#Your takes/headcanons/theories can ofc be different
It's ✨ speculation time ✨
See, if Sano grandpa hadn't been there, Shinichiro and Mikey would've ended up in an institution and could've been separated
Perhaps Mikey never thought about it - he had no reason to - but what about Shinichiro? When Emma comes to their home and she talks about her big brother and he goes to see Izana and-
Izana has no family left, and that could've been Shinichiro (it's not a fair comparison - especially not when Shinichiro can come see his mom whenever he wants)
Shinichiro sees himself in Mikey, at least a bit, and knows Mikey will be greater than him - hence he wants to be there to help Mikey no do great mistakes like he maybe did back then during Black Dragon. And once again I'd like to mention Shinichiro only left Black Dragon for Mikey and would have stayed if not for him + would have gone far deeper into illegality - this boy became a delinquent to cope with his father's death and change of lifestyle.
So what if he saw himself in Izana as well?
He went to see Izana with perhaps little to no information on him - we don't even know how he figured out where Izana was. Did he know right off the bat Izana wasn't his (or Emma's) biological brother? The answer to these questions do not matter here, sorry for that.
Did he think Izana thought of Emma the same way he thought of Mikey? He perhaps went to see him after Emma opened up to them and talked about Izana - did he go see Izana for Emma? To make her happy? After all, that's what he says in her chapter-backstory: 'I want to make her smile' and even if Mikey did succeed to make her open up at the end, Shinichiro himself needed to do something to get closer to her.
But then. Izana's main thing is that he (feels) is alone. We don't know how Shinichiro dealt with his father's death+his mother's extended hospitalization+his lifestyle going from 'typical citizen life' to 'living with grandfather, having to raise siblings as a teen, being a delinquent' but it's clear he relied on Mikey('s well-being) a lot. Mikey is the only thing he has left from his previous normal life (aside from Takeomi) and without him he'd have felt way lonelier.
So what did he never make Izana and Emma talk again?
Well first, I won't give you the canonical answer, I don't have it, second — to learn to know someone, you have to share a point in common you can talk about, right?
If Shinichiro thought Shinichiro&Mikey's relationship = Izana&Emma's relationship, what else could he have talked about? He knows Mikey better than Emma, and Izana knows Emma but not Mikey. If Shinichiro wanted to share things about Mikey so that Izana get to know him a bit (even without meeting him) and if he wanted that by doing that Izana will talk about Emma... well that completely backfired we know that, but I don't think that implausible. Shinichiro's not perfect, he messes up – he's human like any other character.
After Izana's 'stop talking about Manjiro, my head hurts because of him', Shinichiro stepped back from talking about Mikey (supposedly). He tries at some point to tell Mikey about Izana ('what would you think if you had another big brother?') but without talking clearly about Izana – he's still not sure about how to do it
He doesn't know if he can talk about Izana with Emma either. She progressively stopped talking about him and the last time she saw him she was 3. Does she remember him? If yes, how much? Not much, right? Emma was the same age Mikey was when their father died, Mikey doesn't remember their father, sure Emma would want to see Izana again, just like Mikey would like to see their father again but at the end of the day they know how to live without them, don't they, because they do not have much memories about them whereas Shinichiro remembers his dad and Izana remembers Emma and and— and next thing Shinichiro knows, Izana pushed someone to suicide and ended up in Juvie.
Shinichiro is Black Dragon's leader and founder, he knows a lot of people and a lot of them did messed up things, because they could, because they had to, because they had no other choice, because they didn't know better... But it's his younger brother here
And it gets even worse after Izana gets out and Shinichiro tells him Black Dragon is first and foremost for Mikey. Izana becomes Black Dragon's leader and twists Black Dragon's essence and image. But Shinichiro doesn't do much to stop it – he doesn't really know how to connect to Izana, and he certainly doesn't know how to make Izana (who doesn't react when Shinichiro tries to talk to him about Emma) connect to Emma and Mikey (especially not with the current situation and the past few years)
But there's something deeper than this
Because that's it, what Izana made of the 8th generation is what could have been the 1st.
Izana acts just like Shinichiro could've acted if he didn't have Mikey (and it becomes even worse after Izana figures out he isn't related by blood to any of them). Discovering delinquency, going in it, getting beat up, trying to find connections, trying to find a way to make the anger and pain stop — without his father, Shinichiro gets into delinquency (he can still withdraw), without Mikey, Shinichiro falls even deeper (he cannot return from it).
And somewhere, Shinichiro doesn't want Izana (whom he failed, and failed again) and Mikey (who only sees Shinichiro as perfectly imperfect) to meet – first of all, because Izana will lose it, and second of all, because you can't convince me Shinichiro would be okay with Mikey finding out about any of his mistakes
Still, Shinichiro loves his brothers and his dream is to take care of S.S Motors the three of them together. If Izana wants a family related by blood, then he'll go find Izana's mother to the Philippines (did he succeed? Most likely not. But he got the two Babus – one for Mikey's upcoming birthday and the other for Izana once he'd have find a way to make up for last time, maybe)
His dreams are cut short as he finds death and karma and one question lingers in my mind —
Where the heck is Izana in the original timeline.
It was ✨speculation time✨
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reijnders · 7 months
PLEEEEEAASE give me your pixie hollow headcanons or lore or theories or whatever i am so deep into it right now and i don't know anyone else who likes it :,)
- @pairies-n-fixies
a new hand touches the beacon…
imma put everything below the cut cus this is gonna get /long/, but heres a TL;DR as well :)
blurry boundaries btwn seasons + air currents + common Clank and Bobble forgetfulness L
the Keeper's ice film about Peri and Tink's Arrival isn't beat for beat, its just a summary
oh god idk if i can tl:dr this one but basically both lord milori and minister of winter can exist i promise
starting off with Tinkerbell, Clank, and Bobble flying through the winter woods b4 settling on Tinker's Nook my /personal/ thought is that 1) the boundaries between seasons are only hard and fast across water, like between winter and autumn in Secret of the Wings, 2) the air right above those borders can have a lot more variation due to changing air currents n stuff, so while is was definitely chilly, it was also bordering spring(evidenced purely by the color of the snowless trees in this horrible screenshot), so with a combo of those they could potentially be okay for a few brief seconds of a fly-by, and 3) Clank and Bobble are not always the thinkers when it comes to Anything Except Tinkering. i could fully accept that they were /not/ supposed to do that and forgot until a bit after.
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Periwinkle's existence! dull boring-ass answer: camera didnt care about Periwinkle/wishful thinking that they had some level of meta planning ahead and wanted to keep the idea of more than one a secret. less dull answer: the cinematic reenactment that Peri and Tink saw in the Keeper's work zone wasn't as accurate to real life within the world timing-wise. the Keeper's own personal magic(and by that extension, the natural way in which he and any past and future Keepers are able to manipulate dust) is for the retelling of history. So Peri and Tink were from the same laugh, yeah, but not as back-to-back as it was made to seem in the movie. essentially its like the Keeper has OpenShot Video Editor edition pixie dust powers.
my big finale,,,, the one i actually focus a lot on in my fairy worldbuilding Lord Milori vs the Minister of Winter in the first movie I personally choose to believe that they both exist, but lemme break it down for you beat for beat
so we know, based on ofc the first movie, that the ministers are for each season, they oversee the organization and prep for bringing that season to the mainland, and also just keeping it tidy within the Hollow.
so naturally, there should be four ministers, one for each season. now here is where i first start deviating a little from canon. so understandable, the pixie hollow seasons are based on the far northern/southern hemisphere experience of them, because going elsewhere would mean a lot less difference between each season all the way until you hit the equator's dry/wet season split. therefore, spring, summer, and autumn aren't the same level of warm. summer is the warmest season, and Warm fairies who do most of their tasks for that season will be biologically more optimized for that region, same for all the others.
The ministers of Spring and Autumn, for instance, would have a somewhat better resistance to the cold than the minister of Summer, though they are still naturally Warm fairies and eventually would reach a point where their wings would grow to cold and snap. The minister of Winter could technically be neither a Warm or Winter fairy by this metric. Because the ministers do a lot of their work with the Queen, and only oversee the production and take down of their seasons, it's understandable that the winter minister would be a Warm fairy biologically, but since Talent is an innate thing, each and every minister of Winter that Arrives could be of this unique class of fairies that can spend a much longer time in the Winter section of the Hollow, and on the flip side, maybe not do so well in the Summer section of the Hollow.
So we have ministers and we have a Queen. i've established that the minister of Winter could feasibly venture into Winter whenever she needs to to check on how things are going, but what about the long term? This is where Milori comes in, not as a minister, but as a stand-in for Queen Clarion. Since she herself cannot go into Winter for very long, he's essentially her, but for Winter. he may occasionally receive correspondence from her with big news and changes to protocol, but for the most part he operates on his own, since i imagine mail between the seasonal boundary would require rigorous scheduling and couldn't be done just on the fly unless you've acquired a bird, or...
...if you have a minister of Winter.
Having both a minister and a lord of winter would make sense, mainly because the role of minister is necessary regardless of seasonal conflicts! in the first movie, when Spring is being brought to the world, it is the minister that accompanies the nature talent fairies, not Clarion. Similarly, it shows the minister of Winter returning with her fairies after the onset of her season.
If Milori were to overwrite the minister entirely, and take over all her duties, it would conflict more with his own lore, because he would have to be able to join in meetings conducted in the Tree on the regular with no issue, which we know he can't do. And on top of that, he would have to travel to the mainland on the regular, which would leave the Winter Woods without a leader for a good chunk of each year, which would not be a good combination in an emergency situation.
I like to think that things like queens, ministers, and lords comes in rough cycles. Now some of this delves into things that i truly dont have time to get into(regarding mother dove, the age of the Hollow, fairies interactions with humans, the power of flight, how fairies interact with dust) but im gonna try with what i have.
So imagine, for a moment, that Clarion is not the first queen, and on top of that, the Hollow is not the first location on Neverland that fairies have lived. I headcanon Clarion as a "young" queen, but she is still a little over a thousand years old, with a lot more to go.
Ministers and Lords also follow a cycle, with the one of Lord/Ladies of winter being shorter than that of a Queen, but still pretty long(minimum half of a Queen's expected lifespan), and ministers being less than that(minimum a third of a Queen's lifespan). The average fairy lives a while, but not forever, so it is rare for the average joe to see the changing of Queens, lords, and ministers. There can be exceptions, of course, when someone passes away due to outside causes, or if someone is exiled, but those situations are rare, especially now that fairies live in The Hollow.
With the exception of Spring, i headcanon the current ministers as having Arrived in the last few years of the previous Queen's life, and Milori showing up <10 years after Clarion Arrived as queen. Any fairy alive today(with today being late 18whatever the hell in the movies to the 1940s) would not remember this stuff, but its fun to think about!
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peachysunrize · 5 days
What's your opinion on Alys Rivers' character? I know we don't have much information about her in F&B and what we do have sometimes sound contradictory, but all the love she's been getting from TG even before she appeared on screen is weird to me. People can have their headcanons and theories ofc, but why already elevate a character we don't even know much about. And I'm not talking only about Alysmond shippers, even though they are the loudest in this. Personally, I always had a feeling that Alys played her own game and msnipulated (maybe even bewitched, Gayle Rankin spoke about her as a woman with powers) Aemond by leading him to his demise. This might be an unpopular opinion in green fandom, but it's how I feel and felt while reading the book. Idk, there was always something icky about her, the line about dragon's bastard licking at her womb or something like that, then the whole age difference and the way she met Aemond (he basically massacres everyone she knew but spares her - why?), then she somehow has the power to make a man's head explode but can't predict what will happen at the God's Eye. Also, the way the fandom oversexualize her with the annoying "hot witchy big breasted milf" is off putting (and we are all aware of how GRRM loves to describe bosoms of his female characters, but if I recall correctly, the only description of Alys he gave is her long dark hair and how she looks much younger than she actually is, so where all this bs came from??). Idk, I always had this feeling that she made Aemond sure of his victory and purposefully misled him for her own gain. I might be wrong ofc because I have no idea how are they going to adapt this character in HotD. However, judging solely by the book, I fail to see any reason for her popularity before introducing her show version.
Sorry for the rant, but I would like to hear your take on this.
Hello my beloved nonnie! Thank you for this very interesting ask!!! I’m gonna put my answer under the cut<3
I agree with most of the things you say!!! I had a problem with Alys since I gained more information about her.
There’s just so many things wrong with her… I don’t know I mean I don’t get the hype about her. Maybe because I haven’t seen her or when I read the chapters about her and Aemond… she just felt so off to me.
I think one of the main reasons this fandom really hypes her up is because of Aemond and how we’ll get more screen time of him. And well I hope that HoTD really gives us something to rely on because judging by the books we don’t have much.
Personally, I don’t like Gayle as Alys. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against her, I just don’t think she resembles Alys at all. She looks too sweet and she doesn’t seem intimidating enough for me compared to the magnificent cast we have. (Ewan being hella intimidating and scary when he wants with his facial expressions, Olivia and her eyes that are a whole actresses by themselves, etc). And moreover, about Alys’ appearance, we actually do know that she’s a wet nurse, so judging by that she needs to be curvy (due to lactation and stuff), so I guess that big breasted comes from here.
I also find so many things wrong with Alysmond’s encounters, so so so many. 1. How the fuck did Aemond spare her? Why did he spare her?? They had just met and suddenly the man who we know is a bloodthirsty murderer gets a soft spot for her? I get the his blood was up but come on, it’s not Aemond at all. It’s more like something Daemon or Aegon would do.
2. The bigger issue to me is that how Alys enjoyed it. She’s middle aged fucking a 19 years old. I think everyone gets where I’m going with this…
3. NONNIE YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!!!!!! I always thought about how she couldn’t predict Aemond’s downfall in God’s Eye. LIKE BRO IS SO PUSSY DRUNK GOING AROUND SAYING MY ALY MY ALYS but his witch can’t even tell him how he’s about to die?? But she can blow up someone’s head because they didn’t pledge their loyalty to her unborn child. If she is this strong witch that everyone knows about, why didn’t she save her lover???
Yes, disliking Alys in this fandom is very unpopular, but I’m with you in this. I think we could have gotten someone better in description and appearance for Alys (personally would have loved to see Eva Green or even Rebecce Freguson as Alys) but we just have to wait and see what the writers have in store for us<3
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samstarium · 4 months
What are your classpect headcanons for the omega kids?
ooh ooh ok! so im goin off the theory that the omega kids will "fill in" all the classes and aspects we only have 2 canon players for atm (aka no other humans have them yet)
i talked abt this a bit in a server so im gonna copy over my ideas!! autistic ramblings below
the one that interests me the most atm is vrissy bc theres the assumption she'll b a standard serket and this a light player, but it would b cool to kill the theory that all descendants need have the same aspect. personally i would love for her to stay a thief but b mindbound instead. for a couple reasons
one hs^2 (or hsbc, or whatever) and especially the candy route is abt how the world and thr characters in it have deviated from The Canon and havin vrissy keep her ancestoral title but on the class side instead is like a fun way to show that. its like oh this is not how its supposed to work is it. two i think tyin her to terezi in a way is kinda interesting. bc there's some parallels that could b made (vriska searchin for a scourge sister replacement, vrissy's relationship w/ harry anderson as a mirror for terezi and john?) but it would have to b explored a bit more since she still hasn't been in the canon for very long
as for the others i rlly want tavvy to b rage… i have him as a sylph but im not married to that. i would rlly love to have a male sylph tho! i think his sensibilities could work nicely, and we already have some (if brief) content of him interactin w/ kanaya (https://homestuck2.com/story/336) so there's potential to strengthen their connections and parallels.
for rage like ofc the purple and gamzee shit and everything puts that in my mind automatically but also. as a contrast to his hope parent and his maid parent. bein a sylph of rage just creates such delicious symmetry. hard to see a sylph-y personality just yet but it's a possibility imo, n rage i think can b interpreted from the gamzee corpse shenanigans
harry anderson im unsure of but w/ what we have i suppose bard of doom could work ok. it would b nice to have a bard who wasnt um. Well. yknow. and show some other parts of the class that weren't represented in the 2 canon bards. there's the obvious connection and punnery involving his affinity for musical theater, and his laissez faire approach to life could serve bard functions.
doom… eh. yea idk abt that but i'll take a stab at it. on a thematic level if sollux's doom craft motif is coding, havin his be stitching is kind of cool. like the connection to binary code in thread (https://www.tumblr.com/swords-n-spindles/625244898586755072/the-fibre-stuff-moiraecrochet-synebluetoo) idk. but on a more conceptual level his upbringing could give him some connections to doom, living with roxy who for the longest time was entrenched in the jane propaganda machine (harry as anti-life?).
w/ yiffy left she takes mage of blood. mage kinda iffy since the canon mages r pretty different and only one gives us much to work w/. one thing i will say on mages tho is that both of them r missin a certain sense: sollux sees no evil, meulin hears no evil, and yiffy? well i'd say she doesn't rlly "talk", at least not yet in the traditional sense, so we can complete the proverb and have her as the third mage who speaks no evil
but blood is a lot clearer. blood, bonds, connections, relationships? thats like the whole conflict of her character. i think phrasin it as yiffy "knowing" blood is kind of fun. bc she probably does have a very keen understanding of the complex relationships between the ppl around her (jane and jake and gamzee im sure she knew much of). also the literal connection of blood to her fangs, and cementing the parallels of her and karkles as blood brothers (lol)
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my shitty treatise on "ants from up there" and gale dekarios
this is the gale album of all time. and i WILL elaborate. (also warning im only posting this because i have been obsessed with this fucking album and gale for a WEEK and need it out of my brain. im probably not going to explain too many lyrics and i get nervous expressing my ideas because tbf to me it seems quite obvious but ofc i can explain, assuming anybody reads this post)
"Concorde" immediately stood out to me like oh this is so gale. i dont even think i need to explain how gale this is. the rest of the song is super gale too, i just don't want to include screenshots of the entire song
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"Bread Song" has a LOT of worship imagery and also below alluding to appearing fine but rlly inside he is not well <3
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oh my god. "Good Will Hunting". the mentorship but also wanting her to depend on him a little but it's unfeasible, weaving a whole life in his head that can never be because mystra will never see him as an equal... also the pre-chorus 👍 i am so well
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"Haldern"... i literally dont know how to explain my feelings about this song in relation to gale pls someone tell me u see the vision
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"The Place Where He Inserted the Blade" is more headcanon/my interpretation but im just gonna focus on the parts that i think everyone can agree on. first 2 lines arent super applicable to mystra but ig i can rationalize it as her being detached from the world/not rlly participating (i.e. why didnt mystra just stop the absolute herself (im aware its because ao doesn't like it when they meddle, im smoking that true forgotten realms pack trust me)). but the MAIN part of this song that is so gale to me is the vines breaking bones, bones heal, our school friends sign our cast on the playground, my body is yours. like holy shit being a chosen of mystra is a huge fucking deal and despite the pain it can cause (that he doesnt even notice because "tied me up slow with your vine stuff / it takes a few years") but it's definitely encouraged among wizards/mages in any circles he was in and by elminster ("we tell all our school friends / and they sign our cast in the playground"), then of course the last line breaks my heart. rest of the song is also rlly fucking good please listen to this album.
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"Snow Globes" has more religious imagery but tbh i dont know precisely how i feel about it in relation to gale so im just gonna skip it
"Basketball Shoes" shows a more hopeful future but still #suffering because thats just how it is. concorde being mystra/his relationship to her tears his life to shreds, defines his life, leaving him with nothing. keeps seeing her everywhere (wizard stuff, his damn earring, he's always saying "by mystra" like bro you're intersecting at the market town on purpose atp (i get it)). i interpret the part after that line break (idk why genius doesnt just say its a different verse, don't quote me on this idk anything about music theory) as post-game where he's still Not Great but it's better and moving on, there is a future. doesn't look to mystra anymore (throughout album especially in good will hunting and bread song the s/o is mentioned through headphones, wifi passwords, phone calls, so "never look at our phones anymore" means he isn't thinking of her anymore or trying to curry her favor).
alsoooo should mention that i didn't include the part of "The Place Where He Inserted the Blade" that mentions a lunch metaphor in relation to panic attacks and possible cheating so the "feelin kinda normal with a packed lunch" is doubly meaningful, he isn't freaking out while making lunch anymore
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this verse is tav (or whoever u romance as gale origin idgaf)/gale as he is trying to find a new object of devotion in his romance. "the clamp" could be many things, from reminders of mystra to all his perceived inadequacies to lost opportunity to become a god w/ the crown of karsus.
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third section of the song im kind of undecided on w/ gale like we got the religious imagery again, could interpret "generous loan/crippling interest" as mystra's deal for him to return the crown of karsus in exchange for no orb. but yea idk yet
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and that is the entire album (- chaos space marine, i didn't really think of anything related to gale when listening to it but it's still a great song, PLEASE listen to this album). so yeah if im horribly wrong on any of my takes be sure to send me hatemail k thanks bye
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taifenggg · 1 year
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Hello hello! You’re probably wondering, who the heck am I? 
To start off, you can call me Ash, or if you prefer, Kai is alright as well. My main account is @hhurric4ne​ and seeing as how this is a side blog, any comments on my posts will be responded to with that account HAHA. I’ve been writing fics for the past two or three years and I love it, tbh I have a lot of sideblogs with which I write for various fandoms. I have a lot of requests in each of my inboxes tho so go easy on me please :”). I’m also very unhinged and I like to ramble a lot so don’t mind me, especially if I start going on long tangents about game lore or anything like that.
I am a full-time student so I can’t pump out writing as quickly as I’d like on top of all the other requests that I have in my other inboxes, so please be patient with me! I will get to your request eventually :)
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[ @typh0nas ] - my NijiEN writing account
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I won’t be writing for anything that involves cheating or other scenarios similar to that because I’m not comfortable with that.
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I most likely won’t write much for Thirteen, Raphael, or Mephisto, I don’t think I’m comfortable writing for them yet because I’m not familiar enough with their characters to get a full grasp for how they would act. You can ask but it’s not guaranteed that I will write for them.
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This time I’m limiting the amount of requests I will take at a given time to 5! I really don’t want to overwhelm myself, and perhaps in the future, I will increase the limit but for the time being I’m keeping it to 5.  Of course, when I open up my requests and I don’t end up closing them until after requests have already gone over the limit, I will write every single request that was submitted from the time that I closed my askbox.
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[ ◇ ] - Guidelines for NSFW content
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raewritesf1 · 6 months
Your anons are so entertaining like I always find myself coming back to your blog and seeing what’s going on in your inbox lol. In honesty they’re also vv creative, like I think LH anon and the Lewis positive reaction anon should pair up and write their Lewis George Max fic together cause it seems like they’re already got it all planned out lmaooo. I like the idea of the love triangle in theory but like Max just gives me the vibes of someone who would be like “if they don’t want me 100% they don’t need to have me”. But maybe I’m just not seeing the anons vision! More power to the people if you will I’ll read anything gax, anons you are talented!
Also yes to omega Max anon I do think that dynamic of on track vs off track gax is vv interesting when paired with abo. Traditional vs non-traditional but also messing with the idea of exactly HOW much Max can take, like ofc he’s vv tough and can hold his own but like against his own alpha? 👀 I feel like a few arguments too many and he’s having some sort of crisis/ meltdown, couple that with George who usually has a harder time separating on and off track than Max, just how would he deal with that yk? Cause he’s a racer but that’s still his mate. I just think there’s a lot to play with in the gax abo dynamic.
Those two planned out a whole essentially three different stores in my asks lmao. (And I’m obsessed with all of them 😩)
In regard to the love triangle I can see that being Max’s reaction, but I do think he’s competitive enough that if he really liked that person he’d want to fight for their affection.
Now that omega Max headcanon tho 👀. Definitely think that they in the early stages of a relationship would struggle so much with the on track versus off track relationship. Like George is the one pushing for them to hide their relationship and he gets the rb v merc thing but also that’s his omega and he really needs people to stop talking about him like that or he’s going to lose it.
And Max accepts them hiding their relationship at first and normally the on track bickering and fighting wouldn’t get to him cause he’s feels he’s stronger than that. But George keep removing Max’s scent from his stuff, and he feel like their bickering in the media more than before, and George has all these nicer omegas around him and it all gets to much to quickly and one on track argument just send Max over the edge and he breaks down and George just freak out and is storming the rb garage looking for him and safe to say yeah everyone know they’re a thing.
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satorugojoswiife · 6 months
I appreciate how you take the time to answer everyone’s asks and in a really nice and non combative way. I know people who like jjk but aren’t up to date (I don’t want to spoil) or as obsessed as I am lol. So it’s nice to have somewhere to dumb all my jjk brainrot and actually get to have real discourse about that isn’t a debate or fighting💕
Thank you for the message, you're so sweet!! 💖 I always try my best to stay open minded and be respectful of other people's opinions. I never understood why so many people are so quick to insult people who have different ideas than their own, especially in fandom space where it's all made up headcanons and stuff 😭 even if I don't agree or like their hcs/theories/interpretations of the series I just accept its not for me and move on.
I love getting to talk to everyone on here and listening to different takes/interpretations on the series :) you can ofc continue to message as anon, but if you ever feel like it you can always dm me too!! I'm always up for discussions about jjk. Whether it's gushing over gojo, discussing fan theories, or even complaining about jjktwt (lol) anything works !! Feel free to talk to me about whatever is on your mind!!
Thank you again for the message, anon!! :)
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Oi Krikkit 💜
For the new ask game you reblogged, what do you want to tell us about Levi & also Jean ?
hey Val, thanks for the ask, sorry it took a while things got busy. also this got long so i'm putting a read more link lol
favorite thing about him: his height. i'm not kidding, having such a badass strong male main character be just a Smol Boi is amazing to me, and it's the first time i see it in such a complicated character. not to mention it goes really well with my hc that he's trans, so FUCK YES SHORTY BABY.
least favorite thing about him: his clean freak habits if i absolutely have to pick something?
favorite line: "right here," when he calls hange an abnormal, because i'm a dumb shipper (also bc my mind lives in the gutter so i love these two words in his mouth)
brOTP: eruri
OTP: levihan and erurihan, which may sound contradictory with my brotp. the thing is i can't picture levi and erwin in a relationship with each other without hange being there too. i just.. it's kinda boring to me 😬 i hope that doesn't offend anyone (esp you since i know you ship them hon), and it can change from fic to fic, but mostly i ship erurihan too much to ship eruri on its own whereas it's not a problem at all for levihan (or eruhan. i think im just too in love with hange oops)
nOTP: ereri 🤮
random headcanon: his kink is to be called yours in bed. like he wants to feel owned, not in a sub/sex slave kind of way (although at times that too) but just in a general wanting to be wanted way, yk? dude was born in secret and hidden in a brothel until his mom died, then harshly trained and given up by kenny when he was deemed strong enough, then everyone he loved died like flies around him. i think he longs to belong to someone who wants him bad enough to never want to let go, and ofc i think that someone is hange (+/- erwin).
unpopular opinion: he's a huge bottom. idk if it's really unpopular, but i see sooooo many fics with him being a top and i could see it happening in a certain setting, but that's not my main idea of him, esp not in the beginning of a relationship. i think it would take months for hange (+/- erwin) to make him feel confident enough in his feelings and skin to try it, and i absolutely love to imagine him being so flustered about it first because he's so out of his comfort zone taking the reigns during sex.
song i associate with him: castle of glass by linkin park. i already told you how levihan that song is, but i initially thought of post-caon levi when i first heard it. he's got nothing left and he's nothing but a broken shell (in his mind, anyway) in a broken world, which is very close to the lyrics and general tone of that song imo
favorite picture of him: when he realized hange didn't die in the colossal titan explosion and just saved his ass 🥰
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Jean is not a character i care much about, i'm kinda neutral about him. can i do Armin instead? (that's what she said)
favorite thing about him: he's a dreamer, which makes him smart not only in the traditional sense and his strategic abilities, but also in the sense that he's driven by hope and curiosity. he's inquisitive but cautious, he's thirsty for knowledge and driven by it even when he's shaking with fear and that's something i understand, love and admire in any character/person.
least favorite thing about him: he was a bit too whiney in early episodes, which is why it took me a while to like him.
favorite line: "we’re going to explore the outside world someday, right?" my lil dreamer 🥹
brOTP: mikasa
OTP: i don't think i romantically ship him with anyone? at one point it was mikasa, now i just don't really care
nOTP: annie 🫣
random headcanon: he has a crush on hange! erwin was a mentor and he admired him as a strong and smart leader, but hange is a different kind of smart and i can easily imagine armin falling for their giant brain. i hc that armin spent a lot of time with them in their lab exchanging theories about the world outside, once he overcame his initial fear of how intense they can get. when hange appoints him next commander before their sacrifice, it betrays a deep connection the two of them must have had during the time gap (one more reason to hate it in my love/hate relationship to it btw!), when hange must have been preparing him for the position for years (and i absolutely love to imagine a flustered armin trying to follow hange's train of thoughts and lessons while trying to hide his hearteyes for them hehe)
unpopular opinion: i don't think him and annie fit well together at all. i agree that they had feelings for each other bc it's canon so i can't really argue with it, but i don't see them making it in a healthy relationship in post canon. feel free to send me armin x annie fics to change my mind?
song i associate with him: as it was - harry styles, i feel it fits his general vibe
favorite picture of him: sorry to be a normie but yeah Ocean Armin it is
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noroi1000 · 1 year
I've read one of your match-up asks for jujutsu kaisen and thought "ooh they're so on point! I should ask one as well!" So if you're willing and have the time setting me up with one of the bois ~ ^^
How should I start this.. (honestly first time asking anything lol),oh well:
Im 24 y/o gal, gemini sun (libra moon and rising if it means anything), and an INFJ. Apearance wise im an averege height and weight, green eyes~ hair changing all the time cause I love coloring it lol. I love animals, learn and experience new things, and the color pink :p
Used to be super shy and quiet and some people would say I still am, but I've become much more social thru the years. I'm very curious about people and.. anything really- I believe the more you study the world and talk to more people the closer you are to what we call "god" (So I'll be glad if we could become friends too lol). So its not a surprise that i dvelve pretty deep in conversations and subjects- if something peeks my interest I'm obsessed with it for a loooong time.
As a partner I usually pretty affectionate,light hearted (unless I'm in a bad mood), love to surprise and just vibe with whatever feels like it in the moment.
Umm.. wellp idk what else to add. Dont wanna write a whole autobiography here.
Cant wait to see who u picked to be my boo~♡ lol
And thank you in advence ofc 💕
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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You wrote that you used to be shy, but now you are more and more open. Well, with him you can say it's the other way around.
He's not shy. More mysterious and sometimes eerie. That would be a good term.
He likes to spend time with people, as long as they are people close to him. People around him must be someone he can trust.
He keeps quiet and ignores strangers. Among friends, he is almost the soul of the party. He talks, he laughs, he'd do the wildest shit there is. Even though he is a more reasonable person. If you look at it another way, he always takes responsibility. He does not blame anyone, but evaluates the situation rationally. If anything has a greater share of his fault, he will take it all upon himself.
Topics that attract and interest him will be explored by him. It doesn't matter what people think about it. The important thing was that it caught his attention and he couldn't look away.
Besides, every theory can be explained. Anything that doesn't make sense to someone else may actually make sense. That's why he always finds solutions. Even if it's to find out the truth or win something through manipulation. But he would never do that to his loved ones.
He cares about someone he cares about, he is kind and affectionate. He shows affection and closeness. He supports at all times and there is no moment when he will not be there. He is always with you, especially when you need him.
• The first encounter is almost terrifying. He saw something intriguing about you. And if you were interested in him too? After all, anyone can meet anyone. What matters is that you both want it.
There are different types of people. You are someone who learns more after each conversation. Guessing the state of a person. Understanding other people's feelings. Perceptiveness to the intentions of others and to lies.
During your first meeting, there was not a very developed conversation. It was more quiet. Your friends may have told you to sit with him until you finally get along. Same with him. A moment longer made you find out that your behaviors are similar.
You learned more about the mysterious man who was just too observant. You found out that you caught his eye 😉
• Finding answers to all your questions. It's something that connects you. Even though he finds the answer often by accident.
The more you talked, the more you found answers and learned more and more about him. Making it always nice to surprise him and making him smile.
• The most carefree, calm and minutes when you are alone at home. Where you can be together and just cuddle. He would let you do anything. He pampers you. You get everything you want. And he does all this just so he can always see your smile on your face.
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animewithtea · 2 years
Haikyuu x ADHD reader (part 3)
Here are some more of my Haikyuu x ADHD reader headcanons. This one includes Suna x reader, Kageyama x reader and Yamaguchi x reader. If you want this with more characters, or characters from another anime please just let me know. If you want me to write more character x neurodivergent/mentally ill reader headcanons please also let me know. As always, hope you enjoy :))
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Doesn’t do shit in school either so he can’t really help you with that
Loves all you impulsive ideas and plans
Likes to brainstorm about weird theories with you
He zones out too so sometimes you are watching a movie together and neither of you knows what’s going on anymore
‘You’re a weirdo, but you're my weirdo.’
Keeps fidget toys for you everywhere
Doesn’t always understand your rsd, but if he triggers it he’ll feel guilty and make it up to you
Surprisingly good at remembering things for you
Fell head over heels for you when he saw you overly excited about the team winning a game
Just admires you when you’re hyper
If anyone ever triggers your rsd or makes fun of you, they’re dead
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Admires you so much
First he was thrown of by your hyper character but after a while he really started liking it and he kept finding ways to be around you
Kageyama is probably neurodiverse too therefore you two really understand each other
He knows what it feels like to be left out and feel different from others so he makes sure you never feel that way
Accidentally triggers your rsd but he feels really guilty afterwards
If someone else triggers your rsd they better run, really fast
Listens to you talking for hours just admiring your passion
He’s so in love with you if you leave him he’ll never recover
He did research on ADHD and found out fidget toys can be helpful, so on your next date he showed up with fidget toys
He always gets real flustered when you take him on an impulsive surprise date
He’s your home and there’s just so much trust between you two
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Literally the sweetest boy ever, he would never trigger you rsd and he ever did he would almost die of guilt
If you get behind on school because you’re lacking motivation and can’t get yourself to pay attention he’ll help you make a study schedule and body double for you so you actually get things done
If he finds out that your sleep schedule is messed up he’ll get super worried
He’ll pull you aside and check up on you when you seem overly fidgety or overwhelmed
‘Hey y/n, are you okay? I have a fidget toy on me if you want to use it.’
When you get bored while watching a movie he’ll go do something else with you, no matter how much he was or wasn’t enjoying the movie
If he notices you’re hyper fixating on something he’ll buy you a little key chain or poster or something as a surprise (if possible ofc so with like shows and stuff)
Will listen to a three hour lecture about your hyperfixation and even take notes
He also gets easily excited over small things so you can be excited together
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Could you do headcanons with Near(Death Note) and Nagito(Danganronpa) where they have a s/o who is very soft with them please. Like their s/o is super affectionate, gets them gifts, calls them really cute nicknames, etc.
Don't forget to drink water and eat as well as sleep, I hope you have a great day/night!
Yes ofc, love! Seems like the DN fanbase has been enjoying my work lately lolz!
Near & Nagito With A Soft And Affectionate S/O
Warnings: none :3
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Nagito Komaeda
Nagito is quite a wild card. His reactions can change by the hour sometimes, depending on how he’s feeling.
Sometimes he’ll accept your love with open arms, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and trying his best not to seem flustered.
Other times he’ll do whatever he can to respectfully deny your defections. He’ll give that signature chuckle and say something about how he’s “not deserving of such attention” or how you “should be the one who has the focus”
Don’t get him wrong, though, he is always extremely grateful for you and all of your shows of affection. He just,, really struggles with it some days.
Whenever you give him gifts, he feels like he has to reciprocate in some way. He often does so, too. His gifts aren’t anything extravagant a lot of the time, though, because he’s insecure on whether or not it’s something you’ll really like.
He values how patient and understanding you are with him, though. He can’t explain the sheer euphoria it gives him when you simply say “it’s okay”, even in passing.
Don’t even get him started on when you compliment him or call him pet names. He’s just on cloud nine. Love drunk. Absolutely melted in a puddle on the floor.
When it comes to reciprocating,, his compliments can come off as creepy some times. Okay a lot of the time.
They’re always so specific and detailed and just aren’t something most people would even notice, let alone take the time to compliment you on. Things like the way you finished a conversation on the phone, or the way you tied your shoes. Things of that nature that are just,, so out there.
He tries his best, though, since he knows you deserve the world. Especially for putting up with him for so long, you must be an angel among men with that heart and kindness, he thinks.
As much as he doesn’t feel he deserves any of this, the times you give him this attention are some of the few times he allows himself to be his version of selfish. He just lets himself take in your affection. He treasures those moments more than you’d ever know.
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Nate River (Near)
Near is a whole lot more subdued in this context. He doesn’t overthink it or anything, just goes with it, almost immediately.
He appreciates the love and affection with everything in him, but he just kind of,, accepts it as a part of you. It’s something about your personality, that he finds super sweet, don’t get me wrong! He just doesn’t have as much of an outward reaction to it.
He tends to be quite blunt when making it clear that he isn’t ignoring the love you give. He throws out a simple “thank you” or “thanks” in the moment.
Though, he will take extra time to remind you how grateful he is for it, every once in a while. This tends to happen when he has down time in cases, making you sit on the floor with him, while he explains very thoroughly how thankful he is for you and your advances. Its not particularly in the most romantic way, more of how you’d explain some scientific theory, but it’s cute!
The only time the case is really different is with nicknames or pet names. Those things are absolutely his biggest weakness.
He hides it very well, but any time you throw a “my love” or “baby” his way, he is flustered and a half. The moment you leave the room, he gets this lil smile on his face.
He can’t focus on anything for a second afterwards, he’s just soft as hell. Will also 10/10 be thinking about it for days.
Now if we’re talking physical affection, that’s a little less up his alley. Yeah, it’s nice, but it’s gotta be a very specific moment for it to work with him.
He’s okay with simple stuff like hand holding or quick kisses on the cheek, though! He actually really loves your cheek kisses. He will not hesitate to give them back, too.
He also is fairly frugal on reciprocating most of this affection. Not because he doesn’t want to, or doesn’t think you deserve it or anything, he just doesn’t think to do it.
That makes his little praises and compliments all the more intimate and special, though! You know he’s really in a love struck moment when he pulls that shit out.
He really is so chill about it all, man. He loves the fact that you give him such attention, but he’s not going to make a big deal out of it. In this circumstance, it’s a good thing! It makes everything so much more special and natural, and that’s just how it should be. <3
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looonnamoon · 2 years
Headcanons on how bakubabes would be if he had an
Opera singer! Reader
- like I think he would (at least try to) come to all of your concerts and just be in awe as you sing a tune that he doesn't know the words or even the language to, but he's just there like omg that's my baby singing right there like an angel good lord-
- and I agree w/ the headcanon that he can sing, but ofc he doesn't have that much range compared to you, so while you practice in your personal studio, he sometimes (leaning towards rarely) joins you a bit and helps you level your tone, reminds you to take a breather after singing an awful long peice, dink some water, etc.
- also I think that sometimes after a long hard day of work, Bakugou just comes home and you, already knowing what to do on these days, gently helping him out of his ragged costume, showering him, and bringing him to the soft bed, while singing a soft tune to lul him to a serene sleep.
- I think you two also like to sing more popular tunes, instead of classical, so expect some mornings in the kitchen, singing 80's hits while making pancakes for breakfast.
- you two have tried to break a wine glass with just your voice, but it didn't work.
- also, there will be times where it's real late at night, you two have work in the morning, but Bakugou just cannot resist listening to your cute ass ramble on about classical music in general, how composers wrote their peices, the certain times when they were written, and it's just a blubber of words that Bakugou doesn't understand one bit, but listens anyways because of that lil smile you have on
- he'll buy you expensive theory books and repritoire books that you've had your eyes on for months now
- and he'll even go as far as to get you a nice studio too, just to top it off for you :)
- he will help you out choosing your clothing for performances whether you like it or not, looking over your shoulder as you hold up two hangers with different clothes, both equally stunning,
"I like the first one. Since you told me the song is supposed to be somber, I suggest a more darker tone like that one, would suit you well for tonight."
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Reverse AU: Demon Brothers (+ Diavolo) Headcanons
- original idea came from this lovely post so please check it out if you haven’t already bc it’s so cute!! I couldn’t stop thinking about the boys collecting our character cards and desperately trying to complete events and chapters just as we are afjasldkfjasfjdts
Scenario: We’re the characters in the game and the demon brothers (or would they be human in this au??) play Obey Me! and collect our cards, play the events, etc...
Reverse AU: Demon boys collect cards of YOU instead of the other way around
Ranked from most invested to least invested in the game + headcanons on how they play (while stanning you ofc)
EDITED: there is also a related follow-up post of Reverse AU [here]
the man would die for every UR+ 
stans you so hard; cries whenever any new card of you comes out
a collectionist at heart, but he knows there's a fave in his otaku heart of his
every event holds a special place in his kokoro
Idk how he gets sleep grinding for all your URs considering how fast the events come and go without breaks in-between
If he had a terrible sleeping habit before, it’s WORSE now
honestly, this game right up his alley so he's an expert-- he's probably the one to rant about the game and convince his brothers to start playing too
"Add me so we can give each other AP!!"
he says, but he spends a lot of money to get all he needs so he doesn't really NEED his brothers to play with him
very happy when he gets to rant about the game with his brothers
Casually plays OSTs from the game, sometimes on blast and his brothers don’t even bat an eye because they all play the game hehehehe
cheers when he gets you as a surprise guest; uses wikis to make sure he does you right (he once made a wrong move and your dissent dialogue crushed his heart-- so never again)
never ranks below 100 during events
baby tries really hard to save up for a good event card or UR+ but always ends up pulling desperately for your cards
relies on his luck to get what he wants, and when that doesn't work out, ends up putting money into the game
probably prays before each 10x pull and free draw
he's not rich enough to win aaaaaaaaa
fell in love with your character almost immediately and has not looked back since
you are Best Character; probably fights with Levi about who loves you more
gets pumped when he sees your cards; the other character are ehhh even though that's probably not the most strategic way to play
doesn't understand why he can't just have three of you on the dance team all at once
Screams whenever he loses a dance battle (“I’m so sorry!!!!!!’ he tells you as he quickly levels you up and throws a ton of glowsticks at you)
suffers when his brothers get the cards he wants-- though tbf he also brags about pulls he gets that his brothers didn't 
when did this game become a competition? 
f2p but he works really hard to get the cards he wants
diligently saves up and spends all his pulls on a UR+ card he absolutely MUST have
collects all the wallpapers, dialogue, and chats of every card he has of you
stares longingly at the URs and has to resist the very real urge to just buy stuff
invested in the story, the characters, the nuances, and the LORE 
thinks of theories and ideas on how the world works and the facets of each character
probably write on blogs and posts fanfic
...his bros don't know about that part tho so shhhh
The animal event really grabbed him by the DICK
If there is a card of you with cat ears and a tail-- hhhhhhhh
Spends ALL his draws during this event and invests all his time and effort into unlocking the devils flower and regrets NOTHING (o´ω`o)
tries to not get invested
then gets invested deeply in both the storyline and the characters that he completes all the levels asap and grinds everyday to fill out the devil flowers
Takes break between work by opening the game
Refreshed with you on the home screen
Feels like dying when Diavolo catches him SLIPPIN’ peers over his shoulder and asks him what game he’s playing
Also feels like dying when Barbatos catches him humming the opening screen song
tries really hard not to buy anything and he succeeds for quite some time but alas came the hydrangeas 
he started off by buying some devil (human?) points… and it escalated
slippery slope-- recharge missions took him by the neck and then he gave in to being VIP (might as well, since he can afford it…)
outwardly calm about playing the game, enjoys talking with Satan about the possible lore and having something to bond with Levi
inwardly pretty invested: adores the interactions, remembers what options are best for each surprise guest dialogue 
posts about all his Good pulls, especially when he gets the new UR+/UR cards 
the type to unlock all the devil flowers for the flex but also for the aesthetic 
scrolls through devilgram (uhh human...gram? so instagram) and unlocks every story asap
thinks the game is adorable whenever he gets to interact with you as a surprise guest
probably doesn't have a high preference for any particular card but absolutely LOVES the pretty ones 
love love LOVES the fan art that people draw of you
Hums to the opening screen song in the shower or even the opening video (that he voices hahah) 
gets frustrated when the levels get hard and he has to grind but so far hasnt given into buying anything
Not as invested as his brothers but he does spend money just to get a REALLY nice UR+ card like the rain event 
Water does wonders for aesthetics(=^0^=)
the game is too fast-- so many events for him to care about that he sometimes drops off the face of the earth to play it or drops the game and takes a break from it for a while
there is no in between with this dude
he can only invest in the game when he feels like it, if he feels somewhat motivated 
thinks the dance battles are funny
slightly upset when he doesn't get the cards he want from gacha but it's too bothered by it
has like at least one UR of you from an event that he didn't expect to get and that's good enough for him
the bed head cards got him feeling some type of way ////
had notifications for his AP during that period of time; has never grinded harder
what can i say? the man gets lucky from free pulls all the damn time
least invested, but does enjoy reading the story and the characters; just gets kind of lazy when he gets stuck on levels 
does his best to level up enough to continue the story and unlock your gram stories but has a hard time grinding to unlock devil flowers
which is understandable considering the amount of URs he has 
i could probably see his brothers fight each other to get his account when he thinks about giving it away 
plays more often during events because he likes the extra interactions from the game with you 
Lowkey does not know how to play for a while but does log into the game just to make sure he gets his free pulls
His knowledge of the games grows EXPONENTIALLY and by the end of the first week
he’a asking Lucifer to add him, what cards he has, should he invest in this event or not
Lucifer isn’t sure if he’s happy with this development or not 
Definitely has Barbatos join in on the fun too :333
Barbatos somehow ends up being as equally invested as Levi but the only way any of them can tell is because he revealed himself to be top 10 at one event
Adores every UR card of you and asks Lucifer if he should just sign up and be VIP
Does get extremely lucky at times
“Lucifer, what’s the difference between a UR+ and a UR? Huh, why? Well, this card I got has a UR+ on it--”
Ranks probably above Asmodeus and below Lucifer in terms of how invested he is into the game
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whimsucalcookie · 3 years
long post, beware rant slash info slash gender. everything’s under the readmore
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bringing this back bc i’m petty and bored and op is a coward for talking shit about me behind my back over a post about a cookie run ad(of all things.....) and also i realised i’m nonbinary woohoo!!!💛🤍💜🖤 (op isn’t btw😶) he probably won’t see this bc he blocked me but starting off with a funny:
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and now for some cool stuff!
pronouns =/= gender
nonbinary =/= using gender neutral pronouns
unspecified pronouns=/=nonbinary
third one is specifically aimed for fandom, anyways it’s lecture time with professor whim.
there are masculine enbies(i’m one😍). there are feminine enbies. there are enbies that are both or all or even none. some use he/him, some use she/they, some use neopronouns. the meaning of nonbinary is in the name - not fitting with what is the gender binary of male and female be it partially or completely. nb people may identify with binary aspects of gender but this does not invalidate their identity as nonbinary. this should be an obvious fact but you don’t have to look or act a certain way to be valid as nb. gender expression does not have to match with gender identity.
here’s some resources i found that are much better at explaining this than me👇🏻
please stop bothering and badmouthing people over characters that you have headcanons about. it’s really shitty behaviour and you should be embarrassed. let people have their fun. i think it’s cringe and immature if you block people for disagreeing with your headcanons but ofc you’re free to do what you want as long as you don’t hurt people. everyone enjoys fandom differently. some people like shipping, some people like creating complex aus and ocs. some people just want other people to talk about their interests with. theories and hcs are awesome(i have them too ;3) and they contribute so much to interest but instead of fighting people over fanon disagreements FOCUS ON HELPING AND PROTECTING REAL LIFE LGBTQ+ FOLKS. it’s very strange that one would get offended on the behalf of a cookie that they headcanon as nonbinary, and constantly whine about fictional characters(whose genders aren’t even specified sometimes😭) getting “misgendered” yet contribute nothing to benefit actual nonbinary people. it feels so very.......what’s the word i’m thinking of........ performative?
the state of arkansas is trying to pass a bill that would criminalise gender-affirming healthcare. three states have passed bills that bans mtfs from participating in girl’s school sports, tennessee being the most recent. every day people are harassed, attacked, even murdered for being gay/trans/nonconforming. complain about things like that. complain about real-world things that causes actual harm instead of being like “this person doesn’t think a character is (insert gender/sexuality)! BIGOT!!!!!1!!1”
op you likely won’t see this but roguefort cookie will not come out of my phone and tell me off for referring to them/him/????? as a he. roguefort cookie is not real. gender is not real. you are a weirdo who’s nitpicking for things to be upset over. if you want proper nb representation then don’t expect it to come from a game about sentient cookies.
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anyways that’s all i have to say,
TLDR: i’m a transmasc enby and i want people to actually understand what being nb is. also fandoms are fucking stupid. big kudos to you if you managed to read this whole thing, my head hurts and i’m gonna go take a very long nap✌🏻
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straydaddy · 4 years
In-depth look at Genesis
Let’s not forget that Genesis was able to make hordes of 2nd and 3rd class SOLDIERs follow him in his desertion from Shinra. This would suggest that he can be charismatic with people. While I don’t consider any of his actions in the canon charismatic, I think that’s because he’s mostly talking to people he sees as his friends in those scenes. You can act goofy or strange with your friends because they’re used to your weird shit anyway. Any of us would make an obnoxious video game character if we were shown acting as we act with those who know us te best.
In my theory/headcanon, Genesis has it in him to make people see him as someone they’d gladly follow. Generous, loyal, having good ideals he sticks to and showing humility. Even though this act may just be a facade of a deeply insecure and even petty man (or perhaps he was originally full of love and good intent, but grew disappointed in Shinra), there were definitely many in SOLDIER who admired him and were influenced by his words.
Imagine a leader who might spontaneously take time to personally cheer up someone who looks up to him. Because he knows that his presence is a source of inspiration and awe, and he wants to use that “magic” to be generous.
Actually, this would make an interesting parallel between Genesis and Sephiroth. Genesis enjoys being a celebrity. He wants to be a star. Sephiroth, who didn’t even have a choice in regards his role in Shinra and who is a really introverted, private person anyway, doesn’t care about the fame. Rather, he just does his best to act calm and polite so people wouldn’t be so scared of him. He is shortspoken to avoid too much attention on himself, as he is constantly supervised all the time anyway.
Mainstream media of Shinra ofc doesn’t give a shit about Genesis. It’s Sephiroth this, Sephiroth that. Because Sephiroth is their chosen poster child of SOLDIER. Genesis joined SOLDIER so he could be a hero like Sephiroth, but gets no aknowledgement of it. His existence is that of a failed experiment that would’ve been forgotten unless he himself chose the path of the SOLDIER. Perhaps he also knew SOLDIERs he respected as people and who did great deeds, but who were underpaid, overworked or gunned down like dogs for objecting to unethical orders etc. which made him see what SOLDIERs really are to Shinra, - disposable property. His romanticized idea of being a hero was betrayed, and he wasn’t the only one in SOLDIER feeling this way.
The fatal mistake Genesis makes is that he misses out on an amazing chance. He already had people who admired him and would follow him to a stupidly dangerous path (betraying Shinra). He could’ve loved those people as his own, and helped build a safe haven for them. Instead, he was always consumed by his hatred from how Shinra fucked him over. He was destined to die early because of the degradation, his wholehearted quest to becoming a hero was met with the grim realization that SOLDIERs are less than people to Shinra etc. I think Genesis couldn’t let go of his pride and dignity, he wanted to burn down what fucked over his life. Even if it meant sacrificing lives and risking his own. That’s where he felt distant and detached from humanity. That’s where he felt he was of a different breed, one that humanity would exploit unless he fought back. That’s where Genesis became “evil”.
This can be put together from a very detailed look into the Crisis Core canon, and in fact it just made understand Genesis’ actions way better than before. I still haven’t really cracked down wtf was going on with Angeal though.
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