love44lew · 26 days
“a grown man can be your baby-“
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Update I have been gifted a new art tablet and oh my lort how do y’all draw with a screenless pad-
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This last one was the first thing I drew with it LMAO
all of these were lil test doodles, but m a n I got mad respects to them gamers who can use this kinda tabloot with ease
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maremartinelli · 4 months
Sírius Black X Potter!Reader
Summary: When Y/n gets a trail motorcycle from her father and her boyfriend had no idea she rode it.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Y/n being James's twin sister, mentions of Walburga's shit, Effie cooking, mention of marriage, if you squint, mentions of sex and finally, VERY happy couple.
Author: Sorry if there are any writing or typing errors, English is not my first language. Sorry. And finally, enjoy the story and when you're done...visit my masterlist or You can go to my profile and go to my question box, request a story you wanted to read by Sirius, Ben, Edmund, Caspian, Joseph Q or Andrew G.
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The Potter's house in the summer was practically an inn where all of James and Y/n's friends attended.
Peter, Remus, Lily and of course. Sirius Black.
It was the summer of 1977, just before senior classes were supposed to start. The sun radiated comfortable heat, while birds flew in flocks.
James and Y/n had called their friends to come home as soon as last year's classes ended. And now, a week later, the rooms were on their way to the Potter's house.
"Hey, hey!! Aren't you going to help me organize the rooms?" James asks, when he sees his sister coming out of the room in a lilac helmet and trail gear.
Y/n turns to her brother and sends a smile without showing her teeth.
"No!!" She places the helmet under her left arm. "I already helped mom organize downstairs yesterday, today you stay up here. ALONE. Since you didn't help organize with us yesterday" Y/n says and walks to the stairs. "If anyone calls me, tell them I'm back there hiking"
James just rolls his eyes before walking into the guest room and mumbling:
"That's if anyone misses you here" he complains and then goes into the room to leave some pillows and change the sheets.
The hours passed and every now and then an owl or other arrived, saying that their friends were almost arriving at the residence.
With that, James had finished organizing the top part of the house, while Euphemia finished baking a pie and Y/n was still behind the house riding the motorcycle that James hated.
He swore he would set the machine on fire as soon as Y/n stopped riding it.
However, Y/n is always one step ahead. He said he would burn all his Quidditch stuff if he did that. Which resulted in James not being able to do anything about his sister's motorcycle.
Which he found super noisy.
"Jamiie!! There's someone at the door. Please go and answer mom." Euphemia says from the kitchen and James, who was on the back porch of the house watching his sister, gets up and walks to the front door of the house.
When he opens it, he sees a somewhat happy Sirius with a bag on his back.
"Hey Pads, come in man" James says cheerfully and Sirius enters quietly. "Something happened?"
"It's okay. Just the shit Walburga told me before leaving. But just don't pay attention and it'll pass" Sirius smiles and James pats his best friend on the shoulder.
"Alright then. Come, my mother made pie for us. It must be cold to eat now" James puts his arm around his friend's shoulder and leads him to the kitchen.
Sirius smiles and leaves his backpack in a corner of the hallway, walking alongside James to the kitchen.
"Sirius, my boy. How good it is to see you" The twins' mother says and Pads smiles and goes to say hello. "How are you?"
"Hi auntie, everything is going. But thanks for asking" He smiles and Euphemia hugs him before returning to the sink.
Sirius smiles friendly and then James gives him a piece of strawberry pie, before heading out to the back porch. With Sirius always behind him.
"Where's the rest? Moony, Peter and your girlfriend?" Sirius asks before taking a bite of the pie.
He sits on the porch floor, with James by his side and then looks out at the vast yard behind the Potter's house.
In the background, he could see someone riding a trail bike. He squints his eyes and can't make out.
"Ah, them!! Lily said she was leaving the house about 20 minutes ago, Moony should be here and Peter couldn't come. His father's cousin passed away yesterday" James says, finishing your pie and shaking the crumbs in your hand.
"Dude, who's that one with the motorcycle coming?" Sirius, still not knowing who, asks James.
"It's your woman" James says without concern and rests his left hand behind his body.
"WHAT? S/N?"
"Yes. Or do you have another woman besides my sister?"
Sirius just holds back his laughter and rolls his eyes.
"Obviously not" he says and then stands up. "I just didn't know she rode a motorcycle. Even more so, trails."
"Yeah. She learned it last summer from Uncle Jack and then our dad had the brilliant idea of giving her a motorcycle this summer." James says without much importance, standing next to his best friend and watching his sister approaching with the motorcycle. "I even thought about setting it on fire, but she threatened my Quidditch items."
Sirius looks at him.
"You're crazy. Don't do that!! That's so hot" Pads says and then approaches the fence, going over to his girlfriend.
James makes a vomiting gesture and walks behind Sirius.
Y/n had just approached the fence Sirius was approaching with the motorbike. She takes off her helmet and runs her hands through her hair, before looking at her boyfriend.
"If I ask you to wear these clothes to bed, will you accept it?" Sirius approaches his girlfriend, looking her up and down. "That's very sexy"
Y/n glances at him quickly and then softens her face when she sees it's him.
"I'm all your order" she says winking with one eye and getting off the bike.
"I'm glad it's ONLY mine" Sirius goes over the fence and pulls his girlfriend by the waist to greet him with a kiss.
"Heavens, I still have to hear this," James says as he approaches, arms crossed over his chest.
Y/n distances herself from Sirius and smiles at her brother's comments.
"Be thankful you have ears then" She laughs and Sirius smiles, still with one hand on his girlfriend's waist. "Where are the rest of the people?" She changes the subject.
"Moony and Lily will soon arrive and Peter can't come" James gives a summary, as he climbs the fence to sit in front of the couple.
Y/n just nods and looks at Sirius.
"Wow, you fell in love with me in this outfit, right?" Y/n questions him. Because she was wearing protective clothing, boots, vest, helmet and trail pants.
"I can't take my eyes off" He kisses her neck and smiles.
"Want to go for a walk with me?" Y/n asks, smiling electrically.
"Obviously. Why wouldn't I ask a question like that? If I love it when your hands are on my waist"
"FOR MERLIN" James jumps off the fence and turns around. "I'm going to go back and help mom, at least there weren't couples almost eating each other there" James says leaving the yard and Y/n and Sirius laugh loudly.
"IT'S NOT YOUR FUNCKING BUSINESS!!" James shouts back, however, more distantly, but without turning around to see his best friend with his sister.
Y/n breaks away from Sirius and gets on the bike again.
"Come here, kitten" Y/n says winking exaggeratedly and Sirius laughs.
"You don't need to ask again" Sirius approaches his girlfriend and then she leaves with the bike again. But now with Sirius on the back.
Euphemia, who was in the kitchen, smiles when she sees the two having fun in the backyard.
James soon arrives and looks in the same direction as his mother.
"They're still getting married," James says, with a half smile.
"I feel like by graduation day, they're engaged" Euphemia says with a goofy smile on her face.
"I think he asks her after graduation." James sits on the stool next to his mother.
Euphemia looks at him amused.
"Oh, how about it mom!! We can make a bet!! If I win, I'll get the apartment in the center, if you win, you can give it to Y/n and Sirius" he says excitedly.
Euphemia laughs loudly.
"I'm not going to do that" The twins' mother says happily. "Your father and I already have a plan for this"
"Oh, oh. Tell me!!"
"James Fleamont Potter!! Stop being so curious and help me here at dinner" she smiles at her son.
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Author: If you like my stories, like, reblog and share!!
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jadewritesficshere · 6 months
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie takes you home after work (1150 words)
Contents: Reader suffers from chronic pain, smoking weed, no gender descriptors for reader, reader is called Baby
Please note I am not a doctor and do not take any medical advice from me ok thanks also each person's health is different from someone elses so please be kind to each other thanks bye
You sigh as you finally lock the door for the store. You had started the day out with working your regular shift. Which had been fine, even if you had felt a little stiff. Then that coworker called in sick...again. And your boss begged you to stay late...again. You had wanted to say no, but the prospect of getting a bit extra in your paycheck, well, you couldn't pass it up.
But now your body was screaming at you. Working for twelve hours had your joints aching. Some days you could barely roll over in bed without the pain. Could barely think a coherent thought as your joints and muscles screamed at you.
And other days, the good days, you felt you could run a marathon. Not because of an absence of pain, but the pain was so little compared to what you were used to it felt like nothing. Some days started like this and ended like the bad days.
And today was ending like a bad day. Especially because that one manager, the one who seemed to not like you, was on duty. Your boss, the sweetest old man in the world, didn't care if you sat in a chair at your register. But the manager who came in for the evening shift once the boss was gone? Took it away and called you lazy, even if you were the best cashier they had.
You slowly but steadily made your way to the van that was sitting idle in the parking lot. Through the passenger window you can see Eddie smoking a joint. When you opened the door, startling Eddie, smoke furled out. You climbed in and slammed the door shut.
"You know this is just begging for someone to call Hopper right?" You groan as you turn to grab your seat belt. "Figured you'd wanna smoke and relax a bit, thought I'd get it started for you." Eddie's arm reaches across you grabbing the seat belt before you could and buckling you in. "I can do it myself," you mumble.
"Yeah, you can. But maybe I want to take care of my Baby, hm?" Eddie hands you the joint," When you said you'd be late earlier, you uh said you already weren't feeling the best. Figured I could do what I can to help. Not that you can't do it yourself, you can, but you know-" "I know. Thanks."
It still was hard to accept that this is how your life was. Even harder to accept help. The thought that people were helping out of pity made you want to scream, even if you knew some people, like Eddie, were helping because they loved you not because they pitied you.
The van roars to life as Eddie presses the gas a bit too hard, causing the entire van to lurch. Eddie winces and mutters an apology. You inhale on the joint, letting the smoke fill your lungs. You crack a window to let the smoke out, humming as you close your eyes.
By the time you make it to Eddie's, you can feel the weed in your system. Softening the edges of everything. The pain easing up slightly as you relax.
Eddie tumbles out of his side, almost face planting, as he rushes to get to your door. He throws the door open and bows, "My liege." You huff out a laugh as you graciously take his hand, gripping it tightly as you step down and out of the van. Eddie winks at you as he kisses the top of your hand, causing you to swat at him. Eddie chuckles as he drops your hand to go and open the door of the trailer.
You follow Eddie inside and to his room after kicking off your shoes. Your only thought is laying down and going to sleep. You barely shrug out of your uniform before collapsing onto his bed. Usually, Eddie would make some joke about getting naked, but tonight he forgoes that and instead dims he lights, sensing how tired you are.
Eddie's bed is old and yet somehow more comfortable then yours (probably because Eddie moves around so much in his sleep he doesn't stick to just one spot like you do, which causes your mattress to deflate and sink in one spot). You toss the nearest blanket over you, sighing in relief that you made it through the day.
You can hear Eddie enter and leave the room a few times, mumbling to himself. The sound of his rings hitting his dresser. The creaking of the drawers opening and shutting as he finds something to wear to bed. The distant beeping of a microwave going off before Eddie leaves the room again.
"Made you something," Eddie says as he reenters the room. "Not hungry," you mumble into the pillow. "Its not food- well, it is but not anymore? I mean we could eat it buuuuuttt..."
You peek an eye open to look at Eddie. In his hands is an oddly shaped lump. You can recognize the familiar pattern as the curtains in Eddie's room (and the realization there are no curtains anymore hits you). You can tell it was supposed to be a rectangle, but is more oblong like an oval.
Eddie gingerly places it against your back and- oh. It's warm.
Eddie crawls onto the bed next to you," Remember the heating pad? How it died? Well, figured might as well make my own and save us some money. Filled with rice, so if we really need to I guess we could eat it but I don't think that's uh the best idea."
"You sew?" You ask softly. Eddie grins at you," Mama taught me." Eddie readjusts the bag against you where it fell away. "Eds..." Eddie hums looking up at you," Yeah?"
"Thank you." "Anytime Baby. I'd do anything I can for you." You smirk at him," Anything?" Eddie rolls his eyes as he grins back," Weeelll-" you both chuckle. You roll back onto your side and close your eyes.
And as you lay there you think of how much Eddie loves you. How often he shows you his love. How he opens doors for you and closes them. How Eddie doesn't treat you as glass like some of your friends do, but how he still cares and makes you comfortable. How Eddie doesn't try to limit you and let's you set the pace for yourself. How Eddie took down his curtains to make you a heating pad because yours went out.
You reach back and slowly link your hand with his. Eddie hums slightly, linking your fingers, before shifting and wrapping his arm around you, drawing you closer.
You can feel the warmth from the rice. The warmth of Eddie's body. The warmth from his breath as he falls asleep. And the warmth from your heart as it yells out how in love you are.
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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miguel o'hara voted most Just Some Guy Having The Worst Day Of His Life Every Single Day (But Literally He Just Lives Like This So It Cancels Out Anyways) of all time ever
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Callum crown cosplay for halloween. #itshappeningnow
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fatehbaz · 5 months
#thinking of dinosaurs and troodontids were my favorite dinosaurs as a child#when younger i had a real full troodontid tooth fossil that meant a lot to me#for a time we lived within a few kilometers of hadrosaur sites and troodontid sites#while wider general area had many sites of recovery for the big celebrities like tyrannosaur and multiple dromaeosaurs#at that time troodontids were kinda infamous for i think the depiction in some childrens field guides and dino books#which depicted like a fantasy speculative humanoid troodontid based on 1980s model at Canadian Museum of Nature in ottawa#anyway would visit a small local paleo center a lot and woman in her 70s or 80s ran the counter of their center and rock shop#one day she asked me what my fave dino was and i said troodon so she pulled out the tooth and just gifted it to me#in little black case size of ring box with padding and transparent plastic viewing cover kinda like laminate for displaying a trading card#tooth got stolen from out my vehicle while giving some people a ride while at university before i got too poor for tuition#later during first year of pandemic owner of my storage unit died and new property owners threw away everything i ever owned#i was homeless anyway lost job due to early pandemic closures and had to allocate any money to insulin and other prescrip meds#but wouldve found a way to save my things if the new owners had contacted me#they threw out photoalbums y backpacking gear y books y musical instruments y clothes y artwork y camera y all family keepsakes#and all childhood treasures like souvenirs and gifts and school awards and writing portfolios and all the little memories#which i was always sentimental about as child#from earliest age my room looked like a natural history museum with plants and maps and library of field guides#and rocks and field trip keepsakes and all kinds of little animal figurines and mother had painted room in forest greens and browns#to feel like a forest and among the succulent plants and a globe sat the troodon tooth#parents passed when i was a child#never near any family and were always moving never got to settle into proper stable place then father passed after long sad illness#and mother put in so much effort but she passed few years later and i could not take care of myself or my remaining material possessions#and so im still quite hurt having nothing whatsoever remaining of my childhood or school friends or mother or life generally#and when trying to process grief my thoughts often come back to the troodontid tooth as a focal point a distillation of what was lost#even when young i knew it was advised not to become too connected to material physical possessions#but still there are some small little trinkets in our lives that seem to hold so much meaning and i tortured myself for losing that tooth#thinking about troodon reminds me of childhood
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love44lew · 23 days
彡drivers gamer!max verstappen
彡genre dabble/scrap
彡summary max doesn’t realize his legs would create such an uproar in his chat
彡notes based off that one video of max.. i dont know why this was a scrap its so cute 🥹.
max was on live, slumped in his gaming chair as luke spoke about the previous game on fifa. he put his legs up on the desk, not noticing it was in the frame of his webcam. max glanced over a the chat.
“max’s legs!!” “scandalous” “giving us some thigh max..”
max blushes and puts his leg down and out of frame. the chat immediately erupted again
“you guys cant be normal about anything” “nouuuu maxxx” “great now everyone fucked it up as they always do”
max giggles, his pale face now fully red. he never knew just his legs would cause such an uproar in the chat. “hehe sorry guys” max apologized cheekily as he prepared himself for the next game.
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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5x16 | Conquer
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maremartinelli · 4 months
Sírius Black X fem! reader
Summary: To which, Sirius and Y/n's personalities are the same and they love going out in matching couples' outfits.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Mention of sex? I don't know, couple's cheesiness, mention of drinks and parties, and James being a cool bore.
Author: English is not my first language, I apologize for any errors I may have in the story. If you don't understand, notify me. Just have fun reading and visit my master list.
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One of the things that made Sirius and Y/n stay together was definitely their personalities.
Y/n met Sirius and the boys the first time they were going to Hogwarts. When all the cars on the train were full, they were the only ones who offered to share the car with her.
And soon the personalities clashed, with every joke Sirius made, it escalated. It was an incredible synchronicity. If Sirius was saying something, Y/n, without knowing the subject, completed the brunette's sentence. So on.
Since then, Y/n was practically the Marauders' amulet. From freshman year until now, almost graduation.
Of course, she also made female friends to have someone to share her girly chats with. But that is not the issue now.
It was Friday and everyone in the Gryffindor house decided to have a party in the commons, just to celebrate the victory in the Quidditch tournament. And of course, no one, least of all the Marauders, would refuse that.
Y/n, Lily, Marlene and Mary were responsible for the decorations and food, while the senior boys along with the Marauders went to Hogsmeade early in the morning to buy some bottles of illegal alcohol to bring to the party.
If McGonagall knew, it would definitely be detention.
The day went by and everyone in the seventh year prepared the communal table between class breaks and away from Minerva's eyes.
Now, hours after classes for the week were over and the commons were ready, the sixth and seventh years of Gryffindor house were in the dorms getting ready.
As there would be alcohol, Lily and a few others said they would prefer fifth years and under not to participate.
Y/n and Sirius found this annoying, because since their second year they had been attending the parties of the senior students in that class and drinking until they were full.
What we see now, through other eyes, was very dangerous.
"Hey, doll! Have you seen my black Queen t-shirt?" Sirius enters Y/n and Lily's dorm without knocking on the door.
Luckily, Lily was downstairs and Y/n was already dressed.
Which also wouldn't change the fact that Y/n is dressed or not, they lost that intimacy a long time ago.
"This one here?" Y/n gets up from the vanity table where she was doing her makeup and stops in front of her boyfriend.
Sirius smiles and rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, that's what it's supposed to be" he laughs. "Do you have anything that fits me in your closet? Since you took my last clean blouse"
"I don't know, look," Y/n says, heading to the closet and returning to sit at her dressing table to finish her eyeliner.
Sirius continued looking for something in his girlfriend's closet, while having a conversation about random things with her.
"Hey, what's that? Your Queen shirt!!" He takes the same blouse as his, only a little smaller and his girlfriend's, in his hands.
He had presented them with the same blouse on last Valentine's Day.
"By Merlin, I thought I lost her" Y/n gets up happily to grab her blouse. "Let's change now" she says, already taking off the t-shirt she was wearing and taking the one in Sirius' hand.
"That's right, right? This one doesn't even fit me" he laughs and also takes off his t-shirt to put on the old one that Y/n wore.
With that, the girl wastes no time and looks at her boyfriend's toned body.
"You're looking," Sirius said, as he sat on his girlfriend's bed.
"I know. I was just thanking you for being just mine" she says without any worries and walks to the dresser to get the things needed to give Sirius a hairstyle.
Some might find it tacky, but the couple LOVED going out together.
Like today, they were going out with the same blouse pattern, and braids in their hair. I would only change the bottom part, Y/n was wearing a leather skirt and tights. Sirius, on the other hand, was wearing leather pants. But it was there, in the patterns.
"Do you want the four braids on top of your head like mine, or on the side?" Y/n asks, sitting next to her boyfriend on the bed and picking up the hair elastics.
Y/n rolls her eyes and smiles.
"Okay, my stud"
With that, she combs Sirius' long hair and braids it very quickly.
She was already used to doing quick hairstyles, because whenever she had one, Sirius asked to do the same too. Which ended up taking practice.
About 10 minutes passed and the couple was ready for the party.
"I think that's it, is there anything else?" Y/n asks while putting on the combat boots that were lying around the room.
"All right" Sirius says and then grabs his girlfriend's waist as soon as she stands up, so they can both go down to the party together.
Going down to the common room floor, they could already hear the sound of music and some people talking.
"I thought they were never going to come down" Lily says, when Sirius and Y/n approach the group.
"We had some things to sort out" Sirius implies and winks with one eye, while tightening his grip on his girlfriend's waist.
The group laughs and Y/n rolls her eyes.
"Sirius asked me to braid it and lastly, he couldn't find my combat boots" Y/n says, lifting her feet, which were now wearing black combat boots.
"It's really gay to go out like your girlfriend" James arrives and puts his arm around Lily's shoulders.
"You say that because you don't have long hair to braid with your girlfriend" Sirius says with a shrug and accepting the glass of fire whiskey that Remus had brought for them.
"I don't think so, James. I think it's really cute that they look the same" Lily says being cute and James rolls his eyes and makes a vomiting gesture.
"Be more like your girlfriend, Prongs. She's a good person" Sirius smiles before drinking the liquid and Y/n laughs seeing the butt face James had made.
Turning her gaze to Sirius, she furrows her eyebrows.
"Hey, why do you have a glass and I don't?" Y/n pretends to be offended.
Sirius stops with the glass in his hand and smiles.
"Sorry, kitten!! I'll get one especially for you" he winks and places a chaste kiss on his girlfriend's cheek, before letting go of her and walking to the makeshift bar to get her a glass.
Y/n shakes her head laughing and then starts a conversation with Lily and Marlene. Who had now arrived in the group.
Before long, Black is back in the group with a glass of beer in his hands and hands it to his girlfriend.
"Anything else, woman in my life?" He gives a small bow.
Y/n smiles and takes the glass of beer.
"No my man, this glass of beer is fine for now" she says in the same tone of voice as Sirius, which makes them both laugh.
"You two live in an eternal theater, right?!" Remus says smiling, before taking the glass that was in his mouth.
Sirius looks at his girlfriend and smiles passionately, before kissing the top of her head.
Conversations flowed quickly in the group, until someone changed the songs and put on some more lively.
"OH MY MERLIN!!" Y/n says loudly, making the entire group look at her.
It was already the sixth glass of beer she had had, of course she was a little out of it.
"Sirius darling, come dance with me for this one" she leaves the glass on the table and holds Pads' hand.
Sirius smiled.
"Of course, my crush" he follows her to the dance floor, leaving the entire group staring at them.
"They still get married" Remus and Lily said together, as they looked at the couple on the dance floor.
The two look at each other, having said the same thing and then clap their hands.
"And we'll be godparents" Lily says excitedly to Remus and the group laughs.
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Author: I don't know what else to say, but visit my main list and make requests in my question box on the profile!!
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crissiebaby · 2 months
The Padded Palace Act IV: Chapter 17
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“Ya know, I don’t think I’ve ever been in here before,” said Stacy, eying up Latasha’s private office and tea room. It was oddly foreign considering the amount of time she spent in the Padded Palace on a weekly basis. Much like Latasha’s bedroom, the mature environment was almost completely devoid of ABDL furnishings, “Feels too…normal…to be the Padded Palace.”
Plopping down at her desk heavily, Latasha wasn’t exactly in the mood to discuss the layout of her house. “You try being audited while claiming that daycare is an office space. See how far it gets you,” she said, shutting down Stacy’s idle speculation before it could overrun the conversation, “Why don’t we cut the chatter and get to the chase? The Padded Palace is meant to be a safe kink space, for patrons and employees. Blackmail is not kosher here. Period.”
“Oh, yeah, and I’m sure kinkless Connor over there who needed Riri to make him a DeviantArt account really chose to wear that pull-up to Ellie’s party on his own, right?” quipped Stacy, reminding Latasha of how she acquired her blackmailing materials in the first place. She smirked at the elongated silence her one question created, “Lemme make a wild guess. Buddy Boy got curious and tried out some freaky stuff during his first week. You found out and decided to keep his little secret so long as he let you continue to treat him like your own, personal dress-up doll from that point onward. But yeah…blackmail isn’t kosher here.”
Scrunching her lips together, Latasha couldn’t deny there was some truth to what Stacy was saying even if the comparison was extensively stretched. Had she not commanded Connor to stay padded for Ellie’s birthday, Stacy likely would’ve never found out. “You’re conflating a willing agreement between two parties with forcing someone to bend to your will. I never made Connor do anything he didn’t want to,” she said, knowing her defense was only a half-truth. Memories of Connor bursting into tears after waking up in full ABDL attire for the first time surfaced in the forefront of her mind.
Unfortunately for Stacy, she had no means of debunking Latasha’s fib, pushing her to pivot. “Be that as it may, it was still a means of keeping him under your thumb for the last two months. I’m sure it felt no different from Connor’s point of view,” she said, aiming to amplify any doubt potentially lingering in Latasha’s head. It wasn’t a fool-proof strategy but it didn’t need to be; its only purpose was to put Latasha on her back foot before attacking her weakest point, “It’s funny, though. If Connor could see the REAL you, I doubt he would’ve been intimidated for a second.”
Turning her head sideways, Latasha was at a loss. “Th-the REAL me? Care to elaborate?” she asked snidely. She had no clue what Stacy was on about but her curiosity was morbidly peaked.
“I mean the REAL Latasha; the one with a crinkly butt and doe eyes begging for someone to dote on her,” said Stacy, her words delivered slowly and methodically to ensure maximum humiliation, “You may have the others fooled but my eyes are open after this weekend. I know everything.”
Sweat droplets pooled beneath Latasha’s hairline. Stacy couldn’t possibly know about the incident at CrissCon. The only other person in the Palace who knew was Skye, and Skye ran upstairs the moment they got home. Moreover, the idea of Skye blabbing about something she was in tears over no less than half a day earlier felt immensely far-fetched. Letting out a strained chuckle, she deflected, “Oh-ho-kay, I think the outfit’s officially gone to your head. I don’t know what you think you know about me but it takes a lot more than some flustering words to make me blush-”
“You can stop acting. I saw it with my own eyes,” said Stacy bluntly, once again freezing Latasha with a verbal quick draw. It was a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment but right before the alleged Big laughed, her eyes twitched with fear. She had Latasha right where she wanted her. All she needed to do was stay on the offensive until she got her to crack.
Little did Stacy know how paralyzing her vague statement was for Latasha. What Mother Elma did at CrissCon was taboo enough without the idea of some jackal filming the whole thing on the down low. Despairingly, if Stacy’s words were to be believed, then that was the only possibility. The icy hand of anxiety clutched her aching chest. “After everything we’ve been through…have you no sympathy?” she said, choking up at the thought of the most embarrassing moment of her life winding up online. Was this her karma for letting the same happen to Stacy, Skye, and everyone else she was supposed to protect? “When those photos ended up online, I alone was there for you, and this is how you treat me when the shoe’s on the other foot? Do you think I enjoyed being humiliated like that?! It was mortifying!”
“Woah, woah! Hold up, I’m…so lost,” said Stacy, holding up her hands innocently. A series of bewildered expressions descended upon her as she began connecting the dots from Latasha’s ramblings, “I was talking about your private stash of diapers…from your bedside table…and you never did say why you and Skye came home early…” Her vacant countenance shifted into a beguiled smirk as she let her imagination run rampant.
Contrary to her previous retort, Latasha’s face became profusely flushed over Stacy’s ‘flustering words.’ At least, she could take solace in knowing that Stacy hadn’t witnessed a recording of her fall from grace, though that was a paltry consolation prize in comparison to what she’d unwittingly given up. “Ah…I see. It wasn’t just my wardrobe that was raided. You’ve got quite some nerve,” she said, attempting to maintain her authoritative tone.
“Weak sauce, Latasha. Now, look who’s changing the subject?” said Stacy, exposing more and more of her pearly white teeth to Latasha. Not even sharks could smile so menacingly, “Did someone have too much fun at CrissCon? I bet you were super bummed that you left these at home…” Raising the skirt of the dress, she revealed the sodden Megamax diaper that was hugging her butt; Latasha’s Megamax diaper, to be precise. “...though, I’m sure Skye was more than happy to share.”
Recognizing the plain nappy Stacy was dawning as her own, Latasha was fuming with both fury and embarrassment. “Thin ice, Stacy. Thin ice,” she said acrimoniously, completely dropping the affect she utilized as a caregiver in favor of her natural, deeper voice. The fun and games ended now.
A chill ran down Stacy’s spine as if she could actively feel a shift in the room’s air pressure. Her smile flinched, prompting her to scoff to cover it up. "Oooh, so scary. You might as well be throwing a tantrum,” she said, her anxiety mounting as Latasha rose from her chair, “What? You can dish it but you can’t take it?” As caddy and unperturbed as she was attempting to sound, her voice couldn’t help but waver as Latasha rounded her desk to meet her at a malignant pace. “Y-You’re not going to intimidate me by just staring me down and-HEY!”
Wrapping tightly around Stacy’s skinny wrist, Latasha made speedy work of pinning Stacy’s right arm behind her back. “I warned you,” she said soberly, taking a page out of Elma’s book as she thrust Stacy forward onto the desk and yanked the back of her diaper open in one continuous movement.
“EEEEK! Latasha! What are you…” screamed Stacy, her eyes widening as she spotted Latasha’s spanking arm reeling backward. Pencils, pens, and other office supplies were sent flying as she thrashed in place atop the immovable surface. Try as she might, she was no match for Latasha’s strength. She’d flown too close to the sun, “W-Wait! I was j-just kidding aroun-”
The foundation of the Padded Palace shook as the flat of Latasha’s hand impacted Stacy’s unblemished ass. The subsequent shriek that leaped out of the troublemaking Little’s mouth was music to her ears. “Just kidding around, huh?” *SMACK!* “That’s not what it looked like to me!” *SMACK!* “All I see is someone who’s gotten away with being a brat for far too long!” *SMACK!*
Stacy’s wiggling quickly turned into writhing as she fruitlessly clawed at the desk for freedom. Each hit felt like a sheet of sandpaper scraping against her toned buttocks, causing her reddened rear to sizzle with increasing vigor between blows. It wasn’t that she’d never been spanked before, or spanked hard for that matter; Mal could be quite punishing. It was the fact that not even her parents dared to bare-bottom spank her, making this experience with Latasha a brutal first. Within seconds, her brazen demeanor was reduced to a blubbering mess. “STAAWP! I’M SOWWY! PWEASE SHTAWP!” she shouted, earning zero sympathies from the embittered Big. She felt her legs give out, slowing her frantic movements significantly and abandoning her with no choice but to endure.
Worst of all, Stacy could tell she was moistening over Latasha’s harsh treatment. Deep down, she knew she deserved every thwack despite resisting every step of the way. Such was the chaotic duality of a brat. Had she succeeded in topping Latasha and taking over the Padded Palace, she would’ve relished in her triumph without remorse. That said, if there was any absolute truth in this universe, it was that all brats craved defeat. To work so hard and stand so defiantly only to be put in her place like a naughty little girl was more satisfying and more stimulating than any outright victory ever could be.
Capping off Stacy’s paddling with one last stinging spank, Latasha released her grip on Stacy and watched as the pretend caregiver sank to the floor. “You had enough?” she said as she squatted down beside Stacy. No longer was there fury behind her eyes. She had extracted her pound of flesh.
Stacy bobbled her head up and down, the wind completely taken out of her sails. “Am done. N-no mo,” she mumbled, bending to Latasha’s will and ceding her caregiver role in one fell swoop. She’d made huge strides this weekend and was capable of holding her own as a Big but she still had nothing on a bonafide Mommy Domme with years of discipline experience under her belt, “You t-turned the tables so fast. I thought I h-had you.” She exhaled a despair-induced chuckle over the stark distance between Latasha and herself.
“Oh, honey, you never had me,” said Latasha, claiming all of Stacy’s cockiness for herself. A wave of calmness replaced the nervous energy that had permeated Latasha’s office since the moment their conversation began, offering her a chance to reflect, “Why did you want to have me in the first place? You literally pay me $2500 a month to treat you like a baby five days a week.”
Pausing to think about Latasha’s question, it suddenly occurred to Stacy how far she’d strayed from her original goals. The whole point of this was to prevent Connor from taking advantage of her the way Latasha’s former assistant had. But after the leverage that she was holding over him went up in flames, she’d been in a mad scramble to reclaim any semblance of control. Although, that didn’t explain why she enjoyed getting the chance to be the dominant one for a change. This was way too much to unpack in one sitting, leaving her to formulate the only reason she could come up with in the heat of the moment, “It…felt good…to be in control. Like I’d regained the confidence I used to have before…b-before…” Her voice became inaudible as Latasha pulled her in for a much-needed hug.
Equally in need of a caring embrace, Latasha’s shoulders eased back as Stacy returned her affection in kind. As much as it pained her to admit, Elma had been right on the money. She’d been a failure as a caregiver and a Diaper Dom, in more ways than one. “When I promised you that I would do everything I could to revive the Padded Palace as a safe space for you, I meant it. But I’ve been so far off the mark, haven’t I?” she said, separating from Stacy enough to look at her face to face, “So, I want to make a new promise to you…a promise that will give you the opportunity to express that need for control…”
The doorbell echoed throughout the Padded Palace, alerting Latasha, Stacy, and all inside. The Bigs were back. 
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💕 Story By CrissieBaby 💕 💙 Edited By AllySmolShork 💙 💚 Edited By AliceKChan 💚
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlushyBen DD JFN Nike PrincessKittenLizzi Rosie Princess SissyDina Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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peterbwatsonparker · 2 years
based on the fact that canonically, spider-suit fabric has to be super thin to allow for proper sticking, meaning that they’re functionally wandering out barefoot on concrete, i think spider-people should have pads on their hands and feet as an adaptation to deal with it that. there’s a layer of cushioning, but the skin on top is tough and leather-like almost universally
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justfriendsbestthings · 4 months
Finally watching The Idea of You and definitely here for Nicholas Glatzine in a boy band
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romeoisalesbian · 8 months
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oh hey! its polonius' boy! i hope hes having a great day and nothing bad happens to him :)
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melodiafunfacts · 3 months
Fun HarmoKnight Facts! #7
Despite what the game tells you about Tyko and Cymbi's controls being A and X respectively, you can actually control them with A and B! You can also use X instead of B for any character, maybe in the case that one of the buttons go kaput.... Here's a video showcasing it! Though, I think it's a little scuffed... Please mind the background noises!
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malikselfindulgence · 10 months
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HII I TRIED 2 DRAW LI [@marblesrambles 's lmk s/i!!] AS A SONIC CHARACTER !! Top two obsessions mashed together I heart Li very much
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