#Writer plays Baldur's Gate 3
writer86 · 6 months
Nightfall :D (any character you like, thought i'd like to request Kiara/Hector story c: )
Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase
((Well it's gotta be Kiara & Hector now! :D
For context, Kiara is my Twilight Cleric of Selune. Hector Carlisle belongs to @blackjackkent and is a Selunite Monk who helped raise and teach Kiara at the monastery she grew up in.))
The sun is high overhead as they begin their descent into the valley below, and it's a strange sight. Kiara's reminded ever so slightly of her own Twilight Sanctuary, but on a much larger scale, encompassing the entire valley. But this isn't the serene calm of twilight. As they descend, the shadows cling to their boots, slowly creeping higher.
"It's colder," Kiara says softly.
"Not what you'd expect coming out of the mountains," her friend and mentor, Hector Carlisle agrees quietly. They crane their necks together to the west, trying to find the sun; when they find it, it's low on the horizon, half-hidden behind deep, unnatural shadow.
"We'll not see it rise tomorrow," Halsin says gruffly behind them. "Welcome to the Shadow-Cursed Lands. The longest nightfall you'll ever experience."
"Come on," Shadowheart scoffs, striding forward boldly into the waiting shadow. "A little darkness never hurt anyone."
"This darkness does," Halsin answered sharply.
"I'll miss the light of the moon as much as the sun," Kiara murmurs. A shiver runs down her spine and she reaches instinctively for Hector's hand.
"Courage," he says softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "We will see our Lady's light again."
She half-smiles, squeezes his hand in return. "Ever the optimist, Professor. What ever would we do without you?"
"Despair and turn to Shar?" Hector suggests innocently.
With laughter, they move forward into the darkness.
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anotherdarkiboi · 1 year
List of Astarion's Terms of Endearment
This is for the fanfic writers haha. Tell me if I'm missing any so can add it in!
Darling (his most used)
My love, love
My sweet
“You sweet, generous thing”, “you sweet little thing”
My dear, a dear, dear
Cheeky little pup
My little treat ("-with their cheeks all flushed")
You wicked little thing (affectionate)
"You're a sweetheart", "you sweetheart"
Delectable little pet (not directed towards Tav but it easily could be)
My friend (yay, we're his friend)
My favorite traveling companion (not a pet name but it's nice to be his favorite)
My leaking blood-bag (technically you refer to yourself as that first and he calls you his one after, but it counts)
You little scoundrel
Edit: Thank you everyone in the comments for adding the Dark Urge ones!
Bhaal-babe (I'm dead, this silly pun I swear)
My sweet, bloodthirsty friend
My precious little Bhaal-babe
My conflicted villain
My dagger-happy friend
Bonus: Ascended Yandere Astarion
My pet, pet
Little love
Precious thing
My treasure
My consort, My Dark Consort
My favorite spawn
Insolent little- (the Dev's notes say that the full line is "you insolent little brat" which, um...)
Insolent little pup (the line was in EA, although I’m not entirely sure if it’s Ascended Astarion. Full line: “you are an insolent little pup, aren’t you?”)
"You ingrate" (When you try to break up with him. It's not really a pet name, but-)
"Property I cherish, but still my property" (his thoughts)
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hamartia-grander · 5 months
Wyll calling his lover his 'star'. Astarion's spawn ending being him adventuring and performing heroics of his own choice. Wyll naming his adopted daughter Lily. The flower Astarion's lover puts on his grave being a lily. Monster hunter turned monster and monster turned hunter. Can nobody hear me
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wylanzahn · 1 month
New-ish post, kinda posting this on different platforms and getting a general vibe check for some ideas I have. But basically this Halloween I want to actually do something for the TTRPG and Actualplay world (oh yeah I’m into those kinds of things). I want to try and get both players, GMs, and casual viewers alike something fun to look forward to this especially spooky season. I’ll probably talk a little more when we get closer to the actual season of scare-giving but just know that if you’re interested I’m still looking for people to join in!!
As my team and I’d first debut we’re going to try and do a two to four session actual play, which will probably be released in the weeks leading up to Halloween. We’ve had a couple good friend way in on the matter of “setting” but now I come to you fine folk. Mind you this is a horror campaign/arc so if…
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Isn’t your thing, keep on a moving.
But without further ado here are a couple of the possible settings for our players, and myself, this coming espookee season…
1.) Somewhere off the coast of Florida, 1926 end of the first major housing boom in the state, a small island which calls back to the Spanish Empire, is Isla Boñyela, a small port made tourist location during the boom of disposable wealth in 1920s America. A small group of friends from the northeast tag along down for the perfect paradise vacation. Only to discover the island is much much older than anyone could have ever assumed. Whilst dealing with upstart gangsters, unnerving US soldiers, and the terrified locals they find something older than even undead conquistadors.
While I don’t have a working title, this is an old project in the running which I’ve had a few attempts at revamping over time. Its previous title was “perfect paradise vacation,” and runs on the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game. Anywho it’s a blast of fun with Caribbean lore, tone of anti-imperialism, and something dark lurking beneath the waves.
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2.) 1950’s America, the nonexistent state of Mid-Atlantia (DMV coded) in a small suburban neighborhood where nothing goes wrong… it’s almost “All-Hallows-Eve” and little Johnny and Susie want nothing more than to trick or treat this year with all the big kids, Dad’s finally getting the big promotion at work, and Mom just got a new waffle iron! Sure everything is neat here in America. Heck you just got new neighbors! Newlyweds in fact from somewhere big and fancy, they sure aren’t like any of us in our simple town. But… and you can’t say exactly why but things are different. Or perhaps they’re all too the same? Everyday a repeat of ever other bland day that followed you over and over and over and over… and you could swear, while no one may listen to you there’s someone out there. Stalking you from outside your own home- or- perhaps, he’s just your friendly new neighbor welcoming you… to the end.
Ahhhhhh! I’ve also been working on this one for a sec and god writing it out does excite me. This is also a Call of Cthulhu game but modified/homebrewed to have a uniquely 1950s horror feel. This is definitely one of the more unique games I’ve written and am truly interested in seeing where it goes (even if we don’t choose it). This is for those who feel like isolation, fear of the unknown, fear from within, and liminal space horror comes best into play! So whadya say neighbor?
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3.) The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, or How I Learned to Love Strahd, okay so this one is a lot less horror-y and falls much more under the comedic spooky category, just so yall know. Deep in the middle of Barovia, the ancient kingdom of Vampires, meets a council of Count Strahd von Zarovich's greatest commanders and lieutenants to hunt down Strahd's greatest enemy Rudolph van Richten and his party of heroes known as "The Grape-Smashers." Strahd's lieutenants have been gifted powers greater than any mere mortals, but are these gifts enough to stop Van Richten, or even enough to stop the personal ambitions of each other? Come find out in "How I Learned to Love Strahd."
Okay, as much as this may seem like a joke suggestion it cracks me up and I feel like it would be ill-advised of me to not at least mention it. In an era where "The Curse of Strahd," is well-overdone at this point, it's worth a take from an all evil "revenge story." Obviously this will be in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, which, in my opinion, is really hard to use for horror, but this is a nice go-around. Come for the evil PCs, maybe a PvP battle or two, and a game of intrigue in the shadows of Barovia! All that and a buff Van Richten.
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4.) Before Annapolis was ever called such it was known as Providence, a settlement of exiled Puritans in the Province of Maryland, but these early days were no easy set-up for the far-flung protestants... in the mid 1600s the English Civil War spilled out into their holdings across the waves as brother turned on brother, clan erasing clan, and something from the shores of the Old World would arrive in the New. When around every corner could be someone you've known your whole life, what's stopping them from hunting you in the depths of winter. All matters made worse when rumors of a witch begins circulating your small home.
Think "The VVitch" (2015) meets "A Field in England" (2013) meets Atun Shei's recent film "The Sudsbury Devil" (2023). It is the unexplored wilderness of early colonial Maryland, but the hateful warmongering that slowly builds that makes the horror and tension so clear. Unsure of what system we'll be using, but maybe the new Regency Cthulhu system.
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5.) The Great Baltimore Fire of 1904 destroyed some 140 Acres of Baltimore proper... and in it's rubble awakened something far worse. But you and your fellow survivors are just trying to get by in the aftermath of the fire... only for something to call out, whether some strange magicks or perhaps just a sickness... but sickness doesn't even linger like this... it doesn't call to you...
Some more local history, aspiring from the actual Fire of 1904 things quickly devolve from there as rumors of a cult begin to spread along the streets of Rosland Park... a mysterious illness leaving even more dead... and the death of an eclectic professor. Definitely using the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition for this one.
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Aaaaaaaand that's it! Let me know what y'all think!
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perplexingly · 6 days
On the topic of Balduran/Ansur, I love this fic it's so cute ;-;
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Astarion x Tav
request: for @aristenfromwarsaw
Fangtastic days of our lives
➹summary: a comforting day/evening in the life of Astarion and his love Aristen after post-game settling down, takes an unexpected turn as Astarion while enjoying his new found life and love, sees something of interest…
➹pairing: Spawn Astarion x F!Tav (Aristen by @aristenfromwarsaw)
➹content/tags: fluff, comfort, romance, smuty flirting, fun, slice of life, little tiny bit of angst and guilt
➹word count: 5,036
➹cameos: @evander-jane Devana Lysander @alpydk Ragnar @goromimii @pinkberrytea (by order)
➹a/n: another belated birthday present for @aristenfromwarsaw  Thank you very much for all the great photoshoots you always did for me, just like that. Such things really fill my heart with joy. I hope you like it. Thank you for trusting me with your Tav Aristen. I take writing other OCs really serious, because an OC is very personal thing and it is way harder to get them in character. I used the infos/backstory you gave me once about Aristen for the best I could.
Fangtastic days of our lives
Teak, mahogany, oakwood, dried tobacco with the hidden essence of vanilla. From somewhere the sweetness of honey and roasted nutmeg.
These were impressions of antique wood, boiling kettles, clanging beer mugs and laughing voices that filled the Elfsong tavern.
It was like a honey-colored, subterranean, starless sea.
A sea of ​​people, scents, voices and music.
A sea of ​​life that would envelop the coming evening when the sun would have completely disappeared, making way for the aurora again after the starry night.
Astarion was acutely aware of his surroundings. Perception meant survival.
But not today…not anymore.
He could simply explore and enjoy his surroundings while he waited for his beloved:
Aristen the storm sorceress and former daughter of Bhaal. She was able to walk in the sun and as a vampire spawn he had to wait until the sun had made the rays that were fatal to him disappear.
That didn't matter to Astarion. He was used to the night.
But he never wanted to go back to that cold, lonely life.
The Sorceress, along with the other companions, had freed him from slavery once and for all. But it was she alone who had given him back the vision of his eyes, of his entire senses. Astarion could sit in the tavern and just be, taking in the surroundings of life.
No more looking for victims. No more fear. Never again.
The Elfsong Tavern was full of life and he was part of it.
So after hundreds of years, Astarion could finally taste life again. See it. Hearing it with his pointy ears and feeling and smelling it warmly with the scent of pumpkin, butterscotch and spicy beer.
A quite pretty bard with white freckly tattoos on her face and braided crimson hair beneath her Tiefling horns played the lyre on the Elfsong stage. Astarion noticed dagger-shaped earrings on her pointed ears. The Avernus fire of her origins blazed in her blue eyes as she sang:
“Empty kisses, shallow words,
Fiery passion only hurts
When the sorrow takes an oblivion hint
Will you cure and begone with the wind…”
Astarion continued to look around while the sadly whispering voice reached his elf ears.
“I hope someone sings a song like that for me too. Such expressions of love really manage to make me weak,” sighed a tall black-haired woman, whose face bore at least as many tales of adventure as freckles.
"Me too. But I really hope that the ballad has a happy ending,” replied a long-haired beauty at her table. The human woman's wavy, light hair framed a gentle face with captivating blue eyes.
“Oh you heard that? Oh no! ", the adventuress, ashamed, put her hands on her head with her side-braided hair and covered cringing with embarrassment one of the green eyes. "I should stop talking loudly to myself."
The other woman laughed a little and her wavy hair swayed on the shoulders of the long, light dress with floral embroidery: “It’s all good. I won’t tell anyone else.”
She winked briefly.
“But tell me…” she took her hands away from her face with the little different eyes, “…you’re not from Baldur’s Gate either, right? You also speak with a different accent than me.”
"Correct. I come from the East..."
“What did she say? Sêlune guide me?”
Astarion was distracted by an almost desperate voice that sounded at least as concentrated and angry as it was beer-soaked.
He saw a barbarian sitting at the next table, holding his beer mug almost too tightly.
The raised dark blonde hair did not distract from the piercings and black war paint, which Lae'zel would certainly have approved of.
“Okay, can I memorize this Sêlune prayer or not?” he muttered to himself and downed the beer in one gulp.
Astarion had seen him before and that evening he had stared at Shadowheart the whole time. Was the barbarian building up – or drinking up - the courage to speak to Shadowheart next time?
The vampire was distracted from the barbarian when a pale woman walked past his table accompanied by a brown-haired man. He noticed them because they both had scars on their faces. But no, that wasn't it at all. Something else drew his attention to them...they smelled somehow, almost reeked of...swamp? No magic.
That same hidden scent of feymagic that came from the black haired adventuress with the freckles.
The woman's pale face was friendly, almost cheerful. She enjoyed the music and the sad ballad. Did she know the feelings and sad love that the Tiefling woman sang about?
Astarion was all the more struck by the face of the dark-clothed man with the scarred hands who accompanied her: he was rigid and joyless and his eyes had an almost malicious shimmer. He didn't seem to suit her. He walked rigidly like an aristocrat or a trained soldier, or was he rigid because of the blade - that was clearly visible to the Rogue - that he wore under his clothes?
The man's gaze fell on the bard's dagger earrings. But not only the brown-haired human looked at the earrings, but also a white-skinned, tall elf who walked behind him. Astarion didn't know what was more noticeable: his large deadly sword, the long white hair, the black tattoos on his face, or...or the earrings in the shape of a dagger that hung from his ears.
He nodded almost imperceptibly to the bard and she returned his nod briefly.
Frowning, Astarion averted his gaze and looked around the taproom.
Many of the guests listened attentively to the ballad. Couples in love held each other tightly and some wiped a tear from their face.
“…in the dark of the night I see your tears
Rubies glisten full of pain
Rage and misery
Don’t get lost in brandy, bergamot and rosemary”
The ballad finished gently and the bard stood up.
"Thanks! And now for the bard duet!”
With a wave of her hand, she invited her partner onto the stage.
Wild white hair adorned the scarred drow face. It looked like survival for Astarion.
She could be young and old at the same time, that's how it was always with the elves. Young pretty faces and centuries behind them. Sorrow, suffering, joy. Everything was possible.
The narrow waist with the subsequent curved hips and thighs with short pants was adorned with a weapon belt with a sword and a flute.
The skilled hand whirled out a shiny silver flute and the duo began to play:
„Two bards do the trick, because bards do it better
Drow or Tiefling, it doesn’t matter
Shiny white hair, or wagging tail
Their persuasion will never fail“
They quickly changed the melancholic mood and the silver flute had a captivating sound, as if it were a homage to a goddess.
“One plays the flute, the other smashes lutes
Buy us a drink and we’ll tell you who is who“
A Tiefling whose rosé colored hair matched her white pink frilly clothing cheered enthusiastically to the tavern song.
Astarion heard her applaud with a giggling laugh. Cute little laughs with a sweet smile upon her light face.
It was that kind of sweet laugh that told the vampire how innocent, unspoiled, kind and naive the person was.
Yes, the delicate Tiefling woman was a sweet, innocent thing, Astarion could tell that with just a sideways glance of his red eyes. The sweet and naive kind of girl that immediately fell for him. Who he easily ensnared and seduced for Cazador. Or was she one of the people he would have avoided because they were so naive...innocent, undeserving of it? He would probably have avoided her if possible because such a sweet, lovely person didn't deserve to fall victim to the vampires.
Astarion closed his eyes briefly and grimaced at the emerging memories that he immediately wanted to repress.
Thanks to his beloved Aristen, he no longer had to do this.
He was free.
Cazador dead.
All of Baldur's Gate saved, saved from the Empire of the Netherbrain and the Mind Flayers.
Yes, thanks to the blonde adventuress whose fate was forever intertwined with his and all her other companions, he had escaped his fate as a slave. Their courage and their determination, with the help of the other fighters, allowed him to defeat Cazador.
But not only that, the storm sorceress had also given him love and patience. And the confidence to be better than Cazador. He didn't need blood-soaked, soul-eating power to be safe, to be worth anything.
Astarion would never have to hurt innocent people against his will again.
All thanks to her.
And yet Aristen did not consider herself to be good, nor to be lovable.
She loathed herself for her actions as a born Bhaalspawn, which she only dimly remembered. No one could hate her more than she hates herself.
And perhaps it was even worse for her, imagining every day what atrocities she had committed in the name of the God of Murder instead of knowing for sure.
She didn't see herself as a lovable hero, a savior. Astarion wished so much that she could see herself through his eyes just once. Then she would finally forgive herself.
The problem was that the sarcastic vampire had never said that to her and perhaps never would. There would always be something gnawing inside him, at his battered heart, that would prevent him from casually revealing his innermost, deepest feelings. What if he did lose her to someone else one day?  If it would not be an arrow or observer to steal her from him? How could he then pretend that his vain heart had not been destroyed for all eternity?
Darkness crossed Astarion's face at all the thoughts and he shook his head with his white curls to drive them away.
Once again he let his gaze wander over the audience, while his pointy elven ears only casually listened to the singing of the bards. It was only thanks to his beloved Aristen that he was able to recognize the diversity of the guests gathered. To be recognized again.
It had once been a faceless mass. At some point, after all the years of slavery under Cazador, the people in the taverns had become nothing more than a uniform mush to him. Victims, cattle like sheep, to his master. Criminals who hurt him and whom he hurt in return and they became victims of the vampire lord.
Dark, blank faces.
Without eyes, without soul. Just like Astarion himself had felt.
But after Aristen came into his life - with the craziest tentacle adventure of his life - everything had gradually changed.
First he recognized her blue eyes, then her face. The smile of her lips plagued by guilt and bloody ghosts of the past. The same smile as his own.
Then he saw all the faces, the people, their stories and lives again.
He saw the colors. The differences and the similarities. He heard the voices, the laughter, the music. He noticed the scents and smells again. Astarion saw joy and life again.
A scent that stood out from the rest of the tavern's smells suddenly tickled Astarion's nose.
Orchid drifted discreetly from the front door.
A slightly tickling shiver ran over the tips of his elf ears, while Astarion was already peering towards the door with large, round eyes.
Like the true epiphany she was, a blonde woman made her way through the elven song. Her appearance truly stood out from the rest of the tavern's audience:
Her delicately pinned hair and a ladylike, sweeping blue dress made her truly look like a lady of name and rank.
Astarion smiled as he looked at Aristen's appearance.
She always made an effort to look chic and beautiful, no matter what the circumstances. Like a true lady who belonged in a ballroom and not a tavern.
A ballroom, not a bhaalroom.
But Aristen loved all facets of life and also sat in the meadow under a tree in the forest with her fancy dress on.
If Astarion had his way, then very soon she would be pressed into the grass beneath him with the dress rumpled.
He chuckled dirtyly to himself as he couldn't help but think of that thought. And before he even thought about the first visit to his grave together, he shook his head and pushed it all away from his white curls.
"Darling..." Astarion stood up after Aristen made her way to him, having spotted him with a smile beaming with joy, "...you give me all sorts of ideas as always."
“What do you mean?” the high elf asked in surprise and blinked in confusion because she couldn’t follow him.
“Nevermind little love,” Astarion grinned mischievously and briefly kissed her delicate hand in greeting. He gently stroked Aristen's hand again as he slowly lowered it.
“The sun has already set enough for you to go out, Astarion,” his lover informed him. She would pick him up when it was safe for him outside.
"I've already run errands from a few merchants," Aristen spoke as the two left the tavern.
"Nice. Then we can now buy the rest together. Have you got everything so far?” asked Astarion.
The blonde nodded as they stepped outside.
Astarion sucked the air outside the elfsong into his lungs. Had breathing changed since he became a vampire? After all, he was undead.
Astarion didn't know. He couldn't remember, it had been too long.
In addition, the past no longer counted - smiling, he glanced furtively at Aristen who was carrying the basket with the purchases - only the present and the future counted.
“Yes, I did the grocery shopping that wasn’t of interest to you,” the blonde laughed and winked knowingly. “There was wonderful blossom honey, I couldn't resist,” enthused the sorceress, rolling her eyes heavenly at the thought of it and licking her lips in anticipation of the taste of the honey.
“Then I can taste it from your lips and tongue,” Astarion whispered seductively.
“Oh, nothing…” the pale elf just grinned again.
His pointed ears were suddenly tickled by the brush of her lips as she leaned in very close to him.
“I heard you very well, my dear,” she whispered to him, her blue eyes sparkling meaningfully at him after she leaned back and gave him a knowing smile.
The vampire laughed. It was a serious laugh. It went from its sonorous, seductive, dirty murmur to a deep rumble before dying out in a high-pitched spike.
“I saw such a beautiful pair of earrings in the window at the Glitter Gala,” sighed Aristen languidly after she continued the story.
“So why didn’t you buy it, darling?”
Aristen shook her head: “Because it’s not necessary. I prefer to save our money for important things. After all, magical artifacts are expensive and the most important thing is that we find something that makes you immune to the sun.”
Yes, that was the ambition and current mission of Aristen and Astarion: to find a way for the vampire spawn to walk in the sun again.
Their friends also kept their ears and eyes open.
Gale read every book that might contain useful information.
Shadowheart, as well as Lae'zel on her travels through the astral planes, always sent them messages when they heard about mysterious artifacts.
And Halsin and Jaheira also reached out to all their acquaintances from near and far.
"If you hadn't used so much of our gold to rebuild the city and help its people, then you could afford any jewelry you wanted," Astarion nudged her with his shoulder and winked knowingly. The slightly accusatory tone was just an act.
“You know I wanted to try to somehow make amends for my actions when I was under Bhaal's control. This will never work, I know that. I can't bring back the people I killed. But I can at least try to help those left behind. It's too little. It’s no consolation…but at least it’s something.”
There was sadness in the blonde's voice. The look in her blue eyes was sincere before they slid slightly to the ground.
Astarion didn't like that, so he decided to cover up the whole thing: "I don't know what you're doing with this penance and compensation anyway."
He casually folded his arms behind his head and sounded as indifferent as he could.
“But…” he grinned playfully at the blonde Sorceress, “we could visit The Counting House again with Minsc. Then we have enough money to play benefactors and buy jewelry and beautiful clothes.”
Aristen raised an eyebrow with an amused grin: "You want to volunteer to do something with Minsc, really?"
“Now that you mention it…argh…better not. You may find him amusing, but he's always bursting in to chatter about his hamster at the most inopportune times. The guard almost caught me picking the lock of the Tabernacle when he suddenly stood loudly behind me, screaming my name and his hug almost broke every bone in my body.”
“What did you want at the Stormshore Tabernacle outside of opening hours?” Aristen asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, nothing!” Astarion quickly dismissed the topic. Too fast.
“What’s next on the list for today?”
“We really have to go to the Devil's Fee. It has finally opened since the devastating battle against the Netherbrain and the reprocessing. If there are special artifacts or information about them anywhere, it’s there!”
Astarion nodded eagerly and the two elves walked quickly through the streets of Baldur's Gate.
"Oh no! No no no!” Helsik shouted from afar as her eyes saw Aristen.
The Sorceress blinked in confusion at the violent reaction and she looked around to see if anyone else was behind her, as the shopkeeper thought she might be.
“Not you!”
"I? But…"
“Nothing but!” Helsik cut her off. “After last time, I already told you that it was too hot to be seen with you and that the store was off limits for now. After the fuss you caused with your little friend and the black-haired fuzzy head.”
Astarion grinned briefly. He knew exactly who the saleswoman was talking about. After all, they had learned of Bhaal's daughter's past and how she had been involved in the Grand Design.
“I have new business partners, so I don’t need loud attention, after all, hell operates quietly.”
“We don’t want to cause any problems, I swear!”
The vampire let his eyes wander over the lavish and devilishly mysterious display while Aristen soothed Helsik.
“We just want to buy an artifact or information. Nothing improper, nothing complicated, nothing dangerous. Just good old Mammon.”
“Child, you will never have as much gold as I want from you so that I can burn my fingers again because of you.”
"Are you sure? I'll pay any price...whether it's gold or otherwise. We're just looking for a way to break the vampire curse of being vulnerable to the sun. Please."
Helsik laughed briefly, compassionately, not maliciously: “Deary, at the Devil’s Fee we don’t break curses, it’s more about the other way. That should be clear to you from the name.”
“My Love…” Astarion slowly tore his eyes away from the display cases and stood next to Aristen again, “…let me talk to her. I think I can convince them better with less…emotional involvement based on old stories.”
“Are you sure?” Aristen asked, unconvinced.
“Of course, baby…” he was already pushed the Sorceress toward the exit, “…you go do the other errands in the meantime and leave this to me.”
Aristen left the devilish business and made her way to the large square of the lower city wall. She visited the arms dealers and her thoughts continued to dwell on the fact that if even devils couldn't find a way to free Astarion from his curse, who would?
She would never give up hope. Anyway, Helsik was probably right: if it was about help, then hell wouldn't be a good negotiating partner.
Maybe they should trust in nature, magic and clerics. The gods may not have heard Astarion then, but perhaps they could now request divine intervention?
The vampire could walk in the light of the Moon Maiden, perhaps Dame Aylin and Shadowheart could ask even more of Sêlune. Maybe she could expand her moonlight.
Aristen was snapped out of her thoughts and the blacksmith who was stationed across from Sorcerous Sundries just handed her back Astarion's freshly sharpened dagger.
From the direction of the Devil's fee came rumbling, loud voices and, above all, lightning and sparks.
“Stop the criminal scum!” shouted a city guard. “Subject, let him stand still!”
“Where for?”
“That way!”
“Or rather there?”
“I thought I saw something in that direction…”
“Then I here, you there,” the steel armored guards rumbled.
The clatter of steel armor slowly faded from the blonde Sorceress's ears, but a perfume that differed from her own scent of orchid and rose reached her nose.
Aristen smelled cherries, musk, palmarosa, black pepper and…
“Does this belong to you, little mouse?”
Raphael's slightly tanned complexion stood before her. His brown hair was done to perfection with meticulous work, as were his clothes. Large, sparkling brown eyes regarded her, both sublime and mischievous.
The devil in human disguise had the white-haired vampire in tow, holding him by the collar like a naughty schoolboy.
“So you still know my name. Ah…very good. Tell the wizard of yours that too. Hopefully he’s still looking for my crown?”
Aristen nodded: “We defeat the brain. The crown will then be at your disposal. That’s how it was settled.”
“Excuse me…” the vampire groused
The devil released Astarion, who grumbled and moved his shoulders.
“Stealing from a shop that has connections straight to hell, very very naughty.”
As was his style, Raphael moved his hands theatrically while his voice whispered mellifluously. The reprimand was more than just played as amusing.
“Anyway, you were there in vain. There is nothing to buy there that could solve the vampire's little “problem”. Otherwise they would all be walking around here freely in the sunlight. Or not?”
The devil made a sweeping gesture and looked around ostentatiously before laughing.
“I'll talk to Helsik and smooth things over, after all you don't sleep well in unmade beds like in clover. But tell your magician that it is my crown. When he finds it, he has agreed to hand it over to me immediately. Not to Mystra and he certainly shouldn’t get the foolish idea of ​​using it himself.”
“He is not my magician,” Aristen clarified briefly, “Gale belongs to no one but himself. Mystra also has nothing to command him.”
“Does he see it that way too? Or does he like to be walked on a leash? He always just does what others tell him. After all, his own decisions are the stupidest I've ever seen...and I've literally seen it all."
“You mean as stupid as wanting to rule the crown of Karsus?”
“Haha…careful, little mouse,” laughed Raphael. “Just make sure I get the crown as quickly as possible.”
“When Gale finds it, you get the crown. That was the deal. We stick to that. But you'll have to be patient. It wasn't intended that the crown and the stones would be lost again, but it was hard to prevent it when the Netherbrain fell into the sea during the fight."
“I'm surprised you're so relaxed about this. You can't put me on a leash as easily as you can put the vampire spawn on a leash. Or was it rather the other way around and you Astarion put the former Bhaalspawn on a docile short leash?”
Mischief sparkled in the brown eyes of the human-shaped Cambion. There was a subtle, biting, malicious provocation in his words, which he spoke with a sonorous purr, as always.
Astarion's face contorted a little and the vampire barely suppressed a roll of his ruby-colored eyes. For a moment he seemed like a disgruntled cat.
"I think I liked you better when you just rhymed all the time," Astarion replied sassy.
Raphael laughed briefly, unimpressed: “Whatever. Less dawdling and making long fingers, but more diving for the crown,” reprimanded the devil with a raised eyebrow.
The devil wrinkled his nose slightly at the vampire spawn before turning back to Aristen and giving her his full attention.
“By the way, greetings from your fiery friend Karlach and her rapier-wielding colleague Wyll Ravengard.”
“Why are you ordering greetings from Karlach and Wyll? Have you met them?”
“Well, those two made themselves quite a name all around Avernus,” Raphael smiled in his smug way, “furthermore, I greatly welcome their actions against Zariel’s forces.”
He made one of his swinging hand movements with his manicured fingers: “I would like to invite you all to my House of Hope to linger, relax and chat. So you can catch up. You know, the Crown of Karsus is the key that grants you access. And until that happens…fare thee well, little mouse. I hope I will see you soon, knocking on the door of my house.”
As was his style, Raphael bowed expansively and his scent of leather, cedar, lily, rose, oud, vanilla and sandalwood disappeared into a swirl of sparks and sulphur.
“He hasn’t forgotten his flair for great performances. I don't know whether I should admire it or whether he's starting to get on my nerves with it," Astarion sighed briefly before straightening his shoulders and straightening his doublet with a quick tug.
"Anyways..." the vampire turned to another topic, "...I think it would be a good idea if we get out of the immediate area while the city guards are wandering around here."
The elf touched Aristen's elbow to encourage her to leave.
“What did you want to take from the store anyway, in the first place?” Aristen wanted to know from Astarion, curious and skeptical.
“Well…” he started to press and scratched the back of his white curls, “…I saw something…”
"And what was so terribly interesting that you would risk to be arrested by the Flaming Fist?"
“Well...it reminded me of you...and...I thought you should have it. But Helsik is really a cutthroat bitch with exorbitant prices.”
Aristen smiled good-naturedly: “Oh Astarion…”
The vampire held out a white silk scarf to the storm sorceress.
Aristen's eyes widened. You could see from the shimmer and the way the fabric fell that it wasn't just silk that was woven there. It was definitely the weave itself and more that was at work there. Depending on how it fell and how you moved it, a golden blue shimmered.
“The scarf reminded me of the one you told me about. You know, the scarf with your name on it that you were found wearing as a baby in the Bhaal Temple. It’s one of the few memories you have left.”
The vampire took out a borealis blue thread from his pocket and began to embroider “Aristen” into the scarf.
“I wanted you to have something that you could never lose, that could never be destroyed, that had your name on it. Because if something ever happened again that made you forget...that made you forget yourself, at least you would always have your name with you. Then you know that you are Aristen. Not the daughter of the murder god. Not the chosen one of Bhaal. No Bhaalspawn. Just you. You are Aristen.”
The vampire began to embroider an “&” sign into the scarf.
“And well…” Astarion began to shuffle uncomfortably again and focused entirely on his work so that he didn’t have to look his lover in the eyes, “…if you ever forget something again, then you’ll know that we belong together. I don't want you to ever forget me. And so you also always carry my name with you.”
The vampire finished his work and the white scarf now embroidered with new memories read: "Aristen & Astarion"
“There is nothing in the world that would ever make me forget you, Astarion,” the high elf spoke softly.
She closed the distance between the two of them and kissed Astarion. The elf slowly closed his eyes as their lips met. His cool, hers warm. He felt her breathing life into him as they kissed.
"Thank you so much," the blonde said after they pulled away from each other, "you can't imagine how much this means to me. I love you, Astarion."
Aristen held the silky, white and blue scarf in her hands, stroked the pale elf's blue embroidery and smiled. "I think this used to be the color of your eyes too."
She smiled softly, as soft as the silky fabric of the scarf felt on her soft hands. Hands too soft for the crimes they had probably committed earlier in the name of Bhaal. In a previous life.
Aristen raised her eyes, which were also blue, and caught Astarion by surprise. Speechless.
That rarely happened.
Very rarely did the vampire find himself without words.
“Ah, I…” he took a breath to say something, but he lacked a suitable response, so he could only hold his breath, taken aback.
The gentle look in his lover's eyes and her words had triggered something in Astarion that he still couldn't handle: affection, sincere love.
Towards him and in his own heart.
The white-haired vampire exhaled and smiled just as gently at his beloved Aristen.
He reached out his cool hand to her and placed it against her rosy cheek. The blonde nestled herself a little in the vampire's hand and her gaze lingered lovingly in Astarion's now ruby-colored eyes.
“You never stop surprising me,” his whispering voice sounded sincere and just as genuine was the smile he continued to give her.
It was a smile that acknowledged how happy he was, partly surprised, partly just realizing that he wasn't really surprised anymore. And perhaps that was what surprised Astarion the most.
It was a day like any other.
A day like any other.
One day in the rest of their life.
Their life together.
And it was beautiful.
And he would never want it any other way.
➹a/n: i just gave my own Tav Saulus a little cameo guest appearance  😉 in the style of AU I also inserted aristenfromwarsaws other OC Devana, like a little, what are all the other tavs doing when not being the main character
the great Tavs of my lovely mutuals also did a tiny cameo:
Nala Hartwick of @evander-jane
Thomas Rosewood and Nana of @alpydk
Lovely Vierith of @goromimii jamming with my Saulus, best bardic duo
Mavka of @pinkberrytea
I hope I did the slice of life good justice and you all could taste, feel, smell, hear the life through all the description of scents, etc.
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I hate ship wars so much because, not only are they a ludicrous reason to abuse each other over in online spaces, the arguments only ever seem to tear down queer readings of a text for the sake of personal interpretations of a relationship (even if that relationship is also queer).
So you just have people arguing back and forth with each other over why their particular queer reading is the one true legitimate or canon or 'healthy' (please save me from that word, I want to pluck it from the world and tear it to shreds) queer reading and all others are wrong, dirty, sinful, a fetish... (you see what I'm doing here right?).
I hate ship wars. I hate how puritanical, antiqueer, and misogynistic they always somehow manage to become in the name of championing a queer relationship.
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dice-n-antlers · 11 months
Thinking about Astarion (because of course I am) and the spell True Resurrection.
There’s been some debate over the dates on his headstone and how long he’s been dead and how old he was when he died. The dates are listed kinda weird, but the general consensus is that he’s exactly at or just under 200 years (un)dead.
It is true that, as written, the creature must be dead “no longer than 200 years” for the spell to work.
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I think you can argue that in Astarion’s case (and for vampires in general) that it doesn’t matter.
Of course, to work within the confines of the game, the spell has to be written with specific rules and limits. However, rules can be bent and in a tabletop setting, this would be up to DM discretion. As you can see in the spell description, the soul of the creature must also be free and willing to return to life and their body must not have died of old age. So, why the 200-year restriction? To answer that question, let’s talk about souls in the Forgotten Realms.
In general, when an ensouled creature dies, the soul moseys on over to the fugue plane over the course of a few days or even up to a month. This is why there are different resurrection spells that have to be used within a minute or ten days; because the soul is still sorta hanging around.
Once on the fugue plane, the soul just kinda hangs out. Waiting. After about a tenday-ish, a divine postal worker from the soul’s chosen deity comes to pick up the soul and deliver it to its final resting place on the home plane of their deity. The soul can’t be forced or tricked into following the wrong mailman. And there are exceptions to this rule as well. For instance, a soul who wasn’t particularly faithful might end up waiting centuries before someone shows up. If they wait too long, the soul may fade out of existence or Kelemvor may judge them before then.
Once the soul has been prime-delivered to their deity’s planar doorstep, they become a petitioner and their form and the nature of the afterlife can vary wildly depending on who they follow. Some exist in bliss or anguish. Memories of their life on Toril may fade. In the case of elves, they tend to retain their individuality and identity and may eventually be reincarnated in a cycle seeking perfection.
(Note: non-elven petitioners of the Seldarine pantheon of Arvandor could appear as elven or with elven features in death even if they were not elves in their mortal life. Same goes for drow, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings and their respective gods and planes. So you could even make the argument that a non-elf could then enter the elven reincarnation cycle and be elven in their future life if they worship Sehanine Moonbow or Corellon Larethian, etc. Consider also that the Reincarnation spell has the potential to change a dead creature into almost any race without effecting their soul; therefore reincarnating an elf into a tiefling but not removing them from their normal elven reincarnation cycle.)
(But I digress)
The point is, when you are raising a creature from the dead, you are pulling them from somewhere in that natural process. Depending on how long they have been dead, they may no longer exist, or may have little to no memory of their mortal life, they may not want to come back, they may have already been reincarnated into another life, or you might be pissing off some deity. In fact, once a soul is a petitioner, their deity has to approve of their return to life as well. Not to mention, for most souls there may not be much worth coming back to after 200 years; there is likely nothing remaining of their former life and loved ones.
Again, the soul must be both free and willing.
So what about Astarion? To bastardize his own quote: his soul is RIGHT THERE.
He died, sure, but his soul didn’t go anywhere. If you didn’t ascend him, you know his soul exists intact. It’s not on the fugue plane or any final resting plane and hasn’t been reincarnated. His body is dead(ish), but didn’t die of old age. Not to mention, the Monster Manual specifically lists (re)killing them and bringing them back to life as a potential way to cure a vampire.
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Assuming that Astarion is willing to return to a full, mortal life, I see no barrier to True Resurrecting him… except that you might need to kill him first… and you need a fuckton of diamonds.
In short: think of the 200-year thing as more of a guideline than a rule. Alternatively, consider that Astarion may have been un-dead for a good long time, but he has not been dead-dead for 200 years.
Now, go forth Tavs! Go kill and resurrect your vampire boyfriend!
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namespara · 10 months
(Dark Urge spoilers)
I went into bg3 completely blind for once, with no prior knowledge of the first games either. My first was a resisting durge run and by god it was the best gaming narrative experience i had in my life.
Being able to fully commit to the amnesia as both me and my character learned bit by bit in tandem more about the world, who durge was, that durge was a bhaalspawn, as well as what that implies for our history in Baldur's Gate, was the most unspoiled enjoyment I've ever had in a *personalised* video game story, with a character of my own. This is where this medium shines brightest and i wish i could actually get Orin'd to experience this game as a lost new durge again
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writer86 · 4 months
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So it's been a week since I last did (checks) one post for Selene. Given the volume of screenshots and events I've played (due in no small part to there being an astonishing number of camp events in early act 1, I think I have enough content here for like... three more posts. Maybe four. One of which is going to be my own creation because it cannot happen in game.
With all this in mind, let's do some more! Figure I can get through my screenshot/event backlog this weekend, since it's a long weekend in the US.
So without further ado:
Selene and Shadowheart work quickly enough to find a suitable campsite. It takes them through the Nautloid wreckage once, and they find a few surviving Intellect Devourers. Selene is again amused by a companion's assessment of her combat prowess, as Shadowheart remarks: "You fight well. Perhaps our survival isn't such a distant prospect."
Slightly more distant a prospect than it was before the worm, Selene muses. The fight has drained her more than she'd like to admit, and she's now determined to do everything she can to make sure it's the last fight of the day.
Still, it seems to take Shadowheart by surprise when - once they find a good site to camp - Selene is not inclined to leave it that evening.
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"You strike me as the reliable sort," she says, one eye on her own discarded armor, "but are you sure this is a good idea?"
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"Don't fret," Selene answers calmly. "We need some rest."
Or is she not feeling the same exhaustion Selene is? In a moment of doubt, she asks, and is slightly gratified when Shadowheart does somewhat back down.
"A little weary, perhaps," she confesses, "and I suppose I kept my distance on the Nautloid. You took on a devil and a mind flayer at close range. It's a wonder you're still standing at all."
She sighs. "Fine. But not for too long. Each hour that passes, the thing inside us grows. We need to find a healer. Let us wake up at first light."
"Agreed," Selene is quick to say. "Our top priority as far as I'm concerned."
"Maybe we'll get lucky," Shadowheart muses. "We're overdue some good fortune. Rest well. We'll need our strength."
On that, we can agree, Selene thinks as she collapses to her bedroll. But to her distress... sleep does not come easy.
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*This is not the world you know. Rest feels impossible, no matter how heavy your eyes become. Every time they flicker shut, the tadpole seems to twitch behind them.*
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*Dragons, gith, and the Hells themselves have come after you, and that's just in the last day or so. Yet it is this creature that lingers in your skull.*
It's strange to think about. She can't say she knows much about mind flayers, let alone their parasites; even in six hundred years, she's never encountered them. But if it seeks to change her, as the gith woman said, then it should know she's not letting it have her without a fight.
*You focus on the spot of pain from when it slipped behind your eye, to where it now lurks. You cannot prod it, but you can make it clear that you are watching. What is there to fear when it is the one stuck inside you? It is a minor victory, but enough to soothe you to sleep.*
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blackjackkent · 9 months
The Mystery of the Night
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Pairing: Karlach/OC Tav Characters: Karlach, Male OC Tav, Jaheira, Mattis Rating: G Warnings: None Descriptors: Fluff, light angst, BG2 throwbacks, Selunite monk Tav, holidays, Faerun religion, cute ending. Word Count: 3.4k Setting: Early relationship, at Last Light Inn Summary: Karlach tries to figure out what gift to get her new boyfriend for a holiday she knows nothing about. Jaheira helps her out with a look into the past. other bg3 one-shots | i welcome fic requests!
“Where's Hector gone? I haven't seen him since dinner.”  Karlach does her best not to sound overly concerned. It isn't like Hector needs her supervision, she reminds herself, or that she has any right to demand his whereabouts. 
A few nights' sex, a few ‘I love you's, and I've gone all clingy, she thinks with a rueful grin. But… well, there’s no escaping the fact that she feels his absence when he isn't nearby. And though they’re safe as they can be in their current camp at Last Light, it’s impossible to forget the danger lurking all around them in the dark. 
Astarion, lounging in his tent, looks up with a lazy grin and absently turns a page in his book. “Our fearless leader went for a walk,” he says with pointed disinterest. “Some Selunite holiday tonight, I believe, or something equally ritualistic and dreary.”
“Chk .” Lae'zel is sitting nearby, idly examining one of the githyanki discs they found in the underdark; she shoots Astarion a baleful look sidelong. “Simply because you have no appreciation for the value of divinity, elf, does not mean we are all so impoverished.” She turns towards Karlach and adds brusquely, “He had business with the priestess on the upper floor of the inn. No doubt you will find him there.”
“Oh. Right.” Karlach nods a few times and wanders away hastily, before Astarion can put in any more pithy observations. 
A holiday? Hector didn't say anything about a holiday, but of course the Selunites must have them. Damn, I wish he'd mentioned it. She isn't much for religion but she knows how important it is to him; she'd have celebrated with him if he'd asked. Instead, he’s upstairs with Isobel… 
She recognizes the sharp little burst of heat in her chest as jealousy and can't help a soft laugh at herself. Really, Karlach? We're not going down that path. Besides, you've been together a week. 
Nevertheless… if it’s a holiday for Hector, it’ll damn well be a holiday for her too. The least I can do is find him a present, right? 
She turns, shoulders squared purposefully, and stalks out of camp towards the inn. 
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effelants · 11 months
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So I was tagged and otherwise called upon by @anderstrevelyan to share a WIP Wednesday today, and, considering the theme of Elena's wippie for the day, let me present my own humble contribution:
Vierna's thoughts about kissing Valas, or, more specifically, part of the Vierna POV of the first kiss scene shared by Elena as her wippie for the day.
It's excellent, by the way, you should go read it here (and also scream with me about how great V&V are).
Okay, that was enough being normal out of me, so now let me say what I actually want to say about this excerpt and also Elena's excerpt (seriously, go read it):
Krhm. Anyway. Tagging some people from my notes and that otherwise came to mind to also share what they're working on, if they'd like to (no pressure, though, and let me know if you don't want to get tagged in these going forward, and I'll stop!):
@inquisimer @agentkatie @dreadfutures @crackinglamb @briarfox13 @kirkwallgremlin @breninarthur @laurelsofhighever
And also tagging… you! Yes, you, you wonderful, amazing, creative, gorgeous person! Are you reading this and want to share for WIP Wednesday? Please consider yourself tagged! I’d be honored if you’d share something you’re working on and tagged me in the post, so that I can see it and enjoy your work! ♥
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amontaguscapulet · 10 months
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‘When the Campaign is Over - No Time To Rest’
~ Animation Edition ~
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If you make a blanket "I hate <insert bg3 party character here>" and it's very clearly not a joke, I'm just going to block you.
I might not like all the characters all that much, but they're generally pretty well written and have good arcs.
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theameba1436 · 3 months
So pleased with my writing <3 I have now planed up to chapter 7 of my fic <3 I think it is time to take a break from editing and play some more bg3. I hope to get some good screen shots of my new Vorn run.
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vvyvernicus · 1 year
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