#Writing an ebook
ebookwriterusa · 8 months
Ebook Writing Company
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yeehawpim · 10 months
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z-kira610 · 2 years
How to write an eBook and make money?
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Writing an ebook can be a great way to share your knowledge, tell a story, or build your brand, while also generating income. With the rise of e-readers and online bookstores, the market for ebooks has never been more accessible or lucrative.
To write an ebook and make money, it is important to start by understanding your target audience and selecting a profitable niche. Then, you can create high-quality content that appeals to your readers and offers value. The next steps involve formatting and designing your book, publishing and distributing it on the right platform, and promoting and marketing it effectively.
Additionally, there are various monetization strategies you can use to make money from your ebook, such as affiliate marketing, selling related products or services, or collecting email addresses for future promotions. With the right approach, writing an ebook can be a rewarding and profitable experience.
The key to success is to create a valuable resource that offers unique and useful information to readers, while also finding ways to monetize your book. By following a strategic plan and consistently working towards your goals, you can turn your ebook into a successful and profitable venture.
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itsfullofstars · 1 month
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It's official: I'm publishing my first work of fiction, the unhinged novella SKIN & BONES, on 10/22/24 (just in time for Halloween). Pre-order the ebook now!
A mind-bending psychological thriller told in first person by a broken man who submits to a bizarre medical experiment in an effort to redeem himself, and loses his mind in the process.
It's Fight Club meets The Parallax View meets E.R. meets Shutter Island... and utterly unique in its own right. A quick, propulsive, hallucinatory read, rich with supernatural elements and medical suspense, SKIN & BONES takes you on a journey into the labyrinth of one man's fractured psyche.
Skull art by @paul.hollingworth - and it's NOT AI!
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doesnotloveyou · 1 year
"I'm not a writer but I've read books on how to write so now I know everything and can tell you you're doing it wrong"
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pandoras-blog · 2 months
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From the new poetry collection, "Feel Something," by Angel Scroggins. Releasing 8/12 - kindle version now available for pre-order
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rjalker · 2 months
Flatland: An Adventure in Many Dimensions, a 2024 translation into casual English, is done!
You can read and download it completely 100% for free on the Internet Archive!
When it's done loading, you will be able to read it directly online, and the Internet Archive will automatically generate audiobook versions with text to speech.
You can also download and torrent various versions as PDFs, epubs, and editable documents so you can change the font, paragraph styles, and do anything else you want with it, like give everyone neopronouns or turn them into unicorns!
I will also be making my own audiobook version at some point. but that's gonna take a while since this is around 38,000 words long. You can make your own too! And you can translate this into other languages!
Edit: The "lazy" (unedited) audiobook is now available on youtube! It is in two videos, since my computer wouldn't let me combine them lol.
Did I mention this is public domain? Because I hate capitalism and I'm poor and I want other people to also be able to enjoy books for free.
Buy the cheapest possible print version for $7.45 (I get $2).
This version is a paperback with no illustrations, no prefaces, a greyscale cover to make it as cheap to print as possible, so that more people can afford to buy it.
Buy the regular print version for $22.17 (I get $5).
This version is a hardpack with illustrations, the preface from the original author, and one from me.
You can also download all the HD illustrations included in this story here on the Internet Archive.
If you enjoy reading it, you can also donate directly to "TinyelFlatland" on paypal!
And if I haven't made it clear yet, this is Public Domain. You are 1million% encouraged to download it, print it, share it, do literally anything you want with it. I am 100% serious.
Now you can all join me in laughing at the narrator :)
Edit: oh wait lol. I realize I wrote this post assuming only people who already know what Flatland is will see it.
Uh so people who have no clue what Flatland is, here's a quick summary:
The narrator, who hides his identity using the alias "A. Square", is a resident of a world called Flatland, a world that only exists in two dimensions, where every person is a flat geometric shape. A. Square tells us the history and culture of his world, which is rife with bigotry that he buys into without question. Until New Year's Eve, before the first day of the year 2000, when a mysterious stranger claiming to come from the third dimension appears in his living room, and starts saying things that sound absurd, and performing what seem like magic tricks.
The original Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, was published in 1884 by Edwin Abbot Abbot. It is both a scathing political satire criticizing the systems of bigotry in Victorian England, and an entertaining introduction to the concept of more than three dimensions.
Edit: Now there's an itch.io page too!
Edit again: And you can read it here on tumblr now! @flatland-a-2024-translation and on Pillowfort!
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quotesonquotes · 4 months
Every time we create something new, we go from zero to one.
Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
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listywrites · 7 months
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I freaking love Ancient Egypt.
I think the animal-headed gods first drew me in as a kid, and then the whole mummy thing just, fascinated me! And the hieroglyphics are so beautiful. I am totally an armchair archeologist--I have watched so many documentaries and read so many books on the subject.
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Many years ago, I went to visit a mummy at the Boston Museum of Art. The mummy was a priest in his life, and they had recreated his tomb around him. And it was not the Book of the Dead that graced the walls--it was the Amduat.
The Amduat tells the story of Ra's journey every night when he--as sun god--descends below the horizon. Each panel is an hour, three on each wall. He and his fellow gods journey down Nile of the underworld and then come to a desert, through which his attendants carry his barge.
And every night, in the Sixth Hour, Apophis comes.
He is the embodiment of death and destruction and evil and the end of everything, depicted usually as a terrible serpent. He rises up out of the sands of the desert and threatens to devour Ra and the entire world as well.
Every night, the gods do battle with this beast. Surprisingly, they are lead in many depictions by Set, himself a chaotic, dangerous god.
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And every night they put down the beast, and Ra triumphs, and continues his journey to the East, where he rises once again to bring a new day to the people of the world.
But the outcome is never assured, you see. One night, he just might loose the battle, and be devoured, and the sun will never rise again.
This story captivated me. What sort of people would create such a narrative, one where every night could possibly be the world's last?
On the ride home I had a vision of mysterious figures running through an Ancient Egyptian city, and my own story was born. And I knew even before I knew the plot what the name of the story had to be: The Sixth Hour. The hour when everything hangs in the balance. The hour when failure is just not an option.
I wrote and re-wrote the story several times over the years. I realized that I could never research enough to make a perfectly accurate historical story, so I deliberately allowed myself to take some liberties, to free myself from the restraints of perfectionism. That's why I call this a fantasy adventure based on Ancient Egypt and the lands surrounding it, instead of a historical novel.
A friend enjoyed it so much she drew me some fanart, gave me permission to use it as a cover, and encouraged me to share my story with the world, and so I finally took a deep breath and made the plunge. Honestly, it's terrifying to put myself out there. It is not in my nature.
But I enjoyed writing this little story very much, and I would like to share it, in the hope that you will enjoy reading it, too.
Learn more about The Sixth Hour HERE.
Available through numerous ebook distributors. Thanks, Draft2Digital!
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ebookwriterusa · 8 months
on the journey of writign an engaging ebook can be both thrilling and daunting. In this insightful article, we unravel the art of writing an ebook, guiding you through the essential steps and strategies. Discover the key elements that transform your ideas into a compelling digital masterpiece. Let's embark on this literary adventure together.
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storiesofsvu · 25 days
Bonus points for WHY! 👀👀✍🏻✍🏻
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2soulscollide · 4 months
📚 FREE: Character Building Guide (30+ pages) 📚
Hello hello, it's me! Today I'm here again to announce another freebie! Please make sure to reblog this so that your writing buddies get to download this, too :D
So, what is this guide? It's an informative e-book to help you develop your fictional characters!
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Throughout the 32 pages of this e-book, we will cover eight important topics on character building, such as:
Understanding characters in fiction by defining their role
How to brainstorm ideas and create characters from scratch
Make your characters real and relatable by their flaws and virtues
How to differentiate characters using their voice and personality
How relationships affect the plot
Master character arcs and subplots
Show (don't tell) how the relationships between characters develop
Avoid pitfalls and clichés
I've also included an extra chapter with three important tips to master the skill of character building!
Download it now for free: Character Building Guide
Happy writing,
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dyrewrites · 5 days
Snowblind is out on itch.io!
Come get spooked (in pdf and epub ^.-).
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leiflitter · 4 months
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I did it! You're Almost Home is now available all nicely optimised for eReaders! Featuring @pyrish-art 's amazing cover and I even updated all the chapter links like an absolute beast.
It can be downloaded here:
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If only the warfare that nearly wiped out humanity had actually finished the job. Then Dev and the other remaining genetically Altered supersoldiers wouldn't be facing what could be their final days scraping by. They went from science experiments to vermin and today is the last straw. Their plan to finally end the fighting backfires, and now they face an even more frightening reality. The new human leader, Alessandra, doesn't want them dead. She needs their help. Dev isn't sure if his decision to help her will save them... or get them all killed.
Bound to Ashes (originally released in 2014) is a fast-paced, character-driven post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel (~90k words) about learning to trust and doing what's right even though no right has ever been done to you.
Status: OPEN for Beta Reading and FREE. (Link goes to the Google Doc folder.) Check out the additional document for feedback guidelines.
Reviews and more under the cut.
Content warning for language and violence.
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I love post-apocalyptic settings. The idea of humanity as it is now getting a "reset" is compelling. But I was disappointed by the vast majority of post-apoc media rife with misogyny, alpha male kitsch, and grimdark nihilism. I wanted characters that felt the hopelessness of the world but still chose to be better. I wrote BtA to be the change.
BtA was my first serious writing project when I was 21, back in '12. Since then it has gone through 10 drafts, a few serious beta readers, a self-publishing, an un-self-publishing, and a last polish this year (2024) to finalize series-wide changes.
Here's what readers have said about Bound to Ashes:
"Bound to Ashes is everything I wish Maze Runner was."
"It took me three sentences to fall in love with this book, and it kept me hooked until the very end. Amazing read that I will be passing along to my friends."
"The mental images projected were vibrant and intense, and had me in tears in a bath."
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malcolmschmitz · 10 months
please help a disabled author?
I was just on hold with the government for ten hours trying to get (some of) my benefits renewed.
I did not get my benefits renewed.
If people buy my (incredibly queer, weird, fantasy/SF/horror) short stories, I can get off benefits, and then I will not have to be on the phone with the government for ten hours.
And you get cool short stories.
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