chiliger · 2 years
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Maybe don’t diss someone with literal reflective beskar in their feathers.
Idea based off @yukipri ‘s Winged Clones AU: Take Flight, Brothers All
I read that the clones could use their wings to blind enemies if angled with light correctly, and then this happened. The first page is literally what happens in Ch. 3 in the fic, I just thought it would be funny if Cody “accidentally” got back at Skywalker while on a conveniently sunny planet.
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twilitdragoneye · 6 months
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@yukipri I just really appreciate that when I booped you today the tumblr cat matched yours...
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yukipri · 1 year
Attempting Insta again!
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A PSA that I very, VERY reluctantly decided to try to start posting on Instagram again. Mostly, because Twitter is getting so darn unstable and a lot of people don't have Tumblr, so I want to be able to connect. Plus, I buy a lot of merch so I was thinking it would be nice to do more reviews, and most brands are on insta?
While I have an account, I haven't really touched it in six years, aka it's frozen in time back in my YOI era LMAO. It's also a mildly embarrassing archive of my college years since I mostly used it as a personal account, and I hadn't quite hit my stride as a fandom creator yet.  A lot of ancient cosplay, some homework doodles, man those were days... ^ ^;
Anyway, just thought I'd make a lil announcement here in case any of you are active on there! I'd love if you could come say hi (or give me tips on how to survive on there, Insta high key terrifies me ;A; )
YukiPri_Art on Instagram
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
CC Batch Aurek: Geonosis
prev bit
more slightly-weird batch shenanigans!
so cody said he wasn’t on geonosis which i have Opinions about, and apparently we are continuing the outsider POV on this so all aboard the alpha-99 headcanon train, choo choo motherfuckers
When the Jedi finally showed up to take his brothers to war, 99 didn't go to the comm station, where most of them were loitering. He didn't wait for official news from Geonosis, or even go to the cadet barracks to help soothe the young ones, who were panicking now that their futures loomed all too near.
Instead, he went to find Cody.
Cody wasn't all that hard to find, admittedly: he was laid up in the infirmary and furious about it, and locating him mostly involved searching for the bed with the fewest number of people nearby.
99 could almost feel the rage emanating from the back of the medbay, but he was used to dealing with brothers at their most volatile.
He made his way over, and Cody's head snapped up, a snarl on his lips until he realized who it was.
"99," he rasped. The entire left side of his face was bruised, bacta patches and bandages laid liberally over and around his broken orbital bone, and his eyes were dangerously, unevenly dilated. 
"Kote," 99 greeted, keeping his voice low and gentle. He eased himself into one of the five empty chairs arrayed around the bed. "How are you?"
Cody's hands curled into fists, crumpling the bedsheets beneath them. He hissed out a low, tightly-controlled breath.
"I'm here."
And, truly, 99 knew that was the worst place he could be.
All of the Alpha class knew about Aurek: partially because they had eyes and could see the oddity in the batch and their adopted CT, and partially because Alpha-17 had--entirely unnecessarily--threatened them with bodily harm should they say anything. Those six brothers were connected to each other in ways even they couldn't explain, and usually didn't try to. 
99 knew that he himself would be useless on the warfront, that he could only be a hindrance to his brothers--and it was still tearing him apart inside that he couldn't go to Geonosis with them.
It had to be a thousand times worse for Cody.
"We haven't been this far apart since we decanted," Cody said, something manic in his voice, something bright and feverish in his eyes. "We're not supposed to be this far apart. I can't protect them if I'm not there, and if I lose them-- 99, if this war takes them from me, I don't know what I'll do."
Alpha-17 had mused, once, that the only reason Aurek hadn't been decommissioned for their strangeness was because the Kaminoans were more afraid of what would happen if they tried. 
99 had thought he was joking, at the time.
"Do you feel them now?" he asked, laying his hand over Cody's white knuckles. "Are they safe?"
Cody blinked at him.
Perhaps he had expected a bit too much out of someone with a grade three concussion, Aurek batch or no.
"You've always been able to tell where your batchers are," 99 reminded him gently. "You all could find each other, deaf and blind, from clear across Tipoca City."
He reached up, touching Cody's cheek just below the bandages.
"The only way we found that battle circle was because they knew you were hurt and could lead us there. Have you tried reaching out for them at all?"
Cody frowned, his nose scrunched up just like it did when he was a cadet. He rubbed his chest in small little circles, just over his heart.
"They're so far away," he said quietly. "But..."
There was a kind of hum, a tingle of something in the air, and 99 watched as Cody closed his eyes and exhaled a slow breath.
"Rex feels...tired," he said eventually. "They all feel tired. Gree might actually be asleep. Bly is--excited? I think he just met a Jedi for the first time. Fox feels stressed, and Wolffe is--"
Cody let out an exasperated sigh, opening his eyes.
"Wolffe," he said flatly, "Is having a great time."
99 chuckled. The entirety of Aurek--which had grown to include Rex, these past four years--were all a little bit feral, but Wolffe always had been more unhinged than the rest.
"But they're well?" he confirmed. 
Cody nodded. Some of the buzzing intensity around him faded, the tight set of his shoulders easing now that he was no longer hyperfocused on worrying about his absent batchmates. 
It settled 99's worst fears, as well: if the rest of Aurek was okay, that meant at the very least some of his brothers had survived. And it was extremely likely that significantly more had, too: all five were Command-trained--Rex was a CC in all but designation--and they would have been assigned battalions of their own to lead. 
They would have fought tooth and nail to keep their troops alive.
"They'll be okay," Cody murmured, eyelids drooping. "They'll come back to me."
"They will," 99 agreed softly. He wondered if Cody's injuries were finally asserting themselves over his tired body--or if whatever strange connection he had to his batchmates was harder to bridge, with such distance between them. 
He stayed until Cody fell asleep, able to take care of at least one more brother before the rest were sent off to war.
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clonesbrainrot · 1 year
So I'm re reading one of my fave fics bc the author replied to one of my most recent comments and I've just reread the first chapter and my god I understand exactly why I immediately bookmarked and red like 40 chapters of it the first time this time I'm going to be taking my time to absorb the details more but God its so good
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self-indulgent, ask meme, my stuff
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1. Star-crossed lovers  (aka people who come from opposing sides (families, countries, worlds etc.) 2) One is rough and scary and the other is sweet and wholesome 3) Two friends who are partners in crime and both care about one another (not necessarily romantic)
2. 1) “fixing the other”, where one is “traumatized one” who has to be fixed by the other. bonus hate points if the former one lashes out / manipulates hurts the other and that’s portrayed as “romantic”. 2) any ship that romanticizes manipulation and dangerous things or portrays one abusing the other as romantic or “hot” (domination and stuff). 3) ship with an age difference.
3. That Trope, where one knows well that the other will not harm them, in spite of the fact that said other has a very scary reputation and is powerful or dangerous , or monstrous, in the eyes of the masses. Or when strangers dont believe the character has any feelings but their partner undersatnds who said character is as a person. Its Not the “nobody but us understands” trope, I mean..uh. different trope, where the partners trust each other and know the other has no vile intentions, no matter what the partner represents in the universe they are in.
4. The scenes where one slowly reaches out and touches the other’s cheek with one hand. And they both look sad.
5. i dont really understand what this means
6. I tended to like rarepairs
7. monogamy bc i cant write polyamory yet
8. ?
9. no.
10. not
11. very positive. Underrated and should be more popular. They can be even more impactful than romantic ones I think. They are heavily slept on.
12. I only can think of Takeo and Rinko from ore monogatari
13. ...kisao. 
14. They dont have to get married if dont want to. Personally the feelings are the key important element, marriage is just a formality (in ships).
15. I like oc kids with characters who are of same age. Usually I liked their designs and I find it cool. I haven’t drawn oc children myself but ive seen ones made by other people and I thought it was..cute.
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omaano · 4 months
Are you still doing the trio prompts? If so, I humbly submit Rex/Obi/Cody for I1, or all of the "assigned baby by fandom" clones (Tup, Wooley and Comet) as K1
I'm still doing the trio prompts, and I'm finally about halfway done with them too! Thank you for the prompts, Anon, I could hardly pick (so in the end I didn't - but I'm posting them separately). I especially loved working on the "assigned baby by fandom" boys, thank you for picking such a lovely thing for them ❤️
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Credit where credit is due: I've only ever seen Wooley as shiny-new in the show with no paint of his own, so I ended up using @yukipri's wonderful paint design for him (since I'm pretty sure that if Comet and Tup have their paint then Wooley should definitely has his worn in as well)
Polyamorous/platonic poses for sketching
and the other drawings I’ve made for them
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skellymom · 6 months
Check out these talented creatives!
PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, AND REBLOG! They don't get engagement without it, and tell them how much you enjoyed their work!
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*DISCLAIMER: The writer MUST have a visible pinned post of their work at the top of their page! Need to make it easy for those visiting the links to find their work. Also, at this time if they are ONLY on Wattpad or Ao3 WITHOUT a visible Tumblr link (pinned post that is easy to find), I cannot list them. Again, doing this for ease of locating work and available for people primarily on Tumblr.
Also, if you suggest a creator, PLEASE make sure you spelled their Tumblr name correctly. Thanks for understanding!
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immortalwalnut · 5 months
@yukipri Take Flight! AU but the kaminoans take the whole ‘Super Soldier’ Idea and Fucking Run With It
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Hive Troopers!
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But what if the Kaminoans crossed Jango's DNA with some sort of Nabooian or Alderaanian honey bee? It probably helps them communicate on the battlefield, and obviously they get the benefits of not needing a jetpack! I've got a lot of thoughts about these boys, but I'll just give some of the basics for now:
The troopers can use communicate sort of like a hive mind! It's not as sophisticated as using communicators, but they can convey feelings and vague ideas
Their antennae are very sensitive! They can be used to sense touch, smell, taste, some vibrations, temperature, and more! I think that ARFs like Waxer and Boil would probably learn to use them with a lot more skill through their training, in the same way they'd learn to use more complex or advanced HUD modes.
I think that troopers' stingers would be closer to the stingers that wasps have: retractable, and doesn't cause them to die after one sting by getting ripped off.
Troopers' wings are also probably way more durable, I can't imagine the Kaminoans sending them into battle with anything fragile like that, so they probably modified the DNA. I think the wings are pretty flexible instead of being breakable.
I'll go into this more another time, if anyone is interested, but I think that the distribution of internal organs would be significantly different with the addition of the secondary abdomen.
The boys are FLUFFY!!!
I think that the fluff would be kinda waterproof (I mean,,,, they grew up on Kamino and all) but on the other hand I think it'd make fire waaaay more dangerous. I think that blaster bolts could also cause the fluff to catch fire....
Can they make honey? yeah dude they're beeeeeees
They probably made space-mead out of it lmao
I have a lot of feelings about the way cadets are grown in little tubes land sleep in tubes on the walls like bees use honeycomb for their larvae and its all in large curved structures and how the whole thing seems just a touch like a hive......
They can DEFINITELY dance maps like bees can!!!! The ARCs and ARFs are the best at it.
They don't have compound eyes, but they do have hexagonal pupils!
I'm gonna doodle more of this whenever I have time, so let me know if you want to see anything specific, or have any fun ideas from this? I'd love to talk about them!!! <3
I also want to say that I have been VERY heavily inspired by @mothask! Please go have a look at their amazing fluffy moth boys!
@yukipri's winged au is also a huge inspiration for this! Y'all have GOT to go check out "Take Flight, Brothers All" on ao3 it's SO GOOD!!
And finally, a lot of the ideas I've developed about the bees' ARF training have come from the Reconstruction Corps AU (specifically Open Skies), created by the amazing @cacodaemonia!! I've got a lot of plans for Wax and Bo as ARF bees that I'm so excited to get started on!
So much love and appreciation to all of my inspirations!!!!! <333333
I have no idea if anyone's made anything like this before lol, but if anyone has I'd love to know!!
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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forgottenchapterszine · 8 months
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Our next contributor preview is by @yukipri! What's this trooper up to?
Remember, the link is for our shop or you can click right here! Pre-orders are open until February 17th. We are also holding a giveaway for our digital bundle here!
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yukipri · 5 months
Wanted to say Glaze 2.0 is AMAZING.
What took 30 mins+ before, took me THREE MINUTES last night. WITH my other programs still running.
For folks who tried Glaze but haven't been using it due to glazing time, give 2.0 a chance!
I've heard that other folks have had it taking the same time/longer, but the quality is so much better. Your settings will determine the outcome, but it's definitely a huge improvement over the initial release version.
This update was super sexy of the Glaze Project. You can download the updated version from their site HERE!
(You should also use in conjunction with Nightshade!)
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nimata-beroya · 10 months
I keep vaguely thinking of creating a wiki that organises star wars things in ways that are useful for fic writers (unlike Wookieepedia, which is often not in a useful format for what fic writers want). What would you (and folks you follow) want that to look like? Asking you because you have that excellent list of sw resources, some of which would not be possible to move to a wiki but some would. The ideas I've been thinking about are more granular timelines than Woookieepedia has and things like lists of senators that serve at the same time/some way to reference what senators would be around during particular events, but I'm sure there are other things that I'm just blanking on.
Oh m y gosh!! That'd be amazing and extremely helpful!
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no, seriously, do it! especially timelines, because that's something that can be confusing at times, and not everyone wants to/can afford to buy Timelines guide book that was released last year I think (or it was this year?), like you said, having lists of coss-reference with characters, places, and/or events would be the best. There are so many things that could be helpful to writers.
Honestly, I don't know what would be the best way to organize all of it, but if there's any other way that I can help you (other than cheering you on) just let me know. I can only imagine how massive a project like this is, and you'll need all the help you can get.
And to my lovely friends, mutuals and followers who are fic writers, what are your suggestions? What would you like to have at your hand's reach for writing your fabulous fics instead of going down the rabbit hole every time you need to research a detail?
Tagging some people who might be interested in pitching some ideas: @photogirl894 @takadasaiko @airlockfailure @thecoffeelorian @amukmuk @thedistantstorm @yukipri @never-ending-fanfic @genericficerblog @heart-of-a-rebel16 @seth-shitposts @mistr3ssquickly @gffa @cacodaemonia
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
Fan Fic recomendations!
Only One of these is mine and the rest belong to the wonderful people who deserve love for these amazing fanfictions!
Top Gun: 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41356602/chapters/103704861 no one can find the rewind button - FabuMazX
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41326977/chapters/103624791 We can build a family that will always show you love - MarchForOurGays
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42070563/chapters/105626418 - Daddy Rooster Makes Life Interesting for Gorgeous Sub Hangman By Renai_chan (Link to her tumbler! Go check her out!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43487037/chapters/109325985 - speak softly, love By The lovley renai-chan
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46015801/chapters/115831405 - lend me your hand and we’ll conquer them all By LetPeteBeMaverick
Star Wars - Prequals:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28338954/chapters/69431268 - alpha vs Alpha - Artemis_Neardos
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46834783/chapters/117970084 - Hide and Seek - Obligatory_Trope_Insert
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28863927/chapters/70805004 - a map towards honour - galateaGalvanized
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23375449/chapters/56009104 - How The Jedi Being Slightly More Chill Saved The Galaxy - rosemarysprigs8
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43904343/chapters/110389539 - tion'ad cuy' Ni meh ner mirshe cuyir nayc or'atu (who am I if my mind is no more)? - foreverchangingfandoms
Anything by the wonderful @yukipri!!
Their art is amazing and so is their fanfiction the Prime Override!!! I really recommend going to their blog and supporting them!! I must have read the Prime Override about 10 times since I found it. It's that good.
Star Wars Original:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44465236/chapters/111841804 - Star Wars: The Age of Rebellion - @buffshipper8490!!!!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44355001 - purple silks and warrior princesses by whenfireanddarknesscollide
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37906186 - Take You Like A Drug (I Taste You On My Tongue) by @bisexual-cryptid.
I will praise this Fic till the end of time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46322359/chapters/116625832 - Bonds Beyond Enemy Lines - Secretly_a_Dinosaur
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30916499/chapters/76345193#workskin - Just Business, Nothing Personal - chamomiletea (airandangels) @chamomileteainabuttercup here on tumbler!
If I’m only on chapter 5 and I’m recommending it to you. Then it was truly be amazing!! It’s such a good read and a underrated ship.
Star Wars Sequel:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/45161344/chapters/113608708#workskin - A Galaxy of Colour and Darkness - UFOxMulder! (My Fic!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5698945/chapters/13128244 - The Fallacy of the False Choice - Davechicken + Shadow_Side
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merryrogue · 2 months
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so @yukipri has Taika Waititi as a face cast for Jaster and my reaction to that idea was to draw it ASAP. You really need a man who would rock a cape for Jaster.
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cielrouge · 3 months
tagged by @piyo-13 to make a poll of my top 5 characters and see who comes out on top and well....
Honorable Mentions: Mishil from Queen Seondeok (the OG baddie bitch antiheroine!!! Watching this sageuk as a kid literally alternated my brain chemistry hahaha), Emily Throne from Revenge (another OG antiheroine girlie I was frothing at the mouth over!!!) and Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices (the stranglehold this boi had on me during the heyday of the YA paranormal romance era LMAOOO)
Tagging @gyuseulogy, @selkiestars, @skadren, @whenquietthunders, @yukipri, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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