#a gremlins other necessities
cryptiidzandco · 2 years
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
I'm at the raided ship. I'm at the pirate conversation pit. I'm at the combination raided ship and pirate conversation pit.
Slight Stizzy and potential Steddyhands flavour in here too.
"We need one of these," Frenchie sighs and drapes himself over the many blue, purple, pink, and green cushions in the pit. "Can they retrofit a ship with one, do you think?"
"A conversation pit?" Stede asks and drops into the pit beside him. "I wouldn't see why not."
"This is wildly unnecessary," Izzy peers into the room before joining them in the pit. "Comfortable though. Ed would like this."
"And you?" Stede teases. He already knows the answer.
"I think it's impractical," Izzy replies, snuggling into the nearest dark purple round cushion. "Probably dangerous to have onboard as well. Takes up storage space-"
"Okay," Stede sighs. "I get it."
"But in terms of improving morale," Izzy continues, then yawns. "Might be good for that."
"Or naps," Frenchie giggles.
"If you find you need one," Izzy says. "I'm just testing it for...structural integrity."
"The structural integrity of the cushions?" Stede snorts. "Izzy. You can admit if you want a nap. We've been raiding and maiming and looting on here all morning; it makes sense to be tired!"
"Not tired," Izzy grumbles, head lolling onto Stede's shoulder. "You're tired. Bonnet."
"I am tired," Stede says as he motions for Frenchie to get closer. "Everyone else has the rest of the looting covered, I think. Maybe we could see about testing out these cushions more, before we take them with us."
Frenchie smiles. "Really? We're gonna get one of these? Fucking awesome."
"I trust you and Izzy on this," Stede replies and snuggles into them both. The habit of kittens and puppies to pile together and nap suddenly makes sense in a way it hasn't before. "You both finger the pulse of the crew, you know?"
Frenchie raises a brow. "We do what now?"
"You know what the crew is wanting, what's expected, what's sensible, but also what might be fun!" Stede continues.
"Oh! We have our fingers on the pulse of things."
"That's what I said," Stede yawns wide enough his jaw cracks. "Mhm. Quiet now. Pirate nap time."
"Not a thing," Izzy breathes out, barely audible, before nuzzling closer to Stede.
"It is now," Stede replies. "By decree of the Gentleman Pirate."
He waits for Izzy's snappy comeback, but all he gets is a light snore.
"Lucius," Ed hisses. "Come here, quickly!"
Ed leads him down a long hall below deck, to a large room that seems nearly empty aside from a frankly obscene amount of ornate cushions, and-
"Oh my god," he slaps Ed's arm gently. "Look at them!"
Stede in the middle, Izzy to his left and Frenchie to his right. Splayed out in the pit of cushions, flopped over each other, sleeping hard enough to snore.
"Can you sketch it?" Ed whispers. "Before they wake up and realise what we're doing?"
"No one will believe us if we don't have proof," Lucius says, flipping open the new Captains' Journal to a blank page. "Find me a chair and I can sketch even faster."
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variantia · 3 months
me in one hc post : Riley bonds with the League and sees Jin as her big brother and hero and she thinks they're all awesome and she relates to many things w them and could never see them as anything other than people me in the next post : Mr. Compress taught Riley a magic trick called "make a sandwich in the store and eat it before anyone finds the open packages and chases you out for shoplifting"
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demonpiratehuntress · 6 months
helloooo!!! can i ask strawhats reactions with a nakama reader who just LOVES doing her nails and every time they have a chill day she takes her sweet time doing it?
sure thing! :) sorry for the long wait, I've been busy with work, university and soccer, and it's been difficult for me to be online during Ramadan because of the fast and other things i have to do, but i hope you enjoy this!
taglist - @kabloswrld
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader
summary - the ask :)
warnings - none
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It's not often that the crew gets to take a day off and relax, but when you do you take full advantage of it. It's the only time you get to yourself, when you can do anything you want without having the other Straw Hats in your face all the time. Normally you stay in your room and do your nails, but today a certain swordsman was curious to know what you do on days off, so here he was in your room watching you.
"What's the point of that?" He deadpanned, watching the stroke of the paint-tipped brush over your nail.
You looked up at him, beaming, "It looks pretty!"
"It looks-" He sighed. "Okay."
Silence fell between you two again as you continued painting your nails, a (vibrant/dark) shade of (colour). You could tell that Zoro had more questions, probably about the necessity of your hobby, but you pointedly ignored him.
"Are you done yet?" His gruff voice rang out a few minutes later.
"Yes!" You grinned, holding up your hand, "With one hand!"
He groaned, rubbing his face, "This is boring."
"Well nobody said you had to be here, grumpy," you teased.
"i thought you'd do something more exciting. And fun."
"HEY," you protested, "This is fun! For me!"
The swordsman rolled his eyes, and you narrowed yours, "Maybe you should try it and see."
"No thanks."
"Then how about I paint yours too?"
"I can't think of anything I want less than that."
You pouted, but resumed painting your nails. When you were finished with your other hand, you turned to show Zoro proudly, only to find that he was fast asleep. You were disappointed for just a moment before smirking, realising that this was an opportunity for you.
So you painted his nails too, and then hid when he woke up.
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Luffy gets bored when there's nothing for the crew to do. Unlike the rest of you, who enjoy the day off and take time to relax, he cannot sit still. He doesn't understand the concept of relaxing, because he's always bouncing off the walls and begging one of you to entertain him. Which is as difficult as it sounds, because he has the attention span of a goldfish.
"(Name), what do you do on days like this?"
You almost jumped out of your skin when the captain appeared at your shoulder suddenly. You dropped the small bottle of (colour) nail polish and watched as some dribbled out and onto your desk.
"Sorry," he apologised, but didn't sound like he was really sorry. Or look it, since he was grinning like the gremlin he was.
You sighed and picked the bottle up, cleaning the spilled polish, "I'm just doing my nails. Wanna watch?"
He nodded excitedly, curious about what that actually meant. When he saw you brush the paint on your nail, he oo'ed and ah'ed at the sight. To him it was fascinating how the colour settled on your nail when you finished painting.
But after a few fingers, he started to get bored and fidgety.
"(Name), how long is this going to take?"
"I still have the other hand, Luffy!" You laughed.
He pouted, but continued watching nonetheless. He was fascinated by how the colour stayed on your nails, and when you were done with both hands he jumped up excitedly.
"Now we can go do something more fun!" He grinned.
"No!" You shook your head. "I have to wait for it to dry, and then put another layer, and then wait for that to dry."
He groaned and sat back down, putting his chin in his palms like a little kid. He was going insane with boredom, and you were just happily sitting there painting your nails.
"If you want, Luffy, I can paint yours too."
He seemed thrilled by the idea, until he bounded out of your room to show the others as soon as you were done, and came back whining that it got smudged.
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This man is possible the only Straw Hat that could watch you do literally anything, no matter how long or how boring, without complaining. He is the only one who will be happy to sit with you for hours doing the most mundane things, because to him the time spent with you is worth it. So the minute you asked him for company, he didn't even let you finish before he was dragging you off to your room.
"Do you want to choose a colour?" You asked him, laughing as you showed him your assortment of nail polish colours.
He was more than happy to do that, and eagerly showed you a (bright/pastel) (colour) bottle. When you smiled and thanked him, he practically melted.
He's also the most patient of all of them. He doesn't mind that it takes forever to get just one hand done, nor does he mind that after you let it dry you have to apply another coat.
"How does it look?" You asked him, holding your hand up with a smile.
His answer is nothing short of what you expect, and he looks at your nails with heart eyes.
"It looks so pretty (Name)! Just like you!"
He might even offer to do it for you, and if you let him you find out that he's surprisingly good at it. Maybe even better than you. He takes longer, but that's because he wants it to be perfect for you. He honestly has no qualms about spending the entire day doing this with you, you will not hear a single complaint from him.
"Thanks, SanjI! Do you want me to do yours now?" You ask him teasingly, then get surprised when he eagerly holds out his hands for you to do whatever you want with. "Okay, which colour?"
And now that he knows you do this on every free day you guys get, he's at your door before you can even ask anyone if they want to choose a colour.
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Usopp knows what everyone does whenever the crew gets a day off. Everyone but you. You just slink off to your room with a smile and no one sees you for hours. Normally Usopp wouldn't think much of it, but as it happens more and more he gets curious to know what exactly you're doing. It also may be an excuse to get away from an overexcited Luffy who wants to tinker with his explosives.
He doesn't know how to feel about what he discovers.
"Usopp! Great!" You exclaim, pulling him into your room to show him what you were doing. "Would this colour look better, or this one?" You held up two different colours, confusing the poor sharpshooter.
"Look better for what?" He asked nervously, his first thought being that you wanted to paint something on a piece of paper.
"My nails!" You beam, showing him your bare nails. "Which colour matches my skin tone better, do you think?"
He blabbers out some kind of response, then points to the (colour) polish in your right hand. You smile and get to work, and he just stands there awkwardly until he sees you actually applying the paint on your nails.
"You just...paint your nails?" He asked, confused on how that would be fun.
Deciding it was better than being bugged by Luffy, Usopp sat down and just watched you for a few minutes. That's how long it took for him to get bored, but he was too shy to say it.
"So this is why no one sees you for hours on our days off?" He asked, "The reason is way more boring than I thought it would be."
"Hey!" You protested, painting his nose (colour).
Usopp is in between Sanji and the other two. He's not very impatient, but he's not patient either. He will sit there and watch, and get bored, but he won't say anything about it until he either hears someone pass by or has had enough and pretends to cough and come up with another fake illness.
"You know, I have this rare disease called the-smell-is-killing-me-itis, it's pretty contagious so I should just-"
"Sit down," you interrupted him, "Cause I want to paint yours now."
"W-what?! No! Then I'll look like-I mean I'm allergic-"
"Sit down."
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shalotttower · 3 months
Title: Equations Characters: L Lawliet x Reader (female) Summary: A short snippet of Reader and L moving places. Probably can be counted as imagine. Word count: 990+ Notes: yandere L, kidnapped Reader, captivity, L and Reader were together at Wammy's House, Stockholm Syndrome, L is being a shithead gremlin.
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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it keeps no record of wrongs.
You're not religious at all, but those words glimpsed once on a bookshop wall stuck in your mind when Wammy's House stayed behind, somewhere in-between the pages of your journal, so carelessly flipped through by a boy with a blank expression, who had and still has no idea what those verses mean.
"What is it?" you ask, when Watari enters your room with a suitcase.
"We're leaving in an hour," he says. "Get ready, please."
You don't argue.
L doesn't have many rules, and most of those existing are unspoken. Some can be bent, some can be bargained and twisted into an illusion of freedom until it snaps. But if Watari comes in and tells you to get ready, you obey. It means you're moving somewhere else, another place unknown. So you pack: clothes, shoes (just two pairs, there's nowhere to wear them anyway), hygiene necessities which fit neatly inside one single bag.
When you get in the car, L is already there, looking through the window. The glass tints everything a tone darker.
Watari starts driving.
The first time you used it as a chance to understand where you were, memorize the road signs, the turns. By the eleventh you stopped caring, because it didn't really matter ─ even if the whole world map was imprinted inside your head, what would it do?
So you lean against the seat and watch the cows in the pasture on the right. Everything is green and yellow outside. Some rural town probably ─ a happy little world tucked away. A small part of you wishes to exit this car right here and now, just to see what happens. Intrusive thoughts are like that sometimes. They pop up and disappear without a reason or logic behind.
The sun is bright.
There's a church up ahead, with freshly painted doors and windows which have a stained glass pattern of white lilies among golden rays of light. A beautiful work of art put onto display for whoever cares enough to look.
You wonder: if God existed, what would he think of L's fingers curling over yours. The touch is barely there at all, yet you feel it down to your bones.
Love is patient, love is kind. His thumb brushes over your knuckles.
"What are you doing," you ask flatly, not expecting a reply. It's a reflex, like the knee jerk reaction, to ask him questions, because otherwise who knows what's there in that shaggy-haired head of his.
"Holding your hand," L says.
"I can see that. Why?"
"Why not?"
"That's not an answer."
"Then ask a better question."
You turn to look at him and immediately regret doing so, because his eyes are wide and focused, and you can see your own face reflected there. Between his bony fingers and yours are lifelines crisscrossed together by a forceful hand.
"Stop that," you tell him without much heat behind.
L doesn't look away, nor does he stop staring.
"Stop what?"
"If I knew what you're referring to, I'd probably have better chances of stopping it."
L tilts his head to the side. So that's what it is. One of those times when he feels a tad more playful, a bit more nagging, and tries to drag you into a verbal game that doesn't end until you surrender and let him have his way.
The church is long gone by now, and the cows too. Just empty space surrounded by trees which line up along the sides of the road.
You wish you were tired enough to nap through the rest of the ride, but since Watari brought a humidifier for your room, your night sleep has never been better. That leaves reading, and you pull an e-book from your bag to continue the novel started a few days ago.
You feel his head lean closer to your shoulder halfway through chapter six. His hair has grown a bit and tickles.
"Find your own book," you murmur and flip to the next page.
L hums and stays in place.
Ten minutes pass, then fifteen, he doesn't move and you wonder ─ when. His fingers are linked loosely with yours and you haven't tried to pry them off yet. Why haven't you?
When did you start tolerating his presence to this extent?
It's quiet save for the tires noise. Your index finger taps a pattern against the screen. Tap-tap-tap.
"The killer is-" L begins right when you get to the chapter nine.
"-male-" he continues despite your elbow hitting his side.
"-mid-thirties, dark hair-"
You slam your palm over his mouth, and the e-book falls from your lap onto the car floor. L blinks once before licking your hand like he's five years old instead of twenty three stepping into twenty four. You yelp and wipe it off against your jeans while Watari coughs in the front seat.
"You-" you catch yourself mid-sentence, then take a deep breath. "I would appreciate if you didn't spoil the books I'm currently reading."
Or movies you're watching; or games you play; or anything at all really whenever it catches your attention long enough to become invested. He doesn't do it often when he's on a case, but off those L tends to get very bored very quickly and finds entertainment in your reactions.
His lips twitch, and you know 100% percent that he's going to do it again until you give up on reading altogether and spend the rest of the ride talking to him instead, though "talking" is a loose term here. More like indulging whatever topic L decides to fixate on this time around, because if you ignore him, he will be just as content with staring at you for hours on end with nothing but silence between you both.
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legendofmorons · 7 months
Hello there! Can I request a work on a gender neutral reader being a parental figure to the chain? Reader is both wise but chaotic, and has little quirks like humming or holding on to the boys clothing to keep them from walking to far from them.
Parental instinct
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Hi! I'm so sorry this was late, but I had so much fun with it. I might just do more of it.
Pairing: chain & reader
Rating: G
Summary: A look into life and the chain's parental figure
Warnings: none
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
You don't actually have a 2024 bingo card, but you know that being sucked into an adventure with nine heroes wouldn't be on it anyway. You should start making yearly bingo cards.
You step into something of a parental role, out of necessity mostly, but you're also probably a caretaker at heart.
So, after a few months, you've gotten the boys to really start listening to you. Which is a feat.
On days like today, you're thankful for the help Warriors, Time, and Twilight present. You need all the help you can get while coralling the heroes through the more modern hyrule.
You say modern, but you're all in the 1980s, with big hair, blur eyeshadow, and a lot of shoulder pads.
"Wind!" You call loudly, grabbing the back of his shirt to stop him from crossing the cross walk.
A car speeds by.
"Please don't get run over." You say with that long suffering tome familiar to those responsible for chaotic gremlins.
"Didn't (Y/n) just go over traffic rules?" Legend huffs as if he didn't also have to be stopped by Warriors and the captain'squick reflexes.
"Shut up Legend you're just as bad." Wind sticks his tongue out.
"Boys!" You interject, "We're clear now, let's go."
You follow the chain, bringing up the rear.
Hearding them to a hotel and booking last-minute rooms is an experience that involves keeping Wind near you at all times.
(You promise yourself to find one of those cute animal backpack leashes. Or maybe nine of them, actually. That'd make keeping the boys in line easier.
Maybe Legend needs a monkey one.)
After you've gotten the rooms and divided them, you all settle in your room.
Four and Legend have taken a bed to themselves sitting side by side.
Sky, Wild, and Warriors sit on the couch. The three too tired to cause much trouble.
Time and Hyrule sit beside you on the third bed.
"We should totally try that pe-za." Wind declares as he flops himself over your lap.
"Pizza. But yeah, sure." You say as you toss Wild the remote to the TV.
Wild takes a minute but figures out the remote and starts flipping through channels.
You are ordering several pizzas through an app. You've got several large pizzas, lots of breadsticks, a few orders of salad, a few liters of soda, and a bunch of deserts by the time it's all ordered. Thank Hylia for rewards programs.
Wild has found full house and pit it on. Whether good or bad, nostalgia is probably there.
"(Y/n)!" Legend calls, "Tell Four to get his feet off my side of the bed!"
"Four." You say with a pointed look, "Stop tormenting poor Legend."
"He started it." Four says evenly, as though he isn't currently sticking his cold feet onto Legend.
"Hylia, grant me some patience." You mutter to yourself.
"Not strength?" Sky asks.
"If she gave me strength, I'd shake some sense into all of you."
Wind is laughing then, a little too much like a hyena, but he's happy, so we'll take it.
After dinner and showers, the boys all gone to bed. You find yourself beside Time.
The old man is lying down, trying his hardest to sleep. But something seems to be bothering him.
It's instinct to start humming. The tune is old and familiar as your voice takes it on.
After a while, you look down, finding Time's face serene the way only peaceful sleep grants. Good. He needs it.
You didn't expect to gain nine kids this year, but you wouldn't trade them for the world. Ganon better watch his back, though. You'd kick his ass in a heartbeat for all he's done to your boys.
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oursecretways · 4 months
Is this what you call self-care?
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Felix × Reader note(s): I am at the point where I feel like playing 72 hours of Stardew Valley is perfectly reasonable, so I hope u enjoy my first fanfic. Also, idk about you, but I feel like he would def enjoy some Zelda 😌… also, this isn't the longest fic out there, but it is a short story after all. Enjoy!☻ genre(s): fluff, silce of life word count: 1,795 warning(s): light cursing Just a chill day with Felix, while you’re trying to make progress with your uni work
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It was a regular Saturday for you, waking up at 6 AM and feeling your boyfriend's arm around you. After you turn your alarm off, you turn to look at him, smiling. His long, blond hair fell into his angelic face. It is so hard to not say fuck it and stay in bed with Felix, but you—with the smallest of movements to not wake him—get out of bed, making your way to the bathroom to get ready. After you get yourself into some comfy stay-at-home-and-study clothes, you brew yourself a cup of coffee with some coconut milk.
You've been researching for your midterm paper for a while now. It wasn't the worst topic, but selecting what's important and what isn't is where you were hopeless.
After restarting it for the hundredth time, you heard movements from your bedroom. You peeked out of the study/gaming room to see Felix's tired face, which filled your heart with warmth. "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" He looked back at you while he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. "I slept well until some gremlin left from next to me way too early this morning." A smile crept up his face, reaching out for your hand so he could pull you in for a hug. He kept you close with one hand, resting his face on your head while you hid in the crook of his neck. His sweet scent filling your nose. "How's your university work going?" you scrunch your face, not even wanting to think about the research and writing your essay. "Well, I read a lot, but I do not know where to begin or what things are the necessities to put into my paper." You felt yourself wanting to throw a tantrum like the 5-year-old who you are at heart. He kissed your forehead, then put his pinky out. "Okay, I have a trade offer; once you're halfway done, we can play on our farm together." Your eyes lit up. You've been pretty hooked on Stardew Valley for a while now, especially since the new update, and you got Felix to play with you on his days off. Sadly, they've been pretty busy with their comeback, so you couldn't hang out as much. He usually got home by the time you were asleep, and you went to class or to the library to learn before he woke up, since it was soon time for your final exams. You only have one year back from your university, and you don't want setbacks, so it is important to get a good grade. Your parents would be pleased as well since you flew to another city to learn specifically there, so you want to make them proud. You link your pinkies together to form an unbreakable promise. "Okay, but no distractions! If you want to play, please play in the living room; we both know I won't ever finish my assignment with you distracting me." He chuckles and nods his head in agreement. You happily made yourself another cup of coffee, then went back to the study to work on your task. You still cannot believe it that you somehow snagged such a perfect man: he is supportive, understands your concerns, and can always accept your compromises. He openly talks to you about how he feels and bravely tells you if something bothers or concerns him. You honestly can't believe these past couple years have been real.
You've made a bit of progress; it helped that you talked with your old dorm roommates—you moved in with Felix about half a year now; you two realized that it would be the easiest since you went over any given chance anyways. They gave some good suggestions. Once you caught up with each other, you four said your goodbyes, since all of you have a lot of work to get done by the end of this month. After some time, you smelled a sweet scent coming from the kitchen. The door opened before you could sneak out to have a peek. Felix brought in your favorite cookies; it was a mixture of his classic chocolate chip and your oatmeal cookies recipe. You two perfected it while he got some time off, and you didn't have school just yet. His brown eyes looked at you proudly behind the plate of cookies with milk in his other hand. "How's your progress, baby?" He bent down to give you a peck on the lips. You waited until he put the plate and the cup down, then patted the ground next to you, signaling for him to sit down. He didn't waste any seconds, and plopped right next to you, happy that he could sit beside his girlfriend. Felix didn't want to make you feel pressured; he just wants to spend as much time as possible with you before he has to go back to endless dance practice, content creation, etcetera. You both know he loves doing what he does, but it can get overwhelming sometimes. They got cussed out a lot for the smallest of things, getting bullied and going as far as getting death treats. He was grateful for being able to work his dream job, and he is also happy that you understand what this kind of life comes with.
Felix watched you type your thoughts out in your document and started to play with your hair, which made you relax instantly. You couldn't help but melt into his touch. You leaned onto his shoulder, feeling exhausted. "I am almost done with half of my assignment; I just need another page, but I feel like my brain cells are giving up on me." He chuckled, placing a kiss on your head. "You got this; I believe in you." He started giving kisses all around your face, which soothed your tired thoughts. Felix eventually kissed your lips; the kiss was sweet and made you feel like you're under the sun at the beginning of the spring. You reciprocated immediately, feeling as though time had stopped—no tasks, no school, no pressure—just you and him tangled together in a complete state of Nirvana. Before it could get heated, Lixie pulled away, holding you firmly, so he kept up his strenght to not distract you further. "Is it okay if I play Zelda while I lay in your lap?" You saw a hint of pink on his face, making you smile. "Well, I am close to finishing it, so why not? I don't think it can cause any harm." Felix got up excitedly to get his switch with his headphones. He laid down and got comfortable, then started playing his game. He has been quite into it lately. The game was beautiful, and there were a lot of things to do. The excitement in him got you into playing it, asking for his help in some harder situations.
When you got done with half of your paper, you looked down and saw a sleeping Felix with a gaming console on the ground next to him. He looked so peaceful like this: his pink lips parted, his eyelashes casting shadows on his face, and his freckles painting constellations onto his features. You can't help but start connecting the dots on his face with your fingers, making his eyes flutter as he awakens. "What are you doing, gorgeous?" You lean down to kiss him as a response. You feel like you're going to explode with all the feelings inside your chest. "I am done with half of my paper; I didn't want to wake you, sorry." You pout just a little, earning a smile as he reaches for your face to caress it. "That's my good girl. Are you ready for some farming time?" You nod, knowing that you're going to end up either playing until the sun gets up again or none at all and will end up cuddling in bed.
You two made some lunch and plopped down besides each other. Your desks have been set against one another, his PC taking up one desk while yours is cluttered by notes and books for your university courses; you just keep pushing it back each time you take your laptop out instead of organizing it. Felix tried to reason with you or help with that mess, but that's how you were, looking unorganized yet knowing exactly what is where, always on point. That's what your grades always reflect: perfect or almost perfect scores, even though you procrastinate until the last minute. He smiled to himself, knowing how he and the boys wished they had this superpower.
You put on your two's favorite chill playlist and booted up the game. We made a lot of progress, stopping to occasionally show physical affection for each other or taking a quick bathroom or snack break. I didn't even notice how the time flied until you looked down on your watch, seeing that it had passed five a.m. "Yongbok, we have a problem. Have you checked the time?" He has been so into the game that he almost looked up into the corner to see the in-game time, realizing that this might become a problem in the future. "Oh shit, I didn't notice when it got this late. I mean, I am going to be okay; I won't work for a couple of days now, but when do you need to send this assignment in?" he asked, knowing damn well that you have a habit of sending in your tasks with one minute left on the clock, giving him a scare. One time, Chan got to see your study progress and felt his soul leave his body. He still remembers how he and Han watched how their leader scolded you about your academics and your attitude towards your learning, painting a picture of an overworked father lecturing his rebellious daughter, who—no matter what she's doing—will always be his treasure. It never got said out loud, but you became the younger sister of the group, with all the older members looking out for your happiness and safety. And Felix isn't sure that if you two ever break up—which, let's face it, is highly unlikely—he wouldn't get the shorter stick and wouldn't get scolded.
Once you two saved and logged off for the day, got ready for bed, you snuggled close to each other leaving sweet kisses on one another, fighting the strong urge to sleep. When he heard your breathing change, he knew that you were fast asleep, what he waited for all along. It makes him happy and calm, knowing you are asleep. He pressed a light kiss on your forehead.
"Good night, my love," and with that, he dozed off to sleep as well.
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isa-ghost · 8 months
you have eggza headcanons perhaps? 👉👈
I will take any headcanons of course, I love your headcanon posts
Previous Sets:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
MORE: Eggza Edition
Starting with two I made in previous sets:
When left to his own devices & off-duty as dad + not needed by any of the islanders for something serious, he let's loose. No more wise bad bitch crow man who's palpably emotionally damaged yet won't admit it. He's off the shits. You've seen Eggza. That's him de-stressing by fully indulging his favorite things: preparing necessities for survival & being an absolute wildcard.
When he heard someone on the island made up a rumor that Eggza is legit because Phil taste-tested a cookie out of curiosity, he took that and RAN. Yeah. He's egg sometimes. Who's his parent you ask? Well that's a secret (it's Rose).
Remember how I said he commits to bits super hard? Yeah. Eggza is his second biggest bit after the 4th Wall existentialism but it's quickly surpassing it to his biggest one
Genuinely he enjoys his Eggza time. Everyone knows they'll get nothing but task help out of him more or less, so they more or less leave him alone unless it's to say hi or a chance encounter.
Everyone finds him speaking with signs funny and endearing. Except Tubbo. But that's understandable, dyslexia go brr. Even though the fool sometimes forgets he can tts the signs. It's fine, he's most likely to derail Eggza's cookie grinding so it's better if Tubbo stays away doing Tubbo things
He's torn between the kids witnessing Eggza & never witnessing Eggza. He can't tell what's funnier or if he'd be embarrassed. They've heard stories from other eggs though
He has no interest in making himself Look like an egg. The sign usage is all he needs. And its funnier when you approach your grown ass man best friend Philza Minecraft only for him to look as wild as he did during Purgatory but without the Looks Like He's Dying Slowly part & refuse to talk to you verbally. The "what the fuck is happening here" is the best part of Eggza, if he starts LOOKING like an egg everyone will understand what's going on and that's lame
He bounces off everyone's energy. The more unhinged they are, the more unhinged he is. Unless he's harassing the baker. Then he fuels his own fuckery
The funny thing is he makes sure everyone thinks he's constantly this wild gremlin that only knows one thing: Grind. But really if no one's around while he's grinding, he's actually just straight up vibing. Got headphones in, blasting his jams, doin his work. In his lane, unbothered, flourishing.
I would sell my soul to see Eggza beat the ever-loving shit out of Purgatory workers it'd be so fucking funny holy shit
One of his favorite parts of going Eggza Mode is amusing his friends with the way he's just a nonverbal weirdo. Especially when he answers something they say by just dancing
If He's An Extra Silly Gremlin They'll Give Him Avocado Toast As A Treat
No one knows where he shoos his crows off to when he's Eggza. Or if it's some unspoken "ok time to scatter" rule as soon as he puts the gas mask on by the bakery. But they disperse and for a while, the other islanders can't shake the feeling of Phil seeming strangely bare for some reason. It's bc the murder is away
Tbh I bet even without the Hardcore dreams, he'd sleep a long time with how hard he works as Eggza
"Hard work," I say, as if most of the time Phil isn't just making mobs insatiable amounts of horny so everyone can give the baker what they're asking for (the awareness of this is half of why he's so unhinged as Eggza, it's too absurd & funny to him)
Calling back to another prev non-Eggza hc I made, he has less of a filter when he's not parenting or in peril. He has said some absolutely wild out of pocket shit on signs
If given the right kind of motivation, an islander could probably get Eggza to go feral and kill something or someone. Fit tosses him a stack of whatever arbitrary item Phil might find enticing enough atm & Phil is suddenly on a spree like he was with those bunnies that one time
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roseltheteacup · 9 months
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A more fully-formed sequel to my headcanons post, along with the postgame outfit I designed for him!
“Red” was born from necessity. He was Felix’s response to being reanimated and losing his memory, and Red simply occupied the front seat in Felix’s mind, climbing towards All City as the real Felix reformed subconsciously. Red was essentially Felix’s line of defence without even realising it.
Red is also represented by the cyberhead. Since that cyberhead didn't have all of its components removed to fit Felix’s head, aspects like its memory chip remained intact to document everything Red experienced on his journey, making it possible for him to remember things once he’s reactivated in postgame, where he receives a true machine mind and AI.
It took time before the crew understood that Felix wasn't Red. While still lending himself to the BRC, their teammate was… different, than they remember. Tryce and Bel know that the change happened somewhere in Mataan, but due to everything that was happening at the time, never got to confirm it with Red/Felix himself.
It took two weeks before Red was back in working order, and in those weeks, he was basically between life and death. Everyone: Prince, DJ Cyber and even DOT.EXE pooled all their efforts together to reanimate their friend and bring back the person known only as “Red.”
And so, Red was given the chance to live as his own person and as a true cyberhead, without fear of his life only serving as a liminal space between where Faux ended and Felix began. He is no longer temporary.
Red uses Faux’s discarded body as a base, but due to some wounds being too severe, more than half of his limbs had to be replaced with cybernetic prosthetics, including a modified spine. Being fully AI, Red adapted to this quicker than most humans do, but still required time and physical therapy to get back on his metaphorical feet again (and his literal feet.)
When looking at his cyberlimbs, he does feel a sense of… completeness. Red was born from a collage of other people, and throughout his existence, has struggled with the concept of being “temporary.” But his body, now, proves that he wasn't so. He is more than the sum of his parts, sewn back together by people who love him, and owning a life that he owes to no one but himself.
He lets everyone sign his prosthetics. Bel started it first and signed in an obvious spot, and annoyed Tryce until he did the same. Felix signed in a more inconspicuous spot (knee) because he likes giving Red the space to be his own person.
Red and Felix are like siblings in the sense that Felix is supposed to be the responsible one and Red is (mostly unintentionally) the annoying gremlin.
Probably nonbinary but also likes the category of “dude” and “guy” so he doesn't really give a shit.
“I don't really care about all this.”
“You don't?”
Works part-time at the Domino's equivalent in the Bomb Rush universe and always brings his board to work. If you see him performing tricks in the kitchen: please don't tell his manager. He's very proud of this job.
He likes watching those “Isopods eating food” videos.
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Fae Prince Sun, Fae Prince Moon, Fae King Eclipse x Witch Reader
(excerpt from upcoming chapter 5 of Extended Contract)
Warnings: suggestive themes and the usual Fae tomfoolery
“We are running out of vases for me to knock over, Sun.“
“Now, now, practice makes perfect.“
“Yes, I am a professional bulldozer now.“
Sun gave you a gentle tap on the tip of your nose.
“Tut-tut, you sassy darling. I meant for the dancing lesson part, not the damage part. Although, that last crash? Exquisite, definitely recommend it as a new ringtone for your mobile device, it would be an improvement.“
“My dear prince, you may be cute, but not cute enough to get a pass on insulting my taste in music.“
“Permit me to make a retort in a similar manner. Your beauty could place all stars to shame, and you don't get a pass out of this formality either. We will have to open the first dance when we arrive in the Grand Hall, my love.“
“Is this really necessary?“
“Royal etiquette and tradition. Courtly gallantry is of crucial importance. Additionally, one must demonstrate refinement and confidence through their movement, the ability to command attention. You never know what diplomatic affairs or arrangements may be struck in these close encounters where you have to whisper sweet nothings to the other party as you sway them in every sense of the term.“
You blinked at him.
“It's my birthday, Sun. If I want to sit in the corner with a glass of brandy without elaborating anything, then everyone else in the Celestial Court will just have to deal with it.“
He chuckled, tapping the tip of your nose once more. You had half a mind to bite his finger off.
“Admirable attitude, lovely. Completely against court politics, but admirable nonetheless.“
You heard Moon grumble as he was taking care of the shards, waving his hand and letting them disintegrate into blue smoke.
“Clean up, clean up. Since we are already on the topic of practice and perfection, I now officially qualify as a maid.“
You couldn't help but smirk at the lunar Fae.
“Serves you right after laughing at my dancing skills, Moon.“
“Such slanderous words, wishing star. I deny these accusations. I wasn't laughing at your dancing skills, I was laughing at the lack thereof.“
You rolled your eyes and shrugged, turning your gaze back to his twin.
“Sun, your gremlin of a brother does have a point.“
The solar Fae tilted his head in confusion, his sun rays slightly lowering and rising as if they were the ears of a confused puppy.
“He does?“
“We have been practicing this move for the past indeterminate amount of ridiculously long hours and the only thing we accomplished thus far is almost giving Moon a concussion when he fell off the chair cackling like an idiot.“
Moon grinned, shadows moving around him playfully, forming grimaces on the walls as if to accentuate the mirth of their master. As much as he despised the necessity of dealing with broken glass and porcelain, he could not deny that the spectacular disaster he was witnessing was a nice compensation.
“Beautiful witch, your presence makes my soul sing, but do pardon me when I say that if we ever find ourselves in need of getting even with a foe, we will simply send you to dance in their house till you raze it to the ground.“
“I shan't pardon a single thing and you just earned yourself a night of sleeping on the floor, Moon.“
A part of you expected him to retaliate with a wicked trick, but he decided to take a more suave approach, knowing that he could get under your skin in other ways. He extended a shadowy tendril in your direction, allowing it to glide over your cheek and along your neck, making you shudder. Prince Moon knew very well what effect he could have on you, how sensitive you were, both to his touch and his sinfully passionate poetry.
“Divine cruelty, blissful and sweet, flames so tender, my heart eagerly awaits the gentle wrath of fallen stars. I offer my life to my fair beloved, their kisses and their blades equally dear to me. Banishment only stirs the dreams and my arms embrace your form even in the loneliest of dungeons.“
His raspy voice was low and sultry, mesmerizing, worthy of a powerful nocturnal Fae that could enthrall the masses if he so pleased. As he spoke, the shadowy tendril kept caressing your neck and around your collarbone. Desire bloomed in your core, but you did your best to suppress it and get your wits together. Moon was aware of your mental turmoil and he winked at you, grinning,  devious scenarios already playing out in his mind. Wicked man, shameless.
You groaned, flustered and defeated. Like a cranky cat, you tried to swat the dark tendril away, only for it to curl around your wrist.
“Moon, you devil.“
“Your devil, at your service. Command and I shall comply.“
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lord-freakwad · 2 months
🎀 König with a little gremlin princess running around.
Now here he was,
a grown and incredibly tall man, wearing matching purple tutus with his daughter. Tea time was a necessity. There was nothing he could say to change her mind. She hummed happily, drinking from her toy teacup. He stared at her as he ate a cookie she handed him.
From a sleeping angel who he cradled in his arms, refusing to sleep anywhere but on top of his chest with one hand holding onto his finger while she slept soundly… to a complete mass of energy. He had to physically stop himself from crying at the thought of his little baby.. His bundle of joy… growing up. After adopting a kid, he now realized how it felt for time to pass by too fast.
He let out a sigh and she looks at him curiously. "Papa, do you need Ms. Pepper?" She held up her doll, wanting him to hug it. "You look sad..."
She was such a sweet thing... it warmed his heart. "No, no, I'm okay." He smiled in assurance.
She stares at him skeptically, with her cheeks puffed out. "You sure?"
He chuckled and nodded. She smiled and hugged her little doll before chatting with her other dolls as if they were alive. König did play his part in acting like a princess. After all, he doesn’t ever want to disappoint her.
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Monster Au? (kind of)
**spoilers for Frankenstein??? I guess??** Part Two --- They read Frankenstein in the 9th grade, Freshman English, with their teacher who had read the book far too many times. She’d waxed poetically about injustice, and how Victor was a Victim. She spoke every sentence as if each and everyone of them had never read a book in their life.
Steve read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in 7th grade for a book report. His teacher had all but begged him to choose a different option- they read it Freshman year. See it with new eyes then Steve. 
His mind was made up. Already 50 pages in. 
There was no poor Victor. Steve hated him, hated the idea of his character, hated the very words spilled on the page. The creature did not ask to be created, it did not ask to live. Steve hated that he identified with the creature, someone seeking kindness in a world that hated the idea of him. 
Devil, demon, fiend, monster. 
Skin Eater, Skin Thief, Skin Stealer, Shapeless.
If Steve was capable of that kind of violence, he’d kill everything his parents loved too. If his parents were even capable of love. 
So Steve sat bored out of his mind, and angry. In Freshman English, over a book he’d already read, over a woman, a human woman. Who spun sentences about the Human in the story, and cursed out the creature. As if the creature asked for anything. 
Kick the dog, hurt the dog, starve the dog. The kind dog will bite. 
Sink teeth into skin, tear flesh, feel the way their jaws lock around the white of bone.
He kept his mouth shut. In ways that the other monsters in the class didn’t, they huffed, and argued. The wolf at the front of the class snapped out about the logistics, the message Mary Shelley was trying to tell- how Victor Frankenstein was not the victim, but the Villain. It was about all the humans who had children with Supernatural, who abandoned them, who cast them aside, who turned the villages against them. 
When the Witch at the back of the class snapped out about Shelley was a Witch herself. 
Steve kept his mouth shut, when the Vampire boy from the front of the class shouted about how the creature just wished to be loved. 
Not a single word for how much he hated Victor passed his lips. Because Steve was supposed to be just as human as the teacher, was supposed to agree with the teacher. A woman he couldn’t even be bothered to remember her name in the Spring Semester.
Steve was to keep his head down on all things monsters, keep his abnormalness to himself- and act like a human. 
Freak, Freak, Freak
The Harrington’s were the only Shape-shifters in Hawkins, and that was a well kept secret. Only the Harrington’s were to know this fact. The world had come around to Supernatural in the late 1800s, just maybe. 
Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Gremlins, Fairies, Dragons, Ghosts, Animal Shifters, Sirens, Banshee, you know- 
The human shaped kind.
They did not take kindly to Shapeshifters. 
So they hid, they curbed their instincts and became human-like. Raised their young in private, they did not fight the oppression, they stayed quiet, and said little to how shape-shifters worked to themselves. 
They don’t marry outside of the branch of Shifters, they don’t even think about it. 
Steve’s parents married out of necessity. Keep the line of Harrington’s alive. They had Steve out of necessity too. They shouldn’t have, but it’s what it was. His father too scared to break the cycle made sure that Steve was aware he was an abomination.
A devil, demon, a creature. 
Be human, don’t be anything else. Steve grew up knowing what his body should need, but never getting it. His “natural” body is already supposed to be thin, small, built for movement, and change.
Steve grew up, not really honestly. He tried to grow up. It took years of monsters, and years of exhaustion, and a skin that was wrong to even begin to grow up. There was no real transition, there was too human, and then too monster-ish. 
Too much, too much- 
And then there were real monsters. Not the human shaped kind. 
Not the Humans. The regulars, the ones with the slurs, and shouting, the human shaped monsters who didn’t like wrong. The ones who were the same as him, who didn’t like themselves either- 
Kick the dog, hurt the dog, starve the dog. 
The dog bites. --- I, got the writing bug, for something other than my two WIP. So, weird way too much world building Monster Au that I had to get out of my head an on to paper before I lost it completely. Both my sanity, and the idea. (The Au is Steddie, there’s just a, well Lack of Steddie in this. For some reason- probably because I word vomited for 25 minutes- and this was all I could come up with, without writing 10k-)  This was born because I’m reading Frankenstein  praise be Mary Shelley. And I’ve got far too many thoughts to be allowed to consume media.  So Stevie gets to suffer now- It’s okay tho, His Vampire Bf will make it better later down the line- :)
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kayatoastkkat · 8 months
infodump time!
this is for my TOH au, some basic information for the big three of the cast and what their roles are! aaaand maybe also a sketch dump since I have too many pencil drawings of this au...
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Dr. Henry Jekyll
Leader of the Secret Society for Wild Magic. Also a part-time potions seller. 
After graduation from Hexside, his initial aspiration was to join the Emperor’s Coven. As such, he began trying to test out his magical prowess and became a curse researcher, collecting rare curses (akin to Eda’s) and began looking for cures. While some of his methods proved effective, during this time Jekyll was deeply absorbed into his work and started neglecting his own health, leading Lanyon and Rachel to become very worried for him. 
One night, while researching a particularly gruesome curse, Jekyll believed he finally worked out a cure. With no other subjects, he could only test it on himself. Thus, potion in hand, he decided it was a great idea to go curse himself with a cure that he believed was mostly effective.
Lo and behold, that was the first transformation. The curse lashed out in black ribbons, enveloping Jekyll before diving straight into his heart, issuing several screams from the brunette until all that was left was a bundle of loose clothes, shattered glass, scraps of paper leftover from the curse and research, and one tiny blonde gremlin among said loose clothes. Thus, that very night, Hyde was born. A curse that should’ve killed Jekyll, torn his very body apart, taken control over the leftover scraps, now resides in his body as half of himself, shares his memories and would become the mask Jekyll uses to indulge in activities he finds unacceptable for himself to engage in. The potion that failed to cure the curse is now the key to transforming into each other.
With Hyde, Jekyll quickly realised that joining the Emperor’s Coven is no longer a feasible choice for himself and instead, with Lanyon’s help (due to his family being super wealthy and influential) was able to pull some strings and fake a Potions coven sigil, thus taking suspicion off of him while keeping his status as a wild witch.
His palisman is a crow named Crowley. His staff also never initially had the red gem lmao, he stuffed it in himself to try and give it a more sophisticated look. He also has ear piercings! First made just to get Hyde to stop whining, he later decided he may as well wear something, namely tiny black diamond studs.
Mr Edward Hyde
Jekyll’s personal “assistant”. A trader and scammer at the Night Market. He often enjoys committing petty crimes and also trades his potions for rare ingredients required for more powerful spells. Sometimes he’d even bring a few of the Lodgers to sell their inventions too, to make sure the Society still has snails to spare for basic necessities. Most of what Hyde earns in the Night Market goes to his nighttime adventures, but whatever’s left by the time he transforms back will be used by Jekyll to keep the lights on in the secret Society. Besides the Night Market, he likes to go drinking at the sketchier parts of Bonesborough, often getting into skirmishes and bar fights. He relies on Jekyll’s magic and rarely ever uses his palisman to avoid divulging his identity. For transportation, he prefers teleportation spells or magic some wings to make a quick escape. No, he’s not a bird beast. I’ve long decided he is not some crow beast or something, he’s just an amalgamation of Jekyll’s worst traits.
He has about the same relationship with Jekyll as in TGS, perhaps even more tense as Jekyll is very concerned about ensuring that Hyde keeps a low profile and does not reveal the fact he’s a wild witch. Hyde hides it about as well as you’d expect, and eventually the information that he doesn’t have a sigil is picked up by the Emperor’s Coven. He’s never gotten caught before though, oh, and he also idolizes Eda the Owl Lady very much, but never goes to find her, since he’s terrified of Hooty.
The oopsy-doopsy arson will still happen, which I will cover eventually but bottom line is it’ll make Belos strengthen efforts into finding and tracing Hyde’s roots. Through the following disagreements and punishment from Jekyll, Hyde learns he can block Jekyll from using his magic for short bursts of time, and eventually with practice, longer periods spanning from hours to days.
He also has silver ring earrings. Every time he transforms he takes the time to take off Jekyll’s plain black diamond studs to replace it with them and I find that funny.
Dr. Robert Lanyon
A master illusionist, one of Jekyll’s closest friends and co-runner of the Society. Also helps around Jekyll’s potions business.
He’s the reason Jekyll was able to stay a wild witch in the first place. He was able to use his Illusion magic to fake a sigil for Jekyll and using his position of power, pulled some strings to prevent the scouts from investigating further. His father is a prosperous Constructions witch who helps Belos strengthen the castle and fortify bases for scouts throughout Bonesborough, earning him a position of high rank in the Isles. Lanyon despises it though, and took Illusions to spite his father, who wanted him to take a more “useful” track in school such as Abominations or Constructions so he would have more job opportunities. Outside attending dinner parties or finishing errands for his father, he does whatever he wants, usually sneaking off to parts of Bonesborough or to the Society to see Jekyll. He doesn’t even necessarily attend dinner parties, often preferring to have an illusion of himself attending. Lanyon Sr pretends not to notice this.
Unaware of Jekyll’s curse, he hated the idea of Hyde being affiliated with him and yet always so dangerously on the brink of exposing his identity as a wild witch, but so long as Hyde continues helping the Society stay afloat and doesn’t get caught, Lanyon keeps his thoughts to himself. That is, until the arson changes everything. While he helps sort out the paperwork and aids Jekyll in keeping the Society hidden, he is not close to any of the Lodgers and prefers to pretend he isn’t associated with them, mostly out of concern and to keep suspicion off him and by extension, his dear friend.
He has the most insane piercings too, with large gold spheres resembling Eda’s, along with two more piercings further up his ears.
also, minor thing but I've finally given this au a proper name lol, it's now called The Crow House after Jekyll's palisman, which is a crow! I've also updated the tag for it in my pinned post so not to worry!
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solverse · 1 year
Miscellanous Stroll. (ii)
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Quo; A scenario for Genshin characters! (SAGAU)
Characters; Traveler, Paimon, Nahida, Al Haitham, Tighnari, Collei, Nilou, Cyno, Faruzan Candace, Dehya, Kaveh and Cyno.
Notes; One of the old shots in my draft. This one is pretty long.
Disc; This is not a character study or anything else whatsoever. Purely self-indulgent.
The Creator/Guide is named Raphael.
[Miscellanous Stroll] ( i )
“ Are you sure this is a good idea? ” The Traveler questioned after a moment, sipping on their energy drink– they would not leave without that– and the Guide blinked, eyes wandering across the field in absolute certainty. 
“ Honestly, no. Someone might die, ” The Guide remarked casually, a flat look on their face. On the side, Nahida blinked before giggling and Raphael had half the mind to question why the tiny god was giggling at the prospect of death. At the least, someone would come out of this half-dead and traumatized for life. 
“ Have some faith in them! I think this would be a fantastic experience. ” Nahida said with enough enthusiasm that Raphael could be blindsided by it. But knowing them all, Raphael's doubt skyrocketed. 
“ Your Eminence, the arena is all set! ” Zuha, the assigned architect, called from the side. His face was etched with a smile that oozed confidence. 
The Guide hummed approvingly, following the architect as he chortled about the successful development of the arena. There were a few errors here and there– which they couldn't understand because it was just an arena –since they had never seen such a design but it didn't take more than a day or two to get the functions and necessities needed. 
A few other helpers were finishing up the field, checking the plates to make sure the arena was safe to use. 
Raphael placed their hands on their hips, huffing in content. Nahida peeked from behind their legs, curious green eyes peering at the unfamiliar sight. Although she was the God of Wisdom, the knowledge the Guide possessed was beyond hers. The Traveler and Paimon marveled from the side before Paimon's expression twisted into that of confusion. 
“ Uh, what is this arena for? ” the floating fairy questioned predictably. Raphael's body trembled and for a moment the others were quite concerned before the Guide burst out laughing in a villainous fashion. 
Then, they stopped to clear their throat. They reached into their pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. With an innocent smile, the Guide handed it to the Traveler, who glanced at it in suspicion. Once the Traveler took a look, it was actually a list of names. 
Then, with a shit-eating grin and sparkles around them, the Guide ushered the Traveler. “ Do me a favor, oh humbled Traveler and kidna– ehem, I mean, fetch these people. ” 
The Traveler didn't even hesitate the flat look they sent the Guide– who ushered them away even harder. 
Nahida sipped her milk tea, taking her time to swallow it down. Raphael glanced at her and she stared right back. She smiled and the Guide shivered. 
This gremlin– 
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It doesn't even take long– damn, the Traveler is good –for the affronted First Sage of Buer to kidna– ehem, bring over the listed people. Who were all very familiar people. All of them greeted the Guide as well as the Dendro Archon. Nahida looked quite pleased to be held up by the Guide. 
“ So, what have we been called here for? ” Surprisingly, it's Tighnari that broke the silence. Anyone would have expected it to be Dehya or Cyno considering the situation. Curious eyes immediately fell on the Guide. 
“ Easy. You're testing out one of my new projects. ” The Guide shrugged, pointing at the newly develop arena. All of them took a look at it and no one knew what it was about. Not even Kaveh, who was frowning. 
Raphael took a double look at the arena and decided to screw it, I'm telling them. “ Actually, you're playing it. ” The look of confusion just doubled and the Traveler coughed from the side in subtle amusement. 
“ Slipper Propeller. It's Slipper Propeller. ” 
Confusion turned into deep perplexity and slight concern. 
“ Oh, c'mon! ”
The Traveler cackled from the side. 
“ That aside, we're gonna start now– and yes, I will explain it– and yes, I know you're still mad about UNO, Cyno. ” Raphael raised a hand to stop the general, who glowered as he slowly put down his hand. Nilou patted his back good-naturedly. 
“ The game is really simple. There are two teams, each team will have a total of five people. There is gonna be a stand of slippers in the middle. ” The Guide explained, halting to stifle a laugh when they saw the look on everyone's face. 
“ The objective is to knock down that slipper stand. A team is given three chances to knock it down, if they fail to do so, the opposite team will get the chance to do so too. 
If the slippers dropped, the main group would start targeting and try to eliminate the opposite team using their own slippers. Victory is achieved whether the main group can eliminate everyone first or the other team can successfully rearrange the slipper stand. ” Raphael ended with a smile when they noticed the thoughtful look on all of the participants' faces. 
They couldn't help the internal villainous laugh they had. 
They ignored the look Nahida sent them. Or the one the Traveler gave. 
“ Sounds interesting. I certainly hadn't heard of this sort of game. ” Al Haitham spoke up with a thoughtful nod. He didn't seem that interested but there was an odd glint in his eyes.
Cyno sighed, “ It seemed that I've been subjected to one of your games, once more, Guide. ” he sounded resigned enough that Raphael almost felt bad for holding back their laugh. Almost. 
“ Well, I got a lot of free time so I don't mind playing it. Slippers Propeller, you called it? Definitely not a local game. ” Dehya commented, stretching her hands with a wistful grin. She was hooked the moment she heard the 'throwing slippers' part of the game. 
Wanderer snickered from the side, fixing his hat. “ I don't see the purpose of this game. Is this one of your needlessly past time? ” he glared and crossed his arms. The Guide blinked as they fixed Nahida's position in their arm. 
“ I mean, if you don't want to, the Tra– ” 
“ I never said that, did I? Stop putting words in my mouth. ” Wandered glowered with a discontent huff and Raphael just pinched the bridge of their nose in exasperation. 
“ I don't know how a scholar like myself would be able to provide for this game, unlike UNO– which I won all the rounds, thank you very much. ” Faruzan grinned smugly and showed a piece sign. Cyno grumbled from the side. Dehya still hasn't figured out how Al Haitham of all people was defeated. 
“ But I'll play since it has a pretty unique concept. ” Faruzan smiled cheerfully. The woman was an all out scholar and definitely not a game enthusiast but all the Guide's projects had been unexpectedly fun. Even something simple as a card game like UNO– which was different from TCG –was nice to play. 
Beating the shit out of General Mahamatra had its merits after all. 
“ It goes the same for us too. I think the game sounds really fun! And it's always nice to hang out with your friends! ” Nilou cheered, beaming with happiness. Collei had half the mind to cover her eyes. Tighnari and Candace nodded in agreement. Kaveh let out an enthusiastic 'Yes!'. 
Raphael melted in relief, “ Let's get started, shall we? ” The Guide led them into the well-polished arena. The excited architects and engineers all greeted them, no doubt there to see the result of their work. 
The arena was big for its size. The metal walls towered over them while leaving the ceiling open, the blue sky shining down on them. The arena was filled with plates of different kind, as well as a variety of symbols on them. In the middle was a giant circle, with the mentioned stand of slippers. 
The scene was kind of funny, actually. 
“ This is pretty big for a simple game of slippers throwing. ” Tighnari remarked as he touched the wall of the arena. The soothe of cold metal prickled his gloved hand. His ears were picking up the subtle sounds of gears and contraptions, layered somewhere in the arena. 
Wow, he could already tell where this was going. 
“ It's a simple slipper-throwing game, not the simplest slipper-throwing game. ” Raphael grinned at the flat look Tighnari sent them. “ Also, you can use your vision but no flying. ” Raphael sent a pointed look at Wanderer, who clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.
“ Anyway, look at the screen. Team members will be picked randomly. Don't curse me for this! ” 
All of them turned to the giant screen, placed high on the arena. Ah, right. Al Haitham recognized the polished and modernized version of crystallized screens, something that was achieved by a scholar when the Guide had gone on a rant about komputer and television. Al Haitham sure that wasn't the appropriate spelling but the Guide never really brought that topic up again. 
The screen rapidly cycled through their pictures– how the Guide got them Collei will never know –before it the face of Tighnari, Al Haitham, Wanderer, Collei, and Nilou– in order –on one side while the faces of Candace, Dehya, Cyno, Kaveh and Faruzan on the other side.
“ Why am I in a team with you? ” Wanderer grimaced at Al Haitham, who didn't even glance at him. The scribe looked at the screen and nodded, resigned at the decision. Nilou glanced at the two in slight panic, the both of them in a team could either be the most wonderful or the most disastrous thing. 
“ Well, it's not the worst. ” Dehya shrugged once she saw her teammates. One look from Candace immediately had her backtracking her words. Faruzan watched from the side in amusement. But then she sweatdropped once she noticed the murderous look on Cyno's face. 
She gave a concerned glance at Kaveh, who shrugged his shoulders. 
“ Stop flirti– fighting! Let's start! ” The Guide called out and the teams got on their respective side. A plate opened before three slippers shot up and Cyno grabbed them. He gave the other two to Candace and Dehya. 
The two teams got ready, eyes locked onto the slipper stand in the middle– like a predator targeting its prey. They weren't taking their eyes off before– 
“ Also, there are all kinds of traps! Enjoy! ” 
–Well, shit. 
The screen on Team A turned green, signaling the start. Cyno didn't hesitate to throw his slipper right away, but sadly it missed the stand. He hissed in disappointment while Kaveh did his attempt. He also failed.
It was when Candace threw her slippers that it succesfully knocked down the stand, sending Team B into a minor panic as they scrambled around the arena.
Cue the slippers throwing.
“ Slow down on the slippers, god damn it! ” Wanderer complained as he ducked when three different slippers barely missed him. Seriously, what kind of game is this?
“ Remember, if you get hit, you're eliminated! ” Nahida reminded with a cute wave of her hand, still contented to be held up by the Guide.
Cyno narrowed his eyes and threw a slipper with an ample amount of strength– with that alone, you would think he was aiming for a killer shot –but Al Haitham skidded to the side to dodge it. The scribe just glance at the general as he run across the arena.
Team B all rushed to the center of the arena while keeping their distance from Team A, who all looked like they out for blood with all the slippers flying around.
“ This is... weird. ” The Traveler stated awkwardly.
“ Very weird, you mean. ” Paimon corrected.
“ This is what fun looks like. ” The Guide laughed and Nahida patted their shoulder.
The Traveling Duo deadpanned. “ No– ”
“ –This is hell! Stop moving, god– WHAT THE– ” Kaveh's blaring voice caught their attention. He attempted to get Tighnari and right before he threw the slipper, a burst of smoke hit him straight in the face. He shrieked in surprise, the trap ruining his aim.
Tighnari didn't even hide the smile on his face as he got to the center. He quickly tried to assembled the slipper stand but retreated when a barrage of slippers came his way– was that even allowed? He stepped on a plate and it glowed green.
Tighnari had the split second chance to lament his choice to play this game before a blast of Anemo energy sent him flying up. He yelped in surprise. The plate flipped to its other side and Tighnari thankfully landed on a trampoline.
He quickly ran away when Kaveh started chasing him with a slipper like an asian mum chasing her kid when they failed Math.
Nilou huffed as she dodge another slipper. The game was starting to get really chaotic now. She should have trusted her gut, especially when the project involves the Guide. But the game was turning out to be fun and Nilou didn't expect to find it so enjoyable!
No one had been pointedly targetting Nilou yet, as admittedly, she was as fast as the others. But they noticed that she was getting really close to the center. That's why Dehya was onto her.
Nilou was definitely not panicking. Certainly not! What made you think so?
Dehya narrowed her eyes dangerously as she prepared her aim–
– Okay, maybe Nilou was definitely panicking.
The slipper came piercing like a rocket and Nilou had half the mind to ask whether Dehya was trying to kill her or not. She would have been hit if the plate she stepped on hadn't shot up like a tower, eliciting a surprised shriek from Nilou.
The slipper harmlessly hit the metal tower and Dehya stare.
“ What the hell? That's cheating! ”
“ Be honest, were trying to kill me or some– Hey, why are you running away?! ”
Wanderer snickered as he dodged another futile attempt from Candace– who was getting kinda competitive now. He stepped on another plate and noticed the symbol glowing.
He bristled out some Anemo energy to escape but the plate suddenly disappeared and gravity snatched him down. Wandered was sent sliding through multiple underground tunnels until he was thrown out from a different opening.
 Luckily, it send him right to the middle.
He landed gracefully, professional hands quickly rearranging the slippers. He was almost done when he had to move as a slipper shot right past his previous position. Wanderer glowered at the culprit and Faruzan just grinned.
Collei shrieked as a particular strong throw of a slipper dangerously missed. If that had hit hurt, not only would it eliminate her, it would literally knock her out too.
She screeched even louder when she realized who was targeting her. “ AHHH– Mercy, Mister Cyno! ” the young girl cried out. Cyno perked up and Collei started to regret every decision she made up until now.
“ Oh? You're welcome. ” Cyno stated with a serious nod and Collei groaned audibly. She could ever hear Master Tighnari groaned and he's all the way on the other side.
“ Well, you see in Fontaine– ”
“ Stop your stupid puns, General. ”
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moviesludge · 15 days
tagged by @thechurchofsplatterdaysaints
Do you make your bed? Not usually, but oddly enough I did during covid. Something about doing it then made sense to me but I haven't really thought about it. And then I did it when my ex used to nag me about it. I do it sometimes.
Fave number? Don't really care now but I used to like 13 and 14.
What's your job? Unemployed. Would like to be employed but refuse to work a job I hate unless I have no other option. The stress of my last job sucked bad. I help my family though (parents and sister), and there's a lot to do. My dad does absolutely everything and he's 70, so you know. Shit will be changing sooner than later.
Go back to school? I'm not ruling it out.
Can you parallel park? I can. It's weird too, because the first time I ever did it was completely out of necessity and it was a dark night and it was a really small space too. I couldn't believe it when I did it the first time. And I don't consider myself that good of a driver.
Job you had that would surprise people? I guess the most surprising maybe is call center supervisor for eharmony. Or Blockbuster? I dunno.
Aliens real? I feel like the scope of the universe makes this a certainty and it amazes me how many people think it's a ridiculous idea. Talk about main character syndrome!
Can you drive stick? I never had the means to even learn
Guilty pleasure? Eating stuff I know I'm not supposed to (very sparingly!)
Tattoos? no but I think about it sometimes. I feel like I'd get sick of it no matter what it was.
Fave color? too many. earthtones and ryb are up there.
Fave type of music? probably all the stuff in the post-punk/new wave/no wave/power pop sphere. I'm picky about metal, but when I like something I like it a lot. Also been finding out there's a fair amount of rap stuff I dig. I really like soul and funk music and some oldies (50s & 60s, not modern oldies which are 80s).
Do you like puzzles? Word/mind shit, trivia, board games, etc. Yeah I love Jeopardy and I subscribe to NYT games. I do the crosswords, wordle, strands, spelling bee, and connections games every day. I also like nonagrams and I'll do a sudoku once in a while.
Phobias? just making it in the world, especially when my parents are gone. My parents getting sick and/or dying. Climate change causing a global food supply collapse in my lifetime. The U.S. falling fully into fascism. Basically things that are all certain to happen sooner or later
Favorite childhood sport? Basketball and baseball. Never liked playing soccer or football.
Talk to yourself? Yeah mostly when I'm irritated about something.
Movies you adore? Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Evil Dead II, Speed Racer, Starship Troopers, Black Christmas, Bad Santa, My Cousin Vinny, Tremors, Gremlins 2, Better Off Dead, Big Trouble In Little China, Boxer's Omen, Terrorvision, etc
Coffee or Tea? both, but mostly coffee. I tried chai tea recently though and I like it a lot.
1st thing you wanted to be when grew up? The way my mind is, I didn't really think about things this way. All I remember desiring as a kid about being an adult was being on even ground with other adults and being given basic respect instead of being treated like a little kid. Like I wanted to sit on the couch and have my feet touch the floor. I wondered what my face would look like as an adult. The idea of a far off future job was irrelevant to me.
tagging @donnerpartyofone @steamedtangerine @jesusismyhostage
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everf-redesign · 5 months
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Apple Crumble Redesign!
Apple Crumble is a member of the Apple Family, we only see her in reunions so we can presume she lives out of town. I'd like to say she lives around Dodge Junction. She has little wild west child gremlin energy idk 😂
When she does get her cutie mark, it will likely be related to baking, specifically apple-related treats. She'll probably barter baked goods for other necessities, maybe even traveling around the other nearby towns to sell her goods.
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