#YAYYY I finally did the thing I was joking about for so long
biocrafthero · 7 months
Okay my uquiz is finished, which unhinged character are you?
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beeholyshit · 9 months
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Ruzeni ramble bc my boyfriend asked for it wiwiiww....
First of all I have to mention the fact that I changed a little Rudy's lore because it didn't convince me at all so I just hehe
I was thinking about Rudy of course working on the bard and helping Lupin and his gang on secret because they came there in first place because they wanted to rob a group of criminals (that had blackmail a lot of people in the town Rudy's from so they had tons of money). This guys threatened Rudy in the past to get him to give them the information so that's the main reason why Rudy is helping the gang so at least he could get some kind of revenge hehe
The thing is, eventually things get complicated because Zenigata is now in the middle trying to catch Lupin (as always) so he starts coming to the bar and eventally falls in love with Rudy (well, It was kinda fast since this guy can't help but do that after Rudy was the only one who listened to him ramble about Lupin everynight on the bar).
After some time when Lupin it's already getting ready to steal the other criminals' money it's when things get more and more complicated, this criminals didn't come to Rudy's bar for a long time but they one night came to talk with him while Zenigata was there so these guys threatened Rudy again because they thought that he was helping the police to catch them so that's one of the reasons why Rudy tried to ignore him hoping he would stop coming or just in case this guys were spying on him.
Rudy knew that Zenigata was already in love with him from the start, this old man was just too obvious with his feelings! Before the other guys came to threaten him, he used to find Zeni annoying but while time passed he just treated him like an old good friend, joking with him and listening carefully to him talking about Lupin, he did care about him but never payed attention to his feelings for him since well, he wasn't used to think about those things. But after this guys from his past came back and he needed to remain stoic, he found himself thinking about Zenigata more than he would like to, he was worried this guys would go after him to take him off their path. For the first time Rudy was missing their little talks, he just had to ignore the man but why was it so difficult?
In the other hand, Zenigata was worried about the change he had from one day to another after the visit to the bar of this guys... He was good with details so he knew something was wrong but deep down he was also worried that he just decided to ignore him for being... him
Rudy didn't like to see him sad even when he knew that he was the enemy only because he was helping Lupin while Zenigata well... You already know
To not make things longer, eventually Rudy tells Zenigata that he shouldn't expect something more about their relationship because he could never live knowing he played with him all this time for nothing when in reality all he wanted was to see him happy, that's why he needed to push him away, he knew he was an officer and he was strong but still, he better see him leave him thinking that he didn't love him than to see him die to a bunch of criminals after he tell him the truth + knowing he helped Lupin. Things happend in the middle and this criminal know what's happening so finally they have to beat them blah blah, the police arrives in time, Lupin managed to steal the money and everything's ok yayyy
After all that happened of course there was still the elephant in the room between the inspector and the bartender, at this point Zenigata knew about Rudy helping Lupin and everything but his feelings where still there just like Rudy's feelings where still there but they just didn't talk about it until a looong long time
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
Then I would like to request something fluffy with Lucienne. The reader his head over heels for Lucienne. She loves any praise she can get from the librarian and always is staring longingly at them. And also blushes when they make any physical contact.
Lucienne isn't an idiot nor is she blind. They feeling is mutual and she finds the reader quite adorable and just loves to tease her. But that changes when the reader decides she wants to write a book about how much she loves Lucienne forgetting that merely imagining a book is enough for it to appear in the library. Lucienne being Lucienne obviously reads it and when they finish they find reader to give her the most passionate and toe curling kiss they can.
Turn it smutty or keep it fluffy if you'd like. I would be happy either way.
And if this makes you uncomfy in anyway you don't have to write it.
Thank you for reading all of that and I'm sorry that was so long. 😅😅
made of love for her
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navigation | warnings : cringe i apologise | a/n : it’s finally here! i’m sorry you’ve been waiting for ages for this | tags : @knight-of-flowerss
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You couldn't remember when these feelings for the librarian began or why they did in the first place, Lucienne was just infatuating to you.
She was knowledgeable, she knew practically everything, you loved learning of the dreams people had every day, and Lucienne enjoyed telling you abut them.
Currently, Lucienne was organising a few of the new books that had arrived when she heard you tumbling into the library, laughing to yourself.
"And what's got you into a fit of giggles this fine morning?" Lucienne teasingly asked you.
You stopped dead in your tracks, cheeks heating up secretly hoping only you and Lucienne were the ones in the library. "Oh you know, just something Mervyn told me earlier. Nothing that...important."
In fact, it was very important. He had told you that Lucienne harboured some feelings for you. You took the information as a joke, after all, how could someone as important as Lucienne have feelings for a measly dream like you?
Lucienne wasn't an idiot, she knew exactly what Mervyn had told you, because she was the one that told him to tell you in the first place.
"Hmm, you wouldn't mind helping me put these away would you? They just arrived this morning." She said as she handed you a leather bound book.
"Of course!"
She gave you a smile and you both began to organise the rest of the books.
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A few hours had past before your lord Dream had come to ask for Lucienne's assistance.
She looked between you and Morpheus, contemplating whether to tell him you're busy or just go with him.
Lucienne gave up, gave you an apology and walked off behind Dream.
You didn't notice Dream looking between you and Lucienne.
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As you waited, you had come to the decision that you wanted to write a book about your feelings towards Lucienne, like a diary almost.
You had begun to think of all the things you could say, but there was so much you wouldn't know where to start.
You failed to notice the golden glow that came from one of the bookshelves. It seems the dreaming was generating a new book, one with a violet cover and golden writing.
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When Lucienne came back to the library, you were nowhere to be found.
Odd, Lucienne thought.
As she inspected the library further, she noticed a new book had arrived. Must be a new dream.
Lucienne plucked the book from the shelf, the first thing that intrigued her was the colour, purple, her favorite colour, then she read the title.
Made of love for her.
Of course you always have to know the author's name before reading any book.
Y/N Y/L/N.
Lucienne read the first line of the first page, and couldn't bring herself to look away.
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Lucienne didn't need to finish the book to have her answer.
She had a slight suspicion that you might've been interested in her a little bit, in fact she knew, but she never got proper confirmation.
Lucienne planned to find you later on, but for now, she must finish in the library.
She put the book somewhere safe to retrieve once she had finished.
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The next day, Lucienne set on a quest to find you. She couldn't find you the day before, you were probably doing your 'dreaming duties' as you liked to call it.
She rounded a corner and saw you in a little garden both you and her had to beg Morpheus to create for you.
You were sat picking the flowers and inspecting them.
"Y/n, there you are." Lucienne gripped the book tightly in her hands.
"Hey, what's that you've got? Is it a new dream? Could you read it to me?" You pestered eagerly, patting an empty spot next to you so Lucienne could sit.
She chuckled lightly. "It's actually not a dream, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what it is."
"That makes it sound more appealing."
She read you the title, and instantly you were hooked.
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As she read you soon realised what the story was about.
You kept looking between the pages and Lucienne, wondering if she knew.
"Lucienne, I've just remembered-"
"Why didn't you just tell me Y/n?"
Lucienne knew you weren't going to answer her, so she threw the book down, grabbed the back of your neck, and brought your lips together.
The kiss became very heated very quickly, your hands wrapping around her waist and her hands getting tangled in your hair.
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A week later, you were both seen holding hands around the castle and sometimes even sharing cheeky kisses in the library.
Everyone was relieved at the fact you and both finally confessed, but now annoyed that you were both apparently being 'over affectionate'.
Dream, the ruler himself also being very relieved as your longing looks got in the way of his brooding.
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ptergwen · 4 years
jingle your bells
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w/c: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of drinking and a suggestive joke
summary: peter gets drunk at tony’s christmas party and confesses a thing or two
a/n: today’s the day yayyy merry christmas guys i hope you’ve gotten and gave some good stuff!! i hope you’re all staying safe too <3 this was requested as a headcanon but i put a twist on it because why not
━━━ ➳❥
your dad loves parties. hosting them, attending them, crashing them. he’s actually known for it.
this year, he’s throwing a little party for christmas. everyone at the compound is coming, but there’s someone you care about more than the rest. peter. he’s one of your favorite people and closest friends.
your crush, too.
these things can be a bit overwhelming, so the two of you always stick together. you’ll sometimes sneak upstairs to your room and binge movies with pajamas and all kinds of junk food. it’s your own party in a way. you two enjoy the time you don’t spend at the real ones more than anything.
thor and bruce are currently doing their own rendition of all i want for christmas. your dad made the mistake of setting up karaoke. you laugh along, natasha dragging them in every way possible. steve snaps to the beat. wanda is covering her face in second hand embarrassment. vision offers tips that he searched every possible database for.
sam and bucky took peter somewhere a while ago. that can never be good. he’ll probably come back covered in whipped cream or something stupid. those two never leave peter alone. it’s kind of sweet when you think about it.
“thank you! thank you very much, children,” thor grins as everyone applauds the performance. bruce takes a bow. “we’ll be here all night.” you shake your head at the two of them. they’re too funny. natasha shares a look with you. “boo, get off the stage!” bucky calls as he enters the room. sam and peter follow behind him.
peter is smiling like an idiot, not that his smile isn’t adorable. it just seems a bit off. you really have to find out what they did to him.
“uh, this is my stage,” thor scoffs and grabs the microphone off the stand. grimacing, bruce puts a hand on his shoulder. “let’s calm down, buddy.” “no, i think we should do another one. santa baby.” he points to natasha. “hit play for us, thanks.” she sighs and puts the song on through the speakers. you can’t win with thor.
you watch sam whisper something to peter, then bucky cackles. tony and pepper make their way in and sit down next to you on the couch.
“what’s going on in here?” pepper asks you, nudging your arm. you’re more concerned with what’s going on with peter. “a sing off. it was karaoke, but bucky riled thor up.” your dad clicks his tongue. “that absolute madman.”
“he’s not the only madman tonight,” your mom comments, widening her eyes at the sight in front of her. you furrow your eyebrows and follow her gaze. your mouth drops open.
peter is dancing around in front of them. he’s trying to hip bump bruce, who keeps inching closer to thor. sam and bucky are doubled over from the other side of the room. they ruined your poor peter.
thor chuckles and pats peter on the back. he happily accepts it very much like a puppy would. he’s wearing a headband with jingle bells on it and there’s a weird stain on his shirt.
“little spider has been drinking,” thor announces, peter’s cheeks glowing red. that makes sense. you immediately glare at sam and bucky. they raise their hands in defense. they’re still on the hook.
“god, i can smell him from here,” natasha agrees and waves her hand in the air. “they‘d be able to smell him from sokovia,” wanda mutters. “parker? are you shit-faced right now?” your dad speaks up, a look between concern and anger on his face. his giggling gives him away.
“it’s christmas. you’re drunk out of your mind on christmas. i can’t have that.” tony points upstairs, signaling for him to go. you’re pretty sure peter didn’t process a word of that. pepper rubs up and down tony’s arm with a frown. “oh, tony. don’t be a grinch.” he sighs and watches peter try to climb into steve’s lap.
“he needs to sleep this off, pep. kid hasn’t had a drop of alcohol before tonight.” it’s true. he’s big on not drinking until he’s old enough. you have to wonder what changed. “i’ll bring him to his room, dad. he shouldn’t go alone,” you offer, already getting to your feet. “thanks, y/n/n. look at you, making good choices.”
you walk up to steve and give him an apologetic smile. relief washes over his face. “he’s all yours,” he laughs out. “all yours,” peter repeats in a giggle. “mhm. let’s go, peter.” you take him by his arm and pull him away from steve.
he’s easy to drag along because of the state he’s in. he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck, your arm around his waist.
“you smell so good, y/n. sooo nice,” peter almost sings, sniffing you for good measure. “you don’t,” you deadpan. the two of you pass by sam and bucky on your way out. “you’re actually messed up for this,” you tell them under your breath, bucky gasping. “hey, miss stark. it was his idea!” sam yells out to you. you’re not in the mood to hear it.
peter cuddles into your side while you lead him up the stairs. his breath is hot on you and wreaks of expensive liquor from your dad’s cabinet. you never imagined you’d see him like this.
he’s still clinging onto you, so you open his door by pressing your back to it. “come on, pete. you have to lay down,” you tell him as nicely as you can. he stops walking in the middle of the room. “wait. lemme show you something.” he wiggles his eyebrows and shakes his head around. it makes the jingle bells on his head... jingle.
“did you like it?” peter asks and leans his head down to do it again. stifling a laugh, you grab his shoulders. “yeah, peter. i liked it. you can stop jingling your bells now.” “you should... should jingle my bells,” he slurs, smirking at you. you quickly take your hands off of him. “oh my god, you’re so drunk.”
he’s doing all the things you wish he would when he’s sober.
“are you mad at me?” peter pouts his lip out. “don’t be mad at me, y/n.” you press your own lips together and take a seat on his bed. he plops down next to you, pushing his head against your shoulder. “no, but i am mad at sam and bucky. i can’t believe they’d do this.” his face twists up in confusion. “and on christmas.”
“do what?” he wonders and settles his head on you. “let you drink?” you ask like it should be obvious. it should be. “no, no, no. they were helping me.” peter puffs some air out of his cheeks. that gives him the idea to blow into your ear. you flinch and push at his shoulder.
“peter, they gave you alcohol. it’s clearly not good for you.” “no, y/n.” he closes his eyes and lays his head on your shoulder again. “i got my own. they-“ he’s interrupted by a hiccup. you can’t help but laugh, pulling him closer. “‘scuse me. they helped me with something else.”
drunk peter is kind of cute. super cute, to be real.
“what was it?” you decide to entertain him, figuring he’ll say something ridiculous. “asking you out,” peter answers way too casually. you almost don’t believe him. then again, he’s pretty self aware at the moment. it’s probably because his powers give him a higher tolerance.
peter feels your heart speeding up next to him. he presses his head to it so he can hear. “you- are you serious?” you stammer, willing him to look up at you. “uh huh. i like you a lot.” a lazy smile takes over his face. “a lot a lot.” “peter...” he’s still going.
“i asked them for advice. it sucked. we were in the kitchen and i remembered your dad’s...” he pauses to think of the word. “stash. i thought drinking would make me loose.” he moves his body around for a visual.
you’re still shocked sam and bucky let him go through with it. it does sound like them, though. you’re more shocked peter likes you back and just admitted it.
sober peter would never admit any of that.
“you don’t have to change anything for me, pete. i like you, too.” you grin down at him. peter returns it and puckers his lips at you. “cool. does that mean i can get a kiss?” letting out a breath, you help him sit up again. he whines about it for all of ten seconds before yawning.
this isn’t exactly how you saw this moment going. peter is too shy to ever really initiate anything, and you never knew if he felt the same. you’re always trying to figure out each other’s boundaries. he has to debate with himself about little things like giving you his jacket or facetiming you at night.
he never wants to overstep. you never want to scare him off. having him drunkenly snuggle with you breaks all those boundaries. at least something finally does. the kiss will have to wait until whatever he drank leaves his system, which hopefully won’t be long. his powers are a possibility once again.
“it’s nap time for you,” you tell peter like he’s a kid. he protests like one, too. “but i’m not tired.” “yeah you are. you just yawned.” he opens his mouth to speak. you talk first. “lay down.” he’s caught off guard this time when you push at his chest. it makes him fall back on the pillows.
you giggle and take the jingle bells off his head. they can’t be comfortable. peter makes grabby hands for you. “come lay with me, baby,” he mumbles into the pillow his face is squished in. your heart flutters hearing him call you that. his arms do look inviting. they’re all ready to hold you.
too bad he’s on time out.
“i can’t. i’m supposed to be back downstairs already.” you unenthusiastically get up from the bed. peter groans, rolling onto his side. “i want christmas cuddles.” “you’ll get some after your nap,” you promise and poke his shoulder. “and a kiss.” he closes his eyes the literal second you say that.
you like this boy way too much.
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Brilliant Blue) Part 1 - Asahina Ukyo Route
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Yayyy finally we can try romancing Ukyo! I'm excited~ Lmaoooo at Wataru pretending to be Ukyo with the hair and the glasses😂😂 It was so funny when Wataru couldn't crack an egg properly and reverted back to being a crybaby, and then when Ema taught him how to do it properly, he exclaimed happily and then reverted back to Ukyo mode and was like "this is to be expected"😂😂 This kid lmao. Learning how to make Dashi from Ukyo is nice, I admit that I'm too lazy and I use Dashi packets😅 Although I'm still kinda confused on the cooking process since my Japanese is still bad, but I found it interesting that apparently after boiling all the kombu and stuff, you can use them as furikake over rice or in onigiri rice balls! I've always wondered what you do with them. It was cute how Ukyo complimented her that thinking about stuff like that means she'll be a good wife one day hahaha. On the other hand, I'm happy for Ukyo that he finally has Ema to help him out in the kitchen, win-win for both of them since she actually enjoys it!
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Lmao did Ukyo say he likes small animals, but Ema's squirrel Juli is a different story, and that it's not calm at all and pretty ferocious?😂😂😂 Ukyo in work mode is niceee, I love how Ema appreciates how caring he is towards his clients and thinks it's great how much they seem to trust him. Wataru pretending to be a doctor like Masaomi was so cute, poor Juli though lolll! Especially when Wataru was like oh no, you need surgery lmao🤣 Aww they had an indirect kiss when Ema tried his black coffee haha! Obviously only Ema would notice and go red from the idea hahaha. I would like to take up Ukyo's offer for his cafe au lait though, I bet it would taste so nice🥺 HAHAHA, freaking hell, I am dead from Wataru's impersonations of all his brothers and it even comes with their theme music LOL. Wataru as Prince Iori taking Ema's order like it's a cafe, I am dead😂 Lmao when he stole Yusuke's pudding to give to Ema and you hear Yusuke screaming that his pudding disappeared😂 Lmao when you get more likeability with Ukyo, so now when it's the end of the date, Ukyo jokes saying it's a waste to just go home, so they should go somewhere and just leave the others to eat ramen or something at home🤣
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I've always wondered what Ukyo and them did during their trip, so yayy finally we get to know. Ukyo is planning to go to a morning market to buy ingredients for breakfast tomorrow! That's so exciting!! I would love to do that! Except I kinda feel sorry for Ukyo, his life really revolves around feeding his brothers lmao. Omggg Ukyo with his hair down is pretty hot, I think I might like it more than when he gels it up. Awww, it's so cute how the morning market vendors thought Ukyo and Ema were a couple so they gave them freebies! That's so sweet~ Honestly, I haven't been feeling much towards Ukyo, but the moment his CG popped up and Ema asked him about how it must be tough to make breakfast for all his brothers every morning, and he's been doing that for years, and he said his little brothers are cute and how they give him the energy to want to make a good breakfast for them all is just so sweet!!! Awww, I loved how he said waking up early is a good thing anyway since that meant he got to go on a walk by the sea with Ema🥺 Omgg when Wataru hugged Ema to keep her warm since she was in the water so long teaching him how to swim. LMAO when Tsubaki saw them and started calling Wataru a perverted kid😂 Omggg Ukyo held Ema's hand on one of the dates and said if she doesn't like it, then he can tell her, but omgggg, who would not like it?! What kind of elementary school does Wataru go to that they're doing a Romeo and Juliet play with such difficult and romantic lines?! Lmao. Anyway, I loved how Azusa was demonstrating to Wataru how he should recite them, and Tsubaki comes home right when Azusa tells Juliet/Ema he loves her, and Tsubaki gets all confused on what he should do if they're going out hahahaha. Gotta admit though, Azusa saying he loved Ema made my heart waver a bit, but no! This is Ukyo's route, I must be faithful!🤣
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I love the date with Ukyo at the park where they both woke up early to make lunches for each other without realising that the other did the same, so they end up swapping their lunches with each other. It's just so cuteee!! Even sweeter when he said they should make their lunches together next time, I love how they both enjoy cooking. Awww, Ukyo patting her head or something like that after buying her movie ticket and saying she's precious to him was so cuteee. Okay, Wataru with Yusuke's hair is amazing, he even has a charm around his neck😂 HAHAHA, when he told Ema to call him Wa-kun😂 It was so cute how Yusuke and Ema played along with him, except when Wa-kun kicked him to save Ema and Yusuke died😂😂 I love it when the heroine doesn't know which cake to choose and the guy gets both and they share it, like it's so typical and always happens but I just find it so sweet every time. I'm hungry from Ema describing what dinner was to Rui, it sounds good🥺 Lmao at Ukyo telling Rui to stop bothering Ema, and Rui keeps clinging on to her and says she didn't say it's bothering her, so it's okay😆 It was so funny how they kept fighting over her attention until she got fed up with them😂😂 I wish Ema took a bite when Ukyo was giving her a spoon of tomato sauce to see if the taste was right🥺🥺🥺 I think it's really sweet how Ema always wants to help Ukyo and be his strength because he has so many things on his plate already with work and stuff, but he's still making sure to take care of his brothers so well that she hopes she can take care of him too. Aww it's so cute how Ukyo is studying cooking books! He even thinks that Ema's great at cooking things and knows how to save a lot of time through whatever techniques she uses and wants to learn that from her. Btw, blushing Ukyo was so cute!!
Ukyo is going to tutor Ema as well?! How does Ukyo not overwork himself lol! I was thinking whether Ema should really look through his books but omg, did he keep a photo of his ex-girlfriend? Honestly, I'm surprised exes were never explored Passion Pink tbh so I'm kinda glad it's popping up here haha. However, I was shocked at how annoyed Ukyo was. I never really thought I would see or hear him so annoyed, I was honestly as scared as Ema, because dang, he wasn't shouting or anything, but you could tell how angry he was, how uncomfortable the situation was, and how bad Ema felt for going through something so personal of his. HAHAAH at Wataru pretending to be Azusa, he even has the beauty spot😂 I loved how Tsubaki was going to get Azusa to do a "twins lecture" on Wataru for trying to "bully" Tsubaki, but then Azusa turns it around and they do a double "A-kun" lecture on Tsubaki instead hahahaha, that was so cute, especially when Azusa got Wataru to chase after Tsubaki for troubling Ema hahahha. Lmao at Ema saying she can't carry Juli on her shoulder anymore if he gets too fat from snacks, and that's what makes him hold off on eating too much hahaha. Omg Wataru pretending to be Kaname is probably the creepiest lmao, that face🤣
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Is it just me or do the Brilliant Blue CGs not look as good as the Passion Pink ones? Sometimes their faces look weird lol. I don't like how Rui made Masaomi's hair "neater", he looked so nerdy haha! Am I the only one that's too easily touched by everything the guys say? Because when Ukyo was telling her how he would be there to share the weight of the feelings she finds difficult to bear and that he will be there beside her waiting for her to feel ready to talk about it and stuff, it just made me feel so happy for Ema. Lmao at Wataru pretending to be Rui and commenting on everyone's hair, it was so funny when he said "be careful" to Subaru and Tsubaki😂 It's actually pretty cute and funny how irritated Ukyo gets when he thinks about Hikaru and his cross-dressing🤣 The woes of an older brother I guess. Awww people mistook Ukyo as a girl when he was a child! I guess it is true that he does seem to look the most similar to Miwa🤔 Awww Ukyo didn't really have friends in school😢 but he's so cool and sweet!! It's nice that he found some in university, also nice of him to tell Ema that she should remember to cherish her friends, because to stay friends with someone for a long time is a difficult thing but very much a blessing. Lmao when you get the option to ask Ukyo what his type is!! Someone considerate, attentive and serious hmmm? I do like those parts of Ema😆 Awwww!! It's so cute how Ema thought to herself whether she could become someone like that when Ukyo told her his type. And it was so adorable how Ukyo mumbled to himself that she's pretty close to his ideal🥺🥺🥺
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Omggg I love how they're going to shop for Christmas presents for each other on Christmas Eve! Sweeeet! My heart squealed when he warmed up her hands with his hands because they were cold from waiting for him. Okay, I absolutely loved how Ema so seriously thought about which necktie would suit Ukyo best and they chose it together by asking him his preferences and trying to find one suitable for work and stuff. It was so natural and sweet. Lmaoo at Tsubaki eating Wataru's takoyaki and saying it's survival of the fittest😂 He's such a childish bully hahaha. I loved it when Wataru learnt what survival of the fittest was when Ukyo beat Tsubaki into inviting Ema first to pray with him etc hahahha. It was so cute when they all decided to make Tsubaki eat all the takoyaki so they can go home to eat Ema's food instead😂 Okay LMAO, I'm dead😂😂 Wataru pretending to be Subaru and then saying "hey, you got protein?"😂😂😂 I am rolling lmao😂
Okay, wow. Ukyo's ex is horrible. The nerve she has to talk to him again and ask what's going on in his life. I wanted to punch her. I honestly thought they broke up because he was too occupied with his brothers, but no, she used him hoping for connections to his rich mother, cheated on him, and said she just thought it was fun to be with someone younger etc. He even failed his exam back then because of the shock!! I want to strangle her. Honestly, seeing Ukyo so torn over coincidently meeting her again broke my heart. He always tries so hard to keep his composure and she just broke him. It was so sweet when Ema made him a late night snack to cheer him up seeing how tired he seemed. Okay, no, not good. I honestly got so scared of Ukyo when he started thinking Ema was like his ex, basically wagging her tail to every guy and everything, I really wanted to cry😭 Ema really cried though, I feel bad for her. At least he came back to his senses before he really did something super bad to Ema. I find it so saddening that even to this day, he can't stand his ex's words of ridicule and laughter at how dumb he was, and he can still remember it so strongly. I was so proud of Ema when she told Ukyo that he can't compare his ex with her because she would never hurt Ukyo and would never betray him. And that she will always stay beside him. Omg and she even nearly confessed without even properly recognising her feelings! I nearly cried🥲 Anyway, yeah the ex does look like Ema, guess that must have been a shock for Ukyo. Ema's an absolute angel though, so he better kick that ex out of his mind and not compare them lol. I'm glad he's calming down and understanding that Ema is a nice girl that treats everyone kindly. I'm glad Ema told him to not think of himself as pathetic, and that by understanding the weaknesses of people, he will become an even better lawyer. I was really touched by Ema's words tbh. I loved that he hugged her, because I really wanted to as well!! I'm very glad we got to see more of Ukyo's "real self" and even though it was a crazy rollercoaster of emotions, I really loved it because Ema accepted his faults, he apologised for his actions, she helped him overcome his past a bit and they were able to convey a bit more of their feelings, and I really loved that. I wanna cry now😭 I went from being scared to having my heart feel full lol😭
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Wataru pretending to be Fuuto was funny, it's so cute how Fuuto did a backflip because Ema and Wataru kept encouraging him, he even blushed hahaha. My heart melted when Ema stayed over in Ukyo's room and insisted on wanting to stay beside him, and Ukyo said he wants to know more of her as a person and not as his sister🥺🥺🥺 My heart🥰 AHHH, when he kissed her because she was nervous and said he told her to only come in if she was prepared to accept that he'll never let her go tonight. It's so cute, I'm dying😭 I actually like how Ukyo is showing more of his "selfish" sides, it's just nice to see him more relaxed and feel like he can show more of himself to Ema. He definitely really wants her though lmao. He's so physically affectionate with all his kisses now, it's so cuteee~ HAHAHA, I freaking died, I was wondering why Subaru and them were so speechless and told Ema to not check out the living room but LMAO at Wataru putting on makeup and a wig pretending to be female Hikaru. LMAO at Ema ending that scene with I'll just pretend I never saw this, I am rolling😂😂😂 Awww, Ukyo gave her his handmade chocolates in return for White Day! That's so sweet~ I love it! Lmaoo at the mole on Wataru's face when he's impersonating Natsume😂
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Awwwww, I smiled so much when Ukyo asked her out on a date! It was so cute how Ema always thinks about what's going to happen to dinner for the rest of them if they don't go home hahahaah, nice to know that Kaname can kinda cook. But yeah, it was so sweet when Ukyo said he wanted to go out with her~ I wanted to punch Ema when she told Ukyo that his ex is more "suitable" for him just because she's an adult and Ema is a high schooler. Like yeah, I can understand she's down because the ex was such a bitch but excuse meee? Ukyo deserves someone that's not shit like that ex! Anyway, glad Ukyo got mad and told her that she's important and that he doesn't want to let her go, the kiss was nice tooo~ Took so long for the story to get rid of the ex, I wanted to riot soon lol. I'm soo in love with how Ukyo asked her to feed him the miso soup mouth-to-mouth to check if it tastes good, so cuteee🥰 Aww, I knew Ukyo would propose to Ema~
Overall, I really enjoyed Ukyo's route! It got iffy near the end because of the ex-girlfriend and how unbearable she was, but I did appreciate the story finally exploring the existence of an ex so that was nice and interesting. I really enjoyed just seeing Ukyo and Ema bond so nicely over cooking and then sharing more and more about their personal lives and opening up to each other. It felt very natural and sweet, and I really loved the romantic scenes, especially when she chose a necktie for Ukyo! That was super cuteee. I think I really enjoyed seeing a more “real” and selfish side to Ukyo considering how mature he is all the time, and it was nice to see his vulnerabilities. Even though he was scary when he got angry, I really enjoyed how he properly apologised to Ema, and how he made sure to actually overcome his past with his ex so that he won’t treat Ema like that ever again. I think it’s sweet to see how much Ema’s existence helped him realise that he didn’t need to hate himself for being “dumb”, and that he doesn’t need to wallow in his past, and can become a better person and lawyer for himself and for Ema.
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Class Has Started - Weasley Twins x reader smut
A/N:  Sorry it took me so long to get to this.  I finally finished my exams for summer classes and actually did quite decent so yayyy!!  Anyways, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it while singing along to BTS and jpop songs at the top of my lungs haha.  Bye!!!
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You were left to go to Hogwarts alone, well you still had your friends, but your boyfriends had gone.  During Umbridge’s tyranny, they had a grand exit which you along with the other students celebrated.  The look on Umbridge’s face, you wish you had your camera with you right then, the utter horror of what the twins had done left her stunned. Well, for a good minute before she started yelling at everyone again.  Now it was your last year and Umbridge was gone, everything was back to normal, as normal as it could be the looming knowledge that he-who-must-not-be-named was coming back.  The twins had opened up the joke shop that they had always dreamed of and it was very popular, you were incredibly proud of them, the loves of your life.  You were shopping for your new items along with Ginny, whom you had gotten incredibly close to since you spent most of the summer at the Weasley’s.  You saw her give Harry a quick glance as you whispered in her ear, “Keep staring and his hair might catch on fire.”  Face reddening the color of her hair, she slapped your arm softly, as you chuckled.  You walked into the joke shop, watching as items buzzed around, children running around to buy things.  A finger poked your shoulder, thinking it was one of the twins you turned, smiling brightly.  Instead, you were met with a face you were vaguely familiar with, a Ravenclaw boy you had classes with the year before, his name was...Jack...no Jeff?  Well, Jack/Jeff or whatever, smiled brightly as he gave you a very obvious once over, focusing on your chest.  Rolling your eyes softly you politely asked, “Can I help you with something?”  He nodded before answering, “I was wondering….Well, maybe you’d like to go out sometime….maybe tomorrow?”  Scoffing slightly, you replied, “Sorry, I’m going out with my friend tomorrow.”  you replied, motioning towards Ginny.  His face darkened slightly, “I’m sure you’d have a lot more fun with me than those Weasleys.  I mean, what can they give you...hand me down towels?”  You scowled softly, before putting on a smile as sweet as you could, “Well, I’m sure I will have an infinite amount more fun with her than you.  I mean, heck I’d have even more fun with a slug than you.”  You gave a quick once over, as you continued, “And since I’m not in the act of giving out charity, I’ll kindly decline hanging out with you before I kindly put my fist in your face.”  Grabbing his chin you whispered, “Talk shit about my friends again and I promise I won’t be so nice next time.  Now run along.”  He scowled, “Whatever, you’re not that hot anyways.  Little too round for me”  
Rolling your eyes you ignored the comment and walked off before quickly bumping into two broad chests.  “Hey beautiful.” a voice said as an arm draped around your waist, you looked up see your favorite Weasleys, who were both sporting frowns.  Fred continued, “We were about to butt in but you handled that very nicely, sweetheart.”  You blushed softly, “Well, I can’t always depend on you two...especially since you won’t be-”  George cut in, “You know we’ll be around, y/n especially if dickwads like that wanna hang around you.  But we really are genuinely sorry for doing that without telling you, we just didn’t want to drag you into it.”  He offered a soft smile as his finger traced your jaw, “We know how much finishing school means to you, and we would never want to drag you down with us, bunny.”  Looking up into his eyes, you motioned around the place, “I think you guys made an upgrade if I say so, should’ve dragged me in, I could’ve been your receptionist or something.”  They both chuckled as Fred considered thoughtfully, “Hmmmm...I mean if it’s an opportunity to see you in a sexy pencil skirt-”  You elbowed Fred’s stomach, “In your dreams, Weasley”, lowering your voice to a whisper, “And if you wanted to see me in a pencil skirt all you have to do is ask, we could do some teacher-student…”  A red-faced Ron cleared his throat cutting you off, “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear any of that.  I might have to bleach my ears out later though, thanks y/n.”  The three of you collectively looked at each other as you laughed, as Fred said, “What’d you want, Ron?”  “How much for this?” he said holding something up, “Five galleons.”  the twins replied in unison.  “But I’m your brother.”  They both looked at each other before replying, “Ten galleons.”  You chuckled softly, as Ron scoffed before walking away.  “You two mess with him too much.  Oh, since we’re talking about Ron, I was going to take Ron and Ginny out for a little dessert date later.  Ginny wanted to try out that new shop down the street.”  The twins nodded as they smiled down at you, “That’d be nice.”  George replied, “It’s nice that you get along with them.  You know I’m pretty sure Ginny loves you more than us.”  You chuckled as Fred added, “Our own mother even had the audacity to say she wished you were her daughter instead of having us two.  I mean who would want to replace our genius minds.”  Laughing you replied, “I think the two of your IQs added together is less than 100, boy genius.”  Fred rolled his eyes as he stuck his tongue out at you, tipping onto your toes you licked his tongue.  A look of surprise crossed his face, “You violated me” he said, dramatically grasping his heart.  Sticking your tongue out, “Don’t put your tongue out then.  Anyways, see you two later, I have to finish up shopping.”  They nodded and before walking to find Ginny you walked back, kissing both their cheeks, “And congratulations on the shop.  I’m so proud, honestly...and if you two are good I have a surprise waiting tonight.”  Finishing with a wink, you found Ginny and walked out of the shop, continuing your journey to find school supplies.  
Later that evening, you had an owl fly by the joke shop with a letter, “Come over to my place for your present.”  Sweet and to the point, you lived near the Weasleys and your parents were gone for the night.  Once the sun had gone down you heard a doorbell ringing.  The twins had arrived at your door, George holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers.  “For me?!”  you asked, dramatically placing your hand on your forehead, “Thank you, but we’re celebrating you two.  Okay, so don’t upstage me in my present.”  Fred chuckled as he kissed your forehead, “I smell something delicious.”  Motioning to the kitchen, you smiled, “I made a cake, to celebrate.”  They practically drooled as they filed in, “We were starving, thank you, y/n.  I didn’t think it was possible to love you anymore but apparently it is.”  George nodded along, as he sat in the dining room.  As they were eating cake you excused yourself to the bathroom, pulling out a pencil skirt, tights, and tight button-up blouse, along with a fake pair of glasses.  Grabbing a pointer stick you slowly walked down the stairs you dramatically stopped at the front of the dining table, raising on leg up on a chair.  “Time for class to start.”  The twins’ jaws were dropping as they took you in before Fred stuttered out, “Y-Y/n.”  Softly tapping him with the stick you smiled, “It’s Miss.Y/n to you.  Finish your cake and we can really get this party started.”  You didn’t think it was possible for someone to shove a whole piece of cake in their mouth but the twins managed it as they gulped it down.  Fred jumped up from his seat as he threw you over his shoulder as he shushed your protests of being to heavy for him to carry, “What do you mean, you’re light as a feather.  You sure you’re eating?”  he continued, “You know you can’t do this to me, baby.  I can’t handle myself when you look like this.”  George followed in pursuit as you giggled.  
Fred practically threw you down on the bed before quickly going to remove your tights, ripping them off.  George settled behind you, hands skillfully unbuttoning your blouse, slowly letting it fall off your shoulders.  George ran his hands down your arms, shivers going down your spine as goosebumps arose.  He huskily whispered in your ear, “We should punish you for trying to be a tease.  I’ve been thinking about you all day.”  His hands ran down your chest before stopped beneath the curve of your breasts as his lips pressed kisses down your neck, biting and sucking.  Fred, on the other hand, was driving you crazy as his hands wandered up your legs, pressing kisses on the inside of your thighs, biting at the soft flesh.  A moan left your lips involuntarily, as Fred’s two fingers pressed against your core, as he pushed the material of your underwear aside.  “We haven’t even started and you’re already this wet, kitten.”  “Stop teasing…” you muttered out to both of them.  George whined softly, “Isn’t this our present?  We just want to enjoy it as long as we can.”  A short guttural whine arose as Fred continued to bite your thighs, fingers pinching your clit before pulling his hand away.  “Don’t be so impatient, y/n.  Good things come for those who wait.”  You whined even louder, needing to feel some sort of friction.  Chuckling he pushed the skirt up, “Do you see how hard you’ve got me?” he questioned.  You looked, his cock was practically begging to be let out from his pants.  You leaned forward, palming him through his pants, before unbuttoning them, swiftly pulling them down along with his briefs as you gulped greedily.  Wetting your lips, you pressed your lips around the tip of his cock, tasting the precum, as you took it whole.  Suppressing a gag as it hit the back of your throat you relaxed, breathing through your nose as Fred praised you,  “Good girl, taking my cock like that.”  You continued bobbing your head on his cock letting it hit the back of your throat as you felt George’s hand slide up your legs.  His fingers rubbed your sensitive clit as you moaned.  Feeling the wetness drip down your legs at George’s attention to your clit made your nerves flare up with sensitivity.  “So, wet for me,” he whispered in your ear, as you felt George’s cock press against your core before sliding in.  His hips thrust forcefully, as you almost lost balance.  The sound of skin smacking skin filled the room as George’s hips met the curve of your ass, as one of his slapped down.  Fred’s cock twitched in your mouth as he reached his high, licking up the side with shorter strokes you finished with taking him whole again and breathing through your nose, letting his hands take your hair as his hips thrust forward.  Fred’s breath hitched as he rode out his high, thick cum filling your mouth as he pulled out.  His finger cleaned away some that slipped from your lips as he smiled, “You took me so well, y/n.”  George’s thrusts seemed to get sloppier as his fingers reached around to give more attention to your already sensitive clit from all his attention earlier.  Moaning filled the room further as your walls squeezed around George’s cock as you felt a feeling of euphoria wash over, head slumping on the bed as you tried to catch your breath.  George thrust a few more times before stopping as you milked his cum out, as he gave a last couple sloppy thrusts before pulling out.  Cum slipped down your thighs along with the empty feeling as you both caught your breath.  George leaned forward pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Thank you for everything today, my love.”  Fred returned from the bathroom which he had retired to take a shower after finishing earlier, “Thank you, sweetheart.”  He ran a cloth over you, cleaning you off as he threw a second one at George, “I’m not cleaning you off, mate.”  “Didn’t ask you to.” George replied, with a hint of humor in his voice.  Fred leaned down, pushing hair away from your face and pressing kisses all over.  You laid down on the bed as George and Fred climbed in on either side, “Love you guys…”  Your eyes fluttered softly as you tried to stay awake, as you heard a reply in unison, “We love you too, y/n.”  Then, you heard the soft banter of the two redheads arguing over who was taking too much of the blanket before you shut your eyes soft smile on your lips, wondering how you got so lucky.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Blackpink reaction when their foreign s/o is homesick
A/N: Happy Comeback Day guys!!!
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“What would make Y/N feel better?”
Jisoo huffed and looked at her members, desperate for advice.
As soon as she had realized that you were feeling homesick, she knew that she had to do something to make you feel better. And who better could she ask for advice than the two persons in her life that had went through the exact same thing as you?
“I think the worst thing in the beginning is the feeling of not fitting in. Everything is new and you’re not really connected to anything which can make you feel lonely. So the most important thing is that you make sure that Y/N doesn’t feel lonely.”
Chaeyoung explained and Lisa nodded in agreement.
That made sense.
Jisoo hummed deep in thought, already contemplating how she could prevent you from feeling lonely. Her career wouldn’t allow her to take care of you sufficiently, so she had to ask someone to help her. Not everyone could take that job though. It needed to be someone that Jisoo trusted 100%. And there weren’t a lot of people that she could say that about. Therefore, her decision was made in a matter of seconds and she sighed relieved.
Now she could finally sleep in peace again.
It had been bugging Jisoo tremendously to know that you were suffering, but not knowing how to help you. Now, however, she was feeling more optimistic; she couldn’t even wait to start fighting your homesickness.
Therefore, Jisoo wasted no time before taking you to the persons that should be a part of your support system from now on. Right on the next day, the two of you were standing in front of their door and you were nervously tugging on your clothes.
“Are you sure that your parents won’t mind if I come along?”
You asked right before jumping in surprise when the front door suddenly swung open.
“Of course not! You are a part of our family now! That means, you are always welcome here.”
Jisoo’s mother, who had opened the door, smiled warmly before pulling you into a hug. You seemed to relax instantly and thanked her profusely for her hospitality while walking into the apartment.
The interaction caused a fluttering feeling to spread in Jisoo’s stomach and she looked at the two of you fondly. It would pain her to know that you were feeling lonely whenever her schedule was preventing her from seeing you; but if you were feeling like you could have a place of refuge here too, she could leave reassured. Nothing would make her happier than knowing that you considered her family, your family too.
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Jennie immediately realized the subtle melancholia reflecting in your eyes. For weeks now, your eyes didn’t sparkle like they used to, and it didn’t take her long to figure out where this dullness was rooted. You were homesick. She knew that you loved your family and friends more than words could ever tell, so it was only logical that you were missing them. If she was honest, she would probably be a mess without her mum too. She could absolutely understand why you were feeling sad, even though she hoped that she could eventually make you feel home enough to banish your homesickness.
Till then, however, she had to get a little creative in order to distract you from your sadness. Especially with your birthday nearing, you were missing your family even more and Jennie knew that she had to do something special for you. It had to be a big gesture that was able to break through the wall of nostalgia that was getting higher and higher the closer your birthday was inching. That wasn’t an easy thing to do, but she already had a fail-safe plan.
On the day of your birthday, Jennie invited you to the dorm as soon as you were done with all your work. The time until the doorbell finally rang was pure torture for her, because she just couldn’t wait to surprise you. She was sure that you would love it.
“Hey baby!”
Jennie smiled from ear to ear when she opened the door for you, and you tilted your head in confusion.
“What’s going on?”
You asked suspiciously but Jennie quickly shook her head.
“It’s your birthday, dummy! Congratulations!”
Happily, she flung her arms around your neck to pull you into a warm hug. The embrace, however, only lasted for a few seconds before Jennie pushed herself off again and took your hand to pull you inside the apartment instead.
“I have a surprise for you.”
She grinned and you shook your head.
“I knew that something was going on.”
You smirked, causing Jennie to giggle. Without further ado, she dragged you behind her to the living room. Just before entering, she stopped quickly and flashed you a cheeky grin over her shoulder.
“Welcome home!”
Jennie said loudly -much to your confusion- in order to trigger her surprise for you.
On cue, a chorus of voices sounded, causing your eyes to widen comically.
Inside the living room, at least a dozen technical devices were set up on every possible surface, displaying the faces of your entire family and some of your friends. A turmoil of congratulations, laughter and conversations filled the room, but Jennie didn’t let herself be bothered by that and calmly wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
Jennie whispered into your ear and you looked at her fondly. You were completely speechless, but the sparkling inside your eyes was the only answer that she needed before pulling you in for a kiss.
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“Oh my god.”
Loud giggling from beside Chaeyoung caused her to look up from her notebook where she had just scribbled down some lyrics.
“What? What’s so funny?”
She smiled, happy to see you in a good mood.
“Come here.”
You gestured her to come over and Chaeyoung gladly complied with your wish. Excitedly, she jumped onto the couch right next to you and rested her head on your shoulder in order to look on your phone screen. A video was playing, showing your family on some sort of fall festival, joking around with each other and grinning widely into the camera.
“Aw they’re so adorable.”
Chaeyoung cooed with her eyes glued on the screen, not wanting to miss a second of the cute video.
“They are.”
Your voice instantly alarmed Chaeyoung. It was barely above a whisper and she immediately noticed the shift in your mood, causing her to forget about the video in a heartbeat and to give you her undivided attention instead.
“Do you miss them?”
She asked carefully while soothingly running her hand up and down your arm.
“Yeah, especially in moments like this. This festival was kind of a big deal in my town and I went there every year with all of my family and friends. I just really wish, I could be there with them.”
You sounded happy and sad at the same time as you told her about all the funny things that you had experienced there and Chaeyoung listened attentively, feeling like it was important to allow you to have a piece of home here; even if it was just through your memories. She knew how hard it was to move to another country; the first years in Korea hadn’t been easy for her either. If she was being honest, she couldn’t even say that her longing for Australia had ever stopped. Sometimes a feeling of melancholia just washed over her even now, especially whenever she saw something that reminded her of the place that she used to call her home. The only thing that had helped her through that nostalgia was an attentive environment that continuously showered her with love. And Chaeyoung was planning on giving you that as well.
You yelped in surprise when a sudden force from the side suddenly tackled you onto the couch.
“Let’s do something together this weekend. I can reschedule some appointments and we can drive somewhere and do something fun.”
Chaeyoung hovered above you with an excited expression on her face, hoping that her distraction would work. She knew that this would not fix everything, but it was a place to start.
“That sounds like a great idea.”
For the first time since watching the video, you had a genuine smile on your face and Chaeyoung squealed happily.
She cheered before leaning down to pepper your whole face with kisses causing you to giggle cutely.
The launch of the mission “Happiness” was hereby found successful.
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You sighed sadly as you sent another apologetic text message to your mother. It was her birthday today, but because of your hectic life here, you couldn’t have flown out to see her. Of course, you had sent her a present by mail and called her first thing this morning, but you still felt like that wasn’t enough. You should be there to celebrate with her and if you were being honest, you were feeling a longing to be home for a while now. You had managed to distract yourself pretty well in the past weeks, but this occasion today was just a non-ignorable trigger for your homesickness.
This whole day you had been in a bad mood. Work just didn’t seem to pass by and now you didn’t even enjoy your way back home like you usually did. You loved where you were living right now. Your neighborhood was a little secluded from all the turmoil in the city center and your drive there included a little glimpse on several parts of Seoul. But today you couldn’t care less about all that. If you couldn’t be all the way where you wanted to be, you at least wanted to be in your apartment now; the place that was closest to making you forget about your homesickness. Not because it was especially pretty or cozy, but because of the person that you knew would be waiting there.
Therefore, you almost ran the way from the bus station to your apartment, just because you couldn’t wait to wallow in self-pity and let yourself be comforted by your girlfriend. As soon as you bolted through the front door, however, you came to an abrupt halt.
What was that smell?
It kind of smelt like...home. While sniffling wildly, you followed the orders of your noise and eventually found your girlfriend standing in the kitchen.
“What are you doing?”
You asked astonished, causing Lisa to turn around with a wide smile on her face.
“Y/N, you’re home already! I’ve cooked for us. I mean, I’ve tried...”
The proud grin on her face was absolutely contagious and almost managed to make you forget about your horrible day. Curiously, you walked up to her to peak over her shoulder at the stove. As soon as you spotted the food though, your jaw dropped. It was one of your favorite dishes that your mum always made when you came home.
“I thought, I’d make something special for you considering the occasion today.”
Lisa smiled softly, causing your heart to flutter.
“You remembered?”
You asked in awe, impressed that she had kept your mother’s birthday in mind.
“Of course, I did. I know how hard it is to be away from the place that you used to call your home for so long. It’s important to make your new environment as homey as possible and I’ll try my best to help you.”
In that moment, you felt more grateful than ever to be able to call Lisa your girlfriend and you flew into her arms, almost causing her to fall down.
“Thank you.”
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hiro-gari · 3 years
In the meantime of me running out of new ideas to write for, I'm gonna share this older headcanon that I have in my draft to you:
Do we have an AU where Garou and Badd are neighbours who hated eachother but eventually become friends or more because their pets are bonded first? Despite their houses are practically side-by-side, they're always get into petty fights over something silly. Zenko guessed it was just them having secret crush on eachother but totally in denial over their feelings.
Until each of their respective pet start getting along with eachother first.
Badd has a second cat, one of Tama's kitten which Badd still keep while the others had already adopted by his classmates, a tuxedo cat who likes to intrude into Garou's house through his window and steal his breakfast or napping on top of Garou's dog.
Garou has a big white fluffy malamute dog, a puppy he got from his father Bang as a birthday gift years ago so Garou wont feels lonely in his new home, who likes to jump over Badd's -unfortunately short- fence and playing with Badd's cat on his front porch.
Although the tuxedo cat somehow really looks alike and acting just like Badd, and the giant white malamute is basically Garou's doppelganger in a dog form, they're affectionate to eachother everytime they play together.
The tuxedo cat almost never shown his adorable side of him except for Badd's family, as he would be the crankiest cat ever with any strangers. But the kitty strangely becomes attached with the fluffy dog since their first met. He always trying to get outside to see his favorite puppy friend and spend more time with the doggo, no matter what and how. The kitty just likes to be near the warm presence of that fluffy and charming dog, 3rd place after Zenko's and Badd's. Thus the tuxedo cat often caught on loitering around Garou's house, making Badd must come to his -hated- neighbour to collect the cat back.
On the other hand, at the first time coming into Garou's house, the white malamute felt a bit lonely. He was happy to have such caring hooman butler who adores him, but he wanted more friend to play with. Until the dog saw an adorable tuxedo cat chilling out in the middle of small garden on the next house across the fence. He fell in love instantly and wanna knows more about this little kitty. Cue the malamute often caught on peeking from the fence or even jumping over it, ruining Badd's small garden after it got trampled on by the dog's big paws.
Surprisingly, the cat and the dog are becomes bestfurrends much faster than their hooman butlers, putting Garou and Badd in a big shame, courtesy by the exasperated Zenko. How come two animals who are supposed to be sworn enemies, cat and dog, could be more friendly to eachother than them??
If only Garou and Badd could be more honest for their hidden feelings, maybe their relationship would improved alot. Ironically, it was their pets who helped them out.
Since their look-alike animal counterparts love eachother so much, sometimes Garou and Badd went for a play date for them on the local park, or visiting eachother's house when their pets are playing in one's house. After many friendly interactions, slowly they developed new feelings and realizing they're not frenemies anymore.
On several occasions when Garou let Badd's tuxedo cat have sleepover on his house, he was witnessing how affectionate the "so-called crankiest cat in the world" towards his malamute dog could be.
The cat always grooming the dog's fluffy fur or his head not caring about their size difference, snuggling with the dog and trying to fit himself into the dog's space as close as possible asking for a cuddle time together, letting out those rare sweet meows everytime he tried to get attention from the dog, giving those slow-blinks kitty kisses whenever they're gazing on eachother or gentle headbutts whenever the dog feels sad, etc.
Garou often wished if it was Badd and him in those positions, feeling pathetic for getting so envious for their pets' lovey dovey moments. He admitted to himself that secretly he fell in love with Badd, especially after they're finally get along after spending more time with him nowadays.
But Garou still couldn't confess his feeling he has for Badd since he doesn't know if Badd likes him enough or not. It would be very awkward moment if Badd rejected him and they ended up back into square one, ruining whatever friendship they have built together before.
Unbeknown by Garou, Badd was also experiencing the same thing. Everytime Badd pet-sitting Garou's dog for awhile whenever Garou wasn't home to visit his father's house, or watching over his cat playing with the big white malamute at his front yard, he couldn't deny that the relationship their pets were having together was very sweet, actually.
The malamute always so playful and becomes such an attention seeker around his cat, also being all goof and adorkable despite most of the time the dog was just like his owner: chaotic cocky bastard (at least in Badd's eyes). Successfully turning his own grumpy cranky cat into a cuddly soft kitty.
Especially when they both were chilling out on the front porch, Badd would find them curling up together with his cat buried himself into the malamute's fluffy fur, sleeping between the dog's front paws, or peacefully loafing on his back.
One time the malamute also protecting his cat from a gang of neighbourhood feral cats, Badd totally didn't expect that goofy cloud of fur could be looking so terrifying like a wolf when he was in protective mode. Fortunately there's no actual fight happening between them and those feral cats, though. But Badd could see his kitty becomes much more affectionate than before towards Garou's dog as an appreciation.
Badd knows he shouldn't be envious for his own pet because the kitty has a better relationship than himself, yet he couldn't help but longing for Garou's love.
At that time, they have already managed to form a good friendship and Badd was glad they're not fighting out of pettiness anymore. It was just, Badd starting to see Garou as more than a friend. Since they become closer, he has discovered Garou's softer side and Badd was fallen so hard for him because of it.
The problem is only how to confess to Garou without ended up being awkward. He didn't want to misinterpreted Garou's flirty acts towards him during those "play date" time. Did Garou really means his flirtateous attempts as a serious thing or just a joke? If he misinterpret it, Badd was afraid he would be a laughing stock for Garou while he suffered a broken heart alone.
So, in the end, Garou and Badd were still being so oblivious to the other's very OBVIOUS feeling. Everyone around them could see the former hating neighbours slowly falling in love with eachother, yet never make a move. Very frustating to watch, honestly.
But at one night, when the exhausted-from-working Badd visiting Garou's house to retrieve his cat back home, he decided to take a brief nap on the living room. Garou asked if he wanna have sleepover over there since it was weekend, and he would let Zenko knows that her big brother was staying overnight at his home. Badd just nodded weakly, already feels the sleepiness coming for him.
Looking at how uncomfortable Badd's sleeping position on the couch, Garou carefully lifted Badd up in bridal style, before walking towards his bedroom so Badd could sleep on his cozy bed while Garou sleeps on the couch. But before he could leave, Badd grabbed Garou's hand to prevent him from leaving him alone. He told Garou that they could sleep together on the bed, since it was Garou's own bed and it's big enough for two people.
At first, Garou was hesitated because what if Badd just sleep-talking in half-sleep and would regret any of his words in the morning? But seeing Badd's reddened face yet still persistent on making Garou stay based on the strong grip of Badd's hand on his wrist, Garou was grinning happily. That means Badd was fully conscious of what he had said and taking it serious.
Hence Garou immediately scooting over beside Badd on the bed, taking a warm blanket and covered their bodies with it. Then Badd shifted closer until he was practically curling up against Garou's body like a cat, seeking warmth from the wolfy man. Even purring and snuggling on Garou's chest when Garou put his arm on Badd's back, embracing the smaller man which made Badd gets comfortable sleep. Soon enough Garou also followed Badd to the dreamland.
Both were oblivious that two pairs of eyes were watching them from the opened door. The kitty and the dog felt happy that their butlers finally having sweet moment of their own, too. They wished the hoomans would keep being lovey-dovey so the four of them could have double date together soon. Like, a real date and not the "play date" anymore.
It was so tiring to see the butlers' mutual pining, in which it took forever to make them realized their own feelings. But now that the mutual pining era was over, they feel relieved.
The malamute dog entered Garou's bedroom, then laid on a fluffy carpet beside the bed while staring at the cat, as if he was inviting the cat to join him. The tuxedo cat quietly following him and plopped on the dog's belly, curling up into a small ball of fur before closing his eyes.
The cat was purring in joy when the dog gave kisses to him (or more like muzzle nudging), before putting his front paw around kitty's body in a protective manner. The fluffy duo then also following their butlers into dreamland, too.
Now, both of the sleeping couples looked the same: Badd and the kitty were sleeping in their respective lover's warm embrace..
----- THE END ----
Aaaah finally I can finish this! I was almost getting writer's block again but still struggling to fight against it, and here we are we got one writing finished so yayyy 😅💦
I hope this silly headcanon could entertain you all, but I apologized if this looks very low quality as always I'm so sorry please forgive me 🙇
@hiro-gari @the-goddessfighter @garous-nipple
Thank you so much for willing to write this lowly writing of mine, I always grateful for you.. 😭🙏💕💖 Have a nice weekend, everyone! 😉👍🌸🌺🌼🌻💐
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First of all, I love their respective animal counterparts, they fit so well for both of them 🥰 Angery tuxedo cat for Badd, and a giant floofy malamute for Garou omggg
I love how, of all things, they gotta have their PETS lay it out for them before they finally start to Get It™️. Like everyone around them sees it but nope 😤 they’re wrong, they’re meant to hate each other.
But when their pets become bff’s despite the obvious size difference and being entirely different SPECIES... Oh ok maybe we can get along 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
Ghhhhsksk the END SCENE is so sweeet I have cavities 😩💗 I rlly liked how Garou was like, oh no, he’s delusional :’) That’s so him oh my god, I love them sm, this is so precious!!
Thank you for putting so much work into writing these for us, it is so appreciated, we love to see it!! 😘💗
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nice-kill-tanaka · 3 years
May I have a my hero and ohshc matchup plz
I'm a short girl around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. I have a very kind heart and sad stories or ones with very happy endings make my heart happy or hurt like crazy. But even though I'm kind that doesn't mean i am nice all the time. I am extremely grumpy and have a short temper especially on no sleep or if I just woke up. I also do have adhd and some anxiety I dont like being touched randomly unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. As for dreams I'm not sure I wanna be a voice actor but not too sure if its right for me as I don't know how to edit or even have the equipment. I want someone who can just listen to me as I ramble on about things I love. I want someone to understand that I think differently then normal people. I also want someone to be able to understand im not the most affectionate person but I can be if given time but I will help someone if they are touch starved like I am.
[🌄 @cutelittleriot requested one (1) regular My Hero Academia matchup. I have just the ingredients for that! Sit tight while I get to work.🌌]
YAYYY!! First bnha matchup!! I gotchu bud 👍 I’m thinking about trying something new for the bnha fandom in particular. So, I’ll try it out and see what you think! Also, I got a little carried away with this one, so if it doesn’t seem characteristically accurate to you, please tell me!! 😖
And, the lucky person is:
⛰Eijiro Kirishima⛰
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Quirk: Dragon
Dragon is a mutation quirk. It manifests slowly over time, until the user becomes about 60% dragon-esque at around 15/16 years old.
Scales and tough skin appear on the arms, legs, and face. Sharp teeth and claws grow in. Horns protrude from the forehead. A tail grows from the spine. Finally, wings grow from the back.
Flesh becomes twice as tough in places where scales are.
Depending on the user’s body type, wing usage is limited. (Since you’re generally shorter than average, “flying” and gliding comes easier to you.)
When the user consumes pressurized carbon dioxide, their stomach converts it into flammable gasses. Which allows the user to breathe- er...burp...fire.
Fire must be carefully used however. The smoke produced can accidentally be breathed in, causing lung damage.
🌱Humble Beginnings🌱
I’ll start by saying this: Being bullied is never fun. Being bullied over something you can’t easily control or change? Rub salt in it, why don’tcha?
You weren’t sure what the select few kids in your grade thought was so hilarious about your quirk. But, they managed to find enough wrong with it to do their damage for most of your time in school
First, the patches of scales that showed up on your skin were “too weak”. Then, your awkward transition stage with growing horns, wings, and tail was suddenly “ugly”
By the time your quirk fully manifested, the jeers finally devolved to “freak-ish”
Like a river carving out the Grand Canyon, the work was slow and wore you down over time. But, the impact was a lot bigger than even you’d initially thought
While you managed to somewhat heal and learned to guard your emotions against such hurtful things, that’s all you learned to do: Guard yourself. You were a shield with no spear, since you never fought back
With the help of supportive parents and teachers, your self-esteem wasn’t so low, but you did often downplay or underestimate your abilities
Like, Bitch??? You can burp fire??? Know your power???
The people you were on good terms with seemed to see a potential that you either disregarded, or didn't know about all together
They saw the way you treated others with consideration and forethought. How, despite (or because of) your anxiety, you remained hyper-aware of the problems of others and how to accommodate. And while your anger did have its vices, people knew how hot your righteous rage could burn
It actually took a lot of convincing for you to even apply to U.A. 
Outside of your other aspirations for the future, you didn’t particularly feel worthy for the job. Of anything you could be, you weren’t a fearless, upstanding, unshakable individual, not even giving a second thought to throwing yourself into danger for the good of others. You weren’t your alleged definition of a hero, and that was enough to deter you
But, whenever you recited your polite (well-rehearsed) decline, most gave you the same weirdly optimistic retort:
“Just try, maybe you’ll do better than you’re giving yourself credit for.”
So, here you were at an entrance exam full of people you hardly knew, wondering how you even rationalized to yourself that this would go just fine
The written exam went okay. As well as you could for literally guessing what to study to pass
All you had to do was do your best on the physical exam, and you’d be done for the day
But, your issue was in the people around you, not the exam itself
You were aware of the high amount of attention the moment you walked onto campus. The way other kids measured you up from a distance, studying everything about your not-so-human body. Watching your every move, especially the way your movements were strained from soreness (A short period of intense training tends to do that to you). You assumed they also wanted to see if your disposition was as powerful as your quirk suggested
((You specifically noticed a coltish, green-haired kid muttering to himself, questioning if your wings could actually support your body weight))
Even now, as the prospective heroes-in-training warmed up, you felt the stares burning into you
Half of you wanted to lift your eyes and rhetorically ask what the hell they were looking at, only feeling more annoyed as you snorted and returned to what you were doing. The other half wanted to fold into yourself until you disappeared (If only it were that easy)
But, you had enough (Roughly, one billion) worries on your mind to put confrontation on the list. Shaking off your anxious shivers as you lowered your head and continued with your “stretches” seemed so much easier
(A.k.a. Staring off into space as you held your limbs in awkward positions)
The time to begin the physical test was drawing near, and your self-doubt hadn’t eased up. Maybe this was a mistake. You didn’t belong here. Not when so many other students could fill the space you’re wasting so much better. Maybe if you slipped through the back now, you’d save yourself the disappointment of not living up to your own standards
“Hey, brown-haired girl! With the horns!”
You heard a gruff whisper from not to far behind you, from the left. You tensed for a moment, wondering what the voice could possibly want from you. But, the sight you saw was rather unexpected
The voice definitely matched the body, bulky and slightly rough looking, a little taller than you. Matched with a sweet face, sharp teeth, and bright, spiky, red hair. The smile he showed you instantly calmed your thoughts
You gave a short response, not wanting to jump to conclusions yet
“I saw you looking kinda psyched out over here, so I thought talking to you would make you less nervous!”
You felt a warm and fuzzy sensation in the pit of your stomach. As much encouragement as you got to achieve things, you didn’t see much of it to consider how you felt. How you could feel better. You liked it, which was surprising, considering the encouragement came from a perfect stranger
“Oh, uhh…thanks then. But, I’m fine, I promise! I’m no more nervous than you are.”
“Well, that’s also why I came to talk…I’m kinda freaking out too…”
This boy’s transparency was almost scary, but on the other hand, very comforting. You didn’t catch him trying to stare at your mutated parts once as you talked. Your eyes were the thing he seemed the most focused on, and while it made you embarrassed, it was the good kind (if that makes sense)
But, soon enough, the announcement for the beginning of the exam came over the loudspeaker, and you and your acquaintance had to look out for yourselves. But, before you parted ways, the redhead turned to you
“I’m Eijiro Kirishima, by the way! See you when I see you, Shortie!”
🌳Flourishing Love🌳
The beginning of Kirishima seeing you as a romantic option happened not too long after parting ways at the physical exam
He was almost completely cornered by one of the machines students could disarm for points. And just as that was happening, you had just turned the corner after shaking off another one
You saw Kirishima, but he definitely didn’t see you, trying hard to look tough, but struggling to stand his ground
It quickly dawned on you that Kirishima didn’t have a quirk that could easily deal with the hostile device. And if he did, he was too scared to use it
You vetoed the idea of charging in head on first. You didn’t feel like getting yourself or Kirishima hurt. Especially without a plan. You needed to be smart about getting your only acquaintance out of this situation
Your heart raced and your execution was all but clean, but you ended up using your fire breath to weld the robot’s wheels to the concrete
Before you let your inhibitions get the better of you, you climbed the machine and punched out the camera on the front. From atop the beast, you hung your tail over the edge low enough for Kirishima to grab. You didn’t dare look down at the ground
“Dammit Eijiro, grab on!!”
Once you felt a weight on your tail, you used your wings to propel you both forward. Obviously, away from the robot
You were too high on adrenaline and fear to notice, but Kirishima stared at you like you were the embodiment of Heaven on Earth. The stars in his eyes almost seemed inappropriate for the situation 😅
You looked just as—if not more—afraid than he was. But, you seemed so okay with the fact that you weren’t fearless, and acted like a true hero anyway. He admired, dare I say loved that about you
And he didn’t even know your name
As soon as you found out that you and Kirishima were in the same class, you felt instant relief. At least you were familiar with someone at U.A.
You guys’ friendship developed rather fast, like and extrovert adopting an introvert
Kirishima quickly noticed how fast you opened up once you got comfortable around him, and loved you all the more for how bright and vibrant the unfiltered you was
He found himself picking up on your sense of humor, telling dad jokes you whisper under your breath to the Bakusquad (Much to Bakugou’s dismay 😅)
Don’t worry, he always gives you the credit 😉
As time went on, Kirishima learned to appreciate how blunt you were. He realized that he needed someone to tell it like it is (“It isn’t manly to sugarcoat things! 😤” he says)
And while Kirishima prefers physical activities over video games, he loves to hype you up while you play before classes
It was only natural a mutual crush would form :D
Kirishima finally worked up the guts to ask you out after the U.S.J. Incident
You and him had gotten separated (You had gotten trapped with the cold son of Endeavor. And you both took out the villains with an awe-inspiring display of fire and ice)
Kirishima was faced with the reality that either of you could lose each other at any moment. And while both of you came out alright, he realized he couldn’t be wishy-washy about his feelings for you
He told you on your way to school the next morning:
“Look. What happened yesterday really scared me. Normally, I wouldn’t say that, but I think you deserve to know. Because…you mean a lot to me!! More than I can put into words. I love when we have fun together, and I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I never got to tell you how I felt…”
“Basically…I like you!! Like…in the romantic way…”
Your early morning grumpiness dissipated almost instantly, replaced by momentary confusion and disbelief, then embarrassment and joy. Was this really happening…? The boy that took a chance on you since the beginning, confessed that he had feelings for you…? Even though you didn’t question your relationship, you always assumed the nice things Kirishima said, the way he looked at you, was all part of the pleasantries. You questioned if you were even worth all of that
‘But you are.’ The little voice Kirishima helped you develop said. ‘And he would say more if he didn’t look so embarrassed.’
And so, you accepted Kirishima’s confession. And he saw the sweetest smile you had ever given him since the first time he complimented your puns 😊❤️
[🌌 There you go bud! That’s one matchup for the road. Hopefully it lasts for a while, but if it doesn’t, feel free to come back! I’d be thrilled to see you again.🌄] —Reagan
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ohnoiyo-yoyle · 4 years
So! First off, tpot was soooooo goood like oh my gosh I didn't expect it to be that good and the intro was SO well animated and the character interactions and just aaaaaaahhhhh!!! Okay, maybe I'm overhyping it a bit but that's just how I feel. TPOT reignited that spark for BFB that was starting to kinda fade for me. Since Battle for BFB is more comedy based and silly I was starting to get a little bored with it, so it's nice to finally get started on a more, I guess serious? show that focuses on character interactions/relationships and development/arcs and all that. But anyways, ONTO THE HIGHLIGHTS!!!
So time passes in the bfdi world the same way as it does in ours. Good to know
Happy Flower
2 is a cryptid confirmed. Always there, always watching
Oh!! The Yoyle Needy is like, fallen over. Along with part of the mountain
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How did that happen???^^^
“It’s time for Cake at Stake!” “What?” “I SAID IT’S TIME FOR CAKE AT STAKE!!!” “Get them up for me Nickel!!” “Huh?”
I will admit, I will miss the epic™ remix, but it’s also nice to be back with the original! Feels nostalgic!!
The doodles!!! Omg I love them!
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“Oh! Now I remember!” “Good for you” *pauses, looks at camera* “So-”
Purple tomato (toe-mah-o)
Pen being positive and cheering up the newbie
Thanking the voters: Speedrun Edition
“Looks like it’s curtains for......” “Looks like it’s curtains for....” Ō—Ō
“Don’t you trust me Clock?!” “Uh, of course NOT-” “Well prepare to get over it!”
Ah yes, my favorite: Cammy, Blendy, and Onigiri...y....
Pencil >:(
awwww Foldy misses him so much
Well at the very least Winner won. I’d rather have an actual character be in the game instead of, y’know, nonexisty?
MmM! Tasty
Anime expression activate =͟͟͞͞(ō_ō)
Waaaiiit a minute....are they gonna
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They have such a cool gimmick with their face being emoticons and text!!!
At first I thought that Price Tag was a girl and Winner was a boy (based on their voices) and thought “Oh cool! The gender balance stays even then!” But now I know that they’re both non-binary and I’m thinking “Oh cool! The gender balance still stays even AND there are two canon non-binary characters!!!
The bfb/tpot crew really be out here, continuing to give to the lgbt+ community and I am all for that
“I take back all the things I said about Winner while I was down there!” H-honey? What did you say???
“You do equal 1 right?” “I can if you want me to! :D” “*gulp* $1”
Well at least 2 isn’t like the previous hosts where they shove the eliminated contenders into a tiny cramped space and give them sometimes less than the bare necessities. These guys get to chill in what’s pretty much a nice hotel (tho they might be locked in)
“Cool! So you wanna stay on the same team? ‘:D” “No :)” “oh.. okay. :0”
Donut and BarfBag frienship solidarity
“Who the egg is that?”
Oh??!!?!?? Loser backstory?!?!?! In THIS SHOW?!!?!? It’s more likely than you think
Chicken nuggets
Clock is a Loser stan
Ha. Balls (as in actual balls. Not whatever you’re thinkin about, ya nasties)
Yay Pen and Eraser friendship!!! They’re finally on the same team!!!
Either you prevent death, or you’re a murderer. There’s no in-between
“Did someone say h8ers?!!!” She sounds like a skater kid
Blocky is no longer with us. We shall miss him greatly
OH NOO BASKETBALL SHE DIDNT MEAN YOU Oh oh well i- there she goes I guess
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Two moms and their son
So can they actually see those logo things or what??
Aww Rocky actually wants to be with them!!! And he’s taking initiative!! Way to go buddy!!!
Awww noo Book!!!! She’s trying her best but ultimately, they’re right!!! She needs to leave them be and get some new friends!!!!!
Please don’t tell me she’ll be the next Leafy. But so far she seems to be heading in the right direction
Uhhh Pillow?? What are you doing hun?
Yeah!! Clock and Icy alliance!!
Zigzag crew woo!!!
“Don’t worry Lightning! You have me!l “I don’t really..want you.” oooooh!!
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This just.....this ^^^
And there was even the little beeping cashier sound when Price Tag changed faces omg I love little details like that!!!
Snowball: Gets owned. Me, @ Naily and Price Tag: Good for them
NO! Marker!!!
Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture: An egg and a ball.
Basketball: They’re the same picture
“I thought you were gonna collect me! Ha!” “Ha...haha......ha”
Cloudy’s secretly a kidnapper 0_0
DeathPact be ruining Bottle’s good time and she having non of that
Pillow doesn’t know how to read
The >:3 intensifies
She’s trying.....so hard...to make friends
Yay!! Lightning turning over a new leaf!!
“Well, I’m sure whoever it is, they’re gunna be just f-huueughh....,”
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Continues in Part 2!! Which will be out sometime tomorrow cause these things take long to make
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gojoyogurt · 4 years
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happy birthday gojo!! || chilhood friends to lovers au || short fic
pairing: gojo satoru x reader
summary: you spend the whole day together with gojo, your childhood friend. this birthday was special since you were the only one to celebrate it with him since all his other friends were overseas. on this day, it felt more like you were receiving a gift on your birthday rather than giving him a gift.
warnings: grammar and vocabulary may not be the best. also, i know gojo isnt 20 but... for the sake of this story i made him just reaching his 20s hope you guys dont mind. some spelling mistakes may not be noticed.
“hey gojo!” i screamed acrossed the road as i saw the tall, light haired man with a bandana covering his eyes leaning on the lamp post. he looked over and gave a small smile along with a wave. it was such a special day since he just turned 20, if he made my 20th birthday so memorable, i should only return the favour since the both of us have been together ( not in a romantic way ) for the longest time and we were always there for each other. “ayo happy birthday you overgrown man baby!” i jokingly congratulated him. “thanks you tiny tiger” he replies back with a smirk on his face while patting me on the head. i blushed slightly, i always had a crush on him but i never got the chance to say it to him. “should i say it today?” i thought to myself as my heart skipped a beat.
we walked down the street for a while and we stumbled across a cafe that seemed pretty quiet, the atmosphere it gave off was so simple yet it was drawing our attention to it. “hey do you-“ we both said simultaneously. “man... that single braincell energy tho amirite HAHA” i affirmed him as both of us were laughing our asses off right infront of the cafe door. after wasting our energy on cackling, we finally stepped into the cafe and ordered our drinks. “one cafe latte-“ we both said simultaneously AGAIN. “why are we so in sync today??” he questioned as we both started giggling uncontrollably at the register. “excuse me, are you guys going to order?” the staff asked us. “oops, sorry. we’ll get two cafe lattes please!” i cheerfully ordered. “two cafe lattes, anything else?” he reassured us. “nope!” i confirmed our order. “ok here’s your receipt, you guys make such a cute couple! you’re so lucky to find your soulmate that matches you perfectly!” the cashier said to us. we both just looked at each other and laughed it off.
it was nearly impossible for us to get to the table since gojos hands wouldnt stop shaking because he was giggling. luckily, we made it to the table without spilling the drinks. “here, its a small gift i made” i said as i handed over a brown wrapped package to him. the crumpling and tearing sound of the paper filled the area we were in, my heart was racing since i was worried that he wouldnt like it. “oh wow, y/n you made this??” he questioned me as if he couldn’t believe that i actually made the picture collage of the both of us. “yeah... do you not like it?” i asked quietly, scared that he actually hated it. “YO I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU!!” he screamed in excitement. the collage was filled with memories of me and gojo from when we first met when we were 5 and uptil this day.
it felt like a heavy weight was just lifted off my shoulder. “thanks!! that took a while since i also added some pictures of us when we were still kids!” i replied back in relief. “hey! lets take a photo now so we can add it to the frame!” i suggested. i wriggled my chair over next to him and i took out my polaroid camera from my bag. we both smiled for the picture and i waited for the photo to come out.. “should i tell him now?” i reassured myself. i looked at him quietly, he was smiling while looking at the photos of our past selves, “i want to see that smile forever... ” i knew that it may seem greedy, but my heart always raced whenever i looked at him, even uptil now. “hey, y/n you ok? you seem a little flushed” he asked me with a concerned look on his face. “oh, uh, yeah just feeling a little warm...” i muttered. “lets go to my place so you can rest, ok?” you agreed to go over to his place after finishing your drinks.
during the walk back to his place, i couldnt control my heart, it was beating as if im about to go on stage and perform for millions of people. i stopped walking and i was shaking quietly in a small alleyway leading to his house. “y/n, are you ok??” he ran back after noticing that i wasnt by his side anymore. i dont know why but i suddenly started crying, it was supposed to be a happy day but... why am i like this??? am i scared? gojo hugged me and i cried into his chest while he was calming me down. / “y/n... talk to me, is there anything wrong?” he tried to ask me after i calmed down a little. “i-i- i li- like u b-buht i d-don whant to ru-ruin our fwe nd shipp” i somehow managed to get the words out in between breaths. at that point, my face looked like it was a tomato about to burst. i could hear my own heartbeat, i didnt even dare to take a glance at gojo. “man... how do i take care of you... you see, y/n, i also liked you for such a long time but i always thought that you would go off with some other man so i never confessed” he confessed while scratching the back of his head.
my heart felt like it just stopped, at that moment in time, i feel like the world was so serene and quiet. after snapping back into reality, “wh-what weally??” i sniffled as i looked up at him with my swollen eyes. “HAHAHA YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” he teased me as i quickly wiped my snot and tears off my face. “you’re not joking with me right?” i tried to confirm with him. he suddenly let out a huge sigh and walked towards me. my heartbeat suddenly increased as he got closer and closer with every step. he leaned closer towards me and took off his black bandana, “do i look like im lying?” he questioned me as i stared into his beautiful blue eyes. this isnt the first time im seeing it but i always can never prepare myself to see it. his eyes looked so peaceful, like a quiet ocean that has no limits. it felt like you could clearly see the sky even though we were in a dark area.
he put his bandana back on and gave me a long, tight hug. “you are the meanest person i know did you know that” i jokingly said to him. “hey is that the first thing you say to your boyfriend? ouch” he joked back. he hugged me for a little while longer before staring at me. he leaned in closer next to my ear and whispered, “thank you, for making this the best birthday present i could ever ask for” he gave me a peck on the cheek before looking back at me. my face was once again about to explode and my heart was probably on the verge of exploding. “can you not do that i have a weak heart you know???” i scolded as i jumped on him to attack him. “ouch ouch ouch!1!1!1!1! okok im sorry geez, violent much” he teased me once again. “c’mon, lets go to your house already, i look embarrassing” i pushed him so that i don’t embarrass myself in public. i clinged onto his arm and kept my head down the whole way back so that people dont see my face. this day was honestly the best day of my life, i had a huge smile on my face for the rest of the day.
and the rest is left up to your imagination...
hello people! sorry if this seemed rushed because i’ve been quite busy recently but ill still try to post whenever i can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GOJO YAYYY. actually ive been on a hiatus off anime for a while and jujutsu kaisen is getting me back into the swing of things so im really into jujutsu kaisen atm HAHA. anywho hope you guys enjoyed this short fic and see yall in the next one byee!!!
also im so happy aot the final season came out today but since i read the manga, im really not prepared for whats going to happen... also can we talk about how the intro is just a whole gender reveal party??
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b00t-s · 3 years
We're all gossip-y bitches sometimes
this is part two
Janus xey/xem
Roman she/he
Patton he/him
Virgil he/him
See the character intros for more info
TW. Swearing, arguments, alcohol, drunk characters, the word v//mit is used once, characters being characters, past trauma mentioned, tiny tiny tiny sprinkle of angst but just a passing of it at end, and nothing to intense
Again, tell me if I'm being insensitive. Shout at me if I am.
Summary: Patton goes to talk to Janus about Roman. The group opens...'some' bottles. Virgil adds on some...interesting opinions.
Events occur few hours after this.
Janus just finished xeir nightly shift when Patton came bounding up to xem. Janus raised an eyebrow at how ecstatic he looked.
"Yes?" Xey managed out, forcing back the hundreds of snarky comments xey could of said right then.
"Can you hang out at My house later?" Patton practically beamed out.
"why would I want to 'hang out'? It's just a social construct created to give people a higher sense of being." Janus remarked, flipping to closed/open side to closed.
"So you'll be there?"
"hmm. Will doom-and-gloom be there?
"doom and---ohhh, Virge. Yeah, probably," Patton realised now that this was a bad mix of people to invite "probably-probably not for long though!"
"Fine" Janus replied, taking off xeir apron. Xey ignored the obvious lie. "I'll be there in an hour." Xey knew one way or another xey would end up there due to Patton's... effective persuading.
"Great!" Patton exclaimed "oh yeah, and...um...it's raining outside so..take my umbrella, kay?"
His tone more serious all of a sudden, Patton nodded to Janus' heavily made up face, so well done an ignorant bystander wouldn't of noticed the thick layers of foundation on xeir face.
Patton handed xem a translucent umbrella, patterned with cute frogs and flowers, to Janus. Ignoring the distasteful cartoons, Janus nodded and took the umbrella.
"See you soon, Jan!" Patton cheerily waved as he bounced off.
Janus folded xeir apron, opened Patton's umbrella and braved the outdoors.
Janus arrived at Patton's house exactly on time, bone dry, despite the heavily flowing rain. Patton expected nothing less of his friend. He invited xem inside, amazed as always by his friend's everyday fashion.
Jan was wearing a casual yellow shirt over a long sleeved black shirt. Fishnet gloves adorned xeir hands, and xeir ruffled hair was let lose.
Xeir fashionably messy hair was topped with a neatly placed black fedora, which of xey never took off. Xey even scarred persuaded Thomas to let xem wear it to work.
Patton offered xem a smile, and walked xem upstairs. "Hi Jan!" He grinned.
"Hello" xey replied mundanely.
Xey absent-mindedly glanced at Patton's outfit, which contained a violet cashmere sweater, bell bottomed jeans, circular silver glasses and a sunflower clip in his perfect curls.
It was a good look, xey had to admit.
When they both reached Patton's room, Janus stood still, taking in xeir surroundings.
Patton's room was covered with things from the 2000's; Tamagotchi's, stickers pressed up against the pastel wall, stuffed animals, wristbands, old CD's, care bears posters and butterfly clips littering the floor in a deadly trap.
A trans flag was pinned above the single bed with blue tack, right next to some inspirational and motivational quotes.
The whole place looked like it had been puked on by unicorns.
It hurt Janus' eyes.
Xey was a little overwhelmed by all the spiraling colours and nostalgia-inducing objects, so xey sat cross-legged in the middle of the pink carpet. The world slowed down.
Janus wondered, not for the first time, how a 29 year old could be this cheerful.
Or appear this cheerful.
Janus gave a small twitch of xeir head, realising that xey had spaced out. "Hmm?" Xey replied.
"Hey, you were up with the clouds! I was just saying, I think Virge is here" Patton chirped.
"he...might be staying for a little longer then i said"
"How wonderful." Janus muttered, knowing this would happen but hating it anyway.
"oh, don't be like that! I'm sure you guys could become friends!" Janus snorted. "Or...at least not kill at each other whenever you're in the same general area" Patton corrected.
"Anyway! I'm going to greet him at the door!" He suddenly proclaimed, skipping downstairs.
Janus was disgusted at how naïve this man was.
But that was a lie.
Patton slowed his happy skip to a casual walk. His grin slipped into a content smile as he reached the end of the stairs. Being so happy takes its toll on people, he thought. Soft tapping of the door interrupted his thoughts as he opened the door to reveal Virgil.
The first thing you notice about this man was his unfair tall-ness. He nearly had to duck to get inside; being too skinny didn't help. Virgil was wearing a plain black hoodie over a mcr top, completing the look with a short, pleated skirt and docs. His face was slathered in white foundation, accompanied with dark eyeshadow under his eyes.
"Virge!! I'm glad you could make it, even if you are late!!Again!" Patton hugged his friend, genuinely glad for his presence. The taller man patted Patton's curls awkwardly.
"Heyyyy Pat-" Virgil did the awkward pats on the back everyone does when they want to get out of a hug but don't want to say it in fear of hurting ones feelings. "Traffic-"
Patton withdrew from the hug and smiled. "okay! at least you're here safe! Can't control the traffic"
"Janus is waiting for us upstairs" Patton continued. He hurriedly carried on speaking before Virgil could spit out an insult about xem "say, you know what I hate about stairs? They're always up to something!" Patton laughed at his own joke, whilst Virgil pretended to face-palm, hiding a snigger.
"Alright, Alright dAd, didn't you say snake face was waiting for us?" Virgil mocked. Patton chuckled uncomfortably at the nickname, but nodded nonetheless.
"Yeah, we shouldn't leave xem waiting"
They both entered his room, having walked the short journey there in a comfortable silence. Patton noted Janus had not moved from were he left xem; xey had just shifted to read a book xey most likely found lying around. Janus looked up upon their arrival, xeir face immediately twisting into a mocking grimace upon seeing Virgil. "ah, you brought the racoon"
"Janus play nice--"
"you're one to talk, you participated in 2012 Tumblr" Virgil threw back
"must you be so wounding" Janus dramatically threw xeir hand against xeir forehead.
"okAY, that's enough guys." Patton firmly said. Janus pulled a face in reply, and Virgil returned the favour. Patton sighed. He just wanted them to get along, which was probably a high expectation by itself.
Perhaps he had booze leftover somewhere.
Twelve near fist fights, two crying sessions and many, many, many bottles of alcohol later, it was nearing eleven pm and the group was drunker than a litter of catnip high kittens.
They all crowded into a close-knit circle on the bed, nearly falling off but not caring.
"ssso your telling me that flashy asss hhimbo sssssaid I wasss hot but then rude and that I wore too muchh makeup? What a *hic* bitchh" Janus hissed.
Patton giggled. "yeeeeee, be nice though! She was kindaaaa alllllllll over the place!" Patton continued bluntly, "But how would you feel if I set you guys up????~"
"oh pleassssse do, I would just love that" Janus may be trashed but xey still knew sarcasm. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending who you are, Patton did not.
"yayyy! This is gonna be great!!"
Virgil butted in then, waving around the bottle he was holding "hold on, just holllld on a minute there, you're planning to set up that" he vaugly gestured in Janus' direction "with Princy??? Xey've known her for what, 4 minutes? Life isn't a disney movie"
"Dare I detect a hint of jealousy there emo?" Janus purred "am I that lovable?" Xey hiccuped.
"ooooooooh" Patton leaned into the circle, loving the drunk drama.
"wouldn't you like to know weather boy" Virgil droned back, finishing off the bottle.
"Honey, I would dare ssay that was a yesss"
"oooooo, you liiiiike meeeEe"
"you disgust me"
Patton shook his hands excitingly at them, nearly hitting Virgil, causing them to shut up. "I can't believe you're finally open to a relationship after what happened! With my best friend no least! Boy did I try to get you to go on more dat--" Patton suddenly clasped his hands over his mouth as if he just said something nasty.
Everyone went silent. Janus stared at Patron, xeir mouth slightly parted. Virgil laughed nervously to try and break the tension. It sounded strained.
Janus began to speak to stop Patton from starting to spout drunken apologies. "Well thatssss jusst a liee, I've dated pleeenty of people over..well...that...period..of time."
Everyone went silent again, not quite sure on what to say.
Virgil's anxiety was heightening due to the social awkwardness and the influence of the alcohol.
Patton was fidgeting in his lap.
It was Janus yet again who broke the uncomfortable atmosphere.
"Sssso, *hic* you ssaid you wanted me to go out with thisss idiot?"
updated masterpost
tag list: @arrowthenon-binaryroyalty, @spellingwillbethedeathofme,
ask if you want to be added or removed from tag list
and we meet our boi virgil
context is for losers
i could of probably cut out unnecessary things in that but y'know I'm new and I like it
these posts will be in chronological order, unless flashback, but it's not following a set-in-stone story line, so asks are, yet again, much appreciated.
I procrastinated too much during the making of this
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btssavedmylifeblr · 4 years
I forgot to send on my voting story. Ok so my brother and I both got mail in ballots, and let me tell you how we both forgot to mail it in so we just thought to bring them to our voting location. The lady there kinda yelled at us? She was confused and didn't know how to go about it. And honestly I just took it because we were the idiots who didn't mail in our ballots. We had to rip them up and they just us new ones to fill out in person and submit. Not exciting, but a story for void snippet. 👀
Anonymous said: Hi!! I'm so excited for void! I voted today around 30 minutes before the polls closed in my neighborhood because I had to wait for my dad and brother to get home from work since they wanted to go all together hehe. It was a pretty fast process! We just pressed buttons on screens (compared to last election where we had to bubble in everything by hand) plus, I got to keep the stylus that they gave us and it works on phones too! 🥰🥰 Thank you! I love your writing so much 💜💜💜
Anonymous said: I did mine through mail me and my husband did and we went to the post office a little while back and then he took us on a nice little date afterward and we got ice cream! Also I love void💖 keep up the good work
Anonymous said: VOTES FOR VOID??? I love democracy and I love VOID! So since May I've (temporarily) moved back home from New York to Indiana RE: covid; I've voted absentee for the both the primaries and presidential election (I'm still in IN rn...blah). I voted early and mailed in my ballot for the presidential election (about 3 weeks ago). Made sure my family was voting (brother mailed it in, mom dropped off a ballot, and dad did early voting) and encourage them to put up a Biden sign in our yard <3
Anonymous said: HI BEE! I ALSO VOTED TODAY! IM 21 SO THIS IS MY FIRST TIME VOTING FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (my 18th bday didnt make the cutoff since im a december bday) im so happy to have done my part! I made sure to study up on the judges and policies and everything! Luckily the polling place didn't have a line so i was able to get in, get my ballot, and fill it in right away! I even dragged my mom and cousin to come with me. I made a joke on snapchat to encourage my friends to vote too. It was a pic of my "i voted" sticker with a caption saying "omg youre so sexy when you vote aHaha" -🦙
Anonymous said: this is my first time doing this so, so i hope i’m sending this correctly! i voted early in late september by mail! i live in a swing state, so it’s really important for me to vote and not waste time!! bc of my age, this is my first time voting so i’m really nervous 😅
Anonymous said: I voted by email! I'm overseas so I wasn't sure if my ballot would actually make it through in time, so I decided to go electronically. Had to sign a waiver saying I understand that my vote won't be anonymous but I haven't been given a reason to suspect voter suppression/fraud in my state, so I'm happy I think...!
Anonymous said: hi, i voted early on oct 24th. my absentee ballot didn't come in, so i had to travel back home to vote (~3 hour drive). when we got there, there was a ton of people outside the polling place, but no lines, so i was in and out pretty quick. it was my first time voting, so i had all the candidates i was voting for written down on a tiny receipt so i wouldn't forget 😅. my mom was with me, so she voted too. took a pic with my sticker (mask on for extra covid-ness) and went home. drove back the next afternoon!
whippedforkook said: Hi Bee. 💕 I voted in early October - nearly a month ago! 😱 It’s been really weird with all the lead up to the election because it felt like it should have been done once I cast my ballot! A lot of my friends have volunteered to get out the vote: writing postcards to voters, texting, phone banking, working the polls, curing ballots. I didn’t volunteer at all this year, but I hope that all of my friends’ hard work and everyone else’s is enough. I’m also hoping and praying that I will be in a better place mentally for 2022 so that I too can volunteer. Our work starts with 2020 not ends. 💕 Wishing you well. 💕
begineuphoria said: I went and voted last Friday as it was our last early voting day. No way was I going to wait until today with the crowds of people in my area that still act as if masks are somehow infringing on their rights. 🙄 It was a rather normal experience for the most part. Other than having to use a coffee stir stick to press the buttons on the machine to vote. In and out within five minutes.
Anonymous said: I voted down the street at this pretty park this morning. I got up at 5:30 and it was freezing. Luckily I wore like 30 layers and stood outside for 2 hours. Some nasty orange man supporters were rude but everyone else was pretty nice. A really cute older couple was playing soccer with pine cones and kicked it towards me to play too. Not the worst time tbh.
Anonymous said: Did mail-in voting in California! Extremely exhausting and took forever to research all the propositions - they are notoriously tricky in hiding their flaws and one side tends to outrageously outspend the other. But in the end I felt really good about my research and decisions! No need for you to post a snippet for this story - would like to save that to read sometime in the future ;) Thank you so much for doing this!
joonsgotthejuice said: Votes for void??? I am here! I went last Thursday and it was chaotic bc I kept going past the poll place but the line was soooo long so my mom called me and woke me up like "its pouring rain and the line is super short get up I'm gonna pick you up" so thats the story of how I got dressed in 5 minutes and dragged my ass to vote in the rain <3
Anonymous said: i voted early on thursday it was cold and rainy but i went in the late afternoon and thankfully the only waiting i did was a few minutes for an elevator i got very lucky and while waiting for the results is awful the relief that came from voting in general was just great
Anonymous said: Wheeew the polls just closed and I finally got to cast my ballot yayyy ( I was the one working the polls from earlier) it’s been a really really long day and we actually had surprisingly good turnout. I saw a woman try to vote for someone else who claimed to be “helping” and I saw a woman who I’m pretty sure was on some typa something 👀 Overall though I really I’m really thankful for people like you who encouraged people to get out and vote. I hope the odds are in our favor❤️🤞🏼
chelsea-chee said: Hello Bee! Today surprisingly my elderly father wanted to vote so I brought him out with me. He only cared about voting for Biden, which meant I got to help decide who he should vote for with the rest of the candidates and amendments! Say hello to baby bee for me as well! 💖
Anonymous said: Okay I gonna got a chance to vote today and the process wasn’t that bad actually. I went in just now and it wasn’t that busy( thankfully) so no lines. I’m from Texas and it’s gonna be almost impossible to turn this state blue, but every vote counts! I love that you are getting people to vote and also sharing your experiences as well!
owl-orgy said: Dropped off my mail in ballot at a polling location! I originally wanted to vote early in person because I was worried my signature wouldn’t match closely enough but ended up just turning it in and double checked today to make it said “ballot accepted and counted”!
Anonymous said: I voted in person this afternoon, better late than never I guess. I was gonna go last week but then I got cramps from hell. There was no one in line in front of me, I think my county early voted because it was packed everyday the last few weeks
Anonymous said: I voted early a couple weeks ago. Exciting thing though that did happen was I got both my parents to vote for their first time ever.
Anonymous said: I had a mail in vote. So, I filled it out and dropped it in at the ballot box at my library. (I also checked out books for the first time in years, so I had fun!)
bubblyjiminnie said: I literally just finished voting. Lucky for me, the line and wait wasn’t very long, and it was a nice enough day that the short amount of time I had to spend in line outside of the building wasn’t too bad. My social anxiety when it comes to stuff like this tends to be high but that’s what I get for waiting until Election Day instead of going the mail in route. This was only my second time voting, but I’m glad that I did 😊
Anonymous said: I turned my ballot in last week :) I’m not a big fan of crowds and I hate make spur of the moment choices but despite that the first time I was able to vote back in 08 my Mom pressured me into voting in person because “you’d have to experience it at least once in our life”. And ever since then I comfortably vote by mail. I take my time, do all of my research, listen to music, and best of all don’t have to deal with people.
Anonymous said: here in Washington state it’s super easy to vote. I dropped my ballot off in mid-October and it’s already been accounted for! Mail in voting and drop box voting is fantastic and provides equal opportunity and access. Sad to see some people in red states misinforming Americans about it! We also have a referendum for implementing mandatory sex ed, including teaching respect, empathy and consent as part of the curriculum so I was happy to vote yes on that too!
unionrox006 said: I voted about 2 weeks ago by doing a mail in ballot. The other eligible to vote members of my household did the same. We chose to vote by absentee ballot because both my mom and I have an autoimmune disorder, so we have to be careful going out in the pandemic. Tbh, the ballot layout was a bit confusing at first as was all the paperwork and required IDs and documents. But my dad explained it to me and we got them filled out and mailed off. Kinda mad I didn't get a sticker for it though
bluetostone said: Love this and so excited for the next chp of void! I early voted a few weeks ago and because I live in a pretty rural county I was in and out of my polling place in a few minutes. No sticker though 😢. I live in a swing state so it could go either way in terms of delegates. Just praying everyone is safe tonight as the results roll in...though, won't we not know for sure for a couple of days or weeks?
Anonymous said: My mom, sister, and I received our early voting ballots a while ago and I took the longest to fill mine out because it was making me anxious :,( but I did return it before it was due. I checked our ballot statuses and mine and my moms were accepted but my sister’s said they hadn’t received hers back. Then she got another ballot so she filled that one out too and I took it yesterday 👍👍 I think she got two because she changed her address late so they sent two?
vixsynsblog said: Non-interesting voter story: I'm paranoid and live in a highly divided area, so I filed mail-in ASAP, mailed it a few days after cause neighbors are nosy and don't understand boundaries. Was able to track my ballot through my credit company, which was nice. Only thing I was missing was my sticker. Never got one✊😔. So I had to improvise and write it in pen on my disposable mask. I'm working all this week so if riots break out from either side, I'll be at work. Prayers for the safety of others🙏
Waaah!!! Thank you all for voting!! You are all my heroes. I am so grateful and proud of you. I’m sorry I ran out of time to respond to you individually. I’m going to drop two big scenes from Chapter 7 in gratitude (one of which will be familiar to my patrons and one won’t). I’m hopeful I will have the whole next chapter out very soon. Love you all!
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Void spoilers below the cut.
When you wake up in the morning, there are still no signed HR forms in your messages. Had you been a fool to think they were interested? How much time does it take to decide such a thing? Perhaps just by putting the idea out there explicitly, it had lost all of its taboo appeal. 
There is a calendar reminder waiting for you: Today is chili pepper pollinating day. At least this gives you an excuse to talk to Hoseok. 
You find the science officer in the lab as always, sitting with his knee up against his chest. Hoseok doesn’t look well. He’s got dark circles under his eyes.
“Hey, um…” You shuffle your feet. Want to fuck me? No wait…“You don’t look good. Were you here all night?” you ask.
He blinks at you, bleary-eyed. “Um, was I? Yeah.. I suppose. Lost track of time.” He rubs his eyes, before looking you up and down, then casting his gaze back to the floor. 
All you want to do is ask about the forms. Or the meeting. Or what he thinks of you now. But you don’t. “I need to pollinate the chili peppers today.” Usually Hoseok is the person who assists with that. “But I can get one of the other guys to do it if you need the sleep.”
“No!” Hoseok lurches forward, standing up a bit to rapidly and needing to put his hand back on the bench to steady himself. “I mean, I’m fine.” 
You should disgaree with him. He is exhausted. But you’d like more time to talk to him. 
Pollinating the chili peppers is both time-sensitive and time-consuming, hence why it took two of you to get the job done. There were no insects on your ship to do the job for you and if they didn’t get pollinated, they wouldn’t bear any fruit. Your chili peppers were your favorite crop. Not only a vital source of Vitamin C, but all your food benefitted from having a bit of spice added to it. 
You and Hoseok head for the greenhouse together. The intital set-up gives you something to talk about in the beginning. Hoseok gathers the pollen from one flower onto a paintbrush, then hands it over to you to paint onto the stigmas of each little flower on the next plant in the line.
Slowly the conversation dries up as you fall into a silent rhythm. Other than just enjoying the chili peppers, you must admit that this was one of your favorite tasks on the ship because of the high likelihood that the two of you would brush hands peridically. Always gave you butterflies. But today he seems extra intent on keeping his distance from you. Was he disgusted by you now? His hands are trembling.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
His hand twitches so hard that a little rain of yellow pollen cascades onto the floor. He curses in frustration before turning to face you. “Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Um, yes, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“This, um, plan of yours…” he gestures to the vague tension in the air. “It doesn’t feel like you.”
“I’m trying to save the mission. That has always been my top priority.”
“Yeah, I’m still not clear on how this benefits the mission.”
“Yoongi said…” you start to say, but are cut off my Hoseok’s derisive snort. 
“Look, if you’re in love with Yoongi, just go date him, okay? Don’t feel obligated to include the rest of us out of pity.” 
You frown. “I’m not… I’m not in love with him. It’s just sex. Just biology.” 
“This isn’t you!” Hoseok argues back. “You hated the idea of anyone of us ever treating you that way. And now you just want all of us to… to… use you like that?”  He splutters out the end of the sentence.
“No one is using me! This is my plan! I’m in charge!”
He sighs. “Well, I can’t be a part of it. Excuse me.”
Taehyung finds you in the gym. It’s good to see him up and about, even if his arm is still in a sling. 
“Hey, so I need to talk to you about this, um, ape sex thing.” He fishes awkwardly into his pockets and pulls out his tablet.  Maybe Jimin was right. Is Taehyung going to be the first to take you up on your offer?
You pause your jog on the elliptical machine. You wish you weren’t so sweaty and gross for this conversation. Taehyung is such an intimidatingly attractive man with those strong eyebrows and that perfect skin. 
Taehyung opens up the tablet and flips to the form. It’s happening. He’s going to sign the form. Shit. Then what will you do? It’s one thing to say you want to have sex with your whole crew, but what if he’s hoping to go right now? You need a shower. 
Taehyung has really nice hands. Long strong fingers delicately navigating the touch screen. It seems totally improbable that a man this attractive would be into you, even if you were the only woman in the universe. It just adds to your suspicions that hormones are driving everyone crazy. Perhaps if you slept with him once, he’d lose all interest. 
He finds the form and then turns his gaze up to you, staring you down with those eyes. It’s a good thing that Taehyung rarely turns his full gaze on you, because it is almost too much to bear. Shit, is he just going to sign it? Is he waiting for you to give him some sort of signal?
“You can’t do this to Jimin,” he says.
“What?” Not what you were expecting. “Do what to Jimin?”
“This.” He gestures over the HR form. “Signing these forms with everyone. Having sex with everyone. You’re going to destroy Jimin.”
“Jimin’s the one who suggested this whole thing in the first place.” It’s a lie. You know its a lie. Or at least a gross exaggeration. But Jimin was the one who first brought up the idea of sharing. All for the benefit of the man in front of you now. 
“No way.” Taehyung scoffs, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “No way was it Jimin’s idea that you sleep with the whole crew.” 
“Well…” You can’t bear his gaze anymore and look down at the floor. “He wanted me to sleep with you.”
That surprises Taehyung. He puts down the tablet. “What? Why would he want that?”
This is awkward. “He, um, thinks you’re in love with me.”
“What?” There is only surprise on Taehyung’s face. It’s actually a relief to see that Taehyung is just as shocked by that idea as you were. “Why does he think that?”
“I don’t know…” You feel kind of dumb now. Of course, Taehyung doesn’t feel that way about you. Look at him. “Cause you told him you were jealous. Cause you can’t stand to be in the same room as us…”
Taehyung bites his lip. “Oh, um, shit, sorry, that’s not what I meant.”
If Taehyung isn’t jealous of Jimin... 
“Taehyung…” He looks up, biting his lip. “What did you mean? Who are you jealous of?” 
Taehyung’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead he reaches for his microphone and mutes it. Out of respect, you mute yours as well. He glances toward the camera in the corner of the room, then stands up and begins unzipping his jumpsuit. 
“Um…” You are distracted by the golden arms that peak from either side of the tank top as the zipper reaches his groin. “What are you doing?”
“Need something to block the camera.”
“We have towels,” you mutter.  But he’s already stripping out of his shirt. The musculature of his back ripples. He hangs the shirt off of the camera to block the rest of the room from view. 
“Yeah, but this way anyone watching will think we’re having sex.” His chest is just as attractive as his back and you flush at the sight of it. Mercifully, he zips back into his jumpsuit as he returns to his position in front of the exercise machine. 
“You want them to think we’re having sex?”
“Don’t you? It plays right into your whole save the mission with bonobo sex plan.”
“I suppose.” Though the plan was also supposed to be that there would be no more secrets between the crew. “What plan of yours does it play into?”
“The one where Jimin doesn’t realize I’m in love with him.”
“You’ve never tried to tell him?”
Taehyung laughs wryly and shakes his head. “How would that conversation go? Hey man, I know we’ve known each other for years and I’ve already seen you naked and that you just think of me as a friend, but I’m in love with you. I know that’s awkward but now you have to spend the next twelve years with me, knowing that I’m attracted to you when you don’t feel the same way.” Taehyung sighs. “Doesn’t sound like a good plan to me. If he doesn’t feel the same way, I’ve just ruined the friendship for nothing and then I don’t even have that.”
“Yeah… I get that.”  There’s something touching about realizing that Taehyung has been fighting the same battle as you for the last two years. 
“I couldn’t tell anyone before launch because what if they wouldn’t let me go then? You know?”
“Yeah, the director wasn’t big on sending anyone who might ‘complicate’ the mission.” The two of you share a sad knowing smile. 
“Yeah… And I thought it would be fine, you know? I like women too. I’d just date women until launch and no one would know. I wasn’t planning on falling in love with my roommate.”
“I don’t think any of us really knew what this would be like.”
“I knew it was going to be a problem. I should have pulled out…” 
Your mind flashes back to that moment of doubt when Hoseok talked you into still coming on the mission.
“But I couldn’t just let him go off into space without me. Even if he’d never feel the same way, at least he’d still be in my life.”
The emotion in Taehyung’s words makes your eyes begin to mist. “You really do love him.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung sighs again. “But he’s in love with you.”
“Well, he thinks he is.”
“What does that mean?”
“He only feels like that about me cause he thinks I’m the only option.”  You wonder if maybe he would feel differently if he knew about Taehyung’s feelings. 
Taehyung frowns and shakes his head. “You don’t give him enough credit.”
“Oh come on, you know him. How many women did he date while we were in training?”
“A few…” 
“And how many of them was he in love with before he found the next one?”  
Taehyung bites his lip. He can’t really argue with that. “So why are you with him then, if you don’t think it’s real?”
You shrug, rubbing your arm. “He wants me. It’s nice to feel wanted, I guess.”
“You know you could have that with any man on this ship right?”
You scoff. “They’re all suffering the same delusion. It’s only-available-vagina syndrome. I just want us all to fuck and get it out in the open. Maybe if we could get it out of our system, they would see I’m nothing special. And then we can get back to the mission.”
Taehyung eyes you up and down. “You don’t give yourself enough credit either.”
You shrug. “You wait and see. Jimin will get bored of me. They all will.”
The two of you both slump backwards in your seats, mulling over your shared woes.  Taehyung bends down and picks up the tablet again. “So what should I do with this?”
“Obivously, you don’t have to sign it. I should have realized that not everyone would be interested.”
“Jimin thinks I’m in love with you?”
“Is it okay if we let him think that for now? At least until I figure out how to tell him the truth?”
Taehyung smiles and signs the bottom of the form, then sends it to you. Your phone lights up with a message. “Thank you,” he murmurs before he leaves. 
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Now that Nora's season is coming to end, what are somethings that you want for amira's season
Hi 😁 I bet you thought I’d never reply to this ask! Well, after you sent this in MARCH, I am finally posting an answer. 
Btw, I did the same for Nora’s season, and as a note, I’m a white European and an atheist. If any of this is offensive or not my place to say, I preemptively apologize.
1) I would like for Amira's arc not to be about being Muslim. That is, Cris' arc isn't about being bi, it's about learning (and accepting) that she's more than the fun friend. That she has and can offer more to the people in her life. Nora's arc isn't about being a feminist, it's about not being so set in your first impression of someone that you don't notice red flags or don't notice them trying to be better people. Same with Eva and not being defined by her mistakes, or about Viri and her financial situation. And I would like the same for Amira.
2) I think one common denominator of all Sana seasons so far is that they've shown the mains doing something that people assume hijabi can't do when it's more like they're systematically excluded from participating. For Sana, it was basketball. For Imane, it was dancing. For Amira M, it was boxing. I joked on twitter that Amira N's thing should be binging TV shows and eating junk, proving that hijabi are really like anyone else, but on a serious note, I'd like for Amira's thing to be photography (and maybe modeling? since Amira's friend was taking pics of her).
3) A scene where Amira explains how she can be a feminist and a hijabi both, just so we as a society have that scene to point to when the question inevitably comes up again. Seriously, I feel like that's one of the questions I most often see people asking Hajar.
4) I want the association girls to have their own youtube channel. Or at the very least, their own instagram and/or twitter account. I would love for them to post memes punching up about their experiences.
5) I feel like, much like with trans narratives, there's this "acceptable" narrative for hijabi in mainstream society, which is: the character made the decision to cover after coming up with solid reasons to do so. I.e. she made the decision early and can defend it with inarguable rebuttals. It's like women can't be trusted unless they know 150% what they're doing, be it covering, or dating a girl, or going vegan, or any number of things. I really appreciate that Amira started covering just because it felt right, and she's finding meaning in it after the fact. I would like for this to be a thing in her season, that she's still figuring herself out, that she's not already an Islamic scholar.
6) I also think that's what makes her stand apart from the other Sanas. I feel like (maybe with Zoya's exception), none of the other Sanas would entertain a crush on a white guy. They'd have never drunk or flirted (like we know Amira used to do). It's like they're not allowed to fuck up, or can only fuck up in acceptable ways, like engaging in a flirtation with a non Muslim only because they didn't know he wasn't a Muslim, or had booze at home, but it wasn't theirs, etc. I'm hoping that they've made Dani a love interest specifically to explore this idea (and not because they wanted to whitewash a character or give less time to an actor of color).
7) On that note, SKAM Hajar brought up an idea that, because the hijab makes them super visible, hijabi are perceived as ambassadors of Islam, expected to be able to answer any question about Islam, but also that people will judge all Muslims based on whatever mistake they individually make. I would like for a potential bench scene to allow Amira to say that it puts major pressure on her to feel like she can't make any mistake, because every Muslim will be judged based on her making a mistake, having a shitty day, being in a bad mood, not wanting to be Muslim wikipedia that day, etc. That sometimes she just wants to be Amira, not Islam personified.
8) I would like for Dani's character to represent not just white society, but also childhood, the safe choice, the choice her parents would love, and for Sofian's character to represent not just Moroccan culture, but also like... SEXY risk, independence, novelty... Because I feel like when I see Muslim girl/Muslim boy/white guy love triangles in fiction, the Muslim guy is positioned as the boring choice (but still incredibly wrong because he's abusive or maybe even secretly gay and forced to beard by his parents), the safety, the guy you'd bring home to your parents, whereas the white guy represents independence and carving your own path away from your parents.
9) Just once, I would like for a Muslim character to say, "what do you think of Catholic priests abusing kids?" to someone asking them what they think of such-and-such Muslim majority country doing such-and-such to its citizens. Bonus points if it's Sofian's character.
10) I would like for Dilan to get an insta and a storyline. And for that storyline to connect to Amira's.
11) In general, I would prefer that parents be kept to a minimum (not to get rid of them entirely, of course, but to be kept at the level they've been in other Sana seasons). I just have never thought the point of Skam was the parents. And I get why they have a larger presence in a second gen kid, but I, personally, am more interested in what they represent in the main's life, rather than in giving them a lot of face time.
12) And, on that note, if they do with Amira what I've outlined above, I don't think there's a necessity for Amira to have siblings. Particularly if eskam isn't going to continue after this season. I think it'd be far more interesting if Amira's character contained the elements of figuring her identity as a Muslim living in a Western country that Elias, Idriss and Essam had. (And maybe that way Dani is both Yousef and Elias, stealing not just one role for an actor of color, but two! lmao)
13) I really hope that the obligatory evak s4 side plot be kept at a minimum tbh. I'm really not interested in a) Eloy coming back to cause drama, b) Amira's friend causing croana drama because she's Joana ex or whatever, c) a physical fight breaking out because of (perceived) homophobia.
14) I want Amira to tell Cris that amiris es lo más real que hay. 😭 I would love it if, as a parallel to Cris' season, Amira doesn't tell Cris about her interest in Sofian's character at first because she's afraid of her reaction, only for Cris to be supportive of whatever she chooses to do.
15) I would be so fucking happy if eskam adapted the "is your faith stronger than your lust?" scene in this season. I have always wanted to love that scene, because how often do you get a scene where two girls get to talk that long and that much (even in Skam most of the iconic dialogue scenes between just two people aren't between two girls in the squad), but I just haaaated the purpose of the scene in Skam.
16) I would cry buckets if we got a scene like Det Beste fra Islam where Amira and Sofian's character both talk about what Islam means for them. Particularly if Sofian is introduced as not the Perfect Muslim Man, but it turns out he has THOUGHTS about religion.
17) And, finally, I would love for the unquestionable villain of the season to be a white guy. If the villain is going to be a woman, then I would want her to be Cris' mom, not a high school aged character. Not because of white feminism yayyy! but because I think the major issue Sana seasons have run into before is that the showrunners want to touch on white girls being the problem, but they also don't want to villainize white girls. So we have stuff like Sana inviting Sara and Ingrid (of all people!!) to Eid, Imane apologizing to Ingrid (of all people!!), random one clip white women attacking Amira M (and the Kiki/Amira friendship of course), etc. I'd just rather they didn't have girls doing shitty stuff to Amira N, if they're going to go back on it. Which they inevitably would, because eskam's overall message is sisterhood.
Bonus clips
18) I would love it if Skam España was like, "you thought we were dropping storylines left and right? Nope!" and resolved long standing mysteries like who was behind Eva's hate ig, who had the pills, who outed Cris to the school, who's the owner of the keys that were left behind at GSC, and so on. Will die if it turns out to be Ramón!
19) I want Joana to get that job she wanted so bad last season!
20) I would love for Emma to show up and come out as a lesbian, just as a last hurrah lol.
21) I don't feel strongly about which couples should be endgame and not (other than not Dani/Amira hghvvh please), BUT in my most embarrassing fantasies, I want Skam España to hire Alejandro Reina's irl boyfriend to play Lucas' boyfriend for the finale. Not because I can't separate fiction from reality or anything, but because when I thought Lucas would be getting a season, I wanted his boyfriend to be a poc, and I was highkey buttmad that they hired random white bread when they could just as easily have hired a poc.
22) I think it would be really cool if Inés got a clip on her POV, but I don't think we're going to get it. I think all bonus clips will be from the squad's POV, i.e. Eva, Cris, Nora and Viri. Not even Joana.
23) I want a Mallorca special or episode so bad, and I will be so FUCKING ANNOYED if we don't get it. Seriously, I can't imagine the team didn't feel betrayed when they watched Skam for writing purposes, and didn't get their russetide. So they should know how angry we would be if we didn't get even a little bit of Mallorca time.
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thedeliverygod · 4 years
Yayyy I finally managed to write something other than a drabble for Fruits Basket. Keeping that in mind, be gentle on me lmao.
[kyoru fluff, manga spoilers]
Tohru dropped the large laundry basket to the floor, falling to her knees and breathing heavily, “Just made it…”
“Wow, good timing.” Kyo commented from his doorway, “I was about to go see if you needed help after I heard the rain start.”
She shook her head, “I saw it getting dark right after I started taking things down so I hurried as much as I could. But you know, I wouldn’t mind some help putting it away. I may have over done it a little.” She finished breathlessly.
As she gave a sheepish laugh, he sighed and tapped his knuckle against her head, “Of course you did.” He continued to move his hand downward and stretched it out toward her, “C’mon, go sit on your bed for a minute.”
“It’s not that bad, Kyo-kun! I—” She started to get up on her own but he quickly gave her a disapproving look.
“Okay…” She gave in, taking his hand and letting him lead her into her bedroom.
After he sat her down, he disappeared back into the hallway for a moment before coming back with the laundry. “You get light headed when you push yourself too much. This way you won’t fall.” Kyo commented as he sat beside her, starting to sort through the basket.
Tohru’s lips parted in surprise before she smiled widely and reached over to squeeze his hand, “Thank you.”
He smiled as well but said nothing, focusing on the task at hand.
As she folded some of her own clothes, she asked, “Are you still going to the dojo to practice with Shishou-san today?”
He looked at her curiously, “I planned on it, yeah. Why?”
“It’s just—” She hesitated, flustered, “I know the rain still bothers you, but also the storms this afternoon are supposed to get fairly intense, so I was just wondering…”
“I mean, if you’re worried, I can stay.” Kyo put his arms behind him and leaned back, “Missing a day isn’t a big deal.”
“But you enjoy sparring so much and also I know how much you and Shishou-san both enjoy spending time with each other and—” A loud crash of thunder interrupted her and she nearly jumped out of her skin, “Eep!”
Her eyes still clenched shut, she heard him ask, “Are you scared of thunderstorms?”
“Scared? N-no, of course not.” She cracked an eye open and responded shakily, “I just don’t like them.”
Kyo laughed loudly, “Yeah, okay. Well, whatever the case… I’ll call Shishou and let him know I’m staying home today.”
Tohru leaned forward, urging, “You really don’t have to!”
“If it’s something you managed to hide from all of us when we’ve lived together for this long, I consider it bad enough.” He stood up and started making his way for the stairs.
“It’s just because it’s silly and I didn’t want to both any of you!” There was another crash of thunder and she hurried to catch up with Kyo, “And there’s not even any particular reason as to why I’m scared of them.”
He glanced behind him, answering, “You don’t have to have a reason to be scared.”
Tohru stopped and sat down on the step she was on, peering down at the phone as he made his way to it. Smiling, she spoke softly, “Thank you, Kyo-kun.”
He smiled as well, but turned away as he started dialing the number. “Hey Kunimitsu, it’s Kyo. Can you put Shishou on the phone?” He put his hand on his hip as he waited in silence, speaking loudly once his master had finally answered. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just wanted to let you know I’m not coming over this afternoon for practice.”
Tohru noticed he grumbled sheepishly at whatever the response was, “I’m just not at my best because of the rain and then I guess Tohru’s pretty worried about the severe storms and she’s home alone, so…” Kyo gripped at his hair as if he wanted to pull some out and answered, “Yes, Shishou, we will. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
She leaned forward to look down again, asking, “That bad, huh?”
Kyo rolled his eyes and shook his head, “It’s fine. He was just being obnoxious.” Just as he was about to head back upstairs, the phone rang and he growled, “What now!?”
“Shigure-san, maybe?” She shrugged, squeezing her legs together and wrapping her arms around herself as another round of thunder rolled in.
“Hello?” Kyo picked up the phone, annoyance clear in his tone, “Oh, it’s you.” He only listened for a minute or so before he said, “Alright, got it.” With that, he hung up.
As he offered his hand to her on the stairs, she asked quietly, “Um, was that Yuki-kun?”
He nodded, “Yeah. Said he’s going out to eat with student council people so not to worry about him for dinner.”
“Oh my gosh, dinner.” She whirled around and nearly slipped down the steps in the process.
“Not right now.” He spun her around and kept his hands at her shoulders as he pushed her forward, “Or at all. I’ll pick something up later. Again, would you stop pushing yourself?”
“Sorry.” She mumbled in a whine as he led her back to her bedroom.
“Don’t apologize.” He sighed, sitting next to her and taking her hand in his, “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
Tohru smiled and squeezed his hand in return, “I guess I am a little jumpy right now.”
“More than a little.” He corrected, “You would have fallen down the stairs if I hadn’t caught you.”
She waved him off, “That was just my usual clumsiness, no big—WAH!” She ducked into Kyo’s lap as more thunder rang out, her elbow ramming into his ribcage with her sudden movement.
Coughing, he sputtered, “Tohru, what the hell.”
She sat up and brought both of her hands to her mouth, “Kyo-kun! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!”
“What was that about your usual clumsiness?” He winced as he gently touched his side, “I think this may be one of the only times I wish I would have turned into a cat, so I would have missed your elbow.”
She rose upward and held out her hand apologetically, unsure of what to do, “I’m so sorry!”
Kyo laughed, a soft smile taking over his face, “I’m just joking.” He reached forward to scoop her into his arms, pulling her against him, “Being able to hold you like this is well worth the accidental injuries.”
“Kyo-kun…” She settled into his arms and rested her head in the crook of his neck. As more thunder roared outside her window, she jolted against him and grabbed a fist full of his shirt..
“It’s okay. You’re safe with me.” He rubbed slow circles against her back.
Tohru nodded wordlessly, sinking back into him and loosening her grip as her eyes fluttered shut.
“I’m home!” Yuki announced as he slipped off his shoes, peering into the dark house. “Did the power go out?” He wondered to himself as he took a few steps into the hallway, trying out a light switch. The light coming on with no issue, he squinted in confusion.
“Honda-san?” He started for the stairs, hearing a strange hissing sound as he made his way up. “Hello?” He questioned loudly.
“In here. But shut up, rat!” He heard a hushed whisper from the direction of Tohru’s bedroom and immediately flushed.
Glaring, he marched towards the doorway, “What are you—”
Tohru was fast asleep, her middle sprawled out across Kyo’s lap with his legs bent at awkward angles and his face almost in a wince.
“Oh.” Yuki’s shoulders dropped in relief, though he was tempted to laugh out loud at Kyo’s misfortune.
“I don’t want to wake her up, but both of my legs are asleep.” He tried to shift, but his efforts were in vain.
Yuki shook his head and crossed his arms, “Do I even wanna know what you were doing before that got you into this situation?”
Kyo snapped back, his hand in a fist and his face red, “We—Look, she was scared of the thunderstorm. Save your dirty thoughts for your own girlfriend.”
Yuki gaped in response for a second before brushing off his comment and changing the subject, “Honda-san is scared of thunderstorms?”
“Apparently.” Kyo looked down at her sleeping form, “She just never wanted to bother us with it.”
He leaned against the doorframe and ran a hand through his hair, sighing, “Sounds like her, alright.” Taking a step back out of the doorway, he rubbed his arm, “Well, I’m glad she’s okay. I’m going to bed, so good luck regaining use of your legs.”
He disappeared into the hallway as Kyo called out, “Wait! You’re really going to leave me like this!? You really are the worst!”
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
somebody to love pt.3 | rogerxreader
warnings: drinking, violence, bit of angst
word count: 4.8k (oops)
the third instalment of somebody to love- we are finally getting some proper content of roger and readerrrr yayyy!! :)
taglist: @jennyggggrrr
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Once we reached the shop, you immediately fell in love with the colours and materials that were scattered around the room. Freddie and yourself spent about 2 hours trailing clothes in and out of the changing rooms, attempting to find something that wouldn't make you look like you just got out of bed and rolled up at a bar. Let's just say, you were unsuccessful. You sat in the guest seat which was placed in the corner of the rather large changing room, slouching against the back as you sigh heavily; Fred had gone to look for something you had yet to try on, which you were convinced is absolutely nothing at this point, and he hasn't yet returned after 5 minutes. You were beginning to think there is absolutely no hope for you anymore. That is until Freddie comes bursting in through the door, with an item you could barely make out considering his movements were extremely energetic. "Love, I think I've found it"
"It? You really think so?" you squealed, jumping out of the seat and rushing over to Freddie to see the outfit which was apparently so amazing. Looking in Freddie's hand, you saw a small black dress - if you could even call it that - draped on the arms of the hanger. It was a skimpy, leather, low cut, cami dress featuring lace detailing at the cups with hook and eye fastening detail - it was nice you couldn't deny it; it's just not something you'd pick out. Ever. "Fred, you've got to be joking!"
"What love, it's gorgeous - you can't deny!"
"Yes it is. But do I really seem like the type of girl who would wear something like... that?" you sighed, rolling your eyes at Freddie's lack of awareness. "Don't you think it's a little too much? Or should I say too little, considering there's barely any fucking material on there!"
"Come on darling, at least try it on. Then, and only then, will you have the right to say no." He encouraged, already beginning to slide the straps down the hanger before handing the material, or lack thereof, over to you. You snatch it from his grasp, sighing heavily before going to pull the shirt you had slipped on earlier over your head. Hearing Freddie squeal in excitement from behind you, you shot him a quick glare and gestures for him to leave so you could change. Once you had slipped the dress on, which proved more difficult than you originally imagined, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. You didn't look that bad.
"See darling, I told you you'd look ravishing!" Fred exclaimed from behind you, making you jump out of your own skin. You felt your cheeks blush, knowing Freddie was right - you did look amazing, but you couldn't admit it. You knew this was sure to get Roger's attention when you see him, but you’re not sure you want him to see you in this way. You’re basically trying to look sexy, but you don't just want Roger to see you as a sex object, considering he's already seen you stripping. And like you’ve said, you don't want to just be added to his long list of one night lovers. "I guess it does kind of look nice - you don't think it's too... revealing?"
"Darling, we were given skin when we were born - so show it off! What else can we do with it?"
"Well, Fred, our skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. Not draw in men who will most likely see me and think 'she'd be a good shag!'"
"It's one of its many uses love!" Freddie claimed, making you laugh loudly. He stepped closer to you, altering the dress in certain places so that it fit you better, before handing you a pair of heels he had grabbed while you were changing. Slipping them on, you stood back up only wobble a little in the shoes. You were used to wearing heels of course, your job requiring it, but these caught you off guard. "I guess the dress does hug my curves perfectly..."
"I know they do, love - I'm telling you, I have great fucking fashion sense so when I say you look absolutely sensational; you take it! Now slip the dress off and I'll go pay!"
"No no no Fred you're not paying!"
"Y/N, darling, need I remind that you didn't get paid this week because someone had a hissy fit and stormed out of work early. This one is my treat!" Freddie insisted, taking the dress from your hold and into his, before skipping out the door, allowing you to get dressed back in your boring, old clothes.
Walking through the entrance to the bar, though similar to the club, it hit you like a brick. The odour of weed and booze waft through the air, filling your senses with the most unpleasant sensations. As you and Freddie attempt to weave through the masses, dancing sweaty bodies press and rub up against you, making you pace increase as you strive to get away from the crowds. Once you had reached the front, you paid more attention to the band on stage, and looked towards the drum kit to make direct eye contact with Roger. You grinned widely and waved like an excited child, whilst he just sat there looking almost awestruck at what he was seeing in front of him. You noticed his eyes gaze up and down your body, starting at the black heels Freddie carefully picked out and moving up to reach your Y/H/C corkscrew curls which had taken you 2 hours to perfect - with the help of Freddie alongside your own capabilities- taking in your whole appearance of hair, makeup, dress and shoes. You knew you looked perfect, yet it didn't spring in your mind why Roger looked at you quite so longingly. He had only known you for a few days, and you were barely even friends at this point. You stepped away from the barrier of the stage with Freddie to grab a drink, jumping up onto a seat and crossing your legs - which seemed harder than you imagined it with the dress hugging so tightly around your hips. Freddie sat opposite you, snapping his fingers with such sass, you couldn't help but giggle lightly.
"Two Piña Coladas - one for me, one for the lady." Freddie demanded, shooing the bartender away, as he rolled his eyes at Fred's arrogance. You chuckled softly, slapping Freddie's leg harshly as if to tell him off for being a dick to the barkeeper. Of course, you knew he was only messing around, but anyone would think he was being a stuck up twat. Fred had 'flirted' with you on multiple occasions but you both knew he was only joking around - you had an inkling you were certainly the opposite of his type, so when he said the next thing, you were a little swept off your feet. "Y/N, can I ask you something?"
"Of course Fred, go for it!" you smiled, grabbing the drink that had just been placed beside you and mouthing a small 'thank you' to the bartender, following with a sip.
"Okay so, you know how I went out a few nights ago to that gig, and you mentioned how I came home relatively sober?" He questioned, you nodding slightly unsure of where this was going "Well, I met this girl at the gig, and I think I'm in love"
You choked on your drink as he spoke the words, looking up into his eyes, for some indication this was a joke or if he was being serious. "What?"
"Yeah, she's called Mary, and I think she is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen - other than you, my dear" He mumbled, seeming slightly nervous at the admission, but you couldn't help but grin widely. "Freds that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! What did you need my help with then?"
"Thank you love. I just wanted your opinion, how could I maybe get her attention?"
"Well, considering you can barely keep eye contact with me without staring at someone behind me, I'm going to assume she's over there. So, go and fucking talk to her! Offer to buy her a drink! You know, be nice!" you exclaimed, pulling him out of his seat by his hand and pushing him towards her, seeing him strut off with confidence. However, now you were alone, and after consuming multiple drinks, you were beginning to feel the rush. You weren't drunk, but you were border lining tipsy and for you, that certainly wasn't safe. You pushed yourself away from the bar, to keep yourself from drinking any more than you already had this evening, and closer to the stage, considering you hadn't been paying much attention to Roger's band. As the booze flowed through your system, you couldn't help but let yourself get lost in the music, dancing along as if you were in the strip club doing your job. You strayed from all inhibitions and let the alcohol control my mind; before you knew it, the music was over and the boys on stage were finishing their set. Which meant one thing. You could go hang out with Roger.
You wander down the hallway which you saw Roger and the two other lads walk down, closing in on a door which was radiating the sound of loud music and possibly even arguing. Just as you placed my hand on the handle to open it, the door abruptly flung open to reveal a lad who looked around the same age as Roger and yourself, maybe a year or two older. He had brown, curly hair which reached down to his shoulders, and stood quite tall compared to you height; you recognised him as the guitarist from Rogers band. You jumped at the unexpected confrontation, whilst the boy just chuckled lightly.
"I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you! Erm, can I help you? Are you lost?" He asked, looking around me for any indication that you were a fan or someone important
"I'm sorry, Roger said to come meet him after your set finished - I'm in his biology class" you grinned, hoping for Roger to pop round the corner at any given moment. Thought he didn't, and instead the lad just stood to the side to let you in.
"Ah yes, Y/N? Rogers just gone for a smoke, he should be back soon however - make yourself comfy. I'm Brian." He smiled widely, gesturing over to the couch which looked like it had been previously occupied not long ago - presumably by Roger. The fact that Brian knew your name meant one thing - Roger has been talking about you. God, what if he told them you’re a stripper? "I- uh- I apologise if Roger seems to be angry or annoyed in any way, we just had an argument with Tim, the lead singer, and Roger can tend to get extremely irate quite easily"
You nodded understandingly, having seen many episodes of Rogers frustrations, especially in Biology when he didn't understand a topic or couldn't do a certain practical correctly. They always ended with something broken; whether that was a glass test tube smashed on the floor, a biology textbook with the pages shredded out of them, or a very vital piece of his experiment data which he had ripped up. You were certain you did not want to be on the receiving end of one of these occurrences - "Maybe I should leave then, let Roger cool down a little?"
"No no no, you don't have to leave! In fact, it'll probably do you better to stay - you may be able to keep Roger at bay from smashing a drum kit or something. He wouldn't want to embarrass himself in front of you"
And with that, Roger threw the door open and stormed in, flinging his drumsticks against the couch- barely noticing your presence as he began to rant. "I can't believe the fucking guy, 'Humpy Bong', it's fucking bullshit - I mean what kind of name is that for a band? I've got better things to do with my Saturday nights - I could give you their names"
"Rog, we have a guest" Brian muttered, turning him around to face you, as you sat there awkwardly, a fake grin on your face as you attempted to act natural. "Hey" you mumbled, moving your hand as if to wave at him.
"Oh god, sorry love, I'm so glad you could make it!" He quickly exclaimed, turned around and pulling you into a quick hug as you stood up out of the seat.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Is everything okay?" you asked, noticing both Rog and Brian's hostility as you entered. You were guessing it's because of the argument they had with Tim - the lead singer - but you didn't know what it's about.
"Not really, Tim, our lead singer, just quit" Roger explained, plonking back into the couch you were sat on, his elbows situated on each knee as his head rested forward in his hands. After playing the drums for quite a while on stage, Roger had developed a look similar to when you saw him earlier today - tendrils of blonde hung in front of his eyes as his perspiration made his skin glow under the dimming light of the room. His shirt, which he had unbuttoned during the set, revealed the way his stomach inflated and deflated with every deep breath he took. You couldn't help but get lost in the sight of what you saw as an angel. As he leaned back on the couch and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it swiftly before pinning it between his teeth, to place his callous hand on my knee and turn to face you; sending shivers down your spine from his touch against your bare skin, electricity rushing through your body.
"W-what are you to d-do?" you stuttered, struggling to focus on anything but Roger's coarse touch against your leg. That was until you had an idea which you knew would work for both parties involved. "Actually, I may have a suggestion" you grinned, pushing myself off the couch in excitement, before rushing out the door to find Freddie. Freddie was perfect; Smile had just lost their singer and Fred had been saying for a while he wanted to be a star. And he certainly had the talent to do it. A few minutes later, you had returned, hand grasping onto Freddie's slightly too tightly you must admit. He had a look of confusion plastered on his face as you had ripped him away from whatever conversation he was happening - the caution you had made was that it was not with Mary, because that was not something you were going to ruin for him.
"Darling, care to explain what's going on?"
"I have the perfect addition to Smile. Brian, Roger - meet Freddie" you grinned, your smile extending across my whole face as you took pride in your proposition. "Fred, go on, sing something! You've been saying how you wanted to go into music!" you noticed the look of amusement on both Roger and Brian's face - you understood slightly; Freddie was an extravagant character and it was very well presented through his speech and appearance.
"Not with those teeth mate" Roger chuckled, and you shot him a glare out of the side of your eye. Freddie, of course, didn't let it affect him as he began singing Doing Alright - his angelic notes earning a look of shock and disbelief from the boys as they were proven wrong.
"He was born with four additional incisors - more space in his mouth means more range. I thought you would've known that Rog, having been a dental student and all" you smirked, giving Freddie a secluded high five at the snigger of Brian which came from behind us. Roger rolled his eyes at your snarky comment, but quickly got on board with your suggestion.
"I'll consider your offer" Freddie sassed, before pecking your cheek and beginning to walk out the door - "You coming back?"
"Erm, no I think I'll stay. If that's okay with you boys?" you grinned, looking over to see them nod, before giving Freddie a tight hug and seeing him out. "You boys wanna get a drink?"
Walking back out into the crowd brought a wave of exhilaration and animation over you, the alcohol rising back into your system to bring a sense of carelessness into your mind. You didn't realise how much you had actually consumed earlier on until you began to stumble with every step, in which Roger took notice of - wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you upright. You leant into his embrace, as to not fall over from your drunken inhibitions, giggling softly as your brain wandered off to gin-soaked thoughts. You heard Roger's small chuckles from beside you, as he placed you down in the booth he had managed to drag you towards, amused by your intoxicated actions. Brian returned from the bar with a tray of drinks, in which you reacted with grabby hands as if you were a child being given a sippy cup, him handing you a glass of red wine which you downed once it was placed in your hand. Both the boys were now laughing in hilarity at your utter desperation, which was quite common for you when you were under the influence, however you just shot them a sharp glare out of the side of your eye before demanding another drink.
"I think you've had enough Y/N, we can't have you passing out on us" Roger teased, moving his drink away from you as if you were going to attempt to take it. You were going to, but he didn't need to know that.
"Fine. I'll go get my own" you sassed, trying to stand in the heels Freddie had so stupidly chosen, wobbling a little as the alcohol rushed to your head from your sudden movement. Once you caught your balance, you shot Roger a smirk before strutting off to the bar. Once there, you asked for a drink and zoned out completely, paying no mind whatsoever about your surroundings, whilst in the bar Roger and Brian conversed about you. 
"God, Y/N looks fucking gorgeous" Roger exclaimed, releasing a long sigh while slumping back into his seat. He shot small glances over at you, mainly at the way the dress sat on your body, but occasionally lifting to look at your small smile growing on your face as you tried not to lose your balance and fall backwards. "I mean, look at that fucking dress. And her hair looks so perfect. And don't even get me started on that smile. Brian, what should I do?"
"Why don't you try complimenting her? Girls usually tend to, you know, appreciate that" Brian sniggered, finding Roger's infatuation slightly amusing; he had never seen Roger behave like this around a woman - he would usually talk about how her tits looked good or her ass looked sexy. Never had he complimented someone's dress, unless it involved it being in a pool around a girls legs. Never had he complimented someone's hair, unless it involved it being post-sex and frizzed up. Never had he complimented someone's smile, unless it involved it being wrapped around his cock as he got sucked off. 
"I can't Brian. What if she thinks I want to just get her into bed?" He groaned, his brain searching for ways to get away from his lust.
"Well, isn't that kind of what you want?"
"No. Not Y/N - well yes, but not just that. Y/N's different" Roger explained, his eyes now staring over in your direction. Meanwhile, you were slowly beginning to get extremely impatient at the fact your drink was yet to arrive, rolling your eyes and slumping back onto a barstool to save your legs from buckling under your weight, bumping into someone sat in the seat next to you. You turned to apologize but found yourself speechless at the sight in front of you. A man, around your age, who had the appearance of an angel; a head of brunette, curly hair which hung over his forehead; underneath which were piercing, green eyes which were burning into my soul; his dewy, tawny skin glowing under the dims lights of the bar; he was besuited, his dark silk suit perfectly shaping his muscles, making him look neat and tidy. As you sat, taking in his appearance, he perked up.
"I'm awfully sorry, didn't mean to bump into you" He apologized, his voice deep and raspy just as you'd expect from such a good-looking man, sending butterflies to your stomach in an instant. "No, no, it was my fault - I wasn't looking where I was going"
"Well, I won't hold a grudge - can't stay angry at such a beautiful woman" He charmed, making your cheeks blush in an instant. You turned fully to face him, noticing he was too sat alone. "Can I get you a drink?"
"Oh, I did order one just a few minutes ago but I haven't got it yet." you explained, slurring your words a little as the alcohol was still brewing within you. No doubt, it would make you do or say something stupid in front of the man, but you were to face that problem when it arised. The man tapped his hand on the counter top aggressively, and then snapped his fingers a few times in order to get the bartender's attention. "Excuse me - the lady ordered a drink a while ago but is yet to get it. Pick up the pace a little, would you”
"S-sorry, I'm do-doing my best. It's very busy, s-sir. I'll get your drink now, s-sir" The young boy stuttered, his face clouded with fear and agitation. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the lad, he truly was trying his best. You mouthed a small 'sorry' towards him, making him smile a little as he poured my glass of rosé and handed it to me. Taking a small sip, you turned to the boy and asked "What's your name?"
"My name is J-John, miss." He mumbled, as if he was intimidated by you; as if he was afraid he had got the order wrong. Instead, you returned with a smile and responded with "Thank you for the drink, John - you are a very good bartender" which gained a small 'thank you' and a grin. The man only responded with a dirty glare in John's direction before turning back to you with a smirk.
"You know, you don't have to be so nice to him - it's not like he deserves it" He explained, still smirking as he glanced up and down your body. You simply rolled your eyes and took another sip of the drink, but choked on it as soon as he said "Your tits look nice in that dress"
"Excuse me?!" you exclaimed, narrowing your eyes in his direction that he had the audacity to say such a thing.
"Your tits - they look fucking amazing. Oh come on love, that was meant to be a compliment"
"But you couldn't have complimented anything else? Maybe my hair which I put a lot of effort into, or my smile, or eyes - you picked my breasts out of all the options?"
"For fuck sake, I was trying to be nice. You sound like one of those crazy feminist bitches who go on about women liberation and civil rights" He complained, making your head shoot up in utter disbelief - did he really just say that?
"So what if I am? How 'bout you wait and see whos on the right side of history in 40 years or so - us 'crazy feminists', or you and your fellow National Front cunts" you raged, resisting the urge to place a harsh and sharp slap against this guys face. You were sure Roger and Brian had noticed what was going on by now, considering they weren't sat too far away and you were sure the whole club could hear me right now.
"Y/N what's going on?" you heard Roger question from behind you, but the anger you were channelling at the moment blocked everything but you and the guy in front of you out of your focus.
"Maybe we 'cunts' are simply trying to keep foreigners out of this country; they come here stealing our jobs and taking up space which they don't deserve in the first place. This country was founded by white people and we simply intend to keep it that way." He attempted to argue back, gaining nothing but a scoff and an eye roll from you.
"Oh and let me guess - men are the ones who should be out working, and women should stay around the house and clean?" you sarcastically asked, knowing exactly his answer but seeing if he'd dare to say it. In which he did.
"Obviously, that's how it's always worked - why change now?"
"WOW, you are just fucking mental aren't you!? Do you understand how hard it actually is to be a woman? Abortions were legalised only 3 years ago, and we can't even get birth control without having to pay extortionate prices-"
"Don't have sex then?" He argued, which made both you and Roger simultaneously gasp in incredulity. "I doubt you even know anything about politics in the first place - you think men have it easy? We're the ones who have to work everyday, and we have to deal with women like you who think you own the world"
And it was that sentence alone that tipped you over the edge. Your fist connected with the man's nose in a sharp instant, causing him to flinch back in pain - "Ow what the fuck! You fucking crazy bitch, you broke my fucking nose!" - his hand shot up to his nose, which was now pouring blood and slightly crooked. You shook your hand off to relieve some of the pain you had acquired before squatting down to come face to face with the man, your face merely an inch away as your none-bloody fist clenching onto his tie to hold him closer.
"Well then, maybe next time you'll think before a) questioning my fucking knowledge and b) being such a fucking fascist pig" you practically spat in his face, standing up to go kick him where the sun don't shine; until you felt a tight grasp around your wrist pulling you back. The next thing you knew, you were outside the bar, the rain pouring down over the two of you. "The fucking nerve of that man, acting like he owns the fucking country. And then he has the fucking audacity to say I don't know what I'm talking about? If anything, he's the one who doesn't know what he's talking about! Why didn't you leave me there, could've given him a piece of my fucking mind, the fucking fascist pig. Oh wait, sorry, 'girls shouldn't fight, girls should stay home and clean and cook and wait on men hand and fucking foot' because that's all we're fucking good for!"
"Y/N, I think you already gave him a piece of your mind" Roger chuckled, grabbing the top of your arm to stop you from pacing around. You shot him a glare for laughing at the situation, until his hand grabbed yours, causing you to wince at the sudden pain. "Wait, Y/N, is your hand okay?"
"I-I don't know, it kind of hurt when I hit him, I can't really move it very well" you breathed, out of breath from your pacing and shouting. You lifted your hand and tried to bend it, but you could barely move it without sharp pains shooting through you. "Y/N, I think it's broken. Let me take you to the hospital"
"No no no, I'm not going to the hospital - maybe in the morning, but not now. Right now, I just want to go home and drink until I fall asleep."
"Well, let me walk you back then - you can't walk back by yourself in the rain, it's dark and it's not safe out. Plus, I haven't really got to spend as much time as I wanted to with you tonight" Roger grinned, holding out his hand to meet yours; the one which wasn't broken that is. You took it into your hold, as you began to walk towards your block - it was only a 10 minute walk, but it seems much shorter when you are enjoying your time.
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