#Yes like Padme Amidala from Star Wars
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engagemythrusters · 7 months
Given that there are only two possibilities of real hair being shown in Queen Amidala's outfit ensembles (both by Sabe and Padme), I do wholly believe that it is a rule (written or unwritten) that queens of Naboo must cover their hair. I WILL go into depth if asked.
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*contemplating an idea for an au* Padmè Amidala has a type. That type is war criminals... poor little meow meows...
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Fandom's Takes On Trauma Are Terrible And Here's Why: brought to you by terrible Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker discourse
I've been on the verge of making this post for a while now, but I kept not doing it because this might be a bit of a hot take and I don't like offending people. However, I've been growing increasingly annoyed with the perception of one specific character type so lets see how much my dumb opinions stir the pot this time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This will be focused mainly on my current main fandom: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes, as well as Star Wars. You'll see why. Now, I need to make it clear that I'm not judging anyone for their opinions on characters for any reason. In no way am I insinuating you're a bad person for having opinions different to mine or that you’re not allowed to have them. What I am saying is that fandoms have some frustrating and frankly insulting beliefs around trauma and those who survived it, and I'm gonna talk about it because I want to get this off my chest. With that said:
Y'all don't understand how trauma works and it annoys me
As stated in the title, I'm writing this because of the Coriolanus Snow discourse, specifically regarding whether he's a good or bad person. Lets rip off the bandaid straight away: He's a bad person. There's no question about it, Snow is a vile human being. And he's one of my favorite characters because of it. He's fantastically written and hands down one of the most realistic, viscerally terrifying yet utterly pathetic villains ever. And what I hate about the TBOSAS fandom more than anything (aside from how some of them treat the actors) is the way they take away all his agency in the story. But I'll put a pin in that because I have a lot to say about him and instead start at the beginning of my growing frustration with how fandom perceives trauma (feel free to skip through this post, I'll label my sections in case you don't wanna read this whole thing). There's two sides, and both are equally stigmatized and wrong. So lets start with the more obvious one through the lens of Anakin Skywalker.
The Star Wars Fandom's Weird Relationship With Traumatized Children Behaving Like Traumatized Children
So Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader is pretty explicitly a Bad Dude who's done some Bad Things. Bro committed genocide, ain't no getting around that, except... It's a little more complicated. Sure, he did all those terrible things, but a lot of people take that to mean he was always a horrible monstrous big bad in the making who was destined to become the galaxy's worst nightmare. That's missing the whole point of the prequel trilogy, because those movies essentially serve to explain all the reasons for Anakin's descent into villainy, and he had surprisingly little hand in it. Growing up into slavery means he not only has a warped view of the galaxy thanks to all the horrors he's witnessed, it also means he lacks the teachings Jedi younglings get when they grow up in the temple. He was pawned off onto Obi-Wan who had only recently been knighted and was in no way ready to raise a child, and became "friends" with Palpatine who fed him all sorts of lies to manipulate him into becoming little more than an attack dog. Not exactly ideal circumstances for a child in their formative years. Did Anakin shirk the Jedi's rules? Yes. Did he do dumb stuff? Yes. But he was a traumatized teenager, of course he's acting out. When he massacres the Tusken Raiders, it's Padme Amidala who reassures him it was the right thing to do. He felt guilty about it, so this idea that he's some apathetic monster from the second he's born is dumb. It's not that Anakin was born wrong, it's that the people around him either failed to help him go down the right path or were actively trying to push him down the wrong one. Anakin never fully grasped the Jedi's ideals, because the person meant to teach him just wasn't equipped to do so. If he'd had someone to teach him how to get a hold of his emotions, distancing himself enough from them to make the best possible decision and helping him understand the importance of letting someone go when you have to, he wouldn't have fallen to the dark side the way he did.
Anakin did terrible things, but blaming it on him just having an evil heart shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how people's environments change who they are. A life in slavery, where he was not allowed to have anything and risked losing what he held dear at any second with no control over it likely caused him to be very possessive of what he held close to his heart once he did have some control over what he kept and lost. Shmi died because he wasn't there to protect her (in his head), so he clung to the people he loved so he could save them the way he couldn't save his mother. Palpatine actively groomed him, if you think that didn't have any effect on him I don't know what to tell you. Throughout the war, he constantly lost people he was close to. That control he had slowly starts to fade as Ahsoka leaves and he starts having dreams about Padme dying. He does everything to save her, only to find out she betrayed him (in his mind, a thought quite likely influenced by PTSD as well). I can tell you that believing one of the few people you trust has betrayed you can make you act very impulsively. Anakin made an impulsive decision and regretted it for the rest of his life. He wasn't born a monster, the world turned him into one.
However, that does not excuse his actions. It explains them and spreads the blame to more people, but his actions are still his actions. Anakin separated himself from his past because of all the pain it brings him, and in doing so he did a lot of bad things. And he still needed to face consequences for those actions, even if the events that led up to them aren't necessarily on him entirely. If he'd gotten therapy, he wouldn't have choked Padme to death. Possibly he wouldn't have attacked the temple. But he didn't, and he did all those things trauma or not. I have major issues with the way some Anti-Anakin parts of the Star Wars fandom insist on ignoring or writing off his trauma, but that doesn't mean I'm absolving him of all guilt.
An explanation is not an excuse, and that sentiment brings us to the reason for this little rant:
Coriolanus Snow's defenders have a habit of infantalizing trauma survivors and I wish they would stop
Oh Snow, how your amazing character completely flew over the heads of most of your loyalest fans. I'm joking, obviously, but also... It's not exactly wrong. Now, I need to make this clear: I'm not insulting Snow fans here. I'm kind of one of them (I hate his guts but I love how he was written, it's a love hate relationship). However, the way people talk about his trauma... I'll be honest, it's kind of sickening for reasons I'll talk about later after getting through the technical(?) stuff. Where the way people view Anakin disgusts me, the way people treat Snow disturbs me. Because people view The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes as if it's some typical tragic villain backstory that humanizes and in some ways justifies who he became, to show what changed him from a normal person into a monster. It's not. It actually shows that Snow has always possessed the traits that made him the monster we know from the OG series. What it does is explain why specific things were so important to him and how he grew to lose all redeeming qualities, letting the worst aspects of his personality grow and take over until it's all there's left of him.
What made Snow do stuff like poison political adversaries and constantly beat down the districts so they don't rebel? A thirst for power. A thirst he's always had, born from the feelings of entitlement he held thanks to his family's previous status. He deserves that power in his mind, so he'll do anything to get it. Power, control, and influence are his driving motivators. It's at the back of his mind throughout TBOSAS, and by the time he becomes a gamemaker it's the only motivation he has left. Those traits, the things that pushed him to do what he did, they were always there. There was just more stuff to cover it up. Stuff that fell away with time. Snow is a terrible person, but people pretend he's some poor misunderstood baby who just needed a hug because... why? Because he has trauma. And that's the root of the problem. Does he have trauma? Absolutely. He survived a war, he lost his parents, struggled through poverty while being raised by propaganda from the Capitol and was arguably groomed by Gaul. Sound familiar? It's kind of like Anakin. Horrible childhood filled with loss, less than amazing figures raising him and grooming. Except people use the opposite argument for him which is equally wrong: he's traumatized, so we cannot blame him.
Yes we can.
Trauma does not justify your actions. It might explain them, but you are still accountable for your own actions. Snow murdered people, starting with Bobbin, and every single time it was his choice to do so. It doesn't matter why he made that choice, because he still did it. He ruined countless lives and ended nearly as many, both directly and indirectly. No amount of trauma justifies that. I've seen people claim he's just an anxious young boy who's a poor victim of circumstance, and anyone who doesn't believe so is simply unable to separate the actions of an 80-something-year-old from the 18-year-old, but... No. That's one of the most braindead takes I've ever heard, I'm sorry. Snow hadn't committed the crimes of his older self yet, but the behaviors he shows in TBOSAS are the ones that led him to doing so later on and ignoring that is just stupid. I don't need to judge Snow based on his later actions to call out how fucked up he was in TBOSAS. Again, he chose to murder several people and deluded himself into believing he was justified. That's what makes him a great character. Bad people always believe, on some level, that they're doing the right thing. It's fascinating. But people take his words at face value when he says he's doing the right thing, and the whole point is that he's wrong. He's lying to himself. Because that's what people do sometimes. Snow's family was knocked off its throne, and Snow clung to the idea that the districts are beneath him and at fault to cope with that. He deluded himself into believing Gaul's dumbass theory to justify continuing the games.
It's the exact opposite of Anakin Skywalker: Trauma is relevant, it does inform your perspective on the world and your actions, but it does not mean you can do no wrong. Snow had every chance to be a good person: Knocking Bobbin out or running away instead of murdering him, joining the rebellion with Sejanus, staying in district 12 with Lucy Gray and being honest with her. But he killed Bobbin. He fucked over the rebels and got Sejanus killed. He lied to Lucy Gray and destroyed any chance he had with her. Every chance he got, he threw into the fire without hesitation. Anakin leaned into being a bad person to forget the past, Snow chose to be one because it benefitted him the most. Neither of them are excused because of their trauma, their descent into villainy is simply explained. You know why? Because both of them created new victims. Snow was complicit in the murder of hundreds of children before becoming responsible for thousands more, he killed people with his own hands and ruined several lives over the course of TBOSAS. All that pain he caused isn't erased because we can explain why it happened. Even at 18, Snow has many things he should be held accountable for. War, being an empoverished orphan, being groomed, none of that nullifies the shit he's done. People who say Snow's just an anxious, young, traumatized boy are one side of the horseshoe theory of the myth of "the perfect victim". The "Anakin's Trauma Should Be Ignored Entirely" crowd are the other side. Which brings us to...
It's all horseshoe theory
To conclude the analytical part of my post, I'll bring it back to what I briefly mentioned in the intro to all of this. Agency. That's the running thread here. Both in cases like Anakin and cases like Snow, the fandom takes away all agency a character has in the story for the sake of justifying one's feelings about them. Anakin was born a monster and he was always destined to be evil. It wasn't the trauma, it wasn't the events of the story, he's just bad. On the other hand, Snow is a good person who was made to do terrible things by his trauma. It's all the trauma and nothing else. His bad childhood caused him to be this way and it has nothing to do with his own worst personality traits. See the connection? In both these instances, the characters had no influence over who they became. With Anakin, nothing could've had any influence because he's just born wrong. With Snow, it's everything around him that shaped him into who he was. Both scenarios completely ignore the character and focus on external factors to explain everything. One demonizes trauma victims by saying those that went off the rails are just bad people and there's nothing to be done about it, the other infantilizes trauma survivors by saying they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions just because they have trauma and it's only when they're older and should know better that we can bring consequences down on them.
Victims of trauma should be held accountable, though. The only thing the presence of trauma should change is what kind of accountability. Merely locking them up won't change anything, they should receive help to work through their problems while residing in a place where they cannot hurt anyone else. Including themselves. That is what acknowledging trauma is useful for. But this? This is doing nothing but stigmatizing trauma survivors even more than they already are, and I hate it. And you wanna know why I hate it? Because I've been both sides of this horseshoe, and it nearly got me killed.
The part where I talk about my Tragic Backstory(TM) to explain why this bothers me so much
This'll be a little heavy, so while I'm not gonna go into detail I advise you to please be careful. If you're not in the headspace to handle talk about actual real life mental health issues, feel free to stop reading here. I'm putting this at the end for a reason. If you really wanna know why people's perspective on Snow disturbs me but don't wanna risk getting triggered, skip to the last bold line in this post.
Without going into detail, I've dealt with some pretty big mental health issues throughout my life. One of them is PTSD, so believe me when I say I understand that trauma can heavily influence one's actions in ways even they don't understand. But I had to learn the hard way that there's a difference between explaining and excusing. I used to believe that, because of my previous experiences, I was entirely justified in doing what I was doing. Kind of. At that point, I didn't know that what I was experiencing was PTSD, but I did feel justified in my actions the same way Snow does. I explained every bad thing I did away and wrote it off as nothing or sometimes even as a good thing. Granted, I never did anything as big as committing murder, but I don't live in a country as dark and horrible as Panem so we'll chalk it up to that. As I grew older, I started to recognize the ways in which I accidentally hurt the people around me, and eventually had the realization that my past does not in fact justify the pain I was causing people entirely uninvolved in what happened to me. They had nothing to do with that, and shoving all my pain onto them the way I did was wrong. My view of myself pivoted to the other side of the horseshoe. If I'm not justified, am I... am I bad? Am I evil? Am I just born wrong?
I don't know how to explain this to anyone who hasn't gone through this themself, but that is a horrible feeling to have. To feel like you're just bad and there's nothing you can do about it... It kills something inside of you. A hope, a will to keep going and keep trying. Why bother when you cannot be fixed? I've lost the will to live at two points in my life, and that was one of them. And now I get to see both of these mentalities be repeated by dumbasses who don't understand the first thing about trauma. It's... not fun. It's grating and aggravating in a way I can't accurately bring across with just my words. It makes me wanna scream and laugh hysterically until I cry.
Here's the thing: I relate to Snow, and the way people perceive him disturbs me on a visceral level.
As I said, I justified my own bad behavior the same way he does. I convinced myself I was a blameless poor victim who had no hand in their actions. But just like Snow, I did. Not nearly as much as I would have liked, but I did. I learned to control the defensive mechanisms my trauma gave me, and I grew from it. Seeing people defending Snow with the same arguments that kept me from ever getting over what happened to me, crying out that he's just traumatized so none of it's his fault... it disturbs me. Because they're outsiders who should be able to see the pain he caused others and realize that nothing changes the fact that he did that. But they don't. They're me, without any of the personal stakes that kept me trapped in my own delusions. It's all just fiction, and I know that, but it hits just a little too close to home for my comfort. It's a little too raw and a little too real for me to just let it go and move on again like I always do.
I'm sorry for the rant, I didn't mean to make this post this long but I guess I hope you find something of interest in here that made it worth reading? Have a nice day 💜
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hwasdvlly · 8 months
Spooky Fun | p.seonghwa
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☆ summary: it's halloween and the family decides to do something extraordinary.
☆ pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader
☆ genres: romance, fluff, and family
☆ word count: 1k words
☆ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, idol!seonghwa, non-idol!reader, married couple, star wars cosplay, very soft moments
☆ a/n: happy halloween my beautiful readers!
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October 31st is the last day of the month and the time for a spooky celebration. 
For this year’s costume theme, Seonghwa chose no other than his favorite movie franchise, Star Wars. He had always wanted to be Anakin Skywalker. Now, he wanted to try it out with his three beloveds: you and the little stars Seonghan and Hyeseong. 
The oldest child is Park Seonghan. Atinys nicknames him as ‘mini-Seonghwa’ because he looks so identical to his father that it’s uncanny. Seonghan even has a gentle and bright personality with a hint of wittiness, like Seonghwa. 
The youngest child, Park Hyeseong, is more of a shy little girl. But underneath her shyness is a lovely angel who is a passionate dancer and enjoys drawing cute animals and nature. Like her mother, she inherited an elegant beauty. Hyeseong is more of a mommy’s girl, but she does consider her appa as her best friend and the hero of her life. 
“This is where the fun begins.” Seonghwa checks himself out through a full-length mirror and tries to act all mysterious and lethal. He has on his costume, which is handmade, and his toy lightsaber. Seonghwa will forever be a kid at heart, and he is happy that his dream of Halloween came true. 
“I think you’re having too much fun as Anakin.” You walked out of the bathroom. You are Padme Amidala. It’s very appropriate for you and Seonghwa. 
He turns and sees you in a pretty olive green dress with a hoodie over your soft curls. Seonghwa grins, “I can’t help it. I wonder what our little stars will look like.” He goes up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. Everything about you is beautiful. He is glad that you are down to do this idea of a celebration. You rest your hands on his chest. You lift your eyes to meet his gorgeous, deep brown orbs. “They’re going to look so cute! I think their uncles will die of cuteness.” You let out a giggle. 
Seonghwa smirks, “Hell yeah, they will. Our kids are the best.” He is so prideful and supportive of his little ones that he does sound cocky at times. You snickered and shook your head. “I agree, but please, don’t embarrass them.” As much as you deeply love Seonghwa, he exaggerates almost everything.
“Since we are talking about our little stars, why not see them,” Seonghwa suggested. You beamed and nodded. 
The married couple intertwined their fingers to go to their children’s room. Seonghan and Hyeseong share a space because there aren’t a lot of rooms in the house, but they get along together. 
“Hannie, Hye. Are you guys ready for Halloween?” You asked the kids. 
“Yes, we are!” They answered in unison. 
Upon arriving in their room, you and Seonghwa gasped at the sight of Seonghan and Hyeseong. They look so cute!
Seonghan is The Mandalorian. He has artificial berserk armor and a helmet. Hyeseong is Grogu. She has those green protruding ears as a headband, the brown robe, and her hair in twin tails.
“You guys look awesome!” Seonghwa couldn’t help but squeeze the life out of his babies. He bends down and brings them into his comfy arms. You smiled by the door frame at the wholesome moment. Seeing Seonghwa happy with the kids makes you fall in love with him all over again. 
The father lets go and takes out his phone from his trousers. “Smile for grandpa, grandma, the uncles, and for us,” Seonghwa tells Seonghan and Hyeseong. The kids posed cutely for the camera, and their dad snapped hundreds of photos. 
“Okay, okay, Hwa, that’s enough. We don’t want to be late.” You stopped your husband because he was going overboard. Seonghwa looks through the gallery and squeals. “So cute!! Look, love.” He shows you the little stars. You smiled merrily at their cuteness. 
“This is the way.” Seonghan points to the exit of the front door. The Park Family are putting on their shoes and carrying their Halloween buckets. 
“Patu!” Hyeseong shouted. Her parents burst out laughing at her adorable imitation. 
“Yes, sir.” Seonghwa opened the door for his loved ones, and they began to march outside. 
Hyeseong holds your hand as she swings your arm back and forth. Their home isn’t far from the KQ Building, so it’s much easier for Seonghwa to go to work. As they walked on the streets, people noticed them in their Star Wars costumes. It caught everyone’s attention. 
Seonghwa also noticed a few Atinys saying ‘hi’ to them. Seonghan politely greeted them, and they happily squealed at the sweet boy. 
Once arriving at your husband’s workplace, the employees dress in costumes, and they kindly give the children candy. Hyeseong tries to ask for a sweet treat and not be shy. But for real, who can’t resist an angel? 
The party is on the rooftop of the KQ Building. It’s not something Seonghwa and the guys have done before, but since Seonghan and Hyeseong are joining, they want it to be special. 
As they reached the top of the level of the place, Seonghwa opened the door for his family. They were welcomed by fun and frightening decorations and the tasty aroma of food. Last but not least, ATEEZ in their costumes. 
“Hye, my love!”
The seven members approach the little stars for a big bear hug. They even gave them candy because they truly love them.
Hongjoong gathers Hyeseong into his arms and plants a kiss on her plush cheeks. He is her favorite uncle, and he does enjoy being one. Except he spoils the heck out of her. Seonghan doesn’t have a favorite uncle, but he does prefer to be with the 99 liners. Seonghwa doesn’t know if he should be concerned if his son will get influenced by their antics or end up being a little mischievous. 
“Nice Star Wars getup.” Jongho commented with a gleeful smile. He and the members are impressed by the family’s efforts to look like the characters. 
“Let me guess,” Yunho puts a finger on his lips. “It was Hyung’s idea.” He says without sounding clueless. 
You chuckled and nodded. “It was also Hwa’s turn to choose a theme. The kids liked the idea as well.” You look at your husband with love in your eyes. 
Seonghwa sees it and puts on a proud expression. His heart was filled with happiness.
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antianakin · 9 months
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So to start with, if you don't like this blog and the things I post on it, nobody's putting a gun to your head asking you to look at it. Feel free to block me, blacklist my username, block the anti and critical tags I try to use VERY frequently, etc. Nobody's asking you to look at the things I post and, quite honestly, the fact that you felt the need to leave me this message tells me that between the two of us, you're the one being unhealthy because you felt the need to tell someone innocently staying in their own lane that they're participating in fandom wrong rather than just... moving on and doing fandom in a way you enjoy more. If you want to see something else, go look at a different blog or make your own posts. Nobody's stopping you, least of all me.
But to actually answer the question you didn't ask, I made this blog because I wanted a place to make the kind of posts I wanted to see. Yes, it's a venting blog. That means sometimes I vent about the same thing more than once. Breaking news: people in fandom talk about the same hyperfixation more than once sometimes!
My best friend in the Star Wars fandom happens to be someone who really likes Anakin. So whenever I disliked something about Anakin, she was not the person I could go to in order to discuss it. Well, not always anyway. Not when I got particularly bitter about it. And at the time that I made this blog over a year ago, I didn't have anywhere else to go to vent those feelings, so I made one for myself. I made myself a tiny safe haven where I could simply write those feelings out that I never really saw anybody else making or discussing. This wasn't intended to be a popular blog. I expected it to get about two followers total maybe and a LOT of haters.
Instead, I've actually heard from a number of people that this blog let them feel seen. That the things I've written have felt really relatable to people who just can't connect to all of the Anakin love that tends to exist in the fandom. Because yes, Anakin's been the villain since the 1970s, but you must not have spent a lot of time in this fandom because that is NOT a thing that a lot of his fans tend to remember or even believe anymore. According to a good number of Anakin fans, the Jedi are the real villains and Anakin is just a tragic victim who didn't really do anything wrong. And even a lot of the people who DO recognize that Anakin is the villain of the story often still tend to like Anakin as this tragic character and will primarily post positive things about him. So for those of us who just... don't LIKE Anakin very much, there isn't as much content out there for us. You either accept all of the Anakin love along with the content for the other characters you like or you just... don't consume very much content within the fandom. Or you find a very specific niche to try to stay in that you like better, I guess. But Anakin's the main character of the main saga, he's hard to avoid entirely.
So this blog helps provide one little safe haven for others who just... don't like this character much.
And that's not even the entirety of this blog anyway. If you had scrolled through it much, you might've noticed the fic rec lists that have nothing to do with Anakin at all and are actually a lot more aimed at being Pro Jedi. Because this blog is just as much about loving the Jedi as it is about disliking Anakin. You might've also noticed the extensive AU concepts I've written a few times, one of the most recent of which actually ended up leading to Anakin surviving ROTJ and figuring out how to stop being a Sith and getting mentally healthy. And Anakin's not even the only character who's GOTTEN criticism on this blog, the pinned post on this blog lists a good 10 characters I've had to add to it because there IS going to be criticism for them here, too, from Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze, to Aleksander Kallus, to Crosshair and TBB as a show in general, to Padme Amidala herself. Not to mention some criticism of Ahsoka, as well, sometimes. I'm an all access kind of hater I guess, I like to have a varied diet of characters I complain about.
So yes, it's a blog named antianakin because the url wasn't taken, I thought it was funny, and it works as a WARNING for anybody who sees my posts or decides to come onto my blog. Obviously it doesn't keep EVERYBODY out who shouldn't be looking at them, look at yourself for a good example of that. But I like to think it's helpful. Yes, this is a venting blog where I allow myself to be negative and complain about characters I don't like in a space I have created for me to do that in. This does not mean that I am not EVER positive about Star Wars, it doesn't even mean that I'm never positive about Star Wars ON THIS BLOG. It just means that this is a place that I am allowed to be salty in, it is a place where I put my most bitter thoughts and feelings and throw them into the void that is Tumblr just to get them out of me.
This is MY safe space, MY little fandom haven. Nobody asked you to be here, so if it doesn't feel safe or even just entertaining for you, you're more than welcome to leave and go find somewhere else you like better or create your own little fandom space where you can create the kind of things YOU want to see. I can wholeheartedly recommend it.
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clonemando · 4 months
And Threes Makes Three
Rex and Wolffe finally get to bring home the Cadet they're adopting together.
or read it here, under the cut:
important tags:
CT-7567 | Rex/CC-3636 | Wolffe
implied Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi/ARC-77 | Fordo
Domestic Fluff
Rex and Wolffe adopt a Cadet Together
Cloneshipping | Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars)
Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars)
Anakin Skywalker Faces Consequences
Obi-Wan Kenobi Raises Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker
Wolffe squeezed Rex’s hand nervously as they walked into a busy office in the new Jedi temple. There were already clones and Jedi waiting in seats to be called and a few in line ahead of them to talk to the receptionists to check in. 
“Hello, I’m Ja’nari, how can I help you today?” A nice human looking Jedi asked, brown hair clipped back to stay out of her face. 
“I’m Commander Wolffe and this is my husband Rex. We, uh, have an appointment about adopting a cadet?” He said feeling his heart flip a few times in his chest and Rex squeezed his hand back. 
“Oh, yes! You’re here about Threes. He’s part of Sneko Clan right now, I remember Arlena mentioning he might be being adopted soon. Here, fill this out and bring it back when you’re finished and we’ll get you in soon.” She said handing them a datapad which Rex took and gestured to the seats nearby before calling up the next group in line.
Sitting down Wolffe peeked at the form as Rex started to fill everything out. “Didn’t we already fill this out last time we were here?” He asked, remembering they had been made to fill out enough paperwork to supply two full battalions and they would know. It had taken ages and been exhausting to try to figure some of the questions out since the forms had seemed to be meant for natborns. 
“These are different and there’s only two. I think it’s just finalizing stuff to make sure nothing has changed since the last time we were here.” Rex said finishing up easily enough and returning the pad to Ja’nari before returning to sit next to Wolffe. 
Wolffe fidgeted. “What if Fox was right? I might not be good at this Rex. I-” He whispered but Rex knocked their shoulders together. 
“Firstly, Fox apologized for that already and only said that because you provoked him. Secondly, Fox's opinion doesn’t actually matter in the end, only ours, even if he did actually think the things he said, which I know for a fact he does not. Wolffe, we went over this like a hundred times already. You like Threes. I like Threes. Threes likes both of us. We have the space and money and time to take care of him. We’ve both taken care of entire battalions before. We can take care of one single cadet.” He reminded him. Wolffe snorted. 
“You make everything sound so simple and logical… Did you steal those lines from Gen- Master Koon?” He teased and it was Rex’s turn to snort. 
“I have my own good ideas from time to time you know. I definitely didn’t get them from my own General after all.” He huffed but his expression twisted at the reminder of Skywalker and Wolffe wrapped an arm around his shoulder and squeezed letting Rex lean his head against him. 
After Palpatine had been dealt with, Skywalker had pretty much lost his mind. He wanted Fox and Cody tried for treason even with news that they had saved Obi-Wan’s life and that the Chancellor had been a Sith available. When the Council refused he had planned to go after them himself but he had gone to ask Fives for help and Fives had commed Rex who had in turn warned Fox and Cody and got help from the other Jedi. 
The confrontation had been nasty because somehow Senator Amidala had found out and showed up to confront her husband and a whole load of new information had been spilled about Anakin having killed an entire tribe back on Tatooine before the war and Padme helping him over it up. Skywalker had accused her of sleeping with Kenobi, force choked her, and then started fighting Mace and Kit who had shown up to stop him. 
Rex had managed to draw his attention when he realized that his General’s power was even too much for the pair of Jedi to handle on their own and Fives had shot him with three stun blasts before he went down. 
Wolffe had been helping with a relief mission and hadn’t heard anything until Rex commed him later and told him everything through his tears. They didn’t find out until later that Padme had gone into an early labor due to the stress and given birth to twins. Once she had recovered, Padme had apparently planned on giving the pair up for adoption since Anakin had been arrested and she had been forced to give up her seat in the Senate as her own crimes came to light while Anakin’s were investigated. 
Obi-Wan was a mess but as Anakin’s once legal guardian and a close friend of Padme’s he had offered to take the kids in once it was known that Padme’s family weren’t interested in claiming the children born of their child’s lies. Alpha-17 and Fordo had both stepped up and offered to help.
Wolffe hadn’t heard anything about it until he had returned from the scouting mission he was on with Plo looking at different planets that might work for the clones. Rex had nearly tackled him off the platform as he was leaving the ship and started crying until Wolffe had been able to get him somewhere private and coax the story from him. 
“Commanders Wolffe and Rex?” The receptionist calling them dragged Wolffe from his memories and he and Rex stood to walk back over to the counter where they were directed to walk through a door to the right and then down the hall to the last door. The office they arrived at belonged to the Besalisk Jedi who was dealing with their case, Master Arlena. “Wolffe, Rex! Good to see you! Come in and sit! I have good news!” She said using a pair of arms to guide them into the room while another closed the door behind them. 
“We were approved?” Rex asked and she nodded with a wide grin. 
“You were! Obviously things are different for the clone cadets and how adoption is working for them especially for other clones and Jedi who are interested but everything went through smoothly. I have some papers for you to add to your files but after you leave here tonight you can pick Threes up from Sneko Clan and take him home. I already called ahead and let the creche master know.” She assured them and started to spread out some papers across her desk explaining they had Threes get a full medical work up and had all his information available for them, and it was in the Temple’s system.
“Obviously Threes’ disabilities means he has regular check ups but I’m sure you’re used to dealing with Wolffe’s own appointments. He’s already enrolled in classes so you won’t have to worry about his schooling. The first home check will be next month but you both have all the numbers on this page here if you need any help at all before then. Remember there’s no shame in asking for help but letting issues fester will only lead to them getting worse with time. Do you have any questions for me?” She asked and Wolffe looked at Rex who was looking over the documents they’d be taking with them, eyes looking a little red. 
“No ma’am. We’re excited to show Threes his new home. Our batchmates are already planning a party if Threes agrees to it. Everyone is really excited to meet him.” Wolffe said and she stood. 
“In that case, congratulations and don’t let me keep you! Reach out for anything, I’m happy to help and it’s been a joy helping you both and Threes find each other.” She said shaking their hands as she ushered them out at a friendly pace but Wolffe knew that with the number of cadets they were still trying to get homed and how bust the office was she likely didn’t have time to dawdle. 
Leaving the office felt like a blur and soon he and Rex were just standing in the middle of a hallway in the temple staring at each other. 
“We… that… Did we really?” Rex asked as the tears finally spilled over even as his lips kept twitching up into a grin and Wolffe found his own smile catching before he dragged Rex in for a desperate kiss. 
“We’re parents now. We have our own kid. Threes gets to come home with us!” He cheered and Rex started laughing breathlessly along with him. 
“We should go get him then! Classes will be out in another hour. We can surprise him and stop by the shops to get ice cream on the way home.” Rex suggested and Wolffe nodded both of them holding hands as they hurried off toward where they knew Threes’ clan was so they could collect him after his class. 
(line break)
Threes bit his lip as he hugged his plush loth-wolf tightly. It had been a gift from Commander Wolffe after the second time they met and it was so soft and warm it helped when Threes got overwhelmed. He especially liked that Rex had helped him switch out one of the wolf’s eyes and sew the fabric so it looked like Commander Wolffe’s eye did. 
The day had been rough from the start. Firstly one of his clan mates had stolen his loth-wolf from his that morning and refused to give it back until Threes had gone to tell the creche master about it then they had spent the day calling him a tattle-tale and giving him a grumpy look since they had gotten a talking to. After mid-meal no one had wanted him on their team for their sword fighting games because of his messed up hands so he had ended up sitting alone in the garden until it was time to return to classes. Then he had to take the class with his least favorite teacher, Mr Frellin. He wasn’t mean but Threes felt like he had some sort of grudge against him because he always insisted on Threes having to write all his assignments by hand. Technically Threes could write on his own thanks to the surgeries that had been done and the fact he did have three usable fingers on each hand but it caused his hands to cramp up if he had to do it for long stretches of time and it hurt. 
His other teachers let him dictate his assignments to helper droids where it would get printed out instead. He didn’t understand why Mr Frellin insisted on making things harder for him when there was an easier way but the man insisted he was doing it for Threes’ own good and that he’d thank him for it in the future. 
Then as they were walking back to their rooms the same bully from earlier had finally poked the wrong nerve reminding Threes that Rex and Wolffe hadn’t been by to visit in over a month now and that they had probably gotten bored of him. Threes had tackled him and they had fought until the Creche master dragged them apart and sent both of them to their rooms where a nurse had eventually come to check on him and then check on the bully to make sure neither of them had been badly hurt. 
“Well we were going to get ice cream but that might be considered reinforcing bad behavior.” Rex’s voice broke through Threes’ moping and he immediately jumped up to throw his arms around Rex and hug him.
“You saw the kid’s form Rex, we should be encouraging a good tackle like that and it’s not like I haven’t done worse to Fox in our own scuffles. At least he didn’t bite the other kid.” Wolffe cut in and wrapped Threes in another hug from behind. 
“You came back!” He said squeezing as tightly as he could and Rex ran his fingers through Threes’ hair gently.
“Of course we did, did you think we wouldn’t? We told you we were going to adopt you. Sorry it took so long. The data-forms were all made for natborns and took twice as long to process as we expected.” Rex sighed. 
“I wasn’t sure if you really meant it. Lots of people say things and don’t mean them.” Threes murmured softly. Alpha-17 had promised that Threes wouldn’t get separated from his batch after all and yet Ka’ra Squad had been separated as soon as they were all brought to the temple. 
“We meant it, kid. We’re actually here because it’s all done. You’re coming home with us, if you haven’t changed your mind that is?” Wolffe asked and Threes looked up at him with wide hopeful eyes. 
“Really?! I… I get to go with you?” He asked and Rex nodded with a smile. 
“As of today we are officially your buir’e. You’re stuck with us. Unfortunately for you Wolffe snores so snuggling in our bed in the middle of the night won’t help you sleep. But he can make a mean hoth-chocolate so I forgive him.” Rex teased and Wolffe rolled his eyes. 
Threes moved to latch onto Wolffe in a hug next and Rex started moving around to gather up Threes things from the room packing them in a bag he had brought with him. 
“We’re going out for ice cream to celebrate and then we’ll get you settled in your new room. Since its Primeday you have a few days before you need to be in class again. Our vode want to meet you too if you’re okay with it. Cody and my twin Fox are here for the next few weeks visiting so they offered to stop by for a little party but we wanted to make sure you were okay with it first. 
“Cody? You mean like… the Commander Cody of the 7th sky? Of course I want to meet him! He’s the coolest clone in the whole GAR! He punched Grievous in the face and helped kill the Sith lord!Who wouldn’t want to meet Cody?!” He asked bouncing now and both Rex and Wolffe shared a look Threes didn’t understand over his head but he didn’t care. He got to meet Cody!
“Way to make the rest of us feel loved kiddo.” Wolffe huffed and Threes rolled his eyes at him. 
“I mean you and Rex are cool too but Commander Cody is a legend!” He continued to babble away scooping up his loth-wolf to hug as Rex finished packing and slung the bag over his shoulder. 
“I’m sure Cody will love you too twerp. He’s actually a nerd though so don’t set your hopes too high. His name isn’t Cody for no reason.” Rex huffed a laugh as they started leading Threes out. 
“Isn’t it like another version of Kote? Like Glory?” Threes asked and Wolffe started laughing while Rex’s lips twitched. 
“He might tell you that but it started off as Codes because he kept whispering the reg codes in his sleep.” Wolffe told him while Threes gaped at him. 
“What?! No way! That’s… so lame!” He squeaked, not sure if they were telling him the truth or not but just happy to get to spend time with them again… his parents. The thought made him beam and hug Wolffe again, stopping their movement for a moment before Wolffe just scooped him up under one arm and kept moving, making Threes giggle. 
“You won’t make me late for ice cream kid, not even with hugs.” Wolffe hummed and Rex shook his head fondly. 
“We have all the time in the galaxy now. You can’t be late when there’s no deadline.” Rex pointed out and Threes felt like his heart was going to explode from just how happy that thought made him. 
They had forever now. 
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shadowspellchecker · 1 month
<p><h1>8. 7. Timer AU</h1></p>
<p><h1>9. 8. Star Wars meets the Roman Empire </h1></p>
<p>For Rogue One, it is well-suited to a pretty direct one to one translation of circumstances. </p>
<p>Galactic empire = Roman Empire</p>
<p>Coruscant / Imperial Center = Rome</p>
<p>Palpatine = the Emperor</p>
<p>Stormtroopers = Roman footsoldiers</p>
<p>Core worlds:</p>
Alderaan =
Naboo =
<p>And the alliance? Assorted resistance groups and enemies of the Roman Empire from within and without. </p>
<p>I'd like to use the period around the reign of Augustus. 1st century. </p>
<p>There wasn't really a Civil War where you have clear Republic and Separatist groups on the scale of Star Wars until late in its lifetime, but the Roman Civil War between Caesar and Ptolemy and that other guy stand in pretty well. </p>
<p>The setting is Roman Palestine, Jedha being Jerusalem. So… 0BBY is 70 CE. </p>
<p>Let us begin there. </p>
<p>Chirrut is a Pharisee who contracted cataracts in his youth. He is a master of oral tradition with a brilliant memory. </p>
<p>Baze went off and fought alongside Judas of Gamala . He left them when Chirrut became blind, and they've been on the run from both the zealots and the Romans ever since. </p>
<p>Chirrut, given the period, was probably literally Pals with Jesus. Or at least a pleasant verbal sparring partner. </p>
<p>Bodhi Rook, not a Jew, is also from the province. Perhaps one of the Greek cities, or the son of an immigrant from Syria. Seeking a better life for his family after his father's death he took work as an animal handler for the Roman Army in that province. Swift and light, he eventually became a message carrier. </p>
<p>Saw Gerrera and the Partisans are Zealots. </p>
<p>Galen Erso is a Romanized Greek; Lyra full Roman by parentage but raised alongside Saw. </p>
<p>Cassian is from Hispania. Specifically, Kenari and Fest are both Basque country. Need to do research on the specifics, see Cantabrian wars, but he's taken in by a couple living in the west of Spain after their death. The big economic trade of hispania is olive oil of course, and other kinds of farming, but let's assume he didn't get such a connected life. Perhaps first a mining village or something, yes they had those, or brickmaking. Something that could lead to a village being destroyed and all the adults killed. After that some sort of blacksmith thing. Then foster parent gets executed (not crucified, just hung), foster mom and him are stuck salvaging and odd jobs in their new community. FYI, he was raised speaking proto-Basque. So… yeah. Language barrier from hell as a child, which in fact led to his sister being left behind in the mountains when he was nabbed. Then he gets in trouble with the authorities, debt slavery as a kid, then later prison, hard labor again, being voluntold into the Roman Army and desertion, etc etc etc. Most of it is a one to one correspondence although Narkina IV is probably mining tar, because I figure that Greek fire would be the equivalent to the death star here. </p>
<p>Or perhaps orichalcum as an equivalent to kyber. </p>
<p>Really, the clone wars backstory is likely multigenerational. So Palpatine wouldn't be just one, no, it would be two … or three! </p>
<p>And Anakin Skywalker. </p>
<p>Born a slave, to a slave woman in Tunisia. A couple of Roman elite soldiers or augers come along and buy him. Ani is an amazing horseman, natural jockey, and an intuitive sailor. Really a genius at everything. They buy his freedom and adopt him. Qui-Gon dies, Ani joins the Roman legions. Excels. He climbs the ranks (see Miscellany) as a soldier and politician. Eventually he saves enough and gets an opportunity to find and free his mother, while accompanying a noblewoman to Egypt, only to learn she was killed and died. He goes, finds the nearest people who match the description, kills them. </p>
<p>The noblewoman is of course Padme Amidala of the house of Ptolemy. She is a Greek Egyptian, see? This is relevant because it allows Luke and Leia to have coloring that conceals them where we put Alderaan. But that's later. </p>
<p>Out in Egypt the two marry. But then Ani is called away to quell a "slave revolt" on the other side of the empire. Yah.</p>
<p>And things go downhill. </p>
<p>By the way, the Chiss? They are the Picts. Blue man group solidarity, dudes. Hehehe. Actually, I'm thinking that the Chiss would be the Han Dynasty, or perhaps even the New World. </p>
<p> </p>
<p>Active rebellions between 1 and 70 CE:</p>
<p>Passive resistance groups </p>
<p>With the end of the period of civil wars (44–31 BC), Augustus undertook the conquest of the Alpine valleys (from the Aosta Valley to the Arsia river in Istria) from 16 BC to 7 BC completing the conquest of the Italian geographical region. </p>
<p><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapydes">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapydes</a></p>
<p><a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquileia">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquileia</a></p>
<p>Sardinia: The last organized revolts were repressed by Marcus Caecilius Metellus in 115-111 BC and Titus Albucius in 106.[19] However the Sardinians living in the impervious mountains of the interior resisted the Roman colonization well into Imperial times.</p>
<p>Social War (91–87 BC): The Roman clients in Italy the Marsi, the Paeligni, the Vestini, the Marrucini, the Picentes, the Frentani, the Hirpini, the Iapyges, Pompeii, Venosa, Lucania and Samnium rebelled against Rome.</p>
<p>73bc Third Servile War: Some seventy gladiators, slaves of Lentulus Batiatus in Capua, made a violent escape.</p>
<p> Siege of Jerusalem (63 BC): Pompey conquered Jerusalem and entered the Holy of Holies of the Second Temple.</p>
<p>2nd Invasion of Britain: Julius Caesar's second invasion of Britain.</p>
<p>31 BC 2 September Battle of Actium: Forces loyal to Augustus defeated Antony and his lover Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, in a naval battle near Actium.</p>
<p>30 BC 1 August Final War of the Roman Republic: Antony's forces defected to Augustus. He committed suicide.</p>
<p>The province of Egypt was organized. Augustus took the title pharaoh.</p>
<p>Cantabrian Wars: Rome deployed some eighty thousand soldiers against the Cantabri in Iberia.</p>
<p>19 BC Cantabrian Wars: The last major combat operations ended. The Cantabri and Astures were pacified.</p>
<p><h1>10. 9. Cohortes Urbanae</h1></p>
<p>CU Lucius Racilius recruits deserter Andor, last known survivor of a village in the West, as informant in exchange for legal protection and clean slate (backdated paperwork). Lucius eventually is killed. His adopted son Draven takes over his position in the CU, metaphorically inheriting Andor as client. Eventually you find a plot equivalent to Rogue One. Whether Cassian and Jyn survive, eh. 50-50. I'd give them the live option myself though. There's no death star, and even though the ancient world didn't really do handrails and OSHA, they also didn't have blasters. They had slings and arrows…. Which… </p>
<p>Actually…. </p>
<p>Well, they wouldn't build ludicrous towers in random tropical islands. That's something, right?</p>
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galacticwildfire · 2 years
Illicit Affairs | Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Obi-Wan Kenobi x Amidala!oc
Rhea Amidala meets Obi-Wan Kenobi when he and his master come to her younger sisters aid and he discovers the queen's sister was once a Jedi, expelled from the order for her unwillingness to forgo love and attachment. The two stranded together on Tatooine find common ground despite their differences, and above all a hope within the other for something greater than themselves.
Word count: 6k
Tags/warnings: some angst, mostly fluff, a bit of darth maul
A/N: enjoy the fluff while it lasts because my god will there be angst. Also this is one of my favourite star wars chapters I've ever written
Obi-Wan and I stand outside the ship, watching the sand storm in the distance as it becomes clear to us this won't be just a quick stop.
"Follow after them," I tell Panaka and for once we're in agreement. "The rest of the crew will be safe with me, but I need to know she's safe."
"At once," he says and leaves to track them down, leaving Obi-Wan and I in charge.
I know it's raised questions in his mind why I'd send the queens guard after a handmaiden but he isn't an idiot, he knows there's reasons why a young queen has a selection of nearly identical handmaidens. 
"Well, this is definitely going to slow them down," he comments while I nod.
"She better be careful," I find myself muttering and sigh "I trust her, but still."
"Still you worry," he finishes. "That's understandable. Let me guess, Padme is your sister and the queen inside is a decoy?"
Considering he's in charge of her safety as much as I am I nod. "Yes. That's right."
"It's smart," he appreciates. "So the queen is with my master then." I nod again and he assures me. "She is safe with him."
"I know, but I don't trust him to be able to keep her from doing anything risky, which is why I've sent Panaka. She'll listen to him."
"By risky you mean anything you'd do?"
That brings a shadow of a smile to my face. "Precisely."
I look at him and see a shadow of one on his face as well now we've called a truce and curse myself a little for actually liking him, I will give it to him that it's been a long time since someone's held their own with me in an argument and not despised me afterwards. It's an unfortunate past time for me arguing over ideology.
But that isn't why I like him, no, it's something deeper than a mere respect, perhaps an appreciation for his company during this anxiety. 
It's then I hear Rabe call for me "A transmission from home!"
Obi-Wan and I share a look before heading back inside the ship where Sabe takes the transmission and I brace myself as an advisor appears.
"The death toll is catastrophic," Padme's advisor tells us in a hologram. "We must bow to their wishes. You must contact me."
"No," I immediately say switching it off. "He's a captive, we can't trust him now."
"She's right it's a trick," Obi-Wan agrees. "Send no reply. Send no transmissions of any kind."
"They'll only use it to reverse the signal to find our location," I say and he nods in agreement as I order the crew "Ensure there is no way they can intercept a location from the ship."
"Yes my lady," they immediately say but Obi-Wan isn't finished.
"Obi-Wan?" I ask as he leaves the room and follow him into the cockpit. "Obi-Wan?"
"I'm contacting Qui-Gon," he tells me, bringing this to his masters attention. "Master Qui-Gon, there's been a transmission from one of the Queen's advisors begging the queen to bow to the Trade Federation's wishes and contact them."
"It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace," he says, agreeing with what Obi-Wan and I believe.
Obi-Wan looks to me as he apologetically asks "But what if it is true, and people are dying?"
"Then those decisions fall to me," I tell him with a weight on my shoulders since Padme isn't here. "All we can do is wait for them to return so we can get off this rock and appeal to the Senate."
If it were up to me I would have acted the moment they first threatened us as her advisor for military matters, except there is no military despite my urging of Padme to begin expanding the security force. If we had a military I'd storm the city and wipe out the Trade Federation but that's not the Naboo way, it's not how Padme was raised. It was how I was raised. With Mace Windu over my shoulder, being my masters master.
"Either way we're running out of time," Qui Gon tells us before cutting the connection and we share a heavy look.
"I'm sorry this has happened to you and your people," Obi-Wan tells me, and he genuinely does mean it, he wants to help as much as I do.
"The trouble with being a pacifist planet with no military is this," I tell him and remember "Mace Windu trained my master and took a liking to me because I suppose I was more like him than the others, I had his urge for action over inaction, the only issue was I took that too far." He takes my words in and treats them with concern. "He'd be useful now."
"Mace Windu is an oddity that much is for sure," he agrees, the purple lightsaber being the least of it. "But have faith in Qui-Gon."
"I do," I assure Obi-Wan as we head back into the room with the generator, empty of handmaidens and security, just us. "I don't know how many diplomatic missions I accompanied Master Billaba on and yet I'm useless when I find myself in the middle of my own. Panaka and the rest don't respect my council, they know Padme just appointed me that so I'd feel some purpose."
"You do have purpose," he says and upon seeing the look on my face insists. "You do."
"Whatever purpose I had I gave it up when I was just fourteen," I tell him and he's quiet as I sigh and finally admit the truth. "Five years ago I was Padme's age. I knew I didn't fit in how I should, so I'd look to Qui-Gon and Mace Windu to convince myself I had a place there, but that's the thing, they took me when I was still old enough that I could remember a different life."
He nods in understanding and confides as he may have before if I hadn't jumped to arguing for the sake of it. "I've tried to hold onto my own memories, they slip away with age but there's still fragments, my mothers shawl, my fathers hands." Emotion creeps into his voice. "I think I had a baby brother."
The way his voice wavers with vulnerability exposes my own. "I have an older sister, Sola. She's only a year older than me, we were inseperable, and Padme well, she was just a baby when they came for me."
He looks confused "But it's Republic regulation to test children upon birth for force sensitivity?"
"Somehow I slipped through the cracks," I find myself saying but remember "Now I think about it all those off world relief missions my father would take me on as a child may have been for a reason. He was the one who fought against me being taken after all so maybe they did come when I was younger when I wasn't there. I mean, what better excuse is there to give than the potential Jedi is away helping those in need? Perhaps whoever they sent thought it could only benefit me and decided to come back in a year."
"It is a reasonable answer," he says, seeming surprised almost but I can't pinpoint why. 
"I had just turned six when they came and tested the family, Sola was normal, Padme- I think she might have been a little higher than normal but whatever I am it's enough that they told me they couldn't wait any longer and that I had to go with them and my mother happily agreed." A tear slips from the corner of my eye despite my best efforts and I don't wipe it away. "I didn't understand, she just stood there with my father as my sister cried and I was screaming. It was actually Master Windu who took me and well, you can imagine he wasn't gentle with the dressing down he gave me about my emotions." I realise my hands are trembling slightly as I grip the flowing fabric of my jumpsuit, red and gold like the royal colours of Naboo but with none of the extravagance, a halter around my neck with a fitted waist and a flowing bottom. I cling to the feeling of the fabric, to ground myself as I was taught and look up at the ceiling as I ramble. "I know it sounds pathetic, all of the Jedi were taken from their families but for some reason it was something I could never get over."
I'm jolted out of my daze by the touch of his hand on my cheek, wiping away that single tear and the touch is so foreign, to be comforted. "It's okay Rhea," he says gently. "You don't need to explain."
I let out a tearful laugh as I reach up to touch his hand, grasping it tight for some sort of stability before pulling it away from my face, still unable to be contented with being comforted. "You can see why I never made it as a Jedi now can't you?"
He shakes his head. "You can't blame yourself for loving your family, it's only human. Master Qui-Gon tells me that it's not as if we aren't allowed to have these feelings whatever they may be, but that it's our responsibility to let them go instead of holding on."
I look at him finding a new middle ground, realising perhaps Qui Gon's led his interpretation of the code to something more human than I'd first observed.
"I wish all Jedi thought as you and Qui-Gon did," I admit to him. "If they did perhaps I would have come here with you as an ambassador instead of as an escapee."
My eyes meet his and I realise my hands been touching his for far too long and release it, not knowing what to do with how that makes me feel as he tells me "You might not be a part of the order, but that doesn't change what you are."
I give him the same kind smile he gives me and my eye catches the glint of his saber. "I do miss it, my saber."
He raises a curious eyebrow "What form did you study?"
"My master insisted on III but I preferred form V."
He's almost amused. "Of course you would."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I laugh.
"It's a form built on dominating your opponent," he says and remarks "If that isn't you in a nutshell."
I want to try to refute his assessment but it's accurate. "Well, you aren't wrong. I was top of my class at a young age with saber skills, I remember Master Dooku even paying special attention to me but he'd left the order by the time I was old enough to become a padawan and so Master Billaba took me on. I worked on my form but it was Master Windu of all people who saw the emotions in me and gave her permission to teach me VII."
"Seven?" he exclaims, truly scandalised now. "That's seen as taboo by the council, forbidden even."
There's a troublesome glint in my smile. "Exactly, but under certain circumstances they'll allow it. It was Master Windu who invented Vaapad and taught it to my master and she taught it to me with his permission. My masters believed my passion only fueled my strength because for me there was no darkness since it didn't come from a place of fear, but justice."
"Passion?" he repeats, and I know that would be a rare word for Jedi like him.
"Yes, the forbidden fruit," I say, tasting the words with a dramatic touch to my voice. "Oh such a dangerous thing passion, oh no Obi-Wan Kenobi don't dare speak the word or else you'll turn Sith!"
He can't help but laugh and so do I, smiling as I lean back against the broken hyperdrive generator, feeling a kinship I haven't felt since I left the order.
"That is one thing Master Qui-Gon does not discourage," he suddenly tells me. "Passion."
"Really?" I ask and keeping it light inquire "So, does that mean you've explored forbidden attachments."
From the way his cheeks redden and his eyes sadden I have my answer. "When I was a lot younger and a lot less wiser."
He'd be in his early twenties but Jedi always do grow up too fast and become consumed with grief far too young. I know many padawans would play kissing games and such, but have an inkling that what he's referring to isn't anything like that.
"Are they alive?" I ask, treading carefully, feeling the energy change between us.
He gives a stiff nod. "Yes, that's what I was assigned to do, keep her alive." Now it's him who struggles with words and hesitates before telling me. "For a year I was with her, protecting her, but I never acted on what I felt until the mission came to an end."
I'm quiet, his forbidden attachment wasn't playful or even sexual, it was something far deeper.
"You loved her," I realise and he looks away, I don't press further. "It seems I mistook you, because you would know the struggles between love and duty better than I ever could."
I see him realise that he does, perhaps more than he ever admitted to himself before. 
"It was a long time ago."
I nod, taking the burden of conversation off of him, finding myself able to speak with more ease with him than anyone I've ever known despite this short time in each other's company.
"I've never been in love despite all my concerns about attachment," I confide in him, finding irony that I raise such issues when I've never had to deal with them as he has. "I've certainly never been loved either."
His eyes meet mine and it's as if he can read my feelings "But you want to be."
"Who doesn't?" I reply quietly. "If you had the chance to love again wouldn't you take it? Code and duty aside of course."
I watch him ponder that question and he's conflicted "I wouldn't want to suffer that loss again."
"To love without fear, that's what I desire," I tell him, realising in my heart just how alone I've been for so long. "I'm willing to take whatever grief may come, if only to be loved."
Here we are, two Jedi, discussing the most forbidden thing we possibly can.
Before either of us can dig this hole any deeper I feel my transmitter going off and it jolts me back to the situation at hand.
"That will be Padme," I say, her call breaking the tension. "Excuse me."
I find myself breathless as I leave the room to enter the empty hallway, and feel hot tears on my cheeks as I'm overwhelmed by the loneliness I've been suppressing for so long without even realising it. 
How can I object to the Jedi's code of attachment when I've never even been in love? And yet here is Obi-Wan, carrying this weight in his heart that I could never understand and still obeying the code completely.
"Rhea?" I hear her asking and sniffle, wiping the tears away as he did before.
"I'm here," I say and force a smile, even though she cannot see me. "How are you?"
"Safe," she answers. "A boy has given us shelter from the storm, he's quite nice, the people here are welcoming, even if they are slaves."
She's always had a heart so big, and so did I once.
"I'm glad you are safe," I tell her. "Everything is fine here."
"You don't sound fine," she replies and asks "What's wrong?"
"The past always finds a way of coming back Padme, know that," I tell her and breathe, knowing even if I've never been loved in the way I crave that I have her and Sola. "I love you more than life, you know that."
"Of course I know that," she promises me. "I love you too."
Tears continue wetting my face. "I'll see you when you get back, okay?"
The communication ends and I'm crying, desperate to protect her and Sola, not out of fear of losing them, but just wanting to make everything okay for her so she never feels what I do. So she never has to know what it is to be thrown away and discarded, by your family, by the people who raised you, only to grow up and find that it was all for nothing. 
Because despite everything, I'm still alone inside.
It's late when Obi-Wan finds me outside, watching the setting Tatooine suns in contemplation, feeling the force more strongly than I have in years.
"It's a sight isn't it," he remarks, but I can hear the worry in his voice.
"It is."
I feel his hand on my arm, his voice gentle. "You should come inside, it gets cold at night here."
"Not colder than space," I reply, taking a moment just to stand there with him, with another person who understands the conflict in my mind. "I'm glad I've met you Obi-Wan."
"And I you," he says and I look back at him, immediately feeling a sense of comfort. "It looks like we'll get to know each other better than we planned, this plan they've cooked up means we'll likely be here for a while longer."
"Do I even want to know?" I ask him and he sighs.
"It involves a child and podracing."
I laugh at the ridiculousness of it, deciding I don't want to know. "That's all I need to hear."
He notices the goosebumps on my arms, clothes designed for weather on Naboo, for training in the sun, not for places like this and takes his cloak, wrapping it around my shoulders. The familiar feeling of a Jedi's cloak is oddly comforting, although I suspect it is only because it's his.
His hand lingers on my arm, neither of us go to remove it as we look back towards the setting suns and I say "No matter how ugly a planet's society may be, or how corrupt, there's always beauty no matter what,and I'd rather stand here watching setting suns a thousand time's over and feel peace then dwell on fear and all that horridness."
I can hear the tragedy in my own words, at how with age I've become more of a Jedi than I ever intended, and he can feel it too. "
"You can feel it here can't you?" he asks, that peace. "The force."
My smile comes naturally to me. "The force as it should be. No rules or order. Just being. Just living with it and feeling it. How it should be." But there's also something else and I look in the direction Padme and Qui-Gon went. "But there's something strange here, you can feel it can't you?"
"I can, and so can Qui Gon," he tells me, it's then his transponder beeps and his hand slides up and down over the fabric covering my cold arm as he looks and answers it. "Master?"
"I need an analysis of this blood sample I'm sending you," Qui Gon says and we share a confused look before heading back on board the ship.
"Wait a minute," Obi-Wan says as we return to the empty cockpit to receive the transmission and I sit beside him, his cloak still wrapped around me. 
"I need a midichlorian count," Qui Gon tells us and my stomach sinks with a sick feeling. He's found a child, but it's forgotten the moment I look at Obi-Wan's screen.
"Is that real?" I exclaim as the results come through.
"It's off the charts?" Obi-Wan says in equal disbelief. "Over 20 000. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midichlorian count that high."
I'm speechless, the two of us sharing a look as Qui Gon says "No Jedi has."
"That- that's impossible," I stammer.
"What does it mean?" Obi-Wan asks Qui Gon.
"I'm not sure," he answers and trails off. "I'll check in with you soon."
The connection ends and Obi-Wan and I stare at the screen, then look at each other as if making sure it's real, and no matter how many times he runs the test it's the same result.
"So," I finally say. "It seems Qui-Gon found that strange something in the force."
"That he has," he agrees and we share an alarmed look, not even able to imagine what this will mean and gets out a device to test it. "Let's test ours to make sure it's not a system error."
I nod in agreement and he takes samples from us both to run and I'm actually curious to see what mine is, the results come back almost immediately. Obi-Wan and I's count is within a few hundred of each other, his 13000 and mine 13800, higher than some masters but nothing exceptional, it's only a guide for raw ability. Skill and force mastery as we're constantly reminded are far more important than that count. 
Obi-Wan's may be lower than mine but with a decade more of proper training I have no doubts he'd best me in a fight using the force. I would win hand to hand with a saber, I know damn well I always surpassed even the best students in my training, but the force is something else.
"So, it works," I say, us coming to terms with the fact Qui-Gon has found the most powerful child known to the Jedi Order. "I think Master Yoda's going to finally die when he hears this."
He nods in agreement, equally stunned. "I don't know how my master always gets into these situations."
"I dare say it's no coincidence we landed here," I realise. "It does seems we may be here for a long while yet."
He nods, coming to that possibility too and I sigh, pulling his cloak tighter around me as I stand and he asks "Where are you going?"
"Outside," I tell him, not wanting to stay cooped up in the ship. "I want to look at the sky." He hesitates and I coax "Come on."
He follows me outside and I look up, having rarely seen any night skies but Naboo's or Coruscants, and finding it almost as beautiful as the twin suns.
"One thing about our galaxy is every planets sky is always different, some barren and others filled with more than our minds could ever comprehend," I begin and tell him "It's where I often feel the force most and remind myself it is in everything, every star and planet in the sky and all the space in between."
He comes to stand by my side and admits. "With all the rules I tend to forget the force is more than just the code."
I smile to myself, us finally on the same page. "It's something I only truly discovered after I left the order, when I had to search for it in every living thing to find it instead of being reminded of it every waking moment." He's looking at me as I look at the night sky. "I find I only truly understand it when I realise it isn't meant to be understood, but felt."
His face is drawn in contemplation and I wander forward from the ship to bask in it, finding myself one in it and extend my hand to him "Come on."
He comes to me and takes my hand, letting me guide it up towards the stars. "Tell me that meditation could ever make you feel as one with the force as when you just let yourself feel instead of focusing on the absence of feeling."
Our entire lives we've been trained to feel the force through the absence of all other emotions, to feel only nothing, instead of feeling everything without blocking anything out, and I watch as he lets himself finally feel all of it.
"Luminous beings," he begins and I feel a change within him. "It's what Qui-Gon once told me we are, it's easy to forget it."
"It is," I admit, his hand now in mine and only now consumed by the force do I feel something else, a white light between us. "And just like finding that boy, I do believe things happen for a reason. Leaving the order, finding you and ending up stranded here." I have to believe it, despite how my mind likes to fight with my instincts. "I forget it, I get angry and hostile and forget everything I've ever been taught but somehow on quiet nights looking up at the galaxy I manage to find it."
All this time I've been lost, but finally I feel as if with him coming into my life I'm being pulled by the force in his direction, and I trust it. 
He squeezes my hand and I finally look at him, finding galaxies in his eyes. A man I fought so fervently with, all for the sake of letting my hatred loose, and now finding little of that left in my heart. 
I feel drunk on starlight now as I finally stop fighting my mind and let myself feel, pulling him down to the ground with me where we lay on our backs side by side to take it all in. 
"Do you feel it?" I ask him, the strangeness that we've both felt, not just in a boy miles away, but in the space between us.
I don't need to clarify just what it is I feel as he confirms "I feel it too."
He's the one now who guides my hand having studied the star maps, pointing out the distant star systems and nearer moons, both of us smiling and laughing into the night, our hearts lighter than I knew they could ever be. My own having never felt such pure peace in its nineteen years.
I look over at him as he explains something about the moons orbital cycle and find myself more entranced by him as I study his face in the moonlight, I don't know for just how long I do so until he turns his head towards me and whatever words he's saying are forgotten when he catches my eye and I feel my breath hitch. 
For just a moment I see a flash of something in his eyes, a hesitation, both of us knowing in the back of our minds this is everything we were always cautioned against, but it disappears with the feeling of the force and I see him let himself feel it, all of it, instead of trying to focus on the absence of emotion.
All I know as I look into his eyes is that this is that forbidden fruit, utterly unexpected and yet almost as if it has to be the will of the force in how we came to meet and unlike how I was told it would feel. There's no fear, no pain, nothing of the sort.
Only light.
The suns have risen as I stir awake and find my head resting on something unfamiliar and open my eyes to find my head resting on his shoulder, slowly feeling his arm around me and feel the weight of his cloak draped over us, not remembering quite how we ended up like this but vaguely remembering something about being cold. 
"Obi-Wan?" I murmur, and feel his hand smoothing over my hair. "What time is it?"
"Morning," he answers from the light that hits us, sounding like he's not long woken up himself. "It seems we dozed off."
I laugh softly. "No shit."
His hand is touching my cheek as I look up at him, a gentle smile on my face that quickly disappears the moment we realise just how wrong this is despite how right it feels and I suddenly go to sit up, sand falling out of my hair and he has to help me up as I twice at my stiff muscles.
"Up you get, there you go," he says with a hand on my back and we're both laughing quietly to try to ease the tension that is utterly different to how it was when we got on that ship. "Sleep well?"
"Better than I have in days," I answer truthfully, it being the first night I haven't laid awake in either frustration or fear. "And thankfully the world hasn't fallen apart while I did."
"Don't say that too soon," he cautions. "Our lives are depending on a nine year old with a podracer."
"Don't remind me," I say having to laugh from the ridiculousness of it. "Oh Obi-Wan, we are in quite the mess aren't we."
"That we are," he says, but it's with the accidental brush of his fingers along my spine I'm blushing and he looks around as if just remembering where we are. "But it seems we got the easier part of the mission, guarding the ship."
It's then I can feel something on the tip of my tongue. "Obi-Wan, Obi- Ben? Old Ben Kenobi!" I yell out in sudden realisation. "I do remember!"
"Oh no," he groans. "Masters nickname for me when I was younger."
I'm laughing as I finally realise why I couldn't place him despite knowing Qui-Gon. "Oh now I remember Master Qui Gon mentioning you, he kept calling you old Ben- I truly thought he meant an old man not you."
"Because he said I had the soul of a old man," I'm almost crying from laughter, still half asleep. "It's not funny!"
"It really is because it's true," I laugh and he laughs with me as I reach out to touch his face after having spent the night looking into those bright eyes. "You are an old soul Ben Kenobi,  but a beautiful one of that." At the colour that comes to his face I give him a thoughtless peck on the cheek and I get to my feet, a little dizzy, but happy. "Now we better actually check the ship's still intact."
I grab his hand to pull him to his feet and we walk through the ship with a newfound ease with one another, finding the pilots and security also at ease and the handmaidens giggling like the fourteen year old girls they should be, and I'm wondering from the looks they share as I walk past if they caught me outside with him.
"See, we're still flying half a ship," he says as we look around, everything in order.
"Except it's not flying that's the problem," I remind him and we head back outside to check everything out there is alright, no Tuskan Raiders creeping up on us.
I smile up at the suns kissing my face, feeling Obi-Wan slide his cloak off my shoulder's so I can feel the sun on my skin and smile up them as I bathe in it.
"Oh that is beautiful," I smile, craving the warmth it gives me and know I truly was built for Naboo's weath.
"It's not the only thing," he murmurs as if he half expected the words to remain in his head and I can't help the smile on my face as I look at him, standing there and looking at me in a way I can only call awe. 
"Is that so?"
"You're made for the sun," he tells me and after a moment of contemplation continues. "Tan skin, dark hair and those big brown eyes of yours, you look as if you could bathe in it forever and you'd only grow richer from it."
His words leave me speechless and I manage to get out "I didn't realise you were so poetic Obi-Wan Kenobi."
"And I didn't realise Rhea Naberrie was well, you."
"Me?" I question, suddenly confused and he elaborates.
"You aren't the only one who remembered some things, I remember the fuss now when you left,' he reveals, finally having placed me just as I've placed him. "They called you reckless and even dangerous but looking at you now, you couldn't be further from that."
"Reckless or dangerous?" I tease but the look in his eyes makes my breath catch in my throat.
"Well you might be a little reckless, certainly a whole lot of trouble but not dangerous," he tells me, and he might be the first person, or at least the first Jedi, who has looked at me and seen what I never could. "I have no doubt you'd be deadly in a fight, you're a Jedi after all, but there's no darkness, none of that, just light."
Now I am truly speechless, especially so as he extends his saber to me and I look up at him "Obi-Wan..."
"Go on," he says with a warm smile. "I know you miss it."
He places his saber in my hands, a sign of trust, and the rush that goes through me as I ignite it brings tears to my eyes and I smile at the blue light, and at him. 
"I do- I do miss it," I breathe, feeling it in my soul. "I truly do miss it."
"Then perhaps there's a way," he proposes and there he is, a light I never expected. "A way you could become a Jedi again." 
And something in me causes me to throw my arms around his neck, on the tips of my toes to reach, the saber in my hand hope materialised. When I pull back to look at him I can feel the space around us slow, his touch almost overwhelming as he holds my cheek, as my hand wraps around the back of his neck, and I realise what it is to be lost in someone's eyes.
It's in that very moment as the light is so blinding I can't feel anything else and as I search his eyes I realise just what it is I've been searching for since leaving the order, and it's right in front of me. Whether it's him, or the force, or something else. It's going to be with him. 
"Rhea," he begins as we become aware of this strange feeling between us until he looks past me, feeling it just before I do.
"What is it?" I ask him, unable to determine it myself.
"I'm not sure," he answers. "But it's something strange." He looks at me before removing my hand from the back of his neck only to take it in his own. "Come on, let's find out what it is."
Quietly we make our way through the desert, the force calling us over to the horizon and we trek until we find a cave that looks unsuspecting enough but still he draws his saber and discreetly puts himself in front of me. 
We expect something, anything, but when we enter we find it utterly empty, which confuses us both as we walk through it. 
It's only when Obi-Wan stops I realise he's in pain.
"I feel grief," he tells me as he walks through it. "Agony."
"I- I don't feel any of that," I say quietly, seeing only the light that breaks through the holes in the roof. "I just feel... relief, the type of relief that makes you want to cry, I-" 
I find myself lost for words as I put a hand over my heart at the emotions that come to me, stronger than anything I've ever felt or knew I could feel, even if it's relief it's accompanied by agony just the same. 
He looks back at me and I realise he's feeling it too as he reaches for his own heart. 
"Obi-" I begin as I step forward as he grimaces. "Obi-Wan."
"I'm alright," he tries to insist but we both know he's not. "It's just- I've never felt anything like this."
"Neither have I," I say and reach for his hand with the need to hold onto something for stability. 
"Are you alright?" he asks me as if he doesn't look as if he's about to collapse under the weight of the agony he feels. "Rhea?"
"I'm fine," I assure him, faring better than he is at least and see him looking around the cave with a pure dread. "Obi-Wan?"
He shakes his head and I hold onto him as begins "This..." he trails off unable to find the words.
"What is this?" I find myself whispering, the emotions I feel, I wish I could say they weren't my own but I know somehow that they are. 
"I don't know but I don't like it," he answers shortly and grasps my hand tight in his. "We're leaving."
I don't argue with him as we leave the cave behind and yet as I look back over my shoulder I leave with a knowing that someday we'll return to it. 
Neither of us acknowledges what we felt inside of there as we quickly make our way back to the ship, each of us with a newfound eagerness to get off this strange planet and just as we reach it we see them in the distance and I look at him in astonishment.
They did it.
"Rhea!" I hear Padme calling out and I let go of him to run forward towards her and she practically jumps into my arms. "We're back."
"Did you get it?"
"We got it," she smiles up at me and I instinctively look back at Obi-Wan, smiling in relief as I meet his eyes and nod in confirmation, hugging her again as Qui-Gon comes. Once the commotion has eased we realise Qui-Gon is not staying.
"I'm going back," he tells Obi-Wan and me. "Some unfinished business, I won't be long."
Obi-Wan sarcastically remarks "Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform?"
"Don't insult Jar Jar," I retort, both of us laughing and Qui-Gon chuckles.
"I'm glad you two are finally getting along. It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts," he tells us and we quickly remember him, having forgotten about the boy with a midichlorian count that should not be possible after the events of the evening. "Get this hyperdrive generator installed."
"Yes Master," Obi-Wan says. "That shouldn't take long."
Qui-Gon goes again as quickly as he came, and we happily get to work.
I sit on top of the hyperdrive generator while Obi-Wan works on replacing the parts.
"You know what, I'm going to try to be optimistic and not worry about the ordeal that's going to be the senate until we actually get there," I tell him as I pass him the tools he needs. "But that being said I am worrying a lot."
"Your planet is under invasion, it would be strange if you weren't worrying," he replies as my legs dangle off the edge. "You quite happy up there at least?"
"Very," I answer, trying to make it last. "How are you going down there."
"Almost done," he answers and he lifts me off the generator by the waist, his hands lingering as he asks "Can you go check to see if Master Qui-Gon's near, he's been gone a while I'm starting to worry."
"Of course," I answer, still sensing some residual grief from that cave and peck his cheek again as I leave him to finish fixing the generator, but the moment I walk down the platform I know something isn't right. 
My eyes catch a droid nearby, a surveillance probe, and my stomach drops knowing we're the only thing in miles it would be looking at. My instincts kick in, whether it's from the Hutt's or someone else I shoot it down and at the sound of the blaster shot Obi-Wan runs out.
I turn back to him, blaster still in hand and warn "Somebody's been watching us."
It's then both our heads whip around to the sound of a speeder and we see Qui-Gon running towards us with a boy following and a speeder not far behind.
"Anakin drop!"
The boy drops to the ground while I fire on the speeder, only for Obi-Wan to grab me in equal horror as a red blade emerges, clashing with Qui-Gons green saber.
"Go!" Qui-Gon yells out. "Tell them to take off."
It's then me grabbing Obi-Wan, dragging him back to the ship and he remains calmer than I would be if that was my master, ordering the pilot to fly low so we can escape rather than fight, and I stare down at the red and black man who meets my eye and all I feel is pure darkness as Qui-Gon manages to jump on board and we disappear into the atmosphere.
"Master!" I yell out, Obi-Wan and I coming to Qui-Gons side while the boy yells out for him.
"I'm alright," he assures us, out of breath. "Or at least I think so."
"What was that?" Obi-Wan asks, my hand on his shoulder as I stand over them.
"I'm not sure," Qui-Gon admits. "But it was well trained in the Jedi arts, my guess is it was after the queen."
I feel Obi-Wans hand reaching out for mine now as I curse under my breath and the little boy asks "What are we gonna do about it?"
Qui Gon sighs and says "We shall be patient."
"Patient!" I snap, spinning back around and feel Obi-Wan trying to calm me down. "Whatever it is is after my sister and you're saying we should be patient?"
"There's not much else we can do right now," Obi-Wan tells me, hands gripping my arms to keep me in place. "Remember what you said about not worrying."
I narrow my eyes at him but don't argue, as at peace with the force as I may be in his presence when my sister is involved that goes right out the window. 
"If we see it again, it's dead," I say and he gives a permitting nod, not arguing with that after it tried to kill his master. 
"Anakin Skywalker," I hear Qui-Gon say and turn my attention to the boy he's taken. "Meet Obi-Wan Kenobi."
"Hi," the boy says happily, shaking Obi-Wans hand. "You're a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you."
The apprehension I had when we heard about the boy eases when I see he's happy and considering he was most likely a slave I have no arguments but Obi-Wan and I both look at each other when we realise his age. I was taken at six and this boy would be even older than that, nine or so maybe, far too old and yet everything on this planet has been nothing but strange.
"Anakin, meet the Queen's sister Rhea," Qui-Gon says to the boy and he happily shakes my hand as well. 
"Pleased to meet you too," he says and tells me "You look like Padme."
I chuckle and so does Obi-Wan, the boy's bright or at least fascinated with my sister.
"I'm pleased to meet you Anakin," I say and check him over to make sure he's not hurt after that ordeal. "Come on, let's get you some water."
With everyone back on board and hours now into our journey to the capital I stand with Padme as she watches the transmission we received while she was away, her face stone as most of the crew sleeps. 
"We determined it was a trick to provoke us into giving up our location," I tell her, but it makes little difference. "We don't know if the reports of the death toll are true."
"But they could be," she says and her attention is only taken away from the matter by the boy sitting nearby and I watch as she goes over to him, her compassion stronger than her fear.
"Are you alright?" she asks him.
Only now the reality of leaving home is sinking in for the boy and I watch with concern as he says "It's very cold."
I watch as she brings him over a blanket and feel a familiar hand on my shoulder. 
"You look cold as well."
I run a hand down my bare arms, not protesting as he wraps his cloak around me. 
"The boy's right, space is cold," I say turning to Obi-Wan, leaving Padme with Anakin. "Is Qui-Gon alright?"
"Thankfully yes," he answers and asks me "But are you?"
In all honesty I shake my head. "My planet has been invaded and now someone who is trained in the Jedi arts is after my sister. I'm far from alright."
"Come on," he says guiding me somewhere quiet. "You should be sleeping, or at least resting. Once we reach the capital I suspect we won't be getting much."
"There's not many places to sleep on a ship like this," I yawn, despite having slept well I dare say we spent the better half of the night awake with one another. "Padme's only fourteen and dealing with all of this and more, she needs me."
"She has her handmaidens and you both need sleep," he says, likely knowing the sleep I got with him in the night was all I've had in days. Now I've had a little my body craves more, it craves it with him beside me. 
We sit down together in the engine room, warmth radiating from the shield generator and I turn my head to look at him, us shoulder to shoulder, and notice the tiredness in his own face. The grief that's been there since we walked into that cave.
"So do you."
"Well come on then," he says, wrapping an arm around me with the excuse of keeping me warm and immediately he puts me at ease in a way that no one else ever has. "Let's sleep."
"Let's sleep," I repeat, him taking me in his arms enough that my head rests comfortably against his shoulder, both of us finding comfort in one another and I swear as I fall asleep I feel his lips on my forehead. 
"Sweet dreams."
And I smile it back as I slip into sleep. "Sweet dreams."
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Phantom in the Dark 2
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!:  DARTH MAUL (A warning in and of himself), Death, injuries, loss and sadness. AAANNNNGGGSSSTTT!!!!!  Ok we all know what’s coming but it’s still gonna hurt!
A/N: I don’t own any rights to the story or characters in Cannon Star Wars.  There are a few portions of the dialogue within this chapter.  This is a Loving tribute and work of Fan fiction, with a few tweaks and twists of my own!  If you haven’t ever read the novelization there’s a few things that I tossed in there, highly recommend the read.  As a kid I thought that the Baddies were more greedy than evil, but after reading a little and watching clone wars I tweaked this to fit more how I thought it should go.  Hope you all enjoy! 
PS- This is gonna be VERY picture heavy, because I'm not always confident in my ability to write without giving a visual. Sorry....
Picture Credit: Pinterest/ Lucasfilm LTD
Word Count: 4700
MASTERLIST Next Part (3)
Upon jumping out of hyperspace it became apparent that the blockade was over with only one control ship remaining in orbit.  None the less your craft was surely detected and time was precious.  That the Nubian cruiser landed on the planet in one piece completely solidified your opinion that this was indeed a trap.  Queen Amidala seemed to have a plan in mind to garner support and possibly an army from the neighboring Gungans.  Enlisting the help of the exuberant Jar Jar Binks your small force was to make their way to the underwater capitol Otoh Gunga.  Having found the city deserted Jar Jar surmised that the Gungan populace had probably sought refuge in their sacred temple. 
You made plainly clear that you didn’t like the idea of dragging a child into a warzone to Master Qui Gon.  Unfortunately, there really wasn’t anywhere safe to put Anakin till this blew over.  He was a spitfire though. Having reunited with his friend Padme he insisted that he could help her protect the Queen.  Not wanting to give away the surprise you kept your big mouth shut and smirking. 
It was during the negotiations with the Gungan leadership that Queen Padme Amidala finally dropped her façade.  You and the men knew of course, but you still had to give credit where it was due.  Padme had managed to avoid capture and assassination from this well played deception.  Not only was she resourceful, but humble and brave. 
She made an impassioned speech before Boss Nass and his council, stating that though the two did not always see eye to eye the two groups would always be united by the planet they called home.  Humbling herself before them, Queen Padme begged the Gungans help to save her people and their shared planet.  It was this act of faith that sealed the pact with the Gungans, even though it was likely that many of them would be killed in this little war. 
After the recon team returned from Theed and the last of the strategy had been completed you stepped away to clear your head.  Obi Wan was needed to help work with the pilots, but you needed to think away from the cacophony of preparation.  Taking a stroll into the woods a ways, you found a clearing.  Naboo was a beautiful, vibrant world so teeming with life.  You sat meditating for a long while, til small footsteps approached you.  “Miss Y/n?”
“Yes Anakin?”  you kept your eyes closed, not moving.
“Um … can I sit with you for a while?” His voice seemed tired for a youngling.  
Opening your eyes, you studied him.  It was clear that he was anxious, but about what was the question.  Patting the grass next to you, he took the offered spot.  Looking at how you sat he tried his best to imitate.  You had to straighten him out a little though.
“Here, chin up. Head tall, no slouching.  Master Windu always says that the better the posture the sharper the mind.  Just breathe and listen to what’s around you.”
“All I here are speeders and animals dragging things?”  Anakin's small face was scrunched in concentration.
Laughing a little, knowing that you were going directly against your own Master’s directive, you thought how best to put it.  “Try…filtering it?  Listen beyond to what’s going on in the woods.  Then hold onto that and just breathe, kind of let go of everything?”
Obi Wan had finally apologized to Master Qui Gon about his attitude of late towards the boy.  You had caught him earlier doing a slight of hand trick causing Anakin to laugh.  Once he had gotten past his initial dislike and territorialism Obi Wan had actually found that Anakin wasn’t so bad as he thought.  The boy couldn’t help that he had gotten attached to Qui Gon, or that the Master had become fond of the boy as well.  Anakin was a sweet kid and very easy to like.    
“Now feel for something warm like…a blanket on a cold night.”  Looking at Anakin’s face again you could see the calm settle over it.  “Good job buddy.  Why don’t you keep practicing, I’ll send Master Qui Gon over, Huh?”
Peeking one eye open, he smiled, “Ok!  Thank you, Miss Y/N!”
“You can just call me Y/N, Ok Ani-Man?”  The boy smiled brightly and you set off to find the Master in question.  As it would happen he wasn’t too far off.
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                Qui Gon Jinn had been a Jedi Master and instructor for many cycles and had the opportunity to watch others as they taught.  Some had patience, some were strict, and some were just naturally in tune with children.  His own apprentice he could see one day being a wise and patient master.  You he saw as more of a guide, working with students and letting them lead, but also letting them learn from failure.  Both you and Obi Wan complimented each other in those respects. 
Qui Gon did worry about the bond that the two young Jedi had with each other.  Not for a second did he believe that either of you wouldn’t uphold the spirit of your vows as Jedi or let it interfere with your duties.  No, his concern was that one of you may be lost one day, and that the other would face what he had.  Together though you and Obi Wan were perfectly paired.  He never told Obi Wan that he knew about the relationship, giving that small piece of privacy.  He suspected that Mace was unaware, or the two of you would have been separated immediately.  Stepping out of the shadows he called out.  “Y/n, have you seen Anakin?”
“Oh Master Qui Gon!  Yeah, he’s meditating over by the pond.  Did you need something?”  You were not expecting him to pop out of the blue, normally being able to sense those around you far sooner.
“Actually, I hoping for a word with you.  I’m sorry that you got pulled into all this.”  Qui Gon looked sadly at you.  There were days that your youth was dimmed and the toll of life was evident within your eyes.  Today he could well see the map of every battle in your past and felt the apprehension within you, it well matched his own. 
“I feel that it’s less anything you did and more Master Windu testing me yet again.” Your eyes rolled, but there was no spite in the statement. Disagree though you often did, you cared deeply for your Master.
“Just the same.  I did want to ask, do you believe this to be a foolish venture?” Qui Gon folded his arms leaning against the nearest tree.
“Freeing a people from oppression and pain is never foolish.” You said with ease and confidence.  “I do however feel that going into occupied territory, in broad daylight, in large numbers… that might be a little foolhardy.”
Qui Gon chuckled a little under his breath.  “Well, I can’t argue that wisdom.  Unfortunately, time is not on our side this time my young friend.”
“Is it ever?” You sighed gazing out as if to see a portent of the events to come. 
“No, I suppose it’s not.”  Smiling he turned towards Anakin, who by now was fast asleep having meditated too deeply.  The boy’s future was in the air as much as any of theirs.  While Qui Gon knew that Obi Wan was now more amicable towards Anakin, you had developed a small friendship with him as well.  “Y/n?”
“Yes Master Qui Gon?” you quirked your brow up, turning to face the older Jedi better.
  There was an odd tone in his voice, one you weren’t used too.  Cocking your head to the side you looked at Master Qui Gon, really studying him.  He seemed far too tired; stressed from the mission and the Council’s decision regarding Anakin’s training.  In a way he appeared to have aged rapidly in the last few days.
“I need you to promise me something.”  He saw you nod in acknowledgement, though he also saw the suspicious look in your eyes.  Smiling a bit to himself he thought about what Melri would have thought of all this, knowing that this was similar in action to the path she had put he and Mace on years ago.  “Keep an eye on them for me.”
“Two, if I can.”  You winked at him.  Your face grew serious then. "Is everything alright Master?”
                He tried to relax his expression, smiling confidently at you despite his own wariness.  He knew that you too sensed something was amiss.  “Everything will be fine.  I think Obi Wan was looking for you though.”
Again, you had kept your expression a schooled neutral, though Qui Gon noticed a very small blip in your signature.  He often wondered if maybe he noticed these small nuances because he had spent so much time with you and perhaps Mace hadn’t?  Taking a few steps forward he gave you a genuine smile and your shoulder a gentle nudge in the direction he knew you wanted to follow.    Perhaps you and Obi Wan would avoid the pain of loss.
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The two small assault forces infiltrated the capitol of Theed with little trouble.  While the second group, led by Captain Panaka, distracted the plaza guards the other went for the main hanger.  That’s where all farking hell broke loose between a platoon of droids raining blaster fire down on you and trying to get the pilots to their ships and away.  As the fight intensified you had seen Anakin duck into one of the fighters.  As the joint assault force finally took out the last of the droids, the hanger seemed secure for the moment.
“Your Highness are you alright.” You asked the young woman from across the bay.
“Yes, thank you.  My guess is that the Viceroy is in the throne room.”  She straightened an errand hair, checking her blaster.
“I agree,” Master Qui Gon was already scanning the bay for anything out of place.  Seeing Anakin trying to get out of the fighter eager to rejoin you all he raised a hand.  “No Ani, you stay there, stay right where you are.”
“But I…” Anakin was cut short.
“Stay in that cockpit.”  Qui Gon’s voice was firm, it was the end of the discussion.
“Don’t worry Ani-Man, we’ll be back in no time.  But keep your head low, Ok?” You shouted to the young man before making your way to the end of the bay, giving him a small smile.  He’d be ok, you hoped.  If nothing else the ship provided ample cover and concealment.
Your lightsaber was tucked into your boot, out of sight but within reach.  You had opted instead to use a blaster like the others so as to not look out of place.  Suddenly you felt something, something cold.  It was as if you had been dropped in a vat of liquid nitrogen, the hairs on your neck stood straight up.  Grabbing young Padme, you pulled her back… from what you weren’t sure.  She looked at you startled, “Y/n what are you…”
The bay doors opened revealing not a man, but a monster of legend.  The dark figure dropped his cloak, revealing a head of black and red markings crowned by jaundiced horns.  The eyes of the creature though, they glowed yellow like the fires from the depths of Perdition.  Like many others as a youngling you’d heard the stories of the Sith, had a few nightmares about them too.  But none of that compared to the sight in front of you.  Stepping between Padme and this creature your first instinct was to grab for your blade.
“We’ll handle this,” Master Qui Gon and Obi Wan had already moved to engage.  Nodding to them you understood that your job was now to stay with the Queen and end the fighting on the planet.  Giving both of them a glance you sent them a final wish.  “May the Force be with you.”
Padme had already switched gears, “We’ll take the long way.”
                Heading through the maze of hallways and up a grand staircase the group was soon overtaken by a squad of battle droids.  Split down the middle of the hall you were all taking heavy fire.  Looking around there wasn’t any real cover, just exposed tall windows.  You looked to the Captain, “Any way we can bypass those stairs?”
Panaka nodded his head then blasted the window closest. “One.”   
A six-flight ascent by grappling, and yet another blasted window later you were within reach of the objective.  However, a detachment of destroyer droids and the Viceroy had other plans.  After being captured you were brought before Viceroy Nute Gunray and his second in command Rune Haako in the throne room.  Haako sneered at the Queen, raising a hand to strike her.  Knowing there was no time to block the blow properly you moved between the two, taking the hit instead.  It was made with enough force that you were knocked back onto the floor. 
Haako laughed, smiling at his own cruelty, “You should teach your handmaid some restraint.”
“Rune there will be time for that later.  Your little insurrection is at an end your Highness.  Time for you to sign the treaty and end this pointless debate in the Senate.”  Gunray was pacing on the opposite side of the ring of chairs.  Haako was still towering over both you and Padme.
“Maybe we shouldn’t kill them after all.  Both would bring a fair price on the slave markets.”  He ran a lascivious finger down the young Queen’s arm.  To Padme’s credit if looks could kill, Haako would have been an ashen pile on the floor.    
The Nemoidian was already counting his credits, judging by the look he was giving all of you.  Captain Panaka had helped you back to your feet, offering you a sleeve to wipe the blood from your lip.  The droids had taken all the blasters but had failed to find your saber.  Placing yourself again between the Queen and harm, you swatted away Haako’s hand.  He raised his arm once more to strike you, but was interrupted by a commotion in the hall.    
Gunray and Haako looked down the hallway shocked at seeing what appeared to be the Queen in her full garb, armed guards in tow.
“YOUR REIGN OF TERROR IS AT AN END!”  Sabe blasted a few of the droids for effect. Her group then dashed down an opposite hall.
Viceroy Gunray wasn’t silent for long, gesturing wildly. “AFTER HER!  This one’s a decoy!”
As some of the droids marched out Padme used the distraction to perfection.  Retrieving a set of small blasters hidden in her throne, she tossed one to the good captain.  Running forward you went into a slide under the remaining droids as they tried to blast you.  Rising with your blade in hand you sliced through the clattering machines.  You turned again, pressing the control panel on the wall bringing down the doors, effectively locking everyone in.  The Nemoidians were stunned, but weren’t about to surrender yet.  Padme turned to the two jaw set, “And now Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty.  This is the end of your occupation here.”
Gunray scoffed haughtily, “Don’t be absurd.  There are too few of you, even with a Jedi.  It won’t be long before hundreds of destroyer droids break into this room and rescue us.”
At that moment you doubled over in agony, the feeling one you had only experienced once before.  It wasn’t an injury to you, but as if someone dear to you had been.  It was soon followed by another wave of both sorrow and anger.  The Force itself was rippling from the shockwaves.  You recovered as quickly as you could, knowing that the enemy would look for any opening to make an escape attempt.  Re leveling your saber at the Viceroy and his man you glared and stood your ground. 
Haako sneered, “Our Lord's plaything has finished your friends, and soon he will finish you all.”
Maker but what if he were right?  What if Master Qui Gon & Obi Wan were gone?  No, you had to focus.  The first priority had to be the mission and the people in the room.  You lowered your blade infinitesimally, narrowing your eyes.  Haako was far too over confident for the situation he was in.  Even Viceroy Gunray had begun to sweat a little.  So what was the other Nemoidian playing at?
You stared down, or up as the case was, the Trade Federation Skughole. "Not if I have anything to say about it."
     Captain Panaka must have had a suspicion of his own, slowly coming to stand nearly in front of the Queen on her throne.  The moment happened so fast though, thinking back on it.  You saw Haako pull a knife from below his robes and leapt towards Padme.  Panaka kicked him, sending Haako back but not disarming him.  Sprinting the second the initial threat had appeared you moved again to face the Nemoidian.  His red eyes boring into yours with abject hate.  “I’m not waiting for Maul to come.  I’ll finish you both myself for the trouble you’ve caused!”
                Raising his arm he swung the knife to land a blow that would end you.  Master Windu often said that it was never about rising to the occasion, but falling back to the level of your training.  Simply put you didn’t think about the actions as you took them.  Spinning quickly into Haako to close the distance you grabbed the arm with the knife.  Twisting and with a great pull you flipped him forward. But as the Nemoidian fell his cloak twisted around, causing him to fall at an awkward angle.  This pulled you forward to roll with him. as you both landed Haako slashed your arm and kicked the saber across the room.  
Haako had regained the upper hand, kneeling over you.  He simultaneously kept a stranglehold on your throat and with his other hand was trying to jam the blade into your chest.  It was enough of a struggle that you were barely preventing the blade from doing more than superficial damage.  Padme raised her weapon to fire but Captain Panaka stayed her hand, “No! you might hit the girl.” 
You were struggling against his superior physical strength and loosing air rapidly.  Closing your eyes you focused on using the Force bringing one of the throne room chairs flying across the floor.  Like a bug in front of a speeder the chair careened into Haako, and then into the marble wall.  Both landed with a deafening thud.  Padme kept her blaster leveled at Gunray, “Don’t even think about it.”
Sitting up you coughed, throat finally able to pull in air once more.  Something was wrong though, you could sense it.  Moving cautiously to where your opponent had fallen you looked down in horror.  The knife that had almost ended you was now embedded into Rune Haakos chest.  He must have died on impact, near instantaneous.  Not even the sacred crystals in the Halls of Healing could have brought him back.  Bile rose in your throat, stumbling back you wretched your guts upon the floor. 
Your mind reeled,  “What have I done?”  
“What you had to do.”  Captain Panaka had come to stand behind you.  He pulled you up by your arm and handed your lightsaber back to you.  “It was him or you.  Make no mistake he wouldn’t have regretted killing any of us.”
Your mind became a torrent, not wanting to accept that your hands were now stained with this Nemoidian's blood.  What kind of Healer…what kind of Jedi were you?  The logical part of yourself knew that the Captain was right of course.  That is had you not acted then you and or Padme would be dead.  Staring at the body one last time you asked Panaka to ensure that Haako’s family be given the body for burial. He may have been a fallen enemy, but you could at least ensure that courtesy.  There were no tears to shed, only the feeling of hollowness and cold.   
The word came down that the control station destroyed and the war over.  The reports from the field were still counting the Gungan injured and dead, casualties mercifully still less than initially expected.  After securing the Viceroy and his remaining staff you went in search of your friends.  Tracing your way back to the hangar you found Anakin who, as asked hadn’t left the cockpit of the spacecraft.  He had however flown said craft straight into the dogfight above and been the one to blow up the control ship.  You had crushed the boy to you upon finding him, relieved at his safety.  That was one accounted for at least.
Placing him in the care of the other pilots you continued your search.  The power station below the capitol was deep and winding.  You had to reach with the Force to find an exact location, focusing with all that you had left.  The signatures weren’t distinct initially and one faded as you were making the descent, snuffed out of the world like a flame in the wind.  When you came at last to the pit, you were both relieved and saddened. 
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Obi Wan cried out like a wounded animal, cradling the body of his fallen Master.  There was no sign of the Sith.  Making your way to them you had to fight the bile rising in your stomach again.  Slowly you knelt next to Obi Wan, not wanting to jolt or startle him.  You tried to reach your signature to his,  whispering to him, moving cautiously. “Obi?”
He didn’t hear you, so again you called to him, placing a gentle hand to his arm.  “Obi Wan, are you hurt?  Is that thing still here?”
Tear-stained eyes looked at you, so lost and in pain that it tore your heart to absolute shreads.  His signature finally flickered against yours, wrapping tightly.  “Y/n?”
 “I’m here, I’m Here.” You voice cracked.    
Your hand moved to rest on his cheek turning him to look at you, thumb swiping away the tears.  Looking down at Master Qui Gon you could see the evidence of what had befallen him.  The tears you were holding back threatened to break loose and join Obi Wans.  Master Qui Gon had to have felt something within the Force, that was the only explanation you had for all of his odd behavior leading up to this.  Falling back to your training once more, you reached out to see if Obi Wan was indeed uninjured.  His gaze was far away, tolerating your examination with little acknowledgement.  His gaze passed from Qui Gon to the Pit, then finally back to you.  “I killed him.”
Your hands paused their work, looking into his bleak eyes.  “Who did you kill Obi Wan?”
“That thing, I killed him.”  His voice cracked. 
Obi Wan finally blinked, coming back to himself.   It was as if he was finally seeing you; that until then you had only been a part of the ether.  Obi Wan glanced to your face, then to your neck.  The bruising was starting to form dark purple marks, the cut on your lip very apparent.   Anger rose within him again, threatening to set loose on whomever had done this to his woman.  Raising his hands he turned your chin, seeing the full extent of what had happened.  Then he noticed the cuts on your chest where your dress had been blood soaked from the struggle with the knife.  Rage crossed his features, no longer only from the loss of his Master and mentor. 
"Who did this?" Obi Wan's voice took on a distinctive growl. "Who?!"
“Obi I’m alright.  I promise I’m alright.”  You had never seen him like this, it frightened you.  Reaching further you felt something terrible within his signature, trying to get out.  No, you wouldn’t lose him, not to the darkness... not like this! 
"I'll kill the bastards..."
“Obi Wan look at me…  Its over, it’s over!  Please, let it stay over.” Your pleas high pitched but soft spoken. Stroking his face you prayed to whichever higher being was present to aid you.   “Obi please…  Stay with me love? Please stay please....”
                Obi Wan saw the tears in your eyes finally fall, twin trails marking your battered face.  He felt your signature calling for his own to be calm, to find peace.  Was it not enough that his Master had been killed this day, was it not enough that he was now responsible for a young man’s future?  Was the Universe itself trying to beat him down, crushing him beneath its weight?!  But Obi Wan knew that he could not give into these feelings of fear, of anger, of despair.  No, he would not abandon the light, not abandon all that Master Qui Gon had taught him.  Most of all he would not abandon you.
You saw it, the minute that it was over for him.  When the light returned to his eyes and he pulled you into his arms, kissing your forehead gently.  Obi Wan held you tightly, as if you too would disappear.  You clutched him just as tightly, crying like you hadn’t in years for the losses of this day, true wracking sobs.  The tension within you began to uncoil, you gazed into his clear blue eyes again. 
“I’m so sorry Obi Wan.  I’m so very sorry...”
“I know love,” pressing his forehead to yours, pressing a ghost of a kiss to your lips, “I know.”
The two of you brought the body of Qui Gon Jinn back to the hanger, from there the pilots took him to their chapel nearby.  A gesture of kindness and respect.  Anakin was with Padme, having insisted that he protect her until your return.  As he saw you and Obi Wan enter the room his young face fell in sorrow, Padme held him as his tears fell. 
Obi Wan wasn’t sure how to comfort Anakin, but he had made a promise to his Master and it would be done.  He moved to kneel in front of Anakin, Padme and her escorts let you three have the room, she informed you that both the new Chancellor and members of the Jedi Council would arrive soon. There was a river of unwept tears behind the Queens eyes, for her people and the Gungans and for the Jedi. In the years following Padme would observe the anniversary of the victory in the Naboo Temple, deep in prayer for the souls of who gave all their tomorrows for the peace of today.  
Using the sleeve of his robes Obi Wan tried wiping the tears away, giving a sad smile.  At first he though what would Qui Gon do, but there was still too much pain there for an answer.  So, Obi Wan looked at you, now kneeling next to him and thought what would Y/n do?  That answer came more readily, he pulled both of you to him in a hug.  It was brief but it seemed to help you all, a little balm on such a large wound. 
“It’s alright to feel sad Anakin, we miss him too.”  Your own eyes threatened to cloud over again.
“Why…Why did he have to die?”  Anakin’s eyes held just a touch of anger behind them. 
Obi Wan swallowed thickly, “Qui Gon was a protector of the light, at times that means making a great sacrifice so others may carry on.”
 “I’m sorry mister Obi Wan, for your loss.  You don’t have to worry about me.”  Anakin stared at the floor, trying to figure out what he would do from there.  “Maybe… Maybe I could stay here instead?  Or one of the pilots could bring me back to my mom?” 
“Anakin, look at me.”  Obi Wan was firm but still used a soft tone with the boy, not wanting to upset him further.  “I promise we will talk with the Jedi Council, you need not worry.”
  “Ok.”  It was a soft, small reply.  The young man looked from Obi Wan to you.  “Do you promise?”
It was not an easy question to answer.  From experience you knew that it was never a good idea to make a promise that you may not be able to keep.  Once given your word was your bond, but it would seem that you were already bound to these two men.  Extending your hand Anakin took it.  “You have my word, Anakin Skywalker, we will see this done.”
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jacquelinemerritt · 1 year
Star Wars: Exploring the Canon - The Clone Wars Saga Part 1
Originally posted January 4th, 2017
In which we look at the first half of the canonical works set in the Clone Wars: the theatrical film, and the first three seasons of the TV show.
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This review is part of a series of pieces on the entirety of the Star Wars canon. See them all here!
To preface this article, I want to try and point out the absurdity of following an article written about two films and a comic mini-series with an article written about six seasons of television, a comic mini-series, and a full-length novel. If you’re wondering why it has taken so long for me to get this part written, here’s your answer: there is just so much to write about that even after watching The Clone Wars all the way through, I wasn’t sure of where to start. We’re going to break this down by season though, starting by analyzing the first film and then tackling the show season by season until we reach the third. As for seasons 4-6, the comic, and the novel, expect me to cover them in my next installment.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
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When I first saw the theatrically released Star Wars: The Clone Wars, I was incredibly dismayed. I thought it was a disgrace to have a Star Wars film released in theaters when that film told such a gutless story, took no risks, and had next to no consequence within the story’s universe. To be perfectly frank, I think all of that is still pretty true. The film tells the story of Anakin and his new apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, being called away from a battle on the world Christophsis in order to rescue the son of Jabba the Hutt (yes, you read that right, Jabba has a fucking kid), and it quickly devolves into four seemingly separate “episodes” that never actually feel like a full story but technically are all connected. The ridiculousness of this plot combined with a bad sense of humor brings it down, and there is no way this film deserves to be a part of the theatrical Star Wars canon.
But, just because the film fails as a theatrically released Star Wars film doesn’t mean that it fails on other terms. See, this “film” isn’t really a film, but rather a bafflingly marketed and constructed television pilot that combines four episodes meant to introduce the characters of The Clone Wars TV show and set up the lighthearted tone the show holds onto for its first season. In that respect, Clone Wars actually works. Each of the four set-pieces of the pilot all accomplish different things: the first set-piece on Christophsis establishes Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship as it will play out for the rest of the show and introduces Ahsoka Tano, surprisingly selling Anakin taking her on as an apprentice pretty well; the second section introduces the clone army as actual characters, rather a faceless proxy army, Captain Rex, and Asajj Ventress while letting us see Anakin’s first attempts at being a teacher; the third set-piece introduces Padme Amidala and the political and underworld arenas of Coruscant she’ll reside in; and the fourth set-piece introduces Count Dooku as he will be presented throughout the entire series, allowing Christopher Lee to transition him from an adversarial mastermind into an over-the-top campy villain.
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Don’t get me wrong. As far as TV pilots go, it’s a little underwhelming and not the most interesting thing you’ll ever see (even if you’re grading it on a curve for being the pilot of an animated kids’ show). But it works a damn sight better as a TV pilot than it ever could as a feature film, and had it aired as a two-hour special on Cartoon Network like was originally planned, it would not have gotten nearly the level of backlash it did from fans and critics like me who found it intensely underwhelming.
That’s really it. There isn’t much to talk about with this film. It has a consistently annoying tone, no real thematic tissue holding things together, and the performances by most of the actors are fairly underwhelming. The only standouts on display are Christopher Lee, reprising his role as Count Dooku for the final time (I know it’s been said, but this guy seriously never gave a bad performance in his career), Samuel L. Jackson, reprising his role as Mace Windu (you could make the same argument with this guy too), and Matthew Wood, who voices the battle droids in this film. Now, let’s be real, the decision to make the battle droids constant comedic cannon fodder is dumb, but Matthew Wood sells it like a pro, imbuing the droids with a level of personality that makes their poorly written attempts at comedy come off as charming, and when the writing of these jokes improves across the series, Wood is right there ready to use that material to make the droids pretty funny at times.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 1)
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This is probably the best time to point out that Star Wars: The Clone Wars is really weird to watch because for some unfathomable reason it was aired, written, and produced out of chronological order. This makes viewing it chronologically on Netflix a pain, because you have to bounce around a whole lot just to see the first three seasons in their proper order, and as a result you see glimpses of the improvements in writing and storytelling from the later seasons but are still forced to sit through the slog of the first season that’s only interested in telling safe, episodic stories that don’t challenge the characters or the audience in any significant way. For what it’s worth, it’s still probably the best order to view the series in, as it paints a much more complete picture of the Clone Wars itself, but I found myself annoyed with the logic of airing and producing the episodes out of order, regardless of whether I watched it in the order it aired or the chronological order.
This strange ordering of episodes also isn’t helped by the fact that it pushes the series premiere episode, which is a genuine delight, to being seen after about five episodes and the feature film pilot. It is definitely a better introduction to the goals and aims of the writers than the feature film ever was.
The premiere episode of The Clone Wars follows Yoda on a diplomatic mission to persuade the king of the Toydarians to join the Republic. The episode’s main conflict arrives when Yoda’s vessel is attacked by a Separatist warship and he must land on the surface with only three clones by his side. Meanwhile, Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress are attempting to lure the king of Toydaria into joining the Separatists by proving to him that the Separatists are more capable of protecting him and his people than the Jedi and the Republic. Ventress challenges Yoda to make it to their location by nightfall, and Yoda accepts, battling an army of droids with the help of those clones in order to reach the king.
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This is a fairly basic premise with clearly defined stakes and characters, and in the hands of George Lucas, it probably would have turned into twenty minutes of Yoda engaging in meaningless conflict where he doesn’t run into any significant challenges. In the hands of Dave Filoni’s team, however, this episode becomes a chance to reclaim the character of Yoda as he was presented in the original trilogy, and it’s truly amazing to see this Yoda again. Unlike in the entirety of the prequel trilogy, the Yoda we get to see is not the introspective mopey Yoda, but the silly, unpredictable guru that pranks Luke in order to test and teach him. Yoda’s students in this episode are the clones that travel with him, and he asserts to them that they are not the same faceless drones that Lucas intended, but unique individuals with differing skills and internal lives. Filoni’s team even has the wisdom to play Yoda’s strange behavior and unpredictability directly into fight scenes, as he outthinks droids with ease and uses risky strategies to play the droids’ advantage in numbers against themselves. By letting us see Yoda the incorrigible trickster again, The Clone Wars lets us know that it cares about recapturing the wonder and magic of the original trilogy, and that makes this first episode an incredible introduction to the show.
This episode also makes clear another one of Filoni’s goals, albeit in a much subtler manner. As I mentioned last time, the Toydarians as they are presented in The Phantom Menace are a harmful racial caricature of Jewish people, and that racism makes parts of The Phantom Menace pretty difficult to watch. This episode, however, hints at the way the Toydarians will be treated throughout the rest of the show. It shows the Toydarians as a peace-loving people that draw on a cultural heritage with an uncanny resemblance to ancient Judaism. This comes through far less in this episode than it does in later episodes, but throughout the show, the Toydarain people are essentially the equivalent of the Kingdom of Israel under the rule of King Solomon. They are incredibly wealthy and influential, they have a rich, long-standing culture, and they are ruled by a wise King who ultimately desires nothing but peace. I will admit that my connection with my Jewish heritage is a bit weak, so I am not the best person to judge whether this is still hurtful, but it seems to me that by keeping the Toydarian connection to Judaism and replacing racial caricature with a connection to a great cultural heritage, Filoni’s team effectively reclaims the Toydarians. This isn’t to say that their work makes the racism of the first film any less hurtful–far from it–but it adds a dimension to this alien race that, in my eyes, makes them far less hurtful to be associated with.1
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Most of the rest of the first season doesn’t quite hit the heights this episode does, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t solid episodes throughout. Some standouts are “Rookies,” which introduces us to the character Fives as he and other newly deployed squadmates fend off a commando droid attack; “Lair of Grievous,” which is twenty minutes of General Grievous kicking serious ass when Dooku betrays him and sets a trap for him in his own home; “Dooku Captured,” where we first meet the pirate scoundrel rapscallion Hondo Ohnaka (voiced by the ever perfect Jim Cummings) after he captures Count Dooku; “Trespass,” which introduces us to the Talz people and sets up an interesting conflict between an authoritarian military society and a young woman who believes in the power of diplomacy; and “Hostage Crisis,” wherein a group of bounty hunters hold a group of Senators and Anakin hostage in order to break Ziro the Hutt out of prison.
There are two episodes in Season 1 that manage to be as strong if not stronger than the premiere and those episodes are “Jedi Crash” and “Defenders of Peace.” These episodes contain some downright excellent storytelling. They challenge Ahsoka by making her face the potential death of her master, forcing her to come to terms with the Jedi Code’s requirement to remain unattached, and they then quickly challenge the entirety of the Jedi order. We meet the Lurmen, a pacifist group of monkey-like creatures that culturally resemble aboriginal and African tribes, and they explain to the Jedi that their role in the Clone Wars has spread more pain and suffering across the galaxy than it has relieved. Their chief even points out the hypocrisy of the Jedi espousing a philosophy of peace while taking on a role as military generals! The episode moves from that point to challenge the Lurmen chief, as he must accept that pure pacifism isn’t an adequate philosophy when their village is attacked by Separatist forces testing out an experimental weapon, and the younger generation has to stand up and fight so the older generation’s insistence on absolute pacifism doesn’t get them all killed.
It’s seriously really good. And George Takei is in it too. Go watch it now even if you’ve already seen it. I promise you’ll thank me afterwards.
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What’s wrong with the rest of the season then? Well, nothing really major. It’s passable kids’ television, but most of the episodes I haven’t mentioned by name don’t offer any challenges at all. The closest we get are in the episodes set on Ryloth, wherein a revolutionary insurgent is forced to work with a Senator he believes is corrupt and uncaring (who on the reverse believes the insurgent to be power hungry and after control of the planet), but these two characters aren’t given enough screentime beforehand for this to be meaningful to us. The other episodes are even worse, with the episodes surrounding the Separatist battleship Malevolence being solely concerned with sending the characters on MacGuffin quests and having them triumph due to Anakin being a better military strategist than Grievous. It’s fine, and well-constructed I guess, but it’s honestly pretty boring and uninteresting, and the next time I watch this show, I imagine I’ll be skipping past most of these episodes.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 2)
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The second season of Clone Wars is about as solid a season of television as I can possibly imagine.
To be clear, it’s not the greatest season of television I have ever seen. But damn is it good. Pretty much every single episode in this season either challenges the characters personally, raises the stakes for conflict in the universe, or calls the morality of the Republic and Jedi Order into question. It starts off with “Holocron Heist,” in which badass bounty hunter Cad Bane breaks into the Jedi Temple and steals a holocron for Darth Sidious in order to kidnap Force-sensitive children across the galaxy. And then there’s “The Deserter,” where Captain Rex meets a clone trooper who went AWOL and established a family on an unoccupied planet, “The Mandalore Plot,” which has Mandalorians being awesome and Obi-Wan being a massive flirt, “Cat and Mouse,” which has Anakin piloting a stealth fighter against a Separatist general who is literally the only person who knows how to fight against those…
If I wanted to, I could spend a lot of time writing about each and every episode and their strengths, but that would take way too long, so you’re just going to have to trust me when I say that the entire season is solid as hell. Instead, we’re going to take a look at two standout story arcs that take place over multiple episodes in Season 2 and dissect them in detail to look at why they work as well as they do.
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The first arc we’re going to look at are the episodes that follow Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Barriss, and Luminara as they lead Republic forces in the Second Battle of Geonosis in order to destroy a droid factory that has been recaptured by Separatist forces. Our heroes arrive with a massive Republic force, but the Separatists have them outnumbered even still. Their plan doesn’t survive first contact with the enemy, and Anakin and Ahsoka are forced to fight their way through immense odds just to get to their original landing point. After they are reunited, Anakin and Luminara work together to serve as a distraction while Ahsoka and Barriss sneak into the droid factory in order to plant explosive charges and stop the production of endless reinforcement for the Separatists.
What makes “Landing at Point Break” and “Weapons Factory” special isn’t really their plot. The mission our heroes are on isn’t particularly complicated, nor is it even that novel of a story idea (especially considering that we’ve already seen a pretty boring Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones). These episodes are special because they completely shatter the perception of the Jedi as genuinely unstoppable warriors that dominates the prequel trilogy and most of the episodes of this show. Anakin and Ahsoka’s fight to reach Obi-Wan is desperate, and while at no point do they stop being powerful warriors, they are quickly forced to turn to clever tactics and their wits in order to get past the Separatist forces that would block them from their goal.
That same desperation is present in Ahsoka and Barriss’s quest to infiltrate the droid factory. They’re forced to sneak through behind enemy lines, going through a hornet’s nest where any wrong move will get them caught and lead to their failure. And you know what the writers decide to do? They have Ahsoka and Barriss make one mistake, wake one Geonosian, and when that Geonosian catches up to them, their mission is nearly brought to complete failure and they are forced to bunker down in a droid assault tank in order to both set off their own explosion and have a chance at survival. They are then stuck underneath a mountain of rubble and debris with little oxygen, and Ahsoka only barely manages to send out a signal to Anakin using her communicator, letting him know they’re still alive and leading him to continue the search until they’re rescued. These episodes are tense and filled with danger, and I find it genuinely impressive that Filoni’s team was able to get such great mileage out of a story that so easily could have turned into a retread of the battle from Attack of the Clones.
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The next two episodes we’re going to look at are “The Zillo Beast” and “The Zillo Beast Strikes Back,” which besides being regrettably named, are filled with some of the most interesting and challenging material in this series. These episodes follow Anakin and Mace Windu, whose use of an electro-proton bomb on the planer Malastare causes an ancient beast to awaken in a clear nod to the Godzilla film franchise. This beast is genuinely fearsome, as its scales are strong enough to resist even a lightsaber, but Mace Windu and Anakin argue against Malastare’s leaders, who want to kill the Zillo, as to do so would be to take the innocent life of a creature that is the last of its kind. Anakin is eventually able to argue that the creature’s impervious scales would be useful for military research, so he and Mace Windu devise a plan to stun the beast and take it back to Coruscant, in order to trick the Malastare leaders into believing it is dead. When the Zillo arrives on Coruscant however, Palpatine quickly pushes to kill the beast using Malastare fuel, which the creature is weak to, and when his scientists fail to administer a lethal dose, the Zillo breaks free and wreaks havoc on the streets of Coruscant in a number of clear nods to Godzilla and King Kong. Eventually, the Jedi are able to kill the beast by hitting it with a lethal dose of fuel, and despite the lives they managed to save, all of the Jedi deeply regret the loss of the Zillo beast’s life.
The nods to Godzilla and King Kong are some of the coolest things about these episodes, but beyond that, these episodes have some pretty challenging thematic content. For one, this is the first time we get to see the Jedi Order faced with a legitimate moral dilemma, as for a lot of reasons, killing the Zillo is pretty defensible, but it still goes in direct violation of their Code. They decide against killing the Zillo, but because of their use of deception and pragmatist arguments, the Zillo ends up being put in a place where it will have even more power to do harm, close to a person who wants it to harm people so it can be put down rather than kept alive. In a lot of ways, Anakin and Mace Windu’s decision to bring the beast back to Coruscant is reckless and misguided, and we are shown just how blind the Jedi are to the dark forces that surround them on their homeworld. It is this blindness that leads them to do the very thing they sought to avoid: taking the life of an innocent creature that is likely the last of its kind. The shadows of the Dark Side are everywhere, and when the Jedi are too blind to see their own mistakes, innocents like the Zillo end up suffering more than the Jedi ever will.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 3)
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This is where it starts to get incredible.
Like, really fucking incredible beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.
Season 3 of The Clone Wars does more to expand the mythology of the Star Wars Universe than George Lucas has done since the release of Return of the Jedi.
I hear what you’re saying. “Jacqueline, how can you possibly make that claim? Lucas made three prequel films after Jedi that included important details on the world of Star Wars, the Republic, and Jedi Order that it’s impossible for a single season of television to outdo that.” Lucas did a lot after Jedi, and I am not trying to deny him or his importance to this universe. George Lucas, however, was entirely wrapped up in his goal of telling a story about a fascist government’s rise to power, and in focusing on those political details, he lost sight of the wonder and mystique that makes the Star Wars Universe as compelling as it is. Dave Filoni and his team, however, do everything they can to further Lucas’s message in the prequel trilogy, and they do that without losing sight of the fascinating mysticism surrounding the Force, the prophecy of the chosen one, and the tug and pull of balance between light and darkness that defines the universe.
Now, there legitimately isn’t a bad episode in this season, but like last time, two arcs told over multiple episodes rise to the top and that’s what we’re going to focus on.
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The first arc that does this is the Nightsisters arc, which follows Asajj Ventress after she is betrayed by Count Dooku and left for dead. She manages to survive her ship being fired upon by another Separatist warship, and she returns to her home planet to the witches of Dathomir in order to find her heritage and get help in her quest for revenge against her former master. She and the seemingly invincible witch Mother Talzin first target Dooku directly, sending Ventress and two Nightsisters in with cloaking magic and a poison designed to weaken Dooku and make him easy to kill. Dooku is still a force to be reckoned with, however, and he dispatches Ventress and her sisters without significant difficulty. Ventress and Talzin then hatch a more sinister plan, testing the males on the far side of Dathomir until they find one who is worthy and take control of his mind so he can be planted as a traitor in Dooku’s ranks. When Dooku takes this man, named Savage Oppress,1 under his wing and trains him as an apprentice, Ventress sneaks into Dooku’s vessel and makes Savage turn on his new master. Her plan fails, however, and Savage quickly regains control of his mind and turns on the both of them, escaping back to Dathomir and seeking guidance from Mother Talzin, who tells him of a “brother” he must seek while showing him a vision of the Sith Lord Darth Maul, a Zabrak and Dathomir Nightbrother just like him.
We’ll talk about Maul next time, when we actually get to see him in action, but suffice it to say, closing out a set of episodes that explores the dark mysticism of the Star Wars Universe by promising the return of one of Star Wars’ most badass villains is a pretty risky decision, as is the depth of exploration of the Dark Side that we get to see here. The Nightsisters are absolutely fascinating on their own as a less-than-savory mystical underbelly that neither identifies as Jedi or Sith, and Mother Talzin is an imposing figure who, if she did not prefer to keep to herself and her coven, would be a far greater threat to the galaxy than the Sith could ever dream of being.
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Of course, the main attraction of these episodes is that they finally put Asajj Ventress to use as the complex character she was always meant to be. Ever since I was a little girl watching Genndy Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars animated mini-series, I’ve been obsessed with this character. She has such a rich and tragic backstory, and as a young girl with her own demons boiling up under the surface, Ventress appealed to me with her mastery of the Dark Side, dual lightsabers, and dominatrix-like attitude (which is turned up to a ten in The Clone Wars, as she is referred to as Mistress by everyone around her). Up until Season 3 though, The Clone Wars didn’t really put her to good use. Sure, she was an assassin, and she had those dual lightsabers, but in this show she has been far less of a pure, unadulterated badass, as she’s the villain and the heroes have to beat her.
These episodes turn that on its head perfectly. Dooku’s betrayal of her makes sense, in only the way an abuser’s decision to abuse can; she has consistently failed to achieve victory against the Jedi after all, and as we see her backstory unfold over a few short flashbacks, watching her being taken from her family as a child and witnessing the murder of the Jedi who taught her how to use the Force, Dooku’s betrayal becomes an opportunity for her to finally exert some agency over all of the horrible things that have happened to her. She will have revenge against Dooku, because damnit, this is the first time she’s ever been powerful enough to strike back against the people who have hurt her the most. It becomes even more heart-wrenching to watch as any knowledge of the prequel trilogy’s storyline lets us know that she is doomed to fail in her quest for revenge, as Dooku survives until Revenge of the Sith to be killed by Anakin Skywalker. Despite having the power to strike back against her master with “dark magicks” and a monstrous warrior, she still ends up without enough power to take any emotional closure for herself through revenge.
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The second arc of note in this season is the arc set on the planet Mortis, following Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan as an ancient distress signal calls them to an incredibly strange planet.
But I’m not going into detail on those episodes.
They are amazing. Make no mistake.
But I would not dare spoil the details of what happens in them to anyone who hasn’t seen them.
Trust me, just take my word on this, and go on Netflix, to Season 3 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and watch “Overlords,” “Altar of Mortis,” and “Ghosts of Mortis” right now. If you don’t watch anything else from this show (and seriously, you should, it’s great), then still watch these episodes. You don’t even need that much context to enjoy them, because as long as you accept that Anakin has an apprentice named Ahsoka, literally anything else you could need to know follows logically from Anakin and Obi-Wan’s characterizations in the prequel films. You have my word, a Jacqueline Merritt guarantee, that you won’t regret the time you spend checking these episodes out.
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Next time, hopefully not two months from now, we’ll explore the rest of The Clone Wars, the comic Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir, and the novel Dark Disciple. See you then!
Critical Eye Criticism is the work of Jacqueline Merritt, a trans woman, filmmaker, and critic. You can support her continued film criticism addiction on Patreon.
1Any of my Jewish readers who disagree with my belief that the Toydarian’s are less hurtful because of their characterization in The Clone Wars are more than welcome to challenge me on that, as I am open to hearing any criticism of my argument here.
2I could also go into more detail on the character of Savage Oppress and how he is actually quite fascinating despite having an absolutely terrible name, but exploring his character is best left for our exploration of Darth Maul in the later seasons, as their arcs are fairly closely intertwined.
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More AU Concepts and Ideas
:| I have to write these down so I don't forget lol
[Amphibia: Good King Andrias] Andrias is never evil or bad in this AU. He truly cares about getting the girls home. But he is also still aware of the Core and its plans. So to avoid the Core getting its hands on Marcy or any of the other girls, he keeps it a secret and helps the humans and their friends recharge the gems and even helps Marcy understand why they can’t truly stay there. In the end, the Core eventually gets a hold of the Calamity Box and uses it to escape to Earth and try and take over. Andrias confronts the Core himself but gets badly wounded, revealing his cyborg body. Eventually he explains what happened and helps the girls gain the power of the gems, even being able to retake the Calamity Box from the Core and use it to do so. In the end he is able to help stop the invasion and banish the Core forever using old Amphibia magic. He helps establish a permanent portal so the girls can go to and from Amphibia as they please. He also steps down from the throne and goes to farming.
[Amphibia/FNaF Fusion] Vanessa, Micheal, and Charlie take the place of the Calamity Trio, different eras of Animatronics are the different Frog species (Frogs=Classic, Toys, Withered/ Toads=Phantoms, Nightmares, Scraps/ Newts=Funtimes, Glamrocks, Rockstars), the Core is Glitchtrap, and the Calamity Box is called the Remnant Chest. The story is pretty much just Amphibia’s but maybe with minor changes. Ah yes, two trauma fandoms brought into one. MMMMMMM.
[Owl House: Good Odelia] Odelia is actually a very caring and understanding mother, which allows the Blight Twins and Amity to grow up to be more like what we know of them after their interactions with Luz. Odelia often visits the Owl House, motherly instinct wanting to see how Luz and Amity are doing as girlfriends. She also would be there to help try and stop Belos. And (for a fun twist) be there with Amity and the rest of Hexsqaud when the Collector appeared and sent them all to the Human Realm, now including Odelia. So Hexsquad now has an adult representative to help in their trials and errors in the human realm.
[Star Wars: The Stasis Base] Ashoka is approached by her old mentor Plo Koon to be part of a special and secret mission… only known to Plo Koon, Bo Katan, and Padme Amidala. Plo Koon has increasingly grown suspicious of Chancellor Palpatine, the supposed Inhibitor Chips, and the increasingly friendly actions towards Anakin. So he extended a hand to Bo Katan and Padme Amidala explaining the situation and telling Bo Katan if she helped he’d help her. Now with Ashoka on board, Plo Koon reveals a secret base hidden on Kamino, avoided from all Kaminoain and Republic and even Jedi records. The base holds over two legions worth of Stasis pods. So the plan is to secretly recruit clones to go into stasis in case the Chancellor indeed pulls a move. And so the deed is done, and Bo Katan hires some of her Mandalorian allies to help guard the base alongside some clones who have had their chips removed. Spoiler alert: The asleep clones are awakened by the Rebel Alliance to deal with the Empire.
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super-jane5 · 2 years
Queen’s Peril by E K Johnston
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Queen’s Peril follows the beginning of Padme Amidala’s reign as Queen of Naboo up to the end of The Phantom Menace. Padme is learning her new and important role as well as training with her new handmaidens and her close friend - and decoy- Sabe.
Queen’s Peril dives deep into Naboo politics and how Queen Amidala changed Naboo for the better. It’s clear from the start why her people loved her so much. Also, Padme shows qualities that we see in Luke and Leia in future Star Wars media. Yes, Leia is very much like her mother, but she has qualities from Anakin. The same goes for Luke.
I loved the handmaidens and how much training was involved. It was a very difficult job. They didn’t just copy Padme, but made the Queen Amidala persona a mix of all of them so the decoy could be played by any of them. Everything form the voice and small gestures were carefully planned out so the decoy could easily switch, even in the middle of an important dinner. Their friendship is what you expect from a group of 14 year old girls, but they have a level of maturity that is needed for their important roles.
The first half of the book is strong, however, when we get to the overlap of The Phantom Menace, the story felt rushed. We have already seen these events, so there was little dialogue except for moments that weren’t in the movie.
Apart from that I loved this book. Any Padme and prequel fan will enjoy it too.
My Rating: 4.75 stars
Started Reading: 30/06/2022
Finished Reading: 01/07/2022
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Which Star Wars movie is your favorite, and why? Also, what are your thoughts on the EU?
Return of the Jedi, and here's why:
I know that a lot of people pick Empire Strikes Back as the best of the original trilogy, and obviously it's pretty much the best from a technical/storytelling/emotional beat perspective. In contrast, elements of ROTJ can be repetitive (really guys, you couldn't think of something besides ANOTHER DEATH STAR?) and a little goofy (I don't hate the Ewoks or anything, but still). But it's the movie that most perfectly encapsulates what Star Wars is about, it makes choices that other sci-fi movies even today (indeed, especially today, with the focus on Grimdark Cynicism) never do, and it brings all the trilogy's character arcs and plotlines to a satisfying and emotionally resonant end. Alas that George Lucas hasn't been legally forbidden from messing with it after the fact (why, oh WHY, did he have to add in that silly ROTS-esque "NOOOO" when Vader decides to kill Palpatine and save Luke???), but still. It's the SW movie that gives me the most straight-up chills and feelings, because like???
The whole plotline of Vader being ultimately redeemed and making the choice, even at the end of his life, to reject the dark side and fulfill his destiny after all? He's one of the most iconic villains in movie history and yet you fucking CRY when he dies (I've seen this movie hundreds of times and LITERALLY EVERY TIME). Luke Skywalker, Padme Amidala and Beru Lars' son who has kindness seared into the marrow of his bones, looking pure evil in the face, throwing his lightsaber aside, and announcing that he's not going to stoop to its level, he will not fight it, he will not turn to the dark side, he will do better? The MUSIC during Vader and Luke's duel??? The fact that a movie in 1983 let Lando Calrissian be the hero who destroyed the Death Star? Han and Leia continuing to be OTP #goals, from the Jabba's-palace-rescue to the callback to the ESB "I love you/I know" with Leia getting to say it? THE FINAL SHOT OF OBI-WAN AND ANAKIN (AND YODA BUT YES) REUNITED IN DEATH AND AT PEACE IN THE FORCE, GAZING SMILINGLY UPON THEIR CHILDREN TOGETHER???
IT'S ALL SO MUCH, AND IT GIVES ME SO MANY FEELINGS, AND YES. The emphatic affirmation of goodness, decency, courage, and compassion, the story of the good guys actually getting to win because they're not "morally equivalent" to the bad guys and everything is a morally relativistic Machiavellian hellscape etc etc Nobody Believes In Happy Endings Because We Are Very Smart? It's genuine and genuinely emotional in a way that so much modern media (ESPECIALLY the sequel trilogy) shies away from or tries to be "ironic" about, and that's why it really works.
As for the EU, I read every single book, more or less, in my Star Wars-obsessed teenage years. Obviously, the wide variety of authors and plotlines meant that some were better than others, and I would definitely have a different perspective on them as an adult. But they were an integral part of my childhood and I am still absolutely on the "Han and Leia got married, lived happily ever after, and had three kids, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin" train. Likewise, they could have stopped before killing everybody and making everything go dark since they were out of ideas (Chewie's death in Vector Prime TRAUMATIZED me, as did the subsequent killing/darksiding of Anakin and Jacen Solo), but anyway, yes. The fact that I am now almost 34 years old and getting back into an actual Star Wars hyperfixation is deeply amusing to me. Full circle, and etc.
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hello! mun speaking :D
before we get started, there’s some things that are going to be pointed out here (plz read they are very important):
if you’d like to ask padme or the mun anything, use my ask box! it is open for those specific reasons! just make sure to clarify if you are asking padme or mun
if youd like to rp but dont know if ill say yes, just dm me! they are open for those reasons lol
im pretty much cool with everything as long as it doesnt involve any nsfw stuff (gore & stuff is fine, im referring to smut)
my time schedule is wack so there will be days where i am radio silent. please dont think i am ignoring you, im probs just so busy i dropped dead (id recommend priv msging me to be safe)
my main blog is @flowered-bicycles so if youd like to see how i am like out of rp, go there lol
mun goes by soka but will usually be referred to as “amidala’s (or padme’s) mun. mun also uses she/her
as hard as i will try to be like padme’s canon self, i might end up throwing a bit of myself in the rp as well. if something seems ooc, please let me know but dont be harsh about it
parentheses or // are used when mun is speaking
roleplay is either used in 3rd person or 1st person. if you have a preference you’d like me to use, dont be shy and let me know
extra and disclaimer! - this is strictly an rp blog (yes i may act and speak and react like padme, but i am no way actually her. i am in no way affiliated with star wars! (unless you count being a fan as affiliated) so this is completely fanmade! feel free (much encouraged) to like, reblog, or send/asks and make comments! the ask box has anon on as well, so if you are too shy to use your user, anon is on just for you! if you wish, giving an emoji for me to recognize you by would be greatly appreciated! you can leave comments and ill try to reply to them. i dont think my submissions are open, but if youd like to submit something then ill open them!
you may use “potty mouth” when rping in character, but please keep it pretty strictly to star wars cursing (kriff, kark, etc)
padme is straight and will be canonically shipped with anakin (cuz they are married, duhh) but if you wish to do a “non-canonical”/au where padme is shipped with your character (or is not straight), please dm me and we will work it out
keep this a SFW blog! (which means no smut!! violence / gore are accepted tho so be warned)
keep the asks respectful please
uncomfortable topics will be blatantly ignored
dont godmod.
have fun!
about padme
galactic senator
canonically married to anakin skywalker
unofficially became ahsoka’s aunt
isn't afraid to use violence
will sweet talk you to get what she wants
friends & foes
anakin skywalker - open slot
ahsoka tano - open slot
satine kryze - @arandomnerdsrp358
obi-wan kenobi - open slot
(name of character) - user
PROMPT LIST! (and quotes)
here is a list of prompts that will help structure an rp (if you want to make a structured rp) or help get the rp flowing/started:
extra!: prompts and quotes can be requested together! for ex. : “can i request prompt a. with quote 6?” (or vice versa)
1. “why did you do it? tell me”
2. “you know im always here for you, right?”
3. “let me take care of you”
4. “i thought id never see you again…”
5. “we need to get you to a hospital!”
6. “blood? why are you bleeding!?”
7. “sleep at my place tonight”
8. “you know you are my one and only”
9. “im in love with you, idiot (or di’kut)
10. “sh, stop fussing. let me braid your hair”
11. “if you steal the blankets, im going to put my cold feet on you.”
a. it’s a mission and we got separated from the group. we are on an unknown planet and dont have any signal to comm the rest of the group. we have to try to make our way back to the ship with only each other and the things we have with us.
b. no one knows when it started, but suddenly people have started receiving red ribbons tied to their pinky and the red trails off to their soulmate. not everyone has a soulmate but we are some of the lucky few who have one. follow the roleplay as we go on a journey to follow the trail and meet eachother, and then live life together as soulmates.
c. a diplomatic mission gone wrong when a terrible virus breaks out in the planet. with the ship pulled to pieces and we are stranded on the planet, how will we survive and rebuild the ship to get off world and warn the other planets?
d. it’s a diplomatic mission to bring a planet to the side of the republic, but something goes wrong. dooku has brought his army to stop the planet from joining the republic and we get caught in the crossfire! negotiations are made and dooku has proposed a challenge for us to complete. if successfully completed, the planet may host a republic base. if lost, the planet goes to the separatists.
!! accepting additional quotes / prompts !!
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2, 12, 19 🥰
2. Who is your favourite fictional character and why?
Oh god I could never pick just one. The first character I thought of though was Ahsoka Tano.
Can we talk about Ahsoka for a minute? Wait let me rephrase. We're going to talk about Ahsoka for a minute.
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She started out as this snippy (heh, see what I did there?) pre-teen with, let's be generous, less than optimal animation. Anakin's Padawan who was a convenient plot device in the rough and ready early seasons of The Clone Wars. And then, much like with that series, something amazing happened.
She grew.
She learned. She adapted. She evolved. Ahsoka's arc is breathtaking, and over the course of the story, she becomes not just this phenomenal access point for audience and story alike but a fully-realized, emotionally nuanced, wildly compelling character. She goes from Padawan to general, from Jedi in training to accused murderer. She is, at various times, a soldier, a leader, a rebel, and a spy.
No one in the Star Wars universe has the perspective she does. This girl grew up on Coruscant during the last days of the Jedi Council. She learned from not just Anakin Skywalker, but from Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and fucking Yoda. Luke WISHES.
But she didn't just learn from the Jedi. She learned from Rex. From Bail Organa. From Padme Amidala. They were her teachers. Her friends. Her comrades in arms. And sometimes they failed her. Sometimes they tried to kill her. So did some of the biggest bads around. Her duel with Maul? FUCK, man.
Does Dave Filoni get some flack for putting her in everything? Yes. Do I care? NO, MORE AHSOKA PLEASE. To me, she's the beating heart of the Star Wars universe. A thread that ties all these sprawling stories together. And one of the best characters Star Wars has to offer.
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12. Do you prefer baking or cooking?
Definitely baking! I like the tidy messiness of it, all the little bowls full of ingredients coming together in a scatter of flour or sugar to make something that looks enticing and smells like heaven. Cooking is ok, and I can do it, but I vastly prefer to bake.
19. Do you prefer forests, sea shores, or meadows?
This changes with my mood but for right now I'd love to be in the middle of a forest.
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