#YOU taking me on an adventure in my dreams? nah i'm taking YOU on an adventure
janethepegasus · 5 months
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Solomon found a magic pillow that can allow people to see into the dreams of other people. To test this out, he uses it when he goes to bed and wonders about what kind of dreams his adorable little apprentice has.
...Only to find himself in a strange looking school as a giant monster attacks, standing against this beast is Satan in some sort of super form and a Cookie Run OC named Strawberry Brownie Cookie, meanwhile Jane, who's holding Kirbopher for some reason, cheers them on.
Solomon being confused about what he saw is an understatement.
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vetteltea · 4 months
Paint the Town Red | MV1
summary: when the biggest rumour of the season turns out to be true, how will it effect the bond between you and your best friend?
note: hello! I am alive, I promise. The past few weeks have been wild and I'm slowly returning to be with you all! This is also my first ever SMAU, so PLEASE be gentle with me!
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F1 ✔
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Liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, sebastianvettel, and 704,201 others
F1: BREAKING: Y/N Y/L/N to join Scuderia Ferrari in 2024!
The race-winner from Alphatauri will end her current contract with the Red Bull family after a record-breaking two seasons together. Y/L/N is the first driver to win four consecutive sprint races as well as setting phenomenal wins in Monza and Silverstone
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landoleclerc: FINALLY! she's getting some good recognition and deserves this seat so SO MUCH!!!!!! 😭
scuderiaferrari: welcome home, Y/N ❤️🏎️
pitstopboxbox: I can't believe the rumours were true lmao, who agreed to this?
y/ntauri: @pitstopboxbox she's so much better than half the grid, she deserves this more than anyone else 🤷🏻‍♀️
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alphataurif1 ✔
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Liked by yourusername, yukitsunoda0511, redbullracing and 404,359 others
alphatauri: After two seasons together, Scuderia Alphatauri and Y/N Y/L/N will be parting ways at the end of the 2023 season.
Y/N has always been a valuable and loved member of our team; as the first woman in Formula One racing to score points on the grid, we are more than proud of all we have achieved together. She will always be a loved and appreciated member of the Red Bull Family. We wish her every luck in her future at Scudeira Ferrari.
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redbullracing: thank you for everything, Y/N! 💙❤️
lechairalonso: you all never deserved her, we know what was said about her! Y/N TO FERRARI!!!!!!!!
scuderiaferrari: we'll take good care of our girl! ❤️
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yourusername ✔
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Liked by danielricciardo, gerihalliwell, carlossainz55 and 695,481 others.
yourusername: After an incredible two years and discussions with Franz Tost, Christian Horner and Adrian Newey, I have come to the decision to leave Scuderia Alphatauri at the end of the 2023 season.
Racing has and will always be an incredibly huge part of my life; I will forever be grateful for the opportunity given to me by Alphatauri and the passion and energy I have been able to put into one of the most important things in my life. Franz has been a leader and a legend, Yuki my best friend and the entire team here and back home are phenomenal.
Whilst I am sad to leave behind a legacy created, I am proud to take my next steps into the future as a Scuderia Ferrari driver. This has been a dream of mine ever since I was a child and I cannot wait to fufill the wish that my younger self desired for so long. I want to thank everyone for your love and support along the way and I hope to make you all proud.
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ynarmy: onward and upwards! we can't wait to see your NEXT adventure! 🏎❤️
yukitsunoda0511: I'll miss you forever, keeping your seat warm always! 🤍
redbullsupermax: ain't no way Y/N is winning anything now, this was her best bet as a woman lmao.
sainztsunoda: @redbullsupermax PLSSSS and ur PFP is literally a cheater lMAO 😂😭
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Liked by landonorris, ynverstappenarmy, scuderiapapaya and 24,503 others.
f1gossip: Has the Y/L/N transfer to Ferrari caused issues already? Eagle-Eyed fans among the sport spotted that Three-Time World Champion, Max Verstappen, has UNFOLLOWED Y/N. 
The two have been known for having an incredibly strong relationship on the grid and Verstappen has mentioned to the press multiple times that he believes Y/N would be a suitable driver for Red Bull. The two have known one another since their racing in Formula 3. Has this move to Ferrari caused strain on this friendship?
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oconredflags: there's no way that something like this could split them up? they've been friends for SO long? 😭❤️
ferrarilover1655: nah I'm sorry, max is salty that she's moving onto better things. she has every right to be happy and he should be supporting her
vettellovers: @ferrarilover1655: she's literally moving to FERRARI. WORST MOVE EVER. 😂😂😭
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scuderiaferrari ✔
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername, sebastianvettel and 849,204 others.
scuderiaferrari: The future is red. Say hello to the SF-24, designed and built in Maranello.
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raybans: we're painting the town red in 2024!
yourusername: 🏎️❤️
vettelschumacher: Y/N is going to be the greatest thing that's happened to this team in SO long
liked by charles_leclerc
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liked by papayasainz, beforrealistic, maranellomadness and 56,301 others.
sffanpage: Charles Leclerc and Y/N Y/L/N at Maranello for the SF-24 Launch today! Y/N visited the museum before the official launch and the two were seen leaving the event at the same time after stopping to speak to fans!
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papayasainz: they look like they'll make SUCH a good team? They had so much banter during the launch I LOVE LOVE THE VIBE ❤️😭❤️😭
louisaferrari44: @papayasainz RIGHT? when Charles was welcoming her too and they were giggling when Fred came on, ICONIC 😅
ferrariofficialfanpages: we've need something fresh for so long and I'm so excited that this is happening 🤍❤️🏎
supermaxredbull: I give it 2 races and she'll be done lmao
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yourusername ✔
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Liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc, f1 and 703,402 others.
yourusername: The SF-24 is here and I am so excited! Such a beautiful car built by an incredible team. I hope I can do you all proud this year!
Thank you to everybody who came out to support the team; I feel so welcome and loved and I cannot wait to begin this season on a high! Forza Ferrari! ❤️🏎
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f1: we can't wait to see you on track in red!
charles_leclerc: welcome to the family! ❤️
liked by yourusername
maranellomadness: Y/N IS ABOUT TO REVIVE US ARE WE ALL READY?????
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charles_leclerc ✔
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Liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername, landonorris and 894,402 others
charles_leclerc: SF-24 Launch was incredibleeeee 🤩
Thank you to all the fans and the love in Maranello today, I can't wait to get behind the wheel and bring us some memories and points. ❤️
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yourusername: forza charles! ❤️
liked by charles_leclerc
sffanpage: good luck this season Charles! we can't wait to see you bring home all the points!!
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mcntsee · 1 year
I will always protect you.
Summary: One promise, and three times Kaz kept it.
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, mentions of alcoholism, mention of alcoholic tendencies, underage drinking. Bruises, blood, stabbing, violence. Usual SOC stuff. And a little bit of ooc kaz.
Notes: Their ages go; first, 4 and 5, then, 13 and 14, after that, 15 and 16, and lastly 18 and 19. With Kaz being the oldest of the two. Also, I don’t know how little kids talk, so I tried to express their age more with actions.
Kaz Brekker, a mischievous five-year-old boy with jet-black hair and sharp blue eyes, found himself running through the bustling streets of Lij. He was on his way to buy candy from his favorite stall when, by chance, he collided with a four-year-old girl. She had bright, curious eyes and a mischievous grin of her own.
"Oof! Sorry," Kaz muttered, rubbing his arm where he bumped into Y/N. The girl giggled and brushed herself off. "It's okay. Are you hurt?"
"Nah, I'm tough," Kaz replied, puffing out his chest. "What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N," she replied with a small curtsy. "What's yours?"
"Kaz," he answered, a sly smile forming on his lips. "You wanna come with me? I'm going to buy some candy." Y/N's eyes widened with excitement. "Yes, please! I love candy!"
Hand in hand, they ventured through the vibrant market, their laughter echoing through the air. They marveled at the colorful stalls, the fragrant spices, and the musicians playing lively tunes.
"Look, Y/N, that stall has lollipops!" Kaz pointed, pulling her toward a display of rainbow-colored sweets.
Y/N's eyes sparkled as she picked a blue lolly. "You think we can eat them all?" To the question, Kaz grinned mischievously. "Duh!"
They spent the day running from one stall to another, devouring candy and experiencing the wonders of Lij. They laughed, spun in circles, and created their own little adventures.
As the sun began to set, Kaz and Y/N found themselves sitting on a park bench, exhausted and with a tummy ache but happy.
"Y/N, I think you're my best friend," Kaz said, leaning against her shoulder. Y/N smiled warmly. "And you mine, Kaz. Forever."
After their delightful day in Lij, Kaz and Y/N couldn't bear the thought of being apart. They made a pact to meet at the same spot where they had bumped into each other every single day. And true to their word, they showed up without fail, ready for more adventures.
Their daily escapades were filled with laughter and endless games. They chased each other through the winding streets, played hide-and-seek among the market stalls, and invented new imaginary worlds where they were heroes saving the day.
Sometimes, Kaz would take Y/N to his family's farm on the outskirts of town. With excitement bubbling inside, Y/N met Kaz's older brother, Jordie, who always had a playful smirk on his face. And there was Kaz's father, a strong and kind man who welcomed Y/N with open arms.
Together, the duo explored the vast fields, chasing butterflies, and picking wildflowers. Kaz and Y/N would compete to see who could climb the tallest tree, giggling with delight at their friendly rivalry. They would visit the animals, feeding the chickens and petting the gentle horses.
As time passed, their bond grew stronger, and their adventures became even more extraordinary. They braved make-believe battles against fearsome dragons, crafted secret hideouts with blankets and pillows, and dreamed of grand expeditions to faraway lands.
One sunny afternoon, as Kaz and Y/N sat on their favorite park bench with nothing better to do, Kaz turned to her with a curious expression. "Y/N, can I come to your house today? I want to see where you live."
Y/N hesitated for a moment before shaking her head gently. "I'm sorry, Kaz. Maybe another time."
Kaz furrowed his brow, not entirely understanding why Y/N didn't want him to visit her home. "Awe, but why not?"
Y/N glanced down, her voice softening. "It's just- my da... he can be a little mean sometimes."
Kaz tilted his head, still not comprehending the depth of the situation. "What do you mean, mean? Like he doesn't let you have candy?"
Y/N's eyes filled with a mix of sadness and fear. "Sort of, yeah- it's hard to explain."
Kaz could sense Y/N's discomfort, and he didn't want to press her further if it made her uneasy. He reached out and squeezed her hand gently. "It's okay, maybe some other day?"
Y/N's expression softened, grateful for Kaz's understanding. She gave him a small smile and leaned against his shoulder. "Maybe."
Kaz smiled back, reassuring her with his presence. He knew that sometimes people had difficulties, and what mattered most was supporting each other through it all, even if Y/N's home remained a mystery to Kaz for the time being.
After a while of some more talking, y/n glanced at her old pocket watch, eye’s widening when she saw the time. “Uh oh. I need to go Kaz.” hurriedly, she stood up from her previous spot, putting her watch back in its place. While she ran as fast as her little legs could, she heard her name being called by Kaz “See you tomorrow?” Without stopping or looking back she yelled “Duh!” and just like that, she was out of Kaz’s sight.
The following day, Kaz waited in their usual meeting spot for hours, but Y/N never showed up. Feeling a mix of disappointment, he eventually headed home to find his older brother Jordie.
“Jordie, something’s wrong,” Kaz exclaimed as he entered the house. “Y/N didn’t come today. I think she doesn’t want to be friends anymore.”
Jordie chuckled softly, trying to ease Kaz’s concerns. “Come on, Kaz. Y/N wouldn’t just ditch you like that. Maybe she had something important to do.”
Kaz sighed, still uncertain. “But she always keeps her promises. I think it’s because I asked to go to her house. Maybe I pushed too much.”
Jordie’s expression shifted, a hint of unease crossing his face. “What did she say, Kaz? Why couldn’t you go to her house?”
Kaz shrugged, oblivious to Jordie’s uneasiness. “Y/N just said her da is not very nice sometimes.” Jordie’s eyes narrowed slightly, concern deepening. “She even mentioned he doesn’t let her have candy! Can you believe that?” Jordie listened attentively to Kaz’s concerns, his worry growing with each word. He understood the weight of Kaz’s words about Y/N’s father but decided not to mention it directly to Kaz, wanting to shield him from unnecessary distress.
“Kaz, I understand that you’re worried,” Jordie said with a reassuring smile. “But trust me, Y/N is still your best friend. Sometimes things come up, and she might have had something important to take care of. Don’t jump to conclusions just yet.”
Kaz nodded, albeit still a bit unconvinced. “I guess you’re right, Jordie. I just miss her, that’s all.” Jordie gave Kaz a kind smile and patted his back lovingly “Also, you’re not supposed to be eating candy either, mister.”
One day turned into three, and although Jordie kept his worries about Y/N’s situation to himself, he couldn’t shake off the unease. He watched Kaz’s hopeful eyes and felt a sense of responsibility to protect his little brother’s innocence.
Days after, as Kaz sat at their usual meeting spot, the weight of worry had settled upon him. But this time, his anticipation shifted into sheer surprise as Y/N appeared, offering an apologetic smile.
Kaz’s eyes widened as he saw Y/N approaching, and he jumped up with excitement. “Y/N! You’re here! I missed you so much! Where have you been?”
Y/N’s smile flickered, and she looked down sheepishly. “Sorry, Kaz. I had important stuff to do. But I’m done now and I brought you a lolly!”
Kaz’s joy quickly turned to concern as he noticed the bruises on Y/N’s face and body. He furrowed his brow and asked, “What happened? You fall down?”
Y/N’s eyes filled with tears, and she shook her head. “I’m not really allowed to talk about it.”
Kaz’s protective instincts kicked in, and he thought for a moment. “Well, my da is really good at fixing things. Maybe he can help you. Would you like that?” Y/N hesitated but nodded.
Hand in hand, Kaz and Y/N made their way to Kaz’s farm, a sense of determination guiding Kaz’s steps. They arrived at the farm, and Kaz’s father greeted them warmly.
“Da, Y/N has some little cuts and bruises,” Kaz explained, concern evident in his voice. “Can you help?”
Kaz’s father knelt down, examining Y/N’s injuries with a gentle touch. “What happened?” he questioned hoping for an answer, sadly, he got the same response as Kaz. “I’m not allowed to talk about it.”
Once Kaz’s father finished cleaning up Y/N’s wounds, he sat down with a concerned expression on his face. “Honey, I understand that you can’t talk about it, but I want you to know that you’re safe here. No one will find out, and Kaz and I will keep this as our secret. Won’t we, Kaz?” The boy eagerly nodded.
Y/N hesitated, looking at Kaz’s dad with a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability. Slowly, she mustered the courage to speak. “My ma and da are both sick.”
Kaz’s dad nodded, encouraging her to continue. “Can you tell me more about it, Y/N?”
Y/N took a deep breath, her voice trembling. “Sometimes… sometimes they talk really weird, and they walk funny.” She paused for a second to look at Kaz’s confused face. “They sleep a lot too.”
Kaz’s dad’s face softened with understanding. “They’re alcoholics?”
Y/N looked puzzled, not fully comprehending the question being made. Kaz’s dad continued, trying his best to explain in a way that a young child could understand. “Sometimes, some people enjoy something that’s not good for them, like drinking too much alcohol. It can make them act differently and cause them to hurt themselves and others.”
Y/N’s eyes widened, realizing that Kaz’s dad understood the situation better than she expected. Encouraged by his empathy, she opened up a little more. “My da is really mean to me sometimes.”
Kaz’s dad’s expression turned solemn, and he pulled Y/N into a comforting hug. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Y/N. No one should ever be mean to you. You’re a kind and wonderful girl.”
Y/N fought back tears, feeling the warmth of Kaz’s dad’s embrace and the reassurance in his words. As he wiped away her tears, he gently asked, “Would you like to have a sleepover here tonight?”
At first, Y/N hesitated, worried about the potential consequences. “I should be on my way home before my dad gets angry at me.” she whispered.
Kaz’s dad gently took her hand and looked into her eyes with kindness. “You don’t have to worry about that here. I’ll talk to him, how’s that sound?”
Slowly, she nodded, finally letting herself accept the care and compassion offered to her. “Okay, I’ll stay.”
Kaz was thrilled to have Y/N stay for a sleepover, knowing they would get to spend more time together than ever before. He took her hand and led her up to his room, eager to show her all his new toys.
Hours passed as they laughed, played, and let their imaginations run wild. Kaz's room became a world of adventure, filled with shared stories and cherished moments.
But as the evening grew late, Kaz remembered he needed to say goodnight to his dad and Jordie. He quietly made his way downstairs, hoping to bid them farewell before returning to his room with Y/N. Just as he was about to reach the main living area, he overheard his father and Jordie having a conversation in hushed tones.
Curiosity got the better of him, and Kaz leaned closer, eavesdropping on their words. His heart sinking as he heard his da say, "Her father hits her."
Shock and anger coursed through Kaz's young veins. He couldn't fathom why someone would hurt Y/N, his dear friend. Without hesitation, he quickly said goodnight to his father and Jordie, a mix of determination and concern etched on his face.
Hurrying back to his room, he found Y/N, already lying down in her makeshift bed, waiting for him. He approached her gently, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. “I will always protect you, Y/n.”
Recently, Kaz had suffered a broken leg, rendering him immobile and dependent on Y/N’s support. Determined to alleviate their hunger, Y/N made a solemn promise. “Don’t worry, Kaz. I’ll find us food. Your job is to rest and heal.”
With a sense of purpose, Y/N embarked on a risky endeavor to steal from those they deemed as “rich assholes.” It was a desperate act born out of necessity, driven by the dire circumstances they found themselves in. Little did Y/N know that Kaz, the restless boy he always was, had decided to secretly follow her.
Kaz hobbled along with a mixture of determination and worry. He understood the risks involved, but his loyalty and protective nature urged him to be by Y/N’s side. He remained hidden, his eyes fixed on his friend’s movements, marveling at her agility and resourcefulness.
Y/N, driven by desperation, resorted to pickpocketing in an attempt to secure food for both her and Kaz. If she was lucky, she could get more money than she would by working for the dregs for a week. She managed to successfully lift money from three unsuspecting individuals, but on her fourth attempt, her lack of experience betrayed her. The merchant she targeted noticed her actions and seized her wrist forcefully, yanking her forward while unleashing a torrent of anger.
“You little thief! Trying to steal from me, huh?” Y/N struggled to break free, her heart pounding in her chest. However, the merchant’s grip only tightened, preventing her escape. “I won’t let you get away with it!” Fear gripped her, and tears welled up in her eyes as she braced herself for the consequences of her actions.
Just as the merchant leaned in, ready to strike, Kaz, fueled by a surge of protective instinct, launched himself at the man, tackling him to the ground even though the pain in his leg was killing him.
“Leave her alone! Don’t you dare touch her!” The sudden attack caught the merchant off guard, giving Y/N a precious moment to pull away from his grasp. She stumbled backward, tears streaming down her face, but relief washed over her as Kaz shielded her from harm.
Kaz stood defiantly, his eyes blazing with determination. He wouldn’t allow anyone to harm Y/N, not while he was there to protect her. “You better stay away from us, or else you’ll regret it!” With that warning, Kaz extended a hand to Y/N, offering her support. She grasped his hand, her fingers trembling, and together they quickly retreated from the scene, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and relief.
With their stomachs growling, Kaz and Y/N made their way to the bakery. Y/N’s heart raced, but luck was on their side for what seemed to be the first time in a long while. The stolen money she had managed to gather before getting caught was just enough to buy a loaf of bread, some meat, and cheese for Kaz.
As they walked back to their dilapidated “home,” a sense of relief washed over them. Amidst the worn-down buildings and bustling streets, Y/N’s eyes caught sight of a discarded cane. Acting swiftly, she snatched it, ensuring no one would notice its absence.
As Y/N handed the cane to Kaz, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes. Kaz accepted it with gratitude, but when he instinctively positioned it on the wrong side, Y/N couldn’t help but giggle.
“No, silly,” Y/N chuckled, gently correcting him. “The cane goes on the hand opposite the side that needs support.”
Kaz’s brows furrowed, momentarily perplexed, but he quickly adjusted the cane to the correct side, a sheepish smile forming on his face. “Oh yeah, that’s way better.”
“Thanks for saving my ass back there, Kaz” Struggling to match his steps with the cane, Kaz looked at her, “I will always protect you, Y/N,” he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.
As Y/N turned 15 and Kaz reached 16, their lives continued to be a challenging dance with fate. However, a troubling change began to surface in Y/N’s behavior. Kaz noticed that she was increasingly reliant on alcohol, far beyond their occasional shared glass after a long day at Fifth Harbor.
It became apparent to Kaz that he rarely saw Y/N completely sober. Though she fluctuated between tipsy and heavily intoxicated, the presence of sobriety seemed to elude her. Concern etched across Kaz’s face as he observed the toll alcohol was taking on his dear friend.
He approached her room, where y/n was nursing a drink, and gently voiced his concerns. “You’ve been drinking a lot lately.” Y/n, defensive and caught off guard, shrugged it off with a dismissive tone. “Pff, come on, Kaz, ‘m just having fun. What’s the big deal?”
Kaz’s expression grew serious as he responded, “It’s not just about having fun anymore, y/n. It’s becoming a problem. Both your parents were alcoholics, and that makes it more likely for you to become one too.” He didn’t intend to bring back ugly memories, he just wanted Y/n back. His Y/n.
“Oh, so now you think ‘m like the asshole of a father I had? ‘s that what you’re saying?” But alas, luck was never really on his side, was it? Kaz hurried to explain, “No, y/n, that’s not what I meant. I’m just worried-“ But y/n was too defensive to listen. Her voice rose, and she interrupted him, “Just leave me alone, Kaz!”
Frustration built up within Kaz as he struggled to make his point. “I’m trying to help you, y/n! Can’t you see that?“
“I don’t need your help!
Their voices grew louder as the argument intensified. Hurtful words were exchanged, both knowing deep down that they didn’t mean them. In the heat of the moment, y/n’s drunken state led to a physical outburst - a push against Kaz. Stunned by the shove, Kaz felt a mix of anger and disappointment. He looked y/n in the eyes, his voice laced with bitterness. “Maybe you’re more like your father than you think.”
With those words hanging in the air, Kaz turned and walked out of y/n’s room, slamming the door behind him. The silence that followed was heavy with regret and realization.
Y/n, now alone, gradually started to comprehend the gravity of her actions. She felt a rush of memories flooding back - memories of her father’s destructive behavior and the pain it caused. The weight of her actions settled in, “Saints!”
Seeking clarity, y/n decided to take a cold shower, hoping it would sober her up both physically and mentally. As the cold water washed away the haze, she reflected on the hurtful things she had said and done. A couple of hours later, feeling completely sober, y/n mustered the courage to approach Kaz’s door.
Kaz opened the door, his face still wearing a frown, unsure of what to expect. Y/n took a deep breath and asked, “Can I come in?”
Hesitant, Kaz nodded and let y/n into his room. The atmosphere was tense, but y/n was determined to make amends. With a shaky voice, she spoke, “I’m completely sober now, Kaz.”
Kaz’s expression softened, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He nodded and replied, “Good.” Feeling the weight of her actions, y/n continued, “I never intended for it to go that far, Kaz” her voice filled with remorse. Kaz sighed and took a seat on his bed, ready to lend a listening ear. He understood that y/n needed to talk, to find a way to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded.
With a deep breath, y/n continued, “I don’t even know when it started or how it got to this point. The need for a drink just became so overwhelming, and I couldn’t seem to stop myself.”
Kaz listened attentively, his eyes fixed on y/n, offering support without judgment. They spent hours talking, unraveling the underlying reasons for y/n’s struggle with alcohol and exploring the pain and insecurities that fueled it.
As y/n poured out her heart, Kaz remained by her side, offering guidance and understanding. He didn’t have all the answers, but he knew the importance of being there for y/n during this difficult time. He could see the genuine remorse and determination in her eyes.
With a sense of gratitude, y/n said, “Thanks for always being there, Kaz.” Kaz’s gaze softened, and he replied sincerely, “I will always protect you, y/n.” He reached a shaky hand out to her, “Even if it is from yourself.”
The crows and their stupid heists. Y/N and Kaz sat together in Kaz's office, surrounded by the other members of the crows. The air was filled with anticipation as they discussed their latest heist to steal a valuable pocket watch, rumored to be worth a fortune in Kruge. The details of how Kaz had stumbled upon this job remained a mystery to the crows, except for Y/N, who knew it came from a whisper Kaz had overheard in the bustling streets of Ketterdam.
The heist was no easy task, but it also didn't compare to the complexity of their other endeavors- like breaking Matthias out of the notorious Ice Court. This realization brought a sense of confidence to the group, as they knew they had faced greater challenges and emerged victorious. As the planning session drew to a close, the crows dispersed, leaving Y/N alone with Kaz.
Y/N took a seat opposite Kaz, her expression filled with concern. Kaz, ever the enigma, raised an eyebrow and prompted her to share what troubled her. With a deep breath, Y/N spoke up, voicing her worry about the people of Ketterdam and their reliability. She confessed her doubts about trusting anyone in this city, especially considering the clandestine nature of the whisper that led them to the heist.
Kaz couldn't help but let out an amused laugh, breaking the tension in the room. He understood Y/N's concerns all too well. After all, his experiences had taught him that trust was a rare and precious commodity in Ketterdam. But he also recognized the inherent irony in the situation—that the whisper, despite its uncertain source, had provided them with a valuable opportunity.
"You're right, Y/N," Kaz replied, a hint of amusement lacing his words. "People in Ketterdam are not worth trusting, or at least not easily. But this whisper most likely came from some drunk idiot who couldn't keep his mouth shut. We'll tread carefully, as always."
Y/N nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. She trusted Kaz. She always has. Knowing that his keen intuition and meticulous planning would guide them through the heist. “Are you sure you are ok with taking the pocket watch with you for a couple days until I figure out what to do with it?” With renewed assurance she nodded and they set their sights on the task at hand.
As the day turned into night, the crows meticulously executed their plan. Each member played their part flawlessly, their individual skills and unique abilities synergizing to overcome the obstacles in their path. Their heist was a masterclass in cunning and precision, culminating in the successful acquisition of the pocket watch. Little did they know, however, that their triumph held a secret yet to be discovered.
Unbeknownst to Kaz and Y/N, the whisper did not come from just any drunk idiot, it came from y/n’s father and the pocket watch they proudly took, concealed a hidden tracker. It had been planted there by Y/N's own father—a revelation that would soon shake their world.
After the celebration ended, Y/N bid her comrades farewell and made her way back to her apartment, yearning for a well-deserved rest. Fatigue hung heavily upon her, demanding solace in the form of warmth and comfort. She set about preparing herself a cup of tea, the steam from the kettle rising lazily in the air. While waiting she decided that she had enough time for a much needed quick shower.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, her father, driven by a sinister agenda, had stealthily infiltrated her sanctuary. Hidden in the shadows, he seized the opportunity presented by the teapot, meticulously applying a deadly poison to the water within. Satisfied with his clandestine act, he retreated to a darkened corner, waiting for his daughter to return.
Blissfully unaware of the peril lurking within her own abode, Y/N continued her routine, seeking solace in the embrace of a soothing shower. The cascading water served as a respite, washing away the weariness of the day. Refreshed and unaware of the impending danger, Y/N emerged from the bathroom and made her way to the small kitchen, intending to savor the warmth of her tea.
With unquestioning trust, Y/N raised the cup to her lips and drained its contents in a single gulp. A moment later, a chilling voice pierced the silence, causing her to startle. "You know, you ruined my life," the intruder uttered, the words dripping with venom. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she realized she was not alone.
Reacting swiftly, a mixture of fear and determination coursed through her veins. She instinctively reached for a kitchen knife, her trembling hand clutching the handle tightly. Slowly and cautiously, she advanced toward the shadowy figure, her senses heightened.
As the figure laughed, the sinister sound echoing in the confined space, they taunted Y/N with words that struck like daggers. "Kill me if you'd like. It won't make a difference, by the end of the night, we both will be dead, dear daughter," they proclaimed, their voice seeping with a sinister resolve.
Y/N's mind raced, grappling with a flood of emotions. Fear mingled with confusion, but beneath it all, a fierce determination flickered. With every step, she steeled herself, ready to confront the threat that now loomed before her. The room became a battlefield, a clash of wills between a daughter seeking to protect herself and the malevolent force that sought to extinguish her existence.
As Y/N launched herself forward, driven by a potent mix of rage and self-preservation, her hand gripped the kitchen knife with a determination that bordered on desperation. With a swift and deliberate motion, she aimed for her father's abdomen, piercing his flesh and eliciting a pained gasp. Yet, even in his moment of agony, he mustered a twisted laugh, taunting her with the knowledge that her own life was destined to be cut short because of him.
The realization of her impending fate weighed heavily upon Y/N as she watched her father's life slip away. With each fading breath, he served as a macabre reminder of the torment he had inflicted upon her. But despite the finality of his demise, Y/N's heart remained heavy, burdened by the understanding that her own days were now numbered.
Her eyes fell upon her father's lifeless form, his body growing cold as the minutes ticked away. In a hurried gesture, Y/N searched his pockets, her hands moving with urgency. Her search led her to an empty glass, bearing the traces of the poison that had claimed so many lives before. She knew its deadly effects all too well, having witnessed its aftermath firsthand. There was no salvation for her now, only a slim chance of surviving until morning.
Driven by a sense of urgency, Y/N hurriedly descended to the dimly lit streets of Ketterdam. Amid the shadows, she spotted Rotty, a trusted member of the crew. With a sense of urgency, she thrust a note into his hands, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and determination as she implored him to deliver it to Kaz.
"Rotty," she called out, her voice laced with urgency. "Take this note. Deliver it to Kaz. Please hurry."
Rotty, recognizing the gravity of the situation, nodded solemnly, his loyalty unwavering. Without wasting another moment, he set off on his assigned task, the note clutched tightly in his grasp. Y/N watched his retreating figure, her heart pounding with anticipation and a glimmer of hope, praying that Kaz would receive her message in time.
In the midst of uncertainty, with the poison coursing through her veins, Y/N was acutely aware that the sands of time were slipping away, but she knew what she needed to do.
Rotty’s hurried footsteps echoed through the halls of Kaz’s office as he approached the door. He knocked, alerting Kaz to his presence, and without waiting for an invitation, he entered, his expression grave. Kaz’s sharp gaze locked onto Rotty, ready to inquire about the urgency that fueled his arrival. However, before a single word could leave Kaz’s lips, Rotty handed him the note and swiftly departed, leaving Kaz alone with the cryptic message.
Kaz’s eyes widened as he unfolded the note, revealing a simple white paper with a solitary lollipop drawn on it. To an outsider, this might have seemed perplexing, but to Kaz Brekker, it held a hidden significance. A sense of urgency surged through him as he recognized the unspoken message encoded within.
Kaz’s heart pounded in his chest as he raced to Y/N’s apartment, his mind racing with a million possibilities. The gravity of the situation only grew stronger with every step he took. When he finally arrived, he wasted no time and barged into the apartment, his senses on high alert.
The sight that greeted him was chilling—a man sprawled on the floor, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. Kaz’s breath caught in his throat as he took in the scene, the implications of what had transpired sinking in. Before he could utter a single word, Y/N emerged from her room, her face pale with a mixture of relief and anguish.
“My father,” Y/N whispered, her voice laced with a complex blend of emotions.
Kaz approached Y/N cautiously, his gaze locked onto her. He could see the fear and exhaustion etched across her features, the toll of the night’s events visible in her eyes. Her face drained of the color it usually had, hands and body slightly trembling. “What happened.”
Kaz listened intently as Y/N recounted the events, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and raw emotion. He could sense the weight of her words, the pain that laced every syllable. As she spoke, he noticed the omission—the crucial pieces of information she chose not to share.
“Y/N,” Kaz began gently, his voice laced with concern, “How did he find you.” Y/N hesitated for a moment, she knew. Of course she knew the stupid watch had a tracker, she knew the whisper wasn’t just any drunk asshole, but she couldn’t tell him. “I don’t know Kaz. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough.”
Y/n’s hand extended towards Kaz, holding out the bottle she had found in her father’s jacket. Kaz took the empty bottle from Y/N’s trembling hand, his gloved finger slowly swiping over it. Realization hit him and he knew, he knew he was about to loose his best friend. “I can’t die like this, Kaz. Not because of him.” Kaz’s face pales as he comprehends the gravity of the situation. He knows all too well that this poison means certain death, and he knew what y/n was asking, but the mere thought of being the one to take her life was unbearable.
“I can’t,” Kaz says, his voice filled with desperation. “I can’t do that y/n. Please.” Please. He was begging his brain to think of something else. To find a solution that wouldn’t take her away, not now, not ever.
She understands the pain it causes him, but she needs him, needs his strength and protection more than ever. With a flicker of determination in her eyes, she implores, “Please, Kaz, protect me one last time.”
Her words strike deep into Kaz’s heart, shattering it into pieces. He made a vow years ago to safeguard Y/N, and he never intended to break it, not now, not ever. With a shaky hand, she hands Kaz a dagger, its blade sharp enough to tear through her heart.
Kaz’s mind races, desperately seeking a way to keep her safe, to find an alternative. But the reality of the situation crashes down on him as y/n crumples to her knees, clutching her chest tightly. In that moment, he understands that there are no potions, no saint, no saving her from this fate.
Gently, Kaz sits on the cold floor of the apartment and scoots closer to y/n, carefully cradling her against his chest. He knows she doesn’t want to die at the hands of the man who tormented her for years.
With a heavy heart, he takes the dagger, holding it as delicately as he can, his hands trembling as he positions it on top of her heart. He wishes there was another way, a way to spare her this pain, but in this moment, protecting her means granting her final wish.
“I will always protect you, y/n.” And with a final kiss to her sweaty forehead, the dagger went right through her heart, forever stopping it.
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tw1l1te · 2 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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gloomy0x0phantom · 7 months
Straw Hat Pirates ☆ Sexuality, relationship
Hi there! It's my first time posting a headcanon, I'm so nervous! English is not my first language, I use a translator, so don't hesitate to correct me and if you like what I write, I'd love a little comment~ ✧ these headcanons are related to the manga/anime. I have different headcanons for x readers (●'◡'●)
tw : mention of sex, genital, masturbation
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Monkey D. Luffy ☆ Demisexual
✧ At first, I wrote that Luffy is an aromatic asexual, but after finishing his part, I realized it didn't work. I was thinking he is clueless all the time, that he had no interest in sex, borderline disgusted by it, but... no? ✧ Luffy loves sex, he just hasn't discovered it yet! ✧ Unsurprisingly, he's never been in a relationship and isn't looking for one. He's married to the adventure and the one piece ✧ Luffy is completely lost when it comes to love, romance, sex, relationships... Don't get me wrong, in friendship he's the best friend you could ever wish to have, but being in love with him is a real pain in the ass. Boa Hancock is the proof, poor thing. At the same time, falling in love with a 17-year-old when she was 29, uh... that's her problem. ✧ Chopper and Robin tried to explain the whole act of lovemaking, how babies are created, why he sometimes wakes up with an erection - in short, the basics of attraction, sex and hormones. It was a failure. Luffy understands the words spoken to him, but is unable to see why it concerns him. My boi feels nothing 99.9% of the time. ✧ Chopper wanted to continue the conversation, but Robin suddenly realised what was going on. "Luffy, when you see breasts or a penis, muscles and butts, does your body get hot? Does it make you feel very happy and excited?" "Nah." ✧ The whole crew "knows" his sexuality, they all think Luffy is asexual, but it's not their fault, even him thinks he's completely asexual. ✧ He doesn't jerk off. He's more excited about the One Piece than naked humans and I totally get it. ✧ When the Straw Hats talk about love and potential future partners, it bores their captain to no end. People have tried to figure out what Luffy is looking for in a partner, but it's all a blur to him. ✧ Luffy is passionate, he always gives his all in everything he does, he's ready to die for his dream and his friends, he prioritizes the One Piece and his crew. He wants a partner who's like him and shares the same values. And who can cook!
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Roronoa Zoro ☆ Demisexual, gay
✧ Zoro knows he's gay, but he doesn't know he's demisexual. ✧ To be honest, Zoro doesn't know when he discovered his sexuality. He's always had a thing for strong spirits, bodies shaped by hours of training, solid values and someone who can take care of themselves in a fight. A woman can very well have these traits, but they're not the ones who capture the swordsman's attention. ✧ Zoro is not familiar with the various terms of the LGBTQ+ community, pronouns, gender, it's a very abstract concept to him and above all, useless. He doesn't understand why people try to put a label on their foreheads and put themselves in a box. You're straight? Ok. You're gay? Cool. You were born in a man's body, but you're a woman? All right. He doesn't give a shit what you've got between your legs or what you like (unless it's illegal). ✧ It's no secret that he's gay, but he doesn't talk about it openly. He embraces who he is, but he doesn't want to discuss it. What he likes and what he wants is nobody's business but his own. ✧ He's never expressed his orientation and preferences out loud, but he's sure Nami, Robin, Brook and Franky know. ✧ He's never been in a relationship. ✧ He had two one-night stands, only to discover that it wasn't enjoyable. Yes, the act itself was okay, only because he was emptying his balls into a hole and not into his hand, but the experience was never fun enough to make him want to do it again. ✧ When he fucked strangers, Zoro felt disconnected from the act. His body moved, but his head was empty, as if he were on autopilot. He wanted it to be over as quickly as possible and to leave without ever seeing the man again. After what he considers two failures, Zoro has simply crossed the possibility of sleeping with a stranger off his list. ✧ He knows he'd like a partner who knows him from A to Z. He doesn't want to waste his time with someone who might drop him after a few years. ✧ Zoro doesn't consider himself a romantic, but... ideally... in a perfect world... he'd like to find his soulmate and die by his side.
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Nami ☆ Lesbian
✧ I'm sorry, but this girl NEVER liked men. ✧ She was the little girl who didn't want to play with baby dolls and was disgusted by the idea of marrying a boy. "Boy? ew!!!" ✧ When she lost her mother and joined Arlong, her hatred for men increased x1000. From then on, she was surrounded by men 24/7, and subconsciously, the words pirates and men became linked. Luckily, Luffy arrived and helped Nami out of her predicament. But strangely enough, her distaste for men never went away. Her prejudices are still as strong. ✧ It's silly, but Nami is the kind of person who realized her sexuality one night before bed. Like, "Oh. I like chicks. Cool." and fell asleep without ever thinking about it again. ✧ She accepts her love for women, but she does NOT want the world to know. Her friends ok, but their allies, the government and their enemies? Nop nop nop. ✧ Anything to do with her person, she prefers to keep a mystery. Why ? Because she doesn't want this information to be treated as a weakness. ✧ Nami is terrified of love. ✧ One day, she'd like to abandon herself in a woman's arms and experience true love, but she doesn't want to relive what happened with her mother. Losing someone dear to her, Nami doesn't think she could survive this misfortune a second time. ✧ As soon as Nami senses that she's developing a crush, she goes into sabotage mode and ends the relationship, forcing herself to forget her feelings, regardless of whether it hurts or not. It's her way of protecting her heart, but also the other person. ✧ She's the most sensitive of the crew and probably the one who'll suffer the most in terms of love. ✧ Her knees go weak when she meets a warm, maternal, smiling, strong and loyal woman. ✧ Nojiko suspects that her sister is a lesbian, but they've never discussed it. Nami is afraid her sister won't accept her, even though she knows it's totally ridiculous and that Nojiko only wants her happiness. ✧ Gazing at the stars one night, Nami opened up to Vivi and confessed her secret. Vivi reassured her that her confidence would be safe, and not to worry about her secret seeing the light of day. Vivi admits that she has never kissed anyone else. They shared a sweet kiss under the moon, their first, but not their last. ✧ Nami had hoped Vivi would stay with the Straw Hat crew, but... she's a princess and her kingdom needs her. Nami didn't allow herself to deal with the separation properly; she felt stupid for falling for a princess. ✧ While she was secretly crying one evening, Usopp joined her and comforted her, even though he didn't know why she was sad. He suspected it had something to do with Vivi, and he was right. After a long hour of silence and tears, Nami explained the situation to Usopp, who gave her a big hug. He explained that he understood how she felt, that leaving Kaya so suddenly had affected him and that he still missed her every day. Then that he felt foolish for falling for a girl so smart and rich, when he's nothing compared to her... After that moment, Nami and Usopp grew closer and share a unique bond.
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Usopp ☆ Kayasexual Heterosexual
✧ This man has never questioned his sexuality. He loves women and he knows it, he's never doubted it. ✧ He's so comfortable with his orientation that he's not afraid to kiss and cuddle his best friends. ✧ TIME SPENT WITH THE BOYS IS IMPORTANT AND TREASURED. ✧ You know that person who is always touching his friends ass, and is borderline intimate with them, but 100% straight? Yeah, that's Usopp. ✧ He loves to piss Sanji off by kissing his cheeks and complimenting him in a very unsubtle way. "Oh Sanji, can you open this pickle jar with your so muscular arms?" "Oh you're so strong, so sexy, what would I do to have a brave knight like you?" "Oh no Sanji, I'm stuck, can you help me please? 🥺" Sanji hates him. ✧ He's never been in a relationship, but he's in love with Kaya. ✧ When he left Syrup Village, he thought he only loved her as a friend, but with distance and time... he realized that his feelings were a little stronger than friendship. He doesn't know if she loves him back and he thinks about it at least twice a day. Nami tried to reassure him, even though she's not 100% sure if the girl likes him, but how do you comfort a big scaredy-cat like Usopp? It's an impossible task. ✧ He's a virgin and he's not afraid to say it, he considers it nothing to be ashamed of. On the other hand, he masturbates whenever the opportunity arises, which he's a ashamed. He fantasizes about the day when Kaya and he will be reunited, their wedding, generally cute and intimate scenarios, he feels too guilty to imagine any other woman. ✧ Even if the chance presents itself to sleep with someone, he doesn't want to. He's saving himself for Kaya. ✧ If Kaya meets another man or doesn't share Usopp's feelings, he'll suffer for years. Please, he's pathetic and unable to move on. And rebuild his self-esteem? I swear, he'd rather die than live that reality. ✧ Usopp lies constantly, so when people ask him who Kaya is, oh boy, his description sounds downright like a lie, but it's not. He described her as a beautiful goddess straight from heaven, a delicate blonde with the most beautiful smile, a heart of gold, a perfect body... you and I both know that's no lie.
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Sanji ☆ Bisexual (doesn’t accept it yet)
✧ I wrote Sanji last because oh boy, he's a disaster. I must point out that I'm in Dressrosa in the manga. So anything to do with Sanji's childhood, I don't talk about it.  ✧ We all know that Sanji loves women, it's not even a question. ✧ But men, hmm? hmmmmmm ? ✧ Sanji has always been a woman's man, admiring them from near and far, respecting them (while being a huge pervert) and dreaming of being stepped on by them. ✧ He's said to be in love with all the beautiful women in the world, but he's a little unsettled when a woman reciprocates his feelings. When a woman loves him back, he is almost... disappointed. He doesn't know how to react, so he goes with the flow and continues to compliment the woman in question, but deep down he feels awfully empty. This emptiness is made up of doubt, disappointment, fear and incomprehension. ✧ Does she really love me? No, she can't. She doesn't. I don't love her. I can't offer her what she's looking for, she can't satisfy all my needs. She only returns my feelings because I've made her believe I love her, but I don't. She's beautiful, but she hasn't got my heart, she's not for me. We're not compatible, what I feel for her isn't real, it's just a bunch of lies. She'll suffer with me, I might lose her, I'll suffer and she'll lose me. ✧ When he worked at Baratie, Sanji slept with a few women after closing time. All were pleasurable and positive experiences, but purely carnal. ✧ One evening, while he was a waiter, a young lady responded positively to his advances and a few hours later, they ended up kissing in a hallway. After a long make-out session, the woman gently pushed Sanji away. "Before we continue, I must warn you, I..." "Yes, ma douce?" (my sweet) After a moment's hesitation, Sanji noticed that the woman was lost in thought and didn't look well. "We can stop if you-" She took Sanji's hand and placed it on her crotch, where Sanji could clearly feel an erection. Surprise flashed across the blond's eyes and for a moment, his brain shut down. Seeing the cook's lack of response, the woman was hurt and tried to push him away, before he tackled her against a wall and kissed her forcefully, but passionately. His hand continued to caress the erection without thinking too much about the implication. He has a dick too, so... it shouldn't be much different, should it? The evening was perfect and left Sanji with many questions, but also a feeling of satisfaction. ✧ After this one-night stand, Sanji began to question his sexual preferences and became curious. If he enjoyed sleeping with a trans woman, would he enjoy sleeping with a... no. No, no and no. Impossible. Men are disgusting compared to women... but... ✧ To confirm his doubt, he slept with a man and didn't like the experience... Okay that's a lie, he loved it. All the new sensations he felt, he couldn't forget. But he told himself that it was probably an exception, that he'd had too much to drink (he hadn't) and that, in short, he was never going to sleep with a man again. Once again, a lie. ✧ When Sanji joined the Straw Hat Pirates, he didn't have the opportunity to sleep around like at the Baratie, but his existential crisis didn't stop. ✧ He couldn't help noticing Zoro working out. His muscles, his smell, his sweat… Usopp's hair, his long fingers, his back… Franky's speedo, his hairy legs, his abs… ✧ He was able to keep a low profile and not overly observe the other men in the crew, but after the timeskip? Not only had Nami and Robin become even more beautiful, but the men? More muscles, more hormones! ✧ Then his time on Momoiro Island only confused him even more about his sexuality... ✧ Deep down, Sanji loves men as much as women, but he hopes no one knows. ✧ Zoro knows it, Nami, Usopp, Brook, Franky and Robin suspect it.
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Tony Tony Chopper ☆ Heterosexual
✧ Chopper loves reindeer women! ✧ Of all the members of the group, Chopper was the only one to forbid himself to think about love. He thought that love wasn't for a monster like him. He accepts his physique and his identity, but being surrounded by humans has led him to believe that he couldn't have a girlfriend, that it was an absurd idea. ✧ As Chopper traveled the oceans with the Straw Hat Pirates, he was relieved to meet people like himself! He didn't believe that hybrids existed outside his case, after all, he'd eaten a devil's fruit and those can't be duplicated. ✧ Zou is his paradise. ✧ Unfortunately I don't have much to say for our favorite doctor, he's a teenager and he likes women. But I can talk about his future! ✧ Have you seen his 40/60 year old design??? GORGEOUS. ✧ When the One Piece will be found and the crew will split up, Chopper will return to Zou and become a guardian. I sincerely believe this is the only place where he will be 100% himself and at peace with his animal side. In Zou, he'll be able to find a girlfriend. ✧ Chopper will have no trouble courting his future partner: he's delicate and takes great care of his loved ones, so it's impossible not to be charmed by him. However, he will have a hard time accepting attention and compliments in return. He will need to work on his lack of confidence. ✧ He is loyal and is looking for a partner who will support his profession, as well as help him manage his time so he doesn't end up like Law (workaholic).
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Nico Robin ☆ Fictosexual
✧ ONE OF US, ONE OF US, ONE OF- ✧ Robin's childhood was tragic; the poor girl never had the chance to play with other children, to think like a child... to be a child! All her traumas prevented her from developing healthy relationships, until the arrival of Luffy. In her solitude, books were the only thing that made her feel a little human, a little alive. For a moment, Robin could put herself in the hero's shoes and escape into an imaginary world. By always turning to fantasy, Robin developed an attraction to fictional characters. ✧ Female, male, gender-neutral, cyborg? She has no preference, as long as they don't exist in the real world. ✧ Speaking of cyborgs, Robin has a soft spot for Franky, simply because he looks like something out of a book. His looks, his walk, his creations... how can you not be hooked on this robot? ✧ As shown in the anime, Robin has a great imagination! It wouldn't surprise me if she was also on the maladaptive daydreaming team. Before falling asleep, her mind is filled with romantic scenarios, often linked to the novel she's reading at the time. ✧ As much as she would like to have a partner, she finds it hard to imagine sharing her life with another person in a romantic and sexual way. ✧ On the other hand, she can imagine herself living with a partner in a platonic and friendly way, a bit like with her crew. ✧ After so many years of idealizing fictional characters, Robin has convinced herself that no one is worthy of her love, and vice versa. How can she satisfy a partner's needs if she's so broken inside? She's capable of taking care of her friends, but intimate love is an area that frightens her. ✧ Even if she thinks she's satisfied with her sexuality, deep down Robin would like to find a partner who will make her live a fairy tale... ✧ Her power allows her to masturbate in a unique way; she doesn't feel the need to have an unknown body pressing against hers to be satisfied and fulfilled. ✧ Nami is the only one on the boat who knows about this part of Robin. She was unaware of the existence of this type of sexuality and had a little difficulty assimilating the information, but after a long conversation with her precious friend, she now understands and accepts this orientation!
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Franky ☆ Aromantic asexual
✧ Franky isn't interested in romance or sex. ✧ He doesn't want to be in a relationship, and can imagine himself spending the rest of his life alone... with his friends! ✧ In the past, he's tried to have crushes, because everyone has them, because it's normal, because it's the norm... right? ✧ He never felt embarrassed by his lack of interest in sex, until those around him started laughing at him in a friendly way. Little did they know that these jokes were tormenting the teenager. After a few tries with girlfriends, he found out that he was never able to reciprocate his partners' feelings. ✧ When he nearly died and became a cyborg to survive, Franky stopped wondering about his orientation and stopped looking for a girlfriend. It's a waste of time. Why would he waste his time courting people just to fit in? And since when has he tried to be like everyone else? Franky is unique and he knows it. ✧ Since that day, Franky has put an end to his search and decided to embrace the person he really is. ✧ Although his sexuality goes against the majority of the population, Franky is good at helping his friends when they have love problems! He's like the father of the crew; when someone's not feeling well emotionally, they can count on Franky, his dad jokes and his warm energy. ✧ Franky sees his orientation as a strength, because unlike the others, fighting a woman in a bikini or an undressed man does nothing for him. ✧ When Franky started modifying his body in extreme ways, he didn't need to think about what he was going to do with his crotch. His private parts are intact, but nothing is connected, so his body can't react. ✧ … but also I imagine him to be heterosexual, who loves sex (super romantic) and HIMBO.
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Brook ☆ Asexual, heterosexual
✧ My boi is dead, he can’t feel shit… most of the time. ✧ During his lifetime, Brook was very active! He was a great charmer and liked to share his nights with different ladies. He slept with a man once and it wasn't his cup of tea. This skeleton is open-minded! ✧ His life as a pirate kept him away from settling down and start a family. He planned to end his days in peace with a beautiful wife, children and Laboon, but as you know, death caught up with him. ✧ After his death, his sexual attraction disappeared. Without organs and blood, it's hard to feel anything in the crotch area. But but but but! His love for women never left him. ✧ During the timeskip, Brook was blessed by the presence of groupies to keep him company. He felt valued and happy to have beautiful ladies by his side. He couldn't please them the way he would have liked, but he discovered that he didn't need his dick to get pleasure. ✧ That's right, Brook has discovered that he LOVES to satisfy his partners with his hands, fingers, femur, objects... if you know what I mean. If you want, I'll elaborate in a nsfw headcanon ~ ✧ Although he can't get a boner, Brook is able to get nosebleeds and feel heat in his bones. It's a strange experience to know that he's mentally aroused by certain things, like panties, but feeling empty. It's like a phantom pain. ✧ For the time being, Brook has no desire to be in a relationship. He'll wait until the end of the adventure, go back on tour and when that day comes, he'll allow himself to think about finding a serious partner. ✧ I imagine him becoming a sort of sugar daddy, showering his sugar baby with money and offering her everything she wants. In exchange for a little love and cuddles, of course!
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
His Pet
Chapter 15
The next morning, Zariah woke with a yelp, immediately sitting up and looking around, shaking. Angel fell out of his chair,
“Jesus christ! What the fuck?! What's wrong?!”
Alastor's eyes immediately shot open from the sound and slowly sat up, “Darling? It's alright, I'm here.” He tried to comfort her.
She turned to him and buried her face in his chest.
“Sorry… bad dream. I remembered someone from when I was alive… someone who hurt me real bad… I always hoped they'd end up in hell so I'd never see them again. But now I'm here too. Guess yesterday's ‘adventures with Valentino’ brought that back to the surface.”
“Well, I'm certain you'll never see them again, and if you do. Just point them out to me and I'll take care of it.” He pet her head. “For now though, I'll go make you breakfast, Angel will stay here with you. If that is acceptable?”
She nodded, “Okay… I'm not really hungry though.”
“I'll keep it light then. You need something since you skipped dinner.” He kissed her forehead and she practically melted.
“Hm, okay, whatever you say.” He chuckled, oh he needed to keep that in mind. She'd do anything for forehead kisses.
With that, Alastor stepped out. Leaving the two alone for a while.
Angel picked himself up off the floor, “Alright, how about I run ya a hot bubble bath? I know I usually like one after a night like last night.” 
“Ooh, a bubble bath sounds nice. You can help me blow dry my tails after too.” She got up and stretched. Angel went and started the bath water.
“Hey, does Smiles know you just asked me to blow you?!” He smirked at his joke, pleased with himself as she laughed so hard she practically doubled over. God, did he need to hear her laugh after all that happened. Good thing dirty jokes were her weakness!  
Once the bath was ready and she was soaking, Angel sat on the floor leaning against the tub.
“Hey so… Val's dead. Strawberry TallCake killed him. And I… I don't know what to do now…” He started shaking, “I… don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm free but… Val was nice once… and… I always hoped, that maybe, somehow, some way… that nice side would come back, and things would go back to the good days.” She put a hand on Angel's head, petting him.
“Yeah… I get that. I felt that way about… Arthur… They always love bomb you in the beginning, make life seem like rainbows and sunshine, and promise you everything you've ever wanted… then once you're under their spell… they take everything you don't want to give.”
“Yeah… just sucks that I miss someone so horrible.”
“You don't miss him. You miss who he pretended to be. You're mourning someone who never existed, and that's okay… mourn the mask you fell in love with… then let it go. That's what I did. Though I still had a nightmare about him today. So, guess some scars just stick around.”
Angel sighed, “Since when did you turn into a therapist? I'm supposed to be the one comforting you. He didn't touch ya in anyways did he?”
“Nah… He tried till I bit off a chunk of his wing and nearly clawed off one of his eyes.”
“You what?!” Angel looked at her, horrified. 
“His wings tasted gross too. It was all powdery and tasted like ashes…” 
Angel groaned, “What am I gonna do with you? Ya little weirdo.” He then smiled, “I'm glad you're okay Sis… I'd be a pretty shit brother if ya died on me. Alright, I'll give ya some alone time.”
She smiled, “Okay. Turn on the radio on the nightstand so I can listen to some music. Oh, and the Spicy stories are under my bed if you wanna read them!”
“Yep, got it!” He turned on the radio and picked out one of her stories, choosing one that looked to be about a demon king and an angel falling in love. It sounded interesting enough. 
When Alastor finally returned with food. He didn't see her, but her radio was playing. He sat down the food at her desk, then heard her singing coming from the bathroom as she sang along with whatever was playing.
“My heart's a stereo, it beats for you so listen close, and hear my thoughts in every no-ote~.
Make me your radio, and turn me up when you feel low.
This melody was meant for you, so sing along to my stereo.”
He realized she was in the bath, which meant he was in her room while she was naked! He felt panic fill him, a proper gentleman doesn't enter a lady's room when she's in a state of undress!  
“If I was just another dusty record on the shelf, would you blow me off and play me like everybody else?” She kept singing along, completely unaware he had returned. Well, as far as he knew.
“If I asked you to scratch my back could you manage that?
Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks, it's just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks. I used to- used to- used to, nah I'm over that! Because holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts!”
He thought about leaving, but something about the song made him stay, or was it her voice? It felt like her soul was tethering him in place. Which it very well might be, given he owned it.
“If I could only find the note to make you understand, I'd sing it softly in your ear and grab you by the hand! Just keep me stuck inside your head like your favorite tune, and know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you!”
She kept singing and he felt like he was under a spell. He sat at her desk chair, and closed his eyes, letting the melody flow over him. She certainly had found the note to make him understand. He had plans for her these days. He intended to teach her how to collect souls and make her an overlord herself. Then, if she became strong enough, maybe she could take on who held his leash…
Suddenly he was shaken from his thoughts by the sound of sloshing water, she was getting out of the tub! He started to panic, until-
“Hey Al, is my blow dryer on the desk? I think I left it in there.” She knew he was there this whole time?! He looked at the desk.
“Y-yes, it is. I'm sorry for the intrusion, I did not know you were bathing!” He sounded extremely nervous, but she just laughed.
“It's fine! If I had a problem with it, I would have said something. You're fine Al, I know you're not a perv or a creep, so don't stress so much. I know I'm safe with you around regardless of my state of dress, and I hope you feel the same about me.” 
“I… suppose I do, actually. You get away with a lot more touching than I'd allow anyone else to do. For some reason, you don't make my skin crawl, and I'm not sure what to do with that.” He was opening up to her, just a little.
“You don't have to do anything with it if you don't want to. I'm just happy to be by your side. But getting to hug you and hold your hand makes me crazy happy too.” She came out of the bathroom in her towel and went to pick out fresh clothes before returning to the bathroom to change. Alastor kept his eyes off her the entire time, face bright red.
She came back out once dressed with her hair wrapped up in a towel. She went to grab her blow dryer to work on her tail, but Alastor's shadow got to it first. 
“Let me assist you, my dear, that way you can focus on eating.” He got up from the chair and guided her to sit. He wouldn't stop staring until she started eating. Then he hummed in satisfaction and gave her a tiny kiss to her forehead, “good girl.”
Alastor took one of her books and began reading while his shadow worked on her tails. After a few minutes, he spoke up again.
“Hm, Zariah, you seem awfully fond of holding someone in your sleep. Might that be something you'd like to do on a more regular basis rather than just when you're in peril?”
She looked up at Alastor with shock! But he kept his eyes glued to the book he was “reading” as he tried to look indifferent. 
“Yeah, I love cuddling! It makes me feel so safe and warm. Especially if it's you, you're always allowed in my bed.”
“I see. Then let me make an adjustment to your room.” He snapped his fingers, and her bed became a king sized, rather than the twin it previously was. “There, now if I decide to humor you I won't be so cramped.” 
He thought about their potential future together as she ate and gushed over a new story idea she had while in the bath.
He wanted her on his broadcasts, his Radio Angel… they needed to get her training for that, luckily in life he helped his lady coworkers find their voice all the time. So he was confident he could shape her into a proper radio hostess.
Yes, they'd go for walks together, cook meals together, have tea with Rosie, collect souls together. He felt warm in his chest. 
Yes, the radio demon truly did have a heart. And this little angel had won a special place in it.
(So this could be considered the end, chapter 16 is just a "bonus" chapter. Will contain consensual cannibalism, if that gets anyone excited.)
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kenmjiro · 9 months
Secrets after class
¡Teacher!Rick Grimes(Aus) x ¡student! fem reader
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inspiration: Secrets after class by comino inc.
Summary: you find your teacher sleeping peacefully in his office. While you wait you stumble upon a manuscript. A manuscript where the writing style seems awfully familiar...
TWS: Dramas, age gap, provocation,suspense, Romantinc comedy, Schoollife, Taboo, HighSchool
love is one of those thing that people can't really control.
One day you meet someone and the next you are hit with the realization that you are in love with them.
Being in love is a wonderful thing;however,what do you do if you fall in love with someone who is off limits to you?
I'm a book loving Junior in High School.
my love for books led me to join the Literature Club. The club is of course the best thing ever! It's full of exciting adventure,dreams,books,smiles! It just lacks one thing ...members. Yeah, sadly there are only two members in the club. My teacher and myself. But this year, I will changer that!
Have l mentioned that l'm head over heels in love with my teacher?
Moving right along! New year, new style!
“That's all for today, class. Be careful on your way homer everyone!” hearing my home room teacher's dismissal, l shot up from my desk.
“I have a meeting with the Literature Club today so l got to got” l thought as ready to leave, they give mee a slight touch on the shoulder
“Whoa, maggie, what's up?” lt's my childhood friend Maggie Greene. We've been in the same classes since Kindergarten.
l have few friends, but she is one who truly gets me and is also a total bookworm. She is like the sister l never had. “Lemme guess, club meeting?”
“Yup! Today, l'm going to get permission to recruit new members!”
“Oh, that's right, you gotta have permission now because of that one incident, huh?”
Scrunching up my face, l nodded bitterly. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
*Sigh* “That teacher is unexpectedly tough, given his sweet appearance.”
“lt just didn't end well last time... However!Today is the day that l will get permission!” Speak decisively.
“ohhhh...well...l guess, you cant't come then.” Maggie shoulders drop.
“Huh? Come where?” l frowned.
“They cancelled basketball practice because they are using the gym for something else. So l wanted us to go to the bookstore with glen.” Glen is another classmate and childhood friend. the three of us are often together.
Glen and Maggie are couple.
They often worry that l'll be left by myself so they invite me along to wherever they go. But l am fine not joining them since l always feel like the third wheel.
“Nah, l'm good. You go ahead.”
“Wait, why? l need you go to with. You chose a great book for me last time. l want you to choose another one for me! so you really can't” Maggie dipped her head and stared up at me with big puppy eyes.
“That doesn't work on me anymore, nice try though.” Maggie puppy eyes turned into a full on pout.
“l ready promissed my teacher that l'd show at the meet today. l can't just ditch las minute.”“Besides, l want to get permission to recruit new members as soon as possible.” l thought as l bit my lower lip and looked at maggie back.
l don't know how long it is going to take to convince the teacher to get that magic ticket. So, it's a no from me dawg. But have fun with Glen”
“You know... l had hoped to hear about Andrew Lincoln's work from you today...”
“Staaaph! You know Andrew lincoln is my favorite author!”
“Ok,ok. But next time will you go with?” Maggie looked serious waiting for an affirmative answer.
“Yes! l promise.”
“Alright! l'm gonna hold you to that!”
“l won't let you down! For now, l have to go convince this teacher!
“Haha,good luck!”
With a last wave at maggie, l took off for the language department where my teacher was expecting me.
*knock knock*
“Huh? What's going on?” l stand with my hand still in the air after knocking the door. “l thought l told the teacher that l was coming today” l knocked on the office door again, but there still was no response.
“whats should l do?.... should l go inside” The teacher has never been late before. l wonder if something happened to him.
“Well, if anything, if he's not there, l can check the teacher's lounge. if the door is unlocked l can just wait in here.” l carefully opened the door
“Hello? mr. grimes?” The room was fairly dark, so l turned on the lights. That's when l saw a person slouched in chair at the back of the room
lt is my language teacher, Rick Grimes. He is also an advisor and a member of the Literature Club to which l belong. “Um... teacher rick?”
“ls he sleeping? During school hours?” Looks like he's asleep. “Wow, he looks completely out of it” Seeing his sleeping face, only one thought occurs to me: this is a side of him l never get to see.
“His skin is so fair and his eyelashes so long, He looks so peaceful. He's always calm and smiling. No wonder he's so popular with the ladies.”
But it's not just his looks that makes him popular. He is also an amazing teacher and cares for his students. lt's amusing though, before class starts, you always see all the girls batting their eyelashes at him. Heh
l really shouldn't be talking though...
.... Because l like him too.
l might even go so far as to say it was love at first sight.
l remember the day when l first requested to join the Literature Club. l looked up and saw his sweet smile. His first words were, “Thank you for coming, l'm happy you are here.”
“...Of course my teache does not know about my crush.” Since l'm a student, l need to make sure l keep these felings in check. “l don't want to cause any problems.”
l sat down in a chair across from a sleeping Rick. “He's sleeping so soundly, it doesn't look like he's going to wake up any time soon.”
“Hm... what should l do?”... “Since he's sleeping so well, l guess l'll let him be and just hang out a while.” “ln the meantime, l can think of how to persuade mr. grimes and how to recruit new members!”
“Actually lemma write the ideas down.” As l'm reaching for my bag, something catches my eye. A stack of papers is randomly placed on my teacher's desk.
lt seemed to be a manuscript of some sort that belonged to my teacher, given that the handwriting was similar. “ls this novel professor wrote... l didn't know he whote novels”
“l want to take a peek, but l really shouldn't read it without permission...But...just a teensy tiny peek shouldn't hurt, right? Just a page or two? l glance over at rick. He is still sleeping soundly.
“...Dear literary gods, please don't strike me down for being unable to contain my curiosity. Teach, forgive me, l just must know!” As l prayed for forgiveness from every deity, l picked up the manuscript.
The shorts story written from a male perspective was about 4000- characters long and spanned about 10 sheets. l of course read the entire thing in one go. “Did he write this”
Suddenly, l saw a movement in the comer of my eye.
The manuscript was lifted out of my hand. when l looked up, l saw that Rick had woken up at some point.
“Y/n, well, what's going on here? Do you always go around reading other people's private work... Perhaps l shouldn't have left it out in the open, but that's besides the point. ”
“l'm sorry. That was really rude of me.” As l apologized l was still staring at the manuscript that my teache was holding. “Not to impose even more, but can l,um, ask you about that? Did you write that?
“I did...-
“Sr. rick! lt' s phenomenal!!
Excited l stepped up to mi teacher “The world is so enveloping and you can feel the anguish and pain of the protagonist! It's written absolutely beautiful way” “the writing style resembles my favorite author, Andrew Lincoln, in every way!
Andrew Lincoln is a romance novelist who is very popular among the younger generation. He mainly writes young adult romance novels from a male perspective. Many of his works are very emotional and sad.
“On, that's right, you are a fan of Lincoln” l excitedly clapped my hands in front of me and rapidly nodded my head.
“Yes!!! A thousand times yes! l absolutely love that author! His work is incredible and has me in tears every time! l also love the fact that everything surrounding him is so mysterious. There is nothing about author himself anywhere. All we know is that he writes beautiful novels.”
“l see...” Whenever Lincoln is mentioned, Rick doesn't show much enthusiasm.
“Sr. rick, do you not care for this author? Whenever he is mentioned you seem very uninterested.”
“Ah, l'm sorry. l didn't mean to give off that impression.” Rick put the manuscript away in his desk drawer and turned to look at me. “ By the way, wasn't there something you wanted to discuss”
“Oh! Right! Right! l came to get permission!
“ls it for recruiting new members?”
“Yes!!!” nod frantically.
Rick sighed and nodded. “We discussed this before, but l will remind you that l will only accept motivated and interested students. l do not want the Literature club to become a ''Resume filler'' or hangout for unsavory people.”
“l know, l know, that's why l'm here to talk about that”sighed and nodded
“lt's not going to be easy to convince me.”
“But if we don't recruit more members the club will go extinct.”
“l understand this, but it is still better than having students not take it seriously.”
“Well, if you say so...
The teacher's words reminded me of the incident that happened previously.
Soon it was only teacher and myself.
The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop
“l just want to have a few more members and be able to advertise for the club”
“Y/N, l think just the two of us are perfectly fine. We don't need a lot of members to make the club interesting. Don't you think so?”
“lt's not that...”
In fact l love having Rick all to myself.
We haves so much fun every meeting that l look forward to them. But l wanted new members as much as l wanted to spend time alone with rick.
Because... “l really want other people to talk to about the books l read. l want someone who love Andrew Lincoln's work as much as l do and is enthusiastic about discussing it!”
Reading is something you do on your own, but discussion about a book is something that requires other people. l enjoyed talking to my peers about the books l read.
Of course l can talk to Rick but it's different. with him, we can discuss everything BUT Andrew Lincoln's work. And that is something l really, really want to discuss with others.
Since rick isn't interested in Lincoln's work, there is no point talking to him about it. “So l really want new members!”
“l see. l didn't realize how much you wanted to have more students in the club.” Rick sat deep in thought looking at me.
“l think l almost have him. Just a little more persuasion...” l was ready to fire off another reason as to why we need new members when..
Ding! Ding!
“ Rick Grimes, you have a phone call, please come to the staff office.” Rick was called over the school intercom, which effectively ended our conversation.
“alright. l understand why you wish to have new members. Let us think of ways to recruit members who are enthusiastic. l need to take this phone call. l will be right back.” With a smile, Rick took off.
“Great! looks like l got through to him, but damn that interruption!” “It's a step in the right direction though! Well, while he is taking his phone call,l'll just wait there for him to get back.” While waiting, l decide to take a look around the room.
A large bookshelf stood against the wall. lt was overfilled with books. There were so many in fact, that they were stacked in front of other books in little towers.“ The departament buys so many books that they are running out of room to store them”
Looking around a bit more it occurs to me that rick is not very tidy“ perhaps professor is just too busy to take the time and straighten up”
Since we use this as a club meeting room, l also tidy up every so often, but since it is the teacher's office, l can't straighten up and throw out stuff as much as l want. “Well, l guess for now l can get rind of this... Why is there a big cardboard box blocking the entrance anyway? lsn't some this some sort of fire code violation?”
l try to pick up the box, which is full of envelopes and documents. lt is much heavier than l had expected. “Good grief, what is in this thing?” l manage to lift the box into the air, but as soon as l did several envelopes that were on top crashed to the floor. “Ah crap“
One envelope wasn't properly sealed and the contents spilled all over the floor. “Crap,crap,crap!! What if this is some super duper important doc and l just got all the pages mixed up! I'm like so dead!”
“Huh? What is this” l took a closer look at the scattered documents. The handwriting seemed familiar. There was no doubt that these documents were written by Rick. “Oh! rick, did you actually write a full length novel?!”
l had just read a short story earlier that was written by my teache. l absolutely loved it. Needless to say l was dying to read this!
“Ugh.. but the JUST scolded me for reading his papers without permission. l would feel violated if someone did this to me so l'm going to go ahead and put this back. Alright, in you go buddy!” As l was sliding the manuscript into the envelope the author's name sprung out at me.
“What the hell? Andrew Lincoln? l slid the manuscript back out of the envelope and quickly flipped through the pages. The handwriting was all the same. “No way...” A million thoughts went through my head all at once.
Nobody knows anything about Lincoln's private life or where he is based out of. why is one of this manuscripts here?. There has to be logical explanation. “ Is my teache--
“What are you doing y/n”
l was so shocked at reading my favorite author's name that l didn't hear the door open behind me. When l turned around l saw Rick stantiong at the door with a faint smile on this face.
l felt like a hundred flashing neon arrows were pointing at me blinking “GUITY!”“GUILTY”.
How the hell was l going to explain myself out of this one? Rick stepped in front of me, l made a desperate attempt as l turned to face my teache.
“Uh... h-hi! Um... you see, what had happened was. l was trying to clean and the box tumbled and spilled the manuscript everywhere... l'm sorry. l tried to collect it all...”
“And then?” Rick looked at me in a serene but threatening way.
“What did you see?” My teache closed the door and stepped in front of me.
“See? what did l see?” l stepped back instinctively as Rick comer closer.
“y/n, please be honest, what did you see?
“Well... the manuscript... the name... Er.. well... could.. you.. maybe be the novelist Andrew Lincoln?”
“......” The silence felt endless and l quickly regretted blurting out that assumption.
A thought occurred to me..l have been fawning over Andrew Lincoln to my teache for how long now? l practically confessed my love for him in front of my teache. l spilled everything from how much l love Lincoln's work, how much it makes me cry, how my heart absolutely longs for him.
lt is stuff would absolutely never ever tell the actual author himself “But... l mean that'd be ridiculous, right? Him being Andrew Lincoln... At least l really hope it's not him... l would be mortifiel and could neve show my face at his school again.”
l swallowed thickly and meekly looked up at Rick who was staring intensely at me. my teacher's demeanor had completely changed.
“Hmmm....” Rick let out a small sigh which made my bangs ruffle.
as l loocked at my teacher through my bangs, it occured to me that he was acting completely different front usual. “What if was Andrew Lincoln? What would you do then?”
Rick tone changed. He no longer presented himself like my teacher. lt was more of a predator having trapped its prey.“l...l don't know if l would... believe that.”
“Ah.. Well you see... l am Andrew Lincoln”
“No... way...” He stared at me.
“Why would l lie to you, you're holding the proof right in your hand.” l glanced at the manuscript in my hand.
l'm so aghast that my hand involuntarily loosens around the manuscript. Rick grabs my hand. “Don't drop that. lt still needs to be delivered to the publisher today.” l nod like l'm on autopilot. “Well then, y/n”
Rick steps closer towards me. l instinctively step back, but my back hits upon a solid surface. l forgot the bookshelf was right behind me.
my teacher takes another step towards me. “What's happening?”
l glance at the door and make a movement towards it. Suddenly Rick arm is in my line of sight. He has trapped me between himself and the bookshelf. “Not so fast, y/n. So... the teacher you admire and novelist you worship are the same persona... what are you going to do now?
l look up at my teacher who has an imperious smile on his face
My day started so ordinary.....
what have l gotten myselft into?!?
part 2???
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lostfirefly · 4 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.2)
Nobody asked me, but the thought of sending my beloved couple on a new journey didn't let me go. Welcome to a new adventure! No idea how many chapters there will be :) Pain continues leading me to art :)
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Our heroes are on a quest to find the blue diamond! Hooray!
Warnings: Fun (Sanji's small appeareance is just for fun), fluff, NSFW part is included (sorry not sorry), MDNI
Words: 4000 (sorry-y-y-y again)
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314 (thanks for the red-blue striped pants idea!), @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk
The title is taken from "Life Must Have It's Mysteries" by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1
Smack. Smack. Smack.
"Geez, if I'd known you'd react like that, we'd have gone somewhere a long time ago." Buggy couldn't contain his laughter as he looked at Catherine, who was squeaking all over the living room, clenching her fists happily. 
"I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!!" She collapsed onto the couch, throwing her legs over it and wrapped her arms around Buggy's neck. Smack. Smack. Smack. "I’m so happy! Love!” Smack. "Love!" Smack. "Love love love you!" Smack. Smack. Smack. "Where do we start?"
"We'll start when you calm down, Cathie-pie. Repeat after me, please" He took three deep breaths.
"Okay! Okay! I'm calm!" She made a concentrated face and took one breath. Then a second. Then blurred into a smile and started squealing again.
"Oh my goodness!" Buggy grabbed his head and fell on the back of the couch. 
"Sorry!! I promise! I’m calm! So.. you told you know the guy.. Who.. Who…" She froze and began to smile again.
Buggy looked at her intently and sighed heavily. "Okay, squeal!"
Catherine attacked him with hugs and squeals again. 
"Are you finished?" 
"Yes!" Smack. 
"You sure?"
"Yes!" Smack. Smack. 
"Ok! Our first step. I'm gonna go to a restaurant in the morning. I’ll talk to a man about this thing from your sheets. In theory, he can give us directions or if there's a map or something. We need to figure out where to start."
"Can I come with you? Ple-e-ease!" Smack. 
"Are you squealing done for the day?"
"Yes!" Smack. Smack. 
"You sure?"
"Yes!" Smack. Smack. Smack. 
"If you behave well, woman, I’ll take you with me." 
"You're the best!!" Smack. Smack. Smack. 
In the morning, Catherine made the biggest and most delicious breakfast. Poured him the biggest cup of coffee. Gave him the longest morning kiss. She miscalculated a little with that last point, as Buggy immediately wanted to forget about breakfast after that, but she fought back. Catherine sat back in her chair, watched him eat and tried to appear calm. He sighed and told her to get ready. 
They reached a small restaurant, the sign resembled a wave, the fronts were blue-green in color. 
"Water 7. Another weird name of another weird place." Catherine whispered under her breath and squeezed Buggy's hand. "Is there someone scary inside?" 
"Nah, there's a trio running this restaurant. They and one of their little buddies really piss me off sometimes. But I gotta hand it to them, this place has good scotch." 
They went into a fairly bright room. Everything inside looked like water. Drawings and paintings on the walls, chairs in the shape of waves. 
"Oh my god! Why is he in just his underwear?!" Catherine didn't expect to say it so loudly. She threw a glance at Buggy, who rolled his eyes. 
A large man in an unbuttoned shirt that resembled a Hawaiian shirt, wearing underpants and barefoot walked up to them. Instead of the usual human nose, he had a metal nose. 
"Buggy the Sneak!" Said the man in shorts. 
"What happened in your life that you came to get scotch at 8:00 in the morning?"
"Scotch later. I'm here to see you on business. Catherine, give me the papers." Catherine kept her gaze on the man in his underpants. She considered the color of his hair, his nose. 
Franky in turn considered her. "Who's that?" He pointed a finger at Catherine. 
"She's with me" Buggy took Catherine lightly behind him. 
"With you? You mean.. Dear Lord! I can't believe someone messed with you, also sleeping willingly, Honey, if you're being held hostage, tell me." 
"Hey!" Catherine shouted.
"Let's get back to our business. Have you heard anything about this?” Buggy pointed to the sheets.
"The blue diamond? Yeah, but I think it's just rumors or maybe not. No one knows exactly. What? Why are you asking?"
"Just curious." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Stop lying to me. You're one of the biggest losers in treasure hunting. And I don't believe that you are asking me about that diamond because you're "just curious."
"Hey, you! The man in the underwear! It's not your business at all. If you need money for the information, I’ll pay you." Catherine took three steps forward.
"Catherine, calm down!" Buggy put his hand on her shoulder and tried to pull her in behind him.
"No, we're here to get information. Instead, a grown man who can't spare the money to buy his own pants sits there and insults you." Catherine glanced at Franky. "How much do you want for coordinates, information, or whatever it is you have?"
"Let's go to my cabinet." Franky patted Buggy on the shoulder and gestured him into his office.
A chill ran down Catherine's back. She felt a little uneasy that because of her inability to keep quiet, Buggy might get hurt. She put her hand on his back and looked at him anxiously.
"It's all right. I'll be right back."
Franky and Buggy walked out. Catherine sat back in her chair and put her elbows on the table. "You should be silent sometimes, Catherine.." She muttered to herself.
"Oooooh! God, what a beautiful girl I have behind my counter!!!" Suddenly there was a loud squeak or squeal.
Catherine turned around and noticed a tall blond man in a suit running towards her. "Geez, who are you?"
"Pretty-swaaaan!!!! Where did you come from?"
The stranger grabbed Catherine's arm.
"Go to hell, who are you?!" She yanked her arm back.
"Sanji-san!!! And who are you, oh beautiful girl?"
"God, what a beautiful name, Cathie-swaaaaaan!!!"
"Don't call me Cathie! There's only one person in the world who can call me that!"
"I’m sorry, Cathie-swaaaan!!" 
"Fuck!!!" She rolled her eyes.
The strange blond man continued to circle around Catherine and tried to take her hand until he was stopped by a loud "Hey, step away from her!" She turned around and saw Franky and Buggy.
Catherine jumped up from her seat and quickly walked over to Buggy. "Save me, this blond guy is crazy!" 
"So, sorry, clown. That's all I know about the blue diamond." Franky uttered with a slight smile.
Catherine lookd upset.
"The blue diamond? I know something about it!" The blond man stopped spinning and sat down on the chair.
"Yeah! So, honey.. Tell me!" Catherine said and put her chin on her hand. 
"Forgive me, I have a habit of writing everything down. So, first.. we’re going to this city. And there we will find her?" She pointed to the notes in her notebook. "Do you feel similar vibes, my Buggy Bear?" She asked loudly from the bedroom, started rummaging through the closet. "I've almost got all the things I need!"
"Finally! The car is ready. You're late again, my cotton candy." 
"I’m not late! I needed to pack some women's things. Stop grumbling! I’m comi…" Catherine suddenly stopped talking and scanned him with her eyes. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He imitated her gaze.
"I just…" She tried to find the words. “Sneakers, Jeans. T-shirt. The black denim jacket, and your hair is in a ponytail. You look too sexy, Buggy the Clown." She took several steps towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Are you going to hook another girl?" 
"God, no, of course not. I got enough of this little shit in my life." He pointed at her nose with one hand.
"My blue-haired asshole…"
"I’m listening."
"Stop grabbing my ass!"
They drove for a couple hours in the car. Catherine practically kept her eyes on Buggy, constantly repeating that he looked sexy and hot as hell in his outfit, with his tail and driving. He was embarrassed and turning as red as his nose.
They reached a town called Little Garden, got a motel room and at Catherine's insistence went looking for the bakery Franky had mentioned.
"Onward to Arabasta." Catherine read the name of the bakery. "Do you guys get normal names around here?"
As soon as they entered the room, they immediately saw the young woman of medium height with long wavy light blue hair.
"Wow, her hair color is similar to yours. Are you two related by any chance?" Catherine whispered into Buggy's ear.
"Do you seriously think all people with blue hair are my relatives?"
Catherine shrugged.
"How can I help you?" Asked the girl behind the cash register.
"Two coffees, five raspberry jam donuts, three blueberry muffins and we're also looking for Vivi." Catherine shifted her gaze from the display case to the girl.
"Then you're in luck. It's me." Replied a rather pleasant voice and began putting the order into a bag.
"Oh, great. We're looking for information on the blue diamond. All we have so far is information about a scepter divided into three parts, hidden somewhere in the pyramids. Can you give us any clues?"
"First of all, good morning!"
"God, here we go again!!!" Catherine rolled her eyes and dropped her forehead onto the counter near the cash register.
"Cathie-pie, you're starting conversations the wrong way again." Buggy stroked Catherine's back, took her hand and led her to a table. He went back behind the cash register counter and had a very long conversation with Vivi about something. Catherine watched them with her arms crossed and an unfamiliar feeling visited her.  She thought for a second that she was jealous.
Buggy and Vivi walked over to her and sat down at the table. Catherine instinctively pulled her chair toward him.
"Anyway, he and I have had a talk. I have a condition. I'm telling you what I know..."
"Great!!!" Catherine clenched her fists joyfully.
"But!" Vivi interrupted her. "You're going to play a game of liar’s dice with me. And every time I lose, I'll tell you part of what I know."
"Fuck!!!" Catherine grabbed her head and practically flopped off her chair under the table. "Ok! I’m in!"
Vivi silently got up from the table and walked out into the back room.
"Are you sure?" Buggy whispered.
"Do we have a choice? God, why doesn't anyone ever just want to tell everything they know. First, that damsel tricked me into some caves and I almost died there. Now that girl wants to play around so she can tell me something. Maybe she's just bored and doesn't have anyone to play with? Dear God, make friends and play with them!"
"Well thanks to that girl from our previous adventure you have me now." He laughed, put his arm around her shoulders and kissed her on the temple.
"Yep. And now you piss me off every day, fucking clown. I hate you!" She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. 
"Cathie-pie, that's the eighth time today. You're going for the world record!" 
Vivi returned with aspiring cups and five dice. She sat down at the table and silently slid everything toward Buggy and Catherine. They looked at each other, took one of their dice and rolled it. 
"Five." Vivi said.
"Three." Buggy said.
"Four.. Fuck!" Catherine's head fell back on the table. Buggy lifted her back up.
"I'll start." Vivi spoke.
They put dice in their cup and shook them up. They flipped the cup face-down on the table to keep the dice hidden and secretly roll their dice at the same time.
"Three 3s." Vivi replied. 
Catherine peek at her own dice. "Four 3s."
"Two 4s." Buggy said calmly.
They raised their cups.
"Three 3s.." Catherine whispered. "Fuck! Next round!".
Of the six rounds, Catherine and Buggy won only 2 of them 
They shook dice under the cups again. 
"Four 6s!" Catherine said loudly.
"Five 2s." Buggy said calmly again.
"Three 2s." Vivi replied.
They raised their cups.
"Four 6s!!! Yes!!! Tell! Tell us something more!!"
Vivi smiled. "Ok. The scepter will lead you to the diamond, but they are hidden in different pyramids."
"We know that!" Catherine furrowed her brow.
"Do you want information or do you want to argue?" Vivi questioned, shaking the dice in the cup. 
"You will need a cryptex to open the place where the diamond is stored." 
"Where to find it?"
"Next round!" Vivi rolled the dice in the cup and set it on the table.
"For fuck's sake!" Catherine dropped her head back on the table. Buggy picked her up again. "Okay. Eight fives! Buggy, you got what?"
"Five threes." Buggy said calmly. He could already hear the irritation in Catherine's voice. 
"Six twos." Vivi swirled the cup around the table. 
"Liar!" Catherine shouted and lifted everyone's glasses. "Oh my god! We won!!! Now tell me more!" 
Catherine listened intently to Vivi's story and took notes on everything. 
"Well, not as much information as I would have liked, but thanks anyway! And by the way... Where's our coffee?" 
Catherine jumped out of the bakery, squealing. "Yaaaay! Well! We have some new data, copies from the books. We'll have to see if there's anything in them about the cryptex. We also have donuts and muffins!" She ran in a circle around Buggy and couldn't hide her happiness. 
"I'm tired and excited! Tired and excited!" She threw herself around his neck. "Let's go out to eat! And have a drink! And get wine for our room at the motel!"
They got back to the room quite late.
"God, I'm tired and I wanna sleep!" Buggy practically collapsed on the bed.
"Thanks…" Catherine said quietly.
"Thank you for supporting me in this endeavor."
"Come on, cotton candy! Two fools in pursuit of something that may not even exist!" He laughed and sat down on the bed.
"But fools are lucky…" She whispered under her breath. "Okay, I'm going to take a quick shower and get back to you. Drink your beer or whiskey or whatever you want." She tiptoed over to him and kissed his cheek. "I love you!"
Catherine came out of the shower wearing only Buggy's t-shirt and her underwear. 
"My pajamas need more time to dry completely." She walked over to the table near the TV and poured herself a glass of wine. She looked at Buggy, who was lying calmly on the bed in red and white striped underpants, leaning his back on the headboard and clicking the remote control through the channels. 
"What are you doing?" She asked quietly. Catherine took a sip of wine and took two small steps towards the bed. 
"Nothing, just looking for something interesting, but so far I've only found shitty shows. How’s the shower?" 
"Okay. I missed you there." She tilted her head and watched carefully as the dim light from the lamp on the night table fell on his face. 
He extended his hand and called her to him with his fingers. She took another sip of wine and put the glass on the table. 
Catherine took three steps forward, climbed onto the bed, sat on his lap so that his legs were between hers and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hi!"
"Hi, my pretty girl."
She didn’t take her eyes off him for a long time, running her hands over his hair, shoulders and arms.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Should I be afraid?" He narrowed his eyes and asked in surprise. 
"Sh-h, clown!" She looked into his eyes for a moment, took the red-and-white rubber band out of his hair, then tilted her head and kissed him on the lips. Buggy instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist. Her kiss became deeper and more passionate, her breathing quickened.
She ran one hand over his chest and lowered it down to his boxers. She felt something hard between her legs. "Well, good evening, Captain Buggy!" She smiled slightly, took off her t-shirt and ran her lips along his neck.
"Fuck, cotton candy!" He placed one hand on her thigh, then moved it on her stomach and gently lowered his hand into her panties. She felt his fingers digging into the soft skin near her crotch. 
"Do it." She whispered in his ear.
"My little Cathie-pie always swears at me when I do that, and now you’re asking me to do that?" He replied sarcastically and kissed her neck.
"Shit, clown. Are you gonna chat or are you gonna do your job?" She replied and moaned slightly when she felt his fingers found his way to her clit, rubbing it vigorously. 
"Fuck…" She arched her back and head backwards, her breasts in his face. He flicked a nipple with his tongue and she sighed in pleasure. She felt him slowly move inside her, her walls sending waves of pleasure against him. She whimpered in response, her body once again arching, not knowing what to do with the arousal. He was holding her back with his free arm, amused at how quick she was to react. 
"You ok, my little pie?"
"Stop asking stupid questions, fucking clown. Just d-d-don't.. fuck.. stop, ok?" 
"That’s my girl." He smiled widely. He adored the expressions she made. And he made sure to push his digits in and out in a rhythm that resembled that of her moanings. Catherine's moans intensified when he gradually moved his fingers to get faster, more forceful. Catherine lost her breath when she felt his fingers on her special spot. "Oh god. Fuck! That's it.."
"You like that?"
"You will be the death of me, Buggy-sama!" She whispered in his lips.
"Ugh! Don't call me that, baby." 
"Fuck you. I will.. fuck..ca-all you.. yeah.. as I wa-ant..fuck." She kissed him eagerly and couldn't stop moaning through the kiss. She clutched her fingers into his back, realizing that she was almost reaching orgasm. "Fuck, shit!" She buried her head in the crock of his neck and kept silent for a moment. He felt her heavy breath on his skin.
Buggy pulled out his hand and wiped it on the towel. "Is my pie happy now?" He stroked her hair.
"Your pie is really happy. But wait, my Captain. I have news for you. We're not done yet." She kissed him on his lips, stood up and took off her and his underwear. 
She knelt on the bed and gently ran her hand over his cock. "Tell me… Buggy the Genius Jester, do you have any orders? Wishes?" She whispered, continuing running her fingers along the entire length. 
"You're playing with fire, cotton candy.” He tried to take her hand. 
"Na-ah!" She threw his hand back on the bed. "You can watch but touch.. No!" She barely pressed her lips to the head of his cock.
"Cathie-pie…?" He looked at her with a surprised look.
"I’m listening, my silly clown. Don't you like it? Don't you want it?"
"I…I just didn't…expect…" He mumbled. 
"Okay, if you don't like it.." She shrugged her shoulders and reached out for her t-shirt.
"No, no, no!! Wait! Wait! I liked it! I loved it!!"
Catherine leaned over him. "Are you gonna be a good boy?"
He silently nodded. 
"You will be silent, won't you?"
He nodded. 
"Wanna see what else I can do?" She whispered.
He nodded again. 
She kissed him on his lips, winked at him and slowly moved down, flicking her tongue over his nipples, down his belly. She wrapped his length with her fingers and touched it with her lips. She could practically feel him arch up as she slowly closed her mouth over the head of his cock, curious, wondering if he'd beg..
He tried. He really tried. He tried so hard to remain silent for the next few minutes, but he didn't do it well. She felt his hands gripping the sheets. She could hear his weak voice, accompanied by "oh, holy shit", "fuck, baby, yes", "more, please, be-e-ging you", "that's it", "i love you, my co-t- fuck c-c-a-n.. fuck". 
After she finished, Catherine raised her head and looked at him. 
"Are you still alive, my silly clown?" She stood up and sat on top of him. Buggy's gaze was clouded. 
"Wow, I’m impressed by your reaction." She laughed and kissed his neck.
"What was that? What just happened?" He asked in a slightly high voice and shook his head to regain his senses. 
She grinned and whispered in his ear, her voice a low purr.
"My little revenge on you, blue-haired brat." 
"Fuck! You're a bad bad girl, Catherine Mitchell!!"
She couldn't help but laugh. "It's all your fault, Buggy-sama." She put her hands on his shoulders and started tracing her finger over his bicep.
"I told you not to call me that. It's ve-e-ry dangerous!" He croaked in a whisper and put his hands on her shoulder blades.
"I don't give a shit, you know that perfectly." She tilted her head and ran her lips over his lips. “I have one piece of news for you. Right now I want you inside me.”
"Damn! I can't hold you back from this but don't you dare make any claims against me again." He put his hands on her waist.
"Fuck you. You bet I will." 
"Stop talking and c’mere, my little shit!" 
She kissed him again, rose a little and slowly sat on his cock, letting out a moan. 
"Fuck, you're so good!" He whispered and smashed his lips into her.
"Yes, I’m.." She smiled during the kiss and started slowly moving her hips from back and forth. Every movement made his pulse pick up, pleasure shooting through his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He started growling and kissing any part of her he could reach. She felt him squeeze her ass and grind herself against his hips.
With every kiss from him, Catherine quickened her pace. "I want to feel you deeper." She whispered, digging her nails into his back. 
She let her knees slide apart a little further, taking him just a little further and felt how his cock filled her completely. Inside, it felt enormous, thick and tight. She started rocking her hips again, slow at first, then alternating with up and down strokes. He kissed her hungrily, sliding his tongue against hers, moaning into her mouth when her movements picked up speed. 
"You feel so right, my Cathie-pie. I just can't get enough of you." He said between kisses. 
"It’s my superpower." She said quietly, pulling at his lower lip with her teeth. 
Catherine was grinding her body against his, her hips snapping back and forth. She took his hand and squeezed it. "I’m so– close, fuck. I want us to come together."
She picked up her pace even more, breaking the kiss just to moan his name loudly, squeezing his hand more and more tightly. The ecstasy was peaking unbearably, building every time he or she moved.
"Fuck, baby, I’m close. I’m gonna c…"
He kissed her shoulder, her hips moving in short frantic thrusts against his cock. Right before he lost his mind completely Buggy looked at Catherine to see her beautiful face intent on him, and that was the last thing he could think of as he came.
Catherine pressed her whole body against him, feeling every rapid beat of his heart. She didn't let go of his hand and ran her free hand through his wet hair.
"You ok? You're breathing so hard." She asked quietly and pressed her forehead to his.
"I’m totally fine. You?"
"S'okay." She kissed him on his lips. "You’re my other half and I love you so so much my Buggy Bear. Remember that, okay?"
He gazed intently into her eyes. "You’re not just my other half, cotton candy. You're my better half."
"Wow!! My beloved blue-haired asshole said that to me! I need to be on top of you more often so that I can hear such phrases more often." She laughed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
"Little shit!" He stroked her forearms, then wrapped his arms around her waist and put his head under her chin. "I love you. And I promise, I’ll never hurt you."
"I know."
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Elena Wallace: An Appreciation Post
**Transformers: ROTB spoilers ahead**
Okay! Let's talk about how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Elena Wallace is in this movie! I've talked about Noah & Mirage quite a bit, but I absolutely CANNOT forget about our queen Elena! I barely see any posts for her and it's CRIMINAL!!!!!!!! Let me go fix that real quick!
There is no order. This is just a spontaneous list of all the reasons why I love Elena. 😊
I like that she's not just some side character. No, SHE CAME IN WITH THE KNOWLEDGE! She knew her shit and she was very resourceful! She knew info that even the Autobots didn't know!!!
I like how inquisitive she is. She saw a new artifact come in at work and she was immediately drawn to it and wanted to learn more about it. She did her own research on her OWN TIME on the markings engraved on the artifact/transwarp key, and I love that! Her boss really had the audacity to take credit for her work and ignored her when she wanted to be apart of the team that would be working on unlocking the history behind the artifact/transwarp key. But nah, she still found a way to learn more about it. You go girl!
Literal hand writing! I love love LOVE how quick she was to record information! The way she quickly started writing down markings on her hand in pen when the door to the lab technician room slammed in her face. Yes! You write those markings, girl! We ain't done! Or when her and Noah were in the underground ancient temple in Peru and she was writing down markings on her hand again. Yes!
I like that Elena took it upon herself to protect the transwarp key with her life. She didn't even understand its significance yet, but she was already ready to protect it when she first met Noah. She wasn't even scared at all, she really decked him HARD in the face to protect it! Like damnnn! 🤣 And the little rapid side step fake out thing she did with him was absolutely HILARIOUS! I can't! 🤣🤣
I love that Elena isn't a harmful stereotype and wasn't thrown into some harmful trope. No, she got to exist and be unapologetically black while still being such a likable character. Representation is SO important and it's nice to see black characters shine in sci-fi media and be apart of the adventure. Growing up, I've always dreamed of seeing characters like Elena take on main roles in a sci-fi show/movie, and in a Transformers show/movie and get to be friends with the robots. I'm so glad that characters like Elena exists. What a time to be alive! 🥺
Elena's love for history and artifacts was a nice touch. She's an artifacts researcher/history nerd and I am so here for it! And that little dinosaur sticker on her car! Cute! 🥰 I like that she was essentially the team's well of knowledge, in the sense that she immediately knew where the location for the second half of the transwarp key is, and she knew what the second half of the code is when Primal thought it died with Airazor. She really said, "I got this!" and it was go time! She had her little notebook of info at the ready and seeing all the notes, sketches and markings that she jotted down was cool.
NAVIGATING THROUGH HIGHLY ADVANCED ALIEN TECHNOLOGY LIKE A BOSS!!! Like excuse me, what??! Elena was able to figure out how to use the control panel during the final battle with ease. My anxiety could never! She navigated through a control panel that had so many different alien symbols to flip through AND it was a multi functioning panel that had a lot going on. But that did not stop her, nope, nope, nope! She got down to business, figured it out quick and entered the codes!!! 👏🏾
I like how connected Elena is to Airazor. From the moment she first laid eyes on the new artifact in the museum that resembled Airazor, to the moment she first laid eyes on Airazor, is just beautiful. She was mesmerized by her and it really showed! And their interactions throughout the movie is just **chef's kiss** 🤌🏾 Especially the scenes when Elena was concerned for Airazor's health after Scourge left his "mark" on her wing that inevitably led to her demise. You could feel how much Airazor's death affected Elena. 😔 FUCK YOU, SCOURGE!!!! Andddd hearing that there was supposed to be a scene in the movie where Elena jokingly says to Airazor, "I bet you make bots turn their necks when you fly by.", only for Airazor to respond with, "I did know to shake a tail feather or two." AHHHHHHHHH!!!! WE WERE ROBBED!!! 😡😡😡😡
Elena coming on the mission, despite looking very fearful at first is very admirable. She probably knew in her heart that she was destined to be apart of the mission, and she wanted to help save two worlds. Absolutely amazing! And the scene when she talks about her father and how fond she is of him is beautiful. "If you keep your eyes and ears open, life will show you everything you need to know." I love that line so much! 👏🏾
I like that Elena isn't an overly sexualized love interest for Noah, or assigned to him because he has a massive crush on her, like how Mikaela was with Sam in the 2007 Transformers movie. I know some people ship these 2 hard and I don't mind one bit (Noah/Elena shippers, do your thang! ✌🏾), but it was just nice to see a female character not be thrown into the love interest role for the main human character in a Transformers movie.
Elena became very close to Noah because they were the only humans on the Stop Unicron Team and they were actively working together to stop Unicron from destroying their home planet. But their relationship throughout the movie was giving me very strong sibling vibes.
We already know that Noah is a family man and his relationship with his little brother Kris is so wholesome! He loves his little bro so much! 🥺🥺 So seeing Noah be so protective of Elena throughout the movie was giving me that same sibling energy and it was really wholesome to watch!!! The way he would quickly grab her and step in front of her to protect her from danger, or the way he helped her down that dangerous ass entrance to the ancient underground temple, or gently drag her away to safety, or blast at anything that even attempted to attack her, or warn her about imminent danger, or how he made sure she was okay after a corrupted Airazor attacked her, and how he gently pushed her curls to the side, etc. Just ahhhhh! Their interactions were so GECICWHCICCEJCJ!!!! 😍
However...if you want to talk about Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback's interactions during their interviews together, then yeah, they're cute af!!!! 👀 Anthony was continuing to channel his inner Noah and was still holding onto those protective tendencies with Dominique, and I just found that absolutely adorable. 🥺
A happy, happy, SUPER HAPPY ENDING FOR ELENA!!! I really like that Elena FINALLY got recognition for her work at the end of the movie. I was so happy when I saw that ending scene! 😭
Okay! I think I covered everything I wanted to say about Elena and how she is an absolute queen, and how she is making my inner girl smile from ear to ear. If you read everything I just said, you are awesome! Thank you! 😘
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oc-aita · 3 months
AITA for agreeing to kidnap a friend?
For clarification, I'm not sure if we're 'friends'. But he seems pretty nice to me.
I, 24m, am part of an adventurer's guild. I joined to make friends, as well as... well it's not entirely important. I'm also what's colloquially known as a 'warlock'.
I was adopted at a young age by a devil, after my parents attempted a summoning ritual that went wrong. I have the ritual scars to prove it. He's nice, though- he raised me in his human guise, and he's always treated me like a son. Gave me magic to keep myself safe.
Last night, I was sleeping in the woods with my party, when my dad reached out to me in my dreams. He does that sometimes, it's normal. Especially because we've been apart for a while. He sat me down, and we talked. Turns out, one of the princes from... downstairs has a vested interest in one of my party members. Sort of a family reunion thing. I hate family reunions. But it's... I'm supposed to take him to the hells to reunite him with his father.
This is important. If I do this, if I succeed... I could get my soul back. I made my pact with my adoptive father when I was... four? Five? I was small, so I've never really remembered much of my life when I owned my own soul.
I guess I'm kind of desperate.
But the thing is, I know how it feels to have blood relatives want you when you don't want them. My adoptive father has us in hiding, because my birth family would hunt me down if they knew I survived the ritual. My friend says he lost everything as a child. I understand. I did too.
I took the deal. It's a physical mark on my body, now. I'm supposed to take him down to his dad before The Big Plans are fully set into motion. Not that I really know what those are, but... devils. I think I'm better off not knowing.
This is pretty much the only opportunity I have to get my soul back. To really own myself again. But... AITA for taking the deal, promising to kidnap my friend?
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lonepower · 6 months
@curlyparmesan replied to your post “hi! guess who's alive! this is just the page from...”:
You made that?? It's so good!! I know nothing about Hollow Knight but it looks so pretty.
but also oh man okay now i have to yell because this game. it's like. ok. so the game is about this little bug
Tumblr media
(absolute creature. unauthorized fucking thing.) known variably as "the knight", the "little ghost", "pale thing", "small friend"- the point is they don't really have a name, or an identity, or any memories, or any personality, or anything. (spoiler alert: they have all of these.)
the game starts with you entering "Hallownest," a deteriorating subterranean kingdom of bugs that has been slowly rotting for an unknown amount of time as a mysterious infection consumes it from within. the king is missing; the queen has barricaded herself into her home out of an unspecified grief; all but a handful of citizens are dead; and nobody wants to sleep, because if you do the infection will come to take over your dreams and drive you mad. and dying doesn't free you from this because it just fills you with goo and puppets your corpse around! fun.
so your job as this little creature is to find out what's causing the dreaming sickness and put a stop to it.
there is a way you are supposed to put a stop to it. this is the easiest, worst, and most horrifying ending.
describing the story any further would delve into spoilers that are absolutely more fun to discover (and going lore-hunting is at least half the fun of the game - make sure to explore everywhere), but like. these little 16 pixels will RIP your HEART from your BODY. they will cause AGONIES. you'll be on the floor crying about bugs and you WILL like it.
as far as gameplay goes, it's a 2D sidescroller/metroidvania style, which put me off it for a long time because i haaaaaaaaaate metroidvanias. i actually started it, got past the first boss (which is a testament to how good it is in and of itself, because usually i get to the first enemy and am just like "nah"), went "oh right I hate metroidvanias," and gave up. and then about three days later i was like, "...but I want to know what happens next." as it turns out, it's actually highly moddable, so I stuck god mode on and played through the entire thing three times in about a month. I've actually weaned myself off of it for a couple of encounters, which is even more impressive! Troupe Master Grimm also headlines my very very very short list of "bosses I not only tolerate, but actively enjoy" (alongside essej from control + tom and hel from ghostrunner. that's the entire list.) combat is... still hard, but can be rewarding - it's mostly timing-based and there's a parry mechanic whose window is so fucking microscopic but actually managing it is really satisfying.
(also, like-
-i can't even go into details because it's BIIIG spoilers but like. the way two of the characters parry. like their stances and stuff. i'm screaming and wailing and tearing out my hair over the Implications of that-)
and the MUSIC too. the THEMES and MOTIFS. the way certain characters' leitmotifs creep into different areas or into other characters' themes... POETIC CINEMA. i could, have, and will continue to listen to the main theme, dirtmouth bgm, and city of tears bgm on repeat for hours. (also bonus favorite boss theme. the fact that this man is not a Tumblr Sexyman(tm) continues to boggle me-)
another thing I really like is that you're not the only adventurer in the world. there's not really a companion mechanic (though there are some upgrades that will give you little minions, and you can kill a clown and he'll give you his son as a reward), but there's a couple of other characters you can encounter periodically across the game who are on their own quests, which depending on your actions you can help bring to fruition or not. it just feels like the kind of thing you don't see very often? but this kingdom is known in-universe to draw adventurers, and there... actually are other adventurers. idk. it's neat.
anyway. play hollow knight. it will hurt you but you won't regret it.
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thank you so much @simstryingtheirbestok & @papermint-airplane for tagging me! I still feel no motivation to do anything but this might provide a nice distraction for a while so here I go.
I imagine a lot of people have done it already but Imma tag my mutuals anyway. Absolutely no pressure to do this, or like this post, no obligations xD
@ts3strayastray @ktarsims @happy-lemon @treason-and-plot @eidas5 @zergula @yliel @flotheory @echoweaver @kamel-simmer-ts3 @hazely-sims
Apologies for my mutuals that I have forgot to tag, and anyone else who wants to do it consider yourself tagged by me and go ahead and do it!
Answers are under the cut
Are you named after anyone? Nah, my parents really kind of hated those naming after people traditions so they were suggested my name by someone and liked it and decided to use it.
When was the last time you cried? I don't know, last night? Not really going through the best time of my life so there has been lots of crying. I lost track.
Do you have any kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me?? Use sarcasm? I would never do such a thing to hide what I'm really feeling.
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm too short to play any kind of sports professionally but I love being active. I used to play volleyball when I was in school. Love badminton as well. These days my usual go to is running and swimming.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their eyes. Always the first thing I'll look at and then the way they talk and their voice. I give everyone a certain amount of time to assess if I like them or not and if they fail, I'll probably never end up liking them.
Scary movies or happy endings? Neither. Don't like scary movies and I don't like it when things end. Adventures must always continue!
Any special talents? Nope. Nothing. I just know a bunch of stuff about a dozen random things, there is nothing special here. Wait, there is one thing, I can move my forehead and ears xD
Where were you born? A small town which is stuck between steep mountains and an unforgiven black sea with rain clouds always lurking in the distance. I love that place, definitely would go back as a tourist. Just sucks to be from there with all those relatives.
What are your hobbies? I dunno, take a pick. Doodling, guitar, piano, gaming, reading, running, stargazing. A bunch of stuff I'm just mediocre at. See question #8.
Do you have any pets? Yes, I have a budgie. I lost her friend a few months back and I still miss him. R.I.P Percy. He was the bestest of birbs.
How tall are you? 5'1" or about 155cm.
Fave subject in school? PE. Hated sitting class at all times just throw me outside and give me a ball to chase.
Dream job? A smuggler in Star Wars universe with a ship of my own and a nice trusted blaster on my belt. Hmm? Gotta be something from the real world? Then it's being an astrophysicist.
Eye colour? Darkest of the browns.
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believemetheodore · 1 year
Northern Attitude pt. 2
Ted Lasso x Rebecca Welton
Divorce is hard. it doesn't matter if you're the one who got left, or you're the one doing the leaving. When an unexpected blizzard puts a dangerous twist in Ted's hiking adventures he's rescued by an axe-wielding, lumber-chopping, blonde angel. Oh, and there's only one bed. Warnings: divorce mentions, mentions of Ted's dad, snow storms, depictions of childhood injuries, broken bones (past), Rupert (mentioned), let me know if you want me to add anything.
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Ted remembers falling out of a tree when he was a kid--probably only eight or nine years old. He hadn’t made it very far up the tree, but he broke his arm anyway. For a minute he’d just laid there in the grass looking up at the canopy of green leaves above him. The shock of the fall had knocked the air from his lungs and he couldn’t call out for help. 
His mom had found him, and got him to the hospital to have his arm looked at. With all the adrenaline out of his system, it hurt a whole heck of a lot, but still, he was quiet; like all the fear, and hurt was trapped in his chest.
In the waiting room, his Ma just kept telling him he'd be alright, over and over again, like a mantra.
His dad was home from work when they got back, and Ted was allowed to have an extra scoop of ice cream for dessert. “So, what did ya learn today?” His father asked. “Not to climb trees,” Ted replied. “Nah,” his dad shook his head, “You just learned one wrong way to climb a tree”. When Ted got his cast taken off a couple of weeks later, he climbed right back up the same tree he’d fallen out of. He climbed almost every tree in the neighbourhood that summer. Ted’s never been a quitter. 
He knows he was lucky to grow up with parents as fantastic as his folks were. For all the growing pains, and the tragedy, he can say he actually had a really good childhood. He knows guys his age carrying around the weight of the world on their shoulders. They fight their own pasts, and shadowbox their childhoods, trying not to hand down their aches and heartbreaks to their own sons. Ted hopes he manages to only pass down the good things to his.
Henry broke his arm at school a while back and it nearly sent Ted into a panic. Henry took it in stride, excited to get his cast signed when he saw his friends. He got that from Michelle, his carefree nature. Ted's always been a  worrier. 
“Were you scared?” Ted asked Henry that night, tucking him into bed.
“Nope! My teacher said you and mom were coming to get me. It hurt a lot though”.
“How ya feeling now?”
Henry shrugged, “I don't know if football is the sport for me. I don't think I'm very good at sports”.
Ted hummed, weighing his son's words, “ya know, I broke my arm when I was your age. Fell outta tree. Thought I'd never climb a tree again”.
Henry grinned at his father's story, “did you?”
“Lots of ‘em. Your grandpa--my dad, reminded me that we all make mistakes. But a lot of times mistakes are just lessons on how not to do something,” Ted pauses, “don't stop doing something you enjoy. Just figure out a different way to do it”. 
“A different way to play football?”
Ted wasn't shocked by the question. He's always had the habit of letting his tongue get ahead of his thoughts. Words flow without thought, and even he's left piecing together their meaning. 
How do you play football differently? 
“They call soccer, football in England,” Ted floated the idea. 
“A different kind of football,” Henry nodded in the affirmative. 
When Ted's eyes flutter open again, the first thing he's aware of is the cold. Snow has found its way down the collar of his coat. And then he sees her, Diane Sawyer. 
Only in his dreams.
Is he dead? The thought crosses his mind. 
“Hello?” She says, “can you hear me?” 
Not Diane Sawyer. 
He groans trying to sit up.
“Woah, take it easy. That was quite the tumble you took,” the angel lady says, gently pushing on his chest to get him to lie down again. He doesn't fight it. 
“How's your head? Are you in any pain?” She asks. Oh, that's not an accent he's used to hearing.  
“Noggin feels fine,” he confirms. 
She nods, letting him sit up slowly, it's easier to breathe now. 
“What's your name?” 
“Ted Lasso”.
“It's nice to meet you Ted. I'm Rebecca Welton”. 
He hums, “it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms Welton. I gotta ask though, is that an English accent I'm hearing”.
He's got a lot of questions, come to think of it. How long was he out for? It's hard to tell just by looking at the sky, equally as grey as it was when he set out in the morning. The wind has died down, the ice rain seems to have calmed back down to playful flurries.
How far did he fall? He can't quite make out the top of the hill, but he must've fallen a fair distance. He hit something on the way down, that much he can feel for sure. His shoulder throbs, but a cursory movement confirms that it's not broken or dislocated.
She smiles softly, almost as if it's in spite of herself, “Rebecca, please. Ms Welton is my father. But, to answer your question, I'm from London, yes”. 
“If that's a joke I love it. If not, I can't wait to unpack that with you,” Ted chuckled as she helps him to his feet. 
Goly, she's tall. It's hard to tell in the snow but she's nearly as tall as he is. She's not wearing a heavy winter coat, and yet here he is shivering in his. 
A pair of jeans, sturdy-looking boots, a cable knit sweater in the softest shade of pink, and a Sherpa-lined flannel. He looks around but can't see a backpack other than his own, a few feet away.
“Are you hiking here too?” He lets himself wonder aloud.
“No, I live here. I work here,” she tells him, “come along-- the snow has slowed down, but there's sure to be more of it, and I have absolutely no interest in catching a cold”. 
Rebecca's cabin is bigger than the one Ted stayed in last night, but it's nowhere near large. It's rustic by nature but decidedly comfortable-- lived in. It's clear she's made the place her own. 
The glow of a dimming fire casts a warm orange glow over the room, but blow glass wall sconces do most of the illumination work. There's a sitting area with a large leather sofa, softened by the chunky knit blanket draped over the back of it. A high-back armchair sits nearer to the fireplace. Across the room, is a small open kitchen, sage green cabinets, and a butcher block island. There's a baby pink kettle on the gas stove, and a quick sniff of the air smells like warm lemon. 
There's a bathroom at the end of a short corridor. Unlike the camper accommodations, this cabin has a staircase that Ted assumes leads up to the sleeping area. 
Ted accepts Rebecca's offer to take his coat from him, watching as she hangs it next to her own. He follows her lead toeing off his boots and setting them on the mat by the door. 
“Make yourself at home, get yourself warmed up,” she nods towards the fire. 
He does as he's told, lowering himself into the chair. He's beginning to feel the aftermath of his falls, tender spots all over his back and limbs he's sure will be black and blue tomorrow if they aren't already. His shoulder throbs but he pushes down the hiss of pain, finding a comfortable enough position to rest in.
“I really appreciate you takin’ me in like this,” Ted speaks for the first time since he entered her home, “I've read far too many online articles about people getting buried in avalanches-- most certainly how I'd like to go”.
“It's really not a problem,” she cuts his rambling short, putting the kettle on to boil again, “how do you take your tea?”
“I don't”.
She looks startled, borderline appalled for a moment before she speaks again, “sometimes I forget I'm the one with an accent here. Hot cocoa?” She tries again. 
“Ooh, yes please!” 
The drink warms him from the inside out. Conjuring images of winter's past. And it's easy to relax, breathing deeply and settling into the sound of the resumed inclement weather outside, and Rebecca shuffling around the kitchen. 
She checks over his injuries again. Still no sign of a concussion, and she clears him to sleep tonight. He can see the irony in the fact that this trip was one he was supposed to take alone, but he's never been one to turn away from making new friends. 
He sleeps on the couch, wrapped up in his sleeping bag, nice and cozy by the fire. 
The moonlight wakes him, trickling through the window. A quick glance outside shows him that the front porch and steps have been completely snowed over. The blanket of snow is a good foot deeper than yesterday, and he resigns himself to know he won't be getting back on the trail today. 
It's about a quarter after four when he checks his watch and he knows he's not getting back to sleep. He's been haunted by bouts of insomnia, and lack of sleep on and off his whole life; it's only gotten worse in the last year and a half. 
The first time he remembers it happening he was 16, about to turn 17. He'd gone from feeling like the whole world was his to explore, with a big exciting life ahead of him, to feeling like every room he walked into was collapsing around his ears. 
As a kid, he'd seen people lose people. Watched his parents and friends process loss. 
He'd been too young when his grandparents passed away to fully understand or process the grief, but he can remember his Ma crying in the kitchen, her face hidden in his father's chest. 
He'd had friends at school who had family pass away. When he was 13 or 14 the family dog Hank had to get out to sleep. Ted had cried himself to sleep that night. He'd lost one of his bestfriends. But none of that could've prepared him for the death of his own father. 
It had taken him months to accept that he needed help sleeping. The sound of a gun shoot ringing in his ears every time he closed his eyes. He ended up having to take medication for a couple of years to combat his insomnia. 
It hasn't been that bad in years, but stress still triggers him, leaving him waking at all hours, or staring at a ceiling waiting for a dreamland he knows isn't coming. 
Ted has learned to cope. He's found things that keep his hands and mind occupied. Today he bakes. He hopes that his socked footsteps on the floorboards are silent to a sleeping Rebecca upstairs, and he prays that his creations are enough to cancel out any potential intrusion or overstep as he makes himself at home in her tiny kitchen. 
He scrapes together enough flour, butter, and sugar to bake a batch of shortbread cookies, following the recipe he's had memorized since he was old enough to help out in the kitchen. 
The sun is just starting to peek through the curtain of the clouds when he pulls the cookies out the oven, letting them cool while he makes breakfast. He can hear her moving around upstairs now, and it only makes him smile, excited to present her with the delicious little biscuits, as she'd probably call them, he's crafted. 
The moment Ted had laid eyes on her, he trusted Rebecca. Kindred spirits almost. A meeting of fate. His father always told him, “there are a lot of people in this world. A lot of people you'll love, but for better or for worse there are some people you'll just know you were meant to meet”. 
Ted holds that philosophy close to his heart. He was always meant to be friends with Beard. Ted was meant to be a father, and he was certain he loved Henry king before he even existed.
In a lot of ways meeting Michelle felt like destiny. The only two people in the parking lot late at night. What were the odds? 
Separating from Michelle, and getting a divorce had felt like a stab straight to the heart. It challenged what he had always believed in. If he was meant to know her, then how could he lose her?
He chooses now to see it as a lesson. He sees now how he had a hunk himself down and held himself back to love her. They didn't fit together the way they should have. But loving her had taught him to see the good in the world again. Without Michelle, Ted wouldn't know Henry. And with that perspective he's learned to be grateful. 
This vacation, this hike, the snow, and his fall all lead him here. When he opened his eyes and saw Rebecca with her blonde hair and green eyes he'd labeled her an angel. She'd rescued him from more than just the snow. 
And now, as he scrambles eggs, and fries up some bacon, Ted knows he's more at ease than he has been in months. There's an instant familiarity, he wants to explore. He was meant to know Rebecca. 
“Did you make these?” Rebecca asks pointing at the perfect rectangular shortbread pieces on the counter. 
“Sure did!” Ted smiles, plating breakfast for the two of them, “I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to say thank you”.
She hesitated before lifting one to take a bite, and he watches eagerly. 
“Fuck me,” she mumbles, her fingers catching the escaping crumbs. Her eyes light up in a way he hasn't seen yet. Like a kid at Christmas, pure and genuine joy, and Ted can't help but wonder when she last felt this way. She shys away after her initial outbursts, as though she's embarrassed herself somehow. 
Ted's eyebrows shoot up and he allows himself to chuckle, “I've got some breakfast here for you as well”.
“You didn't have to, Ted. Thank you”.
“It was the least I could do,” he shrugs.
After breakfast, Ted showers, taking advantage of the hot water, and the superior water pressure. He layers up, putting a flannel over his thermal shirt, long johns under his jeans. 
Rebecca told him while they ate that she needed more firewood, and he was expected to help. It's been years since he chopped wood. The last time was probably one of his camping trips with his dad but he's beyond happy to be of use, especially if he's stranded here for at least another day. 
Rebecca is tall, strong, and powerful. Dressed in a navy blue snowsuit, her hair down in natural curls, contained only by her wool hat. She carries her ax on her shoulder, smirking at Ted's jokes about ax murders-- he's been watching too much true crime lately. 
There's a tree that's already been toppled and she quickly gets to work chopping away at the section that will be split into firewood. 
Definitely an angel.
 The forrest is beautiful. Even more stunning in the valley they stand in now, looking up at the hills, evergreen pines, dusted white. It’s silent, every sound muffled by the snow. Indescribably peaceful, and the company hes found himself in only adds to it. A part of him wishes he could stay here forever. 
When he takes over chopping the wood, his hand brushing hers as the ax changes hands, he distracts himself from the burn in unused muscles by asking Rebecca how a lovely English woman such as herself ended up in the American wilderness. 
“My friend from college, I call her Sassy, she’s an ecologist. And after I got divorced, I followed her out here with her daughter to help with some research she was doing,” Rebecca explains, stacking the firewood on the tiny sled she’d dragged out. 
He can tell by the way she hesitates to mention her divorce that it was probably pretty messy. Her shoulders drop, and he hates the way she makes herself smaller. “And you just stayed behind?” He asks, encouraging her to continue. He wants to know her.
“I fell in love with this place. I went home, but I kept coming back here. Hiked all the trails, saw all the sights. And then there was an opening for a summer guide and park coordinator. I took it”. “I bet you’re good at it,” Ted smiles, not missing the way she blushes. “I enjoy it. It’s a lot of kids, and families in the summer. And the coordination is mostly clerical,” she shrugs off the compliment. The ax back over her shoulder as they walk. 
She’s looking at him, watching him as they retrace their boot prints back to the cabin. He lets her have her moment, and ignores the way he’s cheeks feel warm under her gaze. 
Ted makes dinner. He takes his time cooking up stake and potatoes, getting Rebecca to help out cutting up carrots and root vegetables. Her laughter he’s learned is one of his favourite sounds, and he goes out of his way to do it. Rebecca is the most intoxicating mix of grace, and absolute silliness. She glows when she smiles, and it melts his heart. She dances through the kitchen as she twists the cork out of a bottle of wine, thrilled as she pours them each a glass. 
“This is by far the best dinner I’ve had in ages,” she sighs, starring down at her empty plate. “I appreciate you sayin’ that. It was the least I could do”. She shakes her head, at his refusal of her compliment, “I mean it”. “I know you do,” he smiles. 
The room is quiet, the crackle of the fireplace seems so loud when all he can hear is their breathing. “Rupert-- my ex. He was a real piece of shit,” Rebecca swallows before continuing, “And when I left him, I thought that all I really wanted was to be alone”. 
Ted nods. He can understand that mentality, though it saddens him to hear it. She’s so full of life, so vibrant, imagining her spending her days without anyone sharing in that joy breaks his heart. “It seems silly, saying it out loud, but even in this short amount of time, I feel like I’ve known you forever, Ted,” She confesses, “And at the risk of sounding cruel, or selfish, I’m glad you feel down that hill”. Ted can’t stop his laughter, “Rebecca, I have never been happier to have made a fool of myself”. 
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Fake fic titles time!!!!
In Ink and Blood (heheheh I like this one)
A feather Quill with a tale of old
All in all, I have you
Nobody’s pawn (the angst potential >:3)
Just one drop
Hehehe have fun with these!!
WHOOP WHOOP thank you very much becky !!! :D
in ink and blood
becky genuinely i cannot think of ANYTHING for this. everything else came to me easily but i've been sitting here trying to think...i'll take another minute or so,,, i'm thinking vampires? pen manufacturing? a deal?? tnt duo??? IDK!!! aha i listened to a song called ink and blood so ig a horror setting could fit!..nah i'll stick to tnt vamps
quackity is a borrower, wilbur is a vampire. when quackity comes in contact with said vampire due to wilbur's enhanced senses, he realizes that wilbur is scared. quackity is too, which puts them in an untrustworthy position of "who is lying" despite both of their "shows" being completely real. (legit just wrote tommy there. that is my fifth time using tommy as a filler word today) quackity comes forward one day and requests that wilbur leaves him alone, or quackity will tell his colony of this find. (which is a total lie, quackity's been a loner for half of his life). wilbur states that while quackity wants comfort in writing, wilbur wants comfort in blood, as in, turning quackity. the man is hesitant at first, but he really isn't spiritual enough to embrace death just yet.
so quackity, having had read a few books in his lifetime, especially horror ones that he'd stolen from a human he used to live with, agreed. and wilbur, stupid as it was, wrote in words that he wouldn't do anything to quackity, despite being his soon-to-be-sire (GAHHH i'm so happy with this and i love it- esp quackity wanting it in writing and him being a lawyer- yk- HDFSHA)
a feather quill with a tale of old (holy SHIT i love that)
archeologists recently discovered the ruins of an old, small camp. the only thing about it, is, it's massive. there's towering stone walls with ropes of ivy and overgrown plants surrounding the entirety of the old place. phil, in charge of the plan to uncover the giant civilization, immediately sets off to work with his large group. they work for days, starting only with the jungle of ferns and growth. tubbo, the youngest of their party, slips off and starts investigating on his own. he'd always had a weird kind of deja vu that was in the back of his mind, flaring up whenever he did something like write in a book or watch a paranormal show. but it flared up bad here, it felt familiar.
tubbo wanders into an old tent where only the foundation stands and sees a book buried under a pile of sediment. some trouble later, he unearths a chest filled with dirt, a feather sticking upright out of it like a plant, and a book settled in between it. the voice in his head grows loud and his gut churns, it's so familiar. on the cover, it reads: dreamons. (i like tubbo and fundy and sapnap's little dreamon adventures, okay? also this rlly isn't g/t....sorry)
also just bc this is short, maybe tubbo sneaks away from camp and visits this place. maybe a dreamon comes for him, or he finds the remains of fundy, sapnap, or even himself. or.....something entirely different >:) i could totally write this...
nobody's pawn (angst. >:D)
usually, when a human finds a borrower, they capture it and put it to work. sometimes they're cruel, sometimes they're on the nicer end of the spectrum while still enforcing rules. they'll make them do work, like basic chores.
tommy had a big ego. he thought highly of himself, so when he was caught by a human, he was startled to hear that dream didn't want anything from him. not a single job was worth tommy. tommy took offence to that, and continued popping up at random times to pester him about the offer, any every time dream declined. tommy was clouded by the thoughts of why he wasn't able to. maybe he was too small, he had been unusually small compared to some other borrowers he'd met....but that doesn't mean he was any less capable.
tommy started trying to help dream. setting dream's alarm when he was too tired to, rolling lost items out from under furniture, anything. until, of course, dream would call him out on it. tommy, in the end, was always left wondering why dream did not want him. (not rlly angst...more just miscommunication involving traditions lol but i like this!! also primeboys my beloved <3)
all in all, i have you
(this just yells shrinking but i gotta figure out how to make it not a typical shrinking story... boom okay got it!) tubbo had always enjoyed tinkering with things. his attic is filled with junk he'd acquired while sneaking into junkyards and walking in the dangerous part of town. so, naturally, it didn't startle him that he'd actually perfected a shrink ray. he'd tried it on a duck lamp he had, and it worked perfectly. it was no more than a few inches when he'd hit it with the ray.
his next test subject would be their son, a little boy ranboo and him decided to adopt when they hit eighteen. it was a little nerve-wracking, sure, and for a second it thought he may have...died...but all in all, it worked!
ranboo didn't exactly know about this. when they asked where micheal went, tubbo lied and said that the boy had went to spend the weekend with jack (who was also in on it, and in on the shrink ray). he practiced on everything. and it helped with his inventions, like too-big pieces of metal that he needed to be smaller. he added settings to it to adjust things. it was amazing. tubbo, foolish as it would be to admit, felt like a mad scientist. ("i have you" refers to the shrink ray...cause yk...mad scientist...OKAY IT WAS SOMETHING I CAME UP WITH TO SWAY AROUND HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS LMAO)
just one drop
(ooh do i chose drop like liquid or drop like height....) for class, wilbur needed to do one of two things: find a subject, and test his concoction. his school focused on magic while including the other basic things. but mainly magic. he had magic blood from his mother, but he's the only one who did, seeing as both tommy and techno were adopted. wilbur's subject was tommy, in the end. he was the only one home at the time, otherwise it would've been techno, because he's much more enjoyable to work with (sometimes...)
he'd tried to make a shrink potion and was testing to see if it worked. the instructions for his assignment was to use just one drop from a pipette, but somehow wilbur managed to fuck that up. mainly because tommy was complaining and he squeezed just a bit too hard. which would've been okay. but he panicked and ended up spilling the vial onto his brother. his potion had worked, so he'd get a good grade...but he had to hide his three-inch-brother from his other brother and father. and...they don't exactly know that the school he goes to deals in magic. the "real" classes were more of a ruse. the magic his mother told him he had was whispered to him only a few weeks before she left, as far as phil knows, wilbur was normal.
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whimsy9sims · 10 months
Words of love - Episode 1 Part 1
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"Seriously, are we doing this when we've got work tomorrow?" Isabelle asked, her voice filled with skepticism as she forced a smile.
Josie's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she playfully nudged Isabelle with her elbow. "Oh, come on! I just snagged that promotion, remember? We've earned ourselves some well-deserved fun."
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Lauren chimed in with a grin that matched Josie's enthusiasm. "Absolutely! Who ever said fun was confined to weekends?" High-fives between Lauren and Josie sealed their pact.
Isabelle's voice returned, a hint of practicality in her tone. "But you two will be nursing hangovers at work tomorrow."
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A determined gleam sparkled in Josie's eyes as she took another sip from her glass, brimming with an alcoholic drink. "Nah, we've got this. It's all under control. Let's just make tonight unforgettable, starting with the dance floor." With that, she tugged Isabelle and Lauren towards the pulsating heart of the club. Josie felt her head spinning slightly from the drinks, but the night was young and she was far from done.
On the dance floor, amidst the kaleidoscope of pulsating lights and thumping beats, Josie's eyes caught the attention of someone. Correction: someone very cute. A guy. And it seemed like he was looking right back at her. A grin lifted the corners of her lips as she locked eyes with him, a silent connection woven through the chaos of the music.
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Summoning her courage, Josie approached him, shouting over the din, "Hey, I’m Josie! Nice to meet you."
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His reply carried a warmth that wasn't just from the alcohol. "Hi, Josie. I’m Finn. Nice to meet you too." His smile had an almost magnetic pull, causing Josie's heart to flutter in response.
A playful inquiry left Josie's lips. "New in town, aren't you?"
He chuckled, his voice navigating the auditory labyrinth of the club. "Is it that obvious?"
Josie's laughter intertwined with the music. "No, I just hang around this place almost always, and you're a fresh face."
His revelation came with a good-natured shrug. "Guilty as charged. My friend convinced me to loosen up a bit before my new job starts tomorrow."
Josie's amusement bubbled forth. "Ah, the classic 'let's-party-before-we-turn-into-nerve-wrexcks' tactic. I'm all too familiar. But what brought you here to the big city?"
His eyes carried a glint of adventure. "A fresh start, really. New places, new faces. I'm a country boy at heart, and the allure of the big city was too intriguing to resist."
Josie's smile was as inviting as her words. "Well, if you ever need a guide, consider me at your service."
His gratitude was palpable. "I just might take you up on that."
"Please do. The city can be a jungle, especially for a country boy like you."
Time seemed to stretch as they talked, words weaving a tapestry of shared stories, dreams, and interests. Eventually, they parted to return to their respective friends, exchanging phone numbers before doing so.
"It was an absolute pleasure meeting you, Josie."
"Likewise, Finn."
Rejoining her friends, Josie's heart danced to a secret rhythm. Her friends were quick to pounce on her with curiosity.
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A feigned innocence met their inquiries. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Josie's gaze shifted to her drink, suppressing a growing smile.
Lauren's nudge was both playful and persistent. "Spill the beans!"
A confession tumbled forth, carried by a gleam in Josie's eyes. "Okay, fine. He's cute. Like, really cute." Sneaking another glance at him, she turned back to her friends. "I might be getting myself into a little bit of trouble." Her confession was just a breath between friends, a secret of the heart amidst the pulsing beat of the night.
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frozenflmes · 1 year
2, 3, and 5 for the headcanon game
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//i'll answer 4 too since it's caught in the middle there.
//2: nah lmao. glitches and shit are fascinating and i actually stayed up all night reading about them and watching youtube videos about them (they've got arbitrary code execution in pokémon diamond and pearl now! have to use the japanese verion though), but it's not something i want to incorporate into my roleplay.
//3: from the anime, mostly the portrayal of pokémon coordinators is fun to mix in with game canon. colloseum and xd are fully canon, as is magikarp jump. pokémon go is canon to an extent (team mystic, team valor <- best, and team spark's one i forget the name all exist and are legitimate groups (what, you thought all teams were evil? there's a reason people in the games don't automatically categorize people as the villains the moment they put "team" in their name), and those team rocket characters probably exist or whatever. idk, haven't interacted with them much yet. hey you, pikachu! is canon. pokémon tcg (the video game) and its sequel are canon, but the odds of that coming up anywhere is very low bc the tcg islands keep to themselves. from the physical tcg, delta pokémon exist, dark pokémon exist, light pokémon do not because they make no sense. all of the mystery dungeon games are video games in-universe. pokémon pinball: ruby and sapphire is canon, but the original pokémon pinball is not. pokémon snap and its sequel are both canon. smash bros is canon but if you bring it up there'll be an awkward silence for a while before someone changes the subject. pokémon trozei! is canon. pokémon conquest is canon and in the past. the pokémon ranger games are all canon but don't tell me about them i don't know anything yet and i want to be able to play blind. the pokémon rumble and poképark games are in-universe video games. detective pikachu and its sequel are canon unless i play the sequel when it comes out and i don't like it. learn with pokémon: typing adventure is canon. pokémon art academy is canon and takes place in the tcg islands. the thieves and the 1000 pokémon is an in-universe game. pokkén tournament is canon. camp pokémon is an in-universe kids' app. pokémon duel is canon, and carmonte island is near the tcg islands. pokémon playhouse is an in-universe kids' app. pokémon battle revolution is canon. hayley and bridgette exist. dream radar scientist exists.
//pokémon masters ex is not canon bc i have no idea what the fuck is going on with it
//4: currently i don't. i'd be potentially open to incorporating some, but i am unfortunately a born little hater which makes me picky about which ones i like. genuinely this is a frustrating thing about myself, and i'm trying to work on better incorporating whimsy, but it's a process. i have designed fakemon/lines of my own in the past though and there are a bunch i've seen out there that i really liked.
//5: i've put more than enough text into this answer already. send a new ask.
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