#a lamb roast lmao
choking-on-roses · 7 months
I inadvertently have to eat like a king for the next two weeks because I'm moving and I need to use up all the fine meats I was saving in the freezer for a special occasion
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johannestevans · 8 months
always curious what people's like. staple meals and regular meals are
like the meals you regularly cook a few times in a month, for yourself or your family as well
bc for me it's like
bacon sandwiches. basic.
garlic bread
baked feta with peppers & tomatoes, oregano, olive oil, a bit of lemon juice
the lidl potato gratin with peppers, tomatoes, and spinach mixed in, again normally with olive oil and some cheese
roast chicken with roasted potatoes and root vegetables, normally carrots and parsnips
pork souvlakia, chunks of usually belly pork or chop on kebab sticks and oven grilled with or without chunks of pepper and tomato
dolmades, vine leaves stuffed with stewed rice
chicken risotto made with chicken stock on a base of butter with spring onions and bacon to toast the rice with
pasta with chicken pieces with a tomato-based sauce w more cheese and vegetables
a "greek salad" with some modifications - chunks of cucumber, tomato, red and yellow pepper, spinach leaves, red onion or spring onions, garlic granules, and then olive oil and feta chunks
parchment pastry scrolls, a spread of pastry smeared with tomato purée or similar chutney, cheese, bacon, vegetables, or mushrooms, and then cut into discs and baked
homemade burgers with beef or lamb mince, tiny chopped onions, egg, honey as a binding agent, and then fried hopefully to eat with slices of cheddar or leerdammer, bacon, and pickles/cornichons
i made a kouneli stifado a while back (whole rabbit cut into chunks, slow cooked with potatoes and root vegetables, onions, red wine, stock, etc) that i want to do more regularly bc a whole rabbit is a fiver and it feeds a LOT of people
then obvs like. various oven cooked things i don't modify, like prawn tempura or frozen calamari, etc
because i've moved and haven't set up my rice cooker or got my short grain rice again, and bc i don't have a new deep fat fryer yet, i'm not cooking like, my fresh cut chips, or maki rolls and onigiri, or a meal i'd regularly do of just like. fried eggs on rice and stuff
i used to make lasagnes more regularly and i'd like to go back to that, esp bc like... i love making latkes and once we have a nice wide frying pan it will be nice to do that more regularly, and my big thing atm is that i want to learn to cook with some new ingredients
i want to learn to do more and more interesting stuff with coconut and pineapple, i want to do more like. kormas and other diff curries, i want more green vegetables, esp asparagus and broccoli
i want to cook more with different fish and sea food bc i know i desperately need the oil for my fucked up joints and brain, i want to break more breads and savoury things, esp garlic and tearaway breads
esp bc like. my body's capacity for red meat is fucking terrible lmao, i want more fibre and less heavy protein from red meat at once so i don't just utterly eviscerate my guts lmao
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brain-rot-central · 4 months
What’s A!astarion’s favourite food now he can eat again ?
(Btw have you tried Mac and cheese pizza it’s wild )
I see AA's favorite dish probably being a roasted leg of lamb, cooked rare. Potatoes, carrots -- the whole thing, paired with a nice Cabernet or Pinot Noir.
And yes, I have had mac & cheese pizza. It's absolutely divine but my body hates me the next day lmao
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Hey babe! Not 1975 related but I'm just curious.
What's your favourite dish from childhood? Or just from middle Eastern cuisine in general? I'm currently trying to branch out from the ones I know (mostly Persian, Uzbek and afghani food) and I was wondering if there was anything specific to your culture or family that you liked? I've been trying to get in Palestinian and Jordanian food more recently as well.
Oh man how long do you have? We could discuss this forever hahaha.
Okay so, my favorite childhood dish is probably freekeh. (It also comes in a soup type thing and while the soup is good, it’s not AS good as the main dish.) it’s relatively easy to make for a skilled cook like yourself I think.
It’s a specific kind of green wheat cooked and then you serve it with a roasted chicken (or lamb or beef if that’s what you prefer). So think like quinoa, couscous, etc. sort of a grain bowl situation. Here’s the trick! Do NOT skip out on the garnish. The garnish is what brings it together. A bit of parsley goes on top. Toasted pine nuts (my grandma would also toast almonds and cashews sometimes). It’s usually served with a cucumber yogurt dip. Similar to a tzatziki vibe. Absolutely life changing.
The most important Jordanian dish and actually the most important part of being Jordanian is Mansaf. This one is a bit tougher only cuz I don’t know if you can buy blocks of fermented yogurt in England lmao. They look like rocks and you usually gotta soak them in water overnight then blend them up into a sauce. I’ve never been able to buy them here in the US, but ethnic markets usually have them in sauce format, jarred or in packaging of some sort. It’s called “Jameed” and it’s what you pour over a dish of roasted lamb and white rice. Again with the garnish. Same as with freekeh parsley and toasted pine nuts. The way that the jameed tenderizes everything and then the crunch of the nuts….ohhh man 💗 this one is quite culturally significant. It’s what we serve at weddings, family gatherings, important events, or like when in-laws come to visit or whatever. Literal feuds in between villages have been started over whose Mansaf is better and who has the better fermented jameed. A couple once divorced over it I shit you not. I mean they had bigger issues in addition to the mansaf but yeah lmao
I hope that was helpful though I feel like I just overwhelmed you.
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Story: 3 out of 5 Smut: 5 out of 5
Normally I love bully romances or romances where the male love interests are unapologetic assholes, but there was just something about these three heathens that ALMOST made me dnf this book. Fortunately, I didn't, and I ended up liking the story well enough.
Romina is the most innocent and pure individual, and I wanted to protect her at all costs. Then I realized she had to learn what she liked, and I realized she fit in rather well with the heathens after all. The overturning of Roe V. Wade and the punishment of doctors was a little too real, and I'd never rooted for devil worshippers more than I had when I read this book.
Some of the spice was questionable, especially given how innocent Romina is in the beginning, and then it was downright filthy towards the end.
I might not have liked it as much as I thought I would, but I still recommend others to read it.
Now enjoy my ramblings..
* “You call out God’s name one more time while I’m between your legs, even he won’t be able to save you, little lamb.” — THE FIRST FUCKING SENTENCE, are you kidding me?! 😂
* Father Frollo can eat a dick.
* Holy fuck! These three little shits just bought the chapel.. the chapel where Frollo is hiding Romina!
* Damn.. these dudes are dicks. Poor Romina 😬
* Goddamn. He really just pulled her into his face and ate her out, huh 😏
* Now that the boys know the truth of her living situation, they’re PISSED!
* So Corvin is the only one holding out. Felix is okay, a little obsessed and very much protective while Sonny is just a plain dick.
* I like Reesa sticking up for Romina about the “bad touch”. Too bad Romina loves their touching tho 😂
* Sonny “called” Romina? Wtf is going on?
* I normally love the guys being assholes, but Romina is too pure/innocent to be given this treatment. Idk how I feel about this book.
* That cemetery scene.. I’m just.. at a loss for words 😳
* I’m noticing an uptick of girls getting fucked with the hilt of a knife 😂 Is everyone in crack?
* And goddamn, Sonny! Did you really have to tell Romina you didn’t like her after she had to use her safe word with you? What a dick. I hope Corvin is the first one to fuck her.
* She Arlan Black’s granddaughter?! I fucking knew it.
* Yesssss! Corvin fucked her first lmao.
* Oh no. They told her about Arlan.
* And fuck you, Frollo. I can’t believe you’re giving her an exorcism. You’re so fucked, dude.
* Now fuck you, Sonny, for kicking her out! I just hope Reesa is a decent human being.
* Ohhhh. Poor Romina 🥺 Can we let this girl be happy please?! She doesn’t deserve this.
* Well at least the boys realized they fucked up and took her back in.
* These Escura boys, man.. 🥵 She was the main dish in their spot roast 😂
* Alright, who the fuck tranqed Sonny?
* Oh fuck that dude. I’m so glad they killed him.
* Holy shit. The old man wants them to marry?!
* Aww. He was a virgin lol.
* She bound herself to them!!
* Frollo got what he deserved.
* And Romina got what she deserved as well. The heathens who will worship her until their time is up.
* I can’t believe they got married 😭
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sanguine-salvation · 11 months
Do they like horror movies? If so, what are their favorites?
How do they react to scares or frights? Do they laugh, get nervous, or not react at all?
What would do if they encountered something supernatural on Halloween?
Are they brave enough to venture into a haunted house?
How would they deal with a zombie situation or Halloween apocalypse?
What are their favorite Halloween foods or treats?
Do they like horror movies? If so, what are their favorites?
Viktor LOVES horror movies, they are absolutely a fan. They're always the one grinning at the watch parties, and they love to poke the scaredy-cats during the tension-building moments for kicks. Their favorites are the Hellraiser series (though they have some opinions™ about certain entries, just get them going, watch), Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon as a double feature, Friday the 13th (Jason did nothing wrong), a couple of the Saw movies, and The Ritual.
How do they react to scares or frights? Do they laugh, get nervous, or not react at all?
If something genuinely scares them? They laugh. Viktor has had a nervous laugh for basically their entire life, and it's the telltale way to tell that they're actually spooked by something, just this uncontrollable little bout of laughter.
What would do if they encountered something supernatural on Halloween?
Gonna be real, at this point like half the people they know are supernatural. They'd just be like "Huh. 'tis the season, I suppose."
Unless it's ghosts. Ghosts freak them out most of the time, as the idea of someone not being freed by death and living on forever in a torturous un-life combats their very strongly held beliefs that Death is the ultimate mercy and freedom. This has very, very, very few exceptions.
The exception is really just Amity, tbh, and even she knows she can spook them still.
Are they brave enough to venture into a haunted house?
lmao, so about those ghosts
But they honestly still would, especially if dared. Just because something scares them doesn't mean they're unwilling to venture in, and to them it'd be a sort of confronting reality thing. That would inevitably still scare the shit out of them if they then actually saw a ghost.
How would they deal with a zombie situation or Halloween apocalypse?
A zombie apocalypse isn't all that different from how they see the world as it is, so they'd probably be that one bastard who is mostly unfazed or just really well-adjusted to a horrifying new reality. They'd have no problem hunting down zombies for what they would consider 'mercy kills' the same as any other, but would be outright adamant that they be put down if they even came close to a living undeath like that.
Though, the mere idea of being trapped in a state like that might have them even more on edge than usual.
What are their favorite Halloween foods or treats?
Oh man, Viktor has a demon of a sweet tooth. So, most everything. They love anything chocolate, apple cider, they contend that this is the only acceptable time for caramel apples, and they are absolutely the monster that downs boxes of red hots. Fresh roasted pumpkin seeds are also a favorite snack.
Also if it's any goofy little snack made to look spooky (like 'zombie fingers' and 'bloody vampire' cupcakes and 'grave dirt') that is a massive bonus. Some part of them not so deep down is so here for morbid kitsch.
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tozettastone · 2 years
re-reading Kabu atm and im like damn... that sounds like some good soup.... so here I am to ask if you have any soup recipe recommendations!
I feel like my toxic trait might be taking this at face value, even though I know Itachi poisons himself and eats dirt in Kabu LMAO.
Here are my soup suggestions, although I am not sure what quantities or temperatures I really use since I'm more of a home cook than a person who meticulously documents these things. There's lots of other soups to make as well. This is just what I cook at home.
roast pumpkin, garlic and onions until they're soft and then get the flesh from the skins of these veggies and process them with just enough water til they're smooth and then put it on a saucepan and add cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. then you can just heat it through on the stove so everything's the right temperature to eat.
roasting a bunch of tomatoes and garlic (keep the skin on) in the oven and then adding vegetable stock and a little cream and pureeing it on the stove top. you can add chillies to this and it works well also
chop up some brown onion, cloves of garlic, carrot(s) and celery, put them in a big pot and cook them on low with some butter and pancetta or bacon, ideally not the smoked kind. Cover it with stock and a tin of tomatoes. Add some other vegetables you like at a time relative to how long they need to cook (eg., potatoes must be earlier, but zucchini later, you know) add beans—tinned beans can go in late, dried need to go in early. I think most people serve this with conchiglie pasta, the one in shell shapes. but like. sky's the limit. use macaroni or risoni, what does it matter. if you have coeliac disease use rice.
basically any combination of onion, garlic, carrots and celery cut up very finely and cooked very low in oil or butter for a while will make a good base for. soup. bolognaise. you know. I do this often and then the next step is "add stuff I like" and "cook it until it's cooked".
onion, garlic and bacon also a great soup base. you can saute this in fats like rice bran oil or butter (or use the fat rendered from the bacon) and then just add stock, tinned pureed tomatoes and a heap of chilli and cook it down until it is thick and eat it with cheese. although. this isn't like. health food.
yesterday evening I had leek, carrot, potato, garlic and parsnip soup with lots of black pepper. you have to wash leeks after you cut them up instead of before, sometimes, to get all the dirt out of the layers. you can just saute them, add everything else, add water and a stock cube and puree this too (when everything is tender, obviously). This is a very mild soup, though. If you think potato and leek soup tastes like nothing you won't like this either.
more pureed soup: try 2 carrot, 1 leek and 1 medium potato with a lot of fresh ginger and chicken stock. The carrots are sweet so it has a nice ginger-sweet taste
I like to make sliced red onion, birds eye chillies (or similar medium-hot ones, I guess—habaneros work too), rice noodles, roughly chopped coriander leaves and 2 baby pak choy (like leeks, you have to make sure these are well cleaned because dirt gets between the leafy layers) with a broth that's 1:1 stock (any stock) and water + dash of fish sauce, little bit of vinegar, some sliced ginger. you can add rice noodles and a poached egg.
if you have a tin of coconut milk you can add some of that to the soup above with some lime zest instead of vinegar. the fish sauce kind of subs in for shrimp paste you'd usually use in that kind of coconutty soup. you need to taste it to make sure the coconut/savoury/chilli/acid is working in your favour though.
cook off some diced onion, garlic, carrot and celery in oil at very low heat with some stirring to make sure it won't catch on the bottom, then add a lamb shank, some bay leaves, 2 large potatoes cut into roughly even chunks, and a tin of tomatoes, cover all with water, salt to taste, cover pot and simmer on low until the meat falls off the bone (hours). potato chunks need to be large enough to retain some integrity by the time the meat is done, so if they're smaller or you like smaller chunks add them later. make sure you fish the bony bits and the bay leaves out before you eat it though. you can do this with cheaper, tougher cuts of other red meat that need long cooking. if they don't have the bones and joints in you can add stock
this takes ages, but if you have a slow cooker and a roast chicken or bony bits of a roast you've carved the meat off you can just add veggies for flavour, like, onions, carrots, celery, bay leaves, parsley, peppercorns or whatever other herbs you personally like, cover with water, salt, and leave it covered and plugged in while you're at work or something (obviously don't do this with your oven or a burner if you're going to be out. but that's what slow cookers are good for i guess) and then when you come back you can strain everything out with a colander and have litres your own very good broth for adding to everything so you can just slice up whatever vegetables you like and make whatever fast soup going forward. It freezes well for a few months. It's good value for getting the most out of the meats you eat, if you eat them. you can get something like this out, bring it to a boil, add thinly sliced vegetables and rice noodles and have dinner on the table in like 10 minutes.
I like going to the supermarket and seeing what pre-sliced vegetables they give you in packages. I struggle managing energy. There's a package of finely cut up veggies that my local supermarket stocks. It's 400g carrot, celery, leek, turnip, parsnip, broccoli, cauliflower and parsley. If you rinse it, dump it in a pot, cover it with water, add a stock cube and then bring it to a boil before lowering it to a simmer for, like, 10–15 minutes, you can use a stick blender and add pepper and it's easy and you didn't have to think about anything. adding cream or a chopped potato will make it more filling.
laziest option that still feels like cooking: miso paste, simmering water, rice noodles, fresh chopped chilli. I'm sure it's not how you're meant to use miso paste but they sell it to me at the grocery store anyway.
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lupismaris · 1 year
top 5 best meals you've ever had (so far) - seriously the way you talk about foods/restaurants in your area has me intrigued
Oh Lords okay we're going to stick SPECIFICALLY to meals in my area (Baltimore) and recent meals because if i were to bring in places I've traveled and go back past years the list would go on forever lmao
In no particular order-
Cosima- for my birthday last year we went to our local favorite Sicilian restaurant and had mussels with spicy Italian sausage and broth, a pizza to share with scallops/bacon/chili oil, I had the duck breast with yam puree and cranberry confit, and they brought us a limoncello tiramisu for dessert. The drink parings were an Italian golden ale and an amaro Manhattan.
Lamb tajine - i made this myself in the traditional clay tajine my bf got me for Christmas. We take half a leg of lamb, dice and marinade it in olive oil and Ras Al hanut, then brown it in a skillet. Once that's browned you add yams, beets, onions, figs, carrots, about two cups of beef broth, and a cup of red wine. Let it simmer for ten minutes then carefully ladle it into the warmed tajine, which should have been brought to temp in the oven. It cooks at 300° for about three hours or so, occasionally adding water if it gets too dry. It's excellent with pita and saffron rice.
Petit Louis - after i got out of my recent cancer treatment and isolation we went for dinner to my favorite french place here in Baltimore. It's a classic bistro style place with dusty mirrors and red leather seats and wine bottles on the wall. Their best deal is the prix fixe lunch they do from 11-2pm but i can't get away with it all the time. We shared the Pâte de campagne, had a glass of wine each to pair with our main courses, and i got the roast lamb, which was some of the best I've had in a while. And yes i treated myself to a pot of chocolate mousse and a glass of Armagnac for dessert.
Neopol Smokery - this is the smokery/deli I've been talking about a lot recently they have a store front set up in an open market and visit a few farmers markets where you can get their prepared salmon filets, pies, grav lox, and more. The smokery in the market however makes some of the best sandwiches I've had and they also have smoked mussels, duck confit, salmon plates, all kind of daily rotating offerings for lunch and dinner and the staff are phenomenal, everything you want out of the old school deli you become a regular at.
Mason's Lobster Rolls- look. I do not live in New England. I know that. Our lobster will not compare. These are however the only lobster rolls i will eat outside of New England. They do them every still, CT/Bar Harbor/RI, and have a few soup options as well. It's pricey as good seafood usually is, but it's filling and delicious so i tend not to mind as a treat. Also fantastic crew running the show.
Honorable mentions
Wet City Brewing - great drinks, great brisket poutine, excellent vibes. Highly recommended for hanging out and getting some food after a long day though parking will be a headache.
Di Pasquale's - old school Italian deli and market that is so old school Al Capone once did their book keeping as a teenager. Yes it's actually true the owner has the old employee registers from his grandfather hung up on the back wall of the new store. The sandwiches are stunning, the arancini are authentic, the cannoli are worth getting two. Tied with Pastore's for my favorite Italian deli (the latter is closer to work).
Clark Burger - great burgers, great poutine, next to a vintage 1920s movie theater that routinely shows golden age classics alongside new films. My favorite local burger joint.
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pinchan · 2 years
i wonder if jjk is gonna end by 2023 or by the end or whatever now that we reached 200 chaps, it seems to be going pretty fast imo - do u have any opinion on which characters will end up dead and which alive cause i remember author saying either all die, one survives or vice versa?
yeah it is going pretty fast. i think it really depends if the international armies would be a new major threat or just another ingredient in kenny's chaos soup. if it's god forbid the former then a year feels like it wouldn't be enough to tidy up the major plot points, but if it's the latter then it sounds more plausible
gege said that about megumi i think ToT and it'd be undeniably tragic either way. but i don't see a satisfying way the story could be finished if gege come through with either ending. itd just feel... odd, yknow? i really feel like yuta dying would fit right into gege's narrative formula, but if we go by gege's word of "megumi or all" then that means maki would also die and i dont want that LMAO especially since cursed energy has been described as chains and is pretty much the source of suffering for the sorcerers, with tsukumo wanting to erase CE for good, maki surviving would be really important to that ambition and role, being the only one alive free of the shackles of CE
then again he's kinda abandoned his narrative formula in culling game and then direct negotiation arc... the latter really threw a brick in the whole foundation gege built
my only prediction boils down to yuta dying. maki HAS to live. i don't want yuji to die but i also don't want his survival to be too easy and feeling like an ass-pull. i also don't want gojo to die but it'd make sense. i'd sacrifice him to gege like a roasted lamb if it means we're getting more of tsukumo
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lionews · 1 year
Lamb asker; yeah, I did get lucky last year lmao. I got two within the first day of the event. Hence why I was stupid enough to believe I could gather enough for both my main and side this year. Silly me ig. Usually I skip March/April because I don’t breed for muts so don’t need the roasted lambs for Feb, and don’t really care for the March/April decor.
We have one account with mask on, and one with mask off.
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desertsandsnstarrysky · 9 months
Hi friend! I walked around nyc yesterday and I am EXHAUSTED lmao. I'm possibly going to doodle Israel today during my self care drawing time, maybe her hanging out with my persona and trying treats or foods from each other's cultures 🥺! Anyways I hope you have a great day today 💕💕💕💕
Oh I hope you enjoyed yourself and stayed warm! And I hope you had a lot of fun~
You’ll have to tell me what all you did! Would love to hear.
Also, I definitely gotta say her and your persona hanging out and snacking would be a cute and awesome little drawing idea, I wonder what foods this would pick 🤔 I think Israel would try and offer bagels with hummus on them and maybe falafel. And maybe some roasted lamb kebabs as well~I wonder what your persona will give her to try.
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annwayne · 1 year
🍕 🧊 💀
For Alice and Dove! ❤
Thanks for the ask Boo <3
🍕 What is their favorite food?
I'm thinking because Alice is away from Earth, she really misses fruits and veggies, so those have become her favorite foods. Golden Potatoes and strawberries especially.
For Dove, because of her job I think she's eaten really fancy meals all over the world. Roasted lamb chops, Alaskan Salmon, and Macarons are some of her favorites.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Mmm I think so? Alice doesn't have a tone of art yet, but I think their design has remained the same.
Dove is still kind of shaky. I think her design will change, likely will add more tattoos and scars to her. She needs to be more gruff looking lol.
💀 Does your OC have any phobias?
Oooh this is hard... Well, I wouldn't call it a phobia exactly, but Alice does start out very scared of Wraith. They don't go out in the field very often, so Alice's interactions with Wraith start off limited to Todd when he and Atlantis team up lol. I think a strict phobia... Fear of abandonment? Lmao there's a reason she left Earth.
Oh yeah. Dove's got a lot to be scared of, but most of all she fears failure. In her line of work, a mistake could cost a life. And often, it's not just her life in risk.
OC ask game.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
New Year for the ask post
Do you enjoy cooking?
I do!! For the longest time I was slightly afraid of cooking just because I don't exactly want to burn myself lmao but after watching cooking with Flo a million times and more, I started doing small things and worked my way to bigger meals. Apparently I can make a really banging roast lamb, so that's a plus!
My question for you is: December
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fuckyeahfoodfantasy · 5 years
it amuses me so much that croissant is canonically a lightweight 
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luminous-letters · 2 years
hello, may I please request a short blurb about sebek with a flirtatious crush? they're shooting pick up lines, courting him in briar valley tradition, holding his hand, so on
any gender is ok idc lmao
the man would melt I JUST know it
many thanks!
Thank you for sending in an ask! ✨
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Sebek Zigvolt certainly had a tough and cold exterior put up. A brash and loud-mouthed knight with an ever-present frown plastered on his face. But even the most ferocious of lions, in this case crocodile, could be tamed. You made it your personal mission to dust his alabaster skin with pink, at least he thought so.
Many times a day like clockwork, you'd tell him an overly cheesy pick-up line, you'd clasp a warm hand around his or you'd even leave him some homemade meals.
Of course Sebek paid it no mind! His full attention is devoted to Lord Malleus, he is a valiant and worthy retainer of his Lord. And he won't be swayed by a few honeyed words and coy gestures!
Or so he thought. Most of the time he'd find himself speechless and blushing, almost entranced. He'd sputter out butchered sentences while covering his flushed rosy cheeks. And he blames you for making him fall for your human antics.
You'd offer him lunchboxes on lunchboxes of meals. It usually ranged from sweet meat cutlets, to savory roasted lamb, to sweet pastries for dessert. "Hmph, it's...decent." But in reality, he wanted to scream that each bite was a heavenly pleasure that graced his taste buds.
You'd sneak flowers into every nook and cranny that he came across. Between books, in his bag, his seat, and even his pockets without him noticing. He wondered if you actually knew Briar Valley's tradition of courtship or if it was a mere coincidence.
"Your lips look a tad lonely, Sebek. Mind if I..."
"Lonely? What?" His thoughts immediately came to a halt the moment a pair of warm lips met his. "..." For a moment he went blank, the gears in his head turned and churned, desperately trying to stop himself from turning into a lovestruck mess.
"WHAT?? YOU...Y-YOU YOU?! YOU! You....you kissed me...?" Sebek's loud voice rang in the midsummer afternoon air. "What? Want me to do it again?" You remarked, so smug, so sure and confident. So enchantingly romantic.
"....yes...WAIT. NO! THAT WAS...— That was...um, it was nice." He still resisted, looking sideways to avoid your lovingly haunting face. The afterglow cast an orange hue on his alabaster turned scarlet face. "Stop it, human. Erm, anyways. I have duties to attend to! S-so...see you later, I guess." He waved off, secretly gushing when he knew you wouldn't see his face anymore.
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jilliannotfound · 4 years
cc!tommyinnit x reader of them calling him cute pls ty have a lovely day
TommyInnit x GN!Reader
Summary: Request
Warnings: Language
A/N: Hi! This fic is incredibly British lmao, I took inspiration from Tommy’s actual stream on the origins smp. It’s a bit short but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Although Y/N wasn’t a streamer, it wasn’t rare to find them playing with friends that streamed. Today was no different as they were playing on the origins smp with a bunch of the members as they all explored their new abilities, hopping around different vc’s making their appearance in everyone's streams.
Y/N had chosen the phantom origin with Wilbur so they were working on their phantom haunted mansion together while Niki, Tubbo, and Ranboo built their own houses around each other.
They had gone on the hunt for supplies for themself and Wilbur when they stumbled upon buried treasure while mining some sand.
“Oh!” they exclaimed, opening the chest seeing the riches they had just earned.
Y/N has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
“Already?” Wilbur asked, seeing the achievement in chat.
“I found buried treasure! Oh my... Tommy is going to be so happy! I found a disc!”
<Y/N> Tommy
<Y/N> Where are you
<TommyInnit> No
<Y/N> I’m going to stream snipe you dickhead
They pulled up his stream on their other monitor and saw that he and Jack were scaling a mountain nearby and decided to mess with them.
Y/N fazed through the mountain making sure to avoid the lava and hit both parties, confusing them.
“Ahh, there’s ghosts! We’re being haunted Jack!” Tommy screamed with a thicker accent than normal as Y/N hid invisibly following them.
When Jack stopped to place down a furnace, Y/N opened it and waited for the first piece of mutton to cook, instantly taking it and going underground to eat.
“They’re stealing me lamb chops! That was for me roast, me Sunday bloody roast!” Jack exclaimed in an exaggerated accent.
“Fuck your lamb chops, we’re out.” Tommy said and they headed to spawn, finding an open area and building up to place his bed.
Y/N continued invisibly following them, listening to their conversation through Tommy’s stream.
They punched Jack off of the tower as soon as he right-clicked the bed and then joined the call to be greeted with Jack yelling as he fell to his death.
“You’re fucking lucky I set me spawn or we’d be havin’ a brawl.”
They laughed at how insane he sounded and as the sun faded away they turned off ghost mode, finally being seen by their two friends.
“Why did you build this tower?” They asked.
“Have to sleep in the sky, I do.” Tommy said, continuing with the accent.
“I have a gift for you!” They said crouching in front of his character and throwing the blue-centered disc at him.
A gasp left his mouth and they looked over at the now muted stream to see his face.
“Thank you!”
“Oi how come you threw a fuss when I gave you a disc?” Jack questioned.
“It was a shit disc, mate.”
“Hey! It is not a shit disc. You’re just happy about this disc because of who gave it to you…”
“N- no, I just, I really like this disc.” Tommy stuttered and Y/N saw him blushing on stream.
“You’re so cute!” They said and he instantly became flustered.
“Shut up.” He said trying to divert the conversation.
It was funny to make him flustered like this and they’d definitely make sure to call him cute more often.
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