#a bitch (me) is lonely as hell sometimes!!!!
ehlnofay · 10 months
I need to write two characters with the most unhinged enmeshed nonromantic relationship imaginable. and I need to do it right now
#I LIKE being aromantic. is the thing#it rules it kicks ass etc all you dumbasses are faffing around worrying about kissing when you could be looking at pictures of fish#or literally anything else#I'm right about this. everyone else is fussed about nothing#HOWEVER. it is a tad bit lonely. when it feels like everyone else in the world is worrying about kissing#and there I am. looking at pictures of cool fish on my own#I'm saying it kind of jokily but like... genuinely it's rough out here sometimes!!#I see my dear friends being happy in relationships and I am happy for them but it's.#you know. there's a bit of an edge to it. there's this feeling that people don't value the way that I love - even though I surround myself#with lovely people and I know that's not true - and it's hard not to feel like one day I will be left behind#I'm getting a bit older and it's getting harder to work with peoples' schedules and I'm scared for what it means for ten years from now#everyone will find people who are more important to them than me. and I will still be looking at the pictures of fish#and then I go to my little books and shows and all manner of stories and ALL OF THESE GUYS ARE FUSSED ABOUT KISSING TOO#and it's like goddamn can't a bitch catch a break#can't a bitch see people caring for each other in a way he can understand#romance is sweet and all sometimes. I don't despise it. but fucking hell if it isn't oversaturated as shit!!!!#enough!!!!! we've seen enough of this!!!! if I don't right now think of seven different platonic ways#for people to be profoundly important to one another. that are also kind of fucked up but like in a delightful way#I am going to FLIP MY LID#anyway google the barreleye fish right now. it's a cool ass fish#fay complains
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roseworth · 2 years
girls with no friends have one nice conversation and won’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day :)
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wordsofpsyche · 11 months
“Is this how it is?
Is this how it's always been?
To exist in the face of suffering and death.
And somehow still keep singing?”
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
What the hell happens in the pikmin game?? Those little colourful bitches have been around for ages, but i never bothered looking them up, i just figured they were cute little mascots of some game. But your posts are making me question everything. Is it a horror game? (I know i could just google it, but asking you is funnier)
Yeah you're right asking me is much funnier :)
Pikmin is a fun and relaxing game! You play as a little astronaut man who gets to spend his days growing Pikmin, who are sweet and peaceful little plant creatures with leaves, buds, or flowers on their heads. You can corral them around with a little trumpet, like a bouquet of flowers following you through the pretty and whimsical landscapes of planet PNF-404 :)
Wait did I say fun and relaxing?
Sorry, typo.
It's a brutal skill-based survival game (❁´◡`❁)
So then maybe you're wondering, what's up with the Pikmin? What was that about growing a bunch of little flower guys? Well growing the Pikmin is super important!
It's super duper important mainly because you need to replace the Pikmin who die in the carnage of battle for you!
Battle against what?
See on PNF-404, Pikmin are the bottom of the food chain. Just about every living breathing creature on this planet is orders of magnitude larger than the Pikmin and munch Pikmin by the hundreds for breakfast. Predators will do this instinctively. They will do this unprompted. They will do this while you're not looking. They will do this endlessly until every last Pikmin is dead.
So... what good are the Pikmin? What chance do they stand?
Really easy. Pikmin are the most violent creatures in the entire game 🥰🥰🥰.
How else do you survive when you're small and fragile other than incredible violence? Pikmin can exist out and about in swarms of up to 100. And the only way to survive predators as small little leaf creatures is to beat those predators to death with incredible mob violence before they can kill all of you.
Pikmin don't die like plants. They die like warriors.
And sometimes, this is the hardest mechanic to handle. Left to their own devices Pikmin will seek to shed blood. It's up to you to call them away from orchestrating their own demise, their own pursuit of the glory of Valhalla. It's in their nature. It's in their plant-blood.
And they go down hard. They shriek when snapped up in the jaws of predators. They glub and wail when drowning in water. They trill out screams when on fire. They choke and cough in poison. They die instantly to electricity. And you'll know a Pikmin is well and truly dead once it lets out a final whimper, and a ghost drifts away from where it once stood. This can happen by the dozens. This can happen to all 100 at once.
So wait, wait I've gotten far ahead of myself. Why the violence? Why the death? Why the fighting? What was that about a little astronaut man?
Well your astronaut man is Olimar, an honest and simple family man who's a freight ship captain from his home planet of Hocotate. He's a truck driver! He's just a guy taking his first vacation in years.
And a meteorite strikes his ship, tearing it to pieces as it crash-lands on a completely uncharted planet. Welcome to PNF-404...
And so you're Olimar. A truck driver. A nice dad. A victim of capitalism with the world's worst boss. Out on vacation.
Your ship is destroyed. No one is coming for you. No one will save you.
The oxygen on PNF-404 is poisonous.
You have 30 days before your life support system runs out.
You have 30 days until you die a brutal and lonely death.
Your only hope is to find every scattered missing piece of your ship--30 of them--strewn across the planet, return them to your ship, and repair it, before your 30 days are up.
But this is simply impossible. You're one tiny little man. You wouldn't be able to lift a single piece of your ship, let alone 30 of them, let alone doing so while fending off the wildlife hellbent on killing you.
But the Pikmin seem to like you...
So all that death? All the carnage and destruction? It's all in the effort to repair Olimar's ship before he suffocates. You pave a path of destruction decorated with the bodies of any creature that stands before you and your missing ship pieces.
The Pikmin do it. The Pikmin trust you. The Pikmin follow your command and die by your command. After all, you're growing their species. Oh did I forget to explain that part? The "how" of how growing Pikmin works?
Simple. Pikmin are grown from the corpses of the creatures they kill :).
If you kill something, the Pikmin take it back to their base and process it for pieces, and grow new Pikmin from it. That's how you get all the nice little flower creatures following you around. :)
Is it good enough? Can you sleep at night knowing that 50 creatures who trusted you implicitly were slaughtered under your misdirection? All to retrieve a hunk of metal which is 1/30 of the hope of getting you home alive? 100 slaughtered? 200? Day 30 is approaching. Things are looking bleak.
You're Olimar. Day 30 has arrived, and you haven't fully reconstructed your ship. You have no option to stay. Your life support has run out. You watch the Pikmin you've left behind, as you attempt to start up your ship which has not been safely repaired.
You try to take off, and try to make it home.
It does not go well.
But at least the Pikmin have another corpse to carry.
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lunajay33 · 4 months
Summary: You always thought your neighbour was handsome, you grew close over the years, he’d always help when you’d have troubles but there was one thing holding you back, your toxic boyfriend
Pairing: Neighbour Negan x f!reader
Content: Some 18+, age gap, toxic boyfriend
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When I was 15 the house next door went up for sale and the most ethereal man moved in, I’d see him now the lawn or see him sit on his porch and light up a cigarette and it made me realize that these urges I had weren’t just teens hormones I needed that man on another level but I could never do anything obviously I was just a stupid teen with a fixation on a man who’s way out of my league, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing over the years, when he’d invite me and my parents over for a barbecue or when he’d come over to watch the game with my father
It also didn’t help that our room windows were right across from eachothers, i’d catch glimpses of him shirtless and it just heightened my cravings but then after graduation I got a job at a motorcycle shop in town thanks to my dad and that’s how I met my boyfriend, I was hesitant at first due to my feeling for Negan but I tried to move on, he was really sweet at first but after a few months he turned cruel, dropping by my house late at night trying to get in through my window drunk saying he was lonely and wanted me to distract him, I always pushed him away and he only got mad once he got so mad he broke my window waking Negan and I had to make up an excuse he probably knew was a lie, I tried to break up so many times but he never let me and always threatened me with something
I’m 22 now and am still working at the garage, I love it sometimes Negan would stop by with his bike and I swear he would flirt with me, telling me how good I look working on the bikes, always offering to bring me for a ride, everytime I saw him scheduled in I’d get all excited just like now
I heard him bike rumbling out front and the door ringed and there he stood, tall and as sexy as ever, he only got better with age, he leaned against the counter and smirked as he took a red lollipop from the jar for customers and smirked at me as he licked it immediately flustering me
“Hey gorgeous you ready for me?”
“Oh um yeah! I’ll open the garage and you can bring it on in” I could feel my checks heat up at his intense gaze, it made me feel bad for looking at him like that since I have a boyfriend but he was an ass so what’s a little fantasizing going to hurt
He pulled up into the garage and pulled a chair up next to me, he always liked to watch me work
“So you still with John?” He asked as he sucked on the lollipop
“Yeah sadly” I accidentally let slip
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“I umm nothing forget I said that”
“You know you can’t lie to me sweetheart, so what is it”
“Fine…..I don’t want to be with him I never really wanted to, sure he was nice…..at first but”
“But?” I looked at him hesitant but he had a way to get things out of me especially secrets
“Remember that night when my window broke?”
“Yeah scared the shit outta me”
“He got drunk and tried to get into my room, I said no and he got mad, he always gets mad and broke my window…….i don’t want to be with him anymore but he won’t let me leave” I look back at him and see the anger
“I’ll kill that son of a bitch”
“Y/n what the hell is this?” Speak of the devil John was standing at the garage door and to say he was livid would be an understatement, I put my tools down and stood up nervously wiping my hands on my pants
“John nothings going on I’m just working on Negans bike”
“Yeah the Negan youre so obviously in love with” I glance at Negan and he’s just glaring at John
“John we’ve been over this, if you’re so jealous just let me leave why do you want to stay with me if you hate me” I sighed frustrated
“You’re mine even if I despise everything about you, you’re stuck with me when I need a good lay”
“You better watch your tongue boy” Negan groaned still kicked back in his chair
“And what are you gonna do about it old man” Negan stood and John was dwarfed by his shadow
“This is done, you ever come near her again, you ever touch her, you even look the side of her and you’ll regret you were ever born” this was the first time that I actual saw John cower little the scum he is, he stepped back from Negan and looked at me as he walked away
“You’re lucky you got your pet around” and then he was gone
I slump down against my chair with my head in my hands, feeling the burden lift off my shoulders but also the guilt, I hated that Negan had to get involved that I’ve been lying to myself for so long, that I can’t stop loving Negan no matter what I do
I don’t say anything and go back to work just wanting to get out of this awkward situation, I start working on the oil change when he speaks up
“You didn’t deserve that baby girl, you’re too good for him”
“Sorry you had to get in the middle of that”
“I’d do it again if it meant I’d get that asshole out of your life”
“Well I’ll just finish up your bike and you can be on your way” I say quickly finishing up and handing collecting his fee at the counter
“Well thanks for the work, what are you doing later?” He asked as he licked his lollipop again sending a tingle through me
“Umm I was just planning on reading a book maybe go to bed early”
“Well if you get bored honey you know where to find me” with that he took his keys and he was off on his bike
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The clock struck 6 and it was time to head home, my parents were gone on a vacation so the house was all to me, I went to my room stripping of the days dirty clothes, taking a quick shower pulling on a clean pair of black lace panties with a matching bra
Looking in the mirror I felt satisfied with the new set I recently bought, I turn and look out my window my heart thumps when I see Negan looking over, for some reason I’m feeling extremely confident so I motion for him to come over as I bite my lip and he’s quick to leave his house, hearing him run up the stairs to my room stopping in the door way, his eyes rooming up and down my almost bare body
“Well are you just gonna stand there?” He approached our bodies mere inches from eachother, his body heat and the smell of his cologne enveloping me in a haze of desire
“Bit of a peeping tom there Mr.Smith” I say lacing my fingers into the hem on his pants pulling him closer
“Can’t help it when a pretty little thing is putting on a show seemingly just for me” his hands gripping my hips, this is everything I’ve fantasized about for years, the innocent flirting, the stolen glances, the wet dreams all leading to this very moment
The rest of the night he showered me with this feeling I never felt with John, like it was about my pleasure, everywhere he touched felt like fire was left in its wake, he’s everything I’ve wanted how he treats me like he worships the ground I walk on, like I’m the air he breaths, I just hope this wasn’t a one night thing
“That was amazing darlin” he says beside me, his arm wrapped around me hips as I’m laid on his chest
“Yeah, I hope this is not a one night stand kinda thing though right?”
“Of course not, I’m not gonna be stupid like that prick and let something….someone so amazing and beautiful slip through my fingers, you’re mine now baby”
My heart finally felt at ease like this was where I belonged, in the arms of the man next door
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Sorry guys I haven’t been updating a lot and this was kinda trash, I’ve just been depressed lately and haven’t found my passion in writing right now
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cinellieroll · 6 months
☆ random obey me headcanons part 3!
beelzebub, belphegor and solomon ♡
part one (lucifer, mammon and simeon)
part two (asmodeus, levi and barbatos)
part four (satan and diavolo)
cw: slight spoilers again if you haven't played the recent lessons
small note: thank you again for the likes and reblogs. also, happy 20 followers! yippeee :^D also sorry for the delay i was being silly the whole day so..yeah
☆ beelzebub:
- doesn't listen to music that much which is kinda weird like wdym you don't vibe to hard ass beats everytime you work out? on the bright side a cupid playing a harp melody does start playing in his head when he sees food
- some days his resting bitch face goes so hard you think he'll start biting your neck off if you even try to talk to him
- he does a lot of unintentional things it's actually so hilarious. like no he didn't mean to mindlessly draw an icecream on your hand and start licking it. it was an accident! he swears!
- when you cry he tries to cheer you up with jokes but it always end up being horrible because deep down he's panicking inside on what to say. the bitch starts saying "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes while watching you bawl your eyes out with snot bubbling out your nose
- so instead of the horrible jokes he decides to hug you instead while picking you up and gently sways you left to right <3 and during those situations he's willing to do anything you want. you want him to carry you to your room? gotcha. you want him to buy you food from hell's kitchen? he promises he won't eat it. (he actually didn't but you could see his drool staining the paper bag once he gives it to you)
- there was one point in his life where he was the smallest and fattest out of all the brothers when he was still younger. his older bros, especially mammon would always pinch and bite his cheeks because of how he looked <3
- watches hells kitchen while eating food from hells kitchen. mans obsessed with the show
- has dimples and an eye smile
- he likes it when he holds your hand and look at it from time to time. he just likes to see how big it is compared to yours.
☆ belphegor:
- doesn't really use his phone a lot and resorts to watching TV instead so he doesn't have to use his hands
- slept while candy was in his mouth and woke up choking once. safe to say lucifer banned candies for a whole month after that and everyone else was NOT happy.
- since he is the youngest out of all the brothers he's pretty spoiled in a way. he wants to be the one you hang out with the most and if he needs to pull out the moves just so you'll give him cuddles he won't think twice
- "what do you mean you have plans with asmo today? didn't you know? he ditched cooking duty last night and lucifer told me to do the job instead. i deserve your attention more than he does."
- he thought you were attractive the first time you two met
- takes reaction pics. it's mostly him in a dimly lit room with his eyebrow raised or replicating a funny photo of his brothers
- wasn't interested in shows like hells kitchen until he saw you and beel watching it. he occasionally watches drag race too
- during car rides or road trips he always has to be the one in the back just so he could lay down and sleep
- you can't rely on him for notes because it's always covered in drool when he sleeps in class. although he mostly never takes notes at all he just relies on stock knowledge and good memory
☆ solomon:
- he never caught up with the recent trends in the human world so you really had no one to relate or talk to about your favorite shows, songs, etc
- decided to catch up for you anyway. what a sweetie pie ^_^
- a tear rolled down his cheek when raphael confessed that he liked his cooking for the first time.
- when he's drunk he starts singing love songs and starts going on a ramble about how lonely he is when he isn't with you. and yes, his voice WILL crack.
- sometimes he points things with his lips it's SOOOO HOTTTT
- he gets sad when you get suspicious of him when he's doing a nice gesture for you. he's aware that everyone else think he's shady, and he is! but mc, he just wants to do something nice for you!
- he's an asshole and will constantly tease you especially if you guys are seated together in class. he'll write a note on your notebook saying something like "remember when you *insert embarrassing moment here* or will start writing something subtly flirty like "wanna come over after school?"
- he buys you a lot of expensive things out of nowhere. like there was no ocassion whatsoever but he gifted you the recent iphone like what?
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hotgrrrlgross · 6 months
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my personal headcannons for the loveliest of lovely little guys <3333
extra info + flags!!
randy: (pan and agender)
-fibromyalgia for sure, trauma does shit things
-probably needs a cane or something similar to aleviate pain (doesn't think he's ill enough to need one, absolutely is)
-if he gets high please treat him like a fish in an aquarium, probably would hate the lack of control
-flushes really easily, and constantly clammy
-if you put a blanket on his head he'll fall asleep
-loves the feeling of a nice, heafty, soft quilt and a hot cocoa on a cold afternoon...
oliver: (trans, gay and demiromantic!)
-has a stuffed animal collection 100%
-probably picks up a million different projects only to put them down, a new hyperfixation every week kinda guy
-him being a stoner is basically cannon but, in specifics he seems like a bong or joint guy to me, would let u smoke the first hit (bc he's nice)
-rollerskate date :]
-glasses to at least semi help his shit 'eye' (optical sensor) and lack of depth perception (they can only do so much though)
karen: (nonbinary, lesbian)
-doesn't particularly care about gender as a concept
-has a bunch of tassles and cords in her house she has braided
-can't keep a plant alive to save her life, has mourned at least 20 house plants, has a fake one (somehow dies too)
-the biggest sweet tooth out of the group
-will lock herself away for hours and hours, sometimes an entire day or two, just creating. only to come out of a hole haggard and exhuasted with her New Horse Drawing.
-hEDS, uses a walker to get around!
Norm: (questioning/bi ?)
-writer (how the hell else wouldn't he go absolutely bonkers all alone, other than having a goal and spite i guess)
-uses coffee to live, but definitely enjoys tea in his free time
-probably learned archery at some point
-whittles little sculptures to pass the time (made karen a little wooden horse sculpture once)
-randomly schedules cook outs/junctions when he's feeling lonely and isolated
-he would absolutely take the will graham route and end up with 20 fucking stray dogs out of a deep empathy and then wake up one day and realize the mess he got himself into.
-grilldad. (duh)
phonegingi: (genderfluid, polyamorous, pan)
-gender? yes.
-sexuality? yes.
-will consume your clothes if you are not careful with your gingi Care instructions. (taking little nibbles is okay as a treat)
-if weed is consumed it basically acts as a horrifically strong catnip, and it will get the zoomies and make it everyone's problem
-pays really good attention to detail stuff, and its brain is basically a filing cabinet. but big events are basically a blur
-gets SUPER !! fluffy during the winter and there's an awful period where it's shedding and it's...super patchy and silly lookin
-me and the bitches i pulled by being HORRIFYING and lovely,,,,
bigfoot: (aroace. i don't take criticism.)
-genuinely pretty attentive and smart
-becomes a painter because he is INSPIRED ! by his friend karen
-absolutely splendid lad
-i wanna live in a world where one of his passions is making and wearing silly hats, please, PLEASE
-karen showed him mitski,,,god help him he's sad now
-knitting,,,he knit giant banana,,,,
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
*Thows this into the pit I keep you all in*
Here gremlins, food, specifically Adam flavored
This was made for my very best friends birthday, that was on march 2nd @chaoticcornchip, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL <3
(I’ve never written for Adam before so expect shittyness, and she let me do this)
Boyfriend headcanons: + Random ones
He definitely confessed first, because he’s Adam
Idk what sort of dark magic you did to get him to fall for you
Or have him STAY committed, that’s an achievement
When you two first started dating, you kind of just assumed that he would keep it hidden
He is FLAUNTING you all around heaven.
Doesn’t let you go anywere near hell (whether your a demon or not) he doesn’t trust it
Honestly very scared of losing you
(He has abandonment issues because I say so)
Is terrified if you leaving him just like his other two wives did
He will just randomly call you at like 3am because he’s overthinking and he’s lonely
His love language is your time spent together
Whether it’s him ranting about his day to you or just a movie and cuddles
Also expect lots of gifts, you will be spoiled
If he’s busy one day and isn’t there to spend time with you, expect to find something like a necklace on your dresser
He is very good with animals because I SAY SO
You say you like dog? Here’s a wolf
You like cats? Panther or lion?
You two have to go on ATLEAST one dinner date a week
Also takes you to nice ass places
Kinda shitty table manners but he tries his best for you
Random but I like to think he’s terrified of clowns
So if you are like some sort of jester!Reader/Clown!Reader he would be so conflicted (might write that but idk)
No circus dates
Mimes also freak him out, he thinks they are going against nature and he will scream if one comes near one
Since he tends to work a lot, to make up for it he always makes time for you
Or if his schedule is really packed he will surprise you with your favorite flowers and food/candy on your dresser when you wake up
Honestly even though he seems like someone who would forget your anniversary or your birthday
No. He does not
He goes all out of them, remembers the place, time and date
Seems like a shitty lover, is honestly not and cares about you sm
He just has a hard time expressing it
Since you two are dating you probably hang out with lute a lot (y’all can have Adam I want lute 😩)
You better hope she likes you because she is very judgy of adams girlfriends because she doesn’t want his heart to get broken
But when she sees how happy you make him, and how well you treat and care for him she warms up to you
His phone background is a picture of you
Isn’t lying when he says he has a big dick, not THE biggest ever but pretty good
7 1/2 inches, pretty good
Okay, high ass sex drive
Literally constantly in a state of horny, it’s his default setting
Willing to do it anywhere, anytime, everywhere
You hav to physically PRY him off of you sometimes (not in a noncon way ofc)
Can probably go like 2 rounds, sometimes 3 but then starts getting tired
He’s honestly up for anything except for things like scat, piss, Vore, noncon ect-
Is fine with threesomes but prefers doing it with you alone
Up for pegging, you two just have to have a lot of trust in your relationship
Knock him down a few pegs bestie
And put them up his ass
Very clingy after
Aftercare consists of the two of you cuddling and eventually going to sleep
Will leave the cleaning up for later, he just wants to hold you in his arms for now
LOVES phone sex/sexting because of how busy he is
Has a folder full of photos of you (if you send them to him)
Really into Public sex
He’s a whore
Has tried to fuck you in a Photo Booth before
Whether you let him or not us your choice
This is all I got I haven’t written him yet I’m so sorry
Have this chaotic mess. I also have like 23 requests to do, IM WORKING ON THEM I PROMISE, I’ve got a Vox one in my drafts rn I gotta finish. Anyways, happy birthday @chaoticcornchip! :D hope you enjoyed!
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nekokoaa · 1 year
The Agreement - Miguel O'Hara x Therapist!Reader (I)
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Summary: It was simple. No kissing. No sex. Hugs and hand-holding only. The goal was to help Miguel feel a little less lonely sometimes. That was your job as one of the therapists at HQ, to mentally stabilize everyone’s mind, including the boss’s.
In other words, you and Miguel make a deal.
Rated Explicit, fluff, smut
1.3K words | (1/5) chapters
Author's notes: Yes I came back just to jump on the Miguel train! :) I love Across the Spider-verse and I love Miguel. I just wanna comfort him and I’m sure you do too! Enjoy!
Also on AO3
It started as an agreement and then came the first session. Honestly, you’ve seen your fair share of trauma being a therapist for Spider-people, hell, you’ve even gone through it yourself. Losing Aunt May, Peter L. Parker, and then Harry… you were never the same again. Yet you learned how to cope, how to survive. You made trauma your bitch and it was all due to understanding your psyche. And… also because of your Ph.D. in psychology. So it wasn’t a surprise that your schedule was always packed with various spider-people from different dimensions. Everyone wanted to know your secret. Everyone wanted to know how you were able to move on. It was the same story—different variations, sometimes in a different order. It was plaguing their minds, some coped by burying their heads in their work, others just lived with the guilt. But a few, like Miguel, were always reliving it.
Miguel O’Hara. Spider-Man 2099. You didn’t know much about him other than the fact that he was undergoing the same canon-event trauma as the other Spider-people. You didn’t know which ones since he never shared it in his first mandatory session. The only thing he was willing to share was his desire for a family and the mistake he made that cost an entire dimension to collapse.
Later, his sessions felt more like a briefing of your work, gauging the mental state of all spider-people to know if they're capable of working. You would always tell him the session was supposed to be about him but he would brush it off, saying he had too much work to do before leaving your office. And as always, you would watch his retreating back. His shoulders looked so broad, they could hold mountains—perhaps holding the weight of the multiverse could do that to you. A wise man once told you, “with great power comes great responsibility—strength, resilience.” But you knew what great power could also do to a man.
If the loneliness spewing from his demeanor wasn’t obvious enough.
Today it was your turn to enter Miguel’s office. Upside down, you tread along the ceiling, your hair obeying gravity and hanging limply in the air.
His office was mostly dark with an orange glow from the holograms in front of his monitors. You didn’t miss when he quickly swiped one of them away, his back stilling.
You were sure Miguel already knew you were here.
You lowered yourself with your web, turning your body upright until your feet reached the floor of the floating platform. He turned his head, not enough to look at you but enough to acknowledge your presence. His shoulders look wider— trembling even. 
Sadness? You stepped forward and he turned back to face the monitors, fingers tapping away against the orange holograms. No, it was anger.
Minutes went by of silence until Miguel’s hands dramatically dropped to his sides, sighing. “What are you doing here?”
You smiled lightly, stepping forward. “Our first session, remember?”
“Don’t tell me you were serious about that,” he spitted out, hands returning to the holograms. He was investigating an anomaly that appeared on Earth-55, it was probably that villain belonging to Earth-1001. Lately, he’s been jumping from dimension to dimension, and not because he had the ability to do so. Miguel’s been tracking him down for days and trying to figure out what could be causing the rifts in the dimensions. 
Meaning: he hasn’t been getting any sleep.
Miguel was a spider-man shouldering the very existence of all spider-people universes. With the connections of fate being as fragile as a spider’s web, a day of rest could be detrimental.
To feel as though you’re the only Spider-Man in the room while being surrounded by spider-people who understood you the most was a feeling Miguel was too familiar with. He never mentioned it in his sessions but you could see it in how he carried himself in front of his agents, how he stared at Peter B and Mayday, and how he looked when you first caught him rewatching himself with “his” daughter. Certainly, he was reliving his trauma.
“Of course,” you stepped forward until you stood directly behind him. His body stilled when your arms slowly encircled his waist. You could feel his muscles tensing. His fingers froze in the air. The orange glow from the holograms deepened like it was spreading to your bodies. “Weren’t you?”
You whispered and Miguel didn’t say a thing. Of course, he was warm like you imagined when you were preparing yourself for this. The scowl on his face often gave an impression that he was as cold as he looked. But he was very much alive like the rest of you—alive with emotions.
When you suggested he seek affection from someone to mend his trauma (that he never admitted having), he looked at you dumbfounded.
“Sometimes all we need is a hug, maybe a hand to hold to get rid of those troublesome feelings.”
And when you suggested that “someone” could be you, Miguel thought you were losing your sanity. It was no easy feat to convince him of the agreement. It took a few weeks until you got a very very annoyed “Okay” from him, probably to stop you from always bringing it up whenever you saw him.
It was simple. No kissing. No sex. Hugs and hand-holding only. The goal was to help Miguel feel a little less lonely sometimes. That was your job as one of the therapists at HQ, to mentally stabilize everyone’s mind, including the boss’s.
You rested your head against the middle of his back, arms tightening around him. You expected him to say something but he stayed silent, reddish-brown eyes staring into the monitors. It wasn’t just Miguel who was warm, but the space around you too—like the energy had shifted the moment you touched him. 
Your skin under your suit started to prickle as if it was being pinched. The orange tinge of the holograms slowly blended into a deep red, the temperature rising as sweat appeared at your temple. Miguel could probably feel your heart rattling against his back. But like a rock, his muscles tensed up and his hands closed into fists.
Everything in your mind was telling you to let him go but you held on despite sensing the anger rising within him. Since losing his “daughter”, Miguel had closed himself to affection. Usually responding in annoyance or anger if he were to receive it. He had accepted his destiny long ago of being a loner. And any ounce of affection reminded him of his loss—and what he could lose.
Miguel’s hand moved on top of yours. Hissing in pain, you pulled your arms away from his body and immediately looked at your hand. His claws had pricked you. Thankfully, there was no blood.
“Session’s over, doc. That’s enough.” His voice was laced with venom. This time he partly turned to look at you and your heart sank seeing his deep red eyes. The outline of his figure was stained by the burgundy hue of the holograms. Perhaps the trauma of Miguel O’Hara was deeper than you thought. Your spidey senses were telling you to get out of there. This time you listened.
“Okay,” you shot your web towards the ceiling, quickly propelling yourself up and out of his office. Miguel sighed, burying his head in his hands before returning to his work.
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chososbabymama · 1 year
(plug!suguru x fem!black reader)
plug!geto pt 1
head empty no thoughts, only plug suguru😩
[CW// swearing, implied NSFW, drug usage (jus weed yall i promise suguru not poppin percs or nothin), alcohol, mei mei (yes im makin a cw for her weird ass!!)]
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sugu..。oO (☆): u got me fucked up y/n, im omw.
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shit… you stared at your phone, eyes widening in shock. you gather yourself quickly before rolling your eyes and tossing your phone to the side.
“ion even see why he’s coming over…. seems to be happy as hell with that other bitch he got” you grumble.
you see, growing up you and geto were next door neighbors. your parents thought it’d be a good idea for you to hang out together given that you would be attending the same school. through geto you were able to meet gojo, sukuna, choso, toji and nanami. you all became a close group fairly quickly, they essentially became your big brothers and did their best to keep you from harms way while also making sure they weren’t smothering you.
but your relationship with suguru was always… different. sure he had been just as protective as the rest, but he would always go above and beyond for you. girls were bullying you? he glued their shoes to their lockers and put stink bombs in their desks. some guy cheated on you? suguru sent videos of the guy smoking to his college recruiter and got his full ride scholarship revoked. you were being harassed in public? geto broke someones wrist after they tried to grab you. you were sad and lonely on valentines day? he showed up with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, a bag of your favorite things, and a big ass bottle of pink whitney.
so when you guys were 16 and geto told you he was gonna start dealing, you knew things were only gonna go up from there. he had been the one who got you into smoking, from your first pipe all the way to teaching you how to roll your own blunts. geto was smart, good with money, and had that disgustingly endearing boyish charm about him. naturally customers ate it up, and he thrived in your town for being the local plug. he continued his practice all the way until you guys went to college, him and sukuna even worked together sometimes at bigger parties and events. but the one thing geto had ALWAYS made clear, was that HE was gonna take care of you. 7 months after he first started he showed up to your house with a full zip, lighter, grinder, colorful pre-roll papers, and a pretty rolling tray to match (most of this stuff you still have and use to this day). needless to say you were shocked, you can still remember the way he sat you down on top of him as he explained how the grinder worked and how tightly you wanted to pack the cone.
“don't worry pretty girl, imma take care of you. wont have to spend a single cent on flower s’long as i'm around yea?” he buried his face in your neck and maybe it was the joint talking but you could’ve SWORE you had felt his lips on your neck and the grip on your hips tighten.
ever since that day, suguru has kept his word. you had consistently gone to him when you needed smoke and you never paid for it. just tell him how much you need and within the hour its in your hands. its caused quite the issues with his hookups, they couldn’t understand why YOU never had to pay but they did. you didn't fully understand why yourself, but each and every time he’d just shrug and give them the same answer,
“she’s just special.”
he’d never let you forget that to him? you always came first.
you loved all those boys with all your heart, but suguru managed to carve a special place all to himself, and you couldn’t say you were upset about it. which is why you were so fuckin pissed off about how these past few weeks have been. despite your growing feelings for suguru, you foolishly assumed that losing his friendship wasn't worth it. so you kept your feelings hidden for 6 years as you watched him fool around left and right. you of course had your own share of hookups, but you knew that no matter what you'd still end up in your shower crying out for him as you reached your peak.
these past few months with him, have been…. interesting. for some reason your interactions with him had become much more flirtatious. whenever you sat together his arm would be wrapped around your shoulder, he’d kiss you on the cheek anytime he left the room (gojo sometimes demanded one of his own and like the good friend he is, suguru would comply), and the nicknames?
‘hey sweetness you need anything?’
‘you know you’re my number one, right pretty girl?’
‘c’mon mama you know i miss you’
it was all honestly driving you insane, the back and forth with him. the constant battle you have with yourself about his intentions. its all just…. a lot. you were just getting used to the new aspect of your dynamic when all hell broke loose. it seems like one of sugurus past hookups was upset that he wasn't paying attention to them or any of his other past flings for that matter, not when he wanted you. so, they decided to…. fix that.
imagine your surprise when you get a text from hakari in the middle of your class,
karis bitch ass: “thought geto was fw u ???’
your eyes widened almost comically as you stared at the screen. kinji had sent you screenshots of mei mei's instagram story….. with suguru. the first was a shirtless picture with him facing away from the camera (sweats hanging dangerously on his waist).
you had to blink a couple times to make sure you were REALLY seeing this shit.
the next one was a video of him at a party pouring a bottle of crown royal into mei's mouth. you were floored, each second you spent watching it, felt as though your skin was getting hotter. but the TRUE icing on the cake was the last one. the last one that led to you avoiding and ignoring suguru for 3 weeks.
the last picture was of him driving. geto looked fine as fuck when he drove. he knew that, you knew that, everybody knows that suguru geto behind the wheel was a wet dream come true. the ‘i miss u sugu~’ glaring at you from the bottom of the photo. but what really made your eye twitch, was the fact that mei mei was in the passenger seat. YOUR fucking seat. designated to you by the owner himself. at this point you didn’t know whose ass to beat first and you honestly didn’t give a shit. it really was gonna depend on who crossed your line of sight first. you gathered yourself enough to get through the rest of your lecture before bolting out of the hall. you quickly shoot hakari back a text,
‘good thing u don get paid 4 thinkin🤨’
you locked your phone before heading to the campus bus stop. today has absolutely drained you, usually geto would pick you up and take you back to your apartment but you honestly didn’t feel like seeing him. as you trudge your way to the exit you feel your phone vibrate once more.
sugu..。oO (☆): wya mama im outside waitin for u ?
you rolled your eyes at the message and sat at the bench as you watched the bus pull up. ‘he wants to give somebody a ride so bad maybe he should go find that fuckin bitch’ you thought bitterly. you knew you weren’t being fair, shoko was a really good friend to you- she always has been! now her classmate on the other hand…. lets just say there’s a reason you two don’t attend the same functions. but geto was close to her family so there were definitely moments him and mei mei could have snuck off together….. fuck. suguru wasn’t your boyfriend. you weren’t his girlfriend. but you at least thought maybe he’d…..
you shake your head and get on the bus. as you turn on your headphones you see that suguru sent you some more texts.
sugu..。oO (☆): y/n ???
sugu..。oO (☆): wats goin on baby y u not talkin to me ?
sugu..。oO (☆): did i do sumn wrong ? wtvr it is im sorry dove :(
sugu..。oO (☆): cmon y/n seriously, wtf is goin on im fr gettin worried abt u.
each text filled your body with a disgusting amount of rage. the sense of betrayal you felt from his actions was more than you could handle.
y/n🕸️: takin the bus from now on.
sugu..。oO (☆): y/n what the fuck are you talkin about.
you didn't bother replying. you just put your headphones on and watched the bus travel your familiar route home. your phone continuously buzzed, no doubt suguru but you didn’t have the energy to engage with anyone right now. you just wanted to go home and smoke…… smoke the weed geto gave you….. well you can't have it all.
from then on you avoided your best friend like he was the fuckin plague. at first you thought you were being discreet with it... until people started blowin up your phone. see, suguru didn't exactly hide the fact that he took care of you; that he'd always be by your side. so for people to see one without the other was a surprising development. and suguru wasn't taking it well AT ALL.
( karis bitch ass: y/n ion kno wut geto did but pls take him back he wont stop bitchin!!!!
suguru went to a party thinking you'd be there: suprise! you weren't because you'd heard he was going so you stayed home. apparently he spent the whole time whining your name with his favorite peach crown royal in his arms on the sofa. it would have been cute if you weren't so mad at him.
ino sent you a video of suguru LITERALLY pushing a girl away on some, "get away you're not y/n" with that stupidly cute pout on his face.
even yuki was surprised about you icing geto out. sending you voice memos about the shit geto does while they're out. "no y/n the best part was when he tried to give the girl the bag she tried to ask for his number he fuckin mushed her and said 'sorry im married, her name is y/n and she can fight' ooouuu she was pissed!")
it was really hard being mad at suguru...
over the past three weeks you had been a bit lonely without him. sure you had the weed and a plethora of clothes he left at your place to keep you company, but you missed HIM. the way he'd stick his cold feet on you, how he always cheats at go fish, how he'll come over and play your PS5 while you sit in the back and cheer him on, the way he looks at you. you miss suguru so fuckin much.
but you also feel betrayed.
geto KNOWS that you and mei mei don't like each other, him being the one to hold you back from her on several occasions. you know they had a thing in the past but.... why would suguru be so fucking SWEET to you if he was just gonna go crawling back to her... it didn't make any fuckin sense to you. and unfortunately, you held a grudge. one that went so far as to even go to someone else for weed. in the entire time you've known suguru, you ALWAYS got your stuff from him. no matter what was going on between you two. but this time? this time you felt really hurt, so you turned to your backup plug; sukuna.
thing is, you've never actually bought from sukuna before. he knew about your weird thing with geto and he showed support his own way from the outside. you had never failed to notice that every picture or video someone sent you of suguru, sukuna was always nearby.
(what you didn't know was that sukuna was the one who had to listen to the long-haired males woes. sukuna was honestly getting sick and tired of it...)
but imagine the pinkette's surprise when he gets a text from you that friday night asking to pick up!
y/n☽˚。⋆: hi 'kuna ! can i get a zip pretty pls ? id ask geto but i dont wanna bother him when hes busy haha
aside from the man in question being attached to his hip (that is no exaggeration sukuna is literally sitting on the couch with his best friends arms wrapped around his waist listening to him come up with reason 34248 'why y/n is so fuckin mad'). sukuna's tattooed hands had quickly taken a screenshot of your message to send to the man in his lap. he quickly grabbed a chunk of his friends inky locks with his free hand and shook.
"hey, idiot. check your fuckin phone i think you'll wanna see this"
suguru lifted his head and gazed at his roommate with bleary bloodshot eyes, the blunt from a few hours ago had settled nicely in his skin (made it easier to wrack his brain and figure out what the fuck he did wrong). he rolled his eyes and flopped back down into the couch with a deep and heavy sigh.
"man what's the fuckin point. y/n is mad at me and wont tell me why so if she's not on my shit then what's the point of even havin a fuckin phone y'know?"
sukuna rolled his eyes and snorted,
"yeah i guess that's why she just texted me askin' for a zip, huh?"
"she fuckin what?" suguru shot up quick and grabbed his phone. his brows furrowed and he began to mutter to himself angrily. sukuna watched as suguru's frown got deeper with each second he looked at the screen. finally, he swore loudly before grabbing his jacket and his keys. "man i gotta go 'cuz now she's playin with me and im not about to let that happen." sukuna watched as geto threw on his hoodie and sneakers and ran out of their apartment.
as the plug ran down the steps he took out his phone to let you know he was on his way to you.
my cinnamon apple <3: u got me fucked up y/n, im omw.
which lead you to your current issue, trying to figure out what the fuck you're gonna do. you had planned to be mad at geto for at least a couple more days so him showing up like this wasn't something you were exactly ready for. you quickly scrambled to get yourself together and prepare for the inevitable conversation. you were sure he'd notice you dressed in his clothes (you had on his spider-man jacket and black headband to hold back your 613 lace). you had already rolled yourself a couple blunts so you decided to light up until the moment of truth.
as each hit filled your lungs with smoke, you could feel the anxiety fade. you hadn't anticipated meeting suguru so soon. and you're terrified of what this conversation could possibly mean for your friendship. on one hand if he decides to pursue a relationship with mei mei thats his business, but on the other, you know that it would be at the expense of your relationship with him. you haven't been able to be in a room with her ever since she outed your little sibling for being nonbinary. it had been something only a few people knew about but somehow mei's nosy ass found out and told anyone she could get to listen. now your family never backs down from a fight, your parents made sure of that. but it gets exhausting always being an outcast (being 3 years older you couldn't do too much to help, but at least they had yuji, nobara, and megumi around).
but when they came home one afternoon covered in bruises with a tired smile on their face saying, 'i won, i won' over and over again, you couldnt just sit idly. you went and showed that bitch who the fuck you were. and who you were was a fuckin maniac. you had slammed mei mei's head into a window, broke her nose, bruised her ribs, and gave her a black eye. suguru had to pull you off of her that day because you couldn't calm down. had the boys let you that day, you could have really beat the brakes off that girl. which is why her scary ass always runs away when you enter the room. instead she likes to talk shit and throw shots at you on social media.
the day of the fight, when mei was at the hospital she told doctors she had been mugged because she was too prideful to admit that she got her ass whooped.
just thinking about the shit you did to her that day brought a wicked grin to your face as you continued to smoke your blunt. if suguru wants a fuckin encore, you'll give him one alright... this blunt had given you time to think and fester on why you were so angry with your best friend. he was there for you for your worst moments, he held you as your body shuddered with sobs seeing your sibling lying in the hospital bed. he was there after your first date. he walked you to and from classes after she tried to spread a particularly nasty rumor about you. he was there when you cried yourself to sleep after your first boyfriend told you there is no way hed bring a girl that looks like you home. suguru has seen you in ways that nobody else in the world has. and his proximity to a person who actively tries to do you harm is just... unacceptable.
as time had went on you even decided to pour yourself a glass of wine and wait in the living room with your last blunt. you were really going to give suguru a piece of your mind...
not too long after you migrated to your living room and started smoking, you heard rapid footsteps outside your door followed by frantic knocks. you took your sweet time unraveling yourself from your blanket on the couch to head to the door. you opened it to find your best friend red, sweaty, and panting.... with a backpack that you were sure contained some kind of peace offering for you.
you wordlessly let geto into your apartment, taking a long sip from your glass and an even longer drag from your blunt. you blew out a sigh as he wasted no time in heading straight to your room. as soon as he set his bag down next to your bed, geto whirled around to face you with wide eyes filled with something you couldnt quite place.
"y/n baby what is goin on. first you wanna take the bus home by yourself knowin damn well how unsafe it is. then you wanna avoid me, ME! for weeks, not a peep from you, nada nothing! you even turned your read receipts off for me mamas, you completely iced me out. now i gotta find out that your tryna buy from other people? what the hell happened, what did i do to make you this upset at me?"
by the end of his speech, geto had inched closer and closer to you before reaching out to grab your hand and pull you with him on the bed. you huffed angrily before spitting out,
"didn't think you'd miss me too much since you've been spending so much fuckin time with mei mei lately. i saw her instagram stories suguru, i know you've been with her so don't even try to lie!" you twisted and tried to get away but he had a vice-like grip around your midsection.
"woah woah woah, these are very serious accusations sweetheart. now i haven't been with her for over a year you know that, i slept with her a few times but once you told me how it made you feel i nipped it in the bud. so what stories are you talkin about, hm?" suguru had leaned back from you so that he could make eye contact. he wanted you to know that he was telling the truth, he knew he was stupid to have slept with mei mei in the first night but one drunken night led to two which led to 5 or 6 times before you finally ripped him a new one for it. since then he had actually blocked mei mei on everything, he wouldn't even sell to her. shoko or utahime would always pick it up.
the reluctance was clear as day on your face, so geto quickly whipped out his phone to show you his blocked lists on his phone. instagram, twitter, snapchat, hell he even blocked her on tiktok, discord, and her telephone number. the longer you looked through his phone the more confused you felt. then what the hell....?
"so then what the fuck is this?" you showed suguru the screenshots you were sent of mei's story featuring him. his brows furrowed in confusion and his mouth itched low in irritation before geto let out a scoff.
"baby these are old as shit, i didnt even know she had these let alone posted them. see, this one in my car was literally the last time i messed with her. and she was only in my car because she had no other way to get home. all of these were before i got your initials done love." suguru zoomed in on the picture of him driving, and sure enough the red cursive ink was missing from the side of his face (you didnt know this but he had gotten that tattoo done that same day. dropped off mei and went straight to his shop).
you quickly scrolled through the other texts hakari sent you.... and they were all missing that red tattoo... well this is embarrassing.
"oh." while you were scrolling, geto's face had gotten softer as he watched the realization cross your features.
"yeah, 'oh' is right. now you wanna tell me what's goin on? you really been throwin me for a loop here these past few weeks. it really hurt my feelings seein you text sukuna for that zip. i mean, i know we're all friends and if you were gonna shop with anyone im glad it was him... but did you forget what i said? i promised to take care of you, so why you not lettin me?" geto peered at you with such a sad expression and you started to feel bad.
you really didn't think he would be this affected by it, yeah he'd be bitter you shopped with someone else but you thought he would get over it. you didn't know you hurt him this bad. you situate yourself and him on the bed so that you could wrap your arms around his shoulders. you knew that tonight would include a much deeper conversation with him, one that you've been steadily avoiding since you were younger. but maybe its good that this happened, this way you can both move on with your lives.
"i'm so so sorry suguru. i thought they were recent since i hadn't seen them before. i should've known better as soon as i saw mei mei posted it. i was just so mad seeing you with her. i mean, after seeing everything i had been through with her... it was so hard to keep my cool when i found out you slept with her. it made me think about a lot, a lot about us."
you shifted to grab his face and look your first love in his widened eyes,
"suguru geto, i'm in love with you. i've been in love with you for the past 6 years. honestly? i've probably been in love with you my whole life. seein her post made me realize that i'm tired of hiding it. i don't want you treating anyone else like you do me, and i don't care how selfish that sounds. no one in this world loves you like i do, i love the way you throw gummies at satoru till he wakes up. i love how you buy kento weird ties for christmas every year. i love how you say you don't snore even though you totally do. i love that you pinky promised to take care of me and haven't broken it once. but you made a vow to be with me as soon as you promised, so are you gonna to take responsibility for what you've done to me or am i gonna have to get someone else to do it?"
your confession had started to get more aggressive as you went on, but that was just how much he meant to you. the more you talked the more you realized how much you had been holding back. loving suguru was never difficult, but keeping yourself in check was. wrestling your feelings of jealousy with each of his hookups was a challenge; they never stuck around for long but each had the nerve to test you. one had even tried texting you off his phone on some shady shit trying, but you quickly told her to give him back his phone before you played double dutch with her vocal chords.
as you held sugurus face, you could see the information process. his eyes were filled with such an intense emotion it took you aback as the biggest smile you'd ever seen danced across his face. the tips of his ears started to burn bright red as he gazed up at you.
"god i'm so fucking in love with you" you quickly shove him away in embarrassment as your love lets out a loud and happy laugh.
"sugu-!" you shout, he's so fucking unserious sometimes.
"i'm serious moonlight, you think just any girl gets tatted on me? baby i have your initials, birthday, and our zodiac signs. i didn't think i'd be tellin you this, but my very first tattoo was dedicated to you sweetheart."
now you were confused, "what? no it wasn't, your first tattoo was the one of-"
"-the stick figure? no my darling, that was the first one i showed you. i didn't wanna show you this one because i knew you'd be mad it was my first tattoo. but i couldn't imagine anything but you being the first piece of permanent ink on me." suguru could see the confusion still lingering on your face, so he slid away from you for a moment to slip off his pants. you could feel your face twist as you watched suguru strip himself half naked in your room...until you saw what he was trying to show you. he had pulled up the left leg of his boxers up a little bit, revealing a ring of words coiled around his upper thigh. you and the bright red ink practically had a staring contest. your full name (first, middle, and last), sat almost like a garter around him. the thought of that.....made your head spin.
you looked back at him and briefly caught his eyes before he swiftly turned away. he looked... embarrassed? suguru rarely got embarrassed, sum bullshit about 'bein too old for that shit. i did what i did or said what i said.' this nigga think he grown or something...
before you had a chance to respond, geto beat you to it,
"look i-i know that you might be upset and i'm sorry i didn't say anything to you before. i just... i didn't know how to tell you? you were always on me about getting 'something that has meaning' to me and that's you. but shit happened and then after a while too long had passed and it felt too late? if that makes sense? and when i first brought it up you didn't like the idea but honestly how could i not? y/n i've been in love with you since we were 15. i knew as soon as i got in the game that i was gonna take care of you and i meant that. but i never thought you'd feel the same way. kento never failed to point out that all my hookups looked like you in some way, i never thought this would happen. so i was content to love you the way i used to, but i can't believe it took TOJI of all people to stop being scared of my feelings. so these past couple months i've been tryna show you that i want you. but apparently i didn't do a good enough job."
you whined in protest. by now you had found yourself situated on sugurus lap with one hand rubbing your thigh and the other tucking your head under his chin.
"i know you don't think so ma, but if i did, we wouldn't be here right now yeah? i wanted to take it slow, have you gradually fall in love with me like those movies and books i know you like reading. i just wanted to do right by you moonlight. im sorry that all this happened before i could."
suguru held you tightly and began to rub your back to sooth you. a few tears had slipped from your eyes and you wipe them on your sleeve. youd felt his hands pulls yours down, forcing you to meet his soft gaze.
"y/n, i love you. i love how you always crochet me gifts, i love how you always wear sweaters no matter the weather, i love how trust me to help you take care of your hair, i love how you can't cook a pot of rice- don't look at me like that you know damn well you burn that shit every time. i love the way you love. i love the way you love ME. you've been my number one since the day i met you, and that hasn't changed. i know my past history with my partners has been shoddy to say the least, but never for a second think that i felt for them what i've felt for you my whole fucking life. and if it's okay with you, i'd really like the chance to show you, truly, how much i mean it when i say that i love you."
suguru gazed into your eyes with a level of honesty you've only seen a few times. you wanted to give him hell for all the slow burn that he put you through... but how can you? the love of your life just told you he feels the same, the only thing you could do was say,
"suguru, you're such a fuckin idiot. stop talking and kis-"
before you could finish, your love surged forward and connected his lips to yours. kissing suguru geto was like trying to breathe underwater, you happily let him take the lead; loving the way he dominated the kiss. his lips were smoother than you'd ever imagine (all those years of reminding him to wear chapstick payed off). you could almost feel his heart pounding against yours, the previous anxiety you'd felt melting away as you both poured yourselves into a moment that was long overdue. his scorching hands had begun to move until one rested on your lower back while the other led your legs to wrap around his waist. when you had both FINALLY decided to pull away from each other and catch your breaths, suguru couldn't contain his excitement. he quickly twisted your bodies and tackled you to the bed, wrapping you in his arms with an airy laugh,
"FUCK holy shit y/n does this mean we go together? like real bad? 'cuz i've been waiting for this moment for quite literally most of my life so i'm a little geeked right now. hOLY SHIT- can i use your back as a rolling tray? that would be so hot-" you quickly cut suguru off by kissing him again, relishing in his moans as you use his hair to guide his lips on yours. as you once again separate from each other, you smile at him. your best friend. your other half. you giggle and move your hand to lovingly caress his face before responding,
"yes, suguru. we go together REAL fucking bad."
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winterflowersftw · 5 months
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Childhood best friends to lovers to strangers. Itoshi Rin is fixated on soccer. Itoshi Sae ruins things.
You had known Rin since you were 9 and he was 8. You were in his older brother, Itoshi Sae's class in elementary and middle school. Sae was a very nonchalant guy, barely said anything. But boy, did he have a talent for football. He won all the districts and state competitions. He not too good at studies to be honest. He was ....above-average at best.
You were in the school's baseball team. To be frank, you HAD to choose a sport so you chose baseball because it seemed the least demanding. You were an extra and you had no motivation to be in the playing nine. The football field was just adjacent to the baseball field and one day while watching Itoshi Sae play during a match, you said:
"He's so weird, not passing the ball at all. A selfish guy most probably."
Sae heard this and took a note to give you a piece of his mind later. Rin was standing nearby, star-studded by his brother's talent. He used to watch his every mgame and even told him about you once his match was over. Sae, being the football genius he was, scored 6 goals.
Itoshi Sae made it his motive to make your life in school hell. He didn't do much, but it was enough to ruin your day. Sometimes he'd come over to your desk and call you names, sometimes he'd bitch about you to your classmates even telling the other girls to keep their distance from you. Even with all that, you had two friends and they were your ride or die.
This petty rivalry went on for years. You became somewhat frienemies. But there were times when Sae would cross the line and you would leave crying. And when Sae was not looking, Rin would quietly come up to you to apologise for his brother's immature behaviour. You were more comfortable with Rin than you had ever been with Sae to be honest.
And slowly with time, Rin started coming to you even when there hadn't been a fight. He liked spending time with you. He did not have any friends except his brother so he made sure to visit you whenever he was not hanging out with him.
And then Rin got the most devastating news of all: Itoshi Sae was leaving for Spain for his football dream at age 13. Rin himself never considered playing football, but he did love watching Sae play. When Sae told him he had a talent for soccer and asked him to play, Rin agreed. The brothers dreamt to become the best strikers in the world.
With his brother gone, he clinged to football as if it was him. And soon, football did become his everything. And so did you.
You and Rin became much closer when Itoshi Sae left for Spain. Now that there were no petty fights, you did not had to meet Rin whenever you had time. But you did. That boy was so lonely you thought. But soon you started meeting him because you genuinely liked being with him. If Rin was not playing football, he was talking to you. It wasnt until he was 14 he realised he had feelings for you.
It took him 6 more months to come to terms with his feelings and to confess. When you heard his confession, you did not know what to say and just stood there; bewildered. But soon you realised you had fallen for him too. And almost immediately, you both went from best friends to lovers. Your mother was a calm woman and did not disapprove of Rin. She believed he was a good influence. Your relationship had been going well and it had been 6 months when you heard Itoshi Sae was coming home. Rin was overjoyed and texted Sae,
" I'm so excited omg omg. Before you come to visit mom and dad, please come to (y/n 's address). We'll have a party! "
To which Sae replied,
When Sae came to y/n's room only to find Rin sitting on her bed, he realised they both were dating when he saw their pictures on the bedside frame. To say he was pissed was an understatement.
His trip to Spain made him realise how average he was. If anything, he was of middling talent. And he wanted to be the best or nothing. He had come back a changed man. A pessimistic guy.
Then seeing you carrying a big cake which had "welcome back Sae!" written on it was his last straw. He threw the cake and shouted;
"Rin!! How do you expect yourself to become a world class striker when you're trapped here playing house? I did not know you threw away your dream of soccer." When he said it, he sounded angry; but by the end he just sounded disappointed which was much more saddening.
You were sad and crying. You tried your best to hide it, but you couldn't. So you ran out of that room. Then Sae told Rin;
"I'm going to be the best mid-fielder, not striker. My dream changed."
To Rin this was absolute betrayal.
"What about our dream then? That you'd be the best striker and I'd be after you?"
"My dream changed and you are here having fun playing house so I assume you'd never even make it to the top 10. "
Itoshi Sae had gotten a reality check in Spain. He knows what a player like him had to give away to be the best. He just wanted the same for his brother, to be the best. But Rin's attitude towards soccer made him feel like a fool for worrying about him. For him, it was probably just a hobby he thought.
The brothers went to the nearby football practice ground where Sae made his bet.
If Rin won, he'd go back to trying to be the best striker.
The one-on-one didn't last a minute.
Sae won effortlessly.
That was the last day you saw Rin. He never called, never reached out.
The next time you saw him was when you were in the Blue Lock stadium seeing the U-20 VS Blue Lock Eleven match.
When it ended, you were so happy for Rin. He finally defeated his brother's team. And yet, the expression on his face had never been more dull.
While leaving, you ran into Itoshi Sae.
"Hey y/n"
"I wanted to say that....."
And Sae saw the look on your face. It was not forgiving, not in the slightest. It was pure hate and rage.
Seeing that, he swallowed his words
"Never mind, bye."
And he left.
Seeing the match made you remember every memory you shared with Rin all over again. How easily had he thrown away 8 years of friendship? As if it was nothing. As if YOU were nothing.
And yet, you couldn't hate him.
You never forgave him either.
After the big match, the blue lock boys were given 2 weeks off. As Rin was going to his home, he realised the place which actually felt like home to him was you. He had so much to apologise for.
He came to your house and rang the bell. When you opened the door he said,
"I made the biggest mistake of my life. Could you ever forgive me?"
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randomprose · 11 months
a series of texts/letters/notes that mo guan shan has written for he tian but will never send
note: he tian left after high school
xx/xx/xx to: chicken dick [unsent]
are you at wherever the fuck you should be at now? hope your flight was as shitty as your goodbye was
Decided to give the old college experience a try after all. The high school teachers did say my grades were good enough to apply to some. Thanks for that I guess by the way. Studying wasn’t so bad when you have help.
Tuition costs are gonna be a bitch though so I’ll have to look for scholarship and shit.
I’m keeping my promise and trying my best to be better.
xx-xx 01:09 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy]
ma got a new dog. the mutt followed her from the market after she shooed some bigger dogs picking on it. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
now it switched to following me around it’s fucking annoying. i have to look where i walk or i’ll step on it and then it’ll cry non-stop. stupid mutt. 
xx-xx 01:10 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
told ma not to name it or it’ll get attached.
xx-xx 10:34 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
[photo attached: a black puppy with an orange collar]
named him tian-tian
Got accepted to a university in Shanghai. Food science and tech. It feels so fucking surreal.
Ma cried when we got the acceptance letter. I legit thought it was another rejection but the envelope was different. She opened the letter because my hands were shaking. It came with a fucking scholarship. She’s on the phone now telling all our relatives about it. We’re gonna see Pa tomorrow to tell him.
I wish you were here to open the letter with me too, chicken dick.
xx-xx 02:38 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
ma said there’s a chance pa could get out on parole. they’re hopeful but i don’t wanna get my hopes up. 
xx-xx 02:40 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
sorry. idk who else to tell this to.
I applied for an athletic scholarship too. Track and field. The one the school gave was just for basic tuition. This one will cover the rest. It helped that I won a couple of track meets in high school. Guess all that running from gang’s in middle school paid off, huh?
Did you ever imagine I’ll be in college with not one but two scholarship? ‘Cause I sure as hell fuckin’ didn’t. Holy fucking shit.
Still gotta work part time though. Living expenses in Shanghai is no joke. Fuck. Do you know how much cong you bing costs here? Don’t even get me started on how much a bowl of noodle is here. Unbefuckinglievable. 
It wasn’t even as good as the one we used to eat at after school. I miss eating xiaomian with you.
xx-xx 11:21 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
shanghai is fucking big and confusing. and busy. 
xx-xx 11:30 AM to: chicken dick [unsent]
i missed a station and messed up my train switch.
xx-xx 01:19 PM to: chicken dick [unsent]
it’s fine. i still made it to the campus. lots of rich boys here like you btw. you would’ve fit right in.
First years have to live on campus and the dorming system fucking sucks ass. And my roommate was an even bigger dick than you but at least he wasn’t a slob. No one will top you in that department I guess.
Rented a cheaper apartment off campus this year. It’s a shitty studio type, a bit cramped, but I like the privacy. It’s also closer to my part-time job and there’s this elderly couple who lives below me. I help them around sometimes and they give me food. The old landlady is a bit of a hardass though but…I think you would’ve charmed and won her over too, you smarmy ass shithead.
Rent isn’t cheap but it’s not too expensive either. If you were here, we could’ve shared an apartment. A regular one, not the high-end one you used to live in. Better for costs and splitting chores—not that you were any good at them, but you would’ve gotten better if you stayed. I wasn’t gonna tolerate your rich boy ass in college.
I know you had to leave but I wish you stayed instead. Would’ve been less lonely here.
Finals exams are coming up and it’s kicking my fucking ass. Between classes and my part-time job I hardly have time to study. It’s a good thing sports training and extra-curricular activities are on pause now. But holy fucking shit why is it so hard to study?? It’s like I’m back in middle school and nothing is going in my head. How did I make it through high school?!
Yeah, yeah. I know. You were there. You tutored me and shit. Whatever, you dick. I don’t know why but it was just easier to focus with you around…but also not. It’s…you’re a distraction, but also you help me focus. Does that makes sense?
I guess what I’m trying to say is…you being around made me want to do better. 
It’s selfish but I wish it was just Jian Yi. I wish I got to keep you here with me.
Exams are finally fucking done ended. I think I passed all of them. I have to pass all of them. I wanna graduate next year already. I can't be delayed. I’m so exhausted I feel like my brain is running on fumes. Bet you’ll be all smug and shit because you know you aced all your exams, you fucking smart ass. If you were here I mean. Fuck. I’m hungry but I’m too tired to get up. I want those sandwiches you used to make. If you were here would you make them for me? Would you pat my head and tell me I did a good job? When are you coming back? I miss your stupid smugass face. I miss y—
I smoked a cigarette tonight. Just one. I was at a party and someone somehow had real cigarettes instead of a vape or those fancy e-cigarette shit. Does your rich boy ass use those? Or do you still prefer real nicotine? Bet you still smoke sticks you fucking edgelord.
I smoked in the balcony while my friends talked shit. Yeah, I have friends, dick head. You pick a few of those up when you do the college experience apparently. The owner of the house and the host is also my friend. Never imagined my punk ass self to hang out with college kids and get invited to honest to god normal college parties, but, fuck it. Here I am.
Zhengxi was there too. We go to the same university. Don’t think I ever mentioned that before, have I? I’m not sure what he’s taking. I think it was business? Something with a lot of math. I don’t fucking know. He’s…he’s been better. He was a fucking hot mess after Jian Yi left but now he’s…still a mess. Sometimes. I am too. After you left. But he’s trying. I am too. And some days are harder than others.
I don’t really smoke. Just felt like it tonight. Maybe it’s the alcohol (no, I’m not drunk, I barely drank) or the company. Maybe I just missed you and thought this is what you’ll do if you were here.
It was menthol. The cig I smoked. It fell cool in my lungs, calming almost, and I kind of understand why you're addicted to this shit I guess. If I didn’t hate the taste of smoke and the aftertaste maybe I’ll be too.
I didn’t hate it when you were blowing it in my mouth though.
The air in the balcony was cold. The smoke from the cig reminded me how you’d sometimes forget you still have a lighted stick between your fingers and just watch the smoke float up. I finished the stick and stubbed it twice on the ash tray before twisting it. Just like how you put it out.
‘will he be sad if i leave?’ you wrote that down in your notebook. Before. In middle school. It was scratched over by ballpoint but the ink was blue and the words were written in black. It’s like you didn’t want to erase it after all. Did you want me to read it, you fuck?
Will I be sad if you leave? Guess what, dick head? I’m fucking devastated. Not really. 🖕
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crownmemes · 10 months
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Mean Sentences, Vol. 4
(Mean sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"What do you know about fair or right? You're a coward."
"You're going to Hell, just like I am."
"I don't care where you go, but I want all and any part of you gone."
"I don't have enough respect for you to be scared."
"I'm proud of what I am. I believe in what I do. Can you say that?"
"I have seen my share of the hideous, of the disgusting, and the repellent, but you are the most perfect expression I will ever see of all that is vile and hateful in life."
"If I could get up, I'd kick your ass."
"I think there's another possibility here, and that's just that you're a bitch."
"I bet you're the kind of guy who makes girls want to hang themselves."
"You mean nothing to me."
"I'm sensing you are a control freak."
"I'm not your friend. What gave you that idea?"
"You have big daddy issues."
"Your future is a fucked up joyride."
"I don't think you can do it."
"I see your renowned arrogance has been left quite intact."
"Are you jealous? It's most unbecoming."
"Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you."
"You come off so rational, but maybe you know less than you think."
"You're only a rebel from the waist downwards."
"They never question it, do they? Your power and authority? When you're really such a coward."
"I sometimes expect too much of you."
"Do you know why you're not afraid to die? You're more afraid of living."
"You know what you're like. You bury your head in the sand."
"You have no shame."
"You are gentle, and that is a grave weakness. "
"You must be so lonely."
"You don't understand what it is to live."
"My first impression was correct. You are a barbarian."
"You're clinging onto me because there's nothing else going on in your life!"
"I can't tell you how wrong you are. How wrong you've always been."
"You fear the world too much."
"Is that how you get girls to like you? By bribing them?"
"You don't fit in. You don't fit anywhere that's normal."
"You're a bully, and all bullies are cowards."
"I was an emotional statement. I don't expect you to understand it."
"You can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality."
"You damn me for my secrets, but you're afraid to speak the truth."
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American Wasteland
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Note: I don't think Rust is a big fan of getting head cause I think that it's much more aligned to Marty's character. However, I think it fits all too well with Crash era Rust so this is me trying to reconcile the two. I also don't think my Philosophy teacher would be too overjoyed knowing I'm using what she taught me to write foreplay but at least it stuck.
Warnings: 18+, violence, drugs, alcohol, reference to sex work, implied past abuse, rough sex both past and present
There are a lot of ways that you can get fucked up by a liquor bottle. Rust knows this. But mainly, there are two ways. The first is the classic act of getting drunk out of your mind: the type of drunk that can only end in violence. Rust doesn't always need to gulp down a bottle of Jameson, straight and hard, to feel the acrid burn of repulsion and vomit in his stomach. Sometimes, the slow sipping of a 12 pack of Bud or Lone Star is preferred on days where he's more lucid, has more of that sickening desire to punish himself with Sofia's face and blood and gurgling cough. Tearing that beer can and slicing at his skin might be a more effective, visceral act of punishment, but it's too quick. No, he brought her into this meat grinder of a world, he should feel that same machinery gnashing away at his being before he is allowed to slide into the stagnation that the piss warm beer allows him. Then, you have the far more crude way to fuck someone up; the jagged edge of smashed glass will do that just fine. Quick, cuts easy into the supple flesh of the cheek and makes a hell of a show. As he glances over the bottles of whiskey, Cassandra lets out a low whistle,
'Johnnie Walker Blue Label. This was the shit my dad used to blow rent on. You'd think for such a piece of shit loser, the man would've had cheaper taste,' and Rust can see a faint lacquer in her eyes, the impenetrable kind making her relive those scenes of her slurring daddy with a heavy set jaw and even heavier hands, the musk of her own fetid sweat mixed with talcum powder on her t-shirt in a pathetic, 8 year old's attempt to get the smell out, the hum of a refrigerator while a little girl cries at the kitchen table cause she doesn't get to feel safe around daddy. Hard to reconcile that image with the 20 year old in a white cotton sundress that ends too soon and is cut too low; the blueish lighting giving her skin a cool sheen. Cassandra puts the bottle back and walks over to where Rust is slotting his usual Jameson under his arm as he picks up a second bottle. From his crouching position, he can see the delicate purple hue on her thighs, arranged in the pattern of his fingerprints. A sickening sense of pride settles itself next to the self-disgust in Rust's gut at the marks and the satisfaction with which Cassandra is looking at them.
'Roughed you up pretty good, huh?' Rust says, gruffly. Cassandra glances over a delicate shoulder from where she's inspecting the Bourbon shelf,
'They hurt.'
'Bullshit, baby. You think I didn't see you were tracin' 'em in the truck, on the way here.'
'Doesn't mean they don't hurt.'
'True,' Rust stands to his full height, 'but d'you know what it does mean?'
'What?' she turns to face him.
He walks over to her, giving her cheek a couple, little pats his fingers, 'That you liked it.' Cassandra gives a derisive scoff but not one that can hide that glint in her eye: relief. Not just that Rust has indulged her infatuation, fucking her into the mattress until she forgot how to say 'Crash', but the protection that those bruises afford; the bruises of a young girl turned woman, bruises who's shade of blue show that the man who gave them is a tough son of a bitch.
'I hate it when you do that,' Cassandra states, somewhat petulantly.
'Do what? Point out that you can't do one over me?'
'No,' she says, narrowing her eyes, 'When you slap me around like that. I feel dumb.'
'That ain't slappin' around, trust me. And you ain't dumb, that's for sure, Cass,' Rust huffs, looping the plastic casing of a Lone Star six-pack through his fingers, 'But you shouldn't look to me to affirm that for you.'
'I don't need you to affirm shit for me.'
'Good, cause I ain't got the fuckin' time or will for that, too. Pick up your head, Cassandra. Stop fuckin' poutin',' Rust's tone is sharp. Cassandra rolls her eyes but she struts behind him, following him to the cashier. As Rust waits in line behind some trucker, Cassandra scuffs her boots against the floor, pulling her gum taught over her tongue until to snaps.
'You snap your gum,' Rust states. Cassandra looks up at him from where she was analysing the snake skin on the point of her boot,
'You don't blow bubbles, you snap your gum.'
'I ain't gonna give the men 'round here the whole school girl routine. Fuck that,' she scowls. The corner of Rust's mouth twitches slightly at her sharpness; that guile about her never fails to dump buckets of ice cold water over his perception. His smart, smart girl, knowing that a quick, hard fix of money isn't shit next to the promise of survival that grit can give. Leave the milk boxes and cotton socks to the little girls, you're a woman now. It takes a certain intelligence to be sexy, to bear the soft, supple skin of ass, tits and thigh in a delicate veil of lace, and to still keep the wolves at an arm's length. Give them the scent of your blood, hot and throbbing, let them believe that the practiced gasps and rolling neck are just for them, but don't let them tear your skin. The wolves are ravenous in this wasteland, they get a taste for blood and they will gut you from the inside out.
Rust pays, ignoring the cashier's mild look of disapproval or envy at how Cassandra comes to stand next to him. She watches as the bottles get bagged up and Rust turns to leave. She gestures to him as they walk out, her boots clacking on the baked asphalt like one of those old, clunking clocks,
'Let me carry one.'
Rust barely spares her a glance, 'You're underaged. Shouldn't be drinking.' That almost makes her laugh,
'You're fucking kidding, right? I'm a stripper. You remember that, Crash?'
'You're also in college. Need to stay sharp, baby.'
'It's a Friday,' her tone dry, 'Plus, you're always offering me beers.'
'No,' Rust corrects, 'You take my beers and I let you get away with it.'
Cassandra rolls her eyes as they climb into their respective sides of his truck and Rust would be lying if he didn't feel the twist in his stomach at the practiced ease of the act, the facility of their place in the other's space. Rust starts the ignition,
'Stop rollin' those eyes at me.'
'Fuck off, Crash,' she retorts, only slightly annoyed and Rust just hums,
'You're real fuckin' cocky for someone who's in my hands about how many times they get to come, tonight.'
Cassandra almost opens her mouth before clamping it shut, making a big show out of rolling down the window. Smart move, baby, Rust thinks. A sentiment that holds up, after he bends her over the sink, bunching her dress over her hips; gripping her hair, forcing her to look at herself in the mirror as she takes him deep and hard. What Cassandra doesn't know is that the mirror is almost more for Rust's reflection than it is for hers. Forcing himself to look into his own glacial blue eyes, this way he can't indulge in the complete bliss of Cassandra's wet, tightness. No, if he's going to allow himself this then he's going to be fucking straight about it: he's a coked up, undercover narco currently using some vulnerable 20 year old girl who has no clue who he actually is. Rust wishes that the reason he's fucking her so hard, scraping his nails on her scalp, is that he hates her, sees her like one of the hookers that the Iron Crusaders systematically violate; it would make this shit a lot easier. But he doesn't and it's not. Rust is past indulging delusions for the sake of comfort. It was Nietzsche's idea, if he can remember correctly: embrace the pure fucking horror of eternal return, this ontological prison we're all stuck in, and you might finally find some enlightenment amongst the squalor.
'Put your leg up. Let me see those bruises,' he grits out, hand clamping onto her thigh in an attempt to lift to up.
'No-fuck-I won't be able to hold it up,' Cassandra stammers out, knuckles white as a scar on the ceramic rim of the sink out of exertion of holding herself in place when Rust shoves her forward with a particularly brutal thrust of his hips.
'Tsk, wrong answer, baby,' Rust says, shoving her leg up and bending it at the knee so that it rests in the sink bowl. The new position opens her up, not only showing the patterns of bruising on her inner thighs but the glistening wetness of her seam as he pushes into her again. The mixture of the two is a lurid depiction of what sex is around here; its inextricable connection to violence. Like meat and salt. The drop of thin, clear arousal now running down Cassandra's leg, the cracked scabs on his knuckles from a bar fight, the clunking rumble of the AC boxes outside the trailer: blood, sex and heat. Rust reaches a hand down and gathers the drop of wetness on his fingers, he brings it to his mouth and tastes it. Cassandra looks like she wants to cry as he catches her eye in the mirror.
'What's that face for, baby? Ain't never had a man taste you before?' Rust's voice thick from exertion and desire, her tartness covering his tongue.
'That's a really fucking intimate thing to do,' she says and poor baby sounds like she might either sob or come.
'No, it ain't, Rust lands a heavy slap on the bruises, as if to reprimand her for the implication, 'It's how a man fucks a woman.'
'So, I'm a woman to you now?'
'I don't fuck little girls, so yeah,' Rust says, his hand in her hair coming down to grip her throat. That's the one small mercy of innocence, Rust thinks, it can only be corrupted once. He yanks her head up by the chin,
'Look at yourself real good, Cass. This what you want? Some doped up biker with a load on, fucking you, leaving you all roughed up-Look at me, Cassandra,' he snarls, his tone harsh to conceal the begging behind it,
'Yes! Fuck, yes I do!,' she cries out, her adamance mixed with the first tremors of her impending orgasm. Rust lets out a growl, something deep and atavistic, as he yanks up her knee to bend her leg around his hips, now obscenely deep. Cassandra is now halfway slumped against the skin, the cold metal of the tap pressing into her sternum. This shit is good, too good, like the cool bliss of the moment the heroin hits your bloodstream and everything feels fucking pure. He pulls out as her feels her begin to pulsate around him and she cries out. Good, Rust thinks, wanting to punish her for being so goddamn complacent, Get used to crying if you want to fuck around with this shit, baby. He manhandles her to her knees as the muscle in his jaw twitches at what he's about to say to her,
'You want it that bad? Show me,' Rust deadpans, hand twisting into the dark mass of Cassandra's hair. She looks up at him and has the fucking audacity to arch her eyebrow at him before she takes him into her mouth, gagging slightly. Rust has never really seen the appeal of getting head, once he moved past the initial adolescent fascination. It makes him feel out of control, undisciplined, subject to his body's pure evolutionary need to procreate. It's one of the most self-serving, vapid states you can be in, mouth wide open, dumbstruck by ecstasy, unable to form of coherent thought except to mindlessly shove yourself further into the other person who probably isn't enjoying it anywhere near as much as you. Yeah, that's what Rust hates about the whole act, the mindlessness of it. But, fuck, his body isn't even his anymore, belonging to some fucking DEA's office to dope up and regurgitate whatever information they need to peddle their case further, without ever getting their hands dirty or doing some real fucking work. So, he may as well abandon himself to the weakness of his innate biological need.
Cassandra tries to give herself some respite by licking a long stripe up his length but Rust is having none of it: he presses her down so that her nose flattens against his pubic bone making her gag again and harder, shoulders convulsing too.
'Come on, baby,' Rust croons cruelly, using his spare hand to light a cigarette, 'Thought you said you could take it.' Cassandra briefly takes her hand off of the back of his thigh to give him the middle finger, quickly reinstating it as Rust presses as hand to the back of her skull and thrusts harder,
'Keep that shit up and I'll make you gag on your own finger, next.'
A few more chokes and constrictions of Cassandra's throat, and Rust is coming hot and heavy down it. He doesn't let her catch her breath,
'Get up,' he says, fastening his belt with his cigarette still hanging from his mouth. Cassandra just slumps against the bathroom floor, held up half by a trembling arm and half by leaning against Rust's leg. She glances up, hearing the clink of his belt,
'You're getting dressed?' a slight desperation to her voice.
'No points for deduction, Cass.'
'No, no, wait-,' she says, clambering up, or at least trying to, on shaky legs, 'Crash, Crash, I didn't come. Please-'
'What did I tell you about you bein' grown? Grown women fix their own messes,' Rust says, face and tone stoic as he casts to the slick that has dripped down from the apex of Cassandra's thighs onto the floor just under her, her smeared lip gloss, her nipples hard and visible through the thin cotton of her dress. He gives her hair a harsh ruffle before walking out the bathroom. As he grabs the Jameson bottles and beer, he stops in front of the trailer's door calling out behind him,
'Get to work, Cassandra.'
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
My Fallen Apple
Lucifer X Reader
Chapter 4
The next few weeks are an absolute delight! Visiting Lucifer has become your favorite part of every week. This week however, he's suddenly texting you to cancel your visit. Something about an extermination… you try to ask him more questions, confused by what he means, but he just says not to come today and that everything will be okay once it's over.
You spend the day a little mopey, and your friends question why you aren't gone with your secret boyfriend. You try to explain he canceled on this week's date.
Your bestie pulled you aside.
“Hey, when are you gonna introduce me to him anyways? It's not Adam, right? You're not secretly pity dating the bastard are you?” You practically gagged at the thought. 
“Ugh, no way! Never! I… I don't know if I can introduce you yet. We're not that serious…”
“Not that serious? When you see eachother every week, and sometimes sleep over? Girl, no. Don't let someone play with you like that.” She frowned. “Now i really gotta meet this guy and read him the riot act! If he isn't committing to you, he doesn't deserve you!”
“He's married! Okay?!” You scream back, tears in your eyes. You wait for her to judge you… there's shock for a moment, a look of contemplation.
“okay… so are you their third, or is his partner a bitch? Because you're not normally a homewrecker.” 
“I've never met their partner, they've been missing for seven years, and he's just so lonely and needs a friend. I didn't mean to fall in love!” You start to cry, and she wraps you in a hug. 
“Hey, hey, okay. Everything will be fine. Who is it? You know you can tell me anything.” She smiled, and it was true, ever since you became friends in life, you two were besties.
So, you took out your phone and showed him a selfie you and Lucifer took in the duck pile on your last visit.
She gasped, “oh my god! He's so cute!! Girl, absolutely you gotta get that ring from him. Let me be your maid of honor, please!” You smile.
“That depends, how do you feel about traveling to hell?”
“To… H- what was his name again?” She looked at you with a worried dread.
You whisper his name. “Lucifer…”
“Oh. Oh fuck. How did you meet him?!” She looks amazed, and just a bit afraid. 
“Remember when Adam tried to ask me out? He shoved me out of heaven when I turned him down, and I fell into hell and broke my wings.”
“Oh my fucking god! That dickbag! Nothing happened to you right?! Was your phone broken? I'd come right away if you called.” She hugged you tight again.
“No, nothing happened. Lucifer found me right away and healed my wings. He's really a nice guy, Zariah. He's so sweet…” she pulls out a handkerchief and dabs away your tears.
“I'll absolutely go to hell with you. Whenever you need me, I'll be there. You're my bestie forever. And if he really treats you so well, I'll support your relationship! You deserve a good one after all the shit you got in life. And hey, if you move there, I'll let ‘you-know-who’ know when she gets here. I'll give her your number and everything.” You hug her again tightly. The people you both left behind when you died wasn't a topic either of you liked to bring up.
After the heartfelt confession, you felt much better about your feelings for Lucifer. You could always count on Zariah's support for everything.  However…
“Why did you think it was Adam that I was dating? Come on girl, I have more self worth these days than that!” You laugh, letting her know you're just playing around.
“Oh, because this is the day every year he and a bunch of other angels disappear mysteriously for some ‘heaven mission’. I'm gonna find out what it is one of these days. Guarantee you that! Oh, and my research on serial killers is going so so good .” She smiled cheerfully, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes with a smile. she was so weird, but it was part of what you loved about her.
It was about a week later that your visits to Lucifer returned to normal. You decided to wear something a bit “nicer”. His wife had been gone for 7 years, that sounds like a long enough separation for him to find someone new. And if she couldn't see the value in this man, you'd do it for her! And maybe you'd get to meet his daughter eventually? Your heart fluttered at the thought.
As you arrived in hell, he flew up to meet you like usual only to falter at the sight of your dress. “Wowza! That's a really nice dress becca! Did I promise to take you somewhere and forget?” He grinned, struggling to keep his eyes on your face.
“Oh, no. I just bought this recently and wanted to show it off to my bestie!” You smile and do a little twirl before circling him, “I'm glad you like it.” You wink, and he blushes.
“I… y-yeah, I do.” He became flustered and slowly began his descent to his palace. You followed after, seduction plan phase one was underway!
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hoeforhao · 1 year
↳ ༉‧₊˚✧ * in another life * ༉‧₊˚✧ 🤍
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✦pairing : idol! jeonghan x fem! reader
✦genre : smut, phone sex, fingering, masturbation (both f and m), mutual cumming, angst, ex boyfriend au.
✦warnings : explicit language, jeonghan is an absolute bastard here(only the character, no hate towards our angel), manipulation, verbal degradation, heavy angst, unrequited love, one sided pining. tell me if i missed any!
✦word count : 1.3k
✦author's note : took me five shots of vodka to complete writing this as it's a real story, beautified by a writer's mind. not proofread as i didn't have the heart to re read it!
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Was it really that easy, as people staged it to be? To be your ex's so called "close friend"? Someone he only came to while being completely lonely or peak horny -
These are the only thoughts that kept storming your mind, whilst your eyes were fixated onto that 'hey hey hey' from jeonghan's pvt account.
Did your brain exactly know what his single hey meant? Hell yes! Did your conscience immediately give in and try to stop you from replying to that? A cent percent yes! Yet your heart knew no bounds. What do they call it? Yes!! Everything's fair in love and war...even if it meant losing your dignity again and again...but come on at least you weren't hoeing around with several -
Quite a dumb way to justify what was gonna come next, right? Shaking all these warning signs off of your body, you respond with -
"Yes sir?"
"Are you home rn, y/n? You know it's night and something just takes over me whenever the sky paints itself dark!!" a short vibration of your phone and jeonghan's message pops up on the lockscreen.
"Yes. I'm home han." oh how you wishes to type hun, oh how you wished to reply affectionately to your lost home, ask him how his day was, is he eating well, remembering to take rest in between dance practices and most importantly caring for his soulful voice. But alas, you couldn't!! cuz you knew his lustful replies will only hurt you more, than you already are.
"You know what I want right, hun?" that one word from him and your heart felt like it was being poked with a thousand icicles.
"I do. Should I? Or you'll?"
"I'll baby. Pick up quick nah!!" this was the last string where all your organs tried their best to hold you back from diving into the fire again...but well...
×××××incoming video call××××××
knowing that picking up his call would mean dirtying yourself for the third time, yet sometimes love makes you do things even laws can't ~
"Moan for me baby, i wanna hear you scream my name while pleasuring yourself"
how even in the darkest corner of your heart, you still had the faintest flames of "what if he greets me like the old times, just once" burning brightly, only to be put to sleep by han's desperateness for your body, not the soul he painted once so beautifully.
"Do you have any special requests? Cuz I don't know what to say" what more where you even supposed to say huh? while you two were together, you would make sure that you went out of your comfort zone to pleasure him. Trained yourself so well in this field that your moans became honey to his ears ; but now, now you've no right over him, no right to call him explicit names. Thus the only way for you was to act just as he directed you to.
"Moan daddy for me bitch, if you wanna see me cum. Ain't that your favorite thing, pretty slut?"
As much as each of his syllables tore the skin of your insides one petal a time, all you could do was abide by his demands, with a heart of stone.
"H-han i wanna s-see you cum so bad, daddy pls" your lips burned aflame each time a word left its crevices.
"That's like my good slut. Now strip for me baby. I wanna see each and every part of your body" instead of his stern angelic voice, all you could hear was jeonghan panting into the speaker as he kept on stroking himself.
Not wasting anymore seconds, you seductively took off all your clothes, leaving you in nothing but all the scars that life has carved out on you.
"Happy now?" probably the most useless question you've ever asked, knowing quite well that it was gonna be a long night.
"You think so? Awee such a naive little bitch you're y/n!!! The fun has just started baby" his mocking smirk irking up on your skin even from another side of the screen.
"Finger yourself until you come undone on the sheets, while screaming my name. Wanna see you doing all the nastiest things tonight."
Muffling in all the cries that your heart has been wanting to blurt out all these time, you just quietly lay down on your back, the cold sheets beneath stippling a wave of shivers through your entire body.
Spreading your legs wide apart, ensuring to give jeonghan the perfect video of your pussy, you gradually slide down your fingers, rubbing gentle circles 'round your clit.
"The prettiest moans I've ever heard and and the prettiest pussy I'll ever see. Such a desperate whore for my dick, aren't you bitch!"
It's as if everything around you was muted all of a sudden and all you could hear was jeonghan praising how much he loved your womanhood, fueling your fingers to slide at a faster rate in and out of your hole.
"J-jeonghan am gonna c-cum...aaaa" even before you could finish your sentence, warm fluids coated your fingers, earning the lewdest groan from han.
"Naughty girls don't deserve the gift so soon. How many times have i told you not to call me -"
"S-sorry daddy! I was lost in pleasure that's why it slipped out of my mind" your hormones were now peaking , thus making you absolutely desperate to see him cum for you.
"Still you need to be punished babygirl. Hump on the pillow infront of you while pinching your nipples hard" han's cruel demeanor echoed through the room.
Not seeing any way out, you sat on your knees to do exactly what as asked of you. At this point you've become his own little porn star who would give him a show whenever his lust wanted.
"I guess my job's done now?" you finally open your eyes, boobs aching from the intense action it got and conscience all blurry.
"Yes baby. Such an obedient slut you're for me. I love to see you beg for me so much aah" jeonghan's moans kept getting loud as he was climbing his high.
"Y-y/n aah I love your pussy s-so much babe" and with this you saw the smooth white liquid ooze out of his pretty dick and onto his stomach. As much as your mind wanted to take in this heavenly sight with as much lust as possible, your heart kept drifting away to the thought of "only if he would move the camera to his face while I watch him sleep all peacefully, face painted with the most beautiful smile this world has ever witnessed...just like the old times".
"Well then I gotta go sleep ig. Bye"
Such a fool aren't you? Expecting the impossible always ; knowing very well that even the heavens can't bring your home back anymore. The shoulder you always leaned on, the first person to ever see you cry, your bub your sugar was now far gone. What was left was a bastard who just keeps on using you for his pleasure.
Well not that it was his fault tho. You've always been the hardest to love.
"Maybe in next life, when I'm as pretty as you're, I'll be lucky enough to hug you to sleep. Bye bub. Sleep well♡" you hushed under your breath before tapping the red button on the screen that brought you the opportunity to at least listen to his voice once in a while....
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