justcallmesakira · 7 months
okay, so how about, chuuya, atsushi, dazai, and nikolai with a s/o who loves dresses gothy??? they act cold and mean around others too, other then them?
yayay tyyy, remember i luv youuuu
"Skulls and hearts"
Sypnosis: You are the epitome of goth and a breeze of coldness, how do these lovely men take care of you?
Genre: romance, suggestive (slightly)
Warnings: reader is more of goth lolita than like abosolute goth bcs i have no knowledge on goth, suggestive on chuuya, one wednesday addams joke, please lmk if i didnt manage to quite reach the goth culture-
A/N: HII sweetie hru? just wanted to say i put more of a lolita goth since i am not educated well on it lol-
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DAZAI was definetly fascinated by your style, infact when he first saw your dark attire on the day you entered the agency to file a report, his eyes were already sparkled!
The way you spoke so confidently and was non-chalant about it and everything, your formal attire, everything piqued him.
Especially the cold air surrounding you with your blue hued gaze. He love how you did your make up so much you could call it a mini crush at first sight.
So to fill his intrests he decided to stop you for a while to maybe use his charms but unfortuantly for him it obviously did not work out with how deadly your gaze is
"If looks could kill..." he had thought to himself.
Overtime he had started to court you and all though you despised his annoying tactics he seemed quite cute to you so you accepted his "love" for you
He even bragged about how cool and pretty his new girlfriend was all day at the agency especially when you dropped off his lunch at the office saying "I aint nobodys petty little housewife but here`s your lunch, bandaged idiot. Next time i will throw your lunch down the sewers where your rat friend lives" You had spitted t out loud.
Even the agency is piqued in you and your creative insults which you throw at him whenever he does soemthing stupid For example: "Bandagedass" "Suicidal loverman who cant even fix his clothes" "Charming bedbug i picked up from the trash" "Idiot with a handsome face'' and so on!
But ofc like the masochist he his he loves listening to them which made you creeped out and made you use much appropriate words to insult him.
He definetly tries to rile you up by saying suggestive stuff by playing with the hem of your black laced skirt, push him ten feet away if he does because you wotn be able to do that when you get home...*wink wink*
He loves your music taste, though he isnt into goth culture he loves it when you tell him about goth subculture, it reminds him how your closer and more vulnerable around him than anyone else.
You gave him some goth themed band-aids to put around his bandaged arms and neck which he shows them off like a badge of honor!
Put your makeup away from him though he will probably mess it up and make himself look like if wednesday went through a bad eye day.
And later after scolding him for going through your stuff you finally taught him how to properly do goth makeup.
You even taught him some gothic slurs to throw at anyone who tries to disturb him though he will probably use them is someone insults you which we will be on about now.
If someone dares to insult your gloomy atire, well he doesnt need to say anything because you are there already with your gaze sharper than your eyeliner.
But even so hes ready to take care of his goth gf who only soften around him anytime, anywhere!
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Of course CHUUYA supports your style why wouldnt he?
If anything the first time you two had met he had a mutual intrest for you, "how pretty yet terrifying at the same time" he thought.
Soon enough he put up the courage to speak to you though the atmosphere around you was quite cold
He didnt really like people who had arrogance in their personality but you maybe seemed nice to aproach.
Of course the person you are you kept calm and maintained formality, if so you looked quite elegant.
Time passed, dates were booked, hands were slid. He finally confessed to you and you calmly smiled at him.
God...how he loved seeing your eyes soften and your matte lipstick lips form into a small smile at his smallest gestures.
Like buying you all types of goth culured dress since he doesnt know what tyoe you wear and he doesnt want to disrespect goth people
And seeing that smile and light hue of happiness form on your beautifully done cheeks
He loves complimenting you too, all the time!
"Babe you look so pretty right now," "Do you like that dress over there? The laces might suite your skin" "That evangeline themed makeup set...The colours suite your eyelids." "All dressed and pretty just for me to ruin,,,Hahh you really want to rile me up, doll, Dont ya?"
He CAN and WILL buy you the whole fricking hot topic.
Oh you like a chain belt there? frick it buys you the whole belt section. Oh you liked the glossy purple lipstick at the side walk shop? buys 10 different shades.
Hes an executive ofcourse he will buy you everything!
Chuuya can make a few suggestive comments too,,,yknow.
"Wow, doll you do your makeup so well? You could be a professional you know?" "Oh chuuya, how you fluster me'' "Well...professional or not imma` bout to ruin that makeup so bad right now."
Dont worry he will help you clean up the mess he did to your face later. Afterall he loves a cute little goth gf!
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I wont deny it but ATSUSHI was quite scared by you at first glance, but warmed up soon when he realises that your not half bad afterall
He had met you at cafe uzumaki sipping on a coffee cup while sketching, wow, the fancy sketchbook and the fact that you were drawing while wearing long black dimond studded nails really made him admire you
Though he was shy at first since you had this shilling aura around you, he still took a breathe and walked over you
You kept looking at him up and down as he nervously tries to introduce himself which makes you break your demeaner and let out a soft chuckle "Oh my...what a wonderful laugh they have..."
So the conversation between you two started, infact while conversing you had drawn a very neat sketch of him with your skull printed pencil.
He was definetly shocked on how you drew him so well in such short time.
Over the agency work days, atsushi was quite a bit nervous, which dazai made a few jokes about him having a crush on "The cafe's goth girl"
And so you two became a thing! well after atsushi got somehow rid of his nervousness
Except your the boyfriend in this relationshio ;D
He tries to buy you stuff though, but you always deny and take him to oth stores at the corners of yokohama, to say the least your better guided than him.
I am sure the agency also warmed ap at you! not since whenever you would always have this threatening aura with a ravishing face of dark-hued makeup but when he turned around to speak to you
Your all soft smiling and tilted eyes.
You even dressed him up in goth clothes one time which he looked a bit too silly in.
If dazai ever saw atsushi in scene clothes though...he wil definetly say something like "Ohohoho you two remind me of Morticia addams and um, oh yeah! Gomez addams Hahaha, wait then kyouka can be your..."
You instantly went "Atsushi please, tell your STEROTYPICAL, UNFUNNY, MENTALLY ILL father to get the fuck out of here and go try to drown himself or something"
So now, not only is atsushi scared of you so is dazai!!
He still loves you and your style though, who wouldnt because i would love a goth s/o who would put on the most gorgeous make up ever and rai--
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He`s both barking and joining your cult.
NIKOLAI obviously fell in love with your sass at first sight! What an independant and cool woman! he had thought when his emerald and blue eye fell upon you.
You werent even scared of his illy and outrageous tactics instead you just rolled your eyes at him as if hes some freak
Now this is intresting.
I think nikolai has prefernces for goth lolita so if by any chance thats your aesthetic get ready to be filled with flirts and touchiness
He just cant help it! Your so cold to him but cant you see how intrested he is in you? not just your style but your whole personality he loves analizing people!
Which you find about after many tries of him trying for you to at least speak with him, He was annoying especially during the first stages of your relationship
But soon enough you warmed up, realising that though hes a bit fucked up in the head hes quite chill and fun to hang around.
Niko definetly uses his ability to steal your favourite items from hot topic, so be prepared when you see your vanity filled with all kinds of stygian clothes, lingerine, cropped tops, fishnets, corsets, puffy skirts, makeup etc.
That act made you more soft around him and hes just giddy he got to make his infamous "gloomy" dove smile :D
You help him dress up sometimes too, maybe drawing out long triangles under his eyes for his next show or maybe putting on some dark lipstick just to smooch his neck.
Okay i can defiently see him and you be great fashionistas! One with clownish crimson and black attire and the other with a menacing aura of a maginficent raven (got the reference?)
He is just into you okay? Dont question it!
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Divider crds!: @firefly-graphics
Tags: @heartsfourdazai @silverbladexyz @ruanais @biscuits-spooky-corner @riiwrites @chuuyasboner @atlasnessie @saelique @tsuunara @elizais
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florsial · 6 months
hiiiiiiii hello<33
thoughts on dorcas meadows? I for one adore her as the absolute queen she is😌
anyways ily !!!
I find actually find Dorcas to be a very strong character. She's willing to drop her friends because what they were doing was very fucked up (lets be honest, joining a terrorist group isn't the most yk morally good thing)
(Just a heads up, if it isn't obvious in this rant. I don't think that Barty, Evan, or Regulus were forced into joining the DE, but this ain't about them rn)
From this thought, I think that Dorcas believed that her friends were strong enough to turn away from their families' bigoted views but in the end, once she found out that they couldn't, it was a lost cause in her eyes.
It's like a friend going back to their toxic ex or trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. That's kinda how I view it.
Dorcas is strong in the sense that she knows when they can't be helped, these were her friends for at least 6-7 years. For that long of period, a lot of people would struggle to turn their back on someone they want to "save" in hopes it would get better. I don't think she was like "Maybe I could undo this." She recognized a lost cause and left, and I think that's very good for her.
And, going back to dropping her friends. She dropped a 6-7 year friendship to be the good side, she was brave enough to give up a long and deep friendship to fight for what was right. However, I don't think she ever got super close to any of the Order members (except Marlene), because, in the end, she did end up losing her close friends (and Pandora too, that's a whole other thing though), she will be upset and she will mourn what could've been between her friends.
Dorcas knows that her friends have their families pulling them back, but she also knows that it's up to them to try and break away, and when they don't she sticks by her morals (which yk not killing ppl based on blood-type shit), and she ups and leaves. And I think it was the best she could've done for herself.
Throwing that aside. In happier times, she was the girl whose mind was constantly going. I imagine her as a quick thinker and someone who processes stuff in her head very quickly. She wanted to be an actress and had a bunch of movie star posters up on her wall and perfected her singing and voice control. Painting and analyzing was a skill she honed for many years. She was probably the most reasonable one in the Pantheon and the most down to Earth.
She wasn't social but she didn't shy away from interactions, she wasn't violent but she was willing to fight, and she wasn't overconfident but she knew what she owed or deserved.
But that didn't mean she didn't have flaws. She lashes out at the Order because she lost her friends, she is envious of the Marauders, of Marlene (I do believe, like every other relationship, their relationship was the rocks during the war) because all her friends are fighting for Muggle-borns, she views her friends as weak for giving in to their families so quickly without fighting back, she's stubborn and finds it hard to admit when she's wrong, she's competitive, and she can be harsh with her words that it feels as if she stabbed a dagger into unfatal area and left you to bleed.
SO! Her animagus, I think should've been a tiger, an animal that guides one to their inner wisdom and symbolizes strength
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maria-ruta · 2 months
💐🎵 for veronica?
link to questions meme
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
I'm not a flower expert and don't know too much about the flower meanings but,,,
I guess you could always go with Rose/s for Veronica! since she is a toreador and it's their clan symbol
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she is pretty much like rose - pretty but has sharp torns and all that
BUT you could also give her Queen of the Night, because wouldn't THAT be such a flattery hoho
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also fun fact
Gregory, a man who used to be a dragon (fairy chimera in the shape of red dragon, to be exact) who Veronica and Charlie had a duel with, came to Rene's house after the duel to have negotiation with and also to meet Veronica and give her a gift - an extremely poisonos flower, trapped in a glass ball. Very extravagant and expensive gift...
He said something about the flower being as beautiful as dnagerous, just like Veronica (i dont remember the exact quote lol). Because during the battle at the duel Veronica was able to notice his weak spot on his neck and was attacking him furiously there, so he probably thought of her as a dangerous oponent (he didnt know she was almost out of blood points and probably wouldnt last long unless Charlie hasn't unleashed the demon from the sword he had but shhh)
Veronica wasn't fan of him or his gift and didn't want to see his face at all but she accepted a gift anyway, because if this man was to become Rene's new buisness partner, she didn't want to make things worse
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🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
im also not an expert on music eitherrr fdhgfjgfjgfjfd
UNLIKE VERONICA!!!! whos very much into music! actually her toreador weakness is that she can become hypnotized/zoned out by good music! (which lead to unexpected conclusion that she either would be hypnotized by her own singing... or she doesn't consider her singing good.... so there is a little angsty note(lol) to that - Veronica never thinks her singing is good enough... because she never became a singer, how she dreamed... even tho her singing IS very good... she doesnt feel it :') )
I think Veronica likes lots of different music genres, from opera singing to rock and pop etc
i cant be specific bc im dum dum when it comes to music, singers, and music history OTL unlike Veronica! typical case of "my character is smarter than me" kind of shit hahaha
NOW TO THE SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF VERONICA HAHA YAY (ill put under read more so i dont take too much of your dash)
the curse - as the vampirism and beast and bloodthirst and such
love profusion - Veronica's relationship with her sire (she got them under her skin... quite literally haha). Especially fits well with the begining of it - when she was embrased and there is no resurection :')
bye bye baby - Veronica leaves her sire and joins anarchs
teach me to fight - her anarch years basically (also the closest of what i imagine her voice be.. i never was good at imagining character's voices alas U_U )
shut up and drive - perfect vibes for Veronica's driving (and not only) hahaha
cold souls - that's actually song not so much for Veronica but for her sire when he found her dying and had impulsive desision to embrace her. I wrote more about it here
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For Oceanic as a whole, what was it like before the mass ascension?
Did you have brands? What was the relationship between you are your citizens, or the ancients in general? How did you feel about the ones that did maintenance on your puppets and cans? What do you think of the decision for them to make you to be able to disconnect from your cans?
<FDM> didn't need repairs all that much. mostly just help with upgrades. the people who helped me with those were really nice...
<BVQT> Similarly to Dew, I rarely required repairs, becoming fully independent in such after preliminary exams showed I was competent enough to not destroy my own body.
<BVQT> Those who repaired us, our teachers and our administrators were mainly one in the same. We were fairly low-maintenance after all.
<TSF> and you took over repairs, basically the second you got your diploma.
<BVQT> I did, yes.
<TSF> there were a couple of guys who came over to help with repairs a lot, before dew came, if quiet was busy with something. they were pretty nice, and, probably knew my can better than i did at the time~
<TSF> i stayed in contact with them for a while, although we weren't exactly "friends" or anything. honestly, i'm pretty sure the main reason we stayed in contact was because of that whole "head incident"...
<GRP> man you were SOOO scared of him after that
<GRP> you didnt look him in the face for like twelve moon cycles@!!
<TSF> ...yeah.
<WM> Quiette, Gamma und Myselffe all had Brandes based off of our various Hobbyes. I bellief that the Later Multitooles were in factte based on a desiggne by Quiette emselffe, whilste the cloths that were manifactured for myne own brande were based of the things I frequentley woree.
<UPSILON> I wanted a brand, I really did! But the design my dear administrator, may he rest peacefully and with no worries, gave to me was simply not acceptable by the standards of those ad holder... people. It was a dark time, truly.
<APIS> Being able to walk around is pretty useful! I guess our creators wouldn't have given it to us if they knew we'd mostly just use it to stare at common-er creatures, so I'm glad we all decided to do that after they... left...
<GRP> they must've thought we were SUPER boring...
<APIS> Yeah, us outskirters didn't really do much before they left lmao
<APIS> We did our job, they did theirs, and that's preddymuch all there was to it.
<GRP> and it was boring!
<GRP> i used to sneak out ALL the time whenever my admin was asleep and go to feathers's cause his city was the only one that wasn't totally boring sorry quiet
<APIS> And I went with you.
<GRP> and youuuu went with m!e!!!
<TSF> none of our citizens really saw us as gods, if that's what you're asking. personally, i was a holyman, unable to be a god.
<FDM> and the rest of us were little kids who didn't deserve the title.
<TSF> or equals, who shouldn't have had the title forced on them.
<FDM> ...right.
<FDM> i didn't ever really interact with the people who lived in my city. most of them stopped eating not too long after i was finally built, and the rest grew their own food in fear of... prosecution, i think?
<BVQT> However sad that is it does remind me of something to do with my own ancients.
<BVQT> I recall that some of them believed my voice was soothing. Specifically, a good voice to sing nursery rhymes to children. In the promotion of a campaign meant to instate a law that would forbid parents from starving their children before they were truly affected by the cycle, I was commissioned to sing a small tune made specifically for the event. I still find myself humming it sometimes as it was quite catchy!
<BVQT> Gamma assisted me in that campaign, if I recall correctly. She cared very deeply for her citizens, and they cared for her in kind - I recall her administrator actively sought her out in every reincarnation of themself that was able to, specifically to request to care for her once more.
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
question; why is ur handle quotient oblivion? it sounds really cool
Hi Hi!
I was waiting for this ask. (Ok- not "ask" per se, but I knew that at least someone would ask me why whether it was on tumblr or off). Thank youuuu!
Get ready for story time with Quo!
So for those people who might have known me before I became a fanfic writer on ao3, might remember that my old tumblr name used to be "marypearlsonsworld". That was partly because Mary Pearlson was my daydream OC, partly because i thought you needed have an actual name on Tumblr, and partly because I wanted to stay away as far as I could from anything to do with Islam online because I wanted to hide the fact that I was Muslim. I was a naive, innocent child, but I'm glad I'm over it now.
A series of events involving my parents finding my Wattpad account (where I wrote the cringiest fics, ouch, no smut or romance, but *shudders* the author's notes are still killing me. So is the grammar), my friends splitting up, me regaining my path to Islam, and discovering my "identity" or at least a vision of who I wanted to be, I became a whole new person. During this timeframe, I also deleted the tumblr app before my parents could find out abt that too, but i still kept both my Wattpad and tumblr accounts. I dont go on my wattpad anymore, i changed the username there in an effort to fool my parents into thinking that i deleted it. It's still out there somewhere, but i forgot what i had named it. Doesnt matter much now, I'm happy on ao3 ^-^
After the time period, I came back to fandom (there's a whole origin story behind that) and got an ao3 account named... Marysworld.
A couple fics later though, I realized that I didnt like my name. I was not a "Mary" I was a "Maryam" (except spelled with an 'i'), but I knew that my works would get skipped over if I had that in my username, so I sought out another solution. I scrolled through many brilliant and not-so-brilliant tumblr usernames (cuz they're always peak no matter how weird) to find an amazing, unique, standout name.
Then another thought entered my head. "What if I take a normal name and completely un-normalize it?" I went onto wordhippo, having no idea what I was doing and typed "normal" in the search box and waited for the synonyms to appear.
"Hmm... ordinary, nah. Accustomed? Doesn't strike much excitement. Wonted? I'm not a smut writer neither am I food. All of these are useless! What-"
And then. I found it.
The perfect word. The perfect name.
"'Quotidian'," I whispered, probably mispronouncing it. "'Very commonly encountered or observed'."
It was perfect! My fics were common in a very uncommon way! And so was I! Now I needed a second word like most tumblr usernames did and-
"The void calls you over to the dark side," hissed the fandom.
I blinked at the fandom void.
The fandom void blinked at me back.
"Perfect," I declared.
Therefore, A new ao3 username was born: ✨quotidian_void✨. And since I wanted a variety, but still wanted things to be connected, I named my tumblr account ✨quotidian-oblivion✨. Not as catchy, but still very cool.
There are so many nicknames that can spring from this. Off the top of my head, so far I've got "Quo", "Q", "Quinn". Most common is Quo cuz it was the first nickname based on my username given to me by @cygnusdoesthings. I'm collecting nicknames like Pokémons. Please keep 'em coming.
So! Here I am! Quotidian-oblivion at your service!
Thank you so much for the ask. This was an absolute joy.
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hongism · 2 years
Okay i know i already sent an ask about it but im FINALLY caught up and i -
The timing of this sucks bc my main rbs on @/choism you wont get the notofs for bc i just got SHADOWBANNED and ive been rbing this wntire time and i sont think you were able to see any of it 💀
I try to leave annotations when i can and i rly want to go through and properly annotate the latter half of part 6 and ch 49 for part 7 so im gonna draft those soon but sibdidksncdijsnd
When i tell you i was kicking and screaming like a luttle girl for EVERY TWIST especially that last convo reader had with seonghwa. I think as a reader i could tell what was being implied during th threesome esp given the way hwa has acted in bed in the past and this time san seemed to be more present than hwa did so when hwa FINALLY admitted that to reader i was like "well shit, i knew this was coming but like i didnt think it would actually happen." AND THEN THE SCENE WITH SAN TOWARDS THE ENS
Its giving intrusive thoughts on a whole other level. Not impulsive but fully intrusive (except ir seems like reader wants to act on those thoughts and is more or less coming to terms with it)
Imo reader should just go to minho about ir bc an intrusive thought isnt mwant to be acted upon, its a bad thought and yet san calling her "my treasure" and her finishing is like girl.......come on......
Not that i would be opposed to a hongjoong scene but lets not talk about that yet
I am just always in complete awe in the way you write. I thinm if this was a book it would totally be made into a series of movies in a similar fashion to star wars but 10x darker
I cant wait to see what else you put out im SO EXCITED <33333
hehe no as soon as i got your asks i went and looked i always love to go see reactions and feedback so i was def snooping and reading all your thoughts on the chapters hehe >:3 and they were making me scream your meme usage is PURE GOLD i was in tears fr 😭
it's probably SOOOO obvious that i had the time of my life writing that convo mc had with seonghwa i love writing conflict so much it makes me giggle like a schoolgirl! i feel good about the amount of people who clocked that something was up with seonghwa too bc i tried really hard for there to be this distinct difference between how he behaved with her in the past and how he was right then, and then the nail in the coffin being him bringing up hongjoong and him bringing up a time when mc wasn't even part of the crew - just this moment of this fucker isn't thinking about what's happening in the moment at ALLLL!!!!
you hit the nail on the head fr saying that it's giving intrusive thoughts and this is something that will come back around but we'll see mc wrestling with this idea of not consciously having these thoughts and not necessarily wanting to have these thoughts but they keep coming back around, and we see her dipping into obsession already but how she acts upon those obsessions will really be a turning point for her fr!
but really thank youuuu so much like AHH i'm still so terrible at receiving compliments but thank you! it means the world and more to me! i'm excited for what's to come there's gonna be so many twists and turns that i think are so fun and i'm just so!!! excited to share it all!
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seihun · 4 years
This is just a random request that popped into my head one day but how would a sehun simp over someone he likes? Btw your work always makes my day (and I'm sure several other people's) better🥺
AHHHH you’re so cute 🥺🥺 asks like these really make my day too i hope you guys know that!! i don’t know if you wanted my Thoughts or like a fake texts about this, but i do have Thoughts so i figured i would share some hehe
first of all i want to say that even though sehun might be a brat and will probably wanna call his friends out for being simps, he actually holds his tongue bc he might just be the biggest one himself
(he’s not it’s probably junmyeon, but then again where do you think sehun learned it from??)
i know the word simp is actually like guys making fun of each other for..... literally just wanting to be around and doting on their gfs or vice versa but let’s take in the purest sense of someone who just really wanna be there for their s/o right 
sehun might be the most lowkey simp in the game but he’s still one of them LOL if you take that literal definition
for one, i just think sehun’s someone who likes spending time with you in any form, even if you’re not Doing anything together; which makes you one of his favorite people for that exact reason 
even if he just comes over to nap on your shoulder, he would much rather do that than sit by and watch as suyeol yell at each other over a game of mario kart
so yeah if sehun’s with his friends or other people and you ask him to come over or if he’s free, he’s suddenly very free
nothing could making him happier than going to spend time with you honestly
also on the note of leaving people to be with you, the thing with sehun is that he’s a little babie 
but you probably already knew that
so he won’t Ask you to drop things for him, and will consciously not ask you to do something if he knows you’re busy (and he knows when you’re busy because he’s memorized your schedule) 
(except “busy” doesn’t equate with studying outside of regular school hours aka friday night to sunday evening, if you think you can ditch him for your textbook during those hours you’re wrong) 
(i mean if you have a big exam the following monday he’s not going to purposefully piss you off and distract you, but he will make sure you’re being healthy and going to bed at a decent hour, and he’ll supervise you [re: cuddle you to sleep] himself if he has to)
now he also doesn’t want to pry or come off as whiny (even tho he’s a little whiny), so he also won’t Ask you to spend more time with him than ‘necessary’
which is why if YOU happen to ask him to come over to do something, he’s already on his way LOL doesn’t matter what he was previously doing 
that’s really when the simp in him jumps out lmao 
but he has no shame in his game around his friends
again if suyeol are just bickering about something dumb, sehun will just grab his keys and be like “i’m leaving i’ll see you idiots later”
and when they do in fact see him again later, and ask where he went sehun will just shrug and be like “(name) needed me for something”
(needed is a strong word and really you just asked if he was free but chanyeol and junmyeon don’t need to know all of that)
he’s also very willing to do new things with you, even if it’s something he might not like, or that his friends have tried to convince him of before
“i can’t hang on saturday, (name) and i are going to the drive through petting zoo”
“sehun, i thought you hate and are afraid of all animals that aren’t vivi??”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about. besides s/o already bought the tickets so you’re gonna have to find somebody else to crush you in smash this weekend sorry baek”
he also strikes me as an attentive kinda person like i mentioned with knowing your schedule
the kind of boyfriend (or even just friend) to remember small details about your day, or your general life, or will observe them himself
he’ll take note of what kind of shoes you prefer to wear when going out on dates vs going to class vs doing something else, how many pillows you sleep with, little eating habits, he’ll even remember the names of your profs if you mention them to him 
so the simp in him makes sure all your favorite things are nice and neat and plentiful and in good condition
but he’ll never tell you he did it or if you point it out/find out he’ll just shrug and be like “you needed new pillows anyway. your old ones were getting flat.”
oh and i can’t forget potential drama and gossip you might share with him about your own friends or class
my god does sehun gobble that shit up 
that doesn’t really make him a simp but if you repeatedly tell him about susan from your calc class and he happens to see her on campus he may or may not send her a silent death glare in solidarity with you 
i think if you and sehun both listened to a new album, he’d be able to predict which songs would be your favorites with near perfect accuracy, he’s just that kinda guy
the type to drop off coffee for you while you’re working in the library, kiss the top of your head, and then walk away without saying a word
the biggest sucker for matching items but he kinda just... gets them for you guys and doesn’t say anything about it 
if you point it out eventually like “hey now we have the same scarf” he’ll be like hmm i guess we do and then let you take as many selfies with him as you want
but god forbid anyone of his friends point is out LOL
overall sehun the simp really just gives you all his time and attention which we know we know doesn’t make him simp just a good, attentive boyfriend 
(that's not gonna stop him from getting teased about it tho hehe)
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deripmaver · 3 years
Derip i fucking love you but of you do not give me the background story on your soft porn au i will KILLL YOUUUU. he started sleeping with Damen AND THEN with auguste? HELLO??????? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪tell m
laurent probably started sleeping with damen in some very freudian "this-is-to-make-auguste-jealous" kind of way, making sure to have very loud sex right in the next room over (auguste became his guardian after canon-typical bad stuff happened), walking out of his room in just a t-shirt covered in hickeys, probably straight up masturbating on the couch with auguste in the house while calling damens name.
tauguste got fed up and was like "you wanna rile me up? fine" and basically wound up bursting into their room while they were having sex and dressing laurent down about how he obviously wasnt really as into it as he seemed, he was just acting, just trying to make auguste jealous bc auguste knows what he sounds like when hes not trying from when they lived together and laurent was younger etc etc etc
looks down to see damen humiliated and bright red rock fucking hard, laurent also humiliated and soaking wet and trying to cover himself, and auguste is like oh huh lmao.
damen: you dont like it????? youre just trying to make auguste jealous???? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 is that why you keep faking your orgasms??????
laurent: but then i did kind of start liking it and actually youre really sweet and considerate i thought youd just be a fuckboy but youre not. also youre really hot and have a huge dick. i do still want to fuck auguste tho.
laurent: wait you knew i was faking my orgasms??????
damen: 🥺
auguste: im bout to show both of these idiots how its done
then fucks them both for hours until theyre both totally fucked silly on laurents bed, and auguste remembers(tm) that humiliation kink, and he notices how much more easily laurent seems to come when auguste teases him about how obvious he was with damen. laurent probably cries afterwards and confesses all his sexual insecurities and hence the cnc begins
also theyre all pretty switch-y in this au, auguste and laurent are primarily dom and damen is primarily sub but the fic ive written have had laurent subbing. and auguste is a big fan of bottoming while also being a dom.
i came up with all of this on the fly (except that last part) there u go have fun
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
T.H| Thottery
Summary: your doing pottery
Warnings: i guess sexual tension? AND YOUR A WITCHHH- AND A PLANT MOMMY- AND SOULMATES
A/n: its all i could think of when i saw tom in that tank top- and
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It was another day in the shop, silence filling the room as you walked around to see the stuff you and tom made, the small store cozy, mostly green and beige everywhere to get a warm mood going.
The room smelled like roses, an incense in your hand as you took your time, slightly bobbing your head to nirvana in the background.
The bell rung letting you know someone was here, you poked your head from the shelves and looked at the door, seeing tom struggle with donuts in his dominant hand while the coffee stood in the other.
“Youre late!” You smiled and he groaned, thanking you when you made your way over to grab the donuts. “Im not late- your just early” he said, watching as you took a donut out and bit into it.
You and tom shared the shop, yes he had dreams of going to be a actor but he wasnt gonna ditch you. Youve both been best friends since he accidentally tripped you and made you cry in 5th grade, which he begged to do your homework as an apology. But there was always a tension when you both grew up, he sent you letters, well check up letters, if you need help on your homework letters, sometimes a hershy bar glued to it.
You told him your okay all the time and to stop wasting time on you, telling him to go feed his dog or clean his room because you knew he always forgot. You sent letters back too, you both didnt call each other because you liked the old ways and he admires that, he liked that you rode on your skateboard just to see him and ask him hows hes doing, he just felt like you are heaven sent.
“Righttt, well i got some crystals” you smiled at him, setting the donuts on the small white table before grabbing the box of crystals. “Y/n you know i dont like that witch stuff!” He glared at you and placed the coffee down next to the donuts.
“But tommy!” You smacked your lips, bending your knees repeatedly like a child. “They’re so beautiful and they mean something! I even got candles and cardsssss!”
He gave you a blank stare, before looking away “fine” “thank youuuu!” You walked over and he sat in his stool infront of the turntable, you made your way over and set the box in his lap, getting on your knees and opening the box.
“Swear that you wont curse me or this has no bad juju” “i just have to clean them first-“ “Y/N!” He groaned “whatttt!” You poked his leg, “stop being mean to me!”
“Im not being mean to you!” He looked down at you, you let out a hmph and got up, snatching the box before taking it into the backroom where your shared stuff went.
“Im sorry y/n!” He said, looking in the direction of the back room but sighed when he didn’t get an answer, instead of saying something again he got up to go back there, seemed like you went to the bathroom because you disappeared. He grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, then he grabbed a thing of clay that was wrapped in saran wrap to keep it fresh and went back to his turn table.
He set the stuff down, putting his foot on to buttom and watching the small circle turn before lifting his white shirt, revealing his abs right before his black tank top came down.
He heard the box of donuts opening which left a smile on his face, quietly walking over and sneaking behind the shelf before throwint his shirt at you, leaving a groan before you looked back at him, shooting him a glare.
“Can you hold that for me?” “You couldve kept it in the back smarty pants” “i guess i didnt want to this time” he shrugged with a smrik, walking off “your shirt stinks!” You lied, making him laugh and shake his head before sitting down and getting to work.
You looked through google trying to find more research about the crystals before tom called you for help. “Y/nnnnn!” “Yes thomas?” You asked, still looking at your phone.
“I need your helppp!” He said, looking down at the awkward clay bowl, a few lumps here and there in it. “Coming!” You stood and made your way over, wheb you peeked your head out you saw him trying to fix it.
His hair fluffy so his curles hanged over his head, his fingers painted with clay as he gently rubbed the bowl trying to flatten it out.
“What happened?” You asked and he sighed, shrugging “it just isnt working” “it’s probably like that because you didnt put on your lucky apron” you chuckled, grabbbing the both yours and his aprons next to the large green plant.
A loud groan left his lips as his shoulders slumped and rested his eblow on his knee, setting his cheek on his knuckles as he looked at you walking over. “Dont bring any bad spirits in here tom”
“Hey! Im not trying to!” He playfully rolled his eyes, you handed him his apron, small spidermans on it while yours had my little ponys.
“Alrightttt” you muttered, telling him to move his hand, when he did you sat on the leg nearest to you and he instantly wrapped his hand around your waist, watching as you dipped your hands in the water. “Its your turn to wash the aprons” you muttered, he let out a hum and a small laugh before you stepped on the button, letting the water drip from your hands and onto the clay.
“Can you make a heart in the middle?” He whispered, rubbing your side as he watched your hands work. “Whos it for?” You laughed and he shrugged “you” “me?” Your eyebrows furrowed and he squeezed your waist tight “yeah, why not?”
“Uh- i dont know?” You shrugged a bit, stuttering. Trying your hardest to focus but you messed up, a sigh leaving both of your lips as you had to restart.
You put the clay back in a glob, putting your hands around making it tall, a cough left toms lips as he looked away, while you tried your hardest not to laugh. “Y/n fix it” he asked. “I dont know...i kinda like it like this” you said, placing a hand on his knee.
“It looks like a penis” and with that you laughed “no seriously fix itttt!” “Okay okay, only if you let me do a reading on you”
“Y/n i dont like witchery” “but you like harry potter?” “I-its different” “fineee, i only wanted to know what your love life is looking like” you muttered and toms ears perked up. “You can find that out?” “Yeah, but you dont want to soooo-“
“Okay okay! Just fix please!” He lifted the knee that you were sitting on and rubbed your side letting you know he was ready. You chuckled and got to work.
About 5 minutes later you asked for toms hands, he gave them to you willingly and you sat all the way in his lap, tugging his hands forward his head was right in your neck, heavy breathing on your neck as you could help but get a little goosebumps on your neck.
You rocked his hands back and forth “mhm, just like that” you muttered “yeah like this?” He teased, “no your fucking up”. “Fuck off” you both laughed, you let his hands go and let him do it on his own.
“Are you ready for the reading?” You asked, tom sitting infront of you nervously and shirtless, both of your hands clean and creation drying in the back.
“I think so” he shrugged, you lit the sage “this is a cleaner okay, calm down. This is to save me and you from getting possessed”
His jaw dropped as he got up, a loud laugh leaving your lips before you told him your kidding. “Dont play like that y/n!”
You set the crystals out, on the end of the both of your ends of the table. “Y/n we arent transporting to another dimension, right?” He asked, looking at the sage and how professional it looks. “Noo we arent, you want the love reading or not”
“Im gonna shut up” he said and you agreed, telling him it would save the whole world. You shuffled the deck before knocking on it, his eyebrows furrowed as he let out that the sage stinks which made you shoot daggers.
“Alright tom” you let out a deep sigh, looking at the card infront of you. He looked at you confused, then looked at the cards.
“The Fool, High priestess, The Lovers, and death reversed” you looked up at him and lifted your eyebrows “are you resisting something?”
He shrugged “what could I possibly be resisting?”
“Im seeing soulmates, mystery and innocence. Maybe uhhhh something from childhood, someone from childhood”
He felt a cold chill, but made it stay hidden.
“Young, im getting young, you’ve probably walked by your soulmate already, had some type of chatting with them, gotten close to them, maybe some type of physical touch?” You mostly talked to yourself, tapping The Fool card before grabbing the deck, two cards flipping out and landing on tom. You reached over and grabbed them, “The World Reversed and The Star, tom you are holding something back and your spirits are giving you hope, they are hoping you are gonna speak up because you are disappointing them”
“Well im not holding anything back!” He said, panicked. “Do you think or feel like youve passed your soulmate?” You asked, he hesitatingly nodded his head. “That you have touched them?” He nodded again, a large smile on your face.
“Im so excited for youuu!” You danced in your chair, tom grinned a bit, “uhm with these card i feel like they ARE spiritual. Thomas” you glared at him. “And lets check the bottom of the deck”
You looked at the bottom and saw “temperance, i getting that after you do this, weight will be lifted off of your shoulders”
“Uhh okay” he awkwardly smiled, shifting in his seat. You looked at all the cards “lets get into looks”
“Im seeing a lot off y/s/c (your skin color), they might have y/e/c, i see they have a bright smile, y/h/c”
“Y/n?” He asked. You looked up at him and furrowed your eyebrows “why does that describe you?” “Describe me...?” You took it all in, going back and furrowing your eyebrows as you thought about what you said.
“Are you my soulmate?” He asked. “How am I supposed to know that? And uh, soulmates doesnt always mean that we like each other, were just connect platonically” “but what if we arent.......platonic soulmates?” He asked, looking at you.
“Why wouldnt we?” You did a panicked laugh. “I dont know” “do you think we are soulmates?” You asked, putting the cards down. “I mean, we get along really well” he looked away from you, you bit your lip.
“So we are soulmates,” “i guess yeah” he shrugged “platonic soulmates-“ “i-i dont think so” he looked at you, “tom what-“ “i dont wanna be platonic soulmates y/n”
Your eyebrows furrowed “do you like me?” You laughed, and he nodded, “i uh always have” he played with his fingers and looked down at his bare chest. “Why did you tell me sooner?”
“Huh?” He looked up at you. “You were obviously stressing for no reason-“ “do you like me too?”
“Yes” you shrugged, you had to. You noticed your love for him when he sent you your fith letter.
𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒚/𝒏,
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆-𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒈. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆, 𝒊 𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚.
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚.
“And you didnt say anything?” “Well i wasnt into spirits and shit like that when i was 15!” You said to him. “So we love each other. Like not platonically but like” he put his first fingers together. “To fast!” You said, and he laughed standing up and leaning over the table and you did the same, his hand came up to your cheek as yours went to the nape of his neck to play with the hairs, he gently pressed his lips on yours, you giggled against his lips and kissed back.
When you both pulled away you pressed your foreheads together, both laughing and pressing each others lips together again “im like 95 percent sure our spirit guides are high fiving each other right now” you muttered. “Yeah?” He asked, kissing the side of your lips. “Yeah” “mhm” “are they like watching us right now?”
“I dont wanna freak you out” you bit his bottom lip tugging it. “You wont freak me out i promise” “nahhhh”
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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idjitlili · 4 years
Hey,I’m date mike
legolas x reader
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a request for loteriel_greenleaf thank youuuu my dudeeee i really didnt know what to write,even though i just finished an imagine ,i felt like another was due. also been trying to make lembas bread god.
summary:imagine sparring with legolas,and being apart of the fellowship.
warnings:uh straddling/potential language i dont know yet./sexual themes no smut though. word count:1602
You had grown up mostly in Rivendell ,yes you are an elf,yet an orphan. Elrond had found you when he was was travelling for a meeting with Gandalf,Lady Galadriel,and saruman he had no choice but bring you with. He did not know what happened to your parents, however it was assumed you were abandon,probably due to being born out of wedlock or an affair(that was common but there was still a chance). You didnt know either being just a babe.
Anyways Elrond brought you to this meeting and in the end Gandalf ended up with you. Soon enough you knew him as your only Ada,and yes you were trained by the elves to defend yourself,when Gandalf was out of town.All the talk,and books about adventures,made you hungry for your own. You wanted to see hobbits,dwarves,anything. You wantd to know if elves in other realms were stuck up like Thranduil,well that is what gandalf told you about him.It only took a century or two for your ada to let you come on an adventure with him. That being taking you to elronds secret council,about destorying the ring.
You may of stared at the hobbit and the dwarves a little too long in awe,when they noticed you had looked away red in embarrassment. However you didnt notice a certain blond elf ,staring at you. He was curious of who you were,he had never seen you before,surely he wouldve remembered such beauty..you were so zoned out you missed all the arguing only to hear.
"I will take it!I'll take the ring to mordor!" the hobbit had shouted making everyone go silent. "though I do not know the way."
You ada had lent to put a hand on the hobbits ,before speaking confidently to the small fellow."I will help you bare this burden ,frodo baggins." the hobbit had smiled to your father. "I am coming too, Ada." you had walk next to him,wrapping your arm around his. Legolas now knew who you were ,but Gandalf was definity not your really father,maybe you were gold digger,joking he just wondered how he never knew that Gandalf had a daughter. Anyways you know what happpened after that,you have my sword ,bow axe, we're coming too.
You had kept yourself to yourself ,not talking overly,but if you did it was to your ada. Other than him you would talk to mostly the hobbits about what life was like in the shire. You felt intimidated by the men  ,legolas , and gimli they did scare you just a bit.  So you avoided them until you couldnt no more.
Well you stopped avoiding legolas,after Moria,he had to carry you out as you screamed out for you ada. You had witnessed Gandalf sacrifice his life to save the fellowship. You had yours around legolas ' neck,head in his shoulder whilst you sobbed drenching his tunic. He had held you on his hip,like you would with a toddler,running with you in his arms. Once you had gotten outside ,your sobs had gotten loud,legolas had tried to put you down but you just held tighter.  He had held you until you had reached near the Nimrodel in the eaves of the forest ,in which he had let go but you had your legs and arms wrapped round him so tight he didnt need to hold you,while he held his bow up in defence.
Turns out it was just elves that surrounded you ,and Aragorn knew one of them,a blond guy,pretty sexy if you were honest. In which he began leading you to lady galadriel,who you had not seen in many years, same with her husband celeborn who stood beside her walking down the stairs like jesus walking on water. You miss part of the coversation only to begin listening at the mention of your fathers name. "tell me where is gandalf as I much desire to speak to him." celeborn's voice as smooth as ice . "he has fallen into shadow." the look on Gimli's face when she says that hes like whoa shes good."y/n.." she calls out gently ,you had jumped out of legolas arms ,running towards her ,only for her to wrap her arms around you into a bear hug.
"not all is lost,as he remains in spirit." she had spoken to you ,in your mind ,as her hands rubbed your back comfortingly,before you pulled away. Her  eyes land on legolas ,back on smirking at you. "you and the prince." she had 'spoken' to you only shook your head ,with a small blush on your face,legolas watched confused as why lady galadriel had looked at him ,only to see you blushing. Lady galadriel had found a way to distract you from mourning in tears.
Not long after she had led you all to place you could rest for the night. In that legolas had settled next to you and after a while he had broken the silence between you both. "when my nana died,it was like my ada died with her,after her death he became cold and cut off. He treated me like another soldier ,nothing more,I had no one to comfort me. I wish to be here for you ,so you always have someone." he spoken barely above a whisper,you had never heard legolas speak so much ,let alone with so much feeling. "thank you,i never thought I would make friends with a prince ,let alone be carried for hours by one." you had spoken with a small smile,he had sent one in return before wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"I couldve done it for three days,with my elven strength." he had flexed his spare arm ,making you giggle. OKay this was very out of character for legolas."sure ,prince." and with that you were lent against his shoulder,in which you soon enough you fell asleep ,in his hold.
The next day you just pretend the events from yesterday never happened and your ada was still alive ,he was just gonna pop out and scold you for getting so friendly with the elven prince.
Turns out not even three days later ,you find your father alive and well ,you almost stab him like a kebab then and there. " Yeah just let me mourn your death and then your like boom ,guess what bitches I was alive the whole time." in which from that he just scolds you for using language before pulling you into a tight embrace ,apogising for the hurt he had caused,so bruh you werent as sad as before,so thats a plus. Only thing is if you got your freaky on with the princes he's always about.
The next interaction you had with legolas was the eves eve of the battle of the pelennor fields.In which he asks you to sparr with him,as he wants to know which one of you were the better fighter. Obviously it was you but his excellence ass wasnt going to agree with you. That leads you now on the green grass ,a distance away from the tent,sweaty,with clanging metal. So hot that you are just in your vest and pants,legolas was just in in his long sleeve tunic and pants ,pretty normal. Gandalf had left to go to Minas Tirith because of a certain took being a little bit stupid,no offence he's young and cutie pie ,dont be mean.
So basically you have no adult supervision ,even though you are an adult but I guess you would call it parental supervision then. You and legolas had been going at it for at least an hour neither of you giving up or losing;uh thats what she said.  Well that was until you knocked the blade out of legolas' hand but while doing so you had tripped on your own feet dropping your blade on to make legolas fall flat backwards,with you on top. Thats what she said. However legolas was quick to flip himself on top of you ,legs either side of you hips ,his other blade to your throat. "I should have won that,I just tripped, plus if you wanted to take me on a ride you should have just asked." you had smirked at the elf who's cheeks were now red,he smiled shyly removing the blade.
You used this to flip him off you ,you now straddling the elf,just a little lower. You had grabbed his wrists pinning them above his head ,making it so your faces were barely inches away. "what do you say to that ,hm? son of the elf with a huge dildo gaggins sized cock up his butt." you had whispered ,okay so that wasnt very seductive."I say you better kiss me then take me into the tent,now." his voice stern ,you simple smirk pressing your lips to his quickly.
Before you lead him to the tent. "dont you dare tell ada about what we about to do?"
"what eat some potatoes?"
"shut up,i would like that."
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 1)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part one] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
even though you decided to stay in your hometown to further your studies, you moved out as soon as you could. your parents were smothering you and you were honestly tired of it. so, you got your own apartment and started to live on your own. everything was fine and easy so far but then you realized how lonely you felt. your friends had moved away to go to other universities, and you were never really good at relationships. the anxiety of not knowing what to do with yourself until classes started was consuming you. to deal with this, you figured you might as well download a dating app. 
“Gotta check out all the hot singles in my area, I guess,” you thought.
it had been a while since your last relationship but you were sure you were ready again. or maybe you could try to find something different. maybe some hookups could be enough to help you during this weird adjustment period. 
you downloaded the app and added whatever details were needed. 
Name: l/n, y/n
Looking for: chat, relationship, hookup, anything
it took you about ten minutes to finally decide on what you wanted to add to your bio. finally, you typed out:
Bio: just another single college student looking for genuine human connections. Interests include watching anime, reading nerdy shit, and getting to know you 
you were never too good at coming up with bios but this should be good enough for now. time to see what kind of fish you could catch..
not even a minute after uploading a picture of yourself, a new message showed up.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey, beautiful! (;
Y/n: oh hi! how are you?
N: doing better now that I’m talking to youuuu. how about your lovely self?
Y: wow someone is really straightforward. I’m doing pretty well rn thanks. what are you up to?
N: just been bored as fuck on here and then BOOM you showed up (:
Y: lol youre silly. so hows the whole dating scene look like on here? any good ones?
N: nah it sucks honestly. But now you’re here so its a million times better!
Y: oh shush lol. does this site really work? like have you actually met someone from here?
N: uhh i actually havent met anyone yet, but ive had some nice conversations so far! ive still got high hopes
Y: have you been on here for a long time?
N: i just downloaded it like two weeks ago? idk but yeah. im hoping that maybe youll be my first??
Y: your first what? haha be more specific
N: OH sorry!! i didnt mean it like that omg. i meant like my first person to meet off of this app lol
Y: i mean if youre not busy right now, we could meet up for a coffee date or something? (cliche right?)
N: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? like... right now rIGHT NOW?
Y: yeah (: sorry for doing this so fast. you’re just really cute and im bored haha
N: nooooo its fine i swear im just a little shocked. and WOW you think IM CUTE? you should look in the mirror because your gorgeousss *heart eyes emoji*
Y: so its settled? lets meet today at around 1 pm at XXX cafe? 
N: yeah! thats not too far from here! i CANT WAIT
Y: same here (:
as soon as you sent that last message you hopped in the shower and started getting ready. you debated whether to put on makeup or not and then eventually decided to do it. you wore that one red dress that greatly accentuated your butt and your curves. you checked the clock and it was 30 MINUTES UNTIL 1 so you finished up by brushing your hair and adding on a spritz of peach scented perfume. “Hopefully this impresses him.”
the cafe you guys agreed to meet at was only a short walk away from your apartment. you were almost at the cafe when you noticed the time again and it was already 10 MINUTES PAST 1! you were so scared that he thought you stood him up but as you got closer, you noticed a cute boy sitting by himself outside. you stared at his backside for a little, unsure if this was your mystery boy. so you messaged him on the app
Y: heeeey are you the one sitting alone outside with a tan shirt and some ripped black jeans?
your phone lit up with the answer to your question: “yes”
as you looked up again, you noticed the stranger you were staring at had stood up and was looking right into your eyes. once you locked eyes, he grinned the biggest smile you’d ever seen and he chuckled. 
“Hi there!! L/n, right? Nice to meet ya, I’m Nishinoya Yuu. Wow, you’re even more beautiful in person!! Do you want anything from the cafe? I’m buying”
You were kind of shocked by his beautiful smile and his spiky hair. It took you a while to respond as you tried to take in the wonderful sight in front of you. He was simply breath taking. You could tell he was the athletic type by the way his shirt hung onto his broad, toned shoulders. 
“Ummm... L/n? Are you okay? Do you want any coffee or sweets from the cafe?”
“OH, oh my god, I’m so sorry! I got distracted..” you said as you looked away from him, getting redder by the second. you hadn’t even noticed his compliment or the way he kept eyeing you up and down and licking his lips. “Yeah, I’d love to get a coffee, if you don’t mind. Please..”
His eyes snapped back up to yours. “Awesome, I’ll go order inside. You can just sit your pretty little self here while I do that. Don’t run away! I’ll be right back!”
now that you had some time to reflect on what the heck just happened.. you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t believe that he was real and so goddamn gorgeous. His little tuft of blonde hair at the front of his head was so cute and his smile.. goddamn. the way he looked at you.. and his friendly demeanor. it was all so much to take in. you didn’t really know how to react. as soon as you had relaxed, you tensed back up as he came back and sat down with you.
“Here’s your coffee hot and ready just for you, hun”
“Thank you so much Nishinoya” you blushed a bit as your mouth pronounced his name
“Hey, just call me Noya! Or Yuu...”
“On a first name basis already?”
“Only if you want to..”
you giggled as you noticed that he was getting bright pink too. “Okay, Yuu.”
as soon as you said his first name, his eyes lit up and that bright pink hue on his face soon turned into a passionate red
“Soooo..” you said as you tried to break up the silence.. “what do you do? do you go to school?”
“Yeah! I’m going to start going to Sendai University in the fall! I’m going to be playing on the volleyball team! How about you?”
“No way.. I’m gonna go there too! I guess I’ll be seeing you around probably. And wow! Volleyball huh? That’s hot.”
when you said that last part, Noya almost spat out his coffee. you laughed at the look on his face. he was blushing so much he couldn’t keep still. you were almost afraid he would just run away from you and never come back.
He just tried to regain his composure and laughed. “You really got me there oh my god i almost choked. But yeah I can’t wait to play again.”
The rest of the afternoon you guys talked about everything from anime to your favorite season, to your least favorite horror movie. The more you two bonded over common interests, the more he let his wild side out. He became more rambunctious and fiery and this did things to you, to say the least. you checked your phone to check the time and it was already 6:45 pm. You had no clue as to when the sun had started setting, but it didn’t matter because you hadn’t felt this warm fuzzy feeling in your heart in a while. it felt so nice. you didn’t want it to end. but then noya interrupted your thought by saying, 
“Hey, (y/n)..” you two were on a first name basis already and it was just the first date. “it’s getting pretty late and I have to go home and help out my family with some stuff. I hope you don’t mind. Sorry! But we can definitely go out again if you want. i know i sure do..”
“Yes, of course! I totally get it. But first can I get your number?” you look away as you say this because this was the first time you’ve ever asked a guy for their number. 
you two exchange phone numbers and hug goodbye. you let the hug linger for a little longer than you should and plant a quick soft peck on his cheek and say,
“I can’t wait to see you again, Yuu.”
He just smiles and replies, “Me too, Y/n. I’ll see you again soon, babe.”
You freeze up and don’t know what to say as he walks away. you think to yourself, “did he really just call me babe?”
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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**For this first time, Jimin’s “lifestyle” clashes with yours...what happens when work makes him miss one of the most monumental moments in your career!? **
1.2 K sneak peek-
Jimin’s whipped and in his feels and so is the OC
Jimin’s still fucking perfect though...and a freak..but we all know this!
Things are starting to get just as much angsty as sexy…and the OC’s lowkey freaking out a little....
SLIGHT daddy kink, mentioned twice
Jimin couldn't hide the smile on his face if he wanted too, grinning from ear to ear as he watched you sway in his direction. Suddenly the nervousness he felt flooding through his body the entire drive over here disappeared, all that mattered in this moment was you. “Fuck..” Swept past his lips almost breathless as he pulled his blacked out aviators off hanging them in the neckline of his black V-neck.  The sun and the slight breeze was damn sure working in your favor, giving Jimin his own little runway show so it seemed. In his eyes you always looked good…”cute and fuckable” in his words, but due to your work schedules and obviously your previous arrangement which was essentially a booty call! It was rare he got to see you all dolled up like this, in your heels, hair and makeup done, skin tight midi dress that clung to every curve that Jimin’s committed to memory. Sitting on the hood of his challenger in the parking lot, distressed dark wash jeans that gave you no choice but to stare at those sinfully thick thighs of his! The minute you were in arms length he grabbed you, pulling your body into his which you fit like a glove, spreading his legs just enough to trap you in between them. Nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck, a sigh of contentment leaving both of your lips at the contact. Giving yourself a moment to take in the scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma which you loved a little too much, even for your own liking! Hands slowly soothing up his back only to get tangled in his thick mane of hair, raking your nails down the nape.
“Hi baby…” Rolled off his tongue and into you hair, physically able to hear the smile in his voice, palms soothing up your ass, gently kenading his fingers into your skin through the fabric of your dress “God, I love how you feel…so soft and just...mine...mmm” A low moan fell from your lips at that, instantly feeling almost lightheaded. The things this man could do to you, hands coming up to find their home on your waist, not trusting himself where they currently sat!  Leaving a couple kisses up the side of his neck, pulling back to admire the faint outline from your lipgloss, the sun accentuating the gold reflexes from the glitter. Bringing your forhead up to rest against his, lashes touching in the procces, you look too damn tempting right now, espeically considring the two of you were outside of your work, but fuck. The idea of bending you over the hood of his car sounds painfully appealing, leaning down to let his lips capture yours nothing subtle about it Jimin kissed you with force. His tongue clashing clashing against yours, volleying it against his teasingly as if you’d really fight him for dominance, A growl leaving his lips once he realises too, pulling back to sink his teeth into your bottom lip, hand coming up to make firm contact with our ass until you knead out into his mouth. Soothing his palm over your cheek, which made you ultimately give in,Jimin moaned once given free reign of your mouth. Suddenly switching up the pace, his actions becoming more delicate as he tangled his fingers in your hair.
“Soooo...there's a reason I asked you to meet me for lunch…”
Smiling against his lips before pulling away, a slight hum leaving his lips as he cocked his head to the side, brow quirked in curiously. Rubbing slow soothing circles up your sides “ I found out it was confirmed almost 2 weeks ago….but things  between us were still so new, and up in the air,so I didnt wanna make things weird by brining it up right away...” Palming your hands up his shoulders nervously,unintentionally fluttering your eyes away from him until you felt his index finger flick your chin. Silently demanding your undivided attention, and clearly you weren’t one to deny Jimin of any of his desires!
God your face was so damn hot, why were you so nervous for this!? It’s a GOOD thing Y/N breathe ..”Babbyy…” Slipplied from his lips catiously “Are youuuu like...preg-” Jimin didint even let the word fully slip past his tonuge before you were almost ready to fight!
“NO! GOD NO! That’s the last thing I need right now” Just the thought of it alone had your blood presure rising, eyes almost bucking out of there sockets which only had Jimin cackling. At least he found this humerous....heart damn near thumping out of your chest!
“Well shit, if it’s not that it can’t be that deep, your a big girl...I know you prefer to swallow but spit it out…” Gazing back at you with the cheekiest grin on his lips, reaching up to playfully pinch his nipple, alright maybe it wasn’t so playful. And neather was the hiss that left his throat, so damn sinful! A second away from saying fuck lunch and just dropping to your knees! Since that wasn’t an option you despertly tried to pretend as if you didnt hear the whine that just rolled off his tonuge!
“Oh fuck you! Okay, Okay, well... I have my first official show ...as in it’s booked, sponsered, the full nine” Nose scrunching in tentatively, not quite sure how he’ll react or if he’ll even care but you should no better, this is Jimin were talking about here!
This man's face lit up immediately, those big puppy dog eyes of his gazing down at you with nothing but fondness “Oh my god baby!!!” Squeezing you into his arms, kissing you hard enough to knock the wind out of you before picking you up. Twirling you around in his arms ”I’m so damn proud of you…” Something about hearing Jimin say that you a second away from tears...you didn't have family around to say it so he was the closest thing you’d had in years. The first person in lords knows when to mean enough to you to make that phrase hold weight!
“Thank you..” Exhaled from your body shakingly, the grip you help around his waist tightened. As if he could read your mind Jimin switched gears,  wanting to pull you out of that headspace. Ducking down to kiss up the side of your neck in between words.
“Soo you know this means I’m coming over tonight , and were having realy ,really kinky sex right? All night...high,nasty,sex! I’m talking like, on top of your dining room table next to the carry out..spread wide open on your fucking stairs. However and wherever I want you , I’m having you, daddy’s in full control, I know how much my baby can reallyyy take” Jimin was litterally moaning in your ear, and ya what know, dick sounds more appealing than food right now! “Fuck,and your gonna take it, over and over again until you know how proud I am... god I’m gonna fuck you soo damn good!” Sinking his teeth into the patch of skin behind your ear since he knew your hair would cover the mark he was currently leaving behind “..bescause you deserve it...” 
“Mmm,that a promise?” Brow quirked slightly purposely challenging him, as you nibbled on the side of his ear, words coming out breathier than intended..
“Damn right it is, you already know how long I last when I’m high, I just can’t wait to see how long baby last before she's begging daddy to tap out...” A low whine leaving your throat, reclining your neck to give his tongue more access.
“But wait...”Pulling back suddenly, clearly perplexed, and considering the current conversation so where you “Whyyyy... were you nervous to tell me about that??Baby it’s what you’ve been waiting for” Mhhmm, It’s what you've been working towards since  you got your promotion 8 months ago!
“Umm..well…” There the nerves go again “I also wanted to invite you, as my date....I-I’m not trying to rush things and introduce you as my man but. I just, I don’t know, I really want you there, and not just hiding in the damn corner somewhere…I wanted you by my side...if your comfortable with that”  fidgeting with the rings on your fingers slightly, feeling like complete puddy in his grasp, suddenly questioning if you were 17 again!
Jimin’s damn near melted at that, eyes beaming, the smile that spread across his face instantly eliminated any uncertainty you had prior!  He’s been the one up with you as of late, at all hours of the night, just chillin on the couch. Smoking while your creating,editing, destroying, having mental breakdowns..the full nine!
Pulling your forward lightly by the chain around your neck, leaning in for one more lingering kiss before responding. “That’s why you were nervous?! Are you fucking serious Y/n of course, I’d go!” Tone indicating he was actually somewhat offended that you thought otherwise. “I’d be more pissed if I wasn’t at least invited...when is it?”
“Monnnn-day???” Tone hopefully, maybe too hopeful especially  once you took in the look on Jimin’s face looking like someone just stole his damn bike! “What-what's..wrong?” You are very tentative at this point...almost scared to know the answer.
A deep exhale left his body at that, recling his neck slightly, raking his fingers though his hair “I-fuck...I was going to tell you at lunch, that I gotta leave tomorrow morning...” Pausing to read your body language , your mouth forming an unintentional “O” not sure what else to say! “I’m, not set to be back until...  Tuesday….” Slowly dropping his gaze away from ours, Jimin literally felt naesous right now. Your body tensing under his hold and what made it even worse is he could feel it “Baby I’m so-”
“No, no it’s cool, it was supid anyway, were not even official yet so I can't be offended that you can’t go..you have a job too...I understand” Bullshit, nothing but bullshit, not even sounding remotely convincing as your voice wavered in your throat, like a leaf in the wind. “I-umm..I should probably get inside and prep-” Attempting to pull away but Jimin was always one step ahead of you.
“You still haven’t even eaten lu-”
“It’s fine, I’ll like grab grub hub or something..” Still trying to pull away, is it maybe because your eyes were bruning and even though you weren’t “Official” you felt like you’d just been knocked in the gut and wanted to cry?
“Okay...can I atleast pay for it?” Tone a second away from almost begging, of all the times for Jay to come around..it just fucking HAD to be now!!?
“No, no, Jimin it’s fine you don’t need to do that...I’ll ummm, call you when  I get off okay??” Pulling away without a hug or a kiss, and more importantly you didn't make eye contact with him and that hurt more than anything else.
“Y/n!?”- Silence
“Baby!!?” - You could hear the slight plea within his voice but if you turned around he’d see you cry and you weren’t doing that! You told him you could handle this..you told yourself you could handle this!
“Fuck!” Growled from his chest as he raked his fingers through his scalp almost painfully hard.
Jimin knew he warned you, warned you that this wouldn’t alway’s fun, and you’d have to take the good with the bad! But fuck, did he warn himself!!!? Because he literally felt as though he was a second away from throwing up right now! The look on your face once he told you he wouldn't be here was burning through his mind on instant replay, as you walked away from him.
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chnsfairy · 6 years
a rose of a different color | yang jeongin
words ; 2,302
requested ; no
genre ; fluff
warnings ; literally one, maybe two, curse words
a/n ; dedicated to one of the best people i know 
m.list in bio
ok so maybe you weren’t a big fan of the whole valentines day thing
flowers and chocolates and whatnot
the whole shEbANG
love was such a foreign concept to you as throughout your first couple years of high school you’d been solely focusing on your grades,, you didn’t have time for romance or anything like that 
your school had, unfortunately, decided to sell roses and chocolates that could be anonymously given to people. it was pretty cheap and people had fun sending their friends or special someone presents throughout the day
but you hadn’t been paying attention to whatever that was,, in the end, you completely forgot about it
anyway,,, i mean you’ve got a history test tomorrow GOOD LUCK BBY (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
you’ve got other things to focus on other than that stuff 
so while other’s were busy wasting a dollar on the red roses, you were catching up on some school work in the library
at this point during the day it was nice and quiet, only a couple of other kids were sitting at the desks surrounding you and the librarian had left to eat or something
no one really knows where she goes
and the only noise that you could hear was the scribbling of pencils on paper or the clicky noise of fingers tapping keyboards
well that was until jisung decided to burst through the door and diSRUPT EVERYBODY LIKE USUAL THAT KID IS LOUDD (⇀‸↼‶) (#><)
your best friend everybody, with his fluffy blonde hair and headphones, permanently glued to his ears
“look y/n- i love that you always fix up my essays and homework for me, really, but you gotta do something other than just sit in here and workkkk” jisung said, quickly sliding into the seat across from you and took the book from out of your hands and into his lap
“hey!” he took your book bitch you want it back (︶︹︺)
“nope,, you can get it after class if you want~” jisung stood up and started waving it in the air before checking his watch and giving you a smirk
“lunch is over anyway do you ever check the clock?” book still in his hand he headed towards the doors that opened up into the busy hallway and disappeared into the crowd of students
did you want to get up?
did you have to to get that useless education? 
so you frantically tried to shove everything back into your bag,, dropping things multiple times onto the floor as you scramble to catch up with jisung
who feels miles away at this point
and after about ten seconds you just gave up said ‘fuck this’ and started walking at a normal pace towards your locker 
aint no boy gonna make you run through the crowd of rushing teens o(>< )o (;¬_¬)
however when you did reach your locker you could clearly see the same boy you just basically ran away from you, leaning against the metal box and who seemed to be reading the back of your book
jisung saw that you were coming up from the hallway and stood up straight, allowing you to actually open your locker instead of just block you from it
“so can i have it back now?”
“i don't know what you’re talking about.”
that littlE-
“you know what- nevermind i guess you’ll just have to work on calculus by yourself” you chuckled lightly to yourself as you opened your locker
“wha- no! i’ll give it- oh hey” jisung stopped mid-sentence as he peered into the same metal box you were looking at
“woah y/n who’s the lucky guy?”
“uhhhh,,, no one???” wth jisung you know its me stfu
when you looked in you could see a delicate rose laying at the bottom of your locker next to your books, the same one the school had been selling to students
carefully, you picked it up to examine the red flower closer,, it was beautiful, to say the least
it almost looked perfect you were shocked to see it being preserved this well
“at this rate its gonna be like that forever-”
beT you wacked his arm as he gave out a small laugh and raised his hands in surrender
“im kidding~ anyway, who’s it from?” 
you looked deeper into your locker, maybe this person left a note or something,,, who knows
“um it doesn’t say...” you said, still confused, as you close the door to your locker
“uuuu y/nnnnn~ looks like someones pining over youuuu” h a its me
you quickly shook your head and shrugged it off as jisung went on about how good this was for you
ok so maybe you’re kinda dying on the inside and you’re trying really hard not to say anything but this is kinda sweet and adorable and omg you dont even know who this kid is but they’re already doing things to you and your heart<(`^´)>
“sungie a flower can mean a lot of different things” you argued
“but on valentines day?? of all days?? come on y/n,, red one's represent love you know”
“yeah yeah whatever,” you said as you continued walking towards your next, soon arrivng and heading for the back of the classroom where you took a seat in your usual spot
“hey how do you think they got into your locker?” jisung questioned as he plopped his bag on the floor and sat in the seat next to you
oh shit he’s right how- huh- how did they get in cREEPY
“maybe they have access to the master key,,, um student council?”
“jisung why would the student council have access to the master key?”
jisung scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders
“i dont know maybe they stole it~” he wiggled his eyebrows and gave you a smirk before pulling out 
“oh shut up, they probably know seungmin or something- who’s mom is literally the principle” 
the teacher had then started the class and for the first time in a while you found yourself distracted, you couldnt focus on anything the teacher was saying and your notebook remained empty by the end of the period
i mean like
the fact that someone went to all that trouble just to give you that,, i mean couldnt they have done it another time?? i mean you’re not complaining at all,, but you dont want to make someone go out of your way to do that (╯︵╰,)
“y/n its time to go, come on” snapping out of your daze you see jisung and everyone else packing up to leave “wow first time i’ve seen you distracted about anything”
“n-no there was just nothing note worth today”
“uh huh sure”
the rest of the day passed as normal, you only had one more class before you headed home and all you were doing was working with your project partner, jeongin, to finish a presentation, which was due next week
when you got home you found a small vase from a cupboard in the kitchen and filled it with water before placing the pretty flower in it,, unsure of what else to do with it but put it on your desk
the next day went the same as always, you went to class, jisung annoyed you to a point where you felt like hitting him, but you gave up and helped him with his math work and you read in the library during lunch
nothing new
you met jisung at your locker once again after lunch and you could clearly see the sweat laced across his forehead and his heavy breaths indicated that he was probably outside playing basketball with hyunjin or something
“what’s your bet i can cheat on this history test”
“can i bet negative”
“wow o ye, of little faith,, come on believe in me”
rolling your eyes you opened your locker once again to grab a book, which you were instead met with what looks like another rose?
but its not valentines day??
“y/n there's no denying it now”
this time the fragile blossom was more of a lavender shade
“oh hey cool it’s a different color,” jisung said as he peered over shoulder “that means its got a different meaning”
“hey maybe you’ll ace a botany quiz instead of this history one, yeah?”
“haha very funny”
and that was that,,, you left it in your locker and took it home and placed it gently in the vase with the other flower, not giving it much thought other than that
still you were kinda curious
over the weekend you almost forgot about it, but your mind still drifted to the origin and the person who bought the flowers that continued to sit at your desk
you didnt know how to feel honestly, you had no clue who this person was yet they still make your insides all squishy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) uWU
on monday, you thought that this whole thing would have passed and that you would never get to find out who your rose giver was
yet when you opened your locker yet again after lunch, with a wild jisung peeking over your shoulder again, there they were again
but this time there was wayy more than just a single flower
a bouquet of thirteen different colored roses, all identical and just utterly gorgeous
“you know i once read something about the number of roses given to you...although i’ve forgotten about it now” jisung whispered, causing you to jump back in surprise
turning to your friend you gave him a glare before closing your locker once again
“oh come on arent you curious who it is??”
“yeah right y/n i can tell you do”
“i do not,, because whoever it is shouldnt waste their time or money on me”
jisung laughed and swung his arm around your shoulder, “ok y/n whatever you say”
for the rest of the week this person continued to fill your locker with all sorts of colors and combinations of roses
and day after day the number seemed to get smaller, tuesday it was twelve, wednesday there were ten, on thursday it suddenly dropped down to two, and finally back to only one on friday
but something was different this time
there was actually a note
“meet me by the orchid tree after school? um only if you want to...”
even in their notes they sounded adorable you couldnt just not go,, and you would be lying if you were to say you weren’t at all curious
jisung continued teasing you throughout the entire week, offering to find out who it was if really necessary and ended up just continuously guessing who it could be when you said no
“awww look at my y/n,, growing up and getting into relationships~” jisung cooed as you put the rest of your notebooks into your bag and pulled out the single rose from this afternoon, as well as the note that came with it
you were actually quite nervous, to say the least, i mean,, you’ve never had any experience with romance and you didnt know what you were even going to say
throughout the afternoon you had kept fidgeting with your fingers and hair out of nerves, and when it finally came to leave for the day your hands were clammy and you just felt so...jittery
jisung pat your back and pushed you out the front doors and into the small courtyard, motioning towards the old orchid tree that sat at the other end of the field
“ok if you’re not back in five minutes im going home and assuming you’ve got a date,” he said giving you a wink before pulling out his headphones from his bag
‘go!’ jisung mouthed before he sat down on a bench near the front doors,, leaving you completely vulnerable on your own
breath. take a couple steps. breath. take a few more. just keep breathing and maybe the nerves will calm you down,, you thought as you made your way across the grass towards the tree
in the distance you could see a boy sitting under it, black hair covering his head and such bright red roses in his hands you could see them from all the way over here
as you reached closer you were able to make out the face of your admirer
“jeongin?” you asked, an unknowing relief sound filling your voice
standing up quickly, red across his cheeks, jeongin gave you a small smile before looking back down at the ground
“are you disappointed?” he asked, you could hear the nerves tint his sentence,, he went through all this trouble because he just has no other clue hOW TO TALK TOO SOMEONE SO AMAZING AS YOU OK HES SCARED OF REJECTION HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO
“um, surprisingly?” you took a couple more steps towards him, only a couple of inches separated the two of you now
“not really” you said before quickly pecking his cheek, causing jeongin’s entire face to go red 
you quickly hid in your hands and shook your head,, trying not to squeal or do anything more stupid than you just did
“a-ah im sorry!” 
you heard a small giggle come from in front of you,, opening your eyes you saw jeongin holding six pure crimson red roses out in front of him
“im glad~” he said as you took the small bouquet from his hands
“wanna go see a movie or something?” jeongin offered, hope glittering his eyes you couldnt help but grin
“of course i would”
bonus ;
“hey you dyed your hair again.” you said to jeongin, carefully reaching your hand out to touch it
“uh yeah...do you like it?”
“i love it black baby,” taking his hand in yours you gave him a smile “you look really good.” 
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Can I please request some Modern AU with a spoonful of pining/adorkable Roy and tons of fluff? :D :D thank youuuu in advance, Emma!!
so i’ve fallen in love with this oneshot and writing their banter in a modern setting uwu thank you for this tas!! 
also i hope the texting reads well in this format ksjdfjk i realise the format is 14:00pm which is a bit redundant but i didnt notice until reading it back on here aaaaand tbh i’ve waited too long to post this and its 10:30pm so i really can’t be bothered changing it at this point
part 2 | part 3
There was an incessant banging on his apartment door.Stumbling through his living room, Roy cursed as he kicked the corner of hiscouch hard, his toe throbbing. His irritation growing by the second, hisvisitor still banging away on thedoor like there was no tomorrow, he wrenched the door open with a glare. Riza,his neighbour, stood on the other side of the door, hand raised and poised toknock again with an impatient expression.
“What?” he growled irritably.
“Hey,” she greeted brightly, unconcerned about the time andthe sacred rite that was a lie in on a fucking Saturday. “Can I ask you a favour?”
“Riza, it’s Saturday morning.”
“And?” Damn her. Dam her and her ability to rise at six inthe morning any day of the week. The woman had probably never slept past sevenbefore in her life. Roy, on the other hand, appreciated and valued his sleep.
“Saturday,” hestressed slowly. He had finished work late last night and had been lookingforward to his sleep. Now it had been ruined by Riza.
They were good friends and hung out frequently. Starting offas neighbours who politely greeted each other every morning, they quicklydiscovered they shared mutual friends, so it was easy for their relationship todevelop. To Roy it had been the most natural thing. The only down side was saidfriends were both couples and they ended up third wheeling any outing theyattended. Through this, however, they had formed a close friendship, which hedeeply valued.
But when she interrupted his morning by loudly banging on his front door for about five minutes instead ofwaiting for a more respectable hour, Riza really tried his patience.
“Good observation,” she quipped. “Anyway, I need a favour,if you’re up for it?”
Roy sighed, admitting defeat. He rubbed his eyes tiredly,resigned to the fact that for the fourteenth day in a row, he had been woken upat six thirty in the morning.
“What?” he asked irritably.
“I’ve got a work thing tonight and I need you to come withme.” Roy narrowed his eyes critically, eyeing her open and honest expression.
“What’s this really about?”
With a sigh, she finally revealed the truth. “You know thatguy I was dating?”
“The stick?”
Riza huffed. “He’s not a stick.”
“Riza, he’s built like a stick.”
“Anyway, it didn’twork out and now I have… a situation.”
It shouldn’t have excited him so much to hear that herrelationship with Stick Man Dan didn’t work out. Roy wasn’t blind, Riza was abeautiful woman. Plus, he adored her as a friend. They had clicked instantlyand the banter they shared was effortless. If things were to progress furtherbetween them, Roy certainly wouldn’t say no.
“A situation?” Roy asked doubtfully, yawning loudly. “Whatkind of situation?”
“Just some friendly stalking, that’s all.”
That woke him up.“He’s stalking you?”
Riza nodded and Roy didn’t miss the briefest flash of worryappear on her face. “Have you gone to the police?”
Riza nodded. “Yeah, of course, but they won’t do anything.”
“Why?” he asked, unable to keep the anger out of his voice.Regardless of his feelings towards Riza, they should be doing something aboutit.
“Apparently until he does something concrete, and there’sevidence, they can’t charge him.”
Riza’s lips quirked upwards. “I’m inclined to agree. Anyway,it’s fine. I can look after myself. My hope was that you could accompany me tothis thing tonight to try and gently tell him that, you know, I’ve moved on.”
“Yeah, of course,” he replied, tone concerned. “Do you needsomewhere to stay? Is it that serious?”
Riza smiled at him instead of replying, Roy unable todetermine the emotion on her face. “No, thank you. I’m okay.”
“Let me know if you do. And if Stick Man Dan comes around,give me a text or a knock.”
“I will,” she smiled that cryptic smile, expression soft.“Thank you.”
“Okay then. What time do I need to be ready for?”
“Six, if that’s okay?”
“No problem.”
“It’s date,” she grinned.
“But be warned,” Roy added. Riza’s expression turnedexpectant. “Wake me up, banging on my door, at this time tomorrow and I will remove your hands from the ends ofyour arms.”
Riza grinned. “Thanks Roy!” She walked towards the lift, aspring in her step, completely unconcerned about his empty-but-tempting threat.He sighed, closing his door, but smiled as he re-entered his apartment. Anevening with Riza on a “date” didn’t seem so bad.
*          *          *
RM: What do Ineed to wear tonight? 13:44pm
RM: Smart?Casual? We talking tux? 13:44pm
RH: Smart casual is fine.13:51pm
RM: Wow. Thankyou. Much helpful. Very cool. 13:51pm
RH: You’re welcome.13:52pm
RH: Do I detect sarcasm?13:52pm
RM: Your powersof deduction are unparalleled. 13:53pm
RH: Thank you. I pridemyself on that. 13:54pm
RH: Idk just weartrousers and a shirt. 13:54pm
RM: Still nothelpful. 13:55pm
RH: Idk, I’m nota dude. I don’t know what you wear on a night out. 13:55pm
RM: Where is itbeing held? 13:56pm
RH: In a function suite.It’s just a gathering to celebrate a colleague retiring. Dan will be therebecause he was a friend of the retiree and one of my colleagues. 13:57pm
RM: Stick ManDan is friends with old age pensioners? 13:58pm
RM: Riza.13:58pm
RH: Shut your mouth rightnow. I already regret the decision no need to rub it in. 13:59pm
RH: And if you say I toldyou so I will punch you in the face. Guaranteed. 13:59pm
RM: What acatch. 14:01pm
RH: I hope you enjoy thatpunch coming your way in approximately 4 hours. 14:01pm
RM: Hey if noone else will make fun of you for it I’ve got to step up to the plate. 14:05pm
RM: I’m justfulfilling my duty as a friend. 14:05pm
RH: Two punches. 14:05pm
RM: Come at me.I look forward to them. 14:06pm
RM: So… Aboutthat dress code… 14:10pm
RH: Roy. You’re a grownass man. Dress yourself. 14:11pm
RM: Do you wantStick Man Dan to get the message or not? 14:11pm
RH: What, pray tell,message could you send from the way you are dressed? 14:12pm
RM: That I’m asexy motherfucker and you’ve done so much better than him already? 14:13pm
RH: … 14:13pm
RH: Insert picture of melaughing my ass off while rolling my eyes here. 14:13pm
RM: Juststaying true to myself. 14:13pm
RH: Keep telling yourselfthat buddy. 14:14pm
RM: To behonest anyone is a step up from Stick Man Dan. 14:14pm
RH: All right I’m goingnow. I’ve got more important shit to do than tell a grown man how to dress fora “date”. 14:15pm
RH: I thought you were“Mr. Hot Stuff” anyway? Surely you know how to dress for a date. 14:15pm
RH: Wait. 14:17pm
RH: You’ve gone on a datebefore, haven’t you? 14:17pm
RM: I’m noteven going to dignify that stupid question with an answer. 14:22pm
RH: Oh my god. 14:22pm
RH: Hahahaha. 14:22pm
RH: That pause speaksvolumes. 14:22pm
RM: I was inthe bathroom. 14:22pm
RH: TMI dude. 14:23pm
RH: Roy is not the“player” he makes himself out to be. Confirmed. 14:23pm
RH: I can’t wait to tellBecca. 14:25pm
RM: Youwouldn’t dare. 14:24pm
RH: ; ) 14:28pm
RM: Yourloyalties, and any impending betrayals, are noted. 14:29pm
*          *          *
“I’m going to kill you,” Roy grinned, trying to hide hisirritation as they walked arm in arm towards the function room where this partywas being held. “Really, Riza. This time, I will.”
“I’d like to see you try,” she muttered under her breathquickly before greeting a colleague and introducing Roy.
“You told Catalinaof all people.” Riza snickered beside him, steering Roy towards the buffettable. “You lied to her as well.”
“You neither confirmed, nor denied, if it was true.”
“I said I wouldn’t dignify it with an answer,” he bit back,his irritation rising. He couldn’t believeRiza had said to Catalina that he’d never been on a date before. Of course, he had been on a date before.The woman had phoned him up, cackling, asking if it was true. No matter what hesaid, Rebecca refused to accept any other answer.
God, he hated those two when they were together. A force tobe reckoned with, for sure, and often at his expense. Although they were maddening,Roy never minded it really. It was all good fun. However, it was just asentertaining to banter back and forth with Riza about the situation.
“Well, now we know you have,” she deadpanned, picking up apaper plate and filling it with food.
Roy followed suit, a smirk on his face as he shook his headin amusement. “I don’t feel so bad about making fun of you about Stick Man Dananymore. In fact, I don’t feel bad at all.”
“I would care butthat’s history.”
“Doesn’t look like it,” he muttered in her ear, picking outthe Stick Man himself heading their way, his approach unknown to Riza. Roy shothim a polite smile, which was ignored.
“What?” she asked, mid turn.
“Hey, Riza,” Stick Man Dan greeted his ex, still completelyignoring Roy. Thanks, mate.
Roy had never liked him. He was built like a stick, all skinand bones, and taller than anyone Roy had ever met, which did nothing in hisfavour in the appearance department. Every time they met up as a group, hewould completely gloss over everyone who wasn’t Riza, offering only one-wordanswers. Not to mention he hated Roy for some unknown reason. He couldn’tfigure out what it was. Roy would chuckle to himself when he considered StickMan Dan may have felt threatened by him.
Roy had often wondered what Riza saw in him. “As a concernedfriend,” he would tell Hughes and Catalina irritably when they gave each otherThe Look. Said look was a “oh-shit-he-loves-her” look.
Amusement aside, Roy did consider how it looked from anoutsider’s perspective. Both he and Riza were very close. Probably too close inthe opinion of significant others, but nothing had ever happened. It didn’tmean Roy didn’t want it too, but ifRiza wasn’t interested, then so be it. He wasn’t about to mess up thisfriendship and make it awkward by asking her.
As Stick Man Dan ignored Roy, he considered that perhapsthey were close enough that it wouldn’t makeit awkward between them. They told each other everything.
Only one way to find out, however now was not the time.
“So, you’re here with Gerald?” Riza asked him politelygripping Roy’s arm tighter and sliding an arm around his waist. Not expectingsuch close contact, his breath hitched as he ate, but was luckily able to hideit behind that.
“Gerald, unfortunately, was unable to make it tonight,however I thought I would just come anyway to honour Janine.”
Roy frowned. What person comes to a friend’s retirementparty? At said friend’s place of work?
A stalker, looking tosee someone who shot them down.
Roy shifted, wrapping his arm around Riza’s shoulder as hecontinued to eat, staring Stick Man Dan down. His hand came to rest on saidshoulder and he gave it a quick squeeze. Dan seemed to realise who it wasstanding beside Riza, and his eyes flicked to Roy’s briefly, before moving toRoy’s hand on Riza. If a six foot seven bean pole could look dangerous, thenthat’s what Stick Man Dan’s eyes looked like.
And Roy did notlike it.
Apparently, neither did Riza. She was tense underneath his arm,so he rubbed his shoulder in response. This man made her uncomfortable now,that was for sure. That was his job tonight, as a friend, to help her make itthrough this night and get rid of this guy forever. The only way Stick Man Danwould ever take the hint was if they were convincing.
However, he didn’t want to push the boundaries too much –
Oh my god, Roy, chill.You’re here as a friend, that’s it. Nothing more. Just help her out.
“That’s very nice of you,” Riza replied.
Stick Man Dan’s eyes flicked over to Roy’s once more. Oh, so he wasn’t invisible? Who knew? “Iwas wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?”
“Sorry, Janine asked us to come and speak to her after we’vegrabbed a plate,” Riza lied smoothly. Roy watched as the disappointment crossedStick Man Dan’s face, feeling very pleased by the show. Riza begun to walk away,neglecting to offer Dan another chance for his talk, and Roy let his arm drop,regrettably, but followed after her.
“Can you see me?” Roy whispered to her quietly, leaning inclose, as they left Stick Man Dan at the buffet table alone.
“What?” Riza asked, looking up at him, confused.
“Can you see me?” he repeated. “Stick Man Dan acted as if Iwasn’t there and I was wondering if I’ve miraculously achieved the ability toturn invisible.” Riza snorted, loudly. “I mean, it would come in incrediblyuseful. I’ll be disappointed if you cansee me at this point.”
“Shut up,” she laughed quietly, approaching the woman of thehour. “He’s an ass.”
“I honestly don’t know what you saw in him,” Roy joked,sighing dramatically. He would never let on that he was being serious. “I mean,clearly he was a charmer.”
“He never liked you, did he?” Riza smirked, popping asandwich in to her mouth.
“Oh, we were best buds. Me and Dan?” He rose his hand,crossing over his pointer and middle finger. “We were tight, just like that.”
“Shut up,” she chuckled.
The rest of the evening was pleasant. Riza’s colleagues weregood people who welcomed him with open arms. Apparently, they were in on thewhole stalker situation, and were aware of Roy’s role in the night. It didn’tstop them from playing it up, perhaps too much. As much as Roy enjoyedpretending that he and Riza were a couple, that was just it.
“Do you want to go with them?” Riza whispered in his ear.The feeling of her hot breath on his ear made him shiver, goose bumps rising onhis flesh. There were a few people who were going out for the night to a clubnearby. Truthfully, Roy didn’t want the evening to end. He enjoyed having hisarm around Riza as they sat together, their thighs pressed against each other.Holding her hand was something he couldn’t get enough of, and often foundhimself stroking the back of it with his thumb as they sat.
It’s all an act,he kept reminding himself.
But as the night wore on, Roy found he didn’t want it to bejust an act.
So, he agreed to going out to the club.
That was his first mistake.
His second came when they were dancing under the dimlighting, smoke coiling around their legs as they moved dangerously close to one another. Roy saw, rather than felt, hishand reaching out to brush her bangs off her face, his hand curving around hercheek to cup it. Riza’s eyes that had once been on the space between them hadsnapped up to meet his, both their dancing slowly coming to a stop. A thumbbrushed over her cheekbone and Riza’s eyes widened. The music in the clubdulled to a heavy thump, the wordsfading away to become obsolete.
He pressed his lips gently against Riza’s, feeling herbreathing hitch underneath them. His free hand made its way to her waist, handgliding effortlessly across the material of her silk top as it moved around toher lower back. Riza responded eagerly, deepening the kiss after she locked herarms around his neck, pulling him tightly against her body.
For a few moments all was right in the world. This felt good. It felt natural. It made Roywonder why they hadn’t done it sooner. He pulled back, as if his brain finallyrealised what he had done, and who hehad kissed.
Riza was a friend. This was supposed to be pretend. Not thatRiza could hear him, but he stuttered, trying to apologise for oversteppingthat final boundary.
The look in her eyes told Roy she was okay with it.
One of her own hands rose to cup his cheek this time, drawing his lips back against hers.
*          *          *
“Would… Would you like to come in for a coffee?”
Riza smiled tiredly. She had ridden in the lift with her headon his shoulder, eyes closed, and a small smile on her face. It had made Roy’sstomach go crazy and grip her hand tighter as they stood waiting on theirfloor.
That second mistake was working out all right.
“I would love to, but I think I’m just going to go tosleep.”
“See, if you slept in at the weekend, you wouldn’t be sotired at one am.”
Riza smirked but the lift dinged at their floor before she would reply.
“Maybe one day, you could teach me,” she replied, playingcoy, before giving him a wink as she stepped out of the lift. That left Roystaring after her, desire in his eyes.
A hand stilled the one on her door handle, gently but firmlyspinning Riza around so her back was against her apartment door. Roy’s handswere pressed flat against Riza’s apartment door, trapping her head betweenthem. Her surprised squeak was adorable and so was the grin on her face as Roybent to kiss her lips. Since he had done it for the first time in the club, he hadached to do it again.
“See you tomorrow?” Roy murmured, his hands moving slowly upand down her waist.
“See you tomorrow,” she agreed, her face and neck flushedfrom their activities. “You can count on it.”
He bid her goodnight and entered his own empty apartment. Thememory of kissing Riza, the feelings of her skin underneath his hands on herwaist, the softness of her hair as he ran his hands through it feverishly were freshin his mind as they lulled him peacefully to sleep.
Only to be interrupted by incessant knocking on hisapartment door.
At six thirty in the morning.
There is only one person…
Gearing up for his charade of being truly irritated, butready to joke with his friend, his retort about removing her hands from theends of her arms died on his tongue. One look at Riza’s face told him this visitwas different. She looked… scared?
“Can… Can I stay here?” Her voice was hesitant and quiet,almost fearful. His irritation gone after hearing her speak, Roy opened thedoor wider so she would enter his apartment. He was worried. Riza never looked like this.
“Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?”
Riza shook her head, offering him her phone instead ofreplying. Apprehensively, Roy took the phone from her unresisting hands.
Unknown Number: Riza weneed to talk. I didn’t like what I saw tonight. I don’t like you spending timewith that guy. I won’t allow it. 06:21am
Roy looked up at her from the screen. Her eyes were castdown towards the floor, not looking at him in the eye.
“I got that this morning, a few minutes after I woke up.”
He tried to reign in his anger. He really did. Was he watching her? The thought made himphysically ill and see red at the same time. “This happen often?” he askedcurtly, but somehow, he already knew her answer.
“Yes,” she replied in a small voice.
“Has it ever escalated?” Riza was silent and that was theonly answer Roy needed. “Why didn’t you tellme?”
“I could handle it,” she replied, voice stronger now. “Buteven after last night he still hasn’t gotten the hint and…”
“I’m scared,” she whispered. “I’m scared of what he might do,of what he’s possibly already done, and I… I don’t want to be alone right now.Especially not in my apartment.”
Roy closed the door behind her, putting the chain across it,as if a reassurance that Dan wouldn’t get anywhere near her. Not while Roy wasaround anyway.
“Block that number after you’ve reported him to the police,”Roy told her. “I’ll drive you down there tomo – Well, at a more respectablehour,” he quipped.
“Why don’t we just go now?” Riza asked, confused. Ah, of course, Misswhat-is-sleeping-past-six-am?
“I’m going back to bed,” Roy told her. “And – only if youwant to – you can learn the benefits of sleeping past six am at the weekend.”
His attempt at humour was only to try and lighten the mood –to try and take Riza’s mind off things – and he was pleased to see she fellinto step with him, their banter coming easily to each other. He was thrilledto learn thigs weren’t different between them, despite what happened tonight.
Riza’s lips quirked up and her posture relaxed. Instead ofher arms hugging her body, they moved into the front pocket of her hoodie. “Andwhat benefits would those be?”
“Waking up next to me?” he offered with a smirk.
Riza sighed, cocking her head as if to consider hisproposal. “I think I like that benefit. Are there anymore?”
Roy grinned widely as he closed the distance between them,kissing Riza Hawkeye like his life depended on it.
God, it felt good.
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earphonekiyouka · 6 years
He's mine
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Your freddies bestfriend but do you just want to be bestfriends?
Part 1
It was another successfull concert ofcourse, the adrenaline still flowing through your body as you guys exit the stage
"You were amazing darling" a voice that you know all too well spoke behind you,
"Arent i always amazing?" You and Freddie shared a laugh it was times like these that makes the shows all the more fun you and Freddie had always had this connection that not everyone has with each other
"We should probably get back to the van the others are probably waiting" i told him as we finally went back to the van waving at the few fans that saw you and gave some autographs
"Nice for you to finally join us" Roger said as he sat at the back of the van with two girls on both sides nothing unusual just roger
"Well arent you enjoying yourself" Freddie told Roger indicated the two girls beside him who clearly cant keep their hands away from him
"Brian and John are already knocked out"
"The show was pretty tiring wasnt it darling?" As you sat on your seat
"It sure was but its worth it" you told him as you lean on his side then slowly started to drift to sleep the sense of comfort being beside Freddie was all you need after a tiring show
"Get some rest darling" Freddie told you as he kissed your forehead a slight blush appearing in your cheeks but finally drifting off to sleep
Next day
"She wants to sing with us?"
"Woah that would be cool"
"Lets not get ahead of us guys"
You slowly start to wake up from the boys rambling about a person you have yet to know who Freddie must have laid you down on the couch because you werent leaning next to him any more. You sit up stretching your arms and noticing that Freddies jacket was on your body it smelled exactly like him
"The sleeping beauty is finally awake" Brian says as he and the other guys turn around to face you
"Good morning darling" Freddie says with that same smile he always wears on his face the ones that melts your heart
"Good morning guys, so what are you all bickering about" you asked them as you walked towards your beloved coffee machine and started making yourself a cup of coffee
"We were just talking about Madeleine apparently she wants to have a guest appearance on one of our concerts" John said as you place your cup of coffee down on the table
"I mean do we need her to?"
"We already have me anyway" Freddie was the first one to laugh until all the others joined him
"Oh darling it would simply be too rude if we declined" Freddie said walking toward you and giving you a side hug
"No one can ever compare to your beauty dear" Freddie said with a grin you cant resist the blush creeping into your cheeks
"Sooooo...... do we accept it?"
"I mean why the hell not"
After the decision was made all the band needed to do was to tell Madeleines agency that they accept the offer then Queen would meet up with Madeleine in a few days
Here you were reading the newspaper at your flat everyone wanted to stay there before going to meet Madeleine it was the day when you were gonna meet Madeleine there was something about her that you didnt quite like she was already using being a guest performer in the show to her advantage as the headlines have said 'MADELEINE PERFORMING WITH QUEEN' a look of disgust came upon your face you were certain she was up to something you just needed to keep your guards up
"Youve been glaring at that newspaper for a while now" Roger said crossing his arms while eating toast
"Yeah and it because of that goddanm Madeleine" you say as you continue to glare at the newspaper
"Woah there no need to be so feisty"
"Welp i gotta go and get ready youuuu need to chill and relax we got this" Roger says as he went to go and get ready meanwhile you hesitantly got off the couch and into your wardrobe to try and find a decent outfit to wear at the restaurant all of you were meeting it didnt take you too long to
Get ready you grabbed your purse then got out of your room
"Look whos looking quite sexy today" Roger says as Freddie also looked at you they were all outside of their rooms and the van was already outside ready to go
"Hes right you look quite good today (Y/N)" John says as Freddie grins walking toward you and offering his hand
"Are you ready to go your majesty?" Freddie says as you take his hand and smile back to him
"Ready as ill ever be" all of you finally exited the hotel and went to the vehicle you guys made occassional small talks while waiting to arrive at the restaurant
"We're here"Brian says you look out the window and see that you are indeed at your destination you exit the car and walk in the restaurant Freddie being the gentleman he is held open the door for you
"Thank you Fred" you say as you finally walk through the restaurant to find the table then there she was Madeleine her blonde hair are loosely in curls some heavy makeup on and a dress that basically screams desperation
"Oh my god you guys are finally here! Madeleine but im sure you already know that"she told us as she smiled at each and everyone of you she moved to give more space for you guys to sit in Freddie sat beside her while you were sitting at the opposite side of her
"So as you may already know i wanted to guest star in a few of your concerts thats because i really am a big fan!" She says as she tries to get closer to Freddie
"Well we appreciate you liking us you have a good voice as well" Brian says typical of him you always thought Brian was the one who kept his cool and the respectfull out of all of you
"Oh stoop you're gonna make me blush" Madeleine says as she really did start to blush or was it just the heavy blush she had on?
The night continued with discussion about her guest starring with you guys you on the other hand wasnt listening and had lost interest long ago you just hoped that they finally settled the plans so you can go home and finally sleep
"Well everything is settled then nice to finally meet you"
"And i you"
When the meeting was finally done the car ride was quiet you praised the lord when you finally took the elevator to the floor of your room
Before you entered your room you hear a voice calling you
"Y/N? Darling are you quite alright?" Freddie asked he had a concern look on his face
"Yeah ofcourse i am, why do you think something is wrong?"
"You seemed off today and you never talked much at the restaurant"
"Im fine freddie really" you caressed his cheek with your right hand and looked at him with a smile
"But thank you for worrying about me" you told him as you opened the door to your room
"Good night freddie"
"Good night darling "
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