kayentokk · 1 year
|Calling the JJK men “dude”|
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✭ Suguru Geto ✭
Prolly would be a little shocked/confused on the inside
Shrugs it off
“Hey man”
Replies with the same energy you give
Figured it’s just the mood today
his pride is a bit hurt so he’s gonna act like he doesn’t care that much
Continues doing what he’s doing
You call him that throughout the day
Gets irritated with you and ignored you
Eventually asks you why
Super petty about it later
✭Your day started with your friend sending you a funny video, this lady had called her husband dude. The man in the video You replied ‘lol 😂 poor guy’ but on the inside you were pretty curious how Suguru would act.
When you got to your apartment Suguru wasn’t there so you just lounged out on your couch. A few minutes later you heard the door opening, Suguru coming in with a slight grin on his face, “hey man!” You greeted him nonchalantly.
It took him a few seconds to answer as he was processing in his head the unusual greeting you just met him with. “Hey…man?” Not the reaction you were looking for.
Throughout the rest of the evening you when you would randomly show him something on your phone, call him over, or even ask him a question, you greeted him that way.
“Oh my gosh bro!”
“Hey man…”
He finally got sick of it and asked, “y/n, are you okay?”
“Yeah man, what would be wrong?”
He’s sighs exasperated, “you keep calling me “man,” dude,” and “bro” you never do that. It’s weird.”
“Oh…I thought you didn’t notice, I just wanted to see what you’d say but I thought you didn’t care….”
“That’s stupid, don’t talk to me”
“Wait Sugu-“
“Oh now I’m Sugu again, no more “bro?”
He didn’t talk to you…for like 10 minutes he eventually gave into your antics after you apologized for like the hundredth time. After he was super pettily nonchalant about it. He just casually addresses you as “girl,” or “woman” to get on your nerves. ✭
✭ Satoru Gojo ✭
Completely overly exaggeratedly hurt
Fakes getting shot in the chest and falls out of his chair
He is so baffled that you just called him dude
“Baby?! Do you not love me anymore?!”
He’s so distraught that it’s hilarious
When you finaly get him to calm down so you can explain his undies are in a bunch
He’s all pouty and gives you the cold shoulder for like 2 seconds
He gives in for your kisses
✭ You were in a playful mood your friends had been addressing you as ‘bro’ and ‘broski’. So when you went home you automatically greeted your boyfriend like that without thought, it also didn’t help that you were kinda tipsy.
“Suuup brrooski!” You said in a chill tone, walking past Satoru making your way to the kitchen.
“Ugh!” You heard a soft ‘thump’ and turned around to see your goofy, appalled boyfriend on the floor.
“What are ya doin silly?” You giggled.
“My heart…how could you? Am I nothing to you anymore? Have I been demoted? Downgraded? Are you falling for someone else?!”
He’s so dramatic he knows you’re not falling for anyone but him, but you’re still confused. What is he talking about?
“What are you talking about?”
“Wooow! You- you don’t even notice the pain you’ve just struck me with. How could you call me broski? Is that what I am to tou now? A broski?”
“Awwww baby, I’m sorry, it’s just a habit,” you say as you walk over and pull him up off of the floor.
“Hmph!” He says crossing his arms into a pout.
“‘Cmonnn, I’m reaaaly sorry, mkay?”
He turns his head to the side ignoring your apology. You stand on your tippy-toes and peck his right cheek, “better now?”
He enwraps you in a warm hug and giggles, “better.”
✭ Itadori Yuji ✭
Poor bby:(
He’s tryna think of every possible thing he could have done to make you mad
Did something during your day bother you?
Was it him?
Literally almost cries before he can even form a single sentence to answer you
Doesn’t know how to respond
Should he call you dude too?
Is this a new cute couple thing?
Or will you get mad?
Should he do the normal and call you “baby” and “love of my life?”
Really lost
Also kinda hurt
✭Yuji was beyond happy! You texted and asked him if he wanted to hang out with you today, his answer of course being ‘yes!’ He wondered what you guys were gonna do, watch a movie? Play video games? Bake?! He could hardly wait.
He rang the doorbell anxiously awaiting your response.
“Hey dude, so today I have planned….”
He paused, tuning out whatever else you were saying. Did you- did you just call him dude?
What did he do?! Did he upset you? Was this the end? Is that why you wanted to “hang out” to slowly break it to him? Was is something that happened during your day? What did he text you? Did he forget to respond?! If none of that was it, then how should he respond?!
“Huh?” He said snapping out of his overthinking.
“You okay man? You kinda got lost there,” you say chuckling.
Oh no-not again. You did it again! He must’ve really done something now, but what? He just got here and-
“Yes?” He says tears swelling up in his eyes.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”
“You- you, called me dude, twice….did,” he sniffled, “did I do something?”
“No! Oh my gosh no baby. I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize.”
You pulled him in a tight hug and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Sorry again.”
“No it’s okay, I was just a little lost,” he says almost embarrassed.
“I love you sooo much Yuji!”
“I love you too Y/n”✭
✭Nanami Kento✭
He’s just a little caught off guard
Mostly confused
Was about to say his usual “Hey sweetheart”
Stopped himself in his tracks
Tried to analyze the whole day and think what he could have done wrong
He’s pretty straightforward when he thinks there’s a problem
Asks you why you just called him dude
Asked you to never ever do it again please
Went on with his day
✭You walk into your shared apartment really frustrated. Today Nanami had off so it was nice to just rant to him as soon as you came home. The first thing out of your mouth after seeing your stoic husband was, “dude! People were seriously all up on my dick today! Like I wish they would have just backed the fuck off, my last nerve was literally strangled to death!”
People normally questioned how you and Nanami got together in the first place, with you being so hot-headed and him cool and collected, but that was the balance that you needed. Especially when you were mad.
Nanami understood you were upset, but he thought he did something considering the fact that you called him dude. He’s never gotten that before, even when you were mad. He analyzed the entire day and couldn’t find anything, so he figured it just came out because you were mad. He still didn’t like it though.
He cleared his throat, “first, I’m sorry that you had an unpleasant day, I wish I could make it better. Second, please don’t address me as “dude” again.”
“Aww I’m sorry ken, my sweetest honey ever,” you say walking over to him where he was on the couch and sitting on his lap.
The corners of his lips lifted a bit at your response, “it’s okay my darling y/n.”✭
✭Fushiguro Toji✭
Lowkey but highkey mad
He’s kinda bitchy about it
He’s gonna settle it right there right now
He’s thinking on the inside wtf is wrong with you
Like “why tf you callin me dude?”
His prides hurt cuz like is he just a dude to you?
You have to calm him down and he’s still not fully calm
He makes sure you know to never call him dude again
✭Toji had been purposely irritating you all day, he knew you had homework and a test to study for but he insisted on coming over anyway. claiming that he ‘won’t bother you’ yeah won’t bother you your ass. He complained about it being a mess, then he started hugging you from behind and touching you. You were getting really frustrated.
“Seriously dude, you’re getting on my last nerve,” you chastely said as you removed his arms from your waist and turned back around to do your work.
That stopped him dead in his tracks. He didn’t give not one fuck if he was bothering you, but the fact that you called him dude, that bothered him. No, it’s irked his entire being.
Your poor, poor choice of words lead to you panting and being denied to come for the third or was it fourth time already?
“Say it again kid, what did you call me?”
Safe to say you never called Toji that again.
✭Fushiguro Megumi✭
Definitely caught him off guard
Doesn’t show it though
His feelings hurt deep down inside
Still doesn’t show it
Feels like he’s being downgraded/demoted
Outright asks you why
Politely tells you not to do it again
Is clingy with you afterwards because deep down he needs reassurance
✭You busted into the Satoru residence knowing that’s where your helpful tutor boyfriend was. Satoru greeted you with you guys’ super secret handshake and a, “heyy bro!” And you in return did the same. “Heyy man!” You said giggling at the comedic greeting.
“Megs is in his room, as always.”
“Thanks,” you said walking towards Megumi’s room.
“Wassup bro!” You said peaking your head in from the corner with a smile.
Gosh Megumi loved your smile, it brought him inner joy, but he did not love that greeting. He knows about you and Satorus’ greeting, but he’d prefer if you left that for Satoru and not him.
“Why what?” You ask confused.
“Why’d you call me ‘bro’?”
“Oh, did I? Sorry,” you chuckled awkwardly.
“It’s fine, don’t do it again please,” he cleared his throat, “ready to start?”
You knew your boyfriend in and out, you’d have to since he seems irritated and tired all the time. So you knew him right now, he didn’t seem sad, more like disappointed.
You were pretty sure he was gonna ask you to sit across from him so that it would be easier to write, because elbow space. Instead though, he patted the spot right next to him.
You gladly took it and began working, but he was touching you more when he was showing you things.
“Alright, thanks for the lesson Megs!”
“Wait, Y/n you should stay a little longer…”
“But it’s almost 6 and I don’t all home…it’s gonna take me a while to get there,” you said sadly.
“I’ll walk with you, or get Gojo to take you.”
“Why do you want me to stay?”
“…Gojo‘s cooking dinner and I can’t be the only one to stomach that alone.”
“Oh,” you replied giggling, “okay, sure I’ll stay.”
“Hey!” Satoru shouts popping into the room, “I heard that!”
A/N:First time doing headcannons it was actually pretty fun, how did I do?
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memoirsofaseraph · 1 year
Hi baby.
Thank you for your sweet words. And happy October 13th (National confession day). 
It is crazy, how time really flies. Je me souviens tellement précisément de ce jour, how nervous you were. How nervous I was, too. I remember texting bestie on the side being like “What the fuck”, all panicky. Even though I knew it was me. How could I not? Who else could it have been? We were spending almost all of our time together, talking to each other 24/7… it had to be me. And yet, it would not get to my head. 
[Me panicking post-confession: October 13th, 2022] "mais bestie pourquoi il crush sur moi si il veut rien de sérieux" "moi je suis une serious girl" (i actually really wasn’t before you…) "il veut rien de sérieux" "moi aussi je veux rien de sérieux" "fin au début je rigole je fais la meuf" "mais après je deviens obsessed tu me connais pitié" (i knew it was over for me fr) "je veux pas flirt dans le vent bestie" "après je vais faire une fixette et être triste" "mais bestie en plus" "ses délires d’ex là" "je suis une jalouse" "je serais jamais tranquille" "dis-lui que je suis une serious obsessive jalouse ça va le turn off"
The pre-confession is even worse to be honest but I’ll spare you (keeping this for your dms… je refuse que ça reste gravé ici pour toujours).
But yeah, baby, it was really crazy. Even on my part, I would’ve never reacted like that over a crush before you, I would’ve never thought this far. With you, I was automatically like... I’m gonna get more and more attached to him, I’ll want something serious, he’s gonna do something wrong and I’ll be sad. That was really my thought process, baby. Really, I was trying to avoid it because I knew I would end up falling for you. And it was scary as hell. You were so different from everything and anyone I'd known before, everything about you felt so new. You know, I think, to some extent, it’s only natural to want to run away from something good when you’ve been so used to feeling no good, and for so long. J’avais cette routine vraiment nulle d’osciller entre deux relations complètement insignifiantes, qui m’apportaient rien mais qui étaient confortables. Confortables dans le sens où, j’étais habituée à partir et revenir. À jongler entre les deux. Puis je pense aussi que, aussi malsain que ça puisse être, j’aimais bien cette dynamique. I liked knowing I didn’t have to stay, knowing I had someone else to go to if it fell apart, it felt easy. I knew I couldn’t get my heart broken like that. 
Toi… toi. C’était tout l’inverse de ça, t’es venu et t’as complètement chamboulé tous mes plans, toutes mes routines, toutes mes (mauvaises) habitudes. You came along and next thing I knew, I was dropping both of them at the same time. Je le savais peut-être pas moi-même mais mon coeur, lui, l’a tout de suite su. Car indirectement, j’ai tout fait pour me retrouver avec toi, et toi uniquement, sans distraction extérieure ou ex pour venir perturber ce qu’on avait. I wanted so desperately to be alone with you. To be ready for you, somehow. Even before you confessed, before I even knew myself I had a crush on you.
And you’re right, we did nothing normal. Both of us. Que ce soit avant ou pendant, pour ma part. And I’m so glad we worked out. But we had to work right? It couldn't have worked any other way anyway, we had to. We were meant to. Still, I’m so grateful that you stayed, through everything. So eternally grateful for the amount of patience you’ve shown towards me, even when I was really hard to deal with, even when I was unfair to you. I’m so thankful for this, even to this day. I wrote this in another entry but, you really got me out of my shell, in every way. When it came to love, I was really such a wreck. Mais finalement, je sais pas vraiment si j’ai déjà eu le coeur brisé avant toi. Bien sûr, j’ai déjà été blessée et ça m’a causé bien des soucis, trust issues, struggling to open up (…) So many stuff that I had to work on. Mais le coeur brisé? J’étais persuadée que oui, avant. Mais après toi, it didn't feel like it anymore. Rien ne peut égaler la peine que j’ai ressenti pendant ces quelques jours où on ne se parlait plus, le vide dans lequel je me trouvais. And to me, this is what heartbreak feels like. And I’ve never felt that way before; even when I’ve been really hurt, I never got to a point where it was this bad, where I felt like my world was collapsing. I only felt it with you.
When I told you everything about you felt new, I really meant it. Et pourtant, avant ça m’arrivait de partager le même feeling avec plusieurs personnes, c’est une expérience très déroutante d’ailleurs. C’est pour cette raison que, pendant longtemps, j’avais considéré l’option d'être dans une union libre ou whatever, as long as I wasn’t trapped with one person. Maintenant ça me dégoûte, je peux plus l’imaginer du tout et rien que d’y penser me donne le vertige. But at the time, I just felt like love wasn’t so special, like I could find it everywhere but also, nowhere. I’ve never been satisfied with anyone before you. Say, I liked someone, I liked some traits about this person — it could never last. Because I would find someone else who had other traits that I liked but who was, also, lacking some other traits. It was a never-ending cycle, hence why I felt like I could find love everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I’ve never been satisfied with anyone before you. And again, it felt so new with you because, for the first time, I felt so complete. I wasn’t trying to fill someone else’s void with you. I genuinely liked (and loved) everything about you. You were so perfect, and to think that I had this perfect person, that I’ve been looking for forever (but also avoiding), right in front of me... Je sais pas vraiment comment l’expliquer, c’est très complexe comme concept je crois mais tu sais, le fait de tomber d’un coup sur ce que t’as toujours cherché, ce que t’as toujours voulu; ça fait peur, car sur le coup t’as du mal à t’en rendre compte et à l'accepter. Ou en tout cas, c’était comme ça dans mon cas parce que c’était tellement inattendu. I’ve never felt this good, this happy. Et, en même temps, je sais que je ne pourrais jamais souffrir autant avec quelqu’un d’autre, connaître une douleur pareille. I guess that’s what so tricky about real love, you live in complete bliss and happiness while knowing they got the key to your misery the whole time.
That being said, I love you. I cherish everything related to you so deeply, our little milestones, anniversaries. They matter so much, and I’m so happy we get to celebrate everything together. So, so happy that we get to look back on our past happily. I love you, and I’m so proud of this pretty relationship that we have.
Happy one year of Kier and Nereid falling for each other!!!
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greenbagjosh · 1 year
Sunday 16 August 1998 - stamping the wrong TGV reservation (return vs away) - the underground cograil line - automatic train without screen doors, doesn't Nürnberg have something similar? - Roman Theater and Vieux Lyon - walk across the Sâone and Rhône to Part Dieu - Paris, one rail journey in the north before going to bed
Sunday 16 August 1998 (originally written August 2018)
Bonjour à tous! Summer is coming soon to a close, at least in 1998, and I will have to return to university for one final year. Sunday the 16th August 1998 is the last day I can do any meaningful travel, and stores are closed until Monday the 17th August. And there is one last free space in my Eurail Pass for taking the train.
The summary of what I did 16th August 1998 - pretty much a day of riding the Lyon metro
woke up around 6:20 AM, took shower and had breakfast at 7 AM sharp
Took M8 from Ledru Rollin to Bastille and M1 to Gare du Lyon
found my assigned car and seat in 1st class TGV to Lyon Part Dieu but validated the wrong reservation
arrived Lyon Part Dieu about 9:45 AM
had snack at Quick burger in the shopping mall and bought day pass for metro
took Metro B to Charpennes and went up and down Cours Emile Zola
took Metro A to Hôtel de Ville - Louis Pradel, then Metro C to Cuire
walked down from Cuire to Rue de Margnolles and caught bus to Croix Rouge (metro C)
took metro C to Hôtel de Ville - Louis Pradel, Metro A to Bellecour, then Metro D to Gorge du Loup
Metro D to Vieux Lyon, and funicular to St Just via the Minimes Roman amphitheater
funicular to St Just to have a look around
funicular to Vieux Lyon and Fourvière, saw tower smaller in scale from the Eiffel in Paris, and return
walk along Rue St Jean in old Lyon, saw tourbus with Guignol painted on it
crossed the Sâone by the Passerelle du Palais de Justice (made a double exposure with my camera somehow, on that particular bridge)
walked along Rue Childebert and crossed the Rhône by the Pont Wilson
walked to the metro D station Guilliotière and rode to Gare de Vénnisieux
rode metro D to Saxe Gambetta and Metro B to Part Dieu
go to Quick, order two takeaway burgers and coke
at Lyon Part Dieu, boarded return train at 6 PM, ate hamburger at a free seat not next to anyone, after my ticket and reservation were checked
about 8 PM, at Gare du Lyon, took RER A to La Défense, then went on a clockwise loop towards Gare St Lazare
went back to hostel to sleep
That was the summary of Sunday 16 August 1998. So here is most of what happened, based on my photo album called "Lyon and Paris in August 1998". Unfortunately it is near impossible to properly reorder the photos in chronological order but you likely will have a good picture of what I saw and did that day. I need to let you know that this day I had made extensive use of Lyon's metro, so to eliminate references to the Lyon Metro, will make this day's story meaningless. Hope you will understand.
In France, the sun rises late and sets late, similar to Spain, but not Portugal which is in the same time zone as the UK and Ireland. I therefore had to set my watch to 6:15 AM (and all this time I never mentioned it was a replica of that similar to Marty McFly from "Back to the Future"). Breakfast would not likely be served until at least 7 AM, so I had to take a shower and get my things together, particularly my radio/tape recorder, camera, AA batteries and 35 mm film, couple of 0.33 L Orangina bottles, and the all-important Eurail Pass with accompanying reservations. I wrote in 16 on top and 08 on the bottom, in the last remaining space for the dates used, and there would be no further point to use it on the 17th as I needed to stay within Paris. In any case, I had my Paris Visite ticket that would allow me to go as far as zone 3 (La Défense) valid up to 11:59 PM on the 17th.
Going down the spiral staircase, I ended up on the ground floor. I had the usual Auberge Internationale des Jeunes breakfast, namely coffee in cups some with the handles broken off by past guests (to give them character), six inch sourdough breadrolls, butter and seasonal jam. I think it was apricot. I was the only guest in the room up to 7:10 AM when someone else entered. About 7:15 AM I finished and left for the Ledru Rollin station westward down Rue Trousseau to catch the M8 to Bastille. As I did not have much more than my day bag, the transfer was fairly easy, despite the steps required to climb. It was only a few stops on the M1 to Gare du Lyon. Coming out of the station, I found the track and the car in the upper level of the first class of the TGV that I was reserved for. Well, you think that I might choose the Paris to Lyon reservation to validate. Did not work out that way. I validated the Lyon to Paris reservation. How embarrasing. The train left about 8 AM. It was about half an hour until the conductor came to check tickets. I flagged down the conductor to tell him that I meant to validate the Paris to Lyon reservation and not the other one. He said no problem, then wrote on the reservation, en francais, "composté par erreur" (validated in error) so that the return trip conductor would accept the correct reservation. Everything from then was fine for the rest of the journey to Lyon Part Dieu. Even the seats were nice, you could use the rocker switch to recline the seats
About 9:55 AM, the train arrived at Lyon Part Dieu. The approach to Part Dieu is almost directly north-south. To the southwest is a shopping mall with access to the Metro line B. At the time, the ticket machines did not accept paper bills so I had to change a 50 FF note at the Part Dieu location of Quick to get a day pass. I bought a small Sprite and received about 46 FF change, enough for me to get a day pass. Day passes on TCL (Transport en Commun Lyonnais) are valid for 24 hours, and there were no fare gates at the time as the system was proof-of-payment.
As soon as I bought my ticket, I validated it for 10:10 AM, and went to the Metro B Charpennes platform. In Lyon, the metro runs on the left, similar to Rome, Madrid, Lisbon and London. At Charpennes, there is a direct pedestrian link from the Metro B platform to the Perrache-bound Metro A platform. Per http://www.urbanrail.net/eu/fr/lyon/lyon-metro-b.htm, "The northern terminus at Charpennes is single-track, with line B trains being able to switch to the line A tracks to reach the depot at La Soie. Passengers changing between line B and the inbound line A can do so without climbing any stairs."
I climbed up the stairs to see what was at Charpennes, and it was the Hotel Mercure on Cours Emile Zola. I just stood there for a couple of minutes before moving on to Hôtel de Ville-Louis Pradel to get the Metro C. Metro A is similar to Metro B, but the Metro C has two main differences. One, the Metro C uses overhead wire for its electric feed, and two, between Hôtel de Ville-Louis Pradel and Hénon, a cog rail is used due to the incline. In fact, Croix-Paquet is said to be the steepest metro station in the world. At Hôtel de Ville-Louis Pradel, there is a slight rise at the platform to help the train come to a safe stop. Going up to Hénon was quite interesting, and Croix-Paquet was indeed quite steep. Between Croix-Rousse and Hénon it was fairly flat at the stations. Between Hénon and Cuire there is no need for the cog rail as that section is essentially on a plateau.
I thought I could take a bus from Cuire to Croix Rouge, but realized it was a Sunday and headways with TCL are a bit longer. I managed to get four photos of the passing Metro C cars with their pantographs. They kind of look like the Glasgow Subway cars in a way. I ended up walking along the Rue de Margnolles to a bus stop that had a line going to Croix Rouge so I could take Metro C back to Hôtel de Ville. After getting back on the Metro A, I went to the Bellecour station to make a transfer to Metro D. The Lyon Metro has few if any stations with central platforms, but Bellecour has the central platform for line D. Another thing about Metro D, although it is similar to lines A and B, it is billed as one of the first large-profile driverless metro line. In general, passengers on Metro D can be in the front and get a driver's view, and there is also a panel locked away in case it becomes necessary to manually operate the unit. I went on Metro D as far north as Gorge du Loup. Between Vieux Lyon and Gorge du Loup, it is a long underground section under Fourvière and the Cimitière de Loyasse. And at Gorge du Loup, there were a couple of things I noticed, one being a green Mehari, about as green as the average watermelon, and two, some musician I thought I recognized but wasn't. He was just some random person playing his guitar. I let him be and went back to the metro station.
At Vieux Lyon, there are not one but two cable car systems. One goes to St Just by way of the Minimes - Roman theater station. The amphitheater is close to the station and is open-air just like in ancient Greek and Roman times. From there you can also see down to the St Jean cathedral in Vieux Lyon. The station itself, in 1998 did not have any fare gates, and it has side platforms. It had an overpass for the far platform. Since the trains cannot operate in a single direction due to the mechanics of a conventional two-car funicular system, there are two signs to indicate which platform will serve which station, either St Jean at the bottom or St Just at the top. The signs switch each time so sometimes the close platform will serve St Jean, and the other St Just, then vice versa. St Just is only a residential area, but I found a classic 1970s Peugeot 304, that was pretty much the highlight of me visiting Lyon St Just.
It was time to visit the other part of Vieux Lyon, namely Fourvière. It required going down to Vieux Lyon St Jean and taking the Fourvière funicular. The Fourvière church reminded me much of Notre Dame de Paris. There was even a small-scale tower reminiscent of the Eiffel Tower. Probably it was twice the size of the replica in Paris, TX, not much more. I took the funicular back to St Jean cathedral, and walked along the Rue St Jean. I guess most people may not know Guignol, but I noticed a tourbus with his image on it.
To take a break from the rails, I wanted to cross the Sâone and Rhône rivers on foot. There was the Passerelle du Palais de Justice foot bridge. Somehow I made a double-exposure with my camera, if you see it in the photo album, you may know which one I am referring to. Then along Rue Childebert, I crossed the Rhône by Pont Wilson. The Metro D station Guilliotière was not far, so I boarded the train to Gare de Vénnisieux. At that station, it was not so deep underground and there was some natural light so I could get a good photo of the train leaving to turn around and coming back. Once it returned to the westbound platform, I boarded it and stayed on until Saxe Gambetta to go north on Metro B, to Part Dieu. It was about 5:30 PM and close to time when I needed to take the train back to Paris. At Quick, I ordered two hamburgers and a coke. There was not much time to eat, so I went to the train platform to find my seat. It was in the lower deck of the first class in the TGV train. The train left around 6 PM. I was sitting next to someone and I did not want to eat in front of her. I waited out of respect, for the conductor to arrive and let me choose vacant seats a few rows down. I also mentioned, en francais, that my previous reservation was validated incorrectly and he noticed the correct time. It was all good up to Paris Gare du Lyon.
The TGV arrived at Gare du Lyon about 8 PM and the sun was still up. Because the RER Line A stops at Gare du Lyon, I thought, let's do a clockwise loop at La Défense and come back through St Lazare and Auber, and end up back at the hostel. So I did that for the next hour, making good use of the Paris Visite card. While on the Banlieu train from La Défense to St Lazare, I heard "Les Portes du souvenir" by Les Nubians on the radio.
I was not particularly hungry after eating the two Quick burgers, so I went back to the hostel to sleep. I was fortunate to have quiet roommates. Monday the 17th would be a big day mainly of chores and such, maybe an adventure or two but not much more.
Thanks for reading, and bonne nuit, à demain!
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alexiethymia · 3 years
In which there is a locked room situation, but not the one you would think
(Mouri Ran & Kaito Kid. Shinran. Kaiao. There are some conversations that need to be had, and Kaito Kid finds he has more in common with the metantei than he would like.
Part of the shuffle the deck fic series; dcmk verse fics of rare encounters with the dcmk kids, while flirting loosely with canon. part character analysis, character interactions. much love for gosho’s couples.)
“Yatta! I win again.”
No way. This was impossible. Forget that Kaito has made it his business to do the impossible on a daily basis.
And he doesn’t mean the situation they’ve found themselves in either – a locked room. This was practically expected whenever he had to do a heist around that metantei. Kaito flirted with danger like it was going out of style, but he had contingency plans for his contingency plans for his contingency plans whenever their paths happened to cross.
So a locked room was on the whole pretty tame compared to all the other things he dealt with - giant washing machines for one - even if said locked room was connected to a bomb that would blow the minute he tampered with it. Typical.
Even with all that, Kaito’s fairly confident he could escape by himself - and therein lie the problem. He couldn’t very well poof himself out and leave a civilian by her lonesome. For one, that wasn’t his style. For another, this was tantei-kun’s girlfriend they were talking about. Even if he’d be let off for stealing (and subsequently returning, that was always the key point after all) the target gem this time around, he’s fairly sure that if past experience was anything to go by, he’d automatically get a soccer ball to the face the moment he let anything happen to one Mouri Ran. Plus, he still kinda owed her for saving a treasure to humanity and all.
So no, by impossible, he doesn’t mean this locked room situation. If anything, Conan-kun was probably on their way to save them now, so all they had to do was wait.
And sure Kaito was going to wait, but sitting still wasn’t his style either. So he’d proposed a game of poker to at least alleviate his boredom.
He expected it would be easy, child’s play really, as befitting Kid, but this was…no way…there was just no way.
How on earth did he manage to lose at Poker for the third time straight?!
It was only years of drilling it into his head that he managed to keep any semblance of a Poker Face up at all. Nope, no, he could feel even that slipping. It was just, he never lost at Poker! It was practically on-brand by this point whether as Kaito Kid or just plain old Kuroba Kaito. Poker. Face. See?!
And to be losing this badly…He imagines tou-san must be laughing at him right about now, wherever he was.
“Now then,” the Mouri girl says cheerfully with a bright smile that from painful experience Kaito knew was just a precursor to an ass-kicking, “A deal’s a deal. Whoever loses has to answer a question truthfully.”
Kaito winces. Maybe he should have just pushed for his first idea of strip poker. Losing clothes wasn’t half as bad as losing secrets. But then again. Soccer ball. His face. It was pretty much a no-brainer, and that wasn’t even counting kicks that could break walls.
Kaito sighs, “Thieves’ honor. What do you want to know, ojou-san?”
Ran fidgets. Now that the moment’s here, she finds herself hesitating, a light blush creeping up her cheeks. The past questions were simple questions, things any person would have been curious to ask the Kaito Kid (‘Why do you steal?’ ‘I’m looking for something.’ ‘Do you have family?’ A quiet pause, before a soft whisper of ‘yes’.)
“Th-that time,” Ran starts as Kaito Kid raises a brow gesturing for her to continue, “When we were landing that plane, you were pretending to be Shinichi right? So you were the one who heard my confession?”
It’s not so much a question as Ran trying to confirm something. But it looks like she’s bound to be disappointed as Kid’s answer is through a confused look which confirms everything Ran didn’t want confirmed. Even before he chuckles and says, “I think you already know the answer to that. I was leading the police so how could I be in two places at once? Ah but thanks for the idea, I might make it my next magic trick,” Ran is already groaning into her crossed arms.
Kid snickers in response to Ran’s pitiful display, and she thinks it makes him sound boyish. “What does it matter? Last I heard, you were already dating so does it matter who confessed to who?”
Ran might think the tone sounds wistful, but she doesn’t know Kid well enough to tell. She narrows her eyes at him, pouting. Maybe it doesn’t. Shinichi had confessed to her after all in London and she responded to his confession at the Kiyomizu. The memory still leaves her cheeks flaming. “It’s still embarrassing. Especially since he just let me assume you were the one who heard my confession. Doesn’t this mean I confessed first?”
But then again, maybe that was why Shinichi had done that. He’s always ever done things that he thought was for her benefit. And a confession on the cusp of death wasn’t what they both deserved. Despite this new revelation, a deeper part of Ran thinks that Shinichi had still been the first to confess to her, even before the Kiyomizu, and even before London. Out loud she just says, “It’s also embarrassing that as his girlfriend, I still thought you were Shinichi four times! I almost let you kiss me that time at the airship…” Ran trails off.
Kid for all that he can be smug doesn’t look at her with pity, but rather understanding. “Don’t beat yourself up about that. I’m a master of disguise after all. I’d be a poor thief if I couldn’t even steal someone’s identity properly. Even with all that, you could still tell in Singapore and way back when ‘I’ was called to consult on ‘Kid’s’ case. You only let me off that time at the airship because you thought your boyfriend was actually Kaito Kid. So really if we’re counting properly,” Kid counts on his fingers like a…well, a kid really, there’s no other word for it, “It’s only been twice.”
Kaito doesn’t delve deeper into her uncanny ability to sense when he’s disguising as her boyfriend. There’s no logical reason for it really. Kaito’s disguises were always perfect, and even more so when he didn’t even have to wear a mask. He chalks it up to that unseen bond that inextricably linked two people. How nice.
Ran still can’t help but feel put out before something he said pricked at her. “Wait, twice? There was that time when ‘Shinichi’ was called as one of Jirokichi-san’s seven samurai, so if what you say is true, when was the other time?”
Eep. Kaito couldn’t very well disclose the time he pretended to be ‘Shinichi’ to repay that one favor. And just his luck, that specific reminder was making her way out of his suit to coo and land on the other girl. His doves were just too clingy sometimes.
“Ahhh, it’s you,” the girl exclaims delightedly while the dove in question just snuggles up to her and settles itself on her hair. Che, traitor.
But then again, maybe this was just the distraction Kaito needed. “A-anyway, like I said, don’t feel too bad. We tend to overlook the ones closest to us, which is what I take advantage of. Even great detectives fall for it.” Kaito could attest to that personally. He could tell the other girl the time he dressed up as her and fooled even that sharp chibi-tantei.
The girl adopts a shrewd look that Kaito doesn’t often see on her. “I bet. I guess that’s why you dressed up as Kazuha-chan to fool Hattori-kun. Maybe I shouldn’t have saved you,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest, “It would have served you right, to have a kiss stolen from you since you tried to steal a kiss from me by pretending to be Shinichi,” she sniffs, mock-affronted, before laughing good naturedly, making it clear to Kaito she was joking.
Joking or not, the memory still makes Kaito feel slightly nauseous. He pouts, and part of him thinks that he was definitely not acting like how Kid would act with a pretty girl around, but more like a disgruntled cat. “I wouldn’t have stolen that kiss,” he mutters, “For one, your boyfriend would have murdered me. For another…” he trails off, before shaking his head ruefully, “You’re not the only one who would like to save their first kiss for someone special. I wouldn’t steal something that couldn’t be returned.”
Ran’s laugh peters off as she looks at Kid seriously. The one known as Kid was suave, a gentleman thief. He always made it seem that he knew everything and was everywhere all at once, while making it clear that no one knew him. A complete phantom. And yet looking at him now, pouting, the redness in his cheeks clear even with the glare from his monocle blocking half his face, he doesn’t seem like an elusive thief, someone who was supposed to be older based on what Shinichi had told her of him based on his dad’s case files, but rather just a normal boy her age, with his own worries. In fact, with his head turned away like that, determinedly not looking at her, he reminded her so much of…
She shakes her head. “Shinichi wouldn’t murder you.”
He tilts his head, as if thinking. “Yeah,” he concedes, “But he sure as hell would make my life more difficult.” He might actually have seriously thrown him in prison that time, Kaito thinks, shivering.
Ran is quiet for a while, before taking a deep breath. She steels herself before expelling everything she wants to say in a rush, “See, when you say things like that, it makes me think you know him well. But how would that be the case? How often have you actually faced off?”
Kaito Kid in response is still like a statue. It seems like an anomaly for someone with such a loud presence to quiet himself like this.  
“Are you-,” a deep breath again, “Are you the case that’s been keeping him away for so long?”
Ran doesn’t notice herself holding her breath.
Kaito Kid laughs and it’s a harsh, grating sound. It hurts something inside Ran. “Unfortunately, ojou-san, no matter how much I grudgingly respect that metantei, this is one sin I won’t claim credit for. While it’s true that I’ve taken someone away from an important person, I’m not responsible for yours.”
Something in Ran deflates at the phantom thief’s words. Curiously, she notices he looks as tense as she feels.
For a while, silence stews between them. Ran wants this awkward air to dissipate. Seeing as she hears no noises from outside, their wait was bound to be a long one.
“Shinichi told me a story once,” she ventures carefully, and noticing the thief’s ears perk in interest, is encouraged to continue, “About a thief who tried to steal a clock tower. He left behind a childish code,” Ran is amused at the whispered mutters of ‘excuse me for being childish’ she hears before continuing, “The thing was, Shinichi thought the thief didn’t try to steal that clock tower for himself, and that it must have been important, so he didn’t say anything about it at the time. He also said that maybe the thief wasn’t all bad seeing as he had something so important he wanted to protect, and even if he saw through his tricks in an instant, it would have been nice to meet him.”
“Ha,” Kaito snorts. What was with these detectives and their egos? Well, not that he was one to talk.
“You know, when you’re not disguising or acting as him, you really do resemble Shinichi. I wonder if I’m weird for feeling that way.”
The girl smiles softly, and with not-a-little amount of pain, it reminds him acutely of Aoko. Perhaps it’s more to distract him than anything that he replies, “And I’m sure he’d hate being told we were anything alike.”
“Maybe,” the girl agrees, still with that sweet and enigmatic smile.
This girl was dangerous, and it wasn’t only because of her sheer raw strength. In the same way that metaintei could pierce through fog and get to the truth that was hidden, the girl before him seemed to have the same strange power albeit it was her eyes and gentle demeanor which coaxed the truth out of unsuspecting fools. Kaito’s surprised tantei-kun had lasted this long keeping his secret from her.
It’s at the tip of his tongue to ask.
But she beats him to the punch.
“Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Should we play a game of poker so that you can get your prize?” Well to be honest, with the way their luck seemed to be playing out, he’d probably lose, and anyway he also wanted to ask something, so might as well take the opportunity and keep his poker face intact. “Never mind,” he says instead in response to her challenging stare, sure in her win. Really, she was entirely susceptible to her boyfriend’s bad influence. “What do you want to know?”
“About that special person, the one you love-” If Kaito had been drinking something, he would have spat it out. Poker face. Poker face.
“She’s just my childhood friend!” Shit. Poker face just went to hell.
The other girl just blinks innocently, and he could believe that she hadn’t meant to bait him, seeing as she didn’t seem to have a single shrewd bone in her body. In other words, Kaito just put his foot in his mouth all on his own. Akako always said he became out-of-sorts whenever Aoko was concerned. Sure, he hardly paid attention to the scary chick, but maybe he had to now.
Ran chuckles. “You said you were saving your first kiss for someone, and with everything you said, I just have to assume you were talking about your ‘childhood friend’.” Ah, how nostalgic. Kid and his special childhood friend seemed to have a lot in common with her and Shinichi, as well as Kazuha-chan and Hattori-kun.
Kaito doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t confirm or deny. Plausible deniability would always be his saving grace.
“Ahhh,” Ran continues, “Sonoko’s going to be so disappointed. To think Kid had a special person already. Hey, what is she like?” Ran’s curious, there’s no pretending otherwise. “What kind of girl could attract the famous Kaito Kid with his legion of fan girls.”
Although the girl is smiling sweetly, Kaito can’t help but feel that he’s being teased. But again he can’t find it in himself to be mad. At the first mention of the Suzuki heiress, he unconsciously shivers thinking of one-man armies, but his grin suddenly turns cynical upon hearing the rest of her words.
“…You remind me of her sometimes,” Kaito says while Ran just listens quietly. She was good at that, he noticed, as if her mere presence encouraged the people around her to unburden themselves because she was strong enough to share that burden with them, yes just like… “But she doesn’t usually cry. She just smiles a lonely-looking smile, and keeps everything inside. I’m partly to blame. It’s ironic that you say that because I’m the one person she hates the most in the world.”
He could read in her eyes what her next question would be, even before she asked. ‘Does she know?’ And well, that answers that question.
She looked sad, and Kaito doesn’t know whether it’s for him, or for Aoko, even if she didn’t know who Aoko was. “Here’s one question for you ojou-san,” The ojou-san was needed. It was one way to differentiate Kid and Kaito, and he desperately needed that when there was so much of Kaito in this conversation already, “Hypothetically speaking, if the person you loved was Kaito Kid, if he was lying to you all this time – sure he might have had a good reason – but he’s been lying, hiding from you all this time, how would you feel?” Kaito is surprised at his desperate and demanding tone. How would she feel?
Ran feels her heart squeezing. He must be talking about himself and the one special to him, using her and Shinichi as placeholders. And yet, in the shadows, despite all the white, the reflecting mirrors, all she sees is Shinichi in his place, Shinichi asking, desperately begging for her answer.
She feels conflicted, and yet Ran has always been honest, with her emotions, with her feelings, with her pain. In a whisper, she answers him, “…I would hate it.”
Ran hears an indrawn breath. With how soft she had been speaking, she was surprised he heard it. And yet he did, and acts like she had shot him in the heart with her words.
“But what if it was for your own good…” Kaito bites his lips. What was he talking about? For all that he may have been conflating himself with the detective, he chose this path. He chose to lie to Aoko despite what it would cost them. It was too late for regrets now.
Ran, when she looks at him, has tears in her eyes but her voice is strong as she answers him directly, “Even if I was put in danger, I would still want him to tell me. I would want him to trust me, and I would want to help him.”
At the sight of tears, Kaito finds his resolve weakening. He had to remind himself. This wasn’t Aoko. It wasn’t Aoko crying in front of him, never mind that he could easily imagine these same words coming from her mouth. “There, there, Mouri-san. Some gentleman thief I am, huh? Making a girl cry like this. There’s nothing you have to worry about. We’re not talking about you and your beloved, just one idiotic thief and his mistakes.”
Ran sniffs, and voice tremulous asks, “…Why don’t you just tell her?”
A lonely-looking smile answers her question, “You forget Mouri-san, I’m no knight. I’m a thief, the bad guy in this story. As you know, thieves and villains alike are selfish creatures. If I can have it all, I’ll keep it all,” he continues in an undertone, and Ran thinks he didn’t mean for her to hear, “I don’t want her to hate me.”
Ran doesn’t know what she would have said after that, because at that precise moment, a childish shout of ‘Ran!’ interrupts the somber silence.
At the sound, Kid grins, and if not for this strange time they spent locked together, Ran would have believed the façade of cheer he presents. But now she knows better, and recognizes it for what it was – a performance. He’d shed the boy who had been nonchalantly engaging in love talk with her to assume the mantle and all of its secret burdens on his shoulders. “Speaking of knights, looks like your personal knight in shining armor is finally here to save his princess. Seeing as I don’t want a soccer ball to the face because let’s face it, he’s bound to misunderstand, there goes my cue to vanish!”
Before he can disappear like a hat trick, Ran moves forward, “Wait!”
The Kaito Kid pauses, waits, even while the door to their temporary prison slowly opens.
Ran whispers something which gets lost in a flurry of white feathers as Conan-kun bursts with worry inside to ram into her, frantically asking after her well-being. She laughs, while hugging her little savior, tight to her chest.
Outside, Kaito replays the girl’s last words to him.
“I would…I would hate it. But I couldn’t…I could never hate him. No matter what happened or what secrets he kept, I could never hate him, because…because I love him more.”  
Kaito breathes, and only now does he recognize it as a sigh of relief. The search for Pandora seemed never ending, that during these quite moments under the moonlight, when he could finally let the mask fall, he would let himself feel the creeping despair. But Pandora herself managed to keep that one thing inside the box when she unleashed those horrors on the world.
And for once in what, Kaito thinks to himself, has been a long, long while, he suddenly feels it flare in his heart.
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maibi · 3 years
more than lovers, less than friends
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dabi x reader
summary: letting go of dabi was harder than you thought, especially when you think he is the one that fills your emptiness
a/n: not proofread:/
it was pouring outside. there was thunder and everything about today was just going wrong for you. you shouldn’t have been left alone with your thoughts, because that always ended up with you staying up all night, not knowing if living was actually worth it.
you looked up at your ceiling while you were laying on your bed, under the covers. the moonlight shone inside and the shadow of the raindroplets kept you staring at the ceiling. with every thunder you flinched a little. you had no good experience with thunder and didn’t enjoy even a bit of it. till a point it even scared you sometimes.
unconsciously your had went to you phone and without really knowing why you texted that one person that was able to calm you down. you had promised not to text him again or to reach out to him, but you were still figuring out so much about yourself and life that being alone was the last thing you needed. so you texted him.
“hey, Tou, you awake?”
you knew he was awake, he didn’t sleep. or at least you never saw him do. he’d be at your place a lot of the time, but the closest thing you had seen of him sleeping was him sitting next to you with his eyes closed. or how he would like to call it “resting his eyes”. you didn’t expect an answer back this quickly, but the ringing sound coming from your phone made you look at your screen within milliseconds.
“yeah, I’m awake. you need anything?”
you tapped the corners of you phone slightly and chewed the inside of your cheeks, thinking about something to talk to with him, without sounding pathetically scared.
“just wondering how you were doing.”
“you missed me that much? bold coming from the person that’s been ignoring me for the past two weeks.”
you felt your face heat up. you had indeed been ignoring him, thinking about how it should be positively effecting you. but it didn’t.
“it’s pretty bad outside isn’t it?”
you ignored his message, not wanting to explain why you did what you did. it’d be too much of a hassle to explain it to him, especially when you knew he didn’t even care. so you just changed the topic.
“yes and?”
you were taken aback by that. you knew he didn’t care much about the world and how it rolled. you just thought that maybe he’d catch on about the fact that you weren't really doing fine. You wanted him to notice, but you didn’t want to look pitiful. all you needed was a little bit of company, someone telling you you’d be okay, someone by your side to care for you. but maybe dabi wasn’t the right person for that.
“nothing really, just sharing the obvious.”
you started to regret texting him. perhaps you had pissed him off by ignoring him till now, but then again he wasn’t one to really care about stuff like that. he was the kind of person to just enjoy the moment and if you happen to be there with him he’ll enjoy it with you. but he wasn’t one to run after people or get mad about not being in touch.
you heard a click sound coming from your front door. you were sure you had locked it so you assumed someone tried to come in. your first thought went to dabi.
“you tryna get in the house or something?”
“me? im not at your place.”
your heart started to beat heavily in your chest. your breathing became unstable and you felt your hands slightly trembling. you clenched your phone in your hands as you closed your eyes. if it wasn’t Tou it was probably just the wind that knocked something over. you tried to convince yourself that it wasn’t anything bad. and even if it was a person, you told yourself you locked the door over and over, trying to assure yourself that nothing was going to happen. but when you heard a loud bang coming you couldn't help but jump up.
“uh, Tou, is it alright if I text you back in a minute?”
it’s not like he was waiting for any kind of response from you or any kind of assurance that you were going to text him back. because he simply didn’t care.
“what's up?”
you were surprised that he even texted you back and that he even acted like he cared. you didn’t respond and stepped out of your bed slowly. you knew that checking what the sound is wasn’t one of the smartest things to do. but something inside of you made sure you moved automatically. you walked to your bedroom door and placed your hand on the handle.
your phone made a sounds again and before opening the door your eyes darted to your screen.
“answer me.”
but before you could even open the message you heard the banging sound again, making you jump slightly. you stepped outside of your room and slowly walked to the corridor, taking your time because the fear inside of you was building up. you kept hearing small noises, lock picking, door clicking, doorknob turning. you were trying to stabilize your breathing and walked up to the front door, trying to hear what was happening there. you ignored all the sounds coming from your phone and suddenly you heard one last loud bang before it went silent. it was silent for a a while and you jumped slightly when you heard a small knock on your door. you took a step back placing your hand over your heart and clutching you shirt.
you didn’t dare to open so you looked at your phone to see if you could call someone for help. you saw several messages.
“did something happen?”
“answer me?”
3 missed calls.
you texted dabi back.
“I think there is someone outside.”
your hands were trembling, but the response was quite unexpected to say the least.
“it’s pretty cold outside, so it would be nice if you actually opened the door now.”
you stared at your phone for a second, trying to process what he had just written. you blinked once, twice, multiple times before slowly placing your hand on the doorknob. you twisted it and indeed there he stood. Touya, or the well know dabi. totally soaked because of the rain and black hair slightly turning white because the water had washed it out. His arm was resting against the wall at face height. he was looking down but the second you had opened the door his eyes moved up to meet yours. you didn’t say a thing and stood there looking at him, dazed. your eyes darted to the ground next to him. a person laying there, not moving at all. and when you looked up at dabi he had a smug smile plastered on his face.
“not gonna invite me in”, he said while pushing his weight off of the wall and walking past you. while passing you he held your hand and pulled you with him. you had just enough time to close the door and lock it before he had you pulling you with him to your bedroom.
“what happened outside”, you said, finally able to say a word.
“you didn’t answer me so I assumed something was actually wrong. assumptions were confirmed”, he answered as he sat you down on the bed while he walked to the closet and took out a towel do dry himself.
what you didn’t expect was for him to get undressed right in front of you. but that was exactly what he was doing. stripping down from his clothing to only leave himself in his boxers. you didn’t even dare to look and lowered your gaze to your hands that were fiddling with the ends of your shirt. 
he was enjoying this, a smirk had formed on his face and he didn’t really have any intention of stopping what he was doing. 
you weren’t normally this taken aback when he did stuff like this, but after everything that happened just now you weren’t quite sure how to act anymore. he showed a side of himself that wasn’t really known to you. you had heard of him being quite the violent person, but you never saw it with your own two eyes, until now. the sight of the person laying on the ground bugged you.
you suddenly raised from the bed and looked him straight in the eyes. “I'm gonna check up on the person outside.”
you wanted to walk away before he could say anything and you partly succeeded, but he stopped you the second you placed your hands on the doorknob of your bedroom. you felt his presence right behind you. he had placed his hands on top of yours to stop you from opening the door and his face was disturbingly close to your neck and you could feel his uneven breath against your skin. you could smell the rain mixed with his natural smell and for a second you closed your eyes to take in how the mixture smelled like home. you suddenly forgot why you were standing there and the only thing on your mind was how his touch felt so intoxicating that everything just washed out of your brain and made place for only him.
his other arm wrapped around you and he brought his face closer to your neck and planted kisses all over it, painfully slow. as it was a habit, you automatically pushed your head to the side, exposing your bare neck completely to him. “I should really, uh-”, you said while breathing heavily not even knowing what words were supposed to come out of you. “checking up on-”, you exhaled loudly when he bit down on your skin, making sure it left a mark.
he turned you around and searched your face. you didn’t how to feel and the adrenaline was rushing through your whole body and your face was probably a bright shade of pink. “just how much do you actually want me”, he said with a smirk, but you were so lost in all of the emotions you were feeling right that moment that you couldn’t even answer. so in response you just placed your hands around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
you let his touch drown you as you sunk in his embrace. the way he touched you and kissed you felt like a mixture of rush and softness at the same time. combining lust and care in one. the both of you knew you wanted each other more and more with every passing moment together.
suddenly the man outside was a lost memory and a concern for the aftermath. the only thing that mattered at that moment was the way you felt each other and the way you drunk each other. the way you both communicated without using words and the way you filled the empty holes together.
you weren’t sure what exactly was happening between the two of you. were you friend? lovers? in between? no one knew, not even him. but what both of you knew was that no matter how much you wanted to push each other away you always found your way back to each other. because in some kind of fucked up way, you completed each other and filled each other’s emptiness. perhaps you were more than lovers but maybe at the same time even less than friends.
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Watch Your Words
Merry Christmas, @merazophis ! I’ve really enjoyed being your secret santa this year! I’m sorry this is a little late. But I learned from our little talks this past month and wrote you a soulmate fanfiction that I think you’ll enjoy. I’ve read a few soulmate Kaishin fics before, and wanted to switch up the usual formula of Kaito being the one really into soulmates while Shinichi is indifferent/hates them. I hope you like it!
Also, @dcmksecretsanta Thanks for letting me be involved this year! I hope to be a part of this for years to come!
Kaito hated the words that marked—no, branded his wrist in blue, messy handwriting.
“Kuroba? Any relation to Kuroba Toichi, the magician?”
It was almost innocent. He’d even liked it, when he was a kid. Kaito would proclaim he’d meet his soulmate quickly, since they were clearly a fan of his dad. His parents would laugh and ruffle his hair, because of course his soulmate would be a fan of Tou-san, how could they not be!
But it’s been ten years since Tou-san was murdered. And while people always said his dad was the greatest magician in the world… it grated on Kaito. He loved his dad, he always would!
But… Kaa-san always compared him to Tou-san. Jii-san too. Even Aoko and Nakamori-keibu…
Couldn’t his soulmate see him for himself?
Even being Kaitou KID, the greatest legacy Tou-san could have left for him, chafed.
Kuroba Kaito wasn’t a copy of Kuroba Toichi, you know!
But the cheering mob around him, frothing at the bit to see Kaito, no KID, perform… the mob didn’t care about him. They’d be just as happy to see him arrested than escape the police, no matter how devoted they pretend. He scanned the crowd, quickly finding the Suzuki girl in the crowd, but no sign of…
“Kaito!” Aoko grabbed his arm. “Come on, Hakuba-kun got us permission to enter the museum!”
Kaito sighed. He’d forgotten for a moment. He was part of the KID Investigation Squad, a group dedicated to capturing his own alter ego. It’d almost be funny if it wasn’t for his constant proximity to two of his enemies—Hakuba and Akako. A detective who wants to arrest him, and a witch who wants to enslave him. Even his best friend’s presence didn’t make up for theirs.
He yanked his arm out of Aoko’s grip. “Hey, I can walk by myself.”
She frowned. “What’s with you? You’re usually not this moody before KID heists.”
Truthfully, he was concerned. It’s been four months since Kaito last saw his favorite critic, the Holmes of the East turned pintsized detective. Edogawa Conan didn’t attend every heist, but missing all of them? For four months? Kaito had even stopped by the Mouri residence, in disguise of course, but there was no trace of the little detective. It was as if he’d just… disappeared. “It’s nothing. I’ve just been looking for someone.”
They pushed through the crowd and the officers in front let them in without a fuss, not knowing they’d just let Kaitou KID inside without even a face pinch. “They must be pretty important if Kaito stopped paying attention to a KID heist to look for them,” she said, eyeing him.
Kaito wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know about that,” he said in leu of a real answer.
The inside of the museum was lovely, but Kaito didn’t care about the décor. His eyes automatically checked the required elements for his magic—a tripwire here, a pully hidden among the skylights, a few distractions in the greenery. All undiscovered, at least so far. Sometimes he added a few traps that the task force was supposed to find and disarm, to keep their confidence up. It made the game more fun.
“Where’s Hakuba and Akako?” Kaito asked.
“Akako had to stay home today; she said something about this heist having the aura of death surrounding it.” She repeated Akako’s words like there wasn’t something deeply disturbing with them.
“What!? Why didn’t you tell me!?”
She glared. “Kaito would know if he bothered to check the group chat!”
“I check the group chat! I just have Hakubastard and Akako blocked on my phone!”
Several members of the task force were looking at them as they walked further into the building. He had to change the topic before they got kicked out. “What, so it’s just us and Hakuba today? Not that big of a loss then.”
“No. If someone actually used the group chat as intended, then they’d know that Hakuba-kun was bringing a friend to fill Akako’s place.”
“Hakuba has friends?”
Aoko punched him in the stomach. “We’re Hakuba-kun’s friends, Bakaito!”
“Speak for yourself,” Kaito muttered, rubbing where she hit him. “So, who is it?”
“Another detective is what he said.”
Another detective? Kaito had run into a few of them as his alter ego, but not many that Hakuba would want to work with. At least, Kaito was pretty sure Hakuba and Hattori didn’t get along. As they traveled through the halls, he was able to pick up Hakuba’s voice and headed towards that.
“—a bit worried, however. Weren’t you injured solving a big case recently?”
“I was,” answered a familiar voice. “But it’s been a few months and I’ve recovered quite nicely. Thank you for your concern though—and for the invite. I haven’t been to a KID heist in years.”
“You’ve previously attended KID heists?”
“Only one in the past few years, but when I was a child…”
They rounded the corner and Kaito was struck with the overwhelming desire to run. Because before him stood the formerly missing Detective of the East, Kudo Shinichi himself.
“Hakuba-kun!” Aoko exclaimed, running up to greet the two. Kaito swallowed the confusing rush of excitement and relief and followed. Kudo, as Conan, knew KID’s voice and was smart enough to figure out what Hakuba had. Maybe even smart enough to find evidence. This was going to be difficult, Kaito thought giddily. “Who’s your friend?”
“Aoko-kun, this is Kudo Shinichi; he reached out to me for help in getting involved with the KID case. Kudo-kun, this is Nakamori Aoko, Nakamori-keibu’s daughter. And this—” His eyes met Kaito’s and a glint entered into them. “is the person I mentioned earlier: Kuroba Kaito.”
His eyes locked with Kudo’s, and Kaito felt the familiar, electrifying zing that came with facing off against the KID killer. And then, Kudo said, “Kuroba? Any relation to Kuroba Toichi, the magician?”
It was like a bucket of water washed over him. Almost automatically, Kaito spat back, “I think I’ve become well known in my own right, Meitantei.”
Time stopped as they processed each other’s words. Kudo’s face flushed as Kaito felt all the blood drain out of his body. It could be… but he said… and then… He didn’t even disguise his voice!
He had to get out of there.
Kudo opened his mouth to speak, but Kaito cut him off. “We should split up,” he said despite knowing how much suspicion Hakuba would cast onto him. “I’ll head to the room with the jewel, see if I can spot any of KID-sama’s traps. You guys… do detective stuff, or whatever.” He speed-walked away, back down the hall they came from.
“Wait, Kuroba!”
But by the time they turned the corner, he was gone.
Despite himself, Kaito found himself repeating Kudo’s words and his reply in his head all night. Soulmate words were special—even if another person was in a disguise or you had heard their voice before, the only words that counted were the ones spoken at you as yourself. So, it made sense that they weren’t Conan and KID’s first words to each other.
But Kaito wished that wasn’t the case. Wished that he’d grown up with the cheery “Fireworks!” on his wrist, wished that Kudo hadn’t grown up with his harsh reply on his. He hadn’t even meant to be one of those people who leave cruel words on their soulmate’s skin.
Kaito had hoped that he could avoid Kudo for the entirety of the heist, but as he was checking the jewel of the night, Kudo spoke up behind him. “Nakamori-san explained for you.”
He turned. There was only Kudo up there with him, awash in the full moon. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He tried.
“You’re not going to pretend, right?” Kudo cocked an eyebrow. “I know it’s you, Kuroba, even if I don’t want to prove it.” Wait, Kudo doesn’t want to do what? “You’re still the person who saved my life as Edogawa Conan; what you call yourself doesn’t matter to me.”
“I’m afraid you’re mistaken, Meitantei,” Kaito tried again. “You see, I only took Kuroba-san’s form in order to sneak inside the museum—”
“I doubt that. There are only so many people who look like me without the use of a rubber mask and KID has used my face several times to get past task force security. Besides, soulmate words only work when both are undisguised; there’s a famous court case about how a vigilante when free because his arresting officer was his soulmate and they weren’t able to testify against him.”
Kaito sighed. He knew Kudo was smart but… “I’m sorry,” he said instead. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“Like I said, Nakamori-san already explained your… hang up with the words I left you. If anything, I should be the one apologizing—”
“—the only reason I asked, though, was because my mother was one of Kuroba Toichi’s students. She speaks fondly of your family.”
Now he really felt like shit. “Kudo, really, I’m the one who needs to apologize. It’s my fault that cruel words have been branded on your wrist.”
“I never minded them, and they’re not as cruel as you think. If anything, they’ve been… kind of encouraging?”
“Encouraging?” How could those words ever be encouraging, it’s basically beratement!
Kudo shrugged. “I grew up knowing that my soulmate would think I’ve a great detective. If anything, I should thank you; I’m not sure I would even be a detective without the words you’ve given me.”
Kaito spoke without thinking. “I can’t even imagine a world without you as a detective. You’re made for it.”
Kudo flushed, the red reaching up to his ears. “I… thank you.”
Soulmates didn’t have to be romantic—in fact, platonic soulmates were more common in the east than the west. He and Kudo could spend their lives with a lovely friendship, or even rivalry. But despite himself…
Kaito thought Shinichi’s blushing face was rather cute.
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randominagines · 3 years
if requests are still open can you do dating lucy pevensie headcanons please? thank you
Thanks for this request, I love writing about Narnia's characters! Hope you like this♡
Pairing: Lucy Pevensie x neutral reader
Setting: Golden Age, Lucy's twenties
Warning: fluff, smut
Gifs belong to their creators.
Lucy being a bit shy at first, she doesn't know how to confess her feelings;
You understanding that she might need a bit of a push so you decide to be the first to confess;
Lucy being the happiest person alive as soon as you confess her that you like her;
She asking you if you'd like to go out with her;
You being enthusiastic but having your own insecurities due to the fact that she is your Queen, after all;
Lucy not minding at all, she simply wants to be with you;
Your first date being incredibly beautiful: you go for a ride together then you have a pick nick on the beach at the sunset;
Lucy laughing a lot and making you automatically happy too;
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You confessing her that you feel a bit insicure about the fact that she's royalty while you're not;
"You're a queen and I'm just... well, me.";
"Y/n, you're more than enough. I want you, not some prince or princesses from other realms. No one makes me feel like you do.";
You instantly relaxing and feeling so much better;
Lucy caressing your cheek while you finally kiss her;
You and her starting to date more and more often, you love spending time with each other;
Lucy talking about you to her siblings whom are loving you, especially Susan;
They making you feel part of their family;
Lucy always sharing everything with you, you are her confident and best friend besides her partner;
Lucy being a very thoughtful girlfriend: she always makes sure that you are comfortable at the Castle and between royal people;
Lucy asking Susan advices about how to confess you that she's in love with you;
Lucy showing you her favourite places in Cair Paravel, making sure to share her memories with you;
She also telling you about her previous life, in England, in her birth world;
"Wait, so you had mechanical devices that brought you from a place to another?"
"Yes, babe, those were called trains."
Lucy loving how you are surprised by the little things, she finds you adorable;
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Lucy loving when you cuddle with her on her bed and hating when you have to leave;
"Just sleep over, please.";
"Are you sure?";
Lucy nodding while pulling you towaher for another kiss;
Lucy being super passionate, she feels the deepest connection with you so she is perfectly sure that she wants to make love to you;
You undressing her slowly while you never stop kissing her;
Lucy impatiently taking off your clothes too while she looks at you;
"You are perfect, y/n.";
"Said the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.";
You two making love for hours, your bodies intertwined as one and your lips attached;
Lucy falling asleep in your arms, her expression peaceful while she hugs you;
You caressing her bare skin while staring at her, happiness invading your whole body;
"I love you, Lucy Pevensie.";
Lucy smiling, her eyes slowly opening to look at you while her hand caress your chest;
"I love tou too, Y/n Y/l/n.".
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
43 Nanahiko?!? :D
43. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” | [Nanahiko]
*Scenario where Nana gets hit by a Hallucinatory/Coma Quirk that places her in Paradise but with a Twist. kudos to @thisauthorisscreaming for letting me play around with her premise
Nana’s head is ringing.
She takes stock of the situation. Her back is flat on the ground because Nana can see the ash-flecked sky; her sight must be intact if she can discern the decimated piles of rubble that were once buildings. Nana flexes her aching body, in its entirety a raw nerve, and finds to her relief that she isn’t missing a single limb.
The gray sky flickers blue, a picture-perfect blue, the kind Nana loves to patrol in with Sorahiko. Although she had felt the gritty texture of crumbling asphalt and dust before, now it is a soft blanket, slightly warmed and snuggle-able.
Are her lungs breathing clean air? Nana reflexively inhales deep, and is stunned to not feel pain.
She sits up. One for All must have kicked into overdrive, even as dregs, because Nana no longer feels like she’s been scoured by sandpaper. Moreover, she’s wearing a long sundress and sandals. First she looks left, and then she looks right, just in time to see Sorahiko out of his gear, a wry smile on his face.
He is sprawled out on his stomach. He looks carefree and happy in a way that Nana has not seen in a very long time.
“You’re such a cat,” he teases. “Asleep at the first ray of sunshine.”
“It’s a nice day,” she automatically says, and does a double-take.
Because next to Sorahiko is a picnic basket, and that means they are on a picnic blanket, having a pleasant picnic in a meadow Nana knows they trained Toshinori at. And there is no Toshinori.
Sorahiko reaches out. She takes his ungloved hand in hers, and is startled to find a plain gold band on his left ring finger. For one thing, Sorahiko doesn’t wear gold because it’s a soft metal and he likes to throw punches with the best of pro-heroes. For another thing--there is no way Sorahiko is married.
Mean, perhaps, to disbelieve the idea that Sorahiko had agreed to tie the knot to anyone, but Nana has been partnered with Sorahiko for the past decade. Sorahiko barely dates. His idea of a good time is a piping hot pastry in one hand, a mug of sweetened coffee in the other, and a light breeze while he sits at his balcony and reads.
“I’m glad you found time to take a day-off,” he says, earnest. “You deserve it. You deserve this.”
“I do?”
Her vision grays out for a second, pain rushing in, and Nana is disoriented by the fact that she is flat on her back again. But her hand is being held, and Gran Torino kneels beside her, murmuring prayers into their entangled fingers.
They had been fighting a villain. A wily one, with a penchant of leaving victims comatose for varying periods of time. The victims had woken up, eventually, but they could report nothing but their joy at returning to ‘reality.’
Tied to All for One, which would explain the firepower behind the villain’s support. It also provided her and Sorahiko a reason to chase the villain.
Toshinori had stayed at the agency. He had a test in the morning, and despite Toshinori’s belief in his luck with multiple-choice questions, Sorahiko had threatened to revamp the test and increase the difficulty if Toshinori did - not - stay - put. 
“Hey,” she tries to say, but the greeting leaves her parched throat in a raspy exhale.
“Squeeze my hand if you can hear me,” Sorahiko begs. “Stay with me. Shimura, please, not now, fight the Quirk.”
Ah, right. The smart thing to do would have been to leave the majority of the fight to Gran Torino; the villain required skin contact to use his Quirk, and Nana is the one who opted to forgo sleeves. Nana is the one who prefers to grapple her opponents, sometimes spiraling them up into the air and corkscrewing back down to really send a point home.
Nana had gotten slapped with the Quirk.
She tries to squeeze his hand, but the environment flickers into green and blue and the open adoration and affection in Sorahiko’s pale brown eyes.
Her mouth dries, and something locks, settles into place, because Nana knows that this is enough to ensnare her. Deep down, she is selfish enough to be intrigued by Sorahiko indulging in this kind of shameless behavior. Deeper still, Nana remembers her responsibility.
Just a little longer, she reassures herself. I just want to see what the fuss is about.
“Yes,” says Sorahiko. “You’ve put so much of your time into teaching ungrateful teenagers, you’re beginning to forget that you’re going to have an ungrateful teenager in your own home.”
“Who’s ungrateful?”
Before he answers, there is a light thump of sneakers pounding at dirt and grass. Nana turns her head and feels a steel cord fastening her tighter to this hallucination. Kotarou, age five, scrambles up to the edge of the picnic blanket.
“Tou-san, don’t be mean!” her son lisps, and he trips, falls into Sorahiko’s arms as her partner surges to catch him.
“Kotarou, don’t run,” Nana hears herself chide. It sounds natural. Like she’s been saying it constantly, and not like she hasn’t had to say it for the past year, having severed this connection on a cold winter’s day. 
Alright. If Kotarou is here, if Kotarou is referring to Sorahiko as his dad, then what follows?
Nana flexes her hands, wondering at the lack of calluses. Her hands don’t feel like her hands, and Sorahiko’s certainly don’t feel like his. Yet they still fit the same way, fingers interlocking like an overdue homecoming.
Her body does not feel the same. A lack of hard musculature, she diagnoses, and she finally dares to extend her arms in a stretch.
Looping her left ring finger is a plain gold band, a mirror of Sorahiko’s. Nana hadn’t even wore gold for her late husband; a fact that her husband accepted, since the reality was that Sorahiko wasn’t the only one relishing the capability to punch villains square in the face.
Sorahiko and Kotarou’s bickering registers as white noise. It’s clear that Sorahiko is just playfully bantering with her--with their--son, even if Kotarou treats the argument like a war. 
“Sorahiko,” she says.
He pats Kotarou’s nose, telling him in a patient manner, “Time-out,” and then Sorahiko meets her eyes. His expression turns concerned. Now that’s a familiar frown. “Nana?”
“I…” Nana hesitates. It’s a nice day, isn’t it? Her son is sandwiched between her and her partner, even if he’s been slotted into a role as her fake husband, and they’re out for a nice picnic in a meadow.
What right does she have to ruin this memory, false as it is?
She can end this when they’ve returned home. Wherever home is. All Nana has to do is not trick herself into believing that Sorahiko really did marry her.
She smiles at him, a toothy grin that says, ‘There is nothing to fear! Why? Because I am here, with you, my beloved, and our family!’ (That’s wrong; where is Toshinori? Perhaps he is stuck in school, and Kotarou is still too young to attend. That must be it.)
“I can’t remember if I put on sunblock,” she jokes, wiggling her eyebrows.
He smiles back. “Give me a moment to feed the gremlin, and I’ll put it on myself.”
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Demon!Kyōjurō [x F!S/O] Saying Goodbye to His Daughter: Change (Angst, SFW Scenario)
Summary: Basically, Kyō got turned into a demon during the Infinite Train Mission and had been MIA for a few months. Part 2 of “Going Away”. Read Part 1 here.
Warnings: Angst, Sad Kyō, Implications of Character Death
For the longest time, ever since he had gained consciousness, Kyōjurō had felt a vast emptiness inside him that he couldn’t fill; nor could he bury so deep inside into his conscious to forget about it. No matter how hard he tried to ignore the gnawing feeling that kept urging him to look for whatever he was missing, he had no idea where to even start searching.
And so, that was how he found himself wandering aimlessly; going with the feeling in his gut, and leaving everything to chance— after all, he had an eternity to look for whatever it was.
He only fed when absolutely necessary, as he still couldn’t get over the guilt he felt at preying on such innocent people. They hadn’t done anything wrong to deserve the fate he had bestowed upon them, but it was necessary to retain his strength.
Because the more that he dwelled on that heavy feeling that weighed him down, the more that it sapped his strength away from him. It also didn’t help at all that all that he had to guide him were two measly coins, that he had found tightly clasped in his right hand when he woke up.
Those coins were the only things that tied him to whoever he was before he woke up in that shabby, run-down hut. And he would be damned if he kept on turning a blind eye to the fact that the person he was at that moment... really wasn’t who he was meant to be.
With those thoughts firmly embedded in his mind, Kyōjurō hitched his black haori higher up on his shoulders, then brushed off the dark red and black yukata that he had woken up in, and resumed his trek to where... he didn’t know.
At that point, he was solely relying on his feet to get him where he needed to be.
But the more that he walked, the more familiar some sights seemed to him; as if he had been there before— numerous times, in fact.
And the closer that he got to a small village called Komazawa, the heavier that his heart became. With every building that passed, the more that he couldn’t deny how familiar all of it felt to him.
Even in the darkness of the night, he could still see everything clearly; he automatically knew whose houses were whose, as well as the history of those houses, but what struck him the most were of his foggy memories.
Blurry visions of him walking the very same roads, with his hand clasping a much smaller and daintier hand than his. He could also remember the feeling of happiness that coursed through him in those moments; the sheer joy that enveloped him during those times were incomparable to anything else he’d ever felt.
It was almost tantamount to the sadness and longing that hit him— especially when he smelled such a faintly familiar scent.
Sunshine and sunflowers.
The overwhelming smell hit him square in the chest and, before he knew it, his feet had already brought him towards a house that he knew lived in his memories.
And, without really thinking about it, he had already walked through the open gates— like it was the most natural thing in the world; as if he actually belonged there.
His eyes took in the impeccable state that the house was in; the sunflowers that lined the wall to his right, and the hydrangea bushes that framed the walkway on his left. In the back of his mind, he saw himself hard at work with those plants— wiping the sweat off his brow, before looking up and seeing a face that made his chest tighten, and his heart leap in joy.
And when she smiled right at him, it felt like a punch to the gut— as it had knocked the breath out of him, what with how even more beautiful it made her.
He frowned in confusion, because the memory was much more vivid than all of the other ones that had played before it. What threw him even further through a loop was the fact that it had come unbidden. He had made no effort to get the memory from the recesses of his mind; it had just showed itself.
As if merely being in that strange yet familiar house had unlocked a huge part of his subconscious.
Kyōjurō had been so deep in his own memories, trying to make sense of the things that his mind was showing him, when the quiet sound of small, sandal-clad feet hitting the stone walkway sounded behind him.
“Tou-chan?” The little girl whispered— completely in disbelief— as she rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists; as if doing so would help reassure her that the man in front of her really was the real deal, and not a figment of her imagination.
And without any hesitations, Ran had launched herself at her father— the very same person whom she had always, secretly been waiting for.
After all, it was the reason why she always volunteered to be the one to close the gates at night; so she could check if he had just been late at coming home— even though everyone told her that he never would.
She, out of everyone in their home, still believed that her father was going to make good on his promise to return home.
And he did. Just not in the same state that he had left in; but that wasn’t important to her.
“You said five sleeps!” The little girl practically screeched, as she hugged her father’s waist— making an effort to keep charging at him to knock him down to the ground; like she used to do to him when she was mad. “It wasn’t five sleeps!”
However, Kyōjurō didn’t budge from where he was; not even pretending to be fazed as he tried to make sense of all the things that were coming at him in his subconscious. It was making his head hurt, but the more that he looked at the fiery-haired girl clinging to him, the more that he remembered.
And the more that he realized that the thing he had been missing hadn’t been a thing at all; it had been his family all along.
With a shaky, clawed hand, he carefully cupped the back of his daughter’s head— right before kneeling down in front of her to hold her in his arms.
He held her so tightly to make up for all the moments he had missed; the nights when he was supposed to tuck her into bed, the mornings where he was supposed to send her to school, and those odd days when he had planned on taking her to her ballroom lessons— if only to learn more about what his daughter liked.
Before long, he found himself crying silently, pressing chaste kisses to the side of Ran’s head as often as he could; because with every kiss, the pain he felt in his chest lessened by the tiniest amount.
And, even though it was supposed to be the other way around, Ran kept on patting Kyōjurō’s back as best as she could with her small hands.
“I’m so sorry, Ran. I’m so sorry,” He whispered over and over, while the young girl held him tighter— like how he would comfort her when she cried to him about something.
“It’s okay, tou-chan. You were only late by a lot of sleeps,” Ran answered as chirpily as she could, before pulling away from her father and moving to squeeze his face between her pudgy hands. “You made kaa-chan cry a lot, so you should say sorry to her.”
In the most ungraceful manner ever, Ran wiped her father’s tears away; blatantly running her hands over the tear tracks that marred his cheeks, and erasing the physical evidence of his sadness. The action made Kyōjurō smile slightly, as he was happy that his little girl was growing up to be such a soft and caring person.
“You even have a tattoo now. Kaa-chan’s gonna get mad,” The little girl said, by way of acknowledging the dark crimson flame marks that framed the left side of his face.
Despite her warning though, Ran still had a warm smile on her face; one that had Kyōjurō’s chest tightening painfully, as he lifted a hand up and touched his daughter’s cheek— being very careful not to cut her with his claws.
The very same claws that he used to hurt others.
He’d never felt so filthy in his life; but, just as he was about to pull his hand away, Ran gripped his hand tightly in both of hers— all while staring wide-eyed at his orange-tipped claws.
“Tou-chan,” She breathed out, eyes never flickering away from his extremely sharp claws. “I want to paint your nails. Kaa-chan just got me blue polish ten sleeps ago, and it’s so pretty. Your nails will look so pretty. Please, tou-chan?”
How she had the lung capacity to say all of that in one breath, he would never know— but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit that he was proud that his daughter got his lung capacity.
A lopsided smile made its way onto Kyōjurō’s lips, as he cupped his daughter’s right cheek— savoring the feel of her warm skin, because he knew... it was the last time that he was ever going to see her.
With the return of his memories also came the realization that he had become what he had sworn his life to eradicate. He had turned into the very monsters that he promised to protect the weak from; and that weighed heavily on his conscience.
As much as he wanted to pick up where his life had left off with his family— he knew that that wasn’t possible; not with how much pain and suffering he had already caused others. Not to mention the fact that he had broken his oath by merely lifting a hand to a human.
There was only one way to atone for his sins, and living happily with his family wasn’t it.
Of course he longed to hold all of his children, and even kiss his wife— to have her be the first thing he saw in the morning, and the last thing he saw at night once more, but that was nothing more than a pipe dream at that point.
It hurt him so much to subject Ran to losing him twice, but what was done had already been done— he couldn’t change the past anymore. He just hoped that, when she got older, she would find it in herself to forgive him for hurting her so much.
With those hopes floating around in his mind, he pulled his right hand away from her and reached into his pocket to pull out the coins that he had held on to as he took the last of his mortal breath; the very coins that she had given him so he could buy a bento all those months ago.
Gently, he took one of her hands and laid the worn out change in her tiny palm. “I brought you back your change.”
He could feel tears starting to pool in his eyes once more, but he held them back for his daughter’s sake. For her, he needed to be strong; even if he felt like his heart was breaking into a million tiny pieces in his chest.
“Save it for a rainy day, okay? And if you buy anything with it, remember to share it with your brothers, and your Kaa-chan too.” Kyōjurō barely held in the urge to start sobbing, because the confused expression on his little girl’s face was enough to make him feel like his already-broken heart was getting pulled out of his chest— what with how painful it felt at that moment.
“Always remember to eat well, and to never skip any meals,” He took a shaky intake of breath at that, and held it in as he desperately pushed back the urge to start sobbing profusely. “If you have any problems, you can always tell your Kaa-chan about it. You’re a big girl now, so you can do big girl things; especially at school. Always remember that tou-chan believes in you, okay? Even if everyone says otherwise, I know that you will always grow up to be the perfect little lady; because you’re my baby girl.”
Silence blanketed over the father-daughter duo as, slowly, Kyōjurō got up to his feet and gingerly led his daughter over towards the sunflowers that stood proudly right by the gates.
With well-practiced motions— as if her were merely picking them to surprise his wife before she woke up— he picked three of the biggest sunflowers among the selection. And, wordlessly, he untied the tie that held his hair back, and used that to twine all three stems together in a makeshift bouquet.
“Your Kaa-chan’s favorite flowers are sunflowers, okay? During her birthday, or whenever you want to make her smile, always give her sunflowers— and always, always remind her that she, and all of you, will always be the best things that have ever happened to me.”
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maychup · 5 years
I know the glitra prompts was a while ago but if you still feel like you wanna write for it I’d be hella interested in seeing how they react to the realisation that they like each other, what makes them realise? Do they tell anyone? If any drama occurs, irl if I’m picturing this in a modern au or canon so feel free to do either!
Imm a do,,,, modern au :)
A fight you can’t win
Catrina Driluth had this way of just... driving Glimmer up the wall.
Figuratively and literally.
Here’s how it works — Catra is an annoying highschool bully, who shoves kids into lockers to take their lunch for the day. Her victims are quite select kids too. Usually it’s the spoiled brats. Sometimes, her flavor shifts to rich jocks. Glimmer’s luck ran out when she realized she’s both. Two days into the school year, she found herself phnned to a locker with Catra threatening her for money.
So Glimmer clocks her in the jaw. Catra looked stunned, but she then threw herself to a brawl.
They were both sent to the office. Catra’s already damaged record pretty much automatically sorted the blame to her; Glimmer got away without a slap on the wrist.
That’s when Catra told her she’ll “pay for that”.
Two months into the school year, she saw something interesting.
Here’s what she saw — two bullies slapping Kyle’s (a well known weeb) stack of binders. They all laughed and made fun of him. One of them even went through his backpack and emptied it out when he couldn’t find anything of value. Glimmer was about to fight off the bullies, but they had already scattered away by the time she stood up. Instead, she helped Kyle clean up.
That’s not the interesting part.
The interesting part happened when both of those bullies ended up in a fight with Catra, and Glimmer was a witness to it all.
Glimmer left to the back of the school. She saw the three of them, except she thought it was a murder scene.
Catra stood over the bodies with a bleeding nose, a cut on her lip, and her fists bruised to hell.
“Hey Princess,” she said as she brushed passed her.
Glimmer debated calling help for the two boys on the pavement, but then again...
“Here, let me help you.”
If Glimmer could pick a spot, it all started there. Everything. Started there. She started watching Catra’s behavior a little more.
And that’s when the patterns arise —
Catra stole money from the rich folk. Almost like a Robin Hood type kind of stealing. It’s not right, for sure, but Glimmer feels something ease in her mind at the realization of it. For some reason, learning that Catra had a heart made her own heart flutter.
And still at the same time.
Because where did all the money go?
That question was answered almost immediately. She spots Catra after school, stopping by a local asian place — the ones where tou could buy a meal that’ll last a week for only five bucks. Catra steps out and heads to the more sullen part of town. Immediately, everyone greets her.
And immediately, Glimmer couldn’t fight the smile on her face as she watches Catra hand out portions of food to the masses.
Immediately, she headed home.
She talks to her friends about it — Bow and Adora. She wonders if they have noticed anything about her.
Bow — who has had surprisingly gentle interactions with Catra — said that when a group of boys in archery bullied him for having two dads, those same boys ended up with missing teeth the following week. That same week, Catra told Bow that he’s ‘Good at archery’.
Adora has had more than one good interaction.
Then again, the two used to be best friends.
Adora saw the most gentle side of Catra. Adora claimed that Catra is very, very observant. That she’d pick up an off hand statement and make something out of it within the next month. Adora remembered this one time she mentioned liking a certain food place to Catra. A few days later, she finds a take out from that place by her doorstep while she was sick with the flu.
Another incident was when Catra heard about Adora’s bullies, making fun of her for being scared of a rat. Catra took the blame by acting like she was terrified of mice, and Adora was just trying to protect her.
The most recent one was when they weren’t friends anymore. Catra fixed her car by stealing the needed pieces from other rich folks’ cars.
“She’s good inside but... really crappy on the outside,” Adora says.
Everything was pretty much the same for next two months. During a football game, though, Glimmer finds herself in a predicament..
She had snuck out, lying to her mom that she was sleeping over at Adora’s place. Really, she went to the homecoming football game. It was for her boyfriend, Roosevelt, who is now her ex-boyfriend after she saw him smooch one of the cheerleaders. And the problem is that Roosevelt was her only ride.
The night was looming over her, and it was far too cold to just walk five miles back home. Still, Glimmer tried.
That’s when this happened — Catra drove up to her in a motorcycle that looks too new to actually be hers.
“Jesus, Brightmoon,” Catra said with urgency. She shedded her hoodie off and urged Glimmer to put it on. “It’s the middle of fucking November, what the hell are you doing just wearing that?”
Glimmer shakes, and Catra looked more annoyed than she was worried.
Catra sat Glimmer down on the back of her motorcycle and they rode all the way back to Glimmer’s community. It’s a quiet home, so Catra’s loud motorcycle could be heard a block away. Glimmer’s grip on Catra’s waist felt incredibly warm. Like as if Catra radiated off some sort of unnatural warmth.
She tries to ignore it, but she can’t. Might as well savor it until it lasts.
When Catra pulls up to their house, her mother is already running out if the front door.
Catra doesn’t say a word as her mother started lecturing her about lying. She also started yelling at her about how worried she was when she called the Grey household because Glimmer wouldn’t pick up her calls. Glimmer tried to talk back, but what do you say when your mother catches you lying red handed?
“And you,” Catra visibly flinches when her mother started yelling at her. It... it’s a first. Glimmer doesn’t know what to make out of it.
So instead, she defends Catra.
In the end, her mother invites Catra back into the house for food and warmth. Her mother asks Catra questions upon questions, and for each of them Catra answered with full honesty.
It’s all revealed right in front of Glimmer — Catra is a bully who bullies bullies who bully those who don’t deserve bullying.
“What about me then?” Glimmer asks.
“I thought you were a snob too, but Kyle told me you helped him when those boys picked on him.”
After a few moments, Catra ends up sitting in Glimmer’s bedroom. She looked in awe of everything in the room. Every little trinket was picked up carefully before being placed back the way it was. She looks ethereal doing so.
Glimmer has watched Catra, but she hasn’t really seen her like this.
When Catra picks up a stuffed animal and teases her sbout it, Glimmer mentions how they’re old ones from her childhood.
“Mom never bought me these kinds of stuff,” Catra chuckles.
“Is it... because of money?”
Catra shrugged, finger still trailing a line to touch every item in the room. “No, she had the money,” there was something dark in her voice, “but she just wasn’t invested in me.”
This is when everythinf clicked together — Catra’s not the monster the world made her out to be.
“Is that why you hurt other kids?” Glimmer took a bold step towards her.
Catra stops and shrugs.
“That’s not good for you. You need to get help —“
“I know,” Catra sighs “but not yet. Not when my mother has the rights to know about my counseling sessions.” Step.
“I... take it you tried and it didn’t go very well?” Step.
“Something like that.” Step.
Glimmer takes Catra’s hand away from its roaming.
“Sparkles,” Catra whispers, “if this goes out to anyone at school, I’ll —“
“Beat me up?”
Catra’s smile carefully grows. The hand on hers grips hers. “If that’s what you’re into.”
Glimmer flusters. “I —“
“Oh, shit. That was supposed to be a joke but — ow!” Catra snickers when Glimmer shoves her back.
Catra retaliates by pushing her back. They rough around, and for once Glimmer feels some of the power in Catra’s body. No wonder she could take on groups of men. She was rippling with strength. Probably even more than Adora.
Definitely more than her.
Here’s what it was — Catra figuratively and literally pushes Glimmer up the wall.
Here’s what it is — Catra pushes Glimmer up the wall with their lips carefully dancing together. Glimmer can’t remember who made the first move, but it doesn’t matter. For someone so rough, Catra’s kisses were achingly gentle.
Glimmer did ‘pay’ alright.
Glimmer punched Catra in the face with her fist. And Catra struck her heart with everything she’s got.
And Glimmer hates to admit it, but it’s a fight she didn’t want to win.
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hungryflowers · 4 years
Let Me Fall In Love With You
RadioHusk Week Prompt Day 5: You’re Scaring Me
Chapter 5: Pains of Infatuation
Husk’s eyes snapped open, mouth opened to snort out a suffocating gasp while his limbs twitched. His eyes darted around the unfamiliar space, panic seeping into his blood as he tried his best to force his limbs to move. His legs felt like lead, arms were numb across his face. The only movements came from his heaving chest. Occasionally his ear would flick to an unidentified noise in the room. He felt alone. Shadows wriggled on the walls, dancing silently on the red, rustic wallpaper by a flame. A few flames at that. They could not have been lit for long. 
His muscles started to get feeling in them again, humming in discomfort. Husk’s head turned about, eyes going to the architecture of the room he was inhabiting. He looked off to the farthest wall housing a massive solid hickory red door. Indentations aligned, decorated the door frame in winding patterns. Then he glanced to the wall light fixtures; sconce like lighting fixtures housing electric light bulbs. Black and red wallpapers shimmered in the structure of the room. To the next wall, a sitting room. Two oddly looking chairs cradled close to the wide simple brown table. A large sized coffee table stayed in the middle of the room. 
Husk glanced down at where he was laying. He sat up slowly, allowing the fabrics to slide along his body. He felt like satin underneath his dingy fur, the deep red color blending with his wings. ‘This bed must be huge.’ Husk was sure that it was from how his feet didn’t come anywhere near the baseboard. He rolled onto his side, trying to get a better gauging of where he had ended up. He knew it was somebody’s house, but he was only with--
Husk sharply inhaled at the realization. Everything was coming back to him now. That piece of shit attacked him! He attacked him and must’ve brought him here! 
His claw went to his nape, expecting there to be pain there. His eyes widened when he felt no blood. Nothing was ripped or pulled. Nor was there a pool of blood underneath where he rested his head. He had been seen to and patched up... by the very demon who had attacked him, no doubt. So where was he? Where could that son of a bitch had gone? Before he could decide on wanting to know, Husk climbed off the bed to vacate as fast as possible. The second his foot hit the floor however, a chest rumbling growl sounded up from underneath the floorboards as shadowy forms scattered across the walls, some skittering close to the bed without touching it. 
He would have screamed in any other circumstances but, his fight or flight response switched to fight automatically at the unknown creatures. He hissed and snarled, hopping back on the bed, while his fur stood on end. His claws flew out to pummel at the figures, wings swatting uselessly at the forms as they surrounded him. All of them smiling, silent laughs, clicks and hissing. One shadow hovered a willow thin talon over Husk’s face before a static filled the air. 
The monsters fell back, some looking around for the surfacing sound, a few cowering back to whence they came, as well a select few that bowed in knowing submission. 
“Assez. Loin de vous tous.” Red aura emanated from the open door as the Radio Demon made his presence known to the shadow beasts in the bedroom. He clicked his mic stand twice, no more or less, as they fled into the crevasses of the room. Smile ever present, though he appeared to have dressed down in comparison to what he had on at Arch Duke’s; a simple black shirt that went up his neck was tucked into his pants with the showy red striped waistcoat. Long, sizable legs were covered by loose fitting trouser pants that were up to his waist. He appeared to be wearing his dress shoes still, the heels clacking nosily on the hardwood. 
His features looked far fonder in the gleaming, softened light of the soft bulbs. Features not tight, or slouchy but his posture looked perfect in its form. Shoulders fitted back, chest out, neck craned slightly upwards as a gloved hand went into his red and black locks. The young man had antlers. An arbitrary detail Husk did not see, nor ask Alastor about the moment they went out. And he wondered if those were ears atop his head as well, or were they oddly placed flyaway with his hairstyle. 
The man kept his sanguine colored, slanted eyes on Husk as he picked up his mic stand to go into the sitting room. His voice conveyed a jovial sound that Husk had heard while they were out at his Parlor. The same vacuum tubed sounding radio noises were still coming from him. 
“Rude lots I know. Always too overeager when company is at hand. Why, I remember back in the day when I hosted an outrageously popular garden party. Only so with the ghouls, but boy! Was that a doozy of a time?!” The young man laughed as he manifested an old radio. The very first one. That old ass antique that Husk’s great-great-grandfather gave up to him as a fun ‘fuck you’ gift. It looked janky but it worked well, filling the room with a swinging jazz number that got Alastor bobbing his head to it. 
“Do you like this kind of music, Husker?,” He got up from the sofa, making it over to him in a bouncing stride. He took the cat’s paw, feeling up the fur before pulling the poor old man along. Husk almost didn’t budge, stumbling over his feet as Alastor took him for a spin, “This! Oh, this was truly the music of its time!”
“The fuck’s your problem?! Get off me!” Husk snapped, taking back his paw. He glared at Alastor, who only laughed quizzically at him. 
“Is something the matter, Cher ami? Lemme make you more comfortable. As a sign of my goodwill towards you, dearest.” He was walking into the cat’s personal space, grin widening. 
Husk’s long, feathery eyebrow rose. He looked unsettled, and a bit too confused. 
“Goodwill? To me? Motherfucker, you attacked me! You bit and threw me to the fucking floor! Then-then you transformed in-in into some fucking beast! Any ‘goodwill’ you want to have towards me is over, ass clown! We’re finished!” He began to stomp off, wings flailing high in intense agitation. 
Alastor stayed still despite Husk’s rambling. He didn’t remember much before he brought Husker to his home. Though he looked in the mirror before he left Husk to rest, seeing the reddening slash marks on his cheek, where claws had bit into his face. They had long healed, not leaving a trace or record of the attack ever happening. Since he didn’t see or recall the physical marks, what Husk was going on about didn’t happen. It was a fatted fantasy in his thoughts. Another odd justification for Husk to not fall in love with him. He blinked suddenly as Husk began to walk away. An inaudible gasp puffed out as he teleported in front of the door, scaring Husk. 
“Finished? Whatever could you mean? Beloved, you’re hysterical. I would never hit you. Our relationship is so brand new! I would never jeopardize the fragile, special being we have now,” Alastor grabbed at Husk’s paw again, this time with the intent of not letting him slip away, “Why don’t you just sit and relax? Listen to the radio with me? Let’s watch a picture show together! Did you know they have them in color?” He was pulling Husk back into the bedroom to sit down. 
Husk struggled yet couldn’t pull away from the other demon. What the fuck was going on with him? He went on a full tangent about Husk not attacking him... and that was after the cat had slapped him. Did transforming into whatever thing that was wipe Alastor’s memory? He was sat down as Alastor kissed the male’s paw, his smile beginning to creep the older male out. 
“Now, stay where you are. I’m gonna make us a perfect meal!” He chuckled as he deposited Husker on the sofa. His eyes closed as he pressed his lips to the upper part of Husk’s paw, lips grazing the nails before pulling away, turning back to head out into the remainder of his home. 
‘Goddamn, this was weird. The poor cat looked over to the staticky TV in front of him. Could this night get weirder?
For over an hour, Husk just stared into the static. He didn’t move, nor dare himself to do so. He had been alone in this bedroom, still aware of the presence of eyes looming to him. He hardly spoke when Alastor tried to get his attention. His tail thrashed in discomfort, bones and muscles quivering with a palpable uncertainty. Nothing was making sense. Everything in his body yowled at him to get the fuck out as hastily as he could. But he sat there. Paralyzed with a fear he couldn’t justify. That he had no explanation for, or an understanding of. When he heard something, his ears darted right to it. Oval, crepuscular eyes looked off into what he imagined was darkness. But it moved. All of the shadows moved. Often times closer to him, on its own volition. 
“Alright beloved, I hope you’re hungry. It’s last minute and I had more than enough for the both of us to share!” He came in, setting down a steaming pot of something. It was really a something all right. The male cat’s demeanor changed as he took in the aroma of spices and herbs. He picked off the top without Alastor’s say-so; looking in greedy awe at the collection of seafood, meats and rice. All put together in a mouthwatering brick-colored broth. 
“This is my signature, dearest! My own take on my mother’s infamous Gumbo! And if you’re into that fancy, try some of her Jambalaya as well!” He laughed heartily as he whipped out another pot, peeling off the top to reveal another flavor Husk had never experienced before. 
“Fuck...there’s so much. Al, I can’t.” He sounded nervous as he looked at the assortment. 
“Now, these are just appetizers! Palate teasers if ya will. You’re gonna start doin’ flips over my  Shrimp Etouffee! Oh and my Crawfish Monica!,” He pulled out a couple more dishes, both looking as hefty as the first two. One dish overflowing shrimp and assorted meats and greens, while the other was smelling delectably of cajun seasonings, crawfish brimming out of the top of the dish with tang of sauce dripping off it, “And let’s not forget about a wonderful wine to wash it down!” Alastor brought a dark red out of thin air, smiling the whole while Husk looked up at him. 
The cat’s nerves began to settle; somehow some TV, food and booze didn’t seem so bad. He could shave off an hour or two. 
He finishes his plate with a burp and the last swig of his wine. Never in his life had he ever had a meal like that. Even in his after life it couldn’t possibly be this good. Alastor made it good. He made this food good as shit. He was ready to go to sleep now after that meal.
“Did you enjoy everything?” He refilled Husker’s wine glass once more before topping off his own. He eyed the liquid as the cat nodded. He looked quite comfortable after his third glass of wine. It made Alastor chuckle knowing he had made his significant comfortable in his presence. He manifested another bottle of the red wine since Husk was liking it so much. He’d keep it on standby in case the male wanted more.
“That... That was, hands down, the best meal I’ve ever had,” Husk hiccuped as he took another sip of his newly filled glass, “Ain’t nobody able to cook like you can.” The cat snorted drunkenly. He put the glass down as he stretched his wings and wound up limbs. 
“Haha! Such praise from my significant! I almost feel bashful!” Alastor laughed, his sound so honeyed and sugary. He didn’t even care as he placed both of his hands on Husk’s thighs, the gesture seeming sincere. He moved himself closer to the none too sober cat, close enough to smell the aged well wine on the other’s breath. There were too many elements that made this moment perfect; the well made food, the fine wine. To top it all, Alastor’s mate was endeared and made full by his home cooked meal. So many more things could have warmed his heart in this moment, but he didn’t think of those things... or anything else as his lips land on Husk’s. He keeps his red, saturated eyes open, waiting for the male cat’s reaction. 
He goes in with full tongue, a soft growl rumbling forward as he pushes Husk down. His hands go everywhere, lurk on some muscles, go to the cheeks of the cat and then to his ears. He finally relishes in the kiss as Husk leans into it, showing no reservations beyond it. His talon-like claws groom the back of Alastor’s hair as he pulls him in more, lips sucking the leftover wine off them. A moan escapes and it is the best sound to grace Alastor’s ears. He gets more and more hungry as he leaves the lips to nip and suck at the male’s cheeks and neck. His hands end up in Husker’s chest, feeling for the erratic beating of his heart. His other hand goes to Husk’s waist, pulling him in closer. When he feels the male wrap his legs around him, the deer demon’s mind swims, the tethers of sanity slipping as he submerges himself in Husk. 
A wandering hand daringly goes to the cat’s crotch; and then Husk awakens. 
Previously drunken lust simmers away as he becomes alert, even shocked. He begins to fight against the young man’s advances. He couldn’t talk, too drunk to convey to Alastor that he wanted to stop. His claws go to Alastor’s wrist to try and pull him away, but the only way Alastor saw it was the cat wanted more. His teeth went into Husk’s neck; gingerly sucking at the flesh and fur there. 
Wide, bleary eyes constricted at the tell-tale feeling of the teeth, and he snarled loudly, claws flying to the deer demon’s back to rake against the skin hard enough to puncture. 
Alastor laughed into the kisses until he felt razor pain in his upper shoulders and lower back. He pulled off as soon as he felt the trickles of blood down his back. He was about to ask what was wrong when Husk shot up and bit him in the side of his head. A loud, surprised, panicked yelp came from Alastor as he shook the old man off him, blood pooling from the new wounds. He feels over the two worse marks near his monocle, on the sides of his chin. Arousal escapes from his eyes, summoning a near feral look as he snarls back with his marred grin. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Alastor snaps, his softened tone breaking with static and loud whirring. He’s angry, even through the smile, Husk can tell he’s angry.
“I’m drunk as fuck! And so are you if you think this is gonna happen!,” The cat demon begins to puff up, feathers going ragged, claws extending, hackle raised. His tail doesn’t thrash this time, the appendage curled by his feet in an arch, “First you attack me, then forget about it and now you try and rape me! You’re sick as shit, Al. You need help!!” 
He never lets his guard down-for very good reason this time- as Alastor lunges for him, teeth on full display. He towers over the older male as he snaps his teeth at him, close enough to graze fur but not grab at anything. A rippling static pulses through the room as Alastor moves to attack again, missing again as Husk’s claws hit Alastor’s side. In spite of it all, Husk remains calm. The male jumps out of the way with enough time to recover his pacing. Teeth shine in candescent lighting as he pounces on Alastor, back claws ripping into his hips. A powerful slap of talons knocks Husk backwards, the force jarring the male for a moment. A moment too long as Alastor lands atop him, teeth bared, a blackened sludge dripping to the floor, eyes shone as radio dials. 
“What have I done wrong, beloved? Just tell me,” The voice is disembodied, sounding nearly nonexistent while Alastor’s mouth looked to be stapled shut, “What can I do to make this better? How can I be better for you?!” The last word sounded like a hiss. 
Husk’s ears pinned completely, body trying its damndest to move, but locked up in a frozen stupor. “Alastor--” He tried.
“NO! I have done all of this for you! And yet you still don’t love me! What must I do to make you fall in love with me?!” Claws began to extend as they shred the wooden floor. Alastor leans too close to Husk, steam coming from in between his clasped teeth. 
“You don’t even know what love is! You’re not comprehending that all that you’ve been doing is hurting what would have made this a good relationship. I can’t love anyone like that, or even you like this! Alastor, you’re scaring me.” Husk confessed, eyes wide but steely and determined. He was scared of the radio demon for sure, but he wasn’t about to piss himself, or beg the bastard. 
The dials tuned out, deep red pupils reappearing as the form seemed to be pushed back. Said eyes did not reflect normalcy however. The seemed distant, cold feeling. He pulled himself up on his knees, one of his hands going to the undamaged part of his face. He scrubbed at his hair before getting off Husk fully.
“I scare you...”, The radio tone warbled as he turned his back to Husk, “I’m not surprised that I do. I scare everyone. I’ve always known that I do.” His last sentence had no radio filter to it, and for the first time Husk had heard the radio demon’s true voice. The room devolves into silence after that. The male cat is able to roll around on his knees as he looks at the others back. A brick wall is fortified between the two beings, the metaphoric building too strong to break by one’s will alone. 
Husk saunters away on four feet, not trusting himself to stand just yet. His ear flicks to Alastor as he turns to him.
“Where are you going?” He asks, trying too hard to salvage whatever this had become. His ears go up, listening to the loud, long sigh coming from Husk. The male cat doesn’t turn to him, doesn’t even flinch his tail at him.
“I...don’t know. I just can’t be here.” The older man sounded tired. Could have looked tired. And for all that has happened, was tired. His head was kept pointed at the door of the bedroom as he walked. He half expected Alastor to stop him, to beg for forgiveness for his transgressions. Just maybe he could see what good there could be in him. He’d be getting his hopes up if he thought that. Husk didn’t see the glowing look in Alastor’s eyes fade as the deer demon got to his feet. He knew that he didn’t move from his place, even as he clipped off a sigh of his own. Nor did he see the way his head tilted to look down at the ground in a show of defeat. He saw nothing of Alastor because he didn’t want to see him. Not this way. 
He bounded off, steps barely making a sound as he sprinted out of the house. He’d find his way out eventually, his wings catching the odd chill in the air as he took to the deep red sky. 
A/N: A little late, but I think I did very good on this one! Enjoy!
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hoseoksbabygurl · 5 years
Sometimes bulletproof |2
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You were beside taehyung he brought you close to him to make sure you won't get hurt. Namjoon who was on his phone was texting their boss. He suddenly spoke up.
"She's a ballerina, and her parents. Well adoptive parents own a weapons company." Namjoon says calmly. The boys stared at each other and nodded. "She's completely clean no criminal records, nothing wrong." Namjoon listed off some more information.
"She definitely is something different." Hoseok said cheerfully. The ride was particularly silent except for the small talk between a few members such as the maknaes; Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. They conversed about when they got back to the safe house how they were going to play some games. Taehyung got too worked up about playing call of duty that he elbowed you in the arm. All of their faces went pale as you started to stir awake.
"Namjoon, she's awake." Jungkook said quietly as he looked at you the girl who had all the boys attention, you had sat up rubbing your eyes and yawning.
"Y/n you're awake." Namjoon says quietly while looking at the your messed up hair. You nod and slump against Taehyung closing your hazed eyes again.
"Don't fall asleep, we're almost at the safe house where we can question you more." Hoseok said from the passenger seat. You shrugged and fell back to a peaceful slumber. You awoke by one of the members yelling at another. She was fully alert this time and looked around her surroundings. A fancy garden with fountains and waterfalls. That lead to a house. Correction a mansion that apparently was the safe house. You looked at the building. This is the safe house?
"You fell back asleep." Jin said to you as he sat beside her in the van. You mumbled a small sorry as you looked out the window. "Don't get all shy now, sugar." His arm draped around your waist and you automatically flinched from his contact. He immediately let go of you, “Can you tell me how you got those bruises?" Jin asked sweetly.
"I can, but the more important question is will I." The h/c girl smiled at the man who had sat beside you.
"Well will you?" his hand dropped down on your thigh, he leaned in towards your face.
"Hand off my thigh or I will kill you." You said loud and clear so that everyone could hear.
"That doesn't scare me sugar."
"Take your hand off of me please." You spat at him. Any minute longer here is a follower less on my pay check.
"Manners are always a good quality to have. She's a feisty one. Tae you take it from here, she doesn't like me." Jin walked to the other side of the van and opened the door to reveal the safe house. "I don't hate you I just, don't know who to trust." You grabbed Jin's suit sleeve. He nodded and lead you into the building. You gasped at the sight of the entrance. Marble floors, a giant staircase, a huge closet. A foyer of dreams. The boys laughed at your reaction and Jin lead tou, more like dragged you to a room to ask questions.
"I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to answer some questions." He says as he sits in a office chair in front of you. He gestures for you to sit on the chair , Tou follow the order he says and sit down on the metal chair. It’s easier to follow his orders and then try to leave as quickly as possible.
"This is the third time we've asked today. Where did this bruise come from? And no lying." Jin said to you as he leaned in closer.
"My, my adoptive parents can be really, you know, strict when it comes to me, and when I break a few rules, they hurt me." You quietly say as you look him in the eye. He nods as he leans back in his chair.
"Your adoptive parents huh, what do they do?"
"They run a company, for weapon development in America."
"How old are you?"
"Y/a." You say “My head hurts." You complain.
"Just a few more questions than I promise I can get you something for that headache." He stroked her head. You nodded and answered the rest of his questions. As he had promised he got some Advil for your headache and was now in the living room of the safe house. The maknaes were playing games and the hyungs were talking in the kitchen. Small bits of conversations could be heard and you tried to clue in. So far something had to do with you and a large sum of money. So that’s what they’re going to do, get Ransom money from me.
"Y/n? Do you want to help out with dinner?" seokjin asked me. Obliginh you stood up to follow him. He lead you to a giant kitchen with granite countertops and a apron sink. How could a gang have this much money to buy something like this. Seokjin laughed at your reaction. He began to give you a task to do. You peeled a weird fruit and cut them up. Seokjin would look at what you were doing ever so often and give you tips on what to do.
"Hey what are you doing?" Seokjin asks you while grabbing his spatula.
"Sorry." You look at his contorted face.
"Help me with this, please?" He grabs your hand and pulls you up, quickly you help him with the meal and put it on the dining table which was near the countertop, Jin and you quickly set it up with chopsticks and napkins and plates, Seokjin put the food on the table and you stood by him. His hands gesture for you to sit down. You find an empty seat and comply. After dinner was done you could see Namjoon looking at you. He used his hands to give direction to you.
Meet me in the living room. So you went there. He began to walk around.
"Here are the rules that you have to follow, break them," he stopped and looked at You. "You understand. Okay there are ten rules you must follow,
1 lock your bedroom door at night,
2 don't go into other people's rooms,
3 you must comply to all our instructions,
4 you can't open a window at night.
5 you must check your pockets at least once a day." My face contorts in confusion.
"Pardon?" You question him, he smiles at you and continues on with the rules. "There will be no phones, so give me that." He grabs the device from your hand puts it in his pocket. “6 if someone knocks on your door three times you must let them in.
7 don't go wandering around the house without one of us.
8 if we have some people over, be on your best behaviour.
9 if you want to go outside or anywhere you must ask one of us.
10 no lying. If there are anymore rules I can think of I will tell you." She nods at the rules and lays on the couch. "Also," Namjoon says "I'll show you to your room." You stand up and follow him down the empty hallway to the foyer. You follow Namjoon up the oak stairs and see a bunch of rooms. He leads you to the last room on the left. The room had a bed and a bookshelf with some literature.
"Pardon?" He leans in closer to you. Don’t say anything. You look at him in confusion. You didn't say anything. Before he leaves, you could've heard him say something, but maybe it was just your imagination.
16 notes · View notes
lisatelramor · 5 years
Gift Box
Happy Holidays! Fun story, I wrote this in August for some reason so I've been sitting on this waiting for Christmas to post :P This is ACTUALLY the last thing in the NLTSA universe. No more. Really.  =_= *side-eyes my brain* Hope everyone has a good holiday season and a happy new year!!!
Kaito twisted pieces of a puzzle box around in his hands as Takumi did assigned reading on the living room couch. It was Takumi’s favorite spot since Kaito and Saguru moved in together, a much plusher replacement for Kaito’s old one that had been slowly falling to disrepair for years. The steady tick of the bookshelf clock and the occasional flip of pages were the only sounds at the moment, and while normally Kaito would be soothed by the peacefulness, he couldn’t reach that calm today.
He slipped a segment of wood free, testing panels for which one would budge next, mostly on automatic. Kaito’s real attention was on Takumi and the way Kaito’s heart beat a bit too quickly for sitting calmly in their living room. “I was thinking,” Kaito said.
“Mm?” Takumi turned a page. “About what?”
“About life.” Kaito twisted a carving. “How we’ve settled here. The future.” A careful glide of fingers along a seam and one of the three hidden compartments in this box slid open. Empty of course because he hadn’t put anything in it yet. “Whether Saguru’d say yes if I asked him to marry me,” Kaito said as nonchalant as possible, heart beating too fast as he waited for Takumi’s response.
Takumi stopped flipping pages. “You’re going to ask him to marry you?” he asked, eyes wide.
Kaito didn’t blame him for being surprised; marriage had very different connotations and memories attached to it for Kaito compared to Saguru. Kaito hadn’t thought he’d want to marry again. It wasn’t like either of them needed it to be happy or have a meaningful relationship. It just turned out that Kaito was still more of a romantic than he’d thought he was capable of being. Kaito fiddled with the next part of his puzzle.
“It’s just a thought,” he said. “It’s not like we’ve talked marriage really.”
“But hypothetically, how do you think he’d feel if I asked?”
Takumi set down his book. “Honestly?” He gave Kaito a small smile. “He’s pretty much married to you already.”
A year and a half together. Kaito’s fingers tapped along the box’s edge. That wasn’t too short of a time to consider a lifelong commitment right? Kaito’d proposed to Aoko after a few months of dating. Of course they’d both been idiot teenagers then. Saguru never told him the story of how he’d ended up getting engaged, but Kaito bet he’d done things properly, dating for at least half a year and figuring out compatibility. Not skipping half a dozen steps and having a rush wedding.
“That’s cohabitation and dating,” Kaito said after what was probably too long of a pause. “And if I asked him to marry me, I don’t know if it’d set off his grief again.” Losing a spouse violently would make marriage a touchy subject.
“If it did, it wouldn’t be for long,” Takumi said with confidence. “He’s gotten a lot happier and healed a lot I think. Didn’t you say something about that when you guys got back from the London trip? Mel was Mel but you’re you, and it’s not replacing anything or something like that?”
Kaito smiled. Yeah, they had had that conversation. And he’d come out of London feeling more secure in their relationship.
Takumi nodded as he saw the smile. “There you go then. He’d probably agree on the spot.”
At that Kaito snorted. “I doubt that.”
“Fine, or stress about it for a bit, have a talk, then say yes. Because he wouldn’t say no.”
“He could.”
“I have eyes, Tou-san.”
Bold words from the kid that didn’t really get romance or interest on a personal level. Kaito slid open the second compartment of the box.
“So you are going to ask him,” Takumi said.
Takumi rolled his eyes. “If you’re waiting for some kind of approval from me, just go ahead and ask. He’s practically another parent already and married isn’t any odder than dating.”
“We couldn’t get married in Japan anyway,” Kaito said after a moment. The third part of the puzzle box was giving him problems. None of the panels would shift. Ah, wait, there was a little strip that acted as a key…
“Hakuba-sensei is a British citizen and it’s legal there. And Japan honors foreign marriages even if you can’t marry here. Which you know.” Takumi gave an annoyed sigh. “Also, you know Shiemi would hunt you down if she didn’t get the chance to be in your wedding party. She has a new betting pool how long it will take before one of you asks.”
Kaito almost laughed. Really? They expected them to marry that much? “I’m guessing you paid into it?”
“I’m not telling you anything. That’d skew the results and I’m too fair to do that.”
Kaito did laugh then. Just telling Kaito that there were bets was interfering with how things might turn out.
“So marriage,” Takumi repeated pointedly.
“Maybe,” Kaito said. The final two parts of the box opened in quick succession now that he wasn’t wound up with nerves. Takumi wasn’t uncomfortable with him potentially getting married and he thought Saguru’d say yes.
Kaito reached into his pocket. Was it really a maybe when he’d gone out and bought a ring already?
“Is that what I think it is?” Takumi asked as Kaito slid the ring into the fourth and smallest box compartment.
“Maybe.” He reversed the puzzle, pulled a pressed flower out to put in the third compartment. Reversed it again until he reached the second compartment where he placed tickets to a science conference he’d seen that looked like Saguru would enjoy. Reversed to the first and easiest to find compartment, the box now almost back to how it was initially.
“Tou-san,” Takumi complained when Kaito didn’t add anything else to his statement.
Kaito grinned to himself and put a riddle in the first compartment, one that told of a treasure at the end of the puzzle and clues to how many compartments the box had. And—if Saguru strained at some sideways word meanings—a hint about why Kaito was giving it to him. Kaito slid the compartment shut and re-locked all the bits he’d undone until it looked like a perfectly ordinary decorative box. “So, I was thinking that this could be a Christmas gift.”
Takumi gave him a long look before he sighed. “You want him to figure it out with his mom watching when he reaches the last bit, don’t you?”
“Still just a maybe,” Kaito said, though by this point he wasn’t even convincing himself. Nerves still fluttered in his stomach at the thought of actually doing this, but they were the kind of nerves he used to get before a complex heist. It kind of was a bit like a heist, putting all the pieces in motion and waiting for the payout. He really hoped Saguru was on the same page with this. He should subtly test it as the weeks led toward Christmas to be sure it wouldn’t end badly. But yeah, the idea of Saguru reaching the last compartment while they all had a lazy Christmas morning with Saguru’s parents and Kaito getting on one knee was just… really appealing in more ways than one. He loved every time he still managed to surprise Saguru in some way. He hoped to keep doing it the rest of their lives.
“…I get to be there to record it.”
“Knew I could count on you.”
Takumi snorted and picked up his book. “You didn’t have to check if I was ok with you remarrying you know. It’s your life.”
“And you’re my son and I never want to make you uncomfortable if I can help it,” Kaito countered. “Well, not in that kind of way.”
“I like Hakuba-sensei. You can keep him,” Takumi said, settling back down to continue his readings.
“You know he’s given you permission to use his first name by now.”
“He’s Hakuba-sensei until I graduate,” Takumi said. “Too weird otherwise.”
Kaito snickered. The puzzle box went on a side table. He’d wrap it tonight and hopefully have the courage to give it to Saguru by the time December swung around. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Takumi said, already half absorbed back into his work.
Kaito closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. In his head, there was a long-stretching future, Saguru by his side. And maybe, just maybe, two hands overlapping with matching rings, revisiting a London sunset.
Saguru unwrapped his present to find a box. An intricately carved and beautifully inlaid box that had to have cost quite a bit. Curious, Saguru tugged gently on the top. It didn’t open. Kaito grinned Kid’s signature grin in his direction, so that meant the box had to be more than it appeared. A few cautious presses against carvings and something shifted. “A puzzle box?” Saguru asked.
“Yep,” Kaito said. “Your gift isn’t just the box, but what’s in it too.”
Mum laughed from the other couch. “What a fitting gift for him,” she said.
Takumi grinned too, eerily like Kaito’s smile, and Saguru guessed he knew what the rest of the gift entailed. Color Saguru intrigued.
“You gave me this last so I wouldn’t be playing with it all morning, didn’t you,” Saguru accused.
“Now that most of the gifts are open, you can play with it the whole rest of the day,” Kaito said. He seemed to be enjoying the fuzzy robe Mum and Otou-san got him, all bundled up with the too-sweet cup of cocoa Mum passed around.
Saguru tugged him closer and kissed off the faint chocolate mustache Kaito was developing. “Thank you.”
Kaito kissed back before pulling away. “Have fun. You’ll have to come up with something to store in there.”
Saguru had a few ideas already. He was a sentimental person when it came to the people he loved; he had a few keepsakes that would fit in a small compartment or two. “How many boxes are actually in this box?”
“That’s for you to find out, Guru,” Kaito teased.
Saguru swatted at him absently for the nickname, already testing the box for trick panels.
He was peripherally aware of Mum refreshing everyone’s cocoa and a board game being brought out, but he let himself tune out the rest of his family to contemplate Kaito’s gift. It didn’t take very long to find the first compartment. Inside it was a riddle. Saguru glanced at Kaito and Kaito sent him a mischievous grin.
It wasn’t as complex as some of Kid’s riddles, but he got the feeling Kaito had left out something important in it. ‘Treasure’ was too vague for Kaito’s usual standards. But some of the lines implied permanence and others the passing of time, and all that Saguru was sure of was that there were a total of four things in the box. If he considered the riddle the first, that left three more to find.
Saguru went back to work on the box. Whoever made it, it was subtle work. Finding the seams was difficult, and pieces only moved if they were prodded at just the right angle too.
He slid open the second compartment and found tickets to the upcoming international chemistry conference that was going to take place in Tokyo come February. He’d offhandedly mentioned it a few months ago when he’d spoken to a few people in Hakuba laboratories who hoped to submit some academic papers. He hadn’t realized Kaito’d remembered that or that he’d remembered that Saguru used to go to this sort of thing whenever he could in the past. There were two tickets there, so Saguru could bring Kaito if he wanted and drag him along. Knowing Kaito, he’d probably understand a good deal of what the different research was too.
Touched, he set the compartment to the side and kept going.
The next box was trickier. It took Saguru almost five whole minutes to realize that one of the decorative inlays slid free to act as a key to the next compartment. Inside that was a pressed flower. Saguru recognized it as one left from a bouquet he gave Kaito on their six month dating anniversary. Because Kaito often kept flowers on his person, a lot of people didn’t give him flowers, and he’d been far more touched by the gesture than Saguru had expected. That evening had been particularly romantic and Saguru couldn’t help smiling as he touched the fragile petals.
Kaito’s smile was softer when Saguru caught his eye, a private moment passing between them. He might just keep that compartment reserved for the flower when he closed the box up again.
Saguru didn’t rush the last compartment, taking a moment to marvel at the craftsmanship once again. It took a very particular kind of mind to come up with such a complex puzzle box. Saguru was half tempted to ask Kaito if he’d designed it.
As he released the final lock, he marveled at how small it was. The first and third compartments had been built into the sides of the box, and the second had been part of the base. But the final one was built into what would have been the lid of an ordinary box, a small compartment that needed half a dozen carvings shifted just to reveal it and about as many more to make it pop up enough to pull its lid free. As Saguru lifted the last piece away, he heard movement across the room. It was peripheral awareness though, because at the bottom of the tiny compartment, sitting in a felt-lined nest was a ring.
There was a touch on his knee and Saguru looked up to find Kaito kneeling in front of him. “Kaito?” he asked, not quite daring to believe it was what he thought it was.
Kaito took the box from him and tipped the ring into his palm. His warm, callused hands cupped Saguru’s as Kaito gave him the gentlest, most loving smile Saguru could remember him directing his way. “You know me better than anyone else ever has,” Kaito said, looking him in the eye, “and you had the patience to puzzle me out.” Because Kaito didn’t open up easily. “I didn’t think I’d fall in love again, but you came into my life and filled broken bits of me that I didn’t even know were there. I’ve been happier since I’ve been with you than I have been in over a decade and I can’t see that changing in the future.”
Saguru’s breath caught in his throat, words and thoughts frozen in this moment. There were only Kaito’s warm blue eyes and his hands holding Saguru’s grounding him and holding his whole attention.
“Hakuba Saruru,” Kaito said, “would you tie your future to mine?”
Saguru made a sound in the back of his throat that he couldn’t categorize. He didn’t cry easily, but there were the beginnings of tears prickling at his eyes. He wanted to hold this brilliant man so tight they merged together, or maybe kiss him until they both were light headed from lack of air. Saguru twisted his hands in Kaito’s hold to grip him back. “Yes,” he choked, the word barely making it from his throat with the sudden rush of emotions. “You. Kaito.”
Kaito grinned so wide Saguru’s cheeks hurt just looking at it before he kissed him. Saguru almost missed the feeling of a ring being slid on his finger. Damn it, he loved this man.
From the other side of the room there was a happy, high pitched sound, and Saguru abruptly remembered they had an audience. Mum looked, when Saguru pulled back from the kiss, like it was not only Christmas, but her birthday, anniversary, and New Year’s all lumped together. She looked so happy for him that she might start crying. Saguru’s father only looked deeply amused, content with this turn of events.
Takumi was filming. Saguru covered his face with embarrassment. “I can’t believe you proposed to me on Christmas.”
“Well,” Kaito reasoned, “it’s a very romantic day for Japanese traditions.”
“And just dramatic enough for you,” Saguru said drily. He couldn’t stop smiling though. The ring on his finger was silver-colored instead of gold like his previous ring, and engraved with a simple swirling pattern with the exception of a tiny four leaf clover worked into its center. Saguru had no doubt that it had been custom made, which raised the question of when Kaito had started planning this, and how long he’d been thinking of marriage. It wasn’t that the topic was never mentioned, but it wasn’t something they went on about either. “How long…?”
“Well he bought the box in early October,” Takumi said, apparently now done filming for the moment. “So it’s been at least that long since he decided he was definitely going to propose. Don’t know when he got the ring though.”
Kaito flushed, one thumb worrying at the knob of Saguru’s good knee. “I… may have looked into it a bit after our London trip.”
“That long?”
Kaito blushed darker. Saguru rested his forehead against his. “So is this ring part of a pair or…?”
“It’s a set. I, um, wasn’t carrying the second one around with me though,” Kaito said. Which implied he did carry both rings around for at least some period of time.
“You were worried I’d say no?”
“Well we never really tackled the topic head on,” Kaito muttered, hiding his face in Saguru’s knees.
Saguru tugged at him until he looked up and he could pull him into another kiss. Takumi looked like he was torn between finding it cute and the instinctual discomfort of seeing a parent being intimate.
Mum bounced to her feet with a clap of her hands. “I’m breaking out the fruit cake and brandy.”
“Already?” Saguru asked, pulling back from Kaito’s distracting lips.
“It’s time to celebrate! This calls for a drink!”
Kaito started laughing against him and Saguru couldn’t help but laugh too, feeling bright and light inside.
“To the future,” Kaito said when Mum pushed a far-larger-than-necessary glass of brandy into his hands.
“To our future,” Saguru said, with a much smaller and diluted glass—Takumi’s hopefully not brandy at all.
The cheery clink of glasses like bells heralding a happy future. Saguru took a drink to that.
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myskinwithhis · 5 years
Tumblr media
My Promise To You...
Jimin (BTS) x Female Reader (POC)
Slightly more the 1k Words
It’s 9:00am in the morning, the rain welcoming you to a new day as it taps lightly on the windows of your room. The lightly creeping up upon the window ledge.
Rain always seemed to sooth you, no matter what time of day, whether it be in the morning, during the day or in the evening, The rain became one of the main wonders in life in which your were greatful for.
While still laying on your back, contemplating about your duties of the day. You felt an arm sleepily making its way across your torso, to bring you into the embrace of the body it belonged to.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, in a husky but almost soft voice, with a hint of admiration. His eyes still closed, as he makes himself comfortable and awaiting your reply.
“The rain” you simple stated, smiling as your favourite memory came to mind.
20th May
“Jimin don’t u dare put down this umbrella” I stated sternly.
“Or what?” He asked teasingly, as he slowly began to close the umbrella. His smile counted in mischief, he eyes watching mine closely.
I began to look around for shelter. I spotted a bus stop a bit further from where we were standing, I prepared myself to make a run for it. Jimin caught on to this plan.
“You know I’ll catch you if you run” Jimin, with a smirk on his face drop the umbrella, and just like I planned, I dipped towards the bus stop.
The rain hit my skin hard, to be honest I was not in fear for my make up it was more so my hair that was the issue. I could feel my freshly straighten locks reverting back to curls.
In my train of thought about my hair, I hadn’t noticed that Jimin had grab waist to keep me in the rain. He spun me around, his smile made me so weak and I knew he knew that. His eyes glistening under the light of the street lamps.
“You watched the process of me straightening my hair, and purposely bring me out in the rain just to drop the umbrella..... I will actually kill you one day” I said sighing contemplating on my life decision for the evening.
Without saying anything, he smiled, leaned closer and at that moment pressed his lips against mine. His touch was light at first, almost as if he didn’t want to hurt or even damage me.
This was the first time we kissed, our lips moulded together as if they were meant to be with one another.
Our tongues didn’t crash but instead danced together, allowing each other to feel. No one was dominant nor submissive in the kiss, yet I became completely drunk from it.
Jimin pulled away, and put the umbrella back up, above us.
“You seem drunk” he said, smirking proudly at what he had done to me.
“This still doesn’t make up for my hair Jiminie” I punched he chest lightly. He placed his hand on my lower back and we walked back towards my apartment.
You turned your head to meet his, noses barely touching. You begin to re-position your body so that your are laying on your side, facing Jimin completely. He smiled, caressing your lower back. His fingertips ghostly grazing your lower back.
“Your skin will always fascinate me, you know that Y/N?” Jimin said, push the curtain that was above the bed out, so that more light could enter the room.
“It is such an extraordinary thing. Such a soft ebony, but yet so vibrant and with so much history embedded. It’s beautiful.” He chuckles, listening to himself. He became quite shy as he expressed he love for your skin colour like he normally does to encourage you for the day. This became constant because tou expressed to him how you were worried about what people said about you two dating and how people would most likely not like you because of your skin colour.
“And the most beautiful skin belongs to the most beautiful woman, who belongs to the most brilliant man” he explains smiling much brighter, once he notices how big your smile had gotten.
Your eyes soon became clouded with sadness, as you remembered that your baby is going back on tour in two days. It almost didn’t seem fair to you, considering he had just came back, but you had to remind yourself that you signed up for this when you agreed to be his girlfriend. This agreement dating back to 2 years from now.
Jimin noticed the sadness in your eyes and automatically, as if it was instinct, kissed your lips. His soft lips delicately moulded with yours, the kiss itself was full of reassurance and love.
Jimin knew what your mind was like. He knew that you were upset and he knew you were finding it difficult watching him go and have to wait for a long time till he came back.
He pulled away slowly, almost as if to savour the taste of your lips a little longer.
“Baby girl, promise me something...” he trailed off waiting for your response.
You hummed in reply, encouraging him to continue.
“When I leave for this tour, promise me you will stay happy. Promise me that you will smile as bright as you do when I’m around.” He looked deep into your eyes, before he continued “Promise me that you will always smile when thinking of me and that you won’t cry at my absence” his gaze now completely locked on your eyes, just so he can see if there is a slight change in your emotion.
And there was. Your eyes carried the wholeness for love, appreciation and admiration. You smile whole-heartedly and kiss his nose gently.
“I promise Jiminie. But...” you take your finger and press it on his nose lightly, his eyebrows furrawning in confusion.
“You have to promise to come back to me, completely untouched by other girls” you raise an eyebrow after your proposal.
He laughs at the statement, but agreed none-the-less.
Jimin pulled his hand from under the sheets and pointed in pinky finger to the head board of the bed, you did the same and intertwined your pinky with his. You leaned forward and kissed your thumb, as did he.
Pinky fingers still intertwined you lean forward again and kiss him. A much more meaningful kiss that the previous, as this one was filled with
pure love. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just love.
162 notes · View notes
looshk-blog1 · 6 years
It’s so romantic in Paris Chapter 3
Demyx tried his best to keep busy on the long flight. He watched movies and played games on his Switch in an effort to keep his mind from Xigbar and his infidelity. He tapped his pocket, he could feel his engagement ring in there, he had no intention of ever wearing it again, but he couldn't bring himself to leave it behind either... He took of the silver chain around his neck and slid it on, then refastened it around his neck and put it under his white t shirt. The air hostess came through and handed Demyx another glass of champagne, he could feel himself getting pretty tipsy. Maybe I should get some sleep... He tilted his seat back and unfolded the cosy woolen blanket that had been left under his seat, he popped his headphones in, put on his sleep mask and drifted into a cosy sleep. He dreamt of Xigbar apologising, begging for forgiveness... He forgave him... His trust was in need of mending but he dreamt he was willing to do it all for him. He put his engagement ring back on, they kissed. Xigbar told him he loved him and couldn't live without him... Just as their lips were about to meet he was startled awake by the plane hitting the tarmac. He looked around himself alarmed pulling off his sleep mask, to realise they'd landed. The intercom jingle played. “Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Charles De Gaulle Airport. The local time is 9 am and the current temperature is 11 degrees celsius. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. Cellular phones may only be used once the Fasten Seat Belt sign has been turned off. Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.
If you require assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have disembarked. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.
On behalf of  Destiny Airlines and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!” “Mesdames et Messieurs, bienvenue à l'aéroport Charles De Gaulle. L'heure locale est 9h et la température actuelle est de 11 degrés celsius. Pour votre sécurité et votre confort, restez assis avec votre ceinture de sécurité attachée jusqu'à ce que le commandant de bord éteigne le panneau Attache de ceinture de sécurité. Cela indiquera que nous sommes garés à la porte et que vous pouvez vous déplacer en toute sécurité. Les téléphones cellulaires ne peuvent être utilisés que lorsque le panneau Attacher la ceinture de sécurité a été désactivé. Vérifiez autour de votre siège si vous avez apporté des effets personnels que vous avez éventuellement apportés et soyez prudent lorsque vous ouvrez les coffres à bagages supérieurs, car des objets lourds pourraient s'être déplacés pendant le vol. Si vous avez besoin d'assistance, veuillez rester à votre place jusqu'à ce que tous les autres passagers aient débarqué. Un des membres de notre équipage se fera alors un plaisir de vous aider. Au nom de Destiny Airlines et de l’ensemble de l’équipage, je voudrais vous remercier de votre participation à ce voyage et nous espérons vous revoir bientôt. Bonne journée!” Demyx stretched his arms out and got up once the fasten seatbelt light had been turned off. An air hostess fetched his bag for him and wished him a pleasant stay. He walked through the plane and off into the tunnel attaching the plane to the airport, stepping aside to let people pass him as he turned his phone back on. He popped his phone into his pocket and walked towards baggage claim, he looked around himself as he went listening to conversations taking place around him in French... The blonde sighed dreamily, he had no idea what they were saying, but damn if he didn't love the sound of it. His phone buzzing alerted him back to reality, he pulled it from his pocket and answered it. “Hey Axel!” “Hey! You landed safe?” “I did, I'm just in the airport now walking to baggage claim. I'm beat, it was a long flight, but i did manage to get a few hours sleep so that's something.” Axel nodded sleepily. “I'm glad you're safe, have fun okay? I'm going back to sleep. It's 3 am here but I just wanted to check you were okay!” “Thanks Axel, sleep well!” “Bye!” He hung up, but there a message from a weird number on his phone. Huh? Bonjour, bienvenue à Paris! J'attends dans les arrivées pour vous chaque fois que vous êtes prêt! Je m'appelle Zexion et je serai votre guide pour les deux prochaines semaines! Demyx looked at his phone confused and quickly got up google translate. Je suis désolé je ne parle pas beaucoup français.
His phone beeped again. Sorry, force of habit, welcome to Paris. I'm Zexion, your guide for your stay here. I'm waiting in arrivals for you whenever you're ready. Take your time. Demyx looked at his phone blankly. I got myself a guide for the two weeks? He laughed to himself looking over the message again. Drunk Demyx doesn't half ass things... He strolled towards baggage collection, looking at the signs in French and English trying to pick up a few basic words. So bathroom is toilette or salle de bains, exit is sortie, I know hello is bonjour or salut and thank you is merci. He approached the conveyor belt and waited for his bag to appear. His mind was drifting and his hand gripped the ring on his necklace absent mindedly. I wonder what... No. Stop thinking of him... You are done. He cheated on you, he decided through his actions that you are over... There is no going back... He nodded in agreement with this thought as his bright blue bag rounded the corner of the conveyor belt. Demyx pulled it off and walked out the automatic doors to arrivals. He scanned the crowd for his name and his eyes came to a stop on a man not much shorter than himself. His hair was a mixed grey blue colour, it was cut into an intricate style with a side fringe that covered one eye. Wow... I hope all the guys here are THAT hot... He looked back and forth looking for someone, Demyx looked down to his sign out of curiosity and realised with excitement and horror that this was his guide. Oh my God... Zexion's eyes met his gaze and a feeling like lightning shot through him. He smiled and pointed playfully at his sign cocking his head. Demyx nodded feeling stupid and dumbfounded as Zexion walked forward and grabbed his hand in a handshake then pulled him forward and kissed both of his cheeks. “Bienvenue à paris mon ami!” The blonde flushed and pulled his hand free quickly looking down at his shoes wide eyed, Zexion balked at his reaction. “Uhm... Are you ok?” He looked up still red faced. “Are... Are you that friendly with everyone?” Zexion was straight faced for a moment. “Well... Yeah actually... I mean it's Paris... That's how we say hello around here...” Demyx paled wondering if he was ready to be that physically friendly with complete strangers, when Zexion started laughing. “Je blague! Je blague! I'm joking!” The blondes shoulders sagged in relief. “You Americans are so... cute.” Zexion caught his eyes for a moment too long before grabbing his case. “Okay, you have everything?” The blonde nodded. “Great, let's get going!” They walked towards the car with Zexion wheeling Demyx's case. “So we're not too far from Paris... You should be at your hotel in roughly an hour.” He pulled the case to his car and popped open the car boot, Demyx ran to help him get the heavy case into the trunk, but he lifted it in with ease and closed it. He's stronger than he looks... He found his eyes tracing Zexion's frame wondering what might lie under those... “Hop in!” Demyx popped out of his daydream like he'd been caught doing something bad. “What?!” The blue haired man eyed him oddly for a moment. “Hop in?” The blonde shook his head feeling stupid desperately trying to grasp at his memories of French class in high school. “Sorry, uhm... Je suis derriere l'avion...” Zexion looked at him funny. “You're behind the plane...? What... Oh you're jet lagged.” He nodded. “Sorry my French is, basically non existent.” The grey haired man pushed his hair back from his face giving Demyx his first full view, he grinned across at him. “Good thing I'm here then!” He revved the car to life and screeched the car out of their space shouting unknown obscenities at the driver behind them. “So what brings you to Paris?” Demyx shrugged nonchalantly keeping himself carefully in check with each word he said. “I've always wanted to come here. I decided seeing as I'd been working so much overtime lately that I'd come and see the place.” Zexion weighed up his words carefully. “So just a leisure holiday... Solo... To the most romantic city in the world?” The blonde gulped. He's onto me... “Admirable... Braver than a lot of other people who come here... You have no idea how many people come here all romantic, like cannot bear to be alone here... I love my job and I love this city, but some people love to make you feel like a third wheel you know?” Demyx nodded his thoughts creeping back to Xigbar. “Yeah... Nothing worse.” He looked over at Demyx smiling. “Right? So if you look straight ahead you'll see we're about to drive around the 'Arc De Triomphe'.” Demyx sat up and looked straight ahead. “Wow...” Zexion smiled. “Welcome to Paris my friend...”
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spiritualgateway · 7 years
Discourses of Master Po Shan
When working at Zen, the important thing is to generate the i ching (doubt sensation). What is this doubt sensation? For instance: Where did I come from before my birth, and where shall I go after my death?
Since one does not know the answer to either question, a strong feeling of "doubt" arises in the mind. Stick this "doubt-mass" on to your forehead and keep it there all the time until you can neither drive it away nor put it down, even if you want to. Then suddenly you will discover that the doubt-mass has been crushed, that you have broken it into pieces. The masters of old said:
"The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening;
The smaller the doubt, the smaller the awakening;
No doubt, no awakening"
When working at Zen, the worst thing is to become attached to quietness, because this will unknowingly cause you to be engrossed in dead stillness. Then you will develop an inordinate fondness for quietness and at the same time an aversion for activity of any kind.
Once those who have lived amidst the noise and restlessness of worldly affairs experience the joy of quietness, they become captivated by its honey sweet taste, craving it like an exhausted traveler who seeks a peaceful den in which to slumber. How can people with such an attitude retain their awareness?
When working at Zen, one does not see the sky when lifting, nor the earth when lowering, one's head. A mountain is not a mountain, and water is not water. While walking or sitting one is not aware of doing so. Though among a hundred thousand people, no one is seen. Without and within the body and mind nothing exists but the burden of this doubt-sensation. This feeling can be described as "turning the whole world into a muddy vortex."
A Zen yogi should resolutely vow that he will never stop working until this doubt-mass is broken up. This is a most crucial point.
What does this "turning the whole world into a muddy vortex" mean? It refers to the great Truth, which from the time of no-beginning has existed latent and idle—it has never been brought forth. Therefore a Zen yogi should bestir himself to make the heavens spin and the earth and its waters roll; he will benefit greatly from the rolling surges and the tossing waves.
When working at Zen, one should not worry about not being able to revive after death; what should worry you is whether you can die out from the state of life! If you can really wrap yourself up tightly in i ching, the realm of movement will be vanquished naturally without making any specific effort to vanquish it, and distracted thoughts will be purified spontaneously without effort to purify them.
In a wholly natural way one will feel the six senses become spacious and vacuous. When one reaches this state, one will awaken to a mere touch and respond to the slightest call. Why then should one worry about not being able to revive?
When working in Zen, one should concentrate on one koan only, and not try to understand or explain them at all. Even if one were able to do so, this would be merely intellectual understanding and not true revelation. The Lotus Sutra says:
"This Dharma is not understood through thinking and intellection."
The Total Enlightenment Sutra declares:
"To perceive the Realm of Enlightenment of the Tathagata with the thinking mind is like attempting to burn Mount Sumeru with the light of a firefly; never will one succeed."
When working at Zen, one who works with absorption will feel as if they had lifted a thousand-pound load; and even if one wants to put it down, is unable to do so.
In ancient times people could enter the Dhyana while tilling the land, picking peaches or doing anything. It was never a matter of sitting idly for prolonged periods, engaged in forcefully suppressing one's thoughts. Does Dhyana mean stopping one's thoughts? If so, this is a debased Dhyana, not the Dhyana of Zen.
When working at Zen, the most harmful thing is to rationalize, conceptualize, or intellectualize the Tao with one's mind. One who does so will never reach Tao.
When working at Zen, one knows not whether they are walking or sitting. Nothing is present in the mind but the hua tou. Before breaking through the doubt-mass, one loses all sensation of body or mind, let alone such states as walking or sitting.
When working at Zen, one should not just await the coming of enlightenment with an expectant mind. This is like a traveler who sits idly by the road and expects his home to come to him. One will never arrive home this way. One must walk to get there. Likewise, when working at Zen, one never reaches enlightenment merely by waiting for it. One must press forward with all one's mind to get this enlightenment.
Attainment of the great enlightenment is like the sudden blossoming of the lotus flower or the sudden awakening of a dreamer. One cannot by waiting awaken from a dream, but one does so automatically when the time for sleep is over. Flowers cannot bloom by waiting but blossom of themselves when the time has come.
Likewise enlightenment is not so attained, but comes on its own when conditions are ripe. In other words, one should exert all one's strength to penetrate into the hua tou, pressing one's mind to the utmost in order to achieve realization.
Do not misunderstand what I have said and just wait for awakening to come. In the moment of awakening, the clouds vanish and the clear sky shines vast and empty; nothing can obscure it. In this moment heaven spins and the earth somersaults. An entirely different realm appears.
The masters of old said: "Tao, like the great Void, is all-inclusive. It lacks nothing and nothing remains in it."
One who has really attained the state of flexible hollowness sees no world without and no body or mind within. Only then can one be considered as having drawn near the entrance of Tao.
When working at Zen, one should know these four important points: To work on it with absolute detachment and complete freedom in a painstaking, direct, continuous, and flexible-hollow way.
Without directness exertion is completely wasted; and without exertion, directness is useless because it alone can never bring one to the entrance of Tao. Once the entrance is reached, however, one should maintain an uninterrupted continuity in order to attain a state conforming with enlightenment.. Once this state is achieved, one should strive to be flexible-hollow. Only then can one reach the state of wonder.
Po Shan (1575-1630)
The Practice of Zen By: Chang Chen-Chi 1960
Notes from the translator for this reading:
1. I ching is a very important Zen term meaning doubt-sensation or the feeling of doubt. The whole system of koan exercises is based upon the generation and then the break through of this "doubt-sensation." "Doubt" as used here, is not doubt in the ordinary sense of the word; it is, rather, a special type of doubt- a doubt without content-or, more succinctly, the pure sensation of doubt.
Sometimes Zen Buddhists also use the term "doubt-mass" to denote that this sensation is like a great mass or load weighing upon one's mind.
Though i ching in it original useage denotes the doubt brought about by koan exercise, Master Po Shan seems to have used it here in a much wider sense.
2.The six senses are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.
3. Hua tou (the essence of the sentence)  Although both koan and hua tou may be used to denote the "inquiry exercise of Zen," the latter is original and more accurate. "Koan" implies the entire Zen story, including all the events, plus the main question at issue, and therefore is a general term, while "hua tou" is very specific.  Hua tou denotes only the question, not the whole story, and in most cases only the gist, highlight, or essence, so to speak, of the question is implied.   Hua tou also means before a word or thought and the ends or edges of a sentence.
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