#a lot of people usually put filters and shit on these
findafight · 1 year
Wait. Wait. Kinda part 2 to this post. For the angst of it all. Cw: implied and assumed homophobia
Because sure, after that dinner Joyce relents in not being, y'know, openly confused or frustrated with Steve being around. El obviously adores him and Jim is always glad when he comes around. Joyce can put up with Steve for them. But she's a stubborn woman, and somewhere in her mind, Steve is a Bad Egg. So she's still not 100% on board.
All this rears its head one night after a lot of their world saving group has had a movie night and ended up in a puddle on the floor. Steve is squished between Robin and Eddie, snuggled up all cozy. Joyce sees this when she quietly pads out of her bedroom to just. Check on the kids.
Eddie and Steve are sat up, Robin's face pressed against his hip. They're whispering something, heads leaned close. And they lean in further, silhouetted by the moonlight filtering in, and kiss. It's pretty chaste, though not a peck.
Joyce's blood boils. Steve has a girlfriend, he should not be going around kissing his friends like that, stringing them all along. She feels strangely vindicated, that her assumptions about Steve were right, that he wasn't actually a good guy or had changed at all. She almost yells at him then and there, but holds off. No need to wake everyone up. She can lecture him in the morning.
Once everyone is fed and lounging in the late morning, she pulls Steve out onto the porch.
"I saw you kiss Eddie last night" she says, without preamble. "And I cannot believe you would think behaviour like that is acceptable in my house."
Steve blinks, clenches his jaw. "Jo--Mrs Byers. I--"
"I don't want any of your excuses! It's despicable what you're doing, and I won't have it. For whatever reason, those kids look up to you. What kind of example are you setting for them? For El?" Steve's eyes widen, and if Joyce hadn't been so caught up with her anger she probably would have seen that instead of being ashamed or embarrassed, Steve is scared. "She looks up to you so much, though I can't imagine why. You need to clean yourself up, Steve. For real this time. You can't go around doing whatever you want. It's disgusting and disrespectful. Did you even consider the people you'd hurt? How doing shit like that would affect the lives of people who care about you? They deserve better than that." She shakes her head. Arms crossed. Steve is tense in front of her, but he doesn't say anything. To her, that's as good as confession. "Everyone talks about how you've worked hard to improve yourself, become a better person. But after last night? I just don't believe it. No one who's really changed, really a good person, would do what you did." She sighs. "You should probably leave now."
Steve nods stiffly. "Right. I'll. Uh, I leave. Can you...please, don't tell anyone, ma'am. I'll Grab my bag and I'll get outta your hair, but don't tell. I'm so sorry. Please." She purses her lips. His girlfriend deserves to know, but Joyce has no clue who that is (it might be the Robin girl attached to his hip, but she has no way of knowing). She nods once. Steve's shoulders slump.
Stepping back into the house, Steve quickly and jerkily snags his backpack from the corner it was shoved into before leaning over to whisper something in Robin's ear. The girl nods, looking worried.
He doesn't look at Eddie.
For a while, her house is Steve-free. Joyce breathes easy, hoping their talk was a wake-up call for steve. He is painfully polite when they bump into each other, Robin usually by his side with a strained customer service smile. Small talk is non-existent.
But then Will starts getting quieter. Maybe avoiding her. Certainly does his best to be small and doesn't look in her eyes. She has no idea what's going on, and she's worried.
What if the Upside Down came back? What if there's something wrong with her boy? What if everything they've fought for and sacrificed didn't mean anything and it's never actually over?
She tries to talk to him, but he shrugs her off, says he's fine and not to worry about it. Assures her it is definitely not the Upside Down.
Finally, after two weeks of Will looking absolutely miserable when he talks to her, she gets Jonathan to try. Tension around the house is high, Steve is barely around and always skitters away when he sees her, and in combination with will, it's out everyone on edge.
She doesn't mean to eavesdrop. But she doesn't not mean to either. It's just that they're on the porch, and she was in the kitchen and heard something, and when she went to see, she heard them talking.
"it's not--i want to tell you but it's not my secret to tell."
Jonathan sighs. "Will. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong. Please. Talk to me. I'll love you no matter what, you know that."
Will heaves a breath. "I had a talk with Steve --" and oh, the rage in Joyce's chest when she hears that. What did he say to her boy?? "And...uhg. fuck. Okay, you have to swear, swear! You're not going to tell anyone what I'm going to tell you. If you figure it out, because I don't. It's not mine to tell."
"okay. I swear. I won't go spilling Steve's secrets."
"you have to mean it, Jonathan. It's dangerous!"
There's ruffling fabric. Jonathan's voice is softer. "I promise."
"Steve said he was telling me because he thought we might be...similar. In some ways. And he talked about who he's dating. And that Hopper and El and Robin and Eddie know. And that they're all safe. Y'know? Like you are."
"and I said you were, and he said that was really good, and then emphasized that if I ever wanted like, and actual grown up to talk to, not just another teenager, Hopper was safe. But. The way he said it made it seem like...I don't know, but something was off? And I asked him." There's a pause. "I asked him if Mom knew. And he said yes. But he hadn't... Before that, he hadn't said she was safe. Jonathan..."
Something...wasn't adding up. Joyce was trying to puzzle what she wouldn't be safe to talk to about. She'd been in the tunnels and Upside Down and through it all. Her children, and by extension the children that had helped save them, were always safe in her house. To come to her if they felt unsafe. Why Steve would tell her own son she wasn't --
Will continued. "Steve said that it'd probably be different because I'm her kid, y'know? She--she did all this stuff to get me back and to keep me safe and loves me. So she could. So she'd maybe change her mind. For me."
"Will..." Jonathan's voice sounds pained.
"but what if she's not? What if that's where it ends? Shell save me from a demogorgon but not love me for this. Steve's saved my friends half a dozen times, Jonathan! He got--he got tortured" that is not something Joyce knew. When the hell did that happen? "with Robin to protect Dustin and Erica, Billy beat him half to death when he stepped in to protect Lucas and Max! He's good! I'm not as close to him as the others but he still told me. He trusted me enough with a secret that I can't even say outloud about myself yet! And Mom still-" will hiccups, and Joyce wishes she knew what he was talking about. Wishes he was saying these things to her, so she could comfort him.
Heaving a breath, Will is quieter. "Steve's the reason no one's died. He's El's first brother. And she still called him disgusting for-- for kissing someone he loves."
Ice fills Joyce's veins, a heavy pit balls in her stomach. Because that's not--she didn't--it wasn't like that.
But Steve had begged her not to tell anyone. Had stood still and not tried to justify anything and called her ma'am when he asked her not to tell. Held himself still when she was around and bolted at the first possible opportunity, leaving disappointed people in his wake. Oh, shit. Oh, she's fucked up so badly. Hurt some kid because she was suspicious of him from over three years ago and assumed the worst. Instead of realizing that maybe the reason he and his girlfriend were keeping it quiet was because he didn't have a girlfriend at all, and that the boy he kissed that night was his boyfriend, she had just assumed he was cheating. And then she'd told him he was disappointing and disgusting and a bad influence on the kids. Even after, he still made sure Will knew there were safe people around, that he'd have someone to talk to. And all she'd done was make him scared of her.
"oh, buddy."
Will's voice is muffled, and Jonathan has probably pulled him into a hug. It cracks when he speaks. "how can she say that about Steve but still love me? When so much of this shit's been my fault?"
"none of this is your fault. Don't believe that, will. No one blames you or El for any of it. You know that, right?"
"it's true. And as for mom...I don't know." Jonathan huffs "I'm not sure. I'm sorry, buddy."
Joyce turns then, feeling sick. She shouldn't have eavesdropped on her children, but now she had she was going to make things right. Hopefully.
Ensure everyone, including Steve, knew she was safe.
Part 3
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allilcat · 6 months
Ive been noticing an increase amount of Dreamtwt refugees, and let me preface with saying: Welcome!!! Genuinely, we lovingly welcome you to this happy lil community.
That being said, Tumblr is confusing, between the big etiquette book and the interface that hasn’t changed since 2008 there is a lot to learn. So this is my little attempt to a welcome guide tailored to our lil dream community! Feel free to add your own recommendations and stuff.
Tumblr is a Blogging site, a goog ol relic from ye olden days, your ‘profile’ is your blog, and you can put anything you like on there! However, please do change your avatar and background, we have a massive bot issue here and we tend to auto block someone with a standard avatar.
The main tags for the dream team are as follows: - just their entire usernames, but, those do get hooped up in controversy from time to time. -Dreamblr for the content creator dream
-Dreblr, for C!Dream
-404blr for CC George
-pandasblr for CC Sapnap
-Dtblr for the Dream team
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING: #Dream, that’s for people actually posting about their dreams, and #myct as it is mostly used for general MYCT stuff, we prefer to stick to our own spaces.
‘how do I find people?’ you go to any of these tags, find someone you vibe with and click ‘follow’. The algorithm here sucks, and we don’t advice the ‘for you’ page.
On that note, the ‘like’ button is useless, use reblog instead! If you like someone’s hot take, art or stupid shit post, REBLOG. Its how we keep our fandom alive and active here :D
When you reblog you usually keep your comments in the tags, one only really uses the comment section when they DON’T want to reblog. (usually because of le discourse).
Send people asks! People love to chit chat, you can do it anonymously! Tell that one artist youd love to have their brain for lunch! Engage with everyone! We love discussion and open communication here. (prob since there is no real word limit to posts)
Tumblr has developed a nice ‘block liberally, no need to make a fus’ culture. You can block someone for any reason, and it really isn’t a big deal.
On the Tumblr is more relaxed note, we tend to be more relaxed on CC boundaries, since most CC’s do not use twitter. If you don’t like people breaking CC boundaries, even in places where they cant see it, follow the advice above and blockkkkk!!!
Please spell out words! Don’t censor triggering words at it can fuck with people’s filter settings, by censoring these words you put people in more risk.  
Now for some technical advice: Most tumblrina’s turn on ‘hide likes and follower count’ . Any blog can have 4 people following it or 4000, we like to keep it mysterious.
Also turn of ‘best content first’- once again, the algorithm is not to be trusted.
Furthermore, you can really personalize your Tumblr experience and please do! Under ‘account’ you can find many options to filter the content you see, make use of it, for your mental health sake.
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blitzwhore · 3 months
I just saw Blitzø get called Stolas stockholm victim I can't with this fandom anymore😭
😂 As outrageously incorrect and stupid as that take is, I'm going to go on a tangent here. I hope you don't mind.
I think every fandom has annoying people with awfully terrible takes in it. People with zero media literacy. People who hatewatch. People who think they're entitled to the exact show they would've wanted, which has nothing to do with the actual, existing show.
This is especially true for queer media, and especially true for queer cartoons. (Hi, yes. I was active in the Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Voltron, and She-Ra fandoms when those shows were airing, respectively. I've seen some stuff). Some people just can't handle queer cartoons, period. If the queer characters/ships are soft and wholesome, they're infantilising and boring, and if they're complex and nuanced and actually have conflict, they're abusive and problematic. You'll hear the same recycled arguments over and over again. Like, the shit some people are saying about Blitz and Stolas after The Full Moon? Is literally almost word-for-word what they said about Catra and Adora post-season 3 of She-Ra (and even at the end of the show).
Here's the thing, though! Those people and their bad takes are not what I want to think about what I think about a fandom. Those aren't the people I want to call the fans. They don't deserve that title. Not when so many other people are out there dedicating their time to making gifs and art and meta posts, and writing fic, and commenting/reblogging to show support, and sliding into people's DMs to scream and squee together about a thing they love.
At the end of the day, "fandom" is just a lot of people each doing their own thing. Which people you engage with and allow to stay within your line of sight will determine your fandom experience. Fandom can be a huge, convoluted, online space full of people who are constantly arguing with one another and whose takes make you unfathomably angry... Or it can be you and your 5 friends and mutuals who scream gleefully at one another in 2-note posts. You can't control what others post online, but you can control your engagement with it.
How? Well, here's what I personally do to avoid getting upset by people's stupid opinions online:
Filter 'critical' and 'anti' tags (eg. #anti stolitz #anti vivziepop #Helluva Boss critical #HB critical #vivziepop critical). Many people actually do tag their critical posts because they know it's the respectful thing to do!
If I come across a post that has one or more of those tags, obviously, I don't click through to see it under any circumstances.
If I stumble across a stranger's untagged post with hate/criticism that upsets me: I stop reading and BLOCK. Immediately. I don't look back. I don't finish reading. I don't engage. I just block block block. I <3 the block button, seriously.
If I feel my mind reeling from a bad take I just came across: I take a step back, close my phone, breathe, remember life is beautiful sometimes. Go back and watch an episode I really like. Clean my living space a little. Vent about it to a friend (but only if I really need to, because if not, I'd rather not dwell on it).
If I'm starting to feel the need to reply to someone's bad take (directly or via my own post), I instead make the decision to channel that energy into making fandom posts out of love. (I don't do this just with fandom. If I see something transphobic online, I usually react by reblogging a bunch of trans art or trans positivity posts on my main, for example). I like to think of it as putting some positivity out into the world to compensate for the negativity I just saw. So, for example, if I see someone shitting on my blorbo, I may make a silly post just saying how much I love blorbo. Or I'll make (or draft) a post about how interesting I find some of blorbo's actions. Or reblog another person's positive/interesting post about blorbo.
And finally, I stay the hell away from Twitter. Or at least, if I go on Twitter, I try my best to avoid any tweet that has text in it instead of just art. Even the people who have good opinions spend too much time arguing with the people who have bad opinions on there. I don't want to see people's bad takes! No, not even while reading founded and perfectly articulated criticism of those bad takes! So I just limit my time on Twitter. And again, if someone is putting bad takes on my TL (even if it is to counter them), I unfollow and block as needed.
All this to say, yes, it really fucking sucks to read the opinions of people who don't understand and who hate the characters and ships and worlds you love. Gosh it's the worst. But you can curate your fandom experience. You can focus on the things you can control. You have the power to decide if your fandom experience is draining or fun!
And because I don't know how to finish this, here, have a Stolitz kiss to heal you:
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We will keep winning and there's nothing the haters can do about it. 😌
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shun-nie · 5 months
SatoSugu x gn!reader
-> you're usually calm and have a stern personality, it's not often people see you laugh or act playful. Satoru and Suguru may be an exception though.
Warnings(not really😔)!!! Just fluff, no use of Y/N
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After dealing with curses all week and getting soaked because the sky decided to pour its tears on you while you were on your last mission of the week, a mere human can't help but need their 17 hours of sleep. Now, you were usually a light sleeper, always opening your eyes at the slightest sounds to see Gojo Satoru(and unfortunately your boyfriend.) stealing your hoodies in the middle of the night or Geto Suguru(unfortunately you boyfriend too.) getting on your bed beside you beacuse he couldn't sleep.
You were now sleeping silently like some kind of decomposing corpse, probably in your 47th dream where curses doesn't exist. A very peaceful dream. Of course, this peace disappeared after a heavy thing that could compare to a fat bear suddenly fell on you.
You cursed under your breath and opened your eyes, then closing them again beacuse of the blinding sunlight shining on your face. You could hear a familiar annoying voice laughing quietly against your skin, well, you would groan and push Satoru off of you like you normally would but didn't had the energy right now.
"Rise and shine, sunshine!" Satoru said loudly enough for your ears to bleed, you sighed out and looked at Suguru who was across the room, examining some books on your shelf. He hummed and turned his pretty face towards you, smiling before walking over to your bed and sitting down on the edge.
"You slept a lot, are you sick? You didn't even wake up when 'toru opened the door." Suguru asked, his concerned gaze on your tired looking face. You were staring at him silently, which concerned the sorcerers before you. Well, it was kind of weird watching their normally stoic lover watching them with an unreadable gaze. As Suguru opened his mouth to ask if you were okay again, they were surprised when they saw you smirk in Suguru's direction.
"Hey, were you always this pretty? Or do I have some kind of weird filter in my eyes?"
Suguru was shocked, flustered, confused. Who was this person in front of him? Satoru was no better, he was shocked too but also why were you complimenting Suguru before him when he has the most beautiful eyes in the whole world? Damn, this world is not fair. There was silence for the next minute before you turned to Satoru, the sunlight poured on him, and he looked like a rare diamond under the light. Well he still looks the same to you, guess you don't have any filter in your eyes that could compare with Snapchat.
"Damn, go away. I feel like shit next to you two, lookin' all pretty in the damn morning huh?" Okay. Serious question. Who the fuck?
"Alright. Who are you and what have you done to my baby?" Satoru said, placing both of his cold hands on your cheeks. You could say he was flustered, maybe beacuse you know him much more than anyone or maybe beacuse he is a dumbass when it comes to you and Suguru. Speaking of Suguru, he was still speechless. Well, he knew you could act like a dork in the mornings or when you were tired but never had he heard you compliment him with such lovestruck gaze. He came to his senses again, looking at Satoru who was slapping your cheeks softly while you were smiling like a dork, he chuckled at the sight and kissed your cheek.
"I'm being serious, you need more sleep." Suguru said softly, it was nice to see you being open and letting yourself enjoy the moment. Your lives were difficult, and all three of you would probably prefer a normal life. You took your job seriously and you turned into a tough person because of your experiences in your life of being a sorcerer, it was hard to get to you through the walls you put around yourself. Suguru felt happy. He felt happy that you finally let them in. He felt happy that you trusted them enough to show them your bright colors.
He felt happy, in love.
"No. I don't know you and I'm taken." He heard Satoru say before he started to whine as you pinched his cheeks.
"By who?" You had a playful grin on your face, Suguru chuckled at the sight of you teasing Satoru.
It was going to be a great day.
(I forgot I had a blog ngl)
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
I've had a consistent thought in my head of the girls learning more about the upside down.
Like they know a bit: uncle Dustin still lives in Hawkins doing research on something, they've seen their dads and they know about the scars and their disabilities. They know something happened to their entire family and they know there was an earthquake that wasn't really an earthquake. But they've never learned more than that and they'll never know the details as long as Steve and Eddie have a say.
But at some point, each of them realizes that the monster hunter jokes that their dads make aren't really jokes.
In general, I think Steve and Eddie’s sentiment surrounding how they address the not-so-pleasant aspects of their past with their daughters is that they won’t lie (because that’ll only come back to bite them in the ass later), but they’re also only going to tell them as much of the truth as they literally need to.
Not that Moe knows any of this.
All Moe really knows is that her dads went through some scary-ass shit when they were her age and they don’t really talk about it.
Still, Moe has eyes. Maybe she didn’t realize it when she was little, but even just the sheer amount of scar tissue her dads have isn’t exactly normal. When she asks where they got them, though, all they ever say is that a monster tried to eat them.
Moe also knows that the reason Pop doesn’t usually join them on shopping trips at the mall is because they can trigger bad migraines, and she knows the reason he gets migraines in the first place is that he’d taken too many hits to the head in too short a time, but when she asks how he’d gotten a concussion and then a TBI and then two more concussions in the span of four years he always just says something like picked a fight with the wrong Russian spy, or something like that.
And it’s public knowledge that Dad was accused of murder when he was in high school and nearly died before the charges got dropped, but when she asks about what happened, he gives her some spiel about curses and demons and portals to alternate dimensions and monsters (again, with the monsters).
They’re kidding, Moe knows. They’re giving obviously fake answers because…well, for a lot of reasons, she can imagine– not wanting to relive whatever actually happened, not wanting to put their own trauma onto Moe and her sisters.
Honestly, Moe doesn’t really even bother asking about it anymore because they clearly don’t want to talk about it, and if it really was that bad, she can’t even blame them. Besides, she’s pretty sure that dads are supposed to be total mysteries to their kids, so…whatever.
The story of what happened in Hawkins, Indiana starts to gain some public attention again while Moe is in high school – one of those true crime conspiracy theory-type stories people make Reddit threads and YouTube videos about, and apparently (because Moe has no interest, but Robbie likes that kind of stuff) Dad almost always comes up in them, Pop sometimes.
Around that time is when Moe’s dads start to get all kinds of media requests – not that Pop had any idea. He’s basically chronically offline, so no one is really able to track him down other than finding his work email on Psychology Today, but he’s got filters set up to send that shit to spam so he doesn’t even have to see it. Dad, on the other hand, is (supposedly) well-known for his books or whatever, so he doesn’t have the same kind of anonymity. He got all sorts of calls and emails from people wanting his first-hand account, but he always refused to participate, told them to lose his number and never contact him or his family ever again.
That’s the kind of thing that really rattled Pop – Moe didn’t like that. He’s kind of an immovable object in that way, so seeing him rattled just seemed wrong.
They’d even needed to threaten legal action against one online tabloid who just wouldn’t leave them alone – not that Moe is supposed to know about that, but she’d eavesdropped on a phone call between her dads and Uncle Dustin, who seems to exist as a central point in it all even if Moe doesn’t know why (maybe it has something to do with how her dads always complaining about how he still works for that lab, whatever that means).
“Are you ever gonna tell us what really happened?” Moe asks one day, when it’s just her and Pop in the car on their way home from a basketball tournament in Connecticut.
He sighed, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Hon, can I ask you to stop and consider that maybe we have been?”
And for her dad’s sake, she does, she makes herself run through the mental log of all the lore or whatever she’s unlocked over the years.
Monsters, Russian spies, superpowers, demon-animals, curses, portals to alternate realities, government corruption, evil scientists.
Bullshit, she’d always thought, but…her dad had never bullshitted her before. Why would he choose to start with this?
Moe looked back at him, some kind of question on the tip of her tongue even though she had no idea what to ask, and this time, Pop spared a glance back.
“I’m not telling you everything,” he warned her as he looked back at the highway stretching out endlessly ahead of them, and Moe tried to keep any signs of disappointment off her face, “But I’ll tell you some.”
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Boyfriend!Hobie Brown Heacanons - Hobie Brown x GN!reader
I am not normal about Hobie Brown and I don't plan on stopping
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Before we begin!! I feel like Hobie would be really slow and hesitant on letting his partner know he's Spider-man (considering he wasn't willing to tell Miles).
So I imagine he'd try to juggle it with the band and all the political action he does. He just wants to keep you safe, but when it comes up he usually brushes off why he up and disappears sometimes. But if directly confronted, he's not gonna lie cause he feels like that's shitty. If asked why he's gone, he'd come out and say it, but try to soften the blow best he can.
(With that out of my system)
Okay first things first Hobie is the most SUPPORTIVE bf ever
No matter what he's always in your corner
Hobie believes in his partner a lot, and that means he'll always back you - even if he's the only person to have your back
And he knows you can handle your own, but if anyone has anything to say about it they can deal with him
(RIP to anyone who tries to talk down to you or insult you cause he finna roast they asses no filter)
He's an incredibly good listener. Like crazy good
Hobie's able to bring up things you don't even remember telling him, things said in passing that yoy may not think is important, but he still picks up on
Which is why he's really good to vent to. He may not have a lot of words of comfort, but is has a shoulder to cry on, and if you're angry, he's always there to validate that. Plus no matter what you're going through, he'll always encourage you to get through it, and keep your head up
Hobies also a low-key romantic (in his own way).
If you think Pavi is a great boyfriend then wait to you get with Hobie
If you're like most people, Hobie is most likely taller than you.
He's a lot touchier than you'd think, in his own way. Leaning on you, hanging off of you, arm over your shoulder, or crossing his legs over yours.
Hobie is a man of much slang and many nicknames (and part of the reason people playfully call Pav 'Big Steppa')
He'd call you nicknames more than your actual name - 'love',' 'darling', 'bird' the like, along with some few custom ones
Most of his date ideas involve breaking the law in some way and bashing the occassional facist together
Hobie is actually incredibly smart, both street wise and science wise, so I imagine he's pretty well read. I could see him really enjoying the some anarchist literature with his partner, and then discussing it with them
Protests are his favorite kind of date, followed by concerts, and picnics in abandoned buildings
(or, after he meets Miles, going out to graffiti)
he lets you wear his vest and even helps you make your own
He may not be as verbally affectionate or into PDA as Pavi is, but he still makes it clear that he trusts you and cares about what you have to say
He may not say 'I love you' in front of people, but he'll pull you onto his lap, or ask if you're okay, and give you slang-covered compliments all the time
Being Spider-man is actually a lot more stressful than Hobie lets on
And like most Spider-men, he looks to his other half as support, emotionally
being an international rockstar and anti-facist icon comes with big images, but when he and his partner are alone, he feels a lot more relaxed and a lot less pressured.
Hobie's been Spider-man for 3 years, meanwhile Pavi and Gwen are both in their first months of joining the spider-society. Because of that, he kinda feels responsible for them
He's been putting up with the Spider-Society's shit for years (hence why Miguel is so done with him)
There's definitely times he's come home to his dimension cursing and fuming
Any type of injustice or power inbalance really pisses him off, and sometimes if its really bad he can't stop thinking about it
Especially growing up in a totalitarian universe
He leans on his partner to remind him that there are still good people out there fighting for what's right
Hobie has already gone through most of his canon events, and he carries that with him, though he won't say it
From his reaction in atsv, he doesn't talk about it a lot, and tries is best to brush it off but sometimes, it just can't be ignored
his partner would probably be the only person he brings it up to and it just makes him more pissed with the spider-society
When he's relaxed though Hobie may be more quiet in private, strumming his guitar as his listens to you, or kicking back while the two of you shoot the shit
Pavi's energy hypes him up a lot though, so you two hit up Mumbattan a lot
Or he loves bringing his partner to band practice and mic checks. And he always calls them out in the crowd if he's on the mic
Last sweet stuff okay
If he's gone he'll give his partner one of his bracelets. He'll just be like 'oi, hold this.' then leave chill as hell
Gwen, Pavi, and Miles are all really supportive of you two, even if they have a thousand questions in the beginning (all of which he dodges or plays off)
He's not one to get jealous at all. But he will join a conversation and casually mention the rockstar-model thing. Just to assert dominance. A subtle flex
He keeps asking you to give him a stick & poke somewhere because he thinks it's a cute idea
He likes doing that thing where he sits behind you while he teaches you guitar
He loves having you sleep over, and you can crash in his dimension any time
Especially after he meets Gwen. His fave thing to do is to just play while he listens to the two of you talk for hours
Hobie is a really heavy sleeper but somehow gets up exactly when he needs to be or right before shit starts going down - otherwise he sleeps till 1pm everyday
If theres anything Hobie is, its loyal and supportive, and he wants nothing more than for you to be safe, and free, and happy
(even if most of his advice is throwing a brick at someone)
He is always pushing you to do better, to speak up for yourself or trust yourself because he knows how much you're capable of
And finally he knows your favorite song by heart to the point that if hes zoning out or missing you, he'll strum it on the guitar without even realizing
(okay bye lemme know what you thought thanks for reading loves also I am not okay i am obsessed with him )
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sirfrogsworth · 2 months
A Scam... Tutorial?
I was watching Photoshop tutorials and YouTube recommended this video to me.
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And I was already skeptical. Clarity is an extremely powerful and useful adjustment in Lightroom and Photoshop and I could not think of a reason why anyone would recommend *not* using it to the extent they were using ALL CAPS.
But I was curious if there was a new technique I was unaware of. It's impossible to know everything regarding Photoshop and I learn new stuff all the time.
So I gave the video a chance.
To quote my late father... what a crock of shit.
I have seen a few scam videos in my time, but I cannot think of ever seeing a digital art tutorial scam. I found myself angry and a strongly worded comment just flew out of my brain.
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I continued...
"First, no one should use clarity and texture at 100%. And I think showing the effects at 100%, as if that is a normal workflow, is highly misleading. You are creating a problem that does not exist and then offering a solution to it. And then you are using a provocative title to attract clicks. Not to mention you may be convincing beginners to abandon clarity and texture altogether when it is one of Camera Raw/Lightroom's most powerful tools. People should absolutely use clarity and texture. That is a crazy thing to tell people.
Second, high pass sharpening is… old school. It works but it can create a lot of nasty artifacts if overdone. (Personally I find it too crunchy and prefer smart sharpen on a smart object so it is non destructive). Clarity and texture are much more modern approaches to help bring out detail and I find they actually produce *fewer* artifacts than typical sharpening filters/techniques. And if you have trouble with clarity or texture adjustments in the bokeh areas, then use a local adjustment that doesn't affect those areas. You can even do a separate clarity and texture layer and use the opacity slider and the blend if and masking just like you did with the high pass. Why are you acting like you can only make a global clarity adjustment?
Essentially you are giving a worst case scenario of a clarity/texture adjustment just so you can make your technique seem like it is orders of magnitude better.
And what is even more infuriating is that you can do clarity/texture AND you can do high pass sharpening *together*. Why are you acting like it is one or the other?
I'm so confused by your motivations. Did you invent this clarity problem just so you could make a click bait-y title so you can then sell your little panel thing? And then you used an old school sharpening technique that many have abandoned so it seems like you have secret knowledge that was lost? And I could argue it isn't even a better solution. It's just a different way to achieve similar, if not worse results.
This is like if you put a pound of sugar in lemonade and then said, "Wow, this is way too sweet! You should try my superior lemonade that has a normal amount of high fructose corn syrup."
Lastly, if clarity and texture (set at a reasonable amount) aren't enough to produce sharp, detailed results, then it might be worth considering your actual photography techniques. Modern photography with modern sensors and lenses should be able to produce extremely sharp results without having to juice the hell out of sharpening filters in software. 20% clarity and texture (if that) plus a little bit of smart sharpen is usually more than enough to bring out detail in almost all of my photos and I have never been accused of having soft images.
So, if you are getting soft results, you might need to adjust how you are capturing your images. Are you using a very small aperture like f/22 on that macro image? That could be a diffraction issue. Perhaps it would be better to use a larger aperture at the lens's sweet spot and then do a focus stack.
I mean, I can't think of any other reason a person would need to do 100% clarity and texture unless they completely bungled the actual photography or were still using a kit lens.
I'm sorry but this video is a mess."
Let's look a little closer at what he did to his example.
He started with this.
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Then he applied clarity & texture to MAXIMUM. Which, again, is like adding a pound of sugar to lemonade.
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And by golly, it looks pretty bad!
Then he used his secret ancient high pass technique to get this.
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Which looks a hell of a lot like the unsharpened image to me. And the high pass sharpening is probably only visible when zoomed in to 100% on the full resolution image.
Which is one of the issues with this technique. It isn't even noticeable on social media—the place where the majority of photos are viewed these days.
And then after showing you this groundbreaking effect that does almost nothing, he tries to sell you his Photoshop panel.
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Yes, that' looks intuitive. Just hit the blue checkmark to do... something?
And what is this green eyeball with a crescent moon inside?
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Only $50!
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And if you want to know what the purple X button does, you need to pay another $15 for the tutorial on how to use it.
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Just to prove this is all a scam I'd like to show you an example of my own.
Here is a picture of Otis with no clarity, texture, or sharpening applied.
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And here is a reasonable amount of sugar. I set the clarity and texture to where I felt they looked best.
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Wow, that looks better. Not only that, you can actually see the difference at social media resolutions!
Now let's add a pound of sugar. MAXIMUM CLARITY GO!
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Yep, that looks a bit rough. Because no one does this ever.
And now let's see his high pass sharpening technique.
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Barely a difference on social media.
Okay, let's try zooming in 200%. Maybe that will give the high pass sharpening the victory.
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Reasonable clarity & texture...
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High pass...
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Just as I said, the high pass introduces crunchy sharpening artifacts.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I much prefer the subtle clarity and texture. Perhaps the details in the eyeballs aren't quite as crispy, but in the version that isn't zoomed in, I don't think you feel like the image is soft and the normal clarity and texture adjustment added contrast and actually noticeable detail to the image.
In the end, except for the pound of sugar, these are all subtle adjustments and other photographers might be the only ones who would ever notice. The original Otis picture was probably fine to most people. So disparaging the clarity slider was even more unnecessary.
Why does this matter?
Being a beginner at photography is frustrating. There are so many resources to choose from and it's very difficult to know who is competent and who you can trust. If someone just starting out was recommended this video they could be easily be convinced it is legit. And it could set them back in their progress because they think useful tools will actually make their photos worse. They will waste a lot of time doing a time consuming old school technique in Photoshop when they probably never needed to even leave Lightroom in the first place. They could move two sliders to get similar or better results and it would only take literal seconds.
Time is valuable to a lot of people. And he seems intent on wasting everyone's time. And what sucks is that I have no real way of exposing this dude on a scale that would do anything.
I also just really hate the idea that educational content is being used to scam people.
This is some PragerU shit right here.
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krembruleed · 6 months
alright, the other day i loosely implied that i would make a behind the scenes/tutorial type of thing. momma didn't raise no liar, so here goes nothing i guess!
step 1) rough sketch
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honestly i skip this entirely if have a really concrete idea of what i want to do. sometimes compositions are just beamed into my brain from On High and a sketch is unnecessary.
step 2) 3d ref
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this is where i refine the composition, lighting, camera angles, props, etc. i use DAZ studio for model posing and blender for almost everything else (props, horns, lighting, rendering).
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here's a 10 minute video on how to pose models in DAZ if you're interested in doing something like this! it's not very hard! basic posing requires almost no technical know-how.
i've heard magicposer and virt-a-mate are also good for model posing, but i don't have any experience with either program.
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after i'm done posing, i transfer the models to blender so i can work on props, environment, and lighting because doing it in DAZ is ass. you can see that i went overboard on the ref for the paladin i worked on last year by modelling armor.
step 3) lineart
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at this stage i'm synthesizing my 3d models, reference images, and style choices into lines.
the 3d likeness of my models is poor because I don't have time for that shit, so this is where my humongous folder full of bg3 screenshots comes into play.
for example: looking at my screenshots, astarion's forehead tilts back towards the back of his skull, much more so than my reference model. his chin and jaw are sharper and longer, and the transition between his brow ridge and nose is almost a straight line. if i combine the information from my 3d model and astarion's face, i get something like this:
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3d models aren't fleshy (ie, tummy rolls, wrinkles, muscle deformations, butt squish) unless one puts in A LOT of effort like absolute madman chris jones.
you guys know bernini, right? he has a couple great examples of this. see how hades' hands press in on persephone's leg?
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this is what we want to add in the lineart because it's too much effort for 3d. laziness is king.
i guess i draw clothes at this stage too, but for some reason there aren't many in this image. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
step 4) base color
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i have a little color picked palette that i use for everybody so i get their skintones right before i start messing with colored lighting. i'll use overlay and hard/soft light layers clipped to the base layer during the shading step later.
step 5) shading
if you thought we were done with the 3d part, guess again! i posterize my 3d reference so i can see the shapes of the shadows and highlights better. if i'm not feeling it, i can go back to 3d and change the lighting really easily.
could I make a cel shader for this? yes. am I going to? No. custom shaders are for people with intelligence and I am fresh out. posterization it is.
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from there, i do a pretty standard cel shading deal that i usually blur and set to low opacity. (for this image i stuck to no blur because i had been looking at a lot of morebird's art and was really feeling the hard edges)
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photoshop is what i use for final rendering because it has bangin tools. the brush customization alone make ps worth it, but i also particularly abuse puppet warp, noise generation, the camera raw filter, and layer styles.
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step 6) background
i put the least effort possible into a background and then i blur it into oblivion so you can't fathom the depths of my ineptitude.
and then i have a finished image! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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dreaming-tonite · 1 year
Lovesong (whenever I’m alone with you)
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— Even the toughest punk needed a place to call home at the end of the day.
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A/N: finished the Spider-Punk solo comic run and I just want to give him a hug...
Pairing: Hobie Brown x reader
Warning: description of open wounds, little hurt and a lot of comfort
Word count: 1.3k
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It was usually the crack of dawn when he showed up.
A thump from the living room stirred you awake. The sun was already filtering in through your blinds but the sound of rummaging still put you on alert immediately, instinctively reached for the wooden bat Hobie made you put near your bed when he wasn't around before carefully creeping out of your bed.
("Could never be too careful," he had said, shoving you the bat that he got from god knows where as he perched on your window, mask in hand and guitar on his back, "it's a fucking war zone out there.")
A lean shadow projected onto your walls, limping on its side when you peeked from your door.
You dropped the bat when you recognised who it was immediately.
Spider-Punk froze in place when you flipped your lights on, the illumination guiding your eyes to his palm that pressed against the side of his stomach in an instant. His guitar was on the floor somewhere near the window he was swung into your house with, a few specks of blood on the neck and strings loosened from what must have been a long night.
If he was being honest, he felt like shit. But from the corner of his eyes, the sight of you wearing his band t that was far too loose on you still made him want to try to look ok for your sake.
"Mornin' love," he tried to drop his arm but winced as a sharp pain pulsated through his core, eyes furrowing under his mask while crouching forward, "didn't mean to wake you up."
he gave in when you rushed to his side, his free arm swinging over your shoulder limply and trying his best to not put his weight on your smaller frame. Your brows locked together when you saw the red seeping through his suit, bleeding out from where he was trying to hold it in.
"It isn't a deep cut," he said softly, though he was sure it wouldn't make you worry any less, "think I just tore it a lil when I was swinging over, that's all."
"Should I get someone? Ask someone else in the Spider Band to get you back to the base—"
"No, that wouldn't be— that wouldn't be necessary," he paused briefly, "we ran out of gauze at the community centre, thought I'd have a bigger chance finding something to stop the bleeding at your place instead."
He lied, and it was a bad one as well, because you were the one who always made sure their first aid kits were well-stocked and prepared for any sudden raids or clashes they might find themselves into.
The least you could do to support your lover's relentless effort to take down a totalitarian government.
But you didn't say anything, only held onto him when his balance was starting to fail him.
You stumbled backwards before regaining your footing when he lumped forward, his tall frame hinging onto yours as he leaned his masked face onto your shoulder, a muffled groan vibrating against your skin.
"Hobie? Hobes?" you panicked, "Are you sure you're ok? Let me go get the bandages to patch you up—"
"No, just..." he buried his face deeper into the crook of your neck, still careful to make sure the spikes on his mask were out of the way and that he was not getting blood on the shirt you seemed so comfortable in, all while the tiredness slowly took over, "stay with me like this, just for a while."
So you did, taking in a deep breath and letting your eyes close so that the only thing you could feel was him, how he was alive and breathing against you.
Spider-Punk was a fighter, for the people and for the cause. He had lost enough already, and every day he was fighting to grasp at the last bits they were trying to pull from his hands.
The world was not okay, and the only way to pretend it was is to become the kind of people he loathed so much, which he would much rather die fighting than ever become one of those people.
You were sure he loved more deeply than anyone else, because how else could you stay angry at the unjust in the world when the abnormal had become the norm?
It takes a lot of love to try and make things right, and all you wished was that you could give him the same amount of love he had given the world.
So, he was sure you already knew why he still wanted to see you at this unholy hour in the morning, through the pain he was enduring, even just for the brief moment before the sunrises and the city wakes up fully.
Perhaps, deep down, even the toughest fighter wanted to feel like there was somewhere where things were alright, and seeing you safe in the t-shirt he left at your place made him feel like he was alright.
"It's ok, it's ok, I got you..." you fell onto the floor with him when his knees finally bucked, fumbling to lay him down as gently as you could with all his weight on your arms.
This time he didn't protest, perhaps too tired to do it any longer, and he didn't say a word when your fingers stopped at the seam of his mask.
The sound of the first few cars to drive by in the morning was all that filled the living room as he stared right at you, tilting his head slightly to his side as a silent sign to go ahead.
You had always known, but you still liked to ask anyways.
"Hey," Hobie said when you pulled his mask off, a soft smile toying at the corner of his lips as he finally faced you properly.
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Hey," you replied, voice almost like a whisper as you kneeled at his side.
His body stiffened as you carefully peeled his hand away from the bleeding wound and you winced when you saw the skin that was cut open.
"Not a deep cut, you say?" You crooked your brows, pulling out the first aid kit you had stashed away under the nearest table.
"Hm," he hummed, trying his hardest not to jerk forward in pain when you gently peeled off the fabric that stuck to his skin from the dried-up blood, "not a deep one compared to the wound on the other guy."
He watched the way you rolled your eyes at him before averting your attention back to the task a hand. He liked to watch when you were focused, the way you sat cross-legged on the floor and eyebrows scrunched up while taking care of him.
Your shadow was long against the wall as the morning light filled the room, a rare moment of serenity before the day starts when the sound of the outside world felt calming for once.
It felt right, and it felt safe, and his eyes were starting to feel heavy as the morning warmth lured him to sleep.
And you must have seen the way his lids twitched as he tried to stay awake. "It's ok, just let go," you nodded, your thumb tracing down from his temple to his jaw until you were cradling his face, "you're home, you can rest."
Home, the word rolled off your tongue so naturally that he simply could not resist it.
"Sweet dreams," you whispered against his lips and through the drowsiness, he still grinned when he felt the soft peck as he drifted into slumber.
And when he woke up to the sight of you curled up at his side, Hobie knew he finally found his place in the world where things were alright.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
I see a lot of fics/headcanons of people thinking Steve is stupid and Eddie defending him - if you’re still doing prompt things, could you do a roll reversal of Steve defending/being protective of Eddie? (He was on his third go of senior year so I can really see him being insecure about his intelligence but trying to hide it)
You’re so right and I’m about to make Steve go feral 😈
Steve had never been so proud of someone in his life, including the kids.
Eddie walking across that stage had seemed like an impossible task just a month ago, but he did it.
They allowed him to do his class work and homework at home because of “safety reasons,” which just meant they didn’t want to deal with him being in class.
Nancy stepped in as teacher, making sure he had everything he needed to pass.
He struggled a little with math, but who didn’t?
Nancy realized quickly he was incredibly smart; The main reason he’d failed twice before was because he was forgetful and easily distracted.
So she sat with him for hours everyday, working on her own homework while she helped him with all of his work.
And now here he was: graduating.
When he walked across the stage, Steve and everyone around him (especially Wayne) cheered as loudly as they could, clapping and screaming their excitement as Eddie limped across the stage.
His left side was still in rough shape, and usually he had a cane, but he insisted that he didn’t need it for this.
Steve knew he just didn’t want to show any weakness.
But as the ceremony ended, people filtered outside to get pictures, and Steve overheard a group of parents saying some terrible shit about Eddie.
“I think it was pity. They didn’t want him here another year so they just passed him.”
“The teachers are probably scared of him. Worried if they fail him, they’ll be next on his list.”
“It’s not like he’s smart. Never made honor roll even when he was young. Not surprising though, no Munson ever does.”
Steve turned to them, face bright red as the anger rushed through him.
“He earned this. Just like anyone else. Worked his ass off even harder to walk, actually. He’s been working through pain, and appointments with doctors, and people like you thinking the worst. And he still did it. He’s smarter than any of you, but you’re all too busy with your nose stuck in each other’s asses to notice.”
Wayne’s hand was on his shoulder, turning him back to the group so he wouldn’t cause more of a scene, but he couldn’t stop.
“And if any of you bothered to raise your kids better, he probably would have graduated the first time instead of having to deal with them bullying him and his friends. He’s too good for this place and you’ll all see what he’s capable of. Definitely more than any of you.”
The parents just walked away, probably assumed it wasn’t worth arguing.
Steve was breathing heavy, his head suddenly throbbing.
“Eddie wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger, Steve.”
“I know. But they’re wrong.”
“We all know they’re wrong, but they don’t care that they’re wrong. Let’s just go see him, alright?”
Steve nodded and let Wayne lead him outside.
The kids had beat them, all of them crowded around Eddie and hugging him.
When he saw Steve and Wayne coming, Eddie beamed at them.
Wayne got his hug first, both of them trying to hide tears in each others’ shoulders.
But when it was Steve’s turn, Eddie silently offered him an out from the hug.
Steve didn’t take it.
He never would.
He pulled Eddie into a hug, whispering how proud he was and how much he loved him in his ear before pulling away.
He didn’t have to know what people were saying, and he didn’t have to know what Steve said to defend him.
He just had to be loved by everyone the way he was meant to be.
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chilewithcarnage · 9 months
I, a very white and somewhat privileged person, am absolutely terrified to draw colored people. Because I don’t know if I’d cross the thin line of tasteful and authentic or racist and stereotypical…
Lol for starters don't refer to us as coloured people. This ain't 1955. Secondly my best advice to you is to use references of actual people of color. I would highly recommend staying away from those white men art station youtuber type artists for tutorials because they get a majority of their techniques and style from main stream video games and comic books, which to put it nicely don't have the best reputation for representing women and poc. tangent over, so yeah references. real life photographs of brown and black people.
pinterest is a site that a lot of current, especially younger artists like to use, but in all honesty it's not a very good source for someone trying to learn the fundamentals. it'll mainly show you 20 something year old ig and twitter models which is okay if you wanna just draw pretty people; but not the best if you wanna like I said learn fundamentals + have a portfolio that's varied. also it's rife with ai shit and stolen art, so yeah would only recommend that as an initial starting point/using it to make your own personal board for your saved images.
stock photo sites are my go to for refs. getty images, istock, alamy, etc. a simple right click save image or screenshot will work to get the images you want for free. of course there will be the watermarks, but they're honestly a very small issue to bypass. as long as they're not opaque and nearly covering the entire subject; you're good. a nice thing about stock photo sites is they usually give you the option to filter the image search results. say for instance you want to draw an elderly asian woman cooking or a young black man painting a picture or an indigenous child playing with dolls. you can look up certain terms you want in the search bar & specify gender, age and ethnicity to narrow down your search to what you want.
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another awesome place for references i discovered during college is posespace.com
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like with getty images, it gives you the option to filter your searches. they also have their models in clothed or nude shoots in the event that you want to practice some bare bones anatomy.
also also, get your info from artists of color. there's a decent amount of tutorials ive found over the years on here and youtube on coloring skintones, drawing certain hair types, how to avoid caricatures and stereotyping, different facial features, cultural hairstyles. the list goes on. don't be afraid to depict people outside of your race. literally just go about drawing us the same way you would a white person. don't be scared, as long as you remain respectful and make an honest effort to learn; you'll do fine.
resource links by and from artists of color:
'how i draw south + southeast asian people'
an example of what to avoid when stylizing east asian characters
'drawing asian people, source: i'm asian'
'lessons from drawing I: what is asian anyways?'
'how to draw indians'
'how to draw arabs'
'How I draw skin Part 2: DON”T DRAW NATIVE PEOPLE WITH RED SKIN!!!! A tutorial' (the link to the first part of this tutorial is broken sorry)
How to Draw Native People: a Tutorial/Reference Guide
How to Draw Black People by peachdeluxe
tips for drawing black people by rosheruu
drawing east asian faces by chuwenjie
how to draw black people series by Artistik Freedom (youtube)
✏️How I draw black hairstyles (simple) 🌱 by Likelihood Art (youtube)
there's also a bunch of black and brown artists on twitter and tiktok, so checking those sites for tutorials would be a good additional resource
good luck on your illustrating melanin endeavors 👍🏾
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not-goldy · 6 days
I think a lot of ship fights might be put to rest if Jungkook starts being more vocal about his relationship with the members.
Right now it's usually Tae and Jimin talking. Jimin actually reduced a lot now and Tae has just increased.
Jungkook can always speak more. Just more about regular things. Like I was out with Jimin, or I called Jimin or I ate with Jimin, you know basic things so Jimin doesn't get called a liar everytime coz JK never says anything to confirm.
Who's calling Jimin a liar???
Give me a lock of their hair☠
Also I don't think he's saying much these days either which to me is a very good thing. Silence is Golden.
On the part of Jungkook I see what you mean but I might have to respectfully disagree with you on this.
He tells and shows just as much. I mean had it not been for Jungkook we wouldn't know most of thr Jikook tea we know today. Their fights, Jimin staying up all night to browse the internet, them sharing a bed, Jungkook elbowing Jimin, their travel show, jikook stonewalling eachother etc
Jimin likes to talk about them but I feel he's very selective in the things he shares. While Kook doesn't have much of a filter so he'll share anything as and when the good and the bad and anything that leaves a lasting impact on him.
Eating Ramen on live- oh that reminds me of the Ramen Jimin and I ate yesterday. We were exercising at the gym last night. Proceeds to akiki over something random Jimin said and did when no one asked. Things like that.
Also, they are both triggered to share by different things. They both may share sometimes just to rub it in our faces. But for Jungkook it's usually when some members make it seem like they are more close to JM than him. He may not care what you or I think of their dynamic because we don't bother him much and he doesn't see us as a threat. Just a bunch of nuisance. However if there was someone present with them in a moment he felt threatened their dynamic he would get triggered sometimes.
Jimin cares about how you and I perceive their relationship. He is rarely bothered by the people around them- except for that one time with V where he felt he needed to assert himself. Even that I feel it was more because we were present on the live.
He cares about these things. So sometimes, sometimes, he likes to talk good about their relationship to us. And he likes to show off his man too. He gets giddy excited when Kook does things for him and he likes to share that too. He's more inclined to let us know he got the price you know, mah man treats me so well kinda shit. My man rich kinda shit. My man man man kinda shit.
Jungkook does this too. He just doesn't do it with words. He does it by bringing Jimin up every five seconds, forces us to watch ours and hours of Jimin content, and laughs all to himself while doing it🥴
They both whipped as fuck
And the fact he would follow Jimin around with a camera make him the focus of his attention zoom in on his face and lips-
He may not have to prove anything and he may not be questioned as much as Jimin is questioned because most times he comes with receipts.
I think what I all comes down to is people questions Jimin's assertions more than they do Jungkook's. Jimin gets called a liar when he shares more than Jungkook does.
I think it's the same for Taehyung. People question the intentions behind him showing off their dynamics more so than they would Jin Jungkook or any other member.
When Jungkook posts Jimin he is ship feeding. No one is assuming he is doing so to piss off certain groups of fans or to incite his shippers. When Tae does it, he is trying to incite his toxic shippers and to piss off jokers.
I think they may have contributed to these assumptions because time and again vmin are the members who frequently say they are taking pictures with Jungkook for "fans". So it stands to reason that people would assume they are fanning shipping flames when they post pictures with Jungkook or speak of their interactions with him
I won't lie to you, I have lost my train of thought 🥲
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inkysquelched · 7 months
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I drew my bozos and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now get ready for a long post as I talk about my headcannons for them. Feel free to ask me anything about them, I love rambling:
Agent 3: Has a major RBF, but she’s nice I promise you. She’s been enjoying her role as captain but was overwhelmed at first.
Weapon preferences: shooters, chargers
Fave Special: Splashdown
Agent 4: Just vibing honestly, she’s gotten pretty good at hacking/research over the years.
Weapon preferences: daulies, brushes
Fave Special: Boyah Bomb
Agent 8: Curses in octarian at least 5 times a day. Remarkably relaxed despite all the bs shes been through.
Weapon preferences: shooters
Fave Special: Triple Inkstrike
Neo 3: A chaotic child, will occasionally eat stuff off the floor.
Weapon preferences: tri-stringer, blasters if shes feeling spicy
Fave Special: Super Chump
Some Honorable Mentions:
3 has a major sweet tooth and she won’t apologize for it. (shes awful with spicy food tho gchfxgfz)
Neo really likes bread.
8 will eat the most criminally offensive spicy food without a reaction.
3 likes to sleep in her squidform, it’s kinda weird to others. It’s honestly more worrying if she doesn’t shift forms. (hc that people usually only do that when theyre really sick…..and then theres 3)
4 listens to her music too loud.
3 and 4 bicker all the time, but it rarely gets to a point where they’re actually upset. They especially fight about how to lead on missions (this is moot bc 3 is the captain lol) because 3 prefers the “slow and steady” approach and 4 prefers to play “fast and loose”, if that makes sense. (8s just here for the ride)
The squid sisters like to say that 3 and 4 are twins and they both hate it.
3 is a runaway, Neo is an orphan. Different circumstances, same outcome. They relate to each other a lot and I think thats awesome (and sad).
Neo (and 8) will occasionally say some out of pocket shit without realizing just how messed up it really is: “what? you’ve never had to eat out of the trash before?”
3 is very emotionally numb and has a hard time expressing any care towards others, so she ends up showing it through favors/giving advice/“are you ok?”s. She’ll tell you to put on a jacket when it’s 70 degrees out lol. (this is also why she’s a mess around 8, those are feelings she has no idea how to deal with)
3 is terrified of being sick (like bedridden sick, haha sanitization go brr) and will inwardly panic the whole time.
3 has the worst alcohol tolerance behind Marie and 4. (Callie will drink 12 shots of vodka without flinching)
Octolings have a very different view on relationships than inklings do; inklings will date/marry out of love while octolings will treat it more as a transaction (not saying they can’t, love just isn’t a priority). 8 as had and infatuation for 3 for years but doesn’t act on it because she wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she did. She knows inklings hold more weight to relationships and didn’t want to risk hurting 3 if she was wrong. (the events of side order really helped her figure it out)
After the events of Splatoon 2, 4 took a back seat on being an agent. Less frontlines and more research focused. (like Marie lol) She hated this at first, but grew to like it.
3s alter ego is DJ Sango, she uses her rapping/singing to vent. 4 and 8 play dumb and pretend they don’t know about her account. (They both listen to her music tho 😶)
8 is extremely calm, you’d have to be trying to piss her off.
Inklings are like mood rings, there tentacles will change color depending on their mood (think like streaks or spots of other colors) The more intense the emotion, the deeper the color.
8 and 3 both have to clean/replace their weapon filters more often than most but for different reasons: for eight its bc shes an octoling (their ink is more abrasive) while 3 has thicker ink than normal as the last remnant of being partially sanitized.
3 isn’t actually as stinky as the squid sisters will have you believe. She one time came back from a mission smelling particularly RANKED that day, and they’ve never let her live it down.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any rn
k bye <3
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enjoythesilentworld · 2 months
Simon's Month - Home (Improvement)
day 30 @youngroyals-events one more to go i could cry
Simon owns a home renovation business with his sister. Wille has recently purchased a fixer-upper.
read below or on ao3 (T, 1.3k)
“You have to be nice,” Sara says as they drive down the unassuming backroad, lined with thick vegetation.
Simon scoffs, staring out the window and peeking between the gaps in the trees to get a glimpse of the types of homes around here. That one needs a new roof, but that one's got some good landscaping.  
“I am nice.”
“You’re nice in a special Simon way. Once someone has had time to get to know you.” Sara puts on the blinker, turning up a gravel street. “There’s a reason I usually bring Ayub with me— Get out and open the gate for me, please.”
Rolling his eyes, Simon climbs out of the car and swings open the simple metal gate, which could really use some oil on the hinges. The fence has a few nearly broken posts, too. If this is what the entrance looks like, he can only imagine the actual house. It must be further up the hill, but it’s way too overgrown for Simon to be able to see anything yet.
Usually, Ayub went with Sara on these consultations, because, allegedly, he's the better at talking to the clients. Apparently it didn’t matter that, technically, Simon was in charge of the construction half of his and Sara’s business. Not that it really bothered Simon. At the end of the day, he trusted Ayub to do the initial walkthrough and markup, allowing Simon to focus on getting everything ready to start the actual construction. Today, though, Ayub is busy, so Simon’s been tagged in.
“I’m just honest,” he says, once back in the car. “You are, too, Sara. That’s why people like you as a designer. Because you'll tell them if their shit is ugly.”
She pulls further up the drive and the house comes into view. That is, if it can even be called a house. Simon barely hears Sara’s response, his mind already flitting through the long, long to-do list that will be required to get this pile of wood back to living standards.
“Yes, but I do it in a nice way. This is Felice’s very good friend, okay? She said he’s great. Don’t make him go back to Felice with a bad review.”
“Yeah, yeah, I won’t,” Simon waves her off, stepping out of the car to get a better look at the building. “This place looks like a piece of shit.”
“Hey, that’s my piece of shit you’re talking about.”
Simon turns at the sound of the new voice. In the front doorway of said piece of shit, there’s a tall, handsome man with auburn hair and a crooked smile. It’s quite the paradoxical image, this pretty, clean-cut man walking down the porch steps of such a dirty, overgrown house.
Sara steps up to greet him, apologizing for her brother's snark, while Simon hangs back, still assessing the integrity of the columns holding up the overhang roof. Most of the shingles are in place, at least, and he doesn’t see any sagging that would indicate leakage. Not yet, at least.
“Good to see you again, Wille,” Sara smiles, using that sweet customer-service voice of hers.
“You, too, Sara. Thank you for agreeing to take on this project. I know it’s a bit of a mess.”
“Well,” Simon cuts in without introduction, “she’ll only be able to do her part once we make sure this place won’t blow away in the first storm.”
Wille turns to him and smiles brightly, somehow rivaling even the midmorning sun that shines above them. “You must be Simon.” He extends a hand. “I’m Wille. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Simon takes his hand and shakes it once. They’re bigger than Simon’s, but less calloused. He probably works for some stupid finance company and sits in a fancy ergonomic chair all day, drinking filtered water and fucking off to business lunches with Sweden’s elite.
“Yep. I’ve heard almost nothing about you. Shall we take a look inside?”
If Wille’s surprised by Simon’s attitude, he doesn’t show it. He just nods, still smiling like the sun.  
Sara hisses at him as Wille leads them inside, telling him to cool it. Simon nods distractedly, but he really can’t be bothered to be nice because he’s already annoyed with this rich kid who’s probably bought this house to fix up and turn into a 20,000kr per night rental.
It’s not as bad inside, thankfully. The remaining yellowed wallpaper is peeling, and there's random trash scattered around, but there are no cracks in the walls or water stains on the ceiling. Wille leads them through, pointing out which rooms are which. The whole tour doesn’t last more than ten minutes as it’s only a two-bed, two-bath. The windows are half-boarded, and there are a few unnecessary walls, and Simon is already itching to get started. 
“I want to keep as much of the original structure as possible,” Wille explains when they stop again in the kitchen. He runs a hand over the dusty countertop, looking lovingly around the small, cramped space. “I might want to add an extension in the future, but it’s just me here, so this is definitely plenty of space for now.”
“You’re going to live here?” Simon asks, surprised.
Wille tilts his head at him. “Yes?”
Simon hums, crossing his arms and leaning back on the archway that leads into the living room. “Damn. I would’ve thought you’re more of a city high-rise type. You seem too posh for country living. You know, I don't think take-out drivers come out here. And the nearest Michelin restaurant isn’t for, like, 100 kilometers.”
“Simon!” Sara glares at him.
“It’s okay,” Wille chuckles. “No, I’m not the high rise type. I prefer the quiet of the countryside, and I also prefer to cook my own food. Michelin restaurants are way too overhyped, anyway.”
He’s smirking through his smile and has met Simon’s challenge, and so Simon decides he can let up a bit.
He and Wille spend the next two hours walking through the space again, more slowly this time, while Sara steps outside to make a few calls. She can’t do anything yet, anyway. Not with the house in this state. This part is Simon’s job, his specialty.
“Knocking down this wall will open up the space a lot, especially if you still want to be able to host while in the kitchen. It’ll give you a good view out of the front of the house, too,” Simon rambles, marching through the space and gesturing as he goes. Wille is hot on his heels, nodding along. “I’d put a countertop bar here, though, for some extra seating and to break up the space a bit. We’ll have to rip out all of these cabinets, though. I’ll need to get my plumber out here, too, to check the piping. These old builds are a little iffy sometimes on how well things have held up.”
Simon continues to talk, and endless stream of consciousness and notes about electrical wiring and comments about the state of the hardwood floor. Wille follows him all the way, making notes in a little notebook and asking the occasional question.
They finish just as Sara’s car pulls back up the driveway. Simon hadn’t even realized she’d left.
“I brought lunch,” she tells them, holding up a brown bag. “You two were pretty distracted, so I figured I shouldn’t bother.”
Wille thanks her graciously, and they all sit on the porch together to eat. Simon starts to make notes in his phone, setting reminders to call certain inspectors and logging how many people he’ll need for demo-day.
After lunch, they take a loop around the outside of the house, inspecting the gutters and stonework. Now that the initial tension has faded, he and Wille get distracted a few times by other topics. Simon learns that Wille is actually not an insufferable spoiled brat. In fact, he’s quite nice and quite funny. He keeps up with Simon’s jokes, and when Simon pushes him, he pushes right back.
Simon tells Wille he’ll have to check with his team, but he’s pretty sure most everyone is in between jobs and will be able to start in the next few days. Wille agrees to meet them at the house for the first day of demolition, and Simon and Sara leave for the day.
“You like him,” Sara says once Simon’s back in the car after closing the front gate behind them.
He shrugs, refusing to give her the satisfaction, and casually admits, “He doesn’t totally suck.”
Perhaps, Simon thinks, this renovation job won’t be too bad.
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green-typewriterz · 1 year
Can you write some angsty stuff followed by fluff. Something with Harry styles.
Basically reader being heavier and insecure had no male attention all her life. She is a big time introvert and opens up after a lot of struggle. But her life changes when Harry makes an entry.
Until I Found You - Harry Styles
Harry Styles x fem!reader Summary: You’ve never been overly confident, but then someone comes along and makes you feel things you’ve never felt Warnings: angst to fluff, body insecurity, Harry being perfect as per usual Word count: 1K words
I hope this is what you were looking for lovely! Thank you so much for requesting!
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You were no stranger to the judging stares that came with the industry you were in, fashion was a tough career as it is without everyone thinking you couldn’t be fashionable just because you weren’t thin. It’s not like you could escape it either, the main part of your job being styling overly self-obsessed celebrities who think they’re perfect and everyone else is ugly. You always tried to stay confident, posting outfit of the days and filtering out hate comments for your own mental health, but somehow some always got through and you would be lying if you said it never affected you.
You assumed this would be the same, some singer you didn’t really care enough about judging you and shitting on your outfit choices even though most of the time you put them in their own wardrobe and they were too stupid to realise they picked the clothes themselves. You walked into the dressing room to see this one particular celebrity talking with your PA who was helping him pick from the sequins you would later have to meticulously embroider.
“You must be Harry,” you spoke, walking over with your hand outstretched for him to shake, “I’m Y/N, I'm your designer!” He took your hand immediately, shaking it without breaking eye contact. He was wearing a simple short-sleeved t-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. His hair was pushed back away from his face with a pair of brown Gucci sunglasses and he wore two necklaces, one made of pearl and the other a cross.
He smiled warmly before replying, “I know who you are. The famous Y/N Y/L/N? C’mon, you’re renowned. Thank you for taking the time to come and help me.” His voice was soft and genuine (which you will admit created butterflies in your stomach) then you quickly got to work on creating the outfit that he would wear to the Grammys. He pointed at crystals every now and then, commenting on how they’d match his shoes or his nails - which he planned to paint pink. At this current moment, they were a deep shade of blue, almost the same colour as his navy Adidas gazelles. 
You had just assumed that Harry was just being nice but - though he was being polite - he found himself unable to take his eyes off of you. He had heard about you through the endless attack of hate that you got just for looking how you look. Harry never understood it, he thought you were beautiful, often seeing photos of you and thinking of Italian Renaissance statues.
The day ended quickly and for that, you couldn’t be happier. You got in your car and cried, tears hot against your cheeks as you thought back to how you felt that day. Harry didn’t stop staring at you, at your body. You knew that most people didn’t like how you looked, but the fact that he looked at you for so long. It made you want to shrink into the floor. You were still in your car, having just stopped crying when you reached the impulsive part of your breakdowns so you got out your phone and sent a tweet.
So fucking sick of all this body hatred in my line of work. My body is beautiful purely because it is mine and it exists, get over it.
You immediately closed your phone, knowing you wouldn’t feel regret until the inevitable negative comments came a few hours later. You drove home and collapsed onto your sofa, feeling overly proud of yourself for what you had tweeted. Well, that was until you got a text message from Harry asking if the tweet was about him. You weren’t sure how to respond, not wanting to face the problem head-on this early. But, deciding it could only get worse, you replied.
There was no reply for a while, then:
We need to talk this through in person. Meet me in St James’ Park. Please. - H
You froze. No one had ever done this before. You knew that it was getting late, but something was drawing you there so you grabbed your coat and a pair of gloves before rushing out the door, the park only being a five-minute walk from you.
You debated walking up to him, standing there hoping he would keep his eyes on the sunset so you could just turn around and go. Of course that didn’t happen. “Y/N. I wanted to apologise for today. I sincerely promise I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.” 
You crossed your arms, staring into his bright eyes. “Cut the shit. I have gotten the same treatment from every other celebrity I’ve worked with Harry. Each one thinks they're better than me because they have every person's dream body.” You spoke, your words creating a mist in the cold.
He shook his head and stepped closer. “I promise you. That’s not what I was thinking.”
You scoffed, looking away from him as you unfolded your arms. You didn’t believe him even though deep down you wanted to. He took your hands suddenly and you met his gaze again, his eyes filled with an emotion you’d never seen before. 
“Is it so hard to believe that I find you intoxicatingly beautiful?” He asked, brows furrowed in confusion. He stepped closer again. “Everything about you, call me corny but I feel like i haven’t seen beauty like yours since I saw the statues in Rome.”
You blushed as he slowly moved his hands from your hands to your waist, his soft grip settling there as if it were the place it was destined to be. You stared at his lips, seeing them curve into a soft smile full of adoration. He leaned in slowly, making sure you wanted the same as him. You met his lips in the cold, the taste of his mint gum lingering on his lips.
“I’ve always been crazy about you, Y/N.” He whispered as you pulled away. You rested your foreheads against one another, hands still on each other's waists. This was something you never wanted to end.
The sun had set a long while ago, but the two of you were still in the park, quietly talking as you held hands, looking at the stars from an old rickety bench. Harry liked you for both your body and your heart and that was something you thought you’d never get.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's request is 'You've got one minute' for @ralndown ^_^
Every time Cal thinks he’s settling into a routine on Bracca, something awful happens. Maybe the Ibis Maw gets hungry for flesh and grabs a tentacleful of unsuspecting scrappers. Maybe a ship that’s been in the same place for two years suddenly decides to collapse under its own weight. Maybe someone breaks something aboard an old terraforming lab and suddenly there’s a bunch of people turned into trees.
Today, Cal’s crew makes it halfway through their shift before the worst, most terrifying siren goes off. Bracca doesn’t have a lot of warnings for incoming disaster, but this one? This is the one they’re all trained to react to in one way, and one way only.
Get out. Get out now or die.
Maybe that’s why the Force left Cal feeling nauseous all day. It’s so useful like that.
Dropping the wires he’d started stripping, Cal follows the others. Prauf’s leading them and he’s already on the comms, listening intently to whatever’s being said. When he stops still and holds up a hand to make everyone else do the same, Cal shivers under the weight of the collective fear around him.
It only gets worse when Prauf starts issuing orders in a sharp tone of voice Cal’s never heard before.
“It’s a chemical leak. A bad one. We’re too deep in the ship to get out in time. Get into your emergency teams, find a room, and seal yourselves in. If we’re lucky, we’ll see each other on the other side of this thing.”
People break off into their groups. There’s no time for goodbyes or good lucks. Cal sticks close to Prauf and Tabbers. He takes a breath and immediately coughs it out, a sharp bite scraping the back of his throat. Prauf grabs him, throws him into a room, and Tabbers seals the door.
It’s not enough. The room, a tiny refresher, has an air conditioning vent high on the ceiling. Even Prauf can’t reach it to close it off. Gas seeps in. Cal hears people coughing and choking from all around, senses their fear and pain.
“We gotta seal it, now!” Tabbers shouts. His eyes stream, coughing hard. “We’ve got one minute before we’re all spitting out chunks of our lungs.” He pulls a wall panel down. “Weld this over that vent!”
“Lift me up,” Cal says. He puts his filter mask on, hoping it will help. “I can do it.”
Putting his own mask on, Prauf grabs Cal, lifting him. Cal plants his feet on Prauf’s shoulders. His eyes burn, so full of tears he can hardly keep them open. Tabbers hands him a sheet of metal and Cal presses it to the vent, welding torch in hand as he covers it up. He can’t keep his eyes open, so he trusts Prauf to guide him, molten metal sealing the panel in place.
“Good job,” Prauf says, lowing Cal down. “Sit, both of you. That gas is light, so we should be safer down here.”
Cal’s feet touch the ground. He drops to the deck moments later, eyes squeezed shut, lungs still rebelling. His mask isn’t doing much to help, but it’s better than nothing.
“Is this shit what I think it is?” Tabbers’ voice is muffled by his mask.
“Yeah,” Prauf replies. Cal hears him sit beside him. “Someone messed up big time.”
“I’d threaten to beat the idiots myself, but I cannae imagine they’re alive now,” Tabbers says.
“What is it?” Cal asks when he can talk again.
“A chemical weapon designed to rot battle droids,” Prauf says.
“Aye, not that it worked,” Tabbers adds. “It’s far better at killing us organics.”
Cal never heard about anything like that. Not that he tells the others. The idea that the Republic would create something like that leaves him nauseous.
“Looks like no one thought to remove the canisters before we started pulling this thing apart,” Prauf says. “Foreman said someone cut off the wrong thing and boom – we’re all breathing in poison.”
Cal doesn’t join the conversation. He pulls his knees to his chest, keeps his eyes firmly closed, and tries not to suffocate in the feelings of so many people dying around him. He pushes the Force away, begs it to leave him alone like it usually does.
Prauf’s big, warm hand lands on his back. Cal startles, eyes flying open. His vision is fractured by the tears still running, but the burn is easier to manage now.
“You okay?” Prauf asks.
“Yeah,” he says, knowing he doesn’t have to worry about how rough his voice sounds. And then, because he needs a distraction, he keeps talking. “Can’t believe we’re stuck in a ‘fresher.”
Tabbers chuckles. “Get comfy, brat. We might be here a while.”
It’s two days before the foreman gives them the all-clear. The survivors are given a half-shift break to clean up, get something to eat and drink, and then sent back to work to make up for the two days of sitting around doing nothing. Cal notes that their crew is down several people when they meet up to be assigned duties, but no one says anything.
Back to the Bracca routine.
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