#You can still show yourself anon. Just reblog this. Or better yet: send me another ask of the exact same thing you said here!
so, have you sent any more NSFW to minors since we last spoke? bullied any other art traders? docs(.)google(.)com/document/u/0/d/1jUho0f5WpIlKQDLWmfjuYuPBNib2hB1Dh_3Cx9m2u_c/
Mmm, been a while since i got one of you! On my vacation no less, in such an unprofessional way as well? You don't even feel like a real person. Is this ask real? Where are the hidden cameras? This has gotta be a prank! No sane person fucking talks to people like this. Do you walk up to reformed criminals on the street while wearing an anonymous mask and ask them if they shot a guy recently while showing them a collage made from newspaper clippings displaying the crimes they did? Fucking hope not!
Not to mention bringing up the infamous Google Doc that has been stated to be mostly made up of malicious lies and outdated evidence (most being cherry picked from autistic meltdowns)? God this feels like a parody with how typical this is of people like you.
(I think it goes without mentioning that i don't do nether, i have matured past being the little self-absorbed trolly pest i was pre-google doc and i now know that consent is dope and being respectful to people is awesome sauce! I have grown and matured, because that's what humans do).
At least if you said it off of anonymous, you would have gotten respect from me for at least being 100% open about it, yet you decided on the cowardly option. You know that i wouldn't block you for doing this, right? You have to be VERY VERRRY bad for me to consider doing that. Because it almost feels like that you know that this isn't the right opinion to have, if you weren't on anon, at least people would know that you're confident in your stance, but here it feels like you don't wanna be associated with your own opinion.
You wanna be loud? Then be loud & proud, go the whole nine yards. I won't block you so what's there to lose? Don't be a wimp and man up!
Now, if you want a more typical reaction, i have provided one so all parties can be happy.
First of all: bold. You're just expecting to anonymously spill the beans on any potential dickishness i might potentially be doing behind closed doors? I might be autistic, but that doesn't automatically mean fucking idiot, it never does!
+ I haven't done nether of those things that i did on drunken impulse or only one time respectively. I have only sent porn to people who can and have consented to it and have been nothing but kind, understanding & apologetic to the people i have art traded with since. As well as apologise to Alanna (the one who was "bullied" but was actually just stressed out) several times (all of which she accepted quite well because she is a very kind soul!)
I don't know if you're either a troll (in which case i can respect the hussle for trying to get a strong reaction out of me, you failed, it was neutral at best) or you seriously think you can just go on anon and ask me DIRECTLY (which i can easily just ignore you, making any effort fruitless) trying to expose me for something i did years ago and not only regret doing, but have actively tried to move past and become a better person (which i have succeeded quite well on a personal level) and expect me to suddenly bow down and make up lies to please you and make me look bad. I pray you're the former, because the latter is just very very sad.
Secondly: I have stated many times that the information on that doc is not only cherry picked by people who don't like me, but mostly cherry picked from my autistic meltdowns.
So not only is most of the things completely out of context: but it's also INCREDIBLY outdated. Meaning that everything in that doc becomes less and less viable evidence which each passing day because i do this neat thing called "maturing and learning from my mistakes to become a better person in general" , highly recommend, you should try it sometime!
What i'm saying is that you couldn't submit that as valid evidence in a court setting, or really any setting because it's quite bad and full of holes if you even moderately knew me personally!
Sure posting everything bad that i did in the history of ever makes me look deplorable, it can make EVERYTHING look deplorable. However, if you included all the good and neutral things i did when they happend between the bad things: you would realize that i was just a kid who liked being edgy but also liked making people happy and simply didn't pick up on or ignored context clues because of autism/ "it would be funny" respectively. Who knew that context changes everything?
I will say this: the experience was an aggressive wake up call to not only value the people i consider friends and the people i'd love to interact with by considering their feelings more and not to pressure them into doing things they don't wanna do. But to be a better person and to put the needs of others before my own (which kinda backfired since now i don't take care of myself as well and i constantly apologize for doing anything that doesn't directly benefit the other person which is very unhealthy since i need to re-teach myself basic self-love) but other than that, it helped me work on things i didn't know or thought i needed working on.
So despite the whole thing being mostly horribly morally dark grey and causing me great mental distress (to the point of developing really bad anxiety) and causing anybody that was somewhat involved with it also great mental distress to the point where people straight up left because it was incredibly stressful and ruined it for them. Not to mention the infighting and friends turning on each other and honestly the whole thing did nothing but make things more tense within the fandom it happend in. At least i, the person who was suppose to suffer the most, ended up being the only benefactor in this gross display of everyone else's character! How ironic....
But seriously, get a life.
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caroldantops · 3 years
hey! im quite new here and i have seen a lot of talk about readers interactions and i was wondering what is the best way to support my favorite writers (like you) because i think i have been doing this wrong and i really want to support writers who do this<3 ps. sorry if that was confusing, english isnt my first language
not confusing at all babes! you're 100% clear.
also can i just say, i very much appreciate you asking this. i would much rather more people speak up and be like "hey, we dont know the best way to support our favorite writers so how can we?" other than just. Not Knowing and Not Doing Anything.
so, im going to speak from my own personal experience but also what ive seen many of my mutuals/writers i follow talk about. this might get a little long but i wanna answer as thoroughly as i can because people should know!
im putting it under a read more because it got hella long, but please i encourage everyone who reads fics but don't interact to read and consider these things.
fellow writers i encourage you to reblog and add any other commentary you think is helpful!
before anything else (this is absolutely not directed at you, anon, you're perfect), i just want to get this out of the way. never come to a writer's blog and get angry with them for complaining about lack of engagement. like jesus christ. writers are putting hours of work on tumblr for you for free. the least we ask is for comments and reblogs. that's it. if you go and act shitty towards writers who ask for more engagement, yet still follow and wait for the next fic, like what are you even doing bro. just stop.
anyway. now let's get to the actual question!
basically all writers on tumblr will agree, reblogs are vital. and i feel like that gets said a lot but maybe people dont actually understand how impactful it is so lemme give an example.
so let's say hypothetically i have 100 followers. that is 100 potential people who see a fic that i post (i say potential because timezones exist so you might not see it as it's posted)
and let's say one of my followers (Person A) reblogs it, and they have 50 followers. that's 50 more people that can read the fic.
and let's say Person B followers Person A and they also reblog it to their 50 followers.
with only two people reblogging a fic, that's already doubling the number of people who have read the fic.
now imagine Person C followers Person A and reblogs the fic, and Person C has like, 1,000 followers. that's so much more exposure for the writer.
and that's only from two followers of the writer. so imagine if all 100 that read the fic reblogged it? the numbers skyrocket at an exponential rate.
plus, more people reading means that the writer could get more people follow them. so they get a more consistent audience.
likes, on the other hand, do not guarantee this exposure. i would say that most people don't have their likes public on tumblr. and also, even if they do, i know that I'm not about to scroll through people's likes rather than scrolling thru their blogs. likes up the notes, and that's about it. of course i understand liking a fic so you can come back to it later, i do that all the time. but if I've liked a fic, i always reblog it once I've read it.
now, say you're reading hardcore smut that you might not want on your main blog for whatever reason, so that's why you don't reblog a fic. look, i get it. sometimes irl people follow your blog, or sometimes you just don't want people to know what you're getting up to. but that's why i made a sideblog specifically for fics.
this entire blog BEGAN as a way for me to reblog fics i liked. and then it grew and grew and grew into all this. not saying that you have to start writing if you do that of course, but i guarantee, i'd rather see a small sideblog blog with like 3 followers reblog my fic than a blog just like the fic and leave. because that's still 3 more people who will see my fic and possibly read it and reblog it. 3 is better than none.
comments. reblogs are important, but comments are really what keep writers writing. they inspire us with new ideas, help figure out what it is that people enjoy from us, help us improve our writing, and most importantly, they make us feel good. and like writing and posting is worth it.
now, i know that sometimes it can feel awkward reblogging with a comment directly on the post. i even usually don't do that unless it's with a friend. but here are some alternatives/tips!
send an ask or DM! if you're really intimidated, sending an anonymous message is by far the easiest way to bypass that awkwardness.
write in the tags!! i cannot express this enough. comment in the tags. ramble about the fic. just put three tags worth of screaming. literally ANY comments in the tags are my favorite thing. i promise you that writers will scroll thru like basically every tag.
also, if they post it on both tumblr and ao3, don't feel weird about giving a little comment on both! i do that all the time. you can even be like 'hey i read this on tumblr first but wanted to say again how much i enjoyed it' and that is like, heart burstingly nice to hear.
also, if you're having trouble coming up with something to say, my like top commenting tip as both a writer and a reader is point out something specific that you like about the fic. when i comment on a fic (this is moreso when i comment on ao3 bc my comments are always longer there) i try to point out a particular line i like. literally if you just copy and paste it and go 'wow i really really like this line especially' that is the number one way to a writer's heart. seriously. it's the simplest thing, but it makes SUCH an impact.
however, if your comments are only asking for more fics, then that's not a comment, that's a request (which not all writers take).
saying something like 'hey i loved this fic a lot! if you have more in store for this in the future, i'd be really excited to read it!' is a million times better than 'will you do a part 2'. i know they don't sound that different, but i promise you that the tone makes a big difference.
(i honestly have more thoughts about good ways to get over commenting fear/know what exactly to comment that doesn't feel generic, so if people would like me to make another post about it i'd do it.)
and last but not least, if the writer has a way to donate, like a ko-fi, that always is so appreciated. of course, take care of yourself first, but if you have a few bucks and wanna show some support to your faves, that's a great way to help :)
oh! also, if the writer ever reblogs those little ask game things, just send them something! engagement outside of writing is also so much appreciated.
i think that's about everything i can think of! i hope this is helpful and that my explanations weren't confusing (if i need to clarify anything let me know). and again, thank you so much for asking! even doing that shows that you're a reader who cares, and that means the world ❤
142 notes · View notes
Take Your Feelings, Put Them Into a Song (A.I)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Wallows! Fem! Reader
Requested: yes!
Summary: Y/N Sixx, bassist from the famous band Wallows, is helping 5SOS write their latest album CALM. If only she could keep her crush on the drummer under control…
Warnings: Fluff. Language. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 4.6 k
Author’s Note: IM BACK! Remember that Reblogs, Likes, Comments and Feedback are very important! You have no idea how much they help 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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anon: Can you do a one-shot where the reader was born on 1996 and she’s the daughter of Nikki Sixx and Brandi Brandt and it’s the bassist and songwriter of Wallows (…) and she helps 5sos write songs for the album CALM and starts dating Ashton and the fans go nuts (in a good way) with shipping? There’s no drama like it was in EUH
It was another boring day in the studio and you would literally prefer to do anything else than to listen to Cole talk about the last date he had instead of working on your new song. But inspiration was lacking between you and your bandmates and you really had no other choice since you already took that time on the studio’s schedule.
One would believe that you would be used to dull times in the studio, having spent a lot of time on them while growing up with your parents, but boredom was a cruel crime inside your head and today your patience was running thin.
“Hey, peanut!” Dylan called your attention “Everything good there?”
You were laying on the sofa, looking at the ceiling for some kind of saving grace, but Dylan’s voice brought you back to your reality.
“Are we going to get something done today?” You asked with a sigh, with your eyes still glued to the ceiling “Cause we are really just wasting time by now and I don’t think Cole’s last fling will bring any kind of inspo into our little group”
“Hey!” Cole protested, earning a chuckle from Braeden.
“Whatever,��� You said, already getting up from your spot “I’m going to take a walk”
You took a deep breath once you closed the door to your private room. You loved the guys, you really do, but sometimes people can be too much, especially people who you spend every single day and hour with.
Memories from the past year started to fill your mind and you smiled when thinking about how much your little band has grown. Wallows was now everywhere, you created a name for yourself without using your parent’s influence and you were so damn proud of that, yet when moments like these come around - the moments where you just need to breathe to escape the reality for just a while - you start to reflect on every choice you made and if they were the right ones.
It’s the overthinking that got you to write those first lyrics in the first place, the ones that were put into songs and now were, somehow, all over TikTok with thousands of people relating to them. So maybe, overthinking now might not be such a bad idea after all.
“It’s a terrible idea if you think about it for more than one minute, mate”
You stopped in your tracks when you heard that voice, thinking that maybe you were finally going crazy or someone could’ve read your mind. But it wasn’t until you heard someone else answer that you realized it was a conversation.
“Well, I don’t know what to do with it anymore!”
You turned your head to the left and smiled when you saw the little sign that said “5SOS now in session. DO NOT DISTURB” And realized that your other favorite boys were back in town.
Of course you ignored the sign and knocked on the door a couple of times before opening it shamelessly.
“Well, well, well…” You said with a teasing smile as you leaned over the door frame “If it isn’t my second favorite Aussie band”
The faces of two of the members of said band light up once they realize it was you, quickly getting up to wrap you in a hug.
“Mini Sixx!” Calum said, ruffling his hand through your hair “About time you came to visit us”
You pushed him and Luke away from you “And you should’ve told me you’re back from your break! I could’ve escaped Dylan and the other minions earlier”
“Rough session?” Luke asked, seating down and patting the place next to him for you to sit on.
“Oh, you have no idea”
You loved the 5sos guys, it was impossible not to. Ever since you met them at a label party in 2015 when you were introduced to them because you were the same age as half of the group, you knew that they were made to be on the stage.
It was easy to become their friend, given their welcoming attitude and easy-going smiles even before they found out who your parents were. It was nice for a change not to be Y/N Sixx, daughter of the famous bassist of Mötley Crüe and famous Playboy doll Brandi Brandt, for a moment and just be Y/N, a bassist that had a lot to give to the world. And with the boys you didn’t even have to try to be someone you were not, with them everything was just so… real.
Just like now, where you were allowed to complain about your lovely bandmates to them and they would complain just as well, with no judgment nor responsibilities, just three friends letting out some steam due to the stress of your careers.
“-And basically we don’t know what else to do with the song” Luke finished his rant on the missing piece of their new song for their next album.
“And you have the lyrics ready?”
“Yeah, me and my girl wrote it a few weeks ago but the melody is just…”
“It’s missing something” Calum finished for him with a sigh.
You hummed “Can I see it?”
The two Australians got to work, playing the song with the piano and the guitar and you came to the conclusion that they were right: there was something big missing.
“So it’s a ballad,” You said, thinking of ways to fix it.
“Technically yes, but when you play it like that it sounds incomplete and the lyrics won’t work with another type of rhythm” Luke sighed “We’ve been at it for days now.”
You stayed quiet for a while, reviewing the lyrics and melody more carefully now, analyzing the situation with different approaches but without getting anywhere. It was a beautiful song, it truly was, but it needed something else, something that could create a “boom” sensation for whoever was listening.
Something like…
“Hey guys, have you finished with the- Oh, Hey, Y/N/N!” Ashton said, opening the door and finding you with his bandmates in deep concentration.
“Uh, why are you smiling at me like that?” Ashton asked you with a chuckle, but you didn’t even address him as you turned to Luke and Calum.
“It needs drums”
“What?” The three men said in unison. You rolled your eyes and snatched the notes from Calum’s lap and started to sing the melody.
“Here!” You pointed out “In this part, before finishing the first chorus: I already made, already made that…” And then you started to make drum noises and movements with your arms for them to get the idea.
In a matter of seconds, Luke got up from his seat and walked towards you, taking the notes from you and reviewing them with new eyes, smiling as he got the idea.
“Ha!” He laughed loudly, “You’re a fucking genius!”
“Thank you,” You said with a smug smile as you, Calum and Luke started to discuss the arrangements.
“Wait, hold up” Ashton interrupted the chatter “Y/N, I appreciate you trying to help and no offense and all but I think this isn’t your place to just decide something like that,” He said, pointing to the three of you.
You rolled your eyes. You’ve dealt with stubborn people before, but Ashton did take a spot on your top three and you knew just how to handle him.
“Wow,” You said sarcastically with a teasing smile “One would think that by being half of the rhythm section you would have more… I don’t know, rhythm?”
Ashton crooked an eyebrow and you and you knew you had him in the bag “I just don’t think-”
“You don’t think?” You said, getting up from your chair and walking up to him to be almost chest to chest. You looked up to his eyes and challenged him “Or you just can’t handle the fact that I might’ve had a better idea than you”
You could see by the sparkle in his eyes that he has taken the challenge to heart. He took a step closer to you, almost pressing his body completely against yours, and smirked.
“Want me to prove you wrong, princess?” He teased but you didn’t back up.
“I’d like to see you try, darling”
Ashton’s smirk widened as he took a step back, turning his head towards Luke and Calum who were watching the scene with intrigued eyes and knowing smiles “Get your asses back in the recording booth”
He followed them as they walked into the big recording space they had, but not before sending you a wink seconds after he closed the door.
You were thankful he didn’t see you blush.
Once they were all set with their instruments - Calum on the keys, Luke on the guitar, and Ashton behind his drum set - You pressed the buttons of the console that would make it possible for you to hear them at the other side of the mirrored glass.
“Okay boys, show me what you got”
You became an official 5SOS songwriter after that day and even Ashton had to admit that you were adding so much more to the band lyrics and melodies since you started to work with them.
Every day you would find yourself walking towards their studio after your band’s session and you start to work wherever they left off. It was a simple dynamic that worked wonders for everyone and after every session, you would get even more inspired to write your own music for Wallows, so it was a win-win situation, not to mention, spending time with your new co-workers; especially a particular drummer that grew closer to you that you would’ve ever imagined.
When you first met the band you hit it off pretty quickly with Luke and Calum, them being the same age as you and having pretty much the same interests; then came Michael that shared a similar sense of humor with you and with whom you discussed videogames with. But Ashton was always the one that you consciously tried to not get too close to.
In all honesty, he intimidated you but not in a bad way. He was smart, talented, and super funny, not to mention also ridiculously handsome. But he was also stubborn, a little bit egotistical, and the only one that could keep up with you in a battle of wits, teasing, and sarcasm. And you knew that if you mixed that all together it might mean trouble, especially when he smiled at you like that.
Of course you had a crush on him, who wouldn’t? But the fact is that you know what it is like to date in the industry and having feelings for a member of another pretty famous band might bring some tension to the table, so it was safer to play the crushing card and just stay friends. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself every day since you started to see him regularly and spend more time with him than with any other of the two bands.
Speaking of…
“Earth to Y/N?” Called Braeden waving a hand in front of your face “Is anybody there?”
You blinked a few times before pushing his hand away with a scoff “Very funny, B. What’s up?”
“You spaced out again” Cole added, fidgeting with his drumsticks “Just when we were going to start complimenting you on that bass line you wrote the other day…”
You smiled as you threw a pillow at him that he was able to easily dodge “Sorry, I was just-”
“Thinking about a particular drummer again?” Dylan teased, to which Cole added.
“I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to fall in love with me”
You searched for other pillows and started to throw them at your band members, giggling as they started to throw them back at you and starting an improvised pillow fight in the middle of the recording booth.
“Hey, Y/N/N! I was wondering if you-” Ashton’s sentence was cut short as he opened the door and took in the scene that was in front of him.
You were so busy chasing Breaden with a pillow on each hand and a devilish smile that you didn’t even notice when the door opened or that Ashton was standing there, smiling at you with his arms crossed as you aimed at your bandmate's head.
“Oh look, peanut!” Dylan said teasingly “You knight in shiny armor is here to-” But before he could say anything more embarrassing, you threw a pillow directly at his face to shut him out.
You quickly turned your head to Ashton who was fairly amused by your battle skills and smiled at him.
“Hey!” You said breathlessly after chasing down the others.
“Hi,” He smiled back “Am I interrupting something or?”
“Nah, you’re good,” You said, throwing one last pillow at your three friends that stood in a corner blowing teasing kisses and puppy eyes at the two of you “These assholes and I are done for the day” You commented before said assholes started to pout and complain, but you were already out the door before they could say something embarrassing again.
“So…” Ashton trailed off, starting to walk alongside you with his hands in his front pockets.
“So,” You said, drifting your eyes from him and praying to the universe that he didn’t hear anything or else it would make the blush on your face even pinker “You needed me for something?”
You wanted to get the topic of work right there in the open as soon as possible, not wanting him to notice how nervous you got when you were alone with him. At least when you were talking about work you leveled the ground in some parts.
“Actually, I’m going home early today” He smiled softly “Luke and the guys are working on a love song that’s just way too happy and butterflies - in - your -stomach like and I didn’t think they needed me there if I can’t bring nothing to the table”
“You’re not a lovey-dovey feeling kinda guy?” You teased by bumping your arm with his, earning a “hey” from him “I actually get it, I’m not that kind of person either”
“It’s not like I don’t like it, it’s just that-”
“You process your emotions differently, and it’s easier to write those when you think of love in other stages and/or mixed with other complex emotions because-”
“Love is not just one-sided! Yes!” Ashton celebrated, amazed that you could understand what he was saying “I knew you would get it”
That comment made your cheeks heat up as you looked at him, all dimpled smiles and light chuckled as he looked at you with sparkly hazel eyes. Oh no…
“Well,” You said, breaking that little moment “If they are going to work on that all day then I guess I would head home, too. I don’t think I’ll be able to provide anything else either”
“Actually,” Ashton said as he stopped in the middle of the hall leading to the exit, making you stop as well and turn to him “I was wondering if you would want to get some coffee with me now that we are both free. Of course, if you really are free and have nothing else to do and want to actually drink coffee or tea… or maybe not and you’re not that type of person and-”
“Are you asking me out?”
Ashton stopped his rambling and looked at you with an incredulous smile and lightly blushed cheeks.
“I- well, yeah,” He said shyly “Yeah, I am”
You smiled and softly chuckled “Look at the famous drummer all nervous” You teasingly took a step closer to him, not knowing where this confidence was coming from, and he did the same “It’s just me, you know?”
“And that’s exactly the reason why”
“Do I make you nervous, darling?”
“Let’s say that if it were anyone else, I wouldn’t have rambled like that, princess”
You pressed your lips in a thin line and smiled as you looked away from him, blushing like a teenager on her first date.
“So…” You trailed off.
“Lead the way”
From that moment both of your routines changed once again. Now you took time off the studio at least two times a week to go with Ashton on those small friendly dates as he took you out for coffee or just simple but meaningful talks.
Soon enough you lost all the doubts that made you nervous around him, seeing how easy it was to talk to him and how much you had in common in more aspects than just music. You became more comfortable around him and your level of teasing and playing grew alongside your relationship, not to mention the level of teasing and playing you received from your band members and the other 3 Aussies who joined in on all the fun.
You were used to blushing and dismissing comments about your - undeniable - crush on the drummer, but Ashton didn’t seem to be affected by them at all. On the contrary, Ashton played along and even seemed like he was enjoying it. Like in one particular occasion where you were working on a song together and Michael said:
“Oh my god, date her already!”
Ashton didn’t blink an eye before responding “I’m trying! But she just wants to focus on the harmonies”
And you’d be lying if you said that didn’t put a smile on your face.
Yet, you kept it all professional while being in the studio; no need to mix your personal lives with whatever was going on down there, that’s why those coffee runs were your favorites.
It was an unspoken rule between the two of you that “work-talk” was forever banned from those outings.
“So what are we going to talk about?” You asked him the first time you went into his favorite coffee shop.
“Us” He simply answered, unaware of the butterflies he just set in your stomach.
“Yeah, I want to get to know you better, princess. Who is Y/N Sixx?”
“Who is Ashton Irwin?”
“I asked first”
“I asked second” You countered
Ashton smiled widely “You think you’re clever…”
“It doesn’t matter what I think” You answered, casually sipping on your coffee “I know I’m clever just like I know you like me that way”
You were testing the waters back then, hiding the shaking of your knees under the table as you longed to know how he felt about it. But the way he smiled and how he blushed a little bit made all your fears go away.
“Yeah, that I do”
Your cheeks turned red whenever you reminisced about that moment - or any moment that you spent with Ashton for that matter - which gave you the perfect idea for a song.
“I don’t want to kill my time with somebody else…” You hummed to yourself as you wrote down what you think is the chorus to a new song.
You told Ashton that you were not the type to write silly love songs or very uplifting songs; but there was something in that memory, something in that feeling that you couldn't ignore or just let it be without doing something about it. So, you started to write it.
You couldn't separate the feeling from the art, after all, feelings were what led you to dedicate your life to music. People would say it was because of your parent’s influence but they had little to nothing to do with your decision. This was you, the authentical you writing whatever came to mind and then sharing it with the world and only a few people will get it in its entirety. And surely Ashton was one of them.
“Dadadada something, want you all to myself”
“Wacha doing there, princess?”
Speaking of the devil.
Ashton smiled at you as he hunched over the table you were working on, trying to peek at what you were writing. You lifted the notebook and pressed it against your chest faking offense as he giggled.
“Didn’t your mother taught you not to sneak up on people, darling?” You asked as he walked around your workspace and sat himself down on the chair next to you “Besides, you’re late. You were supposed to meet me here like half an hour ago!”
“Aww, sorry Sixx” Ashton pouted “But there were no chocolate chip cookies left in the shop so I had to go around town to get you some” He then put a bag of freshly made cookies on top of the table with a cup filled with coffee.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?”
“Of course I did! You always only eat chocolate chips cookies in the afternoon”
He started to giggle again, ignoring the way you were looking at him “How did you know that?”
“C’mon, Y/N/N, every time we go for coffee you order two, one for the coffee and another one for the road. And every time we cater something you never touch anything but those cookies”
“I never knew you were so observant”
Ashton shrugged “I just pay attention if I like what I see,” He said nonchalantly with a wink, making you blush instantly, but you covered it up with an eye roll.
“God, you’re terrible” You scoffed.
“I’m honest!” You shook your head and went back to writing, but Ashton was not going to let that go so easily. “Look, how else could I know that you always put an extra bag of sugar in your coffee?”
“‘Cause I always drink the same thing,” You said without looking up from your notebook.
“Yeah, a mocha latte with extra chocolate drizzle and no foam. Honestly, how can you handle that much sugar?” You were about to answer but he caught you off. “But that’s not all you drink, whenever you have a bad day you always order a cup of mango and ginger tea because that’s your mother’s favorite drink and it helps you calm down. You also don’t want anyone to know that you’re having a bad day but the minute someone looks away your smile starts to flatter until you’re back in the conversation”
You stopped the writing completely as you turned to him, suddenly feeling how your heart started to jump all over your chest as he kept talking, eyes never leaving yours as he gave you a soft smile, almost as if he was remembering all those moments with you.
“You draw flowers on the corner of your notebooks whenever you feel bored. You love the sad songs on the radio and you know every single word to Lorde’s Melodrama, yet every time you have to choose a playlist you put 2000’s pop and R&B songs because it hypes you up. You hate awkward silences unless you are the one being quiet. You help Dylan dye his hair every time he asks you to because you would trust each other with your lives, you give Cole relationship advice because you care about him and he always appreciates your advice more than anyone’s and Braeden is your best friend because you always say that he is one of the few people that could make you laugh in a bad day and you have no idea how much I want to be included in that list”
“You write better with dim light, it helps you concentrate on your work. You say you don’t believe in astrology yet you check your horoscope every day. You want to make sure that everyone has a good time and feels included, that’s why you always make conversations with Micahel about games you never even heard before or let Luke braid your hair when he’s bored or how you switched topics when you noticed that Calum was not engaging as much in a conversation. You literally take care of everyone but you never let anyone take care of you, and when we do you get all shy and you blush as you say thank you and you have no idea how fucking adorable you look”
You sat there speechless as he spoke. You felt the back of your throat dry as you tried to find the right words to answer all of that.
It was too much. The fact that he knew all of that and how he said it like he was just talking about his favorite things in the world, it was just too much but at the same time, you want to hear him say that again.
A weird sense of joy and shyness came over you as he set his hazel eyes on yours. You gave him a small smile as you averted your gaze to the floor.
“Wow, I-” You started “I never thought someone noticed all that”
“How could I not?” You heard him say “You’re all I can think about and to say that I don’t notice you is like saying I don’t notice the sun in the sky or the stars at night. You’re the brightest light out there, Y/N, you shine everywhere you go”
You noticed how he pulled his chair closer to you and suddenly you felt how your chair started to slowly turn his way until you were face to face.
Ashton carefully placed his fingers under your chin and tilted your head until you were finally looking into his eyes again.
“There she is!” He smiled when he noticed your blushing cheeks and gleaming eyes.
“What do you mean when you say I’m all you think about?” You asked expectantly, curling your fingers nervously on top of your thighs.
Ashton chuckled. “Well, if you didn’t notice, I really fucking like you, Y/N”
You looked up at him, smiling with hopeful eyes and feeling as if a weight was lifted off your chest thanks to the joy you were experiencing while hearing those words.
“You do?”
“Unless you don’t like me back and I just spilled my feelings for nothing-” You smacked him playfully in the arm “Ouch! I’m kidding! Of course I like you! Fuck, Y/N I’ve been falling for years now and I thought I was being pretty obvious”
You laughed “I thought you were just playing!”
In an instant, Ashton pulled your chair closer and grabbed you by the hip, lifting you up and making you sit on his lap as he hugged you by the waist and you placed your arms around his neck.
“I’ve never been more serious in my life,” He said, “I’ll do anything to prove it”
“Well,” You said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and knocking your forehead to his “How about you help me finish this song and then you take me on a date? Cause I’ve been falling for you, too and I don’t want to waste any more time”
Ashton hummed as he nuzzled his nose against your cheek, kissing it softly as he murmured “Will I get to kiss my princess at midnight?”
“Maybe… or you can take your chances now if you’d like”
He smiled.
“I like those odds”
And just before you know it, he softly pressed his lips against yours; finally creating a happy beginning for the two of you.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
WAIT. I'm late to the party but I just remembered all those anons were sending in "why I send you asks" and their reasons and I actually really want to participate, so I hope you will accept late applications?
The reason I send you so many asks is because you've just...built such a nice feeling that anything can be discussed, and it's never too niche or cringy or boring, and that's really relieving and amazing.
I'm sure you (along with many others) have realized by now, but I suffer from....really bad anxiety, both social anxiety and just in general, and it very often gets in the way of my life. Because of this and past experiences, I'm always very scared and hesitant to talk about my interests and my thoughts on anything.
But every time I've sent you an ask, even if it was, in retrospect, probably really annoying to read through the one hundred "sorry"s and "my bad"s, you've always been nothing but kind and interested in my ideas, and that was just...so surprising. Because I never really knew anyone who was willing to talk about anything, and it was just...really amazing to meet someone who was! Especially because I love and am interested in so many different things and kind of need someone to bounce ideas at. And it was really cool to see someone that was unashamed of their own interests and thoughts, but didn't make others feel bad for having different ideas.
Every time I send you an ask, you always have something interesting to say back. Something I hadn't thought of or considered, or a query that would make me rethink my own theories, or just a very well-thought-out answer to a question. I remember sending in tons of asks about the wings AU before it was released, and writing those was probably the highlight of my day, because I knew you'd take them and run with the ideas, and do your best to match my energy, and I was really grateful for that. And you were always willing to dig deeper, to think "but what if there was more?" and that's just...incredible! I don't have any other word for it!
I love sending you asks because you don't dismiss an idea or deem it as stupid, and you're just...such a kind and wonderful person that can make even the most obscure subject infinitely more interesting than before, and you never fail to make me consider things again, to expand my thoughts and views, and I'm really grateful for that.
So, because it should definitely be said by now, thank you!
And, well, that's why I love sending you asks :]
- pyro
there is no timeline so there's no way to be late! and I'm answering this a few days after you sent this, so if you believe yourself to be late then we can both be late together :D. you are fully welcome to participate if you want to (which you said you did)! it was mostly just a random question I had because i'm just as analytical with myself as I am with keeper, and knowing how other perceive and think of me is helpful for that--and I was curious about how i'd aquired so many asks so quickly, and then you all just turned it into complimenting quil hours for some reason !! (but on to your ask before I get even more distracted)
(note from a quil who has answered all of this: got very long so that's why there's a readmore! i love you /p)
this means so much to me--specifically your use of "built" because I do try pretty hard to maintain a positive atmosphere and welcome everyone in and treat everyone with the same attention. it didn't just fall into place, i try to be encouraging to everyone and support all the amazing work--art, writing, ideas, etc--I see from people. (note: i've been wanting to do a thing where I ask for fic/art/other recommendations from others (can be friends or their own) so i can go through and reblog a bunch of them with comments and the like, I just want to get through more of my asks before I start something like that). But you're right--nothing is too niche! there's so many details in the story it's impossible for one person to notice anything, so people bringing up the obscure and their own thoughts makes the story richer and more fleshed out for everyone else! and i think it's really cool to just see what other people focus on (like I said, my analysis isn't limited to characters, but I'm not like dissecting you all to understand each of you in a creepy way or anything. I just like to get a better sense of someone so I can respond in a way more tailored to them when we interact)
anxiety can really suck, so as someone who also has anxiety i am giving you a comforting hug if you'd like one. it genuinely impacts everything you do and think about, rewriting how you experience life. a single, inconsequential experience to someone else can literally change major aspects of how we think, which makes interactions so scary sometimes. i remember things people said years ago and still base my actions around them, but those people have absolutely no recollection of ever saying it, but just the fear of having done something wrong once permanently altered my thinking. (this is not to make this about me, I'm just trying to show I understand by sharing an experience of my own).
reading through all your "i'm sorry"s and "my bad"s wasn't annoying and never will be. you have never had anything to apologize for, and I know that sometimes you feel you need to enter a conversation and first apologize for being there, but I'm thrilled to have you here and always love seeing you in my inbox. I don't know how to articulate this properly, but I'm going to try. i saw your apologies and your apprehension as...a puzzle? that's absolutely not the right word but I can't think of the right one so please let me explain (I don't mean to imply you're like something to be solved or a problem in any way. words can be difficult and I'm trying to describe something very intangible rn, so I hope this doesn't sound bad). I didn't see it as annoying (you're never annoying), I saw it like it was something to work through, and while it's not my job or anything to help other's with their personal problems, it was like if I could just provide one space where I could encourage you (not just you, but anyone) as a friend to try shifting your language and start thinking of yourself more positively, then I wanted to give that.
because I am interested in your ideas! and I want to be kind and welcoming to you! but I also want you to be kind to yourself, so any impact I've had to give anyone a safer, less scary space is really cool. I don't know if that made sense, but I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything or be like I'm this high and mighty figure harboring lost souls or something, just that connection is important and I like being there for people. kinda worried that sounded bad because it feels worded strange but I'm trying to reciprocate and say i appreciate you and am happy to talk about anything!
i love bouncing ideas back and forth and you are more than welcome to say anything and everything you're thinking about. talking to you is always an absolutely joy and I get so excited when you send me an ask and when you're reading my response, because it often feels like this like...buzz? like we're just vibing on this frequency and it makes it so much fun to throw ideas back and forth and just listen to each other talk. i am very glad to have surprised you and met you! I don't know a lot of people like myself either, so having someone like you interact with me and just go all out on these little things and what we personally like about different parts of the so much fun. a lot of the other people I know irl feel like they just scratch the surface, they say things just to get credit for it and to appear like they know what they're talking about while ignoring all these other things that have such an impact, so it's amazing to have found someone else who looks at everything and anything like I do. my brain really is "a little bit of everything all of the time" so knowing you have so many different interests too is really cool. i am giving you an internet high five and pretending you aren't so far away.
I spent so much of my life being quiet when I had so many thoughts, so now that I have this kind of outlet I just! want to say everything I can! i want to look at everything from every perspective possible! the world is a huge collection of things tied together and I love following the strings to find the connected pieces! but I think that's a way of approaching the world not a lot of people share (I could be wrong), so it's really cool to hear you think my thought process is interesting!! my brain is practically composed entirely of questions. any subject at any time of the day and nearly all of my thoughts are just wanting to know more and trying to understand things, so having that opportunity to ask further questions and just learn things (about what other's thing, how things work, etc) is so much fun. you might've seen me ask some questions of other's in a few of the asks I answer, but those barely scratch the surface of just how many I have. my handle is in_quil_sitive (inquisitve) on nearly every social media platform (except for this one) for a reason.
I remember some of your asks from before the wings au was published, too. those were absolutely incredible, and I got a rush of excitement every time I saw you sent another. those were the the highlight of my week, too!! your enthusiasm and excitement for something I hadn't even posted yet gave me so much motivation to continue and you helped me think through so many future ideas and consider things from new perspectives. i know i specifically wrote that you inspired one chapter in the notes, but you've had an impact on every single chapter of this story/ it wouldn't be what it is without you, and I mean that with complete sincerity. you were the one who made me think "what if there was more" so I could make this au even better and work towards something bigger. I just have so many thoughts about everything all of the time, I can't go more than a few minutes without being distracted by a different train of thought, but knowing there was someone who would want to hear all the weird, disjointed ideas i'd strung together and composed into a more cohesive format was so cool. there's just so much to think about!!
I probably sound repetitive at this point but I love answering your asks because you're so receptive to the way i say things and it's like you're actually listening and want to hear what I specifically have to say, not just the general ideas. you want to know my unique, personalized opinions and perspectives and don't just dismiss them when they're not what you expect to hear or aren't generic. you're incredibly kind, too, I hope you know. I love the description of how I can "make even the most obscure subject infinitely more interesting than before." that is such a meaningful compliment to me. I just keep thinking about this line over and over again and it just...it really means a lot. because you're saying it's me that interests you and not just what I talk about. I could talk about anything and you'd still want to interact with me and that's so fucking nice. I hope you know the same goes for you. we can challenge each other's thinking together and make things even deeper and more complex before together <33.
thank you for being here and being my friend, pyro. talking to you is always one of the highlights of my day and gives me a very positive feeling that I carry around for a while. I do this thing sometimes where I film myself to later observe my behaviors in the middle of intense emotions to understand myself better (back to that whole analysis thing again), but it's not just negative things, it's also when I'm really excited or pleased with something and jumping around and stimming and all that, and some of those are from when I interact with you. that might sound a little weird but I mean it positively, as in talking with you makes me ecstatic.
I have said. so many things. so I will stop (for now). but I really appreciate having you in my life <33
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 9)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Geralt seemed to be rather mulish on sending you home after the incident back in the marketplace. Now, it was time for him to find a djinn, a djinn that could get you back home. Though, it may not be quite easy now because of feelings that couldn't be said out loud.  
Warnings: Soft Geralt and Reader. In denial reader and also Geralt. (Very in denial lmao) Mention of Superman. 😉 An iron-willed Geralt because he's one stubborn witcher even though we all know he’s enchanted enough. Sigh. GERALT. 😫😣 (Kind of a filler chapter? Not much is going on. The next chapter will be filled with it. Hehehehe. Thank you!)
Words: 4.7k
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well. If you own the GIFs please do tell me so I can credit ya. Thank you!
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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Your muscles spasmed. The wound on your hip making you flinch and weakly whimper. Cold sweat filling your face as your hair was slightly damp from the towel that was draped across your forehead; slightly dry from the how many hours it was already there.
Heartbeat running miles after miles and a very disturbed heart from the dream you've had; you abruptly fluttered your eyes opened as you were met with the widest clothed back you have ever seen, your heart now panicking as you were wondering who it was. Uttering soft protests of the word 'ouch' filled the dimly lit room as you hardly used an elbow as support; trying to get a proper image of who was sleeping on the farthest end of the bed, giving you space that would show deepest respect.
Though, his burly form looked ridiculous over the small space he had to rest; leaving you having most of his bed.
His shoulders evidently raised as he gave out an obvious sigh of tiredness. Even though, your chills slowly died down and you were breathing in deeply and in a calm manner, every soft whimper that came out of your lips as you wanted to speak for the dream you had was keeping him wide awake.
Also, he was fully clothed and Geralt was darn not used to it as he sleeps.
The witcher was rather used to sleeping bare.
Those wide width of a shoulder suddenly turned around to your heed, lately realizing that his hair was chalky white and freely falling all over the pillows. Your bed warmer cautiously turned around, those peepers never fluttering open as he turned to face you; a puff of breath leaving his lips in enervation.
It was Geralt. Surprisingly.
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"Geralt?" your breath was caught in your throat by the unexpected scene that a witcher was laying beside you when you were used to sleeping out in the kitchen. Also, for the undeniably fact that he was beyond gorgeous as he slept as well. "---I'm dreaming again, am I?" you've tightly squinted your eyes shut before opening them again to see him still there like a dream you never want to ruin, "---You're sleeping beside me," you thought out loud in complete utter astonishment, feeling the butterflies inside your stomach fly wildly. You've had your palms over your eyes, trying to cover yourself from the heat that wanted to travel to your face, "---I'm dreaming...I'm dreaming,"
Due to his heightened senses; which can be a pain in the ass sometimes, he could hear your heart beat thumping fast, making him open an eye while the other was shut just to see you covering your face in perturbed embarrassment.
Were you panicking right now? Yes. Yes, you were because Geralt's face was in front of you. Though, an arm far enough for you to keep your thoughts straight.
He'd kept one hand under his pillow as he completely fluttered both eyes opened, peering back at you with weary; a want to chuckle from how your thoughts seem to be crashing over one another, "You're dreaming, midget."
You peeked under your slightly opened fingers, "I know....I am," an abrupt long pause came with your statement midway, trailing off as you've felt the air cease from entering your lungs by how you were mesmerized by the beauty he served.
Those Aurum eyes were undeniably marvelous beneath the candle light. Totally blinding from how beautiful he looked with those glowing peepers staring back at you with tangible softness that powdered your insides in such a way that caught you in a charm that you never had before.
Maybe, this was the best dream you ever had. More so than the nightmare from a while ago that couldn't get you moving.
"Those...knights, bandits, villains or whatsoever," you started with a tone full of ire. Confidently staring back at the witcher who was gazing back at you in curiosity; waiting for your next rant like a behaved pup. You had a teeny tiny bit of confidence to rave out because you knew that everything was just a dream, just like the one you had prior, "---They're...they're bad guys. They're boogers!"
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The smile was inevitable to come through him. His moist, cherry lips forming in an adorable crescent moon that made your heart flutter like no other. You shifted on the bed, tilting your head to get a better view of those rare beams he was having; wanting the image to last longer.
"They're what?"
There was a slip of his teeth, making him appear captivating more than ever; like a toothy grin when you've uttered your last words with spite yet utter tenderness which came dripping off the letters. He found it adorable, to be honest. Especially, your wrath that doesn't last long enough for your kind heart.
A kind heart that wouldn't deserve his.
"I'm not going to repeat myself," your lips jutted in a pout as you could feel that he was giving back a teasing, playful ridicule. His hand that hid underneath his pillows made him even appear more sweet despite of his intimidating, strong persona, "---Actually, I might when I can get you smiling like that,"
Geralt's beam fell as you mentioned the obvious. He'd gruffly cleared his throat; mouth forming a thin line just how you'd imagine him as always. Briefly looking away before he'd heard a fetching, accidental tee-hee that sputtered music out of your mouth; making the witcher ogle back from how your smiles twinkled like the stars in the night; forming an alignment that felt so just and perfect.
When your giggles fleeted, you couldn't help but drowsily blink back at the witcher who was keeping you under his scrutiny; being pulled by his magnetic, brooding charm as he was silently eyeing you like he had something to say but chose to stay silent like he always do.
"You're...beautiful," it was abrupt. A vulnerability of your heart speaking out the truth. Geralt stayed silent, his thoughts utterly kept to himself as he continued his silence, "---How can I be as beautiful as you?"
The witcher raised a brow as he said his next words; patiently, soft, and deep, "You can't, because what I am and what I do doesn't make me one,"
Your lips thrown a frown at that as the heart could also feel what your emotions have been experiencing. He probably had that engraved inside his head since the day he was a monster-slayer.
Though, you never believed that because deep down you trusted your intuitions that he was a good man no matter what he says.
"You know how rough looking you put as a facade? But, you're actually a pillow on the inside?" his deep grumble of protest that vibrated out of his chest was enough for you to know that he was complaining and utterly objecting for the fact you've shared, "That's you, Rivia."
The latter hummed in amusement, "That's not a name," he jarred, a vague toned down hiss as he deeply stared into your eyes. Your misunderstanding about reading what more could you say to make him feel different in a good way; got you confused and thought he was giving you a glare. But, you were never scared of his death stares as you played it off with a playful banter, "Ohhhh, laser eyes. Superman style with gold peepers!"
Yet again, Geralt's eyebrows suddenly twisted in bafflement from the name; finding it hilarious as how it sounded child-like for him and completely out of the box; never hearing it before and wouldn't plan to hear it again.
You've waved off his curiosity about your modern references and grinned from ear to ear, peering up at him like a cat, "May I repeat," pause. "---That's you, Geralt."
He left it as that. The moment letting it flow as he stayed quiet.
The way you smiled made the latter sigh; having this kind of connection with another person was fulfilling; leaving that hollow part of him in bliss as he remembered how long it already was since the last time he'd have a proper conversation with another that involved pure chastity. Yours was even beguiling to begin with as there were no fornication happening; nevertheless, it leaves him on cloud nine.
An idiosyncrasy that he couldn't decipher nor understand.
You carefully shifted on his bed, trying to slightly move your body if it was possible and you were surprised that you could, feeling the wound numb like there had been medication, "If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up," another pause. Geralt tiredly blinked another, his long eyelashes tempting you to flick them when he sleeps, "---because at the end of the day, you're back to being mean to me by ignoring my presence even though I'd been good to you since that night,"
You've gave a quiet, grudging huff at the witcher who was eyeing you in utmost curiosity as you've boldly scooted closer and closer. His engrossment making him narrow his eyes back at you when you've positioned yourself to the fore of his prominent, clothed, thick chest.
"What are you doing?" he gruffly questioned in utmost peculiarity, scooting closer to his body which made his body tense at the sudden action. Your succulent scent giving him another headache for whatever mishaps it may bring.
You even had the guts on laying on his strong biceps, scooting closer to his chest as he was stunned, wanting to move you away but never planned to. His jaw clenched as he exhaled a heavy breath, "---getting cuddles from my dream boat because this is a dream that I don't want to wake up," your face was inches away from his chest, hair tousled over his arm as he peered down in a flabbergast flash of his eyes.
"Your warmth is...palpable, kinda' weird for a dream," your voice seemed to be incoherent as you were flushed close to his chest, finding his warmth totally comfortable for you; too comfortable for the butterflies in your stomach having the jitters as you fluttered your eyes closed.
There was deep, labored breaths before you've felt his muscles steadily took its time to relax from your brazen act. Yet, it kept the witcher's eyes wide open as he waited for you to doze off before he does; that is if he could after having you near him and feeling intense emotions.
That was the problem with witchers who had the capability of feeling emotions. The way they felt about things were stronger and potent than normal people do.
He'd heard a yawn before feeling your forehead fall on his chest as you drowsed off with another large yawn, "Well, good night, Geralt from my dreams. I hope the real witcher stops being a meanie,"
Then, you were already in deep slumber.
It took an hour or maybe two for Geralt to get his sleep, and for the first time in a whole damn year; the kip he had felt like forever and definitely worthwhile.
The witcher finally got the sleep he wanted, although it could only be temporary.  
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The family seemed to have a plan ahead for their day. They've tagged you along even though your wound was still fresh. Shocking you to say the least as you felt no pain when you've woken up all alone this morning. There were fresh herbs and some plants that were crushed into grains to help your neuropathic pain that the wound has been causing.
You've woken up like a cat on a hot tip roof. Those dreams you had leaving you wondering too deep that you were thinking about how real your second dream was. Geralt and you on a bed? Sleeping like you're his other half? The idea was pretty much an ambition you could never reach. Being attached to him would surely complicate things when you weren't even from their world. You were acting as if playing with your heart wasn't painful as having a wound to your hip when you finally leave them for good.
Now, hearing the idea of leaving their family kept you on edge. There was the negations that make you want to stay despite of having your own life in earth. Sure, you had a family out there and was probably busy with their own life that they didn't realize you were gone. Though, you weren't sure because maybe they actually thought you were already dead after drowning on a lake and not remembering why it happened.
You were slightly taking a peek under your mustard colored long sleeved shirt, feeling the tight leather pants that was hugging your legs in a way that made you feel confident and comfortable. It has never been your go-to style before but you were already digging it now.
"You used magic for my wounds, didn't you?" every step you take towards where Jaskier, Cirilla, Geralt and Kolby where was great as you feel no pain. An utter miracle despite of seeing your wounds still fresh but slightly healing, quicker than how the medicines work in earth, "---Why can't I feel anything?"
You've changed your whole outfit for the journey ahead; hoping for a bath to relieve the sweat and tension away but you've noticed how it would require for water fetching with a pail of water and tons of going back and forth before you fill the wooden tub with water and you decided that it can wait.
Their wisecracking stopped when they've heard you take a flight down the patio, you've timidly and cautiously tucked your strands of hair behind your ears, feeling their heat of their stares boring holes especially the witcher's.
Geralt scanned you from head to toe, unintentionally licking his lips as he broke his gaze away from you when your eyes shifted on him. The latter went on in brushing the mane's hair, acting like he wasn't even looking prior before, "The healer gave you something more potent for your wounds, Midget."
You've also given him a once over; loving the casual outfit he was wearing aside from his dramatic armor that was perfect for a war zone. His fit made him look ravishing and breath taking. An unexpected huff of heavy breath slipped pass your lips as you blinked repeatedly to snap yourself out from being enchanted by his beauty, "You mean, a quack doctor?" you managed to get yourself together despite of how his presence caught you off guard.
"You...get it? Quack quack? A bogus?"
There was a subtle clear of your throat from your disturbing thoughts and by the pun that certainly wasn't understood by the people around you. With Jaskier and Cirilla looking at you in oddity and Geralt ignoring your attempt in delivering it smoothly, you knew your joke was already dead before it was even told.
Witchers don't read minds, right? you mentally asked yourself out of panic because of your thoughts before the pun. Kolby barked in his own way and came running towards you, leaning his head for you to pet. In the course of action, the adorable Hirikka pulled back in curiosity; loudly sniffing in the air as his head abruptly snapped to where your covered bandage was.
To your surprise, the Hirikka growled at it. His sharp teeth appearing as it snarled and looked furious as he eyed your hip; those doe, dark yellow eyes full of hostility as he continued his guttural growls that made you pull back your hands like you've been cauterized.
Geralt was quick to notice his sudden animosity towards you. The witcher instantly knew why it was reacting that way with just one look. Kolby was hating who'd hurt you, probably not just him alone because there was someone who also did. It was definitely a new fact that he knew about Hirikkas, they actually care.
Monsters still care. They do have a heart.
The witcher immediately and sharply whistled back at the Hirikka with a scolding sound. Just the sound alone made the bard hide behind Roach and it made Geralt roll his eyes for his call for cover. "Kolby." he firmly rebuked, trying to snap him out of it and calling the Hirikka with the name you'd chose for him; an automatic response of your brow raising when the Hirikka straightened its back and questioningly looked back at the witcher who was unfazed by the whole situation.
Here you thought he actually finds naming monsters or pets idiotic. You were definitely wrong.
"He's one of the best healers in the village," out of the blue, the witcher gladly informed you as he turned his body and cease from brushing Roach's hair to give you his sole attention. Regarding you with a faint smile and a pang of warmth that surely gave yourself a slap to the face because of how he was treating you...differently today, "---You were in good hands, so cease the worry."
He was rather calm and collected. A lot more than he usually was and it was utterly astonishing and delightful from his brooding ones.
At that final commentary, you were sure you'd seen his face twist in a more apparent beam as he'd sauntered to where Jaskier is; not letting you see what the bard saw. His face now stoic like those smiles you've seen had been a faux or rather a split second of your imagination.
You've stared hard at the witcher who stood beside Jaskier; acknowledging the hard shove at the bard who'd stumbled upon Roach's hip, his loud complaints muddled when Cirilla was hopping towards you with a toothy smile and a playful glint of her eyes.
"Geralt took care of you last night," she happily spoke, her eyes teasing and utterly giving malice at the fact that you slept on the witcher's bed. Was your dream true then? Did Geralt sleep beside you as you imagined it to be? Or he hadn't slept at all, checked how you were then went out to go do some witcher duties because he wasn't beside you when you woke up?
"I doubt, Cirilla."
The princess gave a playful shrug of her shoulders, grabbing onto Kolby's head and giving him a soft pat, "Suit yourself then, Y/N. It won't hurt to believe me,"
Jaskier fought from stumbling down by how the witcher pushed him back after teasing him about you. His grin falling when he was shoved by the stomach like he has been low-key punched.
The bard gave a set of coughs before loudly clearing his throat and placing his palms on his hips. A knowing look sent to the witcher as Geralt was fixing Roach's nose bands, "As far as I remember, I didn't want to include myself in this Djinny journey of yours again," Jaskier spat as a matter of fact, raising a finger to prove his point.
The witcher scoffed from his complaints; regretting why he was coming with, "Why the sudden change of heart, Jaskier?" his tone was somewhat playful no matter how gruff he sounded. Quite noticeable for Jaskier as he was used to his grumpy attitude since the last two years, "---I thought you wanted to be my travel companion?"
Jaskier wasn't ready for that banter and appeared to look like he was choking in his own words. He stumbled in his own words, ocean eyes shining in disbelief, "Not--not for another Djinn!"
The witcher turned his heel to give the bard a mocking grin, "You sound like a wailing bairn," he hummed, lowly chuckling at the bard who was totally awestruck at how he woke up on the good side of the bed this morning based on how his aurum eyes was twinkling underneath the rays of the sun, "---Besides, what's wrong in having your throat punched by the Djinn for the second time?"
"Oh bullocks, Geralt!" the bard huffed, subtly grabbing onto his own throat as the memories were slowly coming back to him and he shivered in trauma, feeling them crawl back to him like a kikimore, "---Leave my throat alone!"
"It's like hitting two birds in one stone," Geralt sent another sally, features creased in utter amusement, "---I get to help the midget, while I get my peace as well,"
Geralt avoided his judging gazes, probably scrutinizing how he felt like the witcher in front of him was a different person and not the white wolf himself. He promenaded towards Roach's stable, collecting something for the horse before they go on to finding a Djinn for you.
Without a doubt, the bard tailed like a pup for his owner. Jaskier grinned like a Cheshire cat as he followed the witcher who grabbed onto a carrot; his brawny back on show as the bard continued to tease, "You're changing the subject. I know those flirtatious glint in your eyes when you were talking to the small rat!" Pause. "---You witchers aren't exactly sly as you think you are,"
Geralt fully turned to give him a grimace, his impish aura falling from the bard's continuous teasing. Golden eyes giving him a sharp look, "Aha! You're flirting! You're trying to flirt with her!"
The witcher rolled his eyes at the bard's accusation. Jaskier entirely misunderstood his scowl, thinking that he caught him red handed or maybe it was actually him who misunderstands himself?
"---In good hands, huh? You obviously took care of her last night! However, that subtle flirting isn't quite exceptional for a witcher who already bedded a lot of women back in the brothels! Thought you were good with the ladies?"
Geralt scoffed from his plain retort, mouth tightly forming a frown as he tried to appear unamused at the situation at hand, "Did I stutter? I didn't tell her that her neck looks like a sexy goose, Did I?"
Jaskier's grin fell from the moment he said 'goose'. He crossed his arms against his chest and puffed out his chest like he was trying to overpower the witcher. His eyes filled with annoyance, "That's quite...offending, Witcher. Let's not cry over spilled milk already!"
Geralt ignored his endless protestations and jests, striding out of the stable to walk back towards Roach and stopping short as he'd seen you playing catch with Cirilla; a hungry player staying in the middle as you were throwing the apple with Kolby who was having fun as he tried jumping high to catch the food that was being thrown.
Jaskier's voice was like a fairy buzzing from behind, his banters were deathless. Though, Geralt certainly didn't mind the noise. Especially when those noises came also from the giggles that you and his child of surprise have been sharing in the midst of a huge problem you were currently experiencing.
It was like you had no problems at all as your eyes and smile twinkled against the sunlight. Those crescent shape of your peepers as you laugh was making you much more adorable than you can ever be.
Hence, the witcher was mesmerized by what you brought to him despite of being in a world full of chaos and beasts.
Your mere presence was bringing him sunshine and rainbows like he'd never seen before.
"I...." the witcher trailed off in a daze as he felt Jaskier stand beside him. The bard gave you a once over and even to Geralt when he tried to see whom bewitched the poor witcher, "---really do hope she's annoyed enough to wish for you to shut up after all the arguments you've had with the midget,"
Jaskier knew he didn't mean that in a bad way. He'd known Geralt for a long, long time now and the moment he'd shut him up back when he was attacked by a Djinn, the witcher came to his aid and tried his best for him to heal. No matter how many times he refuses to call him his friend prior to those days, his actions tell otherwise.
Geralt of Rivia was a witcher who was capable of having a heart. Trying hard to become a better human as days go by.
The bard smirked at his enthralled reaction. Struggling to throw his lean arm around Geralt's wide shoulders as he also looked out in the open. Specifically, at the scene that was happening before them.
You've threw the apple back at Cirilla. The Hirikka finally having his treat as he jumped as high as he can and devoured the apple like a wolf, making you both laugh. Your vision catching the men of the house which appeared like they were watching you three play. Heat came rushing up your neck again from how the witcher was staring in fascination with a hint of earnest; the warmth spreading through your cheeks as you sheepishly smiled and gave a little wave to acknowledge their presence.
Geralt was definitely caught off guard at that and rapidly blinked, shifting away from the scene before him as he gruffly cleared his throat to himself before the bard started to jest again, "Why are we even bringing the monster?"
The witcher roughly hummed; irked by the fact that you caught him staring and that he was even looking. He was suddenly frustrated. "To protect Ciri," his harsh tone was back as he turned his head to peer down at the bard who had his arm over his shoulders like a pal.
"What? This creature's a knight now? Really, Geralt?"
The latter's forehead creased in utmost discontent, snapping back at the bard who was smirking like a villain, "---To protect her from annoying bards like you who wails like a lass,"
He'd elbowed Jaskier that made him groan, immediately caressing the part where it hurt the most and whimpered from the tolerable pain. Jaskier surely does forget he was a witcher sometimes and provoking him wasn't the brightest idea especially when he's stronger than him. The witcher turned around at his playful whack for the bard and ignored his dramatic groans of protests.
"Aww, what a way to treat your best friend, Geralt!"
Jaskier continued to go after the witcher, glaring at the back of his head that seemed like it needed a thorough bath already. Geralt stopped in his tracks when he was finally face to face with his horse, "So, our argument last night really didn't move you at all?" the bard probed; tone sounding free from the guilt at what started the argument they had last night.
Jaskier shrugged to brush his quietness, the witcher seeming to keep his mouth shut as he started giving his horse a treat, "---Cirilla seems to like her around,"
Geralt deeply sighed to show Jaskier his derision, "Even you too as well, Jaskier." his tone was utter lackadaisical.
"No, I don't!"
The witcher gave him a sassy raise of his brow; questioning his guilty tone that rose in his voice, "Really? your persuasive entreats to never get the Djinn wasn't your way of saying that you actually like her around?"
Jaskier sounded like he was backpaddling and lowered his voice down into something more quieter that covered those laughter of everyone in the background, "Perhaps, a little..."
The witcher shook his head in disdain. Just thinking about it was annoying him with a reason that should've been thrown out in the dumps and never be thought again. He would never let destiny play him this time. Destiny should go fuck itself; having more than one person to protect would be a disaster.
"Her existence in our world is only temporary," he grumbled with a frown, facial features turning stoic and unnerved; like he had all the problems in the world on his shoulders, "---her beautiful destiny would crumble in our dimension. It'll ruin her for good,"
Geralt continued, never realizing his tone would grow nastier and even more deeper. He gravelly spoke at the bard who kept silent with a frown on his face for the first time in the day, "---She deserves better than to live in a chock-full of evil. If you plan on wanting to keep her then I suggest you never do because she will never stay,"
Geralt sounded like he needs more convincing with the words that seemed to feel like vile coming out of his throat. Those precious laughter ringing in his ears pulling him in for a decision that would consider himself as selfish.
He wasn't a fortune teller nor one of the gods, but he can change your destiny. As long as it was still possible.
She deserves more than to have a destiny linked with a witcher. Y/N could do better.
You were safer off in your world. Far from the man who would give nothing but darkness in your fantasy brimful of a felicitous ending because with a witcher---?
There were no happy endings. Only murk and danger.
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Taglist: @alyxkbrl​​ @himarisolace​​ @barkingbullfrog​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​​ @vania-marie​​ @spookypeachx​ @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ @amirahiddleston​ @gabethelobster​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @uncoolcloudyhead​ @melaninstylezz​ @psychosupernatural​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​​ @marvelousell​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​ @angelias134​​​​ @tapismyforte​​ @chook007​
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madasthesea · 4 years
I’m sorry for being so mean. I had a really bad day and didn’t mean to say such awful things. But I am frustrated my fics always get ignored, especially by the big names in the fandom such as yourself that claim to support everyone. I’ve written so many fics in this fandom and have been doing so for over a year, yet I only have 30 subscribers. I get really frustrated and feel like I’m a bad writer because everyone ignores me and my fics. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m sorry.
(2/2) For a fan community that claims they are inclusive, everyone sure doesn’t act that way. Everyone already has their friends and people like me who don’t have many friends get ignored. The big names in the fandom don’t support or read the fics by the new people. It’s not just me. I’ve never received a single kudo or comment from you or anyone else that’s popular like you. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but people don’t read my fics.
Ok, I’m answering this in the middle of the night in the hopes that not a lot of people will see it so it won’t become A Thing and then as soon as this fic exchange is over I am turning my anons off forever. Anon, I guess I have to give you credit for coming to apologize, but I have to say, where before I was perfectly capable of laughing off your extremely rude message, I have to say, now I’m annoyed. Because there is not a single instance or bad day or frustration that makes what you said acceptable. You came into my inbox and threw a temper tantrum because you knew my name and I happen to have anons on unlike most of the “fandom big names.” You told me I had the worst fics in the fandom, told me I publish outlines instead of stories and accused me of writing incestual pedophilia because you had a bad day? I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re young because that is the only possible excuse I could give you. As I said in my original response, if I were already an anxious writer, you could have caused me to delete all of my fics and put me off of writing forever. Someone commented on your original message and said that they don’t post their writing because of messages like that one. You’re right you shouldn’t have taken it out on me, and you wouldn’t have if your name had been associated with it. But here we are, and I’m going to try to make it so this never happens again, at least with the two of us. 
Now, onward to your frustrations. I am sorry that you aren’t getting the attention you want, but one) yelling at me on anon isn’t going to fix that. Two) not to be like callous and insensitive, but that happens to almost every writer I know. I’ve been writing fanfiction for 12 years. This is the seventh fandom I’ve written for and no one ever read my fics before this. My first year on AO3 I published six stories and had 500 views total. I get the frustration, but sometimes you just have to get the perfect combination of exposure, plot, and interest. Three) Do you have any idea how many stories get published in the Peter Parker & Tony Stark tag a day? I’m sorry, I can’t read all of them. I don’t want to read all of them, in fact I have 14 different tags blacklisted. Just because I am a “big name” does not mean I owe you a comment or a kudos. If I like your story, I will tell you. Chances are, I haven’t even seen one of your stories, because I’m an adult with a job and hobbies and writing of my own to do. Most of the “big names” are the exact same except a lot of them also have school. If you want someone to read your stories, ask them. Say “hey, I respect you and your opinion, could you look at this for me?” They will probably say yes unless they have a good reason not to. Don’t just sit there and wait for it to happen and get mad when it doesn’t. Also, this is the third time someone has yelled at me for not reading or commenting on their fics and it makes me less inclined to leave kudos in general in case someone comes and gets mad that I read their fic but didn’t comment. So uh… don’t do this again. 
As for the community, do you want to know how to make friends? Send asks (nice ones) not on anon. We can’t interact with you if you don’t know who you are. Reblog our fics. Comment on our posts. You can’t make friends if no one knows you exist. And the only way to show you exist is show yourself in our notes, in our inboxes. Sitting in your corner of tumblr and being bitter isn’t going to help anyone. This fandom is welcoming and it is kind and it is supportive. You saw how many people came to my defense tonight. If you talk to those people, they’ll talk back, but they can’t reach out to every single Irondad blog, it just isn’t feasible. 
And finally, how to get your fics read more. Like I said, part of it is just… luck. I got in at the very beginning, as did losingmymindtonight, parkrstark, several others, and had already established myself before IW came out and the fandom got bigger. Lucky break on my part, but I’m also a good writer because I’m 25 and I have a Master’s in a writing heavy field and I’ve been writing my entire life. Sometimes it just takes practice. But there is stuff that all good fics have in common, so here we go:
1) Good grammar, good spelling, good punctuation.
I don’t know who you are so I have no idea what your writing is like, but this is stuff I had to tell college students as a teacher, so I’m just going to go over it. 
Are there line breaks between every paragraph? No? There need to be. It’s hard to read when all of the words are bunched together, meaning automatic exits will happen, regardless of content.
Do you start a new paragraph every single time a new person speaks? You should.
“When someone is speaking,” I asked, “do you put a comma before the speech tag?” Commas, not periods. Not periods then commas. Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. 
Are you writing in first or second person (I or you)? Don’t.
Pay attention to your tenses. It is very confusing reading a story that switches tenses every sentence. 
Are you capitalizing the beginning of every sentence and proper noun? You have to. Reading all lowercase takes energy and concentration and readers don’t like to put more effort in than they’re used to. Also it’s just pointless.  
Get a beta reader. Get grammarly (but the free version, don’t pay) or another editing service. Google anything you have a question about. EDIT YOUR WRITING. 
2) New ideas
Every fandom has tropes they love, but not every fic can be a trope fic. Every fic I write is, if not completely new, a spin on a popular trope.
Yes, there are some popular field trip fics, but most of them get lost in the weeds because they are all the same. And most of the people I talk to don’t even like them. (This counts for May dies fics, sensory overload… If you’re going to write it, you have to make it different and you have to make it good.)
Look to other movies or books for ideas, check out irondad-fic-ideas, something. Write something new, something only you can write, and at least some people will notice.
3) Good characterization
Now apparently everything I write is OOC, so maybe I’m not the best person to be giving advice on this :/ (I’m still annoyed. I’m getting over it)
BUT–the best way to write a well-known character is to know the source material. Listen to the way they talk, watch how they move. Ignore fanon. It’s hard, but try. Peter isn’t actually a perpetual ray of sunshine, chatter box 12 year old like we often write him, Tony isn’t 100% sarcasm and incapable of recognizing his own feelings. 
If you can hear the character say it in their actual voice, it’s probably a good line. 
4) Misc.
Fandom rule of thumb: cute fluff and hardcore whump win out over deep character studies on convoluted plot lines. If you’re just looking for hits or maybe a fic to establish yourself, that’s a good way to do it. 
If you’re posting a multi-chapter fic, don’t post it all at once. People will comment on each chapter as you post and you’ll get more hits. 
Respond to comments, especially at the early stages. It makes your readers more invested, it builds friendships, and it makes your stats look better. 
There’s a blog that supports little known writers in this fandom! Rec your fics there!
Make sure to never, ever put “I suck at summaries” or “fic is better than summary” it is an instant turnoff. If you can’t write the thing that makes me want to read the fic well, why would I think I want to read the fic?
Tagging on AO3 is vital. Tag the right relationships, tag the right emotions (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort). I often sort just by these. Always put in the category, (M/M, F/M, etc.) and the rating. There is no reason not to, but not doing so makes people less likely to read. Always tag triggers.
Never steal fics or ideas. If a story inspires you, you can ask the author if you can write something similar and then link in your story back to theirs. Nothing will make you less popular in a fandom than stealing work.
Lastly, I know authors constantly talk about how important comments and kudos are, and they are so important to bolstering spirits, I get that, but if you aren’t writing for yourself first, you will always be disappointed. You should enjoy your fic as much when you read it in your word doc as when you read it online with comments and kudos. And maybe you write really niche stuff that doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, but churning out carbon copies of the Fandom Tropes and hoping for hits is not going to satisfy you and you will keep being frustrated.
Let’s not do this again, shall we? Next time you have a question, ask me nicely.
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sitorrothekitsune · 3 years
For everyone #18,#29,#37 and number 45 please, but if I can only have 1 question answered by everyone number 18 thanks!
Oh uhh- I honestly didn’t read these before reblogging and uhh- oki...
That said... the question is asking about our most traumatic experience.
Oh?? Well then I’ll have to sit this one out.
Why’s that?
Well honey, try and think of anything that I would find traumatic.
Oh uhh...-
That’s right. Nothing. So, there’s nothing for me to answer.
Okaaayyy moving on then...
Oh- uhh... For me... probably the dreams I make for myself, some of which are truly terrifying.
Dreams? How can you be sure that they’re dreams?
Because I’ve seen people die in these dreams that I talked to the next day.
Hmm; okay ;)
Uhh... Sitorro?
Huh? Oh- for me it’s when I saw my father put in the coma...
Are you ok, Si...?
Yeah. I’m fine. Nothing wrong here.
O... K...?
I will agree with Sitorro. I hadn’t thought it possible; and I didn’t know what to do next... it’s one of those things where you ask yourself “how am I going to take your place? Even if it’s temporary?” I didn’t know the first thing about how to keep someone alive, let alone the trillions of creatures that my brother created. Even my sister- who has two children of her own- was confused how to take care of species she’d never even heard of. I’m slowly getting the hang of it. But there’s way too many things to think about. The universe my brother left us with is vast, and I will never know everything. But I’m learning, and that’s why I’m here.
That was well put... I- never knew... thank you, Moe...
My pleasure.
Hunter, what about you?
Well, you and I have talked about this before, but I don’t really remember much... I’d say the most traumatic feeling I remember is regret though. I’m not sure why my body feels this regret, but it does. And so I’m doing what I can to minimize the things I could regret later...
Huh. On to the next question... let’s see here... describe a reason you lied to your friends... well for me it’s usually something as simple as “this story sounds better/is funnier one way, rather than another.” So instead of “the dumpster rolled, on it’s own, down the street on a super windy day.” We have “the dumpster zoomed past me at 20 miles an hour, making a dent into the convertible it crashed into.” Sorry, not sorry. To me it just sounds better.
Jeff- do you realize how petty that is?
Yeah. I do.
You don’t think that hurts people?
I’m not sure. I hope not; I’m just trying to breathe life into what I see as a mundane situation.
I see... well I just want to point out what Moe said earlier.
I’ve lied before, but I rarely do it, and only to keep the peace. I’ve found that being as blunt as Jeff isn’t all too useful.
Hey- yes it is!!
Try saying that to your ex girlfriend.
I mean-
I have a point; I know. I wouldn’t say it otherwise.
Heyyyyy... don’t put words in my mouth I didn’t say. It’s not very kind of you. :)
Alright, children. I think we should stop now.
I haven’t started anything yet. :3
Ugh... do you listen?
Stop means stop even if you don’t think you started anything.
What can I stop if there’s no start?
Pushing the issue. Besides, you don’t just bring up a guys Ex girlfriend and use it as leverage.
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I could hurt your self esteem so easily.
Okay... evidently you’re just frustrated with something, and probably need to eat. Moving on.
Well none of this would’ve-
I’ve never had enough friends where lying to one because an issue. I’ve lied to slaves before, but that’s all. And before you say anything about “slaves are illegal” remember that the rest of the universe doesn’t exactly share your purist views, and that 33% of all creatures to ever exist are slaves, serfs, or clones of some sort.
Wow, really?
Well... I guess I should specify- as a total of the planets I’ve visited before. But that data set is out of millions, so it’s a fairly accurate trend.
Shiro...? I regret to ask, but I’m genuinely curious...
Huh? Oh. Yeah. I’ve lied.
Exactly how much-
It depends. Don’t count on the truth from me though.
O.. k... uhmmm.... next... Hunter-!
I don’t have enough memories to say for sure, but I would like to say I’ve never lied...
Oh- yeah... kinda forgot about the whole memory issue we have...
I’d rather not talk about it. How about the next question? List one insecurity.
*all look at Shiro and say “you” in unison.*
Jokes aside, mine is of being alone... thanks to you guys, hopefully I never have to experience it again.
Oh uh, I think I just don’t want to lose everything... again... Sitorro?
I’m- honestly afraid all of my work will be wasted. I have to rely so much on other people, that I don’t have enough control over my work to do it myself.
I’m going to eat. Can we take a break for a bit?
Oh, sure? That might be good...?
(A couple hours later)
Hunter, what was that question again?
List one insecurity.
Hmm... I guess my main insecurity is something I mentioned earlier. Neither me, nor my sister, has the power to carry out the responsibility we’ve been given, and we’re just trying to do the best we can. But unlike my brother, we cannot do everything.
Didn’t you say that earlier?
Yeah. Traumatic experiences are traumatic because they hit things you’re insecure about.
Hmm. I guess that’s true.
Sh- never mind I won’t bother.
On to the next question?
Oh uhh... it says 45, but there is no 45. Should we do 44 instead?
Sure, I guess.
Okay. Hmm... in the timeline I come from, polygamy isn’t just only legal in certain countries. Having only one spouse was quite rare; even in the “collective nations” which was the equivalent of the US, polygamy was encouraged, not frowned upon.
Really? That’s weird.
Naturally. It really is quite unusual among planets.
I’m going to agree with Jeff here. You’ve shown yourself to be a very kinky woman, and I’m sure you wouldn’t object to an orgy.
Excuse me? I’m not thirsty. I’m utilitarian.
Of course. Using your resources or whatever. I don’t care- English is not my strongsuit.
Tf umm we’re going to move on from that one. Shiro you’re being skipped here.
What- h- hey what’s your pro-
Shut up. Seriously. You’re not even ahead and you’re just making it worse.
I- okay. Fine. I’m going to bed then.
Goodnight. Have a nice rest.
Goodnight. :’T
Did you know I actually show up several places in Japanese lore? I won’t specify when, but a good portion of you will be able to tell. I still need to go back there aaaaaaaa...
Interesting. Uhh, how about this? Uhh if you divide a 4/4 measure in music into 256 equal parts, the resulting note will be the Demisemihemidemisemiquaver.
O- kay...? Well, I’m here to tell you that the human brain, using some basic modifications, has the ability for telepathy.
Wait- is that everything?
Should we shorten the transcription?
I wouldn’t bother.
Okay well then uhh... whew. Give me a couple minutes.
P.S. it took me two days to find enough time to write everything we said >.> holy shit. Uhh... next time maybe send these as separate asks...? Please...? Thank you...?
Love you anon! We had to scold Shiro, but this was quite fun! OwO
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nerdy-bookworm-1998 · 4 years
The Misunderstanding
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Bucky thinks y/n is cheating on him with Steve, but everything is not as it seems. Words: 1521 Warnings: Angst, fluff, sad Bucky, one swear word, assumed cheating(but not really) A/N: This was an anon prompt. I hope you like it nonnie! The prompt was: “anonymous asked:Hello there! Would you mind doing an angsty oneshot where Bucky can feel his girlfriend falling out of love with him like the way she becomes less affectionate and more secretive? The ending is up to you ofc 😘😊” If you liked this please leave feedback/reblogs and consider donating to my Ko-Fi and/or Patreon. If you want to be tagged in future works, please send me an ask.
When Bucky's alarm goes off at 7 am he reaches out blindly with his flesh arm to shut it off before rolling over and slinging it over the other side of the bed, expecting to make contact with the soft, warm body of his girlfriend of the last three years. Instead, he encounters only cold sheets, signaling that she had left the bed long ago. Bucky frowns deeply. This is the nth time in the last few weeks that he had woken up alone and it was really starting to bother him. With a long-suffering sigh, he slips from the bed and pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a blue t-shirt before heading in search of his first caffeine boost for the day.
As he reaches the door to the communal kitchen he can her soft giggling from within. He rounds the corner to find y/n and Steve with their heads bent close together over a StarkPad, Steve's arm slung casually over her shoulders as he whispers in her ear. Whatever he told her causes her entire face to light up in the way that it only ever did when she saw Bucky. The sight before him makes dread settle in his gut and drives all thoughts of coffee from his mind. Instead, he turns sharply on his heel and marches towards the gym, needing to blow off some steam.
After a long workout session, in which several heavy-duty sandbags were sacrificed, and a long, hot shower, Bucky wanders into the gardens where there is a large gazebo with comfortable lounge chairs in which y/n liked to curl up and read. Sure enough, his girl (is she really still his girl?) sits curled up like a cat in the shade with her StarkPad, tapping away and paying no attention to the world around her.
He walks into the gazebo, making sure to make his steps audible against the wood. Yet she still startles slightly when he crouches in front of her, gently touching her knee. When she realizes that it's Bucky sitting with her, her eyes widen momentarily in panic before she quickly schools her features into a calm mask. "Hey, babe, how are you? I missed you at breakfast," she smiles softly as she runs her free hand through his hair.
"Training ran a little longer than usual," he says calmly as his eyes flutter closed of their own accord and he presses closer to her touch before pulling away a moment later. "What happened to you this morning? You were gone by the time I woke up," he asks, waiting to see her reaction.
If she's surprised, she certainly doesn't show it, she merely shrugs a shoulder and taps on the screen in front of her a few more times. "I had an early meeting with Tony about a few upgrades he wanted to make on my suit."
"Was Steve there?" he asks a little more harshly than he'd intended but it was too late to backtrack now so he went with it.
"Steve?" she blinks at him. "No, he was out running a few errands with Sam. Bucky, is everything alright? You don't seem like yourself," she asks as she leans forward to brush a few hairs from his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he grunts before composing himself and offering her a too-bright smile. "How about we go out to lunch at that little Italian place you like so much and then spend the afternoon getting lost in Target?"
"I wish I could, but I have a meeting with Tony in a few minutes. Maybe some other time?" she asks with an apologetic smile as she starts getting up to leave.
"Didn't you just have a meeting with Tony this morning?" Bucky asks as he rises with her.
"Yeah, but that was about suit upgrades, this is about a team-building event he wants to organize. I'll see you later, okay?" She turns and walks away from him without another word or even a kiss on the cheek. She always used to kiss him when she left. Was this the end of them? Sure Bucky had been a little busy with missions, bad guys never took a day off after all. But had he really pushed her into the arms of his best friend? These thoughts plague his mind as he turns and slowly wanders back into the compound.
The next few days are no better, in fact, they seem even worse. It's almost as if y/n and Steve are actively avoiding him, spending almost every moment together away from the compound and only returning long after everyone else has gone to sleep. He didn't think y/n was even sleeping in the same bed as him anymore.
It's on his way back from training the new recruits, walking past Steve's closed office door that he hears the words that make his heart drop to the floor and shatter into millions of tiny shards. "I think Bucky is onto us, Steve," y/n is saying, her voice quivering the way it does when she's on the verge of tears.
"What makes you say that?" Steve asks with a tinge of worry lacing his otherwise calm demeanor.
"Whenever we're in the same room together, he looks at me with these heartbroken puppy-eyes, he refuses to be near me, just this morning he called out 'Say hi to Steve' all sarcastic as I was leaving the kitchen. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this, Steve. I hate lying to Bucky," she sobs.
Bucky hears Steve walking around his office, probably pulling y/n into his arms. "I know, sweetheart. But it's almost over. We just have to be patient for a few more hours, I promise," Steve soothes her as she continues to sniffle.
Bucky cannot stand there and listen to more of their conversation. He silently walks past the door and to his room. He had to get out of there.
He is in the middle of packing his duffle bag full of clothing when the door opens and y/n walks in. She stops short when she sees Bucky with his hands full of clothes. "Bucky? What are you doing?" she asks cautiously as she slowly edges closer to him, closing the door behind her.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm packing," he says harshly, completely ignoring how hurt she looks as he continues stuffing clothes into the black canvas.
"I can see that, but why? I don't know of any missions popping up," she says as she takes a seat on the bed.
"Because I can't be around you right now, y/n," he says without any emotion in his voice.
"Why?" she asks, tears starting to fill her eyes.
"Why?" Bucky gives a humorless laugh before continuing, "Because, I know, alright. I know about you and Steve, and I can't just stand back and watch you have an affair with my best friend!" he yells.
"Bucky... there's nothing going on between me and Steve. You're the only guy for me, I swear," she pleads with him while tears run down her face.
"If there's nothing going on between the two of you why have you both been avoiding me? Why haven't you so much as hugged me in almost a month? Why do I keep seeing the two of you all over the compound, looking all cozy and giggly? Why, y/n?" he asks, suddenly sounding tired and defeated.
"Because we've been trying to plan a surprise party for you, dammit! And everyone knows what shit liars we both are, so it was just easier to avoid you than accidentally letting something slip! I never wanted to hide things from you! I never wanted to avoid you when all I wanted to do is curl up next to you and never let you go because I love you!" she yells, feeling frustrated and heartbroken that Bucky could ever even think that she would be unfaithful to him. "I love you," she whispers as she slumps in on herself, sobbing.
"You've been planning a surprise party for me?" Bucky asks, completely dazed as he slowly processes everything y/n had just told him. "Oh, doll..." he whispers as he drops the clothes in his hands onto the bed and slumps to his knees before her, wrapping his arms securely around her quivering frame. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry baby," he whispers in her ear repeatedly as he kisses every available inch of skin he can reach.
"I guess the cat's out of the bag now, huh?" y/n muses a long time later as she snuggles closer to Bucky's chest while his arms tighten around her.
"Just a little bit," he chuckles, "but I promise I'll still act surprised," he says before landing a kiss on the top of her head.
"I love you, Bucky Barnes," she says, stretching up gently kiss his mouth.
"I love you too, y/n y/l/n," he whispers against her lips before kissing her more firmly. The party could wait a little while longer, first, he had a lot of making up to do.
@mcdesij @spiderrrling @arrow-guy @interestedbystanderwrites @murdocksmartinis @gwendelerynan @here2have-fun @bookscoffeeandracoons @bambamwolf87 @loricameback @rockrchick51 @love-nakamura @baebeepeach @timelordy-fangirl2 @jewelofwinter @caramell0w @jewels2876 @ladysergeantbarnes @notawritergettingtherethough @patzammit @fanfictionjunkie1112 @lumar014 @kirstie-evans-writes @robertdowneyhiddleston @lil-lex1 @dragonrosegardens @bookgirlunicorn @shadymidge @kaithezaftig @that-place-called-middle-earth @marshyrebelcloud
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eor-interaction · 3 years
It's just a little mean to imply that fat is good and thin is bad when both types are good
Wow! You really came all the way to this blog!
Look. I'll be nice- as nice as I can, given how disgusted I am with your last ask, and believe me, I'm furious- and i'll explain why I think you should be ashamed of yourself and why you should reconsider how you treat others. I don't want to block anyone who hasn't yet seen an explanation and had time to consider their actions, so I'll give you this.
You really didn't imply ANYTHING of the 'all bodies are good' sort when you came in my inbox spewing disproven science in an attempt to shame and other fat and chubby people. I really doubt your good intentions and your "both are good" when you decided to state that any body type that isn't Chara's extreme ectomorph is unhealthy in a very snide manner showing clear disdain. If you'll see the things I've reblogged, you'll know health and weight don't connect. I'll re blog even more tomorrow. Just for you.
Minority groups get to joke about the people who have harmed them without someone coming in and pulling a 'that's not nice.' And if you'll note, I was also making it clear that Chara's body was right for them in another ask... Beyond that, all I made was a playful joke that amounted to 'skinny people aren't cool haha." If you take sincere offense with that, please, for the love of God, I hope you're in middle school, because someone 16+ getting offended by that is just fucking embarrassing. If I said 'skinny people smelly' would you be upset?
So, let's break it down: either you have the emotional skin of an infant, OR you just don't like fat people joking about being better than the people who dehumanize them.
If you're LGBTQ (because most of my followers are), would you bitch about people jokingly saying "haha cishet people aren't in the cool kids club," too? Or is it only fat people, who are routinely dehumanized and medically abused based on misinformation that has been proven false, that don't get to have fun calling themselves better? Do minorities not get to joke about the people who hurt us? Me saying 'cis people smelly' doesnt compare to the medical abuse I've faced from transphobes. It's me joking. (If you are LGBTQ and that bothers you than you should probably just leave.)
I agree that body shaming ANYONE is not okay. But... Did I say anything other than a playful "Chara is slender and isn't allowed to be cool 😔" that implied genuine distaste or disregard for their body? Did I do anything but make a playful joke that is absolutely nothing compared to the dehumanization fat people face for existing while being fat? No. I made a playful joke about how skinny people arent in the cool kids club. The chubby kids club. Which Chara is not a part of because they are not chubby. They are not real and real skinny people aren't being excluded from anything, they're the ones telling fat people that they're too fat to be a part of skinny people's clubs and lives.
Note how I even follow up later with an ask stating that Chara is in the right body for them.
I am absolutely disgusted with anyone who responds in such a way- body shaming children!- fictional or otherwise. Your last ask was repulsive and you should be able to take a light-hearted joke without acting like this. You need to understand that it is not okay to speak to people that way and shit on anyone for their bodies, because for all your 'all bodies are Good' drivel, your ask made it clear that you think fat bodies are inherently unhealthy, period. All it did was expose your true colors.
If you're autistic and legimately misunderstood my tone, then let me explain: It shows a massive lack of compassion and a massive amount of entitlement to jam your face in going "HEY WHAT ABOUT ME" whenever minorities joke about being the best when they've been treated subhuman for so long. It shows a profound level of disdain for fat people, subconscious or otherwise, if your instant response to them joking about being better then others is to shame and treat them like they're sick based on the sole fact of being fat. Which, as modern research actually SHOWS, is completely inaccurate.
Your response was disgusting and bigoted, and I'm not tolerating that kind of repulsive behavior. I'm not exposing my EOR followers to it. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Make an honest effort to educate yourself until you genuinely believe and understand that both are good, not just when you're being called out, or shut your fucking mouth about the bodies of people that are not you. Did you want me to post the ask and remind all the fat and chubby teens following that people still think they re repulsive? Do you go and tell little kids theyre going to die young for being fat? Come on.
It says a lot that you went on anon to send these. I think you know what you said was wrong (or you're afraid that people will hold you accountable for the way you acted. I don’t post off-anon urls because I know how tumblr is, so you wouldn’t need to worry about that anyways. I don’t really WANT to know who you are, though.)
Got it? You're more than welcome to unfollow if any of this bothers you, but you are even more welcome to stick around and see what happens and why Frisk is better off the way they are.... As long as you quit being a hateful person.
And one more thing- if you were truly concerned that I was shaming Chara, you would have said that first. In which case, I would have been fine clearing up that I was just joking and Chara’s body is right for them! I could’ve even done it in character and had some fun with it to show just how genuinely it doesn’t matter.
But you didn’t do that. You didn’t send anything specifying you felt it was mean until after I called the first ask out.
No, you saw me joking, PLAYFULLY, about fat and chubby people being better, and decided to send something hateful- or, at the very least, EXTREMELY ignorant. And I can understand ignorance and being uneducated- not everyone has access to information and biases can be hard to unlearn! I can understand that. I can forgive that if someone genuinely wishes to change and learn.
I would really, really like to believe in the best of people. I want to believe people can learn. But you need to put in the effort and compassion to be a better person. I am giving you this explanation because I want to believe in you. I could have blocked you with that first ask, but I didn’t.
Do some thinking. If the idea of letting fat people be themselves, love themselves, and have fun wounds you so much, then the door is right there. I don’t want the support of a bigot, anyways.
If you genuinely care about others and about what you can do to learn, well, I’m right here, actively posting resources about fatphobia that I suggest you read. I am very nice to people who are respectful of others.
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frangipanidownunder · 5 years
(1/2) There has been some *next level* great fic published recently. Honestly, I feel intimidated to write anything new because nothing I could produce will ever be able to measure up to the talent of some of the authors I'm reading. On the other hand, I see fic that is exactly the opposite. Fics whose authors have admitted are written with little to no thought or effort, but that get reblogged and liked ad nauseum because of "who" the author is and/or they tag tons of people.
(2/2) I feel like my writing falls somewhere in the middle, but because I'm not a popular blogger I don't seem to be able to build a bigger audience, and I don't feel comfortable tagging people that I don't know personally. Do you have any advice about how to stay motivated to keep writing, when I'm not confident that my writing will ever be as good as the good fic is, or that it really "fits in" anywhere? I feel rather discouraged about it and I haven't written anything in weeks as a result.
Hey there gorgeous! This is a long answer, so there’s a cut, sorry!
I hear you and feel you and see you. And, I’m sorry to say, I don’t have any magic words of wisdom that will instantly fix this. Art is so subjective plus social media is like any club where there will be groups of people who’ve been around longer and have built long-term relationships, some who are brand new and walk right in with confidence, finding their place straight away, then there are the long-termers who are a bit more reserved or only come out to play sometimes. It’s the heirarchy of life.
I will say up front though, that I don’t believe there isn’t a place for your fic here. It will fit in somewhere! This fandom has generated such a breadth of fic from the fluffiest of fluff to the ickiest of ick that there is bound to be someone out there who loves what you write. The trick is to try to love it yourself too! And that’s hard. Creativity comes with great freedom and a heavy burden - our old friend self-doubt.
So, to push back against your point about intimidation, please don’t fall into that headspace. There isn’t a writer on here who doesn’t doubt their own ability. There isn’t a published original fic author who doesn’t doubt their own ability. It comes with the turf. You have to accept that your writing is unique and that comparing it to others’ styles and fic is just going to wear you down. It’s not productive and won’t make your writing any better. That’s not to say you shouldn’t look at ‘good’ fic and work out why it is elevated - we all have our personal preferences. Is it the prose? The plot? The pacing? The characterisation? Study the quality writing and try to think about the reasons it works so that your own writing will improve.
This fandom is still eager to read and there has been a ton of fic produced over the last month, including some newbies and oldies who’ve published new writing. If you have a story to tell, you should tell it. I find that stories bang at your brain until they’re let out. Don’t do yourself an injury for fear of never being seen. Writing for yourself is your first job. All writers to do that.
Validation is what we seek, though. Through likes and comments and reblogs. Otherwise, what are we publishing our work for? Yes, we write for ourselves, but we publish for the consumer. So, I understand it can be demoralising when your fic doesn’t do well in terms of notes. How do you know if anybody likes your stuff? It’s frustrating. There are some seriously under-rated writers on this site, who turn out amazing words, but their fic can sometimes be passed over for reasons unknown to me.
However, I’m probably not the best one to advise on this. My own fic has never really been consistently popular. I generally don’t reblog my own work and I don’t tag other bloggers unless specifically requested. Building a base here is a long road for most writers. We aren’t publishing pretty art or amazing gifs. Words tend to look boring on the page and require a commitment when people are time-poor. I started out by entering challenges and by reblogging, commenting and sending asks to those writers I admired. I DMd writers I thought I could connect with and took things quite slowly. I’ve been here for three years, posting regular stories but my follower count isn’t that huge. Maybe that’s something you can do while you’re drafting your next fic? Reblog the stuff you love, work out why you love it, make comments and send that author an ask (not on anon). Sending praise feels as good as receiving it. And other people notice that kindness too!
I am hosting another couple of workshops before the end of the year and if you’re available, you are more than welcome to attend. They are friendly, fun and encouraging. You might turn out some surprising writing and then you get to tag the other writers who participate because that’s how these things work. 😊
I hope this helps a little. There is no one answer to this age-old question. Personal taste is what it is. Fifty Shades of Grey was a huge best-seller. It’s not great writing, but people bought it in droves. I don’t understand the popularity of Jodie Picoult or Danielle Steel or Wilbur Smith but they sell stacks of books. Who the hell is Drake and why does his music do well? What about the Kardashians? Famous for what - yet people watch their show and buy their handbags. 
With fanfic, there’s good and there’s bad and there’s everything in between and we are not here to tell people what they should read and reblog and what they shouldn’t. That’s the beauty of our fandom. There really is something for everyone from drabbles to novel-length, slash to romance; but that something might not be popular. You know, people sometimes just want to read a story that makes them feel good and smut and fluff (the most popular genres on Tumblr as far as I can see) provide that comfort so, if your writing isn’t in either of those genres, don’t despair. There’s likely still an audience for you. They might just be a little more discerning or not on here as often or might be jumping up and down saying ‘ooh, that’s just like me!’
If you’re brave, come off anon and send out those asks to your faves. Join us at the next workshop (follow @just-fic-already for the details) and just write!
Take care, lovely. Thanks for swinging by. 💜
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arnold-layne · 4 years
hey! first of all- LOVE ur blog and writing, seriously i’m. in awe. second of all, i hope u don’t mind me coming to u for this but i wrote a motley fanfic and i cannot bring myself to post it ‘cause i’m afraid no one will even look at it (i come from a slightly bigger fandom so i’m afraid the hits / kudos / comments won’t be what it was last time i wrote something).. do u have any tips on how to like. get past that? like to post because u want ur writing out there ? thank u again :,)
AHHHH thank u so muchhhh this is the best thing to hear i don’t know who you are and i already love u :,)
and regarding the fic... oh how i feel you, anon.
before switching to tumblr and ao3 i posted my motley fics on ficbook, russian equivalent of ao3. motley crue fandom was there too, not so big, but active, with a few active writers and readers eager to leave feedback.
only i came there with three years after the fandom died. I have posted 9 fics there. My biggest cudos count there was 23, and i received 8 comments in general on all of them, three of them on one work because i participated in a fandom event. all of this over three years of my works staying on the website. it hurt at first, a lot. it felt like screaming into the void. i was quite heartbroken every time i logged on ficbook after like half a year of absense (it doesn’t send you notifications like ao3 does, and you have to log in and look through the news feed yourself) and found i received 2-3 new kudos and 0 comments. it could be because of nature of my works: hardcore non-con and sadism aren’t a cup of tea for like. majority of people. i knew all that, and i still grieved because those were my children, my pride and joy, my sleepless nights, and the only things that kept me alive during my depressive episodes. you can literally track my depressive episodes by the dates of these fics.
anyway, enough of my sob stories. what i learned from that experience is to detach myself from those fics i wrote the second i posted them. i’d recommend you post your fic right before you go to sleep, and before that don’t even look at it for like 3 days. i usually wait about this time for my beta to check it, and it helps forget about it a little, maybe occupy your mind with another fic idea and start writing that. after you post it at night, in the morning, you won’t feel as connected to it. you wake up and... just don’t think about it. get as far away from it as it is possible, like you wrote it 10 years ago. don’t check your notes until at least three days after posting. the only interaction you should do is reblog it in the morning and next evening so folks from different time zones could see it. 
and, dude, tumblr ain’t ficbook. tumblr has an active fanbase and active writers for various pairings. the community might not be as big as other fandoms, but it’s closely knit together, receptive and very much alive and welcoming new authors. yes, your kudos and hits and comments count will be lower, but not because your writing sucks, but because it was read by fewer people. i understand the struggle - one of my fics on ficbook, the very first one, was written for a popular fandom and has over than 200 kudos and like 15 comments. it’s ridiculous, this fic is over 5 years old and has my immaturest writing, and yet it’s more popular than all the other pieces i actually worked on and honed until perfection. but i don’t feel sad, because i know i got better. it’s not about your kudos and comments count. it’s about you and your writing growing and getting better.
also, anon, i would gladly promote the fic if you send me the link! i believe i’ve got a decent following and can give you some hits and feedback you need :)
sorry this got so long and all about me, i just relate to that really hard and wanted to show it. anyway, it’s better to post your writing and get little attention then let it stay on your computer not seen by anyone. you may not know how much your fic is gonna matter in someone’s life. if your writing makes a person happy, then it’s good writing and it should stay out in the internet for people to find it :)
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
WIP Tournament
Tumblr media
Week 2 - Roommates vs Sex Pollen
Roommates [Gabriel x reader]: You start a new chapter of your life far from home where you don’t know anyone, including the person you’re sharing an apartment with.  It isn’t long before you start to notice strange things lurking in the shadows and about him.  Is your roommate really as great as he seems?  Or is there something he’s hiding?  
Sex Pollen [Debriel x OFC]: Not your average sex pollen fic.   
Below the cut are 300-500 ~800-1200 words from the beginning of each WIP and tags that currently apply to the story as a whole.  Choose which one you want to see continued by:
Sending an Ask (anon’s allowed)
Leaving a comment on this post or in the body/tags of reblogs
Voting is open until 6/14.  Thanks in advance to everyone who does!
Section warning: a swear, maybe?
General story tags:  long fic, canon divergent, normal reader, nurse!reader, dark fic, stalking, more tags to come as story develops
You wake up to what can only be described as sheer deliciousness; a smorgasbord of smells that remind you of the big breakfasts your mom used to make on Sundays when you were younger.  It fills you with an aching warmth that’s bittersweet. You’re so far away from your family, from everything you’ve ever known, and as much as you miss them and everything familiar, a reminder of it all fills you with comfort.  
You have a feeling that’s exactly why your place smells like a brunch buffet.  
Everyone was against you moving away, let alone moving in with a stranger.  A man no less, and every piece of advice you received had nothing to do with starting a new life, but protecting yourself in your own apartment, like he was guaranteed to be some monster.  
Yet, Gabriel has been nothing but a godsend.  
He’s the one you call when you get held over at work (which is far more nights than it isn’t), when there’s no way you’ll make it home without falling asleep at the wheel.  
He’s the one who handled everything so you could just get some sleep when the hospital messed up your parking sticker, your car got towed, and you walked out to find it gone after a twenty-four hour shift.  
He’s even walked you home from the bar at two in the morning when you were worried about someone following, you even though he had to be to work in four hours.
He’s kind.  Funny.  He listens, better than some of your friends you’ve known for years.  He runs a little hot and cold sometimes, but it’s easy to tell when he’s in a mood, and he usually keeps to himself when he’s that way.  Mostly though, he’s thoughtful, so much so you almost don’t know what to do with him.
It doesn’t surprise you he’s noticed that Sundays are the hardest for you, or that he wants to do do something about it.  What does, is you have no recollection of ever telling him why.  
You give yourself a once over in the mirror and make a face.  He’s certainly seen you worse, but it’s not lost on how you handsome he is, and how self-conscious you feel when you look washed out with some of yesterday’s makeup still shadowing your eyes.  
You’re thankful you each have your own bathroom attached to your rooms so he has no idea what you really look like when you first wake up.  You do a quick wash of your face and what you can with your hair, which usually means throwing it up and hoping it looks more fashionably messy than hobo chic.  
What you find when you’re finally ready to emerge throws you for a loop.  
If he were your boyfriend, you would be walking into a scene straight out of the movies.  He’s got your red checkered apron on, (the one with the rooster on the front your brother gave you for being such a dick about how to cook a pie, because his always turn out doughy in the center and you refuse to eat them until he learns how to actually make one), and to top it all off, your roommate is humming happily to himself as he samples something from the stove.  
The spread already laid out on the kitchen table is out of this world.  There’s a little bit of everything from pancakes to fresh fruit, bacon, sausage, eggs, waffles, and what you suspect is a bowl of fresh, homemade whip cream.  
You let out a low whistle of appreciation.  “Somebody’s been busy.”  
He turns, giving you a dazzling smile.  “Morning, Sleeping Beauty. I didn’t expect you up for at least another hour.”
It is a little early for you considering you’re coming off back to back fifteen hour shifts, but if this were a fairy tale, you could honestly say true love’s kiss had nothing on a breakfast like this.  There’s hashbrowns on the stove you didn’t even see, and what looks like a raspberry sauce simmering away.  
The smell fully hits you now that you’re right there, and you’re pretty sure it’s amazing enough to wake the dead.
“Pull up a chair.  Let me get you some coffee,” he offers, gesturing to your normal spot at the table.  
“I can get it my–”
He cuts you off, wooden spoon leveled at you in warning.  “Sit.  You’ve been on your feet all weekend.”
You hesitate.  You normally fight him on these things, but there’s a persistent ache that has yet to leave after an unruly old woman with dementia accused you of being the harlot who stole her husband right before trying to use her cane to take you out at the knees.  Literally.
He moves toward the coffee pot, gesturing at your chair once again.  “I mean it.  You spend most Fridays and Saturdays helping people, while the rest of the world is out partying.  Let someone return the favor.”  
You’re not certain you deserve that much credit for being an ER nurse, but it’s nice to acknowledged.
You smile, shyness driving your silence as you finally take a seat.  
You don’t have to remind him how you take your coffee.  He knows, just as he’s absorbed what seems like a hundred other little things about you.  
You can’t help but feel guilty.  You don’t know much about him beyond he’s a janitor at a local college, his room looks like several decades vomited all over it at the same time, and he must roll out of bed looking perfect because never once have you caught him looking less than amazing.
It’s not that you haven’t tried.  He just manages to maintain that air if mystery by talking his way out of everything.
“What are we going to do with all this food?”  You wonder.  You rarely see him eat unless you’re both sitting down to a meal together, and there’s more than enough there to last you for over a week.  
“Figured I’d just take whatever we didn’t want to the homeless camp across town,” he says, setting a full mug down in front you.
Everyone told you that you’d get murdered in your sleep, and yet here you were, having breakfast with a freaking saint.  
He must catch the way you shake your head, his brow quirking up.  “What.”
Incredulity overtakes your features as you begin to fill the plate in front of you.  "You’re unreal, you know that?“
His eyes crinkle in the corner with a mixture of confusion and amusement.  “What are you on about?”  
As if he doesn’t know.  
His hands land on his hips as he waits for your answer.
Someone like him has to know, right?
“You’re like, I dunno, an actual angel?”
A bark of laughter escapes his lips.  “Oh, honey, angels are boring.  Who wants to be one of those?”  
His hand lands on the back of your chair as he leans over your shoulder, stealing a piece of fruit off your plate as if to prove a point.  Something warm and sweet with a hint of spice undercuts the aroma of the food surrounding you.  It’s him, and the rest of your senses begin to prickle with awareness with how close he is.
Just as suddenly as he’s there, he straightens up, popping his bounty in his mouth. “Besides, if you really knew me, that is the last thing you’d call me.”
Sex Pollen 
Section warning: threats of violence
General story tags: multi-chapter fic / potential series, canon divergent, dark fic, non con, dub con, smut, all the sex (oral, anal, vaginal), more to come as story develops 
  She presses her face against cold concrete, leaning closer to inspect the brightly glowing spellwork in front of her.  The color shifts the closer she is to it, morphing into a warm golden glow that casts shadows across her face and brightens the abandoned warehouse.   
Every field has their experts, and even though there’s technically no career path for this, she is the one hunters and scholars alike will call when they encounter anything unusual or ancient.  It’s a point of pride, knowing all her hard work speaks for itself.
What she’s looking at, however, rivals anything she’s seen, save Enochian.  There’s an immense power here, layers upon layers of it, woven together so finely she can’t tease it apart on sight alone.  It makes Rowena’s spells look like child’s play, and has to predate most civilizations she’s aware of, which likely means two things.
One, whoever laid this trap knew what they were doing.
Two, they likely know a hell of a lot more than she does.  
She stares, entranced as the light flickers, shifting hues once more.  She absorbs every detail about it, wracking her brain to recognize the ancient language that fades in and out of sight.
“The craftsmanship on this is exquisite,” she marvels, the intricacy of it nearly breathtaking.  
“I’ve got something exquisite for you right here.”
The remark pulls her out of her reverie, her head tilting up as a familiar set of boots moves into the side of her vision.  
“Why don’t you come a little closer and I’ll show you…”
She knows she should move, but she doesn’t, opting to inch her hand closer to the edge instead.  The raw energy prickles across her skin sharply, and she almost snatches it back.  It feels angry, like there’s a thousand tiny hornets trying to sting her, but can’t quite get close enough to fully do it.
She can tell Sam doesn’t like her being that close, and she doesn’t blame him.  She knows she has a tendency to push it, but she’s also well aware of how seconds can mean everything in situations like this.   
She inhales, bolstering her resolve, fingers stretching out a little further, knowing if she could just get past the edge of it she might –
There’s a sudden movement in front of her a split second before Sam grabs beneath her arms, hauling her away from the circle and his brother who’s now crouched inches from where she lay.
The spell work cuts back to a deep red, and the smile Dean wears looks that much more menacing.
“What’s the matter, Sammy?  Afraid she’ll have fun for once?”  There’s a burst of sanguine in the darks of his eyes that matches the rhythm of the light flickering at his feet.  "Or are you just trying to keep her to yourself?“
It’s a strange remark to make.  She and Sam are friendly, perhaps even friends, but anyone with eyes and half a brain could see her relationship with that Winchester is the epitome of platonic.  
Dean clucks his tongue.  “It’s not nice to hold out on me, Sammy.  We’re family.”
Sam helps her to her feet, and they angle their body away from Dean, trying to ignore him.  
“I just needed a few more seconds,” she mutters.  She tries not to sound irritable, but she can’t shake the feeling if she had the chance to touch it, she’d have that much more information to work with.  
The look on his face suggests he is highly unimpressed by that statement.   “It’s always a few more seconds with you.”  
He has her there, but he’s usually not the huffy one when it comes to her lack of self-preservation.  She imagines someone has to be, though, considering the usual suspects aren’t themselves enough to care about these things… possibly anything.   
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to get that close again.”
She recognizes what he’s saying is sound advice.  She also proceeds to stuff it into the part of her brain that also knows her life would be so much easier if she just did stuff like keep a running grocery list as things ran out or found a nice, normal man to settle down with.  
“Yeah, yeah,” she mutters, eyes drifting back to the circle as Dean smoothly stands up.  The movement is graceful as it is intimidating, the sheer confidence pouring off him sending a shiver down her spine.  
“I mean it.”  Sam rarely snaps, and the severity beneath his words has her refocusing on him.   
Ness can see it in his face that he’s nervous, really nervous, and she doesn’t blame him.  Not only is this Dean intense, but whatever they’re dealing with is strong enough to also overpower an archangel.
“C'mon, Sammikins, we’ll take real good care of her,” Gabriel slinks out from behind Dean, drifting back into view, and his stare rakes over her in ways she can feel before devouring Sam.  "Or you, if you prefer.“
“He’s all yours,” Dean passes, eyes never straying from her.  
“Hear that?  You’re all mine, big boy.”
Gabriel winks.  
Sam makes a face.  
She simply wonders what kind of hunger it is that’s overtaken their consciousness.   
By the way Dean licks his lips, continuing to stare like Ness might be the last tasty morsel in existence, she might have an idea.
Which leads to a completely different one.
"Walk up to the circle ”
Sam stares at her.  Hard.  Likely trying to decide if she really said what he thinks she did, or if there’s possibly something crazy in his ear.  "Excuse me?“
“What’sa matter, Sammy?  Scared?” Dean taunts.  “You should be.  I may not have a hammer this time, but who’s to say I need a weapon to bash your head in.”  
Well that answers that question.
Sam comes to the same conclusion a moment later.   “That’s… not just a lust spell, is it.”  
“That’s a hard no,” she drawls
Roommates or Sex Pollen?  Send an ask and let me know!
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luxexhomines · 5 years
You have an amazing writing style!!! I hope more people find your blog but I also hope you don't get too stressed about it :) I was hoping for an imagine with kokichi, saihara, kiibo, and chihiro with a male s/o that gets into trouble for crossdressing too often? Good luck with your blog! I'd love to talk to you one day!
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First of all, thank you so much, sweet sweet anon!! I deeply appreciate the kind wishes and words. I’d love to talk to you sometime, too! Feel free to send me a message or another ask any time. I’ve had a sudden influx of requests today, which I suspect is due to saishuhara, so if the mod for that blog is reading this, please take my thanks! That was basically a promo when you reblogged my post, haha. I managed to get two of them done today, which is pretty good for me, personally. Requests are still open for now! Although I got around six of them just today.
Secondly, I wasn’t sure when you said that the male s/o gets into trouble for cross-dressing too often whether you meant the reader got in trouble with the character or a third party, so I kind of did both. Hopefully, this is okay! Also didn’t do bullet points…if you don’t mind… and it’s a bit cheesy!Icon credit to danganwlw!
Without further ado, here you are, under the cut bc it’s long:
Kokichi, Saihara, Kiibo, and Chihiro x Male S/O that Gets in Trouble for Crossdressing Too Often
Kokichi Ouma
Of all things to walk in on today, he was not expecting to see a high school girl with a white dress shirt tucked neatly into a plaid skirt, her legs stuffed in thigh-high black tights.
But he didn’t blink or freeze. It was a normal occurrence by now, after all. He strolled on over to the girl and tapped on her shoulder as she sat at the cafe table by the window, dreamily staring out into the streets.
“Hey, I’m here now. Did you order yet?”
She shook her head, her hair shifting slightly as she did so.
“No, I was waiting for you.”
Kokichi sighed inwardly. Again, with that voice, too. But he didn’t comment, only lifted the menu to take a look at the selection of items. He could see the girl shrinking in her seat out of the corner of his eyes, and decidedly to pointedly ignore her and try to make her squirm some more.
What? This was a classic case of boys bullying the girl they like, you say?
Except for one thing.
The high school girl was, in fact, a boy. It was hard to believe, looking at his softly curving lips and slightly sloping chest, or even the delicate shape of his face. But without a doubt, Kokichi knew his s/o was a boy, even if he chose to dress like a girl all the time.
Kokichi set down the menu with a loud snap as it hit the table, and his s/o winced.
“So, are you ready to order?”
You reached to your collar and adjusted the ribbon around your neck nervously, avoiding Kokichi’s direct gaze.
“A-Are you mad at me?”
Kokichi was stolid before offering an apathetic expression as he looked at his trimmed nails.
“No. What gave you that impression?”
You sighed, your shoulders sinking miserably.
“You’re lying, aren’t you. Why are you mad at me?”
He looked back at you, and his dark eyes, shimmering with something you couldn’t quite make out–irritation? disappointment?–bore into you.
“Why do you think, my dear s/o?” Without waiting for an answer, he plunged forward. “Because I’m dating a very handsome boy, yet somehow only this girl always shows up for our dates. She’s pretty, sure, but she doesn’t match up to my boyfriend in the least.”
Your head droops as you slump in your seat, looking away from those eyes.
“I… Sorry. I feel better when I’m dressed like this,” you whisper, feeling shameful.
Kokichi reaches across the table and grabs your hands in his, tugging on them lightly.
“Look at me, s/o.”
Your eyes meander up the white buttons on his uniform and meet his eyes.
You can feel him squeeze your hands warmly as he says his next words, a rare display of genuine, pure affection.
“I’m not saying you can’t crossdress or that there’s anything bad about it. I just want to see my boyfriend make an appearance once in a while. Is that so wrong? You’re beautiful both ways, but I like you better when I see you in yourself.”
When was the last time you heard such honest words from him? No beating around the bush or overt lies, just the truth. You supposed this really did matter to him. And knowing that you, the plain you, was wanted just as much or maybe even more than the female version of yourself was unbelievably comforting. You felt your eyes water slightly as you nod shakily.
“Okay, Kokichi. I’ll come to our dates dressed as myself in the future.”
Kokichi seemed to gain an idea upon hearing you say this, and you swear you saw a lightbulb pop up above his head and a pair of devil horns grow on his head.
“Why don’t we go dress you as yourself now?” he smirks.
He drags you off to your home, and stumbling into your bedroom, he pulls off your clothes with almost childish excitement, plum eyes vividly glowing with amusement.
“Wait, Kokichi! Not there!”
You can imagine what happens next, smexy times or a comforting show of love & affection!
Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi was out on a date with his boyfriend. At least, he was pretty sure the beautiful girl walking beside him was his boyfriend.
Shuichi didn’t really mind the cross-dressing, but he did feel on edge whenever someone catcalled you because it was completely possible that someone could follow you home or attack you, even though it hadn’t happened yet.
“So–wait, Shuichi. Are you listening to me?”
Your voice, pleasantly in the countertenor range, interrupted the detective’s thoughts. He opened his mouth to reply but was promptly stopped by the sight of a delinquent sliding an arm around your shoulders. He could feel his senses bristling with danger and anger.
“Hey, sweetie… If your boyfriend isn’t paying attention to you, why don’t you come and spend time with me, instead? I’ll make sure to pay plenty of attention to you,” the guy leered, and Shuichi had to stop himself from throwing a punch at the man Kaito-style.
“Please take your hands off of my boyfriend,” Shuichi gritted his teeth.
You both saw an expression of confusion overtake the man’s ugly features as he grimaced.
“Wait, did you say boyfriend? Do you mean to say that this girl is a cross-dressing pervert?” But before either of you can say a word, he continues speaking. “Nah, you must be trying to throw me off the trail. I’m not going to let go of such a good catch so easily,” he licks his lips, and you shudder as you slip out from under his arm, grabbing Shuichi’s arm tightly.
“I’m a ‘cross-dressing pervert,’ as you put it. If you don’t believe me, I’ll take off this shirt in front of you,” you reply, glaring at him ferociously.
Your reply doesn’t faze him, and he just smiles, unbelieving.
“Then show me.”
You let go of Shuichi and rest your hands on your shirt, ready to pull it off of you, but Shuichi’s hand rests on your own, to stop you and in order to protect you.
“He doesn’t have to prove anything to you,” Shuichi says. You’ve never heard his voice like this before: dark, unforgiving, cold.
The guy stares at Shuichi hard, but seems too pusillanimous to do or say anything in response to Shuichi’s hard tone of voice, and walks off.
You feel yourself let go of a breath you’d been holding, and Shuichi lets go of your hand, creating a strange emptiness inside of you.
He turns away and starts walking away, so you jog over to catch up.
“Thanks for protecting me, Shuichi,” you say gratefully. But he doesn’t respond, and his gold eyes seem much more turbid than usual as he continues walking forward forcefully.
When you call out his name, he doesn’t respond, only keeps walking, and you can only follow after him like a lost puppy. He felt so distant from you as he stormed ahead of you, less than a foot away physically, but so far away in heart and mind.
Finally, the two of you enter your shared apartment, and once inside, you tap him on the shoulder lightly. He turns to face you, and you see what he’s been hiding from you.
Shuichi’s eyes are full of conflict and sorrow, and the corners of his lips edge down as his eyebrows slant toward the center of his face in exasperation.
You’re afraid to look at him, but you do, anyway.
“I-I’m sorry, Shuichi,” you stumble over your words as you wring your hands anxiously. “I didn’t mean to get us in trouble, honest…”
His features soften, and he steps toward you.
“I’m not mad at you, really. It’s just that I’m tired of worrying about you being followed home by some stalker or being attacked by a creep. I feel like the level of danger you’re put into elevates when you’re dressed as a girl,” he says quietly.
You nod, and involuntary tears come to your eyes.
“D-Does that mean…” your lower lip wobbles, and you try to regain control as you wipe away a tear. “Does that mean you want to break up with me? Because you’re tired of me?”
He shakes his head almost immediately, placing firm hands on your shoulders.
“No! That’s not what I meant at all. I just wondered if maybe we could compromise and have you dress normally now and then. I worry about you, even more, when I’m not with you,” he replies, a note of desperation in his voice.
“Okay, Shuichi,” you sniffle. “I’ll crossdress less, then. I don’t want to make you worry any more than this, and getting into situations like that isn’t fun, either.”
He lets his arms fall to his side, and you embrace him, leaning into him and taking in his scent. Clean, with a hint of soap and mint. His voice buzzes warmly in your ear when he speaks.
“I love you, s/o.”
Kiibo didn’t really understand why you crossdressed so often, but he knew it made you happy, and that was all he really needed. That is until you got in trouble with the teacher for cross-dressing to school almost daily.
“What have I said about school uniforms and properly adhering to the dress code at school?” your teacher asked strictly. Well, rhetorically. “This is unacceptable behavior. If you come to school dressed as a girl one more time, it won’t just be detention this time. You’ll be suspended from school for at least two weeks.”
You pouted, pursing your pink, glossy lips defiantly.
“Why must I conform to social norms? I’m not harming anyone by cross-dressing, so I don’t see why it’s such a problem!”
Your teacher smacked a textbook down on the desk in front of you, making you jump in your seat in alarm.
“It’s indecent, young man! This is where you learn to be a working member of society, and you’re doing a pretty shoddy job of it right now with your tomfoolery.”
You crossed your arms, annoyed.
“I can be a working member of society while cross-dressing! I’m the person who gets the highest grade in this class; I always set the curve, and I clean up the classroom when my classmates are too lazy.”
Your teacher only pushed up their glasses.
“Regardless. You must come to class tomorrow in the mandated attire. You’re dismissed now.”
You nearly leaped out of your seat, and ran out of the classroom with your bookbag, almost running straight into Kiibo’s metal frame.
“Whoa! Sorry, Kiibo. Are you okay?”
The robot nodded.
“Perfectly fine. I suspect bumping into me would cause you more damage than it would to me,” he states matter-of-factly.
You laugh, carefree despite just being lectured by your teacher.
“Sure would! Where should we go hang out today? My house?”
Kiibo agreed, and walked with you to your house, listening to your idle chatter.
However, when the two of you sat in your bedroom and you ranted about being scolded for cross-dressing, Kiibo interjected.
“Sorry to interrupt, but why do you crossdress every day, anyway?”
You hadn’t expected such a direct question from Kiibo. Then again, you supposed all of Kiibo’s questions were to the point. You ran your fingers through your hair nervously.
“Well… It makes me feel better about myself. And it’s fun to dress as someone else.”
Then Kiibo asked the question.
“Why do you need to feel better about yourself?” he questioned.
You were about to answer, but Kiibo continued talking. “The way I see it, you are already more than good enough. You as your normal self is better than any girl you could crossdress as, even if it is fun. You could crossdress on your own personal time if you just wanted to do it for enjoyment.”
Taken aback, you don’t respond for a moment, only staring at the robot. At this, Kiibo flusters, his blue eyes averted from yours.
“Did I say something weird? Sorry, s/o…”
You shake your head, an abnormally joyful grin spreading across your face like Nutella across toast.
“Nope. I think that was just what I needed to hear, Kiibo.”
You stretch your hands out and take his own metallic hands in your own warmly, and Kiibo flushes red.
“W-What are you doing? Is this what humans call a reward?”
You chuckle at his innocent question.
“Naw, I just did it ‘cause I felt like it. Because I love you so much, Kiibo,” you smile radiantly, your eyes sparkling with delight and affection for the roboboy sitting in front of you, who was currently blushing an even deeper red.
“Sometimes I wish Professor Igarashi hadn’t installed blushing functions on me, so I wouldn’t be so transparent… But it does make me feel more human, so I like it. I can feel my love for you more deeply this way.”
It wasn’t uncommon for you and your boyfriend to be mistaken for a pair of girlfriends when out and about, especially seeing as both of you crossdressed almost all the time. And now was one of those instances.
A pair of those grody guys were hitting on the two of you, telling you two that they could give you a good time and inching way too close for comfort. Polite rejections didn’t work, and you were rapidly losing your temper.
Then one of them put their hand on Chihiro’s shoulder, and that was the final straw. You lost it and flew at him in a rage, punching him solidly in the jaw, and you swore you could feel your knuckles bruising as the guy staggered back. They threw dirty looks at you before leaving the scene, the man clutching his jaw.
“Shall we go home, s/o?” Chihiro asked, looking worried as he glanced between your furious face and the furiously red knuckles of your fist. “I think it’d be best to ice your hand.”
You grind your teeth, thinking about how you hadn’t wanted those goons or your temper to ruin this date, but acquiesce, seeing his anxious face. You knew Chihiro definitely wouldn’t be able to relax or enjoy the date if he was worried about your hand.
“Let’s go, then.”
On the walk back, you rant to Chihiro about the men, and he pitches in here and there but seems too distracted by your injury to make a meaningful contribution to the conversation.
Once home, Chihiro has you sit down on the couch in a surprising show of firmness, and in a flurry leaves and returns with a first aid kit, which he opens to reveal cloth bandages with space for ice that he’s brought in a box to ice your knuckles. He’s quiet as he works, and you don’t want to distract him from treating your injury, but you feel the need to say something.
“Hey… I’m sorry I ruined our date. I was really hoping to spend more time with you outside, doing something fun together,” you say softly, feeling guilty.
He raises his head from his kneeled position in front of you, and you see surprise and equal amounts of guilt on his face.
“It’s not your fault… I’m sorry, too. If we weren’t both cross-dressing like that, maybe they wouldn’t have stuck to us for so long.”
You shake your head, tightening your mouth into a line before opening it to reply.
“Don’t apologize for their brash behavior. You know what? I think I’ll dress normally more from now on. I want to be able to protect you before it comes to me punching some jerk in the face.”
Chihiro blushes momentarily, averting his eyes shyly.
“Well, but I don’t want you to have to compromise like that, either. Although I’m honored you’d do something like that for me.”
You smile affectionately, and put a hand to his face, cupping his cheek and placing a sweet kiss on his lips.
“It’s not a compromise if I’m doing it for you. You know I’d do anything to protect you, and I’ll be less on edge too this way.”
He smiles back shyly.
“If you say so. Thank you, s/o. You’re too good to me.”
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coup-de-maine · 5 years
How to enter a fandom - RPC
Hey guys, time for a friendly PSA from yours truely~
So I’ve been in and out of a lot of fandoms, made friends, enemies, frenemies, grave mistakes and happy accidents. I also see a lot of people come in other fandoms. Most of yall do great but I see some people carry in this weird sort of self deprecating attitude that can immediately turn rpers away from them, which results in; more of that self deprecation. So Im here to hopefully help out with the best ways to enter a fandom or an rpc, make your presence known and make lots of wonderful friends.
Now the first, and most important thing, and I notice a ton of people struggle with it is:
General attitude. 
Let me give two examples of some first time posts.
“Hey! I’m new to the fandom. I know my bio and my theme sucks but would anyone like to rp? Maybe?”
“Hey! I’m new to the fandom. My bio and rules are located here, though they’re still under construction I’m really eager to develop them with interactions!”
Now I know the first one is tempting for a lot of reasons. You might not even feel like its all that bad, but up next to the second one it actually sounds a little...depressing, monotone, dry. Even though they start the same, one ends with me feeling like: this person really doesn’t put effort into things, they dont even really want to be here. All my threads with them are going to be lazily written or probably written with half baked enthusiasm.
The second person is happy to be here, eager to interact, admits that since they’re a new blog not everything is perfect. Yet, they don’t talk down on themselves or make it seem like anyone who talks to them will only be taking pity on them.
This is actually a big problem I see in the rpc. Making people take pity on you for interactions and the rule with that is simple:
don’t make people feel like they have to take pity on you. 
It’s a knee jerk reaction, I know. We’re all awkward humans on the internet who want to play up our faults. Who wants to say “My stuff is SO awesome! It’s the best”??? 
Well. You do. You’re new to a fandom. People already have established relationships, character arks, possibly with another version of the muse youre playing. Backstories so detailed it’ll make your head spin. You are literally selling yourself to these other rpers. Don’t sell them “A vacuum cleaner that sucks. No, not sucks up the dirt, it just sucks. Like me, Im trash and dont even have a working vacuum” No one wants to buy a vacuum cleaner that sucks.
Hate to break it to you, but when you say you suck, or your stuff sucks; people are gunna believe you. Or they’re just gunna pity you. And thats not great either. 
Heck you might think; why not? So long as they rp with me, whats wrong with that? 
Well... lots of things but mostly; pity isn’t a good feeling. Nobody wants to feel guilted into rping with you. Imagine seeing someone on your dash constantly posting about how no one likes them, their character or interacting with them. How they wanna die because they never get asks, no one likes their starters. (Sound extreme? I’ve seen it.) It makes you feel bad right? It makes you wanna like them but like- where do you even start??? They don’t even like them?? What common ground do you have?? “Hey, I see you hate yourself... uh... I hate you too?” Not great. Actually bad. You don’t know how to approach this person without becoming an emotional crutch, and you know they’ll latch on to you and suck every positive emotion out of your body so how do you win?
So lesson one is; People don’t want to be forced to feel so bad that they rp with you, they want to feel inspired to. Inspire some dudes! (or non-dude identifying people)
This is everything. Present yourself. You don’t need flashy icons or a cool promo- let me tell you, I’ve made some shitty promos in my life. See Here
That was my promo for a long as time. Until it was THIS that a friend made for me (A friend that I made. Through how awesome I presented myself. Thanks Vee, if you see this I still love you)
I can’t stress enough how important attitude is because I’ve had both a shitty attitude and a great one in the RPC and let me tell you, nothing kills a blog faster than a shitty attitude. Wanna make a self deprecating posts about that meme that you got 0 asks for? NUH UH. Think again. PITY = BAD, SHORT LASTING FRIENDSHIPS. INSPIRED = SUPER AWESOME HAPPY FUN TIMES FOREVER.
Yo, present yourself in a way that makes people wanna approach you. Get them interested, say something wacky or edgy or if your character is self deprecating then self deprecate through them but DO IT IN A FUN WAY. The people who care about icons and fancy promos usually aren’t worth lasting friendships either. Sometimes they literally spend more time formatting than writings something worth while for you. (some of you really balance it and just love formatting but u know im not talking about u Im talking about those that literally wont talk to us that dont)
So present yourself well and be genuine.
--- WAIT WAIT WAIT- be genuine?? What if my genuine self is self deprecating and negative? 
HELL NO shut the what up I know you’re not, I know that’s a reflex to cover up how insecure you are, I know you hate how pathetic and small you feel so you point out all the things wrong with you before someone else can. That’s not you, and you are capable of more than that.
Dude. (and non-dude identifying peeps) I’m gunna say it again. I’m gunna say it a million times; one day it will sink in. Everybody feels that way. 
What?? Octo ur so cool and confident tho
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You know how you never noticed?? CANT SEE MY HANDS SHAKE THROUGH THE COMPUTER.
The internet is a playground because you can trick people into believing whatever you want about yourself. YEP even good things!!! You don’t have to wear your flaws on your sleeve, and you certainly don’t have to wear them like a full body cast that prevents you from doing anything fun in your life.
Take the cast off, take a risk. You literally have nothing to lose. Especially if no one interacts with you as is anyways.
Be mindful
This is more of a trick I use to make myself feel better. I don’t follow a lot of people so my dash is pretty slow. It’s fairly easy to tell when people are and aren’t active/online so I literally have to trick myself sometimes but;
If you reblog a meme and get nothing, step back and ask yourself; am I sure anyone even saw it? and are the people who did maybe to shy to send anything? Or maybe nothing in that meme applies to their character.
As a mute character I am VERY restricted to what memes I reply to. As a character who speaks VERY LITTLE I am VERY restricted to what dialogues I can send at all. This means I’m required to edit memes a little (this is allowed by most meme creators btw) or I need a very good relationship with a character in order to say/sign that many words at them.
And worse case scenario, queue it and reblog it again/later. Its no biggie, some memes don’t make it.
Self reflect
Check out people on the dash. Do they have interactions? What are they like? Is their character more welcoming? Maybe you’re character is more intimidating. You might need to actually seek out interaction.
Tumblr has this huge enigma where everyone wants asks but no one wants to send them. Curious anons come from someone, magic anons come from your peers, followers, friends. Some of them are pretty obvious. Want asks? Send them. We really need to get the ball rolling with this because its honestly a problem. Show some initiative and reach out. It actually feels pretty good seeing someone react to your outrageous anon. And its a lot of stress relief if you play an otherwise very serious character to get to branch out and be silly.
So you send asks, you like starter calls- why isn’t it working?
Well, a stranger knocks on your door and tries to get to know you. Its a little awkward- it can work sure in some cases. But in most you’ll probably close the door and phone the police.
The RPC isn’t as strange as that but what’s easier? Talking to a muse you’ve never met from a blog you’ve never seen before? Or writing a thread with your best bud, throwing in inside jokes and references to your favourite shows- teasing each other about that one embarrassing thing that happened to your muse- yeah. Yeah you get it.
If you have history or at least an idea what someone is like, you will want to interact with them more. I don’t know if you’re some mean... meanie pants whos gunna smack my muse because he offered you a cookie. And maybe you are, but if I don’t know you, or know that your muse is deeply traumatized by cookies, I might take that as you saying “Ew no get away I never wanna rp with you”.
It sounds harsh, but I KNOW it happens. It STILL happens to me, even with people I’m friends with. Even if someone has multiple blogs and I get on fine with one muse, if the other hates me I might get uneasy about sending in asks cause I feel like I’m directly bothering the mun (who I love on this blog but WHAT IF THEY START HATING ME THERE TOO???)
Separation is tricky. We all get jealous or feel neglected when our partners focus on another thread/ship or send mean angsty replies which is why its important to check yourself remind yourself you have value, mun =/= muse and that it’s all in good fun.
Have Rules
UGH no!!! Not rules I hate rules, I dont want to restrict anyone!
Listen. I get it. I was a rule-less blog for a long time. But you know what? You need them. Not just for you, but for the people who wanna interact. I still feel the need to ask people who have rules what they are and aren’t comfortable with. You might not realize it but shit can go down in rps especially in certain fandoms. Even if its just the basics. Write them. They matter.
Unless you’re fine with someone literally controlling your character, or a blog you dont even follow who RPs David Letterman tags you in a smutty thread where your muse and him are married and he’s heavily pregnant with 4 narwal baby’s I- I think you can see where I’m going.
If its just the basics, thats fine, everyone loves seeing that. No god modding, not forced shipping, ect- great. Less for me to remember. Add to it if you need to. Everyone experiences rp different. Make your experience a comfortable one.
(And stay tf away from me Preggo-letterman)
Step away.
If you’re feeling negative, just step away. Do not make a big post about it alerting everyone who follows you because they might not all respond well. If you have close friends in then fandom you can go to, talk to them, vent a little, or just remove yourself and get those feelings out. But remember that no one here is equipped to be your therapist, and we cant all be expected to take the burden from you. It is up to you to regulate your emotions. Use coping skills but please don’t make the fandom or your blog a toxic place to be.
You don’t feel good, and no one reading your posts feels good, and building friendships on not feeling good is just... completely not good.
Im not saying you must be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but feeling bad feels bad and even though rping is just a hobby and a past time you are still reaching into other peoples lives. Leave a good impact, try to be someone you would want to meet in the rpc. Make it a better place.
Tips and Tricks
If you leave with nothing else, please take these:
Send Messages. 
IM people, send them asks, get to know them before RPing.
Be kind.
Be generous.
Be enthusiastic.
Be happy.
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modesty-blaise · 5 years
Since I'm curious, what caused you to become very possessive of your gifs? Not out of rudeness but curious, since no matter what you do a lot of them show up in the gif function on Tumblr which automatically credits you at the bottom of the gif.
Hey. Tbh, at first I didn’t wanna bother with yet another anon but since I see no ill intent behind this, I decided to go and answer it. Unfortunately, half-way through I realised my reply is turning into incredibly long semi-bitter rant and expands well beyond calling out just one person in Psychonauts fandom (and yes, this is related to Psychonauts fandom – you do know that these anons are not really that anonymous, right?) so… buckle up! All that beneath “read more”.
I’ve been on this hellsite for like…7-8 years? Maybe more? Can’t really tell cause I moved blogs and my old blog now consists of only 4 posts I’ve made close to leaving so I honestly have no idea how much time I’ve spend here before moving. Anyway, during those few years I’ve spent on my first blog I’ve met a lot of creative gifmakers who enjoyed sharing their love for fandoms they were in. I’d like to point out that this was waaaaay before tumblr created that insert-gif option so, back in the day, the only way to add gifs to your post was to: 1. make them yourself 2. take them from someone else. And a lot of people were taking them from someone else which resulted in many gifmakers giving up on making gifs and leaving fandoms and/or even leaving tumblr – and I’ve had many of my friends give up on what they love and have their games/shows/movies/whatnot ruined for them cause people would not stop stealing from them. And many of my friends eventually left tumblr cause they couldn’t deal with it anymore.
Tumblr adding insert-gif option, in my opinion, honestly, just made it worse for gifmakers. Cause now people had the opportunity to use gifs for their posts, with or without creators’ permission/knowledge, but it was alright and it was perfectly fine cause creators were credited. There’s their name at the bottom. It’s alright. Like… it doesn’t matter if they’re actually okay with people using something they’ve put hours into making or if they’re not – tumblr gives them credit so they SHOULD be okay with it. Simple as that.
Well, we’re all different and some people are not okay with that. I’m not okay with that. It took me weeks to figure out how to use photoshop correctly. Took me countless hours of looking through different tutorials and basically trial-and-error-ing my way through the process. Whenever I make gifs, it takes me hours to record videos and then hours trying to achieve that 3mb limit on gifs (thank lord these days we’re beyond 1mb limit). After all that effort I put into creating gifs for games that I love and enjoy, someone is going to make 2 clicks and have that same gif added to their post, without even asking. So how is that okay?
Back to your question. Yes, “no matter what you do a lot of them show up in the gif function on Tumblr”, that is true and that is something I was aware of when I saw you-know-who announcing they would be starting 30 days Psychonauts challenge. So, hating to see my gifs used against my will, and not wanting to start any unnecessary drama and threaten people in advance with reporting them if they do use them, I’ve made my blog as private as I could. It was only accessible through the dashboard, it was not showing in ANY search engines inside and outside tumblr, and my gifs were impossible to find through insert-gif function – I’ve made sure. I did all that cause I just knew that during those 30 days, someone would use my gifs and I would get mad and I desperately wanted to avoid that (hence going extreme). And you know what happened? You know what creator of this challenge (who prevously already reposted my gifs) did? *drums* They used my shit anyway. :3 They just uploaded it from their computer, where they’ve saved it earlier.
And like… a lot of people see pretty pic and decide to save it - I mean, we all do that. Heck, even I have a folder full of shit I saw online and liked it – but i’m not uploading it online cause I haven’t made it. It’s not mine to share.
But some people are not like that.
Some people see fanart of something they like and they want to share their opinion on it – and instead of making their own post, maybe drawing the fanart themselves, they decide to use someone else’s art for their post. Do they know who made it? Do they have creator’s permission to share it? If the answer is NO, then they should be a decent human being and not do that to creators. Oh, they shared it anyway but now people in fandom are calling them out BUT this actually happened on accident? They know who the creator is but, somehow, they accidentally forgot to credit them? OK, well, it’s possible, shit happens, but they better make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Then sometime later these same people decide they want to make a post appreciating their fav character and they want to include pics cause duh, you can’t have character appreciation post without pics, right? Now they have several options: they can get their own screenshots, make their own gifs, maybe draw something… or they can just take someone else’s creation. Do they know who made it? Well there’s my fuckin name on it, and since they’ve stretched it from 245 to 500px, it’s really hard to miss, plus it’s not like there are that many people making Psychonauts gifs. Do they have permission to share it? Hmmm, nope, didn’t ask me. Is this also an accident? Could be. I mean, I’ve seen stranger things happen, so accidentally forgetting to credit content creators twice… kinda suspicious but still possible. Who am I to say?
Now if these people then decide to make a post appreciating their fav ship and they want to add a cute pic of the loving couple – yup, you guessed it! They can either create something or take something. Again: they know who did? They asked for permission? Got the permission? No?!?! But they posted it anyway?!?! :o Could it really be, that after being called out publicly, after being told that reposting is bad (something that’s very easy to understand), after even having tumblr staff intervene and remove stolen shit from their blog, after all that - could it really still be an accident?
Nah, man.
They just don’t give a shit.
Cause if they did, they’d stop with that crap first time they were called out.
(and if you think Psychonauts fandom is their only fandom and that they’re not doing this crap in other fandoms too - hoooo, boy, do I have some bad news for you! Do you know how many stolen and butchered HP fanart is on their blog? Hobbit stuff? They seem to be one of the most accident-prone users on tumblr. And honestly - it’s a real miracle their blog’s not been terminated.)
Back to what I was talking about - I’m not okay with people using my gifs and I’ve made it very clear. I literally do not give a shit if I’m credited or not, I’ve made it very clear that I don’t want my gifs used without my permission. If you like them and want them on your blog, there’s a fuckin reblog button. It’s sole purpose is to allow you to share other people’s creations. Or shitposts, cause lord knows we all love those.
So that’s why when someone spends hours going through my Psychonauts tag and goes as far as to send me “I love your gifs” anonymous message, but the very next day makes stim moodboard post including one of my gifs, now cut and resized to fit 3x3 format they’re going with, I get mad. And that’s why when someone uses one of my gifs to promote their RP blog, butchering it to fit their aesthetics, and later when confronted going as far as blaming their good friend on it cause god! they’ve had no idea it wasn’t theirs, I get mad. (makes you wonder though: if they friend has such skills, why not making them gifs themselves?)
Like…. I’ve had my gifs stolen plenty of times. I’ve had them stolen for roleplaying, for headers, for imagines, just for notes… I’ve had them stolen by people claiming to run official fan sites (that’s a real wild story but I won’t get into that now)… I’ve seen them on pinterest, weheartit, FB, all those random gif sites… and I’ve seen EVERY. POSSIBLE. EXCUSE. ranging from: “well i found it on google so why should i credit you” “lol dunno who made this but its pretty so im posting it” “ive had it on my computer for years so i don’t remember where i got it from” “i dont know how to make gifs so im using weheartit as a source” “credit to whoever made this” (that’s my fav) to “its just a gif so who gives a shit” (it’s not – it’s hours of creator’s time and lots of love that you’re now shitting on so thanks) and “i have an /illness/ and getting notes makes me feel better so dont u dare blame me for stealing” (I don’t remember exact excuse but it was something along those lines and like… how do you even respond to something that without looking like an asshole?).
And sometimes it really is just an accident. Sometimes people really do forget to credit you and/or ask you for permission. And I’ve had my fair share of those accidents. People in Psychonauts fandom have been using my gifs for various crap but, when approached, they’ve removed it and apologised. And it’s something I really appreciate. (if they actually bother reading this and they recognise themselves: i’m really grateful and thank you for not being an ass)
But you know what I don’t appreciate? People making a call out posts about me, asking about my gifs when they know very well they’re the main reasons why I’m not making those gifs anymore, at the same time failing to address any of the issues I have with them and instead rather explaining to others what happened BUT explaining only the parts that make me look like a villain cause how I even dare be mad about them stealing? How I even dare call them out on it? That is so ridiculous and criminal of me, and it’s so so sooooo bad that they need to call me out. I deserve to be called out by the very same person who’s been stealing my shit.
And their explanation is…well… it’s something.
They were sympathetic and polite? When did this happen? Did I completely missed that part? Please someone fuckin enlighten me with such post/message where they expressed their sympathy and politeness and I’ll apologise right this second.
I told them to “literally fuck off”? Yeah, that did happen, I admit that. Did they bother explaining why I told them to fuck off in the first place? Did they say they were caught stealing from me and had tumblr stuff remove my shit from their blog? Did they get into details of how they demanded the proof of my so very wild and obviously false claims but then when I showed it, they just deleted that “how dare u call me out cause I would never do such thing” post? No, they didn’t and geee, I really wonder why.
Instead, what did they choose to address? Out of all the things I’ve said. Hm? What did they choose? Me telling them to fuck off. Me dropping the F-bomb on them, rudely rejecting their obvious kindness and politeness. Nothing else.
Back to what I was talking about before I got derailed again: no, I’m not mad cause this person used my gifs without crediting me. I mean – I am, but that’s not my main issue with them (and they know it). My main issue is that this is someone who will continuously lie and steal and still deny any of it, even when there’s plenty of proof (and you can always count on me to show up with proof tbh), and then go as far as to publicly ask about my gifs and try to call me out. Like me getting mad that something I’ve put hours of work into, and something I’ve made cause I love the game and I want to share my love and appreciation for it, is now being shared against my will and my knowledge - like me getting mad over something like that is so unreasonable that they need to make an entire post about it while pretending they have absolutely no idea why I’m even mad and why we have issues.
And I have every fucking right to be mad. 3 times is not an accident. 2 times to the same person is not an accident. They know it. But yeah, playing stupid is their defense so it’s not like I expected them to actually address their actions this time either.
And you know what? Just because I swear a lot doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Doesn’t mean there’s no solid ground for my claims. People on tumblr have always been and always will be stealing shit. Sometimes they will credit you, often they will not, and that’s just how it is, doesn’t matter if you’re okay with it or not. But that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna sit quiet and accept someone’s shitty behaviour. Especially when it’s directed at me.
TLDR: giving credit =/= having permission
but my previous posts leading to this ask were not about that
you knew that already
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avengersohyeah · 7 years
I’m Sorry, I’ll Show You
Tumblr media
A/N : I’ve been slacking on this i’m sorry. I had a bad stomach bug and i can’t even sleep, so now my eye bags has eye bags under their eye bags. Sorry i’m rambling, this is a request from anon that not so anon because i have a feeling that it’s you ! Sport , if not, then forgive me. Bucky x Reader Smut, anon ask no plot, but again, i’m a sucker for background story. Enjoy ! Like It ! Reblog ! Share It
You were done with all his shits. Until now, you don’t know what’s the reason behind his annoying behavior toward you. He’s kind to other people, like sickeningly kind. Even to Sam that he claimed he hates the most. But when it comes to you, he’s the most annoying piece of shit you know. It’s not much that you ask from him, not that you ever really asked. But you only hoped that if he hates you, he could at least tell you in your face. Because the cold shoulder he gave you is what always makes you think that you’re not good enough, as a team member and as a person. When he finally speaks to you, he would constantly commented in your fighting style, how it would get you injured before even hitting your enemy. He would comment in how you eat to many amounts of ice cream in your day offs. And the worst is the way he would leave a room when you enter it. It awakens all your insecurities that you thought you burried years ago. Why does you not good enough? Why did he hates you so much untill he couldn’t stand your presence?
 That time when Stark held another party, everyone was there. The team plus Maria, Rhodey, and even Thor was there. They were gathered in their usual corner in the party, reserved only for team members. Everyone was enjoying the conversation.
“You haven’t asked him out yet ?” Sam whispered to Bucky when they reached the bar.
His cheeks were visibly reddening at this sudden question “I.. I..” He sighed “I don’t know Sam, I feel like I don’t deserve him. He’s the kindest person I’ve ever meet and look at me I’m a mess..!”
Steve cut in “But you’re recovering Buck, and don’t tell me that you don’t feel it because I know you do. You’re getting better and you know it. Don’t beat yourself up, because you deserve to be happy.” He paused “And if happy is (Y/N) I would do anything to help you..” he said with teasing grin that matched Sam’s
“Don’t be a brat!.. Anyway where is he?” Bucky asked
“Missing him already ? even you’ll run away once he enter the room ?” Sam teased
“Come on, I’m serious where is he?”
“Nat said that he’s not feeling well so he stayed in his room…”
“Oh…” The frown in Bucky’s face tell them that he’s worried about you, but he still don’t know how to approach you.
Both friends had known for a while about Bucky’s feeling toward you. But they never tried to push him because they want him to find that courage to find happiness himself. It was ridiculous at first seeing Bucky would tensed and goes red when he heard you enter the room. He would just stop whatever he’s doing at that moment and dashed towads the exit to hide his embarasment. It was heart warming when they heard him telling you all his concern about you. But they only see it at his perspective, as his friends. They didn’t know that you don’t feel the concern from hhis comments, you don’t know that the way he left a room where you were in was because he couldn’t contain his happiness in your presence. They don’t know that everything he did gave you the wrong impression and it’s slowly hurting you.
 It was at the meeting before a mission few days after party, Bucky sensed your distress. You were strangely silent at the meeting while usualy you were actively suggesting a plan so that there is no need for a fight to break in the mission. Any other meeting you would suggest to change the plan to make sure nobody get hurt, even if it was a mission to penetrate HYDRA’s base. You would suggest that you’ll go first paralyzed the agents with your power so that no one needs to die on their behalf. This kindness that you show even to your enemies is what makes him like you. He found it stupid at first for you wanting no fight to errupt in a mission into a monster’s lair. But as the time he spent watching you he understand that you are simply just a kind person. And it’s not hard for him to realize that he developed a feeling towards you. And because he cares about you, he couldn’t stand the images of you getting hurt in a mission. That’s why he would always tell you where you did wrong when you were training so that you can improve. But he don’t know that his intentions to try to keep you save were mistaken as a hate because of his behavior that tends to avoid you and his choice of words.
 Everyone was listening intently at Steve’s brieffing, all except Bucky. He’s attention was completely directed to you that has an empty look in your eyes and frown on your stupidly perfect face. When he have his attention to Steve, it was when Steve assigning people on their task.
“Buck you’ll go in with me from the front, Wanda would back us up from behind. Nat and Clint would retrive the data, while Tony, Sam, and (Y/N) would clear our surroundings from the outside..” “Cap.. I don’t think I can run this mission with you guys…” you said and earned you a questioning look. you sighed “Look, I’m not in my best condition right now. I can’t get my minds together, there’s just so much that I’m thinking about. And I can’t consentrate at all, if I were to go with you in this mission I’m sure that I will only compromise it. So I hope you’ll let me stay home right now..”
At your request, Steve just sighed knowing well that if you’re asking to stay means that you’re really feel that bad. So he let you, and minutes later dismissed the meeting.
 Bucky have been watching you more intently since your request to stay. You’ve never been this way, one time you couldn’t go on a mission when you were extremely sick. But this time’s different it’s you that requesting not to go to this mission. And what’s bothering him more is that you have been silent these days. He couldn’t hear your laugh, he couldn’t hear your light chuckle, he couldn’t even see you smile these days. What’s wrong? What happened to you ? He questioned himself. He couldn’t stand the sight of troubled look in your face. Rational part of him would tell him that you needed space to solve your problem yourself. Given the strong independent persona oozing from you in daily basis. But there’s part of him that somehow knows that you can’t handel this problem of yours yourself. So he asked Steve if he could stay and try to help you.
 The next morning the team leave for the mission, and you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you’re holding. Now that the team is gone, you could use all your time in training room. You were determinded to improve your fighting skills, even if there’s no one to spare with you. You’ll figure something out, you always do. You setled in punching on the sand bag for more than half an hour. You then continue with kicking a dummy in the training room for another half an hour. And at that time you beat yourself up, Bucky is watching you from the monitor in his room. He grew worried the minute you stoped your training and just colapsed on the mattress. He bolted to the training room calling your name. You jolted up to sitting position.
“Bucky? I thought you were on a mission?”
“No… I I wanted to stay..”
“Why ?”
“I..I wanted to help you, you seemed so troubled this past few days. And I couldn’t stand it..” He replied with a tint of red on his cheeks. What he didn’t expect was a scoff coming out from you. “What was that for?..”
“Don’t pretend like you cared Barnes.. you’re the one that always told me how incompetent I am even in protecting myself. I’m not good enough, that’s why…” Your tone was cold, and realization hit Bucky hard like Steve’s shield being thrown at him.
“Is this all because of me? Because what I said to you ?” You only looked down hiding from his gaze “(Y/N) I’m sorry , I’m so sorry, I never meant that way. I’m just i… I care about you so much.. the thought of you getting hurt in a mission just.. I don’t know.. it pushed me to tell you..”
“About how weak I am?” You cut in
Bucky quickly scrambled towards your sitting form and hold your hand. The action threw you off guard and in an instant your eyes locked to his “Look, (Y/N) I’m not good with words and you know that. I never meant to hurt you, I wanted to protect you so bad. That’s why I did everything I know.”
“By commenting in how incompetent I am? By avoiding me everytime I entered a room?”
“No, I wanted you to improve, but I don’t know that hurt you..”
“That doesn’t explain why you’ve been avoiding me since I joined the team..” You could see the red that slowly creeping their way to Bucky’s cheeks “Like I told you, I cared so much about you, and whenever you’re in the same room, I.. I couldn’t help it, I feel like I wanted to jump around the room whenever I hear your voice, I feel like I wanted to run to you  and grab your cheeks and kiss you. I.. I love you since the first time you said my name (Y/N)..”
“You’re idiot! Why didn’t you just do so ? Instead of running away and making me think that you hate me..” You hit his shoulder repeatedly as you felt your tears rolling down your cheeks. You don’t even realized you cried until now.
“I’m sorry baby boy.. I’m sorry.. Let me make it up to you...” You looked up to meet his gaze. “Let me show you how much I care about you, let me show you how much I want you, let me show you how much I love you…” His voice grew lower and lower each words, sending a shiver to your spine. All your plan to lash out to him were replaced by what you could only describe as want, lust, maybe more than that, you don’t know. Given the fact that Bucky just confessed his feelings toward you, you couldn’t help to feel the warmness in your heart. You nodded at his request, you stand up with hand entertwined. He lead you to his room, and once you’re both inside he pulled you to his chest and staring at you. “I’ll show you how much you mean to me (Y/N)..” He dipped his head and lock his lips on yours.
 You don’t know who deepened the kiss firs. All you know that when you both pulled back, you were equaly breathless. Your lips are shade of red and swollen, your mouth was agape after Bucky’s expert tongue mapping each and every part inside your mouth. He stared at yor lust filled gaze, your skin flushed from the rush of blood pumping from your rapid beating heart. He could hear it, and he could also hear yours and his skips a few beats as you both staring at each other. With a nod from you, he discarded your and his clothes and left you both in underwears. He grabed you at your waist and bring you to his bed. You landed on your back followed suit with him on top of you. The feel of skin to skin contact has you sighed in pleasure. He kissed you again, plunging his warm tongue and moved yours to dance together in unison. As the kiss seems to be intensified if that’s even possible, he started to grind his crotch to yours. And Boy if you ever imagined that he has big gun down there, you were wrong. It’s huge, like long, and thick, and hard as rock. You grind your hips in harmony with his, sensing your need he pulled your underwear first. At the sight of your bare body, lips swollen, skin flushed, cock hard as it also leaking precum, all for him, he licked his lips. You don’t know if it’s possible to feel hotter than you already feel at the way he look at you. It’s all there, dessire, lust, addoration, and there you realised that what he said was true. You saw the love radiated from his gaze, you sit p and capture him in another kiss. This one, it’s chaste innocent one as if telling him that he felt the same.
 He looked into your eyes and you nodded in understanding. “Bucky, you have to prepare me first..”
“I know, just give me a moment..” He pulled his underwear down revealing the most beautifull cock you’ve ever seen. The veins on it, urgh.. it’s meaty, hard, yet at the same time soft as you rached to caress it. He growled in your left ear. “Baby, it’s about you tonight.. you can do anything you want next time..” At his words you couldn’t be more happy that there’s going to be next time. You smilled sweetly at him, and he pushed you down to his bed again. He reached to the bedside drawer and pulled a bottle of lube. He parted your legs, and nestled between them. He opened the tub and squirted generous amount on his right hand. He kissed you while his right hand reach out to your tight ring of muscle and smear the lube on it. The cold sensation of the lube makes you gasped and at the same time he insert his tongue tou your mouth and insert his finger into your ass. And Jesus that’s intense, your cock twitched as his finger constantly strocking on your prostate. The kiss, God the kiss he taste sweeter than a red velvet. He added a second and third fingers as you visibly relaxing more and more along his kiss. It’s not your first time with guys, but they usualy prep you to this far, and you feel ready for Bucky. But then he added a fourth finger, and got you to curse. At the feel of your holes tightening around basically his palm, he shooed you “Hush.. baby, baby, relax, I want to make sure that you are opened enough for me… you’ve seen me, I don’t wanna hurt ya that’s why… trust me… relax..” You did as he said. You whined when he pulled out his fingers, no palm. He kissed you and bring his palm to you. You look at him and his smile sent you his intention. He prefer your saliva to wet his own cock rather than the lube. You could go down on him and wet his shaft straight from your mouth but at your state of preparation, you wouldn’t want him to repeat it all over again because you need him inside you bad. So you gathered your saliva before spitting it on his palm, he brought it to wet his magnificent cock as you watch him rubbing it from the head to the very base.
 He positioned himself at your entrance, you could feel his head were already inside as he opened you up well. And then with a nod, he thrust in swiftly and collapsed his body to yours. And You could’ve swore your walls stretced more than you think. It’s not painful at all, just like he said. It feels right you and him, both felt just right, you belongs to each other, you’re the lock and he’s the key. You both reveled at the moment of this first time ever you become one. He pulled back a little, then thrust again slowly. When you sighed at the feeling, he knows that you’re ready. He pulled out completely before plunging his cock back in. He repeated the process a few times, until he couldn’t hold it any longer. He set a steady pace, enjoying your soft moans every now and then. He angled himself, the action hit your prostate deliciously and you let out a lod moan. He draped his arms from beneath your shoulder, and you locked your arms aroud his. In mutual understanding, he fastened the pace, and hitting the same spot that get you moan loudly. Sweat covered body now stick to each other, his cock is driving you to your high while yours traped between his pubic bones and yours, giving it strokes as he pushed and pulled from your ass. You moaned his name, he growled your name, he fastened the pace to chace your both release. He felt it, your hole is tightening and twitching around him, and the next moment he felt a warm liquid shooting between your both bodies. You came, and he drive his cock faster and harder at the feel of your hole that squeezing him tighter as you reached your high. A few thrust and grunts later he silled with his seed spilled deep inside you. He continued to ride his high in slow soft thrust feeling how perfect you both for each other as he tried to prolong his high. He stoped and looked to you, he could not hold the big grin creeping on his face. He couldn’t be more proud that he’s able to bring you that amount of intensity in your high untill you passed out on him. He kissed your lips as he pulled out. Rolling to his side liying next to you, he couldn’t care less about his cum gushing out of your red puffy hole. He pulled you so that your head rest on top of his chest right where his heart skips a beat for you, just for you.
“I love you (Y/N) I promise that from now on, I’ll never let anything hurt you, even myself.. Because my heart beats for you….”
Taggs :  @thegreatficmaster @supernaturalimagine @supernaturaldaily @waywardwinterfics @buckyywiththegoodhair @angryschnauzer @mrgrant9559-blog @kaylzjordan @rawritsmeh @supernaturalfanfiction-com @after-avenging-hours @winchesterenthusiast​ @themerlintrashcan​ @wayward-warriors​ @themorningtrashcan @izzywinchester @avasparks​ @eve05glee​ @thegabbybear @paladin-alby
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