#You can make him sweet however you like when with Finn; this is just my advice if you're hoping to at least write a Vance very similar
vxqmz · 5 months
No offense to many writers, but most of the Vance × Finney Fics I've seen is just basically making Finn a vulnerable kid who can barely speak for himself 😭 And then there's Vance, who's surprisingly.. alright i guess. But please for the love of god, DON'T make him too SWEET. You all know damn well that he isn't gonna speak so nicely to Finney, as much as it's lovely let's not forget his rude and violent nature at times despite him being very misunderstood; Vance can be nice but don't just change his entire character because he has some nice moments in your own writing. 😭
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Side note:
This is a personal opinion that no one needs and that's fine, you don't even need to actually listen to what i just said because you have a right. OBVIOUSLYYYY please don't make me seem like a bitch since I'm just giving an uncalled for advice. And please READ the tags before i get flamed here
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thepladinsheart · 5 months
Mike's "Will Voice". - An Essay by me.
If you’re a byler you know about the “Will Voice '' . But if you somehow don’t or you’re new, the “Will Voice" is the voice that Mike uses when he is talking to Will and ONLY Will. Normally Mike is a little abrasive and defensive to most people when he is talking to them. But when talking to Will, his voice is soft and quiet, just above a whisper, gentle. 
Before we get into it, I think you should just know that the “Will voice” isn’t just something Byler’s made up! The directors tell Finn (the actor that plays Mike) to use a “special voice” when talking to Noah (The actor that plays Will) when filming.
DISCLAIMER - i actually didnt think this was going to be this long so sorry in advance but here are my thought i hope you enjoy! i love you!
“It was a seven, the Demogorgon. It got me.” - Season 1
One of the VERY FIRST SCENES in the show is Mike using his “Mike voice” Even if he really doesn't have to say anything at all. After Karen tells everybody to leave and all of the boys are hopping on their bikes to go home, Will is the only one left behind with Mike. Will admits to Mike that in the campaign they're playing, the Demogorgon got to him and killed him. 
Something about this scene is just so…. The look of understanding, the nod. Mike is just more gentle with will than anyone else. 
Right before this he was just arguing with Dustin about wether his sister is cool or not but with Will it’s different. 
Unfortunately, since Will really isn’t in the whole rest of the season, because yknow he’s in a whole other dimension there aren't a lot of other scenes where Mike is using his “Will voice” However, Mike was the person who wanted to find will the most behind maybe Joyce. Saying that he “was the only one who cared about Will”, so that is something. 
“Crazy together.” - Season 2 
In my opinion, season 2 is like beak soft byler. The first season 2 byler moment was..
The Arcade Scene
As soon as Mike snaps Will out of his trance, his vision, whatever you want to call it, he goes right back to Will's comforting voice and tries to make him feel better and distracts him with a game of dig dug. 
In the next episode, it's Halloween. And we ALL know what happened on Halloween night of 1987.
Will’s episode on halloween 
When Will has a bad vision, who is the first name he calls? Mike. Not Lucas, Not Dustin, not even Max. Mike. Not anyone else but Mike. And who was the first one to find Will and the first one to comfort him? Micheal Fucking Wheeler. And he was using the same soft voice he always does when talking to Will, barley over a whisper. Not to mention that Mike wouldn't let anyone touch Will but himself after Will snapped out of his episode. 
Talk in Mike’s Basement Scene
After Will had this awful episode, Mike takes Will and only Will back to his house. Will rambles and rants about how he feels stuck and Mike? He is attentive, sweet, listening, letting him get all of his words out. I’ve noticed with other people Mike can come off like he’s abrasive and harsh but with Will he is nothing close to that. 
This conversation also consists of Mike helping Will express his feeling by finishing his sentences for him when he just can’t get his words out. In the few times Mike does speak, he does not break out of the gentle voice and literally never breaks his gaze from Will, not once. 
And then the most iconic Byler line in Stranger Things history, “If we’re both going crazy, we’ll go crazy together, right?” “Yeah, crazy together.” So gentle, so sweet, so wholesome.
The hallway scene 
Mike immediately notices something off with Will and has to make sure everything is okay. 
Side note: even when Will isn't with Mike and the party, Mike will literally do anything he can to help Will. That’s his only priority at the moment. 
Will’s bedroom scene
Even when Will is talking about “Him” Mike still reminds him that Will is a good person, calling him a “super spy”. Mike is doing absolutely anything he can to comfort Will and make him feel any better. (P.s. this moment is so wholesome I love it.)
And then the “yeah, yeah I really do” The PRIME example of “Will Voice”. The gentleness, the voice, the look, the nod, the reassurance, AND THEN THE REACH FOR THE HAND. 
Hospital Scene (Will wakes up)
Will wakes up and Mike is obviously right there (‘cause he slept in the chair next to the bed, WHICH IS LIKE MY FAVORITE BYLER MOMENT OF ALL TIME) and asks if Will is “hurting again”, Mike keeps his eyes steady on Will. His only focus is Will right now. He keeps his voice soft and he asks Will things to make sure he understands and that he is hearing what Will is going through right now. 
Mike recalling how they met 
Even though the poor boys voice is shaky because he is literally trying (and failing) to hold back tears, it’s still soft and reassuring. 
“It’s not my fault you don't like girls!” -Season 3 
The movie theater scene
This scene is one of my favs from Season 3. Mike is the first and only person to realize something is off with Will and say something to make sure he’s okay. The "you okay?” and “you sure?” are so gentle and soft. It reminds me a lot of someone jumping at a scary part in a movie and their partner wrapping their arm around them and asking if they’re okay. 
(Also the little gay panic Will has after Mike ask if he’s okay and the blush on Mike’s cheeks before) 
The scene right before the fight scene
Mike immediately notices Will is upset after Mike makes his “joke” and he goes back to his voice that always gets Will and tries to convince him that they (him and Lucas) do really want to finish the campaign. 
The fight scene
Mike IMMEADLEY goes back to his will voice after he drops the bomb shell because he know he fucked up and he did it BIG TIME. The big difference between Mike’s “Will Voice” in Season 2 and Season 3 is that in Season 2 he was really using that voice with Will because he knew that it was comforting to him but now in season 3 he uses it because he knows Will will fall for it. 
(Also you know how Max says to El that Mike will come crawling back to El in no time? The only person he came crawling back to apologizing was Will.) 
“Get away from the door” Scene 
@myname1sca1 brought up a great point! The scene where Max is trying talk to Billy through the door, Will has a feeling that “He’s here” Mike stays turned and looking at Will says "get away from the door" it's in a gentle, quiet, soft voice and when Max doesn't listen, he turns away from Will and starts screaming at her do get away from the door again. He was only using that voice because he was looking at Will and dropped that voice as soon as he looked away. 
The “Not possible” Scene
Toward the end of season 3, Mike realizes that he was being (in his own words) an asshole the whole season and starts caring about Will again. And when Will comes out and puts his box of D&D on the donate box, the thing he has loved since forever, Mike makes sure that he knows he is giving it away. 
Will knows he’ll just use Mike’s when he visits and won’t join another party. That’s not possible.  
(Plus the look on Mikes face after Will says “not possible” is adorable.)
"I didn't say it." "You didn't have to." Season 4, Vol 1.
Will's bedrooms scene
Immediately Mike is relaxed. His voice low and calm and he's lighthearted. The "You didn't have to" AND THE SMILE. This is a COMPLETE contrast to has he is around El in this part of the season. When with her, he is all tense and feels like he can never say the right thing.
Also, the absolute adoration for Will in his voice. When he says "It's Hawkins, it's not the same without you."
You can also really tell that Mike is really confiding in Will and letting his guard down which he never really does with anyone. Including El. Especially with the whole line "I don't know what's going to happen next." And if you know Mike Wheeler he never tells ANYONE that he is wrong or that he doesn't know what's going on. So, the fact that he feels comfortable enough with Will is something.
"But you make her feel better for being different." Season 4, Vol 2
"We have to Kill him." "And we will." Scene
The MOMENT Mike finds out that Will can feel that 001 is there, he jumps back into being his reassuring, gentle self for Will. This scene reminds me a lot of the "Yeah, Yeah i really do" scene for season 2.
OMG WE ARE DONE, if you made it through all of that, I love you so much. If you want to see more things like this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know because i love writing essays about Byler analysis!
also let me know if there's anything I missed because if i miss enough things i will gather it and but it in an update!
Stanger Things I The First 8 Minutes - Series Opener [HD] (Still Watching Netflix on YouTube)
Stranger Thing 02x02 - Mike and Will 'Crazy Together' Scene (Raghaua Daroui on Youtube)
Byler compilation (Season 2-3) (GoraculGerard on Youtube)
every byler scene 1080p I Stranger Things Season 4 Vol 1 (longbttms on Youtube)
byler 1080p scene pack I Stranger Things Vol 2 (longbttms on YouTube)
@myname1sca1 's post!
people who wanted to be tagged!
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v4mp-reads · 9 months
can you please do an story (fluff only) with Damian Priest X Fem Reader (both have an crush on each other rhea is the only one who knows but don't tell them about the shared feelings), where Reader is an childhood friend of Rhea and also an Wrestler in WWE, Rhea notice that Reader is admiring Damian all the time and Rhea planes to go out with All of the Judgment Day and reader to celebrate Judgment Days first Anniversary in a local bar/club and reader and Damian gets all flirty and touchy all night an later ending up confessing and share an long kiss where they get caught by rhea and the rest by rhea saying "took you idiots long enough to be on that point"
Entwined hearts
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Not my gif^
Damian priest x fem! Reader fluff (a little sad but not much)
Warnings: mention of alcohol,other than that bad spelling and grammar(im dyslexic)
Word count: 1.8k
Ty for the request!
Please if you like this feel free to send another
Y/ns pov
I look around the quite locker room waiting on judgment day to finish their promo, my heart beat picks up when none other than damian priest starts talking. I met him about six months ago when Rhea invited me to one of her partys, as i stayed close to her, cause i didnt know many people as i was a beginning wrestler he walked up to us and began talking to me. He was really sweet to me, staying with me when rhea walked off to another group of people, we stayed the whole night talking to each other. About how hes Secretly a cat person, how hes not a big fan of Rheas partys, however talking with me was one of the best experience hes had at one of said partys. After that we stayed in touch. From hanging out at the gym to going out to dinner with the rest of the judgment day, as the time we spent together grows so did my feelings for him, after I lost my match last week I was clearly upset and angry and he sat with me comforting me instead of going out to get drinks with the rest of the judgment day. And of course I had to tell Rhea about this, how could I not she’s been my best friend since we started school. She walked back into the locker room “Rhea he looked so good out there!” I basically yelled out. “Y/n, you need to tell him. This little crush of yours is getting out of hand, you gush over him every time you see him you be drooling over him.” She said. I knew she was right I was obsessed with him not in a bad why, I think. “Why would he like me tho Rhea, he has other girls falling on their knees for him” I tried to get her to understand why I haven’t said anything “if you only knew” Rhea mumbled out. I didn’t hear all of what she said. “What do you say?” I asked, “nothing nothing, you want to get drinks with me and the boys tonight maybe you could get some alone time with Señor money in the bank.” She joked causing me to blush. “Yeah I’ll go what time?” I asked “after the show, we are about to head out so we have time to get ready I know you drove yourself. So maybe just maybe someone will ride with you?” She said. “I hate you..” just as I said that the rest of the judgment day walked in. “What you two in here talking bout?” Finn said falling on the couch. “Just how y/n didn’t want to drive herself back to the hotel, and I know we came together so I was wondering if someon-” she was cut off by Damian “I’ll do it!..I mean I don’t mind if you don’t mind y/n” he said the last part kinda embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck. “I’d like that..I need to shower. So we should probably go..” I said trying to hide the child like smile on my face. “Yeah let me just grab a change of clothes, you mind if I shower in your room, our room are like 7 floors apart and the elevator is broken” he said laughing at the end “I don’t mind” I said walking out the locker room shooting rhea a almost scared look
We make our way to my car he asked for my keys, that I gladly hand to him as I’m not to fond of driving. He walked a bit in front of me and opened the passenger door for me “here you go y/n” I blush a bit, no one has ever opened the door for me “thank you Damien” I smiled as he closed the door getting into the driver side. I smile softly as we make our way to the arena, and to the hotel “I’m glad you are coming for drinks tonight y/n” he smiled glancing at me, “me to, I probably won’t drink tonight, tho” I told him “why not y/n- don’t be like that?” I shook my head “I might” he smiled as we drove back to the hotel. It was mostly silent, a pleasant silence.
When we got back to the hotel we hurried upstairs “I get the shower first!” I yelled as we made our way up, pushing Damien out my way softly “y/n!” He picked me up, putting me behind him so that now he was in front of me. He got to the room before me even though he still had to wait because I had the room key. “Ha I got the key I’ll still get in first” we walked in and I walked over to my stuff grabbing my stuff to shower. “I’ll be quick I promise” I told him running to the shower “alright” he sat on the couch as I walked into the bathroom. I quickly undressed and got in the shower. I washed my hair then my body, then taking a quick moment to wash off the stress from the day behind me. I wrapped the towel around me and walked out the bathroom. “Hurry hurry” I told him. He looked at me and blushed. “Oh..okay yeah.” He rushed into the bathroom to shower
As he got out the shower I finally finished getting dressed. I put on a black bralette with a mesh shirt over, with a black pencil skirt some tights and combat boots. I look around the room not being able to find my jacket. “Damnit” I continue to look around the room under the bed in random drawers. “Y/n, doll? What are you looking for” he said as he come out the bathroom. “I can’t find my jacket. I need it to look good” I flopped on the bed “y/n you don’t need a jacket to look good, but you can wear mine” I look at him a soft smile on my face “are you sure?” I asked softly “of course doll.” The way he spoke to me made me think he feels the same way. But i don’t know. I just grabbed the jacket he gave me and put it on fixing up my hair a makeup. “You ready to go?” I asked as I watched him finish putting his hair. “Mhmm I’m ready, you want me to drive?” He asked. “Please, not really in the mood for driving tonight” I said softly. “ gotcha” he grabbed the keys and we made our way to the bar.
As we got to the bar, we walked in together tho I walked off to find Rhea, of course she was in the at the bar with dom, I get over to her, she smiled at me “the normal?” The bartender said softly, and we were here a lot “yes please” I say softly handing him a 5 for the drink, I didn’t want to start a tab tonight. “Here you go,” he handed me my drink and I walked off to go find Damian, but he was sitting at a table with another girl..one I’ve seen before but I couldn’t put my name on it she had her hand tracing his arm tattoos. Watching this broke my heart. My eyes instantly teared up as I went back to the bar to get me something stronger. After about 3 more drinks, it really set in, my mind was racing, I have always been light weight when it came to drinking. So I decided to go sit in the corner. Jd came and sat beside of me, he didn’t really talk much he was to much into watching his girlfriend dance a few feet away from us. I sat with my head against the wall looking around. My eye land on the one person I didn’t want them to at the time. Damien. He looked at me with almost relief before walking over and pushing jd out of the way.
“Y/n, there you are, I’ve been looking for you for a minute now, are you okay?.” He looked concerned. At that moment I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh in his face or cry..I just wanted it all to be over, my emotions completely taken over by the alcohol, tears threaten to spill from my eyes. “Y/n, hey talk to me..why are you crying?” He brought his hand up to my face softly caressing my cheek, I looked at him before pulling my face away from his hand. “Is this a game..some shitty game..” I mumbled out. “What do you mean a game?” He said softly not trying to upset me even more “you..me..I don’t get it..you basically flirt with me all day, all day, I let you drive me here, and what do you do on the way here flirt with me more, but what..now that we are here you are with some other girl, letting her touch you and shit!” I was crying at this point trying not to make eye contact with him, I look up to see tears forming in his eyes “y/n please don’t cry, I didn’t mean to make you feel like this, I only started talking to her to get my mind off you, but I couldn’t, all I could think about was I wish this girl would shut up, because you,you are stuck in my head and I can’t get you out” I look at him, my tears of pain slowly shifting to tears of happiness. “I think of you..every single night y/n, I think about you when I win my matches” he softly grabs my hands “I look forward to any chance of being with you..y/n I’m in love with you” he said softly, “I have been since that day at Rheas party” I could only look at him, I was stunned. I was so happy, my actions spoke before my mind could think and I pulled him into a hug “I love you too Damian, since the day we met” I clung on to him like my life depended on it, in that moment it felt like it was only us, I would never expected to be confessed to, in the back corner of some random bar, but honestly I could not wish for anything better. He pulled away after a few minutes, our eyes meeting “y/n l/n, for six months you have been the best person in my life, I want that forever, will you please be my girlfriend?” He asked “yes yess yes, a million times yes” before I could think about anything else I kissed him, it felt like fireworks where going off around us.
“It’s about damn time..” I look up to see Rhea standing in front of us “you knew this whole time” both me and Damian said at the same time, “of course I did” she said before walking off. Both of us laughed before sharing another kiss.
Thank you for reading,
Xoxo v4mp-
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mrsnancywheeler · 7 months
i keep having really random ideas pop into my head and it’s actually a need to offload them.
I keep thinking about Finnick taking reader (before her games) for a dinner date in the Capitol as that’s where the best restaurants are. it would be their first time going out together and seen by the Capitol Citizens as a couple.
reader is wearing a beautiful dress and Finnick’s jacket is draped over her shoulders and he’s just holding his sweet girl close as citizens surround them as they’re walking to the restaurant together😭😭
idk it’s just so cute to imagine them going to a nice restaurant and just having the most lovely night together and eating delicious food. i definitely feel like there are a bunch of press taking pictures of the two walking together and it’s all over the newspaper about Finnick’s new ‘girl toy’ and speculating whether she will be the one to tie him down for good (she will be)
yes please offload them, I love all of these sm ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yeah I mentioned in one of the chapters of the lakes that during readers interview ceaser was like "we've seen you before" and she's like o h because she assumed they'd forget. but like when they wanted to a piece on finnick at one of his parties she's always around but her being in the Captiol with him just like jetsets the idea that they're actually together.
finnick is also a teenager so sometimes he just wants to show off to his sweet girl, "I wanna take you out somewhere, angel."
"Finn, you can take me out whenever you want, you know that."
"no, like in the Capitol, a no seafood in sight meal. for your birthday."
"is that even allowed?"
"I'm their darling, they'll make exceptions. plus, it makes good television." he's pecking her on the lips and saying he'll find a way to make it happen. because yes the Captiol already uses him as they see fit, but he's a teenage boy who wants nothing more than to show off his girl and show off to her.
he spends so much time getting someone to make a perfect dress for her, that way Capitol tabloids don't try to tear her apart too harshly and that she'll be amazed when she sees it. and trust she is, also a little peeved because why would he spend that much money on something she'll only ever wear once but he doesn't care because his girl deserves it. he'd prefer to spend all his money on her anyways.
and he's tried all the spots to find the one she'll like the most and preps her for the way cameras are sure to follow them everywhere. but she assures him that she doesn't care as long as she can be with him. as if it's not clear enough he's giving her that jacket as soon as possible to make it even more well known, regardless of the fact his hands are firmly attached to her.
thankfully none of the tabloids are too harsh on her because they're used to her face in the background, she's charismatic, has the 'right' personality for the press. there's a few that try to pin her as a golddigger, but her and finnick don't care about those because they know it's not true. of course they have a field day when they start being seen together less because of the breakup which only hurts finnick more. however the media gets a lovely bow on their story when the two end up together after her games, the star-crossed lovers from district 4.
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hotcat37 · 7 months
deaf!jere + 9 for the kisses? 👉🏼👈🏼
deaf! Jere my beloved of all time
9: in public
Being able to verbally ask for things really is something you can easily take for granted. Bojan is reminded of it again right now, observing the rather awkward interaction between Jere and the store clerk. They'd gotten lost looking for baking supplies in the supermarket no matter how many times they split up to look through the aisles. Jere immediately opted to go ask a store clerk and Bojan hadn't questioned it. His boyfriend actually quite often takes initiative to make contact with people in public, whether it be to order something at a restaurant or ask for directions.
And usually it isn't too difficult. Some people get kinda weird about it but most of the time strangers are able to read a message on Jere's phone without making a big deal out of it.
This guy however has been dumbly staring back and forth from Jere to his phone screen for the past minute now and it still doesn't seem like he has any clue what's happening despite the short man's efforts to add more detail to his presumably already clear text. Jere's friendly smile doesn't waver but Bojan knows him well enough by now to tell when his lover is getting uncomfortable and so he comes to the rescue with his rather limited grasp on the Finnish language.
"Where is.....baking....things?" Bojan asks, not very coherent, but confident. For whatever reason that causes the clerk's face to finally light up in recognition. He couldn't figure out Jere's very eloquently written text but he understands Bojan's botched Finnish. Alright.
Jere rolls his eyes as the employee immediately starts leading them towards the baking section. Bojan reaches out to take a soft hand in his, gently squeezing it, reassuring his boyfriend. He has half a mind to call out the guy for being a dick but he knows it's not really worth it. Besides, Bojan doesn't know enough Finnish swear words to properly insult the man. If he's gonna make a scene he wants to do it properly.
"Kiitos." The Slovene says plainly once they've been escorted to their destination. The store clerk looks quite happy with himself, walking away without sparing Jere another glance. Bojan feels quiet anger building up in his body but leaves it be for Jere's sake. 
Still, he doesn't think he can ever get used to how some people will just ignore his angel without a second thought. This isn't the first time a stranger has completely discarded Jere's way of communicating despite it being literally the same as just reading a text. The audacity. Ugh. Bojan turns to where Jere is scooping up the items they were looking for. The deaf Finn beams that sharp toothed smile of his when he catches the brunette staring and Bojan's eyes soften. How can one possibly ignore such a sweet face? It seems impossible to him.
You see something you like?👀😏💚
Bojan grins wide in response. "Yeah."
And standing there, in the middle of the grocery store, Bojan's heart overflows with love for this man. He doesn't even register the fellow shoppers walking all around them. His eyes are always drawn to Jere like a magnetic force. And his lips too, because Bojan doesn't think twice about leaning in to press a kiss against Jere's forehead. It earns him a quiet breathy laugh, the familiar sound only further expanding his full heart. Manicured fingers tap away at the phone screen and the Slovene reluctantly shifts his gaze to read the message. 
My Bojan so cute ☺ I give you cake now? 😋😈
"Man, shut up!" Bojan playfully pushes at Jere for the innuendo before changing his mind and pulling the older man close again. "At least wait until we're back home, you perv."
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sihakadan · 2 years
Arcane cast pining. That is all.
Fuck me, I'm going to die. It is either angsty or so deep it's gross with me. So much fluff lol. These are not established relationships with the reader, just if they were wanting it bad.
SFW, just some language
Have a request, looking for something, or have questions? Check out my master list
-Favoritism is a problem if he likes you. Jinx gets away with literal terrorism, just think of the war crimes you could commit and he'd just say it was your favorite holiday tradition.
-He gives you very subtle hints because he isn't sure if you feel the same way and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
-You do, however, receive lots of flowers from a mysterious 'admirer'. They always seem to be delivered when you are in his office, working. "Ah, more flowers? This 'admirer' must be very smitten with you."
-You know he really likes you when he asks Jinx to not terrorize you or be rude towards you
-She makes you personal little drawings and your own little mascot, like her monkey
-Is a little touchier with you. If you are uncomfortable with that, she will request air hugs/ high fives often
-Names one of her grenades after you. Always draws a heart on it and it emits your favorite color smoke when it blows up
-Lets you hang out in her lair with her and touch her things. This is where she is the most vulnerable and only Silco and you are allowed in.
-Is a bit oblivious at first that he may have feelings towards you
-Watches you a lot. Not in a creepy way, he is just fascinated by how you move, talk, act.
-Even if it pisses you off, he does not like to take you on missions or give you dangerous task. You know how to take care of yourself, but he has lost so many and if he lost you-
-Shows you his workspace and makes little gifts for you to keep on your windowsill.
•🦇Scar (bat guy from the Firelights)
-Since he doesn't really talk, actions and body language is how he communicates
-He is like Ekko and observes. If you catch him looking, he gives you a sweet smile and nod
-You get to hold and play with the baby more than anyone else in the Firelight base. It wrecks him because it is so cute watching you two together
-Brings you little gifts like pretty little rocks and shells, a book, things that interest him to share with you
-He is pretty upfront about it, but he backs off a bit if you get embarrassed by the attention
-You never pay for your drinks, no matter how many times you try. He once gifted you back all the money you had given him for the drinks. Thought he was really clever about it.
-His eyes brighten around you, and he never stops smiling at you when you talk. Just hearing your voice makes him happy.
-You get spoiled. What kitten wants, kitten gets
-You get your own security detail, the best clothes, invited as his plus one to all the parties.
-He isn't ashamed to let you know his feelings, but how deep they are he will never share because he is too afraid someone will use you against him. He'd raze the undercity if you were ever hurt.
-Will actually share silent moments with you because they can be comfortable, but he is giving you the 'fuck me' eyes the whole time
-He tries to impress you a lot. It can be overwhelming, but he is just nervous that maybe you won't feel the same
-Flowers, candy, jewelry all the time. Will tell you they're from him but he won't tell you why he gave them to you. "I just think you deserve something for your hard work." (Viktor will literally bang his head on the desk because how can his friend be such an idiot?)
-Tells you about his dreams and hopes. It makes his heart swell when he sees how your eyes sparkle when he talks about making things better
-Viktor will throw a book at Jayce if he doesn't admit his feelings for you because, damn it, it is interfering with their work! (He also thinks you two were made for one another)
-Smooth with flirting, but if you flirt back, he won't know what to do. He isn't used to someone returning the interest.
-Asks you to get coffee with him daily on his breaks or the one he will take because Jayce demanded he move from his spot in the lab. Walks with you around campus if the weather permits. If not, you both sit in the lounge and talk about little things.
-Gives you lots of books and leaves notes in them for you, like which part was his favorite or what he thinks you would be interested in
-If he has to go to events, you are going with. You two stand back and laugh together about how everyone looks like they're walking with a stick up their ass.
-Invites you to lots of places, to spend as much time as she can with you even while it is for work purposes
-Gets your favorite treats delivered to you.
-Straightens your clothes or hair while talking to you. It is a habit, and it is how she shows affection, but it can be taken as 'you look dreadful, let me fix you'. She means well by it.
-Shows you all her paintings and even teaches you a bit. Even if you are terrible at it, it is not the point, and she is happy to share a passion of hers with you.
-You get silent conversations with her a lot. All she has to do is look at you and you know what it means. Not a word needs to be said.
-She is soft with you, but in a very romantic way. Brushing your cheek with her fingers, glaring at people who are getting too close, telling you that she will protect you
-She can't get you flowers but pays your tab at the bar. To her it is the same thing
-Teaches you cards so you both can gang up on the others and wipe them out of their money
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nowritingonthewall · 9 months
What do you think about the way Poe literally jolts up as soon as Finn holds him after the explosion in TLJ?
Could it be some sort of trauma related to what he endured while being captured?
Baby boy has pure and utter panic in his eyes before he sees it's just Finn, I honestly think that the aftermath of everything that's happened to him in TFA is not discussed enough.
Oh my goodness, a Poe ask, thank you so much, Nonnie 🥰
And omg there are so many thoughts that come up while watching this little scene!
To some extent his reaction can probably be explained by the fact that he is still right in the middle of an extremely dangerous situation. His adrenaline levels must be going through the roof at this point. So after what just happened, it may even appear to seem normal for his body to be in fight or flight modus at this very moment when he jolts at Finn.
However. By the time we get to the events occurring in TLJ, Poe has been in constant flight or fight modus for years. This poor and sweet and wonderful man experienced his first major traumatizing event when he was only eight years old and had to witness the death of his Mom. And his teenage years weren’t exactly smooth sailing, either, the few months that span the events in “Free Fall” alone were just one life-threatening situation after another and he was never really presented with any opportunity to recover from any of those. So when he is brought onto the Finalizer in TFA, he is most likely already suffering from severe C-PTSD.
And then, of course, there is his interrogation, which would have been enough to break any man, even one without a history of trauma. And Poe just keeps on going as if nothing happened after that. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that TLJ takes place only a few days after the events in TFA, but, uhm… to come back to your question, yes, I absolutely think that his reaction is a trauma response!
And I couldn’t agree more, it isn’t discussed enough, that’s why we need a whole Poe Dameron tv show (with 10 seasons minimum, please)!!!
But even though it isn’t discussed enough, imho the aftermath is plain to see in Oscar’s acting. Just in case you haven’t come across it yet, may I recommend this excellent post by @userpoe laying out several symptoms of PTSD that Poe shows in all the movies. I’d even go as far as saying that most of his actions that seemed to be out of character or earned him hate by the “fans” can be traced back to Poe being a deeply traumatized man. Like, e.g. his very short temper with Threepio. We know that’s not how Poe usually acts towards droids. Apart from his incredibly sweet way of interacting with BB-8 (and his love interest in “Resistance”) we literally see him behaving very different towards Threepio himself in the Poe comics. And, of course, there is that very character-revealing moment on Kijimi in TROS, and the pain you can see in Poe’s eyes when Threepio is taking “one last look at my friends”. This movie has so many moments that were most likely added for a cheap laugh by the writers but that fit so smoothly into Poe’s history with PTSD, whether it’s his annoyance with Threepio or his display of trust issues when he wonders whether Rey’s been using her jedi powers on Finn and him.
I am sorry, I have digressed way beyond your original question.
But, may I just add, apart from Poe showing clear signs of trauma, it’s also a little heartbreaking to watch how he doesn’t even take a moment to think of himself when Finn asks him whether he is all right? Apart from the wounds to his heart and soul, his body must hurt like hell after being subjected to that explosion (and I bet he didn’t even take as much as a little casual trip to the med bay) and he doesn’t even stop to give Finn a short “I am okay.” He immediately jumps to thinking about what needs to be done to save everybody else. (And of course, then there’s that wonderful moment when we see Leia mirroring his thought process which will never stop making me emotional.)
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dmysterioblog · 11 months
Chapter VII ✧ A Choice
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Roman Reigns
Summary: Things get out of control while Rhea and Roman are away.
Warnings; smut (there is a lot of smut in this series 😅), fluff, a bit of angst
Word Count: 4.3k
A/n: @tonuitekan wrote this one cuz I’m on writers block 🥲
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It was around 9 am when Roman began to stir awake. Rhea remained in his arms, still asleep. He pulled her body closer to his and stared at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful. He kissed her forehead and that caused her to wake.
“Morning, sunshine,” Roman smiled while Rhea groaned and hid her face in his neck.
“It’s too early. Let’s go back to sleep,” Rhea whined. Roman just chuckled and got on top of her.
“Well, I know a way to wake you up.” By the mischievous smirk on his face, Rhea knew exactly what he meant.
“Come on, there’s no one here to catch us.” Rhea stared at him for a few seconds, debating until she finally nodded. Roman then began to lick and suck her sweet spot on the right side of her neck, making her moan.
“You’re not gonna leave me another hickey, aren’t you?” She asked him as he then kissed the spot.
“Well, you kinda scratched my back and you probably will do it again this time, so…”
“You don’t know that.” She scoffed before he paused as he gave her a look.
“Wanna bet?” At his comment, she took it more as a challenge as she flipped them over before he could even react or say anything while she straddled him. At this, he looked up at her and couldn’t help but chuckle right before they both kissed as he held his hands around her waist as they traveled through her back as well.
However, that moment was interrupted as soon as Roman’s phone started to ring.
“You’re gonna answer that?” Rhea asked between kisses before he went and left a few kisses on her neck.
“Nah, they can call back later.” He mumbled, his hands sneaking underneath her shirt as she arched her neck back, allowing him more exposure. At the same time, Rhea’s phone also rang.
“Shit…” Rhea grumbled.
“Just ignore it, we’ll call back later.”
“Reigns, if they’re calling both of us, it means there’s something going on.”
“Fuck…” They both reluctantly broke away as Rhea reached to grab her phone on the nightstand while Roman did the same with his. He decided to go into the bathroom just so whoever was calling Rhea wouldn’t hear him.
Rhea looked at whoever was calling her. Surprisingly it was Damian. She figured that he was only calling to check on her since they didn’t hear from her last night.
Oh how wrong she was.
“Priest?” She said as she answered, sitting down on the bed with a pillow on her lap. “What’s up?”
“Hey- first of all, sorry if I woke you up. Second of all, we have a problem.”
At that, Rhea rested her back against the bed frame as she prepared herself. This happened every single time she wasn’t around. She prayed to God that it wasn’t Dom losing his title again or Damian and Finn losing the tag titles again.
“Alright, hit me. What is it?”
“There’s a rumor going around, many people are saying it but we don’t know if it’s true.” Damian began. “Triple H wants to split the tag titles.”
“He wants to what now?”
“He wants to split them, literally after Roman had them unified in the first place! And mind you, apparently he wants to do this without even letting us know.” She then heard him take a deep breath. “Mira te lo juro, este cabrón no nos quiere dar un break—“
“Hey, deep breaths, Priest. Deep breaths.” Rhea interrupted him, placing the pillow aside as she sat up. “First of all, it’s just a rumor. Secondly, if it turns out to be true, then we have Paul and Roman that can help us with that. Like you said, Roman was the one who got those titles unified to begin with. Meaning that he can talk Triple H out of this. Hell, even Paul can. Remember, Roman is on our side for a reason. Okay? He’s not gonna agree to this either. We’ll find a way around this, but for now, if Triple H approaches any of you about this, let him know that they don’t get to decide that until we come back from SC. Got it?”
“Alright… fine, got it.” From the tone of his voice, Rhea could tell that Rhea was slowly calming down.
“Get with Paul if you haven't already. Does he know?”
“Yeah- and he’s calling Roman about this too.”
At that, Rhea pursed her lips in a thin line. Now it made sense why their moment was interrupted at the same time.
“Okay, he’s probably going to let me know. In the meantime, like I said, don’t do anything and don’t let Triple H, Pearce, or Nick do anything.”
“Fine, okay, okay, um,” Priest sighed. “Just call any of us back to check on you. Paul just got done talking to Roman.”
“Alright, I’ll call you guys later. Take care.” She hung up, and at that same time, the bathroom door opened as Roman went out. She turned to face him.
“We’re gone for literally a day and now shit goes down, again.” He said as he rolled his eyes and went back to bed. “I wonder why.”
“Let me guess, Paul called you about that rumor going on about the tag titles?”
“Yep. I told him to make sure that your boys don’t do anything till we get back if something happens. Because I’m gonna be the first one calling out Triple H’s ass as soon as we come back.”
“It’s too early for this shit…” Rhea sighed as she also sat back on the bed while leaning her head back. For a moment, Roman arched an eyebrow at her.
“So it’s too early for me and you to…?”
“Reigns. You know I didn’t mean that.”
“So you still wanna—“ He was cut off when she suddenly threw a pillow at him and yelped before he caught it until she suddenly got on his lap.
“You ask too many questions.”
“And you argue, a lot.”
“Well, guess we’re even again.” He pulled her into a kiss, one hand caressing her thigh while the other ran through her hair while she ran her fingers through his hair. She momentarily broke away just to remove his shirt as she tossed it somewhere in the room before he switched them once more, with him on top of her. They continued kissing only for a bit until he began to trail down to her neck, chest, stomach, and then her thighs. He swiftly removed her shorts and panties as he tossed them aside.
She relaxed and leaned her head back against the pillow, her right hand still caressing his hair even while he placed her legs on his shoulders as he began to lick her folds.
“Fuck…” She tried to hold back her moans, her grip on his hair almost tightening as he kept eating her out. However, it soon became unbearable as he kept on, determined to hear her beg for him. Her moans only urged him to continue on as he also licked and sucked on her clit.
“Reigns— fuck— I’m close—“ She warned, until she rode her orgasm as she cried out. He lapped her juices away until he broke away, wiping his mouth clean before he went up to her until she flipped them over once again. Quickly, she took her top off before he pulled her yet again into another passionate kiss, his hands holding her waist while she placed her arms around his neck. Her hand then almost urgently gripped at the waistband of his sweatpants, with Roman immediately getting the message as he helped her take them off along with his boxers.
Afterwards, he pulled her close to his body once more as he kissed, licked, and sucked on her neck. His hand rested on the back of her neck whilst his other hand caressed her back and waist as she moaned.
For a moment, both broke away only just to gaze at one another, faces inches away from one another as Rhea rested her forehead against Roman’s.
“I want you,” She mumbled, her hands resting on his chest while he still held her close.
He gave her a small nod before he left a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. Both then adjusted only slightly so that Rhea was able to line herself with his cock as he helped her, slowly sinking down until he was fully in as she adjusted herself to his size, all the while burying her face on his neck and letting out a soft gasp. After a minute or so, she began to move while he held her back and waist in support. Their moans were the only thing that could be heard within the room.
Soon enough, she increased her pace slowly while he also helped her, hearing her moan in his ear before she slightly lifted her head from his neck as she kissed his cheek. Now, it was his turn to also lean to her ear as she rode him.
“You’re mine.”
The phrase alone had irked her. She held onto him for dear life as they continued on. This time with him now kissing her chest and cleavage before going up to her neck, then her lips.
He was on the verge of his own climax soon enough as well, and because of this, he gently held Rhea’s waist before carefully flipped them over. He kept on with a few thrusts while she wrapped her arms around him, moaning his name before he felt himself already close. At that, he pulled out, all the while she also rode her second climax, all the while he came on her left thigh as he then collapsed on the bed beside her.
Their room was silent with the exception of their breathing, both panting and coming down from their high. After some time, he pulled her to his frame while also placing the covers on them as his fingers ran through her hair.
“So, now you’re awake.”
“If you keep touching my hair like that, I’ll fall asleep again.” She said as hid her face on his neck. Her comment made him chuckle as he paused for a moment before his hand caressed her back instead before he felt her cup his cheek and turn his head to face her. They gazed only for a bit while he still held her close to him.
However, that moment was interrupted yet again when Rhea’s alarm on her phone went off. It was already almost 10:00 AM. Cursing,, she broke away from Roman as she reached for her phone and turned off the alarm.
“We gotta be downstairs before they close for breakfast…”
“Want me to go and grab something instead?” Roman asked as he sat up. “I can just bring it here while you get ready.”
“Eh, if you want. I just don’t even want to get up right now, honestly.” She mumbled as she plopped back on the bed. Roman looked at the time from his phone before he took his boxer and sweatpants from the floor.
“We still have time anyways, we don’t leave until 2 PM. You can rest for a bit.” He reassured her.
“Let me take a quick shower…” She said as she sat up and walked to the bathroom. Roman only nodded before he went to brush his teeth, got dressed, and left the room.
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Back at the Performance Center, Finn, Damian, Dom, Jimmy, and Solo were all seen training for the next day on Smackdown as they were getting ready. Dom had a title match against Montez, while Finn and Damian were once again set to defend their titles against LWO. Both of them were training with Jimmy and Solo who offered to help them get ready. They arrived earlier just to get a head-start.
After a while, they were taking a small and quick break at the cafeteria as they all sat together.
“So y’all think the rumor could be true then?” Jimmy asked as he came back after fetching himself a protein shake while he sat down between Solo and Dom.
“We ain’t even sure, man. But you know that whatever shit comes from Cody’s mouth lately could be true.” Damian said as he rubbed his forehead. “It’s either true or he’s just bitter because he wasn’t even supposed to get those titles with your brother in the first place.”
“Yeah, about that, I wouldn’t even be talking that loudly about Cody. He’s around here with Jey training as well.” Solo commented as he placed his arms on the table while Damian scoffed.
“And? If he has anything to say, he can say it to my face.”
“Spoke too soon,” Finn mumbled as he ate a breakfast bar that he had in his hand when he saw from behind Damian’s shoulder Jey and Cody walk inside the cafeteria. Both of them having finished their training as they were in to grab a bite and leave.
“They better not come down here.” Jimmy mumbled as he drank his shake. Not even facing the entrance of the cafeteria at all.
“Well, look who’s here.” They suddenly heard Cody speak.
“Again, you spoke too soon.”
“You just couldn’t wait until Monday, eh?” Damian scoffed as the group turned to face Cody and Jey who walked up to them. “The hell you two want, anyways?”
“Aye, we’re just here to say hi and leave.” Jey simply said as he raised his hands in defense. “We ain’t gonna act like y’all made it so that Roman could come in last Monday and attack me.”
“Pearce isn’t going to be pleased with that, you know.” Cody stated as he crossed his arms. “And he will do something about it.”
“Cody, maybe just leave whatever you gotta say next Monday when we see each other again.” Damian said as he placed his apple aside on the table before he stood and faced him. “Unless you want me to try and injure you again right here, all you gotta do is just let me know.”
“Alright, alright. I’m only telling you the truth, though.” Cody placed a hand in front of Damian to calm him. “If you guys keep on playing like this, it’s not gonna end well. And Jey and I? We’ll gladly sit back and watch.”
“Well, you’ll be waiting for a while.” Dominik said as he drank some of his water. “Because the Judgement Day and the Bloodline aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Oh, for real?” Jey asked as he crossed his arms. “I mean, eh, I wouldn’t be surprised considering how your “mami” spends more time with Roman lately.”
“Hey, take it easy. Watch your mouth.” Damian immediately said as he turned and pointed at him. “Don’t start any shit.”
“I ain’t starting shit, Uce. I’m only saying facts. Not my fault he can’t stand the truth.”
“Jey. He’s serious.” Solo suddenly spoke, surprisingly for everyone, as he gave Jey a firm look. “This ain’t your business, so back off while you still can.”
“Hey now why are y’all suddenly speaking for him, huh? He can speak for himself.” Jey asked as he turned to face Dom, who had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at him. “Am I right Dom?”
Dom suddenly stood up, Jimmy and Damian both tried to stop him but he shrugged their hands away. He then faced Jey who was waiting for him to speak.
“Jey, I’m going to tell you this once. Keep Rhea’s name out your mouth.” He told him. “Whatever’s going on is none of your concern, and I mean it. This isn’t a joke.”
At that, Jey tried to hold back a laugh as he rubbed his mouth and looked down at the floor, before he looked back at Dom. “I mean… if it wasn’t for Flair, none of us would’ve known and I wouldn’t be saying this shit. But like… ya might still wanna keep an eye on her cuz she’s been too clingy on Roman lately an—“
Before Jey had the chance to finish his sentence, a fist suddenly met his face as he almost fell. Before anyone could react, Dominik started to beat him up with Finn and Damian immediately jumping to stop him.
“Hey, hey, enough! Stop!”
“Dom, just ignore him—!”
“Come on, let’s get out of here, Uce, he ain’t worth it.” Jimmy quickly commented to Dom who was trying to get out of Finn and Damian’s hold. All the while Cody went to check on Jey as the male Samoan winced in pain while sitting up and rubbing his face.
“I warned you— keep mami’s name out of your damn mouth!” Dominik snapped, all the while Finn and Damian dragged him out from the cafeteria while Solo and Jimmy also followed, the two looking down at Jey and Cody momentarily before they followed the other three out.
“Dom— let’s get out, don’t listen to him alright?” Damian immediately said as the group went outside. As soon as they did, he immediately had the group go into their rental car while he and Solo stood outside of the car as they spoke.
“Where’s Paul at? Is he still talking to Triple H?”
“He texted me back, he should be back in a bit. He was on the phone with him earlier.” Solo told him as he looked at his phone before keeping it in his pocket before he looked at Damian. “Look man, I don’t normally voice out whatever I think out loud for the most part, but Dom needs to keep his head in the game.”
“I know man, I know.” Damian said as he sighed. “Doesn’t help that almost 30% of this company already knows about Rhea cheating on Dom and now they all want to try and use that against Dom any chance they get.”
“At some point, someone’s gonna be bold enough to say something about it during live TV. Raw, Smackdown, NXT, hell, every during Crown Jewel. And if that happens, the whole world’s gonna find out.”
“Look, only a few people know.” Damian told him. “Charlotte knows, Raquel knows, we know, Zelina knows- well, maybe, but I’m not sure if Raquel was the one that told her-, and now, Jey and Cody.”
“Well that’s enough people, motherfucker.” Solo blurted out. “And out of all of them, Cody is the more likely to expose it in front of everyone. And if he does, it’s over for all of us. This alliance? It’ll be over before you know it. And you guys are gonna start falling apart too before you can even blink.”
“Okay- okay, okay, here’s what we can do.” Damian calmed Solo down. “As soon as Rhea and Roman come back, we’ll let them know what’s going on. Aside from the tag title issue. Look, Dom punched Jey and he even already gave him a warning back there, so hopefully he’ll keep his damn mouth shut. But until then, we let Roman and Rhea know and follow their plan.”
Solo was silent for a few minutes. He looked back at the car, before he looked at Damian. “You think Roman and Rhea are still…?”
“… no. I don’t.” Damian shook his head. “Rhea‘s trying to fix things with Dom right now. And Roman’s probably not even messing around with her anymore. At least that’s what he told me after everything that went down.”
“… Damian. I’m gonna be honest with you. And this is just me saying what I saw.” Solo suddenly said. “But I don’t think Roman is keeping his word.”
“Wait. What?”
“Back at the bar that night? He was staring at Rhea the entire time.” He explained to him as he crossed his arms. “While Jimmy was with us chatting and talking shit about LA Knight, I noticed Roman wasn’t listening and that he was looking at someone in particular at the crowd. And it was Rhea.”
“Hold on, hold on…” Damian paused him as he placed a hand in front of the Samoan male while he processed his words. “… if he said he’s not interested in going after her again, then why would he…?”
“You tell me.” Solo simply said. “My bet is that he’s lying. If I were you, I’d keep a closer eye on him the second he comes back. Cuz I’m gonna do it too.” With that, Solo got inside the car while Damian stood, pondering over his words before he rubbed his face.
“Que clase mamabicho…” He told himself as he took a deep breath before he calmed himself and got inside the car. He started the car while he looked at Dom who sat on the left side of the backseat. He was looking upset, despite trying to calm himself down.
“Hey, don’t listen to Jey, man.” Damian reassured him. “You know whatever shit coming out from his mouth is just to taunt you. Don’t let it get to you. Cogelo suave.”
“I know.” Dominik sighed and nodded before Damian began to drive them away back to the hotel.
He needed to have a serious talk with Rhea and Roman.
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As soon as Roman came back with breakfast to their room, Rhea also came out from the bathroom with a robe around her. He set the bag down at the desk that they had while Rhea also approached to his side.
“They have anything good?”
“I mean, I’d say better than the food from the other hotel.” Roman commented as he took out one bowl for himself, and the other for Rhea. “You prefer turkey bacon over regular bacon, right?”
Rhea nodded before Roman gave her food to her as well as a plastic fork as well as some napkins and a bottle of orange juice. He went to make himself some coffee from the Keurig coffee maker in their room while Rhea sat on the bed and began to eat.
“You know, thinking about back then, before we did all of this,” Roman spoke as he sat beside her with his plate of food after he finished making his coffee. “I was starting to think that you really wanted this whole thing to be over.”
At that, Rhea paused after taking a bite from her eggs and looked down at her food for a second. She then sighed. “Honestly, I was starting to think that too, but…” She leaned her back against the bed frame. “I’m beginning to doubt myself lately.”
“How come?”
Rhea hesitated at first. She looked down at her plate before she set the fork down and spoke. “It’s just… look, it’s not that I’m saying that it’s a bad thing or anything, but- it just- this happened so suddenly, you know? I—“ She tried to find the right words to say while Roman listened and gazed at her. “One minute we were just hooking up, the next thing we know, we’re… suddenly like this. I mean come on, we barely know each other.”
“Well, I know you’re not a morning person, you certainly don’t like coffee, black and purple are your color, you like metal music—“
“I don’t mean by that,” She huffed as she took a sip from her orange juice. “Well- actually, yeah that too, but… What I mean is like, you know, get to actually know more about each other.”
The room was silent for a bit as she looked up at him. He had paused eating momentarily, pondering on his choice of words before he finally broke the momentary silence.
"I understand what you're saying," he responded, his voice gentle and sincere, ”Why don’t we have an actual date when we get back?”
“I can’t.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I have a date with Dom…” She finally said as she exhaled deeply. “And I know- it was dumb of me, because all of the sudden we’re doing all of this but—“
“You told me you were trying to set things straight with him last night.”
“… Yeah, I did. But… the thing is, I don’t know anymore.” She set her own plate aside. “And hey, I won’t judge you if you decide to be mad at me or hate me after this. But… I have a lot to think about. Especially now.”
She then felt her hand being gently held as she looked, Roman being the one who was holding her hand as his thumb caressed her knuckles.
“Yeah about that-“ He began. “… you kinda made it hard for me to be mad at you or hate you. Just saying.”
At this, Rhea snorted and looked away for a second. “Please.”
“I’m serious.” He insisted, Rhea then facing him yet again as he spoke. “Look, last night we talked about this- and like I said, I’m not the one to decide how you’re feeling. If anything, you’re the one that decides that. And I don’t judge you for it. All I'm gonna say is… I’ll wait.” He told her sincerely, gazing at her as he still held her hand. “If you decide to keep this going, I’ll be completely fine with it. But… if you choose not to, I’ll respect it. Just as long as you’re okay.”
Rhea was out of words to say to Roman at that moment as she gazed at him. Like before, her hand reached out to cup his cheek while he also gently held it while his thumb caressed her knuckles as well.
“So you’re saying you’ll wait for me?”
“As long as it takes.” He planted a kiss on her palm. “Just remember that I’m always gonna have your back no matter what.”
He lightly gripped on her hand while she was out of words. Not knowing what to say. All she knew was that she had a lot to think about the second her and Roman returned to their groups.
And this was just their second day in South Carolina. Only three more to go.
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@sassginaswanmills @riptideripley
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
Do you know of any fics which have Katniss and Jo as best friends, this will more than likely be a modern au but there could be canon ones aswell, I just want to see their chaotic friendship where they "hate" each other but are also really defensive with the other. Pls and thankyou
Hello @gingerbread-is-good!
Sorry this took me a while to get to but I've complied a list here and will be adding this to future masterlists topics as I too love this dynamic! Hope these are new to you and happy reading!
A Change of Heart-WinterWednesday (ao3) Summary: Post-Mockingjay One-Shot. "Now, here I am, watching my beautiful husband with Johanna's precious son, and all I can think of is that it should be our child. Peeta should get to experience this joy every single day. And I should be selfless enough to give it to him…"
Acceptable Payment: A Date With Katniss Everdeen-rEckLeSsLy.cOnFIneD (ff) Summary: "That Katniss was currently aware of, she needed to do two things: First, she needed to inform Johanna about everything that was Peeta Mellark. Second, she needed her help to make sure that she was most beautiful version of herself she had ever been for this New Year's Party." [Modern AU. Everlark.]
At the Peak-maddmaddworld (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen moved to Summit County to work with her mentor and study the geology of the Rocky Mountains. She never expected to meet a sweet, shy snowboard instructor who would turn her first winter in Colorado upside down.
Mellark Orchards-mrspeetamellark (ao3) Summary: After breaking up with her long-time fiancé, veterinarian Katniss Everdeen decides to move to a small town in Pennsylvania and start over again. She meets a sexy, blonde farmer at a local orchard and feels instantly drawn to him. She knows, however, that she needs time to heal from her failed engagement before she starts dating again. Will Farmer Peeta help Katniss mend her broken heart? Will the two become romantically involved?
Office Affairs-Pagedancer87 (ao3) Summary: AU-Modern Everlark. Story done for birthday prompt for @everlarkbirthdaydrabbles on Tumblr for the prompt: fluffy coworker everlark
Pure As A Little Lamb-LemonLuvGirl (ao3) Summary: In response to an anonymous tumblr ask for a drabble with a promt for: “Katniss rooms with Johanna and while Johanna is looking for something in Katniss' room, she sees the used condom in the trash and calls up the gang (Finnick, Annie, Gale, and Peeta (even though unbeknownst to the rest of them it was Peeta she has been sleeping with) to figure out who Katniss had over the prior night.”
Rebound Girl-Diana_Flynn (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen only goes for only one type of man. It doesn’t matter how tall he is, the color of his hair, or even his personality. What she wants is the man fresh out of a relationship. She likes being that temporary girl the guy uses to lick the wounds of his bruised heart. Too bad Peeta Mellark changes everything for her.
Secret More-than-Friends-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Katniss and Peeta are the "single friends" of their friend group. Everyone keeps trying to fix them up with someone else-what they don't know is that Katniss and Peeta are secretly dating.
The One-burkygirl (ao3) Summary: Peeta is Katniss’s best friend and almost everything in her life revolves around him. When thoughts of Peeta start invading her dreams, Katniss must decide whether just being friends is enough.
Unpleasant Surprises-msdisdain (ao3) Summary: Johanna Mason and Finnick O'Dair (Irish for purposes of this modern AU) conspire to get their best friends, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, to admit they have feelings for one another. Jo and Finn, however, may not be working with the most current information.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions feel free to send me an ask!
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wackysach · 2 years
Please do share your hcs even if the designs aren't finished
Pretty sure I not the only one who'd love to hear it 👀
oh god, this ask was from like 2 months ago but i got too shy to respond to it so it’s been sitting here, getting stale. probably moldy at this point. i’m so sorry– but here i am, responding to it now so… yes. (also this user was referring to the doodles i did of the DHMIS characters from the TV series a while ago). i’m not gonna do all of the characters, but i’ll do a couple:
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- i call him brandon (simply because brandon matches with brendon heehee)
- works a lot of odd side jobs but his main job is an accountant 
- an absolute go-getter ! this guy genuinely loves to work. give him a task and he’ll make sure it gets done efficiently 
- pokes fun at his older brother often but in reality they’re extremely close 
- in spite of all the jokes and teasing, briefcase looks up to brendon, like, a lot actually. i imagine they grew up in poverty together so they really only had each other to rely on, which is why they’re so close. brendon took good care of him when he was young, so briefcase working hard to make sure he grew up to have a stable job was his way of giving back to his older brother. he probably helps brendon out financially while he works to get his novel published 
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(unemployed) brendon:
- the whole “unemployed brendon” name joke-thing stemmed from people getting the two brothers’ names mixed up. briefcase prolly started saying something like “but i’m the employed one !” and so the whole “unemployed brendon” thing came to be. funnily enough, people actually started remembering the two’s names correctly after it 
- gets easily mistaken for the younger brother because of his height and higher pitched voice but he’s considerably older by about 6/7-ish years 
- loves to write. it’s his passion. a proper education was hard to come by when he was young, so he taught himself to read and write by studying the papers he sold and would buy himself books whenever he had a little extra money. now that he’s older he’s been able to publish a couple articles here in there in a few newspapers but his real goal is to get “The Ultimate Forgiveness” — a thematic autobiographical novel centered around learning to forgive oneself for past mistakes — published 
- has a quieter, more reserved nature in contrast to his brother, however he can get a little loud and sassy if provoked
- bearer of an absolutely fantastic unibrow. (shrignold take notes)
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- name is finn, short for finnicus 
- drinks his coffee black for sure
- likes to keep his areas dim and dark. actually, he likes a lot of dark, macabre things 
- is he a vampire ? we’ll never know 
- he do work as a mortician though (woah bros i just rhymed)
- hobbies include taxidermy, skull collecting, poetry, reading, gardening, and wood carving
- was originally part of an amish-like family, but he left that kind of community behind. his family keeps in contact so he pretends to still follow the lifestyle just to keep the peace with them. (hence the “oh is that a TV ? yeah i’ve been thinking about getting one of those. haha, don’t tell anyone though.” and also the questionable fashion choices *cough cough* those shoes...)
- idk mane, he’s just lowkey a chillax guy. not really much else
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… warren.
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- goes by "ellie" or "tracey"
- she’s an electrician but also the host for a TV game show called “Watt a Shock !” (ha did you see what i did there ? aren’t i clever)
- is my wife huh. what. who said that ?
- they can get brazy with an electric guitar, man
- as cool as her hair looks, be careful touching it. it’s got that static electricity effect
- related to colin and layla (laptop), she’s like their super cool older cousin. 
- just super sweet and energetic overall
- knows a lot of random, entertaining trivia facts
- 100% dips their fries in milkshakes/ice cream
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Isaiah Jesus- Button Up Your Overcoat
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"Listen, big boy, now that you got me made
Goodness but I'm afraid
Somethin's gonna happen to you
Listen, big boy, you gotta be hooked and how
I would die if I should lose you now
Button up your overcoat
When the wind is free
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Eat an apple every day
Get to bed by three
Take good care of yourself
You belong to me
Be careful crossina streets, ooh ooh
Cut out sweets, ooh, ooh"
"Should you be singing that in your shop Miss YLN" I turn around and see Isaiah walking in through the shop door with Finn and Michael. Turning down the record playing I greet my boyfriend and his two friends
"I was just about to close the shop then meet you at the Garrison"
"Well we were going to ask if you could make us some fresh sweets?"
"Zigh you know my dad does all of that"
"You know how to though. You've watched him plenty of times. Please?" he pleads and I give in to him way too easily
"Fine, but your not turning off my Ruth Etting record" I tell the boys
"Whatever makes you make some sweets for us" Micheal chuckles
"What am I making? barley sugar? butter mints? fruit rock?"
"Fruit rocks. Lemmon, apple, strawberry and orange"
"Fine" I sigh and get everything ready to make the sweets. I first start making a mixture of sugar water and corn syrup, heating it up until it's over 300 decrees then I pour it on the marble slap "now if I'm making this just for you. You have to share with Tommy, Arthur and John. Not forgetting Lizzie, Esme and the kids. Oh and you all have to help me with the hook"
"I'll help you" Finn flexes his arms earning an eye roll off me. I separate the mixture once it's cooled. I then add the flavouring and the colouring before handing them off to the boys to stretch.
Once the sweets have been made and bagged up Finn and Micheal leave giggling like school children
"Who knew you boys would get so excited about sweets?"
"Well we can only have the best" Isaiah hands me a sweet "and you my dear have the best sweet shop in Small Heath"
"You flatter me Mr Jesus. Now help me clean up and then we can go to the Garrison"
Isaiah helps go clean up the mess I made before I take my coat, put it on and leave the shop, locking it up behind me. The bitter cold chill of the winters air hits my face
"Bloody hell Isaiah button up your overcoat. You'll catch yourself a cold"
"I think I'll be ok YN" he places his arm around my waist and we walk to the garrison "you however you only have to stick a finger out of a window and you'll catch a cold. You'll be making yourself cough drops"
"I won't be making anything especially if you catch a cold after I've warned you" this causes Isaiah to laugh as we enter the Garrison
"Come on love the boys will make fun of me if I wore my coat done up and a scarf"
"Well I think you look quite fetching with your overcoat done up, a scarf and some gloves" I push open the doors to the snug
"I'm glad you do but I wouldn't look very intimidating"
"Wait until I start telling the world that Isaiah Jesus loves a bath with rose petals and candles"
"You'll be the death of me woman" I laugh sitting down next to Ada
"What are you two bickering about now" she laughs
"Isaiah wouldn't button up his overcoat. I told him he'd catch a cold"
"Here we go again. I'll go and get you a drink love" he kisses my head before leaving the room
"Thanks for the sweets YN, the kids will love them"
"You know I'll sneak them sweets anytime John. Just have to pop into the shop"
"Ah not sure your mother and father would be impressed" Finn says
"What are you on about? my parents love you all"
"No I mean about the sneaking sweets. Tried that once and had a slapped wrist. Bloody hurt" Finn rubs his wrist in memory making me laugh remembering when we were younger
"Well we were little shits then"
"Still are now" Tommy grumbles before sipping his whisky.
Before we leave the Garrison at the end of the evening I make sure to button up Isaiah's coat, at first the Shelby's made fun of him before I made sure they had all of their coats buttoned up as well.
However annoyingly the following day I woke up with a blocked nose and no one else had. Isaiah was right. Next time I'm out late I will make sure I have a hat, scarf and gloves.
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mixed-up-media · 5 months
We've been aging up Coraline and Wybie for years, aren't we forgetting some kids?...
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Before anyone asks, if we can age up Agatha (I know we do it) then we can age up these dead freaks.
But seriously there is not enough content on these guys. Sure Other Wybie Makes it into some fanworks, but we as a fandom have three mostly personality-less characters waiting to get stories. This is a fan content factory.
I like to think up in heaven (or whatever afterlife you believe in) the ghost kids are besties and then find Other Wybie. They all end up being really close cause they were all killed by the same spider demon. Here is a list of rolls in the friend group, and my personal headcanons.
Sweet ghost girl. She's the leader of the dead kids. Up in the afterlife she developed a bit of an attitude. Still watches over her sister and grandnephew. She's a bit bossy at times, but still has her heart in the right place. Still a sweetheart.
Huck Finn Jr., You know that annoying younger brother character in cartoons who's constantly flirting with the older girls in the show ? Yeah that's him. He's the gremlin dude who just stirs up chaos. He really does care about the others and is a great emotional support person.
Pioneer girl, The mom of the group. She was the first one killed, and the oldest when she was killed, so it was just kinda natural for her to take care of everyone. Says "Girl" every 5 sentences. Overly protective.
Other Wybie, Quiet and incredibly loving. He's kinda always been a little weird, considering he was created by the nightmare that killed all of them. However He loves these three kids like they are his family, and in a way they kinda are. The Other father essentially adopted him and the two live with the rest of the dead Lovatt family. Wybie's parents are pretty chill about the whole thing.
The Other father learned how to play chopsticks on the piano and is very proud of himself.
The crew absolutely hangs out with Aggie whenever she's not busy being a ghost and annoying Norman.
They have been to the dream fair, and have met Wendell and Wild.
Other Wybie kinda acts like Coraline's "Guardian angel" type of thing. So he watches over her and OG Wybie, and does angel stuff (I'll flesh that out more later)
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virtie333 · 9 months
Day 26 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Contentment
Summary: Rey and Poe have a little fun AFTER the party...
Warnings: There be smut ahead!
Those of you who know me know that I tend to be more into Rey (i.e. me) being submissive during sex, but I thought I would switch things up just a tad. Like me, I think Rey would need some liquid courage the first time!
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It had been a busy day, but a good one.
It was Rey and Poe’s second Life Day together, although they hadn’t been a couple the previous year, so really it was their first. They had joined their friends at the local tavern for a big traditional dinner and then they had spent most of the evening talking and laughing and catching up with each other as alcohol flowed freely. Most in the group didn’t live on Yavin IV permanently, but because both Poe and Rey had settled there after the war, they visited frequently.
It had been fairly late when the group had finally dispersed, with the non-residents heading either back to their ships or to the local hostel, Finn heading back to his little house at the edge of town with Rose on his arm, and Rey and Poe jumping in the speeder to head back to the Dameron homestead, where they had built a cabin for themselves just down from Kes’ house. Poe had BB8 drive the speeder because he knew both he and Rey had imbibed a bit too much Merezane Gold and were tired. Once home, however, they both determined that neither were ready for bed.
Or at least not ready for sleep.
Making love while drunk was a new experience for Rey, but she trusted Poe enough to know he would take care of her, inebriated or not. There was a lot more fumbling and a lot more laughter, but once they were naked and safely situated on the bed, they were able to focus a bit better. The longer they touched, the more they whispered first sweet talk and then dirty talk to each other. Poe began to challenge Rey, daring her to use her natural strength to make him do what she wanted. She, in turn, threatened to use the Force to pin him down, something she never would have said if not for the alcohol.
“You’d never,” he told her firmly, his eyes unafraid.
“How do you know?”
“Because that’s not who you are.”
She had stared at him for a long moment, knowing he was right, but then used that brief distraction to flip him over onto his back, straddling him while pulling his arms up above his head, holding his wrists down firmly. If he had truly struggled, she would have let him go, but he didn’t. Instead, the look on his face was approving. Since they had become lovers, Rey had always let Poe take the lead, acceding to his experience and her natural desire to please. But tonight, with her inhibitions almost non-existent, Rey was ready to dominate.
She had taken his fully aroused cock in hand and impaled herself on it while still keeping one hand on his wrists. Once firmly seated, she started rocking her hips, not just back and forth, but in circles, loving the feel of him, thick and solid, inside her.
“That’s it, baby,” Poe had encouraged, offering just a bit of resistance, making her reach back up with her free hand to keep his hands pinned down above his head. Stretching up that way caused her breasts to come near his face. He purposefully breathed on them as he continued to goad her. “That’s it. Take you pleasure from me. You fill up that tight little cunt with my cock. Stuff it full. Shove it in there as hard as you can take it,” he growled.
“Oh, Kriff, Poe!” she had shouted. “Make me come!” She let go of his wrists and sat up, placing her hands on his chest, riding him hard now. He responded by grabbing her hips, sliding his hands around to squeeze her ass. “Please, I want to come!”
“Then come, baby. Come for me!”
Rey did, feeling her whole body convulse as her back bowed and her thighs tightened around his hips. She arched her head back, mouth open on a silent scream. She felt Poe’s release just as she was coming down from her high. She opened her eyes and looked at him, smiling. “That’s it, baby,” she whispered, echoing his earlier pet name. “Come for me.”
After they had both cleaned up, they had cuddled together under the blankets. Though Yavin IV rarely got cold, it was a cool enough night for the covers to be comfortable. Rey had never felt so satisfied. Whether it was the fun, busy day behind her, the after effects of the alcohol, or the great sex, she wasn’t sure. Maybe all of the above?
Or maybe it was simply because she had enjoyed all of the above with the man she loved. No one but Poe had ever made her feel this content, and she would never take that, or him, for granted.
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happyinjection · 2 years
♠️♥️High Card Short Story 1 “Mint Soda and Cafe au Lait Float”♦️♣️ (3/3)
Once we are done with work, let’s head out to our favorite pub, “Crazy 8”~
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Original: https://twitter.com/highcard_pj/status/1530021332561170432?s=20&t=lLB3b2CH1n76STg9Xa0uNA
Author: https://twitter.com/poipheno
Artist: https://twitter.com/ebimoji3
Crazy 8 was a long-established pub located right next to the Old Maid branch of Pinochle Automobiles. Rumors had it that they had been in business for nearly 30 years.
The dimly lit interior was fully furnished with wood. The counter was gold-plated, reflecting the light. It gave off the atmosphere of an authentic Irish pub. Behind the counter, a neon lamp in the shape of the pub’s name glimmered.
“Yahoo, Master. I’ll have my usual ♪”
Chris rested his elbow on the counter, leaning forward as he called out to the manager of the pub on the opposite side. His name was Douglas.
“It’s you guys again.”
Douglas had a muscular build and cleanly shaved head, as well as an intimidating air about him.
“Even if you said that, Master, I’m sure that you’re happy to see us, your dear regulars, turning up often around here~ By the way, Finn, what are you having?”
“You’re underage! Order something non-alcoholic!”
“Just kidding. I’ll have my usual soda.”
The bartender didn’t give a reply, but he immediately turned and walked away to start preparing our orders. Chris, who had picked a high stool to sit in, crossed his slender legs as he waited. I sat down next to him.
“Finn, are you hurt anywhere?”
“Oh. My fist hurt a bit from when I packed those punches, but it was no big deal. Shouldn’t I be asking about how you’re doing instead?”
“Not at all ♪ I don’t even need to eat my Fudgees.”
After a moment, two coasters were being slide out onto the counter. And then, a glass filled up to the brim was put on each of them.
“You guys should not come here in the first place if you’re not going to drink alcohol.”
That said, Douglas placed Chris’ favorite drink, the cafe au lait float, in front of the latter, before turning his back on Chris instantly and without courtesy.
“Master, even if you’re spitting such mean words, you’re always giving us freebies. For instance, the float is bigger than usual today. Isn’t it amazing that he never made a big deal out of these kind gestures~”
Chris put his thin lips against the straw and began sipping. “Hn~ you see, it is similar to Vietnamese coffee, in the sense that it has condensed milk poured in. Definitely rich in calories~”
“Ew, it’s like you’re piling something sweet on top of something even sweeter.”
I stuck my tongue out in digust, frowning. As I was about to sip on my own drink, it suddenly came to my attention. In the soda, there were a number of tiny leaves floating around. Furthermore, a slice of lime was stuck at the rim of the glass.
“What is this? Isn’t it different from what I asked for?”
“Mint, huh. Then it must be virgin mojito. This is another special service from the Master, so make sure to drink it gratefully.”
“Vir… what was that? But I, hate veggies. Including greeneries, leaves, and the like.”
“Mint is not a veggie, though.”
“I see. Fine, I’ll try to drink it, why not, I’ll try.”
I put the straw in my mouth while stealing a glance at Master. His back remained turned on us as he was wiping on a glass. It followed that he turned on the TV installed near the ceiling using a remote control.
“Mnn! Who could’ve guessed that this drink tastes absurdly good?! Thanks a bunch, Master!”
With his gaze fixed on the TV, Master resumed wiping on the glass using a towel. Meanwhile, I downed my whole glass of mint soda in one gulp, slurping it noisily up to its final drops.
“Seconds, please!”
“Keep your pace slow.”
“Bossy, ain’t ya? I can drink however much I want.”
“Gah, what an insolent brat. Well, whatever. Speaking of, you did a great job today. Even though you claimed that you were simply doing it as a hobby, I have to admit that you’ve got some skills in boxing.”
“Our opponents were just lacking. I could say the same about you, I mean, you were the one displaying that flashy combination of Muay Thai and god-knows what other martial art techniques.”
“I was somewhat forced to learn them after I joined Pinochle, that’s all there is to it. Afterall, I’d rather not become drenched in sweat.”
“Eh, but you should absolutely teach me sometime.”
“Did I hear that right, are you looking forward to get all sweaty with me?”
“You’re being creepy again.”
“Reporting from Gibbs Street, earlier this afternoon…”
Interrupting our conversation, the voice of a reporter blared out from the TV, dropping the name of a street which sounded familiar. It also seemed to grab Chris’ attention, as he immediately spun on his high stool to get a better view of the TV.
“An incident just occured in which a group of mafia were attacked by unknown assailants. According to the police who arrived at the scene, someone is believed to have intervened in a drug transaction between the mafia. The items were stolen from a museum, with the market price of—”
Chris and I stared at each other with wide eyes.
“Um, Chris……. isn’t this a bad sign? But we won’t be showing up on the headlines, will we?”
“High Card” was a secret organization operating under Pincochle Corporation. The true identities of its members must never be revealed to the general public, and anyone who’s not involved in the business was forbidden from knowing the existence of X-playing cards.
Tiredly, Chris laid his wrist across his forehead, sighing.
“Come to think of it, I didn’t expect that gem to possess such a high value.”
“I-I didn’t do anything, I swear! It’s their own fault!”
“Finn, we’re completely innocent. We don’t know anything. We didn’t do anything. Isn’t that so?”
True, true. I rapidly nodded in agreement.
“I will submit my report to jii-san and tell him that we were not involved in anything. And then I’ll call it a day and go home right away. It would take time, but this whole incident would get swept under the carpet, eventually. Uh, and, just for the record, do not ever let Leo catch a wind about this.”
“…Sounds like it’s gonna be a big pain in the ass.”
“I hope that would solve the problem. For now, fingers crossed…”
Chris raised his glass of cafe au lait float. I copied his movement with my own refilled glass of mint soda.
“Good work today…….”
When we clinked our glass together, both of our hands were still shaking so pathetically that a clattering sound could be heard.
TL notes: I’m in no way a professional translator so if you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to inform me right away. I love the High Card gang and I found it very unfortunate that while it is meant to be a multimedia project, I can’t seem to find the translated versions of any materials (beside the anime) anywhere (if this is against copyright, I will take it down). Hopefully this small TL would help international viewers gain better understanding of HC universe and characters. The author of these SS himself said that he hoped fans would have their “so that’s what it is!” moments when they watch the anime after reading his short stories. So with that in mind, let’s enjoy High Card together~
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
hiii omg so sorry i haven't been in your inbox! finals have been sweeping me away, but i've been lurking 👁️👁️ ok so i was listening to my playlists and had some #thoughts, so I shall share them to make up for the time i was gone 🤝😎 ----- I Want to Write You a Song - One Direction
I want to lend you my coat One that's as soft as your cheek So when the world is cold You'll have a hiding place you can go I want to lend you my coat Everything I need I get from you Givin' back is all I wanna do (…) I want to write you a song One to make your heart remember me So any time I'm gone You can listen to my voice and sing along I'm such 1D trash 😭😭 But this was on my yearning playlist (lmao) and I was thinking about how Finnick would 1000% write this song for his sweet girl. Like this is such a simp song (respectfully) and we all know Finnick is so in love with her its SICK ----- In Agreement - Lizzy McAlpine I talk to my friends about you Pretty sure they're tired of hearin' it I say "I met a guy, and he treats me real nice" Which is good for a change I talk to my friends about you And I think they agree my exes weren't always great And I don't really buy into fate But you tell me I'm pretty And you don't ask for too much 'Cause you know and I know That promises sometimes can hurt When it's barely begun And I don't want this to fall through Collapsing is what I'm used to But we're all in agreement This is something I should hold onto (another song on my yearning playlist LMAO) but this is very much sweet girl coded #idk bc this is definitely her inner monologue when she first meets Finnick and they start dating 😭😭😭 AND WITH THAT IN MIND, IT MAKES THE LYRIC "'Cause you know and I know that promises sometimes can hurt when it's barely begun, and I don't want this to fall through. Collapsing is what I'm used to" HURTTTT ----- girl i've always been - Olivia Rodrigo *just the entire song*
No like, walk with me here 🚶‍♀️ because this is definitey something that could've been written by Billy's muse HOWEVER, it can be either about Billy OR, OR!! Eddie. Do we see the vision👁️👁️. For Billy, it's written from the pov of a reader who has a lil kick to her, who's done being the doormat and rips into him after he disrespects her and he's all like "???" For Eddie, it's more from the perspective of a reader who is always gonna pick Billy over Eddie. And she told him this many times. Yet, he still pursues her. And yet, he still get's upset that she always picks Billy. His intentions aren't coming from a good place. Like that one blurb you did about Eddie not being a fully good guy, y'know? I'm not good at explaining things so I hope I'm making sense LMAO ----- BACK TO FINNICK AND HIS SWEET GIRL! Block Me Out - Gracie Abrams
Now I only let me down When there's no one else around I've been thinkin' way too loud I wish that I could block me out I wish that I could block me out, out I think I'm burnin' alive, but nobody sees the fire 'Cause when I open my mouth, I seem to be stuck in silence And I thought of leaving tonight, but I couldn't drive this tired Plus, after all of this time, I should be a pretty crier (😭!!) Wish I were heavier now, I'm floating outside my body It's not their fault, but I've found that none of my friends will call me Until I'm left to myself, it's honestly kind of funny How every voice in my head is trying its best to haunt me This is another sweet girl coded song. This could deffo be applied to her after her games and after she's rescued from the Capitol :(((( ----- Finishing off with a bit of Miss Swift, this one part of Delicate reminds me of Finnick's sweet girl in the last couple of chapters: This ain't for the best My reputation's never been worse, so You must like me for me Where she's finally letting Finn back in and allowing herself to be comfortable with him :') Also, some its and bits of Marjorie also remind me of this fic when I think about it from two perspectives:
The autumn chill that wakes me up You loved the amber skies so much Long limbs and frozen swims You'd always go past where our feet could touch And I complained the whole way there The car ride back and up the stairs I should've asked you questions I should've asked you how to be Asked you to write it down for me Should've kept every grocery store receipt
If I didn't know better I'd think you were still around I know better But I still feel you all around I know better But you're still around
One being Finnick when he's missing the reader while he's in 13 and she's at the Capitol :( (Sometime I remember that part in Chapter 1 of The River where he smells peaches in his oatmeal and starts breaking breaking down, and I cry 🥲) But the other one being the reader thinking about Conway. Even though he tried to kill her, she still reminisces about the best parts of her friendship and can't help but feel the guilt and regret whenever she does. ------ OK HEHE THOSE ARE MY #THOUGHTS 💆‍♀️ I didn't realize how long it's been since i've been in your inbox and it's been WAY TOO LONG! never again 🫡 I love yapping about these things and I love hearing your thoughts about it!! Also, apologies in advance for when Tortured Poets Department comes out bc it'll be the biggest yap session ever once I make a connection between Finnick/Billy and any of the songs -🦅
(sorry this took so long to get to I get so easily distracted and there's an to get through)
you're all good pookie, I hope finals are going good and that you're taking care of yourself babes 💕
finnick odair the type of man to make you a mixtape that's kinda messy and done wrong but you don't care because he's so sweet and you can hear him talking and all the songs that make him think of you, he's such a simp, and so adorable
justice for finnick's sweet girl. she really had so much hope, felt so loved, so in love and had it all torn away from her. she's so giddy to be perceived by someone especially finnick odair and just addicted to him
billy's muse getting annoyed with eddie and giving daisy some lyrics about eddie instead this time bc she's so done with the way he's always being so sweet and comforting and lovey dovey and then trying to convince her to leave billy for him even though she's told him from the start she wouldn't, and he makes her feel so selfish, and cold for it. but "now you're on my case, how could I go? you never dreamed I'd be so cold and, then with venom on your tounge you ask me who I have become" honestly in this case I think billy would love the song because it validates that she'll always pick him, that eddie, although he's a nusciance, isn't a real threat and never had been.
and eddie gets annoyed for a good while and is pissy about it, which is painful for muse because she feels like she's got no one when her and billy argue. but eddie comes crawling back trying to win her over again regardless of how clear she's made it that he never stood a fighting chance.
SIDE NOTE: this song also makes me think of conway and sweet girl especially in that moment during their games when he's realizing everything and says she's changed which she denies. "so don't say that I've been acting different, I'm nothing if I'm not consistent" "I got wrapped up in the game again and you woke up in an empty bed, and I can't say I'm a perfect ten, but I am the girl I've always been"
aaaaa finnick's sweet girl, my poor tortured baby. the crying, the destructing when left with her thoughts, the death wishes, the silent cries for help that really aren't that silent, I want to hold her so bad
and for delicate, finnick's anxiety about not knowing what's not enough and too much for his sweet girl, where is the line? "is it cool that I said all that? is it chill that you're in my head? cause I know that it's delicate."
finnick thinking about how he should've done more, should have paid more attention even though he has her memorized, that somehow he should have savored every moment with her because he can't bear being without her. and the guilt because he wishes he'd supported her more, helped her heal more, he lies awake thinking about how he should've convinced her that life was worth living, that she was worth it because he has no idea what's happening to her now.
AND her thinking about conway, how she should've really paid attention to each tiny detail of their life before the games, each smile, joke, laugh, every damn moment before she destroyed it all. before snow destroyed it all. and she does see him everywhere and try not to break down, the beach they used to play on, the alleys they used to hide in to chat endlessly, their favorite field, favorite swimming hole, everything and it just makes her grieve.
SO REAL AND PLEASE SO I'M SO SO EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM AND I'M ALREADY SEARCHING FOR CONNECTIONS (billy and his muse as my boy only breaks his favorite toys, but daddy I love him, I can fix him (no really I can) I can do it with a broken heart)
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mymanyfandomramblings · 5 months
Gleecap 4x16--Feud
This feud is bringing out the worst in Schue, but...understandable
How did the students find out about the kiss?
Also, I love that Blartina are the leaders of the New Directions and are conducting the intervention. Blamtina might be the Harry, Ron and Hermione of McKinley, but Blartina are the new captains.
Also I love that O Fortuna (usually reserved for Sue's tantrums) is used for the feud
More supportive Santana! Yay! After watching Mash-Off yesterday it is so refreshing to see her being a great friend.
Rachel's not pregnant--not that I was seriously expecting her to be, but I am the weirdo who loves a good baby storyline, so I'm the teensiest bit disappointed
I don't like Brody--or where this is going--but the dance sequence in How To Be A Heartbreaker is funnn
Okay, wow, Rachel went off on those vocals! Stunnnninggg
Sue and her contracts--this woman is hilarious
The pan to Tina--and apparently even Sue didn't notice her. This is hilarious
I feel like Ryder is about to have a dangers-of-the-internet storyline. However, I am glad he's seeking someone else, and not hung up on Marley
Unique is a star!! I love how she has Marley's back
Bad move, Ryder. Bad move.
I feel like Finn is asking to get his feelings hurt here. He's sensitive.
Will's harsh--but somewhat right. Also I don't think he's being entirely honest about why he put Finn in charge--I think it's because he believes in what Finn can be capable of, but he's angry, so I get it.
The triumphant return of Santana's psychic Mexican Third Eye! It's official, I love S4 Santana
Whyyy is Sue so evil? I feel like her more batty schemes only make sense when she's feuding with Will specifically, and she's not supposed to be trying to destroy non-Will-entities lives. Then, it is S4, and they're probably running out of Sue ideas
Once more, Sue has invented a new minority to be
Once more Jake, Marley and Ryder--Most Reasonable Glee People Ever
Ryder drums?!? (now, I fail to see him as Finn 2.0--they're different characters, but the drumming is a very Finn thing to do)
Unique and her tiaras are so sweet! Especially how excited everyone else is about them
I do think Ryder can be a jerk, but I also think that he's just..struggling to wrap his head around Unique's gender--especially since so many people keep using he/him for Unique. Ryder just needs to be less pigheaded about it, and be willing to learn.
Becky's Nicki outfit is so cuuuute
I love whenever glee does those locker shots. They're such a fun framing device
"Don't apply logic to Lopez" SANTANA ily
Damn, Santana killed Coldhearted.
I love the guys being 'neutral backup dancers'
"Cool. Can we begin please." Kitty, I hate you, but that was excellent delivery
Sam is dressing exactly like Mike Chang--the vest + fedora combo is iconic
Wise words from Sam
Santana channeling Sue with her 'my breasts ache with rage' line
Sue's Super Bass is---I have no words whatsoever for it. Either that or many words, none of which I can articulate
"maybe you should go back to not speaking so freely' I am loving this Finn--Marley conversation so far.
Yesss! Teacher!Finn.
Once more, this batch of New Directions are so good at dealing with their dramas in a reasonable way.
Okay, Kitty is coming through for once.
Yes Blaine and Sam plotting!!
Santana is a criminal mastermind
It is beautifully unnerving how Finn smiles when he's mad
Sam's awkward dancing, my beloved!
Also I love Marley's dress in the final song
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