#Yep I'm still goth
a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
The year charlie stops being goth. Vaggie almost drops her cause, she looks really cute in that suit, and now she's kinda bubbly and sweet and omg
well now look what you did
Charlie: "Okay, new year, new me, same old pick up line. It's.... TRUST FALL TIIIIIME!" (yeets self) "WHEEE!!"
Vaggie: (swooping as usual) "Charlie!?"
Charlie: "Huggles!"
Vaggie: "What- you-"
Charlie: "You said my naaaaamee~"
Vaggie: "I- I almost didn't who'd climbed the clocktower this year- You, seem different?"
Charlie: "Yep! It's the suit!"
Vaggie: "That's, that's not what I-"
Charlie: "I started wearing them after last extermination!"
Vaggie: "-why-?"
Charlie: "Because I like it. Do YOU like it?"
Vaggie: "I’m, more wondering about the rest of you. You’re, smiling.”
Charlie: “I’ve smiled before!”
Vaggie: “But you’re happy smiling?”
Charlie: “Of course I am! I’m happy to see you.”
Vaggie: “….”
Charlie: (giggles) "Are you blushing under your mask?"
Vaggie: "No!"
Charlie: "Caaaaan I steal your mask for a second and check~?"
Vaggie: "No."
Charlie: "Aw. But I've MISSED you."
Vaggie: "... princess… how many times have you fallen off of the tower today."
Charlie: (twining arms around vaggie and kicking up her heels) "Only this once, don't worry."
Vaggie: "I wasn't-"
Charlie: "I only jump when I know you'll be there to catch me!"
Vaggie: "No you don't. That first year you didn't even know I existed, and you still threw yourself off the roof. Pointlessly."
Charlie: "To be fair it would've been pretty pointy if I'd landed on the spiked railing ten floors down..."
Vaggie: "And you would've gotten back up from that with only bruises, miss Morningstar, it would have made a mess and hurt a little and that's it. Pointless."
Charlie: "I know~"
Vaggie: "It’s a waste of my time AND yours.”
Charlie: “I don’t think so? You could never be a waste of my t-”
Vaggie: “It is a waste! These stupid stunts are just you publicly protesting the extermination by trying to catch the eye of someone up in heaven!"
Charlie: "And I did, didn't I?"
Vaggie: "No you didn't and you never will-"
Charlie: "I caught you."
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "…everything you just said? I finally realized it last year. Took a while but, it finally clicked and, it kinda changed everything for me. You know?"
Vaggie: "No." (lands on clocktower) "I should go."
Charlie: (playing with vaggie's mask) "Why'd you catch me that first year, scary lady exorcist?"
Vaggie: "That's not my name."
Charlie: "You knew who I was. The fall wouldn't kill me."
Vaggie: "Do you want me to drop you."
Charlie: "Why did you care?"
Vaggie: "I don't care- I just didn't let you fall."
Charlie: "Why?"
Vaggie: "What do you mean why? I'm an exorcist, an angel not a demon. I'm here to punish the souls of sinners, not to- not to BE like them."
Charlie: "But you haven't been punishing them for years."
Vaggie: "Yes I have. By keeping you out of the way of my sisters-"
Charlie: "I looked you up in the registers of heaven since last time. They're public records, did you know? Anyone in hell can check how many sinners an angel's killed. It's a warning I guess, and you... You're one of the best killers the exorcists have, aren't you?"
Vaggie: "How could you look me up. You don't have my name and THOSE are most certainly NOT listed in hell."
Charlie: "The "winner's streak" tally board has a mug shot of each of you on it, along with your kill count. Finding you wasn't hard. Every exorcist's mask looks a little bit different and I've doodled yours often enough."
Vaggie: "You what?"
Charlie: "ARE you one of the best exorcists?"
Vaggie: "Yes. I average five hundred per cleansing. Clearly hunting down sinful souls isn't a problem for me."
Charlie: "Right. And how many sinners do you think I save every year?"
Vaggie: "I don't know."
Charlie: "If it was enough to matter, or even just ONE, do you think I would have stopped doing it long enough to have climbed heaven's tower in the first place?"
Vaggie: "What does that matter."
Charlie: "You aren't helping anyone kill sinners when you keep an eye on me like this."
Vaggie: "I would be out there with my sisters right now if it wasn't for you."
Charlie: "But you're not."
Vaggie: "And who's fault is that?"
Charlie: "Yours."
Vaggie: "Your highness, this is stupid-"
Charlie: "You don't like killing people, do you?"
Vaggie: "Like it? No. Who could… But sinners have earned it."
Charlie: "I don't think so. I don't you did either."
Vaggie: "Don't group me with them. I'm nothing like them and not suffering down here in hell."
Charlie: "You're in hell right now though."
Vaggie: "For ONE day and only out of duty, to protect heaven. Your dashing new bowtie is tied on too tight, princess, it's constructing the blood flow to your head."
Charlie: "No other angels ever come here, only exorcists."
Vaggie: "Of course no one else comes here why would anyone-"
Charlie: "So what did you do to land yourself the job murdering souls for all eternity?"
Vaggie: ".... I chose duty."
Charlie: "That's what I thought, but." (whispering) "You've been ignoring that duty and your spear the whole time we've been talking..."
Vaggie: (sighs) "What does any of that have do to with you putting on suit and bowtie, princess?"
Charlie: "A lot." (smiling) "You like talking with me. You like me."
Vaggie: "The new suit factors in here somewhere I'm sure."
Charlie: "It makes me feel more me!"
Vaggie: "Congratulations."
Charlie: "Like it?"
Vaggie: "There is no way that one well-fitted suit made you turn this happy."
Charlie: "Ohhhh, well-fitted huh?"
Vaggie: "I can see that much. Everyone can see that much."
Charlie: "But I don’t care and aren’t asking them! Do you like what I did with my hair too? Look, I can smooth it back now all suave- Aw don't look away! You really are blushing under there!"
Vaggie: "You're infuriating."
Charlie: (laughs) "Well! That's says more about YOU and YOUR taste in women than it does about me!"
Vaggie: "My taste in w- My WHAT?"
Charlie: "I think you're very tasty too, bi the way~"
Vaggie: "I- I'm setting you down now."
Charlie: "Emphasis on the BI!"
Vaggie: "Please stop clinging to me, princess, you've always been head and shoulders taller than me, this looks ridiculous-"
Charlie: "Ridiculous? I think we're cuuuuuuuute."
Vaggie: "My lieutenant won't think so if she sees me like this!"
Charlie: "Um, uh- If by lieutenant you mean that one extra angry exorcist with the fancy officer's sword who was glaring at us a while ago-"
Vaggie: "SHE WAS WHAT!?"
Charlie: "Thennnnn I think you're about fifteen minutes of demon princess cuddling to late to worry about it!"
Vaggie: "Shit!"
Charlie: "Don't worry about it! At least we have each other." (snuggles)
Vaggie: "No." (lets go)
Charlie: (still dangling off of her) "...did I mention I've got good upper body and core strength too? I mean, I don't USE it much, but-"
Vaggie: (SIGHS) (crosses arms hugging spear) (sits down)
Charlie: "-OH I'm in your lap now that's- Wow!!!"
Vaggie: "I’m not talking with you."
Charlie: "That's okay! You're more the cool and quiet type, I can talk for both of us!"
Vaggie: "Please. Don't."
Charlie: "If you meant that then you wouldn't have kept on catching and listening to me, year after year, even when I was being all goth and emo and snarky about it!"
Vaggie: "I was not listening."
Charlie: "What's the names of my goat childhood buddies slash demon plushies slash part time bodyguards?"
Vaggie: "You mean Razzle and Dazzle..?"
Charlie: "And their fav food??"
Vaggie: "Doughnuts."
Charlie: "HEH. You call THAT not listening?"
Vaggie: "Ugh."
Charlie: "Now let's see- You have a VERY nice lap but, can we move spear a liiiittle bit? It makes it kinda hard to cuddle-"
Vaggie: "No."
Charlie: "Skill issue, gotcha. I'll figure something out!"
Vaggie: (groans) (does absolutely nothing else to stop the cuddling)
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 months
Like a Virgin (Cowboy reader)
(Touched for the very first time)
16+ please.
Description: An unsub is going after virgins. This puts Cowboy in a slightly awkward position. And the team find out.
Warnings: discussions of virginity (? idk how to word it??)
A/N: I kind of love this idea
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies @woodandwaxwings @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @ducks118 @azeal-peal @13thdoctor-run @introvertpan84 @goth-boi-atlas @iliketozoneout @pinxeajin @wizardmon3 @aphroditeslovr @winterwitchxxfan @introvertpan84 @iliketozoneout @percyorigins @logicalhorror
“This case is… slightly unusual,” Garcia said, "This unsub is going after male virgins."
"Ay, Reid watch out," Morgan teases.
Spencer blushes but replies, "I'm not a virgin."
"Oh yeah? Who popped your cherry, Pretty Boy?" 
"Your mum." Spencer quips, stunning the team into silence. You give out a low whistle as you slowly lean across and hold your fist out for a fist bump - Reid happily bumps fists with you. Since he had learnt about them, they had quickly become his favourite gesture (other than the peace sign – which Garcia was sure to teach him). He had seen it as one of the best ways to greet someone with minimum contact and it could be used as a replacement for a high five (something Spencer also wasn’t keen on) – so you had made sure to use them as much as possible with the kid so he felt included. 
“Is this Unsub targeting men that haven’t had the typical sex or sex all around?” JJ asked, changing the subject and clarifying.
“What do you mean?” Hotch asked as he turned to her.
“There’s more than one type of sex,” Reid chimes, “Penetrative and Non-penetrative. Most people when thinking about sex think penetration of the penis into a vagina, but there’s actually a variety of different ways for partners to have sex.”
Garcia nodded, “Okay, so the Unsub is only targeting those who have not have penis into vagina sex,” You were pretty sure you were blushing. 
When the briefing was over and Hotch called wheels up (which you still didn’t completely understand), you began to make your way over to your desk. You wait a while (five, maybe ten minutes) before you make your way up to the office with an empty file in hand. You wait nervously at the door for a moment in disbelief that this is actually something you have to do. God, this was embarrassing. The door’s open, so you give it a small tap. 
“Sir?” When Hotch looks up, you realised you have no clue how to say what you need to. You take a breath, walking into the office but don’t shut the door - otherwise the team would know exactly what you were doing right now. 
“I er, just want to let you know that, er- well you see, I've never- I'm a- when a man and a woman- I've never actually-”
“Yes sir?”
“I understand what you're saying,”
Relief floods through your body, “Oh thank god, sir.”
“Just make sure you're always with someone on the team.”
“Yes sir.” You answer with a nod.
You sigh as you head back to the bullpen, you knew you should probably make the team aware. God, this was going to be embarrassing. 
“Hotch said I didn’t have to tell you, but I may - or may not! - be on this unsub’s radar,” You said, scratching your neck awkwardly. 
"So you're a virgin?" Morgan asked, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
"That depends on how you're definin’ it." You responded.
“The unsub’s definition,” Morgan smirked.
“Then in that sense, yes.”
“You've never been with a woman?” Morgan asked in disbelief. 
“I've been with a woman.” You say.
“But you've never had sex,”
You smirk, “Morgan there's more than one way to be with a lady.” 
Morgan grins, “Oh yeah?”
“Yep,” You answer, blush forming on your cheeks.
“Like what?” Emily smirks.
“Just a variety of different ways,”
“Do we really need to be hearing about your sex life?” JJ asks, the faintest blush on her cheeks. 
“Or lack of,” Derek teases, high-fiving Emily. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” You say, pointing at the pair of them, “I think you’ll find my lady is very satisfied-”
“Ah, so there is a lady?” Rossi grinned as he joined the group.  
“Yes sir there's a lady, but I ain't kissin’ and tellin’,” You say with a smile.
Spencer looks at you, “Then why are you a virgin?”
“I'm saving myself ‘til marriage,” 
“Is that for religious reasons?” Spencer asks. 
“Nope, I want to wait for the right person.”
“Have you found the right person?” 
“I think so but I ain't saying nothing til she confirms it,” You said, you gave the team a cheeky grin, “So the only way I am not a potential victim is if I meet up with this stunnin’ lady I've been seein' and elope-”
“(Y/N),” JJ said, you turn to her, looking at her innocently. 
“Yes Ma'am?”
“We are not eloping,”
You smirk as the team’s jaws drop, “Yes Ma'am.” You said, “But Darlin’? You just told ‘em,” JJ’s eyes widened as she blushed deeply. “‘S a’right, I doubt they mind,”
“There will be paperwork,” Hotch said, “But I’m very happy for the both of you.”
“Really? There’s paperwork for stuff like this?” You looked up at him. When he nods, you shrug, “I don’ mind fillin’ in some paperwork for you Darlin’,” 
Morgan smirks, “But Cowboy, you hate paperwork.”
“Ah, but I love Miss Jareau.” You say, pointing to emphasise your point. 
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rafyki · 2 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 9!
I'm back!! I hope you missed me as much as I missed posting lmao This chapter wasn't planned honestly, I wanted to write directly their beach 'date', but then this happened and I decided it's gonna be one more chapter before the date - sorry xD I bet y'all are tired of this slow burn, but i promise they're gonna get together soon!
(I hope the texting format is easy to read here on tumblr, but otherwise you can read it on AO3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy: Ehi, Nico! You have the afternoon shift tomorrow, right? Let’s hang out at the beach again after it?
Me: Percy, hi!
Me: So you really do know all my shift hours, huh?
Percy:  What can i say, Im a great obsever
Me: Huh, are you?
Percy: For important things at least
Percy: so is that a yes?
Me: of course
Me: No need to tell you what time I finish, I guess
Percy: nope 
Percy: 20ish right?
Me: yeah
Me:  see you tomorrow?
Percy: yep
Percy: see you tmorrow! 
Nico had been rereading the conversation for the best part of the previous night, and the first thing he had done after waking up had been checking his phone once again to make sure he hadn’t just made it up in his dreams. He knew the short exchange by heart now, yet he kept staring at it, reading it over and over again. Part of himself was afraid it would disappear if he so much as locked his phone and looked away for a second too long.
Their chance meeting at the beach three days prior still felt like a waking dream, like he had hoped so much for something like that to happen that he had started hallucinating. He wondered if hallucinations always felt so real, if they would let you to feel the water splashing against your legs, the warmth of the setting sun on your skin, or the pressure of a hand holding yours, the touch soft and warm, everything and more Nico had let himself dreaming about for the past months. The way Percy had smiled at him had been so beautiful that Nico’s mind probably wouldn’t have been able to conjure something like it if it hadn’t been real.
Still, it didn’t feel real.
Leo and Jason would have probably blamed the feeling on Nico’s self sabotaging tendencies. You’re allowed to have nice things, Nico, they would tell him.
Was he? Could he let himself hope that he could really have this? His heart was going berserk in his chest at the sole thought.
Percy had stopped to talk to him at the beach, Percy had taken his hand and held it while walking in the water, Percy had memorized his schedule and asked for his phone number; Percy had texted him first and asked him to hang out again.
For important things at least.
Percy had said that. Important. Nico wanted to scream.
His phone's sudden ringing almost made him jump out of his skin. It was Jason’s number, but it was Leoìs voice that greeted him from the other end of the line.
“Hi there, goth boy, so how ya feeling for your date today?”
“Not a date, Leo, shut up- and why are you calling me with Jason’s phone?”
Of course, Nico’s traitor heart stumbled on the word date. It wasn’t, and he couldn’t simply assume otherwise, it would make things awkward, wouldn’t it? And so far nothing had ever been too awkward with Percy - Nico surely wouldn’t be the one to make everything between them crumbling down for expecting too much.
“Not important-”
“He lost his phone”, came Jason’s voice. “Again. By the way, hi Nico”.
Nico rolled his eyes at their antics. “Hi Jason”.
“Anyway!”, Leo jumped in. “How are you feeling for your ‘not date’ then?”
“I hate you, Valdez”, Nico groaned, letting himself fall backward on his bed. His heart didn’t seem willing to stop running like crazy anytime soon, his hands were sweating from anticipation and tension.
“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
He put his phone on speaker just so he could set it aside, take a pillow, and scream into it.
Apparently, his suffering was extremely funny to Leo, because his obnoxious laugh came as a reply. “I’ll take it as a yes”, he said.
“Nico, I’m sure everything’s gonna be great”, Jason said. “You’ll have fun, get to know him better, and then-”
“Then you’ll finally date, hopefully”, Leo finished.
Once again, Nico’s heart skipped a beat and did a little dance in his chest. He threw the pillow aside. “What if I make a fool of myself though?”
“Well, your boy has made a fool of himself plenty of times already, hasn’t he? I mean, he knows your schedule by heart”, Leo replied. “So I’m sure you’ll be fine”.
Jason laughed at that, and after a moment Nico joined him.
Nico expected his shift at the kiosk to last an eternity, stretching on and on to keep him apart from finally seeing Percy in the evening. And, truth be told, the first couple of hours were just like that, long and boring and way too slow.
It changed when his phone notified him of a new text.
Percy: i got work today so im coming to teh beach latr 
Percy: ill meet you at the kiosk!
Nico’s heart was starting to become extremely good at doing somersaults in his chest. There were no customers at that moment, so he had time to reply, his fingers shaking just slightly as he wrote back.
Me: alright, I’ll meet you here then
Me: What time do you finish at work?
Percy: What, you wana learn my scdheule too?
Me: It's only fair, isn’t it?
And so, they ended up texting back and forth for a while and, after that, the time seemed to move faster, the day shining brighter, and Nico’s customers’ smile felt just that tiny bit more honest.
Nico’s internal list of the things he knew about Percy kept growing longer by the minute; he liked to text and wasn’t afraid to double text, his spelling mistakes were so atrocious they left Nico smiling and feeling so endeared it was almost ridiculous.
Nico’s nerves eased with every new text, his heart now beating out of excitement and anticipation more than fear and anxiety. The evening couldn’t come fast enough.
Me: Why are you spending so much time texting me instead of working
Percy: Why, arent you enjoying it :( 
Me: not what I said!
Me: i wouldn’t be replying if i weren’t enjoying it
Percy: :D 
Percy: im on break anyay
Percy:  what abot you, youre also on your phone instead of workin
Me: there aren’t many customers today
Me: no one to buy the same old blue drink
Nico put the phone aside for a moment, hiding his smile behind his hand and hoping that no one would think he was a creepy psycho smiling for no reason. He had every reason to smile. Flirting was easier through text, even if he kept spending minutes on end before forcing himself to press send. The downside of it was that it was way more difficult to avoid it when Percy flirted back.
Percy: aww you miss me?
He wrote and then deleted a reply a few times. He was lucky Jason and Leo weren’t there today to see him being like this or they would have made fun of him for the rest of their lives. 
It was strange. Nico was feeling embarrassed, but in an easy lighthearted way, and that made him feel just that little bit braver. Maybe it was because Percy was willingly spending his break texting him instead of whatever else he usually did; maybe it was the fact that he had the feeling Percy was feeling just like him.
He wrote a reply, looked at it for a few seconds and pressed send before he could overthink it too much.
Me: Maybe
Just then, before having the time to send a second text for damage control, a customer came and Nico had to put his phone down to serve them. His heart kept hammering in his chest the whole time, and his eyes kept stealing glances at the phone, hoping to see it ring. It was taking a little longer than usual for Percy to reply, and Nico didn’t know if it was because he had scared him away or flustered him too much.
When it did notify him of a new series of texts, he was still busy with new customers, and it took him all of his willpower not to make them wait while he checked his phone.
Finally, he thanked and said goodbye to the last customer of the queue, he moved so fast he almost stumbled on his own feet; and when he read what Percy had written, his heart was ready to jump out of his chest and start dancing on the counter.
Percy: me too
Percy: maybe
Percy: goot thign were seeing each other in a couple huors
Percy: cant wait
He read the words, reread it again and then again, once again feeling like they were nothing but a pipe dream. He blinked, and they were still there when he opened his eyes again. 
Maybe he really could let himself hope this time.
Me: me too
Time definitely couldn’t pass fast enough. 
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silly4goose20 · 6 days
beetlejuice more like uhhhhhhhhh beetlefruit
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okay so.
Beetlejuice haunts Gatsby's attic, waiting for someone to find his silly little paper. One day, as Cindy and Raven [Cindy is a pink scene aussie-greek succubus, Raven is a german goth vampire stoner who writes arotica. I love them as a ship] are searching the attic for records on Raven's immigration, Cindy comes across that sacred paper. Of course being Cindy, she laughs at it.
"Aye, Raven, Look at this er picture."
"What is it with you and finding random things that are haunted?"
"Don't be like that, baby. I'm gonna do it, I doubt anything will happen..."
In usual Cindy fashion, she was VERY wrong.
And out popped Beetlejuice! Cindy was astonished, losing her mind that she had just summoned a fellow demon right to her. Raven? Raven was fucking horrified.
"uh, Cindy, say his name again, three more times-"
"Wh- oh shit."
"Hi, Laurence."
"You're still alive? I swore you died right after we broke up...."
yep. Bet you didn't expect that curve ball. Raven and Beetlejuice are ✨EXES✨...because he has a thing for goth bitches.
Obviously, Raven leaves the attic and thats when Gatsby becomes aware of the new presence [being a stand in God will do that..] . Beetlejuice scares the living hell out of Gatsby, making the poor blonde fire his pistol into the floor. Otto wasn't too happy about that. However, once Beetlejuice profusely apologized, Gatsby took a liking to the strange demon.
Now? Beetlejuice looks different. He was given a role as a Don of the neitherworld branch of the Clef-Gatsby-Carraway Mafia. Beetlejuice also serves the purpose of a distraction in times of need.
Gatsby has a leesh on him though, not allowing Beetlejuice to kill or harm any one. This is because I fully believe the more he kills, the more powerful he gets. He simply acts as a distraction, either chasing the enemies away or harrassing them to allow the other members to escape. Obviously since he works directly with the platoons, he got to know the platoon leaders pretty well.
Beetlejuice especially got along with a certain musical loving prisoner...
And to explain The Host and Yancy? Idk. Writer and a music composer? Perfect combo. I'm pretty sure The Host told the tale of how they met.
Beetlejuice got really close with the stealth platoon leader, eventually joining his public theater club. Yancy and Beetlejuice bonded over their love for music and performance, running their own musicals with kids from the local orphanages 🥹.
Look guys, he's still an a$$hole, don't get me wrong..but I have to give Beetlejuice a few good traits!
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Here he is!!!! He gained his demon horns/double tails from Chronos as a blessing to him. Oh, and the Sandworm around his neck is a trained service animal named Sandy 🥹 [he's got PTSD leave him alone gang....].
- Hypersexual. Literally look at 90% of his dialogue across ALL his sources. He's literally known for being overly sexual and scandalous.
- Dyslexia. Literally expresses he can't spell in "The Whole Being Dead Thing".
- "I do this bullshit like 8 times a week." Is literally how he feels when he is summoned forth for a mission.
His mechanic in the mafia;
Beetlejuice signed onto the Mafia after being summoned by Cindy. Of course she was literally just shit posting, having found the paper within Gatsby's attic.
Thus, Gatsby is now plague with this annoying fucking demon...which drives him up the wall. Sure, Alto is his husband and best friend, but Beetlejuice is literally just a copy paste of Clef in a more skrunkly body.
Anyways, he can be summoned forth with his chant. Bring him forward and he will chase what he presumes is a threat. He cannot kill, as per Gatsby's rules, but he is a distraction until on foot fleets or flying fleets can arrive. He's very dedicated to his job, and some even say he enjoys it. He denies it fully, even though he has his own branch of the mafia in the neitherworld and has free range of the living world now.
BJ truly fears abandonment. The BPD is strong with this one y'all 😒. He clings to anyone he can get close to, and it isn't just in a sexual sense..though it is rumored him and a certain pink succubus get it on when no one is paying attention.
- Pansexual lmao, all the way through. He truly has no preference sexually but is inclined to flirt romantically with women more.
A sucker for sour candy. He will devour whole bags in one sitting and Gatsby finds it kind of scary
Him and Gatsby are interesting. Gatsby doesn't like to acknowledge BJ, choosing to just let the ghost wander behind him. No one knows how Beetlejuice even got his paper into the huge CGC Manor, but he did. Some speculate that there's something more going on, but no one knows for sure as Beetlejuice just alludes the public and Gatsby hasnt been seen by the public since his near assassination back in June.
Beetlejuice loves music in all aspects. He spends a lot of time with Yancy when he isn't bothering Jay. They write and sing and occasionally can be found in the auditorium preforming [of course with Host as witness]
In his own words about 10 minutes ago: "everyone things I love Halloween and hate Christmas, but honestly? I love Christmas. I love having an excuse to be cheery as I don't have that often." He then backpeddled....but we know he wasn't lying.
Chronic stoner sorry not sorry. Once Cindy got him on the zaza he couldnt resist 😔
Dude has range. He can go all the way up to screeching notes while also singing really low. We think it's because he uses magic to adapt his voice but we'll never know [he has his Alex Brightman voice :3]
Secret keeper. Not just his own secrets, but some think Yancy has disclosed his past to Bj....which the only other person who knows is Host
REFUSES TO SCARE CHILDREN..or atleast we think? Cindy thinks it's cause Gatsby told him not to but neither will tell
Ough, if there's a character I'm afraid to canonize in my universe it's gotta be B.J., especially since he's such a great character already [and he's got a lot of die hard fans]. I hope his lore is accurate and that it makes sense. Yes ...the events of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice happened before he was summoned by Cindy [They truly don't know if he's even from their own universe.].
Sorry for the yap fest.....
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kira-quartz · 2 months
Kira's Sim Yu-Niverse: Nerd Herd Again, Now With Serenity and TKB
Next: The Ishtars and the Kaibas
Happy Sim Saturday, cornflakes! :D
I've revamped the Nerd Herd yet again (this should be the last one for a while 😅), and this time I've decided to include Serenity and TKB, since they'll each be part of one of my main households at some point.
The old save was kind of a mess, because I started it back in 2019 and it was a while before I came up with any real gameplay rules, so I'm thinking of starting again from an earlier point in the timeline - probably halfway between the Ceremonial Duel and DSOD, although I'm not sure if DSOD is an ingredient in my canon soup. 🤔 So yeah, when I start posting my gameplay, you'll be able to see the whole thing from the beginning! :D
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Yugi's aspiration is The Curator, and his traits are Geek, Good, Loyal and Self-Assured (character development, cornflakes~).
Atem's aspiration is Discover Life (by Midnitetech), and his traits are Genius, Competitive (by Kuttoe), Geek and Socially Awkward.
I was lucky enough to win the Goth Galore kit in a giveaway earlier this year, and it's perfect for Yugi! I wish there were more CC addons for it, though.
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Joey's aspiration is Friend of the World (still not sure about that, but I can't think of anything that works 🤷‍♀️), and his traits are Active, Glutton, Hot-Headed, Loyal and Outgoing.
Serenity's aspiration is Discover Life (at least until I settle on something else), and her traits are Gentle (by Lazurite, adopted by Chingyu), Loves Outdoors, Music Lover and Cheerful.
Fun fact: While I was playtesting the cornflakes, Wonderful Whims told me that Serenity found Téa extremely attractive. I haven't set anyone's preferences yet, so I guess my game's a Sideshipper! 😂
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Téa's aspiration is World-Famous Celebrity, and her traits are Outgoing, Hot-Headed, Dance Machine and Ambitious.
Tristan's aspiration is Soulmate, and his traits are Dog Lover, Active, Loyal and Romantic.
We still need a dance career. 😔
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Ryo's aspiration is either Bestselling Author or Paranormal Investigator (from Lifetime Aspirations Reworked - I like both for him), and his traits are Gentle, Geek, Glutton and Creative.
TKB's aspiration is Discover Life, and his traits are Glutton, Kleptomaniac, Geek and Can't Stand Cold (by NateTheL0ser). (Yep, I kind of struggled, ^^;. He's not exactly evil anymore at this point, so I wasn't sure what else to give him.)
Having them live together should be fun, especially with Tristan thrown in... (I've had Thoughts about this. Not all of them will work in-game, but still.)
Oh, and I took some inspiration from this piece of art for TKB's face!
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Miho's aspiration is Soulmate, and her traits are Bookworm, Cheerful, Materialistic and Romantic.
Duke's aspiration is Computer Whiz, and his traits are Genius, Geek, Romantic and Outgoing.
These cornflakes just kept rolling wants to talk to each other during playtesting, and these probably weren't even the same Sims from the original save! I'm pretty sure I remade them from scratch! It's like the game itself ships them! VANITYSHIPPERS, UNITE! (All... maybe three of us! 😂)
Next up are the Kaibas (including Roland) and the Ishtars, and then some characters I haven't posted before! 👀
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shopwitchvamp · 3 months
I remember seeing in a past post that anything from the fairy collection that sells out would be available during the July pre order. Is that still the case? And you said some of the designs didn't turn out how you wanted, how will that effect things?
Yep! That's still the plan :D For the ones that didn't turn out quite right, one I'm gonna put up way marked down from the start and I just won't make it again (Goth Moth Joggers). The other two (Amanita Mini/Skater) have a much smaller issue, so they'll be discounted but they will return later on after I revise the design templates. I'm not sure yet if they'll be included in preorders, it depends on if they sell quickly and people seem to want them. Otherwise I'll put fixing them on the back burner for a bit because I've gotta get moving on other stuff soon.
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💀Gotta see Goth/Emo/Scene!Yume with their Nerdy BF (if you're still doing those)
Yep I'm working on my sketchy digital art style!
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He's explaining Yu-gi-oh to them so they can play together later during gym.
Also here are these traditional sketches I did while trying to design outfits. Idia originally had a windbreaker too, but I didn't feel like drawing it. _(:3 」∠)_
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lowkey this is the vibe i want for Idia's clubwear
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silviakundera · 9 months
Lighter and Princess ep 1
@dangermousie 's posts have seduced me and I always meant to get to this drama, because the lead actress is one of my cdrama crushes. So let's gooooooooooo
Holy shit, how are these the opening lines for a modern cdrama lmao
"Betrayers shall go to hell." / "Just consider me a betrayer. Anyway, it's not binding to me. It doesn't matter if I go to hell. I'm experienced." 😶
Ok but actually, the metal fence separating them, the wind in her hair, the way the field of dry grass matches his bad dye job. Captivating.
Mom starts nagging FL about marriage and all I can focus on is how beautiful her hair looks as it spills over her shoulder. Her pouty mouth 😩
Sorry ML I know your prison release is very poignant but still stuck on how perfect your once & future gf looks when eating cherry tomatoes.
ok ok I'm with u buddy. Setting things on fire on a rooftop at night. Dressing in all black, including long coat. Terse replies. Your goth stylings and soulless eyes are bewitching me, body & soul.
FL's first visit home is to a self-proclaimed 'vampire' friend with a fridge literally half-filled with booze. I can see why she's a girl that's hard to get over.
I'm guessing L&P CEO man is the villian and tbh he's got my respect by not sweating across the table from glowering feral mongoose in human form who seems one moment away setting that office aflame, just to feel something.
ah, the 3 were best friends in university! yep, the dude that didn't end up in prision or flee the country is DEFINITELY the villain.
yaaaassss "betrayers have to pay a price" Simple, vague, yet ominous. Like all threats should be.
awww I like his prison buddy. They shared the same cell and he managed to survive. He's totally foreseeing how intense his bro is gonna be about all this.
wow, flashback More Innocent Times FL was pretty intense herself about pyro boy.
who....is stalking her in the present? Or I guess not.
The fact that he actually came to collect his debts and demand money: based. I'm pretty sick of a 'the only thing I have is my pride, so I refuse all financial support from people who can easily afford it' protagonist.
She has no interest in art? HUH. I like that too. Goes against the 'cultured rich girl' cliche.
lmaooooooo band friend got her revenge by forcing ML to run into FL and bland painter boy.
Prison buddy ganking the check and booking it brings a sense of pride to ex-cons everywhere. Plus, I get the pleasure of FL's silky hair in the lamp light of the street corner she's slammed him into. 😍
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
I just someone ask about Emigrate and since I love them a lot I wanted to ask what are your top 10 songs of theirs?
(sorry if you answered this before lolol)
Hi, thank you for this message, that's so sweet of you to ask 🤍
I could make it easy for me and just throw the first two albums in here (they kind of feel like home to me, especially the first one) and call it a day, but I sat down and took my time to ponder my selection a bit 😌 Took me a bit to sort them into a top 10 list, but here we go:
I'm still alive: Vampire goth dad singing about the passage of time and overcoming seemingly depressive episodes is a fucking anthem for me, this song takes up about 65% of my brain capacity 🦇🤍
2. Wake up: This actually was my favourite song back when I discovered Emigrate and my alarm clock for almost my whole university time. Because yep, this wakes you up in 0.2 seconds, it's so powerful 👏
3. Happy times: Richard's and Margaux' voices are complimenting each other so good in this and I love the rythm of this song 🤍
4. Always on my mind: Till sings one (1) syllable and I start bawling, every damn time. And when Richard starts to sing, I'm this 🤏🏻 close to dissolve into tears completely. This song is very dangerous to the hydration level of my body.
5. This is what: The drums in this are insane and the guitar solo is so good 👌
6. Rainbow: This is a song which doesn't leave my brain as soon as I hear it. Gotta deal with it for 3-5 business days because it's so damn catchy 🤌🏻 Plus I really love the lyrics.
7. Hypothetical: Not going to comment anything here. Not a thing. The song speaks for itself I guess.
8. You can't get enough: So much feelings and emotions in this song, Richard's voice in it is so wonderful 🤍
9. New York City: 🎶NEW YORK CITY WILL NEVA SLEEP 🎶 This is imprinted in my brain since day one and I love it so much.
10. You're so beautiful: I can't describe the feeling I get when I listen to this song. Like a melancholic, sad vibe mixed with positivity and love. It's a wonderful song, chance that I burst into tears while listening to it is about 75% 👌🏻
I know this isn't a tag game but I have three mutuals of which I know they listen or listened a lot to Emigrate and I would love to see your top 10 Emigrate songs (of course only if you want to): @dandysnob @ms-nerd @gothtoast 😌
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Still reading new sourcebooks (now looking into Jergal and the Dead Three's updated backstory) and for some reason I found this funny:
"In the wake of his victory over Edranka’s goblinoid armies, Haask returned triumphantly to the keep to feast and rest. Inside, the priest-king was stunned to discover two grim looking humans — Bane and Myrkul—sitting nonchalantly upon his giant-crafted throne. Before Haask could react, Bhaal appeared behind the priest-king, driving [his dagger] through his back and into his heart."
Yep, they were definitely an adventuring party. King walks into his throne room and finds two heavily armed goths sitting on his throne like they own it and then he gets shanked by the party's murderhobo. Typical.
I'm just surprised Bane knows what sharing is. I figured he'd be trying to shove Myrkul off the seat.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
The whole sun and moon analogy when it comes to Pete and Patrick, has made me think about how often Pete uses sun imagery in his lyrics. Typically, with lines like "You are the sunshine of my lifetime" and "you are the sun and I am just a planet spinning around you", he refers to his subject (ie Patrick) as the sun, and himself not being worthy of their light. The one time he refers to himself using sun imagery that I can recall at the moment is in "Heaven, Iowa", with the line "Me, I'm still a sunbeam", but that feels almost sarcastic. Like the subject (ie Patrick) is trying to tell Pete how great he is, and Pete's just like "Yep, I'm a real ray of sunshine alright!" as he rolls his eyes. It just makes me wonder how many time that actual conversation has occured between them!
Ha! I love that sarcastic reading of it! That's so perfect! Patrick even sings it kind of sarcastically, in that up-and-down trill that no other line in that song really gets.
Sunshine imagery is EVERYWHERE. He also wants to shoot sunshine into his veins, and there's Sunshine Riptide, and sunshine gleaming on wedding bands.
But the sunshine, as you note, is always outside of him, and yeah, can always be read as being Patrick. So the "Me, I'm still a sunbeam," line stands out. And, like all Pete Wentz lyrics, I feel it can be taken a couple of ways:
(1) Your sarcastic way! Which I love lol, it sounds so like him.
(2) I think this song is such a love song, it's full of tons of yearning vulnerability, but I don't think there's anything tragic about this song. He wants to be loved ("Kiss my cheek, baby, please"), but the truth is, I don't feel this is a pining song where he doesn't get the love back in return.
To me, it's important that they are scar-crossed lovers, not star-crossed. I know everyone has a tendency to read Pete Wentz lyrics as being emo, for obvious reasons, but I actually think Pete always has so many more hopeful images in there than he usually gets credit for, especially on SMFS. That scar-crossed lovers sounds like it could be so goth, "oh, they're cutting each other and bleeding," etc, but the thing about scars is: they're healing. They're the bodies form of kintsugi. A scar means you survived something traumatic to your body, and that's what's important: you survived. Star-crossed lovers, by definition, never get to be together; but scar-crossed lovers, on the other hand, have arguably gotten through it all and have healed together.
To me, when he says, "I'm checking myself out forever, I'm saving this all for later," it's because he's turning his back on all of the brutality of the world outside, he'll get to it later, it can wait, because here, we are untouched forever.
Will you still love who I am? he asks, and I cannot believe the answer he gets isn't yes. Inside of the darkness, he found the glow.
All of which is to say that sometimes I listen to this song and I think Pete really did finally get to the point where he sees the sunbeam in himself: His chemistry is a mess, but it doesn't matter, he's still a sunbeam, because he's loved and he knows it and he can just settle into it.
(3) If Patrick is the sun, maybe Pete is a sunbeam. A sunbeam, after all, is not the sun, but radiates from it. If Patrick is the sun and Pete is orbiting around him, maybe he's gotten himself that much closer, and he recognizes that he's an extension of Patrick's sunshininess now, that it includes him, no matter what a mess he is.
(4) I've also kind of wondered if this song isn't a little bit from Patrick's POV. The "Moonlight Sonata and I" reference stands out to me: If Pete is the moon, then Patrick's the "and I." And actually most of the song works if you think Patrick's the "I" in this one. He sits inside of Pete's darkness and finds his glow. He gets that Pete's chemistry is off but he's going to stay right there with him as the sunbeam. This is one of those songs where I wonder if there isn't a little bit of blending of their perspectives going on. I've seen people say this song is SMFS's Twin Skeleton's, but I wonder if it's the album's What a Catch.
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sugoi-writes · 5 months
HELLO!!! I saw the smut ask game u rb'd and also would stab numerous people for your writing so. i figured i could send in a letter or two if u were willing >.<
but first,,, do u have a list of hellaverse ships u ship so i can know what to request? pls and thank you for ur time 🙏
Oh!!! Hello, dear friend! ❤️ No worries, you're not a bother at all! My ask box is barren, and it is open anytime ❤️
I ship most anything, within reason, honestly! Here's a few I like off the top of my head, and some reasons why:
Chaggie- Sweet, sweet lesbians, like my wife and I. Need i say more???
Huskerdust- Th-The dynamic??? The way that Husk just-- LETS Angel know to be himself, his REAL self??? The way they look at each other? The way they show consent while dancing??? I have SO many feelings-- THEY. ARE. PRECIOUS. They are my Endgame
RadioApple- SO MUCH ANGSTY POTENTIAL! But also... so, so, sexy. Angry, bickering old men, who both love Charlie and one upping each other. Like water and oil. They don't mix well, but when they do... MAN. HOT. (Lillith and Luci are obviously still awesome to me)
AdamsApple- I've seen IRRATIONALLY hot art for this ship. 10/10, would ship again. Sue me.
LuteXAdam- WOULD be endgame if Adam didn't die. NEXT--
One-sided RadioStatic- MORE ANGST. But also, I just love the idea of Vox being a scorned ex/lover, who is helplessly obsessed with his ex. I also love the idea of Alastor using this to his advantage, and getting a thrill out of driving his ex CRAZY. Can ALSO be steamy. Serious hate-fuck vibes. Vibes I can't deny are dangerously hot.
Radiodust(?)- I'm cool with it! I don't see it ever becoming a thing, and I think Huskerdust has so much more chemistry, but I see the appeal! If only for opposites attract!
Charlastor- I SEE THE VISION... But also love Chaggie so much. Ugh. There is serious room for chemistry though.
RadioRose- LISTEN-- I see this more through a queer-platonic lense: BUT THESE. TWO. ROT. MY TEETH. They could be so adorable!!! They compliment each other! loads of chemistry and similarities!!! This is one of the fluffiest of ships I enjoy, just for the sake of something sweet! Same goes for MimzyXAlastor! But mostly due to the art of @bananadramaaa (seriously, go check out that art, THE WAY THAT MIMZY AND ALASTOR LOOK? UGH 😫💦)
For Helluva Boss...
M&Ms- BOOM. DONE. LOVE THE DYNAMIC. Reminds me a lot of my wife and I. I related to Milly SO much in the episode where they lead a sting operation together. UGH. SO CUTE--
Stolitz- Why, of course. Now, they definitely need to sort through some shit-- YES. but I love them. I hope we see a rekindling in the next season, or I will simply DIE
Luna, Vortex, Bee Throuple- I mean, goth girl, scene girl, and punk/metal head? Yep. I'd smash that like button.
OzzyXFizz- ALSO remind me so much of me and my wife. The way they fold for each other??? Honestly, the most developed, wholesome, non-toxic ship in the Hellaverse, imo. I love them. LOVE THEM.
OctaviaXLuna- Platonic buddies! I don't like the age difference, but could see them being the best of buds. They would have the best time at the Hellaverse's HotTopic.
StrikerXBlitzo- Closest thing I think to a problematic ship... had Striker been more persuasive, or Blitzo less in love with Stolas... I could see these two horn dogs working out. If exclusively for a friends-with-benefits situation.
So yeaaaaah... honestly, most anything goes! As long as it's not straight up incest, I can see the vision. Write/ask away, dear sweet Anon! 👈😎👈
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Goth work already? that'll be tiresome and sad because Reaper himself doesn't like his job.
Also, is Goth still Palette's love interest?
Will you consider to change the surprise ending?
Is there going to be any ending that have happy endings for everyone and it's canon?
Why in bad ending, Lux still have her memories? I mean Passive is gone so she should lost her memory of evilness, right?
Moonrise and Sunrise are still canon, right? Can Pastel be canon again?
Yep poor girlie- ANYWAY
Yes she is.
Yep I'm changing the surprise ending because- well too much drama and angst 😭. I need to stop being emo
About that- HMMM no nothing comes in mind but I made another ending which is 'unexpected ending' where Merciless become the king
Well because Passive is gone, not rest in peace. He just gone from this world yet what he done to Lux still affected her badly. Who gave the idea to get rid of Passive in first place? Merciless duh- he knows what will happen to Lux if Passive rest in peace 💀
Yes the twins are canon! For Pastel, oh well I also want to make him canon but we'll see
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ryuichirou · 7 months
A couple of Scott Pilgrim replies + a bunch of Twst replies!
Anonymous asked:
Todd is back at it again. I’d like to think Wallace got black out drunk again so Todd tucked him into bed but yeah, Todd’s being creepy again.
You described the scene perfectly, Anon! Wallace is indeed quite drunk after partying until 4 AM, so Todd just spawned at his place to check on him, tuck him into bed properly and look at his cute sleeping face for a minute. So romantic <3 And so creepy.
Anonymous asked:
Do you believe in Roxie x Hollie? Would Hollie make a move on Roxie?
A part of me really wants to believe because of how hot Hollie is, but something tells me that Roxie isn’t exactly her type… (Maybe it’s because the only thing I know about Hollie is what happened between her and Kim and that guy in the comic lol)
But that doesn’t mean that Roxie shouldn’t try to flirt with her! In fact, Roxie should flirt with every girlie in Toronto because she deserves it. If Hollie made a move on Roxie that would be interesting though.
Anonymous asked:
Ngl, that Trey/Idia pic reminds me of going to the dentist and they think they can somehow fit both hands in your mouth. And they expect you to be able to talk while they’re doing it. Although that also sounds like a Trey-coded thing to do, if I’m being honest.
If there is anything we learned about Trey after that teeth-checking vignette, it’s that it’s just a force of habit! It’s not his fault! His hands just slipped! Both of them – into your mouth! Oops!
I want all of us to have someone in our lives who believes in us the way the dentists believe that you could still talk with two hands in there lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
I just saw your TreyIdia art and all I can think of (cause I'm a weirdo) is Riddle catching wind Idia finds Trey hot and Trey is interested in Idia's teeth so he starts chewing on things near Trey, pens, his fingers, the fork while he's eating cake, the works. Idia get jealous and eats suckers the same way. And somehow it led to them even fighting over trey in the bedroom XD
I want to take the scenario you’ve just described and put it inside of Trey’s wet dream just so he wakes up all confused about what’s going on and starts reflecting on his kinks and fixations, because wow there was a lot of teeth in this dream + Riddle and Idia fighting over him in the bedroom… that’s going to make it impossible for him to look at these two lol so shameful, as if he didn’t find that hot.
Anonymous asked:
thank you for the lilidia food <3
You’re very welcome, Anon~ We’re happy to provide hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Would you take into consideration
Emo/goth Idia?
…The dramatic pause!!
Also. I’m pretty sure I made this joke already (and also 4184 people before me), but. So basically Gregory Violet, right?
Jokes aside, goth would look good on Idia. Lilia should dress him up…
Anonymous asked:
do you have any thoughts about Riddle x Azul :0?
Yep indeed!
Anonymous asked:
Has there ever been a character that you simply cannot figure out is a bottom or top even now?
There definitely has, but I can’t really remember any good example of that, because for a lot of them we come back like 5 years later and go “wait, it’s obvious, isn’t it?”. Or it simply happens when we learn more about him. A lot of times the characters’ “position” reflects his dynamic in our favourite ships with him, so it helps a lot with figuring it out.
I think we had a couple of those in Hetalia but we figured it out eventually lol
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catgoesboom · 1 year
I feel kinda betrayed that we're clearly reaching the end of the "remake/reboot for the sake of cashing on nostalgia" era of cinema in this century, that by some wonderful luck is also crossing this new era of "female empowerment" and even tho I'm glad we got the Barbie movie out of this, somehow we still haven't had a new St. Trinian's movie.
Like think with me:
An all-ladies boarding school comprissed of the most vile babygirl/girlfailure coded staff with devil menaces of students cause most if not all of them are kids of the most slimy criminals around and they're happy where they are and how they live creating chaos wherever they go and aren't afraid to be even worse to get revenge on whoever dares to disturb their chaotic peace.
Is quite literaly Madeline with an Addams Family filter, SO MUCH SO ONE OF THE TEACHERS LOOKS LIKE MORTICIA in the 1950's-60's movies!
And they display almost all variety of women-wrongs that people love that could be easilly translated to modern age.
You want a regina george white-collar-criminal mean-girl? you got it
Nerdy geek cryptoscammer-doxxer-girl? YEP
Jock bully steals-your-lunch-money-and-kicks-your-ass girl? There you go
Jennifer's body-esque goth making all kinds of witchcraft just to give diarrhea to someone who looked at them the wrong way? hell yeah!
The shining twins- looking young girls who make traps when nobodies looking just to revel in silent delight as they see people falling for it? YEP
Punk girls who cause a mess everywhere they go and don't bat an eye before commiting arson just for the hell of it? WE ALSO DO HAVE THOSE.
This is such a cool and interesting and creative IP that studios could easilly capitalize on I'm actually very surprised nobody have at least made a pitch of bringing it back.
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erporo · 7 months
hi erporo !! we don't interact but ur art is super sick and i love the random stuff u put on my page 🩷 i had a question abt ur music !! u put a lot of Pink Floyd on my page and i see some NIN too; i don't listen to much of either,, do u have any specific song recommendations ? i LOVE Echoes, If, and Summer '68 but those r abt the only ones i know. and as far as NIN goes im essentially clueless . thank u if u respond and thanks regardless for ur fun blog !
hi hi hi buggy,
tnx for the kind words!! <33
SO. song recs, huh.. i've already answered another que about pf (mostly) album (bcs ithink it's really better to listen to pf in albums, not some specific songs) recs like a week ago,
on a second thought tho, here are a few more that are worth listening to that i didn't add for god knows what reason:
Relics (contains the band's first singles like See Emily Play, Arnold Layne & cool songs like Julia Dream for example),
and Animals (Dogs is up there with Echoes and SOYCD to me). It's a hella political album (bcs of Rog & his opinions) tho
there's some more ofc like The Early Years, The Later Years & stuff, but they're there if u've listened to the main catalog & u want more, yk?
there's also this post i agree with for the most part.
i can get a bit more specific if u want tho, just lmk. keep in mind it's (obviously) gonna get real lengthy real quick tho-
as for nin... WELL
here's some, again, mostly album recs because, just like with pf- i think it's really better to listen to dis band in albums, in context, not some specific songs:
the entirety of Pretty Hate Machine, nin's debut album. ive listened to it like, yesterday for the 5th time or something- it's so gud
if u like some metal stuff, Broken EP is awesome,
Fixed (an entire album of remixes of Broken's songs) also has some goodies, like the remix of Happiness in Slavery (this song's been SUCH A MOOD for at least 3 yrs by now) & Fist Fuck <3
the entirety of The Downward Spiral of COURSE,
The Fragile's also hella good- one of my fav albums of theirs actually,
but u ain't gonna lose much if u don't listen to. all of em- like u can leave out the songs like Please, No, You Don't & u will be gud
If u wanna listen to some p cool outtakes (like, there's one that legit sounds like smth out of Shadow the Hedgehog LMAO) and instrumentals of the album then feel free to check out The Fragile: Deviations
the entirety of With Teeth, ithink??
see, im not sure about the entirety part bcs i always omit Getting Smaller & im. cool
Year Zero's also got some goodies: Survivalism; The Good Soldier; Me, I'm Not; Capital G; God Given; The Great Destroyer...
Hesitation Marks is. i think my second fav of theirs. can't recommend it enough.
like the first 10 songs of the albums r just. the best of the best: Came Back Haunted, Copy of A, All Time Low, Everything, Satellite, stuff like that.
In Two & While I'm Still Here r also p good afair
Honorable mentions:
She's Gone Away : a song that was featured in one of the eps of Twin Peaks (!!), & yep- its hella gud,
At The Heart of It All,
The Beauty of Being Numb,
Underneath the Skin : just a cool remix, v train-like if that makes sense LMAO,
This Isn't The Place : a song by Trent, dedicated to a huge influential figure of his back in the 90s - David Bowie. (for VERY obvious reasons too, as u can see),
Needless to say, their cover of Hurt makes me cry buckets every time i swear,
The Perfect Drug,
Trent's amazing cover of Queen's song Get Down Make Love,
God Break Down The Door,
MAGNIFICENT covers of various artists' songs (Joy Division, Iggy Pop, The Normal) & each other's songs (like Sanity Assassin, Head Like a Hole, Reptile, Bela Lugosi's Dead, etc) by Trent and Bauhaus' Peter Murphy from 2006,
NIN at Woodstock '94 <- Powerful shit.
& dat's it. hope u enjoy em!!
wouldn't be surprised if u didn't tho- pf's music's def not for everyone & Trent's music is mostly for. goths yk
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