#Zane but he loves all the bugs and lets them live inside him
spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Have this elaborate Zane doodle because I’m struggling to draw and I’m trying to put things on the screen (at 3 am).
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spare zane hcs?
I got halfway through this and the app crashed :(((
This is mostly MyS though some may be applicable to MCD too.
He has stretched ears. A few gauges of his were painted by aphmau to be bright colours and have cutesy designs. He loves them.
He’s fat. Like both him and Garroth are naturally pretty heavy because Garte’s a pretty big man, but he also eats loads of junk and his meds cause him to gain weight, so he’s fat. He’s p insecure that he’s not got muscle tho, because both Garroth and Garte are pretty buff, but he also doesn’t work out so it’s kind of his own fault he’s not muscly.
He’s often found petsitting for his friends. Animals love him.
He has earplugs with him all the time, he’s got sensory issues and noises really bug him. Plus he lives with Garroth, who’s a pretty loud guy, so he likes just blocking everything out. Aphmaus the only person allowed to remove his ear plugs if she needs to talk to him, other people have to tap his arm or like give hand gestures to ask for him to remove them.
He uses a cane and knee braces, it’s just easier on his joints bc those bitches hurt. (I stole this from @blockgamejournals on the MCD brainrot discord, with consent.) he also wears elbow braces occasionally but not often.
He’s part mermaid on Zianna’s side but has all of the negatives and none of the positives of it.
He used to have a crush on Aphmau in highschool, which Garroth would tease him about a lot. It big hurted when Garroth started dating aphmau, because he knew Zane used to like her and it’s just sort of rude.
He’s got really sharp teeth, and he cuts up the inside of his mouth a lot because of it.
His face is scarred up. He got hit by a normal snowball as a kid, but it hit the back of his head, and he fell forwards onto a sharp rock. It sort of messed his face up and he had to have a few surgeries to fix it up, but even with the surgeries he’s still got really prominent scars and they make him really insecure.
Zane wears his mask both because of his insecurity and also because he has a very weak immune system and so face masks help minimise the risk he has of catching anything. He also has disposable gloves that he almost always wears, never touches his face, and remains as far away from people as he can.
He’s unnecessarily good at solving Rubik’s cubes.
He’s blind in the eye he covers.
His joint pain is due to arthritis. His body is better suited for living in water, and living on land causes extra pressure to be put on his joints. It’s worst in his legs but his other joints are also affected.
He wears eyeliner.
He has the most gorgeous, silky black hair ever. And also an undercut. Because he’s emo.
He doesn’t know what his gender is but he knows he’s not cis. He just uses he/him pronouns for now because he’s not sure what pronouns do actually work for him.
He’s got a few tattoos, all emo. However he does have a minimalistic cat tattoo on his wrist which he has matching with Aphmau.
He puts his hair in a bun usually. But aphmau and nana constantly beg for him to let it down because they think it’s so pretty.
He occasionally smokes weed when his joints really hurt because it makes them hurt a little less. He hates the smell though.
Don’t know how to explain it, MCD Zane likes red wine, MyS Zane drinks beer. Not elaborating further.
He did coding in school and now does it as a job because it’s work that he can do laid in bed.
He first told Nana he loved her when he was loopy on pain meds.
Frankenstein was his favourite book when he was 14 and it’s still up there for him.
He’s got a daughter, he just doesn’t see her often because she lives with her mother in the north. He goes up to see her occasionally, sometimes she comes down and spends the day with him, but they don’t see eachother often enough. She also has joint problems, though hers are worse than his were at her age, so he’s worried about her. But she seems pretty cheery regardless
He took pottery classes for a while. Then Dante found out and he quit.
He sometimes likes to spend time watching really bad Middle Aged women shows with aphmau and Katelyn, though he likes to watch them to pick on them whilst the girls genuinely enjoy them.
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
hi can I get a ninja x reader but also kai x reader one shot where they have sleepover and everyone KNOWS kai has feelings for reader but they’re just completely oblivious (they obvi have feelings for him too but no one knows) but either way the night ends up with kai x reader cuddling because they were cold :3
:O yes! I love sleepovers lol. I didn't know if you meant Kai and Reader have a sleepover just the two of them (they can make it if they try) or the whole team is sleeping over, so I had the whole team sleepover at (Y/N)'s house (who is Cole's cousin to explain how they all know each other. He's such a brother type character). I hope that's okay!
I was halfway done then re-read the ask and realized that no one was supposed to know that (Y/N) had feelings for Kai, so I had to tweak some things!
Two Cold and Two Tired
Where the ninja find that the only thing that can stand in the way of love is oblivion.
Everything was ready. Luckily, the living room was big and air conditioned, and your parents helped you buy a lot of snacks for the sleepover. You had just graduated school, and you were going to celebrate before going to college to study medicine.
The doorbell rung, and you opened the door to be greeted by your cousin and his friends. One of whom you liked a lot. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Brookstone." You speak in a fancy voice while bowing.
He bows as well, mimicking your fancy voice, "and the same to you, Dr. Brookstone."
"Ah, future Dr. Brookstone." Then the two of you laugh before you hug. "Ugh, I haven't had a sleepover since I was 13, I've missed fun things like this!"
Cole shook his head, "hey, you're a good person, you just had bad friends, that's all." You weren't rich, but you definitely had money, and that's all they wanted you for. Luckily, you were smarter than that, and you put a stop to it. All you had left was your cousin, Cole, from your father's side. Once he became a ninja, though, he introduced you to his team and you befriended them easily.
"That's why I have you make them for me." You tease, sticking your tongue out. You lead everyone inside, letting them drop off snacks they brought in the kitchen, and then going to the living room to unpack their things. "What do you want to do first?"
Kai piped up instantly, "oh, ooh! Video games! I brought a tournament fighting game with me, and the winner can pick the next activity." He suggested after.
Everyone either shrugged or agreed, and picked a character to fight with. You were facing off against Nya, Jay was facing off against Zane, Cole against Kai, and poor Lloyd couldn't make it to the sleepover because he caught a stomach bug and had to stay home with his uncle. You lost to Nya, Jay lost to Zane, and Cole lost to Kai, but Zane beat both of his opponents and got to choose the next activity.
"Racing!" He said excitedly. "Like last time, the person who gets to choose has to win. Whoever makes it first place three times, gets to decide on the activity." He grabs a controller, and grins. "I have been practicing since last time we played."
"Yeah? Well so have I." Cole bumps him with his elbow and laughs.
On the opposite side of the couch from you and Kai, Jay nudges Nya and points. "Look who Kai's trying to get cuddly with." He smirks.
She nods. "I know; (Y/N)'s the only person he talks about anymore, but I don't think they feel the same about him. "
"What are you two whispering about?" Cole raises an eyebrow, and Nya points behind him at you and Kai.
"Love issues." She explains.
He glances over and scoffs, "he has no chance with (Y/N). Last time they were in a relationship with someone, it ended badly. Besides, they've been friends with Kai for so long that they'll just think he's trying to be nice to them."
Nya groans, "and it doesn't help that Kai insists that he's 'close to a breakthrough' with them."
"So?" Jay grins, "I say we try to get him his partner, and if (Y/N) truly doesn't like him, then it wasn't meant to be."
It was on. Jay won the racing game, and chose truth or dare. "I've seen it in plenty of stories; couples get together over this game all the time."
"You read?" Cole snickers, as Jay yells at him to shut up.
"I'll go first." Jay turns to you, "out of everyone, who do you want to kiss the most?"
You tilted your head. "Don't you have to ask truth or dare first?"
Cole started laughing and a few others chuckled as Jay turned a new color from blushing so hard. "I meant that! I just figured you'd pick truth..."
"You're right, I was just telling you for next time." You stick your tongue out at him teasingly, then stand up. "Iris! I wanna kiss Iris." You announce, then go looking for your pet Siamese cat, whose name was Iris. She's meowing as you pick her up from your bedroom and bring her to the living room, kissing the top of her head and setting her in your lap. "Okay, Zane, truth or dare!"
He thinks about it. "Truth." This was a wise choice, as usually your dares were...strange. Cole knew; last time you played with him he got locked in a dark closet for ten minutes.
"Hhm, are you and Pixal...dating?" You ask.
He shakes his head, "although it is true we have feelings for each other, we are not officially dating, at the moment."
You look over at Cole and smirk, but he just glares at you. As truth or dare continues on, Jay and Nya have swapped outfits, Cole is locked outside, you're sitting on Kai's shoulders wearing a grim reaper halloween costume, and Zane is missing an arm. No one knows where it went, and frankly, everyone is too sugared up and caffeinated to notice or care right now. Yes, someone was dared to break out the candy, and at one point, you misplaced the cups of chocolate milk with cold coffee your mom left out. No one could tell the difference after eating too much sweet candy, and now there were wrappers and empty cups everywhere, and six hyper teenagers.
Not too much was damaged; the coffee stains were removable and the vase you knocked over was pretty cheap, anyway. As everyone came down from their sugar high, they crashed on the couch and tried to relax.
"Okay, so Jay's plan didn't work." Nya sighed. "(Y/N) just loves their cat more than him."
"That's not entirely true." Cole pipes up, "I know them more than any of you, and they were definitely trying to find a loophole. Jay asked for 'someone they wanted to kiss the most', and they picked Iris. They don't go out of their way to kiss her, they only do it when she's nearby or cuddling. Something's up with my cousin, and I bet it's because they like Kai."
"Maybe, but I'm still not convinced." Nya frowns.
Zane, who knew what was going on after Cole explained it to him during the sugar rush, suggested something. "How about we watch a romantic movie? It might cause them to reflect on their relationship with each other."
"That never happens." Jay complains, "if we watch a horror movie, they will definitely cuddle up at the scary moments to comfort each other."
"We're not watching a horror movie." Nya insists, "Jay couldn't sleep by himself for a week after watching Nightmare on Elm Street with me."
"Hey, that's private information!" He complains. "Besides, then if I have nightmares, you can wake me up and save me!"
So romance movie it was. It almost worked; you and Kai were all cozied up together, but you were both nearly passed out. The movie was pretty boring, but Zane seemed immersed.
"Now can we try the horror movie?" Jay complained, but Nya shook her head.
Cole thought about it for a second, then grinned. "Actually, maybe we can. Just without Jay. He can go cook dinner, or something, so he doesn't have to watch."
Nya nodded, "okay, and I'll go make it with him so he's not alone. Come on, let's go." She stands up and stretches, letting Jay follow her to the kitchen. "I'm making pizza, what does everyone want?"
You perk up, and Kai sleepily looks up from beside you. "You know what I want." You grin.
"Uh, plain pepperoni is fine with me." Kai yawns.
"Cheese and mushrooms."
"Zane and I are sharing." Cole gives Nya and Jay a thumbs up, and the couple disappear into the kitchen. "Alright, who wants to watch Alien?"
"No," you whined, "I want to watch Predator."
"Fine," Cole groaned, "Alien vs. Predator. Happy?"
You make a small, cheer noise, and he turns it on. Instead of getting frightened like Jay suggested, you just got closer to the screen by sitting down on the floor in front of the couch and cheering on the Predator.
"Oh yeah, I forgot your cousin was 'the weird kid' at school." Nya whispers to Cole as she comes in the check on the situation. Kai was sat down behind you, huddling close as he clearly didn't enjoy the movie as much as you did.
"I can't believe I missed that, I mean, they touched dead frogs in science and ate clovers in the football field for fun." He sighs.
Nya grins, "I guess since Zane and Jay failed, it's my turn to pick the activity next. I say we do nail painting, and we can have Kai and (Y/N) do each other's nails."
"Yeah but like...what about the rest of us." Cole frowns.
"Well, Jay and I will help each other, so you and Zane can paint each other's nails."
He scratches the back of his neck nervously, "would he even like that stuff on his titanium?"
"It'll be fine, trust me." She scoffs. "Anyway, I left Jay alone in the kitchen. See ya after the movie!" And Nya dashed to the kitchen and opened the oven.
"Cole, look." Zane taps his shoulder and points to you and Kai, who was now in front of you with his head in your chest as you hushed him and rubbed the top of his head. "(Y/N) appears to be comforting him. Does that count?"
"I guess?" He shrugs.
"Is it over?" Kai asked as the movie finally ended, and you assured him it was all okay. "Geez, why did you make me watch that?" He laughed, trying to shake away his fear.
"I didn't, it was Zane's idea. Besides, no one made you watch it. Nya was in the kitchen making food with Jay, you could've gone with them."
He started to blush, trying to come up with an excuse. "Yeah, well...well they're probably doing gross couple stuff in there!"
"So? I meddle in Cole's love life all the time, it doesn't matter."
"Yeah, it does, and it's obnoxious." He retorts, crossing his arms.
You fake pout and pinch his cheeks. "Don't be such a pissboy, Cole-Cakes."
"Don't call me that embarrassing nickname," he smacks your hands off him, "and don't stretch my face out!"
"You're still a pissboy~" You sing, and now you were wrestling on the living room floor with your angry, younger cousin. You start to shriek when you can't get up from under him, as he has one of your arms pinned behind your back, "I yield, I yield! You wouldn't hurt your baby cousin, would you?"
"You're older than me; if anything, I'm the baby cousin." He huffs and gets off you.
Just in time, too. "Pizza's ready!" Jay announces excitedly, bursting into the living room.
"I want to pick all the mushrooms off Cole's pizza." You giggle mischievously.
"Hey, that's Zane's pizza too, don't drag him into this." Cole snorts.
"Who do you think I'm giving all the extra mushrooms to? I'm not eating yucky mushrooms."
"Says the kid who ate lawn in their 6th year of school." Jay snickers.
"Ugh," you groan, "it's not lawn, they're clovers, and they were edible, too! Mom grows them for fun!"
You all talked and laughed together over dinner, discussing future plans, old memories, and telling bad internet jokes. Once everyone was finished, Nya had you bust out your old nail polish collection. You haven't worn any in a while, but they were still good. Nya and Jay hogged all the shades of blue they could find, leaving just a couple shades of red, purple, yellow, and black and white.
"Thanks Nya." Kai sighs, speaking sarcastically to his sister.
She rolls her eyes at him, "you don't even like blue, it reminds you of Jay."
Cole sighed and picked out the black and white, along with one of the more orangish - red colors.
"Ooh, ooh, I want purple with like...yellow stars, like night sky colors." You grinned, picking out a dark purple and cream yellow.
Kai shrugs and grabs simple red and yellow. "Eh, do something with these."
You don't notice the others casually watching as you hold Kai's hand steady in yours, coating them in the crimson red he picked out, before letting it dry. You even had a contest, blowing on them as hard and fast as you could to get it to dry faster, before you laughed about it together. You did different things with the lemon yellow color he chose, painting little dragon heads on his thumbs, stripes on his index finger, flames on his middle fingers for 'when things get spicy' as you put it, hearts on his ring fingers, to which he blushed, and x's on his pinkies.
"Thank's, (Y/N), they actually look really nice." He grins and admires them.
You scratch your cheek shyly, "well, yeah. I did want to pursue makeup and nail design as a career when I was younger, it's just that biology class made me change my mind." You laugh, and he chuckles with you.
Nya points to Jay, "ha, they held hands, so I did better than you."
"Technically, it was to keep the hand steady while applying the paint." Zane interjects.
"Nail polish, Zane. It sounds weird when you call it paint." Cole complains.
"My apologies, nail polish." He smiles at Cole, admiring the white snowflakes on black background he gave him.
"It's my turn now, and I say we all do some Karaoke!"
"Ugh, car-a-ohk-ee. If they wanted it pronounced carry-oh-kee, they should've spelled it that way." You groan.
Cole pushes you so you fall onto Kai, landing on his back from behind. "I picked the activity, pronounce it right."
Another wrestling match between the cousins started while Nya and Zane set up the karaoke machine. "It's done." They announce, and you kick your feet from under Cole.
"Me, me! Me first!" You squeal, wriggling your way out from under him. No, you'd never beat him unless he let you win, but it didn't stop you from trying.
"Actually, we're doing duets." Jay smirks, "and since Nya and I are together, and you were fighting with Cole, you and Kai get to duet together."
"Wow, poor Zane. I'm sorry he forgot you, my dude." You pat his shoulder and gave him a sad face.
"I am not offended by it, I know he means well." He nods towards Jay. "Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to sing with Cole."
"Okay! But still me first." You grab one of the mikes, and throw one at Kai, who catches it and spins it on his finger a bit to show off.
This could be the perfect chance for him. He's always wanted to hear you sing, but he knew you were just going to pick a song you could be funny to, so he wanted to choose it. Maybe something cute and romantic. "Oh, if we're going first, can I pick?"
"Aw, but I wanted to play Never Gonna Give You Up." You pouted. "I even memorized the 'gonna give you up' version where it's the opposite and he is gonna let you down, is gonna run around, and desert you." You laugh, but then sigh. "I guess you deserve it, though. After that scary movie you didn't like."
He beamed at you, "thanks, (Y/N)!" He hugs you, but then lets go quickly and chuckles nervously. He scrolls through, looking for the sappiest love song he could find, but then decided against it as soon as he found a spicier song. He gulped, glancing at you for a second before picking it.
"Hot." Is all you say, just making him more nervous about this. Usually he was confident when flirting, but that was because he could tell the person he was flirting with was interested in him back. But you were different. You were strange in a way that you just lived to have fun with your friends. After hearing what happened to your last relationship, he wondered if you even wanted love again? That didn't stop him from crushing hard on you, though.
He ended up with all the female parts, as he realized he had the wrong mic, but hearing you speak in the male parts, he felt his heart flutter at the sound of your voice as you tried to actually sing the parts. You clearly weren't a singer, as your voice cracked at higher pitches, and faded out entirely as you couldn't hit deep notes either, but he still loved to hear you try. You especially made up for the singing with your dancing, as you swung your hips to the beat and moved your shoulders along. You even did a hip-thrust at him before laughing at your silly act, and he blushed hard at the action.
The others watched as you and Kai sung together, and Cole held his hand up to Jay for a high five. "I'm winning." He mouthed to him.
This went on for a while before you yawned and shut the machine off. "Okay, last thing before bed, I wanted to pick last because I wanted to show you all something." You wave them to the backyard patio, where chairs circle around a fire pit, and graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows sit on a side table, with little sticks. "Kai, can you start the fire?"
"Easy peasy." He winks at you and makes a flicking motion, sending an ember into the pit that ignites all the sticks and paper you used as fuel.
"There's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, and I thought we could watch it together." You grin, sitting between Kai and Cole.
Zane used his power to cool down the surrounding area so mosquitoes and other bugs would be less likely to bother you guys. However, this left you a little cold, but Kai was willing to take off his shirt and put it on you. "I'm the ninja of fire, my body's hot enough to handle a little cold." He insists with a wink.
You all start off by making s'mores, roasting the marshmallows then sticking them and a bar of chocolate between the graham crackers, and Jay and Cole compete by stuffing as many marshmallows into their mouths as they could.
"hwewph, i haph hwewph-laugghhhhh" Cole tries to show off that he got twelve in his mouth, but choked and coughed them all out.
"Eww," Kai and Nya complain as you laugh with Jay, who then chokes on his too and has to spit them out.
"Look!" Zane points at the sky, "I think it's starting."
Kai holds your hand excitedly as the meteor shower starts, and is surprised when you squeeze back. It's beautiful; streaks of blue, green, white, and yellow passing the dark sky and lighting up the whole area in bright color, but he knows it could never surpass you. He glances over, seeing you stare up at them with wide, awed eyes. He'd never seen this side of you before; the playfulness pushed to the side to reveal your admiration and curiosity. It was so pure, and it just made him feel so soft inside.
He didn't even realize he kissed your cheek until you whipped around to face him. "I-I'm sorry," he stuttered out an apology, "it's just I-"
Too bad no one else was looking, because here you and Kai were, kissing under the stars. "Don't apologize for something wonderful." You then snicker, "took you long enough, too."
"What, what do you mean?"
"Let's just say, since you kissed me before I had to tell you I liked you, my mom owes me 200 dollars." You smirk. "The deadline was tonight, so it's perfect." You kiss him again. "It's nice having a boyfriend again." You squeeze his hand and smile.
He was...stunned. You liked him back all this time? He wanted to be mad at you for not telling him, or even giving him hints, but he couldn't be mad at you. Instead, he just chuckled, "oh, (Y/N). You never cease to amaze me." He cackles mischievously, "the others have been trying to get us together all day, what do you say we keep their game going? Just for fun?"
You snicker, "I think that'd be great. Love you."
"You too." He kisses your hand then acts like nothing happened. Just in time, too, as the shower was ending.
"Aw, (Y/N), thanks for sharing this with us. It was so pretty!" Nya gushes.
"Yeah, hopefully Lloyd didn't miss it." Jay frowned.
"If he did, I recorded the whole thing." Zane smiles sweetly, and the others thank him for being a good friend.
You stretch and yawn. "Well, I'm pretty tired. You guys?"
Nods and verbal agreement echo around the fire, and Nya puts it out before you all head inside. In your favorite shirt and shorts, you settle down for bed. The air conditioning kicks in, and the coolness keeps everyone comfortable during the early summer night.
You probably would've been passed out too if you weren't right next to Zane, who was honestly like sleeping next to an open fridge. It wasn't like you could just turn off the AC, either, as Nya and Jay would be melting, so you had no choice but to wait until everyone was snoring away. Well, everyone except you and Kai.
"I've noticed you shivering over there." He whispers to you as you sit up and look around. He's not even in his sleeping bag, just on top of it. "C'mere, you." He opens his arms, inviting you to snuggle. He's not as sweaty hot as you thought he would feel during the summer, but rather he was a comfortable type of warm. Probably cooled down from the AC, or manipulating his temperature for you. He was really sweet like that.
You kissed his cheek, and he kissed your forehead and wrapped an arm around your torso as you draped an arm over his stomach, laying your head on his chest. "So, who's waking up early to separate so no one suspects a thing?"
He chuckles, "you should do it. I'm a heavy sleeper." He uses his other hand to caress your cheek and rub his thumb against it. "I love you, (Y/N)."
You yawn and snuggle closer, settling down. "I love you too, Kai." It turned out he was just too comfortable to wake up in the morning, and you got many stares and questions during breakfast.
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dylshoney · 6 years
movie night
request: okay but like a smut of david fingering you in secret? like, it's movie night at david's house, and everyones watching teen wolf or something. you comment on how hot some actor is and david gets INSTANTLY jealous. you feel his hand on your leg and all that good stuff while everyone is around you guys and after he's just like "that's what you get, princess" mM FUCK
a/n: i’ve been in a dave mood lately and uuf this request really got me. not my best work, but eh i was inspired. gif is mine!
warnings: language, fingering, light smut
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“Scoot over,” Zane looked down at you, his eyes narrowed teasingly.
 You grumbled, rolling over on the couch, giving Zane the opportunity to sit down –placing a huge bowl of popcorn in his lap.
 You smiled, straightening up and reaching over to grab a handful, but your hand was smacked away.
 “You have an entire tub,” you whined, reaching again, “Give me some.”
 He raised the bowl out of your reach, “Nu-uh baby. Make your own.”
 You huffed, leaning back and crossing your arms.
 Seconds later you felt the couch dip next to you, a smile adorning your face as your boyfriend winked at you, handing you his bowl of popcorn.
 You took it from him eagerly, leaning into him as he threw his arm over your shoulders.
 “Thank you bub,” you hummed, melting into his side as he kissed your head.
 David grinned, his hand traveling down to pinch your hip as he pulled you closer to him, throwing your legs over his lap.
 “Yuck,” Zane shivered, scooting away from you, “I’m trying to eat here.”
 “Don’t be jealous, baby,” David smirked teasingly.
 “I’m not, I’m appalled actually.”
 “I can call Stass and ask her to come over?” You tilted your head innocently as David snorted next to you.
 “You would do that?” Zane’s voice was higher than normal.
 You pretended to think about it for a moment, before shaking your head with an evil grin, “I usually would, but since you didn’t want to share with me…”
 “Y/n …” He whined, grabbing a pillow and smacking your arm with it as you laughed.
 “Hey!” David grabbed the pillow from him, tossing it away with a glare, “Don’t make me get my taser.”
 You laughed even louder as Zane immediately stopped his assault, grumbling profanities under his breath.
 “What are we watching?” Natalie walked into the living room, joining the three of you in your weekly movie night.
 “Maze Runner,” David said, reaching for the remote as you squealed in excitement.
 Natalie smiled, “Good choice, y/n.”
 “How do you know she chose it?” David asked, pressing play, your eyes glued to the screen in anticipation.
 Natalie snorted, “Cause she’s in love with Dylan O’Brien. Duh.”
 You could feel David tense next to you but you ignored it, your gaze locked on the said actor on screen.
 The four of you were mostly quiet for the first half of the movie, too enthralled with the craziness to talk. Zane had fallen asleep next to you, which was a miracle seeing as the screen was constantly filled with screams.
 You usually loved when David made side commentary when the two of you watched movies; it made the overall experience more enjoyable. But this time, your mind was completely consumed with the gorgeous man on screen, so you replied to his comments with simple one-word answers. After a few times, you noticed this really began bugging him, which almost made you laugh. He was always craving your attention.
 You smirked, placing your head on his shoulder as you watched Thomas run through the maze.
 “He’s so fucking hot,” you mumbled, wanting to see what kind of rise you would get out of David.
 You expected him to roll his eyes and make a sarcastic comment, but he was silent, his body stiffening under you.
 You bit your lip, about to admit it was all a joke, when you felt it. His hand tightened around your thigh.
 At first, you thought it was an accident, but when he began lightly massaging your skin, you knew he was doing it on purpose.
 You gasped as his fingers trailed further up, his cold rings causing shivers to form all over your frame.
 “David,” you hissed into his ear, your eyes locked on an oblivious Natalie.
 He ignored you, his hand traveling up until it was massaging right under your clickbait shorts.
 You shivered as his digits moved the light cotton material slightly to the side, exposing your core, before sliding a line up your slit.
 Your hand was quick to grasp his, steadying his movements, “What the hell are you doing?” Your whisper was supposed to come out furious, but instead, you sounded as aroused as you felt.
 “Nothing,” he shrugged, his hand wiggling out of your grasp and back down into your warmth.
 You bit your lip as his long fingers began moving up and down your already soaked core.
 You were thankful for the fluffy blanket covering your bottom half, keeping your boyfriend’s actions from anyone’s view.
 “David,” you warned softly, “S-stop.”
 He smirked, leaning down to whisper, “No can do, bub.”
 You gasped as he lightly bit the skin under your ear, “If you can’t handle the punishments, then you shouldn’t be such a bad girl.
 You exhaled a shaky breath, your eyes rolling back as you saw his dark eyes, his arousal obvious.
 “Be quiet, baby,” he rasped, slipping a finger inside you, your eyes shutting as your legs clenched around his hand.
 You tried to control your breathing, your hands gripping his shirt as you tried not to make any sounds. You hated the smirk on his face, he knew how hard it was for you to stay quiet. You were usually loud, and he liked it that way.
 It seemed like he wanted to get caught, he wanted you to throw your head back and scream as he pleasured you. But you weren’t going to let him win that easily.
 You bit your lip to stop any sounds from escaping, your eyes shutting as you placed your face into the crook of his neck.
 You yelped quietly, as he stuck another finger inside you, his long digits beginning to pump.
 His thumb ran along your clit, eliciting a small whimper that only seemed to spur him further. His pace quickened, his fingers moving at an ungodly pace.
 You couldn’t resist biting his shoulder as you felt the familiar tightness form between your legs.
 “So tight,” his voice was low, raspy, “Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
 You whimpered again, trying to hold your breath, your legs begging to tremble slightly.
 “David,” you mumbled into his skin.
 “I know bub,” he didn’t cease his pace, his fingers guiding you to completion, “Cum for me.”
 You felt dizzy, biting his shoulder again as your cunt clenched around his fingers, falling apart around him.
 He guided you through your high, a slight smirk on his lips at the knowledge that he could have you shaking with just his fingers.
 You pulled away from him, trying to catch your breath, slightly opening your eyes as he took his fingers out.
 You watched with wide eyes as he brought them up to his mouth, sucking them clean. Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, feeling wetness form between your legs again.
 David winked at your flushed face, his arm wrapping around your waist to tug you closer again. You almost wanted to protest, feeling too worked up to be this close to him again, but you couldn’t resist.
 Especially when he kissed your cheek lightly. You hummed as his kisses trailed your jaw down your neck.
 “Why are you doing this to me?” You mumbled, getting more aroused by the second.
 He tapped your bum lightly, “That’s what you get, princess. Looking at other men.” He tutted shaking his head.
 You turned back to the screen, seeing that you were about half an hour from the end. You knew you couldn’t last that long, your legs clenching to keep your wetness from dripping onto the couch.
 You smirked, looking back up at David innocently, “I can’t help it, he’s just so delicious. Makes me wonder what he – ”
 His hand was gripping your ass so hard you were sure it was going to leave bruises, “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
 His dark tone sent a rush through your body. You kept steady eye – contact, your tongue slipping out of your mouth to lick your lower lip. David’s gaze locked on you, made you smirk lightly, your eyes falling on the very noticeable bulge in his sweatpants.
 “That’s it.”
 Before you could open your mouth, his arms had wrapped around you, picking you up off the couch, swinging you over his shoulder.
 “David!” You squealed as he slapped your ass roughly.
 “Where are you going?” Natalie’s sleepy voice asked as he passed her, “Movie’s not done yet.”
 David didn’t stop, yelling back to her, “We’re heading to bed! Turn off the T.V. when you’re done.”
 He slammed his bedroom door shut with a bang, making sure to lock it before walking you over to his fluffy bed and dropping you.
 You gasped, his body falling on top of you in seconds, “You are so in for it now,” he growled, connecting your lips quickly as your body collided with his.
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chvrrydolan · 5 years
two devils (p.1) - G.D
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summary: Grayson Dolan, the biggest asshole of his fraternity is on a huge mission to make the walking devil herself also known as Y/N as his girl. 
words: 2k
a/n: hey guys. so i have been writing this multi part series for couple of months now and i’m finally in the mood to publish it. this series were inspired by my old fanfic that i had written on wattpad some long time ago.
He was a walking devil. He had zero emotions showed on his face. Tattoos covered him from neck to toe. He always wore his signature leather jacket and always had a cigarette hanging low on his lip. He was Bradley’s college’s nightmare and everybody knew that. He had a face and body of greek god, to be exact. He was the type of guy that could cut diamonds with his jawline and make girls fall for him in an instant. Six feet tall, broad shoulders, tan skin and awfull personality. He had the whole school wrapped around his fingers. He drove his motorcycle to his campus and didn't remember the names of the girls he kissed or fucked. He knew he intimidated everyone, even teachers. Every girl in here were practically drooling over him, also I can even mention some of the teachers too. He always got what he wanted. No one even dared to come his way and everybody who messed with him ended up badly. He was the type of guy that could cut diamonds with his jawline and make girls fall for him in an instant. He had his own little crew that followed him around everywhere and went to parties ready to drink, fight, then hookup and leave. He didn't even try, and everyone knew it. He was the one and only Grayson Dolan.
She was one who guys wanted to fuck with the most. She wore black clothing and dark lipstick. Her eyeliner was sharp as fuck and ready to cut a bitch. She was fearless, she was brave, she was the one who college girls wanted to be friends with. She was careless, she gave zero shits. She didn't care about nothing. She got all guys attention but she didn't deal with any of them. She got the body everybody could be jealous of. The curves got all the college guys drooling. No one dared to copy her, no one dared to get in her way too because everybody knew it will end up pretty bad. She was badass. She was different. She was that one girl that went from "goody two shoes" to someone who couldn't care less about what anyone thought of her in one summer. She was the one girl who mesmerized Grayson. She smoked cigarettes in and out of school and could dance like there was no tomorrow. She had an exclusive group and no one dared approach unless they were asked to. But she was also the one girl who didn't care about Grayson. Maybe that's why she was so fascinating. No one really knew why. Maybe it was the way she walked down the hallway looking strait, not bothering to acknowledge anyone except her friends. Or the way her ponytail always swung perfectly when she played volley-ball in gym class. Or the way her lipstick never faded. She didn't try, and everyone knew it. She was the one and only Y/N.
She re-applied her matte purple lipstick in the bathroom.
She rarely made appearances at parties in her actual town, but tonight was feeling like an adventurous night, so she and her best friend, Monica, decided to head out to this exclusive party about 20 minutes away from her place. Not many people were invited, only the best of best from their college campus. Also, plus there was free drinks and bartender and that’s the only thing Y/N cared about in a party. Monica had already disappeared with Ethan Dolan, Grayson’s brother. Y/N always found them attractive but she also found them very superficial. She didn’t hate them or anything, she just preferred to stay away.
Y/N sighed and lit up her cigarette, hoping tonight would be one for the books. Making her way to the bar that had actual seats and everything she wondered whose house she was in, but she knew for sure it was one of the richer boys in town.
Walking to get her drink she heard someone howl at her. She knew she looked good tonight. Skin tight leather pants, a loose white tee with a knot on side to show a bit of stomach and her classic black stilettos was a good choice to show off her body.
As Y/N turned around to see what douche was hollering at her ass, she wasn’t surprised. It was the one and only Grayson Dolan.
“Nice to see that you have class, Dolan” She said, taking a drag from her cigarette.
They all just stared at her and Grayson just stuttered a few things that Y/N could barely hear. She knew the boys were intimidated. Y/N usually wouldn’t have actually said anything and just simply walked away but tonight he preferred to have a little bit of fun and she stared at them while smirking.
“Hello, boys” She said while winking at his groupies and with that she walked over to where Grayson was sitting and leaned over to put her both hands on both of his legs, her face inches away from his.
“Next time, you might wanna keep with just staring. Works better for you, don’t you think?” She said with a shit load of attitude. His eyes kept darting downwards. She knew that her whole chest was exposed. It was so fun for her to tease him.
As she started to walk away she heard something.
“Sure thing, babe.” Grayson said in his rough, sexy voice. Y/N turned on her heel, took a smoke and stared at him.
“Don’t call me that.” She said while smirking at him and with that she heard one of them gulp. Looking over she saw Brad, one of his dogs that follow Grayson around. His eyes widened.
“Nervous, Brad?” She asked him, while blowing him a kiss and walking away.
She laughed to herself as she sat down at the bar.
Grayson watched Y/N walk away, her ass swinging from side to side. He looked at the other boys who seemed just as surprised as Grayson felt.
She was so fascinating to him. God, she would be the perfect girl for me, he thought to himself.
Grayson stood up. Fixed his hair and started to walk off before another one of his friends, Zane, called his name.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? She’ll cut you to pieces even if you just do near her!” Zane said with a worried look on this face.
“I don’t know, man. She’s different then these bimbos that I usually hookup with and I like that.” Grayson said quietly, nudging towards the other girls here. He walked away and made his way towards the bar. He sat down next to her and stared at her until she said something.
“What the fuck do you want, Dolan?” She asked, puffing smoke into his face.
“A chance to dance with the magnificent Y/N.” He answered putting his hand on her thigh. She didn’t even acknowledge it. Why didn’t that work? Girls love that? He thought. She took a sip of her drink and turned to him.
“And why should I, Grayson?” Y/N asked while taking a sip of her martini and raising her eyebrows.
That was the first time Grayson heard her say his first name all night.
“Well, considering you’re at my party, in my house, listening to my playlist, while drinking my alcohol, I think you should thank me.” Grayson explained as Y/N eyes widened. Of course, she didn’t knew it was his house. She wouldn’t bother with details like that.
“Fair enough.” She said as she swallowed the last drop of her drink. Grayson grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance space in the living room.
While Grayson grabbed both of her hands she grinded her hips against his. She did a few moves that he didn’t even know what to call because he had never seen them before but they were very sexy. She turned around so that her body was against mine and they we were face to face. Y/N kept dancing but never breaking their stare. Before Grayson realized what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her waist and started to lean in. She followed, slightly parting her lips and tightening her grasp. They were so close, then the song ended and she pulled away smirking at him.
“That was fun, Dolan. Let’s do it again sometime.” She said while grabbing a piece of paper from inside her bra and put it seductively in his pocket. He knew immediately it was her number. She winked at him, put on her sunglasses and walked out the door. Meeting up with her best friend. That was it. No goodbye. No nothing.
Smiling to herself she went home thinking what mess she got into.
The next morning Y/N woke up to her phone ringing. She already knew who it was because no one calls her in the morning. Of course, she took her time to answer it, not wanting to seem excited about this.
“Hey, babe.” Grayson said, his raspy voice making her stomach churn. Even though the phone, she could tell he was smiling insanely.
“Who’s this?” Y/N asked, just to bug him. She knew it would drive him crazy.
“Who else? It’s Grayson.” He answered, sounding a little annoyed.
“Oh, hey Dolan. What’s up?”
“Well, I think today we’re gonna go out for some coffee. I’ll buy, of course.”
Y/N smirked to herself.
“Jesus, Dolan. Somebody’s a little bossy this morning. Now tell me, why should I get coffee with you?”
“Maybe because you left so suddenly last night?” She could feel him smirking.
“Well, I guess I could go out for a bit. I’ll meet you at the café down my street in 30 minutes.” She could hear him starting to talk but she hung up, something she often did.
Typical, Y/N. Grayson said to himself. Doing whatever she wants.
He still haven’t realized in what mess he got into but he knew that this day might be very challenging because Y/N was a one big stubborn ass with shit load of attitude.
After 30 minutes Grayson was sitting in a café. Minutes passed by and she wasn’t here yet. It felt forever until she arrived.
Grayson checked his phone, seeing that she was fifteen minutes late. Looking up he found her in the parking lot.
He watched her as she walked to the café. She looked gorgeous to him, as always. Grayson started to get up to greet her but then realized she wasn’t coming in quite yet.
Y/N leaned against the brick wall and pulled out a red lighter with something written on it in black sharpie, as well as her pack of Marlboro’s. She lit up and Grayson contently watched her. It was like a movie. Everything she did was so fascinating to watch for Grayson.
She looked around the parking lot until she was ready to come in. She dropped her cigarette and squished it with her foot. She pushed the door open and walked in, sat down next to Grayson and pulled out a Vogue magazine not bothering to look up or say anything.
“Well, good morning to you too sunshine.” Grayson said sarcastically.
She finally looked up and closed her magazine.
“I hate saying hi first.” She just answered while shrugging her hair off her shoulder.
“And why is that?”
“I like seeing whether people care enough so start up the conversation.”
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novapsb · 5 years
A Ninjago FanFic that I wrote for my English class
This is an 800-word story that I had to write for my year 11 English class, I find it easier to write a story in class when I know the characters so that’s why I do this. Enjoy. - Opposite Shipping (Kai x Zane) - Bruiseshipping (Jay x Cole) - Samurai Shipping(Nya x Pixel)
My name is Zane, I’m an android from the planet Xeon, where machines are alive and are even born. Once our planet was discovered, we were treated like slaves and put to work. My owners, a word we hate to use, are a lovely married couple that got me for their wedding gift. Jay and Cole Brookstone quickly realised that I wasn’t just a machine and did some digging.
They found out that I had my own planet, a home, but no family. They treated me like a brother, as a friend. They started a petition to set my race free, they got almost nothing, people depended on us like we were their hearts. We did everything. To remove us would be to remove an important cog from the machine.
During this time, I met their long-time friend, Kai, an orphan that didn’t have parents, but a little sister named Nya. The two of them were two sides of the same coin. They were both tough on the outside but kind on the inside. Cole and Jay were still fighting the losing war, every day they went to their jobs and tried to spread the word, it did no good.
I was attacked the other day, on my way home from the store. A group of boys with baseball bats and face covers that came up to me and started beating me. I’m not too sure what happened after that, I believe that I suffered a concussion, for my memory wasn’t working for a short time after. When I rebooted, I was back at the Brookstone house, in my room. When I came out I found that Kai was there, saying that he brought me home and fixed me up.
Today Jay introduced me to his boss’s son Lloyd, he was a very influential man. With him, an unexpected turn happened. My species fought back, from the second we are born, we are taken and told that we are nothing and can only follow. The realisation that this wasn’t the case, that we were living beings that could die, brought many people into our cause.
A majority of their machines were abandoned and their world switched off. There was no-one to do the dangerous jobs and no-one to do the dirty work. The world couldn’t function without us, even though they did before. They had been relying on us for so long that they couldn’t function without us.
We revolted. Humans and Androids together, we walked through the streets yelling mantras of peace and more and more humans came to our aid. We were met with violence at first, people who didn’t agree fought back, hard. Kai and Nya were always near to protect me, always one step ahead and one step behind.
The more and more people saw that we weren’t just emotionless machines, the less control the government had. All across the world, humans were doing what humans did best, they were fighting for what they believed in, and it worked. We were given full rights and had to be treated like humans were.
People were ecstatic with the results. Yes, their world was dark. Yes, it would take time to fix. Yes, it will affect the course of their world. Yes, this will change their views. Yes, humans no know that there are other beings out there, and yes, humans will be going to discover new races.
Not even ten years later humans have spread out across the galaxy. Cementing themselves as major species in the galaxy. My life these days is simple. I spend most of my time in space, I decided to stay and help Cole and Jay as they were my family, they were all I knew.
Our ship was called the ‘The bounty’, Nya’s idea. They still worked for their old company but now did deliveries and pick-ups across the galaxy. Kai and Nya and still with us. Kai spends most of his time around me, helping me and keeping me company. My friend Pixel travels with us as well, Nya brought her home one day, her new girlfriend. Lloyd will sometimes join us for a few weeks when he has free time.
Their world isn’t perfect but we rebuilt it. Humans alongside androids, we rebuilt the world from the ground up. We turned their world from a perfect place to a warzone, right back to perfect, but even more so than before.
I’m not sure what the future will hold for us, all I know is that I’m where I’m supposed to be, and no matter what happens, I will always have my family by my side and no-one can ever tear us apart.
- The end
If you got to the end, thanks, also any criticism is welcomed, so if anything bugged you, please let me know
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
Little Clickbait Onesie
Description: David thinks his girlfriend is pregnant.
Requested?: Yes by @sizzlescott : can you do something with david where him and all of the vlog squad think you’re pregnant from a bunch of things that you’ve done recently which seem like symptoms of you being pregnant. then in the end you take a test and it’s negative. you have the flu
A/N: I really loved this concept, thank you for requesting it!
She woke up nauseous. David was awakened to the sound of her puking into the toilet.
"Are you okay, baby?" He sat up, checking the time. It was way too early for him to be awake, considering he had only gone to bed 3 hours prior.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I probably just ate something bad." She reached for her toothbrush as she looked in the mirror. She was pale, a little too pale, and looked dreadfully tired. After brushing her teeth she went and got back in bed with her boyfriend. They slept for a while longer, finally waking up when Zane arrived.
"Are you two gonna sleep all day?" He poked his head in the door. David had been awake for about thirty minutes, but would rather stay with her for a while than go talk to all of his friends. He was also googling symptoms of pregnancy, and freaking himself out, and he didn't want his friends to notice.
"I'll be out in a minute, Zane." He replied, getting up to pee. The sound of the door shutting woke her up, and she realized how bad she really felt. This is usually how she would feel on her period, but her period stopped once she got on birth control.
She wrapped herself in a blanket and walked out into the living room. Carly, Zane, Jeff, and Joe were spread out across the living room. She sat in the LoveSac, checking her phone for the first time all day.
"Are you okay?" Carly asked her.
"Yeah, I just don't feel the best, but I'm fine." She smiled, trying to appear as if she felt okay.
"Do you want some breakfast? It'd help you to eat a little bit." Natalie popped out of the kitchen, bringing the smell of scrambled eggs with her. The smell of the eggs almost made y/n gag, but she held it together.
"Just some toast, if you don't mind. I've been craving toast for like three days." She smiled back. She contemplated getting up and puking again.
"You've been having cravings, too?" David didn't mean to let that slip out as he walked into the room.
"Doesn't everyone get cravings sometimes?" She tried to justify herself, understanding what he was implying.
"I'm just saying." He brought her a water bottle and a plate of toast with jam on it.
"Thank you." She tried to end the conversation. There was no way she was pregnant.
"Wait, do you think she-" Carly tried to ask, but y/n interrupted.
"I'm on birth control, I'm not pregnant." She was the first person to say the word out loud, making it sound a lot heavier.
"I don't know, this girl I went to high school with was on birth control, but she still got pregnant. She kept takin' the pills though, and she had a miscarraige." Jeff said.
"Oh my God, Jeff." Carly was freaked out by his story. Y/n was a lot more freaked out.
"Should I postmate a pregnancy test?" Zane asked. Her frustration was bubbling up inside of her.
"Can you all just stop! Goddamn." She stood up, putting the toast on the table and quickly making her way back to David's room. David grabbed the plate and followed closely behind, recognizing that he made a mistake by bringing it up.
"I'm sorry." He poked his head through the door as she lay face down on the bed. She sat up, ready to explode.
"Do you know how embarrassing it is for everybody to be guessing if you're pregnant? It's a conversation you and I need to have before you go guessing about it to our friends. I'm not pregnant, and even if I am I would want to tell everyone in a cute fun way and be happy about it, not miserable with morning sickness or whatever. Also, do you realize how fucking serious being pregnant is, David? You can't even take care of a goldfish, and you wanna raise a kid? Just leave me alone for a little bit." She laid back down, starting to cry. David thought to himself about mood swings, and rubbed her back with his hand as she cried. He hated seeing her like this.
"I'm sorry." He repeated himself. "Do you want me to go get a pregnancy test, to make sure?" His voice was quiet, he didn't wanna upset her even more.
"No, I'll go." She wiped her tears as she sat up and scooted off the bed.
"Can I come with you?" He asked, genuinely wanting to be there for her.
"No, David. I'm still mad at you." She walked into the bathroom and started the shower. "When was the last time we had sex, anyway? Like a week ago right? I wouldn't have symptoms that fast." She stripped her clothes off.
"Okay but we also had sex about a month ago, don't you start getting symptoms at a month?" He reminded her, subtly admiring her body.
"Yeah, I guess so." She hopped in the shower as David walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
Once she was clean and dressed, she grabbed her wallet and phone and went to find Natalie. She peaked into Nat's room and saw her there, typing away on her laptop.
"Hey, will you come with me to CVS?" She asked. Natalie smiled back at her and nodded, grabbing her shoes and her keys.
The two girls walked out into the living room, ignoring everyone as they left the house. They got in Nat's Mercedez and headed off to the drugstore. Y/n couldn't help but feel nauseous on the ride over.
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Natalie asked her.
"No, that's why we're going to get the test, but I really don't think I am." She explained to her friend as they pulled into the parking lot. They walked inside, and y/n immediately noticed there was a minute clinic.
"I should go see if anyone's there, maybe I just have a stomach bug or something." They headed towards the little clinic and filled out the survey you have to take before seeing somebody.
"I never knew these places were so fancy, they have, like, examination rooms and everything." Natalie commented, sitting down on a bench.
"Y/n?" A doctor stuck her head out the door of the little examination room. Y/n stood and walked into the room, leaving Natalie outside. After about fifteen minutes, she walked out of the room with some papers in her hands.
"So?" Natalie asked, standing up and putting her phone in her pocket.
Back at David's house, they filmed little bits, but everyone kept talking about the fact that y/n might be pregnant. It had also come up in one of the groupchats, the rumor spreading to the rest of the vlog squad.
David was more anxious than usual. The thing she said earlier about him not even being able to care for a fish really struck a chord with him. How would he be able to take care of a human child? He would learn though. He's always wanted to be a dad. The door opened and he immediately ran to her.
"Did you take a test yet?" He looked at the plastic CVS bag in her hands.
"No." She walked past him, just pretending to be pissed now that she had devised a plan. She and Natalie went into Nat's bedroom and locked the door. Everyone stood outside the door, trying to hear what they were discussing. The two girls made their way into Natalie's bathroom, stifling their words as much as they could. Natalie took the false positive pregnancy test out of its package, and y/n took the medicine for the small stomach bug she had, doing anything to make everyone else believe they were waiting the full 3 minutes for the test.
"I'm glad you're not pregnant, I would probably have to move out so you could turn my room into a nursery." Natalie whispered. Y/n flushed the toilet, covering her laughter with the sound of rushing water.
After three more agonizing minutes, the girls finally opened the bedroom door, watching everyone pretend they weren't standing there waiting for it to open.
"David, can I talk to you?" She held the fake pregnancy test in one hand, and pulled David into his bedroom with the other. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." The couple sat on the bed.
"I know you have a pregnancy test, why do I need to close my eyes?" David questioned.
"Okay fine, whatever." She tossed the test at his chest, smiling as he read it.
"Holy shit. Holy shit!" He hugged her really tight, unable to comprehend his excitement. He knew it would be a big responsibility, but he thought he could handle it.
"Oh, I wouldn't get too close to me." She pushed David off of her.
"Why?" He questioned her, wondering what she meant.
"Because the stomach bug I have is probably contagious." She watched his face drop as he understood.
"So you're not pregnant?" He felt a deep sadness in his chest. Tears welled in his eyes.
"No. I wanted to teach you a lesson. Now you get to go tell all of our friends that I'm not pregnant, and that you got them all excited because you're an idiot." She felt a pain in her heart, its not like she knew he would be so sad. She thought he didn't want a kid. But she also couldn't watch her beautiful boyfriend cry. "And then when I feel better, we can make a real baby, and keep it between us, and film everybody's reactions, and use it for clickbait even though it won't be clickbait."
David smiled at the end, a tear rolling down his face. "Can we make it a little Clickbait onesie?" A soft chuckle escaped his lips.
"Yes, we can make it a little Clickbait onesie."
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Fitting In - David Dobrik
Blurb- Rylee has been good friends with Zane for a while, but she’s never been around the vlog squad before. Rylee has been a bit hesitant about meeting everybody, mainly because she a huge fan and is really nervous about meeting them. After Zane’s constant begging, she finally gives in and go to hang out with everybody, no cameras this time though. Will she fall for a certain fluffy haired goofball?
A/N- This is my first fanfic so bare with me, I’ll get the hang of it. Enjoy!
Chapter One
    “Come on, pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee? If I ask enough times you have to say yes. Please please pleeeeaaassseeeee?” 
You rolled your eyes as Zane kept on about coming with him to meet his friends. It’s not that you don’t want to meet them, but they’re youtube stars, and you’re...well...not. You’re nervous. Zane is your best friend. He also happens to be a part of the vlog squad on youtube, a group of people that film with the one and only David Dobrik. Who wouldn’t be nervous about meeting them? Zane has been bugging you for the past three months, and you’re getting tired of it.
    “They all want to meet you ‘cause I talk about you all the time! You’ll fit right in and it’ll be so much fun Rylee!” He’s giving me puppy dog eyes now. Seriously, I am done with this. 
“You can even be in the vlogs! And- wait. What?”
    “I said fine. I’ll go with you and meet your friends.” I sighed. I knew I would give in eventually.
Zane jumped off the couch, “Seriously?! Hell yes baby get ready ‘cause we leavin’ right fucking now!” He runs off to his room and barges back into the room jingling his keys. I get up and trudge out to his car. At least he’ll shut up about it now. But fuck. I am so nervous. I may be friends with Zane but I’m a huge fan of everybody in the vlog squad.
    “I’m gonna make a fool of myself tonight.” I said fidgeting with my fingers.
Zane laughed, “How? You’ll probably be the most put-together person there, honestly.”
    “I don’t know. I’m sure I’ll find some way to embarrass myself.”
“I promise you can’t do anything worse than anybody else, Ry. You’ll be fine.”
*time skip to the house*
Zane and I finally pulled up to the house and wow. This place is amazing. We got out of the car and walked up to the door. I looked at Zane; he could tell I was nervous now.
He placed his hand on my shoulder, “You’re overreacting, as usual. Just be yourself. You’re awesome and they’re gonna love you. Chill Rylee.”
‘Yeah, chill Rylee.” I repeated in my head and took a deep breath. Zane opened the door and I followed him inside. Everybody was chilling in the living room: Jonah, Todd, Jeff, Natalie, Corrina, Erin, Carly, Heath, Jason, and David. They all look up as we enter the room. Heath gets up to hug me; we’re friends already as well.
“Holy shit you actually got her to come this time.” He laughs as he lets go of me and turns to face the group, “This is Rylee, Rylee, this is everybody.” Erin snorts, “That’s not a very in depth intro,” she gets up and gives me a small hug, “I’m Erin, its nice to meet you. Zane has told us a lot about you.” 
    “All good things I hope.” I chuckle. Todd and Jeff wave from their seats, “You’re really pretty.” Todd says nonchalantly. Zane grabs ahold of me, “Don’t even think about it. Either of you. Not. Happening.” I push him off of me and wave at the boys and the girls as well. David gets up from his chair, “Hi, I’m David.” he holds out his hand and I take it, “Rylee. Nice to finally meet you all.” He smiles before returning to his seat. I sit down between Zane and Heath. Everybody starts talking away, including me. It was actually easy to talk to everybody, and my nervousness soon faded away. 
    Zane puts his hands on my shoulders, “She’s making so much progress! I am so proud of her!” I scoffed, “It’s not like I wasn’t gonna talk to them. I was shy. I’m not anymore. Let it go moron.” Everybody laughed.
    “Hey,” Carly started, “You seem pretty cool, but we only know what Zane has told us about you.” 
“And honestly I’m sure that’s not accurate.” Corrina added.
David spoke up next, “Well, why don’t we play twenty questions? We could get to know you some more.”
A chorus of “yeah’s” filled the room. I shrugged, “Alright. What do ya wanna know?”
    Jeff raised his hand, “Are you single?”
“Ain’t happening.” Heath and Zane stated. I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I’m single.”
“How old are you?” Carly asked.
“Just turned twenty-two this year.” I replied.
“What’s your favorite color?” Jonah piped up. Jason started laughing, “That’s the lamest question you could’ve asked are you kidding me?”
    I shook my head, “Shut up Jason. Jonah, my favorite color is black.”
The night went on as twenty questions seemed to turn into my life story. Most of the questions have been very basic up until Todd asked how long I had been friends with Zane and Heath.
I thought for a moment, “Um, its been like, what, a year or so?” I looked at both of them, them nodding in agreement. “Yeah a little more than a year.” Heath added. 
“How did you become friends with these idiots?” David asked; this being his first question to you since suggesting the game.
I laughed, “Well. We were at a club one night. I was with my friends and those two were there together. My friends and I were dancing and having fun, then these two knocked me and two of my friends down to the floor. Spilled their drinks all over us and everything. We were pretty pissed at first. Then-”
“At first? I would’ve been pissed the whole night AND kicked their asses. You’re telling me you forgave them right then and there?” Jeff interrupted.
    “Don’t interrupt me and you’d know why we forgave them.” Todd laughed and hit Jeff on the shoulder as I continued my story.
“Anyways, I helped my friends get up and we turn to cuss these assholes out, and we see that one of their glasses shattered and both of them had really bad cuts on their hands. Bleeding really bad too, it was really gross.” I chuckled and went on, “Even though it was their fault, we felt bad, so we helped them into my friend’s car and went to my house to treat them in a more calm setting.”
David spoke up, “What? You guys were just like, ‘You’re bleeding! Here, you don’t know us but come in our car and we’ll help you!”
    I shrugged, “I mean more or less, yeah.”
David shook his head and looked at Heath and Zane, “And you two just went with it? They could’ve been murderers!” He laughed.
Zane threw his hands up in defense, “Hey we were drunk and pretty girls were offering to take us home.” “Yeah,” Heath joined in, “Were we supposed to say no?” Everybody laughed.
“Okay, so now that we’ve established these two are way too trusting with strangers and Rylee is more than happy to welcome strangers from the club to her home, continue.” He gestures to me, shooting me a goofy grin.
Shaking my head I recount the rest of that night: patching the boys up, Zane breaking my coffee table, and both of them drunkenly passing out on my floor before my friends and I could even get their names.
    “We reacquainted ourselves the next morning when everybody was sober. Cut to my friends and I realizing it was Zane and Heath and having a fangirl moment, before finally cussing them out for basically running us over at the club.”
Zane and Heath both wrap their arms around me, “And we’ve been friends with our knight in shining armor ever since!” Zane exclaimed.
The rest of the night went smoothly, Heath broke out the alcohol, so everybody started drinking. Well, everyone minus myself, David, and Erin. I eventually found some time to slip out of the house for some much needed fresh air. I shut the door behind me and put my back against the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I’m having fun, but it was getting a little crazy in there. I moved to take a seat on the steps and looked up at the stars. Being out at night alone like this always calms me down. Its so peaceful and relaxing.
I heard the door open and close quietly behind me, but I didn’t look back to see who it was.
“Too bad I don’t have my camera with me, they’re getting crazy in there.”
I laughed. Even if I couldn’t tell by his voice I would definitely know by that sentence alone that its David.
He walked up and sat down next to me on the steps, “Why’d you come out here?”
“I was getting a bit overwhelmed in there. Just wanted a bit of alone time.” I looked over at him, leaning back on my hands.
He looked back at me, “Oh I’m sorry. I can leave if you want. Didn’t mean to disturb you.”
I shook my head, “No David, you’re fine. I meant like I just wanted some peace and quiet. I take it that’s why you’re here?”
He ran a hand through his hair, laughing, “Yeah a little. I also noticed you were missing so I came to find you.”
“Why?” I mentally smacked myself. Why did I ask that? That’s so weird to ask oh my god Rylee what is wrong with you?
He tilted his head, “You’re our new guest and you went missing within the first two hours of meeting us. I was afraid we scared you off.” We both laughed at that.
    I smiled, “Nah. It’ll take more than that to scare me off.”
“I do have a flamethrower.”
“I’m well aware.”
“Would that scare you?”
“If you were holding it? Probably.”
“Hey, I’m responsible.”
“You’re a rich twenty-two year old with a tesla, ferrari, and a flamethrower. Somehow that combination doesn’t scream ‘responsible’ to me. No offense.”
He laughed for a minute, “You might have a point.”
Things were quiet for a few minutes. It wasn’t awkward silence. It was comfortable. I liked it. Suddenly, David broke it, “So, what made you finally agree to come with Zane tonight?”
    I thought for a moment, “Well, I honestly just got annoyed of him pestering me so much. It was really important to him for whatever reason. So I caved.”
He looked at me for a moment, as if trying to figure me out, “Why were you so against meeting us in the first place? We aren’t that bad, are we?” He let out a soft chuckle.
I shook my head, “No no, no. You guys are awesome. Amazing. I’ve been a fan forever.” I looked out towards the road, “I was just nervous is all. It’s weird when you’re not famous and meeting people who are. You think you are just gonna seem lame. And I’m for sure lame as hell, and you guys are so awesome and crazy and I just didn’t want to seem like Zane’s boring friend.”
    He didn’t respond right away so I looked over at him. He was just looking at me.
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Excuse me?” I stood up and crossed my arms, looking down at him. He started laughing.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. But you aren’t boring, Rylee. You fit right in with us.”
I smiled. David is a bigger sweetheart than I anticipated him to be. He returned my smile and stood up, “We should probably head back inside. They’ll notice we’ve been missing for a while soon.” I nodded in agreement and walked back inside, joining the chaos and my new friends.
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Reawakening
A new morning came about. It wasn’t snowing, but it was still rather cloudy, and definitely still cold.
Luckily, it was one of the warmer days. The winter was a cruel time of year; most plants were dead and many animals were asleep, awaiting spring, the much warmer and livelier season of harvest, to awake once more. That being said, there are still many creatures of all sorts that are awake and alive during the harsh and ruthless winter; such as humans, for example.
It was nine o'clock in the morning, everyone was up and about, sitting around the kitchen counter. In the kitchen Lucinda had prepared a small breakfast for everyone to start their morning. Eggs with bread and….beef jerky?
“.....Lucinda?” Aphmau asked, poking at her beef jerky with a fork. “Yeah?” Lucinda said, setting her plate down on the table, sitting down across from Aphmau. “Why...is there beef jerky next to my eggs.” Aphmau questioned, picking up the piece of beef jerky and raising an eyebrow. “Yeah,” Aaron said, taking a bite out of his toast. “I was actually wondering that too.” “Because the liquor store didn’t have any other kind of meat product is why, and don’t think for a second I was just going to feed everyone just EGGS and BREAD with nothing else! What kind of breakfast is that?” Lucinda answered. “True, it’s still kinda bizarre to me though….” Aphmau stated, grabbing her beef jerky and chewing on it. “This whole place is bizarre….” Lucinda thought to herself. “Too bad the liquor store wasn’t one of those weird ones that sell like, sausages in a can or something.” Garroth added. “Actually you know what that’s a thousand times worse than beef jerky.” Aphmau responded, disgusted at the thought of eating canned sausages from a liquor store. Who knows how long they’ve been sitting there. “So Aaron,” Zane interrupted, getting up from his seat and going to put his plate in the kitchen sink. “What’s the plan for today?” “Well, today we’re going to split up a little bit to get some more down around the lodge.” Aaron answered, pushing his plate away, as he had finished eating. “Garroth and Kim are going to get a headstart on cleaning the library, and the rest of us are going to continue to clean the rooms on floor three.” “Why would a lodge have a library of all things?” Kim wondered aloud. “A form of entertainment I guess? With how bad the winters are here, I don’t think they’d want to add a pool of all things. This place was only a hotspot during spring anyways…” Aaron replied. “Ughhhh….I wouldn’t mind having to clean up any of those rooms if there weren’t so many…” Zane whined. “Trust me Zane, everyone here doesn’t want to clean up all of those rooms either, but we have to do it. We might as well help out everybody else while we’re stuck here.” Aphmau said, picking up everyone’s dirty dishes and took them to the sink. “Hmph…” “Everybody get ready, because once Aphmau is done washing the dishes we’re all going back to work.” Aaron announced, getting up from his seat and walked out of the kitchen. “Well Kim, looks like it’s you and me today! The dynamic duo!” Garroth said in glee. “Sweet! But I’ve got to take off all of your bandages before we head out, your burns and any small cuts have pretty much healed! You’re shoulder still needs some time though, but it’s getting better to say the least.” Kim stated. “Aww darn….well, at least it’s the last time I gotta wear these itchy bandages.” Garroth mumbled, walking out of the kitchen with Kim. “Tch, I wish I wasn’t surprised that idiot got himself injured like that.” Zane rolled his eyes, wondering just how dumb his brother could be. “C’mon Zane, cut him some slack. Accidents happen no matter how dumb or smart you are.” Aphmau said, grabbing a rag and drying her hands. “True, but it’s sorta common sense to not immediately start up a boiler that hasn’t been touched for twenty years.” Lucinda said. “Yeahhh…..” Aphmau reluctantly agreed. “I swear that dumbass is going to get himself killed one of these days.” Zane shook his head at the mere stupidity of his brother. “Hm, well, I just finished the dishes, so we should probably get going now.” Aphmau advised. “Right.” Lucinda and Zane replied in unison.
Kim went to the waiting room to remove Garroth’s bandages, as it was the most convenient place to be in case either of the two needed anything.
“Alright so let’s start with the ones on your hands since those will be the easiest.” Kim said, beginning to unwrap the bandages one by one. “Aaand there! Let’s take a look at your hand.” she inquired, throwing the bandages on the floor. “Hmm...the burn should heal a bit more over time, though it looks like the burn was bad enough to leave a scar, unfortunately.” Kim stated. “As long as nothing is getting any worse, I guess it’s not so bad…” Garroth said, trying to be positive about the situation, at hand. “Don’t forget to get to cleaning the library as soon as you guys are done.” Aaron reminded them, as he and the others headed upstairs to clean the third floor. “Don’t worry we will!” Kim shouted after them.
As soon as everyone got to the third floor, they began to get to work, unfortunately for them they weren’t anywhere near finished cleaning all of the rooms on the third floor., and probably wouldn’t be for another week or so.
“So Zane, what was it like being stuck inside an elevator? It must’ve been horrifying….” Aphmau asked, trying to make conversation. “It was horrifying! It was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life!” Zane raised his voice slightly, expressing the true terror of the situation. “Thank Irene the elevator even started up again…” “If we’re talking about that right now,” Lucinda, dusting the nightstand. “What was inside the attic?” “Just a lot of boxes and old extra blankets for the rooms, it seems they were in such a rush to close this place they ended up forgetting to take a lot of stuff...however there was this, one thing that stood out….” Zane replied, recalling the events in his head. “Really? What was it?” Lucinda questioned. “It was...a kids toy chest.” “A kids toy chest? What would something like that of all things be doing in a lodge attic of all places?” Lucinda wondered aloud. “Maybe the family left it here by accident?” Aphmau proposed, yanking the blankets off the bed. “Possibly, but how could you forget something as big and obvious as a toy chest?” Zane argued. “Good point...what was inside the chest?” Aphmau asked, shaking the blankets up and down. “I don’t know, the thing wouldn’t budge no matter how much I tried to open it. It was pretty heavy though, so there definitely was something still inside it.” Zane answered, grabbing one of the blankets Aphmau shook and began to fold it. “How odd…” Lucinda muttered, wondering why and how a toy chest was even in the lodge. “We’ll be visiting the attic soon so maybe we crack that mystery then!” Aphmau said, grabbing the pillows from the bed. “Speaking of which, how much of this place are going to clean? There’s only so much we can do for this shithole, with it’s broken windows and dingy, torn up furniture.” Zane asked, as he gestured to the whole room. “Just all of the rooms and the library is what we have left, Garte and his company are going to be the ones repairing the windows, furniture, walls, so on and so forth. That’s why he’s even coming to begin with.” Aaron explained, as he entered the room with some cleaning supplies in hand. “Ah, part of the deal between our fathers I assume?” Zane questioned. “Yup.” “Well, the sooner my father comes the sooner me and Aph are out of here…” Zane grumbled, grabbing some of the dirty rags and throwing them into a bin. “I can’t wait to go back home. As much as I love the snow it gets kinda sickening to be honest..” Aphmau mumbled, stacking all of the folded blankets neatly. “Next time you guys should clean a summer resort or something.” “I didn’t really think the trip here would be so horrible but hey, you live you learn.” Lucinda commented, checking under the bed. “Hey, should one of us go check on Garroth and Kim right now? Last thing we need is one of them somehow getting hurt...again” “Yeah we should. Zane, could you go downstairs and check on Garroth and Kim? Make sure they’re both alright?” Aaron asked, grabbing the bin. “Why me?!” Zane whined. “Just go do it Zane…” “No!” “C’mon Zane pleeeaaaseeee?” Aphmau implored. “Ugh fiiiiine...” Zane groaned.
Zane walked to the elevator and went to the second floor, he then walked downstairs to the library. As the library was under the second floor, between both staircases.
“This is an odd place to put a library...but I guess it makes sense...sorta.” Zane muttered to himself, opening the doors and walking into the library.
The inside of the library was filled with aisles of tall bookshelves, with tables for people to study or read. However it was in slight disarray, there was holes and cracks in the wall, books and torn out pages on the floor, and a few bugs on the floor here and there, but bugs weren’t an uncommon sight in the lodge. Zane had a feeling of déjà vu. The place felt familiar somehow but he couldn’t remember why. He walked through the library in search of Garroth and Kim.
“Garroth!” He yelled, hearing his own voice bouncing off the walls, each echo quieter than the first. “Zane?” Garroth responded, poking his head out from one of the aisles. “Oh, there you are. Aaron wanted me to see how you and Kim were doing.” Zane said, as he walked towards Garroth. “Ah! Well, me and Kim are doing just fine. We’re just looking through the books to see if they’re alright.” Garroth explained, carrying a stack of books. “Yup! It’s amazing! There’s so many books I’ve never even see before! I can’t wait to check all of them out as soon as we’re done!” Kim shouted in glee, poking her head out from the same aisle, just a little higher up as she was on a ladder. “Hm. I see. Well, you guys go on with that, I’m going back upstairs.” Zane said, as he began to walk away. “Baby brother wait! I wanted to ask if-woOAHH!” Garroth attempted to walk to Zane but accidently slipped on one of the papers on the floor and fell. “Ah! Garroth!” Kim yelled, as she frantically, but carefully, climbed down the ladder. “Are you alright!?” “I’m fine! I just got a whole lotta books on me now, but I’ve had worse.” Garroth responded. “Ugh can’t you go thirty seconds without doing anything stupid?” Zane commented in annoyance, continuing to walk out of the library. “Uh, well, let’s pick up these books.” Kim said, grabbing two of the books off the floor and putting them on a table. “Don’t worry I’ll do it! It’s my mess anyway, you just focus on getting the books down.” Garroth insisted, grabbing multiple books and putting them under his arm. “Are you sure?” Kim asked. “I’m positive!” Garroth replied. “Alright then...be more careful next time okay?” Kim said, climbing back onto the ladder. “I will. I promise. “ Garroth reassured Kim. “Okay c’mon….four at a time…” Garroth muttered to himself, placing the books on the table. “Huh? What’s this?” Garroth wondered, as he picked up the book from the floor.
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“What an interesting book….I’ll keep this one and check it out later.” Garroth said, placing the book aside from the other ones.
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