#a little late again but i managed to shorten my lateness by 2 days!
agerefandom · 2 years
I commented it on my rb of “Natasha is Young” already, but I just had to say it again: If I had a nickel for every time you wrote a fic for a fandom w/ (afaik) v little agere content and then I loved that fic, I’d have two (2) nickels. It isn’t a lot but it’s /wonderful/ that it happened twice. Your fics are great. (The other fic was “Old Friends” for Calvin+Hobbes)
(also, I’ve seen the musical get shortened to “Great Comet” and “GC1812” most frequently)
Awww thank you!! There's a few fandoms on my list that are much smaller and I rarely (if ever) see agere fics for them. I've been trying to allow myself to follow my inspiration lately, even if it takes me into less popular fandoms, and I always love the results when it's one of those ideas I just had to get down on paper.
Also for your comments on the fic YES I love the idea of post-musical cg!Pierre and regressor!Natasha as well!!!!
(shipping mentions under 'read more,' including shipping argument mentions and War and Peace spoilers??)
Honestly Pierre/Natasha/Helene with Natasha as a the joining force, either as a romantic partner or as an age regressor, is one of my favourite ideas for Great Comet and I haven't really explored the fandom yet but that was my idea since the first time I listened to the musical
But then I went to my partner and was like "aren't Pierre and Natasha cute?" and my partner was like "you are such a weird shipper" (affectionately) and she totally read it as a father-figure situation in the musical (both of us got like halfway through the book and didn't manage to push through)
So when I was researching for this fanfiction I ended up reading a summary of War and Peace and was like HEY BABE GUESS WHAT and we were both absolutely shocked and amused to discover my "weird" ship was endgame.
Of course Helene gets left to the side in the book (innocence can be forgiven but never knowing sin) but I'm still holding my OT3 in the universe where Helene adopts Natasha as a regressor and then Pierre finds Natasha one day when Helene is out and also takes care of her and everyone is happy forever because I said so
If I had any faith in my ability to finish multi-chapter fics, I would absolutely make this a series where it's an ot3 endgame, but alas, I always run out of steam around chapter three and leave everyone on cliffhangers for forever, so I try to stick to one-shots for now
Ooh sorry for rambling on!!! I haven't gotten to talk about Great Comet with many people and apparently I have opinions >w<
7 notes · View notes
The God of Magic just wants humanity to be happy and thriving;
Version 1, Good!Merlin
(Version 2, Dark!Merlin)
“You’re late.”
From their place in the bushes, the gang can see a wide grin break out on the woman’s face as she raises an eyebrow:
“You’re always getting distracted by pretty flowers or interesting conversations, how was I supposed to know that you’d be on time for once?”
Her voice somehow sounds like an ocean in a storm, ear-splittingly loud as the sound cuts right through them to the core, but also a gentle stream, soft and clear and soul-cleansing. The gang struggle not to flinch in their confusion.
Merlin chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he softly replies:
“Ah, I see, you were expecting me to be late, so you told me to turn up half a candle-mark before you intended to get here.”
She raises an eyebrow and nods:
“In the hopes I wouldn’t have to stand around and wait too long,-”
She shudders slightly as her face falls, though she manages to look beautifully intimidating even with a slight scowl on her face:
“-you know how much I hate it up here, on dry land.”
Merlin nods. He looks around him passingly, and the gang tense as his eyes rove over their hiding place; their fear is quickly replaced with shock (and even more confusion) as it strikes them that they’ve never seen Merlin look so relaxed, so at ease. He finally looks back to the woman:
“Hmm. I may not agree with you on that, but I understand. I could have met you at Avalon, you know.”
The woman frowns even more, and the gang can see Merlin tilt his head in question, even more so when she replies:
“I... wanted this conversation to be private, away from the prying eyes and ears of Mother and our Siblings.”
Merlin’s shoulders tense, and Arthur can vaguely see the outline of his hands clenching tightly in his pockets as his cloak billows in a sudden wind. The knights, Gwen, and Morgana all look to each other in confusion, Merlin had never spoken of siblings before, in fact, they’re fairly certain he specifically told them that he’s an only child. This woman was so drastically different from Merlin in appearance, they couldn’t possibly be related by blood. Perhaps she means "siblings" in a similar sense to how the knights are brothers?
A tense silence passes between the two, but it’s quickly broken by Merlin letting out a deep, bone-weary sigh, his relaxed demeanour completely dissolved, and looking to the floor, mumbling:
“What’s this about, Ava?”
The woman, Ava, the gang now know, lets out a sigh of her own, tilting her head and waiting for Merlin to look at her again before speaking, her voice sounding more consistently soft the more she spoke, as if she needed practice to regulate her volume:
“I think you know, Em.-”
(”Em?? I guess that could be a shortened version of ‘Merlin’, but... not really.”)
“-Time is running out, existence is threadbare as it is, and only getting worse with each passing day. The world is splitting, cracking down the middle; magic is running thin-”
Everyone feels Arthur tense at the mention of magic, even more so at Merlin’s non-reaction to the word. Though everyone is already understandably on edge by the way the woman speaks as if the world is ending around them, and they hadn’t even noticed:
“-and we are starving. The fates of The Bane-”
Mordred manages to stop himself falling backwards, but his sudden shaky breath earns him a concerned glance from Gwaine, crouched besides him:
“-and The Darkness have been avoided, if you do not move forward now, then when? With every day you stall, you plan, you stand idly by and wait, we choke on the gaping emptiness of a world that is leaking.-”
Merlin holds up a shaking hand to stop her, his other running through his hair in frustration as he murmurs:
“I know, I know-”
The gang watches with tense, morbid curiosity as Ava cuts him off, her expression both annoyed and sympathetic:
“I don’t think you do, Em. You haven’t been home in years. Could you stand it? To be God of Magic with no Magic to be God over? No universe to hold dominion over?”
Merlin scoffs slightly and walks to the side in his frustration, and the gang can see the melancholy annoyance on his face, plain as day. It’s almost enough to make them forget that he visited Ealdor just last month. It’s definitely not enough to distract them from the fact that she had called Merlin a God. The God of Magic, of all things. What the fuck??:
“I don’t hold dominion over anything I just... am.”
Ava rolls her eyes:
“That’s not the point and you know it. Mother sent you to fix the problem, to stop the purge, to encourage the Once and Future King to bring magic back and start the Golden Age. He has been King for years, but you still act as a servant. You are a God, Em, assert yourself. You could fix the world with a click of your fingers, but you wait for the humans to do it for you.-”
Merlin interrupts her slightly impassioned speech with a deep huff and a shake of the head. From where he now stands, the gang have a healthy view of his side profile, and they can see the emotions warring on his face: frustration, grief, desperation:
“That isn’t... that’s not what I’m doing-”
She rolls her eyes again and the gang are vaguely aware of a distant crack of thunder as she gestures sharply with her hands:
“That is what you’re doing. You’ve become too attached to these... mortals.-”
She steps towards him, cradling his cheek in a soft, elegant hand as her face morphs to one of complete and utter sorrow:
“-You’re setting yourself up for heartbreak, Brother. Human lifespans, the lifespan of your precious Golden King, are but a blink of an eye compared to ours; they will all wither and die and fade from you, and you will be left with your grief forever.-”
Her other hand lifts to settle comfortingly on his shoulder, and the gang can see a single tear slip from Merlin’s lowered eyes:
“-Do what you came here to do, and come home, to Avalon, we miss you, Em, the family needs you back.”
Merlin stills for a few moments at her desperate plea, but then steps back, shrugging her hands off gently and wiping the tear from his face:
“No. I... I’m doing this properly. Mother understands my fondness for humanity, that’s why she sent me, and I’m going to do it properly.”
Ava huffs out a gentle laugh at his determined expression, shaking her head slightly in fond disbelief:
“How can you love them? These... humans, when they slaughter your creations, when they don’t even know what you are?”
Merlin smiles softly, his eyes gazing into the trees as he quietly responds, his voice full of enough adoration to take the gang's breath away, to temper the twinge of fear and betrayal that had been swelling in Arthur’s lungs:
"I love them because they don't know what I am. It's nice, to be human; to walk among them, being loved and hated and respected and touched as if I were not more than they could ever possibly comprehend. Humanity is... made of juxtapositions. Their existence is contradiction upon contradiction, weaved together and held with emotions so large I can scarcely understand how they're contained in such little bodies. I've been alive and watching them for millennia, lived side-by-side with them for almost three decades, and they still surprise me. To walk among them, to see them come to terms with this universe that We made for them, to see how desperately they crave knowledge, exploration, experience... it's beautiful. The way they love so fully, the way they find meaning and importance in every grain of sand, every ray of sun, every tuft of fur on every creature, it's humbling. It's astounding."
Ava has a soft smile on her face, looking as if she could listen to her Brother ramble about his love for humanity for decades. She shakes her head slightly, letting out a gentle sigh as she asks:
"Then why won't you save them? The Gods will starve without magic, but humanity will starve without the Gods."
Merlin pauses for a moment, his face scrunched in concentration as he tries to think of the right way to verbalize his thoughts. 
The gang stare on in unconcealed bafflement; the realisation that Merlin is some kind of God brings less fear or anger than they think it should. Maybe it’s the shock, or maybe it’s the reverent way he speaks about them. Either way, they stay still and silent in their hiding place, and eventually Merlin’s face settles back into a soft smile as he looks to his Sister:
"I wish to see them save themselves, not because We need them to, but because they want to. Because their desperation to explore this universe will one day outweigh their misguided hatred of magic.-"
He nods decisively, repeating in a confident voice:
"-I wish to see them save themselves."
Ava sighs once more, stepping toward Merlin and putting her hand back on his shoulder:
“Your wishes may soon become... irrelevant. We’re dying, Emrys,-”
Arthur struggles to hold in a gasp at that. Emrys. He knows that name. Apparently it’s the name of a God, and not just some secret sorcerer who took a fancy to Camelot and deemed himself it’s protector. Lancelot’s eyes widen, though he manages to hide his shock well; no one else is focused on anyone else’s reactions, all internally freaking out. 
Mordred is pale and breathing shallowly, being the only one in the group who had already known the full truth. Percival looks to be in shock, he grew up with the stories of Emrys, but to learn that Emrys was a God? That Merlin was said God? Not what he was expecting out of this little trip. Gwaine, Gwen, Morgana, and Elyan look worried, seeming to have pushed aside their shock in favour of being concerned over Merlin’s safety and sorrow. Leon stares upon the scene with scholarly-looking curiosity, hiding his apprehension and shock well. Arthur’s expression is... unreadable. Ironically, the only person capable of knowing what he was thinking just from looking at him was currently having an incredibly terrifying conversation with someone who is also presumably some kind of God(dess). 
“-time is running out. I know that you don’t want to, but... it might be best to tell them the truth. You adore your humans because of their ability to love, do you not think they love you enough to forgive you your deceptions?”
Merlin clenches his jaw, and it’s the anguish on his face, paired with his almost-whispered words, that breaks their hearts:
“I... no. Just because I love them does not mean they love me back. I’m just a servant, Ava, I’ll never be important enough to be forgiven, God or not; I’ve lied to them for over ten years.”
She sighs, letting a tear of her own fall as she quietly responds:
“Emrys, you undervalue your worth, they don’t-”
“No. I don’t. You’re right, I have one life-time with them, with... with Arthur, and then I’ll lose them, and I’ll spend the rest of eternity grieving. I refuse to taint the already short time I have with them by having to watch them grow to hate me. I refuse.”
Merlin frowns as Ava rolls her eyes fondly, a victorious smirk on her face:
“If you would let me finish. They don’t hate you now, despite learning what they have just learnt, and you have yet to tell them of all you’ve done for them. Their love for you will only grow, Brother.”
Merlin tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. The gang take in a collective gasp at the realisation that she knows. And has likely known the whole time.
“What are you talking about?”
Ava’s smirk just grows, and she looks to the bushes the gang is hiding in, seeming to make direct eye-contact with a panicking Arthur as she speaks, he voice echoing unnaturally through the clearing:
“You can come out now.”
At her words, Merlin’s head whips around to stare at where she was looking. He opens his mind, allows his magic to stretch around him, and his skull is immediately full to burst with echoes of Mordred’s earlier, and ongoing, warnings, as well as the overwhelming presence of The (former) Darkness, The Once and Future King, and the others. He takes a stumbled step back, hand covering his mouth and tears spilling from his eyes as he becomes more and more convinced of... well... his time being tainted.
The gang stand and shuffle out of the bushes slowly, eyes trained on the floor and hands clasped in front of them tightly. It’s Merlin’s quiet, cracking “No...” that has them look up, paling at the absolute heartbreak on his face.
Lancelot and Gwaine give him weak, though genuine smiles, holding their hands out placatingly, but they halt their movements forward when Merlin just copies them pace for pace, moving away from them.
No one notices Ava rolling her eyes, not until she steps behind Merlin and puts a halting hand on his shoulder, stopping him from moving further away.
Merlin whips his head around, and another loud clap of thunder sounds out, much closer than the other one, quickly followed by a sudden downpour of frigid rain. The gang look to the sky in confusion, and Mordred desperately tries to reach Merlin through the mental link, offering comfort and reassurance; Merlin doesn’t seem to notice, the rain falling harder and harder as he almost fall to his knees, speaking in a desperate voice to his sister:
“Why... why would you... you know what this means. Why... why would you do this?! Ava?”
She rolls her eyes again, seeming to glow effervescently under the rivers of rainwater running down her face and over her clothes. She forces Merlin to turn and look at the gang, holding her hands on his shoulders to stop him from backing away (or collapsing in his grief) :
“Look at them, Em. Do they look angry to you? You should have some faith in the humans you claim to love so much. Look at them.”
Everyone in the gang gives Merlin varying levels of strained smiles; though Merlin, in his panic, is unable to tell that the strain is from concern and guilt, thinking that it was instead from hatred. He falls to his knees, his eyes shut tight enough to give him a headache and his hands clamped over his mouth in an effort to hold the sobs in.
Gwen and Morgana are the first to rush forwards, not paying the slightest bit of attention to Merlin’s... sister or the knights as they collapse to the floor in front of their friend, not sure whether to keep their distance or try to comfort the distraught man... God.
It’s his next choked sob that urges them to move once again, and the girls pull Merlin into a hug, tears of their own gathering at his agony. He freezes at first, then tries to pull away as lightening streaks across the sky, the violent bursts in sync with his choked breaths. When Gwen strokes a soft hand through his knotted hair, and Morgana pulls him further into her lap, muttering “We’re not leaving you, Merls, not ever, we love you.”, he relaxes slightly.
The thunder and lightening cease, but the rain still pours as Arthur stares over the pile of crying bodies to the woman, whose eyes seem to be growing brighter and brighter in the deluge. She stares right back at him, and The King jumps slightly when her voice echoes through her head, despite her still face:
“My brother has lost enough, please do not shatter his heart.”
Arthur nods once, before following Lancelot’s lead to the others, the rest of the knights not far behind them as Ava disappears. Whether she walked away without noticing or simply faded into the rain, no one knows, but no one really cares either. Soon enough, everyone is gathered around Merlin, stroking his back softly and whispering comforting promises over the sound of the rain. When Leon is the only one to notice Mordred’s eyes flash golden as he summons a shield above them, he simply shrugs his shoulders and refocuses his attention on muttering reassurances in Merlin’s head.
His breathing slows after a while, as does the rain, though everyone panics slightly when they see Morgana frown as she strokes the hair away from his face, revealing flushed cheeks and closed eyes. Mordred’s eyes flash golden once more as he presses a hand to his forehead, though no one lets the shock distract them for too long, latching on to his relieved tone:
“He’s just asleep, that would’ve taken a lot out of him. We should get him back to Gaius.”
The knights all stand, stretching and cracking joints to try and rid themselves of the cold stiffness that had settled in their soaked bones. Morgana stays on the floor, clutching at Merlin in her lap desperately, like he could slip away at any moment. When Arthur leans down to pick him up, she shoots him a glare, her own eyes glowing as the wind picks up once more, whipping through the clearing in an obvious warning. Arthur takes in a gasp, but shakes the surprise from his mind as he settles a soft hand on his sister’s shoulder:
“I... look, we’ll talk about this later, and I promise you’re going to be safe,-”
He glances up to an equally defensive looking Mordred:
“-all three of you, but Mordred’s right, we need to get him home and warmed up.”
Morgana hesitates for only a second, but the concern (and love) in her brother’s eyes sway her, and she nods, ever-so-carefully pulling her arms from around Merlin and helping Arthur get the younger (or... much much older) man situated in his arms before standing up.
The trek back to the castle is a fairly short one now they don’t have to worry about being quiet, and the rain has almost completely stopped by the time they make it to the citadel gates. It’s late, so the only people they come across are the occasional guard. But The King resolutely ignoring them as he carries his unconscious manservant through the corridors, his closest friends and advisors around him either openly crying or blinking away tears... well... it’s something that very much screams “DO NOT DISTURB US DO NOT SPEAK OF THIS IMMEDIATELY FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE JUST SEEN”.
Elyan runs ahead to wake Gaius and warn him, so by the time everyone gets to the Physician’s chambers the fire is roaring, a patient pallet has been moved in front of the hearth, and Gaius himself is bustling around, preparing various concoctions and tinctures and blankets.
Merlin’s still shivering form is laid on the pallet, and Morgana shamelessly uses her magic to pull the heat closer and dry out his clothes. Mordred sits protectively close to the servant, one hand subconsciously close to his sword, the other resting on Merlin’s shoulder. Gwen settles between him an Morgana, and the knights figure that with her complete non-reaction to the magic... she probably already knew, she was smart like that. Gaius finally makes his way to Merlin’s side, tipping a gross smelling potion down his throat and running a hand through his hair, frowning worriedly down at his ward. 
Not a single word had been said since they entered through the castle gates, and Arthur is the first to break the silence, sitting on Merlin’s other side, opposite Morgana, and settling an almost accusing expression on his sister:
“You knew, didn’t you?”
She looks up at him, somehow appearing powerful and intimidating despite being soaked through and shivering:
“I knew he was... powerful, I didn’t know he was a God.”
Gaius’ head whips around quickly, and Arthur is surprised at the questioning horror on his face:
“A God?? There must be some mistake, Merlin is powerful yes but he’s not-”
Mordred’s quiet voice interrupts him, though he doesn’t look away from the unconscious man as his fingers twitch over so slightly closer to the hilt of his sword:
“I knew. Though if I’d known he felt so... if I’d known how he felt, I would have spoken to him about it sooner, I apologise.”
Everyone looks at the group’s youngest member in shock, almost speechless, but Gwaine stutters slightly before clearing his throat and trying again:
“So... that was real, Merlin is a fucking God.”
Mordred nods absent-mindedly, eyes flashing golden as he presses his hand to Merlin’s forehead once again, frowning. Arthur’s brow creases in concern and he leans closer to Merlin:
“What is it? Is he ok??”
Before Mordred can reply, Leon speaks up, his voice tired, but strong:
“If he’s some... powerful God, then why is he hurt in the first place? Shouldn’t he be able to resist any sort of injury or sickness??”
Mordred shakes his head, finally looking away from Merlin to gaze at the group surrounding him. He looks doubtful at first, but when he sees the genuine concern on everyone’s faces, especially from Gaius and Arthur, he sighs and speaks softly:
“It’s difficult to describe. Merlin could access the full range of his power and do anything, if he wanted, but it’s draining and complicated when stuck in a human body. He himself is a God, yes, but this form is still vulnerable and mortal; he can get injured, and sick, he can die, or at least the body can. Merlin tends to repair this body when that happens, instead of moving on. He... likes it here.”
Everyone nods, understanding at least a little, though Gaius and Lancelot look the most shell-shocked. The room goes silent once again, and Percival, sat on the floor against the end of Merlin’s pallet with Elyan and Gwaine, is the first to speak, his voice shaking and sorrowful:
“He really thinks so low of himself. He’s a God... and he was terrified of the thought of us hating him, as if such a thing were even possible.”
Gwaine curses under his breath and Leon restarts his slow pacing around the room before he stops suddenly, turning to face the others with a look of anger on his face:
“Well of course he thinks it’s bloody possible. He’s right, we treat him like a fucking servant even though he’s one of our dearest friends, and half of us talk about the evils of sorcery on a near constant basis. He’s the God of Magic, of course he’d think we would hate him.”
Everyone is taken aback at Leon’s rage, though no one can deny that what he’s said is true. Leon is... quietly protective of everyone in the group, and it’s a time like this that reminds all of them that he had known Merlin just as long as Arthur had, and definitely held a certain brotherly affection for the younger (uh... yeah, whatever) man.
The older knight sags slightly, seemingly realising how exhausted he is, and pulls a chair up next to Arthur before collapsing in it, head in his hands. Arthur pats him on the back a few times before looking back to Merlin’s now thankfully not-shivering form, taking in a deep breath and nodding his head decisively:
“Well, we’ll just have to show him that it isn’t possible. I... we need to show him that he’s... important to us. Loved.”
Morgana just raises her eyebrow at The King, but doesn’t say anything as Gaius mutters a tearful “My poor boy.” under his breath. Elyan stands from his place on the floor, moving to perch on a bench behind his sister and setting a comforting hand on her shoulder as he softly speaks:
“He needs to know that we want him to stay here, with us.”
Percival shakes his head slightly, looking conflicted:
“Wouldn’t that be... cruel? That woman... Ava, was right. We’ll all grow old and die and he’s a God, he’ll live forever and he’ll grieve. Isn’t asking him to stay selfish?”
No one has an answer, and the room grows silent, everyone stewing in their own tense thoughts, trying to weigh the pros and cons, trying to measure exactly how selfish they were willing to be when it came to Merlin.
The sun rising over the horizon and peaking through the uncovered windows is what wakes everyone (bar Merlin) from their fitful sleeps. All of them had been plagued with odd dreams and nightmares through the night, so despite their exhaustion, they were grateful to be awake.
No one said anything though, waking one by one and pacing briefly around the room in an attempt to cure themselves of the aches gained from falling asleep in such awkward positions.
It’s still incredibly early in the morning, so thankfully none of them are needed for at least two more candle marks, but it’s Lancelot who breaks the silence first, clearing his throat and looking down at his best friend:
“It wouldn’t be selfish.”
Arthur looks up to him, noting the bags under everyone’s eyes and the tear tracks no one had bothered to wipe away:
“What are you talking about?”
The knight runs a hand through his hair, sniffling slightly and taking a deep breath before he stares around the room, making sure everyone was awake and paying attention as he spoke:
“For us to tell him we want him to stay, it wouldn’t be selfish. You heard him, he loves it here, he’s desperate to stay, he loves us. He still has at least thirty years worth of memories to make with us, and yeah, maybe that’s not a lot in the grand scheme of the immortal life of a God, but it’s more than the ten he’s already got. We can’t take that away from him. He... he wants to be here. Telling him to leave just to alleviate our own guilt... that would be selfish.”
Everyone looks a little doubtful, bar Mordred, and it’s him that Arthur turns to:
“Mordred? You knew... what he is, which we are still definitely going to have a conversation about by the way, what do you think?”
Mordred sighs, biting his lip for a moment before finally ripping his gaze from Merlin’s still unconscious, but now healthier looking body:
“He is more than any of us will ever be able to comprehend. You still see him as just Merlin, he is, but he’s also much more; he is Emrys, the saviour, the God, the Guiding Light. He is magic itself, woven into the fabric of the universe. He inhabits every space, and no space at the same time, he exists in every grain of sand, every drop of ocean, every speck of sky. To... to assume that he is not capable of deciding what he wants is an act of unforgivable hubris. If he stays, who are you to demand he leave and name yourselves selfish, when he has not deemed it so?”
Arthur pales slightly at Mordred’s words, as does everyone else. Gwaine seems to be taking it in his stride, and Lancelot seems less surprised than Arthur thinks he should (definitely something to question, but not right now), but before anyone can say anything, Merlin twitches, a low groan escaping his throat as his brows crease.
Everyone moves quickly, gathering around his bedside in a huddle. Morgana, Mordred, and Gwen are grateful to still be sat in their seats, and if they weren’t so busy worriedly leaning over Merlin they would be rolling their eyes at the way the others were pushing and shoving to be at the front. Gaius elbows his way to be stood by Merlin’s head, a cold compress in one hand and a grey looking potion in the other.
Morgana strokes a hand through Merlin’s hair and the frown on his face eases; he blinks his eyes open, swallowing before grimacing at the taste in his mouth and groaning again. Gwen leans over his head, smiling as she settles a hand on his warm cheek:
“Morning sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”
Merlin just groans again, rubbing his shaking hands harshly into his eyes as he says, his voice dry and painful-sounding:
“Ugh. Like Arthur’s aim got miraculously better.”
Arthur rolls his eyes and flushes slightly, but before he can defend himself Merlin bolts upright, taking in a deep, ragged breath, eyes wide. Mordred focuses a concentrated expression on the side of Merlin’s head, but Arthur ignores it as he reaches forward, settling a hand on the dark-haired man’s shoulder and muttering his name:
Merlin’s breathing only gets deeper as he whips his head around to stare at Arthur. The blonde tries to smile comfortingly at him, but Merlin barely seems to notice as he scrambles back on the bed, only stopping when he comes into contact with Leon behind him.
Mordred’s face morphs into a concerned frown at Merlin’s terror, and now his tears, so instead of waiting for the man to calm down enough to let them explain, he rushes forward, grabbing the back of Merlin’s head and forcing their foreheads together before he can pull away. He shuts his eyes tightly, muttering some sort of incantation under his breath. Merlin gasps loudly and Mordred groans, holding their heads together for a few moments before collapsing back into his seat, clamping his hands over his eyes as if trying to press a headache away. Merlin slumps back against the warm body behind him, and Leon just about manages to catch him in strong arms before he falls to the floor.
This had all happened in the space of a few moments, and when the two of them still, the others unfreeze. Arthur turns on Mordred:
“What did you do?? What was that?!”
Mordred groans again, looking up blearily, first at Merlin, who seems to be in a similar state to him, leant against Leon, and then to Arthur:
“He wasn’t calming down, so I shared my memories. From when we met at the edge of the forest yesterday, to just before he woke up. It’ll take him a little longer than me to sort through them.”
Arthur nods and Morgana looks impressed, and everyone looks to Merlin again, waiting for him to pull the hands from his eyes and talk to them, look at them, anything.
He finally seems to relax his muscles and Leon rubs his hands up and down his arms softly; despite the fact that he’d been warmed by the fire, the knight was still oddly worried about Merlin being too cold. He lets out a deep breath, lowering his shaking hands as he slowly raises his teary gaze, staring at Arthur:
“You... you want me to stay?”
Arthur ignores the tears dripping down his cheeks as nods desperately, forcing a soft smile on his face as he sniffles:
“Yes. Please. We don’t want you to go, we don’t hate you.”
Merlin launches himself at Arthur and the only thing stopping The King from falling back from Merlin’s surprising weight is Percival’s hand on his back. Arthur wraps his arms tightly around Merlin’s middles, turning his head to press a kiss to the other man’s temple as he tries to get his tears under control; he completely ignores the others in favour of muttering into Merlin’s hair:
“It’s alright, Merlin. You stay here, with us, as long as you want. We... I, love you. Stay, please.”
Merlin just sobs harder, gripping the back of Arthur’s tunic as he kneels on the bed, his response stuttering and barely understandable:
“But- but I’m-”
Arthur just hushes him, stroking a hand through his hair and giving everyone else in the room pointed looks. They all crowd around Merlin again, placing comforting hands on his back and shoulders and arms and hands. Mordred whispers his adoration in Merlin’s head, and Morgana presses a kiss to the nape of his neck, all in the hopes of convincing him that the memories he had were true.
His breathing finally calms, and Arthur shuffles to the side so he can sit down next to him, not daring to remove the arms from around his neck or push him away. Merlin pulls away himself when Arthur settles, but doesn’t move far, and there’s no space between them as he hastily wipes the tears from his face, staring at him lap, cheeks flushed. Arthur takes his hand slowly in his, but Merlin still doesn’t look up, so Morgana kneels in front of him, placing her hand on his knee softly and saying with a teasing smirk on her face:
“You know, if I’d known that my teacher was The God of Magic, I might’ve complained less at the studying you make me do.”
Merlin finally looks up at her, a weak smile on his face, and Morgana winks at him. It’s Gwaine who tries next, settling on Merlin’s other side and sighing loudly:
“Forget the God thing do you know how many pranks we could’ve pulled if you’d told me you had magic?? Can’t believe you’d take that opportunity from me, all of you.”
He gives Mordred and Morgana jokingly offended glares and they roll their eyes, though their attention is quickly drawn back to Merlin, whose hands are clenching tightly in his lap. The room goes dark all of a sudden, and a glance to the window would tell them that the clear morning was suddenly overcast, thunder rumbling in the distance as rain slammed against the glass. Arthur squeezes Merlin’s hand and quickly, though gently, shoves Morgana out of the way, kneeling in front of Merlin and lifting his chin with his free hand:
“It’s fine, Merlin. We’ve all got a ton of questions but everything’s going to be alright, I swear. In fact, I’m glad we found out, it was cruel of us to make you live in a kingdom where you aren’t accepted, but that changes now, I promise.”
Merlin stands suddenly and walks between them, taking a deep breath before turning suddenly a scowl on his face:
“It wasn’t her choice to make, it was mine, and she took it from me.-”
With every harsh the thunder grew closer and the glass in the window frame shook more violently:
“-I was going to tell you after you changed your mind about magic because it had to come from the heart. You can’t change the Kingdom just for my sake! I wanted to do it properly and she took that from me because she was bored!”
Everyone rushes to say something in an effort to calm him down, both for the safety of the windows and his happiness, but Arthur’s blunt-
-stops them in their tracks. Merlin looks to him sharply, though Arthur is grateful for the thunder quietening down as he replies:
“What do you mean why? Why what?”
Arthur huffs out a gentle laugh, shaking his head in disbelief:
“Why can’t I change the Kingdom for you? You’re important, you’ve touched so many lives in so many wonderous ways; that in itself tells me that magic isn’t evil, so why can’t I change the Kingdom for you?”
The thunder stops and the rain slows to a gentle patter as Merlin tilts his head, his scowl of anger morphing into a sad, confused frown as he responds in a small voice:
“But... I’m just a servant. You’re not doing it out of fear, so I’m still just... nobody important.”
Arthur just laughs again, walking towards Merlin and settling soft hands on his shoulders, grateful to feel the others close to his back:
“You have never once been just a servant, Merlin. Something tells me you’ve been saving my life, and this Kingdom, since the day we met, so even if it had no effect on anyone else whatsoever, I would still change the law. Because you are a good man, and you are important, and you deserve it. Compared to you, it is us, who are just human.-”
Merlin frowns again and Arthur rolls his eyes to stop him arguing:
“-Just... give me another hug, and accept it. You idiot.”
He can feel someone (probably Morgana) thump him on the back, but he doesn’t turn around, eagerly returning Merlin’s hug when the brunette wraps his arms around Arthur’s middle tightly. The King presses closer, uncaring of what his audience thinks of him for the first time in his life (probably because he has a feeling that they’ve known of his... affections, longer than even he has) and  mutters his question into Merlin’s ear:
“We... I love you, Merlin, more than anything. Will you stay with me?”
The King is vaguely aware of his First Knight whispering “I told you so, idiot.” behind him, but all he cares about is the sensation of the God, more ancient and powerful than anything he could ever comprehend, nodding into is neck.
I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope y’all like it!!
Link to the Dark!Merlin version (I warn you, it’s hella angsty) is at the top!! :)
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 2
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 5016 Archive of our own
Warning : Consensual BDSM / Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Cybersex / Stranger / Flirting … If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
-- Part 1 -
The heat of two bodies against one another. Skin upon skin, fingers grazing tenderly. Hands gripping suddenly, forcefully yet securely. I am holding onto dear life on his broad shoulders. My nails digging inside the skin. It makes him grunt in pleasure. I can’t hear it over my own sound of pleasure. My head lolls back, my neck is being attacked. Bites, kisses and words against it. My entire body is aflame. I’m now holding onto the bed head. I’m not surrounded by darkness anymore.
 The landscape has changed, I’m not on my bed. It’s a hospital bed. No one is around, someone is on top of me, I can’t see their face. But it feels good. Hot breath against my skin, soft hands on my hips. The increasing pressure inside-
“Hey wake up! If you want to ride with me to campus, you better get your ass out of bed.” I was startled awake by one of my roommates who seemed on edge. From what my brain understood, I was late and from the look on her face, she was pissed.
 Squinting my eyes at the sudden light from her brusque action of opening the curtains, I groaned. Her heels hitting the floor made my ears ring, it was too much too quickly but I wasn’t going to say anything. The ginger girl was stopped dead in her track by a hand on her shoulder, a softer voice spoke, “Come on Nami, look at her. Clearly, she went to sleep late again, give her some time to clear her head.” Robin said a lot calmer. With a small smile, she gave me a nod and pushed Nami out of the room.
 “You have ten minutes at best, hurry up. She has plans today.”
“And I am hungry, could you make me a sandwich while I get dressed Robin?” I asked with the softest pleading eyes I could manage at this hour. She smiled knowingly in return and nodded, but did not leave until she added, “It’s the last time you leave crumbs on the counter from your midnight snacks.”
 With wide eyes, I grimaced and nodded. It made her chuckle as she closed the door behind herself and left without a word.
 The moment I was left alone, I remembered the dream I was having and hurriedly got out of bed. “Nasty brain, naughty.” I mumbled while undressing. Sure, erotic dreams weren’t bad, but the fact that I had dreamt about that stranger was something entirely new. Maybe it was to be expected if we interacted more like we did last night, if we had more sessions like last night’s one. Damn, am I that needy for a good fuck? Is this what I’ve become? I thought with a huff.
 Once I was dressed, I grabbed my phone and all that I needed for class before leaving the room. On my way out I saw the notification that had popped on my screen, a message from the doctor but it was one from last night.
 HandSurgeon: I’ll allow you to call me doc, just because my username is not very adequate when shortened. But watch it.
 Looking at it I laughed and wrote back, albeit later than when he had sent his message.
 Edelweiss: Good morning to you too, doc. Hope you were able to catch some z’s, because of you I almost missed my class.
Edelweiss: kidding, it’s entire my fault but I want to blame it on you for the fun.
 I shoved my phone in my pocket when I heard my two friends’ voices, telling me I needed to hurry and hurry I did. I grabbed the sandwich Robin handed me and thanked her with all my heart, telling her I’d make the food tonight but she told me she’d rather not die of food poisoning at a young age.
 “Come on, I can make some things! We’ll order in, then?” I said, leaning on the counter with a grin as I took a bite of the food.
“Careful, Nami has invited her best friend tonight. He’s constantly famished, and eats a large amount of food so I’ll take you up on that offer another day. Now off you go, Nami’s waiting in her car.”
 Giving her a thumbs up I leaned off the counter and pondered, “So Nami’s cooking tonight? I see why she’s stressed out now. Anyone else coming by?” I asked quickly. Robin chuckled elegantly, her back leaning against the counter, in front of me, with her arms crossed over her chest. “He might bring one of his friends, but it all depends on his schedule. Nothing definitive yes. Now off you go!” She shooed me, smiling. Most of her classes were in the evening, and yet she woke up that early every day.
 It was also fascinating how, even when in her pajamas she looked so dignified.
 Without losing any more time, I waved her goodbye and rushed down all the flight of stairs to jump into Nami’s car. “Good morning-“ I closed my mouth when she gestured for me to shut up, pointing at her ear and at the board. Looking at the screen, she was on a call with someone but started the car without another word. I could only hear her replies, but tried not to eavesdrop. To stop myself from falling asleep, I took my phone once more and saw a message from HandSurgeon.
 I hated how it sent excitement coursing through my body. Was I remembering the thrill of last night or was I that interested in talking to him? I did not ponder the question longer and opened the app.
 HandSurgeon: Good morning Edelweiss. Are you feeling good? Physically.
HandSurgeon: We’ve barely done anything. But don’t worry, you’ll blame me later when we’ll have more fun.
Edelweiss: I’m great, a bit sore but that’s on me.
Edelweiss: don’t threaten me with a good time 😩, you can’t start the horny talk this early in the morning. How do you expect me to focus during my classes?
HandSurgeon: Haha, I’ll stop. Do you have time to talk?
Edelweiss: ominous much? But yes, I do have time to talk. Something on your mind?
 A knot formed in my stomach, I started to worry he’d say we couldn’t keep doing this. Would it be that bad? We’d known each other for so little time, it’s not like I couldn’t find someone else to fuck.
 I huffed at my own thought, I could find someone else but did they have HandSurgeon’s charisma? Unfortunately, no, I was bound to be horny for a strong doctor that I did not even know the face of.
 HandSurgeon: I got a bit too excited last night, I forgot to mention the most important info.
HandSurgeon: Those being: we can stop whenever you’d like. We can try whatever you feel comfortable trying. If you said you were ready to do something, but in the end feel like you can’t do it: tell me. You can change your mind, it works the other way around, too. You can say you want to try something even though you were against it at first.
HandSurgeon: I won’t always be up to… play but I will be willing to help you if you ask nicely. And if I’m awake.
HandSurgeon: Finally, always call me sir, during our sessions.
 I hid the relief I fell in real life, when I read all his messages. I did not want Nami to ask me what was wrong, nor who I was texting, but it was hard to hide the satisfied smile on my lips. Pursing my lips, I thought of what to answer without looking too desperate.
 Even with the thought put into it, I read my message over a few times and desperation dripped out of it.
 Edelweiss: you scared me, I thought you were going to just disappear or something. I’m good with all of this. If I can add one, be honest with me? Like, uh…
Edelweiss: If I’m being too pushy, but you’re busy, tell me, I’ll calm down haha.
Edelweiss: So… I agree to the terms, sir.
 I saw him type, then stop. Then type again, before stopping again. Had I said something bad? I was going to put my phone away when he replied.
 HandSurgeon: Good girl.
HandSurgeon: Now, I won’t be able to play tonight, but I’ll be free to text if you’d like.
HandSurgeon: It’ll give you time to rest, that way we’ll fuck you good once you’re feeling better.
 I choked on my saliva. Why was he this casual saying things like this?
 Edelweiss: I-
Edelweiss: I said don’t get me horny, the audacity you have to be that good with your words.
Edelweiss: I’ll be busy tonight too, but I’ll text you if it gets a bit boring.
Edelweiss: Also, are you not like… cutting people open or something? Why would you be awake this early with how late you went to sleep?
HandSurgeon: It’s cute how easy it is to get you flustered. Very interesting too. But I’ll stop for now.
HandSurgeon: Since you’re curious, I’m in bed. I have to meet with my intern in an hour, he’s very eager to learn.
HandSurgeon: Just like you, but maybe I find one more satisfying than the other 😉
 Staring at the screen, I hesitated and felt my cheeks heat up. I wanted to be horny and ask him for a picture, or be funny and ask him for a picture. Both could work together, but should I flirt or ask in the most stupid way possible? I was curious if he’d be willing to send anything, I’m sure it’d make my day if he did send me a picture but I did not want him to force him either. You can’t force a dom to do shit, idiot, my common sense told me.
 Edelweiss: send pic or fake.
HandSurgeon: Of my intern?
 Good fucking lord, I’m an idiot. I typed back quickly, trying to fix my stupidity.
 Edelweiss: of you in bed.
Edelweiss: maybe I’m asking for a nude? 🤔
HandSurgeon: Are you, now? What sparked that need? Do tell me. I’ll consider.
Edelweiss: I’m curious, and I wonder if you sleep dressed or not 😳
 Hit and run. That’s all I could call what I had done. I dropped that message then locked my screen and stared straight ahead, regretting sending it. I couldn’t delete it since he had probably seen in, considering we were both online at the same time. We were both staring at the conversation, craving for more, awaiting the other’s reply to weight our own answer in return.
 Covering my mouth with my hand, I rested my elbow on the small space by the window and felt my heart beat faster. I shouldn’t feel like that, I had literally fucked myself to his guidance hours ago. And yet, there was this stressed from asking him nudes. I mean, I hadn’t asked a dick pic per say… If he slept in pajamas it clearly wouldn’t be a nude, so…
 My phone vibrated in my hand, I looked down so quickly my head slipped off my hand and hit the window with a thud. “Are you good? You look nervous, do you have a final today or…” I heard Nami ask. She threw me a side glance but kept her gaze focused on the road.
 I was so focused on my own conversation; I had not realized she was done with her call. Had she been watching all of my reaction since then? No… no, probably not.
“I’m good, just need a bit of sugar.” I paused and continued casually, “Robin told me Luffy’s inviting someone tonight? Are you cooking or are you planning on ordering? They better pay their own shit, if we order in.” I grumbled, hoping to make her drop the subject.
 I needed to stay focus on what she was saying but my brain was drifting to the pending message on Discord. Fortunately, my distraction worked and she replied, “If he’s coming, I’ll make him pay the entire orders.” She scoffed as she pulled up into the parking, her eyes still focused in front of her. “He owes me, and since it’s last minute, I’ll use that against him to not pay my food.” She added. I laughed at her logic, was it really last minute if she knew he was coming since this morning? Shaking my head, I unlocked my phone and opened the text.
 HandSurgeon: [sent an attachment]
 While I masked my reaction, my eyes sure widened for the span of a second. On that very screen was a picture of the doctor, or more precisely, his crotch covered with just a thin blanket covering it. I could see the shape of his cock, and it made it more sinful than a full dick pic. The v shape of his lower stomach, along with the happy trail, made the whole thing hotter than it was supposed to be. Is this for fucking real? Thinking for a second it might be a catfish, I finally looked at the rest of the pic and saw a badly torn piece of paper with the word ‘Edelweiss’ scribbled badly on it.
 “Damn, who’s is this? Girl, you tapping that?” I quickly turned my phone face down and looked at Nami with what probably looked like guilt. “What? No. I’m on Twitter. I don’t have time to literally fuck around, too busy.” I stated, putting my hand on the door handle as I took hold of my bag.
 She was about to say something else, but we spoke at the same time and she let me talk. “What time do you finish? I’ll be done around 5 pm if you’re still there.” I stepped outside the car and slammed it shut, waiting for my ginger friend to join me.
“Around that time too, we’ll head right back home after. I think Luffy and his annoying friend will already be there. I’ll sent you the menu, so that you can pick from it.” She then hurried off when she saw one of her classmates waving her over.
 I let out a sigh and looked back at my phone, typing back while marching towards my class.
 Edelweiss: Are you kidding me? Dude…
HandSurgeon: I’d prefer you call me doc than dude. Although sir is the most appealing… But what’s wrong?
Edelweiss: You’re telling me, someone that hot is on weird websites when I’m sure anyone would want to fuck you. No offense, but you’re probably very hot, so why are you like… domming online? Instead of your own pretty little sub in real life? Not that I’m complaining! I like it.
HandSurgeon: Schedule is shit. And I’ve been told I’m bitter. But I’m glad you’re enjoying it, I’ll get dressed now. You focus on your class.
Edelweiss: Oh I am definitely enjoying it, a lot.
Edelweiss: by the way, I came to a realization this morning…
 Then we sent a message at the same time, I laughed nervously.
 HandSurgeon: So you think of me when you sleep? Very cute.
Edelweiss: my brain was slow last night, but like. Did you sext me while in your office?
Edelweiss: maybe I did think of you in my sleep, but I don’t think we need to talk about that, my question is definitely more important.
 I almost tripped over nothing, from looking at my phone instead of the path but I managed to make my way to class without a hitch. Throwing my bag over the desk, I sat down and waited for my professor. Checking Discord once more,
 HandSurgeon: I did. It’ll happen a lot too.
Edelweiss: damn that means no sexy live for you
 I replied without thinking. The loudest sigh escaped my lips, what even did I mean by that? Was I really considering giving him a show? What was I expecting from telling him that? I mean sure, if time goes on and I get more comfortable it could be fun…
 HandSurgeon: If that day comes, I’ll be sure to get my earphones. I’m sure you’d actually enjoy the thrill of showing yourself off. Knowing full well I’m watching, maybe with a hand in my pants, ordering you around. There will be a “sexy live”, if you’re comfortable enough… The fact that I’m in my office only adds to the charm. Wouldn’t you say?
 I blinked a few times, my thumbs hovering over the keyboard. I typed something then deleted it. I paused and typed again, before deleting it once more. Was he wrong? It was very exciting, just thinking about it. Even more so knowing he was willing to be in that situation, at his desk, looking at me getting off under his command. But also, even more knowing he’d be at his work place, where anyone could walk in on him being in such an embarrassing situation.
 HandSurgeon: It looks like you’re speechless. But do answer me, would you get off on knowing someone could walk in? Knowing we could get caught, knowing they could see you fucking yourself on screen just for me. Just to please me. They wouldn’t know it’s you, but you’d know. My good girl fucking herself, showing off her perfectly fuckable body just for me.
 I let my head fall back against the seat and took a deep breath. I felt suddenly self-conscious, even though I knew no one knew what was going on, on my screen. And yet, I had to look around to make sure before typing with a lot of hesitance. He hit the spot, I hated how right he was. But I replied in all honesty.
 Edelweiss: …
Edelweiss: yes…
Edelweiss: I’d like that…. sir…
Edelweiss: I need to focus on my class, but now I don’t know if I’ll be able since you just went off and made me very much distracted now.
HandSurgeon: My hand slipped.
Edelweiss: the  a u d a c i t y, then do tell me where it’ll slip next time 😉
Edelweiss: ok, no. that was bad. I’m trying, I’m not as good as you okay?
HandSurgeon: I think it’s a conversation best kept for late hours, wouldn’t you say?
HandSurgeon: I have to go. Focus on your class, or think of where you’d like my hands to go. The choice is yours, Edelweiss.
HandSurgeon: [send an attachment]
 There it was, another picture of him. This time it was his gloved hand gripping the fabric around his thigh tightly, the sleeve of his long shirt was slightly risen. I could catch a glimpse of the hair on his arm but focused on the length of his slender fingers. Of the way his fingertips were digging in his pants, of the lines his muscles drew on the back of his hand and maybe of, once again, the fact that he was sitting at his desk. Instead of replying, I took it in and locked my screen to try and focus on the class.
 I never thought I’d have a medical kink, but my thought would sometimes drift off, imagining him in his full surgeon outfit. Sitting on his chair, legs spread open while looking at me with a smirk. What it’d look like, I do not know, but I could only imagine the sultry gaze he could give me while in that position. He’d pat his thigh for me to come over and let me ride it- Shaking the thoughts away, I told myself to focus, and tried my best to keep up to that promise.
 The rest of the day, I kept my hands off my phone the best I could. I wanted to keep texting HandSurgeon and have some fun, tease him the way he was teasing me but I did not know how to push his buttons. Suddenly I realized I had never asked what were his kinks. By default, being in control must have been one of them, but I was curious as of what else he enjoyed. I made a mental note to ask him next time we talked, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, it all depended on tonight’s fun.
 Right, tonight… I don’t even know who’s the guy that’s coming over. Nami said that Luffy’s friend was annoying but maybe she was a bit biased since she was easily frustrated, which was ironic considering her best friend was the most tiring person ever. At some point during the day, she sent me a text with the name of the restaurant we were ordering at and told me to pick whatever I wanted.
 Seeing the prices, I had to make sure she had sent me the right restaurant and sent her a text asking if it was alright. Her reply was, “I told you he owed me, he said to choose whatever restaurant I wanted. And I did. He has the money, might as well use it.”
 I winced at her words and sent her my choice with a lot of reticence, adding, “If I get yelled that for picking something, even though I don’t know the guy, you’ll pay for my food.” She was quick to reply and told me it’ll be okay. “The dude might bitch and moan about it but he’ll eventually accept it” were her words. I don’t really know if it had helped or worsened my anxiety but I just let her do her thing and went on with the rest of my day without a hitch.
 I was able to focus on my classes and assignments after a while, when my brain finally decided to shove the whole HandSurgeon conversation in the back of my head.
 The day came to an end right on time. I had done my fair share of thinking for the day and needed a break. Knowing a nice warm meal was waiting for me at my apartment only made things ten times better. I rushed out of my last class with haste, almost bumping into other people and dropping my phone but I caught it before anything dramatic could happen.
 When I stepped outside, I was met with a drizzle and had to walk faster to Nami’s car. I was lucky to see she was already there, waiting inside of it with music playing loudly. She was trying to fix her hair the best she could, and gave up when it looked half-decent. A startled gasp escaped her lips when I opened the car door and slipped inside, greeting her, out of breath.
 “You scared me!” She gasped, a hand on her chest.
“Is it my fault? You’re on edge, not me.” I huffed, throwing my bag in the back of the car, making the ginger groan when she received a few droplets on her clothes. Apologizing, I buckled my seatbelt and we drove back home in a good mood. Food always lifted spirits, even more so after a draining day. On our way home, Nami started renting on how I will have to keep Luffy’s friend away from her because she couldn’t handle his attitude.
 I did not dare ask her what happened but listened carefully. She did not give me any useful information about him, only telling me he was “arrogant, annoying, he’s bitchy and way too cocky because of his job.” I winced and was expecting the worst, probably a business man that was too proud of making money or a politician. No, no… Luffy would never befriend people like that, right?
 All kind of ideas simmered in my head until we reached our apartment. I don’t know why, but I was going to knock. I quickly caught myself and unlocked the door, hanging my coat in the entrance as I took off my shoes. “Robin? Have they arrived yet-“ I was cut off when the excited black-haired man came rushing in and wrapped his arms around both Nami and I. She laughed and hugged him back, while I pushed him away, smiling softly. “Hello Luffy, let me get changed first? I smell like a wet dog.” I scoffed.
 He agreed and pulled Nami to the side, bringing her to the living room. I did not look their way and instead went back to my room to get changed. Maybe I could catch him before he went to his evening activity? I kind of wanted to have a bit of fun before going back to eat… But then again, did I have time? Humming pensively, I locked my door and stripped naked then pulled out my phone.
 Edelweiss: Good evening, can I suggest something? I want to make my evening more fun… maybe have something to look forward to this evening…
 I waited a moment, sitting on my desk chair completely naked. It was frisky and I felt well… naked. Was it too bold? Should I just delete the message and get dressed? I did not have time to ponder longer that the little dot next to his name turned green. He had answered.
 HandSurgeon: What do you suggest? I’m all ears.
Edelweiss: let’s say… I wanted to keep something inside me the entire evening… like an egg, you know those vibrating egg but like, not turned on because that’d be too much.
Edelweiss: here, this:
Edelweiss: [sent an attachment]
 I made sure we could see my lower body, the hand holding the toy was right above my thighs and I angled it so he could see most of it. When I sent the picture, I felt the pressure in my stomach grow, maybe he’d refuse and I was getting excited over nothing.
 HandSurgeon: I won’t be able to guide you, gorgeous.
HandSurgeon: But… I think it’s a great idea. Although, I need to be sure you’re not too sore to have some fun tonight.
Edelweiss: I’m good, I’m great. Don’t worry, I can definitely handle this. I mean, if you want to, sir.
HandSurgeon: The eagerness ever so present, you’re being very good asking for it. I would hate to punish you.
HandSurgeon: Let’s do it, if you think you can’t take it anymore send me a message and take it out.
HandSurgeon: But I’m sure a good girl like you could take it entire night, wouldn’t you agree?
 My answer was to send him a picture of the toy inside me, my free hand gripping my thigh while spreading them wider.
 Edelweiss: [sent an attachment]
HandSurgeon: Fuck. A warning next time. I’m not against more pictures, but let me remind you I’m not alone tonight.
HandSurgeon: Or is it what you’re looking for? You want to show off to me, but also to them? The odds of the people here looking at my phone are low, but they’re not null. That’s what gets you off.
 I was going to reply but he sent another message that sent something coursing straight between my legs. The throb I managed to numb after this morning’s talk came back without much efforts needed.
 HandSurgeon: Maybe to calm that eagerness, we should turn it on? Have you dripping wet for tonight? Would that help with how needy you’re feeling right now? You’d be surrounded by, let’s say your friends. But your thoughts would be nowhere near that, no.
HandSurgeon: You’ll be thinking of me. Of what I’d do to you tonight, looking forward to obey. To be on your knees, in your bed, expectant in front of your screen. Like a desperate girl, pleading for some relief.
 My hand slipped on my desk and grabbed the little remote, pressing it to turn the toy on. I let out a shaky breath at the sensation, spread my legs wider to try to press it deeper but finding my attempt fruitless.
 HandSurgeon: Get dressed, and go join your friends. I’ll be available to talk in a few.
HandSurgeon: But don’t get too greedy. If you think you’re getting close, you turn it off. I want you begging for an orgasm tonight. Are we good?
Edelweiss: Yes sir. More than good.
Edelweiss: Maybe… maybe I could call you, no video, to do it…
 He’ll ask for me to be precise. But I felt like my pride would take a hit if I wrote it down, did I want to beg? I gave it a thought while getting dressed in a fresh pair of clothes. Usually I wouldn’t want to beg, but it felt different here. Maybe I could use this moment to find out more about him, his tastes… his kink.
 HandSurgeon: “It”?
Edelweiss: Beg. You want me to beg, I am suggesting to do it on a call. That’s what you want right? You get off on being in a position of power but what else do you like?
HandSurgeon: I’ll have you begging, no matter what. That’s the fun, dear.
HandSurgeon: Now you’re curious about what I like? We’ll talk about it after tonight’s session, right now I have to go. Have fun, be good.
 I thought it was going to be child’s play. The vibrations weren’t that strong, and it’s not like there was going to be a lot of things that’d turn me on during a friend gathering. Right? Right. It’s what I thought until I joined everyone in the living room and there stood a definition of handsome. I don’t know what Nami said about him but I’m sure she never mentioned how hot he was.
Nami, Luffy and Robin were sitting on the ground by the low table. They were taking the boxes of food from the bags and giving them to everyone. What caught my eyes was the man sitting in the couch, almost lazily. He was looking at the three people with something close to boredom, his arms spread on the back of the couch.
 Suddenly I regret trying to make my evening more fun… Or did I? I’d have to see how the evening go to make an opinion on being in the company of such a beautiful man when I had my own hardship going.
[Part 3]
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at National Bowl in Milton Keynes, UK - June 5, 1982 (Part-1)
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It was originally intended for the band to play this concert at Arsenal Stadium in Highbury, but it was moved to Milton Keynes for the same reason the Leeds show wasn't played at the famed Old Trafford. It's also worth noting that the band wanted to play at London's famous Royal Albert Hall as well, but the plan was never orchestrated as there was much fear that the weight of Queen's lighting rig would make the ceiling cave in. An early tour itinerary listed two London shows (June 4 and 5) on the agenda. The Teardrop Explodes were among the bands (the same line-up as last week in Leeds) who opened for Queen at this show. Their guitarist, Julian Cope, stood before about 40 thousand Queen fans and introduced the next song as being probably the best song they had ever heard, prompting someone near the stage to throw a toilet seat at him, which missed (people are known to bring cameras and certain substances to concerts, but toilet seats?). Lemonade bottles were then thrown at the guitarist which he tossed back into the audience. The complete Queen concert was filmed. A shortened video was shown on UK TV on a show called "The Tube" in January 1983 (omitting Action This Day, the bit of Las Palabras de Amor, Back Chat, Get Down Make Love, part of the guitar solo, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Another One Bites The Dust, and Sheer Heart Attack), and on MTV in the US in August 1983 (the latter was a simulcast, with the audio being broadcast on FM radio in stereo, on the west coast, at least). The video was edited by Gavin Taylor, who was later invited by the band to direct the now famous video at Wembley Stadium in 1986. An even shorter version (about 50 minutes long) of the Milton Keynes video was shown on UK TV in 2001 (and many times since). Both the Milton Keynes and Wembley shows would eventually be released on DVD uncut. The 2004 official release of this show (both on CD and DVD) is called "Queen On Fire: Live At The Bowl". The DVD is a beautiful document of Queen's show at the time, packed full of classic Queen moments. There are also extras from 1982 shows in Vienna and Tokyo. After a great version of Play The Game, Freddie essentially apologizes to the audience for much of the latest album's content: "Now most of you know that we've got some new songs out in the last week. For what it's worth we're gonna do a few songs in the funk/black category, whatever you call it. That doesn't mean we've lost our rock and roll feel, okay? I mean it's only a bloody record. People get so excited about these things! We just wanna try out a few songs. This is Staying Power." For some reason part of the speech was removed for the CD release of "Live At The Bowl." Without a doubt this is his definitive live delivery of the song, pulling off all of the stops. Mercury is at his peak tonight. Somebody To Love has been a vocal adventure of Freddie's for the past couple years. His intro is different every night, as is his solo spot towards the end. The version captured here on film is surely one of his best. Before launching into the familiar piano theme, he asks the audience in a moment for the ages, "Are you ready?" And in excitement, "Huh? Are you ready brothers and sisters?" Part way through his vocal exchange with the audience in Now I'm Here, Freddie says, "C'mon, we're gonna make you sing like Aretha Franklin." At the end of the successful duel, he jokingly says, "Right, you can join the band!" The r&b influence is never more evident than it is here, and it makes for a classic version of the song. Brian breaks a string just before his guitar solo in Dragon Attack. While he switches to a Red Special copy, John Deacon gets to play the bass solo as it's heard on the record - the one and only time he has the chance to do it. It's on the fly, and he nails it note for note. "Las Palabras de Amor" was released as a single a few days ago, and Brian plays a small bit of it on his 12-string acoustic before Love Of My Life. He then mentions how the band won't be playing their "song of peace" tonight, as he calls it. This remains the only show where the Hot Space ballad would be referenced. Brian's guitar briefly cuts out during his solo spot, a moment that was edited out of the 1983 TV broadcasts (and slightly edited on the CD release) but seen uncut on the DVD. Brian's guitar tech is seen rushing on and off stage within seconds, having quickly resolved the issue (it was likely a sticky pickup switch). About half way through Sheer Heart Attack, Brian sneaks in the riff from I Go Crazy an octave up, and much faster, to match the tempo of the energetic News Of The World rocker. The song would be dropped from the set after this show, only to emerge again late in the pending North American tour. This would be Morgan Fisher's last show with the band as the touring keyboardist. A number of theories abound about his departure, including butting heads with Mercury's personal manager Paul Prenter or his apparent fear of flying, but it was simply a case of him moving on to other gigs (Fisher confirmed in a 2009 interview that he has never been afraid of airplanes). The CD and DVD releases would be patched up a bit, most notably in the third verse of Fat Bottomed Girls where Freddie's voice cracked badly on "locality," as well as for "now I'm here, now I'm there." Roger's timing with the guitar delays at the end of May's solo spot was bit off at the show, but this is fixed up as well. The sound quality as a whole is much better than the broadcasts, but there are a couple differences in the mix - some of Brian's backing vocals (particularly at the end of Somebody To Love) can be clearly heard in the broadcast mix but were brought down for the official releases, and compression has been added to Roger's snare drum, giving it a much fatter sound compared to Queen Rock Montreal. Brian May and Roger Taylor are interviewed before the show, as shown on the Bowl DVD and the original TV broadcasts. Brian reveals that he really enjoys playing Play The Game. He explains, "You've done your leaping about, and you've made your statement on your entry. And then you can settle down and start really playing something." Roger says his current favourite is Under Pressure. On the day before this show Freddie's boyfriend at the time had bitten him between his thumb and forefinger during a fight, causing it to bleed profusely and require stitches. On the DVD, Freddie is seen tossing the bandage around just before coming on stage. The sixth picture was submitted by Fabio Minero, and the eighth is from Alessio Rizzitelli. The second set was taken by Brenski.
Fan Stories
“At the time, I was living on the Mull Of Kintyre on the West coast of Scotland. I remember being elated at getting tickets for the last gig of the UK tour. I always tried to get 'last night' tickets, because the band were famous for always going a little more 'over the top' on each of their tour's final nights. So, we drove down from Scotland, which took an eternity with fuel and meal stops, and stayed at the in-law's on the south coast of England. The next day we set for the 'new-town' of Milton Keynes, about 100 miles or so, away. We got there quite early before the gates opened and the weather was unsettled, lightly raining for about five minutes nearly every other hour. The support bands for the day were 'Teardrop Explodes', who had a fairly big hit with a song called 'Reward'. I quite liked Julian Cope and his band, but this WAS a rock gig, and the audience weren't generally as receptive to this brass backed 'new romantic' style of music. The customary sea of lemonade bottles headed towards the stage ensued. Now it was over twenty years ago, and the memory starts to fade a bit after a while, so I'm not sure whether 'Heart' were next on, or 'Joan Jett and the Blackhearts'. Either way, both bands played well, and were most enjoyable. Joan Jett had recently had a very big hit with 'I Love Rock'n'Roll' (very recently covered by Britney Spears), and the crowd loved that one. This was prior to 'Heart' having a major hit in the UK, but they were at that time an established and well known band. Looking at the stage, there were these items that looked like little vehicles hanging from the gantry, we later found out that these were individual self contained lighting platforms with a guy sat in each directing three spotlights wherever they were required to do so. The Queen set itself started with an extended backing tape from the intro of Flash Gordon. Most of you will have seen the video of this gig, so I won't labour on about what they played too much. Only that the crowd, as a whole, weren't into the 'Hot Space' numbers that much. Personally, I was watching my favourite band, so I didn't really care what they played, as long as it was theirs. The bits cut out of the video, included an intro to 'Las Palabras De Amor' from Brian, (just before 'Love Of My Life'), though they never actually played the whole song, Brian announced that they were not doing their song of peace tonight. Brian's two-day guitar solo was edited out, as was 'Fat Bottomed Girls', the intro harmonies on this did come across as pretty iffy, and of all songs, they also edited out 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love', much to my disappointment, as I'd heckled Freddie about his ability as a guitarist, and 'stone me', he only went and answered me. Knebworth '86 was a much better show, but I know I'm lucky enough to have had the honour to be able to compare them.”  - Steve_C/Kes
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Sooo I know I’m abusing the power you gave me (let me send prompts) but I’ve a very good reason, I promise (I’ve Nie brothers feelings and I love your writing) and I need to ask for this “5 times everyone realises that actually NMJ is the pushover in the Nie brothers relationship bc let’s be honest NMJ let’s NHS get away with everything and every time NMJ tries to get NHS to do something he has to bribe him with fans or resign himself to never get that done” and I find that hilarious :p
“Your sons have quite a good relationship, Sect Leader Nie,” Jiang Fengmian remarked, but the man didn’t look especially impressed by the compliment.
“Especially given that they’re half-brothers,” Jin Guangshan added, and Jiang Fengmian sighed internally: the addition made the original statement into a taunt, which hadn’t been what he meant at all. “Rare to see such a good relationship in such cases.”
“Would you know?” Wen Ruohan asked, smiling poisonously. “And here I thought you had only one.”
“I’ve tasted pork; I don’t need to know how to butcher a pig. Look at how the older one lets the younger one around follow him around everywhere – certainly I wouldn’t have tolerated such a thing for one so much younger than me.”
“I always liked playing with others,” Jiang Fengmian said mildly. “The bigger the family, the better, in my view…it’s nice to help and be helped.”
“I don’t think the infant being carried around is doing that much helping,” Lan Qiren observed.
“And yet he’s clearly the one calling the shots,” Wen Ruohan mused, his eyes settling on the field where the two were playing – or rather, the toddler was demanding a ride and his older brother complying. “Given how stiff-necked the Nie family is, traditionally, it must be very reassuring to you, Sect Leader Nie, to see your son so – compliant.”
Sect Leader Nie abruptly changed the subject.
Later, he came to Jiang Fengmian, an expression of fury on his face. “It’s not any of my business, so I don’t care what’s going on with your search for that servant of yours and his family,” he said icily. “But I’ll thank you to focus on rearing your own children, and stop drawing unwanted attention to mine.”
Jiang Fengmian felt rather unjustly accused. It was true, he’d been thinking of Wei Changze’s son – of how well he’d get along with his own A-Cheng, if only Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren could be convinced to stop traveling around and come home for a little – but there was no reason for old Nie to be so snippy. There had only been the five great sect leaders around; what was he so worried about?
“You can’t be serious,” Lan Xichen said, pressing his lips together to try to restrain his laughter and altogether incapable of restraining his smile.
His smile only grew when Nie Mingjue’s shoulders rose up somewhere around his ears in embarrassment.
“I don’t see what the problem is,” he replied stiffly, and then he actually bought the – product.
Lan Xichen managed to hold himself back as they continued down the shopping street, and finally when they were back on the unoccupied path back to the Unclean Realm he let out a peal of laughter.
Nie Mingjue shot him a sidelong glare.
“Little Huaisang has you completely under his thumb,” Lan Xichen laughed. “You’re always buying him things, every time I see you – if it’s not new fans to add to his collections, it’s another animal for his little menagerie –”
“It’s not a menagerie.”
“He has a half-dozen birds, a mated pair of pangolins, and that – that beast you got for him –”
“The boar?” Nie Mingjue asked. “I didn’t buy that, I found it, and anyway the plan is to release it back onto the mountain once it gets a little larger.”
Lan Xichen waved his hand, dismissing Nie Mingjue’s little technicalities. “All that’s fair enough,” he says, laughter still in his voice and his eyes still curved up into crescents. “I would buy Wangji anything he liked, if only he had more hobbies. But even I would draw the line at purchasing my little brother erotic art.”
“He likes it,” Nie Mingjue said defensively.
“Oh, I’m sure he does,” Lan Xichen said, trying to move his eyebrows suggestively like he’d seen someone do once. Judging from Nie Mingjue’s mildly horrified expression, he wasn’t successful. “Still, don’t you think you’re sending him mixed messages? On one hand, you’re always yelling at him about not practicing his saber enough, and on the other you’re spoiling him rotten –”
“He hasn’t formed a golden core yet,” Nie Mingjue said abruptly, and Lan Xichen’s smiled faded. “Yes, still. It’s late, no matter what standard you hold him to – forget the Great Sects, forget regular sects, even by the children of rogue cultivators usually have the basics of a core by now.”
Lan Xichen didn’t know what to say. Lan Wangji had formed his core very early, earliest out of all his generation in fact – he had never had to worry about his brother’s cultivation, not once.
He wanted to tell his friend not to worry, that it would come in time, that Nie Huaisang would catch up…but he was right, it was late. In another year, they would be sending out invitations for select people to come study at the Cloud Recesses, where Nie Huaisang had been a few times before, but this time would be the first time all the sect heirs were in a single place.
If he didn’t have his core by then, there was a chance he’d never get it. That he’d live only the short life of a common person, shorter even than the shortened life of a Nie cultivator –
That Nie Mingjue would have to watch his baby brother grow old and send him off first.
“So I buy him things,” Nie Mingjue concluded with shrug that was anything but casual. “More things than he needs. If he finally forms a core, there’ll be time enough then to teach him discipline – and if he doesn’t, well. At least he’ll be happy for the few years he’ll have.”
“The answer is still no,” Nie Mingjue said, just he had said the first few times, and without paying the slightest attention to the table Jiang Cheng had just overturned.
“Why not?” Jiang Cheng snarled, incensed. “If we join forces together and win, we’ll strike a blow against the Wens that will be felt across the land –”
“And if we lose, the damage will be incalculable,” Nie Mingjue said, unmoved. He didn’t look up from the correspondence he was reviewing. “We didn’t come here expecting to find a Wen stronghold; neither of us brought enough people. No.”
Jiang Cheng sneered. “We didn’t bring enough people, no, but there are enough at hand if there weren’t exceptions being made.”
Nie Mingjue paused and finally put down the letter, turning to look at Jiang Cheng. “If you have something to say, just say it.”
“Nie Huaisang isn’t that far away, with plenty of cultivators acting as guards at his side,” Jiang Cheng said, crossing his arms. “If you summoned them, we’d have enough to tip the scales in our favor. But you don’t, just because he doesn’t feel like fighting – why do you let him walk all over you?!”
Nie Mingjue looked at him for a long moment, his gaze dark and angry.
Jiang Cheng began to feel as if he’d made a mistake, but it was too late to retract his harsh words.
“Very well,” Nie Mingjue said, and Jiang Cheng began to brighten. “I’ll write to Meishan while I’m at it; your sister can come bring along the ones who are guarding her, too.”
Jiang Cheng blanched. “You can’t! Jiejie can’t –”
“Why not? Her cultivation is mediocre, but no more so than my brother’s,” Nie Mingjue said, and he was very angry. “Or are you going to say that she’s the only one left in your family but you? That you don’t want the Wens to have a chance to take even more of your family away? Isn’t all that just as true for me?!”
Jiang Cheng hung his head.
“We’re fighting this war to win it,” Nie Mingjue said. “There’s no point in winning if we lose everything on the way. Get out and talk a walk; I don’t want to see you until you’ve beaten some sense into that thick head of yours.”
“Da-ge, you know you can’t keep the secret of the saber spirits from Huaisang forever,” Jin Guangyao said, and his voice was reasonable as it always was – calm and even and to the point, just the way that Nie Mingjue had liked so much when he’d been his deputy.
The tone mostly just irritated Nie Mingjue now – but then, most things did, these days.
“I’m aware of that,” Nie Mingjue said, scowling. His fingers were pressing at his temples – another headache, it seemed. They were happening more and more these days, and that didn’t help the quality of his temper one bit. “He doesn’t need to know all the details yet. He’ll have to bear the burden eventually, but – not yet.”
Jin Guangyao chuckled. “You always let what he wants make decisions for you, da-ge.”
Nie Mingjue ignored him. That was normal, too.
“Let me play for you again, da-ge,” Jin Guangyao said, and his smile broadened. “It might help your headache.”
Wei Wuxian was of the opinion that disturbing the unquiet corpses that had been sealed in the Guanyin Temple in Yunping City was a terrible idea, but sometimes you had to make sacrifices when politics became an issue. The once-more-ascendant-Nie-sect-is-asking-only-somewhat-politely sort of politics.
Every once in a while, Wei Wuxian cursed Nie Mingjue in the back of his mind. Surely, if he hadn’t spoiled Nie Huaisang so much, he wouldn’t have become so demanding – so insistent!
(So incredibly good at finding just the right weak spot to press on…!)
“Your brother is still going to be a fierce corpse when we open that thing,” he said. “You know that, right? He didn’t recognize you then, he won’t recognize you now – he’s an extremely powerful fierce corpse, which is going to make it very hard to control him right away. There’s a great deal of danger involved in being here.”
Nie Huaisang nodded. “I appreciate the warning, Wei-xiong.”
“In light of that,” Wei Wuxian continued. “Don’t you think you should watch from further away?”
“I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.”
Wei Wuxian sighed and lifted Chenqing to his lips, nodding at Lan Wangji, and together they set about unsealing the tomb.
Nie Mingjue’s corpse was just as overwhelming as he remembered, bursting out of the tomb a few moments before they expected it, and the backlash was enough to make Wei Wuxian, with his weak golden core in this life, cough up blood, which in turn made Lan Wangji stop everything to look at him, which meant that there was nothing between Nie Mingjue’s outstretched fingers, curled into claws, and Nie Huaisang, standing there with nothing but a fan in hand.
Wei Wuxian opened his mouth to – he didn’t know what, to try something to save someone who really had once been his friend, however he’d ended up and whatever he’d done, and who he still rather liked and who’d had pretty good reasons for things and who at any rate he didn’t want to see dead at the hands of his own brother –
Nie Mingjue’s clawed fingers stopped only a hair’s breadth away from Nie Huaisang’s head.
Wei Wuxian’s breath caught in his throat.
A moment passed, and then another – and then the direction of Nie Mingjue’s hand shifted, and he ran his fingers through Nie Huaisang’s hair with a delicacy that Wei Wuxian, an expert on all things resentful energy, had never thought a white-eyed fierce corpse was capable of.
Nie Huaisang smiled, content. “Da-ge has always let me get away with everything.”
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brittledame · 4 years
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Warnings: Explicit, A/B/O-verse, Knotting, Creampie, Biting, Marking, Scenting, Blow jobs, locker room sex
Word Count: 7k
Summary: Semi's temper got the best of him during practice when Shirabu almost accidentally serves a ball straight into their manager. Both you and the team are worried about the older setter, but don't know what's going on with him. Unknowingly, you stumble upon Semi after his shower whilst doing chores in the empty change rooms. Semi shows you exactly what has been driving him crazy the past week. Unknowingly, you stumble upon Semi after his shower whilst doing chores in the empty change rooms. Semi shows you exactly what has been driving him crazy the past week.
Series: Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
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Now, you were not known for being over-dramatic, nor were you known for over exaggerating things. So, when you say aloud, “Semi has been very moody lately…” The team were beyond the point of pulling hair out in pure frustration over said male.
Safe to say, Eita is known to be a little hot headed, but when it came to anything involving Shirabu, he seemed to devolve into the human equivalent of a hair-pin trigger. Prior to whatever had triggered Eita’s down-right nasty attitude, any off-hand comments from the younger setter would at most elicit a scowl and a quick-fire jab in return.
Now though? You watched in abject horror as the situation unraveled faster than a poorly tied rope. Just as the coach had stepped out to get more paperwork for you to look over and discuss the advancements the boys have made over the past week, a ball ricocheted over in your direction, close enough for you to feel a breeze caress your cheeks.
“What in the ever-loving fuck Shirabu? I know that you have more control over your piss-poor serves than that!” Semi seethed as he marched over towards the partially stunned brunette.
Shirabu’s usually placid façade quickly evaporated into thin air as the distance between them rapidly shortened, instead it was replaced with a scowl that even had Goshiki widen his eyes and beat a hasty retreat.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Shirabu sarcastically replies, “I’ve just been a little distracted that someone has been riding my ass for the past week, so I’m sorry that I’m not performing at my best.”
Before Semi could place his hands on the shorter male, Reon and Tendou intercepted him. The latter male chucked a gangly arm across the seething setter’s shoulders, much to Semi’s evident annoyance. Reon placed a calming hand on Shirabu’s shoulder and you were relieved to see the second year’s shoulders relax slightly at the comforting touch.
“Now, now! I hardly think throwing hands with a second year is going to help whatever is going with you Eita,” Tendou wagged his finger in the air as he continued chiding Semi. “You’ll scare off poor ol’ Manager-chan if you keep up your snarling.”
You tensed up at the mention of your role. You hadn’t moved a muscle since the ball came flying your way, which honestly is a normal hazard of being manager to a power-house team. If you couldn’t handle a misfired ball here-and-there then how could you honestly function working with the rambunctious volleyball team?
You slide your eyes over to Semi, only to find he was already staring at you with dark eyes. A spark shoots down your spine, making your fingertips tingle at the sensation. You quickly break eye contact and look over to the left where Shirabu was standing quietly sulking.
“It’s fine Shirabu, it didn’t hit me, and besides,” you grin at him, “even if it did hit me, it would never trump that one time Ushijima spiked one straight into my face.”
Chuckles broke out across the group of boys, thankfully shattering the tense atmosphere. Forever missing the point, Ushijima bows and gives another apology to you while you wave him off and laugh at his serious expression. Meanwhile, Tendou steered Semi off to the side, well away from the boys now playfully teasing the ever stoic Wakatoshi.
“Honestly though dude, you’ve been stinking up the place lately. Are you really alright? And don’t brush me off again.” Tendou’s light tone turned serious, revealing to Semi just how badly his badly managed temper has effected those around him.  “Is this an alpha issue or…?”
Semi rubbed at his eyes and sighed heavily .
“I’m-I’m dealing with it. I’m sorry that I’ve been a bit aggressive lately,” he said tiredly. Maybe his rut was coming a week sooner than he had anticipated, he’s never felt so on edge, especially when you were in the vicinity.
A sharp whistle cut through the air, causing a few of the younger years to wince, with the third years sighed at the loss of their short break. Practice goes back into full swing, the scene quickly forgotten as Washijou barks out commands and demands laps as retribution when they fail to satisfy him. You yourself couldn’t ruminate any longer on Semi’s apparent bad temper lately as you rush to fill in the sheets Washijou handed you and keep up with the team’s moves.
All too soon, practice was called to an end. A few whoops from the more energetic boys sounded at the whistle, but it seemed like most of the boys were exhausted from this particular practice session. The heavy mix of sweat and pheromones was enough to make you wrinkle your nose. Even after all these years you’d think that you would get used to the smell of a couple dozen alphas and betas and the occasional omega stinking up the enclosed area.
As per usual, all the members gathered around the coaches and waited for the hazing critiques coach Washijou was sure to dish out. It seemed that poor Goshiki suffered the brunt of the harsh comments, looking for all the world like he was trying not to cry. Reon and Yamagata moved closer to the first year and gave a few encouraging pats on the back, once Washijou had moved onto his next victim. Shirabu shook his head at the scene. Guiltily, you kind of understood the sentiment.
One had to be able weather all sorts of scathing critiques and comments to last long on this team. There’s a reason most omega’s don’t stay long on the team, most pushed to tears and dropping off the team before they could make a whole term. You were the longest standing omega team member and that was purely driven by spite to prove to Washijou that you weren’t a “waste of space” as he once so kindly called you.
Sliding your eyes over to Semi, you were shocked to find the dark-tipped ash blonde male already staring at you with burning eyes. Locking eyes for all of a second, he quickly looked down at the floor, tightly clutching at his towel. He was still wiping the sweat off of his brow, chest heaving as he tries to draw cool air into his tired lungs. Trying to be subtle, you scent the air, trying to locate Semi’s unique musk under the many layers of scents in the gym, but like always you couldn’t push past the reek of teenager’s sweat.
After the short intermission, he really threw himself into his serves and sets. The force he hit every ball caused a knot of something to settle in your abdomen. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’d feel like if he’d used that same force on your –
“ – and that’s all for today. I expect you all to improve on those points within the next week or you will be riding pine for however long I desire. Understand?” You gulped as you were ripped out of your dirty thoughts for a guy that wouldn’t even give you a second glance.
A resounding “Yes!” signaled the end of another day’s worth of work. Everyone started filing off towards the showers, hoping to get one of the few stalls that had decent water pressure. Thankfully, hot water was a non-issue with the mountain-load of funding appointed to the high-ranking team, otherwise it’d be a blood bath.
Steeling your nerves, you sought Semi out. You spot him standing near the entrance of the hallway leading to the locker rooms, talking animatedly to a smiling Reon. You really didn’t want to interrupt the conversation between the two alphas but you needed to talk to Semi about his attitude problem. Anymore days like today and you’re not sure if Washijou will hesitate to chuck Semi to the curb, irregardless of the power the setter brought to the court.
Thankfully you didn’t have to awkwardly catch Semi’s attention. You caught Reon’s eye and gave him an awkward wave, he nodded at you and said his goodbye to the bewildered setter. You always did love Reon’s fatherly nature, you’d have to treat him to his favourite meal of mackerel cooked in miso as a thank you sometime soon.
Semi froze when he met your eyes and you tried to not show any hesitance as you addressed him.
“Hey, I just wanted to ask about what’s up with you lately. I know it’s not exactly easy to talk about that kind of stuff to the team but…” Semi watches as you nervously tug at a piece of your hair. “You can talk to me if you want, I’d be more than happy to at least listen to anything that’s been on your mind lately.”
Semi bit his lip, eyes cast off to the side in (what you hope is) contemplation. His eyebrows furrow as you notice him scent the air, obviously displeased with what he smells, as his entire face tightens.
“I’m fine. Thanks for the offer though.” He says in clipped tones, turning away from you.
Panicking, you grab his wrist to stop him. This turned out to be the worst possible choice, as Semi’s entire body freezes. You hold your breath, not wanting to fuck up this situation more so than you already have. A short eternity passes before he brusquely shakes off your loosened grip and stalks off towards the lockers, not breathing another word to you.
Hurt, you twist your hands together. Wow, you managed to piss off one of the hottest guys in your year in less than a minute, that has to be new record. Shit, maybe he was disgusted that an unmated omega near her heat touched him? No, that wasn’t likely. Semi wasn’t one of those uptight pretentious alphas that dominated Shiratorizawa's halls, in fact he was quite sociable and friendly when he was off the court.
On the court he had a one-track mind and an itch to show the team that just because he was benched doesn’t mean he had nothing to bring to the table. It was something you greatly admired about the male, asides from his jaw-dropping physique that you had the pleasure of viewing a handful of times during the hottest days in the summer.
Still spiraling into your self-made pit of despair, you listlessly set off to complete the rest of the chores assigned to you before it got too late. You usually were the last to leave for the night, so you had the keys for lock up jingling noisily in your pocket as you drop off your annotated charts and completed stats to coach Washijou’s office. On the way back, you drop by the laundry room and sort out some of the player bibs and towels needing to be washed from the ones needing to be folded up for use the next day.
Usually you can find some enjoyment in these menial tasks, as it allows you to ruminate in your thoughts or hum a new song that’s stuck in your head, but today you finish your chores in silence. You fail to not over-analyse Semi’s new apparent distaste for your presence this past week. He was usually more than amicable towards you, popping up to offer a helping hand at random times, and offering to help carry some heavy course material when he spots you struggling in the hallways.
Sighing, you set down the last folded towel on top of the pile needing to be delivered to the locker room. You have no idea what’s gotten into him recently, but it has nothing to do with anything alpha-related, as you’ve spent many times together in the days leading up to his rut and he’s never been this adverse to your touch before.
Physically shaking the thought from your head, you straighten yourself up and check the time. Great, it was late enough that none of the boys should still be in the locker room, so you could deliver the pile of towels, go back to your dorm and sulk for the rest of the night.
The hallways were empty and silent now that the boys were more than likely filed up for dinner. Cautious, you give a precautionary knock just in case someone was loitering around instead of rushing out like the others. At the lack of response, you swing open the door and begin to place the towels around the room and sort the dirty laundry into the right washing bins.
Lost in the monotony of your everyday motions, you missed the padding footfalls leaving the showers. Eita stood there in shock when he saw your figure bent over the washing bins, left to the lockers. He cursed his luck (his misfortune, he corrects) of having the one person in the school that Eita couldn't bare to lose control around alone with him. Already he could feel his tenuous grasp on his self-restraint slipping as he observes your clueless form sort out laundry.
Sniffing at the air, Eita could scent nothing but you in the air now that there was no one else around and he could feel his dick twitch at the thought. For fuck’s sake he already went above and beyond to avoid you today and the team after that disastrous practice. He even stayed behind to rub a quick one out in the empty showers, thinking about your soft skin against his.
As Eita stood behind you, lost in his turbulent thoughts, you stand up and turn around, meeting the half-naked setter's eyes. He looks just as shocked as you, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted, failing to say anything.
You can’t help your eyes as they take in his almost nude form, feeling almost envious at the white fluffy towel hiding his modesty from your view. Water droplets fall from his partially dried, tousled hair onto his pectorals and trace translucent trails down his tight abdomen and disappearing into the towel. Your mouth dries at the sight Semi makes before you, a casual sort of attractiveness that models strive to perfect.
Amused, Eita watches you rake your eyes over his form. He’s humble enough to know he looks pretty damn good for an eighteen year old, but he still preens under your appreciative look. Licking your lips unconsciously, you once again meet his eyes, fire clashing with fire.
'Oh god, keep it in your pants!' You admonished yourself. 'The poor guy is just trying to get dressed and here you are eye fucking him, for shame!'
Blushing heavily, you turn your gaze downwards. Eita gnaws at the inside of his cheeks at the sight of your embarrassed form. If this goes down the same track Eita’s illicit thoughts had journeyed down not that long ago, Eita is going to make an embarrassment of himself.
Throwing all caution to the wind, Eita mumbles a rough “fuck it” as he marches towards your prone form. Refusing to look up at him, you petulantly turn your head away from him. Semi huffs at the act and instead draws your head up with a crooked finger under your chin. You forgot how to breathe for a moment as you met his heated gaze. God, that look alone was enough to make you shiver and feel slick start gathering in your panties.
Eita chuckled at the wide-eyed expression on your face. “Don’t look so surprised. You’re the one person who could make me lose my mind like this, and you’re all alone with me at the worst possible moment.”
It’s at that moment that you’re hit with a wall of pure alpha scent, unsullied by any of the other’s pheromones or sweat. The smell of coconut body wash mixed with his natural musk, along with sharp undertones of bergamot, overwhelmed your senses. You whimpered at connotation of such a scent, Semi was interested in you – very interested.
‘Maybe he’s close to a rut, that’s why he’s acting like this. Of course he’d be like this around an unmated omega.’ The thought was sobering and practically kills your mood.
Drawing away from the stunning male, you shake your head. “No, you’re close to a rut, that's why you're acting like this. You just want an omega to warm your bed. Any omega will do.”
You had too much self-respect to waste any time or emotion trying to play into your number one fantasy of Semi actually reciprocating your feelings and wanting to fuck you, only to find out he was just looking to get his dick wet for the night.
“That’s not true and you know it,” Semi spits out between clenched teeth, drawing you back into him. “I’ve wanted to be with you romantically since first year. You’d have to have been blind to miss it.”
Offended, you rear up and scowl at him. “I’m not getting into bed with you because your horny mouth spits out some flattery. I know for a fact you don’t see me in that way, the past few days is proof of that!”
“Have you listened to a single word I’ve said? I've been dealing with so much sexual frustration lately because all I can think about is all the different positions I could fuck you in and mark up that soft skin of yours.” A flush of heat rolls through your body at his words.
“Lately, I’ve felt so out of control around you. I really don’t want to fuck up and lose our friendship.” He finishes, whispering the words into your hair.
Okay, so Semi has also been struggling with the same feelings you’ve been fighting back with a stick since first year, that's relieving. It’s sweet that Semi regarded your friendship so highly that he wouldn’t risk a potential mishap like this to fuck it up. The thought warms you in a way different to before.
“We’re such idiots,” you huff, burying your face into his chest. “I’ve liked you for awhile now as well. I just thought you'd always regard me in a platonic way. Kind of funny now that I think about it.” You slowly inhale, drawing in his soothing scent, as Semi wrapped his arms around you.
“Satori once commented that if there was anymore sexual tension between us, he expected us to spontaneously start fucking on the floor like animals.” Semi chuckled, tightening his grip minutely.
You hum thoughtfully. “Nah, I always imagined our first time either in one of our dorms or against the lockers.”
Looking up, you had the pleasure of watching a delicious-looking blush coat Semi’s cheeks at your teasing tone. Bring his hand up, he cups your cheeks and swipes his thumb gently under your eye, while the other draws circles over your hip. You tip your head back and relish in the feeling of his soft touches.
“Oh, really now?” He lowly teased back. “Why don’t we try it then?”
Semi releases your cheek, winds his arms around your waist and picks you up, walking you towards the very same lockers that had a starring role in your midnight fantasies. You have no idea who initiated the kiss, but your lips collided together just before your back was pressed against the cold metal.
You didn’t feel fireworks going off in the background, nor little birds start singing at your first kiss, but good god, did he make you feel light as a feather and make your heart all fluttery. Without thinking, you hook your legs around his torso and wind your fingers through his still-damp hair.
His lips were surprisingly soft and so very plush, you could easily get addicted to kissing Semi. You waited until the last possible second before you drew back for breath, panting against his lips for a moment, before diving right back in.
Out of nowhere, Semi roughly nips at your bottom lip and you gasp in response. He doesn't hesitate as he slides his tongue between the seam of your pink lips and entangle your tongues together. Moaning, you draw your trimmed nails down his naked back, blindly taking in each ridge and ripple of muscle of his toned physique. Semi's body trembles at the sensation.
This time Semi was the one to pull back with a gasp, burying his head in the crook of your neck, panting heavily.
“Do that again and I’ll really lose it.” His growl shot straight down to your core. You decide to tempt fate and really push Semi’s buttons, excited to see how far he’ll take it. You grind down onto his growing erection, while simultaneously raking your nails down his back hard enough to leave pink trails of irritated skin.
Semi almost immediately bucked up into up and moaned aloud. That moan alone was enough for slick to start pouring out of you, not to mention the dark look the alpha gives you.
“I warned you.” He says lowly, tone heavy with a dark promise.
Without letting you catch your breath, he dives back down to your mouth, kissing and nipping you with fervour that left you dizzy. Without thinking, you grind onto him, your core clenching on nothing as it grinds against Semi’s rigid length.
You couldn’t wait to see Semi’s cock, you had your guesses on what it might look like, maybe it was average size with above average girth, or maybe it was a little on the longer side, enough so that it could reach depths unexplored by your wondering fingers.
Well you always were the one to take advantage of any situation you were placed in and this one was no different to any other. Disconnecting your lips, a thin string of saliva connects the two of you snaps as you draw away and unhook your legs from around his back. Gliding out of his grasp, you slide your back down the lockers.
“Whoa, what are you doi-?” Grabbing his hips, you swing him so that his back was flat against the lockers and swiftly removed the infernal piece of fabric. The sight before you was drool-worthy, a cause to rub your thighs together to try and relieve the itch to just grab his dick and just cram it up inside of you – prep be damned. Instead, you just gawk at his dick, watching it twitch up against his stomach as Semi gives you a curious look.
It was of average thickness, but the length? That was well above average. The sight of a throbbing vein on along the right side of his cock caught your attention and god would that feel absolutely heavenly inside of you. If you were on the fence before, you now decided not to leave this room until you get the dicking down you deserve from putting up with his hormonal bullshit for the past week.
Licking your lips, you make eye contact with Semi as you grasp his dick and place the tip at the seam of your mouth. You absolutely adore the passionate heat in his gaze, giving him a slight smirk as you deliver a few small kitten licks to his tip.
“Stop playing around, gorgeous. I know exactly how skilled that tongue is.” Shivering at the demand, you close your eyes as you slowly make your way down his shaft. While you don’t regret showing the boys your odd talent of tying cherry stems with just your tongue, it seems to have come back to bite you in ass.
Unsurprisingly, you’re not able to fit the entirety of his cock in your mouth before you draw back for a moment before starting a faster pace. It only took a few tries before you could fit his entire length in your mouth, moaning when you feel it hit your oesophagus. You were eternally grateful for your lack of gag reflex, you would hate to ruin this life changing moment by chucking up on the poor guy.
Remembering the vein, you seek it out with your tongue and rub against it, appreciating the fact that you could literally feel how fast Semi’s heart was beating.
Groaning, he threaded a calloused hand through your loose locks and gave an occasional tug whenever you did something exceptional. You increase the sucking pressure and encouraged Semi to thrust up into you mouth by pressing his hips towards you. Receiving the message loud and clear, Semi set up his own fast pace, rolling his hips back and forth, almost overwhelming you.
Wanting to get back some control, you gently scrape your teeth down his shaft as he pulls out. Semi’s body immediately started trembling as he groaned aloud. Pulling at your hair, he tries to suppress the orgasm building quickly up in his abdomen. He would rather die than have a premature orgasm, he’s waited so long to have you like this, and he’ll be damned if your sinfully skilled tongue pushes him of the edge a lot sooner than he’d like.
Pulling your mouth off his slick dick by your hair, you whine at the loss, while he pants slightly. “I am not cumming in that pretty mouth of yours before I get to fuck you properly.”
Not even a moment later, Semi had you by the waist and splayed out on the – thankfully – cushioned bench. He stands there for a moment, committing to memory the sight of your pink cheeks, spit-slick chin and heaving chest.
“It’s not really fair that I’m naked and here you are all modest.” Bending over you, Semi tugs at your shirt. “Be a good girl and take this off for me?”
Your mind filled with static at his words, a wave of heat burning through you at the nickname the alpha gave you. Without thinking, you quickly strip out of your managerial clothes, not even trying to be sexy as you rush to slip off the maroon polo shirt and black shorts. Once you reach your undergarments, you pause, looking up at the alpha.
‘Thank god I wore a matching set today.’ You belatedly think. A quick glance at your plain black cotton bra and panties, with a tasteful amount of lace covering the fabric and peeking over the side. You judge it adequate enough for tonight. Not that you left your room this morning thinking anyone was going to see them, but still grateful for the choice, nonetheless.
He grins at the slight sign of submission, his inner alpha pleased at the silent question. Semi’s eyes swept over your nearly bare form, teeth buried in his lip as he takes in smooth skin that seems to go on endlessly, eyes pausing over the strips of black fabric covering your modesty.
Sitting on the bench, he gestured you over to him, watching intensely as you move towards him and throw a leg over his lap to straddle his thick thighs. He runs his fingertips from your throat, through the valley of your breasts, and stopped them just at the edge of your panties, fiddling with the lace there.
“Do you have anything on tomorrow?” He asks mildly, catching you off guard. You gave him a confused look and shake your head. Tomorrow was Saturday, the one day that was safe from coach Washijou’s back-breaking fitness regime, and no one had anything school-related to do tomorrow either.
Pleased Semi ducks down and hums in your ear. “Then I don’t suppose you’d mind if I mark you up a bit, right?” You felt your breath rush out of your lungs, failing to return.
“Go ahead.” You said breathlessly. You could feel the alpha chuckle from where he was pressed up against you.
You grasp at his biceps as he starts to suck a mark just under your ear, pausing to inspect it before giving a pleased hum and moving to suck another one along the column of your unblemished neck. He pays special attention to the major scent gland based just a few centimetres down from your ear. Sharp canines scrape across the sensitive skin and the feeling leaves your knees weak and slick start accumulating in your panties.
He buries his nose in the spot, taking in the rich scent of dark cherries and sugared plums. Single-minded, he noses the delicate area until it was swollen and imbued with his own scent. A rumble tears through his chest at the pleasing smell of your intermingled scents, part of him being simultaneously calmed yet exhilarated.
“Fuck you smell so damn good.” He breaths. You groan as he continues to brush up against the sensitive skin.
At your noise, he leaves the abused gland, clearly feeling accomplished. Semi thought if any more blood rushed down to his erection he’d pass out, but the sight of the marks he made littering your neck, looking like a beautiful abstract painting of purple lilacs, he could feel his blood begin to boil.
Making his way southwards, Semi continues to leave physical reminders of his love in ardent lavender and rose-pink marks. Slowly, he tilts you back until your back once again meets the cold bench, causing you to shiver. It definitely wasn’t from the scandalous sight of Semi situated between your legs; lips tantalizingly close – but not close enough – to your clothed core. No sir.
An immoral part of you wants to watch as Semi, hopefully, goes down on you, so you prop yourself up on your elbows. On a second thought, you also remove your bra, thankfully getting it off without any major mishaps, flinging it off to the side. Looking down at him, you wriggle your eyebrows out him.
“Like what you see?”
“Yeah, more than you could ever know.” He grins up at you, a devious glint in his eye. “So let me show you how much I appreciate you.”
Obviously fed up with waiting around, Eita goes straight for gold. His thick tongue licks a hot stripe over your clothed core, tasting the slick-soaked material. You gasp, grabbing for his head, threading your fingers through his soft ash-coloured hair. After a few long strokes, he eventually bores of that and hooks his thumbs into the elastic band of your panties and slowly drags them down your legs.
You wordlessly keen as Semi’s hands come back and dig into the fleshy part of your thighs, separating them to bare your naked core to him. Breath hastening as he views your glistening hole, you feel some slick trickle out at thought of what was about to go down – quite literally.
His eyes flash up towards yours as he slowly descends upon you, not breaking eye contact as you finally feel his tongue against your bare folds.
Back arched, you clutch his hair harder as you tilt your hips to match his movements, encouraging his tongue to reach deeper. Unlike you, he doesn’t hesitate to jump straight in, tongue breaching your hole with such ease, you’d think he’s done it a hundred times.
Wet, sloppy sounds fill the air as he starts to vehemently eat you out, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you feel the warm muscle dip in and out, and best of all, curl inside of you.
Eita savours the flavour of your arousal, a greedy part of him wanting more and more until he’s had his fill of you. With the faces you’re making, he knew that day would never come around, he’s already addicted to the feeling and taste of you.
Hands tightening their grip on fleshy part of your thighs, keeping your thighs apart to prevent them from crushing Semi’s head, you knew there's going be bruises there tomorrow. He chuckles when you moan at one particular tongue flick. The vibrations of him causes another moan to rip through you.
Long, calloused fingers soon join the fray, Semi apparently tiring of using just his tongue. Although you’re pretty sure his tongue alone would bring you to orgasm, but oh well, he can save that move for a rainy day.
Semi was a very skilled setter and musician, long and pretty fingers pair with amazing hand-eye coordination help with that, but this? His fingers felt phenomenal as callouses created the perfect amount of friction rubbing against your walls.
It wasn’t long between the synchronous actions between his skilled fingers and tongue that you felt your orgasm building up, hot and tingling. The thumb rubbing at your clitoris left you seeing literal stars, as you fail to keep your breathing under control.
Eita noted your arching back and trembling thighs and concluded that your orgasm was close. He paused his actions for a short second as he weighed his options. He could either continue and let you orgasm then fuck your brains out, or he could stop and watch you orgasm for the first time when he’s buried in you.
He resumed his movements for all of a second before your sharp shout of his name tore him from his thoughts. It seems that you spared him from making that hard decision, he mused.
To you, the orgasm seemingly came out of nowhere. It crested and washed throughout your entire body, filling it with an electrical zapping sensation, leaving your ears ringing. Mind filled with static, you could vaguely feel your body slip back onto the bench as your arms gave out on you.
Eita watched with glee as you came on his tongue and fingers, covering them with your juices. He removed his tongue and thickly swallowed at the sight of you splayed out in front of him with a blissed-out expression on your flushed face. It was so dirty, but so fucking hot. Eita knew the sight before him will help him through many a lonely night when he makes good use of his right hand.
When you come back to your senses, you have the pleasure of seeing Semi’s slick-slick face. He must not have been bothered enough to clean it off. Arms flexing, he props himself onto his elbows, lips only a breath away from yours.
Mouths meeting, you taste each other’s essence on your tongues. You never thought the taste of yourself on his tongue would be so hot, but you’re glad to be proven wrong in such a manner.
Legs parted around his body, Semi’s hand grabs your right leg and wraps it around his hips, not breaking the kiss. Tongues clashing, you grind up into him, relishing the feeling of his stiff dick pressing hard against where you wanted him the most.
Just half an hour ago you were stressing about Semi despising you and now here you were, spreading your legs like a seasoned whore for said male.
Smirking, his hips pin yours to the bench, his hard dick resting teasingly between your slick folds. Breaking the kiss, he smirks down at you, eyes filled with the promise of wrecking you. You could feel hot anticipation lick down your spine and coil tightly in your abdomen despite cumming only moments ago.
“Are you sure about this? I’m scared that once I start I won’t be able to stop myself.” He admits.
Reaching up, you brush the hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ear.
“I’ve been thinking about this moment for the past two years, I don’t think I could wait another second.”
You tense slightly as you feel his tip nudge at your entrance, forcibly trying to relax your muscles before he entered, otherwise the experience wouldn’t be enjoyable if you were too tight to enter.
Your teeth dig into your cheek as he slowly, but surely, enters you. Semi has to pause half-way through to gather his wits, with clenched teeth he reigns in his thoughts of just thrusting all the way home and ripping everything from you, tooth and nail.
A short eternity later, he’s finally seated fully inside of you. Testing yourself, you flutter your walls around the foreign body and feel warmth bubble up in your chest at the way Semi groans deeply in your ear.
“You feel so fucking good, you know that?” He slowly rolls his hips up into you, hoping you’ll give him the go ahead. Moaning at the sensation of his throbbing member buried deep inside of you, you quickly get used the feeling and start unthinkingly grinding up into him, giving him the nonverbal signal to start.
It’s only then that Eita starts fucking you exactly how you always imagined he’d take a lover, with ardent intensity and a single-minded determination to get you off before he finishes. The thought of what sweet expression you’ll have when you take his knot comes unbidden, making his dick twitch inside of you.
He hastens his pace, mouth latching on to the side of you neck once again, biting hard enough to make you gasp and tighten around him, setting him off and causing him bite down even harder. You could’ve sworn he drew blood, but honestly didn’t have the higher brain function to worry much about how you would go about trying to hide his marks for the next two weeks.
Digging your nails into Semi’s shoulder, you throw your head back in ecstasy as he miraculously hits your G-spot three times in a row. Toes-curling, you felt your orgasm swelling up within you, molten and mind-frazzling.
“Don’t – fuck – Don’t stop. Right there!” You gasp into the cool night air, hoping that his dick will go back to abusing the bundle of nerves.
Like a piston, he rapidly thrust his hips back and forth, watching as his dick gets swallowed up by your greedy wet hole. Slick pours out of you and drips onto his dick, smearing onto his sharp hip bones and the backs of your thighs every time he slams up into you.
“You feel so good, I want to stay buried in you forever. You’d let me do that, wouldn’t you baby?” He pants into the crook of your neck, hot breath washing over sensitive skin.
Groaning at the words, you clench around his length, nails digging into his shoulders as his pace starts to speed up again.
“You’d be so good for me; I mean look at you now. You look so pretty taking my cock like this, and your not even in a heat.”
You swear you could feel your soul ascend to the next dimension as he blows your mind – and back – out with his heaven-sent dick.  Pulling him down you repay him in kind by biting and sucking a few marks of your own into his neck, the purples and pinks looking so pretty on his sun-tanned skin.
“I haven’t even started my rut yet, but you’re here you are about to get my knot. Look at what you’ve done to me, baby girl.” He groans, swapping out hard and fast thrust for long and deep ones.
Sure enough, you could feel the base of his dick swell with a pre-rut knot. Well damn. While it wasn’t unusual for that to happen out of a rut, it was uncommon enough for it to swell as large when not in a rut, so you grind even harder on him, hoping for it to catch.
Semi reaches down, blindly searching for your clit and rubbing it fervently once he located it, causing you to tighten considerably around him. Eita hisses at the vice-like grip you have on him, speeding up the short strokes of his thumb, hoping to push you over the edge before his already roiling orgasm crashes down on him.
His rutting hips don’t falter when the hot ball of liquid arousal exploded inside you. Another orgasm rushed through you, this time stealing your breath and causing you to see stars behind your eyelids, with your extremities going numb from the overwhelming sensation.
You come with his name on your lips, your walls constricting around his dick, slick gushing out around his dick, causing his hips to stutter as he hurriedly thrust back up into you with enough force for his knot to finally catch on your hole, swelling to lock the two of you together.
Eita comes with a feral shout, arms locking as he unloads inside of you, the residual fluttering of your walls from your orgasm milking his knot for all it had. He groaned at his prolonged orgasm, having never ejaculated for so long, he slumps his tired body over your prone body, nose buried in your soft hair.
Coming down from your high, you start blinking the dark spots out of your vision. The heavy weight of Semi resting on your chest becoming more apparent, as does the knot still inside of you, weakly pulsing out some more cum.
You shiver at the feeling of being so full. Fuck, you really could get used to this, knot pushed deep inside you, Semi snuggled up into you, skin flushed from exertion and painted in perspiration.
Waiting for the knot to go down, you brush a hand through his hair, while Semi draws spirals onto your bare shoulder.
“You’re so lucky I’m on the pill or we would have a huge issue on our hands.” You tug at his hair, admonishing him for his reckless actions. You had a plan after high school and it certainly didn’t involve a baby. While Semi has swept in and ruined most of those plans in one fell swoop, you refuse to let him saddle the both of you with that extra responsibility.
He props himself up and gives you the cutest little pout you’ve ever seen, looking very out of place on the usually severe-looking face.
“I knew you were on the pill. You were complaining the other month that it was making you gain weight ‘like super crazy easy’ if I remember right.” He teases, poking at your puffed-out cheeks.
“Well it’s fucking true! Why don’t you try taking some hormone drugs and see what it does to your metabolism.” You huff, ignoring his chuckling at your petulant tone. “Besides, that doesn’t really excuse the fact that we did it raw straight off the bat.”
Eita purses his lips. “True. I’m sorry, I could’ve taken the extra second to get a condom out of my bag.”
You pause, taking in his words. “It’s fine, that’s kinda on both of us. Also, why the hell are you carrying a condom around in your bag like it’s a pack of tissues?” He laughs at you, not even bothering to answer the question, much to your dismay.
The scent of a sated alpha flooded the room, pleasing a deep and primal part of you, leading you to give a pleased hum, changing the subject.
“Oh god, it stinks in here. We’re gonna have to open the windows to let some of it out.” You groan, throwing an arm across your eyes. The last thing you wanted to think about after coming twice in less than an hour was cleaning up the evidence of your tryst, so that the team didn’t find out.
Eita’s deep laughter fills the room, chasing away any insecurities you had about any regrets he may have had about tonight. Smiling, you wrap your arms around his snatched waist and lean up to scent him, rubbing your nose back and forth until your scent had taken root.
Satisfied, you leant back and admired your handy work. His scent gland was swollen and tinged pink, and most importantly, he smelt of you.
Eita’s eyes glint with humour as he closely regards your happy, sated expression.
“Probably not the right time to say this, but I really do love you, you know?” You could feel your heart flip within your chest, squeezing painfully at his soft, smitten tone.
“You’re right, probably not the best time to say it for the first time with your cum inside me, but I love you too, you idiot.” Blushing, Semi looks down at the mess  between where your bodies met. Judging his knot was finished, he carefully pulled out. You shiver at the sensation of his cum slowly drizzling out of you, feeling weirdly empty now that he’s not inside you.
Getting up, he rushes over to the pile of clean towels you brought in, came back and started gently cleaning the both of you up.
After trading a couple dozen stolen kisses between cleaning up the bodily fluids off of the bench and yourselves, laughing at Semi’s comment of never being able to look at that bench ever again without getting a boner. You have never so light and elated in your life.
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Notes: I was originally planning on Semi dragging reader to his room and having his wicked wicked way with her for the whole weekend, to ride out his rut but then I thought that you can never go wrong with good ol' locker room sex. Critiques, comments and notes are always appreciated!!
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bard-llama · 3 years
Belated Start of Mini Kinktober Week!
So the @witcherkinktober​ provided the great prompts for this week and then I completely and absolutely forgot about it lol. So I don’t have finished fics for yesterday or today, but I will share a snip from each and if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll finish one for tomorrow!
So, my plan was to write 1 rorveth and 1 throne3 fill per day, but uh... that’s not seeming likely. So instead, have snips (more like my entire WiPs shhhh) from 2 throne3 fills + 1 rorveth fill under the cut!
10/3 - Collars | Gags | Hypnosis/Mind Control Warnings for homophobia-induced painful backstory and chronic pain
Unfortunately, no porn here, because I got too caught up in the explanation of how they got here again 😭😭😭 But Reynard got drugged with a truth/babbling potion. That counts as mind control, right? 😅
If there was one thing everyone knew about General Reynard Odo, it was that he kept his thoughts to himself and carefully chose every word he said.
Which is why Gascon knew immediately that something was wrong, because Reynard was surrounded by soldiers and waving his hands in a surprisingly uncoordinated way and, most significantly, openly shittalking people.
“Fuckin’ Reggie,” Reynard slurred, which set off about a billion alarm bells in Gascon’s head, because what the fuck!? First off, Reynard didn’t swear. Certainly not in front of his soldiers. He was meticulous about that kind of thing. Propriety mattered to Reynard and being proper in front of his men even moreso.
Secondly, nicknames and Reynard did not mix. Well, technically, Gascon was always giving Reynard new insultingly affectionate nicknames, but Reynard himself? Gascon had never heard Reynard shorten a name ever. Even the really long ones! Even the ones that everyone else used! Hell, there was one of Meve’s guards who even she called by their nickname. But Reynard? Never. It was always Lieutenant Razzah Ozzell, never Razzell like the rest of them.
Thirdly, who the fuck was Reggie?
“He was a right prick,” Reynard continued, snorting at his own words. “Didn’t know a damn thing about the military. I mean, he was always getting people’s ranks wrong, and who’s gonna correct him? He’s the fucking king!”
Gascon’s face blanched. Reggie as in King Reginald as in Meve’s late husband?
Yeah, he needed to make sure Reynard stopped speaking immediately. Whatever was wrong with him, clearly the General’s extensive control could not be relied upon at the moment, so Gascon would just have to have enough control for the two of them.
Nodding to himself, he wove his way expertly through tangles of soldiers and slipped his arm around Reynard’s, pulling the General up and pushing him towards the edge of camp. The soldiers groaned in protest, but Gascon ignored them, more concerned with the way Reynard was both still talking and did not seem at all bothered by Gascon’s grasp on his arm.
Only once they were a decent distance from camp did Gascon let go and whirl around to demand what the fuck was going on.
“What the fuck, Reynard?” he hissed. “What is wrong with you!? Why would you openly shit talk the King!?”
Reynard’s pupils were wide as the General snorted, “I didn’t even share the worst shit!”
“And it should probably stay that way,” Gascon spoke over him. “Seriously, what is wrong with you!?”
Tilting his head, Reynard leaned too far to the right and flailed for balance. Gascon was officially unnerved. Where the hell was the close mouthed and tight-lipped General Odo?
“I feel fine,” Reynard shrugged. “I don’t even hurt!”
“Yeah, that’s ‘cause you’re probably high as a kite on something. What did you eat? Drink?”
“Mmm, jus’ the ale. They’re – hic – they’re always inviting me, you know. To drink with them.”
“Yeah,” Gascon said uncertainly, brow furrowing, “you always say no.”
Reynard sighed, slumping as though all his energy had abandoned him. “Yeah,” he agreed. “They already have to put up with me all day. ‘M not gonna be so selfish as to ruin everyone’s time.” His lips twitched, “I’m Lyria and Rivia’s profesh – profess – pro-fesh-shen-al wet blanket, remember?”
Gascon winced. He hadn’t realized that jab had stayed with Reynard like this, but even worse was that Reynard seemed to think it was true.
“I was being an asshole,” Gascon protested. “You’re not a wet blanket. You’re – I mean, you’re very stoic and uptight and stuff, but like, that’s not always a bad thing! If you want to drink with your soldiers, you should!”
The laughter that fell from Reynard’s lips was haunting. “No one truly wants me there. It’s better to keep from intruding.”
Something about that made Gascon’s heart hurt, but he swallowed hard, refocusing. “Reynard, there must’ve been something in the ale you drank, ‘cause you may feel fine, but you are definitely not. Honestly, when you sober up, you’re probably gonna hate that you told me any of this.”
Reynard hummed, nodding in small movements. “Hate being sober. Hurts too much.”
Gascon blinked. “Wait, really? But you practically never have more than a single ale!”
“Of courshe,” Reynard wiggled his jaw like that would make his lips form the right shapes. “I have a resp – responc – re – ah, fuck it. Duty. I have a duty to Her Majesty.”
“Yeah, but – wait, why does it hurt?”
Snorting again, Reynard shrugged. “It always does. Though, not right now. Like, I can do this!” He shrugged his shoulders once more, seemingly engrossed in the miraculousness of basic movement.
“Can you… not usually shrug?” Gascon tilted his head, considering that. Had he ever actually seen Reynard shrug?
Reynard shook his head emphatically enough to make himself stumble for balance again. “Pulls on my back.”
Gascon’s brow furrowed. “Your… back? I don’t remember you having any particular back injury?”
Snorting through his nose, Reynard hummed. “Wasn’t an injury in battle. Nothing so honorable by far.”
More confused than ever, Gascon opened his mouth to say something, but Reynard didn’t seem to notice and talked over him instead.
“Fuckin’ Reggie,” Reynard muttered again, digging the toe of his boot into the ground.
“Reginald… hurt you?” Gascon asked cautiously. Usually Reynard was the first to insist that no one speak out against their rulers, past or present.
My vague thoughts were that somehow Reynard ends up dirty talking to Gascon on accident ‘cause he can’t shut up, so Gascon gags him? Aaaaand... idk how the collar comes in, but I like making life difficult for myself, so I wanna try to include all 3 prompts.
(throne3) 10/4 - Overstimulation | Monsters | Temperature Play Warnings for monsterfucking, rough sex, and serious size kink
“Troll want mate!” the massive rock troll declared.
Having been sent out scouting near the base of the mountain, General Reynard Odo found himself regretting having chosen to explore this cave. 
“Reynard,” he said loudly, pressing a hand to his chest, “wants to leave.”
“No leave!” One humongous fist smashed into the ground far too close to Reynard for comfort. “Want find mate!”
“You… want help finding a mate?” Reynard repeated uncertainly. Where the hell was he supposed to find a mate for a troll!?
The troll nodded emphatically with a sound like rocks scrapping together. “Us need mate! ReyRey help find!”
Reynard winced at the atrocious nickname, then frowned. What did the troll mean ‘us’?
As he watched, the rock formations behind the troll materialized into more trolls. A lot more trolls.
“Uh,” he started, “why do you think I can find you a mate?”
“Humie no come here before!” the first troll he’d spoken to said cheerily. “You be special!”
Well. That was encouraging. “Where would I find you a mate?”
“If we knew, we no ask!” Another troll huffed. “Is season! Must mate! But where mate?”
His frown deepened. “So you don’t need a mate as in a life-partner, but more… uh, for one-time use, so to speak?”
The trolls hummed and groaned, looking at each other in confusion. “What humie mean?”
“Uh… I guess that you,” he cleared his throat uncomfortably, “you need to physically mate with someone. Urgently. Yes?”
“Urgent, urgent, yes!” One troll waved its leg up and down and Reynard’s brow furrowed in confusion. Except then the troll wrapped its hand around the leg and Reynard realized that it wasn’t a leg at all. “Need mate soon!” the troll said, stroking the massive cock that hung between its legs.
“I don’t know where to find you a mate,” Reynard said. “And I have urgent business I must conduct for my queen–”
The first troll he’d talked to cut him off with a low grunt, hands punching into the ground. “Need mate now!”
“ReyRey,” another troll – he really couldn’t tell them apart beyond size, but this one was a little smaller than the others, and troll dicks must have been retractible, because this one didn’t have a huge limb hanging between its legs. But there was the start of something peeking out where the troll’s underbelly met its legs.
Reynard found himself oddly entranced, watching the troll’s cock slowly protrude and grow larger and larger until it was around the length and width of Reynard’s entire forearm. If these things were proportional to the troll’s size, then this was the smallest one.
He swallowed, unsure why his mouth was watering, but he still couldn’t look away and the smaller troll grinned.
“ReyRey want mate?” it offered. 
Choking, Reynard flushed scarlet and shook his head. “I – no! We aren’t – aren’t compatible. You’d break me!”
Why did thinking that send a shiver of interest down his spine. These were trolls! He was absolutely not mating with trolls!
Except when he finally managed to look away from the smaller troll’s cock, his eyes got stuck on the one beside it, their cock slightly bigger than the other troll’s. 
“ReyRey want be broken,” the smaller troll said confidently. “ReyRey get hard like troll!” So saying, the troll reached out and poked Reynard’s pelvis where, to his great shame, his cock was getting hard.
“I–” he fumbled for words. Surely this was not going to happen. It couldn’t happen! What would his men think of him, getting railed by a rock troll!? By several rock trolls!?
It was ridiculous that this question should even be raised! Of course he wasn’t going to let himself get fucked by a bunch of trolls. He couldn’t!
So why did he kind of want to? Why was he thinking about what it would feel like, getting stretched so wide. And deep! These trolls were huge, and that should make him scared, but instead, he was… kind of getting excited.
Gods, what was wrong with him? He was – he was genuinely considering mating with a troll! That was most definitely not normal or in any way appropriate.
But… who would know? He’d only left camp about half an hour ago, so they wouldn’t expect him back for several hours yet. And it wasn’t as if he would ever tell anyone just what he was contemplating doing. So really, who would ever find out? 
And it had been so long since Reynard had last been fucked. He would – he would have to prepare himself thoroughly before even considering taking the trolls, but…
He really actually wanted to do this.
Biting his lip and shifting his weight, Reynard looked around the cavern. “What,” his voice cracked and he coughed, trying again, “what exactly would it mean? To – to be your mate?”
The trolls let out excited hums and rumbles and the smaller troll grinned at him. “ReyRey look good on cock,” it said brightly. “We mate. Means ReyRey takes pearls.”
“Pearls?” his brow furrowed. Was that a euphemism for ejaculate?
“Lil trolls,” the troll nodded, “pearls. ReyRey say yes?”
“I…” Reynard swallowed and for once in his life, let himself do the improper thing. “I’ll need stretching first.”
“Trolls help!” the smaller one said enthusiastically. “ReyRey take off metal shell? No good for mating.”
“Right,” he cleared his throat, and even though part of his mind was screaming in horror, he actually did start to pick at the buckles on his armor. “Uh. We’re gonna need something slick. To – to open me up,” he blushed. 
“We slick ReyRey!” one troll proclaimed loudly and as soon as Reynard’s armor was removed, they grabbed him, manhandling him with an ease that made his heart beat fast. Then, before he really knew what was happening, they bent him in half and something long and wet was prodding at his ass as stone-encrusted fingers held him open.
He yelped in surprise – and then moaned as the troll’s tongue pushed into him with no warning, thrusting deep and wiggling inside him the way nothing ever had before. “Oh, fuck,” he gasped, gripping his own ankles tightly. He hadn’t even realized he could bend down so far, but with the trolls holding him, it was somehow easier than anything to just let himself go and let them have what they wanted of him.
“Me turn!” another troll grumbled and Reynard suddenly found himself empty and moving, until a different tongue thrust deep into him, fucking him rapidly.
He couldn’t help his whine, cock already very interested. And folded in half and angled down like he was, when his cock leaked, it dripped down onto his face in a way that made him feel both embarrassed and horrifically turned on. 
“Oh fuck, please!” he heard himself beg before he’d consciously decided to.
“Good humie,” a troll praised before something larger prodded at his hole next to the tongue rocking into him. “ReyRey take troll like meant for it.”
Reynard shuddered, the praise making his face warm as it flushed red.
Should I tell you where the story is going next? ‘cause it decided to get long, dammit, so who knows when I’ll finish it. So I guess if you don’t wanna know, then spoiler warning Additional warnings for breeding kink, oviposition, extreme oversensitivity, and extremely bad attempts at acting casual
Okay, so this was supposed to be some basic monsterfucking, but instead, romance had to happen lmao. So Reynard gets fucked by troll after troll and he discovers that unlike his assumption, “pearls” was not a euphemism, but literally trolls laying ‘eggs’. Each one gives him about two dozen pearls, so he’s huge and hella sensitive and just kinda losing his mind. But that kinda fucking takes time, which means Meve and Gascon are worrying over where their crush general is. They’re not together yet in this, but I think all three of them kinda recognize that, were the world different, they could have something special together.
Anyway, Meve and Gascon go searching for him and find him in the cave getting fucked by trolls. And they’re about ready to go charging in and cutting off heads of all sorts when Reynard begs for more. So then they’re confused and far too intrigued and they watch Reynard take another twenty pearls and he moans orgasmically and unlike Reynard, Gascon is not known for his self-control. So he darts out and gets his mouth on Reynard’s cock, making Reynard shout. Then Meve comes out and Reynard is freaking the fuck out and the trolls have all kinda frozen (and no, no one is distracted by the way cum drips out of his stretched out hole) and then Meve kneels and pets through Reynard’s sweaty hair and pulls him up to pillow his head in her lap. and Reynard is very confused, but like, weirdly, they seem to not find this as suuuuuper weird as it was and seemed to even like it.
So the trolls all finish with their mate while Meve pets his hair and Gascon explores his rounded belly and his cock. When everything is done, Gascon and Meve work on cleaning Reynard out - which is when they discover that the pearls can’t be ‘laid’ yet. They need to incubate for a couple of days, and obviously they can’t just leave Reynard with the trolls who didn’t realize that that sort of thing should be mentioned beforehand. So they decide they’ll take Reynard back to camp and hide him away for several days, giving the men a chance to take leave in the area. 
Except Reynard’s armor can’t fit him anymore, so Meve covers him in her cape and Gascon carries the armor (he thinks he got the shit end of the deal here) and Reynard attempts to stumble back to camp when he’s filled with like 700 pearls. But he can’t really walk and every movement nudges the pearls inside him and he’s ridiculously sensitive and he would be horrified at being half-carried into camp by his queen while wearing only her cape and stuffed full of fucking troll eggs, but tbh he can’t think much beyond feels so good and oh god, do not come, do not make a noise! Fortunately, Meve and Gascon are more than aware of how much it would bother Reynard, so Gascon creates a distraction while Meve sneaks Reynard into her tent. 
When Reynard realizes he’s in his queen’s bed, he tries to jolt upright - except he really can’t move much and his attempt just sents pleasure sizzling through his veins. So of course Meve, being Meve, decides she wants to see him mindless with pleasure again. So she kisses him and presses against his belly and explores his cock. By the time Gascon arrives, Reynard is already halfway to another orgasm (dry by this point, though he might’ve recovered a bit since the trolls) and Gascon is absolutely delighted to join in. 
So basically, they spend a couple of days making up ridiculous excuses that none of their men believe about why they quite suddenly have leave time on their urgent march to free Lyria and, more importantly, driving Reynard out of his mind. Then, after the pearls have incubated long enough, they bring Reynard back to the cave with the trolls and hold him and soothe him as he ‘lays’ the pearls, shuddering and moaning with every twitch of a muscle.
And then the throne3 talk lmao. They get together properly and give Reynard some much needed aftercare, ‘cause dude took 700 fucking pearls!
(Also, the men definitely go wild with rumors as to what happened and why Meve and Gascon and Reynard remain shut in the queen’s tent. Some of them are even partially right, but I don’t think anyone calls the troll bit lmao)
(rorveth) 10/4 - Overstimulation | Monsters | Temperature Play Warnings: implied desire for a noncon gangbang, but Roche shuts that shit down quick and between Iorveth/Roche, there is enthusiastic consent 
I actually started this one for the Rare Pair Bingo, but I still haven’t finished it 😭 But it works pretty well with the prompts. Also, inspired by this art. 
I cannot find the article/study, so it’s probably bullshit, BUT the ongoing joke that I will use to death is “arousal smells like candied watermelon”
When Vernon Roche was a child, his mother used to tell him tales of the majestic creatures of the ocean. Gain one’s favour, it was said, and they would do anything for you.
Of course, then Roche actually went to sea and it turned out, the only creatures around were fish or monsters, not the fabled legends his mother had spoken of.
Or so he thought. After all, everyone knew that monsters were mindless, driven purely by instinct like any beast. Right?
Roche had always thought sirens were just another category of beast, but now… now he was starting to wonder. Because the creature they’d accidentally caught in their net was anything but a beast.
It looked like one – its skin was green and blue, and luminescent in a way that was wholly unnatural. Its torso was shaped like a man, but large bat-like wings protruded from its back and instead of legs, its bottom half had fins to swim through the ocean. But its face…
The skin may have been a lovely blue-green and its eyes were unlike any human’s Roche had ever seen, but they looked at him with intelligence, hatred and fury exuding from the creature’s snarl like they would from any other man’s.
It was… actually kind of beautiful, except for the part where it might try to slaughter his men and his crew. It squirmed, trying to free itself from the net before they could haul it onto the deck, but its fins and wings were tangled in the rope and there was no way it could break free.
“Heave!” he ordered his crew and with one last back-breaking haul, the creature sprawled onto the deck of the ship, net wrapped around it as effective as any trap. 
There was a moment of relative silence as the crew stared at the creature and the creature snarled back at them. Then Thirteen, the lookout who’d spotted something worth throwing their nets out for, stepped closer and the creature lashed out, long talons on the end of its fingers shining in the sun.
“Whoa,” Thirteen reeled back. “Jeez, was just trying to help. Can it talk, you think?”
“It,” the creature growled, voice reverberating oddly across the deck, “is right here and if you do not free me, I will kill each and every one of you.”
Roche and his crew frowned down at the creature and it glared right back.
“What even are you?” Roche eventually asked when their stare off was getting them nowhere and some of the men had started shifting uncomfortably.
It scoffed, “I’m a siren. Obviously. What kind of sailor doesn’t recognize a siren!?”
The creature squirmed around to face him, its finned pelvis pressing against the wooden planks in a way that was suddenly drawing Roche’s attention. It was almost as if… did he smell something sweet? Like candied fruit, almost, and he took a deeper breath, inhaling the scent. Yeah, it was definitely like candied fruit. And it appeared to be coming from the self-proclaimed siren.
Weren’t sirens the legendary creatures that could ensorcel men and send them to their deaths?
“Stop that,” Roche snapped and the creature blinked up at him in surprise. 
Around them, Roche’s crew was growing restless, clearly smelling the same delicious scent that he was – and wanting more of it.
“Whatever you’re exuding, stop,” Roche ordered. “Seriously, unless you want this to end with a whole lotta humans vying for one siren, you need to stop.”
The siren ground sharp teeth together, lips pulled back in a snarl. “I can’t,” it grunted and Roche blinked.
“Why the hell not?”
The siren shot him a look, but it was quickly distracted by assessing the crew around them. Several of the men had bulges in the fronts of their trousers and Roche could admit, he was feeling oddly horny, but it was nothing he couldn’t control.
The same, apparently, could not be said of his sailors, because one man – Roche totally hadn’t forgotten his name, but if he had, it would be totally understandable, as the man had only been with them for 3 weeks so far – stepped forward, towards the creature, who snarled and growled and bared its teeth and raised its claws, but who was also, Roche noticed, unable to move terribly much, not with the net tangled around its wings and fins and it not having legs.
“Cap’n,” the new guy said, “I’ve – I’ve heard that hauls like this sometimes get shared with the crew. Could we–?”
Roche saw the creature freeze at the question and something sour built in his chest.
“No,” he snapped. “Get back to work!”
“But what about–?” Thirteen asked, now keeping his distance from the siren.
“I’ll take care of it,” Roche decided. If it was doing something to make his crew horny and it couldn’t stop, then Roche needed it to not be out in the open, distracting his crew and making them far too likely to do something unforgivable.
There were a few huffs and laughs. “Enjoy, Boss,” Fenn muttered, returning to swabbing the deck. The others dispersed shortly thereafter, though they were definitely still distracted, glancing over at the creature.
“Can we–” the new guy started, “can we watch?”
Roche blinked. “Watch… what? Just – get back to work,” he shook his head, pulling his knife and beginning to cut through one of their best nets. It was snarled beyond repair, so they would need to weave a new one anyway.
The siren growled at him as he approached, but he felt oddly entirely unafraid. This creature was dangerous, certainly, but the way it was posturing hid the way that it was entirely helpless. As long as Roche was actually helping, he was pretty sure the creature wouldn’t attack him.
“What, you want to stay tangled?” he asked rhetorically, trying to lighten the mood. 
The siren narrowed its eyes, watching him come closer and closer to the knots around the siren’s left wing.
“What do you want?” the siren demanded.
“Well, let’s start with keeping you from distracting the crew from their duties,” he let his voice carry across the deck and more than a few people looked away guiltily. “Uh, I guess you don’t exactly have a lot of options to walk. Can I – uh – carry you? Just into the captain’s cabin where we can talk and whatever it is you’re doing that makes everyone,” he waved his hands in demonstration, trying to say ‘really fucking horny’ without saying it, “if you can’t turn it off, then let’s start with getting you away from the crew, huh?”
The siren frowned at him, head tilted to the side. But when he motioned to pick the creature up, it nodded, though very clearly reluctantly.
Roche lifted the siren with one hand under its lower body fin and one around its back below the wings. As he rose, most of the netting that hand tangled around the siren fell away, but not quite all of it. He’d have to take care of that, but first–
“Back to work!” he ordered and more than half of the crew jumped, looking away quickly and pretending to be busy.
He shook his head, carrying the siren into the captain’s quarters and setting it on the bed. Then he withdrew, very deliberately stepping away, even though that smell was incredible and made him want to–
Well, it didn’t matter what he wanted, because he was not going to let his ship become the kind of place where ‘hauls got passed around’.
“So, uh… do you have a name?” he asked belatedly. It was probably kind of offensive to keep calling it ‘it’ in his head. 
The siren stared at him for a long minute, then its head dipped in a nod. “I am called Iorveth.”
“Vernon Roche,” he introduced himself. “I’m the captain of this ship. Um. No offense, but I’ve sailed these waters for decades and I’ve never caught anything like – well, like you before. How did you end up caught in our net?”
The creature – Iorveth – huffed in irritation. “I was distracted,” it – he – said. “I’m – the reason I can’t make it stop,” Iorveth hesitated, looking at Roche and biting his lower lip.
“I’m – um, I don’t think humans deal with this, but I’m – I’m in heat,” the siren’s cheeks flushed green as Roche watched and he found himself oddly fascinated.
“Uh… okay. So… how does that lead to getting caught in a net? Shouldn’t you be – I dunno, enticing lovers to, uh… deal with it?”
“I was… avoiding potential ‘lovers’ when your net tangled with my wings,” Iorveth admitted, still looking at him with eyes that blazed. 
“Oh,” Roche blinked. “Well, that’s unfortunate. Uh… should I just like… let you go find someone to – uh, to mate with or whatever?”
“You would let me leave?” Iorveth asked, surprise clear in his voice and on his face.
“I… yes? Why? What am I supposed to do with a siren?”
Iorveth tilted his head again, frowning at Roche. “Your crew had an idea about that.”
Roche blanched. “That would be entirely inappropriate!”
The corner of Iorveth’s lips ticked up. “I’ve heard tales of other sirens caught by humans. Many would disagree with you.”
“Well, fuck them,” Roche growled, suddenly infuriated. “My ship is not somewhere things like that are acceptable!”
“Hmm,” Iorveth hummed. “You really mean that, don’t you?”
“Of course!” It was possible a hint of offense leaked into his tone, but really. “You’re clearly an intelligent creature. Your refusal should be respected, no matter by what species.”
Iorveth’s smile grew. “What makes you think I’ve refused?”
Roche blinked at him, taken entirely off guard. “What?”
“Well, technically, you haven’t made an offer for me to refuse. But are you so sure that’s what I’d say?”
“I… yes?”
Iorveth licked his lips, leaning back on the bed and running his hands down his body until he reached an area just below where his hips would be if he were a human. The scales were darker there and it took Roche a moment to realize that that was because there was an opening there. A wet opening.
Mouth suddenly watering, Roche licked his lips, wondering what Iorveth would taste like. But he didn’t move, even as Iorveth dipped the tips of his own fingers into the slit. Then Iorveth hooked both pointer fingers inside the slit and pulled it open, making Roche gasp as the dark cavern inside was exposed to view.
“Don’t you want me?” Iorveth asked softly, smirk confident and coy. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”
“I…” Roche swallowed hard, staring at that slit. “Why… you’re asking me to mate with you?”
“I’m asking you to fill me and fuck me through my heat,” Iorveth murmured, removing one hand and bringing it to his lips.
When Iorveth’s tongue flicked out to lick his finger, Roche couldn’t help the punched out moan that escaped him.
Iorveth smiled. “Because you let it be my choice.”
“That’s just basic decency!” Roche argued, but he did take a step closer. Then another. “You’re sure you want–?”
“I’ve never had a human before,” Iorveth said, half-lidded gaze locked with his. “Don’t you want to play with the prize you’ve captured?”
Roche gulped. “I – you – is that what you want? To be – to be treated like stolen treasure?”
Iorveth’s eyes lit up. “Yes,” the siren breathed, “steal me. Take me.”
Stepping up to the edge of the bed, Roche looked Iorveth over for any sign that this wasn’t truly what he wanted. 
Iorveth rewarded his scrutiny by dipping his fingers into that slit again, then holding them out. “Have a taste,” Iorveth invited and Roche was lost, leaning forward to wrap his mouth around those fingers, tongue eager to taste everything he could.
He moaned as Iorveth’s flavor spread across his tongue. If he’d thought about it, he might have expected Iorveth to taste briney from the sea. But instead, his tastebuds quivered with delight because Iorveth was slightly salty and slightly sweet and slightly something else altogether on his tongue and he immediately wanted more.
“You’re sure?” he asked one last time, missing Iorveth’s cool fingers as soon as they moved away.
Iorveth smiled, touching his face lightly. “Fuck me, Vernon Roche.”
Roche couldn’t help his moan, but while Iorveth probably expected Roche to pull out his cock and go for it, there was something Roche needed first. 
He licked his lips, crawling up the bed until he was hovering over Iorveth’s lower body. Then he leaned forward and swiped his tongue along that wet opening, enjoying the way Iorveth gasped sharply.
He moaned again, tongue delving into that opening like he was a starving man and Iorveth was a royal buffet. Iorveth’s taste and scent overwhelmed him and Iorveth knocked off his hat, tangling fingers in his hair and pulling him closer.
After a while of that, Iorveth’s muscles started twitching, close to the edge, and Roche thrust his tongue as deep as it could go.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Iorveth began to swear, slipping into another language as his hips rocked up into Roche’s face. Roche devoured him, licking and sucking and generally dedicating himself to thoroughly exploring Iorveth’s opening.
“Gods, your cunt is delicious,” Roche groaned, lips moving across the slit in Iorveth’s scales.
“It’s not a cunt,” Iorveth said. “It’s a – it’s – oh fuck,” Iorveth gasped, body arching and twitching as Roche’s face was soaked. 
Roche did not stop the attention he was paying to Iorveth’s not-cunt, continuing to lick and suck and devour Iorveth.
Iorveth clung to his head, hands clutching desperately at his hair as the siren’s hips continued to buck and overstimulated whimpers filled the air.
Still, Roche did not stop and Iorveth cried out in that other language as he came for a second time, far too close to the first to not be painful.
And again, Roche did not stop.
Iorveth’s crying was agonized, but his hands were still tangled in Roche’s hair, holding Roche against him.
“How many more can you give me?” Roche asked, lips moving against Iorveth’s slit.
“Nnnh,” Iorveth arched, “f-fuck me, dammit!”
Roche smirked, lips curling up against Iorveth’s scales. “Is that not what I’m doing?”
Iorveth let out a strangled sound, fingers tightening in Roche’s hair.
“Unnh,” Iorveth gasped desperately. “Your cock! Fuck me with your cock, gods dammit, or I’ll–”
Roche pulled away, still smirking, and the noise Iorveth made was unhinged. 
“Vernon,” Iorveth growled, and Roche just grinned, kneeling up and unbuckling his belt. He stripped his shirt off with minimal ceremony, then reached for the waistband of his trousers, which were mostly being held up by the very hard cock inside them.
Iorveth licked his lips, a quick flash of tongue, and Roche swallowed hard, debating if getting his boots off was worth moving away from Iorveth.
Meeting his gaze squarely, Iorveth sent him a hot look. “Fuck me, Vernon.”
Roche moaned, deciding that nothing mattered except giving Iorveth his cock, even if that meant his trousers tangled around his boots. He gripped the base of his cock, teasing it around Iorveth’s slit until the siren snarled again.
Tilting his head, Roche smiled. “I think you can ask nicely, can’t you?”
Iorveth’s glare was impressive, but when your second glared at men as if they should apologize for existing, you became rather impervious to such intimidation tactics.
Plus, Iorveth wasn’t as scary as Ves. Nothing was as scary as Ves.
“Gods just – fuck me!”
Clicking his tongue, Roche ignored his own urgent need. “That wasn’t very nice now was it?”
Obviously this is just an excuse to explore nonhuman genitalia lmao, but my vague plan was that Iorveth begs, Roche finally fucks him, and fucks him through like 3 more orgasms and he’s crying and hoarse from screaming, but he needs Roche to come in him and Roche has been holding off to give him so much pleasure and he wants to make Roche feel good too.
Then they pass out from too much sex lmao
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, it makes me really happy and comforts me that you enjoy reading what I submit. It makes me really happy to write all of this and finally be able to tell someone my ideas. Thank you so much.
At first he kept trying to deny the father figure role, but when one night Jackie had a nightmare and came to him and ended up calling him dad, he stopped denying it and accepted it. And once he accepted it he did basically adopt all of them. Jackie and Grievous are literally chaos incarnate most days. They regularly love to prank the contestants and just act insane. Ran and Jackie just kind of hang around eachother, like Ran could be reading and Jackie training and they'd enjoy eachothers company. They do sometimes nap next to eachother, or play card games (which is a rare instance where Ran gets (playfully) rilled up and competitive). Grievous and Ran bonding sadly gets interrupted when Ranbob suddenly drops in, but before that Grievous would try to talk to Ran about what book he's reading and just try to make conversation with him.
Oh the height difference definitely remains. And its both terrifying and hailours to new people. It's even better when it's a 2v2 fight because Jackie has a habit of just climbing Ran like a monkey gym and sitting on his shoulders and its terrifying.
Well, since the drinking age is 3, I personally think the age limit is like 14 or something close. I believe I made their ages as Ran is 19 (almost 20. Maybe 4 months away), Jackie is 16, Watson is 30 something, Grievous is 22, and Ranbob is 28 (Ran is younger than his brother by 9 years) I have written down all their ages somewhere (and the ages where the events of Mizu took place) and if I got any wrong I will submit another ask with their ages. The other gladiators have managed to keep good relationships with most of eachother. A few like Grievous and Genevieve are close, Edward, Levi, and Watson are drinking buddies. Lagguis sadly isn't as involved cause he is sick and can't vist often at all. (I think I got everyone. Tell me if I missed anyone please, I cant check cause whenever I exit tumblr, tumblr deletes everything in my ask :') )
I dont have many rules for the Pit rn but I do have, no injuries that could cause long term or chronic damage, no sabotaging opponents, no teaming unless its a team round, no blackmail or anything of the sort to force an opponent to forfeit, and in order for a battle to end due to forfeit both sides must agree to it. But the Pit in general is a lot of things, there's fights for money, fame, and positions (like general). There's tournaments meant for nothing other than to show skill and just to fight your heart out. It's open to anyone above 14 and anyone under 80, to people from Subbin to those just passing through.
And there are different battles in the Pit, theres singles, the ones we saw in the Tales of the SMP episode. Teams, where teams of 2 battles against eachother. Free-for-all, where literally everyone fights against eachother. And Ion battles, battles where there are super powered weapons (like flame 2 iron sword. Or strength 3 potions) that spawn in the area at random. Typically Ran and Watson work best toghere, as their strategists and plan everything with back up plans, and they always call out warnings and watch eachothers back so its incredibly hard to actually hit them. And Jackie and Grievous work best toghere, with the two going insane and often taking people by surprise with their unmeasure and randomized movements and attacks.
At the start Ranbob was completely under Dreams thrall, not being able to really think for himself and even foregoing self care. When Ranbob starts to become himself again the fishermen are more than confused and hesitant, with Cletus especially stating multiple times that it may just be a trick. So it takes a while but Isaac actually is the one to suggest maybe it isn't a trick, and has to do with the mask that was found. This is later confirmed when the mask is brought to the group and Ranbob has a massive negative reaction that sets him back to how he was when they first met him.
Im honestly not sure yet, I think I want it to be a 'lets never go back' type thing but im not positive yet.
I dont have a solid backstory for the fishermen, but I know I want a little bit of it to tie to the story. Do you have any ideas for their backstory or nah? I do know I want them to have met eachother while they where in unfortunate situations and because of those they got family level close.
Ranbob doesn't take the little space well at first; staying outside when able too, even though that really upset Benjamin; and Ranbob has no idea how the outside works and has no idea how to read the weather or what he can and cant eat, but hey the enderman boi is trying his best to make up for everything he's done. And trying to build his own house to not impose on the fishermen (much like Ranboo did with Techno), but Benjamin wouldn't accept that and kept dragging him inside. It wasn't that hard for Benjamin, Isaac, and Charles to get used to Ranbob, already being used to sharing a small house, it was more Cletus with him refusing to leave Ranbob alone even for a second because he doesn't trust Ranbob at all.
The two groups actually get along surprisingly well! They like eachother and Watson once said, "It was like a family reunion. Or like long lost siblings finally found their way home."
I am once again not sure! Originally I planned for them to stay in Subbin and in the Pit. But the more I think about it the more boring that is and more I like the idea of the groups traveling toghere in the world.
I like this question! So enderman travel in groups called hauntings right? I personally headcanon the enderman in this group are basically family, biological or not. And ever since Ran and Ranbob lost their family they lost their haunting, which can be mentally damaging to a enderman. Once Ran found Waston, Jackie, and Grievous and started hanging around them more, he started feeling a connection ot them he hasn't felt on a long time. He's claimed them, as his haunting, his family. And he'll defend them with his life against anyone and anything. And then suddenly Ranbob came in, a enderman that should be part of his haunting but isn't, a enderman that killed his previous haunting. So Ran is incredibly defensive over his group, and is trying his best to keep Ranbob as far from his haunting as possible, to protect them.
Now Ranbob also got a haunting, his being Charles, Isaac, Benjamin, and even Cletus. So Ranbob is also defensive over his family. But unlike Ran, Ranbob still considers his brother as part of his haunting, his family (and yes, Ranbob did think Ran was dead when he first chased him out years ago, so he's shocked and relieved that his baby brother is still alive). And he sees how his family gets along so well with Rans family and then starts to even consider Rans haunting part of Ranbob's. Basically Ranbob has a big heart and is willing to accept almost anyone into his family, no matter what they've done.
Yep, the reason Porkius is so interested in Ran is because he's an enderman hybrid. And no one else is a hybrid expect for the two brothers (and Porkius, with him being a piglin hybrid).
Porkius is excited! He's excited to see what happens and is more than happy to agree to help as long as he is kept in the loop. Though unless he's directly asked to be involved he prefers watching from a distance at whats happening. Just so he doesn't get mauled by a pissed off enderman.
Sorry for any spelling mistakes (its late) and its so long! Im probably going to try to shorten them.
I’m glad you’re happy, it’s a nice thing to feel. Your ideas are really cool, and I hope I’ll get to see more of them in the future.
Now, can I simply say how adorable so much of this is? Jackie going to Watson when he had a nightmare, the Rans being protective of their groups, Jackie climbing Ran? I love that, it’s very heartwarming and cute, and it made me smile.
So Watson wasn’t really sure what to do with his new title at first, hm? And then Jackie called him dad? How’d he feel about that? How’d Jackie feel about the slip? Or did he even notice? He’s parenting them all, he’s gonna have a dad voice and everything. How do the adopted ones feel about him embracing it?
Jackie and Grievous, two people to truly fear when they wish to cause havoc. Tremble before them. Do they prank people, or do they just become absolute madmen on the battlefield? Or something else. Honestly, anything with these two just instantly makes me amused. 
Jackie and Ran being chill buddies. very nice. Ran getting competitive over card games is a funny thought. Does he win often? Does Jackie? What kind of card games do they play?
Rather sad Ran and Grievous bonding is interrupted, but it’s nice to hear Grievous trying it. Hopefully they’ll get there someday. 
Oh my god, it’s the height difference. Jackie getting on Ran’s shoulder sounds absolutely terrifying. Imagine being some poor new guy pitted against these gremlins and the short ones climbs on the tall ones shoulder-both look absolutely gleeful with the destruction they’re about to wreak, and you already know you cannot outrun them. 
Jackie...Jackie...he’s da youngest. He’s small, and young, and you have no idea how much I’m laughing at this. I don’t even know why, it’s just really, really funny to me. Probably something to do with what a complete force of chaos we all know this boy is. Oddly fitting, but hilarious. How does Jackie feel about this? 
How do the others? Are they a bit more protective over him? Does Ran like to flaunt his three years more over him? 
Grievous and Genevieve are buddies! Very nice, they seem to have a good dynamic. Watson, Edward, and Levi also being close? Very interesting, has a lot of potential. I bet they share a lot of funny stories.
So we’ve established the basics of The Pit. Doesn’t seem too bad, for a fighting arena, to be honest. Seems pretty popular, actually. Do the gladiators live there? In the palace? Or do they just have a house somewhere nearby? What kind of establishments and areas are around? Food places, stores? 
So Ran and Watson are the scariest team because of their strategy, and Jackie and Grievous are the scariest team because of their randomness? It checks out. I’m curious though, how do the other combinations work out?
Ranbob sounds like he has a less than fun time here, and the poor guy could really use some closure. What’s he like, free from the influence of the mask? He seems pretty close to Benjamin, so at least he’s got that going for him. Though he and Cletus don’t seem to have the strongest bond at first. How is that resolved?
And how does Ran feel about his brother’s new haunting, after everything? I imagine that he’s at least a little bit unhappy with it, for one reason or another-and there’s quite a few reasons for him to pick from.
How did that house-building attempt go, between Ran never being above water, and probably never building a house before? I can’t imagine too well.
Some ideas for backstory, well, hm. Isaac seemed dressed a bit fancier than the others, perhaps he comes from a richer family than the others? That’s about all I’ve got for now, sorry. 
It’s nice to hear they got along, who clicks the easiest?
Possible road trip? Always fun.
So, the enderman hybrids have adopted their respective groups as their hauntings. You’ve mentioned Ranbob’s pretty cool with this, how does Ran feel? Obviously, he’s less than pleased with Ranbob, but what about the fishermen? Protective Ran and Ranbob! How protective exactly? Is it subtle, or overbearing at times? Actually, how do their instincts lead to them interacting with their groups overall?
Porkius must not see Ender hybrids too often, if he’s so interested in them. It’s nice that he’s willing to help out though, and his concern is valid. I wouldn’t want an angry enderman hybrid after me either. 
Are hybrids not overly common, then, if there’s only Ran, Ranbob, and Porkius around currently, or are they just not mentioned a lot?
Thanks for the ask, a lot of it made me smile. I enjoyed reading it, and I hope you’ll be willing to send more when you have the time.
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 9~
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Chapter 8
------Part 1-----
Kurama: "-----Those eyes."
Yoshino: "hmm?"
The fingertips on my cheek, come up within a touching distance of my eyeballs.
I didn't have to raise my voice because----
The emotion in Kurama's eyes was neither anger nor contempt.
Kurama: "I don't like your eyes. I hate the way how it's shining so strangely in the dark night."
Yoshino(blushing): "Kura..ma..."
(Why are you looking like that?)
I exhale and search for the answer as quietly as possible.
Yoshino: ".....I think it's Kurama's eyes that are doing the talking."
Kurama: "I can't see my own eyeballs, and maybe I should take yours out, carry it around."
Yoshino: "Take my eyes out....!"
This time I backed away in a panic and Kurama snickered at me.
Kurama: "I was joking. I have no such vices."
(Thank god!)
1. Don't joke...
2. Kurama's jokes are not good for me...(+4/+4)
3. Don't scare me...
Yoshino: "Kurama's jokes are not good for my heart.....they're life threatening."
Kurama: "You already have a short life span...how can shorten it even more?"
Kurama is still keeps looking into my eyes even after he let goes of his fingertips.
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Kurama: "I don't mind having shiny things at hand, but if you hollowed them out they wouldn't shine as brightly as they do now. It makes me angry for no reason."
Yoshino: "What do you mean?"
Kurama: "Don't ask me, I don't like this kind of idle sentiment."
(Even Kurama himself doesn't know what's inside Kurama, despite the fact that he attracts so much human awe and admiration.)
(.....He’s distorted.)
No more questions were answered by Kurama as he tipped back his cup.
A few days later -----
Morinaga and Shigehira hurried back to Kamakura to report before Yoritomo.
Morinaga: "I apologize, Yoritomo-sama."
Shigehira: "With the rebels in retreat, I was caught off guard that Yoshino-san would be taken. Once we got the information we went after the rebels to get it back..."
Yoritomo: "But they were out of reach. Well, that's understandable. Morinaga and you were both busy cleaning up after the battle, right?"
------Part 2------
Yoritomo: "But they were out of reach. Well, that's understandable. Morinaga and you were both busy cleaning up after the battle, right?"
The clenched fists of the two men convey their frustration.
Yoritomo: "I was on the lookout for suspicious activity at court, but I didn't realize until it was too late. The court must have been involved in Yoshino's abduction in some way. Yasuchika's people are lazily dodging us because they have no proof."
Shigehira: "Crap..."
Morinaga: ".....Is Yoshino safe with the rebels?"
Yoritomo: "That’s upto Yoshitsune. But at least he won't take her life right away."
Morinaga: '...In the last war the rebels lacked more strength than the Shogunate. That's why Yoshino is likely to be kept around as a bargaining chip. .....At least that’s what I think.”
Yoritomo: "That's right. Also given, Yoshitsune's personality, he would never kill a woman without a good reason."
After Yoritomo's quiet announcement, a short heavy silence fell over the three of them.
Shigehira: "......We have to do something to get her back."
Morinaga: "Yeah, she's one of us."
Yoritomo: "Will have to keep an eye on the rebels and wait for the right moment. It will take some time, but we've Kagetoki already working on it."
Shigehira and Morinaga: "Yes."
Same time, at the Rebel House----
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Yoshitsune: "I can't say...I'm happy to welcome you. I've already informed them that you're here, fox princess."
Yoshino: "Minamoto no Yoshitsune.......sama."
(We've come this far at last.)
One word from this person or even a slight lift of the eyelashes can change the atmosphere.
(....My body feels heavy. What is this intimidating feeling.)
Yoshitsune: "Kurama and Benkei must have had a hard time."
Benkei: "No, it was my fault that the damage was greater. I'll accept any punishment you give me."
Benkei with his broken knees bowed his head deeply.
Yoshitsune: "It's not your fault. Benkei and Kurama both broke their bones to rescue those below them."
Kurama: "..............."
Yoshitsune: "The turmoil of the war was unpredictable. Isn't that right? Yoichi."
-------Part 3------
Yoshitsune: "The turmoil of the war was unpredictable. Isn't that right? Yoichi."
Yoichi-san, who had been standing in the corner looking a bit sluggish, shrugged.
Yoichi: "We did manage to find out that part of the Court was involved, though. The unity of the noble families who seem to be involved is strangely strong. The reason why no information was leaked to the Shogunate or to us until the war began is that there is a considerable mastermind on the other side."
Kurama: "Is that man and Ibuki related?"
Yoshitsune: "The demon mentioned in your letter."
Yoichi: "It’s still under investigation. We don't know for sure but at least Yasuchika-dono is probably related to Ibuki."
Kurama: "-------That fool."
(He's a Onmyoji and also involved with demons? What's going on inside the court?)
Yoshitsune: "Continue to investigate, Yoichi."
Yoichi: "I will."
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Benkei: "What about Yoshino?"
Without blinking, his amethyst eyes turn to me and I feel nervous.
Yoshitsune: "----Yoshino."
Yoshino: "Yes."
Yoshitsune: "You will be held in this house until the war with the Shogunate is over. If you don't resist, we will guarantee your life for the time being. I'll give you a room. If you are bored, you can take a walk in the garden."
Yoshino: ".....I understand."
(I'm glad.....for a change that they didn't kill me...)
(If I try to escape, I won't be forgiven....)
(And I also promised that I would return to everyone in the Shogunate.)
My heart ached for my friends.
Kurama: "So you've just arrived here and now you’re already in tears? You miserable little puss."
I was a bit annoyed when I heard the unkind voice and I replied back.
Yoshino: "I'm not here on a picnic, and I think it's normal to be nervous."
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Yoshitsune and Yoichi: “....!”
Yoshitsune: "By the way, was it Kurama who brought Yoshino to the camp?"
Yoichi: "Yeahhh....Also she understood our ‘Kurama’ quite well? Our ‘Kurama”
Kurama: "Why are you saying that twice?"
Yoichi: *whistling~*
Yoichi-san whistled deliberately to disguise the fact.
Yoshitsune: "Just as well. Kurama, Yoshino is in your care."
------Part 4------
Yoshitsune: "Just as well. Kurama, Yoshino is in your care."
Yoichi and Benkei: "............!!!"
Benkei: "....Are you sure Yoshitsune-sama?"
Yoshitsune: "We don't want anything to happen to the prisoners in our care. Whatever her everyday needs are, we must make sure that she gets everything, except for freedom."
Kurama: "I refuse. She might be the prisoner, but I'm not going to babysit her."
Even when Kurama glared at him coldly, Yoshitsune-sama shakes his head nonchalantly.
Yoshitsune: "It's rare to see Kurama talk to anyone else other than us. Don’t you think Yoshino would be better off in the enemy territory with someone she knows a little better?”
(Apparently, he is speaking as if he has good faith.)
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Yoichi: "Heh......Hahaha..."
Yoichi-san laughed, shaking his shoulders as if he couldn't bear it.
Yoichi: "Haha....it's okay Kurama.....there is a first time for everything... I'll support you for sure."
Kurama(glares): "Don't pat on my back. I don't want your support."
Kurama raises his eyebrows as Yoichi-san laughs and pats on his back.
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Benkei: "Being taken cared by Kurama....... I'm a bit worried about it."
(Then what about me, buddy? I'm the most anxious one here...)
Kurama: "If so, Then Benkei, you do it."
Benkei: "No, Yoshitsune-sama's orders are absolute. Kurama, I'll add some extra snacks for you tonight. Promise."
Benkei patted him on the shoulder, and Kurama looked down at me with an annoyed expression.
For some reason, Kurama agreed to show me to my room....
Kurama: "....................."
Maid: "Ku-Kurama-sama."
Kurama: "What?"
When the maids saw Kurama and me walking down the corridor, they came up to us as if in a panic.
Maid 1: "I have already prepared the room. I'll be back later to burn incense, so I'd like to ask Yoshino-sama what she likes...."
Yoshino: "Ehhh...umm.."
Kurama: "Not necessary. Back off."
------Part 5------
Kurama: "Not necessary. Back off."
Maid 2: "So, what time would you like to eat?"
Kurama: "Same time as everyone else."
Kurama shows no interest in the maids, who asked him fearfully, and they continued on their way.
(Kurama accepts being cuddled by humans as a matter of course.)
The arrogance is so natural that it's almost refreshing.
Kurama: "Yoshino, don't be shy."
As we were about to turn down the corridor, Kurama noticed my delay and glanced at me.
Yoshino: "Oh! Yeah! Sorry.."
(....As long as I can remember the front and keep my feet on the ground, I’m in Kurama's sight, right?)
I thought to myself as I walked quickly after him.
Yoshino: "By the way, why are the rebel soldiers and maids call you 'Kurama-sama'?"
(When you and I met again in Kamakura, you ordered me not to give you any unnecessary honorifics.)
Kurama: "They say that it is only right to be humble to the guests of Yoshitsune, a foreign warrior. It's unconscionable that a human should make a distinction without knowing who we are. It's annoying, but it's no use trying to reason with the ants that keep springing up. I've decided to leave them alone."
(So that's it...)
Yoshino: "I can honestly see why you'd want to use the honorific, whether it's your position in the rebels or not. I mean, you give out this intimidating feeling."
Kurama: "....You seem to have soon came to treat me with a sullen attitude, huh?"
Yoshino: "I didn't mean to..."
The suspicious look in his eyes made me squirm.
Yoshino: "....I mean, my emotions are all over the place and I feeling nervous and crazy at the same time."
Kurama: "-----You're a really strange woman."
(Not really the words I want to hear from Kurama....)
While we are thinking about whether to say something back or keep quiet, we arrive in front of a room.
Kurama: "This is your room."
(So big....!)
Yoshino: "It's a very nice room for a prisoner...."
Kurama: "Are you dissatisfied?"
Yoshino: "......Not at all."
(I should be grateful that I am not treated unkindly. But it's indeed unsettling.)
Kurama: “You may be smart, but you’re still a lapdog. Remember that the only reason you’re still alive is because you’re not a threat.”
(....That’s right.)
Kurama looked at me with amusement as I fell silent.
Kurama(evil smile): “Tell me what it’s like to be in such an appalling situation, little puss.”
Yoshino(blushing): “-----This is a nice room.”
Kurama(evil smile): “Ohhh...really”
I manage to smile through my anxiety and Kurama raises one end of his lips.
(It’s infinitely more difficult to get out of here on my own by any stretch of imagination.)
(But try not to lose heart and believe that the time will come when we will return to the Shogunate.)
Kurama: “Good nerve. It’s quite impressive.”
I looked at Kurama’s face as he closed the distance between us, and his red eyes had a mysterious glint in them.
(Oh no! I think I’ve provoked something!)
I was slowly backing away, but----
Yoshino(blushing): “Wh-Why are you coming closer???”
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Kurama: “Because you’re running away.”
My back hits the wall, and I lose my chance to escape.
Kurama: “Are you done?”
Kurama calmly stops in front of me and touched my hair.
Slowly, the fingertips combed through my hair and traced down my neck.
Yoshino(blushing): “Wa-Wait....not this....again...”
Kurama: “Don’t make me say it again. I’ll do what I want and when I want.”
Yoshino(blushing): “No....you should.....Mm....Ah....”
His lips touched the edge of my ears.
Kurama: “The temperature of your body has risen.”
Yoshino(blushing): “Stop it now!”
I try to pull away, but Kurama’s hands were holding my shoulders and he was laughing lowly.
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Kurama: “Heh...I don’t love you. So does that mean, you react like this when any man touches you.”
Yoshino(blushing): “No...it’s Kurama.....”
My ears are bitten even more sweetly, and the rest of my words are swallowed up with my breath.
Kurama: “Kurama, what?”
I shivered as a hot tongue crawled over my ear and pecked at my soft skin.
Yoshino: “Mm...a.....Ku.....rama.....ahh....”
The slightest resistance is contained by a sweet stimulus rather than by force.
Yoshino: “Mmm....”
(I feel hot.)
I looked up and stared at Kurama with my tearful vision. <-- her orgasm face.
However, the contrast between the black hair and red eyes that adorned the well-formed shape drew my attention.
Kurama: “................”
Kurama looked at me as if he was observing my expression...
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Kurama: “.....I see. So you like the way how I look.”
Chapter 10
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hellowkatey · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 25
Prompt: car (speeder) accident
This is a 2-part one, with day 26: recovery being the next chapter. Stay tuned for that!
Read on AO3
I Will Always Be Here
Anakin is quite confident in the fact that there is nothing better than the feeling of flying. An open cockpit, the wind blowing his hair back so his padawan braid waves in the wind. He weaves in and out of the busy Coruscant traffic. He likes flying through rush hour best, something that Master Obi-Wan thinks him crazy for. It reminds him of pod racing back on Tattoine-- it has everything but the stupid sand that always kicks up in his eyes: People cutting in front of him, yelling obscenities at him as he passes, some try to physically knock him out of the sky.
If he thinks hard enough, he can hear his mother's voice cheering him on. She never liked him pod racing, but she always cheered him on.
Master Obi-Wan on the other hand, detests his flying. He doesn't like it when he flies the both of them and likes it even less when he goes off on his own. He claims it's "dangerous" to fly on Coruscant. Anakin thinks if he ever saw a real pod race, he'd agree a little traffic is nothing. Besides, if he gets a little flying out of his system a few times a week, then he is less inclined to try to annoy his master into letting him pilot. It's a win-win all-around.
As he does a barrel-roll over a bright red speeder, sending the driver into an angry tizzy, he laughs aloud. A few horns accompany. He pretends it's the hollers of applause.
Anakin pulls off into another lane, this one going much faster than the others. He grins and presses on the acceleration. His speeder is narrow, small enough to fit between the gap between two flashily-painted speeders. And so he pushes forward, wedging himself inches from both of the speeders.
What Anakin didn't anticipate were the other two speeders to match his speed. He looks between them uneasily, two Trandosians with amused grins on their faces. Like they were hoping he'd try this. Anakin tries to increase his speed, and they copy. He slows, they slow.
"C'mon fellas," Anakin yells across the howling of the wind. "This is my exit."
One of them just cackles, and the other swerves off. The Jedi padawan relaxes, but then feels a sharp bump against the side of his speeder. His head snaps to the side, and the other Trandosian is glaring at him.
"Then exit," he growls, and he slams against the speeder again, harder this time. Anakin's eyes narrow, and he slams back.
"I've beat sleemos like you when I was five! Quit it!"
His body is thrust in the other direction, and he looks with wide eyes at the reemergence of the other Trandosian. Now, Anakin has participated in many pod races in his short life, but he suddenly realizes that he isn't zooming through the Dune Sea or the outskirts of Mos Espa, but hundreds of meters above the surface of a very busy megapolis-- thousands of levels above the very bottom of the planet. Though he isn't afraid, he suddenly gets a burst of cautiousness.
His worry comes too late, though, because now he has two speeders flanking him from either side with seemingly no intention of letting him go.
"You'll learn your manners, boy," the second snaps, and Anakin is slammed into the speeder of the other especially hard, which makes his head feel like it's rattling around in his skull, but it at least gives him the space to escape their grasp. He presses the acceleration pedal all the way down, surging ahead of his road ragers.
Had he left a second earlier, he probably would have made it. But the Trandosian he crashed into managed to recover, bumping the back end of his speeder and sending him into a tailspin. Anakin screams as the world around him spins into a blur of color and horns and incoherent yelling that get lost in the whistle of the air.
The Force is also screaming, but Anakin is too panicked to make out what it's trying to say. His downward momentum is pulling him against his seatbelt, too far to reach the steering apparatus. He curses a string of Huttese words his mother would have made him stand in a corner for saying as he tries to concentrate on turning the wheel.
By the grace of the Force, the speeder straightens, the surface of Coruscant suddenly much closer than it was seconds ago. Too close. He pulls up on the steering, hoping for a last miracle, but he's moving much too fast.
Anakin's speeder crashes into the ground, hissing and crumbling as the roll guard snaps up and Anakin's world goes upside-down once more
Any other day, Obi-Wan is willing to look past his padawan's... extracurricular activities. He isn't blind to the fact that Anakin likes to disappear sometimes, as does a particular Temple speeder that has been suspiciously modified to move much quicker than the others. But connecting with Anakin can be difficult, and he always reappears in a good mood, so Obi-Wan figures it's a secret he will let the kid keep.
Qui-Gon was also quite complimentary about his flying skills. Though Anakin's particular brand of flying is not Obi-Wan's... ideal method of getting from one point to the next, he supposes he's competent enough.
But unfortunately, today is not any other day because the council alerted him of a mission, and he had to vaguely explain to an unamused Mace Windu what he meant by needing to "track down his padawan". Anakin isn't answering his commlink, and so now Obi-Wan finds himself on a speeder, weaving through Coruscant's traffic.
Blast, Anakin we are going to have a very long talk about answering your commlink, he thinks as he has to pull a hard right to follow the tracking beacon of Anakin's speeder. This boy will be the death of--
The Force cries out in a burst of panic and fear, and up ahead Obi-Wan watches a bright green speeder slam into a smaller one, sending it tumbling out of the sky. He doesn't hesitate before slamming his steering wheel down, cutting out of the flow of traffic and beelining for the out-of-control speeder. He can feel Anakin from here, his panic palpable. Obi-Wan reaches through their bond, hearing the echo of his thoughts in his own head. Just... straighten.
He isn't going to get it, he realizes, and Obi-Wan stretches out with the Force, wrapping every ounce of his powers around the spinning speeder, and he tugs. Anakin's vehicle comes to a sudden halt in its downward twirl, but his momentum is still too great. Obi-Wan sees it happen before it does-- the speeder rolling and crumbling with every rotation along the ground Anakin miraculously found.
And then he hears the crunch of durasteel crumbling against ferrocrete, and a sharp cry ring through the commotion. It's so much worse than his momentary glimpse of it all.
"Anakin!" he yells, his yell guttural and pained. Obi-Wan skids his speeder to a stop a few meters away from where the wreckage lies, jumping from his seat before he has a chance to stop. His muscles feel heavy from using his Force powers, and he is hardly able to cushion his impact into the ground, but he doesn't care. The speeder is at rest now, but it looks more like a pile of junk than something that was flying just moments before. He can't see Anakin, but he can hear him-- a low groan punctuated by a sharp wheeze. The Jedi Knight runs to the other side, drawing in a breath and trying to hold onto a calm mood as he surveys the severity of the scene.
Anakin is wrapped in the crumpled durasteel like a cocoon, his body folded in on himself and his head leaning heavily against what's left of the door. He can see the blood trickling from his nose, and a deep cut at his hairline covering half his face with blood. The rest of his body is unknown.
It's not as bad as it looks. It's not as bad as it looks...
Obi-Wan takes out his lightsaber and carefully carves away the pieces of the speeder to get him out. He can hear emergency services pulling up, their sirens wailing. And he hears the sound of Master Windu's voice and only vaguely remembers pressing the emergency beacon on his commlink. A hand on his shoulder. A voice whose words don't quite compute. And then a hand on his wrist, stopping his progress.
The Jedi Knight snaps back into reality to find Mace Windu looking at him with a placid expression.
"Let them do their job, Knight Kenobi," he says, and suddenly he is aware of a team of Coruscant guards and Temple healers standing by. "Go back to the Temple and wait for him to be assessed."
"Obi-Wan," he says, stern but pleading. "Temple. That's an order."
His throat feels tight and he realizes the hand that Windu isn't holding steady is shaking. He nods, deactivating his saber and stepping back. The Jedi Master's hand remains on his shoulder, guiding him away as the healers draw their own shortened sabers and finish the job.
He sees them pull out his body, and really that's all it looks to be. Anakin remains still-- very still. Too still amongst the chaos that ensues around him. Usually, his padawan is the source of the vibrant energy that fills a room, but now he's just...
He can feel their bond. Feel how it's muted and strained. I'm here, he projects through it, unsure whether Anakin can hear him or not. I'm here, for you my padawan.
Another gentle suggestion from Windu to continue. Obi-Wan looks away as they are loading him onto a stretcher.
There's so much blood.
Obi-Wan looks to the sky, hoping that maybe if he tilts his head back the tears will stay put. But as he does, a distinctive neon green speeder flies overhead, too low to be in the traffic lane and too fast to be landing. His eyes narrow, and Obi-Wan knows his next objective.
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aureumjeon · 5 years
tiptoed his way (m) || kth
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pairing; taehyung x reader. genre; roommate!au; smut; fluff; angst. warnings; breaking and entering, unintended voyeurism, female masturbation, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex via doggy style, choking, tae suffers from MSS(Monster Schlong Syndrome lol), that’s about it.  word count; 6.4K (unedited im sorry :()
summary; ➜ Taehyung found himself locked out of your shared home and there were only two options to successfully get inside. (1) Wake you up from your sleep and face the wrath that’ll follow, (2) Think like a burglar and enter through your window. (Un)fortunately for him, he picks the latter.
taglist; @bella-victoria002  @chaitaewithkookies @saddiesan  @wehadnochoice  @knjhe @thoughtsfromfaroffplaces @livorna @taetaeobsessed @erisann  @thoughtsfromfaroffplaces @wickizer
a/n: the old gif doesnt work i dunno what i did wrong :(
“I’ll be out ‘til late, y/n! Don’t wait up for me.” Taehyung hollered while lacing his worn out white high-cut converse in the entryway. Hoping his voice would reach the end of the hallway where you were currently cooped in in your room. 
 “Alright! Stay safe!” Not bothering to leave your room, you answered back. Voice echoing through and bouncing off the dry walls. After waiting a few minutes, you heard the door slam shut with a thud. You cautiously tiptoed your way to the direction of your door, slightly opening the solid block of wood and peeking through the narrow crack you made. With no Taehyung in sight, you pumped your fist in the air and cheered victoriously. You finally have the house to yourself. You beamed with delight scurrying yourself over to the kitchen to make yourself a hot steaming bowl of instant ramen. 
 Taehyung and Jungkook had been your room mates since you can remember. It was freshman year of college, and you were looking for a cheap place to stay with the money you saved up working as a part-time student during your last year of highschool. A friend had introduced you to Jungkook, saying they needed one more person to split the bill with, broke college students need to support each other. At first you were hesitant, a girl living with two boys in a shared house wasn’t you initial plan but as the days go by since you first moved it, you got to know Taehyung and Jungkook a little more. Your friendship with them had gotten greater, the three of you were inseverable and you treasured them to bits! 
 Although in the four years you’ve been boarding together, every now and then they can really get on your nerves; letting the dirty dishes stack up at the sink until molds would flourish on the left over food; leaving the empty carton of milk in the fridge just as you’re planning to enjoy it with cereal or maybe a pack of Oreos; bags of chips and boxes of pizza scattered on all parts of the living room floor whenever they’d have movie night on Fridays with Jimin and Hoseok; and last but not least, the thing that they always do that grinds your gears the most, their dirty laundry in every corner, nook, and cranny of the house. Stinky socks, sweaty shirts, crusty jeans and even used underwear, you name it!
One time you had guests over; all girls might you add, studying for a group project in chemistry. Oh poor, sweet Yeri… Her unsullied innocence mercilessly corrupted by Jungkook’s disgusting underwear that had a suspicious dried up patch of white something on the crotch area of the small fabric. Yeri almost fainted when she pulled out the article of clothing from the kitchen caddy, flinging it across the room to where the other girls were. You scolded Jungkook the same day, advising him to keep all his stuff where it needed to be kept and on top of that to apologize to the poor girl he scarred for life. Which he did, and that’s the story of how Jungkook and Yeri’s relationship began. Who knew, right?
 Taehyung was like Jungkook at first, but somehow he decided to stay under your radar as best as he could. Once you lectured him on something he’s done wrong inside the quarters of your home, he’d make it a point to engrave it on the back of his head. He has his fuck ups every now and then, but nothing too consequential. There was one time though, and you wish you could forget, that he brought a girl home which wasn’t against the house rules. Jungkook had brought Yeri numerous times and you, yourself, had your fair share of men visiting the house, specifically your room. It was s well established etiquette to keep the ruckus down since you we’re sharing this living space between the three of you. But during that critical time, which you’ve spoken to Taehyung and Jungkook beforehand never lacking to remind them on multiple occasions throughout that day. Telling them to please keep the noise to a minimum because you'll be revising for for a major exam that was equivalent to forty percent of your total grade. Somehow, Taehyung managed to forget your simple and completely doable request. With the paper thin walls between you and the absence of soundproofing, you were able to get every moan, groan and mewl that came from Taehyung’s rooms adjacent to yours. That bastard is so dead was the sole thing on your mind right now and not the words inscribed in the textbook that you’ve read over for the tenth time that night. The morning after that horrendous night of not getting anything done, you waited irksomely in the common room for taehyung and his date to emerge from his chambers. 
 “Y/n, y-you’re up early.” He gulped, taking in your appearance. Your gaze was piercing especially with the huge dark bags under your eyes. “I’ll take Minju ho--”
 “I’m sure she knows here way back.” You cut him off with a bark in your tone, “Can’t you, Minju?” Your focus was now directed at her and she was quivering under your constant scrutiny.“Y-yes,” She clutched on her designer handbag bowed nervously before fleeing the place like a prey encountering it’s predator.
 “I asked you for one thing, Taehyung, one thing.” You lowered your head and massaged your aching temples with your fingers, placating your exasperation towards the boy who was placed in the hot seat. “You knew I was studying tonight, Tae.” The timbre of your voice wasn’t sickeningly livid anymore. From spiking up to a hundred degrees in the last two minutes, it dropped down to a negative ten. “This test is worth forty percent of my grade, I told you that. This is the first time I requested you to do something for me...”  You shut your eyes close and drew out a long sigh before standing up and intending to head back to your room. “If I fail this test, I want to let you know it’s on you, Tae.”  His features were extremely devastated and disheartened, not because of the things you just said but because of how he had forgotten all about it. 
 You inconspicuously peered back at him and the look on his face says it all. A helpless puppy abandoned by its human, that’s what he resembled most at this moment. Big glassy eyes, a wet nose and pouty lips. Okay, that was kind of a mean thing to say, you thought. But you never failed to remind him, always opening up and squeezing in the topic during the mundane conversations you shared together. After one last disappointed sigh, you looked up the clock, 6:55 am. “Anyway, I still have three more hours before the test. I’ll be in my room.” You turned your back on him and proceeded to take a few steps forward before saying one last thing to him, “Please, please, please. Don’t bother me.”  You were on your way back down the hall, nothing will stop you from cramming seven chapters of lesson into your brain in less than three hours in one sitting.
 “Sorry, Y/n.”
 Sorry ain't gonna cut it, chief.
 Its as if Taehyung was able to read your mind, “ I’ll- I’ll be on bathroom duty. For two, no, four weeks. Yeah, yeah. One month of bathroom duty, Y/n. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget.”
 You glanced over your shoulder and caught a glimpse of Taehyung with his hands clasped together, his facial expression pleading for forgiveness. You knew he was really sorry. Why? Because nobody liked bathroom duty, not even you.
 “That seems fair to you, kook?” You spontaneously asked, making Taehyung scan the living room area. Glass started clattering in the kitchen and your doe-eyed bunny-boy of a roommate came hopping in. Taehyung was seeking compassion from his long-time comrade. Maybe shortening his time on bathroom duties or lending him a helping hand at least. Bros before hoes, right? “For the record.” Jungkook started, taking a sip from the cold banana milk bottle in his hand. “You kept me up, too. And I have football practice at eight.”  He shrugged his shoulders casually before hiding back in his man cave. “Have fun cleaning, Tae.” 
 Your chiding was for everyone’s best interest, may this incident serve as a lesson of respecting other people who also lives in this household. Although there was one thing you were still unsure about. After that episode, Taehyung has never set foot in the premises with a woman draped around his arm again. You hoped you did not terminate his hopes of getting a love life.
 In conclusion, they’re just a bunch of stupid college boys wanting to survive this hell hole, what do you expect? So, having the house to yourself was a once in a blue moon moment you’d never take for granted. 
It was two in the morning, and Taehyung was stupidly perched at the doorstep patting his pockets for what seemed like the tenth time in the last ten minutes searching for his keys. "Shit."  He grumbled under his breath, taking out his phone from his back pocket and calling up Jungkook's number. After the third try, he finally answered the call.
"H-hey, what's up? I love you and all that shit but why are you calling at two in the fucking morning?" The voice is the other line was dry and scratchy. 
"Ah," Taehyung felt apologetic for waking up the Jungkook but he absolutely needed help, "Sorry for bothering you, Kook. Do you happen to know where the spare key is? Left my copy in my room before I went out and now I'm locked out of the house," He laughed embarrassingly, attempting to check his pockets one more time before calling it quits, wishing his keys would magically turn up in one of them.
"Taehyung…" The line suddenly went silent, it was a good fifteen seconds before Jungkook went on speaking,"Didn't I tell you that I'm holding onto the spare key to have it duplicated since my I lost my copy?"
There it was again, complete and utter silence. If it wasn't for irregular breathing coming from the other line, Jungkook would've guessed Taehyung had dropped the call already.
"Just wake up y/n, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Jungkook suggested, that was probably the best route to take. 
"No bro," Taehyung's tone was unnaturally dark and empty.
"Can I ask why?"
"L-Last time I locked myself out and woke up y/n," he choked on his series of words, recalling the traumatic event that occurred in the past. "She made me wait a whole hour before opening the door. While I was waiting out in the cold, y/n cooked bacon and pancakes at midnight just to spite me. The smell of the food made my stomach flip and growl. When she finally let me in, she ate it all by herself while looking me straight in the eye."
Jungkook on the other line laughed uproariously at Taehyung's untold story, "Remind me not to get on Y/n's bad side. But in all seriousness, how are you planning to get inside the house?" He queried the boy who was stuck in an unfortunate predicament."I don't get back til' Sunday. And it's only Friday."
Taehyung's eyes lit up like those light bulbs in cartoons when the characters gets a genius idea. "Is your room the one without the safety locks on the window?"
"One, no. My windows have safety locks. Y/n's window is the one without it. And two, that's a really bad Idea, Tae."
"What's a bad idea, babe?" Taehyung indistinctly overhears a hushed voice in the background. His conversation with Jungkook probably woke up Yeri too. "Oh, Taehyung's planning to enter through y/n window to get into the house." Jungkook made sure that taehyung was hearing what Yeri had to say, since she's been friends with y/n just as long as them. Her giggles were so innocent, akin to a baby but the words she said were the exact opposite. "That is a stupid idea, unless Taehyung wants to be hit on the head with a metal baseball bat and bleed to death." 
"Yeri said that that's a stupid idea unless you--"
"I heard what she said. And I won't even make a sound! I'll tiptoe my way through her window and out of her room in a flash! That way I'll be in the house and won't have to wake up y/n! I see this as an absolute win." Taehyung broadcasted triumphantly like he had discovered the map to the lost City of Atlantis. 
Yeri snatched the phone from her boyfriend's hand and lectured Taehyung y/n style. "Tae, this isn't the time to be quoting the Incredible Hulk when you're the one who's gonna be beaten to a pulp when y/n wakes up and mistakes you for a burglar. Just wake up y/n and ask her to open up the door for you. It can't be that bad, you'd live a longer life that way. Face the consequences of being a pee-brain."
"Nope," It seemed like Taehyung had made up his mind, and when Taehyung makes up his mind, there's no point in stopping him.
"Ahhh, tell your friend good luck. I'm going back to sleep." Yeri gave back the phone to her boyfriend. "You have our regards. If you don't die, call me back in the morning." A loud yawn can be heard from Jungkook's end as he hangs up.
And that's Taehyung's go signal.
He stealthily made his way round the perimeter of the house to the side where your room was located "Bingo." He mused as he spotted your window, slightly left ajar. He strategically maneuvered his way across the flower bed embedded on the ground, calculating his steps accurately not wanting to step on your precious roses and daffodils. He knows he can't lie to you, if asked who trampled on your bloom, he'd rat himself out in a blink of an eye. He'd like to enjoy a long flourishing life. Grow old, get married and possibly have kids and grandkids. 
Not like what he's about to commit will spare his life either way.
 Even with the lack of light and the gauzy material of the curtain, his eyes could make up your vague figure on the bed, tossing and shifting your legs about. Must be some crazy dream you're having, he thought. Though he can't get a clear view of you, he's certain you were there.
 He sucked in a deep breath and slowly pushed the unlocked window wider just enough so that he can slither his body inside, dragging the curtain along with it. He prayed to the heavens above that the hinges doesn't make a sound, not even a tiny squeak or his head will be the one hanging from the valances.
 With his hands securely clasped on the window sill, he utilized his upper body strength to propel himself up until his knees were secured on the narrow wooden surface. "Phew" he shakily exhaled, switching from his current kneeling position to a crouching one, gaining more balance for his following steps. 
 Before fully entering your room now that he had obtained a better view, he decided to take a proper look at your charming unconscious face. Wait, scratch that, that didn’t come out right. What he meant to conclude was… 
When Jungkook first introduced you to him as their new flatmate, he couldn’t help but be blown away. He was thunderstruck when he was graced by your overwhelming presence. Soft silky hair that he’d like to get bury his face in, letting the scent of your shampoo take over his senses; Round bright eyes that somehow carried the countless stars and galaxies, he’d willingly surrender himself just to get lost in them. A lovely button nose that scrunched up when you smiled and introduced yourself for the first time. “I’m Y/n, nice to finally meet you Taehyung.” he remembered clearly, god, how can he forget. Your soft-spoken voice perfectly fitted your delicate face. It was love at first sight, what else could it be? He fell for you hook, line and sinker. 
 He covertly watched over you, not in the stalker-ish way, of course. Whenever you’re lounging around in your favorite pajamas or simply tidying up the house, he’d inevitably find a small smile creep up on his lips. Even just knowing that you’re inside the house when he comes home from the university by the way your favourite music was blaring from your room made him happy. He learned along the way that you were really introverted, spending most of your weekends at home reading your favourite novels  and choosing to withdraw yourself from the generic college scene. Opting for a movie night date with your friends rather than partying at some musty frat house. Moreover, you didn’t strike up any conversation with him or Jungkook unless it was about the house or if it was that important to talk about. Unbeknownst to you, all the things you detested like unwashed dishes or misplaced dirty laundry, he did it on purpose just to get the attention he craved from you. Sometimes he felt guilty at the way he acted whenever you were around, a pout or two on your upset face.
 But he came to the point that he was tired of hiding and playing safe behind that thin line called “Friendship.”If he wasn’t gonna man-up and take action, nothing’s gonna change. So on your twentieth birthday, that’s when he decided he wanted to confess his love for you, hoping that the unrequited becomes requited. He bought a cake and decorated the whole house with a banner, balloons and streamers. He even paid Jungkook fifty dollars to keep his mouth shut about it. 
 What happened after was far from his or Jungkook's expectations. You came home from a date. A date which none of them knew about but here you were, wide eyed and jubilant to see the simple surprise party your dear roommates took the time to prepare for you. You introduced the boy standing next to you as your boyfriend. "Boyfriend" that word stung like a bitch. 
 It was then that he decided to put an end to this one-sided pinning that has been going on for quite some time now that hasn't bloomed into anything, not even a tiny sprout. If the stars were aligning and the universe was really on his side, he would have been your boyfriend by the end of the day, not some guy named Lucas. 
 Every other night he'd return with a girl to his room for nothing more than a quick fuck, never meeting with them for a second time. He thought it was something that would dull the agonizing throb in his chest, it worked for the most part. The bodily pleasure those women brought him made him forget momentarily about everything he's ever felt for you. He thought it was only a matter of time until all the feelings he'd kept would dissipate into thin air. 
 Minju, he recalled. A girl who was just as perfect as you in his eyes, well almost. With the thought of taking Minju home and having her all to himself as a priority in his mind, he got carried away and overlooked one critical thing you asked of him which was on top of that a principal house rule the three of you agreed on. "Always keep the noise to a minimum."
 He knew he fucked up the moment he spots you sitting on the couch glaring at him as he and Minju walked out of his room. He saw the look of disappointment etched on your face at how he had let you down and recognized how bad he fucked up. He thought that you’d never forgive him and end up hating him for the rest of his life, but you always kept proving him wrong. A familiar box was atop the center island with a pink sticky note attached to it. 
"I'm sorry I got mad at you, Tae. It was probably the stress talking. Btw, I passed aced the exam! Hehe. <3 y/n.”
That was when he realized he truly did not deserve you. 
His profound daydreaming was put to a halt when he heard a hushed moan originate from your direction. His jaw almost unhinged at how low and wide it was hanging from his face at the sight he has failed to notice prior to entering your room. A convoluted expression was apparent on your face, with your brows knitted together, and eyes shut tight, upper teeth frustratingly nibbling at your bottom lip. Your left hand hidden under the sheer fabric of your shirt, kneading at your mound lavishly while the fingers on your other hand were tirelessly circling around the glistening flesh between you spread legs. You weren’t sleeping, you were masturbating! 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Gotta get out. Gotta get out. Gotta get-- 
 His whole life flashed before his eyes as he witnessed the mason jar you used as a flower pot unexpectedly gets knocked over by his rogue foot, emanating in a clangorous noise as it hit the seat of your metal chair tucked under your desk. There were numerous circumstances that he wished he could get out of certain situations unscathed, which as luck would have it he did. This one? Not so much as your instincts urged you to direct your attention to where the abrupt sound came from. He saw your bewildered eyes staring at his squatting figure by your window.
 Taehyung quickly slammed his palms over his face concealing his eyes while blindly steering his body farther into your room, knocking over your other stuff in the process. As his feet finally met solid ground, it was now time to plead for his life. “Y/n! Shit! I-I can e-explain. I l-left my keys! A-and I didn't want to wake you up. I didn't mean seeing that!" He heard the sound of his rapid heart beat resonate in his ears, ringing so loudly that he couldn't even hear himself think.
 You found his flustered stuttering adorable and endearing. You weren't angry and knew he was telling the truth. Taehyung, no matter how brazen and badly behaved he was, has not ever lied to you. You can take his word for this one but a little teasing hasn't killed anyone. “Never perceived you as the peeping type, Tae."
 "I swear, I'm not!" His cheeks started burning red, the scorching heat of embarrassment crawling up to his ears and down his neck.
 You didn't answer him right away, and all he could make up with his vision temporarily impaired was the shuffling sound of your bedding and the indistinct footsteps walking towards him. "Well since you're here, might as well help your roommate out." You whispered suggestively in his ear, and he felt his jeans grow a little tighter by the crotch.
You pressed your body against his until the corner of your desk was painfully digging into his back. "What do you say, Tae?"
 "I-I don't think this is right." He respired weakly, his knees were starting to buckle at the figurative weight weighing down on his shoulders with palms still stuck to his eyes.
 "Wanna know what I think." You purred salaciously, the tip of your pointer finger lightly tracing over the skin of his clavicle. "I don't think this is a question of what's right and wrong," Your hand started to head south, stopping precisely at his sternum, your fingers drawing small figure eights over it. "I'm single, your single."You further proved your claim, hand once again dropping lower. Taehyung wasn't much of a gym rat like Jungkook or Jimin so he didn't have any abs. But you still appreciated his body nonetheless, especially paired with his remarkably attractive face. "I see this as a question of want and don't want. And judging from this," without warning, you cupped the hard-on he was sporting. Waves of electricity surged through his blood vessel, every cell in his body had doubled its working pace. "You want this as much as I do." Slowly, you palmed him through his jeans, fingers molding the curve of his clothed dick. His heart rate spiked and breathing got more labored with your words and actions.
He wanted to see you. He wanted to remove his hand from his face and see how the moonlight shining through your window illuminated your appearance, enhancing your elegant features tenfold but he was terrified that this will lead to something that will eventually ruin your friendship.
 "Taehyung..." You whimpered, starting to feel impatient. "Say something. Tell me what you want. Tell me to stop, please just say something." 
 "I-I," Fuck it, he thought. He detached his hands from his eyes and encased it around your petite torso, finally giving in to the treacherous temptation that is you. "I want you, y/n." He dipped his face in the curve of your neck, filling himself  up with the sweet scent of you. "I've wanted you for the longest time, y/n." His voice was guttural and strained, he'd never thought the time of him finally confessing to you would come. It required him every tendril of his being to finally come clean. An abandoned door that was once locked has instantly been pushed open, and his desire for you has never been more ardent.
"I want you too, Tae."
Moments later you've found yourselves entangled within each other's embrace, caught in a sweltering and heart racing make out session. Every brush of lips and prod of tongue was burning of lust and passion. The way your fingers intertwined with his and filling its spaces perfectly like the final piece of an unfinished puzzle. It felt so natural, the way the rise and fall of your breathing and the tempo of your pulses fell in sync. It felt like something that should've been done ages ago but was hindered by something unforeseen.
 As he hovered above your frame, you couldn't help but be drawn in the boundless sea of his deep hazel eyes. Wisp of his curled lashes resting prettily on his eyelids, the tip of his pointed nose dusted a shade of baby pink and lips pursed into a gentle smile. He observed you with hooded eyes as you absentmindedly stared at his face. You couldn't comprehend how a mere human can bear this much beauty and elegance in his mortal body, even the gods would seethe in jealousy at his splendor.
 "T-tae. I want to feel your dick down my throat." You professed bashfully, marvelling at his beauty can wait. Right now there was one thing you fervently wish for, him and his entirety. 
 Your bluntness was always one of his favourite traits of yours. "I'm all yours." He replied, placing an affectionate kiss on your lips. 
 "Stand at the edge of the bed." You instructed, going on all fours and crawling your way to the same spot. "C'mon!" 
 Taehyung with arched brows headed to where you wanted him, planting his feet firmly on the carpeted floor. "Okay, now what?"
 "I've always wanted to try like this." You pressed on, lying on your back with your head almost hanging off the edge of the bed, slightly propping it up with a small pillow. Taehyung was caught off guard with your new position, “Y/n, what are you doing?” He queried with an arch of his brows.
 “I’m ready to take your dick.” You seemed determined, sweeping your loosened hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ears. “Saw this in porn before and I’ve been itching to try it out.
 You just kept pulling out tricks from your sleeve, Taehyung never imagined you to be the type who watches porn. “You watch porn?” He incredulously questioned eyes going wide that hinted inquisitiveness.
 “Oh please, I am a human being. Stop looking at me like I’m some saint. I can watch adult videos whenever I want to.” 
 “Fair enough,” He acknowledged while unbuckling his belt, revealing the stiff bulge tucked in his boxer. He tugged the garterized hem of his underwear down and allowed his member to spring free.
 You were genuinely astounded with his impressive size and girth, tip red and already leaking pre-cum. “From all the years we’ve been living together, I kinda expected you were big, but not this big. Didn’t know you were suffering from MSS.” 
 “MSS?” he eyed you outlandishly, having no idea what you were talking about.
 “Monster Schlong Syndrome.” You answered as you tried suppressing the mischievous smile forcing its way onto your lips. 
 “Shut up, Y/n.” Taehyung’s cheeks grew rosier at your compliment about his dick, but he still preferred being humble about his size even when he was with other girls.
 “Make me,” You provoked him, opening your mouth fully and sticking out your tongue. Feeling rather wolfish to have him in your mouth.
 “Are you sure about this?” He queried you one last time, making sure you were a hundred percent okay with this. “I’m the one beginning to feel uncomfortable with your position.”
 “I’m fine, Tae. I want this.” 
 He couldn’t help stroking himself while taking in the image of you sprawled on the bed eyes totally blown-out. Begging and lusting over his cock. Taehyung gently tapped his length on your cheek,causing a smirk to form on your lips. “Stopped teasing,” You wailed vexingly, growing eager by the second. You tossed your head back even further while opening your mouth much wider, giving Taehyung a greater angle.
 “You ready, baby?” His already deep voice dropped an octave lower, a sultry and sickeningly honeyed tone slathered all over his words. You crossed your legs together feeling the steamy heat pool between them as you nod fervently. 
 Unhurriedly, Taehyung pushed the tip of his cock past your lips. The warmth and wetness of your mouth elicited a satisfied groan from him. He pushed even further down your throat, sheathing himself completely and noticing how tight the space has gotten as he descends. “Fuck, baby. Your mouth feels so good,” he euphorically moaned seeing how your pretty mouth is stretched by his thick cock.
You blissfully purred at his praise, and the vibrations of your throat around his member sent a chill down his spine. “I-I’ll start moving, okay.” He choked on his word, his senses brimming over with the buzz of pleasure. At a leisurely pace, he began gliding his dick in and out of your hot cavern, hearing lewd squelching sounds  with every push. “Shit,” He rasped when you hollow your cheeks around him. “Your mouth is the best, baby.” He quickened the speed of his thrusts, savouring the constricted hold you’ve got on him. Tears started to pool at the corners of your eyes as your mouth was bombarded with the repetitive jabbing motion. You’ve never felt this full before, the way he has you gorged put you in a state of pure ecstasy.
 Taehyung shifted his veiny hand to caress your face, wiping away the wetness from your corners of your eyes. With his balls slapping right into your face, you failed to capture his pupils dilate and the concupiscent glint in his dark orbs. His hand found its way at the base of your neck, favouring the tug of the skin, muscles and bones outlined beneath the surface. His slender, bony fingers spread across the expanses of your neck, petting the strained muscle domestically. His digits started to curl around the base, the blunt of his fingernails digging into your skin and you felt the restriction of air affect your lungs.
Taehyung knew you were enjoying this as much as he was even with you gagging and choking on his dick. He exerted more pressure on your jugular, and you felt your body sink further into the mattress. He thwarted his hips into you once more, deeper than before as his wanton howls reverberated inside your room. Before he could blow his load in your mouth, he stopped himself and pulled out his swollen cock coated with your spit.
 You opened your eyes and griped at the sudden sensation of barrenness, "W-why'd you stop?" You felt light headed, your body eventually recognized the lack of oxygen you underwent. Your chest hurriedly heaved up and down as you were gasping for air, trying to catch your breath.
 "This is my first time fucking you, the only place I'll be cumming in right now is your pussy." Taehyung wickedly grinned, looping his arms behind your neck and knees and carried you bridal style. He walked over the side and carefully lowered you on the bed, head snuggly resting on the pillow leaned on the headboard. He made his way back to the foot of the bed, taking a seat directly in front of your bare core. "Since I interrupted you earlier," his hands began stroking you calf, tiny goosebumps springing up from his touch. "Let me make it up to you and make you feel better than those little fingers of yours."
 You detected a hint of embarrassment as Taehyung's gaze focuses on you already seeping sex. He began crawling closer to you core, tipping in to pepper kisses on your inner thighs. As his warm breath began rousing over your skin, you couldn't help but clench around nothingness at the level of arousal you were experiencing. "What were you thinking about when you were pleasuring yourself?" He cooed the question out before licking a wet stripe along your moistened slit. His tongue was dancing in his mouth after finally acquiring a taste of your delectable nectar. "I-I was thinking about you, Tae." You answered weakly, the pad of his thumb now circling your sensitive nub. He hummed in approval at you words, his tongue was the one promptly to devote its undivided attention to you bundle of nerves. "What was I doing then?"
 You released a long exhale when you felt Taehyung slip on of his slender fingers inside your hole. "I-I thought about how you'd fuck me with your huge cock," You admitted, shutting your eyes as he twirls his finger inside you. He inserted another digit, and it got you tossing your head back in fervor. "How you'd make me cum so hard.”Your eyes reeled back at the back of your head as another finger slips into you with such ease. 
 “You’re soaking wet, y/n.” he was prideful of how you’ve become putty under his ministrations, “And all for me.” He sloped down once more and flicked your clit with his wet muscles at an excruciating pace. You started feeling yourself clench around his digits, “W-wait.” You intervened, not wanting to release just yet. “I want to cum with you.” 
 He devilishly grinned from ear to ear and flipped your body over, your knees and palm bearing the weight of your exhausted body. “Wanna hit you from the back so bad.”
 You lowered your torso and arched your back inwards, excessively sticking your ass up on full display. Taehyung smeared the accumulated pre-cum on the tip of his cock all over his length, painting it with the lubricating substance. He aligned himself with your entrance and gingerly drove his hips forward until he bottomed out. “Fuck, y/n. You’re cunt’s even tighter than your pretty mouth.” the interior walls of your vagina squeezed at his member, accommodating his length incomparably. “Your pussy was made for me, y/n. Best pussy I’ve ever had.”
 As much as you fancied him to rant about how amazing your pussy was, you wished he’d just shut up and pound you into oblivion and put an end to the tormenting ache bubbling inside you. “Move.” You sought, pushing your rear end against him hard and coaxing him to ultimately move.
 His knuckles were turning white at how tight he’s gripping onto the curve of your hips, nails engraving small crescent-shaped marks on your skin. Without warning, he launched the onslaught of the brute ramming of his dick into you. Each thrust he bore were insanely crisp and accurate, striking your sweet spot with every jab. The sound of skin slapping against skin and your heavy breathes were the only tunes filling the silent space of your room. Taehyung pulled out his length almost completely, appreciating how coated and soaked it was with your juices, awakening another entire level of his vehement lust for you. He slammed himself back into your tight slit, clenching his buttocks and rutting his pelvis at an inhuman speed.
 “I’m so close, Taehyung.” You wailed sinfully with a high-pitched strain to your voice, aware at how every muscle in your body is tensing up. 
 “Me too, baby.” He unexpectedly towed you by your hair until your back collided with his chest. His hand located your neck yet again, wrapping his digits around it and cutting your intake of air. You swear that at the end of this, your neck would be sore, purple and bruised because of how robust he retains his grip on you. At this point, his movements began getting sloppier and imprecise, suggesting he was at last getting to his most sought-after high. His idle hand shakily made its way to your almost forgotten clit, ruthlessly rubbing at it with the pad of his fore and middle finger continuously until you were convulsing around his cock and milking him down  to the last drop. Both of your body collapsed on your bed, utterly breathless.
 “Wow.” Taehyung managed to breath out. 
 “Yeah, wow.” You repeat, steadying your breathing. “What happens now?” You awkwardly asked, staring at the blank ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in your room. 
 “Wanna go on a date?” His voice was filled with reluctance, the thrumming in his chest never calming down. Now wasn't the perfect time to ask you that kind of question. So he braced himself as he waited for your answer.
 You turned your head in his direction and looked at how the light from the now open window magically outlined his enchanting profile. “You’re way out of order but I’d love too.” 
Taehyung's obnoxious ringtone Disturbed the silence of your sleep.
"Your phone is ringing." You grumbled, t
"Yo, Tae, glad to hear you're still alive. Got into the house yet?"
"Yeah," He paused, looking at you. "Got into y/n pants as well."
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Old place' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'Old place'
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I need you close to me, I'm feeling safer with you !'
Chapter Summary : Yirina remembered one of her main goals in her life right now before an friend got an thought in head......
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +4000
Well, we can say that we have succeed in our little improvised mission to put our hands on Lukas Ritter without having any big problems except for that fight I had with him as he tried to neutralize me but the only thing he has done was to make my bottom lip bleed a little but nothing too serious to me. We managed to corner him in an isolated spot on an parking and we got what we needed from him : he will be forced to comply and to help the MI6 as an insider in the KGB, giving us everything that we need to get Portnova back.
During that little interrogation, I could feel Zasha's anger to hear everything about Portnova and I can understand their pain when we will have to face her after 3 years....let's hope it will go well. We returned back to the safehouse to heal my little wound on the lips, Park make an call to someone in the MI6 to give instructions to Ritter and then, we took a nap back in that car again with Park, Zasha taking the couch back for them and if only we could sleep on an bed instead of the backseat of the car.....too much to ask in that place....
The next day started well because in the first hour in the morning, we received an transmission from Lukas himself, giving us some details on Portnova's team but also explaining that he had to keep an low profile and that he will send only a few transmissions in an day. Even with that, we were relieved that he was willing to work with us. During the next two days, we stayed in the safehouse as Lukas was sending us an lot of details through his few messages and by the odds, the Perseus agents that Woods's team were tracking to get Adler back.....it was the same members of Portnova's team inside the KGB.
With that revelations in head, we shared that intel with Woods and thanks to that and the numerous contacts from Greta & Garrett, they could shorten their trip in here and us too. While they were focused on the team, us....we kept our focus on Portnova herself, trying to find an way to approach her. Today, the 14th of May, after an long day of work, it was time for us to get some heavy sleep so, me & Park....back in the car like always....I'm not going to sleep in the same place as Hudson and if I tell it loudly, I will....if I can see him because I didn't see him at all since two days....he kinda avoid me and it's better for me and for him too.
I was talking with someone in the phone in my old office inside the Lubyanka Building and according to my state and the position I was using inside my seat, that call kinda make me put on my nerves, holding the phone firmly. Zasha was peacefully working at their desk, trying to not make any eyes contacts with me during my call, more focused on their paperworks.
"Yeah, yeah, just get it done !" I affirmed clearly to the person I was talking to throught the phone and redressing myself on my chair  before I decide to hang up the phone. "What an prick !" I whispered to myself, looking at the phone.
"Something's wrong ?" Zasha asked as they saw me, having finished with my call, putting their head up.
"The Perseus guy in charge to give us some transmissions did make an mistake and it's avoiding us to have the necessary papers to work." I explained, taking an breath as I looked at Zasha who was an bit confused. "If he don't give us these papers, we can say goodbye to some vacations."
"Ah shit." They rolled their eyes around at hearing me.
"I hear you, Zed."  I said with an grin on my face.
"You have something planned for the next days ?" They questioned me.
"No, Freya is in an mission in Romania for an undetermined time....so, that's means that I will be alone." I raised my shoulder, biting my lips at the same time.
"You know, you can come with us : I'm taking Dedov & Portnova for an trip." They started, putting down their pen on their desk. "Away from Russia....can be interesting for you."
'I don't know, where did you three planned to go ?" I asked them, my arms going on my desk, looking curiously at Zasha.
"Well, we either think of going in England...or in Miami." My eyes went wide at hearing this from Zasha to be honest, mainly on the second proposition.
"Miami ?" I told them, scratching my nose.
"Yeah, should change of the cold air of Moscow and if it's vacations, we're not going to be harrassed every 5 minutes by Perseus agents." They affirmed, tapping with their fingers on the desk nervously before checking their own watch. "It's strange, Portnova should be here." They looked at the office that was at the other side of the room, empty....her workplace.
"You're right." I admitted, narrowing my eyes by looking at Portnova's desk. "Did she told you if she got something to do ?"
"No, not at all." Zasha replied before suddenly, we could hear some knocks at the office's door that was very silent and very strange.
"Come in." I ordered in an normal voice and then, the door opened, revealing Portnova herself but her hair was like more messier than ever.....
"Hi." She waved at us both, looking very strange, her hair was covering an specific part of her face and by that, me & Zasha looked at each other, confused.
"You're okay ?" Zasha demanded.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright."  She breathed in an low voice but before she could move, Zasha immediately stepped away from their chair to get to her, with me doing the same. "Zed, I told you...I'm alright." She repeated but we could both see that there were something bad. Zasha removed the hair that was covering her left eye....and we could discover an black eye.
"Who did this ?" Zasha was getting angry about this as we could see Portnova having some tears out of her both eyes.
"Some..." She started, trying to clean up her tears on her face. "Some assholes in the parking of the building...they tried to harass me while they were fixing their car....they did this 5 minutes ago." She added, making Zasha looking in rage and me too.
'They're still in there ?" She nodded to me slowly.
"Let's go get these sons of a bitch !" Zasha told me and I was fully approving their idea before we start to get out of my office.
We were both in rage, clenching our fists all along the way to the parking. We were only focused on beating the shit out of these guys who dared to hurt Portnova.....our friend like that. That act wasn't going to stay unpunished after all. I think that the guards were pretty confused to see 2 peoples walking angrily towards the parking and once we got out to the parking of the building, we were immediately looking around to see an car that was needed to be fixed and we found it quickly.
There were only 2 guys near it...those fuckers who hit Portnova. Zasha was like an beast that couldn't be stop and I wasn't going to stop them at all. They started to walk rapidly towards the man that was checking the car's engine with the raised hood of it. They immediately took the hood in their hands and lowered it multiple time on the guy that was checking the engine. I saw the other guy that was at the driving seat and when he saw his friend getting beaten, he start to get away from his seat, opening his door to get out.
I kicked the door with my feet furiously, closing it by force and causing the panicked guy to fall on his back. He was pleading for not getting beaten but it was too late as I have already put my hands on him and then, I literally threw him in one of the car's window, hurting him very badly.
"Grigoriev !" A man shouted in anger to me as I was going to finish the guy off....I looked around to see an bald tough man arriving in the scene.
"Kravchenko !" I whispered, seeing him arrive near the car as Zasha stop also to beat the other guy.
"What the fuck did you do to my men ?" He asked me, looking at the guys we just beaten.
"They have hurt an friend so we hurt them." I replied clearly to them, crossing my arms to him. "If your men are dicks, we were in our right !" I added with anger towards him.
"We're going to see...."
"Comrade Kravchenko."  Another man's voice came in....Perseus himself dressed in an KGB high officer, walking slowly towards Kravchenko, his hands behind his back. "Were you trying to....threaten my 'daughter' ?" He questioned him as in me, I was feeling very uncomfortable to be called like this by Perseus.
"No, sir, I didn't threatened Grigoriev, her and their friend just beat my men."  He gestured to the beaten guys as Zasha walk next to me.
"They have hurt Portnova, sir." Zasha explained as Perseus peaked his head towards us.
"So, their actions are justified....you should leave, Kravchenko, you're awaited !" Perseus told him in an very serious tone, making an tap on Kravchenko shoulder before the latter start to walk away, leaving us with Perseus. "You need to control yourself, Yirina." He started before looking at Zasha. "Same for you, Krypto." He added, looking at us an bit worried as Zasha was still angered about what happened to Portnova. I then stepped in front of Perseus, facing him....
"We don't hurt my friends and that....showed to everyone what we are capable of !"
I was quite surprised to relive that particular memory but it showed that me & Zasha, we were pretty serious about protecting our friends, that I was in rage when a friend was hurt. In fact, it did reinforce my intentions to help my friends even further for the future. Suddenly, I could hear knock against an window, waking me up in the car in the middle of the night with Park in my arms. I was the only one who heard them and when I opened my eyes, I could see Zasha standing outside the car, apparently wanting to talk....in the middle of the night.
I wasn't able to let them like that and going back to sleep so I slowly start to move, gesturing to Zed that I was coming silently, not wanting to awake Park in her sleep. I stepped out of the car, closing the door slowly before I walk a few meters from the car.
"Zed....why did you wake me up ?" I started, passing my hands through my eyes, looking more tired than ever before I looked at my watch. "It's 2 AM !" I added in an low voice.
"I know, I'm sorry." They apologized, also sounding low.
"I hope you got something that will excuse that..." I scoffed to them with an small grin before I yawn. "What's wrong ?" I asked them, seeing them an bit worried.
"Well...I had an thought while sleeping." They replied, joining their hands together, looking away from me for an second. "I was wondering if....our old places we were living are still there...." They said, making me raise an eyebrow.
"You're serious ?" I told them, confused.
"I know, it's maybe stupid but I was thinking of it." They said, still sounding apologizing to have wake me up. "Maybe those places are burned, abandoned or used by Perseus but...what if we go to these places ?"
"You want us to go there ?" They nodded to me. "Like....right now ? At 2 AM ?" They nodded again to me, making me roll my eyes around. It was maybe stupid to do this at this time but Zasha got me curious about our places we lived before and I couldn't refuse that opportunity. "Where do you want to start ?" I asked them.
"As I remember, your place isn't so far from here, you were living in the Cheryomushki District so we could go there first as I remember the place well." They responded, putting their hands on their waist. "I was living almost at the other side of the city so, your place is first."
"Okay..." I breathed, looking around towards the horizon, seeing the city from afar before looking at the car. "We need Park to come with us, you're not against it ?"
"No, she should come." They affirmed, causing me to walk back to the car, letting them at their position to go awake Park from her sleep at 2AM....she's going to kill me...
"Park." I whispered as I was back inside the car, moving gently her shoulder with my hands. "Park." I repeated again as she start to slowly wake up.
"Yiri...what's wrong ?" She said in an very low voice, opening her eyes to see me over here, wondering what I wanted.
"Uhm..." I cut myself as I didn't know how I was going to say that Zasha wanted to go to our old places like that at 2AM. "You're maybe to say that we're crazy but....we maybe need to go to my old living place." I finally told her as I could see her eyes going wide.
"What ?" She chuckled, redressing herself to get back on sitting, me moving to allow her to do that. "You're serious ?" She added and I nodded.
"It's stupid but we can try." I raised my shoulders to her, seeing her wide eyes towards me....yes, she's going to kill me. "It's dangerous maybe but we can try our luck."
"Yes, it's dangerous." She affirmed, peaking her head to look outside, seeing Zasha awaiting for us. "Who got this idea ?" She demanded.
"Listen, if you don't want, say it right now." I told her in an normal voice before taking an deep breath, I could see her bit her lips before looking at me, nodding.
"Okay, we will do something...which time is it by the way ?" She asked rhetorically as she check her own watch before her eyes went wide again and she look back at me. "Well, guess that nobody will do something to stop us." She stated, surprising me as I was already seeing her with her hands around my neck to have her woke up at this time of the day before she took an breath. "I'm gonna take my satellite phone in case, tell Zed to get ready !" She ordered as she stepped out of the car, going back inside the warehouse to grab what she need as I was gesturing to Zasha to come in the car.
She came back really quick with her phone as I did install myself in the front passenger seat of the car, struggling to not get myself back to sleep as Zasha installed themselves in the driving seat, they were the one that were knowing where we were exactly living in Moscow so we had to put our hopes on them and it's sure that they are good in it. Park go back inside the car and once fully seated, we drove off the place...going to our mysterious destination as Zasha was the one to drive.
During the drive, everyone was struggling to not get back to sleep actually, putting the radio volume up to make sure that everyone keep their eyes fully open but there were constant yawns for the three of us because if someone was yawning, another will do it in the 15 next seconds and it became an endless cycle with us. Finally, we arrived in an apartment complex in the Cheryomushki District like Zasha said.
"So, this is the place ?" I started, getting out of the car that Zasha parked in an empty space right in front of the complex. The streets were pretty silent at this time of the day, no cars were driving, no bystanders were walking...just us...
"Yes, you lived there." Zasha answered, looking at me as I was checking the building.
"It's looking quite lovely to say." Park said in an curious tone, her left hand on her waist and the other covering her mouth to yawn again.....she was the one who did this the most in the car.
"Well, let's enter quickly then." I suggested as I start to walk away from the car, followed by Zed & Park inside the building that was the place I lived before....let's hope that the place isn't crowded with Perseus agents. We entere the main hallway and our first reaction was to go near the mailboxes. "I lived at the first floor." I whispered, having found my mailbox....still with my name on it despite the three years that passed.
"So this place is still apparently used." Park said in an low voice, not wanting to speak too high and to awake everyone around. "Let's get up." She ordered as we move to get up the stairs....can say that I was lucky to have lived at the first floor of the building....wasn't going to get tired to say. We arrived at the door with throught it, my old apartment maybe empty....or filled with Perseus agents. First thing to do was to take our guns in hand.....before we decided like that....to knock at the door.
"Why I did this ?" I thought to myself as I was the one to knock at the door. I took an breath after that, awaiting but by luck, no sounds were coming inside....either the persons in it are sleeping or there are nobody there.
"Wait, let's see under that carpet." Park pointed at the carpet I was standing on, making me move and letting her check below it....and we discover an key.....seriously ?
"The good old trick of the key under the carpet." Zasha whispered as Park was taking the key in her hand to unlock the door. At that moment, I could feel my heart pounding faster than usual because I was going to go back to an place from my old life...it will go well, Yiri ! It will !....
"Okay, here we go." Park opened slowly the door with her left hand, the other having her gun, getting herself inside the apartment that was in the dark.
We stayed behind her as we were going further inside the apartment....with me still feeling weird to get back here. Seriously, I never thought that it was going to be Zasha themselves who was going to make me go back here and here we are, standing in my old living room at 2AM with our guns in hand because Zasha had the thought of visiting our old places again. The room was like in my memories but there were nothing like pictures or personal things from me and it was looking used recently.
"I'm going to check the bedroom." Zasha proclaimed as they start to walk to get inside the room, leaving me alone with Park after we had check the kitchen that was just at the living room sight before I decide to go sit on the same chair I was always sitting in my memories, trying to get my thought in order.
"Damnit, I never thought...." I said, putting my arms on the armrest and looking outside through the same window. "How do you find the place ?" I asked to Park in an low voice.
"It's lovely to be honest." Park replied, moving to get next to me, still standing up to look outside with me. "How do you feel ?" She questioned me, seeing my state that it was all strange.
"It's feeling so weird to be here, you know ?" I started, holding my head with my right hand as I have already put back my M1911 in my jacket to look at Park. "I come back here as 'Yirina Grigoriev', 'Bell'....well, she would have never acknowledge the place." I scoffed about the end of it as Park moved to get at the same level as me, a knee to the ground. "I could still see myself in that seat, drinking & smoking to forget the fact that I did work with Perseus all this day."
"I'm sorry." She told me, putting an hand on my shoulder and looking down.
"You couldn't know." I breathed, taking her hand into mine. "It was never your fault." I added, sure of my own words as I look at Park who wasn't agreeing at all, she's still feeling guilty that she helped Adler but for me, she's already forgiven....since 3 years...since the moment she said sorry, the moment I stepped out of that room. "Park....it was never your fault !" I affirmed, smiling at her as I moved my other hand to her chin gently, making her look at me fully.
"I.....I.....thanks." She grinned before I put an little kiss on her cheek and then, I redresed myself on the seat, still having her hands in mine but her now smiling. "You know that we're always there for you...that I'm always there for you."
"I know." I smiled at her before I could see Zasha coming back from the bedroom.
"The place is used by Freya !" They exclaimed in an low voice, having something like an picture in their hands. I stand up at hearing her name from their mouth.
"You're sure ?" I asked.
"Yes, got this as proof !" They handed to me the picture but also....an necklace. The picture, it was me with Freya, both in military outfits with Perseus insignia on them. We were young at that time and Freya...her hair wasn't not like today....not shaved on the side, this picture was the third real thing from my old life that I saw. The necklace, it was something that Freya was always wearing and seeing it here means that she was coming here time to time. "Freya must be using your old apartment as an way to not forgive you, it seems."
"In fact....Freya...she saw me last month, she realized that I wasn't dead." I told them as they were unaware of it at all because I never speak about it to them, their eyes went wide about this.
"Wait, are you saying that Freya saw you alive ?" Zasha was sounding more confused than ever.
"Yes but....it wasn't 'Yirina' at all....it was...'Bell' !" I replied in an low voice. I spoke about that to Zasha and they start to slowly realize my words.
"Oh, so you're meaning that she thinks that you're still...brainwashed ?" I nodded to them, biting my lips.
"Yirina think it can be used as an way to have Freya back in our side and I think it too." Park affirmed, standing next to me as she was checking the picture. "She did have Freya's number to call her." She added, making Zasha to look at me more surprised.
"It's been 2 weeks that I didn't call her." I breathed before looking at the phone in the living room, I wasn't in the mood to call Freya right now. "Maybe later." I whispered before I look around the living room.
"So what should we do ?" Zasha asked
"Since Freya is still using the place, you're gonna put her necklace back at where you found it." I answered, handing to Zasha Freya's necklace...but keeping the picture with me before finally handing it too. I wanted to take it but if I did, Freya will have know that I did come here. "We're going to leave quickly before we got any surprises and then, we're driving to your old place." I said to Zasha before they start to return into my old bedroom that I didn't enter and I think it was better that I don't. Since I came back here, my memories in here were like reliving themselves in my ears...my voice, Freya's voice, Zasha's voice....
"Do you think we will come back here ?" Park demanded, putting her hand behind my back and honestly, I couldn't give her an proper answer to that question.
"I don't know to be frankly...." I responded, looking down at my feets and taking an deep breath. Maybe I will come back here, maybe not and I will have to make an choice. This place, it was strange to step in it again and leaving it without something, it kinda make me feel strange & weird like if I never know of this place.....
"We should get out for now....this place is going to freak me out."
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~I Let You Down~
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Gif found on google and it wouldn’t let me see who the original poster was. So credit to the original poster if this is your gif!
JP ‘Rook’ Cappelletty x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4,660
Prompt (also found on google): “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!” 
3rd person POV x Lyric oneshot
Song: Clumsy by All Time Low
‘Some say it’s true, that true love never dies...Even when it’s five years later and you’re still dead set on trying to hate the person who broke your heart and left you behind to pick up the pieces.’
Authors note: It’s been ages since I’ve done a lyric inspired oneshot, or a oneshot, or any writing really for that fact lol But I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, so I hope you guys enjoy it! This is also my first time writing for and actually posting something for Rook. So I hope I did it justice. Let me know if you guys would be interested in reading more, or even possibly reading a part 2 if this one does well enough! 
Y/N (Your name) Y/F/N (Your full name)
‘I flew too close to the sun Fell back to Earth like a stone I got too high on myself Too young and stupid to tellI was bound to make a mess of things Mixin' fireworks and gasoline Never meant to make you fall with me’
The words blasted from the speakers of her old ‘68 Chevelle as she whipped into a parking spot beside her favorite Cafe. Taking a moment to extinguish what was left of her cigarette before cutting the engine and climbing out into the sweltering LA summer heat. Taking a moment to adjust her aviators and check that she had everything she needed before making her way inside, the door chimed softly as she stepped into the building's relaxing atmosphere, the air condition a welcome feeling as she made her way up to order a much needed coffee.  
The line was relatively long, congested by the usual late morning rush, but Y/N was happy to wait as long as it took. It was Friday, and she finally had a day off too herself for the first time in ages, and she would be damned if she let anything as trivial as waiting a few extra minutes in line ruin her good mood. So there she stood, patiently scrolling through some messages on her phone while she waited. Moving slowly with the flow of the line of customers, as she listened to the song that played from the shops speakers overhead; The same radio station she'd been listening to in her car.
‘I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine (I let you down)’ 
The door chiming softly behind her was nothing of significance. It had chimed at least four times prior to her arrival as more customers filtered in from the heat. Y/N unfazed by the sound at this point as she closed out an email from one of her clients managers. Making a mental note to herself to write a reply later when she arrived home before she stuffed her phone into her back pocket and looked up. A startled squeak escaping her lungs as she was suddenly rushed by a blur of curly hair. 
“Aunt Y/N!” 
A smile taking over Y/N’s face as she recognized the girl's voice. It was a voice that she’d recognize anywhere, even if Y/N hadn’t seen in her almost five years. “Hey, Casie.” Y/N smiled brightly as she hugged the girl a little tighter, happy to see such a familiar face.
“Dad! Look who I found!” Casie exclaimed excitedly, both her and Y/N turning at the same time to watch as Colson approached them through the small crowd that had formed inside the small Cafe. 
“Hoooooly shit!” Colson chuckled as he approached the pair who were still locked in a tight embrace. One that Colson was quick to join in on. “Now there’s a face I never thought I’d see again. How the hell have you been, Cash?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the silly nickname she had been given ages ago by the man before her himself. A nickname that she hadn’t heard in ages, something that tugged at her heart, sadly, as it brought forth a rush of memories she had long since kept buried...And for good reason.
“I’ve been doin’ alright.” Y/N chuckled softly as they finally broke away from the embrace to move up with the line. “How about you guys? It’s been ages -- When did she get so big?!” The words all came rushing out at once in a wave of excitement that overtook her, making Colson chuckle as he wrapped a long tattooed arm around his daughters shoulders, and pulled in for a tight side hug that had her squirming to escape before she punched his arm playful with a glare.
“I keep askin’ myself the same question.” He answered with a soft rumble of a laugh. Flinching a little as Casie punched his arm a little harder. “Ow.” Colson chuckled as he rubbed his arm lightly, moving to pull his wallet out of his back pocket before handing it to her as the line shortened once more. “Why don’t you grab us all somethin’, Princess, and we’ll grab a table--” 
“Already on it!” Casie said excitedly as she rushed off to take Y/N’s spot in line as Colson motioned towards an empty table near the windows. 
“I can’t believe how grown up she is...” Y/N admired as they took a seat, a hint of sadness in her eyes as she turned to watch Casie, who had finally reached the counter, place an order. “God, what was she, five, the last time I saw her?”
“Sounds about right.” Colson nodded. “Was right before you left Ohio for LA...”
“Yeah...” Y/N’s brows knit together tightly as she frowned, a wave of guilt crashing into her like a freight train. “Sorry I’ve been so shit at keeping in touch.” She apologized softly.
“Hey--” Colson reached out a hand to give her own a brief, reassuring squeeze. “Don’t do that to yourself. What happened, that wasn’t your fault and you know it. We were all young and stupid. Shit, even Rook knows that and how bad he fucked things up...You made your choice, and clearly it was the right one. I mean look at you--” Colson paused to lean back in his seat as he gestured at her proudly. “Ms. big time music producer over here.” 
“Oh stop it.” Y/N waved off the comment playfully with a roll of her eyes. “But really, I mean it Colson. I always meant to come back and see you guys, especially Casie...But I just...I don’t know. I guess I just feel guilty that I disappeared from her life like that with nothing more than a few short video chats here and there, ya’know?” 
“I get it.” Colson nodded. “Still not your fault. And if it’s any consolation, Rook still beats himself up for what happened.”
“Good!” Y/N replied harshly, her frown returning at the second mention of that name. “I hope it haunts the bastard for the rest of his life.” She muttered under her breath, though it was still loud enough that Colson heard it and gave a chuckle. About to say something in reply when Casie approached the table, drinks in hand, and took a seat beside Y/N, passing over her favorite drink --an iced chai latte-- before giving Colson his own coffee and returning his wallet. 
“I ordered some breakfast sandwiches too.” Casie smiled.
“God I’ve missed you!” Y/N beamed as she hugged her tightly for a moment before letting go. Having to stave off the tears that built in her eyes when Casie refused to let go from the embrace. Torn away only by a sudden idea as she shot up and looked at Colson excitedly.
“Can she come over for the party tonight?!” Casie rushed out, bouncing in her seat a little as she waited for Colson’s reply as he turned to look at Y/N, giving a small shrug. 
“I think I’ll leave that one up to Cash, Princess.” Colson chuckled softly as he took a sip of his coffee, thanking the waitress as their food was delivered.
“Please Aunt Y/N?! Please, please, please?!” Casie all but begged, hands clasped together as she gave Y/N that all to familiar puppy face. The same one she used to use on her all those years away when she wanted something. Eyes sparking with a level of adorableness that she knew Y/N would never be able to say no to; No matter how badly she wanted to.
Y/N groaned softly, knowing what this would entail, and exactly who she would be faced with having to avoid. But knowing that it was almost Casie’s birthday, Y/N didn’t have it in her heart to refuse. “I suppose I can’t really say ‘no’ to that face, now can I?” 
“Yes! Oh my god, you’re the best Aunt Cash!” Casie exclaimed as she hugged Y/N tightly, melting what was left of her cold, icy heart a little as she hugged the girl back.
“Only cause it’s you.” Y/N chuckled softly with a smile. Even though she was a raging ball of anxiety on the inside now as every single worst case scenario suddenly played through her head as she thought about what the evening would hold in store.
‘Caught at the end of the lifeline The catch of a lifetime (I should've known, should've known, should've known) Oh we were destined for danger Familiar strangers (I should've known, should've known)’ 
The party had been well under way for more than an hour when the sound of a vehicle nobody recognized was heard pulling into the driveway at Colson’s. A black Chevelle that found it’s parking spot beside the row of motorcycles nearest the front door. Everyone exchanging a few confused glances as Casie made a beeline straight for the door, flinging it open before whoever it was even had the chance to knock...Rook’s heart dropping somewhere into the vicinity of his stomach as she stepped into view, just as Casie flew in for a hug. Almost knocking Y/N over in the process.
“You made it!” 
“Of course I made it.” Y/N chuckled softly, that all too familiar smile that haunted every single one of Rooks dreams, curving those beautiful lips of her upwards into a smile. A smile he never thought he could miss more than he did right at this very second. 
“Holy shit, is that Cash?” Slim exclaimed as he came around the corner and out of the kitchen, wrapping Y/N in a tight embrace. “I thought Casie was pulling my damn leg when she told us who was comin’.” 
“Surprise!” Y/N exclaimed with a nervous laugh as they broke away from the hug to extend the gift bag in her hand out towards Casie. “Happy Birthday, kiddo.” 
Casie all but squealed as she moved back in for another hug, barely giving Y/N an chance to wave a hello to everyone as she thanked her for the gift before dragging her through the house for a tour and to catch up. Rook frozen to the same spot, just staring after the two, completely oblivious to Colson’s presence as he leaned up against the counter beside him. 
“You alright?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Rook’s head snapped around like it was on a swivel as he faced Colson. His tone sharp, but not one of anger. In fact, it was filled more with hurt than anything. His eyes drifting back towards the stairs where Casie and Y/N had disappeared just moments before. Colson held up his hands in defense as he shook his head lightly.
“We ran into her this morning while we were getting coffee. Case was so stoked to see her, man -- She didn’t wanna risk ruining anything. So she made me swear not to say anything. But I mean look, if you’re not cool with it and wanna take off, I understand--” 
“No...It’s alright.” Rook cut Colson off as he shook his head. “It’s Casie’s day and I’m not gonna ruin that. We’re both adults.” He swallowed harshly as his mouth suddenly went dry. “It’ll be fine.” At least he hoped. Colson nodding, remaining silent as he watched Rook’s gaze wander once more as he sipped stiffly at the amber liquid in the glass he held. His grip on the glass was so tight that Colson thought it might shatter.
‘We were bound to make a mess of things Mixin' fireworks and gasoline Never meant to make you fall with me’ 
Time seemed to slow as the night drug on for what felt like an eternity. An eternity that was filled with awkward avoidance and sour glances that were periodically thrown in Rook’s direction whenever he was caught staring for just a fraction of a second too long. Midnight came and went. The whiskey was going down like water, and there wasn’t a joint strong enough to make this night any easier. The only thing keeping him from disappearing completely, was the constant reminder that this was for Casie, and he’d be damned if he was going to ruin that for her...Not that it made it any easier.
Left to watch from the side lines as Y/N joked and messed around with the rest of the guys, just like old times...Only this time around, Rook wasn’t a part of it. And knowing it was by his own wrong doings was like a dagger straight to the heart. A dagger that was slowly being twisted a little deeper into his chest with each passing hour that he was subject to someone dredging up a memory here and a memory there. 
A soft sigh fell from his lips as he rubbed a tired hand  over his face before standing, passing the joint he’d forgotten he’d been holding, back to Baze who had been eyeing him with a concerned look. “You alright, man?” 
“Fine.” Rook waved a dismissive hand as he headed for the backyard. “I just need some air.” He added quietly. But the change in his demeanor didn’t go unnoticed as Baze gave a sigh of his own as he stood. Watching as Rook pushed through the small crowd of people and disappeared out the back door. 
“Hey, Cash.” Baze waved her down as she came out of the kitchen with another beer, offering the joint he held out to her, which she gladly accepted. Taking a hit and holding it for a few seconds before she let the sweet trail from between her lips. “So now that you’ve had a decent hit, I’m gonna go ahead and say something, so don’t fuckin’ hit me, ok?” 
Y/N’s gaze narrowed as she stared up at Baze, already knowing where this conversation was about to head. “I don’t wanna hear it, Basil.” She held up a hand. “He made his bed a long time ago, he can fuckin’ lay in it.”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Baze held up his hands as he shook his head, not wanting to start an argument. “I agree with you a hundred and ten percent. We all do, Y/N, but you have to understand something--”
“I don’t have to understand shit!” Y/N snapped before she took another puff from the joint she now held. She wanted nothing more than to walk away, yet for some reason, she felt compelled to hear what else Baze had to say.
“You’re right, you don’t.” Baze shrugged. “But Rook’s not the same person he was back then...None of us are; Not even you, Y/N. We were a bunch of stupid kids, despite the fact we were all fucking adults. And I can assure you, that not a day has gone by since then, where that kid hasn’t beat himself up over what happened. I’m not saying you have to forgive him, Cash...But at least let the guy have peace of mind enough to forgive himself.”
“Unlikely.” Y/N scoffed through the exhale of smoke she had been holding in, having finally heard enough as she moved to step around Baze. Pausing only to pass the joint she held back to him before she headed for the back door. “Thanks for the hit though.” 
‘I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine And for all this pain, that I can't explain There's a black flag wavin' tonight You know I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again’ 
Y/N all but stumbled through the backdoor as that last hit from Baze’s joint hit her a lot sooner than she had anticipated it would --her tolerance wasn’t shit anymore-- and she suddenly felt like she should probably sit her ass down somewhere before she tipped the fuck over. Making sure that she paid extra close attention to where her feet were going as she made her way over to the edge of the pool and took a seat. Dipping her feet into the water immediately, having ditched her converse hours ago while dancing with Casie; Blissfully unaware of Rook’s presence as she kicked her feet back and forth gently, watching the ripples the movement created on the surface of the water. Rook watching her quietly, remembering how they used to sit and do that together at the hotels on tour. The memory caused the ache inside of his chest to worsen as he tried washing the feelings away with a sip from his drink as he hung his head in his free hand. 
The distinct ‘clink’ of ice against glass alerted Y/N that she wasn’t alone, as she tensed up. Turning slowly to glance over her shoulder, only to find Rook sitting no more than a few feet away. A frustrated sigh left her lips as she turned back to stare at the water. Her first instinct to get up and leave, and she wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the weed in her system, but she didn’t have it in her to move. She had been running away all night, whenever he would enter a room, Y/N was gone the second he’d notice her. It was tiresome. And truth be told, no matter how much she still wanted to hate him right now, her heart simply wouldn’t let her...And she hated that even more.
She hated the fact that she had never stopped loving him, no matter how hard she tried to deny it and move on with her life, or how many times she had swore up and down to herself that she could never even possibly think about forgiving him...It just simply wasn’t possible. Not too say that it didn’t still hurt after all these years, or that it didn’t mean she wasn’t still angry. Because she was angry, and with every passing second that she thought about it, that anger rose to the surface, bit by bit, until it was too much for her to handle anymore. Y/N pushing herself up to her feet, trying her hardest to maintain her composure as she swayed slightly from the head rush of being inebriated. Her conscious all but screaming at her to keep her mouth shut and not start shit, but it was already too late as the words came pouring out of her mouth like word vomit.
“So that’s it then?” She hiccuped slightly as she stalked over to stand in front of Rook, her arms crossed tightly across her chest in an attempt to make herself appear angrier than really was. “Five fucking years, and all I get is a bunch of stolen glances and some forlorn fucking pouting? You’re not even gonna try--” 
“Cash, please don’t...” Rook spoke softly as he tried to defuse the situation. 
“Don’t you fucking DARE ‘Cash’ me, JP Cappelletty!” Y/N snapped. “Five fucking years! Five.Fucking.Years, JP, and you never even once tried to reach out, never tried to apologize! You just -- You just let me fucking leave with no more than a shitty ass excuse as to why I caught you sucking face with some random fucking half naked slut--”
“What the hell do you want me to say, Y/N?!” Rook’s head snapped up as he made eye contact and stood. His gaze boring straight into her own as he continued, his voice steadily growing heated, but he never raised it to the point of yelling. Not even once. “You want me to fucking apologize? When you and I both know that sorry doesn’t even begin to fucking fix what I let happen?! I’m sorry! I’m fucking sorry, Y/N! I’m sorry I fucked up so bad! I’m sorry I was a stupid fucking kid who got so wrapped up in all of this,” He paused to gesture around them. “That I didn’t stop to think it would even fucking matter. That there wouldn’t be any fucking consequences to my actions? I fucked up, Y/N, I know that, and I have to live with it every goddamn day! Sorry doesn’t even begin to fucking cut it, but if that’s what you want to hear, then I’m fucking sorry!”
Y/N remained quiet, her arms falling away to her sides as she watched Rook turn away from her. His hands scrubbed over his face and into his hair out of frustration as he tried to reign in every last shred of emotion that was threatening to pour out. “I’m sorry that I lost you...I’m sorry for that everyday that I wake up and remember that you’re not a part of my life anymore.”
“JP, don’t--” Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper now, Rook’s  back still to her as she spoke, but her words went unnoticed as he continued. Tipping his head back as he looked up at the night sky as the words continued to pour forth from whatever depths of his soul they had long been hidden away in.  
“I wish that I could take it back, Y/N, I really do, but I fucking can’t. I’m sorry, and I’m sorry that ‘I’m sorry’ is never gonna be good enough to fix it...But I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!” Rook sighed as he bowed his head in defeat. The silence between them was heavy, even if only for a moment before it was interrupted by the broken sob that fell from Y/N’s lips, the sound catching Rook’s attention immediately as he turned, watching as her hands flew up to her mouth as she tried to muffle the sound of her own body betraying her, as another sob followed close behind; Tears streaming down her face as her body shook. 
“Y/N--” Rook was hesitant as he took a step forward and reached out, almost afraid that if he moved too quickly she might run; Or at the very least try and take a swing at him. Not that he didn’t deserve it. But as his outstretched fingers made contact with Y/N’s skin, it was all he could do to stay standing as she all but collapsed into his arms. Her face buried against his chest as she sobbed uncontrollably. “Hey, shh. It’s ok...I-I got you.” Rook murmured against her hair softly as he held her. Doing everything he could to blink back the tears that formed in his own eyes as every last ounce of pain and regret that flowed through her flowed through him as she cried.
“I-I’m s-sorry...” Y/N sobbed against Rook’s chest, causing him to glance down at her with a confused expression, as he was unsure why she felt the need to apologize, least of all to him. But before he could think to speak up and ask, Y/N continued. “I’m s-sorry that I’ve been a c-cold hearted, i-insufferable bitch! I’m sorry f-for how I’ve treated you. And not j-just in the past, b-but tonight to. I-I’m sorry for trying t-to force myself to h-hate you for the past f-five years--” Y/N paused, pulling away slightly as she tried to wipe away the tears that blurred her vision as she looked up at Rook. “I’m s-sorry that I never stopped loving you...But I’m not sorry for that as much as I try and hate you, that I’m still hopelessly in love with your dumbass!” 
Rook was left looking like a slack jawed fish as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, searching for the right words while simultaneously questioning if he had even heard her correctly to begin with. That she was in fact still in love with him. Reassurance came in the form of her lips crashing into his before he could say anything at all that might possibly ruin the moment, and for that, among other things, he was incredibly grateful for, as he moved his hands to gently caress her face. Her own hands drifted up his chest to find their way around his neck, one settling in his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer, as he deepened the kiss. 
That familiar spark of electricity igniting between them once more, just as it had with the very kiss they had shared all those years ago. Neither one of them wanted to be the first to break away, but eventually, they had to come up for air, Rook pressing his lips against Y/N forehead gently as he pulled her closer, and made a promise. Afraid that if he let her go now, if he didn’t speak his truth, that he’d wake up from some sick dream and none of this will have been real.
“I swear to you, Y/F/N, I swear to you on my own goddamn life, that if you ever give you me another chance, even though I know I’ve done nothing to deserve it, I promise you that I will spend everyday making it up to you; Even if it’s the last thing I ever fucking do.” Rook’s voice trembled with emotion as he tilted Y/N’s chin so that she was looking up at him. “I love you, Cash. I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you for the rest of eternity; Even if you won’t have me. You will always be my girl, and I will do everything in my power to never let you down like that again. Not ever.”
Y/N pressed her lips back to Rook’s, not knowing how else to reply at that exact moment. Knowing this wasn’t something that could be as easily fixed as they both wanted it to be...But at least for tonight, they could pretend. Knowing that come morning, when they were both sober, this conversation would be a lot harder as they worked on figuring out how to try and make this work again. Rook’s lips were eager against her own in response as his hands drifted down her waist, stopping only when they reached the back of her thighs and he lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. 
“Get a room!” Colson hollarded with a chuckle from the back door as the rest of the guys joined in with cheers and whistles, the pair now fully away that they had an audience. Both reaching a hand out to flip them all the bird. Too wrapped up in the moment to be bothered to care. “I love you.” Rook panted out when they finally did manage to break apart sometime later. The love and adoration in his eyes as he gazed up at Y/N, was almost too much for her to handle as she placed her hands against his cheeks and pressed her forehead against his own.
“I love you too, JP.” She whispered, keeping the last part to herself. ‘More than you could ever know.’
‘Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left 
I let you down I've been clumsy with your heart again I guess you figured me out Now here's a taste of my own medicine And for all this pain, that I can't explain There's a black flag wavin' tonight You know I let you down (let you down) I've been clumsy with your heart again 
 Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash Turn the desert all to glass Droppin' bombs on future's past Nothing left for us, shadows dancin' in the ash’
Tagging: @jacksonroseroth
If you would like to be added to any of my future Rook fics, please feel free to let me know! ^-^
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sevenfactorial · 4 years
Info about applying to PhD programs in pure math
This is... basically what it sounds like. I’m sure a lot of this is applicable to other PhD applications but I’m only very familiar with pure math. This is aimed at current seniors about to apply, but there is a section about prepping for applications in advance.
The highlights:
Recommendation letters are the most important thing. Most schools ask for 3ish. Try to get people who know you well, not just a student in the class. Someone you've conducted research with and one from a different institution are ideal if possible
Ask for rec letters at least a month before the due date is a good rule of thumb.
Research experience is probably the second most important.
Get the opinion of multiple professors who know you in order to build a list of potential schools. Then widdle it down to your will-actually-apply list (probably 8-14 ish). 
My opinion but please apply to at least 3-4 safety/match schools. Even when you're fully qualified, acceptance rates are simply low enough that a bit of bad luck means getting rejected or waitlisted from a few of them.
Most pure math due dates are in early-mid Dec but a few schools are in Nov and some are as late as mid-Jan. 
Schools will generally have their own graduate application portals. Some are better organized than others. Some require you to submit all your material before you can send a request for submitting rec letters so plan accordingly.
Acceptance letters will very slowly start going out in mid-Feb but the vast majority of programs won't send out anything until like, March and not be done until later than that. Accordingly, wait until at least mid-March to begin freaking out if you haven't been accepted anywhere.
You should 100% be expecting a tuition waiver and stipend from a program if you're applying for a PhD.
The rest of the posts is.... ridiculously long so I’m putting it under a cut. I mention things to do in advance to help you decide if grad school is right for you and things that make your application look good, give a full time line of the process, a list of things applications commonly ask for, and some miscellaneous notes. (The points above are repeated in more detail).
In addition, some links to other resources math students may appreciate:
an old post of mine about grad school apps (overlaps a lot and features some ranting from during the application process)
about REUs including my addition specifically about math ones
summer programs for undergrads that aren’t REUs by @counter-example and @jungleuniversity
Tips for prospective grad student visits 
Also about prospective grad student visits by @thisurlhasbeenleftasanexercise
Also for context, I went to a large state school in the US for undergrad. I started as a CS major and added on math as a secondary major after my first year and dropped CS during third year. I’m primarily interested in discrete and algebra, though I have a significant topology background from undergrad too. I got most of my advice from people around the department, as I became pretty involved during my third year. Now, I’m a first year grad student at another large state school in the US, generally considered pretty decent though not a “top math program” at all. Not that much else has happened so far.
Things in advance (aka things to help you decide if grad school is for you and things that look good on an application)
Take the standard classes. For pure math, this is at least one semester of linear alg, abstract alg, and analysis each. Linear and analysis are also good for applied math but I'm not sure what else if anything is considered standard.
Take some grad classes if you have the option. Most people are not ready for this until senior year, but some do manage as juniors. Talk to people who know you well and the prof teaching the class before you do this though.
Try to get involved with research whether this is through independent studies at your home institution, REUs, internships, or other stuff.
Be involved in your department. This helps with getting you more personalized advice for applying.
The rough suggested timeline (assuming junior yr is your second to last year and senior is your last of undergrad)
Junior April: Take the math subject GRE so you can take it again in Sep or Oct if desired (perhaps not applicable atm). The general can be taken kinda whenever; I suggest fall of senior year.
Junior April/May: Start talking to professors/post docs/mentors/etc. about programs you may be interested in. Write/type it down. Don't worry if it gets long, you will shorten again later.
Summer: Do some research if possible; an REU or research at your institution (if an REU, also get your mentor's opinion on potential schools towards the end as well)
Senior Sep: Start whittling down your list. 8-14 seems to be the "normal" range of schools to apply to but some people panic and do more. Remember that asking for waivers is completely acceptable but applying is still just generally expensive (I spent around $800 for 10 schools)
Senior Sep: Apply for the NSF GRFP. You can apply as an undergrad senior and once during your first or second year of grad school if you didn't already get it. The due date is in mid-late OC but ideally you'll have a draft of your essays and ask for rec letters by the end of Sep, if not earlier.
Senior early Nov: Ask for rec letters if you haven't already. The rule of thumb is a month before the due date. Provide them a list of schools you want to apply to including due date and where/how to submit as soon as possible (as well as anything else they request of course; many ask for a resume and a draft of your personal statement).
Senior Dec-Jan: Submit stuff! Pure math programs typically have deadlines in Dec or early Jan. I think the big days are Dec 10th, Dec 15th, and Jan 15th but some are earlier or later. (applied math masters tend to be earlier I think; in Nov). I suggest putting them all into a list or calendar. In addition, some schools won't let letter writers submit until all of your stuff is submitted so start applications early, even if you don't finish them immediately.
Senior Feb: Programs will slowly start sending out offers in early Feb and pick up in mid Feb, but don't fret until AT LEAST the beginning of March! Grad programs are just way too slow at getting out offers for it to be worth worrying until then (and even then, it's definitely not time to panic but mathematicians are frequently anxious people so I get it). Waitlists are slower to come out; usually starting in early March. Also note, there are many programs that don't actually send out replies to everyone unfortunately.
Senior late Feb-early April: prospective student days! They might be online in 2021 unfortunately but try to attend whatever form they're in if you can (only one of my visits during spring 2020 was online since the others happen to be very early and safely beat covid in the US). Be warned, it's very possible to get offers of admissions and to visit very last minute. I do not have advice for how to make that less stressful.
Senior April 15th: Common reply deadline. If you got your offer in the first round or two, this is probably your deadline to accept. In addition, this means more offers will likely come out shortly after once more people have declined. 
Senior summer: graduate. Send a completed, official transcript to your new institution. Check your new email account for stuff you're suppose to do. Some programs have some sort of program during the summer for in-coming students. Most places have graduate student training of some sort for a week or two before semester starts. 
Some common things to be asked for in applications
Not actually a thing asked for but many graduate schools have their own portal for which you will have to make an account to submit an application. A few use a common system that kinda sort shares a database of accounts? Some are fine and some massively suck.
Personal Statement/Statement of Purpose: Occasionally called something else and once in a while actually separate things; will usually have a prompt of wildly differing specificity. Sometimes, the prompts come from the department itself and sometimes from the university's graduate school. I suggest having one or two "base" essays then tweaking them for each school. Sometimes a word/page limit is specified but if it's not, around 2 pages/1000 words is pretty reasonable.
Transcript. Some accept unofficial but some require official but generally not an unsealed one. I ordered myself one official transcript and sent it to multiple schools instead of paying for them to be sent to each school during the application process.
Resume or CV: Most ask for either a CV or is fine with either, in which case I give them my CV. I sent more or less the same one everywhere.
Some other notes
Yes, ask for application waivers. Just be polite about it.
Your goals for your essays are primarily to show that you're interested in math and math research and are capable of like…. writing things that make sense
Do not start out an essay with either "I loved math since I was little" or "I actually didn't like math when I was young" or any variations of those. (I had one essay that started with a mildly humourous anecdote from undergrad combinatorics and another that talked about how my undergrad department has greatly affected me).
You should 100% expect to get a tuition waiver and living stipend as part of a TA fellowship (or more rarely, an research fellowship) as part of your offer of acceptance for a math PhD program (pure or applied). Health insurance is also frequently part of the package. This is not true of masters programs unfortunately.
How schools do waitlists depend wildly though most don't have super long ones like prestigious undergrads do. If you're still interested in a place you're waitlisted at, follow their instructions to confirm your placement on the waitlist then wait until April before following up again, expressing your continued interest and asking for an update. You might even want to wait until around the common deadline, April 15th. The number of people who declined before April is just really really low so nothing really happens until then.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 2- The Discussion
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Wow, I'm glad you guys like the concept so much! :0 I guess I could write more!
Thanks for the support guys! It means a lot! Well, enjoy!
-Roll the cameras!
-We start with a preview from the previous chapter!
-By your female protagonist, Yashiro Nene!
-Currently an apprentice and aiming to be a professional detective!
-So Yashiro found a bleeding Hanako in her apartment
-The horror! She managed to save him in time
-And tried to cover up the disaster
-The day after, she made a deal with the phantom thief
-Now what's up next?
-A few days had past and dear God
-Thinking about the whole deal again as she walked her way to her apartment from her job
-Yashiro thought it was a mistake
-She couldn't have been right in the head that night
-She didn't think that Hanako would actually come over
-but when she opened her door and went to her bedroom
-There he was.
-In her apartment.
-On her bed.
-Hanako: "Welcome home, detective!"
-Yashiro freaked at the sight.
-Yashiro: "KYAHHHH!"
-She attempted to push Hanako out the window
-Hanako: "Woah calm down, detective! We don't want another accident!"
-She stopped pushing and glared at him
-Yashiro: "Why are you here?"
-Hanako: "Hm? Didn't we make a deal? A gentleman thief such as myself should keep his word, no?"
-Yashiro: "Don't just come here unannounced!"
-Hanako: "Heh~ so you want me to announce myself like in my heists?"
-Yashiro stared at him blankly as she lost her words
-Exactly what part of him was a gentleman?
-Yashiro couldn't tell
-She shook her head to clear her mind before pointing her finger at him
-Yashiro: "I don't think this is a good idea! You probably just want to drag me into your schemes! Well, this detective is not going to fall for it!"
-The doorbell rang suddenly
-Yashiro: "Oh what now?"
-Yashiro went to take a look
-It's Kou and Mitsuba
-Panic mode: ON
-Yashiro sure was not having the time of her life lately
-She stormed back to her bedroom and without warning threw the covers over Hanako. Again.
-When Hanako was about to ask, Yashiro just gave him a menacing look
-Yashiro: "Not a word."
-Yashiro went over to open the door and greet the two
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Mitsuba-kun! It's been a while."
-Kou: "Senpai! Good evening!"
-Mitsuba: "Good evening, Daikon-senpai"
-Yashiro: 'D-daikon....that name is going to haunt me forever'
-Kou: "Mind if we come in to talk?"
-Yashiro: "Uh I don't know. I may have a couple case files I'm investigating at the moment..."
-She was bluffing to avoid them meeting Hanako
-Kou: "Please."
-Okay, this was surprising
-Kou wouldn't usually want to bother Yashiro but....he looked very distressed
-Something must have happened
-Yashiro looked at the two. Kou's eyes seemed to be filled with pain and Mitsuba had his puppy eyes
-Well screw this. Why did these guys look like little puppies?!
-Yashiro: "Okay then."
-And so that's how they ended up sitting together in Yashiro's bedroom
-Hanako still under the bed covers
-At least until Yashiro offered some tea
-He decided to move all of a sudden
-Yashiro was having a heart attack when everyone's attention was on the moving figure
-Did he want to shorten her lifespan or something?!
-Hanako came out of the bed covers but he wasn't in his usual uniform. No.
-He was disguised. Supposedly as a female version of himself. He's got a regular female school uniform on.
-Hanako: "Oh! I fell asleep! And I see there are a couple guests around! Hi, I'm Hana! I'm just staying over for the night!"
-Yashiro wanted to yell so badly
-Kou: "Oh nice to meet you Hana! I'm Kou! I didn't know Senpai was having a sleepover!"
-Kou was completely fooled
-Mitsuba: "Hmm"
-Mitsuba inched closer towards Hanako, inspecting his face
-Hanako kept up his poker face, sweating a little from the tension
-Yashiro felt like she was dying inside
-Mitsuba: "Well, I wouldn't say you're cuter than me! I'm Mitsuba by the way."
-Holy heck. They fell for it
-Yashiro wanted to faceplant herself
-She felt so relieved at the same time though
-Was that good?
-Well that was what she wanted anyways, right?
-Yashiro's eyes wandered at Hanako's exposed legs
-Her daikon leg complex was getting to her now
-Oh why was the world so cruel to her?!
-Hanako: "Well, don't mind me! You guys could continue talking!"
-And with that they focused back to what they were doing
-Yashiro: "So, you guys are here for something, right?"
-Kou: "Yeah. We wanted to talk about Hanako."
-Speak of the devil. The tension's back if only slightly
-Hanako tilted his head at that as he listened
-Yashiro didn't think she could relax anytime soon until they leave
-Mitsuba: "We were wondering if you knew what happened at Hanako's last heist."
Yashiro: "I don't actually. I was forbidden to go. Couldn't you ask your brother, Kou-kun? Wasn't he there?"
-Kou looked down to his lap with a troubled expression
-Kou: "I tried to but Teru-nii...he shut me out. He seems irritated lately. I don't know if I could tell what's bothering him."
-Yashiro: "Did it have to do with Hanako?"
-Kou: "I don't know."
-A moment of silence filled the atmosphere
-Kou: "...Senpai, do you think Hanako really is a bad person?"
-Yashiro was surprised at his question
-Yashiro: "Why do you ask?"
-Kou: "I personally don't see him as a bad person, even though I know it's part of my job to capture him. There's just something about him that feels different than your typical criminal."
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun....I don't know if I could say right now how I feel about Hanako. He's a criminal yes but I don't think we know enough about him to say."
Kou: "Ah. I understand that."
Mitsuba: "I have pictures of Hanako but they're from the other heists. Some of them aren't even in good quality which is suprising because I'm usually good at photography. He moves too quick."
Kou: "There are photos that aren't developed yet, right Mitsuba? Maybe you might get a really good one for your papers!"
Mitsuba: "Hehe perhaps!"
Kou: "Well, thanks for talking with us, Senpai. It made me feel better. We should get going now. It's late."
Yashiro: "Yeah. You two get home safely!"
Kou: "You guys have a great sleepover!"
-After they left, Hanako quickly changed back to his phantom thief outfit.
-Hanako: "Some nice friends you got there"
-Yashiro: "Don't you have any?"
-Hanako: "Perhaps~"
-Quite a vague answer
-Yashiro: "Hey...what happened at that heist the other day? I think I deserve to know"
Hanako: "There it is! The detective's nosiness is here!"
Yashiro: "You said we could get to know each other!"
Hanako: "I didn't say I'd give you answers"
Yashiro: .....
Hanako: "Maybe... I'll tell you someday eventually. Now....now's not really the right time..."
-At that moment, Hanako looked vulnerable and Yashiro felt pretty bad for prying.
-It was part of a detective's job to interrogate but she wasn't sure what she was expecting
-Hanako turned back to his teasing self suddenly
-Hanako: "Well, I'll make sure to announce myself in advance next time!"
-He took a chance to lean into her ear
Hanako: "Special service from me just like you wanted~"
-And with that he took off out the window
-Yashiro: [flustered] "AAAAA what are you saying, you stupid, stupid phantom thief!!!"
-All Yashiro's pitying thoughts flew out the window as she yelled after him
-She quickly shut up after realizing what she said and was thankful it was already dark.
-People should be asleep at this hour...
-Black Canyon was snoozing away oblivious
-The next morning
-Yashiro went to Tsuchigomori's detective agency
-Upon arrival, Tsuchigomori was talking with a police officer and ended their conversation
-The police officer then left
-Tsuchigomori: "Ah. Yashiro-san, you're here. We just got a case this morning."
-Yashiro: "A case?"
-Tsuchigomori: "There's been a murder and we've got our suspect."
-Yashiro: "Really? Who?"
-Tsuchigomori: "Phantom Thief Hanako"
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nevernotwriting · 4 years
You, Me, and Yancy | Chapter 2: Time for a Heist
Read me on AO3!
Previous chapter
You finished your story, turning to look at Jasmine. She had curled up in her chair, staring at you with her mouth hanging open. You shrugged at her, waiting for some kind of reaction.
“Dude,” she spoke at last. “That is so. Fucking. Cute.”
“What’s cute?” Came a voice from behind. You swivelled in your chair, seeing Vakarian towering over you. He tousled his curls away from his face, revealing heavy bags under his eyes.
“Yeesh. What happened to you?” Jasmine asked.
Vakarian leant against your desk. “Late night. Scoping out a heist spot in Yorba Linda,” he replied as if it were an every day occurrence. Then again, it practically was for him. “Anyway, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Mark asked Zero out on a date last week.”
Vakarian looked down at you with an amused smile, then let out a huff of laughter. “About time. He’s been whining about doing it for weeks during target practice. I was two seconds away from punching him to be honest. What did you say?”
You stared at him for a second, mouth opening and closing against your will. He’s been planning this? Man, you really needed to get better at picking up on romantic hints.
“I said yes, but we haven’t gone yet cause I was busy this last weekend with family. So… maybe we’ll go this weekend?”
“Well make it sooner rather than later or he’ll be walking round with that lovesick puppy look on his face all the time.” Vakarian stood up with a roll of his eyes. “Then I will have to punch him.”
He walked away, leaving you and Jasmine giggling to one another. You couldn’t imagine Mark with such an expression, let alone regarding you, and the thought filled your stomach with butterflies.
“So where d’you think he’ll be taking you?” Jasmine regained your attention from where Vakarian had wandered away.
Before you had chance to answer, the main door opened once more. Everyone jolted to sit or stand up straight as Shark walked in, surveying the room with her icy blue eyes.
“I want you all in the conference room in five minutes.”
And with that simple command, she walked away to her office, hips swaying with confidence. Everyone around you began to scramble their belongings together, logging out of their computers and saving sensitive data. Jasmine winked at you, a silent confirmation that this conversation regarding your future date with Mark was far from over.
The two of you downed your drinks and made your way to the conference room. Jasmine grabbed Gareth by the arm as he waltzed in with only a minute to spare. You paced along behind them, looking sideways when a friendly hand clapped your shoulder.
“Mornin’ you.” Mark’s voice was very chipper for this time of morning. “Had a good time with your family?”
“Morning,” you replied, flattered that he’d remembered your weekend plans. “Yeah, thanks. I took them to Disneyland, kept them from asking too many questions about work.”
Mark laughed. “Good idea. I’m glad you had fun.” You felt his eyes on you again as he spoke, and you turned to smile at him, your heart skipping a beat again.
“You still free this weekend?”
You nodded. Mark’s smile grew wider.
“Awesome. How about we go out for dinner?”
“I’d love to! Just don’t take me anywhere too fancy, okay?”
“Aye aye, captain.”
The two of you entered the conference room along with the others. Shark was stood at the head of the table, which was littered with a variety of blueprints, some of which you had sketched up the week before. Shrike was already in the room, standing attentively next to Shark with her hands behind her back. You blinked in surprise, having not seen her enter the building this morning. She smirked, casting a millisecond glance towards Mark, then back to you. She nodded knowingly.
Once everyone was stood around the table, the idle chatter died down and Shark clapped her hands together.
“All right everyone, first thing’s first - I owe it to all of you to give credit where credit’s due.”
Shark’s gaze fell across the group. “Gareth, Jasmine. Great job on scoping out the museum last night. Thanks to you, we have the full guard rotation and know all the weak spots.”
Gareth and Jasmine nodded and smiled. “Ma’am.”
“And Zero, they couldn’t have done it without your blueprints in the first place. Nicely done.”
You folded your arms self-consciously as everyone’s eyes fell upon you. You nodded, managing a tiny smile. You felt Mark’s warm gaze on you from your side, making you fill with a mixture of pride and even more self-consciousness.
“And Vakarian,” Shark continued, casting her eyes away from you and up to the tall man. “Good job on scoping out the library in Yorba Linda. Might not be useful just yet, but it’s good for future reference. I’ve got a good feeling about that place.”
Vakarian remained expressionless as all eyes fell upon him. He still looked half asleep, but he managed a small nod of acknowledgement.
“But don’t think I called you all in here just to kiss your asses. You do the job, you finish the job, you get out, onto the next,” Shark continued, her usual coldness returning to her tone. “And now, we’re on to the next.”
She gestured to the blueprints laid out on the table. “This is what Zero, Gareth, and Jasmine were leading up to. The California Science Museum has just gotten their mitts on this.” She tossed another piece of paper onto the table. Everyone leaned in to get a closer look. It was some kind of box engraved with an intricate pattern, with a blue jewel at the top. You’d never seen anything like it before.
“What is it?” Gareth asked, reading your mind.
“This box is said to contain a very ancient, very valuable object. I don’t have any more details than that, but it’s gonna be ours by tomorrow morning,” Shark replied, folding her arms and eyeing everyone individually. You gulped when her eyes fell upon you.
“Mark.” Shark’s gaze fell to the man next to you, and you let out a small breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. “You’re the best we’ve got. Think you can handle it?”
Mark nodded with a mischievous smile. “You got it, boss.”
“Good. And take Zero with you.”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets, and your stomach flooded with a feeling of dread.
“Oh- boss, no, I-I can’t,” you stumbled, too desperate to care that you were drawing attention to yourself. “I’m just a rookie!”
“You’ve been here for a few months now. You can’t stay a rookie forever,” Shark retorted. Her eyes told you this wasn’t an argument you could win. You sighed, wishing you would deflate on the spot and fall through the floor.
“Besides, Mark’s been teaching you the ropes. He’ll keep an eye out for you.”
“And then some,” Vakarian muttered under his breath with a snicker. Shrike jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow, making him double over with a wheeze.
“All right everyone, you know what you need to do. Move out and let these two get to work,” Shark declared. She slid the papers towards you and Mark as everyone filtered out of the room. You cast a distressed glance to Jasmine as she left. She just grinned at you with an eager thumbs up as the door shut behind her.
Now it was just you and Mark. You felt your heartbeat quicken with every passing second, your breath shortening. You kept your eyes fixed on the door, debating whether or not to bolt out and make a run for it. Your car was only across the lot, maybe you could speed home and hide there-
“Hey,” Mark snapped you out of your trance with a concerned look, placing a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?”
Your eyes focused on him. Your breathing steadied slightly, but your heart was still hammering.
“Mark, I don’t think I can do this.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you felt your throat tighten.
Mark yanked two chairs out from under the table and took your hand. He guided you to sit down, not letting go of you or moving his gaze from your face for even a second.
“Hey, hey, Zero. There’s no need to panic,” his voice was soft as he moved his thumb up and down the back of your hand. “I’ve seen you with the gear, you’re a lot better than you think you are. Trust me, you’re ready for this!”
You wanted to believe him, but your mind was still clouded with doubt. You shook your head. Mark shuffled closer to you, taking your other hand. You would’ve appreciated the sweetness of the gesture were it not for your scrambled mind. What if you set off an alarm, alerted one of the guards, or worse, got one or both of you killed?
“Look, Shark wouldn’t have suggested it if she thought you weren’t ready,” Mark reasoned with you, still keeping his voice delicate. You could see the sincerity in his eyes, and the gentle concern knitted into his eyebrows at seeing you so distressed made your heart swell with more than anxiety.
“It’ll be a lot of fun, trust me. And I promise,” he took one of his hands back and placed it over his heart, “I will keep an eye out for you. I care about you.”
You felt blood rush to your face again, and you couldn’t stop the smile that broke out. Once he saw you were feeling a little calmer, he took his hands back, and stood up in front of you.
“So what d’ya say?” He held out a hand towards you. “Partners?”
You looked up at him, admiring the finer details of his face from this close distance. Maybe some more alone time with Mark would be nice.
With a surge of confidence, you stood up, took a deep breath, and placed your hand in Mark’s with a firm shake.
Next chapter
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