#Yandere cody x Reader
insanetvgirl · 6 months
| Yandere Cody with a Intern!Darling Headcanons(Romantic) |
Gender of the darling and pronouns used: Gender Neutral!They/Them/Theirs
Reality show au/World Tour!
Theme song: Average Guy by Tv girl and Monster Rally
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(Let's pretend Sierra don't exist here lol)
Cody was shocked that Chris actually hired someone to check up the contestants(actually everyone was shocked)
But he REALLY dind't expected to create a lovesick obsession fall in love with you,but you are just his type!
Gwen? Who is Gwen?
You are funny,smart,sweet,beautiful and you even let him sleep in the first class(and sometimes even his teammates)!
He was so confused in the first time you asked if he wanted to sleep in the first class
" Hey! But why you doing that? You can lose your job! "
" I know! But let's say you are my favorite contestant.... " *Winks*
He is your favorite
He is your favorite!
His is your favorite of any contestant? Really? He is so happy to hear that
He is so in love with you
He is delusional,kinda you know,if he is your favorite,so you are so into him!
Cody wants your attention most of the time,trying to impress you,sometimes pretending that needs your help and things like! He gets so jealous when you are with another contestant,and if this contestant flirt with you? He gets pissed and he will look like a angry kid
He guilt trip you when you say you need to be with/help another contestant
Why? He needs help too! You don't want to help him?
I mean you nearly having a heart attack because of him in the challanges,remember that i said he tries to impress you?
He always makes some stupid thing in the challanges,just to show you how he is strong!
And you are just looking thinking " What that hell? " you like adventures and dangerous things,but hell this boy haves to fear death a little
He just loves you and wants your attention you know? You are so good to him(Is good to talk with a person who don't think in the competiton,since who are not a contestant)
You are not getting rid of him,he will make sure about that!
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╰┈➤" I get on my knees every other day
Lord keep me out of trouble, and keep me safe from pain
I get these feelings, they're not easy to explain
But when you see me, I'll have a smile on my face "
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I hope this is good and you all liked to read it!
I don't suport yanderes in real life!
Take care my angels!
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rhodesrider · 5 months
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Yandere! Cody R. x Black! Fem! Reader
Author’s Note: Now this is total different from my usual content I post. If you do not like this type of stuff which is obsession and murder, Please do not read.
Warning: Once again Minors DNI / 18+ Only, Murder, Unhealthy Obsessions, blood, weapons, psychological horror themes, mentions of cheating, mentions of sexual behavior
You have been warned.
“I don’t get why would he just leave…”
Y/N sighed after her sobbing for about a hour, she sat on her bed looking at the note looking over it once more. Seeing the writing was rushed and messy, like he was in a rush. Her ex now MIA left her note and she’s been worried since the sun was up for the morning time. She was so confused in top of that because he was find the other day, he bought her flowers, they went out and watched some movies. They were having a nice time for once besides just arguing and spending the night in separate rooms. But the next morning hit and she was hoping to see him next to her but instead she sees a single note. “Everything was fine…” her mind was clouded, she couldn’t think at all. Just more tears started to fall somehow she felt like it was her fault. She was probably asking too much of him to where he just leaves from being overwhelmed in their relationship. She heard her phone go off and glanced to the side seeing that it was her friend Cody, he was a mostly a busy man, but he always knew when to call. She smiled some and picked up the phone, cleaning her face some. “Hey Cody.”
Cody smiled as he heard her angelic voice, “Hey Pumpkin, you doing good today? You usually text me after I get off work to see how our days were.” She smiled at the sound of her second support, Cody has always been a good friend to her. He listens to her venting and gives the best advice. “I know, I’m sorry I didn’t it’s just…he’s gone. All he left was a note. Saying that “You’ll find better” and more stupid shit.” She sniffled and wiped her tears away with a tissue. Cody sighed hating to hear her cry, that’s the last thing he wants. “Did you try his cell?” He asked as he smiled going on another phone, holding it with black gloves and scrolling down messages. “I have and he left me on read. I don’t get what’s going on. Did I do something wrong Cody?” “No no angel, your perfect. He doesn’t know it and I don’t think he’s ever gonna know it.” He smirked. The phone he soon turned off making sure the tracker was off and all. “Give me one second please Y/N.” He put the phone on mute and smashed the phone to pieces on the ground. Turning her back of mute he brought his composer back. “But yea you didn’t do anything. I don’t know why he just up and left you both were having such a good time yesterday.” She agreed fully. As she continued to vent and figure out what’s going on, Cody just simply put her on speaker and walked over to an open space in his garage. He stopped in front of a man, a man that was tied up and drugged in a chair. He just smiled and muted himself again while she continued to vent and cry. “She deserves better ya know? And you can’t give her that. I saw you trying thou.” His gaze darkened. “That was precious. Trying to keep her from me, I’ve been nothing but a great friend to her. But you wanted to be in my way. “Baby I don’t know he gives me weird vibes.”” He mocked as he remembered the times hearing him speak ill of Cody.
He unmuted himself, “Hey Y/N, have you heard from him at all?” He sounded so concerned, it made Y/N worry. “No I haven’t, he even turned off his location.” She sighed as she went to the Ifind app and it was still buffering on his whereabouts. “How about I come over and if we have to I’ll go to the police station with you as well if nothing comes up in a day or two. He can’t just stop all connections with you.” The boyfriend looked at Cody with somewhat pleading eyes, Cody just smiling at him happy he’s finally able to get his chance. “Thank you Cody, I’ll let you know if something comes up.” “Ok sweetheart, talk later. I hate it when you’re upset, hopefully he has a very reasonable explanation for this.” As Cody said those last words he held up a gun. Examining it and the boyfriend’s eyes widened and wanted to scream. The drug isn’t letting him. Cody hung up and kissed the gun looking at the dude. “You know, her favorite color is Green. Did you know that?” The boyfriend shook his head fast trying to defend himself but soon was pistol whipped. “NO YOU DIDN’T YOU FUCKING IDIOT. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS PINK.” Cody screamed in his face in anger, turning absolute red. “You are a waste to her and she still cares. I want that, I want her to care about me like she does for a parasite like you.” He calmed himself, slowly putting the barrel to the boyfriend’s neck looking in his eyes with a darkened deadly glare. “You are nothing more than dirt to the woman. I’ve seen what you are to her. She took care of you and you do nothing for her. She begs for you to go out, but you’re too busy. Doing what exactly?” He scratched his head with the gun and looked in the corner. “Oh wait. Were you doing her?” He pointed the gun to the dark corner. The boyfriend fixed his eyes while he could and stared in fear.
A body.
It couldn’t be who he thinks it was. “When I met her she was easy, I can see why you fuck her. She melted in my hands. She was vile.” He had a disgusted look on his face. “I had to shower and get tested after giving her a good time and cleaning the blood out.” He hissed. “I have to make sure I didn’t contract anything, condom or not. I wanna stay clean for my princess.” He smiled and got up walking over to the spot turning on a single light, showing the rotting body. The boyfriend started to shed tears, seeing that he might not make it. Cody smiled walking back over to the boyfriend and looking at his tears fall. “Weak. You were never for her.” He put the gun down and started to walk up the stairs going back to his home. He closed the door and got the key locking it shut. He checked himself in a near by mirror and saw some blood splatter on his shirt. “Hmm we can’t have that.” He went to go wash and freshen up for Y/N, planning to comfort her. Just the thought of being in her presence made him warm inside, all he ever thinks about is her. And he needs her, if he doesn’t get her no one will. But Cody doesn’t think it could ever get that far. He knows she’s just blinded by stupidity and she’s gonna fall for him. “I love you so much baby.” He sighed in the shower, where he had a cover for his phone to watch cameras. He was watching Y/N on the bed looking at her phone, crying and clearly in distress. “I’ll be there soon baby.” He started to hurry up and finished his shower. He got ready and grabbed his keys walking out greeting his dogs, he went to the car after and rode off to her home. Ready to be of service for her.
The boyfriend in the garage sat in the chair wiggling trying to find a way out. He kept looking back at the body with flies, tears falling in fear. This man was dangerous and he was gonna be with Y/N. He had to stop it. He moved the chair some and hear a contraption go off. He looked around but was too late feeling his knee go in. He screamed to the top of his lungs but no one can hear him. Cody set up a trap and it was highly sensitive. He sat there defeated. Crying and pleading god, wishing he would have treated Y/N a bit better than before. “I’m sorry Y/N…” it echoed in his head as he passed out from the shock.
He’s gonna have her one way or another.
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i apologize i didnt specify but cody from tdi and the yandere alphabet
OH YES OF COURSE!!! ( I am scared of K-pop fans)
NOTES/WARNINGS what do you think bud?
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
ughghg boy needs to hug you 12819318984879324 times a day or he dies on the spot
NEEEEEEDS your attention and talk your ear off or her may just explode
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
uhh I don't think he has the balls to kill someone. he really wants to, but he always chickens out.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
FUCK NO! he just wants to smother and bother you all day. It may annoy you, but he's just so glad you're with him!
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He constantly needs to touch you, so holding hands at the very least.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
As much as you want, babe!
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He's a bit sad, but he gets it.
But he's getting you back.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Every day is a new annoyance.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He has... no idea. So far his plans are that tomorrow he'll wake up, kiss you, hold you, and probably go back to sleep.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets SO angy. he normally lets it out once you get home or when you two are alone so he can walk around in a circle and rant.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's such a needy guy, he needs to hold your hand, he needs to have your attention, hold you near, talk to you, hear your voice, anything!
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He tried to talk to you a few times, but it never really went well (unless you think him telling you a horrible pick-up line and running away [and tripping in the process] is suave and the best way to get a girl/guy/etc)
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He can't really do anything to hurt you in any way, maybe just some silent treatment, but he can't even bring himself to do that.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Not many! He only takes them away if you try to get away from him once too many times.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He's pretty patient! Unless you keep going away, then it'll thin.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
nahhh. He needs your attention and love to survive!
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Honestly, meeting Sierria kinda had a hand in all of this, all her clingyness and weird actions freaked him out, but soon he found himself doing the same to you.
Thankfully he noticed he was being a creep so he tried to tone it down to the best of his ability.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He feels horrible. He doesn't know why you're acting this way, but he'll do the best he can to soothe you...
He's lying to himself, he knows deep down inside he's most likely the reason you're crying, If he finds out it was someone else, he'll do his best to either hurt them or get them to leave you alone.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's a total sweetheart and is way too soft on/with you.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The fact he's soft on you. If you continue to build up his trust, he may eventually trust you to go out on your own. Just make sure to have a good excuse, or make it look like you're super excited to leave the house.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
no, No, NO, never! Never! He loves you too much!
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Ohhhh quite a lot! He really loves you, no matter how you meet. If the way you met was with you showing him some kind of kindness or love, he may feel he needs it... and just from you, please!
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few weeks or months, tops. That's if you're in the show together, but if not, it'll be a year or two so he can get more info about you. the games of the show already tell him so much about you.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
But it's not like he wants to!
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creepypasta65 · 10 months
Is it alright is I can please request a Yandere Ticci Toby and Yandere X virus/Cody in love with the same (GN) S/O?
(if you like to spice things up a bit the S/O is not a creepypasta?)
Thanks for the request. Also, I love your pfp :)
Yandere Toby and Yandere Xvirus/Cody in love with the same s/o:
Toby is furious that Cody is also in love with you. Toby wants to have you all to himself and not share.
He will confront Cody about his feelings towards you and tell him to stay away from you.
He doens't want to hurt Cody, but if he has to then, he will.
Cody is mad that Toby is also in love with you.
He gets furious when Toby takes you away from him. He will tell Toby to stay away from you.
Cody sees Toby as an older brother and will not hurt Toby, but he's mad that Toby is stealing you away.
He will lock you away where Toby could never find you.
Have a nice day :)
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
I just found a love in your almost cult yandere clone tropes and their cyares with the Jedi blessings. I mean damn you (later than ever). I'm imagining Cody and Rex and the bad batch. Or just Cody sharing with 😉 .
You made sprout the cult follower in me.
Here at Yandere-Wishes HQ, we try to inspire the inner cult follower in all our fans. We want the dark, deranged side of all our clients to shin through and someday even start cults of their own. 💜💜
I'm very sorry for how all over the place this is, tried to section it off as best I could. I'm still incredibly jet lagged😭😭
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I think the reason behind the Jedi giving their blessing so freely to the clones comes from an inner yearning to be loved. The Jedi know their place in the universe, know that a sentiment-free life is what they must endure. Still, if those around them can be happy, then (in a selfless way befitting a Jedi) they can be happy too. Although I'm rather curious as to what would happen if say Anakin or Obi-wan fell for the cyare of their commanders. 
Personally, I think Rex and Cody would definitely share a darling. Same with Echo and Fives (and maybe Tup too). Maybe if you REALLY  want to lean into the cult aesthetic Anon, then what if each squadron has its own cyare?? A darling shared amongst all of them (That's a lot but I'm kinda only referring to the relevant troopers from each squadron 🤣🤣) it would be super cute if all her dresses were in said squadron's colors. Kinda like a personal cheerleader for them. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here lol. 
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🧡💙Being Cody and Rex's darling.
💙They're both very busy men. Constantly being deployed to the front lines. Always busy with some mission or another. They've tried to make sure at least one of them is with you, so you're never alone. It doesn't work, there are always long periods of time when you are trapped in isolation. 
🧡I truly believe that Rex and Cody's cyare wouldn't really "feel" like a "cyare", per se. Sure she doesn't have any freedom and is never permitted to make any decisions on her own. But they treat her so well, give her anything she could ever want, and they never hurt her in any way. 
💙Rex and Cody are both strict, not much leniency coming from either one. They have strict rules for they're cyare, under the pretext of keeping her safe. They've seen and experienced all the cruelties of the galaxy. And they don't want ANYTHING to ever hurt you. 
🧡Cody is more affectionate. More open with embracing and kissing you. Rex is much more reserved, stiffer. Yet he can't help but melt whenever your lips push against his. 
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501st sharing (Rex, Fives,Echo, Tup, Jesse, Hardcase and Kix)
It's honestly exhausting belonging to all of them. Constantly being pulled in every direction. Sure the 501st is one of the gentler squadrons per se. But they are smoldering, constantly wanting to touch you in some way. It also doesn't help that regardless of the mission one of them is left behind to "watch" you. Not so much out of a fear of you running away but more out of concern for your well-being. I wonder what would happen if Anakin began to develop feelings for this particular cyare.
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As for the bad batch I've yet to watch it (Although I've only heard good things) So I can't make a full observation just yet. Although I'd like to think that Hunter and Wrecker are on the "tougher" side, using force to make their cyare submit. Tech falls more into the stalker category. Take all this with a grain of salt, these ideas will 100% change once I've actually seen the show. 
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.... All this aside can you imagine Obi-Wan and Cody sharing a darling?? Or even Anakin and Rex sharing a darling?? I mean every cult needs its leader right 😉😘
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au idea. A world where couples take on a third partner that is basically a stay at home spouse as a show of their wealth or success. This would either be with Becky and Seth or Brandi and Cody and it could easily be a Yandere sort of thing
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Hi!! If your requests are open,can you please do polyam yandere!Noco(Noah and Cody) x Reader relationship headcanons? Their from total drama btw! But if request are closed please delete this!!
Ofc ofc! Poly?? Noco??? 😳💍???
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Good luck trying to escape like. Ever lmfao
-No but seriously, good luck. They make a pretty good team usually, but add you into the equation? They put in their all.
-Noah is usually the ‘mastermind’ behind things, setting up your handcuffs room and ways to get you to them. 
-I feel like Cody would be the more stalkerish type? Like, trying to figure out what you like and whatnot for your new room!  
-When they finally bring you home (read: kidnap you), get ready to be smothered 24/7.
-Seriously, you won’t be left alone for a second. Want to eat? Here, Cody can feed you! It’s what couples do, right? Want to read? Sure, just let Noah sit with you. He is the bookworm after all, he’ll have plenty of recommendations.
-It gets even worse at night. The two of them will have a firm grip on you, forcing you into this strange little cuddle pile cocoon for the night.
-They both have their own ways of manipulating you, I feel like Cody would lean (sometimes unintentionally, but only because he genuinely thinks they’re right and what they’re doing is okay:() towards guilt tripping, constantly making puppy eyes and using the excuse of “Well, this is what couples do!” while Noah would be towards infantilizing you, mainly through small comments like how they always have to help you and how you should just leave everything to them.
-If you constantly reject their advances though, that’s when things start getting tense.
-Their patience will run thin, after a while. They’re only human! This is the only part where they actually don’t agree with things? Noah thinks that some isolation would be good for you, whereas Cody just thinks that they haven’t shown you enough love. This is the only time they actually yell at each other :(
-Eventually they do decide on Noah’s idea. After all, they’ve given you so much, so how about they take it away for a little bit hmm?  (Actually kinda wanna write a fic on this..)
-However, if you accept, it’ll be a lot better. I mean, you have two loving, doting boyfriends, what more could you want?
-Constant cuddle time. That is all-
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Is it obvious I love these two sm 😭
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zombifiedheartg · 7 months
May I please request poly yandere total drama cody and Noah throughout the seasons? Or just a general story when/how they kidnapped their darling and when the darling wakes up?
of course! <3 thanks so much for requesting ! not too proud of this, i really hope you liked it though! i'm so sorry if it isn't exactly what you asked for :(
yandere poly!noco x reader . .
song⤹˚ ; pretty boy by tv girl
cw : un-consensual drug use, kidnapping, gaslighting, manipulation, guilt-tripping, basic yandere behaviour.
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cody and noah are kind of different as yanderes, noah gaslights you, and cody guilt-trips you. they do argue like an old married couple about you though, cody thinks you need space, and noah thinks that'd just give you a chance to run off.
cody's paranoid, but noah is much more paranoid than he'd like to admit.
but they love eachother, and their love for you is stronger than any other feeling they've had. you're a need to them.
and they'd do anything to keep you close by them.
୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
geoff had been hosting a reunion party for the contestants, and noah and cody thought this was the perfect chance! you were a sweetheart, of course you were gonna attend. even if you didn't have too.
you looked amazing as usual.
noah and cody were the only few people that you really talked with after the show, so you immediately went to them. you three talked for a bit, well you mainly talked. the two boys looked at you with dreamy stares the entire time along with occasional nods to make it seem like they were listening.
''oh, watch my drink for a sec?'' you handed noah the red solo cup, before turning to lindsay who was waving you over.
it was just too easy, the pill he slipped in wasn't harmful, you were just gonna pass out for a bit, and land directly into their arms..
after lindsay, bless her heart, talked your ear off for a little bit, you walked back to the boys with that smile they've grown too fond of. almost immediately, you took a sip of your now dosed drink.
of course it took a few moments to kick in, you started to see black spots surround your vision after maybe, five minutes? and before you knew it, you dropped. thankfully, cody catching you.
''oh my god, are they okay?'' bridgette spoke worriedly, ''probably just had a bit too much to drink, right, noah?'' cody slightly stumbled over his words, looking at noah for help.
''yeah. don't worry, we'll drive them home.'' noah reassured, putting your limp arm around his shoulder. ''are you two sober enough, though?'' bridgette felt a weird stir in her stomach, something about this wasn't right.
''we're fine.'' cody said with a bit of harshness in his tone.
''..okay.'' she sighed defeatedly.
after what felt like hours, you started to wake up, your vision starting to unblur as you looked around your unfamiliar surroundings, were you dosed? god, who could've done such a thing? were you gonna get murdered?
panicked thoughts ran through your mind as you became more aware.
the more you started to get conscious, the more you realized how much your wrists were hurting.
you blinked a few times trying to see clearer before realizing your wrists were bound by a zip-tie, digging painfully into your skin, it'll probably leave a mark.
''oh, they're finally awake! cody!'' you recognized that montoned voice. it was unusually cheery and you didn't expect to hear that voice at all.
cody had fallen asleep against noah's shoulder waiting for you to wake up, the two were sitting on the floor infront of you.
cody rubbed the sleep away from his eyes before looking at you with a bright smile.
''took you long enough.'' noah smirked, ''noah? cody?'' you were dumbfounded. these were your friends, the two people you trusted with your life.
you grimaced as your head started to pound, ''um, sorry, one of the side effects were headaches..'' cody apologized with a sheepish grin. ''should go away soon, though!'' he said quickly afterwards.
''god, i'm so glad you're here though! my two favorite people in the same room, wow.'' he beamed, hugging you and noah close. you stood completely still in shock, not know how to respond, it was moving so fast. so many things you were questioning in your head, going over habits you looked past with them.
''you should get comfy though, you're probably gonna be here for a bit..'' noah reminded.
''it'll be easy though, three lovebirds finally all together.''
˖°🌷📎⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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commandertono · 1 year
Hey y’all you know I don’t post often, but my friend jetiisyandereclones account got deleted. We have no clue as to why and everything of theirs is sadly gone. They have a new account called Clonewarssimpsblog2 please follow them and support them, as well as be patient!
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raythekiller · 1 year
. . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Welcome ˎˊ˗ ⌨
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hi!! I'm Ray (they/he/it), hope you enjoy your stay!
(yall can send requests in EN, PT or ES)
˗ˏˋ requests: open ´ˎ˗
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╰┈➤ Rules
I write for: (BanningK's) Jeff The Killer, Ticci Toby, BEN, Eyeless Jack, Masky/Tim & Hoodie/Brian (u can request others tho, I'll probably check the creepypasta and write for them anyway, but these are my main ones) (pls request some creepy women I'm begging)
needless to say I won't do stuff like pedophilia, zoophilia, non-con or anything like that. I also won't do yandere for now.
NSFW however is totally allowed.
honestly just don't be weird. if you don't know if I'm comfortable with something, send it in and I'll let you know.
the reader is always gender neutral unless stated otherwise. I'll also write non x reader content (like general headcanons and such)
I also take drawing suggestions (not "requests" cause there's no guarantee I'll actually do it)
I delete asks when I don't have any ideas for them, so if I didn't answer yours, this is why. You can send smth else tho
tags: #ray.writes (for headcanons/scenarios) #ray.draws (for art) #ray.talks.shit (for random asks/ramblings) #oc.lane hellshire (for stuff about my child)
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- ,, # Personality HC (Jeff, Toby, Ben, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Mean S/O With A Soft Spot For Him (Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Petpeeves (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Realizing They're In Love (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Plus Sized Goth S/O (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Ideal S/O (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Music Taste (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Quiet Reader (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Who Dissociates (Toby, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Corruption Kink (Hoodie)
- ,, # NSFW Headcanons (Nina, Jason)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Kate, Clockwork, Jane, Nina)
- ,, # Bimbo Reader (Nina)
- ,, # Their Kinks (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Sucking In Their Stomach (EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Their Music Taste (Nina, Clockwork, Kate, Jane, Helen)
- ,, # Reader With A Quiet Voice (Toby, Nina)
- ,, # Reader With Narcolepsy (Clockwork, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader Gets Hurt (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Nina, Kate, Jane)
- ,, # SFW And NSFW Headcanons (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Femme S/O (Clockwork)
- ,, # NSFW Alphabet (Nina)
- ,, # Reader Happy Stimming (Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane)
- ,, # S/O Making Them Jealous (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Lane - OC)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Cody)
- ,, # LGBT Headcanons (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, LJ, Candypop, Masky, Hoodie, Cody, Helen, Clockwork, Nina, Kate, Jane)
- ,, # Their Ideal S/O (Clockwork, Kate, Nina, Jane)
- ,, # Jennifer's Body-Like Entity Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
- ,, # Reader With Anxiety Tics (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Kate, Nina)
- ,, # Reader With A Thick Accent (Jeff, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie, Helen)
- ,, # Innocent-Looking Hypersexual Reader (Toby, EJ, Nina)
- ,, # General Headcanons (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Vampire Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork)
- ,, # Reader Who Gets Tired When It Rains (Toby, EJ, Clockwork, Jane)
- ,, # Slendermansion Headcanons
- ,, # Reader Who Uses ASL (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Hoodie, Jane)
- ,, # SFW Headcanons (Nina)
- ,, # Shy Reader (Jeff, Ben, Toby, EJ, Masky, Hoodie)
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- ,, # Dislikes Headcanons (Lane - OC)
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- ,, # Heaven And Back (Hoodie x Prude! Reader) (NSFW/suggestive)
- ,, # Mine (Lane - OC x GN! Reader) (NSFW)
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- ,, # Nap time (Sally)
- ,, # Goofy guy (Jason The Toymaker)
- ,, # Lane The Lurker (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Aishite (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Brahms The Butcher (Brahms - OC)
- ,, # Fanservice (Lane - OC)
- ,, # Amigos (Lane - OC, Ghost Boy - OC)
- ,, # Plushie (Lane - OC)
🪦 Anon
🫀 Anon
🦇 Anon
📚 Anon
Caliginous Anon
👾 Anon
🔪 Anon
🥩 Anon
🐚 Anon
🧸 Anon
🦈 Anon
Tulip Anon
🦐 Anon
🫧 Anon
🚙 Anon
🐦‍⬛ Anon
🐇 Anon
🌙 Anon
🌻 Anon
🍬 Anon
🗯️ Anon
🍒 Anon
🌲 Anon
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badsweetangel · 26 days
imagine an alternative universe where instead of them being the killers, the killers are us
(Creepypasta!Killer!Reader x Normal!Helen otis, Normal! x-virus and Normal!Toby)
Crazy (Creepypasta!Killer!Reader x Normal!Helen otis, Normal! Toby and Normal! x-virus)
Warnings: Reader has yandere vibes. Toxic relationships, with Cody the story is better because he is crazy lol
Normal! Helen Otis
Honestly, he was constantly terrified. He couldn't say no and reject you. He was completely trapped with you, he knew that the only destiny that would take him away from you was death and he was sure that if that happened you would manage to continue leaving the chaos. He preferred to be by your side.
One day he simply returned from his classes, trying to turn a deaf ear to the constant mockery of his classmates. And at nightfall things got worse and to this day he cursed the day he decided to arrive later at his house, because that's when he started it all. The same day you decided on his death and then you changed your mind unpredictably determining that he would be with you until you got bored of him. He walked feeling a presence behind him, his hands began to sweat and he understood that in his life everything could always get worse.
There you were, having already forgotten any hint of empathy you ever had, feeling miserable and mentally carrying murders that you could no longer count. Life no longer had any meaning for you and you were angry. Anger at your own life and at your own conditions that made you now stand behind a young boy who was soon going to die. Maybe that gave some kind of feeling of power. Power you needed to feel like your life wasn't just a loss of control. No, you had clearly chosen this. Without him being able to react, you hit him hard on the head, leaving him dazed. There you saw it, at that very moment you decided to leave it alive for a while.
He being conscious said all the things a victim would say to his attacker, that you would regret this and that he would call the police. Until he saw your appearance, in his head he knew that he was lost. Weren't you just an internet story made up by someone else? He was really lost. No one would ever believe him.
He knew he had to listen to you when you killed his friend Tom because you were jealous. And then you just continued, threatening to do much worse things if he didn't give in. Every day you became worse, you were no longer the person who sat on the side of the room and talked about how life had no meaning, you were completely crazy and your head no longer understood reasons.
Yes, he was cursing the day when he decided to arrive later at his house. However, he was slowly losing his sanity with you, enjoying your outbursts of anger and everything you did for him.
Normal! Toby
His family life was completely unstable and he himself was already going crazy. However, he was alone. Until one day you came to kill him, to end his suffering. He didn't want to do anything against it, since he already felt guilty enough to consider himself a problem.
Furthermore, he was insensitive to pain so your sadism did not cause him fear. You had entered his house, he who had just come out of a severe crisis simply stared at you, completely bored with his own life. Not that you cared, really. You only came here to do one thing and you both knew what it was. And you, being completely honest, left him alive because he didn't seem to suffer from your attacks. You were surprised, completely. You had clearly ignored his emotional distress, you simply asked him why he didn't seem to react, he replied. Without doing anything else.
Until they hear a voice. A man's voice. He was scared, he could see that fear.
“I hope he does feel some shit” You mocked him, walking out of his room.
Toby started, but something stopped him. His body simply did not respond, deep down he wanted that to happen. And he knew it. So he let you do it. That day you had brutally ended the life of his father. And he stayed there, listening to his screams. Emotionally numb, not knowing how to feel.
When you returned to his room you only thought about what to do with him.
“You're so fucking boring” You simply said.
He was used to that kind of comment so he just understood it. From that day on he followed you. He felt hate and love towards you. But he was addictive, he felt like you had somehow saved him from his misery. If you ever did something unforgivable, he just turned a deaf ear.
Normal! x-virus
He was not well, since they adopted him he learned things that give him a great advantage. From the moment you saw him you knew that he was different, different from other people. He captivated you instantly, you couldn't even think about blood at that moment. But you knew that the only way to get something on your terms was to simply go for it, enduring the tears and cries for help. So you decide to save that drama and simply leave the boy behind. Although his figure did not disappear from your mind, it was like an obsession, someone you couldn't let go. So you hid and began to observe the house where he lived, hoping that he would come out.
One day, you couldn't continue hiding your little hobby, because he had discovered you. When he started to approach you simply appeared, you waited for him. You weren't afraid of anything anymore.
“If you do anything to me it will go very badly for you” you threatened.
He just asked who you were.
His mind was completely unhinged, despite not being able to bring out those hidden impulses, so something about your appearance made him just keep you close.
Although he knew that you had complete control of the situation.
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ur-mousey · 2 months
Benzo-Addict ~
Yandere! Jeffery x F! Reader
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Part One, Part Three *In progress, will contain smut*
summary Drugs have always been your friend. A source of courage and tonight's no different. Now it's time to fuck a nerd. Hope your BF understands. 1k warning mature, non-con, hostage situation, abusive relationship cycle ..............................
Oh... You came back. You aren't just a spinless quitter. Perhaps one should call you a psychopath. But fuck on, I guess. You're really about to get screwed.
Jeffery had a lot of nervous ticks. He was a time bomb of sorts. And he was imploding at the seams right before your eyes. You noticed it as lab partners when research came out dry or when the hypothesis was proven wrong. But, you kept them noted in the recesses of your mind. Never thinking that you would see today as you do.
He rambled to himself, undiscernible to you. Jeffery picked his teeth with the tip of his knife. Like you'd caught him with his cutesy anime pens not too long ago. He would shake all over doing minuscule tasks and you joked about it with him. You'd wondered, cheekily, how could organizing papers cause someone to tremble more than a leaf?
But, in this case, he was gagging your boyfriend. Seem pretty fucking reasonable now. And you couldn't stop it. You watched. Wrist cleaned of bondage while Cody whipped his head around. It being all he could do. "Fuck off me! And my girl!!" His voice was a visceral growl, hoarse from his prior screeching. "You micro dick ince~ Hmhph."
"Stay silent like a good dog for a sec." Jeffery patted Cody's shoulder. He turned to you with a soft desolate smile. He padded over to you in a mere flash. "Hey you~ I'd told you to sleep, didn't I? It'll help. When I get you home, it'll be like this nightmare never happened."
"W-wh... Why?" You stuttered through the fatigue. The drugs were in the deepest reservoir of your stomach, begging to be felt in a dream. Yet you wheezed at the idea of losing this moment. This might be the last thing you ever see. "Don't hurt him."
Jeffery sighed, "Don't be like that, darling." He nodded towards your boyfriend. "He had it coming. Look at him. He's lookin' back at you." Shakily you looked over Jeffery's frame to see Cody more clearly. He was right, his eyes were on you. "Disgusting, ain't he."
Snot and tears choked him further than the soiled sock could. You'd never seen Cody so helpless. And you'd thought yourself capable of fleeing, but he would remain for dead, and your feet stilled at its iron gates. You've wished him gone a handful of times, but never like this.
"I have a few ideas," Jeffery continued, he gripped your hair, tugging you closer to his chest. "He's a shitty jock and a lowlife dragging you down. You've seen Corpse Party? Maybe I'll cut his tongue up like... Woah oh, easy there."
Every curse came to mind, aimed and sharpened at the back of his skill. You would damn him to hell and father down the pipeline if you could. But, You opted to squirm and whine out of Jeffery's grasp.
His slight hand tremors felt jarring against your scalp. You had held them once. The thought petrified you more so than Cody's muffled mulls.
"Calm down, please. You'd promise yourself that today would be the last, right? I'm giving that to you now!" You flinched at Jeffery's tone. Your eyes are wide and watering. "Don't give me that look. I knew you wouldn't see this from my perspective, but I'm doing this for you!"
You stilled, blanched, and mortified, by Jeffery's words. How would he know? You promised yourself throughout yesterday, Wednesday, and the day before that. You wanted out of this life. Cody wasn't the best. He was a sleaze, as Nicole puts it. But he was your definition of normal.
"That means jack shit," You squealed. The past doesn't matter. That promise doesn't, not at this moment.
Mornings started with arguments. You stoic in the face of him calling you the nastiest of names imaginable. Your insecurity set ablaze with accuracy. He never laid a hand on you. You couldn't say the same for the drywall, littered with the impressions of violent spouts. And Cody would be your most vocal supporter when you're high.
He'd call you the prettiest slut around for miles, rubbing his thumb over the flush of your checks from mystery shots. Cody begged for your lips to be on him constantly. And he desired your hips rocking over his shaft, causing you to spasm. He liked you sensitive. Despite your lack of control, he'd ask you to squeeze your drugged-up pussy around his cock, urging you to squirt down his balls.
Then by morning, he'll start tearing you down again, and you'll realize Cody hardly touches you sober.
It was normal. And each day you promised yourself you'd leave, you played further into the game. You'll think to yourself: What a fucking asshole, keeping praises locked behind a firewall of Xannies and Oxy.
But, you'll stay despite each passing day. You had told Jeffery about it, briefly -during a massive hangover no less. That didn't mean you wanted your boyfriend murdered. Without Cody, you'd be abnormal.
"It doesn't matter, he..." Jeffery laughed, his nerves spilling past his braced teeth. He nuzzled his nose along your eyebrow. And you felt on the verge of pissing yourself. "He brainwashed you. It's fine to be confused. Sleep off the drugs. We'll be home when you wake."
"Why what? Becoming sober would do you great."
You winced, "No? Why're you doing this."
Jeffery paused. He scratched at his temple. "Is it not obvious? I want you... badly. Not just your body, even though it's immaculate. You... um, have curves where I like them the most. And it's not every day I meet a pretty girl who loves anime and who's nice to me. Hello, you watched Pretty Cure and Sailor Moon. You were my only true friend. You could keep up with me like my Discord homies. And, um."
He was rambling. Fuck. You didn't know liking childish anime would get you here. Eight-year-old you was a bitch fucking whore~
** Choice ** Skip past Jeffery's monologue a) end up in cosplay, or b) end up in a ditch dead #yourimagination * click *
I am not a fan of Jeffery from 09'. That being said, I was shocked by the amount of people who liked part one! I hope this is good for y'all.
Thank you for reading! Please leave ideas in the comments! I'll make a prt 3. Request rules are here!
>>> NEXT CLASS OF 09' POST: Toxic Lesbians - Jeckole
Not me randomly naming the boyfriend Cody, then the new manager at my job is a guy named Cody. It's like I manifested it. Work has cut into my writing. I've worked overtime these past few days. I'm exhausted and felt the need to get this out. I wanted to add smut, but that'll be for part three.
@opalineishere here's part twooo~
@sakurashana I tagged your ass because you had something to say the other day 😂
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creepypasta65 · 2 years
Can you write about yandere cody with a femenine s/o 💞?
Thanks for the request :)
Yandere Cody with a femenine s/o:
Cody will probably love that you are feminine.
Will treat you very gently and not punish you unless you disobey him.
Cody will love you very much and brings you flowers almost every day.
Cody will take you to the mall and let's buy you all the clothes you want.
Cody likes having a "girlish" s/o.  
Have a nice day :)
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rhodesrider · 3 months
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Gone (Pt.2)
Yandere!Cody R. x Black! Fem! Reader
Warning: Once again Minors DNI / 18+ Only, Murder, Unhealthy Obsessions, blood, weapons, psychological horror themes, mentions of cheating, mentions of sexual behavior
“Cody I’m ok you don’t have to give me your jacket.” Y/N sighed as she walked along the strip malls with Cody, who was smiling holding her shopping bags. “I have to, I don’t want you catching a cold princess.” He said warmly and kissed her forehead as they continued to walk along, it’s been months since the disappearance of her ex. No trace of where he could possibly be. The police were cold on the trail and he had no immediate family to contact to see if he ran off back to his home town. There was also another disappearance as well, a 24 year old women was missing for quite some time and her family was very worried. They were doing Search teams for months looking for anything but the trail went cold as well. But her mother, her mother didn’t wanna give up. Across the way of where Cody parked his car, an elderly woman around 58, was parked and watching. Drinking some water and just shedding tears. She knew that Cody was the last person to see her daughter. And she had a bad feeling about him just by his smile. “What are you hiding?…” she sighed and she saw Y/N getting kisses and love like nothing happened. “Isn’t that….” She got her phone pulling up a video of an old news episode from few months back, her pleading for people to help find her boyfriend. And her eyes widened in fear, seeing Cody right behind her holding her hand in support. Does that girl have something to do with her Daughter disappearing?
She saw that they drove off and she started her car fast following behind them having a low profile. “I don’t know who you were to my Stacy. But I will find out where she is…” she shed more tears remembering her daughter’s smile. And continued her stakeout.
Y/N and Cody pulled up to her home and she just smiled the whole time. Looking in Cody’s sweet eyes, “You’ve been nothing but so sweet and kind Cody. Thank you so much.” Y/N said holding Cody’s hands. “I’d do anything for you Y/N please remember that.” He said and brought her in for a hug. Taking in her sweet smell. “I’ll text you in the morning is that ok?” She nodded and she kissed him on the lips softly. Cody’s cheeks were red, his body shook in excitement, he wanted her so badly. But he had to be patient. He knows that she’s right where he wants her. She pulled away and smiled walking out the car and closing the door waving bye and getting her keys out. Cody was a reck, this is all he dreamed of ever since he saw her. Ever since he got rid of that obstacle, it’s all been heading into pure manifestations of what he wants his life to be. For Y/N to be his little wife. No matter the cost. He rolled off some time later making sure she got in the house and the car that Stacy’s mom was in parked and she went to her door knocking and looking around. Y/N heard the door and out of a robe as she was about to head to bed, walking to the door and opening it till the chain lock stopped the door. “Yes?” The mother was scared to speak but sighed getting out her phone and showing her Stacy. Shedding tears, sobbing some, “Please I know you don’t know me, and I don’t know who you are to that man, but he was last seen with my Stacy. She’s gone and I need help finding her.” Y/N paid attention to the picture seeing the woman. Her smile so sweet, just like hers. “…why have I seen her before…” Y/N swore that she’s seen Stacy in a snap before with her ex, saying they were only friends. “I don’t know her ma’am-“ “Please don’t lie to me. He knows her.” She was implying Cody. But Y/N thought she meant Mike, her ex that was still missing. “Ma’am please you look tired. Come in I have some coffee.” She hesitated but she wanted out the cool breeze and went in.
There was silence for a while and Y/N sighed irritated. “She was seeing mark for almost half a year…” The mother nodded. “I met him, he brought me flowers and he took her on a date. Rushed her some saying that he had work in the morning.” Y/N sucked her teeth, “He had an Afternoon job.” The silence was there again. “Look I’m sorry that he cheated on you, but I need to find my daughter. And that other man, with blonder hair you were with tonight he was with her as well.” “Ma’am Cody doesn’t know Stacy-“ “How do you know?” She said low. “Because he would have told me if he was…he was with someone…” she felt cold and stupid. A high chance that this girl messed with her ex and Cody were dangling in front of her. “I’m sorry your ex did that to you but I need to find my daughter. Do you have is phone or-“. “I don’t have anything. He just up and left one day. All I have from him is this stupid fucking note.” She said in anger throwing the neatly folded piece of paper on the counter. Y/N sighed and shed tears, was Cody lying as well? Hiding that he was with the same woman that was with her ex?
Cody stared at the screen, tapping his foot just watching the camera as it picked up the conversation of Stacy’s mother and Y/N. He was heated. Seeing in that kitchen, tears falling from Y/N, made him red. “Princess please don’t cry. I’m so sorry…” he muttered over and over again. As he continued to mutter he pulled out a gun from his drawer at the desk angry at himself of what he has done just to get info and get back at her ex mark. He gritted his teeth and pointed the gun at the corner, in that corner was a tired wounded but still alive Stacy. She could barely see from her swollen eyes that he was pointing a gun at her. All she did was cry. “Shut up!” He ceased his mumbling screaming at her getting up, “You did this. You started this shit. I’ve seen the text I’ve seen how evil you are towards her. You deserve everything that I’ve done to you!” He continued to yell. He was drowning in his own anger, he threw his chair in the corner with Stacy and she whined in pain. He glanced at the computer again, his eyes softened as he saw her mother comfort Y/N. “I’m so sorry baby. I won’t do it again. I promise. I just want you happy princess.” And with no warning. Two shots were fired. His anger subsided. He controlled her breathing and tears fell. “She’s gone. The woman who ruined your life baby is gone. I’m so sorry.” He said and looked at the lifeless body. “Baby imma go clean up. And I’ll text you in the morning like I promised.” It’s like he’s talking to himself but really he’s playing back her words in his head. Her sweet comments and replies help him relax and he needs to hear them. No matter what. He went to get rid of the body dragging it to the basement, a cold look in his eye and no words. Mark was still alive, looking up and seeing the lifeless body. He knew it was Stacy. “You shed a tear for this bitch and I will slit your throat and watch the blood seep out.” He hissed. Mark kept his head down terrified. “You had the most perfect woman in the world, and you fucked her? You don’t deserve to live.” Mark could feel cold steel on the back of his head, pissing himself. “Pathetic.” Cody said and pistol whipped him back into unconsciousness.
“She’s gonna be mine.”
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image-thot · 1 year
This blog is mainly a nsfw one so No Minors allowed
About me:
Just a not-so-casual Aussie nerd who likes to read, write, draw and use maths for degenerative things. I like to push the limits on the themes I write for, so heed the warnings on my post as they are there for a reason! I have an army of birds and we will eventually conquer the world once they stop killing my wallet. Ao3 (Everything I write is almost always posted here) Twitter Tiktok
Do you want a transformer's spike and valve Measurement? Check out the Spike & Valve Master List
Request info:
Status: Closed
At current I’m only writing for Transformers (all media) although I like to partake in other fandoms I am only interested in writing transformer-related content at this time.
When Requesting Please Include:
Character and Contenuity
What the reader is (e.g. human/cybertronian, gender etc)
Description of what you want ( nsfw/sfw, could be listing kinks or a scenario.) If you don't list what you want I will take creative liberty and write something of my choice with that character)
Spike, Transfluid, Valve Calculations (make sure to check the list before requesting :D)
nsfw and sfw
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Dub-con, non-con and anything dark!
Hurt no comfort
Hurt with 1% comfort
Practically all kinks
Fluff/cute/sweet themes (yes this includes nsfw that involves these things)
Character x oc
Platonic ( mainly because idk how not to put smut in there sorry)
I don't judge, if you have something that isn't on the No's but not on the Do's send it in! I learn what I do and don't like to write via writing and if it's not up there, then I haven't had the opportunity to write it. If you're unsure send an ask in and I'll let you know if I will or won't write it.
Master List 2023
Caution when looking at the works! Like most of my works, they tend to be on the nsfw, darker and non-con side so read their tags before reading the stories.
Soundwave x reader x Shockwave: For the Cause (a/b/o) Soundwave x Reader: Whatever He Wants (Dubcon)
Mirage x reader: Throw Him off his rhythm Does it count as peeping? Don't look down
Scavengers x oc/reader -Slip slip bang bang Chapters: 1, 2 Shockwave x Firstaid - Two face (Non-con, gore) Kaon x reader: Torture and Training Tarn x reader: Play Along
Yandere Starscream Yandere Shockwave, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Preceptor Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster - Watch Me take everything (Non-con) Soundwave x reader: More Than I Can Say (Dubcon)
Yandere Soundwave x Cassette Reader x Rumble & Frenzy (non-con)
War for Cybertron
Soundwave x reader x Soundblaster -More than A Screw Loose Chapters: 1, 2,
Soundwave x reader: The Experiment (a/b/o) Shockwave x reader: All for what? Part 1 Part 2 (Dubcon)
Thots Hot Spike Reviews
Rodimus - Sisi_Esprit Shattered Glass - Bad Dragon Rumble - Exotic Erotics
Spike size guide Transfluid guide The how's and why's of spike sizing
Blood of Zues
Song of Dogs - Ares x Reader x Hermes Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Bad Batch
First Meeting Nsfw Alphabet: Hunter Tech, Wrecker Platonic Yandere
Walking in on them 
Dark overprotective/possessive 
Things that Lurk on the holonet (tech non-con) Chapters: 1, 5, 72, 3, 4, 
Cody x Hunter (non-con) Tech x Reader (non-con) Cody x Crosshair (non-con)
Clone Wars
Yandere: Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo, Jesse, Dogma
Fox x oc (non-con)
Neyo x oc (non-con)
Wolfe x oc (non-con)
Waxer & Biol x oc(non-con)
Billy Wintergreen x reader (non-con)
Deathstroke x reader -Don’t Shoot The Shooter Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Death Stroke Nsfw alphabet
Readhood x reader 
Doom Patrol
Larry Headcanons
Meeting for the First time Accidently Hurt
Touch affectionate s/o
Comforting s/o s/o comforting Larry
Jealous Larry
S/o wanting a pet
S/o with plants
Watching Game of Thrones (slight nsfw)
Making up with larry Confessing
Drunken Mess
Chapters: 1, 2, 3
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
Donnie x reader x Leo - Instincts Be a Bitch - (Non-con) Leo x reader x Future Leo (dub-con/non-con)
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Cody Rhodes Yandere please?
Note: can the reader just be a simple Japanese girl?
Yandere Cody Rhodes(Japanese reader)
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An: so, I wrote this with the reader being born and raised in Japan. I did my best to keep everything accurate, but I am white and have been raised in America. If there is ANYTHING that is incorrect please please tell me.
Cody first met you while doing shows for new Japan.
You were in the crowd, and he felt immediately drawn to you
Found you after the show, convincing you to show him the best place in the area to get something to eat
He would attempt to dazzle you with stories of his career
If that worked, he would continue with that plan
If not, he would urge you to tell your own stories
If, by the end of the night, you still weren’t showing feelings for him he would simply keep pushing
He would take more jobs in the area, and would put a lot of effort into learning Japanese
He becomes obsessed with you
He learns everything about you, even if it invades your privacy
He’s just…gathering information
Cody doesn’t like to be told no, so if you continue to show no interest he would be more forceful
He kidnaps you and takes you to a home he bought
He does his best to make it comfortable
Decorated just for you, and he did his best to include the proper objects from your culture
He keeps you in Japan, as he was working over there a lot
Also, it would be hard to get you to America
He is annoyed that you don’t seem to appreciate all his work
I mean, you have a lovely home and he pays for everything you could need.
While he has a fair amount of patience, it didn’t last forever
And his outburst were enough to keep you in line
He wants to fully break you
Then he can walk around with you, take you to meet his family, and even meet some of his friends
But, until them he would have to train you well.
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