#a steady journey of two characters working together to help them out
darkxsoulzyx · 5 months
I know the “emotions translate to strength of magic” and the “repressed emotions character unleashes their emotions and the magic they let loose is so powerful, no one can stop it” tropes are really really neat
However, have you considered: “Repressed emotions character that unleashes their magic, but the only thing that comes out is a trickle from having stuffed down their feelings for years— and it’s a long and painful journey of trying to reteach themself on how to do magic— and in turn cope with their feelings”?
I do love me a character getting to go apeshit after not allowing themself to do so for years, but I am starved of content where when the emotionally repressed character finally *does* get a chance to, they *can’t*.
And they feel this sense of powerlessness since they used to have such a big control of their own magic— having kept their emotions in check for years— only for the moment they need to call upon it again, it lets them down because of the lack of gentle nurturing.
Which in turn causes the character to become frustrated with their magic and the progress they have to retrace, which riles their emotions negatively, which affects their magic and… you get the point.
Think it’d also be nice to have the character have someone that loves them enough to help them one step at a time. Spending quiet hours of the evening, sitting together as they slowly untangle the reservations that have been here for years. Guiding the process carefully as they both figure it out together.
While outbursts of emotion can be cool and flashy, I think the treacherous hours of time and care afterwards are just as interesting.
Outbursts only last a few hours at most.
Healing can take forever.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 2 months
Name Your Price — Amren x Reader (Starfall Week)
Hiiii! Here’s my little piece for @starfallweek 2024. I hope you all like it 💕my beautiful soulmate @greeneyedivy helped me name it 💅🏻
I used the prompt “character A finally makes a move on character B”. I’ve never written for Amren before so this was quite fun!
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3.9k
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“You’re sure you don’t want me to fly you back up?”
Cassian cocks an eyebrow at you, the steadiness of his hold dissipating as he tugs his arms from around you. Though your feet are on solid ground, it takes a moment for your equilibrium to right itself. Being in the skies is something you haven’t yet become accustomed to, despite three of your closest friends sporting wings. And being flown on Starfall is an experience entirely of its own.
“You’ll miss the best part,” Cass complains, peering up at the dark canopy above you. The sky is beginning to stir as the stars ready themselves for their journeys. It won’t be long before they’re soaring and crossing.
And tempting as it is to stay and watch the sight that never lessens in its magnificence, you feel…different this year. Like there’s somewhere else you ought to be. Someone else you ought to be with.
“I’m sure,” you dip your chin. “You go, Cass. Enjoy it.”
But he doesn’t move. He studies you head to toe, studies every shred of effort you put into your appearance — hair and makeup perfected, a stunning outfit hugging your body. You feel beautiful, no doubt — and yet you’re leaving after a mere hour of drinking on the balcony with your friends.
“You know she’s just going to be holed up in her apartment with the curtains drawn,” Cass says. “She hates Starfall.”
You cock an eyebrow. “Who?”
“You know who.”
Is it little bit humiliating that you’re so damn transparent? Perhaps. But Cass is one of your closest companions — you can hardly expect him to believe that you’re simply leaving to return to your own home and switch your stunning dress for your pyjamas.
You shrug a shoulder. “I just want to check on her, is all.”
“Hmm,” your friend’s lips twitch. “I’m sure.”
With a roll of your eyes, you swat his ludicrously huge arm. “Go back to the party,” but you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you — for flying me.”
“Good luck with the tiny little rain cloud. She’ll be even crankier tonight than usual.”
With a lopsided smirk and a fond — and annoying — mussing of your hair, he launches back into the sky and heads back to the House of Wind. You stare after him, wondering if you’re making the right choice.
Because when Amren says she wants to be left alone, she means it. But…you don’t know. Things have been changing. Things have been…different.
This is your third Starfall, since your move to the Night Court after the war. A native of the Day Court, it had surprised you to find yourself so at home in a place of starlight, so opposite to what you’d always known. But as one of Helion Spell-Cleaver’s nearest and dearest, you’d worked closely with Rhysand and his Inner Circle during those fraught times of battle and bloodshed — and bonded with them far more than you’d ever expected yourself to. Become an honorary member of their unit, so to speak.
And when Rhysand had courteously invited you for a visit to Velaris after the war was over, you’d known from the second your feet had touched the cobbled streets — this was where you were supposed to be.
Three years later, with a home here, a job as a Night courtier…it was hard to imagine you’d ever been anywhere else.
And perhaps the most notable and unexpected connection you’d forged was the one you had with the with the tiny creature whose barbed, edged words were — you’d learned — a sign of affection.
You did not understand Amren one bit. She was a mystery you couldn’t puzzle out, a being that was sometimes so harsh, it was hard to believe she had any warmth in her at all. But Rhysand giving the two of you a subject he’d needed you to research together had brought you closer, over the recent months. Had shredded through that trepidation you’d once felt around her and shifted it into something…different. Something exciting.
You find that try as you might, you can’t stay away.
And that’s how you find yourself strolling those cobbled streets of Velaris, dressed up to the nines and stars beginning to burst above you. You could be spectating the brilliant sight with your friends, but something tugs you towards the other side of the city. To the loft apartment with the sloping windows and the strange, intriguing female who dwells within
Indeed, as you approach, you find those windows to be blacked out. Blocking out the sight of what is occurring in the skies. You almost smile, but now you’re nervous and second-guessing yourself a little. You could turn away, go home — in all likelihood, Amren won’t want to see you.
But tonight feels different. Tonight feels like a reckoning.
So you swallow your nerves and decide you’re doing this.
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You knock once, and a voice that is both nightmare and fantasy calls out, “Go away!”
Not unusual for Amren. She tells guests to go away, even when she’s invited them.
So you brace a hand against the door and call back, “It’s me.”
There’s a beat. And then small footsteps are padding closer. There are the sounds of bolts being undone, locks clicking. Whatever it is Amren feels she needs keep out is little more than a distant thought as she yanks the door open just a tad and eyes you suspiciously through the gap. Her steely gaze takes in your dress, hair, makeup. She lifts her chin.
“Why are you here?” she asks.
You shrug. Feel a little pathetic as you answer, “I thought I’d come see what you’re up to.”  
“Perhaps I find your company to be just slightly more scintillating than Cassian’s.”
At that, there’s the briefest twitch of her lips. She masks it expertly. “A dead rat has more to offer in the way of company than that boy.”
You snort, rubbing at your arms. Goosebumps are pebbling your skin. The air is too brisk to comfortably be stood in for too long.
Amren studies you again, and too quickly for you to register, she’s widening the gap in the door and yanking you in by the front of your dress. She slams the door shut and gets to work refastening the bolts, sliding across the chains, securing every lock. It’s all you can do to stand and watch.
And then she turns to face you with a neutral expression — one that says that if you find anything peculiar about her behaviour, shut the fuck up. You know she won’t tell you what’s got her so on edge, so you don’t bother asking.
Instead, you turn, still rubbing at your chilled skin, and study the general disarray of her huge, open-plan studio apartment. Her bed is unmade, her trinkets and baubles scattered across various surfaces. And on the numerous overlapping rugs that cover the floor, a gathering of books, some stacked in a pile, others tossed aside, a few open on certain pages. It would seem she is spending the night going over your recent research.
“Perhaps a drink?” you ply, angling away from the mess.
She quirks a dark eyebrow. “Tell me, what is it about you and the others barging into my home and making demands of me?”
“I believe it’s customary to offer your guests refreshments.”
“I believe I didn’t ask for guests in the first place.”
Her words, to anyone outside your circle, would sound so sharp, so harsh. But you know Amren, now. That last sentence vaguely translates another meaning: I wasn’t expecting guests, but thank you for coming. Of course I’ll get you a drink.
Not that she’d ever say that in a million fucking years.
She saunters past you, towards the kitchen area. As she goes, she closes the open books and throws them onto the stacks. Picks up empty glasses.
“Don’t clean up on my account,” you say, knowing full well that she isn’t.
“I’m not,” she confirms. “I don’t want your clumsy feet treading on anything,” she places the empty glasses in the sink and turns to you. “What do you want to drink? There’s wine, wine, or wine.”
“I’ll have the wine, then.”
With the barest incline of her head, she turns her back to you. While she’s occupied, you take a moment to study the covered windows, everything that blocks out what’s occurring outside. Even the skylights are covered, and your lips twitch at the thought of her wrestling her way up there to fasten drapes over them.
It’s all so methodical, so thought out. And though you know she’d probably never tell you, you can’t help wanting to break down that barrier and know the more vulnerable side to her that is so unsettled by this holiday.
A glass is placed in your hand, and you clear your throat, ripping your gaze away from the skylight — but not fast enough for Amren not to notice.
“It unsettles me,” she says drily, surprising you.
You try your hardest not to blink at the offered snippet of information. “What does?”
“Starfall. What it is. What it signifies.” Taking a slow sip of her wine, she sits on the rug. You follow suit. “Those stars, beings, whatever you want to call them…they are on a journey. Going from one place to another. Perhaps from one world to another. That was once me.”
“…and that unsettles you…”
“Perhaps I know one of them, from many, many years ago. Perhaps they are an associate of a time and a world long-forgotten. A past friend or foe or—”
“A lover?” you supply. You’re not sure you mean to say it.
But Amren’s grey eyes slide to you, and one side of her mouth lifts into a wicked grin, bearing sharp white teeth. “Does that surprise you?”
“Yes. No. I suppose I know nothing of your personal relationships. Of what you like.”
“I like what I like, and I hate what I don’t like.”
You stare at her, thoroughly annoyed and thoroughly entertained. Speaking with Amren is so often trickery and riddles. No matter how much you may feel like you’re getting somewhere, she always leads you on a merry dance that circles you back to the first step.
“And what of you?” she asks, surprising you.
Your eyes snag on the way her razor-sharp black hair moves as she angles her head. The ends tickle the column of her long, creamy neck, adorned with a jewelled necklace. For one moment, for some reason, the sight makes your head empty.
But you shake yourself out of the bizarre reaction and ask, “What of me?”
“What do you like?” Amren asks.
You almost snort as you take a long sip of your wine. Amren is simply not somebody who asks questions about other people very often. And the topic of your love life seems like one that would be trivial and pointless to her.
“Are you asking because you want to know?” you smile. “Or to be polite?”
Another flash of those brilliant teeth. “Have you ever known me to be polite?”
“I suppose not, no.”
“So tell me, girl, what takes your fancy?”
Draining your glass, you set it aside and lounge back, bracing yourself on your hands. And perhaps the wine is already commanding your mind and blurring lines — because it tells you to glance down at the full lips in front of you, painted with red that’s deepened by the dark nectar she sips at.
You do.
Amren watches. The air seems to shift.
“Pour me another glass,” your voice comes out huskier than you intend, “and I’ll tell you.”
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Rare, for Amren to sound like anything besides being perpetually bored. An hour or so later — and too many glasses later — the two of you are sprawled back on the rug, staring at the ceiling.
“Helion keeps lions?” she turns her head to quirk an eyebrow at you.
“Yes,” you answer with a laugh in your voice. “Very real, very fucking huge lions.”
“I rather thought that Pegasuses were his thing.”
“They are. But his lions are a prided jewel of his — and a court secret that I absolutely should not be sharing with you.”
Her petite, lithe body rolls onto its side. She crooks her arm at the elbow and rests her chin there, staring at you through glazed, grey eyes.
It takes only a beat of eye contact for you both to break into laughter.
This is…unusual. And nice. Though the two of you have undoubtedly been growing closer, Amren always has a glass wall up that allows you to peer through but not penetrate. Tonight is the first night that you feel that…that you might be on the other side of that wall. That she might be letting her guard down for you.
You like it. A lot.
The laughter thinning out, she stares at you. It’s a little strange to see those sharp, angled features not appear harsh and ready to slice at anyone. She appears…open. Almost normal.
“Lions,” she repeats, in something like wonderment. “And they just roam about his private estate? Are they tame?”
“He has sprawls of private land on which they can roam freely,” you tell her. “That land is guarded very well, from anyone he doesn’t wish to share the sight with. The lions are very tame. There’s a rumour — though I never got Helion to confirm it — that they once walked on two legs and spoke our language. That thousands of years ago, a curse bound them to their feline form that even Helion’s vast libraries hold no answer to cracking. And since they weren’t able to break the curse, he and his predecessors set to ensure that they would, at least, always be safe and accommodated and able to live comfortably as they are. If it’s true, they seem perfectly happy in their lion bodies.”
“So Helion allowed you access to them? What are they like?”
You smile — at the images that the question conjures up, and the fact that you hold Amren’s interest enough for her to ask it at all. It makes you feel…proud, somehow. Like the cat that got the cream.
“Amazing,” you rest your arms behind your head, taking yourself back to that private land on which you spent so much time — just you and the lions. “They’re just…regal. The males have huge, brilliant manes. The females are so lithe and elegant. The cubs are painfully adorable. There are families of them. Sometimes, they fight. Often, they play. They love to snooze in the sun and frolic in the long grass. The youngsters love splashing each other in the lake. If they recognise you as someone they can trust, you can comfortably sit with them and stroke their fur. They especially like you if you bring them food.”
There’s such a long pause as Amren takes in your words that after a short while, your eyes slide to her, half expecting to find her asleep. But she simply stares at you. Quiet. Assessing.
“I think I would like to see lions,” she says after a moment. To her, it seems to be a huge confession. Something not easy to admit.
You study the perfect lines of her face. That face that appears in your thoughts when you’re trying to sleep, think about absolutely anything but her. You’re not sure you like how drawn you are to her. She’s so unreachable that it only makes you reach harder. So difficult to work out that sometimes, you question if she delights in your company at all.
It is, after all, you who always seeks her out. Since you began your research together, it’s been you who has found excuses to see her.
You who barged your way into her home tonight, while stars collided above you.
And you who might do something unwise if you stay any longer.
You clear your throat, breaking eye contact. Your head feels as though it’s filled with cotton as you sit up and announce, “Perhaps I should go.”
Amren pauses. “Why?”
“I didn’t mean to take up your entire evening.”
“You could stay,” she also sits up, tucking her legs beneath her. “You never did tell me what it is you like.”
You take a moment to just…breathe. You’re not used to Amren being so…warm. It’s dangerous. Exciting. You don’t know if it’s safe.
Slowly, you turn on the floor to face her. “I’m not sure you’d appreciate the answer.”
A dark eyebrow arches. She likes doing that. “Tell it to me anyway.”
Should you? Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing. Maybe you’ll tell her that thoughts of her keep you awake, not in the forms of nightmares but in the allure of fantasies. Maybe then she’ll cease all work she does with you, and distance herself from you, and you can rid yourself of these feelings—
“You are what I like,” you speak quickly, flushing hot. “Who I like. I was thankful when Rhysand tasked us to work together, because I was already drawn to you. It seems I can’t stay away—”
A flash of dark hair, the potent scent of perfume and wine, are the only warnings you get before Amren is in your face, her perfect mouth sliding over yours. Wine is the overpowering taste of the kiss, but there are hints of other things behind it — sweet vanilla and something floral.
It takes you by surprise, no doubt. But you push the shock away and sink into the rightness of it. Your shoulders slump, body loosening. You slide a hand up to tentatively cup Amren’s cheek, and you kiss her back.
What starts out slow and explorative quickly builds into something that steals the very air from your lungs. Your bodies seem to move in perfect synchronisation, finding the right positions from which the kiss can deepen and grow. Amren kneels between your legs, and a sharp tooth gives the slightest, twinging bite to your lower lip — one that makes you gasp.
The act is deliberate. She slides her tongue into your mouth, folding it around yours. Your tastes mingle until you’re not sure which is yours and which is hers, and that simply will not do. You want her on your tongue. The flavour of her skin and that scent of hers that is quickly growing stronger, thicker, shifting into something else that you would commit sins to taste.
Your fingers sink into Amren’s hair, and she makes a low noise that could be a warning or a plea. The strands, despite always looking sharp enough to slice through rock, are silken, soft. You fist them in your palm and tilt her head back to kiss her deeper.
But she pulls away, her heavy breaths landing on your lips. Her eyes meet yours, and it’s the first time you see her looking anything besides…steeled. Composed.
She looks flustered. Like pulling away from your mouth was the last thing she wanted to do.
“I don’t know what this means,” she blurts.
The admission makes you pause. You agree, “Neither do I.”
“No—not just this. What you do to me. I don’t know what any of this means,” she narrows her eyes at you, almost accusatory. “Emotions like these have always felt pointless to me, but you…”
“…but me?”
“You…” the word is leaden on her tongue. “You are different.”
Her gaze slides to your mouth again, and you can tell that her comfort is in articulating her feelings with actions, not words.
And that is just fine by you.
Like she reads the encouragement straight from your thoughts, a breathy word escapes her. “Yes.”
And then she’s fastening her lips on yours again and stamping out every shred of confusion. No matter what either of you are unable to say, the dance of your mouths can speak it all. For now, no more than that is necessary.
Amren kisses you, and you kiss her. It’s deep, desperate, yearning. It’s bigger than anything and everything. The stars that race through the sky pale in comparison.
This is the real beauty of this night. The real thing you had hoped for. It could end no better way.
You kiss until your mouths are bruised and tender. Until the taste of wine is gone, and there’s nothing but the two of you on your tongues. For all you know, the rest of the world outside this apartment could have disappeared. You’re not sure you care.
You’re the one to pull away this time, but you don’t move far. You part your lips to gulp down breaths and press your forehead to Amren’s. Your voice is a rasp as you joke, “You better not be kissing me just so I’ll show you the lions.”
She laughs — actually laughs. It’s a short, brusque chortle, but it makes you glow with pride.
But she quickly sobers. Her face is serious once more, her eyes drinking you in.
“I’m kissing you, girl,” she says, “because I think about you too much. Because the very first time I laid eyes on you, it scared me — what I might do to look at you forever.”
You try to mask your surprise. You hadn’t realised—
“It was me who suggested to Rhysand that you and I should work together,” she admits. She pulls back a little, as if urging you to read the honesty on her face. “It felt pathetic and foolish, but I did it to be close to you. I can’t stop myself wanting to be close to you.”
Exactly the same feelings you had tortured yourself with all this time. To think that Amren had agonised over it just as you had is comforting, somehow.
You reach out a hand, pinching a strand of her soft hair between your fingers. She watches the action closely.
“Don’t stop yourself wanting it,” you say, not at all sure that it isn’t a plea. “Don’t stop yourself, when I want it, too.”
“…I’m not used to being…unsure of things.”
“Embrace it,” you offer a smile. “Have fun with it.” With me.
She stares at you, brooding and calculating. You wait for her to decide that this is too out of the realms of familiarity. She won’t allow herself to be so vulnerable.
But then she moves her hand to yours — the one still touching her hair. Slowly, tentatively, she laces your fingers together. She stares down at your joined hands as though the sight is alien, fascinating.
“Stay,” she eventually says, glancing up at you. There’s an undertone in her voice, an inference.
“…the entire night?” you hedge. You try to keep the hopefulness out of your tone.
Her red lips lift into a smirk, grey eyes glimmering. “On one condition.”
“Name your price.”
Your heart picks up as she leans in again. Her hair tickles your cheek, and she watches closely as your skin flushes at the proximity. Her lips hover against yours.
But instead of kissing you, she whispers four words that land straight on your waiting mouth.
“Show me the lions.”
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devilishchaos · 10 months
your writing is amazing <3 if your requests are still open, could you write fluff fic and smut (if you like), where rúben is really gentle, taking care of you while you’re drunk. perhaps you both went to a party together and we all know that he can’t drink alcohol so he basically takes care of you from the bar/club to your shared house and you were so needy asking him to have sex with you while your drunk.
The one where you get drunk and he looks after you | Rúben Dias imagine
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Rating / genre: fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Warnings: mentions of drinking, explicit talk, begging
AN: Thank you for requesting <3 I hope you like it! :)
Word Count: 1 743 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
A group evening together with the whole Man City squad and their families usually spelled disaster for all of you, especially when celebrating. 
“Another one!” Jack announces as he hands you another shot. With a click, the two of you are throwing them back. You’re already feeling tipsy and the encouragement is enough to keep you going. 
Rúben is not as nearly far gone as everyone else, telling you to let loose. He holds your hand as you two walk around to the kitchen to find a snack. He giggles at your slight stumble, holding you up successfully. 
“You’re so strong.” you say with a hiccup and Rúben shakes his head with a grin as he forces you to sip on some water in between your next drink. 
John screams as his favorite song comes on, begging you to come join them. You pull Rúben along with you, his hands become steady on your hips as he presses kisses to your neck as the two of you sway in sync. 
You are far gone. Rúben’s hands haven’t left your body, not that you’d complain - you are more than grateful for the way he’s holding you up. 
“Here, let’s get some water in you, amor.” he picks you up and sits you on the counter, finding home between your legs as you sip on a cup of water. 
“Good girl.” he says, pushing your hair from your face. 
“You can not say that to me right now, Dias.” you say, wiggling your eyebrows “Nuh uh, no mister. Not when you look like this.” you give him a pout, only causing him to smile. 
The whole journey home was filled with conversation, from only one of you in the car. Light giggles were the only thing that came from Rúben, as you spoke about anything that came to mind, slurring most of your words.
“This place looks familiar..” you whispered as you pulled up outside your shared apartment. 
“There’s a reason for that.” Rúben sighed, getting himself out of the car before giving you a helping hand.
As soon as you stepped foot into the apartment, you threw yourself down onto the sofa, lifting your feet up for Rúben to untie the laces of your strappy heels and strip your jacket off of you. You could feel his eyes studying you closely with every little thing you did, bringing a light red blush to your face.
“What are you looking at?” you giggled as he lifted your legs up, sitting himself down on the sofa before moving your legs across to rest in his lap “Why do you keep looking at me like that? Have I got something on my face or on my jeans? Oh, man..not my jeans.”
Rúben rolled his eyes “Your jeans are fine, and so is your face. I’m just admiring how you look when you’re drunk.” 
“Is that because you looooooove me?” you cheekily asked, holding your hand out for him to take a hold of “Because I love you, I love you a lot. Have I told you that I love you?” 
“I think you might have mentioned it a couple of times Y/N, don’t worry about that.” Rúben assured you. 
As the room darkened and finally silence began to descend upon you, the dizzy state you had found yourself in for most of the night began to subside. It didn’t stop your eyes from staring across at Rúben though, focussing on the feeling of his hands running against the bare skin of your ankles. 
“Rúben..” you whispered, breaking up the silence in the room “..come lay with me for a bit?” you questioned, tapping the space beside you on the sofa. 
Without a second thought, Rúben lifted your legs up so that he could swing his frame around to rest against the back of the sofa. The stench of alcohol hit him as soon as he got close enough to your face, as he pressed a kiss against your cheek. 
“You smell nice.” your voice was muffled against the collar of his shirt. Breaths of warm air brushed against his neck and Rúben clenched his jaw in a half-ditched effort to seize the pounding in his chest. Surely you could hear it. 
“Let’s get you to bed, amor.” Rúben said softly, as he got up from the sofa and took you with him, starting to take a step backward. You kept your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, but you allowed your legs to follow him. Steady, careful steps were taken as Rúben continued to walk backwards towards the bedroom. 
His hand felt around for the door knob and he twisted it open. You had yet to lift your head from the alcove of his neck, sighing contently as he pulled you into the room. Rúben flicked the light switch on at your bedside, illuminating the room in a soft white hue in an effort to preserve the sensitivity in your eyes. 
“I’m going to find some sleep clothes for you, alright?” Rúben asked, as he reached behind him and pulled your arms from around his waist. The flash of disappointment across your face as your lips tugged into a frown did not slip his notice. He set you against the edge of the bed, a steady hand on your shoulder to make sure you were balanced. He turned back towards the closet. 
“You want to sleep in my clothes or yours, baby?” Rúben scratched at his head, tucking his hair behind his ears. 
When he turned back towards you, a gasp caught in his throat to find you standing just inches away. How you managed to sneak up on him in this state, he’ll never know. You were staring at his lips, breathing heavily as eyes slowly trailed up to meet his. If Rúben thought his heart was beating painfully before..
A brush of your fingers at his waist line, playing with the edge of his shirt forced a gulp out of him. You purse your lips into a mischievous grin, grabbing at the fabric. 
“Take this off.” 
“W-what?” Rúben stuttered. God, he was never as nervous as he was around you. 
You leaned forward, hands releasing the fabric and trailing along his stomach under his shirt. Nails gently dragging over his skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Before Rúben could say a word, your lips were on his neck. 
“A-amor, hold on now..” Rúben started, though he found he couldn’t finish where he was going. He couldn’t remember what he was even going to say, not with the way your lips were sucking so sweetly against that spot on his neck that drove him wild, traveling up to pepper kisses along his jaw. He closed his eyes, relishing in the sensation you left behind with each kiss. He knew he should stop you, but, God, how could he possibly when your lips were on the corner of his mouth? 
The moment you pressed your lips to his, he froze, hands out to the side. Your soft, plump lips kissed at his own, tongue dragging against the bottom of his lip, until you bit down, not enough to hurt but enough that it took Rúben out of his trance. 
His hands came up to the sides of your face, holding you against him as he parted his lips further for you. It was wet and messy, and rushed, and nothing like he thought it would be as you moaned into his mouth, sending a jolt below his waistline. The way you were tugging at him, the way his hands tangled in your knotted hair, it was all so much rougher than he wanted it to be. But with your tongue sweeping over his, all he could think about was how bad he wanted this. 
“Amor..” you moaned and Rúben nearly came on the spot “..Rúben..please, I need you to fuck me.” 
Rúben pulled away instantly, panting heavily. Eyes wide as you sat down on the bed, reaching to pull your shirt over your head. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, but hands darted out to grab yours before you had the chance to remove the fabric. 
“Wait a second, amor.” Rúben urged, stare caught on your swollen lips. He was screaming in his own head. 
You frowned “Rú, please. Fuck me.” 
The heavy slur of your words. The way your eyes couldn’t quite focus on him. The sway of your body, unable to keep balance even as you sat on the bed. You weren’t in your right mind. He should have known that from the moment you touched him. 
“Fuck.” Rúben cursed under his breath, the realization of what he was doing flooding through him. He took a step back, brushing his hand over his mouth “I- I can’t, amor. I’m sorry.” 
“But, Rúbenn..” you wined, grabbing at his arms and pulling yourself back to your feet. Your lips connected with his neck again and he had to stifle a moan before it came out. His hands set carefully on your shoulders in an effort to push you away. He couldn’t do this to you, not like this. 
Your lips came back to his own and Rúben pulled away reluctantly. It killed him to do so, tore at his chest in every painful way imaginable, but he did it. 
“Not like this, baby.” he urged and pushed softly against your shoulders, keeping you at a distance. Your eyes searched his, confusion evident across your features “Not now, maybe later..” 
“Why don’t you lie down, for now, hm?” Rúben gestured towards the bed. You followed his gaze and nodded slowly. All of your energy seemed to drain away in an instant. He had to nearly carry you to the side of the bed. Lifting the covers and tucking two pillows under your head to aid in the dizziness, Rúben helped to tuck you in. A warm smile pulled at the corners of your lips as you closed your eyes, just barely visible, enough so that he would have missed it if he wasn’t watching you so closely. 
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to your forehead. A couple pain relievers and a glass of water by your bedside were left for you. He changed into some comfy clothes and joined you to bed, plopping down with a heavy sigh. His fingers brushed up at his lips, the sensation of you still tingling there. 
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bridenore · 9 months
HD Books / Writing fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs involving books or writing. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Annus Mirabilis by Ren [39k]
Harry and Malfoy are trapped at Hogwarts around the time the school was founded. Stuck with a different way of doing magic, with no chocolate, and with each other, they have to find a way to work together if they want a chance to go home.
Dear Diary by AWickedMemory [20k]
 // This can’t possibly go worse than the last time I kept a diary. // After the war, Harry picks up a journal to write in… and it writes back. Luckily, it’s not a Horcrux on the other end this time.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout [29k]
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he’s here, and he won’t stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
He Who Must Not Be Normal by @letteredlettered [40k]
Potter has fame and fortune and posh clothes and all he wants is a simple life.  Draco has a flat and a cat and a steady job and all he wants is a complicated life.  Which makes you think this story has something exciting like body-swapping, but it doesn’t.  Instead it has Indian takeaway and a blue jumper and people wanting a whole lot of what they can’t have, discovering themselves as they discover each other. 
If We Were Honest by daisymondays / @gracie137blogs [26k]
Two years ago, Draco and Harry had a whirlwind secret romance that ended in heart-break. Since then Draco’s written a best-selling novel based on their relationship, but with one key difference—the characters get a happily ever after. Now Harry and Draco are reunited for the first time since their break-up, but can they rewrite their own ending?
Love Bites, Or How Draco Malfoy Learned to Let Go and Celebrate His Allure by @m0srael [50k]
Recently-turned Draco Malfoy is doing his very best to be a normal, productive, contributing member of wixen society. So far, he’s managed to keep his bloody little problem a secret, even from his best friends. But when the professional opportunity he’s been dreaming of finally   falls in his lap, he finds himself with much more than just a potential promotion. Will a profile on a new creature-exclusive dating app, a wolfy stranger who seems hellbent on liking Draco just the way he is, and a little self-confidence help Draco finally love himself and his newfound community?
Orion in the Sky by space_wingding [30k]
Draco Malfoy owns a bookshop in the Lake District. He’s also cursed. Enter: Harry Potter.
Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure [560k]
A set of enchanted journals bring solace to two very unlikely lost   souls. Whoever said the art of penmanship was lost? This is a wizarding twist on the old fashioned art of correspondence (or the modern art of Internet chatting). What will happen when the mystery writers finally   discover the identity of their counterpart? Join this star crossed pair as they obliviously chat to each other; along the way learning about   life and love. Find out what will happen when their own voyages of self discovery lead them to the most unlikely of places. This is eventual   HP/DM, but other pairings for the protagonists along their journey.
The Price We Pay for Wings by Frayach [13k]
Books have the power to shape young lives. At least that is the hope of the anonymous author of a best-selling series about a Muggle boy and his best friend on the eve of a world war. But stories do more than just shape the future: they can redress the wrongs of the past as well. But only as long as it’s not too late…
Reading Malfoy by @femmequixotic [15k]
After thirteen years of hiding himself away in Muggle London, Draco Malfoy shows up again in the wizarding world–with a wickedly amusing memoir in hand. Harry doesn’t want to read it. Really. He doesn’t.
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by @bixgirl1 [39k]
When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess. What comes as a complete shock are Potter’s other activities…And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him. (Relax. It’s just like a holiday Hallmark movie! …With, uhm, sleepwanking.)
Sourdough by @academicdisaster24 [17k]
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Sunseeker by @shiftylinguini [15k]
Harry is a struggling writer. Namely, he is struggling with: writing his next book, dealing with his agent, finding a decent tea strainer, fielding his friend’s concern over the aforementioned book, and figuring out who the cat loitering in his garden belongs to. He also has a slight liking-Malfoy problem. Okay, he has a massive liking-Malfoy problem.
Teach Me, Life; Guide Me, Love by @kiraohara [79k]
Revelations both painful and joyous set the markers in the path of every life. Thankfully, Draco has spectacular company for the journey.
Verba Volant by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony​ [34k]
The first letter arrives after the Trials. Harry unfolds the parchment and his eyes open wide when he realises who it’s from. He soon finds himself waiting for those letters to arrive, staring at the window in search of Malfoy’s owl. He wants to know more.
When It Alteration Finds by momatu [55k]
After the war, Harry left most of the Wizarding world behind and built a new life for himself in the Channel Islands. He opened a bakery and is happy with his life. Draco is a fiction author who writes under a penname, and he’s currently suffering from writer’s block. His agent suggests he try writing in a new environment and rents a cottage in the Channel Islands for him.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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bbq-hawks-wings · 2 years
Not as mad with the Seteth crumbs in Three Hopes as I could be, actually.
Spoilers below.
Still working my way through Azure Gleam after finishing Scarlet Blaze (and getting the bad ending, I guess, so that's good to know about now) and I find myself scratching my head now that I've begun to compare writing for Seteth from the first game to the second.
Now, while I love all the fanservice-y stuff Three Hopes gave us, especially the crumbs of expedition dialogue and flavor text like the Tome of Comely Saints entries - not to mention the consideration that I haven't gone through it all yet, this game seems to focus considerably more on the world building of Fodlan than continuing to highlight the characters.
This doesn't typically bother me, but in Seteth's special case, he really seems to incidentally be getting left behind where some other characters clearly got to shine. Yet, even though I'm a little disappointed I also kind of get it and may even be applauding the writers who handled him for it.
The reason for that is between the two games, Seteth is run out of Garreg Mach with the rest of the church in Three Hopes and that's the only major development for him so far.
In Three Houses (SS specific):
Flayn gets kidnapped for *BLOOD MAGIC EXPERIMENTS* and then is later returned to him.
The weird new teacher he said not to hire not only can wield The Sword of the Creator, but now their hair and eyes have changed they definitely have Goddess Powers™ now.
"Rhea, WTF did I read in Jeralt's super secret journal?!"
Edelgard's antagonism catches them all off guard again, but this time stealing real crest stones and holy relics with manufactured demonic beasts while Flayn and Rhea are still *IN* the holy tomb,
Five long years of war with no Rhea and no Byleth while he roams the continent, avoiding capture the whole time, to look for them and hold the faithful together until Byleth pops back on his doorstep.
They make it and win the war, but not before all three lords destroy themselves at the Final Battle of Gronder Field and the church is left to pick up the pieces.
If you don't get a high enough support level with Rhea, you can't save her and he has to help put her down himself.
My man goes through a lot, ok?
Byleth is integral to Seteth's character development. There's not many other characters who can actually reach him and cause such a change in him to where at the beginning of the story he's doing everything in his power to hide the existence of Nabateans and then by the end of it tell Rhea that they should just tell the people *everything*. Three Hopes expeditions with Seteth where he derisively comments on man marring the natural landscape reveals very plainly that he simply sees himself as something other than human. He's right to - he is by just about every metric out there a larger than life person - but he's also "just" a person and a very lonely one at that. His circumstances make it difficult for him to get close to others the way he misses being able to and wishes he could again. Byleth is a rare kind of friend in whom he could confide everything to and, marriage or not, share a deep, personal bond with.
If anything, Three Hopes is really giving me an even deeper appreciation for how they utilized Byleth specifically for Seteth in Silver Snow. It's an active, steady change that can be sneaky if you're not looking for it; but it becomes very obvious when you pay attention how Byleth's journey directly translates into Seteth's.
Three Hopes just doesn't have any of that (-that I know of). It's "just" war - and even then two years of it post timeskip instead of five. Seteth hasn't been put through the wringer in Three Hopes the way he was in Three Houses, and though the stakes are just as high as before, he especially doesn't get the same build-up; and based on my ending in Scarlet Blaze where I didn't face Flayn and Seteth in the final battle but did fight Rhea in her Seiros war outfit - Seteth and Flayn definitely ran to the hills to stay safe and keep living which is exactly in line where he was in Crimson Flower, just without Byleth.
I'm still curious to see how Shez's relationship with him will change over the plot (still no answer as to what they or Arval are so far in my playthrough), and I'm DYING to watch Seteth and Yuri's support to learn what I can from that, but I'm not expecting much so far. I just don't think Three Hopes has anything to specifically offer Seteth the way Three Houses did; and if anything, I'm just using what I learn about him in Three Hopes to inform me of who he is in Three Houses before Byleth came along.
Anyway, TL;DR, Setleth fans keep winning even when we "lose."
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heartlandians · 1 year
Past, Present and the Future (Christmas Fanfiction), part 2/3
Genre: General, Drama, Family Characters: Tim Fleming, few other family members (don’t want to give out spoilers!)
Synopsis: Three different snapshots of Tim’s Christmasses of the past, present and the future.
* * * *
“Good boy...” Tim said and patted the palomino’s neck after he had placed the hay on the net for the horse to munch. The gelding, that would few years later earn the name “Champ”, started tugging out the hay between the strings, sighing as a sign of relaxation.
Giving him space to eat, Tim stepped out of the stall and closed the latch behind him. Looking at the horse, the man couldn’t help but think he was the best purchase he had made in a while. Even though Tim wasn’t exactly proud of his days at the oil rig or gambling at the casinos, at least that money had helped him to buy this beautiful animal.
This was a new horse for him, but already he seemed like he had been with the man forever. The way they worked together when herding the cattle was seamless, and the horse had an easy nature outside work too. 
He was strong, loyal and resilient. All qualities Tim also wish he would possess.
It might have been 9 years since his rodeo accident, and usually a cowboy like him found himself a new horse quickly after losing the previous one because what was a cowboy without his horse, but in Tim’s case the journey here had been complicated and full of ups and downs.
His previous horse - a rodeo legend in his own right - Pegasus, had not just been any horse; he had been the horse for him. 
After their accident at the Calgary Stampede, the horse had been a mess - just like him. While Tim had been too busy healing himself, his wife, Marion, had tried her best to fix the issues Pegasus had been dealing with as an aftermath of the whole thing.
When Tim had been kicked out of Heartland, Pegasus had stayed with Marion - and it had probably been better that way. Tim had not been in any position to take the horse with him anyway and he had not really been in a condition to take care of a horse either. He had barely managed to look after himself.
Now, almost a decade later, their paths had once again crossed. Marion had done amazing job with the horse, as Pegasus was back to being the stable friend Tim had once known. But a decade was a long time in a horse’s life, especially one with this horse’s history. Pegasus was a good fit for light trail rides, but he was no good for rodeo, not that anyone in the family would have even put him through that anymore. 
But Pegasus was also not a working horse, and that’s where this palomino had stepped in as Tim had needed a horse to help with the herd he was working with. They were slowly getting to know each other and so far everything had gone well. 
While Tim was lost in thought, Ray Phillips entered the Big River Ranch barn, leaning on his walking stick.
“Tim. What are you doing here?” Ray asked and moved with some labor as he stepped inside. He was an old man already, with injuries of his own, but insisted doing rounds around his property every day, even though he had staff to help him. Tim was one of them as he worked as a foreman. “I thought you would have gone to stay with your family at Heartland.”
“Oh...” Tim laughed dryly, turning toward his boss. “You know how Jack is; he can hold a grudge. There’s no way he would let me into that Christmas dinner table - even if I am able to visit my girls now. Gotta pick my battles...”
Ray nodded, knowing his neighbor well. They had shared fence for decades, after all, way over his 50 years of ranching, and here in Hudson you were not a stranger with the people living next to you.
“So... you’re alone for Christmas?” Ray read between the lines.
Tim nodded. “I guess I am.”
Taking a seat on top of two stocked square bales, Ray steadied his breath.
“My daughter was supposed to come stay with me, but... apparently some work related thing came up last minute and she can’t make it. Or so she says”, Ray said with a disappointed tone, fiddling his walking stick. “Truth be told, I don’t know if that is just an excuse... I feel like she’s not really interested in visiting me. Or staying here at Big River. I’m beginning to lose hope that this ranch will stay in the family in the future. I know I already have a plan for those longhorns of mine...”
“Well, you’re not leaving us anytime soon, are you, Ray?” Tim asked, even though he knew with someone of Ray’s age, that was only a matter of time with every passing day. 
Ray chuckled, appreciating Tim’s attempt to make him feel younger than he was. 
“You know damn well this might just be my last Christmas”, Ray reminded, and almost like from a cue, he started coughing. 
Tim listened to the hollow sounds of his lungs as the older man gasped for air afterwards. When his coughing calmed down, Tim had a thought.
“Let’s say this is your last Christmas, hypothetically”, he said thoughtfully, “what would you like for your last Christmas to look like?” 
“Oh...” Ray let out, taking some time to think about it. “Well, I always liked it when we had a Christmas tree back when Callie was a little girl. Seeing her admire the decorations and lights... I don’t know, it just always warmed my heart too.”
“So you’d want a Christmas tree?” Tim checked.
Ray nodded. “Yeah. One last time. I can’t go out to those woods anymore, not like how I used to. I miss it.”
“I can bring some of it to you”, Tim decided, like it was no big deal. “Just point me to a saw.”
* * * *
Less than 30 minutes later, Tim mounted his horse and headed toward the woods that were on Ray’s property. He knew not to cross any borders on this mission to find a Christmas tree as there were fences separating them from Heartland’s acres. 
The beautiful frosty day pinched his cheeks as he and the horse ventured deeper into the forest. Looking around, Tim’s glance moved from one spruce to another. Some of them were too small, some of them too tall. Some of them looked right, but only on one side.
When he got closer to a more wooded area, something between the trees moved - a bird, perhaps - making the horse jump. Scared, the palomino started rushing forward, and Tim tried his best to use his bulldogging cowboy abilities to stay on, but when a large branch swiped him on the chest, the man lost his balance and fell down, hitting his top half on the icy surface as his cowboy hat bounced further away.
Feeling his head throbbing from pain, Tim groaned. Not only was he afraid he had just sustained a concussion, but the branch really had knocked the wind out of him. He laid there, barely moving and waited the pain to pass. 
It was like on his old rodeo days, but at least he had not landed on his bad shoulder...
Just as the cold was starting to creep under his clothes and the brightness of the sky was beginning to hurt his eyes, Tim thought about getting up, but before he was able, he heard a voice. 
“Easy there, cowboy.”
He recognized that voice in a heartbeat, but... it couldn’t be...
“Marion...?” Tim said, wondering if he was going insane.
Moving around his head against the snowy surface, Tim was trying to locate the origin of the voice, but he saw no one. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. 
After all, Marion was dead. She had passed away in an accident earlier this year. 
“Yeah, it’s me, you dummy”, Marion’s voice replied with some delay.
“But you’re--- you’re--” Tim stuttered. He still could barely say it.
“Dead?” Marion offered. 
Tim swallowed dryly and nodded. “Yeah...”
“Maybe so, but death doesn’t have to be the end.”
Tim couldn’t understand this. “But I was at your funeral. We’ve mourned for you. The whole family.”
“I’ve seen it. If there was one good thing to come out of this it’s that you’re all together again.”
“I wish you were here with us. I feel like I just missed you. Like I was just few minutes away from seeing you again. Maybe if I had come back sooner, we---” 
The words died on Tim’s lips.
“You wrote me a letter, remember?” Marion pointed out. “You tried.”
“I did. But I didn’t hear back.”
“I was not ready then. I was in the middle of my own recovery. The rodeo accident or the aftermath of it didn’t just happen to you. And... I didn’t divorce you because I wanted to. But... it’s what needed to happen so we could both move forward. I didn’t see a future for us, even though I hoped for it. Besides, I had to focus on the girls. Lou, especially, was affected by it all. But... I wasn’t able to help her. I just never got through to her, not like you always did.”
“I’ve been trying to make amends, but... it’s been difficult. With Amy, especially. I have to take it slow. There’s so much water under that bridge...” Tim confessed. “It takes more than blood and a will to connect for us to build those connections again.
“You’re on the right path”, Marion’s voice said. “Just keep going.”
A warm breeze of air swept all over Tim’s face as he was slowly starting to achieve consciousness again. Feeling the tickle of a horse’s muzzle on his cheek, Tim realized he was being examined by a horse.
His horse.
Opening his eyes, Tim saw the palomino standing next to him, almost apologetically. 
“Did you lose something?” Tim asked with a low voice.
He chuckled when the horse breathed on his face. 
“You came back for me, huh...?” 
Nuzzling the horse’s cheek, Tim tried to gain back his strength to get up and get back on the horse. When you fell, the most important thing was to get back in the saddle. That was the motto he had lived by for years now and he wasn’t about to stop.
“We promised Ray a tree. We’re going to get that tree”, Tim said to his horse.
He mounted the gelding, thinking about the tree, but also sparing thoughts for Marion. 
He felt her presence now. 
There was a spot, not too far from here, where Tim knew Marion had always liked to ride to clear her thoughts. Maybe he could cross the property line just a little in order to remember the love of his life and appreciate the view she had always loved so much, seeing this was the first Christmas without her.
Even though they had not talked for years, Tim had always carried part of Marion with him in a form of a school ring. The woman had given it to him years ago for good luck while he had been on a circuit. 
Tim’s younger daughter, Amy, now had it as it was Tim’s way of keeping Marion alive for her as well. The girls longed for their mother, for different ways, and while Tim could see how heavily Lou and Amy relied on their grandfather, Jack, Tim was hoping to be there for them too during this period of grief.
He wasn’t doing it for completely selfless reasons, but also because looking at them kept Marion alive for him too. He had needed to have that closure in order to move forward, and slowly but surely Tim was feeling the change in him.
Marion was never going to be forgotten, but they needed to continue to live their lives.
For her and for themselves.
Who knew where they would be ten, twenty years from now.
Hopefully still at Heartland, in some way.
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zeynepxturkmen · 11 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
age: 31.
gender & pronouns: nonbinary & she (primary)/they (secondary).
neighborhood: university heights.
occupations: owner of the comic lab and owner of a hero's journey.
fc: özge özacar.
trigger warnings: cheating, teen pregnancy, mental health, post-partum depression.
Cemre and Kerem Türkmen always knew that they wanted the best for their daughter. That they wanted her to grow up strong, connected to her roots but also have the love to fly. When Zeynep came to their lives, they knew that they loved her more than anything else in the world. They just didn’t realize that their daughter was going to experience quite an adventure as she grew up. For the longest time, they thought that the most adventurous thing they’d explore with Zeyno was her sexual orientation, something she discovered herself when she was thirteen. Alternating living between their home country of Türkiye in İstanbul and Boston, Massachusetts, they had struggled for a while learning about her gender identity and it resulted in her being sent to an international school in Dubai. For a while, Zeyno absolutely hated the school. Yet somehow, over time, it grew to not become too bad and it certainly helped her with her English. She even eventually started seeing someone when she was sixteen.
Falling in love for the first time was one of the simplest yet most beautiful things she’d ever experienced. While she hadn’t been expecting him, she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Even when she told him about her sexual orientation, he only seemed to love her more and more. With both of their parents’ permission and blessings, they were set in an arranged marriage and promised to each other. Everything was going perfectly… Until news of Zeynep’s pregnancy came out.
Zeynep and her fiancé had just finished graduating from high school, the two ready to start university in the autumn and work even closer to starting their life together. But the moment their parents found out that she was pregnant, they were furious. Her meant-to-be-future-in-laws accused her of sleeping around and cheating on their son. In the midst of it all, he had panicked and said that he wasn’t the father, leaving her heartbroken. The engagement was called off, she was forced to say goodbye to the person she loved, and under a lot of scrutinizing pressure, Leticia’s parents cut her off. Giving her enough money so that she’d be comfortable for a while then giving her the slip.
She felt lost in it all. At eighteen years old, she was completely removed from everyone she loved and everything she knew. Having meant to start school at Harvard, she moved out to Boston as quickly as possible. Trying to prepare everything she could before her babies—yes, babies; Zeynep was pregnant with twins—were meant to come and school was to start. With the money her parents gave her, she was able to find a small apartment that worked yet saved the rest of the money to go towards the babies. She’d been quick to get a job, trying to earn enough money so that she could be able to provide for her children. Soon enough, her twins, Leia and Luke (after her favourite Star Wars characters), came into her life.
By then, she had a steady job at Barnes and Noble while also taking a few night classes for her Creative Writing and Theater majors. Eventually, as the years went by and her daughters grew up more and more, the more she continued her schooling and the bills began to pile up, Zeyno took on a second job at a movie rental shop (the beautiful days before streaming became a convenience). She graduated from Harvard and while she had been blessed with many scholarships and grants, there were still loans to be paid. Her children had been the only light in her life. After what happened, she struggled over connecting with others romantically. She slept around a lot, using them the same way they used her to forget her struggles for a while. Then, she met someone rather unexpectedly.
Zeynep (or Hero, the alias they used online and with others in the queer community) was newly 21 and her friends (well, the few friends she had) believed that it was time for her to have some fun and live life a little. With being able to come up a plan to make that a reality and for the twins to be taken care of, she was dragged out to Las Vegas for a couple days. No responsibilities, no worries about the future; Just a young adult being given the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted. Okay, sure, she struggled high-key with it at first. The urge to check on her children always just too strong. Yet, she soon met someone. At first, it was meant to be a short, 24 hour romance that went nowhere. Just someone who touched her soul and then they both went on their ways. Now, imagine their surprise waking up next morning and discovering that, not only had they fallen asleep together, they had also gotten married at some point during the past 24 hours. Zeynep was freaking the fuck out, trying to figure out how she can annul this without ever letting her kids find out. After awhile, though, they both calmed down. And brewed one of the most insane ideas in the world: what if they stayed married for the next year and see what happens next?
It was batshit crazy and Zeyno stated so. Of course, she was in. That is, until she heard the rest of her semi-partner’s idea: they moved to her partner’s hometown in Colorado. She had her children. They had a life in Boston. She was being looked at for a promotion at Barnes and Noble. How fair would it be to uproot everything for a person she’d only been married to for, what, twelve hours? She wasn’t onboard at first and even stated so. But… she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t tempted. The idea of a fresh start… Her children growing up with another parent… The potential of being a family… She couldn’t resist finally. And in November 2012, the move was made from Boston to a townhouse downtown with her new partner.
In all honesty? It was an incredible struggle at first. She fortunately had been able to get an assistant manager position at the Comic Lab and the twins adjusted better than expected. Yet it was Hero who struggled to adjust for the longest time. She couldn’t find it within herself to settle, struggling to make friends in Providence Peak and challenging her partner the best she could. Pushing their buttons and ready to piss them off. Surprisingly, though? They were supportive and understanding. The last time she had experience that had been with her ex and she soon admitted to them about what happened. Nothing could express the amount of support and care she received. After awhile, things got easier. Then a year went by and they had a vow renewal. Fully cementing their commitment to each other and embracing their love together.
Over the years, her partner adopted Luke and Leia, becoming not just their stepparent, but their parent completely. Six years went by and they were then joined with Meg, named after Zeynep’s favourite Disney character, Megara. For a moment, things were good. But after awhile, her mental health began to struggle as she began to deal with post-partum depression. Nothing was going right between her and her partner, a rift soon growing and growing. It was when they left in the middle of night, claiming that they couldn’t do this anymore that she was snapped right out of it. Well, sort of. She was finally able to reached out to her friends for help and received it, especially after hearing the news about her partner.
Over the past six years as she navigated being a (sort of) single parent again, she went back to primarily making sure her children were taken care of, but also trying to have a life as well. She gained ownership of the Comic Lab and as of a couple of weeks ago, she has now opened up a new business located in University Heights right next to the Comic Lab: A Hero’s Journey, a book-and-movie shop that’s conveniently located beneath the apartment she and the kids moved into after her partner left. She’s even tried to dip her toes back into the dating scene, though nothing more concrete has occurred since then.
Despite things not looking like how she expected when she first moved to Providence Peak eleven years ago and despite her failed marriage, Zeynep is admittedly happy with where she is in her life. After all, she has three children who are healthy and happy. She owns two businesses that she’s passionate about. She has friends in town and a life, something she didn’t really have before. What more could she want?
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spoilertv · 14 days
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makeitmingi · 3 months
Hi sweetheart
It sounds like you're navigating through a tough period, but it's truly heartwarming that you have writing as a sanctuary to express your emotions. Remember, your feelings are valid, and it's okay to explore darker themes in your writing, especially when it helps you process your experiences and find solace.
Writing one-shots can be a beautiful way to experiment and delve into different narratives and styles. Don't worry about perfection – what matters most is that you enjoy the creative journey and pour your heart into your writing.
If you're feeling stuck on Seonghwa's storyline, try approaching it with a gentle touch. Allow yourself to explore his character with tenderness and care, and let inspiration come naturally. Sometimes, taking a step back and allowing your mind to wander can lead to unexpected bursts of creativity.
Above all, be kind to yourself during this time. Embrace moments of self-care and seek comfort in your writing and the support of those around you. Remember, your creativity flows from a place of love, and as you navigate through this journey, may you find peace and inspiration in every word you write.
I would like to share with you a little something I wrote on the days when I wanted someone to hug me
In the whirlwind of life's chaos, Seonghwa emerged as the anchor, the unwavering lighthouse guiding you through the stormy seas. His presence brought a sense of calm amidst the turmoil, a reassurance that no matter how fierce the waves crashed, you would weather them together.
With each passing day, as the weight of the world threatened to pull you under, Seonghwa's steady hand reached out, offering solace and support. His words of encouragement were like rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds, casting away the shadows of doubt and fear that threatened to consume you.
"We've faced so much together," he murmured softly, his voice a soothing melody in the chaos. "But look how far we've come. You're stronger than you realize, and I'll always be here to remind you of that."
In those quiet moments of understanding, as you nestled into the safety of his embrace, Seonghwa's love enveloped you like a warm blanket, shielding you from the harshness of the world outside. His touch was a balm to your weary soul, a reminder that you were never alone in your struggles.
Together, you forged a bond stronger than steel, a connection that transcended the trials and tribulations of life. With Seonghwa by your side, the challenges that once seemed insurmountable became mere hurdles to overcome, obstacles to conquer together.
"We make a great team," he declared, his eyes shining with unwavering determination. "No matter what life throws at us, we'll face it head-on, hand in hand."
And so you pressed on, buoyed by the love and support of your steadfast companion. In the quiet moments of shared laughter and gentle embraces, you found solace amidst the chaos, comfort in each other's arms.
For in the end, amidst life's tumultuous journey, the sweetest love stories are not found in grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection, but in the quiet moments of understanding and unwavering companionship shared between two souls intertwined in a bond forged by love. And with Seonghwa by your side, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would always find strength and solace in each other's love.
wow anon, thank you for taking the time to write this out and share this with me. it means a lot to know how much love and support i have here. although i really dislike these periods of d*pression that i get, it's just something that i am trying to cope with. knowing i have such an amazing support system here really helps me push through.
yes, i'll definitely stay in tuned with what my feelings and emotions are in terms of writing, navigating from there to see what other works i draft and put out next.
maybe it'll be one shots, maybe it'll be angst... who knows...
as for the seonghwa plotline, thank you for sharing! this seonghwa series issue has been plaguing me for a while because i have the character profile and development but am still trying to work out a storyline.
right now, it's too many ideas, not enough hands to write it hahahaha but i'll get there, eventually.
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Because without narrative risk, other risk just feels rote. The end games pursue a three-act structure, chart redemption arcs, love a Big Testing, a Pose Uncover along with a Boss Controversy remains in which those businesses get demonstrated to work in the past. They're the steady, sturdy, straightforward rigging on which to hang whatever word you want to tell. And when there's seasons of labor, many staffs with countless millions of dollars on the line, narrative risk may look like one thing to help manufacture impossible, not device for. It offers the impending to isolate players, damage businesses and upend expectations.
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sjsmith56 · 9 months
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From There to Here - Part 17. Imagination
Summary: Told from a young woman’s POV. Emily and Bobbi are passengers on a cargo ship sailing from Boston to Lisbon, then Rome. On the fourth day Emily meets Jakob, an attractive man with blue eyes. Finding each other’s company enjoyable they spend time together talking about literature. After touring Lisbon together they find Bobbi was assaulted by two male passengers and Jakob promises to watch out for both of them. Before the trip is over he tells Bobbi more about himself, including his real name - Bucky.
Length: 7K (yes it’s a long one)
Characters: Jakob, Emily, Bobbie, two frat boy types, Jacinto, ship’s officer.
Warnings: admissions of killing people, talk of sexual assault, sadness.
Author notes: I feel like this time on the ship would be beneficial to Bucky as there would be a sense of adventure that he hadn’t felt before. With a small crew and passenger list he wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by the crowds, either.
<<Part 16
Three days into the journey and I was already bored.  My girlfriend, Bobbi, had convinced me that travelling to Europe via a cargo ship would be a great way to meet people.  What she didn't tell me was that taking a cargo ship journey wasn't like taking a cruise ship journey.  First of all, there was no bar, and no alcohol as it was a working ship.  Secondly, there was no entertainment, other than what you could borrow from the onboard library.  Library meaning a small storeroom with a few dozen books, board games, VHS and DVD movies, some of which had been viewed so many times they were worn out and more often than not got stuck in the replay.  The crew were either too busy with their jobs to be friendly, or they would be friendly with seemingly only one goal in mind, a brief fuck in their shared quarters on their off times.  The passengers, which on this trip numbered about a dozen, were equally unlikely friends.  There were a couple of older couples, that seemed to enjoy the quiet on the ship, walking around the running/walking track that snaked between the shipping containers, a pair of younger couples who barely left their quarters except to appear at the dining room, eat and disappear back into their cabins to spend all day in bed.  That left me, Bobbi, an older man named Darryl who was buried into his book, and a couple of frat boy types who continually complained about being bored, until they found out about the workout room and disappeared into that sweaty pit to amuse themselves. 
Bobbi wasn't much help either as on the second day she appeared to be suffering from sea sickness.  She went to the medical centre and they put a patch on her but in her usual dramatic way she took to her bed, moaning and sighing about how she couldn't keep anything down but would I mind bringing her something from the dining room that she would try to eat when she felt up to it?  Feeling rather let down at being demoted to personal nursemaid from travelling companion I would bring her something then head out on deck to take in the sea air.  At least there, in my little sheltered alcove that I found I could daydream and imagine myself on a three masted ship travelling across the Atlantic to join my future husband in the new world.  Yeah, I was that type of romantic.
I was surprised on that third day, after I had just dropped off Bobbi's lunch sandwich and bottle of water, when I stepped out of our shared cabin and walked right into the most beautiful man I had ever seen.  He seemed startled when I walked into him and gently grasped my arms with his gloved hands to steady me as the ship rolled slightly.
"I'm sorry," he said, in a soft voice that made me look up immediately, into eyes as blue as the ocean.
He was tall and his broad shoulders almost filled the passageway.  His dark brown hair was short and he hadn't shaved for a couple of days but the stubble looked good on him.
"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," I said, trying to step to the side.
He smiled shyly and stepped to the side himself as we squeezed past each other.  Nodding his head once he continued on down the passageway and I stood there, dumbfounded, watching him walk away until he got to the door of another cabin and entered it.  He glanced back at me before he went in then closed the door behind him. 
"Damn," I thought.  "Has he been hiding in his cabin this whole time?"
For a moment I wanted to tell Bobbi about him but then I realized I wanted to savour the moment for myself, and I turned back towards the way I was headed, up to my private alcove.  When I got there, I got into my daydream mode but now the blue-eyed man was in it, as the handsome, yet sensitive naval lieutenant, who joined the ship's crew to escape a forced marriage with the earl's daughter, arranged by his heartless father in order to save the family estate that he had put into jeopardy with his reckless gambling.  I had the daydream all figured out, the chance meeting, the longing glances, the brief touching of hands when he picked up my handkerchief to return it to me, the almost chaste kiss, then the heartbreak when I revealed I was already engaged to a man I didn't know in a marriage arranged by our parents.  That was followed by more longing glances then the passionate kiss one night on the bow, as the ship sailed through the light of a full moon.  It was good stuff, and it was completely in my head.
Of course I tried to find him again.  At first I thought maybe he was out and about at certain times but the rest of the day I didn't see him.  Bobbi was feeling better on the fourth day and she wanted to get out of the cabin so after breakfast we went for a walk on the deck.  I looked down every pathway that snaked off of that route but there was no sign of him.  Bobbi noticed me looking and brought it up.
"Who or what are you looking for?" she asked. 
"Nothing...no one," I stammered.  "I'm not ...."
She giggled.  "Wow, you're so defensive.  He must be cute for you to keep him to yourself."
At that moment Blue-eyes walked past us, quickly, with his head down as if he just wanted to get his walk done with.  My face must have shown something because Bobbi picked up on it and pointed at him as he walked away from us.
"Him?" she said then she totally embarrassed me by calling out to him.  "Hey, handsome!"
For a moment he hesitated and looked back at us, with a look that was almost terrified.  Then he looked to either side then back at us.
"Me?" he asked. 
Bobbi ever so elegantly (not) strode right up to him.  "Yeah, you," she said.  "Where have you been hiding yourself?"
"In my cabin?" he offered and Bobbi giggled then began playing with her hair (yes, she was that girl). 
"What's your name?" she asked.  "I'm Bobbi and this is my girlfriend, Emily."
We stood there waiting for him to answer.  Actually, she waited for him to answer while I tried to shrink myself into nothing because I was so embarrassed at her boldness with him.  I could tell he was reserved, introverted, and maybe even a little afraid but Bobbi didn't see any of that.  She saw a good looking man who she wanted to pay attention to her.
"No one," he said, in almost a whisper.  "I'm no one."
He turned around and ran from us, literally ran.  Bobbi just stood there, with her mouth open, for about a minute before turning to me.
"I wonder what his problem is," she finally said and started walking again. 
Just like that she dismissed him from her mind.  Which was fine, because I was already protective of him.  I know that we had barely spoken two words to each other, but I felt a kinship with him.  In the few times I had seen him he struck me as someone unsure of his place in the world, something I could empathize with.  Yes, I put him in my fantasy daydream but not as himself.  It doesn't make sense, I know that, but I lived in my head a lot and he seemed like someone that lived in his head as well.  Not that it mattered.  I'm sure that he wouldn't step foot outside of his cabin now that he had experienced Bobbi's unwanted attention.
We went to dinner in the dining room and had just sat down at a table for four, as all the tables for two were taken.  As more people came in Bobbi kept looking at me.
"Where are all the single guys?" she asked.  "The only reason I thought this would be better than taking a regular cruise is because I was told it was mostly single guys that took these cargo ship trips.  If I had known it was mostly couples I would have just flown to Europe."  She sighed in disgust then just as quickly perked up.  "Hello."
She looked to the doorway where the two frat boy types had just entered.  I put my hand on my forehead, already feeling a headache coming on.  Bobbi stared at the two, making eye contact with one of them.  He nudged his friend and they both looked at us.  It was all so...high school, no... more like junior high.  I stood up.
"Where are you going?" asked Bobbi.  "Two of us, two guys.  It's perfect."
"No," I replied.  "I've already had the pleasure of their company and I'd rather go to the dentist.  You do what you want but I'm leaving."
I got up and left, already regretting coming on this trip with Bobbi, because it was heading towards how it always ended up; her coming on to anything remotely "attractive" wearing pants.  As I got into the passageway I just blindly walked, until I realized that I was lost in the maze of hallways and stairways.  I tried to find my way back but it was hopeless and when I found a stairway I sat on the bottom step and cried, waiting for someone, a crew member perhaps, to find me and lead me back to where I was supposed to be.  After about twenty minutes I heard footsteps and looked up, surprised to see Blue-eyes.  I wiped my eyes and nodded my head at him.
"Are you alright?" he asked, in that soft voice of his.
"No," I said honestly as I looked at the floor because he was too pretty to look directly at.  "I'm sorry my friend was so pushy with you.  I kind of got upset with her and left her in the dining room.  I didn't watch where I was going and now, I'm lost."
He didn't say anything, but he didn't leave, and I looked up at him.  His broad shoulders seemed to take up the entire space and in another context, he probably would have seemed menacing, but he smiled kindly and offered me his hand.
"I've been walking through here for something to do," he explained.  "I know the way out, if you trust me."  Taking his hand I let him pull me up.  "I'm Jakob."
He gestured to the stairs and told me to go up to the next level.  Following behind me when I got to the top he told me to go right.  The passage wasn't big enough for us to walk side by side but I found his presence behind me comforting. 
"Your friend is very confident," he said. 
I smirked.  "You could call it that," I replied, turning my head to the side so he could hear me.  "She's not very respectful of boundaries sometimes.  I don't mind it most of the time but sometimes it's something that bothers me about her.  Like today.  It made me uncomfortable how she talked to you."
"Thank you for saying that," replied Jakob.  "I'm not very good with talking to people either.  I've spent most of my time in my cabin, reading."
"I couldn't even do that because she was seasick," I said.  "So, I found a nice little spot on the deck and sat there most of the time, just enjoying the sun and daydreaming."
"You found a good spot outside?" he asked.  "I've been looking because I was getting tired of being in my cabin.  It's why I was out today and why I was walking the passageways."
"I could show you," I offered.  "There are a couple of deck chairs there, and a vent gives off some warm air without being too noisy.  It's really quite nice."
"Lead on," he said, and I looked back to see him grinning. 
He directed me to the outside and from there I led him to my secret spot.  As we turned the final corner to have our own little secluded spot with a view of the ocean and sky he whistled in appreciation.
"This is nice," he said, gesturing to me to sit on one chair while he sat on the other.  "What is it you do while you're here, daydreaming?"
"Yeah," I admitted.  "I just let my mind go and imagine myself in different scenarios.  I read a lot, so I imagine myself as a character in a story, you know, just letting my imagination run wild."
He nodded, then closed his eyes and turned his face to the sun.  I noticed that his lashes were thick and dark.  His face seemed so calm and serene that I didn't want to spoil it for him by talking.
"I remember reading Jules Verne for the first time," he said softly.  "Journey to the Center of the Earth.  There's a part in it where they find an ocean full of prehistoric sea creatures.  I would always imagine myself on a raft on that ocean, looking up at the aurora which somehow existed so deep underground.  They ended up being pushed out of a volcano in Italy, Stromboli.  When I saw that actual volcano, it was like living that moment in the book again."
"At least you're imagining a real book," I replied.  "I just make up my own story and put myself into it." 
I didn't want to say that he was in it as well.
"Do you write your stories down?" he asked, his eyes gazing at me.  "You should.  That's probably how a writer starts, imagining themselves in a situation then writing it down."
"No one would want to read it," I blushed.  "They're kind of a schoolgirl romantic thing.  You know, imagining the perfect love.  Someone handsome and dashing but kind and understanding."
"Jane Austen or the Brontë sisters probably didn't think that no one would read their stories," he said.  "Their works still live on."
"You've read them?" I asked.
It was his turn to blush.  "I have," he replied.  "More to impress girls originally but they were well written and I definitely enjoyed them.  Plus I think they were a window into how things were in those times.  Relationships were so repressed and formal, that showing affection and strong emotions was considered unseemly."
He was looking at me.  "You must have a degree in English Literature," I said.  "Sounds like something a professor would say."
"I didn't even finish high school," he said.  "Times got tough and I quit to go to work.  Never stopped reading though."
"How long ago was that?" I asked, trying to find out how old he was.
"Longer than I want to admit," he said.  "I'm older than I look."
"You could always get your GED," I suggested.  "Can get into college with it as a mature student."
His smile was sad, but he didn't answer, and I left the subject alone. 
"Are you stopping in Lisbon or are you going on to Civitavecchia?" I asked, as it was the port closest to Rome.
"Civitavecchia," he said.  "You?"
"Same.  Bobbi and I were thinking of taking one of those hop on/hop off bus tours around Lisbon," I said.  He looked at me blankly.  "You know, you get on this bus that has a predetermined route that goes to the main sights.  You can get off, spend some time at the attraction then get on the next bus that comes around and go on to the next attraction.  It's an easy way to see the city if you don't have a lot of time to explore."
"Thanks for the suggestion," he said.  "I might do just that. I've never really travelled before, not on my own, for pleasure."
He stopped talking suddenly, as if afraid he would say too much.  We sat there for a while, each of us lost in our own thoughts.  Occasionally we could hear people walk along the pathway at the bottom of the stairs nearest to us.  I had found it odd that no one ever came up those stairs to find this little alcove, but I guess they weren't curious enough.  On this occasion I could hear the distinctive voice of my friend Bobbi, as she was talking to someone male about something they both found hilarious.  They stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and we were able to hear everything they said.
"Well, we've searched just about everywhere," said Bobbi.  "I don't know why she took off.  She gets like that."
"While you were sick in your cabin she ignored us," said the one male voice, that I recognized as one of the frat boys.  "We figured she was just kind of snobbish.  No big deal if we don't find her.  Listen, we dock in Lisbon tomorrow.  What are your plans?  We were thinking of taking that hop on/hop off bus tour.  That way we see the highlights and we can finish up at a tavern before we board the ship before 8 pm."
"We were going to do the same," said Bobbi, "but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be good company now that she's mad at me.  Why don't I pretend to be sick again?  I'll tell her that she should go on her own.  Then half an hour later we can get together."
My best friend, supposedly my travelling companion, was going to ditch me to spend the day with a couple of guys who were obnoxious at best.  I felt a touch on my arm.  It was Jakob, with the most sympathetic eyes I've ever seen.  He put a finger on his lips, and we listened to the other three complete their plans before they walked on. 
"We don't have to take that bus," he said.  "I can talk to one of the crew and find out something different and unique we can do."
"You don't have to do that," I said.  "I don't mind going on my own, except I don't speak the language."
He took an audible breath.  "I do," he admitted, looking at me with those big blue eyes.  "I kind of misspoke before.  My previous job took me a lot of different places, but I never had a chance to enjoy them as a tourist.  I was always working and as soon as my work was done, I went on to the next job."
"What did you do?" I asked, trying to think what kind of job would take him all over the place but not give him time to enjoy a different culture.
Now he looked quite distressed and I was concerned I had brought up some bad memories.  He was trying to come up with an explanation then suddenly got up as if to leave.
"Please, don't leave," I asked.  "I'm sorry if my question distresses you.  Were you a spy or something like that?"
He sat back down and wrung his gloved hands together.  "Something like that," he said in a low voice after a time.  "I'm not proud of what I did, and I won't do it anymore.  There are times I have nightmares of what I did for them."
"How did you get out of it?"
It took another while before he answered.  "I'm still working on that.  It's why I had to leave the States.  They were still looking for me.  Europe has more places to hide."  Quickly, he looked at me.  "I've changed my appearance so I shouldn't be recognized but if you don't want my company anymore, I understand."
I wasn't sure what he had done that he was on the run because of it.  But I also knew that I never felt any sort of danger or fear while I was with him.  For some reason it made me think of that film The Bourne Identity.  I'm sure many people remember it; a story of a hit man who lost his memory but kept having flashbacks of being a killer.  He wanted to find out the truth about himself but didn't want to be a killer anymore, especially once he fell in love with a woman named Marie, who helped him.  Of course, being pursued by the CIA all over the world meant that there were times he had to use his skills to escape and sometimes people died because of it, adding to his distress.  Even though it was an action movie the development of the romance between him and the woman had always intrigued me.  I could envision being on the run with Jakob if he looked at me like Jason Bourne looked at Marie.
"Jakob, were you a hit man?" I asked hesitantly.
He looked at me with fear and distrust.  "Why do you ask that?" he demanded, his voice sharp.  "Who are you?"
"I'm no one," I said.  "It's just the way you said that you were like a spy and you had to do things that you didn't like.  It reminded me of a movie."
I told him about the character of Jason Bourne and how he had all these safe deposit boxes in banks with cash and passports, that he could speak many languages but didn't know he could until someone actually addressed him in that language.  Basically, I gave him the premise of the whole film series.  He sat and listened to my description in a kind of fearful fascination.  When I finished I watched him, hoping it would maybe help him.
"There are similarities," he said, after a time.  "The CIA likely had their own program for assassins that tried to copy what the people I worked for did but they did more to me.  I can't tell you because it's better you don't know.  They changed me and I don't know if I will ever get my memories back.  They're all torn up and fragmented like a puzzle.  It will take me years to remember it all and put it together, and that's only if I can stay under the radar."
His distress was evident by his heavy breathing, and I touched his arm, not taking it personally when he flinched.  Slowly, I moved my hand down to his and squeezed it. 
"Your secret is safe with me," I smiled softly.  "It should be okay to go out tomorrow.  We can get off the ship early and see the city together.  They won't be looking for someone who looks like you do right now, and definitely not if they're with a woman.  We can pretend we're a couple and throw them off that way."
Slowly, he nodded his head and agreed.  It was almost dinner time and we agreed to sit together at a table for two.  Bobbi came in with the two other men, giving me a glaring look which I ignored.  After they chose a table she approached, barely acknowledging Jakob.
"You're not sitting with us?" she asked.
"No, I'm sitting with my friend, Jakob," I replied.  "It's not like you want my company anyways.  I heard you and those two talking about the hop on/hop off bus tomorrow.  I'll save you the trouble of pretending to be sick.  I have other plans tomorrow."
"Why are you being like this?" asked Bobbi.  "We're supposed to be seeing Europe together."
"I don't like the company you keep.  When you were sick, they made themselves known to me and they just weren't my type."
"And this guy is?"
I looked at Jakob.  "He's been a gentleman the entire time.  We've had some really good talks.  You've always wanted two guys to make a fuss over you.  Now's your chance."
I turned away, seething inside.  Our whole friendship had been based on Bobbi pushing me to do what she wanted to do, with little to no regard for my feelings.  Now that I was asserting myself, she was making me out to be the bad friend and I wasn't having it.  She gave up trying to convince me which is what I wanted and didn't bother us again.  After dinner, Jakob and I went for a walk.  He offered me his arm and it was nice just being with him.  We stayed out there until well into the evening, watching the stars come out over the ocean.  Then Jakob walked me to my cabin door where he bashfully stuck his hands in his pockets. 
"I haven't kissed anyone in a long time," he said softly.  "Not sure I ...."
I kissed him, throwing my arms around his neck.  Quickly, he enclosed me in those muscular arms and returned the kiss without making it seem sloppy or too intrusive.  Instead, it was soft and sweet, like the kiss all girls dreamed of having for their first kiss.  When we pulled apart, he smiled shyly and began walking to his cabin, looking back at me when he arrived at his door.  With a nod he opened his door and entered, while I did the same.  Bobbi was already in bed and never said a word as I changed into my pyjamas and got under the covers.  That night I dreamed Jakob was Jason Bourne and I was Marie, with less violence and more kissing.
When I woke up the following morning the ship had been docked for about an hour and Bobbi was just about ready to go.  She was sitting on the edge of her bed, presumably waiting for me to wake up.  When I sat up, she put her hands in her lap and gazed at me.
"I'm sorry," she said.  "I know I can be pushy at times."  Understatement.  "I'm hurt that you would chose a stranger over your best friend."  I was hurt she was choosing two jerks over her best friend.  "There's something about him that isn't right."  He's more truthful than you, Bobbi.  "Be careful, okay?  Don't let him lead you into anything that makes you uncomfortable." 
Seriously, she was trying to look out for my well-being but choosing to go with two creepy guys who wanted to know if I'd ever been part of a threesome before.  I told her to have a good day then I went to the bathroom to shower.  Jakob and I agreed to meet at the dining room.  When I got up there, he had a table for two and was nursing a coffee.  We placed our order at the counter and waited only a few minutes.  Once we finished eating, we double checked to make sure we had our passports, some Euros, some water, and we were ready to go.  A customs officer was on duty on the dock, checking our documentation.  It was straightforward and we were cleared to enter the country.  There were several taxis waiting and Jakob addressed the first one in Portuguese which surprised the driver.  He answered back then looked hopefully between me and Jakob.
"I told him we would pay him well for the day if he showed us the real Lisbon, the parts that tourists should see but often don't," said Jakob.  "He's offered to chauffeur us for 200 Euros, but I don't know what that is in American dollars."
I pulled out my phone and quickly looked it up.  "At today's rate it's about $220," I said, shrugging.  "It seems like a lot but if he drives us all day he would likely make that much in regular fares."
"True," he said, then turned to the driver and addressed him Portuguese, accepting his offer. 
It ended up being a bargain as he drove us everywhere, telling us about the sights in broken English, then letting Jakob translate when he switched to Portuguese.  Among the highlights were the Palacio da Ajudo, the official royal residence from when Portugal was a monarchy, a richly decorated palace that had no lineups or crowds.  From there we went to a market, Feira do Relógio, translated as Market of Clocks.  Before we went in, he warned us to keep our wallets safe, as there were pickpockets.  He suggested we take a small amount of cash out and keep it in our pocket to pay for something.  It was fascinating and we tried some street food, with the driver, Jacinto, describing what we were eating.  There was a place we had to walk uphill a bit while Jacinto waited for us, Miradouro da Senhora do Monte; the view was incredible.  The bullring, Campo Pequeno, was interesting, although there was no bullfight that day, not that I would have wanted to see it.  But the design of the building was definitely unique as was the area it was in.  We finished the day at the aquarium, as Jacinto said it was a favourite of his family.  He paid for himself to go into the Oceanário de Lisboa and even though it was busy it was definitely enjoyable.  Jakob seemed to be transfixed by it all, standing in front of the aquarium glass gazing at all the fish swimming around.
When Jacinto dropped us off at the gate to the dock, Jakob offered him his ungloved hand.  He said something complimentary in Portuguese which pleased Jacinto as he said something back then he turned to me.
"You very nice people," he said, in his broken English.  "Your husband good man.  Good luck."
Before I could correct him he entered his taxi and drove off.  Jakob smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye.
"Sorry, he assumed we were married and it was easier than trying to correct him."
We checked in at the gate and walked towards the cargo ship.  It looked like all the loading and unloading had been completed as there were no dock workers around, other than a few that were gathered near the bow of the ship, having a smoke.  Jakob let me go through the security check-in first then followed me.  We took the elevator up to the cabins level then he walked me to my cabin.
"Will you join me for dinner?" he asked.  "I enjoyed your company today."
"I would love to," I said, then opened the door to see Bobbi lying on her bed, in tears.  Immediately, I went to her, while Jakob waited in the open doorway.  "Hey, what's wrong?"
She looked at me then at Jakob and shook her head.  He looked at her with concern for a moment, then took a breath and came in, kneeling in front of her. 
"Did they hurt you?" he asked.  "Those two you went with.  Something happened, didn't it?"
She swallowed noticeably then nodded her head, trying to calm herself.  "We were having a good time, then it got ugly."  Her voice was diminished and shaken.  "They began suggesting things for us to do tonight, the three of us, and it wasn't ... it was crude, at best.  I tried to get off the bus but I was on the window seat and they blocked me.  We got to this garden area and they pulled me off the bus." 
She began crying again and I looked at Jakob.  His face was frozen but his eyes were blazing and I knew he was angry at those two assholes. 
"Bobbi, did they assault you?" I asked.  "If they did, we should file a police report."
"It would be my word against theirs," she answered.  "They didn't ... if that's what you're asking but only because a big tour group came along and I pulled away.  I ran through the group and out to the street, grabbed a taxi and asked them to bring me here.  I've been holed up here ever since.  My imagination has been going wild, terrified they were going to break down the door."
"They know which room you're in?" he asked.  She nodded.  "I won't let that happen."
"How?  You going to stand guard outside my door?"
"No, but I'll sleep on the floor if I have to, and if I hear them out in the hallway I'll take care of them."
"Jakob, you don't want to draw attention to yourself," I said, frightened if he hurt them and they filed a police report.
"I'll barely touch them," he said, making eye contact with me.  "I can be pretty scary and I'll just make sure they know they can't treat women that way.  Now, you wash up, Bobbi, and come up to the dining room with us for dinner.  We're not leaving you alone tonight, okay?"
I couldn't believe how much of a gentleman Jakob was to Bobbi that evening, to both of us.  When we entered the dining room he pulled our chairs out for us after we placed our orders.  I noticed he kept the chair that faced the doorway for himself.  Then he brought us each glasses of water.  Once our food was ready he brought it over and served us before picking his up.  It was kind, attentive, and in a way, it was almost unnerving because it was obvious he was preparing for something to happen.  
When the two jerks arrived the look on Jakob's face changed into something almost unreadable, like a curtain fell over his eyes, hiding what lay behind them.  It was definitely chilling.  Yet it was all directed at the two men.  When Bobbi turned her head and saw them, Jakob's look to her was of understanding.
"I won't harm them," he assured her, with a soft smile.  "I promise you.  But they will see the error of their ways."
Standing up he offered his arm to both of us, me on the left with Bobbi on the right.  We walked right past the two and heard one of them mutter.  Jakob stopped, and looked at them.
"Did you say something?" he asked calmly, looking up into the man's eyes, as he was taller.
"I said it didn't take long for the slut to find a new guy to fuck," was the reply, loud enough that several people in the dining room looked up from their meals.
"Take it back and apologize," said Jakob, his whole body tensing up.
"Or what?" smirked the second man, also bigger than Jakob.  "You think you're man enough to take us both on?"
Jakob made eye contact with me and I nodded, reaching across to take Bobbi to the doorway.  She looked terrified but knowing what little I knew of him I was kind of calm.  What was certain was that they were judging him by his size in comparison to theirs and that was their first mistake.  When Bobbi left his side Jakob turned to face them both.
"I'll give you another opportunity to apologize for your insult and for your behaviour towards the young lady earlier today," said Jakob politely.  "I won't ask again."
"Fuck you," said the first man, who went to shove Jakob on the shoulder.
Faster than I would have believed possible Jakob put his hand on the man's wrist, twisted it behind his back and brought him to his knees, bringing a yell out of the man's mouth.  The other man tried to intervene and Jakob did the same move on him, basically immobilizing them both by locking their wrists, bending them back towards them while keeping his thumbs on the back of their hands under their middle fingers.  A couple of people in the dining room, including one of the ship's officers, stood up as if to intervene but Jakob looked up at them calmly.
"It's a simple wrist lock used in self defence," he said out loud.  "There will be no permanent damage but it hurts like hell and they can't get out of it without great effort.  These two men made an attempt to assault one of the young ladies waiting at the door today, then insulted her when we walked past.  My mother raised me to be a gentleman.  I gave them two opportunities to apologize for their behaviour but you can see they chose violence."
The officer went to the wall, placed a call on the phone there, then returned and nodded to Jakob who instantly released the two men.  By then two other ship's officers arrived and the first officer ordered the arrest of the two men.  He looked at Bobbi and me.
"Would you like to press charges?" he asked.  "It would mean calling in the local police and you would have to disembark from the ship to follow through, as we must leave at our scheduled time.  Or, we can just make them pack up their things and banish them from the ship before we leave the dock."
"Do you have a plank?" asked Bobbi drily, making the officer grin.  "Kick them off the ship.  I don't want to waste any more time on them."
"Take these two to their cabin, make sure they pack and get them off the ship," ordered the officer, then he looked at Jakob.  "Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I appreciate your restraint."
With a nod to the officer Jakob offered his arms to us and escorted us to the outdoor walkway.  We stood there enjoying the early evening as the sun began to dip.  About twenty minutes later we looked down to see the two jerks being escorted off the ship.  What was most interesting was watching them approach the gate that separated the dock from the city itself.  As they exited the gate they were suddenly approached by a police vehicle which flashed its lights and ran its siren briefly.  Both of them were taken into custody and placed into the back of the vehicle.  A cough behind us brought the presence of the ship's officer.
"We received a call from the police that there was an incident at a bar late this afternoon," he said.  "The description was vague enough that we couldn't tell for certain who it was.  When that incident happened in the dining room we sent the photos we had of those two to the local police.  Their identities were confirmed as the suspects, and we were asked to remove them from the ship.  Sometimes karma is a bitch."
He smiled and left us there to watch a beautiful sunset over the Atlantic Ocean from the Port of Lisbon.  There were three more days of sailing before we arrived in Italy, earlier than expected.  Bobbi was much nicer to both Jakob and me, even joining us in our little alcove when Jakob secured a third lounge chair.  On the night before we docked she gave us some privacy, knowing that I really liked him.  As we sat in the dark looking at the night sky I touched his hand.
"Bobbi and I were talking," I said.  "You're more than welcome to join us on our travels.  We don't have anywhere specific to go.  We're kind of playing it by ear."
"I can't," he said apologetically.  "It's tempting but I need to find that perfect spot to hole up and remember my life."
I knew he would say that but it still hurt.  My imagination had pictured us falling in love, me helping him find himself, then having a life together. 
"I could come with you," I said hesitantly.  "It'll be difficult on your own."
"It will be difficult," he agreed.  "This past week has been kind of a dream for me, a break from what I know is to come.  Keeping under the radar is going to consume my attention.  Dealing with my demons is something I have to do on my own.  I did some terrible things, Emily.  There's a lot of blood on my hands."
The pain in his voice almost broke my heart.  It was obvious he had been through hell before and in his mind there was more to come.  I began to cry and he stood up, lifting me up so that he could hold me.  He gave me the most beautiful kiss then buried his face in my neck.  He must have been crying as well as his face was wet.
"You enjoy your trip, and try to write down the things in your imagination," he whispered.  "If I wasn't dealing with my past I would have made you my girl but you deserve much better than a broken down man like me."  I tried to protest but he shushed me.  "I'm leaving as soon as the ship docks in the morning.  Promise me you'll have a good life."
He kissed me again, a goodbye kiss then turned to leave.  I could see his face in the reflection of the ship's lights.  Still handsome but full of sadness.
"My real name is James but my friends call me Bucky," he said softly.  "Goodbye Emily."
"Goodbye Bucky, I promise," I replied, then he was gone. 
That month touring Europe was bittersweet.  Bobbi and I became better friends and she made an effort to be more inclusive as we made our travelling decisions.  We both missed Jakob.  I told her what he told me of his past but it wasn't until two years later when there was a bombing in Vienna that killed the King of Wakanda that we realized who Jakob really was.  Neither one of us believed he had anything to do with it, remembering that day in the dining room when he brought two bullies to justice.  When it was revealed that he had been framed both of us were thrilled for him.  By then we were both married with families on the way.  I could only hope that he was at a point in his life where he could actually have one.  In my imagination I wished that for him, for the love of a good woman, who accepted him for what he was, not what he was forced to be once upon a time.
Part 18>>
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wildwandererdreamer · 2 years
You Loved Me Once by Corinne Michaels Book Review
Date Finished Reading: August 1st, 2022
“There are different kinds of love. The kind that saves you and the kind that breaks you.”  
5 Stars 
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Stars: 5/5 Angst: 5/5 Romance: 5/5 Darkness: 5/5 Mystery/Intrigue: 4/5 Uniqueness of Story: 5/5 Humor: 1/5
I listened to You Loved Me Once audiobook, and loved the narrator Julia Whelan. If you’re considering listening to the audiobook, I highly recommend this one. This was my first book by Corinne Michaels, and I LOVED it. SO much angst and feelings with this book. I couldn’t stop listening!
This love story is not your typical romance. It’s so much more than that. Each character has many layers, and Corinne Michaels gradually reveals more and more. I’m a big fan of Grey’s Anatomy, and in many ways, this book reminded me of one of their more intense episodes. But it was much better than Grey’s because I lived inside the character’s head the entire book.
This story centers around Serenity, who goes by Ren, a gynecological oncologist. Her world revolves around her work and being there for her patients. She’s obsessed with her career and is determined to find a way to help her cancer patients find a way to have children despite their cancer diagnosis. The book centers around the drug trial that she hopes will change women’s lives. She has been casually dating Westin, a cardio surgeon who wants to be more than just her “fuck buddy.”
“It’s been two years, and I’ve been a patient man. You’ve got issues with love, and I get that, but I’m not him, Serenity. I’m not the guy that fucked your head up. I’ve been the guy who held you when you cried, supported you, and if you don’t see that we’re more than fuck buddies…I don’t know what else to say.”
Ren loves her job and her patients, but in the process, she has forgotten to care for herself and come to terms with the pain she’s held onto for years. She’s been burned romantically, so she’s closed her heart to love. She doesn’t want to go through the pain of losing someone again. Not only has she lost who she thought was her one true love, but her mother as well. So, naturally, her walls are high, and she doesn’t want to let them down for anyone.
“Time heals all wounds, but when you're fighting a broken clock, each second counts.”
“He’s really perfect. There are times when I hate myself, and right now is one. I wish I were a bright-eyed girl who believed that love could save your soul.”
Slowly but surely, though, she opens her heart to the possibility of love. She’s scared, though; it takes a while for Wes to get through to her.
“I won’t need wild, heart-stopping, soul-shattering love. I need steady. I need a rock that will anchor me when I feel like I’m floating away. Westin could be that. Maybe Westin is the guy who is supposed to hold me up when I’m falling down. I’ve never had that before.”
While Ren and Wes try to navigate their relationship, they must also navigate what happens during the drug trial. Lines are blurred, and everything no longer seems so black and white. Are rules meant to be broken? This is what Ren wrestles with when she’s faced with the unthinkable.
In a lot of the books I’ve read, usually, the hero is grumpy and hard to get through to. This is the first book I’ve read in a while where the heroine acts more like the guy. It was a nice role reversal that was unexpected.
The ending was unexpected as well. I honestly didn’t know what was going to happen. There were a few times when I actually gasped out loud.
This story is all about the power of love for the suffering and the healing power of love for the characters. Ren is such a beautifully broken character who goes through a lot of healing before the end of the book, and I loved being a part of the journey. It’s ironic that she is a healer, yet she’s the one who needs to be healed. It’s not all about the love story between her and Wes that saves her, though. She must first learn to love herself and find healing with her family.
And, of course, together, she and Wes are perfect for each other, and the things he does for her, in the end, are what true love is all about.
"I'm telling you to let someone take care of you, love you, and protect you for a change."
“You might be lost right now, but I’m holding out my hand, asking you to let me pull you back in.”
“If I fall, are you going to catch me?” His eyes close, and when he opens them again, there’s not a trace of doubt. “Always.”
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archived-kin · 3 years
caught in a twin courtship
note from kin: i’m going to be honest i only really wrote this because the title is fun to say, so it isn’t as cohesive as i normally would have wanted to make it
(this is an au where the twins aren’t separated by the unknown god! instead, just their world-hopping powers were stolen, and that’s why they’re journeying to find said god - to get their powers back so that they can go home. i’ve also excluded paimon since i kind of forgot about her while writing this haha)
(this doesn’t follow canon at all since reader and the twins just kind of start wandering about after the dvalin incident rather than heading straight for liyue oops)
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, lumine, aether, diluc, venti, jean
pairing(s): aether/reader/lumine
warning(s): i don’t think so??
genre: fluff with a little bit sprinkling of angst
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you first meet the twins in the aftermath of the stormterror battle. it isn’t a glamorous introduction by any means - it’s pretty unflattering, actually - but it definitely makes a powerful first impression.
the group - aether, lumine, venti, diluc, and jean - are on their way back to mondstadt city, making small talk here and there, but mostly just walking in silence.
then they hear a yell in the distance.
jean and lumine both drop into a battle stances, venti leaps to hide behind aether with a very unmanly squeak of fear… but diluc, who arguably should have been the most alerted by this occurrence, just gives a resigned sigh and pauses.
a split second later, a figure comes speeding up to the group. you barrel up to diluc and immediately punch him square in the stomach, yelling “why didn’t you tell me you were going after stormterror?!”
aether and venti both give matching gasps of horror at the blatant disrespect, but diluc only shakes his head and catches your fist as it goes for another blow, this one aimed at his chest, and chastises, “calm down, i left a note.”
“i left a note,” you mimic, an absolutely awful impression that has you sounding more like a mosquito than the darknight hero, “fat lot of use that is when you aren’t even telling me where you’re going!”
diluc evades another jab at his arm and firmly sets his hands on both your shoulders, effectively anchoring you to the ground. you contemplate swinging your feet at his knees and knocking him over, or maybe shocking him with your electro vision, but ultimately decide that you might as well try to preserve what little dignity you have left in front of those three people you’ve never met before
so you stop with a defeated sigh and turn to face said three people to introduce yourself
it turns out that you’re diluc’s cousin and he’s been having to baby-sit you for the last few years after your own parents left on a ‘business trip’ to snezhnaya that they’re still not back from
you’re pretty sure they’re dead, killed by the fatui, and you say as much during your introduction without even the slightest sign of distress, which is a little unsettling
lumine’s first thought is that you’re quite the interesting character, what with the casual way you treat diluc, and how you don’t seem to question whatever situation lead you to meet in the first place
aether’s first thought is holy shit, they’re cute
one twin greets you in return with a lot more enthusiasm than the other, and venti the bard wastes no time in asking whether you have access to good master diluc’s wine storage
(you’d be shocked by the audacity if you weren’t just as bad as him when it came to shamelessness)
strangely enough, the fact that aether likes you so much actually makes lumine more wary of you than she was initially
aether trusts too easily, and from experience, that usually leads to disaster - and your flippancy regarding your parents’ apparent probable deaths rather inclines her to think that you might be a very dangerous person indeed
the three of you don’t see each other for a couple of days after that - you and diluc leave for dawn winery together, while the twins depart with venti to wrap their whole situation up, and jean returns to her duties in mondstadt city
all this time, apparently unbeknownst to even himself, aether keeps finding ways to bring you up in the middle of conversation
you’d only spoken to him for a few minutes and somehow that as enough to get him absolutely fascinated
lumine would be lying if she said she wasn’t still curious about you as well, but it gets annoying after aether somehow manages to mention how ‘mysterious’ your black cloak is in the middle of a conversation about why mitachurls are able to randomly set their axes on fire
luckily for these two, they happen to run into you the very next day!
you’re in the middle of taking out a ruin guard stomping around the thousand winds temple -  a ruin guard that the twins had been meaning to take down themselves, which is why they’re here in the first place
at first they move to help you, only to stop short and watch in awe as you plunge down at the ruin guard from atop one of the enormous pillars, your polearm held steady in your grasp as your entire body seems to spark and glow with a deep purple electro energy
the sharp blade of your polearm goes clean through the top of the ruin guard’s head and shatters its core, and it sinks to the ground with a massive thud that echoes around the temple ruins, massive wooden limbs twitching and jerking as the last of your vision’s energy disperses from it
aether and lumine are basically star-struck
from there you spot them and call them over for a conversation, show them how to take apart a ruin guard’s circuits to get at the good parts, and somehow end up agreeing to journey with them across teyvat in their search for an unknown god who stole their abilities to hop from world to world as well as their apparent true power that allows them to wield all seven elements at once
the details are a little lost on you, but what you’re hearing is that you get to go on a cool adventure with a cool gal and a cool lad, so you’re pretty much all for it
diluc isn’t too happy about you up and leaving without so much as two week’s notice (partially because he has literally no friends apart from you and he’d get lonely without his little cousin bothering him all the time) but you simply tell him to deal with it and go anyway
(you do give him a big hug and promise to visit, you’re not heartless)
from then on you, aether and lumine become a dynamic trio like no other
it’s actually pretty damn spooky how well the three of you end of working together
aether and lumine had long since formed a style of fighting that meant they made up for each other’s weak spots and could attack in perfect sync, but then you come along and somehow manage to make their already pretty flawless formation even better
is it witchcraft? they honestly don’t know
considering you fit so well into their battle strategies, it follows that you’d also slot perfectly into their every day life
lumine is cautious at first, wondering if your presence would disrupt her and her brother’s long since pre-established routines, but you fit in so naturally that it’s as if you were there all long
maybe it it’s this that makes both twins slowly start falling for you - the comfort of being beside you and the familiarity that you bring are things that they struggled to find, being trapped in a world far from their own with no way to get out, and they unknowingly latch onto you like drowning men clutching lifebuoys
aether is the most obvious about his feelings - he starts waking up earlier just because he knows you do, sitting beside you as you stoke a campfire and keep watch for any approaching monsters, making quiet conversation as lumine continues sleeping. he tells you stories about his adventures in other worlds, including an encounter with a rather bigoted individual who is the reason that he keeps his hair so long while lumine’s has been cut short
he even starts taking his hair out of its braid before he goes to sleep so that he can ask you to braid it for him when he wakes up
lumine is a lot more subtle
she finds excuses to stand closer to you when, deliberately brushing her fingers against yours when handing you something. she listens far more attentively to you when you speak than anyone else, and she smiles far more in your presence, hanging onto your every word and gazing at you so intensely that it’s almost unsettling
of course, the twins notice each other’s feelings pretty easily
at first neither acknowledges it - it’d be far too messy for both to accept that they’d both fallen in love with the same person, let alone actually admit this to each other
but it gets to the point where it just isn’t ignorable anymore, and finally the twins decide to talk
it’s about as civil and sensible as they could hope for with the subject at hand, and they eventually decide to talk to you about it
and so, we come to an ultimatum. what will your choice be?
if you reject both, it’ll be hard to continue adventuring with twins who can’t look in your direction. neither resent you, of course, but the atmosphere has become so stifling that they can’t even make eye contact
it’s as if an enormous gap has opened up between the three of you. the twins are avoiding each other as well, unsure of how to handle the fact that they’re both in love with the same person and have now both been rejected by that same person. if anything, they should be becoming closer out of solidarity, but it seems that they can’t stand to be in each other’s presence as much as they can’t stand to be in yours.
the three of you still work together as seamlessly in battle as you did before, but once the final monster has been cut down and your weapons are sheathed, that connection seems to disappear again.
it’s aether who finally breaks the stalemate. he starts trying to start conversations as the three of you sit awkwardly apart from each other around a fire, and while the first few attempts end in stony silence and an awkward cough on his part, eventually you begin replying with some semblance of the humour you used to
from there things only improve - the three of you come to a silent mutual agreement to leave this behind you, and soon you’re all laughing and joking as you used to
lumine and aether both know that they cannot force you to love either of them, and they respect your choice. if anything, they’re the ones in the wrong for springing something like this on you so suddenly, and they start to feel a little guilty that they were essentially pressuring you into making a choice that you were never obligated to make
so they return to treating you as a dear friend, just as before. things are different now, of course, but they can only be grateful that you continue to travel with them and stay by their side; this situation doesn’t make them love you any less, even if you don’t love them in the same way.
if you choose lumine, aether will be understanding. the twins have been each other’s only support for longer than they can remember, and as the older brother, he’s well used to giving things up for his sister.
he’ll still be friendly and amicable, but he won’t seek you out as much as he did before. he starts braiding his hair by himself again, and stays in bed as late as he can every morning so that he doesn’t have to be face to face with you. just because he’s accepted this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt.
sometimes, when the sky grows dark and you and lumine have long since fallen asleep beside each other, he wonders to himself - why is it that he has to give everything to his sister? he’s given away so much, so why couldn’t the universe let him have this one thing?
but he knows, deep down, that this is nothing to do with the universe - you simply fell in love with someone that wasn’t him, his sister at that, and he’s struggling to come to terms with it.
he wants to hate you, hate lumine, hate the relationship that the two of you have formed, but he just can’t. he loves the both of you in different ways that are just as important as each other, and he can’t stand to lose either of you. he’d rather throw himself off of starsnatch cliff.
so he’ll smile and bear it, even if it’s a battle to keep himself from breaking down every time he sees the two of you lace your hands together, off in your own little word, so near and yet so far from him.
if you choose aether, lumine will become cold. at first, that is. she’s never been as empathetic as her brother, always holding grudges and developing dislike much more easily. it had taken a lot for her to open up to you in the first place, and now that you’ve rejected her, it’s going to take a while for her to return to the same camaderie with you that she had before.
lumine does not begrudge aether for being the one you chose. if anything, she’s glad - aether is always putting her first and himself second, and she’s happy that he has someone like you, who lights his eyes up in a way that she’s never seen before.
but our hearts often betray our mind, after all, and lumine can’t help but scowl and turn away every time she sees her brother wrap his arms around your waist or press a kiss to your cheek. despite her best efforts, all she can think is why? why did you have to choose him?
she can’t bring herself to hate you, though. as much as it feels like her heart is threatening to split down the middle when she sees you smile and is reminded of something that she cannot have, there is an equal joy in the fact that her brother can be with the person that he loves so dearly. if anything, the two of you deserve to be happy together.
lumine would never do anything that could take that away, and so she forces herself to accept it. it takes several days of tentative conversation and barely held back tears, but eventually the two of you seem to return to the way you were before - all friendly jabs and light-hearted banter and little jokes exchanged over crossed blades.
but lumine knows that your friendship can never be quite the same as it was before. she’ll forever be holding you at arm’s length, terrified to let you get too close lest you see how much your presence affects her. she can’t let you know how much she loves you because she will never be the one who links hands with you as you walk down a long, winding path, or the one who holds you close under a darkening sky filled with stars - because that person is aether, and she would sooner die before she takes her brother’s happiness away.
if you refuse to choose, the twins will be at a loss at what to do. they hadn’t considered this scenario - that you had somehow come to love both of them.
the confusion becomes joy soon enough, though. they realise what this means - they both love you, and you love both of them! isn’t this perfect?
neither are particularly thrilled at the concept of ‘sharing’ you with the other, so to speak, but in the end they both equally want each other to be happy as they want you to be, so the logical conclusion is that they both become your partners.
they’re not too sure how this should work, nor what sort of label to put on it, but they come to you tentatively with the idea anyway
to their joyous surprise, you agree!
and from then marks the point of no return…
aether is definitely the clingier of the two. once he realises that he’s allowed to show affection and be close to you for no particular reason, he won’t stop - it’s as if he absolutely has to be holding your hand or be standing or sitting  as close to you as physically possible. he’s always buying you souvenirs at every place you stop by, scaling trees to pick apples for you when you mention a craving for fruit, presenting you little treasures that he’s found with all the pride of a golden retriever.
lumine is a more subdued kind of partner, preferring to demonstrate her feelings with little things like making your favourite food for dinner or bringing you sprigs of flowers that she’s secretly been collecting in order to present you with them. of course, that doesn’t mean she isn’t physically affectionate at all - she presses perhaps even closer to you than aether when you sleep beside her, and somehow her hand finds yours at every opportunity she has.
the twins clash every now and then, as siblings often do, except that you’re usually caught in the middle. their arguments are little more than playful squabbles, though - things like play-fighting over who gets to hug you first after a well-fought battle, or who gets to hold your hand on the way to the next village (you have to step in and remind them that you do, in fact, have two hands)
in conclusion: why choose one when you can have both and prevent the unchosen from having endless amounts of angst?
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flowerfan2 · 3 years
Dim The Lights
I haven’t written much Glee fic lately, but some time ago I wrote a series in which Blaine and Kurt reunite during a production of Into the Woods.  Sondheim’s lyrics and music were in my head for months as I wrote those stories, and it seemed that those characters were the perfect way to help me process Sondheim’s death, and honor him in my own way.  You can read the first two parts of this story here:  The Journeying (24k), and here: Ever After (51k).  May his memory be a blessing. 
Dim The Lights, A03, 2300 words
Blaine sees the notification pop up on his phone, and his heart sinks.
“Blaine?  What’s wrong?”  Kurt pokes him with his toe from his spot at the other end of their couch.  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Sondheim died,” Blaine says.  “I can’t believe it.”
“What?”  Kurt crawls across the couch and lands next to him, warmth pressing against his side as he grabs for Blaine’s phone.  “Let me see.  How?”
“It doesn’t say.  He had Thanksgiving dinner with friends yesterday.”
“How old was he?”
“Ninety-one.  I guess…”  Everyone dies at some point.  Ninety-one is pretty old.
Blaine looks at Kurt, who looks as shocked as he feels, and then they are wrapped around each other, holding on tight.
“Why does it hurt so much?” Blaine asks, as Kurt rubs soothing circles on his back.  “It’s not like we knew him.”
“But we did.  He gave us so much.  His music… it taught us things.  Helped us.”  
People make mistakes.  Fathers. Mothers.
Blaine’s phone vibrates where it has fallen under his thigh, and he pulls it out and gives it a quick glance.  “Mona says people are going to that piano bar on Grove Street.  Want to go?”
Kurt straightens his spine and nods.  “Yeah.  Yeah, I do.”
They change into more presentable clothes, their day-after-Thanksgiving lounging outfits quickly deemed unacceptable by Kurt, and head for the subway.  Neither of them are in a show at the moment, having decided to take a few months off to see if they can make some headway on the musical they’re writing.  But by the time they get to the bar, most of the evening shows are letting out, and the place is filling with recognizable faces.
Both Blaine and Kurt have been fortunate enough to have had steady work since their years in <i>Into the Woods,</i> Blaine doing a stint as Fiyero in <i>Wicked,</i> Kurt with an understudy role in <i>Company</i> that turned into an almost year-long job as Bobby, and then a stretch when they both had parts in <i>The Book of Mormon.</i>  Kurt pulled the plug first, committed to giving his own work some attention, while Blaine had a starring role in a play about suicide and depression that everyone felt was tremendously important, but didn’t last long on Broadway.  In some ways Blaine thinks it was probably just as well for his own mental health, and it gave him the perfect segue into taking time off to write with Kurt.
Being writing partners has been going surprisingly well, and when it doesn’t, they try not to take themselves too seriously.  After all, they’ve joked more than once, there’s no rush, “we’re not Sondheim.”
It’s warm and crowded when they get to the bar, and while Blaine still feels miserable, it feels slightly better to be miserable with dozens of other people who also recognize that Sondheim’s death is a valid reason to feel this way.  He spots Mona at a table near the back, and he and Kurt make their way over, immediately drawn into hugs. Mona’s sitting with Catherine, the actress who played Florinda in <i>Woods</i> when they were all in it together; she and Mona have been roommates ever since Blaine moved off of Mona’s sofa and into a place with Kurt.
“I just can’t believe it,” Mona says, and it’s the same thing everyone else is saying.  “It doesn’t seem possible.  What’s the theater world going to do without Sondheim?”
As musical theater fans, and students, and performers, their lives have always been filled with Sondheim’s music, his words in their heads for countless hours and days.  Blaine has sung so many of his songs, and felt them echo deep in his soul.  He’s performed them on stage for thousands of people, the lyrics perfect every single time.
<i>Agony, beyond power of speech.  When the one thing you want is the only thing out of your reach.</i>
Blaine remembers singing those words, faced with Kurt’s surprise appearance at his first Broadway table read of <i>Woods</i> all those years ago.  How Blaine felt frozen in place, doomed to repeat the failures of his past.  How he had slowly begun to think that just maybe, love wasn’t out of his reach.
He also remembers realizing how much pain Kurt was in, isolated and lonely in the city, and how hard Burt’s death hit him.  How horribly ironic it was that Kurt was playing a character devastated by the death of his mother, while staggering from the death of his own father.  <i>I wish…</i>
“Didn’t you get into NYADA with a Sondheim song?” Mona asks Kurt, dragging Blaine out of his thoughts.
“We sang a lot of Sondheim at NYADA,” Kurt deflects.
“No, but yours was something special,” Blaine says.  “Your <i>Being Alive</i> blew everyone away, even me, all the way back in Lima.”  He kisses the flush on Kurt’s cheeks.  That may not have been the best time for the two of them, but he loved that Kurt all the same.  “Rachel sent me the video afterwards,” he explains to Mona, leaving out the part about how many times he had watched it.
“Speaking of,” Kurt says, pointing through the crowd to a pair of people who have taken over the piano, the man playing while the woman fiddles with the mic.  
“Be nice.”  Blaine shifts in his seat so he can watch Rachel as she faces the audience, shaking her head so that her long dark hair frames her face perfectly.  The crowd erupts in cheers and then simmers down as she starts to sing.
<i>Isn't it rich?</i> <i>Are we a pair?</i> <i>Me here at last on the ground</i> <i>You in mid-air</i> <i>Send in the clowns.</i>
“Say what you like about Rachel Berry,” Mona whispers, “she can sell the hell out of a song.”
Jesse, at the piano, starts to sing along with Rachel, and soon half the bar joins in.  Kurt’s got his arms around Blaine from behind, and Blaine can hear his voice in his ear, trembling ever so slightly as he sings along.
As the song comes to an end (<i>Where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns. Well, maybe next year.</i>) Rachel spots Kurt and Blaine and pushes her way over.  There are more hugs, some brushed cheek kisses, and then Blaine can see Rachel’s mind spinning.  Trying to come up with something to make Kurt sing, no doubt.  
“Don’t even ask, Rachel,” Kurt preempts her.  “I’m not in the mood tonight.”
“But Kurt, your Bobby was acclaimed.  It wouldn’t be right not to sing it tonight, as a tribute to Stephen.  You owe it to him, and to your fans.”
“Let him be, Rachel,” Blaine says.  He knows how little Kurt likes to be put on the spot.  Kurt used to push through the discomfort, feeling like he had something to prove, needing to show everyone who doubted him just how talented he was.  But the more comfortable Kurt has gotten at putting his own feelings first, the happier he’s been, and - no surprise - he’s still just as talented.
Another woman stands up to sing, and Rachel lets out a quickly stifled screech.  “Oh my god,” she hisses, “do you think Mandy is here too?”
<i>Here’s to the ladies who lunch,</i> Patti LuPone rasps, and a hush falls over the crowd.  The one and only Patti LuPone, who worked so often with Sondheim, is here - right here - pouring out her sorrow.  Blaine likes to believe he’s not as unhinged about LuPone as Rachel is, but he’s still having a little trouble remembering to breathe.
When song rises to a crescendo, LuPone practically shouting out the words, the whole room shivers in response.  When the song nears the end and she sings <i>everybody dies</i> and then <I>rise, rise, rise!</i> everyone is on their feet, singing along and raising their glasses.
Blaine falls into his seat afterwards, a server finally making her way over to their table with their drinks, and they toast once more to Sondheim.  Blaine is listening to Catherine recount a story about when she was in a college production of <i>Assassins</i> when he feels a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, any chance you’d play for me?”
He turns in his seat and it’s Elliott Gilbert, smiling sadly at him.  It’s apparently not a Starchild kind of day, as his friend is just wearing jeans and a Queen t-shirt under a battered leather jacket.  He doesn’t even have any eyeliner on.
Blaine wants to decline - there are plenty of capable piano players here - but something in Elliott’s expression tells him he’s looking for more than just musical support.  And he’s spent enough time with Elliott at piano bars to be fairly certain he knows all of his go-to songs. “Sure, of course,” he says, getting up and giving him a hug.  
Blaine checks in with Kurt, leaning close for a moment, and Kurt squeezes his arm.  “Go.  Emote.  I’ll be right here.”
They wait for someone with an incredible bass voice to finish singing a song from <i>Merrily</i> - Blaine thinks he might be in <i>Hadestown</i> at the moment - and move up to the piano.  There’s a hum of approval as they step forward to take their turn, and someone yells “play Glitter Rock Vampire.”
“Not tonight,” Elliott says, “tonight’s not about me.”  Blaine kind of loves that the song his nickname for Elliott inspired continues to follow Elliott around.  
“What’s it going to be?”  Blaine asks, dancing his fingers over the keys, and Elliott leans down and whispers his song choice to Blaine.  He’s not surprised.  Blaine centers himself for a moment, then begins to play.  After just a few bars, Elliott comes in.
<i>I feel you, Joanna.  I feel you.  I was half convinced I’d waken, satisfied enough to dream you.  Happily I was mistaken.  Joanna...</i>
Elliott had played Antony in a touring production of <i>Sweeney Todd</i> a few years ago, and he infuses the song with heart wrenching love and desperation.  Blaine feels a bit drained himself when he finishes, and they find their way back to their table.
Kurt pulls him into his lap and wraps his arms around him, giving Blaine a chance to ground himself.  Blaine vaguely registers that Aaron Tveit is singing <i>Marry Me A Little,</i> just like he did for Sondheim’s 90th birthday celebration, but he’s content leaning his head on Kurt’s shoulder and breathing him in and isn’t about to move yet, not even to watch Aaron sing.
“Any bets on who else will show up?  Maybe Bernadette?” Mona asks, sliding her chair over as Jonathan, Julian and Izzy join them.
“No way,” Izzy says.  “Bernadette has better places to be.”
“Not sure there could be a better place right now,” Blaine says softly, just for Kurt, who kisses him sweetly in return.
A trio of young actors from the chorus of <i>Lion King</i> have taken the mic, taking turns singing parts of <i>Finishing The Hat.</i>  It’s not really made for this kind of performance, Blaine thinks, but he gives them kudos for trying.
“You were in <i>Sunday,</i> right?” Julian asks Blaine.  “Junior year?”
“Yeah, I was,” Blaine says.
“I would have liked to have seen that,” Kurt says, taking Blaine’s hand in his and twining their fingers together.  Blaine doesn’t like to dwell on those years, when he was figuring himself out, learning to deal with his depression and anxiety and being without Kurt.  But it all turned out okay in the end, and he doesn’t want to pretend that time didn’t happen, either.  It’s an important part of his life.
“I think we were better off reuniting for <i>Woods,</i>” Blaine replies with a smile.
“Talk about a fairy tale,” Mona says.  “It’s pretty amazing, your story.”  She looks at the two of them, and Blaine knows that he’s blushing, although probably not half as prettily as Kurt.
“We got lucky,” Blaine says.
“And we work hard at it.”  Kurt gives Blaine a little nudge, and they both stand up.  “Care to dance?”
It’s not really music for dancing, but Blaine knows Kurt’s signals, and he could use a change of scenery as well.  They shuffle their way through the ever-increasing crowd and find a spot against the wall near the front door.  The mood has shifted to <i>West Side Story,</i> and Blaine finds himself smiling despite himself.
<i>Tonight, tonight, it’s only you tonight,</i> a sweet tenor voice sings, and Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt’s shoulders as Kurt tucks his head against his neck.  They sway together, whispering the lyrics to each other, until the song comes to an end.
“You know, we really do owe Sondheim a lot,” Kurt says, still wrapped close around Blaine.  
“Nah,” Blaine says.  “No matter what eventually brought me to New York, I bet you would have found a way to be there too.”
Kurt laughs softly.  “I did tell you about all the ways I imagined we might meet again, right?”
“You did.  I particularly liked the coffee shop one.  Sounded a lot like a Star Wars AU Sam read to me once.”
“But seriously,” Kurt says, “I’d like to think it would have happened, even without <i>Woods.</i>  But who knows?”
Blaine pulls back and looks into Kurt’s eyes.  “We’ll never be sure.”
Kurt gives him a wry smile.  “But the difference between a cow and a bean is that a bean can begin an adventure.”
“Are you saying life with me is an adventure?”
“The very best kind.”  Kurt leans in and kisses him, easy and sure, and Blaine can feel it all the way down to his toes.  He loves this man so completely, and has for so long.  He knows he’s fortunate, they both are, that they found each other again.  Life with Kurt hasn’t always been smooth, and it’s not always puppies and rainbows, but as Sondheim wrote, <i>if life were only moments, then you’d never know you had one.</i>  
No matter what his future holds, Blaine is certain that it will be better with Kurt in it.  They’ve both learned to put the work into their ever after, and Blaine will always be grateful to Sondheim for helping them on their journey.
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
Hi Chii! This is for the TWST ANNIVERSARY, and scenario format is fine. Main focus line is Silver: “You want to study together? You work really hard.” Next character is Riddle: “Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there.” Oof, that was a lot, and hopefully I did this right, if not I can always resend it if you’d like! ~🍒cherry nonnie
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╰──➢   “ You want to study together? You work really hard. ”
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❥ cherry nonnie, is everything alright? you’ve been making me smile from your asks but i understood you on your first ask <3. may our waiters, silver & riddle rosehearts, treat you with this anniversary special dessert!
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“Oh, hello there.”
He greeted you with a gentle smile; no it wasn’t Silver, it was his father. You-- a young-second year no older than seventeen -- bowed at the older mage in a sign of respect. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Vanrouge! I assume Silver already told you about my arrival?”
“Of course he did,” tittered the old fae as he let you in. “He surprisingly woke up earlier than he usually does.” Lilia led you towards the lounge of their shared home within the Valley of Thorns. 
“Oh, one more thing--” he opened the door to the lounge, “--avoid the second floor for now. Malleus is still asleep. We wouldn’t want to disturb him. Though, I trust you and Silver to keep it down with whatever you two plan to do today.”
You nodded, going inside after thanking him. Your eyes scanned the room in wonder. The Valley of Thorns’ common interior design always held dark colors. The only exception is when one of the home’s residents is light-colored, y’know? Like, tousled silver hair scattered on the couch arm, maybe even a white turtleneck hugging his figure, his aurora-colored eyes closed for the world not to see, and his pinkish lips slightly open while soft even breaths blew out. 
And Lilia said he woke up early, yes?
“Silver,” you whispered out, looking over the door while folding your lips and looking back at the young man on the couch. “Silver,” you called out louder, nudging the said man until he groaned and opened his eyes.
As his eyes came to view, you leaned forward, waving at him with a closed-lip smile. “Good morning-- or should I say afternoon?” you giggled. Silver blinked, and blinked, and blinked. His brain slowly processed what happened until he recognized your face. Jolting up into a sitting position he rubbed his eyes as he muttered, “I fell asleep...again?” 
“Nothing I’m not used to. But I’m glad you actually waited for me.”
You sat on the windowsill across from him, and while you looked at the horses at the nearby stable, you heard him shuffling from where he sat. Still looking a tad bit drowsy, he watched as you swung your legs back and forth. “I wanted to ask for some help. You’re the only one who I can approach since, well, you’re the only one I’m closed with. I also believe you’re great at teaching.”
Confused, Silver stood up from the couch and stood beside you on the window, “You’re saying?”
“I want to study with you when it comes to horseback riding. I really need to ace my exam,” you said, gulping as you watched one of the horses run around freely. You were never confident around horses. Not that they scare you, it’s just because of their boisterous behavior. They can kick and probably trample over you if you don’t handle them properly. 
“You want to study together?” Silver mumbled, glancing at you while you nervously glanced at the horses. 
“If it’s no trouble, Silv. I just really need some help.” Your eyes met his. He could sense your determination despite the worry and nervousness in your system. He doesn’t doubt his horseback riding skills, yet he knew himself that he has more training to do. Maybe, both of you can learn something new together. 
“Alright,” he agreed, “Let’s head to the stables.”
The height of the horses baffled you. Horses are no stranger to the Valley of Thorns yet you never actually got a chance to come near one considering you never even needed to. Each horse held their own distinctive color; white, brown, black, spotted, and there was even one with a long white mane and a thick tail. It was beautiful. 
Silver caught sight of you staring at one of the attractive horses their stable owned. It was his horse. “Do you want to ride Cloud?” His hand caressed the horse’s snout -- the mammal exhaled as a response to the touch.
“Cloud?” you repeated, reaching out to gently touch her soft mane. “She’s so beautiful...”
“She’s a rare Gypsy Vanner. A gift from father when I first rode a horse. You could say she’s become a friend of mine,” Silver shared, and while you listened, a smile stretched on your lips. “Then you must really be fond of her,” you said.
“We grew up together, so to say.” Silver cleared his throat and opened the stable door, his hand tightly held the reigns as he let Cloud out of the stable. The way she lightly neighed, her little shakes of relief, and the way she nudged Silver made you giggle yet feel weary. What if she doesn’t like you? What if she ran too fast? 
“Don’t be scared. She doesn’t hurt anyone,” Silver reassured as he adjusted the saddle. “Anyways, what is your exam about?” You followed him towards the equestrian facility (the place where horses are trained), walking beside him as you eyed Cloud. 
“Just basic horseback riding training. Cantering, galloping, trotting…” you explained. Not that hard, yes? You don’t need to have Cloud jump over bars or make her do tricks. Just basic running techniques to pass your exam. Silver, is no doubt, surprised. It’s really simple. But what if you held another horse? 
He hummed, letting Cloud stand steadily, he reached out for your hand and led it towards the horse. “It’s important that the horse knows you. They need to trust you in order to listen to you. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did before.” Your hand felt Cloud’s soft fur around her neck. It exhaled in delight, signifying that she knows you and would most likely trust you. 
“What did you do?”
Silver looked away embarrassed, he vaguely remembers the day like it was just yesterday. How could he forget the fact a horse nearly sent him flying just because he rode it immediately without even acknowledging the fact it’s a wild horse. Thanks to the Great Seven, Lilia and Malleus were there to calm the horse down and grab him before he got severely injured.
“It’s nothing… Come, I’ll help you up.”
Oh, to be aware of one’s touches must be quite a delight to both parties. You hooked your left foot around the stirrup while Silver held your hand as support while you lifted yourself up the horse’s saddle. Once you’re sat, he immediately kept Cloud steady as he looked up at you. “You good?”
You nodded, smiling down at the horse. “Good girl,” you cooed. 
Silver looked at the path ahead of you, he wondered --  should he ride behind you or hold the reins until you got the hang of it? You’re still a beginner and he could either lead you properly by riding along or just standing by. When he was young, Lilia would ride behind him on the horse and he would just learn by watching him handle the reins.
Think, Silver, think.
“Are you getting up? I really don’t trust myself with the horse when you let me handle her alone…”
There’s the answer.
And now he’s behind you with his hands on yours as you both hold the reins. Cloud was trotting on the dirt as gently as Silver ordered her to do. Though with your obliviousness -- more of just being focused on his guide -- you failed to notice the fact that the young man behind you is enjoying your company.
You would squeal out loud if Cloud decided to go faster or tightly hold onto his hand and lean on his chest if you felt like falling off. It was hard not to find you adorable. And yet you’re still determined to learn. Back in NRC, he, Riddle, and Sebek would often yell at each other if one decides to flop. It’s not easy to handle horses, and yet you’re here handling Cloud well. Someday, you’ll ride another horse with confidence and just by yourself.
He tried to hop off the horse and let you handle Cloud on your own, maybe you aren’t the slickest or the fastest of learners, but you sure could control a horse now. Silver’s instincts were just as fast as he trained himself to be, almost running by your side when Cloud gets too excited with running.
He stayed so alert.
Hell, he didn’t even doze off in a while. 
“You work hard,” he praised you after you were able to halt the horse’s running smoothly. Both of you sharing a grin before proceeding with the next course. Hours and hours of practice, and you’re learning.
Lilia even forgot what in the living fuck he was boiling as he stared outside at the both of you. “Now, Silver didn’t tell me he had a little date.”
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╰──➢   “ Have you been to the library yet? You should definitely stop at least once sometime. There are a lot of books you’d fine useful there ”
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“I thought you would know the way around the Rose Kingdom since you live here,” Cater teased as he looked out the window of the train he and Riddle sat in. The younger boy scoffed and crossed his arms.
“I barely go out of my home. I’m even surprised you know the place more than I do. I know the area but not how to go there.” Riddle sighed, looking down at the phone on his lap once he heard it ring from a message.
A message from you.
That’s right; the only reason Riddle is heading somewhere with Cater was that you offered to visit a historical museum with him. The purpose of this little trip was for you to learn something in terms of magical history. Where’s the fun in just sitting down and reading in your bedroom when you can experience the said history hands-on?
Cater was there to accompany Riddle throughout the journey and would most likely explore his own way while you two converse about whatever question and lesson you had in mind. You knew Riddle was one of the top students in his school. You also knew he wouldn’t refuse an opportunity for him to teach you something he knows. 
When the train stopped, both students went off and down the museum just a few blocks away from the station. In front of the said museum was what Cater called: Riddle’s date. No, it was, in no way, a date. It was a simple study session. “Just in time, as always.” You stood up from the bench you were sitting on and met the two guys halfway. Cater had waved at you while Riddle looked at the exterior design of the museum.
It was a museum dedicated to the Queen of Hearts.
Riddle has been there a couple of times already. He has learned to love the place; though it's been a few years since he last visited. 
"I'll leave you two here. There's a mall near this place and I wanna look around. See ya, Riddle, y/n!" Cater waved as he walked away. Riddle’s eyes moved back to you, watching as you looked at the museum, "Let's head in!"
You thought, again, thought, that the museum would be bustling with people left and right considering how popular it was in the Rose Kingdom. However, the moment you entered its walls, there were only around fifteen to twenty-five people inside — for the most part, you were in the main lobby. 
"What are your concerns about?" Riddle began as he looked up at the huge statue of the Queen of Hearts situated in the middle of the lobby. Astonish were thee as you read the description of the queen. 
'The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. 'Off with his head!' she said, without even looking around.'
"She was very powerful, indeed," he said whilst he looked at the decoy of the queen's crown situated in a case. "Those who looked at her, or even heard her name, are terrified."
"What magic does she hold?" you asked, circling the statue as Riddle followed behind. 
"She holds great physical strength. As you can see—" Riddle pointed at the statue, "—she was big. Though some would label her as fat due to what Alice said, but in our school, she was mighty. I do wonder how she was able to grow so strong." He walked ahead of you and towards a painting. In that painting held the Queen of Hearts while she played croquet.
"Not only that. She aced in croquet and she ruled over her kingdom for how long. You could say she held authority no one could handle. Not even her own guards and husband." 
As he spoke, your legs brought you over the hallways that held marvelous paintings of the queen. He was just by your side the whole time. "You did say you were in a dorm that's named after her, yes?" you asked, looking over at him.
Riddle nodded. "The statue you saw in the main hall was the same statue that's near our school's entrance. It's only proper for her to be standing there. She is one of the Great Seven after all."
"And you're the dorm leader in that dorm. You also have her rules applied to your very dorm. Tell me, Riddle. Do you admire her?" You both stood in front of another glass case. This time, holding the Queen of Hearts' sceptre. A heart with a gold staff, not even a single speck of withering is shown. It looked so expensive and very antique. 
Riddle was quiet after you asked the question. Looking at him, you noticed how he stared at the queen's sceptre. Just above that sceptre was another painting of the queen, it was her on her throne with a villainous smirk on her face. It sent shivers down your spine.
"I do."
You faced Riddle once again. He had a serious expression on his face as he faced you. "She's the reason why I became the dorm leader that I am today. It was by my own choice to follow her rules and her doings. Not only for myself but for the sake of my dorm."
His voice held the authority of a dorm leader you never got to hear — considering as you go to different schools. You don't know how he is as a dorm leader, but judging by how he looked at the queen's painting, it's enough to convince you that he, Riddle Rosehearts…
Is the King of Heartslabyul.
The glass case that held the sceptre had a small hole — big enough to fit a hand or two — with a note above: 'Touch with precaution'. With a little bit of hesitation, you reached out and touched the sceptre. Warmth seeped through his hand as Riddle, too, reached out to touch the sceptre only for it to land on your hand. You both froze, staring at each other in surprise. It was he who pulled away first, cheeks painted as red as the hallway's walls. 
"H-Have you been to the library yet? We should definitely stop at least once sometime." He coughed out, looking away from you. "There are a lot of books you’d find useful there. Didn't you say you wanted to know more about the queen's history based on your topic for your exam?"
And he walked ahead. 
Your hand slowly moved to your chest after you let go of the sceptre. Looking down to your feet as you chuckled to yourself. Folding your lips as you covered your mouth and looked back at Riddle's walking figure. 
The Queen— well, King — of Hearts may have a temperament. But he sure can be admirable at times when needed… 
"Are you coming or not?"
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© jangmi-latte, all rights reserved. Happy to Serve!
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labyrinthsofyou · 3 years
lucky number nine
pairing: wong yukhei & female reader
genre: fluff & smut
warnings: blowjob, cumplay, fingering, oral, riding and a little holiday celebration
words: 30, 186                      
summary: yukhei unwraps his favorite present.
author’s note: this is a little late or extremely early for christmas.
wong yukhei is quite fond of christmas.
he likes the festive decorations. he enjoys the atmosphere. and whether it is morning or night, he thinks some of his most unforgettable memories have been on christmas.
yukhei remembers the christmas when he was five.
it was too early, but he had jumped out of bed that morning. he had ran down the hallway with his little brother trying to keep up with him. his mom had been chasing after them with the video camera. into the cozy living room with the decorated tree and the handful of wrapped presents he had zoomed straight to. yukhei had looked expectantly at his mom because he was dying to open the presents already. she sat on the couch and held the camera steady to record everything while his brother had taken a seat across from him. then a nod she had given him. and because he was the big brother, yukhei had made sure he found a present with his brother’s name written on the snowman sticker tag before he reached for one of his own.
yukhei hadn’t noticed the missing person in the living room. 
too immersed into ripping wrapping paper he had been. his excited scream had filled the small space at the reveal of the box of building blocks. all he had focused on for a long minute was the image of the built fire station, the tiny yellow characters and the fire engine to make his firefighter dreams come true. his mom had lightheartedly asked if he liked his present. in response, yukhei had turned to her and hugged the box with his smile so wide it showed his teeth and made his eyes closed.
but as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. 
the sound of bells jingling and a loud voice booming through their apartment had made him freeze. yukhei had turned his head and there stood santa. tall and big, his eyes had grown two sizes bigger while his breath caught in his throat. in santa’s hands had been two more presents all wrapped up. then the man in the red suit had let out a low and deep laugh that sounded like something yukhei swore he heard before. the bells in his hand he had rung again and yukhei remained motionless as his brother scurried to his mom. one step and another and another santa had begun to take until he was just a foot away from him.
the face underneath the  white beard had been unmistakable. 
without hesitation, the present in his arms had dropped to the ground. yukhei had jumped enthusiastically onto his dad with a big grin. the hug had been strong. his dad had laughed. his mom had never stopped recording. and yukhei had spent the whole morning loudly and proudly declaring he known all along and no one could fool him.
he remembers the christmas away from home in a new country.
homesick yukhei had been, missing the aroma of his mom’s cooking and the tree from his childhood that was still in good condition. he called home in the morning when he had a moment to himself in the bedroom he was sharing with two others. 
it had been nice to speak in a language he was familiar with because yukhei wasn’t going to lie. learning a new language had been difficult. he had learned to order food first, making sure to eat after tiring lessons and classes. but the many ways to say one thing and the varied ways to describe what he was feeling and thinking had been a struggle and felt like a tongue twister sometimes. 
still he had been trying and despite the struggles, yukhei reassured his parents he was well. he had been working hard to make them proud and in no time he would be successful to buy them a bakery or house or anything else they wanted. 
they hadn’t need to worry at all.
after yukhei hung up, he had found everyone else in the living room who was missing home like him too. it had been their first day off in a while. the group of them had spent the day lounging around the dorm eating, playing games and sleeping because all of them had lacked that. and when everyone was finally awake from their naps, the secret santa gifts they all had exchanged. the small box of building blocks yukhei had unwrapped when it was his turn. he had giggled and smiled. memories of childhood christmases had flooded his mind.
home yukhei still missed, but a bit better than earlier he had felt.
he remembers the christmas when it was just the seven of them.
two languages instead one yukhei had been trying to be fluent in now. the plans to debut in the new group had already been set. regardless how they all had trained together and some of them even performing together already, their own group they were now. there had been a bit of awkwardness of getting to truly learn about one another. yet it had felt strangely comforting to know each of them was nervous and excited about the whole new journey they were going to embark on. 
in the living room of the new dorm they had moved into and amongst the mess of clothes and boxes they didn’t finished separating and organizing, they had decorated a small tree. the secret santa that had started from the years before in the other dorms with everyone else they skipped. there had been no time to buy presents. so instead their hands had been filled with lots food deliveries of everyone’s cravings.
the delicious dishes varying from spicy chewy noodles to grilled pork belly had settled in their stomachs with joy. then a christmas cake with decorations of sweet cream snowmen and edible white chocolate pine trees their manager had presented to them. he had wished them success for their soon to be debut as a group. they had ended up digging their forks into the dessert like little kids. and when he finally climbed into bed in the early morning because they had stayed up watching movies and talking about home and their future together, happy and grateful yukhei had felt to be with them.
there are a lot christmases yukhei remembers. there are a lot christmases he won’t ever forget even after a life full of them he is certain. 
yukhei believes this christmas will be another that will be an unforgettable memory. this christmas will be another that will be stamped into his brain and etched onto his heart.
it is not his first christmas together with you. he has spent past christmases with you. 
after he wakes up midday because a day off it was after all, yukhei celebrates with his members. they eat and play games until the winter sky gradually changes colors. then he comes over to see you and it is a celebration with just you and him. a dinner of what your and his heart desires, a mix of take out and a dish or two you cook, is shared and cherished. and when dinner is done, yukhei helps you clean up before you and him exchange and open the presents to one another.
yukhei always ends up staying until the clock strikes midnight and the new day begins. the minute longer he always wishes to stay with you always becomes hours and he leaves when the moon is still illuminating the dark sky.
but this year, this christmas is different from the past of what he has had with you. 
today is the first christmas since yukhei has moved in with you nearly eight months ago. it is the first christmas since he has began calling this apartment his home too. it is the first christmas of him opening his eyes in the morning to find you laying beside him still in your slumber shielded by the comforter and blanket because you don’t care much for the cold.
his hand rises from underneath the cozy covers and yukhei rubs the sleepiness from his face and eyes. a sudden yawn comes out. slowly he turns and lifts his head up the slightest to take a peek pass you at the half burned candle and clock on your bedside table.
it’s just half past seven. another yawn comes on strong and yukhei covers his mouth this time.
“you want to sleep in tomorrow?”
that was what he had asked you in the early morning after the snow and snacks.  
it had been fitting for the first big snow of the season to be on christmas eve. the wet flakes had begun falling in the early afternoon. when yukhei returned home from the late dinner and secret santa with his friends, the city had been blanketed in white. it had looked like a magical winter wonderland as you gazed out the large window of the living room. and even though he had showered and was dried and toasty now, his arms wrapped around you and his mouth rested beside your ear.
“do you wanna build snowman?”
his question had came out in a singsong voice with light giggles following immediately.
you couldn’t resist. 
so out into the snow you and him went. yukhei had laughed so loud, the sound ringing through the cold quiet night while he had ran in the snow of the courtyard. it had been below freezing, but seeing him carefree and happy made it worth every second. then with your mitten clad hands and his bare hands because he had insisted he didn’t need them, you and him set working on the snowman. the body he had made while you made the head. the long broken branches from the nearby tree he picked up for the arms. the leaves of the bushes you had put in place for the eyes and nose.
“i told you we make pretty good team,” he had told you once the snowman was completed. “first we built furniture and now we built a snowman.”  
the tender kiss you had pressed onto his cold smiling mouth was warm.
once pictures and videos were taken together with the masterpiece as yukhei had called it with a chuckle, a walk around the neighborhood you had suggested. your hand he had taken and put inside the pocket of his padded jacket. the nearly similar matching black beanies on your heads had been covered in snowflakes. and when you were just half a dozen blocks from home, from walking through the snow covered streets, the convenient store he had pulled you into. just to warm up for five minutes he had whispered with a small grin. but the five minutes turned into fifteen because the small plastic basket yukhei had picked up.
regardless of the snacks that filled the cabinet next to the refrigerator and placed on the counter in the kitchen at home, the basket in his grasp had quickly filled up. the cola shaped bottle jelly candies yukhei had chosen. a box of strawberry cream covered biscuit sticks you had reached for. bags of sweet and salty chips you and him had never tried before were dropped in. a lip balm he picked up because the cold had made his lips dry. then the items were paid for and the short trip home begun.
once you had stepped foot into the heat of the apartment, the wet padded jackets were hung up to dry properly and a shower was taken to warm up. on the couch you and him had stayed. the snacks purchased were enjoyed and savored with glee as an animated movie of your choice played in the background. when your stomachs were full, too tired and too comfortable enjoying the closeness of each other, neither of you had wanted to make a move into the bedroom. so you had stayed snuggled in his arms with your head resting on his shoulder as you tried to focus on the movie.
“hmm? are you up for it sleeping in?” yukhei had sleepily questioned again. “i know we talked about opening presents in the morning, but at this rate i don’t think we will be able to wake up properly.” he had quietly chuckled and a kiss he placed on your head.
“sleeping in sounds nice.” you had turn to look at him with your gaze soft and sleepy too. “and like i told you already, i’m just really happy.” 
to be with him here and to celebrate the first christmas together in this apartment that had your and his things side by side had made you happy. the whole day tomorrow had been planned to be just you and him. that had been why the secret santa exchange and diner with his members were a day earlier.
yukhei had bobbed his head faintly once and pushed up the glasses that were now on his face. “me, too.”
his strong arm around your middle had tighten and soon enough, half a dozen wet kisses were peppered around your face. a bit more awake you had become with your squeals. when he drew back, the sparkle in his eyes had been there. the curve of his mouth had been beaming and contagious. “and technically since we are already…” yukhei had glanced at the time hanging on the wall. “an hour into the new day… happy merry christmas,” he had softly whispered.
instantly you had giggled, sitting up properly then so you could press a soft sweet kiss to his pillowy lips that were soothed by his earlier purchase. “happy merry christmas to you too, baby.”
a little longer on the couch both of you had stayed to finish the movie. once the credits begun rolling, he had begun yawning continuously and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fight off the sleep much longer either. the coffee table had been cleaned up. the christmas tree decorated with colorful glass and glittery ornaments and twinkling white lights had been unplugged.
after brushing your teeth side by side in the bathroom with the pink toothbrush in your grasp while the green was in his, you had simply put on your moisturizer before climbing into the bed he was already in. yukhei had tugged you close as the snowflakes slowly stopped falling down from the sky outside. you had fell asleep to the sound of his soft snores. he had ended up falling asleep with your back pressed against his chest.
however though, in the middle of the night, you had slipped away from him.
no longer in his arms you are. instead you are curled on your side and facing him with your head lowered a little. a hand is tucked under the pillow beneath your head. the other holds into the comforter. he listens to your steady breaths while turning a little until his body takes the same position as yours. 
yukhei should sleep. he can sleep. he can sleep until the afternoon every day if he was able to. 
but the thought of it being the first christmas with you in this home shared now together gently echoes in the back of his brain. there won’t be another first christmas morning for the first time together. so yukhei thinks he can sleep later. maybe all afternoon if he wishes because there is no schedule. it will be just you and him today. and when the new year begins, there will be four free days where he will most definitely catch up on more sleep. it is a mini break he cannot wait for before they will begin prepping for their next comeback afterwards.
the thought in his head wins.
with a small smile forming on his face, yukhei reaches for you. his hands slips underneath the white sweatshirt with the red printed snowflakes on the front and settles on your naked waist. your body feels so warm compared to his hands and he is certain you feel the difference because a soft whimper you let out. he can’t help but chuckle breathlessly. then slowly and carefully yukhei moves closer and pulls you to him until his arms encircle you. he lowers his head for a moment and presses one and two puckers of his pillowy lips to your forehead. 
“wake up, baby.”
within seconds you’re stirring in his hold. the smile on his face grows a bit when you gradually settle back down with a deep breath. he bends his head a little more and like a lion to his mate, yukhei gently nudges and nuzzles his nose against your warm skin. his thumb strokes your back. he places one and another kiss onto your left cheek.
“it’s christmas morning.” his calm and raspy voice draws you out of your slumber and dreams. the tip of his nose caresses yours as your legs kick away the pillow under your feet and begin tangling with his long limbs. “wake up for me, baby,” yukhei murmurs in a singsong voice similar to last night.
slowly your eyes open. in your half asleep state still, you register his deep low laugh that tickles your heart and makes you sigh. you stretch in his arms with a tired moan as he draws a few inches back. your own arms come out from between the warmth of your bodies and covers to erase the faint blurriness of your sleepy gaze on him. and when you can see a bit clearly, you meet his soft stare underneath a few falling strands of hair and his handsome fresh face. the sight makes your cheeks heat and you grateful for mornings with him. a hand of his dances and strokes your back. the little shiver yukhei feels from you. he is about to lean into you to kiss you properly, but you twist your neck slightly and note the time.
your brows wrinkle and you blink a handful of times to make sure you’re reading the numbers correctly before you turn back to him. an arm shifts to wrap around his shoulder while your other hand grips onto the white t-shirt he wears. you bury your face into his neck. the combination of spring fresh detergent, vanilla and a scent so uniquely yukhei that reminds you of home and comfort fill your senses. he chuckles when he hears the deep breath and exhale from you when his fingertips go higher up your spine.
“your hands are so cold,” you whine faintly against his skin. 
a grin with eyes crinkling you can picture forming on his face at your complaint even if you cannot see it. 
he giggles quietly. “sorry.” the apology rolls out softly, but yukhei makes no indication of removing them.
“i thought you wanted to sleep in,” you mumble, eyes falling close again.
yukhei loves his sleep. he can fall asleep anywhere at anytime even if only for five minutes. he can sleep until mid afternoon even when he is able to sleep early the night before. he would rather sleep than eat sometimes and it is a big deal because he loves to eat. he takes advantage of his days off and the holidays to sleep so he can make up for all the days he does not get enough.
and you do not forget how he had even asked early in the morning about sleeping in.
so right now, you expect it to be at least noon or perhaps much later. you expect the roles be reverse and it would be you waking him up instead.  
yukhei laughs once more while your hand reaches for the nape of his neck. your short nails scratch him lightly and it makes him hum. “that was the plan.” he remembers it was his own suggestion to do so. “but then i realized i have all afternoon to take a nap if i wanted to later. so i thought it’ll be okay to wake up early.”
it is then your eyes open. the sleepiness in you disappears and you are more awake than you were a minute ago. your fingers stop moving. you pull back and his boyish smile greets you. an eyebrow of yours rises up as you eye him suspiciously because what he says isn’t believable. 
you know him too well.
“you’re up to something.”
the accusation immediately makes him giggle, the familiar sound echoing in the quiet bedroom. one arms comes out from underneath your sweatshirt and yukhei reaches for your hand grasping on his t-shirt. he places it over his heart and you feel the steady beats of it. 
“i’m up to nothing. i promise, baby.” the arm still around your middle firms. yukhei lowers his head and kisses you gently on your mouth, making you sigh and want a bit more. he pulls away and you can’t help but lick your lips. the grin on his face is tender and almost bashful. “i was just thinking about it being out first christmas morning together. we can’t get another. i thought this was special,” he whispers with the glint in his eyes.
a sappy romantic at heart yukhei is even when he likes to deny it.
you chew on your bottom lip for a moment. the idea of staying in the warm bed with him cuddling and sleeping doesn’t seem like a bad idea. but what he is saying tugs on your heart too hard. “are you trying to sweet talk me right now so i will agree?” you quietly tease him.
his chuckle is low. “is it working?” he gives you another soft kiss and your gaze fixes on his mouth as his tongue peeks out lick it. 
“you’re not tired?” your eyes meet his once more. 
yukhei hums. “i’m okay right now.” the curve of his lips is boyish and charming. “but you are up now.” even if it is his doing. “so what do you say we get out of bed and we can celebrate our first christmas morning together. hmm?” he looks happy and relaxed. his soothing voice and words are laced with nothing but calm and sincerity. you find yourself inhaling slowly because yukhei’s hard to resist.
the tiny distance between your mouths you close for your lips to graze his. “promise you’ll get a little extra rest later,” you whisper alongside them.
he rolls over a bit then, keeping you between him and the bed. his forehead presses to yours as he stares at you. your arms encircle his neck and his other arm slithers back underneath your sweatshirt for the material to rise. the corners of his lips twitch up and you feel more tugs on your heart.
“i promise.”
you tilt your head. your fingers run up the back of his hair. “hmm, okay. you win,” you surrender.
sweet he always is and you are certain you will forever remain smitten.
yukhei lets out the tiniest triumphant cheer that makes you shake your head with a giggle. he leaves a quick yet tender peck on your mouth and lowers his head into the crook of your neck. he holds you closer as if he’s not laying on top of you currently. a minute longer you and him stay wrapped in one another’s embrace until you turn your head. you dot three kisses on his temple before moving your hands to tap on his shoulder blade.
“you go get ready first,” you tell him softly.
he shifts after a moment and presses a handful of wet kisses to your cheek that make you smile a little too much. his arms come out from below that sweatshirt of yours. at once you miss the closeness and his warmth. yukhei sits up and pushes the comforter and blanket away. the pillows at the foot of the bed for your and his feet and the matching red plaid pajama bottoms come into view.
it had been his idea and his surprise.
“you got us matching slippers, babe.” his reason had made him grin shyly and you laugh sweetly before accepting the article of clothing with sugary kisses and murmured words of gratitude.
the fabric of your sweatshirt rises up even more when you stretch again. the soft skin of your middle he has been holding and caressing catches yukhei’s interest. a few more centimeters and a little higher, he will get a really nice view of you. his stare and his motionless body makes you chuckle faintly. you watch as he swallows the tiny lump in his throat as if he’s never seen you naked before.
but he has. he has also touched you like no one else has ever touched you too.
you clear your throat to get his attention. “you’re staring,” you inform him with your eyes shining.
his gaze meets yours and you shake your head slowly. you tug your sweatshirt back down as yukhei is moving over you and leaning forward. a hand rises to palm his cheek. your thumb brushing back and forth his heated skin. 
“i’m distracted,” he counters.
the butterflies flutter in your stomach.
a final parting kiss he gives you on your mouth and the tip of your nose, yukhei pulls away again. he gets out from the bed and stretches. an inch or so his t-shirt rises. it gives you a peek at his v line and the leopard print band of his boxer briefs. he catches your stare and wiggles his sculpted eyebrows playfully. you chuckle as he threads his long fingers through his tousled hair. he’s been letting it grow a little before he will cut it again for the next comeback. he pushes his hair away from his face and bites his lip teasingly. mischief and satisfaction resides in his gaze as yukhei watches you lick your lips. 
“now you’re staring,” he states with a smirk. 
you playfully roll your eyes even while your face warms. the teasing act he was moments ago turns giggly and he puckers his lips and sends a kiss through the air. he releases his hair, the strands falling down stylishly with a few pieces over his pretty eyes. he slips his feet into the fuzzy gray slippers and turns to you one last time with another wiggle his eyebrows.
“i will see you in five,” yukhei declares before he saunters happily out.
but the five minutes is really eight minutes before he exits the bathroom for you to use.
his glasses he retrieves from his bedside table. his phone he turns on to check for any messages. a quick swipe of the lip balm he brushes across his lips. then yukhei makes his way into the kitchen.
yukhei is confident in many things. but the better cook than you these days though he is not. he’s still working on that, remembering and practicing all he learned from his parents when he isn’t too exhausted to make something else besides ramen and his special homemade chili sauce. 
regardless though he gets to doing something. yukhei fills the kettle with water. when it’s three fourths full for a quicker boil, he places it on the stove and turns on the burner and the range hood.
two slices of soft and fluffy thick cut bread yukhei puts in the toaster oven and he sets it for a light golden toast. he opens the cupboard for the white bowl decorated with navy polka dots and its matching plate. he pulls two spoons and a knife from drawer. the large container of yogurt and the butter he takes out from the refrigerator. the bag of frozen blueberries he gets from the freezer. then yukhei spoons the yogurt into the bowl, doubling the amount because this will be for you and him. a banana he peels, slices and fans along one side of the bowl. the handful of frozen blueberries he piles neatly on the opposite side. the toaster oven dings as he reaches for the oat and honey granola in the cabinet. the slices of bread he takes out and places on the plate. he goes back to the yogurt and sprinkles a spoonful of the granola on the top.
since living together, yukhei has watched you make yogurt bowls for breakfast or for a snack. he grins proudly at what he has made now. but when he holds up the bowl, the white cookie package with the festive silver ribbon glued to the top sitting between the coffee machine and the little pile of snacks on the counter catches his eyes.
maybe this needs a little something else.
and once you come out of the bathroom, the sound of the opened range hood gives you an indication of where he might be. your feet in the pink fuzzy slippers pad quietly across the wooden floors into the tiled floors of the kitchen. the kettle you notice on the stove but your presence he doesn’t realize. something else has his focus. you walk up to him, your touch sliding to his lower back and yukhei doesn’t jump or seem surprise. calm he is and you rub gently on his back.
you peek around him and within seconds you’re chuckling. “what are you doing?” you question amusingly.
a gingerbread man is tucked amongst the blueberries in the bowl of yogurt, resembling a man in a hot tub. you watch entertained as he gives the bag of cookies in his hand a little shake to find another gingerbread man with a slightly different design. he does moments later and puts it right beside the other, slipping it between the pieces of fruit.
yukhei lifts the bowl and shows his creation. “tada! it’s a christmas version, babe.” his beam is bright and so is yours.
you reach for the gingerbread man, scooping up some yogurt and a semi soften blueberry with the legs and take a bite. yukhei stares at you proudly for a reaction and the nod of approval you give him has him laughing and pumping up his fist victoriously. with the remaining half of the cookie, you scoop up a bite like before. but this time you put it in yukhei’s open mouth. his eyes widen in delighted surprise because it really isn’t half bad with the faint notes of spices mixing in and the extra crunchiness of the cookie.
“i’m genius,” he declares after he swallows the bite with a grin.
the kiss you give him in agreement tastes of cinnamon and blueberries and you deem this yogurt bowl one of the best you have ever had.
then in the warmth of the kitchen, you scramble eggs and pan fry the sausages that is one of his favorites to go with the toast and butter he spreads on. the water eventually boils. an iced americano you make for him. the green tea and rice tea bag yukhei puts in your mug before he pours the boiling water in. the ivory colored curtains he pulls back and the living room and the cozy dining space floods with natural light despite the overcast sky.
for the first christmas morning together, breakfast is enjoyed.
“thanks for the food, babe.” 
this meal together isn’t an everyday thing even after he has moved in. not when his schedules and practices vary daily or he is gone for weeks if there are promotions or filming. but it’s a little more often than before. so every time it is possible, at the table for two (and more) you and him sit to savor breakfast together.
and the clock slowly ticks with quiet murmurs and satisfied hearts and stomachs. the last spoonful of yogurt with another gingerbread man yukhei leaves you while the last scoop of eggs and two sausages you pass to him. the plates and bowls you clear away and wash after. the table and countertop he wipes clean of crumbs.
then with the morning drinks in your hands, into the living room area you walk to with yukhei’s footsteps right behind you. the glass and mug are set on the coffee table. in front of the christmas tree you move to sit. you hug your legs to your chest as yukhei makes his way to the tree, kneeling next to it. he reaches behind it for the plug.
you’re silent and stare at the sudden brightness and glow shining in front of you. even if this tree has been lit up every night for the last two weeks, it feels different today. you believe it just might be the prettiest now on this christmas morning.
two feet away, yukhei thinks the same thing.
his gaze shifts between the lit up tree and the sight of you staring in awe. you look so pretty bathe in a soft glow. he feels the fullness of his heart. he has no regrets of not sleeping in right now.
quietly then yukhei moves to where you are and sits right behind you with his long legs on either side of yours. he presses his chest to your back and his strong arms come up to wrap around you. instantly you melt against him, your hands rising to grasp onto his forearms. his head he rests beside yours. his mouth stays next to your ear before he speaks.
“happy merry christmas, baby.”
his similar words from when he first told you hours ago, his calm and loving voice pulls on your heartstrings. it has you embarrassingly chuckling at yourself while blinking back the haziness building in your eyes. you feel him smiling so wide beside you. a moment passes before your head is turning to find him staring at you. the shine that is always in his gaze are magnified from the lights. the beam on his face is brilliant.
the love you feel for him is beyond words right now.
“happy merry christmas, babe.”
the mere centimeters between your mouths disappear. a few short and sweet kisses are shared before yukhei bestows one to your nose and cheek.
so many more christmases you wish to have with him.
yukhei presses his lips to your temple. “are you ready for presents?” there are notes of excitement in his tone and you laugh softly as you squeeze his arms and bob your head. you’re about to tell him to start because always he insists on you opening presents first.
but yukhei beats you to it with a grin.
he gives you a victorious wink when you playfully glare at him. “ladies first.”
his arms drops and yukhei scoots away from you for his drink. you move to reach for the present placed between the tree and your present for him.
he had brought it home three days ago and made you promise not to peek or touch. you had chuckled and nodded before agreeing with a sweet tender peck to his excited grin.
you look at the pretty present. the neat and rich ruby red bow with a white stitching outline ties the gold matte gift bag closed. the bag is big yet it isn’t that heavy in your grasp. you briefly glance at yukhei who’s smiling confidently as he slides himself to lean against the couch.
a long sip of his iced americano he takes before setting the glass back down. “what can it possibly be?” he jokes, his voice turning light and high with dramatic curiosity.
you giggle and hum before turning back to the present. the thick ribbon you’re about to pull on, but then you hear yukhei clearing his throat. your movements stop and your attention lands on him again. he nonchalantly and faintly juts his chin towards something. you remain frozen and stare at him. 
yukhei does it again. this time your eyebrows wrinkle slightly, unsure of what he’s trying to tell you. however he thinks the third time might be the charm. 
it’s not though. 
he gives up with a defeated sigh.
you watch him scratch the back of his neck a bit shyly while laughing almost embarrassingly. he pushes up his round gold rimmed frames. “you didn’t read the tag,” yukhei finally says with his cheeks warm.
and it takes a second to understand what he is referring to once you look down again. underneath the ends of the ribbon hides the shimmery cream colored rectangular tag with a simply designed green christmas tree embossed onto the surface. it hangs on the handle by a silver twine. you flip it over and immediately recognize his handwriting.
so you won’t be lonely, baby.
the thing about yukhei is that he is not one to often write romantic messages or love notes. awkward perhaps a little embarrassed he feels at times. even his texts to you when he is working or away in another country are simple declarations. he loves you. he misses you. he wants you. then he ends the messages with hearts and kissing faces or every now and then, a picture of his pouting or smiling face. 
because really, for the most part, yukhei thinks written words are not enough. he believes his written words don’t convey as much as what he really wants to say.
instead yukhei favors in telling you, calling and video chatting in hopes his words in his voice will echo in your mind long after the conversation has ended. he rather whisper his desires to you when the morning rays slip through the curtains and he is holding you close. he prefers when the moonlight is illuminating the bedroom and you can feel his heart beat in rhythm to yours. 
so this feels different.
you read the words again and gaze up at him. yukhei’s a little bit more shy and embarrassed now and you cannot control the skips to your heart or the wide upward curve of your lips forming on your face. you nod slowly and move closer to sit right next to him. his hand settles on your thigh, squeezing it affectionately as you turn back to the present.
it’s silent in the room while he watches the end of the ribbon you gently tug on. the bow unravels. the knot you work on. then soon enough you’re pulling the ribbon out from the slits and opening the bag. you are greeted with the sight of sparkling red tissue paper. one layer and then another you remove and suddenly your soft laughter is filtering into yukhei’s ears and filling the space. your eyes settle on the present nestled in a bed of more layers of tissue paper.
the trip to the home and furniture store to buy his bedside table you recall. the birthday surprise from a few months ago flashes through your mind. the words you had confessed to him he remembered.
he really is something else.
you take out the lion plush and move the bag to the side. the harmless wild animal is remarkably soft, feeling like velvet. the color of his body reminds you of golden honey. the mane and tail are silky. the muzzle is white like snow. the black stitching of a smile makes it look more adorable than ferocious. you hold it up like the famous animated movie you have watched too many times before and yukhei laughs warmly besides you.
“he is absolutely the cutest and softest thing ever,” you gush, hugging it to your chest as you turn and press kisses on the infectious curl of his plump lips.
yukhei chuckles and reaches out to pat the head of lion peeking out from between your arms. “i was going to go back to get the one we saw at the home and furniture store.” his eyes meets yours. “but when i had went out with winwin a few weeks ago, i saw it by the window of a cute novelty store. i thought this looked so much more cuddly and cuter,” he tells you with his eyes shining.
you hum. “i love him already.” your thumb brushes over the black stitching for the eyes and nose. “thank you,” you hug him with the plush crushed between the two of your bodies.
his arm wraps you waist and his fingers plays with the softness of your sweatshirt while yours go around his neck. when you pull back, your forehead is against his. one hand runs through his hair and creates a fluffy wave.
“so he’s the meaning behind the tag,” you murmur with a small smile that makes him beam wider and giggle softly.
yukhei nods and the tip of his nose nudges yours. “just don’t forget about hugging me?” he whispers, his tone playfully sad yet affectionate.
you chew on the inside of your cheeks. “you’re still my favorite lion,” you quietly and teasingly reassure him. you lean forward and give him two kisses. but then his hands rise to cup your cheeks and he’s encompassing you with big, sloppy and sweet kisses that has you laughing, squealing and feel so loved. 
“yukhei! it’s your turn!” you gasp out between giggles and every press of his soft mouth on you.
one, two and three more kisses and finally he stops with a bright and almost sneaky grin. a peck he places on your lips. but your attempt to move away from him so he can open his present fails because his arm drops back down to wrap around your waist. his hold is firm and yukhei slowly shakes his head. he pushes up those glasses adorning his happy face with his long fingers.
there’s mischief in his gaze. “now what kind romantic would i be if that is all?”
always you tell him he is. always he tries to deny it.
you stare at him, watching the curve of his lips grow and the corners of his eyes crinkle. “keep looking.” he gestures back to the gold matte gift bag. the lion he takes out of your arms, hugging the soft plush to his chest. yukhei pats your thigh once and then again to get you going.
the puzzled on your face has him chuckling and nodding at you. but slowly you shift a little away from him to get to the bag again. you glance up at him and he’s waiting. the open bag you turn to and you get to removing more tissue paper. it isn’t long before hidden beneath several more layers you find what he means. you can’t stop the quiet surprised noise escaping from your mouth.
the present is wrapped in a shiny champagne colored paper. it is tied together with a thin smooth red ribbon and adorned with the faux holly berries and green leaves. you take it out and you feel the curl of your mouth and the warmth in your chest. when you turn to him he sees the glittering sparkle in your gaze.
“did you wrap this?” you question, holding the present in your hands up.
yukhei chuckles and shakes his head. “i wished i could take credit but the auntie at the shopping center gets it all.” it looks too perfect to unwrap, but his gentle voice you hear again. “open it.”
his words register into your brain. but before you do, you move back to him first. you sit criss cross beside him. a hand yukhei settles on your knee, rubbing small circles on your pajama bottoms. the fleeting look you get of him and he’s smiling faintly and raising his eyebrows urging you to continue.
then you’re pulling the ends of the ribbon and putting the decorations aside. you gently rip the wrapping paper and the maroon red box comes into view. you feel your eyes widen and he hears a soft gasp when you see the name in cursive and gold on the cover. the beats of your heart feels like some is using it for a drum as you shimmy off the lid to reveal another box with a gold embroidered frame around the top of it.
yukhei looks on in a mixture of nervousness and excitement. he feels the warmth in his face and the flips of his stomach while you take the box out and place the bottom next to your knee. he stares as you push open the tiny tab that gently pops open the lid. the eighteen carat signature gold bracelet and the accompanying mini screwdriver nestled in the black cushioning come into your view. 
it shines, glows and looks absolutely gorgeous.
you feel the strong pounding of your heart. “yukhei...” the awe in your voice he doesn’t miss as you turn to look at him.
“do you like it?” the hopefulness lingers in his quiet question with his gaze shifting between the affectionate look on your face and the present in your hands. “i’ve been wanting to get you something really nice, but simple because i know that’s what you like.” always he is attentive and paying attention to everything of your preferences. you give him a faint nod. “and i saw this when i went shopping with winwin earlier this year. i just thought it would be perfect for you and that it would be your taste.” he hums softly. “you could probably wear this with anything too.”
the tugs on your heart are stronger. your gaze turns downcast again. “it really is beautiful,” you remark quietly, your fingertips running over the piece of fine jewelry.
a nervous chuckle from him draws your attention back up to find him looking at you intently. “and if you take out the bracelet...” his tone is gentle and soothing as he gives your knee a tender squeeze. “tell me what you think about that too.”
you follow his instructions, pulling off the security rubber band that holds the bracelet in place. you think that he is talking about the simple circle designs on the outside. but a moment passes before you see what he is really referring to. yukhei hears the tiny sound of surprise. your bottom lip gently catches between your teeth. the box you put down. your eyes slowly begin to blur as you read it once, twice and then even again.
you and me.
your thumb runs over the engraving, feeling the faint curves and cuts of words that mean a lot to you and him. 
“do still remember what you said to me when you asked me to moved in?” yukhei brings you closer until you’re pressed to his side and he’s holding onto your waist.
they had also been the words he repeated that night when he moved in too. words he silently tells himself when he walks through the front door and is greeted by your smiling face, your sweet kisses and your cuddly hugs. words that make him dream of so many more awaiting adventures with you.
his mouth rests next to your ear. “it’s you and me, baby.”
a shaky breath you draw in as a slow nod you manage to offer in response because you remember it so vividly. the first time you said it and the look of surprise on your face when he remembered them weeks afterwards. and now, months later, the words are more real than ever.
you wonder how he does it. how the simplest thing he can turn into the grandest of gestures that make your heart pound uncontrollably and make you feel like the luckiest person in the universe.
yukhei hums once more. a smile you sense from him. “i would have had the whole thing on it, but unfortunately there is a ten character limit on them,” he jests quietly with a laughter.
his love for you is incomparable to anything and anyone you have ever felt in your life.
finally you look up, and your watery eyes are unmistakable and it makes his heart swell while his deep laughter warms your soul. yukhei leans his forehead against yours.
“i’m always with you no matter what, baby. you’re surrounded by me now...” hoodies for each day of the week and more. a lion to hug to sleep when you really do miss him too much. a golden reminder with words that are priceless to you and him. the small sniffle you can’t stop. “so you don’t ever have to miss me too much,” he whispers tenderly and sweetly even if he knows every now and then the separation will still be difficult. 
“what do you think? do you like it?” he teases even if he is certain of your answer.
and before yukhei can joke that the present can’t be returned, you’re throwing your arms around him. his laugh is infectious as the lion falls from his hold so he can envelop you in his arms too. your face you hide into the curve between his neck and shoulder. he’s not sure if his arms holding you are tighter or it’s the other way around. 
“you’re going to crush me,” yukhei softly murmurs into your heated skin with a too wide grin. 
but you don’t care. 
you will hold onto him just a minute longer and harder because despite his words, he makes no effort to find his breath or push you away. 
he is unbelievable. the way he stolen your heart makes you certain he will have it forever. and once you eventually draw back, there is a glittering and playful twinkle in his eyes. he clutches his chest dramatically. 
“i can breathe again, baby.” his declaration makes you let out a breathless giggle as you make a quick dab at the corner of your wet eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. yukhei straightens his glasses and fixes his hair. 
you look at him, head titling a bit. “romantic,” you whisper. 
yukhei hums with a sweet tender grin. “maybe just a little.” the small space between your mouths he erases with a short, soft and loving kiss.
the lion yukhei lays on the coffee table before he takes the bracelet from your hand. “here, let me put it on for you.” he reaches for the screwdriver in the box, carefully digging it out of the little nook it is cradled in. he turns his body to face you. 
“i had to ask the man at the store to show me how to put it on.” he chuckles and you stare at how the screwdriver looks minuscule between his long fingers. yukhei holds the bracelet delicately as if he is afraid too much pressure would bend it. “i hope it fits.” he says once he pulls the bracelet apart. “i didn’t realize there were many different sizes for this and i didn’t want to get the wrong size.” yukhei glances momentarily up at you with a sheepish grin and his cheeks warm. he motions for your hand. you raise your right arm and push up the sleeve to your elbow. “so i ended up trying to measure your wrist in the morning when you were still sleeping.”
yukhei recalls circling his thumb and index finger around your wrist so cautiously in fear of waking you. he remembers winwin shaking his head in disbelief and quietly laughing at him as he showed the salesman the circle size of his measurement.
you chuckle breathlessly and place your free hand on his thigh. the light squeeze you give it has him turning back to the task at hand. it’s quiet as yukhei’s brows furrow. the bracelet he carefully encases around your wrist, making sure it is upright so you can read the words inside whenever you need to. 
and to his and your delight, it fits perfectly.
he lets out a soft cheer and giggles, proud that his unconventional measurement worked out.  yukhei secures it back with the screwdriver. soon enough he’s moving the bracelet freely back and forth on your wrist while you admire how pretty it looks. 
“i’m so good at this,” he says with a beam, putting back the screwdriver in the box. yukhei turns to you, finding your gaze on him before you’re closing the gap between your mouths. you palm his warm cheek. a finger he tucks underneath your chin and you sigh into him when he pushes a little forward. 
you hope you will get to kiss him on more christmases to come.
and when you part a minute later, noses nuzzle together. your thumb brushes his smooth skin. his tongue comes out to swipe across his wet lips and you squeak happily with a tiny smile.
“thank you.”
yukhei hums, turning his head to pucker a kiss into the center of your palm. “always, babe. i just want you happy,” he reminds you.
your hand trails down to his chest to softly pat it. “is it your turn yet?” you question shyly.
he smiles wide and merrily like an excited child within seconds. you pull away from him as he moves forward with a clap of his hands. the bracelet box you close and place on the coffee table beside the lion. the wrapping paper and tissue papers you push to the side into a small pile that will surely grow. yukhei reaches for the present that is his. the playful rise of his eyebrows and the way his eyes grow a bit bigger in shock when he lifts up the box surprises him. big the present is, but not as heavy as he had assume it would be because he had too promised you not to touch it when you finally taken it out of hiding from the storage closet three days ago. yukhei goes back to the spot he was sitting in previously and places the present between his spread out long legs.
“what is this?”
yukhei counts the three different vibrant green bows in various sizes placed on the top. the glossy and glittery red and white diagonally striped wrapping paper reminds him of candy canes. 
but your head you shake, a small and bashful smile forming on your face. “babe, you have to open it,” you tell him, taking a seat beside him once again. 
he gives you a silly questioning look. his fingers slide underneath the tape and the paper he rips off. the simple black box that took you a week to find is revealed and he’s giggling with his curiosity heightened. you take the wrapping paper and pile it to the rest to discard.
yukhei pushes up his glasses before his large hands grips onto the sides of the box. he slips his fingers between the lid and inner section. a light shake he gives it for the lid to gradually loosen and easier to be lifted off. he drops it beside him and the white layers of tissue paper he peels back. his eyes are widening because suddenly he’s transported back to his childhood days. his laughter is loud and thrilled and you’re pleased with the reaction.
a mini plastic toy claw machine in a bright sunny yellow sits inside the box. it’s surrounded by presents of many sizes in a matte green wrapping paper with tiny white snowflakes.
yukhei runs a hand over his mouth and turns to you. “this is seriously all mine?” he questions incredulously with a grin. 
you nod with a chuckle. “it’s all yours.”
“does this thing really work?” yukhei asks inquiringly while taking out the claw machine up and lifting it up easily to study the item in his grasp.
you lightly swat his thigh and notice the childlike shine in his gaze. “of course it does! i even tried it out to make sure it does. what do you think?”
his gaze finds yours and the smile and nod thrown your way makes you happy. yukhei leans over and presses a fleeting kiss on your cheek. then he’s bringing the claw machine closer to his face.
inside is filled with tiny plastic capsules with colorful covers just like he recalls from his childhood days. but instead of the inexpensive prizes inside them, what he sees in each of them is a folded up piece of paper.
“why does each of them have paper inside?”
“because…” you reach for a present from the large box he seems to have forgotten for a moment and show him the number written on the reindeer sticker tag. “each of them is numbered. the presents... like i said, they’re all yours.” yukhei laughs softly and connect his eyes to yours, listening carefully to what you are saying him. “i remember you telling me once about going to the arcades when you were a kid and how happy you were.” your voice softens and your hand rises to brush at his fluffy hair. “you’ve been nonstop working recently and pretty much almost the whole year. i thought maybe this would be a bit fun for you to do. this is nothing like the real thing, but i thought this wasn’t such a bad substitute,” you finish with a tiny grin.
it’s quiet and yukhei’s is simply staring keenly at you. his heart is about to burst from the love and appreciation that is soaring through him. he leans towards you, kissing you shortly and sweetly twice before smiling against your mouth.
“i think this might be the most creative way anyone has ever given me anything,” he murmurs, wondering how long it had taken you to think of and do this. “thank you.”
his nose touches yours affectionately for a moment before he pulls away and returns his attention to the present in his hands. “how does this turn on then?”
your hand goes over to the back of the claw machine, feeling for the black button tab to slide over. immediately there’s a sound of a brief beep as a row of tiny blue lights outlining the top cover of the machine light up. there's a look of giddiness on his face. yukhei eyes the coin slot. 
“is this taking real money?” his wondering and curious question makes you laugh and shake your head. you place the present you are holding back into the box and take out a cute bear head coin purse that has been buried within everything else. 
“here.” yukhei steadies the machine on his lap and takes what you are offering to him. he unzips the pouch and the handful of silver plastic coins he sees. 
more than amazed he is right now with you and this present.
“you have to open the little compartment on the bottom to get all the coins back.”
your voice brings him back to focus and yukhei shoots you a quick glance with a bob of his head. he takes a coin and places the pouch on the floor. then he pushes the coin in to the slot. a carnival melody instantly fills the living room along with his cheerful laughter. the small screen next to the red control stick begins flashing a fifteen second countdown that turns yukhei’s laughter into a sudden scream.
“babe, this is timed!” he yells with a beam.
it’s your turn to laugh then as the seconds disappear and he’s hurrying to place the claw machine on the table for better stability. your gaze shifts between his concentrated face and the claw he’s moving. the time ticks away and when it’s two seconds remaining, yukhei presses down on the lime green button. the claw descends down towards the capsule with an orange cover. it grabs onto it and slowly it rises up and you give him a round of applause that has him chuckling. it drops down the opening as the music stops and his prize is rolling into his awaiting open palm.
the cover he removes. the folded piece of paper he opens. your handwriting he recognizes.
“three,” yukhei says aloud.
his eyes move from the paper to the open box filled with presents. you remain quiet as yukhei finds it tucked behind number seven and number one. he drops the paper in his hands on the coffee table before his lips are curling upwards at the wrapped present. it's a bit longer than his hand and shaped like a cylinder. he gives it a gentle shake and the sound of something solid rolling back and forth is heard.
yukhei thinks for a second and looks at you. “it’s candy,” he surmises confidently with grin. but instead of confirming his prediction, you playfully shrug and move to reach for your mug of tea.
“open it, babe.”
the curve of your mouth you hide as you take a sip of the warm liquid. you watch him tear the paper, the familiar purple and pink tube coming into his and your view. his guess is correct. yukhei lets out a shock and excited yelp because the sweet treat from his childhood is something he hasn’t had in what seems like ages.
“i haven’t had these in forever.” he remembers trying to make the candy last as long as possible, but finding it nearly impossible. it was too good not to be immediately devoured. he hasn’t found this candy sold anywhere here. “where did you find this?” yukhei asks, turning to you.
“there is an online market i found that sold candy from different countries. i remember you talking about this. but you didn’t remember the name. when i saw this, i wasn’t so sure. i didn’t think it could be that different so i took a chance.” another sip you take before putting mug down.
the perforated plastic wrapper around the neon yellow cap yukhei rips off and puts on the table next to the paper. “have you tried them yet?” he asks.
you shake your head. “no, i wanted to try it with you.”
yukhei pops off the cap and in an instant, there’s a sweet scent of sugar and black currants. he shakes out the little purple gumdrop size gummies covered in sugar crystals and brings it to your mouth to eat. when the candy touches your tongue, it’s hardly a second for the flavor to fill your mouth. your sweet tooth is satisfied and you can’t help but squeal. yukhei chuckles at your pleased reaction and pops one into his own mouth. he lets it soften for a moment before he’s chewing on the candy that is transporting him back to his youth.
“i might eat this whole thing today,” he exclaims with a smile and pours out two more pieces into his palm. yukhei holds his hand out and you take one while he eats the other.
the sugar melts against your tongue. “go ahead. i ordered four of them as a just in case,” you inform him with a laugh. the information has his eyes growing big before he plops a kiss on your cheek that makes you giggle gleefully.
two more gummies he puts in his mouth and then yukhei puts the cap back on and places it on the table. he claps his hands once more and gets another coin, ready for more presents. 
you look on at him. “what’s going to be next, hmm?”
the coin goes in. the music starts up once more and the countdown begins. he has his eye on the capsule with the neon purple cover. just a bit to the back and right,  there’s four seconds left when yukhei pushes the lime green button and the claw goes back down. successful he is again and within moments another capsule is in his hand and another piece of paper he unfolds.
“number eight,” yukhei notes to you.
he finds this present in the corner of the box. it’s soft, small and rectangular like his phone. he looks at you questioningly with raised eyebrows when he hears your short and light giggles. you move closer, draping a leg over his. the wrapping paper he tears open and he’s giggling and snorts now too.
yukhei holds up the pair of cobalt blue boxer briefs with the black band embroidered with the designer name in golden yellow. his love for colorful underwear you never forget. your love of seeing him in them hasn’t changed. he pulls off every color that touches his body like no other.
“i saw them when i went shopping a few weeks ago and i immediately thought of you,” you tell him with soft chuckles.                                                                      
he turns to you and looks at you amusingly. “i’ll model these for you later, baby.” the wink yukhei throws at you makes you playfully fan yourself and he leans over and places a quick chaste kiss on your lips. then his pinky he holds out between you and him. you hook onto with a grin and without hesitation.
the underwear goes besides the tube candy and lion before he is focused on the claw machine again. another coin yukhei picks up and pushes into the slot. it’s the capsule with the hot pink cover he aims for and gets. you remain mum, pressing your lips together and stare at him.
he opens it for the paper inside. “it’s number six, baby.” yukhei says while locating the present easily among the rest of them.
whatever the item is, it is inside a box. this present is light and almost feels like nothing. then similar to present number three, yukhei hears something sliding inside when he gives it a shake. his fingers threads through his hair, brushing the strands back while he wonders what it could be. another shake and he rips the paper.  his laugh is loud and he snorts once again. his chest vibrates with those happy sounds as he focuses on you with raised eyebrows and a teasing glint in his gaze. 
the sleeves of your sweatshirt you pull over your fingers. your arms go around his neck, trying to hide the expanding beam overtaking your face. yukhei holds up the box of condoms and gives it another shake.
“we are running out anyway,” you reason with a shy chuckle. “i wanted to make sure we had enough.”
yukhei nods knowingly. the box in the drawer of his bedside table because that’s where they are kept now, has just two left.
he pulls you close, snaking an arm around you while taking a deep breath of the faint scent of vanilla on you. “you think we can use some now?” yukhei hums, almost begging wishfully.
for the last few weeks, exhausted yukhei has been after the long days of practices for the end of the year performances and filming content to be released later. plans for a comeback are being laid out on top of that too. 
it hasn’t been any better for you either. the work load on your desk seemingly building daily. he has come home to find your desk scattered with open books and papers surrounding the computer. and once you and him finally lay in the bed that always is warmer when he is there, sleep won the battle each time.
yukhei has missed you.
your face turns until the tip of your nose is tickling his warm cheek. “soon, baby,” you murmur, smiling against his skin.
and that is all you say. your response, your voice is soft and seductive and yukhei is honestly ready to abandon the remaining presents for a little while and use what’s in his hold.
he doesn’t though.
because it’s the opposite of present number eight. you hold out your pinky for him. his charming and boyish laugh filters into your ears. he nods slowly and lifts his pinky to hook onto yours, energized and anticipating for the soon. you are about to release his finger, but he doesn’t let go of it. instead he draws a few inches back so he can look at you clearly. yukhei sees your eyes sparkling and that beam on your face is sugary sweet. 
a playful defeated sigh he lets out. “such a tease.”
his pout and accusation make you chuckle and kiss him softly, sucking on his bottom lip for a second longer. and it satisfies him for now because you stay close with your arms wrapped around him too. your head tilts towards his and the present for later is set aside because he wants to try at another gift.
“you’re liking this so far?” you inquire as he gets another coin.
the tiny plastic circle  yukhei pushes in. “i’m loving this so far,” he cheers with the music playing once more. even with the seconds disappearing, he turns away briefly from the game to give you a quick peck.
you hum happily as he returns to the game. the control he moves strategically. you’re wondering which one he is going to pick up and he’s speculating what else is in store for him. the lime button he presses. within moments, the capsule with the turquoise lid is in his hand. you are silent and watching as yukhei opens it and takes out the paper.
“it’s number eleven,” he announces with glee despite you seeing the number yourself.
you shift a bit to let him search for the present he has won. your nerves start to act up. there is a flip to your stomach.
then the correct present yukhei finds underneath present number two. it’s a box again. but this one is flatter and just a tad bit smaller than the previous gift. it’s light too, almost weighing like nothing in his hand. he shakes it but no sound is heard. his brows quirk up, glancing at you because his curiosity heightens. down he looks. the first tear of the wrapping paper he makes. you unconsciously chew on the inside of your cheek. a second rip to the paper has your heart skipping a beat because the box is revealed.
it’s the same maroon box like his gift to you and when he flips the box over, he gets his confirmation.
yukhei is staring at the gold cursive name printed on the top. he’s chuckling softly in joyful wonderment and disbelief. he gazes up briefly, the faint bob of your head thrown his way encourages him to continue. his focus returns to the present. the lid he takes off and puts underneath the bottom. the black velvet fabric he pulls back and he’s beaming at what he sees.
“do you like it?”
it’s your turn to ask now.
the hope and nervousness is laced in your question. yukhei takes the bracelet out and puts the box on the coffee table next to everything else. your fingers run up a soothing touch along the nape of his neck and the ends of his hair. you stare at him as he feels the cord band of the bracelet. he notes the three intertwining rings of gold, silver and rose gold that is a replica of the ring that is currently in his jewelry box on top of the dresser in the bedroom.
your eyes lower a little to the item in his hands. “i wanted to get you something that you could wear even during performances and promotions… if you wanted to. this was light and i thought you could wear this comfortably.” because more jewelry he sometimes has to wear for the stages. “and unless someone is looking closely, it is simple that it shouldn’t draw too much attention to anyone.” as much as he loves you and you love him, the world doesn’t know it yet. you clear your throat slightly. “you probably noticed too that it’s the same trinity winwin got you. i thought it would look nice with how they matches,” you finish quietly, keeping your gaze steady on the present in his hands. 
love, fidelity and friendship, yukhei has them all with you.
the quiet encompasses you and him for minute. he takes in your words, feeling amazed at the present and you. then suddenly you feel the gentle bump against your temple with his head. your eyes lift to meet his. yukhei nods and gradually leans forward to connect your mouths together. 
this kiss is slow. your hold onto the back of his neck, tilts his head the slightest for your mouth to mold so perfectly along his. the want and need is there. his tongue teases his way into your mouth and you release a little whimper of bliss. yukhei drags you closer, a hand gently gripping onto your waist. he pushes forward, intensifying the way he is sucking on your lips. 
but air and a little more time you need.
you tenderly nip on his top lip and pull back. dazed he looks as he catches his breath. you press your forehead to his while his thumb rises to wipe the wetness from the corners of your mouth. 
“so you like it?” you breathe out quietly.
the chuckle yukhei releases is airy and carefree. “yeah, i love it. thank you.”
his whispered words of gratitude makes you beam bashfully. he moves back and you watch him roll the bracelet onto his left wrist. once it’s on, yukhei straightens the cord properly. he tugs on your right hand to bring it to the front and intertwines his fingers with yours.
your presents to each other are side by side. the sight makes him proud. the warmth blooms in your chest.
“great minds think alike, huh, baby?” he whispers.
and it doesn’t take long for you to giggle lightly and bob your head in agreement. you shift and reach for the bear’s head still filled with a few more coins next to him. a little shake you give it and the tiny jingle is heard.
“you’re still not done yet. there’s more for you.” 
your voice is sweet and cute and it has yukhei looking between you and what you’re holding. the grin on your face is bright and excited, but the tiniest hint of mischief in your eyes he catches.
“are you up to something?” he questions, narrowing his gaze playfully.
and your question from this morning you recall. you laugh while shaking your head. slowly he takes what you are holding.
“no, baby, i’m not. you just have more presets. that’s all,” you reply with ease.
but your words and tone are unconvincing because yukhei still eyes you suspiciously. there really is that sweet trouble in your gaze. the smile forming on his face can’t be stopped as he turns his attention on the mini claw machine in front of him again.
a coin is taken out. he mentally counts the eight remaining capsules left.  yukhei deposits the money into the slot.
“what color is next?”
the music plays.
“how about...”
however the sentence yukhei doesn’t complete. instead a little to the left and then to the right before he moves the claw back. one second remains and then he pushes the button for the claw to descend. you watch as it opens to grab hold of the capsule with the fire engine red cover. your face warms. the claw rises up with his choice and in a matter of seconds, it is drop into the opening again. your heart beats quicker. he opens the capsule and takes out the piece of paper to unfold.
“number nine,” he says with a charming smile.
yukhei shows you the written number with a bright smile that makes his dimples faintly appear. he turns to the presents that still remain, looking for the what he has won.
his search will be fruitless though.
you watch along, bringing a hand up to shield the smile you are having some trouble controlling. he lifts and turns presents over a few times to double check the numbers.
there’s the faintest of a frown on his plump lips. “babe, i think you forgot a present cause i don’t see it,” he informs you.
yukhei turns to look at you and waits for a response. you do your best to suppress the grin on your face and avoid his gaze. but he doesn’t miss it because he can see the slight crinkle at the corners of yours eyes. his eyes narrow suspiciously at you once more. that frown present moments ago disappears.
“did you hide it?” he accuses you with a giggle.
you finally lift your head up to meet his gaze. you let out an airy laugh and shake your head.
“i didn’t hide it,” you tell him with your smile steady.
you shift, taking the capsule and paper still in his hand and put it on the coffee table. 
“i really didn’t hide it.” you reassure him again. 
then with your hand intertwining with his, you get onto your knees. you move until you are straddling his thighs with your knees against the floor. yukhei pushes his glasses up with his index finger and he sits up straighter. his free hand settles on your waist as you bring his hand you are clasping up to your lips. a sweet kiss you press on the back of it once and twice.
before yukhei has a chance to speak and question you again, you beat him to it. “i didn’t hide it. i promise, babe.”
the reassurance you give him is followed by a tiny curve of your mouth that widens in seconds.
“you’ll get it. but just humor me for a minute because i just want to ask you something first.” yukhei’s nodding slowly, his mind wondering and confused what this is all about. “what do you think of my sweatshirt?” you ask him coolly.
the way his brows furrow, the puzzled look that suddenly etches across his face has you softly chuckling and finding him absolutely adorable. he stares at you because you are serious. the nod in encouragement to just go along with you and answer your question he gets from you. 
his eyes moves to the article of clothing in question. yukhei recalls commenting on it when you and him had decorated the christmas tree together two weeks ago. the bright white reminds him of the clean snow of last night. the thick material makes you look warm, cuddly and huggable. it increases his desire to just cozy up with you.
“i told you i liked it. maybe next year we can find a matching shirt to go with our pants,” he responds, wide eyes meeting yours once more.
another short bob of your head you give him. “and the snowflakes?”
yukhei glances down again, his gaze sweeping over the printed on red snowflakes in varying sizes all over the front. “they’re cute…” he answers. “but not as cute as you,” he teasingly adds in.
you giggle at his cheesiness and embarrassment before you’re gently pecking him on his grinning mouth. it takes a moment to regain your composure as he rubs a little at your waist through the sweatshirt.
“last question...” yukhei stops laughing but the boyish smile is still present. you give his hand a tiny squeeze and he nods because he’s ready for the question. “can you count how many snowflakes you see?” your final question you ask him.
and to say yukhei isn’t more baffled about what you are doing than he already was sixty seconds ago is an understatement. the inside of your cheeks you chew on momentarily. his hand you release as you lift both arms up just to make sure he sees them all.
despite how curious he still is about where this is all leading to, yukhei trusts you because he does what you ask. you’re silent staring at how his pillowy lips move the slightest as he murmurs off the numbers. he counts it once, his eyes going from snowflake to snowflake. then he counts them again just to be certain he didn’t miscount the first time. his unoccupied hand rises and the tip of his index finger touches each red snowflake.
after he is finished, yukhei looks at you again. “there are nine snowflakes.”
your lips you press together and the bob of your head is faint. he stares at you, eyebrows wrinkled a lot because the mischief and sweet trouble in your eyes has returned.
nine snowflakes.
you intertwine your hand with his again and bring it to your mouth, placing another kiss on the back of his hand. a lot lost yukhei is right now, wondering about what connection this has to do with his missing present.
nine snowflakes.
your free hands settles on the back of his neck. you brush back and forth his warm skin. your bottom lip catches between your teeth, certain his mind is in overdrive trying to understand.
nine snowflakes. nine snowflakes. nine snowflakes.
it’s silent. a minute and another passes. then you’re watching with delight at how his puzzled expression disappears and is replaced with one of shock and surprise as his brows relax. his hand leaves your waist and covers his wide open smile before it rises and threads through his hair. yukhei lets out a slow deep exhale. a low groan then laugh quickly follows out as he shakes his head. he pushes his frames up and stares at you in amazement.
you are truly something else.
yukhei really cannot believe it. your hand he releases. he should have realized earlier. your cheeks he cups. forehead against yours, the proximity between your and his growing beams are just centimeters apart.
“are you my present?”
his question is shy. the short faint nod in confirmation is even shyer.
“yeah, i hope you’re not disappointed.”
your hand reaches to grip gently at his shirt. his thumbs are stroking your cheeks. the shine in your gaze is obvious and the warmth is expanding in his chest. yukhei tips forward and breathes in deep. 
he shakes his head slowly. “no, i’m not disappointed at all,” yukhei murmurs truthfully because with you, never he is. 
then his nose bumps and grazes yours. he erases those centimeters, teasing your top lip between his. but you’re pouting ever so slightly and he chuckles breathlessly and yukhei gives you what you want. 
the kiss is soft and intense.
his hold on your cheeks lowers a touch to tip your head up. your hand grips gently on the hairs on the back of his neck. his tongue little by little slides into the warmth of your mouth. your tiny whimpers come out between the wet sounds of your hungry mouths. a hand drops and his arms circles your waist to push your body closer as if you aren’t already sitting on him.
but as much as you want this to continue, there is just one more thing.
you reluctantly break away, reaching to tenderly grasp his face to pull him away. you are feeling dizzy in the best possible way and yukhei groans and chases after your mouth with an airy drunk laugh. breaths are ragged and hearts are racing. your arms move to drape over his broad shoulders while his hands move to rest on either side of your middle. he stares at you like he’s a little tipsy and a lot lovestruck. his wet plump lips are turned up into a charming smile on his face.
yukhei hums. “is that all, babe?” he teases because he’s not done.
he wants more.
always with you he is insatiable.
your laughter is light while you give him a shake of your head. your tongue peaks out to lick at your lips. “no...” your words trail off and his hands you reach for.
slowly you guide them to underneath your sweatshirt, his touch still slightly cold on your bare skin like earlier in the  morning. your head turns and then your mouth is beside his ear. his hands begin to slowly roam around your skin because like a habit yukhei can’t break from. and when his touch gradually goes higher and higher until he’s grazing alongside something that was not there this morning.
your seductive chuckles tickle his skin and heart.
“unwrap me, baby.”
your lips nip the shell of his ear. the tip of your tongue teases his skin. he feels it again to make certain he isn’t hallucinating. then you slowly lean back to get a better look at his lit up face. the way you are licking your bottom lip has him doing the same. the quiet whine and the innocent pout as you flutter your lashes make him raise an eyebrow.
slowly yukhei removes his hand from underneath the sweatshirt and lifts it up. the faint and low groan escapes from his mouth as he stares at your floral laced covered breasts that are pushed very up. they look so full and perfect in the vibrant holiday red color that is so pretty on you. he wants to touch and he does, holding the sweatshirt with one hand as his other runs his tender touch over your chest. yukhei angles his head a bit and bites his lip. the delicate mesh material that wraps around you he likes too and this combination of lace and mesh has him chuckling in joy. 
regardless if you have worn seductive and teasing pieces, he is still excited each time. 
you’re beautiful and absolute perfection.
a little squeak you let out from his gently squeezes. your back arches a little, hoping for more of his touches. and yukhei swears he feels the slight twitch in his pajama bottoms as he smiles and laughs lowly. he is pleased at the sight of you and your reactions. both his hands work then to fold and bunch up the sweatshirt for it to not fall and cover you up. his large hands run gently up and down your sides, cherishing the softness and warmth of your flesh until he cups both of your breasts. he tears his eyes away from the flawlessness and look up to meet your eyes.
your beam is sugary and unashamed at how he is enjoying himself right now. “i know you like the tops with the zippers...” you start.
yukhei chuckles and nods within seconds because he knows exactly what you are talking about. the tops you exercise in. the tops he can’t get enough of seeing you in. the tops he still fucks you in after the exercise sessions together. the tops he leaves unzipped because you’re still the prettiest thing he has ever unwrapped.
“but it’s christmas and i wanted to give you a proper wrapping... bows and all,” you whisper with a mischievous grin.
he quirks an eyebrow. the curve of his mouth grows. “bows?”
and it takes a second for yukhei to notice the small and delicate satin bow in a matching shade sewn in the center between the cups.
yet he only sees one.
just like before you guide his hands. but instead of traveling up this time though, you shift them lower until his fingertips slip below the waistband of your pajama bottoms. yukhei gets the hint because you let go of his hands for him to undo the knot of the white drawstrings. the sweatshirt you hold up with one hand as he grabs onto the top of waistband. you grip on his shoulder gently with the other as you get on your knees. your bottoms he push down and again he’s letting out an airy laugh because he really likes what he see here too.
to your knees yukhei pushes the fabric and you’re giggling as you sit back down on his thighs. your slippers fall from your feet when you lift your legs for him to pull the pants completely off your legs. he discards the article of clothing beside him while you settle back comfortably on him. the combination of lace over your breasts and mesh wrapped around you covers your pussy as well. 
the matching bow in the front of small triangle he stares at, swallowing the lump in his throat. you spread your legs. your feet move to plant firmly on the wood floors. and yukhei truly thinks you are trying to kill him because the fabric that is over your core is barely an inch wide. he gets a glimpse of your folds peeking alongside the edges. you watch as he wipes the corner of his mouth with the pad of his thumb because he’s not sure where to start and what to unwrap first.
yukhei feels another twitch in his pajama bottoms as he groans under his breath.
“this is like a two in one present, you know that?” he whispers in awe and in jest. 
but to your ears, he sounds slightly amused and desperate. it has you briefly tilting your head as you laugh softly.
his hands move to grip gently your thighs before they slowly slide back. yukhei grunts lowly, happy to feel just the flesh of your soft ass because there is no back coverage. both your hands rests on his chest while your knees drop to either sides of him once more. with a sugary smile, you settle right over him. you feel the slight bulge and gasp quietly as you roll your hips again and again. he grunts again. his eyes turn downcast, watching your hips roll like waves. your movements has him growing harder and you a bit wetter while he stares.
once you stop a minute later to catch your breath, you loop your arms around him. an eyebrow of yours arches. your eyes twinkle. “so what do you think? do you like it?” 
for the second time today you’re asking him. however you are simply teasing because you feel his reaction even if he does not explicitly tell you his thoughts.
regardless though yukhei nods. he really does because he’s latching onto your mouth again. the kiss is fervent and wet. your sweatshirt bit by bit falls down. you bite his lower lip while his hands squeeze your ass to elicit a moan before one them shifts a little. suddenly you feel his fingers running along the delicate fabric between your supple ass cheeks. you mewl into his mouth and he grins when he slowly pushes the barrier aside to touch your wet core. 
you feel a little too warm.
your hands clutch onto his shirt. your mouth falls from his as you rise a bit to give him more room to access you. his eyes finds your still twinkling gaze. yukhei strokes you. so soft, smooth and wet you are. after a minute, he slowly pushes a finger into your pussy. he coos when you whimper against his skin. he pulls it out and pushes it back in before repeating it a handful of times. you bite down on your lower lip suppressing the pleased noises when he slides a second digit in. and the two fingers feel better than one as he continues to gently work your pussy and squeezes your ass with the other. the wet sounds of him playing with you makes you moan happily.
“mmm, i miss this,” you breathe out slowly with a tiny smile. carefully you push down on his fingers when he retracts them a little.
yukhei chuckles, letting you fuck yourself on his fingers for a moment. “you’re so wet, baby.” he slowly stops you and removes his fingers  and shows the shiny coat on his skin. “look at this.” 
before you can react or move forward, he licks the digits clean with a satisfied groan. your ass drops back down while your arousal shoots into your pussy watching him grin blissfully when he is done. you lean in and kiss him, hoping for a little remnant of yourself. it's faint and he hears the little sighs into his mouth. 
when he breaks from you, foreheads press together. you bring a hand to his lips and outline his wet lips with your fingers.
“is the soon now?” yukhei quietly asks with a teasing lip bite.
your laugh is breathless, remembering what he had asked before. his eyes sparkle. 
“just one thing,” you reply serenely. 
he nods, the beam on his face so brilliant and charming right now. you back away. what you so desperately want is already in your mind as you move down his long legs a bit to get to the drawstrings of his pajama bottoms. yukhei watches your eager fingers work on the knot while he threads his fingers through his hair to push back the strands. he fixes his glasses just as you pull down the front of his pajama bottoms to reveal the black fabric of his boxer briefs. he hears the light sounds from your smiling lips while you stare in awe at the bulge.
yukhei grunts and you push up your sleeves of the sweatshirt and palm his straining cock. the gold around your wrist against the black fabric makes him moan proudly. 
you look up. “can i baby?” your request is sugary and the small tilt of his head he gestures lets you know to continue on.
his t-shirt you push up, revealing to you the leopard print waistband that you hook your fingers onto. you work to bring the front down. it takes a few tugs of the tight material and his cock is released. his groan fills your ears and you feel another rush into your pussy.
he's hard and looking delicious and your mouth begins to water. but before you make your move, you work again to get the fitted fabric pushed down enough for his balls to come out too. you want them as well. and once you are successful, you glance up briefly at him. the curve of your pretty and slightly swollen lips is so sweet and innocent as yukhei spreads out his arms against the seats of the couch. he can’t stop his soft chuckles at how you look and what you are going to do.
“go ahead.” he whispers lovingly.
your eyes turn downcast at the green light and you reach for his cock. the soft grip has him grunting again but much louder this time. your touch starts from the base to the tip in slow and tantalizing strokes. he inhales deeply and lets it out slow. your wrist rotates up and down around his cock that is growing with every twist of your hand. 
you let go of his cock and t-shirt and scoot down his legs a bit more until you are comfortable in a position to your liking. then you lower yourself, the front of your sweatshirt grazing his pajama bottoms. yukhei holds onto the hem of his shirt against his torso as you grip his cock again. sliding your hand up and down repeatedly once more, you shoot him a fleeting teasing smile. your free hand presses on his thigh and your tongue darts out. your gaze stays on him when you take your first leisure lick of the underside of his length like it’s an ice cream cone. 
how you have truly missed this with his recent schedules and practices and your own work. 
you hum with happiness at his pleased grin. then one and two more licks you take before your lips eagerly cover the tip. you gently suck the head and yukhei sharply sucks in a deep breath. but then the way you put a bit more suction has him letting out a moan. you feel the confidence in you swell. a little lower you go until your mouth reaches your fist  still holding him. your mouth feels so warm and he shudders while you pull back and go back down again. 
“baby, your mouth feels so fucking good,” yukhei moans without restraints. 
you freeze for a moment.
as much you love how his cock feels in your hands, it does not compare to the feeling of him in your mouth. it feels so much more. you relish the heaviness in your mouth. you enjoy the veins and ridges against your tongue. you move back again, the wetness from your mouth visible on his cock as a lone line of saliva trails from your mouth to his tip. you giggle and yukhei chuckles lowly at the slight messiness whenever you blow him. he watches your hands begin to stroke him using the wetness you left behind. you tip forward, your tongue coming out again. this time it’s to swirl around the head while your touch works the base. his moans echoes the wet sounds of your touches on his cock.
soft laughter slips from your lips. “mmm, do you like that baby?” another swirl of your tongue. yukhei groans, staring intently at you and the curve of your ass slightly in the air at this position. “missed this so much.”
you tilt your head a bit and press your tongue flat on the underside and drag the wet muscle up. you repeat it a few of times and the moans from deep within his throat pleases you too much.
“you like being licked like that? hmm? tell me what you want,” you tease.
the groan yukhei releases is his only response because the base of his cock firms a little. your mouth wraps around the head again. a handful of soft tantalizing sucks, you slowly start descending down on his cock once more. inch by inch he disappears into your mouth. he wants to shut his eyes for a second at the pleasure, but he doesn’t want to miss a moment.
he groans. “fuck, babe.” 
you bob your head, moving your mouth on him the way he likes before popping him gently from your mouth. yukhei notices the bit of saliva on your chin when you look up at him and reaches forward to tenderly wipe it away. you hum softly in appreciation while your hand moves up his cock while the other rub at his thighs. his hand rests on the back of your head, caressing you affectionately. your thumb brushes back and forth over the slit as your hand gently moves his cock up a little more so you can have a taste of something else for a minute. 
your head angles a bit, nearly laying on his thigh when you lean forward and kiss and kitten lick his balls. he huffs loudly when you delicately suck on them and curses when your mouth widens to carefully cradle them in your mouth. the warmth combined with the tender swipes of your tongue around them, you feel the tiny bit of stickiness on the pad of your thumb that has been rubbing his slit. yukhei tears his eyes away from you and shifts his gaze to his cock.
it’s reddening and he is desperate for more.
and yukhei thinks you might be thinking the same because you release his balls. you sit up for a second. then eyes connect as you bring your thumb up to your wet lips and suck on what’s there.
his laugh is warm and soft when your lower lip juts out in a playful little pout. “i want more, yukhei.”
you turn back to his cock, your mind imagining how he will be releasing into your mouth. then yukhei watches with pleasure at your enthusiasm as you lower yourself again. he stares at your smiling lips encasing over his cock. he is halfway nestled in the warmth of your mouth before you start bobbing your head. 
yukhei lifts his other arm away from the couch, both hands settle on the back of your head while your mouth moves up and down. he doesn’t push you forward or keep you down. he just wants to hold you someway somehow right now. the loud wet sucking sounds of you enjoying his cock fills his ears and makes him feel bigger in your mouth and pride in his chest. after a minute you pull back for a few deep breaths. the smile on your face when you make eye contact with him is sugary and satisfied before you return to the task of sucking him. 
but as much as yukhei always enjoy his cock in your mouth and he feels the slightest tightness in his stomach, the box on the table catches his attention.
he really has missed you. 
yukhei wants to feel you differently for now. he wants to feel more than the warmth of your mouth.
your eyes turn up to him when you feel the gentle pats on your head. you reluctantly take him out and hum softly. he pushes his locks back. “can you stop and sit up?” 
he chuckles at the faint frown on your face. regardless though you obliged but not without one parting lick from the base to the top with a light kiss to the tip. then you’re sitting up and slowly dragging yourself up his legs to his thighs with your knees grazing the wood floors. his hands cups your heated face and brings you closer so he can kiss you. 
it’s chaste and sweet despite what your mouth has been doing the last few minutes. 
you break apart from him. “you know, i was enjoying that,” you murmur in teasing sadness alongside his grinning lips.
yukhei laughs and it makes the bottom of your lip jut out. but then the brushes on your skin makes you feel a bit better. “i was too, baby.” you whimper in response because you want him. “but i was thinking of something else we can enjoy first,” he whispers softly. 
you shoot him a questioning look. the box of condoms yukhei reaches for and holds in front of you. your lips break out in a bright beam. you place a peck on the tip of his nose and hum quietly. 
“i can still finish later though,” you insist with a twinkle in your eyes.
he nods, laughing once again. “most definitely, babe.”
your delighted squeal thinks maybe he shouldn’t have let you finished. but then you fist his cock again, going up and down as his fingers are sliding underneath the glue flaps of the box. you lean back a bit and place your feet on the floor to spread you legs a little wider. how wet you were before, you are more now because he sees the faintest darker shade of the fabric. his fingers gradually freeze and yukhei can’t help but smirk when you shift a few inches closer. one hand rest on his knees behind you and carefully you lift your hips up. 
then yukhei watches, entranced at how you begin to rub the underside of his cock alongside your cloth pussy. he feels the slightest graze of your folds. you whimper. your hips roll. your face warms. you are ready, excited and know exactly what you’re doing to him because his hand moves to rest on your hips.
“when are you going to unwrap me, baby?” you mewl seductively. “mmm, yukhei, i want your cock.”
and reluctantly his eyes leave the teasing show to look at you. what he finds is a sweet yet wicked look etched on your face. you whimper once more; the sound so enticing and desperate. 
yukhei shakes his head and bites his lip. “you’re going to kill me,” he chuckles almost bashfully. 
his words instantly make you giggle and you stop the motions of your hips. but you continue with tender caresses of his cock as he focus on ripping what he needs. the box he places back on the coffee table and you sit back down on his thighs, knees falling to the floor again. you watch in anticipation while he rips the foil. you let go of his cock for him to slowly roll the condom over his harden length. he grunts under his breath at the sensitivity. 
you rise on your knees. “can i ride you?” you request. 
the tip he pinches as he glimpses between you and the wooden floor. he pats your thigh. “stand up,” he says gently.
hands on his shoulders, you push yourself up to stand. yukhei glances up at you. for a moment you think he’s going to pull your underwear down. but he doesn’t. instead he reaches to rub you tenderly in the front, feeling the lace and mesh.
“so pretty,” he quietly murmurs with a smile. 
your face warms and yukhei brings himself up. his pajama bottoms slightly falls and he pushes them down until they’re at his feet. he steps out of them and his slippers before he takes a seat on the couch. his legs spread and a hand goes around his cock. you watch him give it a few long strokes and pumps.
yukhei looks up, the ends of his mouth curling up. “come here, baby.” he tells you, patting his thigh.
you walk the short distance and your hand he takes as you climb onto the couch and straddle his thighs once again. your feet on either side of him, he throws his head back a little. his hands massages your thighs and you hum at the tender strokes on your skin and the soft look on his face.
“is this okay? i didn’t want you hurting your knees on the floor. i thought it would be more comfortable like this,” he whispers.
your head tilts a bit. the warmth on your cheeks intensifies.
always sweet he is.
yukhei slowly begins folding up your sweatshirt again. his thumbs brushing over your lace covered your nipples. “yeah, i’m good,” you reassure him with a little grin.
you lift one of his hands and press a kiss to the middle of his palm. soon enough your eyes turn downcast. his cock you are holding gently and firmly again. you rise, crouching with your legs parted and your feet placed against the couch because this angle will be better. immediately yukhei cups your ass, massaging the exposed soft flesh. one hand grips onto his shoulder.
his long finger hooks onto the fabric between your ass, pulling it to the side again and away from your core. you hum happily at the slight coolness.
he gives you a soft nod. “let’s go, baby.”
with eyes connected and matching beams on your faces, you guide yourself down onto his cock. you mewl at the tip entering your pussy. the stretch feels too good and you can’t stop from huffing. he grunts lowly in his throat at the different kind of cozy his cock is surrounded by right now.
“yeah, keep going,” yukhei encourages faintly and affectionately.
when you are halfway down, you rise up until it’s just his tip is in you again. a deep breath you take and he watches you lick your lips before you sink back down just halfway. you repeat this once and then again, each time making him groan and want you a little more. 
then the base of his cock you finally let go. his eyes lower and your hand goes to your knee. yukhei manages to settle a hand on your waist to steady you without looking away. his plump lips are slightly parted at the sight of his cock little by little disappearing.
your walls feel like velvet and his cock feels at home.
and slowly but surely he fills you up, making you chew on the inside of your cheeks at the wonderful feeling of his cock finally and completely in your pussy after the last few weeks. you stare at him and his face is in awe. his cheeks puff out and his tongue sweeps across his curling lips. your body shifts and stills to adjust to him. he looks at where you and him connect and his hands rise up to make certain your sweatshirt will stay up so he can see your bouncing breasts. his head lifts to find you watching him with a sparkle in your eyes.
you giggle softly. “did you enjoy the show?” you coo.
yukhei wants to laugh. he wants to tell you he can watch you sinking down on his cock every day. but then you suddenly bounce once and twice and he thinks what he wants to tell you can maybe wait until later. your hands move to fist his t-shirt and his hand wipes across his mouth before they fall to his side. he’s watches the tiny smirk form on your face as you pant and fuck yourself down on his cock.
“mmm, yukhei. you feel so big, baby,” you whine, the sensations spreading through your body.
your covered breasts bounce with each of your movements despite being still covered and yukhei thinks the sight is absolutely hypnotizing. he huffs before smiling almost dreamily at you. he reaches for them, his light massages on your breasts makes you whimper. 
you slow your movements as his large hands cups them. gradually your knees lower and it takes a moment to steady your heavy breathing. his eyes find yours and you hum. within seconds then you start to roll your hips.
yukhei grunts and you grin. a deep breath you take to start up a consistent rhythm that makes him drop his hands from your breasts to grip onto your hips. 
he moans loudly. “yeah, baby, ride me. you like this, don’t you?” he swallows the large gulps of air as a sweet giggle suddenly escapes from you. your hands spread on his chest for better balance. never too slow and never too fast, you keep the nice and enticing pace going for a few minutes.
his half lidded eyes dance around you. he is mesmerized by the blissed look on your face and your slightly open mouth with the whines rolling out.
a hand rises and he cradles your cheek. yukhei leans forward and his lips finds yours in a bit of a messy and wet kiss. you moan into his mouth. he nips at you and the roll of your hips gradually halt so you can savor the kiss. noses brush against each other. his tongue glides into your mouth and your hands slide up to slither your arms around his neck loosely.
you pull back first, needing air and he hums softly and approvingly at how you lick your semi swollen lips. the upward curl of his wet lips is charming while yukhei settles his hand on your hip again. he nudges you gently and you laugh lightly before you start up once more, rocking down on his cock. you feel so full. your arms remain around his neck. a little quicker you move. your face stay so close to his. he watches you with fascination and love. it has you feeling heat spread over your cheeks. 
yukhei coos with each of your moans that you let out. his hands reach behind and he squeezes your ass. he closes the small distance between your mouth and this time the kiss is quick, but sweet. he smiles so lovingly yet you see the way his eyes darken a little.
he hums. “do you want a little help?”
you can’t help the tiny squeak that comes out. you can’t stop yourself from slowly grinning a little bit too much as you nod faintly because you like what will be happening next. you angle forward. he sits up a bit. your forehead is just mere inches away from his. your arms are still around him, but your hands are fisting his shirt by his collar behind his neck.
within seconds, he grips on your ass tightly. faint crescent moons are pressed into your supple ass. 
and yukhei is helping you along.
he moves you up and down, making you fuck yourself on his cock harder and faster. your mind is suddenly in a blur. the pace you had before is nothing like this. this is what he wants after the time apart. he is relentless and you feel yourself sink into the euphoria of his cock stroking your walls.   
you whine. “fuck, yukhei. baby, fuck .” your face and your sounds are desperate. “mmm, oh yeah, baby. fuck, baby.”
the air around him feels thicker. his breathing becomes heavier against your skin. the sounds from you grow higher and come out quicker. the tingling builds in your stomach. the sweatshirt falls once more and it’s hot. you want to open the window for the cold winter air. but you can’t utter a word of it because all you want is to get to your high. 
“oh fuck,” you moan. “faster, baby.” 
and for a split second yukhei manages to chuckle. “are you close?” he groans out. 
he is. he is so close because that slight tightness from when you were blowing him has been increasing ever since. but he wants it for you first. you nod, your whimpers begging him for more.
yukhei smiles softly. “don’t look away, okay? stay with me, baby.” 
and with eyes remaining as steady as possible with one another, he grants your wish. you’re fucking down on his cock quicker and with more force. his grip tightens and the muscles on his arms are more apparent. the pressure in your stomach grows and grows.
“come on, baby. you got this.”
yukhei encourages into your skin until you do.
your body is trembling as you sob out his name. there is a slight wetness at the corners of your eyes. your pants are heavy as you lean towards him, your damp forehead pressing against his own damp skin. you can’t fight it as your eyes shut for a moment. yukhei holds you tight and tries his best to breathe through his nose as he relishes the quick and sweet squeezes of your walls around his cock. 
slowly your gaze find his that has remained on your face and you stare with a small and almost shy smile at how he’s licking his lips.
a little more pressure he needs.
yukhei hums. “you okay?” 
a nod you give him and leisurely he begins to guide you back and forth on his cock. you’re so sensitive and the adorable whine that slips from you makes yukhei let out a breathless chuckle. your arms unwrap from around him and you place them on his board shoulders. a deep breath you take. your heart still thumps a little bit quicker than normal. but you shoot him a sweet grin. 
“let me, babe.”
he had given you your high. you will give him his. 
yukhei bobs his head as your knees dig a bit into the seat below him while the top of your feet anchors onto his thighs. his hands settle on your hips. soon enough they moving, alternating between deep circular motions and hard thrusts down. 
he huffs, his release just around the corner. “mmm, yeah. keep fucking yourself on me, baby.”
your eyes stay connected and breaths stay ragged. the living room fills with quiet whimpers and low grunts. the pressure in him builds with each of motions of your hips. you let go of his shoulder and he nods and chuckles as you work to push up the sweatshirt that has fallen. 
one of his hand reaches to cup your breast and you let out a tiny squeak. the added visual of just how truly beautiful you are to him, the remembrance that he is the only one who can touch you, does the trick. yukhei is digging his fingertips into your hips. his head he throws back and he lets out a string of whispered curses. he feels himself throb inside your faintly clenching walls.
you feel happy and tilt towards him to bestow kisses on his cheek. you shift, burying your face into the crook of his neck and take a deep breath. you rest for a minute and he lets you stay like this until you lift your head away and turn to him. yukhei does the same. he pushes up his glasses and you can’t help but notice how he looks a little fucked. the laugh you let out is like sugar and too infectious. he lazily removes himself from the back of the seat to get closer to you. his arms wrap around your waist, sneaking underneath the sweatshirt as your hands cup his face for a short moment before your arms go around his neck. you feel his thumb caressing lazy circles on your skin. 
your eyes take in his content and relaxed face. you tip forward to place a chaste affectionate kiss on his puckered lips. 
you smile alongside his mouth. “hi.”
his eyes shine. “hi yourself.”
a few inches you draw back to get a better look at his face once more. your gaze sweeps over his features and his soft look.
“you know you were suppose to unwrap me before you fuck me,” you murmur with a teasing and sweet curve of your lips.
yukhei shakes his head faintly. the curl of his mouth expands in front of your eyes and matches yours. “i thought it would be better to unwrap you on the bed,” he tells you with his voice soft and tone just as teasing.
the way your face lights up is unmistakable yukhei lets out an airy laugh that makes you feel warm. “but let me pull out first.”
you nod and shift back a little. he holds the base and you watch as he tugs himself out, a thread like string of your high is visible before it breaks. you pout at the lost connection. yukhei holds his cock, careful of not getting anything on his boxer briefs or his t-shirt even if he is certain laundry will be done at some time today. he leans forward to place a gentle peck to your lips.
“i’ll clean this up and meet you in the bedroom, okay? go wait for me.” yukhei whispers to you, giggling when your frown turns upside down.
one more fleeting kiss and he rests a hand on the side of your thigh as you unfold your legs and turn on his lap. you place your bare feet on the floor and stand, giving him a view of your smooth ass. but your legs feel like jelly and you are wet and sticky in between your legs. you hear the amused sound behind you and you freeze briefly to steady your balance. his hand holds on your elbow to steady you.
a second passes before you takes a step, giving yukhei the space to stand up himself. he lets go of your elbow and your feet slip into your slippers while he does the same. you turn around and press a slow and intense kiss to his mouth. yukhei pushes forward a bit, making you sigh and feeling a little bit more wet than you already are. but before he has a chance to slide his tongue into your warm mouth, you pull back. he watches the faint glimmer and mischief flickering in your eyes as your tongue peeks out to lick your lips.
yukhei nods with a twitch of his own wet lips. “i’ll be quick.”
walking through the wrapping paper and mess on the floor, you part ways. to the bathroom he turns to while you move towards the bedroom. 
the bed you usually have made in the morning is still messy. a holiday you tell yourself. and besides, it will be messy soon again anyway. you go to the large window to pull back the matching curtains from living room. you turn around and take the handful of steps to the bed. your slippers drop from your feet when you crawl on the mattress. two pillows you haphazardly put on top of one another before you lay down. you quietly sigh, curling onto your side as you bring your hand up. you eye the eighteen carat gold wrapped around your wrist.
you feel the flips of your stomach. the words engraved you whisper to yourself. you feel the warmth spreading from your chest to the tip of your toes.
he is something else entirely in a league of his own.
and when yukhei comes in a few minutes later, he finds you staring and enamored at the present. your fingertips graze the jewelry while the box of condoms he has brought in from the living room is placed on his bedside table. your gaze finally turns to look up at him. his cock is tucked back into his underwear. his hair is tied back in a little ponytail on the top of his head. combined with the frames on his face, you love this look on him. 
yukhei tilts his glasses up on his handsome face. a faint smile ghosts your face. “i love my present,” you tell him in the quietness.
how in love he is with you no one will ever understand.
yukhei chuckles in response. “and i love mines.” 
your face heats up within seconds. he climbs onto the bed, the mattress dipping a bit at the added weight. your eyes never break from his as yukhei moves to sit on the heels of his feet. he places his hands on your knees and twists you around until you’re laying flat on your back.
you hum, the sparkle shimmering in your eyes. yukhei drops tender kisses on your knees. “come on baby, let me see,” he whispers.
and then your legs he parts. the vibrant holiday red  of the fabric against your core is no longer because it is soaked in your wetness. it’s darker now and the pleased laughter rolls out his grinning mouth. you tilt your head. he runs a hand over his lips.
you chew on the inside of your bottom lip. “i’m so sticky.” you jut your lower lip out playfully. 
yukhei chuckles because he knows what you want. he shifts, reaching for the thin band of your underwear. slowly but surely he unwraps you. the fabric he drags down your legs and once it’s completely and finally off of you, he drops it on the floor. you spread your legs open immediately. you let out the sweet sighs of relief and contentment as cool air grazes your pussy. it really feels so nice and yukhei thinks it really looks so nice because he marvels at the glisten of your folds and core.  
he licks his lips. “tell me what you want, baby?” yukhei asks, grabbing a pillow besides him. 
for a moment he fluffs it before he’s tapping on your hips to rise. he tucks it underneath your ass. his hands rub your thighs softly as you shift a bit, adjusting to the angle and added height to your bottom. the sweatshirt still on your body has risen and the peek of lace and mesh underneath yukhei sees when you stop moving. he pushes up the white material a few inches to watch the steady rise and fall of your lace covered breasts. he reaches up and cups both of them. soft massages and light caresses over your nipples has you humming.
no matter how powerful his hands can be, lifting up twenty five pound weights to boxing and hitting punching bags, his touches are the softest and most affectionate. 
yukhei brings his attention back up to your face. you play pretend, thinking for a second to an answer for his question. the sweet trouble and the teasing returns.
“i want your cock again, yukhei,” you state so calmly and innocently.
the void between your legs and the emptiness in your pussy you want and need to be filled once more.
yukhei smirks and feels the satisfaction in him while letting out an airy laugh and nods. it’s a simple request that he can definitely do again. he gets comfortable sitting on his heels and you stare as palms himself. he has a slight bulge already from what you can see. excited you are once more. 
“but how about…” 
he parts open your legs a little wider and pushes them up. his large hands presses down on the underside of your thighs. your gaze he finds again. 
“i just take a taste first, okay?” he smiles because he really cannot resist. 
not when you are so wet. not when he hasn’t eaten you in so long.
you don’t hesitate to quickly nod, the curve of your lips widening because you love his tongue in your pussy as well. yukhei watches as your hand goes to your still slightly sensitive pussy. you whimper, sliding two fingers alongside your folds before parting them from the stickiness and inviting him. the sight has him beaming foolishly, eyes fixated at you teasing yourself and him. then his body lowers and his face descends between your legs. your hand you remove and you lightly hold onto the corners of the pillows underneath your head. you let out a content purr when you hear him take the deep breath against your pussy, inhaling the scent of you. 
it should make you shy. but instead it makes you feel simply wanted and loved. 
the first lick yukhei bestows upon your pussy has you whining. he hums in satisfaction as your juices coat his tongue. he listens to the heavy breaths you’re taking from above and another lick he takes.
how much you enjoy sucking him, he enjoys eating you just as much. 
yukhei chuckles at your neediness, the air tickling your core. a handful of kitten licks he gives it. then gradually he begins to suck, taking your clit and folds between his plump lips. you’re whimpering now, your hands moving to grip onto the bedsheets. you try rolling your hips or closing your legs around him. but it is impossible. his hold on you is tender yet firm as yukhei eats your pussy like he’s kissing your lips. 
sweet yet intense. 
slow but desperate.
and when his tongue is diving deep into your heat and your back arches off the bed with a loud gasp, you are reminded of the way his tongue slides into your mouth. 
smooth and hungry. 
it draws loud moans from your open mouth. “fuck, baby, fuck.” 
yukhei does it again before his wet muscle retreats a little. he goes back to licking and sucking your clit, the sounds echoing in the bedroom. you lift your head a little and move your hand to his head.
you gently flick his tiny apple ponytail and lightly tap him. it takes a moment to pull his attention from eating and enjoying you before he actually looks up. you let out a tiny pleased squeal at his pillowy lips that are shiny and his chin that is glossy. the charming smile his mouth is forming makes your face warm and you desperately want a taste. 
you playfully scrunch up your nose. “sharing is caring.” your voice is sweet and your eyes twinkle.
yukhei laughs lowly and bends his head down to your core again. he sucks on your clit a few more times and laps up what he can before he pushes himself up. he hovers over you within seconds. your arms circle his neck and you bring him closer to capture his lips in yours. you moan into his mouth, your essence you are savoring on him sends a rush to your pussy. the kiss is messy and frantic. your hand threads up his neck to hold and angle him a bit. your tongue slips into his mouth. your feet lowers and your toes graze the back of his legs. 
he pulls apart a minute later for air to fill his lungs. with a delighted smile, you take a quick swipe across his plump lips and pepper a handful of soft kisses and short licks over his chin. it has you and him giggling incessantly.
a faint tug you feel on your sweatshirt. “you ready to take this off?”
you playfully hold out your arms. “i’ve been waiting,” you answer.
yukhei shakes his head in amusement, grabbing the hem of it. it takes a little effort for it to be over your head and off your arms. the heat is on, but there is still the slightest hint of winter air in the room. you feel your nipples hardening. he drops the sweatshirt besides you on the bed and turns his gaze down, fixated at just how beautiful you are and how lucky he is. his wide eyes shine brighter than the lights on the christmas tree in the living room. he bends down until he’s over you once again.
“i didn’t want you getting cold,” yukhei informs you truthfully and shyly.
his response makes your face heat and your heart skips. you tilt your head, moistening your lips while your fingertips trace the boyish grin etching on his face. 
you nod faintly. “then keep me warm,” you challenge him.
his breath fans your skin when he laughs lowly. his nose brushes yours and yukhei grazes your lips like feathers tickling you until you’re pouting a little. he kisses you again, but it isn’t for long because his mouth detaches from yours with a parting bite and travels down to your neck. you inhale deeply to calm your thumping heart as your head turns and eyes close. he’s licking and sucking at your damp skin for a moment and then journeys lower. he bestows kisses from your collarbone to your right shoulder before starting the path to the lace and mesh he has yet to discard from your body.
sweet sighs leave your mouth when your feel the light sucks to your covered nipples. your hand reaches to stroke the back of his head and the nape of his neck. yukhei works them until there is a very wet spot over the tip of them. his face he buries between the valleys of your breasts and he breathes in deep. he smiles faintly to himself, loving the scent of everything on your skin right now.
slowly your eyes open just as his hands cup your breasts to give it a gentle squeeze. you whimper when he’s moving back. yukhei sits on his heels once more. you push and prop yourself up on your elbows as he palms himself again.
you fix your eyes to where his hand is. “how hard are you right now, baby?” 
the question comes out with a sugary beam. the look you give him is sweet.
you turn your attention back to his face momentarily. yukhei coolly adjusts his glasses with a confident lip bite, signaling you to be prepared. but you playfully swoon and it makes him break out in a light fit of giggles. he rubs over his shielded cock and your gaze directs back down. the hem of his t-shirt he lifts. his fingers hook onto the front of the leopard print waistband of his boxer briefs. the black fabric he lowers and his cock gradually comes out until it is in full view.
he smirks so boldly. “yeah, baby, i’m good.”
yukhei tells you as if you don’t see it for yourself. he tells you as if the faint little squeals aren’t slipping from your smiling mouth at how hard his cock is again. he tells you as if you aren’t admiring at the reddening head.
you mewl in anticipation and stare with delight as yukhei pushes his underwear all the way down and shifts on the bed to take them off his long legs. he drops it on the floor and turns back to you. he kneels in front of you again and you stare at  him. the grin on his face is mischievous and his eyes are filled with want and teasing trouble. he reaches for the hem of his t-shirt and pulls it over his head in one swift motion. he tosses it to the floor too. then he looks at you from atop his round gold frames before he tilts them back up and runs his tongue over his teeth. a beam full of coolness and a quirk of his brows, yukhei places his hands behind his head like a model for you. 
he’s beautiful inside and out.
the muscles on his arms are visible and you can outline each of the curves with your eyes. the lines on his torso are prominent. the v line you had a sneak peek of this morning when he stretched is now fully visible. and then he is flexing. you’re left chuckling softly with very heated cheeks, sparkling eyes and another quick rush to your pussy when he also throws a wink in your direction.
“still think i’m hot, babe?” yukhei questions teasingly.
you nod with a wide smile, going to him in seconds to erase the short distance between your bodies. you lick at his hard nipples. kisses you dot over his chest and down to the head of the lion inked onto his pretty and smooth skin before moving back up. your fingers reach up to grasp his jawline, pulling him to your mouth to kiss him eagerly. his hands drop and he slips them between your bodies. you part away in time to see him fist himself.
his strokes move up and down smoothly. your stare dances between his hand and his dark gaze that is watching your reaction. glee and enthusiasm color your face and fills your eyes. there is a tiny amount of precum sitting at the head of his cock. when he is able to hold eye contact with you for a mere moment longer, yukhei gestures to the box of condoms on his bedside table with a jut of his chin.
he huffs. “can you get one for me?”
you hum, shuffle back to get it. you open the box and tear one from the rest and shift back towards him again.
his free hand extends for the item in your grasp. you put it in his palm and his words of gratitude is soft. within a second of his hand letting go of his cock so he can open the package, your touch replaces his. he’s so heavy as always in your hands. the feeling of those ridges and veins you had against your tongue earlier are prominent under your gentle strokes. the penny sized amount of precum that grows makes you swallow the dry lump in your throat. you shoot yukhei a quick devilish look as he pulls out the condom.
“how about i just take a taste?”
and the question he had asked you rings in his ears now. his deep laughter makes you sweetly bat your lashes at him because a taste of his cock you already had. yukhei nods with the small smile appearing on his face soon afterwards.
you make sure he is looking at you as you move forward and your lips wrap around the head. you moan in satisfaction at the stickiness that coats your tongue. you feel the wetness pooling in your pussy. yukhei’s deep laughter turns into a deep groan above as you suckle on the tip like a lollipop. he gives you a minute, staring at your hands caressing his length  that is not in your mouth. gradually your lips moves back and your tongue twists and sweeps around his tip that is growing sensitive. he pats you on your head.
there’s a little love drunk smile on his face. “baby, you ready?” he pants out.
you nod. “i will finish later,” you declare because you want him painting your mouth and throat. one last flick of your tongue across the slit has yukhei chuckling. 
“we can both finish, later.” you hum  in joy at the thought of his tongue and lips against your pussy again. you lean up and press a kiss to his chest right above his beating heart and the action warms his soul. “can you lay down for me?” he requests lovingly.
a bob of you head you give him and you move away and back. the corners of your mouth twitch up. you return to your previous position and get comfortable with the pillows underneath you once more. your arms you throw over your head in a little stretch as yukhei rolls on the condom over his cock with a sharp breath. when he pinches the tip, he glances up at you. your legs are folded, lifted and spread like before. your glistening pussy is inviting him once more to be loved and filled. 
“fuck me, yukhei,” you sweetly command. 
the way you are staring at him with your eyes and smile shining is blinding. he licks the ends of his lips and smirks as he moves across the bed, closing the space to get to you. then one hand he holds onto you hip while his other grips the base of his cock. you reach out, softly clutching his hard muscles. your head rises, hoping to get a glimpse of him sliding into pussy.
but he doesn’t.
yukhei ends up rubbing his cock over your aching core. you whine. “babe, you’re teasing me.” the pout on your face is cute. he shakes his head with a giggle before kissing it away gently.
then yukhei shifts, pumping his cock with a few swift strokes before he’s over you once again. you and him watch and moan together as he carefully and gradually guides himself into your wetness. despite the session on the couch and his mouth, the stretch remains tantalizing. 
yukhei grunts. “you like the show, baby?” 
halfway in and he remembers your question in between the dizzying feelings. your tear your eyes from the connection of your bodies to twist it up at him. his lips are pressed tightly together, his dimples making an appearance. he draws in some air for his lungs and exhales slowly.
little by little he pulls out. you whine and chew on your lower lip. yukhei pushes forward again, deeper than he had been in before. 
“hmm, you feel so fucking good,” you gasp out.
your attention lowers back once more to finish watching him sink into you. the pride spreads in him as you shift and whimper, your head falls back down on the pillow. you're panting and feeling full. his free hand sets on the underside of your thigh, gently rubbing it. he smiles softly at you. a deep breath you take as you relish the feeling of him in you again. gazes connect and glow with want and love.
“yukhei, please move, baby,” you’re nearly begging.
he is chuckling but he does.
his thrusts are slow and affectionate. his grip on your hip tightens a touch. the pretty melody coming from you mixes with the huffs from him. the hand on your thigh continues to stay, helping to keep your legs open and spread wide so he can see so clearly how he is fucking you.
“yeah, you like this, baby?” yukhei coos, his pace steady. “me fucking you again?”
you moan, you body feeling warmer. “mmhmm, yeah, baby.” your hands drop, fingers clutching to his forearms before they go to the pillows beneath your head firmly. “yeah, fuck, baby. faster, yukhei.” your request is sweet and needy and he watches the teasing smile appear on your face with each of his thrusts. 
so fucking good he feels. so fucking good it feels to have his cock stroke your walls.
yukhei looks down, his eyes outlining at how your legs are. deeper he can go into you like this.  your pussy is swallowing each of his thrusts. he tears his eyes away from the beautiful image to look at you. your face is so pretty with your sparking eyes and your parted mouth. whimpers roll out without abandonment.
“harder, baby,” you gasp out.
it feels so amazing. you feel so amazing right now.
he picks up a little speed and puts a little more force into his thrusts at your words. beyond the pride and confidence he feels spreading in his chest, yukhei feels the love. only he can fuck you, feel you and make you release the prettiest melodies. 
“yeah, baby, like that. mmm, please don’t stop,” you whimper.
your covered breasts still bounce despite their confinements. he lets out a low devilish laugh under his breath before a smile spreads across his face. he lowers his eyes again, moaning and fixating on the beauty of his cock sliding in and out so smoothly.
yukhei swallows the thick air around him. “you take my cock so well. look how fucking deep you can take it.” you wished you can, but you can’t. the pleasure coursing through you feels too wonderful for you to want to do anything but to let him fuck you over and over. his gaze finds yours, his hips pushing forward quicker and harder. “this how you want me to fuck you, baby? you feel so amazing.”
you nod, the sound of his cock pumping into your wetness combining with your whimpers turning into desperate moans fill the bedroom. it's feeling too hot and the pressure again starts up in the pit of your stomach.
“you fuck me so good,” you pant. your fingers tighten on the pillowcase. you lick your lips. “mmm, yeah, so good.”
yukhei groans. his cheeks puffing up momentarily at the sudden heat in his own abdomen. the sight and the noises of you he can be surrounded with all day. his hand leaves your hip and goes to your breasts. you watch and expect him to slide his hand underneath and flick on the tiny hooks. but he doesn’t. instead his large heated hand tugs out your breasts in two quick motions. your bouncing breasts are exposed and you gasp out loudly. within seconds your nipples are hardening a bit more from the air. yukhei chuckles and moans at how they jiggle so freely.
he reaches for them. a light squeeze to your supple flesh and brushes over your nipples elicit a needy whine and yukhei grunts. his thrusts quicken even more, his hips snapping so rhythmically and in an instant the whines from you come out higher. 
yukhei smirks, the confidence soaring through his body. “yeah, baby. you’re doing so good for me,” he groans out.
despite his praise, you feel the position getting to you. the soreness is starting to set in. you let go of the pillow. your hands grip onto your thighs, keeping them open for him. 
your world is spinning. “fuck, baby. make me come, yukhei.” your desperate words sound so beautiful.
the tingling in your abdomen is really undeniable. you can’t stop your eyes from falling shut. the air around you feels too heavy.
so close. so close. so close.
the hard and deep thrusts, his cock dragging against your pussy walls relentlessly contrasts to the way yukhei softly coos. “babe, look at me.” your heart beats rapidly and your breaths are uneven. “come on, baby, eyes on me.” and his gentle words coax you and bit by bit until your eyes open to meet a charming and adoring smile on his face.
he leans down. his hips slow just a touch so he is able to press a full and soft kiss to your mouth. you let go of one of your thighs to reach up and cup his damp cheek. the pad of your thumb brushes his bottom lip momentarily when he pulls away. yukhei puckers his mouth against your skin.
“are you close?” his question is quiet and you manage out a long high whimper. he starts to fuck you faster again. the ends of his mouth curl up. “i got you,” he tells you affectionately.
then both his hands grasp your hips while your hands pull at your thighs once more to hold them apart. his goal to make you reach your high he sets to as his pace becomes so fucking sweet and delicious.
“yukhei, yukhei, mmm, baby.” the moans roll out of you and it fans the fire in his stomach. “fuck, yukhei.”
and when your velvet walls begin to contract and the cry of his name echoes in the bedroom, you try your hardest to keep your slightly glazed eyes steadily on him. yukhei smiles warmly and so proudly at the you. he slows his movements, but never stops. his praises are gentle and loving. he watches the quick rise and fall of your chest as your hands fall beside you, unable to hold your trembling thighs.
but yukhei catches them. 
softly he brings them to wrap around his waist. he rubs and massages at your flesh until you calm a bit, the walls of your pussy pressing around his cock between longer periods. he inclines forward again. the tiny shift of his cock still nestled inside causes you to squeak. 
half a dozen short and loving pecks he presses on you. “just a little more,” yukhei murmurs with a tiny glint in his gaze.
a soft beam appears as he moves back into position. he takes a deep breath and watches that despite how spent you are, you reach up to cup your breasts. he chuckles, staring as you play with them. those slow movements he had kept going turns into a solid pace and before yukhei realizes your sweet whimpers are filling the bedroom again.
it feels like a sweltering summer afternoon in the room. your skin is sticking to the bedsheets so bad. you roll your nipples between your fingers, the curve of your pretty lips teasing.
“yeah, mmm, faster. fuck me harder, yukhei.” you stare up at him with a nod faintly.
yukhei feels a sudden clench of your walls and groans loudly. “fuck.” he is close.
his thrusts a bit harder and deeper. he watches through labored breaths as your hand leaves your breasts and descends. you find your clit, rubbing it with each smooth roll of his hips.
an airy and uneven laugh comes from his plump lips. “baby, you want more?”
yukhei stares at you as if you aren’t real. he’s fucking you as if you aren’t already so fucked. you manage a breathless giggle in between your satisfied moans, ready to come together with him.
“meet me,” you whimper with a grin and for a minute the room once more is filled with only the desperate and proud sounds of you and him.
it doesn’t take too long then. you watch the slightest change on his damp handsome face and his curses echo. the noise from deep within his throat resembles a growl and yukhei freezes momentarily, admiring you through half lidded eyes and a pleased smile. you chew on your bottom lip and lift your fingers from your clit. you hold them up to his mouth and he moves forward. yukhei sucks on them gently as you mewl and give him the slightest nod.
he begins to rock his hips once more, still feeling his cock pulsating a little. his hands squeeze your flesh and in seconds you’re clenching so hard around him again. yukhei laughs lowly and in delight as you moan quietly.
your shaking thighs he’s caressing once more. “shhh, you’re so good, baby,” he whispers. 
the bedroom suddenly fills with the softest shushes and more praises. his eyes on you are glowing with nothing but love and you can’t control the sugary curl of your lips while trying to catch your breath. it takes a few minutes before the waves in your bodies subside. his hands glide up your sides and he’s leaning down to capture your mouth and kiss you tenderly. your hand cups his damp and hot cheek and you kiss him back with a soft giggle.
yukhei hums. “you okay?”
your head angles a bit and you bob your head. your other hand rises, fingertips moving to brush up and down his strong arms.
“yeah, i’m really good right now.”
there’s teasing in his gaze. “are you warm though?” he chuckles.
the sheen over your bodies is too visible. “it feels like summer right now,” you tell him in sweet jest.
yukhei snorts faintly, the sound making you laugh even more as he taps your sore thighs lightly before unhooking your legs from his waist. carefully he places them on the bed. your tired legs fall open instantly with a whimper from your mouth.
“i’m going to pull out,” he tells you softly.
the cute little whine yukhei hears and he chuckles. as much as he would love to be nestled in you, he cannot. he presses a tiny peck to the tip of your nose and nearly drags his cock out, causing a light shiver through your body. you wipe your hand across the light layer of sweat on your forehead as he slowly moves away from you and stands. you watch in silence, appreciating everything about his naked form while he carefully pulls off the filled condom and ties a knot on the top. yukhei wraps it up with a tissue and finds the foil packaging on the floor too before discarding it.  once he turns around to you, he is met with  a bashful smile on your face. he steps back towards you.
yukhei bends down and places a short and affectionate kiss against your mouth. “i’ll be right back,” he whispers quietly.
“okay.” you palm his cheek and he turns his head and puckers his lips into it. 
a tiny hum escapes you before your hand drops. he stands and twists away. you stare at his retreating back with ink across his shoulder blades and back as he steps out of the bedroom.
yukhei walks across the wood floors and enters the bathroom. he flicks open the lights. the faucet he turns on and he works for a moment on cleaning himself up once more. when he is done, he goes to the bathroom closet and takes the neatly folded yellow washcloth off the bottom shelf.
for most days showers are afterwards. but on some days when it is a slow and lazy day like today, it is option two. yukhei wets the washcloth with the almost hot water until he can’t handle it anymore and squeezes out nearly all the excess water. the light he shuts off and the bathroom he exits with the washcloth in his hand. into the living room with wrapping paper still scattered on the floor, he pads through it to retrieve your mug of green tea and the discarded pajama bottoms. he throws both pairs over his shoulders and into the kitchen he walks to.
the water in the kettle is no longer hot, but still it’s very warm. yukhei fills the mug back almost to the brim before he takes two long sips. the liquid is soothing on his throat after everything. he refills it again and cautiously makes his way back to the bedroom and you.  
and once he gets to the entrance of the room, yukhei finds you with your eyes shut and your legs closed. your breasts are still exposed and your nipples remain hard from the exposure. his presence you immediately sense even after he takes a quiet and cautious step in. you open your gaze to find him moving to you. the mug of green he extends forward and slowly you sit up. there’s a slight soreness in your body as you lift your hand to take what he is offering. you are certain the tea is probably cold, but some liquid down your throat will feel nice right now.
you are surprised though. 
when the tea touches your lips,  the tugs on your heart you feel.
he knows.
unless it is suppose to be iced, your tea hot or warm you prefer.
“the water was still warm,” yukhei informs you. he watches with a small smile as the ends of your mouth curl happily.
another sip you take. “thanks, babe.”
you are about to shift back to place the mug on his bedside table, but yukhei stops you. he takes it from you instead and drinks a little more before placing the mug besides the box of condoms. he turns back to you, tossing the pajama bottoms on his shoulders by the corner of the bed. the now warm washcloth in his hand you finally notice.
“can you lay down for me?” 
and why and how yukhei says it now differs than before. you hum and do so as he climbs back onto the bed. gently then he spreads yours legs with your pussy coming into his view again. he licks his lips and his eyes darts from your wetness to the way you are staring at him with a little twinkle in your gaze. then in sweet silence and with the utmost care and love, yukhei cleans you up. 
there are faint little wrinkles forming on his forehead. you feel and hear the thumps of your heart. 
you reach for his hand that is resting on your thigh, covering it with your own. “so attentive,” you whisper with a faint curve of your mouth. 
yukhei can’t stop himself from giggling shyly while glancing up at you for a quick second. “i like taking care of you,” he tells you with his voice low, deep and full of sincerity.
just like how you like taking care of him. 
and when he is done and sure you are clean, yukhei drops the washcloth on the floor besides your underwear. he will put them in the washer later. his thumb brushes softly over the sides of your pussy and grazes your folds. you let out a quiet gasp at his touches and it takes you a moment to clear your throat and flick at the little ponytail that still is in good shape on his head. 
“you know, it is pointless cleaning me if you do that afterwards, babe.” you remark teasingly.
his fingers can make you come and mixed with the sensitive state your pussy is currently, he knows it will not take long. 
yukhei tears his eyes from your core with a breathless chuckle and his face warms. he smiles boyishly. “sorry.” it's a soft apology and immediately you and him are softly laughing because both of you know he doesn’t fully mean it. 
his arms snake around your waist and it makes you giggle because yukhei moves from one part of your body to another. he presses kisses over and between your full breasts. he gives you a quick glimpse pass the top of his gold rimmed frames and you hum happily and watch as his lips shift over to one of your harden nipples. you sigh and hold the back of his head. he bestows gentle sucks and flicks of his tongue between the tender nibbles. 
he moans against your chest and small pleased sounds roll out from your mouth. the tiny suctions noises lets you know how much he is enjoying himself as you bring your feet to press against the back of his calves. after a minute yukhei switches, lavishing your other breast with the same and equal amount of love and attention. 
two parting nips he leaves on the peaks before he shifts back. yukhei rolls your wet nipples between his index finger and thumb like they aren’t hard already. he grins and you whimper as he cups and pushes your breasts together. so soft and absolutely perfect they are in his grasp. he gives them a soft jiggle that makes you whine a little and wonder if all that cleaning up he has done will really be for nothing.
a little spent you are, but you can go again. 
then to your surprise, you stare as he tugs back up the lace cups. he tucks your breasts back in, making sure the mesh is against your skin so nicely. your brow arches and yukhei thinks your breasts are looking like a present again for him bow and all. his eyes connect to yours, fixing his glasses. 
yukhei is smirking faintly. “remember this is like a two in one present.” he wiggles his eyebrows, the pad of his thumb swiping across his lips. “so for later, babe.” his laughter is light and infectious.
all day he has with you. 
your own laugh echoes his. you nod, your eyes twinkling with eagerness of what will come of later, of how he will fuck you once everything is truly unwrapped. 
yukhei strokes your thighs and you close your legs and stretch with a sigh. he climbs off the bed and turns to walk to the dresser. the second drawer he pulls open and the vivid red pair of boxer briefs he knows you like very much and that goes with this holiday he takes out. yukhei spins around and you chuckle softly when you notice the color in his hand. his eyes connect to yours as he pulls the underwear on with a wide grin on his face. he tucks and adjusts himself and you wink and gesture your approval of how he looks.
the drawer he closes. “do you need anything?” he reaches for his pair of pajama bottoms and slips his long legs in them while glancing at your naked lower half with a tiny crooked smile.
you know what he’s wondering but you just smile and shake your head. he pulls the hair tie off and you chuckle at the way his hair stands up. then slowly you shift to pat the empty space beside you because he’s really all you want and need right now.
yukhei giggles, threading and fluffing back his hair. “yeah, that i can definitely do,” he replies, moving back to  you.
the pillow underneath your body you finally tug out while he rearranges the others on the bed. he tucks one under your feet. another he places for his own feet to rest. your discarded sweatshirt he notices and fans out. your pair of pajama bottoms he tosses onto the spot where your sweatshirt had been. when you shift to give him the space to share the same pillow even if he can have his own, yukhei drapes the sweatshirt over your middle. 
“thank you.”
he nods with a soft beam and brings up the comforter and blanket next to cover your bodies as he lays on his back. even if you’re feeling still feeling a bit warm and there’s still the faintest dampness on his body, it’s still winter. the sweat of your bodies will dissipate. he doesn’t want you getting cold.
you erase the few inches between your bodies and cuddle up to him. yukhei slips his arm around you, welcoming the feel of your body against his. he appreciates the curves of your form and the way your legs begin to tangle with his. you look at him, your fingertips grazing back and forth on his chest and brushing over his nipples. he sighs in contentment and presses a long pucker to your temple. when he pulls back, he is smiling foolishly and you raise a hand to adjust his glasses.
yukhei hums. “how are your legs?” he quietly and humorously inquires. 
“sore,” your response is quick and your voice is playful. “are you going to do something about it?” your lips purse together in a tiny frown that has him releasing a light little chuckle.
his free arms crosses over. his touch glides over your ass and yukhei gives it a small squeeze before it settles on your thigh. his grip is gentle and he tugs on your leg until it’s over his own thighs. in seconds he’s massaging and caressing your flesh in soothing circular motions that makes your pout disappear. 
yukhei stares at you. “how’s this, hmm?” 
“yeah, it feels better, babe.” you hum delightedly.   
he leans closer and kisses you quickly yet warmly. “good.” 
then he turns his attention towards the ceiling. his eyes close momentarily as yours turn downcast to his chest and your hand on it. for a little while then, his touch continues on and time ticks away as your bodies eventually cools down. you and him stay in bed in this position and in the quiet that is calming. 
you think you can get used to it. you want more of this. 
christmas mornings with him. 
you snuggle a bit closer to him. the sheets and covers rustle a bit with your movements. yukhei open his eyes and you feel a light little nudge from him. you turn your attention back to his face that is shy and grinning. 
“can i you a question?” 
he pulls back just enough to get a clearer view of you. his hands stops moving. there is curiosity in his gaze and interest in his tone. you nod. 
“when did you put this on?” and then you feel his arm unwrap from your waist, his hand traveling up the small of your back to the clasp of the bra. you hum. “cause when we were in bed this morning, i swear i didn’t feel this.” he finishes with a happy but disbelief  laugh that has you giggling. 
you shake your head. your eyes widening teasingly as you bring a finger to your smiling lips. “secrets, yukhei,” you inform him. then a wink you throw his way. 
he nods slowly and his eyes narrows at you in sweet suspicion. the curl of his lips undeniably expands. “how did you know i would get it so soon?” 
another shake of your head you give him while you giggle even more. “i didn’t. i was going to make you play until you would eventually get it. i really didn’t expected it until much later.” 
yukhei lets out a loud and playful chuckle before he is tipping forward to place a kiss on your mouth. it’s gentle, warm and makes you sigh into his mouth. he backs away a minute later with a sweet grin and licks at his lips. 
“just so you know, my intention this morning when i woke you up was really to just spend christmas morning with you,” he murmurs boyishly.
your giggles turn into sugary laughter. “and now?” there’s a spark glittering in your eyes. 
yukhei moves to press his forehead to yours as his body twists a bit. he’s over you, sandwiching you between his warm body and the bed as the sweatshirt falls. lace is pressed against his skin. the tip of his nose grazes yours. an arm you throw over his shoulder. he feels nothing but love and want for you. the butterflies inside of you flutter once more. the kiss he gives you is soft. 
“and now i’m thinking of waking you up early next christmas, too,” he whispers with the ends of his mouth twitching up. “what do you think of that?” 
a lifetime of christmas mornings he wants with you. 
the playful shocked expression colors your face. “you’re going to give up more sleep for me?” you joke softly and dramatically. and it makes him laugh for a long moment because yukhei wonders if you realize, if you know how he will give up so much more for you. the sounds from him little by little quiet down and his gaze fixes on yours and he nods. 
the small beam across his face glows. “for you, baby… anything.” 
you can’t stop the sudden light sting in your eyes and roll your them playfully to rid of the faint blur. then it’s your turn to nod, the images of a future with him building in your head. “i think that sounds like a plan.” and your whispered words tickle his lips and his heart. 
three more kiss yukhei gives you and the plan is official. he shifts to lay on his back again. you move until your head is right next to his and soon after, you and him take back the same position. the sweatshirt he brings back over your cooling skin while touches over one another’s body resumes.
yukhei draws in a deep breath. “i can’t believe the year is ending already,” he sighs, taking a peek past you to glance out the window. 
still cloudy it is outside. too cold he is certain. a whirlwind it has felt like. the months have passed too quickly. the seasons have changed before he truly enjoyed them thoroughly. and now there are six more full days left to the year. there are still things left to do. 
“it went by so fast, didn’t it?” he whispers almost longingly. 
you look at him and yukhei still stares at the world outside. “hmm, you’ve had a busy year, babe,” you murmur with the ends of your lips twitching. 
participating in multiple albums. practices all day. promotions and interviews with news stations and magazines. going on a tour around the world. meeting fans in different countries. he has been on a constant move and everything he deserves he is getting.
your fingertips stop moving on his chest. you gently nudge him with your forehead until he tears his gaze away from the sky. yukhei hums softly and gives you a sweet closed lipped smile. “but it was a good year for you and i’m very proud of you. you know that, right? always i am proud of you.”
yukhei doesn’t waste a second before he leans over and kisses you lovingly. 
he knows. 
you tell him even when he feels it. you remind him when he forgets.  you reassure him when he doubts himself.
“thank you.” yukhei hugs you closer to him, grateful and appreciative doesn’t come close to how he feels with you by his side. “and you too… you had a good year.” a new job you had started nearly four months ago to make all the years of university worth it. “i’m proud of you too,” he says, his words laced with sincerity. “always i am proud of you, too.” 
your cheeks warm a touch and you chuckle lightly. as much of a supporter you are to him, he cheers for you like no other. “thanks, baby.” he nods and places his mouth to your forehead. 
it grows quiet for a minute before yukhei speaks against your skin. “and you know, i think we had a good year, too.” 
a moment it takes for you to register that what he means. 
you and him together this past year. 
yukhei is certain his love for you has grown. deeper and deeper he continues to fall in love with you. weeks apart at times you and him have endured. the adjustments of living together has been filled with conversations and understanding. and what yukhei had told you that day he moved in he still means it. 
he is happy as long as you are happy when he walks through the front door.
yukhei puckers his mouth and kisses your forehead again. when he shifts back to look at you clearly, there’s light in his eyes. it’s the same light when he gets to perform.  it’s the same light when he’s too excited about something he loves. the warmth spreading over your cheeks is intensifying because with every passing second he continues to stare intently at you.
“thanks for asking me to move in,” yukhei finally whispers, his voice soft and a little shy. 
the thumps of your heart are stronger. the corners of your eyes crinkle with the soft beam appearing before him. you can’t stop the soft surgary chuckles. 
this new adventure that has started nearly a year ago still feel like an adventure to this very moment. so much more with him, of him there is left to explore. each moment with him you continue to cherish. those kisses shared when he wakes with his face soft and relaxed makes you feel lucky. the kisses before you close your eyes in the night  when he smiles faintly and dreamily makes you feel safe. 
you bring your hand up, brushing along his jawline. “thanks for saying yes.” your voice matches his and it makes him laugh, the sound sending light vibrations from his chest. 
yukhei's hugging you again. it’s tighter than before and giggles are slipping pass your curved lips. he bends his head to leave sweet loving kisses on your mouth and the tip of your nose before he buries his face into the crook of your neck. he stays in place for moment, just pressing and feeling your body against his. you twist and tug your arms out so you can wrap them around his neck just as tightly.
loving him, being in love with him remains magical and wonderful.  it makes you feel ridiculous and powerful all at once. 
you tilt your head, resting beside his ear. your lips graze the shell of it just by his earring and yukhei softly grins to himself. a deep breath he hears. slowly it is let out.
“do you think we’re going to have a good year next year, too?”
yukhei is not completely sure if it’s fear he hears a twinge of. but he hears something that pulls at his heartstrings and makes him shift so he can look at you. and you do for a fleeting moment before you avoid his gaze and fix it at his pillowy lips that you can never get tired of kissing. 
he lets the seconds pass by, feeling your light strokes on his skin while he waits. quiet you remain though and he has no choice but to lean forward. his forehead presses against yours and you have no way out. those lips you have been staring at twitch up faintly. he bobs his head shortly. 
“i think we’re going to have a great year,” yukhei states softly yet firmly
the slight tightness forms in your chest and your eyes sting a touch because it is not your intention to make him concern. you nod almost embarrassingly as the apology rolls out. “sorry… i didn’t mean to make you worry.” 
and yukhei shakes his head because he wants you to tell him what is your mind. even if it’s a passing moment like this and you need the smallest of the reminders, he wants to know.
he pauses for a second. “what are you thinking about?” his tone is soothing and warm. 
you hum, hazy gaze dancing over his face. “i’m thinking about how ridiculously in love i am with you,” you whisper with a tiny smile and heart beating rapidly. 
yukhei chuckles. “well that’s good because i’m ridiculously in love with you too.” you bite on your lower lip, watching him nod. so much more he is anticipating with you within the new year. “we, we are going to have a great year next year. i promise.” the spark and love in his wide eyes is very apparent.
“it’s you and me, baby.” 
the gentle words of what you had said to him once upon a time ago, of what he has engraved into the gold on your wrist makes the quiet content sigh escape you. 
the fullness you feel in your heart makes you want to burst with joy.
yukhei gives you a light peck. and then you watch the change of his expression. the tenderness of the moment turns almost playfulness within seconds because his teasing grin appears. “and i think that as long as you are my first kiss when it’s the new year, you and me will be smooth sailing,” he states with a sweet giggle.  
he's winking and suddenly you can’t stop your laugh mixing with his warm sounds. you reach up to stroke his cheek and slightly tilt your head a bit. the giggles and laughter gradually subside and the bedroom grows quiet. you chew on the inside of your cheeks momentarily. 
“under one condition though…” 
your words shock him. his sculpted eyebrows raise so quickly and his eyes grow bigger. yukhei stares at you in incredulously. the frames on his face he pushes up. 
“and what would that be, babe?” he laughs in shock. 
there are stars in your eyes. you're smiling mischievously. 
“you have to promise to be my last kiss before the year ends.”
how you want your year to begin, you want it to end the same. 
with him and his kisses. 
then his expression changes once more. the beam etched on his face is brighter than the sun that’s missing from the sky today. 
“what do you think? can you promise me that?” you challenge him. 
yukhei chuckles because it’s a promise he can make you every year. “yeah, i can definitely promise you that.” 
and it’s another three kisses to make this agreement official as well before he rolls off you. almost instantly he tugs you back to him. you tuck your head by his shoulder. the sweatshirt he is draping over you once more. the comforter and blanket he fixes too to make sure again you are completely covered and warm. you curl and snuggle into his side with legs intertwining. 
silence fills the room. comfort and at peace you find in the moment. his arm that is around you provides the security. your hand rest on his chest and yukhei covers it with his own. then you feel the slow and steady rise and fall of it with each breath he takes. 
it means one thing. 
you are certain he is asleep. you glance at him and you get your confirmation. for a second you stare at his handsome profile and the way his lashes curl up softly to the way his pillowy lips are slightly parted, there is no denying it. he is asleep. his glasses you want to help take off so he can sleep comfortably. but you don’t want to wake him though. not when he looks so calm and relaxed. you lean over and brush your mouth against his cheek and for a moment, you swear you see a little twitch up of his lips. you freeze. you wait for him to look at you through half lidded eyes and give you a sleepy smile. he doesn’t. instead he releases a slow exhale that makes you hum quietly. then your gaze lowers and you close your eyes as well to join him in slumber. 
but suddenly he clears his throat a bit and shifts. 
“so what would you like to do now?” your eyes open at the sound of his deep voice laced with sleepiness. you lift your head and turn your attention to him as yukhei does the same to you. “hmm, anything in particular? i think me waking you up early gives you the choice of what we should do next, babe.” he chuckles quietly, a few strands of his hair falling over his eyes. 
you erase the short distance and place a light peck on his smile. “how about we stay in bed for a little while and sleep for a bit?” 
yukhei nods in approval. his hand covering yours begins caressing your skin. “and after?” he questions curiously with a grin. 
you know how he is like after his naps. “and after… all the rice, steak and shrimp in the world for you.”
a meal of some of your and his favorites to eat has been bought and ready to be cooked. yukhei laughs, swallowing hard and thinking about the delicious food as bobs his head against the pillow. 
you know him too well. 
“then maybe you can open the rest of your presents,” you suggest with a tiny curl of your mouth. you haven’t forgotten the wrapping paper filled living room floor or the rest of his gifts that still need to be open.
yukhei shakes his head slowly though. the arm around you moves and his touch travels up your back like before. regardless of what else you have wrapped up for him, ready to be chosen with the plastic toy claw machine, yukhei is certain nothing will compare to what he has right now in his hold. 
“i still have one more here to open.” he murmurs teasingly while his fingertips graze across the mesh on your skin. 
immediate sugary, light and embarrassed giggles are surrounding him. your face heats. “i can’t wait, babe.” 
you really can’t. 
yukhei closes the space between you and him, bestowing a kiss that is affectionate and warm. 
“i love you,” he whispers alongside the beam on your face. 
your hand rises up to cup his jawline and cheek. you return the kiss he gives you just mere seconds ago. 
“i love you more.”
and yukhei smiles too wide and too bright that it makes his cheeks hurt because always he is the one to tell you that. 
“ready for a nap?” you ask and almost on cue, yukhei yawns and provides you with his answer. you’re  chuckling and he stretches a little. “you want the curtains closed a bit?” another yawn he lets out and tries to cover up. but he fails. he’s laughing too deeply with the corners of his eyes crinkling.
yukhei sluggishly nods. “yeah, let me do it,” he says tiredly. 
but you shake your head and pat him gently on his chest. then you pull away from his arms and warmth. he’s watching after you as move away and stand with your back to him. yukhei props himself up on an elbow and adjusts his glasses with a tiny grin while you cross an arm over your chest, your fingers rubbing your skin to create a little heat because your body has cooled and winter it feels like once again. his eyes stay on you and outline the curves of your near naked body. the few steps you take to the window. you look out into the city and then down to the streets. some of the snow has been cleaned from the roads. however the sidewalks still look so pretty with the white powder. 
the curtains you grasp and yukhei catches the glimpse of the bracelet shimmering on your wrist as you pull on them. you leave just enough light from the outside world to seep into the bedroom without it being too dark. when you turn around, that tiny grin on his face has broaden. regardless of  the little light in the room, you can see the love drunk and all too happy smile on his face. 
“you’re distracted.” you remark, remembering his words from this morning. 
yukhei hums contently. “no, i’m just staring.”   
you huff and playfully roll your eyes. he pats the empty space you had occupied before with a charming giggle as you make your way back to him. the bed you climb onto and the sweatshirt you put back on. the sight of lace and mesh is hidden from his view again. the nine snowflakes he counts in his head once more. he expects you to pull on your pajama bottoms. but instead you crawl to him and lay down, your feet landing on the pillow by the foot of the bed. yukhei looks at your naked lower half like he had done so before and arches an eyebrow in curiosity. 
you quietly chuckle. “just keep me close, baby.” you poke him on his chest. “and besides, you’re not even wearing a shirt.” 
yukhei laughs, the sound so contagious as he pulls up the comforter and blanket. he twists a bit and takes off his glasses to place on his bedside table next to that mug of green tea. he slides under to the coziness, resting his head next yours. 
and he does what you say.
yukhei keeps you close like you’re puzzle pieces that fit so perfectly together. his arms slips below your sweatshirt. you snuggle into his side and throw a leg over his. he places a soothing kiss to your forehead that makes you grin. a slow deep inhale he takes in and releases. his eyes close and the images of the morning flashes in his head. and when what is to come once you and him wake starts to flood his mind as the need to sleep is so strong, your voice cuts into the stillness of the room and pulls him out. 
he hums lazily in response. 
“you think our snowman is outside?” 
once your question registers in his sleepily brain, yukhei quietly chuckles. he opens his eyes a little to find you staring at him with a shy beam. how much he loves you right not is indescribable. he leans forward and the kiss he places on your mouth is affectionate and warm.
“we’ll go check later.” he says alongside your lips. 
you make a pleased happy small sound and nod. “i love you,” you whisper almost dreamily. 
even if you told him mere minutes ago, yukhei doesn’t ever get tired of hearing it. his chest shakes a bit as the soft and low laugh slips from him and surrounds you. 
yukhei bobs his head once then twice. “i love you more.” and he says it back with the love drunk smile again because it can never be said enough. “now let’s go to sleep, okay?”
one more kiss is shared. it is gentle and of sweet dreams and it makes you sigh. then your mouth parts from his while your body moves closer. he hugs you tighter. your warm breath tickles his skin. eyes quietly close together. 
the minutes on the clock change. christmas morning ends for the afternoon to begin.
yukhei falls into his slumber like how he wakes.
with his mind and his heart full of you.
he doesn’t want it any other way.
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