#You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep - Dr. Seuss
makeuphall · 1 year
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odedmusic · 2 years
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#OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic #OdedBrilliantQuotes 
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” —Dr. Seuss
“Plusha and Musya” by Aleksey Zuev
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dabiconcordia · 2 months
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“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss
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halesluts · 26 days
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description: WILD PANSY (aka where spencer reid almost said i love you under the stars)
word count: 2.5k
trigger warnings: nothing, i think?
authors note: hello! i hope you guys like it! again, english is not my mother tongue so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes! positive comments and criticisms are always welcome!
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“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep 
because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
— Dr. Seuss
Spencer was in his room, his eyes fixed on his small collection of shirts hanging in the closet. The choice seemed simple, but the occasion was more than just any occasion. He knew that tonight could be the turning point they had both been waiting for a long time. His heart was beating faster than usual, a mixture of nervousness and excitement was taking over him. I have to be perfect, he thought as his fingers slid down the shirts, assessing each one as if they were pieces of a puzzle that needed to fit together exactly as planned.
Finally, he opted for a black shirt, which the young woman had once commented highlighted his eyes. He put it on, carefully adjusting the collar and buttoning the cuffs. Every movement was meticulous as if he were preparing the stage for the big moment. As he put the finishing touches to his hair, Spencer mentally practiced what he wanted to say. The words “I love you” were on the tip of his tongue, but he knew he couldn't force anything. He knew that the evening should flow naturally, like a delicate dance.
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Little did he know that, on the other side of town, the young woman was standing in front of her mirror, her heart racing with anticipation. She had spent the whole afternoon choosing the perfect dress, wanting the evening to be unforgettable. She knew that Spencer liked a particular dress, made of light fabric and in a burgundy color, which she had only worn once before. With a shy smile, she decided it was the right choice. 
As she put on her make-up, the young woman reflected on what this evening could mean. Every stroke of blush, every coat of mascara was applied with care, not just to look good, but because she felt that this night could be different from all the others. I wonder if he feels the same way, she thought, as she put on the earrings that perfectly matched her dress. The anticipation was sweet, and she couldn't wait to see him.
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Spencer, feeling ready, took one last look in the mirror before leaving. He knew she would go out of her way to make everything special, and that only intensified his feelings. He thought about how she would probably be getting ready at that very moment, choosing every detail with him in mind. This thought made his heart warm, reinforcing his certainty that she was everything he wanted.
As he made his way to the meeting place, Spencer felt a calm that contrasted with his excitement. He wanted the evening to be perfect, but more than that, he wanted it to be sincere. He was ready to go with the flow and let things happen naturally, trusting that, when the time was right, the right words would come.
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The young doctor arrived at the restaurant a few minutes before the agreed time. The place was exactly as he had imagined: cozy, with soft lighting that seemed to caress the atmosphere, creating an aura of intimacy. Candles flickered on the tables, casting dancing leftovers on the walls in warm tones. The music in the background, a soft, tranquil melody, seemed to whisper promises of an unforgettable evening. He smiled to himself, relieved that he had chosen this place. Everything seemed to be in perfect harmony, as if the universe was conspiring to make that night special.
He settled down at a table in the corner, where the lights were a little lower and the atmosphere more private. While he waited, his eyes wandered around the restaurant, observing the details. The dark wooden chairs, the bar decorated with shiny bottles, and the soft aroma of fresh herbs came from the kitchen in the background. Every aspect seemed hand-picked to create the ideal atmosphere for a romantic evening.
When she walked in, Spencer couldn't help but hold his breath for a moment. She looked stunning, the wine dress highlighting her figure in a subtle but elegant way. Her eyes sparkled when they saw him, and the smile she gave him made his heart soar. Spencer stood up immediately, feeling a warmth in his chest as she approached.
“Hi.” She said softly, her voice laden with affection.
“Hi.” Spencer replied while trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He pulled out a chair for her, and when she sat down, he settled back again. Seeing the effort she had put into every detail, from her dress to the soft perfume he could smell from across the table, Spencer felt a wave of emotion wash over him. He realized how much she had prepared, and that only intensified his feelings. “I hope tonight doesn't disappoint you.”
Dinner began with a surprising lightness. The conversation flowed naturally, as it always did between them. They laughed at the stories they shared, remembering funny moments and discussing plans for the future. Every time she laughed, every time she looked him straight in the eye, Spencer felt his heart warm. He noticed the little details - the way she tilted her head when she heard him, the sparkle in her eyes when she laughed, the way her hands moved gracefully as she spoke. Everything seemed perfect, and he found himself wanting to prolong that moment indefinitely.
As she told an amusing story about a trip she had taken, the young doctor almost got carried away by the urge to say what I felt. The words “I love you” rose in his throat, almost escaping, but he held them back. Something inside him made him wait, perhaps the idea that the right moment had not yet arrived. He wanted the confession to be unforgettable, not just a phrase thrown into the conversation that would mark that night forever.
The conversation continued to flow, moving from one subject to another with ease. On several occasions, Spencer found himself thinking about how everything seemed to fit together perfectly. The connection between them was stronger than ever, almost palpable, and he knew the feeling was mutual. However, hesitation persisted. He wanted the moment to be perfect, he wanted her to know how much he loved her in a way that left no doubt.
As the night progressed, he realized that the moment was getting closer. He knew that soon he would find the right moment to say what had been stored in his heart for so long. But for now, he was content to enjoy every second with her, feeling that the evening was becoming everything he had wished for.
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When dinner was over, the atmosphere between Spencer and the young woman was so pleasant that he didn't want the evening to end there. As they left the restaurant, he looked up at the clear sky, where the stars shone brightly, like little lamps lit just for them.
“If you're not too tired, how about a walk in the park?” he suggested, trying to disguise the anxiety in his voice. The young woman smiled and nodded in agreement, and he felt a gentle relief run through his body.
Walking side by side, they followed the stone path that meandered through the park. The yellowish lights of the streetlamps created soft shadows that lengthened as they passed. The cool night air enveloped them, and the distant sound of crickets and the rustle of leaves in the wind added a magical serenity to the moment. Spencer couldn't help thinking that these were the kind of moments you only shared with someone special. He wanted to enjoy every second, knowing that this was the night he had waited so long for.
As they walked, they chatted about little things — like the twinkling of the stars or the sound of water running somewhere nearby. Spencer, however, was more attentive to her presence by his side, the synchronized rhythm of her steps, and the silent comfort that surrounded them. After a while, they reached a quieter spot, where the park opened onto a small lake. The water was calm, reflecting the stars like a mirror, and the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore was the only thing that broke the silence of the night.
Spencer stopped, looking at the reflection of the stars in the lake and then at her. The moment seemed so perfect that he knew he had to do something special. 
“Would you like to dance?” he asked, holding out his hand to her. There was a shy hesitation in her voice, but the smile she gave him dispelled any doubt. She placed her hand in his, and Spencer felt his heart race as he pulled her closer. 
They began to move without music, lulled only by the sound of nature around them and the memory of the restaurant's soft melody. The dance was slow, almost imperceptible, but the intimacy of the moment was undeniable. Every moment, every step, seemed synchronized with the rhythm of their hearts, and Spencer felt as if they were dancing in a world of their own, where time didn't matter.
As they danced, Spencer reflected on the magic of that moment. The way she looked at him, the closeness of their bodies, the warmth that emanated from her - it was all too perfect, almost as if he were living in a dream. He knew that this was the right moment, the moment he had been waiting for all night. Every nerve in his body was telling him to speak, to finally say what he had been holding back for so long.
But as the silence stretched on and they continued to turn slowly under the stars, Spencer felt torn. The moment was so perfect that it seemed almost sacred, and he hesitated, trembling to break the spell with words. At the same time, he knew he had to speak, that this was the moment he wanted her to remember forever.
When the slow dance finally came to an end, Spencer held the young woman in his arms for a moment longer, reluctant to break contact. The surroundings seemed frozen in time, with only the soft sound of leaves moving in the wind and the twinkling of stars witnessing the moment. He looked deeply into her eyes, feeling the familiar, intense beat of his own heart accelerate.
With a mixture of fear and excitement, the young doctor moved closer, his breathing a little faster as he searched for the words that had been stuck in his throat for so long. 
“I...” He began, feeling the weight of each syllable. That moment seemed so important, so loaded with meaning, that he knew he was about to do something that would change everything between them. And yet he had a deep certainty that he was doing the right thing. 
But before he could complete his sentence, the young woman, not realizing the seriousness of what was happening, gave him a mischievous smile and commented:
“Did you know that we look like two crazy people dancing without music in the middle of the park? Imagine if someone saw us now, Bunny!”
The tension that had built up like a cloud about to collapse dissolved instantly. Spencer was completely paralyzed, and then her laughter, so spontaneous and light, hit him. He tried to hold in his seriousness but ended up laughing along, the sound echoing in the silence of the night.
As the laughter subsided, he felt a mixture of frustration and tenderness. This was not the outcome he had planned for his big confession, but at the same time, her humor, her ability to break the ice and turn any situation into something lighthearted, was one of the things he loved most about her.
Although he still felt a slight disappointment at not being able to say what he wanted to, he realized that he didn't need to rush things. The moment, although not perfect, was precious in its own way. And, deep down, he knew that these words would still have their chance to be said, perhaps at an even more special moment.
With a smile, Spencer decided to save his words for now. He embraced the lightness of the moment, knowing that there would be other opportunities to say “I love you”. For now, he allowed himself to enjoy what they had: the simplicity of a shared laugh, her company by his side, and the certainty that, even without words, she already meant everything to him.
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The evening was already drawing to a close when Spencer and the young woman started walking back, still laughing about the jokes and moments they had shared in the park. The cool night air enveloped them, and the conversation flowed naturally, as if they were just beginning the evening rather than ending it. Even so, as they approached the point where they needed to say goodbye, a slight hesitation arose between them, a silence that suggested that neither of them wanted that special evening to end.
As he walked alongside her, he reflected on how he wished the evening could continue. But at the same time, he felt a quiet satisfaction with everything that had happened. Every laugh, every look, every unspoken word - everything contributed to the feeling that they were closer than ever, even without the confession he had planned.
When they finally reached the parting point, Spencer stopped and looked at her, noticing the same slight annoyance in her eyes. He didn't want the evening to end like this, but he knew it was time to let her go. So, without much thought, he pulled her into a warm embrace, wrapping her in his arms for a moment that lasted a little longer than usual. As he held her, he whispered a goodnight that carried a heavier weight than usual, full of meanings that he didn't yet have the courage to express in words.
In the silence of that embrace, he felt the depth of the moment. No words were needed to make that moment intimate and meaningful. It was as if, in that simple gesture, he had managed to convey everything he felt - the affection, the admiration, the love that was still stored in his heart.
When she pulled away, Spencer stood still for a moment, watching her walk away with a slight smile. He reflected on how special the evening had been, even without the confession he had rehearsed so much. At that moment, he realized that even though he hadn't said “I love you”, he felt closer to her than ever. The silence between them had been eloquent in a way he had never experienced before.
As he walked back home, a smile remained on his face. He thought about how, even without having said the words, something had changed between them that night. Spencer knew that the right moment to confess his feelings would come naturally, and until then, he was determined to enjoy every moment with her, savoring the growing intimacy and the certainty that they were slowly building something special together.
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lee1504 · 2 months
"i fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once" - the fault in our stars, john green
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(context: this is when they're a bit older, maybe juniors in HS)
Why did Tyler agree to let Aiden come to his house?
He could feel his eyes on him as he entered his and Taylor's shared room, kicking some of his clothes off his floor, clearing the room. He didn't know that Taylor would be with Ben, Logan and Ashlyn today. He didn't know that he would be by himself.
With Aiden.
He could hear Aiden shuffling around behind him. He felt self conscious. He knew Aiden was rich, and that his family was extremely wealthy, so what was the Hernandez house compared to his? A shed?
"Cool place," Aiden commented. He glanced at Tyler's bed, the bottom bunk. "Mind if I sit?"
Tyler shrugged in return. "I don't really care. Just don't make a mess."
Tyler watched as Aiden sat down, crossing his legs and setting his bag down next to him. He continued looking around, starting to ask questions.
"What's that?" Aiden pointed to the corkboard that hung over Taylor's mirror, with pictures pinned to the material.
"That's just Taylor's pictures. She likes taking them."
Aiden hopped off his bed, striding towards the board. He gently took one picture off, then examined it. "I remember this," he said. He held up the photo. Tyler blinked. "This was when we were using my pool, right?"
"Yeah. I remember that, too," Tyler said. He sat down at his desk chair, watching the other boy to make sure he wouldn't steal or take anything. Not that he would, he just wanted to make sure.
He found himself staring at Aiden's hair, the way it turned golden as sunlight bounced off of it through the window.
He quickly looked away before he could get caught. He cleared his throat, softly. How long was he going to stay, anyway?
"...Do you want anything to eat? Drink?" Tyler spoke up. Aiden was still looking at the pictures, but turned his head slightly, glancing at him.
"Do you have water?"
Tyler nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do." He stood. "Uh...I'll go get some. Just don't-don't take anything. I'll be right back."
He left his room, entering their small kitchen. He pulled out a mismatched cup from one of the cabinets, then heading to the sink to fill it up.
He leaned against the opposite counter, watching. Even though his eyes was on the glass, his mind was on someone else.
Why did Aiden have to come to his house today? He looked so bright, out of place in Tyler's normally gloomy house, as if he was his own personal sun.
He was so obnoxious, too. Sitting on his bed, taking the pictures from his board...everything Aiden did seemed to be related to Tyler.
His face was warm. Was it warm in here? Tyler snapped back to reality, glancing st the water. He lurched towards the sink, quickly turning it off before the glass could overflow.
Why did Tyler always think about him?
Why was he always thinking about him?
He mumbled something under his breath as he took the cup back to his room, face still warm. He could hear Aiden speaking. Who was he talking to?
"I'm back. Here's your--" He froze, his hand on the doorknob. Aiden sat at Tyler's desk, books piled next to him at the table. His eyes widened slightly as more heat rushed to his face. Aiden didn't seem to notice though.
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr Seuss," Aiden said, reading from one if the pages. He closed the book, reaching for another. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once. John Green." He glanced up, finally taking notice of Tyler.
"What are you doing?" Tyler asked, voice shaking slightly. He trembled slightly, making the glass of water in his hand shake. His eyes darted to the books, then back to Aiden's face. He could tell his own face was beet red.
"Some of these were open," Aiden replied, as if that was an actual answer. He wasn't smiling, but his eyes were bright, as usual. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Aiden smiled. It was soft, unlike the usual, almost unsettling ones he did. It looked strange on him. "You're blushing," he said.
Tyler scowled, quickly averting his eyes. He glared at the floor. "Whatever," he mumbled. His eyes drifted back to Aiden's rust-red ones. "Here." He walked forward, setting the glass on his desk before beginning to gather the books into his arms. "Don't snoop around my room, okay?" he muttered.
Even though his eyes were trained on the books, Tyler could still feel Aiden's eyes on him. He was strangely quiet.
"You're blushing."
Tyler's scowl deepened, as if that wasn't already obvious. He turned away, setting the books onto his bed.
"Stop watching me," Tyler grumbled.
Aiden ignored his words. "Why'd you highlight those phrases? Like, 'I fell in love the way you fall asleep' and stuff like that?"
Tyler hesitated. Was Aiden going to make fun of him? Or was he going to be serious for once?
"It...was a project," Tyler replied quietly. He wasn't sure if Aiden heard him. "Just...something I was working on..." He trailed off.
Aiden waited for a moment, before saying, "But why those phrases?"
Tyler stayed quiet. His eyes slowly went to Aiden, who was watching him.
He never realized how pretty a boy can be. His hair was golden, and his eyes were lit by the sunlight. He was still short, maybe a head or so shorter than him.
Tyler swallowed nervously. Taylor had been pestering him for the past weeks, asking him why he was acting weird around the others--and mostly Aiden. He remembered something she'd told him, about how maybe his feelings for Aiden weren't just friendly.
About how maybe Tyler might've had a crush on him.
Tyler swallowed nervously.
"it was just a project." He hesitated, then added, "Something for you."
Aiden's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "What?"
"A song," Tyler mumbled. "But whatever. It's nothing."
He felt something brush against his hand. Aiden's pinky touched Tyler's thumb, causing him to shiver slightly. He looked down at him.
"That's a bad idea," Aiden said, this time half-grinning. Tyler didn't know if he was joking or not. "You know I'm not a good person."
Tyler scoffed. "Of course you are. Everyone's a good person."
Aiden was quiet, then spoke again. "That's what you think." He looked up at Tyler, craning his head. "I like you."
Tyler wasn't sure he heard him right. "What?"
"I like you," Aiden said again. "Like, a lot." He paused, seeming to think for a moment. "I kind of want to kiss you."
Tyler's heart skipped a beat. "Wait--what are you talking about?"
"I want to kiss you," Aiden repeated. "Is that okay? Can I?"
Tyler's heart was thumping again. Maybe this time Aiden could hear it.
Maybe Taylor was right.
Maybe Tyler did have a crush on him.
"Okay," he said.
Aiden smiled. He leaned up on his toes, pressing his lips softly against Tyler's. His breath hitched. He could feel Aiden's hand cup his cheek.
Suddenly, Tyler understood what the passage from his book, The Fault in Our Stars, actually meant.
I fell in love--it didn't matter if he was in love, or if he just had a simple crush. He liked Aiden, and that was perfectly fine.
The way you fall asleep; slowly, then all at once--he didn't realize how long his feelings for Aiden had been buried underneath his heart, how long it had been hidden in his brain.
But now, with his lips pressed against the other boy's, he knew that he was all that mattered.
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placeforus · 3 months
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss
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zaydalix · 1 year
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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
Dr. Seuss
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my-quotes · 3 months
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
-Dr. Seuss
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fixquotes · 1 year
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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams"
- Dr. Seuss
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auntieblues · 11 months
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“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss
original auntieblues
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makeuphall · 1 year
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss
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boqorka · 2 years
Meaningful Love Quotes and Message
Here are some meaningful love quotes and messages that you can use to express your love:
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss
"I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks
"In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you." - Unknown
"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." - Unknown
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return." - Margaret Mitchell
"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close." - Pablo Neruda
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." - Victor Hugo
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu
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ladywatereton · 1 year
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
✍🏻Dr. Seuss.
🎥Barbie in The Nutcracker (2001).
🎶Middy Titty, Paulie Leparik.
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Summary: Just a short blurb about y/n and child trying to wait up for Harry to get home but they end up falling asleep and Harry comes home and takes in the image.
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy talk
∘₊✧── 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 ──✧₊∘
"When's daddy coming home?" Your little girl asks while rubbing her eyes, "I want DaDa."
"He'll be home soon, sweetheart." You brush her hair out of her face and smile, "You look so sleepy, do you want to go lay down?"
She shakes her head, "No I want to see daddy."
"Okay, how about we go wait for him in your bedroom, yeah? Mama can read you a book while we wait?"
"Dr. Seuss! Dr. Seuss!" She claps her hands as she prances to her bedroom, you close on her tail. She jumps on her bed and you sit down next to her, grabbing the very over-read Cat And The Hat book from her book basket.
"Do you want to turn the pages tonight?" You glance down at her and see her nodding while rubbing her eyes again, knowing she won't be awake for much longer.
"Okay. Ready?" You open the book and begin to read. Her little fingers turn the pages as you go. You get to page four and look down when you notice the page hasn't turned.
She's asleep.
You close the book and set it on the stand, grabbing your phone and snapping a picture of your sleeping little angel.
You send it to Harry, She tried so hard to stay awake for you.
A few minutes later Harry responds, Damn, and I'm almost home, too.
You smile and swipe your thumb over the keyboard with your hand that isn't trapped under the child, Can't wait to see you.
You set your phone down on your lap and lay your head back, humming slightly as you close your eyes, not knowing that you'll also fall asleep.
A short time later, Harry enters the house and closes the door quietly. He sets his bags down and hangs his keys on the hook. He turns around, waiting for you to come to him but the house is silent.
He walks into the living room, empty.
He walks back the hall to check the bathroom, empty.
He checks the bedroom you share, empty.
He finally reaches your daughters room and instantly smiles. He leans against the door frame, crossing his arms as he takes it in.
He loves watching you be the mother of his daughter. He is so thankful that he gets to come home to you two. Take you two on tour with him. Have a family with you two.
He feels like he couldn't be luckier.
He steps in the room and pulls out his phone, snapping a few pictures of you asleep with your daughter before walking around to you.
He gently lays a hand on your shoulder and taps his fingers. He brushes hair from your face while whispering, "Honey, I'm home."
You smile as soon as you hear his voice and flutter your eyes open. You turn your head and look up at him with a smile, "Hey, baby." You whisper quietly, "How was your day?"
He motions towards the door with a nod, "Come to bed and I'll tell you." You nod and slowly slip yourself free from under your daughter. She stirs but instantly falls back asleep. You give her a quick kiss before standing up.
Harry leans down and gives her a quick kiss and whispers an "I love you sweetie, sweet dreams."
You smile and wrap your arms around his waist, admiring the life you and him made before quietly sneaking out of the room.
You walk to the bedroom and lean against the door frame, waiting for Harry to notice what's laying on the bed.
Your heart starts to beat faster as he turns and freezes.
"W-what?" He quickly turns towards you, "You're what?" He covers his mouth with his fingers and smiles, "Oh my god."
He picks up the little onesie and reads it aloud, "Three plus one." He looks at you with glassy eyes, "When did you find out?"
You push off of the door frame and walk over to him, "Last week, but I had to wait for this onesie to come in the mail. I wanted to do something cute."
He wraps his arms around you, gently lifting you up off the ground, "I'm so excited." He sets you down and gives you a kiss, "Are you feeling okay?"
You shrug and nod, "Mornings are great but come lunch time, I'm trying not to gag while making your daughter a peanut butter sandwich."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "I love you. I love you. I love you so so much." He hugs you and buries his face into your neck, "Thank you for being the best mommy to our babies."
"Thank you for being the best daddy to our babies." You smile and kiss him, "I love you."
If you have any cute blurb/one shot ideas, send them my way!
Tag list: @daddybuckethat @hsonlyangelxo @harrysluvv @tbsloneely @haroldsbabymama @victoria-styles
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awitcheress · 1 year
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
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Quote: Dr Seuss
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