#Yoo Jung sunbae
Cheeky Love - 06
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Le lendemain, lycée général et public Sungkong - 12h43
          Depuis ce matin, j’essayais de voir le garçon aux cheveux blonds dans sa salle de classe pour lui rendre son parapluie jaune qu’il m’avait prêté le soir de notre agression mais la tâche était plus compliquée que je l’aurais pensée. Je n’avais pas réussi à le croiser une seule fois de toute la matinée alors que ses camarades de classe m’avaient affirmé qu’il était bien là aujourd’hui. 
          Hier soir, j’avais demandé à Ae-Ri s’il y avait un Min Yoon-Gi dans notre niveau qui avait monsieur Yoo en professeur principal. Faisant partie du Comité des Délégués, ma meilleure amie avait les fiches d’identités de tous ceux qui étaient en Première. Il était bien de notre niveau mais dans la classe A. 
          Encore une fois bredouille, je décidai de retrouver Ae-Ri qui m’attendait sur les tables à pique-nique à l’extérieur pour manger avec elle quand on m'attrapa brusquement le poignet gauche et on me tira à l'extérieur, derrière le mur. On me força à m'accroupir.
          Un parfum familier attira mon attention. Quand je levai les yeux, m'interrogeant de qui ça pouvait être, je vis que c'était le plus pénible de tous mes camarades de classe : Jeon Jung-Kook.
- Toi !? réagis-je déjà agacée.
          Il mit son index sur ses lèvres pour me faire comprendre de rester silencieuse puis leva les yeux en l'air et tendit l'oreille. C'est là que j'entendis des voix féminines au niveau des fenêtres qui se trouvaient au-dessus de nos têtes.
- Vous l'avez vu ?
          En voyant la situation, je compris qu'elles parlaient de Jeon Jung-Kook.
- Non.
- Il n'est pas non plus dans les toilettes.
“Dans les toilettes ??” 
          Elles étaient si obsessives envers lui au point de même le chercher dans les toilettes pour garçons ?
- Faut qu'on refasse un tour.
- Oui.
          Nous les entendîmes s'éloigner et mon camarade de classe souffla de soulagement.
- J'ai bien cru qu'elles allaient me trouver.
          Je ne compris pas pourquoi il se cachait d'elles. Lui qui aimait tant être entouré de toutes ces filles en amour pour lui, c'était étrange...
- Hé. Tu veux bien arrêter de me regarder comme si j'étais un de ces mauvais types ? Je t'ai dit que j'étais pas un playboy.
          Oh. Je ne m'étais pas rendue compte que je le regardais de cette manière. Nous sortîmes de notre cachette quand il me demanda si j’avais mangé. 
- Non, pas encore. 
          D’ailleurs, pourquoi voulait-il le savoir ?
- Mangeons ensemble alors ! sourit-il gaiement.
- Non. Je mange déjà avec Ae-Ri..
- Okay, pas de problème si elle est avec nous.
          Je réagis à sa remarque. Ne comprenait-il pas que je ne voulais pas qu'il soit avec nous ? 
- Sunbae !
- Jung-Kook sunbae !
          Un groupe de 6 filles apparut subitement devant nous.  
- Te voilà enfin ! On t'a cherché partout pour que tu viennes manger avec nous !
- Tu préfères sur le toit ou sur les tables de pique-nique dehors ?? Il fait super doux aujourd'hui en plus.
- On a fait tes plats préférés !
          Elles étaient venues au bon moment. 
          Je profitai de cette occasion pour m'éclipser et prendre le pas quand on me saisit la main gauche. Interrogée sur ce qu'il pouvait bien se passer, je me retournai. 
- Désolé les filles, ça ne va pas être possible pour aujourd'hui, leur dit-il jovialement. J'ai autre chose de prévu. 
          Attendez une seconde, mais qu'est-ce qu’il était en train de me faire ?? 
          Aussitôt, j’essayai de me dégager de son emprise mais il m’en empêcha et me serra davantage la main. 
          C’est alors que je remarquai les mines étonnées sur le visage de ces filles. Leurs regards s'étaient braqués sur moi en voyant le geste de Jeon Jung-Kook. J’étais embarrassée de la situation et en même temps, agacée. Moi-même, je ne savais pas pourquoi il me tenait la main… Mais je n'eus pas le temps de beaucoup y réfléchir puisque mon corps suivit soudainement son élan, laissant ces filles derrière nous. 
- A plus tard peut-être !
- J-Jung-Kook sunbae !
- Sunbae !...
- A-Attends…lui dis-je en essayant de le faire arrêter dans sa marche.
          Mais il fit la sourde oreille. 
- Attends ! m’écriai-je plus fortement.
          Nous nous arrêtâmes. 
- Mais qu'est-ce qui te prends !? 
- Logiquement, toi avec moi, elles ne devraient plus me suivre, dit-il en jetant un coup d'œil en arrière. 
          Ah donc, il m’avait utilisé pour trouver un moyen de s’enfuir d’elles… 
- Tu peux me lâcher maintenant ? 
          Son regard se posa sur nos mains. 
- On n’est pas encore assez éloignés d’elles pour leur faire croire que j’suis avec toi. 
- Je m’en fiche. Ne me mêles pas à tes histoires ! 
- J’prends ta place aux prochaines corvées si on continue comme ça jusqu’aux marches. 
- Tu feras vraiment ça ? l’interrogeai-je en essayant de déceler le moindre mensonge dans son regard. 
- Yep. J’ai vraiment besoin qu’elles me laissent tranquille ce midi. 
          J’acceptai le deal mais gare à lui s’il ne tenait pas sa parole !
          Nous reprîmes le pas et continuâmes ainsi sur quelques mètres seulement avant d’atteindre les marches en face de la cour.
          Jeon Jung-Kook relâcha enfin ma main. Sans tarder, je le laissai et commençai à descendre les marches quand je glissai sur quelque chose et manquai de tomber. Jeon Jung-Kook avait eu le vif réflexe de me retenir afin d'éviter ma chute. Lorsque mes pieds se retrouvèrent bien ancrés dans le sol, je regardai sur quoi je m'étais tordue la cheville.
“Une gomme ?...”  
- Ça fait 2 fois So-Young.
- Hein ?
- A la 3e, tu acceptes qu'on mange ensemble après les cours, me sourit-il avec espièglerie.
          Je ne saisis pas bien ce qu'il venait de me dire. Qu’est-ce que c’était que ces deuxième et troisième fois ? 
- Hey Jung-Kook !
          Nous tournâmes nos têtes en direction de la voix.  
“Aah !”
          Ce garçon ! C'était celui qui était intervenu l’autre soir lorsque je m’étais fait agressé avec le garçon aux cheveux blonds ! Alors c'était aussi un lycéen ? Et nous venions du même établissement !? Quelle coïncidence. Je n'aurai pas cru que nous étions tous les 3 dans le même lycée, surtout lui. Je croyais qu'il était à la fac tellement il faisait plus mature...
- Oh tu es !...s'étonna-t-il en me remarquant. Cha So-Young, c’est ça ?
          J’aquiesçai d’un hochement de tête.  
- Ça, pour une surprise ! Je suis content de te revoir ! Comment tu vas par rapport à l'autre soir ?
- J-Je vais mieux.., répondis-je timidement. 
          Il me prit le poignet droit avec douceur pour l'examiner et cela créa une petite réaction chez moi.
- Pardon, je t'ai fait mal ? s'enquit-il, inquiet.
- Ah ! N-Non...
          Je ne m'étais juste pas attendue à son geste et cela m'avait quelque peu rendue timide. Je n'avais pas l'habitude de ce genre de contact avec les garçons.
- Est-ce que ça te fait encore mal ?
- U-Un peu…
- Tss. Sérieusement, ces types sont allés trop loin. Je me sens vraiment désolé de ce qu'ils t'ont fait. Si j'étais arrivé plus tôt, tu n'aurais pas été autant brutalisée.
          Je le regardai silencieusement, toujours étonnée de son attitude envers moi. C’était la première fois qu’un garçon me traitait avec autant d’amabilité. 
- Je vais te donner une autre crème, comme ça tu en auras assez jusqu'à ce que tu te rétablisses.
          Il sortit de son sac de cours, une boîte de crème de la même marque que celle que l'hôpital m'avait donnée pour soulager ma douleur.
- Mon père est pharmacien alors j'ai pu m'en procurer une. Je comptais passer par Yoon-Gi pour qu'il te la donne mais je n’ai pas réussi à le voir depuis. Comme il semblait te connaître, je pensais que vous vous reverrez mais au final, on se retrouve tous les trois dans le même lycée !
          Cette attention me surprit davantage et ne me laissa pas indifférente. 
          Ce garçon, je lui en étais profondément reconnaissante d’être intervenu l’autre soir mais aussi parce qu’il était resté avec moi jusqu'à ce que mon père et moi finissions notre déposition aux agents de police. Il avait également fait de son mieux pour expliquer ce qu'il s'était passé lors de son arrivée et détailler au maximum les traits physiques de ceux qui nous avaient agressé le garçon blond et moi.
          En y repensant, quelque chose me restait en mémoire. Juste après que l’autre garçon soit parti, il m’avait informé de ne pas mentionner sa présence avec nous. Je n’en connaissais pas la raison et je n’avais pas cherché à le savoir au vu des circonstances. Son ami semblait déjà avoir pas mal de problèmes alors, c’était sans doute une façon de le protéger d'éventuelles représailles supplémentaires. 
- M-Merci..., lui dis-je timidement en prenant la boîte.
          Il me sourit chaleureusement et je chérissai sa gentillesse. Il se tourna ensuite vers mon camarade de classe.
- Ça tombe bien qu'on se croise Jung-Kook, Ji-Eun voulait te donner ceci.
          Il lui tendit un trousseau avec 4 clés dessus.
- C'est à ton tour de nettoyer le studio.
          Mon camarade réagit aussitôt. Il ne semblait pas du tout ravi de cette nouvelle.
- Mais je l'ai fait toute la semaine dernière...se plaignit-il.
- « C'est soit ça, soit il revient aux répétitions », c'est ce qu'elle a dit.
- J'peux pas pour l'instant.
- Elle s'inquiète pour toi.
          Jeon Jung-Kook resta silencieux suite à cette remarque.
- Aussi, elle voudrait que tu lui apportes des poires chinoises tout à l'heure.
- Encore ? Mais qu'est-ce qu'elle fait avec toutes ces poires ? Je lui en avais déjà rapportées hier et avant-hier…
- Elle veut en donner pour madame Chang. 
- Ah… Elle changera pas, sourit mon camarade de classe. 
- Tu la connais.
          Jeon Jung-Kook saisit les clés, acceptant ainsi le deal. Son ami se tourna ensuite sur moi pour me demander si nous pouvions échanger nos numéros de téléphone. 
- Je n'habite pas très loin de toi alors s'il t'arrive quelque chose, tu pourras m'appeler. 
          Il n'habitait pas très loin de moi ?
          Ah... J'imaginai qu'il devait croire que j'habitais près du quartier Gaepo dû à mon agression.
          Habituellement, je n'aurais pas accepté de donner mon numéro de téléphone à quelqu’un que je vins tout juste de faire connaissance mais pour lui, je n'y mettais aucune réticence. Avec ce qu'il s'était passé l'autre soir, sa présence m'avait été vraiment réconfortante puis, d'une certaine manière…ce qu'il dégageait me rappelait Ae-Ri.
          Mon iPhone vibra pour me signaler la réception d’un SMS. 
- C’est le mien. Je m’appelle Shim Sang-Hoon ! Et je suis en Terminale B si jamais tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit.
          Je crois bien que mes joues devinrent un peu chaudes lorsqu’il afficha une nouvelle fois ce chaleureux sourire. 
“Au fait” 
          Avant qu’il ne parte, je lui tendis le parapluie de Min Yoon-Gi. 
- J-Je pense que tu as plus de chance que moi de le voir. 
          Contrairement à ce qu’il pensait, je ne connaissais pas son ami et je ne pensais pas avoir une chance de le croiser. Shim Sang-Hoon sunbae comprit et me promit de lui remettre en main propre dès qu’il le verrait. 
          Son smartphone sonna. 
- Désolé, je dois vous laisser, nous informa-t-il, mais je suis vraiment content de savoir qu’on est dans le même lycée ! me dit-il. J’espère à l’avenir qu’on aura encore l’occasion de se croiser ! 
          Une douce sensation s’empara aussitôt de tout mon corps après avoir entendu ces mots. 
“Il est vraiment gentil…” 
          Il nous salua amicalement et partit. Mon camarade de classe s’empressa de me demander d’où je connaissais son ami ainsi que Min Yoon-Gi. Je lui rappelai que ma vie ne le concernait pas, il insista.
- So-Young, il s'est passé quelque chose récemment, n'est-ce pas ?
- Pourquoi est-ce que ça te préoccupe ? 
- J'ai pas le droit de m'inquiéter pour la fille sur qui j'ai un crush ? répliqua-t-il sur un ton ennuyé. 
“Hein ?” 
- Qui est le crush de qui ? m’agaçai-je. Tu veux juste te rapprocher de moi pour atteindre Ae-Ri !
- Non, j’suis sincère par rapport à toi. 
- Arrête avec ce mensonge.
          J'entamai le pas vers les tables de pique-nique. 
- ‘kay. Alors dis-moi c’que j’peux faire pour te prouver que je suis sérieux ? 
- Laisse-moi tranquille, m'arrêtais-je. Et puis même si tu es sincère, je n’ai pas le temps pour être en couple avec quelqu’un.
          Ma seule priorité : mes notes en cours et réussir l’admission d’entrée dans une bonne université. 
          Je repris mon chemin en le laissant seul. 
          Une semaine plus tard, samedi, arrondissement Gangnam, restaurant The Lounge - 20h00
- Fais-toi plaisir, me dit mon père.
          Je lui souris de toutes mes dents. Aujourd'hui, pour fêter la fin des examens semestriels et relâcher la pression de ces derniers jours, papa avait décidé de m'emmener manger au Lounge ! C'était un restaurant auquel j'avais l'habitude d'y aller avec lui depuis toute petite. Nous y étions toujours bien accueillis et la nourriture était vraiment bonne. L'ambiance était tranquille et nous pouvions avoir une vue magnifique sur Gangnam.
          Nous commençâmes à parler de plein de choses : comment se passait le lycée, l'annonce de mon inscription aux cours de rattrapage de cet été – il était très compréhensif que l'on m'est assigné à ces cours pour remonter mes notes scientifiques mais je lui avais caché la vraie raison de mon inscription -, des nouvelles de mes meilleurs amis Ae-Ri et Nam-Joon, est-ce que j'avais choisi ma fac... J'avais l'impression que cela faisait une éternité que nous n'avions pas discuté de cette façon. Je me sentais tellement heureuse d’être là avec lui dans ce beau restaurant de Gangnam. 
          A l'intérieur de moi, alors que papa était en train de me raconter une anecdote très drôle qu'il avait récemment vécu à son travail, je remerciai profondément la Vie de m'avoir donné une vie comme celle-ci. Je n'avais qu'à penser à Ae-Ri et à Nam-Joon pour me rendre compte du privilège que j'avais. Tout le monde n'avait pas un confort matériel comme le mien. Cette vie facile, je ne le devais qu'à mon père. En retour, je souhaitais vraiment lui faire honneur en allant dans une bonne université et avoir un travail stable. C'était seulement ce qu'il me demandait.
- Est-ce que vous avez choisi ? intervint le serveur.
          Je relevai le menton pour lui répondre quand j'eus un temps d'arrêt. 
“Qu'est-ce que-”
          P-P-P-Pourquoi Jeon Jung-Kook était-il là en tenue de serveur ???
- So-Young ? m'interpella mon père.
- Ah, euh, o-oui..., bredouillai-je maladroitement en essayant de reprendre mes esprits.
          Mon cœur était en train de battre à vive allure. J’étais devenue toute raide et je n'arrivais plus à me concentrer sur ce que je souhaitais manger au départ. 
“C’est pas vrai…”
          J'essayais tant bien que mal de ne laisser rien paraître car j'imaginais que si je montrais un quelconque signe de mon malaise alors ce playboy de Jeon Jung-Kook en profiterait pour se moquer de moi au lycée et le dire à tout le monde !...
“Reste calme, reste calme, reste calme”
          Je tournai nerveusement les pages du menu et finis par choisir au hasard le premier plat que je vis. Plus vite je lui dirai quelque chose, plus vite il s'en irait de notre table. Ce fut au tour de mon père de lui dicter sa commande et j'eus l'impression que cela dura une éternité.
“Allons papa, pourquoi est-ce que ce soir tu es si indécis et pourquoi tu poses autant de questions à ce serveur !...”
          A moitié cachée par la carte de menu, j'en profitai un instant pour jeter une œillade à Jeon Jung-Kook qui était concentré à noter ce que souhaitait mon père. Est-ce qu'il m'avait reconnu ? Qu'est-ce qu'il était en train de penser ? Il était si calme à l'extérieur mais à l'intérieur de lui, est-ce qu'il n'était pas en train de se moquer de moi et de préparer un plan machiavélique pour m'en faire voir de toutes les couleurs quand on se retrouvera au lycée lundi ??
- Très bien. Souhaitez-vous encore autre chose ?
- So-Young ? fit mon père.
          Je déviai mon regard lorsque celui de Jeon Jung-Kook se posa sur moi.
- N-Non...répondis-je timidement.
- C'est bon pour moi aussi.
          Nous fermâmes enfin les cartes pour les redonner à mon camarade de classe qui nous salua poliment avant de s'en aller.
          Je stressais. C'était la catastrophe. Pourquoi mais pourquoi parmi toutes les personnes sur cette Terre, il fallait que je tombe sur ce playboy de Jeon Jung-Kook à un tel endroit ??... C'était la seule personne au monde dont je souhaitais plus que tout garder secret ma vie privée ET mon vrai statut social. J'étais fichue. A présent, le garçon le plus populaire mais surtout le plus ennuyeux et égocentrique de toute ma classe venait de découvrir ce soir mon secret. Si déjà, j'étais épuisée de son attitude avec moi à cause de ce malentendu avec cette lettre d'amour, dès lundi, j'en étais certaine, je vivrai un vrai enfer...
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moonamours · 4 years
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tender intimacy 💕
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andylah · 8 years
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268 notes · View notes
ryn-s · 6 years
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“I learned that new hires must be strictly trained right off the bat, from my direct supervisor.”
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iamharamoverload · 6 years
I was so excited to watch it because a lot of people has said before that it'll be worth it compared to the drama. So I expected A LOT from this but got frustrated and dissapointed after. Its like the scenes arent connected one after another. There was no explanation why this person is doing such things. Like when eun taek throwed the ball to yeon go.
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They didnt showed that he has feelings for her. I watched the drama and read the webtoon before but what if someone who doesnt have a background idea of the story, watched the movie then ofcourse they'll not understand whats going on.
I also felt like everything was in a rush. There were a lot of changes too especially with the brick man (which was not a brickman in webtoon). But I dont blame them tho because you cant really fit a long time webtoon within two hours lol.
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Now with all the casts. Im fine with everyone tho but I personally wish go eun still acted as seol. Im fine with everyone's acting, Im really after the story like I wish that what happened in webtoon was really in the movie. Sigh.
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I also wish that they somehow explained why yoo jung is so cold like his always misunderstood.
I feel like this post contains too much dissapointment lol let me tell you guys what im happy about in this movie. Im glad it was given a chance to be a movie after the drama. Glad that hae jin is still yoo jung (because he's the best to portray yoo jung) Glad that my webtoon heart is coming to life feels like that haha okay.
This is all my opinion. Dont get mad at me lol. No hate, just love! 💚
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kdrama-review · 7 years
치즈인더트랩 / Cheese in the Trap
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Cheese in the Trap is a 2016 South Korean romance/drama and friendship series starring Park Hae Jin, Kim Go Eun, Lee Sung Kyung and Seo Kang Joon.
This drama focuses on the life of the hardworking Hong Seol, who took a year off, due to her family’s poor background and Yoo Jung’s malicious behavior towards her. Yoo Jung is a good looking, popular, rich and athletic guy with a kind mind, but also with a hidden dark side. Although he made Seol’s life miserable, he suddenly acts friendly when she returns back to school. Why is that so?
This review contains spoilers!!!
My Opinion:
Well, what should I say. I loved this drama, but I hated it at the same time. The story was pretty simple and easy to understand and very fun to watch. On the other hand, I found so many odd things in this drama, which made me sit in front of my laptop and asking myself what the heck was going on.
First of all, I never understood why Hong Seol started dating Yoo Jung. His intention was explained pretty well, but I have no idea, why she suddenly and surprisingly agreed to date him. On the other hand, their chemistry was extremely heart fluttering, especially in the beginning of this drama. Seeing them together was just super cute and heart warming and as the drama went on, I really believed that they truly liked each other. 
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But due to Yoo Jung’s dark side, both of them fought a lot and in the end, I really hoped they would break up. I didn't see any sense in their relationship anymore. And when Baek In Ho started showing his feelings towards Hong Seol, I really wanted them to be together and I suffered extremely from the second lead syndrome. While Yoo Jung behaved like a mysterious and cruel person, Baek In Ho was super funny, caring and sweet. 
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The ending was extremely unsatisfying. Honestly, I’ve never seen a drama with such an unsatisfying ending. I was glad that Hong Seol and Yoon Jung broke up. Yoon Jung definitely needed time to figure things out. In his situation he wouldn't have been able to keep their relationship up. On the other hand, it bothered me that Hong Seol obviously didn't even consider dating Baek In Ho, after Jung was gone and I can't even believe that In Ho didn't try harder after he didn't have a rival anymore. Ugh, their was definitely something missing, After the last episode I felt so incomplete and I wanted to see more episodes. Not because it was good, but because I wanted things to finish properly. 
All in all, this drama was quite cute and especially in the beginning really enjoyable. Later on it got a bit hard to watch, but I still liked it somehow. 
Overall: 8.5/10
Story: 7/10
Actor Performance: 10/10
Couple Chemistry: 8/10
Music: 9/10
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kdramaxoxo · 5 years
We need a favourite k-drama actresses list!!! I fall in love with actors the same way you do, it's all about the character, and we have the same exact type, I live for a soft boy! I'm curious if we match this perfectly with the girls, too!
Yay! I really looked forward to making this list! I’ll start with my crush but a heads up that with actors AND actresses, I tend to like them because of roles they’ve played, not because of who they are in real life…
My Favorite K-Drama Actress Ladies:
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Lee Da Hee
Favorite Role: Scarlett, Search: WWW
Scarlett is my absolute favorite person in a K-Drama EVER. She’s stands up for what she thinks is right, is clearly bi for her sunbae and is trash for K-Dramas! She’s the most expressive and loyal friend/lover and she feels everything super hard - like she’s a total cinnamon roll but she’ll cut you. I never thought there would be a lady in a drama that I’d like better than my Soo Ji (Because This is My First Life) but man, I’m so in love with her…can I marry a character? Anyways, I plan on going back and watching everything Lee Da Hee is in now since I’ve never seen her in anything before this.
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Shin Hye Sun
Favorite Role: Woo Seo Ri, Thirty But Seventeen
I think it’s safe to say that I think Shin Hye Sun is the best actor on TV. She slays all roles and her emotions are so visceral - I feel all of the feels watching her even in minor roles. Her last drama ‘Angel’s Last Mission’ made ballet extremely interesting to me, and her talents shone. She’s honestly such a good actress (and stunningly beautiful) that anyone paired with her is just trying their best to keep up.
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Jung So Min
Favorite Role: Yoo Jin Kang, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
I’ve always liked Jung So Min. I watched a terrible “horror” movie just because she was in it and only sort of wanted my time back. She’s great in funny AND serious roles but the first time I really loved her was in her quirky mote-solo (always single) role from Because This is My First Life.  Girls a pro and I can’t wait to see her in the movie she did with Junho
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Gong Hyo Jin
Favorite Role: Tae Gong Shil, The Master’s Sun
I’ll watch total trash for this rom com super star. She is super animated, soft and kind of a goof which I love.  She slays chemistry with everyone she’s cast with and she usually pics romance themed dramas. It looks like she is going to be in another one soon with Kang Ha Neul and can’t wait!
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Favorite Role: Soo Ji, Because This is My First Life
Soo Ji, a feminist sweetheart who kicks ass, literally is the Original Queen IMO. She dates on her terms and takes matters into her own hands. I tried watching The Third Charm and she was doing a great job…but the writing…sigh. Anyways, I’ll give a chance to anything she’s cast in now. Girl’s got it.
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Park Min Young
Favorite Role: Chae Young-Shin, Healer
Park Min Young is a fan fave and she’s earned it! She knows how to pick a drama honey and girl has kissed All The Beautiful Boys. She’s hilariously comical but also knows how to turn on the chemistry with literally everyone. Watch her pony tail in ‘Why Secretary Kim.’
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Jin Ki Joo
Favorite Role: Jung Gal Hee, The Secret Life of My Secretary
I’ve watched a bunch of thiings that Jin Ki Joo is in and I’ve noticed that she is such a great actress that she brings out even more from the male leads she’s paired with. I’ve watched her with iffy idol actors as well as top tier people and she’s great with both. She was HILARIOUS in The Secret Life of My Secretary (I watched the hand washing scene a billion times and I laughed so hard!) and just lovely and emotive in Come and Hug Me which are 100% different in tone from one another.
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Bae Doona
Favorite Role: Han Yeo-Jin, Secret Forest
She’s a superstar and everyone knows it though it was a bit hard to watch her in Persona with IU for some reason? I mean she was amazing but I like her with a bit of a gay vibe I guess. She’s been in all sorts of dramas and in genres I’m not super into and I don’t care. I love her energy so much and her role as Han Yeo-Jin? I want her in my life!
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Nam Ji Hyun
Favorite Role: Bok Shil, Shopping King Louis
What a cutie! She’s kinda goofy, kinda innocent and really good as rom coms. You know she’s good if Ji Chang Wook wanted to work with one person and it was her! Who watched their kiss scene 100 times? I’m not admitting to anything.
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Kim Mi Kyung
Favorite Role: Jo Min Ja, Healer
If you don’t know her, you aren’t paying attention. Lady is literally Everyone’s Mom, but in healer she was a hacker extraordinaire. I’m pretty sure she is the most employed lady in K-dramas and I get really happy when I see her!
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Kim Seo Hyung
Favorite Role: Park Hee Young, Come and Hug Me (actually I hated her as much as I loved her)
So, I think rather than her roles, I just kinda have a crush on her? She’s just my aesthetic I guess. She is FOURTY FIVE y’all. I love to hate her in villain-y roles but I will watch her in anything where she’s in a power suit.
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Kim Ji Won
Favorite Role: Choi Ae Ra, Fight My Way
Pouty baby who loves her childhood friend but is super feminist in her points of view, this character has my heart and always will. I even loved her in The Heirs!
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Park Jin Joo
Favorite Role: All of them but maybe Her Private Life?
Park Jin Joo is always that sassy side friend or co-worker and she brings an extra quality to every drama just by being there. I think she deserves a lead role people!
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Jun Ji Hyun
Favorite Role: Shim, Chung, Legend of the Blue Sea
Comedic genius and totally gorgeous! Whenever she’s in a show, she steals the limelight from the dude 100%. She was slapstick hilarious in Legend of the Blue Sea (which we all know was 5 epsiodes too long ;-)
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Kim Seul Gi
Favorite Role: Shin Sun Ae, Oh My Ghostess
You can probably tell that my favorite ladies are the funny ones - the ones who can be light hearted and unique in their acting style and Kim Seul Gi is the only person who could have played the ghost in Oh My Ghostess! Did you see Splash Splash Love? She was also great in Flower Boy Next Door.
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Park Bo Young
Favorite Role: Bong Soon, Oh My Ghostess
I’m pretty sure she would be on everyone’s list so it’s not like, a big surprise because she’s an amazing actress! I loved the interview where she said she was waiting for Yeo Jin Goo to grow up so they could act together LOL. Noona romance? I want it!
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periwinklegirls · 4 years
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red light ❀ album booklet © functionlove l edit with credit l translations by functionlove
Victoria: A lot of people move busily for f(x) every time we make a comeback after a year~ During those times we feel like we’re one family, one team. Thank you very much to Lee Sooman teacher, president Kim Youngmin, vice-president Han Semin, vice-president Nam Soyoung, director Jung Changhwan, our company’s oppas and unnies, staff unnies and dongsaengs, producers, sunbaes, who made this heartwarming, secure ‘workplace’ atmosphere~ Also our pretty members~ You’ve worked hard, thank you~ Thank you very much to our fans who waited a year ~^^~ Please give a lot of love to f(x)’s newer and grown-up appearance~~~ Thanks to everybody~^.^ Luna: Firstly I’m most thankful to God once again for being with f(x) and watching us. Also the family I love and Lee Changie and cute Lee Joon, Arin unnie, Dahye unnie and the family, Lee Sooman teacher, president Kim Youngmin, vice-president Han Semin, vice-president Nam Soyoung, director Jung Changhwan, the SMTOWN family and Yongjun oppa, Kyungchang oppa, Hongshin oppa, Jinook oppa, Chunghee unnie, Heejin unnie, Beat Burger Jaewon oppa and Sanghoon oppa, Jillian, Kevin, Kuyoung oppa, Hyojae oppa, Seohyun unnie, Yunkyung unnie, Haejin unnie, Minkyung unnie, Sonae unnie, Kenzie unnie, Jinoo oppa, writer Kim Jinhwak, Duri unnie, Jinbo-nim, who always have been with f(x), all the writers and composers who gave f(x) good songs and lyrics, driver Jin, driver Ku, driver Kim, driver Jung, Kim He and sunbaenim, Ari unnie, Minee unnie, Junghyun unnie, Hyunsoo oppa, Jaeyeong oppa, Jaemin oppa, the Dance Battle Korea family, TIP members, professor Yoo Youngsuk, Heenim, Natural Balance, professor Hyuntae, Kyuseok-nim, teacher Seongjae, Nayeon unnie, teacher Myeongah, professor Hwang Seungkyeong, professor Lee Jisoo, professor Hwang Seungkyeong, professor Choi Jinho, everyone in class 54 at Chungang Uni, and lastly, thank you very much to our precious fans who always love f(x). f(x) hwaiting!
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liftedblise · 5 years
Kdramas to watch when Extraordinary You ends
Itazura Na Kiss-
Kotoko Aihara (Honoka Miki) isn't very intelligent and lacks ability in school. She is in class F, the least intelligent class in her grade. Despite this, she has been in love with the school's most handsome and most intelligent guy, Naoki Irie (Yuki Furukawa), ever since she saw him give a speech at the high school entrance ceremony.
In her third year of high school, she writes him a love letter but is rejected instantly. She is crushed to see her letter was not even looked at and decides to give up on the jerk who rejected her without even reading it. On the same day, Kotoko's house is hit by a shooting star and collapses. As it is being rebuilt, her dad gets a phone call from his longtime friend and is invited to stay with them. When she arrives, she is in shock to see that this is the house of Naoki Irie and his family. Although he shows a cold attitude, she realizes she can't help but love him. What will happen when fate takes over, and Kotoko's chance of winning Naoki's heart falls in her hands?
Personal Review: 12/10
If you secretly wanted Dan Oh to end up with Kyung, you will definitely love to see how our herione melts the icy exterior of the male lead
My Little Princess-
Lin Xing Chen has everything in life. She is rich, beautiful, and adored by all. She is also cursed with the fate that any man she likes will not like her back. She begins a difficult journey to win the heart of a rich heir. Standing in her way to a happily-ever-after is a sweet, compassionate but poor girl and a smart, multitalented but poor boy.
Personal review: 8/10
An innocent and soft story that is very similar to Extraordinary You, with a little extra cheese
Legend Of The Blue Sea-
The television series centers on the love story of Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho), the son of a rich businessman who becomes a clever con-man after his parents' divorce, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun). Focusing on rebirth, fate, and unrequited love, their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa.
Personal review: 9/10
A little bit of magic and a whole lot of comedy. Our main herione carries this drama on her amazingly strong shoulder
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo-
Kim Bok-Joo (Lee Sung-Kyung) is a promising collegiate female weightlifter. Her father runs a small chicken restaurant and her uncle wants to become an actor. She has a bright personality and strong sense of justice. Kim Bok-Joo and her friends on the female weightlifting team are not popular with the guys and they don't have boyfriends. The weightlifting team and the rhythmic gymnastic team also don't get along at all.
Meanwhile, Jung Joon-Hyung (Nam Joo-Hyuk) is a collegiate swimmer plagued with numerous false start disqualifications. He is 21-years-old and has a free spirit. His uncle and aunt raised him along with his cousin Jung Jae-Yi (Lee Jae-Yoon).
One day on campus, Kim Bok-Joo bumps into Jung Joon-Hyung while he is riding his bicycle. Her face looks familiar to Jung Joon-Hyung. After he leaves, Kim Bok-Joo picks up a handkerchief left behind by Jung Joon-Hyung. The handkerchief is very important to him and he begins looking for it.
Personal review: 100/10
Not your usual herione of you average, but Bok Joo is someone that captures your heart immediately. Also the main couple has the best chemistry together
School 2017-
The plot follows a class of high school students attempting to overcome the stress of being ranked by their exam grades, and facing the difficulties of being a teenager in a high-pressure, corrupt system. Its central protagonist is Ra Eun-ho (Kim Se-jeong), a cheerful and kind-hearted 18-year-old who dreams of being a webtoon artist but is caught up in the search for a mysterious troublemaker in the school, known as 'Student X'. When she is accused of being Student X, her dream of going to university to study art is put at risk as she faces expulsion. Hyun Tae Woon (Kim Jung-hyun) is the son of the director of the school who enjoys his youth but hides deep scars. Song Dae Hwi (Jang Dong-yoon) is a bright student who's ranked 1st everytime but doesn't have enough money for his dream college
Personal review: 7/10
A cute coming g of age drama that's a lighthearted watch
W two worlds-
Cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon Joo's father mysteriously went missing while writing the last chapter of his webtoon "W". Yeon Joo goes to his office and is shocked to see a scene of a bloodied Kang Cheol, the main character of W, on her father's monitor. While reading something left behind by her father, a hand from the monitor pulled her in. She found herself on the rooftop of a building, next to a man lying down in blood. She manages to save him and realizes that the person she saved was Kang Cheol. She later discovers she can only enter and leave the webtoon depending on Kang Cheol's feelings.
Personal review: 9/10
A different perspective of the webtoon world with the perspective of the author taken in. Also who doesnt love Lee Jong Suk
Cheese in the trap-
The drama focuses on the life and relationships of a group of university students, particularly the difficult relationship between Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) and her sunbae, or her senior, Yoo Jung (Park Hae-jin).
Jung is the rich heir to Taerang Group and seemingly has a perfect life, but also displays psychopathic tendencies, which cause Seol to take time off school to get away from him. When she returns through a scholarship that was intended for Jung, he is unexpectedly nice to her and asks her on a date. They begin an awkward relationship which is further complicated by the arrival of Baek In-ho and his sister In-ha, childhood friends of Jung and her finding out he is wealthy.
Personal review: Actually never watched it because I dont like open endings but watch at your own risk :)
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arisamsara · 5 years
The change of relationship: breaking point of Yoo Jung
Cheese in the Trap Season 4, Ep. 30
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WARNING: This post contains several spoilers of the story released up to this particular chapter. The selected plot points are needed for explanation of the chosen topic. If you haven't but plan to read Cheese in the Trap (much reccomended), please avoid this post or read at your own risk.
Cheese in the Trap (치즈인더트랩) is a Korean manhwa (aka comic) series created by Soonkki (story and artwork). It was published on online platform Naver Webtoon in 2010-2017. Later the story was published in print, translated into English on Webtoon app, made into a TV series and live action film. The English translation is in its last 4th season and still has around one year worth of material yet to be translated.
The story revolves around Hong Seol, a hardwoking and little overthinking 3rd year university student majoring business management who is suddenly approached by her same major sunbae, very rich, handsome and popular 4th year student Yoo Jung. It would seem Seol hit a jackpot, attracting attention of such a guy as Jung; however, there is no promise of typical romance in sight. Why?
Maybe because Seol knows that Jung is not as nice as he pretends to be in public?
Or maybe because the previous year Seol's university life was turned into hell and the main puppetmaster behind all those evil schemes seems to be... Yoo Jung?
Relationship that began shrouded in misunderstanding, antipathy and suspicion. Can it ever be turned into romance? Or is it just another Jung's masterplan to get back at Seol?
In this post I will:
1) do a quick recap of "Jung's attitude towards Seol" evolution (in approximate data graph form in interval -10 to 10 because they're business majors, duh);
2) explain what happened in this episode, what was mistranslated in Jung's monologue and what character details are hidden here;
3) clear the mistranslation of Jung's repeated "Seol" in this episode.
Important parts are highlighted with colour (setting/situation) or bolded (particular events). The words in "..." are actual quotations. The words in '...' are rephrased sentences. Lets begin!
[1st Part] RECAP
How Jung's attitude towards Seol changed since the beginning of previous year aka flashback year? Jung returned from military service to the 3rd year, Seol returned to the 2nd year; they first met during comeback drink party. Seol got wasted (she can't drink much), picked up thrown ciggarettes from the ground outside (for Bora) and kept side-eyeing Jung all evening (how he spilled drink on clingy girls). Jung's first impression of Seol was bad, around 0 to -1 (she's "pathetic"). Then Seol kept saying hello and smiling to him (he was sunbae and popular/respected as well) but Jung flat out ignored her (thought she's another leecher).
During Jaewoo's study group Seol was the only girl there (they thought she outsmarted other girls and came alone to be closer to Jung); Jung caught her laughing at him (he thought she was mocking him and saw through his "nice sunbae" mask; she was just laughing at her imagination of Jung as aloof prince) and his impression dropped to -5 as he really disliked her now. Seol tripped on waxed floor and Jung caught her saying "Be careful" (not about tripping but about her behaviour towards him).
Seol then badmouthed Jung in public (said he was distanced, chose with whom to mingle, acted a bit fake); he found out about it and started to hate Seol (drop to -8). Seol tripped again and dropped papers, Jung kicked them and said "You keep making mistakes. I told you to be careful" (again not about tripping but about making him seem WEIRD to others in public). So he began to act nice with Seol to make Juyeon (black-haired girl who crushed on Jung) jealous and ruin Seol's life (in study related matters)
Then Younggon badmouthed Jung during basketball game (something like 'Jung pities you clingy people', which was true). When everyone turned their backs on Younggon, who went to talk to him, comfort him with snacks? Seol. Jung saw that and likely thought 'So these Jung haters team up now, huh? They deserve each other'. Jung's hatred for Seol got even bigger (drop to -10). When Younggon came to Jung asking for forgiveness, Jung was tired of his sh*t and wanted to go home already (he sighed and ruffled his hair). Juyeon told Younggon he and Seol would be a great couple; they asked for Jung's opinion and he was like 'Yeah whatever you would look good' with a fake smile to be left alone and not involved in unnecessary rumours and drama. He also didn't stop Inha from taking his phone and writing Younggon (pretending to be Jung and advising to send Seol gifts etc.), because, well, he disliked Seol and couldn't be bothered thinking about her. However, Jung had no idea how far Younggon would go during summer break (stalking, threatening and assaulting Seol).
When Seol came straight to Jung and asked if he really told Younggon Seol liked him (and Jung found out how obsessed Younggon was) Jung was shocked and felt bad. Yes, he hated Seol but didn't wish her to be hurt/threatened. Then Juyeon sent homeless woman to the library where Seol was and Seol got cut with a glass. It was Jung (if I remember correctly) who secretly called security guard to save Seol (yet Seol thought Jung was there knowing what happened and did nothing). Jung was really mad with Juyeon for this.
More things have happened that I forgot a bit, but essentially Jung kept noticing he and Seol are somewhat similar. He overheard her phone call with her parents and learned she was also lonely and not fully appreciated by her family. They both were diligent and hardworking in studying (both often were the ones who were used in team projects and ended up doing most of the work, or even did all work alone so their grade would not be affected by other people's laziness). They disliked petty drama. And found it difficult to speak their worries to others (Seol was too self-conscious and afraid to burden her friends, Jung had no one to speak to at all). So Jung's hatred for Seol started to decrease and he occasionally found himself thinking about her and even smiling when doing that (which made him frustrated and confused).
Jung looked for opportunities to speak with Seol but she always ran away, avoided to be left with him alone. During festival Jung made her a part of his preparation group, assigned her an easy job (sort out boxes) so she wouldn't overwork herself as she usually does and so that they could have time to talk alone. Jung didn't know silverware arrived earlier than planned and those boxes were heavy instead of light (Seol thought Jung gave her that job on purpose, to get back at her and just make her more miserable). While working they kept glancing at each other (Seol saw Jung wipe his sweaty face and cough - he caught a cold and felt really sick, but kept working). As others ran home early avoiding work, finding ridiculous excuses, Jung said Seol will help him clean up, but when everyone left, he told her to go just home (no one will appreciate her sacrifice and hard work, he knew that from experience). Seol wanted to leave, but seeing how Jung was sick, she went into rain to place directions towards their bar space. As she got back to take her bag, she saw Jung cleaned the place and lied back on the sofa, mumbling with fever. She couldn't just leave him there, bought him medicine, placed a wet towel on his head and fell asleep on the other couch. Jung woke up feeling better and was surprised to see Seol who was also sick and grabbed his hand in her feverish sleep (Seol's habit). The way they both tended to each other as both were sick (such caring gesture) made them closer but still confused about each other.
Jung left umbrella to Seol (she didn't take one and got wet while placing directions outside) and next day didn't take it back immediately between lectures so they could speak in person when she returns it, but that plan failed (Seol was too sick to keep running after Jung; she didn't want to be alone with him; the students' pissed her off saying 'Poor Jung, got sick working all alone'). In episode 29 sick Seol mistook Jung as Euntaek and asked him for money (initially 10$, then changed her mind and said 2$ was enough). Jung was happy to help her (he knew Seol wasn't like other students who hanged out with Jung only because of his money; also she approached him first and he hoped now they could talk) and offered 40$ (possibly all the cash he had on him, as Jung seemed to favour his card for paying). However, Seol recognized him and ran away again thinking Jung was showing off his money and pity, humiliating her. He followed her and saw her crouched (she vomited), tried to approach her but couldn't (street between them was drawn as an abyss); during next break Jung bought a health drink for Seol but she collapsed and was carried to the infirmary.
Then this episode happened (explained in detail in 2nd part). After that, Jung found out Seol was taking a study break. He was desperate to keep her at university so he could finally get close to her (it was going to be Jung's last year, so if she took a break, they would likely never meet again). Having no other idea how to do that, Jung blackmailed Assistant Seo to make his research paper dissapear (Assistand Seo had stolen and used Jung's credit card, so Jung gave him a chance to be forgiven; once research paper was gone, Jung's grade would drop, Seol would become first in business department, get the scholarship instead of Jung and stay for another year). Then the first chapter of CITT happens when Jung approaches Seol all smiles and offers to buy her dinner (bomb food and triangle rice). So during this 'realization' period which started after Younggon's assault, Jung's like/dislike bar towards Seol jumped from -10 to a decent 8.
This whole chapter is from Jung's POV, so it's a rare opportunity not only to see him behave but also hear what he's thinking. Infirmary part is the breaking point is Seol-Jung relationship: it's Jung's last effort to stop being bothered and confused by his feelings towards Seol; and his utter defeat as his opinion of Seol changed completely. Jung was getting worried of her and her health before, but here we see the extent of it. Jung is super diligent when it comes to studying (a bit later, during their first movie date at the cinema Jung was hangover and asked Seol to wake him up if he falls asleep; but it was Jung who stayed up watching boring historical film without breaking attention because it was homework; while Seol quickly fell asleep). It is absolutely outrageous to see Jung deliberately skip important lecture (which has attendance marks) in the middle of it just to go and see Seol. It shows how much he worried about her without even realizing.
Then Jung quietly stared at Seol for a long time with a serious, cynical face as if criticizing, evaluating. Although Jung has dated many girls before (they asked him out and he said ok), he has never had any romantic feelings for them and had no experience with love. So here Jung tried to rationalize whatever newly experienced softness he was feeling towards Seol, remembering past incidents (how she fell several times and got her hand cut). But his concentration broke as soon as Seol moved and Jung was controlled by the unconscious desire to touch her HAND. Seol woke up (delirious) so Jung put his HAND over her eyes to make her sleep (it mirrors how Seol put her HAND over Jung's eyes to calm his rage after Sangcheol pushed them and Jung hurt his HAND). Seol grabbed Jung's HAND half asleep, thanked he was still there and told him to go already. Since she spoke in banmal (informal language), she must have mistaken Jung for Euntaek again, as she never spoke informally with Jung before. Obviously a HAND motif is extremely important in the story. Seol keeps grabbing people's hands (usually Jung's after they became close, ex. when he asked her to become his girlfriend, during volunteering etc.) because she pushed away grandmother's hand; Seol had her hand cut by homeless woman; Inho got his hand hurt during assault; Jung's habit to tap his fingers when he's thinking. I can say this hand grabbing was one of the deciding elements that defeated Jung and last effort of resistance, but why exactly this gesture has such an impact on him is revealed only at the end of the story.
The part time job paper he found in her pocket softened him more. Jung's monologue is MISTRANSLATED in English version on Webtoon app; in essence Jung said he was frustrated about his feelings towards Seol but now feels better (weird), it means he changed (that's weirder). Seol caused a chaos of emotions inside him and she was the only one who could contain that chaos and bring back peace to his heart. He had no proof they could get along as their relationship was dissapointing so far but he wanted to try once more and make sure of it. He admitted he had never regretted his actions so much as he did now (things he did to Seol). Jung realized he couldn't run away from Seol, was fascinated by her, worried (her call with parents), touched by her kindness (she cared for him at festival), apologetic (she crouched after asking for 2$). Suddenly realization hit Jung like a lightning -  he lost the battle and got taken over by affection and crush towards Seol. Jung fell in love for the first time. And here started his obsession with food and having dinner with Seol.
Why Jung kept repeating "Seol" like crazy? The way it's translated in English on Webtoon app, there is no difference between Jung addressing Seol as he first got into the infirmary and at the end of the chapter. In original Korean version there is a huge difference. For ex. Seol never adressed Jung as Jung; he was Yoo Jung or Sunbae (the latter even after they started dating). Titles of hierarchy or full names are used between people who are not very close and are in official respectful relationship, mostly professional. Family members, close friends and lovers use banmal (informal speech) and address each other using each other's name (there are exceptions; also Bora and Euntaek also often called Seol as Hong/Hong Seol but it may have been a tease). So people who are very close would usually add ending -ah to other person's name as a form of endearment.
When Jung first entered the infirmary, he adressed Seol formally as "Hong Seol" (a fellow student and hoohae of the same major). But after Jung realized he fell in love with Seol, he smiled and called her name softly as "Seol-ah", suggesting she became a close person to him, a dear friend and a possible future lover. Being first time in love, Jung was fascinated by how lovely it sounds and kept happily repeating it.
CITT emphasizes the importance of subjectivity of one's point of view. This post was written explaining Jung's point of view, how he saw Seol and judged her behaviour. However the story is written mainly from Seol's point of view, so the reader identifies with her and can clearly understand only her actions and thoughts. Most of the time Jung looks weird, unreadable and suspicious to the reader because Seol sees him like that, affected by her past experiences which were caused by misunderstanding between them (and also because Jung is a complex person in general who on top of that is inexperienced in expressing himself clearly).
Nothing like that would have happened if Jung and Seol had sat down and talked everything out in the beginning. But these two do not openly speak about things. Instead they observe, overthink and internalize, judging people by subjective patterns of their own experience. Seol and Jung are similar in this appproach, only their patterns differ.
Seol grew up nice, diligent, disliked troubles and drama, smiled at sunbaes and was often underappreciated. And Jung was always at the center of attention. Seol thoght it was unfair, but she didn't know that people hanged out with Jung only for his status, money and connections, looking for personal gain. When Seol tried to be nice to Jung because she was just raised like that, Jung thought she was another leecher as he only knew such people.
Money was a touchy issue in Seol's family and she had to work several part time jobs to earn for tuition. Jung never thought about money at all or give it much importance. He was collecting expensive watches because he hd nothing better to do (habit came from the childhood as he was lonely and wanted to have a hobby). His issue was not using money for other people (paying for team dinners; Jung is generous) but for people using him only for money. So when Seol paid for her dinner (like she was raised to do) she thought Jung considered her a fool. Actually, he was impressed and surprised (sge's a first who did that) and even felt a little mocked. So he had no issue to give her more cash than she asked - 'I have money, you need it as you're sick, take it all'. She felt humiliated as if Jung was showing off.
Jung made her part of his festival preparation group only to have a chance to speak with her. She thought he did it to make her life hard. Whatever nice Jung did later, he was misunderstood by Seol as having evil intentions. Even when he "lost his paper" and gave up his scholarship so that she would stay at University, he avoided telling her the truth as Seol could (and eventually did) misunderstand and judge him resorting to blackmail (Seol is very righteous). But she would not open to him or ask him for help otherwise, so Jung had to repeatedly help her from behind the scenes and later get scolded.
Also, I wanted to clarify Jung's line "I'm all you got" from episode 27 that generated a lot of discussions about his 'inappropriate, sketchy and manipulative' behaviour. The sentence does sound creepy, but it was partly the fault of translation. Actually this sentence does not mean Seol has no family or friends and has to rely solely on Jung. It is a mistake to take this one sentence out of context, as the sentence was a continuation of Jung's train of thought about unconditional love and trust; about putting someone always first.
Read the colour coded dialogue below:
Jung Seol
"Next time tell me anything. Even if it's just a suspicion. Didn't we agree to share everything? That night, at my house... We talked about it."
"Yes we did, that conversation. Well, I was suspicious of him (Sangcheol) for being a thief so I had to be cautious."
"Seol, when you get suspicious, you had a good reason to be. You can tell me."
"What? How can you be so sure? Aren't you trusting me a little too much?"
"Of course. Who else would believe you and take your side if not me? See? I'm all you got."
Jung never experienced unconditional love and trust; his father never put Jung, his son, first above everything else. Jung was told to give beloved picture frame (mom's treasure) to a boy who simply liked it. Father told Jung to stop whining and be nice - apparently how other people saw Jung was more important than what Jung wanted. Jung's father considered him weird and the lack of trust was expressed by making Baek twins spy on Jung and report back (twins were manipulated too). Father even seemed to like twins' company better than Jung's as father was always smiling and laughing around them, but giving Jung a cold shoulder and scorned face. In Jung's mind, he was never first to Inho too although they were best friends. Jung went to see Inho's favourite musician and get autograph in Inho's name. And Inho kept reporting to Jung's father about Jung, laughed about father liking him more than Jung and caused a scandal about being a second son in the family. People at work and University also don't care about Jung as a person, only about his status in society.
Seol's life is different, she has family and friends yet she can relate to Jung a lot too. In episode 29 Seol said: "No matter how hard I try, there is someone else who's on a whole different level from the beginning. Do I really need to feel this way even at school?" and a picture of Seol's brother Joon appeared. Seol was never put first too - her brother as the only son in the family was the most important. Grandma used to favour Joon and bring him more snacks. Parents sent him to USA to study (Seol also wanted that) and sent him money frequently but Joon stopped his studies and went home. Meanwhile, Seol took a break and had several jobs to earn money for her tuition. No one at home asked how she felt, what she wanted; no one noticed how sick she was (father said no one around the house was useful). Seol had Bora and Euntaek but they had their own problems at home and Seol couldn't find strength to tell them everything thst bothered her. This lead Seol to keep stuff to herself and just brace through it alone.
For Jung, Seol is his girlfriend, the girl he loves and by far the closest person he has. Despite rocky start she eventually tried to know him behind the façade. She bought him a watch (he collects them) with her scarce savings when her time, interest and honesty were more than enough for him. After arguing she would still come and try to work it out and understand him (the night they talked at Jung's house). She often worried about him to the point where she thought she would trouble him with her "small" problems. So that's what Jung talked about - he wanted Seol to share even the smallest worries with him, not bottle everything inside. When friends can be very close, they both are a couple. For Jung couple means people who are ultimate, the most important for each other. "I'm all you got" means "the ultimate/the last one/ the only one to remain with you when everyone turns their backs on you and leaves". It means that as her boyfriend, Jung is the only one who ALWAYS puts Seol first above others, supports her and is on her side no matter what, even if she is wrong or mistaken. That is unconditional love and trust they haven't experienced from their family and friends, so have to give to each other instead.
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
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astarlightmonbebe · 5 years
10 Kdramas I Recommend part 2
Hey~I’m back again with a part 2! I finish kdramas so slowly, so this took me a while to get to. Sorry if I ramble.
Here is part 1.
1. Life
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Year of Release: July-September, 2018
Lee Dongwook as Ye Jinwoo
Cho Seungwoo as Cha Seunghyo
Won Jina as Lee Noeul
Lee Kyuhyung as Ye Sunwoo
Yoo Jaemyung as Joo Kyungmoon
Synopsis: Ye Jinwoo is a doctor at Sangkook University. One night, the hospital director dies. Though his death is ruled as a heart attack, Jinwoo believes otherwise. Koo Seunghyo becomes the new director of the hospital, despite being a businessman. He sees the hospital as something to profit from, and decides to forcefully transfer three departments, including the emergency medical center, where Jinwoo works. Jinwoo and the other staff members protest this and start to scheme to have their new director removed.
Thoughts: I went into this for Lee Dongwook and Won Jina only, and only thought it sounded vaguely interesting. I’m not much for hospital dramas and politics, but this drama really ended up piquing my interest! Not only were the actors amazing, but it shaped up a really good story. It showed the bad and good characteristics of everyone, even the so called protagonist and antagonist. I did find it frustrating at times, but only to the point that I felt that I had to watch more to make sure everything got resolved right. From a writer’s standpoint, the ending of this was wonderfully crafted, though watchers might have found themselves deeply sighing. 
Rating: 8/10
2. Healer
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Year of Release: December, 2014-February, 2015
Ji Changwook as Seo Junghoo
Park Minyoung as Chae Youngshin
Yoo Jitae as Kim Moonho
Synopsis: Kim Moonho is a famous reporter who enlists the service of a mysterious night errand boy, Healer, to find and protect Chae Youngshin, a junior reporter who he believes is connected to a decades old mystery surrounding five friends. The three become intricately connected as they navigate their shared past, the mysterious incident, and current day politics as people in positions of power try to cover that incident up for good.
Thoughts: I LOVED THIS DRAMA! I watched it in around three weeks (it’s a 20 episode drama), and loved every single minute of it. It was the fastest I have ever watched a kdrama. I thought about starting it many times, but always pushed it off because the summary never sounded interesting. Yet after watching a trailer and deciding to see how it was for Ji Changwook, I was instantly tossed head over heels. This drama is thrilling. Secret identities, reporters, mysteries, romance (!!! y’all there’s this one cute scene that really makes me squeal), trauma, pain, and everything in between. You will seriously not regret watching this. 
Rating: 10/10! 
3. Come and Hug Me
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Year of Release: May-July, 2018
Jang Kiyong as Chae Dojin/Yoon Namoo
Jin Kijoo as Han Jaeyi/Gil Nakwon
Heo Junho as Yoon Heejae
Kim Kyungnam as Yoon Hyunmoo
Yoon Jonghoon as Gil Moowon
Synopsis: Namoo and Nakwon were each other’s first love in high school, until Namoo’s psychopathic father, Yoon Heejae, murdered Nakwon’s parents. Twelve years later, the two meet again--with Namoo as a police detective who goes by Chae Dojin, and Nakwon taking after her late mother as an actress by the name of Han Jaeyi. She suffers from severe PTSD. Together, the two of them navigate their rough past and try to move forward and heal, even as the past threatens to return to their present.
Thoughts: I can’t begin to stress how much I like this drama. It is a drama with a darker theme, but I really liked how they focused on Nakwon’s PTSD and a) how people reacted to the rumors of her mental trauma, b) how they didn’t end up pushing that it made her weak, but rather showed how she grew through it. Every single actor in this was fantastic, especially the child actors! I was really glad to be introduced to Jang Kiyong and Jin Kijoo! They looked so great together :). If you’re a fan of healing dramas with a touch of serial killer, you should definitely check this one out. It checks all the romance boxes, but also all the fun, crime filled ones too.
Rating: 9/10 
4. Descendants of the Sun
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Year of Release: February-April, 2016
Song Joonki as Yoo Shijin
Song Hyeko as Kang Moyeon
Jin Goo as Seo Daeyoung
Kim Jiwon as Yoon Myeongjoo
Synopsis: Shijin is a captain of the special forces, and Moyeon is a doctor. They meet at the hospital, and decide to date. Unfortunately, it does not work out, as they realize that Shijin as someone who takes lives and Moyeon as someone who tries to save them are not a good pair. The two part ways, but it seems like fate is looking out for them, because eight months later they meet again when Moyeon is assigned to go to Uruk with a medical team, where Shijin is stationed. 
Thoughts: DOTS is a drama classic, and a must watch. I went into watching it expecting to to be very different than it was, but I was not disappointed in the slightest bit. It delves into a lot of topics on morality and making decisions in the midst of a life and death situation. The Song-Song couple’s chemistry was off the charts (and they got married in real life, too!), plus the second lead couple was awesome too! Each character brought something unique to the show. DOTS made my heart leap and feel all sorts of things--especially when Onew (he played a doctor) was crying his eyes out, like dude, I wanted to bawl. This is a classic you cannot pass up.
Rating: 10/10
5. Romance is a Bonus Book
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Year of Release: January-March, 2019
Lee Jongsuk as Cha Eunho
Lee Nayoung as Kang Dani
Jung Eugene as Song Haerin
Wi Hajoon as Ji Seojun
Synopsis: Cha Eunho is a popular writer and editor who works at a popular publishing company. He is close friends with Kang Dani. With a twist of fate, Dani--who used to be a popular copywriter but has recently fallen upon hard times--manages to get a job at Eunho’s publishing company by lying on her resume. 
Thoughts: Any drama with Lee Jongsuk is going to be good (well...most dramas), and this drama was the perfect mix of funny, romance, and a dash of mystery. Dani’s character was very relatable. She’s awkward, kind, old timey, and genuine. I loved getting introduced to Wi Hajoon as an actor through this drama. He and Jung Eugene were great second leads/supporting actors. The rest of the cast are each very unique in their own way, and lots of kudos to the writers for showing us little slices of how they live and their own problems without making the storyline messy. 
Rating: 8/10
6. My Strange Hero
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Year of Release: December, 2018-February, 2019
Yoo Seungho as Kang Boksu
Jo Boah as Son Soojung
Kwak Dongyeon as Oh Seho
Synopsis: When Kang Boksu was in high school, he was falsely accused of school violence by his friend (Oh Seho) and his girlfriend (Son Soojeong). Years later, as an adult, Boksu has the opportunity to return to school and graduate. He takes up the offer with the idea of getting revenge, as Soojeong has just become a teacher there, and Seho is the new director as he battles to take control of the school from his mother, the chairman. However, things don’t go as Boksu plans, and he soons find himself tangled up in a major school corruption. 
Thoughts: Okay!!!! I usually get tired of hearing the same old corruption spiel since apparently kdramas love to point out the problems with Korea’s school systems (while nothing changes), and while Chairman Oh definitely made me want to slap her straight across her dumb face, it wasn’t enough to make me completely stop watching. First off, I love all three main actors (or I did as soon as I saw them in here). Yoo Seungho is always enjoyable to watch, and Boksu and Soojeong were sweet and fluffy and balanced each other out perfectly in the relationship. I also fell for Oh Seho! I know a lot of people found him a terrible person...and yeah, he was definitely a prime example of like an anti-villain, but he also had a great redemption arc and I just...wanted to give him the hugest hug.
Rating: 8.5/10
7. Cheese in the Trap
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Year of Release: January-March, 2016
Park Haejin as Yoo Jung
Kim Goeun as Hong Seol
Seo Kangjoon as Baek Inho
Synopsis: Hong Seol is a hard working college student and Yoo Jung is her good looking, smart, and rich sunbae. Over the course of college, Seol and Jung eventually start a delicate relationship despite other obstacles in their path. However, a friend from Jung’s path, Inho, returns and also starts to fall for Seol.
Thoughts: This drama...I actually only watched it for Seo Kangjoon and he’s the only reason I finished it. This has the biggest second lead syndrome you will ever find. Personally, he’s the only reason this is making it to my recommendation list (that and the fact that I’m horrible at finishing dramas). On the other hand...let’s just say that I hated Park Haejin for so long because I could not get over how much I disliked his character in this drama. It was an interesting character, but I couldn’t stand how manipulative he was. CITT is based on a webtoon, so maybe that’s why it’s so crazy, but it took me so long to finish this. It took me a year because I stopped watching it so many times. This show seriously drove me crazy. There are only a couple things that get me genuinely riled up when I have to talk about them, and this show is one of those things. I don’t know, some people really liked it, but while there were good characters and some nice parts, in the long run it was just really not that good.
Rating: 6/10
8. Bad Guys
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Year of Release: October-December, 2014
Kim Sangjoong as Oh Gutak
Ma Dongseok as Park Woongcheol
Park Haejin as Lee Jungmoon
Jo Donghyuk as Jung Taesoo
Gang Yewon as Yoo Miyoung
Synopsis: In order to combat the rise in violent crimes, the Police Detective tasks Detective Oh Gutak with putting together a group of criminals to take care of the problem. Gutak, who is currently suspended for excessive violence, puts together a team consisting of gangster Park Woongcheol, hitman Jung Taesoo, serial killer Lee Jungmoon, and Police Inspector Yoo Miyoung. Together, the team tackle the rising crime rate and dangerous criminals.
Thoughts: This show was only 11 episodes, maybe why I was able to watch it so fast. It’s violent and dark--the perfect fit for the crime/mystery genre. I also like to call this Park Haejin’s redemption drama, because after this you know who I liked x.x. There were also a lot of plot twists that made me need to watch the next episode immediately. There’s a sequel to the show with a new cast but the same premise, but I’ll warn you that that show has definitely more violence and blood and death and stuff (I’m still watching it; I’m kind of stalled out right now since a certain episode made me lose faith in that entire show, ahem episode 8). 
Rating: 8/10
9. Kill It
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Year of Release: March-April, 2019
Jang Kiyong as Kim Soohyun
Nana as Do Hyeonjin
Roh Jeongeui as Kang Seulgi
Kim Jaewon as Philip
Synopsis: Kim Soohyun is an elite assassin who is searching for clues to the past he cannot remember. Do Hyeonjin is the adopted daughter of an important congressman who is a new Police Detective. She is still searching for the killer of her boyfriend, even though nine years have passed. Soohyun and Hyeonjin start to cross paths, finding a connection from their past that leads to a growing relationship.
Thoughts: Sounds like every au ever, right? Jokes, it’s my favorite au of all time and I freaked out when I found out Jang Kiyong was going to the lead. It sounds cliche, but I swear it’s very good. I love the fact that there’s not really a romantic relationship between the two, like it’s not supposed to be romantic, but rather focuses on the platonic, friendship between them. It’s a dark, twisting drama, another one showing how deep corruption runs in the government (that’s always a theme because you know, it’s a thing), and the ending freaking killed me but you know :((. 
Rating: 9.5/10
10. He Is Psychometric
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Year of Release: March-April, 2019
Park Jinyoung as Lee Ahn
Shin Yeeun as Yoon Jaein
Kim Kwon as Kang Seongmo
Kim Dasom as Eun Jisoo
Synopsis: Lee Ahn has a special ability, psychometry. When he makes skin to skin contact with someone, he sees their darkest memories and secrets. He dreams of becoming the first Police Psychometrist. Yoon Jaein has been running her whole life, ever since her father was charged with the arson of Yeonsung Apartments, where Ahn’s parents died. The two first meet in high school, but their connection is cut short, only for them to reunite two years later and start to solve the mystery behind the fire and the other crimes that connect to it, along with Ahn’s non-biological brother, Prosecutor Kang Seungmo, and Police Detective Eun Jisoo.
Thoughts: OKAY, let me take a deep breath before I get into this one. He Is Psychometric is one of the best dramas I have ever watched. It’s right up there on my top five, I reckon. I didn’t drop this or anything; I watched it from the moment it started airing to the time it didn’t. Fair warning that if you expected happiness, this is not the drama to go for. It’s so twisty and has so many turns, like everytime something was uncovered there was still more threads to follow and it was insane but amazing. Especially for me, being a huge psychology fan, I loved digging into these characters and how unique they each were. The relationships, bromance and romance alike, were so intricate in this drama. I went through a million feelings and emotions in the span of a minute. This drama is also one that you can’t see coming. You can theorize (and believe me, I theorized the heck out of that thing) and guess, but it manages to blindside you almost every time. This show will break your heart and how you think of the world and humans and for that, you have to at least give it a try. 
Rating: 100/10
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andylah · 8 years
I would like to translate Cheese In The Trap webtoon again... cause I just feel like to 😂  But I would probably start translating Season 4 ch 68 (which would be probably up tomorrow 25/1/2017)
Yeah.. I think I would
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
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KDA In Excelsis: Ch20 (The King’s Avatar AU, CEO!Hakyeon, Gamer!Hongbin, VIXX x OCs ) Character Charts [x]
The cherry blossom embellished uniforms of Hundred Blossoms stood out beside the green of Tiny Herb where they sat in the section of the arena reserved for players and their staff.
Sooyeon sighed. She had been looking forward to the All-Star weekend to watch the events from the staff seats: special games with Glory superstars, rookies against seasoned players, and even amateurs against pros. But she just had to flub up everything and show her most ridiculous drunken face to Hakyeon. It was official--she would have to avoid him for the rest of her life because there was no way she could ever face him again. I can’t even remember how he took me home last night... I just know he did. Ugh! Not only did I get drunk in front of my boss, I did it before a big event!
Luckily, he wasn’t at the seats, so she could gawk at the players and watch some matches before he came back. Sooyeon tiptoed carefully towards the team.
Yugyeom and BamBam were playing the push palm game close to Hana, who had the sleeping MIngyu’s head in her lap. Mingyu’s legs were sprawled across several seats and Hongbin’s lap; the captain looked ready to push his junior teammate off, but was stayed by the latter’s childlike sleep-chewing. Chansik, Jaehwan, and Wonsik were already wandering around, talking to other teams. 
Players in the black stripe of Samsara started taking seats beside Hundred Blossoms, and BamBam and Yugyeom both rushed to hug Jeon Jungkook, chatting with him animatedly. Han Sanghyuk hadn’t arrived yet, but Jung Taekwoon and Kim Minah were present, the latter looking flustered even though Taekwoon didn’t seem to be acting out of the ordinary.
Sooyeon winced when Hongbin glared daggers as she sat in the row behind them. “Umm, you know I’m sorry, right?” When Hana whipped her head around, Sooyeon bowed. “I’m sorry to you too!”
“Nevermind that,” Hana huffed. “You’re avoiding Hakyeon, aren’t you? You know it’ll just be worse the longer you let it drag on.”
“Hey! What’s wrong with Mingyu? Is he sick?” Sooyeon asked, in a poor attempt to change the subject.
Hana shook her head in disapproval but replied: “Nothing. He’ll wake when he has had enough sleep.”
Like clockwork, Mingyu sat up, wiping his face with his sleeves. “Did I miss anything?”
“Your challenge was announced and you defaulted, the entire event is over now,” Hongbin deadpanned as he attempted to straighten Mingyu’s sleep-tousled hair. Mingyu gasped and turned to Hana, who shook her head.
“Hongbin-hyung!” Mingyu sulked. He didn’t sulk for long though; he waved at Jungkook who was still talking to Yugyeom and BamBam, but it was towards the Tiny Herb players he walked.
“Sooyeonie, let’s go,” Hana beckoned for them to follow Mingyu. Sooyeon noticed that Hongbin trailed behind them nonchalantly.
“Mingyu!” A teenaged boy hugged him. Then he hugged Hana. “Hana-noona!”
“Hello, my little fairy!” Hana strained to reach up and pat his head. “When are you transferring to our team?”
“Hana-noona! I told you to stop stealing my friends!” Mingyu complained. He rounded at his friend, growling: “And you! Stop stealing my work mom!”
“Wait for my contract to be over, so I can transfer for free.” The other boy smirked at Mingyu and reached towards Hongbin for a one-armed hug.
“You’re welcome to transfer anytime,” Hongbin said, jutting his chin towards Mingyu, “we’d even sell that one so we can get you.”
“Hey!” Mingyu protested.
“Sooyeonie, this is Minghao from Tiny Herb,” Hana said, though Sooyeon had already recognized the boy as the rookie Xu Minghao. “Minghao, this is Sooyeon, our new programmer.”
“Hello, Sooyeon-noona." Minghao shook her hand.
“Mingyu!!” A honeyed voice announced the appearance of a glowing, pretty face. 
Sooyeon gaped in shock. Yoon Jeonghan, image model of Tiny Herb!
Jeonghan smirked. “Whose baby are you?”
“Hana-noona’s, obviously.” Mingyu rolled his eyes, yelping when Hongbin backhanded his chest. “What? Do you want me to say yours, too? Gross!”
“I’m your captain,” Hongbin pointed out.
“So disappointing,” Jeonghan sighed, then smiled at Minghao. “Minghao, whose baby--”
“He’s mine by right.” Another good-looking man approached. “I raised him after all.”
Yoo Kihyun, vice-captain of Tiny Herb! Sooyeon gawked. Another pro player/CF model who’s even more handsome in real life.
“Kihyun-hyung!” Mingyu hugged him, grinning with affection.
“Hi, Kihyun.” Hana smiled.
"Hey, Hana... Mingyu, and Hongbin too...” Kihyun said, though his eyes never left Hana’s face.
“Hello,” Hongbin grumbled.
“You’ve got to forgive our vice-captain,” Jeonghan chuckled. “You know we’ve got no women at all in our team and support staff. So he’s going to make the most of staring.”
“Shush...” Kihyun hissed between gritted teeth as both Mingyu and Minghao burst into laughter.
Hana glanced at Sooyeon, noticing her starstruck silence. “Kihyun, Jeonghan... this is Choi Sooyeon, the new programmer for Hundred Blossoms.”
Kihyun blinked at her uncertainly as he shook her hand. “Umm, I’ve heard of you...”
But Jeonghan declared loudly: “Hongbin-sunbae’s girlfriend, right? It was all over SNS!”
Sooyeon’s jaw dropped, and she watched Mingyu cut a hand across his neck for silence, Minghao slap a hand on his forehead, Hana's eyes drop like a sad puppy’s.
“Hey, you shouldn’t gossip,” Kihyun scolded. 
Hongbin’s gaze sharpened with judgment. “It’s not just gossip, it’s completely false.”
Unfazed, Jeonghan batted his eyelashes at all of them. “Oh, was that fake news? You could’ve said so!” He threw an arm around Kihyun’s shoulders and winked. “So Hana-noona is still the de facto First Lady of Hundred Blossoms?That’s kinda too bad, because Vice-Captain is once again trying to work up the nerve to ask her out.”
Hongbin’s eyes flashed so dangerously that Sooyeon thought they’d shoot lightning. Hana looked taken aback. “No, I wasn’t!” Kihyun denied. “I’ve never! Not at all!”
“Don’t make weird jokes, Jeonghan,” Hana chided.
“Tsk, such a coward.” Jeonghan pushed Kihyun away and threw an arm around her instead. “Then maybe I’ll ask you out instead.” Hongbin’s glare turned to him.
“You’re dating Seungcheol,” she retorted.
“He’d be happy to date you too,” Jeonghan teased. “I always think of ways to spice up my dating life.”
There were squeals from the fans’ section. “It’s the flower best friends!” They turned their phones on Jeonghan and Hana who both smiled, leaning closer to each other.
“Oh yeah.” Sooyeon nodded. “Everyone thinks they’re best friends since they did that jasmine tea CF. I thought the same too...”
“It’s ridiculous,” Hongbin snarled under his breath.
“You know I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip,” Jeonghan sneered at Hana.
“I know, you gave him the family discount,” Hana sneered back.
“Want to work on a spring campaign for next year?”
“Sure. I’d totally smile at you and even kiss you as long as I get paid.”
“All these useless hyungs, in the end, I’m the one who gets this woman I don’t even need,” Jeonghan sighed dramatically.
Mingyu coughed urgently. “Ahem, ahem, don’t be so sure!”
The fans broke into even louder screams. “Ahh! It’s Han Sanghyuk!” “I knew it! It’s Hana for him!”
All of them swiveled to see Sanghyuk approaching, and Sooyeon could see the same tension she felt emanate from the rest of their group. Hongbin’s hand twitched and he started to reach for Hana.
“Excuse us, Captain!” Two women, one petite and the other one statuesque, both clad in Samsara’s black-striped jacket and pleated skirt, ran past Sanghyuk and beat him to Hana’s side. There were more squeals as Bae Joohyun and Lalisa Manoban joined the group.
“Sorry hyungs, we’re going to steal this pretty noona for a while,” Lalisa snatched Hana away from Jeonghan.
“Or forever,” Joohyun said, winking. Sooyeon heard Mingyu choke on air and Minghao exhale in wonder.
“Steal me away too, Joohyun-noona,” Jeonghan cooed, hearts in his eyes. Kihyun had to grab his younger teammate by the back of his jacket to make him stand still, though he himself was so flushed he looked ill.
“J-J-Joohyun-noona! H-H-Hi!” Mingyu stuttered. Minghao waved a trembling hand. Hongbin bit back a snort.
“Hi, Mingyu, Minghao.” She waved back. Mingyu and Minghao elbowed each other, blubbering incoherently.
“And bye!” Lalisa interjected, pulling Hana away.
“Sooyeonie!” Hana clasped Sooyeon’s hand and pulled her along as they climbed the stands. “Unless you want to stay...”
Sooyeon shook her head, staring speechlessly at Joohyun. The image model of Samsara smiled at her.
“Oh my goooood,” Sooyeon whispered. “The-most-beautiful-woman-in-the-wooooooorld.”
Lalisa led them behind a large group from Blue Rain. All four women peeked at the group they left: Mingyu, Minghao, and Jeonghan were posing cheerfully for the fans while Kihyun stood uncomfortably between Hongbin and Sanghyuk as they side-eyed each other.
“Whew, talk about awkward.” Lalisa wiped the back of her hand across her forehead in exaggerated relief.
“I owe you ladies one.” Hana hugged them both in turn.
“No, you don’t.” Joohyun playfully shook a finger. “It’s only right we look out for each other, those... boys, have us vastly outnumbered.” She wrinkled her nose in distaste. “How does our captain have the slickest moves in-game, but has the subtlety of a bludgeon in real life?”
“Hyogi isn’t that bad,” Hana said. She gestured towards Sooyeon. “So, I brought a friend. This is Choi Sooyeon, our new programmer. Sooyeon, you know Joohyun and Lalisa, of course.”
“Ah...” Both Joohyun and Lalisa eyed Sooyeon cautiously.
Lalisa ventured. “I saw her on SNS... umm, is she...”
“That rumor with Lee Hongbin isn’t true!” Sooyeon cried.
"Oh, okay!” They both laughed, sounding relieved.
“I’m kind of hungry, should we hang out by the vending machines?” Lalisa suggested. Joohyun had held hands with Hana and walked ahead, so she linked her arms with Sooyeon’s, flashing the cutest smile Sooyeon had ever seen. “Should we, Sooyeon-noona?”
Not even caring about her strange manner of address, Sooyeon grinned. “Yes!”
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kpopotd2 · 5 years
December Wrap Up
Wow. It has been a whole twelve months since we have started this blog and now we are on the final, official post of the year! A mega-post compiling the top songs of the past year, as well as official departures and disbandments of groups from 2019, will be up on our main blog @kpopsunbae​ (make sure to go and follow us there for more content, although it will be quite a bit different than what we put on this blog). 
As some of you may know, this blog (as well as the previous one, @kpopotd​) are project blogs that end once the year is done. This means that while we will no longer post on this blog it will remain as an archive. We will however be back with a third blog in the future as a continuation of this blog (it will cover 2016 and onwards!). This does not mean that we will go completely off grid once 2019 is done though! 
This coming year of 2020 has a lot in store for us, your K-Pop Sunbaes! We currently have a website to overhaul, an Instagram to properly launch, and of course we will continue releasing podcast episodes! Remember to follow us on Twitter too, our handle there is @kpopsunbaes (updates will be on there and you can interact with us too!). 
On a final note, we are so appreciative for the love that you all have given this blog over the past year. It has been such a fun experience and the three of us have had a blast working together on the blog, having meetings, and eventually completing just under 900 posts. We hope you will continue to support and follow us in our upcoming endeavors. We wish you all a very Happy New Year! 
새해 복 많이 받으세요!
❤ JR, Min, and Onyx 
December 5, 2010: Lee Young-hee, a well-known social activist, dies of cirrhosis at 81. December 20, 2010: The Republic of Korea Marine Corps stars to hold live-fire drill exercises on Yeonpyeong Island. North Korea responds by saying they will not retaliate.
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December 12, 2011: An incident occurs where a Chinese fisherman, who was illegally fishing, is confronted by two SK coast guards. He stabbed them and one died from the injuries. The fisherman was sentenced to thirty years in jail and a fine in April of 2012. December 19, 2012: The 2012 presidential elections were held in which Park Geun Hye is elected as the first female president of South Korea. She would eventually be impeached and removed from office due to corruption in 2017.
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Album of the Month 2009 - 2015:
2010 - GD & TOP by GD & TOP
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2011 - The Boys by Girls’ Generation 
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2012 - Winter Poetry by Shin Hyun Seung
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2013 - Miracles in December by EXO
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2014 - Exology Chapter 1: The Lost Planet by EXO
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2015 - SING FOR YOU by EXO
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December 2009: Father’s House (This show was a year end special that brought in over 15% viewership ratings and garnered generally good reviews. It stars Choi Min Soo, Moon Jung Hee, and Kim Soo Hyun.)  December 2009: Will it Snow for Christmas (This melodrama brought in around 10% viewership ratings. It stars Go Soo and Han Ye Seul.)
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December 2010: Athena: Goddess of War (This action/spy drama is a spin off of the hit show IRIS. It’s in the same universe as IRIS, but stars Joo Woo Sung, Cha Seung Won, Soo Ae, Lee Ji Ah, and Super Junior’s Choi Siwon. IRIS’s cast also made cameos throughout. It averaged around 15% viewership ratings.) December 2011: What’s Up? (This musical drama stars Lim Joo Hwan, BIGBANG’s Daesung, Lim Joo Eun, Kim Ji Won, and Jo Jung Suk.)  December 2011: Vampire Idol (This sitcom style drama stars Lee Jung, Davichi’s Kang Min Kyung, Lee Soo Hyuk, Kim Woo Bin, and Hong Jung Hyun. There are also a couple idols as supporting characters including ZE:A’s Kwanghee and Girl’s Day Bang Minah.) 
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December 2012: School 2013 (This is the fifth installment of the popular “School” drama series. This iteration stars Jang Nara, Choi Daniel, Lee Jong Suk, Park Se Young, and Kim Woo Bin. It did pretty well, bringing in over 10% viewership ratings.) December 2013: Prime Minister and I (This 17 episode drama stars Lee Beom Soo and Girls’ Generation’s YoonA. The main OST is a song called “Footsteps” sung by SHINee’s Taemin. The show brought in over 5% viewership ratings and won two awards: the Best Couple Award for the main characters and an Excellence in Acting Award for YoonA.) December 2013: You Who Came From the Stars/My Love from the Star (This hit romance/fantasy drama stars megastars Kim Soo Hyun and Jun Ji Hyun. The duo had previously acted together in the movie The Thieves. Dal Shabet’s Serri and Subin, former miss A member Suzy, and former 2NE1 member Dara make cameos throughout. Lyn, K. Will, Younha, Hyorin, Huh Gak, Sung Si Kyung, and Kim Soo Hyun all participated in the OSTs. The show did incredibly well and ended up selling out products that the characters wore, being the highest rated drama of it’s time (not only in South Korea but throughout Asia), and bringing in over 20% viewership ratings.) 
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December 2014: Healer (This action drama stars Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young. The show averaged around 7% viewership ratings, but while it only did moderately well in South Korea it boosted Ji’s international fandom immensely.)  December 2015: Remember- War of the Son (This thriller stars Yoo Seung Ho, Park Woo Sung, Park Min Young, Min Namkoong, and Jung Hye Sung. K. Will, Jooyoung, Jang Jane, Jang Han Byul, and Bobby Kim participated in the OSTs. It averaged around 15% viewership ratings, and won a few awards at multiple award shows.
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December 23, 2009: Jeon Woo Chi: The Taoist Wizard (This fantasy/action film stars Gang Dong Won, Im Soo Jung, and Kim Yoo Seok. A 2012 K-drama spin-off was made with the same main character played by Cha Tae Hyun, although the rest of the show’s plot was different. It was the third best selling movie of the year.)  December 9, 2010: Finding Mr. Destiny (This movie adaption of the musical of the same name, stars Gong Yoo and Im Soo Jung. It did well at the box office, bringing over a million admissions.)  December 1, 2011: Spellbound/Chilling Romance/My Girlfriend Can See Ghosts (This rom-com stars Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki. It was the 7th biggest movie of the year.) December 25, 2012: The Tower (This disaster movie stars Sol Kyung-gu, Ki Sang-gyung, and Son Ye-jin. The movie did very well at the box office and become the first movie of 2013 to hit five million theater admissions. It was sold to multiple countries and eventually got an English dub with voice actors such as Buba Kachow, Erin Fitzgerald, and Todd Haberkorn.)
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December 11, 2013: Way Back Home (This movie, which is based on the true story of Jang Mi Jeong, stars Jeon Do Yeon and Go Soo. It follows the story of a woman who unknowingly attempted to smuggle drugs out of Paris and is caught, and how she eventually got back to Korea. It did fairly well, bringing in just under two million theater admissions.)  December 18, 2013: The Attorney (This law drama, which was inspired by a true story, stars Song Kang Ho, Kim Young Ae, Oh Dal Soo, ZE:A’s Im Si Wan, and Kwak Do Won. It became the 8th best-selling movie in Korea of all time with over 11 million admissions. It won many awards at various award shows.)  December 24, 2013: The Suspect (This action/thriller starring Gong Yoo was a box office hit, bringing in over 4 million admissions. It received praise from various western newspapers and reviewers.) December 31, 2014: The Tenor - Lirico Sprinto (This movie, which is based on the true story of Bae Jae Chul, stars Yoo Ji Tae, Yusuke Iseya, and Cha Ye Ryun. The movie took eighteen months to film and six years to fully complete.)
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December 12, 2012: Sungah was added to the line-up of Nine Muses. Her first comeback with them would be with “Dolls”.
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December 21, 2009: Hangeng leaves Super Junior and files a lawsuit against SM Entertainment. December 11, 2009: Inyoung and Jungah leave Jewelry to pursue solo careers.
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December 24, 2012: Trinity leaves GLAM.  December 21, 2013: Sohee leaves Wonder Girls to focus on her acting career.
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December 2014: Sunye leaves Wonder Girls and says she will retire from the industry.  December 31, 2014: Jooyeon contract with Pledis Entertainment ends and she graduates from After School the following year.
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December 12, 2013: Singer Kim Ji Hoon, half of the duo Duke, passes away due to suicide at age 40.
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iKON - Dumb & Dumber
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eallfan-1 · 5 years
Kdrama Review: Cheese in the Trap
Or better said, me ranting over a kdrama for years in a lot of words.
It has been very difficult for me to start writing this review thanks to all the feelings with which this drama left me. After finishing it I had to get distracted by other things until the anger left me. It has been years, but I still remember this one very well.
Before expressing everything I think about this production, I will tell you a bit about the plot, its development, everything that happened throughout history and behind the scenes (scandal included) to end what went wrong. So, warning: this will contain spoilers. BUT they will be duly indicated.
Cheese in the trap is the adaptation of what at the time was an unfinished webtoon (from there it was an alarm, because it would be impossible for the drama to be 100% faithful to the original story, not that it tried precisely) written by Soon Ki.
I was filled with excitement before starting watching CIT because Park Hae Jin was the main lead.
Cheese in the trap tells us the story of Hong Seol (played by Kim Go Eun), a university student (finally a college girl in a drama and not in high school, yay!) Who, like any other student, suffers from problems relative to his student life.
And here is something that I loved about hers characterization and the drama in general: everything is very realistic. We see situations with which I identified 100%. The teamwork, the exam stress, always ending up doing all the work alone. These are veridic situations so I felt what Seol was feeling while living them, since I I have experienced them in my own flesh. That made me fond of her, and therefore, the drama.
Anyway, a year ago Seol met Yoo Jung Sunbae (played by the aforementioned, PHJ). With this character we find the true feeling of this drama.
At first, Hong Seol realizes certain things that differ of the public image of his Sunbae. Yoo Jung is a young man who always maintains a pleasant and smiling image, sociable and kind.
Like, he seems not able to kill a fly.
But Seol, who is quite observant, realizes that there is something he hides, something that does not show anyone but is there. Thanks to the fact that he realizes this, and worse, that Yoo Jung realizes that she realized (that sounded like tongue twisters) is that, in front of everyone, Yoo Jung treats Seol well, but when they are alone ... I would not say that he is bad, but the situations lent themselves in a way we are not sure whether Jung was the very embodiment of evil, or just a prejudiced person (and weird ...)
Yoo Jung is what makes this story be this story. He is a complex character, with nuances and secrets. With an unknown past and also unknown intentions. There were times when I didn't know what to think about him, and many times they leave us in the dark until later, making us see him in different lights throughout the first half of the drama. He is a very interesting character and I loved him, for the simple fact of his uncommonness and truthfulness, which lies in his complexity: because humans are complex, so a complex character feels very real.
Well, the fact is that Jung, for reasons unknown to viewers (at least at the beginning) seems that, one year after that almost hateful relationship with Seol, now he likes her. At least he acts like he does, but does he really like her, or is it a ploy? What does Jung hide? Is he a strange person, is he bad, is he good?
In the meantime, two brothers who grew up with Jung since childhood arrive to our screen.  Baek In Ho (played by Seo Kang Joon) and Baek In Ha (played by Lee Sung Kyung, which we have already seen in It's okay, that's love).
This drama is PURE GOLD, that at least until chapter 9 (or 10, more or less) And here it is when I, somewhat confused by the change, goes to the net and looks for reviews of the drama, just to find what I should have known  much earlier: news of the scandal. What happened, my lovely Cheese in the trap?
I read article after article, all to explain what I was seeing on the screen. My beautiful Jung, a character so interesting, so complex, that I wanted to know more, who I wanted to see grow up, suddenly, stopped appearing.
Just like that.
I mean, not completely. But Jung began to havejust fifteen minutes on screen, in a chapter of one hour, when the second main lead, Seo Kang Joon, who plays Baek In Ho, raises his time on screen until he seems more a main than Hong Seol herself (not that I would measure time, but more or less)
The change was noticed. I noticed that the story I wanted to know, Jung's, his problems at work, his relationship with Seol, and so on. All that was relegated to a non-existent plot plane, which focused on InHo and its problems: In Ho and his piano, In Ho and his insecurities, InHo and his little heart, In Ho and his work, In Ho and his debts, In Ho and In Ho and more and more In Ho. I am not blind to not notice such a radical change. And not that I didn't like In ho, but these scenes didn't contribute anything to the story.
Not only did Jung stop appearing, but his story went from important to irrelevant, and the drama that was about his personality, his relationship with Seol and the university ceased to be ... to be what? The InHo self-pity show?
So this is what happened:  Park Hae Jin, the actor for whom I began to see this drama, which began, not only well, but in an excellent way, called an interview to complain about it.
That won’t sound strange (oh yes, an actor complained and?) But for this we must bear in mind that we are talking about a Korean actor. Korea, a country where all of us who have become accustomed to their culture know that everything is choreographed. The actors, the Idols are so correct that they say almost nothing out of place, because everything is scripted.
That a Korean actor, contrary to all his "culture" called an interview to complain about a production is unusual. What I say unusual, is very very very unusual. An actor who speaks like this is not only exposed to the condemnation of the netizens, but to bad publicity. And in Korea bad publicity is the bane of any public figure.
Anyway, that is why this was a big scandal here in kdramaland. PHJ says: “I recorded scenes, these were cut. Crucial scenes for my character and his growth, for the public to understand. I'm a webtoon fan, he says, so I wanted to do justice to the character. They cut scenes already recorded about Jung's childhood, scenes I worked hard on”
And the question is why did they do it? PHJ did not know and we, much less. Why cutting the wings of an actor who, without a doubt, was up to the character, who carried it masterfully, and who had already recorded what was necessary? Why?
It is when, in view of what was happening, the original webtoon writer, Soon Ki, now complained: “I was not consulted at all after chapter six”
That, along with the increase of the SKJ scenes, and that he was about to release a new drama with the channel, gave and continues to give rise to many conjectures about what happened there. That it was a strategy to promote the new SKJ drama, that problems between the director and PHJ, that this, the other ... But in reality, we know nothing for sure.
What happened to what could have been Cheese in the trap? Well, nothing, because it was in a noticeable decline.
Leaving aside the problems of production, that personally bother me a lot, are the problems of the drama itself, of what we see on the screen.
The last episode arrived and I was not disappointed. I was ANGRY. Rabid, even.
I didn't expect much, not only because it is common in kdramas to have bad endings, but also because, seeing the last episodes, there was no way for everything to be fixed. There was no way. And there was not.
The end is an insult to every viewer.
The ending was an insult to fans who gave them ratings.
It is an ending that should shame them, because honestly, they could have done better. But they didn’t. Why? Here I have an answer. Because they didn't want to. They didn't want to give back to the fan that was tuning them in, to the viewers who gave them sixteen hours of their lives at watching their drama.
First of all, Jung. Jung is a character who could have given much more. PHJ did an excellent job in his characterization, and with the little time he had on screen, he made magic at helping us to understand the character, even if we only saw it for fifteen minutes.
But the biggest problem I have with this story was not seeing In Ho playing the piano for so long, it was the waste of Jung's character. Many were left with the idea that Jung was the worst psychopath. We did not see his past because the scenes of his childhood were cut. We did not see his problems on a daily basis, we did not see his thoughts, as we were supposed to,  because his scenes got cut.
And the most important. We did NOT see the long-awaited Character development. It supposedly happened. Jung grew up, learned, softened. Improved, accepted himself and so on. But it doesn't happen on our screen. And we can't even see which was the end result for Jung.
If you ask me, I don't think Jung was a psycho. He was a person who, from the little that I could capture, his past and his childhood taught him to be what he was, a person who does not always make the best decisions and who does not tempt his heart to take revenge on those who hurt him , which is not right, but that's what I wanted to see! Yes, he made the same mistake like three times, but i wanted to see him learning to be better, but we are not able to see any of that. Jung ended up being a secondary character in a story that deserved his stellar role.
The relationship of Hong Seol and Yoo Jung seemed very tender to me, the truth is that in the first half they were OTP. Although it had its flaws and that was what the drama dealt with, in a very bad way, at the end.
That if everything Jung did was forgivable? The truth is, I don't think what Jung did was so bad at any time, but that is maybe just me. It was not the best way, obviously, but it is not as if he had killed anyone or as if the injured ones were not doing bad things. He did what he thought was right, in his own way, and it was not always the best. And Seol came to understand and love him and accept him and ... to forgive him? I think not everything should be justified, and it is something that we also needed to see on screen: after the end, did they fix everything? But no matter what, there is no way that I can see the relationship between Seol and Jung as toxic.
Unknowns and more unknowns in this drama that could have been one of my favorites, but ended up being only a so-so kdrama (that is because even with all the wrongs, those first episodes are gold and I treasure them like nothing else)
I recommend it? After such a long review (but I had a lot to say about this) we could deliver by reading that, yes, I recommend it. Its first half is worth all the anger at thesecond. Everyone's performance is very good,  the atmosphere is just right, not to mention the ost, its characters, the situations of the typical school life and Jung , a character that fascinated me from beginning to end, in spite of all the incongruities that the script had in its final round.
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ynkyunsang · 6 years
[TRANS] 181121 ♡ Full Interview with ‘Cosmopolitan’ Magazine
A Man who is doing well alone, Yoon Kyun Sang
In reality, he is a homebody who his clothes are always buried with cats hair, But in the drama, he plays the role of a CEO with a tough personality “Jang Sun Gyul”. Actor Yoon Kyun Sang is back.
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Q. It's been a long time since you’ve worked on a project. How have you been?
I traveled with my family and friends and for a few months, I rested without any thinking. In the first month, I thought “Is it okay to do this?”, I could not do anything I wanted to, but I slowly got used to it. From now on, I'm not going to be overworked. This time while I was resting, I spent time with the people around me, I felt I needed to have time to look back on the acting I did.
Q. Drama “Clean With Passion For Now” is about to air. I guess there was some burden since the original work is a webtoon.
The writer said I should get a hold of the original character but don’t get so tied up with it since the drama will tell another story. So it was not much of a burden. I read up until chapter 10 and thought ‘Ah it’s a character with this kind of personality’, I figured out to that extent. This work is a romantic comedy. It is not too heavy, so I can enjoy it more than ever.
Q. How is the acting with your co-star?
I was mostly worried about the age difference. Kim yoo jung is 12 years younger than me. Luckily, Yoo jung is mature and has a bright energy, I gain a lot of energy from her while acting together. She is young but as an actor, she is a sunbae (senior), I got a lot of help. In this drama, I like it a lot because the actors have more time to get along with each other.
Q. The character 'Jang Sun Gyul' is the CEO of a cleaning company with a fussy and sensitive personality.
When I do a project, I try to find my role's personality inside of me but for Sun Gyul it was quite hard. I'm not that neat of a person. As you can see, these clothes have cats hair... haha. I'm a housekeeper who has four cats, so I can not live neatly.
Q. It's been 10 years since you started living alone? Do you have any kind of know-how?
If I eat, I have to clean it immediately. I put the dishes in the dishes machine, I put the laundry in the laundry basket, I like putting everything in its place. It's a good way to not lose anything since I live with cats and to avoid accidents.
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Q. Did something changed in your life after raising cats?
I used to spend time with my friends outside, but now I'm a totally 'homebody'. Also, I talk to myself a lot. (talking to the cat) "What should I do, kung-ah". "Dad has schedule tomorrow, I think I'll cry all night", "Kung-ah, I got delivery from this place but it wasn't delicious", I keep saying stuff like this.
Q. I think It will be interesting if you appear on "I Live Alone"
I would like it. I want to brag about my kids (his cats) too. I have a cat water purifier in my house, and the second one (cat) likes to play with water. Cats usually don't like water, so it's hard to give them a bath. The most positive one among the four is the youngest. When he was young, he had a poor health and now he is growing really well.
Q. You are also famous for having a wide network of actors. Which one is easy to deal with? an older (friend) or younger?
Older. I had a junior who is two years old younger than me, and he was very unfriendly, so I thought they will all be like that. But my friends who I hang out with have a lot of charms. At first, It was strange and awkward, but now I am more comfortable. I think being with someone older is more relaxing, though. I'm close with Byun Yo Han and Yoo Ah In even though we have nothing common. It's something amazing. Especially, Kim Eui Sung hyung which I worked with in "Six Flying Dragons", I can always call him out to drink a glass of beer, that's how close we are. He is really comfortable with anyone no matter of the age, acting career, and so on. He loves the title of 'Hyung' rather than 'Hyung-nim'.
Q. There are a lot of actors who are shy with strangers, How about you?
I was like that too, I have to relax so I can play well my role, so I always get closer first with my co-star. When I was playing "Pinocchio", when the cameras are aways it was awkward for me to have a conversation on set with my friend Lee Jung Suk. However, when I tried it, it definitely helped me to share my emotions while acting. So I try to make friends with people on set. and like that, you overcome your shyness.
Q. <Pinocchio> is an important piece in the career of Actor Yoon kyun sang. When I meet new actors, they always say they want to play the role of a 'murderer', I think you've done that quickly.
Most people do not have the experience of murder. So when I played a killer, I felt like my acting is real. The joy of expressing feelings that people cannot usually feel through acting is very big. And if people acknowledge it, you can incredible feel catharsis.
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Q. You started playing the lead since starring in the drama <Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People>. I think your way of acting or the point of view of a work have changed.
At first, I was like "How can I do this?" I was feeling fear and excitement, I shouldn't hear the voice of 'I can't act in this project', how can I act? is my acting okay now?' that's all I thought about. People tend to worry about what is wrong with my performance rather than ratings.
Q. The name of your fan club "Lisianthus" and you call yourself 'the owner of the flower garden'. You call your fans "Flowers"
At first, I was embarrassed to express it like that, but now it doesn't matter. So what if I say that I like it and I look a little ridiculous and foolish.
Q. Are you like that even when you're dating?
My friends say that when I'm dating, I become an old man who has an aggressive attitude. When I miss (her) I have to meet her, I always have to keep in touch and I do not like going to clubs. I like to drink instead, so I take my girlfriend out for that.
Q. You said you wanted to be an actor that people can trust and watch
I hope people trust my job. I think it's because people misunderstand me, maybe because I have not given them that trust yet. I want people to think that they can trust me and believe in me.
Q. Is there any age that you think it will be the turning point of your life?
45 years old. At that age, I think I will be married and forming a family. After experiencing a bigger change in life than going to the army, I'm sure I will be more mature than now, my values will change too. So I look forward to the 45-year-old, actor yoon kyun sang, who has become more mature.
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Translations by Always By Your Side |  ynkyunsang.tumblr.com Please do not translate to other languages or re-post without our permission. Don’t forget to credit us ! Thank you!
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