#a little haphazardly made cause i really wanted to finish this now so in the evening i can work on the day 4
jestroer · 10 months
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@redscapeweek Day 3 - Diamonds!
Tall guys also need to sit on laps!
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I Like Your Blood On My Teeth Just A Little Too Much - 17
You're a former military, career oriented security executive who has made quite the living for yourself- but it has always been lacking. Your non-committal attitude has led you down a playgirl lifestyle, never really settling. What happens when your new boss throws you a curveball, and as a result? You end up hopelessly involved with a Hollywood starlet.
A/N: Short chapter, with the weight of it all. TW- torture/abuse, brief mention of coma, blood. Definite angst.
1.8K Word Count
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CH 17 : A Pebble in the Water Makes a Ripple Effect
You sat, head drooped, chin resting on your chest in the middle of the kitchen to your apartment. Waters had sufficiently made himself at home since it seemed you weren’t going to be getting any relief anytime soon. No one had shown up to your apartment like you had asked of Kris, and you were beginning to spiral, wondering if anyone would ever show.  Your clothes had been haphazardly ripped, giving the man access to all the assets he deemed necessary for his ‘therapy’.  You cringed as he sat on your sofa, half-naked and smoking a cigarette.  You now had dried blood running down your face, neck, and chest, and he made sure to leave you some “souvenirs”, some deep little punctures in your torso and sides. You grimaced at the feeling of these cuts bleeding, drying, and cracking open anytime he forced you to move. The throbbing pressure of the black eye you were sure he gave you is causing your vision to blur with each beat of your heart. You know that isn’t good. 
“Showtime, slut.” He says as he finishes whatever he was watching on his phone, throwing it on the sofa before coming over to you, his semi-hard erection now shoved into your face. “You know what to do. You’re going to give me this, or that little actress friend of yours is going to end up just like Camila. Or Nikki.” He grabbed his gun off the counter behind you, shoving it against your temple before forcing your mouth open far enough for him to force his way inside. While he was groaning, the mere thought and feeling of this was making your insides churn. The thought of Scarlett having to endure this, just becoming another one of his victims, didn’t sit well with you. You wouldn’t, couldn’t let it happen.  So you just sat there, before he grabbed the back of your head with his other hand, pushing you down. “Fuck, it’s been so long. Don’t you feel better?” He grunts as you bite down slightly, causing him yelp and to pull your hair so he can pull you off of him. 
“Fuck off, Waters.” You growled, he just smirked and shoved himself back into your face. You couldn’t help but let him have his way, knowing he would make everything significantly worse if you fought back too much. He began thrusting himself down your throat while you sat there and took it. Disconnecting from your body, your mind began to wander as far away from this place as possible. His thrusts started to become sporadic, and his head lolled backward as he grabbed the back of your head,  slamming the full length into your mouth as he came. He grunted and panted as you leaned back, your skin crawling. You didn’t want to swallow, but he held your jaw shut, forcing you to down the vile substance. You wanted to purge your stomach, but that would make your punishment so much worse from him. So you sat back, you took it. That’s all you could do. 
He now stood in front of you, trousers pulled up, but hanging off his hips unbuttoned, a smirk eerily creeping across his lips. He stood there, unscrewing the silencer from his sidearm, your mind wondering what the hell he was doing. Your apartment was soundproofed, but not THAT soundproof. 
“Ohh, I see that you’re wondering what I’m doing…” he sets the pistol off to the side before turning his heel back to you. Goosebumps set your skin ablaze as the silencer was drug across the countertop, before dropping it to your bare shoulder. The moment of realization hits you as the cold, matte black metal tube is brought lower and lower. He bites his lip as the barrel is brought below your waistline, and he slides it over to your upper thigh. Slowly, he pushes the silencer into you, you grimaced at the burn, feeling the tube deep within you. You looked up, not wanting to see the face or the scene unfolding before you. He began to work it in and out of you slowly, seemingly enjoying the grimace you were currently wearing. 
Your mind began to wander, as the vision of Waters yelling in your peripheral faded to the background. Your mind began to spiral, wondering why no one had shown up yet, if anyone would show up. Or who it will be. Hopefully, it isn’t Kris who shows up, you don’t want her to see you like this. Relationship or not. The only person you would be okay with is Jim, and he is out of the question- he is in a coma because the man currently yelling at you decided he needed to “reform” you. This was your fault. Nix and Cam’s deaths were your fault. Waters’ psychological break, and sending him to prison, was all YOUR FAULT. He is now involving an innocent person, Scarlett, because of you. 
The spiral began to worsen, you began to rock around, trying to free yourself from your mind’s restraint. There wasn’t anyone or anything here that was grounding to you- he had taken away any solace you had built within these walls. Flashes of the ashtray flying towards your face, the razor’s edge of his hunting knife slicing your eyebrow, the feeling of his hands on your ribcage, bruising you before he threw you on the ground and kicked your ribs. Camila looking over your beaten, abused body in the locker room, the look on Nix’s face when she saw your condition as you fell into her arms. The look of the courtroom as your attorney told the judge and jury of your aborted child, the child he had fathered. Your body being tossed from the back of a moving Ford Explorer- the government-issued car he drove around in over, and over again. You were trapped inside your mind, and who knows for how long you were trapped within the bone walls. 
You were brought out of your trance by two cold hands on the sides of your face, a familiar, dulcet voice cutting through the fog your brain had provided. Your head was spinning but began to come into focus, a distraught Kris kneeling in front of you, Paul and Cliff were standing behind her in the living room, giving you some space. Your bosses gave you a once over, silently nodding to Kris before leaving the apartment. As the front door opened and shut, you noticed it was now dark outside.
“Y/N? Honey? You in there?” She asked quietly, concern laced on all of her features. A groan was your only response to her. “Okay, okay… let me get you some clothes. Do you have something comfortable here to wear?” You shook your head ever so slightly, the goose egg on your forehead now making its presence known as the throbbing started.  You winced in pain, and Kris grimaced. “Let me get you some medicine.” You shook your head, remembering what had taken place before Kris interrupted your flashback. She stood, walking up the stairs to find you some clothes since what you had been wearing was sufficiently torn and thrown all over the apartment. Upon the realization that you were no longer tied down, you threw yourself at the kitchen sink, emptying your stomach into the stainless steel basin. 
“Be careful, Y/N!” Kris came running back to you, a pair of joggers and a simple black hoodie in hand. She threw the clothes onto the counter behind you, rushing to your side and sliding her hand up your back, just as the contents of your stomach had been purged. You jumped at the contact, cowering away from Kris like she had just burned you. “Y/N, it’s me, honey. It’s Kris. I’m not going to hurt you, but I need to clean these cuts up before you get dressed.” You shook your head, the tears coming out of your eyes without any control. 
“Please, get someone to Scarlett…” You whispered before you fell to the ground, and the last thing you saw was her face looking down at you, teary-eyed and concerned as you faded out of consciousness. 
You woke up to the dull hum of the equipment around you, a strong smell of disinfectant awakening the rest of your senses as you gingerly opened your eyes. The bright, sterile environment causes you to gasp in pain, suddenly aware of the surging pain throughout your body. You could feel the gauze wrapped around your head, covering the throbbing mound on your forehead and concealing the majority of the cut to your eyebrow. Blinking, you tried to get your brain and eyes to focus, seeing a blurry Kris seated across from you in the hospital room. Even from 10 feet away, and with the haze you were still in, you could see the worry etched into her features. Her eyes, usually so bright and mischievous, were filled with a fear you hadn't seen before. “You're awake,” she said, her voice shaky. “I’ve never seen you like this, Y/N… I was so scared.” You grunted, not wanting to talk due to the searing pain ripping throughout your body. “How do you feel?” She asked quietly, leaning forward in her seat, clearly not wanting to push your limits. Quietly, you let out a hoarse response. “I’ve been better, Kris.”
“I know that, Y/N. But what are you feeling? We came into quite a mess.”
“It wouldn’t have been such a mess had you shown up sooner.” You fired back, your uncovered eye narrowing in her direction. 
“Now, Y/N… we got there as fast as possible. Your cryptic texts didn’t help any.”
“Cryptic?! I said if an hour went by, and I didn’t call you, something was wrong. It was 3 PM and light out when he was in my apartment, and dark out when you snapped me from my flashback.” You were whisper shouting at Kris, not wanting the hospital staff to come running to you screaming at Kris, or to feel the pounding in your head such a reaction would surely induce. Her face shifted from worry to a more guilt-ridden expression, as something struck her. 
“It was Chris, he wanted to try and figure out why you would request a bump in security without reason. He was trying to make heads or tails as to why every time we did something, Waters was two steps ahead of us. He began to ask me questions, Y/N. Questions only you or Jim could answer. I told them both that he had been following you as well, and they asked how I knew. So I told them about Montana, about him following you from your house, calling and texting you.”
“Okay, so?”
“So instead of trying to get information from you, Paul decided that Jim should be the first source of information.”
“But Jim is in a coma. He couldn’t tell you anything, so why would you go there first?”
“Jim is awake, Y/N.”
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
Can I get a Jay Halstead x reader where the reader was SA before she met Jay and Jay get in the mood and reader has a panic attack and finally calms down and tell Jay what happened to her
Undercover(s)- Jay Halstead
Mentions: Hailey Upton, Kim Burgess, Adam Reuzek, Kevin Atwater, O. A (FBI) and Maggie (FBI), Hank Voight
Warning ⚠️: mentions of rape, kidnapping, and panic attacks, PTSD (in a way).
You and Jay have been dating for a couple months now. You were the Special Agent in charge of the FBI task force that was assigned to help take down a known terrorist organization in Chicago. You knew you were in trouble when you first met Jay. The sight of him alone was enough to take your breath away, but the feelings only grew stronger the longer you both worked the task force together. Eight months later, the terrorist group that tried to destroy Chicago was taken down and you were finally approve for a permanent position as a detective with the Intelligence Unit in the CPD.
As a celebration of the end of the investigation and your transfer, all of the Intelligence Unit met at Molly’s. The patio had been pretty quiet until the group showed up, causing the other patrons to leave or go inside.
“So, what made you decide to leave the alphabet squad for Intelligence?” Adam asked, smiling goofily at you above his fifth beer in a little over an hour.
You softly rolled your eyes and leaned into Jay. “Kinda fell in love with the place.” You said, looking at Jay who was smiling down at you.
Hailey giggled. “More like fell in love with a certain detective.” Hailey teased before fake crying. “Yet it wasn’t me!”
Kim laughed and rubbed Hailey’s arm from across the table. “It’s alright Hails. She doesn’t love me either.” Kim fake comforted as everyone else laughed.
“Well, welcome to the family y/n/n (like specifically one Kevin would give). I promise these knuckle heads aren’t always like this.” Kevin said, clinking his beer with your glass.
“Thanks Kev. I really appreciate it.” You said, smiling sweetly at the giant teddy bear. “I’m honestly just glad Voight allowed this.”
“Welp. I think he fell in love with you too.” Jay said, causing everyone to laugh. “But I love you more.” Jay whispered into your ear.
“You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, that’s for sure.” Adam pointed out as everyone agreed.
“Wanna get out of here?” Jay whispered above the noise of your new found family.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, downing the rest of your drink as Jay finished off his second beer. “Well, that’s a wrap for us. I’m exhausted and I require this guy’s protection on my way home.” You joked, jabbing your thumb in Jay’s direction.
Hailey snorted, “Well, we all know you don’t need protection, but Jay does seem to keep trouble away from us and solely to him, so I guess that’s a good strategy.” Hailey joked, causing everyone else to burst out laughing.
“Ha ha. Very funny.” Jay deadpanned, helping you up and over the bench you, Jay, and Hailey were sharing.
“Good night everyone.” You said, waving as Jay led you out of the side gate and to his truck.
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~
The ride home was full of sexual tension to say the least. You shamelessly flirted the whole way to Jay’s apartment. You were feeling overly confident on the high of finishing a case and finally getting told you can stay with the man you’ve fallen for.
Once inside, you spent no time in taking off your jacket and shoes, pulling Jay with you as soon as he had the door locked. You haphazardly took your gun and shield off of your belt buckle as you both stumbled into Jay’s room, setting them on the nearest surface as you fumbled with each other’s belts.
Crashing onto the bed, Jay hovered over you and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “Are you sure your ready? I know you said you wanted to wait, and I’m all for this, but are you sure?” Jay asked, searching your eyes as he panted in an attempt to control himself.
You smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I’m sure.” You said, smiling up at Jay.
Jay nodded and leaned down, kissing you softly on the lips before continuing to undress you. Jay was slow, leaving room for you to stop when you wanted to. Once he got your pants off, he stopped when your breath quickened as he touched your underwear. “Hey. You still good?” Jay asked, leaning slightly away to give you some room.
You panted and clenched your eyes shut. “Yeah. Y-yeah. Just go on.” You muttered, nodding as you slightly shook under Jay’s grasp.
This is not how this was suppose to go. You were ready and he loves you. You trust him with your whole being. You want this. You can do this.
Jay watched you try to catch your breath, not daring to move another inch. This wasn’t the breathing of someone who was sexually aroused. You were scared. “Hey sweetheart. Open your eyes.” Jay whispered. “I need you to look at me. I won’t move until you look at me.” Jay said, trying his best to sound soothing and not intimidating.
You nodded and opened your eyes. Tears leaked from the corners as you made eye contact with Jay. He was smiling sweetly at you, being patient and loving as he waited for you to come back around to him.
“Hey you.” Jay smiled. “I’m gonna sit up now. I’m going to take the covers and cover you up. Okay?” Jay asked, making sure you nodded before he did just that. “Good job babe. I want you to get comfortable. Do you want a shirt?” Jay asked, watching as you shook under his blankets. You nodded and allowed Jay to pull one of his shirts over your head.
Once you were clothed, you realized that the shaking wasn’t from you being cold. You were having a full blown panic attack. “J-Jay.” You whimpered, reaching for the one person that made you feel safe.
“Sh Sh Sh. I’m here. I’m right here.” Jay cooed, sitting beside you and wrapping you tightly in his arms. “Breathe for me. Squeeze as hard as you need to, okay?” Jay said, turning his face into your hair as you laid on his chest with your arms wrapped around his torso. “Follow my breathing. You’re okay. We are okay. You are always safe with me. It’s alright.” Jay soothed, running a soothing hand up and down your back.
You nodded, taking a few moments to get yourself together as Jay held onto you and you held back just as tightly. You sobbed for a few moments, wetting Jay’s bare chest, but he just wanted you to be okay. Once you finally calmed down some, you leaned back to look at Jay. ”There’s something I need to tell you.” You sniffed, rubbing your eyes with the backs of your hands.
Jay nodded, leaning over to grab a tissue. He slowly wiped the smeared makeup off of your face before leaning back again. “You know, you don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready. I can wait.” Jay reminded, tucking your hair behind your ears again.
You nodded and smiled slightly, looking down as Jay let you fiddle with his hands. “I know. It’s just. I just think you deserve to know.” You said as an explanation. “I, um, I was raped while undercover a couple years back.” You whispered, tears forming in your eyes again. “The guy. He, uh, he was suppose to be my backup. But, he was dirty and I, uh, I didn’t know. I got too close. He and a few others. They- they kidnapped me and beat me before they, you know, just before they were gonna kill me.” You stopped and shook your head. “Luckily, O.A., he and Maggie found me and saved me.” You sniffed, letting go of Jay’s hands as he reached up to wipe your face.
“Hey.” Jay whispered, pulling your chin up to meet his eyes. “I’ll wait. When your ready, we can try again, but don’t feel pressured. Okay? I’m so sorry sweet girl.” Jay said, pulling your face into his neck.
You sobbed and gripped onto Jay. Other than Maggie and O.A., the only other person you told was a counselor. You knew this would come up eventually, but you were scared. You felt like damaged goods.
“Sh Sh Sh. It’s alright.” Jay whispered. “It wasn’t your fault. You are so strong and so brave. You are not damaged goods. You hear me?” Jay said, kissing the top of your head. When you giggled, Jay was a little shocked and very confused. “Have you officially lost it?” Jay joked.
You shook your head and sat up. “I swear you’re a mind reader Halstead. I always thought that assignment left me as damaged goods and here you are telling me I’m not.” You smiled, kissing him before connecting your foreheads. “Mind reader.” You whispered, smiling as Jay’s face broke into a wide grin.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Remember that au I proposed where the boys never forgot Player but don’t tell them that they all know them due to the reaction they have? What if…
Things were… uncomfortable, the smithy found. Being forced into another journey wasn’t anything new, it was kind of expected at this point. However, the circumstances lining up to have nine heroes haphazardly shoved together in environments mostly unfamiliar without any real knowledge of each other made the whole situation tense.
The vet, traveler, and cook were by far the most suspicious of their new partnership. From the little Link had gathered from their journeys, they had pretty much no companionship, and thus were quicker to mistrust.
That didn’t mean no one else was giving side glances though. The Hero of Twilight often shifted uncomfortably when someone was too close, the Chosen Hero refused to let Link near the “Master Sword” to polish it (not that he particularly trusted the blade), and even the mature Hero of Time sometimes gave the scrutinizing side-eye glare.
The smith was guilty of this as well, though he liked to think he handled the strangers better than most, not as good as the captain, but alright enough.
Speaking of the captain, it had seemed that he had finally snapped.
“All I’m saying is that things are awkward, too awkward. The group dynamic needs a change and fast. Let’s all share something good from our journeys! Surely we all have something nice from our time heroing?” The Hero of Warriors prompted, half finished bowl in his lap.
“Right right.” The Hero of Legend spat sarcastically, arms crossed with a sneer plastered on his face. “You’re probably just trying to butter us up, or get information on us that you can use to your advantage. Well I’m not falling for it, pretty boy.”
Four watched as the captain’s eye twitched, the man took a deep breath in before continuing. “First of all, drop the attitude. Second, I’m not trying to scrape up dirt in you or stab you in the back, we are doing poorly in battle because of our lack of communication and it’s caused us to use more resources than necessary. Besides, what’s the harm in a bit of story telling?”
“I agree with the captain,” said the old man, the official-unofficial leader of their group. “We’ve been dancing around each other like blind cuccos, it’s about time we open up at least a small bit.”
Silence, no one wanted to speak up.
We should do go first, Vio murmured.
What? Why? Blue internally raised an eyebrow.
No one else is willing to speak up, and I’m sure we’ve got some sort of happy or even funny story to share, Vio explained.
He’s got a point there, we’ve got a metric ton of tales about our bad reactions to green peppers, Green laughed.
That’s too easy though! It’s gotta be something special for the first campfire story! Red argued.
…What about our guide? Vio proposed with a twinge of hesitation.
That may be a bit too personal-
IT’S PERFECT! Red exclaimed, interrupting Blue.
Wait, Red we haven’t agreed- but Green was too late, Red was already running their mouth.
“I had a guide.” Eyes turned toward the shortest hero, who sat straight despite the need to cower.
Good going Red, now we have to keep it up, Blue groaned.
“I’m not sure what they were, maybe a being sent by Hylia? Though they denied having affiliation with her, and didn’t speak with the formality you’d expect from an angel. No, they were silly, and fun, and stupid, and kinder than the word kind.” The smithy continued with caution.
“They took the form of a glowing light in my chest, no one else could see, feel or hear them but me, and only magical creatures had any sort of sense they were there.” The smithy felt himself getting enraptured in the story, not really ever getting much of a chance to do a whole lot of story telling made this one of the few that he hadn’t told to his father, Zelda, or Smith. It was exciting.
His happiness made it harder to notice the sparkle in the others eyes…
“They were there throughout all of my journeys, every last one of them. They gave me such a feeling of support and comfort… something I couldn’t ever think to let go.” It was getting too personal now, he knew that, but he was too far in.
“But after my most recent journey, they… left. I had noticed they weren’t talking much after the initial victory, their light felt weaker too, and I was starting to get worried.” None of the colors noticed their now wobbling vision, nor the wet fell sliding down his cheeks.
“After they didn’t say a word at the celebration over my victory, I confronted them, asked what was wrong. They said they had to leave.” He wiped at his eyes, forgetting it was strangers he was speaking too. “I begged them to stay, did everything in my power to keep them close, but nothing I did helped, and they faded away that awful night.”
Link get his grip on his spoon tightly, veins popping out from his skin at the force as his hand shook. “I regret trying to get (Name) to stay, I don’t think they had a real choice in the matter, I’m sure my tears only did them more harm than good a the end- GUHK-“ Hands grabbed his shoulders he yanked him closer. Link found himself looking up at the Hero of Winds, who was on his knees in front of the short hero with a wild, desperate, and sad look in his eyes.
“Was their name (First Name) (Last Name)?” Link froze, staring at the young hero with shock.
“Y-yes, how did you know…?” The smithy startled when the sailor began to cry, resting his head on Link’s shoulder as he feel against him.
“Wait- did you two both have a guide called (Name) too?” Link looked over at the traveler, who was normally a silent shadow slinking behind them, he now held a shimmer of pure hope in his gaze.
“You guys as well?!” The cook shouted, looking at the three heroes with tears stroking his cherry cheeks.
“Did… did we all have the same guide?” The skyloftian questioned, shrinking as all eyes leveled on him.
“I- I never thought of the possibility that (Name) would be there for you guys as well.” Twilight said, licking his lips nervously.
“But was- were they the same one? Or were they like us, having the same spirit but not being the same person?” The hoarder said, voice uncharacteristically soft.
The smithy paused while gently pushing a sniffling sailor to sit on anything that wasn’t Link’s lap. He pondered briefly, we’re they the same light?
Wait… I remember! Vio exclaimed, already opening their mouth.
“They were the same! When (Name was fading they told us- m-me that they ‘have more silly heroes to watch over now’. They must have been talking about you guys! Or, at least, whoever comes after me.” Link rambled.
Wow Vio, good slip up there, it’s not like we’re trying to keep ourselves a secret or anything, Blue snidely commented. Vio winced, the noise carrying over to the real world.
“So, each of us were truly guided by them?” The old man finally spoke up, voice quiet.
The Hero of Warriors laughed, flicking away a tear in his eye. “Do any of you perhaps remember how they’d worry about you? Like, I could get the tiniest scrape and they’d be screaming the most vile things at whomever did it, sometimes it was enough to make me blush.”
The veteran chuckled, “I remember telling them off for that, as half the time they’d get me into trouble on purpose. I can’t tell you how many times I was tricked and attacked by cuccos because of them.”
The group laughed at that, reminiscing their guide’s good ol’ mischief.
“Oh! Do you remember those terrible puns? I swear, every time we were out at sea they would make a fish joke. Every. Single. TIME.” The sailor groaned, falling flat onto the grass, no longer crying.
“They did the same to me, I would complain to Navi about the awful jokes, which got her to start making them as well.” The Hero of Time said dramatically, causing a torrent of more stories that evolved and got longer as time went on.
The Hero of the Four Sword hadn’t meant to start this full group chat, but it felt… really nice. With the pit his guide had left within his heart, he found something that could just about fill it, even if it wasn’t the same.
“I’m a little worried about them.” The traveler chewed on his cheek, looking at the champion’s door.
Link sighed. “They’re fine, you and Gilda said it yourselves, the shadow didn’t harm them.”
“Yeah- but- I don’t know, I just have this… this feeling.” The Hero of Hyrule said.
“What type of feeling?” The Hero of Warriors said with a smirk.
“You know what I meant. I just think they’re… familiar, they’re familiar to me.”
The skyloftian hummed, “You aren’t alone in that, I felt a little weird when we found them.”
“You think they’re evil?” Vet said, glaring up at the window you were probably behind.
“I sincerely doubt their bad, they aren’t a monster.” The Hero of Twilight tiredly grumbled, helping himself to a second serving of breakfast.
“Yeah, but they’ve got weird circle ears! Isn’t that kinda odd.” The Hero of Winds said with an upturned lip.
“The people of Ordonia have round ears, they aren’t special.” Ranch-hand argued, sitting down on the grass with a thump.
“Yeah, but I’ve met like everyone in Hyrule, and no one here has ears like that.” The cook pointed out, shushing Epona as she nickered for another apple.
The smithy huffed, “Well maybe-“
The door flew open, the person they had saved there with a panicked expression. They’re eyes bugged at the sight of their large group, landing on Sky, who was the closest, before slamming the door.
“-Ohp, oh there they go.” Sky said with a startled blink.
“Goddesses almighty.” The veteran groaned, muttering as he rose to his feet and walked into the house. There was a shout of surprise from him and-
The Hero of the Four Sword was moving before he could think. He knew that voice, he knew it too well.
He shoved himself between the other’s legs, who were also scrambling to get into the champion’s abode. He stopped, staring at the person, at you with awe.
He had never seen you before, how could he? You were sort of stuck in his chest as a disembodied light during every journey he had. You were almost exactly how he expected, both from how you would describe your appearance and from how you sounded. A kind yet mischievous face, soft hands without a cut in sight, and bright, emotional eyes.
Eyes that were currently nervously glaring at the group’s stares of awe.
“Who are you- no, where am I?!” You demanded, zero recognition within your gaze.
Oh nooooooo, they forgot theeeeeeeemmmmm, how saaaaaddddddndndnfjfjnfnd.
This is that memory au I had a long while back! I told it from Four’s perspective because I like him, though I’m not sure if I did his colors as it is intended??? Nor do we know how Player leaving works
Also, completely unrelated, but remember like- all the way back when I first started drawing art here? I drew the colors hugging Player, how do you feel about a redraw? I kinda want to do it but am unsure
This was literally an amazing read I've fallen in love
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jason or nash fluff, smut, angst idc i just need somethin ab them please!!!
It’s midday when Jason returns home from practice. He hangs his jersey up, places his sneakers on the cubicle you made for them, with the label “Jason” underneath surrounded by two lopsided hearts (that was what stopped him tossing his shoes haphazardly like he used to do), and pokes his head into the living room. 
Headphones on, eyes fixed on the video game before you, you haven’t yet noticed his return. 
So he tiptoes (almost 7ft Jason tiptoeing!) over to you, leans down, and whisper-shouts "boo" as his hands clamp down on your shoulders. 
You jump but it’s only slight.
There’s an amused disdain in your tone when you reply, “fuck you too, J.” 
“Did you miss me?” He snakes his arms around your chest, rests his head on yours.
It takes another twenty seconds, but eventually “level finished” flashes on the screen. You pull off the headphones and turn around to face him. 
“Alright, I missed you. But only a bit.”
“Don’t be coy. I bet you were crying the whole time ‘cause you missed me so much.” 
Jason Silver, feared by streetballers across the country, and yet here he is sounding like an middle schooler, thanks to the way you smile.
“You’ve got me there,” you chuckle, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, “in fact, I’m dehydrated now from all those tears I spilled.” 
Jason Silver, the T-Rex, and yet a word and a touch from you sets him off grinning from ear to ear uncontrollably. 
“We’ll have to fix that, won’t we?” he purrs letting his hands drop a little lower, though the stupid grin ruins the attempt at being sultry. 
You nudge him away, and switch off the video game. “There’s a new smoothie place downtown. Wanna go check it out with me?”
Not really is his first thought. His whole body is sore from a week filled with basketball matches, topped off by the especially rigorous practice this morning. He’s not a smoothie guy either. Sports drinks are his thing - even water he only drinks when Nash has been nagging at him. Plus, he’s walked past the café you’re talking about; the walls are all painted pastel shades, and every table is decorated with a mini teddy bear holding a bouquet of paper roses. It’s exactly the type of cafe that he’d be mortified to be seen in. Imagine if one of his teammates walked past and saw him inside! And, even if that didn’t happen, going out requires a shower and a change of clothes, and he’s too far tired to do either of those things. (Well, unless the shower is with you.)
He starts thinking of the way you intertwine your arm with his when the two of you are out together. He thinks of how you offer him a spoonful of your meal at restaurants. He thinks of how you smile at cafés as you play your favourite game with him, making up life stories for the strangers walking past. How you giggled when he tried to convince you some harmless grandma was wanted for GBH. He thinks of how you’ll shake your finger at him and mock seriously say “no PDA, Mr. Silver”, and then steal a kiss when he’s not looking. How those kisses make him giddy: butterfly-stomach, hearts-in-eyes, schoolboy-crush giddy. 
And, in the course of all these thoughts, he finds himself agreeing to go with you, just let him take a quick shower. 
Had it been anyone else asking? Fuck ‘em. 
But, because it’s you? Always. 
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miioouu · 3 years
OHHHHHHH IT'S OPEN!!! Hello! I wanna req Kuroo x y/n or s/o or reader (NSFW), the reader gender can be gn/f :3 I just wanna see Kuroo's reaction when he is at work & reader sends him a pict/video of them touching themselves :3333 THANKS!
Ok yes thank you for kurooooooo suwnwj he was my first hq crush btw dhsbsj he's the reason why i got into it! Thank you for thirsting with me.
Warning:smut, masturbation...
       He's had a long day at work, and he's not even close to finishing yet. All he wants to do is go home and sleep, wrap his arms around you and pull you close to him. His sweet little one....
      Well maybe not that sweet actually. He has texted you, telling you to not wait for him, for he has so much work, he's coming late. Which made you think, how can you make it all an easier experience for him? Well it's not really difficult. What else does Tetsu love other than cuddling and spoiling his little one? Ruining them of course! So you knew what you had to do. Wearing his favorite colour, his old sweater hiding your body, the hem barely covering your thighs as you stood in front of the full length mirror, the flash hiding your face, but highlighting your body, your every dip and curve, just the way he likes it. An accomplishing smirk on your face as you send him the picture, accompanied by a sultry caption "Can't wait for you to come take this off of me." And as soon as he saw this message, he just knew there's no way in hell he'll be able to focus on his work now. "Take it off yourself baby, and don't forget to show me" A smile made its way on your face as you obliged. But instead, you set your phone, turning the front camera as you changed the colour of the light and turning on the playlist you two have made for special nights. Your hips swayed to the rythme, your fingers dancing as they caressed your own body, finally finding the end of the long top, slowly taking it off, revealing your naked body underneath. Your digits finding your nipples, twisting them as a moan of your lover's name left your lips. Quickly ending the video, you sent it to him "That's what you wanted daddy?"
      He groaned as he watched you, his pants feeling tighter, his mind too hazy and his hand slipped down to find a slight relief. But he thought of a better idea. You've been so good to him, he should reward you. So just like you, he set his phone, front camera and right under his desk. His veiny hands quick to unbuckle his belt, sliding his pants and boxers down just enough to free his throbbing dick. His thumb swirling around the head, making sure to grind it against the slit, the action causing him to groan a bit. The sound of spitting echoing, a glob of it landing on his tip before he wrapped his hand around himself, pumping up and down his length, sometimes pressing on his evident vein earning him a moan slipping from his lips. His pace becoming faster, his movement sloppier as his groans turned into whines, turned into begs to having you with him, to have you take care of it. Your name like a mantra rolling from his tongue, as he started to fuck up his own fist, erratically, haphazardly, until he finally came, the sliver of abs that he showed from holding his shirt in his teeth, clenching, contracting, heaving up and down as he did so. White clear shooting everywhere, soiling the wood under his desk, some landing on the phone, making the image blurry, but you still see him catching his breath before he reached for it, ending the video and sending it. "Thanks for keeping me company love."
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seollenda-moved · 3 years
Hiii!! Could you please do a Mamamoo reaction to seeing their fem s/o body for the first time (ps. Could you please do their s/o body muscular please), like it's a summer day and their s/o invite them to come to their house for a pool day or just to go eat some ice cream, and their s/o usually wear baggy clothes that always hide her body, so when the girls come to their s/o house, they see them wearing a tank top or a sport bra...
So sorry for the long request ;-;
i missed writing mamamoo and this prompt is so silly hehe
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“y/n, i brought soju! wheenie said she’ll bring the anju but knowing her she’s gonna bring weird stuff so maybe we should drop by 7/11 before we get there…” yongsun called, stepping into your apartment and dropping an icebox with a loud thump. “where are ya?”
“in here!” you called from your bedroom, peeking out of the door. your girlfriend wore a long sundress, an absurdly large straw hat perched on her hair. her wide smile froze slightly at the sight of you, her eyes widening.
“hey,” she said, her voice coming a bit choked. you realised her eyes were roving down your front, only lightly clothed in a new bikini swimsuit you’d bought for the summer.
you blushed hard. you’d expected to deal with the embarrassment at the pool, when others were also undressed and in the water and you wouldn’t have to deal with eyes on you. but here was your girlfriend of only a couple weeks, regarding your body with…a positive reaction? she’d frozen for a moment before meeting your eyes and realising her ogling.
“you look great,” she said, stepping forward, a nervous giggle bubbling out of her. “sorry for staring i just…well i’ve only ever seen you wear your really cute baggy clothes and i didn’t know…do you work out?” she finished awkwardly, grinning.
“yeah, a bit,” you said, pulling her closer and lifting the hat off her head so you could press a kiss to her cheek. she laughed giddily again, melting into you maybe a little too eagerly.
“you dress like a teddy bear all the time, and you were hiding this from the world?” she remarked playfully. you rolled your eyes but smiled in spite of yourself. “take me to the gym and teach me your exercises? please?”
“sure, babe.”
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“it’s so hot,” byul whined from the living room. the sound of her unsticking herself from the leather sofa and readjusting herself made you laugh. typical byulyi dramatics.
“give me a second, we can go get ice cream soon,” you replied from the other room. the heatwave had hit out of nowhere and sent the entire city into what felt like a collective lethargy. you just hoped that the ice cream man would be at the park today.
what to wear? you settled for a nearly-skimpy tank top and shorts. your wardrobe would need the winter-to-summer culling soon, you noted, shoving sweatshirts haphazardly to the end of the rack. 
you stepped out of your room, tying your hair up. byul was laid horizontally across your couch, her eyes half shut.
“let’s go,” you said, grabbing your keys and wallet. she looked up from the quiet TV, her sleepy gaze blinking awake at the sight of you.
“whoa,” she managed, sitting up.
“you’re buff as hell.”
you laughed, suddenly shy as she walked to you and wrapped her arms around your waist.
“i’ve been going to the gym for a little while now,” you admitted. her expression was playful but genuinely awed. she rested her hands on your back and shoulders.
you obliged her, and she let out another silly, appreciative hoot.
“aiooo,” you rolled your eyes, pushing her off of you. “it’s too hot to hug.” 
you turned to shove your feet into the nearest pair of sandals. byul shuffled along behind you, poking you lightly in your side and causing another yelp of protest.
“you can say that again…”
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“yeobo-ya,” wheein sang outside your door. “i swear i’m leaving without you if you don’t hurry.”
“i can’t find the swimsuit i wanted to wear,” you sighed, staring irritably in the mirror. the swimsuit was a little too scanty for your taste. “its a beach-swimsuit, not a water park one.”
“what are you talking about? a swimsuit’s a swimsuit, dummy. can i come in?”
wheein peeked her head in first, then stepped through the door.
maybe she hadn’t expected to see what she saw. her mouth opened comically. you stood with your hands on your hips, pouting at your reflection.
“i think that’s a water park swimsuit,” she said, coming up behind you and peeking around your arm. you met her mischievous gaze in the mirror. “i think that’s an anywhere, anytime swimsuit, actually.”
“wow, smooth.” you adjusted the straps up your shoulders. wheein quickly and unconsciously wetting her lips did not go unnoticed by you. “i think some type of sun dress or robe is going to help though, what do you think? i just don’t want too much sun…”
“you look great,” she insisted, turning you to face her. she trailed off again, getting another good look at you. “sorry, i’m being a total creep right now.”
“no, no, i think i like the attention,” you said, stepping closer against her and noticing how she grew just a bit more flustered. “anyway, we should get going, right?”
“y-yeah. for sure.”
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“whoa. daebak.”
“don’t hug me, i’m sweaty!” you said hurriedly, but hyejin was already all up on you, her mouth quirked in a smirk.
“i’ve never seen you work out in just a sports bra before,” she said, glancing at the home-pilates video that was wrapping up on your tv.
“i haven’t worked out in a while, to be fair,” you confessed, grabbing your water bottle and taking a long swig. “i’m so out of shape…”
“if that’s out of shape…” your girlfriend remarked, stepping back. her eyebrows raised as her eyes roved unabashedly across your body. you were glad your face was already reddened from exercise, or your blush would’ve been comically obvious.
“you said you’re coming at 3,” you nodded accusingly at the clock that read 2:46.
“yeah but there wasn’t much traffic after all.” she sat on your couch, drawing her feet up and sitting criss-crossed. “and i’m real glad i made it early.”
“ya, byeontae,” you shook your head at her, but she only giggled, covering her face with a semblance of shame.
“you’re the one inviting your girlfriend over without a shirt on.”
“i should never have given you my door code.”
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years
I Have This... Thing
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Not My Gif
So as someone with vaginismus, it’s sometimes frustrating to read fan fiction, specifically smut. Y/N always has sex so easily and with very little foreplay, finishing with no issues. And it’s so great for people who can do that, but it’s not the case for all of us. Some of us can’t have any sort of penetration without pain. Some people can’t finish without toys, or hours of work. Some people will never be able to have penetrative sex. There’s all kinds of people, and there’s all kinds of sex. But not near enough fics featuring Y/N’s with these issues. So I’m going to write some, and feel free to request any issue with any character, and if I don’t know that character, we can collaborate to find a character you like that I do know. 
Paul Lahote x reader smut. 
You had lived in Forks for about 6 months now. You’ve known your new friends here for 5 months. And you’ve been the imprint of Paul Lahote for 3 months. Well, you’ve been his imprint since you guys first locked eyes at La Push when you first hung out with Emily, but he didn’t tell you about the whole werewolf/ imprint thing until 3 months ago. Safe to say it came as a shock. Your friends, the people who had welcomed you so easily, helped you move furniture around, and gave you tours of the new town, were WOLVES. Or engaged to wolves. *cough* Emily *cough*. You had to take a few weeks break from them after they told you. After Sam explained the legends, the lore. After Paul told you that you were basically his soul mate. It’s a lot to take in! 
But you quickly realized that you had grown to love the pack. And now that you knew the big secret, things were easier around them. No more lies about where they had all been. No more avoiding talking about their mysterious injuries that only seemed to last for a couple hours. No more awkwardly dancing around why Paul stared at you constantly and wouldn’t let any other guy get within 6 feet of you without having a rage attack and sprinting into the woods. Things were going good. 
Well… as good as they could be without sex. Yep. You and Paul had been together for 3 months and you have not had sex. You didn’t give each other head. You didn’t take your clothes off around each other. You didn’t even dry hump. And you knew it was your fault. You could tell that Paul was getting nervous about the fact that you wouldn’t let him touch you like that. He would never ask you about it, because he wouldn’t want you to feel pressured or rushed, but you could tell it was on his mind. The little sad smile he would give when you stopped things from going further. The hover of his hands over your ass before landing back on your waist. The way he looked almost guilty after looking at you in a swimsuit or crop top. 
See, vaginismus made relationships difficult. You never had a long term relationship before Paul. You were either too scared to tell partners about it, and just dealt with the excruciating pain, which would lead to resentment and breakups, or you would tell them and they would ghost you. Guys don’t normally go for girls who’s opening line is “Hi! I cannot have sex without crying.” You’d been dilating for almost a year now. It was going okay. Some days hurt more than others. A lot of times, Paul would ask you to hang out when you were in the middle of your physical therapy, and you would have to make up some excuse as to why you couldn't. Too tired. Headache. Stomach bug. He was starting to catch on. 
One day, you guys were hanging out at your apartment watching a movie. You had been making out, but as soon as it started getting slightly heated, you had pulled away and got up to get a drink refill. Paul, having gotten used to the routine, didn’t question you. While you were in the kitchen pouring some more juice, Paul asked “Hey babe? Do you have a charger I can borrow?”
“Yeah it’s in the top drawer of my bedside table,” you haphazardly yelled back. 
You heard him get up and go into your bedroom, rummaging around a little. Then silence. 
“Hey babe?” he said hesitantly. You thought he just couldn’t find the charger, so you began walking towards your room to grab it for him. Once you got to the doorway, you stopped dead in your tracks. Eyes wide. Face bright red. Paul held up the dilator you were currently on, which was about 5 inches long and looked… well let’s be honest. It looked like a dildo. The bottle of lubricant that was also in the drawer didn’t help your case. How the fuck were you supposed to explain yourself? You expected Paul to tease you, make some sex jokes, and maybe try to make out with you again, but he didn’t. He looked absolutely crushed. 
“Do you not want to have sex with me?” He asked, sounding on the verge of tears. 
“What?! Paul, of course I want to have sex with you!”
“Then why this?” he pressed.
“You don’t even know what that’s for. Let me explain,” you pleaded, afraid he was going to lose that infamous temper. You’d never witnessed it before, but you were scared you were about to. 
“I think I have a pretty good guess about what this is for!” He exclaimed, holding it up. “You won’t even let me kiss your neck but you have this that you obviously use when I’m not around. You don’t want to have sex with me. Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Paul! That’s not true at all!” You were starting to get irritated at his assumptions. “It’s for physical therapy.” 
“Oh, is that what we’re calling orgasms now?” He questioned, exasperated. 
“I’m not talking about orgasms! If you gave me two seconds to explain, you would know that that does not bring me an ounce of pleasure. I hate having to use it.” You started to tear up at this, all the memories of your struggles surging back up. At this, Paul stopped. He looked super confused, but also worried about you. God forbid you shed a tear, Paul would rip the world apart to make you happy again. “Come sit down,” you said, resigned, as you moved to sit on the edge of your bed. Paul, still holding the dilator in his hand, sat down next to you. The silence seemed to last an eternity, but you knew that the longer you went without explaining, the more hurt Paul would feel. 
“I wasn’t lying when I said it was for physical therapy,” you whispered. “I have other ones. All different sizes.” You realized you might not have been helping your case with this. 
“I don’t understand. Why do you need them if you don’t use them to get off?” He looked like a kicked puppy. 
“Well… I have this thing. It’s like… a condition? And I need them so maybe one day I can have sex without any pain.” He still looked wildly confused, and you knew you were going to have to elaborate. “When I first started having sex, it hurt. A lot. But I always heard that it was supposed to hurt the first time. So I just kind of put up with it. It was bad though. I always tapped out, couldn’t go for more than a couple minutes. It felt like this really intense stinging. Like a rugburn all inside me. And it didn’t stop, even after I started doing it more. It never went away… I ended up googling it, and it’s actually something that a lot of women struggle with. I made a doctor’s appointment and was lucky enough to get diagnosed the first time. Lots of women are told they’re making it up. My doctor gave me these dilators, told me how to use them, and said that with enough time and physical therapy, I could have painless sex one day.” When you finished, you turned to look at him. He was staring intently at the dilator, thinking. 
“So, you have to like… stretch yourself? Were you just born too small?” He phrased it delicately, but you knew what he meant. 
“Basically, it’s an anxiety disorder with very physical symptoms. My pelvic floor muscles constrict when I try to put anything inside me, which makes it super painful. It’s like an involuntary reflex. Like blinking when something flies near your face. And I have to condition my body to learn that penetration doesn’t hurt, and that it doesn’t have to tighten up like that. The condition is called vaginismus. You can google it yourself if you want.” 
“Oh.” A pause. Paul knew you had some anxiety, but he never guessed it could cause something like this. He knew you were embarrassed. He could tell. And the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like you couldn’t be open and vulnerable with him. Did you think he would leave you? Or get mad? “Why didn’t you tell me?” Was the question that came out. 
“It’s humiliating. I could tell you were getting antsy about us not having sex, and I guess I didn’t have the heart to tell you that it’s not going to happen anytime soon. This physical therapy, it takes a while. I’ve already been doing it for almost a year, and I still have three sizes after this one.” A tear fell. You wiped it away quickly, hoping he Paul wouldn’t notice, but he did. He moved to wrap his arms around you, putting the dilator back on your nightstand. He embraced you, and the reassurance that he wasn’t going anywhere was more than you could handle. You burst into tears as he pulled you onto his lap and rocked you both, rubbing his hand up and down your back. You guys stayed there until you stopped crying, and then he finally spoke. 
“Y/N, I don’t ever want you to feel like there’s something you can’t tell me. I love you. And yeah, I would love to have sex with you one day, but I’m with you because of who you are. I don’t care if we never do it. You are my person, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you the happiest you can be. This? This thing you think is such a problem? It’s irrelevant to me. To my love for you. And I will be here every step of the way, supporting you, cheering you on, until you don’t want me anymore.” He brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed it. 
“I love you, Paul,” was all you could say. You leaned in and shared the sweetest, most loving kiss either of you had ever experienced. His hand cupped the side of your face, thumb rubbing your cheek. When you pulled away, the tension in the room was gone, replaced with you and Paul’s usual light, fun energy. 
“How do you use them?” He smiled as he asked, nodding his head towards your nightstand where the dilator still rested. “Do you like… just ride them? Or..?” 
You laughed, which made his smile broaden. “It’s not a sexual thing. Basically I put a towel down, cover the dilator in lube, and put it in as far as I can without pain. Then, I just sit there and leave it for like 20 minutes. And then I take it out.” 
“So you just like... do homework while you do it?” His concerned face made you laugh again. 
“You have to make your body associate it with pleasure, so no, I don’t do homework. Normally I’ll watch a funny show or eat some candy or FaceTime you.”
He froze at this. “You do this when we FaceTime?” 
This made you blush and look away from his piercing gaze. “Sometimes. I can stop if it makes you uncomfortable. It’s just a nice distraction.” 
“No, no. I don’t want you to stop. It’s just… can I see you do it?” This question shocked you. Not just the question itself, but the fact that you didn’t hate the idea. You loved kissing Paul. What better way to associate therapy with pleasure than by kissing him while you do it? 
“Are you sure? Like I said, it’s not exactly sexual. Or sexy. Like at all. I literally just sit there.” 
“I know, it’s ok. I want to be able to help you, but if you don’t want to we can just go back to the movie.” 
“I mean I do still have to do it today.” You thought for another second, before jumping up and saying “Okay. Let’s do it.” 
Paul looked happy and excited, but also lost. He didn’t know what to do with his hands, or with his eyes. Did you want him to touch you? Or just watch you? Or just sit in the corner of the room and face the wall? You were spreading a towel across the middle of the bed, and went to untie your sweatpants before looking at him. 
“Guess we haven’t really gotten this far, huh?” alluding to being naked in front of each other. It did make you a little nervous, and nerves equal tight muscles, which means pain. 
“Why don’t you put a blanket over yourself? That way there’s less pressure,” he suggested, and you could have kissed him for it. You smiled, nodded, and grabbed a throw blanket from the chair. He turned around to face the wall while you took off your pants and settled under the blanket. 
“Ok, I’m good.” you said. He turned back around, coming to kneel beside you on the bed. 
“Do you want me to just… hold your hand? Or sit here and talk to you?” 
“Would you want to sit behind me?” You suggested nervously, leaning forward slightly. 
“Of course! Yeah, I can do that.” He took this seriously, and you appreciated that. This was a scenario you had thought about many times, and though you knew he wouldn’t be the type to ask you to have sex with him despite the pain, it was always a possibility. The fact that he didn’t take your pain lightly, and let you be in charge so you would be comfortable, meant more to you than he would ever know. Paul gently climbed behind you, putting his legs on either side of you, and hesitantly rubbing your shoulders. You leaned back into him, as if to say I’m okay with this.
“Can you hand me the… “ You nodded your head towards the nightstand, and Paul didn’t need to hear the rest of the sentence before he leaned over and grabbed the dilator and bottle of lube, holding them out in front of you both. You muttered a “thanks” as you took them from his hands, and brought them under the blanket. After slathering the dilator with a good amount of lube, you closed the bottle and tossed it towards the foot of the bed, leaning back and shifting your hips down. Paul clearly didn’t want to overstep his boundaries, so he was slow and careful as he wrapped his arms around your torso, giving you time to say stop. You didn’t, though. He felt your body tense slightly as you dragged the tip of the dilator around your entrance, so he started to rub his hands up and down your sides, kissing your cheek. You turned your head to look at him, and he met you with a sweet kiss. You guys pulled away slightly, before going back in as you began to push the dilator in further. He kissed you with love, tenderness, and care, so as not to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. It was clear that you had the reigns, and Paul would stop as soon as you gave the slightest indication that you were uncomfortable. The dilator was about half way in, and you felt a slight stinging sensation, but kissing Paul distracted you. You brought one hand up to cup the side of his face, pulling him back in. 
Paul kept kissing you, waiting for your lips to part so he could brush his tongue against yours. This is normally where you would stop him, but he knew everything now. There was no expectation of more, and damn. Paul was a really good kisser. He sucked lightly at your lower lip, before nibbling it and letting it go, coming back in with his lips. The combination of Paul’s kisses, the slight heat they brought to your body, and the pressure of the tip of the dilator inside you had you shift your hips, and involuntarily let out a small moan. It was barely audible, but Paul and his super senses heard it. You pulled away and slapped a hand over your mouth, your face turning bright red. He chuckled deeply, the sound going straight to your body, and brought his hand up to pull your hand off your mouth. “Don’t you dare hide those sounds from me,” he teasingly whispered into your ear. You shivered, and Paul started to kiss your cheek, down your jaw, and onto your neck. He sucked on the soft skin, hands squeezing your waist and rubbing up and down. You wanted to try something. For the first time, dilating actually didn’t feel so obligatory, so mechanical and stiff. You pushed the dilator deeper in, just about a centimeter, but enough to give you that feeling you had moments ago. You let out a breathy sigh as you tilted your head to give Paul more room on your neck. He felt you shift your hips again, and brought one of his hands to rub circles on your lower stomach. Skin on skin. And it felt good. 
You kept going like this for a few minutes, and Paul could feel your skin grow hotter by the second. Your back was arched, your neck covered in light red marks, and Paul had the intense desire to see you unravel. He brought his lips from your neck up to the side of your face, getting as close to eye contact as he could in this position, and said “Can I touch you?” 
You knew what he meant. The thought of it made you nervous. No one had touched you without it hurting before. It was almost as if he read your mind when he followed with “I can just stay on the outside…” Oh. You could be down with that. You turned your head to him and nodded. 
“Just try not to touch the dilator,” you said softly. You trusted Paul. He was already being so kind and patient with this, and you knew he would die before he would ever hurt you. The hand that had been rubbing circles on your stomach travelled lower. Lower. Lower. Until he could feel the slight stubble of a past shave, and then your soft, wet skin. You gasped as he touched your most sensitive parts, even more so because of how turned on you were. He gently made small, tight circles over your clit, your eyes rolling back in your head as you fell completely slack against him and let out a moan. A real moan, that Paul swore he would never forget. And he made you make that sound. It only spurred him on. He applied slightly more pressure, but not so much as to overwhelm you. And he knew that when girls were feeling good, the secret wasn’t faster or harder, but to keep doing exactly what you were doing. So that’s what he did, and it had you writhing. Your moans kept coming, and your legs had started to shake. However, because it felt so good, your muscles had started to clench around the dilator, and it was beginning to hurt. 
You didn’t want to rain on the parade. It was going so well. But Paul being the attentive lover that he is, noticed you begin to tense up in a new way. He brought his hand back up to your stomach, concern racing through his brain, and asked “Are you okay? Does it hurt?” 
“It’s kind of starting to. Not you, the dilator. I think I might take it out.” You stared down at his hand still touching your stomach. Such beautiful hands. You didn’t want it to end. 
“Do you want to try a smaller one? Or do you want to stop?” He questioned. 
“I really don’t want to stop,” you laughed. He breathed a laugh as well, and waited for your direction. You had a thought. Paul’s index finger was smaller than the dilator. Much smaller. If you just told him what to do and what not to do, that could feel really good. “Would you want to maybe… Nevermind.” You got nervous. 
“Hey, hey. No. Don’t do that. Tell me what you want,” He brought a finger up to your chin and moved your face towards him. “Tell me. Whatever it is, Princess. It’s yours.” Your whole body shuddered at this. He’s never called you that before, and to say it did something to you would be an understatement. 
You let out a breath, gathering courage, and said “Would you want to… use your finger?” 
He stopped at this. “Like, put my finger inside you? That wouldn’t hurt?” 
“I don’t think so. It’s smaller than this,” you said, bringing the dilator out and up. “And as long as I tell you what to do, it could be really good,” you said the last part shyly. 
“Okay, Princess. I can do that. How do you want me to do it?” 
“Try to do more… pressure, and less… friction? Like try not to go in and out so much, but you can move it around inside.” Your face was once again blushing intensely. 
“Anything you want. You just have to promise that you’ll tell me if it even hurts a little.”
“I promise.” You said it confidently enough that Paul brought his hand back down under the blanket. He circled your clit a couple times, making you shiver and release a breathy sigh, before moving his middle finger even lower, circling your entrance. He gathered some of the lube that was there from the dilator, coating his finger, and you brought your hand down to hold it, guiding it inside you at a speed that was comfortable. It was smaller than the dilator, so he was in you in 15 seconds. He stopped, and gave you a minute to adjust. Your hips writhed again because of how turned on you were, so Paul brought his other hand down and began circling your clit again. Your head fell back on his shoulder as you began to moan again, hips moving even more now. Paul took this as his queue to press his middle finger up against your inner wall lightly, causing a loud moan to leave your mouth. You were too far gone to be embarrassed. 
“There you go, baby,” he praised. God, this was the hottest thing he had ever seen. He was barely touching you, barely moving his finger inside you, and you were a mess. He had been rock hard since you guys started, but your ass was rubbing against him as you moved your hips, and he released a small growl at the feeling. This only turned you on more. He kept moving his finger in you the same way. Pressure, not friction. Pressure, not friction. He kept telling himself this. He wanted to finger bang you into oblivion, but the risk of hurting you was too high, so he kept up with rubbing the tip of his finger against that spot on your upper wall, in a “come-hither” motion. Your moans began to get higher in pitch, your body tensing even more.
“Relax your muscles for me, sweetheart,” he encouraged, and you did. Your release was approaching rapidly, and you wanted to grind against his hand, but you didn’t want to risk pain, so you trusted Paul to get you there. You were panting, hips shuddering, face scrunched, as your climax hit you like a wave. Your legs shook as you opened your mouth in a silent scream, and Paul carried you all the way through it. You came down, and lightly grabbed his wrists. He knew that that meant stop. So he slowly withdrew his finger, brought it up to his mouth, and sucked on it. Head still up in the clouds, you watched him, slack-jawed, as he popped his finger out and moaned. “So sweet,” he purred. Watching him suck on his finger like that made you think of something you’d like to suck on, and you looked down at Paul, still rock hard, and turned around in his lap. 
“Let me return the favor,” you said with a smirk.
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bullshxtvixen · 4 years
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Pairing: Bokuto x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Song: Put It On Me - Matt Maeson 
Warnings: 18+, Coercion(dubcon themes), size kink, cream pie, virginity kink, corruption kink, rough sex, spitting, spanking, light choking, light assplay(I couldn’t help myself), dom!bokuto(he’s kind of an ass oops).
A/N: So uh, it’s finally here…My first fic in two months and i’m ngl, i’ve been dreading posting for so long, but i tried to give you guys something good for my return, so please let me know what you think and go easy on me, i’m a little rusty sksks. However, this is a gift for @thekraziesreside because she drew me them most amazing Kenma x Me icon and i needed to pay her back somehow!!
Shoutout to my amazing friends @deathcab4daddy​, @dymphnasprose​ and @spicykzumeknma​, who i’m sure are sick of beta reading this by now and having me freaking out about posting it. Thank you for all your grammar corrections that I will probably never learn from, I love you all
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I-I’m a virgin.”
The words slip from your tongue before you can stop them.
The large hands that had been tracing the contours of your body stilled. You had to stop yourself from flinching when his intense golden stare shot to your face.
“What…” He let the word trail off, a well-practised mask of surprise coming into place on his features.
It was second nature to him now, letting his face morph into whatever expression he needed it to at a moments notice. No one ever suspected the friendly Ace of being anything other than a good guy, and really, he wasn’t a bad guy. No, he just relished in taking the innocence of unsuspecting women who easily fell into his trap.
Like you.
“I’m a virgin, Kou.” Even though you were straddling him, you still had to look up to meet his eyes. 
With the tips of your ears burning, you moved to get off of his lap as if you could escape from your embarrassing confession. You couldn’t believe you’d openly admitted you were an inexperienced virgin to the guy you’d only just met a week ago.  A mutual friend had introduced the two of you, and you’d quickly fallen for his ‘nice guy’ act.
You hadn’t even put a foot on the floor before you were pulled back and thrown into the pillows. The weight of Bokuto’s body was quick to settle on top of you, pressing you down into the plush mattress. 
“What are y-” before you could finish your sentence, your wrists were pinned above your head, rendering your arms useless in his firm grip. The muscles in your abdomen tightened at his rough treatment, and you couldn’t stop the small gasp that fell from your lip. Turning your head to the side, you tried in vain to hide your flustered expression.
Bokuto felt his cock twitch in the grey sweats that hung low on his hips.
The innocent ones were always the most responsive. He fought off a grin as the thought crossed his mind.
“Did you really think I was going to let you get away after telling me something like that?” He growled, warm breath ghosting over your face and across your neck. He watched with a glint in his eyes as you shivered under him. 
Oh, he was going to enjoy this.
“Do you know what that means, little bird?”
Your heart raced at the nickname.
Could he make you sing for him?
Certain he could hear your heartbeat fluttering like a hummingbird's wings in your chest, you silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. The mortification you felt was palpable in the space between you.
Bokuto thought it was cute how bashful you were, so unsure and unwilling to show him your real feelings, even though your body told him everything he needed to know. Still, he’d have you voicing your innermost desires sooner or later- it was only a matter of time.
“Well?” He pressed, not allowing you to dwell on your thoughts any longer. He didn’t want to have to put in too much effort to break you.
Your voice was small and unsure when you answered him, eyes looking anywhere but his direction, “No.” 
He was so close, closer than any man had ever been before. The proximity made it hard to think straight as the warmth of his body seeped into your bones, and his masculine scent invaded your senses. 
It was almost stifling.
His tongue darted out, licking a wet strip up the side of your exposed neck before pressing a soft kiss just below your ear. He felt you shiver beneath him before pulling back and watching a deep blush journey down to your chest. It was so pure...He couldn’t wait to be the one to defile your virtue.
Gently grasping your chin between his thumb and index finger, he turned your face until you had no option but to meet his simmering gaze. 
Begrudgingly, you looked up at the man looming over you and found he was already observing your flustered expression. He stared so openly and without shame that you began to squirm under him.
Bokuto saw your blush deepen further and wondered what you’d look like when he eased his cock inside your virgin hole.
Would your eyes roll into the back of your head? Would your nails imbed themselves in his back? Or maybe you’d simply cry out in pain and pleasure as he ripped through your innocence?
All kinds of scenarios whirled around in his brain, sending his mind into overdrive. 
Unconsciously, he ground the head of his cock against your clothed slit and was rewarded when he heard your sharp intake of breath. 
Heat pooled in his groin. 
It was such a pretty sound. He wanted more, and he didn’t need to feel the slick collecting in the crotch of your underwear to know your feelings mirrored his.
His smile was predatory as he answered.
“It means that I’ll be the first person to fill your tight little pussy up with cum. I’ll stretch your walls around my cock and pump you so full that it’ll be dripping out of you for days.” 
The lewd words fell from his mouth with ease, and you found yourself shifting as your body all of a sudden became too warm as if the temperature in the room had spiked, but you knew it was his words alone that had caused your reaction.
You hated how easily he affected you.
“I bet you want me to corrupt your sweet little body, don’t you?” He already knew the answer.
Your body responded of its own accord, turning into putty beneath him. Your hips rolled against his as your back arched off the bed at the feeling of his cock nudging against your clit. The knot in your stomach tightened. 
The grip on your wrists tightened. Bokuto took a few steadying breaths, struggling to hold himself back. You seemed so tiny and fragile as you lay beneath his brawny form, and he was scared he would break you if he gave in to his own desires too soon.
Maybe that’s what you wanted. The sadistic voice in the back of his mind purred. 
“I- I don’t know.” Your voice wavered as you answered him honestly. Doubt had begun to gnaw at your gut. Waiting didn’t seem like the worst idea- there was no rush, after all.
He closed his eyes for a split second to hide the annoyance that no doubt flickered through them. When he reopened them, he became the personification of a bird of prey, and you were his next meal.
Your mouth became dry as you lied entrapped by his stare.
“Come on, I can make you feel good.” As if he was digging his talons in to prevent your escape, he rolled his hips against yours once more, making sure that his cock rubbed firmly over your swelling clit. The side of his mouth quirked up when a tentative moan left your parted lips. 
“That’s it, you like that, don’t you? You want me to make you feel good, don’t you, little bird?” another roll of his hips, and he watched the doubt dissolve away for now.
“Koutarou...please.” Your voice was small, uncertain as you begged. 
You didn’t know what you were begging for, you just knew he could give it to you, whatever it was.
Golden eyes flashed at the way your voice was saturated with need. For a moment he thought that maybe you weren’t a virgin, but instead, a succubus, come to steal his soul. 
He would let you.
The weight of his body left yours, and in seconds, you were stripped of all of your clothing, which was thrown haphazardly around the room. His soon followed.
Eager eyes drank in the sight of your naked body before him. Your skin was so beautiful and unmarred by another person, so enticing and begging for his touch. Soon you would be littered in his marks as he lay claim to your body, inside and out.
Growing self-conscious under his prolonged stare, you tried in vain to cover your most intimate parts.
“There’s no use trying to hide from me. I’m going to become well-acquainted with your body by the time I’m done with you.”
A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers reached down and ghosted over your folds. A groan left him when he felt just how wet you were.
“Well, looks like someone’s already dripping at the thought of being ruined by my cock- isn’t that cute?” Though his tone was mocking, his words still sent excitement trickling down your spine.
Spreading your lips, he circled a thick finger around your twitching entrance, smiling devilishly when you whined for him. Through heavy-lidded eyes, he witnessed your jaw go slack as he eased the first finger past the slick opening, surprised when he was met with little resistance. 
Soon he was able to work himself knuckle-deep, and your walls fluttered around him in welcome.
Such a slutty pussy for someone so untouched. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Your pussy’s sucking my finger in so nicely; I bet you’re going to feel amazing when I stuff my cock inside.”
You groaned as his fingers started to move within your previously untainted walls. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling like you’d feared it would be- it was almost like a welcoming pressure had settled deep within you. 
“Kou… more.” 
A chuckle met your ears in line with his warm lips brushing against your pubic bone, “Your wish is my command.”
When the second finger was added, the discomfort became evident on your face. He didn’t pause his movements; instead, their pace increased as pain and pleasure fought for dominance at the apex of your thighs.
“That’s it, you can do it. The pain will stop soon,” At that moment he chose to curl his fingers and press them against the spongy spot deep within your sopping cunt. The pain dulled and was overshadowed by pleasure as he played with your body as if it were an instrument he was fine-tuning. 
“Ah- fuck, I-” Your breathing accelerated as the pressure in the pit of your stomach began to increase . Your hips started to buck up off the bed when his thumb joined his ministrations and began working tight circles against your clit. Sparks of excitement like nothing you’d felt before shot through your veins. Stringing thoughts together became almost impossible.
If this was what his fingers could do, you weren’t sure you’d be able to remain sane once his cock entered you.
“There it is,” he cooed, fingertips rubbing against the same spot, this time with a little more vigour, “God, you look so beautiful with my fingers inside you, you’re drenching them, baby.”
A thick fog came over your mind as they stroked and stretched your walls, creating a pressure in your abdomen that threatened to overflow at any second. It almost scared you, and yet, you couldn’t prevent your hips from desperately grinding down against his hand.
“More,” you cried, your breaths beginning to come out in pants.
The wet squelching sounds of your pussy filled the room as his hand became a blur between your thighs. The sound only added to your arousal.
When your legs began to quake, he lowered his head and added his mouth to the mix, suckling skillfully at your puffy clit. His lips were cool as they attached themselves to your heated skin, the difference in temperature causing a prolonged whine to leave you.
His tongue swirled around the sensitive nub, his fingers working your insides, coiling, stroking and stretching until the pressure that had been steadily rising in your stomach finally exploded within your body. It erupted from your core, spreading through you like wildfire.
Your hands found hair, pulling and twisting the soft locks as you came hard around his fingers. He moaned at the flash of pain in his scalp- causing his own desire to heighten. Your walls pulsed as he continued to curl his fingers against your g-spot. 
“Yes, yes, yes! Fuck, Kou, fuck, oh god, oh god!” Your cries of delight were music to Bokuto’s ears. It excited him so much that he couldn’t help but gently rut his hips into the mattress. His cock was painfully hard now, and precum leaked freely from his swelling tip. He needed to be inside you soon or he’d lose his mind.
Pulling his fingers from your pussy, you watched through half-lidded eyes as he brought them to his mouth and began to eagerly lap at them. 
“Koutarou…That was....” Your brain was still riding its high, unable to give you an end to your sentence.
He pulled his hand from his mouth, “I told you I’d make you feel good. Now, before I fuck your brains out, why don’t you see how good you taste?”
The musky smell of your arousal filled your nostrils as he brought his fingers to your lips.
“Open.” It wasn’t a request.
At your hesitance, he quirked a brow, “I promise you taste amazing. Now, open.”
You obeyed, still riding the endorphin high he’d pulled from your body. Because of this, you didn’t even notice that he’d reached over and pressed record on his phone that was propped up on the nightstand. He’d made sure to angle it so the camera pointed directly at your face.
He found people were much more...compliant... if he had video footage he could use against them in the event that they changed their minds.
With a grin, he placed the two fingers he’d had knuckle deep in your cunt against your tongue.
The tart taste of your release was quick to spread over your tastebuds. His eyes darkened when you began to swirl your tongue around his fingers, lightly sucking on them until they were completely clean of your arousal. 
It was so erotic that you found it hard to maintain eye contact. 
He released a shaky breath before pulling his fingers from your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’.
“You’re a little minx, you know that?” He teased, allowing one of his hands to come to rest next to your head while the other reached between your bodies. Taking his length in his hand, he watched a mix of anticipation and fear come over your features when you looked down.
Your audible gulp was heard in the silence that followed.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected, but this was beyond anything your mind had come up with. Even though you’d never had sex before, you knew he was big. His cock was thick and heavy where it hung between his legs. Veins ran along the sides of his shaft, the largest one snaking directly down the centre before splitting in two near the swollen head. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would feel like having something so big inside your body.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Your voice wavered, doe-eyes shining with fear as they met his.
He acknowledged your fear with a condescending sneer, “Oh, little bird, you really think you have a choice?” he nodded towards the nightstand.
The blood in your veins turned icy, and your body began to tremble as you lay eyes on the phone, screen open and recording.
Breathing became difficult as panic rose in your chest. You’d been so naive. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“It’s been recording for the last couple of minutes. Now,” his rough fingers came to rest against the sides of your throat, squeezing lightly as he brought his face just inches from yours, “you can either behave, and this will feel amazing for both of us, or you can be a brat, and the only person this is going to be fun for is me. Not to mention, I’ll send the video around to every person you know, including your boss.” 
At the mention of your boss, your whole body deflated. He had you right where he wanted you. While the thought of your friends and family seeing the video was mortifying, you couldn’t risk losing your job. Your virginity was a small price to pay to make sure the video stayed hidden.
Anger bloomed in your chest as you leered up at the spiky-haired man, but you had no fight in you. It was useless to even try.
“If I do this, you’ll make it go away?” You tried to make your voice sound confident, but it cracked at the end.
He couldn’t stop the smile from creeping onto his face when he realised you were giving in, “Of course- no one else will ever see it.”
He watched the internal battle going on behind your mind before your eyes hardened.
“Fine, so be it. I’ll play your sick game.” You spat, what else did you have to lose?
Bokuto’s eyes widened when you reached down and removed his hand from his length before replacing it with your own. It was softer than you’d imagined, yet firm at the same time. Like steel encased in velvet. 
“You like the feeling of my cock, baby? It’ll feel even better when I'm balls deep inside you. You’ll be my little slut and take it all like a good girl, won’t you?”
The man above you let out a rumbling moan from deep within his chest when your fingers flexed around him, head falling against your chest. Your wavering hands felt so small as they struggled to circle his impressive girth. It again reminded him of the size difference between the two of you.
Your eyes darted between him and the phone. He took the hint and reached over, turning the phone off and laying it flat against the nightstand.
He turned back to you with a smug smirk. 
You wanted to slap the look right off his face, but violence would probably result in the video being circulated faster.
Resigning yourself to your fate, you dipped the head of the thick muscle between your folds. Your slick coated it instantly. Lining him up with your entrance, you waited for him to meet your gaze. When he did, he saw the hatred burning in them. It made his cock throb in your palm.
When he pressed his hips forward, all at once, the air left your body as heat flooded your core.
Bokuto studied your face intently, drinking in the way your pupils dilated and your mouth dropped open into a silent moan. If he could burn one image into his mind, it was your face at that moment as he stole the last remnants of your innocence from you.
“Hng-fuck...it feels...s-so-” Your hands blindly grasped at his broad shoulders, seeking some kind of anchor as the burning feeling of his cock threatening to split you open sent your mind into a frenzy.
“So what, baby?” He cooed, body tense above you. “How does it feel? Come on, little bird, use your words.”
Nails dug into his shoulder blades as he worked himself into you. Hissing out a breath, he savoured the way your lower muscles clenched around his girth before relaxing, only to repeat the motion moments later, pulling him deeper into your heated sheath.
“So full. So so full, so fucking good.” You whimpered, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. It was a fullness, unlike anything you’d ever felt before. Every nerve in your body had come to life, and a familiar heat began to pool in your lower body once again. Bokuto’s control began to slip, and he soon realised he was trembling above you in an effort to hold back. Heat was surging through his own body, clouding his mind and bringing him closer to his climax. If he didn’t move soon...
“Ah, fuck, I need…” He couldn’t finish the rest of his sentence, his mind was lost to the beast you’d unleashed inside of him. With a harsh snap of his hips, he sheathed the rest of his cock inside your wet heat.
A scream ripped from your throat as your poor cunt was suddenly filled to the brim with the Ace’s cock. His hips lay flush against yours as he bottomed out inside you, the plush head of his length kissing your cervix. He stretched your body in such a sinful way that for a second, you forgot how to breathe. 
Even though you never wanted anything to do with him and the thought of him being inside you made you feel sick, you couldn’t stop your body’s natural reaction to him.
On instinct, your legs wrapped around his hips, heels pressing against his ass. You didn’t know where your confidence had come from, and in your lust-driven craze, you didn’t care. In fact, it was almost as if a switch had been flicked in your mind. All you knew was that you craved him.
“Shit, you’re choking my cock with that sweet little pussy. Fuck.”
“Koutarou...move. Please.” You panted, cutting him off, “I need you to move, now.”
The heels of your feet dug into his ass while you simultaneously rolled your hips into his. The movement sent flares of desire straight to your core.
Bokuto didn’t need to be told twice.
The first few of his thrusts were short and practised as if he was testing whether or not your body could handle him. When he was met with mewls and whimpers, he couldn’t stop himself from picking up his pace and slamming mercilessly into your greedy pussy. 
The pressure you’d experienced before started to build once again, only this time it felt more intense, almost out of control as you writhed beneath him.
There were many ways you’d imagined losing your virginity; slow, soft, romantic sex with someone you’d known for years; gentle caresses and stolen kisses beneath a slither of moonlight as your lover whispered loving words into your ear.
This was nothing like that. 
Bokuto’s thrusts were bruising, unforgiving, and the power behind each one jolted your entire body. He was animalistic as he fucked into you.
This wasn’t love-making. This was rough, hard fucking, and you found yourself growing intoxicated as you were forced to drink in every sensation he was pulling from you. 
He’d been wrong before, you weren’t like the other girls at all. They’d all cried and begged for him to go easy. But you, you thrived on him using your body, even savoured the feeling of being fucked like a whore.
The realisation made his head spin. If you liked being fucked like a whore, he was happy to oblige.
A strangled cry echoed through the room when his teeth latched onto the sensitive skin of your nipple. His hot tongue swirled around the pebbled nub, sending bolts of desire splintering through you as the pressure inside you bubbled up and threatened to explode at any moment.
His mouth left you all too soon.
“Such a good girl. You’re taking my cock so well. Who knew a virgin could be such a dirty little slut? I bet you’re loving this, being used like a cocksleeve.” The words left his mouth in a rush as if he’d forget them if he didn’t get them out fast enough. 
Leaning back, he hooked his arms beneath your knees, still continuing his assault on your cunt. He couldn’t help but reach around and press a hand on your stomach. Desire stirred in his groin when he felt himself moving beneath his palm. 
“Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m practically in your stomach…” His words died off when he felt your walls begin to spasm.
“Kou, I’m- fuck- I’m going to cum.”
No, he wouldn’t let you cum just yet, it was too soon. He knew if he drew it out much longer, you’d be too sore for another round, but he wanted- no, he needed- to test just how far he could corrupt you.
Without thinking, he leant over your body and allowed a string of his saliva to slowly drip from his mouth. It gave you enough time to move if it was too much for you.
You didn’t move. No, instead you eagerly stuck your tongue out and waited for his spit to drip onto it, like a puppy begging for a treat.
When you swallowed it with a smirk on your face, he finally lost all semblance of control.
You weren’t entirely sure what happened next, but next thing you knew, you were stomach-down on the bed.
The sound of impact as Bokuto’s hand met the supple flesh of your ass rang in your ears. You barely had time to register the searing heat blooming across your rear before he brought his hand down again on the opposite side.
“Get that fucking ass in the air.” 
Bringing your knees under you and sticking your ass out as much as you could, you waited for his next move as your orgasm began to dwindle.
Bokuto bit his lip as he watched you present yourself to him, puffy lips glistening in the dim light.
Gripping your hip with one hand, he used the other to give your ass a few slaps with his length before realigning himself with your entrance. You were so wet and stretched so well that with a harsh snap of his hips, his entire length was buried deep in you with no resistance.
“Fuck!” Your voice was hoarse as you cried out from being stuffed with his cock again.
The angle this new position set had his cock dragging along your walls, caressing them as he fucked into your heat. The new pace he set was brutal as he chased his own high.
Skin against skin became the only sound in the room as his weighty balls slapped against your clit- each time the coil in your stomach tightened.
Your body stiffened when you heard him spit, followed by the feel of moisture coming into contact at the top of your ass.
He’d been lost in his mind as he watched your puffy slit suck in his length, and when his eyes travelled up to the puckered hole just above, he couldn’t help himself.
“Don’t worry,” He spread the spit around your pucker with his thumb before gently applying pressure, “I’ll ruin this hole next time, little bird. But first, I want you to get an idea of just how good I can be to you.”
When his thumb slipped past the tight ring of muscle, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
A sense of euphoria settled deep within you as you lay there and let the Ace pound into you with reckless abandon.
Bokuto became drunk on the cries he was sure you didn’t even realise were falling from your mouth as drool pooled beneath your cheek and turned the bedsheets a darker shade.
It wouldn’t be long now. He could feel his balls tightening as heat spread through his body. Not to mention, your legs had started to quiver with the first signs of your release.
“You ready to come for me again, baby?” His hips never faltered from the harsh pace he’d set.
“I can’t...too much...fuck.”
He found it almost endearing that you thought you had a choice. 
“Wrong answer.”
You didn’t think it was possible for him to fuck you any harder, but a last burst of energy had him pistoning his hips into you with such force that you had to reach above your head and press a shakey hand against the headboard to stop your body from jolting forward.
Your body couldn’t take much more stimulation and seconds later you cried out your release into the mattress.
Your first orgasm was nothing compared to the pure ecstasy you felt in those following moments as you came hard around the thick muscle still pumping into your aching walls.
Stars flashed across your vision as your toes curled, and your hands blindly clawed at the mattress. It was as if you’d been washed out to sea in an ocean of bliss, and you had no choice but to ride the waves crashing through you.
Bokuto’s thrust became sporadic until finally, his body went taut behind you, balls tightening as he emptied his seed into your spasming walls. 
His cum was warm as it splashed against your cervix, staining every inch of your insides with the thick fluid.
White noise rang in your ears as your body rode out its chemical high.
Bokuto pulled his thumb and cock from your holes once his balls were empty. Once removed, your body collapsed to the side, exhausted.
Bokuto’s own energy was about to run out, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your twitching cunt. His cum had started to dribble out from between your swollen lips in a steady stream of white.
Instinct had him reaching out and pressing as much of it back into your body as he could. He ignored the weak cries that the action coaxed from your mouth as his fingers brushed against tender flesh.
He’d fucked you raw. 
You’d be sore for days after this. Hell, a dull ache had settled in his own muscles.
With a groan, he used the last of his energy to scoop your thoroughly fucked body off the bed and carry you the short distance to the bathroom. Placing you gingerly down into the toilet seat, he only let go when he was sure you weren’t going to fall face-first onto the cold tile floor.
Grabbing a small cloth, he made quick work of rubbing the musky smell of sex from your body before jumping into the shower and ridding himself of the thin layer of sweat sticking to him. The warm water felt amazing against his skin, and suddenly, tiredness came over him. All of his limbs felt heavy as if weights had been attached to them. He’d definitely been rougher than he meant to- fucking never usually took this much out of him.
You’d been so lost in your after-sex daze that he almost jumped out of his skin when you finally spoke.
“So...When can we go again?” Your voice was far more lucid than he’d expected. It seemed in your daze you’d forgotten your hatred towards him. He knew some gentle persuasion was all it would take to unlock your inner animal.
Raising a brow, he turned to see a sly smile creep onto your face as you sat naked on his toilet. 
You at least had the decency to blush at your request.
“I mean...that’s if you want to. Oh, and you’d better delete that video or I’ll rip your cock off and shove it down your throat.”
He thought you might just be a succubus after all.
THERE IT IS!! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK<3 Likes/Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated and mean more than you realise ^.^
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
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Pairing: ushijima x f!reader
Tags: housewife!reader, hurt/comfort, wall fucking, neglected reader, breeding kink, daddy kink, cockwarming
a/n: umm,... repost
Word count:1.2k
18+ Minors DNI
You'd never thought you'd be in this situation, going out of your way to get your husband's attention. To the point of wearing a cute little apron, barely there clothes, and purposely bending over in front of him while making you two dinner.
But something you should have expected was your husband not taking a hint, only being to understand with words. Leading him to say “are you feeling okay” immediately making you unsettled, why was it so hard for you to say what you wanted. How hard was it to tell your husband “hey i want your dick in me right now”. What man would say no to that?
Anxiety pooling up in you, letting the worse of the thoughts get into your head, thinking he doesn't want you because he's not attracted to you anymore, after 5 years of being together, two of them married. But what was going on in his head was him worrying if you were okay, never acting like this before, even having the audacity to put his hand on your head checking for a fever.
Tears start forming in your eyes, never feeling so belittled even though it was your fault, him rushing to cup your cheek thinking there was definitely something wrong with you, not knowing it was his, in your minds, fault.
“Are you okay love?” he softly says, which makes you fall apart, the tears from being so needy now running down your face.
He hesitates, not knowing what to do in this situation other than wipe the dramatic tears running down your face, causing you to feel even worse for making him put up with you like this. How selfish were you to act like this when your husband was working all day, proving for the both of you.
“Tell me what's wrong and i can fix it.” he said, always being reliable, taking responsibility into his own hands. That's one of the many things you loved about him, was that he would always take care of you, so why were you so afraid to say it? Was it the embarrassment of being this needy after not getting fucked for a week and half due to his team travelling? Acting like he was gone for a year at war or something.
All you had to do was ask. But you didn't want to burden him, today being the second day he's been home, still going to practice, but coming home to you every night. At this point you couldn't even get yourself off, crying quietly in the shower because “your fingers didn't feel the same as his”.
You turned your head up to his, looking him in the eyes, seeing him blurred but still being able to make out his handsome face. You try to build up to courage to tell him
“Have I been neglecting you?” he said, realizing the situation he had caused, that he let it get this far to the point where you were crying. “I'm sorry doll.” he continued, putting his lips on yours, working to fix the problem.
He moves you to the walk leaning you against it, you pushing deeper into the kiss, him deciding that you needed it here, right now. He moves one of his hands from your face down to your ass, breaking the kiss looking you in the eyes to see if you were sure that you wanted this, another thing you loved about him, always being a gentleman.
You respond by dragging him back in, nodding into the kiss, not wanting him to see your face be even more of a mess.
“please...daddy~” you moan out after he puts his thigh in between your legs, rubbing it how he knows you like.
“I got you love.” he says following through, as always. Pulling down those little shorts, that he was trying to control himself around, not realizing the reason you were doing it. Him not trying to hold back his groan seeing you weren't wearing any panties feeling how wet you were, fuck he messed up.
He remembers everything you tell him, from saying how he should make more noise when you to fuck, the complete silence being awkward, to you confessing your fantasies that he gladly went along with, as a good husband should.
“Please…” you start again grinding onto his clothed cock, drenching his shorts in your wetness. He moved his hand to your clit to which you shook your head in protest, not needing any prep just needing him inside you.
Luckily he wasn't as dense to your actions when you two were intimate, learning your body language quickly, understanding what you needed. He made his actions match his thoughts by dropping his shorts, freezing his cock, mouthwateringly hard, you whining at the sight of it.
He pushed you against the wall picking you up by your thighs, spreading them far apart enough to where he could fit in, not even needing to shove his way in due to your state.
“Fuck honey.” he groaned settling himself in you, your walls spasming around him ducking your head into his schedule, embarrassed that you already came from him just being inside you, something you loved so much, even him letting you keep it in you after you two finished.
He started thrusting into you, not being able to control himself after seeing you act like that. "you must've really needed me hmm?” he asks fucking you to the point where you couldn’t even respond if you wanted to, his cock focing its way into your cervix, making you gasp between your moans and whines.
“L-love you daddy” you whimper out, not wanting him to feel bad, continuing by pulling him in for a kiss, leaving you in a makeshift mating press, your legs being pushed up as far as they could so you could kiss him. Him reaching further, if even possible, into you.
“Mm sorry love, i won't leave you alone ever again” he stated, your foreheads barely touching, his sweat dripping onto your apron that was still on. The sight of him being so fucked out, making you clench around him.
“Fuck” he groans filling you up, after you mowhined out for him to cum in you,  some of it escaping and dripping onto the floor, you following soon after seeing how worked up he got making you not even need to be touched anywhere else.
He continued thrusting into you after a short minute, wanting to please you, a physical way of saying i'm sorry. “Gonna give you a baby, then you won't be lonely anymore.” he groaned fucking his cum into you. You crying out at the thought, wanting him to stuff you even more full.
“please, please! ple-” you tried to say, coming out distorted, but he could read you. Him continuing leaning back to make you more comfortable, your legs haphazardly wrapped around his waist. Him abiding to your needs by cumming in you multiple times, while making you do the same.
You two sat on the table where the food you were making was sitting, now cold as hours went by, him not pulling out of you wondering if he was serious about what he said.
“toshi” you croaked out, your voice being long gone. “Can we wash up, i'm kinda hungry.” You asked, planning to get him to fuck you after you ate.
“Yeah love.” he said picking you up, still not pulling out for the sake of your sanity, and carrying you two to the bathroom where he would have a long drawn out talk with you, as always.
© all content belongs to spikesbimbo. do not alter or repost .
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reidsnose · 3 years
Young and Beautiful
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overview: spencer and reader spend the day together and feel like little kids again
genre: fluff
a/n: ok i think this concept is so cute but i feel like i wrote it dumb LMAO but its fine i'm excited tho lmk if y'all like it at all :)
the setting sun peaked through the trees as you and Spencer walked around aimlessly. it wasn't often that you had days off, let alone enough to spend together. and the city was curiously empty, the usual bustle of the day having died down by evening. most people are itching to go home on a random Wednesday night.
"i really don't like the look of those clouds y/n." Spencer warned, pointing towards a large, dark gray cloud.
"i already told you i checked the weather and they said no rain!" you countered, though you had to admit the cloud looked pretty hefty. "it will probably just pass us over."
he hummed a hesitant agreement and carried on with the conversation you two were having. you looked around as the two of you talked, taking in the peace of the moment. the light breeze, the the hum of distant cars as you neared a park, the way the sunlight sparkled in Spencer's eyes as he talked, a golden tint covering the world around you.
he watched you soaking up the beauty around you, wondering if you ever saw your own. you were truly the most beautiful person alive. inside and out. he smiled to himself as your eyes lingering on the empty playground.
"you wanna go to the playground?" he asked, your eyes lighting up.
"is that weird? like were fully adults why is that twisty slide calling my name?" you giggled.
in a surge of confidence, he grabbed your hand and started running towards the playground with you, the rouge on your cheeks masked by the flush of a quick run. when he was around you, he felt like a kid again. you did too.
you tried not to think about how your hand tingled from holding his. it was only a couple of seconds and probably meant nothing, but you couldn't shed that wonderful feeling.
you guys raced to the slide, giggling like a bunch of school kids at recess. he beat you to the twisty slide, climbing quickly to the top and sliding down head first right off the end. you followed immediately after, arms stretched in front of you like superman and landing on the floor next to him.
"God, this reminds me of making a 'best friend' every time i went to the playground as a kid," you laughed, standing up and offering him a hand.
"cant say i relate to that," he chuckled, grabbing your outstretched hand and hoisting himself off the ground, sending a surge of electricity through his veins.
"oh come on! you never met another kid at the park and you two swore to be best friends forever and then never saw each other again?"
"nope," he replied, popping the p, "i didn't go to the playground much when i was little, nor was i the most sociable kid."
"hmm..." you hummed, "well i think you need to experience that."
he chuckled, but this time it was your turn to grab his hand and lead him somewhere. you two ran to get under the jungle gym, his long legs struggling to fit underneath.
"what are we doing under here?" he laughed, grunting as he pulled on his legs so he could sit criss cross.
"you're making your first ever playground best friend." you answered simply, sticking out your pinky. "do you...state your full name.."
"Spencer Walter Reid." he laughed, looping his pinky with yours.
"do you Spencer Walter Reid pinky promise that we will be best friends forever and ever?" you asked, trying hard to keep a straight face and failing miserably.
"i do." he answered, shaking your intertwined pinkies up and down after he was met with silence.
"ok now ask me," you whispered.
"do you...state your full name.." he echoed.
"y/f/n." you giggled.
"do you y/f/n pinky promise that we will be best friends forever and ever?" he asked, stifling a smile.
"i do." you answered, pinkies still linked in front of you.
"ok now what?" he whispered.
"by the power vested in me by this playground, i now pronounce us best friends forever. we may now kiss our thumbs." you announced.
he laughed confused and you both leaned in, pecking your own thumbs on the pinky promise hand, only the distance of your linked hands between your lips.
he blurted a fact on the history of kissing, how it was used in the olden days to seal the deal. he also mentioned how all the pinky promises he's ever done never involved him kissing his thumb, you laughed and said that it must be a Vegas thing.
you two used just about every piece of playground equipment, truly feeling like little kids again. giggling and screaming and being immature, your inner children completely taking over.
a clap of thunder interrupted you two while taking turns jumping off of the swings. your eyes grew wide as you looked at each other, recalling how you swore it wasn't going to rain.
just as you opened your mouth to say it still might not rain, it started absolutely pouring. the both of you were drenched in seconds, grabbing haphazardly onto eachothers hands and breaking out into a sprint, running as fast as both of you could in the direction of Spencer's apartment (which was much closer than yours).
but he did not have the long distance endurance, and to be honest neither did you and after a few minutes of running, you guys were still about half a mile away, huffing and puffing and soaking wet.
Spencer wasn't sure if most of his breath was lost from running, or from holding onto you this long. maybe a mix of both?
"lets just walk! were soaked already so who cares!" he shouted over the pitter patter of the storm, still hand and hand with you.
"who are you and what have you done with Spencer," you laughed, lifting your joined hands above you and twirling underneath.
he only chuckled a response, this time he lifted your intertwined hands allowing you to twirl again, humming a classical piece horribly off key.
the two of you started dancing down the sidewalk, spinning and jumping and swaying and leaping and laughing til you could barely stand. his lanky limbs flying left and right as you took turns humming different styles of music, even opting for an Irish jig at one point. and all in the pouring rain.
this was arguably the most fun either of you had ever had and we all know what happens to time when you're enjoying yourself. before you knew it you guys had arrived at his apartment.
water dripped from the both of you as you ran up the stairs, slipping and sliding all over the place.
"let me give you some of my clothes to change into so you don't have to drive home all soaked," he offered, unlocking the door and beckoning you to come inside.
"thanks bestie," you giggled, suppressing a shiver as you stepped inside.
he grabbed two towels, handing you one as you followed him into his room and watched him searching his dresser for something to give you.
he gave you a pair of sweatpants and told you to pick any sweater you wanted, causing you both to turn a deep shade of red as you realized you were sharing clothes.
he grabbed some clothes for himself and went to go change in the bathroom, letting you use his bedroom for more privacy. it was always the little things he did for you that made your heart burst.
you pulled his sweater over your head, taking in the smell of him that lingered on it. you smiled to yourself as you did, realizing you're already close enough with him to recognize it.
you finished changing and walked out of his room, seeing him reading on his couch, lounging in comfy clothes.
the sight of you in his clothes left him speechless, he imagined if you two were dating this might be a common occurrence. he shook his head of the thought and stood up as you offered him a smile, grabbing your keys off of the counter.
"thank you for today Spencer, it was.." you looked up at him trying not to get lost in his eyes, "..so much fun."
"thank you for making me feel like a kid again, there aren't many people who can do that. i don't know what i would do without you" he smiled, stepping slightly closer to you.
you couldn't believe your ears, or what was about to come toppling out of your mouth. he was just being so sweet and sentimental, your brain short circuited.
"love you forever." you blurted, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.
to your surprise (and delight), he stuck out his pinky, which you gladly looped with your own.
"love you more." he professed, leaning in to kiss his thumb.
him admitting this gave you an incredible rush of confidence and as you both went in to seal the deal of the pinky promise, you tightened your pinky with his and pulled your hands down, pecking his lips with your own.
it was a quick kiss but you still felt like you were on top of the world.
Spencer barely had time to process what had happened before it was already over. he couldn't believe it. the perfect kiss with the most perfect girl and he nearly missed it.
he pulled you back for one more, slightly longer kiss, just to make sure. you both smiled into it, floating around on cloud nine.
you pulled away and smiled widely at his lovesick face before giving a small wave and walking out the door, scampering down the stairs and out to your parked car.
he snapped out of his daze and ran to the window, waving goodbye to you with the worlds dopiest smile on his face. it dropped suddenly as he realized he never truly asked you out on a date.
"y/n!" he called from the window. you looked back up at him and waved, "do you wanna go out this weekend?"
you laughed before calling back at him, "its a date!"
ultra mega super cool taglist
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc @sydnee-kom-spacekru
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Back Into the Swing of Things
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summary: Bucky is finally stable and after your friendship turns into a relationship, Bucky asks you to teach him about the little things. (set around civil war)
words:  3355
warning: legit none just fluff!
pairing: bucky x reader
You were sat at the little desk in your room, your music was blasting through your headphones as you nodded your head to the beat. It was paperwork day, the worst day. For some reason it was a busy time or missions which meant mission reports, you liked to just bang them out all at once for one day every couple of weeks. Some people did them right after but the little notes you take in your journal allow you to wait a bit and then do five at once. The plate that used to have a sandwich was now empty, Bucky brought it by because he knew it was your day and if he stayed around you it would most likely lead to Bucky trying to pull you into bed for snuggles. He’d claim you’d look too cozy to be doing work, you'd wear one of his shirts and maybe some pants.
With a sigh you lean back in your chair, a couple pops coming for your back. “Four outta five…” you muttered to yourself as you took the papers and stacked them on the other reports. As you reached for the final one there was a knock on the door, “come in, Bucky.” You called over your shoulder.
“How’d you know it was me?” Bucky slipped through the doorway, he walked over and spun your chair around.
“Your knock is very polite,” was all you said. It was true, he’d knock loud enough to be heard but not too loud to seem demanding.
“Thanks…?” Bucky sat on the edge of your bed, “I wanted to ask you something,” Bucky looked to the floor.
“Talk to me,” You cheered and gave your full attention.
“I have a list of things in my notebook, just stuff I don't get- like understand. Would you mind helping and explaining some stuff?” His face was red and his eyes looked down, it was painfully obvious he was embarrassed.
“Sure,” You shrugged and Bucky smiled. He got up and went to get the book.
Debit Card Machine 
Bucky was sitting across from you at a small diner, you went after rush hour to give yourself space and also Bucky doesn’t like crowded and loud spaces. Bucky had gotten a B.L.T. and you got something similar but you’d never been here before so you weren’t exactly sure what was in it- but it was good.
The waitress came by, the uniform was very retro like the rest of the place. It wasn’t way back to the 40’s more late 80’s early 90’s, Bucky had said he liked coming here because of the jukebox even though that was way past his time. He found it easier than an iphone, which was on his list of things to learn.
“Coffee or tea?” the lady asked.
“No, just the bill please,” You smiled at her, she nodded and walked away. Bucky got up and moved to sit beside you because he didn’t want to learn by looking at the thing upside down, the debit card itself was slightly conquered territory but he had the idea.
“And you said this was on your phone as well?” Bucky picked up the card and looked at it, his fingers running over the numbers that were lifted.
“You have to connect your card and all that to your phone so you just hover over the machine and it’ll pay.” You mimed the action of paying with your phone over nothing for Bucky to get the gist.
The machine showed up and you explained all the buttons, the waitress seemed confused because Bucky looked your age, she would have expected a guy to know how this works but she also kept her distance like most waitresses do.
“So you put your card in, the chip end goes in,” you showed. “Then you make sure the price matches the one on the receipt, if it does then you hit ‘ok’,” you did hit ‘ok’. “Then you have to tip, I personally go the percentage route so I’d click the far left button,” It made a sound when you did. “Now, depending on the service you can tip a different amount, I go fifteen percent as a baseline but she was really nice so I’ll tip twenty.” you typed it in, Bucky had a shocked face.
“Twenty dollars, that’s another meal!” He whispered, trying not to let the lady hear; she did.
“Twenty percent, our total goes from eighteen-tirty to twenty-forty five,” You showed the number again, then you clicked okay and proceeded to type in your four digit number. Bucky watched over your shoulder and tried to remember it all, when you were showing things at home he’d take notes and have a couple diagrams to remember it all but his notebook was no longer in sight. You glanced down after giving the machine back to see him rolling the book onto itself under the table, Bucky shoved it into his back pocket when you both got up to leave.
“Do you mind going over it again when we get home?” Bucky asked as he held your hand, the Avenger tower in sight.
“Of course,” you left a little kiss on his cheek.
Cooking Bacon
You didn’t remember reading this when you first went over the list. Granted, there was tons of stuff on Bucky’s list. It seemed he added it on later, like he watched Wanda cook and had a little idea to add. Either way, you both were in the kitchen in front of the stove. You both had aprons on, yours was a nice navy blue while Bucky’s read: ‘kiss the cook’. He wanted the navy one but then lost a game of rock, paper, scissors.
The pan was heating up on the stove, you had the lid ready beside it on the counter. Bucky seemed nervous because of the idea of the grease spitting out at him, he was starting to stand slightly behind you or away from the stove in an area he thought he wouldn’t get hit. “Alright,” you clapped your hands together after feeling over the pan to check the temperature. “We are gonna cook four pieces, so I’m gonna take them out of the package,” You were careful around the stove because Bucky seemed extremely nervous for you. He kept making little ‘peep’ing noises like he was about to say ‘watch out’ or something but decided against it, it was cute.
You put in two and then Bucky came over to put the others in, he was so leaned back he could barely get the bacon strips into the pan. On the last strip he haphazardly dropped it in, this caused the grease to spray back. A couple bits landed on your arm but a few more hit Bucky.
“Fuck!” He jumped back as you went to cover it quickly. The lid steamed up in seconds. Bucky was at the sink, washing his arm off. “Does it, like, burn through stuff?”  His tone was so concerned but you couldn't help but laugh at the question.
“No, you’re safe,” you nodded. Bucky came back over and stood right behind you, his chin nestled on your shoulder as you waited a bit. His arms circled around your torso and he also watched the pan, he didn’t know what to look for per se, but he did it anyways. “This should be good,” you stepped forward which caused Bucky to let go. “We’re gonna lift the lid and start to flip them, alright?” You grabbed the tongs and clicked them a few times, it was a thing you always did.
“Let’s go,” Bucky’s voice wanted to sound excited but he was slightly scared.
You lifted the lid and stood off to the side, quickly but calmly you flipped the pieces over and then covered the lid. “So, we give that time, then we'll take the lid off and just move them around and flip them more, you can do that,” You smiled over your shoulder to see Bucky writing something down. It was cute how much he cared about the little things, you’d never been taught how to cook bacon or cooking in general, it was something you just found yourself doing.
Bucky took the tongs and went for it, he lifted the lid and went straight into flipping them. After he found they weren’t spitting back he seemed to loosen up, his shoulders rolled back and he seemed to find a comfortable position. He was looking over to you for any tips but you stood there with a smile on your face, he was actually doing a good job.
You got out a plate and paper towel, Bucky transferred the strips over. He watched you pat them down with a paper towel, this was something you adopted into your life because you weren’t the biggest fan of all the grease.
“This is a big part, so listen up,” Bucky looked over from eating one of his two pieces. “Write this down, never and I mean never pour this grease down the sink- ever.” Bucky had the piece of meat sticking out of his mouth as he scribbled it down, he hummed and nodded to let you know he got it. “There is a can under the sink, grab it for me, please?” You picked up the pan but stayed over the stove, Bucky came back with an open can. There was nothing in it except congealed grease, he seemed grossed out but you were used to it. “Dump it in here after it’s cool but not solidified, just don’t pour it down the sink.” You poured the stuff in and left it on the counter to cool off, Bucky finally bit down on the piece of bacon before handing over your two pieces.
“I think that went well,” Bucky nodded, he leaned against the counter with a tired sigh. You didn’t have to heart to make fun of him for being scared of the grease, he seemed proud of himself. So you just stood beside him and rested your head on his shoulder, “good job, Buck.”
Skin Care
Bucky was the type of boyfriend to sit in the bathroom and just watch you put on or take off your makeup, he was truly put under a trance when he would watch you. In the beginning he’d ask questions or ask what you were doing and why, but now he had watched you so much he’d pass you the tube of mascara as you finished on your brows.
Your skin had adapted to a long and specific routine, this was your time for about ten minutes before bed to fully unwind and have some quiet. You would rotate products and skip over some of the serums each night but there were the basics you were going to teach Bucky: Wash, tone, moisturize.
Before you went to the drug store you asked Bucky about his skin, he really had no idea what you were talking about and half the time he’d shrug it off. “I don’t pay attention to my skin,” was a common phrase. You lightly touched his face and felt his T-zone, he joked that sometimes if he opened his mouth really wide his skin would feel super tight and dry.
“So then you have dry skin,” you said. Thinking of the products to get him, Bucky didn’t have acne, it was more for cleaning the skin and keeping it healthy.
“I think,” Bucky really felt like a pain. He was trying to help you out so you could find good products but all he was giving was half answers, ‘ya, I guess’ or ‘I think so’.
But currently you both were standing in the bathroom, it was right before bed and Bucky adjusted his headband for about the hundredth time. He said it was too tight but you knew he was being a baby about it, his hair was also pulled back into a bun.
“We are gonna wash our face,” You showed how warm the water should be before splashing your face. Bucky copied right after, and awkwardly leaned forward to make sure water didn’t drip on the floor after while he waited for you to move on. “Now we are gonna wash our face, so take that bottle with the blue cap and put a bit in your hand. A little goes a long way,” You added and did the same, both faces in the bathroom were sudsy and ready. Bucky went in first to wash it off, his hands cupping under the tap and collecting as much water as he could before leaning right in to wash off his face. He did it twice.
“Pat dry?” He remembered you saying that before. His hands held the fresh towel, you hummed in response because your face was in water. Bucky patted and gently rubbed around, when you stood up you dried off as well. Both faces were damp, Bucky looked at the little water droplets running down your neck before turning back to the task at hand. “Toner- don't tell me, I know this one!” He grabbed your arm, “red cap?” His face lit up with joy as you nodded, “I got this!” He cockily laughed, he knew what he was doing.
Bucky took the little cotton round and drizzled some of the toner around on it, he passed one over to you before making one for himself. Bucky leaned in and got super close to the mirror, he watched intently as you rubbed your face. He copied, it was like the cotton pad was barely touching his face. The last thing he cleaned was his nose before pulling the cotton away, he scanned over the pad and saw the gross residue.
“Ew, that was on my face?” Bucky was enchanted by the pad, holding it super close to see the leftover dirt. You had already thrown away the pad, it made you giggle to see Bucky so hypnotized by literal oil and dirt.
“Moisturizer, final step for you,” You sang. “I like to pick it up with my knuckle, like this,” You unscrewed the lid and tapped your pointer finger knuckle to the opaque, soft cream. Bucky took his new one and did the same. He wiped it into the palm of the opposite hand, “rub it around, heat it up before putting it on,” He did just that. “You’re a pro, Buck!” You giggled as Bucky meticulously put it on. He was applying it upwards and spreading it evenly around, his fingers gently dancing across his face as the cream worked its way in.
“How do I look?” He turned to you.
“Like you’re glowing.”
“I feel like it,” Bucky laughed and looked back at the mirror. He tilted his head around to see how his skin would look under the light in the bathroom, he seemed to forget you were there and was completely in awe of what he did. Bucky brought his fingers to his face to feel around, the moisturizer had set and now his skin looked full and plump. The pads of his fingers gently tapped his cheeks and made the shimmer on his cheekbones move and twinkle.
“Alright, that’s enough admiring yourself,” you laughed and pushed him out of the way. Bucky stayed to watch you finish up your routine.
Record Player
As a way to say thanks for helping Bucky with over fifty niche things, Bucky decided to teach you how to properly use a record player.
This wasn’t any old player, this was Bucky’s player. No one was allowed to touch it without permission and even though you have never gotten the green light, you asked almost every week. This was one of the only things Bucky could really hold onto, when he touched the dark, stained wood he could almost see himself back in the 40’s; almost.
He once got really mad at the beginning of your friendship, you really didn’t know it was his, you just thought it was a talking piece. Bucky ended up yelling at you, he had just changed the needle and you were running your finger on it to see how small it was. Steve had ran in because Bucky was yelling- it was a whole ordeal that ended with Bucky not talking to you for three months.
But now there was trust and Bucky liked that after that little fiasco you didn’t even think to touch it, he could really trust you and now was a great time to show off his favourite thing. Bucky was all giddy to show his record player off to you, you were grabbing some water before he started and you noticed Bucky was using the cuff of his sleeve to wipe off a smudge before going back to inspect it.
“Alright, let’s start!” Bucky smiled. This man didn’t start with the parts and what they do, he started with the history of it all. Bucky pulled all the facts he knew about record players in general and the vintage one that was sitting in front of the both of you, his eyes seemed to light up with each new fact that popped into his mind. Part of you wanted to check your watch but you also had never seen this man get passionate over an object before, he could get passionate over people- you, Steve, Sam, etc. -but never over this. “Are you ready to play music?” He reached over into his bin and pulled a record you’ve never seen.
“Which one’s that?” You asked as Bucky pulled it out of it’s sleeve.
“It’s just a random one I picked up a week ago for this,” Bucky held the record the proper way. “Thumb on the center and index on the edge, don’t touch the actual grooves because the oils in your hands can clog them up,” Bucky moved his hand around to show you.
“Sorry, what do you mean you bought that record for this? And why does the needle look different?” you noticed the needle looked extremely worn, it looked great and new a couple days ago.
“Don’t worry,” Bucky dismissed it. “So now we are gonna place the record softly,” Bucky placed it down and turned back to you. He talked about the arm and the needle before showing you how to put it on manually and then with the little leaver, after showing them each way twice he stepped back and offered you a turn.
“Seems easy,” you mumbled and took the arm, you were doing it manually first. The movements were extremely soft and slow, when the needle made contact it took half a second before a really grainy sound came through the speakers. It sounded wrong but Bucky nodded, he applauded you for taking the needle off as well. Then you did it with the leaver, right when it was about to touch you thought it looked off so you nudged it a bit- bad idea. The needle didn’t even hit the record and part of the arm scratched the recessed vinyl. “Shit!” You yelled and ripped it off. Causing the record to scratch, the sound and the record itself, there was a shine to the edge. “Oh god! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to mess it all up- I really didn’t mean to break it- god, you must so ma- I’m sorry-” as you fumbled over yourself Bucky just started to laugh. “What?” you were about to cry because of the guilt.
“That was a sixties record and a needle that is five years old, you didn't do anything. I bought it because I knew this was bound to happen.” Bucky only laughed at your exasperated sigh, you fell into his hug like a child. “Poor baby,” he mockingly cooed, he found it so funny how you were screaming apologies at him even though it was painfully obvious it was a shit record and needle.
“That was scary, I think I need a nap after that…” you sighed.
Bucky threw you over his shoulder, “thinking the same thing, doll.
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I really enjoyed your Nathan fluff 🥺 we love this angry peach fuzz king 👑💖 would you ever write him being comforted after having a nightmare? 💕
First of all, LOL @ “angry peach fuzz king” 🤣🤣🤣
Second of all, here you go! 🧡 I will warn you - I think I forgot the fluff a little bit though. It became more hurt / comfort? More angst than expected? It ends nicely though and comfort is given to Nathan - but only after I’ve subjected him to rattling around in his own head and house for a bit.
Through the looking glass (Nathan Bateman x GN!reader)
Summary: Nathan has nightmares after The Incident. After so long alone, he doesn’t realise how badly he needs a little comfort - and maybe he doesn’t believe that he deserves it.
Author’s note: hopefully this isn’t too similar to All Better. I know they both take place post-stabbing, but I tried to give this a different focus. I know I could have made the nightmares based off of anything given the ask, but this timeline / focus seemed most sensible to explore the character.
Warnings: nightmares following traumatic incident (a stabbing); mentions of blood and injury - not graphic. Self-harm (punching the bag until injury); Body horror if you squint (some gruesome descriptions occurring in-dream, but fairly abstract); swearing; implied alcoholism recovery if you squint; mentions of therapy; Nathan mildly injured in fic; reader offering comfort.
Rating: MATURE for themes mentioned above.
GIF: by @santiagogarcia (this whole gifset is magic- check it out + reblog!)
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Nathan wakes up breathless, plastered to the covers by a sheen of sweat - and not in a good way. On instinct, or out of habit by now, or maybe somewhere between the two, his palm slides over his body to the site of the wound.
He is so slick that he half-believes he is soaked with dank, deep blood again, until his fingers trace over nothing more than a half-concave, half-ridged scar. The lack of searing pain is the next point of evidence leading him towards an alternative conclusion. He’s not dying (again).
It’s just another gruesome nightmare.
Although… there is nothing “just” about it.
The nightmares are pretty brutal. Brutal enough for him to wake with ragged breaths and a hammering heart, his sheets dampened and coiled up around him. Enough that it takes effort to sift through the layers of terror and distinguish reality.
With what can only be described as a whimper, Nathan swings his legs over the edge of the bed, bringing himself into a seated position and bracing his head in his hands until his racing heart levels.
In his mind, he’s telling himself to be logical about this. That Ava hasn’t truly arrived to finish the job she started; but logic is not the safe haven it used to be.
She could come back.
She’s still out there, somewhere, and Nathan distinctly got the impression, last time, that she was vehemently not a fan of him.
His hand trembling, Nathan reaches for the glass of water by his bedside, glugging it down so eagerly it spills into his bushy beard.
Since the… accident? Malfunction? Functioning just fine, actually? Failed experiment? Greatest achievement known to man? Attempted murder? (Truth be told, Nathan isn’t quite sure what to call it, so he simply calls it The Incident.)
Since The Incident, Ava has begun to regularly visit him in his sleep.
The visitations are not waning with time. In fact, they are happening more often, not less. They are happening more since you moved into the house.
It’s a bad fucking time to have quit drinking.
You’d been sent by the board. Something about Nathan taking “tortured genius” a slice too literally. Something about him being in isolation too long and needing another human around in the compound.
Well, that’s not technically true, is it? The shit all started when he opted to get social, after all.
Fucking Caleb.
Before that, he was doing just fine.
Nathan doesn’t like it at all - having you here. Being watched. Observed. Having someone monitoring his actions. Waiting for him to either fuck up or prove himself.
Ironic really, considering where he kept Ava. The experiments he ran on her.
She’d probably find it poetic, if she could truly understand such a concept.
At the thought of her, Nathan physically shudders, and reaches for an old vest to haphazardly mop the excess sweat from his skin. Then, he balls up a change of clothes and tracks nude to his wet room, feeling relief as the luke warm water sluices over his skin.
He watches himself in the mirror as he stands there naked. It’s not a vanity thing - at least not any longer. These days, he examines the way his form has changed since it happened. He lost some of his muscle and bulk during recovery, whilst unable to exercise, his arms slightly smaller and his abs softer. His stomach a little more rounded.
There’s also the puckered scar, of course - that permanent reminder of where he was skewered through the chest like a piece of kebab meat.
His gaze travels up over his body, until his eyes settle on his still haunted face. He doesn’t have his glasses on, and somewhere between the blurred vision, misted mirror, clouding steam and sluicing water, his reflected face distorts. It transforms - for the briefest of moments - into her.
Still amped with adrenalin from his harsh awakening, this briefest flash sends a surge of panic zipping through Nathan’s chest, his heartbeat racing so hard he can feel the pounding of blood in his ears.
Fuck, he curses, reaching his arms out to brace himself against the shower wall above him, his body trembling and his head dipping down between the cradle of his broad shoulders as his legs threaten to buckle.
He turns the water cold, until it is practically glacial and thundering on to the back of his neck, subduing this spiking heat.
She really did a fucking number on me, didn’t she?
It’s true though.
Ava is haunting him. When he sleeps - and at other times too.
Nathan didn’t know robots could do that. Didn’t know they could spawn ghosts.
Nathan doesn’t believe in ghosts, of course… but he does believe in trauma and its effect on the brain. He at least concedes that it is natural to continue to feel afraid; but this?
Being dogged by the spectre of her taps into Nathan’s deepest insecurities.
After all, there is nothing a genius fears more than doubting his own mind.
Nothing a God fears more than his own mortality.
And the man? Turns out, there is nothing he fears more now, than dying alone.
With a ragged breath, Nathan towels off and pulls on his grey sweatpants, tugging on his black zip-up hoody over his bare chest. And then, keen not to return to his damp, tangled sheets, he tracks towards the kitchen - mainly for want of any more favourable option.
Of course, he had returned to the compound after The Incident. Something about that many fibre optic cables being a bitch to lay down. Sunk cost fallacy and all that - too much already invested.
But it possibly wasn’t the best choice for his recovery.
Nathan has certainly gotten more used to walking down that hallway since he returned from the hospital, and yet he still finds himself holding his breath until he is free of it. Still finds his pace is just a little faster as he passes through. His gaze deliberately averted from that spot.
Once, you’d found him lying in it.
Lying in that exact spot, his body arranged like a crime scene photo, his eyes closed.
Hey, it’s hardly his least healthy coping mechanism, is it?
What in the fuck are you doing, Nathan?
Re-enacting my death, obviously.
Uh-Kay…. A beat. A devious smile. Shall I get some popcorn?
Absurd as it was, he had laughed. Laughed for the first time since it happened, and, with an extended hand, you had helped him up off the floor.
Still, now that he’s alone, he does not dwell in the corridor, colder and darker as it is without your light in it, and he tries not to think about your face or hers as he pads to the kitchen.
When he arrives though, he bypasses it entirely - heading out on to the decking, the crisp night air soothing his hot skin.
He wants to be outside.
There are too many ghosts in his house now.
He has tried to shake it. Tried to desensitise himself to Ava’s face. Spent longer than strictly necessary poring over footage of her.
He built her. Shouldn’t that take the fear out of things? Not to mention the fact Ava’s face was simply a composite of some manipulable nerd’s wank bank browsing history.
Fucking Caleb.
Still, once Nathan had looked her in the eyes and seen a rage that was all too human, things seemed a hell of a lot different.
Nathan crosses to the punchbag on the deck -lit by creeping dawn- on instinct, or out of habit, or maybe some combination of the two, his unease riling him enough to sock some punches at its midsection. Right at the equivalent site of his corporeal puncture.
He punches so hard that the skin on his knuckle splits, but Nathan doesn’t stop. He throws punch after punch until his hands are scathed and bloodied, and a trail of spit hanging from the corner of his mouth. Until he hugs the bag - the closest thing he has to a warm body to hold - and slides down it, coming limply to his knees, wiping his face on his sleeve.
He stays there, dead eyed and still for some time, the pain in his hands raw and singing. Unpleasant, but better. Better than what he was feeling, and worse all at once.
He considers his tired, cumbersome body, and contemplates remaking the world one more time. Uploading his mind into a machine or some shit, so that he doesn’t have to contend with the fragility and failings of his own existence.
He stays there, until some motion in the interior of the compound causes the light and shadows to dance differently over him, and he looks up to see your figure there, cast in a soft halo of yellowed light.
He tips his head up slightly, opening his mouth as though he might cry out to you for help, but no sound comes out - only a thin, dry croak.
So, instead, Nathan watches you for a moment, moving seamlessly around his kitchen as though it is your own. Maybe it is - more yours than his now.
Observing you like this, through the tall, cinematic windows, it is as though he peers in on another world entirely. Something less resembling a nightmare.
Lighter than that. Something more like a good dream, albeit a good dream that Nathan cannot be part of. One he can only ever watch, from the outside looking in, always fated as he is to be on the other side of the glass.
Truth be told, you haunt him too. You represent everything he could have and yet doesn’t deserve.
You appear in his nightmares and his dreams, in various terrifying and beautiful incarnations. Many variations of which his therapist would have a field day with, he’s sure - or, she would, if he’d ever fucking call her.
When you first arrived here, he was plagued by grotesque visions of you. Grotesque visions of the skin being peeled back from your body. Sometimes, circuitry beneath, and other times, muscle and bone. Sometimes, Ava’s face was buried beneath the chilling slip of your fleshy mask.
Sometimes it is a better dream. Sometimes you save him. Sometimes he saves you.
Sometimes it is a good dream. Ava isn’t there at all. But the good dreams never seem to last for long. 
Sometimes you kill him, and sometimes...
The glass door slides open.
“Reenacting your own death again, are you?” you tease, though not unkindly, interrupting the spiral of Nathan’s incessant thoughts.
A lump forming instantly in his throat, Nathan swallows thickly, and looks up at you helplessly with a thin, joyless smile. He snorts as though it’s funny, but it really isn’t. “Over and fucking over.” 
You nod once, and, without hesitation, you extend your hand towards him. Your gaze cuts through him as you search his face and he feels suddenly see-through, as if he’s about to be hit with some Shyamalan-esque twist. Was he the ghost all along? Did he die here after all?
If so, is this purgatory because Ava is here too, or heaven, because you are?
Christ. So fucking schmaltzy, Bateman.
After hesitating, Nathan takes your hand and you yank him to his feet, drawing him inside, through the looking glass.
The room seems warm on the other side. It feels… safe.
“What happened?” you ask, as you look down at your joined hands, your thumb painting a smear of red across his split knuckles. 
You mean now. What happened now, but Nathan’s mind harks back further than that. In his mind, everything is connected. Every thing threaded to another. This one smear of blood to that weeping flower of red.
The thought -the thoughts, all of them- halt him in place, his feet firmly planting on the ground. Nathan’s hand clenches tightly around yours as though it is a lifeline, as he is cast adrift on this familiar crimson tide, his face growing increasingly angular and stern.
“She...” He swallows, unable to complete that precise thought, his eyes dropping down to his feet.
You turn your body towards Nathan as he croaks, still not letting go.
Your eyes flitting around his face, attempting to search his eyes, you tentatively step closer, sliding your palms slowly over his tense shoulders, feeling them rise with an uneven, stuttered breath as you do so.
He’s so tired. He’s so very, very tired.
And it happens all at once on the exhale.
Suddenly, your arms are tugging him closer, and his face is contorting as a violent smattering of tears beads in his long lashes. You are encasing his body in your embrace and rubbing circles into his back as his buzzed head sags all too willingly toward the junction of your shoulder, your fingers splaying along the smooth flesh at the nape of his neck and pads dancing over the gentle prickle of his hair. You are shushing and soothing and reassuring and squeezing and smoothing and cradling and Nathan can feel it. Can feel his heart race in his chest and…
Finally, his heart is not pounding because he is reliving his death.
It is pounding because he feels alive again.
When was the last time he cried, even? The last time someone really hugged him? He doesn’t remember the last time. The serendipitous combination of Nathan willing to be vulnerable, and another being willing to hold space for his pain is an all too rare thing.
There’s a reason -or several - he’s so emotionally constipated, after all.
Fuck. I’m taking a huge emotional shit right now.
Nathan remains in the welcome circumference of your arms longer than is strictly necessary - until the tear trails over the bridge of his nose begin to feel cloying. Until his breaths steady, and until his thoughts and ego creep back in. Until he notices the way his hands are clasped at your waist like claws, fingers sinking into your softness, and he thinks to release you.
Then, he leans away, a weight on his brow making his expression stern.
He waits for you to judge him, another swallow trailing thickly down his throat.
However, your eyes are kind and level, dancing with soft concern. Not with judgement or satisfaction or pity, or with anything he fears.
It is refreshing not to feel so afraid.
“She…” Nathan begins again, finally finding courage. All at once his eyebrows shoot up towards his hairline. “She fucking stabbed me.”
You take his words in. You listen.
His “reveal” is simple. Plain and factual. A little indignant. Kinda salty. It’s not overly emotional, or articulate.
But it is enough.
Your eyes narrow, and you nod slowly, trying to understand the true meaning beneath his words.
You even reach up to cup Nathan’s face, his springy beard a cushion beneath your gentle palm as you hold him. “Yeah, genius,” you tease, with a tentative, lopsided smile, dropping your arm all too suddenly, perhaps as you catch yourself. “I got that from context.”
In response, Nathan chucks air from between his teeth, bringing his hand up to comb through his beard - perhaps to obscure his involuntary smile, or perhaps chasing your tender touch, the impression of it left warm on his cheek.
As he brings his hand up, your brows draw together, and you hook his bloodied paw delicately in yours, examining the wound, and leading him gingerly across to the couch as though his whole being might be hurting along with it.
It is.
You order him to stay put while you fetch the first aid kit, and then, in stages, Nathan watches you with fascination as you painstakingly clean and tend to his wounds, without ever being asked to.
He watches you carefully swipe the angry red away from his skin, and, to his overactive mind, it’s all connected. This red is one and the same with the flower of blooming red from The Incident.
Ava hurt him then, and she is hurting him now too.
And you…
“Going to tell the board about this?” Nathan asks, his voice weak and scuffed.
You search his eyes, holding your words back for a moment before answering. Then, you launch them on a big breath. “Fuck the board, Nathan. I told those assholes to stick it.”
Nathan blinks in confusion, shaking his head, his hand flourishing emphatically through the air. “Then… what the fuck are you still doing in my house?”
“Well. I’m… here for you,” you admit, sucking in air through your teeth, your voice shrinking. “If you want that.”
Well, that’s news to him.
Welcome news, perhaps?
You’re not watching him at all, are you? Not observing. Not asking him to evidence his humanity. Not waiting to see whether he fucks up or proves himself.
Instead, you’re seeing him. You’re seeing him and you’re not running.
Nathan had begun to think that maybe he was the nightmare. He’d begun to think he might always be haunted.
Always alone. That he might die that way; again.
And now, here you are.
Nathan thinks about that. He could so easily revert to his old ways, in this moment. Of pride and ego and stubborn independence.
But, perhaps those assholes from the board got a few things right - he’ll admit.
Maybe he had been in isolation too long. Maybe he didn’t need to take “tortured genius” quite so literally.
And so, Nathan almost protests. Almost rejects your presence and your comfort and pushes you away. But the truth is, he’s just so… tired. He’s had so many nightmares, and this time, he’d like to be on the other side of the glass. He’d like to step into that dream.
Nathan takes a deep breath, and releases on the exhale. Releases more than air.
He slowly, ever so slowly, shifts towards you on the couch, angling his body until he can safely dip his head towards your lap, his nose pointed in towards your abdomen and his knees curling around you.
“Th.. this okay?” he asks weakly.
You throw your splayed hands up into the air in surprise as the weight of Nathan settles there, but as he curls his arms around your middle and shuffles closer, you ease into it. You snake your fingers in intricate caresses over his head and neck and shoulders.
“Yeah, Nathan. This is okay,” you soothe gently, voice taut with emotion.
You comfort him.
And finally, Nathan does not need to peel your skin back to know what’s underneath.
He knows you’re not a robot, and that, as your kind touch finds him corporeal, that he is not a ghost.
He closes his eyes. And this time, when he next wakes, he knows that whether the dream is bad or better or good, it doesn’t matter. Because you will be there with him.
He wants you with him.
It’s not at all natural to him, to have you around. For the longest time, he didn’t like it. It didn’t come instinctually, and he has formed no familiar habits.
It isn’t easy - he doesn’t make it easy.
But he wants it to be.
And, in your arms, he can finally dream that it will all work out. What’s more; he can dream he deserves it, too.
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wonderfilworld · 3 years
Remus Lupin x fem reader 
a/n: this is for a request: “Could you do a Remus lupin x reader with a decent age gap with a light, embarrassed daddy or sir kink and thigh riding?” I didn’t really specify a decent age gap or anything, just that Remus is older than you but you’re out of Hogwarts and in The Order together!
word count: 2k
warnings/contains: NSFW!! smut: daddy kink, thigh riding; cursing; kissing. if there’s anything else let me know!
Masterlist   To be added to my taglist
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You thumbed through the book in your hands, trying to calm your mind as it was late and you needed to get some sleep. The day was a long one; The Order meeting had run into the early morning hours.
The kids had returned to school, and you were missing the constant chatter that went on in Sirius’ home. You were thankful he allowed you to stay with him; especially with everything going on, you didn’t feel like being alone in your tiny apartment, and you know Sirius appreciates the extra company. Remus also stays within these walls - right down the hall, actually - and the thought of the brunette makes you groan as you throw an arm over your eyes. 
Remus was just a little bit older than you, but he was so handsome, how could you not be infatuated with him? You saw how he looked at you, how he would eye you almost hungrily some days, and it frustrates you that he’s never acted on it.
You sit up; you’re not falling asleep anytime soon, so you decide to tidy your room a bit to help you tire. Clothes are thrown haphazardly on your desk, so you pick them up one by one and store them in their rightful places. 
You hear a soft knock at your door, and you don’t think twice before you quietly call out a come in. You don’t remember that the only articles of clothing you’re wearing are a t-shirt that slides down one shoulder and a pair of panties being covered by the hem of your shirt. 
“Hey, I -” Only when you hear Remus’ sentence stop prematurely do you remember your attire. Your eyes widen and your back is to him, and you don’t know if it’s better to be facing him or not. 
You make up your mind quickly though, as you turn around, hands still clutching one of your sweaters you were in the middle of putting away. 
“R-Remus,” you stutter, eyes still wide as you realize that he hasn’t looked away; hasn’t backed himself out of your room even after taking in your half-naked body.
He seems to snap out of his trance then, shaking his head profusely as he speaks. “Sorry, I just heard you up and wanted to check on you.”
You nod once before speaking, “I’m okay, just not tired.”
He hums, fumbling a book in his large hands, one you’re sure he was in the middle of reading when he heard your footsteps across your room. 
He’s still in his day clothes; worn jeans and a button-up shirt that’s rolled up his sleeves. You want to make a move - it’s the perfect time - he’s looking along the expanse of your body and you can feel heat creeping its way up your neck and face. You shift back and forth on your feet as you pick at the sweater in your arms. 
Remus must mistake your nervousness for uncomfortableness because he quickly rushes out, “I’m sorry, I’ll just go.” 
“No!” You say, and you internally cringe at how desperate you sound. “No, no, it’s fine.” 
Remus gives another nod of understanding and says, “You wanna talk?”
You signal your head yes, pulling out your desk chair and indicating for him to sit. 
He turns to shut your door, and you try to calm yourself, trying to convey to your body he’s only doing that so your conversation doesn’t wake Sirius. He makes his way to the chair and sits, placing the novel he brought on top of your desk. 
Your back is against your desk so you place your hands there and lift your body until you’re perched on the edge, the hem of your shirt riding dangerously high on your thighs. Under normal circumstances, you would be more modest, but right now you couldn’t think straight and with the way Remus is eyeing the newly exposed skin, you can’t be bothered to care. 
With newfound confidence, you decide to lean back, placing your hands behind you to prop yourself up. The movement causes the shirt to completely uncover your panties, and you’re thanking past you for wearing decent ones. Your shirt is fairly thin, and you’re acutely aware of your nipples rubbing against the fabric. You know that if Remus were to look he could see them through the cotton, but his eyes are trained on another piece of cotton covering a far more intimate part of you. 
You see him gulp, Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes find yours. You keep your face neutral; chest heaving as you look at him. 
“What’re you doing?” He asks, and you want to scoff - you know what I’m doing, Remus - is what you want to say, but instead, you paint a look of confusion over your features as you reply.
“What d’you mean?” 
He lets out an actual scoff at that, edges of his lips curling into a smirk. “If you want something, just ask.” 
You deflate at that, you don’t know exactly what to ask for. Well, you do, but there’s no way you could get your mouth to articulate the words. 
Remus’ hand finds your ankle, and his thumb runs along the outside of it as he waits for your answer. His touch makes goosebumps rise along your skin, and if he can make you feel dizzy just by rubbing your ankle, what the hell are you going to do when he gives you what you want?
You move the leg he has a hold of further out as you spread your legs and give him a view of where you really want him to put his hands.
Remus sucks in a breath, your legs are open - for him - and it’s probably one of the prettiest sights he’s ever seen. 
“I want this,” is all you say, and it’s quiet after that; you can hear your breaths mingling as Remus decides what to do next. 
He contemplates his answer; he’s captivated by you and knows you possess similar feelings towards him, but he’s been hesitant to act on it. He doesn’t want to subject you to his monthly routines, doesn’t want you to feel as though you should be his caretaker. No, you deserve someone your own speed, someone you wouldn’t have to worry about every full moon, someone who can take care of you, not the other way around. 
You get tired of waiting for his response, it’s obvious you both want this - he would have left by now if he didn’t. So, you reach down for his hand that still has a firm grasp on your ankle and you bring it up between your legs, placing it directly on your clothed cunt as you lift your hips up into it. The breathtaking friction catches you by surprise, a moan hitching in your throat as your hips thrust against his open palm once more. 
Also catching you by surprise is the groan that Remus lets out, the sight of you taking matters into your own hands and using him for your own pleasure makes him hot, makes his mouth water and his pants tighten. He can feel the way your clit pulses against his palm as he presses against it, feels the way the hardened nub drags up his fingers as you buck your hips again. 
“Fuck,” he whines - whines - as your hips continue to pull up and down his hand. He doesn’t know what he wants to do first, wants to pull your panties aside and see the slick drip out of your center, wants to lean forward and put his tongue there, tasting you and licking up to suck on your clit because he just knows it would drive you crazy. Your breathy moans are loud in the quiet of the room but he doesn’t care, he wants to hear more of them. 
He pulls his hand away, and you mewl at the loss of contact. Remus can see the wet spot on your panties, can feel it on his hand where it soaked through the fabric. 
“Come sit,” he says, patting his thighs. 
You waste no time hopping off the desk and straddling his thighs. You rest your hands on his shoulders, and his make a home on your hips. 
He continues your rutting against him; watches your face as you discover how hard your previous actions made him. 
Your eyebrows are furrowed, your mouth ajar as pants leave your lips every time you feel Remus’ cock slide against your cunt. You grind down harder, chasing the feeling that’s building in your core. 
You feel one of Remus’ hands slide up your back and onto your neck, and you lunge forward as you feel him push your lips toward his. It’s a messy kiss, not very coordinated at all - it’s hard to focus when he starts to move with you, matching your thrusts eagerly. 
Remus rests his forehead against yours as he speaks again. “Can you do somethin’ for me, baby?” 
You bob your head before he even finishes the question, of course, you’d do anything for him. 
“Can you call me daddy, sweetheart?” 
Your hips stutter; it’s not something you ever would have done otherwise, something you’ve never really thought of before, and you whimper as you give a hesitant nod of your head. 
Remus senses your hesitation, stops the grinding of your hips as he talks. “Here,” he begins, lifting your hips up and shifting you so that you’re now straddling one of his thighs. “Rub on this,” he tells you, and when he bounces his legs your mouth drops and you gasp loudly as his hard thigh makes contact with your aching clit. 
“Think you could cum from this?” His question is a whisper in your ear as you rest your head on his shoulder, hips picking up speed as you ride his thigh. 
Your hesitation to obey his request goes out the window - the way the fabric of your panties is catching your clit, his muscular thigh tensing with the exertion of moving your body against him, feels better than anything you could do to yourself.
“Yes, daddy,” you sob. “Feels so good.” 
He groans, cock twitching at the name falling from your lips. It sounds so sinful coming from someone as innocent as you, and Remus thinks that he could definitely cum from this. 
“Yeah? Doing so good.” He plants a kiss in your hair, you barely feel it, the only sensation you can feel is the drag of your cunt against him. Your hips are moving so fast now, you’re so close and Remus can tell; your moans have grown louder and you’re dragging your cunt against the fabric of his thigh so violently the chair he’s sitting in is starting to rock with your bodies. 
“I think I- oh, daddy,” your clit is throbbing, core quivering around nothing as you roll your hips against Remus’ thigh; It’s beginning to feel overwhelming, and your legs are burning with exhaustion. “I can’t,” you sob.
Remus shushes you, plants a firm kiss to your head before his grip on your hips tightens and he pulls and pushes you against him hard and fast, and you cry out again. “Let it go, baby. Cum for daddy.”
And you do, the feeling in your core exploding and washing over you, simulating actual waves that roll from your cunt and travel throughout all your limbs.
“Daddy,” you mewl, body writhing as you ride out your high. 
“I know, I know,” Remus coos, one hand moving up to cup the back of your head, the other drawing pretty patterns on your back as you sluggishly continue to drag your hips over his thigh, basking in the remnants of the orgasm that still lingers in your core. 
And when your hips stop, he plants kisses along any skin he can find until you lift your head and place your lips on his. 
You kiss him deeply, and you both moan at the feeling because something’s changed between the two of you, the atmosphere doesn’t feel the same as before. You almost pull back and ask what happens next, because there is no way the two of you can go back to normal after that. 
However, just then, once you’re finally still and your mind isn’t flooded with arousal as it was before, can you feel the hard length of Remus’ cock nudging your thigh. 
You lean your head back, still close enough to feel his lips brush against yours, and your hand travels to his cock and squeezes it as you speak.
“Need some help with that?”
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Disappearance II
Character: Albedo, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,149
Warnings: None
Premise: In which there is an argument and the reader disappears.
Author’s Note: Idk why I’ve characterized Albedo as a slob twice now. I guess I just think he’s the kind of person to become so engrossed in his research he just, never takes care of himself or his surroundings.
Also this was supposed to be two people but I procrastinated terribly so… here we are haha. Part three tomorrow.
It was the third time this week that you had managed to spill his lab notes all over the floor, and frankly Albedo wasn’t sure if he could deal with it any longer.
“You’ve got a lot of papers strewn around,” you said, tone light and joking as you crouched to gather all the papers up.
“You’re the one that keeps bumping into things,” Albedo mumbled, crouching next to you to make sure that you put things back in order.
Seeing that you were putting things together haphazardly he snatched up the papers, frowning slightly as he went through the papers. Honestly, how could you mess up his system so much? As much as Albedo appreciated your interest in his work you were a Knight of Favonius, not a scientist, and as such your visits seemed to cause havoc more than anything else.
“Do you want me to help you with that?” You asked, exasperation creeping into your tone.
“Are you sure? You seem, stressed. If you want I could pick up the papers on the tables and organize.”
“Albedo?” You leaned back slightly, as if surprised. For some reason that only made the alchemist more irritated.
“If you do that, you’ll just be creating more work for me. I’m very busy right now, I don’t have time to go back and fix your mistakes.”
“It’s already enough that you keep spilling things all over the ground.”
“It’s not my fault that you leave your papers everywhere without even trying to keep them organized.”
“They are organized!”
“Well they certainly don’t look organized to me.”
“You just don’t understand. Besides, I’ve managed not to knock everything over.”
“You know, you’re insufferable when you get like this.”
“I’m not any different than usual.”
“I hope you don’t really think that,” you replied, tone clipped.
Standing up you turned towards the door. Though Albedo made a half-hearted call of your name you didn’t react, simply walking out of the room and slamming the door as hard as possible behind you.
Albedo didn’t even think of you the rest of the afternoon. Anger iced over his slight worry, replacing it with a burning sense of resentment. Your sudden departure stung, and, though it was admittedly childish, Albedo found himself determined not to worry about you.
Besides, you were simply an obstacle to his research at this point. Maybe it was better if you went off to cool your head somewhere, then he could finish up his work. That was what usually happened with other people anyways. Apprentices, clients, the occasional wandering alchemist; they all fluttered around him until he couldn’t stand it and then when they inevitably got fed up he’d finish his work. His relationship with you was still new, and though he couldn’t say that you were the same as all those people in his eyes, he really had no reason to think you would react in a different way.
The sun had gone down long before Albedo finally locked up for the night. It had taken him a good forty minutes to reorganize everything that had fallen, though admittedly most of that time was spent in angry silence. Now as Albedo walked down the streets, still busy with night activity, he wondered what might happen when he got home. He certainly wasn’t ready to apologize, even if his tone was a bit curt his words weren’t wrong; but he couldn’t exactly see you apologizing either. It was bound to be a tense evening. One Albedo was certainly not looking forward too.
All the lights were off in the apartment, something that struck Albedo as odd. Walking towards the kitchen he found a piece of paper crumpled up on the kitchen floor, though when he uncrumpled the paper he was met with eraser marks. Letting out a huff of impatience Albedo went to put some water on the stove. So this is how the evening was going to pass; you presumably at a friend’s house, Albedo in stony silence.
“How petty,” Albedo murmured.
He didn’t expect such a show of emotions from you, having come to the conclusion that you were quite the rational sort. Really, this was all too much. He had been in the right after all, even if he had been a bit cold about it. There was no reason to react in such a way. It was this mindset that carried Albedo through the rest of the evening and off to sleep. After all, it was better than the kernel of doubt that rested in the back of his head, that told him he was the one being callous.
You didn’t show up at the apartment or the lab the next day. Albedo buckled down to work, but by midday the irritation and anger that he’d been holding over were replaced by a deep sense of unease. Hurrying home after work he felt panic shoot through him at the sight of your home empty, nothing suggesting anyone had been there in the time he was at work.
It took all of Albedo’s willpower not to run out the door and go look for you. All the anger and irritation he had felt had been thrown out the window, replaced instead with an intense feeling of worry, and of the realization that his actions might bear actual consequences.
Tossing and turning in bed Albedo stared up at the empty ceiling. He had been certain he was in the right, even this morning. You were clumsy, you had been inconsiderate of his work, you were simply stubborn and petty. Now however he replayed your argument, your fight, over and over again. The more he did so the more he became aware of how harshly he’d acted; the more he wished you would simply appear in front of him so he could apologize. He wanted to go after you, wanted to let you know that he genuinely felt bad. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to do so, to go after you. After all, what if you didn’t want to see him? What if he just made things worse? Once more turning in bed Albedo sighed. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he’d see you again. Tomorrow he’d make things better.
There was no sight of you tomorrow either. Albedo stood in his lab in stunned silence, heart hammering in his chest as he contemplated what this could possibly mean. Was this it then? Had he messed up that badly?
Staring around him Albedo noticed all the papers scattered this way and that on the tables and the desks. Seized by a sudden urge he scooped them all up, carrying them over to where he kept his files. A part of him jeered that it was too little too late, but still the alchemist didn’t stop until everything was filed away properly. Turning around to look at his desk he collected the dirty mugs and discarded equipment, putting them in the sink before turning around to pick through the no longer needed papers that still lay sprawled around the room. He didn’t stop for lunch, nor did he go to start back up on the experiment he was currently working on. Instead he kept picking up and putting away and rearranging. It was almost a ritual of some sort, and though it brought little relief, at least it finally brought distraction.
Still that distraction was shattered the minute Albedo stepped outside. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon, and the people of Mondstadt were still wandering around, enjoy the cool summer evening. Staring at the people around him, their eyes filled either with purpose or contentment, Albedo realized he couldn’t go home. He couldn’t face the empty apartment again. He thought that his anger would last longer, that he might go a week before feeling as if he burning from the inside out; but now he knew that that had been an arrogant, if somewhat funny, assumption. Turning away from the familiar path home he climbed up the steps of Mondstadt. He knew where he needed to go.
Walking up to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters Albedo was met with the sight of Eula, arms firmly crossed in front of her, faced even colder than usual. Hurrying over to your higher-up Albedo felt uncertainty bloom in his chest. Someone this seemed to bode ill.
“Ah, the Head Alchemist. What do you wish to say to me?”
“Have you seen my partner?” Albedo paused, somewhat unwilling to reveal what had happened. “They haven’t been home for days, and I wondered if you knew where they might be staying.”
The look on Eula’s face was one of pure disbelief. “You, you don’t know what happened?” Her face shadowed over and she seemed to pull herself up. “If I were your partner, I would declare eternal vengeance for your idiocy. I don’t know what you’ve been doing Head Alchemist, but while you were off doing whatever it is you do, your partner was languishing underground.”
Albedo froze, unsure if he’d truly heard Eula right. The Knight tended to be quite flowery after all with her words. Perhaps this was just a metaphor he couldn’t understand.
“I see that it still hasn’t gotten through your head what happened.” Eula sighed, relaxing slightly. “I sent them off to monitor a few Fatui members, as it seems a group had made their way out of Dragonspine and into Windwail. While doing so they attempted to hide in a small crack in the mountains, but there was a steep drop after that onto the next shelf. Thankfully Amber had also been ordered to scout there, or else who knows how long it might have took to realize they were stuck. I just got the report from them, thankfully there was no lasting trauma.”
“W-where are they?”
“At home I presume. Aren’t you their partner?” Eula tilted her head. “Really, perhaps she should declare a need for vengeance.” And with that the Spindrift Knight walked into the Headquarters, leaving Albedo reeling on the step, heart thudding as if he’d just run a hundred miles.
Albedo practically fell down the steps of Mondstadt, so desperate was he to find you, to make sure you were okay. Eula had said that there was no lasting trauma, but what that meant Albedo was completely unsure of. Had you broken anything? Had you been deprived of oxygen? These thoughts catapulted through Albedo’s brain, constricting his lungs and plunging him into a roil of incoherent emotions.
The sight of you standing in front of his lab cause Albedo to stop in his tracks. For a moment the alchemist was overwhelmed by his emotions, switching between dizzying euphoria, terrible guilt, and unending worry. He took a step forward, then another, walking slowly down the stairs, as if in fear that you might disappear or turn away. However instead of turning away when he reached the end of the steps and made his way towards the fountain you let out a sort of shudder, running towards him and throwing your arms around his neck. Albedo wrapped his arms around you in turn, feeling slightly overwhelmed from the sudden proximity, the sudden feeling of once more being able to feel your skin against his. Letting his head drop onto your shoulder Albedo breathed in deeply, centering himself with your presence, grounding himself in the knowledge that the agony of the previous days was finally over.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled against your shoulder.
“For what?” You whispered back.
“For not listening to you, for blaming you, for being cruel.”
“I’m also sorry.”
“Why? I was in the wrong.”
“Well, I just went off without telling you where I was going. I was going to write a note, but I was so angry I erased it.” You tightened your grasp around Albedo. “I wish I could’ve seen into the future. I never would have done something like that.”
“I don’t care about that,” Albedo ran small circles around the small of your back. “I’m sorry.”
“You already said that.”
“No. I’m sorry for not being there, for not being able to help you; for doing nothing while you…” he stopped, unable to finish the sentence.
Pulling back for a moment you cupped Albedo’s face in your palms, studying his expression. Finally you bent over to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“I forgive you,” you whispered, breath mingling with his.
Albedo leaned into to kiss you once more, finding that his emotions were blocking out any words he might have been able to say. Everything seemed so surreal, as if he’d been stuck in some awful nightmare that only now faded away. And yet this wasn’t a nightmare, this was reality; and Albedo would have to remember that.
For now though, he only wanted to wipe all the fear and conflict away.
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bevvywrites · 3 years
A Moment of Insecurity - (Fatgum x Reader)
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Description: Even Fatgum, the hero known for boosting the self esteem of almost anyone around him, struggles with his self worth from time to time.
Type: Reverse comfort
Notes: Gender-neutral reader
Reblogs are appreciated!
It had been a long day for the BMI hero Fatgum. There had been an increase in petty crimes recently, and while each individual instance wasn’t all that difficult, it was starting to add up and wear him out. A long night stretched into a long week, which stretched into a long month. Days on end without proper sleep, and even less time to spend on himself.
The exhaustion was starting to get to him. He found it harder to be patient with those working with him at his agency, and while he knew well enough to keep his calm, people were starting to notice he wasn’t his usual self. This only served to make him feel worse. He was a pro hero for crying out loud. He knew what he was signing up for when he decided to pursue this career.
Y/n, Taishiro’s long term partner and closest confidant, watched his slow decline with concern. They knew that saying, “Everything is going to be okay,” wouldn’t solve his problems, even if he would appreciate the gesture. Knowing him, it would only make him bury the feelings down deeper so as not to worry them. Y/n was at a loss for what to do.
But when Taishiro came through the door that evening, his posture slumped and hero costume haphazardly thrown onto their couch, Y/n knew something had to be done.
“Another long day?” they asked gently, eyes searching his face and noting the ever-evident exhaustion.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Taishiro answered honestly, he refused to look Y/n in the eyes, knowing that their concerned expression might cause the last of his facade to crumble, “But I’m sure tomorrow will be better.”
“Hm,” Y/n hummed, not really agreeing but also not disagreeing, “Why don’t you sit down on the couch for a while, hon. Dinner is almost finished and I think it would be nice to watch a movie while we eat.” They moved to grab his large hero costume, folding it so it was easier to carry so they could put it aside to be washed.
Taishiro moved to stop them,“You don’t have to do that, sweets, I’ll take care of—“
“Taishiro you have been working all day, I can handle this,” Y/n said gently, yet forcefully. They silently pointed to the couch and Taishiro sat obediently. Y/n smiled, “Now pick a movie while I finish this up, love.”
It wasn’t long before the two were cuddled up together watching a movie while enjoying their dinner. As time passed, some of the tension had left Taishiro’s body. The presence of his partner at his side brought him great comfort. Y/n had long since finished eating and had curled up happily into his plush side, their eyes only somewhat paying attention to the screen.
Taishiro let out a small sigh of content, and Y/n looked up at him. Seeing that he was doing a little better, they turned down the volume on the television and looked at him, “Want to talk about what’s been getting you so down, Tai? It seems to be a little bit more than just working long nights.”
Taishiro wasn’t able to look away from the earnestness and concern displayed so prominently on Y/n’s face, and he let out another little sigh—this one being of resignation. His giant hand cupped their face gently, his thumb rubbing their cheek absentmindedly. “I just...feel like I should be doing more, ‘s all. That I shouldn’t be as tired as I am...” he started slowly. Y/n continued to look at him, giving him their undivided attention. “I’m a pro and yet I’m struggling so much. I feel so guilty for being so worn out when there are people who depend on me.”
Taishiro could feel himself beginning to tear up, and he tried to clench his jaw to stop it. Y/n noticed and reached up to cup his cheek with their hand.
“Tai, it’s okay to cry,” they whispered, “It’s okay, I promise.”
The dam burst, and large tears streamed silently down Taishro’s face. He sniffled and made quiet sobbing noises while Y/n wiped his face gently. Seeing Taishiro—Fatgum, the loud and bubbly hero—sobbing so softly and seeming so fragile despite his large stature, was heartbreaking. But he needed to understand that it was okay to not always be strong.
“Taishiro,” Y/n whispered softly, using their most soothing voice, “it’s okay to take time for yourself. I know you want to protect everyone, but how can you do that if you aren’t taking care of yourself? Your life is just as valuable as the lives of those you save.”
Taishiro looked at Y/n, his golden eyes watery, “I just—hic!—want to feel like I deserve to be called a hero.” His voice was wobbly and he hiccuped slightly.
Y/n smiled, and kissed his nose gently, “You know that if Red or Suneater were struggling with this, that you’d tell them that anyone who puts their life on the line to save others is worthy of being called a hero.”
Taishiro lifted Y/n up so they were now able to cuddle close to his chest, his large arms encircling them. “....Thank you,” he whispered softly. The tears had slowly stopped, and the uneasiness of his breathing began settling down.
Y/n smiled, “It’s the least I could do for my favorite hero.”
Taishiro blushed, but chuckled softly. He continued to hold Y/n close, enjoying their comforting presence and making a note to take some time off soon. Feeling a bit lighter than he did before (which usually only happened when he had taken a lot of damage, ironically) it wasn’t long before he fell asleep, knowing that no matter what happened that Y/n would be there to support him.
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