#Zuko: *immediately continues his beat down*
blluespirit · 8 months
ok i have seen so many people mention zuko's oh god what the actual fuck reaction to katara blood bending but what i don't see many talk about how quickly zuko is like. Yeah this checks out actually. and moves the fuck on.
I like the idea that zuko never really asks abt it either. he just saw her do that and just... accepts it. it's probably weirdly relieving for katara as well. instead of waiting for an Ethics Discussion, when/if katara does bring it up, zuko just says that she did what she had to do.
zuko and katara just. accepting each other. yeah.
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Imagine coming home late all beat up after running into trouble leaving work and Zuko is trying his best to help, but also being Zuko.
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Let's pay the poll toll! Our prompt winner is "it's three in the morning." There sure was a close running for the most part but it came out on top! I might have slipped in another prompt in there ;)
This one is more fluffy/ protective BUT... there might be something some might call smutty on its way soon with the same prompt cuz I know what you babes want ;)
Anywho, so basically you have a late close at the tea shop and run into trouble on your way home but through it all you gain a new pal on the way home, when you get home Zuko is super concerned and worried about you.
~1500 word count, there is mention of blood and cuts and whatnot, but also fluffy protection, so beware, and enjoy :)
You limped down the dark street, coming up to your apartment, you couldn’t believe you made it back. Your head hurts so bad you could swear the throbbing it produced was visible. You felt a drip come from your nose and you wiped it away with your free hand. Red. You groan and wipe it on your black pants. Your ribs were so sore, you could peel over any second. You took a look at the small dog you hold in your other arm against your side. “What do you think Zuko’s gonna say when we walk in?” You humor the small animal. It looks at you with the literal definition of puppy eyes, you look ahead and give its head a small pat.
You walk up to the apartment door and open it. Inside, Zuko shoots up sitting on the couch, he had fallen asleep. He half looks over his shoulder, “Hey, I was getting worried.” he said, trying to wake himself as if he wasn't out cold, you walk towards him. He begins to fully turn around, “Did you have to stay later at the tea shop-” and as soon as his eyes find you he immediately stands up, "Holy shit-". You walked over to him and handed him the dog, “Can you hold this please.” Zuko took the dog dumbly as you walked towards the bathroom. “UM- What the hell happened?? Are you ok??” He put the dog down and his eyes followed you as you disappeared into the bathroom, you didn’t answer, you went to open the mirror to grab the first aid, but your reflection grabbed you first. Zuko appeared in the doorway, “Hello?? I need you to answer me!?” You looked at your reflection and you looked so much worse than you thought. There were scrapes all around your face and was a deep cut through the top of your right eyebrow, the blood streamed down and in your eye, blood smudged across your face and below your nose. There was a gash on your lip which left a trail of blood down your chin. You instinctively lifted your shirt off and you winced, getting caught mid way with sharp pains that halted your motions. “Please, help me.” You asked weakly and Zuko was already assisting you. Your shirt is pulled free and you take a look at your sides, along your ribs are already a dark purple and blue. You groan and begin to remove your pants, the sides of your thighs bruised as well, but not as bad, but the slashed wound in the back of your right calf was the piece on top of the cake.
“Holy shit…” Zuko repeated, “What happened?” You leaned against the counter and sighed, standing bare in your underclothing. Zuko put a gentle hand against your back, for comfort or for his fear of you passing out. You started slowly by grabbing a cloth and wetting it, you started by wiping the cuts, it hurt bad. Zuko gently took the cloth from you and offered to do it for you, you did not protest and took a seat on the nearby stool. “I was coming back home from closing the tea shop, and I walked past this alley- Ahh-!!” You were cut off by Zuko wiping the cold damp cloth across a cut, “Sorry…” he replied softly, and went to wipe some of the dried smudged blood away. You took a deep breath and continued, “I walked past this alley and I heard these two guys picking on what I thought was some kid or- something…” You grit your teeth and wince once again at the cold stinging sensation that seems to almost shut down all your senses, or what's left at this point. “I told them to knock it off and when I approached them, there were actually four of them… and they were beating on the dog… and that made me mad. What cowards they were to pick on such a small innocent thing. Something that cannot… fight back or tell anyone-'' Zuko cut you off, rinsing the cloth, his anger slipping through, “Are you serious?? You risked your life for that dog?! All of this over a dog??!” You look at him, you look deep in his eyes. “Yes,” You replied coldly, “I did.” Zuko grabbed the bridge of his nose and groaned your name in frustration, “You cannot do this kind of stuff! Spirits! You were going to get yourself killed over that damn dog!” You eyed up Zuko as he added "What on earth were you thinking going down that ally so late?!" You had no clue how to answer, "it's three in the morning." He said through his teeth, you had enough, you shot up and Zuko immediately held out his hands because the sway that moved your body seemed more concerning to him then to you, “Don’t you dare tell me what to do, I did well by my conscience and I made it home.” You sternly said, “You barely made it home.” Zuko replied in the same cool tone. While you tried to hold eye contact, you started to lose balance and lean onto his outstretched arms. “Hey, hey, sit down.” Zuko said, “Bite me.” You replied trying to push past him in this blurry state you were in and out of, but to no avail. “If you insist, but you're quite the mouthful.” Zuko quietly remarked as he led you back down to the stool, grabbing the cool cloth and placing it on your forehead. “Come on, keep your eyes open, you cannot sleep, you probably have a concussion.” He said trying to keep you awake, “Zuko,” You said in a worried tone, he looked at you to continue, “I told them to leave it alone and walk away. But they recognized me…” I felt Zuko freeze, “They recognized you?” He asked. “They taunted me, talking about the tea shop, how they constantly see me there. But I’ve never seen them… I didn’t recognize them, Zuko.” You said. Zuko thought for a moment and replied “Don’t worry about anything. You're back home safe and I’m going to take care of you.” And that is what he did, he used the cloth to remove the dried and smeared blood, then he helped you out of your underclothes as he ran you a bath to relax your bruised mussels in and to wash the rest of the dirt, cuts and scrapes. He sat on the stool next to the tub and helped you wash beyond where your sore muscles constricted your movement. Once you were cleaned, Zuko added some new warm water, he set the bucket down and pushed some damp hair behind your ear. You welcomed his touch as you laid in the tub.
"I'm sorry for being so harsh earlier," Zuko started, "I'm so sorry. I was so worried and if only I hadn't have fallen asleep-'' You stopped him there, "No, don't say that, don't go down that road." you warned him. "No, if I was awake, I would have noticed the time and gone looking for you. I would have." You look at him with stern eyes, "Don't blame yourself, this isn't on you." You said shortly. Zuko looked at you with a gaze you so often saw and said "If I could take all your pain, all your cuts and bruises, I would in a heartbeat. you are a good soul, many people would have just kept walking." You hold his eyes, taking in his words, "I don't think you would have." You told him, "I think you would have helped too." He gives you a half hearted smile. "You think too good of me." He replied softly, and after a moment he added "Ok how about we get you dried off? It didn't look like anything needed stitches so I can bandage you up, we will have Katara look at you in the morning. I think you need some time to relax." You felt a lump in your throat rise with emotion as it was a sweet thing to consider. Just you and him for the next bit cooling down and relaxing. You nodded and tried to position yourself as best you could as Zuko reached in and basically picked you up out of the tub. You sat in the towel as Zuko bandaged up your calf, and the cut on your face. He picked you up once again and sat with you on the couch, making you both some warm tea and hoping to keep you up and talking until the early morning when he could fetch Katara for more help. But until that point he would sit with you and do what he could.
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sokkastyles · 30 days
Thanks to @daily-zutara-prompts for the prompt. Might continue this story eventually.
She sat next to the window on this flight. She was surprised to see who she was sitting with this time. It was him! The same man who bumped into her at the coffee shop in the terminal. She felt so embarrassed.
"Hi," she said, when he saw her looking at him. "I see you changed your shirt."
"Yeah," the man with the dark hair and scarred face said, the glare remaining in place despite her attempts to be friendly. "Funny, I didn't relish the idea of smelling like cold espresso for the next twelve hours."
Sheepishly, Katara turned back towards the window. It was going to be a long flight.
She might have said a word or two in her defense, or to chastise the man for his rudeness, but she still felt the sting of embarrassment at spilling her coffee all over him, and truthfully it had been her fault for looking at her phone instead of watching where she was going. Still, he didn't have to give her such an attitude about it. People like that weren't worth getting worked up over. She would just ignore him the rest of the flight and try to get some rest. It was going to be a long night, and a lot of people were expecting her to be able to perform the next day.
She drifted in and out of sleep, each time jolted awake by the movement of the plane, and each time she opened her eyes she saw that the man sitting next to her was staring straight ahead. His fingers drummed on the armrest as if he were trying to drill holes in it. That was what had woken her up this time, his incessant tapping worming its way under her eyelids and beating out a discordant, anxious rhythm in her tired brain.
"Are you alright?" she asked finally, stuffing down her annoyance at this man who clearly seemed in distress.
His fingers ceased their tapping motion and he turned to look at her as if she had just doused him in espresso again, the condescending glare still plastered on his face. After a moment, he spoke.
"I haven't been home in three years. My dad doesn't even try to contact me or take any of my calls, then all the sudden he books a red eye for me to fly back to the Fire Nation immediately."
Katara had no idea what to say to that. Although it did somewhat explain the man's bad mood, she couldn't think of a reply, and didn't know what she was expected to say. Maybe he just needed someone to confess his feelings to.
"This is my first time going to the Fire Nation," she said, thinking that small talk might relax him. Although she'd been a Water Tribe ambassador for years in the Earth Kingdom, it had only been recently that the Fire islands had opened themselves up to diplomatic visits from other countries, and Katara had to admit she was a bit nervous.
She watched the man's shoulders loosen a bit. He looked out the window, as if there was anything to see besides blackness. Then he looked out at the rows of passengers, most of whom were dozing or wearing headsets, and turned to her. "You should try the shaved ice," he said, as if he were telling her some secret, his eyes lighting up in a way that gave Katara whiplash for the way it contrasted with his previous foul mood. "Spiced mango is my favorite."
"I'll definitely give it a try," she said, smiling at his sudden enthusiasm for shaved ice. She thought maybe he would say more, but then he fell silent again, his gaze shifting to his lap, and he seemed deep in thought.
Katara managed to get a few more hours of sleep, full of fitful dreams and the sounds of the plane around her. Finally, she saw daylight peeking over the horizon, and the pilot announced that they were approaching the Fire Nation capital.
Katara said goodbye to her traveling companion and he gave a noncommittal wave as he grabbed his carry-on and hurried towards the exit. He was several feet ahead of her at the gate when she saw him being greeted by three men in black suits who took his bags as he stood, looking distinctly uncomfortable.
"Welcome home, Prince Zuko," one of them said reverently.
Katara stared, feeling like someone had poured espresso over her head.
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erisenyo · 1 year
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@bisexuallsokka I had another idea I couldn't let go of for this one lol
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
“And that,” Sokka finishes, aware of just how flimsy it all is, how few options they truly have left, “That’s the plan.”
Zuko stares a moment, face grave and dirt smudged and serious before he exhales a slow breath, nodding, a grim kind of understanding settling over him.
“Risky,” Toph grunts, restlessly tossing a pebble back and forth. “Just waiting for them to surround us?”
It is, but given their options, given that they’re down to three, given that they’re facing so many more than that…Sokka takes a deep breath. “Do you trust me?”
“Always,” Zuko says, immediate.
“Getting us this far?” Toph waves generally around what might be the little hovel they’ve gone to ground in, or maybe just this point in the fight. “You earned it.”
“Alright then,” Sokka says, forcing himself to exhale normally like it isn’t a relief to hear. “Then this is the plan.”
“Alright then,” Toph nods after a moment, squaring her shoulders. “I’m ready.”
“Are you ready?” Zuko asks, pitching his voice low as Sokka starts getting the last of their supplies ready.
Sokka watches his hands moving through the weapons check, distantly impressed by their steadiness. “You already know how this will end, Zuko.”
“I know,” Zuko agrees quietly after a beat. leaving unspoken the fact that they all do. That all they’re doing refusing to go down without a fight.  
“We’re not going to make it out of this one,” Sokka whispers, closing his eyes as he lets the reality of that sweep through him.
“I know,” Zuko says again, taking a breath. “And if this is the last battle—” he touches Sokka’s hand, stilling it against their supplies. “—it has been the honor of my life,” he says steadily, “Fighting it at your side.”
“Zuko,” Sokka chokes, unprepared for the sudden rush of emotion through his battle calm, fumbling for Zuko’s hand.
“I couldn’t ask for anything more than this,” Zuko continues, squeezing back.
“I should be able to do better,” Sokka whispers, wincing at the admission. “I would be able to get us out of this. It shouldn’t just be about trying to buy time, we could have beaten them, I know it, I just—"
“Hey, hey,” Zuko interrupts, shifting to catch Sokka’s eyes. “You did the best you could,” he says, firm and serious, a welt beginning to purple into a bruise against his temple and fuck, Sokka can suddenly feel every bit of soreness of his body, every aching muscle. “We all did. You can’t think your way out of everything.”
“This, though—”
“No one could have seen this coming,” Zuko cuts in again, firm. “No one, okay?”
“We knew going into this Azula was going to be a wild card—”
“And we overprepared for her,” Zuko shrugs, brutal and blunt in his practicality. “And we can’t undo it now. But,” he adds, voice gentling, eyes searching Sokka’s face. “We can still remember what we’re here for, right?”
Sokka huffs, almost a laugh. “It’s not like I could forget, I’ve been planning it for months.”
“And it’s worth it,” Zuko says, firm, eyes cutting to Toph.
“It’s worth it,” Sokka agrees after a beat, exhaling hard, gathering his resolve back around himself and setting aside his own hopes and wants because today, this whole thing, it was never about him, not really.
“Together, okay?” Zuko says, lips quirking into a little smile. “We do this together.”
“In together, out together,” Sokka repeats back, their mantra.
“Exactly,” Zuko says, kissing him once, fierce and hard, leaning his forehead against Sokka’s as he pulls away. “Ready?”
“No,” Sokka says honestly. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be, for this, but Zuko laughs and kisses him again, that electric, adrenaline-high intensity of his clearly starting to take over now that he has a direction to point it in, and Toph shifts, head cocking.
“I don’t think,” she says at the unmistakable sound of a footstep crunching over the dry leaves Sokka spread behind to give them the thinnest attempt at a warning, “That they’re going to wait.”
“All together, then,” Sokka says, settling his weapon into his hands. “All the way to the end.”
“Exactly,” Zuko says, gripping his own weapon and holding Sokka’s eyes, steady and even. “Count us down?”
“Toph should do it.” Since she’s the lynchpin of it all.
Toph shifts into a crouch, dirt smudged and serious as she readies herself. “Blaze of glory, right?”
Sokka lets out a breath, anticipation beginning to flutter in his chest. “That’s the idea.”
Toph nods. “For all the melons, then,” she says, Zuko huffing out a startled little laugh that she doesn’t even pause to smirk for. “On three. One, two—”
The three of them burst from their cover before three, because they all know anyone could be listening. They hurl themselves into the afternoon light, Sokka and Zuko screaming and making themselves as big as possible as they do it, relying on the element of surprise to get a few shots off and trying to draw their time out a little longer.
Sokka shrieks as loud as he can and provides as much cover fire as possible, zigging and zagging and screaming louder as he watches Zuko go down, struck in the back, the sharp burst of a paintball hitting his own back a few moments later as Toph mows through their collective ammo—
--at anything in front of her.
“For the Melon Lord,” Sokka calls weakly back, gasping through the sting of it—fuck, but these protective jumpsuits are a joke—before rolling toward Zuko. “Think we beat Jet’s time?”
“Watch it, Melon Lord,” Zuko huffs, ducking down as a wayward scatter of shots spatter in front of him before scooting back toward Sokka, both of them huddling down to watch as Toph mows down Katara and Aang, spinning so unpredictably that Suki has to actually work to line up her shot—Suki laughing so hard she has to work even harder—just as they planned it.
“Well fuck,” Zuko says, glancing down at his watch and tilting his wrist so Sokka can see the timer ticking up as Toph finally goes down.
“Shit,” Sokka echoes, grabbing Zuko’s wrist to double-check the counter and grinning up at him. “I think we did it.”
“I think,” Zuko says, a slow, wild-edged grin growing over his face, “That we got close enough that we can say it, either way.”
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phenomenal-eggplant · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about Avatar and who would get the one (1) fuck if the series was pg-13, and I think I've narrowed it down through the process of elimination:
Aang - Aang just wouldn't use that kind of language, ever.
Sokka - Maybe, if he was alone or with someone older, but he's already spending all his time trying to keep 3 preteen/teenage gods in line, so the last thing he needs is to teach them curse words.
Toph - A lot of people say it would be Toph, but logistically that wouldn't work. If she said it once and established that she knows the word, it wouldn't be realistic that she wasn't saying it in every single sentence.
Zuko - Zuko would never use that kind of language in front of his uncle. He probably did once, but suffered the unbearable ramifications of a disapproving look, and then never did it again. And he DEFINITELY wouldn't say fuck in front of the Gaang, out of fear that Katara would beat the shit out of him.
Azula - doesn't need to swear to get her point across.
Iroh - honestly he deserves it, but he doesn't have any scenes where he's not in front of impressionable children or hardened military generals, so he doesn't need it.
Which leaves:
Katara - everyone likes to think she's so motherly and mature, but she left the Southern Water Tribe and immediately and continuously got into fist fights with strangers on the street. You're telling me she wouldn't tell Master Pakku to fuck off and die moments after meeting him and challenging him to a duel?
Katara gets to say fuck. (But only if it happens before Toph joins the team)
Either that or the cabbage guy, which I would be equally pleased with.
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stitch1830 · 1 year
Those two angsty pieces put me in the mood for something a little more light-hearted, so Misc #16 for Toko?
LJF, hello! Thanks for the ask :D I seem to have the bug for writing today, and so I figured I'd write this up and post it right away haha. Hope the this is hits the light-hearted Toko spot!
Zuko looked up from his scroll, setting his morning tea down to look across the bedroom. The sound was undoubtedly coming from the closet, and he had a feeling he knew what was up.
Still, Zuko found himself asking his wife, “Everything okay?”
Toph let out a loud sigh, hollering back. “I feel like I look stupid.” 
“I feel ginormous and I feel like if I walk out of this closet I’m going to appear as big as a platypus bear.”
A faint smile played at Zuko’s lips, but he quickly wiped it away as he stood up and walked toward the closet. “I’m sure that’s not true, Toph. Besides, no one is going to care. And if they do, you’ll just throw a boulder at them.”
“Still! Everyone’s coming to the palace today, and you know one of the dunderheads is gonna say something.”
“Aang and Sokka know better than to say something, Toph,” Zuko said. “Remember when they came here before Kaede was born? They definitely learned their lesson.” 
He remembered that particular day fondly, for it felt like the perfect storm of comedic and chaotic timing how both Sokka and Aang opened their big mouths at the same time. They just had to let Toph know how big she looked just a week before she was due. If Toph hadn’t skyrocketed them in the air with her earth pillars, Zuko probably would’ve lit their pants on fire. Now, of course, they could laugh at the memory. At the time, though, Toph’s wrath was not so funny to the boys. Now, Zuko hope for their sake that they knew better than to speak on the appearance of a pregnant woman, especially if that woman was Toph Beifong.
And yet, Toph still felt self-conscious enough to feel that Aang and Sokka hadn’t learned their lesson. “Yes,” she began, “but I wasn’t pregnant with twins then. I look twice as big now!”
With crossed arms, Zuko replied, “Okay, well let me see, and I’ll be the judge of that.” 
Toph let out a sigh, then emerged from the closet with the biggest pout on her face. “Tell me I don’t look huge. You can’t.”
Every time he saw Toph’s glowing, growing figure, his heart skipped a beat. She wore a loose-fitting Fire Nation robe, and while Zuko truly thought she was stunning, the garment didn’t really do her any favors. It draped over her round belly, and, well…
It made her appear rather tent-like.
The man began to sweat. How on earth was he supposed to tell her that even though she was the most beautiful woman in the world that this particular robe made her look bigger than she actually was?
Zuko swallowed the lump in his throat, beginning the conversation by peppering her with compliments. “You look beautiful, Toph.”
“That’s not saying I don’t look fat.”
“Toph, come on. You’re pregnant with twins. No one really cares what you look like or what you’re wearing. They’re all just coming here to celebrate!”
“Zuko. I will call up every single one of our friends right now if you don’t tell me the truth. Do. I. Look. Fat.”
This was a lose-lose situation for the firebender. To lie and say she didn’t look fat would earn him a one way trip to the polar-bear-dog house, for she would certainly catch him in the lie. 
If he was honest? Well, that was bound to end in disaster, too.
Spirits help Zuko.
He let out a sigh, and mumbled, “You—the robes make you look a little big—”
Zuko was immediately attacked Toph’s tiny but mighty fist, causing him to shout and yell, “Ow! Qu—Toph! Cut it out! I was just telling the truth—”
“You said I look fat!”
“You said be honest! Stop hitting me!!” he hissed.
“Toph—what was I supposed to do? Lie?”
“You would’ve caught me in the lie!”
Toph paused for half a second, then continued to smack his shoulder. “That—that’s not the point! You should know better!”
“I tried to steer you a different direction—”
“Steer?! Am I more like a cow? Is that it?”
“No! No, nothing close to a cow—Toph. You really are beautiful.”
“Just not right now, is that it?” “I never said that—” “Oh, save it. I’m calling Katara right now so she’s ready to kick your ass into the next Sozin Comet.”
Spirits help Zuko. This was going to be a long day.
Send me writing asks if you don't mind waiting a bit! Lol
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 1 month
Azula has made no progress since she was sent back to the asylum. Ty Lee believes she can help her, with proper disciple. Tyzula.
CH7: Her Aura
"Thank you for coming." Ty Lee said, setting down a tray of freshly brewed tea. "I'm afraid it's nowhere near as good as Iroh's though." She said with a small apologetic smile.
"No, this is fine. Thank you." Her guest said without smiling but accepted the tea. Ty Lee took her own and held it cupped between her hands. There was a long stretch of tense silence. Ty Lee tried to break it.
"So, she's made some progress." She began optimistically. She could feel her guest's mistrustful gaze upon her. "Really! She has!" Ty Lee pushed on. She tried to think of some examples. "She hasn't made a mess of her food, she only made one escape attempt since my last letter, and she uses 'please' now."
"I could say the same thing of a toddler." Came the curt reply. Ty Lee felt crestfallen but hid it. "But that's not the point." Ty Lee made to open her mouth but her guest continued. "Azula is a threat that was never properly dealt with."
"Okay but please understand she didn't choose to be like this." Ty Lee interjected. "Her life, her mind, was messed up so early on. Her aura is so tangled and knotted."
"And you think you can 'untangle' it?"
"I think anything is possible with enough time. I mean, think about it, Zuko and Mai finally got married and it only took forever." Ty Lee laughed. Her face fell when she saw her guest's grim expression.
"The summit-"
"Wants to take her bending. I know." Ty Lee said quickly.
"-was on the verge of sentencing her to death for all the crimes she has committed."
"…and you wouldn't argue with that, would you?" Ty Lee said darkly as she set down her tea. There was a pause.
"Aang and Zuko have argued enough on her behalf. Aang doesn't believe in taking another's life and Zuko… well, is Zuko. He's stubborn."
"Why would Azula be sentenced to death but not Ozai?" Ty Lee challenged. "Everything she did was because of his orders."
"Everything?" Her guest said, setting her tea down as well. Ty Lee grimaced and looked away.
"She's so screwed up but that isn't her fault." She said softly but defiantly.
"You still love her, don't you?" Her guest sighed. Ty Lee felt her heart skip a beat. "Suki told me."
"So what if I do? That makes me a terrible person too, doesn't it?" Ty Lee said, hugging herself.
"Ty Lee…"
"I tried to get over her, I really tried!" Ty Lee said desperately. "The other Kyoshi Warriors tried to help too but-"
"You're so kind and funny and talented. Why her?"
"Our auras are tied together." Ty Lee said, running a hand through her hair. "Tied so tight it's suffocating."
"I don't-"
"It's like her spiritual energy is drowning and I want to save it, but… it's just like trying to help someone who's drowning." Ty Lee said, catching her eye.
"They pull you down with." Her guest finished somberly.
"I have to help her."
"You don't."
"I love her." Ty Lee whispered.
"Why?" Her guest asked incredulously. Ty Lee took a breath.
"She loves me." She said, grabbing her tea. She stared into it with her eyes unfocused. "She never stopped either. But I doubt she even knows what she's feeling. She's so stunted." She took a sip and closed her eyes.
"How do you know?"
"She's always protected me, stood up for me, pushed me to be better." She said softly then opened her eyes. "But she's also hurt me." She chewed her lip. "I know she doesn't mean to. It just happens."
"That doesn't make it okay." Her guest said bracingly.
"But the funny thing is, as soon as she realizes she's hurt me I can see the fear and regret in her eyes. She apologizes immediately, albeit terribly, but she tries to fix it. She's not trying to be hurtful. She's just like a scared, feral, kitten owlet that has no idea what it's doing." Ty Lee explained.
"That's not a comparison I would make but I suppose you've known her longer."
"Yeah, I don't think she'd like that comparison either." Ty Lee laughed. There was a momentary peaceful silence as they both drank their tea.
"Why did you call me here?"
"I want to learn about spiritual bending." Ty Lee said seriously.
"For… yourself?" Her guest asked in confusion. "But you're not a bender?"
"No, not for me, for Azula." Ty Lee said simply. Her guest nearly spat out their tea as they started choking. "Are you alright?"
"Why would I teach Azula spiritual bending? She hates me. Not to mention having her bending removed is the most peaceful option the summit has agreed upon."
"Okay, well I'll admit she probably doesn't want to learn from you but if you taught me then I could teach her." Ty Lee said brightly.
"What do you mean no?" Ty Lee frowned.
"Firstly, I'm still a novice myself when it comes to that kind of bending. Second, waterbending and firebending are opposites so I doubt what I have learned would translate. Thirdly, and most importantly, it's Azula."
"Katara…" Ty Lee said seriously. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it would help." Katara grimaced.
"Ty Lee-" She shook her head and stood up. "-no." Ty Lee stood up too. "I know you're trying to help but some people are beyond helping."
"What if she makes more progress? What if I can prove she's getting better?" Ty Lee said determinedly. Katara looked at her.
"Fine. If you think you can help her more in a few months than the asylum has in years, I'll consider it." Katara said regretfully. "I'll see what more I can learn and if it's even possible to translate to her."
"Thank you! Thank you!" Ty Lee said, pulling her into a hug.
"Don't thank me yet." Katara groaned.
"I promise you won't regret it." Ty Lee said, pulling back. Katara looked at her doubtfully.
"Hey Azula-" Ty Lee began cheerfully as she entered her room.
"You're late." Azula hissed moodily as she sat curled up on her bed.
"I know." Ty Lee said, striding over and taking a seat on the edge of it. "And I know that inconsistency upsets you." She said lightly. Azula puffed herself up indignantly. "So I really appreciate you being patient with me." Ty Lee said, placing a hand on her arm. "Thank you." She smiled. Azula spluttered helplessly.
"Yes! Well!" She didn't know what else to say. "Don't let it happen again!"
"I can't promise that." Ty Lee said simply.
"Why not?" Azula demanded.
"Sometimes things happen. Things out of our control, and the only thing we can truly control is how we react." Ty Lee said, giving her arm a small squeeze before pulling her hand away.
"That sounds like something my sniveling uncle would say to Zuzu when he failed miserably at something." Azula said, taking Ty Lee's hand and putting it back. Ty Lee raised an eyebrow. "What?" Azula huffed. "He would."
"That's not-" Ty Lee began but shook her head. "We can tackle that later. Anyway, I was thinking about your firebending." Azula shivered involuntarily and glanced out the window. Was it really time for another chi blocking already? "Uh-?" Azula stuck her arms out. "No, no, it's not time for-" She frowned. Something was noticeably different about Azula's aura. It felt… vulnerable? Mailable?
Ty Lee took Azula's hands in her own and closed her eyes. She could feel Azula trembling ever so slightly. She could hear her breathing slow and uneven. Her pulse quickened. Ty Lee could pick up on all these subtle shifts. Azula was scared for sure but also excited and… submissive? Was that something Azula could even be? With her? She felt along her arms. They were incredibly tense.
"Breathe with me." Ty Lee said in a tone that was soft but firm. "Inhale." She inhaled slowly as she began to rub Azula's arms. She could feel the heat returning to them and cracked her eyes open. Azula had her's screwed shut. "Exhale." She breathed as her hands ended in Azula's.
"What do you feel?" Ty Lee asked curiously. Azula frowned, it was difficult to concentrate with Ty Lee holding her hands.
"…Warm?" She said, somewhat confused. She opened her eyes and pulled one of her hands away from Ty Lee's experimentally. She stared at it as she tried to focus. No fire came out but she could make her palm significantly warmer. She furrowed her brow. Did Ty Lee make a mistake? Was this intentional? If so, why? The uncertainty scared her. Her eyes flicked back to Ty Lee's. Ty Lee was watching her but it also felt like she was focusing on something else.
"What is the meaning of this?" Azula asked suspiciously. Ty Lee was fascinated as she watched Azula's aura shift in an instant. It had gone from curious and subdued to defensive and more tangled.
"I thought I'd give you a little of your bending back…" Ty Lee said, as she watched her aura continue to darken like a stormcloud.
"Why? For what purpose?" Azula demanded. She still held one of Ty Lee's hands but felt conflicted. What mind game was she playing with her?
"You seem upset to have them back." Ty Lee said, tilting her head to one side.
"Of course I'm upset!" Azula snapped.
"Why?" Ty Lee asked curiously. Azula stared at her in disbelief. Wasn't it obvious? Clearly Ty Lee was trying to trick her for some reason, but to what end and for what purpose?
"Why do you think?" Azula hissed. She wanted to pull her hand away but didn't want to lose the physical contact. Ty Lee glanced between Azula and her aura. She was scared but why? What things scared Azula?
"Oh!" Ty Lee said suddenly, making Azula recoil slightly. "Inconsistency! This is new and I didn't give you an explanation." Ty Lee smiled and shook her head. Azula had lived by strict rules and routines with explicit explanations. Everything was rigidly black or white, about gain or loss. To do something on a whim without a clear benefit to oneself was probably completely incomprehensible to her.
"Okay, so um," Ty Lee tried to frame it so Azula would understand, "I gave you back a little bit of your bending as a reward."
"Reward for what?" Azula asked suspiciously as she took Ty Lee's other hand again.
"For really trying and making progress." She said, gently squeezing her hands. She felt them heat up immediately.
"What a mockery." Azula said, narrowing her eyes. Ty Lee tried to think quickly as Azula's aura shifted again.
"Well, it's true, and also I get to feel how nice and warm your hands are again." She said, pulling one up to her face and pressing her cheek against it.
Azula flushed but started to calm. Ty Lee had clearly done this for personal gain, as she had so foolishly just admitted. She warmed them as much as she could as a smug grin tugged at her lips. Who wouldn't want to feel her warm hands against their soft beautiful… What was she doing? Why was she freely giving comfort to her captor? Why was she-? Ty Lee pressed her lips to Azula's palm.
Ty Lee's eyes widened slightly as she watched the pink that spread across Azula's face also spread across her aura. She repressed a giggle as Azula appeared too flustered to move.
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justanotherfanaccount · 7 months
A play-by-play of the live action Avatar
Episode 1
SPOILERS (obviously)
Daaannngg CGI is good
Who is this guy?
Ohhhh it's a flashback...totally knew that (he in fact did not know that)
I kinda love that we get to see all the air nomads 🥺
...aang can fly? ...that's a huge thing that he can't do for a reason hold up...maybe he's just gliding a lot?
Aang is so cute 🥺 just a little baby
I love that we get to see aang learning he's the avatar and seeing him with gyatso
"Keep pretending I'm your friend" "I am your friend" don't mind me crying 😭😭
"Monks don't even trust me to feed the baby bison" that's so aang love that for him
This kid is such a good actor for saying this monologue to Appa who is probably some giant blue thing in reality
So far the worst CGI is Appa (which I think is kinda funny)
Is it gonna show the genocide!? AHHHH NO THAT'S TOO PAINFUL
"brothers, sisters were under attack!" If that doesn't show you how peaceful they are 😭
Omg I hope gyatso doesn't believe aang abandoned them in their time of need
...this is brutal... Netflix definitely changed the "no deaths on screen" policy. I'm just watching people get burned to a crisp
I know what happened and I'm crying seeing Gyatso protect all the kids 😢
(This is really good so far... I'm enjoying it)
100 years later
*said in SpongeBob voice*
"Sulk later paddle now" there's the sokka sass
(Also I like how they haven't stated that it's been 100 years cuz I feel like they're gonna make it a big reveal)
RIP sexist sokka causing katara to release aang 😔😔 we'll miss your character arc
Zuko looks so tiny next to the other fire benders hehehe
I love how dramatic aang looked just for him to slide down the hill
"Mysterious little bald person" hahhahah yeesss
Irohhhh I love yoouuuu (all he did was show up)
APPA thank goodness
Sokka stepping behind katara was perfect
Not gran gran saying the theme 🤭 I can't even take it seriously
I feel like gran gran isn't dramatic enough. Give me that SHOCK factor.
Don't make fun of zuko BITCH 😡
"Are you okay?" ...no katara...he's not okay
"Guess he had to grow up fast" yes 🥺 he did...my baby
Yes zukoooo get that fire
"A nice cup of jasmine tea" 😌
"You're wrong" ...he's not wrong baby but I understand...it'll take a while
"I'm a warrior I should be able to do more for our people" I love her 🥺
Das not good (referring to the fire nation)
Dang gran gran knows everything
I kinda like angry sokka 👀 I feel like he's gonna have a good character arc
"I am sokka" > "hi there, zuko here" pipeline
Aang baby whatchu doing watching sokka get beat up
...spoke too soon lol
THE ROCKS LETS GOOOO CHILD WARRIORS sokka looks like a proud dad 🥺
"I think you're the bravest person I've ever met" 😭 sokkas face when he said that
"Let's go save that weird kid" heck yeah sokka!!!
"Myself included" love the honesty iroh hahhah
"Is that what you believe?" No answer is an answer iroh 👀
I love how none of them have ever dealt with an airbender before so they have no idea how to deal with him
"There's no way you're getting me on that- AHHHHH" is the most sokka thing yet I laughed out loud
HIS GLIDER LET'S GOOOO (I know that's in the og but i never know what they're gonna change so I'm gonna continue getting excited over little things)
Zuko is so concerned 😟 his face literally says 'that's my only hope getting away'
Aang not going into the avatar state is kinda cool cuz you got to see katara be a badass
"So where do we go?" My brain immediately went "do you want to go penguin sledding with me!?"
...well this is way sadder than penguin sledding
On another note aangs tattoo is so cool...i.love the patterns in it
Gyatso 😭😭😭 NOOOOO
This must be so hard for him cuz in aangs mind he just saw everyone YESTERDAY
Don't mind me I'm just crying
That was very emotional...I was not prepared even though I should've been
I'm glad sokka still had some comic relief in him...I was really worried
Aang keeping gyatsos necklace (??) 😭
Showing zuko during aangs speech was good 👀
I love how dramatic it is but i hope they still put in some of the silliness from the original show
Overall I enjoyed it though!! I was really nervous so it went a lot better than I anticipated I'm not gonna lie
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woodlaflababab · 7 months
Listening to the song "If You Go Down (I'm Goin' Down Too)" and the general zukara vibes.
My favorite thing abt zukara is how gung ho they both are on violence and the way they support eachother in those endeavours. When they team up, somebody's ass gets kicked and I love them. 10/10 Power Couple.
Anyway, so listening to the song and it's fantastic and all about supporting your partner in crime.
However, there is one line that makes me laugh. I'm also a kataang shipper and very pro aang, but I'm still well aware of the part of the zutara fandom that's anti these things, so when the line "Hypothetically, if you ever kill your husband, hand on the bible I'll be lying through my teeth" came up, I immediately thought about zukara and a fun au came to mind based on the song
Some modern kinda dark au where Zuko or Katara are close friends and, like in the song, both end up having killed someone. They know about eachother's crimes, and continue to support eachother as they occasionally find other people they believe deserve to die.
(I can't see them as totally dark ToT I like to think most of the murders are misplaced righteousness, like the southern raiders would have been)
Anyway, Enter Aang, Katara's husband who's like, a cop or detective or smth. The kind of person where it'd be Real Fuckin Bad for him to find out, but he starts noticing things and gets closer and closer to sniffing them out. In this au, I like to think their marriage is kind of one of convenience. You know, childhood romance, everyone expects it of them, Aang's practically already adopted by Katara's family so the two of them are just like, sure, whatever, we'll get married for the benefits and whenever one of us falls in love, we can divorce. It just makes things easier.
Zuko has a repeated joke where he suggests Katara kill her husband. It's purely a joke bc of the cliche and he'll be like, "You need money? Kill your husband. Want people to give you free stuff? Kill your husband. Want a vacation? Kill your husband and collect life insurance."
However, Aang gets Too Close to finding them out and Katara promptly kills him. Not like, premeditated or angry, but just her finding herself in a corner and defaulting to murder jsbdjdndn
This scene comes to mind
Zuko looked down at the body, eyebrows raised. "Wow, I didn't think you'd actually do it."
A small grin graced him as Katara gave his shoulder a small shove. "Shut up, it's not like I had some ulterior motive. I just, well, I didn't have a whole lot of options. He was seconds away from putting two and two together."
Zuko put his arms up with a shrug. "I'm not judging."
"This was the kinder option. He'd be devastated if he found out." Katara continued to justify herself with a casualty in her tone.
Zuko nodded. "He can't be upset anymore."
"Exactly." Katara stamped the word into the air with a sense of finality. A few beats of silence passed as she stared at the corpse. "It's fine." She commented, not really directed at anything. "This is fine."
Zuko patted her shoulder in a tad awkward show of support. "It's fine." He confirmed for her.
Katara reached up to place her hand over Zuko's, their fingers lacing together over her shoulder.
"Hey," Zuko continued, "at least now you can collect life insurance."
Katara pressed her lips together to keep the small laugh from escaping.
"And it'll be so much easier if you uh, ever kill someone again. No sneaking around."
Rolling her eyes and bearing a smal grin, Katara pushed his hand off. "You're a bad influence."
An offended sound came from Zuko as Katara started moving to deal with the situation. "You're welcome, Katara, for dropping what I was doing to help hide your husband's body." He said dryly as he followed behind her to get supplies.
Their conversation fell away as they seperated to gather the familiar list of items, no communication needed between them.
When they came together to start cleaning, Katara paused for another long moment before commenting, "I'll miss him," a genuine sadness leaking into her tone.
"Yeah." Zuko dragged the word, tone unsure. "But uh, you don't have to divorce him now." The words hung in the air a moment before he continued, voice a little more questioning, "Saves you both a lot of work." He finished in attempted consolation.
Katara shook her head with a soft fond grin at Zuko's attempt. "Just help me move him."
"Okay." Zuko responded, visably relieved to be doing something easier than conversation.
Is it a little dark? Yeah, and they're both pretty ooc callous about it but I feel like they'd have to be to, you know, set a habit of murdering people. This is for comedy, not to be taken super seriously. I haven't done a voice study with them so idk exactly how they talk, just went off of what I remember, sorry if it's off.
I also like it for the idea of them stuck in such a cliche murder situation as they both now have to navigate investiagations. I feel like shenanigans would go down, some breaking and entering, Zuko and Katara answering questions at the same time but having opposite answers, that kind of thing.
"Oops, murdered my husband" au
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atlabeth · 3 years
warmth - zuko x fem!reader
summary: the two times he notices her shivering and the one time he does something about it. 
a/n: lmaoo we have been in a DROUGHT my people. i have barely given you any content this whole month and i feel bad. i wrote this out over the course of a few hours after getting the idea in the shower. i did not proofread. i am not sorry. enjoy.
and NO that end part is not dirty it is simply two kids sharing a bed for warmth bc they got cute lil crushes on each other 🔫🔫🔫🔫
wc: 1.6k 
warning(s): this is pure fluff bbbbbb 
Three times. 
It happened three times before Zuko was finally able to get over himself and have a real, face to face, one on one conversation with the one person he hadn’t been able to get out of his head. 
Y/N. It was a name that had made a home in his mind, belonging to a girl that had made a home in his heart. He knew that she was a waterbender from the Northern Tribe and that she had joined the team after the Siege of the North, but apart from that, her life was a mystery to him. She was a mystery to him. 
It was pathetic. How could he become so enraptured with a girl when he didn’t even know the first thing about her? When he had spent the past couple of months fighting against her, trying everything in his power to hurt her? When she had no idea he even thought about her that way? 
Sometimes Zuko questioned himself, but then he caught a glimpse of her — the gleam of her hair, the way her eyes crinkled at the edges when she laughed, the fierceness with which she fought rivalled only by the way she cared for her injured friends afterwards — and he laughed inwardly. 
There was no way he couldn’t feel that way about her. She was simply enchanting. 
But there was only one thing he questioned more than his affections — why in the name of Agni could he not just walk up and start a conversation with her? There was no one else in the world that made him as nervous, as flushed, as completely incapable of basic speech as Y/N, and it drove him insane. 
It drove him insane that it took three times. 
The first time he noticed her shivering, it wasn’t on purpose. 
Zuko was serving tea to everyone as they gathered around the campfire, chuckling as Aang recounted one of their earlier adventures, back when he was still trying to capture the Avatar. Thinking about his past, who he used to be, was painful, but it gave him all the more reason to be thankful for where he was now. 
He wasn’t as focused on Aang’s story as he was on Y/N, though. She could hardly keep her thoughts to herself, interrupting every couple of seconds to add a detail that Aang forgot or give her own input on the events that he was describing. He started to frown as he noticed her shivering despite sitting right next to the fire — Zuko didn’t even realize how distracted he was until he felt someone hitting his arm. 
“Hey!” He was snapped out of his reverie by the harshness of Katara’s voice, angrily gesturing at the broken teacup and now spilled tea all over Haru. 
“Oh— I am so sorry,” he stammered as he crouched down and started to pick up the pieces on the ground. “Are you okay?” 
“It’s just.. really hot tea,” Haru muttered with a small wince. “No big deal.” 
“You’re right. It’s not a big deal.” Y/N raised her hand and with a small, fluid movement, she bent the liquid out of the fabric and formed it into a tiny sphere in the air. “See? Good as new. And you’re not even burnt.” 
Haru chuckled and pulled at his tunic, giving Y/N a grateful nod. 
“Can a sky bison drink tea?” She mused as she moved the liquid orb around in the air. 
“I don’t think so,” Aang said with a small laugh. 
“Shame we have to waste it.” Y/N bent it away from the group and let it fall to the ground, sinking into the rock below them. “Zuko can always make more though, right?” She said with a hopeful smile. 
“Uh, yeah. Of course.” 
“See, guys? No harm, no foul. You’re the best, Zuko.” She gave him an overexaggerated wink then began to pester Aang to get back to the story, leaving Zuko to continue handing out tea and keep his shaking hands as steady as possible. 
She really had no idea the effect she had on him. 
The second time? It was definitely on purpose. 
The night was unusually cold, even with the bonfire blazing in the middle, and he found his eyes trained once more on Y/N. This time she was the storyteller, giving them all a taste of Northern Water Tribe culture as she recounted a bedtime story she was told as a child. She had a whole arsenal of character voices at her disposal, keeping everyone thoroughly entertained despite the numerous lines she forgot. Zuko didn’t even realize he was staring until Sokka elbowed him in the elbow, gesturing at her with a nod of his head and a cocky grin. 
“What are you doing, just gawking at her like that?” 
“Wh— gawking? I am not gawking. I’m— I’m just listening to her.” 
“Yeah, sure. But I’m pretty sure Appa could start talking right now and you wouldn’t notice because you are hopelessly into her.” He gestured at Zuko’s eyes with his hand then in Y/N’s direction. “Gawking.” 
“I— I am not!” He protested, tearing his eyes away from Y/N’s animated face to give Sokka one of his signature glares. He lowered his voice to a whisper to ensure that no one would hear them. “I’m not into her, I’m not gawking, I am appreciating her storytelling.” 
“Uh huh, yeah.” Sokka looked at her and grinned before glancing back at Zuko. “If you’re not into her, then I can ask her out, right?” 
Zuko didn’t respond, simply kept glaring at him in hopes that it would intimidate him into backing down so he wouldn’t have to say anything and risk embarrassing himself. 
Sokka chuckled and held up his hands. “Alright, geez, I’m just joking. But maybe use some of that fire to keep it going? Looks like she’s cold.” 
Almost immediately, he broke eye contact and fueled the fire with a simple blast. Y/N shot him a grateful smile and nodded as she continued her story, and Zuko noticed her hands falling back down into her lap from their former place on her arms. 
No amount of fire could’ve caused as much warmth as her smile. He was sure of that. 
There was no way he could miss it the third time. After all, she was the only one there. 
Zuko hadn’t been able to sleep so he ended up outside, and there she was — sitting there, all alone in the middle of the temple grounds, shivering quietly with a moonless night sky as her backdrop. Before he could second guess himself, Zuko started walking over. 
“Hey.” Y/N greeted him without even looking up as she pulled her arms around herself, bringing her legs up to her chest in an effort to conserve all the warmth she could. 
“Hey.” Zuko took a seat on the ground next to her and crossed his legs. “Are you cold?” 
She let out an airy chuckle and nodded. “Strange, isn’t it? I grow up surrounded by snow and ice and I’m perfectly fine, but after a few months away a couple of breezes are tearing me down. I don’t get it.” 
“You’ve been shivering a lot lately,” he said after a beat of silence. Y/N raised an eyebrow and gave him a wry smile. 
“What, have you been looking?”
That sent him stammering. “I-I— yes? I mean— no, I’ve noticed, but I’m not actively looking at you, that’s weird, I’m not— I mean—”
Y/N threw her head back and laughed, the same laugh that sent flutter bats through his stomach and made his heart burst with happiness. She set her hand on his and squeezed, giving him a gentle look that almost immediately ceased his rambling. “Zuko, it’s alright. It’s… nice that you’ve noticed. Like you’re looking out for me or something.” 
He opened his mouth to respond but couldn’t find his voice — he was sure his cheeks were as red as his tunic, just at the simple touch of her hand — and it only got worse as she placed her other hand on top of it. 
“You’re warm,” Y/N muttered. “Like… intensely warm.”
“Is that bad?” He wondered aloud, preemptively panicking. “Do you want me to turn it off? I can’t turn it off, but I could find a way somehow—” 
“Thank you,” she interrupted with another small laugh, “but no. I don’t need you to uh, turn off your firebending. That already happened once. But you’re adorable to think of me like that.” 
The two of them stared into each other’s eyes, the air between them heavy with something she couldn’t quite place. Y/N pursed her lips and bit back a growing smile as she glanced at the ground. 
“This is, uh… really helping. With the cold, I mean. And I was… I guess I was just…” Another laugh. “I was just wondering if you’d maybe want to spend the night with me? Just because my room is especially freezing, and you’re so warm, and I think I would sleep a lot better if I—”
Now it was his turn to interrupt her rambling. There was something about her getting so flustered about him in the same way he did around her that made this easier. “I’d love to.”
“Great,” she breathed, the same smile from before returning just a little bit brighter. Y/N stood up and they began their walk back into the temple, hands still intertwined, warmth emanating between the two of them. 
Three times. 
Two strikes. 
One success. 
And that was all he needed.  
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asciendo · 3 years
Your Eyes Tell
You break up with Zuko when Ozai threatens his life if you continue with your relationship. But when you find out Ozai sends an assassin to kill him when he leaves to join team Avatar, you leave the Fire Nation to save him despite knowing how much you hurt him. 
It's been two months since you broke up with Zuko and now he's gone.
You heard from your father that Zuko switched sides and joined the Avatar. You tried to hide your concern at the dinner table as your father broke the news to your family. Your mother gave you a worried look as she always had suspicions about your relationship with the Prince.
"Ozai is furious. I don't think he's going to give Zuko another chance after this." Your father stated as you continued to fiddle with your hands. "That's his son. I don't think...do you think he'd go that far?" Your mother questioned. "I don't know...you saw what he did to Zuko after he questioned him..." Your father sighed. You tried to remain calm but you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Your father was a high ranking general and was a close confidant of Ozai. Although, lately you could tell he's been questioning Ozai's methods after seeing the destruction and death he's been laying upon the other nations. Your father was loyal to the Fire Nation would do anything to protect its people, but you'd overhear him and your mother talking about how he was worried about Ozai's methods.
"He's sending an assassin after Zuko." Your gaze shot up, "WHAT?!" You blurted out. "A-are you sure?" Your mother asked and your dad nodded. "He's sending the combustion mad." You froze. He was known to be one of the most ruthless assassins in the Fire Nation. He was known to master a rare style of fire bending that allows him to trigger explosions from a tattoo on his forehead. "I'm not feeling well...can I go to my room?" You asked and your father nodded leaving your mother with a concerned look in her eyes as you left.
As soon as you entered your room you fell to the floor and cried. You hated this. You hated yourself for breaking up with Zuko but you had no choice.
It was two months ago and you were walking around the palace. Thanks to your father's close relationship with the Fire Lord, you spent your whole life within the palace walls. You grew up with Azula and Zuko and your families were close as well. It wasn't until Zuko returned from his banishment that the both of you began your relationship but decided to keep it a secret as he still had a lot to prove to his father. Zuko wanted to prove he was focused and determined and if Ozai found out he was seeing you, Zuko would be right back where he started before leaving to capture the Avatar.
Unfortunately, your fears came true and Ozai discovered your secret relationship. You were on your way home after sneaking into Zuko's room and as you made your way to the throne room until you heard voices. You recognized one to be Ozai's and the other Azula's.
"Your brother appears to be distracted these days." Ozai's voice boomed throughout the room. " Well it's because he's with his little girlfriend most of the time." Azula replied
"Girlfriend?!" Ozai fires back and you gulp. "Yes, your favorite general's daughter." There was a hint of disgust in Azula's voice which made your blood boil. Despite being "friends" with Azula, it was obvious she looked down on you along with Mai and Tai Lee.
"First, Zuko questions me, now he's frolicking with that girl instead of focusing on his duties as Fire Prince." Ozai growls and you heard his footsteps walk back and forth as he paced around his throne. "He has to be taught a lesson that boy."
"I couldn't agree more, father." You could almost see the smirk on Azula's face at the tone of her voice. "I wonder...does Zuko really need his other eye?" Your heart dropped. His father was about to punish Zuko again...because of you. Your memory shot back to the moment Ozai burned Zuko's face in their Agni Kai. You remember burying your face in your hands while trying to shut out Zuko's screams. .
"Bring him here." Ozai commanded. You don't know what came over you, but you found yourself running into the throne room.
Azula and Ozai both stared at you and Azula chuckled. "Don't hurt him." You were surprised at your own voice coming out. "And why shouldn't I? He's being careless and has to be taught a lesson."
"I'll end it." Your voice shook as you were being stared down by the two of them. "Would that even do anything?" Azula rolled her eyes as she lazily observed her fingers.
"It will. You'll see...it was my idea to start a relationship. Not his. If you're going to punish someone...punish me." Azula raised an eyebrow at your suggestion and looked towards Ozai who began to think.
"Not necessary." Ozai stated and Azula frowned. "Your father is an important ally of mine, wouldn't want to upset him."
The room fell silent as the three of you stared at one another. "I suppose...if you end your relationship with my son...that will do for now." Your shoulders dropped in relief.
"But, I don't care if you're together or not, if he upsets me in any way again I won't hold back." Ozai turned his back and left the room. Azula smirked at you and followed him out.
You were lying in bed that night and couldn't sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts of Zuko and how you were going to end it. You heard the window open and the sound of familiar footsteps making its way to your bed.
Before Zuko could slip in next to you, you immediately turned away from him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he chuckled but you refused to answer.
"I don't need you anymore." You spat out and he stammered back. "What do you mean you don't need me anymore?!"
You buried your head in your covers, trying not to look at him. "I mean, I don't need you anymore, Zuko. I'm done."
"Done?! W-what do you mean done—did something happen?" you heard his footsteps come over to your side of the bed and you huffed.
He lifted the covers over your face and you had no choice but to look at him.
Zuko's eyes were a mixture of sadness and confusion and you chocked out a sob. He slowly brought his hands to your face, but you swatted it. Knowing exactly what to say to get him to leave, to leave you for good. "I can't be with a coward." Zuko stumbled back after this. You knew about his never-ending torment about betraying Iroh out of fear of his father. How he barely slept every night thinking about his uncle sitting in his cell, about how he was scared to do the right thing because he would lose his honor in his family again. "W-what?" Zuko was farther from you now, sad eyes staring into your like daggers. You were fighting the urge to break right there, tell him everything you knew about his father's warning, but you had to protect him. "You left Iroh to rot in a cell. You can't even stand up against your father and you're a disgrace to the Fire Nation. What kind of future is that?" You said coldly, biting your tongue to fight back the tears that were fighting to come out. "
"Do you really mean it?" His voice broke and you were dying to apologize to him, to tell him you thought he was so much more than what he thought of himself, that he was one of the few genuinely good people here, but you had to do this to protect him.
"Yes. I hate you, Zuko...I didn't realize it till now but...I'm embarrassed of you. Being with you...makes me hate myself too." You stated, face blank. Zuko's face dropped. You've never seen him like this, so empty, like he lost all the hope he had in the world. You wanted to reach out to him, you did...but he was gone before you could.
You'd see him in State events but never spoke, and the one time he had to greet you out of courtesy it was like he was talking to a stranger.
Now, here you are somewhere in the forest, looking for him. You heard from one of the guards who was loyal to you that combustion man was able to track Team Avatar near the mountains next to the refugee camps. He told you that he got his scent and was close by.
You heard voices and crouched by the bush. You saw a figure by the river and crawled closer to see who it was. It was a girl, probably your age dressed in blue who was doing laundry. This must be the water bender you thought. Mai and Ty Lee would tell you stories about their time chasing the Avatar and reuniting with Zuko.
Deciding to confront her and ask where Zuko was you began to walk towards her. Her shoulders tensed at the sound of footsteps behind. The girl whipped her head around and her eyes grew wide. Before you could speak, she was shooting water in your direction. "HEY!" You dodged, but she kept going. Grunting in frustration, you began shooting fire back at her.
You were fighting for a while now until suddenly, a boomerang was flying next to your head which caused you to duck.
There was a boy in blue running towards you with a smaller girl in green running next to him.
The girl stomped her foot on the ground and rocks in the shape of bars began to form around you but you were able to roll out of the way. The water bender was about to attack once more but then you heard your name being called behind you.
"Y/N?" You froze and your heart dropped. You haven't heard Zuko's voice in so long and you swore you almost crumbled right there. Slowly, you turned around and faced him for the first time in months. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked, and you couldn't answer. The Avatar arrived and the whole group was staring at you.
You couldn't speak. You didn't know what to say to him and time just stopped. Your eyes never left Zuko and he was staring right back at you.
"Who is she?!" The water bender asked as you and Zuko continued to look at each other.
"Y/N." Was all Zuko said which caused everyone to look at one another in confusion except the guy with the boomerang. "Oh...is she the one you were telling me about?" Zuko blushed in embarrassment but walked towards you.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost...who is she?" The Avatar asked.
"Zuko's ex-girlfriend." Boomerang guy attempted to whisper but failed as everyone heard him. The water bender stared at you curiously while the earth bender huffed and stuck up her nose.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Zuko was in front of you now and your heartbeat was rising. You missed him. All you wanted was to kiss him right then and there, but you knew whatever you two had was over. Before you could reply, you saw a figure suddenly appear behind Zuko. The rest of the team was too busy waiting what would happen that they didn't notice combustion man's arrival.
Combustion man's eyes turned red and he smirked, the eye in the middle of his head started to glow and you knew he was about to attack.
"LOOK OUT!" You shouted and shoved Zuko to the side before Combustion man could strike.
The rest of the group were on the floor from the explosion except the Avatar who was on a tree.
"WHO IS THAT?!" Boomerang guy yelled above the explosion.
Looking down, you realized you fell on top of Zuko. Your eyes met his and you noticed his expression change to somewhat of realization. He looked like he was putting the pieces of a puzzle together while looking at you and he was frozen. Combustion Man tried to attack Zuko again but you pulled him away.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Boomerang guy yelled once more. Spotting the boomerang attached to his waist, you created a plan.
"AVATAR!" You yelled and he looked down at you from the tree. "Distract him!" He looked at you with confusion. You realized they didn't trust you yet, still being in your Fire Nation clothes, they still weren't sure what side you were on. "Come on! Do it!" You yelled and he nodded.
"BOOMERANG GUY!" You shouted once more and he looked at you in fear. "When the Avatar has him distracted, throw your boomerang at the eye on his forehead, it will block his chi."
"Why should I listen to you?! You were just attacking my sister!" he yelled back. "GOSH SOKKA JUST DO IT! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!" The earth bender yelled and Sokka jumped back in shock. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!"
The Avatar shot an air ball at Combustion Man which caused him to stumble. While he was caught off guard, Sokka threw his boomerang hitting him directly on the eye.
Combustion Man grunted in pain but suddenly lost control and shot an explosion to the nearby mountain. Suddenly the rocks began to shake and immediately rolled down the mountain and crushed him.
The whole group sighed but Zuko was still looking at you. Suddenly, you felt rock squeeze around your wrists. Looking down, your wrists were bound in handcuffs made of rocks.
"Seriously?! I just saved your lives!" You yelled but the group continued to stare at you. "Yeah, but you were attacking Katara when we got here." The earth bender stated.
"SHE ATTACKED ME FIRST!" But they weren't having it. You looked at Zuko and his expression changed. He looked deep in thought as he stared back at you.
"Come on...just let me go and I'll be out of here." You whispered still looking at him. "We still don't know why you're here. You could be a spy." You rolled your eyes at the small girl.
"If I as a spy I would have let you all be killed by Combustion Man." You stated.
"That makes sense..." Katara nodded slowly but earth bender was still not having it.
"Still. It's risky to let you go, you're coming with us." She announced and began to walk away. Sokka grabbed your elbow and began to lead you behind her.
Zuko wasn't moving for a moment, watching the scene unfold like it was a movie. "Zuko...are you coming?" The Avatar asked. Zuko nodded slowly began to follow.
The earth bender, who you learned was called Toph made you a makeshift cell in their campsite. Rolling your eyes as you watched them enter their tents to go to bed, you sunk down and sat on the ground.
You started to drift off to sleep until you heard the door of your cell open. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up to see Zuko.
Your lips part in surprise as you slowly stand up to stare at him.
"What do you want?" You finally gained the courage to speak to him.
The Zuko in front of you is a different one than the one you left. The broken Zuko. The Zuko you hurt. Now, all you see are his golden eyes pouring into yours, mixed with anger and determination.
"Why are you here?" he asked, his tone was serious.
"Your friends put me in here! I don't wanna stay in this dumb cell—"
"No. Why are you here?!" He almost yelled at you, but he kept his voice low enough so he wouldn't wake the others.
"I don't know what you mean—"
"Bull Shit." Zuko interrupted but moved closer to you. "I don't know what you want me to say—"
"Do you still hate me?" His question caught you off guard. Unlike last time, there was no sadness in his voice, now, it felt like he was challenging you.
"Did you come here to protect me? I know you knew about Combustion Man." You looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. You didn't know why you were being so difficult. It wasn't like Ozai or Azula were here. But you felt immense guilt for what you said to him, you didn't deserve him.
"When you broke up with me...there was something else right? You were just saying all of those things to protect me?!" Zuko was angry. He had every right to be, for you to just show up here, and not even telling him the real reason why you came.
"I'm not stupid, alright? I know combustion man is an assassin under my father! I know he was here to kill me...and after everything, you show up out of nowhere...I know you were here for me!" He was yelling now but you refused to budge.
"You made me think all this time you hated me! I thought the person I loved the most in this world hated me! For months I couldn't get you out of my head and it was torture seeing you around the palace looking like you didn't care! And you won't even tell me the real reason why you're here?" You looked at him in shock but still refused to speak and he shouted in frustration.
"Y/N...tell me right now why you're here—"
"Yes. I still hate you." Was all you said. You didn't though. You loved him. You were so proud of him for finally standing up to his father and carving his own destiny, but you didn't want to cause him anymore pain. You wanted him to continue being the man he was meant to be...even without you. You felt like you would bring him down, that you didn't deserve Zuko. You wanted to leave, to finally leave him, for good.
"No you don't." His voice was hard and his eyes didn't leave yours. "Zuko, what do you want from me?" You asked and he sighed.
"Do you really hate me?" He asked once more but he took a step closer to you and you backed away.
"YES! God, Zuko I don't know how many times I have to tell you! I hate—"
Before you could finish, Zuko's lips were on yours. Your eyes widened in surprise but as soon as his arms snaked around your waist, you melted around him.
You missed this. The feeling of his lips on yours. His touch. The way he clung to you like his life depended on it.
"No you don't." Was all he said when he pulled away. You were out of breath, and you looked up at him. The hard expression he had was replaced with tender eyes and you felt tears forming.
"H-how'd you know?" Your voice cracked as Zuko began to gently wipe the tears on your face.
"Your eyes tell." Was all he said and before you could speak, his lips were on yours again.
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chitsangenthusiast · 2 years
insomnia + t.... tony.., tony the tigermm..
hey remember when tumblr banned 'tony the tiger' lmfao anyway
"What's your star sign?" Sokka asks him, and Zuko's face twists up even as his fingers continue to fly over the keyboard. The question is muffled from where Sokka has embedded his face into his sweater, but even the few dropped syllables aren't enough to stop him from understanding the question.
(Though clarity and coherency are two distinctly separate things in this case.)
"Uh, what?"
"Your star sign," Sokka says again, not bothering to cover his yawn with his face so covered, and Zuko just barely stops himself from shivering against the weird press of moving lips over fabric. "Like, the personality thing. Where the sun was when you were born, determining the entire make up of who you are as a person before you can open your eyes, yadda yadda."
"I know what zodiac signs are," he shoots back with a huff, "just like I know how much you don't believe in them, which is why I'm confused."
There's a small laugh into his upper back, and Zuko actually does squirm at the feeling—then immediately regrets it when Sokka finally lifts himself off and away.
"Oh, no, yeah, it's total bullshit. which is why I think I've figured out something way better for people to imprint themselves on." With a long groan, he slumps his way around Zuko's leg to fall in and rest his head on his knee. "Hear me out: cereal mascots."
Zuko just stares down at him. "Sokka—why?"
"Think about it!" and Zuko is not. He's been working on this manuscript for the past too many hours, far too tired and not even close to being finished, but Sokka's excitement is distracting enough that he's willing to at least sit there and admire his boyfriend's pretty mouth as he talks. "Line up all the mascots, and you've basically got a full range of actually fleshed out personalities that aren't just just vague, arbitrarily-chosen concepts. Those are things you can resonate with. Also, there's definitely a link between the level of sugar you're willing to consume in the morning and who you are as a person."
Sokka then gestures down at himself, and Zuko accepts the invitation to look. Probably not for the reason he actually wants, but whatever. Computer screens are bad for Zuko's eyes, but Sokka certainly isn't. "For example, who would you associate me with?"
Zuko doesn't miss a beat. "Gritty."
"Tony the Tiger," Sokka hums in happy confirmation, long an expert in selective hearing when it comes to him, "exactly. And you, my handsome little jerk, are the Trix Rabbit."
The very idea earns him a sharp flick to the side of his neck—which ultimately results in Zuko's laptop getting tossed to the other side of the bed as a determined poking war breaks out, and ends with Sokka joyfully dropping his entire weight onto his stomach.
(Not ends—there's a quick chomp to his right cheek before Zuko is held victim to a flurry of small kisses all over his face as he tries to suck the air back into his lungs.)
"Ass," he groans, only slightly putting effort into struggling against the onslaught. "You really—explain your dumb logic."
"Because you've stolen my heart," Sokka simpers into the corner of his mouth, openly delighting in the way Zuko freezes, then drops a few more smacking pecks along the edge of his scar. "Duh."
It takes a few minutes for Zuko to respond, too caught up in the insistent press of that smiling mouth against his, but then Sokka is pulling back to gaze down at him, likely gearing up to further explain his reasoning, and Zuko seizes the moment.
"I was born in the year of the rabbit, you know," he says, then cackles in the face of Sokka's sputtering indignation as he yanks him back down.
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zoethespiritwolf · 3 years
I love her, damn it!
Part 2 (Part 1 here)
Ship: Sokka x f!firebender!reader
Warnings: swearing, injuries, captive abuse, a bit of angst, but it ends well
Genre: angst-to-comfort
Fic type: Scenario
A/n: This is part 2 of the "I love her, damn it!" miniseries. Sorry that it took so long and I apologize to those who have sent in their requests. I've seen them and am already working on them. You can expect them to be completed in about a week.
Other than that, I hope you enjoy and have a nice day!
(Y/n) was sure she had lost the perception of time at this point. All the blood loss, torture, and generally not being able to see the sun in the freezing metal cell had made her head fuzzy and not being able to recall what day or time it was.
She didn't know if it was hours, days, maybe weeks, or even months since she had been captured, but it didn't really matter at this point. (Y/n)'s main goal was to survive and possibly get out of the base to safety.
Just then, (Y/n) heard footsteps outside of her cell. Rhythmic, meaning it was probably another Fire Nation soldier that had come to either 'beat the traitor' or deliver scraps of food. The firebender heard the footsteps stop near the door and the rhythmic tapping of the keypad of the side of the cell door.
When the captive heard the high-pitched beep of the keyboard, signaling that the correct combination had been entered, (Y/n) threw her head back and groaned, her bound hand tugging at the metal chains around her wrists immobilizing her.
The metal doors to her cell slid open and a cloud of mist rose from the doorway. The girl sighed and through her nose released a mist cloud similar to the doorway and swung her head back in front of her to see who had decided to come to visit her. (Y/n)'s eyes widened when she had set her gaze on the visitor, before quickly relaxing and raising her brows.
"Princess Azula," (Y/n) addressed her, "To what do I owe the pleasure that you personally come to visit a poor firebender like myself in these circumstances?"
"You and I know very well that you aren't just another poor firebender," the princess smirked in reply, crossing her arms behind her back, "You are far more important than those disposable soldiers in this base."
"I suppose so, your Highness," the captive sighed and furrowed her eyebrows when she felt her energy depleting, "However, I would be far too hopeful to think that you've just come here to talk to your old friend. What do you want?"
"Always to the point, as usual," Azula replied as her smirk widened and she turned to slowly walk around the cold cell, "But you are right. You would be far too hopeful to think I've just come to see you."
"And as to what I want," the princess continued "I want to give you a choice."
(Y/n) raised a brow in question as the corners of her mouth started to tug downwards into a grimace at Azula's speech.
"Swear absolute loyalty to me and join the Fire Nation again as a general," she proposed, "And you will walk out of this cell a free woman. I'll arrange it so that no trace of this incident ever exists, and everyone will forget that you were a traitor to your kind."
"And if I refuse?" (Y/n) asked, her eyes locking onto her former friend's own amber ones.
"You'll stay here before you will be brought out by the firing squad to your execution," Azula replied.
"So you're making me choose between two evils. Execution or you." the captive smirked tiredly as her head swayed from side to side, barely managing to keep it up.
"Precisely," the princess turned on her heel to face the captive.
(Y/n) bowed her head, making some of her stray hairs falling in front of her face as she slowly started to laugh. The girl's laughter became louder with each second and she once again tossed her head back before breathing in deeply to calm herself, a huge grin settling on her face.
"Do you really have to ask for my decision? You already know what it will be, Azula," (Y/n) leaned forward as much as her chain bound hands would let her so that she was face to face with the Fire Nation princess before whispering, "My death will at least be without much suffering."
"So execution it is," Azula growled as her grin disappeared from her face and a frown came instead. The princess looked at the triumphant grin on the captive's face before turning away and swiftly walking to the doors of the cell and walking past the guards at the entrance.
"Have the firing squad ready for her execution," Azula commanded one of the guards.
"Yes, your Highness!" the guard replied and closed the cell doors.
(Y/n) sighed as her grin started to fade away. She knew that she couldn't escape this, but in no way did the girl regret her decision. The former general was aware that Azula would exploit her and break her if she had agreed.
And then her thoughts shifted to her friends. Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko and...Sokka.....
The memory of the water tribe boy's brilliantly blue eyes flashed in her mind, the hand he had reached out to try to help her into the escaping jeep despite their disdain for one another.
"I'll never see him again," (Y/n) sighed out as her hopes shattered, "they won't be able to come for me."
Just as her thoughts started to become deeper into the pit of memories, the firebender's ears picked up the faint sound of footsteps running and shouting outside of her cell.
"Have I really become insane now?" (Y/n) pondered as she felt faint and black spots started to appear in her vision from how tired she felt, "Am I hearing things now?"
The girl's consciousness started to flicker as she supposedly heard footsteps coming closer down the corridor. And for a brief second, (Y/n) thought she could hear Sokka shouting her name and the sliding metal door being busted open with force.
And there they were. Those same sea blue eyes she had gazed into before she had been shot at. And now those blue eyes were the last thing the firebender saw before she had blacked out.
Sokka felt his heart stop the moment he saw (Y/n) passing out just as they had made it inside her cell. His widened eyes then zeroed on the countless bruises on the girl's body, all of them varying in different sizes, and Sokka felt his blood starting to boil.
"Toph, release her from the chains!" Zuko commanded the blind girl, making the water tribe boy snap out of his thoughts.
"On it!" the girl replied and used her metal bending to crumple the chains around the captive's wrists.
Just as (Y/n) started to fall to the floor, Sokka leaped forward and caught the passed out girl in his arms. Immediately the fingers of his right hand flew up to the left side of the girl's neck, right above an artery, and upon finding the steady beating of her heart sighed in relief.
"Sokka!" Zuko called out to his friend, "We have to go! Now!"
The Fire Nation prince had come closer to the pair and was about to grab (Y/n) out of Sokka's arms to carry, but the younger boy clutched her body closer to his.
"We don't have time for this!" the firebender insisted and reached out for the girl, "Give her to me so that we can get out!"
"No!" Sokka replied stubbornly, "I can handle this myself."
"For fuck's sake, why are you being stubborn about this!" Zuko questioned angrily, "If you give her to me, I can carry her out faster-"
"Because I love her, damn it!" Sokka yelled back at the firebender and hoisted (Y/n)'s limp body up in his arms.
Zuko's eyes widened at his friend's outburst before his brows furrowed in concentration and after a pause spoke.
"Alright," Zuko said calmly, "Get her to the Rendez-vous point. I'll cover for you. Toph, go in front of them and scour out any enemies in front of us!"
"I can feel none so far," the blind girl replied as she started running in front of the group, Sokka following shortly behind with (Y/n) in his arms.
"Hold on, (Y/n)," Sokka thought to himself as the group made it out of the building.
A soft surface under her. That's the first thing (Y/n) noticed when she started to regain consciousness. The second thing the girl felt was a calloused hand clutching her own. A finger slowly and gently ghosted over the hand and she felt the hand tighten.
(Y/n) turned her head to the side where the hand was coming from and started to slowly blink her eyes open, squinting a bit when the hospital room's bright light burned her eyes. But nonetheless, the firebender noticed the dark skin of the hand holding her's and looked up.
The girl felt warmth spread through her chest when she realized that Sokka had come to visit her and fell asleep. (Y/n) slowly wiggled her hand out of his grasp and gently traced his face with the back of her hand, making the boy groan in his sleep and the hand clutching her's previously grabbing her wrist.
"Mmmm, what?" the water tribe boy blinked as he took in his surroundings and with sleep clouded eyes looked at (Y/n), still clutching her wrist gently.
After a brief pause, his eyes widened and a large grin appeared on his face when he had regained enough consciousness.
"You're awake!" Sokka exclaimed happily and dived in the bed to hug the girl, "Holy shit, you're awake!"
"Slow down, water boy!" (Y/n) wheezed out as she slightly pushed at Sokka's chest, "You're suffocating me!"
"Sorry!" the boy quickly apologized before looking the firebender over to see if he had hurt her accidentally.
"It's fine, I'm fine," the girl laughed and Sokka's cheeks gained a reddish tint to them.
After a brief pause, the boy shook his head, the warmth from his face disappearing before his brows furrowed and he stared angrily at the girl in front of him.
"Why the hell would you think it was a good idea to try to stop the Fire Nation soldiers on your own!" Sokka scolded the firebender, "It was absolutely reckless and stupid, and-"
"Well, what else was I supposed to do?" (Y/n) angrily replied, "Allow them to capture us all? "
"You were supposed to stay safe!" the water tribe boy pressed.
"Since when was saving the world from the Fire Nation ever safe?" the firebender questioned.
"What I meant was that you were supposed to not get hurt," Sokka explained himself, "You placed yourself in unnecessary danger and you got hurt because of it."
"Since when do you care that I get hurt?" (Y/n) tsked.
"Since I found out that I love you," the words slipped out of Sokka's mouth and the girl's eyes widened in shock.
"You.. love me?" She cautiously questioned.
"Yeah, I do," he sighed, bowing his head and waiting for rejection, "Look I know you don't feel the same way, but I wanted you to know so th-"
Sokka never managed to complete his sentence as (Y/n)'s lips locked on to her former rival's. The boy tensed before slowly relaxing and leaning into the kiss. The girl's lips started to pull back, but the water tribe boy dived back in for another kiss.
No way was he gonna let her go now.
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beifongsss · 4 years
life-changing field trip [zuko]
Tumblr media
Pairing: Zuko x waterbender!reader (I’m a sl*t for the opposites attract trope I’m so sorry)
Requested?: Yes! I am once again combining two requests that I thought fit together, I’m sorry if that upsets the anons who requested :( The first anon request: “ooh maybe flirty/yn with zuko while in the ember island house or while sparring (or combine the two LMAO)” The second anon request: “Hi! Can we have more simp Zuko plz 🥺 How about that scene where the gAang looks for Aang, and Toph is like “I want to go with Zuko because I have not had a life changing field trip with him yet,” but instead of Toph it’s y/n and Zuko is all blushy and flustered because he has a crush on her 🥺”
Summary: You just want to test the waters and see if Zuko likes you back, after all, Sokka has been telling you that he does indeed like you. However, every time you try to get close to the prince, he either runs away or ignores you.
not as flirty as it could’ve been but i like how it turned out :) short & sweet
Ember Island was beautiful.
You had all arrived there a few days ago, joining Katara after she had gone off to hunt down the man who had killed her mother. When you heard that she hadn’t ended his life, you had hugged her tightly and quietly told her that you were proud of how strong she was.
Aang had come up behind you soon after and you retreated from the two to give them a bit of privacy, crossing your arms as you stood next to Zuko. The two of you observing the scene that was unfolding in front of you, a smile twitching at the edge of your lips as they embraced.
“I’m glad the two of you came back safely,” you said quietly to the prince, never looking away from Aang and Katara. Zuko didn’t reply and shifted uncomfortably. “Especially you. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t look at your pretty face every day.”
You didn’t have to look at the prince to know that he now wore a scowl on his face, displeased at your words. In reality, Zuko was trying to hold back a blush at your words and instead of replying, he simply rolled his eyes and stormed off.
He burst into his family’s beach house, cheeks still ablaze. Toph and Sokka sat there, looking up at Zuko blankly before going back to their conversation. Slightly disappointed in their lack of response, he threw himself onto the nearby couch, releasing a loud groan. 
Toph paused her words for a second before continuing to speak. Sokka glanced at Zuko before focusing on Toph, knowing what he was trying to do. At the sound of his friends’ conversation, Zuko threw his arms over his head and groaned loudly once again. This time, their conversation stopped completely before Sokka turned to face him.
“Yes, Zuko? Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing,” he replied gruffly. Toph couldn’t help but snort.
“Why is your heart beating so fast then, Sparky Pants?” Toph asked. “It can’t be ‘nothing’ if it’s got you all worked up.”
Zuko shot her a glare, forgetting that she couldn’t see it, before burying his face in his arms and mumbling something.
“What was that?” Sokka asked, a smirk on his face.
“(Y/N) was out there,” Zuko repeated, lifting his head up slightly. “Why was she the only one to greet us out there?”
“She wasn’t alone. Aang was with her,” Toph said. “Besides, she said something about making sure that you weren’t injured or anything.”
Zuko’s face went bright red once more. “Why couldn’t one of you be there with her?”
“Because your reaction every time she gets too close to you is hilarious,” Sokka replied. “Just tell her how you feel. The worst she can do is say no.”
The conversation died down as you entered the room with Aang and Katara trailing behind you. You aimed a smile at Zuko, heading over to the couch he was laying on. At the sight of you, Zuko scrambled up and all but sprinted away, a frown on his face as he muttered that if anyone needed him he would be in his room.
The smile melted off your face at Zuko’s actions. Katara noticed and came up behind you. “C’mon, help me with dinner?”
You nodded.
~ “Hey (Y/N/N)!”
You looked up when you felt Sokka sit next to you, drawing your attention from the two boys who were training in the courtyard. He followed your line of sight, smirking when his eyes landed on Zuko. “Enjoying the view?”
You hummed in response, still not facing the Water Tribe boy before replying. “I’m just studying them. It’s not every day you get to see firebenders just casually practicing their moves.”
“Whatever you say,” Sokka replied, leaning back on his elbows. “You don’t have to hide your feelings. He feels the same way y’know.”
The snort that left you was unintentional, but still drew Aang’s attention to you. He perked up immediately, his tiredness leaving his body in a second. “(Y/N/N)! How long have you been there?”
A blush covered your cheeks as Sokka nudged your side and snickered. “O-Oh, a few minutes. I was bored so I came out here to watch your lesson.”
“Great, can you do me a favor?” Aang asked, his eyes sparkling. You groaned internally knowing that you couldn’t deny the young Air Nomad anything. Silently, you nodded. “I promised Toph that I’d learn how to sandbend today but Zuko’s not done training. Can you please spar with him?”
“I’m not a firebender Aang,” you replied, crossing your arms. “Shouldn’t he be training with a firebender?”
“It’s fine, you don’t mind, do you Zuko?” Aang didn’t wait for Zuko’s response before continuing. “Besides, how often does he get to fight waterbenders? This is good practice!”
Before either of you could reply, Aang was already bouncing away. “Thanks (Y/N/N)!”
You stood up slowly and made your way to the middle of the makeshift arena, stretching as quickly as you could. Once you were done, you faced Zuko. “Ready?”
He nodded silently, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he realized you didn’t have a water skin near you. Just as he opened his mouth to ask, you lunged at him. He barely had time to duck, dodging your fist but not your leg. His knee buckled under your kick and he ended up on his knees. He glanced up at you to see you smirking.
“Cute. I always thought that I’d end up on my knees for you, not the other way around,” you commented, stepping further away from him. You dropped to a defensive position as he got to his feet, his cheeks burning as he stared you down.
The two of you moved at the same time, Zuko throwing a blast of fire at you as he ran. You slid underneath it, quickly standing and aiming a kick at him. He dodged it gracefully before sending another blast at you. Just when he was about to ask why you weren’t using your bending, you reached out, focusing on the water in the air around you and forming a thin stream of water.
Zuko’s jaw dropped slightly, he had never seen a waterbender pull water out of thin air. He managed to dodge the water whip you had created and sent up a wall of fire, turning it into a wall of steam as he evaporated the whip. You didn’t stop there however and managed to turn the vapor into ice shards which you quickly dropped onto Zuko.
He rolled out of the way, sticking his leg out at the same time. He succeeded in toppling you, and you squeaked as you fell onto your back. He moved to attack and you reacted quickly, drawing water out from nearby plants and sending it at him full force. The fire he had ready was extinguished and he ended up soaked from your attack.
“Nice one (Y/N)!” you heard Sokka yell, reminding you that he was still present. You shot him a look as you stood up before turning to face a now shirtless Zuko. 
“Spirits,” you whispered, trying not to stare at him. “How is this fair? Put your shirt back on! Or don’t.”
“You’re the one who got me all wet,” Zuko replied, tossing his shirt to Sokka and walking back to the middle of the arena.
“If only it were the other way around,” you whispered jokingly, causing Sokka to cackle. You joined Zuko once more, having no time to prepare before he attacked. The fight continued on for a few more minutes, the two of you all sweaty and tired. You decided to try and attack with ice again, dodging a punch from Zuko as you accumulated water from around you.
You couldn’t hold yourself back from making another comment as Zuko pushed his hair back from his face. “You know, I can think of a few other activities that can make us equally sweaty, if you’re interested.”
Zuko stumbled at the same time you attacked, allowing some of the ice shards to nip at his skin. He hissed lightly as the cuts began to bleed, silently chastising himself for letting you distract him.
“Oh no. Zuko!” you yelped, running over to the boy. Your face showed nothing but worry as you knelt next to him, taking in his injuries. “Let me get you healed.”
Your face scrunched in concentration as you waved your hand, a globule of water forming around it. Both of you were silent as you healed his cuts, biting your lip as the guilt crawled up on you.
“Stop doing that,” Zuko said suddenly, drawing your attention to him. You looked at him confused before you noticed his gaze was on your lip. Blushing, you looked back down to his wounds. You tried to ignore his gaze as you moved your hands up to his chest, healing the wounds there. Zuko wondered if you could feel his heart racing.
“I’m really sorry Zuko,” you whispered, finally done healing his chest. You glanced up at his face, wincing when you noticed a shallow cut on his cheek. He closed his eyes as you reached up and cupped his cheek, unintentionally nuzzling his cheek into your palm. After a minute, you pulled away. “I’m done.”
Zuko opened his eyes, meeting yours and causing you to stop completely.
“It’s okay,” he whispered back, his voice raspy from speaking so lowly. “It didn’t hurt that much.”
For once you were at a loss for words, no witty or flirty comment on the tip of your tongue as you stared into Zuko’s eyes. Remembering Sokka’s earlier words, you stepped closer to Zuko. He swallowed harshly but didn’t move.
“Zuko,” you whispered, dropping your gaze down to his lips. “Can I-”
“Hey! Aang needs you, Zuko,” Sokka suddenly called out, making the two of you jump apart. You whirled around, eyes narrowed as they landed on the Water Tribe boy. Despite the smug smirk on his face, he couldn’t help but flinch at your reaction, knowing that you were going to bite his head off once the two of you were alone.
Zuko’s eyes widened and he all but sprinted into the house, only pausing when Sokka grabbed his arm. “Forgetting something?”
“Oh, r-right,” Zuko said, taking his shirt from Sokka. He glanced at you briefly one last time before running into the house.
“Sokka,” you growled, stomping over to him. “What was that for?”
“What was what?” Sokka asked innocently, walking backwards to get away from you. A wide grin spread across his face. “The real question is: what was happening between the two of you back there?”
You pushed Sokka up against the porch railing and quickly froze his hand to it. “It might’ve been a kiss if you hadn’t interrupted.”
You stormed away after that, an annoyed expression on your face as you made your way into the house. Behind you, Sokka was trying to get free. He was unsuccessful.
“(Y/N)! Don’t leave me here! I’m sorry! (Y/N)?”
Zuko had managed to avoid talking to you the rest of the day, even when the two of you had been paired up to fight the Melon Lord. Toph had enjoyed that a little too much.
He sat furthest away from you during dinner and went to bed immediately after, giving a mumbled goodnight to the group. Everyone turned to face you after he left, a questioning look in their eyes (well, except for Toph). You had simply glared at Sokka, who had then proceeded to explain what had happened earlier between the two of you. The group couldn’t help but laugh, only annoying you further as they teased you about it.
You had gone to bed early too.
Katara had woken you up early the next morning, panic on her face as she dragged you out into the courtyard. “Aang’s gone!”
That statement woke you up immediately, and you found yourself looking at her with a confused expression. “What do you mean gone?”
“Look,” Sokka said, pointing to the spot next to you. “He left his staff. That’s so strange.”
“Aang’s not in the house,” you heard Zuko say as he joined you all outside.
“Let’s check the beach,” you said, walking away before you finished your sentence. The six of you trekked down to the beach, perking up slightly when you noticed Aang’s footprints. You followed them all the way to the edge of the water where they suddenly disappeared. “The trail ends here.”
“So he went for a midnight swim and never came back?” Suki asked skeptically.
"Maybe he was captured,” Katara said worriedly.
“I don’t think so,” Sokka muttered, looking at the footprints. “There’s no sign of a struggle.”
“I bet he ran away,” Toph said, her voice a little dull.
“No way, he wouldn’t leave behind Appa or his glider,” you countered.
“Then what do you think happened to him, oh sleuthy one?” Toph snarked back.
“It's pretty obvious,” Sokka suddenly said. “Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle? He's definitely on a Spirit World journey”
“But if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?” Zuko asked.
Sokka bowed his head down in slight embarrassment. “Oh yeah. Forgot about that.”
“Then he's got to be somewhere on Ember Island,” Katara said. “Let's split up and look for him.”
Your eyes widened and you immediately grabbed onto Zuko’s arm, hugging it tightly. “I’m going with Zuko!”
“W-What?” Zuko stuttered, a bright blush coating his cheeks as he tried to ignore the fact that you were hugging his arm. Everyone else stared at you knowingly.
“What?!” you asked. “Everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with Zuko. Now it's my turn.”
“Try not to make it too life-changing,” Sokka muttered as he walked past you, earning a snicker from Suki and Toph. Sokka and Suki left on Appa and Katara and Toph headed into town to see if they could find him there. You kept holding on to Zuko’s arm as the two of you walked further along the beach. It was silent for a few minutes before you finally spoke up.
“Hey pretty boy, why have you been avoiding me?”
Zuko’s eyes widened and he turned to you. “W-What did you just call me?”
“Pretty boy,” you chirped, a smile on your face as you looked up at him. “Because y’know, you’re probably the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.”
Zuko cleared his throat and dragged his gaze away from you. His eyes didn’t leave the water as you kept walking side-by-side.
“So,” you nudged him softly, sliding one hand down his arm to intertwine your fingers with his. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t been avoiding you,” Zuko replied quickly, shaking you off his arm as he proceeded to walk a bit in front of you. You kept quiet as you caught up to him, biting your lip as you thought about the boy next to you.
“I thought I told you to stop doing that,” Zuko snapped, stealing a glance at you.
“Why?” you asked, releasing your lip. “Does it turn you on?”
“What?! N-No!” Zuko exclaimed. A faint trail of steam escaped his nose, letting you know that he was flustered.
“Relax, Zuko,” you chuckled. “I’m joking. Now, why have you been avoiding me?”
“We should be looking for Aang.”
“You and I both know that Aang isn’t here,” you replied, looking out at the vast ocean. “He’s probably doing some Avatar-related thing right now so why don’t you just tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”
“I haven’t been avoiding you!”
“Yes you have! Ever since yesterday. Ever since I-” you cut yourself off, a blush appearing on your face as you thought about the almost-kiss between the two of you. Zuko swallowed nervously, also thinking about what had happened between the two of you.
“Ever since you almost kissed me,” Zuko filled in for you, his head hanging low. “That’s why I’ve been avoiding you.”
“Because you didn’t want to kiss me?” you asked, slightly upset. “You could’ve just said so, it doesn’t have to be weird.”
“Because I did want to kiss you,” Zuko replied almost immediately. The two of you came to a stop. “I’ve been avoiding you because I want to kiss you and be with you but I can’t.”
“Why?” you asked, thoroughly puzzled.
“I’ve done so many things,” Zuko whispered. “So many bad things. To Aang, to Katara, to you. I’m from the Fire Nation; I don’t deserve to be with someone like you.”
“That’s absurd,” you whispered back. “Your past doesn’t define you Zuko. You chose to make the right decision and sure, it took you a while but you realized that you were doing more harm than good. You changed, that’s what matters. You made the right choice even though you knew it could mean trouble for you and that’s why I like you.”
Zuko finally looked up at your words, his eyes full of wonder as he looked at you. A small smile appeared on his lips at your words and he found himself approaching you slowly. “Do you?”
You nodded softly.
“Zuko?” you asked quietly. “Hypothetically, if I had gotten the chance to ask if I could kiss you yesterday, what would you have said?”
“I- Hypothetically, I would’ve said yes,” Zuko whispered back. Feeling bold, you walked up to the prince and wrapped your arm around his neck.
“Do you trust me, Zuko?” you breathed, your lips inches away from his. You felt your heart speed up as his golden eyes met yours. Silently, he nodded. You wasted no time as you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. He stumbled back slightly, his back hitting the cliff that surrounded the beach as he grabbed onto your waist.
Almost immediately, he turned around, kissing you roughly and pressing you up against the wall as his body covered yours. Your hands tangled in his soft hair, your heart racing impossibly fast as you realized that you were actually kissing Zuko. You pulled away first, giving him a soft smile as you stared at him. “I take it you like me too?”
Zuko chuckled before nodding. “I do.”
He pressed another kiss to your lips, this one gentle as you enjoyed each other’s presence. The two of you were so distracted that you didn’t hear Appa land on the beach a few yards from you.
“Hey! I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure Aang isn’t in either of your mouths.”
The two of you pulled away from each other to see Sokka looking at you with a wide smirk. Suki sat behind him, giving both of you a suggestive look. Zuko helped you climb onto Appa before joining you and sitting next to you.
“Yip yip,” Sokka said before he turned to you. “So (Y/N), how was that field trip of yours?”
You turned looked at Zuko beore intertwining your hands, making him blush and earning a smile from Suki and Sokka.
“Best field trip ever.”
@musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @purifiedbottledwater, @butterflycore​
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zukoszukhoes · 4 years
Don’t Speak- Zuko x Reader
// Soulmate au- Zuko x reader
// summary: In the Fire Nation, when you turn 16, the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your wrist. Just after y/n’s 17th birthday, they don’t think they’ll ever find their soulmate. Until a certain prince, back from his banishment, comes to stay at their family’s estate on holiday. Suddenly, y/n is faced with a complicated problem; after all, what do you do when your soulmate is the crown prince of the nation you hate?
//part 2 here
//warnings: none, just some angst and a little threatening
// (Y/M/N)= your mother’s name
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“(Y/n), the royal procession is here! Come quickly!” The head maid, Lotty, cried into your room.
Shit! You thought, lurching up from your bed. You’d gotten so engrossed in your book you’d forgetting to keep track of time. And now your hair was a mess, your clothes were wrinkled, and you still couldn’t find your shoes. Your father was going to kill you when he saw you.
“Lotty, have you seen my shoes? The ones we got last week for the procession?” You shouted, throwing on your banquet wear as fast as you could.
“It’s in the closet!” Lotty called back from the other room, her voice panicked. Having visitors always put Lotty on edge.
“No, they’re not!”
Lotty rushed in your room, face scrunched up with stress and hair resembling a bird’s nest. “What do you mean they’re not in the closet?” She screeched.
“I checked the closet and I’m telling you they’re not there!”
“Spirits, child! Could you at least try and be organized?!” Lotty cried, digging into the closet. She emerged a minute later with the shoes held triumphantly in her hands and shoved them into your chest. “Now, go, quickly! The prince will be here any minute!”
The prince. The words echoed bitterly in your mind. Despite being the child of a powerful Fire Nation government official, living in the Fire Nation brought you no joy.
Growing up, you’d watched as the Fire Nation conquered the rest of the world. You’d been taught that it was the right thing to do, that you were sharing your success to create a better world. But when your father told you of the lives lost-on both sides- you couldn’t help but hate the war, and the Fire Nation. To you, it was all senseless killing, poorly disguised under the name “progress.”
When you heard about the prince’s banishment for speaking out against the Firelord’s war plans, you’d hoped it meant that he was a fair, wise, and just person. And, that maybe, one day, he would come back and be the Firelord the world needed him to be. However, when you learned he’d killed the avatar in Ba Sing Se, you knew in your heart that he was just as evil as the rest of his family.
Still, your reservations about the royal family did not deter your own family from idolizing them. After all, the Firelord had given your father a respectable job, a good home, and a steady living. Being a high-ranking government official had opened all kinds of doors for your family. So when the Firelord asked your father to host his son, Prince Zuko, while he was meeting with his war generals, how could he say no?
“You’re late.” Your father grumbled as you fell into line in between him and your mother. “Why, on today of all days, did you choose to be late?”
“I’m sorry, father.” You replied, fixing your shirt surreptitiously. “I lost track of time.”
A horrified gasp escaped your mother’s lips. “(Y/N)! Your mark!” She whispered, grabbing your wrist.
In the Fire Nation, everyone had the first words their soulmate would every say to them imprinted on their wrist. However, it was considered improper to display your mark in public. Anything having to do with soulmates was considered private, intimate, and extremely personal. To show your mark to the public, when you haven’t met your soulmate yet, would be considered betraying your soulmate’s trust before you’d even met them. Your parents seemed to believe in this idea more than most. They’d gone to extreme lengths to make sure no one other than themselves, Lotty, and yourself had seen the mark.
You glanced down, reading the words you’d read a hundred times over: “Your shoe is untied.”
“Here,” your mother huffed, handing you her own wrist cuffs. Her mark was gone, disappeared the first day she had met your father. You slipped on the cuffs, watching the words disappear under the bronze metal. “And next time, be more careful!” Your mother scolded you.
You rolled your eyes. But before you could respond, the front gates opened. A palanquin, painted blood red with regal gold detailing, appeared through the gates. Held up by four exhausted-looking palanquin bearers and flanked by guards, it was a statement of royalty that could not be ignored. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the pomp of it all.
“It’s a bit excessive, don’t you think?” You snorted. Your father glared at you, but cracked a smile nonetheless.
Gauzy white curtains fluttered in the wind as the palanquin bearers strode their way up to the house. In between the curtains you caught a glimpse of a high ebony ponytail, a flaming crimson scar, and two golden, piercing eyes. Eyes widening with surprise, you quickly averted your gaze, a shiver racing down your spine. What was that? After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the palanquin finally stopped in front of your family.
“Please bow for Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation!” One of the guards barked, dropping to one knee. Immediately all of the other guards followed. You slipped into a low bow, watching out of the corner of your eye as the palanquin bearers parted the curtains for the prince to descend.
You’d expected to find the prince revolting. When you imagined meeting him before, his image only conjured anger over the war, anger over all of the injustices you’d heard of over the years. But when the prince emerged from the palanquin, you didn’t feel anger; instead, you felt your heart skip a beat.
Tall and regal, Prince Zuko had a commanding presence that seemed to wrap around your heart and squeeze. You’d always heard that the royal family was cold and calculated- but the prince reeked of raw emotion. He did not smile- or show any expression at all- but his presence emanated raw angst. And those eyes. Once again, the flash of molten amber met yours, one eye haloed in dark red, and sent a jolt down your spine. Looking into his eyes, you felt as if you could watch the gears in his head turn and twist as he studied you. All of his turmoil, rage, and sorrow swirled in those pools of amber, shaking you to your core. He narrowed his eyes, his gaze of liquid gold seeming to find something interesting in you.
You knew it was improper to hold his gaze for so long, but you couldn’t look away. He was incredible, yet turbulent; beautiful, but terrifying. Part of your brain saw him and thought he was nothing more than a teenage boy. The other part screamed that he was nothing but another killer.
“Prince Zuko, it is an honor to have you with us,” your father greeted in a booming voice. He clasped his hands behind his back and stood to attention, looking very much like the important official he was. “I am Executive (L/N). This is my wife, (Y/M/N), and my child, (Y/N).”
“Thank you for hosting me. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.” Zuko replied, his voice quieter than you expected.
“We hope the home is to your liking. If you need anything at all during your stay, feel free to take full advantage of the staff,” your mother said with a gracious smile.
The prince dipped his head in a subtle nod. “I appreciate your hospitality.” He paused, gaze sliding to yours once again. His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. “You’re (Y/N)?”
You simply nodded. It seemed better not to speak than to speak and say something out of turn (which, as your mother liked to complain, was a frequent and annoying habit of yours).
The prince walked forward until he was standing just a few paces away. He continued to study you up and down, face devoid of emotion. Finally, he remarked in a flat tone, “Your shoe is untied.”
Immediately all of the blood drained from your face. Underneath your cuff, your wrist burned. Your mother let out a small gasp, her excitement palpable. But you felt nothing but dread.
This is impossible. It has to be! Your thoughts raced frantically. Your heart began to thump loudly in your chest, fueled by panic-induced adrenaline. It had to be fake. It had to be.
Because if it wasn’t, than that meant that the crown prince- heir to the throne- of the nation you hated was your soulmate.
You glanced to the side and caught Lotty’s eye. She was practically jumping up and down with excitement, coaxing you to say something. Of course, she, your mother, and your father all knew your words. They knew that Prince Zuko’s first words to you were the first words your soulmate would say to you. No doubt they thought this was a good thing, a cause for celebration. How could they not realize Prince Zuko being your soulmate was the last thing you wanted?
A bead of sweat traveled down the back of your neck. Your father nudged you inconspicuously, prodding you to say something. But you couldn’t. Because those words would cement you as the crown prince’s soulmate.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. If speaking would make you Prince Zuko’s soulmate, then you just wouldn’t speak at all.
You clamped your mouth shut, choosing to nod again instead of replying. The prince raised an eyebrow, tension thickening in the air as he waited for a response.
“Excuse my (Y/N).” Your mother laughed suddenly, breaking the tension. She placed a hand on your shoulder in a seemingly harmless gesture, but her nails dug into your skin. “They can be so forgetful sometimes!”
The Prince’s eyes never left yours. “I understand.” He said flatly. His gaze lingered on you a moment longer before he turned away, towards your father.
“You must be tired after your journey. Let me show you to your quarters.” Your father said, lowering himself into a bow.
“Thank you.” The prince replied. He nodded to the palanquin bearers to bring his luggage forward.
“Come, right this way.” Your father directed him towards the entrance. They walked inside, thankfully releasing you from the prince’s presence.
You exhaled slowly, feeling some of your anxiety melt away that the prince was gone. However, your mother’s tension was clearly rising.
“What were you thinking?” She hissed, nails digging deep into your shoulder. “Refusing to speak to a royal! Spirits, (Y/N), I knew you could be headstrong but- but- this!”
Quickly, you looked around for the prince before turning back to your mother. “You heard what he said to me. It matches.”
“I know!” She squealed. “All the more reason to speak to him! You don’t want to insult your future husband more than you already have, do you?”
“Future husband?!” Heat rushed to your cheeks. “Spirits, mother, I just met him!”
“Darling, he’s your soulmate.” Your mother’s voice softened along with her grip on your shoulder. She smiled gently, her other hand raising to caress your cheek. “You two will be together, whether you want to or not.”
You swatted your mother’s hand away, a furious blush scorching your cheeks. “We don’t know that he’s my soulmate. After all, I haven’t even spoken to him yet.”
Your mother’s eyes narrowed and she leaned back, crossing her arms. “So that’s why you refuse to speak to the prince?”
You simply looked away. Lotty caught your gaze, concern swimming in her eyes.
Your mother scoffed. “Don’t be a coward, (Y/N). You have a great opportunity here. You could rule alongside the Firelord, and bring glory to our family!”
You turned away, anger simmering inside of you. “I’m not a coward. And I don’t want to rule beside the Firelord.”
Your mother opened her mouth to reply, face red with rage, but before she could, a servant came out of the front doors and rang the dinner bell.
“This is not over.” Your mother glowered, sweeping past you towards the dining hall. You sighed, about to follow, but stopped for a moment. Glancing down, you groaned. Your shoe really was untied.
The night was cool and clear. A breeze drifted lazily through your open window, bringing sounds of toad-crickets and beetle-sparrows with it. The last embers of a dying fire crackled in the fireplace. Under your mountain of blankets, you should have been fast asleep. Instead, you were wide awake, the day’s events replaying over and over again in your head. Having a soulmate was terrifying enough, but having the prince of the Fire Nation as a soulmate? That was something else entirely.
Throwing back your covers, you slipped out of bed, abandoning your futile attempts at sleep. You lit a candle and silently left your room, making your way towards your favorite spot in the house. It was a small balcony situated just off of the hallway leading to the servants quarters. Small and hidden from outside view thanks to some nearby trees, it was the perfect place to hide and think. You often found yourself seated there on nights you couldn’t sleep, listening to the cicada-frogs until you were tired enough to go back to your room.
You quietly opened the door to the balcony, looking forward to the solitude, but that night it seemed you had company.
Prince Zuko sat on the weathered stone, staring up at the stars with a dying candle next to him. His head turned as you opened the door.
Panic flared in your chest and you immediately receded, but before you could retreat fully, the prince’s voice called out to you, “Wait!”
You paused, your heart hammering in your chest. Your mind screamed at you to ran back to your room and forget the interaction had ever occurred, but something compelled you forward. Slowly, you opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony.
Zuko was staring at you inquisitively, like you were a puzzle he was trying to piece together. A slight blush colored his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take your spot. I couldn’t sleep.”
You didn’t respond.
The prince’s face suddenly soured and his hand curled into a fist. “Why won’t you speak to me?” He yelled, features scrunched in rage.
Your eyes widened, a jolt of fear electrifying your heart, until you remembered who you were. Yes, you were technically one of Prince Zuko’s future subjects. But you were also not one to be bullied.
Crossing your arms, you glared at the prince, daring him to yell at you again.
It seemed to work. The rage melted into annoyance. Zuko huffed, blowing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes, and turned his attention back to the stars. “You’re very frustrating.”
You cracked a smile and slowly relaxed a bit.
“You have a nice house. Do you like it here?” Zuko asked, doing his best to appear nonchalant.
You grinned and shook your head, as if to say, Your tricks won’t work on me.
Instantly, Zuko’s demeanor changed. He become more guarded, more shrouded in angst. “Do you want to know the real reason I’m here?” He started suddenly. He waited for your slow nod before continuing. “My father thinks there’s a spy here.”
Shock sliced through your chest despite your attempts to appear indifferent. A spy? At your house? You shook your head. It was impossible.
Zuko turned to you again, his gaze suspicious. “Maybe I should be looking at you more closely. Maybe you won’t speak to me because you’re the traitor.”
A laugh burst out of your mouth. You, a spy? You certainly had your qualms with the Fire Nation, but your town was tiny and your father barely let you talk to anyone outside of his own circle.
“I know you hate me!” Zuko snarled. “Everyone knows you hate the Fire Nation and the royal family. Who else would betray their country but you?”
You stayed silent, unsure whether to be afraid of Zuko or laugh at him. His anger was impressive to be sure, but it was all bark, no bite. It was a facade to protect himself from his true feelings. You could see that it in his eyes.
Finally, Zuko looked away, a frustrated groan escaping his lips. He leaned against his knee, his other leg sprawled out on the cobblestone. He radiated nonchalance, but there was an uneasiness in his stature that betrayed the turmoil raging beyond his perfectly-measured exterior. Slowly, you reached out with your hand and placed your palm on his shoulder, trying to convey as much compassion as you could in the touch. You knew Zuko didn’t really think you were the spy; if he did, you would have already been in a Fire Nation prison.
The prince shrugged your hand off, still refusing to look at you, but you could see some of the anger dissipate from his frame. Cautiously, you sat down against the opposite railing, keeping your gaze on Zuko. For a minute, the two of you simply sat in silence, you waiting for Zuko to say something and Zuko too proud to do so.
Finally, Zuko broke the tension with a sigh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Things are just a bit... complicated, at the moment.”
You found yourself nodding in agreement.
Zuko glanced at you from the corner of his eye. “You can talk, can’t you?”
You smirked teasingly. Zuko grunted and looked away, running a hand through his unkempt raven hair.
“Good. Glad to know I didn’t just yell at a mute person for not being able to speak.”
A quiet laugh escaped your lips. Zuko whipped his head to you in surprise, his blush deepening. Despite your determination to hate the prince, a blush of your own warmed your cheeks. 
“I’m... glad I was able to talk to you tonight. Even if you didn’t talk back. Lotty said you’d probably come out here, but I wasn’t sure if you'd be here,” Zuko said.
You frowned. Of course Lotty had told him where to find you. She may not have been your parents, but she definitely thought highly of the royal family and would be thrilled if the prince was indeed your soulmate. 
“Don’t blame her. I asked her to tell me,” Zuko reassured you quickly, seeing your frown.
You nodded; of course you didn't blame her. Suddenly, you yawned, a wave of fatigue washing over you.
“You’re tired.” Zuko stated, regaining the calm, princely demeanor he wore earlier in the day. You nodded again, crossing your arms to keep yourself warm in the cool night air. “Let me walk you back to your room.” He offered, standing up and holding out his hand. Quickly, you shook your head, launching to your feet. If one of the servants saw, rumors would no doubt spread like wildfire. Besides, you were trying your best to dislike Prince Zuko, and every second you spent with him was waning away your hatred. It was better to stay away.
Zuko’s outstretched hand fell to his side. His face settled into a steely glare and he raised his chin slightly, trying his best (but failing) to appear unaffected. “Fine. Until tomorrow, then.”
You paused, part of you wanting to stay back. Instead, you bowed hastily and retreated from the deck, quickly walking back to the safety of your room. When you were safely nestled under your blankets, heart racing from the encounter, you finally allowed yourself to breathe fully.
In the matter of a few hours, your life had become more complicated than it had ever been before. There could be a spy in your midst, you may have found your soulmate, and that soulmate may have been the crown prince of the Fire Nation. Despite the thoughts running through your head, however, you found yourself yawning. Burying yourself deeper into your pillows, sleep slowly tugged at your brain, sinking you deeper and deeper into darkness. But your thoughts of Prince Zuko spiraled with you, until, when you finally tumbled into sleep’s warm embrace, it was Zuko’s amber eyes that watched you fall.
The next morning, you decided you needed to do whatever possible to avoid the prince. You couldn’t risk another meeting with him, especially after your meeting from the night before, which had left you with certain... sympathetic thoughts towards Zuko. So when Lotty came into your room that morning, you proclaimed sudden illness and told her to leave you for the rest of the day. “To prevent the sickness from spreading to the prince,” you had claimed. Lotty, thankfully, had obediently left you alone and promised no one would come to see you. However, you still felt defenseless in your room, susceptible to a visit from Zuko. Thus, you found yourself following a path towards the back of the gardens, searching for seclusion. The gardens, lush, green, and sprawling across a whole acre, provided plenty of solitary clearings and hidden grottos to hide in. As you walked through a tunnel of trees towards the back edge of the gardens, you felt the tension from the past day melt from your shoulders. Vines spilled from trees and onto the path, dotted with Fire Lilies in bloom. The intoxicating smell worked its way into your muscles and dissipated the stress. Finally, as you reached the end of the path, you pushed through one last wall of leaves, feeling the last of your anxiousness fade away with the promise of solitude-
You gasped and immediately withdrew, your heart beginning to thump in your chest. Where you were sure you would find solitude, a moment of peace and quiet, you found something else entirely- Lotty. And, to make matters worse, she was speaking with Prince Zuko. 
Luckily, the pair didn’t notice your presence. They were too busy arguing to notice you behind the wall of vines. 
“Please, your Highness, have mercy!” Lotty was saying, a tremble in her voice. Peeking between the vines, you watched her sink to her knees in front of the Prince, her head bowed and hands clasped together.
Zuko’s face was scrunched up in anger, cheeks red. Faint wisps of steam curled outwards from his clenched fists. “You are a traitor to your country. How dare you ask for mercy, after all you’ve done?!” He shouted.
“I know I don’t deserve it. I know I don’t deserve your kindness. But, please, your Highness... for the sake of the girl... for the family... spare me!” Lotty whispered, face wide-open and terrified.
“When I was thirteen, my father permanently scarred me for speaking out of turn. If I didn’t receive mercy, you won’t either,” Zuko snarled. “Espionage is a far worse crime than foolishness.”
Your eyes widened. The spy. Lotty was the spy!
Lotty, the woman who had practically raised you. Lotty, the woman who had cooked for you, cleaned for you, and taken care of you your whole life. Lotty, who loved the Fire Nation so ardently- had betrayed your family to the rebels.
You sagged against the tree, shock paralyzing your limbs. She had betrayed you. And now, she was going to receive her punishment.
You forced yourself to look back through the curtain of vines, hands shaking. 
“I’m sorry, Prince Zuko-” Lotty gasped, shielding her face. Zuko had a blazing fireball poised in his hand.
“Apologies won’t save you now.” Zuko growled. Raising his arm to strike, the fire cast monstrous shadows over the scene, highlighting Lotty’s terrified expression. You watched as her eyes widened, fraught with the knowledge that she was about to meet her doom- and before you knew what you were doing, you were running towards her, screaming at Zuko to stop.
“Don’t you touch her!” You cried, skidding in front of Lotty just as Zuko prepared to strike.
Zuko’s fireball disappeared.
Chest heaving, you glared daggers at Zuko. “If you want to get to her, you’ll have to go through me.”
Zuko’s mouth dropped open in horror, his face becoming pale. “No,” he whispered, a look of horrible realization dawning over his face. He ripped off the cuff on his right wrist, exposing his pale skin and the black words inked into his flesh:
“Don’t you touch her.”
His eyes met yours, panic filling his gaze. “What does yours say?” He whispered, his voice eager yet terrified.
You slipped your cuff off and your own words came to light. The words on yours and Zuko’s wrists began to turn golden from the inside, shining brighter and brighter until the words vanished from your wrists in a blaze of light, confirming the worst.
You and Prince Zuko really were soulmates.
Except, after seeing what he was capable of, you knew you'd never love him.
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Love of My Life
It was then Katara’s turn to stare up at the fiery sky, the multitude of clouds glowing in red and orange glory. “Aang,” she murmured, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. “Please.”
After the final battle, Katara and Aang reunite.
(Written for Day 3 of Kataang Week 2021: Missing Scenes/Post-Canon, hosted by @kataang-week. Read here on AO3, or continue reading below.)
Azula was taken away at some point, maybe by the Fire Sages, but her bloodcurdling screams and broken sobs were hardly a pinprick at the back of Katara’s mind as she kept her attention trained to the lightning wound blasted across Zuko’s solar plexus. Her hands glowed with the water she was continuously pulling from the now-burst piping system in the courtyard around them. She had no enhanced spirit water as with Aang, but fortunately Zuko’s injury was less severe and—thanks to her quick defeat of Azula—no longer life-threatening.
Zuko winced, and guilt flashed through Katara’s stomach for silently dismissing his pain. “Sorry.” She moved the water further upward on his chest, over a spot where the skin was more blistered. “Better?”
A low hiss escaped Zuko’s lips as the cool liquid skimmed the wound, and he managed a weak nod. “Thanks.” His voice was raspier than usual. To be expected. “For this, and for… and for stopping Azula.”
The urge to laugh rose in Katara’s throat, which she immediately suppressed because Tui and La, what was wrong with her? How was now an appropriate time for laughter? “Well, you’re welcome,” she said instead, giving him a weary smile, “but next time, how about you don’t taunt her about the lack of lightning, hmm?”
Zuko grimaced, and Katara knew that particular reaction had nothing to do with the wound across his chest. “Let’s just hope there will never be a next time.”
Katara couldn’t argue with that.
The following minutes were quiet as Katara slowly moved the water up, down, and around Zuko’s injury, her hands themselves hovering less than an inch above his chest. While she knew it was only a figment of her imagination, Katara could’ve sworn there was still blue lightning—Azula’s lightning—flickering across the wound, sparking at her fingertips and prickling across her skin.
Maybe, then, it was this lingering remnant of the Avatar’s slayer that had Katara so on edge. Maybe that was the reason why tension still thrummed through her body despite that she and Zuko were safe now, despite that they’d won.
“He’s going to come back.”
Zuko’s words broke the heavy silence, startling Katara so badly her concentration flew out the figurative window. The water around her hands lost its glow and splattered across Zuko’s chest like she’d emptied a full bucket on top of him. Frantic apologies spilled from her lips as she bent the water off his upper body with similar haste, but Zuko—wincing—pushed himself into a sitting position before she could begin the healing process again.
“Zuko, what are you—”
“Aang is going to come back,” he repeated, staring at Katara with an intensity that probably shouldn’t have been possible for someone in his grievously injured state. A testament to her healing skills, truly, and also to Zuko’s general stubbornness.
“I know he will,” Katara said after a pause, bending the water she’d again collected around her hands into the leather waterskin that hung at her hip. “If memory serves, I was the one telling you that on our way here.”
Zuko chuckled. “I know. Sorry. You just seemed like…” His eyes flickered across her face, searching for vulnerability Katara refused to bare. “Like you needed the reminder.”
Katara sighed, not meeting his gaze. “Look. I know Aang will come back. I know he’ll win.” Spirits, maybe he had won already. “I mean, he’s the only one who can. But I guess I’m still—” Katara cut herself off with another sigh, blinking back exhausted tears. “Fine, you’re right. I guess I’m still worried.”
Aang would return victorious, yes, there was no doubt in her mind. But at what cost? What price would he have been forced to pay? Sacrificing his body through the loss of a limb? Sacrificing his soul through the loss of that which his people valued above all else? Katara knew, she knew that if anyone could stop Ozai without killing him, it was Aang. But what she didn’t know was—was how.
Spirits, Katara wouldn’t be able to handle it if Aang returned to her broken in a way she couldn’t heal. She’d already witnessed him die once, watched his body go limp as life left it. She wasn’t ready to watch his spirit disappear, wasn’t ready to watch hope leave his heart, too.
Zuko opened his mouth, presumably to offer more words of comfort to her, but he was interrupted by Appa’s body stiffening—the sky bison was so large it was impossible not to notice the reaction. He’d originally been standing guard, for all intents and purposes, while Katara healed Zuko, but now his eyes were glued to the sky as he released a bellow that shook the stone of the courtyard beneath them.
Katara grabbed Zuko’s arm to keep him from toppling over, but instead of resettling himself, Zuko tried to stand up, as if the giant wound on his chest was nothing more than a mere papercut.
“It’s Aang!” was the only explanation he gave as Katara relented with a huff and helped him to his feet. “It has to be. What else would get Appa acting like this?”
Privately, Katara agreed with him. Hope beat in her heart so rapidly it ached. But since Zuko had wildly, unexpectedly, completely out of the blue transformed into an optimist—seriously, had the lightning gone through his brain?—well, that meant she had to be the one to temper his optimism with a little realism.
“It could be a threat,” she responded honestly, not releasing Zuko’s arm until she was certain he’d gathered his balance.
Zuko shot her a doubtful look. “You sure?” He pointed at Appa, whose tail had started shaking—okay, yes, probably with excitement, Katara would admit that much.
It was then her turn to stare up at the fiery sky, the multitude of clouds glowing in red and orange glory. “Aang,” she murmured, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. “Please.”
Seconds later, those otherworldly clouds split open to reveal a Fire Nation airship, and on the exterior Katara could see flashes of blue and green fabric—Sokka and Toph, it had to be. Spirits knew she probably should have been concerned about who was steering the balloon, but once it was clear the ship was heading steadily towards the ground and wouldn’t face a disastrous crash, Katara’s mind returned to its previous mantra.
Aang. Aang. Aang.
“Remember to breathe, Katara.”
Katara shot Zuko a mild glare at his wry tone, but exhaled, because he was right—she’d been holding her breath. In fact, she was still holding far more tension in her body than could be considered healthy, but Katara knew that overwhelming stiffness wasn’t going to ease until she saw her friends alive and well, until she felt Aang’s heartbeat in sync against her own.
Katara’s breath hitched as the airship came to a stop far from herself and Zuko, hovering above the stone ground of the courtyard. It was much larger up close—no wonder it couldn’t land properly. There was a deep rattle as a metal plank, of sorts, some kind of steel pathway lowered from the ship and scraped across the ground with an earsplitting screech. Onto it stepped—
“They’re alive!” Katara gasped, blinking back elated tears as Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Suki—and Momo atop Suki’s left shoulder—stepped out onto the platform. One of Sokka’s legs was in a splint and he had to lean onto Suki’s side for support as he hobbled along, but— “They’re all alive!”
Aang was alive.
They’d done it. A little bruised, a little broken, maybe all around worse for wear, but—
They’d done it.
“Come on,” Zuko urged, taking an unsteady step forward and immediately wincing. He didn’t let the pain stop him, though, powering another foot ahead. “Let’s meet them halfway.”
Katara rolled her eyes, ducking under Zuko’s arm to brace him against her side, careful to avoid his injury. “Idiot.” Standing on his own was one thing, but walking by himself was an entirely different matter. She could already tell Zuko was the kind of person who made a terrible patient.
But Katara walked with him all the same, slow and steady. As they got closer, she could better see the physical state her friends were in. Toph had only a few scrapes across her arms and face. Same for Suki. Sokka had clearly done a number on his leg, as he was hardly putting any weight on it despite the well-made split, and not to mention that Suki continued to brace him while he walked. Aang was—
Well, Aang was getting smothered by Appa, Katara noted with silent amusement as the sky bison practically tackled Aang to the ground, nuzzling and licking him with unabashed eagerness.
“Buddy, I’m okay!” Aang managed to wheeze out amidst his laughter, giving Appa a tight hug. “I’m okay, I promise.”
He seemed to be telling the truth, at least based on what Katara could discern from afar. His orange robes were torn to oblivion, with only his Fire Nation pants remaining. She could see minor burns across his chest and one area on the left side of his ribs that looked to her like it would become a painful bruise, but overall—
“If you guys are here with no Azula,” Sokka joked as they all came to a stop, snapping Katara’s attention away from Aang, “does that mean Zuko finally gets to rule the Fire Nation?”
Katara allowed Zuko to keep some of his weight on her even as they stood still. He laughed at her brother’s comment. “Katara’s the one who technically defeated her in the Agni Kai. Maybe that makes her the Fire Lord.”
Katara groaned and rolled her eyes, ignoring the amused snickers of her friends. “Tui and La, no. I refuse. I resign. I—I abdicate. The throne is all yours, Zuko.”
She turned her attention to her brother’s injured leg as Suki began recounting the details of their battle in the air, including how they’d managed to pilfer an airship of their own. Up close, Katara was relieved to see that no bone had broken through the skin in Sokka’s shin or thigh—that would have made it much harder for her to heal. She made sure Zuko was stable on his feet before stepping away to study the injury further. But as she crouched at Sokka’s side and went to bend water out her flask for the preliminary healing process—
“Hey. That can wait.”
Katara blinked, staring up at Sokka in utter confusion. “Excuse me?” His leg was broken, she couldn’t just—
Sokka jerked his head towards Aang, who was busy freeing himself from beneath Appa’s weight. “Go greet the hero of the hour. My leg will still be here when you get back.”
Toph snorted. “Of the hour?” She shook her head. “Give him credit, Sokka—Twinkle Toes is the hero of the century.” Momo chirped before jumping from Suki’s shoulder onto Toph’s, as if agreeing with her.
Katara turned to look at Aang, her mind tuning out the rest of her friend’s teasing banter that followed. He was—Aang was more than the hero of the century, at least to her. More than the Avatar, more than an airbender, more than—
Aang must have felt her eyes on him, because he paused in petting Appa to turn around and give her a shy grin. “Hi, Katara.”
With those two words, the dam burst, and Katara sprinted over to Aang with all the speed of a roaring wave. Her arms crashed around his bare shoulders like water beating against the shore, and Aang wrapped his arms around her waist in return. Katara could only squeeze him tighter, his face pressing into her shoulder.
“You stopped him,” Katara whispered. Her words were shaky, or—spirits, maybe it was her entire body that was quivering. “Ozai. You stopped him.”
Aang nodded into her shoulder, and Katara slackened her grip just enough so he could lean back and reply. “Yep.��
Katara’s right hand instinctively rose to cup his face. She could see it in his eyes—tired, yes, but still so full of hope, the warm gray as rich as the shimmering moon. “You found another way, didn’t you?”
Aang smiled at her, laugh lines crinkling at the corners of his eyes, and spirits if that wasn’t an image Katara wanted traced into her memory for the rest of time. “Ozai is alive. But he can’t hurt anyone ever again.”
Katara had a million questions, the first being the obvious How? How did you do it? But no query fell from her lips despite her overwhelming curiosity. Instead, all she could do was stare at Aang, tears of relief sliding down her cheeks as she smiled and smiled and smiled and—
“I am so proud of you,” Katara said, the words halfway to a sob as she pulled Aang into another crushing hug, marvelling at how perfectly his body fit against hers. “I knew you would do it, Aang, I knew it. Only you could.”
Aang laughed. “Must’ve been your belief that got me through it.” His arms tightened around her, as if he, too, needed the unspoken reassurance that Katara was there, that she was real, that they had won, the same way she needed such comfort from him. “At one point, I’m not even sure I believed I’d succeed.”
“It’s a good thing I never doubted you, then,” Katara whispered, and Aang laughed again.
“Yes. Thank you.”
Katara wasn’t quite sure what Aang was thanking her for—her faith then, her presence now?—and in truth, she had a feeling Aang didn’t precisely know, either. But what did precision matter? They were here, together, alive. Beaten and bruised but not broken beyond all repair. Neither of them had lost what they couldn’t live without.
For Aang, the vestiges of his peaceful people. And for her…
Katara hadn’t lost Aang. Not like she had before, not like she couldn’t bear to ever lose him again.
“Alright, lovebirds! That’s enough time spent hugging the life out of each other. Come tend to the wounded, please.”
Katara rolled her eyes at her brother’s obnoxious interruption, but she released Aang after a final tight squeeze. She really did want to take a look at Sokka’s leg. Besides—she and Aang now had all the time in the world. All the time in a peaceful world, at that.
Aang followed her back to the rest of their friends, and Katara had just knelt down to examine Sokka’s injury when Aang burst out into loud, unprovoked laughter. The sudden sound made her jump, and it was only thanks to some quick thinking—and inelegant bending—that she avoided spilling the water from her waterskin all over the stone courtyard for the second time in the past ten minutes.
“What’s so funny?” Zuko asked, the apparent reason for Aang’s laughter. “What did I do?”
“No—you didn’t—” Aang cut himself off with a wheeze, and Katara couldn’t stop herself from glancing behind her to see what on Earth had him in stitches.
Aang pointed at Zuko’s chest, biting down hard on his bottom lip in a clear attempt to withhold further laughter. “That. Azula shot you with lightning, right?” When Zuko nodded, he said, “And Katara healed you?”
“I did,” Katara confirmed. Sokka gave her a disapproving look, probably because she was yet to begin healing his leg, but—well, this time Katara had no real excuse beyond her own intrigue. Whoops. But it wasn’t as if his splint wasn’t holding up perfectly. The expertise with which it was secured suggested Suki had been the one to fashion it, and that meant Sokka would be fine for a quick moment longer.
Aang’s laughter returned in full force, one arm wrapped around his stomach while his free hand gestured wildly behind him. “We—We match!” He turned around, and—
“Oh, for Agni’s sake,” Zuko groaned, and Katara found herself unable to contain her laughter. In a matter of seconds, they were all laughing at Aang’s revelation. Even Zuko, once he’d gotten over himself.
Tui and La. Katara loved her friends, she loved her life, she loved being alive with her friends by her side and—
She loved Aang.
Oh, spirits.
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