smashinghalloween · 1 year
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𝕭𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖆𝖌𝖊 . . .
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A familiar chill is sweeping through the Smash Mansion-- with it a cacophony of ghoulish giggling echoing along every hall. The source of the frightful uproar were hoards of ghastly ghosts. This year they weren't simply here to deliver a message. Residents and visitors alike would find themselves plagued by the nightmarish apparitions as they delivered merely a taste of the horrors they would soon experience in the town of Halloween...
No wall or door was a barrier to the haunting ghouls and everyone would find themselves personally accosted by a gruesome spectre and left with an invitation in their posession. The envelope resembled the iconic Smash Invite, except the paper was more withered and the symbol upon the orange seal bore a glowing jack-o-lantern.
The invite was a request for your presence by the one and only Pumpkin King himself. Included was a torn map of both Halloween Town and the renowned Hotel Transylvania. It contained directions on how to reach the hotel via the connecting graveyards for your stay, including a booking and room number with a signature by Count Dracula himself.
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This special Halloween event is for the Smash / General Nintendo community! If your muse chooses to attend, they will transform into a Halloween creature upon arrival to Halloween Town ( like Kingdom Hearts ). It’s up to you what sort of Halloween entity your muse will become! Of course, if your muse is already scary, they needn’t change. Duplicate muses are welcome!
You may find non-mutuals participating in the event, you are not required to interact with everyone, but please be respectful and open to everyone.
You don’t have to be following this blog, but it makes life easier since all updates will be posted here. Jack Skellington and Count Dracula will be the main hosts of this event.
Your muses will be staying at Hotel Transylvania during the event, which Count Dracula runs. He is an old friend of Jack. The graveyards at each location offer a quick portal to and fro.
I wanna stress that this event is open to everyone in the RPC. Smash is about celebrating crossovers and Sora being in Smash makes everything canon. Don’t be afraid to get involved! Canon characters, OCs or otherwise, you’re all welcome to have some spooky fun in Halloween Town!
It will take place the throughout all of October with special events, ect every week. This means everyone gets a chance to take part, but you’re not locked into the event, you can RP outside of it normally of course! Your muses will be helping Jack and the rest of the town make Halloween happen! They will also get to experience many different activities such as pumpkin carving and finding a prize through a haunted maze. Parties will also take place at the Hotel and live music events. Again, the community tag for this event will be: ‘#event: spooky smashing fun’
The events aren’t time sensitive and can overlap, so don’t worry if a new one starts and you’re still having fun with another one. For example, your muse can carry on pumpkin carving, while a masquerade party is also happening. You can take part in as many or as few events as you like. The point is to have some Halloween fun all through October! Even when the event ends, you're free to continue threads.
Please reblog this promotion post if you’re interested / your muse is joining the fun! It helps gauge interest. Please feel free to join the Smash/Nintendo RPC Discord server for more discussion and to share your ideas for this event, meet other participants and more! https://discord.gg/SETxJyv
Needless to say, anti-LGBTQ+, TERFs, MAPs, incest shippers/supporters, racists, exclusionists, ect are not welcome to participate in this event.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 27 days
"I never recruit her. She's so evil and mean!"
The 'evil and mean' companion:
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daily-odile · 8 months
Odile patting Molly Epithet Erased on the head, you know why
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have two bc i care them
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lunabug2004 · 2 months
Ya'll don't get me wrong, I love love love fluffy series. I mean, MSP is my favorite series of all time! BUT, that being said, I really hope that GeminiFourth stay paired long enough to have a darker BL plot together. We know from MC that they can pull off angst really, really well, so one of my main hopes as a Gem4th stan is seeing them together long enough to be able to enjoy at least one BL with them as the mains that has a darker plot.
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angelsdean · 5 months
once again, thee only time dean is reckless with Baby is when he's fucking staring at cas for five minutes straight while driving
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goatwithaplan · 6 months
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matchavtea · 2 years
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piko-power · 29 days
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flareyn · 8 months
The second Jimmy stepped onto the server, he knew, whoever this soulmate of his is going to regret being soulbounded with him. Knowing he's going to die first either way.
By the time he lost his first life, it was, quite a shock. The death wasn't caused by him. Which was odd considering Jimmy was usually the first person to die. It instead, got his hopes up a little.
Tango appeared from the other side. He knelt onto the ground then proceded to apologized countless of times. Jimmy found it quite funny, though he's still upset regarding the fact they're now the first ones to be yellow.
A couple of days have passed. They've built a house, been made fun off, followed by a bunch of shenanigans. Called themselves 'The Ranchers' life on the server has never been better. Though it seemed that way, his thoughts constantly bother him, by the fate he's been given, to die first, to be the first to one out.
The canary call, first to fall
Jimmy sees Tango.
The life they've built, it's all too perfect just for it to disappear once they're gone. Jimmy does try to forget about it.
One second there was peace, when a sudden yell was heard from a distance. It's on fire they said.
The ranch is on fire,,, EXCUSE ME?!
Ohhh,,, the anger in his eyes were indescribable. The anguish he felt by the flames of his burning ranch. It was a pain seeing him like that, especially for Jimmy.
Standing by the dust of what was once their home jimmy looked at all there was left. Wondering where Tango went, he was left there, all alone.
"THERE'S A WARDEN!!" someone shouted.
They all went to check it out. It was gigantic like how players would describe it. Jimmy heard whispers regarding the one who released it. He didn't believe it, atleast not much of it.
Oh god, it is Tango
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Top 5 Elden Ring's demigods
Argh... Could you've given me any HARDER top to make? :') No matter who I put below 5th place, I will feel like a huge prick @_@ Because they all deserve some praise, and some love. It is just incredibly good writing. Well, fine then, let's try.
Five - Morgott!
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I talked about him already. The absolute tear-jerker character, a member of oppressed minority, that is defending the very corrupt system that deems people like HIM worthless.... He made me cry (/srs ) more than once upon just this sentiment. He is very realistic, and very easy to sympathise with and feel bad for. He certainly radiates a giant soft spot, though (and not JUST because he has dad bod that is completely naked under his robes, hahaha). In a weird way, he reminds me of Asg0re, a character from my other fandom - a big "monster" King who did a lot of bad things on his way, and because of his mental wound, but in the end might melt upon a simple hug or be easily convinced. It is just not what a Soulsborne game would've let us experience, but... honestly, he has not only huge muscles, but also a huge HEART. I love this combination a LOT, it pulls the richest spectrum of emotions.
Four - Malenia!
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She is such a beautiful and impressive boss.... ...that I never talk about her. x) I can't quite explain how my focus works, sorry </3 She scares me a little - and it is not even her fault, but the thing that casually claimed her body, because superior deities have nothing better to do I guess :/ She is holding up very well for someone who has to live in a constant struggle with the horror plaguing her very being. And for someone having to hold up as a warrior of her dear brother's interests despite her body rotting as she goes. And having to repeat 'I am Malenia, blade of Miquella' like a mantra, since Rot is infamous to destroy the memories, and she must not forget what and who she is fighting for.
"She deserved better" is an understatement, I'd say. Her personality shines through the 'influence' that has been ruining her quite well, I'd say. She is a strong warrior, very determined, but very full of honor and love at the same time. I say this in every other post about strong Soulsborne characters, yeah. True bravery is not lack of fear but going despite fear, true power is not being callous unbreakable wall but to still hold your weapon firm through struggle and pain, true personality is what you ARE and not what you are 'not', etc etc. It is always about the feelings.
Three - Godwyn!
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I could not explain why he made it to this place very well, honestly. First, he stroke my weird spider-sense intuition. I was going into Elden Ring mostly in blind, and still keep whatever I can to be revealed as I go! Thus, I did not know anything about Godwyn besides the fact that he was the golden child (metaphorically and literally) that went down as sacrifice during Night of the Black Knives as one having his soul killed. And that he used to be a lovely person. But one day, as I was playing Elden Ring and progressing casually, from nowhere, for no reason, I started to think of this character. Again, for no reason, I was thinking of the 'Deep Sea' and imagining him becoming a mermaid (?), and healing/truly dying/letting new soul grow/whatever by returning to the sea. I even started crying, and I swear, those emotions felt like they were not even mine.
It felt very random, but you can't even imagine my surprise when that same day, I just coincidentally travelled to THAT location, and found him. And, coincidentally, he was posed like this with a mermaid tail. I take weird 'intuition moments' (dreams or waking) very personally as I have many of them (and funny enough, they always have to do with the 'sea' theme). No matter how I feel about this character in the future, but the weird "foretelling", "intuition" bond fixed my attention, so yeah.
He seems like a very loveable person, though... From narration standpoint, it does make the most sense that he of all people had to suffer this way. It just would not have had the same effect if someone less likeable/innocent had to go down. It is... sad, how much of this character is his tragedy alone. But, he befriended a dragon and bridged the gap between conflicting forces, and from what I gathered losing him specifically was what broke Marika, and Mohg named his new dynasty after himself AND Godwyn. Clearly, the guy was the best thing to ever have been associated with the Golden Order, and manifesting everything good about it within his personality alone. Whenever I bash the Golden Order as inherently corrupt thing, I just always think back on Godwyn as a confirmed exception from the judgement. And, of course, he would have enough "kindness" to spread death as new form of existence... despite the fact that his 'true' self would've probably dreaded to manifest living in death of all things.
Two - Rykard
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I talked about this guy since the day ONE I've picked even remote interest in Elden Ring, isn't it so? @_@ Well, I still stand by what I was talking about. Tanith is absolutely justified for being obsessed with this guy. He is like uh... Aldr1ch but executed much better, or rather, in more sympathetic light? I for one honor the narrative of a character who has the GUTS, the S P I N E to sacrifice a lot, their morals included, to just get OUT of the corrupt (!) way their world works. And I have a feeling that so does Miyazaki. x) I think it is a twisted sort of bravery that we are lucky to never experience and only perceive through fiction. But, unlike Aldr1ch, who revels in his corruption and the horrible things he has to do, Rykard, 1) has a loving family and 2) hinted to have or have had sympathetic traits and simply lost his way from.... heheh.... biting more than he could chew... xd heheh... :drum emoji because I am a comedy genius:
But, in either case, ya'll are lucky that the guy is happily married. Ya'll would not survive the intensity of my thirst otherwise. It is just my rule to not touch married characters. I still admire the guy though. Not to mention the fucking UNREAL AWESOME FUCKING DESIGN, one of the best I've seen ANYWHERE, and him having my favorite theme in entire Elden Ring. Like, it was legitimately hard to live down the crisis of him being "taken", because this guy is really loveable, both as a man and as a monster.
One - Ranni!
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Honestly, I always liked the mysterious aura, the clairvoyance and the uhhh... I guess, machiavellianism of this character? "Ends justify the means" character who does some unforgivable things but believes there is no other choice, and the grander purpose is more important. But, she has so many layers. She stepped away from her mother's teachings yet still created a badass illusions to protect her and clearly loves her forever, she has trust issues but in the end needs true friends and true kindness (something even an idiot like Seluvis can see!).
You could see it hurt her to do all that, but whatever freedom could be was worth it. She is just a very complicated character, that goes above and beyond. Letting her own body be killed is badass but understandable, since her body was inextricably tied to the Golden Order, as an Empyrean. Letting her somewhat-brother who was a genuinely good and radiant and loveable person be killed? That's a bit... more drastic... And so on. Indeed, she IS like Rykard in how far she had to go, and how much she had to sacrifice, but nonetheless I uh... would not say she lost clarity of her mind like him? It is interesting how by Dante's Divine Comedy though, Herecy is associated with fire but only on 6th level, yet it is treachery that is considered to be THE sin of sins, and it is the lowest level, and associated with ice, like her element. I am thinking about this very often @_@"
Honorable mention - Radahn!
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Sorry, but I love the guy, despite lack of deep discussion (and becoming a mascot of the most toxic fans). This is ADORABLE that he learned Gravity Magic just so he could still ride Leonard. He appears to be such a goofy dumbass, wholesome person in the "wrong" way, opposing a character that is actually likeable and loyal to the things and people that arguably never deserved it?
But you know I am a huge fan of Rom Bloodb0rne, right? He gives off the exact same 'person that seizes and conceals the horrors of the cosmos from humanity, although their personality and intellect are gone' vibe. It is just... that same vibe of a "silly" character, the comic relief, that turns out to either face a tragic fate or reveals a much deeper personality. He is simple and complicated at the same time! And, well, him having been such a legendary and impressive warrior that so many people gathered just to give him honorable death. This is somewhat impressive. He was actually a very close tie with Malenia.
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how long some of you all have been following me and I'm like wow, ya'll really like watching this clown.
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azrael08 · 11 months
I need all the Destiel tiktokers to stop using the Dangerously Yours audios to edits of them, please its hurts too much i can't I'm crying I'm begging I'm sobbing please-
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Couldn't Pentagram City be easily accessible through tunnels? Like, long highway tunnels through the mountains? Or maybe an underground train system connecting Pentagram with other Circles outside of the mountains surrounding it? The I.M.P. Headquarters is in Imp City and Imp City is point blank established to either BE the Second Circle or be IN the Second Circle. I have a hard time imagining one Circle being inside of another. Why bother calling it a Circle then? It would just be another Pent. City district like you were saying before. But an underground subway system or even just a bunch of highway tunnels through the mountains seem like a simple solution for how Sinners are able to how to get Imp City to hire I.M.P.
Tunnels would make sense. I mean, Moxxie drove Blitz's van from the Sloth ring to the Wrath Ring when Stolas got birdnapped in "Western Energy."
Unless there's some kind of separate elevator for transportation. We DID see a hangar for the chopper that brought Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie to the Greed Ring in "Ex's and Oohs"
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Which says Elevator Hangar 3. So maybe there's similar elevator add-on's for different modes of transportation. Given that the elevator shaft looks like it goes directly up, either there's an elevator for vehicles, or that's the steepest, most terrifying tunnel in existence.
Underground highways and tunnels would be a very good way to get from Circle to Circle. It still makes me wonder if the Overlords would try to expand their influence beyond Pentagram City. There's no reason why they wouldn't try if they're permitted in other Circles, and yet we don't VoxTek anywhere out of the Pent. City - considering Vox is capitalism incarnate, I can't see him passing up that opportunity. But, like an another Anon said, it could just be due to copyright.
LOL I do love how we're all having an in-depth conversation about transportation and dubious locations in Hell when the whole thing is just handwaved in the show or can be explained away with Hell magic. We're like a bunch of little scientists dissecting air.
It might pointless in the end. but we're having fun doing it.
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alltimefail-sims · 9 months
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This isn't the best screenshot I could have gotten; the colors are wonky, the lighting is bad, meh. But first kiss!! Yay!!
Oh and then this happened:
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Your honor, let the record show that these gays have only been on one!! date!!! A date which, btw, wasn't even finished yet when Vanesha popped the question to move in together. This was only roughly 10 in-game minutes after their first kiss.
Riley said yes obviously, but still
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cxpperhead · 4 months
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His pale chest rises and falls gently, so slowly and quietly that he appears more like a statue than an actual living, breathing being. The occasional flicker of movement in his eyes is the only sign that point to Copperhead being alive, his serpentine eyes perpetually open behind their clear scales as is known with all snakes. He's asleep, though vigilant even in rest, the assassin posed ready to strike in the event trouble crosses his path during this time.
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
⚠️ spoilers for some year 3 + 4 dialogue with gustafa's child below! ⚠️
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[ some of the text in the second image is cut off, the full dialogue is likely meant to be "hold on a second. has gustafa been riding your coattails this whole time?" ]
no, because why is bea so brutal towards gustafa oh my god?? like you're really just gonna ask that question when he's within earshot??? 😭😭😭
#rock 🤝 gustafa <- designated sugarbaby in their relationship#does she talk like this about matt or gordy too or???#funny ha ha's aside i do think teen bea continuing to talk about gustafa like that would probably lead to them having a fight w/ tris#tris loves gustafa a lot and really respects his passion for music so they're more than happy to provide for him and let him focus on that#so bea's phrasing would probably agitate them in the moment and the situation would steamroll from there#(ya'll know how spats between parents and teenagers can go. 😓)#i can imagine gustafa coming home to see bea slamming the front door behind her and storming off#and then finding tris (who he's rarely seem actually angry before) fuming in their bedroom and starts putting the peices together#tris definitely apologizes to bea for getting angry with her after calming down and talking it out a bit with gustafa#they eventually talk it out together after bea has some time to herself and starts to understand her parents' relationship dynamic more#(it's hardly a one-sided transaction since gustafa keeps tris grounded and makes sure they're not running themself ragged w/ their work.)#maybe it also leads to bea being more curious about what gustafa exactly does as a musician so she starts asking him about it more 🤔#okay i'm gonna stop rambling in the tags i'm sorry i keep doing this ha ha#i just have a lot of thoughts about these guys and i have to get it out aaaa#story of seasons#bokujou monogatari#a wonderful life#sos gustafa#gustafa (awl)#oc : tris beckenbauer#chara : bea lantos-beckenbauer#🕹 : gamer time#mj.txt#awl spoilers
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