#YEAAAAAH EVIL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
roychewtoy · 1 year
watched a playthrough of the quarry. very this would be soooo good if it was good
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elenaoftheturks · 1 year
Can someone please explain to me why romancing Minthara with a male Character (Drow or not) feels... Lacking/wrong? 🤣 (My take on it is under the cut but I'd like to hear your thoughts as well. )
I've just started my Durge Evil run but I can't get my Tav (Male, Elf) romancing Minthara for fucks sake. 🥲
(Everything below this is my own opinion, feel free to disagree but stay nice okay? )
And yes, I do know there's "hidden pregnancy dialogue" which got cut out....
Thank the hells for cutting that out tbh. They could've done that with Shadowheart if they had to go for the "let's throw a baby in"-Route at all...
Why am I so pissed about it, you may ask?
Imagine you are on a journey to kill an evil monster/God/whatever... Would the first thing that comes to mind be "Let's make some babies, so the road ahead would be even more difficult" ?
(I really hated that in "The walking Dead" Series too... The whole world is shit, the slightest scream attracts the Zombies and the people had the "Let's fuck and push out some babies to endanger us even more"-logic. Fucking, especially unprotected, would be THE ABSOLUTE BOTTOM of my list. 💀 )
Gods no. The same with the cut "baby content" for Minthara. Karlach even says something among the lines of "Let's make this a safer place for little Minthy to live in" yeaaaaah, why even take Minthara along for the journey when she's pregnant then? I mean what could POSSIBLY happen besides dead?!
For those who haven't seen/heard the cut content but are interested, here you go:
So,no... Maybe that's what is keeping my male Tav from romancing her and just go for Lae'Zel. Idk 🙈
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musingsofvenus · 2 years
⭐(i would LOVE if you talked about the kill bill au, but i'll take any director's commentary!)⭐
*cracks knuckles* This answer is Long As Hell 😌 I chose select scenes from my favorite chapters.
I also elaborate on other details in the author's notes section of each chapter on AO3, so I only included comments I haven't already gushed about below
Director's commentary is below the cut. If you haven't read the kill bill au, spoilers are yonder.
Request is from this post. Thank you for the ask!!!! 💗
Chapter 1
An unexpected spurt of blood hitting his face makes Charlie flinch. As he wipes his cheek, he sees a bullet leeching its way out of the woman’s chest. The bullet clatters to the ground, and a trickle of blood leaks from the hole left behind. Seconds later, her chest stutters with a weak gasp.
“Uh, she ain’t dead,” Charlie announces.
I'd say 80% of the dialogue is lifted directly from the movie or script. Whenever I write, I have the movie playing in the background for visual/story reference. I rewind and rewatch 100s of times.
Aside from that, I really loved writing this bit. Hillbilly cop Charlie and his sidekick Buttcrack Santa are my favorite humans. One thing I had a hard time with was describing the bullet leaving Leah's body; it took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to rework that scene. Translating movie action to words is hard. Some things just work better visually. But I think it turned out alright
Chapter 2
I LOVED this entire chapter. There's so many fun scenes. I wrote it in one sitting. I have so many comments about it
There was something about his perfect smile and his Southern charm that drew Leah in. His pretty brown eyes with gold flecks in them were like molasses, full of sweetness and affection just for her. And his hands, large and strong, played with Seth during the day and held Leah tenderly at night.
THE BLACK GUY ALWAYS DIES FIRST!!! I agonized over this a lot because it's my pet peeve in movies. So I just decided to make myself feel worse by describing Laurent as the hottest, most incredible lover ever. SIGH. I entertained the idea of having him reappear at the end of the fic as a vampire, but I ended up scrapping that idea. The logistics of that would've been too annoying
The charcoal wolf charged at them, wasting no time raking its claws across Leah’s face. She screamed in horror and agony, clutching at her face as it gushed torrents of blood and burned like fire.
I thought it would be ironic to have Emily be the one to scratch Leah in the face, since Emily was originally the one who got scarred in Twilight.
Long, pale white fingers grasped the edge of the boat, and a pair of red eyes broke the surface of the murky water with a laser focus on Leah. Long brown hair, turned teak from the water, floated along the surface in loose tendrils.
Remember when Victoria was watching Bella from the water in New Moon after Jacpb fished her out of the ocean? Yeaaaaah that's this
Chapter 3
“Your eyes haven’t cooled yet,” she realizes. “You’re a pup still.”
Leah nods sullenly. “A late bloom,” she confirms.
This is a reference to something that I can't remember lmao
Embry scowls. “Why do I always have to get the drinks?” he demands. He grabs Leah’s stool, scurrying to her left side and pointing angrily at ‘Kim’ as he leans his head over Leah’s shoulder like her body is a shield. “Why can’t you get it for once?!”
“Because I’m the boss,” ‘Kim’ hisses, raising the cleaver threateningly. Embry backs away with a yelp. “Now shut up and get this woman her drink!”
I was cackling as I wrote this interaction. This scene was SO funny in the movie so I tried to do it justice with my remix.
Her second and final weapon is a katana, and it sings from within the wooden scabbard. Embry holds the bottom end of the scabbard and thrusts the katana into the flames. The scabbard remains unscathed and the symbols carved into it glow a bright red.
I really couldn't tell you how Embry made this sword or what kind of magical process goes into it. I don't know why the blade glows in the fire or what it says on the sword either. It just sounded cool. I was literally making things up on the fly
I also couldn't think of a better alternative weapon to give Leah. In the movie, Beatrix gets a sword because she's in Japan and trained in martial arts. Is Leah trained in the art of swordsmanship, or is she just winging it? Beats me lol
Chapter 7
I just want to give a quick shout out to evil Emily and sleazy Paul. They were my favorite horndogs, RIP to the real ones
Writing their death scenes was fun but also challenging. I'm literally running out of creative ways for Leah to get through her kill list without being repetitive. But the show must go on 🥴
Emily drains the rest of her whiskey and runs a hand across her mouth. “They have two kinds of venom. One turns humans, and one just causes paralysis.”
She tosses the empty jar over her shoulder, excitement making her eyes wide as she counts off her fingers. “The paralytic is harmless to us. It’s like a temporary sedative to the nervous system. But the other kind? Well that’s the most effective poison for our kind– it breaks down tissue faster than we can regenerate it. It can even cause hallucinations.” 
Emily's monologue while Paul was dying from the poison was a fun scene to rework from the movie. I watched the movie's scene between Elle, the black mamba, and Budd too many times to count. Somewhere in Twilight it's mentioned that the science behind vampire venom is that it paralyzes their prey with pain so they won't escape while feeding. I thought it would be cool if they had different venoms that served different needs, hence the paralytic and the turn-you-into-vampire juice.
Leah’s lips are right next to her ear as she whispers, “Where’s Sam?”
A stab to her stomach makes Emily shout and double over. It’s quick, nothing more than a sharp flash and it’s over, but the lingering sting knocks the breath out of her. The oozing wound does not close.
“Where’s Sam?” Leah repeats, her voice rising.
When Leah dipped from the hospital in chapter 2, I couldn't think of how to include the scene from the movie when Beatrix is bashing the nurses' head in with the door and screaming "Where's Bill?". I thought it would with better in this scene. I was also coming up empty on how to pull this fight scene together so that addition saved my ass
Chapter 8
Curious, Bella turns on her heel and lifts her gaze. The sight leaves her bewildered.
This is wrong. All wrong.
There are two blue moons in the sky. 
She squints, leaning closer, and then she feels it: A huff of air that blows her locks away from her face. A vibration throughout her body from a growl so loud the ground shakes with it. A heart that has long since stopped beating in her chest drops into the pit of her stomach.
Nothing is going the way she remembers.
The shroud of darkness before her parts like a curtain, unveiling a large white muzzle. Trembling lips peel back to show off rows of sharp and gleaming canine teeth. Its jaw opens wide, unnaturally so, and the base of its throat glows with the light of hellfire.
Bella had a handful of prophetic dreams in Twilight and that storyline went nowhere. Her dreams are literally messages from the deep, and when she got turned into a vampire all of that just got dropped...? So I incorporated that back into this fic.
I also just really liked how I described her dream sequence in this chapter. Shout out to me lmfao. I'll never achieve this greatness again.
“Dreams again, love?” Edward asks quietly.
Fall Out Boy reference. IYKYK
“‘O, swear not by the moon, th’ inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.’” Jacob scrunched his face into a grimace. “How do you read this stuff? What does that even mean?”
“Juliet doesn’t want Romeo to swear his love by the moon because it’s always changing, and she wants his love to be constant.”
Foreshadowing 👀 Also the sun and moon trope for Bella x Jacob is absolutely perfect. They are literally the definition of that trope. I love them. I'm obsessed with them. Okay? Okay.
Shout out to that teacher in New Moon (?) that made Edward recite lines from Romeo and Juliet. I imagine if Jacob were in that clas with them, he would hate everything about the play and scoff at Edward's memorization of it
A weaker version of that sunny smile of his bloomed on his face as he murmured, “It’s okay, honey. It’s okay.”
He was always trying his best to make sure Bella felt nothing but love and comfort in his presence. Even so close to death, he was still trying.
“I love you, Jacob,” she choked out.
Jacob’s bloodshot eyes softened, and a trickle of blood dribbled from his nose.
“Love you more,” were his last words to her. 
Yeah so I hurt my own feelings writing this. I also heavily referenced the scene in Eclipse when Bella says goodbye to Jacob after the newborn fight.
Also remember that time when Jacob just suddenly called Bella 'honey' and it wasn't a big deal???? Well, it IS to ME.
Okay love you bye
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screampied · 8 months
i love ur acc so muchh AAAA 💐💐 i was wondering id u play any games to? I think you’ll be a fun person to hangout and play with shdndhdvehdhed
AAAAAA THANK YEW SWEETS 💯 tehe yes i do !! i play genshin but not so much, i used to play a lot in like 2021-2022 / i’m ar 56 i think. i loveee rpg or shooting games, scary games, esp dbd (dead by daylight) it’s sooo fun to play w friends, i plaaaay final fantasy, resident evil, fnaf, i used to play valorant too !!!! but i have no times to play much bc uni be beating my ass down lawl
BUT YEAAAAAH. i do like past games also like saints row, bully, literally any gta game. ooooh also horizon zero dawn, AND AND the walking dead (the game version) ok ill shut up myb 🤞
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 32 (01/10/21)
Brody was missing from this session so Joker filled in for him.
(also, as weird as this sounds, cw for mentions of blood IRL)
Astro: Joker, do you wanna vouch for me that I didn’t kill this person? Joker: Astro and Skizz didn’t, but Astro was thinking about it. So, you know, take that for what it’s worth. Etho: We all have those thoughts though.
Impulse: I will admit, I have a weird new role that I don’t know what it means. Astro: Poisoner? Impulse, the poisoner: No. Skizz: Jerkface McJerkyton? That’s not new.
*Evil and Skizz are accusing each other, Astro is the deciding vote* Astro: I have a question. Give me a number between one and twenty. Skizz first. Skizz: Wow. I go first? Astro: Yup. Skizz: Uhh… ten. Astro: Okay. Evil? Evil: Eighteen. Astro: By the… laws of the… averages, uh… *votes* Sorry, Evil.
Joker: I’d like to make an announcement. Skizz: Go. Joker: I’m not friends with Skizz anymore. He marinated me. I’m not talking to him anymore, so if someone can tell Skizz this information, that’d be great. Skizz, laughing: Impulse, if you could tell the Joker I don’t care.
Etho: I trust Evil the most this round. Evil: ...and I’m not sure I trust you, Etho. Impulse: Ooooohhh. Spicy.
Evil: -and when I came back up, Pearl was dead. And I only heard one other voice. And he’s a very slippery fruit. Endless: Oh dear. Impulse: Apples are slippery too. It wasn’t me, though. Tango: Go slip on an apple! Endless: I was reading way too much into that statement, okay, let’s go.
Impulse: I was heading to the microwave in the cafeteria to cook a burrito. Skizz: Was it bacon and egg or bean and cheese? This matters. Impulse: I didn’t make it to the cafeteria cuz this got called. Tango: How do you know it was a burrito, then? Skizz: OOHOOHOOO. VOTING IMPULSE. Impulse: Cuz that’s what I’m hungry for! Allow me to dream!
Joker: I was there with the body. It was Endless. The last thing he said, and I quote: “Joker is amazing. And I’m sorry that I have to die.” Impulse: Don’t buy it. Don’t buy it. Joker: That’s what he said. I held his body as he died and that was the last thing he said. *pause* Joker: He also said “make sure to let everybody know that Skizz smells like poop.” Skizz: Ah, there it is.
Tango: Voting Skizz. Skizz: Whoa! Impulse: Was Skizz on the stack? Etho? Skizz: I was several steps away from it. Tango: I dunno, Skizz deserves to be voted off. Joker: I mean, I have to agree with that.
*Skizz cut his foot on broken glass during the break* Endless: Not gonna lie, my wife would kill me if that happened. She’d be like “yeah I’m sorry about your foot but what’d you do to the carpet?” Tango: Yeah, you heal; the carpet doesn’t.
Impulse: Think we might have to go another round without Skizz. Joker: Are they gonna have to amputate? Impulse: Probably. Joker: Yeah, I’d imagine so. Impulse: Be cool if he got one of those peg legs. Joker: I think he’s got an extra foot in his mouth, so he can use that. Evil: Wow… Impulse, snickering: Brutal. Joker: Was- Was that too soon? Impulse: Too soon, too soon. I mean, the dude’s still bleeding, you know?
Tango: Is Skizz back? Skizz: I’m back. Tango: Eyyyy, Skizzleblood! Skizz: Dude, I cleaned up all the glass, I cleaned up all the blood- Tango: Tell me it’s like a crime scene in your living room right now, that’s all I wanna hear. Skizz: -and then I made myself a drink and I’m coming up the stairs - I have tile stairs - and I’m like “oh there’s blood all over the stairs- I’ll get that later.” Tango: YEAH! Priorities! That’s what I like to hear!
*Skizz’s colour has turned from blue to grey due to a glitch* Tango: So Skizz, you’ve been grey. Skizz: I got- I got nothin’. Tango: Did you- How much blood did you lose? Are you turning into a- Skizz: *bursts out laughing* Evil: Zombieeeee.
*body is reported* Tango: I did the pipes! I did the pipes! I did the pipes! I did the pipes! I did the pipes! *pause* Endless: Congratulations? Tango: I PIPED!
Joker: If Tango could just finish his pipe dream earlier, the game would’ve been over. Tango: Is there a kick feature in this game? Just curious, asking for a friend. Endless: Yeah, if you go into the chat, there’s a boot option. Tango: OH! Joker: Endless. Shut up.
Evil: Do we wanna switch maps and see if there’s more stability? Tango: Yes. I’m done with this map. Impulse: But I just took pictures! Tango: Can we play, like, the real map? Impulse: I got kicked off the ship for taking those pictures! Joker: Whoa. I dunno what I just walked into but that did not sound right. Endless, overlapping: Yeah, I’ve been there. That’s- That is not something you want on your record.
*Impulse saw Tango morph back from being yellow* Impulse: *calls meeting* Impulse: What’s it like when an apple tries to become a banana? Skizz: Ooh, it’s like a smoothie! Endless, chuckling: What? Skizz, in a funny voice: Put a little blueberry in there. Tango: We got a little fruit action going on there or what? Joker: How much blood did you lose, Skizz? You feeling okay?
Skizz: Etho. Say words. I like your voice. Etho: What’s up, buddy? What do you want to know? Skizz: I wanna know why you killed sweet Pearl. Etho: Which round? Skizz: Ohohh man. THIS round! Body’s not even cold!
Astro: We’re trying for our first task win. Oh, unless Joker’s not gonna do his task. Joker: I- Uh… What, Astro? Astro: Huh? What? What? Where? Huh? Joker: Tasks?
Skizz: Who is not doing their tasks?! What IS that? Astro: I’ll give you seven guesses. Skizz: Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker Joker. Joker: Someone called? Skizz: Are you- Are you not- Do you have tasks, Jokes? *long pause* Joker: Um… Are we talking about like, around my house? Skizz: *sighs* Okay.
Joker:*reports a body* Joker: OH I found this! Impulse: *laughs* “Oh I found this”? Joker, also laughing: I don’t know why I said it that way.
Skizz: Can you do your last task? Cuz that would just be super. Joker: Yeah, Endless. Can you do your last task? Endless: My tasks are done, dude! Joker: Oh. Then I guess you don’t need to do it. Skizz, why are you asking him to do his last task? Skizz: Talking to YOU, Jokes.
*Mrs Tango’s body is reported* Endless: It’s just Mrs Tango, let’s move on. Joker: That’s rude, Endless. Endless: Skipping. Moving on.
Endless: Whoever killed Mrs Tango, you’ve got my full support. Joker: Endless. Stop it.
Impulse: I wonder if Endless and Evil were both imposters and they were trying to cover it up by having a fake conversation in the upper left engine. Evil: No, it was a conversation about the fact that I miss him. Impulse: Yeaaaaah, that felt strange. Like, nobody misses Endless ever. Skizz: Yeah that’s definitely fake. Impulse: That’s what sold me, dude. I was like there’s no way he’s giving him compliments.
Skizz: I love you buddy but I just- I’m not even gonna vote for you, I just want to put some sus because- Impulse: You’re wrong. You’re wrong; you lost too much blood. You’re wrong. Skizz: That could be it. That could be it. Impulse: You’ve admitted that you’re off tonight, right? Skizz: No I didn’t, I’ve been crushing it. I was off on Etho ONE time and it got me a little- It shook my confidence. Impulse: Get me voted off, Skizz. I want your confidence to be crushed. Skizz: Oh…
Joker: You know what, I just wanna vote Endles out cuz I’m getting tired of his… poop. Endless: Do it, let’s do it. Etho: He might be jester. Endless, in an ominous whisper: Yesss, I’m jester.
*Joker is ejected* Endless: If this is wrong, we’re never gonna finish this game. Joker: Nope. You’re not. Now you gotta figure it out. Skizz: If we’re wrong, you gotta [do your tasks]. Do it for me. Oh, that was never gonna sell him.
Skizz: I think Impulse might be jester, I think the imposters are Etho and Evil, and the only legit people are me and Pearl. Impulse: *gasps* Evil: Wrong. Skizz, you are so wrong. Skizz: I KNOW I AM; I CAN’T DO THIS GAME ANYMORE! I WAS SO GOOD WHEN WE STARTED! I HATE THIS GAME! Pearl: You are wonderfully right, I had my hand on that scanner. Skizz: I BELIEVE PEARLY POP! VOTING EVIL!
Skizz: Hey! Tango! Why is Joker done with his tasks like three weeks before you? Tango: I dunno, man. I don’t know what’s happening right now. Joker: Yeah! Yeah! How’s that, huh?! How about now, sucker?! Skizz: *bursts out laughing* Joker: I- I dunno, I felt… I felt vindicated for some reason.
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these are gonna get longer the more i get ehehehe
ok so basically it's back to the future... two.
like peter has something that lets him run to an alternate timeline?? idfk but we talked ab this kinda one day but then the next day i had band class and we layed on the floor in the auditorium in the dark for an hour and a half listening to music bc Tradition so i had a lot of time to think so here we go- with what i can remember cuz i cant find where i wrote it down bc i forget which day it was.
basically evil erik. kinda like supreme leader woo woo. and alternate timeline peter- pietro- is like his, in the words of evan peters, 'little minion'. bc he's just trying to make his dad love him :'( so peter gets there and is freaked the FUCK out. so he runs away to the xmen mansion... which is a pile of rubble. he's absolutely devastated but then boom someone knocks him on the head.
he wakes up and he's like woah! holy shit! never thought id be so happy to see scott. cuz all his friends are there. but theyre not as happy to see him as he is to see them. they, obviously, think he's evil peter. and he's like yeah. so i'm not. just get charles in here, he can read my mind and prove it. they're like. buddy charles is dead how dare you bring that up... esp since your dad killed him. and peter's like PARDON???? ERIK???? KILLED CHARLES??????????? but then hes like ok well you still gotta believe me. i'm me and not him okay-
and then a voice from the shadows is like "i believe him" and peter freezes because he hasn't heard her voice in YEARS no way that can't be- wanda steps out and oh look it's his dead twin. turns out in this universe, erik discovered that he had kids. but charles faked wanda's death or smth to keep her safe and away from erik so also this universe's peter/peitro thinks she's dead too. and so they're all like cool let's defeat erik now.
so they sneak back into erik's like. place or whatever. and as it turns out, alternate universe pietro didn't like being locked in a closet earlier (peter's like my b bud :/) so he fights peter, thinking that peter is raven, who he's long suspected of being a double agent for the xmen. and peter manages to be like "hey your sister's alive" and pietro's like "well why should i believe you" and peter's like "if there was even a chance that my sister was still alive, i'd take it". so that's how peter recruits peitro.
and so they go to take down erik, but pietro's kind of a pussy so erik sees through it and.
kills pietro.
and peter's like HNGNFH??Y*&^&980 cuz he just saw his dad kill... him.
that's really as far as i got but somehow peter gets through to erik with the help of the xmen and remorse for killing charles and pietro. and then gets back home and yeaaaaah
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tanakavox · 3 years
Look into the multiverse chapter 7
DMC3 chapter! And yes I know that Yang came off as being Lady the next chapter but I decided to go Ruby. Reaction written by my friend Doppel Micheal.
The scene starts off with a door getting kicked aparted, and a shirtless Jaune walking out shirtless carrying his sword in one hand and a red jacket in the other.
Jaune gasped at seeing his image shirtless for all to see. "Augh, Cut that out! I don't want people to… uhm…." his voice faded off in embarrasment. "Aaay someone's been working out!" Yang said in a teasing tone, while Weiss sighed in annoyance. "S-shut up Yang. It's not like I'm Sun.."
"Sun does have very nice abs…" Blake whispered at that. "Pfft, you are fine Muscles boy. Isn't he Rubes?" Yang looked to Ruby, trying to get her sister to join in the teasing only to find her little sister seemed lost in thought; she was simply staring at the Jaune on the screen without saying anything. The blonde knight walked closer to her, waving a hand in front of her to try bringing her back to earth. "..." "...Ruby?" "... HUH-? Oh y-yeah. Right, you're f-.. you're alright Jaune." The short reaper was brought back down suddenly, her cheeks taking on a red shade as she seemed to avoid looking at the tall boy in any way.
A pack of demons were outside waiting for him. Jaune turns to look at the broken remains of his shop
"Damnit!" Jaune moaned. You guys totally ruined my shop! And I haven't even named it!" He snarls and turns back to the demons. "Your gotta pay for that." Jaune throws his sword into the air, doing flips and overtop movement before pulling on the red jacket , and catching the sword posing. He sneezes a bit and rubble falls down. Jaune turns and glares at the demons and points Rebellion at all the demons."I hope you all have enough to cover all this!" He growled. The blonde went to town on the demons, Shooting and blasting them to pieces with ease.
"Is this supposed to be the suicidal one's dream world where he's actually important in a fight?" Cinder snarked at the vision in front of her, sending Emerald into a fit of giggles and Mercury to mock them with delight on his voice "Oooh destroyed."
Jaune growled in annoyance. "Hey-!" "HEY!" His attempt at retorting the insult was cut short by Nora. "SHUT UP before I break your second pair of legs. I'm not afraid to do it." She finished with a glare; meanwhile Jaune felt something press on his shoulder, and turned to see Ren, a pleading look on his eyes that said 'Don't let them get to you.'
And after he was done, the bigger ones flew off, the ground splitting in half as a tower arised from the ground. Jaune looks at the tower with a grin.
"It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?" Jaune said still grinning knowing Cinder was on top of the tower. He began to walk towards it clearly excited. "No doubt you've got something fun planned for me. Right Cinder?!"
"It's definitely the suicidal one's dream." Cinder expressed while rolling her eyes, making Emerald giggle even more. "Like I would actually care about such a small fly."
Jaune clenched his teeth and fists in frustration, before his lips curved into a smile as he looked at her "At least I actually get to put my sword through your eye this time!" Now Ruby was the one laughing as she saw all of Cinder's smug get wiped out of her, Nora cheering on from behind with yells of "YEAAAAAH tell her!"
"Y-you- if this barrier didn't exist I would tear off your-!" She couldn't finish her reply before being interrupted by Salem. "Cinder. I suggest you calm down and don't let a child get the better of you." With steam nearly coming out of her ears and a death glare sent in Jaune's direction, everyone went back to watching.
The scene cuts to Cinder looking over the town on top of the tower. Raven walked towards her.
"Raven" Cinder greets without looking back.
"Well? Doesn't it excite you? Raven asks. "The Teme-ni-gru has been revived. The great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the human world and the demon world." Raven smiled a bit. "Isn't it a magnificent view?" The greatest mind of all their time, those who revered evil, construed this glorious edifice. Now, after two millenniums of confinement, it can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended…"
"That's none of my concern." Cinder said interrupting Raven. "Did he have it?"
"Of course. He's taking good care of it. After all, it is the last memento left from your mother you both lost.
"But he has no idea of its true power."
"Ewgh, I still can't believe he's related to me in this nonsense."
"The feeling is mutual" Jaune replied to the maiden, his voice full of venom, before noticing Ruby was grabbing his hand in an attempt to comfort him. "It's okay Jaune. It's not real."
"Indeed it isn't Mr Arc." He turned towards Ozpin, speaking for the first time in a while. "Keep your wits about you, none of this is worth losing your mind over."
The demon that escaped Jaune leap onto the Temen-ni gru behind Cinder and Raven. Cinder began to walk off the demon following her. She stopped and unsheathed her kanata, twirling it a bit before sheathing it. The demon upper torso being sliced in half and sliding off before it went poof! The rest of it remains falling off the Temen-ni gru.
The scene cuts to Ruby on a motorcycle, Bumblebee, with the engine still running as she looks over to Temen-ni-gru.
"I found it." She said. Demons began to slowly walk up behind Ruby. She payed them no mind and rev the engine and set the demons on fire with the exhaust port and jump over a pile of demons falling over dead into the number 3.
Ruby stared wide eyed in giddiness at her counterpart, struggling to find her voice "Is that...me?" "-driving MY bike?!" Yang wasn't so amused though.
"I didn't-I'd never! I don't even have a driver's license Yang!" She tried to calm her sister down, making Qrow chuckle at their antics. "She does rock the aesthetic, you gotta give her that." " …. I guess."
Yang crossed her arms, looking the other way while Ruby whispered in excitement. "Ye! I'm cool." Not low enough for Qrow not to hear her though. "Ha! Yeah." Nor Winter. "Indeed."
Weiss couldn't hide the shock from her face at the elder Schnee's response. "Sister?!" "What can I say, I always wanted a bike when I was your age."
The next cut goes back to Jaune walking through a icey area. He's in front of a Icey statue shake, the ice around it falling to ground. A three headed canine chained to a door, stood before Jaune and roared sending a block of ice flying toward Jaune, which he casually cut with rebellion.
"Leave now mortal!" Ceberus growled. "The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy here!"
Jaune was sweating bullets at the sight "That's…. A big dog…. Z-Zwei doesn't turn into anything like that right Ruby?" "What!? No! Of course she doesn't…. right Weiss?" The reaper gave her partner a hopeful, but questioning look, irritating the heiress. "Why are you looking at me? Like I would ever hurt your dog." She replied indignant, adding one last part as a whisper. "Also he looks much cuter as it is anyways."
"Wow I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place." Jaune says taunting the caine.
"You, a mere human, make a mockery of me?!" Ceberus breathes a beam of ice toward Jaune, which he easily jumps over. The ice blocking the entrance he had came from.
"Easy, Fido! How about I take you for a walk? Jaune bends his knee and starts clapping and whistling. "Come puppy! Let's go!"
"You'll regret this, you worm!"
"It's showtime" Jaune grinned hopping in place and throwing a few punches in the air before gesturing at the oversized mutt. "C'mon!
A short battle happens ending with Jaune cutting off all but one of the heads of the mutt. It leaps back, in awe.
"You are not human,are you?" It asked in awe.
"Who knows? I'm not even sure myself."
"Regardless, you have proved your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth. You have my blessing. A bright light fills the area as the demon canine transforms into nunchucks with chucks, Jaune smirks and begins to test out his new weapon, twisting and twirling it around with ease to the point he twirled it with his feet.
"Ha, not bad at all scrawny. You've been going soft on us haven't you?" Jaune felt Qrow punch his shoulder lightly. "Please. Like I would ever pull something like that."
"That remains to be seen Mr Arc." Ozpin spoke yet again. "You have potential yet untapped, perhaps you should play closer attention to what a you from an alternate reality can do."
He didn't like feeling scolded, but gave some thought to what the old man said.
"Too easy." He boasts as he poses with the new weapon. He puts it away and begins to walk off when a motorcycle crashes through the ice behind him, Ruby riding it, Ruby nearly hits Jaune, him jumping out of the way at the last second. He makes eye contact with Ruby as they pass each other midair, both landing at the same time.
"Are you going to the party?" Jaune asks with a smirk. "What's the hurry, didn't you get an invitation? Ruby doesn't turn to look at Jaune and pulls out a bulkier version of Crescent rose firing a rocket at Jaune who casually duck under it and then jumps on riding it around the room, laughing with pure joy before he hops off and let's it blow a hole in the ceiling chuckling a bit.
Ruby couldn't help herself but to stare in obvious excitement and giddiness at the alternate version of her weapon, which brought some amused chuckles from Yang, before crossing her arms and feigning indifference "Hm, my version of my baby is still the best." She completed the act with sticking her tongue out at Yang.
Ruby eyes are finally show and they are filled with cold rage. She revs up her motorcycle and drives towards Jaune and hops over him, the wheel nearly hitting his face as he looks on unflinchingly. She hopped high enough to go through the new hole in the ceiling leaving Jaune alone. "This just keeps getting better and better!" Jaune smirks again as he began to walk to the next area. The scene cuts back to Cinder and Raven again, standing on top of Teme-ni-gru, the time pasting to night.
"Looks like we have an uninvited guest." Cinder states, looking out to the city below.
"Is that so?" Raven replied, flipping through her book.
"A human. A woman." Raven closes her book and sighs.
"I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited guest to leave." She stands and walks toward Cinder. "That is what you want. Actually I happened to be acquainted with that woman." Raven begans to walk off to deal with the woman. "A storm is approaching."
"Can I point out the fact I would never work with that bitch again?" Cinder pointed out with extreme contempt. "Next time I see Raven, I will kill her for what she did."
Qrow chuckled in amusement at her remark. "Because that worked really well last time huh?"
"YOU-" "Is he wrong dear?" Once again, Cinder's attempt at a retort was cut short by Salem, scowling at her protegee. Cinder simply crossed her arms and choose to stare at the floor beneath her feet in frustration. "Tch."
The scene cuts back to Jaune and a door. He gives the door a push and when that doesn't work, he runs up and kicks it. The door still doesn't budge. Jaune snarls and pulls out his pistols getting ready to shoot.
"Yoo hoo!" A voice behind him calls out merrily. Jaune turns to see a woman with pale skin and wearing a blue jester outfit. "There's no need to use violence Devil boy." Jaune ignores her and twirls his pistol getting ready to shoot anyways."Wait wait wait,better listen to what others say lad." The woman rushs in front of Jaune and points to the door with the specter she was holding. "This tower here is very study, you see." She taps the door to prove her point. "Your tricks will do you no good. No good!" Jaune points one of his pistols in her face pushing it to her nose.
"Zip it."He growled. "Or I'll pierce that big nose."
"That could be a problem" The jester moves to Jaune's side. "You've got nothing to lose,right?"
"...is this the Neon of this world?" said Yang.
Jaune never looks her in the eyes, being very annoyed at her. "My name Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place.
"Guess not." Weiss replied. "Sure gives me the same vibes though."
She points over to an object close to the blonde. "That thing there is a power generator for this entire sector. In order to open the door you need to apply a little SOMETHING to it first. You know what that is kid? Or is that too difficult for you?" Jester begins to laugh maniacally when Jaune finally had enough and started to shoot at her feet, She begins to dance crying in fears as she dodges the hail of bullets.
"Get to the point. Or do you wanna keep on dancing?" Jaune asks before stopping. Jester took a deep breath.
"Actually, I prefer a sword to be my partner. May i have this dance my lady?" She asked, taking a bow. Jaune takes out his sword rebellion and attempts to cut Jester in half, the clown dodging at the last second and instead he hits the generator opening the door. "Bingo!" Jester cheered while standing on the ceiling. "That is what something is! Remember that kid. Write down on your hand if you don't trust your head!" Jester began to laugh and started to dance away while Jaune began to shoot at her again.
"I see…. Thanks. Jaune begans walk into the next room. "You still piss me off though."
Everyone stared in silence after the scene ended. Weiss was the first to attempt speaking up "That was…" "It was something alright." Yang concluded after the heiress found herself at a loss for words. Jaune looked down, feeling very self conscious. "I'm not that cool. Kinda wished I could be.."
Again he felt Ruby's hand tug at his, and his eyes rose to meet her showing him a supportive smile. "Hey. You're plenty cool as is." She told him in a soft voice. It was immediattely followed by Nora not so gently punching his shoulder. "Yeah! You coooould stand to get a grenade launcher though." Giggles came out of him, and eventually they all erupted in laughter.
Emerald groaned at the sight. "Do you have to act so sickly happy all the time? It was enough having to put up with seeing him be such a try-hard."
"Meh, it was kinda funny." Mercury shrugged it off with a smirk. "So, what's it gonna be next?"
The end!
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irrealisms · 3 years
thoughts on (pick what u like) wilbur dsmp, angsty fanfic tropes, romance novels
wilbur dsmp...... my precious little meow meow........ pspspspspsps cc!wilbur soot you wanna go live and do lore SOOOOO bad
seriously though i'm a sucker for tragic heroes and s1 wilbur? yeah. people try to paint early s1 wilbur as the same person he is now (possibly including current wilbur. lmao) but i just.... i don't buy it? and some of this is doylist, right, during the first l'manburg war i doubt wilbur had already planned out the direction his character arc was going to go, he was just playing a revolution leader in minecraft and quoting hamilton. & that informs his acting for moments like when he decides to surrender to dream or when he's telling tommy not to put himself in danger & to follow his heart! i genuinely don't think he was being manipulative for the sake of power there! or when he says he never cared about l'manburg, i don't... believe that. lmao. he cried for l'manburg! he killed himself over losing l'manburg! this is a server full of unreliable narrators & wilbur is NOT an exception lmao
and his confrontation with phil in the button room is like..... my absolute shit. and the fact that before his breakdown he had been sending phil letters regularly informing him that Everything's Fine!!!!!! ugh. wow.
and revivebur!!!!! revivebur who has NO coping skills and flies from emotion to emotion because everything exists so much constantly and it's such a rush and he's putting charisma on over it but he's just on a ridiculous emotional roller coaster constantly. i think a lot about how the two times we heard from him when he was dead (talking to tommy at the end of the s2 finale, talking to tommy in the afterlife) he was in favor of death and being dead & felt that it was for the best whereas now that he's back he's all :DDDDD THIS IS GREAT AND EXCELLENT
(and. something something-- him being bad for the server means that the only way he can be happy is for him to embrace his role as the Villain. he tried doing the right thing by killing himself and replacing himself with a Nice Person once, and look where it got them!)
((AND. something about how niceness=weakness in his mind. when he first founded l'manberg they didn't fight with weapons! where did that get them? dead. all ghostbur wanted was to make everyone happy! where did that get him? lied to constantly, his home destroyed, suicidal as well, and then... dead again. he says dream's the only one who gets it, and i'd argue that 'it' here means 'the importance of throwing away everything you have in a desperate grab for power because otherwise they will take it all from you'. can't be hurt by others if you've already hurt yourself, and maybe, maybe, maybe, if you're evil and cruel and heartless, you'll eventually get enough power that you'll be able to feel safe again. bc wilbur can say that he doesn't care, that he never cared, but honestly i don't think that was ever really an option for him like it was for dream. he cares so much about everything all the time. it's just a question of whether he'll get power quickly enough to protect the things he cares about or whether he'll destroy them himself because it's better than letting someone else have the power to do that))
and! his black and white thinking!!!! honestly i think the only person on the server with as intense of black-and-white thinking as wilbur is tommy, and.... to some degree tommy's working on that and realizing that people can be and do both good and bad things? but. while tommy was working on that, wilbur was in hell. for decades. and so he has done the opposite of improving on this point, and it....shows. people are either heroes or they're villains and they can swap in his eyes so quickly. including himself. especially himself. boy does NOT have any mental stability
and i do think he manipulates tommy a lot and his relationship with tommy is not healthy at all tbc! but imo-- it's very clearly from a place of fear and vulnerability and not wanting anything else to be taken from him? it's very Frantic Attempts To Avoid Real Or Imagined Abandonment. cf the double parenthetical earlier abt his attitude towards power. also i like crimeboys, so sue me
idk i like wilbur "frantically plastering charisma over his blatant crazy" dreamsmp quite a lot. i'd also like to thank him for being a terrible father and for having so very much constant sexual tension with quackity dsmp and for the white hair streak. very sexy of him if i do say so myself
this specified wilbur dsmp so you are not getting my thoughts on ghostbur (light of my LIFE) or cc!wilbur (terrible boy (affectionate)) but rest assured. i love them too.
wow this got long. uuuuh. angsty fanfic tropes: in favor. sickfic? delicious. mental illness? good stuff. grief? fuck yes. injuries? yeaaaaah boi. i don't like it when they're poorly characterized or shoehorned in but that also applies to non-angsty tropes.
i don't really read romance novels honestly? the closest i come is that i read mxtx novels and fanfiction and i used to read a lot of YA. which, okay, yes, is kind of like saying "i don't read romance novels except for all the romance novels i read", but in terms of central examples of the genre, i genuinely don't? i find them boring at best and painful to read at worst, and the adjacent things i read more of i usually read for aspects other than the romance. idk man i'm just not that interested in romance for the sake of romance
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines chapter 16 - A Doubtful Retreat
we’re here with chapter 16 and we join Terri like 3 seconds after the end of the last chapter
Terri runs to alert her compatriots of trouble on top of the temple
Terri was quickly running out of breath as she frantically rushed through the halls of the temple. She had to alert Lusari and the Lady of the danger as quick as possible, but why was the alliance commander here this seemed rather above her station. She had just been fighting one of the most accomplished sith in the galaxy, she was lucky to be alive, but all the mercenaries were dead what was she going to do? Were they doing something wrong? no the commander was a sith she was probably just trying to stop their plan, that made sense right? 
Her mind continued to race as she stumbled through the halls eventually making it to the main chamber. “Lusari, Lusari Lusari w-we uh gotta uh bad uh p- people uh” Terri began to fumble over her words as she tried to explain the situation. 
Dammit she was incredibly tired and out of breath, Lusari quickly stood up turning to Terri “Terri slow down what’s going on?” her face was full of concern as she tried to calm Terri down.
“B-Bad guys o-outside uh we we gotta go right now” Terri was so glad she managed to get that established her head was pounding she felt like she had just run a marathon, she wasn’t very physically fit admittedly. 
“well i’m sure we can take them how bad they could be?” Lusi looked very overconfident Terri had to make this situation clear
“no no v-very bad idea we absolutely cannot take them it’s the Alliance commander” Terri began to take some deep breaths this was a really hard way to explain. Lusari looked shocked and confused but before she could open her mouth the echoed voice of the Lady emanated from around the room 
“She’s correct I can sense her presence we need to go right now” with that Lusi quickly picked up the holocron and grabbed Terri’s hand
“come on lets go” Terri nodded and Lusi pulled her out the back of the chamber by the arm. As they were about to turn the corner at the end of the passage way Terri felt a sudden blast of energy fly over her head with a resounding crack against the wall. As they turned the corner she caught a glimpse of the commander sprinting across the chamber. Oh no oh no oh no she was still after them what was she going to do, she felt herself being pull round corner after corner by Lusari each time the glimpse of the commander got a little longer. She had to do something soon she was going to catch them at this rate.
“come on Terri we’re almost to the speeders” Lusi shouted over her shoulder. Cmon Terri think think think what will slow her down as she pondered this question the sudden blinding bright light of the outside hit her eyes, OUTSIDE YES outside has obstacles barricades things to block the entrance. She focussed her mind reaching out with her remaining hand and letting go of her movement solely focussing on the area around her, she pinpointed every good obstacle she could find and focussed all her energy to move it in front of the entrance. As she opened her eyes she saw that the entrance was covered in rocks, branches and an assortment of plants, wow that really worked she didn’t really know how she did it. She stood there astounded suddenly feeling a lurch from her collar
“come on Terri we gotta go” right yes escaping that’s probably more important, she turned around and began to run by the side of Lusari. The speeders were just over the ridge they might make it
“I think I slowed them down we can make it” Terri said with a smile, Lusari smiled back as they reached their speeder bikes and quickly piloted them away from the temple
Terri’s head was spinning as she sat against the wall of the cave, rain pattering against the floor just a few meters in front of her. After they had escaped the temple they had found an inconspicuous cave to rest up for the night, Lusari was taking stock of what they had left and making sure the lady was comfortable. Terri had only just really comprehended everything that happened in there, it seemed crazy now like some sort of story she barely felt like she’d been there. That was the alliance commander, the outlander, Darth Nox probably the most high profile person they possibly could’ve ran into but why was she there? It had to be a coincidence right? they probably wouldn’t follow it up they had better things to do. But that wasn’t what bothered her, the commander wasn’t exactly evil so what did that make them? Terri just wanted to get away from the sith academy, this was all too much.
“hey Ter you ok?” Terri hadn’t noticed but Lusari had been standing over her for almost a minute, ok uh gotta look together and sure of yourself
“uh yeaaaaah i’m all ok Lusi just a little surprised” was that convincing? it didn’t feel convincing it felt stupid
“yeah i’m not surprised it’s not every day you go toe to toe with the alliance commander” Terri felt her cheeks grow warm suddenly
“I uh I didn’t go toe to toe with her I uh kinda got my arse kicked” Terri looked away from Lusari 
“hey you’re still here I consider that toe to toe” Lusari sat down next to her as she talked “you’re a real cool force user now maybe too cool for me who knows maybe you’re the chosen one”
Terri giggled “shut up stop being silly you’re twice as cool as me miss ritual performer if anything you’re the chosen one” they both giggled as they poked fun, Lusi was pretty good at cheering her up maybe things weren’t so bad
As they chuckled to each other they heard the familiar echoed voice “ The alliance commander being here is a bad sign we may need to get the rituals done with less precautions” that didn’t sound good maybe it wasn’t a coincidence
“do you think she will follow us” Lusari looked worried but determined Terri wished she could get rid of her doubts
“hard to say at this point, i believe our encounter was somewhat a coincidence but backup isn’t going to help us here we need to avoid her so speed is key” Terri felt relived at that maybe it was just a coincidence, wrong temple wrong time and all that. 
The lady seemed to know a lot about the commander? as she pondered Lusari spoke up “you seem to know a lot about the the commander my Lady, do you have a history?”
“I’m afraid so, i knew her a long time ago, she is surprisingly persistent but if we proceed as planned it won’t be a problem soon enough” phew soon enough they wouldn’t have to do so much work, it was exhausting. 
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Terri spoke up again “Lusari?”
“yeah Terri whats up” 
“are we doing the right thing?” Terri had been wondering this for a while now but had been too scared to ask
“what do you mean” Lusari seemed confused, Terri knew Lusari was much more sure of herself than her but she hoped Lusi had considered that idea
“I dunno it’s just like everything after escaping the academy has felt kinda... sketchy” Lusari frowned a bit “I dunno there’s just so many blurred lines in what we’re doing” Terri looked down to the ground
“hey come on” Lusari lifted Terri’s face to her gaze “I know it may feel weird skulking around and keeping secrets but we’re doing it to not be found out by the bad guys. Unfortunately avoiding site from the bad guys normally means getting a little morally grey ourselves and yeah that does feel kinda shitty but we gotta do it if we wanna make things better for people like us” she always knew what to say that made so much sense “hey, soon enough we’ll be able to escape all this and we can start a new life as long as we do this one thing” Terri couldn’t wait
“yeah ok thanks” Terri smiled at her
“awesome see you in the morning” Lusari leaned in and kissed her on the forehead before turning over to go to sleep. what jus happened Terri felt extremely tense and she had no idea why. She was suddenly very awake, she felt an incredible tightness in her stomach while her brain tried to process what happened
“uh ah uh night” she said resting her head against Lusari...
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hellagayweird0 · 6 years
Jay’s Season 14 Episode Chat
Episode 7
(I’m just letting everyone know that I skipped past all Nick scenes so notes will be absent for his stuff.  I’m just so tired of and done with him and his storyline.)
~ Oh Nick came on the screen, time to SKIP
~ Oh they didn’t give him a new shirt, although he is coughing up blood every two seconds so
~ Wow it’s like a waiting room in this hallway, time to cry
~ I mean, it’s not that complicated.  He’s without his grace and his body is shutting down from the loss of it
~ Ok Dean, Cas isn’t a miracle worker, it’s not like he can just snap his fingers and find out exactly what’s going on
~ Why are they taking him to a hospital, HE’S NOT A NORMAL PATIENT
~ I’m sorry but why does Dean yelling make me feel certain special ways?  I’m not okay with this (jk I’m very okay with it)
~ I love this lady 😂 she’s like “Don’t you fuckin sass me, boy.”
~ Dean’s glance at Sam 😂
~ Cas is so literal, has he not learned over the years 😂
~ Dean looking back like “Babe, you aren’t helping.”
(At this point, I had to sit and leave the episode paused for about five minutes because I wasn’t ready to go through emotions and dads being concerned and cute)
~ The fact that Dean’s come so far with Jack.  He went from “This kid is evil and I’ll murder him without a second thought.” to “Hey we’re right here, Jack.  You’ll be okay, we’ll take care of you.” He’s taking this the hardest out of everyone and you can tell that he really does care about Jack
~ Then WHY. WOULD. YOU. TAKE. HIM. THERE. IN. THE. FIRST. PLACE.??  It’s not like what he is is a surprise to you guys, you knew that they would’ve never seen anything like him.  Why are you now shocked to find out that they can’t do anything?
~ Aw she’s concerned for Dean, give me a second to cry
~ “I know people have a lot of strong feelings about my father.” OH MY DEAR YOU HAVEN’T MET THE FANDOM YET, IT’S A WHOLE NEW DEFINITION OF “strong feelings” OVER HERE
~ And you aren’t like him, baby.  You’re being good and I love you
~ Rowena saying “Bollocks.” gives me LIFE
~ More Nick SKIP
~ *cry break*
~ I don’t appreciate this blurry vision thing, what’s going on?  MICHAEL? 😂
~ Jack and Dean road trip LET’S DO THIS
~ Dean letting Jack drive Baby means he really trusts him.  NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE, gets to drive Baby.  I’m so happy
~ HE’S SO PATIENT WITH SMALL BABY BOY, Dean, your dad is showing and I love it.  HE’S SO PROUD OF HIM
~ Baby looks so good and Jack driving Baby looks so good
~ Jack is copying Dean and my emotions just exploded
~ “Pretty rough.” oh i’m sorry is that what we’re calling ‘threatening to kill’ now?
~ Oh hi Ni- SKIP
~ THEY’RE FISHING (this got to me 1. because it’s fuckin adorable and i love bonding time.  and 2. because Jensen talks about fishing a lot so this made me happy seeing them doing this)
~ oh hi John
~ You’re only a baby and you’re already so wise I’M PROUD
~ “I’ve had a good life.”  He talks about it like he’s been alive for centuries
~ In this family, we love and support Cas’s new car, but um where did he get it from? 😂
~ well i guess you could say Cas is.....HOT.  I’ll let myself out
~ Cas sass is back, baby!
~ He’s Russian and I instantly adore
~ Oh yeah, they’ve met him alright
~ Um ‘fostering’?  How about adopted?  That’s more fitting
~ Welcome back to Ni- INTENSE SKIP (but yeah Nick is a psychopath)
~ “Gimme them glowy eyes, gimme them glowy eyes, gimme them-YEAAAAAH” My commentary, everyone 😂 
~ how dare you, Dean, don’t blame Rowena
~ this guy’s getting high i’m crying 😂
~ angry dad Cas giving me feelings
~ mother fucking Nick and Luci- SKIP SKIP SKIP- wait a second....LUCIFER NO NO NO NO GO AWAY NO LEAVE NO STOP NOOO- NICK YOU BITCH
Well, I have to say, this episode made me cry more than any other episode has EVER.  Such an emotional rollercoaster.  I thought last episode was hard, but it doesn’t compare to this.  Not that it was bad, it wasn’t, it’s just that this episode was so much more emotional and intense.  
But it also had that soft element, when Dean and Jack took their little trip together.  That took me on an eyeball waterfall RIDE.  I’m so happy that these two are bonding more and Dean is giving Jack a chance.  You can really tell that he’s attached to Jack.  He likes him, he wants to see him happy and okay.  Dean is such a natural dad, he’s great with kids (when he isn’t offering to take them to bars and giving them beer 😂).
Next, POOR JACK.  My tiny, sweet baby isn’t okay which means I’m not okay.  I really hope they can fix him eventually.  If they can’t, I hope that if they kill him off, they bring him back.  I mean, in order to be a Winchester, you gotta die at least once, right?
Now....let’s discuss Lucifer.  *takes a deep breath*
I’m actually so angry.  I don’t understand AT ALL why he’s back.  Granted, he isn’t free yet, since he’s in the empty and there isn’t exactly a door that you can just walk out of and into the world.  BUT, he woke up.  Thanks to NICK.  Why is he back?  Why are the writers so set on bringing him back OVER and OVER and OVER again??  Don’t get me wrong, I love him.  He brought the sarcasm and humor to the show while also being evil.  He was great.....for the first few seasons (and for 12 because Jack).  After a while, he just got so repetitive.  It was like there were no other ideas for villains and they needed that bad guy, so they brought this one back.  Writers, WE. DON’T. WANT. HIM. ANYMORE.  He had his time and he needed to leave for good.  He died.  End of story....right?  NO.  Nick still being alive instantly made me suspicious and overall annoyed.  He should be gone, dead, bye.  But now, Lucifer is back because of him.  And I honestly couldn’t be more upset.  If we have to go through one more season with him, I’m flipping a table and throwing it at the writers office.
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Steve and Loki for the ship meme!!
Ultimate ship meme! // accepting // @purosdecorazon
Rate the Ship:Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | got pics? | let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last?: Depending on WHEN in their timelines they get together, and how SOON Loki properly opens up to his feelings for Steve (rather than just having him as a boy-toy), they could probably last quite a while? Well, that’s if live as an Avenger and God of Mischief doesn’t get in the way (i.e… if they don’t end up dead)
How quickly did/will they fall in love?: Loki isn’t quick to ADMIT his feelings, and he’d probably wait for Steve to say the dreaded ‘I love you’ first. But, I imagine that the trickster actually falls for Steve earlier on than he’d like to believe. (He’s not sure how or when it happened, he just kinda came to the conclusion one day that this is actually love, not just fooling around)
How was their first kiss?:Ooooooh. Okay, but sometimes I like to imagine that it’s rather slow, and cautious, and chaste, like the kinda ‘traditional’ first kisses that you see in the movies. Buuuut, other times I really like the idea of it being unexpected and rushed and kinda in the heat of the moment. 
Who proposed?I have a feeling that Steve would. Loki would probably be thinking about it, but never really have the courage to go through with it. (He drastically doubts any affection that he gets, so he may just dismiss it, thinking that Steve will eventually want to move on and find someone else… Well, that is until they get engaged, which would just knock any of Loki’s doubts completely out of his mind).
Who is the best man/men?On Loki’s side — Thor, obviously. The man would throw a fit if he wasn’t. On Steve’s side… Possibly Tony or Falcon?
Who is the bride’s maid(s)?Not too sure.
Who did the most planning?Loki. He’s a DIVA at heart, and wanted everything to be perfect.
Who stressed the most?I think both would have their own reasons to be stressed so… both of them?
How fancy was the ceremony?Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (remember…. Loki is a hecking diva)
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding?I don’t think there’s anyone that they know that they wouldn’t invite. :/
Who is on top?Loki.
Who is the one to instigate things?They both equally instigate things?
How healthy is their sex life?Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they?Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 |7 | 8 | 9 | don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last?Well, it all sorta depends on what’s going on? Like, if Loki is reaaaaally feeling evil, then he’d just draw out all the teasing and foreplay for AAAAGES, without letting Steve orgasm.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms?Yes.
How rough are they in bed?Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do?No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | a little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally?  How many children will they adopt? Who gets stuck with the most diapers? Who is the stricter parent? Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Who is the more loved parent? Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?Who cried the most at graduation? Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law?
Not sure, yet, if children are in the running for them. I mean… if Steve ever takes Loki to an orphanage like we touched upon… then yeaaaaah, that would probably spark the idea/talk of having kids ???? And Loki would just adopt all the poor orphans.
Who does the most cooking?I imagine Steve would. At least, he’s the BETTER cook out of the two of them, anyway, so it would make more sense if he cooked more.
Who is most picky in their food choice?Loki.
Who does the grocery shopping?Probably Steve, if he’s the one who cooks more. But sometimes Loki does help out.
How often do they bake desserts?I’m not sure??? Loki would just sneak desserts and sweet treats into their cart while they’re grocery shopping?
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater?Loki doesn’t have a preference, not sure about Steve?
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner?Well, like I said, Loki is a dramatic little diva, so he’d be pretty good with the surprises. But, I think that Steve is just as romantic, and he definitely would have a few tricks up his sleeve as well.
Who is more likely to suggest going out?Not sure. Possibly Steve? Since Loki prefers to chill out indoors. But, then again… I kinda think Steve does too? Maybe they just won’t go out and they’ll just chill inside together, curled up on the sofa reading or watching shitty movies.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking?Loki.
Who cleans the room?They’re both relatively tidy people, I think they just clean up their own messes as they go and there’s not really an issue.
Who is really against chores?Loki. He just uses his magic to get everything done quickly rather than doing chores properly??
Who cleans up after the pets?Not sure if they would have any? Maybe a cat? Cause they’re relatively clean animals (also, the thought of these two curled up together with a cat is SO CUTE). Eh, if they did have a pet, whatever animal it may be, they’d take it in turns to clean up after it. (unless the animals was specifically owned by just one of them?)
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug?Loki.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over?…Probably Loki.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning?Steve.
Who takes the longer showers/baths?Loki.
Who takes the dog out for a walk?If they had a dog, Steve would probably take it out on his runs.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays?…Whenever there’s a holiday that they celebrate??
What are their goals for the relationship?Just… be happy and enjoy each other’s company, being content in their little bubble. Maybe, maybe start a family, but that’s a LOOOOOOOONG way down the line for either of them right now — like, their relationship isn’t quite ready for kids yet, I don’t feel.
Who is more likely to sleep till noon?Loki? Even though he tends to be an early riser, there are some occasions where he CAN just oversleep for ages.
Who plays the most pranks?Ugh. Hello? God of Mischief? It’s totally Loki xD
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haillenarte · 7 years
samurai skills;
After I posted my translations of the Ruby Sea and Kugane place names, someone asked me to do similar translations for samurai job skills, so... here are translations of the game’s samurai job skills.
As a disclaimer, I’m not really familiar with real-life samurai, nor am I especially good with the kind of old-timey Japanese that’s used here — this is just an attempt at explaining what some of the untranslated skill names mean, for people who don’t really know Japanese at all!
I will also do ninja job skills eventually, but I don’t have as much free time as I used to, and I think my posts are becoming fewer and farther between...
I still haven’t even finished Stormblood...
刃風 Hakaze Taken apart, the characters mean “blade wind.” Not to be confused with the characters the other way around, which would make it “wind blade.” Blade wind.
陣風 Jinpu Means “gale.” Or “gust,” or “blast of wind,” but I think “gale” sounds the coolest.
心眼 Third Eye Read shingan, meaning “mind’s eye,” but “third eye” works just as well.
鳳蝶 Ageha Ageha refers to the swallowtail butterfly, though I should add that the actual characters involved mean “phoenix butterfly.” So “swallowtail” or “phoenix” would therefore both be accurate, but I might personally go with “swallowtail” because I think that has more of a nature connotation, as far as the English language goes... but hey, you do you.
燕飛 Enpi Means “swallow,” like the bird, or perhaps more accurately, “flying swallow.”
士風 Shifu Uh, this is hard... Taken apart, the characters literally mean “warrior wind,” but 士 sometimes refers specifically to samurai, and so I think this actually means “samurai style.” By that, I mean “in the style of samurai,” or like... thinking and behaving the way a samurai should... Don’t quote me on that, please.
風雅 Fuga Means “elegance.” I don’t know if it has additional connotations, but I assume so.
月光 Gekko Means “moonlight.”
居合術 Iaijutsu Iaijutsu is, essentially, the art of quick-drawing a katana as a means of counterattack. If you really don’t know anything about it, you can probably watch some demonstrations on YouTube or something.
満月 Mangetsu Means “full moon.”
花車 Kasha Given the context, I think this one is best translated as “fragility,” though the characters themselves mean (roughly) “flower wheel”...
桜花 Oka Means “cherry blossoms.” This probably looks a little more familiar to manga and anime fans when I spell it ouka — I feel like it’s a common name for female characters.
雪風 Yukikaze At its most literal, this means “snow-bearing wind,” but more poetic variants like “blizzard” or “snowstorm” are perfectly acceptable.
明鏡止水 Meikyo Shisui The characters mean “shining mirror, still water,” but it’s actually a phrase that refers to the state of being calm and serene. Clean as a polished mirror, tranquil as still water — essentially, “having a mind undisturbed by evil thoughts.”
必殺剣・回天 Hissatsu: Kaiten I generally see hissatsu translated as things like “killing technique” or “deathblow” or “certain death.” Kaiten means “revolution,” in the sense of “changing the world” or “turning the tide” or “turning the tables,” though since the character ten (heaven) is involved in all three hissatsu, “turning the heavens” is probably the best way to translate kaiten. As far as having a single English phrase for this, Deathblow: Revolution is probably what I’d go with.
必殺剣・暁天 Hissatsu: Gyoten Gyouten means “dawn,” or “sunrise,” or “first light,” but again, as far as cool English skill names go... how about Deathblow: Daybreak?
必殺剣・夜天 Hissatsu: Yaten Yaten means “night sky,” but again, we’re shooting for Rule of Cool here. I like Deathblow: Nightfall, personally.
慈眼 Merciful Eyes Read jigen, generally referring to the merciful eye of Buddha watching over humanity. A lot of these terms have similar cultural implications, but I’m not sophisticated enough to know them.
黙想 Meditate Read mokusou. Yeah, it means “meditation.”
必殺剣・震天 Hissatsu: Shinten YEAAAAAH WE’RE BACK TO THE HISSATSUS  Shinten means “earth-shaking” or “tremor” or — keeping ten in mind — “to shake heaven and earth.” I guess I’d suggest Deathblow: Earthquake, but I’m open to suggestions on this one, ‘cuz I don’t like that so much... 
必殺剣・九天 Hissatsu: Kyuten Kyuuten means “nine heavens,” which is a concept that stems from ancient Chinese cosmology — the middle sky and the heavens of the eight directions. Think of it as the celestial sphere, basically. Let’s just call this one, hmm... does Deathblow: Firmament sound good to you? Actually, wait, if we call this one Deathblow: Firmament, maybe we can call the earthquake skill Deathblow: Foundation...
必殺剣・星眼 Hissatsu: Seigan Mmm, this one’s hard... some digging led me to believe that seigan refers to the act of raising the point of your sword towards your opponent’s eyes (thus locking eyes with your target). Understandably, however, we don’t really have a word for that, and the characters that the FFXIV team chose to write seigan with are rather atypical, so maybe I’ll just go loose with my interpretation of the characters chosen and call this Deathblow: Stargazer...
葉隠 Hagakure Means “hiding in the leaves,” “in the shadow of the leaves,” or else “hidden leaves.” It probably refers to the book associated with Yamamoto Tsunetomo, whose life philosophy I’ll just rip off of Wikipedia:
[He] believed that becoming one with death in one's thoughts, even in life, was the highest attainment of purity and focus. He felt that a resolution to die gives rise to a higher state of life, infused with beauty and grace beyond the reach of those concerned with self-preservation.
Hagakure is sometimes said to assert that bushido is really the "Way of Dying" or living as though one was already dead, and that a samurai must be willing to die at any moment in order to be true to his lord. His saying "the way of the warrior is death" was a summation of the willingness to sacrifice that bushido codified.
必殺剣・紅蓮 Hissatsu: Guren Guren means “crimson,” though it is also used in the Japanese Stormblood title, 紅蓮のリベレーター (the Crimson Liberator). But Deathblow: Stormblood sounds, hmm... I don’t know, what do you think? Good, or a weird place for a title drop?
彼岸花 Higanbana Another word for lycoris radiata, or red spider lilies — some very beautiful but poisonous lilies that are commonly associated with death. If you’ve never seen one, seriously, Google it now. Why the icon for this skill isn’t an actual red spider lily is beyond me.
天下五剣 Tenka Goken Meaning “five swords under heaven,” this refers to a group of five katana thought to be the five greatest swords in Japan. Mikazuki Munechika of Touken Ranbu fame is one such sword. 
乱れ雪月花 Midare Setsugekka ...I cannot think of a single phrase that would encompass the whole of this. Midare Setsugekka is a recurring technique in many JRPGs, like in Final Fantasy and in the Romancing SaGa series. Midare means “disorder,” or “to fall into chaos,” whereas setsugekka is a poetic turn of phrase used to describe the beauty of the changing seasons — the winter snow, the autumn moon, and the flowers of spring. In the case of the technique, as it appears in various games, it tends to be a triple-slash attack that encompasses the snow, the moon, and flowers respectively, but I don’t care about that so much as just that it’s a very pretty turn of phrase. I’ve seen this translated as Chaotic Flowerfall, but I don’t like that one bit. Chaos of the Four Seasons might also work, but it’s a little lengthy, isn’t it? Still, I don’t think it would really be possible to encompass the whole of this phrase in just one or two English words. If it were up to me, though, I’d probably just name this skill Solstice. No reason, it just sounds cool.
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xxbyimm · 7 years
Enya’s Unexpected Journey - Chapter 12
For all other chapters, click the number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Chapter 12
Summary:  Enya saves Thorins' tight ass. Twice. Meanwhile, the tension between Dolvira and Enya slowly builds up.
Well, this was fucking fantastic.
Enya paced a few feet away and sat down on a tree root. Thorin and Dolvira. Dolvira and Thorin. Ugh, their names were an odd match that made her cringe every time she heard it. Enya didn't know if she wanted to laugh hysterically or cry her eyes out. She had been stupid, putting aside all her dignity because she was terribly in love with a guy. Dwarf. Who had a girl. God, this made her no better than Abbie. She honestly tried to seduce him! Enya blushed when she remembered that particular night in Rivendell. The gasp he made when she dropped her jacket... and the kiss they shared afterwards... She believed they both felt something that night. If it wasn't for his self-control, she would not have let go. She would... The thought made her abdomen tighten with desire. Enya sighed. Not that any of it mattered, though. He found his love again. Dolvira was a real bad-ass dwarf woman, a warrior. Once a commander of armies. She was not the prettiest of women, but she had a fair smile. Enya frowned. Looking at herself, she felt like she was nothing compared to Dolvira. She could say that she was less scary and more feminine. And that she possessed those dreamy blue eyes that would make a man do anything. At least, that was what others told her. Enya´s friends at home always were extremely jealous of her.
‘Just a wink, En.’ they used to say. ‘Just a flick from those eyes and the boys lie at your feet.’ Enya did not believe those claims. She was so insecure back then. So in love with the waaay out of her league Jason. She smiled sadly when all the memories she pushed away appeared in her mind again. She used to stare at Jason at the bar and pretend in her head that he was hers. Stupid girl. She had a tendency to fall for those who didn’t want her. So when Jason finally approached her after months of ignoring, she kissed him and took him home. Enya bit her lip. She should not have done that. She should have waited to discover his character before giving him her body. Her dignity. Most importantly: her heart. But she didn’t, because by the time they kissed she was too far down the road to stop. He clearly didn’t give any shit about her heart (or true love), because he crushed her. Twice. Enya stared at her fingernails. And now, her so much envied eyes weren´t helping her either. Maybe she was destined to stay alone. To not know love. Real love. She rolled her eyes when she thought about the things Gandalf had said to her. It seemed that even wizards sometimes were not prepared for the evil plot twists life decided to throw at you. If there even had existed a fling between her and Thorin, it was now gone. Dolvira had entered the game.
Dolvira. Dolvira the bad-ass chick with fiery red hair who couldn´t care less about the opinion of others. Who wasn’t unsure about herself. A woman who knew how to get what she wanted, even with force. Not by seduction. Enya sighed. How could she expect Thorin not to choose such a woman? Even if she put the shared history aside, she could see why he fell for her. It wasn’t for her looks, but the woman possessed an powerful aura. There was something about her… Enya groaned and wanted to evaporate right on the spot. At this stage, she would happily walk into a portal. Or create one. Being a (half?) dwarf in a human world suddenly seemed a lot easier than facing the royal commander duo again. Even the thought of running into asshole Jason seemed less painful. God, she had sunk low. Enya peered at the group from her hiding spot and swallowed hard. Thorin and Dolvira were apart from the rest and her hand was on his shoulder. Dolvira laughed about something Thorin said. She could not see his face. No doubt they had a lot of catching up to do. Why weren't they tangled up in the bushes somewhere? Enya rolled her eyes. Her mind never understood when it was time to stop thinking dirty. SHE did not even want to go near the thought of Thorin and Dolvira making... Enya closed her eyes. No, she should not venture there. She got up and wondered if the pair had really been together all this time. Had they fought side by side when Smaug entered Erebor? When they tried to reclaim the kingdom of Moria? She glanced at the two and was relieved when she saw Thorins' expression (at least for that moment) was dead serious. 'No panties shredding look for our lovable Dolvira!' Her mind stated happily. Enya held back a giggle. If she even wore panties. Probably not. Ew. Enya slowly walked back to the group, praying no one would notice she had been gone for a few minutes. 'Where were you?' Dori asked when he saw her appearing from the bushes. Enya put a smile on her face and cursed herself for not being able to come up with a witty answer. 'Who is that Dolvira woman, miss Enya?' Ori whispered. 'She looks scary.' 'I have no clue.' Enya confessed. 'You should ask Thorin how they met.' ‘But he is supposed to be with you…’ Ori said. ‘What do you mean, Ori? I cannot-’ Her answer was interrupted by a sharp howl that was very close to her. 'RUN!' Gandalf screamed. Boy, that word seemed his go to expression lately. Enya stayed where she was and turned around. A large warg eyed her from the spot where she stood only a few minutes ago, and he was ready to devour her. Enya scoffed and held her sai close to her body. 'Not today, my friend.' The beast lunged forward and Enya screamed as she wanted to release her anger on it, but the warg dropped dead on the mountain slope before it reached her. A knife and a few arrows had hit its head. Enya frowned when Fíli and Kíli dragged her away. They had killed it before she had a fair chance. It made her more mad than it should. 'Come on, miss. Run!' Fíli urged. Enya did what she was told. 'What were you thinking, anyway?' Kíli asked while they ran after the rest of the company. 'Wargs are too large to take on alone!' Enya shrugged. 'Uncle told us to keep a watchful eye over you.' Fíli mused. 'HE DID WHAT?' She roared. Fíli and Kíli shot each other a knowing glance and chuckled. 'He said you are always getting yourself into trouble.' Fíli said. 'And that witches are rare, so we should protect you from harm.' Kíli added. 'Or you doing anything stupid.' Fíli said with a smile. 'I am going to kill him.' Enya muttered and she meant it. The arrogance! How could he even order such a thing? She never did anything stupid! Did he really thing she wanted to be shadowed by two young dwarf princes who always seemed to be up to some mischief? As much as she loved the two rascals, she knew it was best to sometimes keep some distance. Kíli gave Enya a quick push when he saw more wargs running in their direction. They all climbed into the same tree and were just out of reach when the fastest warg snapped off the lowest branches with its sharp teeth. ‘We are in trouble’ Kíli whispered. Well, that was an understatement. Enya groaned as they watched a pack of at least twenty wargs gathered under the trees. Some had riders on them. The ones that didn’t, jumped against the tree in an attempt to tip it over. Enya held on tight to the branch she sat on. ‘They are going to bring down the tree!’ Fíli said, horrified. Enya did not want to look down again, but yet she did. The tree protested and squeaked as its roots were roughly torn away by the wargs. ‘We have to jump, or we will be warg dinner.’ Enya stated. They waited until the poor tree gave in and tipped over. With a loud yell, Enya jumped and hoped for the best. She grabbed the first sturdy branch she saw and clung onto it. Kíli landed right next to her. ‘We need a way to kill them.’ Fíli said anxiously. He was just beneath them. ‘I AM NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR THEM TO KILL US!’ Dolvira yelled from above. Enya turned and watched her. She was near Thorin. The sight made Enya’s envy burn bright. ‘ANY BRIGHT IDEAS THEN, HUN?’ She screamed at Dolvira. She knew this was no moment to start an argument, but she hated that bitch with an intense passion. And it was mutual. Dolvira looked back in a way that… well, if looks could kill, Enya would lie dead under the tree now. Enya watched as Dolvira got her knife and threw it at one of the wargs beneath her. She hit it, but her move did not kill the creature. ‘Really?’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘SMART MOVE, DOLLY. NOW YOU LOST YOUR WEAPON.’ ‘OH YOU LITTLE- I WILL GUT YOU!’ Enya laughed. ‘Come and get me then, BABE.’ She turned and suddenly got an idea. ‘Give me that pineapple.’ She demanded Kíli. Kíli frowned. ‘You want to throw pineapples at their heads? I doubt it will kill them.’ ‘No, it won’t.’ Enya smiled as she received the pineapple from him and held it in her hand. ‘But we will give them an extra twist.’ She said and with those words it set ablaze. Fíli and Kíli smiled mischievously and quickly got a few more. Enya held her burning pineapple up high so they could light their own. ‘How do you hold them?’ Fíli asked as he juggled the burning weapon in his hands. Enya shrugged. ‘I’m not affect by the fire. I guess because it’s part of me.’ ‘Let’s bombard some wargs with them.’ Kíli laughed. The trio yelled and threw the pineapples at the wargs. Some of them were immediately set ablaze and yelped in panic as they hurried away. ‘Yeaaaaah!’ Kíli cheered. ‘Kill those bastards!’ Fíli encouraged the others. ‘Use Enya’s fire!’ Their little victorious moment was ruined by an enormous pale white orc, striding a white warg that appeared behind the trees. Shit. This had to be Azog the defiler. But didn’t Thorin tell her that filth died of his wounds long ago? Well, he seemed much alive and kicking to her… ‘No. It cannot be.’ Thorin said as he pushed one of a smaller branches aside to get a better look. Azog and Thorin stared at each other and the hatred between them made Enya shiver. Tension hung in the air. Enya prayed in silence that Thorin wasn’t stupid enough to face the orc. Surely he would know he couldn’t go on a suicide mission? She glanced at him and realized that he probably wouldn’t even care if he died. His face said it all. He wanted to take his hated enemy down. No matter the costs. ‘Change of tactic.’ She muttered at Fíli and Kíli and concentrated on the palms of her hand. An icicle appeared and with a straight jerk from her arm Enya launched it into an orcs’ head. The orc dropped dead from his warg. ‘Whooohoo!’ Enya’s mind did a little victory dance. ‘Give me one!’ Fíli pressed. Enya nodded and was about to hand an icicle over, when- ‘KRRRRRRRRRRRRR’ The roots of the tree decided to give up and the whole thing tipped over. Luckily, one root was strong enough to hold on and prevented the tree from falling into the abyss. Nonetheless, it hung very dangerously over the edge and therefore brought the whole company in danger. Everyone tried to hold on the branches, but the one poor Dori and Ori held onto, broke off. Gandalf caught Dori with his staff, and Ori was able to grab Dori, but Enya knew it was matters of minutes before Dori would let go. Dori sobbed. ‘Gandalf! I cannot hold much longer!’ ‘You have to!’ the wizard urged. Enya turned to Thorin and discovered that he wasn’t where he should be. Oh no. For a split second Enya believed that Thorin fell into the darkness, but when she heard the pale orc calling Thorins’ name, she instantly knew where he was. He went to face the pale orc. Enya was unsure what she should do. She whimpered as she saw Thorin charging Azog. ‘THORIN!’ Dwalin yelled and he wanted to go after his leader, but his branch broke off and left him swinging on a dangerously thin thread. Thorin reached Azog, ready to chop off his head, but was brought down by the white warg that jumped upon him. The pale orc laughed as his warg lunged forward and took the dwarf prince in his mouth. Oh no. Thorin screamed in pain, but was able to wound the warg with his sword. The warg tossed him aside, and Thorin landed with his head on a large rock. He didn’t move and seemed unconscious. Enya didn’t think, but reacted instinctively. With all her strength she lifted herself on the tree trunk and ran towards the place where Thorin was lying. She saw the pale orc ordering a minion to cut off Thorins’ head and gripped her knife.
Heck no, this was not happening.
Not on her watch.
Within matters of seconds she reached Thorin and lunged at the orc that already was holding his sword high in the sky, seconds away from severing the head of the dwarf she loved. With a loud yell she took the orc down and landed on top of him. She was all fired up and the poor minion had to pay the price for that. ‘DON’T YOU TOUCH HIM!’ She bellowed and pushed her knife in his chest. The orc screamed in surprise and Enya didn’t stop stabbing him until he laid lifeless beneath her. Orc blood was dripping from her hands, but she had no time to think about that. She quickly got up, grabbed her sai and faced the pale orc. ‘Do not dare to touch him, you filth.’ She growled. ‘You shall have to kill me first.’ The pale orc laughed and said something to her in black speech. Enya didn’t know what he was saying, but the sound of the words made her shiver. ‘I don’t speak such a vile language.’ She said. ‘And I don’t want to know what those dreadful words mean.’ She swung her sai in the air. ‘But know this.’ She whispered and she refused to avoid the pale orcs’ gaze. ‘If you ever touch him again, you’ll wish you’ve never been born.’ Enya vaguely heard battle cries behind her and knew the other dwarves had found their guts again. She smiled as she saw surprise in Azogs’ eyes. ‘Didn’t expect that, huh?’ she said and set her sai on fire. ‘Now. Where were we?’ she purred as she paced closer. Azog growled at her and showed his teeth. Enya raised one eyebrow. ‘Too scared to fight yourself? You really going to let your warg do the dirty job?’ There were interrupted again, but this time by the sound of a dozen eagles that happened to fly above them. Enya glanced at the sky and smiled. They were majestic, beautiful creatures. Much larger than at home. They appeared to be at their side, because Azog quickly retreated as he saw his comrades being thrown in the abyss by sharp eagle claws. Enya watched the spectacle and therefore was not prepared for the enormous claw that grabbed her from the ground. ‘NO! LET ME DOWN! I AM FINE!’ she screamed, but the eagles didn’t seem to hear her pleas. When the claw finally released her, she fell into the abyss. So this was it then, she would die. Enya screamed and saw the trees in the valley growing bigger and bigger. The sky was terribly cold. She could not imagine that some people enjoyed doing this in their spare time. Even with a bungee jump cord or parachute. Enya grunted in surprise when she landed on another eagle’s back. She could not stop shivering and tears ran over her face. ‘I hate heights, I am so sorry!’ she said to the eagle. She had no idea if the majestic bird had any idea what she was saying, but it did turn its’ head a little and made eye contact. Enya grasped the birds’ feathers and held on tight. The feathers were incredibly soft and comforted her a bit. She sat still and was even able to enjoy the beautiful view. ‘It’s magnificent’ she told the bird. She knew it would agree. Enya tried to distract herself from her worries about Thorin with scouting the area for the lonely mountain. It didn’t help much. She sighed and peered at the eagles that were flying ahead of her. Thorin was carried by the one in the front. Enya whimpered. He laid lifeless the eagle’s claws. Enya clenched her teeth. She could only hope for the best and wait…
As soon as her eagle put her down on a platform high in the sky, Enya thanked it for its’ help. After that, she ran towards the spot where one of the other eagles had dropped Thorin. Gandalf was already there, leaning over him. Enya sat next to Gandalf and could not hide the horror that was displayed on her face. ‘Thorin!’ Gandalf urged. Thorin did not move. Gandalf put his hand over Thorins’ face and muttered words in an ancient language Enya could not understand. They waited in silence, but the beautiful blue eyes of the dwarf she loved stayed shut. The other dwarves arrived at the platform as well and hurried to their leader. ‘Thorin!’ Balin shouted. Enya swallowed hard and tried not to cry. Oh god. No. Oh no. ‘What should we do?’ she asked the wizard. ‘I can try one more time’ he answered and he repeated the words. They waited again. ‘He is not waking up!’ Her voice reached an high pitch and did not sound like her usual tone. She didn’t care that everyone now knew she cared deeply for Thorin. That she loved him, even. If it would save his life… Enya felt the tears burning behind her eyes. He was not waking up. This was not happening. Not on her watch. She could live with the fact that he didn’t want to be with her, but she could not let him die. She wanted him to be alive and well, even if it meant she had to accept his love for Dolvira. Her instinct told her what to do. She turned to Gandalf and offered him her hand. ‘Take me.’ She said. ‘Take the energy that is required.’ She meant it. ‘Enya, I don’t know how that works. If I take such a risk, you could die.’ Gandalf said. Like she cared about that. She loved Thorin more than anything in the world. Enya held down a sob when she realized she loved him even more than she valued her own life. It had to be done, and there was no time to argue. ‘I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE COSTS, TAKE IT!’ she screamed at Gandalf. The wizard looked at her, horrified. ‘I cannot just take-’ he began, but Enya didn’t let him finish and took matters in her own hands. She placed one hand on Thorins’ heart and the other on her own. She didn’t know if there was a spell to chant or a special message to make it work, so she just whispered the first thing that came into her mind. ‘Save the one I love.’ The wind took her whisper and it tickled her face. Enya felt her energy slipping away from her. Her mind became hazy and her vision blurred. Her own voice whispered to herself. ‘Save the one I love…’
‘Save his life!’
‘Save him…’
‘I love him…’
She cried when a sudden force blew her away from Thorin. She got smacked down on her back and groaned in pain. Her hands burned, but her mind was too misty to see what was going on. She heard Dolvira screaming Thorins’ name in the distance. Enya wanted to focus, but her eyelids were too heavy. She felt weak, abandoned by both her mind and her body. She wanted to yell, but she had no energy. Every fiber in her body was exhausted. Maybe she gave too much. Maybe she was dying. But if she had saved Thorin in the process… Enya’s mouth curved into a little smile. Then it was all worth it. She let it go and slid into the darkness.
The first thing that pulled her back from the endless darkness she was floating in, were two hands that gripped firmly around her shoulders. Someone was shaking her anxiously and called her name. ‘Miss Enya!’ ‘I told her not to, but she didn’t listen’ Gandalf said softly. ‘You should have stopped her.’ A familiar low, husky voice groaned. ‘She always is too reckless.’ Reckless? Said who? Enya wanted to giggle, but no sound came from her mouth. She did manage to open her eyes for a bit and slowly blinked. Her breath was taken away by a pair of blue eyes, inches away from hers. Thorin hung over her and his hands were on her shoulders. When he saw she was regaining her consciousness, his expression changed. Did she detect some fear in those gorgeous eyes? Enya couldn’t tell, because at the moment, they told her a different story. He was furious. She always seemed to be able to make him angry. ‘Damn it, miss Enya! What were you thinking?’ Thorin yelled. Enya closed her eyes again. ‘Don’t you dare to leave me!’ he hissed. Enya moaned as Thorin got her up and held her in his arms. ‘Please don’t die.’ He whispered softly in her ear. He was very close and Enya breathed in his scent. If she had to leave this world, she had to do it now. This was the right way to go. In his arms. Her peaceful moment was roughly disturbed as her least favorite dwarf of all time entered the scene. ‘Cut the crap and stop acting so dramatic, Enya.’ Dolvira brawled. If Enya hadn’t felt so weak, she would have strangled the bitch. But right now, she had a hard time opening her eyes. ‘Thorin, we have to leave.’ Dwalin pressed. ‘The eagles gave us a head start, but we have to move. Fast.’ Thorin sighed. ‘Give her five minutes. Get yourselves ready.’ Enya heard the dwarves shuffle around her. She forced herself to open her eyes. Thorin stared into her face and treated her with a smile. It was a worried one, but she was happy he decided to let the intentioned speech about her ‘recklessness’ wait for a moment. ‘We have to move on. Can you walk?’ he whispered. ‘Yeah.’ She answered. ‘I should be the one to feel like this.’ Thorin muttered, clearly feeling very guilty about her sudden diminished well-being. Enya smiled. ‘I am fine.’ He narrowed his eyes, and she knew he knew she wasn’t. Luckily, he said nothing. Enya wanted to get up, but Thorin wasn’t letting go of her that easy. ‘Slow down.’ He growled. ‘God, I feel like a train wreck. I would kill for a cup of coffee right now. Or redbull.’ She complained as she slowly got up on her feet again. ‘Coffee?’ Thorin asked. ‘It is a drink. With caffeine, to revive your spirits.’ Enya frowned. ‘In the human world it is especially used in the morning.’ Thorin frowned. ‘I always find that humans are weird living beings.’ Enya giggled. ‘They’ll grow on you, eventually. And trust me, I know.’ ‘We need to move.’ Dolvira said impatiently. ‘I don’t fancy running into that orc pack again, especially not because our lovely lunatic here is too weak to move. We should leave her behind.’ ‘We are not leaving anyone behind.’ Thorin said in an authoritarian tone. Both girls ignored him and paced around each other. Enya tilted her head and smiled. ‘No worries, love. Your lunatic is perfectly fine.’ Dolvira rolled her eyes. ‘You don’t look perfectly fine if you ask me. To me you look like a little harlot.’ Enya burst into laughter. It hurt, but she couldn’t help herself. ‘Harlot? Well good thing nobody asks your opinion, then.’ She faced Dolvira and looked right into her eyes. ‘You know, sometimes it’s wise to say nothing’ she said. ‘I too wasn’t about to share with you that the brow situation you got going on over there is very, very-’ She did not finish her sentence but shook her head dismissively. ‘There is nothing wrong with my brows!’ Dolvira shouted. ‘Oh dear, Dolly…’ Enya whispered. ‘Your brows are a classic tragedy.’ ‘Stop calling me Dolly! You’re the one who looks like a filthy elf.’ Dolvira hissed. ‘You are vain.’ ‘Not really, but I do know the value of a good set of tweezers.’ Enya smiled as she realized that Dolvira had obviously no clue what tweezers were. Her brows were witnesses of that. Poor things. Enya bit her lip and continued. ‘They perform miracles, although I think you are an hopeless case. I think we might need loads of make-up to correct that face!’ ‘I don’t know what these things are and I don’t need them.’ Dolvira said, confidently. ‘My kin doesn’t value looks as much as your kind does. What are you anyway?’ ‘I am a fire witch from the fire beard clan.’ She hissed and two little flames appeared in her hands. ‘Do not dare to insult me, because I will make you suffer.’ ‘I can’t wait.’ Dolvira smirked. ‘Because it will be me who crushes your little pretty face.’ ‘Really?’ Enya scoffed. ‘I wouldn’t trust on that.’ ‘Ladies.’ They both looked up. Thorin eyed the two and he was visibly annoyed by them. Enya cursed herself. He was right. There was no time for drama. ‘Let’s move.’ He then ordered.
Enya bit her tongue when she walked behind the others. The little argument with Dolvira revived her spirits (who needs Redbull now?) but her whole body still was aching. She had to push herself to keep up. She had to continue on this journey. If it wasn’t for her love of Thorin, she had to honor the promise she made to grandma Gigi. She imagined what Gigi would say about this awkward situation. Gigi wouldn’t have reacted the way Enya did. Gigi would not engage in everyday verbal fights. She would smile politely and wait. Until she could strike her opponent with a deadly blow. Enya smiled. Her grandma would press her not to forget about her manners. And from now on, that would be exactly what she was going to do.
That bitch would have to learn not to fool around with the Blueheart family. Because they were a force to be reckoned with.
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readingraebow · 6 years
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The Firm Section One
Chapters 1-7
1. How is Bendini, Lambert & Locke different from other firms? What is their turnover rate? It's a much smaller firm and it's in Memphis (which most of the other large scale firms are in Chicago or New York) and it pays better than almost any other firm in the country. They only have 41 lawyers on staff and half of them are partners. This is definitely not the norm. They want everyone to become a partner and basically guarantee that you will become one. So basically they promise that if you work really, really hard for your first few years, you'll be able to relax more when you make partner because you will have earned it. They also pay reaaaally well and basically all of their lawyers become millionaires by the time they're 40. And most retire somewhere in their 50s with a very, very healthy chunk of change. Their biggest selling point, however, is that their turnover rate is zero. No one ever leaves their firm unless they retire. They also offer way more in the first year than all of McDeere's other offers. And they provide a home with a low interest mortgage as well as a brand new BMW. Basically since they're in the middle of nowhere and have to entice their new hires to move to the middle of nowhere, they offer a lot of very shiny perks. They also don't hire very often and they hand pick their new candidates. Mitch McDeere is their only candidate at this time. So basically it's either him or no one for this hire cycle.
2. Why, as Kay explains, does the firm wish all the associates to be homeowners? They want the new associate + family in Memphis since that's where they'll be working so a new home is an incentive to move. Plus they generally work associates 80 hours a week and Kay says it's sometimes more like 100 hours during tax season. So their theory is if the associate has a strong marriage they will be happy and if they're happy, they'll be productive and that will equal profits. So basically they want to make life more ~comfortable while they're working the associate to death and their wife just has to sit ideally by. But it's also a status thing. The firm likes to ~keep up appearances and if everyone who works for them has a really big, nice house that looks better for the firm. So they lease you a smaller house up front but expect the family to be in an even bigger house in five years and so on.
3. All of the firm's employees have moved from different places. While eating lunch with the partners, Mitch is asked if he's accustomed to eating grease and many mention that they're not used to the greasy southern cooking. Is grease a regular part of your diet? Would you be able to handle a completely southern dining palette if you were in Mitch's position? Hmm. Grease is kind of a part of my diet? I absolutely love fried green tomatoes and definitely cook them every chance I get during the summer. And I do tend to each fried food maybe once a week, if that? But, on the other hand, I don't like super greasy foods and my stomach definitely can't handle them on a more permanent basis. I wasn't raised in the south and I'm not sure I've ever really had truly southern cooking. But from the sound of it, I would not be able to handle it. I like some fried foods but for the most part I could leave them? And southern food is usually heavily spiced and I absolutely cannot handle that at all. So if I were in Mitch's position, I would definitely be the guy who had heartburn for 20 years, haha. I probably would not be able to handle that at all and I'd be off somewhere panicking and making a salad, hahahaha. *would actually die from all the grease*
4. At the end of the second chapter, what are your feelings about the firm? Do you think Mitch should accept their offer? Honestly it sounds way too good to be true???? But I get why it's appealing to Mitch and Abby. When you're super broke and paying all of your big bills is a struggle and needing a new car but actually getting one seems light years away? Yeaaaaah. I totally get that feeling. So I get why taking an offer that has all of those perks sounds appealing. But if all of the other successful firms aren't offering those things and this is the only one that is, doesn't that seem a little suspicious? Honestly a lot of the people who work for the firm also sound sketchy??? And that conversation with Kay was super weird. Yes, I would love to be a trophy wife (or Emily Gilmore; either is fine) but I would also like to make my own decisions. And the things "encouraged" by the firm are just super weird and controlling. But the money is super tempting and I would probably take the offer, if in Mitch's position. Plus I find the firm fascinating so if he didn't accept, we wouldn't have a story, haha.
5. What occupies the half of the 5th floor that's not the partner's cafe? What goes on there and what do we learn about the McDeeres' visit? The other half of the fifth floor is security. It's a bunch of cramped little offices and, I'm assuming, surveillance and such. One of the offices is occupied by the head of security, a Mr. DeVasher. From him we learn that the firm is seriously into wire tapping and basically they were watching the McDeeres the entire time they were in town. They bugged the hotel room (and had people in the rooms on either side), the limo and the phone. And we knew most of what he said. But basically they liked the firm and all the perks and DeVasher thinks he'll sign with them. And then we went into a lot of stuff that doesn't make any sense yet. But it sounds like they basically watch everyone who works for them at all times and the entire office is bugged along with all of the houses of everyone who works there???? (That would also explain why they like to provide homes and cars for their employees.) And there was a lot of stuff about the FBI and New York being suspicious and that they have to get a handle on the situation or two of the associates and a cop will end up dead. Soooo. Maybe that's why their turnover rate is zero??? No one ever leaves they firm. They're just quietly killed instead. *gulp*
6. On Mitch and Abby's first day in Memphis, what do they learn has happened? How does Mitch spend his first day at the firm? They learn that two members of the firm have died. Martin Kozinski and Joe Hodge died in what they said was a boating accident. Apparently they were on a "business trip" and there was some kind of explosion. But the details are sketchy at this point. Though these are the two who were going to be "taken care of" so none of those details are probably actually correct. But that's the story the firm is going with. And on Mitch's first day at the firm, instead of sitting behind his new desk, he and Abby attend both funerals.
7. What is Mitch's first impression of Nathan Locke? What had he heard from Lamar about Locke? That Locke is literally terrifying?? Basically he has really black, sinister eyes and has the most ominous, evil presence Mitch says he'd ever felt. Mitch hadn't met Locke before he signed on and according to Lamar, no one was really ever allowed to go to his office. He told Mitch it was because Locke is eccentric and liked to be left alone. Or something like that. But he's probably the front man for whatever shady thing is going on in this firm.
8. Why does Oliver Lambert ask to see Mitch? He asks to see Mitch for two reasons: one, to invite Mitch and Abby to dinner on Saturday night. He says that he and his wife like to go out to dinner and they usually invite a group and so he's invited a few other people from the firm and wants Mitch to come/feel welcome with them. But what seems to be the real reason he asks Mitch to see him is to lecture him on confidentiality. He gives him this long speech about how you never talk about a client with anyone else, especially not your wife (oh, he drives this point home) and probably not even other people at the firm, unless they're directly involved in the case. And especially not to other lawyers around town. But esPECIALLY NOT YOUR WIFE. Which is super weird and fishy???? It's almost like Mitch has told Abby something and Lambert knows it and is telling him not to do that??? But if this actually happened, it wasn't something we've read. But basically Mitch knows all of this already because it's covered in law school? So it's just an all around weird conversation.
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  Section One Reading Journal
So. Wow. I haven’t read any John Grisham in quite a while. And off the top of my head, I think the only one I’ve actually read was Runaway Jury. (I honestly can’t remember if I’ve even read any of the others?? Though I own almost all of them.) And I read that back in high school (and I remember it taking me quite a while since they’re kind of long and, in some places, dry and I hadn’t read a lot of ~variety then and still had trouble with stuff. So I think it took me like a month though I do remember liking it well enough). So, yeah. Apparently I’m way over due for more Grisham, haha.
Anyway, I don’t really know what I was expecting from this? I haven’t actually seen this film (though I think I’ve seen all of the others) but it’s definitely not been what I was expecting. I’m really enjoying it a lot and I pretty much flew through this section. I’m super intrigued by this firm and all of its shady dealings. And, lbr, I’m always here for legal dramas. So while I was a little on the fence about actually reading this and even considered changing my pick for this category, I’m glad I went ahead with this. I’m really enjoying it and I am really excited about reading the rest of it.
So, a few notes from this section: that firm seems super interesting but suuuuper sketchy. Like wow. The money is great but all the work they’re shoving at him? By the end of this section, he sounds so overworked, I would literally be dead if I were working that much. How do they actually expect him to finish everything they’ve thrown at him?!?! If he’s supposed to spend most of his time studying for the bar (which I thought you actually took before you got a job but okay) then why are they throwing so much else at him?!? Don’t they want him to sleep??? Or actually, you know, spend time with his wife????
Though I would love to have all the perks that come with that job. A low house payment and new car? Um, yes please. But I almost don’t feel like it’s even worth it?? Because that’s a lot of hours and he’s not really eating or sleeping. Sooo. Side-eyeing the firm for making him do that.
But, anyway, yes. Super interested in where this is going and what this firm is even up to. Because wow so much shade. So can’t wait to move on to the next section!! I hope ya’ll are enjoying this so far, as well!
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catatoniccats · 7 years
Ohhhh I should watch it sooner than later huh lol. There is this new series it's like a parody on ash vs Evil Dead, it's called Ash Against Evil and it's sooooo good and hilarious I recommend you watching it when you get a chance. Yeaaaaah this new pennywise is soooo creepy when he's talking to Georgie he was salivating and ugh so disturbing. Ugh the Dark Tower movie was so terrible but they are talking about making a tv series which seems interesting. Should I call you Foxy mumma from now on ;)
Yes you definitely should ! Totally worth it ! That's not the one where he plays himself and all this crazy stuff happens is it? I think I may have seen it before. Ooooooo gross I can't wait to watch it ! I have the book too, been meaning to get around and read it. I'm about half way through the dark tower series at the moment ! I haven't heard anything about the movie but I'd give that a go ! And yes that will do just fine 😁😁😁😂
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