#a shadows tale
A Shadow’s Tale — Chapter Three
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Azriel x Pirate!FReader
Summary: Y/N tries to make amends with the inner circle, but some things don't go exactly as plan as some secrets see the light of day
Word Count: +2,400 
a/n: It's insane to me the support I've been getting here, thank you!!
Warnings: none
As you walked into the kitchen the next morning you smiled finding breakfast appearing on the table, clearly for you as no one else seemed to be up yet. As Nesta had explained to you briefly, as she showed you your rooms, the story behind the house you were not as surprised, but still thankful.
You sat down and started eating the eggs, bacon and veggies. You let out an appreciative moan as you ate. 
“You’re a great fucking cook, House.” You laughed to yourself and continued eating and drinking some of the orange juice the house had given you. 
You had found some Night Court attires inside the closet and you decided on a silky tunic and loose pants. The heat from outside could be felt on the inside because of the open windows. You still put your old and worked out boots and your jacket on, as if to give yourself some feeling of normalcy. You were glad to be alone for once since your arrival. Maybe you would try the ten thousand steps and go to your crew. You couldn’t help worry for them. 
You were taken out of your thoughts as a bowl of porridge and a glass of milk appeared seconds before the general entered the kitchen stomping his feet. You exchange glances and he sat down across from you starting on his food. 
You weighted your options while playing with the remains of your breakfast. You would never be able to leave this place if they didn’t trust you, so you looked at him mumbling a ‘good morning’. He took a look at you and said nothing as he continued eating. 
“I’m… sorry, okay?” You blurted and he looked you over, waiting. “I was very on edge yesterday and… I shouldn’t have called you bats…” You saw the corners of his mouth quirking up.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve been called worse.” He smiled finally breaking and you smiled a little. 
“What about a restart?” You held out your hand, “Hi, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you…” 
He looked at your hand, accessing, then took it with a strong grip, and lifted his chin giving you a smile. 
“Cassian,” You nodded giving him a smile back and breaking contact.  
“So… Cassian,” You tested his name on your lips, “Why are you up at the crack of dawn?” 
“Because that’s when his torture, also called training, starts,” Nesta appeared at the kitchen smiling at you, “You should join us.” She offered with a smiling and sitting next to the general. 
“My days of torture and training are behind me I guess…” You chuckled, “But I was wondering if I could go down to the city…” You said tentatively and they exchanged a look. 
“How about this, come to training and then I’ll accompany you to the city, I need to check some stores out anyway.” Nesta smiled brightly and you bit your lip thinking on it. 
“Sure,” you end up agreeing and they both nodded as they finished their breakfast.
Training, you weren’t aware, was more than your bargained for. You had to ditch your jacket and boots and were thankful for the loose clothes. Sweat was beading in your brow already and you had just started with some "basics".
As soon as you reached the ring you met some priestesses very briefly for they didn’t really speak much. Cassian had given them some instructions and they were on it while you joined Nesta and her friends, Gwyn and Emerie, who were very curious about your long ebony hair and the roundness of your ears. You had stopped for a water break when Gwyn made point.
“You look positively human, yet, there’s something about you… Almost…” 
“Magical?” Azriel interrupted making us all stare at him as he strode in. He was late, you realized, clearly he was supposed to be the one training the priestesses, as you had heard Cassian mumbling complaints earlier.
“Yeah…” She replied in almost a whisper taking in he Illyrian who towered over her. 
It occurred to you that he was a spymaster for a reason, however... He couldn’t know… Could he? 
“That’s silly though… Pirates don’t have any magic.” Gwyn said looking directly at him with a confident smile. No one looked at him like that, defiant. 
He didn’t answer, looking from Gwyn big blue eyes to you with a tilt of his head almost as if asking, "Is it?" but you didn't return his look, instead focusing on the sand under your feet.
“Y/N is training with us Az, because you’re late, again, the priestesses were given instructions already,” Cassian chimed in and you looked between the two males. 
“I’ll check on them then,” Azriel spoke to Cassian and Cassian gave him a dark smile. Trouble. 
“Actually, I was thinking we do some work in pairs,” He looked at Gwyn and Emerie, “Eight pointed star,” He looked at Nesta, “Sparring one on one with me,” He finally turned to you, “Sparring with Az, and I expect a full report on how well trained she is.” He spoke to the spymaster and you tried to keep your cool. 
“I just came as a courtesy, I don’t have any intention to join your… army?” Cassian let out a low laugh as you spoke.
“Our deal was you train, you go shopping.” He spoke, laughter gone. “Or are you scared little shark?” You snorted at the nickname. 
“Of your homeboy?” You looked over Azriel. “Not really.” 
“Alright, then you’re in.” He said amused and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“I’m in.”
He had knocked you on your ass for the third time already. You breaths were harsh as you got back on your feet. 
“Yield.” He purred and you scoffed. 
“Never.” You took your stance once more and went for his ribs but he was inhumanely fast as he grabbed your wrist and turned you flush back against his chest. You snarled as you tried to call on your air magic to knock him out. 
If careful he wouldn’t even notice it hitting him. A gust of wind came strong from behind him and knocked him on his knees, you hit him in the ribs with your elbow and your right foot behind his right one. He fell on his ass as you turned to see his eyes slightly wide. Your legs were around his waist pinning him down and your hands grabbed his wrists as he went to move you. 
“Yield.” You mimicked his word panting heavily as you tried to hold him back from getting a hold of you. 
He smiled making you frown.
That’s when you felt it, he thrusted his hips hard making you gasp in surprise as you jumped slightly, you lost your grip on him and he took that opportunity to turn you over and be the one pinning you down. 
“No magic allowed in sparring.” He whispered in your ear and you could smell the cherries in his breath again. 
“If you wanted to see me naked you could’ve just knocked on my door.” You whispered back and his gaze locked on yours. You saw the flush of his cheeks before he got up and turned away from you.
You smiled to yourself as you got on your elbows crossing your legs. He knows. You thought taking in the information. You waited for the others to finish as you got yourself together. You wondered if he had told anyone yet, Rhysand perhaps... And if did, you were probably in big trouble.
“I’m going to take a shower, I’ll meet you guys up here when you’re done.” You announced to Nesta and Cassian and they both nodded still focused on their sparing. 
You left but not before seeing Nesta getting Cassian on the floor. You wondered if he had let her win or if she was that good. The proud look on the general’s eyes gave you the answer you were looking for. 
After getting ready you met with the mates up on the roof, they were also already showered and changed. You had taken your sweet time. After all your muscles were sore or you hadn't trained in a while and definitely underestimated Illyrians and their intense training.
“So… How do we get there?” You asked looking over the edge. 
“We fly of course.” Cassian said happily and you gave him a look. 
“You can fly with two people?” You eyed Nesta, “Or… Where are your wings?” She laughed. 
“I don’t have wings, I’m just fae.” She put her hand on your arm and smiled widely. “And two people is quite a lot even for my strong boy here.” 
“So we will take turns?” 
“Azriel will take you.” Cassian said simply and you swallowed shaking your hand.
“I rather not…” 
“I know he looks scary but I promise he won’t drop you.” You were about to complain but he grabbed Nesta who yelped happily and jumped from the roof making you gasp and stumble back. 
Your back hit a hard muscle chest and you took a deep breath turning slowly. Realizing that you had been played. They had no intention of bringing you, and the spymaster distaste for you was pretty apparent. He was not taking you anywhere. 
“I get it… I’ll just go to my room.” You talked clearly disappointed and rounded him to go inside. 
“I thought you wanted to see your crew in the city.” He said and you turned looking at him scoffing. 
“Don’t need to mock me Azriel, I know you won’t take me.” Something crossed his face when you said his name but he quickly concealed it. 
“I’m not mocking you, now are you coming or what?” He crossed his arms and you smiled a little trying to contain your grin. 
“Really?” You approached him slowly and he did not react, just picked you up bridal style like last time and jumped off the roof. 
You really loved flying. This time the flight had been shorter. Nesta was waiting for you already and huffing. 
“Mother above, I thought something had happen and you weren’t coming after all” she said exasperated and you smiled a little as she held your hand and started showing you the city. 
Azriel had told you where your crew would be waiting for you and when you told Nesta she got all excited. After was seemed like hours of walking you reach the bar.
A huge smile spread across your face when you spotted Bonny. As soon as she saw you she ran to you almost knocking you with a hug. 
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” You swore laughing as she started asking all kind of questions. 
“Little Captain,” Sebastian bowed as he came closer to the three of you and you smile giving him a big hug. 
“Big bro,” emotions started flowing through you really fast and you had to inhale deeply to hold back your tears. “Is everyone okay? Did Rhysand talk to any of you?” 
“We are okay! His general came and he told us we were welcome to the city, but at the first mistake we would be sailing away.” Bonny laughed, “Like we would ever… but anyway, turns out you did convince him after all! I was scared he would find out the truth but you’re in one piece so…” Bonny cut herself out as your eyes were open wide and she noticed Nesta next to you. 
You looked at her and she had an eyebrow cocked at you. 
“I can explain everything…” you started and she shook her head. 
“I don’t care what your business with Rhysand is, just promise me you will be careful…” She said catching you off guard and you simply nodded. 
You took a look at your closest mates and noticed how Sebastian hadn’t stopped eyeing Nesta. You chuckled gaining their attentions. 
“So you’re all pirates?” Nesta laughed putting her arms through yours and walking you inside the bar. 
Gosh, you needed a pint of ale. It had been an intense couple of days. 
“Is there any bakery close by?” You asked Nesta after you left the bar where your crew was all reunited. 
You crew was made of only eight people including Bonny and Sebastian and yourself. Mr Filch, who had been in your father’s crew as well and he was so old you did not want to stop him from sailing with you, for this could be his last opportunity to do so. The twins, Lobo and Ledo, trouble makers but excellent crew members, extremely smart and great with maps. Theodore, who has as much muscle as brains and also a romantic. And finally Tina, also known as scary Tina, great with a sword and as quick as a rabbit. 
“Actually yes! Morrigan loves to go there, although I’m not sure if it’s because of the pastries or the female behind the counter.” She winked and you snorted. 
“Let’s go then.” 
When you were ready to go back, you walked towards a town house that, that Nesta informed you, was where you were to have dinner with the “inner circle”. So the same people you had dinner the night before. 
You were clutching the small paper bag in your hands and you took a deep breath before going in. You put your hand on Nesta’s arm stopping her. 
“Can you promise me you won’t tell them anything of what you heard?” 
She smiled at you, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You smiled at that and you both walked in. You immediately heard laughter noticing Mor and the female with the brown doe eyes playing with a little boy with little wings on the floor. No one paid a lot of attention to your entrance and you just took in the people in. Everyone was there. Including another female you hadn’t seen before. Short black hair and grey piercing and assessing eyes. She was short and her neck and wrists were adorned with very expensive jewelry. But you noticed the red hair male was not in their midst. 
“Y/N,” Feyre approached you with a wide smile and you gave her a little one.
“Hi,” you said timidly and she looked at your hands. 
“What do you have there?” 
“Oh… it’s… nothing special, just… a gift…” you felt foolish just as the words left your mouth. For Azriel. You didn’t say. 
“Ah! For who?” She was beaming now and you felt more pairs of eyes on you now making your cheeks flush. 
“Uh… you of course!” You said giving her the bag. “A thank you… for.. uh… letting me stay…” 
“You didn’t have to!” She said opening and seeing the pastry inside. “Cherries? I’m not a huge fan but I’m sure I’ll love it!” You simply nodded and she left you empty handed. 
You excused yourself to use the restroom and closed yourself in it. It was supposed to be an apology pastry. However you didn’t want to admit it to the whole room. Humiliate yourself in front of these people who you didn’t even know right. 
As you got your shit together you left the small room and you were overwhelmed by the familiar scent of mint and cherries. 
“Cherry pastry?” His voice was a rumble in the dark and you took him in as he came closer caging you in against the wall. 
Your breaths became shallow. 
“I wanted to apologize…” 
“For what? Not telling the truth? For using us?”
“Is not like that…”
“And with a pastry?” He purred
“It was the only thing I could think of…” You licked your lips, he followed the movement with his eyes, “if you let me explain…” 
“What do you want from us? From me?” 
“Nothing, I—“ 
“Because you’re making me fucking crazy and I’m so close to throw the towel on this.” You gaped like the fish taking in his hazel eyes. Your chest heaving and you feeling hot all over because of the proximity.
Someone cleared their throat making him instantly get away from you. 
“Elain…” you heard him say, his voice full of regret as the female only nodded and left. He went after her. 
Now that makes sense… You thought. 
Oh Az... Let me know all your thoughts!! xx
Next Chapter
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dangermousie · 6 months
2023 End of Year Post - kdrama edition
Yes, we have a some of December left, and I want to check out Death's Game but whatever. I got time for this now and not sure if I will have later so here goes.
This is only going to cover kdramas that aired in 2023; if I watched it but it was made in a different year, it’s not on the list. This was an excellent kdrama year, the likes of which we hadn't had in a long time.
In order of liking from least to most as opposed to pure quality so pls don't come for me, fans of some popular dramas that are on my nope list. Also, I am including if I’ve seen enough to make up my mind; yes I realize that’s inaccurate, but that’s my list.
33. The Escape of the Seven - this is so aggressively stupid and mean that it feels like the makers are playing a practical joke seeing how much their audience will take. This has a season 2 coming, so the answer is a lot.
32. Behind Your Touch - the FL gets superpowers by touching people's and animals' butts. Yes, you read this right. Do I really need to add anything?
31. King the Land - yes, it was a hit. Yes, it stars popular actors. I HATED IT LIKE IT TOUCHED MY BUTT TO GET SUPERPOWERS!!! Plastic people in paint by the numbers story, with about as much genuineness or retability as a barbie aisle in walmart. I never expect much from Yoona so whatever, but to have LJH go from The Red Sleeve to this boggles the mind.
30. Mrs Durian - this is so dumb that I think I lost a few IQ points watching this, but its insanity becomes entertaining - I mean what kdrama can you name where a daughter in law declares her love and lust for her mother in law at a family dinner?
29. The Matchmakers - there is nothing offensive about this drama at all. But there is nothing in the least interesting either. If elevator music took drama shape, it would be this show.
28. Destined with You - sorry, Rowoon, I am still fond of you, but you are two for two in drama duds department this year. This is a drama where I loved ep 1, liked ep 2, was indifferent to 3 and...you get the point. Each ep was worse than the one before, and I bailed before I was dragged into a cosmic singularity.
27. Oasis - great first two episodes. Unfortunately it was not a two ep show. The performances are solid but the story is just not there - the effect is like a fancy chef making an amazing sauce to put on pig slop.
26. Boyhood - it's not you, it's me in action. I can see why people would like it but a 34-year old playing a high schooler in a Weak Hero Class 1 Slapstick Edition is no go for me.
25. Castaway Diva - it's so precious and kooky in the most annoying ways, with the most well-adjusted abused castaway in history. I like magic realism when done by Jorge Amado, but this ain't Amado.
24. Island - it had a good concept, good cast and fun visuals but the execution deserved one of ML's swords through the neck.
23. The Worst of Evil - if I wanted an American show, I'd watch one. Very solid performances though.
22. Song of the Bandits - period edition of what I said about The Worst of Evil.
21. Welcome to Samdalri - and goodbye to any hope of emotional involvement.
20. Joseon Attorney - I have yet to like a single sageuk centered around a profession and this was not an exception. I guess it could be worse but it also could have been so much better.
19. Twinkling Watermelon - everyone loved this drama. Everyone except for me. It's the kind of precious that sets my teeth on edge and I couldn't stand half the main characters we were supposed to root for. I guess I like my fruits to shine steadily.
18. Our Blooming Youth - probably the biggest disappointment on this list. This is not a bad drama by any means, but with that cast and that story (I loved the novel), I was hoping for a memorable sageuk not merely all right.
17. Vigilante - it has the emotional complexity and nuance of a punch to the throat but it gives us quasi-gay openly-murderous dudes going after psychos and Yoo Ji Tae holding feral Nam Joo Hyuk by his hoodie at his feet.
16. The Forbidden Marriage - expected nothing but it was a surprisingly enjoyable trifle of a costume drama that was also quite pretty.
15. Arthdal Chronicles: Sword of Aramun - a hot mess but such an entertaining epic one. And it gave us TWO Lee Jun Kis in period gear and who am I to cavil at the bounty of God?
14. The Story of Park's Marriage - it's a trifle, a souffle, so light it might blow away, but it keeps my attention and is so fun and sweet.
13. My Lovely Liar - a huge surprise, that manages to mix a murder mystery and a romcom, and shocked me by showing Hwang Minhyun can act.
12. Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - the original ToNT was my fave drama of its year and I did not think it needed a sequel. But this is not a sequel but more of a side-quel and is such a total delight with brotherly love, adventures, romance and hijinks. It's a joy.
11. Perfect Marriage Revenge - it's actually very hard to do a soap right but this slim 12 ep drama managed. So fun, so crazy, such a good ship!
10. My Lovely Boxer - not really about sports, but about two broken people finding salvation because of and in each other. Also, if you like age gap romances, this is delicious. Sort of loses steam by the end but c’est la vie.
9. The Secret Romantic Guesthouse - this was a sageuk that was not on my radar with a bunch of actors I was not familiar with but it took my heart away. A good plot that was perfectly paced, characters and ships I adored, a logical ending. This is one of the biggest positive surprises of the year for me.
8. Tell Me That You Love Me - a slice of life remake (sort of, it's more "inspired by") of my favorite jdrama of all time. It's not as good as the jdrama because nothing could be, but it's an aching lovely story with some incredible performances.
7. See You In My 19th Life - funny and romantic and haunting and hopeful and odd. This was one of my favorites of the year.
6. Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow - it's rare for me to like a (1) sequel (2) with FL actress change (3) that is a Hong Sisters drama. But this was such a gorgeous, surprisingly achy story of love and loss and love regained with some cool monster fighting in the middle. Between the two seasons, this is the first Hong Sisters' drama I enjoyed from beginning to end in well over a decade.
5. My Demon - so tropey (chaebols, supernaturals) but it proves that these tropes are popular for a reason. The chemistry is fire, the story is unpredictable and the whole thing is an addictive delight. A rare drama where I like each new ep more than the last one.
4. Goryeo Khitan War - an old school sageuk in every meaning of the term (no romance, no eye candy, lots of bearded men, battles and politics), this feels like watching an epic movie more than a drama. The vast cast all earns their place and the performances (mainly from character actors given a chance to shine) are incredible.
3. Call It Love - two very very damaged people finding love and healing with each other. This is a narrative very hard to do to my satisfaction but when it's done well, as here, there are few things that can hold a candle to it.
2. My Dearest - a masterpiece of cinematography, narrative, performances. This is an old-school epic romance in the best sense of the term. If it doesn't make you swoon or break your heart, there is something wrong with you. A story of two untraditional, strong-willed, flawed people who fall in love in the middle of the horrifying Qing invasion of Korea and have to deal with all that the world throws at them, this is a bona fide masterpiece.
1 - Moon in the Day - who knew my favorite kdrama of the year will star a store brand Domyoji from Extraordinary You and an actress I was never familiar with. But this part period/part modern fantasy tale of doomed cursed lovers is everything I knew I wanted and everything I didn't know I wanted but did. Two lovers where their love did not save them and in modern day it might not again, has got me obsessed the way I haven't been in years.
Moon in the Day - if there is such a thing as a drama made perfectly for me, this gorgeous, emotionally haunting, utterly romantic, twisty tale is it.
The Escape of the Seven. This drama is proof that demons exist and not sexy ones like Song Kang but horrible nasty ones who delight in the torment this hot mess inflicted on its viewers.
Do Ha, Moon in the Day - a Silla general and a consummate killer who committed atrocities on the orders of his monster father and yearned to die for them, who found the meaning in life in loving his enemy but it did not make him better, a man so obsessed he literally was around for 1500 years of horrifying ghostly existence and still went "worth it" for a woman who killed him as long as he knew she loved him while she did it. He's intense and competent and beyond fucked up and has never had a normal day and I love him so so so very much from a safe distance.
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Gil Chae, My Dearest - she starts out as vain and spoiled but the horrors that break so many others bring out all her fierce survivor potential and she becomes such a force of nature - capable of incredible love but also sacrifice and strength and compassion.
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Runner Up: Shin Hye Sun's reincarnator in See You In My 19th Life - quirky, damaged, strong, so odd and so vulnerable at once.
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There are a lot of characters who fit that category (King Injo in My Dearest? My God) but the crown belongs to So Ri Bu from Moon in the Day. You think you've seen abusive parents but until you've seen a man abuse his son his whole life and then continue for 1500 years after his death, you ain't seen nothing!
The doomed by the narrative OTP of Moon in The Day. Only thing that's better than enemies to lovers is enemies while lovers and their impossible relationship where her killing him is a supreme act of love and his refusing to let go is so strong that he stays around for 1500 years watching her, helpless as she dies over and over again, is everything you ever want.
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Runner up: Jang Hyun/Gil Chae, My Dearest. They are so strong and so damaged and it takes them so long to figure out what they feel and what the other person feels but their love and sacrifice and complexities are perfect.
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Kim Shi Yeol/Hong Joo, The Secret Romantic Guesthouse - an assassin bodyguard pretending to be a carefree scholar and a widow of the man he killed to protect his king (and whose life was destroyed as a result.) I enjoyed the main OTP of this drama but I was utterly and completely unhinged for the secondary couple.
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I'd have probably picked Rang and his mermaid from TotNT 1938 even over them, but they really were the main OTP of that drama.
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King the Land couple seems like an easy target but honestly, they are both so terribly bland and antiseptic and marketing by committee, they kinda deserve each other. So I am gonna go with Destined with You, one half of which thinks supernaturally roofying someone into loving them is cute and the other half thinks dating one woman while wooing another is totally a-ok. Ugh.
There is no competition for the scene in the slave market in My Dearest, where Jang Hyun finds Gil Chae - the way he screams and tries to clutch the hem of her skirt will live in my head forever.
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And the scene where he 'wins' that horrifying bet, or the scene where she finds him in a pile of bodies - they are as good also. Or when he fights off a squad to protect her even though he's sick. That whole drama is perfect.
Runner up: the scene of Do Ha executing Ri Ta's family, covered in blood, as she looks at him from the crowd in Moon in the Day.
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Or the scene where he talks about how he cannot live as a person but at least maybe she will kill him and he will die as one. Or when her confession in the past intercuts with his walking in the present, or when he comes home in his bloodied armor and she finds he has a fever and it's the first tender touch he's probably ever known. Her murdering So Ri Bu saying she knows she's going against filial piety in loving her parents' murderer, the way they hug, both bloody, as he says "let's live." The way she says she can't go on as she's hit rock bottom and he replies she cannot quit because she must accompany him to his rock bottom now. Honestly, the drama is a font of amazingness.
Also, the opening scene of Goryeo Khitan War or the scene of Yang Gyu ordering to shoot the captives and having to do so himself.
The OTP meeting again at the intersection at the end of ep 1 of Tell Me That You Love Me. SHS comforting ABH as he's having a traumatic breakdown in 19th Life. The love-making scene in Call It Love. There were a lot of great scenes this year.
Lee Jang Hyun, My Dearest - is that even a competition? He's flawed - vain, often emotionally closed off, not great at processing emotions, lashing out when hurt. He is also incredibly heroic in a real, knows the cost but bears it, kind of way. Whatever he does, he commits utterly but it's never without understanding the cost. He felt both larger than life and utterly real. He went through hell and maintained his soul and the way he loved Gil Chae was breath-taking to behold.
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Runner Up: Yang Gyu, Goryeo Khitan War - an experienced military commander who wins an impossible victory even as it ravages his soul. Competence is sexy as fuck.
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Rang, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - 1938 really was Rang's chance to shine and he took it. For a character I started out disliking in the original, he really stole my entire heart in this drama. I am so glad he got his happy ending with his brother and his girl.
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Runner Up: Crown Prince, My Dearest. He started out as a sheltered, spoiled aristocrat, convinced the world owed him for existing. He grew up slowly and painfully into an amazing man. And then was murdered for it and I cried.
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Arthdal - it leaves the story at a good stopping point but it's very much a "world in flux, adventures and conflicts continue" ending and I would love to see more of these characters. I know we won't but it would have been nice.
Behind Your Touch - should have been snipped at birth.
Vigilante - I don't mean it had scissors taken to it because it's not cdrama and there is no NRTA, but this drama would have benefitted from being longer. I mean, I love fights and gay polycules as much as the next tumblr person but a bit more character development would not have come amiss. (ahaha - I said come. Leave me alone.)
I don't care about cops/doctors/trash collectors/whoever - workplace drama centering on their "cases" needs to die. I hate procedurals from any country and Korea is no exception.
Supernatural critter devoted to their OTP with all the power of their long life.
Our Blooming Youth - it was far from terrible but it was a giant meh. I was so excited to see Park Hyung Sik in a sageuk (that wasn't the hot mess that was Hwarang) and I adored the source novel. It actually started well and then...it's like Revenge of the Beige!
I want to say Moon in the Day but to be honest, I was excited by posters and trailers so it wasn't wholly a surprise despite not having much of an opinion on the actors before I saw them. So I am going to say My Demon. I was bored by the trailers, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Kim Yoo Jung drama and before this year I would have said Song Kang was an incredibly limited actor in everything I've seen him in and not appealing to me at all. And here I am rabidly rabiding for this drama!
If I am not limiting myself to dramas but can use this for actors - Hwang Minhyun in My Lovely Liar. I genuinely did not think the man could act and then he gave such a pitch-perfect, nuanced performance out of nowhere!
I have actually watched all the kdramas that aired this year that I wanted to check out except for Evilive. I am saving this for when I have time.
I don't know if I'd say it's the best but Say You Love Me (2004) with Kim Rae Won as a quasi monk seduced away from his true love by an evil older woman was a hell of a ride.
Love Song for Illusion (Lady assassin falls for her royal target who has two personalities), Captivating the King (lady spy falls for her royal target who is tormented) - notice a theme? Also Flower that Blooms at Night because Honey Lee in a sageuk, The Life of Mrs Ock (Lim Ji Yeon in a sageuk), The Love Story of Chun Hwa (an "erotic" sageuk, hmmmm, what?!), Hong Rang (Lee Jae Wook in a super angst sageuk), Queen Woo (that cast and set in Goguryeo!), Wong Kyung (about Lee Bang Won's wife and I love the cast.) Basically, if it's period, I am there with bells on.
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glokin · 2 days
Okay new poll!!
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blaqpen · 11 months
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The end finally came for him...
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lovleyasme · 7 months
*Watches the Miraculous Re-Verse special*
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*Posts poll*
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mylittlenanaki · 4 months
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I twisted myself. I did terrible things in the name of becoming stronger. And when the moment came, I froze. I was still that helpless little filly in the cave. In the end, it was all for nothing.
From IDW My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #68
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keepofkandrakar · 27 days
me: oh, i'm fine!
my brain: claire has had at least AN awareness of morgana since "roaming fees may apply" when she turns around before entering trollmarket and looks around the canal and she's like "i thought i felt something" when she's asked if she's alright and then we pan to angor rot hiding on the bridge looking at them - keep in mind this is BEFORE team trollhunter knows of angor's existence - then when claire ends up getting the shadow staff from angor rot in the shadow realm it literally GLOWS IN HER HANDS AND YOINKS HER OUT OF THE SHADOW REALM LIKE IT BELONGED TO HER OR SOME SHIT????? AND THEN SHE MASTERS IT IN LIKE A WEEK??????? and let's not forget the infamous power portal she conjures in the season 2 finale bc i'm sorry but the power of friendship and sheer willpower alone could not have been what lets her survive that shit ton of magic. also: she's getting flashes of memories when morgana took over her to remove the protective sigils in early season 3??? when it's implied morgana has full control over her body when she's asleep???? and then girl full on expels the KEY TO CAMELOT'S DOWNFALL from her body in A SINGLE NIGHT (her friends bring her spirit back yes but still the power is hers) and reclaims the shadow staff with a GLYPH CIRCLE????? and in the final battle we get a solid ten seconds of claire and morgana ALONE in the SHADOW REALM and we have NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING DOWN IN THERE--
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A Shadow’s Tale - Chatper Two
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Azriel x Pirate!FReader
Chapter Two
Summary: Y/N tries to bargain with the High Lord, ends up stuck 10,000 steps above ground in a house full of secrets.
Word Count: 3,000+
a/n: I was not expecting the amount of love I had on chapter one!! Thank you so much!! I hope you love this one as much!! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts? Happy Mother's Day!
Warnings: none
Of all the lessons you got growing up, swordsmanship was always something you loved. You were good at it. Too good. Your father always proud of having such a weapon tried his best to keep you hidden, safe, but your wild spirit didn’t allow you to keep it to yourself. You were eager to grow up and fight, and train with the others. Even if it displeased the great Captain Hook. You knew you had a target in your back when everyone found out about the daughter of the incomparable pirate of the seas but that never stopped you.
You quickly learned how and when to pick your fights. And that’s why your hands were tied behind your back with shadows. You knew it was work from the spymaster. A shadowsinger, a myth that turned out to be such a weird reality. Who controls lights and shadows? How? 
The High Lord was walking a few steps ahead of you. You kept silent, accessing the dark walls and the dim lights on the ceilings, certainly to intimidate. 
A door at the end of the corridor was open by some force and a room with a table and a few chairs was beyond it. 
The three of you walked inside and Azriel signed for you to sit. You did as told and the High Lord turned around locking his gaze on you. You felt those same claws in the back of your mind and you knew it was him trying to access your thoughts or perhaps your memories. You took a shuddering breath and then you heard his voice in your head. 
We can either do this the easy way or the hard one. Luckily for you, I’ll let you choose. 
Daemati. You thought as you recall the lesson on magics of the mind. 
You saw him smiling darkly and he came closer sitting on the table in front of you. 
That’s correct. Now, tell me. 
You huffed trying to adjust yourself on the chair as your hands were still restrained. You took a look at the spymaster and then looked to the High Lord. You licked your lips before starting talking. 
“If you know who I am, you know why I am here.” 
“Let me tell you what I know, sweetheart.” He purred venomously and you lifted your chin almost in defiance. “You and your crew sailed into my court, through my wards, uninvited.” He smiled narrowing his eyes, “How?” 
“You tell me.” You spat not breaking the eye contact and you saw his smiled faltering as recognition hit him.
“It’s impossible, they’ve been lost at sea since…” He stopped himself and you cocked your head smiling. “How?” 
“I know humans are the ones who write the stories about us, just like they do about you fae, what do they tell you about pirates… Rhysand?” 
The room became very quiet suddenly but no one moved. 
“Where is it?” He said suddenly and you could feel the darkness of his power on your skin. His emotions coming through his power. Your smile never faltered even if your heart was trashing wildly in your chest. 
“That will depend… Do I and my crew have your blessing to stay and recover after Hybern’s hit?” 
“You want an alliance?” His eyebrows rose and he laughed mockingly scratching his chin. “Your father was allied with Hybern, you all helped attacking the Summer Court, I had to send my Illyrians and my army to help stop the bloodshed… And now you come into my court wanting alliance?” 
“Now, don’t put us all in the same bag Rhysand.” You spat his name, “My father’s choices were never my own.” 
“You all crawled from the same sack, I don’t care if you had a say in it, I don’t trust you, why should I after everything?”
“Hybern does not know of the existence of these objects, or better said, that I have them in my possession… They could be the difference between winning and losing the war.” 
“Who else knows about them?” 
“Me, my second, now you and the creep in the corner.” You took a glance at the spymaster and winked mockingly. 
“I want to see them, then I’ll make a decision.” He got up from the table and you furrowed your brows.
“You see that’s not gonna happen.” He looked at you with a death promise in his eyes and you stood face to chest to him and looked up. “You know they’re real and you know I have them, after all how could I have sailed past your wards?” You noticed Azriel stepping closer and preparing to jump on you if you did something to his High Lord. “We will do this my way, or we can forget this meeting at all and I’ll sail somewhere else… I kind of miss the spring anyways.” You raised your eyebrows defyingly and you felt him in your mind before he spoke. 
Do not disrespect me in my court Ms Hook. And be careful with the game you’re playing, let’s all hope you’ve got it in your arsenal to back up all that talk.
Is my alliance such an ordeal for you that you can’t see beyond your hatred? 
I’ll think on it. 
What about me and my crew? 
“There’s plenty of lodges and apartments in the city, your crew might visit and stay while we negotiate the terms of our… situation.” He said and nodded to the spymaster who stayed put with his gaze fixed on you. “Everyone will be closely watched, one foot out of way and I’ll know.” He came closer to your face and you swallowed, your confidence and adrenaline slowly leaving your body. “And you will be the one paying for it.” 
You only nodded as he started walking out of the room. 
“What about me?” You looked at his back as he walked away but he only waved his hand dismissing you and you scoffed. “Entitled prick.” You muttered and felt a cold hand on your elbow. 
“You’re coming with me.” Azriel said with zero emotion crossing his face and wondered if Rhysand also had been talking to his spymaster this whole time. Suddenly you felt like a fool but quickly shut out the thought. 
“Where? Back to your five star hotel?” 
“No, this one has a better view.” And without another word he and threw you over his shoulder making you yelp. 
Flying. You were flying. 
You couldn’t help the giggle that left your mouth at the sight. The city underneath was so small the people looked like ants. The cold bite of the wind and the adrenaline pumping your blood made your cheeks flush. Nothing could ever compare to the feeling of being so far away from the ground. You took one look at Azriel’s face and you saw some sort of amusement in his face but he quickly concealed it. 
His grip on you was firm and you felt him everywhere. It was intoxicating, his touch, his scent. Not once he spared you a look, his focus was ahead and you look in the same direction seeing the building you were approaching. 
It was breathtaking and you couldn’t help but gape at the view. 
“That’s where we are going?” You shouted over the wind in his ear and he didn’t give up any reply. 
His wings kept beating at a steady pace and you observed them curiously. 
After you left the dungeons, he made you promise to behave if he were to unrestrained you. You agreed and when he picked you up bridal style you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. 
“Flying is the easiest and fastest way to get to where we’re going.” He had told you, “I hope you don’t get flight sick.” He said before taking to the skies making you hold onto him tighter. 
You reached a hand towards the base of his left wing feeling how waxy the membrane was and then you  were screaming as you lost some altitude. You gripped him tighter closing your eyes preparing for a hit. But it never came, you were still in the sky as he quickly recovered. 
“Don’t.” He snarled at you, “Ever touch my wings again.” 
You looked in his eyes and you saw the hatred and darkness in his gaze. There it was was. The ruthless killer you always heard people talking about and fearing. And you were in his arms, hoping he didn’t decide against his High Lord and drop you and make you go splat on the city grounds. 
You made no more sounds, only looked away. Finally you reached the balcony and he dropped you on the ground not so gracefully. 
“I’m… I’m sorry…” You blurted getting on your feet but he had already gone inside the double doors. You took a few deep breaths trying to contain your emotions. 
You were not going to cry over that idiot treating you like shit just because of an innocent touch. Not after all you’ve through with you father and Hybern. You waited a few minutes breathing the fresh air and then walked inside. The room was silent and you looked around trying to find Azriel but there was no sign of him. You frowned.
“Who are you?” A feminine voice came from behind you and you quickly turned to find a girl with golden brown hair and grey-blue eyes staring at you with her arms crossed over her chest. 
She was wearing what you recognized as Illyrian fighting leathers but you frowned at the pointy ears and the lack of wings. 
“Is… This place your house?” You lifted your chin and she walked closer. 
“Sort of,” She frowned, “Who brought you in?” 
“I did.” Azriel appeared from other room, which you guessed was the kitchen as he was holding two cups of water. 
At least his anger seemed to ebbed away as he walked towards you offering you one of the glasses. You eyed it suspiciously and then looked at him, he rolled his eyes. 
“It’s not poisoned, just take it.” He forced it into your hands and you took it offering him a fake smile. 
“Always the gentleman,”  You said and took a sip. Your throat felt immensely better afterwards. 
“You’re a pirate?” The girl asked directing my attention back to her. 
“Sort of,” I answered just as she had and she chuckled. 
“Fair enough, are you hungry?” 
“Starving.” You replied and walked towards her. 
Something about his girl just attracted you and for some reason you knew you could trust her. 
“I’m Nesta,” She guided you towards the dining room and plates with food appeared at the table magically. You gawked at it and you heard her laugh. And it was such a lovely sound. 
You took a sit. “This is a lot of food even for me,” You joked and she simply smiled taking a seat on your left, Azriel sat on your right.
You heard it then, the commotion and the voices and laughter. Your smiled faltered and you stood there between them staring at your empty plate as the table filled up with other fae including the now familiar dark presence.
The silence settled and you felt all their eyes on you. You swallowed and then you heard him.
“This is Miss Hook, she will be joining us for a while.” The High Lord spoke amidst the silence and you finally looked up at him in confusion. 
Be nice. He talked into your mind and you lifted your chin nodding slightly. 
“What’s with the costume?” A red hair male asked in confusion taking in your clothes and you looked at him. He looked so out of place in this court. In your best guess you’d say he belonged to the Autumn Court. 
“I’m a pirate.” You replied softly and slowly taking in his surprised reaction. Then looked around the room and frowned. 
No one else seemed surprised by this, the High Lord must have warned them. But there was a female with fae features, golden brown hair and brown eyes who also seemed surprised and curious. 
“A pirate? Like from the human stories?” She asked, her voice was soft and her beauty made her look so innocent like a fawn, you only nodded. “They are myths amongst mortals… Do you have a ship?” She was smiling in awe and you chuckled. 
“Yes, I could show you someday if you wish.” Azriel went stiff next to you and you looked at him.
“It’s not that great, I’ve seen it.” The general, who was sitting across the table from you said and you looked at him narrowing your eyes. 
“You clearly have a lack of taste then.” Nesta on your side laughed lowly into her napkin and you saw the general chuckling too as they exchanged a look. 
You felt like there was some joke you were missing out on and suddenly felt like a fool. Silence fell again and everyone started eating. 
“I’d love to visit it someday.” The female spoke again and you looked at her with a grateful smile. 
“So you’re he daughter of Captain Hook, just like in those stories?” The female sitting next to Rhysand asked.
“In the flesh.” You answered dryly tired of being the bottom of the joke and you gained a glare from Azriel, the general and Rhysand. “What?” You swallowed your food looking at them one at a time.
“Be careful how you speak to my High Lady.” Azriel narrowed his gaze and you looked between the males and the female, Feyre Archeron. 
You had heard all about her. From Under the Mountain to the High Lord of Spring, to Rhysand. You nodded in recognition. 
“My bad… Your majesty.” You saw her rolling her eyes but not at you, at them. 
“Ignore them, and please… don’t call me your majesty.” She snorted a laugh and you gave her a polite smile. 
She would be a great ally in order to get Rhysand to accept an alliance with you and your crew and you made a mental note to try to get her alone to speak. 
After dinner the food and plates vanished with the same magic they had appeared and you looked at the now empty table curiously. 
“Are you going to take a drink with us how are you going to keep gawking at the table?” The tall blonde female appeared holding out a glass of wine for me and you took it from her mumbling a thanks. 
She was about to leave the dining room to join the others but you grabbed her delicate hand stopping her. She turned to you with her eyebrows raised and a smile, “Yes?” 
“What’s your name?” You gave her your best smile.
“Morrigan, but my friends call me Mor.” She gave me a bigger smile this time, “My cousin can seem all big and scary but the fact that you’re here and not stuck in the dungeons means he trusts you… Well, kinda.” She laughed and you only nodded. 
“What did… What did Rhysand told you… about me?” You asked in almost a whisper and she looked at you as if she was searching your face for something. 
“Rhys is… not very trusting, specially if people come through his wards and sail in unannounced.” She chuckled and you joined, “He is a good male, and I don’t know what it is but… There’s something about you... Different. Good.” You swallowed trying you best not to react at that, “And I know he sees it too.” 
You only nodded and you both joined the group. You walked to the balcony appreciating the cold air the castle in the sky gave you. You closed your eyes and took a breath in thinking back to your crew, to Bonny and Sebastian who were probably worried sick about you. You had to go to the city and find them. Make sure they were alright. Make sure that the High Lord had kept his promise. 
How could you trust any of these people? What if Bonny was right and this won’t be as easy as you thought? What if you just walked into a trap? How far up are you right now? How the hell do you reach the ground floor from here? You walked back inside taking in the group that was now sprawled around the living room.
Azriel was in a corner talking to the beautiful female from earlier. They were super engage in a conversation mostly whispering. The red head male was talking to Rhysand, his posture was tight, just as it had been during dinner, as if he was uncomfortable around them in a way.
Morrigan was sipping her wine and talking to Feyre in one of the couches.
Nesta and the General were cozying up on another couch and realization hit you. Mates. You could definitely smell it now that they were close together.
“I’d like to go to back my crew now.” You announced to the group and Rhysand looked at you smiling darkly while shaking his head. 
“You’re free to take the stairs if you dare, but you’re staying here otherwise.” He said and you chuckled.
“I’ll take the stairs then.” You said decisively and you heard some chuckles. You’re a fool. Your brain seemed to scream at you but you shook off the thought walking towards the door that was hiding the stairs. 
You opened them and inhaled loudly. 
“How many?” 
“Ten thousand.” It was Nesta who had replied and you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. You turned to the group. 
“Can’t one of your bats take me?” You bit off annoyed.
“My bats are not mules, so no.” He replied with an irritating smile on his lips. 
“Where am I supposed to stay then?” 
“Nesta will show you to your rooms,” you saw the female glaring at him but getting up all the same and making you to follow her. 
You asked for some alone time once you got there and she let you to explore the room that was huge. A four poster bed against the further wall in the middle, a walk-in closet and a door that gave access to the bathroom. To the right of the window there was a ceiling to floor window that opened to a balcony. Everything was decorated in Night Court style and it seemed incredibly cozy despite the dark decorations. 
You turned towards the door locking it and then decided for a bath. You took your time in the bath and noticed that the water did not get cold despite how long you were under it. You smiled saying a little thanks, to who you didn’t know… Magic. You chuckled a little playing with some bubbles and then playing with the water creating water balls in between your hands and fingers. The buzz of creating magic making your heart beat a little faster. 
You really liked magic, but as no one else knew about it, you could only yield it in private, where no one could see you. Despite the feeling you had of being observed at that very moment.
Who is it? Are you paranoid or is someone actually watching you? What do you think is going to happen next? I can't wait to hear your thoughts and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3
Next Chapter
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divinemare · 7 months
Tales Of Oceans and Shadows
(I’ve been dying to post this! It’s been on my drafts for so long, and I missed my babies so much!)
Just some little stories I imagined about Kallistrade and Azriel’s life after the end of Dark Tides.
Oh, Sweet Baby Nyx
summary: little nyx loves his aunt kallistrade, and gets really sad when she has to leave because of her busy pirate life, this time, he will definitely throw a tantrum about it.
Kallistrade wasn’t very good with little kids, she seemed to scare them, even tho she didn’t intended to do so. But when little Nyx arrived to her life, something changed for her.
It had happened the first time she stayed alone with him. Feyre was dead tired after barely any sleep because Nyx had had a rough night. Kallistrade had just arrived of a little trip to Skull Island she had taken of emergency for some issues that needed her urgent attention. She went straight to visit Feyre, and the poor female fell asleep immediately after placing Nyx in Kallistrade’s arms.
She hadn’t known what to do at first, she had even felt scared, not knowing if she was holding the baby right. But she hadn’t wanted to wake Feyre up, so instead went to look for Rhys. Kallistrade found the male sound asleep in his office desk, dead tired too. So she sent a panic alert down the mating bond to Azriel, begging the male showed up quickly.
Nyx had started to babble as if he was seconds away of bursting in tears, and Kallistrade had panicked even more.
“No, no. Don’t you dare, little kraken, don’t. you. dare,” she hadn’t known what she expected to achieve by threatening or pointing him out as if he was one of her crew members, but it had definitely not been that the little baby started smiling at her, and grabbed her finger in his tiny ones to start chewing on it.
She had been at a loss of words, completely shocked by the simplicity yet magnificent moment of the baby smiling up at her.
She immediately felt a protectiveness in her she hadn’t felt before, like that little baby had become something she would cherish and protect against any evil from the darkest and deepest of seas from now on and until the oceans completely dried.
Azriel had arrived just then, and when he had said he could take care of Nyx if she wanted to, Kallistrade immediately rejected his offer and walked away with the baby, telling little Nyx all the things she would show him one day when he grew up, all the seas she would take him to.
They had become inseparable since then. Nyx had fallen completely in love with his aunt, and the only time anyone would catch the mighty and dreaded Captain Devilsbane showing off her sweet bone, was when she was with her nephew.
But that had only made goodbyes even harder. As Kallistrade was regularly traveling all throughout the continent.
“Who would’ve said, that the oh-so-mighty Captain Devilsbane would have such a soft spot for babies,” Azriel laughed, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, and a broad smile while looking at his mate and nephew playing together.
“Don’t say that, he gets jealous, it’s only with this sweet little baby, right, little kraken? Only with you,” she approached the baby with a childlike smile on her face, while lowering her tone of voice ever so slightly.
“Softie,” Azriel mocked, and Kallistrade sent him a dead glare, nothing compared to her previous smile.
“Shut up, I saw you yesterday doing an airplane with a spoon to get him to eat,” the smile in Azriel’s face vanished, and it was Kallistrade’s turn to smiled proudly.
“We’re not talking about this with anyone.”
“Ever,” she laughed, confirming.
They both could have the biggest soft spot for Nyx, but like hell they would willingly admit it to their mocking friends.
It had been their night to take care of Nyx, since Kallistrade was leaving today for a mission in the western part of the Continent, they had offered to babysit so Rhys and Feyre could get a day off.
It was not often that they did babysit all day, since their house turned into a mad house with neither of them knowing what to do in some situations, but Kallistrade always missed her nephew when she was away, so having him a day —even tho it was always a hell of a ride—, didn’t hurt from time to time.
They would not be doing it again tho, in a long, long time. Nyx had recently learn how to walk, and it had progressively gotten worst when he started running. She had never ran so much in circles trying to catch a baby like last night. And Azriel had had to make his shadows envelop Nyx at all times in case he fell or ran into something. Poor shadows had gotten many hits, and they too didn’t want to repeat the occasion again.
“How was it?” When they arrived to the River Estate to drop Nyx off, Rhys had a cheeky smile on his lips when he saw how tired they looked.
“You are a-” Feyre raised an eyebrow to Kallistrade, reminding her of the presence of the little baby. “A son of the holy Cauldron and Mother. A warning that he could run now would’ve been nice!”
Rhysand laughed, taking his son in his arms and looking at him with proudness shining like starts in his night-sky eyes.
“I did not mentioned it?”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Ups, my bad.”
“You’re lucky Nyx is present, because I have a ton of colorful words to describe you right now.”
Rhysand laughed again, and left a sonorous kiss on his son’s head, that made the little toddler laugh.
“We’re sorry,” Feyre said with a smile, shining so glowy that Kallistrade couldn’t help but wink at her friend who had most certainly had sex.
“You’re forgiven. Considering I’m leaving now, and I’m gonna miss this little one.”
Nyx immediately stoped smiling at his father and turned his head to his aunt when he heard the word “leaving”.
“Aunt Lis, no!” He cried, and tried to reach out for her.
“Oh, I’m sorry, little kraken, I have work to do, and people to scare,” that did not help at all, and Nyx started crying for his aunt, so much so that Rhys had to let him go. “I promise I will be back soon with many many presents, ok?” When Kallistrade took the baby, she rocked him in her arms, trying to calm the salty tears that fell over his chubby cheeks.
And sure as hell she would live up to that promise. As she always did. There wasn’t a single travel, as small as it may be, where Kallistrade did not bring her nephew a ton of presents.
“Come on, now, sweetie, your aunt has to go,” Feyre picked up her son from the pirate’s arms and smiled adoringly as she watched her son shake one his little hands while wiping his tears with the other.
“Bye bye, aunt Lis,” his little sobs made all the three adults’ hearts melt.
Kallistrade lowered her hat in farewell to her nephew and his parents, Rhys and Feyre smiled at her and wished her a safe travel before turning around to go back home. While Azriel kissed his mate one last time before she boarded her ship.
Little Nyx watched with read eyes as his aunts ship sailed away, and he did not stay happy about it.
𓆉。˚ ✧
“Rhys!” When Rhysand heard his mate scream out for him, he stood up from his desk so fast his chair fell to the floor and stormed out of his office with Azriel and Cassian following right behind him.
The three of them had been sharing a drink when they heard Feyre’s scream, and now stormed to Nyx’s nursery, where the female was.
“Feyre!” When Rhys bursted in, he saw his High Lady looking exasperated everywhere, and his baby was nowhere to be seen. “What happened?”
“He did it!” She said without even looking at the three males that looked confused.
“He did what, darling?” Mor, Elain and Amren had soon arrived, and were looking as worried as the three Illyrians.
“Nyx! He learned how to winnow! And now I can’t find him anywhere.”
Oh, good Mother…
Everyone looked at each other and sighed, they gad been dreading this day for months now.
They all took a different part of the estate to search, and Feyre alerted Nesta via daementi to look out wherever she could as well. Now practically everyone was in desperate search of the little heir.
“He’s not anywhere! I can’t find him!” Feyre desperately said after some time of looking.
“Feyre darling, calm down, we’ll-“
“Blimey, this kid learns fast,” both Feyre and Rhys heard on their heads, and instantly recognized that pirate slang. “Relax, he’s with me, landed right on my freshly washed deck.”
Both parents relaxed significantly, embracing each other with heavy sighs. When they parted, Feyre couldn’t help but to start laughing, and Rhysand followed right away.
“Did you find…? Uhhh, what’s going on?” Cassian entered the room with Azriel, then the others came in too with confused expressions.
“Have they…lost it?” Questioned Mor, and they all looked at each other as if confirming that theory.
“It’s ok, guys, don’t fall into insanity, we’ll find him,” Cassian tried to speak over the laughter of his High Lord and Lady.
“Don’t worry,” Feyre calmed her laughter to speak to the group. “He’s ok.”
“Did you find him?” Azriel asked, looking around for his nephew.
“No, Lis did. Or more like he found her.”
𓆉。˚ ✧
“I want to see my own reflection in this floors, Gio,” Kallistrade ordered to the male mopping. “For the next you think it’s a good idea to throw up on my deck after too much rum, you think it twice.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” the male grunted, surely with a hangover.
Kallistrade went to check on the weather report with Maddox, when suddenly, a loud cry made everyone on deck turn their attention away.
“Mother’s tits!”
Kallistrade rushed to Gio, founding the great surprise of a little giggling toddler sliding in the wet wood of the deck.
“I’m sorry, Captain, he yest appeared outa nowhere,” the male pointed at the winged toddler, and Kallistrade couldn’t help but burst out into laughter.
She went to pick up the child, whose face went red when his aunt lifted him, giving her a look that said he knew he had done something bad.
“You naughty little sea monster.”
She informed Rhys and Feyre, who surely were losing their minds, that Nyx was with her, and after hey told her Azriel would be there soon to pick him up, she took the little boy to her cabin and sat him at her desk.
Nyx had grabbed her hat and put it on himself, and the sight of it was enough to make Kallistrade’s ruthless heart melt.
“I want to travel the seas with you, aunt Lis!” The child mumbled, and Kallistrade laughed sweetly, while she watched him try to use her telescope.
“On day you will, my little kraken, one day you will.”
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lampyri · 13 days
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Hi! I finally have the capacity to be doing something like this so I'll be drawing a sketchy headshot (see above) in exchange for $7+ donations to any of the gfms linked below:
Donation campaigns - May 20
Vetted fundraisers from Gaza & Sudan
Gazaesims (1 9$ eSim = 1 headshot, 1 $14 eSim = 2 headshots)
All I'll require is a receipt/proof along with the timestamp sent through DM and I'll draw you a headshot of any character of your choice!
In case you're unable to donate please reblog this post to spread the word!!!
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tanyaluca · 7 months
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Alice in Wonderland…
Tanya Luca
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taritoons · 4 years
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Loads of old Baldur's Gate drawings and doodles I made years ago, which are still near and dear to my heart.
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