thing, I don’t know.” Jason ran his hand through his hair and walked back over to you, inspecting the wound and holding your hand that Will couldn’t see. 
          “Does she have a fever? It could be some kind of poison,” Will offered and Jason felt your forehead. 
          “She’s burning up.”
          “I don’t get it,” Will tore through his books looking for an answer. “There isn’t a kind of monster like that who’s sting produces these kinds of symptoms.”
          Jason walked back over to the bathroom and looked at Will’s surroundings.
          “Is Annabeth there? She would probably know.” 
          “She’s in New York City with Percy.” Jason’s budding hope shrank again and he looked at your reflection in the mirror. Your skin looked drained of color but at least the wound had stopped bleeding. “I’ll keep looking. Did the wound look discolored at all-?”
         Jason jumped from a cry of pain and rushed back to your side where you were thrashing around in your sleep. He grabbed your wrists and tried to hold you down so you wouldn’t hurt yourself, your eyes screwed shut and agonized noises like a  twisting knife in his gut. “Will!”
          “I’m looking! Try to keep her still!”
          Even unconscious, you were putting up a hell of a fight for Jason who was struggling to hold you down, especially since he was trying not to hurt you. 
          “Jason, you gotta hold her down.” 
          He jumped up and straddled your hips to keep your legs down and leaned the rest of his weight into keeping your wrists to the pillow. 
          “Wait, you guys were looking for monsters who stole stuff from Aphrodite, right?”
          “Yeah?” The entire point of the mission had left Jason’s mind since he saw you collapse and he was too anxious to follow Will’s thinking.
          “Then what if it was one of Aphrodite’s potions that the stinger was dipped in?” Will grabbed a new book and wildly searched through it. “This one must be it! Fainting, fever, convulsions… yeah it’s this one.”
          “What do I do?” The fight was being drained from you but Jason was hesitant to do more than ease on his grip a little in case you started up again.
          “It says that the only cure is a… wow, that is so like Aphrodite.”
          “Okay it says that the only cure is a kiss from royalty, like a prince or something.”
          Jason’s hope was crushed once again seeing as how even if they weren’t in America, a prince would be exceptionally hard to acquire. 
          “Well I don’t think I’ll be able to find a prince in the middle of Wisconsin. Is there another option?” There had to be another way. No way in hell was Jason going to lose you. Especially not before you knew how he felt.
          You had completely stopped fighting against him and Jason wished you would keep doing so even if he was tired. He much preferred it to you lying there limp and lifeless. 
          “Wait, wait, wait. Zeus is the king of the gods,” Will started and expected Jason to catch on to his idea. “And you’re his son.”
          “Well, technically I’m the son of Jupiter, but what does that have to do with anything?” Jason removed himself from on top of you and walked over to Will.
         “I mean that technically makes you a prince, Jason.” 
          Jason frowned in concentration, weighing the legitimacy of that claim. Then he struggled to fight off a blush when he realized what Will was insinuating he has to do now.
          “Are you sure that counts? Like there’s not another way?” Jason looked back at you, now dealing with new emotions adding to his turmoil. 
          “Jason, you have to try it. And like now, she doesn’t have long. It says here that once the convulsions stop they don’t have much time left.” Will’s face was getting blurry as the Iris message was running out. 
          “What if it doesn’t work, what do I do?” Jason pleaded to the fading form of his friend. “Will, Will!” 
          The Iris message cut off and Jason hit the wall in frustration before he returned to your side.
          “This better work.” He didn’t know what he would do if it didn’t. As Jason knelt down and brushed some hair out of your face he couldn’t imagine having to live without you by his side. Even if you didn’t return his feelings, your friendship was too important to him. The thought of losing you made him forget any nerves he had and he leaned down and gingerly pressed his lips to yours. 
          The change was immediate as you breathed in life. Your eyes opened and the first thing they saw was Jason’s. 
          “Jay?” He broke out into the biggest smile you had ever seen on him and he pulled you into a hug. “What happened?”
          “You got kinda poisoned and almost died.” At this point you registered the dull pain emitting from your side and leaned back to look at your injury. “But you didn’t because I saved you. You’re welcome.”
          “Oh, so you’re my Prince Charming?” You asked him and he shrugged.
          “I mean, technically.” His voice sounded less confident than it had and you looked at him quizzically, which made him avoid your gaze by walking over to his backpack. “How do you feel?”
          “Fine…” you answered, still thinking about his sudden mood shift. “Except for whatever happened here.”
          “Giant scorpion thing,” he answered and walked back over, handing you a square of ambrosia. 
          “Cool.” The ambrosia soothed your side and you leaned against the headboard in relief.
          “Hardly,” Jason scoffed, sitting next to you but looking down at his lap. “You collapsed and went pale and I thought I was going to lose you.”
          He got quiet and you saw the stress and worry in his slumped shoulders.
          “The thought of you just… being gone. Before I could say goodbye or, or tell you how I feel. You were so pale…” His jaw clenched and he turned his face away from you.
          “Jason,” you placed your hand on his shoulder and made him look at you. His blue eyes teared up and you felt a physical tug on your heart. Your hands cradled his face and gently wiped away the tear that fell to his cheek. “I’m okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
          His head hung and landed on your shoulder, your hand combed through his hair.
          “And Jason?” You asked as you remembered a sensation from when you woke up.
          “Mm-hm?” He responded from your shoulder, his voice steadier now.
          “Did you… kiss me?” 
          At that he burst upright and a blush was raging on his face. 
          “Okay, I had to do it or you would die. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to- I mean I did want to kiss you. For a while now, actually, but not like this and especially when I couldn’t tell if you wanted me to or not. Will just said that there was no other way so-.”
          “Shut up.” His eyes snapped to you failing to suppress your grin. “Don’t apologize. Just… do it again.”
          His lips parted in shock and then one side lifted up as he leaned into you. Your hands held his face as his mouth pressed into yours and your bodies sighed into each other. So many years of longing and second-guessing and finally getting an answer, you couldn’t believe this was really happening.
          Jason tilted his head further and deepened the kiss, his hand moving to your leg that was propped up on the bed, sliding from your knee down to your hip and squeezing.
          “Holy shit,” you mumbled against his lips before you could stop yourself and you felt his smirk.
          “Just wait.”
          His lips moved down to your neck and you could breathe again but your head didn’t get any clearer, until you looked into the bathroom.
          “Hm?” His voice tickled the sensitive skin of your throat .
          “Why is the shower on?”
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shealolz · 3 years
“I wanna be your favorite boy” - Zenitsu Agatsuma - PART ONE
Summary: moments with you and zenitsu <33 also him realizing he doesn’t love nezuko but he loves you
Warnings & Notes: some blood bc demon-slaying,
Genre: fluff, some bits of angst
Zenitsu Agatsuma x Tanjiro’s Agender Twin Reader
word count: 4,565
when Zenitsu first got a glance at you he was drawn to your eyes. those curious eyes with smile lines next to them. but he could tell by the furrow in your brow that you were just as angry as the boy next to you.
“you know this counts as harassment right?” you said, glancing at the other boy who was apologizing to the beautiful girl he’d been weakened in the knees by.
“harassment?!” Zenitsu stammered. “no, no, no! I’m just trying to find someone beautiful to marry before I die to demons!” he wailed, wiping at his running nose.
you knelt down to sit next to him and he caught sight of the sword tucked against your hip. were you and the other boy demon slayers too?
“Have I met you before?” you asked, tilting your head. Zenitsu shrugged. “I think I saw you at the final selection. it was hard not to miss, there weren’t very many left.”
Zenitsu shuddered. he survived purely out of luck. sure he had gruesome dreams about defeating the demons but it never actually happened, he was weak!
you stuck out your hand. “I’m (name) Kamado. a pleasure to meet you...uh...” you trailed off.
“Zenitsu Agatsuma.” he supplied, feeling a tiny smile creep at his lips. “a pleasure to meet you Zenitsu.”
he shook your hand. it was warm.
the boy you were with walked over, Zenitsu’s messenger buried in the mess of auburn locks. “(name),” he said. “I see you’ve made a new friend. Tanjiro Kamado.” the boy—Tanjiro—introduced himself, giving Zenitsu a strained smile.
so he was your brother. and he was also still upset over Zenitsu’s wailing. “let's get off the dirty ground shall we?” you prompted, pulling yourself up with ease. Zenitsu followed.
before you and your brother could leave, Tanjiro turned around. “would you like to join us Zenitsu? I see you a slayer after all.”
Zenitsu nodded frantically and walked into sync with you guys. he bets you guys are strong, he’s unlikely to die with you guys around.
digging around in his uniform he found a riceball. he split it into three pieces with his hands, handing you and Tanjiro a piece each. “a gesture of my gratitude.” he mumbled, holding the riceball to his mouth.
you gave him a smile and Tanjiro voiced his thank you as he nibbled on the rice.
silence quickly fell in between the three of you and Zenitsu tuned into your sounds to see if either of you had bad intentions. he didn’t want to hang out with the wrong crowd y’know!
but as soon as he did all he could hear was the soft matching melody of your twin-like hearts, beating with sincerity and kindness. you both had a sound so soft and gentle it made Zenitsu want to cry.
he was in good hands, he knew it.
“I dont like creepy houses!” Zenitsu wailed, his hand gripping your hoari. you didn’t tell him off for it but you did raise a teasing eyebrow at it.
“Please! you’ve got to save our big brother!” the tiny children pleaded, pointing wildly at the house.
before Tanjiro could speak to calm them down a body is thrown out the window and it’s very bloodied up. Zenitsu let out a shriek.
you and Tanjiro were obviously idiots because you ran towards the body! still, he tip-toed over in time to see the man let out his final breath.
you glanced over your shoulder to look at the terrified child. “is...is this your brother?”
they shook their head. “our brother has short hair. that can't possibly be him.”
Tanjiro nodded. “then we can still save him!” he smiled. you nodded, smiling equally as wide.
“c’mon let’s go.” you hummed, making your way for the door. “ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN THERE!” Zenitsu screamed, almost turning white with fear.
“it’ll be fine. we can protect you.” Tanjiro said, slipping off the box on his back to lay it under a tree. “yeah, and here, you can hold my haori if you're so scared.” you stuck out the end of your haori for Zenitsu to grab onto.
slowly he grabbed it, bundling right up into your side, only a couple inches from your back as he peered over your shoulder.
the five of you only made it a couple of feet before the house began to rearrange itself. Zenitsu's knuckles turned white from gripping your haori so the two of you would stay together. just one kamado sibling! please!
once it stops you quickly depart, your haori ripping, a tiny piece of fabric in Zenitsu's palms as you bang your fists against the walls, screaming for your brother. "TANJIRO!"
"c-calm down! the demon will hear you!" he whimpered, biting his nails nervously.
you turned your angry gaze to him. "No! I will not calm down! my brother could die because I'm not with him!"
"do you really have such little faith in your brother?" the little boy, Shoichi, spoke up.
you sighed, the tenseness in your shoulders loosening. "no, that's not it. it's just he's one of the few family members I have left. I don't want to risk losing him."
Shoichi bit his lip. "then let's find your brother and my siblings!"
you gave the kid a smile and patted his head softly, Zenitsu kinda wished you'd do that to him too. just to ease his worries a bit.
"i- um. I ripped your haori." he stammered out, wanting your attention back on him. you clicked your tongue. "it's fine, I can just stitch it back later. or you can keep it, I don't mind."
he nodded, holding his hand to his chest.
"now let's search for an exit and then re-enter the building," you said, clapping your hands.
"aha! I found one!" he chirps pulling open the door he had found.
you sent him a warm smile. "good job, Zenitsu!"
he fumbled with his hands, his cheeks heating up greatly and he was about to stutter out a thank you when he saw a boar in the corner of his eye.
snapping his head to the side it turned out it wasn't a boar but a man with a boar's head. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" he screeched, running over to you to hide behind you.
but the boar-man hybrid paid them no attention and just ran down the hall, dual swords in its grip.
"I don't know," you muttered, hand resting atop your own sword.
the three of you walk in silence, suspense high as you crept through the house.
"Why are you being so cowardly. stop attaching yourself to (name), you got a sword for a reason don't you?" Shoichi insults and Zenitsu lets out a shriek, frightened by the sudden noise.
there's a deep rumbling laugh and loud footsteps before a large demon with a long tongue steps out, licking its sharp teeth that gleam under the yellow lights.
"fuck." you mutter under your breathing, pushing out your arm in front of Zenitsu and Shoichi.
"you're not gonna fight it are you?!" Zenitsu whisper-screams, trembling fingers gripping at his hair. you take in a breath. "as a demon slayer my job is to slay every threatening demon I come across, so yes, I will fight it."
"Zenitsu, bring Shoichi to the back wall, make sure nothing happens to him," you order and Zenitsu practically drags the boy to the back wall.
The demon chuckled. "this is going to be an easy fight." he muttered, cracking his knuckles.
you unsheathed your sword, holding it out to the side as the demon runs forward. Zenitsu's fingers stop shaking and both he and Shoichi wait in bated breath to see what you would do.
you don't move other than a slight shift in your feet and when the demon is about three feet away you gripped your sword harder.
"Water Breathing Seventh Form: Piercing Rain Drop."
before the demon could wrap his claws around you you step forward and stab your sword into its stomach before pulling out and doing it again while the demon stood in shock that you landed a hit on him.
your stab had stopped the demon from moving and before it could try again you pulled out your sword and jumped up, using the tall roof to your advantage.
"Water Breathing Second Form: Water Wheel."
your sword crashed down on the demon's arms that he had held up to shield himself and barely scraped his head. "Wow..." Shoichi breathed from next to Zenitsu and he couldn't help but think that it was an understatement.
but your minor victory was short-lived as the demon wrapped its huge hand around your calf and foot and squeezed.
Zenitsu could hear the loud crack over your scream.
you tumbled for the floor but still managed to tuck and roll before you hit your head, your sword plunging into the floorboard as you gripped at your ankle. it was probably broken.
the demon turned around but gave a quick glance to Zenitsu and Shoichi first. "you two look weak, I can have a quick snack first." the demon decided before picking you up.
the demon's tongue slithered out and licked against your cheek and Zenitsu promptly passed out.
a shocked gasp.
a slicing sound along with the squirting of blood.
"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap And Flash."
a thud.
Zenitsu's eyes flutter open and stare into your own giddy ones. he sits up, rubbing at his head before his eyes snap open at the sight of the decapitated and decaying demon.
"did you and Shoichi do that?" he asks, tilting his head. you furrow your eyebrows and Zenitsu's even more confused.
"What no- never mind, sure, whatever. but I need you to carry me because of my leg," you babbled, laying a hand on his shoulder.
oh yeah, you had broken your leg. does that mean Shoichi killed the demon? his eyes flick down to your leg which was covered but he didn't doubt it looked horrendous underneath.
he stands up and kneels down for you to jump on his back and he rests his hands under your thigh. "Shoichi, could you grab my sword for me?" you ask the dark-haired boy and he nods, plucking your sword from the ground and helping you sheath it.
he hopes Tanjiro won't yell at him for not saving you before your leg broke but he was scared and passed out! besides Shoichi ended up killing the demon anyways.
the three of you walk around again, calling out for Tanjiro and Shoichi's siblings every once in a while and praying you don't run into a demon because one, Shoichi was just a kid. two, Zenitsu was a coward and ran away when he got scared. and three, you, the only skilled one here, had broken your leg protecting them.
suddenly the house shifts again and the three of you scream as your thrown out a window, freefalling for the ground.
in a moment of quick-thinking Zenitsu turned mid-air and wrapped himself around you and Shoichi so he would take most of the damage. he could at least do this one thing to try and keep his saviors safe.
all he remembers is a sharp pain in his head before he conked out again.
when he comes to it the boar-man hybrid is back and is storming for the box that you sit in front of, glaring at the half-naked hybrid.
"touch it and you’ll be asking for a fight," you say lowly, the threat was empty of course but the hybrid man didn't have to know that!
Zenitsu recalls back to Tanjiro's words when they had been walking.
"This box is more important to me and (name) than our lives, we'd give anything to keep it safe."
Zenitsu knew there was a demon in the box, it wasn't hard to tell with its irregular heartbeat but if you and Tanjiro cared for it that much he had to keep it safe.
"Shoichi! get (name) away from the box!" he yelled before curling around the box's entrance.
"huh," you mumbled as Shoichi began to drag you away. you couldn't put up much of a fight other than scratch at the boy's hands as you shouted profanities.
he took kicks and punches to the side but he had to keep the demon in the box safe, for you. ahh--um for you and Tanjiro he means.
the boar-man hybrid raised its sword, the metal glistening in the light, and he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain.
except it never came.
"WAIT!" was that Tanjiro?
slowly he peels his eyes open to see the boar-headed man's attention on Tanjiro who had his sword at the ready.
before Zenitsu can process what's happening Tanjiro punches the boar-man (which now that he thinks about it he swears he's seen him before, maybe at final selection) in the ribs and Zenitsu can hear the crack.
"so we're gonna fight bare-handed? fine with me!" the shirtless dude shouts, throwing his swords to the floor. "what? no!" Tanjiro stammers.
the man charges Tanjiro and in a moment of quick reflexes Tanjiro smacks his head against the guy's and he sways a bit.
slowly, almost painfully slow, the mask slips off and a very girlish and beautiful face is revealed as blood drips down the guy's forehead and nose.
the guy chuckled. "what did ya say 'bout my face? I'll punch your lights out for that!"
but before he could go through with it (Zenitsu is sure the boy would) he collapses, probably due to a head injury.
"wow. I knew you were hard-headed but not that hard-headed," you comment dryly from a couple of feet away, still limp in Shoichi's arms. "my arms are starting to feel numb." Shoichi complains.
Tanjiro walks over to you. "what happened? why can't you stand?"
"broke my ankle trying to defeat a demon. I did some damage though, so good for me." you cheer weakly as Tanjiro helps you stand without putting pressure on your foot.
"Shoichi your siblings are over there," Tanjiro says softly with a jerk of his chin. Shoichi grins and runs over to his sibling's waiting arms, crying with joy. damn, Kaigaku never greeted him with tears or hugs.
then again Kaigaku would probably skin Zenitsu alive if given the choice.
"Zenitsu I know your hurt but could you use your haori as a pillow for the guy on the ground?" Tanjiro wonders. "I need to find something to splint (name's) leg."
Zenitsu nods and shrugs off his haori, shoving it beneath the shirtless guy's head. he really needs to figure out this guy's name.
he takes a moment to listen to the guy's sound and instantly want's to tune out. it's loud and annoying and wild like the guy was always hyped up with energy. it was surely something.
he much rathered you and Tanjiro's shared sound.
Tanjiro managed to find a stick to split your leg and had you watch the box that held the demon.
"c'mon. let's bury this guy's body then find some ice for your bruises, eh?" Tanjiro suggested, hoisting up the long-haired dead guy from earlier. Zenitsu nodded and began to dig a hole for the boy.
it's night and honestly, Zenitsu was tired but the crow said they'd bring them somewhere to rest up and who was he to deny that?
Inosuke, the shirtless guy (they figured out his name), kept trying to coax Tanjiro into fighting him but the auburn-haired slayer just wasn't having it. he was too busy fussing over your ankle.
the group ends up at a mansion with a wisteria crest on it and Zenitsu relishes in the calming and safe vibe it gives off.
the crickets chirp in his ears and he lets a smile coat his lips. a warm hand wraps around his own and he turns his head to face yours.
your smile isn’t wide and cheerful but instead fond and small. Zenitsu couldn’t help but think you looked stunning even with the grime coating your arms and cheeks.
his tongue felt dry and his heart seemed to pause and in the corner of his eye, he focused on the confused look of Tanjiro as the red-haired boy’s nose twitched.
“I just wanted to say…thank you for saving me back there. you barely know me yet you still helped and I couldn’t thank you enough,” you said softly, averting your eyes to the cracked ground.
Zenitsu rubbed at the back of his neck. “I didn’t even save you… I just passed out. I’m too cowardly to save someone as cool as you.” he didn’t understand your praise, Shoichi killed the demon, hadn’t he?
you shook your head. “you need to learn to take credit for your feats Zenitsu, even if you don’t remember them.” you clicked your tongue before gesturing for Tanjiro to continue walking.
Zenitsu was thoroughly confused, what had you meant by that?
brushing it off he walked after you, listening to your and Tanjiro’s heartbeats. the beautiful melodies you had seemed to overpower Inosuke’s wild and crazed one but he couldn’t help but think that Inosuke’s sound fit right in with the rest of them.
something creeps out of the house and it was obviously a smiling old lady but he couldn’t help his yell of, “MONSTER!” that really did a strain on his probably broken ribs.
you lightly slapped the back of his head. “be polite!” you scolded, not unlike how his Gramps would whenever they went to town.
he muttered an apology to the lady who just laughed wholeheartedly and beckoned them inside.
“Not that I don’t like your kindness ma’am but why are you doing this?” Tanjiro asked as the woman clattered around to prepare food.
“a while back a couple of demon slayers like you four saved my family from some demons and now we tend to injured slayers to thank them, even if they are long gone.” the woman explained, serving them bowls of steaming udon noodles.
“once you finish your dinner I have some clothes for you to change into and then I’m going to have to wrap your ribs and leg.” the woman said, pulling out clothing for them to wear.
“thank you!” you and Tanjiro say simultaneously, picking up your chopsticks. Inosuke, like the menace he is, eats with his hands, shoving the noodles in his mouth messily.
you grimace but pat his back lightly when he almost chokes. Inosuke squints at you. “you tryna fight or something?”
“no, I just don’t want you to die due to noodles.”
Inosuke huffs and continues to devour the noodles, not caring about the mess he made.
after food and changing a family doctor came to wrap their ribs and your leg along with giving you a crutch to use till your leg is healed.
the four of you head to the bedroom you were gifted, Inosuke plopping down on a futon and claiming it as his.
you sat down on your own, fiddling with the sheets. you were probably bored.
“hey Inosuke, why’d you become a demon slayer?” you asked, kicking your good leg back and forth.
“well, I joined after I beat up a member who came to my mountain! then I heard about demons and final selection from the guy and decided to join to beat up demons!” Inosuke grinned, resting his head in his arm as he stared at you.
you snickered behind your hand. “amazing story, bravo.”
“I know.” Inosuke shot back. Zenitsu almost face-palmed.
“uh.” Zenitsu started, not really knowing if now was a good time. “Tanjiro, (name), w-why do you have a demon in the box you carry around?”
and with stupidly good timing the demon scratched at the box’s door, the thing swinging open.
a clawed palm sticks out and Zenitsu backs into the closet, trying to climb into it.
but when it crawls out his eyes widen. long black longs of hair that lighten at the tips, bright pink eyes, and smooth skin.
the demon was a beauty, that’s for sure.
but comparing it to you its eyes seemed dull, its hair didn’t shine, and no matter how cute it looked it couldn’t compare to the flush on your cheeks when you thanked him earlier.
though the demon was still pretty, and Zenitsu tended to gravitate to pretty people.
wait…was Tanjiro carrying her around to have a cute demon girlfriend?! Zenitsu refused to allow this! even if you were in on it!
“TANJIRO I WILL SET YOUR EXECUTION DATE! YOU CANNOT CARRY AROUND SUCH A BEAUTY AND NOT TELL ME!” he screeched, beginning to chase the boy around as he tried to stutter out a response.
sighing, you crawled over to the demon and let it hug you, thin arms wrapping around your shoulders before tiny hands patted your head.
“did you have a good sleep, Nezuko?” you asked kindly. the demon, Nezuko, let out a happy hum and began to incoherently babble around the bamboo gag.
adorable, his mind supplied, yet his eyes were on you.
“you all talk too much. it takes up thinking capacity.” Inosuke says dryly before promptly passing out.
“Zenitsu!” Tanjiro squeaks, trying to be quiet. “Nezuko’s my sister! not my girlfriend! calm down!”
Zenitsu blinks once. twice. before shrugging and responding with a simple “okay.”
after that fiasco, Tanjiro ‘talks’ with his younger sister before stating he was heading to bed, leaving just you, him, and the demon who perched herself on the end of your futon.
silently he climbed from his futon and crawls to yours, trying to ignore the eyes of the demon.
the grime was still on your cheeks from earlier and absentmindedly Zenitsu reaches out and scrubs at your cheek with his sleeve.
you flush again and look down at your lap. “what was that for?” you mumble.
“there was dirt on you, didn’t want you to go to be coated in dirt y’know?” he laughs but it’s obviously a nervous one.
“Oh. well uh, goodnight Zenitsu, have good dreams,” you say, patting his arm before lifting your blanket over yourself.
Zenitsu retreats to his own futon calmly but his mind was going a hundred miles a minute.
oh god- why did he do that? he was so stupid. what if you think he has a crush on you? no, no, no, he has a crush on your beautiful sister Nezuko, doesn’t he? he has to! he loves pretty people! but he also finds you pretty…does that me he likes you too? no that can’t be possible your just a friend!
and he falls asleep like that, internally anxious.
the next day the group is eating breakfast when a kasugai crow appears, annoyingly screaming in their ears.
“TANJIRO MAKE IT SHUT UP!” he yells, resisting the urge to smack the boy with the bowl of food in front of him.
“Zenitsu calm down! I can’t talk to it if you keep screaming!” Tanjiro yells back.
you are glaring at both of them from the rim of your bowl as Inosuke runs around having successfully stolen as much food as he could.
“could you both shut up?” you groan, putting down your chopsticks.
the crow lands on your arm when you stick it out and tweets into your ear, telling you about whatever mission they had to do now.
you nod and pat the crow's head before it flies off. “Inosuke sits down,” you order, pointing at the seat next to you.
He hesitantly does and Zenitsu silently thanks whatever god that’s out there that he does. he really doesn’t want to face your wrath.
“were supposed to go to Mt. Natagumo. apparently, there are multiple demons, seemingly in a group, roaming around and killing whoever comes to the mountain,” you explain.
Zenitsu pales. that sounds scary. he really doesn’t want to die, especially alone.
"We'll do it!" Tanjiro hums. Inosuke gives a boyish grin. "let's kick some demon ass!"
the kind lady walks up to them, taking their bowls of food. "the doctor says your injuries are healed so you're free to go." she smiles. "come back if needed."
"thank you for the kindness ma'am!" Tanjiro bows his head. she waves it off with a laugh. "no need to thank me, deary."
"well," you announced. "let's get changed and head to Mt. Natagumo!"
"we've been walking for hours. how tall is the mountain?" Zenitsu whined, dragging a hand down his sweaty face.
"hold on- I smell something!" Tanjiro shouted, holding a hand out. "it smells like blood."
and of course, Tanjiro runs towards the danger. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" he bellowed after Tanjiro who had been followed by not only you but Inosuke as well.
"To fight some demons!" you chirped, hands cupping your mouth. "you can stay here if you want. we'll be back in no time."
"what (bad take on your name) said!" Inosuke grinned.
Zenitsu huffed and brought his knees to his chest. "HAVE FUN DYING!" he snarled.
how stupid could they be? who the hell runs towards the danger? what in the...
he will not go, he refuses to go into that hell hole.
they're all gonna die.
wait... they're all gonna die!
he scrambled up. you and the idiots took Nezuko!
when he looked at the sky he realized the sun had been begging to set and he'd sat there mumbling to himself like a mad man.
he has to keep you safe! and Nezuko of course.
Zenitsu runs for the mountain, calling out you and Nezuko's names, hoping one of you would hear him. and for the second time, he wished there was at least one kamado sibling with him.
as he's pushing his way through the forest on the mountain he hears little clapping of spikes hitting the ground and a shiver goes down his spine.
"oh god, I'm an idiot. why did I come here?" he mumbled to himself, turning his head in all directions.
though he froze when he saw it.
a tiny spider with a bald human head.
what the actual fuck.
screaming, he scrambles to get away, getting slapped and scraped by multiple tree branches whilst doing so.
but then he comes across an even bigger spider with a human head. Zenitsu wants to cry. he wishes you were here, you'd be able to slay the demon and protect him.
"I see you've met my creation." the spider demon laughed, a cruel grin growing on its lips. "as the eldest son, I have a powerful ability. I can turn humans into little spiders that must obey my orders. and I want you to be next."
Zenitsu babbles nonsense as he fearfully climbed up a tree, hugging its trunk.
"I'm sorry!" he cries. "I'm sorry I couldn't become the demon slayer gramps wanted me to be! I'm sorry I'm a pathetic and sniveling coward, I don't want to be one! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, (name)!"
his hands come to cover his head and Zenitsu realizes chunks of hair are starting to fall out as his eyes focus on the bite in his palm.
he bangs his head against the tree lightly.
why couldn't he do anything?
it was getting too long so ima have to split this into parts but here's part one!!
@ilyimagines @mychemicalangel @songbird-writer
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
And one more bit from the “Kings of the Sky” AU albeit several installments in, because I just......don’t know when or why I stumbled into an obsession with the dynamics between Dick and Jason and Cass as the eldest three Wayne siblings, but its there, its real, and its happening. I’ve stopped fighting it. I just....enjoy writing those three being dumb siblings who are dumb like so, so much.
Anyway, in this AU series, Jason doesn’t go to Ethiopia and die, but rather eventually joins Dick at Titans Tower more regularly and is Flamebird. Both are closer with Bruce here than in canon because Dick helped Bruce and Jason get through the Garzonas stuff and Jason helped kick Bruce in the direction of Dick and adoption papers right after the Brother Blood storyline. Then Cass is actually the third to join the family, by way of Babs, and she’s Batgirl and then Black Bat, but there’s a period of time when its just Dick, Jason and Cass as the Wayne kids. 
(PS - this is the same series as where Jason ends up with his own age group of Titans, and accidentally falls into a love quadrangle of doom that is absolutely NOT a polycule dammit, with Tom Bronson (Tomcat), Ray Terrill (The Ray) and Todd Rice (Obsidian). Which amuses his brother and sister to no end).
Tim and Duke are both next, but sorta at the same time? Like Tim’s story takes a sharp turn when Robin II never dies and obviously is Flamebird now like Robin I is Nightwing, and Tim winds up in foster care after his parents die differently than in canon. Duke is also in foster care at this time, though a different placement, and while no Robin has died here, its been awhile since there’s been one in Gotham, and to kids who grew up with the idea of there always being a Robin, that feels weird and wrong ultimately. 
So Tim and Duke both hit on the idea of being Robin like, at around the same time and totally disconnected from one another, and that leads to them both joining the Batfam around the same time, and co-sharing Robin until Damian arrives much later and they both move on to new identities. But there’s no real confusion between Robins because Duke is the daytime Robin with more yellow coloring in his costume and Tim is the nighttime Robin with more red, and people say Red or Yellow if they ever need to differentiate which Robin they’re talking about. Anyway.
So [Tim and Duke] run into trouble eventually and then when running from trouble they run into each other and they’re like….huh. Awkward. And then they decide well, might as well both run from trouble in the same direction, I guess. So they do.
“Did you have a plan for dealing with these guys?” Tim yelled at Duke. The other boy looked back over his shoulder briefly and gave what would probably have been a half-shrug if he didn’t awkwardly try to barrel-roll over a car two seconds later.
“Umm, sorta?”
“How sorta are we talking about? Maybe the two of us together could fill in the gaps in the plan and come up with one full plan?”
“Uh yeah, no, its not that kinda sorta. I meant sorta in the sense that I thought I had a plan but it didn’t work and that’s why these guys are after me. Sooooo…”
“Not helpful, basically.”
“Yeah. Pretty much. And hey, I don’t hear you offering up a plan! Did you even have one at all?”
“Uh….I mean I kinda didn’t think I was going to need one because I figured some kid running around in a mask making a nuisance of himself was the sorta thing that was bound to attract Batman. And so I was just pretty much running around until that happened, and then I’d make a case for how I obviously need training and Gotham needs Robin and if its not me its likely to be someone else trying eventually anyway so why not be me?”
Duke paused just long enough to squint at him. “That’s a terrible plan.”
Tim rolled his eyes. The effort didn’t pair well with his huffing and over-all exertions from running for his life and all that, but necessity demanded. “Yeah I know, that’s why I never said it was a plan! It was mostly….more…idea-ish.”
“I’m just saying, I thought I was doing this wrong, but at least I had a plan! I mean yeah, it might have ended up with me accidentally busting in on what I thought was a bunch of Riddler’s henchmen setting up some kind of clue thing, only it was actually a bunch of Intergang type guys with alien space guns or some shit all dressed up as Riddler henchmen for some reason? I dunno what they were trying to do honestly, but so yeah I might have ended up running away on foot from like twenty of them and some kind of hovercycle -”
“I’m going to cut you off there and say wherever this is going its probably not the superior vantage point I think you think you have.”
Meanwhile, Batman was not going to be coming because he’s off on a JLA mission. However, in his absence Dick and Jason are in town filling in, and they finished taking out the bad guys several blocks back and caught up to whomever was running from them, figured out the situation and are currently sitting on the edge of a rooftop watching them realize they’re totally lost and trying to figure out where to go from here. Mostly because Dick and Jason are incredibly amused listening to their back and forth and also just…this whole situation.
Dick justifies not piping up to let them know they’re safe now by saying this is good intel gathering so we can offer Bruce our assessment as to whether they’re gonna try and keep doing this whether we train them or not, and also how they handle this whole being lost situation. Not knowing they don’t have to run anymore isn’t going to hurt them and really, this is a good field exercise almost.
Jason justifies not piping up by saying this is fucking hilarious and I will hurt you if you end this any sooner than we have to, I deserve this, I had a rough week.
Which is right around the time that Cass pipes up from where she’s been lurking unnoticed behind them this whole time: “Oh no. Was it Tom? Or Ray? Or was it Todd?”
And she does it right in Jason’s ear so he kinda aborted-shrieks and almost falls off the roof except Cass is ready for that and grabs his arm to steady him.
“I hate when you do that!” Jason growls in an attempt to cover up how badly she got him and also because he hates when she does it which is why she does it a lot. Again, they don’t hate each other at all, but they do seem to act like it a lot, and neither of them is entirely sure why. They kinda just started doing it and have each been trying to get the other back ever since and ended up locked in an unending spiral of gotcha-gotchaback, except, y’know, Batfam style.
Dick occasionally picks sides just to muddy the waters. And then he randomly switches sides without warning, so neither of them ever wants to risk getting too peeved at him even when he’s helping the other, because that might push him fully over to the other side and leave them permanently outnumbered, so they’re kinda stuck, which is exactly as he likes it, lol.
“Why are you Satan,” Jason hisses dramatically as he gets up and stomps over to the other side of the roof to sulk, lest she almost knock him off again. Its not the almost falling part that bothers him, its that she’s the one that snatches him to safety each time. She’s like a freaking cat toying with a - yeah not going there, just blaming Selina. Knew them hanging out was going to be bad news for me somehow, he gripes.
Cass just shrugs and smoothly sits down cross-legged right where she is, grinning Cheshire-cat style at him from there. “Childhood trauma,” is her answer.
“Great, and now you’re stealing my comeback on top of it?! Is nothing sacred to you?”
She offers another shrug. He would like to return those for store credit please. Maybe get something useful instead. “Haven’t decided yet. Babs is still helping me explore my options. We’re going alphabetically and we’re only on  the E-religions.”
“God, you’re the worst. I can’t believe you ruined sisters for me.”
“You already used that same line last week when you came out of your room still half-asleep and she was just sitting directly across from your door waiting and staring unblinking and you yelped and dropped your laptop on your toe, and then cursed so loud that B came running around the hall thinking we were being invaded,” Dick reported idly, still perched in the same position he’d been in all along and watching the boys below them. “Just in case you thought no one noticed when you recycle.”
“I noticed too,” Cass added solemnly.
“I have no siblings,” Jason intoned. He threw up his hands dramatically and then loudly jumped down to the street below with a little help from the fire escape. It drew both Duke and Tim’s attention and they startled before realizing it was Flamebird. And that he’d landed on the street and was stalking past them while barely acknowledging them. And that that was Nightwing standing on the roof now with his hands on his hips yelling after him.
“Oh, reeeeeeal subtle. You’re not having fun anymore so you gotta make sure nobody else does either. Wow, the Brat-like behavior, just jumped out of the shadows with that one!”
And that was Flamebird not even turning around and just yelling back. “I HAVE NO SIBLINGS!”
And also they were both pretty sure that was Batgirl crouched on the roof next to Nightwing now, and she was…..sticking her tongue out at Flamebird’s back? No, Batgirl very much definitely was sticking out her tongue, that wasn’t in doubt, it was more just….very unexpected to see.
What was happening right now?
Eventually Tim and Duke have inevitably worn down [Bruce’s] resistance to training them by insisting they’re gonna keep doing this and if its not them its gonna be someone sooner or later anyway. Because, as they put it, you guys may not know this but Gotham’s gotten used to Robins by now and it freaks people out not to see one and Robin’s as important as Batman really and there needs to be a Robin and its not just us that will think that, like look at the fact that already two of us had the exact same idea, huh? And also, we’re gonna keep doing it anyway, sooooo….there’s that.
And then Cass vouches that they’re both 100% serious about that.
And then Dick vouches that as a former determined daredevil kid that was absolutely going to keep doing the same thing no matter whether you’d helped me or not, B, I also am of the assessment that these two mean it all the way.
And not to be left out and just to have something to contribute but also grumpy because his brother and sister are picking on him and he’s eighteen going on ten, Jason throws in: “And my assessment is that they both definitely seem dumb enough to keep doing this without help anyway and they definitely need help or they definitely will die, I’d give it a month, month and a half tops.”
And then Bruce dryly thanks his children for their contributions, their keen insights in this matter have been absolutely invaluable, he has no idea how he would make a decision here without it.
“Oooh, a rare sighting of Bat-snark in the wild. Someone call Nat-Geo quick, maybe he’ll do it again,” Dick says.
Bruce sighs. Duke and Tim look like they’re trying to decide if they’re allowed to be amused or if that’s also part of some weird Bat-test that they’re probably taking without even knowing it.
So Tim and Duke move in, start training together, and then also get sent to school together and it takes a month or so of settling in before they decide whether or not they actually are happy about this. There’s a period of deciding they’re supposed to be bitter rivals who snipe at each other back and forth across the dining table at every available opportunity, but that changes the first night Dick and Jason come back from the Tower since Tim and Duke have moved in and where Cass is also home instead of at the Clocktower with Babs.
Since all three of the older Batkids, upon seeing Tim and Duke squabble at dinner, decide to obnoxiously coo about how adorable it is watching the kids play. Which pretty instantly cements Duke and Tim as realizing their best chance of surviving the sudden acquisition of three older superhero ninja foster siblings who all can be as obnoxious as they are dangerous but also as much as they are - Duke and Tim are convinced - all quite insane.
A belief further cemented the next morning, with all three of them having spent the night at the Manor as well. Treating Duke and Tim to their first Saturday morning episode of the Cass and Jason show.
In this episode, Jason emerged from his bedroom in his pajamas still but warily peeking his head out first to look both ways down the hall before deciding it was clear…..and then makes it just almost to the end of the hallway leading to the stairs, when Cass drops down from where she’d been waiting perched above the other side of the door, in such a way as to suddenly fill the doorway just in front of him, hanging upside down suspending herself just with her feet wedged above the doorway, all while keeping her hands crossed her chest, a dead-eyed expression on her face, and with her tongue hanging out like she’s some kind of vampire hanging upside down in mid-slumber.
Jason shrieked and stumbled back a foot before catching himself and shoving two fingers in a cross shape in her direction.
“Demon! DEMON! Goddammit, I abjure thee, that’s supposed to fucking do something about having a demon sister, now what the fuck does it take to banish you!?”
“Can’t be banished,” Cass informed him, still upside down. “Can be bought though.”
Jason halted. “What?”
“I’m really surprised you never figured it out,” Dick said from his room further down the hallway. He was leaning against the doorjamb, arms casually crossed.
“Why did you think she never goes after me?”
Jason swiveled back and forth between his siblings suspiciously, trying to scry both their inscrutable (and in Cass’ case, still upside down) faces for signs they were telling the truth. “You’re telling me that Little Miss Monstrous has been a pain in my ass from day one and the reason she’s never so much as eked a single boo in your direction is you’ve been bribing her all this time?”
Dick shrugged. “Its all about getting in on the ground floor.”
Jason squinted, still unconvinced. “Nuh-uh. No way. You’re just fucking with me. Like if this is for real, what have you been buying her off with?”
Dick smiled beatifically. “Cuddles and hugs.”
“NO! NO! Bullshit! I am NOT falling for this crap again, you are not gonna get me this way this time. I call BS, fuck you, nuh uh, you’re lying out your ass and your ass-face both.”
“Wait, what is this ‘this’ that I did before? What ever are you talking about?”
“You know damn well what I’m talking about.”
“Is this about the Care Bear you had when you were fifteen?”
“Shut upppppppppppppppp, I didn’t have a Care Bear then, you’re such a - “
“Oh, I dunno, I’m preeeeetty sure there’s some holiday photos from that year that would say otherwise, pretty definitively in the form of you and your Care Bear….”
“That I only had because you literally just gave it to me as a present solely so that you could claim that I had a Care Bear when I was fifteen, you douchebag!”
“Just because I gave you the Care Bear didn’t mean you had to keep the Care Bear and hold the Care Bear and love the Care Bear, Jay. You chose to do all that.”
“I only kept the damn thing because you’re an asshole who lied about it being a family heirloom so I felt like I had to or I’d be a total jerk. Is nothing sacred to you?”
“I didn’t lie! It is a treasured family heirloom! Its the first Care Bear I gave to my little brother to teach him the important and valuable lesson that Care Bears - say it with me now - “
“Finish that sentence and they will never find your body.”
“CARE!” Cass shrieked from behind him before jumping on Jason’s back and bearing him down to the floor in an undignified tangle as she splayed atop him like a starfish and he stared up at the ceiling in a kind of strangled frozen fury, like there was so much emotion he wanted to process he’d overheated and now was stuck like that until he cooled down.
That was when Dick leaned over him and solemnly added one final thought, as though it was a crucial addition of the gravest importance:: “A lot.”
Jason’s eye twitched.
Dick’s eyes went wide in response. “Uh oh. He went to the Danger Zone. Run Cass. We’ve unleashed the dogs of war!”
Cass was off and on her feet in a second, taking off down the hall like a rocket. “Not the dogs of war!” She yelled.
Dick was only seconds behind her when behind him, Jason rose like an eruption, growling wordlessly and sparks practically flashing from his suddenly flinty eyes. He charged after them like an enraged bull.
“Kenny Loggins wouldn’t want this!” Dick yelled over his shoulder as he rounded the doorway and vanished. Jason rounded it in hot pursuit.
“Poison Ivy won’t even be able to make compost from what’s left of you when I’m through!”
The yelling and running vanished into the distance. Duke and Tim finally looked at each other blankly.
“What?” Tim asked. Duke shrugged helplessly.
A door opened at the end of the hallway. Bruce stuck his head out. “Is it safe?”
Tim just stared at him.
“What?” Duke asked.
LOL mostly I just want to get to the tail end of the series, when Dick and Jason go undercover as supervillains in the Society of well, Supervillains....Dick as War Shrike and Jason as Gray Jay. (A kind of bird usually known for or referenced as being thieving and unpredictable and unexpectedly dangerous despite its size. Jason never went into the Lazarus Pit here and so isn’t as huge as he is in canon, he’s on the smaller side due to his early life’s malnutrition. Living with Bruce helped him catch up enough that he’s not TINY tiny, but he’s still smaller enough that this particular mantle fits him a little better than it would his massive canon depiction).
Cass also partakes in the undercover storyline, just showing up uninvited in a persona she’s crafted for the mission and calls Black Swan. And War Shrike and Gray Jay are both so startled and obviously a little freaked by her unexpected arrival, that combined with her being ticked at her brothers for leaving her behind, RUDE, and them sufficiently cowed and guilted by her wrath, that it all adds up to the other villains as being clear evidence that she is the boss and they are her advance minions. 
Which mollifies and satisfies Cass immensely, and leaves Jason grumpy that their mission was hijacked and also his sister is The Worst, and leaves Dick temporarily disgruntled because This Whole Thing Was His Idea DAMMIT but then five seconds later finding it hilarious because Dick is a chaos connoisseur and he has an appreciation for whimsy and the unexpected.
“I can’t believe you not only gate-crashed our extremely sensitive and delicate undercover operation, but you completely hijacked it as well! This is so typical,” Jason grouched.
Cass simply swept ahead of him and strode down the hallway with lethal grace. “Silence minion.”
Jason spluttered behind her and she grinned to herself. He really made it too easy sometimes.
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