#You’re also assuming my conversation with that person was in good faith
w2soneshots · 28 days
Blind date -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: talk of past relationship and break up.
summary: Faith sets you and Harry up on a blind date, little did she know you already dated him years prior.
notes: hi my loves, I hope you’re having a lovely day/night. I apologise for the lack of posting recently, I’ve been so busy! But I absolutely love this idea. Enjoy!!🤗💘
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Today I'm going on a blind date. I've never done anything like this before but it's been set up by one of my new friends Faith, who I trust not to pick a dickhead. I'm meeting him at an Italian restaurant that's just a ten minute walk from my apartment. I'm nervous but also quite excited.
I spent extra time getting ready and picking a cute outfit. Once I was finished I began the walk to the restaurant. I took a deep breath before walking inside. I'd arrived a little bit late so I assumed he'd already be there.
I looked around for a moment before my eyes landed on Harry, the boy I dated two years ago. It only lasted a few weeks and we were never actually official. We just wanted different things at the time so both decided to go our separate ways.
"Oh my fucking god." I muttered quietly to myself. I turned around, quickly pulling out my phone. "Surely this is just a coincidence?" I thought. I texted Faith to be sure. "Did you set me up with Harry Lewis?!" I asked, trying to remain calm. She replied quickly. "Yeah, he's Ethan's friend. Do you recognise him?" "We dated two years ago Faith! What do I do?" "Omg! Was it toxic?" "No, we just wanted different things." "Go talk to him then! Maybe this is meant to be." I recollected myself, maybe it is meant to be.
As I walked towards him I thought about how on earth I didn't know that Faith's boyfriend Ethan was also Harry's friend Ethan, who I hadn't actually met when we were together since we weren't that serious.
I knew Harry did youtube and Faith had told me that her boyfriend's name was Ethan but I obviously never connected the dots. I have also only known Faith for a few months and we met through a mutual friend so we haven't really discussed our personal lives properly.
Harry looked up and his eyes connected with mine. A look of pure shock and surprise spread across his face. He stood up, stumbling slightly. "Uh- I- y/n?" He stuttered. I chuckled nervously. "Hey, long time no see." His hand reached up to scratch the back of his neck. "Yeah... are you my date?" "I guess so. I'm friends with Faith."
He sat down and I sat opposite him. An awkward silence fell over us. "So- uh- how've you been?" He asked. "Pretty good. I officially live in London now." One of the reasons our relationship didn't work was that I lived to far away but last year I moved into my current apartment to be closer to work. "Oh, you do?" "Mhm, my apartments just ten minutes from here." I replied, fiddling with my hands under the table.
We ordered some drinks and the conversation started to flow. He told me about all of the major things that had happened in his life since I last saw him and we discussed his friendship with Ethan. When we were "together" we had pretty good chemistry, I was always laughing and smiling when I was around Harry and I was starting to feel the same things I felt two years ago as the date progressed.
While we ate our food we moved onto the topic of how on earth we ended up on a date together. "So Faith had no idea that you knew me before setting us up?" Harry asked before taking another bite of his pizza. "No, absolutely no clue." "That's... really strange." "I know, like out of all the people she could have chosen she picked you." "Did you ask her to set you up with someone?" He asked, head tilted slightly to the side. "Mhm. I asked if she knew anyone since the dating scene in London is really shit." He chuckled, "You're not wrong."
After eating our pizza we left the restaurant, just as the sun was setting. We stopped outside for a moment before I spoke. "Did you wanna come back to mine for a drink or something?" His eyes lit up slightly. "Yeah- yeah, I'd like that." I smiled. "Okay then, this way." I grabbed his hand absentmindedly.
"Uh- sorry." I apologised as soon as I realised what I'd just done. He smirked slightly. "Don't apologise." I looked up at him. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips. My breath caught in my throat and my heart rate sped up. "I haven't ever liked anyone as much as I like you." He admitted. "Like, as in present tense?" I questioned. He nodded slowly. "Having dinner with you today made me realise how much I missed you." My face softened. "I missed you too," I whispered.
"So would you be willing to give us another go? You know, now that you live in London?" He asked hopefully. I smiled. "I'd like that." He placed his hand on the back of my neck, slowly bringing me towards him until our lips were just millimetres apart. I pushed myself onto my tiptoes, closing the gap. We both fell into the kiss, my mind immediately taking me back to two years ago as I realised I'd never really gotten over Harry Lewis.
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deluxewhump · 25 days
This isn’t about any one thing specifically, but in my 4+ years here and 3 million years in fanfiction circles it’s something I’ve thought about more than once regarding dark topics in fiction and harassment (and if you're sick to death of the subject, i feel you, skip the read more, it’s just my opinions)
I try to imagine what I would think if I was someone who anonymously (or not anonymously) harasses and tries to censor writers on the internet. I assume I would feel pretty righteous. And if you’ve ever felt righteous you’ll likely agree, it feels really good. I wouldn’t do something like that if I didn’t think that I was clearly in the right. This would probably come from the idea that the content in question is harmful. Harm itself is a large, ambiguous concept. If I believed that writing certain things was inherently harmful (not just to certain individuals who don’t want to see it, which is their right, but in general), I would certainly feel vindicated in my behavior.
Personally I think harm is more complex than that, and I think a majority of people here believe censorship is more harmful to society than any illegal, immoral, or disturbing thing someone can depict in fiction. The issue with crying “harm” is that it is so subjective when it comes to fiction. I’m not saying fiction exists in a vacuum, but it is not the same thing as real world harm, which unfortunately can also be leveraged in bad faith to distort arguments with hyperbole and diversion.
If I was in the business of trying to censor writers on the internet, and I was a stickler for nuance, I might say that the *way* someone depicted something was not correct, responsible, or heavy handed enough in the moral messaging of “X is bad.” This might be a mental compromise I would make in order to justify to myself the fact that I’m advocating for censorship. Criticizing someone’s handling of something is fine by the way, it’s the harassment and trying to get them to stop writing it bit that I’m taking issue with. I would probably feel really good about harassing and criticizing people I thought were wrong for depicting serious things in a way that didn’t sit well with me. I would probably secretly feel (because to admit it plainly would be embarrassing) like a bit of a vigilante. It might come from a deeply personal and complicated place, or just a place of general beliefs I’d picked up. I’d bet money that I would consider myself left leaning on most things, maybe even strongly so. I wouldn’t like to consider that my goals are ultimately conservative, because that would cause me mental discomfort. But “conservatism and liberalism” in the sense we’re usually talking about them is not a binary. It’s more of a circle, and you can find yourself batting for another teams tactics real quick if you’re not methodical and honest in your thinking.
These conversations often devolve into and circle back to “for the love of god just please tag everything” which I agree with. But that is not the reason why people continually harass other people. It’s more that they think the content should not exist at all, which is what I just don’t fundamentally agree with. I also think human beings tend to enjoy feeling like they have intimidated someone they’ve decided is wrong or bad. I try not to be too dug in on absolutely everything I think. If I’ve put personal biases into my little profiling opinion feel free to suggest where I’ve gone wrong lol. One other thing— there’s all kinds of things in books these people would have to say, to be true to their own logic, should not be in print. What do you say then, should we pull it? I wonder if they’d say that with their chest or if it’s relegated to the internet for them.
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flowercrowncrip · 3 months
r u supportive of transabled people??
I debated whether or not I was going to answer this, but I’m going to assume you’re asking in good faith.
This is one of those areas where I am aware of the limits of my understanding. Things like BIID are very real and serious. Being physically disabled is hard and there must be a huge amount of distress if being physically disabled looks like the better option to someone who is truly aware of what physically disabled lives look like. I don’t know whether becoming physically disabled is the answer here and as far as I know the research doesn’t exist. Hypothetically if a person has a choice between being a serious risk to themselves or using a wheelchair they don’t physically need, and absolutely no other choices then I would understand choosing a wheelchair. However I am skeptical of how often a situation like this happens where there is no third or fourth or fifth option.
I don’t think this is the same as being transgender because to become disabled is to be harmed permanently in ways which frequently cause shorter life span.
I also see on tumblr a community of people where it doesn’t seem (to me anyway) like people always have BIID. I see people with a very poor , heavily romanticised view of what physical disability looks like who want to pursue that idealised view of disability that just doesn’t exist. People who think that using a wheelchair is a quirk, like having purple eyes, or will make people see the physical or psychological pain they feel is hidden from the world. People who think that disabled people are “special” and haven’t yet listened to disabled people explaining that this view of disability isn’t accurate.
I get that there is some degree of stigma which causes these very insular communities, and I wish it was easier to work through feelings of wanting to be disabled with experienced therapists so people could get to a better understanding of the root of those feelings and a better understanding of physical disability. I also think people within the “transabled” spaces on tumblr need to do better at listening to physically disabled people, even/ especially when it makes them uncomfortable.
I’ve seen people say that it’s okay to fake being physically disabled, to claim to be a wheelchair user online when a person doesn’t have that lived experience. People who think using a wheelchair in real life is okay and has no consequences, whether that’s negative impact on health or social consequences which impact physically disabled people. Those ideas are ones I really struggle with.
So yeah, my own views are complex,and I understand why physically disabled people often shut down all talk on “transabled” identity. It’s all too often a conversation about us where we aren’t listened to, a conversation where the traumas of being physically disabled are purposefully minimised and where we simply do not feel understood.
I also hope that any people who are struggling receive the correct support, and are supported to stay as healthy as possible. Even if I don’t know exactly what that looks like.
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gotbeanz · 10 months
ok I have two major problems with the goth poser “looks like a goth but listens to taylor swift” discourse I’ve been seeing a lot of recently which are:
1. Why are you assuming the “poser” in question never listens to goth music?? “all their top songs are tswift” ok and? I listen to a lot of genres with varying frequency, recently I’ve been listening to a lot more hozier than the birthday massacre. I bet if you looked at my top songs from the last month you’d be saying those things about me but here’s the crazy thing, next month could and probably will be completely different. It’s the same thing as not dressing goth all the time. humans aren’t always consistent! interest isn’t always consistent! it’s weird to assume you know this person based on such a minute snapshot of their personality and interests and perhaps you should consider withholding judgement until you’ve at least had a conversation with the person you’re judging.
2. Believe it or not, subcultures evolve and branch out over time. Maybe they’re not what we’ve established as goth, but maybe they’re using the word goth because they just haven’t found one for themselves yet. maybe instead of being nasty you could give them a chance to figure out what they’re doing and even explain why they don’t necessarily belong to the current goth subculture to help them figure out where they do belong.
I don’t know I think I’m just tired of listing to people being mean for no good reason. and just to hedge any bad faith readings I’m not talking about the bully gave you shit for being goth in high school and never apologized who’s “goth” now because it gets them likes on tiktok. I’m talking people who genuinely enjoy and feel comfortable in goth fashion but maybe just aren’t as into the music. moral of the story is that there’s space for everyone in the metaphorical goth boarding house and if there isn’t, it’s pretty damn easy to make a new space for the people who don’t fit yet because the goth boarding house doesn’t actually exist in physical space and can therefore expand infinitely. also stop being an exclusionary dick for no reason :P
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woundlingus · 2 months
I think that "if Cas has been a woman, Destiel would have been canon" means that watchers would have been more enclined to read their relationship as romantic without question, not so much that some wouldn't have dislike it and that some fans wouldn't have pressured the showrunners to take fem!Cas out of the show for this reason; it doesn't mean either that Dean and Cas would be a couple, but that (that's how I interpret the quote) they would be a "will they won't they" for the majority of viewer, even if Cas only stayed one season. Also, while there're similarities between Anna and Cas, there're not the same, neither is their relationship with Dean. Even in season 4. Btw, I really like both Anna/Dean and Annastiel. I wish she (and many other women characters) had stayed a lot longer.
You know, this is the first respectful ask I’ve gotten over that post so I’m going to say this one last time and address that post.
It was made for a niche audience of five people who knew the context behind the post, it was specifically about ONE really rancid take I saw by someone saying things like heterosexual relationships were favoured and things akin to women being respected by the fandom and the show as a whole, who I then blocked and moved in from. This post was never about Anna or Jo, though I did layer make jokes implying I had, it was about one persons misogyny that I was making to my friends.
If you saw this post and went “I don’t think this way” then congratulations, I am not talking about you! Believe it or not, I don’t know any of the two THOUSAND people who have interacted to either support a statement I didn’t make, or berate me for a statement I also didn’t make, so for so many of you to reach out to me and tell me I’m wrong for calling you a misogynist I’m sorry but frankly you’re fucking crazy, I don’t know you, and you’re right this post isn’t about you so please move in with your life. Destiel isn’t real, they’re not going to fuck you.
I’m sorry you to specifically anon for coming with what I assume in good faith is you wanting to have a discussion about something that is a very interesting topic of conversation, and you’ve been the undeserving doormat for me to lay my feelings out on here instead, but with love I truly am not interested enough in fandom wank or destiel to engage in it any further, especially considering my post garnered another 1k post turning off reblogs. I’m ready for this to die now, I hope you respect that.
I hope you have a good evening, and may your posts never break containment as mine have <3
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feralwifey · 2 months
i've been considering RCIA, but my atheist husband (who married me before I was looking into any of this) would definitely not go with me and I am scared what my conversion would mean for our marriage (religiously speaking, that is - would it still be a legitimate marriage?) obviously his conversion would be ideal but i think it is unlikely especially if i pressure him at all
If you feel that’s what God is calling you to do definitely do that. I assume you guys got married at a courthouse and not inside the Church? That would mean for it to be recognized you so need to get married inside the Church as well. The good thing is most people are willing to do that even if they are not Christian but only their spouse is.
Even if it’s been years it doesn’t matter, have it on an anniversary and make it cute and special.
But the thing is if he doesn’t convert it would be your responsibility to make sure if you have children that they will know God, go to Church, etc. since he is not a Christian. Couples do that it’s not that weird. It’s just spiritually a big responsibility when you’re doing it alone. I’d definitely still do it and just go with the flow. No one is perfect, no one’s marriage is perfect and that’s just going to be something that you guys are dealing with as a couple just like other couples deal with different stuff.
Also don’t pressure him, even if you’re married part of your life is still kinda separate and you do certain things alone and in this case it suck that it’s your faith but it’s better it’s one person in the home than none. If he comes around it will be whenever he’s ready, if he’s ever going to be ready. You’ll spend a lot of time praying for that, I’ll pray for you too though so you’re not alone 🫶🏻
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fandomsoda · 4 months
Do you have a shorted version of your DNI and blog rules because I'm fucking stupid and can't read all that. So sorry if there was a shortened version and I didn't see it :(
Pardon, but I don’t shorten my DNI, what’s on there is on there. But I can try to summarize it/put it in an easier to read format.
Do Not Interact if you are any of the following:
-If your primary blog/the blog you interact from is nsfw/kink related -A racist of any kind -Anti-Palestine -Bigoted against certain religions -Queerphobic in some way/exclude any part of the LGBTQIA+ acronym -Against neopronouns and/or xenogenders -Against “contradictory labels” (mspec-mono identities, lesboys, etc) -MAP/zoo/supporter of acting on any harmful paras -Against non-harmful paras (objectum, etc) -Pro/com/dark ship or a supporter of those things -If you police/bash non-abusive ships or try to label people as pro/com/dark shippers when they aren’t -Pro-harassment antis, I’m antiship myself but this behavior is incredibly unproductive and harmful -Being pro-harassment of any kind is honestly reason enough for me to ask you to leave -Ableist -Against educated self-diagnosis -Stigmatize Cluster-B disorders (NPD, BPD, ASPD, etc) or any disorder for that matter -Against otherkin/fictionkin/therains/any other alterhuman identity -If you’re against and/or sexualize age/pet/animal regressor/dreamers -Fakeclaimer of any kind -If you’re outwardly and vocally against all endogenic systems (you can have your opinions but keep them to yourself, this is a safe environment and fakeclaiming is NOT tolerated. I WILL fight you.) -If you deny or invalidate anyone’s good-faith identity in any other way
Basically: be appropriate, don’t be a bigot, don’t support abuse, don’t be a dick, that’s it. I hope this was more succinct. If you have any questions or need any definitions, feel free to ask.
As for my blog rules/pinned I’ll try to sum up the more important things here:
Ask permission to use my art.
Do not put my characters in tournaments/polls, especially without my consent. (And no, I don’t participate in nor host art competitions, they make me uncomfortable.)
No inappropriate comments towards myself or others on my blog will be tolerated, there’s a difference between joking and being creepy.
If I upset you/I fucked up, please let me know since I can guarantee it’s not on purpose. I can’t promise a response if you just send something in on anon, but if you send me a DM or something I’ll do my best to talk if you’re willing to converse. I make a lot of mistakes and I wanna know about it so I don’t make them as much, I am bad at self-awareness and have a lot of issues.
That being said, please be patient and understanding with me. I’m trying and I am not in the best situation yet, but I’m growing. Aggression only causes a shutdown so please try to be careful, I have a lot of BPD symptoms (not certain if I actually have it yet but I’m looking into it) and struggle with confrontation and abandonment.
While this is an art blog it is also a personal one, and I do vent. It is usually tagged and under a “read more” though.
I consume media critically and I assume that most others do the same.
Be nice about my favorite ships please, they’re also mostly queerplatonic because I’m arospec.
If I ship something then that means I have reason to believe that it is not pro/com/ship, at least not immediately or inherently. It’s dumb I even have to say this, but apparently I do.
That’s basically it. I know this was still kinda long, but I hope it was abridged enough for it to be easier for you to understand, like I said follow up with any additional questions you have if you need to.
last updated (mm/dd/yy): 8/23/24
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I'm the anon that asked you about the hypothetical 75 song about Palestine and all that.
First of all, thanks for answering me, I like to read your takes on this stuff, that is why I asked. I think it's generous of you to answer these asks, cause you have no obrigation of educating anyone here but still, you do, and I am grateful cause I learn a lot from you.
I only said my reasons to disagreing with you are not important because I know and respect yours, so I didn't think my reasoning would contribute to this debate. Also, I didn't want to sound confrontative, so It was the contrary of acting in bad faith.
Since you asked my vision on this matter, I think it's an oportunity to mention that I know it's diferent from yours because I'm not American. Even though you are palestinian-american, you live in the US and you guys tend to have a very self centered point of view on things.
Last year, I asked you something about this same issue, I think It was about the boycott on Starbucks and Gabriette, and you answered something like "must be good to be white", 'cause I didn't know about that.
I didn't answer at the time, it made sad, but I understood where you came from, It is your reality. But I must remember you that not everyone here is from US and people in other places have their specific issues to deal with.
Where I live, for example, more than 50 black people were murdered by the police for no reason last month, during the pandemic our negationist president promoved a genocide against indigenous people and right now we are dealing with major floodings, there are cities underwater and you don't see It on the internacional news. You don't hear about any of this and I don't call you anything derrogatory just because you don't know about this things, I get that, I think it's normal not knowing about every nuance in a conflict that I don't deal with directly.
This is not me trying to compete over the worst catastrofies, or who suffers more, It's just a comentary on the fact that SOMETIMES (and I underline the SOMETIMES) you presume the worst on what people ask you here.
I know that this may come in such a bad timing because of what is going on with another stupid anons but not everyone in here is out to get you! I like you, your takes and your writting and I wrote this with the best of intentions, ok?
Don't let the bad people get so much under your skin, that you miss or mistreat the good ones.
I hope you stay! ❤️
Ohhhh that was YOU? Okay bro I owe you an apology because at the time there was another non-white person tryna ruin my life behind the scenes and when you said you’re not white, I assumed that you were that person. Lmao. Like for all the hate that I do get on here, there’s even more stuff I don’t talk about that happens on my personal accounts etc. but yeah that was my bad sorry oops.
Also, I think you’re right, like, I spoke to someone young, (like 21 or 22) who’s in Europe and their coverage and news is different and gives them a different pov. I think I assumed since, in this instance, both conversations and libs are super Zionist and Islamophobic, that it would be the same across the board. So that’s why I said that at the time.
Ironically, that’s also kind of why I think people with power, or platforms, should say something. Like you’d think 7 months in, we would all agree on the bottom line facts but every time I have a conversation with someone on here it turns out that not even the timeline of events or the facts are established. Which indicates that folks are either not caring enough to look stuff up or are just getting a 1-sided narrative.
I don’t know how to feel about that. Cuz I get that I don’t have nearly as much power or influence. And I know that sometimes people come on here to exclusively get a rise out of me or fuck with me or whatever. But also on the other hand if the conversation helps to move the needle a little bit, then maybe it’s worth it? Idk man. Like I guess I’d thought it would be easy to measure a “general consensus” at this stage, but I think I’m wrong on that.
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secondgenerationnerd · 5 months
I just don’t think they can be as badass as Lian and Mari. They come from two badass super families and Milagro is just one of the few thousand GL and irey can run super fast
Right, so I again am assuming you’re coming from a good place. So I’m going to explain from my perspective why I think they’re badasses.
In terms of Comic Milagro, you’re right, we don’t know much about her. Hell, she’s not even a lantern as far as I’m aware. However. In my cannon, she became a lantern at 10 years old. She was forced into this life, but that gives her a clarity to point out the bullshit Legacy heroes don’t notice.
Like someone calling her friend a slur in front of a group of adults that have done nothing to protect said friend. She’ll take the ‘disciplinary action’ for breaking the asshole’s nose.
She might be one of many GL, but her ring is not the only thing she does as a hero. She learned how to fix essentially all the iconic vehicles driven by various league members and assisted in the redesign of multiple hero uniforms. More than that, and yes this is very important, she is a latina girl. Yes, we have Jessica Cruz, but think of how little kids look up to teenagers. She comes from a normal family. But she’s a hero. She. Is. A. Hero. And she doesn’t look like me, I’m a white girl, I can find heroes that look me, but not everyone has that luxury. Think about the shot in the Blue Beetle Trailer of the little boy seeing Jaime. It. Matters.
I, personally, designed her character to break the stereotype of how “Badass Women” should look. Not sure what I mean? Look at any action movie, superhero show/movie, etc and tell me how the Heroines are dressed. How many are in a tank top/plain shirt, leather jacket, jeans, and some kind of boot (combat or low heeled)? How many have that Pretty Woman moment of “look how nice I clean up which everyone will comment on”? Her femininity, her love of fashion and knitting and telenovelas and all the other feminine things are things I never see “Badass women do.”
Femininity and Badassery are not part of a dichotomy.
Miss Iris Anne West II’s family is full of scientists and reporters. Frankly more badass than either the Bats or the Arrows because they don’t have a huge fortune to fall back on. Her Great Uncle was hit by lightning. Her father gave himself powers at 12 years old (give or take) by recreating the experiment of said Great Uncle. Her family has created and destroyed and changed so many timelines. Their rogues have one of the strictest codes of honor compared to every other Villian. In the old Justice League Cartoon, Wally didn’t even have to fight his bad guy! Just told him to go to jail after having a conversation about the guy being off his meds and why it’s important he take them.
And circling back—Her family being full of reporters and scientists gives her both highly inquisitive mind and the skills to answer her questions. Knowing the difference between The Truth and The Story was drilled into her from birth. The Story is what everyone says happened in order to make the facts fit nice and neat. The Truth is what actually happened, regardless of it being “neat”. Do you know how hard it can be to hold thag belief when the rest of the world demands conformity?
“Irey can run super fast” you’re right. That is the basis of her powers, but not the entirety of them. According to her Prime Earth and New Earth Wiki pages, the full breath of her powers include:
Speed Force Conduit
Accelerated Healing, including Toxic Immunities
Enhanced Senses
Speedforce Aura
Superhuman Duribility
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Agility
Vortex Creations
Dimension Travel
Molecular Acceleration
Telekekisis, which she often uses to pull her brother towards her.
In Prime Earth, the current run of the character, she is also noted to become the most power speedster in the world.
Again, I assume you ask this in good faith, so I will ask you a good faith question as well—Why did you only ask me about the Omega girls? By your own logic, Damian and Jon are more badass than Colin and Jai, but you only asked me about the girls.
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ofrashwriter · 2 years
Praise, I wasn’t used to being seen as great. But I definitely had my moments of encouraging myself through the process of writing a book. It still blew my mind that Rory and I were having a teasing conversation about me having a publicist. Thinking back to how screwed up I was growing up, the limits felt impossible. I was barely making it through school, I was better at skipping class than holding a job. And Rory she saw me; she saw the poteniel in me, she saw the way my eyes flickered through pages of a book, it’s kinda what bonded us. Why we fell into each other’s obits. And now she was the one standing by my side. 
I felt a sense of joy knowing Rory made the trip to be proud of me, to witness the moment I read my words aloud. Now I had to pause my rapid thinking to add my own remark. “ You’re going to write the big stories, and I’ll even led you my publicist when the time comes, assuming she can make space for you.” A joke; a smile came to tug along bare lips. Jess had a sense of humor; he just had to be comfortable with you. Rory was his favorite person; she helped him believe in himself. She helped me have the faith to submit his writing; and now if she needed the encouragement; the words to know she was capable of more he’d be her venting ear. 
Now he knew this night part of the night might be difficult considering the amount of stairs he was forcing her to climb, but he knew in his heart she’d appreciate the view. He remembered the first time he climbed these very staircases, it was a long taunting night after he submitted a chapter, he was feeling nervous. He also felt like he was feeling blocked for the next pages. It was this roof; he was being put up in the hotel, and with the tossing and turning of sleep he felt the need for fresh air. And he found the roof. He felt the wind brush through his skin, his hair, and he closed his eyes. He envisioned the next stage; he was inspired. Jess never talked about his writing process; but the brunette was special he wanted to share a piece of himself. 
With his hand tightly wrapped around her own; he had heard her complaining, the exaggeration of the steps, of the lack of strength it was taking the female to climb. He tried to hold his tongue; he wanted to be the good guy that understood her pain; because we did discuss her lack of healthy habits just at dinner. But he had to exhale a laugh; especially when he stopped at the step to give Rory a moment to breathe; to catch her breath. Tilting his head back he took in the way her head was bent down, the way she was heavily breathing, he recalled letting his thumb tracing circling around her knuckles. “ I promise we will do the elevator coming down, it will do you good to get in a few steps. It always helps me.” The mindful soul he grew into. 
The male had tugged upon her hand; but slower he took each step with ease. Not wanting to overdo it with Rory; he cared about her and wanted her breathing obviously. Upon pushing the door open; the male hadd released her palm from his own, knowing she would explore the roof; leaning towards the edge; he raked his neck back to get a good look; the breeze brushing back her brunette locks. Beautiful he mused. 
“ Now, this sounds like a horror book, We might’ve read years ago, Don’t insult me Rory.” Or he might; now now he would never put Rory in harms way. He inched closer to the edge; his hand brushing against the railing as he took in the line of buildings, the skyline; a view to die for. “ It’s beautiful, I did a lot of searching for my book up here.’ A simper stayed planted on bare lips.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
IM JUMPING ON THIS MANDELA CATALOGE TRAIN HI TEDDY ANON HI MIDAS Ive watched a bit of the Mandela catalogue and watched some fanmade games
OKAY SO if the faith in the creator created the alternate (or the alternate just wanted to get in on all the free xp/power teyvat has) what if M.A.D and alternates spread through prayer/shrines?
and also like a second thing, lets say the main motive for the alternate!creator is to take down teyvat like strip it completely and maybe the best way to do that is so be a person of such high power and status literally the archons/vessels wouldn't even question you until they start feeling...weird around you. like their mind feels conflicted their body isn't listening to their commands
VENTI losses his voice after speaking with u, he starts coughing and takes break singing. ZHONGLI can't help but feel like he's eroding 10 times faster while speaking to you while kneeling to you. NAHIDA feels more encased and limited, she can't reach children's dreams as easily as she used to. and EI feels the same way she felt after her sister died, alone and angry. Because the alternate!creators presence doesn't just spread the sickness.
it's making the archons slowly lose their minds
while this is happening alternates slowly start taking over the real one, but very slowly no vision holders have been killed yet, just npcs, just Joel from dragonspine. just that child who always offers tricolor dango to Raiden. and one day jean notices that klee acting a bit weirder, she comes out of timeout strangely...quiet.
oh how I love the idea, that the children of teyvat are more vulnerable to alternates, not bc it's in the Mandela catalogue just bc I like it. bc people would be so hesitant about hurting children and alternates know this. they take advantage of it, it' crazy to see the apocalypse of a world begin through a child.
- 🍄 (this was so long lmao but I love like genshin crossovers sm, I've been thinking about the last of us x genshin and this just gives me sm serotonin) (I hope my ideas are bring something interesting to this conversation)
talk below :)
VERY interesting take. imma be straight up i can’t understand most of what you’re implying behind this but it FEELS big, it FEELS slow and insidious and like the archons are pawns who can’t recognize the board beneath them, feels like a slow rot from the inside out where the hosts aren’t even aware they’re ill.
i’m always partial to the “archons know something is Off about the creator but assume it’s nothing/their own sin/a trial of faith” but THIS?
archons who lose their character, things they held dear falling to dust, their minds swallowed by the alternate and their separate realm of existence- OH WHAT IF;
WHAT IF: archons who’s subconscious knows that the ‘creator’ is wrong, who’s soul yearns for the true god, archons with a mind that begs them to find their god and pray to be delivered from this evil BUT they go to the alternate!creator(‘s shrine) INSTEAD
and the thing of spreading via shrines?? YOU GET IT.
like- from what i understand abt the mandela catalogue it’s an alternate version of a religion dominated by a fraud instead of the true god behind it, which maps DIREVTL to sagau. the shrines, prayers with the imposter in mind, it all feeds into the false god- only those with a more abstract sense of faith, maybe those that pray to “the one true god of gods,” or “may my actions extend the reign of the king of kings” truly delay the spread of the alternates, or are safer from them. any shrine carved with the alternate in mind is tainted, any prayers done in their name is tainted, it’s only those that pray for good harvest and clear skies that are safe from the sickness that has permeated every faith.
OR ppl like rosaria and keqing who have little respect for the gods (i think? idk i don’t know them that well-) and only say thanks for the effects of the creator, not their actions. people who don’t pray for their blessing, but for the knowledge to combat the disease spreading across the earth.
idk if this makes sense but i REALLY like the idea of like two opposing factions of religion, spearheaded by a difference in fundamentals. those who worship the archon’s themselves(i. e. the alternates /those they e influenced) or those who worship their blessings (i. e. things the true creator has allowed or promoted). people like jean having to learn to switch her prayers to strategic wisdom instead of divine guidance, kujou sara praying for safety and healing instead of asking her god to remove whatever ails the shogun.
finally, the part about children being more susceptible is so true and holds so much potential. albedo who asks the creator to save klee from whatever has taken grip of her soul, unwittingly handing her over to the alternates by giving them ‘permission’ to do so. draff, praying for dionas health, but addressing it to the false creator. even just younger people, people who don’t know better- people like bennett, who 100% prays for protection, accidentally walking right into the thing he’s afraid of.
i know that derailed from whatever point you made but like- i really like this concept. people who put their full faith into a god, children taught to always trust their creator over all others, people who don’t know what to do or what they want or need, people lost and asking for a compass, only to be led south. like it’s….. man.
i love the mandela catalogue, dude.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
drabble masterlist
these are all of the drabbles i have written for critical role or the legend of vox machina. they are stand-alone and should be assumed to contain spoilers for either cr or tlovm. they are also collected on ao3 in a work titled worse: we're family. want to prompt me something? see my ask meme tag or just send me an ask with an idea. (please be sure to specify the ask meme your prompt is from, especially if it's not the most recent one i've reblogged!) this post will be linked on my pinned post and updated as new drabbles are posted. i will take prompts for critical role, the legend of vox machina, or my longfic, my fair lady (see my pinned post for more info). i am willing to write characters from any cr campaign, but these are the ships i feel most comfortable/excited to write:
i also really enjoy writing platonic friendships between really any of the cr pcs (or npcs!) so feel free to float those my way as well! you can be as specific or as general as you'd like in prompts.
critical role - campaign one - keyleth/vax
"I need to change the bandage."
"You don't have anything to be sorry for."
The first time they realize their partner will live a large part of their life without them
A near death experience involving the partner meant to live longer shaking the faith of the shorter lived partner
Being an expert in teasing each other
Kissing to make them stop talking
On a whim, pulling your lover into an alley and pressing your lips firmly against theirs, getting lost in each other's touch while the streets bustle outside
Smoothing your fingers down your lover's tie, fixing where your lover couldn't tie it right
Pushing your lover against a wall after one too many teasing comments, but being met with unsaid tension instead of the quiet. Both of you unable to continue with the jokes
Whispering jokes/loving words in a lecture/school/church/a meeting. Trying not to laugh/flirt back in fear of disturbing everyone else who’s trying to pay attention
A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it
An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
"I'll sleep when I'm dead."
"I can't sleep if you're not here to cuddle with me."
Risking something in order to achieve something
Going to sleep as the big spoon and waking up as the little spoon
“I wouldn’t trade you for all the stars in the sky.”
critical role - campaign one - vex/percy
"They're gone, it's okay."
"It's not til death do us part for us, is it? It's until death takes you from me."
"Even if you’re sick, you’re still the prettiest girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse in the world."
"I'll sleep when I'm dead."
Ranting to friends or a relative about the other, only for them to agree and call you out on your wrongdoings
"What have you done to my heart?"
Using the made-up words of their child(ren) in all their conversations
"I think you should kiss me."
critical role - campaign one - everyone else
"Don't move, you're still hurt." (keyleth & percy)
Friends of a recovering person come over to celebrate their homecoming (pike & vax)
Always pointing out certain annoying behaviour (pike/scanlan)
Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain (vax/gilmore)
Feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there (keyleth & percy)
Hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters (vesper & gwendolyn)
Lingering with your lips open, touching, but not kissing, and this one glance at their eyes and you say fuck it and pull at their collar to kiss them (vax/gilmore)
"Touch them again and I promise, it will be the last thing you ever do." (vex & vax)
Vex and Percy have to deal for the first time with their eldest teen acting a bit out (percy & wolfe)
"Leave the light on." (keyleth & vilya)
Seeing what the other needs without them having to say it out loud (keyleth & percy)
Sharing something personal (pike/scanlan)
Defending them in front of others (keyleth & scanlan)
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek (vax/gilmore)
Kiss on the forehead (pike/scanlan)
Patching up a wound (scanlan & vax)
Protecting (scanlan & kaylie)
Near death experience (scanlan & vax)
"I looked everywhere for you." (keyleth & pike)
"I'm not going anywhere." (pike & scanlan)
"Holy shit. Are you okay? What the hell happened?" (vex & scanlan)
"You're not weak for needing people." (grog & percy)
Vax meets a young Orym in Zephrah (orym & vax)
critical role - campaign two
"Hey, leave them alone. They just fell asleep." (beau & caleb)
"C'mere, I don't mind letting you sleep on me." (caleb/essek)
"Don't you dare wake them up." (beau & caleb)
"I won't let them put their hands on you." (beau & caleb)
Reassurance in the form of food/movies/games, forcing them to take a second away and relax with you (veth & caleb)
"I am trusting you with that hand, darling. I hope my trust isn't misplaced." (caleb/essek)
Breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much (keyleth & vilya)
Helping each other out (jester & caduceus)
Collecting flowers on their way home (beau/yasha)
“As soon as I heard what happened, I dropped everything and rushed over here.” (beau & clara)
“What have I told you about getting into fights?”/“They were talking shit about you!” (beau & caleb)
Giving them their personal space (caleb/essek)
Person A and person B accidentally giving each other flowers at the same time (jester/fjord)
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it (caleb/essek)
Games (beau & jester & veth)
Platonic kisses (essek)
"Look, I made this for you. I also made one for mum/dad/parent." (beau/yasha)
"She's my date. Fuck off." (beau/yasha)
"Get some sleep." (caleb/essek)
critical role - campaign three
Mapping out your lover's features while they sleep in your arm, smoothing your thumbs down their cheeks, throat, collarbones, chin and nose (orym/will)
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." (keyleth/vax)
"That's been known to happen." (fearne & orym)
"Can I hold your hand?" (dorian/orym)
the legend of vox machina - season one
"I need to change the bandage." (keyleth/vax)
"I owe you an apology." (keyleth & vex)
Having a fight with just looks (vex/percy)
"Let yourself cry, I'm here now. You're safe." (keyleth/vax)
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" (keyleth/vax)
Catching the other one crying shortly after and immediately feeling an overwhelming wave of guilt crash onto you (keyleth & vex)
Sharing a pillow and waking up with their faces only centimetres apart (keyleth/vax)
the legend of vox machina - season two
A missing conversation from 2x08 (keyleth/vax)
Another missing conversation from 2x08 (keyleth & percy)
Letting out their anger in front of them (keyleth/vax)
Doing something silly to cheer them up (keyleth/vax)
Kisses on the cheek when they leave the room (keyleth/vax)
"Darling, you're shivering. Come here, let me warm you up." (vex/percy)
Starting to heal (pike & grog)
Losing your mind when they tilt your chin to look you in the eye (vex/percy)
That glance at your body with their eyes subtly widening, almost gulping as they take in your attire (keyleth/vax)
Resting their head on the other's stomach, only to fall asleep there (vex & trinket)
Opening up about their own struggles when they see the other's problems (keyleth/vax)
Opening up about their own struggles when they see the other's problems (keyleth & vex)
Cold (pike & percy)
“Just say a word and I’ll kill him.” (keyleth/vax)
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Actually you know what else I haven’t really talked about? Suzu’s affection events!!!! I’m shocked I haven’t mentioned anything about them yet, so let me go through the ones I’ve seen so far!
Affection Event 1
Me: Ooh there are several different ways a first event can go! But they usually start off simple and easy enough!
Suzu: Hey, Tachibana, can you help me with kissing practice?
Me: 😳
Suzu really knows how to start off strong, doesn’t he? It ended up being adorably funny with the guy being unable to go through with it, but man there was a moment there where I was truly holding my breath!
Affection Event 2
This event is a priceless treasure if for no other reason than listening to Suzu’s version of playing a Jeanne! The CG really added to the beauty of this whole moment 😂😂😂 Anyways I really liked Kisa and Suzu’s conversation about Jack and Jeanne roles and how Suzu realized Jack roles suit him best while he has pure faith in Kisa’s ability to excel in both roles! Also I found it funny that they brought up The Sleepless King to drive home the idea that Suzu can’t be a Jeanne because I mentioned before I ordered the Jack Jeanne shuffle mini album. The album takes some of the songs from Quartz’s plays and switches who plays what roles, thus changing who sings what part of the songs, and so you get a little experience of hearing other characters’ interpretations of certain play characters. The reason I bring it up is because for the shuffle version of Fortune Color is Crystal from The Sleepless King…they had Suzu as the Maiden and Kisa as the King!
Affection Event 3
Oooh, the classic “see person I like (in what way I’m not sure yet) with another and assume they’re dating” trope! Suzu ran into Kisa hanging out with Ao and and thought Ao was Kisa’s girlfriend and got bothered by it. But you know I like how Suzu handled the situation! He didn’t act badly towards Ao, didn’t bother Kisa and Ao, didn’t butt into their outing, or anything like that. He immediately and politely removed himself from the situation. Also I love that Ao immediately read the situation correctly and was like “Kisa screw shoujo misunderstanding bullshit!!! Go find Suzu and clear things up with him ASAP!” Suzu being soooo blatantly happy Kisa really is single 😂 Sweetheart, you’re incredible!
Affection Event 4
Gosh I was soooooooooo fucking stressed for Kisa in this event, my poor girl. The way I was sitting at the edge of my seat just wanting her to get away from that weird guy! And I was so happy about how Suzu addressed the whole situation. When he called Kisa by chance and realized how scared she sounded he immediately and calmly got details, gave Kisa good advice to enter a nearby restaurant and promised to come right away to get her. When he reached Kisa he made sure to get between her and the weirdo. Even when it was revealed the guy was a Univeil fan Suzu made the absolutely correct point that it doesn’t change the fact that he was being super creepy about it. And when the guy ran off he made sure to specifically ask Kisa what SHE wanted instead of just running after the guy to yell at him/get him to apologize. And he was so calming and reassuring when speaking to a clearly stressed and scared Kisa and, my favorite thing, didn’t hesitate to hug her when he saw she needed some comfort. The ending of this event is what made me really suspect that Suzu has figured out Kisa’s gender…
Affection Event 5
Kissing Practice….2!!!!!!! With even more breath holding from yours truly because holy fuck the build up and the CG for their almost (stage style) kiss was so…soooo….AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! And wow a far more dramatic ending compared to the first event with how frustrated Suzu was that he still can’t go through with it. And it’s clear why it bothers him so much, if my suspicions are right. Subconsciously or not, Suzu is realizing Kisa is a girl and that realization could affect his acting. And for someone who wants to act alongside Kisa for years to come, that’s a terrible problem. So Suzu wants so desperately to solve his problem and be able to treat Kisa like how they usually are. Also because she’s his friend, probably one of his best friends, and he would hate for this to eventually affect their friendship
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firespirited · 2 years
Here are my lines in the sand at least for now.
My biggest concern is accidentally causing pain which is why I wanted to mull stuff over and why I'd rather dip my toe in very slowly. You might have read that as judgement but it really is about me not wanting to use the wrong name or pronouns, say something distressing or upset people who have strong stances while also getting over old fears of walking on eggshells and shame spiralling.
Here goes:
1/ Companions and voices in your head exist, and who am I to question how you make sense of being weird as a fellow weirdo? Endogenic systems are not role-play but if you have any control I'd much prefer to only interact with the primary. Why? Because we don't know each other that well.
2/ Traumagenic systems from childhood when you don't control your personality shifts are legit. In this case I would totally be willing to put in the work to accommodate alters. In the same way that meeting new people involves learning what to warn for and what pronouns to use: DM me, let's get to know each other. - DID in CPTSD and BPD is real but if at all possible I'd like to interact with the primary or be given a heads-up (the way my other friends do about grumpy days, pain days, etc) so I don't put my foot in it.
Like all friendships, we start out with good faith and you see how much you can trust me with and if it works out you can trust me with more. In the same way, I don't owe disclosure about my life events and painful feelings to people I've just met. We're cool, we'll build on that, then build some more.
3/ I'm not willing to take any stances on what is and isn't harmful, healthy, valid or be part of the syscourse or writing, art and sex work discourse. There are too many grey areas and special cases to make blanket statements. People are complicated: books-full of nuance are required.
If you ask me about whether writing about X is bad or claiming to be Y is bad: I'm going to write a whole thesis about the medical/social models of disability, the carceral mindset and rehabilitative justice because we can't do one without considering the others.
4/ This blog isn't safe for children and won't be split into sideblogs: I work on toys while i'm processing political events and watching grown up media and these things all go together. I'm an adult collector who will point out sexual references and political failings in manufacture. I can tag for triggers of course, but the toy industry is dirty and there are plenty of child safe options for doll opinions and creation.
5/ I can't stop people from taking my work or tagging it with things they project onto it but I do have the right to block or message you if it's out there in the open and disturbing: No it's not flattering that you've chosen someone's work as your sexy role-play avatar, your eating disorder inspiration or that someone's collection makes you feel like you're five.
In the case of age regression: we have a conflict of needs. Tumblr is full of people who are judged for embracing small joys like colourful clothes, fandom, crafts and toys. Choices that are acts of adult rebellion in a painful world.
Someone who says "you're so childish I don't think you can make adult decisions" and someone labelling your grown up, tax paying, hard-earned collection as [insert child based aesthetic] feels very similar and it's also going against the message: the point is that you can be a grown up and enjoy things, in fact that's what's being a grown up is for: you get to choose to do nice things for yourself, surround yourself with nice stuff in whatever space and time you can carve out from surviving. Please don't, not because agere is wrong but because it's projecting something about the OP that's counter to what they're trying to put out to the world. 
6/ I’m open to conversation and learning. However, it’s ok to have boundaries and set boundaries for things your friends are sensitive to: it’s a delicate balance. Please assume good faith. Not taking a hard stance is not outright rejection/embrace of stuff: it’s saying I don’t know enough to have an educated opinion or I think there’s too much nuance to fit into a single sentence.
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
i’m not in this fandom, but i fully agree with you on the velma situation, she’s a lesbian and it’s important to acknowledge that. if people are intentionally misrepresenting that it’s fucked up.
however i also really believe in approaching things in good faith, so hopefully you’ll hear me out when i say that some of the ways this conversation has carried out on your blog are pretty hurtful
you don’t really seem like you’re secretly biphobic, but when someone publishes anons that say things like, “Sometimes it's literally not even about wanting more bi rep, but about wanting to take away lesbian rep altogether” with nothing but agreement, it’s hard to see it as anything other than attributing malicious intent to a really broad group based off an anonymous anecdote. i believe you’re not intending to be biphobic, but even with all the benefit of the doubt i can’t deny that your anons actively, blatantly are and it’s kind of strange that you’re just agreeing uncritically
sure, bi people will often relate more to bi characters than lesbian characters, but sapphic women have so many more similarities than differences. alleging that bi women somehow can’t relate to lesbians in real life or understand lesbian experiences because we’re so blinded by liking dudes…… yikes.
it’s understandable that you have some trauma around feeling othered by women who like men, but please don’t make the mistake of assuming your inability to relate is mutual or universal.
Please let me know why it is biphobic to say “sometimes it’s not about wanting more bi rep, but about wanting to take away lesbian rep”. Because I would very much agree with you if that anon made a generalization, but they didn’t.
From what you said I assume you’re not a lesbian (I’m sorry if I’m wrong). But you have to understand the number of people invalidating lesbians is huge, inside and out of the community. And I’m not talking just about fictional characters, I’m talking about real people as well. Unfortunately is not a small number of queer people who do this. And yes sometimes those people who invalidate confirmed lesbians do not invalidate them because they want more bi rep (or rep for any other identity) it’s just to take off the rep lesbians have.
That anon never generalized an identity from what they said, they talked about the bisexual identity because my og post was talking about how people ignore that Velma is a canon lesbian to say she’s bi.
And this whole thing has nothing to do with whether bisexuals relate more to bi characters than lesbians or the way you said like we’re alleging bi women don’t understand lesbians, that anon or any other person I’ve seen who interacted with my posts never said anything even close to what you’re implying they did.
And I have to disagree with you because bi women relate to sapphic experiences, not lesbian experiences. Sure we have some common experiences but you’re treating lesbianism as if the part where we’re not attracted to men is not a huge part of our sexuality.
And the way you assumed I have some kind of trauma with women attracted to men and that whole last part really just seems like some serious gaslighting from you.
I’m sorry if I’m not trusting your intentions with this ask because my posts and other people’s comments on my blog were all about lesbian erasure and people trying to fight bi erasure by erasing another identity. You seemed to have derailed the issue we were all talking about to focus on your identity.
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sincerely-krp · 5 months
rubbing my temples because you guys are being asked to not make krp methodology a pissing contest and you not only immediately found issues with that but also found something else to piss over for the purpose of putting yourselves on pedestals. is it that important to be seen as the pure pinnacle of the krp community???? have you no other achievements in life other than this? there’s gotta be something else you’re good at, come on. think, think, think. // i'm the same person that submitted the feedback ask about shutting the conversation down and big agree. we truly have lost the plot. this isn't even relevant to the point of this blog, as far as i can tell? while the gen/oc conversation was equally as unproductive, it was at least marginally more on topic and in line with the kind of "discussion" you would expect from a blog like this (heavy hand on the quotations there because it was mostly childish bickering after a certain point). i truly don't know why you'd be wasting your time on anon trying to argue with a community of people that participate in krp to try and bring up the point that the concept of krp as a whole is problematic. like, you're in the completely wrong space for that and don't at all be surprised people are going to fight you on your opinion. even if you went to somewhere where you'd ideally get more varied opinions like an online community for global koreans or east asians, you would still be limited to opinions of 1) people with languages in common with you and 2) that also actively partake in discussion 3) in that specific space. at this point i just have to think it's either a bad faith actor trying to unnecessarily clog up this blog with an entirely unrelated subject, or someone who truly has rocks for brains if they genuinely believed they could come here of all places for agreement or validation... which is why i requested the poll, because no matter how you want to frame it, arguing about the "ethics" of a common interest in a space where you would assume everybody is partaking in that specific common interest will get you nowhere.
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