#a feminist press like this means so much
blumenherzen · 1 year
Just found out Right Wing Women by Andrea Dworkin will be published for the first time in Italian translation and that it will come out in October (link)! The publishing is by VandA editions, a press (founded in 2013) dedicated to "radical themes in feminism" (as it says on the site). They also curated a new edition of "The Lesbian Body" by Monique Wittig (out of print since the seventies). For all the gyns interested!
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homo-house · 11 months
hey uh so I haven't seen anyone talking about this here yet, but
the amazon river, like the biggest river in the fucking world, in the middle of the amazon fucking rainforest, is currently going through its worst drought since the records began 121 years ago
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picture from Folha PE
there's a lot going on but I haven't seen much international buzz around this like there was when the forest was on fire (maybe because it's harder to shift the narrative to blame brazil exclusively as if the rest of the world didn't have fault in this) so I wanted to bring this to tumblr's attention
I don't know too many details as I live in the other side of the country and we are suffering from the exact opposite (at least three cyclones this year, honestly have stopped counting - it's unusual for us to get hit by even one - floods, landslides, we have a death toll, people are losing everything to the water), but like, I as a brazilian have literally never seen pictures of the river like this before. every single city in the amazonas state is in a state of emergency as of november 1st.
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pictures by Adriano Liziero (ig: geopanoramas)
we are used to seeing images of rio negro and solimões, the two main amazon river affluents, in all their grandiose and beauty and seeing these pictures is really fucking chilling. some of our news outlets are saying the solimões has turned to a sand desert... can you imagine this watery sight turning into a desert in the span of a year?
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while down south we are seeing amounts of rain and hailstorms the likes of which our infrastructure is simply not built to deal with, up north people who have built everything around the river are at a loss of what to do.
the houses there that are built to float are just on the ground, people who depend on fishing for a living have to walk kilometers to find any fish that are still alive at all, the biodiversity there is at risk, and on an economic level it's hard to grasp how people from the northern states are getting by at all - the main means of transport for ANYTHING in that region is via the river water. this will impact the region for months to come. it doesnt make a lot of sense to build a lot of roads bc it's just better to use the waterway system, everything is built around or floats on the river after all. and like, the water level is so incomprehensibly low the boats are just STUCK. people are having a hard time getting from one place to another - keep in mind the widest parts of the river are over 10 km apart!!
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this shit is really serious and i am trying not to think about it because we have a different kind of problem to worry about down south but it's really terrifying when I stop to think about it. you already know the climate crisis is real and the effects are beyond preventable now (we're past global warming, get used to calling it "global boiling"). we'll be switching strategies to damage control from now on and like, this is what it's come to.
I don't like to be alarmist but it's hard not to be alarmed. I'm sorry that I can't end this post with very clear intructions on how people overseas can help, there really isn't much to do except hope the water level rises soon, maybe pray if you believe in something. in that regard we just have to keep pressing for change at a global level; local conditions only would not, COULD NOT be causing this - the amazon river is a CONTINENTAL body of water, it spans across multiple countries. so my advice is spread the word, let your representatives know that you're worried and you want change towards sustainability, degrowth and reduced carbon emissions, support your local NGOs, maybe join a cause, I don't know? I recommend reading on ecological and feminist economics though
however, I know you can help the affected riverine families by donating to organizations dedicated to helping the region. keep in mind a single US dollar, pound or euro is worth over 5x more in our currency so anything you donate at all will certainly help those affected.
FAS - Sustainable Amazon Fundation
Idesam - Sustainable Developent and Preservation Institute of Amazonas
Greenpeace Brasil - I know Greenpeace isn't the best but they're one of the few options I can think of that have a bridge to the international world and they are helping directly
There are a lot of other smaller/local NGOs but I'm not sure how you could donate to them from overseas, I'll leave some of them here anyway:
Projeto Gari
Caritás Brasileira
If you know any other organizations please link them, I'll be sure to reblog though my reach isn't a lot
thank you so much for reading this to the end, don't feel obligated to share but please do if you can! even if you just read up to here it means a lot to me that someone out there knows
also as an afterthought, I wanted to expand on why I think this hasn't made big news yet: because unlike the case of the 2020 forest fires, other countries have to hold themselves accountable when looking at this situation. while in 2020 it was easier to pretend the fires were all our fault and people were talking about taking the amazon away from us like they wouldn't do much worse. global superpowers have no more forests to speak of so I guess they've been eyeing what latin america still has. so like this bit of the post is just to say if you're thinking of saying anything of the sort, maybe think of what your own country has done to contribute to this instead of blaming brazil exclusively and saying the amazon should be protected by force or whatever
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hopemariposa · 5 months
My Random Ducktales Headcanons!!!
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this is another post where… no one asked for this. but my past Ducktales post did good so I give the people what they want
(I crave the validation of others)
I also sprinkled in goofy screenshots for a little bit of extra seasoning
Dewey like… ate rocks as a kid. just for fun
Huey told Dewey that Dodos ate rocks and Dewey internalized this, thus, Huey is responsible for Dewey eating rocks
Donald had a panic attack when he saw his nephew (that he is a legal guardian for) wolf down like… three rocks at one time for the plot
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Louie had a collection of various historical coins (they’re his special interest)
Donald regularly has nightmares about being attacked and killed by a bear (same bro)
Dewey taught Webby the words “rizz” “gyat” and “skibidi toilet” and it became everyone’s problem
this lead to Scrooge exclaiming that “he does not have any rizz” (this is a lie, he is rizz lord incarnate)
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Mrs. Beakley is a Pintrest Board Mom™️
she also can’t cook. she just has an assortment of Pinterest recipes that everyone despises but eats so she doesn’t feel bad
Storkules has beaten up Andrew Tate. Mixed martial arts? more like mixed Greek salad served by a hunky demigod.
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Storkules is also a feminist. that’s not a headcanon, tho, that’s a fact.
so is Launchpad. fight me on this.
Launchpad and Storkules are also besties. they’re both himbos with too much game.
Launchpad has illegally smuggled contraband into the country before. whether it was sniffle snacks or an exotic animal we’ll never know, but smuggling is on his transcript.
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LP unironically uses the pet name “pookie”. he don’t know what it means but he heard Dewey said and Dewey’s his best friend so that makes it cool
he also has a five step hair care routine
Scrooge regularly pays off several press stations to write wack stories about him because they make him chortle.
Scrooge also uses the term “square”… in daily conversation
one time he called Mágica a “square” and it personally offended her for life, ripped open several wounds, and destroyed her emotional well-being for the rest of her days
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Mrs. Beakley’s guilty pleasure is watching trash tv. Real Houseives? yes. Dance Moms? she quotes verbatim. The Bachelor? it’s her personality.
Mrs. Beakley watching these tv shows also got Della invested. now they throw a hissy fit if the other watches ahead of them
Webby cries over Bluey episodes on the daily.
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Webby also related immensely to Bingo Heeler— it has awoken feelings in her she preferred to keep hidden
this is less of a headcanon, more of a fact, but Huey, Dewey and Webby (and more Im not thinking about) are so Neurodivergent it’s not even debatable
Della is a gym rat. she just is.
thats all thanks
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luveline · 2 years
jade can i request some spin the bottle with rockstar!sirius where r works on the crew, moving equipment and such, and has been a fan (and in love) with sirius since forever? <3 ily
join luveline's halloween party ♡
YES YOU CAN ily ♡ rockstar!sirius x fem!reader
"I don't know how you can stand it," you admit where you're on your knees, packing the more expensive small pieces of equipment away into their padded boxes.
"It's not as awful as you think it is," Sirius says.
"It sounds fucking dismal," Mindy, a fellow roadie, says succinctly from beside you. She's quicker than you at this sort of stuff, deft-handed from the year and a half of experience she has compared to your five months.
"It's alright," he says with a warm laugh.
Where Mindy is faster, you have help. Sirius tucks the last core microphone into your case and lets you do the honours. You close it with two satisfying clicks and beam at him, delighted that he'd come to help.
"I'm just saying, there's, like, things you have to do before, right?" Mindy tips her head to one side and holds up her first, counting off her points on long fingers. "Getting naked in front of other people, ew. Waxing. The flashes. Being a piece of meat for people to salivate over. Models."
You giggle and add, "I'm sure he hates the model part."
Sirius doesn't even blink at your sarcasm. "The worst part is absolutely the waxing." He scratches his collar at the memory, looking so much like a normal boy it's hard to picture him on the cover of Rolling Stone as he had been last week. "Fucking agonising."
"You don't have to tell us," you mutter ruefully.
"Yeah, Black. I've been waxing my legs since I was twelve."
"Twelve? What for?" Sirius asks.
Mindy gives you an Is he for real? sort of look, but you like Sirius, so you slide in before she can get too mean.
"Because," you explain lightly, "if you don't, boys will call you disgusting and other girls'll ask, 'are you a feminist?'"
Sirius frowns. "What's wrong with being a feminist?" he asks, purely perplexed.
"Nothing! It's just the way they say it. Passive aggression."
He nods and he's endearing — he looks so, so lost. You suppose he's been pretty distracted by everything else in his life to bother caring about leg hair.
Mindy shrugs as she stands, rolling her shoulders back with a very erotic moan. She's, unfortunately for you, a bit of a sex demon, or a seductress, and you're very worried she might be succeeding. "Well, I'm going to lie down. And find Carson. Not in that order."
"Carson?" Sirius asks as she walks away.
You look down at the floor, solid black massacred by duct tape residue and rubber skid marks. "That's her, uh, fuck buddy."
You can't explain how emboldened you are by his lack of interest, "Cool. So, what are you doing now? Going to find someone to lie down with?"
"No," you say, trying a coy smile and failing.
"No? Wanna come and lie around with me?"
"Sirius!" you chide.
Funny to get to chide him like this. You used to watch him on TV with your nose pressed to the screen, and now he's your friend. His suggestion sends a happy little wave of pleasure all the way to your toes.
"You are gonna come and watch a film though, right? It's a horror night."
"And you need somebody to cling to?"
You laugh and then force yourself to stop. With Sirius, you're always getting ahead of yourself. Hurting your own feelings. The closer you get, sometimes, the further away he feels. You just had a conversation about his being on a magazine cover, and now he's asking you to go watch a movie.
"Or not, I mean- if you have plans," he says.
"No, I don't-"
"I think I might be monopolising you-"
"I want you to."
You stare at each other, Sirius' mouth quirking up into a smile you don't understand. It's smug but far from condescending, pretty pink lips pulled tight on one side. "Good. Do you wanna get changed first?"
You look down at your shitty uniform, loose slacks and a polo. Hardly attractive, but he sees it everyday. "Should I?"
"Not if you don't want to," he says, starting down the hall. He has longer legs; you have to rush to catch up.
"Do I look bad?"
"You look perfect." You grin, and then he ruins it, "Polos are super in right now. Think I saw some of the girls at Rolling Stone wearing one."
"Dickhead. You can cuddle Remus when you get scared, if that's how you wanna play it."
His cheeks are painted with slightest hint of blush, tan skin darkened. "He's not quite so soft as you are, sweetheart."
That shuts you both up.
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They know, but they can’t do anything about it. She needs to make money somehow and she wrecked all other money-making avenues.
If it won't be too much of a hassle, please can you explain why you say she has wrecked her money making avenues?
Let’s turn the clock back to 2018, when they were planning Megxit. She was a relatively youthful actress with a royal husband, a feminist reputation and a semi-successful blog. She had contributed essays to magazines and anthologies, organized a best-selling charity cookbook, and edited Vogue. She was a decent public speaker and had hosted several successful forum events. She also had a strong fashion viewpoint and reputation thanks to the Rachel Zane character and her royal wardrobe. Plus she had a charity capsule collection and a solid merching rep under her belt.
Yes, most of those achievement were exaggerated (the blog/public speaking), other people’s work (cookbook, essay collection), or thinly veiled disasters (Vogue, capsule collections), but it was still a good resume. A lot of Hollywood achievements are equally fake or exaggerated, so I don’t think that would put anyone off.
So she had something to build on when she left. But did she actually build on that resume after Megxit? Heck no.
The first obvious money-making avenue was fashion. That’s how she was making money before the engagement and she could have returned to that. She could have built on that in Hollywood, but she didn’t attend fashion shows or galas and she didn’t pursue relationships with any new designers. She didn’t even try. She wore yog pants, shorts, palazzo pants and her floppy Panama hat. The style she chose was very “basic beach bitch” which is definitely not fashion.
So scratch high fashion. She still had writing to pursue. She could have done another charity cookbook to build a wellness brand, or another feminist anthology (with freaking Gloria Steinman!) to build a writing brand. But what did she do instead? A children’s book about fathers. She also did a miscarriage essay. She could try to pitch a magazine idea (a la Drew Barrymore) but no one is going to bite because her Vogue issue was terrible.
So so much for writing. There was still her forum experience which seemed like a good match for podcasting. She could have done any podcast topic in the world, but she decided to interview celebrities and bitch about her press coverage. Okay, so much for podcasting. Archetypes wrecked not only her podcasting career but also any change she had at a talk show or View-style show because she was such a disaster at it.
How about acting? She’s not accepting any offers and her own attempt at voice work was not a success. Maybe a reality show? Not really because the candid segments of the Meghan and Harry documentary were frankly terrible.
That’s what I mean when I say she wrecked all her other options. This is why she’s now pitching for a game show or rom com production.
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"The main justification for invalidating butch-femme is that its an imitation of heterosexual roles and, therefore, not a genuine lesbian model. One is tempted to react by saying "So what?" but the charge encompasses more than betrayal of an assumed fixed and "true" lesbian culture. Implicit in the accusation is the denial of cultural agency to lesbians, of the ability to shape and reshape symbols into new meanings of identification. Plagiarism, as the adage goes, is basic to all culture.
In the real of cultural identity, that some of the markers of a minority culture's boundaries originate in an oppressing culture is neither unusual nor particularly significant. For instance, in the United States certain kind of bead- and ribbon work are immediately recogniziable as specific to Native American cultures, wherein they serve artistic and ceremonial functions. Yet beads, trinkets, ribbons, and even certain "indian" blanket patterns were brought by Europeans, who traded them as cheap goods for land. No one argues that Indians out to give up beadwork or blanket weaving, thus ridding themselves of the oppressors symbols, because those things took on a radically different cultural meaning in the hands of Native Americans. Or consider Yiddish, one of the jewish languages. Although Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters and has its own idioms and nuances, its vocabulary is predominantly German. Those who speak German can understand Yiddish. Genocidal Germanic anti-Semitism dates back to at least the eleventh century. Yet East European Jews spoke "the oppressors language," developing in it a distinctive literary and theatrical tradition. Why is it so inconceivable that lesbians could take elements of heterosexual sex roles and remake them?
It is June 1987, and I am sitting in a workshop on "Lesbians and Gender Roles" at the annual National Women's Studies Conference. It is one of surprisingly few workshops on lesbian issues, particularly since, at a plenary session two mornings later, two thirds of the conference attendees will stand up as lesbians. Meanwhile, in this workshop the first speaker is spending half an hour on what she calls "Feminism 101," a description of heterosexual sex roles. Her point in doing this, she says, is to remind us of the origin of roles, "which are called butch and femme when lesbians engage in them." She tells us the purpose of her talk will be to prove, from her own experience, that "these roles are not fulfilling" for lesbians. She tells us that the second speaker will use lesbian novels from the 1950s to demonstrate the same thesis. And, indeed, the second speaker has a small stack of 1950s "pulp paperbacks" with her, many of them the titles that, when I discovered them in the mind-1970s, resonated for me in a way that the feminist books published by Daughters and Diana Press did not.
I consider for several minutes. I'm well versed in lesbian literature, particularly in the fifties novels, and don't doubt my ability to adequately argue an opposing view with the second presenter. I am curious to see if she will use the publisher-imposed "unhappy ending" to prove that roles make for misery. I also decide I'm willing to offer my own experience to challenge the first presenters conclusions- though I'd much rather sit with her over coffee and talk. She is in her midforties and, although she claims to have renounced it, still looks butch. Even if she speaks of roles negatively, she has been there and I want to hear her story. Then I look around me. Everyone is under thirty. There are a few vaguely butch-looking women present who'd very likely consider themselves to be as androgynous as everyone else, and not a single, even remotely femme-looking women besides myself. I recall Alice Walker's advice to "never be the only one in the room." Quietly, I get up and walk out. I go to no other lesbian presentations at the conference."
“Recollecting History, Renaming Lives: Femme Stigma and the feminist seventies and eighties" by Lyndall MacCowan, The Persistent Desire, (edited by Joan Nestle) (1992)
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khaleesiofalicante · 6 months
Okay, so I got NO work and No writing done today. The weather was too cozy so I just drank lots of tea and listened to music hehe.
So, instead of an LMCH or LBAF update, you get a glimpse into the Lightwood-Bane family in the RWRB AU. I'm so excited for you to all to meet them next week (?).
What was that mean tweet he read at the Jimmy Kimmel interview last year? 
President Lightwood’s family looks like the cover of a diversity brochure of a community college. 
Max had laughed out loud so hard that he almost fell off the chair. Because despite being mean, it was absolutely hilarious and you gotta give credit where credit is due. 
Despite this kind of criticism, the Lightwood-Banes used their diversity to their advantage. They each had their own strength and a target group they controlled. 
Dad, who was called the Orion of the Democratic Party - for his targeted initiatives and unmissable victories. His father, if he set his mind to something, always saw it through. Dad had the rich people and the white people and especially the rich white people under his thumb. The Lightwoods were famous long before Dad wanted to become president, so it also helped that their family came from old money and had friends in all the right places. 
Bapak, who was nicknamed Saint Magnus, is kind of like a modern-day Mother Theresa – perfectly balancing Dad’s straightforward and no-bullshit personality with soft smiles and gentle words. Bapak, who used to be a refugee himself, got most of the minority votes –including racial minorities and second-gen immigrants. He was very appealing to the liberals - especially the activists and the scholars and the feminists.
People liked Dad. But people were in love with Bapak. 
Well, not all of them, obviously. 
Just because they have a gay president now, it doesn’t homophobia was dead and equality is achieved. 
This is still the real world. 
Rafael, who had dubbed America’s Future, is the visionary among them. Because what Rafael lacked in experience, he made up more than enough with his passion. Despite spending all his free time with bapak, if there’s any, and hogging all of bapak’s attention like the unapologetically selfish asshole he is, Rafael is a mini-Dad. Max, who grew up with the man, saw it a long time ago. But the people started to see it too. 
However, while Dad had the upper class covered, Rafe wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty – not literally though. Bapak taught him to protect his cuticles. 
Rafe is one with the people of the working class. He got his first part-time job at the local diner when he was in middle school, he volunteered for everything damn charity project under the sun during high school and by the time he was in college, he was already helping Dad with his next campaign. 
While the rest of his family worked really hard to earn these titles and support, Max had barely done anything at all. He, anointed and appointed as ‘America’s Sweetheart, by the people themselves, just needed to be himself. A sweetheart. 
It wasn’t the press the gave him the name. Max’s target demographic is Gen Z and the name turned into a thing shortly after someone random person on TikTok made an edit of him to Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince. 
He’s fine it. Honestly, it’s much better than being called America’s Future. Yikes. 
Since Max’s key demographic is chronically online and would rather die than go out, much of the work he does is also online. This means he needs to have a consistent social media presence and do the allocated number of livestreams every week and meet the expected number of social media reach every day. 
It’s a little exhausting. But it’s nothing compared to what Rafael does, which is to do real work in the real world. 
But there you have it. 
The First Family of the United States of America. 
The Orion, Saint Magnus, America’s Future, and America’s Sweetheart.
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toutvatoujoursbien · 2 months
As an elder Millennial myself, I think the important lesson to take away from this is that there's no such thing as a feminist prince. A lot of fans projected Colin's qualities onto Luke to an inaccurate degree. He had a job to do on the press tour and all he had to do was try to match Nic's energy. I don't think he's as bad of a person as everyone's making him out to be, but I do think he has some serious blinders on and he's bonded with some people who ultimately aren't good for him. It's sad to see how something that could've been a huge launching pad ended up being a diving board that broke under him. (I also think the fandom is mad hypocritical and if they got even so much as a whiff of him being single, they'd change their tune really quickly and it'd be the Luke Love Train all over again.)
(My first ask! I feel like I've had a Tumblr rite of passage.)
Anon, you brought up a good point that I haven't covered. I do, personally, believe that a lot of the confused feelings and outrage over Luke and his actions stems from fan projection that got out of hand - not just with Luke/Colin, but also with Nicola/Penelope. To me, Luke's portrayal of Colin has been excellent - I think his version of Colin is both charming and easily excitable about gossip and niche subjects (I'll never get over the olive joke). He's also totally made for the female gaze, and even moreso because he just so happens to fall in love with his best friend, the perpetually overlooked and looked down upon wallflower Pen. He sees what's special about her and falls in love with her - which I think allowed the audience to wonder "If someone like Colin can love Pen, then perhaps I could have something similar." (That is a very, very basic, surface-level interpretation that I'm throwing out here.) Also, I think the constant reminders that Luke was the most like his character in Bton, as well as his behaviors during the press tour, meant that when the PR Stunt happened, it caused so many to go, "What the fuck?"
As for Nicola, just using myself as an example - and bear in mind that I am a cishet, female, elder Millenial - I connected with her as an actress first and then Pen second. I didn't "find my successful career path" until I was 31 myself - so I feel like I understand how much it means to her that she's really taking her rightful place in the spotlight now. I have so much to be thankful for where I am in life right now, but I also know I had to work my ass off for it and there was no safety net for me to fall back on. So to know how hard she's worked and how far she's come, I'm going be honest and potentially open myself up to criticism - I was honestly offended for her when everything kind of blew up in the fandom. Did she need me to be offended on her behalf? Of course not, but I needed the time and capacity to process what I was feeling and come to a better headspace. Even though I do ship Lukola, most of my bitter feelings at the time were around: I can't believe anyone would want to take away from all the work N has done over the past 6 months (and 2 years, if we're being honest, in regards to S3) by taking away from the premiere and making it about an alleged gf.
That was a very long-winded way of saying yes, I agree that some parasocial boundaries were blurred - most likely because of the absolutely crazy amount of content we were fed during the press tour - and projections, for lots of various reasons, occurred, so when the aforementioned crash in expectations happened (whether or not it's right or fair), it was a Big Hurt for many fans.
I think a lot of fans don't believe him to be a bad guy, just making some bad choices right now??? And even though intellectually, people understand that it's his life and therefore his choices, it's still be difficult to watch. I think I can also firmly say that many of us feel like a change to his friend group would be a smart move in the path forward - but again, our wants and wishes mean very little in reality.
It's sad to see how something that could've been a huge launching pad ended up being a diving board that broke under him.
When I tell you I physically winced while reading this sentence because oooouffff, but true. But, as others have pointed out, we don't know what he wants to do with his career. Maybe he was more ambitious and the jobs he was going for didn't pan out. Maybe he's still waiting for the right role to come along. Maybe he's perfectly happy doing Bton every 2 years (omg, freaking kill me with that longass timeframe). As previously stated, until he or his team make any sort of statement - all we can do is make chatter and noise.
(I also can totally see your last point. I would hope that for the fans like me, who don't put him on a pedestal but still really like and support him, this wouldn't be the case. But I've also see firsthand on Twitter those in the fandom would give him a free pass if he was single again 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm actually genuinely curious the demographics of those in the Lukola and Polin fandoms. It would be interesting to break down...)
Anyway, thank you for the ask! I hope my further ramblings made sense 😆
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ailendolin · 4 months
Fellow Ghosts fan here! Love your ghosts work and your writing! It's really good!
I'm wondering if you got some more thoughts on the german ghosts? Like when you wrote "love-hungry poet" Friedrich Dorn has a crush on Felix instead of Emma.
Hello fellow Ghosts fan! Thank you so much for your ask and your kind words about my writing! I do indeed have more thoughts on the German ghosts! Bear in mind, they're based on nothing more than a promo picture and short press release so most of them will probably end up being quite wrong.
Joachim strikes me as gentler version of Julian. I think it’s likely he died under similar circumstances – although the lighting in the promo pic almost makes it look like his suit jacket is dirty so maybe he had a tryst outside? It’s also possible something else got him killed (maybe he got mugged?). Anyway, I love that he looks like a typical German guy from the 80s – they really nailed that. If it turns out he has a kid like Julian, I really hope we will see him/her visit German Button House one day.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Richard Dorn declares Schiller, Goethe, Kleist or any other German poet of his time his mortal enemy. Maybe even all of them. As I’ve mentioned before, I’d love to see a twist on the romance plot with him going after Felix instead of Emma (and I really wouldn’t mind him eventually realising that Claudius is right there …). It looks like he got shot just like Thomas so I wonder if we’re going to see another heart-breaking duel, treacherous cousin included.
Adelheid, just like Fanny and Hetty, will probably end up becoming one of my favourites. Her costume doesn’t tell us much but the feather in her hair and fancy dress suggests she didn’t die getting ready for bed. Personally, I'd put a spin on her character by her having an affair with her maid (or the gardener/butler, I suppose) rather than her husband being the one who cheated. It won’t happen like that but I think it’d be a fun way to shake things up.
Now, Claudius I’m already in love with. I was hoping for a Roman character when I made my own German version and I’m glad we’re getting one. Interestingly, Claudius is wearing his helmet and armour and seems to have his sword on him as well but doesn’t look like he’s actually been in a battle – perhaps he died on the eve of one? Since he's based on the Captain, Claudius might very well be gay. Perhaps he had a lover in the army or at home – or he fell in love with the enemy (maybe he drank poison before battle so he wouldn't have to fight his lover). I’d like to think showing emotions is difficult for him (hence why Richard doesn't realise he likes him) and that he speaks Latin when he gets emotional.
Griet is going to be so awesome. I mentioned before that she seems to be the lovechild of Mary and Annie based on her looks and feminist personality, and I am very much here for that. She’s not going to be someone you want to cross and I can very well imagine her being the one who establishes some order in the house. I want her and Adelheid to become besties and the others to be a little scared of her.
Urs gives me younger Robin vibes - by which I mean he comes off as a happier, more naïve and innocent version of Robin. That’s obviously just a first expression based on a single picture but I can see him looking at the world around him in childlike wonder whereas Robin was more sad and jaded. I want him to be curious about the world, about technology (in the sense of wanting to learn and calling the cables worms and cameras metal cows like Mary), and smile in true delight when he sees a butterfly – basically a mix of Robin and a toned down version of Kitty.
Svenni being described as a teacher is really interesting. She gives off elementary school teacher vibes and I would honestly love to see her try to wrangle the ghosts like she would 6-10 year old pupils. That’s bound to be hilarious. She’s not a scout so she probably was on a school trip with her class when she got her arrow. I wonder if she has kids of her own. She doesn’t strike me as a mum which is why I think the “child comes to Button House” storyline would work better with Joachim. I feel like she might be one of those “still waters run deep” characters and will surprise us. I can also really see her bonding with Emma.
I don’t have many thoughts on Emma and Felix yet but one thing I love about them in the promo picture is how done both of them already look. They’ve probably been at the house for only a few weeks and are clearly already fed up with the ghostly shenanigans. I also love how normal they both look. No fancy clothes, no fancy make-up – just two ordinary young people who are in way over their heads.
And finally, the House. Because of Claudius’s presence, I think it will be located somewhere in Western Germany. From the promo picture, it gives off the same vibes as Button House with the large, dark red room, the windows to the right and the wallpaper peeling off the walls. According to the press release, Emma and Felix are planning to turn it into a hotel, and while I hope they will succeed where Alison and Mike failed, I don’t want them to have it as easy as Jay and Sam had it in the US version. I want them to struggle for a few series (insert wishful thinking that it will have more than one series here) and at the very end, finally open their hotel.
That's all I have for now. I'd love to hear your thoughts (and everyone else's) as well!
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
I think I have seen your account on tiktok replying to someone saying you have never liked Caroline
I don’t either bc I feel like she never really had a dramatic development like people say she did
what do you think
This may come out as bashing towards Rebekah and Caroline, that isn't my intention at all because I honestly love Rebekah and I don't hate Caroline, as many people seem to think, I just don't like her. I don't care enough for any fictional character to hate them, I assure you that.
I feel Caroline just had development in season two, where her character got more popular, but after that it feels the writers went back to make her the same girl from season one but less mean and more confident.
Don't get me wrong, her personality did have a change but I don't feel it was as big as everyone says. Tvdu generally gives character development to its character only to take it away in the next season. I feel the biggest example of this could be Damon and Klaus, with Damon it was because they never decided if they wanted him to be good or a villain and I don't have a reason as to why they decided to do that with Klaus.
The main reason of why I feel Caroline wasn't that great of a character it's because of how her presence didn't significantly alter the plot and she was just there most of the time, I don't think the seasons would have changed that much if she wasn't present and in my opinion, Candice has never been really good at acting so I really don't feel anything whenever she cries, or in any other of her emotional scenes. Phoebe Tonkin, in my opinion, is more or less the same, and this isn't me shitting in their acting skills, it's just my opinion and before anyone (yk who) decides to come for my throat, I'm not "bashing" them for being women. I think Nina Dobrev, Leah Pipes and Kat Graham, as well as Danielle Rose Russell, are one of the best actress the tvd universe has.
The fact that Caroline was a mix of toxic female harmful stereotypes just makes her look bad as a character and of course this wasn't Candice's fault, but Caroline, as well as Rebekah, was everything a female character shouldn't be if you went for the route of feminist woman and that is what Julie Pl*c wanted them to be. Both of them had traits that weren't at all feminist and they didn't deserve to be used as punching bags for toxic abusive men. Having Caroline and Rebekah grow out of these behaviors and traits would have made them good characters and more interesting to analyze, because what do we know of these characters outside the unhealthy/toxic mentality they have?
They made Caroline a mother when she never experienced any desire to be one, they used her for her body and she never said a word about this. Rebekah suddenly became obssesed with becoming a mother out of nowhere, but with the way she behaves it's clear it would not be healthy for her to have a baby. Both of them antagonized women at one point for jealousy/insecurities and they never apologized. Honestly, there are more reasons but I feel I explained the more important ones. I feel Caroline and Rebekah are really similar but at the same time drastically different, not the same character in a different font, because their personalities aren't that similar but both of them deserved better storyline that weren't tied to men.
You probably did see my account in tiktok. My user is @nikmikaelsonswhore, ironic because I'm bashing him half of the time and people get really pressed. If people want this in the anti Caroline Forbes tag tell me and I'll tag it properly, because I honestly don't know if this comes out as anti, but be sure to tell me anyway!
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you bring up women and female too much... feeling pretty terfy tbh
This is so fucking funny. As bait it’s like you’re not even Trying
(for context: transphobes just found my post about why it’s important to not spread historical misinformation and they are mad about it. This is from a transphobic radfem angry that I said trans people exist and existed in the past too.)
Shockingly I bring up women and being female because I am a woman and I care about feminism and women’s rights. I firmly believe most people should! Being a woman kind of makes it pressing in a certain way though.
I went through the whole gender questioning and gender exploration thing, thinking about gender and womanhood and femaleness and what they mean and how I relate to it and don’t. I was a tomboyish girl who liked to read and climb trees and hated shaving my legs and participating in gym class and was resentful and resistant to Rules but also enthralled by history and particularly suffragists and women who Did Things. But also, for a while, as I started to increasingly reaize I was queerer than I supposed and felt alienated from other girls my age, I felt pretty disconnected from womanhood; I didn’t know what it meant to me. I’m aromantic asexual, and that self-knowledge was hard-won and required a lot of soul searching and fear for the future and trying really hard to be allo and crying alone at the dining hall. And the question of “what is my gender for, anyway?” felt pertinent in that regard. If it’s not there to structure romantic/sexual attraction and relationships, what is it there for? What does it do for me?
Reading feminist texts by cis feminists was important for thinking about political organizing and political necessities of combating sexism and misogyny in its many pervasive and awful forms, but it didn’t really make me feel any more of a personal sense of womanhood. Political coalition building is not necessarily the same as personal sense of self, nor should it be.
You know what made me feel more secure in my gender? In feeling like A Woman?
Reading the work of trans lesbians.
I mean it. Reading trans women lesbians writing sci-fi stories about apocalypses and AIs and identity, and realistic stories about longing and coercion and freedom and joy and fear and just being, is what made me go, oh, this is it. This is what it’s all about, this is what it means to be a woman. You get it. And you make me feel it in a way I haven’t in a long time.
(I’m also an anthropologist. Thinking about human societies and social constructs and performances of identity is my job.)
But if you want to read the work of the trans woman who really made me feel comfortable and seen and resonant in my womanhood for the first time in a long time, I highly HIGHLY recommend Jamie Berrout and particularly her Portland Diary: Short Stories 2016/2017. They have a spark of brilliance. This Pride month treat yourself to these stories. (This is a direct download because unfortunately Berrout scrubbed her entire internet presence, including any place to legitimately buy her work, but I paid a fair price for these before she did, and I think they deserve to be read.)
(I won’t currently link the other trans woman writer who helped my through my Gender Epiphany, because unlike Berrout who has gone off the grid, she has an internet presence and I don’t want her to get targeted by any transphobes camping my page waiting for my response to their brilliantly crafted bait.)
TERFs, and some overzealous tumblr/twitter users, want so badly to believe that feminism and trans rights are at odds, that if you believe in one you can’t believe in the other. That’s bullshit, of course. My feminism is fully bound up in trans rights; non-discrimination by sex and gender means non-discrimination by sex and gender. Bodily autonomy and authority on one’s identity are the rights of everyone. We need to end sexism and part of ending sexism is ending the belief in gender essentialism; we need to end transphobia and part of ending transphobia means ending the idea that women can only be One Thing and men can only be One Thing and there are unbreachable distances between them. I believe in gender equality and that means the equality of all genders. And from personal experience, I believe that trans women have a lot to say about feminism and what it feels like to be a woman.
Also I have a lot of trans and non-binary friends and I like them much better and trust them much more than I like or trust transphobes. So.
Women’s rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights. Trans rights are women’s rights. All of these things are true, and inextricable.
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pleasecallmealsip · 6 months
hi I saw your post asking for explanation about the context surrounding de gouges!
the technical reason for her arrest/conviction/execution was a pamphlet promoting, among other things, a potential re-installation of the monarchy. a fair bit of time had passed since, say, marat had suggested that, and the political situation had changed. due to this, at the time of de gouges' pamphlet, there was in fact a law prohibiting selling/distribution of texts advocating for a return to the monarchy (nowadays we would see this as an affront to freedom of the press, but it's important to remember that freedom of the press at that time in europe was the exception, not the rule. in fact, even at the height of what people call the 'terror', press in france was by many measures less restricted than elsewhere, where publications could be made illegal depending on how the king/emperor/etc was feeling that day).
the political context surrounding her arrest goes a bit deeper, because of her alignment with the girondin faction. it's important to note that just a few days before de gouges' arrest, a girondin woman named charlotte corday had stabbed marat to death in his house for his criticisms of the girondin faction in his newspaper. this, along with some other circumstances (such as a prominent girondin military official defecting to austria), painted everyone involved with that faction in a suspicious light. unfortunately, the fact that de gouges was a woman might've also come into account (given the potential association with corday being a girondin woman), but on the other hand a bunch of girondin men were arrested around the same time for various other reasons, so who knows.
there's also something I've found along the lines of her potentially having bought her son a military position?? not sure if or how much this contributed to her being arrested (I feel like they would've made that the bigger deal if it did) but that would also tend to discredit her.
the "anarchist beheadings" turn of phrase is imo just the poster attempting to demonstrate some rhetorical pathos. you are completely correct in your response to that part (as an irl anarchist myself it is always a bit amusing to see anarchism used as an adjective in that way, even though I know the connotation is often different lol).
you're also correct on the assertion that the jacobins had varying opinions about women's rights. and honestly, for a lot of them, it seemed to be something that was generally superseded by (for them) more pressing issues. and interestingly, a fair amount of women seemed to feel similarly and focused more of their political energy on concerns like price inflation, hoarding, and things like no-fault divorce rather than, say, being allowed to run for office. that's not to say that there were no women who wanted or pursued those things- there were many- but different people had different priorities. working-class women were very active in the revolution, and some political societies (most famously the cordeliers club) fully included women in their meetings and leadership (common cordeliers w).
obviously there were very sexist people in the government as well (such as chaumette, though I'd be hard pressed to find a single person who genuinely likes chaumette; he seems to fall in the category of 'why did he even do That Stuff. for what purpose.' along with people like hebert, collot, carrier, etc.) but that doesn't mean de gouges' arrest/execution was just because she was a Politically Involved Woman, because there were a bunch of other famous politically involved women who were not guillotined.
but yeah, in short, the lifting up of de gouges as some kind of feminist martyr is ahistorical and misinformed at best and highly classist otherwise. de gouges was not executed for having feminist views; this can be further confirmed by the fact that there were many feminist women active during the french revolution who were not executed. this doesn't negate the fact that 18c society still had very misogynistic currents, but that should be looked at in its own context, not applied as a way to try and simplify complex political circumstances surrounding de gouges.
also, in my opinion at least, the tagger you screenshotted was not engaging in good faith, as can be seen from subsequent reblogs and discussions of their additions. the modern view of the french revolution is extremely reactionary in the english-speaking world and people love to moralize and spout off about it in the tags because they watched a youtube video once in high school or something.
(sorry for the novel-length explanation, I hope this at least answered some of your questions!)
ahh thank you for the novel-length explanation!
the "prominent girondin military official defecting to austria" was dumouriez right? i've always remembered dumouriez as the dude who betrayed his own army and caused the fernig sisters to be exiled for fault that was not theirs. i didn't know he was the link between the fernigs and de gouges...!
not many people talk about the son of de gouges on this site... pierre aubry de gouges had a military position under the consulate as well, so that should be more evidence that nobody got arrested just because their family did. (that particular type of misinformation persisted for so long...)
imo even if women's grievances were not considered as feminist causes, it would be feminist to address those grievances. women running for office would cause a limited number of women to hold power, would not necessarily put bread on the table or allow participation in public life for most women.
i'm glad chaumette was not one of the frev figures fondly remembered lol.
i'm not exactly comfortable with the need for a feminist martyr and for framing the feminist cause as a revenge (i think this need precedes the ahistorical reframing of the execution of de gouges). feminism is needed because intersectional gender equality is a good thing, not because someone has died fighting for it; the cause is larger than any one biography. i'm not saying there were not martyrs in feminist history (there were many). i'm saying that we should not be learning and organising for the martyrs, but we should be learning and organising by their memory.
thank you again for this input; i did not expect someone to repond at all, it really warms my heart that you did!
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It’s quite incredible how many people suddenly come out slamming Israel. They claim to want to support Palestine but it’s just the “woke” “socially acceptable way” of expressing the age old hatred of Jews. They claim that the Israelis are occupying and should leave but my question is where should they go? Nobody else wants them. Where do they find a home?
Remember when Antifa thugs were declaring people to be "Nazis" so they could punch them? The same people are either remarkably silent, or worse, actively defending or even encouraging, terrorist violence against Jews and Israel. Literally taking the side of the Nazis.
Don't forget, there are still people who think the 9/11 attacks were completely justified.
This Babylon Bee post is parody, of course, but the reason it works is that it's so realistic.
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[ Link: The Babylon Bee ]
What we've also seen is the mask really drop from the "right side of history." People who gave the anodyne Motte defence of "decolonization" have really come out swinging with the violent Bailey.
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They're actively saying "this is what we meant."
Meanwhile, the ersatz activists of Hollywood and Silicon Valley are eerily quiet. The people who turned the Ukrainian flag into their avatars, those who worry about misgendering and triggering and safe spaces, those who insist words are violence (those for whom violence is apparently not violence)—they’re busy ignoring all this. We should listen closely to these latter-day Bolsheviks and their many enablers. They are being honest. They are saying exactly what they believe and what they want to see happen.
As I've said time and time again: believe them when they tell you what they're up to. Stop moderating it because it sounds awful, and you assume they must really mean something less appalling. If you're genuinely unsure, press them to be specific.
There are two things you can take away from this horror.
It's never "just about" something benign. If it sounds awful, it is. The people saying this are either lying or ignorant. This is akin to apologetics over Islamic doctrine framed as "you're taking it out of context" or "translation problems"; if it sounds like it's advocating violence, it is. Once you talk to an Islamic scholar, they will unapologetically and unashamedly tell you that it's exactly what it means. Same thing.
The people who want to scold you for your lack of adherence to elite luxury beliefs - neo-pronouns, "privilege," accuse of you of being a "Nazi" for having completely mainstream, liberal values, say slogans like "words are violence," "wE'rE LiTeRaLLy dYiNg," call everything "harm" and "danger" - are hypocrites who endorse actual violence, actual antisemitism, actual genocide. You've been duped by manipulative language. You need never feel ashamed or guilty again.
Pay attention who screamed at you that you were a "racist" for thinking The Little Mermaid was pretty shit, overly long, didn't make any sense when they rewrote it with intersectional feminist themes, the actors expressionless, the CGI amateur... who are now studiously saying nothing about those calling for actual genocide. They've shown who they are, they're morally confused, and their righteousness card has been revoked.
If anyone hasn't already peaked by now, I legitimately don't know what else it will take.
As far as answers, I legit don't know. Both claim entitlement based on their ancient superstitions. Both claim to be justified by their gods. Islam is rampantly and inherently antisemitic, so I don't see much long-term ability to co-exist. It doesn't matter that Israel existed before Palestine, and Judaism before Islam, Palestine isn't going to give up, so I suspect Israel would have to. But then, Islam is never satisfied, as it's a supremacist ideology. You can't negotiate with it, you can't reason with it, and you can't capitulate to it or it will simply escalate its demands; if we've learned nothing else from the betrayal of Salman Rushdie, it's that. So Palestine conquering the area would just embolden other Islamic regimes, as well as terrorist organizations like ISIS and Boko Haram which claim the same entitlement.
EDIT: Or all-out war, I guess.
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alex-richey · 11 days
Blog Post #3 (Due 9/12)
How can we maintain a sense of privacy online?
Regardless of your social media presence, it’s increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of privacy. Our phones are being tracked, often through GPS apps (which keep track of where you go and when), there are cameras in most public places, companies and apps collect countless information of ours, which is often then sold to other companies, our activity is tracked to build a “better algorithm,” our social media interactions are recorded, and information from government applications is stored. No matter how “offline” we perceive ourselves to be, our information is out there, making it extremely difficult to maintain privacy in such a technology-centered society.
Why is the information that’s stored on us important?
We’ve established how much of our personal information is collected and stored by major companies, but what do they do with it? Often, it’s sold to other companies (primarily for advertising purposes: the more someone knows about you, the better they can cater to your interests and potentially make money off of you). However, it’s also often used to make important social decisions, like who receives welfare, qualifies for loans/insurance, and more. As Eubanks discusses in Automating Equality, digital tracking and careful withholding of information give the public the “ethical distance it needs to make inhuman choices” (Eubanks, page 28). Furthermore, there’s very little political discussion about the impact of using our private data/information collected by websites, companies, and the government, so it’s scary to think about what’s being done with our information without our knowledge.
How does the internet play a role in social change?
In Rethinking Cyberfeminisms, the author discusses how the internet can gain attention, politically and socially. So, the internet can allow feminists (and other activists) to find each other, work together, and exchange ideas regardless of geographic location, a privilege that wasn’t shared by feminists in earlier generations. In agreement with other scholars, the author encouraged women (women of color, in particular) to engage with the internet beyond internet surfing, because it can be an incredibly useful tool.
Does race play the same role online as it does irl?
Online social networks are still social networks, meaning they’re generally run by the same “rules” or norms. Just because racism isn’t overt, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s non-existent or non-important. racism can take on many forms online much like in real life, being subtle, covert, or blatant. The article then notes that because race is still a factor of one’s online experience, how can online experiences truly be disembodied?
Daniels, Jessie. 2009. Rethinking Cyberfeminism(s): Race, Gender, and Embodiment. The Feminist Press
Eubanks, Virginia. 2018. Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor.
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Can you pretty please make a history of leather lesbians post? Your reblog about lesther daddies made me cry because it was so full of love and respect.
I'm gonna start with the bad news, which is no I can't. That post and the specifics of that post come from 1. being a leatherman and 2. months of intense research prepping to write my master's thesis. And so that is full of academic history. And I'm not knocking non-academic history; I rely on non-academic community history for my thesis; almost entirely, there is very little academic history on the community. But that's the thing, it's community history and I've never been a member of that community.
This is not good or bad news, but because of the nature of some leather spaces, particularly the ones I write about in my thesis, there is very little if any, cross-over of gay men and lesbian leather. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT DOES NOT HAPPEN but this is why I know very little.
During the 70s there was an anti-sex push that affected gay leathermen and leather lesbians differently. Leather lesbians were in the trenches fighting for their right to also be feminists because there was a huge feminist movement that all sex is bad, particularly sex that looks like or is heterosexual sex and leather/SM is abuse etc. etc. Which is a dynamic that is different from what leathermen are looking at which is more "we should try to be like heterosexuals and stop having so much weird sex"
The good news is I do have some things you could read if you want to get a rudimentary grasp of lesbian leather history.
Leatherfolk: Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice edited by Mark Thompson. This is a collection of essays by leatherfolk, by virtue of the editor being a gay leatherman there's an over-representation of gay men in this collection but there are essays by lesbians. Gayle Rubin [who we're gonna talk more about later] writes about a fisting club for gay men but she talks about when Lesbians and women in general were included. But there are other essays by lesbians about lesbians.
Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M Edited by members of SAMOIS a lesbian/feminst S/M Organization. This is going to be probably the most helpful to anyone looking for a historical grounding in Lesbian leather. It's not a text on the history of leather rather, it's a primary source, these are leather lesbians talking about their experence. The unfortunate thing is, and you'll run into this a lot with niche community groups, it's hard to get your hands on. You're looking at 150-200 dollars if you want to buy the third edition. But I found it on accident in my university's library, so you might be able to find it in your local academic library (I am in the middle of Nebraska so there's a little bit of hope for you, too where ever you are.) OR you might be able to get it through interlibrary loan, there might also be like PDF copies floating around.
There are two people I'll point you towards as being the two people I know that have written on this subject.
Patrick Califia: Patrick is a trans man who, in the late 70s and early 80s prior to identifying as a trans man, was a big name in the San Francisco lesbian leather community. He is featured three times in Coming to Power and has an essay in Leatherfolk he is referenced in a lot of the gay male press as being the lesbian point of contact, also an erotica writer. So his early stuff might be helpful.
Gayle Rubin: If you are want to read heavy academia about queers in general, Rubin is who you should start with. She essentially invents Queer Theory with her article "Thinking Sex." the most pertinent article for my answer to you is "The Leather Menace" The title itself is a derivative of "lavender menace," and it plays with this theme that you see over and over and over again across the queer leather community of being a marginalized community inside an already marginalized community.
Rubin also wrote one of the best academic pieces on the gay male leather community The Valley of the Kings, it was never published and exists in only two places, Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan and Chicago at the Leather Archives and Museum. I have not gotten to read it in full. Someday I'll grow the balls to email her and ask her if there's an easier way to read it.
If you read these anthologies, goggle these women, google the organizations they mention. I know absolutely nothing about Dykes on Bikes but surely someone's written some kind of history about them.
If you have the chance go to The Leather Archives and Museum, there's a heavy emphasis on gay leathermen, but it is a community archive for all the leather community.
The thing about digging for the history of this community is there is no published "here is the history of the leather community" you have to read this person's memoir and the clippings you could find of this or that publication and someone's history of this that or some other organization.
I'm sure if some 50-year-old Leather Dyke comes across this, it'll be met with, "Okay, kid you have no idea what you're talking about." and to her and everyone else, I'd say, "yeah, no, I don't have a clue." this is just where I would start if I wanted to dig into this topic.
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
I don't understand why Rhaenyra's stans on Tumblr are so unhinged about the show and the greens.Crying screaming throwing up that Rhaenyra is the protagonist in f&b and should be one as well in the show and i am like???? Isn't she a heroic character in the show unlike the dark tyrant she was in f&b? Like the fact she is the face of the show, the character that gets other characters destroyed for the sake of making her the heroic feminist character (ex:Aegon ii, Rhaenys, Baela, Rhaena) i mean on top of that they want her to in the same age she was when the story begins, so they want to watch 8yr Rhaenyra get groomed by Daemon? Like why they act so oppressed when the show favours the blacks even more than grrm himself
i have the impression that some of them have formed this opinion that rhaenyra has a more favourable portrayal in FB and she was somehow done dirty by the show. why? well what other reason than the fact that they never opened FB in their lives? they're also super pressed that alicent got a more sympathetic portrayal, as if the only characters whose personalities are allowed to be fleshed out are daemyra. when they say shit like "i just want justice done to the characters", they 100% mean more scenes humanizing daemon and absolutely do not mean it like "show more of rhaenyra's tyrannical side" (side-eyeing certain tik tok creators so hard rn)
"justice" in portraying rhaenyra would have been to show her cursing visenya and calling her a monster lmao. you know how weird people get about mothers not acting "properly", i'm really curious how much rhaenyra's perception would have been changed by THAT little tidbit - just look @ how much mothershaming people do to alicent. only a couple of days ago did i see that stupid reddit edit of "rhaenyra as a mother vs alicent as a mother". be serious.
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